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A27265 The Revelation of God & his glory sounded forth for the opening of the mystery of the seven seals on the book of the wonders of God in the hand of the angel : being a true and faithful testimony of the Enochian prophecie of the rise and fall of Antichrist and of the restauration of Zion to its primitive glory. R. B. 1665 (1665) Wing B170; ESTC R18377 119,971 507

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the HEAVENS and all things that have being are changed through dissolution CIV For the God of Life is come into his Holy Place he is come forth from the midst of burning flames and hath descended through the Clouds of the Heavens the Mountains of the World do tremble and the form of the whole Earth doth shake in his Presence before his Face they are lightly MOVED that stand in his way for a devouring fire accompanieth his progress and it is very tempestuous round about him because he ariseth as a Giant refreshed with WINE who hath took unto himself Vengeance for a cloathing and is cloathed with Zeal as with a Cloak under his Shooes are high Hills become like unto dissolving Snow and he that treadeth thereon hath his Feet like unto sparkling Brass come out of the Refiners Furnace CV His Eyes are like a flame of fire and his Face shineth as the Sun in its full strength he subdueth great Nations with the Breath of his Lips and when he speaketh the Word all things are done at his command for in his Mouth is a sharp two-edged Sword and therewith are his Enemies slain and brought down to be his Foot-stool Who would not but fear before him for when his displeasure is moved his Foes are consumed with anger and when he comes to be awakened before he please who can stand in his Way when his Wrath is but a little kindled Blessed are all they that trust in his Name for those that flee from the LYON are overtaken by a BEAR in the way and a BASILISK doth bite those that would lean on a Wall O Heavens hear and O Earth give Ear for the Lyon is come forth out of the Thickets and the Destroyer of the Gentiles is on his way CVI. And while I was thus beholding the Angels glory I was again led into the Wilderness until the Mystery of all those things came to be fulfilled in the number of dayes for the space whereof the Worlds abode under sore Tryals for the manifesting of what hath relation to the Kingdom of God and Glory of his Power And I observed the result thereof until eighty five dayes were past over for any longer I was not able to see and perceive for glory but I rested greatly astonished to behold the effect of that which came forth in those dayes until faintness of Spirit overtook me and I was not able to stand upright on my Feet any longer because of the Temptations of the Devourer which became very prevalent through Darts that were shot against my Soul in secret wherein he laboured to betray my Life under his Snares and Baits CVII And I stood before the ANGEL of God as one cloathed in vile RAIMENT and as I came to present my supplications unto the Lord the Devil came also into his presence as one ready to resist me for he having a desire to sift me as one would winnow Wheat I was delivered into his Hands as into the Hands of the Tormenter whose power was for the destruction of the flesh that the Spirit might be saved alive in this day of the Lord Jesus And I appeared as one destitute of a Habitation in the EARTH and cast out into the open Fields as in the day that I was born striving in my Blood yet was my right Leg bound with fear and on my Shoulders I bore the Yoak from whence Blood ran down on my Garments defiled and torn in medling with the Worldly Spirit before which I was thus seen to bear my reproach CVIII Yet while thus in my Blood and gasping after the Breath of Life God said Thou shalt live in my sight to feel the Infirmities wherewith the World is touched Then cryed I out unto the Lord Wonderful are all thy wayes and works which my Soul knoweth right well for in three times five years thou hast brought me through very great Tryals and Alterations in my condition but what I now see and behold is of great concern through the Vision of Wonders that hath seized my Spirit and the Glory of God resteth weightily on me though I am oft ready to conclude it had been more happy for me that I had been prevented by my Mothers Knees and that her Paps had never suckled me then to see this day for then had my Soul never grown up under the sence of such sorrow as I have passed through neither had I been pursued for my Life by those that seek it for a prey CHAP. X. Describing the time for which the Dragon was loosed until the Mystery of that which is seen in the Vision came to be fulfilled CIX VVHile I continued thus Praying and making Supplications unto the Lord I was touched in the night season by the Angel URIEL and my Bowels were moved towards the Lord and rouled within me and I was carried by the Spirit of God on the WATERS where the WOMAN sate and there came a Voice from the Heavens Behold now thou art not born for thy self but to be tryed in the behalf of thy People and while the Angel was communing thus with me TEMPESTS arose continued in the WORLD and over the same did the WATERS swell and rage until I came safely to arrive at the Haven of Rest CX And being again beset with the Rage and Fury of the Woman I came to pass through great buildings which were reared up sumptuous and fair to the Eye and I was led about its MANSIONS though the rage and fury of the WOMAN followed me for hurt causing grief and mourning on my Spirit And I said unto the Angel What evil have I done unto this envious WOMAN who is seeking to betray my Life But he quieted my SPIRIT in a moment saying Fear not those that seek thy Life for I will smite thy Foes in my fury as already thou hast seen them smitten in their enterprizes but continue thou still and humble thy self daily before the Lord with fasting and prayer and therein shall thy abstinence be accepted CXI For when thy Heart is lifted up above the sence of what is thy preservation deliverance cometh to stand afar off and in the needful time and hour thou mayest cry out for help when strength is departed from thy HEAD and none is found near to put forth an assisting Hand and Arm to restore And I again said unto the Lord Though I have not a Habitation and certain dwelling place on the EARTH I cannot be discontented at thy dealings O God! And why should I murmur and repine at thy disposings Though in the WORLD I am comfortless since thou O Lord art good in all thy wayes and thy Mercies are over all thy works CXII Then appeared there great preparation for WAR and I beheld many go forth to the BATTEL while I continued exercised under the besetments of the WOMAN until she vanished and I saw not any more her form to disquiet me but through the WILDERNESS in which the WOMAN sate exalted on the Scarlet-coloured
the Innocent shall take hold of his Feet in the Way he is walking when the wronged comes to be apprehended on a Hill that is higher than that on which the Enemy and Destroyer hath been exalted and into the Hands of the PURSUED is put a sharp Instrument the strength of that Reason whereof the World is robbed and bereft even the Sword of Goliah and Spear of their Adversary with which they shall wound the Head of RAHAB and the Dragon and thereby they shall do EXPLOITS XXVII Though they are kept from using it in a time of advantage yea I have seen I have seen while the Envious have been hunting abroad the Pursued have been led into the Tents of those that are Mighty in Battel and the Man of War hath been found sleeping over his Master until a Lap of his Garment with which the Envious hath covered the Cruelty of his Spirit is brought forth into open view and the Cruse and Spear at his Beds head can now be shown to his shame because the Blood-Avenger hath kept the Innocent from putting forth his Hand to touch Him that had once the Anointing Oyl on his Head that had the favour of a Lot in Israel when the Spirit of God rested on Him that made it a Proverb Is the Son of Kish also among the Prophets XXVIII But the Cry of the Poor is heard that hath been compassed about with Tormentors who hath said in his heat What shall I now do for behold here cometh a whole Army and I have no Sword but that of Goliahs and the Lord hath said Take it for there is none like it and it shall be known that a Stripling is engaged in the Lords Battel and is able to make war against Israels Enemies though he could not use the Sword in his own defence neither dares he be too bold in the exercise thereof abroad lest the bruised Reed should be broken and the smoaking Flax quenched before Judgment is brought forth into Victory at home where the War is begun by such that are engaged in the Lambs Battel XXIX Therefore in the Mystery of what is herein treated of is the depth of whatever hath relation to the concern both of SOUL or BODIES Welfare in the Knowledge and true understanding of its state and the universality thereof is a Testimony worthy to be heeded in the General or particular Concern because of the relation it hath to the true and right Information of the Mind of all that are capable of benefit therein through a pointing property at that which gives unto the Reader a sence of the Day in which many in old time were made Prophets and Messengers and have largely testified and prophesied thereof in the Restoration of all Principles of Nature it hath possessed and inhabited in the BODY into its first Glory which is the MYSTERY of the Second Resurrection in those in whom the Power of the first Death is weakened and over whom the second Death hath no power XXX For the Life of JESUS is manifest in their mortal Flesh discovering the Glory of which they are made Partakers in a Kingdom everlasting and World without End because of their Faith and Belief in the changing and renewing Power of GOD wherein the JUST do live and witness Redemption from the Sting of SIN and Strength of the LAW which is the Power of Death and the GRAVE hath not Dominion over the Soul therefore you that profess Scriptures contend not against the Verity and Infallibility of the Testimony hereof because for your sakes and satisfaction I am constrained in some cases to use such Words that the RECORD of TRUTH is sealed by in the Testimony of the PROPHETS of GOD in former Ages and Generations of the World XXXI Neither let it scruple any on the other hand that I use not an exact FORM and METHOD of Scripture-Terms but am oft constrained to apply the bent of my Spirit toward such significant terms as are brought to my Understanding in the exercise of the VISION for the Words are but an outward Sound and Declaration of what hath relation to an inward and invisible Work in the Heart of the Creature through the Salvation of the Soul from Death but I see it hard for many professing SCRIPTURES and the Knowledge of the TRUTHS of GOD therein declared to own it nakedly for its own sake and yeild and bend to the disposings of God in matters of such concern for then would it be consented to in what hath relation to the Minds Information without respect to the Persons of such that are found differing in Judgment concerning outward Circumstances in Gestures or PRINCIPLES in DOCTRINE while in the End and Aim there is a respect to Truth in the Heart XXXII And there will be a joyning in the Acceptance against whatever hath relation to Controversies in a state of disobedience against the Spirit of God in which the WORLD is endeavouring to settle a Rest and hence have I seen the Complainer vexed with Burdens of his unruly Passion but that God may more and more unseal the Fountain of endless Good and Happiness in the Knowledge of the Glory of his Kingdom that is everlasting is my Souls desire that Truth and Righteousness may be set up in the WORLD and the Glory of the ANTIENT OF DAYS proceeding in the increase of the Knowledge of GOD may run down like a River and cover the Earth like as the Waters cover the Sea XXXIII And as this hath its due acceptance in the Heart of the Upright and Unbiassed in Censure and Judgment for the sake of the Controversies among men about their Opinionatedness concerning the Truths of God contained in the Scriptures with which the World is filled they will more and more come to see into its service and the end for which it is given forth which will make way for the opening and discovery of many pretious Secrets pertaining to the Restauration of Nature in its depraved Body of infected Elements that are generated under a Power of Corruption that Creatures may come to see into the Mystery of what is contained in many words therein that hath a signification very intricate to the common sence of private Interpretations thereon which the limitting spirit of the WORLD is apt to tye up the Faith of their Communicants in because of the vulgar acceptance it hath in the Heart of a Multitude But the Encouragement I find for the prosecution of what is remaining in this Tract wherein I am taking view of my passage through those Forms of Nature in which I am imbodyed in time and place is centred in an higher Object than the Readers well or ill Acceptance XXXIV Though I am satisfied in the end thereof that coming to be seen into will cause many to say Now I know thou speakest no more unto us in PARABLES but hast plainly shewed us of the Father But among the Multitude how hard a thing is it to believe well of future Events
wayes through a fiery Constellation therein inkindled CXXXIV And in one of those Urns were the Names of the twelve Tribes of ISRAEL but in the other was a party-coloured Blank on which was wrote PREROGATIVE to which the ANGEL said This is Israels desire and therefore hath Benjamin had a Prerogative to be higher then his Brethren by the HEAD and his raving up hath been like an evening Wolf while Israel hath sought the Rule and Dominion of other Nations of the Heathens for from the seven Families of FATHERS the Lot resteth on an eighth Head who is discovered by his ANGEL wandring after the lost Asses who have a month to be tamed in the power over which he is set to be their KEEPER CXXXV After whom came the lowing of the OXEN and bleating of the SHEEP in the restraint of Fodder of the KING of Gods Enemies Then said I What must be done Or hath this fault been in one onely that Iniquity should rest on his TRIBE For lo Israel standeth before the ARK enquiring into the MATTER And there was in the hands of the Angel over whom inquirie was made a Signature in one Hand was a CROWN dipt in Blood and in the other Hand a ROD touched with Hony concerning which the Angel bid me chuse wherein I was covetous of both CXXXVI And while my Tongue touched the Hony it was in my Mouth sweet but immediately was the form of the ANGEL divided and there remained other Signatures in each Hand of the form of the living Creature like unto a suite of tryed Armour and Sheet in which was tyed the form of every living Creature under the HEAVENS according to the Corners of the Heavens from whence they were let down bound And as I was trying the ARMOUR finding it cumbersom as that in which I was not accustomed to wage War therefore thought I hastily to cast it off that I might take hold of the Sheet in which were those living Creatures there came a Voice from the Heavens as from the Angel whose form was again united in a Body Thou hast chosen that which will make thee a Wonder in the World CXXXVII And he yet cryed aloud The bitterness of the Miracle is in thy Belly for know thou assuredly thou hast Part and Lot in this Matter And to my astonishment the Body again revived instantly before me and it was made to stand up before my Face And there came a second Voice from the Angel Is it a time to be delighted with sweetness in the midst of Battel Or to feed on Hony while Enemies are on the pursuit And I was afraid I should die and durst not any more ask any Question in this matter But after the Voice from the Heavens became intelligible wherein an Angel of God said Arise from thy slumber thou that art glutted in that which thou hast killed and eaten for therefore is thy Head filled with Wonders CXXXVIII I beheld until the forms of all those living Creatures were again awakened before me and they came forth to make WARR in my way and before me stood the unsealed Book of Wonders which the LAMB of God had taken out of the Hand of the ANGEL for the loosing of the Seals thereon which was like unto that which I had eaten from what was tendered by the ANGEL And while I beheld the Book lifted up unto the Heavens I was mourning in Spirit and said in my Heart Wherefore hath my life been prolonged for such exercise as this For now I am become the scorn of cruel Enemies CXXXIX And I returned to the Angel of him that I had seen divided and who was again united before my Face and found him cloathed in the Armour as one riding forth to a Battel unto whom I said Boast not thy self in putting on and in thy going forth to War as may he that putteth it off and returns a Conqueror for twice hast thou deceived me let therefore my wrong rest on Thee that coverest a WOLF according to the time I have become a stranger to my own FAMILIARS when driven forth as among the BEASTS of Prey CXL My Hair was like unto the Plumes of a FOWL and my Nails like unto the Tallents of a BIRD and because of the Vow on my Head I was as one forlorn for thou hast counted the hours of my mourning and knowest the dayes wherein pleasant Bread came not into my Mouth under which my Spirit was ready to faint but let the Issue be glory to the Highest Turn again therefore my reproach I pray thee that I may know and be assured that thou hast taken notice of the innocency of my SOUL in thy sight and that thy love is yet towards me CXLI And the Angel of God again took me into the Habition of WONDERS where I heard an interpretation of the Mystery of the seven Thunders and he said unto me These have made way for the preparing a ground wherein is revealed what was opened and loosed from the BOOK in the Hand of the Angel and the time is come that nothing hidden shall remain in its secret Chamber but the Seal of God shall be taken off from the Spirit of Wonders and Truth shall have its common recourse in the fellowship that publisheth abroad the sayings and report of Wisdom Therefore prepare thee to write for thy Prayers are come up before the Lord and thou shalt yet PROPHESIE before the Nobles of the Earth and thy sayings shall terrifie Kings and mighty Men as in their appointed season they become fulfilled CXLII And unto the Angels of all Fellowships of People write these things saith the searcher of all Hearts before whom my desire hath been granted and he answereth daily my request revealing the Mystery of all depths concerning the glory of Gods Kingdom and the sum and substance of all Prophecy in Words is transferred to the sensible Reader in a Figure until the substance thereof become fulfilled on a Generation of Men through which it will be made to speak in an Universal Character of good to Nations in the generous Spirit of that love in which many suffer despite CXLIII I know your Thoughts from the greatest to the least and you all are expecting alterations and changes in the Government of Nations and state of publick affairs but believe it truly it will not come in that way you expect it who would gladly see your Enemies destroyed and utterly confounded that you might not hope in vain Alas the Life of Creatures is pretious in Gods Eye and God hath determined no other Judgment to the Wicked then that which remaineth to be the utter Consumption and Destruction of the Spirit of ENMITY in the Man of SIN by which NATIONS are oppressed under his Power whose destruction cometh to be of themselves in chusing that which leadeth and guideth under that which of necessity must fall on the World in a wicked state CXLIV But God is not the Author of all the evil and mischief that is
THE Revelation OF GOD his GLORY SOUNDED FORTH For the opening the Mystery of the Seven SEALS on the Book of the WONDERS of GOD in the hand of the ANGEL BEING A True and Faithful TESTIMONY Of the Enochian Prophecie Of the Rise and Fall of ANTICHRIST And of the Restauration of ZION to its Primitive Glory London Printed in the year 1665. The EPISTLE To the READER I. LEt the Impartial Reader seriously weigh what is herein set down and rashly pass no Sentence on a Work of this concernment neither scruple at the Form and Method in which it is come forth to the view of all sorts of Spirits wherein I cannot expect so kind entertainment in matters of such nature as to have all Men speak well of it or of me therein because then had I my Reward with men II. For my whole and sole aim and intention in this work as far forth as I know and am made sensible of my own frame and temper of Spirit is and hath been other ways grounded and founded in Truth than to seek other Honour and Glory than what is of and cometh from GOD wherein I have a Witness both in Heaven and Earth which I might call to bear Record with and for me that I considerately love not vain ostentation or to boast over the Weak by soaring aloft out of the reach of their Capacities that something else than the Spirit of GOD should be exalted in the Temple and Throne of Gods DIGNITY III. Because then might I expect that God should glory over me in the WORK of DESTRUCTION Though I know in the following Treatise much is come forth in an unpleasant form and dress to the curious search of some that may count themselves wise and it will be accounted at the first sight thereof rather FORM and SHADOW then SUBSTANCE and many will be ready to judge the truth of its Concern locked up in SIMILITUDES and sealed in an unknown Tongue in that through good Experience of the Enemies Work I am taught not to be too prodigal in opening Terms wherein some have suffered and come to a loss by such means and the Truth it self is thereby made of low esteem in the EYES of many proud and haughty Ones IV. Therefore have I employed my Endeavours under the workings and motions of the Spirit of God wherein many Mysteries of truth pertaining to the Establishment of his Kingdom have been revealed in and unto me that I might leave no room for contention to feed the snarling nature of those dogged qualities in such that are gon out of the patience and content of God where the Charity of Life is abounding wherein Covenant is kept with the LORD in that Spirit which particularly openeth and revealeth the Mysteries of Truth in all to whom it pertaineth to know the same V. And though such that hunger after Advantages in that SWINE-like Nature which is ready to return again and rend those that cast their Pearls before them are in the nature of the Harlot who is not to be fed with the portion of a true Matron neither is Childrens Bread to be cast before them in that adulterating spirit which openeth the Quiver out of which the Darts of Disdain are sent forth do fly abroad and yet shall not the Truths of God always continue clouded or obscured in silence as a Treasure hid in the EARTH VI. But the Time is come that the oppressed Life hath gathered strength and the groans of the Sufferer have made way for the resurrection of the slain and the Poor and Despised doth and will arise over all the contempt it hath met withall in its Way onward to the Land of REST and the Disdainful are ashamed to see the Beggar taken from off the Dunghil and such exalted in the Favour of God that were of low degree in the Eyes of the Admirer of the Persons of Men because of advantage who have said Sit thou here and be my Footstool since thou hast no Gold Ring nor gay Garment else depart and be thou warmed and fed but therefore are the Rich afflicted and the Full are given up into the Tormentors hands VII For a Day is already appeared in which the simple have been preserved in their Way and they shall grow in the Favour both of God and Man through all opposition they meet with by the fierce and cruel HUNTERS for their Prey And those that have said Come up higher and sit thou here because of thy covering and out-side Garment shall themselves be seen naked and hungry and in want of all things and many shall behold their shame for they shall no more wear a rough Garment to deceive or through austerity appoint places to such that may serve their Interest but the Voyce of the LORD shall be heard in the EARTH calling and inviting many to the great and last Supper of the LAMB who shall have on the Wedding Garment of a meek and quiet Spirit which is of great price with the Lord. VIII And this covering will never prove too narrow neither shall it be ripped off though such may come up in an appearance of Glory to manifest the end of the Worldly Sentence that is gone out against them but seeing fiery tryals are come wherein all Foundations are to be searched into that every Birth may live in and receive the Reward of that which it hath been sown in and to and that it may appear whether they can indure and hold out in the time of affliction Blessed are all they that have found out and are builded on the unmoveable and lasting Rock of Ages and Foundations of many Generations that have passed before them for I have seen many good beginnings in the Work of God wherein his Grace and Love was and is sufficient to perfect and finish the same had it been trusted to wholly and fully IX But such that have leaned to their own understandings have given heed to lying Vanities and have forsaken the FOUNTAIN of endless Mercies and Refreshments having still that of their own reserved which they are very loth to part from that separates between GOD and them these have begun well but who hath hindered them that they are so ready to sit down by the VVay in a false Peace and Rest wherein they come short of perfect Satisfaction in God looking on a self-sufficiency in something done as an Act of the Creature without the assistance of the Spirit of GOD to keep in the way of Peace X. For their beginning was in and by the Spirit of GOD why then seek they to be perfect by the Flesh and in a Name of Profession of Truth while they have the approbation of such that have convinced the Understanding of that which is Truth in the Judgment of Creatures but in a time of the tryal of their Faith the ends of the World are manifest before them and then is there a running to and fro to increase the Knowledge of the WORK of GOD
as it is in themselves though many have learned in this day to adde to their Faith Vertue and Patience and all good Fruits of the Spirit of God because of the Experience of the Work of Faith which through Patience they are kept in the sence of in the midst of Fiery Tryals and they hold fast the begettings of God thereby in a confidence of good in him XI And then as they increase in Knowledge it is on a good ground and foundation that hath learned them to rejoyce in the FLAMES of DEVOURING FIRE whose devouring QUALITY cannot reach their SENCE with any BITTERNESS of its Sting but through Patience and Submission thereto it is made sufferable and the Cross is made easie therein and the BURDEN light because of a quenching property in that love against whatever maketh the Judgement of God to be unsufferable Torment to his Creature for part of their Knowledge is that it is not only given them to believe but to suffer for the namesake of God though in the beginning of the Work of Faith the belief that was wrought by the Spirit of God in them is a Convincer of sin under which there was and is a suffering in the nature that hath contracted the guilt thereof on the Soul by unity of Spirit therewith even the Spirit and God of the World XII Further knowing and being perswaded in patience to wait for the perfecting of the Work of God in the Heart in that Faith and belief of the love of God therein shed abroad that they are kept sensible of a good experience of the Work thereof having the Testimony of a good Conscience to manifest the same in the World these can shew their Faith by its Works and have a birth thereof that makes not ashamed of a good CONFESSION among Men and the fained Humility and appearances of Love from the untimely Fruit of the Womb that can never come to see the glory of the Sun of this day withereth in its way for that which can indure and hold out to the End worketh by the love of God that hath begotten into a lively hope concerning the Resurrection from the Dead having a Life tinctured in the Souls reach after true Charity in God and Love unfained which is the highest attainment in a Christians state and the greatest Gift that can be attained by men under the Bond of Perfection XIII Sealing the Work in which God doth glory and delight in that which is made able to pass through the stroke of Death to leave an Earnest of the expectations of the Creature after the day of Redemption in that which is much more pretious than that of Gold that perisheth But how have I seen many in this day loading themselves with the Fancy and Imaginations of their disquieted Mind and then being burdened with a Fear and Jealousie that ariseth from the Unbelieving Heart and distrustful ground they are ready to cry out of the Burden of the Lord whereas their own words and thoughts are become their Burden who have taken that on them which God never layd on them and yet they make the concern for the Lords sake that lays no more on any than they are made able to bear in the Life of Patience XIV And in this ground stand all the several Separations and hasty receivings into Fellowships with sudden hands laid on Proselytes for herein is the ground of prejudice swayed by the creaturely affection yet in this mind may be maintained a fierce and fiery Zeal for the opiniatedness that may often call for fire to come down from Heaven and to have Vengeance and Plagues speedily executed on such against whom their Spirit is bent for having wished evil in their Hearts and mischief against the Persons of such towards whom they cannot admit of any CHARITABLE thoughts they proceed in a hasty Prophecy of their utter confusion and then would they rather that both Soul and Body of the subject over whom they seek to be avenged in that rejoycing should for ever perish than that they should be found False Prophets so evil a thing it is to be engaged in a Spirit of Enmity and Envy XV. But such Extremities many have this day put themselves on through rash censure and then run back to former Ages and Generations of the World for a President and Example to help them out as they think whereby they oft are ready to plead the lawfulness of cursing their Adversary who standeth not justified in their sight and approbation because ELISHA was once acted in that Ministration through the heat and zeal of his Spirit it being so far from their nature to live in that which is wayting for the Worlds redemption from sin and reconciliation to God that they rather strengthen their FURY in the expectation of utter Consumption and Destruction on all that cannot for wraths sake stoop to their perswasions and it is the end of such willings to see a People perish in their sins XVI Because of that mis-informed Zeal under which their Spirits are acted against the Enemies and Foes of that Cause for which they have found the life imboldened towards God according to the quickning of his Spirit as tinctured with that Power before which the Heavens have opened and do shut and in the like desire THEY are moved as was HE before whom Fifties were destroyed whose Spirit resteth Judgement on a Ground wherein God hath prepared Messengers to go before his face But considering the difference in Administrations that Zeal which runneth out after an Object to maintain the heat of Spirit against which it is enkindled is not now held and retained in the like Cause and Ground as that in which it first appeared XVII For God is gone out of that Administration as acted towards the Persons of Men in their Generations and cannot own any glory therein but as that which had a Testimony of his day in the Prophecy thereof wherein the Messengers went before his Face in a sence of that terror that was come on the Wicked World because such that wear the soft Cloathing are got into Kings Houses and they shall no more wear a rough Garment or prophesie in their Sackcloth Robes therefore whom would men go out to see since Times are come that the Sacrifice of the Rebellious savoureth of the Work of Death and there is not fire enough to kindle the combustible matter in the House on the top of which they are exalted while the Displeasure of God continueth unawakened in the Pleasure and Will of Men that bring Wood but where is the Flame of that other Spirit which God requireth even of Reconciliation to Himself in the Life of Forgiveness in that which is able to Appease and Quench the Wrath and Rage of the devouring Enemy and make Friends in the Well-Beloved Life XVIII Yet where is Love and Forgiveness enough to heap Coals of Fire on the Heads of Enemies the Gift hath been first left at the Altar and such
either in general or particular Concerns so narrow is the Heart of the Creature tyed up in his Generations and cannot see the good of any thing in Posse though that which is in Esse Self is continually labouring for Interest in yet consider the want of Faith in the World concerning any Help and Deliverance to the Oppressed after which they have fixed Expectations shall not always keep down and hinder the day we groan after but it shall come when Faith is scarce to be found on the Earth and Deliverance shall spring up to the Afflicted as well concerning outward Oppressures as inward when they are left as Men without hope XXXV But none of those that are in the fanning Love and out-side shews of Humility in appearances under any pretence whatever of a universality of Spirit while in a sensual Separation they continue rending themselves from the Body of Fellowship in God wherein is the holy Order of Saints will be able to stand and hold out the indurance of the Tryals that are come into the Worlds though for a Time they make Parties and have Headships in the Divisions of Men about Opinionatedness for it is that every thing may appear in its birth that the Mystery of Iniquity hath been suffered to work and the Selfish Love in appearances of Humility is one with the Spirit of the WORLD in which it is grounded and founded and the day hath made it manifest XXXVI For it is not lo here or lo there will now hide the Professor neither A. nor P. in Profession or that thou hast Love or Zeal in thy Heart but what art thou joyned to in the exercise thereof that leveneth NATURE into a Principle it is that which will discover whose Side thou art on which I long since have had a perfect sight of and that both the fearful and unbelieving of God and his Goodness that for want of Zeal to God in the Cause and Case in which they once have appeared seek to cover their dead mind in a habit of Love and Forgiveness and while filled with the Power of Death they move and reach after a sence in others under which they would be apprehended to live and also the Proud and Presumptious who are heightned in a fierceness of that fiery Zeal could be content to persecute for their OPINIONATEDNESS with Tongue or might of Arm and both will joyn hands to conclude the matter under which a Mystery doth work XXXVII This is already seen and that Doctrines of Truth may be received and believed that have Universal Principles and yet retained in a narrow empty Heart whereby the Cause for which the Just doth suffer is maintained in a Ground that is evil to the Life of Jesus who lighteth every man c. and therefore the Nature of what springeth from thence effecteth that which is contradictory to good sence but I leave the Issue thereof to God who is the Highest and Chiefest GOOD whereby the Creature who is the Subject on which it doth work may come to grow into Unity of Spirit with Him therein wherein Time and Place is measured and comprehended in the incomprehensible Beauty of Holiness which shineth in and over all his Works and standeth in the excelling Properties of that Vertue that transcends the worth of all visible created things which are all to perish in that state of Corruption under which they are brought forth BEAUTIFUL into MANIFESTATION that many may come to comprehend with all Saints what is the height and depth and length and breadth of these things as they are in JESUS XXXVIII But the order of what hath relation to a Publique Good herein depends on a Ground that hath the Truth of all Prophecy opened in the concern it hath to both outward and inward man of which a large Testimony is already given forth in the passage of all those that died in the Faith of the Day many are become Witnesses of and do see and possess great Glory therein through a sence of Redemption and Restauration come unto and come up in the Worlds in its Principles in the several and respective States where many have been found wandering from Satisfaction in the progress of the Work which leads up unto God and therefore concerning the Times and Seasons for which the Vision is set and made to speak thou shalt count a year for a day from the Creation of the Worlds in the Generations of ADAM according to the days of the Life of ENOCH which were 365 years wherein is the ground of all Prophecie comprehended in number and figure that is now made able to utter its voice XXXIX And it will appear to be the fifteenth day of the fifth Month of the sixteenth year since the Creation of the Worlds in the Generations of Adam to this present year 1665. wherein thou shalt count in each month 28 days and â…” parts between New Moon and New Moon counting the beginning of the Month from the Phasis or first appearing-time thereof and from the fifteenth year the Worlds stood divided in that which rested the Judgment of GOD which is brought thereinto on its fourth part or North Quarter over which the Eagle hath had Power in the time the Dragon remained bound down in the bottomless Pit with a chain of the Angel of GOD while those that had received the first Fruits of Joy and Comfort in the Spirit of God and that are made partakers of the first Resurrection have raigned in the Dominion and Power of God in that which hath quickned the Spirit of the Souls of the once dead in Sins and Trespasses as of those Spirits in Prison unto whom the Preacher of Redemption is become manifest XL. And by fifteen degrees of the Sun according to which it hath gone ten degrees backward on the Worlds and in which the Days of the Month and Months of the Year are equally divided thou shalt be made able to measure the Worlds in what is discernable and whence Glory descendeth into Nature from the Equinoctial Pole according to its Elevation counting in the Diurnal Motion of the Wheels wherein a Day standeth for a Year in its figure according to the times and seasons under which the Worlds have multiplied their number to the Generations that are come to possess the Substance of the Wilderness Travel where Moses saith I appoint ye a Year for a Day c. for fifteen Minutes of one degree of the Sun to make one minute of an hour of the day each hour being fifteen degrees of the Sun but in the Annual motion in the Wheels by ONE degree of the Sun there is signified a year and in a month is signified five minutes as doth one minute signifie six days and some odd hours of a degree of the Sun which hath four minutes of an hour to every degree of the Sun in its diurnal Course of Motion XLI But wherein the fifteenth year made its Revolution in the first month of the sixteenth
that shall fill it with Pangs and many shall blaspheme God because of those Pangs that are come on them that have defiled the Temple of God created to be his House of Praise though now made that over which the Great Whore hath reigned that sitteth on the Kings of the Earth and this shall be known in the time that the beloved City becometh encamped about by the great Armies of the Aliens LVIII And concerning all these things the times are coming that they are to be fulfilled and in Europe will FALL suddenly a great Prince but England be thou still in thy Dominions until GOD come to exalt and set up His TRUTH over all the Powers of Darkness for thy striving for Conquest by the Sword and to get into Dominion is but vain LIX In that the Powers of the Air must heighten their glory before it can be seen what is smitten therein under the Power of the Eagle or King of the North that hath reigned more years than the King of the South and therein remaineth the Holy Seed and let him that hath Wisdom number and count those days past and yet observe that which is to be fulfilled to make up the expiration of the time and let it not be hard to believe well of that which crosseth thy expectations that thou shouldest be filled with the distrust of GOD and his Goodness and put an evil Construction upon that which answereth not thy Opinionatedness LX. And in the reading hereof the God of Life and Peace open your Understandings and bless and keep all in his Fear that those Sparks that have been raked under the Ashes of what was once enkindled in a consuming Flame may be blown up into a second Flame the Light of which I desire never more to see extinguished and put out as it keeps burning in and against Self for it is nothing else that burns up the Combustible Matter that hath been brought into the Temple of God And in this doth my SOUL continue praying to GOD Amen and Amen saith Thy Friend in all Love R. B. A TABLE Of the Contents of the CHAPTERS The First Part Describing Chap. 1. The Vision of the Wheels Chap. 2. The Diurnal Motion in the Wheels Chap. 3. The Mystery of the four large Hours in the Day and the four Watches of the Night Chap. 4. The degeneration of all Forms in Nature Chap. 5. The Government of Nature under the Power of four Beasts Chap. 6. The seven Nations of the World as they came forth imbodyed in the Forms of Nature Chap. 7. The manner how they became thus imbodyed Chap. 8. The operation of the Vision in the opening of the Heavens Chap. 9. The exercise of the Power of God over the mind wherein the Vision of these things wrought Chap. 10. The power of the Waters in the Vision of the Wheels Chap. 11. The nature of the World in its Principles Chap. 12. The manner wherein those Vessels were beheld unburdened that arrived from off those Waters separated into four Heads The Second Part. Greeting to the FOUR CHURCHES in EUROPE Describing Chap. 1. The coming forth of those four Beasts Chap. 2. The motion of the Wheels in their seven turns Chap. 3. The Forms of Nature under the renewing Power in God Chap. 4. The effect of the descending of Angels into the Forms of Nature Chap. 5. The order of those four Angels loosed out of the great River Euphrates Chap. 6. The Restauration of the Heavens in the Worlds Chap. 7. The form of the Temple which settled therein Reader these material faults in the Printing having escaped the Press thou art advised to correct them with thy Pen. IN page 21. line 8. for dark read black p. 23. l. 6. for 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 r. 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 p. 27. l. 17. for 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 r. 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 p. 84. l. 6. r. a for the. l. 9. r. about 2 hours p. 91. l. 21. r. forth for for p. 106. l. 10. dele and. l. 16. d. as a. p. 107. l. 10. for the r. that p. 124. l. 14. for Kisu r. Kisleu p. 133. l. 11. d. Spirit p. 134. l. 5. r. thee in this p. 154. l. 5. r. and in a great p. 162. l. 1. r. in the hand of the Angel l. 13. for came r. run p. 171. l. 2. f. nor r. neither p. 173. l. ult r. that which f. which that p. 197. l. 8. f. though r. through p. 206. l. 10. f. Elil r. Elul p. 211. l. 5. f. Sagitarius r. Sagitars l. 12. for poyson r. potion p. 234. l. 7. f. Atnium r. Ethaim p. 240. l. 13. after Heavens r. rod on the Rain-Bow p. 241. l. 8. f. diveing r. dividing p. 249. l. 17. r. and in the ground p. 253. l. 4. f. yet r. that p. 290. l. 3. r. rareing f. raving p. 294. l. 10. r. put it on c. l. 17. f. own r. once p. 291. l. 1. f. each r. the. p. 359. l. ult f. ome r. come p. 365. l. 12. f. known r. sown p. 370. l. 19. f. towards r. from l. ult f. Aries r. Leo. p. 379. l. ●3 dele which p. 384. l. 3. r. in or before p. 371. l. 13. f. nineteen r. thirty nine The Introduction I. IN the year 5594 according to the most just and true account of the Creation of the Worlds in Adam and in the thirty-second year after the thirty-second JUBILE since the finishing of the Testimony of that great Prophet in his Body of Flesh who came forth into appearance and manifestation from the Worlds account 1664. being the year of his Incarnation who was the Glory Welbeloved of the Fathers Soul conversing with men in the substance of that Power in which all the Works of God were finished from the beginning the perfection of whose Nature had glory in what was effected in the SIX dayes work of Creation through the glorifying cause of all beings in Nature II. In the year aforesaid the REVELATION of JESUS the Son of the living God came unto me even unto me a Native of England sojourning among the scattered Nations and ungathered Families of the Captivity of Judah waiting for the Earths return to bring forth new fruit unto God throughout the four Quarters thereof which I am commanded of God to communicate to the Generations of the Worlds amongst which I am fallen III. Unto whom be Greeting and Salutation from your Brother in Tribulation and Companion in all afflictions for the Seeds sake whom Bonds have daily attended both inward and outward while for the sake of many and great Nations the travel of my Soul continueth that my groanings and labour in the Lord may procure the joy and rejoycings of as many as have a heart open to receive the benefit of what is brought forth through great conflicts IV. And from the Spirit of Jesus is my Souls enlargement to the disconsolate Babe of Hope and in the Authority of
I do unto such a People as this And therefore let the German Princes prepare for he is come forth that hath measured thy day the glory of Imperial Support cannot any longer defend the PAPAL Throne on which Foundation thou hast been raised up in great Excellency and exalted in mighty Pomp. Oh! how hath thy practice clouded the Glory of thy Profession and because of a Spirit of Cruelty that hath possessed the strength of thy Zeal in a mis-informed mind how hast thou laid a stumbling block in the WAY of the simple and caused the Ignorant to despise the truth of sound Doctrine XI Dost thou believe Purgation of the Body of Nature from the cause that hath held it down under the Power of Death wherein the Souls of the Righteous have remained crying and groaning under the Altar of God Why then continue ye in the enmity and Spirit of Cruelty to the life of the Just both in your selves and others for where that Life is not refreshed and nourished it dieth for want of strength because it is the Souls strengh to be fed with the Bread of Comfort in God wherein it receives all blessing from him and the Body also without that Spirit is dead XII It is the living therefore that can praise God aright in that power that entereth the Ear of the Dead for whom they stand in Jeopardy every hour making their Supplications unto God in his Spirit that breaketh open the Prison Doors and is come to Preach to the Spirits in Prison comforting the sick and weak that lyeth languishing under the Power of Death and visiting the needy in the day of its distress and calamity through which the dead becometh again raised up to life and immortality in GOD. XIII Many things I have to say unto thee because thou mixest thy inventions with the Doctrine of Truth and hast exalted thy self in the superstition of those gain-sayers that perished before thee great are the Tryals that have overtaken thee and that which is come upon thee cannot be parallel'd because of the end of all things that is come up before the LORD Have I not seen the going down of thy Glory among the Stars of the Night surely it is set in the WEST and it hath a SOUTH Cloud over its Beam but from the EAST is the Morning broke forth and towards the NORTH doth the Star shine that hath burning flames mentained in the dissolution of such forms of Nature that have caused an exhaling in the excremental parts of the fiery Heavens XIV And unto the Angel of the Churches in the separated Islands in the North the transplantation of Europe thy Names are many and divers art thou in the perswasion of thy Judgement in the Doctrinal part of Truth And these are become the Horns on the Heads of the BEAST in Nature which shall hate the WHORE that hath exalted SELF in the destruction of the glory of two Tribes for ten Tribes shall return to behold that which hath been healed up deceitfully in the appearance of the RAM from the EAST whose coming forth is to ex lt his Horns wherewith he shall be found pushing three wayes to wit WEST and NORTH and SOUTH XV. And there will be striving in the EARTH until a HOLY PEOPLE cometh to sit down in their own Land for God is come down into the forms of Nature and will work as in the dayes of old and every on that seeeth him shall be affected with his LOVE and shall mourn bitterly over him as his beauty cometh to be seen in the Earth and overspreadeth the Worlds but none shall be able to awaken his displeasure against others though he will cut off great and strong Nations in his way in his own time and not for the sake of the Wishers of mischief that may inkindle a fire in the Center of the ground from whence their life doth spring XVI But the Angel of my BELOVED hath given in charge unto the Daughters of SION that they awake not Gods displeasure neither stir up the Beloved desire of the welfare of all Nations before he please for you that profess zeal against Superstition see that you stand not above the ground of Humility from whence charity doth spring unto the distressed which worketh the WILL of God in the manifestation of Glory through the LIGHT of his countenance that is lifted up over the Nations by the arising of the Sun of Righteousness with healing in his WINGS XVII For I am well assured of the love of God to his despised Remnant and handful of little Ones trampled on by all and now set in the Front of the BATTEL in which Gods Cause hath engaged them though by the Mighty they are deserted as left to the rage and fury of the Devouring Enemy And I have beheld also such that have plenty in their own Houses yet are they found covetously lusting after one EWE-LAMB of the POOR And shall they prosper saith the LORD since his Sword which he hath not drawn in vain shall not depart from their House until Jerusalem become a quiet Habitation for evermore for an exercise hath sprung from their own Bowels through a Rebellious Seed that flattereth in the WAY XVIII But the ground of all this awakened Fury did break forth in the Spirit of the WORLD in the Nature of sensual Separations in the dispersed forms of the Apostatizing Spirit from its first Love by which the Faith of Gods Elect worketh But Gods intention is to purge his own House and Sanctuary first that his People may be white and clean from the Worldly Spirit of enmity and bitterness which springeth from the covetous Root that standeth in the lusting ground wherefore the BEAST hath power to exalt his HORN for a season XIX Therefore cease Oh cease ye MIGHTY of the EARTH to strive against the Lord for ye have been contending with one another in selfs concernment until your time of healing is well nigh spent in controversies and now hath God taken his own cause into his HANDS and hath it in consideration which he will plead for the Meek of the Earth in the Heart of their Enemies And notwithstanding many things are suffered for a Tryal of their FAITH to God who profess his Name and Truth yet is it not to destroy them but to purifie and refine them wherein Judgement is still strengthened against that part which hath given way to the power and work of the Enemy either in the Particular or General And I am assured deliverance will come in Gods time which is when his People are so sitted thereby that God can get himself a Name in their Salvation XX. And alas you Professors of Cristianity that are quarrelling with each other about the formal part of your Worship how have you lost your day until you are overtaken with a power of Darkness have ye not been afraid of those that should change your Laws and Customs and bring in contrary Orders wherein the ROMANS Power
of God's Spirit and they were prepared in time that came up in the Hours of the day and dayes of the Month and months of the year into Number and Order wherein the substance of what Nature was ordained to manifest is become measurable and intelligable XXIV For herein is made manifest a Government springing up from the Head and Heart and Womb of Nature through which the Body of Nature was placed in subjection to an unchangeable and everlasting Power of renewing in God whereby I came to discern of those three in Heaven that bear Record to wit the FATHER and Creator of all Spirits and Principles of Nature into being and the WORD through which the Creature was brought into the lovely form of Sonship and the Holy Ghost which is the Power of the Word in the Creature as he is acted in the Will of the Creator and these three are one witness for God in the Heavens as a Sun of that Glory whereby the Creation of God is enlightned CHAP. III. Describing the Forms of Nature as they are wrought up in the the changings of the renewing Power in God XXV AND this was manifest in Terrestrial Bodies through the three that bear Record on EARTH to wit the Spirit of God which first breathed on the WATERS which is a power of all individual Spirits in Natural Bodies formed and the Waters themselves on which it thus breathed and the BLOOD inkindled in the fire of Life through which those Waters do ebb and flow to the Creature that hath the imbodied being of Soul and Spirit And those three also agree in one and are one Witness for God in Terrestrial Bodies wherein the MOON hath prevailed to dignifie her course that turneth Waters into the Blood of the Spirit of Life in that borrowed light wherein she hath exercised her dominion under the Power of Corruption XXVI This therefore did I observe in the Motion of the WHEELS that the ground of their Motion was everlasting whereby that which had not any beginning in the Will and Wisdom of Eternities Power of Existence took being in time and place wherein every thing that was created into Form became conceiveable and comprehensible in the imbodied being of NATURE as it stands thus fallen under the Power of Corruption wherein the Work of God hath been narrowed to the sence of the Creaturely capacity and from the CENTRE in which is an eternal stilness will every man receive his reward according to his WORKS and to what he hath sown in the Body of Nature thus fallen under the tryals of a cross to the Creaturely affection XXVII Though every thing is brought forth in its order which is again to be reduced into its Center as all Powers of Nature come to run their race in what is awakened and come forth in time and place to the judgment of Eternity against all such Powers of Darkness wherein I beheld the EARTH standing in and out of the Waters from whence the Light shined in each principle in which the separation was made between the Darkness which was expelled from the new Created Forms in Nature and driven into its Center wherein the Creation remained groaning under its NIGHT of sorrow as in the fallen Properties that proceeded out of the Womb of Nature in which Self became imbodied in the Creature of God which was and is the cause of the fall and of all degeneration in Spirits and Properties of Nature in those Principles XXVIII And out of this EARTH sprung up all that lay hid under the Power of Corruption thus formed into being in time and place which was a fourth part of the WORLDS in form as its two third parts were separated into the Waters above and under the Firmament resting under the Government of those four Beasts in the forms of Nature over which the Wheels moved their third turn separating between all Creatures that abode in the Region of Air and those that rested on the EARTH and in those Waters under the Firmament who were enlightned by the three Glories of the Father that shined from the Heavens above the Firmament wherein the Worlds stood manifest in their renewed Principles after this third turn of the Wheels XXIX For the Seal of God being on his peculiar Number of faithful Ones though little in the Eye and esteem of the World a Cloud of Darkness remained over the day in which they had glory until the seventh Seal of God was taken off from the Book of Life in which their names were written among the WONDERS of God whereby I beheld each Beast in the Forms of Nature take unto him six Wings in which were six thousand Feathers and six thousand Names of Men on each Wing and on each Beast were thirty six thousand Feathers and names of Men which became a great Army in the Heavens of one hundred forty four thousand names of Men according to the four Wings of what came forth first manifest on the Back of the LYON wherein each Wing of the Army in the Heavens was dispersed to its Quarters on the Earth And the Wheels were moved about in their fourth turn over all Principles in Nature thus come forth into form in its time of Tryal XXX Which was very miraculous to behold that through all this striving and contest in the Heavens not one Fether of those Beasts was diminished though the Wings of the Beasts in those forms of Nature were suffered to be pluckt and were taken from off the Back of those living Creatures on which they sought to rest and settle And after an Angel of the Sun came forth in the Glory of the Son of Man there stood a second Angel of God who daily ministreth at the Altar of God hath power over FIRE and he rode on a WHITE Cloud and I heard a voice from the Heavens the number of Gods chosen are Sealed and they are faithful Witnesses and Followers of the LAMB and I beheld out of the Temple of God Trumpets sounding forth Praises and Hallelujahs to him that Rules and sits on high until the four Angels of God became loosed out of the great River EUPHRATES and stood on the four Corners of the Earth and held the four Corners of the Winds from blowing XXXI But the Earth was exercised with great afflictions and the Waters also and all that lived therein and moved thereon were come under sore Tryals in one third part thereof and the cry was very grievous because of the burning Coals that were taken from the Altar of God and flung on the Earth which caused Tempests therein and from the Heavens proceeded Thunders and Lightnings and great Hail after all motion therein began to cease and that I had beheld a silence in the Heavens for the space of half an hour XXXII For as the WINDS of the Heavens were at rest wherein the Spirit of God ceased to strive any more with his Creature neither suffered the breath of its Almighty Power to blow any more on
hath remained joyned in one Spirit of the Beast while the Temple of God hath been defiled in such worship and bowing down to the Spirit of defilement and the glorying therein is become an incestuous BED that procureth torment because of the Resurrection in which none can remain joyned to that Spirit and possess the Glory in God's Temple who is come to destroy the defiler thereof LXXXVI For the three Angels of God that have power over that which came on the Worlds in their third part through the sounding of the seven Trumpets of God that awaken the execution of Justice from the Heavens are now manifest in the three remaining Principles that have a fourth part in their Quarter reserved to those fiery Tryals effected in that which manifesteth the end of all gloryings in the dominion of the fourth Beast in Nature LXXXVII Wherein the fiery Triplicity in the Heavens through which those Angels are revealed hath been covered as with a Cloud until the Son of Man came to be revealed riding on the White Clouds of the Heavens and cloathed with incomparable Beauty before whom three Angels have been found flying through the Heavens proclaiming the everlasting Gospel of Peace and glad tydings and the destruction of Babylon in her great CITIES which were come up before the remembrance of God warning the Inhabitants of the Earth to come forth from her and flee out of her glory lest partaking therewith they came to partake with her in those Plagues that were upon the Earth LXXXVIII These three are the Witnesses of God in Heaven filling the Heaven of Heavens with Glory in one power that comprehends all Principles in Nature which are swallowed up in its immensness Greater testimony of God hath none for since God hath a Witness on Earth how much greater is that in and from the Heavens wherein an Angel hath come forth out of the Temple in which the first Witness of God finished his Testimony and beholding the Fruits of the Earth that they are ready for gathering and that the Harvest is White he hath said unto the Angel that sitteth on the WHITE CLOUD Thrust in thy sharp Sicle because of the Harvest of the Earth which is ripe and the Earth hath been reaped until nought can be found but that which hath remained for a second Harvest and Tryal LXXXIX But he that hath lain slain in the streets of that great City in which the Inhabitants of the Earth have made merry over the crucified Life of the Lord of all Glory in Heaven and Earth is now come forth raised and exalted on that White Cloud from whence the Earth is reaped And a second Angel of God is come forth out of the Temple with his sharp Sicle in his Hand and an Angel of the Altar under which the Souls of the Righteous lie groaning saith unto that second Witness or Angel that is come forth out of the Temple Thrust in thy sharp Sicle also and reap the fruits of the Vine the Clusters of the Vine Grapes and spare not the Olive Yards XC This is he that daily ministreth before the Lord and attendeth the Altar of God with the Prayers of Saints which are daily offered up with sweet Incense put into his Golden Censer and his power is over fire by which all untimely Fruits are scorched and consumed in their third part by the bright rayes of the breaking forth of the Summer in the Sun of Righteousness which is arisen with healing in its Wings though in the passing away of the Winter and in the dispelling of Clouds of Darkness which were over and had covered the Face of the Earth the Summer is broke forth wherein many remaine unsaved from the wrath thereof to come upon the ungodly World XCI For in that which descended through the Clouds of the Air the first beauty and glory of the Temple in that which was built in the Heavens is discovered to be moveable though therein God was worshiped as in the Ark of his Testimony in the Covenant of Promise which was carried about from place to place while the Temple remained under a Cloud in which are the more lively things themselves then that in which the forms of Nature were gathered as patterns of what remained under a Cloud until the time of the restitution of all in the Heavens was come wherein hath wrought the Power and Spirit of Preparation in the Spirit of Creatures to the perfecting the Work of God and bringing into the unity of the Spirits of just Men made perfect in God until all becometh compleat in him that holdeth the HEAD unto which the Body is knit in several Joynts and Members XCII Yet in this time of ISRAELS sojourning through the Wilderness the Power of God hath been manifest to those strangers in the Earth in that strange Countrey through which they have their passage and therein have pitched their moveable TENTS though Beauty and Glory hath shined through such Vessels in the time of their preparation from transgression that came under the Judgment of the great Day of God in the ground wherein God first chose a People to himself and to be called by his Name until the Glory of the Earth is become laid wast the third and last WO is come into the World discovered in the pouring forth of those seven Vials to the utter consumption of the Spirit and Power of Darkness ruling and reigning in the God of the World wherein Death and Hell are conquered in their full strength the Enemy of all Souls vanquished and overcome in that which is come to destroy the ground of Destruction by utter dissolution XCIII And the sence of these things was manifest in the World in that which came on the Earth and great SEAS and all Rivers and Fountains of WATER and all that lived therein or moved thereon and on Sun and Moon and Stars and the seat of the Beast and great River EUPHRATES and on the Air wherein the Fruits of the Earth withered and were destroyed and the Waters became like unto the Blood of the dead and on Men fell a noysom Plague-sore and Headly Wound because of the infection of the Air wherein was Hail ●ike unto Fire mingled with Blood each being of great weight and at the appearance of God there was wrought up through the EARTH a burning Mountain under which fell the Powers of Nature in Earthly Forms XCIV And all the WATERS were dryed up in the great River Euphrates wherein the way of the Kings of the EAST was prepared who gathered themselves together into a place called GOLGOTHA in the Hebrew Tongue which is a place of dry Bones and dead Mens Sculs on whom the Spirit of God had breathed and they did live in his sight and stand on their Feet like Men and it was the Valley of Megiddon and of Hadadrimmon even the Valley of Jehoshaphat or the Valley of Slaughter where RACHEL sat weeping for her Children because they we●● not and she would
be disquieted and unsettled from their Lees whereby Destroyers have been suffered in the Way that are come on the Holy People where they are scattered in the North Country situated between the Seas CHAP. XII Describing the MYSTERY of Time according to the end for which the FORMS of Nature came forth into Manifestation on which Consumption and Desolution hath over-taken the Abominations for which the WORLD is made desolate in this last day and Age c. LXVIII AS to the Time for which the VISION is made to speak it is from and of the Beginning and to the End of Time and Place whereby every thing standeth manifest under a Figure according to the Days and Years under which all FORMS in Nature do labour and work which have their Hours and Months in the measure of Time c. wherein the Frame and Form of the Work of God in the power of Creation was laid in the Line of ADAM in his Generations answerable to the Years of his Life in which the Days of the VISION do manifest the whole WORK raised up from that in which it was sown LXIX For as from the Creation of the Worlds according to the most just and true accompt of Men is three thousand years to the finishing of the TEMPLE which SOLOMON built in which the first Glory of the Work of God stood manifest and from the finishing of that Temple which was built and erected in seven years to the Birth and Incarnation of the Son of Man through the Power of the SECOND ADAM a quickning Spirit c. was nine hundred and thirty years so doth all things stand manifest in NUMBER under the same figure in the coming forth of the WORLDS which in seven days was brought into form according to the sence of the first Man ADAM through whom the Works of GOD was comprehended in Natural Body wherein the seed of Life was known by which his living Soul became apprehensive in the breathings of the SPIRIT and Breath of GOD. LXX Whereby NATURE multiplied in its Forms according to the course they were subjected under in that Dominion wherein the MAN was made LORD over all the Works of GOD's Hands answerable to the sensibility that was wrought up through the seventh Form descending in which HENOCH continued imbodyed as many years as are days in the year and all the days of YEARS wherein Adam continued imbodyed in that first Form are reckoned nine hundred and thirty which is two years and seven months according to the accompt of Time wherein the Forms of Nature do stand numbred in a figure under which they are multiplied a year for a Day LXXI And concerning the Time for which the VISION is made to speak in what is formed for a conclusion of the matter and wherein the Nature of that which worketh standeth figured forth to the bringing the WHOLE under its Day of Tryal as it was one thousand six hundred fifty and six years from the Creation of the Worlds into time and place to the over-flowing Scourge that followed them therein and over-took the Forms whererein they were created with the Deluge and from thence until the dayes wherein Moses became manifest in flesh c. was seven hundred seventy and seven years who continued therein one hundred and twenty years so it was twenty eight Jubilies from the beginning of those Services which rested under the Goverment of JOSHUA that succeeded him in that sixth YEAR to the anoynting of CHRIST to his Office that put an end to all those Offerings and Sacrifices c. thus typified out in JOSHUA which signifieth JESUS or SAVIOUR LXXII From which time there is past the number of YEARS in thirty two Jubilies and thirty two years to this year of the Worlds accompt 1665. And as from the finishing of the Temple in which those Services stood accepted under the Law c. to the destroying thereof by Fire was four hundred twenty and three years and after six years was the King of BABYLON established in his Kingdom and Throne which made him say Is not this great BABEL which I have built so unto that eleventh year wherein the HOLY ONE and the WATCHER came down to shew him the end of those Visions of the MONARCHIES of the Worlds and the state into which he should be driven among Beasts of prey was four hundred thirty and four years which is the number of sixty and two weeks of days A Conclusion To the whole WORK I. BUt in the time before-mentioned Life was prolonged in the Government over ISRAEL in its dying state as it received in the sence of the Wound come on a third part of its Glory that was smitten and the shadow of the SUN went back ten degrees on the Dyal in which the forms of Nature stand manifest according to the Significator of the Birth concerned therein wherein the SUN hath recovered the first point of ARIES from the tenth day of the first month in this sixteenth year for from the period of fifteen years the Pangs and Sufferings that came into the WORLDS in their third part hath rested in the Seat of the Beast on those MEN that have received his Mark. II. And after the MOON hath passed her Course through the Signs in the ZODIACK of an Inward World wherein she will be descending towards the House of her Exaltation in the year One thousand six hundred sixty and six and will renew her Entrance through ARIES on the concluding of the YEAR the effect of that which hath rested on those Men who are come under the smiting of the Beasts Power for those five Months wherein pangs have proceeded from his Seat will be seen in the WORLDS for from the concluding of that year is thirty days wherein the SUN hath his Passage through LEO the Heart of a Lyon which is his own House who entered the first point of Cancer wherein the Summer Quarter is manifest nineteen days before the concluding of this year 1665. III. And as the number of years for which Jerusalem was rebuilt the second time was sixty two Weeks until the MESSIAH was anoynted to his Office after the finishing of the second Temple in seven weeks which was for a Week and in the midst of that Week was the Prophet and SON of GOD cut off though not for his own transgressions so it was sixty two weeks more or an hundred thirty four days from the birth of JESUS that great PROPHET through whom the partition Wall was broken down between two Nations to the thirtieth year of the Reign and Exaltation of the Kingdom of Mystery BABYLON over the Kings of the Earth IV. Whose King spoyled the Glory of JERUSALEM and led away Captives from thence taking unto himself the VESSELS of Silver and Gold that were in the House of the Lord in the nineteenth year of his Reign over Assyria and in the twenty fifth year of his Establishment in Media and Persia saw the four Kings in whom the Image of