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A71329 Here after foloweth the prymer in Englysshe sette out alonge, after the vse of Sarum. 1538; Book of hours (Salisbury). English Catholic Church. 1538 (1538) STC 16004; ESTC S105507 112,078 275

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vnryghtwysenes And of my synne make me clene and pure For to the onely by great vngodlynes I haue offended herof am I sure And put my soule in ryght harde aduenture Thy maiesty therfore I besech of thy goodnes To take clene away my synne and wyckednes 〈…〉 leasynge be it ●xpectans expectau● TIth longe awayt I loked after the lorde and he intended vnto me ●nd he herde my prayers he brought me out of the lake of mysery and from the muddy clay ●nd set my feete vpon a rocke and directe my steppes ●nd he put ī to my mouthe a newe songe a ver se vnto our god ●any shall se and shall feare and shall truste in the lorde ●lessed is the man whose hope is the name of the lorde and hath not regarded vanites false madnesses ●any meruayles haste thou done o lorde my god and thy dysposy●yons there is none that is lyke vnto the. ●haue tolde forth and spoken they are multiply●d aboue nombre ●aryfyce and offerynge thou woldest not verily thou hast made myne eares parfyte ●nd burnt offeryng for synne y u hast not req ired then sayd I lo I come ●n the begynnyng of the boke it is wrytē of me that I shall do thy wyll for so wolde I my god haue thy lawe in the myddest of myn hert 〈…〉 haue declared thy iustyce in a great congrega cyon lo I shall not holde ī my lyppes lorde thou knowest 〈…〉 haue not hydden thy ryghtuousnes ī my herte I shewe thy trueth and thy saluacyon 〈…〉 haue not keptesecrete thy mercie thy trouth from a great company ●ut y u lorde do not estraunge thy mercyes from me thy mercy thy trouth haue euer defēded me ●or myscheues innumerable haue compassed me my wyckednesses haue caught me I was not able to se them ●hey are multyplied mo then the heere 's of my heade and my herte hath fayled me ●et it be thy pleasure o lorde for to delyuer me lorde haue regarde to helpe me ●onfounded and afrayde be they that seke my lyfe for to take it away ●et them be turned backewarde and affcayde that mynde to do me harme ●et them incontynent beare away theyr confu syon that speake to me in scornfull wordes ●et all that seke the reioyse be glad of the let all that loue thy sauynge health say the lorde be magnyfyed ●veryly am a beggar and poore the lorde is myndefull of me ●hou arte my helper and protectoure o my god tary not ●orde gyue thē eternall reste and let cōtynuall lyght shyne vnto them 〈…〉 leasynge be it vnto the o lorde for to delyuer me lorde haue regarde to helpe me 〈…〉 eale my soule 〈…〉 eatus qui intelligit ●Lessed is he that consydereth the nedy and the poore in the euyll day the lorde shall delyuer hym ●he lorde shall preserue hym refresshe hym and make hym fortunate in the earth and shall not delyuer hym to his enemyes ●he lorde shall succour hym lyenge diseased in his bedde all his estate thou hast chaunged ī his infyrmyte ●sayd lorde haue mercy on me heale my soule for I haue trespassed to the. ●yne enemyes spake euyll vnto me sayēg whē shal he dye that his name may perysshe ●nd though he entred in for to se he spake vanites his hert gathered mischeyf vnto it self ●eyssued forth and spake to the same purpose ●gaynst me dyd al myne enemyes murmure agaynst me haue they ymagyned mycheyf ●hey haue deuysed an vntrue sayenge by me shal he that slepeth haue no help to ryse agayn ●or a man pretendynge peace vnto me in who me I trusted whiche hathe eaten of my breade made greate meanes to supplante me ●ut thou lorde haue mercy on me restore me and I shall requyte them ●n that they haue perceyued that thou fauourest me that my enemy shal not trysiph vpon me But for my innocency thou hast defended me hast made me sure in thy syght for euer Blessed be the lorde god of Israel worlde with out ende So be it ●orde gyue them eternall reste and let contynuall lyght shyne vnto them 〈…〉 Heale my soule lorde for I haue synned agaynst the. 〈…〉 My soule thrysted ●uēadmodū desyderat ●Uyn as the harte longeth after the fountaynes of waters so doth my soule longe after the o god ●y soule hath thrysted after god the lyuynge fountayne when shal I come and appere before the face of god ●y teares were to me day nyght ī steade of bre ade whylst it is dayly sayd vnto me wher is thy god ●hese thynges I call to mynde cast it in my thought because I shall deꝑte in to a place of meruaylous habitaciō euyn vnto y e house of god ●vhit a voyce of gladnes and confessyon lyke the sounde of one that banketteth ●vhy arte thou sorowfull my soule why doest thou trouble me ●ruste in god for I shall euer cōfesse hym that gyueth heath vnto me and is my god ●he foule within my self is troubled therfore I shall haue the in mynde in the lande of Iordā the lytle mountayne of Hermon ●epenes calleth vpon depenes with the noyse of thy watercourses ●ll thy raynes thyfloodes haue rōne ouer me ●n the day the lorde hath sent forth his mercy and in nyght his songe ●n me is prayer to the god of my lyfe I shall say vnto god thou arte my defender ●hy hast thou forgoten me why do I go also rowful whylst myn enemy doth afflycte me ●hylst my bones are brokē myne enemyes that trouble me haue cast it in my teeth ●hylst they saye to me euery daye where is thy god ●hy arte thou sorowfull my soule why troublest thou me ●ruste in god for yet I shall make knowledge to hym that he is my sauyour and my god ●orde gyue them eternall reste and let contynuall lyght shyne vnto them ●…y soule thyrsted for god thely uynge fountayne when shall I ones come and appere before the face of god 〈…〉 Lorde gyue them eternall reste 〈…〉 And let contynuall lyght shyne vn to them Our father And leade vs not But de lyuer vs. ¶ 〈…〉 ●y spyryte god wote is weykened wonders sore My tyme ī this world but very shorte vayne is And saue a poore graue get I now no more My synne is not great and yet to me remaynys Nothynge at all saue greuous bytter paynes But yet helpe me o lorde and let me by thesyt And for al myn enmyes I force not thē a whyt My lyues dayes be passed cleane away The thoughtes whiche were wont to trouble so my mynde The darke nyght haue turned in to the clere daye And after darkenes I hope yet lyght to fynde But yf I contynue thus synfull styll and blynde In contynuall darkenes my lodgynge thē I ma ke And hell for my dwellynge house nedes must I take I spake to the earthe that vyle was and rotten Sayn gthou art my father and thou my mother And to the wormes in
they lay calues vpon thyne altare ●orde gyue them eternall reste and let contynuall lyght shyne vnto them ●…y broused bones lorde shall be refresshed 〈…〉 earelorde ●e decet hymnus 〈…〉 ●Rayse becōmeth the o god ī Syō let euery pmyse be ꝑfourmed to the in hierusalē ●god heare my prayer vnto y e shall euery creature come ●he wordes of the wycked haue preuayled agaynste vs vnto our vngodlynes thou shalte be mercyfull ●lessed is he whome thou haste chosen and taken vp ne shall dwell in thy court ●e shal be satisfied with the godes of thy hous holy is thy temple and meruaylous in equite ●eare vs o god our sauyour the hope of all the costes of the earth and mayne see ●hou preparest the hylles with thy strength whiche beynge gyrded with power styrrest the depnes of the see the rorynge waters therof ●eople shal be affrayde they that dwel vpon the see coostes shall drede thy sygnes thou shalt refresshe the mornynge and euenyng fruytes ●hou haste visyted the earth and hast watered it thou hast done moche to enryche it ●he flode of god is replenysshed with waters thou hast prepared theyr fode for so is the preparacyon of it ●hou encreasynge the watercourses of it multiply est the sprynges of it with softe showres it shall englad the out sprynges ●hou shalte blesse the crowne of the yere of thy benygnyte and thy feldes shal be replenysshed with habundaunce ●he goodly places of deserte shal waxe flatte the lytell hylles shall be gyrte with gladnes ●he rammes of thy flocke are well fleced the valeys shall crease with weate ye they shal outcrye and gyue prayse ●orde gyue thē eternall reste and let cōtynuall lyght shyne vnto them 〈…〉 ●eare my prayer o lorde vnto the shal euery creature come ●…e hath receyued 〈…〉 eus deus meus 〈…〉 ●Od thou arte my god early do I watche after the. ●y soule hath longed after the my flesshe hath thyrsted very moche ●n to a countre deserte wylde and drye so baue I appered before the ī an holy place for to se thy power and thy glory ●or thy mercy is better thē lyfe my lyppes shall prayse the. ●o shal I prayse the in my lyfe and in thy name I shall lytte vp my handes ●y soule shall be satysfyed as it were with enterlarde and fatnes and my mouthe shall prayse the with lyppes full of ioye ●o haue I ben myndefull of the vpō my bed in the mornyng tymes bycause thou waste my helper I shall set my thought on the. ●nd I shall reioyse vnder the couerte of thy wynges my soule hath cleaued vnto the thy ryght hande hath susteyne me ●hey veryly haue sought my lyfe in vayne they shall go in to the lower partes of the erth they shall be put ī to the power of a swerde they shall be the parthes of foxes ●he kynge truely shall ioye in god all shal be praysed that sweare in hym for the mouthe of them that speake vngodlynes is stopped ●eus miscreatur nostri 〈…〉 GOd haue mercy vpon vs and blesse vs let hym shewe his face vnto vs and haue mercy vpon vs. ●hat thy way may be knowen in the earth and thy sauynge helth also amonge all nacyons ●et thy people make knowledge vnto god let all nacyons confesse the. ●oyfull and glad be all folke because thou rulest the people with equite ordrest nacyōs in earth ●eople knowledge the to be god let all nacyōs confesse the for the earth hathe brought forth her fruyte ●lesse vs our god and all that inhabyte the earth that al the partes therof may feare the. ●orde gyue them eternall reste and let contynuall lyght shyne vnto them 〈…〉 ●orde thy ryght hande hathe de fended me 〈…〉 rom the gates of hell ¶ 〈…〉 〈…〉 go dixi in dimidio ●Sayd in the myddes of my dayes I shall go to the gates of hell ●desyred the resydue of my yeres I sayd to my selfe I shal not se the lorde god in the lande of the lyuynge ●shall not se man any more and hym that dwelleth in reste ●y generacyon is taken from me and folden vp as the shepherdes tente ●y lyfe is cut of lyke a weauers webbe euyn when I began he cutte me downe frō mornyng vntyll the nyght thou shalt fynysshe me ●was in hope vntyll mornynge euyn as a lyon so dyd he gnawe by bones ●rō mornynge vntyll nyght thou shalte fynysshe me as a yonge swalow so shall I crye shall muse as a done ●yne eyen daseled with lokyng on hygh ●orde I am enforced answere for me what I shall say or what shall he answere me syns I haue done it ●shall reuolue all my yeres vnto the with great bytternes of herte ●orde yf they lyue thus the lyfe of my spirite be ī suche chynges thou shalt correct me quycken me lo in peace my sorowe is most bytterest ●hou surely haste delyuered my soule that it shulde not perysshe thou haste cast behynde thy backe all my synnes ●or neyther hell shall knowledge the nor death shall prayse the they that discende in to the pyt shall not trust vpon thy veryte ●e that is lyuyng the man lyuynge shal knowledge the lyke as I do nowe the father vnto the chyldren shall declare thy trueth ●aue me lorde and we shall synge our psalmes in the lorde house all the dayes of oure lyfe ●orde gyue them eternall reste and let contynuall lyght shyne vnto them 〈…〉 rom the gates of hell lorde delyuer theyr soules 〈…〉 uery spirite ●audate dn̄m dec●lis ●Rayse ye the lorde of heuyns prayse ye hym in the hygh places ●rayse ye hym all his aungelles all his powers prayse ye hym ●rayse hym sonne and moone all sterres and lyght prayse ye hym ●he hyghest of heuyns prayse ye hym and the waters that are aboue the heuyns lette them prayse the lordes name ●or by his worde all thynges were made by his commaundement al thynges were created ●e hath stablysshed them euerlastyngly in the worlde of worldes he hathe set a lawe it shall not expyre ●rayse the lorde ye dragons and all depnesses of the earth ●yre hayle snowe yse stormes of wyndes that do his commaundement ●oūtaynes and all lytle hylles woode bearynge fruyte and all ceder trees ●eastes and all maner of catell serpentes and fethered foules ●ynges of the earth all people prynces and all iudges of the earth ●ach●lers and maydens olde mē and yong let them prayse the name of the lorde for the name of hym onely hath ben exalted ●he knowledge of hym is aboue heuyn earth and he hathe exalted the horne of his people ●rayse be vnto all his sayntes to the sones of Israel to the people approchyng vnto hym ●orde gyue them eternall reste let contynuall lyght shyne vnto them ●antate dn̄o canticū ●Ynge we vnto the lorde a newe song the prayse of hym is in the congregacyon of sayntes ●et Israel reioyse in hym that made hym let the sones of
the mynde of Isodore was receyued as a tradicyō of the apostles Howbeit S. Ambrose affyrmeth that it was deryued of an olde custome had amōg the Hebrewes which vsed longe lamētacyon for the dead after theyr departynge as they dyd for Iacob the space of xl dayes and for Moyses xxx But we that are vnder the newe lawe are taught of god by the mouthe of saynt Paule his apostle not to mourne or be sory for them that be departed in the fayth of Chryst but to reioyse as in thē that rest in the slepe of peace for so is it dayly remembred in the Masse vntyll they shall be called vnto the last iudgemēt Neuerthelesse I thynke it very charytable and to procede of a good godly mynde in that we vse any worldely obse●uies about the deade or do pray for thē for sait Augustyn in his Enchiridion sayth It is not to be denyed but that the soules departed are greatly releued by prayer Uvhiche vse is very commēdable for asmoche as it hath contynued in the chrysten churche euyn frō the very infācy therof ¶ 〈…〉 〈…〉 shall please ●…exi quoniam exaudiet ●or he hathe enclyned his eare vnto me all me lyfe I shall calle vpon hym ●he sorowes of deathe haue com●assed me and the perylles of hell haue entangled me ●haue frounde moche trouble and sorowe and haue called vppon the name of the lorde ●lorde delyuer my soule for the lorde is pityfull and ryghteous and our god hath mercy ●he lord p̄serueth the lytle ones I was brought low● and he delyuered me ●urne the my soule ī to reste for the lorde hath done moche for the. ●or he hathe delyuered my soule frō death my ●yes from teares my feete from slydynge ●shal please the lorde in the countre of lyuers orde gyue thē eternall reste and let cōtynuall lyght shyne vnto them 〈…〉 shall please the lorde in the regyon of lyuers 〈…〉 Uvo is me ●d dn̄m cum tribularer 〈…〉 ●Cryed vnto the lorde when I was in trouble and he herde me ●lorde delyuer my soule frō lyenge lyppes and a deceytfull tonge ●hat may be gyuen the or what may be layde agaynst the to a deceytfull tonge ●he sharpe arowes of the myghtye with hotte sparkelynge cooles ●…o is me for my restynge place is prolonged I haue dwelled with the inhabytantes of Cedar my soule was longe in exyle ●was peasyble with them that hated peace when I spake vnto them they assaulted me causeles ●orde gyue them eternall reste let contynuall lyght shyne vnto them 〈…〉 Uvo is me for that my banysshment is prolonged 〈…〉 orde ●euauioculos meos 〈…〉 ●Lyfted vp myne eyes in to the hylles from whense helpe shall come vnto me ●y helpe commeth from the lorde that made heuyn and earth ●e shal not suffre thy foote to slyppe neyther shall he that kepeth the fall in to a slombre ●o he shall neyther fall a slepe nor slombre whiche kepeth Israel ●he lorde kepeth the the lorde is thy defence more then thy ryght hande ●he sonne shall not burne the by day nor the moone by nyght ●he lord kepeth the from all euyll the lorde kepeth euyn thy soule ●he lorde kepeth thy goynge ī and goynge out from this tyme forth and euermore ●orde gyue thē eternall reste and let cōtynuall lyght shyne vnto them 〈…〉 ●he lorde kepeth the from all euyll he kepeth euyn thy soule 〈…〉 ●f thou lorde ●e profundis 〈…〉 ●Rom the deepe places haue I called vnto the o lorde lorde heare my voyce ●et thyne eares be intentyfe to the voyce of my prayer ●f thou lorde wylte loke so straytly vpō synners o lorde who shall abyde it ●ut there is mercy with the and because of thy lawe haue I abyden the o lorde ●y soule hath abyden in his worde my soule hath trusted in the lorde From the mornyng watche vnto nyght let Israel truste in the lorde For with the lorde there is mercy and his redēpcyon is plenteous And he shall redeme Israel for all the iniquities of it Lorde gyue them eternall reste and let contynual lyght shyne vnto them 〈…〉 ●f thou lorde imputest mēs synnes vnto them lorde who shal abyde it 〈…〉 he workes ●onfitebor tibi domine 〈…〉 LOrde I shal make knowlege to the with all my herte for thou hast herde the wordes of my mouthe ●n the syght of aungels I shall synge to the I shall worshyppe the in thy holy temple and shall confesse thy name Upō thy mercy thy trouth for aboue al thyng thou hast magnifyed thy holy name Then soeuer I shall call vpon the heare me thou shalte encrease strength in my soule Let al the kynges of the earth cōfesse the o lord for they haue herde all y e wordes of thy mouthe And let them synge in the wayes of the lorde for great is the glory of the lorde For the lorde is hyghe beholdeth lowe thynges and knoweth hygh thynges a farre If I walke in the myddes of trybulacyon thou wylt reconforte me and vpon the cruelte of myn enemyes thou hast extende thy power and thy ryght hande hath made me saufe ●he lorde shall requyte for me lorde thy mercy is euerlastynge the workes of thyne handes despyce thou not ●orde gyue them eternall reste and let contynuall lyght shyne vnto them 〈…〉 ●orde despyce not the workes of thy handes 〈…〉 Fro the gates of hell 〈…〉 Lorde delyuer theyr soules 〈…〉 herde a voyce ¶ 〈…〉 ●Y soule magnifyeth the lorde ●nd my spirit hath reioysed ī god my sauyour ●or he hathe regarded the humilite of his hādmayden beholde nowe from hensforth shall all generacyons call me blessed ●or he that is myghty hathe done to me great thynges and blessed is his name ●nd his mercy is alwayes on thē that fear hym throughout all generacyons ●e hathe shewed strēgth with his arme he hath scatered them that are proude in the ymagynacyon of theyr hertes ●e hath put downe the myghtye from theyr sea tes and hath exalted them of lowe degree ●e hath fylled the hungre with good thynges and hath sent away the ryche empty ●e hath remembred mercy and hathe holpē his seruaunt Israel ●uyn as he promysed to oure fathers Abraham and to his seede for euer ●orde gyue them eternall reste let contynuall lyght shyne vnto them 〈…〉 haue herde a voyce frō heuyn sayenge Blessyd be the deade whiche dye in the lorde ●orde haue mercy on vs. ●hryste haue mercy on vs. ●orde haue mercy on vs. Our father whiche arte Hayle Mary ●auda aīa mea dn̄z 〈…〉 ●Rayse the lorde my soule I shall laude the lorde durynge my lyfe I shall syng to my god so longe as I lyue ●ruste ye not in prynces nor in the chyldren of men in whome there is no health ●y sou'e shall passe out and shall retourne ī to his countrey in that day shall all theyr cogytacyons perysshe ●lessed is the man whose helper is the god of Iacob whose hope is in our lorde god which made heuyn
Syon tryumphe in theyr kynge ●et them prayse his name with daunsyng let them synge vnto hym with tympany an harpe ●or the lorde is well pleased with his people hath exalted the lowly in to saluacyon ●ayntes shall tryumphe in glorye theyr shall make ioye in theyr chambres ●he prayses of god shall be in theyr mouthes two edged swordes in theyr handes ●o take vengeaunce amonge nacyons and correccyons amonge people ●o bynde theyr kynges in fetters and theyr nobles in manacles of yron ●or to execute on them the iudgemēt wrytten this is glorye to all his sayntes ●audate dn̄m in sanctis ●Rayse the lorde in his sayntes prayse hym in the fyrmament of his power ●rayse hym in his strength prayse hym accordynge to the almyghtynes of his maiestye ●rayse hym with the sounde of a trōpette prayse hym with harpe and lute ●rayse hym with tympany daunsynge prayse hym with rebeckes and organs ●rayse hym with clarysymballes well soūdyng prayse hym with symballes of swetnes let euery spirite prayse the lorde ●orde gyue thē eternall reste and let cōtynuall lyght shyne vnto them 〈…〉 what soeuer thynge is endued with spirite let it prayse the lorde 〈…〉 From the gates of hell 〈…〉 Lorde delyuer theyr soules ●am ¶ 〈…〉 ●Lessed be y ● lorde god of Israel for he hath visyted and redemed his people ●nd hath reysed vp an horne of saluacyō vnto vs in the house of his seruaunt Dauyd ●uyn as he ꝓmysed by the mouthes of his holy prophetes whiche were syns the worlde began ●hat we shulde be saued frō our enemyes and from the handes of all that hate vs. ●o fulfyll the mercy promysed to our fathers to remembre his holy couenaunt ●nd to ꝑfourme the othe whiche he sware vnto our father abraham that he wolde gyue vs. ●hat we beynge delyuered out of the handes of our enemyes myght serue hym without feare ●n holynes and ryghtwysnes before hym all y e dayes of our lyfe ●nd thou chylde shalte be called the prophet of the hyest for thou shalt go before the face of the lorde to prepare his wayes ●nd to gyue knowledge of saluacyon vnto his people for the remyssyon of synnes ●hrough the tender mercy of our god by the which he sprīgyng from an hye hath visyted vs. ●o gyue lyght to them that sate in darknesse in the shadowe of death and to guyde oure feete in to the way of peace ●orde gyue them eternall reste and let contynuall lyght shyne vnto them 〈…〉 am the resurreccyon and lyfe he that byleueth in me ye all though he were deade yet shall he lyue and who soeuer lyueth and byleueth ī me shall not se euerlastyng death Lorde haue mercy on vs. Chryste haue mercy on vs. Lorde haue mercy on vs. Our father And leade vs not But delyuer vs. ●xaltabo te domine ●Shal exalte the o lorde for thou hast defended me neyther hast thou suffered myne enemyes to haue theyr pleasure vpon me ●lorde my god I haue cryed vnto the thou hast healed me ●orde thou hast brought my soule out of the lowe place thou hast preserued me from thē that descende in to the pytte ●ynge vnto the lorde we that be his sayntes confesse ye the memory of his holynes ●or there is vengeaunce in his displeasure and lyfe in his pleasure ●t the euenynge waylynge shall contynue and in the mornynge gladnes ●eryly I sayd in my welthynes I shall neuer more be moued ●orde through thy good wyll thou hast lent strength vnto my beautye ●hou turnedest thy face from me and I was all astonyed ●nto the lorde shal I crye and shal pray vnto my god ●vhat profyte is there in my bloude when I shall discende in to corrupcyon ●hall dust make knowledge vnto the or shal i● publysshe thy trouth ●he lorde hath herde hath had mercy on me the lorde is made myne helper ●hou hast tourned my sorowe in to ioye thou haste cutte my sacke haste compassed me with gladnes ●o the ende that my glory myght synge to the and myght not be pryck●● o my lorde god I shall euermore confesse the. ●orde gyue them eternall reste let contynuall lyght shyne vnto them From the gates of hell Lorde delyuer theyr soules I trust to se the goodes of the lorde In the lāde of the lyuynge Lorde heare my prayer And let my clamour come vnto the. ¶ 〈…〉 ●God whiche by the mouthe of saynt Paule thyne apostle haste caught vs not to be sory for them that slepe in Chryste graunt we beseche the that in the cōmynge of thy sonne our lorde Iesu Chryste we with all other faythfull people beyng departed may be gracyously brought vnto ioyes euerlastyng which shalt come to iudge the quycke the deade the worlde by fyre ●Lmyghty eternall god to whome there is neuer any prayer made without hope of mercy be propiciable to the soule of thy seruaunt 〈◊〉 that seynge it departed from this lyfe in the confessyon of thy name thou wylte cause it to be associate to the company of thy sayntes By Chryste our lorde ●God of whose mercy there is no nōbre admyt our prayers for the soules of thy seruauntes the bysshoppes And graūte vnto them the lande of pleasure and lyght in the felawshyp of thy blessed aungels By Chryste our lorde ●Ord enclyne thyn eare vnto our prayers wherin we ryght deuoutly call vpō thy mercy that thou wylte bestowe the soules of thy seruauntes bothe mē womē whiche thou hast cōmaunded to depart from this worlde in the countre of peace and reste and further cause them to be made parteyners with thy sayntes By Chryste our lorde UE beseche the lorde that the prayer of thy supplya●tes may auayle to the soules of thy seruaūtes of eyther kynde that thou wylte bothe pourge thē of all theyr synnes cause thē to be partakers of thy redēpcyon whiche lyuest reygnest god worlde without ende So be it ¶ 〈…〉 〈…〉 ●oce mea ad dn̄m clamaui The. crli Psalme UIth my voyce vnto the lorde I haue cryed with my voyce I haue prayed to the lorde I vtter my prayer in the syght of hym and my trouble before hym I declare ●●a and that vntyl my breath fayled me thou hast knowen my wayes In the same waye that I walked the proude haue hydden a snare for me ●loked vpon my ryght hande sawe and there was none that wolde knowe me Refuge is taken frō me an there is none that requyreth my soule 〈◊〉 haue cryed vnto the o lorde I haue sayde y u arte my hope my porcyon in the lande of the lyuynge ●ntende vnto my prayer for I am brought passynge lowe ●elyuer me from them that persecute me for they are made very stronge agaynst me ●elyuer my soule out of pryson to confesse thy name the ryghtuous loke after me vntyl that thou requyte me ●He holy and indiuisible Trinyte to the humanyte of Iesu chryst crucyfyed glory infynite be gyuen of euery creature worlde
lorde shall meue the deserte Cades ●he voyce of the lorde preparyng hertes and he shal open the thycke places and ī his temple all men shall gyue glory ●he lorde maketh the great floude to inhabyt and he shall reygne kynge for euer ●he lorde shall gyue vertue vnto his people the lorde shall blesse his people in peace ●xalt abote domine qm̄ 〈…〉 ●Shall exalte the O lorde for thou haste defended me neyther hast thou suffered myn enemyes to haue theyr pleasure vpon me ●lorde my god I haue cryed vnto the thou hast healed me ●●orde thou hast brought my soule out of the lowe place thou hast preserued me from thē that descende in to the pytte ●ynge vnto the lorde ye that be his sayntes confesse ye the memory of his holynes ●or there is vengeaūce in his displeasure and lyfe in his pleasure ●t the euenynge mournynge shall contynue in the mornynge gladnesse ●erily I sayd in my welthynesse I shall neuer more be moued ●orde through thy good wyll thou hast lente strength vnto my beauty ●hou turnest thy face from me and I was al astonyed ●nto the lorde shall I crye shall make prayer vnto my god ●hat profyte is there in my bloude whē I shall descende in to corrupcyon ●hall dust make knowledge vnto the or shal it publysshe thy trouth ●he lorde hath herde hath had mercy on me and the lorde is made myne helper ●hou hast tourned my sorowe ī to ioye thou haste cutte my sacke and haste compassed me with gladnesse ●o the ende that my glory myght syng to the and myght not be pryckte o my lorde god I shall euermore confesse the. ●n te domine speraui 〈…〉 ●N the lorde haue I trusted let me not be confounded for euer delyuer me ī thy ryghtuousnesse ●nclyne thyne eare vnto me make haste to delyuer me ●e thou to me a god and a protectour a place of refuge that thou mayst make me safe ●or thou art my strength and my refuge for thy names sake thou shalte cōduyte me shalte norysshe me ●hou shalt brynge me out of the snare whiche they haue layde preuylye for me for thou arte my protectoure ●n to thy handes o lorde do I cōmende my spirite o lorde god of trueth thou hast redemed me 〈…〉 Chryst was made obedient for vs vnto death euyn vnto the death of the crosse 〈…〉 Holy mother of god pray to thy sone 〈…〉 That we may be enabled to his promyssyon 〈…〉 Greatly to be praysed is Iohan the Euangelyst 〈…〉 ●vhiche leaned on the brest of Iesu Chryste 〈…〉 ●Egarde we beseche the lord this thy housholde for the whiche our lorde Iesu chryst hath not doubted to be delyuered to the handes of euyll doers to suffre the payne of the Crosse ●orde Iesu chryst I beseche the of thy goodnes to accepte the intercessiō of the glorious virgyn Mary thy moost holy mother for vs bothe nowe and at the houre of death whose moost blessed herte the swerde of sorowe dydde pearce at the houre of thy passyon ●orde god we beseche the that the prayer of blessed saynt Iohan thy apostle and Euaungelyst may be euer auaylable to vs bothe nowe and at the houre of death to whom when thou wast dyeng on the crosse dydest commende the virgyn thy mother Uvhiche lyuest and reygnest O god worlde without ende So be it ●he gloryous passyon of our lorde Iesu Chryst delyuer vs from sorowfull heuynesse and bryng vs to the ioyes of paradyse So be it ●o the holy and indinisible Trinyte to the humanyte of Iesu Chryst crucifyed and to the gloryous virgyn Mary glory infinite be gyuen of euery creature worlde withthout ende So be it ●●hayle moost benygne Iesu full of mercy and grace Blessed be thy passyon death woundes and blyssed be the bloude of thy body Lord haue mercy on me wretched synner Moost swete lord gyue vnto me a cleane a cōtryte herte quiete pacient a bodye chaste humble obedient and stable and alwaye redy to thy seruyce Uvhich lyuest and reygnest god worlde without ende So be it Saynt hieroms psalter ¶ 〈…〉 ●yeause it is vnknowen who fyrst gathered all the verses togyteer that we call saynt Hieroms Psalter therfore of the begynnynge purpose of the seruyce I can declare nothynge for certayne for though it go forth vnder the name of saynt hierom yet is it vncertayne whether euer he were author therof or not seynge it doth not so appere by any of his workes nor by any other approued history but only ī a rubryke that is sette before it in latyn which maketh mēcyon that the angel of god shulde teache it hym with suche other prety persuasions But who soeuer were the maker therof true it is that y e redynge therof is not vnfruytfull ¶ 〈…〉 〈…〉 erba mea auribus percipe domine ●Orde perceyue my wordes with thyne eares vnderstande thou my complaynt ●my kynge my god intende to the voyce of my prayer ●good lorde reproue me not in thyne ire nor in thy tury do not chastyce me ●au● mercy on me good lorde for I am sycke hele me good lorde for al my bones ar troubled ●nd my soule is greatly troubled but o lorde how longe ●ourue the good lorde delyuer my soule make me saue for thy mercy ●oke vpon me and heare me o lorde my god ●llumyne myne eyes that I slepe not in death ●erfourme my goinges in thy patthes that my s●e●pes may not be remoued ●haue cryed out for thou hast hard me o god in clyne thyne eare to me and heare my wordes ●ake thy mercy meruaylous thou which sauest them that truste in che ●epe me good lorde lyke the balle of thyne iwe defende me vnder the shadow of thy wynges frō the face of the wycked whiche haue troubled me ●lense me good lorde from my secretes and frō straunge thynges spare thy seruaunt ●ut thou good lorde let not thy helpe be farre from me loke vnto my defence ●god delyuer my soule frō the swerde and my only soule from the hande of the dogge ●aue me frō the mouthe of the lyon and my humylyte from the hornes of vnycornes ●shall shewe thy name to my brethrene in the myddes of the congregacyon I shal prayse the. ●lorde make thy wayes knowen vnto me and teache me the pathes direct me in thy trueth ●aue mynde good lorde of thy mercyes and of thy mercyfulnes whiche haue ben frō the begynnyng of the worlde ●he offences of my youth and myn ygnoraunces do not remembre good lorde ●ccordynge to thy mercy haue remembraunce of me for thy trueth good lorde ●or thy names sake thou shalt take pyte of my synne for why it is great ●eholde my humylyte and my labour and forgyue all myne offences ●estroy not my soule o god with the wycked nor my lyfe with the bloudsheders ●orde heare my voyce with the whiche I haue cryed to the haue mercy on me and heare me ●urne not thy
face from me nor ī thy wrath do not swarue from thy seruaunt ●ood lord be thou my helper do not forsake me nor despyce me o god my healt ●good lorde set me a law in thy way and direct me in thy ryght path for feare of my enemyes ●elyuer me not at the pleasure of thē that trouble me for they haue rysen agaynst me ●o the o lorde I crye o my god be not sylent towarde me nor do y u not at anye tyme go awaye from me for then I shal be lyke to them that descende in to the lake ●good lorde heare the voyce of my prayer why le I praye to the whyle I lyft vp my handes to thy holy temple ●elyuer not me amonge the synners nor do not destroye me with them that worke iniquite O lorde make safe thy people and blysse then inherytaunce ●nd gouerne them and extoll them for euer ●n the lorde haue I trusted let me neuer be confounded in the ryghtuousnes delyuer me ●ncline to me thy ere make hast to delyuer me ●e thou to me a god a defender and in the house of refuge that thou mayst make me safe ●n to thy handes good lorde do I commende my spyryte ●elyuer me and take me frō the hādes of myne enemyes ●nlyghten thy face vpon thy seruaūt make me safe in thy mercy good lorde let me not be confounded for bycause I haue trusted in the. ●et thy mercy lorde be done vpon vs lyke as we haue trusted in the. ●shal blesse the lorde in euery tyme his prayse shall be euer in my mouthe ●y soule shal be praysed in the lorde the meke shall heare and they shal be glad ●agnifye ye the lord with me and let vs exalte his name in to it selfe ●lorde iudge thē that hurte me and ouercome them that be agaynst me ●ake vp weapons and a shelde and ryse vnto my helpe ●e not sylent o lorde nor do not departe from me and aryse and intende in to my iudgement my god and my lorde intende to my cause ●udge me good lorde and my god accordynge to my ryghtuousnes ●tretche forth good lorde thy mercy to thē that knowe the and thy ryghtuousnes to thē whiche be of good mynde ●et not the foote of pryde come to me nor let not the hande of a synner moue me ●●are myn oracyō good lorde and my prayer receyue them in thyn eares whyles I wepe ●e not sylent bycause I am but a straūger with the and a pilgrym lyke as al my forefathers ●pare me that I myght breath a lytel before I go and shall neuer be here more ●ut thou good lorde let not thy helpe be longe from me thy mercy and thy trueth haue euer defended me ●or so many myscheues haue cōpassed me that they can not be nōbred myn iniquites haue comprehended me and I had no power to se them ●hey haue ben multiplied more thē the heere 's of my head and my herte hath forsaken me ●ay it please the good lorde to delyuer me good lorde loke to my helpe ●or truely I am nedy and poore good lord take cure of me ●hou arte my helper and my defēder o my god be not s●owe ●haue sayd o lorde haue mercy vpon me heale my soule for I haue synned agaynst the. ●ryse vp lorde why doest thou slombre aryse do not repelle me to the ende ●hy turnest thou away thy face and forgettest our nedynes and our tribulacyons ●ryse vp lorde helpe vs and delyuer vs for thy names sake ●aue mercy on me o god accordyng to thy great mercy ●nd accordyng to the multitude of thy mercyes put away my wyck dnes ●nd wasshe me cl ane frō myne vniustyce and clense me from my faultes ●or I do knowe myne iniquite and my synne is euer agaynst me ●haue synned to the alonly I haue done euyll before the that thou myghtest be iustyfyed in all thy wordes and that thou mayst ouercome when thou shalte be iudged ●o surely I am cōceyued in iniquite and my mother hath conceyued me in synnes ●o truely thou hast loued trueth the vncertayne and the secrete thynges of thy wysdome thou hast magnifyed to me ●hou shalte sprynkle me good lorde with hysope and I shal be made cleane thou shalt wasshe me and I shall be made whyther then snowe ●o my hearyng thou shalte gyue ioye gladyes and the humbled bones shall sprynge for ioye ●ourne thy face awaye from my synnes and put away all myne iniquite ●god create ī me a cleane herte renue a ryght spirite in my bowelles ●ut me not away from thy face nor take not away thy holy spirite from me ●yue vnto me the gladnes of thy health and cōfyrme me with thy princypall spirite ●lorde thou shalte opē my lyppes my mouthe shall shewe thy prayse ●god make me safe in thy name and in thy vertue iudge me ●god heare my prayer and with thyne eares receyue the wordes of my mouth ●or straungers haue rysen agaynst me strōge men haue sought my soule they haue set god before theyr syght ●god heare my requeste and do not despyse my prayer intende to me and heare me ●n god I prayse the worde in the lorde I shal prayse the speche I haue trusted in god I shal not feare any thynge that man can do to me ●god ī me ben the vowes whiche I shall yelde vnto the prayse of the. ●or thou hast delyuered my soule frō death my feete frō fallynge that I may please before god in the lande of the lyuynge ●aue mercy on me good lord haue mercy on me for my soule trusteth in the. ●nd I shall truste ī the shadowe of thy wynges vntyll iniouite ouerpasse ●ake me from them that worke īiquite and saue me from bloudsheders ●or lo they haue taken my soule the stronge haue fallen vpon me ●truely haue made my prayer to the o god in tyme acceptable ●n the multitude of thy mercyes heare me ī the veryte of thy health ●elpe me out of the claye that I stycke not fast delyuer me from them that hate me and frō the depnes of waters ●et not the tēpest of water drowne me nor let not the depnes swalowe me vp nor let not the pyt open his mouthe vpon me ●●are me good lorde for thy mercy is bounteous loke vpon me accordynge to the multitude of thy mercyes ●ntende to my soule delyuer it take me away for feare of myne enemyes O god intende to my helth lorde make hast to helpe me ●or I truly am nedy poore o god helpe me O lorde be thou my helper and my delyuerer do not tary ●n the o lorde haue I trusted let me not be confounded for euer ī thy ryghtuousnes delyuer me ●nclyne thyne eare to me and heale me ●e thou to me a god and a defender and in stede of a bulwerke that thou mayst make me safe ●y god delyuer me from the handes of a synner and from the handes of a wycked mā that worketh agaynst the
earth all the partes therof feare the. ●lory be to the father to the sone and to the holy ghoste ●t it was in the begynnyge as it is nowe and euer shall be So be it 〈…〉 enedicite om●a opera domini ¶ ●Rayse ye the lorde all his workes prayse ertolle hym for euer ●e angelles prayse the lorde ye heuens prayse the lorde ●e waters al that are aboue heuen prayse the lorde all the powers of the lorde prayse ye y e lord ●he sonne the moone prayse ye the lorde starres of the fyrmament prayse ye the lorde ●he ravgne and the d●we prayse ye the lorde all the wyndes of god prayse ye the lorde ●●e● and heate magnifye ye the lorde wynter and sommer prayse ye the lorde ●oysture ye hoore frostes prayse ye the lorde frost and colde prayse ye the lorde ●se and ●●owe prayse ye the lorde nyghtes and dayes prayse ye the lorde ●yghte and darkenes prayse ye the lorde lyghtnynge and cloudes laude ye the lorde ●he earth mought prayse the lorde laude and extolle hym for euer ●ylles and mountaynes prayse ye the lorde all that spryngeth vpō the earth laude ye the lorde ●e welles and sprynges prayse the lorde sees flodes prayse ye the lorde ●hale fysshes and all that moue ī the waters prayse ye the lorde all byrdes of the ayre prayse ye the lorde ●ll beastes bothe wylde and tame prayse the lorde ye chyldren of men prayse the lorde ●et Israel prayse the lorde laude hym and ex●oll hym for euer ●epreestes of the lorde prayse the lorde ye serua untes of the lorde prayse the lorde ●espirites and soules of ryghtwysemen prayse the lorde ye holy meke in herte prayse the lorde ●nania Azaria Misael prayse ye the lorde lau de and extolle hym for euer ●lesse we the father the sone w t the holy ghost prayse we hym and serue we hym euermore ●lessed arte thou lorde in the fyrmament of heuyn thou arte prayse worthy gloryous and magnifyed worlde without ende ●audate dn̄m de celis ●Rayse ye the lorde of heuyns prayse ye hym in the hygh places ●rayse ye hym all his aungelles all his powers prayse ye hym ●rayse ye hym Sonne and moone all starres lyght prayse ye hym ●he hyghest of h●uyns prayse ye hym and the waters that are aboue the heuyns let thē prayse the lordes name ●or by his worde all thynges were made by his commaundemen ▪ all thynges were created ●e hath stablysshed them euerlastyngly and in to the worlde of worldes he hath set a lawe that shall not exspyre ●rayse the lorde ye dragons and al depnesses of the earthe ●yer hayle snowe yse stormes of wyndes that do his commaundement ●oūtaynes and all lytell hylles wodde bearyng fruyte and all Cedre trees ●eastes and all maner of Catell serpentes and fethered foules ●ynges of the earth and all people princes and all iudges of the earth ●achelers and maydens olde men and yonge let them prayse the name of the lorde for the name of hym onely is e●alted ●he knowledge of hym is aboue heuyn earth he hathe exalted the horne of his people ●aude be vnto al his sayntes to the sones of Israel to the people approchynge vnto hym ●antate domino ●Yng ye vnto the lorde a new song praysed be he in the congregacyon of sayntes ●et Israel reioyce in hym that made hym and let the sones of syon triumphe in theyr kynge ●et thew prayse his name with daunsynge let them syng vnto hym with tympany and harpe ●or the lorde is well pleased with his people hath exalted the lowly into saluacyon ●ayntes shall triūphe ī glorye they shall make ioye in theyr chambres ●he prayses of god shal be in theyr mouthes two edged swordes in theyr handes ●o do vengeaunce amongest nacyons correccyons amongest people ●…o bynde theyr kynges in fetters and theyr nobles in manacles of yron ●or to execute on them the iudgement wryten this is glory vnto all his sayntes ●audate dn̄m in sanctis 〈◊〉 ●Rayse the lorde in his sayntes prayse hym in the fyrmament of his power ●rayse hym in his strenght prayse hym accordynge to the almyghtynes of his power ●rayse hym with the sounde of a trompet prayse ye hym with harpe and lute ●rayse hym with tympany and daūsynge prayse hym with rebeckes and organs ●rayse hym with clarysymbals wel soundynge prayse hym with symbals of swetnesse let euery spyryte prayse the lorde ●lory be to the father to the sone and to the holye ghoste ●s it was in the begynnynge as it is now and euer shall be So be it 〈…〉 wonderfull exchaunge The creatour of mankynde takynge vpon hym a lyuynge body hath not disdayned to be borne of a virgyn And he beyng made man without seede of man hath commytted vnto vs his godhed 〈…〉 aria virgo semper ●Irgyn Mary reioyce alway whiche hast borne Chryste the maker of heuen erth for out of thy wombe thou hast brought forth the sauyour of the worlde Thankes be to god ¶ 〈…〉 gloriosa femina ●Gloryous floure of womanhed Aboue the starres inthronysed Thyne holy brestes haue nourysshed That lorde that the hath created ●ur health lost by Eues offence Thy godly fruyte doth recompence For vs in heuyn to haue ingredience Thou wast a wyndowe by prouydence ●hou arte the dore of the heuynly kynge And the gate of lyfe resplendysshynge Syns that a virgyn lyfe doth brynge Ye redemed people reioyce and synge ●lory to the lorde of myghtes moost That of a virgyn chaste was bore ●lory to the father and the holy ghost To them be praysyng for euermore So be it ●…od hathe her chosē all other before ●…nd causeth her to dwell with hym for euermore 〈…〉 gloryous mother of god ¶ 〈…〉 ●Lessed be the lorde god of Israel for he hath visyted and redemed his people ●nd hath raysed vp an horne of saluacyon vnto vs in the house of his seruaunt Dauid ●uyn as he promysed by the mouthe of his holy prophetes whiche were syns the worlde began ●hat we shuld be saued from our enemyes and from the handes of all that hate vs. ●o fulfyl the mercy promysed to our fathers to remembre his holy testament ●o perfourme the othe whiche he sware to our father Abraham that he wolde gyue vs. ●hat we delyuered out of the hādes of oure ene myes myght serue hym without feare ●n holynesse and ryghtwysenes before hym all the dayes of our lyfe ●nd thou chylde shalte be called the prophet of the hyeste for thou shalte go before the face of the lorde to prepare his wayes ●o gyue knowledge of saluacyon vnto his people for the remyssyon of theyr synnes ●hrough the tendre mercy of our god wherby the day spryng from an hye hath visyted vs. ●o gyue lyght to them that syt ī darkenes and in the shadowe of death and to guyde our feete in to the way of peace ●lory be to the father to the sone and to the holy ghoste ●s it