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A47309 The practical believer, or, The articles of the Apostles Creed drawn out to form a true Christian's heart and practice in two parts. Kettlewell, John, 1653-1695. 1688 (1688) Wing K380_VARIANT; ESTC R36226 263,804 566

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was not worthy to unty his sho●s and was glad when he could fix that Honour on Jesus whose right it was declaring openly he must increase but I must decrease John. 3. 29 30 31. He was illustrious for Piety and most bold and zealous in reproving Vice as he fully manifested by his undaunted freedom in censuring the sins of all states and sorts of People as they came to him for Baptism Matth. 3. And as for his sincerity and plain-dealing till Jesus came they could not in all that Age show such a down-right honest Man. When Herod set his heart upon him and loved to hear him his growing great at Court did not make him swerve in the least from his Country simplicity or teach him how to flatter nor would he there so much as connive at his Prince's sin though he was to lose not only his Favour but his own Hearts Blood for his plain freedom in taxing and reproving it Matth. 14. 3 4. 10. Quest. These are signal proofs of an upright honest Man. But did the Jews who lived in those days see all this in him Ans. Yes and honour and admire it too He was as Christ says a burning and a shining light among them and for a while till he had disgusted them by testifying so fully for Jesus they were willing to rejoyce in him John 5. 35. They all held him for a Prophet and so if they would be true to themselves ought surely to rely upon his word Matth. 21. 26. They thought it not enough to Admire and Praise but thronged in to become his Disciples and Followers and those that did so were not only the ignorant vulgar but the most learned and best reputed Sects the Pharisees and Sadducees who came desiring to receive Baptism at his hands Matth. 3. 7. Nay they did not only repute him for a Prophet but fancied him the greatest of all Prophets the Christ whom all desired and expected And this was not barely the surmize of some private Men but the opinion of the Sanhedrim that Great Council and Representative of the Jewish Nation For they sent Deputies to him a select number of Priests and Levites from Jerusalem to ask him this Question John 1. 19. Thus great and currant was John's Fame in the Jewish Nation as is declared also by Josephus a Jewish Historian which when they begun to value him less out of their hatred to Jesus to whom he bore witness was yet of such awful Authority and Account that they who would not receive durst not openly gainsay it as the Pharisees durst not who when Jesus pressed them with John's Testimony for his Authority pitifully sneaked and openly refused to give any Answer to it Matth. 21. 27. Quest. But was not Jesus John's Friend And though he was too mortified to be tempted and too honest to be gained by any thing else yet might not affection blind his Eyes and he fancy more and speak things greater than were true of Jesus out of Friendship Ans. No if he had been an old Friend the grounds John gives are so clear and full as could not in any reason be questioned But what is still a further circumstance in this Testimony he is careful to tell us that he declared this of Jesus before they were acquainted For when he gives his Testimony to him after he had seen the Holy Ghost descend upon him at his Baptism I knew him not says he but he that sent me to baptize with water the same said unto me Upon whom thou shalt see the Spirit descending and remaining on him that same is he that baptizeth with the Holy Ghost And this I saw by him and bare record John 1. 33 34. 'T is true when he came to him for Baptism which was before he had seen this sign or made this declaration S. Matthew says John knew him and thereupon would have put him by as having more need to be baptized of him Matth. 3. 14. But that was purely by Revelation the same Spirit then suggesting the presence of Messiah to John that made him leap for joy in the womb at the salutation of the blessed Virgin after She had conceived him Luc. ● 44. But till he gave this Testimony to him he knew him not as a Friend or Acquaintance nor had any former Conversation or correspondence passed between them Quest. No wonder this Testimony should over-awe the Jews when Jesus urged it for himself though it could not convince them But besides this Testimony of John the Baptist you mentioned also the Testimony of Jesus himself as deserving credit Pray clear up that Ans. This also Jesus alledges for himself and stands upon it I am one that bear witness of my self and my record is true for I know whence I came and whither I go John 8. 14 18. Quest. But this is only his own word in his own case And Men are too apt to say great and undue things of themselves out of a desire of Honour or Advantage And if we believe all on their own sayings we must believe all deceivers for the rankest Impostors are true Men if we dare trust themselves Ans. True indeed it were as unreasonable to believe all as to believe none But in these cases we are to put a difference between Witnesses and not to trust the accounts given of themselves by all but only by credible Persons In particular if it appears of any Man that he is not fanciful false or designing we should be very inclinable to believe his account especially if God had set some extraordinary attesting marks upon him or shewed some Miracles about him or if he himself which was the Legal Test of Prophets should give some extraordinary sign to gain credit All which most eminently concur in this Testimony which Jesus gave of himself for his being the Christ. Quest. Doth it appear that Jesus was no fanciful Man apt to take up Opinions on slight grounds or presume things especially in favour of himself without reason Ans. Yes for in all his carriage as he appeared most humble and self-denying so did he clearly manifest not only a most quick and penetrating but also a most sober and considerate Wisdom In all his life he was never seen to be precipitate in any Counsels nor presumptuous in any Conceits nor mistaken in any Opinions and Resolutions but could solve clearly all Questions and shew the true weight and just validity of all Arguments Even they who would not receive his Wisdom could not but admire it and the very Officers sent to apprehend him returned saying Never man spake like this man John 7. 46. Besides the things whereon he builds his own Credit are not any conjectural Speculations or disputable Opinions but plain matters of Fact such as his living and conversing with God in Heaven long before he came into the world his coming out from him and speaking what he saw and heard him declare whilst he lay from Eternal Ages in
of David and upon his kingdom to order and to establish it with judgment and with justice from henceforth even for ever verse 6 7. Now this Person whose Title and Character is Wonderful The mighty God The everlasting Father The Prince of Peace and whose government on the throne of David was to be perpetually increasing is plainly no other but Messiah And he being the Person promised by Isaiah to be born of a Virgin that Prophecy however answered in some parts before could never be fulfilled and accomplished but in him Quest. But you said before it had respect to the Virgins Son of that time and was in part effected then And if it must still be meant of Christ and made good in him again some hundreds of Years after this makes the same words to be designed for several meanings yea such as must be verified at far distant times which seems a strange thing Ans. This is most usual in the Scriptures and especially in Prophecies which are often spoken of one Person next in view and near at hand in whom they are fulfilled in part but of another further off who though he lies hid till he is shown by the event is yet the Person chiefly meant whereof the other was only a Figure or Type and in whom they are fully to be accomplished Thus God's Promise to David 2 Sam. 7. 12 c. Of setting up his seed for ever after him and saying I will be his Father and he shall be my Son though it were spoken immediately and in part of Solomon as is most apparent yet was chiefly intended and fully made good in Christ. And the words of David about God 's not leaving his soul in hell c. Psal. 16. 8 9 10. though seemingly spoken and in part verified of his own Person were yet meant and fully accomplished in Christ's Resurrection whereto S. Peter applies them Act. 2. 29 c. And so when God said unto him Thou art my son and I will give thee the Heathen Psal. 2. 7 8. which had its full effect in Christ according to S. Paul's interpretation Act. 13. 33. And the same S. Matthew assures us of the Virgins Son which though it might have some regard to a Child of that time yet was then only fulfilled when Christ came Matth. 1. 21 22 23. Quest. But if this Virgins bearing a Son be meant of Christ How could it be given to Achaz and the House of Judah for a sign since he was then afar off and not to come till long after that Generation Ans. Because it was meant of another too who was to be conceived at that very time and would prove a sign to them And as this inferiour accomplishment would be a sign of this answerable Deliverance in that Age so would the miraculous Birth of Christ when it should more eminently fulfil this Prophecy be a much more illustrious sign of an incomparably greater to their Successors And this also answers the end of its being given here for a sign which is not limited to any Person or Time but indefinite to the House of David Hear says the Prophet not O! Ahaz but O! house of David c. verse 13 14. Besides in Ahaz's time the Faith of Christ's being born of a Virgin whilst only promised would give it the virtue of a sign as well as the sight of it when performed The end of it was to assure them that the Kings of Syria and Israel should not prevail against them verse 4 7 9 10. And this if they believed it 't was apt to do as an argument from God's intending for them a greater kindness to his readiness in performing a less for sending Messiah to be born of a Virgin and to be God with us must argue a greater power and kindness than would suffice to work this deliverance from these invading Princes And after all it is not unusual in the Scriptures to beget Faith and confidence by such signs as are remote and far off as God did to Moses Exod. 3. 12. and to Hezekiah and the Jews Isaiah 37. 30. Quest. By this I perceive this Prophecy of a Virgin bearing a Son was intended of Messiah But was it fulfilled in Jesus when he came Ans. Yes most miraculously For his Mother that bare him was a pure Virgin as appeared both from her own account and Joseph's her reputed Husband both Persons of known Integrity and unquestionable Credit And when after her espousal Joseph doubted of her Chastity because she was found with Child before their coming together an Angel is dispatched from Heaven to clear her Honour and to assure him that what was conceived in her was not any Humane Production but of the Holy Ghost Matth. 1. 18 19 20. The Holy Ghost as another Angel explained it to her self coming upon her and the power of the Highest overshadowing her when she objected the impossibility of her being a Mother because she was a pure maid Luke 1. 34 35. All which was so unquestionable and notoriously made out to the Apostles and Primitive Christians their greatest Enemies finding no pretence to cavil and start doubts upon it that they universally and firmly believed it and thought it a point of so great account as to deserve a place and make one Article in that short Summary and Abridgment of Christian Faith called the Apostles Creed For in that one thing we profess to believe concerning Jesus is That being conceived by the Holy Ghost he was born of the Virgin Mary Quest. No wonder it found a place there for it is a sign not more strange than convincing being of it self alone sufficient to prove Jesus to be the Christ since in this he has no Competitors the like I think being never known or pretended of any other Man. But besides this are there not other notable things set down by the Prophets as belonging to him which may serve still further to discover him Ans. Yes Secondly That an extraordinary Spirit not only of Wisdom and Goodness but also of Might or miraculous Power should not only descend now and then by fits but make a settled abode and rest upon him Concerning the branch that shall grow out of the root of Jesse says the Prophet the Spirit of the Lord shall rest upon him the Spirit of wisdom and understanding the Spirit of counsel and might the Spirit of knowledge and of the fear of the Lord Isaiah 11. 1 2. And when once the former Prophecies had pointed out the exact Year and place of his appearing this sign of it self had been enough to discover him For being thus extraordinary not only for Wisdom and Piety but also for Might and miraculous Power when any would survey all the Men in Bethlehem in search of Messiah at the prefixed time he infinitely above all others must needs draw all Mens Eyes to him Quest. Are there any more things still belonging to him which confirm the same Ans. Yes Thirdly That he should be
his Bosom And these if they are untruths cannot be fancies but downright Forgeries and Impostures they argue not so much an Enthusiastical as a false and designing Man since no Person in his wits as 't is most evident he was could fancy himself into such persuasions And thus it seems the Adversaries of Jesus themselves believed For they never once accused him as being a deluded Enthusiast but always as a false Impostor who crastily invented those pretensions which he sought to impose upon the world Matth. 27. 63. John 7. 12. Quest. Was he also as apparently honest and undesigning Ans. Yes for never Man sought so little for himself or did so much for others making it his meat and drink to bring Glory unto God and dispense Blessings to the World. Whatsoever he claimed or did was in pursuit of those publick ends not at all to greaten his own secular State and Power or to gratifie his own Will and Humour And on this score he calls upon all Men to believe him as one that visibly could have no temptation to deceive and plainly sought to serve no ends of his own upon them My judgment is just saith he because I seek not mine own will but the will of the Father which hath sent me John 5. 30. Quest. Two great things there are which Men may seek by such pretences Interest that ratifies the covetous and Honour that Idol of the ambitious and vain glorious And doth it plainly appear of Jesus that in pursuing his pretensions he sought neither of these Ans. Yes For as for Honour though by his miraculous Power he did every where the most stupendious things yet was he never tempted to do any one out of vanity to set on his own Praise but only as occasion was given him by the requests or needs of Men or as he saw they might serve to accomplish God's ends Yea after the miraculous Cures were done he several times imposed silence on those he cured or those who were privy to it to stifle the spreading of his own Fame He gave the Honour of all he did to God declaring That of himself he could do nothing but that his finger wrought all the works they so much admired and directing them to adore and laud him for them as accordingly they did And then as for worldly interest though he pretended to come as a Prince and Shepherd yet he declared that was not to serve himself of his People but to serve them and shed his Hearts Blood for them And all Men must needs say he seeks no private interest or self design who comes among Men only to have the opportunity to die for them And being thus apparently free from all designs or endeavours of seeking his own interest or applause upon this score he calls upon all reasonable Men to receive ●is Testimony The good Shepherd lays down his life for the sheep I am the good Shepherd for I lay down my life for them J●●n 10. 11 15. I honour my father says he again and seek not mine own glory He that speaketh of himself seeketh his own glory but he that seeketh his glory that sent him the same is true and no unrighteousness is in him John 8. 49 50. 7. 18. Quest. Indeed such manifestations of sober Wisdom and undesigning Integrity are enough to gain great regard to any Man's account But as you said it would be of more force still if God by extraordinary Providences and miraculous Events brought to pass for or about a Person should prepossess the World with a great Opinion and raise in all Men some extraordinary expectations from him And was this done for Jesus when he came Ans. Yes for besides that a confessed Prophet was sent in God's Name as I shewed on purpose to declare him a Train of Revelations and Miracles was laid by Almighty God to prepare his way and usher him in One Angel is sent to his Mother then and afterwards a Virgin with the news of his Miraculous Conception another to clear her Honour and satisfie her jealous Husband and a whole Host of them are heard to sing Anthems of Joy and Praise at his Birth declaring to the Shepherds that he was Christ the Lord. A prodigious Star of an irregular place and motion is created to lead some great Men of the East to the place where he was Who coming by its guidance to Jerusalem in search of him put King Herod and all the Jews into an anxious fear and consternation And being led on farther by it to Bethlehem to the very House where he lay they most solemnly paid their Homage and Devotion offering him Gifts Gold Frankincense and Myrrh And to heighten the observation and perpetuate the memory of these things a strange instance of most lamentable and unheard of cruelty accompanied them For at the Wise Mens report Herod growing jealous of this new King and not being able to learn where he was that under pretence of going to Worship he might seize and devour him they failing to bring him word according to their promise through God's warning them to the contrary in a Dream in his Bloody Rage he slew all the Children under two years old in Bethlehem and all the coasts thereof assuredly concluding he should cut off him among them Besides all which at the accomplishment of his Mothers days of Purification when he was brought into the Temple Simeon Son as is supposed to the Great Hillel and Father to Gamaliel and * Hannah two Persons eminent for Piety and Holiness and known though not in ordinary course yet at some times to be acted by a Prophetick Spirit which having ceased among the Jews for four hundred Years ever since Zechary and Malachy begun then to revive again did own him for the Christ of God and spoke of him to all that looked for Redemption in Jerusalem All these with a number of other great Signs shewed about him were most publickly known among the Jews and were the wonder and discourse of that time and must needs raise in Mens minds strange expectations from him And seeing him thus visibly sent of God they would be the more prepared when he declared himself to give him credit Especially when they knew him still more Gloriously set out and all the foregoing Signs advanced and confirmed by the visible descent of the Holy Ghost upon him and the voice from Heaven accompanying it at his Baptism when he begun his Preaching Quest. And to all this did he also himself give them a Sign for his own justification Ans. Yes and the very same too that Moses prescribed for a proof of any Man 's being sent of God as a Prophet viz. his fore telling things to come Deut. 18. 22. For this Jesus did among them and that too on this very score according to the rule of Moses to justifie his Mission His own Resurrection under the Type of Jonas he gives to the Jews for
Business greatness of Temptations Bodily Indispositions For Pitiable Defects of Degrees in Duties Great Latitude on the side of Bliss and all not required to be of the same Size He will Reward Good Things tho' done with Difficulty and Reluctance yea when Pitiably stain'd with impure mixtures Our Judge will shew all this Candor and would have us expect it In Recompencing good Men he will consider the Difficulties and Oppositions And the hazard and cost of their Services And the hardships of Providence allotted to exercise good Men in this Life Of the Condemnation of ill Men. The Fire which is to torment them shall burn up and dissolve the World. Practical Inferences from the last judgment ☞ Through a Mistake there is neither 5th 6th nor 7th Chapters But tho' in the numbering of the Chapters there is this mistake yet there is no omission of matter CHAP. VIII OF the Holy Ghost The Holy Ghost is God. What he hath done for our Salvation Of his extraordinary Gifts bestowed on Apostles and Evangelists which were for the Planting and Propagating Christ's Religion 1. The gift of inspiration in Revelations This bestowed upon the Apostles These Revelations they have fully set down in the Holy Scriptures after which we are not to look for any others This Gift of knowing Religion by immediate Revelation necessary only in Apostles and Evangelists And design'd for the Infancy of the Church Other Rules whereby to examine new Lights and Revelations in Religion As try them by the Scriptures Call for their Miracles wherewith God still empower'd men when he sent them to reveal new Things No need of Miracles when men pretend only to revive old and acknowledged Revelations If they shew Miracles for things plainly against Scripture they must work more than were wrought to confirm the Scripture An account of Joel 2. 28 29. Which seems to foretell the commonness of Revelations among Christians The first Inspirations were not only in Doctrinal Points but also in Devotions And about Temporal matters Subservient to this Gift of Revelations was the Gift of discerning Spirits This done afterwards by ordinary Rules And the Gift of utterance and boldness Their minds not influenced by this constantly and at all Times But ordinarily they were and especially when they had most need of it 2. Of the Gift of Miracles Miracles a Proof of Divine Revelation How discernible from Lying Wonders by the Doctrines built on them By their ends and usefulness and being wrought on needful Occasions Of the miraculous Gift of healing Diseases This sometimes by annointing with Oyl And Prayers Of casting out Devils and other Miracles Of delivering to Satan what it was and why so call'd Of Joy in Tribulations and what was extraordinary in that of the Apostles To the working these Miracles there was always required Faith in him that wrought them And sometimes Faith in him that received them 3. of the Gift of Strange Tongues The ends of this And of the Gift of Interpreting such Strange Tongues What is meant by the Holy Ghost being a Comforter The Sin against the Holy Ghost is a Sin against these extraordinary Gifts Why Blasphemy against him more irremisable than against the Father or the Son. Extraordinary Gifts no mark of a justified State. Of Offices appointed by the Holy Ghost Some of these Temporary others to continue through all Times the present Officers ordaining Successors of the Holy Ghost's ordinary Graces By these we may know he dwells in us Our care required towards these Of Preventing Grace in outward advantages and inward good motions Directions how we are to endeavour after saving Graces in six Particulars How God gives them though we are thus to acquire them The Holy Ghost works also in us Spiritual Joys and Comforts This he doth not in all the minds he sanctifies because some are unfit for them through intrinsick impediments But they are with-held from none through his Arbitrary withdrawing which some count Spiritual Desertion CHAP. IX OF the Holy Catholick Church and the Communion of Saints No assurance of Salvation by Christ but in his Church This Church Holy. And Catholick Admission into it by Baptism when regularly perform'd in any one valid in all Churches Excommunication is so too This Church is one Body by external visible unity Of the Communion of Saints in this Church Of their visible Union in Faith or Doctrine And in Prayers and Devotion Of communicating in Publick Prayers A Sin to separate without just cause Imposing Sins or Errours as Conditions of Communion is a just cause Not Lawful to separate for Things indifferent Nor for better means of edification Just to separate from a Church that doth not impose her Corruptions when her Errors in Faith overthrow the Foundation That is when she ceases to own the one true God. Or denys Jesus to be the Christ or Salvation by his Merits and Mediation Owning Jesus to be the Christ implies owning the Articles of the Apostles Creed which contains all Fundamentals Whilst any Churches hold to this Creed which is the Foundation Errors in other things do not unchurch them But such Erroneous are in a worse state than Orthodox Christians Nor is her Communion to be deserted meerly for such Errors tho' very gross if she doth not impose them Just to separate from a Church of a corrupt Worship when sinful things pollute her Publick Offices Or when good Devotions are put up in a strange Language not for Rites and Customs about indifferent matters Nor just to separate for scandalous Members where a Churches constitution is faultless Nor tho' it neglect Discipline which should reform them Of keeping Fellowship with the Apostles by submitting to our lawful Bishops their Successors Christians to communicate in Affections in Alms and Temporal good Things CHAP. X. OF the Forgiveness of Sins What Sin is Of wilful sins Of sins of Ignorance Surreption Passion Forgiveness of sin is the Release of its Punishment When Eternal Punishments are remitted Present and Temporal are often exacted What is the Time of Relaxing these Punishments Remission of all Sins but Blasphemy against the Holy Ghost And wilful Apostacy from Christianity Wilful sins forgiven when we Repent and forgive others Sins of Ignorance and inadvertence upon our Charity to others This forgiveness outwardly dispensed in Baptism The Eucharist And Sacerdotal Absolution The Power of the Keys lies in Retaining as well as Absolving which ought to beget a just dread of Excommunication What is meant by our Forgiving sins What use we are to make of the Forgiveness of Sins CHAP. XI OF the Resurrection of the Body and the Life Everlasting The Resurrection not meerly of our Spirits from sin but of our Bodies from the Grave This to be brought about by the Almighty Power of God. The Perfections of Glorified Bodies viz. Immortality Spirituality and Glory The Bodies of the Wicked Immortal And exquisitely sensible Some Inferences from the Resurrection of our Bodies Good Souls carried straight-way into a
please God and go to Heaven But do you suppose that some may still be Prophets and have Revelations about other things Answ. Perhaps they may about Particular accidents to particular Persons or Families or about great Revolutions to States or Empires As to these Matters it is not for me to stint the kindness and care of God or to determine what intimations he may sometimes vouchsafe from the other World. And if any wise sober and good men by the forcibleness of the impression on their minds after the Prophetick way which convinces and satisfies themselves and by the correspondence of events which may satisfie others find they have any such thing I shall not withstand them and so long as they do not offer these to innovate in Religion the Revelations of the Scripture are no bar against them Quest. You have fully explained this first miraculous Gift of the Holy Ghost the Gift of inspirations Were there any other miraculous Gifts subservient to it which you would explain to me under this Head Answ. Yes First the Gift of discerning Spirits i. e. among all the Pretenders to inspiration who spoke true inspirations and who meer pretences of it or Satanical delusions We have received the Spirit of God saith St. Paul which reveals to us the Things of God. And he that is Spiritual judgeth all Things that are pretended by others yet he himself is judged of no man i. e. they who want his Spirit cannot judge of him For who i. e. of those who want this Spirit hath known the mind of the Lord to discern when another meerly pretends to it 1 Cor. 10. 12 15 16. And this Gift of Discerning Spirits was very necessary in that Age to warn the Church against False Prophets For when there was such a commonness of true Revelations it gave the greatest opportunity to Diabolical Enthusiasts or wicked Impostors to obtrude their inventions or delusions upon the Church hoping they should pass for inspirations among the crowd of others Now are there many False Phrophets gone out into the World saith St. John which makes it necessary not to believe every Spirit 1 Joh. 4. 1. Quest. This Gift indeed was necessary to discover them before the Scriptures were written but when once they had them could not any Christians thereby detect Impostors without the Gift of discerning Spirits Answ. Yes and so St. John and the other Apostles in their Epistles gave ordinary Rules for this purpose One of these Rules was confessing Christ to be come in the Flesh. Try the Spirits says he whether they be of God and hereby know ye the Spirit of God every Spirit that confesseth Jesus Christ is come in the Flesh is of God and every one that denys it is not of God 1 Joh. 4. 1 2 3. and 2 Joh. 7. Another Rule was their submission to the Apostles and Governours of the Church since God would inspire no man to break Unity and make needless Schisms We are of God. He that knoweth God heareth us he that is not of God heareth not us hereby know we the Spirit of Truth and the Spirit of Errour 1 Joh. 4. 6. But the most comprehensive Rule of all was their agreement or dissonancy with the Holy Scriptures as I noted before and the Revelations of the undoubted Apostles If any man think himself to be a Prophet or Spiritual let him acknowledge that the Things which I write unto you are the Commandments of the Lord 1 Cor. 14. 37. But if any Man or Angel from Heaven preach unto you any other Gospel than that you have received already let him be accursed Gal. 1. 8 9. Quest. What other miraculous Gifts besides this of Discerning Spirits were subservlent to this Gift of inspirations Answ. Secondly the Gift of utterance i. e. of assurance fluency and volubility of speech whereby they were enabled to declare and make known their Revelations to advantage This St. Paul desired the Colossians to beg of God for him Praying for us that God would open to us a Door of utterance to speak the mystery of Christ that I may make it manifest as I ought to speak Col. 4. 3 4. Under which is comprehended that miraculous boldness which these poor men shew'd to admiration in asserting undauntedly a most exploded Cause in the face of their numerous and potent Adversaries That utterance may be given to me that I may open my mouth boldly to make known the mystery of the Gospel that therein I may speak boldly as I ought to speak Eph. 6. 19 20. Quest. Was this miraculous Boldness a Gift bestowed upon the Old Prophets Answ. Yes it was a part of that Spirit of Fortitude the Jewish Writers speak of wherewith God armed a Prophet before he sent him with a difficult and perillous Message in which he might foresee the greatest terrour and dread of men to stop his Mouth Thus God told Ezekiel when he sent him to the impudent and hard-hearted Israelites Behold I have made thy face strong against their faces and thy forehead strong against their foreheads As an Adamant harder than Flint have I made thy Fore-head Fear them not neither be dismayed at their Looks though they be a Rebellious House Ezek. 3. 8 9. Thus also he bid Jeremiah speak and not be dismayed at their Faces for he had that Day made him a defenced City an Iron Pillar and Brazen Walls against the whole Land against the Kings of Judah the Princes the Priests and the People thereof Jer. 1. 8 17 18 19. Quest. And did the Holy Ghost give this miraculous Boldness to the Apostles Answ. Yes in a wonderful measure They were all filled with the Holy Ghost and spake the word of God with Boldness Act. 4. 31. And when the Jewish Rulers saw the Boldness of Peter and John asserting freely the Power and Authority of Jesus and taxing them openly as his wicked Murderers to their very Faces they marvelled ver 10 11 12 13. Quest. Had they this boldness of Spirit at all times Answ. No. For at Corinth St. Paul says of himself that he was with them in Weakness and Fear and much Trembling 1 Cor. 2. 3. In some great Dangers and pressing Necessities their Natural Fears would return upon them to trouble them for some time Thus it sometimes happen'd to St. Paul where he expected the most perillous opposition for after the hardships and hazards he had run through at Philippi and at Thessalonica expecting the like at Corinth too he was with them as he says in much trembling and so discouraged that he needed a Revelation to embolden him Act. 18. 1 9 10. And thus it did especially if at such time he were alone and had not his Companions with him When he came into Macedonia whilst he was by himself his Flesh had no Rest but he was troubled on every side without were fightings and within were fears But as soon as his Coadjutor Titus came to him he took heart and God who
But as for Pastors and Teachers to govern the Church and ordain Successors and to minister the Word and Prayers and Sacraments they will be equally wanted in every Age and therefore the Holy Ghost has appointed them to continue always Go Baptise all Nations teaching them to observe all my Commandments And lo in such Teaching and Baptising I am with you always even to the end of the World Mat. 28. 19 20. And tho as I say some of the Offices mentioned by St. Paul were necessary only in the first Age yet others which are equally necessary to the edifying of the Church and the Work of the Ministry in every Age are to continue as he says ti● we all i. e. all Christians that are and a● that shall be come in the Unity of the Faith and of the Knowledge of the Son of God unt● a perfect Man unto the Measure of the St●ture of the Fulness of Christ. So that the Church is to enjoy the Benefit of them to the Worlds end Eph. 4. 12 13. Quest. Since all that are at any time in these Offices die in one Age how are they to be continued in the next Answ. The Bishops or Governours are stil● to Ordain others to remedy their ow● Mortality and supply the Necessities of the Church through all Times Thus Christ told his Apostles As my Father sent me viz with a Power of Commissioning you to succeed in this Ministry when I am gone s● send I you i. e. with Power of Ordaining others in like manner of Succession John 20. 21. Pursuant to this they Ordained Bishops in all Churches as St. Paul did Titus at Crete and Timothy at Ephesus And these in a constant Succession were to Ordain others as Paul bid Timothy give Commissions as he had been Commission'd himself or commit what he had heard of him to faithful Men who should be able to teach others also 2 Tim. 1. 14. and 2. 2. And with these in their Work of the Ministry God would be present and assistant in all after Times as he had been with the Apostles in the First Age. In thus Preaching and Baptizing lo I am with ●ou always even to the end of the World Mat. 28. 20. With you that is with your selves during your own Lives and your Successors in all after times which is the only way that in this Work he could be with them to the Worlds end who were all to die in that Age. Quest. Is the Holy Ghost the Author of these Offices Answ. Yes God hath set these Officers in the Church saith St. Paul 1 Cor. 12. 28. and Christ gave them as a Gift after he was ascended Eph. 4. 8 11. That is God gave them and Christ gave them by the Holy Ghost who now since Christ is gone to the Right-hand of God is come down to his Church as his Substitute from whom both the Authority and Ability of all these Officers is derived Feed the Flock saith the Apostle over which the Holy Ghost hath made you Overseers Acts 20. 28. And when Christ ordain'd his Apostles giving them Power to send others as the Father gave him and to remit and retain Sins he breathed on them and said Receive ye the Holy Ghost Joh. 20. 21 22 23. And accordingly to shew from whom these Powers are derived in Ordinations of these Officers whether Bishops or Priests the Power is to this day conferr'd by saying Receive thou the Holy Ghost Quest. What shall we think then of those who reject the Ministry and cast off all Church-Officers and Ordinances and yet pretend in all this to be guided by the Spirit Answ. You may be sure it is not by that Spirit which Christ sent down upon the Apostles and which indited the holy Scriptures For that Spirit gave these Offices as the most necessary and greatest Blessing to the Church Whereas this Spirit of theirs plucks up what he planted and endeavours to abolish and overthrow them Quest. From what you have said I perceive how infinitely we are obliged to the Holy Ghost for that care he has taken in Planting and Propagating Christ's Church and Religion both in the miraculous Gifts he bestowed upon his Church so amply in the First Age and in the Offices and Governments he has appointed to Feed and Rule it in all succeeding Ages But besides these extraordinary Gifts bestowed only on some for the Propagation and Establishment of Christ's Church and Religion you mention'd another sort of Gifts for the effecting this Great Work of our Salvation which the Holy Ghost bestows ordinarily on Persons of all Times and Places What Gifts are those Answ. All the inward Graces and vertuous Endowments which are necessary to the Salvation of all particular Persons such as the Apostle reckons up Gal. 5. The Fruits of the Spirit are Love Joy Peace Long-suffering Gentleness Goodness Faith Meekness Temperance and such like v. 22 23. Particularly he excites Devotion and helps to raise in us holy Desires and Life and Quickness in our Prayers There says the Apostle the Spirit helps our Infirmities making Intercession for the Saints according to the Will of God by inspiring them with such Desires and Groanings as cannot be uttered Rom. 8. 26 27. Quest. Is the Holy Ghost the Author of all these inward Graces in us and can we not have them without his Gift Answ. No for the Renewing of our Nature is ascribed to the Holy Ghost Tit. 3. 5. And St. Paul calls all the recited Virtues Fruits of the Spirit Gal. 5. 22. And no Man can come to me saith Christ i. e. believe on me and obey me except the Father which hath sent me draw him John 6. 44. All our Graces come from God and must be sought of him And because we are daily in want of them we are taught by our Lord himself to pray Hallowed be thy Name Thy Kingdom come Thy Will be done Deliver us from Evil c. as constantly as we say Give us this Day our Daily Bread. Quest. If the Holy Spirit gives these then any Man that has them may know he has Grace and that the Holy Ghost dwells and acts in him Answ. Yes if he is affected and influenc'd not only by some few but by all of them For they are the Fruits of the Spirit as I noted and where we see the genuine Fruit we may make sure of the Principle that gives Birth to it as our Saviour said the Tree is known by its Fruit Luke 6. 43 44. Mat. 7. 16 20. And accordingly they are given as Marks of Grace and a sure Proof that Men belong to God in the Scriptures Hereby know we that we know him and that we are in him if we keep his Commandments 1 John 2. 3 5. We know that we have passed from Death unto Life because we love the Brethren 1 John 3. 14. He that doth Righteousness is righteous in this the Children of God are manifest 1 John 3. 7 10. Quest. But may
must be in following our Callings with Prudent Care and Diligence And in like sort when we seek to him for any Virtues it must be in the use of such Probable and Discreet ways as are like to make us Masters of them Quest. Would you add any thing further about the use of these means Answ. Yes Fourthly that it be with a Faith in God's Power and Spirit and a confidence of success through that Assistance God has promised his Grace and Spirit to make us Good as well as his Mercy to Pardon us when we are so And we must eye this Promise of his Powerful assistance when we set about any Vertue and Goodness A Faith in his Power is as necessary to make us Good as Faith in his Mercy towards all good Men is to make us desirous of being Good. And to this Faith the Scripture Directs us in working out our Obedience Work out your own Salvation for it is God that worketh in you and so strengthen your Hands in that expectation Phil. 2. 12 13. And we are kept by the Power of God through Faith viz. in that Power unto Salvation 1 Pet. 1. 5. Quest. Is there any other Rule to be observed in seeking these Graces of the Holy Spirit Answ. Yes Fifthly that in all the Time we are endeavouring after them we do nothing to Grieve or annoy him 'T is with him as 't is with every ingenious Person he grows weary of staying where he finds he is not welcome and where men are still taking occasion to displease and pass Affronts upon him And therefore when we are warn'd against several sins to conclude all we are cautioned not to grieve the Holy Spirit of God which is to restrain us from them Eph. 4. 30. Quest. What things will grieve him Answ. The Apostle there particularly mentions obscene Talk and corrupt Communication ver 29. But he is grieved by our consenting to all sorts of Sin for he is a declared Enemy to all of them Especially if we commit any against many of his suggestions and checks of Conscience As David did in the Murder of Uriah after which he was sore afraid lest God should take his Holy Spirit from him Ps. 51. 11. or if we have sinned our selves up to a Custom or take delight in sinning Quest. Doth it offend him knowingly to Neglect and Slight his good suggestions Answ. Yes for he is concerned to have them take Place since he suggests nothing to us but what is most agreable to his own most Holy Inclinations the Honour of God and our Eternal Happiness Let us have that is use Grace that we may serve God acceptably Heb. 12. 28. And therefore let this pass for a Sixth Rule of obtaining his saving Graces to cherish the Good Suggestions he inspires and always improve the Grace he has already given to bring down more from him For to him that hath shall be given and he shall have abundance Mat. 25. 29. In things of Trust this is the way of all Discreet Persons and so 't is his Quest. If we idely neglect and fail to cultivate our Present Grace then he will withhold such further Measures as he Designed us Answ. Yes and after long Patience at last withdraw the former too For from him that hath not shall be taken away even that which he hath Mat. 25. 29. Thus Felix when he trembled at St. Paul's Sermon not fomenting that Fear nor proceeding to improve and penitently resolve upon it fell back and as we have cause to think heard no more of it Act. 24. 25. Quest. These seem Good and plain Rules for the attainment of these Graces of the Spirit And when we are careful to use them may we be confident of his Gift and promise our selves that he will bestow them Answ. Yes for therein he fulf●ls the Design of Christ that sent him and gratifies his own inclination And this God has promised and ordered us to expect from him Bidding us seek and we shall find Mat. 7. 7. and declaring how to him that hath shall be given and God will give the Holy Spirit to those that ask him Quest. You have shewed me how we are to attain the Graces of the Spirit But if they are thus to be our own Attainment how are they God's Gift And if as you said before God gives them what need we take all this care and Pains to acquire them Answ. If they were an absolute Gift indeed we should not need to do it For when a Gift is absolute no Conditions are required on our part And then no defects in us can hinder nor any dispositions of ours further and make way for it It depends not on any thing in us but is purely God's Act So that nothing is left for us to do towards it But these Graces are not an absolute but conditional Grant before the Spirit gives them he requires something towards them and works them not in all Men but only in those who are prepared for them Some things hinder them and they are to be carefully avoided Others further them and they are to be diligently pursued So that we are not to expect them from God's Grace and Spirit alone unless we our selves also in such sort as I have described concur and joyn with him Quest. By what you have said I perceive how careful the Holy Ghost is to fill our Souls with gracious dispositions Doth he not also refresh them with such Spiritual Joy and Comforts as are apt to result from them Answ. Yes For St. Paul reckons joy and Peace as well as Meekness and Tempera●ce for Fruits of the Spirit Gal. 5. 22 23. and Prays that the God of Hope would fill them with all Joy and Peace in Believing and that they may abound in Hope through the Power of the Holy Ghost Rom. 15. 13. And St Luke says the Churches walked in the Comfort of the Holy Ghost Act. 9. 31. And St. Peter of the Dispersed Strangers that in believing they rejoyced with Joy unspeakable 1 Pet. 1. 8. And therefore good Christians must not affect Scruples or think it any sign of Spirituality to be of a Down-looked and Melancholy Religion Since Joy and Peace a Filial Hope and ingenious chearfulness are Fruits that he loves to produce in them Quest. But doth the Holy Ghost inspire these comforts into all minds wherein he displays his saving Graces which are the Ground of them Answ. He is inclined to do it in all And doth it in one degree or other not always producing Raptures and Transports of Mind indeed but ease and quietness an inward complacency and comfortable Hope if they themselves do not put a Bar against him But some minds he sanctifies are of a Melancholly Temper that is prone to sadness and suspicions especially of themselves Or are frighted by undue-thoughts of God as if he were Stern and Rigorous soon offended but very difficult to be reconciled Or mistake the Gospel Terms as if they were over-rigid
owning the Authority of our own Bishops who are their Successors and rule the Church in their stead Christ told the Apostles he would be Present with them to the end of the World Mat. 28. 20. Being present with their Successors he calls being Present with them And in like sort keeping Fellowship with our Lawful Bishops who are their Successors is keeping Fellowship with them He that one sends saith the Jews is as himself And accordingly when Christ had sent out his Apostles he tells them he that receiveth you receiveth me Mat. 10. 40. and he that receives whomsoever I send receiveth me Joh. 13. 20. And the Apostle commends the Galatians that that they received him not only as an Angel of God but as Christ Jesus Gal. 4. 14. And St. Ignatius that Blessed Martyr and contemporary of the Apostles applauds the Trallians that they were subject to their Bishop as to Jesus Christ and to the Presbytery as to the Apostles In Scripture Account and Legal estimate that is done to any Persons which is done to their Substitutes and Representatives And thus keeping Fellowship and Subjection to the Bishops of the Church in all Ages who were at first sent and commissioned by the Apostles and empowered to send and ordain others at all times is holding Fellowship and paying subjection to the Apostles themselves and by them to Christ Jesus Quest. This then is one Part of the Communion of Saints to live subject to our own Bishops not suffering our selves to be drawn away by such as would seduce us but adhering to them against all Schismatical Opposers Answ. Yes Obey them that have the Rule over you and submit your selves Heb. 13. 17. And mark those that cause Divisions and avoid them Rom. 16. 17. Be their Pretences and Appearance what they will if they lead us into Schism and an unnecessary Rejecting of our Lawful Governours God hath not sent nor doth his Spirit go along with them That cannot lead to Schism it is the Author of Peace not of Confusion 1 Cor. 14. 33. It will not put us upon a needless rejecting of our Spiritual Governours since Adherance to them in the Apostles Days as I noted before was made a Test of discerning True Spirits from False ones We are of God he that knoweth God heareth us he that is not of God heareth not us Hereby know we the Spirit of Truth and the Spirit of Error 1 Joh. 4. 6. Quest. But if a Man is careful to Believe and Practise Christ's own Laws and Doctrines is not that enough to make him a good Christian except he likewise submit to Church-Rulers and peaceably conform to their innocent Constitutions and Rules of Discipline Answ. No. For this is one of his Laws to obey those that have the Rule over us and watch for our Souls and to submit our selves Heb. 13. 17. He orders them to take care that all things in his Worship be done decently and to Edification 1 Cor. 14. 26 40. And he requires us to obey and submit to their ordering A good Christian is not only one that believes and professes the Christian Religion but is also a Member of the Christian Church And they cannot be good Church-members who will not submit so far as conscionably they may to Church-Governours nor Communicate in Church-Offices Quest. I see the Communion of Saints implies their Communion in Christian Doctrine Worship and Government But doth it not also imply Communicating not only in Affections but in all Good Offices in Alms and outward Things Answ. Yes to do Good and to Communicate forget not Heb. 13. 16. And the Receiving their charitable Contributions St. Paul calls taking upon him the Gift and Fellowship or Communion of Ministring to the Saints 2 Cor. 8. 4. In the extream distress of the Jerusalem Christians at first this communication of Alms was wonderful For all that were Rich sold their Pessessions and put them into a Common Stock to be distributed by the Apostles as every one had need Act. 2. 44 45. and c. 4. 33 34. And in other places where they did not take this course yet was Communicating as in all good Offices so particularly in outward Things with their poorer Brethren the Profession of all Christians Their Rule was as they had opportunity to do Good unto all but especially to those of the Houshold of Faith Gal. 6. 10. And to do good to these more particularly when they travelled about as Strangers and fled from place to place for the Faith of Christ which is the Charity and Hospitality of the Scriptures so much magnified Quest. When any Saints then of Foreign Countries are forced to fly and come among us for Christ's sake to entertain them in our Houses and communicate to them of our Substance which is here professed is of Great Account with God Answ. Yes of high Account For it is one of those Good Deeds which Christ will expresly mention in our behalf at the last Judgment Come ye Blessed inherit the Kingdom for I was a Stranger and ye took me in Mat. 25. 34 35. And therefore St. Paul when he tells us of distributing to the necessities of Saints reminds us particularly of being given to Hospitality Rom. 12. 13. CHAP. X. Of the Forgiveness of Sins The Contents What Sin is Of wilful sins Of sins of Ignorance Surreption Passion Forgiveness of sin is the Release of its Punishment When Eternal Punishments are remitted Present and Temporal are often exacted What is the Time of Relaxing these Punishments Remission of all sins but Blasphemy against the Holy Ghost And wilful Apostacy from Christianity Wilful sins forgiven when we Repent and forgive others Sins of Ignorance and inadvertence upon our Charity to others This forgiveness outwardly dispensed in Baptism The Eucharist And Sacerdotal Absolution The Power of the Keys lies in Retaining as well as Absolving which ought to beget a just dread of Excommunication What is meant by our Forgiving sins What use we are to make of the Forgiveness of sins Quest. WHat is the Tenth Article of the Creed Answ. I Believe the Forgiveness of Sins Quest. What is Sin Answ. The Breach of a Commandment or a Transgression of some Law of God committing what his Law forbids or omitting what it injoins us Sin is the Transgession of the Law 1 Joh. 3. 4. And all the Laws of God which we transgress in sinning against him are contain'd in Holy Scripture Quest. Then we never offend God nor shall suffer for any thing but what the Scripture has forbid and against which we can produce some Law out of it Answ. No for Sin is not imputed where there is no Law Rom. 5. 13. And it must always be a Law that worketh Wrath i. e. makes us liable to suffer it For where there is no Law there is no Transgression Rom. 4. 15. The strength of sin is the Law saith the Apostle 1 Cor. 15. 56. and the Law enter'd e're sin did abound Rom. 5. 20. Quest.
the Tenor of Christ's own Laws For then they only speak the Language of Christ's own Rules and as Tertullian says are a true anticipation or Fore-hand Draught of the great Judgment And when his Officers only pronounce and say after him there is no doubt but he will confirm what they have pronounced in his Name Quest. But from what you have formerly discoursed I perceive that some things in Religon being against the Prime and Fundamental Doctrines are so Damnable in themselves as not to be capable of any Favour or Allowances And that others being only against inferior Truths are Damnable only as accompanied with an Evil Mind but capable withal of being incurred under Pardonable circumstances Now in these last Points many Persons that mean well and serve Christ sincerely in the main and essentials of a Christian may yet be unhappily mislead into wrong Opinions or Practices And if for their fixedness and obstinacy in these they happen to be cast out of any Church do you think they are always cut off from Christ too and that he will Finally Anathematise and condemn them in his Sentence Answ. No. For the Church as all humane Judges being unable to see into Mens Hearts give sentence in these cases according to outward Actions But Christ in his judgment of them looks also at the mind and heart of the Actors Rateing exactly not only the Punishableness of the Offences but also the Degrees of voluntary and involuntary which makes a Pardonableness or Punishableness of the Offenders And making these Allowances on such scores as fall not under their Notice 't is reasonable to believe he will still own and receive several compassionably mislead who are cast out on these accounts by the Churches Censures Quest. This validity and effect of Church-Censures you say is when they proceed according to Christ's own Rules and upon just cause But if they bind where the Gospel says they should loose and Excommunicate against Reason I suppose those Censures are meer Scare-crows that may serve to make a show but bring no hurt with them Answ. Very true Blessed are ye says our Saviour when Men shall separate you from their Company and expunge or cast out your Name as evil for the Son of Mans sake for so persecuted their Fathers the Prophets Rejoice ye in that day and leap for joy for your Reward is great in Heaven Luk. 6. 22 23. If good Christians are Excommunicated in any Church for not going against the Scriptures and complying with it in ill things as poor Protestants are by the Romish Church they lose nothing thereby with God who will not ratifie a wrong sentence but will increase their Reward for having bravely suffer'd in his Cause Quest. By what you have said I see how God forgives Sins But when they are committed against us we are bid to forgive them too and that as we our selves hope to be forgiven I pray you what doth that imply Answ. Not our remitting Future punishments which lye at God's mercy not in ours Nor always that we sit still without offering to defend our selves when we are assaulted or to seek redress when we are injured But only that we bear no malice to them in our hearts and if the case require Redress that we seek it not in Spiteful ways and that beside the Reparation of our own Wrong we aim not at our Adversary's Prejudice nor seek his hurt afterwards nor Pray to God or to the Magistrate for vengeance as the Jews might to ease an angry mind when we are able to do no more against him our selves Quest. What use must we make of this Belief of the Forgiveness of Sins Answ. Admire the mercy of God who can forgive such Profligate and Provoking Offenders And the wonderful love of Jesus Christ who could dye to procure this Forgiveness for his utter Enemies And not despair of mercy but stedfastly hope there is place of Pardon after any of our sins And above all to shew true Repentance and forgive others and perform all those things which are the condition and Terms of Forgiveness thereby to secure it to our selves Quest. And when we are once forgiven may we embolden our selves from God's readiness to forgive to Repeat our sins Answ. No by no means Shall we continue in Sin that Grace may abound in pardoning God forbid Rom. 6. 1 2. Now thou art made whole sin no more lest a worse thing come upon thee said our Saviour Joh. 5. 14. Such ingratitude and abuse of Grace is not only most provoking to the Spirit and tempts him to withdraw from us and calls down from God heavier and surer Punishments But also it brings in force against us all the old scores which were all struck off as I said only on presumption of our Perseverance in repenting of them CHAP. XI Of the Resurrection of the Body and the Life everlasting The Contents The Resurrection not meerly of our Spirits from sin but of our Bodies from the Grave This to be brought about by the Almighty Power of God. The Perfections of Glorified Bodies viz. Immortality Spirituality and Glory The Bodies of the Wicked Immortal And exquisitely sensible Some Inferences from the Resurrection of our Bodies Good Souls carried straight-way into a Place of Bliss Of Eternal Life wherin there is Full and unmixed Happiness Of the satisfaction of their Senses Their clear and distinct Knowledge Perfect Holiness And without Reluctance Blissful Companions Perfection of Love and Kindness Honour and Eminence of Place All these to be injoy'd in the Highest Heavens without satiety or weariness For evermore Of the miseries of the Damned in Tormenting Passions The worm of Conscience Fire and Flames Disgrace Under all which no favour of God. No company but of Tormenting Devils and damned Spirits None to condole when they cannot relieve No rest and sleep for Recruit of Spirits No end of their miseries The Use of this Quest. WHat is the Eleventh Article of the Creed Answ. I believe the Resurrection of the Body Quest. May not the Resurrection be interpreted only of a Spiritual Resurrection from sin Answ. So some taught of old as St. Paul testifies saying the Resurrection is passed already i. e. when Men rose from a State of sin to the fear of God and these says he get credit and overthrow the Faith of some 2 Tim. 2. 18. But the Resurrection we expect is a Resurrection of the Body Our Bodies after we have laid them down by Death shall at the Day of Judgment be quickned and raised up again Then all that are in the Graves shall hear Christ's voice and come forth they that have done good to the Resurrection of Life and they that have done evil to the Resurrection of Damnation Joh. 5. 28 29. This mortal Body must put on immortality and this corruptible must put on Incorruption that so all that being revived which Death destroyed Death may be swallowed up in Victory 1 Cor. 15. 53 54. Quest. The
Resurrection of a Body which had been crumbled into Dust seemed an incredible thing when it was preach'd at first When the Philosophers heard of a Resurrection some mocked Act. 17. 32. What can make it credible or fit to be Believed Answ. The Omnipotent Power of God when that is ingaged for it For no one can think it impossible for God to raise up a Body out of dust that at first made it out of dust yea that raised all things out of nothing Ye err saith our Saviour to the Sadduces about the Resurrection not knowing the Power of God Mat. 22. 29. And this Power he has given us a sensible proof of by raising up Christ. If Christ be preached that he rose from the dead how say some among you that there is no Resurrection of the Dead i. e. in regard his Rising is such an irrefragable instance and example of it 1 Cor. 15. 12. Quest. Shall the Bodies of the Saints be raised up by the Power of the Holy Ghost Answ. Yes he that now makes them his Temples by displaying in them his Holiness shall at last display in them his Omnipotence breathing into their scatter'd dust the Breath of Life as at first he breathed Life into all things If the Spirit of him that raised up Jesus from the Dead dwell in you he shall at last also quicken your mortal Bodies as he quickned his Rom. 8. 11. Quest. The Rising of the Saints will no doubt be very Glorious But what Perfections shall their Bodies receive at the Resurrection Answ. First Immortality Nothing after that shall ever be able to pain decay or annoy them they shall not be liable to suffer nor to dye any more This corruptible must put on incorruption and this mortal must put on immortality 1 Cor. 15. 53. They cannot dye any more Luke 20. 36. Secondly Spirituality it is sown a Natural Body it is raised a Spiritual Body 1 Cor. 15. 44. Whereby is not meant that it shall be a Spirit in Substance but that it shall have those Perfections of Spirits wherein they excel Bodies As 1. being above the gross Pleasures of Sense such as Eating Drinking and carnal Injoyments In the Resurrection they neither Marry nor are given in Marriage but are as the Angels Mat. 22. 30. And Meats for the Belly and the Belly for Meats but God shall shortly destroy both it and them viz. in the Resurrection when men shall live without them 1 Cor. 6. 13. 2dly Vigor and Activity such as may answer and keep pace with the vehement Transports and quick Emotions of Glorified Souls and be capable to support their Joys bear their Raptures and express their Activities And 3dly Agility or Spriteliness in their motions moveing towards all Points upwards into the Air and Clouds as St. Paul notes of the Saints in their new Bodies as well as downwards And to Places at any distance with the quickness of Spirits whence they are able in a moment to appear or disappear as the Soul pleases as our Saviour's Body did after his Resurrestion and our raised Bodies must be like his being in this respect also equal to the Angels Luke 20. 36. Quest. Shall they receive any more Perfections Answ. Yes Thirdly not only a perfect Beauty instead of any Mishape or Deformity but also a marvellous Brightness or Glory It is sown in Dishonour but it is raised in Glory 1 Cor 15. 43. The Righteous shall shine forth as the Sun in the Kingdom of the Father Mat. 13. 43. Christ shall change our vile Body that it may be like unto his Glorious Body Phil. 3. 21. And that was full of glittering Splendor Whilst he conversed with his Disciples after his Resurrection here on Earth he laid it aside because fleshly eyes were not able to behold it as appeared by its Striking Saul blind Acts 9. 3 9. But in Heaven he shines with a dazeling Lustre Thus he appeared from thence to Stephen Acts 7. 55. and to Paul who describes the light of his Presence to have been above the brightness of the Sun Acts 26. 13. And his head and his hairs were white like Wooll yea as white as Snow his Eyes as a Flame of Fire his Feet like fine Brass burning in a Furnace and his Countenance as the Sun shining in its strength in that Vision St. John had of him in the Revelations Rev. 1. 13 14 15 16. Quest. This will be a most happy Resurrection of the Just But what kind of Bodies shall the Wicked have shall theirs be immortal too Answ. Yes but to their cost and for no other end but that they may be immortally punished For when they always fry in Eternal Fire they shall never be consumed by it Quest. And shall their raised Bodies be sensible of Torment Answ. Yes far more than their Bodies are now and they shall always have the smartest and most terrible things in Nature to Torment them viz. Eternal Fire Depart from me ye Cursed into everlasting Fire Mat. 25. 41. There they shall be tormented in the Flames and not have so much as a drop of Water to cool their parched Tongue Luke 16. 23 24. Quest. If it be thus extream violent it will soon consume them or as extremity of pain sometimes causes dictraction so over-power their Souls that they shall not be able to mind or attend to it Answ. No as their sense of pains shall be most exquisite and insensible so shall their Bodies be indissoluble and their sense insuperable As an Almighty Vengeance shall ever inflict the most tormenting strokes upon them so at the same time an Almighty Power shall continue their strength to bear and an exquisite sense or feeling to be most piercingly affected with them Quest. Must not this Belief of the Resurrection of the Body comfort us upon the death of Friends when we lay their Bodies in the Graves Answ. Yes because those Bodies are not perished but only faln asleep and shall be infinitely more perfect and glorious and full of strength when they awake out of it I would not have you ignorant Brethren concerning them that are asleep that ye sorrow not even as others which have no hope For if we believe that Jesus dyed and rose again even so them also that sleep in Jesus will God bring with him 1 Thess. 4. 13 14. Quest. And ought it not to arm us against the fear of our own death too Answ. Yes for since when our earthly House of this Tabernacle is dissolved we have a Building of God Eternal in the Heavens in this we groan earnestly desiring to be cloath'd upon with our House which is from Heaven 2 Cor. 5. 1 2. Quest. What is the Twelfth and last Article of the Creed Answ. I Believe the Life Everlasting Quest. When good mens Souls leave their Bodies what becomes of them Answ. They are carried into a place of Bliss and Refreshment which Christ in his discourse to the Penitent Thief called Paradise and
in the Parable of Dives and Lazarus Abrahams Bosom And the care of conducting them thither as Christ noted in the account of Lazarus is committed to some good Angels For some of these as ministring Spirits always attend the death-beds of God's Saints and receive the departed Soul into their care to guard it from all frights and molestations of envious Fiends as it passes thro' the Regions of the Air which are the Principality or Territory of the Powers of Darkness and to guide it in all that long passage of new and unknown ways which lead to the Blessed Receptacles of departed Spirits Whereas the Souls of the Wicked when they are thrust out of their Bodies are left naked and defenceless to be seiz'd by those greedy and implacable Furies and hurried away upon the award of their most just Judge in extream anguish and despair to their most wretched Prisons Quest. But at the Resurrection I see both Good and Bad shall return to their Bodies again And shall that Life last for ever Answ. Yes for after once they are reunited their Souls and Bodies shall never part any more but the good shall continue in everlasting pleasure and the wicked in everlasting pain Quest. What happiness is there in that Eternal Life of the Righteous Answ. All possible happiness their hearts can wish or their Nature is capable of They shall see and enjoy God who will give himself to them and that implies every thing that is Beatifying all the Blessedness we can imagine and infinitely more being contain'd in God and communicated together with him Quest. And shall this Blessedness never be imbitter'd to them with any care or fear or grief or crosses as all the happyness of this present Life is Answ. No They shall neither hunger nor thirst any more Rev. 7. 16. God shall wipe away all tears from their eyes and there shall be no more Death nor sorrow nor crying nor Pain for all those former things are passed away Rev. 21. 4. Quest. Shall all their Senses be gratified with the most delightful and agreeable enjoyments Answ. Yes such as the Scripture is wont to set off by Feasts and Banquets and Marriage-Entertainments by melodious Songs and joyful Hallelujahs by transporting sights of all the Beauty the Glory and Magnificence of the Heavenly Court the Majesty of God's Throne and the Splendor of all the Heavenly Host that do surround it Indeed their exalted and refined Senses are above the gross delights of Eating and Drinking and giving in Marriage But such as these the Scripture uses because our present state places so much in them And whatsoever delight and satisfaction they may express to our present Capacities that and abundance more shall the enjoyments of that life yield to our glorified and improved Bodies Quest. 'T is a great heappiness to have clear and distinct knowledge of things and not to be distracted with doubts or posed with difficulties Shall the Righteous in that Eternal Life have such clear and advanced understandings Answ. Yes they shall get rid of all darkness and doubtfulness of mind and know every thing they desire without study or pains Now we see as in a Glass darkly but then face to face Now we know in part but then shall we know even as also we are known 1 Cor. 13. 12. Quest. 'T is a singular Point of Bliss to be perfect in Holiness which is one of the most Blissful Attributes of God himself Shall they also be such perfectly Holy Persons Answ. Yes they shall excel in every Virtue and Grace wherein Christ himself doth for when he appears we shall be like him 1 Joh. 3. 2. And those they shall enjoy free of all those weaknesses and defects whereby their Virtues are obscur'd and lessen'd in this World. For in new Jerusalem the Spirits of just men are made perfect Heb. 12. 23. Quest. And shall they exercise all this Holiness without trouble and reluctance which makes the practice of it painful here on Earth Answ. Yes for they shall neither have any inward Lusts to oppose it nor outward Temptations to draw them from it They hear no advice nor see any example but of what is good Their inclinations are all rectified and become Holiness to the Lord. Their Nature is perfect in good and duty is become their delight so that in conforming entirely to the will of God they do in the highest measure gratifie their own wills too Quest. And with this height of knowledge and of Holiness shall they also be inwardly pleased in their own minds and think themselves happy without which no man is happy Answ. Yes they must needs be infinitely pleased in every thing they have and in every thing they do for whatsoever comes to them is pure happiness and whatsoever proceeds from them is full of Wisdom and Goodness without the least word or action to repent of Their State is all Joy and Peace enter thou into the joy of thy Lord Mat. 25. 21. It is not bid to enter into them being infinitely more than they can hold but they into it as into a vast Ocean of Bliss whereof they shall always drink to the full but never empty or exhaust it Quest. Indeed such compleat Knowledge and perfect Holiness must needs give them cause of greatest satisfaction from themselves But what sort of Company must they keep will they be equally happy in that too Answ. Yes unimaginably happy For they will live always in the presence of God who will ineffably Communicate himself to them and of Jesus Christ who will infinitely rejoyce to see how happy he has made them and of the Holy Ghost who will eternally Congratulate the reward of his own Graces in them and converse with Angels Apostles and Glorified Saints and all their Godly dear Friends whom they valued as their own Souls and whom they clave so fast to in their hearts that they could have followed them into the other World when they were taken from them Quest. And all this God-like Society are every way fitted to be the most happy and delightful Companions Answ. Yes to be the most Blissful that possibly can be thought of For they are all light and quickness in their understandings and all love and tenderness in their Affections and most sweet and obliging in their carriage being perfectly free from all Anger Crossness Scorn or Contempt and every thing that may give offence They all look pleased and inviting in their countenances and are exquisitely wise useful and entertaining in all their Discourses and all agree in the same Opinions and speak the same things and pursue the same ends and are pleased in the same Objects and have no strife among them but who shall love highest and oblige most and be most like to God and agreeable to each other for evermore Quest. You say there shall be no strife but who shall love most Indeed a state of love which is not cooled by any unkindnesses nor crossed
them those intolerable miseries and utter and horrid despair of ever removing or abating them Quest. Is this Sting of Conscience so extreamly tormenting to mens Souls that it should be compared to a Worm preying upon their vitals Answ. Yes for they who feel it and such only can tell the smart of it think it more exquisite and insupportable than the pangs of death it self And therefore they run greedily after Death and seek by any means to make away themselves in hopes thereby to get quit of it The Spirit of a man will sustain all other his infirmities but a wounded Spirit who can bear Prov. 18. 14. And if 't is so intolerable here where they have only some beginnings and small fore-tastes of it what must it be when horror is at the heighth and despair and anguish is consummate and the rage of all infernal Spirits is let loose to represent at full the most formidable Phantasms and imprint Anguish and all sorts of Agonies and painful Horrors with the utmost activity of Furious and powerful Spirits as it will be in the next World. Quest. But whilst their forlorn Souls are racked with all these horrible pangs what shall become of their Bodies Answ. They shall Frye in Flames as I said and endure all the Torment which men can feel in the hottest Fire They shall be cast into a Furnace of Fire Mat. 13. 42. and have their part in the Lake which burneth with Fire and Brimstone which is the second death Rev. 21. 8. Quest. This must needs cause excessive pain But shall they not have something to mitigate and make it easier Answ. No not so much as a drop of water to cool their Tongue when 't is parched and tormented in the Flame Luke 16. 24. Nor that poor relief of those who are extream weary and sore to shift sides or change their posture Bind him hand and foot that he cannot stir says our Lord when he Condemns the Sinner to this Lake of Fire Mat. 22. 13. Quest. And shall desperate shame and disgrace be added to all this Answ. Yes For they are all as vile and hateful to God and all good men yea and to themselves too as they can be made and it is purely their own wilful and wretched Folly and desperate wickedness which has brought them to it Quest. But will not God the hope and comfort of all that are in utter distress look upon them and shew them countenance in this wretched state Answ. No they shall never see his face nor receive the least glimpse of favour from his Countenance He will say to them depart from me ye Cursed Mat. 25. 41. And they shall be punished with everlasting destruction from the Presence of the Lord 2 Thes. 1. 9. He will not look upon them but in wrath and fury and never think of them in mercy any more Quest. But when God deserts them shall they be quite forsaken or will they not be allowed some Company in this distress Answ. Yes but that shall be the Company of Devils and tormenting Spirits who thirst more after Blood than ever the most starved Appetite did after food and who have no other way to ease their own pains but by the satisfaction of augmenting theirs Go into everlasting Fire prepared for the Devil and his Angels Mat. 25. 41. Quest. But amidst all this horrid Crew that take such pleasure to despite them shall there be none to help them when they are unable to help themselves at least to pity and condole with them Answ No there are none but Partners in destruction who are all too full of their own miseries to attend theirs And all these in Nature are perfect Furies that have no love and tenderness for others For Hell is no place for pity and kindness since he that dwells in Love dwells in God as St. John says 1 Joh. 4. 16. So that there they shall have no Friend either to help or hearten or sympathize with them But all about them shall spitefully vex and reproach them and add more to their burden which is already heavier by far than they can bear Quest. But there is one thing still that in the extreamest Torments gives some ease and recruit of Spirits tho' it cannot give a full deliverance and that is Rest and Sleep And shall not miserable wretches have some rest from these Torments Answ. No for the smoke of their Torment ascendeth up for ever and ever and they have no rest day nor night Rev. 14. 11. Quest. But if this Torment be thus without all intermission and thus violent sure it will not last long but they will c●●●e in good time to an end of it Answ. No it shall never end Their Bodies as I noted shall be made indissoluble and immortal only that their pains may be immortal Their worm dieth not and their Fire never shall be quenched Mark 9. 43 44. Quest. Good God! how intolerable and irremediable is this State will not every man that believes he shall unavoidably suffer all this for persisting wicked take any pains and endure any hardships in Religion and the amendment of his Life to prevent it Answ. Yes most certainly and this is the wise use we are to make of it Knowing the Terrors of the Lord in executing the Wicked after the last Judgment we perswade men to live well here without which there is no avoiding them 2 Cor. 5. 11. Quest. And since the happiness of the Righteous is so infinitely lasting and large must not the belief of that make us contemn all the short pleasures of Sin which would bereave us of it and think all the sufferings of Virtue nothing in comparison of the reward that doth attend it Answ. Yes for since the sufferings of this present Time are not worthy to be compared with the Glory that shall be revealed in us neither Death nor Life nor Things present nor Things to come nor any other Creature ●●all be able to separate us from the love of God which is in Christ Jesus our Lord Rom. 8. 18 38 39. FINIS Books lately Printed for Robert Kettlewell 1. THe Measures of Christian Obedidience By John Kettlewell Vicar of Coles-Hill in Warwickshire The second Edition In Quarto Price bound 8s 2. An Help and Exhortation to worthy Communicating By John Kettlewell Vicar of Coles-Hill in Warwickshire In Twelves Price bound 2s 6d 3. A Discourse Explaining the Nature of Edification By John Kettlewell Vicar of Coles-Hill in Warwickshire In Quarto Price 6d 4. A Funeral Sermon for the Right Honourable the Lady Frances Digby By John Kettlewell Vicar of Coles-Hill in Warwickshire In Quarto Price 6d 5. The Religious Loyalist Or A good Christian taught how to be a Faithful Servant both to God and the King. By John Kettlewell Vicar of Coles-Hill in Warwickshire 6. A Funeral Sermon for the Right Honourable Simon Lord Digby By John Kettlewell Minister of Coles-Hill in Warwickshire 7. A Journey into Greece by Sir George Wheeler in