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A36367 Family devotions for Sunday evenings, throughout the year being practical discourses, with suitable prayers / by Theophilus Dorrington. Dorrington, Theophilus, d. 1715. 1693 (1693) Wing D1938; ESTC R19123 173,150 313

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Were there nothing in the Constitution of Man but that he could not be worthy to be compared with the vast bigness of the Earth and Heavens with the constant Motion the brightness and durableness of the Heavenly Bodies But the Soul of Man is in a Sense vaster and larger than these as it is capable to comprehend them It is of more unwearied motion than they it moves its self it is brighter far and far more durable than any of them It is then upon the account of the Spirit in Man that the making of him is thus set together with those great operations of the Creating Power Upon these grounds we may conclude that the Prophet Zachary does in our Text intimate the great excellency and dignity of the Soul of Man It shall be the business of this Discourse to insist upon some Proof and Application of this Truth And let us now perswade our selves for a little while to turn our Thoughts inward to view and consider our selves to know what a sort of Being God has given us Of all knowledge this may be reckon'd some of the most useful and important Hereby we shall come to understand what it becomes us to do what our true Interest is what great things we are capable of and should therefore pursue them To demonstrate the Excellency of the Soul of Man I shall insist only upon these two Heads of Discourse as containing what is sufficient for the present purpose They are the Nature of the Soul and the Capacities of it which do arise from and are the Consequents of such a Nature In the first place Let us consider the Nature of the Soul of Man And this I shall represent to you briefly under two Particulars 1. It is a Spirit 2. It is Immortal 1. The Soul of Man is a Spirit and therein it is an Excellent Being It is Invisible A thing that cannot be seen by the Eyes of the Body through the Excellency of it It is said of God in Praise of him that he cannot be seen The Apostle Paul calls him by way of Eminency the Invisible God 1 Tim. 1. 17. This then is an Excellency and does greatly recommend the Soul It is too pure and sublime a thing to fall under the gross apprehension of Bodily Senses It is a Pure Uncompounded and Unmix'd thing It is all the same is not made up of worse and better Parts It is in a sort all Light and has no Darkness is a bright celestial Ray sprung from the Great Father of Lights and Spirits Or at least it was very full of light and brightness in its Original State and before it was sullied with sinful Pollution in the Fall of our first Parents It has not diversity of Parts designed for divers Actions so as that what one Part can do another cannot which is the usual disparagement of Bodies But all the Soul can do whatever the Soul can do It can all of it understand and will apprehend or remember it can all chuse or refuse It has not some parts heavy and some active some to move and others to be moved but is all full of Action and is always working and busie It knows no weariness it needs no rest or refreshment It knows its own Actions and chuses what it does and acts freely and from its own Motion These are the Properties and Advantages that belong to it as it is a Spirit That the Soul of Man is a Spirit the Holy Scripture does abundantly declare When a man dies it says of his Body The Dust shall return to the Earth as it was and of his Soul The Spirit shall return to God that gave it Eccles 12. 7. This is a thing distinct from the Body it was not raised from the Dust as that was but came from God immediately nor does it return to the Dust but returns to God at our Death The Apostle says What man knoweth the things of a man that is the purposes wishes designs save the spirit of man which is in him speaking of the Soul of Man 1 Cor. 2. 11. And in the Fifth Chapter of that Epistle at the 5th Verse he directs the Corinthians to excommunicate an Eminent Person among them who had been Incestuous for the destruction of the Flesh that the Spirit might be saved in the Day of the Lord meaning his Soul I shall add no more to this particular but proceed 2. To what was next mentioned as declaring the Excellent Nature of our Souls which was that they are Immortal These Beings have a beginning indeed as every thing else has but One who is the first Cause and Author of all others But the Souls of men shall never come to an End When a man dies there is only a separation made for a while of his Soul from his Body with a dissolution indeed of the Body but the Soul remains the same that it was That lives still though not here and continues to be though it has changed its Habitation Do not imagine said the dying Cyrus to his Children That when I depart from you I shall be no where nor any longer For whilst I was with you ye could not see my Soul only ye knew by the Actions ye observed that it was in my Body Be assured then that it is still the same tho ye do never see it Thus the Learned Heathen could speak of the Soul And it is in the Nature of this to be Immortal as it is a Spirit It has nothing in its self to put an end to its being as it is an uncompounded thing It cannot be destroyed by any thing else but only by God that made it The Soul of man knows no decay it admits of no encrease of its Substance It remains always the same and is herein a Noble Image of the Unchangeable God It shall out-last the strongest works of Humane Art It shall endure longer than the Heavens and the Earth It shall weary time and then run on with Eternity This is a very great and important Excellency of it That it shall never cease to be and certainly if we are in any respect Immortal this deserves our very serious consideration And this also the Holy Scripture that source of all Saving-Knowledge and Wisdom does sufficiently teach us When it speaks of our Being after this Life and even before the Resurrection of our Bodies As when Christ said to the penitent Thief when he was dying This day shalt thou be with me in Paradise He was to Be therefore his Soul was not to be dissolved with his Body and he was to be in Paradise in a happy State When the Scripture calls Death a Departure out of this World it seems to intimate this The Apostle Paul who was to leave his Body in this World as all other dying Persons do yet speaks of his Death as a Departure 1 Tim. 1. 6. And in Phil. 1. 23. He speaks of his Death as what he desired in these words I desire to
an Animal can have so great a sense of Pleasure or Happiness as a Spirit may if it be proper to say that it has any at all Matter the best of it is dull in comparison to a Spirit and must be moved but a Spirit is active and moves its self and what is most capable of Action is most capable of Happiness for all fruition consists in Action Further The Objects of our Happiness are all spiritual things By vertue of this Spirit in us we can delight in and enjoy such which are the noblest and most excellent things in themselves and are able to afford the greatest Pleasure Sensible Objects have not that force with them nor that Power to please which spiritual things have that are the delights and blissful enjoyments of wise and refined Spirits Hence it must be said that Mankind cannot fall into a greater or more unhappy mistake than to think that there is no pleasure but in gratifying the Senses and Appetites of their Bodies with sensual Enjoyments or that this is the greatest pleasure of any This in truth is not worthy the Name of Pleasure if it be compared with the delight which a rectified mind can take in spiritual Objects and Enjoyments Further it is doubtless the greatest thing in Happiness and that which adds much to it still how great soever it was before That the Being which enjoys it can reflect upon it and so can consider and know its self happy This the Soul of Man can do and none but a rational and spiritual Nature can do this But since I have spoken of spiritual Things as the chief Object of our Happiness I shall particularly mention some of them The Soul of Man can please its self highly in good and vertuous Actions In those which we do our selves and in those we see done by others It is incomparably pleasant to view and consider the reasonableness and the fitness of these to see how necessary and just they are to consider how much Gratitude towards God and the Obligations we have received from him do require them of Mankind to consider the wisdom and vast advantages of them Hence did a good man acknowledge to God Thy Law is sweet to my taste yea sweeter than hony to my mouth There is not any thing among men so pleasant and charming to a rectified Soul as are the vertuous and pious Actions and Behaviour of good Men while the sensual Minds of others dote on a fair outside and sine cloaths he sees and takes a more just and true delight in the glory that dwells within and darts out its rays in Religious and good Actions The Soul of Man can take delight in the converse of holy and wise and kind Angels those glorious Creatures that are the Beauty and Flower as we may say of the Creation It can delight in what they are in what they say and in what they do when it shall be admitted into their Society And it is mentioned in Scripture as a part of that Felicity to which our conformity to the Laws of the Gospel does intitle and will bring us That we shall enjoy hereafter the Society of an innumerable company of Angels as well as that of the spirits of just men made perfect and of God the judge of all Heb. 12. 22. And very delightful it must needs be to good men in this Life to consider these noble Creatures and to know that they are Ministring spirits upon all occasions sent forth to minister for the good of the Elect To consider that whilst he is holy and vertuous he is a delight to them they love to be about him and they have the charge of him to keep him in all his ways and he is accordingly the object of their continual Care and they are most willing to do for him all the Offices of kindness that he has occasion for Further the Soul can enjoy after a very pleasing and satisfying manner the ever-blessed God who is an infinite unmeasurable Good a boundless Ocean of Excellencies and Perfections It can delight in all the discover'd Glories of this Incomprehensible Being and in considering him it is transported with pleasure while it finds it self in the utmost stretch of its Faculties lost in the Infinite Incomprehensible Object And this Happiness the Enjoyment of God may in some measure begin in this Life A most ravishing Pleasure the Soul can take to consider what this Excellent Being has said of himself in Holy Scripture and what discoveries he daily makes of himself in his Works When it can view in some of these his wonderful Wisdom and Power in others large and bounteous Goodness in others awful and bright Justice and Righteousness And when to these Meditations it can add the sweet thought that this God is reconciled that it is a Favourite of Heaven then it must needs be as the Psalmist said My Meditation of him shall be sweet I will be glad in the Lord. And then if to all this we add that this great Object of the Soul's Happiness will endure for ever and so will also the lesser ones that have been mentioned that being spiritual in their Nature they are all of them Eternal and Unchangeable they will never cease to Be nor cease to be delightful and pleasing If we consider that the Soul its self by its Immortal Nature is capable to be for ever blest with the Enjoyment of these Objects we shall from hence see that we are capable of an Everlasting Happiness of that which shall never be interrupted never decay nor diminish never come to an end We are capable of living beyond all reach of Thought beyond all measure of duration amidst unfading Pleasures unspeakable Joys and a pure unmix'd and perfect Felicity Oh that Men were so wise as to consider these things Thus much and more than we can now conceive our Souls are made capable to enjoy And these things all of them together at least I think do sufficiently prove the great Worth and Excellency of the Soul of Man Application And certainly if the things which have been now said were duly considered if they had their just and due Influence upon Mankind they would exceedingly alter and amend the lives and actions of a great many Men. They would make us act more suitable to the dignity and worth of our Souls and with more regard to their Interests and Happiness than we commonly do And in particular these things following the Influence of them upon us would effect and cause They would make us very Pious towards God and thankful for what he has made us they would make us prefer our Souls before our Bodies and ambitious of attaining those Divine and honourable Accomplishments which we are in our Nature capable of they would make us very Industrious to gain that Happiness which we were Originally and in our Nature designed for In these things I shall set before you the due Use and Improvement of what has been
said on this Subject 1. Let us with great Thankfulness acknowledge to the Creatour what he has made us and praise him for his Bounty towards us Let us consider and own it is God that hath made us and not we our selves It is one part of thankfulness to acknowledge the Benefits we have received Let us own this and endeavour to render to God all that which is due from us for it To shew forth his praise not only with our lips but in our lives by giving up our selves to his service Let each of us heartily say within himself Bless the Lord O my Soul and all that is within me bless his Holy Name Bless the Lord O my Soul and forget not all his Benefits We may hereupon very justly thus expostulate with and admonish our selves Have I a power to think and shall my Thoughts neglect the excellent Being that gave it me Should he be seldom in my Thoughts by whom I constantly think How base and ungrateful a Character of a man is this That God is not in all his thoughts Am I capable of Knowledge and shall it not be my greatest Ambition to know him that made me so to know the most excellent of all Beings that I might thereby be inabled to render him the Homage that belongs to him Have I a Will to chuse good and shall I fix my choice on any thing before him Shall I not cleave to him by it who is the chiefest Good and who gave me this power for that Purpose Should I not always say it to him as the full Sense of my Soul Whom have I in Heaven but thee and there is none on Earth that I can desire besides thee Shall I not pay him the Homage of my Affections from whom I have them and the reason that I have wherewith to guide them I ought to love him above all things to fear him alone to entettain my Hope with the pleasing expectations of enjoying him I should be angry only with that which provokes his Anger and hate what he hates and forbids Thus ought we to admonish our selves upon this Foundation and to resolve accordingly Thus should we endeavour to honour him who hath crowned us with such Dignity and Honour 2. What has been said concerning the Excellency of our Souls should make all men prefer them before their Bodies and chiefly regard them The Soul of Man is plainly the chief and most important part of him as it is a Spirit and Immortal This ought then to have the chief Dominion in us All the Appetites and Passions of the Inferior Body ought to be subject to the Faculties of the Mind We should not suffer our Senses or the desires of the Flesh to force Objects and Thoughts upon the Mind but make it rather to chuse its own employment upon consideration and advice of our Judgment and Reason How much Folly and Sin would such a Course prevent And it highly becomes and concerns us to give this as absolute a Dominion in us as we can that it may not be clogg'd or biassed by particular Temper or Constitution The Obedience to Temper is a most effectual Hinderance both of Wisdom and Religion No man can govern himself well that does not set his Reason above his Constitution and make his Temper subject to the Rules of that and of Religion I confess that in some cases some severity towards the Body may be necessary to this purpose and a great deal of Self-denial and Mortification may be requisite to the bringing our selves to this But let us observe what our Saviour says to this Case If thy right hand says he offend thee cut it off and cast it from thee for it is better for thee to enter into life maimed than having two hands to be cast into Hell Fire We were better wrong the Flesh if that must be than to endanger the Spirit and a little hurt the Body than damn the Soul To bring our selves to this State of the Bodies absolute and compleat subjection to the Mind is of so great use and advantage as that 't is worth all that it can cost us For so we shall become free and easy in all our Actions We shall possess and enjoy our own Souls we shall will to do what we should and shall do it the more readily and do it the better and the more perfectly Thus shall a man have the greatest Comfort in his Actions He shall exercise the brighter vertues and obtain by them the more praise and favour with God and Man Let us prefer our Souls above our Bodies and chiefly mind the Interests of them We should make the Interests of the Body stand by when they come into competition with those of the Soul We should govern our selves in all things as far as this can be done with a chief regard of these It were but just and fitting and due to our selves that we govern our selves so in what we chuse to love or hate in what we pursue or avoid and that it be the grand business of our Lives to promote the advantage of our Immortal Souls 3. Let us be greatly ambitious of those Divine and high Qualifications that we have been made capable to possess since we may be wise and holy just and good faithful and prudent let us earnestly endeavour to be so To be endowed with these Vertues is to put on the greatest excellency and worth The Scripture very justly says The righteous is more excellent than his Neighbour These Vertues in truth are the greatest and the most becoming Ornaments These make the brightest and most lasting Beauty such as Angels love and God himself takes delight in These will encrease and not fade or decay with Time and will last to Eternity These are the truest and the most useful Riches they do in a sense deliver the Soul from Hell and entitle it to everlasting Blessedness These are not uncertain Riches but are such a sure and durable Possession as Moth and Rust cannot corrupt nor can Thieves break through to and steal them These in the Exercises of them in good Works do lay up a treasure in Heaven Let it be consider'd that as we are capable of these Vertues we are also capable of being the Subjects of the contrary Vices And that if we are not vertuous and holy we must needs be vicious and impious He that is not just and true in his dealings must be unjust and persidious He that is not merciful and good must be hard-hearted and cruel And as we are acceptable and lovely to God by those Vertues in us so we are odious and detestable with these Vices The way of the wicked is an abomination to the Lord but he loveth him that followeth after Righteousness The pure Angels abhor Sinners and do not care to be near them to see what is so odious and offensive as the sins of men are to them As Holiness and Vertue do exalt and honour and become us so does
we hew out to our selves broken cisterns that can hold no water and forsake Thee the Fountain of living waters In thee alone is true content and full satisfaction to be found O Lord as sensible of this our very guilty and very dangerous Errour we desire for the future to return unto thee to esteem thee our chiefest Good and to desire thee above all things Our Hearts are now ready to say each of us for our selves Bless the Lord O my Soul and all that is within me praise his holy Name We desire O Lord to praise and to honour thee with all the excellent Faculties and Powers that thou hast given us We devote our Reason and Understanding to thee to learn and meditate on thy glorious Excellencies thy wonderful works and the instances of thy obliging Goodness We devote all the power of our Wills to thee to chuse thee to fix upon thee as our chief Good to submit to thy will as the rule and law of ours We devote our Affections to love thee above all things to fear and reverence thee to hope and trust in thee to hate what thou hatest and love what thou dost love We devote all our Members unto thee to be governed by thy wise and righteous Laws We desire O Lord we purpose to love and serve thee the Eternal Infinite and most Bounteous Good with all our Heart and Soul and Strength O Lord strengthen we pray thee and confirm our too feeble and wavering Resolutions Create thou us again in Christ Jesus unto good works Let us not live estranged from thee whom we are made capable to enjoy both here and hereafter Make us in love with Holiness and Vertue as the health and rectitude of our Minds as our brightest and most advantageous Ornaments and the most useful and most durable Riches Renew in us most loving Father thy decayed Image and create us to righteousness and true holiness Learn us to see thy glorious Perfections in the visible things about us to make a religious Use of all that we enjoy in this World in loving thee for what is Good praising thee for what is Excellent in them and giving thee Thanks for whatever we enjoy of them We humbly recommend to thy infinite Mercies all Estates and Conditions of Men O Lord lover of Souls pity those that sit in darkness and bless them with the Knowledge of thee and of thy Christ whom to know is Life everlasting rescue them from their miserable Bondage under the Enemy of Mankind and bring them into the Kingdom of thy Son We pray thee bless and defend the Christian Church let the Gifts and Graces of thy good Spirit be abundantly poured out upon it purge it from all things displeasing to thee and give it peace and great enlargement Be merciful to that Part of it which thou hast planted amongst us in these Nations Water it plenteously with the Dew of thy Heavenly Blessing make it fruitful in all good Works and a Praise in the Earth We pray thee bless our King and Queen and all subordinate Magistrates and those that are the Ministers of thy holy Word and Sacraments make them all in their several Places and Stations useful to the promoting Piety and Vertue amongst us And make all those that are under them peaceable and obedient teachable and submissive to their Laws and godly Counsels Grant that we may all lead peaceable and quiet lives in all Godliness and Honesty Visit and relieve all those that are in any Trouble or Affliction Bless our Relations requite our Friends and Benefactors and forgive our Enemies Persecutors and Slanderers and turn their Hearts Finally O Father of Mercies we give thee Thanks for all thy Care of our Immortal Souls for all that thou hast done for their Happiness and Well-fare We pray thee bless to our spiritual Advantage those Ordinances of thine which we have this Day been partakers of Give us leave to commit our selves to thy Protection for this Night and reward our trust in thee with safe and comfortable Rest that being well refresh'd we may return the next Morning chearfully to our several Businesses and Duties and do thou accept us in all we pray through Jesus Christ in whose Name we present our selves and all our poor Services unto thee and in whose most comprehensive Words we conclude these our imperfect Prayers saying Our Father c. OF Vain Thoughts OR INCONSIDERATION With the Mischiefs and Remedies Let us Pray PRevent us O Lord in all our doings with thy most gracious favour and further us with thy continual help that in all our works begun continued and ended in thee we may glorify thy Holy Name and finally by thy Mercy obtain Everlasting Life through Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen Psalm 119. 113. I hate Vain Thoughts but thy Law do I love OUR Care and Endeavour to live well must begin within us or it will prove vain and ineffectual We must keep the Heart with all diligence for out of it are the Issues of Life Solomon says Prov. 4. 23. According to which our Saviour teaches us That out of the abundance of the heart the mouth speaketh and out of the good or evil treasure there proceed good or evilactions We must then take notice what our Thoughts are if we would have our Life good and not neglect them as Men too commonly do and this is what the Psalmist plainly intimates in these Words I hate vain thoughts but thy Law do I love I shall not trouble you with long Criticizing upon the words lest I should be guilty my self of what I intend to discourse against It shall suffice to observe for the justifying of our translation that the Original word here translated Thoughts is used with that significancy in other places of Scripture Particularly 1 Kings 18. 21 Where it seems to signify unsetled and irresolute Thoughts such as could not determine them to a fixed and steady Obedience to the Truth and in Job 4. 13. where it signifies such Thoughts as the roving Imaginations of the Night are wont to be employed in In both these places it signifies such as are not well guided nor directed And by reason of this use of the word in those places I doubt not but it is very fitly done that our Translators have added the word Vain in the Text to determine and signify what sort of Thoughts the Psalmist meant by the use of the word here I shall therefore understand this Text according to the import of the word Vain in our Language and shall represent it as signifying thus much I hate all idle roving and useless Thoughts such as are not considerate and designed and directed to some good and worthy purpose all inconsiderate Thinking As there are a great many idle impertinent words spoken among Mankind many very useless and unprofitable conversations and as there are especially in the briskness and activity of Childhood and Youth a great many very idle and trifling actions done by
the Precepts and Rules of Religion and Vertue till his mind is formed by them These things have their Influence upon us by our serious and deliberate Meditation upon them 'T is true the Spirit of God is the efficient Cause of all that is good in us but in grown Persons he does this in and by the exercise of their own Thoughts upon the Rules and the Motives of Vertue and Religion and we must be our selves the Instruments as well as the Subjects of his Operations in us It is therefore that God has appointed the preaching of his Word to be the ordinary means of making men religious and vertuous that thereby those things which may direct and perswade them to be so may be proposed and set before them with strong Reason and earnest Exhortation Thus then is the Vanity or Inconsiderateness of the Mind a mischievous Quality and worthy the Hatred of him who desires to be good as it hinders men from being good and by consequence from doing well 2. It is very mischievous too as it does exceedingly expose men to do Evil and often betrays them into Sin And this Effect it has by these two ways 1. As this Vanity of Mind abandons a man to his Inclinations 2. As it exposes us to the Influence of Temptations 1. This inconsiderate Vanity of the Mind abandons a man to his Inclinations it makes him follow these instead of leading them and to obey what he should govern whatever the Inclinations of a man are the Vanity of the Mind carries him after them and they are mostly to Evil. The ungoverned thoughts are usually employed by the reigning Sin and the Man shall be musing on that and be guilty of it in his Heart when he has not opportunity of committing in overt Acts. The covetous Man's idle Thoughts are all upon Gain and good Bargains or great Losses The proud Man's ungovern'd Thoughts are extolling himself magnifying every good Quality in him if he has any into a Mountains Bulk and diminishing his most enormous Faults they are despising others and preferring him above them Thus do these Thoughts usually actuate and exercise in the Mind the prevailing Vice and so our Thoughts become sinful when they are inconsiderate they will not be only so but will be angry proud prophane unclean or any thing else according to the inward Character or Tincture of the Mind and then such Thoughts as these do cherish and strengthen these Inclinations which ought to be mortified and subdued they make them the less governable and ready and apt to break out into suitable Actions when temptation and opportunity are offer'd 2. This State of Mind mightily exposes a man to the Influence of Temptations for it renders him always ready to receive them He that hath no Rule over his Spirit says Solomon Is like a City that is broken down and without Walls Prov. 25. 28. The Enemy of our Souls will easily send in his black Troops of wicked Suggestions if we are not continually well guarded against him And what shall hinder an inconsiderate Man from receiving any manner of Temptations The Adversary has not so little craft as to awaken him to consider what he does by tempting to the most enormous kinds or degrees of wickedness at first No he draws the careless Sinner on to these by the Steps of lesser Sins He watches to do mischief and goes about like a roaring Lion seeking whom he may devour and the vain ungovern'd Mind is a ready Prey to him If we will not govern our selves well we leave our selves to him and he will govern us ill and unless God's restraining Grace prevent he will lead us captive at his will This Enemy of our Souls will sow his Tares there while we sleep and are careless He perfectly knows our Inclinations too and what to suggest that shall most effectually prevail with us and so does the more certainly draw us into Sin and Wickedness Thus we are in continual Danger from intestine and external Foes and therefore we cannot be careless of our selves but they will prevail over us and draw us into Sin And these Thoughts which men are apt to think very innocent ones and to neglect as not worth their minding we may see do expose and betray us into such Thoughts and by consequence dispose us for such Actions as are sinful And that Temper of Mind which some affect and are proud of as being called Wit does prove but Madness and Folly it is not only unprofitable but also very hurtful And thus much may suffice to the Second Part of this Discourse which was to shew the mischief of allowing and entertaining Vain Thoughts I shall now in the last place propose the proper Remedies of this Vanity and Inconsiderateness of Mind And let none think that to do so is an impertinent or vain Task for as the mischief and danger of it is great so the disease is common As the Imagination is a faculty natural to the Mind of Man so all men are more or less subject to the giddiness of it and liable to be diverted from any good design or to be disturbed and hindered in the prosecution of it thereby This Vanity of the Mind is a distemper common to the corrupted Nature Now to remedy this then we must observe these things following as absolutely necessary 1. A Man must needs set himself some task and employment With an idle Life it is cherisht and will reign and throw a man into a thousand Enormities Something to do and a diligent application of the Mind to it tames the unruly Thought uses it to government and makes it obedient and useful Business mightily helps consideration by exercise of thinking steadily to some one Purpose designed and chosen a Man becomes habituated to the doing so and is the more capable of fixing his Mind to any thing besides that This evidently appears in the great and extensive Knowledge in all Matters which we find in some Persons that were bred to a Trade and in the capacity which we see in many such to apply their thoughts to any thing and to learn and make a good Judgment of all Matters Those that have been so unhappy as to be taught nothing in their younger Years who rather diverted themselves with the Teachers of some Trifles than learnt any thing have the more to learn now and the more to do when they can be convinced of the danger the guilt the contemptibleness of an idle Life And how many wise and great Ladies have employed their Time and their Hands in working for the Poor to their own immortal Honour with God and Man Together with these employments such may very well mingle a set Task of publick and private Devotion and so keep the Mind well exercised as much as it needs to be But this leads me to another Remedy of this Distemper 2. We must endeavour to furnish our Minds with good store of Sacred Knowledge Ignorance and Vanity as well
them Vouchsafe to direct sanctifie and govern both our Hearts and Bodies in the way of thy Law and in the works of thy Commandments Cleanse thou the Thoughts of our Hearts by the Inspiration of thy Holy Spirit that we may sincerely love thee and duly magnify thy Holy Name truly serving thee with Soul and Body which are thine Lord have mercy upon us and write all thy Laws in our Hearts we beseech thee Enlighten our Darkness cure our Ignorance with all necessary Knowledge of thee and of thy Christ Change our Wills and turn the biass of them from this World towards thy Self from empty and vain Goods to full and Substantial ones from the pleasures of Sense to the accomplishments of the Mind Make us more indifferent about our outward Circumstances and more concern'd about the inward State and Disposition of our Souls and to account it our greatest Felicity to do well to please thee and approve our selves unto thee Make our vain and light Minds serious and wise furnish us with the Gifts of thy good Spirit for every good work for thou alone art the Giver of every Good and every perfect Gift it is by thee alone O Lord that we can be inabled to please thee we alas are not able of our selves to think a good Thought Help us to set thee always before us in the frequent Thoughts of thee and an habitual reverence and fear of thee that a sense of thy continual presence and observance may restrain us from all evil and encourage and quicken us to mind and do our Duty We humbly implore thy Mercy upon all Men Convert unto thy Self all Jews Turks and Heathens bring them from their several Ways of Vanity to know and worship thee the only true God by Jesus the true Christ and Mediator Give the Heathen for an Inheritance and the utmost parts of the Earth for a Possession to thy well-beloved Son Give unto thy Church all that is necessary to it to amend and purge away what is amiss and to supply what is defective in it and to make it fruitful in all good Works and that all who profess and call themselves Christians may have their Conversation such as become the Gospel Bless we pray thee and defend these Nations in which we live Bless us with a continuance of wise and kind and righteous Governours and of loyal peaceable and obedient Subjects Give peace in our Days we humbly beseech thee for there is none we rely upon to fight for us but only thou O God Establish Truth among us for all Generations bring into the way of Truth all such as have erred and are deceived Remember in Mercy all that are dear and related to us Give them things necessary for Life and Godliness Guide them O Lord by thy Counsel through this world and bring them at last unto thy Glory Sanctify us by thy word which has been this day spoken to us and promote in us thereby all Vertue and Godliness of living Forgive the wandring of our Minds in our attendance upon thee and all other defects in our Duty and comfort us with the light of thy Countenance Be thou our gracious Protector this Night for in thee alone do we put our Trust And if it please thee to allow another Day and yet a longer time on Earth Grant that it may be spent in thy fear and in a diligent and unwearied application to all that which is our Duty This we humbly ask and whatever thou seest to be most expedient for us committing and resigning our selves entirely to thy Conduct and disposal and hoping in thy Mercy through Jesus Christ to whom with thee and the Holy Ghost we desire to ascribe all Praise and Glory and Domihion for ever and ever Our Father c. OF True Happiness Wherein it lies DEMONSTRATED Let us Pray PRevent us O Lord in all our doings with thy most gracious favour and further us with thy continual help that in all our works begun continued and ended in thee we may glorify thy Holy Name and finally by thy Mercy obtain Everlasting Life through Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen Psalm 4. 6 7. There be many that say who will shew us any good Lord lift thou up the light of thy countenance upon us Thou hast put gladness in my Heart more than in the time that their Corn and their Wine encreased IT is the natural and common desire of Mankind to be happy and is the End which they aim at and propose to themselves in their several Pursuits and Endeavours But as the Psalmist speaks here There be many that say who will shew us good The Many the most of men are at a great loss in this Matter and do not know where their true Happiness lies nor in what course or way to attain it Their uncertainty in this Matter is represented by these words of the Psalmist and is too evidently seen in the common Practice of the World The Human Nature is the same in all Mankind we have all of us reasonable immortal Souls we have all the same Capacities And our Happiness rightly and truly considered must be to all the same The same Object must make all men Happy and they must obtain that in the same way But alas how is the World distracted and divided in the pursuit of Happiness Some of them running one way after it and some another and the most of them neglecting and diverting from the true Object With some there is no Felicity like the heaping up of Wealth like the sight of full Bags or great purchases and they delight in nothing so much as in gainful Bargains With others there is nothing so pleasant as to spend and they delight in this as much as the others do in getting The Pleasures of this World are their beloved Felicity to eat and drink and rise up to play With others there is no Heaven like Honour and Command the having Authority and Power among Men the being courted and sought to respected and obeyed With some how great a Felicity is it to be fine and to have all things about them so To have Themselves their Houses their Entertainments and all that belongs to them gaudy and pompous and much adorned Thus are Mankind disperst thus they wander in the pursuit of Happiness And thus the Many are taken up and employed in this great Concern Having exprest the Uncertainty and intimated the wandering of the Generality in this Affair The Psalmist next expresses what he sought as the Object of Happiness in these words Lord lift thou up the light of thy Countenance upon us Which is as much as to say Lord let us have an Interest in thy Favour regard us with kindness and Love let us enjoy the Exercises and Benefits of thy peculiar Favour and Mercy It might be shewn you by the use of this Phrase in other places of Scripture that this is the sense and meaning of it When he had made this Request he adds
shew Mercy to all Mankind Pour out thy Spirit upon all Flesh that they may know thee and seek thee and find and praise thee and rejoice in thy abundant Goodness Let thy continual Pity cleanse and defend thy Church Lord look down in mercy upon us and bless us that all the ends of the World may fear thee We pray thee do good to these Nations in which we live according thy infinite Sufficiency and our Necessities Oh let not our Iniquities with-hold good things from us but according to the multitude of thy tender Compassions blot out all our Transgressions Bless our Gracious King and Queen and make the one a Nursing Father and the other a Nursing Mother to that part of thy Church which thou hast planted among us and let their good Influence extend further to the Benefit of it and make Them the Honourable Instruments of Establishing Peace and Truth not only in these but also in the Neighbouring Nations to the Glory of thy great Name Bless all Ranks and Degrees of Men among us and make them to live to thy Glory to be conformable and obedient to our Governours and useful peaceable righteous and charitable one towards another in their several Stations We humbly pray for all Friends Relations Benefactors bless and preserve them from every evil Work and conduct them to thy Heavenly Kingdom Let this Day Oh Lord be happy to us in the fruitful and effectual Influences of thy Ordinances upon our Hearts and Lives Let us not be forgetful Hearers but be Doers of thy Word that we may be blest in our Deed. Grant us to lie down in Peace this Night to rest in Safety And be thou O God our Portion and Refuge in the Land of the Living and hereafter our exceeding great Reward for the sake of Jesus Christ in whose Name and Words we further present our Requests unto thee saying OVR Father which art in Heaven Hallowed be thy Name Thy Kingdom come Thy will be done in Earth as it is in Heaven Give us this day our daily bread And forgive us our trespasses as we forgive them that trespass against us And lead us not into temptation But deliver us from evil Amen THE Heavenly Mind DESCRIBED and URGED Let us Pray PRevent us O Lord in all our doings with thy most gracious favour and further us with thy continual help that in all our works begun continued and ended in thee we may glorify thy Holy Name and finally by thy Mercy obtain Everlasting Life through Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen Colos 3. 2. Set your Affections on Things above and not on things on the Earth HOW well did the Bounteous Creatour of all things contrive the Nature of Man for the making him exceedingly Happy He put into our Constitution an Immortal Spirit join'd to a Living and Sensible Body And so he made us capable of the Delights of both Worlds the Spiritual and the Material By our Souls we are capable to enjoy and delight in Spiritual Objects and their Properties and Qualities We are capable of a rational spiritual Delight in sensible Objects and we are capable to enjoy and delight in God himself and his Infinite Eternal Perfections And by our Bodies which are allied to this World we are capable of a sensual Delight in the things of it to enjoy and please our selves with the Properties Vertues and Qualities belonging to Material things So bounteous and kind was the Creatour to Man in the Forming of him But alas Man has not been kind to himself He did not remain long in the happy State which he was first set in but by following too much the Pleasures of his Sense he lost all the greatest Pleasures of his Mind By eating the Forbidden Fruit he sinned against God lost his Favour and the Enjoyment of him became alienated from God and his Mind became subject to the shameful Disease of Sensuality A low and sordid Propensity to Earthly things did from henceforth possess him and a wretched Incapacity and Averseness towards Heavenly and Spiritual things We are condemned to enjoy only the lowest and weakest and the least part of our Happiness to gnaw as it were on the Shell of Pleasure and enjoy no more than the Brute Beasts do We following the unhappy Fall of our Nature do amuse and entertain our selves only with the poor Objects of Sense utterly forget and neglect our higher Capacities and our true Happiness It is the whole Business of our Religion in all the parts of it to recover us from this shameful and deadly Fall to draw us off from this our wretched Attachment to this World and turn us from a false Happiness to a true one The scope and aim of all its Doctrins Precepts Promises Threatnings Motives and Assistances is this to make us truly happy And the Sum of all is to bring us to what the Apostle here exhorts to in saying Set your Affections on Things above not on Things on the Earth By Things above he means those very things which were recommended to you by the Discourse immediately foregoing this as the chiefest and the true Objects of our Happiness He means God himself who is our Chief Good and the Expressions and Exercises of his peculiar Favour and Love He me●●● the Graces which the Holy Spirit works 〈◊〉 the Souls of Men which perfect and adorn and compose the Mind He means the everlasting Blessedness which is to come the Happiness and Joys of Heaven By advising to set our Affections on those things he means they should be much the Objects of our Minds he intends the Application of the whole Soul to them and the employing of all our Powers about them The Original word which we render here set your Affections has this large Import and Signification and might be rendered Mind those things which are above Let your Judgments esteem them your Wills chuse and your Affections follow them And not on Things on the Earth that is rather than the Things of the Earth It is according to the Custom and Phrase of the Hebrew Language to express thus when it only intends to prefer the former things it speaks of before the latter So in Hos 6. 6. The Prophet in the Person of God says I will have Mercy and not Sacrifice that is rather than Sacrifice he intended to express God's preference of Mercy before Sacrifice Here then the Apostle who was an Hebrew of Hebrews speaking after the Phrase and Manner of his own Language must be understood to mean Set your Affections on Things above rather than on Things on the Earth Mind those Things most let them have the preference with you He does not forbid nor does our Religion forbid the moderate seeking and enjoyment of the Good things of this World We are not bound to be unsensible of their Goodness to take no delight in them nor absolutely and wholly to refuse or reject all sensual Pleasures The things of this World are good in their Kind and
so happy as to gain an Interest in his Favour and to be in some measure Partakers of the Blessings of his Love it will be the Temper of our Minds to delight greatly in the things above highly will the Thoughts of our Happiness please us we shall be able to say of God as David did My Meditation of him shall be sweet I will be glad or rejoice in the Lord Psal 104. This will be the chief delight and solace of the Heavenly Soul to think God loves me the most High has a peculiar favour for me This God is my God for ever and ever With highest Pleasure will the Soul say My Beloved is mine and I am his There is laid up for me a Crown of Righteousness And if such be the most welcome and pleasant Thoughts it cannot be but they will be very frequent ones Oh how I love thy Law says David It is my Meditation all the Day Psal 119. 97. When we can let many Days pass over our Heads without one serious and sensible Thought of Heavenly things this is a Symptom of an Earthly and Carnal Mind The Heavenly Mind is necessitated and drawn to other Thoughts but it enclines to these And the Sabbaths and publick Worship of God are a great delight to such a Man When he may be separated from the Concerns of the World to contemplate the Riches of God's Love to taste the sweetness of it to consider the Beauty of Holiness and the Joys of Heaven The Sense of his Soul is the same with that which David expresses Psal 84. 10. A Day in thy Courts is better than a Thousand I had rather be a Door-keeper in the House of my God than to dwell in the tents of wickedness And Solomon puts a mighty value and esteem for the Worship and Sacred Ordinances of God and an excessive delight in them into the Character of a devout Soul which he gives us in his sublime Song Cant. 2. 34. 5. where after he had made her say As the Apple-tree among the Trees of the Wood so is my Beloved among the Sons She carries on the Metaphor and says I sate down under his Shadow with great delight and his Fruit was sweet unto my taste He brought me into the Banquetting-house and his Banner over me was love And being thus entertained with his Love she is transported with delight she is as it were overwhelmed with Joy Stay me with Apples says she Comfort me with Flaggons for I am sick of love Which is as much as to say Thy Love dear Lord is great like thy Self and far greater than my narrow Capacity When I consider when I feel it when I enjoy the exercises of it in Holy Communion with thee I am me thinks my self all Love I am transported in Extasies of Love and the Love I feel in my self and the delight I take in thine are a Pleasure even too great forme without thy assistance to bear it If our Mind and Heart were truly set on things above we should go from Publick Devotion to Private either in our Closets or Families Certainly he that loves those things and wishes to be employed to Eternity about them cannot think One whole Day in Seven too much to be separated entirely from the World for the enjoyment of them And the Heavenly Soul will be often discoursing of Heavenly things It is a Pleasure to speak of that we extreamly love The Holy Soul represented in the Canticles does so often extol her Beloved and so stay and dwell upon the Descriptions Commendations and Discourses concerning Christ as does sufficiently shew He is indeed her Beloved The Society therefore wherein such an one may best discourse of his Heart 's chief Joy will be always most acceptable and desirable to him Those that value highly the same things that we value and love will be most agreeable to us especially in such cases where there can be no rivalling of each other as it is in this Heavenly Souls will be most acceptable to the Heavenly And the Joy and Pleasure which attends the Thoughts and Remembrance of those heavenly Things which they are partly possest and partly in expectation of will be able in a little time at least to overcome every worldly Sorrow Lastly If we value and love Heaven and things above more than things on the Earth we must greatly desire to be in Heaven We must needs desire to be advanced to that State where we shall more perfectly enjoy those things than we can here where we shall be satisfied with the communicated likeness of God in our perfect and compleat Sanctification where we shall enjoy perfect Rest and Blessendness we cannot chuse but desire that State where as we shall have a fuller enjoyment of the things we mostly love so the enjoyment of them shall be more constant and uninterrupted where we shall have the light of God's Countenance always shining bright upon us where no Clouds no Eclipses shall hide or any Night ever take it from us but it shall make a continual joyful and glorious Day The Soul then that does truly relish and delight in these Divine things cannot be satisfied to be here but will with submission to the Will of God long for the time of his removal to that better State He will not think his Life on Earth too short but rather too long and be ready to say When will this my tedious Pilgrimage be over When shall I come and appear before God! He is not only contented but even desirous with St. Paul To depart and to be with Christ He can willingly forsake not only a poor mean and laborious State on Earth but even a rich prosperous and easy one for the better Enjoyments of Heaven For that which he enjoys of Heaven here is that which he chiefly delights in And since the second Coming of Christ is that which brings him his full Redemption and the perfect Fruition of all that he desires he will greatly long for that he will be one of those that love his Appearing He has the Spirit of the Bride in him who says Come Lord Jesus come quickly in Rev. 22. Or as the holy Souls before his first Coming in longing desire after that Cant. 8. 14. He will say for his Second Make haste my Beloved and be thou like a Roe or to a young Hart upon the Mountains of Spices Thus must our Will and Affections prefer the Things above 3. Those things must have also the Preference of our Actions and Course of Life And it is a certain consequent and fruit of the other two Particulars and the best Indication of them in us that we chiefly endeavour after and mostly seek and pursue the Things above It is necessarily included in the minding those Things that we seek them and endeavour to be Partakers of them We must strive to enter in at the strait gate we must give diligence to make our Calling and Election sure we must work out
that thou hast been pleased to make us capable to know and meditate on thy Self to chuse and love thee to desire and enjoy thee who art an Infinite Eternal Good and in whose presence is fulness of Joy Oh how ready should our Hearts be at all times to say Whom have we in Heaven but thee and there is none on Earth that we can desire besides thee But alas we are degenerated we are fallen from our Original Excellency we are sunk into Sensuality we need to be put in mind and told wherein our true Happiness lies and to be excited urged and exhorted to pursue it We hover here below and seldom have any thoughts or desires moving upwards the objects of Sense detain us with them and we feed on Husks among Beasts we stay and abide upon the lowest and the smallest part of our Happiness Lord we are miserable we are undone and shall perish for ever if thy pity do not rescue us from the Love of these low Things Oh Pardon our guilty and heal our distempered Souls Discover thy self to us and make us love thee shed abroad thy Love abundantly in our Hearts Make us to rise by the Creature to the Creator Guide us by the streams to thee the Fountain of their Goodness and make us as we ought to love thee above all things Let us be governed by thy Love in the whole course of our lives and readily deny our selves to please thee and keep thy Commandments Let us firmly believe the glorious Things which thou hast prepared for them that love thee and draw our Hearts after them to endeavour that our Treasure may be in Heaven in Immutable things And direct us we pray thee so to pass through things Temporal as that we finally lose not the things Eternal Have mercy O Lord upon all Mankind Let the Earth be filled with Knowledge of the Lord as waters cover the Sea and all Men be directed and led in the way to true Happiness Give to all Nations Unity Peace and Concord Pour down an abundant measure of thy Spirit upon thy Church that the Gospel may run and be glorified from the rising of the Sun to the going down of the same Let them prosper that love it and let not the Gates of Hell ever prevail against it We pray especially for that part of it which thou hast graciously placed in these Nations and hitherto wonderfully detended Lord make it a very fruitful Vineyard and purge out of it all that is contrary to true Doctrin and Godliness Bless we pray thee our Gracious King and Queen and the Royal Family with all Spiritual and Eternal Blessings and give them long and happy Possession of the Throne of these Kingdoms to thy Glory and our Comfort Bless all in Authority under them help them truly and indifferently to administer Justice to the punishment of Wickedness and Vice and to the maintainance of thy true Religion and Vertue Give grace O Heavenly Father to all Bishops and Curates that they may both by their Life and Doctrin honour thee and guide thy People committed to them in the way of Blessedness Let all the Subjects of this Realm be subject to thee in Loyalty and Subjection and due Obedience to those that are over them in Church and State and let Piety Love Righteousness and Peace and Truth abound among us We commend to thy Fatherly goodness all that are in any Distress and Affliction all our Friends and Relations we pray for our Enemies do for all beyond what we are able to ask or think We humbly ask a comfortable and safe rest this Night and that it may please thee to make the out-goings of the Morning to rejoice Let thy word which we have heard this Day guide our Conversations and let us bring forth in them the Fruits of the Spirit let not the Cares of this World or the Deceitfulness of Riches choke the Word and render it unfruitful but grant we may live to the Glory of thy Name and to the Peace and Salvation of our own Souls by Jesus Christ in whose most comprehensive words we sum up our Requests saying OVR Father which art in Heaven Hallowed be thy Name Thy Kingdom come Thy will be done in Earth as it is in Heaven Give us this day our daily bread And forgive us our trespasses as we forgive them that trespass against us And lead us not into temptation But deliver us from evil For thine is the Kingdom the Power and the Glory for ever and ever Amen THE Necessity of Obedience TO THE COMMANDS of GOD Proved and Stated Let us Pray PRevent us O Lord in all our doings with thy most gracious favour and further us with thy continual help that in all our works begun continued and ended in thee we may glorify thy Holy Name and finally by thy Mercy obtain Everlasting Life through Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen Mat. 7. 21. Not every one that saith unto me Lord Lord shall enter into the Kingdom of Heaven but he that doth the Will of my Father which is in Heaven HOW common a thing is it among those that have heard the glad Tidings of the Gospel for Men to take up a presumptuous reliance upon the Merits of Jesus Christ with neglect of Obedience to the Commands of God! Some of the most profligate and careless Sinners will hope to be saved And if one ask them how They will say by the Merits of Jesus Christ Many indulge themselves in their darling Sins and yet hope to be saved by the Merits of Christ And most certain it is that the Doctrins of some Teachers give occasion to this presumption They occasion Men to think there is nothing necessary to their Salvation but strong Believing and so to endeavour nothing but that and to rely upon the Righteousness of Christ so as to neglect all Endeavour after any Righteousness of their own And this Error and Delusion where it obtains does often prove able to harden a Man against the most earnest Exhortations to leave his Sins yea and even against the most plain Rebukes of Providence for them and to frustrate all other Means of Grace and Conversion whatever It is therefore of great Importance to remove it out of the way and this I shall endeavour by discoursing on these words of our Saviour which if they had been well considered together with many other plain Scriptures it had prevented the entertainment of such Imaginations in the Minds of Men. He had been in a long Discourse enforcing many of the Commands of the Moral Law And now towards the close of this Discourse he begins in this Verse to tell them of what importance and necessity it was to them to practise what he had taught He plainly teaches that no belief in him would avail them any thing if they did not together with it keep the Commands of God Not every one says he that saith to me Lord Lord shall enter into the Kingdom of Heaven
State with a Loyal Obedient Peaceable and Loving People Grant that we may all live to thy Glory through Jesus Christ our Lord. In whose own words we further say Our Father c. THE GREAT DUTY OF THANKFULNESS Urged and Directed Let us Pray PRevent us O Lord in all our doings with thy most gracious favour and further us with thy continual help that in all our works begun continued and ended in thee we may glorify thy Holy Name and finally by thy Mercy obtain Everlasting Life through Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen 1 Thes 5. 18. In every thing give Thanks THere is an exceeding great evil and disorder which we may too frequently observe in the World and which every Man's reason condemns in others and yet all are apt to be often guilty of it themselves It is that we we do commonly remember long and retain a very deep resentment of an Injury whether it be a real or but an imagined one but we soon forget the Benefits we receive and lose the Impressions of them Thus do Mankind often deal with one another and thus also do they behave themselves towards God Tho he cannot wrong or injure us yet we are apt to think he does so when he does in any thing displease us and we behave our selves towards him as if he did We murmur against him and grow discontented and froward are ready to think 't is in vain to serve him and to throw off our Duty And on the other side we do at the same time forget his Benefits and take no notice of what we have many times through desire of what we want We are very earnest and importunate in our Requests for what we would have and are cold in our Thanksgivings or neglect to be thankful at all when we have obtain'd it The Spirit of God taking notice of this Fault in Mankind repeats his Instructions in Holy Scripture to the contrary He bids us take care to join with all our Prayers Thanksgivings in Phil. 4. 6. he says by the Apostle Be careful for nothing but in every thing by Prayer and Supplication with Thanksgiving let your request be made known to God However desirous ye are however sollicitous to obtain what ye want of God be sure to be thankful for what ye have Again in this Chapter where our present Text is he joins the Command of Thanksgiving with that of Prayer the 17th Ver. bids us Pray without ceasing and this 18th says In every thing give Thanks whatever your condition be recommend it to Almighty God by Prayer and how long soever it pleases God to deny or delay what you desire yet continue to pray And with your Prayers remember also to give Thanks In every thing give Thanks that is in every State and Condition endeavour to retain always a Sense of the Divine Benefits to praise him for what he has done for you and be free from all hard Thoughts of God and undecent Murmurings against him I confess this Command in this place seems to be chiefly directed to those Holy and good Men who are the peculiar Favourites of Heaven by the Interest of Jesus Christ But because this Duty is urged more generally elsewhere and there is no Duty requir'd of such good Men but it is also required of all Men at least by consequence and as all Men are required to be good I shall therefore take the words as exhorting to an universal Duty And I conclude from them that all Men are bound to express a thankful Acknowledgement unto God of the Benefits they receive from him and that in all Estates and Circumstances whatsoever In discoursing upon this Matter I shall endeavour these 2 things 1. To prove that every Man has Reason for great Thankfulness to Almighty God 2. To direct the right Expressions and Declarations of our Thankfulness In the first place I shall endeavour to make it evident That every Man has some reason to be thankful to God some reason to praise and love him and to be patient and contented in every Condition And this I think will evidently appear upon the making good the following Particulars 1. Let us consider That all Men are in some measure Partakers of the Divine Benefits There is not one among the Race of Mankind that can justly reckon himself not at all obliged to God Every man is beholden to God for his Being for the preservation and continuance of his Being so long as he subsists and for some things that comfort him in his Being and without doubt the Death of Christ is in some sense an universal Benefit Every Man is beholden to God for that Being which he has It is God that hath made us and not we our selves And from that sort of Being which God has given us are we engaged to be thankful We were made but little lower than the Angels and crowned with Honour and Dignity as the Psalmist says of all Men Psal 8. The meanest Man is next in Dignity to them in the Order of the Creation It is an exceeding Honour of our Bodies and their greatest Worth and Commendation that they are made fit to serve and entertain so noble a Guest as an immortal Spirit and this Honour the most deformed the weakest and the most crazy Body has belonging to it But our greatest Worth and Dignity lies in the Soul which God has given us There is in every Man an excellent Spirit which is capable of very great things however it is in some Men wretchedly neglected and deprest By this are all Men capable of the sublime Knowledge of the Creatour capable to love and praise and delight themselves in him by such a Being then we are capable of Happiness to a great and excellent Degree and even of the highest kind of Happiness that can be as we can enjoy or delight our selves in him who is the highest Good And our immortal Soul renders us capable of Everlasting Happiness in the Eternal fruition of an Infinite Eternal Good Every Man may reach this Happiness if he will This is that he was made and designed for and no Man shall fall short of it but by his own default Thus our Being then should engage us to be thankful to God that gave it Further 'T is to him we owe the continuance of our Being he supports and maintains us in this Life while it lasts and after it in the other This is a continual Obligation to Thankfulness it is a continual Creation As no Being can make its self so none can preserve or continue its self at all but all things have always a most necessary dependance upon the great Creatour We ought then all of us to acknowledge it is he that holds our Soul in Life And while he continues this Life he obliges us in that we are so long capable in some measure to see and enjoy the pleasant and good things of this World If we have good and vertuous Souls and are free from Envy and
guilty Conscience which are far worse things than any outward Afflictions and certainly much more intolerable than all the Labours or Self-denials of Religion Guilt when a Man is sensible of it is a very heavy and uneasy Burden Solomon very justly says A wounded Spirit who can bear When a Man's Conscience tells him he has plaid the Fool he has deserved the Hatred of God and the Contempt of Man he has needlesly and madly hurt his own Body impair'd his Estate and blasted his Reputation he has made the Almighty God and the Supream Disposer his just Enemy that he has forfeited his Life and all that he enjoys and delights in to Divine Justice that Vengeance hovers continually over his Head that he may justly fear every Black Cloud to be charged with it that evil haunts and pursues him every where that he is always as it were on the brink of the Bottomless Pit that he hangs over the Everlasting Flames but by the slender and weak Thread of this mortal Life These Thoughts will imbitter his strongest Pleasures and spoil the Comfort and Joy of the greatest Prosperity And these Terrors he is exposed to continually who will not live well We must often feel these or take pains to be Religious It costs the foolish Sinner a great deal of Labour and Endeavour to divert these Thoughts when with less labour he might prevent the Sins that occasion them and notwithstanding all his Endeavour they will have their times to invade and afflict him 3. Without taking Pains to be Religious the Sinner must endure the everlasting Torments of Hell Is it not then apparently wiser to bear the taking Pains to be Religious than to bear those Torments The Difficulty of Religion will abate and grow less but those Torments will never abate He that thinks the Rules of Religion such an ungrateful Confinement will certainly account that Eternal Prison a worse if ever he comes there He that will not deny himself at all now for the conveniency of Serving God and for the doing of his Duty shall be denied all Comfort and Satisfaction there for ever He that will not mortify his Sins must die himself for them a miserable and eternal Death And must needs bring himself at last to that for there is no Middle Way between the Broad and the Narrow One nor a Middle State at the End between Happiness and Misery And is it not easie now to determine between these Two things where to fix our Choice Whether we will endure the short Labours of Religion or be condemned to dwell with everlasting Burnings This is a Third Argument 4. Lastly Our Saviour in the Text affords us another with which I shall conclude and that is We shall find Rest to our Souls This shall be the blissful Reward of our taking up the Yoke of Christ This Labour in Religion brings to Rest when that in Sin brings to Torment and Trouble The First and present Fruit and Reward of it is Rest and Peace within a happy Freedom from tormenting Passions from craving and unruly Lusts and unquiet Appetites Freedom from the Fears of Death and Damnation And then Religion has the Hopes of Rest to come for there remains a Rest for the People of God A Rest even from the present Labours of Religion We shall have an Eternal Rest for a few Moments Labour and Striving He that endures to the end of a short Life the same shall be saved To him that overcomes says our Saviour will I give to sit with me in my Throne even as I also overcame and am sate down with my Father in his Throne Rev. 3. 21. Here is a Promise of Safety Honour and Rest for ever of a glorious honourable and happy Rest Thus if we will but be so wise as to endeavour the avoiding everlasting Misery we shall be rewarded with everlasting Happiness The PRAYER MOst Great and most glorious God excellent in thy Nature and wonderful in thy Works in Wisdom hast thou made them all Every Creature was perfect in its kind and fit for all the Uses and Operations that would become it and that thou didst intend it for And thou O Lord madest Man a rational Creature with an immortal Spirit in him as he was therein fitted for great and noble Actions so thou didst intend him for Actions suitable to the Dignity of such a Nature thou didst intend him to know and adore thee to love and praise thee to do good to practice Justice to exercise faithfulness and truth to make a spiritual and religious use of the Things of this World and to do thy Will on Earth as the blessed Angels do it in Heaven Oh Lord with what great grief and shame do we look back upon our Original excellency when alas we have wretchedly lost it and from being made by thee but little lower than the Angels we have made our selves more vile than the Beasts that perish instead of living like Angels we are become earthly sensual and devilish Oh how unfit are we now how unable to do any thing that is good We cannot so much as think a good Thought or speak a good Word or perform a good Action We cannot do what we were made for We cannot answer our honourable End but do degrade and debase our selves by living far below it And that is become now difficult to us and unpleasant which before was easy and pleasant It was originally natural to us to be vertuous and Pious it was as Meat and Drink to be doing our Fathers Will but now our disorder'd Faculties naturally do ill We must endeavour to do Good and cannot without thy Grace attain to it This Grace therefore O Lord we humbly seek we earnestly implore in the Name of Jesus Christ And we thank thee for the leave we have to seek for the hopes to attain it As a Father pitieth his Children so the Lord pitieth those that seek him And if earthly Parents know how to give good Gifts to their Children much rather do we believe that thou our heavenly Father wilt give the holy Spirit to them that ask him Oh grant us the constant influence and assistance of thy good Spirit Let us never yield to any Difficulty of performing our Duty but earnestly strive to enter in at the strait Gate Quicken our Endeavours with the hopes of Assistance Strengthen them with the expectation of a glorious Reward and continue them to persevere to the end by the Assurance that we shall hereafter be Partakers of everlasting Rest Let us never be a weary of well-doing but stedfast unmoveable always abounding in the Work of the Lord as knowing that our Labour shall not be in vain in the Lord We humbly thank thee O Lord for the Liberty of approaching thy Sanctuary and of using thy Ordinances do thou we pray thee give them a mighty Efficacy and Power upon us While we thus wait on the Lord let us renew our Strength and with fresh Vigour
comes to nothing of what we expected from it 3. The Sins of Men contradict all the Rights of the Great Creator and therefore must needs be detestible to him This necessarily follows from the former He that makes any thing may design it for what end he pleases and then he has right to expect it should serve that end which it was made for Since God raised up the Bodies of our first Parents from the Dust and breathed into them the breath of Life and he by a divine and secret operation fashions each of us in the womb and still formeth the Spirit of man within him he is then the Authour of all our Faculties and Powers both of Soul and Body And then he has right to design the end and purpose for which we shall serve And he directs us to that end by the Rule of his most excellent Laws when we observe them we answer our end when we break those Laws we do contradict it and therein we rob him of his due and deny him his right and we may be sure he is concern'd to have what is due to him from his Creatures He is sensible and provok't when we deny him his right This is a monstrous Affront and most unworthy behaviour towards him There arises from this foundation a Threefold right which God has to our Obedience all which is contradicted by the Sins of men and every particular makes some addition to the Evil and Vileness of Sin 1. All our Sins are against the right of a Sovereign Lord such an one has the great God over all his Creatures He is God over all as the Apostle speaks and the Prophet says Thou even thou art Lord alone Neh. 9. 6. He is our Sovereign Lord and in exercise of his Sovereignty has laid his Laws upon us and in submission to them we ought to acknowledge it Mankind are not left at liberty to act as they will and to own no Superiors we are all under a Law and that is the Law of him who is the King Eternal Immortal Invisible the only wise God 1 Tim. 1. 17. All our Sins then are contrary to an unquestionable right of Sovereignty over us The Sinner despises the Empire of the great Lord of the World he does as far as he can depose him from his Throne tramples upon his Laws and slights his Authority It is the implicite language at least of all Wickedness who is Lord over us who shall controul us we will not have the Lord to rule over us The Sinner makes himself his God and sets up his own Will and Inclinations for a Law to him What is said of the sensual and voluptuous Sinner that he makes his Belly his God may be applied to all other sorts He that is Covetous or Ambitious makes himself his God he makes it his End to gratifie his own desires in other kinds for this reason is Covetousness in particular call'd Idolatry Thus there is Rebellion and Idolatry in all Sin and the greatest Arrogance and Pride while the poor depending Creature will not own his dependance but will live to himself alone as if he were sufficient to himself and while we do not suffer him to dispose of and govern us who alone is Lord over us And can we think that the Jealous God will not highly resent what comes under these black characters 2. God has a right to our Obedience as he is Owner and Proprietor of us all He is our owner we are his Property God says of all things that he has made the world is mine and the fulness thereof Psal 50. 12. and Psal 100. 3. 't is said we are his people and the sheep of his pasture The Psalmist had acknowledged just before that it was he that made us and not we our selves To which this is added as what does truly follow from thence This then does give him an unquestionable right to dispose of Mankind as well as of the rest of his Creatures The Apostle makes use of this Argument and says Glorifie God in your Body and in your Spirit which are Gods 1 Cor. 6. 20. Should not God have Liberty to do what he will with his own to order and appoint the actions and use of it as pleases himself But the Sinners say in all the Transgressions of their Words our Tongues are our own and the same they pretend to concerning all their faculties and powers in all other their Sins These deny the universal Proprietor that right of governing and disposing as he pleases what is his But how would it enrage poor contemptible man to be denied this Liberty And if we think it reasonable and just for us to be angry in such a case how can we imagine but God must be highly displeased 3. God has the right of a Great and Bountifull Benefactor to the Obedience of Mankind He it is that has given us our selves and all that we have He freely made us He made us to enjoy large exercises and expressions of his Bounty He furnisht the world which we so much delight in with all the good things it contains and gives to every man the portion which he delights and comforts himself with We have nothing but what we receiv'd from Him He daily loads us with his benefits And when he has done so much for us without any obligation laid upon him by us to the doing of it does not this lay a great obligation upon us to study what will please him and to do his Will Ought we not to be very thankfull to him who has greatly favoured us to please him who so often pleases us to honour him who has crowned us with Honour and Dignity in making us little lower than the Angels and giving us dominion over the things about us In our Sins then there is the basest Ingratitude as well as Injustice and Arrogance and Pride We affront and Injure a Friend He gives to us in many things what he does not owe and demands of us nothing but what is his due He cannot be beholden to us we cannot oblige him This enhances the rate and value of his Benefits and by consequence the Obligation of them too and that as much heightens the Evil and Ingratitude of our Sins God expects a thankfull Obedience in return for the benefits he bestows This is the meaning of that Preface to the Ten Commandments I am the the Lord thy God which brought thee out of the land of Egypt out of the House of Bondage And he is very highly and justly offended if his Obligations do not meet with such a return It was said with a very angry resentment of the Nation of Jews I have nourisht and brought up Children and they have rebelled against me Isa 1. 2. Therefore the Heavens and the Earth are called to bear witness to or to admire so enormous a thing As if the Sun should be asham'd that he had shined upon such Creatures and the Earth that it had