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A64956 The conversion of the soul, or, A discourse explaining the nature of that conversion which is sincere and directing and perswading all to cease their loving sin and death, and to turn to God and live / by Nathanael Vincent ... Vincent, Nathanael, 1639?-1697.; White, Robert, 1645-1703. 1688 (1688) Wing V403; ESTC R38014 195,915 409

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or other provide for the Sheep of his Pasture 2. This Church shall have the Spirit along with the Word We may as well suppose a living Body without a Soul as a true Church of Christ without his Spirit The Spirit is promised and given to the Church to abide there for ever Joh. 14. 16 17. I will pray the Father and he shall give you another Comforter that he may abide with you for ever even the Spirit of truth whom the World cannot receive because it seeth him not neither knoweth him but ye know him for he dwelleth with you and shall be in you Now where the Spirit of the Lord is how effectual is the Word what Light what Liberty what Power what Peace is there The Spirit makes the Means of Grace to attain their end He fills Ordinances with an Heavenly vertue he quickens the Dead enlarges the straitned Heart causes fruit to be brought forth plentifully he comforts the true Converts and stablishes them in every good word and work 3. It 's matter of Consolation that in this perfect Word of God there is wisest and safest counsel given Prov. 6. 22. When thou goest it shall lead thee when thou sleepest it shall keep thee when thou awakest it shall talk with thee So Prov. 3. 23. Thou shalt walk in thy way safely and thy foot shall not stumble This Word counsels Converts against evil Men evil Women evil Angels an evil World and against every evil work It never gave bad counsel unto any The Counsels of the Word are best with reference to Eternity and with reference to Time also It bids us pass the time of our sojourning here in fear to live as Strangers and Pilgrims on the Earth that we may be less concerned and disturbed and keep more unspotted from the World. It bids us to walk uprightly that we may walk surely It informs us that all carnal Policy which is joyned with a contempt of God and Religion is onely a cunning contrivance to undo our selves but 't is the fear of the Lord that is the beginning of Wisdom and the Knowledge of the Holy is understanding 4. In this Perfect Word of God a compleat Armour is found to secure Converts against the Enemies of their Salvation Eph. 6. 13. Wherefore take unto you the whole Armour of God that ye may be able to withstand in the evil day and having done all to stand This Armour is to be valued indeed which is Armour of proof which secures us against the worst and most powerful Adversaries which certainly defends and makes us victorious when sighting for Eternal life when those against whom these Enemies prevail will surely dy the everlasting Death The Apostle speaks at large of the pieces of this Armour We are furnished with the Girdle of Truth sound Doctrine must be held fast our Judgments well settled against errour Here is the Breast-plate of Righteousness Sincere Holiness must be in the Heart if the Spirit be not right if the Heart be not clean there can be no safety Here the feet are shod with the preparation of the Gospel of Peace The Gospel that is the Word of Reconciliation with God and that speaks Peace to the Conscience does prepare and fit us to walk in the way of Holiness and the difficulties of that way are endured with patience Here is the shield of Faith Believing on Jesus resting on the Promises that in in Him are Yea and Amen quenches the Fiery Darts of Satan so that true Converts are not sunk into an Hell of Despair by the remembrance of their past Sins which the Blood of Jesus has made an atonement for neither are they discouraged by fiery Trials by the siercest Persecutions Here is the Helmet of Salvation that is the Hope of Salvation This Hope is lively well grounded will never make ashamed and causes the Convert to lift up his head with courage because Redemption and Glory are aproaching Here is the Sword of the Spi●it the Word of God rightly used and applyed And unto these pieces of Armour Preces Lacrymae arma Ecclesiae Prayers and Tears which are the Churches Weapons must be added because we need not onely Armour but skill and strength to use it from above then we shall prevail indeed when we are strong in the Lord and in the power of his might How strong may be the Consolation considering how compleat and strong the Armour is how strong the Helper of a Christian Eph. 6. 10 -18 5. In this Perfect Word of God the Convert finds Promises that may serve to support and encourage him in every condition Is he afflicted 't is in faithfulness and love not in wrath and hatred Prov. 3. 12. Whom the Lord loveth he correcteth even as a Father the Son in whom he delighteth And affliction shall be profitable because it shall be purifying Heb. 12 10. He that is the Father of Spirits chastizeth for our profit that we may be partakers of his Holiness Is the Convert poor and destitute He may cast all his care on God who cares for him 1 Pet. 5. 7. The young Lions lack and suffer hunger but those that seek the Lord have him to be their Shepheard and shall not want any good thing Psal 34. 10. Is the Convert tempted His merciful and faithful High-Priest was tempted before him and knowes how to succour him Heb. 2. ult When the Apostle was sorely buffered by Satan and cries for help what answer has he See be encouraged when you see 2 Cor. 12. 9. And the Lord said unto me My Grace is sufficient for thee for my strength is made perfect in weakness Is the Convert deserted and troubled because God hides his face He has the Name of God and his everlasting Covenant to trust in and the Face that is now hidden will be shewn again and dry up the Tears of the deserted Isa 54. 7 8. For a small moment have I forsaken thee but with great mercies will I gather thee in a little wrath hid I my Face from thee for a Moment but with everlasting kindness will I have mercy upon thee saith the Lord thy Redeemer 6. 'T is matter of Comfort unto Converts that this Perfect word endures for ever 1 Pet. 1. 24 25. All Flesh is grass and all the glory of Man as the Flower of the field the Grass withereth and the Flower thereof falleth away but the Word of the Lord endureth for ever and this is the Word which by the Gospel is preached unto you The Word is an everlasting truth never did any never shall any find it false 'T is a means to Convert the Soul to make the Heart new and 't is written in the new heart in Characters that are indelible and abiding 't is a Sustentation to the New Creature and cherishes it unto that Life which is Eternal The New nature is Immortal true Grace never dies but at Death is perfected in Glory that fadeth not away The CONCLUSION THus have
Thus of the Righteous I am to speak also concerning the Wicked and as to these you must understand 1. All the works of wicked men will be brought into Judgment All their sinful Deeds will follow them to the Bar of God! they will rise with them and against them at that Day when a Sinner shall appear and all his Drunkenness his Whoredoms his unjust and cheating Actions all his evil Deeds of every fort shall surround and appear with him before the Holy and Righteous Judge How will he be amazed at the sight of all his Transgressions How will he tremble to hear how loud they cry for Vengeance upon him Not á deed of Darkness but then will be brought to light to his greater confusion 2. Not only the Works of the Wicked but their very Words shall all be accounted for The Judge himself speaks this very plainly Mat. 12. 36. But I say unto you that every idle word that men shall speak they shall give an account thereof in the day of Judgment By idle words may be meant words useless and unprofitable to the Speakers and to the Hearers or idle and vain according to the Hebrew use may signifie false deceitful lying God does hear all words at present Psal 139. 4. There is not a word in my Tongue but lo O Lord thou knowest it altogether And words which very much declare what most abounds in the Heart must be answered for at last And if unprofitable talk will then be condemned how sad will be the Case of all obscene and filthy Speakers of all egregious Lyars of all injurious Slanderers and Back-biters of all Blasphemers cursing cursed Swearers of all whose impious Tongues have made bold with the Blood and Wounds of God their Judge and instead of serious praying have most presumptuously called upon and dared God to Damn them 3. As the works and words so the Thoughts of wicked men shall be brought into Judgment Thoughts are Sins and need forgiveness and ought to be repented of Memorable is that which Simon Peter says to Simon Magus Act. 8. 22. Repent therefore of this thy wickedness and pray God if perhaps the thought of thy Heart may be forgiven thee If these are not repented of and pardon'd alas these also must be charged upon Sinners vastly to the increasing of their punishment How innumerable are the Thousands of thousands the Millions of Millions of vain and wicked thoughts desires and lustings that have lodged in the Hearts of the ungodly The heart searcher sees every one of them and will make them know at the last day that he remembers all Proud and Self-conceited Thoughts and touring imaginations impure and lascivious Thoughts and inward boyling of Concupiscence insatiable Covetousness and eager projects for filthy gain the stirrings of Envy Malice Anger and Revenge the Judge will take notice of all for he knows what is in Man Joh. 2. 25. It will be a large Bill of Inditement where Deeds Words and Thoughts are all written down from first to last and not so much as ●ne forgotten The opening of the Book of Gods remembrance where all are recorded will be very amazing 4. The Sentence that will be past upon the wicked will be unconceivably full of horrour Mat. 25. 41. Then shall he say to them on the Left-hand Depart from me ye Cursed into everlasting Fire prepared for the Dev● and his Angels For Him who is the way to come to God to say Depart to depart from Christ the Sinners only Hope and Saviour to depart with a Curse to depart into Fire the Extremity of Torment to depart into everlasting Fire to be tormented without any intermission or end to be for ever in such evil and hateful Company as Devils and damned Angels this is woful beyond all utterance And this Sentence as soon as pass'd will be put in Execution Now indeed such is the patience of God Sentence against an evil work is not speedily Executed and therefore such is their Malignity and Ingratitude the Heart of the Sons of men is fully set in them to do Evil Eccles 8. 11. But at the great day as soon as the wicked are Sentenced they will be sent and forced to go away into everlasting Punishment Mat. 25. ult the words 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 everlasting Punishment or Torment are remarkable for here it is necessarily imply'd that the wicked shall certainly be to Eternity that they may be Punished and Tormented to Eternity and they shall be sensible else it would not be Torment of the Punishment they undergo By eternal Destruction you are not to understand eternal Annihilation or being turned for ever into Nothing for if a wicked Man should altogether cease to be he must needs also cease to be punished For 't is no more a Punishment to be nothing to Eternity than it can be called a Punishment to have been nothing from Eternity Wicked men must be for ever and alas they must bear for ever the Lord's Vengeance and Indignation I speak thus terribly not without bowels of Compassion towards you I would fain fright you by telling you of Wrath and the Vengeance of eternal Fire that you may never never feel it In the Fourth place I am to demonstrate the certainty of this Judgment If Faith concerning it were but more strong what an Influence would it have upon the Hearts and Lives of them that do believe it The Arguments to prove a future Judgment are these 1. Are there not fears of this Judgment impress't even upon natural Conscience What 's the reason that when Men commit the most secret wickedness that is very unlikely to be known there is notwithstanding a dread upon their Spirits The true reason is Conscience tells them there is a God that sees what Man does not see and that he will judge and punish the wickedness of which Man takes no notice This Doctrine of a Judgment to come of future Rewards and Punishments is written in the Heart of Man by Nature and he is fain to offer great violence to his own Soul before he can wear off what is written there and tho a Sinner become ordinarily very Stupid and Atheistical yet the thoughts and fears of Judgment will sometimes in spight of him return upon him The Apostle speaks of Conscience bearing witness and Thoughts accusing and excusing and then presently speaks of the Day when God shall judge the Secrets of Men by Jesus Christ Rom. 2. 15 16. Conscience judges at present and hints a future judgment 2. There is not such a Discrimination made in this World between the Righteous and the Wicked as is suitable to the difference that Grace has made between them Therefore there is a Day coming when there will be such a Discrimination Solomon tells us that in the course of Divine Providence at present no Man can know either Love or Hatred by all that is before him All things fall alike to all there is one Event to the Righteous and
sincere 'T is possible for the Convert to be assured he is Converted and what Consolation is consequent upon such an Assurance For if a Man know that he is turned to God he may warrantably conclude that God is turned unto him and he may as warrantably inferr that being turned to him He will never turn away from him to do him good Jer. 32. 40. Wherefore are such Characters and Signs of Conversion and Grace laid down in the Scripture if the thing were not capable of being made evident why are Prophets commanded to comfort the Converts if none in this World could attain to a knowledge they are Converted What Strangers are they to the Spirit of Adoption to the Spirits sealing of Believers to the day of Redemption and his bearing witness with their spirits that they are the Children of God Rom. 8. 16. who deny assurance of Conversion and Salvation That Church which has been so severe against those that have come out of her is also hard-hearted to them that remain in Communion with her for she keeps Souls in torment by encouraging Doubts and Fears and by calling a confidence of Salvation though never so Scriptural Fiduciam ab omni pietate alienam an Impious Presumption But we are not to mind the dictates of such a Step-mother but hearken to a truer a sweeter and safer Guide Heb. 3. 6. But Christ as a Son over his own house whose house are we if we hold fast the confidence and the rejoycing of the hope firm unto the end 12. Conversion that is true is lasting None ever totally and finally turn away from God who are indeed turn'd to him Christ the Mediator has made a firm Peace between God and those that Believe and are Converted The enmity between Jews and Gentiles and between them both and God is slain by the cross of Christ Eph. 2. 16. Upon their turning and believing the Lord enters into a Covenant which he will never break And as Christ by his Death has made an atonement and appeased his Fathers displeasure so his Crucifixion is effectual to the killing the enmity that was naturally in Converts against God their flesh and the lusts of it are crucified Gal. 5. 24. They that are Christs have crucified the flesh with the affections and lusts And Rom. 6. 6. Knowing this that our old man is crucified with Him that the Body of Sin might be destroyed that henceforth we should not serve Sin. True Converts shall persevere for Christ has prayed that they may be establisht kept from the evil of the World and be with him where he is and behold which does imply the enjoyment of his Glory Joh. 17. 15 24. Persevering Grace is one thing Promised in the Covenant of Grace God himself engages for those that turn to him in Truth that He will not suffer them to apostatize and perish Jer. 32. 40. I will put my fear into their Hearts that they shall not depart from me I have done with the properties of Conversion In the fourth place I am to demonstrate the Necessity of Conversion What tongue can name the thing that is of greater or of so great necessity 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 this is indeed the one thing necessary This has been necessary in all ages ever since the fall of Man and 't will be necessary to the Worlds end this is necessary for all sorts of Persons Jews Gentiles high low rich poor young old male female bond and free all must of necessity perish and that for ever without it None but Converts will live to God in this World shall live with Him in the World to come We call Food to eat and Raiment to put on and Air to breath in Necessaries and so in a sense they are because frail Nature cannot subsist without them because we must quickly dye without them But how much more necessary is Conversion without which the precious Soul must needs be lost and there is no escaping eternal Death and Condemnation The Arguments to prove the necessity of Conversion are these following 1. The first shall be drawn from Gods frequent earnest calls and express command What voice has sounded more frequently from Heaven than that which requires Man to return to God Hos 14. 1. O Israel return to the Lord thy God for thou hast fallen by thine iniquities Jer. 3. 12. Go and proclaim these words towards the North and say Return thou backsliding Israel saith the Lord and I will not cause my anger to fall upon thee for I am merciful saith the Lord and I will not keep anger for ever The Proclamation was made towards the North whither Israel were carried Captives to intimate their departing from their own land was the punishment of their departing from the Lord and sincere returning unto God was the way to prevail with him to turn again their captivity But now in Gospel daies the Proclamation is to be made East and West and North and South even to every Creature for now God commands all men every where to repent and return to him Act. 17. 30. This command is not properly a Commandment of the Moral Law which requires exact obedience and without allowing of a transgressours Conversion Curses every one that continueth not in all things which are written in the book of the Law to do them Gal. 3. 10. Yet it must be added that Conversion includes a sincere Obedience to the Moral Law as the rigour of it is abated under the Gospel Conversion is a command of a remedying Law given unto Man after the fall To refuse therefore to obey and to return is not only an affront of Gods Authority and Sovereignty but a contempt of his gracious condescension towards man and surely despising of his kindness and good will must needs provoke the fiercer wrath Conversion or coming to God by Jesus Christ is the great command of the Gospel know that then when Conversion is press'd on Sinners the Gospel is indeed preached to them 2. Conversion is necessary because Mans truest happiness lies in God whom he is called to turn unto 'T is the Misery of Hell that the wicked Spirits there are separated for ever from that God who made them And 't is the Worlds Misery that most men in it are 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 without God in the World Eph. 2. 12. If God be not a mans Happiness what besides can make him truly happy Here all the Creatures manifest their utter insufficiency Did the Rich mans purple cloathing and fine tinnen and delicious fare make him an happy man No no having this plenty and prosperity without God it proved a means of loading him with the heavier guilt and sinking the Wretch into an hotter and lower Hell. Mans happiness does certainly consist in his being favoured of God in his being admitted unto fellowship with him and transformed into his image and likeness Those that are far from him are far from felicity and are near perishing and though never so many
Will of God and in this harmony that is between the Humane and the Divine Will there is a great deal of Sweetness there is really that inward Peace in comparison of which all the delights of Sence are but inconsiderable 3. The Converts Will submits unto Correction and the Cross Where is there a School without a Rod The Saints do stand in need of Discipline and it is well they have it Afflictions wean us from this VVorld they help forward the work of Mortification they quicken us in our seeking after God and the more we 〈…〉 the more we find Luther said Cr 〈…〉 est nostra Theologia That the Cross alone is 〈◊〉 Divinity To improve Christs Cross and our own is the way to be truly wise The Convert sees reason for submission for Gods Corrections are all streams that issue from the Fountain of Love that is in him and they do end in the Souls greater Holiness which is its greatest Profit and they cause the peaceable fruits of Righteousness to be brought forth in greater plenty and abundance I grant indeed That Converts may have Temptations to and not only Temptations to but also great fits of Impatience but they do strive and they are helped in striving to allay the Storm and to be calmed into a submission to the will of God. The Converted Soul may sometimes be too much blinded by the prevalency of Passion and forgetting it self may complain after such a manner as this Though my daies are few on Earth yet how are they filled with trouble and sorrow No sooner have I got my head from under one wave but another Billow is just ready to overwhelm me Affliction seems to be my Lot and Portion and while the wicked of the VVorld prosper and increase in Wealth and have more than Heart can wish all the day long have I been plagued and chastened every Morning If I set my heart upon any temporal injoyment presently it is struck at and like the Gourd of Jonah withers away And if I am full of Expectation from the Creature my Expectation is ever frustrated and that which I expected comfort from proves Vanity and Vexation of Spirit VVhich way soever I look I see things visible enough to cast me down nothing visible to support me O wretched Life to be always thus under the Cross to be troubled and bowed down greatly and to go mourning all the day Thus the Converted Soul in its sits of impatience is ready to complain But unto these ravings I call them no other the Lord is pleased in a still Voice thus to answer Vnreasonable and silly Soul dost thou well to be angry and by thy needless and excessive sorrow to help forward thine own Affliction hast thou been a Learner so long in my School and dost thou not understand the Method that I use in training up my Children I give thee little in the World but it is that thou mayest not dye of a surfeit as thousands and millions do I cross thee in thy expectation from the Creatures that from my self thou mayest expect and receive the more Thou talkest of trouble but am not I thy present help Thou art in the waves but these waters shall not drown thee they shall only wash and cleanse thee and out of them thou shalt come forth much more purified Soul Cease thy discomposure I command the Tempest to be still Whatever my Wisdom and my Love sees convenient for thee thou shalt not want and to give thee more than is convenient would be to injure thee Thò all visible supports fail I the invisible and eternal God am always by thee and ready to shew my self strong on thy behalf My Care shall protect thee and provide for thee and this may be enough and enough to suffice Hereupon the Converted Soul is quieted it is satisfied and as to its Complaints silenced and it replys in Job's language Behold I am vile what shall I answer thee I will lay my hand upon my mouth Once have I spoken but I won't answer yea twice but I will proceed no further Now I see more fully who and what thou art and that my impatience and distrust in such a God was only the effect of my ignorance unbelief and ●olly from henceforth Lord I will see with 〈…〉 ●ther Eyes but thine and what thou seest to be best as best shall always be acknowledged My VVill I renounce and whatever thy VVill is I willingly assent unto I am satisfied that thy Goodness and VVisdom will order all things for me the very best and wisest way Thus the Will of the Convert is brought to a submission to the Will of God and as the Convert does speak thus to God so he speaks likewise unto his own Soul Psal 43. ult Why art thou cast down O my Soul and why art thou disquieted within me hope in God for I shall yet praise him who is the health of my Countenance and my God. So much for the fifth particular When the Soul is Converted there is a conformity in the Will of Man unto the Will of God. The Will chuses what God propounds as most eligible is subject unto Gods Commands submits to Correction and the Cross 6. When the Soul is Converted those Affections that have evil for their object do spend themselves on sin which is of all the greatest evil Here I shall instance in four Affections that have evil for their Object and when the Soul is indeed turned these Affections spend themselves on Sin. 1. Sin is the Converted Souls Sorrow Tears here are very well bestowed God hath a bottle to put them in whereas Tears that flow from worldly sorrow are but as common water The Unconverted Sinner is never more merry than when doing evil When thou dost evil then thou rejoycest O how glad is he of an opportunity to commit a pleasing and gainful Transgression but the Convert hath been made so sensible of the evil that is in Sin that he can never make light of it more he hath been made so sensible of the evil that is in Sin that he is really inwardly afflicted because so guilty and defiled Sin doth provoke divine Anger and the Wrath of the Almighty is terrible Sin breaks the Law of God and the Curse hereby deserved is intolerable Sin causes the only Saviour to be neglected and the Spirit of God to be resisted who strives to draw the Children of men to this Redeemer Sin does weaken and wound the Soul makes it exceeding vile doth it an inexpressible mischief and therefore well may Sin be sorrowed for Take notice how David doth pour out his sorrow here Psal 38. 4 6. My Iniquities are gone over my head as an heavy burthen they are too heavy for me I am troubled I am bowed down greatly I go mourning all the day long 2. As Sin is the Converted Souls Sorrow so it is his Fear too the Convert is afraid of contracting fresh Guilt and being overcome by new
Convert thinks of this at present and he lives and acts as one that is under continual observation Prov. 5. 21. The wayes of Man are before the eyes of the Lord and he pondereth all his goings He lives and acts as one that is perswaded he must give account of himself to God and is exceeding diligent that he may be found of him in peace without spot and blameless That 's the Eighth particular When the Soul is Converted the Memory is imployed to good and holy uses 9. When the Soul is Converted there is a desire to be turned to God still more and more That Conversion is not right where there is not a desire of progression As there is an insatiableness in Sin so there is an insatiableness in Grace too until there is a compleat Sanctification and Satisfaction in Glory The Convert in some respects may be compared unto the Horse-leeches daughter still he is crying Give give Give more Wisdom Give more Grace Give more strength Give more of those riches and treasures that are durable It was a saying of one of the Ancient Fathers who certainly had as great experience of his own Heart as any of them all and that was St. Austin Si dixeris sufficit periisti If thou sayest I have Grace enough thou hast none at all and art an undone wretch He that with Laodicea says I am rich and increased with good things and have need of nothing what a wretched case is that Man in He knows not that he is poor and miserable and blind and naked True Converts are sensible of their defects and have recourse for supplies unto the inexhaustible fulness that dwells in our Lord Jesus and it is their continual work to be cleansing themselves from all filthiness of the Flesh and Spirit and to perfect holiness in Gods fear The true Convert he is not and he is sensible that he ought not to be content with any measure of Grace that he hath already received but he is still longing and crying for more He wishes that the New Creature were better shaped in him and that Christ were more perfectly formed in him and being in some measure emulous of Heaven he doth endeavour to do something for God here that may resemble that which is done for him above in Glory 10. Lastly When the Soul is Converted it doth act the Body for God and causeth the Members of it to be yielded as Instruments of Righteousness unto Holiness The Convert takes care of his Senses that at those Gates nothing may en●er that may betray and insnare his Soul and he sets a watch before the door of his Lips that out of that door nothing may proceed which may be dishonouring ●o God injurious to himself or unto any other It is but reason that care should be taken of the body of a Man that is Converted And that none of the Members should be prophaned since the Body is the member of Christ since it is the Temple of the Spirit since there is such a sure promise made of a Glorious and Happy Resurrection Thus have I done with the first particular propounded to be spoken to I have told you when the Soul may be said to be truly Converted In the second place I am to prove that till the Soul be Converted Conversion cannot be sincere And there are these two or three Arguments that I shall produce to make this evident 1. While the Soul is unconverted Sin reigns The Dominion of Sin lies in the affection that the Soul hath to it If the Heart regard iniquity iniquity is certainly in the Throne and there must needs be an absence of true Grace The Psalmist saies Psal 97. 10. Ye that love the Lord hate evil and the Words may be inverted Ye that love evil certainly are haters of the Lord. 2. While the Soul is unconverted Sathan still keeps Possession for his strong holds are in the Soul. The unreasonable Prejudices the bad Resolutions the wicked Inclinations that are there these these are the strong holds of the strong man armed and therefore if the Soul be not turned Sathan hath his Forts standing undemolished and as Sathan hath Possession so Mammon is chief if the Soul be not turned and where Mammon is chief Mammon is an Idol And to be turned to God and to have Mammon the great Idol these two things cannot stand together Mat. 6. 24. No man can serve two Masters for either he will hate the One and love the other or else he will hold to the one and despise the other ye cannot serve God and Mammon 3. While the Soul is unconverted all external Righteousness is but a meer shew If the Soul be not Religious the Soul of Religion is wanting All the works of the hands though never so specious though never so good as to the matter of them are but dead works if the Heart and the Soul of the doer is not in them Thus it is plain that Conversion cannot be sincere unless the Soul be Converted 3. I am to demonstrate the Necessity of the Souls Conversion unto God. In the former Doctrine by many Arguments I demonstrated the Necessity of Conversion now I am to demonstrate the necessity of turning to God with the very Soul and there are these three or four things that I shall produce to make this evident 1. The Soul must turn because God is Allseeing He doth not judge of things according to the outward appearance but the inward man is open and naked to his view The Heart may deceive the by-standers Ay and it may deceive it self but all the secrets of the Heart are open unto that God whose Prerogative it is to search the Heart and try the reins Unless the Heart be right with God all Religion all seeking of him is nothing else but lies and flatteries Psal 78. 36 37. Nevertheless they did flatter him with their Mouth and they lyed unto him with their Tongues For their Heart was not right with him neither were they stedfast in his Covenant 2. The Soul must turn to God because by the acts of the Soul God is Principally honoured Observe it how is God glorified when the Soul admires his greatness and his Majesty and is in a manner overwhelmed with it Psal 104. 1. Bless the Lord O my Soul O Lord my God thou art very great thou art clothed with Honour and with Majesty who coverest thy self with light as with a Garment How is God honoured When the Soul is sweetly astonished and ravished with his goodness Psal 31. 19. O how great is thy goodness which thou hast laid up for them that fear thee which thou hast wrought for them that trust in thee before the Sons of Men. When the Soul sees that in God that is to be found in none else when in its choice it doth preferr God before Pleasure God before Wealth I had rather have God to be mine though alone than to have all things in the World and be
the righteous he is a Buckler to them that walk uprightly 3. You that live under the New Testament Dispensation be very thankful that the written Word is so very copious and so large To have such a compleat Declaration of the Mind of God by his own Son was a Priviledge which the Old Testament Believers wisht for but did not enjoy What Moles are they who are onely busie and working in the Earth and for Earthly things and regard not the clear shining of the Sun of Righteousness To be deaf and regardless when God speaks so much to us not to understand when he speaks so fully and so plainly is inexcusable but to have Knowledg and to sin against it and to detain the truth in unrighteousness is inexcusable much more here is Ingratitude and Presumption together and the more stripes are threatned and deserved Luke 12. 47. And that Servant that kn●w his Lords will and prepared not himself neither did according to his will shall be beat●● 〈◊〉 many stripes Search the VVord of God be much that you may be mighty in the Scriptures By this weapon you may defend your selves against the subtilest Enemies of the truth nay against the old subtle Serpent himself It was not an unwritten but a written word that Christ produced when he was assaulted by the Tempter Mat. 4. 4 7 10. It was an Injunction of our Lord himself Joh. 5. 39. Search the Scriptures for in them ye think ye have eternal Life It was a right thought that the Scriptures direct unto Life Eternal but it was a presumptuous thought in the Pharisees to imagine Eternal Life was theirs since instead of building upon the Foundation Stone in Sion they stumbled at it But the Injunction it self is of great Moment The Scriptures are Gods own Books and the onely Books he has in the World. Longâ assi●uâ meditatione Scripturaram pr●tus suun fecerat Bibliothicam Chri●●● Hyeronym de Nepotiano Every ones Breast should be like Nepotian's Bibliotheca Christi A Library in which these Books should be kept safely To be acquainted more intimately with the Word is the way to be better acquainted with God and the consequent of this acquaintance is Peace Job 22. 21. Acquaint now thy self with him and be at peace thereby good shall come to thee By Searching of the Scriptures the Understanding is improved the Heart is purified the Life is regulated This Book is indeed the thankful Glass that mends the Eyes of all that rightly look into it It was an honest Distich of one Ex aliis paleae viles hinc grana leguntur Aurea tu paleas linquito grana lege Which another thus Englishes Mens Books with worthless chaff are stor'd Gods Scripture Golden grains afford Reject the chaff and spend thy pains In gleaning up these golden Grains 5. Pray for the Spirit who endited the Word that he may interpret it and lead you into the understanding of it He is called the Spirit of wisdom and Revelation Eph. 1. 17. He reveals the Gospel he enlightens the eyes of the Understanding True Wisdom is the special Gift of the Holy Ghost It is an encouragement in Prayer that the best things may be asked with the greatest confidence The Gift of the Spirit comprehends the best things of all doubt not of Gods willingness to bestow it Luk. 11. 13. If ye then being evil know how to give good gifts to your Children how much more shall your heavenly Father gave the holy Spirit unto them that ask him It is not a notional Knowledge which many Hypocrites excell in that you should content your selves with Such Knowledge being alone puffs up him that has it 1 Cor. 8. 1. and disturbing Strife and contention follows upon Pride and High-mindedness such Knowledge aggravates Sin in the careless and carnal Professor and will exceedingly inflame his Reckoning in the day he must give account of himself to God. It is true wisdom a Spiritual understanding of the Scriptures that you should cry for When the Spirit of God discovers a truth to you with what Satisfaction will your Mind receive it When the Spirit shews you your Duty how Righteous how reasonable and what a Priviledge does it appear The Spirits Light and Strength go together so that the Will is inclined to a compliance when the enlightned Soul does understand the Will of God. When the Spirit applies a Promise to you how will your Faith be confirmed how will you abound in Hope and how full of sweetest peace will your hearts be while you securely rest on the God of Truth whose VVord will endure when Heaven and Earth shall pass away Isa 26. 3 4. Thou wilt keep him in perfect Peace whose mind is stayed on thee because he trusteth in thee Trust ye in the Lord for ever for in the Lord Jehovah is everlasting Strength 6. Let your Knowledge of the Word of God be more perfect Alas how little do we know of what may be known and what we do know how much better may we know it Though the Children of God are Children of Light and Children of the Day yet there are great remainders of darkness in some of them and some remainders in all This remaining Ignorance is both their Sin and Misery by reason of which Satan their subtle enemy has many times great advantage against them Labour after a more perfect Knowledge of God his Son his Truth his Will his Word informs you of all If the Happiness of Heaven lies so much in a beatifical seeing Oh use all possible intention of mind that you may see more and more even while you are here on Earth True Knowledge will debase the idolized World and make it nothing in your eyes and it wil humble you and make you perceive that really you are worse than nothing How does a clearer Knowledge of God make holy Job much more humble than ever Job 42. 5 6. I have heard of thee by the hearing of the Ear but now mine Eye seeth thee wherefore I abhorr my self and repent in Dust and Ashes The better you know the Lord the more you will Love and Fear and Praise him The better you know his Christ you cannot chuse but still more highly prize him and your Hearts will cleave to him with the fuller purpose The 〈…〉 er you know his Commands the more they 〈◊〉 be your Counsellours your longing your delight and your Songs in the house of your Pilgrimage The better you know the Cross of Christ you will be the less offended 〈…〉 heaviest Afflictions will be made light of 〈◊〉 compared with a far more exceeding and eternal weight of Glory 2 Cor. 4. 17. 7. Let your Love be greater and more perfect to this perfect VVord of God. The World indeed hates this VVord because it testifies against them that their works are evil and will have an ill end True love to it will argue spiritual Life by it and that it has been effectual to turn and
but are recovered out of his Snare Satans great Work and Design is to tempt the Children of men to sin he is unalterably confirmed and fixed in wickedness himself and with might and main he strives to propagate wickedness in the World He is styled 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 and 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 the Tempter and the evil One he is ever soliciting and perswading men to what is evil and truly he prevails and works his will and their woe in the Children of Disobedience but Converts resist him by the Word and Prayer and using both in Faith they put on the whole armour of God and stand against the waies of the Devil Eph. 6. 11. 5. In Conversion there is an alteration of corrupt Nature it self and its corrupt and vitious Inclination This the Apostle calls puting off the old Man which is corrupt according to the deceitful lusts Eph. 4. 22. The old byass that so strongly inclined the Heart towards Sin the World and Hell is taken away habits of sin are left custom in evil ceases and Nature is changed the heart by a work of new Creation is made after the Heart of God and that which before Conversion was the worst part of Man being deceitful above all things and desperately wicked now becomes the best part of all and is still desiring that it self and the whole Man were more compleatly cleansed from Sin and sanctified I have told you what Conversion is with reference to Sin. Secondly Conversion may be considered with reference to this present World Whenever Conversion is true as there is a loathing and leaving of Sin so there is a weaning from this present World. In the Word of God we have the truest Map of this World it is set forth as a far Countrey far from Heaven bordering upon Hell and Satan is the Deity that generally here is served who is therefore called the God of this World 2 Cor. 4. 4. It is full of danger and snares the grand Idol that provokes the Lord to jealousie 't is that which stands in competition with Christ and by most Hearts is preferr'd before him 't is the Devils most taking bait wherewith he beguiles and ruins immortal Souls Christ both Prayed and Dyed that his followers might be delivered from it He Prayed Joh. 17. 15. I Pray not that thou shouldst take them out of the World but that thou shouldst keep them from the evil He Died to this end also Gal. 1. 4. Who gave himself for our Sins that he might deliver us from this present evil World according to the will of God and our Father Converts therefore look not upon this World and they have good reason not to look upon it as so desirable a thing Conversion lies much in keeping our selves unspotted from the VVorld and in denying worldly lusts and defires Jam. 1. 27. Tit. 2. 12. 1. The Convert has no friendship with the VVorld because the friendship of the VVorld is Enmity with God Jam. 4. 4. He values not the Worlds Favour above Gods he fears not the Worlds Displeasure more than the Lords Anger he prizes the Love of God and the light of his Countenance above all the respects and smiles of Mammon And if he has but a comfortable assurance that the Lord is at Peace he does not so much care though all the World fall out with him Indeed in a sense the Convert is a true Friend to the World he Pities and Prayes for the World and the World is spared for the Saints sake that are in it and are to be born into it A Woman that is condemned to dye if she be with Child she is spared till delivered In this World many are to be born that will be born again and hence it is that the Sentence of the VVorlds burning is not yet Executed But in the Apostles sense the Convert ceases to be the Worlds friend he will be religious though the World be never so angry he will look towards Heaven he will look at the things unseen which are eternal though the World never give him a good look more 2. The Convert is not conformed to this VVorld Conformity in this sense is a damnable thing and inconsistent with Conversion how plain is the Apostles Prohibition Rom. 12. 2. And be not conformed to this VVorld but be ye transformed by the renewing of your minds that ye may prove what is that good that acceptable and perfect will of God. The Conformist to this World minds not the Will of God nor what is good and acceptable to Him He that is truly Converted is otherwise minded he dislikes the manners and escapes the pollutions of the VVorld he runs not out with others to the same excess of riot he dares not follow a multitude to do evil because destruction and misery are in their wayes but according as the Apostle directs He lives the rest of his time in the flesh not to the lusts of men but to the will of God 1 Pet. 4. 2. 3. The Convert is not a Lover and Chuser of the VVorld as if it were the best Por●ion He is made seriously to take notice of the Vanity and Vexation of Spirit that is found in the enjoyment of the World and how short a time at longest 'tis to be enjoyed he concludes 't were better never to have been a Man than to be only a Man of the VVorld better never to have lived than to be put off with a Portion here in this life Psal 17 14. Better never to have had a Soul than to disappoint it with the things of the World which are unsuitable to its nature and insusticient for its satisfaction and to lose it for the gaining of such poor things as these Contempt of this VVorld is always an ingredient in sincere Conversion the highest Profession the most heavenly Language argues but the greater Hypocrisie if the Heart be earthly Those Hearts that chiefly mind earthly things should meditate Terrour when they read 1 Joh. 2. 15. Love not the world neither the things that are in the world if any man love the world the love of the Father is not in him 4. The Convert is no longer acted by the spirit of this VVorld 2 Cor. 2. 12. Now we have received not the spirit of the world but the Spirit which is of God that we might know the things which are freely given to us of God And how infinitely more excellent desirable and durable are the things which are freely given of God in the Gospel than all things which the World can boast of The spirit of the World is the genius nature and disposition of the World such a Mind such a Will such Affections as the Men of the World have The Convert sees not with the Worlds eyes judges not as the World judges but discerns between things that differ and approves the things that are most excellent his enlightned and rectified Judgment weighs the things of the World in the ballance of
though whole Nations turn to Him the Alsufficient God has enough is enough for the happiness of them All Psal 33. 12. Blessed is the Nation whose God is the Lord and the People whom he hath chosen for his own inheritance God is able to cure the Soul of Man and to content it A sick man is uneasiy where-ever you lay him 'till his disease be healed God can heal the Souls distempers and satisfie its desires and fill it to the uttermost of its capacity Therefore the Apostle prayes for the Ephesians Eph. 3. 19. That they migbt be filled with all the fulness of God. If our truest happiness be a necessary thing then Conversion to God is necessary who himself really is that truest happiness 3. Conversion is necessary because of corrupted Nature it 's aversion from the Lord. Man is truly called a Transgressour from the womb for behold he is shapen in iniquity and in sin he was conceived Psal 51. 5. Corrupted Nature is Abyssus mali an evil not to be fathom'd they that are not sensible of it plainly shew that ignorance and stupidness is added to their wickedness This corrupted Nature is called the Old Adam which is full of deceitful lusts a Body of sin which has a great many members The highest faculties of the Soul are depraved The Will is unwilling to be be made clean The Mind is carnal and enmity against God and is not subject to the Law of God neither indeed can it be Rom. 8. 7. And as man is born with a strong Inclination to depart from God so this inclination quickly shews it self Psal 58. 3. The wicked are estranged from the womb they go astray as soon as they be born speaking lies And this estrangement from God is more and more increased by acts of Sin. And is not Conversion necessary where there is such a deep corruption and revolt If the greater the Sickness the greater be the need of the Physicians skill and care then Mans alienation from God highly needs converting Grace which may perswade and enable him to return and this Grace is sufficient to do it Eph. 2. 5. Col. 1. 21. And you that were sometimes alienated and enemies in your minds by reason of wicked works yet now hath he reconciled 4. Conversion is necessary because of Gods Holiness His Eye is a most piercing eye looks into all even the darkest places sees the wickedness that is conceal'd from men and not in the least suspected by them It looks into the very heart and takes notice of all the imaginations desires affections projects that are evil And as the Eye of God is piercing so 't is most pure It sees all iniquity but does not behold so as to approve of any Psal 5. 4 5. Thou art not a God that hast Pleasure in wickedness neither shall evil dwell with thee the foolish shall not stand in thy sight thou hatest all the workers of iniquity Wicked men indeed are apt to think that God is altogether such an one as themselves and because they like their own evil wayes they can't imagine that He does so much dislike them But the wicked man as he is called a fool so he never shews himself more a fool than when he concludes that though he sins God is not angry at his sin this unbelief this security this most unworthy apprehension of God stirs up the greater indignation against him Psal 50. 21 22. Thou thoughtest I was altogether such an one as thy self but I will reprove thee and set thy Sins in order before thine eyes Now consider this ye that forget God least I tear you in pieces and there be none to deliver If God be glorious in Holiness if his wrath be revealed against all unrighteousness of men if Sin be the abominable thing which his Soul hates it undeniably follows that Turning from wickedness is of absolute necessity 5. Conversion is necessary because of Gods immutability and unchangeableness Can Gods pure and holy Nature ever alter Can Light it self become Darkness can Perfection become Imperfect Holy Angels indeed changed and became Devils many of them Apostatized they kept not their first estate but left their own habitation Man was made upright but he changed he sinn'd and lost his Glory in which he was created But the Apostle tells us that with God there is no variableness neither shadow of turning Jam. 1. 17. If the Holy God cannot change then sinful man must else he cannot draw near to God or be accepted of him Cleanse your hands ye sinners purifie your hearts ye double minded and so draw nigh to God and he will draw nigh to you Jam. 4. 8. 6. Conversion is necessary because it was one great end of Christs dying Our Lord in his Crucifixion designed to save his Church from wrath and this was a great benefit he designed also to save his Church from Sin Tit. 2. 14. VVho gave himself for us that he might redeem us from all Iniquity and purifie unto himself a peculiar people zealous of good works And if the Punishment of Sin be a less evil than Sin it self Redemption and Conversion from Sin is a greater benefit than bare deliverance from the Punishment due to it Our Lord suffer'd for sins the just for the unjust that he might make the unjust to become just and might bring them unto God 1 Pet. 3. 18. The Son of God was made Man he was made Sin and a Sacrifice for it that sinful Men might turn and become Saints he well knew how great an Evil how dangerous an Enemy how deadly a Disease Sin is and consequently how needful it was his Church should be Converted and Delivered from it therefore his great Love Compassion and Care moved him to give himself for his Church that he might sanctifie and cleanse it Eph. 5. 25 26. 7. Conversion is necessary because it is one great reason of the Mission of the Spirit The Father sends the Son to dye that sin might dye and Souls converting from it might live The Son sends the Spirit now one great work of the Spirit is to convince the World of sin to shew the necessity of Conversion and to work that which is so necessary Conversion is a very great thing and of the highest consequence in which the concurrence of the Father Son and Holy Ghost is very much to be remarked The Father allows of Conversion gives the Sinner leave to turn nay requires him to do it with an encouraging signification that he will receive him in Christ The Son by his Incarnation and Sufferings and Intercession opens a way for the Sinner to come to the Father and by the Price he paid has purchased both the Sinner that is Converted and Converting Grace whereby he comes to be Converted indeed The Holy Ghost works the change and makes the Convert he enlightens the Eyes of the Vnderstanding he sets the Will at liberty 2 Cor. 3. 17. Where the Spirit of the Lord is there is
he left all that he might enjoy pure publick Ordinances Certainly he found that of Grace that of Christ in them as was much more valuable to him than all his Pleasant and Plentiful Estate which is one of the chief Flowers in Italy the Garden of the World. 5. God is turned unto these true Converts that are turned to him and will never turn away from them to do them good and to keep them good and upright before Him. Regeneration and Conversion is a great Fruit and effect of the Resurrection of Christ 1 Pet. 1. 3. Believers are said to be begotten again to a lively hope by the Resurrection of Jesus Christ from the dead And as Christ being raised from the dead dieth no more Death hath no more Dominion over him Rom. 6. 9. so they who by Converting Grace are made spiritually a live shall never totally relapse under the Dominion of Sin nor become again dead in Trespasses That God who has called these Converts is faithful and therefore as the Apostle sayes he will preserve their whole Spirits and Souls and Bodies blameless unto the coming of our Lord Jesus Christ 1 Thes 5. 23 24. The Lord turns to them that are turned Zech. 1. 3. Turn to me saith the Lord of Hosts and I will turn to you saith the Lord of Hosts he turns his Eye his Face his Ear his Heart his Hand towards them for good And he has said he will never leave them nor forsake them neither shall they leave nor forsake him for he will establish them with his Free Spirit he will uphold them with the right hand of his Righteousness Oh Happy Converts who have Glory promised upon their Perseverance and have Strengthning Grace Promised to make them persevere unto the end 6. Conversion will end in Coronation All Converts are by Adoption the Children of God heirs of his Kingdom and shall for ever wear a Crown of Life Though the Heathens knew something of future Rewards and Punishments yet their Apprehensions of these were low and unsuitable 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 Who knows saies Euripides whether to live be not to dye and to dye be not to live He seems to guess there was a better Life after this yet he is not certain of it When Vlysses imagined Achilles the bravest among the Greeks to have been most happy after Death Homer Odyss l. 11. brings in Achilles appearing to him and saying 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 Which may be thus Englished I 'd rather serve a Clown on Earth for bread Than in those Regions of the Dead Command and be of all the supream Head. Heaven is here set forth as a poor and undesirable thing But Life and Immortality is brought to light by the Gospel 2 Tim. 1. 10. Here the Glory of the other World is displayed here is an excellent Map of the heavenly and everlasting Kingdom where Knowledge and Light is compleat without Darkness Holiness perfect without the least remainder of Defilement Blessedness and Joy is full without any Grief or Fear or Possibility of Sorrow where there is no such thing as Sin or Death or Trouble but God himself is All in All 1 Cor. 15. 28. All Converts their Feet are turned into the way to Heaven their Hearts are now set upon it it won't be long e're they be there and Crown'd there themselves Conversion is called a Rising from the Dead Eph. 5. 14. for it has some likeness to and is an earnest of a future glorious Resurrection What a glorious Creature will the Convert be when Christ has done his whole VVork upon him and has put to him his last hand in making his whole Man every way perfect Glorified Bodies will shine as the Sun glorified Souls will be pure and spotless like the Seraphim and Wonder Love Joy and Praise will be in Heaven the everlasting business I have spoken much to Comfort Converts but no Tongue can tell the thousandth part of all their Happiness The Heart of Man is too narrow at present to comprehend what God has prepared for them that Love him 1 Cor. 2. 9. VSE VII Of Counsel unto them that are Converted and my Advice shall be in these particulars 1. Thankfully admire the Grace of God which has Converted you The best thing in this World which is Grace and Glory in the World to come certainly do well deserve your thanks Sin has made you less than the least of Mercies by Conversion you come to partake of the greatest Christ is formed in you and you are made New Creatures that a New Song should be in your Mouths and that you should shew forth the Praises of him who has called you out of darkness into his marvellous light 1 Pet. 2. 9. Let every Convert admire and admiring Praise and say How much has God done for me and how has he done that for me which he has not done for thousands and millions in the World in the very Church who are let alone to live and dye in Sin and to damn themselves for ever 2. Labour to be more thoroughly Converted Pray for this that God would still turn you more and more unto himself follow on to know him follow harder after him and strive still more to please him 1 Thes 4. 1. Furthermore then we beseech you Brethren and exhort you by our Lord Jesus that as ye have received how ye ought to walk and to please God so ye would abound more and more The more fully you turn the more you please him and to please him will be pleasant to you The nearer you come to God the safer you will be under his shadow the more evidently will you see and the more abundantly will you taste his goodness 3. Do nothing unbecoming Converts Think often with your selves whose you are and what a Price was pay'd to redeem you from all Iniquity and to make you Zealous of good works Tit. 2. 14. Reckon it bruitish to be Intemperate and Unclean base to be Covetous and Earthly-minded hellish to be Malicious Envious and Proud. Be Patient under Gods Corrections under Injuries from Man Let your Tongues be true and kind your Hands merciful and just in your Morals be of great exactness Divine Morality without thee Religion is a vain shew holy Duties are but lost labour and Confidence that all is well is but self-deceiving What Brutus said of Vertue may be used concerning Faith O miserable Faith without moral Honesty thou art nothing else but an empty Name Take heed of falls especially great ones after Conversion least you wound both Conscience and Religion and go smarting and groaning to your Graves 4. Pity the Vnconverted about you Misery moves Bowels and stirs up Mercy who more miserable than Sinners who are at a distance from God and under his Wrath and who are so far from fearing and turning that they are still running farther from him and provoking him to
fiercer indignation Compassionate these Counsel these Pray for these and endeavour though they are and will be without the Word to win them by a wisely expressed Love and by a well-ordered Conversation 1 Pet. 3. 1. Let not your Bowels be straitned but Pray for the Worlds Conversion to God that he would return to this Earth which for Sin he has so justly forsaken and that he would turn the VVorld into a New One wherein may dwell Righteousness 5. Be sure to Love all true Converts Love them all because God loves them and love what you see of God in them The Image of God is so excellent that in whomsoever it shines it ought with pure affection to be owned and respected Converts I grant may differ in many things but they agree in the main all of them believe in Jesus all of them turn to God all of them endeavour to Glorifie him here on Earth and all of them are bound for Heaven And Vniversal Agreement thus far is a strong reason for Catholick and Vniversal Charity All Converts of what Perswasion soever of what Nation soever of what Rank and Condition soever in this World they are all adopted by one Father all redeemed by one Christ Jesus all espoused to one Husband all members of one Body all enlivened by one Spirit and shall all meet at last in one Heaven where they shall perfectly be joyned together in Union and in Love and this should strongly move and perswade unto Unity and Love at present 6. Lastly and so I conclude this Doctrine you that are Coverts see that you abide with God and be stedfast in his Covenant they that totally and finally depart from God never were totally and fully turned to him Let your Perseverance be an evident Demonstration to prove the truth of your Conversation let not the hardest labour the hottest service that you may be put upon the greatest sufferings that you may be exposed to in the least discourage you for God doth not require that you should do or that you should suffer any thing for him but only by the strength that he himself hath promised and doth intend to give All you Converts have done well in turning to God do better in following hard after him and best of all in finishing your course that you may get the Crown of Righteousness To conclude Let your Faith be firm like to the Rock it is founded upon let your hope be stedfast Be rooted and grounded in your love and let your hearts be so united to fear the name of God Psal 86. 11. that it may be as possible to hinder the Sun from rising as to hinder you from shining like lights in the World. That it may be as possible to cause the Moon and Stars to cease their wonted courses as to turn you out of the way of Truth and Holiness That it may be as possible to alter the Ordinances of Heaven as to make you neglect Heaven and become again earthly-minded Thus have I done with the first Doctrine that I raised from the words which I have been large upon That Conversion is of absolute necessity and the great thing that God requires of Man. Doct. 2. I proceed unto the second Doctrine that I raised from the words and that is this Conversion is then sincere when the soul is Converted The Soul of Man is the chief subject of Sin. It is the Soul that uses or rather abuses the members of the Body as Instruments of Unrighteousness The Beasts that have no rational Soul are not capable of committing Iniquity and as the Soul is the chief subject of Sin so it is the chief subject of Converting Grace if this be not turned really there is no true turning unto God. God is a Spirit and he weighs the Spirits of Men and he doth chiefly require the Heart and Spirit Prov. 23. 26. and accordingly the Convert with David sayes Psal 25. 1. Vnto thee O Lord do I lift up my Soul. And Psal 119. 129. Thy Testimonies are wonderful therefore doth my Soul keep them In the handling this Doctrine 1. I am to shew you when the Soul may be said to be Converted 2. To prove that till the Soul is Converted Conversion is not sincere 3. To demonstrate the necessity of turning to God with the very Soul. And then in the last place to make application 1. I am to tell you when the Soul may be said truly to be Converted the opening of this is the chief thing that I design in this Doctrine 1. When the Soul is Converted there is a marvellous Light that shines into the Mind The Tree of Knowledge was so called because it was a Tree of Tryal whether Man would persevere in goodness or whether he would be tempted and drawn away to evil but when this Tree was once tasted Man presently fell under the power of darkness The eyes of all understandings are blind till enlightned by the Spirit of wisdom and revelation Eph. 1. 17 18. All the Stars that are in the Firmament cannot make day without the Sun and all the works that God hath wrought all the words that he hath spoken cannot of themselves enlighten the mind of Man without the Spirit of God. It is He that takes off the Vail and causes the Light to shine upon and into the very Soul. This Light makes things manifest Eph. 5. 13. For all things that are reproved are made manifest by the light for whatsoever doth make manifest is light This Light that shines into a Converted Soul doth discover Sin it shews the filth the spots the sting the poyson the death the wrath the Hell that is in Sin or is annexed to it It doth discover the deceitfulness of Sin in hiding its own bad nature and the dreadful consequences that follow upon it And as this Light doth make sin manifest so it doth discover Christ too the sufficiency of his justifying Righteousness the excellency of his sanctifying Grace and how to turn to God is of miserable to become truly blessed This Light also is directing It directs what Converts must do that they may be saved It shews them the End and the proper Means for the attaining of that End. It leads them out of the broad way and from all the snares and stumbling-blocks and the precipices that are there and it leads them into the way that is everlasting Psal 139. ult Finally This Light that shines into the Converted Soul hath Heat and Influence like the Light of the Sun in the Spring-season that causeth the Trees and Plants to be flourishing and to be fruitful The Light of the Converts hath a mighty influence upon them The things that are freely given of God are so seen as that the heart is taken with them as the principal things of all and undervalues other things in comparison of those Thus the wise Merchant that sought goodly Pearls when he had found one Pearl of great price he went and sold all that he
had and bought it Matth. 13. 46. 2. When the Soul is Converted the Judgment is rectified The Judgment of the natural Man is wofully perverted He judges aright of nothing he judges amiss of every thing Wo to him he calls evil good and good evil he puts darkness for Light and Light for darkness bitter for sweet and sweet for bitter as the Prophet speaks Isa 5. 20. The Wisdom of God he ealls by the Name of foolishness and the folly of the VVorld he will needs have to be the shrewdest and best sort of wisdom He errs on both hands valuing what is vile and sleighting what is excellent But the Apostle in 1 Cor. 2. 15. telleth us That he that is spiritual judgeth all things yet he himself is judged of no Man. The Convert hath a faculty of spiritual discerning and can pass a right judgment upon things One Angel can see another though the bodily Eye can see neither One that is a Convert having a spiritual faculty of discerning can see the excellency of spiritual things which the natural Man cannot behold And when it is said that the Spiritual Man is judged of no Man the meaning is this that no natural Man is a competent judge concerning him Censure him he may as if he were regardless of and beside himself but really this Censure is without reason Not judging but missjudging this is to be called The Converts judgment is very sound he takes the right ballance even those of the Sanctuary to weigh all things in He compares God and the Creature together the righteousness and strength of Man and the righteousness and strength of Christ together things temporal and things eternal together and weighing these things together the difference between them is apparent He writes Takel upon what is Mammons and upon what is Mans and the weightiest and most excellent things he doth approve as such especially a far more exceeding and eternal weight of glory 2 Cor. 4. 17. And as the Converts Judgment is sound so let me tell you it is very grave and serious in propounding what is good unto the Will. It is deliberate in its determination what is good and then with greatest evidence and strength of Reason nay with Demonstration of the Spirit it urges the Soul that this which is so good may be followed and embraced My beloved a Judgment thus rectified and set right it is one of the greatest Blessings from Heaven and comes down from the Father of Lights who manifests himself to be the Father of Mercies in bestowing such a Gift Now the Soul is Light when the Judgment is rectified and the whole Man is under better conduct and this Light proves Armour and Defence against the Works of Darkness Rom. 13. 12 13 14. Let us cast off the works of darkness and put on the armour of light Let us walk honestly as in the day not in rioting and drunkenness not in chambering and wantonness not in strife and envying but put ye on the Lord Jesus Christ and make not provision for the flesh to fulfill the lusts thereof 3. When the Soul is converted the Conscience is made very faithful and very tender The Soul of Man is endued with a Power of Self-reflection it can with a great deal of delight take notice of what of God and what of good is in it self and it can terribly recoyl upon it self and prove a selfpunisher at the commission of what is evil The Conscience of an unconverted Sinner is usually in a dead sleep How many sleepy Consciences are here God awaken them to day Usually the Conscience of an unconverted Sinner is in a dead sleep He takes little or no notice at all of that God that is by him of his Presence of the Purity of his Law and of the Sinners obligation to obey it And Conscience being thus asleep talks in its sleep and what doth it talk in its sleep it doth say Peace and it doth dream of Safety and thus it goes on crying Peace and dreaming of Safety untill suddain destruction doth prove that Peace and that Safety to be nothing else but a meer delusion 1 Thess 5. 3. When men shall say Peace and Safety then suddain destruction cometh upon them as travel upon a woman with Child and they shall not escape But the Convert his Conscience is awakened it is awakened so thoroughly that it keeps more or less awake ever after The Conscience doth understand the Authority that it hath from God. And it doth improve that Authority for God. The Conscience of a Convert doth understand the Authority that it hath from God. The God of Heaven hath allowed the Conscience a Negative Voice To sin contrary to the Light and to the Dictates of Conscience it is to sin with a great Aggravation and it is to incurr great danger 1 Joh. 3. 20. If our hearts condemn us God is greater than our hearts and knows all things Nay supposing that Conscience doth but doubt concerning an Action that Action must not be ventured upon untill Conscience be fully satisfied about it Rom. 14. ult He that doubts of the lawfulness of a Meat is damned if he eats because he eateth not of Faith that is being not fully perswaded of the lawfulness of what he eats he eats not of Faith and that which is not of Faith is sin And as Conscience knows the Authority it hath of God so it doth improve and exercise this Authority that it hath from God for Him. The Converts Conscience urges that the Will of God may be done still tho' it never so much thwarts the inclination and grain of mans it urges that God may be alwayes pleased whoever is offended and herein it does consult the Converts truest Interest The sharper the Sight the clearer the Light the greater the force of Conscience is there will be a departing from evil with the greater fear and care and hatred and there will be a doing of good with the greater diligence exactness and perseverance and all this is for the good of Converts in more Worlds than one Psal 37. 27. Depart from evil and do good and dwell for evermore 4. When the Soul is Converted the Thoughts have not a lawless Liberty allowed them but there is a Conflict with them and great care to govern them well The Mind of Man is a busie and an Active thing thoughts are continually issuing from it as Sparks from a Furnace or Waters from a Fountain and naturally all these are evil Gen. 6. 5. God saw that the wickedness of Man was great upon the Earth and every Imagination of the thoughts of his heart was only evil continually When the Soul is converted the nature of the Thoughts is changed vain and sinful thoughts presently become burthensome The Heart is made new and a new heart will have new kind of thoughts The thoughts will be pure and clean if the Heart be sanctified and cleansed Jerusalem did shew her self a Stranger to Conversion
Temptations The Convert is afraid of the very first risings of Sin for Sin is an Enemy and if once this Enemy be risen really it may much disturb the Peace and give many a painful blow before it is quell'd again The Convert is afraid of Sins conceiving least being conceived it should be finished and at last bring forth Death Jam. 1. 15. The Convert flies from great Sins and won't connive at small ones The Converted Soul is afraid of known and presumptuous Transgressions and it is jealous least any should pass unknown and be harboured unsuspected therefore the Convert Prayes with David Psal 19. 12. VVho can understand his Errors Cleanse thou me from secret Sins The Convert is so afraid of Sin that he will venture upon other evils rather than upon Sin he will venture upon Poverty he will venture upon a Prison he will venture upon Flames of Martyrdom rather than venture upon Sin. Moses was so afraid of Sin though it was attended with the Pleasures and Preferments of Egypt that he did preferr the enduring of Afflictions with the People of God before it Heb. 11. 25. 3. The Converted Soul hates and abhorrs Sin I wish there was no other hatred in the World but the hatred of Sin here the most fixed and settled hatred would be very commendable Hatred is an Affection that doth aim at the destruction of the thing hated he that hateth his Brother in Scripture is said to be a Murderer and he that hateth Sin nothing short of the death of Sin will satisfie him It is the Converts business from the day of his Conversion unto the hour of his Dissolution still to be killing and mortifying of Sin and he doth endeavour to advance in doing of this work daily he labours and strives to kill Pride Covetousness Concupisence and Sensuality more dead and being sensible that Sin is much above his Match to deal with he calls in the help of the Spirit of God that the more effectually he may mortifie the Works of the Flesh Rom. 8. 13. For if ye live after the flesh ye shall dye but if ye through the Spirit do mortifie the deeds of the body ye shall live 4. Sin is the Converted Souls shame Israel that refused to turn they are charged with Impudence and hardness of Heart Ezek. 3. 7. They will not hearken unto thee O son of Man saith God for they will not hearken unto me for all the house of Israel are impudent and hard-hearted So Jer. 8. 12. VVere they ashamed when they had committed abomination No they were not at all ashamed neither could they blush But now Converts are ashamed of Sin they are confounded before God because they have so much and so inexcusably offended Heark to Ephraim Converted Ephraim Jer. 31. 19. Surely after I was turned I repented after I was instructed I smote upon my thigh I was ashamed yea even confounded because I did bear the reproach of my youth This Shame in those that are Converts is of great Vse for it makes them to lye low before God it makes them in honour to prefer others before themselves The chief of Sinners saith the Apostle being ashamed because he Persecuted the Saints and less than the least of all Saints And it makes Converts to admire the rich and the Free Grace of God in advancing them to such a dignity as to become the Children of God who did so justly deserve everlasting Contempt and Ruine 7. When the Soul is Converted those Affections that have good for their Object are placed upon God who is the highest and chiefest good of all Doers of evil have not seen God 3 John 11. He that doth good is of God he that doth evil hath not seen God. The Unconverted Sinner either saith in his Heart there is no God or if there be one the Creatures are better and more desirable than he This is the Language of every Unconverted Sinners Heart But the Converted Soul hath seen God and hath seen that in God that he loves God best and still desires to love him better How strong are his desires after God and when he is pleased to manifest his Love to communicate his Grace with a liberal hand now the Soul hath the greatest Joy and Delight on Earth The Converts Hope is in God his expectation of help is from him and his hope of Happiness is in him he is Zealous for the Glory of God and he is Zealous of those Works that are good in his sight and whatever a Convert sees that hath the Image and Stamp of God upon it that thing is loved for Gods sake 8. When the Soul is Converted the Memory is put to good and holy Vses before it was like a den of Thieves like a Cage full of unclean and hateful Birds but now the Memory is a Treasury where the best things are laid up safest Here I shall tell you of four things that the Convert doth remember 1. The Convert remembers his Creator and indeed no New Creature doth forget him he remembers his Duty towards him and the obligations and encouragements unto a faithful Performance of it Wicked Men forget God trifles they can think of but God is not in all their thoughts Jer 2. 32. Can a Maid forget her Ornaments or a Bride her Attire yet ye have forgot me days without number Those that by Profession are my People and yet really are estranged from me they have forgotten me days without number but the Convert remembers God and desires to be in his Love and Fear all his days 2. The Convert remembers the Redeemer and his death The benefits that were purchased by so great a price and how the work of Redemption was compleat when Christ rose from the dead A special memento is put upon the Resurrection of Christ 2 Tim. 2. 8. Remember that Jesus Christ of the Seed of David was raised from the dead according to my Gospel 3. The Convert remembers the VVord and that effectually and seasonably he remembers it so as that he is cast into the mould of it His heart doth stand in a we of the Oracles of God and they are an excellent preservative against temptation Psal 119. 11. Thy VVord have I hid in my heart that I might not sin against thee Joseph he did seasonably and effectually remember that command Thou shalt not commit Adultery When he had that impure and immodest motion made by a Creature that forgot the presence of God and her own Duty and though he was a servant and though he was a young Man and an uamarried Man yet he was so far from complying with the temptation that he reproves the concupisence and ventures upon the revenge of his impure Mistriss 4. Lastly The Convert remembers his latter end and the judgment that will follow after O Brethren methinks I see my self and all you holding up our hands at the Bar of God. As sure as you are here so certainly you shall stand there The
without him O now the Soul honours God above all By these and such like acts of the Soul God is chiefly honoured therefore turning must of necessity be with the Soul. 3. The Soul must turn because it is the Soul that yields Obedience to the great commands both of the Law and Gospel There is not so much as one Precept either in the Law or in the Gospel kept aright unless the Soul keeps it The summ of the Law is Love but Love must be with the Heart and Soul nay it must be with all the Heart and with all the Soul or else it is but a meer shadow and appearance it is but like the Picture of Fire that hath no more heat in it than the Picture of Snow Heark what our Lord saies to him that asked Him Which is the great Commandment in the Law Jesus answered Mat. 22. 37 38. Thou shalt love the Lord thy God with all thy Heart and with all thy Soul and with all thy Mind And as the Law calls for Love so it requires Spiritual Worship God is jealous of his Worship and he will accept of none but that which is worship in Truth John 4. 24. God is a Spirit and he will be worshipped in Spirit and in Truth Now there cannot be worship in Truth unless it be worship in Spirit All worship is but false and if it be false it must needs be vain that doth not proceed from the Spirit of the Worshipper If you should imploy many hours in a day in pattering over a great many Words that either you don't understand or if you do you don't mind all this would be unacceptable nay it would be abominable Then for the Gospel The two great commands of the Gospel are Faith and Repentance neither of these can be obeyed without the Heart It is the Soul and Heart that believes Rom. 10. 10. With the Heart man believeth unto Righteousness and with the Mouth Confession is made unto Salvation And as for Repentance it is impossible that should be true unless the Spirit be contrite unless the very Heart be broken Tears Complaints walking softly rending the Garments wallowing in Ashes this will not prove the truth of Repentance the Heart must be broken or else you have not truly repented Psal 51. 17. The Sacrifices of God are a broken Spirit a broken and a contrite Heart O God thou wilt not despise And so in Psal 34. 18. The Lord is nigh to them that are of a broken Heart and saveth such as be of a conitite Spirit 4. Lastly The Soul must turn to God because Judgment at the great day will be according to Truth Then the Secrets of all Men will be made manifest when the Lord appears he will bring to light the hidden things of darkness and will make manifest the Counsels of the Heart and then shall every man have Praise of God 1 Cor. 4. 5. At the great Day all things all Persons will be called by their proper Names Hypocrisie will be called Hypocrisie and Saints will be called Saints No Hypocrite will be owned for a Saint at that day nothing that is counterfeit will pass for currant the Judgment of God will be according to Truth In the day of Judgment only Conversion with the Heart Conversion with the Soul will pass for true Conversion Sincerity will be owned and it will be Crowned Hypocrisie will be unmasked and which should exceedingly startle all unsound Professors of Religion Hell is in a special manner called The Portion of the Hypocrite as it is said to be prepared for the Devil and his Angels I have shewed you when the Soul may be said to be converted unto God I have proved till then Conversion can never be sincere I have demonstrated the Necessity of Conversion with the Soul. The Application of this Doctrine remains I shall be but brief upon it There are two Uses that I shall make By way of Information in the first place And by way of Exhortation in the second place From this Doctrine we may be informed concerning several particulars 1. If sincere Conversion be with the Soul hence we may inferr the Souls Capacity The Soul is chiefly receptive of the Grace of God. It is the Soul of Man that doth principally partake of the divine Nature The Soul of Man hath a natural resemblance of God because as God is a Spirit so the Soul of Man is a spiritual and an immortal Substance And then the Soul doth spiritually resemble God when it is renewed in the spirit of the Mind and when true Holiness by the Spirit of the Lord is wrought in it Eph. 4. 23 24. 2. Hence I inferr the Souls great worth and value Gods Eye is upon your Souls all the while you are in his presence and though you do never so much if you deny him your Hearts and Souls you do nothing that he will accept at your hands Thousands of Rams ten thousand rivers of Oyl the first-born for the transgression the fruit of the body for the sin of the Soul as the Prophet speaks Micah 6. 7. What doth all this signifie All this is nothing nay let me tell you it is worse than nothing Souls are of great account with the Father of Spirits How much was done how much was paid that Souls might be redeemed And therefore in all your Services your Souls must be ingaged or else the ingaging is to no purpose The Conversion of one single Soul to God is more pleasing to him than the most laborious and heartless services of all the Hypocrites from the beginning of the World to the very end of it these Services are so far from being pleasing that they are expresly affirmed to be an abomination unto God. 3. Hence I inferr the difficulty of Conversion If the Soul must be converted certainly Conversion is a very difficult thing It is comparatively more easie though hard still but comparatively it is more easie to order the conversation to bridle the tongue But to rule the spirit to bring the thoughts into Captivity to alter the bent and natural inclination of the Will and to raise the Affections towards those things that are above to make them prized and pursued that before were things utterly sleighted this is difficult indeed and really the difficulty would be insup●rable were it not for the Resurrection of Christ and the Power of that Resurrection shewed forth by the Spirit of Christ Before a Soul can turn to God it must be new made it must experience the power of Christs Spirit and it must rise with Christ or else it can never in good earnest seek those things that are above Col. 3. 1 2. Lastly Hence I inferr that in Examining whether we are Converted or no a special Eye must be upon our Hearts and Souls We must take our Souls to task and strictly try them and see what is most suitable to them what they love best and what it is that they desire most And if
God in Christ be loved and chosen above all then conclude that Conversion is sound and sincere If the Heart be grieved because it is no more suited to God because it hath no more Faith in him and though it can't say with Peter Joh. 21. 17. Lord thou knowest all things thou knowest that I do love thee yet it can say Lord thou knowest all things thou knowest that I would love thee Above all things in the world I desire to love thee and to be beloved of thee Such a kind of desire as this doth plainly shew that the work of of Conversion is begun notwithstanding a great many doubts and fears that do remain about it But if under the highest Prosession of Religion if under the most constant attendance upon all Ordinances the Heart doth secretly go after its Covetousness the Soul is fond of its Lusts and of its Vanities and is resolved still to be so certainly there is no such thing as a work of Conversion though there be never so high and mighty a Confidence that there is Ezek. 33. 31. They come unto thee as the People cometh and they sit before thee as my People and they hear thy words but they will not do them for with their Mouth they shew much love but their Heart goeth after their Covetousness The Second Use is by way of Exhortation I exhort you all to lift up your Souls to God with a desire that he would turn them to himself Naturally your Hearts are in very bad hands but if you give them unto God his hands are powerfull and good and safe He can new form your Souls both to and for Himself And therefore I beseech you give your consent and earnestly desire that God would take the Work in hand and Convert every Soul before him to himself to day To prevail with you thus to Consent and Desire I would lay before you these following Arguments 1. If your Souls are Converted they will be enlivened though before dead in Trespasses and in Sins they will be made alive unto God Eph. 2. 1. You will presently be free from the Sentence of Death and Condemnation that ye are under and ye will be made to live in the Spirit and to walk in the Spirit Gal. 5. 25. O what a Life will you lead when once ye become Converts your Lives will become Holy they will be Heavenly they will be Angelical The Spirit of God will be that and a great deal more unto your Souls than what your Souls are to your Bodies The Spirit will set you at liberty The Spirit will act and lead you The Spirit will fill you with his own blessed fruits that are both pure and peaceable 2. If your Souls are Converted they will be healed Where is the Soul among us that is not sick of various Maladies and that Soul is most sick that least feels its sickness Conversion and healing are joyned together Isa 6. 10. Least at any time they should see with their eyes and hear with their ears and understand with their hearts and be Converted and I should heal them So Jer. 3. 23. Return ye backsliding Children saith the Lord and I will heal your backsliding behold we come unto thee for thou art the Lord our God. The Soul is most precious and the best part in a Man the diseases of the Soul are the worst and most dangerous and consequently the cure and healing of these diseases is most of all desirable If thou didst labour under a death-threatning Malady how wouldst thou long to be cured Poor Man thy Soul labours under a great many Maladies and all of them Hell-threatning Maladies and if thou art not Cured thou must be damned therefore Cure should be prized and Conversion and Curing go together 3. If your Souls are Converted they will be both beautified and strengthned the Image of God is the Souls Beauty and Glory and upon all true Converts this Image of God is Instampt Sin makes men vile Conversion and Sanctification makes them excellent so excellent that the Scripture plainly affirms that the World is not worthy of the Saints that are in it Heb. 11. 38. And Strength will follow Conversion as well as Beauty Who is the strongest upon Earth The answer is the Convert is the strongest All the Unconverted are without strength Alas they are without Life and therefore must needs be without strength The Convert is strengthned with might by the Spirit of God in the inward Man so that he is enabled to do good he is enabled to bear evils with patience he is enabled to resist the Enemies of his Salvation he is enabled to Fight and to Conquer nay which is more emphatical he is enabled so to conquer as to be more than a Conquerer through him that hath loved him Rom. 8. 37. Lastly If your Souls are Converted they will be both satisfied and secured and what can you desire more It would be a loud lie if Mammon should say that ever he satisfied any All is Vanity and Vexation of Spirit and there is no profit under the Sun Eccles 2. 11. But now the Lord with truth doth say I have satiated the weary Soul and I have replenished every sorrowful Soul Jer. 31. 25. Those Souls that are weary and sorrowful seem furthest off from Satisfaction yet these weary and sorrowful Souls the Lord is able to satisfie Nay in Scripture we read of abundant Satisfaction Psal 35. 8 9. They shall be abundantly satisfied with the fatness of thy House and thou shalt make them drink of the Rivers of thy Pleasures That which increaseth the Satisfaction is that the Souls of Converts are secure the Hand of Christ and the Hand of the Father which is greater than all is sufficient to defend these Converted Souls from the force of Earth and Hell and Sin too If your Souls are lifted up to God Sursum Corda Up with your hearts unto God If your Souls are Converted to Him they will be safe in Life they will be safe in Death and immediately after death they will be past all danger being admitted into that House not made with hands eternal in the Heavens 2 Cor. 5. 1. Thus have I done with the second Doctrine That Conversion is then sincere when the very Soul is Converted Doct. 3. Is this That the Word of God is the great means of Conversion And O that the Word that sounds in your ears to day may be found an effectual Means of the Conversion of all the Uncoverted here before the Lord The Law of the Lord in the Text is said to Convert the Soul because 't is the Means which the Lord himself makes use of and adds an efficacy to that such an effect may be produced The Word is styled the Power of God unto Salvation to every one that believes Rom. 1. 16. And by this Word Faith it self is wrought whereby the Soul comes to Christ and by him does Convert to God Rom. 10. 17. So then Faith
and his former offences and affronts be they what they will shall not be an Impediment nay the former refusing to turn though it was never so long shall be past by The proclaiming of thi● accepted time should be lookt upon as glad tidings indeed 2 Cor. 6. 1 2. We then 〈◊〉 workers together with Him beseech you also that ye receive not the Grace of God in vain for he saith I have heard thee in a time accepted in a day of Salvation I have succoured thee Christ himself in the days of his flesh was heard was succoured was carried by the power of his Godhead through the whole work of Mans Redemption Behold now is the accepted time behold now is the day of Salvation This day of Salvation is the fruit of a Saviours Obedience and Sufferings in his day Now those that have sold themselves to commit Iniquity and are under the bondage of Corruption may recover their liberty those that had lost the incorruptible and undefiled Inheritance may be re-instated and again possessed of it Now the Lord is neer to them that seek him and ready to be found and if the wicked forsake their ways and thoughts and return to Him he assures them he will have mercy and pardon so abundantly as shall exceed their conceptions and the manner and wayes of mens shewing Mercy one to another as the Heaven is high above the Earth Isa 55. 6 7 8. 5. In the Word of God there are Instances and Examples of very great Sinners who have been converted and saved How great are the Acts of Grace which have been done by the God of all Grace and comfort Stand forth O David guilty of Adultery and Murther first defiling the Wife and then killing the Husband afterwards Stand forth O thou great Apostle Peter who wast so confident in thy self that thou shouldest abide the sorest Trial but didst so basely shrink and once twice thrice and with Cursing and Swearing didst deny thy Lord Stand forth ye Corinthian Saints who were Fornicators Idolaters Adulterers effeminate abusers of your selves with Mankind who were thieves covetous drunkards revilers extortioners 1 Cor. 6. 9 10 11. And all of you proclaim That the Grace of our Lord was exceeding abundant with Faith and love which is in Christ Jesus as the Apostle Paul speaks who himself had obtained Mercy although he had been a blasphemer a persecutor and injurious 1 Tim. 1. 13 14. Setting aside the unpardonable Sin against the Holy Ghost and final Impenitency and Unbelief for ought I know Heaven can shew as great Sinners as Hell who notwithstanding all their guilt and filthiness were washed sanctified justified in the Name of the Lord Jesus and by the Spirit of our God and now their Holiness is perfected in Glory This is an encouragement to the worst of men to hope if they return to God they shall not be rejected Nay suppose there should be now a greater Transgressour than ever yet obtained Mercy it would not be impossible for such an One to obtain Mercy for Divine Grace and Mercy have not yet done their very uttermost 6. The Word of God discovers Sinners weakness and where that Strength is without which turning to God will never be That Grace which brings Man to God to Heaven must come from the God of Heaven Can man arise from the Dead till the Voice of the Lord which is powerful say Awake thou that sleepest Can any come to God but by his Son Jesus can any come to Christ but those whom the Father drawes Joh. 6. 44. God Works to Will He Works to do and he does the one and the other freely of his own good Pleasure Phil. 2. 13. Sinners are then encouraged to seek unto God to do both for them And He can easily take away the Heart of Stone and give a new Heart and a new Spirit and cause those who before neglected now to turn into the way of Salvation and to work out their own Salvation with fear and trembling 7. I might also add that the Word of God shuts the Kingdom of Heaven against ●hose that are resolved to continue Vnconvert●d Nothing but Indignation and Wrath Tribulation and Anguish is thundred out ●gainst them that will continue in their evil doing that will not be gathered by a Saviour that will not be made clean by his Sanctifying Spirit Nay the Word concludes them under greater misery and ●ooms them to a severer Damnation who are called to turn and yet refuse Mat. 11. 23. Thou Capernaum that are exalted unto Heaven who hast Heaven offer'd and such advantages of getting thither 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 shall not only go to Hell but be brought down with force and fury to one of the hottest and lowest places there It ●hall be more tolerable for Sodom and Gomor●ah in the day of Judgment than for Thee Such kind of threats may help to cure the spiritual Lethargy and to make Sinners ●fraid of remaining Unconverted You see what it is in the Word that has a tendency to Conversion In the second Place I am to demonstrate the Aptitude and fitness of the Word to be such a means of Conversion What has been spoken already is in part a Demonstration of it but this fitness of the Word may be further made evident 1. The Word is a Light which shines in a dark place 2 Pet. 1. 19. and therefore 't is a proper means to turn men from darkness to Light and from the Power of Satan unto God. The Word discovers what the Prince of darkness studiously endeavours to conceal Ignorance and Infidelity are the Pillars of Satans Kingdom he takes much pains to blind the Minds of the Unbelievers that the Light of the glorious Gospel of Christ who is the Image of God may not shine into them 2 Cor. 4. 4. This light gives a true and faithful representation of Sin as the most hateful and hurtful thing in the whole World of Satan also as the most subtle false envious malicious Deceiver and Murtherer of the Sons nay of the very Souls of men The Word reveals the Devils grand secret that the Broad way is the high Road to Ruine which has been trod by all the Damned Hell at the end of this way becomes naked by the Word of God which the Lying Spirit would not have at all to be credited or so much as thought on till Sinners find themselves thrown into it and there without any hope of Release and Remedy 2. The Word is a Perspective glass which brings things afar off near to the eye that so the Heart may be the more affected It shews that the whole of Time from the very first to the very last is but short if compared with Eternity and how the end of all things is at hand 1 Pet. 4. 7. and the Oath will at length be sworn That there shall be time no longer Scoffers indeed who walk after their own lusts do say Where is the Promise of our Lords coming They
mock at that glorious Redemption which Believers at Christs second appearing do expect and they laugh at till they feel the Flaming Vengeance that is to be executed upon themselves But the Word shews the Worlds end and how 't is reserved unto fire against the day of Judgment and Perdition of ungodly men 2 Pet. 3. 7. The day of the Lord will come as a Thief in the Night sadly surprizing the most of men in which the Heavens shall pass away with a great noise the Elements shall melt with fervent heat the Earth also and the Works therein shall be burnt up Oh dreadful spectacle to behold the whole World in a Flame the serious and believing consideration of this conduces very much to Repentance Conversion and amendment of our wayes 'T is the Apostles own inference Seeing then that all these things shall be dissolved what manner of Persons ought ye to be in all Holy Conversation and Godliness 2 Pet. 3. 10 11. 3. The Word is an Hammer to break the Heart Contrition and brokenness of Heart is one constant Ingredient in Conversion No less than Salvation is Promised to the contrite ones Psal 34. 18. The Lord is nigh unto them that are of a broken Heart and saveth such as be of a contrite Spirit Now the Word is the Hammer which breaks the Stony the Rocky Heart to pieces Those Hearers who derided the Miraculous Gift of Tongues the Apostle Peters Sermon reached and pierced their very Hearts and made them cry out Men and brethren what shall we do Act. 2. 37. Now Sin was set in order before their eyes and charged home upon their Consciencos now they tremble and are afraid of deserved Wrath now their stubborn spirits begin to yield unto God. They desire to know upon what terms they might be saved being willing to consent to any terms rather than miss of Salvation and perish everlastingly 4. The Word is a Fire to melt and purifie and so a proper means of Conversion which is indeed a turning from Sin to Holiness 'T is the Nature of Fire to separate the Mettal and the Dross Gold and Silver are refined by being put into the Furnace Thus the Word also separates between the Heart and its vicious and evil Habits and Qualities it separates between the Soul and its fleshly and worldly Lusts Now are ye clean says Christ through the Word which I have spoken unto you Joh. 15. 3. This Word is very Pure in it self and Pure in its Operation and Effects It severely forbids all filthiness of the Flesh and Spirit and in this Word we find as a Precept concerning Holiness that 't is our Duty to perfect Holiness in the fear of God so a Promise wherein God has said he will work this Holiness in them that seek unto him and desire it Ezek. 36. 25. Then will I sprinkle clean water upon you and you shall be clean from all your filthiness and from all your Idols will I cleanse you The Word is a Fire to Melt and Purge the Soul and then 't is a Mould also into which the Soul is as it were cast so that it has another an excellent form being conformed to the holy Nature and Will of God himself 5. The Word is as Seed of which the New Creature is begotten God himself is he who does regenerate all that are Converted and he does it of his own meer good Will and Pleasure but the Word is the Seed by which he does it Jam. 1. 18. Of his own VVill beg at he us with the VVord of Truth that we should be a kind of First-fruits of his Creatures So 1 Pet. 1. 23. Being born again not of corruptible Seed but of incorruptible by the VVord of God which liveth and abideth for ever From this Seed comes the New Man which after God is created in Righteousness and true Holiness This Word is quick and powerful 't is powerful to quicken and enliven so that the Soul has a new Life and lives to God which before was dead in trespasses This Seed is effectual to a new formation of the Souls faculties and powers New Eyes there are in the Mind a new Disposition and Inclination in the Will the Affections also are new and of low and carnal they become high and holy and heavenly The Preachers of the Gospel are the sowers of this Seed of the Word and how should they be in travel till a New Creature comes on 't till Christ be formed in them that receive it Gal. 4. 19. My little Children of whom I travel in birth again till Christ be formed in you 6. The Word is a proper Means of Conversion for 't is the unerring Rule which shews both good and evil Evil that there may be an Aversion from it Good that there may be a Conversion to it The Scripture calls things by their deserved Names what that pronounces bad will be found by the most Unbelieving to be bad indeed and what that affirms to be good is really good at present and proves best at last Here are the Commandments in conformity to which true Goodness lies and Sin is defined 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 a transgression of them heark to the Prophet Mic. 6. 8. He hath shewed thee O Man what is good and what does the Lord thy God require of thee but to do j●stly to love mercy and to walk humbly with thy God All this is good in its own Nature pleasing to God profitable and pleasant unto Man The better this is understood the more likely 't is that evil and dangerous wayes should be forsaken and those Paths chosen and turn'd into that are safe and holy The Word shews what God approves and what he abhorrs It shews Mans Duty which is his Priviledge and that Sin is Mans Prejudice and Plague And he is a good Scholar indeed who has learnt to do well and ceased to do evil 7. The Word is a fit means of Conversion because it is the Ministration of the Spirit 2 Cor. 3. 8. How shall not the Ministration of the Spirit be rather glorious The Word of God is of the Spirits Inspiration and his own Word he is pleased to accompany he moves and breaths and acts in it so that Miracles of Grace are wrought thereby He says to the blind Mind Receive thy sight and know the things that concern thy Peace to the Deaf the Spirit says Hear my Voice and yield Obedience to the Dead he says Arise out of thy Sins and from the Earth in which thou hast layn so long buried and live the Life of God from which thou hast been so long alienated And as the Spirit thus speaks so he speaks with efficacy He can work so that none shall hinder O blessed Word in which we find that exceeding great and precious Promise of the Spirit 't is but asking him and having him and where the Spirit of the Lord is there is liberty 2 Cor. 3. 17. The Captive Sinner is freed from the
bondage of Corruption the cords of Vanity the snare of Satan and has both a Will and Power given him to Convert to God and to continue and abide with him 'T is manifest upon all these accounts that the Word has a fitness to be a means of Conversion In the third place I am to tell you what kind of Means the Word is 1. The Word is a Means of Gods own appointing Divine Institution is a thing of very great significancy God indeed can work without means and against them but if he is pleased to appoint them they deserve to be used and shall not be used in vain if they are used seriously God appointed seven Trumpets of Rams horns to be blown and at length the blast is more powerful than a battering Ram the Walls of Jericho fall down to the ground and the City is delivered into the hand of Israel Josh 6. 4 20. God has appointed the Ministers of the Gospel to lift up their Voices like a Trumpet to shew the Transgressours their Iniquities to cry to them to turn The Word is with Power the strongest holds of the Prince of Darkness fall down before it he is cast out his works destroyed where before he had the surest Possession The Word is ordained of God as the Means of Conversion 't is dangerous and a great Contempt of God himself to neglect it and truly after a careless manner to attend upon it is the way to grow more hard-hearted and dead in Sin under it 2. The Word is usually most Powerful when Preached Reading of the word must be granted an Ordinance of great use 〈◊〉 When our Lord was asked by a man what he should do that he might inherit Eternal Life He answers What is written in the Law how readest thou Luk. 10. 26. He that would inherit Eternal Life it concerns him diligently to read the Word which instructs him in the way thither Not only those of a lower condition but those of the highest Estate are to read the Word all the dayes of their lives the Word of God is the best Counsellour even of King● themselves Deut. 17. 18 19. The way to Heaven is one and the same both for the High and Low. The Word is to be read not only Privately but Publickly such publick reading has a warrant in the New Testament as well as the Old 1 Thes 5. 27. I charge you 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 I adjure you by the Lord that this Epistle be read unto a● the Holy Brethren And publick reading is mentioned no less than three times in one verse Col. 4. 16. And when this Epistle i● read amongst you cause that it be read also in the Church of the Laodiceans and that ye likewise read the Epistle from Laodicea Certainly the Scripture is not so obscure but that it may be read before the Congregation to their Spiritual Benefit Yet the Preaching the opening and applying of the Word of God has a special Honour put upon it as to the working of Conversion and Faith Rom. 10. 14 15. How then shall they call on Him in whom they have not believed and how shall they believe on Him of whom they have not heard and how shall they hear without a Preacher and how shall they Preach except they be sent as it is written How beautiful are the Feet of them that preach the Gospel of Peace that bring glad tidings of good things They that are sent of God scripturally qualified separated and set apart to the work of the Ministry 't is their great business to Preach the Word to be instant in season out of season to reprove rebuke exhort with all long-suffering and Doctrine 2 Tim. 4. 2. And when in Sincerity with an earnest desire to win Souls they make the Truth manifest and endeavour to commend themselves to every mans Conscience in the sight of God 2 Cor. 4. 2. the Word of God is the more likely to reach the Conscience and to touch and turn the Heart to Him. Glorious things have been done by Preaching The twelve Apostles and if you will add a thirteenth the Apostle Paul how powerful was the Word in their Mouths to the Worlds Conversion They did not as they were slander'd turn the world upside down but were blessed Instruments to turn it to God and to deliver it out of that Idolatry Superstition Ignorance and Wickedness in which it had lain buried for many ages 3. The Word of God is the highest means of Conversion Psal 138. 2. Thou hast magnified thy VVord above all thy Name Here chiefly thou doest make thy self known in the powerful Effects of thy Grace and Spirit and in the accomplishment of the Promises which thou hast made The design of Mercies is that this VVord may be more minded Rom. 12. 1 2. I beseech you therefore Brethren by the Mercies of God that ye present your Bodies a living Sacrifice holy acceptable which is your reasonable service And be not conformed to this VVorld but be ye transformed by the renewing of your minds that ye may prove what is that good that acceptable and perfect VVill of God. Mercies are cords of love to draw us to the Lord and to constrain us to keep his Word and Commandments The end of Affliction is to turn our Eyes and Hearts and Feet into the way of Gods Testimonies The Psalmist tells us Before he was afflicted he went astray but after he kept the VVord with greater care Psal 119. 67. and he adds v. 71. 72. It is good for me that I have been afflicted that I might learn thy Statutes the Law of thy Mouth is better unto me than thousands of Gold and Silver Affliction is sent to humble for Transgression to reduce the wandring Soul and to bring it back to the Word of God and when this Word is truly heeded received and highly prized then the Soul is indeed Converted The Word declares the meaning of Mercies the Word is the Tongue that utters the voice and message of the Rod The Word directs what to pray for and how to pray so as to speed and instructs about every other Ordinance 4. If the Word be ineffectual to Conversion alas what is likely to become efficacious When Wisdom had cryed long and upbraided foolish Sinners with their hating Knowledge when they had been called to turn with a proffer of the Spirit to be poured out but they refused still their case is set forth as desperate because the Word being rejected hated and cast behind their back nothing was likely to do or to make them good dreadful and utter Destruction is threatned and instead of being pitied they are told they shall be derided and laught at in their ruine Prov. 1. 20 30. When the Rich man in Hell intreated that One might be sent from the dead to warn his sive secure impenitent Brethren lest they should also come at last into the Place of Torment The Answere first is They have Moses and the Prophets
let them hear them And after 't is answered further If they hear not Moses and the Prophets neither will they be perswaded though one rose from the dead Luk. 16. 27 -31 A Sinner whose Heart is all Adamant and Sermon-proof the terrours of the Lord don't affright him the inestimable Treasures of the Gospel don't take him the Mediatours Vengeance for neglecting great Salvation is not at all dreaded Suppose a command should be given to unlock the gates of Hell and a damned Spirit that has been for some time tortur'd in the slames there and was once well known to this stupid Sinner should at Midnight appear to him and the Curtains being drawn aside and that Soul out of the midst of fire with a ghastly horrour in its looks should thus speak to Him Awake hard-hearted Wretch awake awake What sleep and lye secure in Sin that art in danger of dying in Sin every moment VVhat take thine ease who art so near to endless pain and Torment Thy time has both Feet and VVings and is with great haste both running and flying away from thee and as thy time in Sin and folly spends so thou daily and hourly approache● nearer to a miserable Eternity Thy Judgment lingers not thy Damnation does not slumber while thou refusest to awake to Righteousness Once I made a mock of Sin as much as thou dost was mad to destroy my self as thou art I made a meer Jest of Hell but now I know I feel and wo wo is me I shall to my Sorrow feel for ever what 't is to be damn'd in earnest Sin 's thy worst Enemy Oh cast it away before it undoe thee past remedy Divine wrath and jealousie is in the other World found a hotter and heavier thing than ever could be conceived in this 'T is really a fearful thing to fall into the hands of the living God. But I have leave to stay no longer be sure to take this warning I have given thee I must again to the Lake that burns with fire and brimstone where there are no such things as Help or Hope or Happiness but Pain and Misery are extream and endless Suppose I say a damned Soul should speak such language to a Sinner that has all along been deaf to the call of the Word and resisted the Spirit of the Lord he might perhaps be exceedingly amazed and possibly be frighted out of his VVits but he would not be scared out of his Sins nor ever by such an Apparition alone be turned unto God. If Gods own Word will not make thee a Convert O Sinner thy disease is obstinate against the likeliest remedy and what means will 5. The Word is a Means which Thousands and Millions in the VVorld never were so much Priviledg'd as to enjoy An Hallelujah is justly deserved and expected from the People of God of old because he shewed his Word unto Jacob his Statutes and Judgments to the Children of Israel whereas He had not dealt so with any Nation and as for his Judgments they had not known them Psal 147. 19 20. How great a part of the World is Satans Common how little comparatively is so much as the visible Inclosure of our Lord Jesus It is the observation of a Learned man that if the World were divided into thirty parts Nineteen would be found still Pagan six Mahometan and but five Christian take in all of all Perswasions But alas how much darkness is there even in Nations that are called Christian Ignorance is affected the Word of God and the Knowledg of it is taken away though the Scripture says that for lack of it people are destroyed Hos 4. 6. How Happy would you be that in this City enjoy the light of the Word of Truth if you would but thankfully and fruitfully improve it It is as it were Noon day with you whereas in other places it is but a dark down and in most parts of the Earth a black midnight In the fourth place I am to tell you whence this Means the Word of God comes to be effectual to Conversion 'T is made effectual by the Power of God and this Power he exerts by his own Spirit 1 Thes 1. 5. Our Gospel came not unto you in word only but in Power also and in the Holy Ghost and in much Assurance the wonderful effects of Divine Power wrought by the Holy Ghost in the Preaching of the Gospel was an Evidence and Assurance that this Gospel is not the Word of Man but of God Himself Now the manner of the Spirits working when he makes the Word effectual to Conversion I shall declare in these particulars 1. The Spirit impresses upon the Sinners Heart the Divine Authority of this Word 'T is indeed 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 given by inspiration of God 2 Tim. 3. 16. When the Lord Himself is eyed and own'd in his Word then it shews it self mighty If the Messengers and Publishers of the Word only are regarded and there is not a looking beyond them they being but earthen vessels the Word though a Treasure will be trampled under foot But when Sinners are Converted the Spirit makes it evident that the Word is really of God. The demonstration of this is styled the demonstration of the Spirit He does demonstrate the Words divine Authority several wayes By Signs and VVonders wrought for its Confirmation Heb. 2. 4. God also bearing them witness both with signs and wonders and divers miracles and gifts of the holy Ghost according to his own will. That these Miracles were done 't is plain for the Word of God pretending to Miracles done so openly so often by and upon so many persons in the midst of cunning and malicious Adversaries who were watchful enough to have espied the deceit if there had been any if such Miracles really had never been wrought this Word and the Religion it teaches would never have been received Our Lord Jesus though the Son of God when upon Earth was humbled in the form of a Servant yet affirms himself to be the Saviour of the VVorld preaches a Doctrine contrary to Flesh and Blood tells all that will be his Disciples they must deny themselves and forsake all that is dear to them in this World whenever they are called to it for the sake of a Treasure and Kingdom in Heaven And often he appeals to his working Miracles as a Confirmation of his Doctrine that it was from Heaven Now if such Miracles had never been wrought the Imposture would have been so apparent that the Christian Faith would never have been embraced by any of common sense and understanding And 't is evident also that these Miracles were done by the power of God. Wonders indeed were wrought by the Egyptian Magicians but outvied by greater Wonders effected by Moses Gods Servant These Miracles were beyond the Power and Ability of second Causes Who could make the blind to see and the deaf to hear and the lame to walk but that God who formed the Eye
planted the Ear and curiously fashioned the other Members Who would raise the Dead but the Lord of of Life himself The Spirit further also demonstrates the Words Authority from the accomplishment of Scripture Prophesies as concerning Cyrus building of the Temple Isa 44. 28. The King of Grecia his ruining the Persian Monarchy which was verified in Alexander the Great Dan. 8. 21. The calling of the Gentiles Isa 42. 4. Zeph. 2. 11. How many false Gods do we find famished and the Lord Jehovah worshipped in the Isles of the Heathen It was also fulfill'd which our Lord spake concerning his Death that after his being lift up from the Earth he would draw all men to him which was rather likely to drive all men from him He also said he would have a Church to the end of the VVorld Mat. 28. ult and notwithstanding all that Earth and Hell can do he has had one to this very day The Spirit also shews the divine Matter of the Word the admirable consent and agreement of all its parts and the design of the whole which is to give Glory to God and to represent him as most worthy of Admiration Praise Faith Fear and Love and Service Its Precepts are so excellent and pure that if the Professors of Religion would but live according to them the World might quickly be convinced of the unreasonableness of Infidility A thorow perswasion of the Words Authority is from the Spirit and has a mighty force to startle the Conscience and awe the heart of a Sinner And to make it stoop unto God which was before rebellious 2. The Spirit causes the Word most firmly to be believed as that which is of most certain verity and truth this follows upon the former If it be the Word of God who cannot lye there is nothing false or uncertain in it Ever since Man first harkned to the Father of lies he is very prone to embrace falshood He is not to be trusted as a Guide any further than God guides him because so apt himself to err and mistake But let God be true saies the Apostle though it follows and every Man a Lyar Rom. 3. 4. God cannot be deceived because he is Omniscient and his understanding is Infinite Psal 147. 5. And he will not deceive any because he is the God of Truth Whatever has proceeded out of his Mouth its certainty is not to be doubted of Faith therefore which believes whatsoever God speaks and because he speaks is indeed the highth and very ●lower of Reason We read of a Door of Faith Act. 14. 27. They rehearsed all things that God had done with them and how he had opened the door of faith to the Gentiles The Word of God has entrance by Faith as by a Door into the Heart and Faith as a Door shuts it in then how powerful is it in working The Commands being lookt upon as indeed the Commands of God will no longer presumptuously be broken the Promises being believed ●● be the Promises of God who keeps Tru●● for ever will be embraced A firm belief of the Words truth is at the bottom of all true Conversion to God and 't is Infidelity that is the great reason of departing from him 3. The Spirit powerfully convinces the Sinner how evil a thing Sin is which the Word of God so severely and strictly forbids Sin is that which of all things in the World is most of all mistaken If it were rightly known by all not one in the World could love or like it But most are ignorant what 't is and whither it tends and securely and unconcernedly remain under its guilt and power Mens lusts are styled 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 deceitful lusts Eph. 4. 22. they seem to consult their gain and pleasure but indeed war against their Souls and yet this War is so carried on that 't is not perceived Souls are kept stupified and intoxicated till they are utterly lost and ruined 'T is the work of the Spirit to discover what Sin is He shews how contrary 't is to God how evil and provoking in the eyes of his Holiness and his Glory how contrary 't is to the Law of God which is most exexcellent all whose Precepts are most profitable and pleasant to those that love and keep them He shews likewise how contrary Sin is to Man himself It loads him with Curses of various sorts it makes every thing he has to be cursed to him It does defile debase and wound him and unless he turn from it it will for ever destroy and damn him 'T is one thing to be told of all this by Man and another to have a powerfull discovery and Conviction of all this by the Spirit He shews the Vanity of all sins excuses pretences and promises of Impunity Peace and Safety The Spirit speaks very home to the Conscience and particularly and causes the Sinner to whom he speaks to hear and heed and tremble Thou art the Man that hast offended God! Thou art the Soul that hast sinn'd and dost deserve to dye Thou art the Fool-hardy Wretch that hast engaged the Almighty to be thine Enemy Against thy ungodliness and unrighteousness in particular his wrath is certainly revealed from Heaven And how soon if thou refusest to forsake thy impious and unrighteous ways may this wrath fall upon thee and sink thee into the bottomless pit of Wo. If thou resolvest still to go on in thy trespasses thy very next step may take hold of Hell 4. The Spirit reveals Christ in the Word and draws the Sinner to him The Holy Ghost does testifie concerning the Lord Jesus Joh. 15. 26. The Spirit of truth which proceedeth from the Father he shall testifie of me And what a Glorious Testimony does he give him Christ is the summe and substance of all Supernatural Revelation All the lines both of the Old Testament and of the New do meet in this Center The design of the Old Testament was to forshew him as the Peace-maker between God and Man who was to be wounded for transgression to make his Soul an offering for Sin to bring in everlasting righteousness and to be the Author of pl●nteous and eternal Redemption and Salvation The New Testament which is the accomplishment of the Old does more fully declare Christ Here the Spirit more plainly tells us of his Godhead of his fulness of his Manhood of his Mercifulness what power he has to save what Bowels of Pity towards them that see they are lost without him And in shewing all this how does the Spirit shew himself a Comforter And as the Spirit discovers Christ so he draws the Sinner to him he causes the Word to reach the Heart and to subdue it so that the Heart gladly surrenders and freely opens to receive Jesus which before by ignorance prejudice and unbelief was very fast Bolted and Barr'd against him There can be no turning to God but as he is in Christ for how can guilty and defiled Man draw
near to the Holy and Righteous Jehovah without a Mediator And if he be considered in this Mediator there is all possible Encouragement to turn to him 5. The Spirit as by the Word he works Faith in Christ so by the same Word he causes the Sinner to yield himself to God He that was before stout-hearted and far from Righteousness now throws down his Weapons of Rebellion and submitting cries for Mercy he dares not still rush on in Sin as the Horse into the Battel he is made sensible that there is no contending with the Almighty that none ever hardned themselves against him and prosper'd Job 9. 4. Therefore he bows and yields least he be broke and ruin'd And as the Power of Gods anger makes the Sinner afraid of remaining Unconverted so he is most strongly induced to turn by the Spirits effectual discovery of Gods Alsufficiency Mercy Loving-kindness He sees plainly it can never be well with him while at a distance from God and that in Him and in his Favour is really his Life and Happiness Thus the poor Prodigal was afraid of continuing in the far Country least he should there perish for hunger and he came hom● to his Fathers house because there was bread enough and to spare Luke 15. 17. I come in the last place to the Application I begin with some Inferences that may be drawn from this Doctrine 1. If the Word of God be the great means of Conversion hence I infer that this Word is a great Priviledge The giving us the Light and Influence of the Sun and Moon and Stars is acknowleged to be the needful Bounty of the God of Heaven but the vouchsafing of the Word speaks a more peculiar favour and is a means to convey a far greater benefit In this Word of God there is a general Proclamation a Proclamation of a general pardon of all offenders against the highest Majesty and that upon the most equal terms that they prize this favour make use of his Sons mediation to obtain it and consent by Sin willingly to wrong their own Souls no more This Word carries in it a Proclamation to open the prison-doors to unloose the bonds and fetters to grant liberty unto all those that are weary of the bondage of corruption and that are willing to become the Lords Free men this Word is an Invitation to all sensible Souls that perceive they have spent their labour for that which is not bread to come for the bread of God which comes down from Heaven and which giveth life unto the World Joh. 6. 33. O the tender mercy of God in vouchsafing his Word to any When the Light of this Word shines it finds Sinners in Darkness imployed in the works of darkness hastning towards the blackness of darkness for ever and it doth give them the knowledge of Salvation by the remission of Sin and guide their feet into the way of peace Luke 1. 77 78 79. Those are glorious times indeed that is indeed a Golden age when the Word of God is heard by every ear when Labourers are many and Faithful and are hard at work for God for Christ for Souls when saving Knowledge doth fill all the corners of a Land Happy happy is that People that is in such a case if they do but rightly improve their priviledge for this Word doth direct them to walk in the Light of Gods Countenance 2. Hence I inferr how inexcusable they are that remain Vnconverted still under the Word of God which is the great Means of Conversion The Light of Nature leaves those that glorisie not God as God without excuse Rom. 1. 21. But the Light of the Word doth much more take away all Apology from them that neglect it They that are not Converted to God when they hear this Word neglect to trade with one of the choicest Talents that any of the Children of Men can be entrusted with To pass over the whole Volume and Book of Nature to take no notice of God in it though every Creature be designed as a Remembrancer of Him to pass by the works of Providence and not hereby to be brought to the Fear of and Faith in God who exerciseth loving kindness and Judgment in the Earth Nothing can be said to defend it But for a Sinner a lost Sinner a miserable Sinner that is ready every Moment to fall into Hell for this Man to hear the Gospel of Christ to have Pardon so fully and freely offered to him and yet to be deaf to the offer to refuse to turn to the Lord though hereby he will live for ever this doth argue a far more exceeding and excessive madness What can the Unconverted Sinner plead for himself that he doth not turn Can he say that he hath not been warned to flee from the wrath to come Alas the Almightys anger and indignation hath often been pealed in his ear How often hath he heard Wo to the wicked it shall be ill with him for the reward of his hands shall be given to him Isa 3 11. Can he say that he hath not been called to turn No such matter Wisdom hath cried aloud cryed vehemently How long ye simple ones will ye love simplicity and the scorners delight in their scorning and fools hate knowledge turn ye at my reproof Prov. 1. 22 23. Again can the Sinner plead that he hath not had encouragement to turn to God No no the God of Heaven the God of Truth hath solemnly protested by his own Life that he hath no pleasure in the Sinners death but had rather that he should turn and live Hear O Heaven Hearken O Earth and judge whether the Sinner that is called to turn to God and won't does not deserve to dy in his iniquities 3. If the Word of God is the great means of Conversion hence I inferr that the Removal of the VVord is a very sore Judgment How sore I wish that England may never feel by sad experience A Famine of Bread is affirmed to be worse than the Plague of Pestilence worse than the Sword of VVar though Plague and Sword are very terrible but a Famine of the VVord of God is the worst sort of Famine and it is threatned as a punishment which is an indication of far greater wrath Amos 8. 11. It shall come to pass in those days saith the Lord God that I will send a Famine in the land not a Famine of Bread nor a thirst for water but a Famine of hearing the VVord of the Lord. The Antithesis here between these two Famines doth heighten the severity of the punishment A Famine of the VVord is a punishment that is Spiritual so much the more hurtful because it reaches the Spirits of Men so much the more hurtful by how much the Soul is more precious than the Body Ay but may some one say what great harm is there if there should come such a Famine I will tell you To have the VVord of God removed it is to have
Beloved do you think that Sathan hath not carefully treas●red up all the Sermons that you have lost all the Sermons that you have slept away all the Sermons that you have remained Ignorant and stupid under Sathan hath them to produce and shew against you at the great approaching day Be unwilling that your Hearts should remain like stony ground a hard heart will hinder the Word of God from taking root Be not terrified at any Persecutions that you may meet with for the Words sake Let the fear of God swallow up the ensnaring fear of Man. Pluck up all the thorns and how many of them are in your hearts Away with your cares about the World let not these eat up the heart and time and expell the more needful care about the one thing nec●ssary Be not deceived by Earthly Riches let not these dazle your eyes with their glistering nor cause you to look with a strange eye upon the Treasures of Heaven which are everlasting In a word be not fond of your Lusts of your Pleasures any longer Sin hath kept you at a distance from God and the Children of wrath and disobedience but too long already 2. Chuse to sit under that Ministry th●● speaks most home to the Conscience and that doth manifest the most earnest desire after the Conversion of Souls Those that are instructed from Heaven rightly to wield the sword of the Spirit so that it shall pierce the heart and as it were di●●ect the Soul and make the secrets of ●● manifest really their pains are very much to be prized and it were to be wisht that the voice of such could reach the ears of thousands and of millions because these Preachers are bound for Heaven themselves and it is their desire and design that great multitudes may go along with them thither 3. Be glad of and take the watchmans warning believe and tremble at the Sword of God that is coming to wound to slay all those that go on still in their trespasses Psal 68. 21. Destruction from the Almighty in which the Power of God is to be manifest in the glory of it must needs be exceeding terrible settle it upon your hearts that every Sin doth anger God Flee from Sin you must or escape his wrath you cannot As certainly as God is holy just ●●● true so certainly none but those that are holy shall be happy in and with him so certainly all that refuse to turn to him ●hall be Sentenced to depart for ever from ●im into everlasting burnings Your Blood will not lye upon my head I have told ●ou of the Sword that is a coming I ●ave given the watchmans warning if ●ou love God if you love your selves take ●● 4. Hear God himself speaking by the Mi●istry of Man if you would have the Word ●ffectual to your Conversion Alas the word ●f Man is but feeble breath but the Word ●f God can raise the dead John 5. 25. Ve●ily verily I say to you the hour is com●●g and now is when the dead shall hear the ●oice of the Son of God and they that hear ●all live It is not Man mistake not It ●● not Man but God that telleth you that ●e Soul that sinneth shall dye It is not Man but God that tells you if you turn ●● him he will turn to you and he will ●ecome a God and Father to you and you ●●ough never so much strangers though ●ver so great enemies shall become the ●●ns and Daughters of the Lord Almighty Cor. 6. ult These Gospel invitations these ●ospel Promises ought to be heeded ought ●● be credited as if God had utter'd them with an audible Voice from Mount Sion as he did the Law of old from Mount Sinai Friend where are you You are before God who is speaking to you You are taking notice of the man Pray look further God speaks to you by the Tongue of a mortal Man. In hearing the Word remember that you have to do with God and how dare you refuse to turn to him 5. Lastly Would you have the Word effectual unto your Conversion Pray that God would open your Hearts to attend to what is spoken We read of Lydia that her Heart was opened Naturally it was shut and it would have remained shut still notwithstanding all the skill and Endeavours of the Minister The Text plainly tells us that it was the Lord that did open the heart of Lydia Acts 16. 14. And as the Lord did open hers so it is the Lord alone that can open yours Upon the hearing of this one should sigh and say Lord open mine Another should groan and say Lord open mine And a third should burst out into tears and say Lord open mine And this should be the general request of all That God would immediately open the Hearts of all and if once your hearts are opened then the Word of God will enter and the Spirit of Grace will enter and all will turn to God that are before him Thus have I finished the third Doctrine that I raised from the Text That the Word of God is the great means of Conversion Doct. 4. I come to the fourth and last Doctrine that I raised from the words and that is this That in the VVord of God which is the means of Conversion there is a Perfection and Sufficiency The Law of the Lord is perfect Converting the Soul I wish that the Power of this Word upon your Hearts and Consciences this day may be a sensible Demonstration of this Words perfection There are several properties of this Word that do commend it and render it much more desirable than all the Worldly wealth and greatness that the Children of Men do so much admire It is of Heavenly Original it is true it is necessary it is pure it is powerful it is perspicuous and plain and among other properties of the Word this is one it is perfect The Law of the Lord is perfect converting the Soul The Hebrew word signifies pure without mixture whole and compleat having nothing wanting There is no defect in this Word of God of any thing that ought to be there and it cannot be charged with any thing that ought not to be there or that doth unbecome that God whose Word it is In the handling of this Doctrine I shall proceed in this Method 1. I shall shew you in what sence the Word of God is perfect And 2. By Arguments I shall prove the Perfection and Sufficiency of the Word of God. 3. I shall give you the Reasons why the Perfection and Sufficiency of the Word of God is mentioned when Conversion is spoken of And then in the last place I shall conclude with the Application 1. I am to state this Perfection of the Word of God and to shew you in what sence the Word of God is perfect By his Word you are to understand that which is contained in the Scriptures of the Old and New Testament the Penmen of these Scriptures
were the Amanuenses of the Spirit and whatever they wrote they wrote what was by him dictated Holy Men of God spake as they were moved by the Holy Ghost 2 Pet. 1. ult And they have given us a Testimony of the Will of God upon record a full and compleat Declaration of his Mind Now concerning this Perfection of the Word of God I shall speak 1. By way of Negation 2. By way of Position 1. I am to speak by way of Negation and that in these following particulars 1. You must not understand that the Word is so perfect as that by it self without the concurrence of the Spirit it can give either Grace or Life to any The most saithful and skilful Preachers of the Word as to success have many times laboured in vain That Evangelical Prophet Isaiah who spake so much and so plainly concerning Christ you have him crying out Lord who hath believed our report Isa 53. 1. Weeping Jeremiah you may hear him complaining after this manner Jer. 6. 10. To whom shall I speak and give warning that they may hear Behold their ears are uncircumcised and they can't hearken the Word of the Lord is a reproach to them and they have no delight in it The Word of God in the mouth of the Apostle Paul that great Preacher of the Gospel it found ay and it left many a hearer in their Infidelity The hearers of the Apostle Paul it is said that divers of them believed not Acts 28. 24. Nay our Lord Jesus Christ himself the Prince of Preachers the greatest that ever was that ever will be he thunders out a Wo against Corazin and Bethsaida and Capernaum because the Word that sounded from his lips did not perswade them unto Repentance So that the Word alone is not so perfect as to give Grace as to give Life to any There is need that the Spirit of God should work along with it until He doth open the eyes of the understanding the Soul still remains under darkness till he doth renew the Heart the Will will never yield nor submit to God till he doth put the Laws of God in the mind and write them in the Heart they will never be believed they will never be liked nor obeyed 2. You must not think that the Word is so perfect as to give a knowledge here on Earth as is equal to the knowledge that is in Heaven The Apostle Paul himself professes we know but in part and we prophesie in part but when that which is perfect is come then that which is in part shall be done away 1 Cor. 13. 9. And in 12. ver of the same Chapter he says We see through a glass darkly The Greek word it is remarkable We see through a Glass in a Riddle 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 Truly Heaven is but a Riddle at present unto the best of Saints here on Earth They are no more able to comprehend the joys the Glory that is there they are no more able to comprehend what it is to see God face to face than an Infant in the womb can imagine what Light is than an Infant in the womb can comprehend what Philosophy is or the mysteries of State policy here is no Theologia meridiana visionis perfect day here is no beatifical vision I grant indeed the Saints are sometimes brought into the Suburbs of Heaven and when they are there Oh! what do they see They see and tast that in God that does make the greatest sweetness of earthly Enjoyments despicable and that doth obscure all Worldly Glory but yet the Suburbs are not the Heavenly City but infinitely below it Hark to the Apostle 1 John 3. 2. Beloved now are we the Sons of God and it doth not yet appear what we shall be but we know that when he shall appear we shall be like him for we shall see him as he is Wicked Men think nothing of what the Saints shall be and truly the Saints themselves when their minds are most elevated and raised and enabled to to see most they apprehend but little what themselves shall be hereafter That Glory is too great a thing for such minds as ours at present to take in It hath not entred into the Heart of Man to conceive what God hath prepared for them that love him 1 Cor. 2. 9. 3. You must not think that the VVord is so perfect as that the hearing of that is enough and is to exclude all other Ordinances Indeed those Ceremonial Ordinances that were imposed only for a time that are called Carnal and that were to last only till the evangelical Reformation as the Apostle speaks Heb. 9. 10. these Ceremonial Ordinances are abolished under the Gospel Administration Col. 2. 20 21. If you be dead with Christ from the rudiments of the World why as though living in the World are ye subject to Ordinances touch not tast not handle not which all are to perish with the useing after the Commandments and doctrines of Men. But though these Ceremonial Ordinances are abolished there are other Ordinances that God hath Instituted that are still standing and will remain and be in force till our Lords second coming These Ordinances have a warrant from this perfect Word it self and there is a Promise made of a divine special powerful gracious presence with them As you are to have an Ear to hear the VVord so you are to have a Tongue to pray to God and praise him and your Hearts and Tongues should joyn together in supplications and thanksgivings Ay and you are to have an Eye to behold the Seals of the Covenant that so your Hearts may be more affected and your Faith by things sensible may be strengthned in God who hath made and confirmed this Covenant and will keep it everlastingly Zachary and Elizabeth were a noble Pair indeed excellent patterns of uprightness before God for they walked in all the Commands and in all the Ordinances of the Lord blameless Luke 1. 6. It is a great Affront unto the Authority of Christ the Law-giver when we shall give our selves a Dispensation as to some Ordinances that he hath appointed There is no Ordinance of God to be neglected and I am sure if any of the Ordinances are neglected through the prevalency of Temptation the inward Man by its weakness and by its trouble will quickly find the want of these Ordinances O! prize the Ordinances of God that you may still enjoy them these are the vehicles of Grace Spiritual strength and spiritual comforts are conveyed in the use of them And those that are the most experienced Saints do perceive most reason to esteem them 4. You must not think that the explaining of the Scripture by it self is excluded by the perfection of it but rather included Expounding of Scripture is not an Argument of Scriptures imperfection for Scripture if rightly expounded is expounded by it self To impose that as Gods which is none of his to say this and that is the mind of God
Messias and in hearing the Gospel from his Mouth Matth. 13. 17. Many Prophets and righteous men of old desired to see the things which ye see and have not seen them and to hear the things which ye hear and have not heard them Indeed that Light that did shine in the days of Moses was a perfect Light in a sence that is it was a Light converting and saving those that did receive it and that did walk according to it but yet you must understand that since the Sun of righteousness is actually risen there is a greater light that shines now than ever shined before since the Fall of Man. Those things that were hid from Ages and Generations are revealed by the Gospel That vail that was upon the face of Moses signifying the obscurity of the Mosaick Dispensation that vail is done away in Christ 2 Cor. 3. 12 13. And in this Word consisting of the Old and New Testament the Lord Jesus Christ is set forth before you all as full of Grace and Truth and as the only Hope of Glory Understand your Priviledge it is such a Priviledge that you enjoy this day that was not afforded to the World till it was about four thousand years old 4. The Word of God is so perfect that a further Revelation is needless and not to be expected That Faith that was once delivered unto the Saints it is to be held fast by Saints in all subsequent Ages That you earnestly contend saith the Apostle Jude ver 3. of his Epistle for the Faith which was once delivered to the Saints This Doctrine of Faith ought to be held fast and it is a compleat Doctrine Let this go and really you are without God without Christ without well grounded hopes of Heaven Look into the Second Epistle of John ver 9. Whosoever transgresseth and abideth not in the Doctrine of Christ hath not God he that abideth in the Doctrine of Christ he hath both the Father and the Son. This Word that you find in the Bible containing the Old Testament and the New doth deliver all to you that God requires you to believe in order to your Salvation and nothing is to be received as an Article of Faith but what the written Word of God doth propound to you And as it informs concerning mysteries of Faith so concerning Duties that are to be practised and ●he Rule is so compleat that whosoever walk according to it Peace and Mercy shall ●e upon him Gal. 6. 16. In the Word of God are the Credenda Agenda Petenda Truths to be Believed Commands to be Obeyed and Blessings to be Desired Ni●il debet addi verbo quoad quantitatem nihil ●eprehendi quoad qualitatem Nothing is to ●e added as to quantity nothing to be ●eprehended or found fault with as to ●uality We are not to look for a further Re●elation from Heaven it self If an Angel ●om Heaven should preach another Gospel ●e were bound to conclude he were turned Apostate from the Truth and were to call ●im accursed Gal. 1. 8. To talk of Evan●elium Spiritus the Gospel of the Spirit which is to justle out the Gospel of Christ and the Ordinances of it is to talk of a pernicious delusion The true Spirit glorifies Christ inspired the Apostles infallibly to deliver the Doctrine and Ordinances of the Gospel Therefore says the Apostle John 1 Joh. 4. 6. He that knoweth God heareth us he that is not of God heareth not us hereby know we the Spirit of Truth and the Spirit of Errour The Ceremonial Law was abrogated the Jewish Church State was shaken and broken but the Gospel Church-state is to remain unalterable unto the very end of the World Heb. 12. 27. and shall continue in despight of all Enemies and Opposition 5. The Word of God is so perfect as t● bring Man home to God though by Si● and Unbelief he is departed and run fa● away from Him. God calls in his Word to this very end that Man might hear an● turn to Him. And as to thousands an● millions of Souls this Word has a prob●tum est Testimony that it has been trie● and found an effectual means of Conversion If we were caught up to the thir● Heaven and could converse with the glorified Spirits of the Just they would as knowledge they were redeemed unto God 〈◊〉 the Blood of Christ and that they we● drawn to Christ by the Word of the Gospel while they were hearing this the Spirit entred into them and made them true believing Converts How many whose case seemed desperate has this Word been a means to cure Although the Miracles in Nature are ceased which were necessary at first that the Gospel might take root in the World yet Miracles of Grace are still produced The Spiritually Blind are made to see the things that concern their Peace The Spiritually Deaf are made to hear the Voice of the Lord Jesus The Spiritually Lame are made to walk nay to run the ways of Gods Commandments Nay the Dead in Sin are made to rise with Christ and to live to Righteousness How perfect is the Word which Works such notable effects as these Christ tells his Disciples whom he had impower'd to work Miracles that in time they should do greater works than those Joh. 14. 12. By these greater Works Origen and the Fathers understand the Conversion of Kingdoms and Nations to the Christian Faith to the true and living God. To raise a World that had been so long dead in wickedness to cast Sathan in so many places out of his Temples and ●hrow down his Worship to bring those Souls to the Knowledge and Love of God. that were so grosly ignorant and utterly estranged from him this was a wonderful work indeed Those that are far from God shall perish Psal 73. 27. to be brought near to Him is good for 't is to be secured from ruine and to have the Lord to be our God and Blessedness that 's a perfect Word indeed which brings us home to Him. 6. The Word is so perfect that it directs us how to walk with God and to keep our selves in his Love. To obtain the favour of God is much to continue in his favour is more desirable The Word both brings and keeps man near to God This Word does very much press Perseverance and shews the way how we may continue in well doing to the end It requires us to be stedfast unmoveable and always to abound in the Work of the Lord 1 Cor. 15. 58. It bids us to look to our selves that we los● not the things we have wrought that we may receive a full reward 2 Joh. v. 8. It commands us to hold fast that which we have that no man take our Crown Rev. 3. 11. The Apostle propounds himself as an example to be followed and tells us Phil. 3. 13. 14. This one thing I do forgetting the things that are behind and reaching forth to those things that are before I press towards the mark
not corrupt themselves Moses knew how prone the Children of Israel were to do thus therefore he wrote the Words of the Law in a Book that they might be a witness against them and hinder their growing stiff-necked and rebellious against the Lord Deut. 31. 24 26 27. Finally the Word was written that Religion it self might not be corrupted nor that go under Gods name which is none of his Were it not for the Holy Scriptures how easily might falshoods and fables and humane inventions be imposed upon us and called the Mind of Christ by men of corrupt minds and dostitute of the Truth Now certainly the Lord has caused so much to be written that may be sufficient to attain his end in writing and if so then it follows that all Doctrines of Faith and Precepts both for the ordering of our Hearts and Lives are sufficiently declared in the Scripture If the Scripture is given to prevent Corruption in Religion the Scripture is perfect that that Corruption may be prevented If we should suppose part of the Doctrines and Precepts of the Gospel never to have been written why was less care taken of these than of the other How easily would these be forgotten and corrupted and how could we be satisfied in their being truly and sincerely conveyed to us 3. Adding to the VVord of God is most severeby forbidden therefore the VVord is perfect Prov. 30. 6. Add thou not unto his VVord least he reprove thee and thou be found a liar Those that are thus presumptuous to add are liars and therefore not to be believed by others and they have reason to be afraid themselves for the Reproof and Rebukes of the Almighty are terrible To instamp the Kings Head upon counterfeit Coyn is no less than Treason VVhen Doctrines and Ceremonies which make gain to be godliness and are inventions of Men shall have Divinity stampt upon them and pretend to be from Heaven this is a daring Treason against the highest Potentate the great Lawgiver who has Power to save and to destroy In the last book of Canonical Scripture just at the close plagues are threatned to be added to any man who shall add thereto and he that shall take away from it God says he will take away his part out of the Book of Life Rev. 22. 18 19. 4. It is another proof of the VVords perfection that all Spirits are to be tried by it Satan himself can transform himself into ●● Angel of light and his Ministers can look like the Ministers of Righteousness There is great need then of Caution 1 Joh. 4. 1. Beloved believe not every Spirit but try the Spirits whether they are of God. Now 't is the VVord they are to be tried by The Spirit of Truth and this VVord always agree 't is not a subjecting the Holy Ghost to the Scripture when we observe the agreement between his Instructions his Motions and the Scripture but we follow his own Direction in the case It would not be a subjecting a Prince unto those general Instructions which he himself has given whereby his mind might be known but to examine messages even from the Prince by those Instructions would be VVisdom and Obedience in the Subject The Spirit of errour and falshood may seem to agree with the VVord but if the VVord be diligently heeded the difference will be apparent If the VVord were not perfect but much of the Mind of God were really unwritten the written VVord would be insufficient to be a trial and standard of right Doctrine and it would not have been said To the Law and to the Testimony if they spe●● not according to this VVord it is because there is no light in them Isa 8. 20. 5. The Word of God is perfect for wisdom to eternal Salvation is derived from it Indeed the Wisdom is from the Father of Lights but the written Word is the Means of conveying it 2 Tim. 3. 14 15. But continue thou in the things which thou hast learned and hast been assured of knowing of whom thou hast learned them And that from a child thou hast known the holy Scriptures which are able to make thee wise unto Salvation through faith which is in Christ Jesus What the Apostles taught was committed to writing the great Doctrine of Faith in Christ Jesus is here mention'd and this written Word must needs be perfect which was able to make those that received it wise unto Salvation The Wisdom in the Gospel is so accounted by them that are perfect for this VVisdom excells the policy of Princes that come to nought and is ordained unto the Glory of Believers 1 Cor. 2. 6 7. Howbeit we speak wisdom among them that are perfect yet not the wisdom of this World nor of the princes of this World which come to nought but we speak the wisdom of God in a mystery even the hidden wisdom which God ordained before the VVorld to our Glory 6. The Effect of the VVord of God proves its perfection for it makes us perfect throughly furnished unto all good works here is right Doctrine to inform the Judgment of what is true here is reproof and conviction of what is errour and falshood Here is correction for miscarriages in practice and instruction in the way of righteousness 2 Tim. 3. 16 17. All Scripture is given by Inspiration of God and is profitable for doctrine for reproof for correction for instruction in righteousness That the Man of God may be perfect throughly furnished unto all good works If by the Man of God you mean the godly Man the Scriptures Perfection is evident in being a Means so throughly to furnish him with Light and Grace to do all the good works his Lord requires If by the Man of God you understand the Minister of Christ the Perfection of the Scripture is the more evident For those that are called Stars in Christs hand Angels of the Churches Labourers in the Lords Vineyard may from the written word be throughly furnished both to teach and to do what is required to save themselves and those that hear them In the third place I am to give you the Reasons why the Perfection of the Word is mentioned when Conversion is spoken of 1. To intimate the Imperfection of the Light of Nature This Light discovers many things and to do those things which are contrary to the Light of Nature is to do very wickedly but can it be said that this Light of Nature is perfect working Grace and converting the Soul The Heathens that had onely this Light and were without Supernatural Revelation did speak several things excellently concerning God they had a Notion of another World of the Souls Immortality and of Rewards and Punishments hereafter and they give remarkable Counsels as to Wisdom and Folly Vice and Vertue But those of them that had the greatest Parts and Learning the sharpest and most piercing eyes to see most they saw nothing of God manifested in the Flesh they understood nothing
of Redemption by Price of Gods purchasing his Church with his own Blood Act. 20. 28. The Light of Nature is insufficient to shew the way to Heaven How God will deal with these Heathens 't is hard to determine Zuinglius indeed asserts That when we come to Heaven we shall see utrumque Adamum Redemptum Redemptorem both the Adams the Redeemer and him that was redeemed the Prophets the Apostles And then he adds That Aristides the Cato's and the Scipio's and such vertuous Men among the Heathen will be found in Heaven also Calvin calls this pr●●posterum misericordiam a preposterous Mercy because the Apostle tells us those who have sinn'd without Law shall also perish without Law Rom. 2. 12. What is to be said in this case To affirm that any of them are saved who never heard of a Saviour is to affirm what is hard to prove to say that they are all damned will be a bold Sentence The Apostle tells us that those who are without God judges 1 Cor. 5. 13. and to Gods Judgment we must leave them 2. The Perfection of the Word is mentioned in the work of Conversion to shew that the Works of God do need his Words exposition upon them 'T is the Word which rightly discovers God in the Works of Creation Heb. 11. 3. Through Faith we understand that the Worlds were framed by the Word of God so that things which are seen were not made of things which do appear The Scripture shews how the Lord is the Alpha and the Omega The whole Volume of Nature would signifie little to Man were it not for the Scriptures commentary upon it the Beginning and the End of all things that per scala●● creaturarum by the Ladder of the Creatures we may ascend unto the Gracions and Alsufficient Creator The Word expound● the Works of Providence it puts such a Language into Mercies that these Demonstrations of divine goodness lead unto Repentance And the Word makes the Rod to utter such a voice that the Vncircumcised heart is humbled the Sinner accepts of the punishment of his Iniquity Lev. 26. 41. and turns unto that God that smites him 3. The Perfection of the Word is mentioned in the Work of Conversion that Sinners may use and value the Word as a Means sufficient He that is sick of the Plague how willingly does he use a Remedy that is sufficient for the cure of the Pestilence and which has cured thousands and that never failed to heal any that would but take it Never was there a Plague in the World so universal so contagious so deadly as Sin is O all ye sinful diseased and lost Souls hear and with all seriousness apply the Word of God that ye may be healed and that being healed ye may live and not dye for ever The remedy is perfect it certainly works for life if it be but received he that believes and yields subjection to the Gospel shall be saved Mar. 16. 16. I confess the refusing of the remedy will highten the disease and make the death more dreadful He that believes not shall receive the greater damnation 4. The Perfection of the Word is mentioned in the work of Conversion that the Preachers of the Word may be encouraged Were this Word a weak imperfect thing the Dispencers of it would have the less heart to labour but they have no reason to be ashamed or discouraged but to glory in the Gospel of Christ since 't is the Power of God to Salvation And let him be Jew or Gentile high or low a less Sinner or the greatest if he receives the Word with Faith the Preachers pains will be to good purpose The Apostle insults over all the VVisdom of this VVorld as that which is poor and foolish and helpless as to a better World 1 Cor. 1. 20. Where is the wise where is the Scribe where is the disputer of this world The Jewish Synagogue where Moses was trusted in and Christ rejected the Greek Academy could neither of them shew the way of Salvation hath not God made foolish the VVisdom of this VVorld But then he magnifies the Word of God that reveals Christ Jesus because herein the Power and VVisdom of God were savingly made manifest 1 Cor. 1. 23 24. VVe preach Christ crucified to the Jews a stumbling-block and unto the Greeks foolishness but unto them that are called both Jews and Greeks Christ the power of God and the wisdom of God. 5. The Perfection of the Word is mentioned in the Work of Conversion that Saints may still be improving it unto a further turning Where 's the Convert in whom and for whom the Word of God has wrought so much that it can work no more You that have most experienced its power and goodness may still feel a further efficacy The Word is perfect and you should be pressing forward to be perfected by it still your Light should grow clearer your Faith stronger your love more abundant and patience should have a more perfect work in you that you may be perfect and entire wanting nothing Jam. 1. 4. Still you should be more low in your own sight the Grace of Christ more glorious in your eyes the World should be more under your feet and Heaven be the matter of your thoughts and hopes and joy You that are weak should resemble David you that are strong as David should be like the Angels of God aspiring unto not only Evangelical but an Angelical and heavenly Perfection I come in the last place to the Application The Uses are these following VSE I. Of Caution The Perfection of the Word of God should make you 1. To take heed of that Enthusiastick Spirit that pretends not to need this VVord That Light within which makes the Light of the VVord to be contemned is certainly Darkness and if the Light within you be darkness how great is that darkness Mat. 6. 23. Solomon tells us plainly that the Commandment is a Lamp and the Law is Light and the reproofs of instruction are the way of Life Prov. 6. 23. You will miss the way of Life unless this Light be followed He is most unreasonably wise in his own eyes who imagines he knows so much that God himself by his Word can teach him no more the truth is he knows nothing as he ought to know his Knowledg is but a delusive dream his ignorance real and destructive Heed not but resist the Spirit that injects undervaluing thoughts of the Word of God for that cannot be the true Spirit which did endite it If once you reject the VVord of the Lord alas what understanding is in you Jer. 1. 9. The grossest and most damnable errours will impose upon you as truths the most carnal licentiousness which is the bondage of corruption will call it self Christian liberty Sins will be made no Sins and Duties no Duties you will allow your selves in the omission of Gods Ordinances as things below Saints of so high a Stature as
But when Sinners have sinn'd away the day of Grace and ended all their days on Earth and by their final Impenitency brought themselves to Hell then the same Chains are clapt on them in which the Reprobate Angelsly fetter'd and Christ will no more save them than these Oh dreadful to lose all hope in Jesus never to be called to come to him more Astonishingly fearful to be in a place where the glad tidings of the Gospel are never heard where the Spirit never strives and where the Redeemer never stretches forth an hand to save 4. They in Hell are deprived of the glory of the new Jerusalem 'T is a mighty loss to lose such a weighty thing as a far more exceeding and eternal weight of Glory 2 Cor. 4. 17. Suppose a Rich Man worth Millions should break and not be worth a Farthing suppose all the Kings and Emperors breathing should lose their Crowns in one day this would be but a petty Loss compared with the loss of a Crown of Life In Heaven there is such a Crown and the Damned might have had it if they had but valued it but alas that Crown they must never wear In Heaven there is a Kingdom where they in Hell must never reign When they see what they have lose and how foolishly wilfully and for the s●ke of what poor things they lost it how will they be fill'd with Heart●earing vexation and be quite over whelmed with sorrow Luk. 13. 28. There shall be weeping and gnashing of ●eeth when ye shall see Abraham and Isaac and Jacob and all the Prophets in the Kingdom of Heaven and you your selves thrust out 2. As in Hell there is a Deprivation of good so there is an Infliction of evil pain and torment 1. There is in Hell great torment in the Conscience A wounded Conscience in this World has been found intolerable Spira he signifies that Racks Gibbets Flames of Martyrdom were nothing to what he felt and in a Pang of Despair attempts Self-murthering but being hindred he breaks out into Blasphemy I wish I were above God for I know he will not have Mercy on me here was Hells language in his Mouth and much of Hell-torment in his Heart Judas his Conscience was wounded could he bear it No he becomes his own Executioner with his own hand ends his Life and sends his Soul to his appointed place And yet the torment of Conscience in this World is but the Praludium the beginning of sorrows Every Conscience in Hell will be thoroughly awake and keep it self for ever waking it will be exactly sensible not a Sin that has been Committed all the life-time but will have made a Wound in the Conscience and not a Wound but will be intolerably smarting without hope of any ease Conscience will be in a perpetual Agony in this Agony 't will rage and raging it will reproach the Damned It will tell them of their presumptuous sinning of their rejecting Christ their neglecting great Salvation and how all its cheeking of them was in vain And now 't is incurably wounded it can never be quiet but they shall always find it a tormented a tormenting Fury within th●● 2. There is in Hell not only torment i● th● Conscience but also torment in the Mind and Heart What rueful thoughts will posses● their Minds whatever they think of will be torturing a pleasing a delightful thought can never enter into them more If they think of Sin it will be bitter to consider how they have been deceived and ruin'd by it If they think of their present Misery and the remedilesness of it and that themselves had the greatest hand in bringing themselves into it these thoughts like daggers must needs pierce their Souls If they think of God Oh how will they be troubled how will his Justice Jealousie Fury Holiness Truth irresistible Power and Vnchangableness terrifie them Thoughts on Earth were their Sins and Thoughts in Hell will be their Racks and Sorrows their Hearts will always be brim full of Grief Shame and Confusion of face will add to their Misery when all their wickedness shall be known to all which will make the justness of their Punishment evident And how will they be tormented with Anger at the very heart and Indignation against themselves because though the Devil was their great Enemy yet they themselves were far greater Enemies to themselves than he 3. There will in Hell be torment in Sinners Memories I wish that none of you that hear me this day may in that place of Woe remember the Warning now given you to your Confusion because you would not take it heark what was said Luk. 16. 25. Son remember thou in thy life-time receivedst thy good things and Lazarus evil things but now he is comforted and thou art tormented Really the remembrance of what he had what he was and what he did on Earth was in Hell very tormenting to this wretched Rich Man. The Damned there will remember their delicious Fare and how sensual and bruitish they were in pleasing of their Appetites they will remember the time they spent in Adorning of themselves taking much Pains to dress and trick the Carkass but no Pains at all to purge the Heart they will remember their Feasts their Mirth their carnal Jollity which quite stupified their Hearts and banished all thoughts and care about another World and Eternity they will remember all the Mercies they enjoyed which they did nothing but abuse to their own harm as well as to the dishonour of that God who gave them Above all they will remember what Pains were taken to have prevented their Destruction The Lord was unwilling they should Perish but Death was that which themselves preferr'd before Life Oh how long did Christ come Sabbath after Sabbath and knock at the door but they would not open How often did the Spirit strive with them to stop them in Hells road and to turn them into the way of Peace but they were stiff-necked and always resisted the Holy Ghost They will remember their Preachers Pains and Prayers and labour and travel of Soul how they lifted up their Voices to awaken them out of their Sin and Security how they intreated them to be reconciled to God and to turn into the safe and blessed Paths of Righteousness but they were Deaf and obstinate nothing would prevail with them and the remembrance of all this will be bitter 〈◊〉 bitter to them 4. In Hell there will be torment in the Body and the Members of it and such as no body ever felt or was capable of bearing here on Earth The Stone the Cholick and the Strangury the greatest Torture that ever the hand of Man inflicted are no more comparable to the Pains of Hell than the smallest Prick of a Pin is to a Dagger that strikes quite through and gives the Heart a deadly Wound The Senses of the Damned shall have that which will be exceedingly afflicting What woful Spectacles will their Eyes behold
't is no longer loved 'T is a Sign of malice towards our Neighbour if we are glad to hear all the Evil that is spoken of him and all the Reproach that is cast upon him 'T is a Sign of hatred to Sin when we like to have it discovered when we like that its deceitful and damnable Nature should be represented and the falsness foulness and filthiness of it should be laid open and naked Sin is so great an Evil that there cannot be too much Evil spoken of it 't is so great an Enemy that you can never too faithfully and plainly be warned against it 3. Do you apprehend your greatest danger to be from your Master Sin and therefore continually endeavour the Mortification of it The King of Syria give this Commission to his Army Fight neither against small nor great save onely with the King of Israel What were all besides to be spared No certainly many Israelites fell in the battel But there was a principal design to take at least if not to cut off the King of Israel All Sin deserves thy hatred no Sin is so small an Enemy as that thou mayest safely spare it But the Master Sin is the chief foe therefore its destruction should chiefly be designed That Man that is an Enemy to his Master Sin desires it may be still weakned by all means Oh! saith he that every Mercy may help to kill it leading me to Repentance for it That every stroke of the Rod may help to strike it more dead that every Sermon may give this Sin a blow that by every Prayer I may obtain more strength against it That every time I come to the Table of the Lord this Sin may be in a greater measure Crucified VSE II of Exhortation And of this there are two Branches I shall speak to Sinners that are under the full Fower of their Master Sin. Then I shall speak to Saints in whom there are too great remainders of it 1. I am to speak to Sinners who are under the full Power of their Master Sin. It is storied concerning Agrippina the Mother of Nero Caesar that it was told her by an Oracle that her Son should be Emperour of Rome but afterwards should kill his own Mother Agrippina replies Occidat mode imperet Let him kill me so he does but reign O 't is the Language of all presumptuous Sinners concerning their Master Lusts Let them but reign no matter though they are our Damnation and Destruction But what do you see in Sin or in its Wages that any of you should be thus fond of its Service What good reason can be given why Sin should have one slave in this whole Congregation or in the whole World I 〈…〉 stly exhort you to lay aside every weight but especially the Sin 〈…〉 t does most easily beset you Arguments to perswade are these 1. Consider the Master Sin is the strongest hold of Satan While Sin keeps up its Dominion Satan holds fast his Possession This Sin is your most deadly disease and the strongest Cord in which the Devil binds you and leads you Captive at his Pleasure 2. The Master Sin is the great hindrance of the efficacy of the means of Grace This makes the Preachers pains lost labour this makes Mercies and Afflictions to be lost upon you this makes you to lose all the duties you perform 3. This Master Sin is not without its Train A great Person especially a Crown'd Head is not without a great many that attend him A Master Sin has a great Attendance Many lusts are subservient to this Main one that the greater and more plentiful Provision may be made for the fulfilling it How great is thy danger who hast so many Enemies lodging in thee and lording it over thee 4. Suppose this Master Sin were alone this were enough to ruine thee If a Pistol is discharged at the Heart and a small Bullet enter there it kills as certainly as if there were a thousand Cannons discharged at a man at once One Sin suffered to rule in thy Heart is sufficient were there no more effectually and eternally to ruine thee 5. The Master Sin wars against thy Soul most dangerously and wounds most deeply And after it has ruined thee Oh with what anguish will it be reflected on in the lowest Hell This will be there thy heaviest load Thou wilt remember how deaf thou wer● to all Counsel to cast it away and how great thy madness was i● taking most pleasure in that which proves the cause of the greatest even ever●asting Sorrow and Vexation Oh be so wise as to change your old Master Sin and let Christ become your Lord. 2. I am to speak to Saints in whom there are too great remainders of the Sin that was once their Master I exhort you more essectually and throughly to mortifie it Pray consider 1. If this Sin does frequently prevail it will keep you very low in Grace Faith will be weak Hope will be dampt Love will be cool and the whole inward Man will wofully languish 2. As you will be weak in Grace so will be low in Comfort When Temptations are yielded to Conscience will be disquieted Peace will be disturbed Th● Pride thy Passion thy carnal Affections prevailing will make thy Heart too much like the troubled Sea when it ca 〈…〉 rest whose waters cast forth mire and dirt Isa 57. 〈◊〉 3. T 〈…〉 lency of this easily besetting Sin will hinder you from being so 〈…〉 le to your great and gracious Lord. It will make his work to 〈…〉 glected and when done to be done too negligently sorry Servants you will be and very sorry your services will be The more sanctified you are the fitter you are for your Masters use 2 Tim. 2 21. but Sin makes you unmeet and more unable and unwilling to serve him 4. This Sin will make you to shine less in your lives 't wil fully your Conversations and hinder you from adorning the Gospel Oh keep unspotted and walk exactly as in the day that you may be blameless and harmless the Children of God without rebuke in the midst of a crooked and perverse Nation and that you may shine as Lights in the World Phil. 2. 15. 5. This Sin may cause you to set in a Cloud It may fill you with doubts when you are dying and that will be very dreadful You may be terribly frighted with the fears of Hell when you are just at Heavens gate Be therefore upright keep your selves from the iniquity that does most easily beset you that you may be more useful in your lives have the stronger and more lively hope in Death and that your End when it comes may be more perfect Peace VSE III. Of Direction How the Sin which does most easily beset you may be laid aside 1. Pray for a clean Heart Psal 51. 10. David having been overcome by a strong Corruption and done a Deed that was very foul cryes for a purer Heart a more right and constant Spirit he knew that to purge the Fountain was the way to have the strea●s clean Go unto God for a new Heart which he has promised and will give to all who prize and desire such an Heart S●rike at the root of Sin in the Heart then the branches and this top branch the Master-sin will wither 2. Seriously ●●●●o Heart how much the Sin that na●●●a●ly is 〈◊〉 beloved does deser●●●●ur hatred Hated Sin is so ●eak that it can ruine none 't is the love of Sin that gives it power and as it were puts a Sword into its hand to flay you 3. Resist the very first stirrings of this Sin in you I believe if David as soon as ever he beheld from his Palace the beauteous Bathsheba had presently turn'd away his eyes and had fallen upon his knees and gone to Prayer he had overcome the Temptation Sin is more weak at the beginning Our Lords Counsel is Watch and Pray that ye enter not into temptation Mat. ●● 41. 4. If you would abandon the Master-sin Pray much for the contrary Grace Is Pride thy Master-sin Pray much for Humility Is Passion thy Master-sin Pray much for Patience ●●● for the Meekness and Gentleness of Christ Is Love to the 〈◊〉 thy Master-sin Pray that thou may'st rise with Christ 〈◊〉 ●ve and mind a better World better Honours better Plea 〈…〉 a more lasting Wealth than this World can yield 5 Let the Word of God which does forbid and threaten this Master-sin be carefully hid in your Heart This Word may be in thy Mo●th thou mayest talk of it it may be in thy Mind thou may'st have a notional Knowledge of it Nay it may go further and be in thy Conscience and be thought of in the very act of Sin. But if it be in thy Heart if thy Will and Affections are taken with it then it will be an effectual Preservative against Iniquity Psal 119. 11. Thy Word have I hid in my Heart that I might not sin against thee 6. Improve the Death of our Lord Jesus Bring the Sin which does so easily beset you to the Cross of Christ No Sin truly dyes but upon Christs Cross Gal 5. 24. They that are Christs have Crucified the flesh with the affections and lusts these are never Mortified but by being Crucified How can the old Adam dye but upon the Cross of the second Adam Rom. 6. 6. Knowing this that our old man is Crucified with him that the body of sin might be destroyed that henceforth we should not ser●e sin 7. Call in the Spirits aid He can make the Word sharp as a two-edged Sword to pierce the Heart and to slay the strongest Sin there He glorifies Christ and can draw you to him and enable you by Faith to derive Grace from him sufficient to help you against the most powerful Corruptions He can kill the Sin that is hardest to be slain he can mortifie all the deeds of the body Rom. ● 13. the strongest members on the Earth Col. 3. 5. and he can seal you unto the day of Redemption FINIS
liberty Liberty not only to discern what is good but Liberty to chuse and embrace it Finally He changes the Soul into the divine Image and he abides for ever in the Church of Christ that he may hinder this Image from ever being quite defaced that he may perfect and compleat it 8. Conversion is necessary to fit for present Service and Duty An Unconverted Sinner is a bad Tree and all the Fruit he bears must needs be evil Is it reasonable to expect Figs from the Thistle or Grapes from the Bramble or the Thorn how can he whose Person is hateful to God whose Heart never was sanctified do any action which may be truly pleasing in Gods sight Solomon tells us that not only the Prayer of the wicked is an abomination to God because he turns away his ear from hearing the Law Prov. 28. 9. but also that the Ploughing of the wicked is sin Prov. 21. 4. If Ploughing be taken properly it intimates that the wicked mans ordinary Employments are not without Provocation because he does nothing in a right manner to a good end If Ploughing be taken Metaphorically for Contriving and Designing it shews that the Devices of the Heart of a wicked man are all vain and evil Conversion therefore is very needful that Man may become meet for the Service of God. The Converts Heart is right with God desires God himself chiefly and in what he does designs his Glory and being made a sanctified Vessel he is made fit for his Lords use and prepared unto every good work 2 Tim. 2. 21. 9. Conversion is necessary to fit for future Reward We read that the unrighteous shall not Inherit the Kingdom of God Wicked ones are unfit to be among the Spirits of just Men who are made perfectly holy to be among the Elect Angels who never sinn'd but are ever crying out Holy Holy Holy Lord God of Sabaoth Though Heaven is not merited by our turning Holy yet Holiness prepares and fits us for Heaven The Apostle signifies that Converts are deliver'd from the power of darkness and translated into the Kingdom of the Son of God and hereby they are made meet to be partakers of the Inheritance of the Saints in light Col. 1. 12 13. The same Apostle having spoken of Life and Immortality adds Now he that hath wrought us for the self same thing is God who hath also given unto us the earnest of the Spirit By Converting Grace we are wrought upon for Glory and the Spirit who works in us a new Life which is Spiritual is an earnest to assure us of Life Eternal Oh Heavenly Jerusalem a City that has foundations whose builder and maker is God! where Glory is everlasting Blessedness perfect and Joy is full without possibility of abatement into thee none but Converts shall have or are fit to have admission 10. The Threatnings which the Word denounces against the Vnconverted prove the Necessity of Conversion The only Saviour asserts with vehemency and that again and again assuring all that there is no Salvation for the Impenitent Luk. 13. 3 5. Except ye repent ye shall all likewise perish If Souls are Unconverted Sin is certainly Unpardon'd and unpardon'd Sin binds over to eternal Death We are commanded to Repent and be Converted that our Sins may be blotted out Act. 3. 19. Those who refuse to be Converted all their Sins are written down in the book of Gods Remembrance not one blotted out or forgotten which book will be open'd at the last day to their Confusion and Condemnation What heavy loads are Guilt and Wrath both these abide upon the Unconverted How soon may the Wrath of God which is both threatned and justly merited seize upon the Unconverted how suddainly may it destroy them beyond all possibility of remedy Psal 7. 11 12. God is angry with the wicked every day and as he grows more wicked God becomes more angry If he turn not he hath whet his Sword he hath bent his bow and made it ready To signifie the Patience of God and his unwillingness to destroy the slaughtering Weapons are represented as lying by him unprepared his Sword is not whetted his Bow is unbent but if Sinners refuse to turn the Sword the Bow may quickly be made ready and God may come to that peremptory resolution Isa 1. 24. Ah! I will ease me of mine adversaries and avenge me of mine enemies Turning you see is in the highest degree necessary for you must turn or dye If a City were on fire and there were but one Gate at which there might be an egress to fly from the fury of the flames Oh! what flocking would there be to that Gate If Sinners had but any sense and knowledge they would turn to God by thousands and by millions since Conversion is the only Door through which they may escape the Vengeance of eternal Fire Those obstinate Wretches that will not turn in time God will make them burn in Hell for evermore Thus have I at large demonstrated the Necessity of Conversion But alas VVho believes our report who credits that which is of all the greatest certainty Necessity in other matters has a mighty force but the Necessity of Conversion prevails with very few I make a needful Apostrophe from Man to God himself Lord Reveal and make bare thine own arm and cause the most stubborn and stout-hearted to yield 〈◊〉 thee for Arguments alone will never prevail with the dead in Sin to turn and live to God. In the fifth place I am to Answer the Arguments which the carnal Minds of men object against Conversion These 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 are 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 these fleshly reasonings are strong holds which must be cast down 2 Cor. 10. 4 5. And I would not leave one of them undemolished Removere prohibens to remove the hindrance of Conversion is very much conducing to the thing it self therefore I shall which is but needful be the larger in producing the strongest Reasons and most forcible Pleas that are brought and used against Sinners turning to God and give a full Answer shewing the miserable invalidity and weakness of them all Obj. 1. The first Objection against Conversion is this We are Members of the Christian Church already We have been Baptized in the Name of the Father Son and Holy Ghost If indeed we were Heathens or Infidels 't were proper to call us to turn to the true God and to embrace the Faith of Christ but since we are already Baptized into the Church which is his Body the Call and Invitation to turn seems not to be made to us Answ 1. It is one thing to be a Member of the visible Church and another thing to be really a Member of Christ The Apostle sayes All are not Israel who are of Israel Rom. 9. 6. Many have a Form of Godliness without the Power In the same Vine there are many fruitless as well as fruitful Branches In the same Church visible many unsound Professors if