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A72693 The booke of the common prayer and administracion of the sacramentes, and other rites and ceremonies of the Churche: after the vse of the Churche of England.; Liturgies. Book of common prayer Church of England. 1549 (1549) STC 16270A; ESTC S122894 224,523 337

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the beard euen vnto Aarons bearde and went downe to the skirtes of hys clothing Like the dewe of Hermon which fell vpon the hil of Sion For there the Lorde promised hys blessyng and lyfe for euermore Glory be to the father and to the sonne and to the holy gost As it was in the begynnyng is nowe and euer shall be worlde without ende Amen The Collect. ALmightie God whome truely to knowe is euerlasting lyfe Graunte vs perfectlye to knowe thy sonne Iesus Christe to be the way the trueth and the lyfe as thou haste taught saint Philip and other the Apostles Through Iesus Christe our Lorde The Epistle IAmes the seruaunt of God and of the Lord Iesus Christe sendethe greetyng to the .xii Tribes which are scatered abroade My brethren count it for an exceding ioye when ye fall into dyuerse temptacions Knowing this that the trying of your fayth gendreth pacience and let pacience haue her perfect worke that ye may be perfecte and sound lacking nothing If any of you lacke wisedome let hym aske of hym that geueth it euen God whiche geueth to all men indifferentlye and casteth no man in the teeth and it shal be geuen hym But let hym aske in fayth and wauer not for he that doubteth is lyke a waue of the sea whiche is tost of the windes and caried with violence Neither let that manne thynke that he shall receiue any thing of the Lorde A waueryng mynded man is vnstable in all his wayes Let the brother whiche is of lowe degree reioyce when he is exalted Agayne let him that is riche reioyce when he is made lowe For euen as the flower of the grasse shall he passe awaye For as the sunne riseth with heate and the grasse withereth and his flower falleth away and the beautye of the fashyon of it perisheth euen so shall the riche manne peryshe in hys wayes Happy is the man that endureth temptacion For when he is tried he shall receyue the croune of lyfe whiche the Lorde hath promised to them that loue him The Gospell ANd Iesus sayed vnto his disciples let not youre hearte be troubled Ye beleue in God beleue also in me In my fathers house are many Mansions If it were not so I woulde haue tolde you I goe to prepare a place for you And yf I goe to prepare a place for you I will come againe and receiue you euen vnto my selfe that where I am there may ye be also And whither I goe ye knowe and the waye ye knowe Thomas sayeth vnto him Lorde we knowe not whether thou goest And howe is it possible for vs to knowe the waye Iesus saieth vnto him I am the waye the trueth the lyfe No man cometh vnto the father but by me if ye had knowen me ye had knowen my father also And nowe ye knowe him and haue seen him Philip sayeth vnto him Lorde shewe vs the father and it suffiseth vs. Iesus sayeth vnto him haue I bene so long time with you and yet haste thou not knowen me Philip he that hath sene me hath sene my father and howe sayest thou then shewe vs the father Beleuest thou not that I am in the father the father in me The woordes that I speake vnto you I speake not of my selfe But the father that dwelleth in me is he that doeth the workes Beleue me that I am in the father and the father in me Orels beleue me for the workes sake Verely verely I say vnto you he that beleueth on me the workes that I doe the same shall he doe also and greater workes then these shall he doe because I go vnto my father And whatsoeuer ye aske in my name that will I doe that the father may be gloryfied by the sonne Yf ye shall aske anye thyng in my name I will do it At Mattyns ¶ The seconde lesson Actes .xiiii. vnto the ende ¶ At the Communion I Cried vnto the Lord with my voyce yea euen vnto the Lorde did I make my supplicacion I powred out my complayntes before hym and shewed him of my trouble When my spirit was in heauines thou knewest my path in the waye wherein I walked haue they prieuely layed a snare for me I looked also vpon my righthande and see there was no man that would knowe me I had no place to flye vnto and no manne cared for my soule I cryed vnto thee O Lord and said Thou art my hope and my porcion in the lande of the lyuyng Consider my complaynt for I am brought very lowe O delyuer me from my persecutours for they are to strong for me Bryng my soule out of prieson that I maye geue thankes vnto thy name which thing if thou wilte graunte me then shall the righteous resorte vnto my company Glory be to the father c. As it was in the beginning c. The Collect. LOrde almyghtie whiche haste indued thy holy Apostle Barnabas with singuler giftes of thy holy gost let vs not be destitute of thy manyfolde giftes nor yet of grace to vse them alwaye to thy honoure and glory Through Iesus Christ our Lorde The Epistle TYdynges of these thinges came vnto the eares of the congregacion which was in Ierusalem And they sent furth Barnabas that he should goe vnto Antioche Whiche when he came and had seen the grace of God was glad and exhorted them all that with purpose of heart they would continually cleaue vnto the Lorde For he was a good man and full of the holy gost and of fayth and muche people was added vnto the Lorde Then departed Barnabas to Tharsus for to seke Saul And when he had found him he brought him vnto Antioche And it chaunsed that a whole yere they hadde theyr conuersacion with the congregacion there taught muche people insomuche that the disciples of Antioche were the first that were called Christen In those dayes came Prophetes from the citie of Hierusalem vnto Antioche And there stode vp one of them named Agabus and signified by the spirite that there should be greate dearth throughout all the world which came to passe in the Emperoure Cladius dayes Then the disciples euery manne according to his habilitie purposed to sende succour vnto the brethren which dwelt in Iewry which thing they also dyd and sent it to the elders by the handes of Barnabas and Saul The Gospell THys is my commaundement that ye loue together as I haue loued you Greater loue hath no man then this that a man bestowe his lyfe for his frendes Ye are my frendes yf ye doe whatsoeuer I commaunde you Hencefurth call I you not seruauntes for the seruaunte knoweth not what his Lorde doeth But you haue I called frendes for all thinges that I haue heard of my father haue I opened to you ye haue not chosen me but I haue chosen you and ordayned you to goe and bryng furth fruite and that your fruite shoulde remayne that whatsoeuer ye aske of the father in my name he maye
Lorde so commeth thynges to passe blessed be the name of the Lorde When they come at the graue whyles the Corps is made ready to be layed into the earth the priest shall saye orels the priest and clearkes shall syng MAnne that is borne of a woman hath but a shorte tyme to lyue and is full of misery he cummeth vp and is cut downe lyke a floure he flyeth as it were a shadowe and neuer continueth in one staye ¶ In the myddest of lyfe we be in death of whom may we seke for succour but of thee O Lorde which for our sinnes iustly art moued yet O Lorde God moste holy O Lorde moste mighty O holy and moste mercifull sauiour deliuer vs not into the bytter paynes of eternall death Thou knowest Lorde the secretes of our heartes shutte not vp thy mercyfull iyes to oure prayers But spare vs Lorde moste holy O God moste mighty O holy and mercifull sauiour thou moste worthy iudge eternal suffre vs not at our last houre for any paynes of death to fall from thee Then the priest castyng earth vpon the Corps shall saye I Commende thy soule to God the father almightie and thy body to the grounde earth to earth asshes to asshes dust to dust in sure and certaine hope of resurreccion to eternall lyfe through our Lorde Iesus Christe who shall chaunge oure vile body that it may be lyke to his gloryous body according to the mighty workyng wherby he is hable to subdue al thinges to himselfe Then shal be sayed or song I Heard a voyce from heauen saying vnto me Write blessed are the dead which dye in the Lord. Euen so sayeth the spirite that they rest from their labours Let vs pray WE commend into thy hādes of mercy most mercifull father the soule of this our brother departed N. And his body we commit to the earth beseching thine infinite goodnesse to geue vs grace to lyue in thy feare and loue and to dye in thy fauour that when the iudgemente shall come whiche thou haste committed to thy welbeloued sonne both this oure brother and we may be found acceptable in thy sight and receyue that blessing whiche thy welbeloued sonne shall then pronounce to all that loue and feare thee saying Come ye blessed children of my father Receyue the kyngdome prepared for you before the beginning of the worlde Graunt this mercifull father for the honour of Iesu Christe our onely sauior mediator and aduocate Amen This prayer shall also be added ALmightye God we geue thee hertie thankes for this thy seruaunt whom thou hast deliuered from the miseries of this wretched worlde from the bodye of death and all temptacion And as we trust haste brought his soule which he committed into thy holy handes into sure consolacion and rest Graunt we beseche thee that at the daye of iudgemente hys soule and all the soules of thy elect departed out of thys lyfe may with vs and we with them fullye receyue thy promisses and bee made perfite altogether thorowe the glorious resurreccion of thy sonne Iesus Christe our Lorde These psalmes with other suffrages folowing are to be sayde in the churche either before or after the buriall of the corps I Am well pleased that the lorde hath hearde the voyce of my prayer That he hath enclined his eare vnto me therfore will I call vpon him as long as I liue The snares of death compased me round about and the paynes of hel gatte hold vpon me I shal finde trouble and heauines and I shall call vpon the name of the Lorde O Lorde I beseche thee deliuer my soule Gracious is the lord and righteous yea our god is mercifull The lorde preserueth the simple I was in misery and he helped me Turne agayn then vnto thy rest O my soule for the lord hath rewarded thee And why thou hast deliuered my soule from death mine eyes from teares and my feete from falling I will walke before the lorde in the lande of the liuyng I beleued therefore will I speake but I was sore troubled I sayde in my haste all men are lyers What rewarde shall I geue vnto the lorde for all the benefites that he hath done vnto me I wil receiue the cup of saluacion and cal vpon the name of the Lorde I wil pay my vowes now in the presence of all his people right dere in the sight of y e lorde is the death of hys saintes Beholde O Lorde how that I am thy seruaunt I am thy seruaunt and the sonne of thy handemayde thou haste broken my bondes in sunder I will offer to thee the sacrifyce of thankes geuyng and will call vpon the name of the Lorde I will pay my vowes vnto the lorde in the syghte of all hys people in the courtes of the Lordes house euen in the middest of thee O Hierusalem Glory be to the father c. As it was in the beginning c. O Lorde thou hast searched me out and knowen me Thou knowest my downsitting and mine vprising thou vnderstandest my thoughtes long before Thou arte about my path and about my bed and spyeste out all my wayes For loe there is not a woorde in my tongue but thou O Lorde knowest it altogether Thou hast fashioned me behynde and before and layed thyne hande vpon me Such knowlage is to woonderfull and excellente for me I cannot attayne vnto it Whither shall I goe then from thy spirite or whither shall I goe then from thy presence If I clime vp into heauen thou art there If I goe down to hell thou art there also If I take the winges of the morning and remaine in the vttermost partes of the sea Euen there also shall thy hande leade me and thy ryght hande shall holde me If I say peraduenture the derkenes shal couer me then shall my night be turned to day Yea the darkenes is no darkenes with thee but the night is all cleare as the day the darkenes and lyght to thee are both a lyke For my reines are thyne thou hast couered me in my mothers wombe I wil geue thankes vnto thee for I am fearfully and wunderously made marueilous are thy woorkes and that my soule knoweth ryghte well My bones are not hyd from thee though I bee made secretly and fashioned beneath in the yearth Thyne eyes did see my substaunce yet beyng vnperfect and in thy booke were all my members written Whiche daye by daye were fashioned when as yet there was none of them How deare are thy counsels vnto me O God O howe great is the summe of them If I tell them they are moe in noumbre then the sande when I wake vp I am present with thee Wilt thou not sley the wicked O God departe from me ye bloud thristie men For they speake vnrighteously against thee and thine enemies take thy name in vaine Do not I hate them O Lorde that hate thee and am not I greued with those that ryse vp agaynst thee Yea I hate
him and set him vp for euer O ye Sunne and Moone speake good of the Lorde prayse him and set hym vp for euer O ye starres of heauen speake good of the Lord prayse him and set him vp for euer O ye showers and dewe speake good of the lord praise him and set him vp for euer O ye windes of God speake good of the Lorde prayse him and set him vp for euer O ye fyre and heate prayse ye the Lord praise him and set him vp for euer O ye winter and summer speake good of the Lorde prayse him and set him vp for euer O ye dewes and frostes speake good of the Lord prayse him and set him vp for euer O ye frost and colde speake good of the Lorde prayse him and set him vp for euer O ye yse and snowe speake good of the Lorde prayse him and set him vp for euer O ye nyghtes and dayes speake good of the Lorde prayse him and set him vp for euer O ye lyght and darkenes speake good of the Lorde prayse him and set him vp for euer O ye lightenynges and cloudes speake good of the Lorde prayse him and set him vp for euer O let the earth speake good of the Lorde yea let it prayse him and set him vp for euer O ye mountaynes and hilles speake good of the Lorde prayse him and set him vp for euer O all ye grene thinges vpon the earth speake good of the Lorde prayse him and set him vp for euer O ye welles speake good of the Lorde prayse him and set him vp for euer O ye seas and floudes speake good of the Lorde prayse him and set him vp for euer O ye whales and all that moue in the waters speake good of the Lorde prayse him and set him vp for euer O all ye foules of the ayre speake good of the Lorde prayse him and set him vp for euer O all ye beastes and cattell speake ye good of the Lorde prayse him and set him vp for euer O ye children of menne speake good of the Lorde prayse him and set him vp for euer O let Israel speake good of the Lorde prayse hym and set him vp for euer O ye priestes of the Lorde speake good of the Lorde prayse him and set him vp for euer O ye seruauntes of the Lorde speake good of the Lorde prayse him and set him vp for euer O ye spirites and soules of the righteous speake good of the Lorde prayse him and set him vp for euer O ye holy and humble men of heart speake ye good of the Lorde prayse ye him and set him vp for euer O Ananias Asarias and Misael speake ye good of the Lorde prayse ye him and set him vp for euer Glory be to the father and to the sonne c. As it was in the beginning is nowe c. And after the second lesson throughout the whole yere shall be vsed Benedictus dominus deus Israel c. in Englishe as foloweth BLessed be the Lord God of Israel for he hath visited and redemed his people And hath lyfted vp an horne of saluacion to vs in the house of his seruaunt Dauid As he spake by the mouth of his holy Prophetes which hath been sence the worlde began That we should be saued from oure enemyes and from the handes of all that hate vs. To performe the mercy promised to our fathers and to remembre his holy couenaunt To perfourme the othe whiche he sware to our father Abraham that he would geue vs. That we being deliuered out of the handes of oure enemies might serue him without feare In holynesse and righteousnes before him all the dayes of our lyfe And thou child shalt be called the Prophete of the highest for thou shalt goe before the face of the Lord to prepare his wayes To geue knowledge of saluacion vnto his people for the remission of their sinnes Through the tendre mercy of our God whereby the daye spring from an high hath visited vs. To geue light to them that sit in darkenes in the shadowe of death and to guide our fete into the way of peace Glory be to the father and to the sonne c. As it was in the beginning is nowe and euer c. Then shall be sayed dayly through the yere the prayers folowyng aswell at Euensong as at Mattyns all deuoutly knelyng Lorde haue mercy vpon vs. Christe haue mercy vpon vs. Lorde haue mercy vpon vs. Then the minister shall say the Crede and the Lordes prayer in Englishe with a loude voyce c. Aunswere But deliuer vs from euill Amen Priest O Lorde shewe thy mercy vpon vs. Aunswere And graunte vs thy saluacion Priest O Lorde saue the kyng Aunswere And mercifully heare vs when we call vpon thee Priest Indue thy ministers with ryghteousnes Aunswere And make thy chosen people ioyfull Priest O Lorde saue thy people Aunswere And blesse thyne inheritaunce Priest Geue peace in our time O Lorde Aunswere Because there is none other that fyghteth for vs but only thou O God Priest O God make clene our heartes within vs. Aunswere And take not thyne holy spirite from vs. Priest The Lorde be with you Aunswere And with thy spirite ¶ Then shall dayly folowe three Collectes The firste of the daye which shal be the same that is appoynted at the Cōmunion The second for peace The third for grace to lyue well And the two laste Collectes shall neuer alter but dayly be sayed at Mattyns throughout all the yere as foloweth The priest standing vp and saying Let vs pray ¶ Then the Collect of the daye ¶ The second Collect for peace O God which art author of peace louer of concorde in knowledge of whom standeth our eternall lyfe whose seruice is perfecte fredome defende vs thy humble seruaūtes in all assaultes of our enemies that we surely trustyng in thy defence may not feare the power of any aduersaries through the might of Iesu Christ our Lorde Amen ¶ The thyrd Collect for grace O Lord our heauenly father almighty and euerlyuyng God whiche haste safely brought vs to the beginning of this day Defend vs in the same with thy mighty power graunt that this day we fall into no sinne neither runne into any kinde of daunger but that all our doinges may be ordred by thy gouernaunce to doe alwayes that is ryghteous in thy sight through Iesus Christe our Lorde Amen ❧ AN ORDRE ❧ For Euensong throughout the yere ¶ The priest shall saye ❧ OVRE FATHER c Then lykewyse he shall saye O God make spede to saue me Aunswere O Lorde make haste to helpe me Priest Glory be to the father to the sonne and to the holy gost As it was in the begynnyng is nowe and euer shal be worlde without ende Amen Prayse ye the Lorde And from Easter to Trinitie Sonday Alleluya As before is appoynted at Mattyns Then Psalmes in ordre as they be appoynted in the Table for Psalmes except there be
before rebuked him that he should holde his peace But he cryed so muche the more thou sonne of Dauid haue mercye on me And Iesus stode styll and commaunded hym to bee brought vnto hym And when he was come nere he asked him saying what wilt thou that I doe vnto thee and he sayd Lorde that I may receyue my sight And Iesus sayd vnto him receiue thy sight thy fayth hath saued thee And immediatly he receyued his sight and folowed hym praysing God And al the people when they sawe it gaue praise vnto God ¶ The first day of Lent commonly called Ashwednesdaye O Lord rebuke me not in thyne indignacion neyther chasten me in thy displeasure Haue mercy vpon me O Lorde for I am weake O Lorde heale me for my bones are vexed My soule also is soore troubled but Lorde howe long wilt thou punishe me Turne thee O Lorde and delyuer my soule Oh saue me for thy mercies sake For in death no man remembreth thee and who wyll geue thee thankes in the pyt I am wery of my groning euery night washe I my bed and water my couche with my teares My beautie is gone for very trouble and worne awaye because of all myne enemyes Awaye fro me all ye that worke vanitie for the Lorde hath heard the voyce of my wepyng The Lorde hath heard my peticion the Lorde wyll receyue my prayer All myne enemies shal be confounded and sore vexed they shal be turned backe and put to shame sodainly Glory be to the father c. As it was in the beginning c. The Collect. ALmightie and euerlasting God which hatest nothing that thou haste made and doest forgeue the synnes of al them that be penitent Create and make in vs newe and contrite heartes that we worthely lamenting our synnes and knowlegyng oure wretchednes may obtayne of thee the God of all mercy perfecte remission and forgeuenesse through Iesus Christe The Epistle TVrne you vnto me with all your heartes with fasting weping and mourning rent your heartes and not your clothes Turne you vnto the Lorde your God for he is gracious mercifull long sufferyng and of great compassion and ready to pardon wickednes Then no doubt he also shall turne and forgeue and after his chastening he shall let your increase remaine for meate and drinke offeringes vnto the Lorde youre God Blowe out with the trompet in Sion proclaime a fastyng call the congregacion and gather the people together warne the congregacion gather the elders bring the childrē and sucklinges together Let the brydgrome go furth of his chambre and the bride out of her closet Let the priestes serue the Lorde betwene the Porche and the alter weping and saying be fauorable O Lorde be fauorable vnto thy people let not thyne heritage be brought to suche confusion leste the heathen be Lordes therof Wherfore should they say among the Heathen where is nowe theyr God The Gospell WHen ye faste bee not sad as the Hipocrites are for they disfigure theyr faces that it may appeare vnto men howe that they fast Verely I say vnto you they haue theyr rewarde But thou when thou fasteste annoynte thyne head and washe thy face that it appeare not vnto men howe that thou fasteste but vnto thy father whiche is in secrete and thy father whiche seeth in secrete shall reward thee openly Lay not vp for your selues treasure vpon earth where the rust and moth doth corrupt and where theues breake through and steale But laye vp for you treasures in heauen where neither rust nor moth doth corrupt where theues doe not breake through nor steale For where your treasure is there wil your heartes be also ¶ The first Sonday in Lent BLessed is he whose vnryghteousnesse is forgeuen and whose synne is couered Blessed is the man vnto whom the Lorde imputeth no sinne and in whose spirite there is no guile For while I helde my tongue my bones consumed awaye thorough my dayly complayning For thy hande is heauy vpon me both daye and night and my moysture is lyke the drought in Somer I will knowlage my sinne vnto thee and mine vnrighteousnes haue I not hyd I sayd I will confesse my sinnes vnto the Lorde and so thou forgauest the wickednesse of my sinne For this shall euery one that is Godly make his prayer vnto thee in a time when thou maiest be founde but in the great water floudes they shall not come nye him Thou art a place to hyde me in thou shalt preserue me from trouble thou shalt compasse me about with songes of deliueraunce I will enforme thee and teache thee in the waye wherin thou shalt go and I will guyde thee with mine eye Be not ye lyke horsse and Mule whiche haue no vnderstanding whose mouthes must be holden with bitte and bridle leste they fall vpon thee Great plagues remaine for the vngodly but whoso putteth his trust in the Lorde mercy embraceth hym on euery side Be glad O ye righteous and reioyce in the Lorde and be ioyfull all ye that are true of heart Glory be to the father and to the sonne and to the holy ghoste As it was in the begynnyng is nowe and euer shal be worlde without ende Amen The Collect. O Lorde whiche for oure sake dyddeste faste fortye dayes and fourtye nyghtes Geue vs grace to vse suche abstinence that our fleshe beeyng subdued to the spirite wee maye euer obeye thy Godlye mocyons in righteousnes and true holynes to thy honour and glorye whiche liuest and reignest c. The Epistle WE as helpers exhort you that ye receyue not the grace of god in vain For he saith I haue heard thee in a tyme accepted and in the daye of saluacyon haue I succoured thee Beholde nowe is that accepted tyme beholde nowe is that day of saluacion Let vs geue no occasyon of euill that in oure office be founde no faute but in all thinges let vs behaue our selues as the ministers of God In much pacience in affliccions in necessities in anguishes in stripes in priesōmētes in strifes in labours in watchynges in fastynges in purenes in knowledge in long suffering in kyndenes in the holy goste in loue vnfayned in the worde of trueth in the power of God by the armour of ryghteousnes of the ryghte hande and on the lefte by honour and dyshonour by euyll reporte and good reporte as deceiuers and yet true as vnknowen and yet knowen as dying and beholde we lyue as chastened and not kylled as sorowyng and yet alwaye mery as poore and yet make manye ryche as hauyng nothyng and yet possessing all thinges The Gospell THen was Iesus led awaye of the spirite into wyldernesse to bee tempted of the deuyll And when he had fasted fourty daies and fourty nightes he was at the laste an hungred And when the tempter came to hym he sayde if thou bee the sonne of God commaunde that these stones be made breade But he aunswered and sayd it is
and compassed me together on euery syde My louers and frendes hast thou put awaye from me and hid myne acquayntaunce out of my syght Glory be to the father and to the sonne and to the holy ghoste As it was in the beginning is nowe and euer shal be worlde without ende Amen The Epistle IT is better if the will of God be so that ye suffre for well doing then for euil doing For asmuche as Christ hath once suffered for sinnes the iust for the vniust to bring vs to God and was kylled as partayning to the flesh but was quickened in the spirite In which spirite he also went and preached to the spirites that were in prison whiche some tyme had beene disobedient when the long suffring of God was once looked for in the dayes of Noe whyle the arke was a preparing wherin a fewe that is to saye eyghte soules were saued by the water lyke as Baptisme also nowe saueth vs not the putting awaye of the fylthe of the fleshe but in that a good conscience confenteth to God by the resurreccion of Iesus Christ which is on the right hande of God and is gone into heauen Angels powers and might subdued vnto hym The Gospell WHen the euē was come there came a riche mā of Aramathia named Ioseph whiche also was Iesus disciple He wente vnto Pilate begged the body of Iesus Then Pilate cōmaūded the body to be deliuered And whē Ioseph had taken the bodye he wrapped it in a cleane linnen clothe layed it in his newe toumbe which he had hewen out euen in the rocke rolled a greate stone to the doore of the Sepulchre departed And there was Mary Magdalene and the other Mary sytting ouer agaynst the Sepulchre The nexte daye that folowed the daye of preparing the high priestes and Phariseis came together vnto Pilate saying Sir we remembre that this deceyuer sayed while he was yet aliue After iii. dayes I will rise againe Commaunde therfore that the Sepulchre bee made sure vntyll the thirde daye leste his disciples come and steale him awaye and say vnto the people he is risen from the dead and the last erroure shall be worse then the firste Pylate sayed vnto them ye haue the watche goe your waye make it as sure as ye can So they wente and made the Sepulchre sure with the watche menne and sealed the stone ¶ Easter daye In the mornyng afore mattyns the people being assembled in the churche these Anthems shal be fyrst solemnely song or sayed CHrist rising agayne from the dead nowe dieth not Death from hence furth hath no power vpon hym For in that he dyed he dyed but once to put awaye sinne but in that he liueth he liueth vnto God And so lykewyse counte youre selues dead vnto synne but lyuyng vnto God in Christe Iesus our Lorde Alleluya Alleluya CHriste is risen agayne the fyrste fruytes of them that slepe for seyng that by man came deathe by man also commeth the resurreccion of the dead For as by Adam al men do dye so by Christe all menne shal be restored to lyfe Alleluya The Priest ¶ Shewe forth to all nacions the glory of God The Aunswere ¶ And among all people his wonderful workes Let vs praye O God who for our redēpcion diddest geue thine onely begotten sonne to the death of the crosse by his gloryous resurreccion hast delyuered vs from the power of our enemye Graunte vs so to dye dayly frō sinne that we may euermore liue with him in the ioye of his resurreccion through thesame Christ our Lorde Amen ¶ Proper psalmes and lessons At Mattins Psal ii Psal lvii Psal Cxi The first lesson Exo. xii Vnto the ende The seconde lesson Roma vi Vnto the ende At the firste Communion PReserue me O God for in thee haue I put my trust O my soule thou hast saied vnto the Lorde thou art my God my goodes are nothing vnto thee All my delyght is vpon the Sainctes that are in the yearth and vpon suche as excell in vertue But they that runne after an other God shall haue great trouble Their dryncke offeringes of bloude wyll not I offer neither make mencion of their names within my lyppes The Lord himselfe is the porcion of myne inheritaunce and of my Cuppe thou shalt mayntayne my lotte The lotte is fallen vnto me in a fayre grounde yea I haue a goodly heritage I wyll thanke the Lorde for geuing me warning my reynes also chasten me in the night season I haue sette God alwayes before me for he is on my right hand therfore I shall not fall Wherefore my hearte was glad and my glory reioysed my fleshe also shall rest in hope For why thou shalt not leaue my soule in helle neither shalt thou suffre thy holy one to see corrupcion Thou shalt shewe me the pathe of life in thy presence is the fulnes of ioye and at thy right hand there is pleasure for euermore Glory be to the father and to the sonne and to c. As it was in the beginning is nowe and euer c. The Collect. ALmightie God which through thy onely begotten sonne Iesus Christ hast ouercome death opened vnto vs the gate of euerlastyng life we humbly beseche thee that as by thy speciall grace preuentyng vs thou doest put in our mindes good desires so by thy continuall helpe we may bryng thesame to good effect through Iesus Christ our Lorde who lyueth and reigneth c. The Epistle IF ye be risē againe with Christ seke those thinges which are aboue where Christ sitteth on the right hād of God Set your affecciō on heauēly thinges and not on yearthy thinges For ye are dead and your life is hid with Christe in God Whensoeuer Christ whiche is our lyfe shall shewe himselfe then shall ye also appeare with him in glory Mortifie therfore your earthy membres fornicacion vncleanes vnnaturall lust euil concupiscence and couetousnes whiche is wurshyppynge of ydolles for whiche thinges sake the wrathe of God vseth to come on the disobedient children among whom ye walked somtime when ye lyued in them The Gospell THe firste daye of the Sabbothes came Mary Magdalene earlye when it was yet darcke vnto the Sepulchre and sawe the stone taken away frō the graue Thē she ranne came to Simon Peter to the other disciple whō Iesus loued saith vnto thē they haue taken away the lorde out of the graue and we cannot tell where they haue laied hym Peter therfore went foorth and that other disciple and came vnto the Sepulchre They ranne both together and the other disciple did out runne Peter and came firste to the Sepulchre And when he had stowped doune he saw the lynnen clothes lying yet wente he not in Then came Simon Peter folowing hym and went into the sepulchre and sawe the lynnen clothes lye and the napkin that was aboute his heade not lying with the lynnen clothes but wrapped together in a place by it selfe
aboundauntly ¶ Trinitie Sonday ¶ At Matyns The first lesson Gene. xviii vnto the ende The seonde lesson Math. iii. vnto the ende ¶ At the communion GOd be mercifull vnto vs and blesse vs and shewe vs the lyght of his countenaunce and be mercifull vnto vs. That thy way may be knowen vpon earth thy sauing health among all nacions Let the people prayse the O God yea let all the people prayse thee O let nacions reioyce be glad for thou shalt iudge the folke righteously and gouerne the nacions vpō earth Let the people prayse thee O God let all the people prayse thee Then shall the earth bryng forth her increase and God euen our owne God shall geue vs his blessyng God shall blesse vs and all the endes of the world shall feare hym Glory be to the father c. As it was in the begynning c. The Collect. ALmighty and euerlastyng god which haste geuen vnto vs thy seruauntes grace by the confession of a true fayth to acknowlege the glory of the eternal trinitie and in the power of the diuyne maiestie to wurship the vnitie we beseche thee that through the stedfastnes of this fayth we may euermore be defended from all aduersitie whiche liuest and reignest one God worlde with out ende The Epistle AFter this I looked and behold a doore was open in heauen the firste voice which I heard was as it were of a trōpet talking with me which sayd come vp hither and I wyll shewe thee thinges which must be fulfilled hereafter And immediatly I was in the spirite And behold a seate was sette in heauen and one sate on the seate And he that sate was to looke vpon lyke vnto a Iasper stone and a Sardyne stone And there was a rayne bowe about the seate in sight lyke vnto an Emeraulde And aboute the seate were .xxiiii. seates And vpon the seates .xxiiii. Elders sitting clothed in white rayment and had on their heades crownes of golde And out of the seate proceded lyghtnynges and thunderynges and voyces there were vii lampes of fyre burnyng before the seate whiche are the .vii. spirites of God And before the seate there was a sea of glasse lyke vnto Christall and in the myddes of the seate and rounde about the seate were .iiii. beastes full of iyes before and behynde And the fyrste beaste was lyke a Lyon and the second beast lyke a calfe and the third beast had a face as a man and the fourth beast was lyke a flying Egle. And the .iiii. beastes had eche one of them syxe wynges about him and they were ful of iyes within And they had no rest day neyther night saying Holy holy holy Lord God almighty which was and is and is to come And when those beastes gaue glorye and honour and thankes to hym that sate on the seate whiche lyueth for euer and euer the .xxiiii. elders fell downe before hym that sate on the throne and worshypped hym that lyueth for euer and cast their crounes before the throne saying thou art worthy O Lord our God to receiue glory and honor and power for thou haste created all thinges and for thy willes sake they are and were created The Gospell THere was a manne of the Phariseis named Nicodemus a ruler of the Iewes Thesame came to Iesus by nyght sayd vnto him Rabby we know that thou art a teacher come from God for no mā could doe suche miracles as thou doest excepte God were with him Iesus answered and sayd vnto him Verely verely I saye vnto thee except a man be borne from aboue he cannot see the kingdome of God Nicodemus sayed vnto him howe can a man be borne when he is olde can he enter into his mothers wombe and bee borne agayne Iesus answered verely verely I say vnto thee except a man be borne of water and of the spirite he cannot entre into the kyngdome of God That whiche is borne of the fleshe is fleshe and that whiche is borne of the spirite is spirite Maruayle not thou that I sayed to thee ye must bee borne from aboue The wynde bloweth where it lusteth thou hearest the sounde therof but canst not tell whence it commeth and whither it goeth So is euery one that is borne of the spirite Nicodemus answered and sayed vnto hym howe can these thinges be Iesus answered and sayd vnto him art thou a maister in Israel and knowest not these thinges Verely verely I say vnto thee we speake that we do knowe and testifie that we haue seen and ye receyue not our witnes If I haue told you yearthly thinges and ye beleue not howe shall ye beleue yf I tell you of heauenly thynges And no manne ascendeth vp to heauen but he that came downe from heauen euen the sonne of manne whiche is in heauen And as Moses lift vp the serpent in the wildernes euen so muste the Sonne of man be lift vp that whosoeuer beleueth in hym perishe not but haue euerlasting lyfe ¶ The first Sonday after Trinitie Sonday BLessed are those that be vndefiled in the way and walke in the lawe of the Lorde Blessed are they that kepe his testimonies and seke him with theyr whole heart For they which do no wickednes walke in his wayes Thou haste charged that we shall diligentlye kepe thy commaundementes O that my wayes were made so direct that I myght kepe thy statutes So shall I not be confounded while I haue respect vnto all thy commaundementes I will thanke thee with an vnfayned heart when I shall haue learned the iudgementes of thy ryghteousnes I will kepe thy ceremonies O forsake me not vtterly Glory be to the father c. As it was in the beginning c. The Collect. GOd the strength of all them that truste in thee mercyfully accepte our prayers And because the weakenes of our mortall nature can do no good thing without thee graunte vs the helpe of thy grace that in kepyng of thy commaundementes we may please thee bothe in will and dede through Iesus Christe our Lorde The Epistle DEarely beloued let vs loue one another for loue commeth of God And euery one that loueth is borne of God and knoweth God He that loueth not knoweth not God for God is loue In this appeared the loue of God to vs ward because that God sent his onlye begotten sonne into the worlde that we myght lyue through him Herein is loue not that we loued God but that he loued vs sent his sonne to be the agremēt for our synnes Dearely beloued if God so loued vs we ought also to loue one another No mā hath seen God at any time If we loue one another God dwelleth in vs and his loue is perfecte in vs. Hereby knowe we that we dwell in hym and he in vs because he hathe geuen vs of his spirite And we haue seen and do testifie that the father sent the sonne to be the sauiour of the worlde whosoeuer confesseth that Iesus
is the sonne of God in him dwelleth God and he in God And we haue knowen beleued the loue that God hath to vs. God is loue he that dwelleth in loue dwelleth in God and God in him Herein is the loue perfect in vs that we should haue truste in the day of iudgemēt For as he is euen so are we in this world There is no feare in loue but perfect loue casteth out feare for feare hath painefulnes He that feareth is not perfect in loue We loue him for he loued vs first If a man saye I loue God yet hate his brother he is a lyar For howe canne he that loueth not hys brother whom he hath seen loue God whome he hath not seen And this commaundement haue we of him that he whiche loueth God should loue his brother also The Gospell THere was a certaine riche man whiche was clothed in purple and fyne white fared deliciously euery day And there was a certaine begger named Lazarus which lay at his gate full of sores desiring to bee refreshed with the crummes which fel from the ryche mannes borde and no man gaue vnto hym The dogges came also licked his sores And it fortuned that the begger dyed and was caried by the Angels into Abrahams bosome The riche man also dyed and was buried And being in hell in tormentes he lift vp his iyes sawe Abraham a farre of and Lazarus in his bosome and he cryed sayd father Abraham haue mercy on me and send Lazarus that he may dippe the tippe of his finger in water and coole my tonge for I am tormented in this flame But Abraham sayed Sonne remembre that thou in thy lyfe tyme receiuedst thy pleasure contraryewise Lazarus receiued payne But nowe is he comforted and thou art punnished Beyond all this betwene vs and you there is a great space set so that they which would go frō hence to you cannot neither may come from thence to vs Then he sayd I pray thee therfore father sende hym to my fathers house for I haue fyue brethren for to warne them leste they also come into this place of tormēt Abrahā sayd vnto him they haue Moses and the Prophetes let them heare them And he sayd nay father Abraham but if one come vnto them from the dead they will repent He sayd vnto him If thei heare not Moses and the Prophetes neither will they beleue though one rose from death agayne ¶ The second Sonday WHerwithal shal a yong man clense his waye euen by ruling himselfe after thy worde With my whole heart haue I sought thee O let me not goe wrong out of thy commaundementes Thy wordes haue I hyd within my heart that I should not sinne against thee Blessed art thou O Lorde O teache me thy statutes With my lippes haue I been tellyng of all the iudgementes of thy mouthe I haue had as great delite in the way of thy testimonies as in all maner of ryches I will talke of thy commaundementes and haue respect vnto thy wayes My delite shal be in thy statutes and I will not forget thy worde Glory be to the father c. As it was in the beginning c. The Collect. LOrde make vs to haue a perpetuall feare and loue of thy holy name for thou neuer failest to helpe and gouerne them whome thou doest bring vp in thy stedfast loue Graunt this c. The epistle MArueile not my brethren though the worlde hate you We knowe that we are translated from death vnto lyfe because we loue the brethren He that loueth not his brother abideth in deathe Whosoeuer hateth his brother is a mansiear And ye know that no manslear hathe eternall lyfe abydyng in him Hereby perceyue we loue because he gaue his lyfe for vs and we ought to geue our lyues for the brethren But whoso hathe this worldes good and seeth his brother haue nede and shutteth vp his compassion from him howe dwelleth the loue of God in him My babes let vs not loue in worde neither in tonge but in dede and in veritie Hereby we knowe that we are of the veritie and canne quiet oure heartes before hym For yf oure heart condemne vs God is greater then our heart and knoweth al thinges Derely beloued if our heart condemne vs not then haue we trust to Godwarde and whatsoeuer we aske we receyue of hym because we kepe his commaundementes and doe those thinges which are pleasaunte in his sight And this is his commaundement that we beleue on the name of his sonne Iesus Christ and loue one another as he gaue commaundement And he that kepeth hys commaundementes dwelleth in him and he in him and hereby we knowe that he abydeth in vs euen by the spirite whiche he hath geuen vs. The Gospell A Certaine man ordayned a great supper bade many and sent his seruaunt at supper time to saye to them that were bidden come for all thinges are now ready And they al at once began to make excuse The first sayd vnto him I haue bought a farme I must nedes go and see it I pray thee haue me excused And another sayed I haue bought v. yoke of Oxen and I go to proue them I pray thee haue me excused And an other sayd I haue maried a wyfe and therfore I cannot come And the seruaunte returned and brought his maister woorde agayne therof Then was the good manne of the house displeased and sayed to his seruaunt goe out quickely into the stretes and quarters of the citie and bring in hither the poore and the feble and the halte and the blinde And the seruaunte sayde Lorde it is doone as thou hast cōmaunded yet there is roume And the Lord sayd to the seruaunt goe out vnto the hye wayes and hedges and compell them to come in that my house may be filled For I saye vnto you that none of those men which were bidden shall taste of my supper The third Sonday O Doe wel vnto thy seruaunt that I may liue and kepe thy woorde Open thou myne eyes that I may se the wunderous thinges of thy lawe I am a straunger vpon yearthe O hyde not thy commaundementes from me My soule breaketh out for the very feruent desyre that it hath alway vnto thy iudgementes Thou hast rebuked the proude and cursed are they that doe erre from thy commaundementes O turne from me shame and rebuke for I haue kept thy testimonies Princes also did sit and speake againste me but thy seruaunt is occupyed in thy statutes For thy testimonies are my delite and my counsaylours Glory be to the father and to the sonne and to the holy goste As it was in the beginnyng is nowe and euer shal be worlde without ende Amen The Collect. LOrde we beseche thee mercifully to heare vs and vnto whome thou hast geuen an heartie desyre to pray graūt that by thy mightie ayde we may be defended through Iesus Christe our Lorde The Epistle
SVbmit your selues euery man one to an other knit youre selues together in lowlinesse of mynde For God resysteth the proude and geueth grace to the humble Submit your selues therfore vnder the myghtie hand of god that he may exalt you when the time is come Cast al your care vpon him for he careth for you Be sober and watche for your aduersary the deuil as a roaring Lyon walketh about seeking whome he may deuour whome resiste stedfast in the fayth knowing that the same afflyccions are appoynted vnto youre brethren that are in the worlde But the God of all grace which hath called vs vnto his eternall glory by Christ Iesu shall his owne selfe after that ye haue suffered a litle affliccion make you perfect settle strengthe and stablyshe you To hym bee glory and dominion for euer and euer The Gospell THen resorted vnto him all the Publicanes sinners for to heare him And the Phariseis Scribes murmured saying He receyueth sinners and eateth with thē But he put furth thys parable vnto them saying What man among you hauing an hundreth shepe if he lose one of them doth not leaue nintie and nine in the wildernes and goeth after that whiche is lost vntill he fynde it And when he hath found it he layeth it on his shoulders with ioye And assone as he cūmeth home he calleth together hys louers and neighbours saying vnto thē Reioyce with me for I haue founde my shepe which was lost I say vnto you that likewise ioy shal be in heauen ouer one synner that repenteth more then ouer nintye and nine iust persons which nede no repentaunce Either what woman hauing ten grotes if she lose one doeth not light a candle and swepe the house and seke diligently till she find it And when she hath founde it she calleth her louers and her neighbours together saying Reioyce with me for I haue founde the grote which I had lost Likewise I saye vnto you shall there be ioye in the presence of the Aungels of god ouer one sinner that repenteth ¶ The fourth sonday ¶ At the Communion MY soule cleaueth to the dust O quickē thou me accordyng to thy woorde I haue knowledged my wayes and thou heardest me O teache me thy statutes Make me to vnderstande the waye of thy commaūdementes so shal I talke of thy wonderous workes My soule melteth away for very heauines comfort thou me according vnto thy woorde Take from me the waye of lying and cause thou me to make muche of thy lawe I haue chosen the way of trueth and thy iudgementes haue I layde before me I haue sticken vnto thy testimonies O Lord confound me not I will runne the waye of thy commaundementes when thou hast set my heart at libertie Glory be to the father and to the sonne c. As it was in the beginning c. The Collect. GOd the Protector of all that truste in thee withoute whome nothing is strong nothyng is holye increase and multiply vpon vs thy mercy that thou being our ruler and guide we may so passe through thinges temporal that we finally loose not the thynges eternall Graunt this heauenly father for Iesu Christes sake our Lorde The Epistle I Suppose that the afflicciōs of this life are not worthye of the glory which shal be shewed vpon vs. For the feruent desyre of the creature abideth loking when the sonnes of god shal appeare because the creature is subdued to vanitie against the will therof but for his will which hath subdued the same in hope For the same creature shal be deliuered from the bōdage of corrupcion into the glorious libertie of the sonnes of GOD. For we knowe that euery creature groneth with vs also and trauayleth in payne euen vnto thys tyme not onely it but we also whiche haue the first fruites of the spirite mourne in our selues also waite for the adopcion of the children of GOD euen the deliueraunce of our bodies The Gospell BE ye mercifull as youre father also is mercyfull Iudge not ye shal not be iudged cōdemne not ye shal not be condemned Forgeue and ye shal be forgeuen Geue and it shal bee geuen vnto you good measure and pressed downe and shakē together and running ouer shall men geue into your bosomes For with the same measure that ye mete withal shal other men mete to you agayne And he put furth a similitude vnto them Can the blynd leade the blynd doe they not both fall into the diche The disciple is not aboue his maister Euery mā shal bee perfect euen as his Maister is Why seest thou a mote in thy brothers eye but cōsiderest not the beame that is in thine owne eye Either how canst thou say to thy brother Brother let me pul out the mote that is in thyne eye when thou seeste not the beame that is in thyne owne eye Thou ypocrite caste out the beame out of thyne owne eye firste and then shalt thou see perfectly to pull out the mote that is in thy brothers eye ¶ The .v. Sonday TEache me O Lorde the waye of thy statutes and I shall kepe it vnto the ende Geue me vnderstandyng and I shall kepe thy lawe yea I shal kepe it with my whole hearte Make me to goe in the path of thy commaundementes for therin is my desyre Encline my heart vnto thy testimonies and not to couetousnes O turne away myne eyes lest they beholde vanitie and quicken thou me in thy way O stablish thy worde in thy seruaunt that I may feare thee Take away the rebuke that I am afrayd of for thy iudgementes are good Beholde my delite is in thy commaundementes O quicken me in thy righteousnes Glory be to the father and to the sonne c. As it was in the beginning c. The Collect. GRaunte Lorde we beseche thee that the course of thys world may be so peaceably ordred by thy gouernaunce that thy congregacion may ioyfully serue thee in all godly quietnes through Iesus Christ our lorde The Epistle BE you all of one mynde and of one heart loue as brethren be pitifull bee courteous meke not rendring euill for euill or rebuke for rebuke but contrariewise blesse knowing that ye are therunto called euen that ye shoulde bee heyres of the blessyng For he that doth long after lyfe and loueth to see good daies let him refrayne his tongue from euil and his lippes that they speake no guile Let him eschewe euill and dooe good let him seeke peace and ensue it For the eyes of the Lorde are ouer the righteous and his eares are open vnto theyr prayers Agayne the face of the lord is ouer them that doe euill Moreouer who is it that will harme you if ye folowe that whiche is good yea happie are ye if any trouble happen vnto you for ryghteousnes sake Be not ye afrayde for any terrour of them neyther bee ye troubled but sanctifye the Lorde God in your heartes The Gospell IT came
chyldren of lighte And I saye vnto you Make you frendes of the vnryghteous Mammon that when ye shall haue nede they may receyue you into euerlasting habitacions The .x. Sonday THy handes haue made me and fashioned me O geue me vnderstandyng that I may learne thy commaundementes They that feare thee will be glad when they see me because that I haue put my truste in thy woorde I know O Lord that thy iudgementes are righte and that thou of very faithfulnes hast caused me to be troubled O let thy mercifull kindnes be my coumfort According to thy woorde vnto thy seruaunt O let thy louing mercies come vnto me that I may liue for thy lawe is my delighte Let the proude be confounded for they goe wickedly about to destroye me But I will bee occupyed in thy commaundementes Let suche as feare thee and haue knowen thy testimonies be turned vnto me O let my hearte be sounde in thy statutes that I bee not ashamed Glory be to the father and to the sonne c. As it was in the beginning c. Amen The Collect. LEt thy merciful eares O Lorde be open to the prayers of thy humble seruauntes and that they maye obteyne theyr peticions make them to aske suche thynges as shall please thee Through Iesus Christ our Lorde The Epistle COncerning spirituall thynges brethren I woulde not haue you ignoraunte Ye knowe that ye were Gentiles and wente your wayes vnto dumme ymages euen as ye were led Wherfore I declare vnto you that no man speaking by the spirite of God defyeth Iesus Also no manne can say that Iesus is the Lorde but by the holy Goste There are diuersities of giftes yet but one spirite And there are differences of administracyons and yet but one lorde And there are diuerse maners of operacions and yet but one God whiche woorketh all in all The gifte of the spirite is geuen to euery man to edifye with all For to one is geuen through the spirite the vtteraunce of wisedome To an other is geuen the vtteraūce of knowlege by the same spirite To another is geuen faythe by the same spirite To an other the gifte of healyng by the same spirite To another power to dooe miracles To another prophecie To another iudgemente to dyscerne spirites To another diuerse tongues To another the interpretacyon of tongues But these all woorketh euen the selfe same spirite deuiding to euery man a seuerall gifte euen as he wil. The Gospell ANd when he was come nere to Hierusalem he behelde the citie and wepte on it saying If thou hadst knowen those thinges whiche belong vnto thy peace euen in thys thy day thou wouldest take hede But nowe are they hyd from thyne eyes For the dayes shall come vpon thee that thy enemies also shall caste a banke aboute thee and compasse thee rounde and keepe thee in on euerye syde and make thee euen with the ground and thy children whiche are in thee And they shall not leaue in thee one stone vpon an other because thou knoweste not the tyme of thy visytacion And he wente into the Temple and began to caste oute them that solde therin and them that bought saying vnto them It is written my house is the house of prayer but ye haue made it a denne of theues And he taughte dayely in the Temple The .xi. Sonday MY soule hath longed for thy saluacyon and I haue a good hope because of thy woorde Myne eyes long soore for thy woorde saying O when wilt thou coumfort me For I am become lyke a botle in the smoke yet doe I not forget thy statutes Howe many are the dayes of thy seruaunte when wilte thou be auenged of them that persecute me The proude haue dygged pyttes for me whiche are not after thy lawe All thy commaundementes are true They persecute me falsely O be thou my helpe They had almost made an ende of me vpon earth but I forsoke not thy commaundementes O quicken me after thy louyng kyndenes and so shall I kepe the testimonies of thy mouth Glory be to the father and to the sonne c. As it was in the beginning c. The Collect. GOd which declarest thy almightie power most chieflye in shewing mercy and pitie Geue vnto vs abūdauntly thy grace that we runnyng to thy promises may bee made partakers of thy heauenly treasure through Iesus Christe our Lorde The Epistle BRethren as perteining to the gospel which I preached vnto you whiche ye haue also accepted and in the which ye continue by y t which also ye are saued I doe you to wete after what maner I preached vnto you yf ye kepe it except ye haue beleued in vaine For first of all I deliuered vnto you that whiche I receyued howe that Christ dyed for our sinnes agreeyng to the scriptures and that he was buried that he arose agayne the thirde daye accordyng to the scriptures And that he was seene of Cephas then of the .xii. After that was he sene of mo then fiue hundreth brethren at once of whiche many remayne vnto this daye and many are fallen a slepe After that appeared he to Iames then to al the Apostles And last of al he was sene of me as of one that was borne out of due time For I am the least of the apostles which am not worthy to be called an Apostle because I haue persecuted the congregacion of God But by the grace of God I am that I am And his grace whiche is in me was not in vayne But I laboured more aboundauntly then they al yet not I but the grace of God whiche is with me Therefore whether it were I or they so we preached and so ye haue beleued The Gospell CHrist tolde this parable vnto certayne whiche trusted in them selues that they were perfect despised other Two men wente vp into the temple to pray the one a Pharise and the other a Publican The Pharise stoode and prayed thus with hymselfe God I thanke thee that I am not as other men are extorcioners vniuste adulterers or as this Publican I fast twise in the weke I geue tythe of all that I possesse And the Publican stāding a farre of woulde not lift vp his eyes to heauen but smote vpon his brest saying God bee mercifull to me a synner I tell you thys manne departed home to hys house iustifyed more then the other For euery man that exalteth himselfe shal be broughte lowe And he that humbleth himselfe shal be exalted The .xii. Sonday O Lorde thy woorde endureth for euer in heauen Thy trueth also remayneth from one generaciō to another thou haste layde the foundacyon of the earth and it abydeth They continue this day according to thine ordinaunce for all thinges serue thee If my delyte had not beene in thy lawe I shoulde haue perished in my trouble I will neuer forget thy commaundementes for with them thou hast quickened me I am thyne Oh saue me For I haue soughte thy
geue it you ¶ At Euensong ¶ The second lesson Act. xv vnto After certayne dayes ¶ Saynct Iohn Baptist ¶ Proper lessons at Mattyns The first lesson Malach. iii vnto the ende The seconde lesson Mat. iii. vnto the ende At the communion HEare my prayer O Lorde and considre my desire herken vnto me for thy trueth and righteousnes sake And enter not into iudgement with thy seruaunt for in thy sight shall no man lyuing be iustified For the enemy hath persecuted my soule he hath smittē my life down to the ground he hath laied me in the darknes as the men that haue been long dead Therfore is my spirite vexed within me and my heart within me is desolate Yet doe I remembre the tyme past I muse vpon all thy workes yea I exercise my selfe in the workes of thy hādes I stretche forth my handes vnto thee my soule gaspeth vnto thee as a thristie lande Heare me O Lord and that soone for my spirite wereth faynte hide not thy face from me lest I be lyke vnto them that goe downe into the pitte O let me heare thy louynge kindenesse betymes in the morning for in thee is my trust shewe thou me the waye that I shoulde walke in for I lift vp my soule vnto thee Delyuer me O Lorde from myne enemies for I flye vnto thee to hyde me Teache me to doe the thing that pleaseth thee for thou art my God let thy louing spirite leade me forth vnto the lande of righteousnes Quicken me O Lorde for thy names sake and for thy righteousnes sake bring my soule out of trouble And of thy goodnes slay mine enemies and destroie all them that vexe my soule for I am thy seruaunt Glory be to the father c. As it was in the beginning c. The Collect. ALmyghtie God by whose prouidence thy seruaunte Iohn Baptiste was wonderfully borne and sente to prepare the waye of thy sonne our sauiour by preachynge of penaunce make vs so to folowe hys doctrine and holy lyfe that we may truly repent according to his preachyng and after his example constantly speake the trueth boldly rebuke vice and paciently suffer for the truethes sake through Iesus Christe our lorde The Epistle BE of good there my people O ye Prophetes comfort my people sayeth your God comforte Ierusalem at the heart and tell her that her trauayle is at an ende that her offence is pardoned that she hath receiued of the Lordes hand sufficiēt correccion for all her sinnes A voyce crieth in wildernes prepare the waye of the Lorde in the wildernes make straight the path for our God in the deserte Lette all valleys be exalted and euery mountayne and hyll be layed lowe whatso is croked let it be made straight and lette the rough be made playne fieldes For the glory of the Lorde shall appeare and all fleshe shall at once see it for why the mouth of the Lorde hath spoken it The same voyce spake Now cry And the Prophete aunswered what shall I cry that all fleshe is grasse that all the goodlynes thereof is as the floure of the fielde The grasse is withered the floure falleth a way Euen so is the people as grasse whē the breath of the Lord bloweth vpon them Neuerthelesse whether the grasse wyther or that the floure fade away yet the worde of our God endureth for euer Go vp vnto the hie hill O Sion thou that bringest good tidynges lift vp thy voyce with power O thou preacher Ierusalem Lift it vp without feare and say vnto the cities of Iuda Beholde your God beholde the Lorde God shall come with power and beare rule with hys arme Beholde he bryngeth hys treasure with him and his workes go before him He shall feede his flocke lyke an heardman He shall gather the lambes together with his arme and carye them in his bosome and shall kyndely entreate those that beare yong The Gospell ELizabethes tyme came that she should be deliuered and she brought furth a sonne And her neighbours and her cosins hearde howe the Lord had shewed greate mercye vpon her and they reioysed wyth her And it fortuned that in the eight day they came to circumcise the childe called his name Zacharias after the name of his father And his mother answered sayd not soo but he shall be called Iohn And they sayed vnto her There is none in thy kinred that is named w t this name And they made signes to his father howe he woulde haue him called And he asked for writing tables and wrot saying his name is Iohn And they meruayled all And hys mouthe was opened immediatly his tonge also and he spake praysed God And feare came on al thē that dwelt nye vnto them And all these sayinges were noysed abrode throughout all the hyll countrey of Iury and al they that heard them laied thē vp in their heartes saying what maner of chylde shall thys be And the hande of the Lorde was with him And his father Zacharias was filled with the holy gost and prophecied saying Praysed be the Lord God of Israel for he hath visited and redemed his people And hathe raysed vp an horne of saluacion vnto vs in the house of his seruaunt Dauid Euen as he promised by the mouth of his holy Prophetes which were sence the world began That we should be saued from our enemies from the hand of all that hate vs. That he would deale mercifully with our fathers remembre his holy couenaunte And that he woulde performe the othe which he sware to our father Abrahā for to geue vs. That we deliuered out of the handes of our enemies myght serue hym wythout feare all the dayes of our lyfe in such holines and righteousnes as are acceptable before him And thou child shalt be called the prophete of the hiest for thou shalte goe before the face of the Lorde to prepare his wayes to geue knowledge of saluacion vnto his people for the remissiō of sinnes Through the tendre mercy of our God wherby the day spring frō an hie hath visited vs. To geue light to thē that sate in darkenes in the shadowe of death to guyde our feete into the waye of peace And the child grewe and waxed strong in spirite and was in wildernes tyll the day came when he should shewe himselfe vnto the Israelites Proper lessons at Euensong The first lesson Malach. iii. vnto the ende The seconde lesson Mat. xiiii vnto when Iesus hearde ¶ Sainct Peters day At Mattyns The seconde lesson Act. iii. vnto the ende At the Communion BLessed be the Lorde my strengthe whyche teacheth my handes to warre and my fyngers to fyght My hope and my fortresse my castle and delyuerer my defender in whome I truste whiche subdueth my people that is vnder me Lorde what is man that thou hast suche respect vnto hym or the sonne of man that thou so regardest him Manne is lyke a thyng of naughte his tyme passeth
the beginning of Matins or immediatly after And if any of those be an open and notorious euill liuer so that the congregacion by hym is offended or haue doen any wrong to his neighbours by worde or dede The Curate shall cal hym aduertise hym in any wise not to presume to the lordes table vntill he haue openly declared hymselfe to haue truly repented and amended his former naughtie life that the congregacion maie thereby be satisfied whiche afore were offended and that he haue recompensed the parties whom he hath dooen wrong vnto or at the least bee in full purpose so to doe as sone as he conueniently maie ❧ The same ordre shal the Curate vse with those betwixt whom he perceiueth malice and hatred to reigne not suffering them to bee partakers of the Lordes table vntill he knowe them to bee reconciled And yf one of the parties so at variaunce be content to forgeue from the botome of his hearte all that the other hath trespaced against him and to make amendes for that he hymselfe hath offended and the other partie will not bee perswaded to a godly vnitie but remayne still in his frowardnes and malice The Minister in that case ought to admit the penitent persone to the holy Communion and not hym that is obstinate ❧ Vpon the daie and at the time appointed for the ministracion of the holy Communion the Priest that shall execute the holy ministery shall put vpon hym the vesture appoincted for that ministracion that is to saye a white Albe plain with a vestement or Cope And where there be many Priestes or Deacons there so many shal be ready to helpe the Priest in the ministracion as shal bee requisite And shall haue vpon them lykewyse the vestures appointed for their ministery that is to saye Albes with tunacles Then shall the Clearkes syng in Englishe for the office or Introite as they call it a Psalme appointed for that daye The priest standyng humbly afore the middes of the Altar shall saie the Lordes prayer with this Collect. ALmightie GOD vnto whom all heartes bee open and all desyres knowen and from whom no secretes are hid clense the thoughtes of our heartes by the inspiracion of thy holy spirite that we may perfectly loue thee and worthely magnifie thy holy name Through Christ our Lord. Amē Then shall he saye a Psalme appointed for the introite whiche Psalme ended the Priest shall saye or els the Clearkes shall syng iij. Lorde haue mercie vpon vs. iij. Christ haue mercie vpon vs. iij. Lorde haue mercie vpon vs. Then the Prieste standyng at Goddes borde shall begin Glory be to God on high The Clearkes And in yearth peace good will towardes men We praise thee we blesse thee we worship thee we glorifie thee we geue thankes to thee for thy greate glory O Lorde GOD heauenly kyng God the father almightie O Lorde the only begotten sonne Iesu Christ O Lorde GOD Lambe of GOD sonne of the father that takest awaye the synnes of the worlde haue mercie vpon vs thou that takest awaye the synnes of the worlde receyue our prayer Thou that sittest at the righte hande of God the father haue mercie vpon vs For thou onely art holy thou onelye art the Lorde Thou onelye O Christe with the holye Ghoste arte moste highe in the glory of God the father Amen Then the priest shall turne hym to the people and saye The Lorde be with you The Aunswere And with thy spirite The Priest Let vs praye Then shall folowe the Collect of the daye with one of these two Collectes folowing for the Kyng ALmightie God whose kyngdom is euerlasting and power infinite haue mercie vpon the whole congregaciō and so rule the heart of thy chosen seruaūt Edward the sixt our kyng and gouernour that he knowyng whose minister he is maye aboue all thinges seke thy honour glory and that we his subiectes duely consydering whose auctoritie he hath maye faithfully serue honour humbly obey him in thee and for thee according to thy blessed word and ordinaunce Through Iesus Christe oure Lorde who with thee and the holy ghost liueth and reigneth euer one God worlde without ende Amen ALmightie and euerlasting GOD wee bee taught by thy holy worde that the heartes of Kynges are in thy rule and gouernaunce and that thou doest dispose and turne them as it semeth best to thy godly wisedom We humbly beseche thee so to dispose and gouerne the heart of Edward the sixt thy seruaunt our Kyng and gouernour that in all his thoughtes wordes and workes he maye euer seke thy honour and glory and study to preserue thy people committed to his charge in wealth peace and Godlynes Graunt this O merciful father for thy dere sonnes sake Iesus Christ our Lorde Amen The Collectes ended the priest or he that is appointed shall reade the Epistle in a place assigned for the purpose saying The Epistle of sainct Paule written in the Chapiter of to the The Minister then shall reade thepistle Immediatly after the Epistle ended the priest or one appointed to reade the Gospell shall saye The holy Gospell written in the Chapiter of The Clearkes and people shal aunswere Glory be to thee O Lorde The Priest or deacon then shall reade the Gospell After the Gospell ended the priest shall begin I beleue in one God The Clearkes shall syng the rest The father almightie maker of heauen and yearth and of all thinges visible and inuisible And in one Lorde Iesu Christ the onely begotten sonne of God begotten of his father before all worldes God of GOD light of light very God of very God begotten not made beeyng of one substaunce with the father by whom all thinges were made who for vs men and for our saluacion came downe from heauen and was incarnate by the holy Ghoste of the Virgin Mary and was made manne and was Crucified also for vs vnder Poncius Pilate he suffered and was buried and the thirde daie he arose again according to the scriptures and ascended into heauē and sitteth at the right hande of the father And he shall come again with glory to iudge both the quicke and the dead And I beleue in the holy ghost the Lorde and geuer of life who procedeth frō the father and the sonne who with the father and the sonne together is worshipped and glorified who spake by the Prophetes And I beleue one Catholike and Apostolike Churche I acknowlege one Baptisme for the remission of synnes And I loke for the resurreccion of the deade and the lyfe of the worlde to come Amen ¶ After the Crede ended shall folowe the Sermon or Homely or some porcion of one of the Homelies as they shal be hereafter deuided wherin if the people bee not exhorted to the worthy receyuing of the holy Sacrament of the bodye and bloude of our sauiour Christ then shall the Curate geue this exhortacion to those that be minded to receiue the same DErely beloued in the Lord ye that minde
therefore let vs serue hym all the dayes of our life in holines and righteousnes accepted before hym Happie are those seruauntes whome the Lorde when he cummeth shall fynde wakyng Be ye readye for the sonne of manne wyll come at an hower when ye thinke not The seruaunte that knoweth hys maisters wyll and hath not prepared hymselfe neyther hath doen accordynge to his will shal be beaten with many stripes The howre cummeth and now it is when true woorshippers shall woorship the father in spirite and truethe Beholde thou art made whole sinne no more leste any wurse thing happen vnto thee If ye shall continue in my worde then are ye my very disciples and ye shall knowe the trueth and the trueth shall make you free While ye haue lighte beleue on the lyght that ye may be the children of light He that hath my commaundementes and kepeth them thesame is he that loueth me If any man loue me he will kepe my woorde and my father will loue hym and we will come vnto hym and dwell with him If ye shal byde in me and my woorde shal abyde in you ye shall aske what ye will and it shall bee doen to you Herein is my father glorified that ye beare muche fruite and become my disciples This is my commaundement that you loue together as I haue loued you If God be on our syde who can be against vs whiche did not spare his owne sonne but gaue hym for vs all Who shall lay any thing to the charge of Goddes chosen it is GOD that iustifyeth who is he that can condemne The nyghte is passed and the daye is at hande let vs therfore caste away the dedes of darkenes and put on the armour of light Christe Iesus is made of GOD vnto vs wisedome and righteousnes and sanctifying and redempcion that accordyng as it is written he whiche reioyceth shoulde reioyce in the Lorde Knowe ye not that ye are the temple of GOD and that the spirite of GOD dwelleth in you yf any manne defile the temple of GOD him shall God destroy Ye are derely bought therfore glorifie God in your bodies and in your spirites for they belong to God Be you folowers of God as deare children and walke in loue euen as Christe loued vs and gaue hymselfe for vs an offeryng and a Sacrifice of a swete sauoure to God Then the Priest shall geue thankes to God in the name of all them that haue communicated turning hym first to the people and saying The Lorde be with you The Aunswere And with thy spirite The Priest Let vs praye ALmightie and euerlyuynge GOD wee moste hartely thāke thee for that thou hast vouch safed to feede vs in these holy Misteries with the spirituall foode of the moste precious body bloude of thy sonne our sauiour Iesus Christ and hast assured vs duely receyuing the same of thy fauour and goodnes toward vs and that we be very membres incorporate in thy Mistical bodie which is the blessed companye of all faithfull people and heyres throughe hope of thy euerlastynge kingdome by the merites of the moste precious deathe and passion of thy deare sonne We therefore moste humbly beseche thee O heauenly father so to assiste vs wyth thy grace that we may cōtinue in that holy felowship and doe all suche good woorkes as thou haste prepared for vs to walke in through Iesus Christe our Lord to whom with thee and the holy goste bee all honour and glorye worlde without ende Then the Prieste turning hym to the people shall let them depart with this blessing The peace of GOD which passeth all vnderstandyng kepe your heartes and mindes in the knowledge and loue of GOD and of his sonne Iesus Christ our lord And the blessing of God almightie the father the sonne the holy gost be emonges you and remayne with you alway Then the people shall aunswere Amen Where there are no clearkes there the Priest shall saye all thynges appointed herefor them to syng When the holy Communion is celebrate on the workedaye or in priuate howses Then may be omitted the Gloria in excelsis the Crede the Homely and the exhortacion beginning Dearely beloued c. ¶ Collectes to be sayed after the Offertory when there is no Communion euery suche day one ASsist vs mercifully O Lord in these our supplicaciōs and prayers and dispose the way of thy seruauntes toward the attainement of euerlasting saluacion that emonge all the chaunges and chaunces of this mortall life thei may euer be defended by thy moste gracious and readye helpe throughe Christe our Lorde Amen O Almightie Lorde and euerlyuyng GOD vouchesafe we beseche thee to direct sanctifye and gouerne bothe our heartes and bodies in the wayes of thy lawes and in the woorkes of thy commaundementes that through thy most mightie proteccion both here and euer we may be preserued in body and soule Through our Lorde and sauiour Iesus Christe Amen GRaunt we beseche thee almightie god that the wordes whiche wee haue hearde this daye with our outwarde eares may throughe thy grace bee so grafted inwardly in our heartes that they may bryng foorth in vs the fruite of good lyuynge to the honoure and prayse of thy name Through Iesus Christ our Lorde Amen PReuente vs O lorde in all our doinges with thy moste gracious fauoure and further vs with thy continuall helpe that in al our workes begonne continued and ended in thee we may glorifye thy holy name and finally by thy mercy obteine euerlasting lyfe Through c. ALmightie God the fountayne of all wisdome whyche knowest our necessities before we aske and our ignoraunce in asking we beseche thee to haue compassion vpon our infirmities and those thinges whiche for our vnwoorthines we dare not and for our blyndnes we cannot aske vouchsaue to geue vs for the woorthines of thy sonne Iesu Christe our Lorde Amen ALmightie god whiche haste promised to heare the petitions of them that aske in thy sonnes name we beseche thee mercifully to incline thyne eares to vs that haue made nowe our prayers and supplicacions vnto thee and graunte that those thinges which we haue faithfullye asked accordyng to thy will maye effectually be obteyned to the reliefe of oure necessitye and to the settyng foorth of thy glorie Throughe Iesus Christe our Lorde For rayne O God heauenly father whiche by thy sonne Iesu Christ haste promised to all thē that seke thy kingdom the righteousnes therof al thinges necessary to the bodely sustenaunce send vs we beseche thee in thys our necessitie suche moderate rayne and showers that we maie receiue the fruites of the earth to our comforte and to thy honor Through Iesus Christ our Lorde For fayre wether O Lorde God whiche for the sinne of manne didst once drowne all the worlde excepte eight persons and afterwarde of thy great mercie didste promise neuer to destroy it so agayn We humbly beseche
obeyng thy wil and alway beyng in safetie vnder thy proteccion may abyde in thy loue vnto theyr lyues ende through Iesu Christ our Lorde Amen This prayer folowinge shal be omitted where the woman is past childe birthe O Merciful lorde and heauēly father by whose gracious gifte mākind is increased We beseche thee assiste with thy blissig these two persones that they may both be fruictful in procreacion of children also liue together so long in godlye loue and honestie that they maye see their childers children vnto the thirde and fourth generacion vnto thy prayse and honour throughe Iesus Christ our lord Amē O God whiche by thy mightie power hast made all thinges of naught whiche also after other thinges set in order diddeste appoint that out of man created after thine owne image and similitude woman should take her beginning and knitting them together diddest teache that it should neuer be lawful to put asonder those whome thou by matrimonie haddest made one O God which hast consecrated the state of matrimonie to such an excellent misterie that in it is signified and represented the spiritual mariage vnitie betwixte Christ and his church Loke mercifully vpon these thy seruauntes that both this manne maye loue his wyfe according to thy woorde as Christ did loue his spouse the churche who gaue himselfe for it louing and cherishinge it euen as his owne fleshe And also that this woman may be louing and amiable to her housebande as Rachael wyse as Rebecca faithful and obedient as Sara And in al quietnes sobrietie and peace bee a folower of holy and godlye matrones O lorde blesse them bothe and graunt them to inherite thy euerlastinge kingdome throughe Iesus Christ our Lorde Amen Then shall the prieste blesse the man and the woman saiyng Almightie god which at the beginning did create our first parentes Adam and Eue and did sanctifie and ioyne them together in mariage Powre vpon you the richesse of his grace sanctifie and ✚ blisse you that ye maye please him bothe in bodye and soule and lyue together in holy loue vnto your lyues ende Amen Then shal be sayed after the gospell a sermon wherin ordinarely so oft as there is any marige thoffice of man and wyfe shall bee declared according to holy scripture Or yf ther be no sermon the minister shall reade this that foloweth Al ye whiche bee maried or which entende to take the holy estate of matrimonie vpon you heare what holy scripture dooeth say as touching the duetie of housebādes towarde their wiues and wiues towarde their housebandes Saincte Paule in his epistie to the Ephesians the fyfthe chapter doeth geue this commaundement to all maried men Ye housebandes loue your wyues euen as Christ loued the churche and hathe geuen himselfe for it to sanctifie it purgeyng it in the fountaine of water throughe the word that he might make it vnto him selfe a glorious congregacion not hauing spot or wrincle or any suche thing but that it shoulde be holy and blameles So men are bounde to loue their owne wyues as their owne bodyes he that loueth his owne wyfe loueth himselfe For neuer dyd any man hate his owne fleshe but nourisheth and cherisheth it euen as the lorde dothe the congregacion for wee are membres of his bodye of his fleshe and of his bones For this cause shall a man leaue father and mother and shal be ioyned vnto his wyfe and they two shal be one flesh This mistery is great but I speake of Christ and of the congregacion Neuerthelesse let euery one of you so loue his owne wyfe euen as himselfe Lykewyse the same Saint Paule writing to the Colossians speaketh thus to all menne that be maried Ye men loue your wiues and be not bitter vnto them Heare also what saint Peter thapostle of Christ whiche was himselfe a maried man sayeth vnto all menne that are maried Ye husbandes dwel with your wyues according to knowledge Geuyng honor vnto the wyfe as vnto the weaker vessell and as heyres together of the grace of lyfe so that your prayers be not hindred Hitherto ye haue hearde the duetie of the husbande towarde the wyfe Nowe lykewise ye wiues heare and learne your duetie towarde your husbandes euen as it is playnely set furth in holy scripture Saint Paule in the forenamed Epistle to the Ephesians teacheth you thus ye weomen submit your selues vnto your owne husbandes as vnto the lord for the husband is the wiues head euen as Christ is the head of the churche And he also is the sauiour of the whole bodye Therefore as the Churche or congregacion is subiecte vnto Christe So lykewise let the wiues also be in subieccion vnto theyr owne husbandes in all thinges And againe he saieth Let the wyfe reuerence her husbande And in his Epistle to the Colossians Saincte Paule geueth you this short lessō Ye wiues submit your selues vnto your owne husbandes as it is conueniente in the Lorde Saincte Peter also doeth instructe you very godly thus sayeng Let wiues be subiect to their owne husbandes so that if any obey not the woorde they may be wonne without the woorde by the conuersacion of the wiues Whyle they beholde your chaste conuersacion coupled with feare whose apparell let it not be outwarde with broyded heare and trymmyng about with golde eyther in putting on of gorgeous apparell But leat the hyd man whiche is in the hearte be without all corrupcion so that the spirite be mylde and quiete whiche is a precious thing in the sight of God For after this maner in the olde tyme dyd the holy women whiche trusted in God apparell themselues beeyng subiecte to theyr owne husbandes as Sara obeyed Abraham callyng him lorde whose daughters ye are made doyng wel and beyng not dismaied with any feare The newe maried persones the same daye of their mariage must receiue the holy communion ❧ THE ORDER FOR ❧ the visitacion of the sicke and the Communion of the same The prieste entring into the sicke persones house shal saye Peace be in this house and to all that dwell in it When he commeth into the sicke mannes presence he shall saye this psalme HEare my prayer o lorde and cōsider my desire herken vnto me for thy trueth and righteousnes sake And enter not into iudgement with thy seruaunt for in thy sight shall no man liuing be iustified For the enemy hath persecuted my soule he hath smitten my lyfe downe to the grounde he hath layed me in the darknesse as the men that haue bene long dead Therefore is my spirite vexed within me and my hearte within me is desolate Yet doe I remembre the tyme paste I muse vpon all thy woorkes yea I exercise my selfe in the woorkes of thy handes I stretche forth myne handes vnto thee my soule gaspeth vnto thee as a thirstie lande Heare me o lorde and that soone for my spirite weaxeth faint hyde not thy face from me lest I be lyke vnto them that goe downe
into the pitte O lette me heare thy louyng kyndnesse betymes in the mornynge for in thee is my trust shewe thou me the waye that I shoulde walke in for I lyft vp my soule vnto thee Deliuer me o lorde from myne enemyes for I flye vnto thee to hyde me Teache me to dooe the thing that pleaseth thee for thou art my god lette thy louyng spirite leade me foorth vnto the lande of righteousnesse Quicken me o lorde for thy names sake and for thy righteousnesse sake bryng my soule out of trouble And of thy goodnesse slaye my enemies and destroye all them that vexe my soule for I am thy seruaunt Glory be to the father and to the sonne c. As it was in the beginning c. ¶ With this antheme Remembre not Lorde our iniquities nor the iniquities of our forefathers Spare vs good Lorde spare thy people whom thou haste redemed with thy moste precious bloud and be not angry with vs for euer Lorde haue mercy vpon vs. Christe haue mercy vpon vs. Lorde haue mercy vpon vs. Our father whiche art in heauen c. And leade vs not into temptacion Aunswere But deliuer vs from euill Amen The Minister O Lorde saue thy seruaunt Aunswere Whiche putteth his trust in thee Minister Sende hym helpe from thy holy place Aunswere And euermore mightily defende hym Minister Let the enemy haue none aduauntage of hym Aunswere Nor the wicked approche to hurte hym Minister Bee vnto hym O Lorde a strong tower Aunswere From the face of his enemy Minister Lorde heare my prayer Aunswere And let my crye come vnto thee Minister Let vs praye O Lorde looke downe from heauen beholde visite and releue this thy seruaunte Looke vpon hym with the iyes of thy mercy geue hym coumforte and sure confidence in thee Defende hym from the daunger of the enemy and kepe hym in perpetuall peace and safetie through Jesus Christe our Lorde Amen HEare vs almightie and moste mercifull God and Sauioure Extende thy accustomed goodnesse to this thy seruaunt whiche is greued with sickenesse Visite hym O Lord as thou diddest visite Peters wyfes mother and the Capitaynes seruaunte And as thou preseruedst Thobie and Sara by thy Aungell from daunger So restore vnto this sicke person his former health if it be thy will or els geue hym grace so to take thy correccion that after this painfull lyfe ended he may dwel with thee in lyfe euerlastyng Amen Then shall the minister exhorte the sicke person after this fourme or other lyke DErely beloued knowe this that almightie God is the Lorde ouer lyfe death and ouer all thinges to them perteining as yougth strength helth age weakenesse and sickenesse Wherfore whatsoeuer youre sickenesse is know you certaynly that it is Gods visitacion And for what cause soeuer this sickenesse is sent vnto you whether it bee to trye your pacience for the example of other and that your fayth maye be founde in the daye of the Lord laudable gloryous and honourable to the encrease of glory and endlesse felicitie Orels it be sente vnto you to correcte and amende in you whatsoeuer doeth offende the iyes of our heauenly father knowe you certaynlye that yf you truely repente you of youre synnes and beare youre sicknesse paciently trustyng in Gods mercye for his deare sonne Iesus Christes sake and rendre vnto him humble thankes for his fatherly visitacion submytting your selfe wholy to his will it shall turne to your profite helpe you forward in the right way that leadeth vnto euerlasting lyfe ☞ ¶ Take therfore in good worth the chastement of the Lord For whom the Lord loueth he chastiseth Yea as Saincte Paul sayeth he scourgeth euery sonne whiche he receyueth yf you endure chastisement he offereth himselfe vnto you as vnto his owne children What sonne is he that the father chastiseth not Yf ye be not vnder correccion wherof all the true children are partakers then are ye bastardes and not children Therfore seing that whan our carnall fathers doe correct vs we reuerently obey them shall we not nowe muche rather be obedient to our spirituall father and so lyue And they for a fewe dayes do chastise vs afer their owne pleasure but he doeth chastise vs for our profite to thentente he may make vs partakers of his holines These wordes good brother are Gods wordes and wrytten in holy scripture for our coumfort and instruccion that we should paciently and with thankes geuyng beare oure heauenly fathers correccion whansoeuer by any maner of aduersitie it shall please his gracious goodnes to visite vs. And there should be no greater coumfort to christian persons then to be made lyke vnto Christe by sufferyng paciently aduersities troubles and sickenesses For he himselfe went not vp to ioy but first he suffered payne he entred not into his glory before he was crucified So truely our waye to eternall ioy is to suffre here with Christe and our doore to entre into eternall lyfe is gladly to dye with Christe that we may ryse againe from death and dwell with him in euerlasting lyfe Nowe therfore taking your sickenesse whiche is thus profitable for you paciently I exhorte you in the name of God to remembre the profession which you made vnto God in youre Baptisme And forasmuche as after this lyfe there is accompte to bee geuen vnto the ryghteous iudge of whom all must be iudged without respect of persons I require you to examine your selfe your state both towarde God and manne so that accusyng and condemning your selfe for your owne faultes you may fynde mercy at our heauēly fathers hand for Christes sake and not be accused and condemned in that fearefull iudgemēt Therfore I shall shortly rehearse the articles of our fayth that ye may knowe whether you doe beleue as a christian man should beleue or no. Here the minister shall rehearse the articles of the faythe saying thus Doest thou beleue in God the father almightie And so forth as it is in Baptisme This may be done before the minister begyn his prayers as he shall see cause Then shall the minister examine whether he be in charitie with all the worlde Exhortyng hym to forgeue from the botome of his herte all persons that haue offended hym and if he haue offended other to aske them forgeuenesse and where he hath done iniurie or wrong to any man that he make amendes to his vttermoste power And if he haue not a fore disposed his goodes let him then make his wyll But men must be oft admonished that they sette an ordre for theyr temporall goodes and landes whan they be in helth And also to declare his debtes what he oweth and what is owyng to hym for discharging of his conscience and quietnesse of his executours The minister may not forget nor omitte to moue the sicke person and that most earnestly to lyberalitie toward the poore ¶ Here shall the sicke person make a speciall confession yf he fele his conscience troubled with any weightie matter After
them right soore euen as though they were myne enemies Trye me O God and seke the grounde of myne heart proue me and examine my thoughtes Looke well if there be any way of wickednes in me and leade me in the waye euerlastyng Glory be to the father c. As it was in the begynnyng c. PRayse the Lord O my soule while I lyue will I prayse the Lorde yea as long as I haue any beeing I will sing prayses vnto my God O put not your trust in princes nor in any childe of man for there is no helpe in them For when the breath of man goeth furth he shall turne agayne to his earth and then all his thoughtes perishe Blessed is he that hath the God of Iacob for his helpe and whose hope is in the Lorde his God Whiche made heauen and earth the sea and al that therin is whiche kepeth his promyse for euer Whiche helpeth them to ryght that suffer wrong whiche feedeth the hungry The Lorde looceth men out of prison the Lorde geueth sight to the blynde The Lorde helpeth them vp that are fallen the Lorde careth for the righteous The Lorde careth for the straungers he defendeth the fatherlesse and widdowe as for the waye of the vngodly he turneth it vpsyde downe The Lorde thy God O Sion shal be king for euermore and throughout all generacions Glory be to the father c. As it was in the beginnyng c. Then shall folowe this lesson taken out of the .xv. Chapter to the Corinthians the first Epistle CHriste is risen from the dead and become the firste fruites of them that slepte For by a manne came death and by a manne came the resurreccion of the dead For as by Adam all dye euen so by Christe shall all be made alyue but euery manne in his owne ordre The firste is Christe then they that are Christes at his commyng Then commeth the ende when he hath delyuered vp the kyngdome to God the father when he hath put downe all rule and all authoritie and power For he must reygne till he haue putte all his enemyes vnder his feete The laste enemy that shall be destroyed is death For he hath put all thinges vnder his feete But when he sayeth all thinges are put vnder him it is manifest that he is excepted whiche did put all thinges vnder hym When all thynges are subdued vnto hym then shall the sonne also hymselfe be subiecte vnto hym that put all thynges vnder him that God may be all in all Els what doe they which are baptized ouer the dead if the dead ryse not at all Why are they then baptized ouer them Yea and why stand we alwaye then in ieoperdie By our reioysing which I haue in Christ Iesu our Lord I dye dayly That I haue fought with beastes at Ephesus after the maner of men what auauntageth it me if the dead ryse not againe Let vs eate and drynke for to morowe we shall dye Be not ye deceyued euill wordes corrupt good maners Awake truely out of slepe and sinne not For some haue not the knowledge of God I speake this to youre shame But some manne will say howe aryse the dead with what body shall they come Thou foole that whiche thou sowest is not quickened excepte it dye And what sowest thou Thou sowest not that body that shal be but bare corne as of weate or of some other but God geueth it a body at his pleasure to euery seede his owne body All fleshe is not one maner of fleshe but there is one maner of fleshe of mē an other maner of fleshe of beastes an other of fishes and an other of birdes There are also celestiall bodyes and there are bodyes terrestriall But the glory of the celestiall is one and the glory of the terrestrial is an other There is one maner glory of the sunne and an other glory of the moone and an other glory of the starres For one starre differeth from an other in glory So is the resurreccion of the deade It is sowen in corrupcion it riseth agayne in incorrupcion It is sowen in dishonoure it ryseth agayne in honoure It is sowen in weakenes it riseth againe in power It is sowen a naturall body it ryseth agayne a spirituall bodie There is a natural body and there is a spiritual body as it is also written the first man Adam was made a lyuing soule and the last Adam was made a quicknyng spirite Howebeit that is not fyrst which is spirituall but that whiche is naturall and then that which is spirituall The first man is of the earth earthy The seconde manne is the Lorde from heauen heauenly As is the earthy suche are they that are earthy And as is the heauenly such are they that are heauenly And as we haue borne the image of the earthy so shal we beare the ymage of the heauenly This saie I brethren that fleshe and bloud can not enherite the kingdome of God Neither doth corrupcion inherite vncorrupcion Beholde I shewe you a mistery We shal not al slepe but we shall al be chaunged and that in a momente in the twynkelyng of an iye by the laste trumpe For the trumpe shal blowe the dead shal rise incorruptible and we shal be chaunged For this corruptible must put on incorrupcion this mortal must put on immortalitie When this corruptible hath put on incorrupcion this mortal hath put on immortalitie then shal be brought to passe the saying that is writtē Death is swalowed vp in victory Death where is thy sting Hell where is thy victory The sting of death is synne the strēgth of sinne is the law But thākes be vnto God which hath geuen vs victory through our lord Iesus Christ Therfore my deare brethrē be ye steadfast vnmouable alwaies riche in the worke of the lord forasmuch as ye know how that your labour is not in vaine in the lord The lesson ended then shal the priest saye Lorde haue mercy vpon vs. Christ haue mercy vpon vs. Lorde haue mercy vpon vs. ¶ Oure father which art in heauen c. And leade vs not into temptacion Aunswere But delyuer vs from euil Amen Priest Entre not O Lorde into iudgement with thy seruaunt Aunswere For in thy sight no lyuing creature shal be iustifyed Priest From the gates of hell Aunswere Delyuer theyr soules O Lorde Priest I beleue to see the goodnes of the Lorde Aunswere In the lande of the lyuing Priest O Lorde graciously heare my prayer Aunswere And let my crye come vnto thee Let vs praye O Lorde with whome do liue the spirites of them that be dead and in whome the soules of them that be elected after they be delyuered from the burden of the fleshe be in ioy and felicitie Graunte vnto this thy seruaunt that the sinnes which he committed in this world be not imputed vnto him but that he escaping the gates of hell paynes of eternal darckenes may euer dwel in the