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A28534 Signatura rerum, or, The signature of all things shewing the sign and signification of the severall forms and shapes in the creation, and what the beginning, ruin, and cure of every thing is ... / written in High Dutch, MDCXXII, by Jacob Behmen, aliàs Teutonicus Phylosophus.; De signatura rerum. English Böhme, Jakob, 1575-1624.; Ellistone, John, d. 1652. 1651 (1651) Wing B3419; ESTC R19165 213,124 234

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Mercury viz. the Flash or Compunction which entreth into the Coldness so also into the cold sharpness of the Salt-spirit this Coldness is exceedingly dismayed at the flash of the Fire and in a trice wrappeth or foldeth up it self in it self whence ariseth the Thunder-clap or the Tempestuous Flash which giveth a stroke in the Flagrat and the Flagrat goeth downwards for it is heavy by reason of the Coldness and the Salnitrous Spirit is light by reason of the Fire which Spirit carrieth the Thunder or Sound side-ways as is to be heard in Tempests and Thunder presently thereupon cometh the Wind or Spirit out of all the four Forms one against another for they are all four enkindled in the Penetrating Flagrat whereupon followeth Hail and Rain the Hail foldeth it self together in the Coldness in the property of the cold Salt-spirit for the Wrath attracts to it self and turns the water to Ice and the water ariseth from the meekness viz from the desire of the Light for it is the Essentiality of the meekness this the cold salt-spirit doth congeal into drops and distills it upon the Earth for before the Congealment it is only as a mist or steam or as a vapour or damp 40. Thus we see this Ground very exactly and properly in Thunder and Lightening for the Flash or Lightening or Etherial Blaze goeth always before for it is the enkindled Salniter thereupon followeth the stroke in the Flagrat of the coldness as ye see so soon as the stroke is given the Astringent Chamber is opened and a cool wind followeth and oftentimes whirling and wheeling for the Forms of Nature are awakened and are as a Turning Wheel and so they carry their Spirit the Wind. CHAP. III. Of the Grand Mystery of all Beings 1. COurteous Reader Observe the meaning aright We understand not by this Description a beginning of the Deity but we shew you the manifestation of the Deity through Nature for God is without Beginning and hath an Eternal Beginning and an Eternal End which he is himself and the Nature of the inward World is in the like Essence from Eternity 2. We give you to understand This of the Divine Essence without Nature God is a Mystery understand in the Nothing for without Nature is the Nothing which is an Eye of Eternity an Abyssal Eye that standeth or seeth in the Nothing for it is the Abyss and this same Eye is a Will understand a longing after manifestation to find the Nothing but now there is Nothing before the Will where it might find Something where it might have a place to Rest therefore it entreth into it self and findeth it self through Nature 3. And we understand in the Mystery without Nature in the first Will two Forms one to Nature to the manifestation of the Wonder-Eye and the second Form is produced out of the first which is a desire after Vertue and Power and is the first Wills Son its desire of joyfulness And understand us thus the Desire is Egressive and the Egress is the Spirit of the Will and Desire for it is a Moving and the Desire maketh a Form in the Spirit viz. Formings of the Infiniteness of the Mystery 4. And this Form or Likeness is the Eternal Wisdom of the Deity and we understand herein the Trinity of the only Deity whose Ground we must not know how the first Will ariseth in the Abyss from Eternity which is called Father only we know the Eternal Birth and distinguish the Deity viz. what purely and meerly concerneth the Deity or the Good from Nature and shew you the Arcanum of the greatest Secret Mystery namely how the Abyss or the Deity manifesteth it self with this Eternal Generation for God is a Spirit and so subtil as a thought or will and Nature is his Corporeal Essence understand the Eternal Nature and the outward Nature of this visible comprehensible World is a Manifestation or extern Birth of the inward Spirit and Essence in Evil and Good that is a Representation Resemblance and typical Similitude of the dark Fire and light World 5. And as we have above shewn you concerning the Original of Thunder and Lightening with the Tempestuous Stroke so likewise the inward Nature of the inward World is and standeth in the Generation for the outward Birth taketh its Original from the inward the inward Birth is unapprehensive to the creature but the outward is apprehensive to it yet each property apprehends its Mother whence it is brought forth 6. As the Soul comprehendeth the inward eternal Nature and the Spirit of the Soul viz. the precious Image according to God Comprehends the Birth of the Angelical light-world and the Sydereal and Elemental Spirit comprehends the birth and property of the Stars and Elements every Eye seeth into its Mother whence it was brought forth 7. Therefore we will set you down the Generation of all Essences out of all Mothers and Beginnings how one generation proceedeth from another and how one is the Cause of another and this we will do from the eye-sight of all the three Mothers 8. Let none account it impossible seeing man is a likeness according to and in God an Image of the Being of all Beings and yet it standeth not in the power of the creature but in the might of God for the Sight and Science of all Essences consist alone in the clearest Light 9. We have made mention before how the Extern Birth viz. the Essence of this World consists in three things viz. in Sulphur Mercury and Sal Now we must set down and declare what it is seeing that all things arise from one Original and then how its inward Separation is effected that out of one Beginning many Beginnings are produced this is now to be understood as is before mentioned concerning the Centre of all Essences 10. For Sulphur in the eternal Beginning consisteth in two Forms and so also in the outward beginning of this world viz. in the Internal the first Form viz. the Sul consisteth in the Eternal Liberty it is the Lubet of the Eternal Abyss viz. a Will or an Original to the Desire and the other Original is the Desire which is the first motion viz. an hunger to the Something and in this same Hunger is the Eternal Beginning to the Pregnant Nature and it is called Sulphur viz. a Conception of the Liberty viz. of the Good and a Conception or Comprehension of the desire viz. of the austere Attraction in the desire 11. Sul in the Internal is God and Phur is the Nature for it maketh a brimstony spirit as is to be seen externally in the property of Brimstone for its substance is a dry constringent matter and is of a painful anxious forth-driving fiery property it attracteth eagerly and hardly into it self and parcheth up as a dry hunger and its painful property doth eagerly and anxiously force it self forth the Cause and Original is this because it standeth in
and melted yet a man shall have nothing save a contemptible matter devoyd of any form of Vertue until the Artist taketh it in hand and useth the right Process about it and then it is manifest what was therein 44. So likewise God dwelleth in all things and the thing knoweth nothing of God he likewise is not manifest to the thing and yet it receiveth Power from him but it receiveth the Power according to its property from him either from his Love or from his Wrath and from which it receiveth so it hath its Signature externally and the Good is also in it but as it were wholly shut up or hidden to the Iniquity or Evil an example whereof you have on Bushes and other thorny and pricking Bryars out of which notwithstanding a fair well smelling Blossom groweth and there lie two Properties therein viz. a pleasant and unpleasant which overcometh that shapeth formeth or marketh the fruit 45. Thus also it is with man he was created a fair Blossom and Fruit of Paradise but the Devil raised up in him his thorny property by the Serpent understand the Centre the property of the wrathful Nature which in his Paradisical Source was not manifest in him but when his Hunger entered into the thorny false property of the Serpent viz into Death then the property of Death and the false Serpent in the Devils Desire pressed into his Hunger and filled Soul and Body so that the Hunger of the false Serpent began effectually to work in him and Death awaked in him and then Paradise hid it self in him for Paradise entered into it self and the poyson of the Serpent in Deaths property dwelt also in it self here was now the Enmity then said God to him The seed of the woman shall bruise the Serpeats head and thou shalt sting the Heel with Deaths poyson 46. Understand the Paradisical Image shut up and captivated in the wrathful Death in which the Word of the Deity viz. the divine Mercury ruled and wrought did disappear as the Gold is disappeared in Saturn so that nothing is seen but a contemptible matter until the right Artist sets upon it and again awaken the Mercury in the enclosed Gold and then the dead enclosed Body of the Gold doth again revive in Saturn for Mercury is its Life who must be introduced into it again and then the dead Body of the Gold appeareth and overcometh the gross Saturn wherein it lay shut up and changeth its mean contemptible old Body into a fair glorious golden Body 47. Thus likewise it is with Man He lieth now shut up after his Fall in a gross deformed beastial dead Image He is not like an Angel much less like unto Paradise He is as the gross Oar in Saturn wherein the Gold is coucht and shut up His Paradisical Image is in him as if it were not and it is also not manifest the outward Body is a stinking Carkass while it yet liveth in the Poyson He is a bad thorny Bush whence notwithstanding fair Rose-buds may bloom forth and grow out of the Thorns and manifest that which lieth hidden and shut up in the wrathful poysonful Mercury so long till the Artist who hath made him take him in hand and bringeth the living Mercury into his Gold or Paradisical Image disappeared and shut up in Death so that the Enclosed Image which was created out of the divine Meekness and Love-essentiality may again bud and spring forth in the divine Mercury viz. in the Word of the Deity which entered into the Humanity shut up and closed in the Death and Curse 48. And then the divine Mercury changeth the wrathful Mercury into its property and Christ is born who bruiseth the Head of the Serpent viz. of the Poyson and Death in the Anger of God understand the might of wrathful Death and a new Man ariseth in Holiness and Righteousness which liveth before God and his divine Image appeareth and puts forth its Lustre as the hidden Gold out of the earthly property and hereby it is clearly signified to the Artist chosen of God how he shall seek no otherwise then as he hath sought and found himself in the property of the pure Gold and so likewise is this Process and not a whit otherwise for Man and the Earth with its Secrets lie shut up in the like or same Curse and Death and need one and the same Restitution 49. But we tell the Seeker and sincerely and faithfully warn him as he loveth his Temporal and Eternal Welfare That he do not first set upon this way to try the Earth and restore that which is shut up in Death unless he himself be afore born again through the Divine Mercury out of the Curse and Death and have the full knowledg of the Divine Regeneration else all what he doth is to no purpose no learning or studying availeth for that which he seeketh lieth shut in the Curse in Death in the Anger of God if he will make it alive and bring it into its First Life then that Life must be afore manifest in him and then he may say to the Mountain Get thee hence and be cast into the Sea and to the Fig-tree No fruit grow on thee henceforth and it shall come to pass for if the divine Mercury liveth and is manifest in the Spirit then when the Spirit of the Souls Will imagineth into any thing Mercury also goeth along with it in the Imagination and enkindleth the Mercury fast apprehended in Death viz. the Similitude of God or the Manifestation wherewith the living God hath made himself manifest 50. I know and see that the Mocker in the Devils Vizard will yet bring my writing into a misapprehension and make me more dark and doubtful because I write of the inward and outward Mercury and understand by the inward the Word of God or the Divine Voyce viz. the Manifestation of the Eternity of the Abyss and by the outward Mercury I understand the Officer in Nature viz. the Instrument which the inward living powerful Word or divine Voyce useth wherewith it formeth and worketh Now the Sophister will falsely interpret it and say That I mix them both together making no difference and hold Nature for God as Babel hath already done unto me But I bid him view my words well and learn to understand them aright for I speak sometimes from the Heavenly Mercury and see that only and then presently I name the Instrument of the Heavenly therefore let him have regard unto the sence I write not Heathenishly but Theosophically from a higher Ground then the outward Faber is and then also from the same CHAP. IX Of the Signature shewing how the Internal doth Sign the External 1. THe whole outward visible World with all its Being is a Signature or Figure of the inward spiritual World whatsoever is Internally and howsoever its operation is so likewise it hath its Character externally like as the Spirit of each Creature doth set
Souls spirit would live that is burn 22. Thus by Gods Curse or withdrawing the Heavenly Body was shut up and the Anger-Source set open and so the Heavenly Body lieth still shut up but seeing Man by the Eternal Mercury that is by the Word of Divine Power was in one part formed out of Eternity into Body and Soul none could disclose the Poyson-death and destroy the mortal Mercury and change it again into the Lights-Source viz. into the Source of the divine Joyfulness save only the very divine Mercury viz. the Power and the Word of Life it self for the Serpents poysonful earthly property was manifest and stirred up in man therefore when Gods Word did pity the Corruption of man and did again embrace him he said The Seed of the woman shall bruise the Serpents head and thou understand the Serpents poyson or fire shalt sting him in the Heel 23. Herein now lieth the Philosophers Stone to know how the Seed of the Woman bruiseth the Serpents Head which is done in the Spirit and Essence Temporally and Eternally the sting of the Serpent is Gods Anger-fire and the Womans Seed is Gods Love-fire which must be again awakened and illustrate the Anger and deprive the Wrath of its might and put it into the divine Joyfulness and then the dead Soul which lay avalled in Gods Curse doth arise when the poysonful Mercury which resembleth Gods Anger is Tinctured with Love then the Deaths Anguish in Mercury is changed into the highest Joyfulness and Desire of Love which doth again make a Love-essence in it self viz. an heavenly Body out of the earthly when Mercury is changed into an heavenly Source it desireth no longer or more the earthly mortal Life it desireth not the four Elements but only the One wherein the four are contained as it were avalled as the Light holdeth the Darkness avalled in it self and yet the Darkness is in it but not manifest in the Light as God dwelleth in Time and the Time comprehends him not unless it be translated and wrapt up into Eternity that the divine Light doth again shine in its Source and then the Time is manifest with its Wonders in the Eternity 24. On this wise also is the Process of the Wise men with the Precious Stone There is no nearer Consideration of the same then to consider and know how the Eternal Word viz. the heavenly divine Mercury in the divine Power is become man and slain Death and the Anger in man viz. changed the Mercury into the divine Joyfulness whereby the humane Mercury which before lay shut up in Gods Anger viz. in the Source of Death doth with its new enkindled Desire which now is called Faith in the Holy Ghost attract divine Essentiality viz. Christs Body unto it self and setteth it self in divine Power and Light above the Anger of God and the Poyson of the Serpent and bruise the head of the Anger viz. the poyson of Death with the Life of divine Joyfulness that is the Anger was Master but in the Light it became a Servant which now must be a cause of the Joyfulness as it is most plain clear and manifestly made known and shewn unto us in the Mercurial Life 25. Now observe the Process and meditate thereon ye dear Children of Wisdom and then ye shall have Enough Temporally and Eternally do not as Babel doth which tickleth and comforteth it self with the Philosophers Stone and boasteth of it but keepeth only a gross Masons-Stone shut up in Poyson and Death in stead of the precious Philosophers Stone what is it for Babel to have the Stone when as it lieth wholly shut up in Babel It is as if a Lord bestowed a Country upon me which indeed was mine but I could not take possession of it and remained still á poor man for all that and yet I boasted of the Dominion and so had the Name and not the Power Even thus it goeth with Babel about the precious Stone of the New-birth in Christ Jesus 26. In the Sweet Name Jesus Christ the whole Process is contained what and how the New-birth is out of Death into Life which is very clearly understood in the language of Nature for the Name Jesus is the property of the free Lubet of Eternity which yeelds it self into the Centre of the Pregnatress viz. into the Fathers property and figurizeth it self in the Centre in the Fathers property viz. in the Fathers Fire to a word of Eternal Power 27. Understand the Father viz. the Fathers fiery Forms do figurate shape this divine Voyce essentially in it self in the Lubet of the Liberty that is the Fathers fiery property maketh it self in the divine Essence of the eternal Love to a Mercury of Ioyfulness for the Fathers property is the Fire-source and the Sons viz. the eternal Lubets property is the Love-source and yet also there would be no Desire of Love if the Fathers Fire did not enkindle it and make it moveable viz. denrous from the Fire ariseth the Desire 28. The Father of all Essences begetteth this holy Desire through his Fire-source which is now his heart of Love which giveth in his Fire the shining Lustre and Splendor even there the Wrath in the Fires-property dyeth from Eternity to Eternity and is changed into a Love-desire 29. Thus observe it the free Lubets property is here in the Fires property called Christ which signifieth in the language of Nature a Potent Champion depriving the Wrath of its Power a Shine of the Light in the Darkness a Transmutation where the Love-Lubet ruleth over the Fire-Lubet viz. over the Wrath the Light over the Darkness Here the Seed of the Woman understand of the free Lubet in which there is no Source bruiseth the Head of the Wrath of the Eternal Nature viz. of the Eternal Desire for the Fires property is rightly called the Head for it is the Cause of the Eternal Life and the Liberty viz. the free Lubet or the Nothing is rightly called the woman for in the Nothing viz. in the Liberty of all Source consists the Birth of the Holy Trinity of the Deity 30. Now the Fire giveth Life and the free Lubet giveth Essence into the Life and in the Essence is the Birth where the Father viz. the Eternal Ground begetteth his Essence viz. his Heart out of the Abyss in Himself that is out of the Abyss in Himself into a Byss the Son is the Fathers Byss Thus the Father remaineth in Himself as touching his own property only the Byss of the Eternal Nature and the Son remaineth in the Father the Byss of the Power and Kingdom of Ioy a resemblance whereof you see in the Fire and Light And thus the Son Tinctureth the Father with the Liberty viz. with the Nothing and the Father Tinctureth the Son the Nothing that there is an Eternal Life therein and no more a Nothing but a Sound or Voyce of the Manifestation of the
captivated I say also that I cannot for it lieth not in my willing running and toiling but it lieth in the Compassion of God for I cannot by my own strength and ability overcome the wrathful Anger of God which is enkindled in me but seeing his dear Heart hath freely given it self again out of Love and in Love into the Humanity viz. into the poysonful enkindled Mercury in the Soul and Tinctured the Soul viz. the Poyson-Source of the Eternal Nature in the Eternal Fathers Natures property therefore I will cast my will into his Tincture and I will go with my will out of the Enkindled Poyson-Source out of the evil Mercury in Gods Anger into his Death and with my corrupted will I will dye with him in his Death and become a Nothing in him and then he must be my Life 62. For if my will is a Nothing then he is in me what he pleaseth and then I know not my self any more but him and if he will that I shall be Something then let him effect it but if he willeth it not then I am dead in him and he liveth in me as he pleaseth and so then if I be a Nothing then I am at the End in the Essence out of which my Father Adam was created for out of Nothing God hath created all things 63. The Nothing is the highest Good for there is no Turba therein and so nothing can touch or annoy my Soul for I am a Nothing to my self but I am Gods who knoweth what I am I know it not neither shall or ought I to know it 64. And thus is the Cure of my Souls sickness he that will adventure it with me shall find by experience what God will make of him As for example I here write and I also do not do it for I as I know nothing have also not learned or studied it so then I do it not but God doth it in me as he pleaseth 65. I am not known to my self but I know unto him what and how he pleaseth Thus I live not to my self but unto him and Thus we are in Christ only One as a Tree in many boughs and branches and he begetteth and bringeth forth the fruit in every branch as he pleaseth and thus I have brought his Life into mine so that I am Atoned with him in his Love for his Will in Christ is entered into the Humanity in me and now my Will in me entereth into his Humanity and thus his living Mercury that is his Word viz. the Speaking Mercury Tinctureth my wrathful Evil Mercury and transformeth it into his and thus my Mars is become a Love-fire of God and his Mercury speaketh through mine as through his Instrument what he pleaseth and thus my Iupiter liveth in the Divine Joy and I know it not the True Sun shineth unto me and I see it not for I live not to my self I see not to my self and I know not to my self I am a thing and I know not what for God knoweth what I am and so now I run and tend to and fro as a thing in which the Spirit driveth or acteth me as he pleaseth and Thus I live according to my inward Will which yet is not mine 66. But yet I find in me another Life which I am not according to the Resignation or Self-denyal but according to the Creature of this World viz. according to the Similitude of Eternity this Life doth yet stand in poyson and strife and shall yet be turned to Nothing and then I am wholly perfect Now in this same Life wherein yet I find my self-hood is Sin and Death and these likewise shall be brought to Nothing and in that Life which God is in me I hate Sin and Death and according to that Life which yet is in my self hood I hate the Nothing viz. the Deity Thus one Life fighteth against the other and there is a continual Contest in me but being Christ is born again in me and liveth in my Nothingness therefore Christ will according to his Promise made in Paradise bruise the head of the Serpent viz. of my Self-hood and mortifie the evil man in my Self so that he himself may truly live in me 67. But what shall Christ do with the evil man shall he cast him away No! for he is in Heaven and doth thereby accomplish and effect his Wonders in this World which stands in the Curse Now each laboureth in its own Vineyard the outward Man laboureth in the Cursed World which is Evil and Good in the Wonders of God viz. in the Mirror of Glory which yet shall be revealed in him and the inward Man is not its own but Gods Instrument with whom God maketh what he pleaseth till the outward with its Wonders in the Mirror shall also be manifest in God and even then is God All in All and he alone in his Wisdom and Deeds of Wonder and Nothing else besides and this is the Beginning and the End Eternity and Time 68. Now understand it aright unto the outward Man there appertaineth a Cure from the outward viz. from the outward Will of God who hath made himself external with this visible World and for the inward Man there is a Cure from the inward World which God is All in All only One not many one in all and all in one but if the inward Penetrates the outward and illustrate it with its Sun-shine and the outward receiveth the Sun-shine of the inward then is it tinctured cured and healed by the inward and the inward doth illustrate it as the Sun through-shines the water or as the fire do set the Iron quite through of a light glee here now needeth no other Cure 69. But seeing the Devil in the Wrath of the eternal Nature doth oppose the Soul as an enemy of the Soul and continually casteth his poysonful Imagination at the Soul to tempt and try it and the Anger or Wrath of the Eternal Nature is manifest in the outward Man which Adam awakened and stirred up thereupon this Wrath is oftentimes stirred up by the Devil and his servants that it doth effectually work and burn in the outward body and even then the inward Love-fire goeth out in the outward Man as a red-hot Iron is quenched in the water yet not so soon in the internal but in the external Man unless the outward Man continue lying in the mire of sin so that the Soul which had given it self into the Nothing viz. into the Liberty into the Life of God doth enter again with its Desire into the outward sinful Man then it loseth the inward Sun for it goeth again out of the Nothing into the Something viz. into the Source 70. Thus the outward body must then have an outward Cure and albeit the inward Man yet liveth in God yet whereas the Soul hath Imagined into the outward Wrath so that the divine Tincturation is no longer in the outward Man the outward Mercury viz.
four Elements but to the Eternal Fathers Nature in the walm of the pure Divine Element the life of the outward world dyed 5. Thus the true Humane Life fell forth-with again into that place whence Adam had brought it viz. into Paradise whereupon Christ said to the Thief To day thou shalt be with me in Paradise it fell into Adams death whereby he dyed unto Paradise and sprang up in Adams Death as a new creature out of the old like as the branch springeth from the Corn and this it did from the might and power of the Speaking Word which of grace was entered with living essentiality into the disappeared Heavenly Essentiality of man and had freely given it self into the Centre of the Soul-like nature and also into the wrath of the Anger and Death in the Flesh and changed the Anger into Love and tinctured the corrupt blood in the Anger with the Love 6. The Divine Tincture Tinctured the Humane the Divine Sun entered into the Humane the Divine Sun entred into Adams night viz. into Adams sleep Gods Sun with the Name Jesus entred with Adams Soul and Humanity in Christs person into death understand into Adams sleep 7. When Christ dyed then Adam dyed also to his Self-hood in Christs death the Name Jesus was in Christ the Serpent-stroyer in Adams Humanity Christ entered into the Image of the first Adam so that the first Adam in the Humanity of Christ did become the same Christ and Serpent-stroyer indeed not in the same Creature but in the same Souls and Bodies property 8. The first Adam fell into Sleep viz. into the impotence of the Divine World and dyed in the death of Death the second Adam entered into the death of Death and took the death of Death captive in Himself viz. in the Humanity of Adam He was a death to Death and brought forth the Life out of Death into the Eternal Liberty He arose in the Divine Omnipotence in the Essence of the first Adam Gods Spirit in the Speaking Eternal Word brought forth Adam out of death in Christs Humanity Adam did arise in Christs Humanity and all the Children of Adam which are partakers of Christs Kingdom do arise in Christ all in Christs Flesh and Blood Soul and Spirit but every one in his Creature which he hath had here and mortified in Christs death 9. Every one is a particular twig but there is only one Tree which is Christ in Adam and Adam in Christ only One not two only one Christ in all Christians so that I may say If I be dead in Christ unto the World I am the same Christ viz. a branch on the same Tree 10. But seeing that I in the outward man do yet live in my Self-hood therefore I must also dye with the outward man in Christs death and arise and live in him Now therefore I live with the Will of Faith in the mind in Christ and am a Christian in the Will of the Mind in the desire of Faith and receive Christ with his Humanity into my Will and cast my Will into his death and thus my inward man is also dead in Christs death and liveth no longer to Self-hood but I am resigned in him and lie buried in his death but being He is arisen in Gods Will I also live in His Resurrection in Him but my Earthliness in its Selfness liveth to the Earthly World until it also dyeth quite to Self-hood and entereth into the Resignation and Putrifaction and then Christ will awaken it through my inward man which now liveth in Him 11. Like as he is arisen from the Dead even so shall I who shall dye to the Earthliness in Him viz. in my first Father Adam in the Name Jesus as a Christian in Christ my twig withered in Sin on the Tree shall obtain strength and sap in the Name Jesus to life I shall and must spring forth afresh with my Humanity in Him as in my Stem who is become a Heart and Power in my Father Adam and bring forth fruit to the praise of God 12. My Will-spirit which now is in Christs Humanity and liveth in Christs Spirit that shall in Christs power give Sap to the dry tree that it shall again arise at the last day in the sound of the Trumpet of the Divine Breath in Christs voyce which also is my voyce in his Breath and spring afresh in the Tree Christ viz. in Paradise the Paradise shall be in me all whatsoever God hath and is shall appear in me as a Form and Image of the Divine Worlds being all colours powers and vertues of his Eternal Wisdom shall be manifest in me and on me as on his likeness I shall be the manifestation of the Spiritual Divine World and an instrument of Gods Spirit wherein he maketh melody with Himself with this Voyce which I my self am as with his Signature I shall be his Instrument and Organ of his expressed Word and voyce and not only I but all my fellow-members in the glorious Tuned Instrument of God we are all strings in his Joyful Consort the spirit of his mouth doth strike the tune and note on our strings 13. And therefore God became Man that he might again repair his glorious Instrument which he has made for his praise which perished as to him and would not sound according to the desire of his joy and Love and did introduce again the true Love-sound into the strings yea he hath introduced the voyce which soundeth in his presence again into us viz. into his Instrument he is become that I am and hath made me that which he is so that I may say that I am in my Resignation in him his Trumpet and the sound of his Instrument and Divine voyce at which now I do rejoyce in all my fellow-strings and voyces which with me are tuned and set as an Eternal work unto the praise and glory of God 14. Thus know ye now my Fellow-voyces in the praise of God that I sound with my string played upon in the Spirit upon and in your Note and thus sing I unto you that whatsoever Jesus hath done through the Christ viz. through his and my Humanity the same he doth yet to day in me and in all my fellow-members he dyed to my Self-hood in his death and I also dye to my self-hood in his death He is given up to his Resignation in God his Father and God his Father hath araised him up with the spirit of his mouth in him and set him forth for the Royal Image according to the holy Trinity through and with whom God will judg all things in the place of this World 15. Thus God also hath awakened in him my Spirit and Soul through his Spirit in the great Name Jesus in Christ so that I in my Resignation in him need not to dye for he dyed in me and for me his death in that he is arisen from death is become my Eternal life so that now I live in his
high Spirits as Angels and Souls of men which stand in the first Principle in them the Element is incitable In the life of the third Principle it standeth still and is as a hand of God where he holdeth and governeth the four Elements as an Exit or Instrument wherewith he worketh and buildeth 54. Now every property of nature doth in its hunger take its food out of the four Elements as the hunger is so it taketh a property out of the Elements for the four Elements are the body of the properties and each Spirit eateth of its own body 55. First There are the Sulphurean properties according to the first second Impression viz. according to the dark astringent and anxious Impression and then according to the Love-Impression in the Light viz. according to evil and good 56. The dark hunger desireth essence according to its property viz. Earthly things all whatsoever resembleth the Earth and the bitter hunger desireth bitter Raging stinging and pain it receiveth into it self such an Essence as the poyson-source out of the Elements and the hunger of Anguish desireth anxious hunger viz. the Anguish in the Brimstone also the melancholy taketh the desire to dye and continual sadness and the Fire-flash receiveth into it Anger Aspiring ambition pride a desiringness to destroy all and make it subject to it a desire to domineer in and above all to consume all and to be Peculiar and it taketh the bitterness from whence the Flash ariseth to Envy and Hatred and the astringency to Covetousness and the Fire to Anger and Indignation 57. Here is the true desire of Gods anger and all Devils and of all whatsoever is against God and Love and this hunger draweth such an Essence into Self as it is to be known searcht out in the Creatures and in the Herbs also 58. Now the Fire flash is the End of the first desire viz. of the dark nature and in the Fire the dying of the first hunger and Will beginneth for the Fire consumeth all grossness of the first Forms and casts them into death and here is the Se Veration of both Wills viz. the one which entreth back again into the property of Death and is a Will in the life of the dark Desire as the Devils have done who would domineer in the Fire flash in the Salnitral Sude over Time and Eternity but they were driven back by the Spirit of God and spewed forth out of the Love desire as an abomination and thus also it hapneth here to the wicked soul of man whereupon the Election followeth here is the Aym or scope of the Electrion of grace of which the Scripture speaketh that God knoweth his and here the Eternal Lubet of Gods liberty apprehendeth the will-Will-spirit which is arisen in the dark Centre and brings it through the dying in the Fire into the Element 59. In the Salnitral Flagrat lyeth the Possibility backwards and forwards If the will of the Desire goeth back then it is as to the Kingdom of this World earthly and as to the Kingdom of the Eternal World it is in Gods Anger and cannot see God unless it be converted and entreth into the Dying in the Fire and wholly dye to its Selfness and enter into the Resignation of the Eternal Will in the Salnitral Flagrat into the Element viz. into the Heavenly Essentiality and Corporality so that the Hunger may eat of the pure Element and then it hath further no other desire for it is in the Fire dead unto the austere dark hunger which is evil thus from the dying in the Fire ariseth the light for here the Liberty is enkindled that it becomes also an hunger and a desire this is now a Love-desire a Love-hunger 60. In the outward World it is the light of the Sun in the four Elements and it is the bestial Love-desire viz. after the Sulphurean body and Essence whence the copulation and multiplication doth arise viz. the Vegetative life and from the Mercury in the Salniter wherein the sensible life is therein the Astrum giveth the Reason in the Animals from the properties of the Salniter 61. For the whole Astrum is nothing else but a Salniter in the Verbum Fiat in the motion of the Being of all Beings in the fiery Flagrat comprehended in the properties of the Salts wherein all the powers of the Element do stand as an extern birth which do continually boil in the four Elements as a Salnitral Salt and do introduce their property in their desire fn the four Elements into the essence of Bodies as is to be seen in Trees Herbs Grass and all growing things 62. Thus understand us further concerning the second Centre which is manifest in the dying of the Fire in the Light whereby the Abyss of Gods liberty doth introduce it self into the Byss of Nature both with the inward world in the Kingdom of Heaven in the eternity and then also with the outward Kingdom in the Time 63. Now all this hath also the properties of the Desire and taketh its Original from the first Principle viz. from the first Centre and there is yet no right dying in the Fire the dark Essence only dyeth and the will-Will-spirit goeth forth with the eternal Will to Nature again out of the fiery Death in the light it is only a transmutation of the Spirit so that an hunger ariseth out of the Liberty and this Hunger is a Love-desire as to the soul of Man it draweth Essence from the Element of God viz. in the Divine Salniter it taketh the divine Salts or Powers into it self and as to the outward Worlds Desire it draweth the Oyl out of the Sulphur into it self in which O●● the outward Life burneth and so it is likewise in the Vegetables and Metals and whatsoever else 64. The Sun maketh the outward Transmutation and the divine Light in the Souls property maketh the inward according as each thing standeth in its degree so doth its Hunger reach a property Those which are in the Time receive a property from the Time and those in Eternity likewise out of Eternity The Hunger which proceeds from Eternity eateth of the Eternity and that which is of the Time eateth of the Time The true Life of all Creatures eateth of the Spiritual Mercury viz. of the sixth Form where all Salts are essentially the Spirit eateth of the five Senses for they are the Spirits Corporality and the Body viz. the Vegetable Life eateth of the Essence of the Sulphur and Salt for Christ saith so also Man liveth not by bread only but by every word which proceedeth out of the mouth of God 65. Now the sixth Form of Nature is the expressed Spiritual Word and the Speaking Word therein is the Eternal Word In the first Impression in the Darkness it is the Word of Gods Anger and in the outward World it is the poysonful Mercury viz. a Cause of all Life and Stirring of all Tones and Sounds Now every Property eateth of
afterwards being stirred up by the instigation of the Divine Light he proceeded to write and supplyed the Defect of the First in the Second Third and fourth Books The Aurora climbs up out of its Infancy and shews you the Creation of all Beings yet very mysteriously and not sufficiently explained it is of a deep and parabolical meaning therein are couched many mysteries which shall yet come to pass The Second Book is called the Three Principles It is a Key and an Alphabet for those that would understand his Writings Therein the Great Mystery hath some-what opened it self It treateth of the Eternal Birth and Generation of the Deity also of the Creation of the Paradissical life of Man and also of the Fall likewise of Repentance Justification and Regenerations of the two Testaments of Christ of the Total Salvation of Man It is an Eye to look into the Wonders of the Divine Mystery The Third Book is called the Three-fold Life It is a Key for above and below to All Mysteries it sheweth the whole ground of the Three Principles it serveth every one according to his property A man may therein sound the Depth and Resolve of all Questions whatsoever Reason is able to devise and propound It is an open gate of the Great Mystery and 't is even a Wonder that doth surpass the capacity of Reason therein are revealed and laid forth the deep Mysteries and Secrets about which the World hath Contended since the heavy Fall of Adam and yet there hath not been such a ground brought to light which notwithstanding will not be understood of the World but of the Children of God The Fourth Book is called The Forty Questions they were sent to him by a learned man who entreated him to answer them according to his gifts The Questions contain in them the great Depths of the Original of the Soul and all the Secrets of the Mystery and there is such an Answer given to them at which the World might rejoyce if the Envy of the Devil hindered it not but Gods Counsel shall stand I his Book treateth fundamentally of all things which are necessary for a man to know Each Book from the first is grounded ten-times deeper so that the fourth is a clear Mirror wherein the Mystery is sufficiently understood if it were Possible to have comprehended and written all it would have been three times more and deeper grounded but it could not be and therefore there is more then one Book made so that what could not be explained in the one might be found in the other and 't were well that all were brought into one and the rest laid aside for the Multiplicity causeth strife and wrong confused apprehensions by reason of the catching Conceits and Conjectures of Reason which is not yet able to discern or look into the Centre and Depth of the Mystery so that Reason supposeth many times that it is Contradictory whereas it is not at all contradictory but fully Agrees in One in the Depth yet know there is but a glimpse of the Mysteries in these Writings for a man cannot write them if any shall be counted worthy of God to have the Light enkindled in his own Soul he shall see taste smell and hear unspeakable things concerning this Knowledg for there is the Theosophical School of Pentecost wherein the Soul is taught of God and the way hereinto is faithfully described Is it not written They shall all be taught of God and know the Lord Also I will pour out my Spirit upon all flesh c. Why then should any deride and contemn it when God gives a mean Lay-man to know him and his Mystery so that he must write higher then the reach of any natural outward Reason yea deeper then the foundation of this World therefore let a man open his eyes wide and see the ground of the School contentions which for the most part in all ages have gendred nothing but Pride covetousness Envy and Wrath and so have blotted out the A. B. C. of Love and a divine Life which ought to have been written and read in their own Book which indeed hath more in it then can be exprest in the letter of any Book and he that can read that aright needs no other for therein lieth the Uaction from the holy One which teacheth him aright of all things Whosoever applies himself aright to understand the Centre of all Beings and comes once to see the Three Principles of Gods mafestation will not need his or any mans Writings for he will know the Lord in himself This is the true Vade mecum which surpasseth the treasure of the World yea it gives such a plerophory of joy in the hidden man that is not to be compared with any thing but with the bloomy Spring of Harmonious delights in the Eternal Paradise of God For herein lieth the true noble Philosophers Stone which giveth a man the Certainty of all things and freeth him from all troubles and perplexities in controversies of Religion and openeth to him the highest Mystery and bringeth that work wherto he is chosen of Nature to the highest Perfection and gives him power to look into the heart of every thing These four Books viz. the Aurora the Three Principles the Three-fold Life and the Forty Questions with the Authors Clavis would make one part and if there should be another Edition 't were well the Aurora were translated and the rest exactly Corrected and Printed together they would make about 147 sheets The Second Part might contain these pieces viz. the Six great Points the Six small Points the Signatura Rerum a Tractate of the Heavenly and Earthly Mystery the Table or Scheam of the Three Principles of Divine Manifestation The Six great Points do treat of the greatest Depths and Secrets viz. how the Three Principles do mutually beget and bear each other so that in the Eternity there is no strife and yet each Principle is in it self as it is in its own property as if it were only one and alone also they shew whence strife and disunity doth arise and whence Good and Evil take their Original wholly brought forth out of the ground that is out of the Nothing into the Something viz. into the ground of Nature This Book is such a Mystery however set forth in plain Simplicity that no Acute Reason of Man shall fathom or understand without Divine Light it is a Key to all The Six small Points are a short Exposition 1. Of the Water and Blood of the Soul 2. Of the Election of Grace of the Good and Evil. 3. Of Sin what it is and how it comes to be Sin 4. How Christ shall deliver up the Kingdom to his Father 5. Of Magick what it is and what the Magical ground is 6. Of the Mystery what the same is The Signatura Rerum ciphers out the Creation in its Characters and Forms and sheweth what the Beginning Ruine and Cure of every thing is it
which we see and know in the Stars and Elements likewise in the living Creatures and also in the Trees and Herbs 14. Therefore the greatest Understanding lieth in the Signature wherein Man viz. the Image of the Greatest Vertue may not only learn to know himself but therein also he may learn to know the Essence of all Essences for by the external form of all Creatures by their instigation inclination and desire also by their sound voyce and speech which they utter the hidden Spirit is known for Nature hath given unto every thing its Language according to its Essence and Form for out of the Essence the Language or Sound ariseth and the Fiat of that Essence formeth the quality of the Essence in the voyce or vertue which it sendeth forth unto the Animals in the Sound and unto the Essentials in smell vertue and form 15. Every thing hath its mouth to manifestation and this is the language of Nature whence every thing speaketh out of its property and doth continually manifest declare and set forth it self to what it is good or profitable for each thing manifesteth its Mother which thus giveth the Essence and the Will to the Form CHAP. II. Of the Opposition and Combate in the Essence of all Essences whereby the Ground of the Antipathy and Sympathy in Nature may be seen and also the Corruption and Cure of each thing 1. SEing then there are so many and divers Forms that the one doth ever produce and afford out of its property a will different in one from another we do herein understand the Contrariety and Combate in the Being of all Beings how that one doth oppose poyson and kill another that is overcome its Essence and the Spirit of the Essence and introduce it into another form whence Sickness and Pains arise when one Essence destroyeth another 2. And then we understand herein the Cure how the one healeth another and brings it to health and if this were not there were no Nature but an eternal Stilness and no Will for the Contra-will maketh the motion and the original of the Seeking that the opposite Sound seeketh the Rest and yet in the Seeking it doth only elevate and more enkindle it self 3. And we are to understand how the Cure of each thing consisteth in the Assimulate for in the Assimulate ariseth the satisfaction of the Will viz. its highest Joy for each thing desireth a Will of its likeness and by the Contra-will it is discomfited but if it obtaineth a Will of its likeness it rejoyceth in the Aslimulate and therein falleth into Rest and the Enmity is turned into Joy 4. For the Eternal Nature hath produced nothing in its desire save a likeness out of it self and if there were not an everlasting Mixing there would be an eternal Peace in Nature but so Nature would not be revealed and made manifest in the Combate it becomes maninifest so that each thing elevates it self and would get out of the Combate into the Still Rest and so it runneth to and fro and doth thereby only awaken and stir up the Combate 5. And we find clearly in the light of Nature that there is no better help and remedy for this Opposition and that it hath no higher Cure then the Liberty that is the light of Nature which is the desire of the Spirit 6. And then we find that the Essence cannot be better remedied then with the Assimulate for the Effence is a Being and its desire is after Being now every taste desireth only its like and if it obtaineth it then its hunger is satisfied appeased and eased and it ceaseth to hunger and rejoyceth in it self whereby the Sickness falleth into a Rest in it self for the hunger of the Contrariety ceaseth to work 7. Seeing now that mans life consisteth in three Principles viz. in a three-fold Essence and hath also a three-fold Spirit out of the property of each Essence viz. first according to the eternal Nature according to the fires property and secondly according to the property of the eternal Light and divine Essentiality and thirdly according to the property of the outward world Thereupon we are to consider the Property of this three-fold Spirit and also of this three-fold Essence and Will how each Spirit with its Essence introduceth it self into strife and sickness and what its Cure and Remedy is 8. We understand that without Nature there is an Eternal Stilness and Rest viz. the Nothing and then we understand that an eternal Will ariseth in the Nothing to introduce the Nothing into Something that the Will might find feel and behold it self 9 For in the Nothing the Will were not manifest to it self wherefore we know that the Will seeks it self and finds it self in it self and its seeking is a desire and its finding is the essence of the desire wherein the Will doth find it self 10. It findeth nothing save only the property of the hunger which is it self which it draweth into it self that is it draweth it self into it self and findeth it self in it self and its attraction into it self maketh an overshadowing or darkness in it which is not in the Liberty viz. in the Nothing for the Will of the Liberty overshadoweth it self with the essence of the desire for the desire maketh essence and not the will 11. Now that the Will must be in darkness is its Contrariety and it conceiveth in it self another Will to go out from the darkness again into the Liberty viz. into the Nothing and yet it cannot reach the Liberty from without it self for the desire goeth outwards and causeth source and darkness therefore the Will understand the re-conceived Will must enter inwards and yet there is no separation 12. For in it self before the desire is the Liberty viz. the Nothing and the will may not be a Nothing for it desireth to manifest it self in the Nothing and yet no manifestation can be effected save only through the essence of the desire and the more the re-conceived will desireth manifestation the more strongly and eagerly the desire draweth into it self and maketh in it self three Forms viz. the Desire which is astringent and maketh hardness for it is an enclosing whence coldness ariseth the attraction causeth Compunction stirring in the hardness an enmity against the attracted hardness The attraction is the second Form and a cause of motion and life and stirreth it self in the Astringency and Hardness which the Hardness viz. the Enclosing cannot endure and therefore it attracteth more eagerly to hold the Compunction and yet the Compunction is thereby only the stronger 13. Thus the Compunction willeth upwards and whirleth crosswise and yet cannot effect it for the hardness viz. the desire doth stay and detain it and therefore it standeth like a Triangle and transverted Orb which seeing it cannot remove from the place becometh wheeling whence ariseth the mixture in the desire viz. the essence or multiplicity of the desire for the Turning maketh
his wrathful Hunger may be changed into a Love and then they sleep together in their own Marriage Bed now the Devil is an Enemy of this Wedlock who soon cometh with a strange Desire and tempteth these married people but dares not lay an hand of violence on them but only afflicts and plagues them with a false strange Desire now if they yeeld their Desire unto his Will and his Desire overcome them then they become Enemies to one another and bring forth a false Child for Christ said An evil Tree bringeth forth evil fruits and a good Tree good fruits 51. Therefore the Artist must beware and keep himself from such Anger and yet must prepare a Cross for this married couple for he is their Foe and Friend that so they both in their Marriage Bed of Love might lift up their Desire to God and so with their Desire Gods Essence may be pregnant in their Desire and then in their Copulation they shall beget such a Child which they understand the Mother viz. the Female shall nourish in their Belly until it be ripe 52. In the mean time let the Mother take heed she bear no Love to any other besides her Consort and also not Imagine after strange things else she will imprint a spot or mark on the Child she must continue simply in one Love till the Child be perfect as to its body which comes to pass in the fourth Moneth yet according as the Parents are of one property even so strife and contrary will arise in the essence in the Child when as the Child is to receive its Souls life 53. But when the Essence is in its wresting Combate the Artist must assist the Soulish viz. the fiery propeity until the souls-Souls-spirit attains its Life even then he appeareth in the Womans Form and Lustre Now supposeth the Artist that he hath the Child that it is born but there belongeth a further time unto it till the Soul grows strong and then it appeareth and shews it self in its red and white Coat 54. But there is yet a wonderful Process behind when the Souls life is born then the new Soul casteth away the Vegetable Life of the Parents which is propagated and inherited to the body from the Parents Vegitta wherein the body of the Child congealed and grew till the time of the Soul and the Life of the four Elements dyeth and the Life in the one Element ariseth the Child is hidden in the dark Death and the Artist supposeth it to be dead but he must have patience till the Childe be born The Peculiar Process in the shaping of the Magical Child 55. The Course of Christ upon the Earth is a real Type how the new Child is nourished in the Mothers Womb after its Conception as is before mentioned and attains a Vegetable Life and groweth up to the time of its right Souls and Spirits Life and how the Child ariseth from the Parents Essence and how in the Enkindling of its Right viz. of its own Life it casts away the Parents Vegitta and Working and how a new plant viz. a new peculiar Operation doth now arise according to the new enkindled Spirits property whereby the Child is more noble then its Parents understand as to its outward Life 56. But perhaps some rude clownish Sophister might meet with this Treatise and draw a strange Understanding from it in that I write of a Soul in the Vegetative Life but let him know that we do not understand the Image of God which was formed into a likeness according to God to be in Metals Stones and Herbs but we understand the Magical Soul how the Eternity viz. the Deity doth imprint and pourtray it self in its likeness according to the Model of its Wisdom in all things and how God filleth all in all we understand the Summum Bonum the Good Treasure which lieth hidden in the outward Worlds Essence as a Paradise 57. When Christ in his childhood grew up in humane and divine Property till he was twelve years old he went with his mother Mary unto the Feast at Jerusalem and went into the Temple among the Scribes asked them and harkened unto them and gave answer unto the Questions of the Teachers but when his Parents returned home supposing him to be among the Company he remained purposely behind among the Doctors and followed not the intent of his Parents but the divine Will until they came back again and sought him and then his Mother said unto him My Son wherefore hast thou dealt so with us Lo thy Father and I have been seeking thee Sorrowing Then he said unto them How is it that you have sought me wist ye not that I must be about my Fathers business And he went home with them and was subject unto them 58. In this Figure we have the Type of the Wills of the inward and outward World how they are in one another and against one another and yet are but one Even as in Christ there were two Kingdoms manifest one wrought unto Gods Will and brake the outward Worlds Will of his Parents in that Christ tarried behind contrary to the will of his Parents at which they were troubled which the divine Will in Christ knew well enough and the other Kingdom viz. of his Parents Will brake the divine Will that he went home with them and was obedient unto then according to their will 59. This Figure sheweth the Magus that he shall find two Wills in his Purpose which he thinks to carry on one will not be obedient and subject unto him viz. the divine Will and yet if his own peculiar external Will shall rightly apply it self thereunto and only seek the dear Child Jesus with Mary with desire and earnest sorrow and not earthly pleasure of the flesh then the divine Will will be obedient to him and go home with him and be used according to his good pleasure 60. Secondly It sheweth him the two-fold Working and Will in all things and if he will be a Magus and according to his Will turn the Will and Essence of the good Property out of the inward into the outward then he must be first capable of the inward viz. of the divine Will else he cannot change the inward Will into the outward as Christ was not obedient to the external Will of his Mother until she sought him with grief and sorrow of Heart and turned her Will into Gods Will and wrestled in his Compassion with Gods Will as Jacob the whole night until the Lord blessed him and God said unto him Thou hast wrestled with God and man and hast overcome or got the Victory 61. Also let the Magus know that he need not go about to implant the right Will to perfection from without into his purpose it is already in all things only he must introduce a divine desirous Will according to the things property into that thing which he taketh in hand which wrestleth with the divine Will as
for the Meekness is like a Stilness but the Source of Anguish sublimeth it and turns into a pleasant laughter also the Anguish viz. the Darkness is the death and destruction of the Oyly property for if it gets the upper-hand in the oleous property it takes possession of the Corpus and turns the Oyl into a poysonful Source viz. into a dark Spirit or Body wholly earthly as Adam was when he Imagined into the Evil. 9. And yet we do not acknowledg that the Oleous property doth take any Poyson-Source into it self but Mercury viz. the Fire-Life insinuates it self into the Anguish and poysoneth the Essence of Time which the outward Mercury it self maketh in its own Desire that is he departeth from the inward oleous Essence and then the Internal Being remaineth immoveable in it self and the Essence and Spirit of Time do Se Ver from the Essence and Spirit of Eternity and yet there is no parting or dividing but both Principles remain in One Essence whereas there be two Essences but the one comprehends not the other as Eternity doth not comprehend Time for thus also Adam and Eve dyed the Souls Mercury departed with its Imagination from the Essence of Eternity into the Essence of Time viz. into the Anguish source and then the Essence of Eternity lost its Leader which Christ restored again by the divine Word or Mercury so that the Essence of Eternity which in Adam was forsaken of the Souls Mercury obtained the Life again 10. And thus we know that the Essence of Eternity lieth hid in the Anxious Mercury as in the Fortress of Death and our writing and teaching is to shew how a man may bring the poysonful Mercury with its Desire so far as to enter with its Desire again into the Essence of Eternity viz. into the Enclosed and re-assume the Essence of Eternity for a Body and with the same Tincture the Essence of Time and reconcile them in One that the whole Corpus of the inward and outward World may be only One that so there may be only one Will in the Spirit viz. a Love-Hunger and this Hunger doth then make unto it self only one Essence and then every Spirit eateth of its own Essence or Body so that afterward no Evil Will can arise any more therein 11. Thus we understand that Joy and Sorrow Love and Enmity do originally arise through Imagination and Longing for in the Inclination or earnest Desire towards God viz. the Free Love the Kingdom of loy doth arise in the midst of the Anguish of Death and if the Desire departeth our of the free Love into the Anguish of Death viz. into the Source of Darkness then is the Desire filled with the Source of Death and so Mercury worketh effectually in the Source of Death 12. Thus we declare with ground that there is nothing so bad but there lieth a Good therein but the Badness is not capable of the Good also there lieth in the most poysonful Mercury the greatest Pearl and Jewel if his poysonful Will may be introduced into the same then he himself manifests the Pearl for he changeth himself as is to be seen in the Earth where Mercury seeks its Pearl and turns it in the Oar to Gold and to other Metals according as the Sulphur is in each place 13. For there is a continual Combate in the Earth the Eternity travels with Longing through Time to be free from Vanity and in its Longing it giveth it self to Mercury as to its Life and Faber and when Mercury obtains it in his Hunger he becomes joyful and maketh this free Luber Corporeal in him and there ariseth Gold and Silver together with other Metals and good Herbs all according to the powerful Efficacy of each Place As the Boyling is in each Place so likewise is the Metal all according to the Property of the seven Forms of Nature that Form which is chief in a place according to the same Property groweth a Metal also Herbs and Trees 14. Here the Physicians must observe that they learn distinctly to know what kind of property is the strongest in each thing wherewith they would Cure if they do not know it they will oftentimes give their Patients death Also they must know that they are to understand and very exactly to know the property of the Patient which of the properties among the seven Forms of Nature is the Mercury in Sulphur for such a Salt he also maketh Now if the Physician giveth him a contrary Salt Mercury is only thereby the more vehemently enraged and made more venomous but if he may obtain his own Salt according to his own property after which he hungereth then he rejoyceth and readily quitteth his Poyson-Source in Mars his Fire But the Right Physician hath another Cure he first bringeth his Mercury wherewith he will Cure out of Deaths-Anguish into the Liberty He may well Cure the other is dangerous and uncertain if he doth happen to cure it is by chance and very unconstant and cannot cure any disease fundamentally for the outward Mercury is shut up it cannot reach no further then into the four Elements into the mortal-Essence it is able to do nothing in the Sydereal Body but if it be turned and introduced into the Love as is before mentioned then it toucheth the very Root and Ground and reneweth it even to the Divine Power in the Second Principle 15. We have an excellent Resemblance of this in the blooming Earth on the Herbs for in the Earth Mercury is earthly and venomous but when the Sun tinctureth him then he reacheth after the Suns Power after its Light and bringeth it into his Hungry fiery Mars desire into his Salt viz. into his Corporeal Essence viz. into Sulphur which is his Mother and wheels it about with his Rotation in the Essence as if he also boyled and then the Liberty viz. the highest Power reacheth after its Property viz. after the Solar Property and apprehendeth Mercury also along with it 16. Now when Mercury tasteth the Heavenly Being in it self it grows exceeding desirous after the Power of Love and draweth the same into its Desire whereupon it changeth it self and its Salt so also its Mother the Sulphur into a pleasant Source and now if the Liberty be so introduced into a Moving Life with Mercury then it is very full of Joy and springeth up in its Joy as a light from the Fire and putteth forth through the Sulphur-spirit in the Salt Thus is the growing of the Root and thence the Root geteth such a pleasant smell and taste for in the Original the Salts sharpness in the first Impression from Saturn is a sharpness of Deaths Anguish and here it is turned to a pleasant Power for all taste in Herbs in Salt 17. Thus understand us further about the Root in the Earth when the inward Power of the Liberty in Mercury his Property which now is changed doth thus force it self forth
themselves externally 36 There are commonly four Colours as White Yellow Red and Green Now according to what colour the fruit as an Apple is most signed accordingly is the Taste also in the Salt as White with a clear thin skin somewhat inclining to dark giveth sweetness which is of Venus property if the sweet Taste be strong and powerful then Jupiter is potent therein but if it be weak and fulsom then the Moon is strong therein but if it be hard and of a brownish colour then Mars is strong therein but if the white colour be of a grayish Brown then Saturn is strong therein Venus maketh a White colour Mars Red and bitter in the Taste Mars maketh Venus her Colour Light Mercury giveth a mixt colour and openeth the green in Mars Jupiter inclineth to blue Saturn to black almost gray the Sun maketh the yellow colour and giveth the right sweetness in the Salt and casteth forth the pleasant smell which takes its rise from Sulphur Saturn maketh astringent sharp and sowre and each property represents it self externally as it is internally in the Dominion so also by the Form or Signature of the leaf or branches 37. Every root as it is in the Earth may be known by the signature to what it is good or profitable even such a Form also hath the Earth and it is discerned in the leaves and stalks which Planet is Lord in the Property much more in the flower for of what taste the Herb and Root is even such an Hunger is in it and such a cure lyeth therein for it hath such a salt The Physician must know what kinde of sickness is arisen in the Body and in what Salt the Loathing is Arisen in Mercury that so He may not administer a further Loathing and Nausea to his Patient for if he giveth him the Herb in whose Property Mercury hath before received a Loathing then he ministreth Poyson to him so that the poyson in the Loathing of the Body doth exceedingly inflame it self in Mercury unless that he burn that Herb to ashes and give it him then the poyson of the Loathing loseth its Might for these ashes are a Death to the poyson of the living Mercury 38. This we finde very effectually in the Magick this also the Physician must know that all Sicknesses do arise from the Lothing in the form of Nature As when one Form in the Life is Superior if then a contrary thing clean opposite to its Property be per-force introduced into it let it be either from the Stars or from the Elements or from the seven Forms of Life then it depriveth this superior or chiefest Form which is the Leader and Ruler of the Life of its strength and power in its Salt then the Mercury of this Superior Form beginneth effectually to work that is to hunger and loath and if he gets not his own peculiar Property understand the bodily Forms which is chief in the Body among the seven Properties or Forms then he enkindleth himself in his own Poyson-Source according to his vital Property and doth so forcibly strive so long till he becomes fiery and then he awaketh his own Mars and his own Saturn which Impress him and consume the flesh of the Body in the Poyson-fire and wholly consume the Oyl of Light even then the Life's Light goeth out and it is past recovery 39. But if the Form of Life wherein Mercury is inflamed in the Loathing in the Anguish and Poyson-Source may obtain that Property into its Hunger of which the Spirit and Body is chief then he obtaineth his own natural food of which he liveth and doth again rejoyce and putteth away the Nauseate and then the Nauseate dissipateth or dissolveth and is spewed out but the Physician must have a care whether or no that thing which he will minister to his Patient be in its Property strong also in the same Essence whence the Nauseate is arisen in the Body 40. As for example A jovial man receiveth a Nauseate for or Loathing from the Lunar property now if the Physician knew that he had so gotten his Nauseate and prepared him a jovial Cure according to the Hunger of his own Spirit or Mercury this now would be right but if the Moons property be strong in the Salt which he would administer for the Nauseate then he gives him a Nauseate but if the jovial Cure be free from the Moon then the jovial Mercury receiveth his own food with great Desire and quitteth the Nauseate And thus it is likewise with Diseases which arise in the Salniter viz. from fear or frighting thereto belongeth also such a Flagrat as the first was and then there is a present Cure or such an Herb wherein the Salniter lieth in such a property as it lieth in that man 41. I know and it is shewn me that the Sophister will cavil at me because I write that the divine Power is in the Fruit that Gods Power doth appropriate it self into the Generation of Nature But hear my dear Friend become seeing I ask thee How was Paradise in this World Was it also manifest in Nature Was it also in the Fruit Was it in the World or without the World Did Paradise stand in Gods Power or in the Elements Was the Power of God manifest in the World or hidden Or what is the Curse of the Earth and the putting of Adam and Eve out of Paradise Then tell me Doth not God dwell also in Time Is not God all in All It is written Am not I he who filleth all things Also Thine is the Kingdom the Power and Glory from Eternity unto Eternity 42. Here consider thy self and leave me uncensured I do not say that the Nature is God much less the fruit proceeding from the Earth but I say God giveth Power to every life be it good or bad unto each thing according to its Desire for he Himself is All and yet he is not called God according to every Being but according to the Light wherewith he dwelleth in Himself and shineth with his Power through all his Beings He giveth in his Power to all his Beings and Works and each thing receiveth his Power according to its Property one taketh Darkness the other Light each Hunger desireth its Property and yet the whole Essence or Being is all Gods be it Evil or Good for from him and through him are all things what is not of his Love that is of his Anger Paradise is yet in the World but man is not therein unless he be born again of God then as to that new Regeneration he is therein and not with the Adam of the four Elements O that we would but once learn to know our selves and even understand it by the created Essence or Being 43. Lo ● in Saturn there lieth Gold shut up in a very disesteemed and contemptible form and manner which indeed resembles no Metal and though it be cast into the fire
in the Light he was an Angel and thus also it is to be understood in Man 13. The fourth Property or Form is called Sol viz. the Light of Nature which hath its Original in the Liberty viz. in the Nothing but without Splendor and gives it self in with the Lubet into the Desire of the Impression of Saturn even unto the wrathful or fiery property of Mars and there the free Lubet which hath sharpened it self in the Impression in Mars his property in the consuming Anguish and in the Hardness of Saturn doth display or powerfully put it self forth in Jupiter as a sharpness of the Liberty and an Original of the Nothing and also of the Sence and the effluence from Mars his Heat and Anguish and from Saturns Hardness is the shining of the Light in Nature which giveth the Understanding in Saturn Jupiter and Mars viz. a Spirit which knoweth what it self is in its properties which hindereth or prevaileth against the Wrath and brings it out of the Anguish out of Mars his property into Jupiters viz. out of the Anguish into a Love-desire 14. In these four Forms the Spirits Birth doth consist viz. the true Spirit both in the inward and outward Being viz. the Spirit of Power in the Essence and the Essence or Corporality of this Spirit is Sulphur 15. Ye Rabbies and Masters that you could but understand how faithfully that is given and revealed unto you which your Predecestors have intended and aimed at wherein you have been a long time blind the cause whereof is your Pride This God the most high Understanding doth set before you by mean and heretofore ungrounded Instruments which he himself hath grounded if that you would yet once see and escape the Tormenting Source 16. The fist Form is Venus the beginning of all Corporality viz. of the Water which ariseth in the Desire of Jupiter and Mars viz. in the Love desire out of the Liberty and out of Nature viz. out of the Impressions Desire in Saturn in Mars in the Great Anguish to be freed from the Anguish and carrieth two Forms in the Desire of his Property viz. a fiery from Mars and a watry property from Jupiter understand an Heavenly and Earthly Desire the Heavenly ariseth from the Heavenly Impression of the Union or free Effluence of the Deity in Nature to its own manifestation and the Earthly ariseth from the Impression of the Darkness in Mars viz. in the wrathful Fires property therefore the Essence of this Desire consists in two things viz. in the Water from the Original of the Liberty and in Sulphur from the Original of Nature according to the Impression 17. The outward Similitude of the Heavenly Being is Water and Oyl understand according to the Sun it is Water and according to Jupiter it is Oyl and according to the hard Impression of Saturn after the Heavenly Being according to Mars it is Copper and according to Sol Gold and according to the earthly Impression according to the property of the Darkness it is in Sulphur Grit Gravel and Sand according to Mars his property a Cause of all Stones for all Stones are Sulphur from the powerful Predomination of Saturn and Mars in the property of Venus according to the dark Impression understand according to the earthly part 18. O ye dear Wisemen if you did but know what lieth in Venus you would not so sumptuously Adorn your Roofs The Potentate often loseth his life for the servants sake and he puts the Master upon his Roof therefore he is blind this his false Venus-desire doth cause in him that he formeth it in Saturn and Mars and brings it forth in Sol if he formed his Venus-desire in Jupiter then he might rule over the fiery Mars which lieth in Venus and hath put his Coat upon Venus in Sulphur 19. Thus Mars doth clothe all his Servants which love him and Saturn with his Garment that they only find the Copper of Venus and not its Gold in the Copper the spirit of the Seeker entereth into Sol viz. into Pride and supposeth that he hath Venus but he hath Saturn viz. Covetousness if he went forth in the Water viz. in the Resigned Humility of Venus the Stone of the Wisemen would be revealed unto him 20. The sixt Form is Mercury viz. the Life and Separation or the Form in the Love and in the Anguish In Saturn and Mars on the one part he is earthly according to the hard Impression where his Motion and Hunger is a pricking adverse and according to the fire a bitter pain and woe and according to the Water in the earthly Suphur viz. in the Mortification a Poyson-Source 21. And according to the other part according to the Lubet of the Liberty he is the pleasant property of Joy in Jupiter and Venus also of springing and growing and according to the Impression of the Heavenly Saturn and according to Mars in the Love-desire he is the Sound in the Spirit understand the Separator of the Sound viz. of the Tone also of all pronunciations of Speeches and all several Cryes and Notes all whatsoever soundeth is distinguished by his Might Venus and Saturn carry his Lute and he is the Lutanist he striketh upon Venus and Saturn and Mars giveth him the Sound from the Fire and thus Jupiter rejoyeeth in Sol. 22. Here lieth the Pearl dear Brethren Mercury maketh the Understanding in Jupiter for he severizeth the thoughts and makes them act and move He taketh the infiniteness of the thoughts into his Desire and maketh them essential this he doth in Sulphur and his Essence is the manifold Power of the Smell and Taste and Saturn giveth his sharpness thereinto so that it is Salt 23. But I understand here the vertual Salt in the Vegetable Life Saturn maketh the Common Salt in the Water He is an Heavenly and an earthly Labourer and laboureth in each Form according to the property of the Form as it is written with the holy thou art holy and with the perverse thou art perverse In the holy Angels the Heavenly Mercury is holy and divine and in the Devils he is the Poyson and Wrath of the Eternal Nature according to the dark Impressions property and so forth through all things as the property of each thing is so is its Mercury viz its Life in the Angels he is the Hymn of Gods Praise and in the Devils he is the Cursing and Awakening of the opposite Will of the bitter poysonful Enmity 24. Thus likewise it is to be understood in men and all Creatures in all whatsoever doth live and move for the outward Mercury is the outward Word in the outward World He is the outward Verbum and Saturn with the Impression is his Fiat which maketh his Word Corporeal and in the inward Kingdom of the divine Power he is the Eternal Word of the Father whereby he hath made all things in the outward Principle understand with the Instrument of the outward
the Expressed Word must have a Tincturation from the outward expressed Love and Light unless the will-Will-spirit of the Soul doth wholly re-enter into the inward hidden Man and be again transmuted and then the Cure may be again introduced into the outward Man being the through-shining Love of God in the Light which is exceeding precious 71. But now this Herb is rarely to be found upon the Earth for men do eat only of the forbidden Tree therefore the Poyson of the Serpent doth so spring up in them in the Wrath of the eternal and external Nature so that they must also have an external Cure for their Serpents Poyson in the outward Mercury 72. It is indeed Possible for a man to live without sickness but he must bring the divine Tincturation from the inward Man through the outward which is very difficult to do in the World for the outward Man liveth amongst the thorns of Gods Wrath which gall and sting him on every side and blow up the Wrath of God so that it burneth in the outward Man and then the Tincturation of Gods Love may not continue there it is indeed there but not in the outward enkindled Abominations but it dwelleth in it self like as the Light dwelleth in the Darkness and the Darkness comprehends it not also knoweth nothing thereof but when the Light is manifest in the Darkness then is the Night changed into Day 73. Thus it is likewise with Man of what Light Man liveth of that also cometh his Cure if he liveth in the outward World then the outward Goodness and Love viz. the outward Jupiter and Venus with the Sun must be his Cure or he remaineth in the Angry Mars and in the poysonful Mercury in the earthly Moon captived in the Impression of Saturn viz. in the earthly Sulphur which however is made manifest and awakened in the outward Man by Adam for whose sake the outward Man must dye putrifie and so enter again into the Nothing viz. into the End or as I might better say and signifie it into the beginning of the Creation into the Essence out of which it went and departed with Adam CHAP. X. Of the inward and outward Cure of Man 1. LEt the Lover of God understand us aright We do not go upon an Historical Heathenish Conjecture but only and alone upon the Light of the outward Nature both Suns shine unto us Understand us aright and see how God hath Cured Man when the Poyson of the Serpent and Devil held him imprisoned in Death and how he yet still cureth the poor Soul captivated in Gods Anger the like Process also must the Physician keep in curing the outward body 2. The divine Light and Love was extinguished in Adam because he Imagined into the Serpents property viz. into Evil and Good so that the Poyson of Death began effectually to work in Mercury and the Source of Anger was inflamed in the eternal Mars and the dark Impression of the eternal Natures property took possession of him his body became Earth in the dark Impression in the Poyson of the enkindled Mercury and was an enmity against God he was utterly undone and there was no remedy for him by any Creature neither in Heaven nor in this World the wrathful Death captivated him in Soul and Body 3. Now how did God do to Cure him and Tincture him again did he take a strange thing thereunto No! He took the Likeness and cured him with that what was corrupted in him viz. with the divine Mercury and with the divine Venus and with the divine Jupiter understand in Man was the Expressed Word which I call the Eternal Mercury in Man for it the true ruling acting Life it was inspired or in-spoken into Mans Image which God created out of his Essence into an Image according to God as into a Creatural Image which was the Soul with the Property of all the Three Worlds viz. with the World of Light and Understanding which is God and with the Fire World which is the Eternal Nature of the Father of all Beings and with the Light Love-World which is Heavenly Corporality for in the Love-desire is the Essence viz. the Corporality 4. The Desire of Love is Spirit and is the Heart of God viz. the right divine Understanding In the Love-Essence Mercury is Gods Word and in the fiery Nature he is the Wrath of God the Original of all Mobility and Enmity also of Strength and Omnipotence the fiery Property maketh the Light viz. the Liberty desirous so that the Nothing is a Desire and this Desire is the Love of God which Adam did extinguish in him for he Imagined after Evil and God that is after Earthliness the Earthliness came forth into a Being both out of the Wrath and out of the Love-Being and that through Gods Motion that the Wonders of the Abyss and Byss might be made manifest that Good and Evil might be made known and manifest and this Adam being the Image of God should not do for God had created him unto his Image He should have Tinctured the Fire-World and outward World with the Word of Love that so none of them should be manifest in him like as the day holdeth the night avalled in it self 5. But by false Imagination he hath awakened and manifested the dark and poysonful Mercurial Fire-World in him so that his bodily Essence of the dark Impression is fallen unto the evil Part in the poysonful Mercurial Property and the Soul is become manifest in the Eternal Nature in the Fathers Fire-property viz. in the poysonful hateful Mercury according to which God calleth himself an angry zealous God and a consuming fire 6. Now to help and restore this again viz. the Image of God God must take the right Cure and even the same which Man was in his innocency But how did he effect it Behold O Man behold and see open thy Understanding thou art called 7. He introduced the holy Mercury in the Love-flame viz. in the fiery Love with the Desire of the divine Essentiality or after the divine Essentiality which Desire maketh divine Corporality in it self again into the Expressed Word viz. into the Mercurial Fire-Soul understand into the Souls Essence in the Womb of Mary and became again that same Image of God He Tinctured the Poyson viz. the Wrath of the Father of all Essences with the Love-fire He took only even that same Mercury which he had breathed into Adam for an Image and formed into a Creature He took only that same property yet not in the Fires property but in the burning Love He did with the Love introduce again the Light of the Eternal Sun into the humane property that he might Tincture the Wrath of the enkindled Mercury in the humane property and inflame it with Love that the humane Jupiter viz. the divine Understanding might again appear and be manifest 8. Ye Physicians if ye here understand nothing then ye are captivated in the Poyson of
its refreshment in Love then all the seven Forms do manifest themselves in this Property as came to pass in the Process of Christ in his Miracles but as yet they are not perfect in the operation of their Properties manifestation 19. The Universal is not yet there until all seven do give their Will into One and forsake their property in the Wrath and depart from it with their Will and take into them the Loves-property they must take in the Will of the Nothing that their will be a Nothing and then it can subsist in the Wrath of the Fire and there is no further Turba therein for so long as the Desire of the Wrath is in the Form it is adverse and opposite unto the second Form and enflameth the second Form with its wrathful property that is it striketh the Signature of the second and awakeneth it in the Wrath and then the voyce or sound of the second enkindleth the first Forms property in Mercury and so no Form can attain unto any perfection that it might enter into Love 20. Therefore the Artist can effect nothing unless he gives a Meat unto the Forms which they all do desire and love to eat wherein there is no Turba now the Properties cannot eat being their mouth is frozen up in the Impression of Saturn the Artist must first open their mouth and make them alive in their Zeal that all the Forms may be hungry and then if there be Manna they do all eat together thereof and so the precious grain of mustard-seed is sown 21. Now when Mercury doth thus awake from the Death of the Impression of Saturn and gets Manna into the mouth of his property of the poysonful Deaths-Source then ariseth the Flagrat of the Kingdom of Joy for it is as a Light which is enkindled in the Darkness for the Joy or Love springeth up in the midst of the Anger Now if Mercury apprehends the glimpse or aspect of the Love in Mars then the Love dismayeth the Wrath and it is as a Transmutation but it is not fixt and stedfast and as soon as this cometh to pass the Angelical Properties do appear in view and ken The Process in the Temptation 22. Jesus was led by the Spirit into the Wilderness and the Devil came unto him and tempted him When the Soul of Christ did hunger the Devil said unto Jesus Open the Centre in the Stones that is the Impressed Mercury and make thee Bread eat the Substance of the Souls property what wilt thou eat of nothing viz. of the speaking Word Eat of the expressed Word viz. of the property of Good and Evil and then thou art Lord in both this also was Adams bit wherein he did eat Death Then said Christ Jesus Man liveth not by bread alone but by every word which proceedeth from the mouth of God 23. Mark Whence had the Person of Christ the Will that he would not eat with the Souls Hunger of the Bread which could have been made of stones which he could well have performed Or how had it been if the Hunger of the humane Property had after the Unction of Baptism here eaten in the Temptation of the Mercury in the Impression of Death viz. of the Sulphur of the expressed Word in which was the Anger and from whence the Love was fled as it is so in the earthly Property 24. Observe The Will and Desire to eat of the Speaking Word came into the Souls property from the Motion of the Deity when as the same had moved it self in the Soulick Essence shut up in Death in Mary his Mother in her Essence or Seed and introduced the Aspect of the Eye of God in the Love into the dead Souls Essence and had manifested the Love in Death then one Divine Property desired the other and the Desire of the bodily Hunger to eat of Gods Bread or Essence came from the Baptism When the Water of the Body which in the Impression of the Substance was enclosed in Death did taste the Water of eternal Life in the holy Spirit viz. the holy Spirits Corporality or Essentiality in the Baptism then the Incentive of the divine Hunger of the Ardent Desire after Gods Essence did arise in the flesh as a divine Hunger a glimmering or shining Incentive of Divine Property 25. Now the Man Christ must hereupon be tempted in Body and Soul of which he would eat on one part the Expressed Word of Love and Anger was represented before Body and Soul in which the Devil would be Lord and Master and rule therein omnipotently and on the other part the Speaking Word in the Love property was only represented to the Soul and Body 26. Here now began the Combate which Adam should have undergone in Paradise for on one side Gods Love-desire which had manifested it self in the Soul did eagerly attempt the Soulick and bodily property and introduced its Desire into the Souls property that the Soul should eat thereof and give the Body Manna thereof and on the other side the Devil in Gods wrathful property did assault in the Souls property and brought his Imagination into the property of the first Principle viz. into the Centre of the dark World which is the Souls Fire-life 27. Here was the Contest about the Image of God whether it would live in Gods Love or Anger in the Fire or Light for the property of the Soul as to its Fire-life was the Fathers according to the Fire-world and being the Soul in Adam had quenched the Light-world the Light-world was again incorporated with the Name Jesus which came to pass in the Conception of Mary 28. Now it was here tryed in the Temptation of which property man would live whether of the Fathers in the Fire or of the Sons in the Light of Love Here the whole property of Christs Person was Tempted The Devil said as he had also said unto Adam Eat of the Evil and Good Hast thou not Bread then make Bread of Stones why dost thou Hunger so long in thy own Property Then said the Divine Desire Man liveth not of Bread alone but of Every Word of God 29. Thus the property of the fiery Soul resigned it self with its Desire into the Love viz. into the Speaking Words property and the fiery Desire did eat Manna in the Love-desire O ye Philosophers observe it well when this was done the Love transmuted the fiery property into its Love-property here the Father gave the Fire-Soul unto the Son understand the fiery property of the Expressed Mercury to the Speaking Mercury in the Light for Christ also said so afterwards Father the men were thine and thou hast given them me and I give unto them Eternal Life 30. Here Gods Love gave the Eternal Love-Life to the Corrupted Humanity the Love did wholly give it self in unto the Fire-wrath and transmuted the Wrath of the Soul into a Triumphant joyful Love but if the Souls and Bodies property had obeyed the Devil in Gods
do dye in the blood of Venus in the Philosophick work and do both enter together into Death and arise both together in one Love in one Will. 26. Therefore let the Artist observe the Tincture it is more noble and precious for mans use in this valley of misery then the body which ariseth in the Tincture for the Spirit is the life the body is only a Figure of the Life and the blood is a mansion of the Spirit 27. The Artist must well observe this in the blood of the young man when his Pearl giveth it self to the three Murtherers that it also sheddeth its blood in and with the young mans then the Champion standeth in Hell and disclaimeth the Humane Self-hood then the white Lyon appeareth upon his Crimson-coloured Beast even there lyeth the Cure of sickness and the death of death 28. The body is dissolved in the blood of Love in the Death out of the Earthly into an Heavenly property The Tincture gives it self into the new body and afterwards when the body ariseth in Sols splendor it doth also forsake its will it resigneth it self wholly into the bodies essence and becomes its beauty splendor and colour which the Artist can never separate for they are together in the fifth Essence viz. in the mystery of the Verbum Fiat and do belong to Gods motion of the final day of Separation in this time unto his own manifestation unto his honour and deeds of wonder but after this time to the crystalline world in the glassie Sea before the ancient in the Apocalyps A brief Summary of the Philosophick WORK 29. Our meaning might seem very difficult unto the Reader in that we go so far about and shew Christ all along therein at which let no man wonder we do not seek gold or any Temporal goods thereby and drive man into vain curiosities we speak only with the Children whom God hath chosen thereunto for the Time is born where that which is lost shall be again found yea not only the Universal for the body of this World but also for the Soul 30. The Process is very short in both and it is only of one property which is thus the Tree understand the Life is divided into seven Forms now the curse of God is come into the seven Forms so that they are in strife and enmity and one Form doth annoy the other and can never agree unless they all seven enter into Death and dye unto the Self-will Now this cannot be except a Death comes into them which breaks all their will and be a death unto them as the Deity in Christ was a death to the Humane Self-hood and the seven Forms in the Humane Life thus is it here also the Humane Will was changed in Christ into the Eternal Sun viz. into the Resignation in God even so must all the Forms in the Philosophick Work be changed into one viz. into Sol Seven must become one and yet remain in Seven but in one desire where each Form desireth the other in love and then there is no more any strife and contest 31. Therefore let the Artist but consider how he may give death to the death with the pure life and how he may awaken the dead and disappeared life which is Heavenly and lyeth hidden and captivated in the Curse so that it may again receive the Fire-soul and if he doth but bring it so far it worketh of it self 32. When the Virgin doth again receive her Bridegroom who hath been faithless then he is prepared and fitted to the work otherwise he is no way at all fitted but all is in vain and to no purpose which he attempteth there is not any possibility for the Heavenly Image according to Gods likeness in man to be otherwise helped and restored after that the Fire-soul had entred into its self-hood unless the Spirit of God did introduce it self into the disappeared Image viz. into the Heavenly Essentiality and give it self in with the same Image awakened in it into the Souls Fire viz. into the wrath of Death and be a death to Death viz. to the wrathful anger of God that it might be drowned in the Love in the blood of the Heavenly Essentiality and although there could be no parting nor dying yet there was a dying of the Wrath so that the Wrath was changed into a joy and Love 33. Even thus the Artists Work is exactly and throughout no otherwise For Man was created out of all Beings out of the Heaven and Earth but when he became wholly earthly and the Curse seized on him the Curse also came over the earthly Being whence Man was made Thus the Heaven was shut up from man and the Heaven also was shut up in the Earth in Metals Trees and Hearbs in the food of Man and whatsoever belonged to his Ornament and Delight 34. The soul of the Earth viz. the property of the Fire of the first Principle is entered into its self-hood viz. into Gods anger now the Heaven is hidden in it therefore the Artist must in his Work reduce the Soul in the Curse and the Heaven again into One He must introduce the Soul again into Heaven or else there is no possibility now he cannot bring the Soul in its iniquity into Heaven for it will not and therefore he must bring the Heaven into the Soul and wholly give in the Heaven to the Soul that the Soul may eat of Heaven will she or nill she the Heaven must be as Death in the Soul so that the Soul cannot get rid of it how angry soever she be and vehemently rage against it until she be overcome in her wrath and entereth with the Desire into Heaven viz. into the disappeared Essence and willeth to murther it as the Jews Christ and if she so entreth into the Heavenly Essence then the Image of the Heavenly Essence falleth into the jaws of the Murtherer 35. Thus when the Heavenly Essence giveth its desire unto the Murtherer the Murther is dismayed at the Dear Love-life and ariseth in the Flagrat in the dismayment in the Heavenly Essentiality thus the disappeared Essence doth again receive the Fire Flagrat into it self and wholly uniteth it self with the Fire-life and so the Fire must burn in the Love and Meekness and forego its right in the Centre as the Light which shineth from the Fire thus and no otherwise the Heavenly Essence obtaineth its life and as a Fire doth through-heat an iron that it appeareth as if it were meer Fire and it is so but the iron doth still retain its substance even so the disappeared Essence viz. the Heaven is manifest in the poysonful Mercurial and Martial Fire-soul and maketh of Seven Wills only one and yet Seven remain but the Enmity ceaseth 36. This is a Universal which also changeth the Enmity or Malignity of all Diseases in the Humane body into one Will into unity So that the raging and raving viz. the seven
four Elements viz. into the Centre of Darkness in the Creation whence Heat and Cold ariseth 24. His Desire in the beginning was bent inclined into the Liberty of God viz. into the Element where he was Resigned in God and then Gods Love-will ruled him with the free Lubets property but he departed out of the free Lubet of God out of the Resignation into a Self-ful Will which he forged in the Centre to Nature whence the Pain and Torture doth arise viz. Heat and Cold so also astringency sowre bitterness and all the Properties of the dark Impression 25. Even there he fell into the Eternal Death viz. into the dying Source in which the Mercurial Life in the Sulphur ruleth in the Poyson where one Form in the Mercurial Sphere doth envy hate annoy and destroy the other where there is meer Anguish Aking Tormenting and Enmity for the free Lubet was quenched in him wherein the holy Element viz. the divine Body doth consist and there arose in the same pure Element the four Elements of the outward Source even there the Image of God was cursed which is nothing else but that Gods Love-will which ruled in the Image of his likeness did withdraw from man and so man fell into the Dominion of Nature and being the four Elements have a temporal beginning and end and must again enter into the End therefore also the humane Body which is now become wholly earthly in the four Elements must fall again into the four Elements and be destroyed therein and therefore now we are to consider of his Cure and Restoration how he may again be delivered from Death and he again introduced with the Body into the Pure Element and with the Spirit into the Dominion of Gods Will. 26. Now there is no other remedy save that he with the Spirit which ariseth in the Chaos and was inspired by Gods Will-spirit into the created Image doth again depart out of his self-hood viz. out of his natural Will and resign himself up fully and freely into the first Will which in the beginning formed him into an Image He must wholly dye to his self-hood in himself in the Death of the dark Impression so far as he liveth therein to his own will in the self-desire of the outward life of the four Elements and cast himself with total Resignation into Gods Will viz into Gods Mercy that he may no longer live and will to himself but unto God viz. to the first Will of God which created him in its Image whereby God did manifest himself in an Image and so he is with the first Astrum viz with the Chaos of the Soul again in the same comprehension wherein God created him unto his Image 27 But seeing the Self-hood viz. the self-ful Will doth strive against this and will in no wise dye to its Self-hood understand by Self-hood the Will of the outward World which is from the outward Stars and four Elements therefore Gods food must be given to the inward Will of the Spirit to eat of that it may live without need and Hunger as to the outward Being that it may continually mortifie and break the Will of the earthly Self-hood until the Earthliness viz. the earthly Body doth freely unloose or dissolve it self in Death and also enter again into the Mother whence it was created and forsake its self-hood that the pure Body of the Element in which the true Life in Gods will-Will-spirit doth again enkindle the Soul in the Resigned Will and the disappeared Body from the Pure Element may become a mansion of the Soul viz. a Paradisical Budding or bloomy Renovation in the Eternal Spring-time of Paradise 28. And that the own Will of the Soul might be able to do this viz. that it might break it self off from its self-hood and willingly enter into the Death of its self-hood and become a Nothing in its self-hood the free Will of God viz. the Eternal Lubet to the Chaos of the Soul which is the Eternal Mercury in the Power of the Majesty is again entered into the disappeared Image of God proceeded from the Pure Element viz. into the Virgin-like life and draweth the Will of the Soul to it self and giveth it again cut of Love and Grace the Heavenly Corporality of the pure Element for Food and the Water in that Element in the Tincture of the Fire and Light viz. of the Eternal Life for Drink and hath encorporated it self in the Humanity and freely tendereth it self to all Souls with full desire that Soul which dyeth to its self hood and bringeth its Hunger again into Gods Mercy may enjoy this food whereby it doth again become the first Creature in Gods Love 29. Now we are to Consider how the poor Soul captivated in Gods Anger being devoyd of the heavenly food doth live in meer anguish and distress and restless pain as the outward earthly body in its properties doth live in its Hunger in meer anguish distress and oppressing pain unless that the Soul with the Pure Element doth so over-power and keep it under that it doth not fully domineer in its own Dominion of the outward Astrum and four Elements in the poysonful Mercurial Wheel according to the dark Impression by reason of the Influence of the Element if that the Universal doth withstand it then it may stand in quiet rest but yet no longer then the inward doth Penetrate the outward body and Tincture it There is in the four Elements no perfection till the body is changed again into the Pure Element therefore it must enter again into that whence the four Elements do arise 30. Now in this time of the four Elements there is meer pain and Vexation the Soul amuseth it self on the outward Astrum which doth force into it whence its false Imagination doth arise and the body doth stir up the poysonful Mercurial Wheel whence sickness and pains befall it therefore the Soul must be cured with the Inward Perfection viz. by the Speaking Word wherein it standeth in Gods Hand which alone is able to Tincture the Soul and bring it into rest the outward Body must be tinctured and healed with the expressed Mercury and of the outward Mercury doth also stand in the Curse as a Poyson-wheel then he must be tinctured with his own light in his Mother in the Body or Womb of Sulphur Mercury his own Will and Hunger must be broken that the envious odious Hunger may become a Love-desire 31. And now to kn●w how this may be brought to pass we must consider the generation in Sulphur whence Joy and Sorrow doth arise for the poysonfu● Mercury may not otherwise be resisted and also nothing can resist it save its own Mother which brings it forth in whose Womb it is couched as nothing can resist the cold but the heat only and yet the heat is the colds Son even so also the poysonful Mercury must be resisted with its own child which he himself doth generate in
is made according to their property viz. according to the astringent dark desire viz. according to the first Original there is an earthy Essence out of which in the beginning of the great motion the Earth was made and according to the bitter raging Spirit there is the Instigation in the Essence viz. a poyson and it doth also imprint or impress it self in the Essence whence the Earthliness is so wholly loathsom and bitter and the third form viz. the anguish giveth a fiery property thereinto and yet here there cannot be as yet any essence but it is only a Spiritual Essence and the Mother to the Essence 23. The fourth Form in this Essence is the Fire which as to one part doth take its Original out of the dark hard Impression viz. from the hardness and from the raging Sting in the Anguish which is the cold black Fire and the pain of the great Anguish as to the other part it taketh its Original in the Wills spirit to Nature which goeth again out of this hard dark coldness into it self viz. into the liberty without the Nature of the Austere motion and enkindleth the Liberty viz. the Eternal Lubet to the desire of Nature with its sharpness which it hath conceived in the Impression whereby it is a moving and stirring Lustre for the Liberty is neither dark nor light but by reason of the motion it is light for its Lubet bringeth it self into the desire to light that it may be manifest in the Light and Lustre and yet it cannot be otherwise brought to pass but through darkness so that the Light might be made known and manifest and the eternal Mind might find and manifest it self for a Will is only one thing and Essence but through the multiplicity its Form is made manifest that it is infinite and a meer Wonder of which we speak with a Babes-tongue being only as a little spark out of these great infinite Wonders 24. Now understand us thus the Liberty is and standeth in the Darkness and inclining to the dark Desire after the Desire of the Light it attaineth with the Eternal Will the Darkness and the Darkness reacheth after the Light of the Liberty and cannot attain it for it encloseth it self with the Desire in it self and maketh it self darkness in it self and out of both these viz. out of the dark Impression and out of the Desire of the Light or Liberty towards the Impression there is a twinkling or darting Flash in the Impression viz. the Original of the Fire for the Liberty shineth in the Impression but the Impression in the Anguish comprehends it into it self and so it is now as a Flash but being the Liberty is incomprehensible and as a Nothing and moreover without and before the Impression and Abyssal therefore the Impression cannot conceive or hold it but it giveth it self into the Liberty and the Liberty devoureth its dark Property and Essence and ●uleth with the Assumed Mobility in the Darkness unapprehensive to the Darkness 25. Thus understand us aright There is in the Fire a Devoration the Sharpness of the Fire is from the austere Impression of the Coldness and Bitterness from the Anguish and the Devoration is from the Liberty which maketh out of the Something again a Nothing according to its property 26. And understand us very exactly and well The Liberty will not be a Nothing for therefore the Lubet of the Liberty doth introduce it self into Nature and Essence that it might be manifest in Power Wonder and Being it likewise aslumeth unto it self through the Sharpness in the cold and dark Impression the Properties that it might manifest the Power of the Liberty for it Consumeth the dark Essence in the Fire and proceedeth forth out of the Fire out of the Anguish of the Impression with the spiritual Properties in the Light as ye see that the outward Light doth so shine forth out of the Fire and hath not the Source and pain of the Fire in it but only the Property the Light doth manifest the Properties of the Darkness and that only in it self the Darkness remaineth in it self dark and the Light continueth in it self light 27. The Liberty which is called God is the Cause of the Light and the Impression of the Desire is the Cause of the Darkness and painful Source Now Herein understand two Eternal Beginnings viz. two Principles one in the Liberty in the Light the other in the Impression in the Pain and Source of the Darkness each dwelling in it self 28. And understand us further concerning their opening Essence and Will how Nature is introduced into seven Properties for we speak not of a Beginning for there is none in Eternity but thus the Eternal Generation is from Eternity unto Eternity in it self and this same Eternal Generation hath according to the Property of Eternity through its own Desire and Motion introduced it self with this visible World as with a likeness of the Eternal Spirit into such a Creatural Being which is a Type or Platform of the Eternal Being into a Time of which we will afterward speak and shew what the Creature is as namely a Similitude of the Operation of Eternity and how it hath also this same working Temporally in it self 29. Now concerning the Fire understand us thus The fire is the principle of every Life to the Darkness it giveth Essence and Source else there would be no Sensibility in the Darkness also no Spirit but meer Hardness a hard sharp bitter galling Sting as 't is really so in the Eternal Darkness but so far as the hot fire may be obtained the dark Compunctive Property stands in the Aspiring covetous Greediness like to an horrible Madness that it may be known what wisdom and folly is 30. Now the Fire giveth also Desire Source and Properties to the Light viz. to the Liberty yet know this the Liberty viz. the Nothing hath no Essence in it self but the Impression of the austere Desire maketh the first Essence which the will-Will-spirit of the Liberty which hath manifested it self through the Nature of the Desire receiveth into it self and brings it forth through the Fire where the Grossness viz. the Rawness doth then dye in the Fire 31. Understand it thus when the flash of Fire reacheth the dark Essentiality then it becomes a great Flagrat whereby the cold Fire is dismayed and doth as it were dye falleth into a Swound and sinketh down and this Flagrat is effected in the Enkindling of the Fire in the Essence of the Anguish which hath two Properties in it viz. the one goeth downwards into the Deaths property being a mortification of the cold Fire whence the Water ariseth and according to the Grossness the Earth is arisen and the other part ascendeth in the Will of the Liberty in the Lubet as a Flagrat of Joyfulness and this same Essence is also mortified in the Flagrat in the Fire understand the cold Ei●es
is lodged in a false house It is indeed in it self in Gods hand but without it self it is in the Jaws and Throat of the Abyss of Gods Anger in the Kingdom of Devils which continually pass up and down with it and desire to try and tempt the Soul viz. the Centre 18. In like manner also the good Angels do stand by him in the Resigned Will viz. in the Divine Desire and defend him from the poysonful Imagination of the Devil they keep off the fiery Darts of the wicked one as Saint Peter saith 19. For all doth work desire in man Gods Love and Anger He standeth while he is in this Tabernacle in the Gare either to go out or in both Eternal Principles are stirring in him unto which the Souls Will doth give it self of that it is received and thereto it is chosen he is drawn of both and if the Will of the Soul remaineth in Self-hood then he is in the band of Gods Anger 20. But if he departeth out of his Self-hood and forsaketh his own Domination and continually cas●● himself only into Gods mercy viz. into the Suffering and Death of Christ and into his Resurrection and Restoration and wills nothing of himself but what God wills in him and by him then the Will is dead to the Life and desire of Gods anger for it hath no Own life but lyeth in the death of Self-hood and the desire of the Devil and the Anger of God cannot reach him for he is as a Nothing and yet is in God and liveth in the Divine Essence wholly but not to himself but to his first Mother of Eternity he is again in the limit or place where he was before he was a creature and in the Will wherein God created him and is an Instrument in the Voyce of God upon which only the Will-spirit of God doth strike to its honour and deeds of Wonder 21. All self-ful seeking and searching in Self hood is a vain thing Self-will apprehendeth nothing of God for it is not in God but without God in its Self-hood but the Resigned Will apprehends it for it doth not do it but the Spirit in whom it standeth still whose instrument it is he manifesteth himself in the Divine Voyce in it so much as he pleaseth and albeit it may apprehend much in Self-hood by Searching and Learning which is not wholly to no purpose yet its apprehension is only without in the Expressed Word viz. in a form of the letter and it understands nothing of the form of the Expressed Word how the same is in its ground for it is only born in the form from without and not in the power of the Universal Pregnatress whose ground hath neither Beginning Comprehension or End 22. Now he that is born from within out of the speaking voice of God in Gods Will-spirit he goeth in the Byss and Abyss every where free and is bound to no Form for he goeth not in Self-hood but the Eternal Will guideth him as its Instrument according as it pleaseth God but he that is born only in the Letter he is born in the form of the Expressed Word and goeth on in Self-hood and is a self-ful voyce for he seeketh what he pleaseth and contendeth about the form and leaveth the Spirit which hath made the form 23. Such a Doctor Babel is it contendeth wrangleth and rageth about the form of the Word and continually introduceth the self-ful Spirit and understanding in the form and cryeth out here is the Church of Christ and it is only a self-ful voyce understanding nothing of the Spirit of the form which is incomprehensible and striketh upon its prepared Instrument without limit and measure as it pleaseth For Conjecture Opinion or the self-ful own Imagination which ariseth in the Expressed voyce or literal outward Word is not Gods Word but that which ariseth in Gods Spirit in the wholly resigned Will in Divine Power in the Eternal Speaking Word that taketh its Original out of Gods voyce and maketh the form in the heart viz. a Divine Desire whereby the Souls Will is drawn into God 24. He is a Shepheard and Teacher of Christ who entreth in through the door of Christ that is who speaketh and teacheth by Christs Spirit without this there is only the form viz. the History that was once brought to pass and that a man need only accept of it and comfort himself therewith but this Will remaineth without for it will be a child of an assumed applyed grace and not wholly dye to its Self-hood in the grace and become a child of grace in the Resigned Will. 25. All whatsoever teacheth of Christs satisfaction and comfortung ones self with Christs Suffering if it teacheth not also the true ground how a man must wholly dye to Self-hood in the death and give himself up in the Resigned Will wholly into the obedience of God as a new child of a new Will the same is without and not in the Speaking voyce of God viz. in Christs door 26. No flattering or comforting availeth any thing but to dye to the false Will and Desire in Christs death and to arise in the wholly Resigned Will in Christs Resurrection in him and continually mortifie the earthly self-hood and quench the Evil which Earthly Will introduceth into the Imagination as an evil fire which would fain continually burn 27. Comforting and setting the Suffering of Christ in the fore front is not the true Faith no no it is only without and not within but a Converted Will which entreth into Sorrow for its Earthly iniquity and will none of it any more and yet findeth that it is kept back by the self-ful earthly Lust and with his converted Will departs sincerely out of this Abomination and false Desire into Gods mercy and casts himself with great anxious earnest Desire into Christs Obedience Suffering and Death and in the Converted Will wholly dye unto the earthly Lust in Christs Death which will not depart out of Christs death and continually cryeth Abba Loving Father take thee thy dear Sons obedience for me let me only in his death live in his obedience in thee Let me dye in him that I may be Nothing in my Self but live and be in his Will in his Humanity in thee receive me but wholly in his Resurrection and not me in my unworthiness but Receive me in him Let me be dead in him and give me his Life that I may be thy obedient Son in him that his Suffering and Death may be mine that I may be before the same Christ in him who hath deprived Death of its Might viz. a Branch or Twig of his Life 28. Thus and no otherwise is the true Christian Faith it is not only a Comforting but an uncessant Desire the Desire obtaineth the suffering of Christ which Desire would continually fain to be obedient if it knew but how it should behave it self before him which continually doth fall down before him and diveth it self
into the deepest Humility before him it suffereth and doth all things readily only that it might but receive grace it is willing to take the Cross of Christ upon it self and regardeth not at all the scorn of all the World in its Self-hood but continually presseth forward into Christs Love-desire this Desire doth only grow out of Christs Death and out of his Resurrection in God and bringeth forth fruit in Patience which are hidden in God of which the earthly man knoweth nothing for it findeth it self in its Self-hood 29. A true Christian is a continual Champion and walketh wholly in the Will and Desire in Christs Person as he hath walked up and down upon the Earth Christ when he was upon the Earth desired to overcome Death and bring the humane Self-hood in true Resignation into Divine Obedience and this likewise a Right Christian desireth to do he desireth continually to dye to the Iniquity of Death and Wrath and give himself up to Obedience and to arise and live in Christs Obedience in God 30. Therefore dear Brethren take heed of putting on Christs Purple mantle without a Resigned Will the poor Sinner without Sorrow for his Sins and Conversion of his Will doth only take it in scorn to Christ Keep you from that Doctrine which teacheth of self-ful Abilities and of the works of Justification 31. A true Christian is himself the great and anxious Work which continually desireth to work in Gods Will and forceth against the self-ful Lusts of Self-hood and willeth continually so to do and yet is many times hindered by Self-hood He breaketh Self-hood as a Vessel wherein he lieth captive and buddeth forth continually in Gods Will-spirit with his Desire Resigned in God as a fair blossom springeth out of the Earth and worketh in and with God what God pleaseth 32. Therefore let the true Christendom know and deeply lay to heart what is now told and spoken to her viz. that she depart from the false Conjecture or Opinion of comforting without conversion of the Will it is only an outward expressed form of the New birth a Christian must be one spirit with Christ and have Christs Will and Life in him the form doth not renew him neither comforting or giving good words doth at all help or avail but a mortifying of the evil imbred Will which is Gods child and born out of Christs death no other Will attaineth Christs Inheritance my much knowing doth not also do it the Heardsmen in the Field is as near to me as the Doctor no wit or subtle art in Disputation about the way of God doth help or avail any thing thereto it is only a let and hinderance the true Will entreth into the Love of God and his Children it seeketh no form but falleth down before its Creator and desireth the death of its false Self-hood it seeketh the work of Love towards all men it will not flourish in the Worlds scorn but in its God its whole life is a meer repentance and a continual sorrow for the evil which cleaveth unto it It seeketh no glory or applause to shew it self but liveth in humility it acknowledgeth it self always as unworthy and simple its true Christianity is always hidden to it in its self-hood He saith I am in myself-hood an unprofitable Servant and have not as yet begun to do or work repentance aright He is always in the beginning to work repentance and would always fain reach the gates of the sweet grace he labourech thereto as a Woman in Travel laboureth to bring forth and knows not how it fareth with him the Lord hideth his face from him that his working may be great towards him He soweth in anguish and tears and knoweth not his fruit for it is hidden in God as a painful Traveller goeth a long way ayming at his wished for journeys end so also he runneth after the far mark of his rest and findeth it not unless his Pearl doth appear unto him in its beauty and embraceth him in its Love If it again departeth from his Self-hood then ariseth sighing and sorrowing again with continual Desire and one day calleth another the day the night and the night the morning and yet there is no place of Rest in the Earthly Self-hood save only in the fair Solar lustre of his precious Pearl when the Sun ariseth to him in the Darkness then the Night departeth and all Sorrow and Anguish fly away 33. Therefore dear Brethren learn to take heed and beware of Contention where men contend about the literal Form A true Christian hath nothing to contend for for he dyeth to his Reasons desire he desireth only Gods knowledg in his Love and Grace and letteth all go which contendeth and striveth about the Form for Christs Spirit must make the Form in Himself the outward Form is only a guide God must become Man or else Man becomes not God 34. Therefore a Christian is the most Simple or plainest man upon the Earth as Esaias saith who is so simple as my Servant All Heathens desire Self-hood and do teer and devour one another for the Authority and Honours but a true Christian desireth to dye to them he seeketh not his own but Christs honour All whatsoever contends about Self-hood viz. about the self ful honour and pleasure of this Life the same is Heathenish and far worse then Heathenish yea like the Devil who departed from God into a Self-fulness Let it cover it self with Christs mantle as much as ever it will yet the man of false Self-hood is lodged under it if he will be a Christian then he must quite dye to Self-hood that the same may only hang unto him from without as a Garment of this World wherein he is a Stranger and Pilgrim and always consider and think that he is but a servant in his high Office and serveth God therein as a Servant and not be his own Lord and Master 35. All whatsoever doth Lord it self without Gods call and appointment the same is from the Devil and serveth the Devil in his own Power and Form defend and flatter thy self as much as thou wilt it doth not avail before God thy own heart accuseth thee that thou art a false branch thy Nobility and Highness doth not at all avail or help thee in the Sight of God If thou dost not thereby drive Gods Order thy Office is not thine but Gods If thou walkest falsly therein then thy own judgment is upon thee and condemneth thee to death thou art a Servant and although thou beest a King yet thou servest and must enter with the poorest into the new birth or else thou shalt not see God 36. All self-ful assumed or arrogated Laws and Authority wherewith the poor are vexed and oppressed do all come from Self-hood whose Original is in the expressed form which hath with the Form introduced it self into a Self-hood and extroduced it self quite from God Whatsoever doth not serve in a Servants Office before
his Creation in Highest joyfulness but he departed from the Likeness and put himself forth out of the Accord or Heavenly Consort into the cold dark fiery Generation out of which the hot fiery Generation ariseth He forsook his Order and went out of the Harmony wherein God created 〈◊〉 He would be Lord over all and so he entered into the Austere 〈◊〉 Domination and is now an Instrument in the austere Fires Might upon which also the all essential Spirit striketh and soundeth upon his Instrument but it soundeth only according to the wrathful Fires property As the Harmony viz. the Lifes-form is in each thing even is also the Sound or Tone of the eternal Voyce therein in the holy it is holy in the perverse perverse All things must praise the Creator of all Beings the Devils praise him in the m●ght of Wrath and the Angels and Men praise him in the might of Love 8. The Being of all Beings is but one only Being but in its Generation it Severs it self into two Principles viz. into Light and Darkness into Ioy and Sorrow into Evil and Good into Love and Anger into Fire and Light and out of these two eternal Beginnings or Principles into the third Beginning viz. into the Creation to its own 〈◊〉 play and Melody according to the Property of both eternal Desires 9. Thus each thing goeth in its Harmony and is guided or driven by one only Spirit which is in each thing according to the property of the thing and this the Clock or Watch-work of the Great Mystery of Eternity in each Principle according to the property of the Principle and then according to the innate Form of the Composed Instrument of the same Creatures even in all these Beginnings or Principles 10. Death is the Bound-mark of all whatsoever is Temporal whereby the Evil may be destroyed but that which ariseth out of the Eternal Beginnings and in its Harmony and Lifes-form entereth into another Figure that departeth out of Gods Harmony out of the True Order wherein God created it and is cast out of the same Harmony into its Likeness as a dissonant discording Melody or Sound in the great Excellent well-tuned Harmony for it is an opposite contrary thing and beareth another Tone Sound and Will and so it is introduced into its Likeness and therefore Hell is given to the Devil for his House Habitation because he introduced his Lifes form into the Anger of God and into the fiery wrath of the Eternal Nature so that now he is the Instrument in the Eternal Fire of God and the Angerspirit doth strike his Instrument and yet it must stand to the Honour and Admiration of God and be the Sport and Play in the Desire and Property of the wrathful Anger 11. The Anger and Wrath of God is now his joy not as if he feared sorrowed and lived in impotency no but in great Strength and fiery Might as a potent King and Lord yet only in the same property which he himself is viz. in the first Principle in the dark World 12. The like also we are to know concerning the Angelical World viz. the second Principle where Gods Light and glorious Beauty shineth in every Being or thing and the Divine voyce or sound ariseth up in all Creatures in great joyfulness where the Spirit proceeding from the Divine Voyce maketh a joyfulness and an uncessant continual Love-desire in those creatures and in all the Divine Angelical Beings as there is an Anguish-source and Trembling in the painful Fire so in like manner there is a Trembling joyfulness in the Light and Love-fire viz. a great Elevation of the Voyce of God which doth make in the Angels and in the like Creatures as the Souls of men a great manifestation of the Divine joyfulness 13. The Voyce or breath of God doth continually and Eternally bring forth its joy through the Creature as through an Instrument the Creature is the manifestation of the voyce of God What God is in the Eternal Generation of his Eternal Word out of the great Mystery of the Fathers property that the Creature is in an Image as a joyful Harmony wherewith the Eternal Spirit playeth or melodizeth 14. All properties of the great Eternal Mystery of the Pregnatress of all Beings are manifest in the holy Angelical and Humane creatures and we are not to think thereof as if the creatures only stood still and rejoyced at the glory of God and admired only in Joy no but as the Eternal Spirit of God worketh from Eternity to Eternity in the great Mystery of the Divine generation and continually manifesteth the infinite and numberless Wisdom of God even as the Earth bringeth forth always fair blossoms Herbs and Trees so also Metals and all manner of Beings and putteth them forth sometimes more soveraign powerful and fair then at other times and as one ariseth in the Essence another falleth down and there is an uncessant lasting Enjoyment and Labour 15. Thus likewise is the Eternal Generation of the holy Mystery in great power and reprocreation or Paradissical pullulation where one Divine fruit of the great Love-desire standeth with another in the Divine Essence and all is as a continual Love-combate or wrestling delight a blooming of fair colours and a pleasant ravishing smell out of the Divine Mercury according to the Divine Natures property a continual good Taste of Love from the Divine Desire 16. Of all whatsoever this World is an earthly Type and Resemblance that is in the Divine Kingdom in great Perfection in the Spiritual Essence not only Spirit as a will or thought but Essence corporeal Essence sap and power but as incomprehensible in reference to the outward World for this visible World was generated and created out of this same spiritual Essence in which the pure Element is and also out of the dark Essence in the Mystery of the Wrath being the Original of the Eternal manifest Essence whence the properties do arise as an out-spoken breath out of the Being of all Beings not that it was made of the eternal Essence but out of the forth-breathing or Expression of the eternal Essence out of Love and Anger out of Evil and Good as a peculiar Generation of a peculiar Principle in the hand of the Eternal Spirit 17. Therefore all whatsoever is in this World is a Type and Figure of the Angelical World not that the Evil which is alike manifest with the Good in this World is also manifest in Heaven no they are SeVered into two principles in Heaven all is good which is evil in Hell whatsoever is Anguish and Torment in Hell that is good and a joy in Heaven for there all stands in the Lights Source and in Hell all standeth in the Wrath in the dark Source 18. Hell viz. the dark World hath also its generation of fruits there is even such an Essence Dominion in them as in Heaven but in nature and manner of the Wrathful property for the Fiery
property maketh all evill in the Darkness and in the Light it maketh all things good and in Sum all is wholly one in both Eternal Worlds but Light and Darkness SeVers them so that they stand as an Eternal Enmity opposite one to another to the end that it may be known what is Evil or Good Joy or Sorrow Love or Anger there is only a distinction between the Love-desire of the Light and the Anger desire of the Darkness 19. In the Original of the Eternal Nature in the Fathers property in the great Mystery of all Beings it is wholly One for the same only Fire is even in the Angelical World but in another Source viz. a Love-fire which is a poyson and a Fire of Anger to the Devils and to Hell for the Love-fire is a Death mortification and an Enmity of the Anger-fire it depriveth the Wrath of its Might and this the Wrath wills not and it also cannot be for if there were no Wrath there would be no Fire and also no Light If the Eternal Wrath were not the Eternal Joy also would not be in the Light the Wrath is changed into Joy the wrathful Fires Essence is mortified as to the Darkness in the wrathful Fire and out of the same Dying the Light and Love-fire arise as the Light burneth forth from the Candle and yet in the Candle the Fire and Light are but one thing 20. Thus also the Great Mystery of all Beings is in the Eternity in it self only one Thing but in its Explication and Manifestation it goeth from Eternity to Eternity into two Essences viz. into Evil and Good what is evil unto one thing that is good unto another Hell is evil unto the Angels for they were not created thereunto but it is good to the other Hellish creatures so also Heaven is evil to the Hellish creatures for it is their poyson and death an Eternal Dying and an Eternal Captivity 21. Therefore there is an Eternal enmity and God is only called a God according to the light of his Love He is indeed himself All but according to the Darkness he saith I am an angry Jealous God and a consuming Fire 22. Every Creature must remain in its place wherein it was apprehended in its Creation and formed into an Image and not depart out of that same Harmony or else it becomes an Enemy of the Being of all Beings 23. And thus Hell is even an Enemy of the Devil for he is a strange Guest therein viz. a perjured Fiend cast out of Heaven He will be Lord in that wherein he was not created the whole Creation accuseth him for a false perjured Apostate Spirit which is departed from his Order yea even the Nature in the Wrath is his Enemy albe it he be of the same property yet he is a Stranger and will be Lord though he hath lost his Kingdom and is only an inmate in the Wrath of God he that was too rich is now become too poor he had all when as he stood in Humility and now he hath nothing and is moreover captivated in the Gulf This is his shame that he is a King and yet hath fooled away his Kingdom in Pride the Royal creature remaineth but the Dominion is taken away of a King he is become an Executioner what Gods anger apprehends there he is a Judg viz. an Officer of Gods Anger yet he must do what his Lord and Master will 24. This Reason most ignorantly gain-sayeth and saith God is omnipotent and Omniscient he hath made it Even he hath done with his work as he hath pleased who will contend with the most High Yea dear Reason now thou thinkest thou hitst it right but first prethee Learn the A. B. C. in the great Mystery All whatsoever is arisen out of the Eternal Will viz. out of the Great Eternal Mystery of all Beings as Angels and the Souls of men are that stands in equal weight in Evil and Good in the Free Wil as God himself that Desire which powerfully predominantly works in the Creature and quite overtoppeth the other of that property the Creature is As a Candle purteth forth out of it self a Fire and out of the Fire the Wind which Wind the Fire draweth again into it self and yet giveth it forth again and when this Spirit is gone forth from the Fire and Light then it is free from the Fire and Light what property it again receiveth of that it is the first Mystery wherein the Creature consists is the All-essential Mystery and the other in the forth-going Spirit is its propriety and a self-ful Will Hath not every Angel it s own peculiar Spirit which is progenerated out of its own Mystery which hath its Original out of Eternity Wherefore will this Spirit be a Tempter of God and tempteth the Mystery which forth with captivates it in the Wrath as hapned to Lucifer It hath the drawing to Gods Wrath and to Gods Love in in it wherefore doth not the Spirit which is generated out of both which is the similitude of the Spirit of God continue in its place in Obedience as a Child before the Mother in Humility 25. Thou sayst it cannot it is not so Every Spirit standeth in the place where it was created in equal weight and hath its Free Will it is a Spirit with the All-essential Eternal Spirit and may take unto it self a Lubet in the All-essential Eternal Spirit as it willeth either in Gods Love or Anger whereinto it introduceth its Longing Imagination the Essence and property of that it receiveth in the Great Mystery of all Beings 26. In God the Birth is manifest in Love and Anger wherefore not also in the Creature which is created out of Gods Essence and Will out of his Voyce and Breath into an Image what property or note of the Voyce the Creature awakeneth in it self the same soundeth in and ruleth the Creature Gods Will to the Creature was only One viz. a general Manifestation of the Spirit as each Creature was apprehended in the property of the Eternal Mystery yet Lucifer was apprehended in the good Angelical property which plainly testifieth that he was an Angel in Heaven but his own incorporized Will-spirit forced it self into the wrathful Mother for to awaken the same in it and thereby to be a Lord over every created Being now the Will-spirit is free it is the Eternal Original let it do what it will 27. Therefore we are to know this and it is no otherwise that the will-Will-spirit which taketh its Original out of Love and Anger out of both Eternal Principles hath given it self in to the Wrath whereby the Wrath hath powerfully got the upper hand and Dominion and put it self out of the Equal Harmony into a dissonancy or discord and so he must be driven into his Likeness this is his fall and so it is also the fall of all evil men 28. Now Self-Reason alledgeth the Scripture where it is written Many are
in the Will and New-birth as a new fiery Generation Knowledg apprehends it not only the earnest Desire and breaking of the sinful Will that apprehends it 36. Thus there is no sufficient ground in the Election of Grace as Reason holds it forth Adam is chosen in Christ but that many a Twig withereth on the Tree is not the Trees fault for it withdraweth its sap from no Twig only the Twig giveth forth it self too eagerly with the Desire it runneth on in self-will viz. it is taken by the Inflammation of the Sun and the Fire before it can draw sap again in its Mother and refresh it self 37. Thus also man perisheth amongst the evil Company in evil vain ways God offereth him his Grace that he should repent but evil Company and the Devil leadeth him in wicked ways until he be even too hard captivated in the Anger and then it goeth very hardly with him he indeed was called but he is Evil God chuseth only Children being he is evil the choyce paffeth over him but if he again reforms and amends the eternal Choyce or Election doth again receive him 38. Thus saith the Scripture Many are called but when the Choyce in Christs Suffering and Death cometh upon them then they are not capable of the same by reason of the self-ful forestalled evil Will and so they are not the Elected but evil Children and here it is then rightly said we have piped unto you but you have not danced we have mourned unto you and ye have not lamented unto us O Jerusalem how often would I have gathered thy Children together as a clock-hen gathereth her Chickens under her wings and thou wouldst not It is not said thou couldst not but thou wouldst not and while they remain in the Iniquity of Sin they also cannot God will not cast his Pearl before Swine but to the Children which draw near to him he giveth the Pearl and his Bread 39. Therefore whosoever blameth God despiseth his Mercy which he hath introduced into the Humanity and bringeth the Judgment headlong upon his Body and Soul 40. Thus I have truly warned the Reader and set before his eyes what the Lord of all Beings hath given me He may behold himself in this Looking-Glass both within and without and find what and who he is Every Reader shall find his profit therein be he either good or evil It is a very clear Gate of the Mystery of all Beings with glosses and self-wit none shall apprehend it in its own ground but it may well embrace the Real Seeker and create him much profit and joy yea be helpful to him in all natural things provided that he apply himself thereunto aright and Seek in the fear of God being it is now a time of Seeking for a Lilly blossometh upon the Mountains and Valleys in all the ends of the Earth He that Seeketh Findeth Amen HALLELUIAH The brief Heads of what the several Chapters do treat Chap. I. HOw that all whatsoever is spoken of God without the knowledge of the Signature is dumb and without understanding and that in the mind of man the Signature lieth very exactly composed according to the Being of all Beings Chap. II. Of the Opposition and Combate in the Essence of all Essences whereby the ground of the Sympathy and antipathy in Nature may be seen and also the Corruption and Cure of each thing Chap. III. Of the great mystery of all Beings Chap. IV. Of the Birth of the four Elements and Stars in the Metaline and creatural Property Chap. V. Of the Sulphurean Death and how the dead body is revived and replaced into its first glory or holiness Chap. VI. How a Water and Oylis generated and of the difference of the Water and Oyl and of the vegitable Life and Growth Chap. VII How Adam while he was in Paradise and also Lucifer were glorious Angels and how they were corrupted and spoiled through Imagination and Pride Chap. VIII Of the Sulphurean Sude of the Earth how the Vegetation proceeds from the Earth and also the difference of Sex various kinds of creatures an open gate for the Searching Philosopher Chap. IX Of the Signature shewing how the inward Ens signeth the outward Chap. X. Of the inward and outward Cure of Man Chap. XI Of the process of Christ in his Suffering Dying and Rising again Of the wonder of the sixth Kingdom in the Mother of all Beings how the Consummatum Est was finished and how likewise by way of Simility it is accomplished and effected in the Grand Philosophick Work or Universal Tincture Chap. XII Of the Seventh Form in the Kingdom of the Mother shewing how the Seventh Kingdom viz. the Solar Kingdom is again opened and revived set forth in the similitude of Christs Resurrection Chap. XIII Of the Enmity contrary Will or annoying distemper of the Spirit and Body and of their Cure and Restoration Chap. XIV Of the Wheel of Sulphur Mercury and Salt of the generation of Good and Evil how the one is changed into the other and how the one doth manifest its property in the other and yet remain in the first Creation in the Wonder of God to his own manifestation and glory Chap. XV. Of the will of the Great mystery in Good and Evil how a good evil Will doth originally arise and how the one doth introduce it self into the other Chap. XVI Of the Eternal Signature and Heavenly joy wherefore all things were brought into Evil and Good wherein the real ground of Election and Reprobation may be rightly understood The Postscript Reader IT would be too tedious and even neeedless for to give thee a brief Summary of the particular Heads of the Book for it self is but a short hidden Signature or Character of natural Divine Knowledg and therfore an observant and an understanding through-reading of the same will be thy best Index For this Author is not to be read here there by Peece-meals for he makes not a controversial bookish Rapsode of divers Authors but there is one continued Breath and Sound of his own experimental Science running an harmonious division through all the Three Principles of Divine manifestation and with sweet Accord playing interchangeably upon all the three clifts of Philosophy Divinity and Theosophy even from the deepest Base to the smallest or Highest Note that can be sounded or reached by the Spirit of Man and therefore none will understand him but the Nurslings of Sophia in whose Souls the ayr of the One Pure Element of Paradise breaths which doth ATONE the strife of the four Elements and revives the Souls true magick Fire whereby it is able to prove all things and hold fast that which is good In a word it brings the Souls true Faith working in Love into the Nothing where it loseth its own Selfish Something and findeth all things I know this Book will seem strange and simple to the proud Self-conceited Sophisters the Wiselings of Pedantick Reason who will
cavil and carp at any thing but what danceth as they pipe but I value not their Censures but pity their Letter-learned mock-sciences being but the courted shadows of their own amused fancy such as these being captivated in the Mystery of Babel do Wonder only after their Beast Mammon upon which they ride in Pride and scorn any thing but what doth please and flatter them in their admired works of Covetous iniquity gilded over with seeming holiness but the Babylonish Structure of their Turba Magna-miracles will fall when it hath attained the highest limit of its Constellation and no wit of man shall be able to prop it up In the mean time the Antichrist in Babel will rage and domineer and execute the Sentence of Wrath or his own dismal doom upon himself But I will not transgress by too large a digression but come to my intent which is to explain thee some words which I have used in this Translation as Flagrat Lubet Source Sude The Translators Exposition of the word Flagrat The word in the Germane is Scbra'ck which signifies properly a Fright sudden Astonishment or Dismayment in the other Books it is translated Terrour and Crack but I have put it Flagrat from the Latin word Flagro although by it I mean not a burning but even the powerful opening of the Life or Death in the enkindling of the Fire in Nature for the Fire is the dividing bound mark wherein the life of both Principles is Opened and Se Vered the life of the first is the dying death in the darkness and the life of the Second is the living life in the Light you may perceive a Resemblance of this Flagrat in Thunder and Lightning so also in Gun powder or the like as take divers Sulphrous Salnitral minerals exactly mixt now their Powers are as I may say contracted or shut up in the Astringent dark Desire or Death but touch them Rightly with the true Fire and you will see how they will soon open disclose and flash forth and even display and stream forth themselves into divers properties colours and vertues It is even the bursting forth of the Ardent Desire in Nature It is as I may term it the Magical Fire-breath whereby the powers either of Light or Darkness are dismayed In brief it is the pregnant Eccho of the sound of Eternity every where speaking working and opening it self in Love or Anger in each thing according to its Will and Desire In some it is the horrible Flagrat to Death and in others it is the pleasant Triumphant Flagrat to Life Lubet The word in the Dutch is Lust which signifies a longing desire or list to a thing also a delight delectation or contentful joy Sometimes Imagination and Lust but because our word Lust is commonly used in the worst sense viz. for a longing after Evil and Vanity and would not properly to agree or fully express the Germane word Lust in all places I have generally translated it Lubet from the Latin word Lubitum whereby is meant the Divine beneplacitum or good pleasure by it is understood the Original to a Desire in the Eternal Nothing or Pregnant Magick Gods free wel-liking to the Desire of the manifestation of Nature and Creature without which all had been an Eternal Stilness in the Nothing This Lubet in man is the moving will to Good or Evil Light or Darkness Love or Anger Source By this is meant the first Original Qualities or Properties of both the inward Principles as they do break forth in the Sude of the Fire in the Flagrat of Love or Anger in Nature or Creature for in the Darkness the Love-Ens or Paradissical Light is shut up in Death and causeth an austere dark Source Pain Horror Torment or Disquietness and so it is the radical Property of the contentious Elements and Stars in the Curse of God and in the Light the Life of Love breaks forth and swallow up this wrathful Source of Darkness and Death and turns it into Joy or a divine Source So that by Source understand the Original Quality Property or Qualification of Evil Darkness Anger Sorrow Cursing Damnation Death Hell or the contrary to these in their divine Source or essential working Property both according to Time and Eternity Sude The word Sude is Germane and signifies a Boyling or Seething It is the Stirring of the Seven Properties in Nature arising from the Assimulation or essential co-influence of the outward and inward Sol in Sulphur whence the bloomy Vegetation of the Earth proceeds also the Generation of Metals and Mynerals doth lie therein These are some unusual Words which I have used in the rendering this Book into English not that I would make it a Strange-Lation or be a Coyner of new words to amuse the mind only but to express as well and as fitly as I could the Authors Intent and scope although I cannot say I have every where attained to the full and lively expression of the Authors meaning for as Nature did open its knowledg in him so likewise its language so that in some words there may be a proper and peculiar Idea which our English words in some places perhaps do not so fully express yet I hope none shall find the Authors Sence falsified or perverted but truly translated according to the Original Copy which I have Words they are but Vehicula rerum they are formed to express things and not bare Sounds or empty Ayrs Now He that rightly understands the ground of the Cabala and Magia and knows how the Language of Nature speaks in every Tongue may well translate this Author but the bare letter of his Writings though never so exactly translated will not give a man the understanding of them but the Spirit of Regeneration in Christ in whom the fulness of the Deity dwelleth bodily I should be glad that any one would take the Pains to amend what I have done Amiss and render them more easie to a vulgar capacity It shall be enough for me that I have made him but stammer in English with a Babes tongue God in due time may raise up those that will do them better for all things in this World come by child-like steps or gradually to their Perfection In the mean time I shall adventure to put one Book more God willing into English which is the chiefest of all his Writings if any may have the preheminence and that is the Mysterium Magnum or A deep and Theosophical Exposition upon the whole first Book of Moses called Genesis The SeVerall Names and Titles of the Authors Books collected out of his Writings and put into Seven Parts THe first Book called Aurora or The dawning of the Eternal Day was written in the year 1612. It was taken from him before it was finished and kept by the Magistracy of Gerlits with strict command to him that he should not meddle with writing Books which belonged not to his Vocation whereupon he did forbear for Seven years but
26. What is the Heaven created out of the midst of the Water and what is the Separation of the Water above the Firmament from the Water underneath the Firmament 27. What is the Ground of the Male and Female Kind in the Essence of this World whence is the Conjunction and Desire arisen could not the same be effected in one only Ground without distinction of Sex 28. What are the Principles in the Spirit of this World from the uppermost to the lowermost Being 29. What is the Sperm of the Generation of all things 30. What is the difference of the Sperm betwixt Metals Stones and Vegetables viz. Herbs Trees and earthly things 31. How is the same Copulation and Conjunction of the Female and Male nature effected whence their Seed and Growth ariseth 32. What is the Tincture in the Spermatick Nature whence the Growth and Lustre ariseth 33. Out of what are all the Creatures of the mortal Life sprung forth and created 34 What was the Archeus and Separator of their Nature and Property which formed them and still to this day formeth them ' 35. What are the six work-days of the Creation and the Sabbath 36 What is the difference of the mortal Creatures and what is their Chaos wherein each Kind liveth and wherein they are distinct and Severed one from another 37. To what End or wherefore were the mortal Creatures created 38. Whence was man Created as to the Body 39 What was the Inspiration whereby man became a living Soul ' 40. What is the Immortal Life in Man and what is the outward Life of this World in him 41. What is the IDEA or exact Image of God in Man wherein God worketh and dwelleth 42. What was Parad●se wherein God created Man Is the same changeable and a Creature or doth it stand in the Eternal Ground 43. Wherefore did God create at first but one man and not forthwith a man and woman together as he did the other kinds of Creatures 44. Was the first man in such Habit created to eternal Life or to Alteration 45. In what Image or Likeness was Adam before his Eve In what form and fashion was he when he was neither Husband nor wife but both 46. Had Adam before his Eve Manlike members and such bones stomack guts teeth and all that we now have 47. If that Adam was such a one as we are now how should he in such manner and condition have been able to Stand without Suffering and Corruption 48. What should have been Adam's Eating and Drinking in a Paradissical manner without care distress and sorrow if he had stood out the Tryal 49. Should Adam in Paradise have eaten such fruit as the Heavenly Eating shall be after this time or of what should he have been Able to eat Where should the same have continued seeing all the Beings of this World are earthly and transitory and he only was an eternal heavenly Image and needed not the Vanity 50. Did four Elements also rule in Adam in his Innocency or but one only in the likeness of the four Elements did he also before he fell feel Heat and Cold 51. Should any thing have been able to have killed or destroyed Adam 52. What should have been Adams condition and estate upon the Earth what should he have eaten if he had continued in Paradise ' 53. What was the Earth with its fruits before the Curse when it was called a Paradise 54. Should the Propagation have been effected without Man and Woman seeing in the Resurrection of the dead they shall not be man nor woman but like to the Angels of God in Heaven Mat. 22. 30. 55. How could it have bin possible that a man woman should have continued Eternally will God change these Creatures of men seeing in the Life eternal they shall be like to the Angels was Adam also in the beginning created in the same Angelical Form or in another Form or Image then he shall arise in and live for ever 56. What were the Trees in Paradise which were pleasant to behold and good to eat 57. What was the Tree of Life and the Tree of the Knowledg of Good and Evil each in its Power Essence and Property 58. Wherefore did God create this Tree seeing He knew well that man would offend thereby 59. Wherefore did God forbid man that Tree what was the cause 60. Wherefore should man upon the Earth Rule over all the Beasts how and to what End could that have been 61. Wherefore did God say It is not good that man should be alone whereas in the beginning he lookt upon all his works and said They are very good yet of man he saith 'T is not good that this man should be alone wherefore was it not good 62. Wherefore caused God a deep sleep to fall upon Adam when he built a woman out of his Rib what doth it mean 63. How was the woman made out of Adam what doth the Rib taken out of his side signifie of which God made his wife as Moses writeth 64. Did Eve also receive a Soul and Spirit from Adams Soul and Spirit or a new strange one peculiarly given of God 65. How was the parting of Adam into the woman effected 66. Why did Adam presently take his Eve to him and said that she was his flesh how could he know her 67. What was the Serpent on the Tree of the Knowledg of Good and Evil which deceived Eve 68. Why did the Serpent perswade Eve and not Adam to the Lust to eat of the fruit what was the fruit whereby they did both eat Death 69. What was the Sin and how came it to be a Sin that the same is an Enmity of God 70. Why did not God hinder it from being effected being he did forbid it them 71. How were the eyes of Adam and Eve opened that they saw they were naked which before they knew not 72. What was Adams and Eves shame that they hid themselves behind the Trees of Paradise whence came their fear and terror 73. How did Adam and Eve really dye in the Fall to the Kingdom of Heaven and Paradise and yet live naturally to this world 74. What was the Voyce of God in the Word when the day grew cool How did God recall Adam how is this to be understood 75. What is the Seed of the Woman and the bruising of the Serpent what did God speak again into them was the same nothing else but an outward Promise or an Incorporation of the effectual working Grace 76. What is the Curse of the Earth what is thereby brought to pass 77. How was Adam and Eve cast out of Paradise into this world what was the Cherub with the Naked Sword before Paradise 78. Wherefore was the first man born of a woman a Murtherer 79. What was Cains and Abels offering wherefore did they offer what did they Do thereby 80. Wherefore was Cains Murther for the offering sake what is the ground of it what
Impossible to him But unto those that Love Iesus we say and declare that they may very well be searcht out and understood and that it is no impossible thing for in a true Christian dwelleth Christ in whom all the treasures of the hidden wisdom are manifest the same Christian knoweth them only in the Spirit of Christ but not in his own self ful Nature and Ability As we also have clearly expounded and described these questions in a peculiar Book indeed briefly and yet in our other Writings largely and sufficiently enough and so I commend the Reader into the Revelation of Jesus Christ. He that this Authors Books doth read A Divine Light in 's heart doth need Or else his Reason will but stray And groap for Light in the mid-day But none will him censure or scorn That is truly of Soph-jah born For he that 's meaning understands Is freed from Anti-christ his bands And truly learns how for to see Into the Divine Mystery Eternal one the Nothing and the All Give Adam faint and sick a Cordial In his distemper'd Age and last distress Open the Treasury of thy Goodness O make his dissonant Spirits Accord And give 's the Harmony of thy true Word Amen HALLELUJAH FINIS * Being of all Beings * Or formed it self or originally put forth it self * Proceedeth from the mouth * Or Conception * His look or Physiognomy * In. * Vegetables * Made sick * Or Sting * Contraction or Constringency Love and Anger Father and Son * Thought Or sparkle of the will * In. * Or Voyces * Or God * Nature * World * Or Sting of Instigation * Raiser Enkindler or Enflames * Or Out of it self * Mysterium * Similitude Likeness or Signature * Palpable * Or Apprehendeth or Conceiveth * Or Standeth * Or To the nature of the Pregnatress * Or with * Stars * In. * Or Substance * Boyling * Or Separates it self in it self * Report Clash * Sinketh * Corpus * Corpus * Giveth yeeldeth or affordeth * Or Propriety * Or the properties out of which they were created had in them both the Eternal Worlds * Or until * Or The highest or chiefest Metals * Body * Liquid * Corpus * Boyling and growing walming and waxing * Loco * Outgoing breathing * Or In a seven-fold Form * Or sting * Stirring up or moving * The one is not the other * Or Out of * Or Mans. * Seething boyling or decoction * With. * Or Fashioneth * Or Faber * In a strange fire and yet not strange when the cloke is laid aside it needeth only its own fire † Here must be its own fire only from within from without * And it is the Tincture which Tinctureth the Body * Or Rotation * Draws it to it-self * Wheel or sphere † Attenuates destroys * Woman Wife * Lust. * Or Immobility * Or he should dye † Salvation * An upright full and unscigned Desire * Or therin * Leader d In one * Begin * Or In the Divine Love * Or upon the Love of God † Depart * Labor * Of or belonging to Nature † Being Materia or Food * Understand the free will * Affordeth produceth or maketh * Or Raging Sting * Or When. * Or Furious Wheel * According to or after † Or Out of * Dumo * Can but get * Sting * Or Taken from him * Or It. * Or Lothsomness * Or Lead † Or Through * Or The Riddle † Spoyled undone * Or In. a Or Outwards d Or Set his Desire upon the Anger h Text. Into himself * Out of it self † Or Wit or subtlety a Quickest keenest u Or Begetteth it self * Or sorm or immass d Affords yeelds produceth * Bring turn or sublimate † Or Joyfulness * Or Receiveth that which it hungreth after a Crept † Or Gods banning is a banishing * Or avalled * Part or Property * Open or exclude * Or Took his part * Through-shine irradiate * Or Works and effects * Here and for ever † Or noble Stone of the wise-men * Or Pregnant Centre * One that breaks through irresistably * Or Devoyd of all Source * Or Becomes * Corpus † Or Awakening or stirring it self up * Set. * Or Victorion fly triumphed over * Or The bloomy Spring of the Paradissical New birth in Man * Or pleasant spring † Or what shall I first do to bring it to pass † Workmaster or Faber † Or Whose Essence is in every Thing * Or Gods Being † Or Openly Text. In the ayr * Or She shall c. † And * Curdled * Or In Wedlock * Blended * Dumb senceless mute * Governor † Stand and lie * Corpus * Or Body * With or in † Or If his Poyson-Will be brought into the moving Spirit of Love * Gross Stone or stony grossness † Wrestling * Or Sude * The Mercury † Or Such a Physician hath true skill to cure * Or Seizeth on * Or By. Or Sulphur * In Brimstone * Shoot or Twig † Or In their wrestling Combate * Or Growth † Bag or Sack a Type or Resemblance * Vertue or Efficacy * Or mind † Or Womb. * Or The Sulphur * Giveth or yeeldeth † Brimstone † Or Life's * Or whereby † Or Nausea * Or Loathing * Unite or give in * Or so it is signed marked † Or Puts it self forth text glanceth forth * Or Hath the New-birth in perfect knowledg * Or Maketh † Or Take * In or with * Voyco or Harmony † Or Essence * In or by * Text wresting Power † Or Shapeth * Or Original * Perceivancy or Sensation † Or Breaking forth * Or Playeth † Or Distinguisheth the senses * Viz. the mercury * Viz. mercury * Thicken cu●ále * It giveth a cursing or a blessing Aspect † Stalk or Blossom * Or Of whitish buds in vegetables * In Conjunction with Saturn * Text that he stireth c. * Sublime them † Working powerful or vertual * The jovial Vertue * Ratio * Opposition † Otherwise Metalline * Or In. † Or I am an enemy * In or by † Or Water * Out-spoken † Transformed * The transforming Light of God in the dark Soul such as shined in Enock Elias Paul c. * Put its desire hunger and Imagination into the Nothing the highest Good or Omnipotence and eat of Gods Bread † Or other Forms * Or Unto † Or Lifes light * Or of * And all his begions of evil spirits † Agree or make sor * Or unto † Image or likeness * Melody harmony delight or play * Or Change † Or were * Royall Fort. Fort rampant * Or Kindred † Text Bodily † By Degrees * Or Signatures † Speculate or behold * Orb Rotation