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A35520 This is an answer to John Wiggans book, spread up and down in Lancashire, Cheshire and Wales, who is a baptist & a monarchy-man wherein may be seen how he exalts himself, against Christ the light, that doth enlighten every man : and also some of his, and his peoples erronious principles, and assertions, which he and his people held in a dispute, with some Quakers ... / from the prisoners at Lancaster, whom he then opposed being then a prisoner, Thomas Curwen, William Houlden, Henery Wood, William VVilson ; also here is an answer to his appendix annexed to the book by Margaret Fell. Curwen, Thomas.; Fox, Margaret Askew Fell, 1614-1702. 1665 (1665) Wing C7703; ESTC R40138 135,639 157

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in manifesting the things of man even the secret and hidden things of the belly but it is also able to feel and seek after God his Creator Acts 17. 27 28. and is in a capacity of knowing much of him as a Creator at least his eternal power and Godhead by the things that are seen Rom. 1. 19 20. thus far the light and Law within every man may go Ans What jumbled stuffe is this and confusion and contradictions can the light the spirit of man as thou callest it know his Creator at least his eternal power and Godhead and to feel and seek after God when thou saidst before the natural man knew not the things of God nor the spirit of a man knew but the things of man now if all those knew the Creator and the eternal power and Godhead and to feel and seek after God thou hast proved then that all have the spirit of God and by this overthrown thy own assertion as thou hast done often before and if they know the Law of God which soul and conscience effects upon as thou faist then they knew the things of God for the Law of God is the things of God and they are known by the spirit and so thou brings the spirit of Man and the old Covenant which thou calls light to oppose the new Christ Jesus with thy dark wisdome and that in the Rom. which saith That which may be known of God was manifest in them by which they did the things contained in the Law which was spiritually shewing the work of the Law written in their hearts which was spirituall and this was beyond the spirit of a natural man and when they transgressed this God did judge them in righteousness by which every mouth was stopped they were guilty before the Lord for that which God had manifested in them witnessed against their actions and made them to confess Gods judgments to be just and that which made Adam to confess and hide himself was beyond a natural Mans spirit for he knew God and so he had the spirit of God to discern him and after he knew the promise of God concerning Christ which the faithfull and his posterity trusted in it Christ the Covenant of Light to the Gentiles which thou fights so against And Judas was made partaker of the Ministry of Christ and confest he had betrayed the innocent blood and so he had knowledge of the Covenant who is the end of the first Law and Covenant and this knowledge of his was beyond the Light which thou calls the spirit of a Man and beyond thy ignorance for David saith Let another take his Bishoprick mark that and this is no Answer to my Queries H. W. as thou saist it is neither hast thou done honestly in not puting my Querie down nor all my Queries that people might have seen them its like thou was ashamed and afraid of that and therefore here are my Queries that all people may see them and the Paper I stuck upon the Door when thou would not answer them John Wiggan For the Seed sake I cannot be silent Therefore as touching the Queries which I spoke to thee of face to face and was not satisfied from thee but thou slighted my Query therefore I call upon thee to Answer me either face to face or by writing for thou maist remember that thou yielded unto me that he that did believe had the witness in himself but thou did not satisfie me where the witnesse was that did condemn that is the thing I would know from thee and in thy discourse that day thou said all had not the spirit and thou instanced Judas now I would have thee tell me what that was that caused Judas to bring back again the silver and confessed that he had sinned in that he had betray'd the Innocent blood I would have thee to write a distinction that so I may know a difference between that which caused Judas to confess and the spirit and thou seemed to prove out of Jude that some had not the spirit but Jude said those were such as separated themselves and seeing thou holds separation and dost gather a people after thee therefore clear thy self that thou be not one of those and further one of thy hearers spoke with a loud voice and said That Balaam had no more spirit then his Horse Therefore consider how thou and thy Hearers perverts the Scripture read the 24. Numb and the 2 3. v. and when thou hast read them then tell me when the spirit of the Lord came on Balaam's Horse And thou John Wiggan said That faith was denyed to some and Christ sent forth his Disciples to teach all Nations Now if they must teach All then none was exempted but the Pharisees said Have any of the Rulers believed on him but these people that know not the Law are cursed So thou and thy Hearers it seems doth not much let to oppose the Apostles Doctrine which saith the Grace of God which brings Salvation hath appeared to all men Therefore I would know of thee whether this Grace be a Teacher yea or nay and if any refuse to be taught by it whether the cause be his own or in the Grace which hath appeared to all as aforesaid And thou or some of thy Hearers said That Christ did not shed his blood for all and that Christ dyed not for all Clear thy self of these things and see how thou canst make them good and answer them in Writing and then if thou present any Queries to me I shall not refuse to answer so far as the Lord opens it in me Henry Wood. These Queries have been unanswered at least a quarter of a Year And whereas thou saist it is a great Light and yet but a Candle Light a created Light springing up with Man in his natural birth leading him to know something of his Creator and of his duty to him also discovering transgressions against the Law of workes which he was under the Tenor whereof is this doe this and live Rom. 9. And this it may doe where Christ the way the truth and the life is not so much as heard of thus it was in Adam when he had sinned as before the promise of grace was held forth in the seed of the Woman Gen. 3. 15. the Light and Law within him discovered sin unto him but mark the effect horrour and amazement seized upon him I was afraid and hid my self Gen. 3. 10. for this Law speakes nothing but wrath to all that are in the fall Rom. 4. 15. notwithstanding amendment and the most exact future obedience they can yield to it Answ Where Dost thou read in the Scriptures of a created Light God created the Sun Moon and Starrs and was this the created Light that made Adam to hide himself and did this created Light springing up with man in his natural birth which thou calls the candle and spirit of the Natural man which knowes not the things of God
of all men especially of them that believe so saith ahe Apostle 1. And whereas thou say'st over and over again that all things should be proved by the Scripture and thou proves nothing to the matter 2. And whereas thou say'st again and again that the Meeting may be peaceable and quiet and thou was the first man that disturbed it And whereas thou say'st the words were left out as railing and reproachful speeches we thought thou would call the plain truth rayling and thou hoping that the thing would be so carried on it was so on our part but thou and thy people brake out into disorder and scornful speeches that thou was often reproved for thy immodesty and as I said before thou was the first man that was disorderly as thou speaks on over again as also thou was the first man that very uncivilly brake the order of one speaking at once neither didst thou observe it and as for limiting time and hour that is answered before and seeing the Meeting was put off with a pretence by the Jaylor as thou sayest we met with thee another day according to thy appointment and we know thou didst make an Oration before the meeting and then propounded that which thou could not maintain That Christ doth not enlighten every man with a saving Light that comes into the World c. And I John Stubbs stood up and told thee that Christ did enlighten every man that comes into the World with a saving Light and Richard Cubban did not alter what thou had spoken and written as the Reader may see in thy Book and why dost thou say that I Richard Cubban was perswaded with much ado for when thou would not stand to what thou had written and spoken then I stood to what thou would agree to and this was but a shift from thy own words we lookt thou should have made every word good thou had writen and spoken but thou shifts from thy own words and therefore we let thee have what words thou would stand to And whereas thou sayest I John Wiggan proceeded to prove premising first that the Question was not whethere there be some Light that comes into the World nor whether Christ do not enlighten true Believers with a saving Light forasmuch as I denyed not but did affirme there was some Light in every man that comes into the World and true Believers was enlightened with a saving Light Answ In thy assertion there was no mention of unbelievers as all may see in thy Book but thy assertion is Christ doth not enlighten every man that comes into the World with a saving Light then Believers are not according to thy words for thou sayest the Light wherewith every man is enlightened withal which we say is the Light of Christ is not saving and yet again thou contradicts thy self and saith Believers are lightened with a saving Light but and if Believers be enlightened with a saving Light and unbelievers be not how are they then condemned for their unbeliefe this Question neither thee nor thy people could answer For thy proof that Christ doth not enlighten every man that comes into the World with a saving Light thou sayest that Christ doth not enlighten no man but by his Spirit but Christ doth not give his Spirit to every man that comes into the World therefore he doth not enlighten every Man that comes into the World with a saving Light These words proves nothing at all but thy own ignorance of the Scriptures for God saith by his Prophet that he would pour out his Spirit upon all Flesh in the latter dayes And the Apostles saw those dayes come in their time as in Acts 2. and so this being proved that God pours out his Spirit upon all Flesh then he enlightens every man that comes into the World with a saving Light according to thy own assertion and so this overthrows thy opposing assertion And the manifestation of the Spirit is given to every man to profit withal 1 Cor. 12. 7. Now thou contradicts the Apostle here the true Minister he saith every man but thou gives him the lie and saith not every man God gives his Spirit unto but we say with the Apostles and the Prophets that God hath given his Spirit to all as in Joel 2. Acts 2. 1. Cor. 12. and they that do not profit in the Spirit are such as grieves it and quenches it and rebells against it as in Nehem. 9. and many other Scriptures which might be mentioned and as for the many Scriptures thou hast quoted they are to no purpose And thou sayest that thy first Proposition is clear from Isai 59. 12. this contradicts thy Proposition this speaks of the New Covenant Christ and in the 60. Chap. ver 3. and the 11. 12. how that the Gentiles that wicked people should come to the Light speaking of Christ and this quite makes against thee that saith Christ doth not enlighten every man with a saving Light and John 4. 16 17. but thou shouldst have read the 16. of John as well as that where thou may read they have the same Comforter the spirit of truth which leads the Saints into all Truth and how can thou or the World receive this Spirit which will not believe in the Light but hates it so this proves that all men have the Spirit and overthrowes thy assertion and Christ the Corner-stone breaks thee to pieces who opposes him and the plain Scripture which all people may read and leaves out that which makes against thee and Ephes 1. 17 18. because the Saints had the spirit of Wisdom and the eyes of their understandings was enlightened this thou brings to oppose Christ the Light and the Apostles Doctrine and Testimony that Christ did not enlighten every man that comes into the World and his Light is not saving which thou might as well deny Christ and say he is not saving who is the Light for none of these Scriptures doth say that Christ doth not enlighten every man that comes into the World with a saving Light and John 16. 13. makes nothing for thy purpose and whereas thou sayest Neither is there any other way by which Christ doth infuse a saving Light into any man but by his Spirit 1 Cor. 2. 10 11 and 12. vers Answ I pray you all people read this Scripture over and see whether there be any such word as Infusing a saving Light into any man but by his spirit you may see how he wrongs the Apostles words with his own words and wrongs John's words also for we know that the natural man knows not the things of God but by the Spirit they are understood for the Natural man quenches and grieves the spirit of God and so walks despitefully against the spirit of Grace therefore this is no proof that he hath it not because he cannot discern the things of God for the things of God are opened to him as he obeyes the Spirit of God And thou saith the assumtion
is proved by Jude that some are natural not having the spirit this of Jude proves that they had it and went in the error of Ballaam from the Spirit and these could speak the high words but it was in hypocrisie and so this Scripture clearly overthrowes thy argument which thou takes for a proof against John's Doctrine who saith Christ doth enlighten every man that comes into the World And John the 14. 17. which thou brings to prove that Christ doth not enlighten every man that comes into the world with a saving Light which saith no such thing but proves thy own weakness and ignorance for how should the world know Christ or see him when they hate his Light that comes from him and will not come to it because it doth reprove them and there Christ the Light testifies against the World because their deeds be evil read John the third and other places Again thou bringest Romans the 8. 9. to prove thy assertion and sayes some men have not the Spirit of Christ Now people see if this Scripture doth say in plain words that some men have not the spirit of Christ and see how he has wronged the Apostle and perverted his words and whether the Apostle did not tell them in the first of the Romans who were wicked people That that which might be known of God was manifested in them yet they Reprobated from it and so their hearts were darkened and so was not led by the Spirit as the Saints was and so they that quench the Spirit and will not have it to lead them how are they Christs and so mark the same Chapter in the following words They that are led by the Spirit of God they are the Sons of God And so thou may see how thou goes about to overthrow the Apostles words and Christs Doctrine thou hath a strange Doctrine and Preaching of thine to preach to the world and tell them they have not the spirit nor a saving Light And so all thy Testimonies thou hast brought doth not prove thy Proposition to be true that Christ doth not give his Spirit to every man that comes into the World which the 16. of John overthrowes thee And I disliking thy assumption as thou callest it but many ignorant people doth not know what thou meanest but thou would cover thy self by thy dark words for no proof that thou brought was to purpose for that of Jude which speaks of such as went in the way of Cain I say Cain had talked with God and heard his voice though he was a wicked man and this thou brings to prove that wicked men have not the Spirit and doth not know the things of God but Cain knew God for he talked with him and that must be by the Spirit and those that Jude speaks of were such as had been with them and went from them into the way of Cain or how could it have been said they had err'd and had not the spirit and the way And here people may see thou neither knows the Scriptures nor the power of God as wise as thou thinks thou art for my words were not that they lost it but that they err'd from it according to the Scripture and why could thou not put in all my words I spoke but perus'd my words and so left out that which pinched thee for I have borne my Testimony amongst many of your people both in England Scotland and Ireland and other places which many is come from you and sees your deceitful wayes of darkeness opposing the Light for I my self was one of you and now walkes in the light of the Lamb Glory for ever to the Highest And why doth thou wrong me for I denyed thy Proposition and held forth Christ the Saving Light And whereas thou sayest by the way If a Scripture pinch us we will not stick to give a meaning to it and such an one as may best suite our purpose Answ This is false for I gave no meanings to the Scriptures but as they are and there is no Scripture that thou brought which pinched any of us but they nipt and pinched thee as thou callest it And thou say'st thou replyed that it could not be that those in Jude ever had the Spirit because they were sensual and natural and went in Cains way and here all may see thou left out the word how they went in the way of Cain and error of Ballaam and Cain talked with God and that must be by the Spirit as I said before and God said should he not be accepted if he did well c. therefore Cain had the spirit of God and they that went in his way from the Christians err'd from the spirit the righteous way and so became natural and sensual in the self seperation from the spirit where thou art and that in the second of Corinthi is answered before and now people see if Jude and the first of Cor. 2. c. doth say that natural and sensual Men had never the spirit and you may see how this man perverts the Scriptures and wrongs them for his own ends for these Scriptures speaks no such things as he doth and how can the natural man discern the things of the Spirit of God when that he grieves the spirit of God by which he should receive them and errs from it as in Jude and is not led by it Cor. 2. and Rom. 8. and they that quench the spirit of God in themselves will oppose it in others as thou dost and those that are led by the spirit of God they are they that discern spiritual thing and they that quench it doth not and thou repeats the 2. of Cor. 2. to no purpose for thee and they cannot decern the things of God that quenches the spirit and errs from it but they can decern the things of God that are led by the spirit of God as in the 1 Cor. 2. and this doth not say he hath not the spirit of God thou wrongs the Scriptures in that and adds to the Apostles words for all people may see that reads thy words and the Scriptures what a pittiful meaning thou gives to the Scriptures here and speaks thy own words and would make people believe they are the Apostles words and so wrongs and belies the Apostles And as for thy charging us with disorder as I said before thou was the first man that was disorderly and thou spake when another was speaking and thy people many of them spake together and why dost thou complain and say some of us spake one after another for this was the agreement that one should speak after another and that thou could not have time to answer and thou had more time then any but it s thou that did not speak to the matter in hand but fell to preaching to the people and thou wrongest us for we spoke orderly one after another except we spoke when you were speaking disorderly and of your speaking unreverently of the things of
are baptized and made to drink into the one spirit and doth the Apostle say to every Saint and every one that is baptized into the spirit and not to every man that comes into the World doth the Apostle say these words but are not his words every man and not every Saint and for the same words used in the 11. of Corinthians makes nothing for thy purpose that all men have not the spirit for that is spoken to them that came together into one place there the Apostle distinguishes his own words what shifts art thou put too for to pervert the Truth And whereas thou sayest this is said to every man of them and not every man that comes into the World and now people see whether the Apostle saith the manifestation of the Spirit is given to every one of you only and see how he contradicts himself with the Scriptures he brings and would pervert it for the Apostle saith the manifestation of the Spirit is given to every man and not to every one of you 1 Cor. 12. 7. and it s given to them to profit withal whether they do or not and Gods spirit is poured upon all flesh and so this Scripture makes nothing for thy purpose And as for Exodus 19. 5. this doth not oppose Gods pouring out of his Spirit upon all Flesh Acts 2. and Nehem. 9. was brought how that God gave his good spirit to such as rebelled against him which thou affirmed that wicked men had not the Spirit of God and we know that the Jewes was called the Church and people of God though many of them fell for their wickedness but these that rebelled against it had it that were wicked people which thou denyed and said that no wicked people had the Spirit of God which after thou confessed and so hast overthrown thy Assertion and so thou saith and unsaith Secondly Thou saith though it be said he gave them his good Spirit it will not follow that every particular or individual Israelite had this good Spirit but such as were Israelites indeed Ans Thou hast confessed that the Righteous hath the Spirit of God so thou art to prove that the wicked hath it not and in Joshuah the first there is nothing spoken in that Chapter that God doth not pour out his Spirit upon all Flesh and that wicked men hath not the spirit there is nothing at all for his purpose all that reads it may see And as for Romans 2. 28 29. this confounds thee all that reads it may see for this brings people to the spirit of God in them that they may be Jewes in the spirit and the Romans its known they had been Heathens and wicked people yet they had the Spirit and all being not Israel that be of Israel Rom. 9. 6. we know that neither are all true Christians that saith they are Christians but are such Israelites and Christians that quench the spirit as thou dost but thou denies that all men have it and so opposes the very Doctrine of the Apostles and Prophets And whereas thou say'st that saying in the 9. of Nehem. must be reserved thus Moses had that good Spirit and God promised to take off that good spirit that was upon him and put upon the seventy Elders Numb 11. 17. thus Joshuah was a man in whom was the Spirit Num. 27. 18. and had another spirit than many others had and was fitted thereby for the conduct of the Congregation Numb 27. 16. but it cannot hence be inserted that all or any of the fleshly seed of Abraham or such as were born after the flesh had the spirit but such onely as were born after the Spirit Gall. 4. 23 29. Ans This is Wiggan's conclusion and meaning upon these Scriptures which he hath brought to prove that every man that comes into the world hath not the Spirit which are not to that purpose at all and doth the 9. of Nehem. speak that Joshuah had the spirit and Moses and that it was put upon the Elders and was these them that Rebelled and slew the Lords Prophets and turned against him what Prophets of the Lord did they slay because thou sayest that in Nehem. must be reserved that Moses had the good Spirit c. and they after the flesh or any of the fleshly seed of Abraham or such as were born after the flesh had not the spirit but such as were born after the spirit c. and Nehemiah said generally he gave his good spirit unto them not only to Moses and Joshuah but such as turned their backs on the Lord which thou cannot prove that ever Moses or Joshuah slew the Lords Prophets c. and that God deliver'd them into the hands of their enemy to be vexed and troubled and as for Numb 11. 17. doth not prove that the Children of Israel had not the spirit of God nor Numb 27. 16 18. for that saith God is the spirit of all flesh that proves against thee for the Children of Israel had heard the voice of God and knew the power of God when thy came out of Egipt and knew his Law and so he was called their God and so they knew the things of God which they could not have done but by the spirit of God and Moses said they were the Children of God and were a holy people Deut. 14. and they were to hearken diligently to the voice of God c. and he had set his people the Jewes the seed of Abraham after the flesh above all Nations of the Earth Deut. 28. and yet thou fayest all Israel nor any after the flesh had not the Spirit and Gall. 4. 23 29. doth not prove that Israel after the flesh had not the Spirit because they were not born after it for those that persecutes them that are born after the spirit grieves the spirit of God in themselves as Christ said the Kingdom of Heaven was in the Pharisees that persecuted and the Jewes that stopt their Eares and shut their Eyes and would not hear nor see least they should have been converted and healed and that which they stopt their Eares and shut their eyes too plainly appears it was the Spirit else what did they backslide and erre from and quench and grieve so it is evident that all these Scriptures thou hast brought is to no purpose to prove that all men hath not the spirit And whereas thou brings Gall. 4. 6. of such as were Sons of God they may and oft do grieve the spirit of God it doth not say they may and oft do grieve the Spirit in the Ephes 4. 30. but this thou brings that the Sons of God grieves the Spirit of God and quenches it and not the wicked was there ever the like heard for we say and the Scriptures saith it is the wicked that grieves the Spirit of God and thou sayest it is the Sons of God and as for Acts the 7. 5. which we alledge which speak of their rebelling vexing and resisting
of Jacob which it is said at a full stop by Balaam there shall come a Starr out of Jacob and a Scepter shall rise out of Israel Now how could he prophesie of it if he did not see it and this overthrowes thee and thy Assertion who never saw so far as Balaam did And whereas thou sayest they shall see him when every eye sees him by this thou confounds thy own assertion for none can see God or Christ without the Light of the Spirit and thou confesses every eye shall see him and we may help thee a little further for every tongue shall confess and every Knee shall bow at the name of Jesus if thou knew what his Name is then thou mightest know that the Light of the body is the Eye which sees God And whereas thou brings Job who said when I see for my self and with my eyes and this thou brings to prove that Israel and Balaam should not see till the latter day and thou maist read Job and confute thy self Job 42. who saith I have heard of thee by the hearing of the eare but now my eye seeth thee here Job was a true Prophet for before he said he should see him now he sayes he did see him and thus thy ignorance knowes not Scriptures appeareth and we know what the Believers saw and are satisfyed and we believe thou hast not come so far as Balaams Asse nor heard the voice of God as he did though thou would sit as a Judge of the World and in the Saints conditions And whereas thou sayest that the Spirit of God dwelt no more in Balaam then the Angel of the Lord dwelt in the Asse and one of thy people said which thou say'st is no Baptist that Balaam had no more spirit then his Horse he was one of thy followers and took thy part and thou didst not gain-say him then and now thou say'st in effect the same that he did And that the spirit of God dwelt no more in Balaam then the Angel did in the Asse then let all people read Numb 22. Numb 23. Numb 24. did Balaam's Asse praise the Tents of Jacob and bless Israel and prophesie to many people and will God bring Balaam's Asse to Judgment as he doth Balaam for Balaam erred from the Spirit but thou cannot say his Asse did so and loved the wages of unrighteousness and hast not thou been there to run greedily after the error of Balaam for gifts and rewards does not thou remember a difference bewixt 40 l. and 100 l. for preaching about Manchester and who should have had this John and God testified against the error of Balaam but not against the Asse as in Jude and here it s proved Balaam had more spirit then his Horse as you called him which overthrowes the assertion of thee and thy fellowes And whereas thou makes a great transgression because we said he was a Baptist if thou be a Baptist he maintained thy Principle and was one with thee and why dost thou deny him now And whereas thou sayest there is a Light or Law in every man which convinceth and reproves of sin and this made Judas bring the money back again and this thou sayest doth not reprove of unbeliefs Judas was made a partaker of the Ministry and had he no more then a natural man is this according to thy knowledge of the Scripture did this which convinced Judas not reprove him of his unbelief did it not make him confess he had sinned in betraying the Innocent blood did he not see his unbelief and wickedness here Mat. 27. and to prove thy assertion thou brings Rom. 2. 14 15. which sayes the Gentiles that have not the Law do the things contained in the Law shews the work of the Law written in their hearts their consciences bearing witness c. and if thou read the 16. vers thou may see that this witness speaks in the day that God shall judge the Secrets of Men by Jesus Christ hereby it plainly appears that in the day when God shall judge the secrets of men by Jesus Christ this spirit which lead the Gentiles to do those things contained in the Law will justifie them and this uncircumcision the Apostle saith shall be counted Circumcision as vers 26. and doth not this Light which judges the secrets of all hearts by Jesus convince of unbelief so here thou hast belyed the Apostle and whereas thou sayest this was before that promise in the 16. of John we know that and whereas thou sayest that this spirit of truth was to convince the World of Sin as in the 16. of John and unbelief here thou hast overthrown that which thou asserted in the publick meeting for therein thou asserted that none had the spirit but Believers and this Scripture was to convince thee for that which convinced the Gentiles was within by which they knew God and was not that by the Spirit else how came they to be baptized in the spirit and circumcision in the spirit and thus one while thou confesses and another while denies and so is in confusion and goes about to bring one Scripture to overthrow another to thy own destruction for when the Holy Ghost was come when the Apostle preached to the Romans and the Gentiles which he spoke of and preached to was become the true Circumcision in the spirit and the Holy Ghost was come then which was promised And in all thy Answers it doth not disprove the Scripture which saith the World hath the Holy Ghost to reprove them but Christs words which is our assertion stands and thou and thy assertion by thy former arguments is shaken and so it is proved that the wicked and unregenerate hath the Holy Ghost which thou confesses is the spirit of Christ though they grieve it and all the Scriptures thou brought proves nothing to the contrary but overthrowes thy assertion and John 14. 17. is answered before for the World and thou art unlike to receive the spirit of truth when you reject and oppose the Light and will not receive it which you should believe in for if you receiv'd it it would not reprove you but you would have fellowship in it why dost thou judge the World hath it not when thou confesseth thou hath it and is in the same nature of the world in envy malice and revenge and Rom. 8. 9. proves nothing to thy assertion but saith the Saints was not in the flesh and they that quench and grieve the spirit of God and will not have the spirit of God but it reproves them for their sin c. how can they be said to be Christs when they will not have the spirit of Christ to lead them and Jude 19. is clear against thy assertion which speaks of such as had the spirit and erred from it and so became like Sodons and Cain and Core and Balaam these thou brings to prove that wicked men has not the spirit of God over and over Balaam had the spirit
thee that thou hates the light and when thou said the Plagues of God was upon Thomas Curwen this is not rayling with thee and said the spirit of the Devil spoke in him when he spoke truth to thee and this was thy fury and madness who art not fit to talk of the Saints conditions and so it is manifest thou knows not what spirit thou art of who dost not know the light of Christ to be saving neither hast thou shewed forth the fruits of the spirit of Christ with its workings And whereas thou would know where any of the Ministers of Christ or Christ called any strange birth of the flesh c. it seems thou art ignorant of the Scriptures as well as others as long as thou hast been a Merchant for did not Christ tell the Pharisees they were of their Father the Devil Iohn 8. and the Apostle said to Elimas the Sorcerer thou full of all subtilty who perverts the right way of God as thou dost hindering people from believing in the light Ioh. 12. Acts 13. and so we speak truth to thee as thou art we do not falsly accuse thee and now see thee where thou art who long deceived us but praised be the Lord we are come to Christ the saving Light which thou denyes and its manifest what thou art and what thy suffering is in the darkness against the light and thou proves thy self a Thief and a Robber who enters not in by the door Christ the Light but climbes up another way and therefore the sheep knows thy voice to be the stranger Iohn 10. and we know what thy compassion is but thou wants power thou hast manifested in this Book and the Letters thou hast sent up and down to Manchester and Stopperd and thy deeds are manifest in the light which thou hates so much and the Lord is rebuking the evil spirit and judging it and thou wilt feel the weight of his hand for thy maliciousness to his people and it is thou that hath mislead and misguided the simple who brings forth arguments to no purpose to strike at the Corner-stone Christ the Light it being fallen upon thee therefore thy Arguments is manifest to be to no purpose and therefore thou art thus tormented and whereas thou savest our Corner-stone being struck at then the building must needs fall to the ground but I say our foundation is Christ the Light Ioh. 8. which we know that thou and all the Generation of Priests have struck at till you are all tumbled down your selves but Christ our Corner stone and Foundation and Light never fell but thine is fallen and therefore thou ragest And we do affirm in our words and printed Books that Christ who says he is the Light in Joh. 8 he is the Dore Joh. 10. he is the quickning Spirit and he is the Corner stone which God hath laid in Sion he is the Truth and he is the All and in all and above all according to Scripture and to be believed in And hath enlightned every man that comes into the world and he is the Redeemer and the word and this thou denyest Christ the Light the Quickning Spirit the Way the Truth the Corner stone the Word the Foundation the Redeemer and the All And here indeed thou hast denyed the Corner stone and Christ Jesus which the Prophets Christ and the Apostles testified of so thou hast manifested thy self against them So never take their words to make a Trade of any more And thou canst not call Christ the Light a Quickning Spirit the Way the Truth the Word the Foundation the Corner stone the Redeemer this thou canst not call the True Jesus thou sayst We do believe thee and that thou art an Enemy to him and them that walk in his light are manifest and therefore have I Richard Gubbam proved thee a false Prophet and Antichrist according to thy own-words and we are come to Repentance and the knowledg of the Truth and thy ways be detected whereby many simple hearts be turned from them and so now we are many of us undeceived from such deceivers as thee who calls Christ the Light the Word the Way the Truth deceiving but the Lord rebuke thee who strives to keep Ignorant simple people from the Light and in darkness thou wouldst aspire up as a Judge of all conditions and knows not thy own to be miserable blind and naked Rev. 1. yet thou tell'st the Reader what the Light is and what it can do and what it cannot do and of what use it is when thou in the darkness cannot comprehend it And whereas thou tellest us of the Light of the first Adam and the Spirit of man is the Candle of the Lord Proverbs 20. and Genesis 2. Adam was made a living soul 1. Cor. 15. and thou sayest this Candle of the Lord or Light in every man is inferior to other Lights and is lower than the Angels and is limited and bounded c. And now would not this Light have justified the Jews and Adam and the Candle of the Lord would not that have directed them in his way and did not David call the word of God A Lanthorn to his feet and a Light unto his path And is this thy Spirit which is under the Bonds and Limits for where the Spirit of God is joyned to there is liberty and we do not tell thee of the Light of Adam thou art gone from the matter but we speak of the Light of Christ Jesus the second Adam the Lord from Heaven For our dispute was not about the earthly Adam the Spirit of a man but our discourse was about Christ the Light of the world the Saviour and thou tel'st us of the Light of Adam this is thy dark Wisdom and like thy knowledge and experience of Christ And whereas thou say'st the Spirit of a man or Light in every man is understood to be the Reason or the understanding of a man whereby he is adopted to know his Creator viz. who made him according to David Psalms 59. 6. Answ Here thou hast confuted thy self for can man be adopted to know his Creator with his own Spirit and Reason and his own Light which thou call'st Natural For the Natural man knows not the things of God and the Spirit of man knows the things that be of a man even so the Spirit of God knows the things that be of God and if all Nations must know the Lord God that made them and serve him and they are his people and the sheep of his Pasture and they must worship and kneel before the Lord their maker and keep his Laws then they should have the Spirit of God for natural men cannot discern the things of God nor hear his voyee nor worship him as thou said'st before so these Scriptures over throws thy assertion Psal 95. 6. And whereas thou say'st of this Light we may understand Christ to speak Mat. 6. 23. Therefore if the Light in thee be Darkness how
great is that Darkness Together with this Light set up in every man which shows him his Creator that he is to be served and how he is to be served of necessity there must be a Law Implanted in him which Law is called Light Prov. 6. 23. whereby the will and mind of his Creator which is imprest upon him and made known unto him so that he by the Spirit or Light set up in him could reflect this Law and understand the reason and reasonableness of it this was the fullest Light in man before the fall he could look his God in the face and come to his presence with the Light and serve him with Gladness Answ What error and confusion is this if the Light which is Darkness shewed Adam the face of God and is that which shews the Creator and is the Law in the heart which reflects upon people for that which is spoken of in the 6 of Math. where Christ saith if that light that be in you be darkness how great is that darkness which he spoke to the double Ey'd State which if the Eye be single the whole body is full of light And Adam before he fell had no darkness in him and if the Law in the 6 of the Prov. be darkness in men with Mat. 6. as thou comparest it in thy blind erroneous meaning and so perverts the Scriptures to thy own distruction for the Law is light and the Reproofs of Instruction is the way to life and this we affirm to be saving and not the Light which is called Darkness And the Law of God which is placed in the heart whereby the will and mind of God is known Spiritually and the things of God are known only by the Spirit of God and this is above mans Reason or Spirit or darkness and keeps men in Reason out of darkness and orders mens Spirits to know the Lord and herein thou hast manifested thy error and Ignorance for men in the light which is called darkness knows not God nor in their natural estate as they are err'd from the Spirit of God and Adam was above that state before he fell of men in the Natural estate in the fall whose light is darkness and this is thy darkness and ignorance in paralleling them together And whereas thou sayst since the fall this Candle of the Lord in man is become exceeding dim to what it was so that his understanding was darkned with blindness and Ignorance Ephes 4. 18. yet it is not wholly Extinct for then he could not Exist but would cease to be and the Law which was written in mans heart now is not so plainly to be read yet there is sufficient left to render God Righteous in his proceeding against man who hold the measure of knowledg left in them that is to say of his eternal power and God-head c. Answ By this thou hast contradicted thy self and granted that every man hath the Spirit for can any know the eternal power of God and his God-head without his Spirit Then do they not know Christ in whom the fulness of the God-head dwells in and before thou calls it natural and Darkness and Reason and mans Spirit who art ignorant of the new Covenant Christ Jesus the Light which is given to all man-kind who is beyond the first which thou art groping in making nothing of in thy dark understanding and yet thou compares it this Candle to the light before the fall and with darkness one while is the Spirit of a man and another while is the Spirit of a man and another while is Reason and where there is Reason there 's the Spirit of Faith and thus intrudes into those things thou never saw which puffs up thy fleshly mind 2. Thou sayst What use is this light of or what can this Light in every man do since the fall And again thou saist this Light or Spirit of a man searcheth all the parts of the belly Prov. 20. 27. or as the Apostle saith it medleth with the things of a man 1 Cor. 2. 11. For what man knoweth the things of a man save the Spirit of man which is in him that manifests every action of man it looks upon every thing done or to be done with a direct Act of the understanding and this singly considered makes not any thing that is done to be good or evil Answ All may see how thou hast contradicted thy former words which thou said it manifests his eternal power and God-head and it was the Law in the heart And now it makes nothing to be good or evil thy light doth not and in this thou hast contradicted thy former sayings And how can God judge the world in Righteousness if the light that is in man shews him neither good nor evil And this is contrary to Rom. 2. 20. For that which may be known of God is manifested in them for God hath shewed it unto them by which they know Good and Evil and doth the Candle of the Lord search all the inward parts of the belly and manifests every action of man and looks upon every thing done or to be done with a direct act of the understanding and yet the evil that a man doth manifested to his understanding what contradictions and blindness is this for if every action that a man doth is manifested then sin is manifested or else every action is not manifested and if this light manifests in man what is done and what is to be done this makes him a Prophet According to thy words who has manifested thy self to beignorant both of the old Covenant and the new And that which is spoken of 1 Cor. 2. the which thou brings to oppose the Light in every man And whereas thou say'st when this light or mans spirit reflects upon the Law written within according to which it is done or not done the evidness of the actions discovered these reflects are of the Soul and is called Conscience that is a knowing together with some else thus the Law discovers the quality of the action according to Rom. 3. 20. by the Law is the knowledge of Sin now according to the conformity or non-conformity that a man's actions bears to the Law such will its sentence be and answerable to the sentence the Law pronounceth will be the excusations or accusations of the person according to Rom. 2. 15. which shews the work of the Law written in their hearts their Consciences also bearing witness and their thoughts the mean while excusing or accusing one another this is that witness which the Lord hath left for himself in men that he may be just when he judgeth the World and every mouth stopped at the great day Rom. 2. 5 6. this manifested to Adam his transgression which made him hide himself Gen. 3. 13. this manifested to Judas his sin and caused him to bring back the money and confess he had sined this may answer Henry Wood's Query neither is this light only exercised
man that 's come into the world is the same light which John bore witnesse of which was a man sent of God for that purpose before Christ Jesus came to prepare the way before him as the Scripture doth testifie which prophesied of him before he came and which prophecies he bore witnesse to when he came as Isa 40. 3 4 5. the voice of him that cryeth in the wildernesse prepare ye the way of the Lord make straight in the desert the high way of our God Read on to the fifth verse and Malachy the 3. and 1. Behold I send my messenger and he shall prepare the way before me and the Lord whom ye seek shal suddenly come to his Temple and according to these prophecies the Angel Gabriel came to Zacharias and told him that he should have a son and Luke 1. 19. and the Angel answering said I am Gabriel that stand in the presence of God and am sent to speak unto thee and to shew thee these glad tydings and in the sixth month after the Angel Gabriel was sent from God unto a Virgin espoused to a man named Joseph which testified of the birth of Christ as you may read in the of Luke at large and the Angel said unto Zacharias when he told them of the birth of John he said fear not Zacharias for thy prayer is heard for thy wife Elizabeth shall bear a son and thou shalt call his name John and thou shalt have joy and gladnesse in him and many shall rejoyce at his birth and he shall be great in the sight of the Lord and he shall be filled with the holy Ghost even this is he that bore witnesse of the Light which Iohn Wigan calls an Idol from his mothers womb and after this child was born his fathers mouth was opened in praises unto the Lord being dumb since the Angel spoke to him because he did not fully believe and his father Zacharias was filled with the holy Ghost and prophesied of Christ saying Blessed be the Lord God of Israel who hath visited and redeemed his people and so to the end of the Chapter as you may read ver 76. and the child shall be called the Prophet of the highest to wit Christ and thou shalt go before the face of the Lord to prepare his waies to give knowledg of salvation unto his people by the Remission of their sins and Christ himself bore witnesse of John Mat. 11. and said he was more than a Prophet and said of all that were born of women there was not a greater then John and said he was a burning and shining light as you may read For this is he of whom it is written Behold I send my messenger before thy face which shall prepare thy way before thee ver 10. and if ye will receive it this is the Elias which was for to come for all the Prophets and the Law prophecyed until John He that hath an ear to hear let him hear ver 13 14 15. and the Apostle bore witnesse of Iohn and said as John fulfilled his course Acts 13. he said Whom think ye that I am I am not he but there cometh one after me the shoes of whose feet I am not worthy to loose Thus far we have proved unto you what Iohn was that he was sent of God to bear witnesse of Christ by these Scriptures with many more which might be instanced concerning John Now we shall go to Johns testimony and witnesse which he bore of Christ Jesus John 1. In the beginning was the Word and the Word was with God and the Word was God the same was in the beginning with God All things were made by him and without him was not any thing made that was made in him was life and this life was the light of men This is he which John bore witnesse of this same John came for a witnesse to bear witnesse of this Light that all men through him might believe as you may see proved by all the foregoing prophecies of him he said He was not the light but was sent to bear witnesse of the light that was the true light which lighteth every man that cometh into the world This is the light and no other which we witnesse and bear testimony of which John Wigan saith is an idol He was in the world and the world was made by him and the world knew him not but as many as received him to them he gave power to become the sons of God even to them that believed on his name not to such unbelievers as John Wigan who denies him which was born not of blood nor of the will of the flesh nor of the will of man but of God This John Wigan calls an idol And the word was made flesh and dwelt among us and we beheld his glory as of the only begotten son of God full of grace and truth John bore witnesse of him and cryed saying This is he of whom I spoke he that cometh after me who is preferred before me ver 15. Now here the reader may see W's blasphemies and lyes in his book where he saith that the light that John bare witnesse of that lighteth every man that comes into the world is the word creator and not the word made flesh Christ so let the reader read John 1. 14 15. and this is the record of John when the Jews sent priests and levites from Jerusalem and asked him who art thou and he confessed and denied not I am not the Christ and they asked him and said unto him who art thou and he said I am the v●ice of one crying in the wilderness make straight the way of the Lord as said the prophet Isaiah 1 John ver 23. They asked him why baptizest thou then and John answered saying I baptize with water but there standeth one among you whom ye know not he it is who coming after me is preferred before me c. Jo. 1. ver 26. 27. Here John beares witness of him according to the prophesies the next day John seeth Jesus coming unto him and said Behold the Lambe of God which taketh away the sin of the world This is he of whom I said after me cometh a man which is preferred before me for he was before me ver 29. 30. This is he whom we worship as our redeemer whom J. W. saith to worship is to set up a greater Idolatry then that of Jeroboams and of the Papists and John saith further that he should be made manifest to Israel therefore am I come baptizing with water and John bore record saying I saw the Spirit descending from Heaven like a dove and it abode upon him and I knew him not but he that sent me to baptize with water the same said unto me upon whom thou shalt see the spirit descending and remaining on him the same is he that baptizeth with the holy Ghost And I saw and bare record that this is the Son of God and this is he whom J.
his only begotten Son into the World to save the World and not to condemn the World as he doth who saith they have not a light to save them and they have not the spirit of God but that the World through him might be saved and moreover Christ saith I am the light of the World now he doth not say I am the light of the Saints only as John Wiggan saith but of the World which be in darkness And Christ saith believe in the light whilest ye have the light shewing that they have the light before they are believers that they may be children of the light John 12. and also he John Wiggan makes void the grace of God as may be seen in his Book which hath appeared to all men as the Apostle speaks to Titus which brings salvation and this grace is sufficient and so his work is to prove that the World and wicked Men have not a saving-light nor have not the Spirit of God contrary to the Scriptures of Truth as will be proved hereafter and so ●● makes people believe through this that Christ did not come to save the World so is of that race that would frustrate the grace of God and of them that forbid the Apostles to speak to the Gentiles but hath not John Wiggan had one Hundred pound a year of the States and taken Collections of such as he looked upon to be wicked people and had not the Spirit nor a saving Light yea and preached the Scriptures to them which are the things of God and all people you know that no man can know the things of God without the Spirit of God you know the Scriptures saith so And whether all men will not judge whether this man is not grown sensless or he hath cracked his Brain through his foolishness Nay would not this John Wiggan preach if the Powers would give him two or three Hundred pounds a year to preach the Scriptures which are the things of God to the World which he saith hath not the Spirit of Christ nor a saving Light hath he not the conscience to take this and bless them though the World did not understand the things of God and what do you think of all the Independants that he preached too and hath left and now turned Baptist it may be he thinks that is a better Commons and Pasture to maintain him in for hath John Wiggan restored that which he had of them at Manchester and other places for we say that it is but just that he should do so For to preach to a people that hath not a saving light nor the Spirit the things of God they that cannot understand them without the Spirit and to take money of them is it not a robing of them and a cheating of them and ought he not in justice to make restitution for we do not know a greater enemy to Christ and his Apostles and plain Scriptures this day in England then he is as his practice hath made it manifest and as for all his slanderous expressions in his private papers we shall not send abroad but let them lie upon him together with his lyes nor lay open his nakedness we need not for he hath laid it open in his own Book sufficiently as will be manifest to every impartial Reader First That Paper which was sent unto Thomas Hardy by Thomas Curwen it was not sent up and down in the Country as his was but if he had sent for a Coppy of it he might have had one so we did not serve him as he hath done us and if there had been any errors they should have been made manifest but he hath not that the Reader might have read them for we are not afraid of our deeds coming to the Light And our Paper was neither partial nor confused as it will manifest it self and it is to the honour of truth And it s he that swallowes up the simple in errors as he speaks of and hath vomited out the same again how many hath he vomited out about Manchester but swallowed them up but for gain and that which he hath vindicated is error And whereas he saith he was provoked to this debate with the Quakers that is false for it was his own Challenge for friends would have discoursed with him in a Christian way in his own Chamber which he denyed and bid them depart his Chamber and when Friends have come up in a Christian way to him he hath threatned them by calling for the Jaylor and another time when Thomas Curwen came up in a Christian way he shaked him by his Coat as though he would have tore it from off his back to thrust him out of his Chamber though often he came into our Chamber and we never served him so but discoursed as long as he would But this is the thing Major Wiggan in calling the Jaylor he wanted his Magestrates Sword like a persecuting Jew Help men of Israel against the Apostles for these are the men that turnes the World upside down And this is John Wiggans patience and Christian spirit as he calls it and he being a Prisoner we would never have brought him to publick shame but he himself hath brought it therefore he may blame himself And whereas he speaks of being provoked to the debate in defence of truth Nay John thou art out of love that art so soon provoked and its truth that torments thee because thou canst not defend thy errors thou canst not chop and change with truth as thou didst with the people at Manchester And what thou hast set down afterward will appear And the contention of the Meeting was through thy self for thou wast the first man that brake the order which was that all might speak one by one and burst out into a laughter when others were speeking of the things of God in an uncivil and immodest way which begot thy own people into the same and so raised up the rude and uncivil spirit in thy own people that some was fain to rebuke thee who were speaking of the things of God for the things of God are weighty and as the Scriptures saith the fools heart is filled full of Laughter and that is the mark of a fool and thou wast too hot and passionate to talk soberly And dost thou not remember what a passion thou was in when thou discoursed with Richard Hubberthorn at Manchester when one of thy own people did reprove thee and doest thou not remember what violent hands thou laid upon John Abrams when he and James Harrison came to discourse with thee of the things of God in a Christian way and what a rage fury and passion thou wast in is not this a mark of a Novice soon angry and are not these unclean hands lifted up to God will God accept them And whereas thou speaks of Boasting that is thy own the Principle that thou would discourse upon was thy own chusing though nothing thou hast cleared to this
thou ever hear Christs voice at any time or hast thou seen his shape for if thou hadst known him the way thou would not have deny'd his Light to be saving to the World And hast thou not read Collos of some that intruded into these things they never saw which neglected Christ the body and head who is the way and Light c. And whereas thou sayes it is not possible to teach the way and know it not Mat. 2. 4 5. 27 28. 12. the Pharisees and the Priests preached Christ to come to Herod and told when he should be born by the Scriptures and yet knew him not to be the way when he came but persecuted him when he came as thou may know by the Scriptures when Christ rose and yet thou knowest him not to be the Way the Truth and the Life but denies him to be the saving Light spoken of in Joh. 1. And my words was not harsh nor rash censure but in plainness and truth as thou hast made it appear And as for me William Wilson I know nothing else thou livest in but beggarly Rudiments who denies Christ to be a saving Light who enlightens every man who shuts up the Gates of Heaven against men and will neither go in thy self nor suffer others to go in And shew me by plain Scripture where Christ calls taking of Bread and Wine an Ordinance for we do drink of the Vine and and eat of the Bread that comes down from Heaven And my words were neither harsh nor rash therefore thou dost us wrong to say so and to blame us and exclaime against us These Queries as followeth were sent to John Wiggan to answer by me Thomas Curwen and are unanswered to this day and he complaines he wanted time and hath had them above halfe a year when such a man as he is looked upon might have answered them in halfe a day 1 Query Whether thy way never fell 2 Where be all the daubers 3 Whether all the Ministers of Adam's house in the fall daubed not with untempered morter 4 Whether a man while he is upon the Earth shall be made free from the body of Death and sin while he is on this side the Grave 5. And whether Christ doth not enlighten every one that comes into the World with a saving Light 6. Whether is Bread and Wine Christ the substance yea or nay 7. And how long hast thou taken Bread and Wine in Remembrance of Christs Death till he come 8. And whether or no when he is come thou will take it in Remembrance of him 9 And which is the nearest to take a thing in Remembrance of his Death or to come into his Death 10 And whether or no thou thinkest to come any nearer to Christs death then taking Bread and Wine in Remembrance of him 11 And whether or no doth thou think to come any nearer to Christs death then to take Bread Wine in Remembrance of his death and so keep alive in the old nature and is not this the deceiver 12 Hast thou known the death the pangs and the sorrow and art thou become a fool for Christs sake and is the wisdom of the world become foolishness to thee and in what place boundest thou thy own 13 And how comest thou to receive that which is foolishness to the world and how was thou awakened out of sleep and when did the Grave open and when did the Prisoner shew himself forth 14 And when did the tongue of the Dumb sing 15 And when was the tongue of the first birth silent 16 And when was thou come to thy wits end 17 And how hast thou watered thy Couch 18 And what is the tongue of the Learned 19 And what is the Gray Hairs 20 And what is it that Anti-Christ and the false Prophets ravened from and where was it 21 And when did the Keepers of the House tremble and the strong man bow himself 22. And hast thou the same power and spirit to baptize and give Bread and Wine as the Apostles had and hast thou heard the voice of Christ as they did 23 And seeing thou took offence at me for calling thee a deceiver what is the true way where is it whether all Mankind be enlightened by it and whether it be within man or without 24 And whether or no thou hast seen it or hear it or heard the voice of God at any time or seen his shape Answer these Queries in a Scripture way in writing and bring forth thy deeds to the Light or else I do intend to stick a Coppy of them on thy Door tomorrow From thy friend Thomas Curwen the fifth day of the first Moneth 1664. directed for John Wiggan these And these Queries were sent to John Wiggan to be answered by him and because I said if he would not answer them I would stick them on the door tomorrow he sayes he has but a short time and yet in this half year he hath not answered them but he hath published them in his Book to his shame without an answer manifesting his insufficiency to resolve doubts and Questions in weighty matters to shuffle them off to the Reader he calls them frivilous and they stand still unanswered by him for if he had told us that he had been uncapable or unable of answering them we would so have taken it but he being a man so much looked upon and professing such high things he was able to resolve doubts and questions which if he had been a man as he is looked upon he would have been ashamed to have published them to the Reader unanswered and we did not boastingly send the Queries to thee nor sought advantage against thee but that the plain truth might have been manifested by thee if thou hadst had it but its manifest to the contrary and the Queries are pythy and full and some of them Queries about mans Salvation but thou scornes and scoffes at them and calls them frivilous and sayest thou had some weighty matter which we do not know any thou hadst without it was to study something against the saving Light to preach to thy people which was not a thing of so great weight who runs one while to thee and another while to other Priests who are unestablisht like thy self And in thy Letter to my first paper thou seems to be offended because that I said that thou was offended for calling thee a Deceiver of the people c. it manifests thou art offended by thy speaking of it so much abroad And as concerning my saying thou taught the way to others and knew it not thy self that is answered before and I did speak forth the words of truth and soberness to thee as being often burthened with hearing thy strange voice savouring thee to be out of the Spirit that gave forth the Scriptures And for making it appear whom thou hast deceived that I have done before and whom thou hast deceived and how in drawing them from
God and our asking the questions was to have thee make good the thing in hand which thou could not do and this is thy shift to say thou was obstructed but tell me who obstructed thee for not answering T. C. and old H. W. their Queries this half years time but thou would have had all the talk to have held what errors thou would and none to oppose thee and it seems M. F. and G. F. the truth that they spoke there tormented thee and where thou say'st G. F. coming in about that time thou was replying to J. S. this is false for thou was speaking to M. F. and held the debate a good while after G. F. came in with her and then G. F. many people standing upon the Formes upon which he stood up upon and set one foot upon the edge of the Table for thou was gotten to the uppermost end of the Table in the highest place Priest like and what a great advantage hast thou taken here because G. F. stood up upon the Forme did not thou and the other Priest stand upon the Table before George Fox and was so unruly not to be gotten off the Table and thy own people stood upon the Formes scoffing and revileing and because that G. F. stood but the one foot upon the Forme and the other upon the Table leaning upon his Knee this thou could publish in thy Book as a great transgression And whereas thou sayest thou was standing that is false for thou was siting and when G. F. spoke to thee thou cockt up thy Hat more like a Ranter and a Player in a Tavern then one imployed in the service of God and G. F. reproved thee and told thee the things of God was weighty and that thou must not be leght and all the serious people beheld thy vanity and weakness and perverting the Scriptures And whereas thou sayest where thou and others were standing on the ground that is false too for many of you were siting we did not see you so reverend though some its true were standing and stood there where thou should not have stood and G. F. did take off the strength of the Scriptures alledged by thee and made it to appear contrary to that end thou brought it and made it to appear that thou confounded thy own assertion and did prove that every one that came into the World had the spirit of Christ according to their measure and thou falsly belies G. F. for he neither used undervaluing or taunting expressions and I believe that none will say so but thy self except it be some scoffers or scorners like thy self and G. F. needed not undervalue thee for thou under valued thy self in speaking against truth and against the plain Scriptures of truth And as for G. F. as thou saidst went several times from the Table and said the least Babe there was able to answer thee the dispute being not his liberty being granted upon which occasion he spoke something to thee who spoke that thou couldst not make good by the Scriptures as after will be manifest and it did appear there that one of the least babes in the truth thou could not answer to wit H. W. and F's presence who is in the truth was not so needful whom thou scoffingly termes their Leader or rather their misleader but the weakest amongst us saw and doth see thee that thou was art and hath been a misleader to many of our Friends who now see thee who has Christ now to be their Leader Praises to the Lord God for ever and G. F. did not miserably wrest nor abuse the Scriptures as thou say'st but spoke them as they were but thou makes no conscience of lying who sayes he miserably wrested them but that which he spoke was in defence of the Truth against thy error and he would have the people to understand the Scripture thou brought to oppose thy self and the meeting was to that end that truth might be manifest to them for we were satisfied before and we are very well acquainted with these Scriptures that thou brought to pervert the Truth And thou was seen long ago for what end thy Preaching was And whereas thou say'st that which G. F. spake was not to the purpose then the Scripture thou brought was not to the purpose and herein thou hast confuted thy self for that which he spoke was to the Scriptures thou brought to oppose the Truth but it seems thou art offended because G. F. spoke to the people and opened the thing to them which makes thee complain manifesting that thou would keep and lead them in blindness and darkness that thou might make a prey upon them still And the thing that thou laid down before the people was that some men that comes into the World hath not the Spirit and thou would prove it out of Jude and when the Scripture was read there was no such words and yet he affirmed the same thing though he could not prove it perverting many Scriptures and yet could not make any to suite his purpose and when G. F. let him see the same he broke out into a rage and fury and spoke when he was speaking and so brake the civil order of speaking one by one and whereas he saith that in the Corinthians the manifestation of the spirit is given to every man to profit withal was spoken to the Saints or Church of God at Corinth and not to the wicked The Apostle doth not say it was to the Saints only but to every man and Christ saith what I say unto you I say unto all men watch and pray and how can they pray without the spirit and people you know it was the false Prophets that limited the Holy one and if the Corinthians every one had a manifestation of the spirit here is an If it seems thou questions this whether they had or no and say'st thou Every man that cometh into the World hath not a manifestation of the Spirit as before it s proved out of Acts 2. and John 16. and the Apostles words was every man and not every Saint dost thou not pervert the Apostles words here and also them that were Baptised by one Spirit into one body which were Saints and this thou brings to prove that the world that quenches and grieveth and rebelleth against and errs from the Spirit of God hath it not to reprove them which any that reads but Scriptures may see thy ignorance and darkness and whereas thou gain-sayest that the Apostle speaks only that the manifestation of the spirit of every man that was Baptized by one spirit into one body and made to drink into one spirit and not to every man that comes into the world Now people look this Chapter thorow 1 Corinthians 12. whether ye do find these words of Wiggan's in it or no that it is onely to them that believe and are Baptized and whether the Apostle has these Limits as he hath and whether his words be onely to them that
of the Holy Spirit and by this it is manifest that they had the holy Spirit agreeable to that in the 16. of John and these were they that opprest Christ as a Cart under Sheaves and such vexed the Spirit as in Eccles And whereas thou sayest all that do grieve vex and resist the Spirit of God have it not but they resist the Spirit of God in the Prophets This is thy meaning we know they resist the Spirit of God in the Prophets when they first grieve it in themselves as thou dost and as in the fourth of John the World receives him not how should they when they hate the Light and resist it as thou dost but the Spirit reproves them therefore they have it though they cannot receiveit nor receive Christ but hate him and so it is thou that grieves Gods spirit in his Servants And whereas thou sayest when Steven said they do resist the holy Ghost it was the Spirit in him by which he spake as in Acts 6. 10. as in like manner they resisted the spirit in the Prophets as Acts 7. 52. which of the Prophets have not your Fathers persecuted c. This again is thy meaning but the Scriptures doth not say as thou saith for those that resisted the Holy Ghost in Stephen had received the Law of God by the disposition of Angels c. Acts 7. 53. now the Law of God was the things of God and the Angels ministring Spirits so these that had the things of God had the spirit of God and when they kept not the Law of God they quenched and resisted the spirit of God both in themselves and others And whereas thou sayest when the mighty power of God was put forth in signes and wonders in Egypt and the Wilderness Numb 14. 11. 22. and they believing not his Spirit not in them but put forth those mighty workes and speaking in Joshuah and other faithful Witnesses for God in that day thus the spirit of God was vexed in Noah and Lot by the wickedness of the Old World and not in the wicked who being strangers and without God in the world Answ None of these Scriptures doth say as thou say'st that the wicked had not the Spirit of God to grieve but that it was only grieved in Joshuah Noah and such like as for Numb 14. such as had seen the wonders of God ten times and yet did not hearken to the voice of God and therefore they erred in their beliefe as vers 11. now how can these hear the voice of God and have not the spirit of God And the Apostle said they did all drink of the spiritual Rock and all eat of the spiritual Meat and the Rock that followed them was Christ and yet thou say'st they had not the Spirit of God to grieve in them 1 Cor. 10. 3 4 5. and when they lusted and tempted God and murmured against God and fell then they grieved Gods spirit and yet thou say'st they had it not to grieve but it was only grieved in others and had it been Righteous with the Lord in one day to cause 23000. to fall if they had not grieved his Spirit which he gave them and so they griev'd him and dost thou not believe that the Apostle and those Corinthians had the spirit of God who sayes let not us tempt God as they tempted him nor murmur as they murmured and Heb. 3. the Apostle sayes to day if you will hear his voice harden not your hearts as in the provocation in the day of temptation in the Wilderness when your fathers saw my works I was grieved with that generation they do always erre in their hearts and what did they erre from in their hearts if it was not from the spirit for when they had heard God they did provoke him though all that came out of Egipt did not provoke him for as the Gospel being preached to all Nations the word was preached to them but the word did not profit them not being mixed with faith in them that heard it Heb. 3. and Heb. 4. and in Rom. 10. The word of faith which they preached was in the mouth and in the heart which all had heard and can any hear the word and have not the spirit and is not the word spiritual for doth not the Apostle say to the Romans which had been Heathens and Moses to the Jewes Deut. 30. from the 10. to 15. vers which saith It was not far off nor hidden from them which saith they need not say Who shall ascend up into Heaven or beyond the Sea to bring it but the word is very nigh even in thy heart and in thy mouth that thou maist do it so good and evil life and death was set before them and this was spoken as well to those that did disobey God and for their wickednesse should be scattered among the Nations if hap'ly thence they should turn from their wickedness and turn unto the Lord and then they need not say who shall go up to Heaven or to beyond the Sea to bring the word for it was very nigh them in their hearts and in their mouths that they might obey and do it and the Scripture witnesses the fulfiling of this upon many of them And whereas thou sayest That the spirit was vexed in Noah and not in the old World this is contrary to the Scriptures for the Lord said My spirit shall not alwayes strive with man and how that the Sons of God saw the Daughters of Men and took of them Wifes of all that they chose and how that all flesh had corrupted its way which shewes they had a way before they corrupted it but thou sayest they had not the spirit doth not the Apostle say 1 Pet. 3. 18 19 20. vers That Christ preached to the spirits in Prison which sometimes were disobedient when the long-suffering of God waited in the dayes of Noah and what Prison is this and what Prison is it that the Prisoners of hope must shew themselves forth and as it is written Sodom gave its self over to fornication c. wherefore God brought his vengeance upon them who judges the World in righteousness this shewes a transgression that they went from the good and gave themselves up to wickedness as spiritual Sodom does now and if wicked Men have not the spirit as thou saist how then can God who is a spirit judge the World in righteousness and doth not the Apostle justifie the Heathen Phylosophers for saying We all live and move in God Acts 17. 27 28. that if hap'ly they might feel after God and finde him though he be not far from every one of us and how can they feel after him and have not his spirit which thou ignorantly with thy mind puft up sayes they have it not and because the Saints was a habitation of God through the Spirit therefore thou asserts wicked men have not the spirit to vex and grieve it but this proves it not that such
as be without God in the World and strangers have not the spirit of God in themselves to grieve and vex thou saith for that which may be known of God was manifest in them and when they knew God they did not glorifie him as God but became vain in their imaginations and changed the truth of God into a lye such becomes strangers to the life of God Rom. 1. so these Scriptures overthrowes thy assertions and proves that wicked men grieves the spirit of God in themselves as well as in others And whereas thou saist Joh. 16. 7 8. if I depart I will send the Comforter c. thou saist by this promise Christ makes is to send the holy Ghost after his departure it is evident enough that this Scripture can be no proof of thy assertion to wit that every man that comes into the world hath not the holy Ghost for if every man had him when he came into the world what need was there he should be sent to them after Christs Ascension nay rather this shews they had him not before he was sent and so not till after Christs departure which destroyes thy opinion yet thou grants the holy Ghost is come after Christ ascended to the Apostles and to reprove the World so by this thou hast overthrown thy own opinion and assertion and we say that Christ doth enlighten every man that comes into the World and is a Saviour and the Light is saving and the holy Ghost is given to reprove the World and lead the Saints and it s proved before that the wicked resisted the holy Ghost before Christ came in the flesh and the holy Ghost was given to the Disciples after Christ was ascended and he should reprove the World but thou denies it and sayes they have it not and so demes plain Scripture and perverts our Words for our Words is That Christ doth enlighten every Man that comes into the World and sayes believe in the Light and the holy Ghost reproves the World for their unbelief in the Light which leads the Saints unto all Truth Secondly Thou sayes this promise is made particularly to the Disciples of Christ I will send him to you and not unto the World Answ Why dost thou wrong the Scriptures doth it not say when he comes He shall reprove the World of Sin Righteousness and Judgment of Sin because they believe not in him was he sent then only to the Disciples and not to the World read Iohn 26. 7 8 9 10. over again and see thy own ignorance and darkness and it s sufficiently proved that the wicked resisted the holy Ghost before Christ came as also they that killed the Prophets and also it s proved that Christ did send the Comforter to his Disciples after his Ascension which Spirit should reprove the World and though the Disciples were led into all truth by the Spirit by which they was to preach the Gospel to all Nations that the name of Christ might be spread over all this doth not disprove the spirit of reproving the World which thou in thy ignorance brings to prove that the World hath not the spirit to reprove them and in the 17. of John Christ saith that they all may be one as thou Father art in me and I in them that the World may believe that thou hast sent me Now how can the Worldbelieve if they have not the Light and the Spirit in them to believe in seeing Believers hath the witness in themselves and as for Christs Miracles and signes which some believed and some gain-said for some said he did Miracles by the Prince of Devils such stop their eares and closed their eyes least they should be converted as Acts 27. And thou sayest the holy Ghost was poured upon none but who repented and believed this is thy saying who art ignorant of the Scriptures which saith God would pour out his Spirit upon all Flesh Acts 2. Joel 2 Joh. 16. and such as repented and believed received the holy Ghost and others resisted it and quenched it so that here is a difference betwixt the Believers and Unbelievers for the one receives it the other rejects it though it be powred out upon all as Christ saith The Word was sowne in the Field which is the World it was sowne upon all Grounds upon the Thorney the Bryrie the High-way and the stony Ground but who brought forth fruit but the good Ground Mat. 13. and this sufficiently proves that the spirit is powred upon all flesh and Heb. 6. which speaks of such as were once enlightened and had tasted of the Heavenly gift and was made partakers of the Holy Ghost and tasted of the good Word of God and if they shall fall away it were impossible to renew them again to repentance seeing they crucify the Lord of Glory the Son of God afresh and put him to open shame and now Priest Wiggan sayes these wicked men had not the spirit nor was not enlightened yet they crucifyed Christ afresh and put him to open shame and thus with his wisdome he abuses the Scriptures though he hath long made a Trade of them And whereas thou makes a preamble upon our words wherein we replyed to thy assertion to wit that no wicked man had the spirit of God but only the Saints and thou did affirm that Balaam had not the spirit of God and we proved that Balaam had the spirit of God and heard the word and voice of God as Numh. 24. and now thou hast overthrown thy own assertion and confesses that Balaam and Saul had the spirit of God which thou confesses was wicked men and thus thou hast split thy self upon the Rock and overthrown thy Foundation for before thou affirmed none had the spirit of God but believers and Balaam prophecyed of great things to the Jewes and God spoke to him and we know there is a difference betwixt those that grieves the spirit and those that walks in it and before thou was ignorant of these Scriptures as Balaam and Saul having the spirit of God and now thou confesses that wicked men may have it upon some occasions but sayes all wicked men hath it not read over again Joh. 16. Acts the 2d That the Holy Ghost should reprove the World and God would powre out his spirit upon all flesh which before thou would limit only to Believers with thy dark imaginations and how darest thou preach the Scriptures which are the things of God to wicked people who sayes they have not the spirit of God and here again thou overthrowes thy assertion and thou sayes it is the spirit of God in the Ministers of Christ that must convince the World and when as we bid thee who lookes upon thyself to be a Minister of Christ convince us of any evill we have done thou shufled it off and said God must convince us and so confuted thy Assertion and whereas thou wrests and perverts the Scriptures and sayes Balaam did not see the Starr
of God that is proved in Numbers and in Genesis it is proved that Cain talked with God and heard his voice and he could not do that without the spirit and Core knew the power of God that brought him forth of Egipt and was not he of the tribe of Levie that ministred in the Priests office and was he like to medle in the things of God without the spirit though these err'd from the spirit as in Jude and so became sensual And thou had more liberty to hold forth thy errors then others had to hold forth Truth and as the Serpent led Adam and Evah from Righteousness and Holiness to the Tree by which they fell so thou his Messenger leads people from the spirit of God within them to something without them Whereas thou say'st in thy second Argument whom Christ lighteth with a saving Light into their hearts he causeth the Glorious light of the Gospel to shine 2 Cor. 4. 4 6. but he causeth not the Glorious light of the Gospel to shine into the hearts of every one that comes into the World for the Gospel is hid to some to whom the God of this world hath blinded the mind of them that believe not c. Ans This doth not follow nor prove that all are not enlightened with a saving light because the God of this World hath blinded the minds of them that doth not believe nor it does not overthrow the promise of God who said he would give Him for a Light to the Gentiles to enlighten them who was the Glory of Israel Luke 2. 32. and he should be Gods Salvation to the ends of the Earth Isa 42. 49. 6. and Isa 52. 10. where the Lord said Is it a light thing that he should be his servant to raise up the tribes of Jacob and restore the preserved of Israel but saith the Lord I will give thee for a Light to the Gentiles that thou may'st be my Salvation to the ends of the Earth and when Christ came he said I am the Light of the World and he that followes me shall not walk in darkness but shall have the light of Life Joh. 8. 12. John which came to bear witness of the true Light saith That that was the true Light which lighteth every man that cometh into the World and he sayes that all men through him might believe and Christ saith in the 12. of John Believe in the Light and he that believed is saved so this proves that the Light is saving and though some be darkness and the God of the World hath blinded their eyes because they do not believe yet this Light shines in darkness and the darkness comprehends it not Joh. 1. 5. so this clearly overthrowes thee and thy assertion to be in the darkness and not to comprehend the Light which shines in thy darkness for he that believes in the light is saved by it and he that does not is condemned and Christ who is the Light is the Saviour so this proves that the World is lightened with a saving Light though they neglect their Salvation and God is just in judging of them and the Saints that believe i● the Light and becomes Children of the Light it shines in their hearts and gives them the knowledge of the Glory of God in the face of Jesus Christ 2 Cor. 4. but them that hate the light John 3. comes to be darkened and does not know the Father and the Son as the Saints do for they become haters of their Salvation and as thou and the Pharisees hating the true Light and seting up your own wisdom instead of the Light then if the Light which be in you is darkness how great is that darkness when you stop your eares from the true Light of Christ in your selves and set up your own way and denies Christ Jesus the Light to be the way and Ephes 4. 18. nor Math. 6. neither of these places sayes that the Light in them was darkness but saith Ye were sometimes darkness but now are you light in the Lord c. and Christ saith If the eye be single the body is full of light but if it was double or evil it was full of darkness and to the double or evil eye he questions if that light that is in them be darkness how great was that darkness and this shewes there was two eyes and the double went from the single eye which would fill the body full of light but the double fills it full of darkness and then calls darkness light and denies the Light of Christ as thou dost Isai 5. 20. so all the Scripture thou brings and perverts is to no purpose for they do not disprove the light to be saving And whereas thou sayes again Such as are lightened with a saving light are new Creatures and are Regenerated and such as the light is such is the life and it is implanted in them and they have eternal Life but Christ doth not quicken Regenerate make new Creatures and give life to every man that comes into the world but some are in the flesh born and are created in sin have not life yea die in their sin Ans Here thou goes about to lay the fault upon Christ that men are not regenerate and hath not life c. when the Scripture plainly tells thee that it is because they do not believe and they that do believe are regenerated born again and have Eternal Life and do know the effects of the Light and such as the light is such is their Life but they that doth not believe in the light does not become Children of the Light but remaines in the flesh and the birth of it in an unregenerated state without life hating the Light so hating the life not because they have not a saving light but Christ saith Believe in the light while you have it shewing they have it before they are children Joh. 12. Heb. 3. and they that dyed in their sins poor man were in thy condition they did not believe that Christ the light was he to believe in and all the Scripture thou brings is nothing to oppose the light of Christ to unbelievers which was spoken to the Saints which thou perverts for we know what was spoken to Believers and what to unbelievers and Joh 8. 24. where it 's said if they did not believe that he was the Christ they should die in their sins and the Apostle said all was gone astray both Jewes and Gentiles that God might have mercy upon all Rom. 11. 32. and so this mercy of God to the World thou denies and God respects no man's person as in the Acts c. And whereas thou brings many Scriptures to prove that the Saints by the Light had faith had gift to trust in him had power to become Sons of God and had Christ dwelling in them by his Spirit and by Faith c. Ans All these is nothing to the matter in hand for the Dispute was not about the
Cor. 12. and this thou brought before and is this created light the Law of works do this and live and is this created light the spirit of man that leads him to horror and amazement Nay it is a divine Light that lets a man see himself and all those Scriptures doth not speak of a created light or a Candle light which is the spirit of a Natural man leading him to know something of his Creator and of his duty to him when the Scripture saith the Natural man knowes not the things of Gods how ignorant and carnal art thou was the Law of works the created Light springing up with the Natural man for that was the Law of God which is spiritual which saith do this and live as in the Romans And how was the Lamb slain from the foundation of the world if Adam had no more but a natural light springing up with man and is the Image of God Righteousness and Holiness which he was made in a Created light and the Candle and Spirit of the Natural man as thou saist formerly in this thou manifests both thy ignorance and contradictions For that of God in all men by which they knew their Creator and the things of him it is by his spirit by which thou hast said they may know their Creator by a Created Light and by a Candle which is the Spirit of a Natural man And thus thou hast overthrown thy own Assertion and opposes the Covenant of Light Christ Jesus and art contrary to the Scriptures Cor. 2. 11. and what is this to the purpose as all being concluded under sin we know that and we know that the Law is spiritual and what it can do but we own Christ the end of the Law for it served till Christ the seed came who gives Life And whereas thou saist the Light which thou called natural and making no distinction in this place betwixt that which is natural and that which is spiritual but saith the Light flowes from the principles of Nature rightly called natural and not spiritual and this thou would set up in opposition against Christ the Light for the Apostle spoke to the Romans how they were from the Light and from the Law and while men be in that which flowes from the Natural Man they know not neither the Law that is Spiritual nor the Light of Christ and Men obeying the Light of Christ or the Law of God it is not by that which flowes from nature but from that which gives them a spiritual understanding for the natural man doth not know the things of God and all those Scriptures in the Romans Galatians and Corinthians is nothing to the matter of thy purpose concerning the Light of Christ that doth enlighten every man And whereas thou sayest This Light knowes nothing of the pretious Gospel ministry hid in God nothing of Redemption by Christ nothing of Gods good pleasure and purpose of Grace nothing of the Law of faith the tenour whereof is this c. This all may see how thou hast contradicted thy self by thy former words for thou sayes that this Light is able to seek or feel after God his Creator and is in a capacity of knowing much of Him as a Creator at least his Eternal power and Godhead and can this Light let them know the Eternal Power and Godhead and nothing of Christ who is the power of God and nothing of the Gospel which is the power of God and can a man know something of the Creator and nothing of his Favour for is not his grace his favour and they that lived in the Law was justified and they that were obedient saw Christ the end of the Law and came to him who is the end of the Law and beyond the Natural man's spirit which thou talks of so fast to no purpose but manifests thy confusion For to know God is Eternal Life Joh. 17. 3. and that is beyond thy Natural Man's Light and we do know that they that believe in Christ Jesus the Light which thou opposest shall have Eternal Life and we know that the Law of Faith is not natural nor the Light of Christ that doth enlighten every man nor the Law of God nor the promise of God with all the rights held in the Faith and the seed Christ shall bruse the Serpents head and he is come a Light and Salvation to the ends of the Earth that enlightens every man and we know the Law of Faith is Spiritual and whereas thou say'st the Law of Works springs up with Man's Nature and the Law is Spiritual and then this Natural springs up with the Spiritural Why how now John where finds thou this in the Scripture the Law is receiv'd from God and not springing up with man what non-sence and confusion is this what a Mechanick man art thou And thou saist the Law of Faith was added because of Transgression and out of mere grace was founded on Christ in the gracious promise Gen. 3. c. Answ We say neither the Law of Faith nor the Law of God sprung out of mans nature And the Law which was added because of transgression was not called the Law of Faith so thou errs and art as wide in this as thou art about the Light of Christ I believe thy brother Price would not say that the Law which was added because of Transgression was the Law of Faith and so thou art the vain man that would be wise as thou say'st which is born like a wild Asses Colt Job 11. and Gods thoughts are not as thine but are as far different as the Heaven is from the Earth And whereas thou say'st Man is not able by all his Candle-light to know Christ and yet thou said before he could know the Eternal power and Godhead by this Candle light and now thou sayes the Natural man cannot deser●e the things of God because they are spiritually discerned and before thou said he might know much of his Creator and of the Eternal power How now John dost thou not think the least babe seeth thee here thou needs not an Aoster to discern thee And whereas thou say'st that this Light is not able to discover or convince man of unbelief in Christ and yet thou sayes this light will shew the Eternal Power and Godhead which fulness of the Godhead dwels in Christ and we know that the spirit of truth doth convince the World which thou opposeth the Comforter and he is come and why dost thou tell us of a natural Light or Created Light or Mans Spirit which it manifests thou knowes no more but Heathen like or Athist like for it is the Light of Christ Jesus the new Covenant which farre exceeds thy natural Lights and created Lights and Man's Spirit and thy meanings and Acts 13. 47. I have set thee to be a Light to the Gentiles that thou should be my salvation to the ends of the Earth And this overthrowes thy Principles for he the Light is the salvation to
the ends of the Earth who lightens every man which is saving and Galla. 3. 19 20. and 1 Tim. 2. 5. This proves that Christ the Light is a Mediator which thou before deny'd and Christ the Light hath manifested the love of the Father to Mankinde and they that walk in the Light sees it but thou that hates it and talkes so much of thy natural light and spirit of man knows it not nor cannot comprehend it in thy darkness though it shine in it and dost thou own that in Mat. 11. Revelation of the Son thy Generation us'd to deny Revelation For no man knowes the Father but the Son c. and yet thou saist man may know by the natural and created Light and natural man's spirit the mind of his Creator and much of the Eternal Power and God-head and so thou contradicts thy self and contradicts Christ and the Apostles words For the natural Man perceives not the things of God and that which may be known of God is manifested in them by which they know God and No Man knows the Father but the Son and is not the Father the Creator and he to whom the Son will reveale him Ephes 1. 17. Joh. 3. 5 6. Titus 3. 5. Jo. 1. 12 13. Gal. 4. 6. 1 Cor. 6. 17. Ephes 2. 15. 1 Cor. 15 c. These Scriptures are spoken to such as received Christ the Light through which they came to be the Sons of God regenerated and born again Jo. 1. 7 8 9. and by this Light manifest in them they came to have the new mind by which they were joyned to the Lord and Eph. 5. And thou speaks of a new Light here thon perverts the Scripture and whereas thou saith 2 Cor. 4. which saith God commanded light to shine out of darkness which shined in darkness and the darkness comprehended it not Jo. 1. which shines into the Saints hearts and this light thou seemes to have denyed before which shines in our hearts and gives us the knowledge to see thy confusion the least Babe of us for this light gives us the knowledge of the glory of God in the face of Jesus Christ and this thou strikes at with thy Candle-light and Created light and Natural light which thou calls the spirit of a man but to no purpose is thy tempest risen against the Lord and against his Anointed for it is the Lord Jesus Christ who is the Councellor and Leader of the people whom we follow and such as follows him receives the spirit of Adoption in their hearts and can call God Father But what is this to thee who denies his Light and calls it Natural and Created and is not that Light saving according to thy own judgment and will bring a man to know the Creator and the Eternal Power and Godhead thou calls it natural mans spirit which knows not the things of God and thou thus art confused but we tell thee Christ Jesus is the Saviour of all men who is the light of the World and did not come to condemn the World as thou dost but that the World through him might have Life and to save the World and is the Saviour of all men especially them that believe And all these Scriptures was spoken to the Saints condition and not to thine such who walked in the Light which thou fights against And whereas thou say'st It may appear by what thou hast said how gross their mistake is who call the Light in every man Christ and worship this as the Redeemer and the Lord that bought them Ans All that thou hast spoken hath been against Christ and it is to no purpose and clears nothing but hath made thy self darker concerning Christ the Light Joh. 8. and Joh. 1. which saith That was the true Light that lighteth every man that comes into the world and as many as receives him the Light he gives them power to become the Sons of God And this Light thou calls maliciously Created and Natural when didst thou ever hear any of us say we worship a Light within us this is thy gross mistake we Worship God in the spirit and truth and Christ is the Truth and the Apostle who was a Minister preached Christ in people and was not he the Lord that bought them Col. 1. 27. and this thou scoffest at because we confess it and enviously calls it a Natural light And whereas thou say'st It hath been cleared that this Light in every man is but the spirit of man and the Law written in the heart Ans How darest thou say that Christ the Light that doth enlighten every man that comes into the World which John came to bear witness of is a Natural light then John came to bear witness to a Natural light and the spirit of a Natural man which knowes not the things of God 1 Cor. 2. and this Natural light and spirit of man is the Law written in the heart this is contradiction to the Scripture which saith the Law is Spiritual And whereas thou say'st Christ came to deliver from the terror and condemnation of this Law written in the heart which thou calls natural light and spirit of man Ans Doth Nature terrifie and condemn Nature The Jewes Law was written in Tables of Stone the new Law or Covenant is written in the hearts and Christ did not come to redeem from the latter but from under the Jewes Law and we never called the Natural Light the Created light the Natural man Christ nor worshipped it but thou must write to them that doth so yet thou art slack enough to do that I believe but it is Christ the light that doth enlighten every man that comes into the World that 's it thou calls a fictious Christ and an Idol if thou would speak plainly who is given for a Covenant a light to the Gentiles and the Glory of Israel whom we witness and have the Testimony of Luke 2. 32 And whereas thou speaks of denying the true Jesus Emanuel God and man in union whom his own person without us not ours hath by one offering once for ever wrought eternal Redemption for us and is the alone object of Faith Ans Thou who hast denyed Christ the light that doth enlighten every man that through him all might believe Joh. 1. 8. 12. thou hast denyed the true Jesus God and Man in Union the Emanuel and the one offering which perfecteth for ever them that are Sanctified Hob. 10. So thou hast denyed thy Salvation and the object of Faith and Christs Doctrine which saith we must believe in the Light c. And whereas thou say'st It will follow that whosoever affirmeth and teacheth that the Light in every man is Christ is a Deceiver and an Antichrist 2 Joh. 7. Ans Here thou hast perverted wronged and wrested the Scripture to thy own destruction for the Scripture saith Whosoever confesseth not but denyeth Christ come in the flesh that 's the Anti-christ the Deceiver and doth not say that Christ the
light And the Son of God is come And what dost thou talk of Grace and denies his Light And what dost thou talk of the love which was in the Fathers bosome for thou who denies him who is the Light of the world and that dost not believe in him the light how should thou have Everlasting life but perish in thy gain-saying And thou saist That Christ did not come to enlighten every man that comes into the world but only those that believe on him and brings Ioh. 3. 19. 8. 12. Ans This is thy saying and not Iohns thou hast wronged those Scriptures for none of them doth say that Christ did not come to enlighten every man that comes into the world but only those that believe thou hast not proved this by the Scriptures though thou hast perverted many for Iohn 1. said he was the true light that lighteth every man that comes into the world And thou saist but only those that believe And Christ says I am the light of the World and believe in the light And Ioh. 3. 19. 8. 12. doth not say there he hath only enlightned some but all good and bad such as hate the light and would not come to it lest the light should reprove them whose deeds be evil this is thy condition And the Condemnation is because that light is come into the world and men love darkness rather than light because their deeds be evil but he that doth truth cometh to the light that his deeds may be manifest that they are wrought in God but thou art not come to the light whose deeds be evil and so manifests that they are not wrought in God but fights against it And whereas thou speaks The word made flesh is he that was promised to be a Covenant to the people and a Light to the Gentiles who brings into the world a Life and Light far exceeding the Light that was set up in every man that comes into the world by the word Creator Answ This word made flesh and Covenant of Light which the Prophets gave testimony of as in the 1 of John thou denyes And in Joh. 8. and Luk. 2. A Light to lighten the Gentiles And this was Christ for John saith he was not the Light but came to bear witness of the Light that was the true Light that lighteth every man that cometh into the World And this is above thy natural Light and created Light and made Light And doth give life And dost thou not mean the Scripture when thou speaks of the word Creator For we have good reason to suspect thee seeing thou said to me Thomas Curwen and to William Wilson in thy Chamber That the Scriptures were the Author of thy Faith for the rest of thy Generation used to tell us That the Scriptures was the word and the Light of the Creator is a Natural and a created Light and the Spirit of a natural man that knows the things of God And this is the Light that John came to bear witness of saist thou And this thy miserable darkness in saying Iohn came to bear witness of a created and natural Light and Spirit of a man and a natural mans Conscience That he should be sent of God to bear this witness For as many as received him this light which did enlighten them became the Sons of God but they that hated this light it became their Condemnation Joh. 3. Joh. 1. 12. And thou nor none will never receive Life nor Son-ship but as they receive the Light which thou hates makes such outrage against but that Light which Iohn bore witness of which thou bears witness against has ript off thy covering manifested thy deeds turned thy inside out And the Light is a stumbling block to thee and a Rock of offence for it seems it has offended thee an thou that would not have the Light will not have the Son and so has denied thy self of Life yet thou wilt bow the knee and spit in his face and say is not this the Carpenters Son the natural Light like the Jews And where doth the Scripture say which thou hast perverted that Iohn came to bear witness of the Light the Word Creator and not of Christ the Ligh the Word Make this good by plain Scripture without thy immaginations and before they be born again they must believe in the Light Iohn the 12th And so men are in Death and Darkness and hates the Light as thou dost and remains in the Natural State while they hate the Light for that which makes manifest is the Light Ioh. 3. Ephes 5. 13. And thou saist The neglect of this distinction of the word Creator and the Word made Flesh which is so plainly laid down in the Scripture as hath been shewed is the ground of the great mistake of many who not considering what is testified of the word as Creator do confound that light which is set up by him as such in every man with that Light which he gives as he is the word made flesh and so call the light saving which is but Natural springing up with him in his Creation yea hence they call that Light Christ which is but the Law written in the heart whereas Christ is the Law-giver and so cannot be the Law Ans Here thou holds forth two Words and was it not the word that became flesh and doth not John Revel 19. say that he is the Alpha and Omega and his Name is called the Word of God so here is one word but thou hath not found another word and so to make two words and here thou goes about to divide Christ when the Scripture saith I and my Father are one Joh. 17. And there is three that bear Record in Heaven the Father VVord and Holy Ghost and these Three are one he doth not say two words Joh. 5. 7. And is not the New Covenant Christ the Law in the heart Hob. 8. 9 10 11. And it is false for we do not call the Natural Light springing up with man in his Creation saving but we say Christ is the Light and Salvation to the ends of the Earth And the light which is Natural that comes from the word Creator by which they may know the Eternal power and God-head as thou saist before by which they may seek and feel after God and brings Cor. 2. which saith The Natural man doth not know nor perceive the things of God Was there ever such confusion as this for they that had that which let them see the Eternal Power and God-head was by that which might be known of God which was manifest in them for that which brings people to know the Eternal Power and God-head and to feel and seek after him and to know much of the Creator is not a Natural light as thou saist doth but it is a Spiritual Light and it is thou that confounds thy self with thy own imaginations and distinctions and wrongs and abuses the Scriptures and is
speaking as in Tim. c. How ignorantly dost thou apply the scripture and wickedly but this Manifests thy Judgment of them but thou art more ignorant than some of the Baptists for some of the Baptists would allow women to speak but thy envy hath eaten out thy sight and the least of our Disciples sees thee to make lyes thy refuge and who lives in the truth sees thee And whereas thou saist We say the Scriptures are not a rule of Faith and Conversation to walk by hence it is that Christs Water Baptism and Supper and his Censures are rejected Ans If the Scripture be thy rule for thy life and Conversation then why dost not thou obey it For if the Scripture be thy rule then thou must burn offerings and sacrifices and if but part of it be thy Rule why didst not thou set down what part it is But we say Christ is our rule which doth also the Scriptures Math. 2. 6. Where it is said he shall rule the people and he is the author and finisher of our Faith And give us that Scripture that saith the Scripture is the Author of mans Faith and mans rule And as for thy Bread and wine and outward washings thou knowst little more than that nor hardly that for if thou didst thou would'st have answered my queries but thou darest not confess to the power the Apostle was in And we look at things that be Eternal 2. Cor. 4. And not at the things which are seen And such as are risen with Christ seek those things that be above Col. 3. And as for the outward things we know them where they be and do not deny nothing in its place but our life is in Christ but thou shelters thy self in outward things to keep alive in thy old nature out of the Baptism into the Death of Christ Rom 6. 3. And as for thy Censures you have censured one another till you are broken to pieces And where doth the Scripture speak of Christs Censures And Christ being within he is the Rule and Ruler and King this is Scripture within the Saints 1 Col. 27. Christ in you 2 Cor. 4. Canst thou not see this Scripture within but thou hast made a trade of them so long that thy gain hath blinded thee and was not all the Scriptures given forth from the Spirit of God within by inspiration of the Spirit 2 Tim. 3. and is not the new Covenant the Law written in the heart the Scripture within Heb. 8. Jer. 31 30. and this Scripture within thou makes a mock and scoff at And the same Gospel as ever was the power of God we own and are not ashamed of Rom. 1. 16. VVhich Gospel of Christ is the power of God to Salvation And Christ saith the spirit of truth should lead them into all truth And was not that their Rule and if the Scripture be the Rule what was the guide into the Rule to know the things of God for thou sayest the Natural man know not the things of God for they are spiritually discerned then the Spirit must be the Rule and they that are the sons of God are led by the Spirit of God 1 Cor. 2. and Joh. 14. And is not the Law written in the heart the perfect Law of liberty the Law of Love the Law of faith in the heart dost not thou see this is a Scripture Jam. 5. 25. Heb. 8. Rom. 3. 17. And is not this faith within to be obeyed Rom. 10. dost thou not here manifest thy darkness to all people and is not this faith held in a pure Conscience which the just lives by 1 Tim. 1. 19. Thou mightst be asham'd to scoff at the practice of the Saints and at the Scriptures but in thy dead faith thou calls Light darkness and darkness light as in Isay Who makes such an outrage against the Light because we say the light is in the heart and the Spirit of God to guide us is within according to Scripture which speaks of the Rule of Faith Let Christ Rule in your hearts by faith Thou hast put him out of his place preferred the Scripture before him And what Rule had Abraham and the Saints in the old world before the Scripture was written And whereas thou speaks falsly accusing and speaking untruths and persecuting with the tongue and Acts of injustice and thou sayes this we do in obedience to God and to our Guide Ans Thus thou further vents thy lies and malice for the Lord God who is pure and Christ our Light leads us to no such thing but we speaking truth to thee and tells thee what thou art without flattery therefore makes thou thy complaint of persecution with the Tongue but thou hast the persecuting tongue and when thou proves thy other slanders against us then may thou have a further Answer for we own no injustice And whereas thou saist we say the Light in every man is the object of faith and a common sufficient Light that it is Salvation to all that obey it and that we teach free Will c. Ans Here again thou adds lye to lye perverting our words as thou dost the Scriptures and speaking thy own for we say Christ is the Light of the World and his Grace is sufficient for all and hath appeared to all men Tit. 2. and believe in the Light saith Christ Joh. 1. 8 12. and Christ the Light is the Author of faith and we say it is not he that wills or runs but that God shews mercy which none is to abuse And whereas thou saist We teach and set up an inherent legal Righteousness denying the imputed Righteousness of Christ wrought in his own person without us that Christ fulfilling the Law in us or his spirit mortifying or sanctifying and fulfilling the Law in us is Justification therefore no coming of Christ but that within and so deny the 2d coming of Christ contrary to Scripture these many more Arminian Popish long since profligated errors is laid upon their sandy foundation Ans Here thou adds more lies for Christs second coming we do not deny and he the Righteousness of God we own and never denyed and it is a false slander of thee to say otherwise and our foundation is Christ which thou wickedly calls Sandy Isai 28. who is a tryed stone 2 Tim. 2. and the legal Righteousness is thy own it s none of ours 1 Cor. 1. and the Righteousness of Faith which saith the word is nigh thee in thy heart and in thy mouth we own which thou enviously calls an inherent legal Righteousness Romans 10. And that which Christ wrought and did in is own person and suffered without the Gates of Jerusalem for Mankind we own and never denyed which thou maliciously slanders us with the contrary and he is revealed within us and that makes thee to rage and all our Books which thou speaks of are according to the Scripturea of Truth and to Christs and the Apostles Doctrine but thy
him is no darknesse at all 3ly Thou saist I said Thou hast manifested thy self to be out of the first step that leads to Christianity and art a Priest of Darknesse These words are true upon thee for the Light Christ Jesus the VVord which thou hath denyed is the entrance into life and Christ is the VVay the Light and the Truth and the Dore which thou hast denyed and so by Christs own words thou art a Thief that enters not in at the Dore the Light but climb'st up another way Jo. 10. And so thy Prayers and all thy fleshly performances must need be abhominable who art without the Dore Christ the Light amongst the Theeves and Robbers and of thy commiting Sacriledge that is proved before sufficiently and also thy blaspheming against the holy Spirit of God There needs no more to be said to that it is sufficiently proved before And in my second Letter thou saith 1. I said thou begins with a lye and ends with the Devil and sets J. W. next to him Thy own Letter which thou sent to me which I sent thee back again will testifie that to be true as it is there written And is thou offended that I should mention thy own words to thee art thou ashamed of them now and art thou offended at me because I writ of that which thou had writ with thy own Pen thou art so muddeld that thy own actions torments thee 2ly Thou saist I spoke of thy black defiled heart and conscience Answ They are so and blackness and darkness thou art filled with who doth deny and gain-say the Light of Christ in thy own conscience and that is the cause thou art such an inveterate enemy against Christ the Light in every man but his witness in thy own conscience will be a Worm that will gnaw thee and Fire that will never be quenched one day though thou make slight of it now but did not thou say in a Letter to me thou had received my blacke Lines not that I writ these words to thee rendering railing for railing but my words are true upon thee in thy present condition 3ly Thou saist I said thou was a Child of darkness what hast thou to do to take the name of God and Christ in thy mouth thou enemy of God Answ My words are these Thou enemy of God that knowes him not whom none knowes but the Father and none knowes the Father but the Son and whom the Son reveales him to and thou that hath not a Revelation of him art a Thief that takes his name in thy mouth but the cause of my writing these words was that thou had writ in thy Letter to me That I ought not to judge before Christ Iesus be revealed 4ly Thou saith I said Thou art no Believer in Christ thou art yet in thy sins c. Answ But my words are these thou said thou was in the light of Christ that enlighteneth all Believers and my Answer to those words was Thou art no Believer of Christ that abides not in his Doctrine for they that believes abides not in darknesse where thou art but is past from death to life which thou art an enemy to and therefore do not deceive thy self for thy hope will perish and thy faith is vain thou art yet in thy sins and art thou offended because I said thou art yet in thy sins and is it not thy Doctrine that none can be free from sin while they are upon the Earth and art thou not a sinner that 's proved a blasphemer against God 5ly Thou said I said Thou was a man separated from God Answ By his Light which thou art an enemy to 6ly Thou sayes I said Thou never knewest nothing of the worship of God Answ My words were these God is not worshiped but in his spirit which reveales him and so thou that has not the Revelation thou never knew the worship of God 7ly Thou sayest I said Thou envious poysenous heart Answ But my words are these And for thy uncivil termes that thou has invented out of thy envious poysenous heart as calling me the VVhore of Babilon and a Woman drunk and Iessabel with many other such like termes as these and so now the Reader may see thy deceitfull and theevish dealing though thou would hide and cover thy self this manifests thee to be a Child of darkness indeed Thou art ashamed of thy own words and conceales them for these forementioned termes Thou writ to me in thy Letter when thou was drunk with fury and takes mine in peeces and perverts them and belyes them if thou had had any dram of honesty thou might have set some of thy own foule words down which thou writ to me or at least have set mine down in order as they were writ to thee but to wrest and pervert and lye for thy own ends and advantage has been the Trade thou has followed all thy life time with the Scriptures 8ly Thou saist I said Thou art under the Chain of it it is over thee a fighter against God and his Truth and the Reward thou will be sure to have and never look that that which is cursed will be blest But thou hast left these words out and thou hast preached another Gospel then the Apostles did this thou hast left out Thou art accursed and no other portion can thou have and this is Scripture and Truth to thee In my third Letter thou saist I said Thou can do something in writing a Book of thy own Dreames and thy Imaginations and brain studies and telling of lyes which thou hatcheth out of darkness but thou art a meer sot and Ignoramus thy evil and unclean heart thy malitious darke envious spirit thy weakness inability and ignorance in the things of God But my third Letter began thus J. W. Thou has now made a poor end of thy boasting words and thy Assertion thou hath very meanly proved Thus far and thy way of Answering thus far for what is written to thee manifests thy weakness and ignorance and darkness sufficiently thou can do something in writing a Book of thy own Dreames and thy Imaginations and brain studies and telling of lyes and stories which thou hath hatched out of darkness when there is none to contradict thee but to Answer any thing which is plain Truth and Scripture thy spirit and doctrine and practice is so contrary to the truth and the spirit of God that gave forth the Scriptures in this thou art a meer sot and Ignoramus and so framed thy Answers of lyes scandals and reproaches and foule language which comes out of thy evil unclean heart for if any man should but read my two Papers which I have written to thee and thy Answer of them they may thereby read thy malitious darke envious speeches and also thy weakness inability and ignorance of the things of God And again thou saith I having told her that if she called the Light that is in every man that comes into the
Henry Wood and William Holden not before the people to make good thy Assertion that thou boasts so much on which thou hath no cause to boast on but to be ashamed of for this is manifest of thee already in that thou hath not Answered Old H. W. Queries yet nor cannot do and what dost thou talk of G. F. meeting thee there are thousands in England that would turn and overturn thee and thy Assertions and thou art grieved that old H. W. and W. H a Blacksmith should engage with thee to Answer thy Challenge for I believe they are of ability for did not old Hen. W. stop thy mouth before the people that thou could not answer him and now thou goes and calls for G. F. to shuffle it of thee thou sure thinks that would be an honour to thee and by that thou thinks thou could shuffle of answering H. W. and W. H. of making good thy Assertion it 's an easie matter to overthrow thee and thy Assertion any babe in the truth may soon manifest thee that never was in the truth and so never mention G. F. coming to thee before thou has done with others that thou art engaged with for there is a cloud of witnesses against thee all the Saints in the Scripture bears testimony against thee and all that knows truth or ever will know it doth and will witness against thee and all of thy spirit and principle and before thou make any more boasting see if thou can clear thy self of what is here charged against thee and proved upon thee and by the Scripture of truth that is to say 1 of being a Blasphemer against the Holy Ghost 2 of being a minister of darkness 3 of being an Idolater 4 of being an Antichrist See if thou canst cast this of thee before thou talk and boast that thou chiefly desires to deal with G. F. and such others as say they are Apostles that their Doctrine and deeds being brought to the light it may be truly known whether they be true Apostles indeed or false Answ Poor conditioned man what wilt thou try with with thy dim dark Natural created light thou art tryed and proved already and weighed and found too light and so thy trying is little worth the false Apostles know more of the truth then ever thou did and yet thou art so impudent that thou talks of trying true Apostles but this is like thy former folly but all has been to manifest and bring to light thy rotten hypocrisie with which thou has deceived people but thou will proceed no further thy folly is so manifest and thy filth is so uncovered that now people will see thee and thy deceitful wickedness that with thy lying tongue can speak of Regeneration and new birth and of trying true Apostles and false with many other words which thou has stoln out of the Scriptures or else thou could not have spoken them who denies the first Principle of truth Christ Jesus the Light of the Truth and the life and the way to God and therefore he stands upon thy head thy condemner for ever for I have heard many Ministers and Teachers and seen their Works but I never saw nor heard such a humble jumble confused piece as this of thine of dividing God and Christ and such distinctions of the Light and Word but proves nothing of what thou intends but leaves it confused like thy self and sits as Judge upon the Son and sits as Judge upon the Saints and sits as Judge upon the World c. And now J. W. since thou has taken upon thee withal thy might and main to push with thy horn against the Lamb and his Followers and has engaged open war with him and has boasted as though thou would remove him out of his place and that in a publick testimony let us now prove and try thy foundation and let us see how thou will demonstrate thy strength and manifest thy ability to performe this that thou has undertaken that is to say to wit to remove our Foundation or we thine which may be manifested to the Reader by thy Answering these following Queries 1st Query Whether the Light that is in thee be not darkness but thy asserting to wit that the Light in every man is not a saving Light as also considering what is here proved before for the confuting of thy Assertions 2dly Whether thy eye be not evil and so thy whole body full of darkness since that Christ hath said that the Light of the body is the eye and by thy Assertion thou hast denyed that eye and put it out 3dly Whether dost thou believe that thou thy self has the Light of Christ in thee since thou has asserted that he has not inlightned every man yea or nay 4ly If thou have the Light of Christ in thee how comes thou by it or where had thou it more then other men and if thou was one of the World and now is not how came thy change and when and where didst thou receive that which makes thee to differ from other men 5ly Thou has taken upon thee to teach people how was thou called to it or by whom was thou made a Minister didst thou ever hear the voice of God hast thou the Revelation of Jesus as the Apostles had 6ly Dost thou turn people from the Darkness to the Light and from the power of Satan to the power of God art thou no Minister of the Letter but only of the Spirit as the Apostles were 7ly Where is thy Flock that thou has gathered from the power of Darkness unto the marvelous Light as the Saints in the Scriptures were is thy Flock in unity and fellowship with all the Saints in Light how is it then that thou denyes Christ Jesus the Corner Stone and Rock on which all the Church of God is built 8ly And how came thou and thy Flock to be Saints since yee deny Christ Jesus the Foundation which is the Stone is laid in Sion and how came you to differ from the rest of people since God is no respecter of Persons and what has made the difference betwixt thee thy Flock and the rest of all other people of the World shew it and manifest it forth wherein yee differ and how yee came by that which makes yee to differ 9ly Thou saith in thy Book thou would have us to return to the true Christ and thou lookes upon our Christ to be an Idol and has left us without direction to the true Christ thou speaks on so my Query is where this Christ is thou calls the true Christ and what he is since thou has denyed him to be the Light 2ly Thou has denyed him to be the New Covenant and Law written in the heart 3ly Thou has denyed him to be the Word in the Beginning 4ly Thou has made a separation betwixt him and his Father so what is this true Christ of thine being thou saith who worships all these before mentioned worships an Idol being thou
lead them this way Ans Those three or four sheets was most of them particular Letters sent to thee by many persons so as I said before thou shouldst have published the whole Letters not part of them and let them have spoken themselves to the Reader and thy errors are sufficiently manifest in thy Book and thou would have a sheet of Paper written to thy Book five sheets in a few dayes time which concerns several friends 60. miles distance one from another this was Wiggan's policy and his peoples to get the Book again and to boast that it could not be answered And thy next words concerning Antichrists fair speeches and allurements while there is hope to make merchandize of them is directly thy own condition for now thou being stirred up and opposed rages who did appear to ignorant people like a Lamb but thou was known to us before for now thou art loud and clamorous and falsly accusing when thou canst not get thy will about like to the Whore in Proverbs 7. and Josephs Mistress Genesis 39. and 2 Pet. 3. And whereas thou speaks of owning Preachers not sent but denyes the Lord that bought them and preaches not the same Jesus and Gospel as Paul did such thou saist thou ownes not but denies Ans Then thou denies thy self and thy own Assertion for the Apostle preached that Jesus which said he was the Light of the World Joh. 1. and Joh. 8. so thou art the man that Christ never sent Rom. 10. 15. and Jer. 23. 32. and thou art proved the Antichrist that denies the Lord that bought thee 2 Pet. 2. and Jude 4. and so art one of them that crept in unawares who preaches another Jesus another Gospel then Christ the Light And whereas thou saist we boast of gifts c. and that it s reported to thee that G. Fox had the gift of Tongues and by such like pretences we gain a multitude and it is a certain Character of Antichrists last coming that many shall follow their pernitious wayes Ans Our boast is not in gifts nor tongues as knowing they begin at Babel but our rejoycing is in the word Christ Jesus and in his Light Truth and Spirit and we would have all men and women come to the same in themselves which thou denies by which they might know the Lord by which a multitude is come to follow the Lord and to walk in his way the Light which thou enviously calls a pernitious way and a mark of Antichrists coming and thou Antichrist like would draw people from the Light and spirit of God within them to thy own way but God hath overthrown and is overthrowing thy pernitious wayes and many who have been followers of thee now comes to follow the Lord and that makes thee thus to rage Mathew 24. 5. 1 Pet. 2. 2. and our way is Christ and he is our guift of God And after this thou sends 12. Queries abroad and thou thy self couldst not answer my Queries nor Wood's is this the part of a man of Wisdom or Reason Nevertheless I shall not let thy Queries pass unanswered though these Queries are not to us chiefly Thy Queries are as followeth 1 Query Whether it can be found in all the Scriptures that any of the true Prophets or Christ or his Apostles ever used such language as is before mentioned in any person professing Repentance towards God and Faith towards our Lord Jesus Christ or whether it be not clearly the spirit of an Antichristian spirit as hath been hinted Ans Thou that has denyed Christ Jesus to be the Light of the World and calls him an Idol and hath denyed Christ the Light to be saving contrary to the Scriptures Luke 2. 38. thou hast denyed Repentance and Faith in Christ for thou hast denyed that which thou should believe in and therefore thy words bears the mark of Antichrist 1 Joh. 2. 18 22. Joh. 4. 3. Joh. 2. 7. And what we speak of thee is true upon thee and the Apostle used such language to such like as Acts 13. 10. where the Apostle called Elimas an enemy of all Righteousness a child of the Devil which perverted the Deputy from the right way of God as thou dost people And read Timothy and Titus and there see what words the Apostle gives to evil beasts and slow bellies Titus 2. 1. 2. Query Whether there can be any other gain in the aforesaid censures then to cast an odioum upon and to cause a disesteem of the persons opposing them and whether this was not the practice of the false Prophets and false Apostles thereby to gain more credit to their own cause Ans This is thy own condition for what gain is it by all thy former slanderous words which thou cast both upon Christ and us that Christ should not be believed in and that we should be of disesteem among people that holds truth forth to all people that they might believe in him who enlightens them and this was the work of the false Prophets and false Apostles to disesteem of Christ and the Apostles that people should not believe in him nor receive their Doctrine as Mat. 28. 12 13. and 2 Cor. 10. and did they not say Christ deceived the people read Mathew and did they not say Jeremy deceived the people but the false Prophets and false Apostles could get the true Christs Prophets and Apostles words but was out of the life and not being in the spirit the true Apostles alwayes judged them as thou art now 1 Peter 2. and Jude 3. Query Whether it be not a manifest abuse of the Scriptures and a presumptuous introduction into the office of Christ positively to affirme that the sins of any man shall never be forgiven in this World nor in that which is to come meerly because he denyed the Light that is in every man that comes into the World to be saving in as much as the Scripture no where saith thus that the Light is saving Ans Thou doth not only deny Christ the Light to be saving but thou denyest the Holy Ghost to reprove the World c. And Christ saith all sin may be forgiven but that which is against the Holy Ghost and thou dost also blaspheme and sin against him not as he is a man but as he is the Light and spirit Mat. 12. 36. and whereas thou saith the Scripture no where saith that the Light is saving the Scripture saith Christ is the Light and he is the Salvation John 8. and the Lord shall be to thee an Everlasting Light and the Lord is the Saviour of his people And Joh. 12. I am come a Light into the World saith Christ and he is a Saviour And Psal 27. 1. and David saith the Lord is my Light and Salvation And here thou lyes against that which the Holy Ghost hath said in saying the Scripture saith no where the Light is saving and in Isai 49. 6. where the Lord speaking of Christ saith I will give thee for a
Light to the Gentiles that thou mayest be my Salvation to the ends of the Earth and God is Light and he is a Saviour and here thou may see how thou denies the Scriptures 4. Query Whether this people do not censure all Men and Women in the World as well as the Author of these Papers to be out of the first step that leads to Christianity to be Infidels and to be accursed if they deny the Light that is in every man that comes into the World to be saving and whether is not this as much as to say that they only and none besides themselves are Christians and whether is not this a great appearance of pride in them thus highly to esteem themselves above all others Ans There is few people of the World will deny that the Light of Christ which enlightens every one that comes into the World is saving but thou and such Priests as thou art who contends against the truth and it is not pride to confess Christ the Light to be saving and deny them that denies it and say they are out of the first step for Christ being the Light Life Way and Salvation thou and those that denies him to be saving are out of the first step to God for Christ is the way to him 5. Query And whether are not all those censures directly contrary to the Saints and such as make them lyable to greater Judgments Mat. 7. 1 2. Jam. 3. 1 2. Answ That which hath been spoken to thee hath been truth and Mat. 7. speaks to thy own condition who judges unrighteously of Christ and us and thou art in that condition where many masters is Jam. 3. 12. from the one Master Christ Mat. 23. 6. Query Whether do not these clamorous and evil speakings for which there is no Scriptural warant manifestly flow from bitterness anger wrath and malice as the Apostle intimates Eph. 4. 31. Ans We do not know of any that hath spoken more clamorous and evil speeches against Christ and his people then thou hast from thy Earthly sensual devillish wisdom below Jam. 3. 16. Eph. 4. 31. in the malice wrath envy clamor and evil speaking that thou art in against Christ the saving Light c. 7. Query Whether any wise experienced Christian can judge of this people to be in a perfect sinless state who appears with these open sinful railings cursings judging in their mouthes nay since this they boast and glory in this their shame whether is it not evident that they are the servants of corruption Ans Railings Curfings Boastings and Glorying and such like we deny but we speak the truth to thee as in Rev. 22. as the plagues added to them who adds to the Scriptures and our rejoycing is in the Truth and the Apostles did not Raile when they told such false Teachers as thee 〈◊〉 what was their properties and its manifest by thy Railings against us that thou seems corruption 8. Query Whether this hath not been their manner all along to strive to overcome with these carnal weapons threatnings censurings cursings revilings c. and since no Scriptural weapon is yet imployed in the management of their cause supported thereby Ans Our Weapons are Spiritual and by Scripture weapons we have overthrown thy Assertion as may be seen in the Book and the rest of thy fellow Priests And censuring and revilings c. hath not been our Weapons to overcome with but Truth hath been our weapon by which we answer that of God in every one but railing revilings and persecutions hath been your weapons against us the Nation knows it when you were not able to resist the Light of Chrisi Jesus and the Spirit by which we spoke And here thou belyes us in saying we use no Scripture weapons but it hath been by the Scripture and the Spirit of God all along we proved you to be deceivers our Writings and Bookes will witness against thee 9. Query Whether it be not abominable wickedness to father all their evil speeches upon the Holy Ghost and to say where they curse raile revile speak falsly and frothily that it is by his inspiration and command Ans This is thy own condition when Christ and the Apostles spoke to the Pharisees they did not flatttr them nor smooth them up as the false Prophets did Ezek. 13. 14. and the Holy Ghost leads us to speak truth to every man according to their conditions without flattery read how many woes Christ pronounced against thy generation in Mathew 23. so in this thou hast wronged us and belyed us as thou hast done before 10. Query Whether can any man rationally conclude that these people bear any true love to that person whom they judge to be the enemy of God and accursed and whose sins shall never be forgiven in this world nor in the world to come or rather when they profess love and say they desire his welfare is there not just ground to believe they speak lyes in hypocrisie as its said Apostates should do in the latter times 1 Tim. 13. Ans Our love is to all Mankind and we would not have had thee to have run into such sins against the Holy Ghost telling thee plainly what would come and relating to thee the portion due to thy condition as in Rev. 22. And herein stands our love as from the Lord who rains upon the just and unjust and causes his Sun to shine on both and herein we do shew the Mark of our Father and that we are the Children of our Father which is in Heaven and so our love is not partial like thine which thou enviously and maliciously termes to lyes in hypocrisie which was spoken for loves sake to thee But bray a fool in a Morter and he will not forsake his folly as Solemon saith and 1 Tim. And an enemy to God thou hast proved thy self and for that cause we cannot flatter thee Acts 13. 2 Thes 2. 3. Phillipian 3. 18. Psalm 7. 5. Psalm 80. 6. 11. Query Do they not plainly discover a persecuting spirit in the aforementioned reviling and may not any man in reason conclude that whom they judge an enemy of God and accursed they would use as such if that they had power Ans Cain is afraid where there is no fear and thou being in his spirit manifests the same for when did any of us lay such violent hands upon thee as thou didst upon Thomas Curwen and John Abraham when they came to discourse with thee of the things of God so that hath been spoken to thee in love and kindness as was told thee before that thou might have turned from thy wickedness that was the cause why thou thus accuses us and as for the persecuting spirit and reviling that is thy own 12. Query And last I leave it to be considered by such as will take the pains to read the account which I have given of the Light within whether they do not speak all this evil of me meerly because
William Houlding Blacksmith and Henry Wood a daily Labouring man who cannot read on a Book and Thomas Curwen Husbandman and William Wilson Taylor who in the strength of the Lord desire to give the said John VViggan a meeting before the Sheriffe as he hath challenged us and hath sent his Challenge into the Town and not to us with many villifying and slanderous words in the said Book which he hath sent amongst the people so let all the wise in heart judge of this man whether he hath carried himself like a Rational man yea or no. The Assertions are as followeth 1. For John VViggan to prove and make good out of the Scriptures of truth 1. that Christ doth not enlighten every man that comes into the World with a saving Light contrary to John 1. 9. 2. That the Light wherewith every man is enlightened that comes into the World is not a saving Light 3. To make good that which thou hast laid down that there is some men that comes into the World hath not the spirit contrary to Iohn 16. 8. Acts 2. 7. 4. That Christs blood was not shed for all men contrary to the 1 Epistle of Iohn 2. 2. 5. That Balaam had no more of the spirit of God then his Horse and which was held forth in the dispute against us contrary to Numbers 24. 17. 6. That Balaam did not see the Starr of Iacob contrary to Numbers 24. 17. 7. And that wicked men hath not the spirit of God nor the Holy Ghost contrary to Gal. 2. Neh. 9. 8. That the Light before faith is not pure contrary to Rom. 7. 12. 9. And that Christ the Light that lightens every one that comes into the World is an Idol contrary to Ioh. 1. 9. 22. 13 46. 10. That the Grace of God is an Idol contrary to Ephesians 2. 5 8. 11. And that there is no mercy with God contrary to Psalm 13. 6. 12. That Christ is not the Word contrary to Revel 19. 13. 13. That the Light is a false Christ contrary to Ioh 12. 33 46. 14. And that Light doth not shine in darkness contrary to Iohn 1. 5. 15. And that God who is the Word doth enlighten every man that comes into the World is not saving 16. And that the Light Christ that enlightens every man that comes into the World is a Natural Light 17. That some are in the flesh and hath not the Spirit This is he to make good and prove how they can quench it and grieve it that hath it not 18. That some that comes into the World have not a saving Light 19. Some there are that are in the flesh and never had the spirit contrary to Rom. 10. 20. That the time must come that men must break their Plow-shares into Swords and Speares which his brother Price justifies in a Book and John Wiggan was offended because we marked it out for error and these things we would have the said John Wiggan to stand to and make good before the Sheriffe as he challenged by plain Scriptures of truth in the New Testament For both the Scriptures and Common-Prayer testifies against thy Principles Some more of John Wiggan's Assertions which are not many of them in the former above written 1. THat the Light in every man that comes into the World is not the Door nor the Mediator Saviour nor Redeemer nor the Way Truth the Life the Lord that bought them nor the Corner-stone nor the infallible spirit 2. That it is not the true Jesus but an Idol the Light wherewith every man is enlightened or the Light that lighteth every man 3. To follow Christ the Light is to follow a pernitious way 4. That the Light was natural and spirit of a natural man and was that in Adam which let him see his sin 5. That Light which is darkness spoken of in Math. 6. 22 23. le ts man see his Creator 6. And this Light looketh upon every thing done or to be done of man and yet this Light maketh not any thing that is done to be good or evil and yet this Light sheweth the Creator and this Light in man will render God Righteous in his Proceedings against man 7. That Christ doth not give his spirit to every man that comes into the World 8. That they in Iude spoken of as Cain and Cora and Balaam had not the spirit 9. And this Light with which every man is enlightened is Natural and its gross to say that the Light which enlightens every man is Christ 10. That the Light in every man is but the spirit of a man the Law written in the heart 11. That who so worships that Light that enlightens every man that comes into the World as Redeemer worships an imaginary and fictious Christ and an Idol denying the person of the true Jesus 12. That whosoever saith that he that is the Light in every man is Christ is a deceiver and an Antichrist and Iohn Wiggan will prove them so 13. And it is the subtle deceiver and adversary Satan that saith the Light which doth enlighten every man that comes into the World is the Lamb and the Lord and the object of faith 14. And the Light that doth enlighten every man is the Word and before he said it was the Natural man's spirit and an Idol c. 15. That the Light the word God which enlightens every man is natural and man by it knows nothing of Christ though he confess by it he knows the Eternal power and God-head the fulness whereof dwells in Christ bodily 16. And the word God the true Light which doth enlighten every man that comes into the World he saith is darkness Mat. 6. 22 23. 17. And the word God doth enlighten every man that comes into the World by setting up a Light and spirit in man which is called the Candle of the Lord and writing a Law in his heart and the Light which doth enlighten every man is not the word which was in the beginning 18. And Christ came a Light into the World not to enlighten every man that comes into the world and this light is able to seek and feel after God his Creator and by it man may know his Creator and the Eternal power and Godhead it is a created Light a great Light it is but a Candle Light but it discovers man's transgressions and this Light springeth up with mans spirit and this Light is the Spirit of a Natural man which doth not know the things of God and this Light discovered Adam's sin and this Light is Natural and not Spiritual 19. But this Light knows nothing of the Gospel mystery hid in God nor Redemption by Christ nor of Gods good purpose and Grace nor of the Law of faith 20. This Candle-light to wit that Light wherewith every man that comes into the World is enlightened is not able to discern the mystery of God in Christ And so make good these things by Scripture or stop thy mouth for ever
for thou Challenged us first or give over Challenging for we would have discoursed with thee privately in a Christian way in thy Chamber but thou in great rage denyed it And another time Thomas Curwen came into thy Chamber in a Christian way and thou took hold of him and shook him by his Coat and like to have torne it off his back and laid violent hands on him and would have thrust him out of thy Chamber for it s very well that the discourse be before a Magistrate to keep thee civil for thy carriage in the last dispute was not so hansome So provided that thou keep thy people in order and thy self also that you may speak one by one and so speak as many as will on both sides that the spirit need not be limited in any for thou was the first man that broke the order in the last Dispute and spake when another man was speaking which was taken notice of by all the wise and sober And also provided that thou keep down that foolish spirit of Laughter and be more modest and civil then thou was in the last Dispute when we were discoursing of the things of God and answer these things by Scripture according to thy Challenge before the Sheriffe and in the strength of the Lord we will meet thee if liberty may be had and when thou hast made good these things by Scripture if thou have any thing to say to any else they will answer thee These Principles he hath laid down and spoken to friends and some were in Books which his brother Evan Price sent to us and Iohn Wiggan was offended because we did mark them for errors which you may see how contrary they be to the Scriptures of truth William Houlding Blacksmith Henry Wood who is a daily Labouring man who cannot read a word on a Book and Thomas Curwen Husbandman and VVilliam VVilson Taylor dointend to give Iohn VViggan a meeting before the Sheriffe according to his Challenge if the Lord will And these things and also worse things in the Book we desire to be brought forth to the light at the Dispute and there they may be proved for he did Challenge us first though our Lives be out of disputes yet we shall give him a meeting and for him to make these things good by plain Scripture And also besides all the scandals slanders and villifyings and lyings and unsavory sawcy language and scornful reproachful speeches in a jearing scoffing and villifying way against us and these be some of his notorious Principles which he could never make good by plain text of Scripture which he has long made a trade upon to get his living by and in a feigned carriage and humility to go up and down and insence and sow discord and to make the minds of the simple envious against such as honours God and loves virtue but his rage and violent hands hath been known upon Richard Huberthorn Iohn Abraham Thomas Curwen and others who may seem to be simple and in an outward appearance to be a humble man to those who swallow down all without any question proof or tryal but when he comes to be tryed his rage and passion and violent hands comes to be felt and seen by such as Reasons with him in a Christian way We desire thee I. VV. that thou would send for the Book which thou and thy brother Price was grieved because we marked them for errors which was so contrary to Scripture Here followes some Queries for J. W. to Answer 1. WHether I. VV. is a fit man to preach the Gospel of peace that layes violent hands on people 2. And whether or no that he can preach the Gospel of peace and be not in the peace himself to all men 3. And whether or no this was the spirit of Christ in I. VV. when Thomas Curwen went to reason with him of the things of God in a Christian way and like to have torn his Coat off his back that T. C. was faine to cry out what a Minister of Christ and fight And also Iohn Abraham when he went to him to be satisfied in the things of God he laid hands of him and thrust him away Whether or no these be the fruits of a Minister of Christ and whether or no these be not the fruits of a Natural man and whether or no this spirit can give satisfaction in the things of God but only with his Natural spirit make use of the Scriptures for his own end 4. And whether or no such a persecuting spirit both with tongue and hands be not alwaies blind 5. And whether or no the blind leads any whether but into the Ditch so whether or no he that leads into the ditch doth know the things of God that leads to Heaven 6. And whether or no this blind spirit may not give forth many Queries for others to answer and yet answer none proposed to him and lay down many Assertions and make none good by the Scriptures of truth as you may see Henry VVoods and Thomas Curwens Queries lyes unanswered yet and his own false Assertions not proved by the Scriptures without adding or diminishing 7. And so whether a striker a railer a fighter Christ sent such to preach the Gospel of peace and such as disdaines and scornes Tradesmen and calls them Mechanicke men as Iohn VViggan doth 8. And whether or no he doth not go in the high Priests rode scorning the Apostles as being Tradsmen Fishermen unlearned 9. And whether or no these simple Tradesmen did not bring more Glory to God then all the wise men such as Iohn VViggan in the Earth or Pilat with his Greek and Latin yea I say Abel Iacob and David Keepers of Sheep and Elisha called from the Plow and Amos a Herdsman and Peter and Iohn Fishermen and Paul a Tentmaker Nay did not the Iewes mockingly call Christ a Carpenters Son And what think you now of Iohn VViggan who has called and Challenged us Mechanick men twice to meet him before the Sheriffe that he would make good his erronious Assertions and when we laid down his Assertions and said we would meet him he now disdaines us as Mechanick men 10. Whether these hands that will thrust and pull and hale and like to pull peoples Cloaths off their backs be the holy hands that are lifted up in Prayer 1 Tim. 2. 8. or the fifts of wickedness spoken of in Isa 48. 4. Thomas Curwen William Houlding Henry Wood. William Wilson ERRATA Page the 3. line the 2. for some read so p. 6. l. 10. f. the r. thy p. 24. l. 22. f. thing r. things p. 25. l 22. f. not as r. as not l. 32. f leght r. light p. 43. l. 4. f. the spirit of a man r. the spirit of a natural man l 27. f. is r. not p. 52. l 3. f. springing r. spring p. 54. l 16. f. deserve r. discern p. 64. l 8. for knows the things of God r. knows not
the things of God l. 28. f. ligh read light p. 66. l. 36. f ligh r. light p. 73. l. 36. f. is r. his p. 78 l. 4 f. game r. gaime l. 15. where ever is twice blot out the one p. 87. l. 9. f. overshipping r. overskippng p. 88 l 31. f. Luke the tenth r. Luke the first p. 103. l. 10. f. sad r. said p. 105 l. 23. f. without r. with our p. 130 l 34. blot out deserves line 36 for seems read serves THE END Some Scriptures which overturns Wiggan's Assertions GOD so loved the World that he gave his only begotten Son that whosoever believes on him should not perish but have everlasting Life I have no pleasure in the death of him that sinneth I have no pleasure in the death of the wicked If any of you lack wisedome let him ask of God who giveth to all Men liberally and upbraideth no Man God hath made of one blood all Nations of Men perverse disputings of Men of corrupt mindes Evil Men shall wax worse and worse 2 Tim. 3. 13. Christ is a Light to lighten the Gentiles Luke 2. 32. Salvation of God is sent unto the Gentiles The grace of God which brings salvation hath appeared to all Men. Titus 2. 11. They turned the Grace of God into Lasciviousness The Worlds were made by the Word of God By the Word of God the Heavens were of old As many that corrupted the Word of God In Christ dwells all the fulness of the God-head bodily The true Light which doth enlighten every Man that comes into the World I am the Light of the World saith Christ so Christ is that Light which shines in darkness and the darkness comprehends it not God commanded Light to shine out of darkness and shined in our hearts to give us the Light of the Knowledge of the Glory of God in the face of Jesus Christ I am the Light of the World saith Christ they that fellowes me shall not abide in darkness but shall have the Light of Life believe in the Light while yee have the Light that yee may be the Children of the Light Such as Rebels against the Light Men love darkness rather then Light Every one that doth evil hates the Light neither doth he bring his deeds to the Light lest his deeds should be reproved And every one that doth truth brings his deeds to the Light that he may see whether his deeds be wrought in God but Jo. Wig. saith the Light is not salvation contrary to David Psal 27. The Lord is my Light and my Salvation who then shall I fear Jo. Wiggan saith the Light doth not reprove the sin of unbelief contrary to Paul to the Ephesians who saith whatsoever is reproved is manifest in the Light and so this is plain that unbelief is manifest by the Light But there is a spirit in Man and the Inspiration of the Almighty giveth understanding The dust turn to the Earth the spirit to the Lord that gave it They also that have erred in spirit shall come to understanding they that murmured shall learn Doctrine Thus saith the Lord he that created the Heavens and stretched them out he that spreadeth forth the Earth and that which cometh out of it he that giveth breath unto the people and spirit to them that walk therein Gods saving health among all Nations let all people praise the Lord let all people praise the Lord let all Nations praise the Lood and sing but Jo. VVig speaks contrary to David how can Gods saving health be among all Nations when they have not the Saving-Light Look unto me all the ends of the Earth and be saved for I am God and there is none else but Jo. Wiggan saith they have nothing but a created Light that is darkness Mat. 6. 22. Oh Jerusalem wash thy heart from wickedness that thou maist be saved how long shall thy vain thoughts lodge within thee All flesh shall know that I am thy salvation but how can all flesh know his salvation when they have not the spirit as J. Wig. affirmeth This is good and acceptable in the fight of God our Saviour who will have all Men to be saved and to come to the knowledge of the Truth but Jo. Wiggan saith God denyes faith to some Men and so gives God the lye and saith Christ doth not enlighten every Man that comes into the World with a saving Light And with all deceiveableness of unrighteousness in them that perish because they receive not the truth in the love of it that they might be saved But how can they obey the spirit and truth when they have it not may Jo. Wiggan say I will that Men pray every where lifting up holy hands But were thy hands holy J. VV. when thou laidst such violent hands upon me Tho. Curwen and thy spirit of God Turn yee at my reproof and I will pour out my spirit unto you I will put my spirit within you I will put my spirit within you and will make you a new heart and a new spirit Such as vexes the spirit The flesh lusteth against the spirit and the spirit against the flesh But Jo. VVig maniests that he knows nothing of this warfare who saith some hath not the spirit to war with he that soweth to the flesh shall of the flesh reap corruption but he that soweth to the spirit shall of the spirit reap life everlasting Jo. VVig that would not have the spirit in every Man its plain he soweth to the flesh not to the spirit for he saith it is not within them Quench not the Spirit They erred in Spirit They have erred from the faith And Balaam erred from the spirit Shall receive a Recompence of their error Rom. 1. The spirit of the Lord came upon Balaam The Spirit of the Lord came upon Saul 1 Sam. 10. The Spirit of the Lord came upon the Messengers of Saul And so this overthrowes VViggan's Assertion who saith wicked Men have not the spirit All the while my breath is in me and the spirit of God is in my Nostrils Christ is the Saviour of the World and giveth unto the World My flesh I will give for the life of the VVorld Joh. 6. 15. Go yee into all the VVorld and preach the Gospell Mark 16. They that believe shall be saved but they that believe not shall be damned I am the Light of the VVorld I am not come to judge the VVorld but to save the VVorld Ioh. 12. That the VVorld may believe that thou hast sent me God was in Christ reconciling the World unto himself 2 Cor. This is condemnation that Light is come into the World and Men loved darkness rather then Light because their deeds are evil I am come a Light into the World Joh. 9. Done despite against the Spirit of Grace Hebr. 10. But they rebel'd and vext his holy Spirit therefore the