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A69147 A postill or collection of moste godly doctrine vpon every gospell through the yeare aswell for holye dayes as Sondayes, dygested in suche order, as they bee appoynted and set forthe in the booke of Common Prayer. Uery profitable for all curates, parentes, maysters of housholdes, and other gouerners of youth.; Postilla Anthonii Corvini Corvinus, Antonius, 1501-1553. 1550 (1550) STC 5806; ESTC S109261 359,302 596

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in one heape gathered together the merites of all sainctes that euer were since the beginnyng of the worlde For in this matter that pertayneth to remission of synne iustificacion and eternal health it is not required to worke The Euagelist allege the scripture but to beleue Obserue also and note diligently that the Euangelistes describyng the passion of Christ howe the Iewes entreated him thei many tymes haue respect vnto the scripture which shewed before the selfe same thinges the which scripture thei also alege as in this place where thei shewe howe he was crucified betwene ii theues Also howee the souldiers cast lotte for his garmentes c. Neither do they this for any other purpose but to admonishe vs to direct our eyes vnto the scriptures and euer more in matter appertainyng vnto saluacion to waygh them direct oure iudgement accordyng to the same Fourthly Christ hangyng vpon the crosse doth excedyngly set furth that his moste heartie loue toward vs in this Christ is careful for his elect that he cōmendeth his most derely beloued mother to the Apostle Ihon againe Ihō vnto his mother that he might be to her as a defender and comfortable patrone in that her extreme necessite and trouble For as he nowe is careful for his mother prouideth for her euen so is he careful and prouideth for al that loue his name receiue his gospel and through faith repose it in their heartes and so furthermore shewe it furth of theyr heartes doyng the workes of it through loue And that we might ascertainly chalenge to our selues suche clemency and goodnes in Christ therefore he sayth in another place Who is my mother Luc. 8. or who are my brethren Truely whosoeuer dothe the wylle of my father that is in heauē he is my brother and syster and mother Christes mother By these woordes thou mayest well perceyue that Christ wyll take thee for his brother syster yea and for his mother also wyl euen so acknowlege thee if thou beleue in him and not onely will he defende and surely kepe thee in this life but also he wyll conserue the into eternal life Only let this be thy heartie study to do the will of his father that is in heauen But what calleth he the wyll of his father This is the will of him that hath sēt me Ihon. 6 euen the fathers that euery man that seeth the sōne and beleueth in him should haue life eternal and I wyl againe rayse him in the last day In this place he playnly euidently sayth We must be armed with the scripture against temptacion that he that beleueth in him doth the wyll of his father And truely it is very necessary for vs earnestly to considre those examples that sheweth what mynde Christe beareth vnto vs. For the tyme wyll come yea it is all ready at hand that these places of scripture shall do vs excedyng muche good and singularly comforte vs in all oure necessitee and troubles But if persecucion fynde me here vnarmed sure it is that I shal not cōtinue constant but sodenly forgette God and seeke helpe and cōforte at creatures And what shal then chaunce to me Truly this that for mine vnthākefulnes God wyll forsake me and because I am not armed with his worde therfore wyll he withdrawe his hand from me and forsake me so that I shal fal into destruction and for euer perishe bothe in body and soule Fyftly we see that Christe when he nowe knewe that al thynges were finished and he had tasted the vyneger and had sayd It is ended He bowed his head gaue vp the spirit That he cryed I thrust and by and by vyneger is geuen him to drynke Psa 69 it was done for this cause that we should beleue seyng that all thynges done in this passion agree so wel with the scriture that this mā without doubt is the same Christe whom the holy fathers haue so long tyme before wayted for And that before he dyed he cryed It is ended This is so excellent a worde and so precious All our saluaciō in Christ onely that not onely it is be grauē in oure heartes by fayth but also bee in all places written euen with letters of golde before our eyes Wyll you knowe why Herken We were by nature the children of wrath condempnacion so burthened in synne vnfaythfulnes that wee should perpetually haue perished if wee had not been succoured and helped Therfore onely this Iesus Christe our Lorde assisted vs with his helpe and comforte And bicause afore the heauēly father we could find no fauour or grace without oblation and sacrifice therfore Christ offered him selfe vpon the crosse for vs reconciled his father with his owne blud and obtained of him for vs fauour forgiuenes righteousnes and eternall life Heb. 11. as the epistle to the Hebrues saith With one offering hath he made perfect for euer those that are sanctified I besech you what could we more desier or what greater benefites may be done vnto vs Sin is conquered death is conquered the diuel hel are conquered so that we may now freely sai 1 Co. 15. Death is swalowed into victory Death wher is thy sting Hel wher is thy victory But thankes to god that hath gyuen vs the victory by our lord Iesus Christ Christs glorye must be giuen hym ōly This now is our dueti that we remembre to giue to Christ only this his glory honor to knowledg him for our high Byshop which offered him self for vs and so by his passion and death finished and brought to perfecte ende all our saluacion For if we nowe giue to hym this his honor as our duty is and stedfastly beleue that al this that was done was done altogither for vs and for our saluacion douteles we shall so haue it that this his merite shall not be taken as vaine or frustrate but of most greatest strength efficacy for vs. On the other party if we wyl not giue vnto him this his glorye but rather wyll ascribe to our owne deseruinge merites and workes that thing which cost him that so great and inestimable price that is the effusion and sheding of his moste precious and holy bloud then truly we make our selues vnworthy to haue this passiō and inerite of Christ gyuen vnto vs neither are we lyke except we repent to haue ony other fauoure at Christes iudgement then the Iewes that crucified him The whiche thing the almighty god kepe farre from vs for his greate mercy and goodnes thorow the merites of Iesus Christe our Lorde Amen The syxte sermon on the Passion Ioh. xix THe Iewes therefore bycause it was the preparyng day of the Sabboth that the bodyes shoulde not remaine on the crosse on the Sabboth daye for the Sabboth day was an hyghe day besought Pylate that their legges might ve broken that they myght be taken doune Then came the souldiers and brake the legges
and set hym on hys owne beaste and broughte hym to a cōmon ynne made prouision for hym And on the morowe when he departed he toke out two pence and gaue them to the hoste and sayd vnto him Take cure of hym and what so euer thou spēdest more whē I come againe I wyll recompence the. Whiche now of these thre thynkest thou was neighboure vnto hym that tell amongest the theues And he sayd He that shewed mercy on hym Then sayd Iesus vnto him Go and do lykewise THE EXPOSITION Whithe apostels were called blesed IN the beginning of this gospell we see howe the Apostles were pronounced and declared blessed And though at that tyme yt was allonly spoken to thappostels yet notwithstanding yt is vniuersally spoken vnto all the worlde And for as much as they be so counted let vs therfore serch out the cause why He saith on this wise Blessed at the eyes which see that ye se Thoughe Christ speaketh here simply of his person his office and myracles yet notwithstanding yf we wyl esteme count blessed the apostels and those that saw Christe that is knew Christe so is it very needfull necessary that thei haue the inward sight of the hart which is faith For what had profited them the outward bodelye seing of Christ if thei had not had in likewise the inward seing For if the outward seing might haue attained gotten saluaciō so had Pilate Annas Caiphas and Herode bene saued forasmuche as they both saw Christ with their bodely eyen also spoke with him It saueth nor helpeth no more a man to se Christe with hys bodely eyen then it did the Iewes their boasting in their father Abraham Ioh. 8. Here be requiered greater things But which ar they A pure hart that beleueth the worde of god and Christ the truth and the same Messias that was promised vnto vs and also to beleue and knowledg him the sauioure of the worlde And suche faith and confession hadde the apostles when the holye ghoste was not yet openly giuen but hidde For Christ asking theym Wyll ye also go awaye Ioh. 6. Peter answered in the name of theim all Lord to whom shuld we go thou haste the worde of euerlasting lyfe and we beleue and know that thou arte Christ the son of the liuing god Doth not this seeme vnto the an excellēt glorious confessiō which confessiō pleased Christ so highly that he said Blessed art thou Symō Bar Iona for flesh bloud hath not reueled this thing vnto the but my father that is in heauē Wherout it is euidēt that the apostels saw not Christ allōly with their bodely fleshly eien but also saw hī spiritualli wherby they gat obtained blessednes In that thei sawe Christ they ar to be preferred before kinges prophetes forbicause they knewe Christe not only through his word but also they saw his personage and myracles and were a lyue at that tyme in the which his diuine and godly grace through the gospell was diclared vnto the world For Abraham desyered to see this day and saw it in spirite and reioysed therein Iohn 8. But he could not come therevnto to see him bodely And bicause we in these dayes can not see Christ bodely to be conuersaunte amongest vs to preache and to do miracles to eate and drink amongest vs let vs therefore indeuour our cogitacions and thoughts to se and know him spiritually And in so doyng the sayīg of Christ vnto Thomas shall be perfurmed in vs wher he saieth Blessed at they that see not Ioh. 20. and yet beleue Secondarely when Christe had pronounced his disciples blessed for their faithe sake beholde there stode vp a scribe and tempted him and sayde Maister what muste I do to inherite euerlastinge lyfe In the which properly is discribed vnto vs the nature of hipocrisy For hipocrites euer treate of works yea they truste in works and therfore euer they bee speaking of theim Doth yt not seeme vnto the a folishe thinge to dispute of the frutest before the tree be planted What preuayleth it to know what is written and commaunded in the law If I know not how to fulfyl it For that knowledge dothe not alōly not preuaile but also worketh angre wrath accordyng to the sayinge of S. Paule Rom. 4 Wherefore it is necessary for theim that desier to be saued to in quiernot only what manner of work they shuld do but howe and when the lawe is fulfilled For the lawe is spirituall Rom. 5. as S. Paule writeth to the Romaines And if the lawe then be spiritual so can it not be fulfilled with outwarde workes which haue outwardely a shine but it is necessary that it bee fulfilled in the spirite and inward affection Furthermore for as muche as the spirite and the affection pertaine necessarily to the fulfilling of the lawe to what purpose is this questiō of the scribe Yet thou shalte note that he answered bothe wisely and truly to that questiō that Christ obiected against him In the lawe is written Thou shalte loue thy lorde god with all thy harte with all thy sowle with all thy strength with all thy mind and thy neighbour as thy selfe This only wanted and lacked whiche Christ bringeth in Do this saith he thou shalte lyue And forbicause he didde not enquire by what meanes or how that same mighte be fulfilled it appeareth thereby that he was one of those scribes that iustified himselfe and so styll remayned And though he of presumption pryde which euer doth folowe hipocrisy enquired no more of that thinge that he cōmoned of yet must not we leaue ther but are bounde to knowe what is the lawe and what it worketh and what the gospell is and what it bringeth to passe The lawe The lawe is a doctrine that teacheth me what I am bound to do and to eschewe and vndoubtedly the effecte thereof is nothing else then that it sheweth vs our offences and our sinne For whersoeuer the lawe is preached there I do heare what thinge I am bounde to do and to leaue but in dede I perceiue that of myne owne power I can not do nor bringe to passe that thinge that is commaunded me to do by that meanes meeked and brought low I come to the knowledg of my corrupte nature syn Also I find that wtout the holy ghost I can not fulfyl the law Hereto then pertaineth the gospell The gospell that glad ioyfull tidings of Christ which declareth sheweth me how that my sinnes be forgiuē me through Christ which gospel brīgeth with him the holy ghost a working faith in me so that now I shal fulfil the law not by coaccion but willynglye But this scribe careth not for these thīgs Mat. 7. wherfore Christ wold not cast that which was holy vnto dogs Thirdely when this scribe iustifieng him selfe asked Christ who was his neighbour Christ by a symilitude layeth it
hilles and reade sea wher was so great trembling fear that they thought it impossible any of them to escape the wrath of Pharao But god by by layde a block in Pharaos way Al thes things knew Mary wel inoghe Yea and although Christ sayde Woman what haue I to do with the yet was she not astonyed by and by although Christe sharpely did answere but sayde to the seruauntes and ministers What soeuer he sayth to you do the same And therfore she obtayned the thynge that she desired of Christ Which raigned with the father and the holye ghoste worlde withoute ende Amen The thyrde sonday after Epiphany Mathew 8. WHEN hee was come downe from the mountayne muche people folowed hym And beholde Luc. 5. Mar. ● there came a leper and worshiped hym saying Maister yf thou wyl●e tho● canst make me clean And Iesus put forth his hand and touched hym saiyng I wyll be thou cleane and immediatly hys leprosy● was clensed And Iesus sayth vnto hym se thou tell no man Leu. 14. but go and shewe thy selfe to the priest and offre the gyfte that Moyses commaunded to be offered for a witnesse vnto them THE EXPOSITION The goodnes o● Christ IN this gospell we se fyrste of all how greate goodnes mercye and loue God had not allonly towarde the leprouse man but also towarde the capitayn beyng a gentyle yea and how ready he is to yelde hymselfe wholy for vs al yf we knowyng our owne disease and sycknes wil seeke him the faithfull physicion for the sowle and long for his help and grace They be al lyuely examples that be here layde before vs. Fyrst the benefyt of loue and beneuolence of Christ is conferred to the leper For at his instaunce and desyre Iesus put forth his hand and touched him saying I will be thou cleane O what great clemencye here is As sone as the lepper had spoken one word and asked helth Christ by and by was redy and holpe hym Further marke that this word I wyll I wyll is nother vayne nor ydell but full of comfort For suche promise as he made to the leper by the same worde he wolde generally to be a promise to vs all whereby he certefieth strengneth our hartes also that wee should not dought but that he is ready in all necessities without any denay to geue vs his continual helpe And hereto may be applied that is sayde by S. Marke Cap. 1. that Iesus had compassion vpon this man For in this compassion wee maye see that Christ hath pity vpon our misery The pitefulnes of Christ Heb. 4. and that we haue suche a bishoppe which in his harte is moued and stered with our miserye Now as the goodnes and loue of Christ doth appeare and sheweth himselfe towarde the lepoure so likewise the moste gentell harte of Christ is shewed and commended towarde vs in that he did so soone promise at the fyrste desyre of the Centurion to come and helpe his seruaunte And althoughe Christe came not but to redeeme the lost sheepe of the house of Israell Mat. 15 yet in this doinge he wolde shewe vnto vs that after his resurrection The callinge of heithen he shuld cal the Iewes and gentils to the felowshippe and communion of one faythe as he saith here That many shall come from the easte and the west and shall rest with Abraham Isaac and Iacob in the kingdome of heauen Seynge nowe that God the father of heauen hath so plenteouslye on euery partye shewed and geuen vnto vs throughe Christ his grace and mercy yt is meere that we knowe this grace and attaine vnto it by faith wherthrough we may be by hym kepte and reserued both in body and sowle for euer Secondarely Exaumples of fayth we haue in this place two goodly examples of faith One of the lepour and thother of the Centurion or capitayne And it appeareth manifestly by the lepoure that he had a righte and trewe faith in that that he draweth neare Christe asking his helpe and knowledging that he cannot helpe himselfe And although by Moyses lawe he was set aparte from the communion of men and muste therefore esc●ewe their company yet he ronneth to Christ faithfully beleuing in his mind that he is lord ouer the law and the leprye Wherin he expressed the nature property of fayth whych hasteth not but only to Christ of hī in euery necessitie she loketh for his comfort and help norwyl suffre her to be stayed nor letted by no meanes from the fruiciō of this Christ As it is written in S. Mat. of the blynde men Mat. 20 which the more the people dyd for byd them to cry the lowder they cried But how came this lepoure by such faith He had herd that Christ was a man of greate humanitie and gentelnes and that he was very diligent ready to help and geue health to the sicke and so by such hearīg he conceaued such a trust of Christ that he wolde as verely help him as he had holpen many other diuers times Faythe And this is the trew fath when I beleue that god the father through Christ wil make me whole righteous and blessed by his grace and mercy withoute any merite of mine owne workes And such a faith was in the Centurion For by hearing the gospel he learned and knew that Christe was lord ouer syn and al sickenes and diseases He did not onlye beleue that Christe coulde helpe if he were present but also yf he were absent and spake but a word And therfore wolde not the Christ shulde enter into his house as he offered to do but in speaking of a word beleued that his seruaunt shulde be healed I sayth he haue seruaunts vnder me to whome if I saye come hither they come And if I byd them go theyr waye they do by and by departe Howe much more must those thinges needs be done which thou commaundest that arte not such a capitayn ●as I am but lord of heauen and earth This faith did Christ cōmend and said that he had not found so great faith no not in Israell Now if thou wilt be made cleane from the leprosye of false doctrine and stedfastly abide in the gospel euen to the ende go to then Christe wil be prayed vnto and call vpon Christ that he maye geue you his spirite and grace and he shall saye vnto the I wyll I wyll geue the my spirite Forthermore yf thou wylt thyselfe and all thine to be saued bodye and soule seeke oute Christe and dispaire of thy selfe then shal he saye vnto the Be yt vnto the as thou beleuest Thirdely we learne of this lepour that whatsoeuer we aske in our prayer To commytte al thinges vnto God we shulde remitte all to the goodnes and wyll of God consyderinge that wee bee so ignoraunte of oure owne saluacion that wee knowe not what wee shulde pray as wee oughte to dooe The leapoure asketh of Christe
sheweth vs so great grace and fauoure and voutchsafeth to haue his kingdome in vs and whiche doth dayly deliuer and defend vs frome all false doctrine and temptacion of the diuell and finally Mat. 17 frome all euell withoute doubte in the life to come will graunte vs also euerlastingly to lyue and raigne with him without ende So that in any wise we take hede in the mean season that we loue and beleue his worde and fulfill his will To this pertaineth the sayinge of S. Paule where he saith that we are the temple of god 1 Cor. 6. And also in an other place that god lyueth dwelleth and moueth in euerye one of vs Act. 17. as it is written in the actes of the apostels Thirdely this gospell learneth vs wherefore and for what cause the holy ghost shal be sent which Christe before with so many wordes promiseth to sende for thus he saieth That Comforter The office of the holy go● euen the holy ghoste whom my father shall send in my name he shall teach you al thinges and bring all to your remembraunce what so euer I haue tolde you Whereoute it is euident and playne that the holy ghost is sent into the worlde to teach Now yf wee cannot know god in Christ without the holy ghost muste be presente and learne vs so muste it needes folowe that we as of our selues can do nothing Ioh. 3. in those thinges that pertayne to godlynes and saluacion And that without we are lightned of this spirit there is nothinge in vs but darkenes The fleshe is darknes Ioh. 1. as S. Iohn the Euangelist witnesseth saying The lyght shineth in the darkenes and the darkenes comprehended it not Wher is now I besech you the glory of the flesh what can oure reason and oure wisedome bringe to passe Thinke you that the holye ghoste was promised to the apostels and all goddes electe without a cause But I wolde haue the verely beleue that Christ did well perceaue and know that no mortall man coulde haue come vnto the knowledge of god then by this spirite Wherefore else wolde he haue promised and sente it Nowe for as it is expediente playne that the office of the holy ghost is to teache not part or halfe but al. Print this in thine harte that foloweth He shall bring in to your remembraunce all that I haue spoken For I heare not in this place that he shall teache anye other thinge than Christ taughte before but onlye that he shal bring into the disciples remembraunce the ●●ataynge wh●ch Christe had preached The holy ghoste dothe in spite Hereto pertaineth that the foresayde spirite shal be sente in Ch●istes name Moreouer yf the holy ghost shall teache no newe thinge vnto thapostels but make them meete to take and vnderstand the preachinge of the gospell who then hath giuen such power to the Romish spiritualtie to ordaine and make in the church so many traditiōs of men against this text Let a christian man learne here also that the doctrine of Christ is sufficient to our saluacion as S. Peter sayd vnto Christ Thou haste the wordes of euerlasting lyfe And in no wise forget that no mortall man can vnderstande this doctrine of Christ excepte it be written in the harte of man through the holy ghost as the prophet Ieremy clerely sheweth in the 31. chapiter The peace of Christe Fourthely Christ promiseth his peace vnto hys disciples and all his elect in this gospel And there is a notable vehemēt significa●●ō in this worde My peace For Christe sheweth here a difference betwene his peace the peace of the world The peace of the worlde The peace of the world thoughe it be an excellente gyft and a gift that all only cometh of god for the which accordinge to the doctrine of S. Paule a Chr●stiane man is bounde to praye yet notwithstanding yt is tēporal not song durable And it may oft chaunce that outwardly I shal fele peace inwardly warr● in the conscience But it goeth not so with theim a●● peace For though that it haue outwardly resistāce and is tēpted yet nowithstanding it remaineth vnmouable not due not ●uer●●●e bicause it knoweth that with Christ the prince of the world hath no ●ight in him 〈…〉 Christe that god in heauen is a merciful father 〈◊〉 him Y● knoweth that nothing can chaūce vnto him against the good wil of god and that persecution shal not indure for euer Ioh. 14 Finallye Act. 14. that throughe suche lyke tribulacion he shal haue a celestial entringe into glorye This peace Christ left and did giue vs. Furthermore as Christe gaue vs this peace of his great mercy and grace without any deseruing so that it is necessary that we comprehend it in our hartes with fayth For works can do nothing in this behalfe as witnesseth S. Paul saiyng Rom. 5. Bicause therfore that we are iustified by faith we haue peace with god Fiftely this gospel teacheth vs The worde of god doth comforte vs in persecucion that in persecutiō tribulacion is nothinge so suer comfortable as to be furnished armed with the word of god And for that cause Christe shewed before vnto his disciples that he shulde suffre his passion therby entre into the glory of his father saiyng And now I haue tolde you before yt come that when it is come to passe ye maye beleue Rom. 15 And in lyke manner saieth S. Paule What so euer things are written afore tyme are written for oure learninge that we thorough pacience and comfort of the scripture might haue hope Therefore in as muche as the confession and knowledg of the worde of god and the gospel cannot be brought to passe in this worlde withoute persecution seynge that the diuel is so playne an enemye and aduersarye thereof it is meete and couenience to al trewe Christiane menne to bee so instructed and armed with the worde of god that our house buylded vpon a rock do not fal in tyme of persecution stormes of temptacion Mat. 7 and great windes Whiche God graunte to vs euerye one Amen The gospell on Trinitye sonday Iohn 3. THere was a man of the pharyseis na●● Nicodemus a ruler of the Iewes Ioh. 7. The same came to Iesus by nyght and sayde vnto hym Rabbi we know that tho● 〈◊〉 a teacher come from god for no man cou●● do suche miracles as thou doest except god were with him Iesus aunswered and lord vnto him Verely verely I say vnto the excepte a man be borne frome aboue he can not se the kyngedome of god Nicodemus sayth vnto hym how can a man be borne when he is olde can he enter into his mothers wombe and be borne again Iesus answered Ioh. 4. and. 7. Tit. 3. a Rom. 8. Verelye verely I saye vnto the Excepte a man be borne of water and of the spirite he cannot entre into the kingdome of god Ioh.
4. and. 7. Tit. 3. a Rom. 8. That whiche is borne of the fleshe is flesh and th●● whyche is borne of the spirite is spirite Maruayle not thou that I sayd to the ye muste be borne frome aboue The wynde bloweth where it lusteth and thou hearest the sounde thereof Eccl. 11. but canst not tell whence it cometh and whether it goeth So is euerye one that is borne of the spirite Nycodemus aunswered and sayd vnto him How can these thi●ges be Iesus aunswered and sayd vnto hym Arte thou a mayster 〈◊〉 Israel knowest not these thīgs Verely verely I say vnto the 〈◊〉 speake that we do know and testifye that we haue seene and ye receyue not our witnes Yf I haue tolde you earthly thinges and yet beleue not how shall you beleue if I tell you of heauenly thynges Ephe. 4 And no man asc●nded vp into heauen but he that came do●●● from heauen euen the sonne of man whyche is in heauen And as Moyses lyft vs the serpente in wildernes Nu. 21. euen so must the ●onne of man be lyfte vp that whosoeuer beleueth in him perishe ●o● but haue eternall lyfe THE EXPOSITION IN this gospell we haue and excellent disputacion of the righteousnes of the fleshe and also of the righteousnes of the spirite Christ teacheth vs the one and Nicodemus defendeth the other But so that in the meane while he is content to be taughte and enformed of Christe Fyrste of all lette vs considre the persone of Nicodemus as it is here described of the euangeliste The description of Nicodemus howe vnwisely and vndiscretelye he speaketh of regeneracion Whereout we maye note what reason and mannes strength can do in vnderstandyng of diuine and heauenly thinges The euangelist sayeth on this wise There was a man of the phariseis named Nicodemus a ruler amōg the Iews Herein he declareth that Nicodemus as concerīng his outward conuersacion led an honest and a worshipful lyfe which coulde not bee reprehended or rebuked so that he was taken and counted one of the chiefe rulers amongest the Iewes Here also thou haste the discription of the person whiche after worldely fashion and maner is taken and counted both wise and righteous Yet this nowistanding The fleshe is fearfull there is not so greate strengthe or boldenes in Nicodemus that he durste speake vnto Christe openlye though he knewe him to be a teacher sente from god whose wondres and miracles he coulde not deny Whye doth not reason here steppe forth boldely and openlye professe the doctrine of Christe For so Christe wolde haue it according to that he spake Whosoeuer knowledgeth me before men Mat. 10 him will I knowledge before my father which is in heauen and the angelles But reason canne not do this for it passeth and excelleth farre his capacitye and conning He will not be charged with the hatred of the world for the truthes sake For the which cause Christe wyll haue vs mortifie this olde Adame in vs and become a newe creature But what knoweth or vnderstandeth the fleshe and oure nature here of Trulye nothing at all as it is playne and euidente here declared by this Nicodemus For Christe speaketh of a new and a spirituall natiuity but Nicodemus contrary wise vnderstandeth a carnal and a fleshly natiuity How can a man saith he be borne when he is olde can he enter into his mothers womb and be borne againe Wee are all Nicodemes ignoraūt of godly thinges Here you heare in what wise this wordly righteous man answereth to godly things Yea Christ himselfe must open declare vnto hym in what wise a man must become a new creature be borne agayne yet he vnderstandeth it not but demaundeth again saiyng How may these things be What other thing can a mā se perceiue in this Nicodemus then ignoraunce incredulity Wherfore if his outward cōuersaciō had ben a great deale more glorious thē it was yet could it not haue pleased god why Bicause that god doth not regard the outward fashions of men but iudgeth according to the hart faith of a man as the prophete Ieremye declareth saiyng Thou o lorde lookest only vpon faith Iere. 5. Ro. 14. And S. Paul to the Romaines saith What soeuer is not of faith that same is sinne Mat. 5. For first we muste get the inward righteousnes if the outward shall please god For if wee wante righteousnes inwardly Christ may straight way say vnto vs as he said to the Iues Except your righteousnes excede the righteousnes of the scribes phariseis ye cānot enter into the kingdom of heauen Therfore likewise as Nicodemus had here but a rude blinde vnderstanding in those thingꝭ that pertaine to the grace of god our saluacion euen so be wee euery one rude ignoraūt and the very olde Adam yea nothing but flesh carnal according to the saiyng of Christ That saith he which is borne of flesh is flesh What the scripture calleth fleshe If it be not renewed and lightned with the spirite I vnderstād by flesh the whole vniuersal nature of mā both body soule reason vnderstanding freewyl wtoute the holy ghost For such a man yea suche a body of sin cā do nothing but sin how excellently so euer he shineth outwardly though outwardly he garnisheth himselfe with neuer so manye workes Which thīg S. Paul expresseth with manifest words Rom. 8. to the Romaines And here also it is playne and euidente by this Nicodemus which in the sight of the worlde was holy and righteous Secondarelye The new birthe is necessarye Christe teacheth vs in this gospell a newe natiuity which Nicodemus could not comprehende or vnderstande and so speaketh of it that it maye apeare to bee a thinge necessarye to saluacion Hee sayeth on this wise Excepte a man bee borne a newe hee canne not see the kyngedome of God To se the kyngedome of God is to be iustified Now mark considre what Christ speaketh of this iustifiyng and contrarywise what Nicodemus thinketh thereof To see what the kīgdom of god is Christe concludeth that no worke no reason no outward conuersacion canne iustifye and saue vs excepte allonlye that the man be borne a newe Contrary wise thus thinketh Nycodemus that yf oure outward conuersacion lyfe and working be allonly confirmable vnto the law that for those workes god is constrained and boūd to iustifye and saue vs. But herein he erreth greatly Not Nicodemus but Christe hat here the victorye forasmuche as all men are lyars and all onlye god is trewe Psall 115 Rom. 3. Wherefore lette vs sharpely marke and considre in what wise this newe natiuity and regeneraciō is so brought to passe He saith on this wise Excepte a man be borne of water and of the spirite he can not come into the kingdome of god Here thou hearest Baptisme that this regeneracion and new natiuity beginneth in Baptisme For baptisme is a signe of mortefiynge
pastour ought diligentlye to looke aboute hym that the flocke of Christe be not seduced and deceyued by false prophetes which teache peruerse doctrine contrarye to the holsome doctrine of Christe But that pointe belongeth not allonlye to the pastor and preacher but also it behoueth euerye christian manne to bee so instructed in things pertainyng to faith that he by the word of god may iudge whether he be right taught or no. For thīkest thou that this power to iudg euery preachers doctrine was giuen the of Christe in vaine 1. Tes 5. Or thinkest thou that Paule commaunded the Thessalonians in vaine to proue all thinges and keepe that whiche was good Ioh. 4. And also S. Iohn writeth that we shulde proue the spirites whether they bee of God Wherefore seynge that many false prophets are gone into the world beleue verelye that this libertye to iudge is giuen the for somewhat For the diuell is subtyle and is an extreme enemy of holsome doctrine and such a one that hathe in his kyngedome nothynge then lyes Ioh. 16 1 Cor. 11 Ma. 24 and murdre whiche hee bringeth in vnder a coloure of holynes For hee canne chaunge hymselfe into the fashion of an aungell of lyghte so that yf it were possible he shulde deceaue and seduce the verye electe of God And no manne knoweth this better then Christe whiche teacheth vs so earnestlye to beware of theim whiche also painteth the minysters of Satan in theire owne coloures Wherefore lette vs take to harte this his faithfull monition But howe and with what coloures dothe he describe theym Prophetes To prophecye He calleth theym prophetes whereby he declareth that they shal vse the office of preachinge For to prophecye signifieth other whyle to teache and to interprete holy scripture as we fynde in the 14. chapiter of Saint Paule in the firste epist to the Corinthians More ouer hee sayeth Sheeps clothīg They shall come in sheepes clothinge That is they shall come in greate and angelicall meekenes and withoute all pride hauinge outwardly the shine of holines but inwardly they are rauening wolues euen the destroyers of the lordes flocke Now forasmuch as we shall haue such in the ministery of the worde of god whose outwarde conuersacion shall apeare as most simple and holy therefore it is necessarye that wee note and printe in our mindes this doctryne of Christe wherby we maye auoyde theym and daily pray vnto god that he wil vouchsafe to retaine vs in holsome doctrine and preserue vs from the vaine ianglynge of these false prophetes Secondarily it is to be noted that Christe doth not all onlye instructe vs to beware of false prophetes but also telleth vs howe wee shall knowe theym Yee shall knowe theym sayeth hee by theyr frutes Whiche thinge that he myght driue into vs the better hee putteth forthe a similitude and sayeth on this wise Do menne gather grapes of thornes or fygges of thystelles As thoughe he wolde saye Howe possible it is to gather grapes of thornes or figges of thystles so possible it is that a false prophete in whome the knowledge of god is not shulde teache anye good thynge thoughe hee neuer so muche gloryfye hym selfe in the knowledge of the worde of god A false prophete maye boaste and gloryfye him selfe of the gospell but the trewe doctrine of the faith he shal neuer attayne nor folow All that they haue taught with theyr vaine ianglinge are but leaues and remayne leaues hauinge only an outeward shining And for to knowe these false prophetes and theyr spirite It is needefull to haue the holye spirit and perfecte knoweledge of God Wherefore wee christian menne whyche in this daungerous tyme are assaulted with thys pestiferous and straunge learnyng must so indeuoure our selues Faythe charity that fayth and charity wherin consisteth the hole summe and foundacion of oure doctrine maye euer bee oure rule whereby we maye discerne and iudge all manner of doctrine that shall bee layde before vs. For faythe cleaueth allonlye to the worde of god and sayeth wyth Saincte Paule I knowe nothinge but Iesus Christ 1. Cor. 1 and hym crucified that is I seeke remission of sinnes righteousnes and saluacion allonlye in the passion and merytes of Christe And charitie with the deede and worke witnesseth suche fayth to be in the harte And what so euer is contrarye to this doctrine of faythe and charitie commeth of the diuell thoughe they that teache so in their so teachinge leade neuer so relygious a lyfe For the tree is euell and so likewise is the frute euell Shall we iudge nowe some trees by theyr frutes The papistes haue a longe season had the handlyng and administracion of the worde of god and the sacramentes The papistes with so great shyne of holines outwardli the thei haue nigh subiected vnto them the whole world But now that the gospell is broken out come to lyght through the greatinercy of god it hath geuen vs power to know the tree by the fruicte thereof throughe goddes worde Now we haue the word of god which we set against their doctrine concerning works and we find their learning to striue be repugnāt with the manifest worde of god and to bringe nothinge to passe but hipocrisy Therfore according to their frutes we reproue and abiect the whole papasie with all that belongeth vnto it yea if the diuel rage neuer so much We reproue detest also those spriteful mē whiche with their Masses suꝑsticion haue abused the supper instituted by Christ contrary to the manifest words of Christe Yea we reproue theim for the fruicte of their doctrine For besides the false expoundinge laiyng out of Christes wordes they haue brought the sacramentes into greate abusion What shall I saye of the anabaptistes I wolde to god the vngracious frute of their doctrine were not so manyfest To make short we haue the clear and manifest gospell by the greate grace of god in our hartes receaued wherein by his mercye we shall abide whē all the false prophetes shall go to the diuel Thirdelye Christe expoundeth these wordes by theyr frutes ye shall knowe theim euen as he wold haue theim vnderstanded making a difference betwene hipocrites and those that fulfill his fathers will and declareth both their rewardes The iustifiers and glorifiers in workes crye euer Lord Lord and that more is they glorifie in the gospell and in the holy ghoste yea and are so bold that they dare saye Lorde haue wee not prophecied in thy name haue we not caste out diuels in thy name c. But it is but hypocrisye remaineth hypocrisye for the whiche they haue no rewarde For Christe sayeth Depart from me ye workers of iniquitie I knowe you not And fayth in this present gospell Euerye tree that bringeth not forth good frute shal be hewen downe and caste in to the fier Beholde with what rewarde the frute of false doctrine shal be rewarded with all And againe considre what maner of
knowe sayth he that we shall iudge Angelles Albeit wee must not referre this iudgement to the last iudgement only but it must also be vnderstanded of the laste iudgement of the spirit among christians in this life For assone as by the worde wee receiue the holy ghost and are made the sons of God through fayth thē is this gyfte geuen vs also that by the worde we may iudge al thynges euen as sainct Paule wytnesseth in another place The spiiritual man iudgeth all thynges 1. Cor. 2 and he is iudged of no man And Christ also Nowe is come the iudgement of this worlde and the prince of this worlde shal be thrust out Are not the thynges which are promised vnto the Apostles in this place great and excellent And it is to be vnderstand that to leaue all thynges to folow Christ must be done at the fyrst For although the Apostles had left all thynges and folowed Christe when he spake these woordes yet was fayth at that tyme vnperfect in them Moreouer the holy ghost was not yet confirmed in them as it came to passe afterwarde vpon the day of Pentecost Yea euen Christe himselfe affirmeth that they lefte all thynges vnperfectly folowed him when he sayth that he sent furth his disciples without staffe and scrippe yet they lacked nothyng And in another place The children of the spouse fast not whiles the spouse is with them The Apostles in very dede folowed Christ He that beleueth is constant in tyme of persecucion were sent furth to preache in Iury But where was persecution yea rather where was fayth whiche could haue borne suche persecucion if it had happened Wherfore it is to be vnderstand that the Apostles left all thynges folowed Christ perfectly then not before when vpon the dai of Pentecost they did with cōstant mynde confesse Christ before the Scribes Phariseis and all the people Moreouer when they preached not only in Iurye but in all the worlde vnto the people with suche sedulitee diligence and constancy that at last they wer also compelled to dye for preachyng of the Gospel The cōuersion of sainct Paule And truely as concernyng this matter of folowyng Christ sainct Paule whose feast wee celebrate this day is not to be counted the least For after that he was cōuerted of God as we reade in the nynth chapiter of the Actes of the Apostles and of a Wolfe was made a shepe he preached his Lorde Christ with suche zeale and earnest affection of mynde that euen at this day his voyce is heard of this matter and that not in one place onely but throughout all the whole worlde The almightie God graunt that we may receiue his doctrine and direct our life accordyng to the same Thyrdly forasmuche as Christe hath promised vnto his Apostles iudgement ouer the xii tribes of Israel because that in his name they left all thynges folowed him Nowe he procedeth to declare further what he wyll geue to all those that for his names sake shall lose any thyng Reward cōmeth of it self and sayth Euery one that forsaketh house or brethren or systers or father or mother or wyfe or children or landes for my names sake shal receiue an hundreth folde and the inheritance of euerlastyng life If any mā wyll referre the former promise only to the Apostles let him know that this promise is spoken so plainly to all christians generally that it must nedes remayne a general truth Only let vs marke this well howe it must be vnderstād to leaue all things to folow Christ For to do this truly vnfaynedly doubtles is required a true fayth yea if I haue a true fayth whiche is dead vnto all creatures and liueth vnto Christ alone vnto righteousnes then haue I left all thinges in my heart To leue and forsake all although by the good will of God I may christianly godly vse enioye my goodes so long as I liue yet neuerthelesse I am alwaies redy if nede be to leaue al thinges willyngly to folow Christ yea euē vnto death hauyng this hope assured trust that it pleaseth God that it be so that he requireth the same of me Besydes that I am certain that God wyll vse me with suche liberalite that I shal receiue an hūdreth fold for the thynges that I haue forsakē in this world Finally I knowe this also that in that other lyfe I shall receiue euerlastynge life For Christ which is the truth it selfe in no wyse doth lye but without dout dothe performe this promise with me But in this place it shal be expedient that we doo rightly vnderstand what it is to receiue an hundreth folde The erroure of the Anabaptists For the Anabaptistes go aboute hereof to proue a corporall kingedome of Christe and a suer and quiete lyfe which the christians muste inioye a thousand yeares after the resurrection of the deade all the wycked and vngodly being destroyed And of this erroure they make this the chiefe grounde bicause it is added in S. Luke and also in S. Marke In this lyfe Iohn 6 Iohn 8 But I praye you howe do these agree togyther that wher Christe in an other place dyd refuse to bee chosen a kynge amongest the Iewes after a corporall and worldly manner and sayde vnto Pilate My kingdome is not of this worlde nowe as one forgetful of his former sentence is of a contrarye mynd and is come to administre a corporal kyngdome in this world and to geue vnto his christians earthly pleasures the pride and power of this worlde No To receiue an hūdreth folde not so But to receiue an hundreth folde in this worlde is nothinge els than to haue a mercy quiete and suer conscience whiche esteemeth more his redemtion iustice and euerlasting health which he hath gotten by Christe onlye then all the ryches of this world be they neuer so glorious and delectable to the vngodly And in very deede suche a good thing is a quiet cōscience through the benefite of Christ And this so great a good thyng wyll Christe gyue in this lyfe vnto all theim which with a trew faith faith do hange vppon hym or leaue any thinge for his sake And in the countrey euerlastinge to come he will giue that felicitie of lyfe which euer shall indure To the whiche the almighty god preserue and keepe vs all through his welbeloued sonne Iesus Christ our lorde Amen The gospell on the purificacion of the Virgin Maryes daye Luc. 2. ANd when the tyme of theyr purificacion Leui. 12 after the law of Moyses was come they 1 Reg. 2 broughte him to Ierusalem to presente hym to the Lord as it is written in the lawe of the Lord Exo. 23. and. 22. Num. 8. Euery manne chylde that fyrste openeth the matrix shall be called holye to the Lord and to offre as it is sayd in the law of the Lord a payre of turtle doues
then among those that bost them selues of Christes name nothyng cōsideryng nor regardyng Mat. 12 that of euery idle woorde wee must geue accompt in the day of iudgement Ephe. 4 nor yet ponderyng that S. Paule so earnestly forbad christians that in any wyse no fylthy worde shuld be herd out of their mouth Wherefore if thou wylte haue Christ present at thy communication and talkyng do as these two disciples did Talke of those thynges that pertayne to the honour of God and thyne owne saluacion Let thy wyll and studye be euer in the law of God and so shal Christ not be farre from thee But if in thy talkyng thou forget God then looke not for God but for the deuil to bee presente with thee Secondarily we haue here also what Christ did when he was come into the companye of these two disciples And fyrst he maketh himself so as though he knewe nothyng nor had heard what was doone in Ierusalem in those dayes And this dothe he to drawe furth their incredulitee and to rebuke theim for it and to haue occasion to instructe them as he dyd after warde And they by and by plainly declared theyr myndes so talkyng of Christe that a man may easely perceyue that as concernyng him his worde and promises though they had not vtterly yet for the most part they wer fallen into dispayre Besydes this though they acknowleged him to be a Prophete mightie in woordes and deedes before God yet nowe they thought theyr hope frustrate Christ wyll not cast vs away for our vnperfectnes Rom. 7 that he should redeme Israel But what dothe Christe Christe our Lorde knoweth very well and perfectly what is oure infirmitee and incredulitee neither is he ignorant that no good thing is in our fleshe Wherfore although wee bee vnperfecte in fayth yet wyll not he cast vs away but rebuke and teache vs as he dothe here the disciples teachyng vs by his owne ensample to do likewyse And fyrst he correcteth vs and sayeth O fooles and harde hearted to beleue in all thynges that the Prophetes haue spoken Must not Christ suffre these thynges and so entre into his glorye It is neither vnright nor crueltie that he here calleth his disciples foles whiche yet he forbad Mathew .v. Mat. 5. For that he here doth he doth it of a godly zeale and fatherly loue and so also may any manne do likewyse especially when theyr heart nor mynde be none otherwyse affecte then was Christ towarde his disciples Then beganne he at Moses and all the prophetes and interpreted to theim in all their writynges suche places as were written of him It is not comly to rebuke onely and not to comfort againe Furthermore he that shall rebuke another man ought not onely to recite to his rebuke what he had done vnrightfully but he must also shewe what he hath done honestly vertuously and also profitably Euē so doth Christ here Fyrst he rebuketh their incredulitee or vnfaythfulnes Then forasmuche as fayth cōmeth of hearing of the worde he proueth alloweth their saiyng out of the deuine scriptures that Christ must suffre And walkyng with them he earnestly cōtinueth his sermō with suche maiestie power that the disciples after wer cōpelled to knowlege it say Dyd not oure heart burne in vs when he talked with vs in the way and opened to vs the scriptures O blessed is that man whō Christ thus draweth by his woorde and whiche is by Christes spirit instruct into the true knowlege of God Thyrdly the Euangelist describeth after what maner Christ opēly shewed himselfe to these his disciples opened theyr eyes saiyng And they drewenye vnto the toune whether thei went and he made as though he would go further And they cōpelled him sayd Tary with vs for it draweth towardes night and the day it far passed And he taryed with them And it came to passe when he sat at the table with them he toke bread gaue thākes brake it and gaue it them Then were theyr eyes opened they knewe him And he vanished out of their sight They knewe that it was Christes accustomed maner to breake the bread and especially to geue thākes Yet should they not haue knowen him by these signes if he hadde not opened theyr eyes whiche in dede was done when Christe gaue thankes and brake the bread Here muste we first learne We must bee thankful to God 1 Cor. 4 to giue thankes euer to god for all his benefites giuen to vs both corporall and spirituall For I praye you what haste thou but thou receyuedst it of god Nowe yf god hathe giuen it to the of mere grace withoute anye merite of thyne I beseche the why wylte thou not euer giue him thanks for it Verily Saynct Paul in the fyrst epistle to Timothe in the fourth chap. where hee teacheth of the libertye of meates and drinkes willeth that christians shulde receiue all thinges with thankes gyuynge 1 Tim. 4 and euen so exhorteth he vs to do in the epistle to the Thessalonians Secondly also note 1 Tes 5 Christe openeth the eies that Christe opened hys disciples eyes and brouhht theym into the knoweledge of hymselfe For euen as these disciples could not come to suche knowledge of theym selues tyll theyr eyes were opened no more can wee beleue as wee ought to beleue tell Christe lyghten our eyes and bringe vs vnto the trewe faithe by his worde and holy spirite Fourthly this gospel sheweth Faithe muste be openlye cōfessed that whē through Christes word spirit our eyes ar opened to know God then that our faith shal not be vaine in vs that we kepe not this ioye only to our selues but that we shal cōmunicat it vnto many freely confesse our ioye euen as S. Paul saith Rom. 10 With the hearte wee beleue vnto righteousnes with the mouth we confesse the same beleue vnto health And Dauid saith I beleued and therfore I spake Psa 115 The preachynge of the passion and resurrection of Christ is no such treasure that when a man hath founde it he shuld hyde it and kepe it secrete from other let no manne thynke so but it would bee distributed and imparted to many other Mat. 10 like as Christ sayd That I haue spoken to you in your eare secretely declare it openly euen in the houses toppe And so dothe the disciples here For assone as they had seen and knowen Christ they by and by aryse and returned vnto Ierusalem where they founde the xi gatheeed these that were with them to whom they declared what was done in the way howe they knewe the Lorde by breakyng the bread And so ought euery christian man to do when he knoweth Christe and by his worde and spirite is come vnto the fayth he should geue all men parte of that treasure and to endeuor himselfe that all men maye come to that knowlege and righteousnes of fayth that is in Iesu Christe our Lord
Psalmes of me Furthermore he opened theyr mynde that they should vnderstand the scriptures c. O howe gloriouslye goeth this preachynge of Christe forthe Christe instructeth these plaine men and vnlearned with the holy scripture taken out of the law the prophetes and the psalmes But as the epistle to the Hebrues sayeth Heb. 4. Preachinge is but vaine if it bee not adioyned to faithe therefore Christe also openeth the eyes and vnderstandynge of theyr mynde so that not onlye they maye heare hys woorde but also they maye vnderstande it Oh good preacher O gentle lorde Christe that thus faithfully teacheth his disciple and bringeth them to the knowledge of hys truth The moste best and greatest lorde our god graunt vs this grace The outwarde prechīg and the hollye ghoste must bee togither Apoc. 3. that the same manner maye be among vs in the offire of preching that is that we may with much seueritie and great diligence inculcate thy worde and that Christ may also as dililigentely teache the same worde inwardely by his holy spirite For suerly it is he that hath the key of Dauid wherwith he shutteth and no man openeth hee openeth and no man shutteth And verelye all preaching is vain except Christ do inwardly teach by his holy spirite Nowithstanding I wold no mā should esteeme as a light thinge the dignity of the vocall worde or the word pronounced and spoken takinge occasion of these my woordes so to doo for thys is myne opinion that bothe the woorde and spirite of god muste be ioyned togyther And who shall dare tontemne the woorde that Christe heere ordayneth and commaundeth and also committeth the same to his beeloued Apostels For thus he sayeth furthormore Thus it is written and thus muste Christe suffre and ryse again from the deade the third day to preach in his name penance forgiuenes of synnes among al naciōs c. In the gospell of sainct Ihon this cōmaundement and office of preachyng is more euidētly described For in the same place the Euangelist sayth thus Iho. 20 And Iesus sayd to them As my father hath sēt me euen so I send you likewyse after that he brethed vpon them saiyng Receiue ye the holy ghost Whose synnes soeuer ye shal forgeue they are forgeuen whosesoeuer synnes ye shal retayne they are retayned The administracion of the worde of God Of these wordes it is euident that Christ commytted to them the office or administracion to teache his worde ouer all the vniuersal worlde Nowe if wee adioyne this place of S. Ihon with these wordes of Christ recyted in this gospel euery mā of vnderstandyng may easely perceyue howe this forgeuyng of synnes is done The lawe That is thus Fyrst must penance be preached that is men must be brought by the knowlege of the lawe of God to cōfesse hate and abhorre their synne True penāce For this is it that the deuine scriptures call doyng of penance as wee may see in the Prophete Esaie Esa 55 Let the vngodly sayth he forsake his euil way and the vnrightwise man his ymaginacions and let him returne vnto the Lord and he wyll haue mercy vpō him Returne I say to our God for he is very ready to forgeue And sainct Paule also Ephe 4 describeth it saiyng He that did steale let him steale no more c. Nowe after that men are brought vnto the knowlege of their synnes also to hate them then must be preached vnto them and set before their eyes the merytes of Iesu Christ For to preache remission of synnes in his name The gospel is to ascribe the remission of synnes vnto his passion death and merites And when this is apprehēded and beleued there is forgeuenes of synnes not by him or for his sake that preacheth declareth this but by him and his merytes that hath geuen that commaundement and cōmission to preache remyssion of synnes in his name To whom bee honor and prayse for euer and euer Amen The Gospel on sainct Markes day the Euāgelist you shall fynde after Alhallowen day The gospell on Philyp and Iacob the Apostles day Ihon. 14. Thomas sayth vnto him Lord we knowe not whether thou goest And howe is it possible for vs to knowe the waye Iesus sayth vnto him Ihon. 1 6.8 and .11 I am the way and the trueth and the life No man commeth vnto the father but by me If ye had knowen me ye had knowen my father also And nowe ye knowe him haue seen him Phylyp sayth vnto him Lord shewe vs the father it suffiseth vs Iesus sayth vnto him Haue I been so long tyme with you yet hast thou not knowē me Phylyp he that hath seen me hath seen the father And howe sayest thou then shewe vs the father Beleuest thou not that Iho. 10. I am in the father and the father in me The woordes that I speake vnto you I speake not of my selfe but the father that dwelleth in me is he that doth the workes Beleue me that I am in the father and Iho. 16. the father in me Or t is beleue me for the workes sake Verely verely I saye vnto you he that beleueth on me the workes that I do the same shall he do also and greater workes then these shal he do because I go to my father Ma. 17 and 21. Mar. 11 Luc. 9. Iho. 15 and .16 Iaco. 1. 1. Iho. 3 and .5 And whatsouer ye aske in my name that wyll I do that the father may be glorifyed by the sonne if ye shall aske any thyng in my name I wyll do it THE EXPOSITION Christ armeth his disciples against the slaūder of the crosse OUr Lorde Iesus Christe in that most excellent sermon made vnto his disciples at his last supper among all other his moste godly exhortacions this he principally endeuored himselfe vnto to conserue his disciples frō the slaunder of the crosse and to prepare comfort them against the aduersaries of it that were commyng For he knewe right well the imbecilitee and weakenes not only of his disciples but also of all men in whom his holy gost and spirit is not yet confirmed And now the tyme was present at hand when Christ by his death should glorify the father and returne into his glorye Nowe forasmuche as the Apostles so sore abhorred the crosse rather would that Christe should after the maner of Kynges and prynces of this worlde begynne his kyngdome in Iewry wherein they might as great Lordes and Dukes rule with him therefore Christe would lead them away from suche imaginacions thoughtes vnto the meditacion of eternal glorye wherevnto there is no entraunce but by the crosse Act. 14. And thus he sayth Let not your heart be troubled nor be abashed needes must I suffre the scripture must needes bee fulfylled whiche testifyeth of my death and passion that by it I shal delyuer all men from eternall death I praye you then
into heauen with the approue confirmacion of the same For thus sayth the texte And the Lorde after that he had spoken vnto them he was taken vppe into heauen and sitteth on the right hand of God c. Hetherto Christ had preached and taught after that he was crucifyed and rysen agayn the thyrd daye from the dead and truely after his resurrection he had muche a do with the incredulitee of his Apostles to whom also at the last he shewed what he would theim to do And after he had all this doone Mar 16 he ascended into heauen and sytteth on the right hand of God that is he taketh to himselfe a newe kyngdome that he perpetually with his father beyng Lord on heauen and yearth may and shal reigne in equal power with God his father What it is to syt on the right hand of God for to conserue gouerne maintayn and defend all that are his from all euils For this to do is to syt on the right hand of God Furthermore lest his assencion into heauen should be without an euident vtilitee and profyte he would sende from heauen his holy ghost which might confirme his in the fayth make them strong in all their troubles and persecucions and defende comfort them against their threttes that hated the word euen as the Prophet did testifi Ps 67. saiyng Hee ascended into the highth and hath ledde captiuitee capteiue and hath geuen gyftes to men Oh deare brethren is not this a mightie Lord that hath cōquered and deliuered vs from the captiuitee of Sathan hath geuen frely to vs his worde and spirit and lastly by this meanes hath made vs the sonnes of God Surely he that wyll not beleue and put his confidence in this god and suche a Lorde doubtlesse his vnbelif shal turne brīg him vnto perpetual dampnacion and losse bothe of body and soule The whiche God vouchesafe to turne frō vs for his great infinite grace through Iesu Christ our Lorde Amen The gospel on the Monday after Witsondaye Ioh. 3. FOr God so loued the world that he gaue his only begotten sonne that whosoeuer beleueth in him shoulde not perishe but haue euerlasting life Luce. 19 For God sent not his sonne into the world to condemn the worlde but that the worlde through hym myght be saued Hee that beleueth on hym is not condemned But hee that beleueth not is condemned already bycause he hath not beleued in the name of the onlye begotten son of god And thys is the cōdemnaciō Iohn 1 and. 12. the lyght is come into the world and men loued darkenes more then lyght bycause their deedes were euel For ♣ Eph. 5 euery one that euell dooeth hateth the lyght neither commeth to the lyght least hys dedes shuld be reproued But he that doth truthe commeth to the lyghte that hys deedes maye bee knowen howe they are wrought in God After these thynges came Iesus and hys disciples into the land of Iewrye and there he taryed with them Ioh. 4. Mat. 3. Mar. 1. Luc. 3. Mar. 4 and baptized And Iohn also baptized in Ennō besyds Salim bicause ther was muche water there and they came and were baptized For Ihon was not yet put in pryson THE EXPOSITION IN this gospell CHRIST setteth out highly The loue of God toward vs that excedinge loue and charitye of oure heauenly father that he euer hath borne vnto man k●nde And this loue doth Christe so highly extoll and magnifye that he affirmeth that loue to haue beene the chiefe principall and onlye cause wherfore hee wolde giue his onlye begotten sonne into this worlde Lette vs therefore with most herty attentiō cōsider this praise wherwith Christ setteth out the loue of his heauēly father For in it we shal plainely perceiue what moued god to redeme vs and by whome he would worke our redemtion And what moued the heauenly father to doo thys Dyd men obtaine it with their good works Or deserued they it by theyr honest conuersacion Truly if that time that Christ came into to the worlde he wold haue iudged men accordinge to their merites and workes it was to be feared least as it happein the tyme of Noe he shulde haue drowned all the worlde with water for doubteles at that tyme ther were not very many good in al the world For euen the Iewes which receiued the law prophets and therfore ought to haue been more holier and better then the other nacions these I say were a fewe except more wretched and abhominable then anye other Then needes must ther be a far other cause of our redemtiō Out of loue and grace ar we saued then the merites of man What is it then Christe answereth God so loued the worlde Do not you heare now that our redemtion dependeth and consisteth vpon mere loue grace compassion and mercy And this loue ought well to styrre vs vp and to bringe vs to faithe For if we wel consider and weye this loue in our hearts it wil sufficiently teach vs how high ye vnspeakable it is For suerly we had deserued by vnbeliefe and our sinnes perpetual damnaciō god mought most rightfully haue shed vpon vs his terrible wrath furor and indignacion and haue condemnd vs vnto ꝑpetual dānacion but what dyd he So mighty nowe was not his wrathe but his loue that not only he saued vs frō destruction but also made vs free safe frō synne death dyuel and hell But howe did he this or by what meane or mediator Wold he do this by his angels or by any other mediator or mean Nay verily But to do this he sent gaue freely his only begotten son Here againe that excedyng loue is glorified which was the cause the god would redeme vs. For truely all that euer god giueth that giueth he of grace no merites goyng before With this agreeth the saying of S Paul If when we wer enemies we were recōciled to god by the death of his son much more now that we be reconcyled we shal be saued by his life Here also in this saying the apostell cōfesseth that god receiued vs of grace ye when we were yet his enemies Finally God hath deliuered vs from our sins from hel hath giuen to vs eternall life by free grace loue that hath he done by his beloued and only begottē sonne Iesus Christe Secondarily althogh our saluacion be gotten made perfect by Christ only yet this must we learn to knowe how men maye obtaine it And thys also doth Christe manifestly shew in this gospell That euery man saith he the beleueth in him shuld not perishe but shoulde haue lyfe eaternall You heare in these wordes whether saluacion gotten by Christe may be receiued by works or apprehended by faith Without doubte our workes do nothinge in this matter But here muste needes be a true faith and an assured confidence and beliefe in god But whē is that beliefe and faithe trewe Fayth When
happen in his natiuite For and by assone as this childe was borne al the neighbours and kynsfolke did reioyce with the parentes of the child and vpon the eyght day they circumcised the chyld and at the fathers commaundement and writyng they gaue him a name of grace and mercy and this fame is spredde abrode among all theim that dwelt in the Mountaynes of Iewrye and all that did heare it layde it in their heartes cōfessyng that the hande of the Lorde that is The hād of the Lord. the power and helpe of God was with him Lo thus muste men consider Ihon to knowe howe highly he is to bee estemed Secondarily in this gospell fayth maketh Zachary to speake whiche a lytle before throughe his incredulitee was domme And lyke as in this wee see howe great a synne vnbeleife is euen so on the other part wee perceyue howe precious and godly a treasure fayth is The Angel of God sayd vnto zacharye Thy wyfe Elizabeth shall beare vnto thee a sonne To these wordes ought zacharias to haue geuen credite But what doth he Because he was aged and his wyfe well gone in age also therfore he wyll or he geue credite knowe howe these thynges shal be fulfylled therefore he is compelled to silence tyl those thinges were fulfylled that were promised vnto him by the Angel And in lyke maner vnto this day are all they stryken dumme Dumnes in this our time that wyll not beleue the Apostles of God his worde and the Gospell For where as it were their duetye to aduaunce the glory of God the meryte of Christe and to set furth the same there they extoll the righteousnes of their own works as that Pharisei did Luc. 17 God said he I thank the For I am not as the residue of menne extorcioners vnrighteous aduouterers nor yet as this Publycane Call yee this to laude and glorifie the grace of god and merite of Christ Naye truly Thus to boast is worse then to bee dumme For thoughe in this prayer are heard many wordes yet is ther not one heard that seteth vp or magnifieth the grace of god or merite of Christe Nowe thoughe I can speake and vtter many woordes yet as longe as vnbeliefe that taketh away the glory of god raigneth in my heart I remaine dombe afore god as the scripture saith Wysdome hathe opened the mouthe of the dombe that is to say The knowledge of god maketh men eloquent that they knowe how to gyue god his honoure in Christ to praise and glorifie him and fynally to confesse his worde Suche an eloquent Orator was Paul made when he compared his own iustice that he had in the lord vnto myre and dong that by it he might suffre no dammage in that righteousnes whiche Christe hath brought and giueth to the beleuers And such an eloquēt preacher was Zacharias after that the tyme apointed by the angel was fulfilled For by and by after the circumcision of his sonne Iohn he was fylled with the holy ghost and prophecyed praisyng god that had giuen that greate grace vnto him Therfore I saye where faith and the holy ghost are not there muste we needes be dum spiritually yea though we speak many vayne and voide wordes Thirdely the Euangelist heere describeth worde for worde what Zacharias sayd whē he was fylled with the holy ghost and why he so earnestly praised and glorified the Lord his God For thus he sayd Blessed be the Lord God of Israel To blesse To blesse in this place is asmuche as to laude For nowe in as muche as zacharias had receyued the child promised to him also he knewe in spirit what Christe shuld do whose waye this chylde should make ready he praiseth God for that so great and excellent a benefyte Geuyng vs an ensample that wee euermore should thanke prayse God for those his benefites geuen to vs both corporal and also spiritual Now if ye be desirous to heare the cause of this praisyng God of zachary himself For he sayth he hath visited and wrought the redempcion of his people This woorde Visite God doth visite vs ii maner of waies is in the scriptures taken two maner of wayes For sometyme God visiteth vs in his wrath furor as when he punisheth our sinnes as it chaunsed Pharao in the red sea and the Iewes in the tyme of Tytus and Vespasian the Emperor Many tymes he visiteth vs in mercy and grace as it happened to the Iewes when they were brought out of Egypt also when Christ was sent and geuē of the whiche visitacion Christ himselfe speaketh complayneth Mat. 20 because they knewe not the tyme of their visitacion And of this mercyfull visitacion dothe zacharias speake in this place saiyng that God hath visited and wrought the redempcion of his people He knowlegeth also and estemeth this redempcion so certayne sure that he proclaymeth and laudeth it as done already wher in dede it was as then yet to be done in tyme commyng And to this apertayneth the foloweth in this cāticle And he hath set vp vnto vs an horne of health in the house of Dauid his seruāt An horne in scripture An horn in scripture is taken for the power dominion As zacharias would say The corporal kyngdome nowe hath his ende nowe appointed the septer is taken frō the tribe of Iuda But be of good cōfort we shall nowe be better then euer we were For why we shall haue a newe kyng whiche in dede was promised vs long agoo whiche shal set vp a kyngdom not corporal wherin he may reigne with outward power but a kyngdome of helth and eternal lyfe accordyng to the promyse so many thousand yeres promised to the Patriarkes vnto Dauid For doubtles whosoeuer shall beleue in this kyng kepe his word he shal assuredly obtain this helth Now who could doubt in this Dyd not God in tymes past speake these wordes by the mouth of the Prophetes Dissēciō betwyxt Christ the world Dyd not he promyse the same by the Patriarches Notwithstādyng there shall ryse debate discencion betwene this kyng the world For surely he wyll geue sentēce that all suche thynges as the world estemeth right good be vnrighteous and by his worde he wyll cast away all their holynes wysedome vertues and cōdempne them And here out shal begyn this stryfe with contynuance but yet so that at the conclusion the victory shal be Christes not alonly for his owne commoditee or profite but muche rather for al those that beleue in him If thou desyrest to knowe what he shall do He shal deliuer vs from our enemyes and from the handes of all them that hated vs. Furthermore he wyll shewe vs the waye whiche when we entre into we shall not dispayre of mercye for our sinnes for he wyll remembre that faithfull othe that he sware to Abraham oure father Briefely by his owne merites of mere grace without deseruinge of
come by these and many mo sectes Furthermore this slaunder is against loue as when I wyll not obey the Magistrate I will not do and paye as other men doo and paye neither beare the common charges as other beare but I wyll be cleane without lawe and haue a singuler prerogatiue afore al other Of this slaunder Christe hym selfe saithe to Peter Mat. ●7 Leaste we shoulde bee a slaunder vnto them go to the sea and cast thy hooke and that fyshe which firste commeth take him vppe open his mouthe and thou shalte fynde a grote take it oute and giue it them for the and me Nowe withoute doubt these slanders shall continue in the worlde vnto the end And especiall the slaunderers of doctrine shall bee both greuous and vehemente But what remedye againste this slaunder Spiritually are the handes and feete cut of I muste cut of that whiche woulde offende me be it either foot hande or eyes that is I must continue in the worde nothing consyderyng what shall chaunce euen thoughe father or mother brother or syster wyfe or children kinne or affinytye monye or ryches woulde plucke me frome it yet muste I sette more by the woorde then by all these For better yt is that I forsake all thynges be they neuer so deere and precious in thys worlde and to bee saued afore god then to haue all menne my friendes and be separated from god And seeynge that god wyll so extremelye punyshe theym that rayse suche slaunders what thynke yee shall come to suche as for those slaunders leaue and forsake the trueth Doubtlesse hee shall punishe theym both alyke Fourthly here is a general admonicion vnto al men that they dispyse none of these lytleones that are dead to the worlde poore in spirit and knyt together one in Christ Yea there is also assygned a cause why they shuld beware of hurtyng them The lytle ones wherfore they are not to be offended Psal 19 For their Angels sayth Christ in heauen alway see the face of my father whiche is in heauen Surely without doubt if God be so mercyful to his seruauntes that he hath appointed Angels vnto this ministery to kepe and defende them doubtles then this wyll please him but a lytle if they be dispised persecuted troubled troden vnder foote For surely the Lord is as careful for them as if these thinges were done vnto himselfe And furthermore he must nedes be discōtented to se them euil entreated for whose sake he came into this worlde and shedde his precious bloud I pray you who can thynke otherwyse in this behalfe Shall it not prouoke his anger that wee dispyse those whō he hath redemed with his death and precious bloud shed For if that lost shepe be so deare to him and he so entyrely loued it that he left nyntye and nyne in the wyldernes and ceassed not seekyng tyll he had founde it why should wee then either persecute or trouble that sheepe Surely he may suffre it but without doubt he wyl not leaue it vnpunished Furthermore he sayth It is not his fathers wyll that one of these lytleones should peryshe Are not these strong reasons that might well refrayne vs from persecutyng of our christian brethren Theyr angels sayth Christe whiche must serue them euer see the face of my father Trueth it is that I wyll be their sauior and my fathers wyll is that they should not perishe Nowe if these wordes wyll not moue vs surely I knowe not what should moue vs to learne to loue christian men and not to despyse theim But commonly it so chaunseth that these poore lytle ones of Christ haue euermore persecucion then fauour in this worlde Wherfore I beseche God graunt vs grace to perseuer in his fayth and paciently for his names sake to suffre persecucion vnto th ende through Christ our Lord. Amen The gospel on sainct Lukes day the Euāgelist ye shall fynde after Alhalowen day The gospel on sainct Symon and Iudes day Ihon. 15. Greater loue hath no mā then this that a man bestow his life for his frendes Ye are my frendes if ye do whatsoeuer I cōmaunde you Hencefurth call I you not seruauntes for the seruaunt knoweth not what his lorde doth But you haue I called frendes For all thynges that I haue heard of my father haue I opened to you Ye haue not chosen me but I haue chosen you and ordayned you to go and bryng furth fruite and that your fruite should remayne that whatsoeuer ye aske of the father in my name he may geue it you THE EXPOSITION CHrist gaue his disciples this cōmaundemēt of brotherly loue after that last supper when he now knewe the tyme of his passion at hand that immediatly he shuld be taken away frō them Surely this is an vndoubted truth that there is besydes fayth no woorke in the worlde nor none can be that shal be acceptable vnto God saue onely charitee and loue of my neighbour of the whiche Christ speaketh in this Gospel Or els why should Christ with so great seueritee and earnest admonicion in that his last sermon that euer he made Christes cōmaundement of charitee haue geuen and inculcate this precepte of charitee And here note two thynges Fyrst that Christ gaue this precept and not Moses For if it were Moses precept it shuld be a precept as the other preceptes were in the lawe whiche in dede taught cōmaunded what should be done and what should bee lefte vndone but thei gaue not the spirit wherby it might be done with free heart and courage But Christ doth not here so but as he sheweth what is necessary to be done euen so he also geueth the spirit that we may be able to do those thinges that he hath cōmaunded And this is the onely cause why he him selfe sayth of his preceptes My yoke is swete my burthen light And sainct Ihon in his Epistle Canonical saith His cōmaundementes are not heauy Wherefore these woorkes of loue are not hypocrites workes like as the workes of the lawe were whiche the Iewes did without spirit but whatsoeuer a Christian doth in this behalfe he doth it with an whole heart 1 Co. 14 euen as sainct Paule sayth Charitee seketh not the thyng that is her owne For why A christian knoweth that Christe requireth not onely true fayth that worshippeth the father in spirit and truth but also he requireth an vnfayned loue Further note that this loue spryngeth not of her selfe but it spryngeth furth of fayth so that whersoeuer there is no fayth there can neuer bee any true loue Fayth Loue. Fayth heareth the woorde of God taketh holde vpon those thynges that the same worde promyseth in the merytes of Christe and so obtayneth without any merites of workes only of mere grace and mercy remission of synnes righteousnes eternal life Nowe if any mā wyl in this cause of iustifycacion admyxt the myre of his owne workes he goth cleane out of the way
drawe agayne sainct Peters swoorde whiche was ones putte into the sheath But all his authoritee and office standeth in this that he is bounde to remayne with sainct Ihon Baptyst the voyce of a cryer Mat. 26 Esai 40 or els he doth vsurpe another office and should rather bee named a sedicious manqueller then a preacher of the woorde of God Thyrdly this Gospel declareth vnto vs the obedience and simplicitee of the Apostles The obedience of the Apostles whiche were called of Christe to preache For assone as they heard this voyce of Christe Come and folowe me straight wayes they did geue theim selues ouer into the wylle of God were obedient not disputed whether it were lawefull meete to forsakee father and mother wyfe and children to folowe a man of so lytle reputacion before the world as was Christ but did euen as we reade in another place of Abraham when he was commaunded to go out of his countrey into a lande that God should shewe him he disputed not whether he should goo or whether he might not serue God aswel in his fathers house as in a straunge countrey but most symply obeyed the worde of God So likewyse were these Apostles found obedient The power of the worde of God Wherfore that mightie woorde of God and the gospell is highly to be magnified and extolled which doth not onely penetrate the eares but stryketh and toucheth the heart Or els truely fleshe and bloud had aswell remayned disobedient in the Apostles as in the Phariseis For they though Christ neuer so ofte repeted and cryed vnto theim Amende your selfe the kyngdome of heauen is at hand yet would they neither heare him nor folowe him But where Christe cryeth aswell in the heart as in the eare there without any busynes willyngly men both heareth him and foloweth him But when he cryeth onely but in the eare then remayne we as blynde and as harde hearted as that blynde Pharao did Neuerthelesse it is all our faulte that we do not heare and folowe Christ Furthermore wee shall with all diligence seeke Christe and bee feruent in hearyng of the Gospell forasmuche as he sayeth Luc. ● Who so hath eares to heare lette him heare And though the Apostles are bound to geue thankes vnto God and knowlege that it all came of him in that they were so obedient and folowed Christe yet is this wrytten for an example for vs so that I knowe not how to geue greatter honour and worshippe to the sainctes The worshipping of saintes then when through their ensample I am induced to folowe Christ And here is to be noted that there is two maner of folowyng of Christe The one is bodily wyse The folowīg of Christ is two maner of wise ī and the other spiritually Of the bodily folowyng of Christe speaketh this present Gospell and doth not pertayne vnto all menne but vnto those onely that be commaunded as the Apostles wer and also Abraham Or when through the wyll of God the Tyrantes of this worlde shall take thee from thy wyfe and children by violence and put the to execucion for the Gospell sake And so there is Christ to bee folowed not onely spiritually but also bodily For of that it is wrytten Mat. 10 Whosoeuer denyeth me before men him will I also denye before my father whiche is in heauen How to folowe Christ both spiritually bodily The other folowyng of Christ is spiritual partayneth vnto all christian men For as long as I determyne with my selfe to forsake all thynges that I haue in the worlde wyllyngly whensoeuer it shall please God so to ordain it yea and at all tymes am readye to dye for the truth sake so long I folowe Christe And so may this spirituall folowyng of Christe stande and bee acceptable before God without the bodily folowyng as chaunseth often tymes But the bodily folowyng without the spiritual ought not to bee For suche thynges ought in suche a chaunce bothe to be ioyned together Wylte thou knowe nowe in what wyse thou shalt behaue and instruct thy selfe herein Herken to If God ordaine it so that thou must forsake all thyng for the truth sake sufferest all aduersitee put awaye and expell from thee all feare and be of good comforte and folowe Christe faythfully not consideryng neither wyfe nor children Mat. 5. for great shal be thy rewarde in heauen And although God doth not visite the with suche affliccion and tribulacion neuerthelesse it is mete and conuenient that thy heart and mynde bee setteled and vtterly persuaded at all tymes to be ready to folowe Christ But in the meane tyme thou shalte not temerously and without great causes forsake neither wyfe nor children nor no other thyng that God hath sent thee and endued with all For in that to be willyng to suffre all trouble persecucion and pouertie when it shall please God to send it thee is called the true obaiyng and folowyng of Christ To whom with the father holy gost be all honor Amen The Gospell on sainct Thomas day Ihon. 20. BVt Ioh. 11. Thomas one of the xii which is called Didymus was not with them when Iesus came The other disciples therefore sayd vnto him We haue sene the Lord. But he sayd vnto thē Except I see in his hādes the print of the nayles put my fynger into the prynt of the nayles and thurst my hand into his syde I wyll not beleue And after eight dayes againe his disciples wer within and Thomas with them Then came Iesus when the doores were shut and stoode in the middes and sayd Peace be vnto you After that sayd he to Thomas Bryng thy fynger hether and see my handes and reache hether thy hand and thurst it into my syde and be not faythles but beleuyng Thomas answered and sayd vnto him My Lorde and my God Iesus sayd vnto him Thomas because thou hast sene me thou hast beleued Blessed are they that haue not sene and yet haue beleued THE EXPOSITION An ensample of incredulite FYrst wee haue in this Gospell an ensample of incredulite in sainct Thomas so grosse that worthily any man might wonder at it in especial in suche an Apostle whiche had heard so often tymes of Christ howe that he should be put to death and ryse againe the thyrde day except that the imbecilitee and weakenes of oure nature and fleshe were not sufficiently knowen vnto vs yea excepte that oure detestable incredulite that is grafte in vs were not better knowen vnto vs then is nedefull here to recite with many wordes And wherein I beseche you may wee wretches glorifye in when suche notable incredulite can be found in suche an Apostle But for no other intent or purpose is this layde before vs then onely that wee therby may learne to knowe the weakenes and maliciousnes of our fleshe For as long as this blyndnes and maliciousnes of oure fleshe is not holpen and redressed through Christ and
his spirit so long shall that fayth whiche Christ requireth of vs with so many woordes bee no greater in vs then it was here in S. Thomas Many there be which suppose that fayth is so common a thyng that it is in euery mannes freewylle to beleue who wyll that Christe dyed rose againe the third day Whiche if it were so in deede what needed Christ to saye these words Suppose you that the sonne of man Luc. 28. when he commeth shall finde faithe vppon earthe Moreouer what was the cause that the Apostels in the tyme of the resurrection of Christ were so rude and ignoraunt in the matter of fayth and iustificacion Nor it is not to be thought that suche thinge happened only vnto S. Thomas and not to the reste of the Apostests except that wee wyll saye that all suche tokens and actes which we fynde in the story of the resurrection of Christ fyrst doon through angels and then by Christe himselfe whereby the Apostels in this article were confirmed were vanities and lyes I may suffre euery man to say herein his pleasure Yet doo I thus thinke and can approue yt by many testimonies of scripture that no mortal man how well learned or wise so euer he be how good or sharpe witted so euer he be can learne or be instructed in the faith of Christ The holy ghoste worketh faithe in vs. Esai 54 except the singular grace of the holy ghoste drawe him and instruct him therin The prophete sayth They shal be all taught of god Then if I can instructe and teache my selfe in those thinges that concerne our faythe what need hath god to teach me Vpon this reason S. Iohn the euangelyst saith Hee came into his owne Iohn 1. and his owne receyued him not If faith be such a light and an easye thinge to come by what was the cause that the Iewes were so ignoraunt in the comynge of their Messias whiche were taught and brought vp in the lawe Or for what cause dothe the lyghte shine in darkenes and the darkenes can not comprehende it Wherefore it is meete that wee learne hereout that it is not in euery mannes power to haue fayth but that it is a gyfte and a woorke of God only as we fynde in this place of sainct Thomas that in no maner of wyse he would beleue excepte he sawe with his eyen and felte with his fyngers Secondarily wee fynde in this ensample howe paciently and gently Christe suffereth suche imbecilitee and weakenes in his seruauntes Yea he turneth suche mekenesse into a strong fayth For as we reade in the history of the resurrection howe he fyrst did appeare vnto the women and the Apostles so he dothe seeme here likewyse in this place vnto the vnfaythfull Thomas because he should not styl perseuer in incredulitee but should become faythfull He came the eight daye after his resurrection vnto the disciples and besydes that he saluted theim with his peace he shewed vnto Thomas his handes and his feete saiyng Bryng thy fynger hither and see my handes and reche hether thy hande and thrust it into my syde and bee not faythlesse but beleuyng Is not this a highe and an excellent pacience and gentylnes in suche wyse to suffre the weakenes of his electe And I beseche you howe could bee done vnto Thomas a greatter pleasure For except he had sene and felt he would not haue beleued And yet was Christ so good and so full of pitie that Thomas had all his wylle and mynde For besydes that he rebuked him with most gentle and swete woordes he suffered him to put his fynger in his syde O good Lord what great affection and loue thynkest thou dothe he beare to his electe seruauntes Doth not this place approue and confirme the same saiyng that he vsed whyle he was yet in this mortal life saiyng Mat. 11 Come vnto me all ye that labour and are laden and I wyl ease you Note also here howe Christ throughly learneth and instructeth Thomas bothe with wordes and tokens The wordes wherewith he is taught driueth away and expelleth his incredulite which wordes are so layde against him that therby thou mayest perceiue no greatter synne to be vpon yearth then is incredulitee Whereout Incredulite is a great sinne as out of a fountayne and sprynge floweth all other synnes For he sayth Bee not faythlesse but beleue As though he would saye If thou fall from the fayth thou art vtterly vndone But if thou bee faythfull and beleuest hereafter do not doubt of the merites of my resurrection then trust surely that this incredulitee shall not in any wyse hynder or hurte thee but shall so and in suche maner of wyse be forgeuen thee that hereafter I wyll neuer remembre it more For I require nothyng els for this great benefite whiche I haue purchased for the whole world through my bitter passion then only a faythfull heart whiche shall not putte his confidence in no creature whether it bee in heauen or in yearth excepte onely in my merites and deseruyng Beholde howe with these wordes thapostle is reduced and brought to true fayth And likewyse as he is strengthened and comforted with wordes so also is he holpen with signes tokens Signes confirmeth fayth which for the most part is shewed to confirme our fayth And yet it is done after a most symple maner by reason he may the easyer be brought to a true fayth and beleue Who would not put and set his trust in suche a mercyfull and a gentle Lorde Who would set his hope in any other except him onely Thirdly this Gospel prayseth and commendeth tranquilitee Peace of conscience quietnes and peace of conscience and sheweth likewise howe that Christ hath communicated the same to the Apostles And of this peace Christ speaketh before his passion Iho. 14 saiyng Peace I leaue with you my peace I geue vnto you not as the worlde geueth geue I vnto you c. With the whiche wordes Christ maketh a difference betwene a ciuile a christian fayth The peace of the wolrde lyeth in ciuile and corporal thynges wherevnto if ryches and goodes chaunce plenteously it maketh menne very negligent and careles incase it bee not prouided and preuented through the word of God But a christian peace cōsisteth in spiritual thynges which maketh a man hardy strong in persecution and temptacion and suche a one as when extreme necessitee and the honour of God dothe so require they shall not onely not fear the deuil with the world and all their adherentes but also shal dispise them and set nothing by them Act. 5. as we see the Apostles did after that the holy ghost was confirmed in them Suche a fayth doth Christ worke in his seruantes and is apprehended of theim onely that with a true fayth knowledge embrace Iesus Christ their lord And this peace I haue so longe as I beleue in Christ And nowe if I do not beleeue it