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A39248 A catechism wherein the learner is at once taught to rehearse and prove all the main points of Christian religion by answering to every question in the very words of Holy Scripture : together with a short and plain discourse useful to confirm the weak and unlearned in his belief of the being of a God and the truth of Scripture / by Clement Ellis ... Ellis, Clement, 1630-1700. 1674 (1674) Wing E550; ESTC R15049 47,017 128

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foolishness of preaching to save them that believe 1 Cor. 1.21 Q. Can men by Preaching beget Faith and other Graces A. Neither is he that Planteth any thing nor he that Watereth but God that giveth the increase 1 Cor. 3.7 and worketh effectually in them Gal. 2.8 opening our hearts to attend to the things that are spoken Acts 16.14 and giving us the spirit of Wisdome in the knowledge of Christ Eph. 1.17 18. Q What must we farther do to obtain that Spirit A. Our heavenly Father will give the holy Spirit to them that ask him Luke 11.13 Q. How did Christ command his Apostles to admit men into his Church A. Christ commanded his Apostles to go teach all Nations baptizing them in the Name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Ghost Mat. 28.19 Q. Did they thus admit Men Members of the Church by Baptism A. They that gladly received the word were baptized and so were added to the Church Acts 2.41 47.8.12 Q. With what matter did they Baptize Men A. They Baptized by washing with water Acts 8.36 38.10.47 Q. Can the washing with water in the Name of the Trinity make Men Living Members of Christ or Heirs of Salvation A. Baptism saveth us not the putting away the filth of the Flesh but the answer of a good Conscience toward God by the Resurrection of Jesus Christ 1 Pet. 3.21 and by one Spirit are we all Baptized into one Body 1 Cor. 12.13 Q. What doth the washing of Water in Baptism signifie A. The washing of water in Baptism signifies the washing of Regeneration and renewing of the Holy Ghost Tit. 3.5 for except a man be born again of water and of the Holy Spirit he cannot enter into the Kingdom of God Iohn 3.5 Q. In what doth Regeneration or new-birth consist A. Regeneration is a dying unto sin and a living unto God through Jesus Christ our Lord Rom. 6.11 Q. Of whom are we new-born A. We are born not of blood nor of the will of the Flesh nor of the will of Man but of God Iohn 1.13 the Holy Ghost Iohn 3.5 Q. What is the seed of this New-Birth A. We are born not of corruptible Seed but of incorruptible by the Word of God which Liveth and abideth for ever 1 Pet. 1.23 Q. What are the Marks of this New-Birth A. He that is born of God believeth that Jesus is the Christ 1 Iohn 5.1 doth not commit sin 1 Iohn 3.9 loveth his Brethren 1 Iohn 4.7 and overcometh the World 1 Iohn 5.4 Q. Is Baptism the Sacrament of our Regeneration or New-Birth A. We are buried with Christ in Baptism wherein also we are risen with him the Faith of the Operation of God who hath raised him from the dead Col. 2.12 as many as have been Baptized into Christ have put on Christ Gal. 3.27 ●nd if any Man be in Christ he is a New Creature 2 Cor. 5.17 quickned together with him Col. 2.13 Eph. 2.1 5. Q. What did the Apostles call for in those whom they Baptized A. The Apostles commanded those whom they Baptized to Repent Acts 2.38 and believe Acts 8.37 Q. What is the benefit of Baptism rightly received A. We are Baptized for the Remission of sins Acts and he that believeth and is baptized shall be saved Mark 16.16 Q. What doth our baptism bind us to A. We are baptized into Christ's death Rom. 6.4 that the body of sin may be destroyed that henceforth we should not serve sin v. 6. but Crucifie the Flesh with the affections and Lusts Gal. 5.24 and mortifie the deeds of the Body Rom. 8.13 Col. 3.5 Q. What else doth our Baptism teach and bind us to A. That we should walk in newness of Life Rom. 6.4 yielding our selves unto God as those that are alive from the dead and our Members as Instruments of Righteousness unto God v. 13. Q. Seeing you are Baptized into the body of Christ by the Spirit of Christ what is your duty A. We are engaged to keep the Unity of the Spirit in the bond of Peace Eph. 4.3 and not to grieve the Holy Spirit of God whereby we are sealed unto the day of Redemption Eph. 4.30 Q. Seeing you are baptized in the Name of the Father Son and Holy Ghost what is your duty A. It is our duty earnestly to contend for the Faith which was once delivered unto the Saints Iude 3. holding fast the form of sound words 2 Tim. 1.13 and obeying from the Heart that form of Doctrine which was delivered us Rom. 6.17 Q. Seeing you that are baptized are by the Name of Christ called Christians what learn you thence A. Let every one that nameth the name of Christ depart from Iniquity 2 Tim. 2.19 that the name of God and his Doctrine be not blasphemed 1 Tim. 6.1 but that the name of the Lord Jesus may be glorified in us 2 Thes. 1.12 Q. What Spiritual Food hath Christ provided for those that are New-Born A. As new-born Babes we must desire the sincere Milk of the Word that we may grow thereby 1 Pet. 2.2 Q. What other Food hath Christ provided for those of riper growth A. Christ giveth us Meat which indureth to everlasting Life Iohn 6.27 even the Bread of God which giveth Life unto the Worl● v. 33. Q. What is this Bread of Life A. Christ is that Bread of Life Iohn 6.48 even his Flesh which he gave for the Life of the World v. 51. Q. Is it necessary that we eat the Flesh of Christ A. Except we eat the Flesh of the Son o● Man and drink his Blood we have no Life in us Iohn 6.53 Q. How can we eat the Flesh and drink the Blood of Christ A. We eat and drink Christ by coming to him and believing on him Iohn Q. What benefit have we by eating and drinking Christ A. Who●o eateth Christ's Flesh and drinketh his Blood hath Eternal Life and he will raise him up at the last day Iohn 6.54 Q. What Sacrament hath Christ ordained for our more solemn feeding on him A. The Sacrament of the Lord's Supper 1 Cor. 11.20 the Cup of Blessing and the Bread broken 1 Cor. 10.6 Q. When did Christ institute the Sacrament of his Supper A. The Lord Jesus the same Night that he was betrayed took bread and when he had given thanks he brake it and said take eat this is my Body which is broken for you this do in remembrance of me After the same manner also he took the Cup saying this Cup is the New Testament in my Blood this do ye as often as ye drink it in remembrance of me 1 Cor. 11.23 24 25. Mat. 26.26 c. Q. What do the Bread and the Wine signifie A. The Body and Blood of Christ 1 Cor. 11.24 25. Q. What do the Bread broken and Wine poured out signifies A. The ●read broken signifies that the Body of Christ was given Luke 22. ●9 and broken 1 Cor. 11.24 wounded and bruised for us Isa.
A CATECHISM WHEREIN THE LEARNER Is at once Taught to Rehearse and prove all the main Points of CHRISTIAN RELIGION By answering to every queston in The very words of Holy Scripture Together With a short and plain Discourse Useful to confirm the weak and unlearned in his Belief OF THE BEING of a GOD AND THE TRUTH of SCRIPTURE Be ready always to give an Answer to every Man that asketh you a Reason of the hope that is in you with meekness and fear 1 Pet. 3.15 Hold fast the form of sound Works 2 Tim. 1.13 By Clement Ellis Author of the Gentile Sinner London Printed for Sam. Richards Bookseller in Nottingam 1674. TO MY PARISHIONERS My dear Friends and Brethren THis little Catechism with the short Discourse joyned with it are chiefly intended for your use and therefore to you in the first place are they offered I pray God the giver of every good gift to make this and all other poor endeavors of his most unworthy servant eff●ctuall to establish you in the faith of Christ and the constant practice of all Christian virtues Ever since I came amongst you it hath been my dayly study how I might most profitably instruct you in the truth which is according to Godliness I have not followed cunningly devised fables neither used flattering words as ye know my business hath not been to amuse and confound you with a ●oise of words empty notions and the ●dle dreams of phanciful men nor to cozen your Souls by picasing the itching ear or prejudiced palate but to make necessary truths plain and intelligible 〈◊〉 to dress the sincere mi●●k of the word for you in that simple and wholesome way as I am perswaded was most conducive to your nourishment and g●outh thereby in Faith and Holiness If the success of my honest endeavours answer not my hopes of you and prayers for you I have cause indeed to mourn over your sins but I must not be discouraged from going on the same way still or praying unto God for his blessing upon it One evident cause of all that gross ignorance and error ethat wretched prophaneness and licenciousness that wild Fanaticisme as well in practice as opinion which is now every where too visible is the want of good and seasonable instruction in the first principles of our Religion Where youth is suffered to grow up in ignorance no better can be expected but that it run into dotage at last If the Foundation be either unlaid or fals-laid it can be no wonder to see the Superstructure shaken or blown down The truth is it is but too easy to shew that all those unhappy divisions and miscarriages which have ben of late and yet are amongst us in matters of Religion have Sprung if not only yet in great part from the neglect or abuse of that prime duty of Catachizing But I am not willing to draw out this Epistle into an unreasonable length by inlarging upon this subject Insteed of that le● me earnestly exhort you as you value the glory of Christ the peace of the Church and the eternal happiness of your own Souls 1. Be not wise in your own conceits take heed of that Spiritual pride whereby men are so apt to swell and grow great in their own eyes and much above these low ways of learning If any man despise these little helps it is but reasonable he should make it appear that he needs them not and when he shall do so I will promise him I will not trouble him any longer with them 2. Let not your children or servants perish for want of that instruction whereof you presume your selves to have no need It is not your fulness can keep them from starving Suffer them to be led by the hand till they get more strength If you have any love for them expose them not through want of instruction to be made a prey to Satan and every crafty Seducer whilst you phancy your selves such strong Saints as that you need not fear either the stoutest tempttaion or the loss of Heaven it self 3. Take heed how you run a whoring aft●r every new conceit in Religion which flatters your humour Think it not impossible that you may be led into the ditch by those who call them ●ives New L●ghts ●ry the Spirits whether they be of God And th●s you can never do if you be not first well instructed in the Ch●e● principle of Religion which the holy Spirit of God hath already taught in his word 4. Suffer not a blind Zeal about trifles to transport you beyon● all care of the more weighty and substantial parts of Religion Think not that it is the commendation of your Religion that you scruple at a few Cerimonies or quarrel with the commands of your Superiors but believe and do as Christ hath taught and commanded certainly to live Godly and Rightuously and Soberly in this present world is a better sign of a Religious heart than all Sacrificings of the peace of Church and tate to a man 's own humour or groundless phancy A sound knowledge of the principles of Christian Religion would banish these shadows and bring back aga●n the truth and substance of Godliness 5. Y●●ld therefore your selves with all meekness to instruction that ye may grow in grace and in the knowledge of our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ that ye may no longer be Children tossed to and fro and carried about with every wind of doctrine by the sleight of men and cunning craftiness whereby they lie in wait to deceive that ye may continue in the faith grounded and settled and may be ready to give answer to every one that asketh you a reason of the the faith that is in you He that can do so will not be ashamea to do it and he that cannot should be ashamed not to learn to do it 6. Remember that when you were baptised you promised and vowed by others to forsake all sin to believe all the Articles of the Christian Faith and to obey God's holy will and commandments is it not therefore necessary that so soon as you are capable you should apply your selves with all diligence to learn what those Sins those Articles and those Commandment are That you may do so the Churh hath provided for you a short and easy Catechism and excellentl● fitted 〈◊〉 first years to prepare y●u for Co●●i●ma●●on that is to make you understand your vow of Baptism so far as you may be able in your ow● persons openly in the face of the Church to profess an●●●clare 〈…〉 to keep it and thereupon 〈◊〉 both the approbation and prayers of 〈◊〉 ●pirit●al Fathers and ●● t●● 〈…〉 for Grace to enable you 〈◊〉 And seeing those 〈…〉 there solemnly made to God for ●ou● growth and increase in knowledge and gr●●sh●uld it not be your constant endeavour by a diligent use of all the m●a●s to be dayly more confirmed and improve in both now for this ●n● it is not only necessary to read the
false way Psal. 119.104 and loath our selves for our Iniquities and be ashamed of our own ways Ezek. 36.31 32. Q. Must we not ●lso confess our sins A. He that covereth his sins shall not prosper but he that confesseth and forsaketh them shall have Mercy Prov. 28.13 1 Iohn 1.9 Q. Is there any thing more required in repentance besides sorrow for sin hatred of sin confessing and forsaking sin A. We must also bring forth Fruits meet for Repentance Mat. 3.8 Q. VVhat are Fruits meet for Repentance A. Good Works which God hath before ordained that we should walk in them Eph. 2.10 so yielding our Members Servants to Righteousness unto Holiness Rom. 6.13 Q. Give me the substance of this Duty of Repentance A. Cease to do evil learn to do well Isa. 1.16 17. eschew evil and ●o good 1 Pet. ● 11 Q. Can we altogether cease from sin in this Life A. Who can say I have made my Heart clean I am pure from my sin Prov. 20.9 Q. VVhat mean you then by ceasing from sin A. Let not sin Reign in our mortal bodies that we should obey it in the Lusts thereof Rom. 6.12 Q. To what end must we repent A. We must Repent and be Converted that our sins may be blotted out Acts 3.19 VVhat mean you by Faith toward our Lord Iesus Christ A. By Faith I mean a believing that Jesus is the Christ the Son of the Living God Iohn 1 Iohn 5.1 a coming unto him that we may have Life Iohn 5.40 a receiving him as he is come in his Fathers name Iohn and abiding in him 1 Iohn 2.27 Q. VVhat is it to believe in Christ as a Prophet A. To believe in Christ as a Prophet is to come unto him for the words of Eternal life Iohn 6.68 and to hear him in all things that he saith unto us Acts 3.22 Q. VVhat is it to believe in Christ as a Priest A. To believe in Christ as a Priest is to believe that he by one Offering hath perfected for ever them that are Sanctified Heb. 10.14 and to look for Redemption through his Blood even the forgiveness of sins Eph. 1.7 Q. What is it to believe in Christ as King A. To believe in Christ as King is to take him for our Judge our Law-giver our King who will save us Isa. 33.22 and to observe all things whatsoever he hath commanded us Mat. 28.20 Q. What are the Properties of true Faith A. By Faith God purifieth our hearts Act. 15.9 Faith worketh by love Gal. 5.6 is made perfect by works Iam. 2.22 overcometh the world 1 Iohn 5.4 and quencheth all the fiery darts of the wicked Eph. 6.16 Q. What is the end of our Faith A. The end of our Faith is the Salvation of our Souls 1 Pet. 1.9 Heb. 10.39 Q. What hath God promised us in this New Covenant A. This is the Covenant saith the Lord I will put my Laws into their minds and write them in their hearts and I will be to them a God and they shall be to me a people and I will be merciful to their unrighteousness and their sins and their iniquities will I remember no more Heb. 8.10 12.10.16 17. and this is the promise that he hath promised us even eternal life 1 Iohn 2.25 Q. Tell me now what is the substance of the New Covenant A. The Substance of the New Covenant is this 1. He that believeth on the Son hath eveverlasting life and he that believeth not the Son shall not see life Iohn 3.36 2. Repent and be converted and your sins shall be blotted out Act. 3.19 ●nd except ye repent ye shall perish Luk. 13.3 3. Christ is become the Author of Salvation to all them that obey him ● Heb. 5.9 and will take vengeance on them that obey not the Gospel 2 Thes. 1.8 Q What special benefits have they from Christ that keep this Covenant A. By Christ all that believe are justified from all things from which we could not be justified by the Law of Moses Acts 13.39 Q. W●at mean you by Iustification A. There is no condemnation to those that are in Christ Jesus Rom. 8.1 but their iniquities are forgiven their sins are covered the Lord will not impute sin to them but righteousness Rom. 4.6 7 8. and make them accepted in the beloved Eph. 1.6 Q. Can we not be justified by the works of the Law A. By thee deed● of the Law shall no f●●●● be ju●tified in God's sight Rom. 3.20 Q By what then are we justified A. We are justified freely by God's 〈◊〉 through the Redemption that is in 〈…〉 Rom. 3.24 Q What is the fruit of our Iustification A. ●e●●g justified by Faith we have p●●●● w●th God through our Lord Jesus 〈◊〉 Rom. 5.1 and shall be saved from 〈…〉 ●im Rom. 5.10 Q What other special benefit receive we by this Covenant A. Christ is made unto us Sanctification 1 Cor. 1.30 Q. What mean you by Sanctification A. By Sanctification I mean a putting off the old man which is corrupt according to the deceitful lusts and a being renewed in the spirit of our mind putting on the new man which after God is created in righteousness and true holiness Eph. 4.22 23 24. Q. By whom are we Sanctified A. We are Sanctified by the Holy Ghost Rom. 15.16 1 Cor. 6.11 Q. Are we perfectly Sanctified in this life A. We are but growing in grace and in the knowledg of our Lord Jesus Christ 2 Pet. 3.18 Q. Of what necessity is Sanctification A. This is the Will of God even our Sanctification 1 Thes. 4.3 and without holiness no man shall see the Lord Heb. 12.14 Q. What is the fruit of Sanctification A. Being made free from sin and become servants to God we have our fruit unto holiness and the end everlasting life Rom. 6.22 Q. Can we merit or deserve eternal life by our own righteousness or Faith A By Grace are we saved through Faith and that not of our selves it is the gift of God Eph. 2.8 for when we have done all those things that are commanded us we must say we are unprofitable servants Luke 17.10 Q. Can we of our selves only believe repent and obey A. Without Christ we can do nothing Iohn 15.5 Q. Whence then have we strength to do all this A. All our sufficiency is of God 2 Cor. 3.5 who worketh in us both to will and to do of his good pleasure Phil. 2.13 his grace is sufficient for us and his strength is made perfect in weakness 2 Cor. 12.9 and we can do all things through Christ that strengtheneth us Phil. 4.13 Q. By what doth God ordinarily beget Faith in us A. Faith is a fruit of the Spirit Gal. 5.22 and cometh by hearing and by the word of God Rom. 10.17 Q Is Preaching of the Word a means of begetting Faith A. How shall we hear without a Preacher and how shall men preach except they be sent Rom. 10.14 15. yea it pleaseth God by the
hungry both to abound and to suffer need Phil. 4.12 saying the Lord giveth and the Lord taketh away blessed be the name of the Lord Iob. 1.21 Q. May we wilfully lay our selves open to Sa●●ans temptations A. No we must be sober and vigilant and resist the Devil stedfast in the Faith 1 Pet. 5.8 9. Eph. 4.27 for if we resist him he will flee from us Iames 4.7 Q. How may we be able to resist the Devil A. If we put on the whole Armour of God we shall be able to stand against the wiles of the Devil Eph. 6.11 Q What is that Armour of God A. We must have our Loyns girt about with Truth having on the breast-plate of Righteousness our feet shod with the preparation of the Gospel of Peace above all taking the Shield of Faith and the Helmet of Salvation and the Sword of the Spirit which is the Word of God praying alwayes and watching thereunto with all perseverance Eph. 6.14 15 c. Q. Must we pray alwayes A. Men ought alwayes to pray and not to faint Luke 18.1 1 Thes. 5.17 Col. 4.2 Q. To whom must we pray A. We must ask the Father in Christ's Name Iohn 16.23 Q. For whom must we pray A. Supplications Prayers Intercessions and giving of thanks must be made for all men 1 Tim. 2.1 Q. How are we to pray A. We must ask seek and knock Mat. 7.7 continuing instant Rom. 12. 12. and watching C● 4.2 in ●ervent prayer Iames 5.16 with the Spirit ●●d with the understanding ●lso 1 Cor. 14.15 asking according to Gods Will 1 Iohn 5.14 in Faith nothing wavering Iam. 1.6 lifting up holy hand without wrath or doubting 1 Tim. 2.8 Q. What must we especially avoid in Prayer A. We must not as Hypocrites pray to be seen of Men Mat. 6.5 nor as the Heathen use vain repetitions thinking we shall be heard for our much speaking v. 7. nor as the Pharisee trusting in our selves that we are Righteous and despising others Luke 18.9 nor as the Scribes devouring Widows Houses and for a shew making long Prayers Luke 10.47 neither asking amiss that we may consume it on our Lusts Iames 4.3 Q. Where must we pray A. We must pray every where 1 Tim. 2.8 Q. What is the most proper place for private Prayer A. When we pray let us enter into our Closets and shut the door and pray to Father which is in secret and our Father which seeth in secret will reward us openly Mat. 6.6 Q. What is the m●st proper place for publick Pra●er A. God ' House is called the House of Prayer M●t. 21.13 we must come toget●er in ●he Church 1 Cor. 11.18 not forsaking t●e Assembling of our selves together as the manner of some is Heb. 10.25 Q. How is God to be Honoured in his House A. We must keep our foot when we go into the House of God and be more read● 〈◊〉 hear than to give the Sacrifice of Foo●● Eccl. 5.1 and not make God's House a Den of Thieves Mat. 21.13 or an House of Merchandize Iohn 2.16 God is g●eatly to be feared in the Assembly of his Saints and to be had in reverence of all them that are about him Psal. 89.7 Q. Hath God commanded any time to be set apart for his more solemn Worship A. God commanded to remember the Sabbath day to keep it Holy Exodus 20.8 Q. What mean you by a Sabbath day A. A Sabbath is a day of rest to the Lord Exod. 35 2.16.2● Q. What day of the week was the Sabbath A. In the Seventh day is the Sabbath of rest Holy to the Lord Exod. 31.15 Q. Why did God command to rest the seventh day A. Because God rested on the seventh day from all his Work which he had made Gen. 2.2 3. Exod. 20.11 and because he brought Israel out when he was a Servant in the Land of Egypt Deut. 5.15 that it might be a sign betwixt God and the Children of Israel for ever that they might know that he was the Lord that did Sanctifie them Exod. 31.13.17 Ezek. 20.12 Q. Are Christians bound to keep Holy that seventh day A. Let no man judge us in respect of the Sabbath dayes which are a shadow of things to come but the body is of Christ Col. 2.16 17. Q. Of what was the Sabbath dayes rest a shadow A. Of the rest which remaineth to the People of God Heb. 4.9 Q. What is that rest A. He that is entred into his rest he also hath ceased from his own works even as God did from his Heb. 4.10 Q. What works were Lawful to be done on the Sabbath dayes A. It is lawful to do well on the Sabbath da●es Mat. 12.12 God will have Mercy and not Sacrifice v. 7. Q. What day do Christians keep Holy to the Lord A. Christians keep Holy the first day of the week Acts 20.7 1 Cor. 16.2 when Christ rose from the dead Mark 16.9 called the Lord's day Rev. 1.10 Q. What honour owe you to the Name of God A. Holy and Reverend is God's name Psal. 111.9 we must call upon his Name Psal. 105.1 fear it Psal. 86.11 glory in it Psal. 105.3 sing praises to it Psal. 135.3 sing forth the honour of his name and make his praise glorious Psal. 66.2 and swear by his name Deut. Q. How do men dishonour God's name A. We dishonour God when we take the name of the Lord our God in vain Ex. 20.7 or prophane it Lev. 19.12 or when we give occasion to the Enemies of the Lord to blaspheme 2 Sam. 12.14 so that the Name or Doctrine or Word of God is blasphemed through us Rom. 2.24 1 Tim. 6.1 Tit. 2.5 Q. How must we not swear 1. A. We must not swear by things that are no gods Ier. 5. ● neither by Heaven nor by the Earth nor by Ierusalem nor by our Head nor by any other Oath Mat. 5.34 c. Iames 5.12.2 We must not swear falsly by God's Name Lev. 19.12 nor forswear our selves Mat. 5.33.3 Nor must we swear ordinarily or unnecessarily but our Communication must be yea yea nay nay for whatsoever is more than these cometh of evil Mat. 5.37 Iames 5.12 Q. How then ought we to swear A. We must swear the Lord Liveth in Truth in Judgment and in Righteousness Ier. 4.2 when an Oath for confirmation may be to men an end of all strife Heb. 6.16 and we must perform to the Lord our Oaths Mat. 5.33 Q. What is it to swear A. To swear is to call God for a Record 2 Cor. 1.23 a Witness Gen. 31.50 and a Judge Gen. 31.53 Q. How must we honour God in his Word A. We must with an honest and good heart hear the Word keep it and bring forth fruit with patience Luke 8.15 receiving it with meekness Iames 2.21 not as the word of men but as it is in Truth the Word of God 1 Thes. 2.13 able to save our So●ls Iames 2.21 Q. Is it not enough to hear the Word A.
receive these books as the Word of God and a great part of the world doth receive them as such Now that such men once were in the world and that these books were indeed written by them I have as much reason to believe as the matter will bear that is as much as I can have to believe any thing that was done before I was born and no man can expect more I find that the Histories which are generally received throughout the world do make mention of them and do record the many oppositions and persecutions which they met with in the world because of what they preached and writ And of these that witness of them some indeed are Friends such as believe what they write and build their Salvation upon it and therefore would certainly take what pains they could to be well informed of the truth of it and cannot be supposed being many of them the learnedst men in the world to have taken meerly on trust a thing which they thought of such everlasting concernment to all the world that they feared not ●he most barbarous Torments and Deaths but chearfully suffered all in defence of it Others are Enemies such as believe not what is written but yet witness that there were such men and that thus they writ and themselves write against the things here written Seeing then that we have the concurr●nt Testim●nies of Friends and Enemies in all ages since these men lived and wrote and that now their Writings have been received and to the death defended by a great and that the most civilized learned and wisest part of the world for neer upon seventeen hundred years if I do not believe that such men there were and that such things they wrote I can believe no History nor any thing which was or was done before I was or that I have not seen and this certainly were most absurd 2. I find that these men who writ these Books do tell us in them that there was one then in the world called Jesus Christ and he was the Son of God and came forth from God to teach men the true knowledge of God and that they were his Disciples Scholars and Followers and were taught by him and by the Spirit of God and were sent forth by him with command to preach what he had taught them to the world and that this is God's Word which they have left us in these Books If then these men speak the truth then is this God's Word All then that I am now to be satisfied in is what reason I have to believe that these men spake the truth 3. That these men spake truth and writ the truth and nothing else I shall have reason to believe If I can find that they had all opportunities of knowing the truth of what they writ and that they have given sufficient testimony of their integrity and fidelity in writing only what they knew 1. That they had all the opportunities of knowing the truth of what they writ I cannot doubt when I consider that most of them were constantly with Jesus Christ and instructed by him and that all they write is either a relation of the deeds of Christ whereof they were eye-witnesses or of such deeds whereof themselves were actors or else such Doctrines as Christ taught them and they received from his mouth 2. That they have given sufficient evidence of their fidelity and honesty in delivering unto us nothing but the truth which they knew I cannot but believe when I consider these things 1. In some of the chief matters of fact which they relate which seem of all others most incredible and which if once believed will certainly give credit to all they say as the Death and Burial and Resurre●tion of Je●●s Christ from the dead on the third day they appeal to the Testimonies of a multitude of witnesses then living and this is not the custome of men not confident of the truth of what they say 2. It cannot be conceived what advantage they could propose unto themselves in delivering such an untruth to the world for they could not but foresee that they were to preach a Doctrine which the reputed Wise-men of the world would scorn and deride as a thing incredible to their reason and contrary to the Principles which their admired Philosopy was built upon a Doctrine contrary to the Religions then professed by the men of the world and for which they were most zealous and all the powers of the world did own and countenance and in all probability would with the Sword endeavour to uphold Yea they found themselves indeed derided and persecuted exposed to hunger and thirst and watchings and stripes and bonds and death and constantly endured all sufferings and shame for the Doctrine's sake which they preached they could not then propose to themselves worldly wealth or honors or pleasures in what they did Nor is it reasonable to think they did it meerly to get themselves an empty name hereby for besides that they were made a laughing-stock both to Iews and Gentiles and wholly disreguarded it it is not usual for men of their breeding and mean way of living to be so ambitiously greedy of a bare name as to forgo their whole livelyhoods endure all miseries and lay down their lives to purchase it yea both their Conversatitions and Doctrines did all along condemn and shew they were not tainted either with falsehood or ambition Did they then believe themselves what they spake and writ or did they not If they did not believe it then did they for the sake of an known and unprofitable lie forsake all that was good and profitable to them in this world whilst they had no hopes of another world and so must needs be perfectly mad but they were no mad men their own writings do abundantly witness for them If they did believe what they writ to be true and had all opportunities of knowing the truth and ●un the hazard of all they had in professing it and making it known unto the world and sought no temporal advantage to themselves b● it then sure we have all reason to believe them honest and plain-dealing men and to embrane the Truth which they have left us I consider once more that they were men so unblameable in their Lives that the very worst their enemies could say of them was that they were a company of plain simple and unlearned men If so then is it still more unlikely that they should of their own brains invent such a Religion as so great and learned a part of mankind hath now so long a time embraced as the wisest and the best and which all must grant did require more than a Fools head to invent it Again if these men had an ambition onely to be the Founders of a new Religion then either they had real hopes that the world would accept of it or they had none It cannot be thought they had no such hope for who would suffer what
what could be more worthy of God to reveal or necessary for man to know than the things contained in these books Seeing now that the World hath ever believed that there is a God and that the very Being Order Beauty variety use and working of all things make it highly reasonable so to believe Seeing there have been Prophesies and Miracles such as cannot be conceived possible without a God Seeing that we have Books which pretend to make known God and his Will unto us and that it is most reasonable if there be a God to believe he should some way make this known unto us and seeing that the men whose names these books do bear cannot reasonably be denyed onc● to have been and to have written them neither can be suspected either of Ignorance or falshood Seeing they write of one Jesus Christ their Master and Teacher and it cannot be denyed that such an one there was and that he said he came from God and confirmed what he said by many wonderful Works and Miracles which none can imagine that any power less than Gods could do And seeing that the Doctrine which he taught was spread over a great part of the World in a very short time by men of vulgar Rank mean Occupations and little Learning and less Authority without all outward force or compulsion without all pomp of seculiar Learning but with all plainness and simplicity of speech and that against the Religion then in possession and highly magnified against the Learning then in great esteem against all the beloved Lusts and worldly Interests of men and the violent endeavours of powerful and Learned Adversaries And seeing these men had nothing to bear them out against all this but the Miracles which they wrought and the purity of their Lives and Doctrines Seeing the Doctrines of these Books are so evidently much for the glory of God so full of all Holiness so much conducing to the good of mankind so satisfactory to the minds of men in things not otherwise to be known by man and finally such as being once received makes the professors thereof a most comfortable and chearful being here by giving them hopes of an eternal happy being hereafter I cannot chuse but be fully perswaded both that there is a God and that the Scriptures are the Word of God and a standing Rule of believing and honouring and serving God in such a way as he will graciously accept and eternally reward The chief Heads of the Christian Faith expressed in an Homely and familiar Verse for the easier committing them to memory THere is a God the world did always own it Nature declares it and God's Word hath shewn it The Scriptures giv'n of God by inspiration Are the great Rule of Faith and Conversation There 's but one God in Persons three The Father the eternal Son And Holy Ghost and all these be In Person three in Essence one God is a Spirit infinite In Wisdome Pow'r and Purity Most just most good and to whose sight Our very thoughts all open lie God made the World and every thing God preserves all things is their Lord And Rules all as the Sov'raign King All things obey his Mighty Word God in 's own Image Man did frame With knowledge and a pow'r to do God's Will without both sin and shame And made him Lord of all below To Adam God a Law did give Which if he kept not he should die But if he kept it he should live And so should his Posterity Man brake God's Law and all Mankind By that first breach are much the worse All born in sin and sin doth bind All under a most heavy Curse All are by Nature ignorant A verse from good inclin'd to evil Title to happiness all want And all made subject to the Devil God's wrath upon us all doth lie No strength to help our selves we have We perish all eternally Except God's mercy do us save God did on us compassion take When by our selves we were undone God meerly for his mercy's sake Resolv'd to save us by his Son The Son did down from Heaven come To save us who by sin were lost Was conceiv'd in a Virgin 's Womb By vertue of the Holy Ghost Thus God the Son the eternal Word Man's Nature took and Man became Even Jesus Christ our onely Lord We have Salvation in his Name Jesus in whom no sin was seen Did thus become the Mediator Of a new Covenant between Us Sinners and our just Creator God did Anoint his Christ to be A Priest a Prophet and a King And by these Offices all th●●e He doth to us Salvation bring Christ as a Prophet hath made known His Father's will to men that they In him might find Salvation If they his Gospel would obey As Priest Christ offen'd Sacrifice Himself upon the Cross did die His blood was of our souls the price Which did God's Justice satisfie Christ bury'd was and rose again The third day and to Heav'n is gone He doth at God's right hand remain For us makes intercession As King Christ gives us Laws and all His Enemies he shall subdue Sin Sathan Death destroy and shall Judge all men and give all their due A Crown of Glory he will give To them that serve him faithfully And in his Kingdom they shall live Triumphing after victory Upon the day of Pentecost Th' Apostles met with one accord Christ sent on them the Holy Ghost T' enable them to Preach his Word Th' Apostles did to all men Preach Pardon of Sins through Christ alone Who did receive what they did teach Them they Baptized every one Baptism's the Sacrament whereby Men own the Covenant of Grace And God doth Seal who cannot lie Pardon to them who Christ embrace Baptismal washing signifies Our cleansing by the Holy Spirit And whom the Spirit Sanctifies They are God's Sons and shall inherit Believers and none else but they In this new Covenant have part They who believe learn to obey For Faith doth purifie the heart Faith works by Love and Love constrains To hate all sin to bear Christ's Cross To keep Christ's Laws t' endure all pains And count all things for Christ but loss Christ's Spirit doth by his Word beget This saving Faith and woen 't is bred It by the same word farther yet To strength and growth is nourished To strengthen Faith yet more the Lord Hath giv'n unto us Heav'nly Food He hath commanded in his Word To eat his Body drink his Blood By Bread and Wine blest and recived With true Repentance Faith and Pray'r God Seals all Benefits believed Which by Christ's death once purchas'd wer● We by this Feast and joynt Communion Our selves one Body testifie Members knit in a sacred Union By the blest Spirit of Unitie Believers all one Church do make One Faith one Baptism and one Bread One God one Spirit one Lord we take Christ of this Body th' only Head Whoso in this Communion die For ever happy are and blest Their Souls return to God on high In Earth their Bodies sleep and rest At the last day Christ shall appear In Glory to be Judge of all All who are dead or then live here He to his Judgment-Seat shall call Then shall all Bodies rise again And with their Souls receive their doom Well-doers shall in joy remain Who have done ill to Woe shall come The Righteous with God shall rest From Labors Sins all Evils free With everlasting Glories blest Such as cannot expressed be The Wicked shall be sent to Hell From God and Comfort banished With Devils in Flames unquenchable There roaring in a Firy Bed Thou who to fear an Hell would'st have no cause Fear God hate Sin Love Christ keep his Laws FINIS