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A05808 The manuall of prayers, or the prymer in Englyshe set out at lengthe, whose contentes the reader by the prologe next after the kalendar, shal sone perceaue and there in shal se brefly the order of the whole boke. Set forth by Ihon late bysshope of Rochester at the co[m]aundement the ryght honorable Lorde Thomas Cro[m]wel, Lorde Priuie seale Uicegerent to the Kynges hyghnes.; Book of hours (Salisbury). English Church of England.; Hilsey, John, d. 1539. aut 1539 (1539) STC 16010; ESTC S105269 116,690 240

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Ye waters al that are aboue heuē prayse the Lorde all the powers of the Lorde prayse ye the Lorde The sonne and the mone prayse ye the Lorde sterres of the fyrmament prayse ye the Lorde The rayne and the dewe prayse ye the Lorde all the wyndes of god prayse ye the Lorde Fyer and heate magnyfye ye the Lorde wynter and somer prayse ye the Lorde Dewes and ye hore frostes prayse ye the Lorde frost and colde prayse ye the Lorde Yse and snowe prayse ye the Lorde nyghtes and dayes prayse ye the Lorde Nyghtes and darkenesse prayse ye the lorde lyghtenynges and cloudes laude ye the lorde The earth mought prayse the lorde laude and extoll hym for euer Hylles and mountaynes prayse ye the Lorde al the spryngeth vpon the earth laude ye the Lorde Ye welles and sprynges prayse the Lorde sees and floudes prayse ye the Lorde Whalles and all that moueth in the waters prayse ye the Lorde all byrdes of the ayre prayse ye the lorde All beastes both wylde and tame prayse ye the lorde ye chyldren of men prayse ye the lorde Let Israell prayse the Lorde laude hym and extoll hym for euer Ye prestes of the Lorde prayse the lorde ye seruaūtes of the Lorde prayse ye the Lorder Ye spirites and soules of ryghteous mē prayse the Lorde ye holy and meke in herte prayse the Lord. Anania Azaria Mizaell prayse ye the Lorde laude and extoll hym for euer Blesse we the father the sonne wyth the holy goost prayse we hym and serue we hym for euermore Blessed art thou Lorde in the firmament of heauen thou arth prayse worthy glorious and magnifyed worlde without ende ¶ The C.xlviij psalme Laudate dominum de coelis PRayse ye the Lorde of heuens prayse ye hym in the hyghe place Prayse ye hym all his angels al his powers prayse ye hym Prayse ye hym sonne and moone all sterres and lyght prayse ye hym The hyghest of heuens prayse ye hym and the waters that are aboue the heauens let them prayse the Lordes name For by his worde all thynges were made by hys commaundementes all thynges were created He hathe stablysshed them euerlastynglye and in to the worlde of worldes he hathe set a lawe that shall not exspyre Prayse the Lorde ye draggons and all depenesses of the earth Fyre hale snow yse stormes of wyndes that do hys commaundement Mountaynes and all lytell hylles woode berynge fruyte and all ceder trees Bestes and all maner of cattell serpentes and fethered foules Kynges of the earth and al people prynces and al iudges of the earth Bachelers and maydens olde men and yonge let them prayse the name of the Lorde for the name of hym onely is exalted The knowlegyng of hym aboue heuen and earth and he hath exalted the horne of hys people Laude be vnto all his sayntes to the sonnes of Israell to the people approchynge vnto hym Glorye be to the father and to the sonne and to the holy goost As it was in the begynnynge and as it is nowe and euer shal be So be it The Cxlix Psalme Cantate domino SYnge ye vnto the lorde a new songe praysed be he in the congregacion of Sayntes Let Israell reioyce in hym that made hym and let the sonnes of Syon tryumphe in theyr kynge Let them prayse his name with daunsyng let thē synge vnto hym wyth tympany and harpe For the Lorde is well pleased wyth hys people and hath exalted the lowly into saluacion Sayntes shall tryumphe in glory they shal make ioye in theyr chambers The prayses of God shal be in theyr mouthes and two edged swordes in theyr handes To do vengeans amongest nacions and correccions amongest the people To bynde theyr kynges in fetters and theyr nobles in manacles of yron For to execute on them the iudgement wrytten thys is glory vnto all his sayntes Glory be to the father and to c. As it was in the begynnynge and as it c. ¶ The C.l. Psalme Laudate dominum in PRayse ye the Lord in his sayntes prayse him in the fyrmament of his power Prayse ye hym in his strēgth prayse ye hym accordynge to the almyghtynesse of his power Prayse ye hym wyth the sound of a trūpet prayse ye hym wyth rebekes and organnes Prayse ye hym wyth clary symballes well soundynge prayse ye hym wyth Symballes of swetenesse let euery sprete prayse the Lorde Glory be to the father and to the. c. As it was in the begynnynge and as it is c. The antheme ¶ Holy Mary moost pure of virgyns all Mother and doughter of the kynge celestyall So comforte vs in oure desolacion That by thy prayer and specyall meditacion We maye enioye the rewarde of the heauēly reygne And with Goddes electe there for to remayne ¶ To the Ephesyans the .ij. ¶ The Chapter ¶ By grace are we made safe through fayth and that not of oure owne selues for it is the gyfte of God and cometh not of workes lest yf ony man shulde boost hymselfe of his owne dedes Thankes be to God The hymne Laudetur deus PRaysed be the God omnipotent Which through his benygnitie His moost deare sonne hath to vs sent To dye for oure iniquite Conceyued he was by the holy goost And borne of a vyrgyn pure Thus the God of myghtes moost Abhorred not our nature And where we were ryght wretchedly Abiecte for our transgression In Christ are we set at lyberte By whom we haue redemption O vyrgyn Mary moost gracyous O mother of God incomperable To thy sonne praye for vs That he after death be fauorable Glorye be to the Trinite The father the sonne and spirite lyuynge Whych arte one God and personnes thre To whom be prayse wythout endynge ¶ The versycle ¶ Praysed be the name of the Lorde ¶ The answere ¶ From thys tyme forth and for euermore ¶ The songe of Zachary the prophet Benedictus Dominus BLessed be the Lorde God of Israell for he hath visyted and redemed his people He hath raysed vp an horne of saluacyon vnto vs in the house of his seruaunt Dauid Euen as he promysed by the mouthe of hys holy prophetes which were syns the worlde beganne That we shulde be saued from our enemyes and from the handes of them that hate vs. To fulfyll the mercy promysyd to our fathers to remember his holy testament To performe the othe whiche he sware to oure father Abraham that he wold gyue hymselfe to vs. That we delyuered out of the handes of our enemyes myght serue hym wythout feare In holynes and ryghteousnesse before hym al the dayes of our lyfe And thou chylde shalt be called the prophet of the hyest for thou shalt go before the face of the Lorde to prepare his wayes To gyue knowlege of saluacion vnto hys people for remyssion of theyr synnes Through the tender mercy of our god by the which spryngynge from the hye hath vysyted vs. To gyue lyght to them that syt in the darkenesse and in the shadow of
theyr names Greate is our Lorde and great is his power yee his wysdome is infinite The Lorde setteth vp the meke and bryngeth the vngodly downe to the grounde O synge vnto the Lorde wyth thankes geuynge synge prayses vpon the harpe vnto our God Which couereth the heauē wyth cloudes and prepareth rayne for the earth whych maketh the hey and grasse to growe vpon the mountaynes to the seruyce of men Which gyueth foder vnto the cattell and fedeth the yonge rauens that call vpon hym He hath no pleasure in the strength of a horse nether delyteth he in any mans legges But the Lordes delyte is in them that feare hym and put theyr trust in his mercy Glorye be to the father to the sonne and to the holy goost As it was in the begynnyne and as it is nowe and euer shal be So be it ¶ The antheme ¶ The Lorde is mercyfull yee so mercyfull that the earth is full of his mercy by the whyche he hathe sente his sonne borne of a womā and made bonde vnto the law to redeme them that were vnder the lawe ¶ The versycle ¶ O Lorde heare my prayer ¶ The answere ¶ And let my crye come to the. ¶ The prayer O Lorde whych by the annunciation of thy angell hast gyuen vs knowlege of the incarnacion of thy sonne Christ we besech the poure thy grace into oure hertes that we trustynge in hym throughe his passion and death maye be broughte to the glorye of the last resurrection By the same our lorde Iesu Christ which lyueth and reygneth one god wyth the father and the holy goost worlde wythout ende So be it ¶ A memory of the passion of Christ ABoute thre houres after the sonne ganne sprynge All the Iewes cryed Iesus to crucifye And in skorne they him clothed with purple clothing And in stede of a crowne on his head they dyd tye A crowne of thorne that prycked cruelly And had hym forth to a place where he dyed And with a howghe crosse on his sholders they layed ¶ The versycle ¶ We worshyp the Christ with prayse benedictiō ¶ The answere ¶ For thou redemest the world by thy holy passiō ¶ The prayer O Lorde Iesu Christ the sonne of the lyuynge God whych from the bosome of the father from heauens dydest descende to the earth and on the woode of the crosse dydest suffre fyue woundes and shed thy precious bloude for the remission of our synnes we mekely beseche the that in the daye of iudgement we maye be on the ryght hande heare thy swete sentence Come ye blessed of my father enioye ye the kyngdome prepared for you from the begynnynge of the worlde In the which kyngdom thou lyuest reygnest God wyth the father for euer So be it ¶ The glorious passion of our Lorde Iesu Christ delyuer vs from sorowfull heuynesse and brynge vs to the ioye of paradyse So be it ¶ A memory of our Lady HOly mother of God whych hym haste conceyued That of all the worlde coulde not worthely be receyued Thy sonne beseche thou with humble intercession Vs for to purge of oure transgression That by thy sonne redemed we maye to the place ascende Where thou dwellest with hym world without ende ¶ The versycle ¶ Holy mother of God make thy peticion ¶ The answere ¶ That we maye obtayne Christes promyssion ¶ The prayer O God whyche woldest thy sonne to be incarnate of the wombe of the blessed vyrgyn Mary graunt to thy meke peticioners that we whych beleue her verely to be the mother of God by her prayers before the we maye be helped By the same our Lorde Christ So be it ¶ The gloryous passion of the vyrgyns sonne Brynge vs to the blysse of the fathers kyngdom So be it O God bende thyselfe into my helpe Lorde hast the to helpe me Glory be to the father and to the sonne and to the holy goost As it was in the begynnynge and as it is nowe and euer shal be So be it ¶ Prayse ye the Lorde ¶ The hymne COme holy goost O creatoure eternall In our myndes to make vysytacion And fulfyll thou wyth grace supernall Our hartes that be of thy creacion Remembre Lorde authour of saluacion That somtyme of a vyrgyne pure Wythout helpe of mans operacion Thou tokest vpon the our frayle nature And as thou of thy clementie and mere mercye specyall Aboue her desertes hast chosen amonge all other And toke her to such fauour and grace supernall That thou woldest be her sonne and she to be thy mother So we beseche the Christ moost tender Graunt that thy seruauntes with a deuout moode Maye oftymes swetely remember The effusion of thy precyous bloude O vyrgyn Mary moost gracious O mother of God incomperable To thy sonne praye for vs That he after death be fauourable Glory to the Lorde of myghtes moost That of a vyrgyn was bore Glory to the father and to the holy goost To them be prayse for euermore So be it ¶ The antheme ¶ Taste and se howe frendely c. ¶ The .xxxiij. psalme Benedicam dominum I Wyll alwaye gyue thankes vnto the Lorde his prayse shall euer be in my mouth My soule make her boost in the Lorde the poore oppressed shall heare therof and be glad O prayse the Lorde with me and let vs magnifye hys name togyther I sought the Lorde and he hearde me yee he delyuered me out of all my troubles Drawe ye nere vnto hym and be ye lyghtened your faces shall not be ashamed Thys poore man cryed vnto the Lorde and he herde hym yee and delyuered hym oute of all hys troubles The angel of the Lorde pytcheth his tent rounde aboute them that feare hym and delyuereth them O tast and se how frendly the Lorde is blessed is the man that trusteth in hym O feare the Lorde ye that be his sayntes for they that feare hym lacke nothynge The ryche shall wante suffre hunger but they whiche seke the Lorde shall wante no maner of thynge that is good Come hyther O ye chyldren herken vnto me I wyll teache you the feare of the Lorde Who so lysteth to lyue and wolde fayne se good dayes Let hym refrayne his tonge from euell and hys lyppes that they speake no gyle Let hym eschewe euyll and do good let hym seke peace and ensue it For the eyes of the Lorde are ouer the ryghteous and his eares are open to theyr prayers But the face of the lorde beholdeth them that do euel to destroye the remembraunce of them out of the earth When the ryghteous crye the lorde heareth thē and delyuereth them out of al theyr troubles The Lorde is nye vnto them that are contryte in herte wyll helpe such as be of an humble spirite Great are the troubles of the ryghteous but the Lorde wyll delyuer them out of all He kepeth all theyr bones so that not one of them is broken But mysfortune shall slee the vngodly and they that hate the ryghteous
haue mercy on vs. Lorde haue mercy on vs. Christ haue mercy on vs. Lorde haue mercy on vs. Our father And leade But delyuer vs. c. ¶ The versycle We haue offended with our father ¶ The answere We haue done wronge and commytted iniquetie ¶ The versycle Lorde do not with vs accordynge to our synnes ¶ The answere Nether rewarde thou vs after our vngodlynesse ¶ The versycle Lorde shewe vs thy mercye ¶ The answere And geue vs thy sauynge helthe ¶ The versycle And let thy mecy come vpon vs Lorde ¶ The answere Thy sauynge helth accordynge to thy promyse ¶ The versycle Lorde saue the Kynge and the realme ¶ The answere And heare vs in the daye where in we call vnto ye. ¶ The versycle Let thy prestes do on iustice ¶ The answere And let thy sayntes reioyce ¶ The versycle For oure brothers and systers ¶ The answere Saue O God thy seruauntes both men and wemen that trust in the. ¶ The versycle Let vs praye for all Christen people ¶ The answere Lorde saue thy people and blesse thyne heretage and rule them and exalte them euermore ¶ The versycle Lorde sende peace through thy vertue ¶ The answere And great abundaunce in euery countre ¶ The soules of all faythfull departed by the mercy of God let them rest in peace ¶ The versycle Lorde heare my prayer ¶ The answere And geue hearynge to my clamoure ¶ For remyssion of synnes GOd to whom it is apropryed to be mercyfull euer and to spare take our prayer and and let thy pytiefull mercye assoyle them that are bonde wyth the chayne of synners By Christ our Lorde So be it ¶ For mercy LOrde we beseche the to shewe vnto vs thyn vnspekable mercy that thou both purge vs from all our synnes and mercyfullye delyuer vs from the payne that we deserue for the same By Christ our Lorde So be it ¶ For the kynge LOrde God of hoostes kynge most myghty and stronge by whom kynges do reygne in whose handes are the hertes of all kynges Graunte vnto thy welbeloued seruaunt H. our kynge continuall helth of body and soule that his harte alwayes enclynynge to wholsome and godlye counsayles and the enemyes of the common welthe beynge vanquyshed we maye lōge inioye vnder him perpetuall peace and brotherly concorde By Christ our Lorde So be it ALmighty eternal god which alone doest great wonders graūt vnto thy seruauntes the bysshoppes to al congregacions cōmytted vnto thē the sprete of grace that in the truth they maye please the powre out on thē the perpetuall dewe of thy benediction By Christ our Lorde So be it ¶ For the people and all estates FOr thy pytie Lorde we besech the to louse the bandes of all our synnes through the prayer of the blessed glorious virgyn Mary wyth al thy sayntes kepe vs thy seruauntes oure kynge and all Christē people in al holynesse all that by kynred of bloude familiaritye confessiō or prayer be alyed vnto vs clense them Lorde of all vyces lyghte thē with vertues peace and helth geue vnto vs auoyde from vs all our enemyes as well visible as inuisible geue thy charyty to our frendes and to our enemyes expell all pestylence and famyne to all christē people quycke dead graunt lyfe endles rest By Christ our lorde So be it ¶ For Charytye O God which doste powre the gyftes of charytye into the hartes of the faytfull through grace of the holy gooste graunt vnto thy seruauntes both men and women for whō we praye vnto thy mercy helth of body and soule that they maye loue the wyth all theyr power and perform wyth al loue the thynges that be pleasyng to the. By Christ our Lorde So be it ¶ For peace O God from whome all holy desyres all good counsels and all iuste workes do procede gyue vnto vs the same peace which the worlde cannot geue that our hartes beynge obedyent to thy commaundementes and the feare of our enemyes takē awaye our tyme may be peasyble through thy proteccion By Christ our Lorde ¶ For the soules departed GOd that arte creatoure and redemer of all faythfull people graunte vnto the soules of all true beleuers beynge deade remyssion of all theyr synnes that through deuoute prayers they maye attayne thy gracyous pardon which they haue alwaye desyred By Christ oure Lorde ☞ So be it ☜ * ¶ An instruction of the maner in hearynge of the Masse shewynge howe and to what intente it shulde be herde the whiche instruction I haue by occasion preuented with a declaracion to the instablyshmente of the Christen fayth concernynge the Sacramēt of as the aulter whyche is consecrated in the Masse THe order taken of me in thys prymer moost deare reader setteth here followynge certayne meditacions to be sayd at the sacrynge as we cal it of the masse in the masse tyme which masse is a consecracion of the body and bloude of Christ by the power of God workynge secretly in the wordes that are spoken of the prest and institute for a specyall memory of Christes passion set forth wyth certayne ceremonies and deuoute suffragies to the enkyndlynge and styryng vp of the deuocions or deuoute myndes not only of the prest but also of the hearers to the entent that they maye impende a dew honoure as concernynge theyr deuty to the same blessed sacrament And for as much as dyuers people dyuersly do heare it some for custome some by shame cōpelled some wyth smale deuocion some cōtented to heare and se what the prest doth thynketh it ynoughe to be present in the churche whyle it is a doyng but not so many as I wolde wyshe doth heare the same to the ende that Christe dyd ordeyne it to be done for And specyally a great sorte which is worst of all maketh this moste holy sacrament of no estimacion nor reuerence pernycyously affyrmynge that in that sacrament is not the presence of the body and bloude of Christe I haue thought it conuenyente and some what necessarye both to make a declaracyon to the deuoute readers of the fayth that belongeth to the same and also to geue instruccyon to what vse or purpose they shulde frequent the consecracyon and mynistracyon of it Whiche entrepryse gentle readers I take in hande not because thynke my selfe of such excellent iudgement and learnynge that I can exquysytely and suffycyently declare and satysfye the reader of the misteryes of so excellent and hygh sacrament but that onely I wolde shewe some token of my deuty to my euen Christen in the distribucion vnto hym of suche talent whyche God hath lente me And fyrst shall I reherse the scriptures whych the sacramentaries go aboute to enstablyshe theyr hereticall opinion as concernynge the body of Christ presence of the same sacrament declarynge such places of scripture that they haue chosen in theyr owne natyue sence the hereby may appere both that they distort the scripture for theyr singuler opyniō also that theyr opiniō
geue ioye and gladnesse and my weykened bones shal be refreshed Turne thy face from my synnes and wype away all my wyckednesse A pure herte create in me Oh Lorde and an vpryght sprete make a newe within me Vast me not awaye from thy face and thy holye sprete take not from me Restore vnto me the gladnesse of thy saluacion strenthen me with a principall herte I wyll instruct the wycked that they maye knowe thy wayes the vngodly shal be conuerted vnto thē Delyuer me frō bloudes oh Lorde the god of my helth and my tonge shal exalte thy ryghteousnes Lorde open thou my lyppes and my mouthe shall shewe forth thy prayse For yf thou haddest desyred sacrifices I had surelye geuē it but thou delytest not in burnt sacrifices A sacrifice to God is a lowly sprete a cōtryte and an humble herte thou shalt not dispyse O God Deale gentelye of thy fauourable beneuolence wyth Syon that the walles of Ierusalem maye be buylt agayne Then shalte thou accepte the sacrifice of ryghteousnesse oblacion and burnt offrynges then shall they laye calues vpon thy aulter ¶ The antheme My brused bones Lorde shal be refreshed ¶ The antheme Heare Lorde The .lxiiii. Psalme Te decet hymnus THou O God art praysed in Sion and to the is the vowe perfourmed Thou hearest the prayer therfore commeth all fleshe vnto the. Our mysdedes preuayle agaynst vs Oh be thou mercyfull vnto our synnes Blessed is the man whom thou chosest and receauest vnto the that he maye dwell in thy courte he shal be satisfyed wyth the pleasures of thy house euen of thy holy temple Heare vs accordyng vnto thy wonderfull ryghteousnes of god our saluacion thou that art the hope of al the endes of the earth and of the brode see Which in his strength setteth fast the mountaynes and is gyrded about with power Whych stylleth the ragynge of the see the roarynge of hys wawes and the woodnes of the people They that dwell in the vttermoost parties are afrayed at thy tokens thou makeste bothe the mornynge and euenynge starres to prayse the. Thou vysitest the earth thou watterest it makest it very plenteous The ryuer of god is ful of waters thou preparest man his corne thys thou prouydest for the earthe Thou waterest hyr forowes thou breakest the hard clottes therof thou makest it softe wyth the droppes of rayne and blessest the increase of it Thou crowneste the yeare with thy good and thy fote steppes droppe fatnes The dwellynges of the wyldernes are so fat also that they droppe wyth all and the lytle hylles are pleasaunt on euery syde The feldes are ful of shepe the valyes stōde so thyck with corne that they laugh synge ¶ Antheme Heare my prayer o Lorde vnto the shall euerye creature come ¶ The antheme Hath receyued The .lxii. psalme Dens deus meus O God thou art my god early wyll I seke ye. My soule thyrsteth for the my flesh lōgeth after in a baren and drye lande where no water is Thus do I loke for the in thy sanctuary that I myght beholde thy power and glory For thy louynge kyndnesse is better thē lyfe my lyppes shall prayse the. As longe as I lyue wyl I magnify the and lyfte vp my handes in thy name My soule is satisfyed euen as it were wyth mary and fatnesse when my mouthe prayseth the wyth ioyfull syppes In my bed wyll I remēbre the and when I wake my talkynge shal be of the. For thou hast ben my helper and vnder the shadowe of thy wynges wyll I reioyce My soule hangeth vpon the thy ryght hande vpholdeth me They seke after my soule but in vayne for they shall go vnder the earth They shall fall into the swearde and be a porcion for foxes But the kynge shall reioyce in God all they that swere by hym shall be commended for the mouthe of lyers shal be stopped The .lxvi. Psalme Deus miseriatur nostri GOd be mercyfull vnto vs blesse vs shew the lyght of his countenaunce vpon vs. That we maye know thy waye vpō earth thy saluacion amonge al Heathen Let the people prayse the O God yet let all people prayse the. O let the people reioyse and be gladde that thou iudgest the folke ryghteously and gouerneste the nacions vpon earth Let the people prayse the O God let all people prayse the the earth hath geuen her frute God euen our owne God geue vs his blessynge God blesse vs and let all the endes of the worlde feare hym ¶ The antheme Lorde thy ryght hande hath defended me ¶ The antheme From the gates ¶ The songe of Ezechias Esay xxxviii Chap. Ego dixi in dimidio dierum I Thought I shulde haue gone to the gates of hel in my best age and haue wanted the resydue of my yeares I sayde within myselfe I shall neuer visyte God in thys lyfe I shal neuer se man amonge the dwel lynges of the Lorde Myne age is folden vp together and taken away from me lyke a shepeherdes cotage my lyfe is hewen of lyke as a weuer cuttes of his webbe Whyle I was yet takynge my reste he hewed me of and made an ende of me in one waye I thought I wolde haue lyued vnto the morowe but he brused my bones lyke a lyon and made on ende of me in one daye When chattred I lyke a swallow and lyke a crane and mourned as a doue I lyft vp myne eyes into the heyght O lord sayd I vyolēce is done vnto me be thou suerty for me What shall I speake or saye that he may do this that I maye lyue out all my yeares yee in the bytternesse of my lyfe Verely Lorde men must lyue in bytternesse and all my lyfe must I passe ouer therin for thou raysest me vp and wakest me but I wysbe well contēt with this bytternesse Neuerthelesse my conuersacion hath so pleased the that thou woldest not make an ende of my lyfe so that thou hast cast my synnes behynde thy backe For hell prayseth not the deathe dothe not magnifye the. They that go downe into the graue prayse not thy truth but the lyuynge yee the lyuynge acknowlege the lyke as I do thys daye the father telleth hys chyldren of thy faythfulnesse Delyuer vs O Lorde we wyl synge prayses in thy house all the dayes of our lyfe ¶ The antheme Frō the gates of hell Lorde delyuer theyr soules ¶ The antheme Let euery sprete The Cxlviiij Laudate dominum decelis PRayse ye the Lorde of heauens prayse ye hym in the hyghe place Prayse ye hym all his angels all his powers prayse ye hym Prayse ye him sonne and mone all starres and lyghe prayse ye hym The hyghest of heauens prayse ye hym the waters that are aboue the heauens let them prayse the Lordes name For by his wordes al thynges were made by his commaundement all thynges were created He hath stablyshed them euerlastyngly and into the worlde of worldes-he hath set a lawe that shal not
exspyre Prayse ye the Lorde of the earth ye dragons and all depenesses Fyre hayle snowe yse stormes of wyndes that do his commaundemente Mountaynes and all lytell hylles woodes bearynge fruyte and all cedre trees Beastes and all maner of cattel serpentes and fethered foules Kynges of the earthe and all people prynces and all iudges of the earth Bachelers and maydens olde men and yonge let them prayse the name of the lorde for the name of hym onely is exalted The knowledgynge of hym is aboue heauen and earth and he hath exalted the horne of hys people Laude be vnto al his sayntes to the sonnes of Israel to the people approchynge vnto hym The Cxlix Psalme Cantate domino S●nge ye vnto the Lorde a newe songe let the congregacion of sayntes prayse hym Let Israel reioyce in hym that made him and let the sonnes of Sion tryūphe in theyr kyng Let them prayse his name with daunsyng let thē synge vnto hym wyth timpany and harpe For the lorde is well pleased with his people and hath exalted the lowly into saluacion Sayntas shal tryumphe in glory they shall make ioye in theyr chambers The prayses of God shal be in theyr mouthes and two edged swordes in theyr handes To do vengeans amongest nacions and correccions amongest people To bynde theyr kynges in fetters and theyr nobles in manacles of yron For to execute on them the iudgement wrytten thys is glory vnto all hys sayntes Laudate dominum PRayse ye the lordein his sayntes prayse him in the fyrmament of his power Prayse ye hym in his strēgth prayse ye him accordynge to the almyghtynesse of his power Prayse ye hym with the sounde of a trumpette prayse ye hym with harpe and lute Prayse ye hym with tympany daūsynge prayse ye hym with rebeckes and organnes Prayse ye hym wyth clary symballes well soundynge prayse ye hym with Symballes of swetenesse let euery sprete prayse the Lorde The antheme Let euery sprete geue prayse vnto the Lorde ¶ The versycle From the gates of hell ¶ The responce Lorde delyuer theyr soules ¶ The antheme I am ¶ The songe of Zachary the prophete Benedictus dominus Luce .i. BLessed be the Lorde God of Israell for he hath vysited and redemed hys people ●e hath raysed vp an horne of saluacion in the house of his seruaunt Dauid Euen as he promysed by the mouth of his holy prophetes whyche were syns the worlde beganne That we shulde be saued from our enemyes and from the handes of them that hate vs. To fulfyl the mercy promysed to our fathers and to remembre hys holy testament To performe the oth whiche he sware to our father Abraham that he wolde geue hymselfe to vs. That we delyuered out of the handes of our enemyes myght serue hym wythout feare In the holynes and ryghteousnes before hym all the dayes of our lyfe And thou chyld shalt be called the prophet of the hyest for thou shalt go before the face of the Lorde to prepare hys wayes To gyue knowlege of saluacion vnto hys people for remyssion of theyr synnes Through the tender mercy of our god by the which spryngynge from that hye hath visited vs. To gyue lyght to them that syt in the darknesse and in the shadowe of death and to gyde oure fete into the waye of peace ¶ The antheme I am the resurreccion and lyfe he that beleueth in me ye all though he were dead yet shall he lyue whosoeuer lyueth and beleueth in me shall not se euerlastyng death Lord haue mercy on vs. Christ haue mercy on vs. Lorde haue mercy on vs. Our father And leade vs not But delyuer vs ¶ The .xxix. psalme Exaltabo te domine I Wyl magnify the O Lorde for thou hast set me vp and not suffred my foes to tryumph ouer me O Lord my God I cryed vnto the and thou hast healed me Thou Lorde haste brought my soule out of hell thou hast kepte my lyfe where as they go downe into the pytte Synge prayses vnto the Lorde O ye sayntes of his geue thankes vnto him for a remembraunce of holynesse For his wrath is but the twynkelyng of an eye his plesure is in lyfe heuinesse maye wel endure for a nyght but ioye commeth in the mornynge As for me when I was in prosperitye I sayde tusshe I shall neuer fall more And why thou Lorde of thy goodnesse haddest made my hyll so gronge But as sone as thou turnest thy face from me I was brought in feare Then cryed I vnto the O lorde ye vnto the lorde made I my prayer What profyte is there in my bloude yf I go downe into corruption Maye the dust geue thankes vnto the or shall it declare thy faythfulnesse Heare O Lorde and haue mercy vpon me Lorde be thou my helper And so thou hast turned my heuynesse into ioye thou hast put of my sackecloth gyrded me wyth gladnesse That myne honoure myght synge prayses vnto the without ceasynge Lorde my God I wyll geue thankes vnto the for euer From the gates of hell Lorde delyuer theyr soules I trust to se the goodnes of the lorde in the londe of the lyuynge Lorde heare my prayer and and let my clamour come vnto the. ¶ The prayer O God whiche by the mouth of Saynt Paule thyne apostle hath taught vs not to be sory for them that slepe in Christ Graunt we beseche the that in the commynge of thy sonne our lorde Iesu Christ we with al other faythful people being departed may be graciously brought vnto ioyes euerlastyng which shalt com to iudg both the quycke and the deade and the worlde by fyre ALmyghty eternall God to whom there is neuer any prayer made without hope of mercy be propiciable to the soule of thy seruaunt N. that seynge it departed from thys lyfe in the confession of thy name thou wylt cause it to be associate to the company of thy sayntes By Christ our Lorde O God of whose mercy ther is no nūbre admyt our prayers for the soules of thy seruaūtes the Byshoppes and graunt vnto them the lande of pleasure lyghte in the felowshyp of thy blessed angels By christ our lord LOrde enclyne thyne eare vnto our prayers wherin we ryghte deuoutly cal vpon thy mercy that thou wylt bestow the soules of thy seruauntes both men womē which thou hast cōmaunded to departe frō thys worlde in the countre of peace and rest and further cause them to be partakers with thy sayntes By Christ our Lorde WE beseche lorde that the prayer of thy suppliantes maye auayle to the soules of thy seruaūtes of eyther kynde that thou wylt both purge thē of all theyr synnes cause them to be partakers of thy redempcion which lyuest and reygnest God worlde wythout ende So be it ¶ The thyrde parte of the prymer treatynge of workes WOrkes are diuers some right good necessary which must nedes be obserued as the cōmaūdemētes of god And these most chefely ought to be regarded and had in price