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A33371 The right devil discovered in his descent, form, education, qualification, place and nature of torment : with many other divine secrets, never as yet extant : published for confutation of the learned, instructing the wise, and undeceiving of the simple / written by Laur. Claxton. Claxton, Laurence, 1615-1667. 1659 (1659) Wing C4583; ESTC R32623 54,824 149

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but wilde beasts void of reason doth inhabit as the seed of Cain doth imagine and the learned of that seed do vainly teach though this wilderness was the same that John quotes in Mat. 3. 13. saying The voice of one crying in the wilderness prepare ye the way of the Lord c. Now let any sober man judge the black darkness that is over the learned to think that Iohn should cry the message of the Lord to a wilderness of wood and wilde beasts that hath no understanding to receive it and as great a darkness it is for thee to think that any devil without man or devil-man could so far overcome Christ as to lead him into such a wilderness no no therefore take notice that wilderness Iohn preached in and this wilderness Christ was lead up into was onely the wilderness of mans heart whose hearts are as barren as a natural wilderness that beareth no fruit as unto the true knowledge of things appertaining unto eternal life O minde what you read it was the wilderness of mans heart and not such a wilderness as Moses led the people of Israel through for neither did Iohn preach nor was in any such wilderness 3. It s said Christ fasted forty days and forty nights but from what he fasted is not in the least mentioned therefore I affirm that as Moses fasted forty days and forty nights in the mount from natural food so did Christ fast forty days and forty nights in the spiritual that is Christ did baptize none with the Holy Ghost nor with fire neither did he do any miracle for the space of six weeks and the original of this was that he might be tempted of the subtile serpentine devil-man as aforesaid which made that devil-man say If thou be the Son of God command that these stones be made bread however thou that readest mayest not apprehend this yet let me tell thee that man-devil did not mean the hard stones that we tread upon no more then Iohn when he said God is able of these stones to raise up children unto Abraham Oh what absurdity is it in any man to think that God would of natural dead stones raise them up spiritual living children no no when the devil-man said Command that these stones be made bread which was this Command this stony heart of mine and the stony hard hearts of the Pharisees and Sadduces that sent me command them to be made hearts of flesh by baptizing of us with the Holy Ghost and with fire whereby I and others may so believe that we may become true bread unto Christ for in Iohn 4. 32 34. there saith Christ I have me at to eat that ye know not of meaning his dispute with the woman of Samaria as touching this it was his meat and drink to do the will of his Father which will was to baptize his Elect with the Holy Ghost and with fire without which no man could have eternal life abiding in him 4. Then the devil taketh Jesus up into the holy City and setteth him on a pinacle of the temple Observe that the City and pinacle of the Temple were both in the self same place yet understand that the Temple and the City signifie one and the same thing as from the words of Paul Defile not the temple of God whose temple ye are yea ye are the temples of the holy Ghost and the city of the living God as is recorded in the Corinthians and Hebrews and yet you shall finde though the Saints are the City and Temple of God that the Scripture calls the Nation of the Jews the holy City so that I know that was the holy City that the devil man took Christ up into and there in the most eminent or highest place of the Temple stated his temptation in the pinacle that is nothing else but the high temptation that this devil used out of his own high spirit of reason saying Cast thy self down that is submit unto this people which in Moses time were the onely Nation or City of God do but submit to be Governor or King in condescending to us there can no harm befal thee in that he hath given his angels charge concerning thee thou being the Son of God and our King we shall conquer the whole world but Christs kingdom not being of this world he tells them as at other times Thou shalt not tempt the Lord thy God It might well be called the high temptation of the devil that if it had been possible to unthrone Christ of his immortal Crown and Kingdom and crowned him King over a mortal bloody and perishing kingdom I say as in relation to the strength and subtilty of this temptation a man might well be called devil 5. Again the devil taketh him up into an exceeding high mountain and sheweth him all the kingdoms of the world and the glory thereof and saith All these will I give thee if thou wilt fall down and worship me Answ If you could understand the Scriptures you shall read it calleth rich wicked men Mountains and poor believing men Valleys as saith Isaiah chap. 40. verse 4. Every valley shall be exalted and every mountain shall be made low there is very little of the New Testament to be understood in the letter but spirit onely therefore saith Christ My words are spirit and life so that if thou couldest see with an eye of Faith then thou couldest with me acknowledge that this exceeding high mountain which the devil shewed Christ and all the kingdoms of the world with the glory of them were all in the devils own heart for if you minde the Chief Priests and Rulers from whence this devil-man was sent they in their Councel instructed him that if that Christ to whom he was sent would but come and submit yea side with them for submitting you must understand is no less then to worship that if Christ Jesus would but submit to be their king and governor then they would assure him he should have all the kingdoms of the world for thou being the Son of God no earthly king can stand before thee for in so doing we shall have the rule and government of the whole world and the glory thereof which if thou wouldst but condescend to this we could make our words truth that Herod Pilate and Cesar would give place to thy crown and dignity by which we should become a greater people then ever we were these and such like thoughts was in the Priests and Rulers which they thought they had so wisely compacted together as a mountain not onely strong and great but a high mountain over-topping all other mountains whatsoever So that now you have the interpretation of that Scripture which till this last Witness could never be rightly understood that the high mountain there spoken of was the moderate wise and high read Consultations in the breasts of the Rulers given into a particular moderate wise high learned man much read in the Law and the Prophets
though they might proceed from his loins according to the flesh through mixtures of seeds in marriages the sons of God saw the daughters of men to be fair and they took of them to be their wives Again though the blessed Israelites and cursed Canaanites are mixed together by carnal copulation since the prince of devils became flesh yet you that are spiritual may know that the Lord Iesus that made them both knew how to separate them for all their close union and to call them by names answerable to their own natures As consider did not the glorious Creator and blessed Redeemer himself make a clear distinction between two worlds or generations when he said I pray not for the world but for them that thou hast given me out of the world can you therefore that are sober imagine or think that there is any spiritual salvation for these men or women which the Saviour of the world excludes in his petition Moreover it is wtitten that the Apostles said We know that we are of God and the whole world lyeth in wickedness Behold ye redeemed ones of the most high God is it not as clear as the light it self that there is two distinct whole worlds according to that saying Then all Israel shall be saved a redeemed world of elect Israelites and an unredeemed world of reprobate Canaanites that were never truly lost in themselves and therefore never capable of being found in Christ accordding to that in the Epistle of Jude where it is thus written For there are certain men crept in which were of old ordained to this condemnation ungodly men which turn the grace of God into wantonness and denying Christ the onely Lord wo unto them for they have followed the way of Cain and are cast away by the deceit of Balaams wages and perish in the gainsaying of Core Thus is it not clear unto all such that have in them any faith in the truth of the Scripture that there is two distinct whole worlds to distinguish between the divine glory of Election and everlasting shame of Rejection a cursed Cain a blessed Abel a subtile serpent and a simple Saint a scoffing carnal Ishmael and a spiritual Isaac a bloody minded Esau and a merciful minded Jacob a persecuting Saul and a prophetical David a treacherous Judas and a gracious and glorious Jesus from the beginning of the world unto the end thereof yea and a blessed Seth born in the stead of righteous Abel to bring forth the generation of the just that the Lord of eternal glory might according to the flesh as well as the spirit spring from a spiritual line of his own light of life eternal and not from a rational or carnal line of eternal death in chains of utter darkness which if it had power according to its cursed desire it would destroy God elect men and angels heaven and earth and all in them and it self also rather then be subject to any or might not onely it self bear rule over all But now to the matter in hand and withal consider what you read for it highly concerns you to look about you that if there should be any evil angels or devils living in the air and a devil amongst them called Beelzebub the prince of devils then I say what need any man trouble himself with the least fear of eternal death what wickedness soever is committed by thee why because if a man is tempted by any devil but what is in his own nature onely that evil spirit is to be eternally damned and the man set free nay moreover if sin or evil issued not from mans unclean reason or lying imagination within him is it possible think you that any man should be tormented as some men are with an inward burning through a secret fear of eternal sufferings rising in them from the guilt of former evils committed against the light of their own consciences furthermore seeing all men which live after the flesh must die or perish and that mans own lust is that imaginary devil from whence proceeds all sin or evil Without controversie though men or angels should gainsay it there are no other evil spirits angels or devils but unmerciful men and women onely Again if envy pride covetousness hypocrisie lust and such like be the devil in man then are not men and women those devils that are under the power of those evils I would fain know from the learned men of this world whether there are any other evil angels or devils besides mankinde that lust after women or silver or honor or revenge or any kinde of evil whatsoever truly if those supposed wise men that talk so much of the sublilty of the prince of the air that rules in the children of disobedience could possibly know that their own imaginary Reason was that evill spirit or prince of all their airy disputes concerning God angels devils Heaven hell eternal glory or shame to come which they know not of according to truth then in stead of their reioycing in the approbation of many men in relation unto their natural gifts their own spirits would immediately become the principle of all those howling groaning serpent-devils spoken of in Holy Writ even in the sight of elect men and angels in this mortal life Again is it not against all spiritual or rational sense that any man angel or devil should suffer eternal damnation for the sin of another or for anothers tempting him to sin or evil Moreover doth it stand to very good sense that yea that creature that is left to himself to be tempted unto sin or evil and overcome thereby and remains under the power of it to their lives end its requisite at the great day he should suffer for his own sin and not for anothers iniquity wherefore judge you is it not one of the vainest things in the world for any man to think that there is any other evil spirit angel or devil that tempts him to any motion imagination thought desire word or action of rebellion against God or man but the proud lying envious devil living in his whole man as aforesaid Therefore let no man that professeth spiritual light or life in him for very shame say that God can be tempted or tempt any man unto sin or evil neither let him say that any evil spirit angel or devil in the air or earth or in the water or in the fire tempts him to commit any sin or evil but that airy watery fiery lustful fleshly devil dwelling in his own body I say let him know that yea that is the prince of the air which thorow the absenting vertue of the holy Spirit begets those legions of devils or lusts in the soul of man and it is the true light of the Lord Jesus Christ in all his new born babes that crusheth the Cockatrice eggs before they become serpent-devils to sting the whole man with fear of eternal death So that understand what I say those devils which by the
to tempt and if possible to perswade Christ to yield to this his high and learned Position but you may read this man-devils mountain was too weak and too low for the high immortal God to rest or cast himself down upon for to that end he came not into this kingdom to be King but to fulfil his own determined will in destroying him that had the power of death even the devil yea that devil-man that would if possible have deceived God himself and so returns his positive Answer Get thee hence Satan f●r it is written Thou shalt worship the Lord thy God and him onely shalt thou serve that is thou oughtest to be ruled by me and not I by thee therefore depart my kingdom is not of this world but of that world which is everlasting immortal and to all eternity Upon which that man-devil leaveth him tormented for not prevailing and Christ refreshed by his Messenger from his glorious Kingdom above the stars Question If this be infallible what you have here written then may you ask me How comes it the Learned of this world could not as well as this Witness make known this hidden divine Secret seeing they give themselves wholly to finde out the true interpretation of the Scriptures Answ What ever the Learned of this world dream of finding out the invisible things of Eternity by searching into Scripture Records and comparing them together yet know this the Divine Majesty hath locked up all the principal Secrets of the Scriptures in his own spiritual breast that he by an immediate inspiration may dispose of them into the spirits of elect men and angels most advantagious for his own glory and their consolation therefore minde what you read and seriously observe that the Scriptures runs not in the line of Reason but in the line of Faith Inspiration or Revelation according to those sayings in the Hebrews and other Records By Faith the divine Work of Creation and wonderful Mystery of Redemption was and is known with the immortal eternal Glory and everlasting shame of mens persons in the end of the world but of the contrary you shall never read in any place of Scripture that any man in the least knew the things of eternal Glory by any kinde of rational comprehension wharsoever I confess the natural Reason of man is a very good handmaid if it be well qualified with the spiritual dame of divine Faith for illustrating of the things of God unto weak comprehensions but as for truly understanding the invisible things of God by the highest reason that ever was in man or angel it is utterly impossible as beforesaid and that because though the spirit of reason were never so pure yet you may know reasons nature is but a desire after the knowledge of the divine nature of that Spirit from whence reason had its living being but of the contrary spiritual Truth or Faith is of the divine nature of God himself and therefore in what soul soever that Heavenly Seed is sown it springeth up in that spirit all variety of divine knowledge with glorious raptures in reference unto life eternal by vertue of an intercourse with the eternal Spirit from whence it came Moreover I confess a man that is indued with a Solomon-like gift of natural reason may be able to comprehend all words whether they are spoken in a good form sense or language or no yea and such a man may be mighty in disputes about the glorious things of Eternity but as for thy real understanding whether there were or be any such eternal things or no thou hast no certain knowledge of that at all but thy bare thoughts onely which if equally weighed in that balance it may be true or it may be false and all this is for want of an infallibility of Truth it self therefore though the divine things of the eternal Majesty be nothing else but spiritual purity of an infallible truth in themselves yet unto that rational wise man they are nothing but non-sensical blasphemy or lying tales till his reason is confounded in him by a true and heavenly Faith Now thou that hast perused this Epistle if thou understandest what thou readest mayest behold how infallibly I have proved both by Reason Faith and Scripture that there is no other devil but what is in man and woman also how this devil came to be a devil so that if thou wilt not because thou canst not believe much good may that imaginary devil do thee yet by the way let me tell thee one word which is irrevocable that thou canst not now really nor at thy resurrection shalt finde or in thy self feel any other devil but thy soul onely which if it were possible for thee then to utter thy self thou wouldest tell me what now I write to thee was the naked truth but then even then I shall be far enough from thee in that I shall be with the Lord above the Stars this thou shalt finde and this I shall be as sure as God is God for believe me whether thou wilt o● no I do not write now as formerly I have done viz. hab nab as a man onely indued with reason but take notice I write from that revealed Seed-spring within me Now to the seed of Cain his Education CAP. II. The Seed of Cain his Education or bringing up undeniably proved against any of his tribe that shall oppose it AS touching this I shall not need to spend much ink or paper and that because not onely Scripture but likewise experience doth confirm that there is none of the Seed of Faith so honorably educated as the rich sort of the seed of Cain for indeed to whom doth the wisdom and government of this world belong to but to them and therefore nothing that in the bounds of reason can be attained unto but his seed enjoys it nay they are so exactly educated in the affairs of this world that by their reason they are able to comprehend all words whether they are spoken in a Philosophical form sense or language nay many of them are not onely mighty in disputes as touching the Government of this their kingdom but they are also able in dispute about the glorious things of Eternity though they understand not the matter disputed of in the least for as Paul saith 1 Cor. 2. 14. Neither can they know them because they are spiritually discerned for their education in the greatest knowledge is but natural and therein they are able to dictate unto the unlearned of their seed laws and rules to preserve this their kingdom in peace among themselves for you must understand what wisdom Learning can teach them shall not be wanting and the wisdom they attain unto is not that spiritual or divine Wisdom for this onely belongs to the Seed of Faith As read but 1 Cor. 2. 4 5 and 6 verses and there you shall hear Paul shew the vast difference of the wisdom of Faith from the wisdom of flesh for the wisdom
forty years and what I did think would become of my Soul and what would thy riches and glory here avail thee in the grave but especially at the great day of account Now friends I would have you understand that I was in a strait betwixt two so that out of hand the spirit of Faith pleaded thus in me That I had no Commission to preach and forthwith must cease though it was to the loss of my hundred pound a year then stept in the spirit of reason and pleaded How shall my self with five children subsist when as this Benefice would comfortably and honorably provide for us during life Then even then was death and life set before me and the spirit of Faith pleaded thus within me That whether I had rather injoy my Benefice and therein live honorably in this world and so be damned to all eternity in the world to come or whether I would hearken to that call within me to forsake my preaching with the benefit thereof and trust the Lord with my self and the children this lay hard upon me and so narrowly pursued me that for the space of three weeks I could not be at quiet sleeping nor waking going nor riding in which time I had no little conflict to disown the glory of this world for the glory of God supposing my condition to be safe and secure as any man or Parish Priest in the world whatsoever and for my doctrine I was not inferior to any but more able to declare the truth which I apprehended to be truth then the best of them Notwithstanding all this would do me no good nor in the least silence this combate within me but I must cease my trade of preaching lest a worse thing befall me and at that instant it came in my thoughts Remember me how here in this world where now thou livest I was a poor despised Saviour though now a rich immortal glorious God and therefore take no care I will provide for thee and thine so far as is requisite for such a one as thou art to be and withal remember when thou wast in thy wickedness not knowing me then I provided for thee How much more now shall I be mindful of thee so far as shall concern thy good Many of these refreshings did arise from my seed-spring within me that I was made willing to disown all that not long before I had taken great pains to perfect and so in submitting to the true light darkness fled and the Lord freely forgave me all that was past present and to come and hath every week more and more enabled me to walk obedient and upright before him mortifying sin continually within me to the onely praise of my God be it spoken that my calling and election is so firm and sure that I vveigh not the censure of men nor Angels but as sure as Christ is the eternal God I shall at his appearance reign eternally vvith him in the heavens and though in my journey to my bed of sleep the grave instead of riches I shall meet with poverty instead of fulness want instead of honor dishonor instead of love hatred instead of a good name all maner of evil tearms instead of friends foes yea may be such as will persecute me to the graves mouth yet now all this I matter not in that sin is my servant and Christ is my Master whom my soul earnestly craves more knowledge of himself with assistance of his power to withstand the despisers of thy person so 〈…〉 Now since the Lord in his own time hath in his free mercy called and chosen me according to his eternal purpose of old that I should redeem the time I have lost forty years and for the future the short time I have to stay in this present evil world my God I doubt not will enable me to walk holy and without blame before him till I be called to sleep or the day of his appearance change this my poor mortal to that immortal like himself either of which it shall please my God of mercy in his own time and pleasure to call me unto I had rather enjoy then now at this present mark what I say then now at this present enjoy all the riches and wisdom that ever God gave to Solomon so that I can boldly say Happy yea thrice happy am I that the seed of Cain that lying murthering devil who captivated my soul many years a servant to sin and all maner of evil is now disarmed and silent in me and in room thereof the seed of Abraham that blessed seed of Faith hath got the victory by which I am delivered from the power of the fruits of flesh and translated to the fruits of the spirit of Faith in the person of Christ the onely true and everliving God After this my remarkable change being at home silent and quiet in this my mortal tabernacle I was powerfully commanded yea my seed-spring hath certain times invited me to demonstrate to publike view that point concerning the Devil which very title or name Devil doth fright the Devil himself and the ground of this his fear doth arise from the non-knowledge of his first rise the description of his form as also his education and qualification with the place and nature of his torment thy ignorance in these things hath produced matter sufficient for my Genius to recal thy thoughts as touching thy mistake of the right Devil and so according as the true onely wise God hath revealed in me I shall make known these in their order which hath not yet been branched forth as aforesaid CAP. I. The first descent and true Form of the right Devil discovered FIrst as touching the Devil his rise and original I shall infallibly make known unto thee and from inspiration shew that subtile beast or Serpent there spoken of was no horned beast or creeping Serpent as the Priests vainly teach neither was it any Pippin or Pearmain or any other sort of Apple that was so pleasant in Eves eye or delightful to her taste No no it was that reprobate glorious Angel that was far more pleasant and sweeter to Eves taste then the sweetest fruit whatsoever therefore I shall demand of the proudest of his seed now living what was or which now of all creatures or things in this world is most pleasant in thy eyes or most in thy soul desiring to taste Art thou a man then is not a woman beautified and richly atired most pleasant in thy eyes and sweetest to thy taste Art thou a woman what saith thou is not a man beautified and richly atired with subtile and sophistical expressions most pleasant in thy eyes and soonest deceived by him Even so that reprobate Angelical man was that subtile Serpent or beast of the field minde what you read that angelman was so pleasant to her taste that she took it and did eat which is no more then this That proud beautiful glorious angelman did by his seeming divine wisdom and
on this earth and been wanton in the day of judgement yea cruel in the day of mercy in condemning yea killing the Just that blessed seed of Faith now if these men shall be saved and if those works shall be justified that is recorded in Mic. 3. 11. viz. abhorring judgement perverting all equity judging for reward teaching for hire divining for mony grinding the faces of the poor enriching themselves in the ruine of others I say if such great men as these that have here enjoyed all the pleasure and glory of this perishing world shall enjoy that immortal ravishing glory in the world to come then minde what will follow then in vain were the Scriptures written and to no purpose was those great sufferings of our Lord Jesus who saith Mat. 19. 29. And every one that hath forsaken houses or brethren or sisters or father or mother or wife or children or lands for my names sake shall receive an hundred fold and shall inherit everlasting life and then in the same Chapter Christ shews from the young mans going away sorrowful How hard a thing it is for a rich man to enter yea saith Christ A rich man shall hardly enter into the Kingdom of glory and in vers 27. when Peter said Behold we have forsaken all and followed thee what shall we have therefore now you may read his answer was this That ye which have followed me in the regeneration when the Son of man shall sit in the throne of his glory ye also shall sit upon twelve thrones c. Now in all these words expound or interpret which way ye can to stile your fears of death and your dreadful portion at the great day I say from the Lord of glory you cannot find any colour or tittle in the least that doth encourage or give any admittance to a worldly minded rich man for if you minde what you read you shall find all the promises here or in Scripture elsewhere doth onely appertain to such that hath forsaken all false worships and false Christs and hath renounced all unjust ways or means whereby he hath enriched himself yea he that hath slighted a good name with the credit of this world and is not onely ready to persecute but be persecuted for that glorious yet despised man Jesus I say from the spirit of Faith all the promises of the Lord in Scripture doth onely belong to these poor despised scum of the earth as in these words Thou Peter or ye my disciples or any other of my precious ones that hath lost all for me you are those that shall have all gain by me you shall have everlasting life and be with me in my Kingdom yea in glory like my self as mind that saying of James the second chapter and fifth verse Hearken my beloved brethren hath not ●od chosen the poor of this world rich in faith and heirs of the kingdom which he hath promised to them that love him Now what can be said more or what more wouldest thou have God do for thee wouldst thou have him unjust or contradict his own word then be content with thy rich glory here and let us have our glory with our God we grudge not at thy greatness in this world no nor thou shalt not hinder us or detain us from our portion of glory to come thine is almost at an end ours is yet to come and shall never end therefore be not deceived thou canst not live the life of the devil here and live eternally with the Lord hereafter then as I said before so against men and angels I should say again that such as I had better never been born to deprive my self of such a livelihood as I might not have been inferior to many and all to live upright and justly in this my strange country which now I am deprived of all Surely if it were so as some of Cains cursed brood doth say and binde it with an oath That all shall be saved then poor Paul and the poor Prophets and we in these days have made a sad exchange but as sure as God is God whosoever thou art be thou Ranter or Quaker King or Beggar thou shalt finde at the day of our Saviours appearance that thou so dying shalt never be saved and then if it were possible thou wouldst say what I here write is truth and such as thou art found lyers Now one word more to this last plea of the seed of Cain and so as touching this point I have done which is this If there be no other devil but what is in man or woman then thou sayest Kings may rise devils Magistrates devils Lawyers devils Soldiers devils Merchants devils Doctors devils yea and Preachers devils these being for the most part the richest men of this world and the Scripture in many places extending its language only against such men may cause not onely a supposition in the seed of faith to judge according to the tenor of the inspired Writ but also a terror upon the souls of rich men in that Christ compareth riches to bryers and thorns as in that parable of the sower Mat. 13. 22. where he saith And the cares of this world and the deceitfulness of riches choak the word and it becometh unfruitful riches being such a snare and deceiver of the soul may justly and that not without suspition cause a serious examination whether riches be not the onely instrument why or wherefore the true God nor his word doth not take root within thee where there is so much fulness of the treasure of this world there can be no admittance for the treasure of God ye cannot serve two masters and that because the riches of this world is in antipathy to the riches of heaven in that one is perishing the other everlasting the one clouds or draws the soul from God the other expells mists and draws the soul to God so that Christ knowing it was the greatest tryal and snare to the soul doth declare it a hard thing to enter yea so difficult that since he took upon him the form of flesh there hath not nor now is not one of ten thousand knowing the true God that shall be much troubled with the riches of this world for where riches is there must be a mighty power of faith keeping the soul in obedience to its God and that because where there is riches it requires the creatures whole attendance to give all care and diligence that possible may be to augment it or at least to uphold the stock or principle in so much that it makes him uncapable to cast his whole care upon the God of endless riches Now to conclude there is one thing more of great concernment to be seriously laid to heart by these rich men which is this First How thou camest to this thy greatness whether it was by birthright or inheritance as the eldest son Secondly Whether it came by thy accute subtile wit and ripe ingenuity in improving thy Art or
thou shalt receive thy sad and dreadful portion and that world without end and therefore deceive not thy self with the vain imaginations of thy spirit of reason that though it be as I affirm yet thou hopest it doth not belong to thee 〈◊〉 ●…at is the cause of thy hopes thou art neither satisfied in thy self nor doth it appear to any other onely thou hopest with the rest of thy seed but hast no assurance in the least and that because thou findest within thee that thou art guilty if not of publick yet of private filthiness so that mark what I say believe it whether thou wilt or no thou shalt by woful experience finde that this beautiful world wherein now thou hast thy pleasure shall at the day of Christs next appearance be as aforesaid burnt to ashes or dry sand where all the seed of Cain which in his qualification I have branched forth into four particulars shall not need to trouble themselves about Heaven and how they shall come to it for as sure as God is a chrystal glorious holy righteous personal God thou that desirest with Balaam to die the death of the righteous and not to live the life of the righteous thou with all thy pretended holiness and unrighteousness shalt be raised no higher then this earth that now thou treadest upon for as here thou hast taken thy pleasure so here shall be thy sorrow as here thou hast been a persecutor of God and his people so here thou shalt have the vengeance of God upon thee and in thee as here thou hast cheated and burned in thy filthy lust towards woman so here shall those lustful actions burn in thy soul and body for ever as here thou hast sworn and been drunk so here thou shalt have nothing to quench thy thirst but even here upon this earth where now thou walkest thou shalt howl burn fry to all eternity when then none shall pity thee 2. Having shewed thee the place where the seed of Cain shall be tormented now I shall shew thee the maner and nature of thy torment and therefore attend give ear That after our Redeemer hath called up the Seed of Faith which are but few in comparison of what shal be left behind yet I say after he hath taken that little Flock to himself then will our long looked for Christ Jesus the God of Glory immediately yea in a few hours burn all the riches beauty and bravery of this world to dry sand as aforesaid insomuch that there shall not be left the least appearance of a house herb tree or plant for the Stars Moon and Sun that gave light and motion to the fruits of the earth and moving of the sea shall become nothing yea be put forth as the snuff of a Candle and this world shall be as dark as the land of Egypt was for three days for if you read Exodus 10. 22 23. you shall finde there was a thick darkness in all the Land of Egypt three days they saw not one another neither rose any from his place for three days so that after all is burnt to ashes and that which gave life and motion to the earth and sea is put forth then shall the earth bring forth no more fruit nor the waters run no more but become a dark standing stinking pool as it was in the beginning and all the seed of Cain then both dead and living shall be left behinde with bodies as heavy as lead and as black as pitch which then their bodies shall be their hell and their spirits or souls shall be the devil shut up close prisoner together for ever and ever without end and that fire and brimstone that will burn shall be those wicked thoughts words and actions which in thy life time where now thou art thou committedst against the Seed of Faith yea with a great hand of pride acted against them shall be the fuel as wood and coal is fuel to the natural fire so thy wicked lustful actions shall be the onely fuel that shall burn yea flame more hotter then any natural fire in the hottest furnace whatsoever and yet it shall give no light at all but the flame thereof shall be of a durty scalding burning envious nature which shall smoak and fry through thy mouth thy nostrils thy eyes thy fundament insomuch that there shall not from the crown of the head to the sole of thy foot be one part free but tormented throughout thy whole soul and body And no sooner hath our God caught up his blessed Seed of Faith but this beautiful world becomes dark dust or sand as aforesaid but then yea even then begins thy kingdom of darkness wherein thou must continue either sitting lying kneeling or standing not being able to move one foot from the place where thou art raised but there being lockt up to all eternity never to see thy own dreadful face nor the frightful faces of others their wailing and lamenting for ever Considering First as in relation that thou hadst so many warnings by such poor despised ones as I that hath hazared our estates our liberty yea life and all by publishing such writings and declarations from the Lord that there was no other Devil but such as thou as now to thy eternal wo thou caust set to thy seal is too too true that if thou hadst not shut thy eyes and stopt thy ears thou mightest have foreseen what now thou feelest and not onely that but thy remembrance shall flame in that thou didst not onely slight scoff and scorn such testimonies of truth but thou persecutedst it to death this is one thing that shall burn and never be put out Secondly the remembrance how thou hast spent thy time in this perishing world shall quicken and rise afresh within thee as though they were but then in doing for from my seed-spring I speak it as there is no remembrance of any thing in the dust so there is no time to the dead in the grave for the death of Adam to his resurrection though it be thousands of years in respect to the living yet to the dead so long sleep shall be but as one nights rest I say when thou art awaked it shall be unto thee as no time at all for though thou hast lain in the grave a thousand years more or less yet then it shall appear unto thee as though it was but the last night and as thou in relation to thy thoughts words and actions died here so afresh they shall rise with thee either to thy condemnation or justification O then thou light ranting Devil that died in the living lust of thy soul to deceive the poor innocent virgin or virgin-wife and was never better then when thou hadst opportunities to deceive thy own soul in the undoing of others perswading thy self and others it was no sin but at this day thou shalt know it was a sin and that personal God which thou in thy life time despisedst will now leave thee to thy lustful dealing god within thee where thou shalt be damned to all eternity O then thou dark ranting Devil that died in the pride and ambition of thy heart spending thy time in all wanton wicked sports and pastimes