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ID Title Author Corrected Date of Publication (TCP Date of Publication) STC Words Pages
A15967 The Psalter of Dauid newely translated into Englysh metre in such sort that it maye the more decently, and wyth more delyte of the mynde, be reade and songe of al men. Wherunto is added a note of four partes, wyth other thynges, as shall appeare in the epistle to the readar.; Bible. O.T. Psalms. English. Crowley. Crowley, Robert, 1518?-1588. 1549 (1549) STC 2725; ESTC S104580 117,190 355

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and whē I do let as I dyd not se Thou doeste Imagyne that I am in al poyntes lyke to the. I wyl therfore contende wyth the and declare thy trespase And in order I wyl set forth thy faultes before thy face I praye you vnderstande this thynge you that haue forgotte God Whether ther be any that can preserue you from my rodde Who so maketh sacrifice of prayse doeth glorifie me And this is the way wherby he shall Godes saueynge health see The .lj. Psalme LOrd God for thy great goodnes sake be mercifull to me And for thy passyng great mercie purge myne iniquitie From myne iniquitie good Lord wash thou me plentuously And frō my synnes and trespases do thou me mundifie For myne offences I confesse and do none of them hyde My synnes Lorde my wyckednes do in my syght abyde I haue offended the alone sinned in thy syght wherfore thy wordes shal be founde true thy iudgmentes vpright Behold Lord in iniquitie was I made formed And was not fre from wyckednes when I was conceiued For lo Lorde thou louest the truth euen from the verie herte And hast shewed me of thy wysedome euen the secrete parte Purge me wyth Isope I shall be pure and cleane I knowe Washe thou me then shall I be more whyt then is the snowe Brynge thou to passe that I maye heare great ioye and reioyceynge And that they whome thou haste brought lowe may thy great prayses synge Turne thy face from my wickednes loke not on my synne To blot out myne iniquities Lorde God do thou begynne Create Lorde God wythin my breste an vndefiled herte And in my bowelles Lorde renewe a spirite that wyll not starte Caste thou me not out of thy syght ne do thou me forget Neyther do thou thyne holy spirite from thy pore seruant fet Restore to me the reioyceynge Lorde of thy saueynge helth And with thy principall spirite Lord stablishe thy seruantes welthe To the transgressers of thy lawes thy wayes I wyll declare And to the shal be conuerted men that great synnes are O God the God of my soule helth deliuer me from bloud And my tonge shall wyth ioye declare the boeth ryghtwise and good Open thou my lyppes good Lorde teach my tonge to speake And then my mouth wythout ceasyng shall in thy prayse out breake For if sacrifice dyd please the I would geue the such thynges But thou delitest not good Lord in the brent offerynges A pensiefe and a troubled spirite is to God sacrifice A broken and a contrite hert God thou wylt not despyse Lorde God of thy bountuousnes do thou fauour Sion That the walles of Ierusalem may be buylded anon Then shall please the brent offerynges sacrifice of right And on thyne holy aultare Lorde men shall fatte bullockes dyght The .lij. Psalme THou tyrant why reioycest thou in that thou doest amysse Sence the goodnes of God oure Lorde dayly amonge vs is Wayes to corrupt to destroye thy tonge doeth styll inuent Euen as it were a sharp rasour that to cut is styll bent Thou dost delyght rather to hurt thyne anger to wreake Then do to well for to lye then ryght and trueth to speake All wordes that brynge destruction do therto belonge Thou loueste for to spreade abroade wyth a disceytfull tonge Wherfore God shall scatter thy stocke take it cleane awaye He shal cut the out of thy tent and make thy rote decaye Whych thynge when the rightwise shall se then shall they stand in awe And shall laugh and make reioyceynge at the syght that they sawe They shall saye lo this is the man that in God hath not trust But in the heape of hys riches and in hys wicked lust But I lyke a grene olyue tree in the Lordes house I saye Haue put my trust in hys goodnes for euer and a day Because thou haste me made good Lorde thy preases wyll I tell And wyl trust in thy name because thy sanctes do lyke it well The .liij. Psalme THe folysh insipiēt whose thoughtes are euer vayne Do in theyr herte saye folyshlye ther is no God certayne Corrupt they are in all theyr wayes made abominable To fynde one good amonge them all ther is no man able Vpon the sonnes of mortal men God loked downe from heauen To se if ther were any wyse or for to seeke God geuen They haue gone astraye togither and are corrupt ech one That hath done the thynge that is good there can not be founde one Howe can they haue knowledge saith God that worcke iniquitie And lyke breade eate vp my people do not on me crye There feared they excedynglye where feare in dede was none Because God doeth all them destroye that besiege the Sion Because God is theyr enmie thou haste made them ashamed Woulde God that out of the Sion Iacob myght be saued That God myght once make an ende of his peoples seruitude That wyth great ioye reioycynge Iacob myght be endude The .liiij. Psalme FOr thy names sake helpe me O God in thy strength deliuer Thy seruant O God heare my prayer do my wordes consyder For strayngars and straynge nations agaynst me do arise And tyrantes that seke my soule haue no God before theyr eyes Behold I saye it is the Lord that doeth myne enimies let And he is styll present wyth them that do me vnderset Myne aduersaries and my foes he shall wyth iuell rewarde And shall them all destroye because he doeth his trueth regarde I shall make to the sacrifice wyth fre and wyllyng mode And wyll set forth thy name wyth prayse because thou art so good For out of all afliction thou haste deliuered me And my desyre vpō my foes Lord God myne eies do see The .lv. Psalme GEue eare to my praier O God and do not thy selfe hyde From the humble petition that I make at this tyde Geue eare I saye to me O God answere me againe For in my praier I make mone and greuously complayne And that through the outragiouse crie of enimies in dede And through the great vexatiō of men that are wicked Which wicked men do against me practise theyr wickednes And in theyr passynge great anger put me to great distresse Pensife heauie is myne herte Lord God wythin my breste And the horrors and feares of death haue me greatly oppreste Excedynge great feare tremblyng haue lighted on my lot And most horrible dread also hath quelled me I wot Wherfore I saye would God I had wynges lyke vnto a doue For then would I flye hence where none of these thynges should me moue Lo then would I get me far hence and dwell in wildernes And would make haste for to escape this tempest of distresse Destroy them Lorde and slit theyr tonges take on them no pitie For I haue sene vnrightuousnes strife in the citie These thynges compasse the walles therof boeth by daye and by nyght And in the myddes therof greuaunce
And that with manicles they maye bynde theyr princes ech one And eke theyr Lordes and maiestrates with fetters of Iron That as it is written God maye reuenge hym on them all Whiche shall be prayse to hys dearlynges that on hys name do call The Cl. Psalme PRayse ye God in his holy place congregation And prayse hym in the sure grownde of hys dominion Prayse hym for hys myghtie powres sake and hys valiauntnes And right so do ye prayse hym for hys excedynge greatnes Prayse hym wyth the sowne of trumpet prayse hym wyth harppe and lute Prayse hym I saye wyth the tymbrel and wyth the pype or flute Prayse hym with organnes and rebecke and cymballes of lowde sownde Prayse hym I saye wyth such cymballes as make the voyce rebownde Let eche spirite and lyueynge thynge prayse God boeth night and daye Let them all worcke hys holy wyll prayse ye the Lorde I saye The ende of the Psalter Magnificat c. Luce. i. MY soule doeth magnifie the Lorde euery daye and houre And my spirite doeth reioyce in God that is my sauiour Because he hath loked vpō hys hādmaides lowe degree For loe hense sorth men shal reporte me right happie to be For he that is myghtie hath done right noble thynges to me And therfore is hys name holy euer more shal be And his mercie is stretched forth vpon all progenies From age to age on thē that haue hys feare before theyr eies By the powre of his myghtie arme he hath worthyly wrought He hath scattered the proude men in theyr owne secrete thought He hath deposed the myghtie out of their royall place And promoted them to honour whose degre was but base The hungry he hath fylled wyth good thynges in greate plentie So hath he sent the ryche awaye wythout and quite emptie He hath taken into fauour Israell his seruante That he myght be myndfull of hys mercie couenaunt Euen as he hath spoken vnto our fathers heretofore That is to saye Habraham and his seede for euermore Nunc dimittis c. Luc. ij LOrd nowe letteste thou thy seruāt departe from hense in peace Accordynge to thyne holy worde thy faythfull promesse For nowe myne eies haue sene thyne health and thy saluation Before the face of euerie people and nation Alyght to lyghten the Heathen through out the worlde so wyde And the glorie of thy people Israell on eche syde Benedictus c. Luc. i. THe Lorde the God of Israell is for to be praysed For he visited his people and hath them redemed And in the house of Dauid his seruant he hath erect The home of health for vs that be his chosen and electe As he hath spoken by the mouth of his prophetes holye That from the begynnynge haue bene preachars of veritie Declareynge that we should be made salfe from our enimies And from the powre of all them that hate vs in anye wise That towardes our fathers he myght vse his bountifull mercie And call hys holy testament into hys memorie And that he myght performe the othe that he had firmely sworne Vnto our father Habraham longe before we were borne And that he myght geue vs the powr to serue hym wythout feare Beynge free from our enmies powre whose heauie yocke we beare And that in holynes of lyfe and iustice in his syght All the tyme that we shall lyue here as well by daye as nyght And thou chylde shalt be called the prophete of the moste hye For thou shalt go before hys face hys wayes to make redie To geue his people knowledge that they shall theyr soule health wynne Only by the forgeuenes of theyr trespasse their synne By the bowelles of the mercie of our God most myghtie Where wyth the bryght daye springe hath nowe visited vs from hye To shyne to them that sate in deathes shadowe and in dearcknes To set our fete strayght in the waye that leadeth vnto peace Benedicite c. Daniel .iij. ALl ye worckes of the Lorde prayse hym speake well of hym I saye Prayse and extole his holye name for euer and for aye O ye that be the Lordes angelles and messengers at nede Speake euer well of hym prayse hym and extole hym indede Ye heauens speake wel of the Lord prayse and extole hym aye All ye waters that are aboue do ye the same I saye Al ye powres of the Lord se that ye speake good of hym styll Prayse and extole him euermore accordynge to his wyll Sunne moone speake good of the Lord prayse and extole him aye And ye starres of the hygh heauen do ye right so I saye All rayne and swete dewe blesse the Lord prayse and exalte hym hye And ye wyndes of God se ye do the same eternally Fyre and heate speake good of the Lorde laude and prayse hym euer Colde wynter and hote somerse ye do in lyke maner Ye dewes and hore froste blesse the Lord prayse and extole hys name Froste and extreme rigoure of colde do ye alwaye the same Ise and snowe speake good of the Lorde extole him euer more And ye nyghtes and dayes se ye do walke after the same lore Lygh and darckenes blesse ye the Lorde laude and extole hym aye Lyghtnynge and cloudes do ye the same wythouten stoppe or staye Let the earth speake good of the Lorde blesse hym for hir store Let hir laude and extolle hys name wyth prayses euer more Ye mountaynes ye little hylles se that ye blesse the Lorde Laude extole his holy name alwaye wyth one accorde All ye thynges that budde on the earthe the Lorde your God blesse ye And let hys laude extollynge euer emonge you be Ye sprynges speake ye good of the Lorde laude and extole him styll Ye seas and freshe riuers also do the same wyth good wyll Ye whalles and all thynges that moue in the waters blesse the Lorde Laude and extole hys holye name alwayes wyth one accorde All foules of the ayre blesse the Lord prayse and extole hym aye All beastes wylde and tame se that ye do the same thynge alwaye Ye sonnes of men blesse ye the Lord laude and extole hym styll And let Israell do the same with full consent of wyll Ye priestes of the Lorde prayse the Lorde extole hym euermore And all ye seruantes of the Lorde folowe ye the same lore Ye spirites and soules of iuste men blesse ye the Lorde alwaye Ye saynctes and ye of humble herte do the same wythout staye O Ananie O Azarie and thou O Misael Se that ye cease not to extole the Lord of Israell Te Deum laudamus c. WE prayse the as God and confesse the the Lorde for to be And as father euerlastynge all men do worshyppe the. To the crie all angelles the heauens with all the powres therin Wythout ceaseynge crie vnto the Cherub Seraphin Holy holy holy Lorde God of Sabaoth they crye Heauen and earth are full with thy maiestie and glorie The gloriouse company