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A06508 A frutefull and godly exposition and declaracion of the kyngdom of Christ and of the christen lybertye, made vpo[n] the wordes of the prophete Jeremye in the xxij. chapter, with an exposycyon of the viij. Psalme, intreatyng of the same matter, by the famous clerke Doctor Martyn Luther, whereunto is annexed A godly sermon, of Doctor Urbanus Regius, vpon the ix. Chapyter of Mathewe of the woman that had an issew of blood & of the rulers daughter, newly translated oute of hyghe Almayne.; Epistel aus dem Propheten Jeremia. English Luther, Martin, 1483-1546.; Rhegius, Urbanus, 1489-1541. Sermon upon the ix. chapter of Mathewe.; Lynne, Walter. 1548 (1548) STC 16982; ESTC S103978 55,289 166

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ryghteousnes shall be spred abroade throughout the hole worlde These be oure letters and sealles that we be a free people withoutlawe and withoute compulsyon but onely for the Christians which knowe how to vse the Christian libertye for we maye not do as the plowemen dyd the laest yeare But where be such Christians that vse the Christian liberte a ryght that do all thynges willyngly and gladly that so serue theyr neyghboure and make other partakers of theyr goodes and do accordynge as God hath done vnto them where be they that gladly suffre the Crosse A christian is a seldome byrde There are very fewe that knowe what is the true Christian liberte The mooste parte do drawe it to the body and knowe not that it is a liberte of the conscience and of the soule namely that thou arte not pure nor ryghteous after the herte and conscience but yf thou shalt be pure and ryghteous then muste thou knoweledge that thou arte made pure and ryghteous by thys Kynge Christe IESVS onely by the meanes of hys bloud whithe he hath shedde for thy vpon the crosse thys maketh the free But the Lawe of Moyses and the lawe of the Emperour other thynges more do not make the free Vvhen I preache thus then do I not meane that men shoulde not obey to the hyer powers serue them and geue vnto them that whiche is due vnto them for the Christian liberte is nothynge touchynge the bodye nor the outwarde behaueoure and conuersation but the soule Therfore whan thou doest serue or obeye the hyer powers then doest thou euen as muche as thoughe thou dyddest geue to a naked man a coatte or diddest fede the hungry for it is also a dede of charite whiche floweth and springeth onte of fayth not that thou shouldest be made ryghteous through thys worke but that it declare thy fayth Therfore is thys the summe before god shalt thou be ryghteous without workes without al lawes onely through Christe Iesus Here seest thou Nota bene howe counyngly and myghtelye the Prophetes coulde counterfaycte Christe and hye kyngdome to thintent that they would make vs sure and certayn wherein our saluation consisteth God grasit that we maye so comprehende it and beleue it Thankes be to GOD A sermon of D. Marten Luther of the kyngedome of Christe oute of the eyght Psalm Lord our Lord c. made at Mersburg the syxte daye of Aug. anno 1545. THys is one of the principall Psalmes of the kyngely Prophete Dauid wherin he hath written of Christe and his kyngdom And they are no darke wordes but cleare light and easy to vnderstande And he describeth the kyngdome of Christ on this wyse that although it be in heauē by working yet is it also here beneeth in earth and in all the worlde and seperateth the kyngdom of Christ from the worldely kyngdome which is gouerned by worldly kynges Powers These two kyngdomes are here beneth in earth amonge men for also the kingdome of Christe is here beneth in earth among mē But there is a great difference that notwithstandinge that bothe the kyngdome of Christ and also of the worlde are here in earth yet are they ruled gouerned after an vnlyke sorte For the kyng of whome here the Psalme speaketh albeit that he haue his kyngdom in earth yet doth he rule spiritually and after a heauenly fasshion So that although his kingdome be not sene as the worldely kingdome is sene yet is it hearde but howe Out of the mouth of infauntes and sucking babes hast thou ordeyned strength so is the kyngdome of Christ a kyngdome of hearinge and not of seynge For the eyes do not leade and bring vs thither where as we fynde learn to knowe Christe but the eares muste do that and also suche eares as heare the worde out of the mouth of Infantes and sucking babes This is not the fasshion of the worldely kyngdom for thesame standeth not onely in the hearinge but in workyng and by putting in vre that the good may be defended and kepte in equitie Iustice and peace and that the vngodly vntowarde and euill may be punysshed that men may also labour with their handes and obtayne goodes profites for there shal they not rule nor waxe ryche by their eares For that thou arte made riche is not done by the eares but by the eyes and handes that thou doeste take it in hande and accomplyshe it in dede In those pointes consisteth the worldely kyngdome farre segregated from the spirituall kyngdome of Christ whiche kyngdom although it be here in earth yet is it not executed with plowynge and with our handes But it consisteth in the worde and is executed through the worde whiche procedeth furth of the mouthes of Infantes and suckinge babes As when thou seest and hearest a preacher preaching the word of God thorough the whiche by the commaun hemente of Christe he pronounceth Repentaunce and forgeuenes of synnes there seeste thou neither plough nor harrowe But thou seest and hearest that the Preacher onely vseth the tonge and the worde and yet not hys owne word but the word of Godwher by Christe ruleth here in earth In lyke maner also when we se the holy Sacramentes ministred wherein God offereth and geueth vnto vs remission of all our syunes mercy saluation and the lyfe euerlastinge There seest thou the delyueraunce from synne and death that thou also arte no more deteyned captiue in the kingdom of the deuill thou doeste not se it but onely heare it that it is offered geuê the with the tonge of the Preacher thorough the worde Lykewyse whan a chylde is yonge borue into the worlde of father mother whiche is a synfull byrth this do we se with oure eyes but whan the Chylde is brought to Christe grafted in Christe through Baptisme and is borne agayne of newe wasshed from synne and is made the Chylde heyre of God then is it borne agayne a new whiche is farre an other byrthe than the fyrste whiche we se and fele The seconde and newe byrth which is done through the water worde and the spirite is not sene there are onely the wordes hearde whiche yf I beleue I am made the chyld and heyre of God and fellowe heyre with Christe not of this corruptible lyfe wherein we are borne thorough the fyrst byrth but of the euerlastinge lyfe not an heyre of money and goodes Siluer and Gold But I am made heyre of the euerlasting and heauenly goodes and giftes of God Of these thinges se I none but onely heare the worde whiche profereth me such goodes and sayth that I shall so enioye them yf I do then receyue and beleue it then is it euen so and I obteyne all whatsoeuer the word doth profer promise and geue me So do we also saye in oure Chylder Crede I beleue in the holy Ghost c. forgeuenes of synnes the lyfe euerlastinge These are thinges which we neither se nor fele They are not
Here becommeth the kynge God and Dauid descrybeth the Kynge our Lorde Christe in thys wyse that he be bothe very man and very God as is here clerely shewed and declared but yet so that he shal suffre and dye and ryse agayne the thyrde daye c. He is God for whatsoeuer is in heauen and erth is subdued vnto him For to haue all thynges vnder hys hande and power pertayneth onely to God and not to any maner of creatures No not to the Angels which are also vnder the dominion of the Kynge oure Lorde Iesus Christ vnto whome be laude and prayse for euer and euer AMEN ❧ An homily or sermon of the famous doctour Vrbanus Rhegius of fayth and resurrection vpon the Gospell of Mathew in the ix Chapter of the woman whiche was grieued with the issew of bloudde and of the doughter of the chief ruler which being dead Christ restored to lyfe preached to the people of Hannouer in Saxon. WElbeloued in the Lord whan before the space of two yeres I was called to you accordinge to the wyl of God our celestiall father that I might aduaunce your loue and honour dewe vnto God and healthe of your soules by teaching admonyshing writinge I ceased not from that tyme to praye vnfaynedly and diligently God oure heauenli father that he would vouchesafe to preserue you in holsome doctrine true fayth and hope of the Gospell and to finyshe his worke begonne in you And now I thanke his fatherly goodnes that he hath preserued you vnder so many temptations stormes ingines of afflictions and persecutions and hath fortified your myndes to cōstaunce and because all your afflictiōs and persecutions haue chaunced to the increase and stabilitie of your sanynge hope through the fatherly goodnes of God and his singulare counsayll that ye may be now more strong and more perfite to a deuoute and blessed lyfe in euery exercise than ye haue bene before But forsothe for as muche as the deuil our most cruell and most sworne enemye doth assaulte and endeuoure to destroye the fayth and doctrine of Christe by diuerse and continuall temptations by merualous wiles by most crafty subtilitie and by many cauteles in euery place and in euery momente it is necessary that ye fortifie your selfes and fyght with all your myghte mayne agaynste an enemye so muche to be feared takyng quycklie true and vnwynable weapons and an vnuincible sworde that is to say the worde of God the worde of sauyng and eternal veritie whiche the deuill more feareth and dreadeth tremblyng than we miserable and feble men may be troubled for feare of fyre of flouddes of tempestes of knyfes and of swordes of gonnes and of what other thingesoeuer may hurte and destroie our corporall lyfe Colos ij And therefore Paule admonysheth his colossians that the word of God in habite abundantly in them For he did knowe and had learned by experience that the spirite of lienge may suffre nothynge lesse nor more grenouslie than the exercise of the pure word of God by which his counsayls and weapons be made blunte and be broken by whiche also we be fortified in faythe and hope of Christ more and more that we may fyght valiauntly in spirituall fyghtyng battayle against the Lordes of thys worlde the gouernoures of darkenesse of this time truly agaynst the euyll crafty spirites vnder heauē and that we may obtayne finally a glorious victory For thys cause I wolde confirme confort your charities with some short compendiouse oration instruction admonition bycause I came agayne to you God so gouernyng and willinge Therfore I wil intreate the gospell of this present day of s Mathew in the ix chapter Mat ix in which s Mathew setteth out to vs two notable myracles done of Christ whiche was written of the Euāgelist to our profyt that our faith may be stirred vp renewed quickened fortifyed and preserued and that oure charitie may be kendled inflammed towarde God and oure neyghboure First Christ restored to health that miserable woman which was grieued sore with a flixe of bloude xij yeres coulde not be healed with any medicynes After he calleth agayne the dead mayd vnto lyfe In these two histories wiracles of the gospel I wil intreate principally also two articles First for asmuche as Christe doeth commende so greatly the faithe of that woman sayng beleue thy fayth hath made the safe because we knowe that he hath testored her by hys owne propre power puttyng away her sickenes a netessary questyon presenteth it selfe to to vs which is worthy to be discussed declared that is wherfore scripture attributeth euery where so much so faith Christ saith here that faith hath made the woman safe In an other place we reade agayn Ioh. iij. that faith bryngeth iustice eternal saluation whan not withstandynge it is manifest that our fayth is yet vnperfite weake that we be constrayned with the disciples to praye Mar ix Lord encrease oure faythe Vve heare also often in these tymes howe vehementlye the blynde world is offended whan faith vnto Christe is publyssed exalted with worthy prayses These newe doctoures say they can no other thing now thā to prayse auaūt only fayth whether only faith might do althynges saue vs in nowyse mo thinges be required thā onely faith For it is necessary that works be also presēt only faith is not sufficiēt is moch we aker of lesse power thā that it maye do that thing Doeth not the deuill also beleue but neuerthelesse he is condemned euerlastyngely These be the saynges of oure aduersaries wher● it may be vnderstād easely how greatly they be offended by the prayses of fayth But we shall heare how greatly they erre After we shall intreate of the resurrection of the body occasion taken of that that Christ calleth agayn here vnto lyfe a wenche now whan her body should haue bene buried this is truely so greate suche a worke that neither reason will nor maye conceyne it but strong fayth must nedes be present It is truely necessary that the holy Ghost gyue and preserue merueloullye that faythe for it is tempted by merueylouse and horrible wayes of the world which iudgeth that fayth to be a mere folyshenesse it is tempted also of oure owne propre reason and of the deuyll hym selfe This Gospell perteyneth to two articles of the crede of oure Christiane faythe that is to saye to that greatest article which maketh vs Christians I beleue in Iesu Christe his onely sonne oure Lorde And I beleue the resurrection of the body The fyrst Article CHriste prayseth the faithe of the woman Mat. xv viij Luc. vij xvij he doeth that in many places in the histori of the Gospel ther of it may be easeli vnderstād that faith shuld be published exalted with prayses his power strēgth should be alwayes diligētli declared ineulcated for Christ doth prayse nothing except it be
whiche we haue nede of And we maye not make propre to vs and clayme or laye hande on thys treasure and gyfte of God by anye other meane than by tiue fayth which faith withoute controuersy is effectual also by good workes because it receaueth the holye Ghooste and reneweth and purifyeth the man No deuyll nor wicked and myscheuouse person hath thys faythe albe it they be not verye ignoraunte of the historye of Christe what hys person is and what is hys seruyce notwithstandynge they haue not thys confidence of him that he is theyr redemer and sauyoure and that he wyll delyuer helpe thē For the Deuils know what thing God hath thretened to them that is to saie iudgement and most sure damnation and therfore they tremble and quake But whan we praise so greatly fayth than we speake of true faythe in Christ which is a certayne liuely trust hope of the grace of God whiche he hath promysed to vs in Christe that is to say that he wyl forgeue to vs all oure synnes for Christes sake whiche hath satisfyed for our synnes he wil repute vs iuste and he wil gyue to vs eternal lyfe Neyther the deuill nor hys membres may haue this fayth of the promises of god but the chosē in Christ haue onely it And this is that faith whiche hath restored this womā by which she was made partetaker of the diuine grace help Thys fayth hath made thys woman the doughter of Christ that he dyd vouchesafe to call her hys doughter as Chrysostome sayth And whan scripture prayseth thys fayth thā is the grace and mercy of god for this fayth is the trust vnto the meregrace of god promysed for christes sakerther for thei mē must uede be rude dismaied vnaduised yea frowarde and maliciouse whiche can not suffre that ye most abundaunt grace of God by whiche we ware delyuered from the power of darkenesse be praysed and exalted See that ye be ware of thys kynde of men for they be leadde of thatsame euyll spirite whiche blynded once the Pelagianes Let vs set before oure eyes and folowe also here the example of charitie and mercy which we see here in Christ Iesu oure Lorde and God and that we maye be moued by affection of calamitie and misery of our neyghboures And that we maye helpe and ayde them accordynge to the facultie of our powers and goodes For fayth ought not to be without fruytes ❧ An other Article of the resurrection of the dead Here let vs behold cōsider with intentyue eyes bothe the word work of Christ our Lorde For as moche as they he so merueylouse that we may neuer meruayle ynough at them nor neuer prayse ynough the glory of hys grace He sayth that the wenche slepeth anone he toke her hād and calleth her vnto lyfe The worlde hearyng this standeth by with styf astouyeng eyes reasō mocketh for it semeth incredible and a mere folyshenes that a deformed mortall colde styffe and stynkyng caryon sleapeth In conclusyon how may reasone beleue that death is not death Augustine in the .lxviij. Psalm sayeth We knewe vnderstande then before the comyng of Christe before the worde of God was publyshed in the worlde or before our conuersyon regeneration in mankynde two thinges but one thing was vtterlyvnknowē to vs. That men be borne dyeth that we knowe but that they shal aryse agayn frō the dead and shal lyue euerlastyugly that we knewe not The misteries of God be hyd before reasō The knoweledge of these very greate thynges is not graffed set in the hartes of mē as the lawe of nature therfore reasō all philosophy worldlye wysedome myght knowe nothing of that It was knowē first of al by the gospel of christe which was sent by the holy ghoost from heauen vnto earth Whosoeuer hath not the gospel or beleueth not it he cā knowe nothing of the resurrectiō nor of eternal lyfe which thing the blind ignorant gētiles witnesseth sufficiētly in their writtynges Therfor sayeth Paule i. Cor. ij i. Cor. ij that God hath reueled shewed to vs these thinges by hys spirite that we haue not receaued the spirite of the world but the spirite of God that we may knowe what thynges haue bē geuen to vs of Christe A naturall man vnderstandeth not those thinges which be of the spirite of God it is folyshenesse to hym and he cā not vnderstand it And we heare that here in the Iewes which mocke scorne the Lorde where he saith she is not dead but she slepeth For they could not perceyue and knowe howe death myghte be a slepe Whe● for thei supposed that these wordes of Christe was dreames of a sycke man and mere tryfles and saiynges of a madde man And this is the desteny of the gospell alwayes in the worlde that it is supposed called folyshenesse .i. Cor. i. i Cor. i. Whan Paul in the .xxvi. Ac. xxvi of the Actes teached of the resurrection of the dead the lieuetenaunt Festus iudged that he was madde How hardly beleued Thomas that Christ was reuiued frō dead Iohn xx Iohn xx At Athenes they called the sermones of Paul of the resurrection a babblynge although they auaunted that there was the fountayne of al artes sciences and wysedome Ac. xvij the xvij of the Actes The Sadducees amōg the Iewes iudged that the sermones of Christe of the resurrection was a certayne tryflyng fable thynges impossyble Math. xxij Matth. xxij And Augustyne writeth in the .xxij. boke de ciui dei the .v. Chapter There be thre thinges incredyble which not withstādyng haue bē done It is incredible that christ hath rysē agayne in body hath ascended vnto the heauens with hys body It is incredible that the worlde hath beleued a thyng so incredyble It is incredyble that that men of none estimaton feble very few vnlerned myght perswade so effectually a thyng so incredible to the worlde also to lerned connyng mē in it The carnal sonnes of thys world suffer not to beleue the first point that is to say that Christ hath rysen again The secōd point that is to say that mē notwithstāding hath beleued this thinge although it was incredible they be constrayned to see before ther eyes it forasmuche as the resurrection of the dead is beleued so stedfastly constat̄ly throughout al the worlde of al christianes that therfor they may dispise this lyfe with al his ryches profittes pleasures power shewe also their middel fynger to death as Paule doeth i. Corin. xv i. Co. xv Vvhere is death thy prick The sonnes of this world cā not fynd or know frō whence that other is done that is to say that the worlde beleueth the resurrectiō except they shal beleue also the third point that is to say that it was done by the Apostles men beleuyug theyr preachyng sermōs Our fayth dependeth not of opiniōs of mē nor hath causes set and