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A56632 A commentary upon the fourth Book of Moses, called Numbers by ... Symon, Lord Bishop of Ely. Patrick, Simon, 1626-1707. 1699 (1699) Wing P774; ESTC R2078 399,193 690

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observes in the place before-mentioned Who in the next Chapter cap. XIII gives an example drawn up by Maimonides of such a Succession out of the holy Scriptures Amram had two Sons Aaron and Moses as we read VI Exod. 20. If they had both died without Issue Miriam their Sister had inherited And if she had died in like manner the Inheritance of the Family would have reverted to Kohath the Father of Amram Or he being dead to his three Sons the Brethren of Amram viz. Izhar Hebron and Vzziel as the Heirs of Kohath And there would have been no consideration of Primogeniture both because none of them was the First-born and because the Inheritance was not in the Possession of their Father at the time of his Death c. And it shall be unto the Children of Israel a Statute of judgment c. A Law whereby to determine such Matters in future times and to be observed inviolably So that no Father should have power to make any other Settlement but if either by Word or Writing he declared his will to be that his Son should not inherit his Act was null and void As the Jewish Lawyers resolve from these very words a Statute or Decree of Judgment i. e. as I said a Rule whereby to Judge of Succession into Inheritances If therefore a Man made a Will wherein he declared his Daughter or Brethren c. should not inherit in case he had no Son it was void because contrary to this Law See Selden de Successionibus cap. 24. Ver. 12. And the LORD said unto Moses get thee up into this Mountain Abarim Either these words were spoken after all that follows here and in the Verse 12 Book of Deuteronomy or they were repeated again when he had repeated his Laws and inforced them by many excellent Discourses and taught them that famous Song XXXII Deut. where in the conclusion of it v. 49. it is said that very day he bad him go up this Mount Abarim And there we learn also that Abarim was a long Tract of Mountains one of which was called Nebo and the very top of it called Pisgah See XXXIV Deut. 1. And see the Land which I have given to the Children of Israel Take a full view of it as he did from that high neighbouring Mountain III Deut. 17. XXXIV 1 2 3 4. Verse 13 Ver. 13. And when thou hast seen it thou also shalt be gathered unto thy People as Aaron thy Brother was gathered Upon Mount Hor as we read in this Book XX. 23 24. Verse 14 Ver. 14. For ye rebelled against my Commandment in the Desert of Zin c. See Chap. XX. 1 12 24. where all this verse is explained Verse 15 Ver. 15. And Moses spake unto the LORD saying He did not speak those words which follow immediately after God bad him go up Mount Abarim and die but first desired he might be permitted to go over Jordan c. III Deut. 24 25 26. Unless we can think that he made the Prayer there mentioned as soon as the Sentence was passed upon him at the Waters of Meribah which doth not seem so likely Verse 16 Ver. 16. Let the LORD the God of the Spirits of all Flesh c. As soon as he found that God was resolved he should not conduct the People into Canaan he was concerned for nothing but for a fitting Person to take that Charge upon him For he had a most generous publick Spirit wholly intent upon the good of this People The God of the Spirits of all Flesh Who hast not only made the Souls of all Men but knowest their Dispositions See XVI 22. and understandest who are fit for this weighty Employment Set a Man over the Congregation To be chief Ruler and Governour of the People in my place Ver. 17. Which may go out before them and which Verse 17 may come in Before them and which may lead them out and which may bring them in If the latter part of these words be not a mere repetition of the former as is usual then the one relates to their Conduct in War and the other to the management of all their Civil Affairs And both of them seem to be a Metaphor from Shepherds watching over their Flocks That the Congregation of the LORD be not as Sheep which have no Shepherd Having none to govern and take care of them This is a description of the most miserable condition a People can be in and became a Proverb among the Hebrews 1 Kings 22.17 X Zachariah 2. XIII 7. IX Matth. 36. Ver. 18. And the LORD said unto Moses take thee Verse 18 Joshua the Son of Nun. Who had been a long time Servant unto Moses and attended upon his Person XXIV Exod. 13. well known to Moses and perfectly acquainted with his administration A Man in whom is the Spirit Of Courage and Prudence and the fear of God with all other Gifts necessary in an excellent Governour Among which Onkelos reckons the Spirit of Prophecy which is not unlikely And lay thine hand upon him Which was a Ceremony usual in Blessing XLVIII Gen. 14 c. and in setting Men apart and Consecrating them to an Office VIII 10. Upon which followed a more abundant measure of the Spirit as appears from XXXIV Deut. 9. Verse 19 Ver. 19. And set him before Eleazar the Priest and before all the Congregation Being all assembled for this purpose that all might acknowledge him for the designed Successor of Moses and be Witnesses of all that Moses commanded him And give him a charge in their sight He told him before them all what God expected from him and bad him not be afraid to execute it See XXXI Deut. 7 8. Where he sets down the words of this Charge unto which God presently after added one of his own v. 14 15 23. Verse 20 Ver. 20. And thou shalt put some of thy honour upon him Communicate some of thy Authority to him at present and not let him be any longer as thy Minister but as an associate in the Government The word we translate honour being glory in the Hebrew it made Onkelos and other Hebrew Doctors imagine these words have respect to that Splendor which shone in Moses his Face after he came down from the Mount Some of which they suppose was imparted unto Joshua to make him appear more venerable in the Eyes of the People And R. Menachem observes that it is not said impart thy glory but of thy glory to him From whence came that ancient saying the Face of Moses shone like the Sun but Joshua's only like the Moon This might have passed for Truth or at least that hereby was meant some great increase of illustrious Gifts of Mind which procured him such reverence as Moses had if it had been said that God put some of Moses his glory upon him whereas Moses is commanded to do it which makes the first sence most reasonable That all the Congregation of Israel may be obedient
over the Ark of the Testimony IX 15. not in the Door of the Tabernacle for there Korah and his Company stood See XVI Exod. 10. And the end of the LORD 's appearing was to to give Sentence in this case and to declare by a visible Token whom he accepted as his Priests Thus the Glory of the LORD appeared the first time that Aaron and his Sons offered Sacrifice IX Lev. 6 23. Ver. 20. And the LORD spake unto Moses and Verse 20 Aaron saying A little before they put Fire in their Censers Ver. 21. Separate your selves from this Congregation Verse 21 Viz. From Korah and his Company and the People they brought along with them who seemed to favour them v. 19. That I may consume them in a moment As he did Korah and his Companions Ver. 22. And they fell on their faces To pray to Verse 22 God as they had done before v. 4. O God The most mighty The God of the Spirits of all Flesh Who hast created the Souls of all Mankind so Flesh often signifies all Men VI Gen. 13. and therefore searchest into their most secret Thoughts and Inclinations So these words signifie XXVII 16. Shall one Man sin Korah who was the chief Incendiary and Contriver of this Sedition And wilt thou be wroth with all the Congregation Many of which he thought might through weakness be seduced into this Faction having no Malice at all in their hearts Which God knew perfectly and therefore he begs of him that he would make a distinction between such as these and the Men that misled them Verse 23 Ver. 23. And the LORD spake unto Moses saying He bad him rise up having granted his Petition Verse 24 Ver. 24. Speak unto the Congregation Whom Korah had gathered together and brought along with him to the Door of the Tabernacle v. 19. Get ye up from about the Tabernacle of Korah Dathan and Abiram Which it seems was not far off or wheresoever it was there a great number of People was gathered together to see what would be the Conclusion of this Contest The word Tabernacle is in the Singular Number but includes all the Tents belonging to these Men as appears from v. 26. Or perhaps they had set up one great Tabernacle for the word here is Mischean which may be thought to signifie more than Ohel a Tent v. 26. unto which abundance of People resorted as the place that Korah and the rest had appointed for the general Rendevouz as we now speak of all their Party For here Dathan and Abiram it is evident v. 27. were with him but there is no mention at all of On which makes it probable he had forsaken them as Moses wisht all the People to do on which Condition God promised to pardon them Ver. 25. And Moses rose up and went unto Dathan and Verse 25 Abiram To try I suppose if he could reduce them to their Obedience and prevent their ruine He seems to have had no hopes of Korah but lookt upon him as incorrigible And the Elders of Israel followed him Either the LXX Elders who were lately chosen out of the rest XI 16. or the whole Body of those who were called by that Name and were Men of Authority attended upon him to make this Action more solemn and to let Dathan and Abiram see how much Moses was reverenced by better Men than themselves who refused to come to him v. 12 14. Ver. 20. And spake unto the Congregation saying Verse 26 It seems Dathan and Abiram refused to hear him as they did to come to him for here is no mention of any thing he spake to them but only to the Congregation who were gathered about their Tents Depart I pray you from the Tents of these wicked Men. I suppose now they were gone to their own Tents where their Families were from which he beseeches the People to remove with all speed And he doth not mean merely that they should remove their Persons from them but their Tents and their Goods and Cattle And touch nothing of theirs Because all belonging unto them was under an Anathema which God had passed upon them That is was devoted to destruction and therefore not to be touched XIII Deut. 17. Lest ye be consumed in all their sins Destroyed with them who had sinned so grievously as to fall under the Curse before-mentioned Verse 27 Ver. 27. So they gat up from the Tabernacle of Korah Dathan and Abiram Where the greatest number of People were gathered together as I observed v. 24. For here is the same word Mischean again in the Singular Number denoting some spacious Habitation where perhaps they held their Consultations and unto which there was the greatest resort On every side From which we may conclude that the People had come from all quarters of the Camp to these Rebels either to joyn with them or out of Curiosity to see how things would go And Dathan and Abiram With Korah also it may be thought because he is mentioned in the beginning of the Verse Yet this Conclusion cannot be drawn from thence for it is not said he was now there but that it was the Tabernacle of Korah Dathan and Abiram where they used I suppose to meet Came out From the Tabernacle before-mentioned And stood in the door of their Tents Of their own Tents where they commonly dwelt And their Wives and their Sons and their Children With their whole Families This was the highest degree of audacious and hardned Infidelity whereby they declared that they feared not what Moses who had given the greatest proof he was a Man of God could do unto them Ver. 28. And Moses said Unto all the People of Israel or to the Elders and as many as could Verse 28 hear him Hereby you shall know I will now give you an evident Demonstration That the LORD hath sent me to do all these works That I have been commissioned by God to do all the things with which those Men find fault particularly to take upon me the Government of them and to put Aaron and his Family into the Priesthood and make the Levites only their Ministers c. See v. 2 3 13 14. For I have not done them of my own mind In the Hebrew the words are And that not out of my heart It was none of my own device or contrivance I did it not out of an ambitious desire to be great myself or out of private affection to my Brother Ver. 29. If these Men die the common death of all Verse 29 Men. In the Hebrew it is As die all Mankind that is a Natural Death as we now speak Or they be visited after the visitation of all Men. i. e. Such Judgments of God come upon them as are usual and common in the World viz. a Pestilence the Sword or Famine The LORD hath not sent me Then look upon me as an Impostor Ver. 30. But if the LORD make a new thing Verse 30 In the Hebrew the words are If
That the People may begin to submit to his Authority and learn to obey his Commands as well as thine Ver. 21. And he shall stand before Eleazar the Priest Verse 21 c. For the incouragement of Joshua to undertake this Charge he assures him he shall never want direction from God what to do when he was in any doubt but in the manner here prescribed most certainly receive it And what is here said concerning him belongs to all their succeeding Governours And it is observed by Maimonides and other Jewish Doctors that the High-Priest stood before the Kings of Israel out of great respect to them but no King is said to stand before the High-Priest but only in this case when he was to consult the holy Oracle That it might appear the Honour was given not to the Priest but unto the Divine Majesty whom he consulted by the Priest Who shall ask counsel for him after the judgment of Vrim Because the word Thummim is here wanting some understand these words as if he had said the High-Priest shall ask counsel for him by the illumination of the Spirit of God So Conradus Pellicanus But the word Thummim in all likelyhood is here to be understood though not expressed being always joyned with Vrim except in this and one other place where Vrim only is named after a short manner of speaking in XXVIII Exod. XXXIII Deut. II Ezra VII Nehem. For they were inseparable from the Breast-plate of Judgment as it is called XXVIII Exod. 30. See there with which the High-Priest appeared before God when he consulted him in great Affairs concerning the Publick Safety more especially in times of War of which we have many Instances in I Judg. 1. XX. 18. 1 Sam. XIV 18. XXVIII 6. David indeed is said to consult God by the Ephod but it must be observed that the Breast-plate was annexed to it which Abiathar brought along with him when he fled from Saul who commanded the Priests to be slain 1 Sam. XXII 2 9. XXX 8. 2 Sam. V. 19. And it is further to be noted that though David thus frequently consulted God this way being engaged in Wars yet we never read that Solomon asked counsel by it being a peaceable King Grotius also observes that Joshua now and the Kings of Judah afterwards therefore stood before the Priest that they might be near to the Vrim and Thummim which he had upon his Breast without which he could not receive any answer De Imperii Sum. Potest c. cap. 6. Before the LORD The High-Priest never inquired by Vrim and Thummim but standing before the LORD that is before the Ark where the SCHECHINAH was At his word shall they go out and at his word shall they come in That is saith Grotius in the place fore-named at the Word of the LORD by the Judgment of Vrim which goes just before Others at the word of the Priest which comes to the same And this the Hebrew Doctors understand concerning the People of Israel making War which is wont to be meant in Scripture by the words going out and coming in And they distinguish between the War that was made by the Divine Commandment against the VII Nations of Canaan and against Amalek and that which was voluntary against any of their Neighbours or others as there should be reason In the former case they think there was no need to ask whether they should make War or no because it was commanded and Joshua and the Kings afterward did it when they pleased But in the other they were not to make War without this Divine Order See Selden Lib. III. de Synedr cap. 12. n. 4. But it is plain from I Judg. 1. that they consulted the LORD also in the first sort of War with the People of Canaan how to manage it to the best Advantage Both he and all the Children of Israel with him even all the Congregation By the first word he the Jews understand Joshua and all the succeeding Princes of Israel who were bound to advise with God by Vrim and Thummim before they made War And by the next words all the Children of Israel with him they understand the Priest that was particularly anointed to go with the People to War XX Deut. 2. And by the last words the whole Congregation they understand the LXX Elders or the great Sanhedrim So Maimonides Abarbinel and a great many others expound these words as Mr. Selden shows in the same place from which they have framed this general Maxim That no private Man might consult this Oracle but the King and the Head of the great Sanhedrim and he that was appointed by all the People in their name And that Col haedah all the Congregation signifies frequently the great Assembly of the Elders and Judges See also Bertram de Repub. Jud. p. 72. Here the Jews start a difficulty as they account it why we never read in the whole Book of Joshua that he consulted the LORD after this manner but as soon as ever he was dead they did I Judg. 1. From whence Abarbinel concludes that Joshua was bound to do this only at the first entrance upon his Office that all Israel might know he was Moses his Successor and that God was with him but that afterward the Spirit of Prophecy rested upon him and conducted him without this Oracle But if nothing was done that is not recorded in the Scripture he might as well have said that Joshua never consulted the Oracle at all for we do not read he did though he be here so ordered R. Levi ben Gersom therefore seems to me to speak more reasonably when he says that those words in the beginning of the Book of Judges do not import that they did not consult God by Vrim in the Life of Joshua but only that after his Death the Children of Israel would not adventure to proceed in the War of Canaan without the same direction And there is something else which they might have observed from this verse with great reason which is how much inferiour Joshua was to Moses though he succeeded him in the Conduct of the People For Moses never made use of the Vrim and Thummim to consult God by the High-Priest but went directly and immediately to God himself whereas Joshua was not admitted to such Familiarity nor had he such frequent Revelations from God as Moses had Yet sometimes God vouchsafed him the honour to speak to him as we find in the beginning of Joshua III. 7. IV. 1 15 c. And there was a most illustrious appearance of God to him before Jericho V. 13 c. Ver. 22. And Moses did as the LORD commandded him and he took Joshua and set him before Eleazar and before all the Congregation According as he was ordered v. 18 19. In this we see the great Verse 22 Integrity the sincere Humility and Self-denial of Moses that he readily submitted to have the Government of Israel translated from his own Family and Tribe