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A19422 Certaine verie worthie, godly and profitable sermons, vpon the fifth chapiter of the Songs of Solomon: preached by Bartimeus Andreas, minister of the word of God; published at the earnest and long request of sundrie well minded Christians Andrewes, Bartimaeus. 1583 (1583) STC 585; ESTC S113841 105,554 328

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may receiue the word with ioye and bring forth some kind of fruit for a season Math. 13 2● they may refourme them selues in their outwarde maners and in their speeches Finally hypocrites some of them may come to these pointes to be lightened with knowledge to tast of the heauenly gift to be partakers of the holy Ghost concerning the giftes thereof though not of the spirite of sanctification in them selues to tast of the good word of God for the time and of the powers of the world to come Thus farre may hypocrites goe which yet because they are not refourmed vnto the image of God and tast not in truth of the spirit of regeneration they are but as vanitye and shall perish as the smoke Those points I note to the end that the wicked hypocrites might not presume vppon this doctrine of comfort for the saints of God that truely begin to tast of regeneration that the godly also might bee humbled to examine their heartes that they maye bee sure that though the measure of grace in them be scant yet that it be sound and in truth in them I can not stande to set downe the Antithesies and oppositions of the qualities of the hypocrites and of the Godly to shewe in particulers wherin these things differ yet I know if time woulde serue it were profitable for the children of God Neither can I stand to shew of the other side how far the Godly may slyde and yet be recouered and the difference of the fals of the hypocrites and of the righteous and beleeuers For true it is that the saints of God though they can not vtterly fal away from God or from grace as we haue already prooued Yet some of them some times fal very far yea and that not only before their calling but also after they haue truely tasted of grace If I should recken vp the fal of Noah after the flood the fall of Lot the fall of Dauid Solomon Peter which fel into grosse sinnes after their calling For as for the example of Paule Magdalen Mathew Zacheus who were notoryous sinners afore their calling and were truly conuerted these examples stand not so fitly to this point which I speake of but the other sinning after their calling for these after sinnes be they that wound some of the saints of God so déepely if I say I should mention the example of them sinning after their calling no man must be so bolde to presume to extenuate their sinnes by them or boulster their fals by their slydings as the hypocrites doe against whome the wrath of God shall smoke But the children of God they may sée somwhat hereby how farre some of the Godly slide sometime and are recouered But these sinned not vpon presumptiō but of infirmitie So that the corruption of nature preuailing Gods spirit was buried as it were for the time But if men by their slidinges are not warned to stande the surer after hauing their heartes more kindled with the hatred of sinne and are not made more watchfull ouer their infirmities praying more against them purposing againste them fasting and mourning for them so as they gather the more strength thereby to withstande the stronglier after then let them beware least their estate indéede be most daungerous and miserable but thus much in a word of this thing for I mencion these circumstances because of the certeintie which the saints of God haue in this life that none might deceiue them selues vnder a coulour of hope vnles they féele the true work of sanctification in them though but begun not yet perfited which cānot be til the comming of Iesus Christ Let vs all therefore labour my déere brethren to increase in all true holynes sanctimony after the reuealed wil of God that wee may resemble the Image of our heauenly father prsented vnto vs in a manifest pattern euen in Christ That by the worde we may growe to more perfection dayly praying for the graces of Gods spirite to be encreased in vs that ouerstriding al lets and incumbrances which might fetter or insnarle vs tasting of all former vanities filthy lusts the loue of this world selfe loue pride vainglory hypocrisie feare of daungers not hauing our eies fixed on the hate of the world to bee so tied to our owne credite estimation commodities profites or eaze as wee should feare any hatred of the wicked scornfulnesse and reproches of the vngodly or be loth to vndergo any shame for the supporting of Gods glory that all these being set apart of vs we may cheerfully with the spouse euen when others set against vs and forsake vs presse foorth to the discouering of oure zeale seruing God in shame and honor in good reporte and ill reporte in peace and trouble yea in life and in death alwayes preferring the Lordes cause and his glory which shoulde bee more precious in our eies then a thousand worlds or our own life it self yea let vs labour to drawe on others to followe Christ with vs that the Lord may ceaze vpon our hearts taking them vp into his seruice That so we glorifying God in our calling both generall and particular furthering others also wee may ioyfully behold the fruits of our obedience and profession that we may with the spouse conclude affirmatiuely confidently and boldly in full assurance by the testimony of Gos spirit that we are Christs and Christ is ours affiancing our selues vnto him so that nothing may seperate vs from the loue of God which is in Iesus Christ our Lord but that we shall take possession with him of his glory in the heauens which grace God graunt to euery one of vs and to all his people for Iesus Christ his sake To whome with the father and the holy ghost be al glory honor praise and dominion for euer and euer Amen Let vs pray c.
affect me so as I am forced to listen but yet as a far off as one in a dreame or drouzie hauing mine eyes heauy but my faith is not vtterly extinguished for that my heart is pricked and mooued at him but I am so fettred with the things of this life and my corrupt nature lingereth about these earthly vanities so that I am as in a sléepe and slumber when my loue speaketh For the spouse complayneth of her vntowardnes finding fault with her selfe and accusing her selfe of her flacknes Solomon therfore here in the person of the spouse discouereth the estate of the faithful noting how hardly they are throughly brought on vnto Christe and how long it is or euer we yéelde to his suite so as he hath much a do to get any aduauntage at our heartes they are so inuironed with the loue of the thinges of this life For the worlde holdeth her owne in vs so long as it can and we naturally wedded therevnto securely sléeping in the inticing deceiuable pleasures therof do suffer the vanities of this life to seke too too deeply into our bowels for horor promotions dignities titles credite riches possessions and the company of those that we haue pleasured in before our calling doe make sore assaults vpon men that the lord cannot easily vndermind them a long tyme. And what is the reason that men sleepe in these earthly pleasures and profites euen then when their heartes are by many priuie motions of the spirite affectioned or moued towards Christ after a sort Or why are men so hindred from yeelding wholy vnto christ by these transitory things For sooth because Sathan abuseth the lawfull thinges of this life to poyson man withall For vnder the title of lawfulnes sathan beguileth and bewitcheth the heartes of men to breake foorth into al intemperate vse of profites and pleasures as thus to eate drinke to bye sell to exchaunge to labour in a trade to marry to prouide necessaries of this life to be in honor to be rich to vse profits and pleasures to weare apparell and such like are thinges in themselues lawful now sathan inueigleeh men closely rounding them in the eare perswadeth them that sith they are lawful men may vse them at their pleasure and satisfy their destres in thē to the full thus he stealeth the greatest part of mens heartes to the world crouding vp the Lord but in a corner of their heartes yea thrusteth him altogeather out sometimes taking their pennyworthos of the worlde but letting the Lorde and his kingdome fal to the ground Howbeit Christe teacheth vs to take another course Math. 6.33 First to seeke the kingdome of God and the righteousnesse thereof and then all other things shall be cast vnto vs. Also Paul teacheth vs to vse these thinges as though we vsed them not hauing our affections remoued and freed from them least they become incombrances to fetter and cloy vs that we fayle in heauenly duties Lo then how the saints of God also are many times holden a loufe from following of Christ and listening to the voyce of his worde euen then when their heartes linger after him Thus haue they lets in them selues and vntowardnes to keep them from a choerful following of Christ But we must valiantly striue against these lets and ouerstryde al stumbling blocks to hasten towards him whom we loue For we shal be sure to be holden backe ynough yea euen our selues finde delaies to driue off the time in following our God calling vs. For the pleasures and profites of this life do so ceaze vppon our affections to take them vp into the seruice of the world sathan and sinne that we haue smal lust to serue God as is required Any of all the saintes of God can easely testifie with me that euen when Christ hath by the preaching of his worde somewhat drawne our heartes towardes him yet we make stay at euery smal let vnlesse we are marueilous watchful ouer our selues For how hath the Lorde made suite to vs and presented it to our heartes by many priuy motions of his spirite which we quench againe sometimes hauing our heartes possessed againe with filthy lusts We make many beginninges and commings on But alas if sathan make neuer so little suit to vs in the behalfe of our own lustes pleasures or profits how soone are we a sleepe at Christes suit but marueilous waking vnto the suit of Sathan though sometime the heart goeth against it Some are loath to be weaned from their vaine companie when they haue yet some lingring in their hearts after Christe Some haue much a doe to renounce speciall sinnes that haue deepely rooted and strongly ruled in their nature afore their calling Othersome loath to yeelde vp their pleasures gaminges profites riches estimation honor promotions c. I meane not that they shoulde vtterly cast off their honor or calling but renounce the ouermuch loue of thē which holdeth them frō following of God sincerely or furthering of religiō carefully Othersome are holden a sléep in the cares of this life some ouercharged with the troubles of a family and crosse thinges in their housholde become drowzie and slacke to listen vnto Christe so as many step backe againe If God cal some ruffian or famous wicked man or one that hath beene a companion of vaine persons then this commeth into his head if I take this course and follow the hearing of his word and keepe company with the Godly sure the worlde wil point me out I shall be laughed at of my companions and so shall become a signe to nod the head at amongst men Thus shame disputeth with many men when God beginneth to turne their heartes and to worke in them a disliking of their former life so as men aunsweare their inward calling but as men in a sleepe and halfe amazed til God worke further in them Also when God beginneth to frame the heart of some honorable or worshipful man to the obedience of his Gospel to here it and preferre the preaching of it then these replies are made of the worlde which hold them in a slumber for the time Syr say they you shall loose your estimation in the court and among the great men you shall not be so regarded as you haue beene such grauitie and melancholike passions of sadnes as the Gospell bringeth beseemeth not your honorable and worshipful estate These are the engines of sathan yea these are his charmes wherby he laboureth to lull euen the Godly a sleepe that they might not cheerfully waight vppon their calling But the saints of God though in their beginninges these thinges may somewhat weigh with them for a time yet certainely if their heartes doe truely lye after Christe they striue exceedingly with them selues by prayer vnto God till they haue gotten the mastery in these things My selfe most miserable and wretched man that I am haue had good experience of the daungerous pulbackes and lets which lye hid in our nature to lull men a
drunkerds raylers proud persons Swearers or any suche like to come vnto Christe till their corrupt nature bee caste off and their affections washed sanctified and reformed Yea and this not for a time but wee must vowe it for euer For it is impossible that they which haue tasted of the heauenly gift and were made partakers of the holy ghost hauing tasted of the good worde of God and of the powers of the world to come if they fall away should be renued againe by repentance Heb. 6.4 If the righteous scarcely bee saued 1. Pet. 4.18 where shal the vngodly and the sinner appeare Wo be then to the swinish and brutish generation the wallow stil in the myre of their own affections and wil not come out from the world vncleane things These shal howle with pitifull shrikes and shril voices when they shall bee shut out from the bridegrome Christe Iesus in his comming Then shal they lament their whoredoms gluttonies pride contempt their railings vnbeleefe and al their vnhappy wayes but too late Let vs therefore deare brethren craue Gods spirite to wash our affections and cleanse our hearts that we drasse them not in the dirt of sinne any more least our latter end be worse then our beginning But albeit this be the more receiued interpretation which I haue nowe longest stayed in namely that sith she is cleansed shee wil not defile her selfe againe Yet mee thinkes it is to be taken of the excuses which the Spouse made shewing that shee had muche a doe to renonunce her pleasures and complaineth that she is vntoward to obey her calling hauing many lets as if a man being in bed is loath to rise and diseaze himself in the night so the Spouse though desirous to arise to Christe yet her pleasures stick some what in her stomacke and she findeth many delais in her nature debateth the matter before shee can cheerefully rise vp to follow the call of Christ Iesus The reasons that mooue me to this sence are these cheefly 1. because it is an answere to the former suite of Christe desiring to be opened vnto as one knocking in the night she aunswereth she hath put of her coate and is at rest hauing washed her féete as the manner of that country was so as she was loath to rise and ray her feete discouering her vntowardnesse Now if she shold answere when Christ calleth that she is clensed and sanctified how shold she be vncleansed again and sanctified when Christ calleth to sanctification it were a weake aunswere to the request of Christ 2. The metaphor of sleep and of the night and al circumstances in a word aford this sense as moste naturall and proper to this place So then the vse of it is to teach vs howe harde beginninges wee haue in our calling howe slowly wee come forward and how many delayes our corrupt nature findeth to shift of al true obedience to Christe Iesus For we must know that our condition and estate is figured vnto vs in the person of the spouse Therefore purposely Solomon sheweth how we hang of on with Christe til the Lord hath throuhlye humbled vs and weaned vs from our selues which is a doctrin most necessary and comfortable that we maye be stirred vp to shake of all drowsines and loytering For we see how hardly we obey our calling and listen to the word of God but we aunswere a farre off and hould our selues aloofe As Samuel 1. Sam. 3.5 which ranne to Hell often before he tooke a straight course to the Lorde For we thinke that the Lorde calleth vs not because he speaketh by men so childish or babish are we in our beginnings which are poore And we scant perceiue who calleth vs. Faine wee wold follow God and come to heauen but we are loath to foyle our féete to step the way that leadeth thither Our pleasurs whispereth vs in the one ear and our profits round vs in the other the corruption of our nature the cleaueth so fast on custom of sin presseth vs so sore downe that wee can not looke vp to the heauenly calling but are inueigled carried away alas almoste at euery motion but we must bid al farwell to followe Christe Gen. 19.16 Lot lingred behinde and loytered in his departure from Sodom Ieremiah had excuses Iere. 1.6 Ionah 1.3 Ionas fled from the presence of God because of the charge inioined him Luk. 9.59.61 Peter was loath to follow a while and kept aloofe Luk. 9.59.61 The disciples made delaies one would bury his father first then hee woulde wayte on Christ Another would néeds bid his freends farwell first Thus we see how our nature is very slowe and vntoward to followe the Lorde shifting of so long as we can and we will set times our selues to wayte on him Thus we set the Lord his stent and he must daunce attendance vpon our leasure Gen. 12.4 Math. 9.9 Luk. 19.6.8 Mat. 4.28.22 Iohn 3.2 Iohn 19.38 Some are more suddenly called and obey as Abraham Mathewe Zacheus the two brethren Magdalen others Other som are longer comming on as Nicodemus Ioseph of Aramathia and others the one by night came to Christ the other secretly at the first And though the spouse here confesseth her slacknes and how she was hindered from following of Christ as she destred through her owne corruptions and worldly affections Yet after she recouereth her zeale and groweth more earnest in seeking after Christe euen then when other would haue discouraged her As verse 8. So that faith standeth not at a stay in the saintes but increaseth by degrees as we see in Nicodemus and Ioseph For Nicodemus Iohn 7.50 spake boldly in Christes cause before the Pharisyes though he receiued a checke Mar. 15.43 and both he and Ioseph Iohn 19.38.39 expressed their zeale after in a costly and honorable buriall of Christ Iesus euen then when greatest daunger was Peter also is charged after his denial that when hée is conuerted he shoulde strengthen his brethren So that we must not cocker and flatter our selues in our poore beginninges as though God required no more then we can do or to beginne and stande at a stay but we must increase in faith knowledge zeal and loue vnfained towards our brethren also in care to further others especially those of our charges and families We sée then that it is a harde thing to follow Christ it must cost vs our pleasures and profites yea euen our selues wholy Therfore Psa 45.10 The Spouse of Solomon which is a figure of the Church is taught that she can not be fit for doctrine and instruction and for her husband til she had forgot her own people and her fathers house so casting off all carnall affections to obey Christ onely Now this we do maruailously vnwillingly til the Lorde put vs forward And in déed God measureth his graces by degrees to his saintes partly to discouer our owne miseries wants vntowardnes and
our estate in our selues howe wee are short of all duties vnfitte to serue our God in al true obedience finding many treasons and rebellions in our selues being ignorant in his truth also when we profite not by the word by praier neyther preuayle as we would agaynst our imperfections infirmities and corruptions then we doubt of the Lordes loue towards vs suspecting of his work in vs fearing least al our former profession be in vain and can see nothing that should giue vs comfort of the fauour of God towardes vs. Thus we suppose the loue of God and his fauour to be inconstant measuring them by our infirme and weake faith or by the scant measure of our obedience But what shoulde such a one doubt of the grace of God who seeing his wants loathing his sinnes stryuing against them louing the word vnfaynedly desiring to haue a heart to pray without hypocrisie labouring for a new life beeing angry with him selfe for sinne and that he can no more profite by the worde in knowledge true zeale humility loue patience and desiring hartely that he may neuer start from the obedience of God and his word Can it be that when the Lorde loued vs before we were ye when we were his enemies before our calling of his free mercye that he wil now loath vs leaue and forsake vs vtterly when he hath begun his owne worke in vs Could he loue vs when we were in our sinnes without remorse of conscience and can he now hate vs when we indeuour to leaue our sinnes and are vexed that we can no more grow in godlinesse and obedience Could he loue vs when we were voyde of his grace and vnsanctified and can hee abhorre vs when hee hath begun sanctification in vs by his worde and spirite shall wee measure the loue of God by our infyrmities or shall wee thinke that his loue lasteth no longer then wee stande in full obedience In deede wee must continue grounded in the trueth and Paule after the mention of the constant estate of the faythfull prayeth still for the increase of grace because wee can not bee perfecte in this earth But God who beginneth and calleth vs is faythfull The. 5.24 Thes 3.3 which will also doe it yea hee is faythfull whiche will stablishe vs and keepe vs from euill Furthermore what moued the Lord to beginne any beginning of grace in vs did not his owne free mercie and loue and the same cause also mooueth the Lorde to continue and holde out his mercies begunne to his saintes vnto the ende So Gen. 18. Gen. 18.18 God reasoneth and taketh occasion from his owne mercies to bee still mercifull vnto Abraham So that God doth not measure his mercy by our faith or obedience but by his owne loue and nature that as his loue is eternall so his mercyes haue no ende Oh d●uinity vnspeakable Oh infinite loue Oh gracious mercye Oh the wonderfull goodnesse constancye truth and faithfulnesse of so louing and kynde a God towardes vs poore miserable vyle wretches and crauling Wormes But as for the contemners of grace and they which herevpon shal presume of their good estate without good testimonye of the Lordes worke in them not louing his worde not hearing nor obeying the same nor beeing carefull to mortifie seuerall sinnes in them not caring but neglecting to refourme them selues and their familyes by the worde nor exercising Prayer a necessarye fruite of faith c. Let suche bee assured that the Lorde hath not begunne his woorke in them yet nor made them priuye to his eternall and free loue But they are voyde of the earnest peny of the spirite of God and in danger to be damned from the presence of God For he shall come in flaming fire ● The. 1.8.9 rendring vengeaunce to them that know not God nor obey vnto the Gospel of our Lord Iesus Christ which shal be punished with euerlasting perdition from the presence of the Lord and the glory of his power This might make the contemners and neglecters of the word to tremble if their heartes were not closed vp to destruction Therefore if we want the effectes a fore say e or haue them but in a shew or in hip●●●●sie let vs feare for the hypocrites may goe very far so as in outward apperaunce there appeareth no difference betwéen them and the children of God Let vs then beware that our harts deceiue vs not For hypocrites may confesse their sinnes and that to the seruants of God may also craue forgiuenesse desiring the prayers of the Godly but more for the escaping of the punishment of sin Exo. 10.16.17 Acts. 8.24 then the hatred of the sinne it felfe as Pharao did and Simon Magus Hypocrites may seeme to haue a great tast and ioy in the happy estate of the righteous and a desire to haue part of their felicity as Balaam Num. 23. ● 24.4.5 excelling in some gifts of knowledge yea they are forced to blesse and fauour the righteous but al this as men in a traunce 1. Kin. 21.2 27. They may repent after a sorte with Achab who yet was solde to do wickedly and as Iudas who hung himselfe For the repentance of hypocrites is not ioyned with a hatred of their sinne nor a desire of change and amendment neither yet with the hope of Gods fauour but either they are ouercharged altogether with the horror of the punishment of sinne but not of the sinne it selfe and so dispayre or else they harden their heartes agayne in their sinnes and so purpose not vnfeyned amendment of life therefore though they seeme to rerepent often yet are neuer the better But the godly as they tremble shook at the horror of the punishment of sinne so they also hate sinne it selfe desiring and longing for a new change in them selues and a through amendment panting thirsting breathing and vnfaynedly longing to taste more and more of the fauour of God Furthermore hypocrites maye striue for the defence of religion inferre scriptures for their purpose may finde fault with the ignorant and dumbe ministery maye boast them selues to be of God as Abilah did Chr. 13.4 vers 9.10 Yea they may be hot against papistry and idolatry and yet faint from the true faith in God and bee hurtfull and mercilesse towardes the saintes of God as As● the king was Chr 15 9.6 16.10.2 Yea hypocrites may after a sort reuerence the ministers of God and doe good thinges whilest the preachers are with them furthering religion and countenancing after a sort good things for the time ● Chro. 24. ● 6 Mark 6.20 as Ioash did in the dayes of Iehoiada the priest And as Herod in the dayes of Iohn the Baptist And yet in the ende turne againe to idolatry and slea those that rebuke them as Ioash did 2. Chr. 24.21 Hipocrites may assemble with the saints of God to holy exercises and frequent the same as Achitophell did with Dauid Psa 55.13.14 They
as they can not discrye the brightnesse thereof at times when they couet moste to feele it Yea when they groane in the secretes of their heartes for it vnto God calling after him by Prayer beeing Sutors for it a long time betweene hope and dispayre not feelinge the comforte of his fauoure but suspecting rather vvhen yet they are in best state yea in best assuraunce of his grace though they feele it not for the time Sith they retayne a true heartye and vnfeyned desire to taste of that fauoure which for the time they can not feele For t●at desire after his fauoure vvith a loathing of oure selues for sinne is an infallible argument of the interest which the Spirite of God hath in the beleeuers Especially when that desire inforceth them to vse the meanes wherebye God offereth himselfe vnto vs. Namely to heare the word preached vvhere God is residente vvith his perver and to praye often and heartilye Math. 18. ●0 for to suche God promiseth him se fe to bee presente Thus it pleaseth the Lorde to exercise his Sayntes by holding aloofe from them sometime that they mighte bee made priuye to their ovvne infirmityes and mighte see the lettes that lye hidde in them selues which hinder them and so laboure to shunne them VVhich things the second Sermon cheefly doth handle The thirde Sermon spendeth it selfe partly in laying foorth the lette 2. Le ts abroa●e in others vvhich the faythfull finde abroade in others vvhereby sathan seeketh to discourage them by the reproche of the vvicked by the contempte of the vvorlde and enuye of the malicious and spightfull aduersaries VVhich albeit they shrewdly dismay the Saintes of God for a time yet in the end they shal see by the example of the spouse how to ouerstride all stumbling blocks For God causeth the fayth of his children to breake out so much the more how much the more it is impugned A second circumstance of the maner of the comming on of the fa●thful is also ther noted namely how they recouer their zeal and stir vp themselues to a more diligent inquiring after Christ whē they see what lets ther are in themselues in other 2. The recouering of the zeal of the faythfull notwithstanding lets which would defeat them of the benefit of Christe Iesus their eternall louer VVherby they break out into a famous descr●ption of Christ Iesus alluring others thereby to h ue part with them in him And in the fourth sermon is set down the great fruit and Senesit that commeth to the church faithfull by the mutuall profession conference and commending of the graces of God one to another How other by that meanes are dravvne on to the Lorde Zac. 8.22.23 as vvas prophesied of the Churche of the Gentiles that they shoulde flocke to the Iewes and associate themselues to the Church when they shoulde here that God was with them The fifth and last sermon sheweth the conclusion of the whole hovve the church spouse of Christ Iesus namely the true beleeuers doth assure her selfe of the loue of Christe tovvardes her 3. The conclusion of the match 1. The vnity between Christ the faithful when thee feeleth the Testimonies of his residence in her in which conclusion is matter of moste singuler comfort First the vnity wherby Christ and the faythfull become one so as they can neuer be seuered is comfortably I hope though plainly handled where the godly may see how to be assured that they are one with Christ euen in this life so cōsequētly after a sort one with God himself that the faithful cānnot be cut of or vtterly seuered frō him so long as God himself Christ remaineth Secondly the certainty of perseuerance 2. The certainty of the saluation of the beleeuers and their perseuerance of the saluatiō of the saints of God wherby they may in som measure assure thēselues of their saluation euen in this life is at large proued against the assertiō of the Papistes against al the replies that our nature maketh to des●a●●●s of the comfort of that assurance VVh●ch last sermon let me desire thee to read good christian with the spirit of sobernes and iudgement VVhich I haue only written for the comfort of the afflicted conscience Yet so that the enemies of grace the Libertines I hope shal haue smal aduauntage therby to so●th them selues in their loose Libertye but rather matter to humble them selues yea euen to condemne themselues if God smyte them with the Spirite of iudgement Thus haue I breefly giuen thee a taste christian reader of the pryncipal matters handled in larger circumstances in this litle volume perswading my selfe both of thy diligence in perusing them to the end and of thy accepting in good worth and fauourable construing of this worke as also of thy moderation equity of mind in casting away all sinister affections in reading thereof fith I commit my selfe to the iudgement of those that are neyther ignorant nor malitious And now to conclude commending thee vnto God and to the worde of his grace which is able to build further and to giue thee an inheritance among all them that are sanctified I humbly beseech the Lorde our God euen the God of peace that hee will make thee perfect in all good works to do his will working in thee that which is pleasant in his sight through Iesus Christe To whome be prayse for euer and euer Amen Thine in the Lorde B. Andrewes Certaine very worthy Godly and profitable Sermons vpon the songs of Solomon FOR somuch as right dearely beloued in the Lorde Iesus Christ by the prouidence of God I am come among you at this time where I am likely to stay a few dayes I thought good as my maner is to spend the time in bestowing on you some portion of such Talentes as the Lorde in some measure hath enriched me with all My purpose is therfore the Lord ayding me with his holy spirite in this so holy and weighty a worke as the preaching of his sacred worde is to handle vnto you for some good considerations the fifth Chapter of the excellent songs of Solomon with the two firste verses of the sixth Chapter as it is read in the common translation but I reade them with the fifth chapter for the causes that shall be alleaged when I come to the handling of them the Chapter followeth to this effect Canticles 5. 1 I Am come into my garden my Sister my spouse I gathered my myrrhe with my spice I ate mine honye combe with mine bony I dranke my wine with my milke eate O friendes drinke and make you mery O welbeloued 2 I sleep but mine heart waketh it is the voyce of my welbeloued that knocketh saying Open vnto mee my sister my loue my doue my vndefiled for mine head is full of dewe and my locks with the droppes of the night 3 I haue put of my coate how shall I put it on I haue
as hee is pure These spéeches attribute not to man any thing of him selfe For albeit God requireth vs to open to come to him to purge our selues and to heare c. yet all these are borrowed from the lord who worketh them in his saints by his spirite and God requireth obedience at our handes Iohn 6.44 Christ saith no man cōmeth vnto me vnles my heuenly father draweth him Also the means of our purging is in the word for Ioh. 15.3 Christ affirmeth that his Disciples were cleane by his worde Yea God worketh both the will and the déed of his owne good pleasure Phil. 2.13 Notwithstanding here arise disputations in the fleshe Either we wil challenge too much to our selues or els wilfully set against the Lordes grace offered and so cease doing wel saying if I be chosen then whatsoeuer I do I shal be saued if I be a reprobate then what soeuer good I do I shal perishe Thus men murmure againste God and woulde bring him to account of his owne workes sitting like proud men in the seate of the Lordes iudgement arreigning him as though they would compel God to hold vp his hand at the barre O intollerable pride Oh damnable blasphemy If thou art chosen then shalt thou in time feele of the fruite of thy election in Christ by holinesse and sanctimonie For therfore hath God elected his that in time they may be called to be saintes Rom. 1.7 1. Cor. 1.2 Yea he hath chosen vs before the foundation of the world that we shuld be holy and without blame before him Ephes 1.4 So then this is the euidence of our election and so of our saluation if we labour for holinesse and a new life For so God sanctifieth his vnto a new life and refourmeth them to haue their hearts open that so being renued they open vnto Christ So that it followeth not that if thou art elect what soeuer thou dost thou shalt be saued But if thou art elect then God calleth thée in time vnto sanctification to renounce sin and thine owne lusts and so causeth thee to make sure thy election by good fruits as are mentioned Col. 3.12 As the elect of God holy and beloued put on tender mercy kindnes humblenes meekenes c. with al the furniture of the new man And read I pray you the first Chapter of the second Epistle of Peter verses So then who soeuer is in Christ must become a new creature 2. Cor. 5.17 And who so euer neuer tasteth of true mortification holinesse and newnes of life forsaking sin and vngodlines can neuer haue euidence of saluation but remaine still in damnation and the wrath of God abideth vpon him And as for the other obiection where they say that if they be reprobates c. what so euer good they do yet they shal be damned This followeth not neither so as they take it For although the purpose of God in the reprobate can not be altered yet they must know that the cause of their destruction is of them selues who beeing left of God to them selues in the matter of their condemnation do perish of them selues and wilfully despise the sacred meanes of life hardning their heartes and shutting them vp againste Christe by that malice which is resident in their own nature Then how soeuer man murmureth against God calling them to obedience as thogh God required some vnlawful or vnresonable thing at their handes Yet let them know that howsoeuer the wicked perish in their contempt not shewing the fruits of election so shut vp the gate against christ it is the iust iudgement of God On the other side the children of God being sanctified and their harts renued by his spirit they opē vnto Christ For the regenerate as god worketh in them by his spirit wherby the praise of their regeneration belongeth vnto God so their actions are both actiue passiue Actiue in the God hauing reformed altered their wils nature by his second creation they will good things desiring the lords wil to be accōplished in them And passiue in that though they are reformed yet by the reason of the remnāts of sin which remaine in the saints not fully purged they still haue néed of the lords aide to go through in their calling As Paule doth insinuate whē praying that God wold make thē worthy of their calling 2. The. 1.11 fulfil the good pleasure of his goodnesse and the worke of faith with power He sheweth that the Godly must stil be continued and holden vp of God to the ende But they neglect not the hearing of the worde prayer and all the soueraigne meanes of their saluation For they know that as God worketh all in all so he hath appointed ordinary meanes to cause his graces to be effectual in his saints as the preaching of his word 1. Cor. 1. the vse of the Sacraments and prayer c. And sure it is who soeuer is in the way of life delighteth in these meanes But he that contemneth or neglecteth these meanes neglecteth his owne saluation hauing no true taste of Christ and so open not vnto him in so much as the doore of vtterance is closed vp in them their heartes not beeing opened by the keyes of the worde which beeing committed to Peter and the Apostles haue successiuely beene deliuered to the ministers of the word In deed the Lord must first open our heartes booring through our ears as Dauid speaketh by his spirite yet this hindreth not but that the worde openeth them also by preaching conueying as it were the spirite into the hearts of the faithful and therfore is called the ministry of the spirite 2. Cor. 3.8 I will not stand to confute the Maniches nor the Minium spirituales which deuide the spirite from the worde when the worke togeather in the faithfull neither wil I trifle with the Scholiastes and Papistes affirming that freewil though it be holpen by grace Yet is it in vs to deserue righteousnes c. they may easely be confuted by the former places alleaged I need not delay time to frame any seuerall conclusions against them in any Syllogistical forme I conclude therefore generally that they which open vnto Christ doe open by the grace of God clensing and preparing their hearts thervnto through his worde and so as a fruitful cause bringeth foorth necessary effectes of faith obedience And they which do not open being left in their own sins by the iust iudgement of God through their owne fault open not and not through any defect or fault in God or in the meanes whereby hee offereth grace but they refuse it Let vs therefore craue that God would vouchsafe to opē our eies that we sleep not in death Also to open our eares hearts minds and souls and forbeare them by his spirite that his worde may enter and Christ may haue place in vs that we may open vnto him at his suite and request and so we may heartely byd him
welcome See then I pray you this suite and calling of Christe desiring vs to open vnto him and to giue him entertainement in our heartes which friendly offer of his to vouchsafe to abase him selfe to dwell in our sinneful bodyes and soules should me thinkes greatly mooue vs sith it is not for his owne benefite but for our eternall good But let vs now go on to consider the other two reasons which are set downe after his suite For the calling of Christe or his suite to his Church is interplaced betweene the foure reasons which I noted before The 3. reason My sister my loue my Doue my vndefiled These titles and all those before named as Spouse Friendes beloued c. they include in them selues a nother reason to mooue the Spouse with all drawne from the loue of Christe in making choyce of the faithfull to bee as his Wyfe and Spouse As if he shoulde saie sith I haue vouchsafed to cast my loue vpon you and to choose you for my Wyfe and haue reckoned of you as of my dearest friendes hauing sanctified you to my selfe thinke it not much to graunt me this curtisie againe to open vnto me and entertaine my person submitting your selues to my good will and pleasure which can not but wishe your good and welfare euen as myne owne This is the reason why hee vseth suche titles of loue to bewray what good will hee beareth to the faythful and therefore adorneth thē with these Epithets The title of Sister noteth the spiritual kindred which we haue with Christ as him selfe calleth the beléeuers which do the wil of his heauenly father Mat. 12.50 His mother sister brother This shoulde be a maruailous meane to mooue vs to loue him againe sith he vouchsafeth such friendly and familiar names to vs which are of our selues meere harlots and of kin to Sathan But they are all borrowed titles of Christ and special prerogatiues to the faithful Especially this that he intiteleth vs his Spouse and Loue as also Iohn calleth the Church the Bryde Ioh. 3.29 Also Paule Ephes 5.28.32 calleth the Church the wife and spouse of Christ The title of Doue as it is a word of loue so it doth not vnfitly note vnto vs the innocencye simplicity comelines and chastity which should be in the saints As we find also that the Gentiles which should flock to the Church vnder the Gospel Esay 60.8 are compared to Doues which flocke to their windowes Christ also teacheth his Disciples to be innocent as Doues The title of Friendes and beloued is the same which he gaue to his Disciples to be his friendes for so by imputation hee accounteth vs which before were his enemies Rom. 5.10 Col. 1.21 My vndefiled or perfect one This title is wholy borrowed from Christ as the other in whom we that are filthy and loathsome in our selues are yet in him purged from all vnclennes as Ephe. 5.26.27 He hath sanctified cleansed his Church by the washing of water through the worde that he might make it vnto him selfe a glorious Church not hauing spotte or wrinckle but that it should be holy and without blame Thus he amiably inticeth and allureth vs to tast of his spirituall graces which he hath brought from heauen indignifiing vs with honorable and gratious titles in Christe not that we are such of our selues but Christ by imputation applieth that vnto vs which is not ours but his owne proper imputeth that vnto him selfe for our cause which is not his owne but ours namely sin so that by imputation Christe was counted and made sinn for vs that we might be made the righteousnes of God in him 2. Cor. 5.21 Yea in the similitude of sinful fleshe and for sin he hath condemned sin in the fleshe that the righteousnes of the law might be fulfilled in vs which walke not after the flesh but after the spirite Rom. 8.3.4 So then Christe hath giuen sinne the foyl and bounde Sathan to the good abearing that there is no condemnation to those which are in Christe Iesus but they stand as pure holy and vndefiled in Christ Iesus before God his father which before were most vile and filthy in themselues This is the happy benefite which we haue by Christe to be flocked into the heauenly society of our spirituall husband which were without Christe before and aliants from the common weal of Israel strangers from the couenaunt of promise and were without hope and without God in the worlde Ephe. 2.12 Then sith now wee are made one with Christe and he hath chosen vs to be his Spouse and wife making so high account of vs preferring and commending vs with so honorable and gratious titles let vs labour to bee ioined with him imbracing him and solacing our selues in his loue repenting vs of our former liues howsoeuer Aungel-like they haue seemed to be in the eies of men and let vs become his friends in deed and of kinne to him that we may re-resemble his Image in all holinesse purenesse innocencye and righteousnesse that wee may prooue to the comforte of our owne consciences by an inwarde and effectuall feeling of his grace in vs that wee are in deede his loue Syster Spouse and vndefiled which thing euerye man muste labour to seale vp to his owne conscience The 4. reason Nowe followeth the fourth and last reason of his suite drawne from his patience and long suffering that hee hath taryed long for vs and ventred himselfe to manye hurtes hauing vndergone manye discommodities and refused no laboure to pleasure vs and obteine our loue For sayth hee my heade is full of dewe and my lockes with the droppes of the night It is a metaphoriall or borrowed speeche from such as watch long and that in the night season noting the long sufferance and patience of Christ Iesus towardes his Church that had so long wayted for an answeare and borne so many discommodities As if he shoulde say O my Spouse or you people to whom I speake by the ministery of my worde euen as hee which watcheth many nights bare headded is bedewed with the myst of the nightes and not with the dewe of the morning so I haue long wayted to be receiued and imbraced of you in my word I haue sustayned infinite daungers and paineful labors to pleasure you but you haue foorded me off from time to time that I am as one weary fainting and discouraged therfore open vnto me least I depart and cast you off A maruailous speech but we must take vse of it to our selues For hath not Christe made intreatie vnto vs and tarryed for vs not one night or many but euen whole yeares he hath continued his suite without intermission to vs in this lande and hath beene a Sutor this 24. yeares by the preaching of his word And yet alas poore Christe he may stande and starue abroade for any entertainment he hath with the most Can we heare that Christ tooke such great paine for vs as
either of sicknesse pouerty reproch losse of friends losse of goods crosses in wise in Children in families in affaires hauing enemies stirred vp againste vs and such like that his worde and admonitions might sincke the more deepely into our heartes Which fruite Dauid felt by afflictions when he sayd Before I was afflicted I went wrong but nowe I keepe thy word Psal 119.67 So then the Lorde is fayne to vrge vs to obey often times Furthermore some sinnes which wee see not a long time in oure selues by the worde yet thorough our owne blindenesse the Lorde by some rod traceth out in vs and haleth vs foorth before his iudgement seat causing vs to bring in euidence againste our selues that conuicted in our owne conscience at the bar of his iudgement seat we might confesse our selues and humbly sue for pardon And this fruit we haue not simply by the affliction it self in so much as the wicked also are afflicted oftentimes and yet profit not by it but being taught the vse of it by the word the doctrine of the word sincketh the deeper when some triall is annexed as the souls that are truly humbled can beare good witnesse with me by their owne experience but if wee are still blockish and sullen that wee murmure and bristle vp oure affections against Gods corrections secretly in our hearts though our mouthes are silent and so not stirred vp to profite in repentaunce by them then wée loose the vse of them But the Spouse she trembled at the Lordes hande and rose to open It is a good signe when with reuerence men tremble at the word ioining with that fear a purpose to keepe the woorde and obey it in our heart Otherwise the wicked are forced spite of their teeth sometime to tremble at the worde as Foelix did Act. 24.25 but they seeke shiftes to cast of the handes of the Lords obedience without purposing to obey But as I saide this place may be vnderstood of the louing iesture of Christ who by his worde allureth the godly so as the spouse testifieth she was affectioned towardes him For this effect the worde worketh in the faythfull that their heartes doe melt at Gods threates 2. Kin. 22.11 19. repenting them of their backwardnesse as Iosiah did and ioy in the sweete comfort of his worde and promises reckoning of them aboue all riches and pleasures as Dauid did Psal 119.111 and else where Other some vnderstand this place as though Christ left off knocking and departed when hee had receiued so churlish an aunswere of his Spouse whereby her hearte was smitten with sorrowe repenting her of her slacknesse which may well agree to that which followeth where shee findeth her loue departed when shee had opened The Doctrine of which sense wee shall haue fitter occasion to note afterwarde verse 5. I rose vp to open to my welbeloued and my handes did drop down myrrh and my fingers pure myrrh vppon the handles of the barre Here the spouse beginneth somewhat to rowze vp her selfe seeking at the call of Christe to be reconciled vnto him And first shee sheweth that all her purest naturalities or ciuil sobernes which she highly thought of at the first or her good workes or whatsoeuer shee coulde present Christe with all of her owne were nothing to procure his fauour or draw his loue towardes her For he is not to be founde by them neither needeth he oure Myrrh to annointe him withall So then we must not come in our owne garmentes but away with al beauty of nature and flesh and blood and on with a pure fayth and a good conscience in which Christe hath delight The Romish Church therefore and al the iustitiaries they preparing themselues with their owne workes annoyntinge and trimming themselues with their owne ciuility naturalities and morall coniectures are but as painted Harlottes that driue Christe farre from them though they seeme to carry him in their bosomes But he wil not be takē in their beauty for it is but as a menstruous cloth vnto him It may also be that the Myrrb may be vnderstood of the blessing sweet sauour of the gospel which Christ powreth by the preaching therof into the harts of the faythfull so as they are annointed with it and made swéete yea are also brought to repentance and to seck after God in his word As the spouse heere perfumed with the sweet odours and moistened with the smelling ointment which is spiritually to bee vnderstood of the graces of Gods spirite which her loue had left behinde him she ariseth to open and séeke after him ver 6. I opened to my beloued but hee was gone and past my heart was gone when he did speake I sought him but I coulde not finde him I called but be aunswered mee not Secondly lets without Here the spouse beginneth to complaine of the lets she founde without and first the absence of her husbande whereby after she found some discommoditie in that others afflicted her vers 7. For she sheweth that shee got some courage and gathered vp her spirites so as she openeth vnto him desyring to imbrace him yet she found le ts abroade also which partly dismayed her as the absence of her louer and partly tyed or hindred her though in the end she preuayleth For finding her loue slipt aside shee fainted and hearing his voyce which so affected her and wroght vpon her that she swounded for sorrow and her heart failed her Which yet caused her to seeke the more earnestly after him but he wōld not be found nor answere So that Solomon inferreth Christ taking displeasure that he was not graunted vnto at the first and therfore turneth a side also the faithful mourning after him and repenting that they imbraced him not at the first Wherin we sée the state of a fainting soule that longeth sore after Christe such a one as Dauid bewrayeth in him selfe Psalm 42.1 whose heart thirsted after God as the weary and chased heart doth after the water brooks And after he sayth verse 6. Why hast thou forgotten me Why go I mourning so heauily c. For the thirstie soule that longeth after Christe Iesus in trueth and would fayne yeelde obedience vnto him and haue assuraunce and full pledge of his loue making haste to Christe inquyring after him in his worde groning sighing and calling after him by Prayer Sathan the enuious and malicious man enemie of our soules seeketh to stirre vp our incredulity to steppe betweene vs and Christe presenting to our eies oure sinnes past oure present infirmites our sinnes before oure calling and since our calling oure wantes lacke of zeale our litle profiting by the woord and a thousande other bye thoughtes that wee should seeme not to bee neere Christe but as though hee had turned his backe vppon vs had cast vs of agayne and helde scorne of vs and as though all our former beginnings had beene in vayne So we wee beginne to languish the Lorde also sometime leaueth vs in oure
but sow pillows vnder the elbowes of the daintie and wanton people preaching peace to them to whom the Lord hath not spoken peace The Church of God hath alwayes had daungerous Prophetes Apostles and teachers which haue troubled the church besides those which seduced the people with false doctrine For I am fully perswaded that the false Prophets which Ezekiel and other Prophets of God spake against or the fals Apostles in Pauls time which he speaketh of to the Corinthians Philippiās were not al of thē so called simply for that they preached fals doctrine but in respect of their misapplying and abusing of doctrine As for example to preach peace and to cause to mourne is lawfull but to preach peace to the wicked or apply mourning to the godly c. is falsly to handle the truth So to preach Christ is lawfull but when it is done of vaine glory or contention or to adde bondes to the saints of God it is euil to the person that so doth Yet Paule reioyced that Christ was preached though of contention c. and sure he would not haue reioyced if false doctrine had beene taught by them So we haue many no doubt which are voyd of the spirite of iudgement to applye doctrine but handling it vncunningly smit wound the Godly but flatter and strengthen the wicked which is no doubt a great and feareful sinne which Ezekiel complayned of in his 13. Chapiter We must be wise to handle the word and not mingle chaffe with wheat as Ieremy speaketh Chapter 23.28 Hereof it commeth that the false and vnfaithful teachers do rather beat backe and discourage those that seeke earnestly after Christe then further them For they enuy that the simple sort should grow in knowledge least their euil life couetousnesse ambition flattery and vnfaithfulnesse in their calling should be found out Therefore the ignoraunt ministery they seeke to holde men in ignoraunce still or keepe them at a stay or at least way would abuse aucthority to molest and suppresse the zealous and Godly But this should not discourage men from inquiring after God stil If therefore any such thing should befal to any of vs euē at the hāds teachers of the Church let vs not maruaile for it must be so in the Church of God that they which are perfect may be knowne And I perceiue euen here among you in these parts that as the Lord hath begun a good worke in many so it goeth hardly forwarde by the reason of some daungerous watchmen ministers enuying the successe of the worde preached But learne of the spouse here to inquire the more earnestly after Christe in his word of those which are careful in wisdome to teach Such there haue bin alwaies in the Church of God shal be yea euen of those many times which hold not the smallest roomes in the church So we sée Amaziah Amos. 7.10 who enuied the simple sincere preaching of Amos. Therefore he complained of him to the king saying Amos hath cōspired against thee the land is not able to beare his word c. And subtily like a fox in the mean time counselled him to fly the land for he thought his pomp honor would decay if Amos proceeded because the people resorted to him but what followed reade the chapiter Hoshea the Prophet chapter 5.1 complained of such in his time saying that iudgment was against the Priests princes because ye are as a snare on Mizpeb and as a net spred vpon Tabor Meaning that both the Magistrates and the Priestes of Israel deuoured the people and sought to intrap them as the fowlers in those mountaines layd snares for the byrdes Also the Scribes Pharises and Priestes of the Iewes which retained the chiefest dignities titles in the Church were most noysome to the same so as the scripture was verified saying Psa 118.22 Mat. 21.42 The stone which the chiefe builders refused is become the head of the corner This certainly is a great offence to many when they see Christ abused of any of the rulers and great Doctors in the Church Oh say they I can tell some of the graue fathers Doctors of the Church and wise learned men yea some also of countenance and authority like not very wel of these great teachers nor of these gadders to sermons and fewe such will resort to the Sermons c. Therefore I wil doe as they doe they are as wise as the beste as learned and as well thought of as any of them all Thus the poore and miserable people are hindered from Christ by such meanes But Christe Math. ●1 acknowledgeth his fathers wisedome herein that he hath reuealed those high and heauenly misteryes to the simple and hidde them from the wise prudent of this world And Paul 1. Cor. 1.26 affirmeth that not many noble the Lorde hath called or wise men after the fleshe but God hath called the foolish things of the worlde to confound the wise c. Howbeit the Lord make vs truely thankfull God hath beautified our soyl and Church of England with many nobles godly magistrates which countenaunce the truth the Godly teachers and are a wal to thē hath also inriched this his Church with many Godly learned and worthy men and that of countenaunce and titles which preferre the Gospel of Christ Iesus Notwithstanding as I sayd such there haue beene and shal be some in the Church euen of great ones which shall molest the same And because this doctrine which discouereth the ambition and hurtfulnesse of some persons in the Church is hardly disgested I must he came beyond my vsual order to insert some authority of the fathers in a worde who I suppose shall more tollerably bee heard then my selfe Saint Barnard in the 33. Sermon vpon these Canticles sayth From whom shal the Church hide her selfe All are friendes and all are enemies all kinsfolke and all aduersaries all houshold seruauntes yet there is none at peace they walke in the honour of the Lords goodnesse to whom they do no honor Hereeby he sheweth afterwarde how many inconueniences come in the Church thereby come their pomper pride couetousnes Thereby sayth he their purses are filled therefore they couet to be Princes of the Church c. Such thinges saith he come not lawfully but because they are occupied in the affayres of darkenes c. Also Barnard els where in sermone de Pauli comissione Alas lord these are the first which do persecute thee which we see to affect the highest roomes in the Churche they haue taken the arches from Sion they occupy the Castle and haue by power set the Citye on fire their conuersation is miserable the subuersion of the people is pitifull Furthermore Saint Hierome vpon the 9. chap. of Hoshea saith I doe not find in the auntient histories any other to haue seperated the Church and seduced the people from Gods house then the Priestes Prelates which are placed of God to be the
God in hearing his worde frequenting Sermons resorting to the companye of the Godly perswading others also to seeke God with them such a man is counted O intollerable contempt euen a monster among men or as an owl in the day time among the birds And as Isaiah saith he that refrayneth from euill maketh himselfe a pray Isai 59.15 Oh say the scorning raylers now this holy man will goe to heauen in a Hey barne now these Puritans flocke together and I cannot tell what scornfull reproches they hurl out against those which would fayne profite by hearing of the worde Yea I tremble to thinke vpon their damnable speeches which they spewe oute of theire poysoned mouths and the mischiefs which they conceiue in their viperous heartes against the seruaunts of God Thus our times ah alas in stéede of inquiring one of another seeking after God together do despise their brethrē casting the Lord behinde them But let not vs be dismaid at these reproches taunts of the wicked so that we shoulde cease to stir vp all that we can to seek Christ Iesus with vs. Let the minister exhort perswade earnestly cal on his people to ioin in this christian society Let the husband say to his wife children and seruants come I pray you wife let vs go to the sermon childrē and seruants hasten and make speede that we maye together séek after the Lord of hostes let euery man ad this I wil go with you also So one neighbour should say to another I pray you neighbor let vs goe together to such a sermō or such a godly exercise I wil go with you So let vs perswade not only in word but in exāple also to do our selues that which we require of others For manye there are that can say to others goe which goe not themselues Some husbande can bee content his wife goe or his childe of which there are but fewe but hee will not mooue him selfe which is a lamentable and doleful estate for though we shoulde bee willing that al men shoulde goe to God hearing his worde vsing his Sacramentes praying vnto him carefullye and continually if we our selues ioin not with the Godly in these holy exercises and in this holy Communion vnity and fellowship what shal it boote vs What shal it pleasure a man to see his Wyfe goe to Heauen and him self go to hel or what shal it benefite a Wyfe to see her Housbande carefull to serue God and so goe to lyfe but her selfe refusing the ordinarye meanes of Saluation to taste of eternal Death For whosoeuer ioyneth not himselfe in Christian society with the church of God cutteth of him selfe from God and dismembreth him selfe from Christe Iesus Neyther can any man be of God which heareth not his word Iohn 8.47 yea and that by his seruants and ministers For hee that is of God hearetth vs saith S. Iohn 1. Iohn 4.6 but hee that is not of God heareth vs not Also no man can haue fellowship or acquaintance with the father or the sonne vnlesse hee abide in the word for whosoeuer transgresseth and abideth not in the doctrine of Christe hath not God 2. Iohn 9. c. Alas my deare brethren let there not bee found a froward heart in any of you to be so proude or ashamed that you shoulde bee loath to bee drawne forward of your brethren to seeke after God in his worde where onely hee is truely to bee founde Oh let vs ioyne hands and hearts together good christians to seeke our God whilste hee may bee founde let vs say one to another neyghbour if you wil goe to anye sermon or Godlye exercise I wil goe with you and beare you company I speake grosly vnto you but for your good and yet no otherwise then the spirite of God spake by Zacharye Now as there are some that can bee content others go and themselues tarry at home so ther are of the other side some that can afforde themselues leasure and can beteem to be saued themselues but are verye Nigardes and churles towarde their wife children seruauntes or neighboures Neuer caring to further them or to vse means to drawe them on being vntoward of them selues which is a haynous iniurye againste the Soules of those that belong to vs sith we stande charged from the Lord vpon the penalty of his high displeasure and forfaiture of his fauour to teach our houshold children and seruaunts acquainting them with the Lordes will making them priuy to his heauenly councel enacted in the parliament house of the heauens and proclaymed to men by the preaching of his worde Looke I pray you vpon such places perusing them with reuerence as lay this charge vppon vs from the Lorde to teach our housholde and children yea euen our childrens children Deu. 4.9.10 Deu. 6.7 11.19 But our times thinke this a precisenes or at least a duetye that standeth at our owne curtesy to doe or not to doe As though God made Lawes or drewe out statutes vnauthorized and sent them downe to men leauing them to their wil wisdome to be interlined altered or confirmed at their pleasure No we must not ad nor take from his word Apoc. 22.18.19 vpon paine of damnation and danger of al the curses that are written in Gods book Let vs therefore in Gods name my brethren be forwarde our selues therewithall likewise carefull ouer others A third sorte of people there is which neither themselues wil enquire after Christ as much as lie in them do also wilfully hinder others with scorning rayling at them end speaking taunting disouraging disswading putting in the heades of suche as they dare bewray them selues t● saying what meane you to bee thus zealous in Religion and to bee so precise You see wise men and they of countenance and some graue Fathers like not of this way you will be laughed at if you gadde thus to sermons And you shal be slouted behind your backe you wil also indaunger your selfe to trouble and a thousand other such poysoned charmes the subtle Adder setteth a worke to discourage the saintes of God and to carry many soules vnto Hell Some wil adde this complaint that many vndo them selues with going to sermons and poore men can not liue for them Thus as Pharaoh they seeke to set the poore so a worke as they might loyter in matters of saluation Other some they aske what neede these sermons on the working dayes is not the sunday or Lordes day ynough and I can not tel what But thus they enuye the worke of God in sauing men euerye waye Not knowing that wee had neede to bee occupied in the worde of God day and night And some are loath that on the Sabboth daye eyther there should be continually Sermons c. As the rulers of the Synagogue which checked the people for that they came to Christe to bee healed on the Sabboth Luk. 13.14 But a fourth sort of people they goe them selues to
faithful thē selues can not cut off them selues from their owne saluation nor forfait it because it is not layde vp in them selues but in God in whose custody it is True it is we giue God cause in our selues to frustrate all his graces towardes vs But God will accomplishe his worke and finishe it in his seruaunts Neither let any Libertine hereof conclude that he will liue he careth not how because if I beleeue I am sure al my sinnes cannot loose my saluation I answere faith is neuer seuered from obedience nor from a good conscience 1. Tim. 1.5 and a pure heart which spring from faith which is careful to please God so as such haue no fayth but an opinion of fayth Neuertheles I affirm it to be true that the sinns infirmities and falles of the Saintes of God can not frustrate their saluation because God looketh not on them but in Christe Shall this therefore ad courage vnto men to sinne God forbid nay they which are truelye humbled as they know that God wil not for their sins cast them away So they dare not for their liues to sinne vpon hope though they are manye times foyled sore of their infirmities So that although I herein minister comfort to the troubled soule so I must say to those that presume vpon these great and eternal riches of Gods grace making his mercies a bawde for their sinnes certainly they are without all true loue to God and must not once looke for any comfort but be assured that as yet they are voyde of the benefite of saluation and are in a damnable and Hellishe estate For beeing without the Church in that they shew foorth no fruites of obedience to the worde c. they can not looke for saluation sith without the Church there is no saluation Without Noahs Arke was no life All perished in Iericho that were not in Rachabs house so in the Church onely is saluation without nothing but hell and damnation Euery man therefore must labour to be a member of the church of Christ yeelding obedience to the calling of God by the preaching of his word that they maye bee flocked into his folde and Church For men must know that election must not be seuered from an effectuall calling which worketh in time in the true beleeuers It is a blessednesse in deed that we are elected but if our election be not ratified by the spirite of sanctification and that we haue not good euidence of it in our owne conscience what shal it boot vs Therefore the Psalme 65.4 After they of the Church had complayned of their sinnes as le ts to their Prayers before God so as they beganne to suspect their owne estate because of sinne they conclude to the comforte of their conscience that their blessednesse stood not in them selues but in the election of God Blessed is be whom thou choosest and causest to come vnto thee So as these two are ioyned togeather namely election and calling or vocation in the passiue sense that is that God causeth his to come for none come of them selues Now therefore it is expedient that we make our election sure by good workes 2. Pet. 1.10 Yet muste we not measure our election by our good workes or the perfection of them For we see when the seruants of God suruey their hearts to gather comfort by their calling or by those graces which they haue tasted off to looke on their faith hope obedience loue towards God or their neighbours alasse when they ouerlook al their best works that they can reckon vp yet they can not haue comfort in them if they shall onely stay in them but they must from the effectes of theire calling which if they be in trueth are good euidences and argumentes of comfort looke into this originall of their happinesse Blessed is be whom thou chusest c. For this is the fountaine of blessed es vnto vs. Then in the second place we may say blessed is hee whome God causeth to come to him and he the feareth God louing and obeying his worde carefully and vnfeinedly c. Which al fruits of our calling are not causes of oure happinesse but testimonies and warrantes through the earnest of the spirite that we are happy But it may seeme somewhat nakedly affirmed of the Spouse without proofe when she professeth her selfe to be her beloueds and that her beloued is hers when she addeth no reason of it For albeit many grant that they which are truely in Christ and in the fauour of God they are happy they can not but doe wel and are of the sure grounde But here standeth the question and difficulty of the cause howe euery man may knowe that hee hath part in that vnity of Christe and how a man maye bee sure of saluation in this life To come to this point wee must first consider that that which is spoken in the scriptures concerning the saluation of the Church or elect in general with the causes effects therof is spoken also of euery member of the Church and is true in both As for example if it bee true that the Churche or Elect were loued and elected of God before the beginninges of the Worlde then this is true euerye faythfull beleeuer was elected before al times Agayne if the Churche bee called to the participation of the graces of God then euery faithful beleeuer is Also if the Churche bee holye then euery one of the Churche is also in time called to bee holy If the church be redeemed and the sinnes therof pardoned that it be sanctified iustified saued and glorified in the ende then euerye beleeuer which is of the church is redeemed his sinnes pardoned is iustified sanctified in time saued and glorified in the ende If the Church or elect in general can not perish but is permanent induring and sure of saluation then neither any one member of the church can perish nor be lost but is permanent and sure of saluation Nowe this wee must consider when I speake of the assurance of the Children of God I vnderstande not such a certantye as is not mingled at all with any doubtfulnesse For the best assured is not alwayes alyke perswaded of his saluation neyther haue all men a like feeling of the comfort and assurance of eternall health For sometime it is in the Ecclipse and the comfort of Gods fauour is intercepted from vs by the cloudes of our infirmities so as the eyes of our faith are dazeled But at sometimes at least the Children of God haue some good assuraunce of their saluation though for the most part they seeme to hang in a mammering Also othersome haue not so full a sight of it as others haue Partly because of manye corruptions in their nature which they labour not so earnestly to purge as they ought Partly also because the proportion of faith or the knowledge of God is not a like in al but some more some lesse But we shall in vayne speake of
the assuraunce of the grace of perseueraunce or certaintie of saluation vnlesse we looke vpon the head spring of Gods mercyes in Christe Iesus with the eyes of faith and sobernesse also vnlesse we haue the testimony and earnest peny of the spirite of God whereby we are sealed against the day of redemption For if any man haue not the spirite of Christ he is not his Rom. 8 verse 9. Ephes 1.13.14 Rom. 8.14 Gal. 4.6 Of the other side They that are led by the spirite they are the sonnes of God sith God hath sent foorth the spirite of his sonne into their heartes which cryeth Abba Father Which as Paule sayth in the eight of the Romans beareth witnes with our spirit that we are the children of God Rom. 8.16 if we bee children then heirs also of God and annexed heirs with Christe Hitherto agreeth that sentence of Iohn in his first epistle chapter 4.13 1. Ioh. 4.13 Hereby we knowe that wee dwel in God and God in vs in that he hath giuen vs of his spirit Yet it may be some man wil reply how shal I know that I haue the spirite of God and Christ I aunswere that by the fruites of the spirite of sanctification wee may haue good comfort and perswasion that wee haue the spirite of God Paul in his Epistle to the Romans chap. 8. If Christ be in you the body is dead concerning sinn Rom. 8.10.11 but the spirite is life for righteousnes sake If the spirit of him that raysed vp Iesus from the dead dwelleth in you be that raysed vp Christ from the dead shal also quicken your mortal bodies for his spirite that dwelle●h in you Where the Apostle sheweth that Gods spirite worketh mortification in his saints renuing them to a new life purging dayly the corruptions of sinne and remnant of iniquity which by degrees diminish in the saints Whosoeuer therefore tasteth of true mortification and sanctification hating sinne in truth labouring to reforme the same desiring to growe in holinesse and a new life applying his heart to be gouerned by the worde in obedience though he taste of the remnauntes of sinne which wil neuer be fully purged in the saints til they are restored fully in the appearing of Christ Iesus in that person vndoubtedly the spirite of God beginneth to haue a worke and to incorporate that person into himselfe that he may be one with Christe and may put on Christ Many circumstaunces there are which time wil not suffer me to note vnto you concerning this matter But sure it is that these are generall and infallible notes which I haue mentioned whereby a man may be perswaded these being in him in trueth though vnperfect that hee shal neuer fal vtterly away labouring to shew forth the fruite of faith hope patience obedience loue to the worde towardes his brethren a care to keepe the worde beeing prepared or vnfainedly desiring to ●e prepared to be parteners with the saintes of God in affliction and in the confirmation of the Gospell ●●m 8.17 suffering with Christ that we may also be glorified with him for these fruits caused Paule to affirme as I noted before that he was perswaded of the Phillipians that God woulde perfite that good worke that he had begun in them euen to the daye of Iesus Christe Now if this worke of perseuerance were our own we might iustly suspect that we could neuer be saued or if God hauing begun in vs should after leaue vs to our selues to finishe vp our owne saluation then wee might well doubt of lyfe But sith God which is a perfect workeman beginneth who leaueth nothing that he taketh in hand vnfinished to worke grace faith sanctification obedience loue and mortification in vs though they are not perfect and absolute in vs he can not but finish his owne worke and perfite his saints Hereof Dauid boldly confidently and comfortably insulting vpon and triumphing against all troubles and afflictions Psa 138.8 concludeth with full assurance That the Lord will performe his worke towards him Adding a reasō because His mercies endured for euer And yet he ascribeth the worke of perseuerance vnto God ending with this suite O Lord forsake not the worke of thy handes Charging the Lorde that he was his worke in that he had framed him a new by his spirite therefore it could not stand with the Lordes mercy to cast him off Oh valiant faith in the seruant of God Thus God euer perfiteth his worke in anye one that belong vnto him but the time of his working and the mesure he reserueth to him selfe to appoint at his pleasure So that though we feele not his quickning grace when we desire it nay sometime it seemeth to be furthest off when we craue it and neede it most also though wee haue not that measure of his grace which we woulde haue yet let vs not faynt but waite on the Lorde with Patience and prayer for certainelye except the Lorde will deny him selfe I speake with reuerence of his glorious maiesty he can not but giue to him that hath ●●th 13.12 and he shal haue aboundantly yet he can not but make an ende in his seruaunts when he hath once begun Not that God is tyed to vs at our commaundement But ipsemet sibi est necessitas He is a necessity to him selfe for his mercies are eternal But this I haue sufficiently prooued afore Yet in a worde note this that God hath tyed his power to his will and promise that whatsoeuer he willeth and promiseth in his worde hee can not chuse but doe it Whatsoeuer he hath denyed that he doth not In this sense God sayth Gen. 19.22 That be can doe nothing to Sodom before Lot was departed But to returne to the Spouse againe though shee doth not fully in this speech set downe the reasons that might perswade her of this certainty yet if we consider all the former circumstaunces of her comming on or obaying of her calling we shal finde worthye fruites which she felt in her selfe and expressed that might yeeld some argument of this certaine perswasion As this her heart lying after Christe in the beginning of her calling thogh many lets mette with her also the complayning of her vntowardnesse which bewrayed a sight of her wants Furthermore her trembling at his displeasure or fearing at his word being affectioned towardes him Finally her seeking and inquyring after him euen when daunger was her zeale in following him not onely when others forsooke her but euen when many sought to hinder and molest her Thus recouering her zeale she procured others by conferring of the excellency of Christ to be parteners with her in seeking after him Which al were worthy fruits of faith that might giue her comforte to conclude that shee was her welbeloueds Thus euery man must labour to come to some assuraunce of his future estate that we may not liue alwayes to doubt but that we may bee ready to passe in peace at our