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A61848 Heavenly treasure, or, Mans chiefest good wherein the several workings of the heart about, and in pursuance of its chiefest good are solidly and judiciously discovered / by William Strong. Strong, William, d. 1654.; Sedgwick, Obadiah, 1600?-1658. Elisha his lamentation upon the sudden translation of Elijah. 1656 (1656) Wing S6004; ESTC R25154 135,945 535

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his treasure and presently h●s heart is changed and retires from that which before it went out unto with the greatest earnestness in the world there is the happiness of Gods people they have changed their treasure their chief good and therein lies the great change of conversion This is the first and great change when a man changes his chief good but when that is done once the soul that went out after it before now turns from that which was his chief good and persecutes that with the greatest earnestness that before he did cleave unto there be two things in conversion A version and Conversion The man turns from all treasures below take a proof for that Psal 63. 8. My heart follows hard after God said David the word is my soul cleaves after him that though I have many things that would turn me off from God yet notwithstanding my soul cleaves to him in a constant pursuit of him my soul cleaves after him There are two expressions somewhat alike one is to fulfil after God and the other is to cleave after God Numb 14. 24. Caleb had another spirit he followed God fully he fulfilled after God so t is in the Hebrew this points out the sincerity of a mans heart and to cleave after God t is spoken of the constancy of a mans pursuit the heart goes out the bent of the soul always tends that way yea he that before followed after vanity now cleaves after God what is the reason the chief good is changed And as there is conversion so there is aversion Take a man that now looks on sin as a cheat and all the comforts of the creatures to be but counterfeit and that he hath taken copper for gold all that while what then his heart turns from them with the greatest aversion that is possible you know those places I need not repeat them What have I to do any more with Idols Hos 11. 8. Say to the Idols get you hence therefore the heart is with the treasure where the treasure is there is the heart but now change the treasure and the pursuit of the heatt is changed Thus much for the demonstrations of it I hope all these things may be usefull to every understanding hearer But why is it that the heart always goeth out to the treasure that where the treasure is there the heart is why what is the cause There are six great grounds of it First because the treasure which I expound the chief good is animae pabalum the food upon which the soul feeds and if it be so no wonder the soul goeth out after it the heart cannot live without it take an unregenerate man and it is his treasure his heart feeds upon he eats the bread of wickedness and drinks the wine of violence take a godly man and he doth not labour for the meat that perisheth but for that which endures to eternal life Joh. 6. 27. This is the food his soul feeds upon and for this cause in the Scripture you have so often expressions of hungring and thirsting and you know what violent impressions those make upon the spirits of men what is all this but to let you see that the chief good is the food of the soul and therefore the heart makes after it for it cannot live without it Secondly the chief good is not only the food but animae sustentaoulum the support of the soul the soul of man without it is not able to uphold it self Psal 112. 8. David saith my heart is underpropt so Montanus renders the word suffultum est cor meum then truly the heart of man must be propt it is not able to stand of it self it must have a support and whence is that support pray look Job 8. 15. there is a man that leans upon his house what is that his hope the object of his hope he cannot stand without it support that which is his comfort in reference to eternity upon this his soul leans and so the godly Psal 73. 26. My flesh and my heart fails me but God is the strength of my heart he goes to his chief good because he cannot stand alone he must have somewhat to rest upon and that 's the reason that a rich mans wealth is said to be his strong tower it is that which defends him the heart must needs go to the treasure t is the hearts food and t is the hearts support it cannot be supported one moment without it Thirdly it is the souls delight the delight of the heart oblectamentum animae the heart of man cannot live without it long and all the delight the soul hath comes in from its chief good the chief good is the object of the highest love and of the greatest trust and t is the object of the fullest delight and therefore the soul of man must go out to its treasure because all its joy comes in by it and without delight the soul cannot live Why is Hell said to be death because there is no joy no delight why is Heaven said to be life because in thy presence is fulness of joy and at thy right hand are pleasures for evermore without delight the soul cannot live Saith Austin Take away all delight and the soul dies let there be but pure darkness once and the soul cannot live Fourthly It is a mans chief good that is animae ornamentum the beauty of the soul that wherein the beauty of the soul doth lie and indeed take the soul off from this and it is naked the heart of man is naked taken off from his chief good will you but observe and see both put together Jer. 2. 33. Can amaid forget her ornaments and a bride her attire Take a poor creature all the beauty she hath lies in cloaths as I sometime told you that is like the Cinnamon Tree that hath nothing good but the Bark indeed t is true you dare not go without your ornaments to be sure whatever you forget you will not forget to make your selvs fine to deck your selves I am afraid divers of you forget most other things except that but can she why can she not there is not a natural impossibility indeed but a moral that is it wherein she glories and she cannot forget it but saith God I am your ornament your glory you ought to make me your chief good and you forget me days without number the soul goeth out to its treasure and cannot forget it for this is that wherein all its ornament and beauty lies and the truth is all the adorning of the soul comes from a mans treasure and chief good Fifthly the heart must go out to to the treasure for t is animae spiraculum this is that in which the soul breaths pray consider it we rejoyce in the hope of the glory of God saith the Apostle Rom. 5. 2. Despair is that which strangles the soul the soul lives in hope what is that hope carried after why after its
suit spiritual things with spiritual and to teach though not in the enticing words of mans wisdom yet in the fullest demonstration of the Spirit He was not worn away with rust but did wear away himself with use the emanation of the Spirit filling his Cistern so as made him free to do much work in a little time * Amplissimum vitae spatium usque ad sapientiam vivere He understood well that the acceptance of our works follows upon the acceptance of our persons first and he therefore did to the admiration of them that heard him open the whole Doctrine of the Covenant through which our persons finde acceptance with God that Covenant of Grace which comprehends what ever we are either by way of blessing to expect from God or whatever we are by way of duty to return back to God again that Covenant I say did he for years together labour in the opening of had he lived to perfect and to publish it the Churches of Jesus Christ had received a much more special advantage then now I fear they can have by it but we must be content to have Elijah first taken from us before his mantle will be given us He vexed his righteous soul to see how among many professors of Religion practical Godliness did seem to wither much what truths therefore might serve best to revive encourage and put on to holiness of life or circumspect walking those to choose would he most frequently acquaint his Hearers with He judged the power of godliness to consist not so much in mens ability to Master this or the other high-towring speculative doctrine though himself was of excellent high-raised parts as in mens affectionate hearty closing with and living up to those more obvious common truths for in facili absoluto stat aeternitas Aust Enchir. that are the great necessary things on which mans everlasting happiness or misery does most depend And he would therefore therein following the direction Paul gave to Titus * 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 chap. 3. 8. earnestly exhort professors to be known most by their maintaining of good works and that however they might somewhat differ in matters of outward order or Church Discipline yet that they would all agree in what was more intimately consequtive to the Spiritual man A being rich in holy works * Sancta rectae vitae antistites esse The Greek word which is a military word taken from such as set themselves in the foreward o● front of the Battel and march before for the encouragement of the rest of the army some translate it to go before others in good works Our works being the best at least most sensible evidence of our faith He laboured much that parties disagreeing a little what in that part of the circumference which concerns Ecclesiasticks might yet be one i' th center of an holy life for indeed he knew well that though Professors in matters possibly of less consequence may shew what party of Christians we side with yet holiness of life only it was that should best evince our being set apart for God He laid it much to heart to see how slightly and ungroundedly not a few of latter years since the goodness of some in power had altered the face of times so much as that godliness was no longer now a reproach or hindrance in the way of but the easiest step to preferment for one or other loaves sake only took up Religion as from the manner of their walking might be suspected He did therefore insist upon and in the course of his Ministry press those doctrines of self examination and self denial both which subjects thou mayst hereafter God willing have put into thy hands with much earnestness searching power and spiritual exactness that if there were any who profest Christianity out of Faction carrying a Pagan heart under a Christian name they might be made manifest to themselves His insight into the Gospel was wonderfully quick and singular his delight was to lead his Hearers within the vail and to shew them the glory of that one Mediator whom the Father set forth for the propitiation of our sins great was his pains in opening those Relations together with their respective vertue and influence that he stood in to his Father to Angels to all Mankinde and to the Elect in special sundry subjects and single Sermons the Author has left behinde him which will God willing be hastened into the Press what he did last does herewith come out first because indeed an imperfect Copy hereof stole forth as a spurious obtrusion upon the world Which the Authors Friends judged a great wrong unto the Publique as well as to the Author himself and for that reason therefore have put the same subject first into thine hand leaving thee to judge how much more this Edition thus publisht hath of the signature and mark of his spirit in it above what the former carried Thus much premised I shall only add by way of prayer that the Spirit of life and power who alone is able may make the price here put into thy hand very usefull for thy souls good We are accomptable not only for what we hear but for what we read and t is equally dangerous to be found among the number of them that are unprofitable Readers as to be one of those that are unprofitable Hearers Geo. Griffith Good Reader IT is usually observed that Gods children do best in their close and last farewel as natural motion is slower in the beginning and swifter in the end so are their motions more vehement and stirring towards heaven and heavenly things when their souls are ready to dislodge from the body and to be at home with the Lord. Certain I am the Scripture puts a special mark and consideration upon the last words of the Saints 2 Sam. 23. 1. Now these be the last words of David so the speeches of dying men have more weight in them for as we draw neer to eternity we grow wiser and being about to return to the * 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 c. Plotin apud Ves Original Divinity as Plotinus speaketh we are more Divine And this not only when the Lord giveth his people fair warning of their approaching end but many times when death stealeth upon them unawares by a strange kinde of presage their souls have been marvellously heightned in the contemplation of eternity and wholly taken up with that blessedness into which God was about though unknown to themselves to translate them t is one of the observations of this Treatise That when the heart is in heaven the body will not be long out of it our translation is but delayed till the moneths of our purification be ended and we by growing dead to sin weary of the world are made meet to be partakers of the inheritance of the Saints in light All this is spoken to put thee in mind that these discourses which are now put into
should most of all take comfort from Now t is in reference to comfort as it is in reference to duty there are many commands and all of them are to be obeyed but yet there are great commands and these are to have the first place in our obedience This you ought to have done and not to have left the other undone So there is variety of comforts but there are some great grounds of comfort and these are to have the chief place in our hearts and from these in an especial manner should our comfort come in As there be some grand promises those three I have often mentioned I will be thy God That 's the bottom of all the promises I will give thee my Son I will send my Spirit The great Comfort should come in from the great Promises and so t is here and pray observe it If a man be much in the lesser duties of Religion and neglect the greater he hath just cause to suspect the truth of his obedience So if a man take much comfort from lesser grounds and neglect the greater he hath great cause to suspect the truth of his comforts and his right to them This is the great reason why I press it so earnestly that as I would have the people of God take their portion in comfort so I would have them take it in an orderly way But now let us come to particulars You will say Why is a godly man so happy in this that he hath not erred in his chief good There are seven grounds of the greatest comfort that I know in all the book of God arising from this consideration I have not mis-placed my treasure my treasure is in heaven I have not erred in my chief good And the first is this Hereby the soul may see the riches as well as the freeness of the love of God that in my chief good I have not miscarried This is the great error of the world they do mis-place their treasure and by this means they have their portion in this life only with Dives their good things here Now is this the great error of the world as it will be found to be at the last day is it a great mercy to be delivered from lesser sins and judgements how much more is it to be delivered from that which is the greatest judgement in the world Did Noah finde grace in the sight of God and was delivered from that deluge that swept away the world of the ungodly To misplace a mans chief good is the greatest sin and greatest judgement that can possibly fall upon a man This is delivering a man to Satan indeed delivering to Satan with a witness The Scripture speaks of a double delivering of a man to Satan There is Traditio Sathanae tanquam Domino tanquam lictori delivering a man to Satan as a Lord delivering a man to Satan as an Executioner as an Officer There is delivering a man to Satan as a Lord so the Lord Jesus delivered Judas to Satan by the sop After the sop the devil entred into him that is as a Lord to rule over him But there is another way of delivering to Satan 1 Cor. 5. 5. When you are met together in my Spirit deliver such a man to Satan How is that for the destruction of the flesh when the Lord shall be pleased in an Ordinance to give over a man so to the power of the devil that he shall afright his conscience and terrifie him for sin committed and for that end this means shall have its due work and power upon the man but in this Satan is but an executioner A man is never delivered up to Satan as a lord untill he be given up to him so as that he shall deceive him in his chief good then the devil is the lord of the man When the Lord delivers a man to Satan so as that the devil cheats him in his chief good then the man is delivered to Satan as a lord Now for a godly man to be able to look into his own condition and say when I look abroad in the world and see one man place his chief good in this another in that one in riches another in honors another in pleasures but in the midst of all these though in many things I miscarry and therein I was as a beast before God yet blessed be his name here is my comfort I have not miscarried in my chief good there is not any thing stays the soul like this when a godly man is in the greatest affliction when he comes to look death in the face nay when Satan shall triumph over the most of the world as he will do for as he is subtle so he is envious and therefore an insulting spirit when he shall insult over most in the world then that poor soul shall be able to triumph over all the powers of darkness It s true I am weak indeed and I am ignorant poor and mean and low in the world yet in this the devil can never deceive me through grace I have so far obtained mercy that the devil is never able to cheat me of my chief good herein will lie the wisdom at the last day herein will lie a mans glory for t is a mans chief good that will be his glory or his shame to eternity herein will be his wisdom or folly to eternity do you not remember that expression Luke 10. ult Mary hath chosen 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 the better part or the good part I shall not inquire what the meaning of that is the good part but the word there used signifies not only partem sed portionem part but portion Mary hath chosen that good portion and herein lay her wisdom in a mans election his wisdom lieth And above all choice in the world is that which he makes his chief good true saith the soul I have bin foolish in many things in many things I have erred but yet blessed be the name of my God the true treasure was not hid from me And when a man shall come to appear before men and Angels at the last day those that are now the fools of the world that are derided for their godliness that are mockt in their choice as men that are not able to set themselves in the face of the times so as to be some body in the present Age. But when they shall appear before the Lord Jesus to judge the quick and dead in his Kingdom then these will be esteemed of all others the only wise men this was the soul that was directed by wisdom from above that carried him still to the right chief good if this will not stand by you in your greatest troubles there is nothing in Religion will do it Secondly There is this ground of comfort I have chosen the true chief good the true treasure that shall never be taken from me You know the expression of Maries better part Luke 10. ult She hath
chief good therefore the soul breaths no other breath My soul pants after God gasps after God breaths after God saith David Psal 42. 1. In this the soul lives this is the breathing place of the soul Lastly here only is animae requies the rest of the soul Return unto thy rest oh my soul Psal 116. 7. Now it is only the chief good that the soul rests in this is only the object of fruition the soul is restless until it come to this but it is ever moving towards it these be the reasons why the heart of man must of necessity be where the treasure is But now the next thing is how is the heart of man carried after its treasure doth it always go after it that the heart is where the chief good is continually how is it carried after it Here give me leave to lay down six Conclusions which are of marvellous great use and great truths every one of them I shall but name them though they need a great deal of explication First the heart goeth after the treasure continually the soul of man is always active never idle and what 's the reason of all its motions truly t is well observed by the Schools that Summum bonnum est omnium operationum origo The chief good is the reason of all the motions of the soul the soul moves continually after it now from thence all motions do arise Eccles 2. 23. he speaks there of a covetous rich man whose chief good is his wealth there is his treasure his heart takes no rest at night saith he his bo●i● that is necessitated to take rest but his heart is restless because still it is carried after its treasure and therefore day and night is never at rest always moving what is the reason because still it is carried after the treasure continually Secondly The heart goes after the treasure infinitely unsatiably that where a mans treasure and chief good is there the heart is never satisfied but it is going out after it without measure those that place it here below you know the expression Habbak 1. 15. they imarge their defires as hell and can never be satisfied true the chief good indeed gives measure to all subordinate things but it is without measure it self so that he that hath a treasure his heart is infinitely carried after it whether it be below or above he is never satisfied oh the infi●i●e dis-satisfaction in the soul that hath once set the Lord and chosen him for his chief good he is always growing gasping crying mourning walking after God Thirdly a mans treasure or chief good the heart takes fast hold of and possesses it for his own pray observe it there be other things indeed that the heart looks upon as other mens goods but his chief good he possesses as his own t is his own t is his treasure so observe Iob 8. 15. the place I cited before he shall not only lean upon his house but hold fast his house the Text saith take ●ow a poor covetous wretch whose money is his treasure an ambitious man his honor is his treasure take a poor proud woman and vanity in apparel is her treasure Let the judgements of God be denounced and the Ministers of God strive to take off the men they hold it fast and will not let it go they will contend for it and look upon them as the worst enemies in the world that labour to pull it from them pray observe it for in this way the heart goes out to the treasure he holds it fast and this is the true cause why conversion is a work of Almighty power because as Prosper well observes Summum bonum nemo perdit nisi volens no man loses his chief good but by his will therefore he that shall change a mans chief good must change his will which all the Angels in Heaven cannot do till God change his will he never lets go his chief good and this is the marriage of the soul that which is a mans treasure it is his marriage t is an Almighty power must break that band men are said to be married to sin upon that account Rom. 7. 5. purely because it is a mans treasure thus the heart goeth out to it the heart holds it fast take another man that makes God his Treasure and spiritual things God in Christ and what then why come temptation the man holds his treasure come desertion the man holds his treasure look to Heman Psal 88. I am free among the dead like those that lie in the grave whom thou remembrest no more yet saith he My God I cry day and night ●is God is his treasure if he lose that he is undone take God from me and I am undone or else you can never undo me the soul holds it fast he stays upon his God and leans upon his beloved this is another way how the heart goeth out to the treasure it holds it fast Fourthly if at any time the heart be shaken to its treasure and chief good it returns again shake it while you will thither it will return again take an unregenerate man and his beloved sin shakes him many times his knees shake and his bowels tremble within him yet after this the man returns to his vomit again still he returns to his treasure as the unclean spirit that goes out of the man returns so a man returns to his treasure again and so a godly man let him be by temptations shaken off from God yet notwithstanding for all that the soul returns to God again that as when you throw a bowl it may seem to run strait for a time but after the force that was put upon it is spent the biass takes it and carries it another way so it is here whiles the violence of temptation lasts the soul seems to be carried away from God but the biass of the soul takes it and carries it to the chief good again so that a godly man though his soul be shaken from God never so much hath a principle within him that reduces him again I will return to my former Husband Hos 2. 17. Somewhat will bring about the soul again as by that ordinary similitude As the needle toucht with the loadstane will come about again to its own posture so it s with the soul that hath the true touch from heaven Fifthly the change of a mans chief good is a godly mans first change t is his great change it is his chief change the great change to destruction what is that they have forsaken me as the chief good Jer. 2. 13. and digged to themselves broken Cisterns Now to return to God again is the first and chief change and that 's another reason why conversion is a work of Almighty power Who is able to exalt God in the soul as the chief good none but himself the Sctipture speaks frequently of exalting God and of the Lords exalting himself exalt thy self in thy own strength and
we shall inquire where a mans love is that by this means we may know where his heart is and I am perswaded if you take these following Rules and observe them carefully that you will not miscarry in your Judgement First Would a man know where his love is what is that he especially desires union with For amor est affectus unionis love is an affection that carries a tendency to union Now this will appear if you observe the love of God the pattern union with God was first in Gods intention because this is last in his execution the people of God in glory are brought into immediate vision of him and into the closest union with him But this being last in execution I say this was first in intention He loved them with an everlasting love that is he had intention from e●ernity of union with them Pray observe it there is indeed a double union with God 1. Of Dependence one is general of all the creatures and that 's a Union of dependency In him we live move and have our being Yea all the creatures have so they cannot live separate from God one moment The Angels in heaven did not this union continue they would fall to nothing immediatly there is a union of dependency but that is general and belongs to all the Creatures But there is a special Union that is peculiar to the Saints by the indwelling of God in them they dwell in God and God in them such a union as no creature in the world but a Saint hath by the elapses of God into the soul Now God loves the Saints and his love carries a tendency to union So Jesus Christ loved his people what for that he might become one with them That he that sanctifies and they that are sanctified might become one why so you will finde that the love of the people of God carries them unto union with God and Christ as the love of God and Christ carries them to union with the Saints there is indeed a natural union that is by constitution but there is a moral union by inclination by sympathy and that 's double there is a union of likeness and there is a union of fruition and enjoyment for the union that the Saints of God shall have h●reafter is far different from what they have here here it is of similitude there it is of enjoyment where a mans love is there is a tendency to union an inclination to union 1 Cor. 6. 17. He that is joyned to the Lord is one spirit and the man that is glewed to the Lord so the word doth signifie then the man that loveth God is a man glewed to God he is united to him for union is the tendency of the heart so Sichem loved Iacobs daughter Dinah and the text saith His soul clave to her or as the Septuagint uses the same word his soul was glewed so that where a man loveth the soul goeth out to be united to that which is beloved Now if a man love God then my heart follows hard after God the soul goeth out in the pursuit of the thing beloved and all is that it may be made one with God and to this end you have two Metaphors very remarkable in the Scripture one is that of a hunter Gen. 10. 9. Nimrod was a mighty hunter Ier. 16. 16. I will bring hunters among you Prov. 23. 27. The wicked rosteth not that which he taketh in hunting What is the meaning of these expressions why they are all to set forth the pursuit of the soul after that which it loveth just as the hunter pursues the poor creature that flies so the soul what it loves it pursues and is in continual pursuit of take men that love riches and honours their souls are continually going out to union with them so a man that loves God his soul is in pursuit of God as that Hermite in a story that sometime I have read finding a great Gallant hunting in a desolate wilderness Askt him what he did there he told him He came a hunting there Et ego Deum venor meum And I said he came hither to hunt after my God t is in pursuit of my God There is another Metaphor and that is a merchandize Prov. 3. 15. the merchandize of wisdom it s spoken of trading for Christ and grace and the things of eternity he that Trades for Christ is called a Merchant man Matth. 13. 45. and so also they that trade for any earthly thing are said to be Merchants Romes merchandise you read of Rev. 18. 11. Make merchandise of souls 2. Pet. 2. 3. and of Ephraim Hos 12 7. He is a merchant what is that why the meaning is this they wholly trade for things below for as Merchant men go forth to make themselves possessors of riches make it their business so to do so it is with the soul of a man the heart is a merchant it goeth out to what it loves and never leavs till it hath possest it now I pray do you consider what is it your souls desire most what do you hunt for what do you trade in there is thy love whoever thou art if it be Jesus Christ and Communion with God and the things of eternal life if thou art in the pursuit of these constantly there is thy heart if it he after wealth and honour these thou huntest for as prey assuredly there is thy love and thy heart and thy treasure that 's the first Rule Secondly would a man know where his love is the nearer love comes to the thing beloved the swifter it moves the nearer a mans love comes to possess the thing he loves the swifter it moves yea it stretches after it then see it in worldly things or else what means that expression Psal 62. 10. If riches increase set not your hearts upon them if you want riches set not your hearts upon them take heed of that for the nearer a man comes to enjoy them the more his heart goeth out unto them and therefore covetous men the richer they are the more miserably they scrape and gape after riches and the reason is this because the nearer a mans love comes to the thing beloved the swifter it moves after it and with the greater earnestness Hab. 1. 6. There is a man that loads himself with thick clay the man hath already too much for his graces for his parts for his comforts and already too much for his accompt but yet notwithstanding the more he hath the more his heart grasps after it still thus it is with every mans love the nearer it comes to possess its object the swifter it moves after it so the Apostle speaks of spirituals Phil. 3. 13 14. Not that I have already obtained but I press hard to the mark I am in a vehement pursuit as if you could take a stone from the earth and place it in the Orb of the Sun yet the stone having a tendency downward still moves
therefore of the change of a mans treasure that is of a work of regeneration otherwise there is a treasure within an evil man out of an evil heart and there is a treasure without oh pray therefore learn from hence that there is no living in an unregenerate estate change thy treasure or otherways all thy changes will do thee no good The last Use I especially aim at see from hence the blessed and happy condition of a godly man whose treasure is in heaven he is blessed every way but especially in this his heart is in heaven his body is on earth its true and there is a two fold blessedness upon this account First let this man at any time go astray as godly men are subject to wander Oh let me not wander from thy Commandments Psal 119. 10. We all as sheep have gone astray but when they do wander there is somewhat still to reduce them their hearts will to their treasure my treasure is not below therefore my heart is not below and this is the true reason why a godly man cannot fall from grace because it is impossible to separate the heart and the treasure where the treasure is there will the heart be I will return unto my former husband as it is the misery of an ungodly man let him profess what he will his treasure will bring him back again still so it s the happiness of a godly man though he wander from God his treasure will reduce him and his heart will bring him back Secondly he is a blessed man who hath his heart always in heaven certainly he must needs be a happy man for he is a heavenly man but now a godly man whose treasure is in heaven his heart is there but why is he so happy a man whose heart is in heaven I will give you a brief account truly there are four accounts why he is so happy a man whose treasure is in heaven because his heart is there First because he is hereby made and evidenced to be a heavenly man 1 Cor. 15 48. the first man is of the earth earthly the second man is of the Lord from heaven heavenly here is the difference between all the men in the world there are some earthly and some heavenly men now this is an evidence thou art an heavenly man because thy treasure is in heaven as that wisdom that is conversant about earth is said to be earthly wisdom so that wisdom which is conversant about heaven is said to be heavenly wisdom my brethren an earthly minde is a plague an heavenly mind is a blessednes Secondly he that hath his heart in heaven is not subject to those impressions of change as the men whose hearts are set upon earth Here every thing is subject to change and we have nothing but changes Changes and War are against me saith Job but if a mans estate and condition change so his heart do not change it is no great matter my heart is not subject to change as I remember Tertullian observes of the Christians of his time Nil crus sentit in nervo si animus in coelo true indeed they were under great afflictions of body but their souls were in heaven out of danger the heart is out of danger its true of a man whose heart is in heaven and his heart is out of Gun-shot afflictions may work on the body make a change in the estate and outward condition but his heart is above and out of danger and therefore the people of God are said to be those that dwell in heaven Rev. 13. 6. they blasphemed the tabernacle of God and their names who were written in heaven the heart changes not for any evil because it s bound up in an unchangeable good Thirdly he is a happy man whose heart is in heaven because where his heart is his life will be and his conversation Phil. 3. 20 21. Our conversation is in heaven now keep thy heart above all keepings for out of it are the issues of life Prov. 4. 23 24. Therefore if a mans heart be on the earth his conversation will be below but if his heart be in heaven there his life and conversation will be now when other men are making great ado here below his heart all the while is taken up about God as his Father about Christ as Mediator the Spirit as the Comforter the Angels as his fellow Subjects the souls of just men made perfect his fellow Citizens Oh what a happy condition doth this man live in his heart being in heaven his life is there * Note this last head as an eminent seal to this tract his life and Ministry they being the last words he ever spake in the Pulpit Lastly it is a clear evidence to aman that his heart being in heaven his body shall shortly be there as Christ when he went to heaven was our better part and went to heaven as our forerunner just so the heart being in heaven the better part is there It is gone to heaven as the forerunner of the body and as Christs Ascention is an argument of our ascention so the ascention of the heart is a clear argument that the whole man shall be there where the heart is that they may be taken up together with the Lord in the clouds of heaven Oh what a Comfort is this no man is a happy man but he who hath his heart in heaven and his treasure there So much shall serve for the Application of this point and for this Text. Consider I humbly pray you what hath been said It is of great concernment and such as should have an influence into your whole lives and know this for a Conclusion the Word of God will not return to him empty and in vain though it may be spent upon you in vain June 25. 1654. Elisha his Lamentation Upon the sudden Translation of ELIJAH Opened in a SERMON At the Funeral of Mr. William Strong That eminently Faithful Servant and Minister of CHRIST By Obadiah Sedgwick B. D. and Preacher of the Gospel in Covent Garden Zach. 1. 5. And the Prophets do they live for ever Heb. 3. 7. To day if ye will hear his Voice London Printed by R. W. for Francis Tyton at the Sign of the three Daggers in Fleet-street near the Inner-Temple Gate 1656. To the Right Worshipful Colonel Boswell Henry Scobel Esq Mr. Thomas Rushall and to all the rest of the Congregation lately pertaining unto the care of that Faithful Pastor Mr. William Strong Preacher of the Gospel at Westminster Abbey YOu were pleased to put me upon that sad service of Preaching at the Funeral of your worthy and dear Pastor And shortly after that upon another service of Printing what I then had publikely Preached I confess that I never Preached a Sermon in this kind with more grief of heart and never did I discern a Sermon heard and attended with more weeping eyes certainly God had given in unto him the affections of