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A38033 The Socinian creed, or, A brief account of the professed tenents and doctrines of the foreign and English Socinians wherein is shew'd the tendency of them to irreligion and atheism, with proper antidotes against them / by John Edwards ... Edwards, John, 1637-1716. 1697 (1697) Wing E212; ESTC R17329 116,799 294

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an other place he asserts that Souls departed live not the life of Spirits and adds that it is contrary to Scripture to assert otherwise And further If souls lived thus it could not be said that the dead ARE NOT because they ARE as is their chief part If you would know the ground of this opinion it is this The Soul they say can't live without the Body and therefore when this dies the other doth so too The foresaid Author expresses it thus As the body without the spirit is a carkase so the spirit without the body can exert no actions i. e. is as it were a carkase is dead and in an other place he is as peremptory Slichtingius labours to prove that humane souls live not on this side of the last and general Resurrection which appears from their not having a Sense of any thing between the time after their departure hence and the Resurrection The dead are not sensible saith he and accordingly Separate Souls having no sense and perception are concluded to have no life Again in an other place in his Commentary he saith the Souls of the just are not sensible of Happiness till after the Resurrection Volkelius would seem at first to be a Trimmer for he tells us the Soul neither dies nor lives it is neither mortal nor immortal But when he comes to explain himself he lets us see that he is no dissenter from his brethren but concludes with them that the Souls of the departed are insensible of any thing before their re-union with the bodies Nay as you shall hear afterwards he improves this Insensibility into an Extinction I will mention Crellius in the last place though he is a Racovian of the first Rate he gives it us as his perswasion that the souls of the dead have no perception no knowledg of any thing And in an other place he determines that the departed Saints enjoy not the Happiness of Heaven before the End of the World And afterwards he undertakes the Proof of this and produces Eight Arguments for this purpose but he generally founds it on this Hypothesis that there is no Perception without the Body and therefore till there be a Reunion of soul and body the deceased can have no feeling of Celestial Joys they remain destitute of all s●…se Thus they all agree that Humane Spirits after death have no Life or Activeness for one is synonymous with the other no capacity of exerting themselves But what can be more contrary to those discoveries which are made to us in the Sacred and Inspired Writings Our Blessed Saviour saith God is not the God of the dead but of the living Mat. 22. 32. which words are spoken of Abraham Isaac and Jacob who are long since departed this life wherefore it is undeniably evident that these Patriarchs live But they do not live as to their bodies therefore it must be meant of their Souls The same Infallible Instructer ascertains us that he who hears his word and believes in him who sent him is passed from death to life John 5. 24. Which words though they may be interpreted concerning a state of spiritual death and spiritual life in this world yet they have a fuller meaning and comprehend in them the passing of believers at their death into a better life than they had before viz. that which is Everlasting of which he speaks in the very same verse And such are said to be passed as if it were already done which is usual in the Scripture-stile because of the Certainty of the thing hereafter But the Socinian Theology runs counter to this they say believers pass from life to death to a state that is wholly uncapable of sense life or action Those words of our Saviour this day shalt thou be with me in paradise Luke 23. 43. prove that the Soul enjoys it self immediately after death and is in a state of Bliss and Happiness The Apostle had a desire to depart and to be with Christ Phil. 1. 23. and assigns this as a reason which is far better that is far better than to abide in the flesh to continue in this world which he speaks of both before and after these words But according to Socinus's followers it is far worse for after the Soul's departure from the body it hath no understanding no perception at all of Christ or any thing appertaining to him Again these men confront not only Scripture but reason they shew themselves as bad Philosophers as Divines for if they had a right apprehension of the Nature of Humane Souls they would not talk after this rate Their notion destroys the very Soul of man for it deprives it of its Essential and Inseparable Quality which is Thinking And besides they grosly imagine that the Body helps the Soul in its operations yea that this cannot subsist without the assistance of that whereas according to the best notions we can form of the body as it is now corrupted it is a hindrance to the operation of the Soul And as for the Soul it is so far from being worsted by its Separation that it is in a much better condition as to its actings than it was Death is but snuffing of this Candle so 't is call'd Prov. 20. 27. it makes it shine the brighter When the Soul leaves the Body it becomes more brisk and active than ever being freed from that fleshly clog and luggage which depressed it This is True Philosophizing but the other is the very dregs of Epicurism It degrades the Rational Part of Man especially that of Good Men for all Separate Souls according to them go to the same place the wicked and the godly are alike as to that there is no difference between them till the Resurrection and Last Judgment Which is a great deal worse than the doctrine of the Church of Rome which assigns different Limbus's to the good and bad And then they are all equal as to this that they are Senseless and uncapable of knowing or acting or any ways exerting themselves Though the Soul exists yet it is as if it were not it hath nothing of its True Nature which is in a manner thrusting the Rational Spirit out of its being Who doth not see that the belief of the Insensibility and Inactivity of the Soul makes way for the belief of its Non-subsistence after the death of the body And so all Religion is dampt and the hopes of a Future State are quite laid in the dust The Socinian Writers verge upon this thus from the pen of one of the Authors before mention'd we have such words as these concerning the Soul Properly speaking it neither dies nor lives but only causes Life as long as it is joyn'd to the Body wherefore properly speaking it can't be said to be Immortal for Immortality belongs only to those beings which themselves actually live And speaking another time concerning the Souls that are separated from their bodies he
Scriptures is a considerable Branch not to say Root But this is but mean and inconsiderable in respect of what they further hold and maintain For they not only find fault with some passages here and there but they question the Authority of whole Books and even vilifie the Old Testament it self What think you of those words of the Ring-leader of the Party The Precepts of the Old Testament are for the most part such that it is hard to believe that they proceed from God they are either so Light or Vain or Superstitious or even Foolish and Ridiculous and in sum they seem not to be worthy of God Is this the Language of one that hath a due respect and reverence for the Scriptures And in an other place you will find him particularly disparaging the Book of the Proverbs of Solomon And one of his Friends declares that when Solomon in his Proverbs speaks any thing concerning Manners if it be not expresly spoken that is either commanded or forbid by Moses in the Law is no more obligatory than the wise advice and doctrine of any other man What is this but bringing down this Inspit'd Author to the same level with Plato and Seneca or any other honest Moralist But would you know what is the true reason of their slighting and undervaluing this Royal Penman who dictated all by an Infallible Spirit It is this without doubt because there is in that Book so Remarkable a Confirmation of the doctrine of Christ's Divinity chap. 8. v. 22. to 32. where any unprejudic'd man cannot but see that by Wisdom is meant the Son of God Christ Jesus whose Eternal Being and Godhead are there in plain terms express'd I might observe how an other Celebrated Racovian disparages those Writings of Solomon which bear the Title of Ecclesiastes but I shall have occasion to mention this more particularly afterwards Then for the New Testament we are rightly told by an Excellent Pen that our Unitarians undermine the Authority of these Books and so introduce Deism amongst us There are some of these Writings either slily carp'd at or more positively call'd in question by them The Subtilty of Enjedinus an Overseer of the Socinian Churches in Transilvania is to be taken notice of in his Explication of the Epistle to the Hebrews who though he saith he hath an esteem for this Book and will not detract from the Authority of it yet thus speaks It is to be known that this Epistle is very much suspected among the most nor hath it obtain'd the same repute and dignity with the other Writings of the New Testament And then he assigns his Reasons why he questions the Authority of this Epistle one whereof is this The things which this Author writes concerning the Tabernacle chap. 9. v. 1. may be confuted out of the Old Testament An other is that he seems to use foolish Arguings and to assert some things which are manifestly false And lastly this Epistle seems to favour certain Heretical and Erroneous Opinions All this and much more he rehearses in contempt of the Divine Authority of this Epistle and saith not one syllable to shew his dislike of it or to let the World see how these Cavils may be confuted The true reason is because this part of St. Pauls Writings is such an Eminent and Illustrious Attestation of the Divinity of our Saviour and of his making Satisfaction unto God the Father by the offering of himself a Sacrifice upon the Cross for us Again the Writings of St. John the Evangelist and Apostle have been struck out of the Canon of Scripture by these men It is the frank acknowledgment of our New English Unitarians as may be seen in one of their late Prints that the Antient Unitarians generally disregarded the Gospel and Epistles which are ascribed to this Author and held that they were writ by Cerinthus an Heretick in those days But this must be said they pitch'd upon a very unlikely man to be the Author of those Writings for this Cerinthus as Irenaeus Eusebius and others of the most Credible Writers of the Church inform us was the Chief Man in those days that opposed the Divinity of Christ and held him to be a Mere Man whereupon St. John drew his Pen against him Can we think then that the Gospel of St. John was writ against Cerinthus and yet that Cerinthus writ it Besides it is easily proved that both the Gospel and the First Epistle which bear this Apostle's name were universally held to be Canonical Scripture and written by him as Eusebius testifies nay a professed Unitarian Writer firmly vouches this Wherefore it is probable that the only reason why any of the Old Unitarians disallow'd of St. John's Writings was because there are such passages as these in them In the beginning was the Word and the Word was with God and the Word was God The same was in the beginning with God All things were made by him and without him was not any thing made that was made The Word was made flesh and dwelt among us and we beheld his glory the glory as of the only begotten of the Father I and my Father are one He that hath seen me hath seen the Father I am in the Father and the Father in me Whosoever denieth the Son the same hath not the Father There are three that bear record in Heaven the Father the Word and the Holy Ghost and these three are one In brief because these Writings assert the Holy Trinity and more especially the Divinity of Christ thence they are resolved to defame the authority of them thence our very Modern Unitarians publickly declare that St. John makes use of certain terms and phrases as life light fullness only begotten c. by chance and by other crafty insinuations they would diminish the esteem of those Writings Nay they endeavour to blast the Credit of All the Canonical Books by telling us that some have been modelling the Common Bibles far above twelve hundred years So saith the Author of the Considerations on the Explications of the Doctrine of the Trinity and he speaks in the name of all the rest Thus they would make the World believe that the Whole Sacred Volume is corrupted and thereby our Religion and Faith are rendred Uncertain and Dubious which is the thing aimed at Moreover their vilifying and abusing of the Holy Scripture are seen in their Wild Interpretations of it merely to evade plain Texts which are against them and to establish their own fond Principles I deny not that some of them have very laudable descants on several passages of the Bible Faustus Socinus hath excellent Discourses and Commentaries on sundry Texts he treats excellently of the Authority of the Scriptures and very admirably and judiciously of the Truth of Christianity But at other times he generally dodges and higgles and uses quirks and subterfuges to support his Cause So true is that of our Learned Stilling
Author whom I cited was unmindful o●… that in his hot pursuit after his Lordship of Worcester and by the ambiguous matching of Self-existent with Unoriginated labours to fetch his Lordship into the noose which he thought he had prepar'd for him But because this Modern Racovian may make some shew of evading my Charge by pretending his Words were spoken in another's Person and not his own I will not any further insist upon it because the Reader shall thereby be made apprehensive that I am averse from contending in any dubious matter I proceed therefore to the next Attribute viz. the Spirituality of God the denial of which I tax'd the Racovians with And here I will first prove the Charge and then briefly represent the Unreasonableness and Absurdity of this notion which the Socinians frame of God For the sake of the English Reader I will translate out of the Latin the very Words of one of their Principal Authors When we saith he name a Spirit we understand a Substance void of all Grossness such as we behold in visible bodies Thus we say that Angels are SPIRITS and so we call our Diviner Part which Philosophers rather call a SOUL and the Air though it lie open to some of our Senses as the Touch and other bodies like to this Every one of which hath so much the more this name viz. SPIRIT allotted to it by how much it is the more subtile Again he expresses it thus Spirit or Spiritual Essence is that which is opposed to that Essence which is Corporeal that is which is Crass viz. of such things which we behold with our Eyes especially of those that are Terrene And a third time he vouches this for he reckons God and Angels and the Souls of Men in the same rank with Air and Subtile Bodies telling us that these are Spirits in the proper and strict sense Our Home-Socinians think and speak the same as is apparent from J. Bidle who openly declares that God is of a Visible and Corporeal Shape Thus it is plain that the Immaterial Nature of the Deity is discarded by them and the best Notion that they can frame of him is that he is a Thin Airy Body Which how disparaging it is to the Divine Being cannot but be conceiv'd by every Serious Thinking Man For let Matter be never so fine and subtile yet still it is Matter The Animal Spirits as they are generally call'd are bodies as well as any others and when they are never so Agile and Brisk they have still a Corporeal Nature and being such they are Finite and Circumscribable which is unworthy of the Nature of the Supreme Being Therefore this was the rational dictate of Improv'd Minds that God is Incorporeal this was the sense of Plato as Tully tells us and of the all Ancient Philosophers by whom he was acknowledg'd to be an Incorporeal and Infinite Mind Again all Matter of it self is Unactive and Dull because it hath no inward Principle to act and inform it Whatever motion and agitation it hath is from without first of all all its Influence is put into it by another Which to conceive of God is the greatest Blasphemy as well as Absurdity Further all Matter or mere Body is in its own Nature void of Sense and Perception and it is not the Fineness and Agility of it that will make it Think and Apprehend The reason is because Cogitation or Apprehension is another distinct thing and quite different from a Material Being and therefore it is ridiculous to imagine that what is merely Corporeal hath a faculty of Thinking or Conceiving of Understanding or Willing To be Cogitative is far different from being Divisible or Extended and the notion of Cogitation doth not in the least involve in it the notion of Division There is such a disparity between the Ideas of these things that no rational man can bring it into his thoughts that Matter is capable of Perceiving or Performing the acts of the Mind There is an absolute necessity therefore of asserting God to be Incorporeal we must be forced to subscribe to what our Infallible Instructer who was also God himself hath taught us that God is a Spirit John 4. 24. Which Words it is observable Socinus most grosly depraves merely to avoid the acknowledgment of this Attribute Because 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 is not in the Greek he makes 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 the Accusative Case and will have it refer to 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 in the foregoing verse as much as to say Go●… seeks a Spirit This extravagant work doth he make although the words are a plain Proposition and the Grammer of them is easie and obvious But I have already taken notice of these mens palpable Abusing of Scripture for their own Ends. The next Attribute of God which Socinus's Scholars disallow of is his Omnipresence I had leisure only just to mention this before now I will produce some Evidence of what I said It is not necessary to believe that the Essence of God is Immense saith their Great Patriarch And he hath these strange words in a Fragment of his Catechism Though God's power and wisdom be not circumscribed by any limits yet it follows not thence that his Essence is infinite as if his Essence and Attributes were not alike as to Infinity He hath more of this nature in another place of his Catechism and in other parts of his Writings Smalcius and Crellius two of his fast Friends deny that God is present every where by his Nature and Essence Vorstius limits the presence of God by absolutely denying the Ubiquity of his Essence And Episcopius who is to be taken into the number of the Racovians as I observ'd before from their own words enclines this way telling us that it is not necessary to believe that God is present every where as to his substance and entity and he proceeds to bring Arguments such as they are to maintain what he saith And other Authors not excepting the Moderns might be alledged to the same purpose but I think it will not be required because their Opinion in this case is so well known But how derogatory is it to the Excellent and Perfect Nature of the Deity It is no other than limiting and confining the Divine Being and making that Finite which is Infinite If God's Ubiquity be denied his Infiniteness must be so too And yet which shews the Absurdity and Inconsistency of their notions these foresaid Writers pretend to acknowledg that his Wisdom and Power are infinite as if Infinite Perfections could be seated in a finite subject Or rather these Perfections may be said to be God Himself and therefore if they be Infinite the Nature of God must needs be such His Transcendent Nature is of that kind that it hath no bounds no dimensions and what is so is Every where and in all places though not circumscribed by any But they have such
being a Sacrifice and thereby making an Atonement unto God for us upon earth which destroys that Senseless Fiction of theirs that he was not a Priest till he came to Heaven This is undeniable that where the Oblation of the Sacrifice is there is the Priest now it was here upon Earth that he was a Sacrifice he offer'd his own blood upon the Cross and therefore he was a Priest upon Earth Therefore it is said When he had by himself purged our sins viz. here by his blood he sat down on the right hand of the Majesty on high Heb. 1. 3. He first offer'd himself a Propitiatory Sacrifice for us and then appear'd in glory and triumph in heaven Other Texts speak of Christ's ransoming us Mat. 20. 28. 1 Tim. 2. 6. and of redeeming us Rom. 3. 24. 1 Cor. 1. 30. And this Redemption was by his Blood Eph. 1. 17. 1 Pet. 1. 18. call'd the Blood of God Acts 20. 28. This was the Price that was paid for us and so it was a Proper Redemption This Price was paid to God's Justice to free us from the Penalty which was due by the Law to rescue us from eternal wrath and misery This is the doctrine which the Holy Scripture teacheth us and this is the faith of all who rightly understand those Writings viz. that Christ suffer'd and died to satisfie the Divine Justice in our stead and thereby to expiate for our sins and to redeem us from death and hell and to purchase life and salvation for us The Socinians deny this and thereby subvert the whole Gospel turn Christianity upside down ruine the very foundations of our Religion and pluck it up by the roots According to the doctrine of these Men we are yet in our sins for there is no True Expiation for them we are in a State of Misery we are overwhelm'd with our own Guilt we are hopeless helpless creatures and our condition is deplorate for there is no Satisfaction made to God for our transgressions Nay they are not content barely to renounce the contrary doctrine but they explode it with great derision and reproach First as to Christ's Merits we are told by Smalcius that it was taught by Socinus and Ostorodus that the opinion of those is false absurd and pernicious who have invented and feigned that there is any such thing as Merit in Christ. And Smalcius himself is bold to call it the Fictitious Merit of Christ and in another place that Dream of Merit Then as to the Satisfaction it self he is not afraid to stile it a Fiction that hath its rise from the brains of curious men And in his Catechism he hath these reproachful words Though now it is vulgarly thought by Christians that Christ by his death merited Salvation for us and fully satisfied for our sins yet it is a deceitful opinion erroneous and very pernicious Yea this doctrine of Christ's Satisfaction is termed Absurd and Impious by Socinus I appeal now to the Reader whether I need prove that those who use such language deserve the last of these Epithets themselves But are the English and Modern Gentlemen of the same opinion Yes as you may see in Mr. Bidle's Scripture Catechism as he calls it but very unjustly Chap. 12. where he shamefully corrupts the sense of Scripture to render his Opinion plausible If you consult one of their Later Writers you will find him in a deriding manner thus representing the doctrine of the Trinitarians viz. that God the Son being incarnate in our nature fulfill'd for us all obedience by his active righteousness and by his passive one he more than exhausted all that Punishment that is or can be due to Sin Whatever he did was for us and what he suffer'd was in our stead and one drop of his blood was sufficient to ransom a thousand worlds from the demerit of their Sins And then they labour to shew that the belief of such doctrine is of very ill consequence it 〈◊〉 the cause of the decay of Piety and it is tha●… which bolsters men up in their wicked courses Afterwards in way of derision they thus express the doctrine of Christ's Satisfaction Because they i. e. the Trinitarians pretend that God was incarnate and suffer'd in our stead they are forced to this conclusion that God hat●… freely pardon'd and yet was infinitely overpaid for all our transgressions and sins that of his mere Grace the abundance and riches of his grace forsooth he will pardon and save the peniten●… because he hath received for them 〈◊〉 you 'll believe it a price of Redemption c. These Tenents they scoff at a●… branches growing upon the Trinitarian Stock these they brand as scandalous absurd and heretical doctrines p. 11. 12 14. I●… an other place they declare that the Oblation which Christ made of himself was not made to the Justice of God or by way of a full reparation to it but as all other Sacrifices of beasts formerly were an oblation or application to the mercy of God and as 't is added by way of humble suit In the same place they represent Christ's Satisfaction as a Monster and scoffingly call it the Trinitarians Fetch-back though presently after they seem to retract this Jargon In a pretended Letter to the Clergy of both Universities these New Racovians again ridicule this doctrine and so they do in some others of their late Pamphlets which makes their Character very wretched and dismal and to be abhorr'd by all Good Men and sincere Lovers of Christianity for it is too manifest that they tread under foot the Son of God and count the blood of the Covenant an unholy thing and do despite unto the Spirit of grace Thus you see how the doctrine of Socinianism as it respects God in general and more particularly the Persons of the Godhead and in a more especial manner the Second Person or Lord Christ Jesus and his Undertakings you see I say how extremely vitiated it is and fitted to the conceptions and notions of Prophane and Atheistical Spirits CHAP. IV. They maintain that the First Man was not created in a State of Uprightness notwithstanding the Writings of the Old and New Testament expresly assert the contrary Original Sin though attested in the same Holy Writings is pronounced a Fable by them Their groundless notion concerning the Spirit and Divine Assistance With the Pelagians they hold that Man 's Natural Strength is sufficient in order to faith and obedience What are vain and lying words according to Slichtingius Their strange conceptions concerning the Future State It is their opinion that the Souls of the deceased are void of all Perception and Sense that they Live not yea that they Exist not Which notions are proved to be contrary to Scripture and Reason The Immortality of humane Souls is shock'd by these Men. Which shews their Irreligious and Atheistical Propension Some of them disbelieve the Resurrection of the Wicked
in the writings of the New Testament first the Gospel secondly a firm and certain hope of eternal life This is the only acception of the word Spirit in the New Testament so far as we that are under the present dispensation of the Gospel are concern'd As for the former all Christians enjoy it as to the latter it is given only to those that believe and obey the Gospel whence it necessarily follows that it is not requisite before our belief or obedience There is no such thing as the Spirit in order to these i. e. in order to the producing of them in our hearts and lives But though they thus in plain terms renounce the Spirit is there not some Divine Help necessarily requisite for the begetting of faith and holiness in us Yes they grant there is an Outward Help vouchsafed viz. the Promises and Threatnings in the Scripture And there is an Inward one but what is that It is no other than this God's sealing what he hath promised in the hearts of those that obey him which is the same with what was mentioned before viz. a certain hope of eternal life and this is wrought in those that already believe and obey So that it is manifest when they speak of the Spirit and Divine help they mean no previous assistance or operation in order to believing and obeying These spiritual acts according to them are not the product of Divine Grace and the Help of the Spirit for they do not follow these but go before them This is the exact account of the Racovian Perswasion concerning this matter The present Set of Unitarians hold the same they scoff at the particular aids and efficacy of the Spirit in order to Conversion they mock at the inward word which God speaks to the heart whereby the word written or preach'd is rendred effectual whereby Sinners are first convinc'd and then reclaim'd They with Nicodemus profess that they know nothing of this marvellous doctrine they can't imagine what kind of thing this inward word is They will not by any means allow that all is done in Religion by the Grace of God and the assistance of the Spirit beginning continuing and perfecting good actions in us This was the very Heresie of Pelagi●…s he and his abettors held it was in every man's natural power to believe and repent without any inward operation of the Grace of God or influence of the Holy Ghost In this the Socinians agree with the Old Pelagians if the Writers of those times give us a true account of them These let us know that it was confidently affirmed by them that it is in the power of man to choose spiritual good without the special assistance of God yea that it is possible to keep the Commandments so strictly and exactly that they shall not stand in need of Pardon that they may arrive to such a Perfection in this life that they shall be able to live without sin as St. Jerom and St. Augustin who narrowly inquir'd into the Sentiments of these men expresly inform us That the Socinians have a Touch of this last to say no more might easily be proved from what is said by Smalcius and Crellius and Bidle and others of them and indeed it partly follows from the abovesaid Principle But the falseness and impiety of it are discernible by those who regulate their thoughts and apprehensions by the Holy Scriptures and who attend to that Article of our Church The condition of man after the fall of Adam is such that he cannot turn and prepare himself by his own natural strength and good works to faith and calling upon God Wherefore we have no power to do good works pleasant and acceptable to God without the grace of God by Christ preventing us that we may have a good will and working with us when we have that good will There is nothing plainer and clearer in the New Testament than this that man can do nothing without the particular assistance of God that will be available to his Salvation And if any man asserts the contrary he makes void the Undertakings of Jesus Christ for he came to redeem us and save us because we were not able of our selves to effect any such thing Wherefore to say we that can of our selves and by our own natural strength do the things that are acceptable to God and will be conducible to our Eternal Salvation is to render the Redemption of Christ useless and unnecessary And this is that which the persons I am speaking of drive at and thereby undermine Christianity it self In brief judg of the Doctrines of the Socinians from what we find in one of the Heartiest Souls of them all who in his Commentary on the Epistle to the Ephesians reckons these following Particulars among Vain and Lying Words i. e. Groundless and False Doctrines viz. Justification by the grace of God and not by good works Christ's Obedience and his dying for our sins Faith in Christ Confession Repentance Remission of Sins Baptism and the other Sacrament Also he reckons up among these the Fall of Adam Divine Predestination and Election and afterwards false opinions concerning God and Christ and the Holy Spirit i. e. according to his meaning the believing of the Sacred Trinity Need I now come with my old Charge Do not these men talk like Infidels Fourthly I proceed to display their strange conceptions concerning the Future State and those things which relate to it and to examine whether upon that account they deserve the Character that was given them I will reduce all to these Four Heads viz. their perswasions concerning the Souls of the deceased concerning the General Resurrection concerning the Last Judgment and concerning the Punishment that follows it And the Reader will soon perceive that their apprehensions about all these speak them to be Irreligiously disposed Nay it will be as plain and evident as any Demonstration in Mathematicks that these Writers promote the Cause of Atheists in the world First As to the Souls of those that are dead Socinus holds that till the Resurrection they are devoid of all perception and sensation In these formal words he speaks The Soul of Man after this life doth not so subsist of it self as that it is sensible of any rewards or pains or that it is capable of feeling them And he adds that this is his firm opinion And that we may not mistake him he adjoyns this It sufficiently appears that my sentiment is this viz. that the soul of man doth not so live after his death as that of it self it is capable of rewards and punishments His friend Smalcius is more positive and down-right for these are his words We firmly believe that the deceased Saints exist not for as he explains himself the body perishes and the soul hath no life and perception therefore it may be said that the Saints exist not at all null●… modo In
l. 4. c. 23. Smalcius peremptorily asserts that those are Venial Sins which do not merit eternal death and that there are such sins But the rest only say God hath not constituted Eternal Punishment as the just recompence of all Sins Volkelius's express words are Venial Sins are those for which God hath not appointed the penalty of eternal death so that of themselves they deprive no man of eternal life But this contradicts the Apostle who speaks without any reserve and limitation The wages of sin is death Rom. 6. 23. And you may be satisfied that even Eternal Death is included in that general term for death in this former clause of the verse is directly oppos'd to eternal life in the latter one That they symbolize in the doctrine of Praying for the dead may be gather'd from what a Great Man among them saith It is no wonder that those who believe no middle state of the dead pray not for them But those that believe this do well in praying for them He adds There is a much more certain succour and aid in the prayers of the living for the dead than in the prayers of the dead for the living They affect the way of the Church of Rome in the manner of excusing their worshiping the Son of God although they hold him not to be God but a Creature for as the Romanists palliate their Idolatrous Worship in praying to Saints and Angels c. by saying that this Adoration is paid ultimately to God himself so not only the Old but the New Socinians use the same language telling us that the worshiping of the Son is not terminated in him as its utmost scope but passes by and through him to the Father Lastly I might add that the Author of the Considerations on the Explications of the doctrine of the Trinity speaks favourably of Transubstantiation All these things evidence that there is no such great gulf fixed between the Papists and Socinians but that they can hold commerce with one another and in time if there be occasion come closer together I charge not these latter with any formed intentions of promoting the Roman Cause but they may be Factors for Rome though perhaps they know it not However I desire it may be consider'd how Inconsistent these men are when they make a shew sometimes of being great Enemies to the Roman Religion and yet at other times abet and befriend it Would not a Thinking Man be induced to believe that they are at the bottom Favourers of the Pontifician Interest Lastly I appeal to any considerate man whether this be not more probable than what the Socinians charge the Trinitarians with viz. that they are the Causes and Occasions of those Errors and Heresies which compose the gross body of Popery Thus I have offer'd a Brief Scheme of the Anti-Trinitarian and Socinian Doctrines These things might have been further enlarged upon but I was willing to bring all into a narrow compass for the sake of the Meanest Readers such as have not time and leisure to peruse Great Volumes or are not able to purchase them I hear that there is a Reverend and Worthy Person of my Name of the University of Oxford who hath undertaken to give a Larger Account of matters referring to this subject but for my own part I purposely design'd Brevity for the reasons aforesaid and because I have other work of Greater Importance upon my hands for though the handling of the foregoing Points be of great use otherwise I should not have employ'd my self about them yet I give Practical Theology the precedence to them That the Reader may have a Summary View together of all the preceding doctrines of the Socinians I will be yet briefer and couch the whole in a Narrower Draught which you may call if you please the Creed of a Socinian It may be drawn up in this Form and Manner I believe concerning the Scripture that there are Errors Mistakes and Contradictions in some places of it that the Authority of some of its books is questionable yea that the Whole Bible hath been tamper'd with and may be suspected to be Corrupted I believe concerning God that he is not a Spirit properly speaking i. e. Immaterial and Incorporeal but that he is such another sort of Body as Air or Ether is that he is not Immense and Infinite and every where Present but is confined to certain places that he hath no Knowledg of such future events as depend on the free will of man and that it is impossible that these things should be foreknown by him that there is a Succession in God's Eternal Duration as well as there is in Time which is the measure of that Duration which belongs to Finite beings I believe further concerning God that there is no distinction of Persons or Subsistencies in him and that the Son and Holy Ghost are not God the former of these being only a Man and the latter no other than the Power or Operation of God that there was nothing of Merit in what Christ did or suffer'd that therefore he could not make Satisfaction for the sins of the world and the contrary Assertion is deceitful erroneous and pernicious I believe concerning the First Man that he was not created in a state of Uprightness that the Image of God in which he was made consisted not in Righteousness and Holiness and consequently that he did not lose these by his Fall for he could not lose what he had not that Adam's Posterity have receiv'd no hurt have had no stain or blemish derived to them by his Apostacy and the contrary Opinion is a fable a dream a fiction of Antichrist that Mankind having receiv'd no damage by the fall of our First Parents have still an ability by nature to desire and imbrace all Spiritual Good and to avoid all that is Sinful and Vitious that therefore there is no need of the help of the Holy Spirit and that men may believe and repent and perform all religious acts without his operation and influence yea indeed the Spirit is but an Operation it self that men are counted righteous before God not for the Merit of Christ Jesus for he had no Merit but for their own good works I believe concerning the Future State that the Souls of the deceas'd have no knowledg no perception of any thing they are not sensible of any rewards or pains neither are they capable of feeling them so that in a manner they may be said not to Exist for their life activity and sensibleness are vanish'd and their very Nature is absorpt I believe that we shall not rise with the Same Bodies which we have now at the last day but that another Matter or Substance shall be substituted in their place I believe that men shall not at the day of Judgment be required to give an Account of their actions the most Flagitious Sinners shall not be Examined concerning any thing of their past life
by steps That is the reason they have not in their Writings touch'd upon some of the foresaid Opinions But it is not to be question'd but that they have a good esteem of them and will in time when they have dispatch'd their Main Business betake themselves to the hearty defence of them But fourthly if I were to give a Scheme of the Roman or Popish Religion should I not discharge that Province sufficiently if I gave a true account of it from the Writings of the generality of Divines of that Communion and Profession in other Countries though I had not consulted every individual Papist in England about the Points Yes surely And so it is here Socinianism was not begot in Britain it is of Foreign Breed and therefore the Writings of those Foreigners who were profess'd Socinians are to be consulted and produced when we are to give a True Pourtraiture of Socinianism and accordingly this Method I have taken It was not necessary to ask every Little Pretender or Retainer to it in every corner of this Countrey whether he was exactly of the same Cut with the Outlandish Writers in every thing as if Socinianism were to be measured altogether by their sentiments and perswasions No Socinianism is not to be defined by what one or two Upstart Writers dictate this as Popery is to be judged and estimated according to the Generality of the persons that profess it And that is it which I have been doing I have been giving an estimation of it according to the Greatest Numbers of those who own themselves to be Socinians In this I have dealt fairly and no man can blame me for it Nay fifthly I have decipher'd Socinianism not only according to the judgment of the Most who own and profess it but of the Chiefest and Learnedest I have not only brought upon the Stage the Opinions which are held by the Main Body of them but I have consulted the Choicest Writers on the several subjects There are other Socinian Writers whom I have not mention'd as Goslavius Voidovius Gittichius c. but I chose out those that are renowned among them I could have produced the Assertions which are to be found in Servetus Valentinus Gentilis Bernardinus Ochinus Franciscus Davidis Sommerus Georgius Blandrata who made way for the reception of Socinus's doctrine against the Holy Trinity I could have quoted a later Author one Pr●…ovius who in his Writings hath said something concerning most of the Points before mentioned Yea this Volume of his is order'd by the Party to be adjoyn'd to the Bibliotheca Patrum Polonorum And besides the Reprinting of it in the year 1692 shews that it is Authentick among the Modern Socinians But I have omitted this Polonian Knight for such they tell us he was he being not so well known to the world as the rest that I have named I chose rather to make use of those Names which are of general Repute and Credit among the Unitarians and whose Writings they have a great and universal regard for so great and universal that they take all they say from them If I had always listned to the Majority of Voices to only what the Biggest part of them say though that were sufficient it is likely they would have blamed me but now seeing I have likewise attended to the determination of those who are reckon'd the most Eminent among them I 'm sure they can have nothing to object against me They must not think to shuffle us off by saying the Foreign and English Unitarians are not the same for you see that these latter are included in the former and both of them make up One Body of Men who are known by the name of Socinians and who are all of them profess'd and sworn Opposers of the Sacred Trinity Thus I suppose I have fully answer'd what was Objected and it is manifest that our own Countreymen no less than Foreigners are concern'd in the Character which I have given of these men CHAP. X. The Author concludes with Inferences from the whole viz. 1. Socinianism is a Complication of Old and New Errors Quakers and Muggletonians sprang thence 2. It is strange boldness in the Socinians to pretend to ground their Opinions on Scripture 3. What hath been said gives us a right Idea of these persons It appears they are no Christians but great favourers of Judaism and Turcism especially of the latter 4. We must entertain none of their Principles 5. We are to take notice of the tendency of them to Irreligion and Atheism Socinians and Atheists at this day friendly agree Yet the former have the confidence to charge the Trinitarians with Idolatry and Atheism The Author writes nothing in way of Recrimination but from a sense of the Reality of the things themselves He appeals to the judgment of the Sober and Religious He thinks not himself concern'd to take notice of every scurrilous or trifling Opponent NOw from the whole I will make some brief Remarks and Reflections and so conclude First see how faulty how erroneous how dangerous how pernicious the Theology of the Socinians is It fails not in one or two Points only but in a vast number as I have let you see It is patch'd up of several different Opinions fetch'd from sundry quarters it is a Fardle of mix'd and disagreeing Notions it is a Nest of Heterodoxies a Gallimafrey of Old and New Errors a Medley of Heresies taken from Ebion and Cerint●…us the Sabellians Samosatenians Arians Photinians Macedonians who corrupted the doctrine of the Holy Trinity They joyn with Jews Pagans and Mahometans in disowning and denying this Great Mystery of Religion Other false opinions they have borrow'd from the Pelagians a sort of Antient Hereticks concerning Adam's fall and the Effect of it and man's Natural strength and ability in spiritual matters so that these men deal in Brokers ware Old Opinions trimmed up anew Again They comply with the Papists as I have shew'd in several of their sentiments and perswasions and if there be any Idolatry in the Church of Rome it is certain the Socinians cannot clear themselves of that crime They tread in the steps of the Old Sadducees and of the Epicureans and of several Antient and Modern Libertines about the nature of Spirits of Separate Souls of the Resurrection of humane bodies of the Last Judgment and of Hell They espouse the cause of Anabaptists they follow those Enthusiasts who disallow of the solemnizing of any special Time particularly the Lord's day who disbelieve the benefit and use of the Sacraments and deride the Office and Call of Ministers in the Church It is observable that in their late Pamphlets they with great rudeness and incivility speak of Preaching In one place I remember School-boys and Preachers Rhetorick are joyn'd together by them and in five or six other places they have a fling at the Pulpit which they mention with great disdain It seems the Profess'd Instructors of the people are very much
out of their favour They laugh at the Orthodox as they call them for thundring it from their Pulpits that matters of Faith are above Reason So the Letter to the Clergy of both Universities chap. 10. And those that will not reject the Trinity and other doctrines exploded by the Socinians are Priest-ridden Letter of Resolution p. 19. They adhere to other Enthusiastick Spirits as to their mistaken conceits concerning Magistracy and the Secular Sword They perfectly accord with the Quakers in their opinions about the Trinity Christ's Satisfaction Original Corruption concerning the Ministerial Function and Mission concerning Infant-Baptism the Observation of the Christian Sabbath going to War c. So that any considerate man may observe that Quakerism is the spawn of Socinianism Nay they seem to have given rise to the wild Sect of Muggletonians who from them have learnt to hold but One Person in the Godhead viz. God the Father and to call the Trinity or a God of Three Persons as they speak a Monster as our Gentlemen are pleas'd also to express themselves They have been taught from them to renounce the Power of the Christian Magistrate and the Office of a Christian Minister they are instructed by them in their Tenents concerning the Spirits or Souls of men viz. that they can't act without the body and that therefore they are extinct as soon as they are separated from it They are the very words of this late Party and they are taken from the Racovians An other detachment is that the Bodies of the deceased wherein they lived and died shall not rise again shall not appear any more This is their language whence it is evident that Reeve and Muggleton suck'd their Principle from Faustus Socinus and his Adherents And thus you see that as the Socinians borrow from several Sects so they set up others they receive and distribute Poison and thereby doubly endanger mankind Lastly it is apparent that they borrow from Deists and Atheists and thereby yet further bring mischief upon the world And from the whole it is evident that these persons are corrupted not only in some matters of lesser moment but in those that are of the highest concern not only in merely Speculative doctrines but such as immediately relate to Practise not only in some Principles that respect the Circumstances of Christianity but in those that are Substantial and Fundamental those that are of the very Essence of the Christian Faith Let this be seriously thought of that we may have a true apprehension of the mischief of Socinianism Secondly Observe the strange boldness as well as falshood of these men They are often in their Writings insinuating into their Readers that they build all their Assertions on the Scriptures and thence they require their assent to what they deliver But from the several Particulars which I have insisted upon it is clear that they have no ground to require or claim it upon that account for I have manifestly discover'd the opposition of their Tenents to the plain dictates of the Holy Spirit in the Bible There they are condemned as spurious and adulterate Notions there they are rejected as Pernicious and Poisonous doctrines And yet they have the confidence to ground these on the authority of the Inspired Writings the Sacred Oracles of Truth yea One of them tells the world that he was brought to these Perswasions by reading the Scripture that hereby they may the more effectually impose upon the minds of men who they think will be ready to attend to that which they pretend is bottom'd on the Word of God Thirdly These things which have been suggested may be serviceable to give us a Right Idea of the persons I have been dealing with Surely those who have thus mangled and abused Religion cannot be thought to have a Good Intention in the work which they are about at this day yea they must be thought to have a very Bad one We may argue thus It is no wonder that they that pervert and deprave so many doctrines of Religion do more especially enervate the Mystery of the Blessed Trinity If it were only on the account of all their other wild notions we might have reason to suspect yea to condemn their blasphemous Opinion concerning our Lord Jesus Christ viz. their flat denial of his Godhead and of his Satisfaction c. It is not to be marvel'd at that they proceed thus far having done so much besides having in other Points of Christianity shew'd what a faculty they have of perverting and distorting the Truths of the Gospel What I have said therefore will be useful to enlighten the Reader that he may understand what manner of persons these are that to speak plainly he may be convinced that they are no Christians Whatever pretences they make to that Title it is impossible they should with reason lay claim to it for they neither are baptised into the Christian Faith nor do they make Profession of it as you have heard but on the contrary they subvert Christianity it self and deny the Divine Author of it How then can these men challenge the name of Christians Nay I could observe that they industriously comply with Jews and Turks in opposition to and defiance of all Sober Christians To gratifie the former they think fit to renounce the avowed Principles of the latter Herein they follow their Old Friend Servetus who had convers'd a long time with Jews and Mahometans and had espoused many of their Opinions and was a great Admirer of them Especially he declar'd his approbation of the Alcoran and thought it reconcileable with the New Testament if the doctrine of the Trinity were laid aside It is often mention'd by Socinus and other Racovian Writers that this doctrine and that of the Incarnation hinders Jews and Turks from embracing the Christian Religion And even the late Socinian Penmen in their New Tractates talk much of this that the doctrine of the Trinity puts a stop to the conversion of Jews Mahometans and Heathens and thereupon they are very earnest with their Readers to abandon this Great Point of Christianity in mere complacency with those Infidels And more particularly it is observable how favourably they speak of Mahometism or Turcism they profess themselves forward to believe that Mahomet had no other design in pretending himself to be a Prophet but to restore the belief of the Unity of God which at that time was extirpated among the Eastern Christians by the doctrines of the Trinity and Incarnation Mahomet meant not his Religion should be esteemed a New Religion but only the Restitution of the true Intent of the Christian Religion Therefore the Mahometan Learned men call themselves the True Disciples of the Messias They further in the same place insinuate their approbation of the Mahometan Religion above that of Christianity they magnifie the Alcoran and the more plausible Sect of Mahomet as the Saracens call'd it and at the same time they represent the