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ID Title Author Corrected Date of Publication (TCP Date of Publication) STC Words Pages
A72913 Three godly and fruitfull sermons declaring first how we may be saved in the day of iudgement, and so come to life everlasting: secondly, how we ought to liue according to Gods will during our life: which are the two things that every one ought to be most carefull of as long as they liue. Preached and written by the reverend & godly learned M. Iohn More, late preacher in the citie of Norwitch. And now first published by M. Nicholas Bovvnd: whereunto he hath adioyned of his owne, A sermon of comfort for the afflicted: and, A short treatise of a contented mind. More, John, d. 1592.; Bownd, Nicholas, d. 1613. aut 1594 (1594) STC 18074.5; ESTC S125128 118,386 153

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was the cause of the death of Christ Therfore this true liuely faith of Gods people is so farre from making men lie wallowing in their sin that untill such time as they haue it they neuer haue a perfect hatred of their sinne then onely when wee haue faith and neuer till then begin we to take pleasure in those things which are allowed and liked of God For this true liuely faith maketh vs new creatures beareth vs a new maketh vs the children of God whereas by nature we are the children of Gods anger that hee can neither loue vs nor any thing that we doe Then begin our blind hearts to be lightned to perceiue our sinne which before we did not see then beginneth our hard heart to be softened and effectually touched with griefe and horrour of our sinne which before wee did like well of whereas we had a delight in deceit and craft flatterie and briberie now we begin to abhorre it and to loue plaine and simple dealing whereas before we were covetous hard hearted vnmercifull usurers oppresours now we begin to hate it and to study after pity and compassion The selfe same tongue that had a pleasure to talke of filthinesse lying blasphemie now is framed a new to hate all cursed speaking and hath a delight to speake the truth and talke of godlinesse and to reprooue wickednesse To be short when we haue this true and liuely faith wrought in vs by Gods spirit we are then framed a new by the same spirite into an inward lothing of our sinne and continually pricked on forward to striue against our sinne by true repentance and not to say we purpose to continue in our sinne but to labour continually against our sinne Let vs therefore good brethren diligently enter into our selves and examine the thoughts of our hearts whether we haue our delights in our craft subtiltie whordome fornieation vncleannesse and such like whether wee set downe with our selues to abide in it yet a certaine time and if wee finde such an vncleane filthy and beastly heart in our selues let vs not flatter our selues good brethren vndoubtedly there is no true faith in such a heart but onely a fleshly and carnall perswasion there is not the spirit of Christ which ouercometh sinne and death the deuill in vs continueth firme steadfast and strong euen in the great and terrible day of the Lorde there is not that spirite in vs but the spirit of the world which perisheth with the world the spirit of Satan which shalbe confounded with Satan and the Spirit of the flesh which bringeth forth in vs the workes of the flesh and darkenesse and therefore shal come to nought with the deeds of the flesh Let all those therefore that haue shadowed them selues vnder the name of the gospell and say they doe beleeue and say they haue faith and yet when they come home nearer to themselves into their owne bosome and finde no loue there to the gospell to Christ to holinesse and righteousnesse but a lust liking and pleasure in all their wonted sinne let them once for all be answered out of Gods blessed worde that they haue no portion with the gospell that they pertaine not to Christ not his sanctification and holinesse and let all such as by these filthy beasts which pretend the gospell and yet haue such abominable heartes and carnall liues are caried away to mislike Christes glorious gospell and to forsake the truth therein thorough these carnall professours let all such as haue bin drawne away by them I say be answered that the Sonne of God neuer taketh such carnall professours for his that they be no true gospellers that they be none of his members none of his faithfull but meere members of Satan transformed into an angell of light and therefore that although they cloake them selues with the name of the gospell and can say Lord Lord and Christ Christ that they may more safely worke all sinne and wickednesse to the shame of the gospell Christ yet in the great and terrible day when all must yeelde up their accompts he shall giue sentence against them Depart from me ye cursed caitiffes workers of iniquitie I neuer acknowledged you for mine depart from me into euerlasting torments to the deuill and his angels to whome alwaies you appertained and whome in heart you serued there shalbe weeping wailing and gnashing of teeth Wherefore let vs all humble our selues under the hand of God abuse not his gospell so many of us as the Lord hath called to tast of the sweet cōfort in his gospell let the fruit of it appeare in our life and conuersation to the glory of Gods gospell For the Lord is a seuere reuenger of the blasphemie done to his heauenly gospell if wee shall seeme to professe it and through our conuersation cause it to be ill spoken of Wherefore good brethren let vs remember our selues that we are called to an holy calling the Lorde is holy and loueth holinesse that hath called vs we are called to holinesse and not to filthinesse let us walke then in holinesse and righteousnesse all the dayes of our life Thus then good brethren you haue heard the wayes and meanes of our salvation handled before the iudgement seate of God at large how we are delivered from sin death hell and Satan by the meanes that Iesus Christ in our nature hath ouercome them all for us that so many as take hold of him by faith should be deliuered from eternall destruction and haue everlasting life ye haue hearde that this true faith is not to beleeue generally but to reach all that Christ hath done unto our selves not to say with the tongue wee beleeue but to feele in the heart not with a worldly perswasion of the flesh but with an inward perswasion of Gods spirit that sealeth all these same in our hearts ordinarily by the preaching of the worde whereby we are transformed into the image of Christ and renevved in the inwarde heart to haue our delight and pleasure to walke in holinesse and righteousnesse all the daies of our life all this we haue heard as it hath pleased God to giue me wisdome and knowledge out of his word to vnderstand it and vtterance to deliuer it I haue bene peraduenture longer in handling the matter then some would haue wished to whome these principall groundes of religion are knowen well enough and peradventure therewith all looked for more curious speeches in handling of the matter but such must understand that my purpose is to instruct the ignorant in the waies and meanes of their salvation not to speake to the eares of men but to the heartes of men if I can that the deuill may be pulled out from thence and Iesus Christ planted there I will neuer so abuse Gods blessed worde to satisfie the vaine humour of men so long as I liue by Gods grace it is sufficient for me that I know Iesus Christ and
is no law I trow forbiddeth this vnlesse I say the law of the purse And if thou say I can not there be able to liue I answer thee first seeke the kingdome of God and the righteousnesse thereof and all other things needfull shall be giuen vnto thee as ouerplus So we see there is nothing can excuse us before God vnlesse we get vs preachers I know there be other kind of excuses that vve frame unto our selues as we thinke sufficient to exempt vs from the preaching of the word but let vs not deceiue our selues vnlesse there be preaching the people perish vnlesse they haue beleeued they are damned and beleeue can they not without preaching Away therfore with all vaine excuses which might make vs thinke our selues well enough without preaching these gloses will not serue before God the Lord will haue his people taught there is no shift otherwise we shall all of vs answer for it so many of vs as haue our hands stained with the blood of them that perish And let all of vs in the feare of this our God fall seriously to meditate of this geare and now at the length begin to make more diligent and careful preparation for the preaching of the word then hitherto we haue done seeing it so standeth vs in hand vnder paine of damnation God may otherwise saue vs as I haue told you if he will but it hath pleased him to let vs vnderstand that he will haue vs saued by preaching if we shal not be carefull and carefull againe to prepare for that meanes of our saluation surely we shall declare our selues either to be wiser then God esteeming his heauenly wisdome but base and foolish or else plaine contemners of God in despising so heauenly and wholsome ordinance Wherefore good brethren if ye will be saued get you preachers into your parishes that may instruct you in the wayes and meanes of your salvation against that day that yee must appeare before this iudgement seate bestow your labour cost and trauell to get them ride for them runne for them stretch your purses to maintain them we shall begin to be rich in the Lord Iesus and so much riches also of this world we shall haue as our God shall make vs contented withall and then our ioy shall be full in the last day when we must leaue all these earthly things receiue at the hands of the Lord Iesus an heauenly an euerlasting crowne Thus farre then good brethren how we are discharged in this iudgement seat from the euerlasting curse and condemnation which euery one of us haue fallen into by breaking Gods cōmandements ye haue heard how we are discharged from this punishment by Iesus Christ who hath fully taken it upon him ouercome it how it is made ours applied vnto us by faith not such a faith as the deuils haue but such as teacheth unto us all that euer Christ did for us maketh Christ dwell with us not in our tongues but in our hearts not in a wauering maner but in a true certenty not by a vaine perswasion of the flesh by the liuely witnes of Gods spirit all this to be deliuered unto vs by no other ordinary means but onely by the preaching of the word Here is then the full waies means of our saluation declared unto us to be in Christ onely in Christ in no worke deed or merit of ours or any saint or angell for us but in Christ alone none other herein remaineth our whole comfort ioy which passeth all the ioyes of the earth But I haue yet one thing more to answer which the deuill might bring into the head heart of the carnall gospeller hereby What saith that filthy Epicure this is sweete doctrine in deede now I may take my pleasure at will liue at lust in my sinne for I beleeue in Christ therfore must needs be saued it maketh no matter I will sin my belly full for I beleeue that Christ hath borne the burthen of my sin therfore what need I care I answer these abuses of Gods mercy that if there be any such that either hath such a blasphemous tongue to speake or an heart to purpose to sinne or one minute of an houre to continue in sinne because he beleeueth that Christ hath paid the punishment of his sinne if there be any such that thus say or purpose I say with the worde of God that such haue no sparkle of true faith for the word of God setteth forth unto vs this true faith not such a faith as filleth the heart with sinne and all uncleannesse as these carnall Epicures speake of but such a faith as maketh the heart pure such a faith as doth not incourage men to sinne but such a faith as maketh men to hate their sinne lothe abhorre it because this true faith of Gods people proceedeth frō the spirit of Christ maketh Christ dwell in vs by his holy spirit which spirit of Christ can neuer dwell in one and the same heart with sinne wickednes in such maner as to be at agreement with it to like well of it take pleasure in it but continually striveth and struggleth against it And although sin doe continually hang on vs yet this spirit of Christ dwelling in vs will not let sin raigne rule in vs therefore such carnall wretches as shall loue sinne take pleasure in their sinne doe sufficiently declare that they haue no part nor fellowship with Gods spirit consequently no true liuely faith They haue no part of the spirit of Christ that suffered death for sinne but the spirit of Satan the authour of sin the spirit of the world the imbracer of sin the spirit of the flesh the nource of sinne for it filleth the heart with the fruits not of the spirite but of the flesh lust whordom fornication uncleannesse wantonnes vanity filthinesse couetousnes extortiō usury oppression pride contempt disdain flattery dissimulation idolatry witchcraft hatred malice division drunkennes gluttony c. And I warrant them let these carnal swine that thus wallow in their sinne taking their full ioy pleasure in it yet say stoutly that they haue a beleefe that Iesus Christ hath paid the punishment of their sin let them I say enter a litle more deep into their own heart they shal find a thing within them that shal speak the clean contrary euen their own cōscience doth cry aloud within their brest if they would let it speak that they beleeue no whit at all of the discharge of their sin by Christ for then they would not loue like wel of their sin which was the cause of the death of Christ Is it like they hold any thing of Christ which ioyne hands with the wicked Iewes to put Christ to death They neuer therfore haue any true faith in Christ unlesse they detest their own sin which
him crucified The matter of our saluation is waightie and such deepe matters can not be passed ouer in a vvorde or tvvo and the best of vs all can neuer learne it too much nor heare it too often it must be our comforts and our onely ioy in death and after death it must be that vvhich must sticke by vs vvhen vve must shake handes with all the world and say farevvell father farevvell mother farewell my dearest friends farewell my riches wealth and vvorldly ioyes it must then be our only ioy to say vvelcome Christ vvelcome heaven welcome euerlasting ioy Happy shalbe the day and blessed shalbe that houre when vvee shalbe crowned with an euerlasting crovvne of glory vvhen all teares shalbe washed from our eyes The Lord God for his deare sonnes sake graunt vs to haue heartes and mindes to long after it and to say with the holy Apostle I desire to be dissolued and be with the Lord Christ and that we effectually thinke upon it take our profit of all this that hath bene taught vs let vs pray to the Lord our God that he will giue his holy spirite to write it deepe in our heartes and seale it in our consciences that it may bring forth fruite in us to the comfort of our conscience and glorie of our God O most mercifull God and heauenly Father c. Iohn More THE THIRD SERMON Ioh. 13. 34 35. I give you a new commandement that ye love one another as I haue loved you that you even so love one another by this shall all men know that ye are my disciples if ye haue love amongst your selves WE haue heard good brethren heretofore sufficiently I trust out of the fifth to the Corinthians declared unto us how we are cleared and discharged before the iudgement seat of God reconciled unto our good and gratious God by the means of his deare sonne our only Lord Saviour Iesus Christ our only reconciliation and attonement applied vnto vs by the holy spirite of god working in our hearts a true a liuely faith which taketh hold of all the righteousnes ransome satisfaction of Christ and makes it ours wherby we are iustified and holden as righteous being clothed with the righteousnes of Christ so our conscience pacified before the throne of Gods glorious maiestie All this I say we haue sufficiently heard uttered unto us out of the blessed word of God this is the chiefest most principall thing that wee must labour for during the vvhole scope of our life and our onely comfort in our death and our onely life after death and therefore I trust it hath beene well marked of us and considered in our hearts deeply imprinted Now it followeth that knowing how we be set at one with god we do also indeavor our selues to be at one with mā for which purpose I haue chosen out this piece of Scripture which you heard now read vnto you which containeth a short exhortatiō to loue a short lesson soone learned that we loue one another in a word it is no more but that we haue sincere loue one with an other it is an easie lesson soone borne away the dullest memorie that is here present may easily beare it away and the simplest wit among vs may without any great discoursing of the matter straightwaies vnderstande it that we neede not pretende any excuse of simplicitie and dulnesse whereas the playnnesse and shortnesse will straightwaies convince vs. It is then a lesson soone learned which we haue here taught vnto vs to loue one an other if nothing els were required but as schollers in grammer schoole to conne it by heart and say by rote we might dispatch it in a minute of an houre but alas good brethren because it is in Christs schoole wee must not onely like grammer schollers haue it by heart but like Christs schollers haue the feeling and loue of it in our hearts not onely by rote like children say it with our mouth but like Gods children practise it in our deedes And herein good Lord how smally haue we profited this xv yeares learning the practise of this lesson in Christs schoole or if we haue learned it how soone haue we forgot it or if we haue both known it and thought vpon it in what case are we that so generally haue vsed continually against our owne conscience knowledge to doe contrarie vnto it VVell for that which is past let vs repent and now in the feare of God let vs beginne more deepely to consider the thing especially seeing the deare Sōne of God exhorteth vs thereunto and saith I giue you a new commandement that ye loue one an other if a prince or any noble personage speake vnto vs exhorting vs to any good thing wee vse to giue attentiue care and for the authoritie of the person the words haue credite with vs that we dare not doe contrarie thereunto for feare of loosing their good will and fauour what shall we then say to our Sauiour Christ the king of kings aboue all the nobles vpon the earth who doth here exhort vs to loue one an other shal we make none account of his words but without regard fling them at our heeles not caring for the losse of his heauenly fauour who gaue his owne selfe to the death to purchase our life Surely we should then declare our selues to be worse then the bruit beasts who yet vse to haue some regard to their masters that feede them and shew them fauour If we should not then carefully take heede vnto those things which are spoken vnto vs of the Lord Iesus Christ who hath so dearely loued vs euen the very bruit beasts should be sufficient to condemne vs. Let vs therefore in the feare of God looke vnto it not slenderly and with dull eares and hard hearts consider of it for it is the deare Sonne of God that speaketh vnto vs that requireth of vs that we loue one an other If he had but slenderly handled our matter concerning our redemption we had beene but in slender case if we shall nowe giue but slender eare vnto that which he speaketh vnto vs and make it as a thing of course surely we prouoke his iudgement against vs whose maiestie we dare so boldly abuse if it be high treason to cast off the words of a prince make no account of them what shal we say of the reiecting the words of this our heauenly prince and Sauiour Ye see then it standeth vs in hand diligently to heare prudently to marke and deeply to waigh these wordes which here be spoken for they are the wordes of the Lord Iesus who of his vnspeakeable loue hath giuen him selfe for vs. And yet further then this if we consider the circumstances of the time when these words were spoken it will make vs yet a little more carefull to thinke vpon them It was at such time as he was now neare his death for in the verse going
some part of this recompence for their sinnes For the blessed word of God which setteth forth vnto vs Iesus Christ a full ransome of our sinnes doth also giue vs to vnderstand that none are benefited to saluation sauing only those vvhich do beleeue So God loved the world that he gaue his onely begotten sonne to the end that all that beleeue in him should not perish but haue euerlasting life he saith not all the world but all that beleeue he saith on the contrariwise whosoeuer doth not beleeue is dāned looke now none are saued saue only those which doe beleeue in Christ if we do not beleeue the word of God saith we are condemned ye see then although Christ hath suffered for sinne yet vnlesse we beleeue we can not be saved But yet here ariseth another doubt which might seeme to bring with it also a liberty to sinne for it should seeme if all are saued that beleeue in Christ then all England France Ireland Spaine Italy and all Europe shalbe saued none should be damned but the Turke Iewe such other as denie Christ for all Europe doe beleeue in Christ acknowledge Christ whether they be papists or protestants none doeth deny Christ all beleeue that Christ is God the sonne of God borne of the virgine so forth therfore it should seeme that none of those should be damned for they all beleeue True it is I graunt all these do beleeue so do the deuils too yet are damned They do beleeue confes as fast as the best of them all that Christ is God sonne of the living God we know whō thou art say they euen Christ the sonne of the highest God yea they beleeue he shal come to iudgemēt art thou come to tormēt vs before the time to be short there is no article of our faith but they know it as wel as we beleeue it to be true yet notwithstanding they do nothing but tremble shake must utterly be damned The whole company of them that beare the name of Christ are called Christians do beleeue that Christ is God so doe the diuels They beleeue that Christ is the sonne of God so doe the diuels They beleeue that Christ was borne of the virgine suffered vnder Pontius Pilat was crucified for mans sin rose again ascended into heauen shall come againe at the latter day all this do the divels beleeue yet are damned seeing thē the word of God setteth down vnto vs two kinds of faith or beleeving in Christ the one such as the diuels wicked mēbers of Satan haue to damnation the other such as the childrē of god haue to saluation we must therefore be very carefull to seeke out that true sound faith of Gods people lest we flatter our selues thinke we beleeue wel enough when we haue no other beleefe then the very deuils in hell haue we must be therfore very carefull to know in what points the deuils faith doeth differ frō the sound faith of Gods people First of all the diuels although they beleeue that all that Iesus Christ did was truely done yet they do not beleeue that he did it for them although they can acknowledge confesse all the articles of our faith yet they can not apply them unto thēselves although they can beleeue that Iesus Christ is God soone of God hath paid the punishment of mans sinne yet they can not beleeue that he hath done this for them they can not beleeue that he hath paid the punishment for their sins they can not beleeue that for they haue not assurance therof out of the word of God nay they know the clean contrary that Christ came not to saue thē for the Apostle to the Hebrewes writeth that Christ tooke not vpon him the nature of spirits angels to ransome them but the nature of man therfore although the deuills can say neuer so fast we beleeue that Christ hath paid the punishmēt of mās sinnes yet they must needs withall say acknowledge and beleeue he hath paid the punishment of mans sinnes but not for ours therfore we looke beleeue to be tormented This is then the most chiefe and principall point in our beleefe that is that we beleeue whatsoeuer Christ hath done for the saluation of man pertaineth to vs our selves as well as unto others we must beleeue euery one of us that wilbe saued that the ransome which Christ hath performed is euen the ransom of our sins yea every one of vs particularly must apply it unto himselfe say I beleeue that Iesus Christ did suffer to pay the punishmēt of these my sins I beleeue that he hath purchased euerlasting life euen for me as well as for others Otherwise if we beleeue neuer so much that Christ hath suffered for the ransome of others not for us our selues it is no faith but a deuils faith such as makes us tremble before our God For alas what would it availe me if I could neuer so much beleeue that Christ had ransomed other mens sins in the mean time could not beleeue that he had ransomed my sins I beleeue indeed he hath purchased life for others his elect but alas not for me I must looke for nothing but hell what I say could all this beleefe helpe me Alas nothing but make me looke for Gods dreadfull vengeance and therefore euery houre tremble and shake So could that miserable poore caytiffe Francis Speyra acknowledge confesse when they brought out of the word of God that Christ was the Saviour of the worlde the ransome of mens sinnes that by his death he had pacified Gods wrath that hee had purchased everlasting life for vs so forth all this is true saith he I beleeue it as well as you but all this pertaineth nothing to me he hath done this saith he for his people not for me I beleeue saith he that he suffered the punishment of the sinnes of his people not for my sinnes I looke for nothing but extreme horror vvhich I do already tast of For this cause doth the worde of God set forth unto us Iesus Christ to be ours not onely other mens but our ovvne Christ is become our righteousnesse our iustification our sanctification our redemption and for this ende is the holy spirit of God sent into our hearts that we might cheerfully beleeue God to be our Father hee beareth recorde to our spirits that we are the children of God not onely others but that we our selues are the children of God And this our true faith doeth not onely let vs see Christ a farre off to appertaine vnto others but bringeth him to vs and maketh him ours euen to dwell in vs euen in our hearts not onely in others but in vs yea in our heartes The promises of God which be in generall to his people the particular faith of every one applyeth them to himselfe and maketh him say