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A25316 The evidence of things not seen, or, Diverse scriptural and philosophical discourses, concerning the state of good and holy men after death ... by that eminently learned divine Moses Amyraldus ; translated out of the French tongue by a Minister of the Church of England.; Discours de l'estat des fidèles après la mort. English. Amyraut, Moïse, 1596-1664.; Minister of the Church of England. 1700 (1700) Wing A3036; ESTC R7638 98,543 248

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are done there and that if all of a sudden he should be taken thence and the Heavens and the Earth the Sun the Moon the Stars the Clouds the force and power of the Winds and in general all that is peculiarly worthy of knowledge in all the parts of nature be shewed unto him 't is indubitable that he would fall into a very great admiration and that he would immediately cry out this is the Work and Habitation of the Gods themselves And there is no Person that Considers the thing as it ought which doth not easily apprehend that this Philosopher had reason For although the custom of seeing all these marvellous Objects diminishes the admiration of them 't is nevertheless from thence that all Nations have first learned that there is an infinite Being that by the wisdom of his understanding and power of his hand hath given being to all these things What may we then think of the ravishments that the Souls of the Faithful have experience of then when being delivered from the chains of the body and carried on high between the hands of Angels after having passed all the extent of the Air and gone through the vast and immense spaces of the Celestial Orbs and considered near at hand the vast and prodigious greatness the marvellous splendour of the Sun and other Stars they come to enter that stately Palace where God and our Lord Jesus dwell in glory When Jacob saw a Ladder which reached from Earth to Heaven and the Angels that ascended and descended from above he cried out this is the House of God or at least it is certainly the Gate of Heaven and testified that this place so venerable filled his Soul with fear and wonder both together David placed among his most earnest desires that of entring into the Tabernacle of God and of seeing on all sides the marvels that shined there And truely I do not doubt but that Spectacle was capable of overwhelming the Spirit with unspeakable content the matter it self was illustrious and amazing but the work and design much exceeded the matter But what is all that in comparison of what we may presume concerning the Heavens and the wonders that on all sides shine and sparkle there When we view the palaces of Kings the costliness of their Houses the stateliness of their seylings the variety of their Pictures the richness of their Tapestry the rarity of their Statues the lofty grandeur of their Pillars and Arches give a pleasure marvellously sensible and affecting to all men that have eyes and have not their internal senses marvellously stupid and blockish those that are knowing in Arts and well understand Building Painting Carving Embroidery and other things of that nature do there take much more content than others because they discover all the beauties that are in those Objects the most curious stroaks and the most delicate devices cannot escape them Whereas the generality observe nothing there but the various sparkling of Colours some order and general harmony and proportion which the most gross cannot be ignorant in and in such or such a Picture some likeness to persons that at some time they have seen If there be either Histories or Emblems Riddles or Devices in the Tapestries or Pictures those which are conversant in good Learning and pride themselves either in quickness of wit or the knowledg of Histories and Fables do there receive yet more satisfaction if they can lay open what is wrapt up there and go to the bottom of what others see nothing but the bark And if with so many other things the Spirit of Prophecy had given to David some understanding of the Mysteries which were vailed under the Types and Allegories of the Old Testament I do believe that in the contemplation of the Tabernacle neither the price of the matter whereof it was composed nor the Divine industry that Bezaleel and Aholiab employed there did never so much content either his senses or his understanding as he felt of ravishment in the marvellous wisdom wherewith God directed the design of all these things to represent by them others incomparably more excellent which were yet hid in the darkness of time to come Imagine you therefore a Soul first of all ready instructed in the truths of Christianity and purified from all false impressions which may have been mingled with them then afterwards extraordinarily illuminated by the Spirit of God and by that means made capable of all that the most sublime intelligences are capable of to be introduced into this place so full of Magnificence and splendor and there finding the substance of that whereof the Sanctuary of the Tabernacle was heretofore but a shadow If you do so I assure my self that you will fall so short of being able to conceive all the contentment that it will find there that you cannot attentively affix your Spirit thereon but it will remain swallowed up and fall and faint under the admiration of the knowledg that it will obtain there although you be not able to comprehend it There remains the third of these objects which is the presence of our Lord Jesus and our Communion with happy Spirits and Holy Angels To begin there as I believe that there is no reason to doubt but that Angels can communicate among themselves So I hold for certain that happy spirits can do the same and that Angels and Souls can mutually entertain each other What is the manner of this communication is a thing as difficult to explain as is the nature of Angels themselves and the substance of Spirits For such as is the nature of things such is the manner and quality of their Operations and no man will ever well explain the one if he have not first of all perfectly comprehended what may be understood of the other But although we do not well understand the manner nevertheless we do not fail to be fully assured of the thing it self Every understanding Being is enclined to society as on the other side no Beings have any society among themselves but those that are endued with understanding 'T is for that reason that among Animals man alone is Politick and Sociable as therefore with an understanding but which is inclosed in a Body God hath given us speech which is a Corporeal means of mutual Conversation so to substances separate from Body but nevertheless endued with understanding he hath given some power to entertain society and converse although it be not Corporeal And those that imagine that neither Angels nor Souls can move themselves unless it be by the means of a Body nor discover their thoughts and sentiments to each other unless it be by some Corporeal medium to say no more pretend to know what they do not at all understand For seeing they dare to determine the nature of the faculties of Spirits and the manner of their Operations they must be presumed to have an exact and perfect knowledg of the nature of substances purely Spiritual Therefore
by the Doctrine of the Gospel in which he is represented so lively the Divine Perfections that are there displayed in him are set before our eyes with so much lustre that we may now say that he which knoweth and seeth Christ in some sort seeth the Father Nevertheless 't is certain that as yet we do not see God as he is for on the one side the Spirit that is given us doth not perfectly illuminate us to be able to perceive all that is in the lovely Objects of the Gospel and it cannot be that the remainders of the darkness of our understandings should not obscure its brightness on the other the Objects themselves are not arrived at that high degree of Revelation which may give them all their splendor and glory We do not see as yet the love that God bears us but through Tribulations and the Cross we do not see the wonder of his Wisdom in our Salvation unless it be through an infinity of difficulties which are not as yet cleared in the Gospel we do not as yet see the greatness of his Power unless it be through the shadows of death and the natural infirmities of our bodies which make our Resurrection a thing comprehensible with great difficulty in a word God doth indeed reveal himself in the Gospel and we may there contemplate his glory in the face of our Lord Jesus Christ but there are so many Shadows and Clouds thereon so many dark stroaks and aenigmatick lines that the greatest Saints of God and those that have had the greatest occasion of praising him by reason of the excellency of his Revelations have nevertheless always acknowledged and frankly confessed the imperfection and obscurity of their knowledge As to what appertains to the State of the believing Soul I have already said above that it obtains very much light by death but that nevertheless many things are yet wanting to the plenitude of its happiness because it sees not as yet the real and effectual accomplishment of those things that were promised to it as well touching its re-union with its body and for what concerns the renovation of the World and the entire redemption of the Church it remains now that we endeavour to see what accomplishment of the Promises will add to the knowledge that we may have of these admirablevirtues of God I will repeat nothing of the Constitution in which we shall then be for the application of our Faculties to the consideration of the Objects that will be presented to us to the end that we may profit by them in proportion to their excellency I have said above that our Souls will be in such estate that the operations of our understandings can be no less than admirable in all kinds One thing only I will add 't is that Saint Paul says That God will be all in all then when the Lord Jesus shall have delivered up the Kingdom into the hands of his Father which signifies in my opinion that our Lord Jesus must exercise the Office of Mediator till the works of Salvation be finished 't is by his interposition that we receive the favour of that Spirit of illumination which makes us whilst here below more and more capable of receiving the knowledge and assurance of all the Christian verities in our minds in such manner that we have no communion with God as long as yet remains any remnant of Sin or any enemy of our Salvation to be overcomed unless it be that whereof Christ is if I may so speak the Buckle and Bond but when the work of Salvation shall be finished the Office of the Mediator being to cease and the Communion that we shall have with God being then immediate he will himself fill us with his Spirit in such manner that all the powers of our Souls will be fully and perfectly enlightned thereby now they cannot be filled in that manner but they will be marvellously strengthened in their operations and by consequence the productions that will follow thereon will be supreamly exquisite and admirable therefore we have nothing to consider here unless it be the Objects which we shall have for our Contemplation the time during which we shall be exercised therein with other circumstances which will accompany it and to conclude the Fruit which this Contemplation will produce for the advantage of our own happiness Now for what concerns Objects I will reserve them all to two the World and the Church As to the World though it should continue such as it was when it was first Created it bears so many marks of the goodness of God in the Creation and Production of its being so many proofs of the Wisdom of God in the variety of its forms and in their fitness for their operations so many Testimonies of his power in that 't is made so vast and great and drawn from the womb or bosom of nothing and to conclude so many demonstrations of all his properties in its Conservation and Government that there will be enough to raise faculties such as ours will then be to knowledg marvellously sublime and raised Therefore since the Estate wherein it will be then set will be incomparably more rich in all effects of the Divine perfections what may be the thoughts which our Souls will form upon such admirable objects For from henceforth 't will not be his goodness only which will be resplendent there ' tw●●● be his mercy yea his Mercy in its most Glorious Lustre and in its brightest splendour his Wisedom will there sparkle of all sides far above what the State of nature can furnish us with any arguments or proofs of and his Power which hath given to it an incorruptible Essence and perpetually immutable will ravish our hearts without doubt in the admiration of its infinite extension and although this natural constitution of things will be changed Nevertheless the memory of them will not be obliterated and the Idea that we shall have of them in our minds will help much to furnish matter to our Speculations be it that we consider it in it self be it that we compare it with the constitution in which the World will then be First in it self for at present we do only touch the surface of the wonders of nature and Fathom nothing to the bottom Because the edge of our minds is blunted at the occurrence of the first difficulty and our understandings are perplexed and wearied immediately in the search of things profound and difficult whereas then the light of our understandings will find nothing so dark and so intricate which they cannot disintangle and make plain and the facility that we shall have in our ratiocinations which will be that we shall be able to attempt all sorts of objects without any pain will cause that we shall use this Contemplation as with a success eternally happy so with content wholly incomprehensible And if Pythagoras or Archimedes or some other such renowned Mathematicians have been Transported with joy in
faculty which displays it self chiefly in the Operations of sense and motion I know not at all what will be then the constitution of our Organs nor what will be the nature of the Operation of our Soul upon them nor how the species of sensible things will be received by them And what is more I am not afraid to be esteemed an ignorant on this account at least for certain I shall have many Companions to partake with me in the blame thereof For I do not believe there is a man upon Earth that knows it But so it is that I very well know all will be otherwise than now it is the constitution of such Organs as now we have and the dispensation of Spirits whereupon depends all their Operations being a certain consequence of the passible and corruptible state of nature Now that which is natural will be swallowed up with that which is supernatural as that which is sensual by that which is Spiritual and that which is mortal by immortality and life And although we do not know the manner after which the Soul will be then joined to the Body for its Operations they will not be for that either the less certain or the less decorous If the measure of our knowledg were the measure of the Existence of things the greatest part of the objects of our faculties and their Operations would suffer very notable diminutions in the qualities of their Being yea some would be even absolutely expelled out of nature And I do not know whether we have used any of our senses as we ought That is to say whether of any of them we have very exactly and distinctly comprehended what it is that the Soul doth in their Operations what is the agency and activity of the Spirits And lastly what it is that the Organ it self contributes thereunto how ever it be the Organ after what manner so ever it be constituted the Soul after whatsoever manner it operate there will exercise so admirably each one what is proper to it self that they will do it without offence impediment errour or weariness with a vigour and clearness with an exactness and perfection wholly beyond imagination In conclusion to say something also of the appetites which have properly their seat in the Body and which as I have said are included under desire and anger these are passions which forasmuch as they are Corporeal will be so extinguished by death that they will return no more to life by the Resurrection And if it be true that there be virtues which have their seat in these passions as 't is apparent that Philosophy hath there placed those that they call properly moral either they will be no longer necessary because there will be no objects upon which they may be exercised or they consist not in the moderation of those appetites but in an excellent and invariable temper of the mind and will which will then be irrevocably fastened to all sorts of excellent objects by the light of the understanding All these impidements being removed if there were nothing else the reasonings of the Soul must be supreamly excellent For a good part of the failures which happen to us come either by the errour of our senses in the report that they make to us concerning sensible things or from the fumes of our passions which blind our understandings or from this that the aliments being not well concocted the Spirits which are formed out of part of their substance do retain something of their grossness and impurity wherewithal they infect the Organs which serve for the use of discourse or from this that from their first conformation there was some fault in their natural temper and construction But the same change which will put all the other parts of the Body into so excellent a constitution will put also those into the same condition wherein the intellective power of the Soul hath its seat and where it will form its ratiocinations This will be done the rather because all the other parts of the Body are not to be restored unless it be for their own proper felicity these are to serve the Operations of the Soul on which depends the happiness of the whole entire man and all the parts of him the Soul therefore being otherwise full of the illuminations of the Divine Spirit and strengthened by his presence far above the natural vigour of its faculties and coming to be lodged in a Body all whose power will be admirably perfect and bringing thither the impression of much excellent knowledg which it had already gained during the time of its residence in the Heavens it cannot effect any thing but productions worthy of its marvellous essence And as if during the time of a long separation the husband and wife had equally encreased in beauty and virtue and all other advantages they would receive incredible contentment if they might return to each other to enjoy long one and the same common felicity The Soul will rejoyce in its reunion to the Body and the Body will rejoyce in the presence of the Soul and both together composing one onely essence will be equally ravished with the happiness of their condition and with the assurance that they will have that it will be Eternal The second respect according to which man hath a Connexion and Relation to the World will deserve very attentive Consideration many things do manifestly show that the world was created for man The dignity of his nature which raised him infinitely above all other Creatures if he had remained in his integrity would not have permitted that he should have held any other place than that of an end to the use whereof other things were appointed The Empire that God gave him over all Plants and Animals at the beginning when he placed him in the Terrestrial Pardadise confirms it evidently For God would not have so ordained it if it had not been agreeable to the nature of the things themselves But nothing Teaches it unto us more expresly than the misery whereunto the world is subject on the occasion of mans sin For that 's it which the Apostle means when he says that the Creature is made subject to vanity not of it self but by reason of him which hath subjected it Rom. 8. 20. And if it be lawful to illustrate this by a Comparison taken from things Pagan the World was in regard of God as the statue of Minerva in regard of Phidias and man which is the image of God in the middle of the world as the image of Phidias in the middle of her Shield So that all the parts of the Statue were so aptly placed by their Jointures and Colligations that they met all together in the image of the workman in such manner that if it were plucked from thence all the work would fall in pieces all the parts of the World do so Abutt on this image of God that it cannot be corrupted by sin but the whole compages of
Saint John Collects the brief sum of our happiness in these few words we shall be like him in as much as we shall see him as he is Certainly to see God as he is is to acquire the supream degree of perfection in matter of knowledg and understanding and to be made like unto him is to attain the supream pitch of Holiness and Virtue Forasmuch therefore as the first is the cause of the second and that on the knowledg of God as he is depends necessarily our transformation into his likeness it behoves us to enquire what is meant by seeing God as he is and what is the nature of that knowledg Because God is a Spiritual Essence and totally separate from the matter of Bodies 't is absolutely impossible that he should be seen as he is with our bodily eyes and therefore 't is necessary that we refer the word see by a Metaphor to that faculty of our minds that consists in understanding Now although the nature of God be marvellously one and simple so it is that according to our manner of conception we distinguish his virtues and Properties from his Essence Concerning his properties we conceive them under very different respects and pretend not when we say that he is merciful to beget an apprehension in the minds of those that hear us that he is just or when we say that he is wise to give occasion to think of his power and might as his Attributes have very different Objects so we comprehend them in our understandings under very different Idea's But then when we speak of his Essence we make a kind of abstraction of it from his Properties and represent it as a single and simple thing in which all his Attributes exist as in a common Subject As to what concerns his Attributes we see them in some sort in this life in that we understand at least in some degree what is the nature of those Operations by which they display themselves upon their Objects For we are not perfectly ignorant what may be that inclination in God of pardoning sins to the penitent and punishing the obstinate and impenitent and things of like nature But as to his Essence there is no man that doth not acknowledg that we understand it not at all in this life that is to say we are not able to form any conception in our minds which hath any respect to the nature of his Essence only some think that when we shall be received into the Heavens our supream happiness will consist in the vision of this Essence which certainly seems extream difficult to be imagined for since the question here is not concerning the Corporeal Vision seeing God is absolutely invisible after that manner But concerning the Vision of the Mind our understandings here below know not in any wise the Essence of things but fix themselves alone on the Contemplation of their Properties so that it is not at all possible for us now to comprehend how this faculty of understanding shall be so changed in the Heavens that not fixing it self on the Contemplation of the Properties of things it should pass on to the very Essence it self Add to this that if there be any Being in the World whose Essence is incomprehensible 't is that of God for all others have at least this conformity with us that they are Created and by consequence there being some proportion between their Essence and ours it will not be so strange if there should be some proportion between them and the operation of our faculties whereas God being an Increated Being which exists by it self it is more than difficult to conceive how created faculties can attain to the comprehension of his Essence as long as we are encompassed with this body although we be Spiritual as to the most excellent part of our Essence so it is that we know not at all what is the nature of Spirits and however subtilly we do contemplate however precise and delicate be the Abstractions by which we endeavour to withdraw our minds from all Commerce with matter in our Contemplations so it is that if we try to form any conception in our minds as they speak which we will accommodate to the nature of a Spirit we know not how to hinder some Corporeal Idea from gliding insensibly on our thought and imagination Now I am of this opinion that though our Souls be truely Spiritual if you compare them with the nature of bodies nevertheless they are in some sort Corporeal if you do compare them with the nature of God that is to say there is as much disproportion betwixt the simplicity of the nature of God and the quality of our minds as there is between the nature of our minds and the quality of that part in us that is Corporeal and for that reason there seems to be a like impossibility for our Spirits to comprehend the nature of the Essence of God as there is for us whilst we are clothed with this body to conceive the nature of our own Souls and that of Angels Lastly The Divine nature cannot be Divine that is to say endued with the Perfection that becomes the excellency of its Being if its Essence be not altogether infinite Either then this conception of our minds by which we comprehend the Essence of the Deity equalleth it self to the whole extent of this Essence so as entirely to comprehend it or else it comprehends only as much as is proportionable to its capacity and to its extent to that same Essence if it be equal to the nature of God it will become infinite and we shall become so many Gods which is too absurd and erroneous to be received by any understanding of regular apprehensions if it comprehend only what will be proportionable to its capacity seeing this capacity is finite and that between finite and infinite there is no proportion there will always be an immense disproportion between the Essence of God and what we comprehend concerning it I know well that here are alledged certain subtil distinctions which put us to as much trouble to confute them as they give us trouble to understand them For some say that we see the Essence of God all entire but that we do not see it entirely Well near as if we said that on the Sea Shore we see the Sea in whole but not in all its latitude and extension for we see it in whole or in its integrity in that it is the Sea and because in all the parts of the World it hath no other nature than that which it hath upon our Shores But we do not not see it in all its latitude because our sight cannot extend it self so far as the extent of our Horizon so far is it short of being able to see what is at the Antipodes But this doth not at all weaken my Argument for if the word Sea signifie nothing but a certain kind of water salt in its original and which by hidden
of this discourse is imployed to come to this Conclusion as we set shadows and leaves round about Pictures which serve for nothing but to fill up the void space and give some little Ornament to the Table so there is something in this discourse of our Lord the use whereof consists wholly in making the Parable more full bright and luminous 'T is therefore to be Considered whether it were the common opinion of the Jews that the Souls of unbelievers are tormented immediately after death or that being deprived of all perception and use of their faculties they remain as if they were in a profound sleep if it were the last of these our Lord did not it seems a thing worthy of his wisdom to establish his Parable upon an Hypothesis contrary to the common belief of the Jews For if a parable be not taken from a truth really and indeed accomplished at least it ought not to contradict the common conceptions of men And our Lord never proposed any in which we might not easily see much reason and appearance of possibility and by how much the more of difficulty there is to comprehend for these two persons could reason together there being too great a gulph between them by so much the rest of the Parable ought to be accommodated to the sense and apprehension of the Auditors to the end that they may not accuse him that speaks of giving them instructions built upon false and extravagant opinions If it were the common opinion of the Jews that Souls enjoy perception after death our Lord sufficiently confirms it not only in that he makes no opposition to it but moreover in that he builds thereupon instructions excellent and full of wisdom I make no doubt therefore but that he gives us to understand in this Emblem that the Souls of the wicked are tormented from the time they go out of this life and that the Souls of the faithful do receive Consolation which cannot be without some notable sense or perception nor can there be so notable a sense if they have not their faculties active and awake When the Apostle St. Paul tells us he was caught up into Paradise where he heard things that could not be uttered 't is true he tells us that he knew not whether'twas in the body or out of the body So that although it be not without probability that it was rather out of the body yet it would be great boldness positively to determine concerning it since he himself would not do it But 't is clear that he supposes that it might be done out of the body and by consequent that Souls can make use of their faculties when they are separated from it for in that estate in which he supposes his Soul was or might be they could not hear things unspeakable soon after without some use of their understanding moreover it must be an excellent use thereof as well because of the greatness of the object which without doubt could not be comprehended unless by an understanding very active as because it so vehemently applyed it self unto it and it received such deep impressions from it that after it was rejoined to its body and again offered unto its Organs as before it nevertheless retains the memory thereof Now it is enough that St. Paul supposes that it might be to rescue our minds from all difficulty and doubt in this matter The Apostle in the Epistle to the Hebrews representing in a stately manner the condition whereunto Christians are called says that it is to the Heavenly Jerusalem to thousands of Angels to the assembly of the first born who are enrolled or whose names are written in Heaven and to the Spirits of just men sanctified I will not stay to search out what is signified by those words enrolled in the Heavens although it seems to be a manner of speech taken from publick Registers and Rolls wherein are written the names of such Citizens which ought to have the right of Free-men and to partake in the priviledges of the Corporation Which will signify that these first born are already received into the Heavens a place of abode not at all proper for a sleep so profound and void of all perception as is that to which some condemn Souls till the day of the Resurrection I will only say that this word the Spirits doth signify without doubt Souls separated from their Bodies and that the word which we Translate Sanctified signifies properly perfect or accomplished A Title that in the New Testament is not given unless it be to those which be it in knowledg or holiness have obtained that degree of perfection whereunto before they did aspire and whereunto those that they have left behind them are not yet arrived Thus we are said to be perfect in comparison with the Jews who lived under the dispensation of the Law but imperfect in comparison with them that have obtained that knowledg whereunto we cannot come in this life so that these just men made perfect concerning the Spirit of whom he speaks in this Text are those that have obtained a degree of perfection which we have not as yet which cannot be obtained without an excellent use of those faculties which are called Understanding and Will In the Book of the Revelation Chap. 14. Vers 13. It is said that the Spirit declares those happy which are dead in the Lord now happiness and the privation of the use of all their faculties are inconsistent Aristotle himself says that happiness cannot properly be attributed unless it be to such who are actually in the exercise of the most excellent operations of their noblest and most excellent powers and vacant in the contemplation and love of the bravest and sublimest Objects and to the end that we may not think that they are called happy because they are appointed to the injoyment of the happiness which is to be revealed at the last day as the same Philosopher says we call little Children happy by a kind of hope when there is much of probability that one day they will obtain it 'T is said that they rest from their labours and their works follow them Now 't is true indeed that we call sleep by the name of rest in opposition to the labours and troubles of the day but nevertheless if speaking of a person that is returned into his Country after great and memorable battels fought in Forreign Lands we should say that henceforth he rests from his labours I do not think that any one would understand thereby that he had slept for a long time but that he enjoyed in peace and tranquillity the fruit of his former pains and labours and indeed these words and their works follow them do mean they enjoy their reward For because the work and the reward are inseparable by the appointment of the good will of God and the holy Spirit being willing to inform us that believers shall not lose their labours in the good works that they do
for a moment worketh for us a far more exceeding and eternal weight of glory Which shews sufficiently that he hath some respect to the day of the full Revelation of our Salvation but that which follows of the destruction of this earthly Tabernacle can it be understood otherwise than of the dissolution of the body That which he writes immediately afterwards that as long as we are lodged in this body we are absent and as it were strangers from our Lord but that through the assurance that we have of our Salvation we desire rather to be strangers from the body and be with the Lord can it be understood of the blessed Resurrection Shall we be then absent and strangers from our bodies or rather will not our Spirits have thereon eternal Habitations I therefore think that the Apostle in that place opposes the time in which we are in this life to that in which we shall be in it no more and that he says that as long as we are in this life we are absent from the Lord but when we are dislodged we are present with him and because although this future time consist of two parts the one wherein we are stripped of our bodies by death the other wherein we are reinvested in them by the Resurrection it is to that in the one and the other our condition must always be the enjoyment of the presence of Jesus Christ he considers it not but as one and the same tract of time in the first part whereof our happiness begins and is compleated in the second which excites our desires and affections to be now stripped of these bodies that we may enter on the possession of those happy beginnings till the time of full and compleat perfection shall come Now this is marvellously far from the opinion of those that take from the Souls of believers all sense and perception whatsoever even that of their proper faculties and essence St. Luke reports that St. Stephen being about to die recommended his Spirit to our Lord Christ saying Lord Jesus into thy hands I commend my Spirit and our Lord himself commended his to his Father on the Cross To what purpose was this then It was not without doubt to secure it from perishing and being reduced to nothing For the substance of the Soul contains nothing of matter nor of the mixture of the Elements 't is of its nature incorruptible and imperishable as are the Angels Was it then to be protected from the Temptations and assaults of the Devil or to be put into the fruition of happiness and glory As to the first it can have no place if the Spirits of the faithful remain swallowed of a sleep so deep that they absolutely lose all use of their understandings For the Temptations of the Devil consist either in an Artificial external presenting to our senses such objects as are proper to move our desires and appetites or in this that internally he forms in our Phantasy such Images of things as may stir and provoke us and in favouring with his efficacy such as are already there or in moving our humours and by our humours soliciting the appetites and passions of our Souls what can these attempts do upon substances which are not at all subject to the motion of humours which in death have lost the faculty of imagination which have no Corporeal senses seeing they are not Bodies and all whose Spiritual capacities are so fettered in the excercise of their powers that neither exteriour objects can by any means touch them nor visions from within be get the least thought there As to the second there is neither felicity nor glory can happen to Spirits without the exercise of their understanding and will There is not a person to whom we say that the Spirits of the faithful gone hence are happy and glorious which doth not immediately conceive that they are so far from being swallowed up in a profound drousiness or sleep that on the contrary they have a very lively and notable sense of their happiness and glory I am much of the opinion of those that think that in the words of our Saviour John 11. 26. and John 5. 24. he that believeth in me shall never see death He is passed from death to life There is a particular Emphasis which makes much to our present purpose I very well know that in divers places it seems probable that what interprets these words by that promise I will raise him up at the last day Nevertheless if since the time wherein he spake those words believers that are departed hence have slept unto this day and must yet sleep till the consummation of Ages without any bodily or mental sense of their condition or essence I am not able to comprehend how the hopes of the Resurrection can perfectly satisfy and compleat the sense and magnificence of the words Although the body sleep after that manner if the principal part of man and that whereof the Scriptures sometimes speaks as if it were the man and the body nothing but its Habitation live and be awake and perceive and exercise with content and joy such operations as are worthy the dignity of his nature death is not properly death nor doth it seem to deserve a name so terrible and odious 'T is much rather a sleep as the Scripture sometimes speaks wherein man entertains himself with visions very pleasant and delightful But if the perception of the Soul and body both be equally extinct and that not only for a little time but for I know not how many Ages how comes it to pass that it is not called death but a passing from death to life And it will appear yet much more strange if we apply it to the Fathers and Patriarchs that lived in the first Ages Such as were Adam Noah Seth and Abraham For since the Apostle Heb. 11. Attributes unto them one and the same faith with us although the things which faith embraces were not so plainly revealed to them as to us yet they ought to produce one and the same effect with respect to them and us Jesus Christ being the same yesterday and to day and for ever Are those then passed from death to life who from before the deluge and soon after were as to their bodies reduced to dust and as to their Souls carried in a profound sleep and total insensibility Truly it seems manifest that they had other hopes and expectations When Jacob after too many afflictions and irksom and troubleous Pilgrimages comforted himself with this that he hoped for the Salvation of God Gen. 49. 18. If he had no hope but that of losing the sense of all good and evil for so long a succession of Ages he would have had more occasion to be afflicted than to rejoyce to fear death than to draw comfort from the near approach and prospect of it besides 't is here very considerable that as he was at a greater distance from the day of judgment
than we are now and as he did not perceive unless it were a far off in the darkness of what to come the manifestation of a Redeemer so also he did not see so clearly as we do the hopes of the Resurrection nor had not such distinct knowledg of the glory that attends us in Heavenly places I observe that David as he approached nearer to the time of our Saviours appearance did both receive from God and deliver to his Church much greater explanations upon these matters than did any of his Ancestors and yet nevertheless had experience of very different emotions of Spirit when he saw himself in danger or in likelyhood of death Sometimes in the Psalms he gives evidence that he was much afraid of death and desires of God with great earnestness that by his good providence and the power of his hand he would hinder his falling under it and these motions of his so frequently reported and repeated in his Writings accompanied with vows so ardent and praises so vivid and full of Devotion when God had rescued him from his dangers do sufficiently shew that this object when it presented it self unto him occasioned terrible agitations to his mind And nevertheless when he was to die he disposed himself to it with great Tranquillity and gave no Testimony of fear or any the least alteration If you enquire of those that think the perceptions of the Soul perish and die with those of the body why David feared death so very much they will say that he himself gives the reason of it 'T is because in death he makes no mention of the name of God nor sings unto him any Songs of praise Psal 6. which proves according to their opinion that death takes away at once both from Soul and Body the knowledg of all things But if this were the only reason why did he not fear death as much when he was old Will it hinder the loss of all sense and memory of objects to die old Or would it be a greater affliction to David when in the flower of his age to lose by losing life the means and opportunity of singing the praises of God than to be deprived of this pleasure and content by dying in a good old age It is therefore much more reasonable to say that David and other Saints of times past did think that God sent them into the world for two ends the one which respects his glory was to advance and celebrate it as much as they were able the other was to enjoy therein for a long time the Testimonies of his Faviour in those Temporal blessings the promises whereof he had given unto them When therefore any danger of death did threaten them before the time which nature seems to have appointed for it viz. seventy or eighty years or if there were in the time of David any other natural and ordinary term of life They were extraordinarily moved and troubled because it seemed that death before full age was a Testimony of the anger and curse of God So that to prevail with God to protect them from it after having begged the pardon of their sins they alledge this reason that otherwise he himself will in some sort be deprived of the end to which he had respect when he sent them into the world For it is as if some young plant should complain to the Gardiner or Master of the plants that having put him in the rank with others to bear some quantity of fruits he would nevertheless cut it off at the root when it began to bud and to give some good hopes thereof But concerning that great tranquillity of Spirit wherewith they received death when it came in such time wherein the untimeliness of it was no mark of the anger of God it came without doubt from hence that it was accompanied with the peace of God and some hope of happiness for their Souls Otherwise by the confession of those with whom I now discourse the being deprived of praising God after death and of perceiving any taste of his love towards them should have given them great fears and inconceivable aversions Some of the Pagans as Socrates have sometimes supported themselves by this meditation against the fears of death that either it did or it did not take from them all sense and perception of things If it did not those that die ought if they be honest men to hope for Contentments after death in the Conversation of those persons that had gone hence before them the company of Cepheus Museus Homer Hesiod Vlysses and Agamemnon without doubt as they imagined would give them incomparable satisfaction if it did there was no reason to fear death since it reduced men to a state of utter insensibility but these persons never tasted any thing of the sweetness of the peace of God nor of the Contentment that arises from the assurance of his paternal love Having therefore no experience of any other good things than such as this world affords they might well depart from life as they themselves do express it as from a banquet after they had been satisfied therewith without much complaint that they are obliged to leave the fruition and use of it to those that were to come after but as for David and other servants of God to whom he had given the beginnings and foretasts of his glory with what grief ought they to receive the news of death whensoever it should be if they had been not only reeling and staggering as were the Pagans between the hope of seeing Abraham Isaac and Jacob and the fear of losing all kind of sense and perception but deeply and fully perswaded that in stead of being put into the full fruition of what they had had some foretasts here below death would utterly ravish from them even the total memory of it This same David testifies in many places a very sensible and deep regret and trouble for being separated from the Ark of God because 't was there that God gave demonstrations of his presence in an extraordinary manner Nevertheless in Caves and Deserts and the wildest Forests he might entertain himself with God and derive from the Fountains of his own Meditations as it appears he often did abundance of pleasant consolations to allay the trouble which was occasioned by his estrangment and separation from it I pray you therefore if he had believed that death would have taken from him all knowledg and memory of God for so many ages what Lamentations would he have made Or could he have found words sufficient to express the anguish of his Soul on this occasion Ever and anon he enquires with some kind of impatience when shall I see the face of my God If by these words he understands the Ark how much more ought he to desire to see the face of God after his death and with what unquietness must he be filled when he considers that death takes from him not only the pleasure of seeing the
face of God but even the memory of ever having seen him or learned any thing of him either in the Tabernacle or in the World If he understands by seeing the face of God seeing him as he is seen in Heaven how could David make this wish or holy aspiration if he were of this opinion that sleep should lock up the eyes of his understanding for so long a time Certainly this was not the opinion of David nor any of the faithful of that time or age their common opinion was that which is plainly expressed in the Book of Ecclesiastes That when man dies the body returns to the dust from whence 't was taken and the Soul returns to God that gave it Now to believe that the Spirits of the faithful can be with God without having any knowledg of his presence or enjoying one beam of his happiness is a thing altogether without reason or probability At such times as God promises some particular assistance to his faithful ones he says I will be with you And 't is also their common and ordinary wish for those to whom they wish grace and benediction the Lord be with you If God then cannot be with any person without giving him some taste of his favours how can our spirits be with God without enjoying some gracious effect of his presence Certainly though we had no other proof of the state of the faithful after death than those words of our Saviour to the Thief that was Converted upon the Cross this day shalt thou be with me in Paradise they would be sufficient unless we were willingly blind to assure us that they are at rest but 't is such a rest as is accompanied with much content and joy For that the word to day ought to be taken in the ordinary and common sense to signify the time that was immediately to follow the death of our Lord whilst his Soul remained separate from his body is a thing that cannot be doubted unless by those that out of jocundness of humours abuse their reason In what place of the New Testament doth our Saviour or any one else use it in any other sense And although the Author of the Epistle to the Hebrews having met with it in Psal 95. 7 8. to day if you will hear his voice harden not your hearts Understands it of the time of the Preaching of the Gospel of Salvation is there any probability that in imitation of him we should expound those words of Jesus Christ after this manner Verily verily I say unto thee that in the day of the Resurrection I will receive thee to a participation of my own glory in Paradise If such comments be allowed will there be any thing certain either in the word of God or Language of men Doth it not plainly appear that our Lord seeing this Thief in anguish of Spirit through the fear of the judgment of God the execution whereof he expected according to the common sense and apprehension of Conscience immediately after death was willing to comfort him by the assurance of the pardon of his sins and hope of happiness which his Soul should enjoy assoon as it was separated from his Body Either the Spirit of Christ being dislodged from the body ascended into Paradise or not If it did not ascend thither our Lord promised nothing but that the Soul of this person should on that very day be present with his Deity in Heaven Now though our Lord were God blessed for ever there is no probability that he had any regard to his Deity in the speaking of those words For besides that his Divinity was not then so clearly Revealed as that from thence he should begin to give knowledg of what he was to that man who can doubt but that seeing both their Bodies in one and the same condemnation he was willing to raise the hope of this Wretch who in the midst of his anguish discovered some faith and expectation from him by the assurance that he gave him that within a few moments their spirits should be well near in the same Condition in a place of bliss and happiness But let it be granted that he understands his Divinity So it is in my opinion that it cannot come into a sound mind that Christ should promise to the Soul of this person to give it from that same hour the enjoyment of Paradise and yet notwithstanding it should have no knowledg of the glory thereof or the happiness that doth attend it Moreover it had been much more to the purpose to have been content to have consented to be mindful of him when he came into his Kingdom as he desired then by great words to give him occasion to hope for content and happiness near at hand and afterwards fill this Soul which he had made so desirous of happiness with nothing but darkness and forgetfulness If the spirit of our Lord ascended into Paradise doubtless it was not to sleep there for the little time of its separation from the body but to receive inexpressible Consolations in the bosom of his Father Otherwise to what purpose was it to transport it on high Had it not been more to the purpose to leave it buried in the same Tomb with the Body to the end that it might be there united again when the time should come Now if the Soul of Christ could be sensible of some Contentments after death ours may be sensible of them also And no inconsistance will be found between their separation from the Organs of their Bodies and the use of their Powers and Capacities But what need is there of so many Texts and of so much discourse in a case so plain that nature it self seems to have taught it us For certainly it is not more generally believed among men that their Souls are immortal and subsist after the Body than it is generally acknowledged that they subsist with knowledg and sense either of some felicity for those that lived in the practice of Piety and Vertue or of some punishment for those that have given up themselves to Impiety and Vice From thence comes the hopes of the Elysian fields among the Pagans and the fear of the Torments of Hell From thence is preserved among the Jews the expectation of Paradise and the fear of the bottomless Pit Thence is produced among the Turks the opinion of their Paradise and the fear of an infernal state and that without attending the Resurrection immediately after the dissolution of the Body and the separation of the Soul Lastly thence comes among Christians to some a belief of Purgatory to others a hope of a better life than this and to others dreadful frights concerning what will betide them after death when they are not in their Consciences assured of the forgiveness of their sins I say that nature it self teaches it Because things that are so universal and concerning which there is no controversy among Nations whose inclinations are divers whose professions are different and
whose Religions in all other things are directly opposite must have without doubt some common Foundation and it cannot be common in such sort as it is unless it be established even in the very nature of things So that although it be not possible clearly and distinctly to explicate the reasons of it yet they may be sufficiently seen darkly and in gross to impress upon the mind an indelible perswasion of it For there are multitudes of persons that would find themselves much perplexed if you should oblige them to discourse particularly the reasons that have perswaded them that there is a natural difference between Vice and Virtue the most able among the Philosophers have found some difficulty in freeing themselves from the natural reasons that do either prove or deny the immortality of our Souls And among Christians there are none but Spirits much exercised in discourse which are fit by natural reason to dispute for the Being and Providence of a God against Atheists and yet nevertheless these things prove themselves so smartly to our understandings that the ignorant and vulgar themselves have an abhorrence for those that make any doubt of them Certainly the holy Scripture as I said in the beginning is the only place from whence we may draw lights sufficiently clear to perswade our selves of this truth by a perswasion that will deserve the name of faith and may be capable of giving any sound Consolation to our Consciences But nevertheless I shall not scruple to say that if the holy Scripture had not spoken it so clearly the belief of the immortality of our Souls would have been sufficient to have satisfied our reason that they make use of their faculties though the body should supply no Organs unto them For it is easy to conceive that there is in man whilst he is compounded of Soul and Body an understanding faculty which for some space of time doth not exercise its own proper Operations Since this conjunction is made in such sort that the Organs of the one must serve to the Operation of the faculties of the other and that they do Operate either always or for the most part by their Mediation when the Organs come to be disordered or hindred 't is necessary that the Operations of the mind do cease of themselves But that there is a substance that doth actually exist separate from the Body which is endued with an understanding faculty and nevertheless cannot use it because it hath no Body is a thing in my apprehension absolutely inconceivable For it cannot actually exist unless it live nor can we conceive any sort of life in it which doth not include in the same thought the use of its faculties You may easily conceive that the Body lives though the man do neither see nor discourse Because life may subsist in a man without seeing or discoursing But you cannot imagin that the Body of a man lives but you must likewise imagin that it is nourished and that his heart beats or at least that the Spirits have some heat and motion in the seat of life So that the faculty wherein life consists will move and Act though all the rest should be laid to sleep in the reasonable Soul then when 't is separated from the Body what power will act if it have no use of that of the understanding For there 's in them no power vital animal or natural like to those of our Bodies and as to that which we call the Locomotive that is to say the power by which we move from place to place if it have no use of its understanding there is no reason to imagin that it will have any power of removing it self from one place to another a thing whereunto nature it self will furnish us with a Testimony sufficiently evident and authentique in as much as it hath not given to any living Creature this power of moving it self unless it be to Animals endued with Phantasy and certain appetites which do necessarily require the removal of the Body for their satisfaction in such manner that if there be in the Soul neither understanding nor appetite it will be against all reason to imagin in it any use of the Locomotive faculty So that it will be the same thing to say that the Soul dies with the Body and will rise again with it as to say that it lives and yet nevertheless performs none of the actions of life But this is not all in this power of understanding that we here possess are imprinted certain habits which without doubt have nothing common with the Organs of the Body unless it be as I have said above that they have given occasion to the intellect to exercise Contemplations and to form those ratiocinations and discourses by which these habits are obtained Such is for Example the habit which in Philosophy we call by the name of wisdom which consists in a clear and certain understanding of the first principles of things and in the knowledg of Conclusions that depend thereon in objects the most Excellent and Noble that can be presented to the mind of Man For that this is an habit purely intellectual reason teaches us and experience consents unto it Because on the one side it performs its Operations on objects that have nothing of the nature of Bodies and on the other side it is not found in any subject of the nature of those that have no powers but Corporeal For there was never found neither Horse nor Elephant nor any other Animals devoid of Reason in whom appeared the least ray of that which we call wisdom Either then these kind of habits are wholly razed out by death or they remain in the Soul now there is no good reason why we should say they are obliterate For though I willingly grant that in some sort they intered the intellect by the means of the Body and that the Organs of the Body have contributed something to those reasonings by which they are formed nevertheless they are in themselves totally intellectual and have their proper seat in the reason it self as on the contrary although it be by the conduct of the intellect that the body learns to accustom it self to certain motions directed by measure and art as is for example the habit of Fencing well or Riding the great Horse the habit is nevertheless Corporeal So then when the reasonable Soul comes to be separated from the Body if the body by the presence of the sensitive Soul alone can subsist alive without it there is nothing can hinder but that it may preserve some of those habits which it obtained by the direction of the understanding as they say there are some Horses so well trained that they will of themselves move regularly though there be no Rider to govern them 'T is much more likely that the Soul remaining alive and subsisting after the Body the habits which are so perfectly proper to it should also remain and subsist with it If then they do subsist
as 't is altogether apparent how will it be possible that a Being effectively living endued with faculties so excellent and those faculties adorned with habits so comly should remain so many ages without being awakened in any manner to discover them by some Operations Is it not the property of habits to incline the faculties to action to facilitate the action to which they do incline them yea and in some manner to spur them thereunto And since that man is a being naturally active and that 't is the Soul that gives him this activity and since that which makes the Soul incline it self more to one thing than another in its actions is because its habits give him a tendency that way Why is it that the Soul cannot preserve in it self when separated the activity that it Communicated to the Body and that its proper habits should not have the power they had before to bend it in its actions that way to which they themselves are inclined But let us not fasten our selves on the teaching and institutions of nature Let us consult the Analogy of Religion Certainly all believers have Communion with Christ And this Communion on their parts consists in faith whereby they receive him and on his part in the Communication of his Spirit by which he comforts and sanctifies them Now this Communion is so strict and close that it never suffers any separation And as the death of the body in our Saviour did not hinder in him the personal union of the Divine nature with the humane so that the saying of the Ancient Church is true that what Christ once takes in that regard he never leaves so the death of our Bodies hinders not the mysterious union of our Saviour with us In such manner that those that he hath once taken for his members cannot but always remain so Therefore even after death the Communication of his Spirit of holiness and Consolation abides with us Now what is this Spirit of holiness and Consolation which doth never comfort or sanctify us Or what is this holiness and comfort if it gives us no sense of it self or us When any member of the body becomes mortified it is not reputed a member of it because 't is not esteemed a member but by reason of its Communion in the same life and with the same Soul which is the principle both of life and action If then the Soul do not partake in the Spirit of Christ who alone animates the whole mysterious body composed of himself and the faithful that he hath redeemed how can it be his member And how can it partake of him if it have no use of any of its faculties For the participation of the Spirit consists either in those actions to which it moves and excites us or in the habits which it impresses upon the faculties of our minds Now there is no action where the faculties are deeply asleep for 't is the property of sleep to arrest and intercept the action of our faculties and as to habits 't is neither reasonable nor imaginable that they should be preserved so many ages in a subject where they never discover themselves by any Operations the body may certainly in a sense retain the quality of a member of Christ in the dust of the grave although it feel no effect of the Communication of this Spirit because though it have immediately and by it self no connexion with the head it may have it at least by the mediation of the Soul which is the other part of the whole which both together they do compound For the Soul by the relation that it hath to it in that respect always considers it as a dependance or appendix of his essence in as much as without it it cannot constitute any subject and as an essence on which it self in some sort depends For as much as without it it cannot constitute a compleat man So that the Soul having an effective and immediate Communion with Christ by the participation of his Spirit the Body also retains some connexion with the head at least mediately and by virtue of the interposition of the Soul But if all connexion between Christ and the Soul comes to be broken which will certainly happen if the Spirit do not Communicate to it neither in habits nor actions the Soul will by it self cease to be a member of Christ and the body cannot be so by its intervention I conclude then touching this first point that the Soul separate from the body hath understanding and perception and by consequence that the Souls of the faithful departed hence do enjoy some degrees of felicity and glory Let us see whither it may proceed or what may be the degrees thereof as far as the word of God and the Analogy of faith will inform us What is the happiness of faithful Souls after their separation from the Body and what is the place where they are gathered together or assembled The Second Discourse BEcause the place whereinto the Souls of the faithful are assembled at the time of their separation doth contribute without doubt very much to their contentment and when we shall have decided where it is it will be much more easy to speak of the nature of happiness it self before we proceed to enquire into the degrees of the happiness of good men it seems necessary to search and examine what is the place which is appointed for their abode and residence To the end therefore that I may there begin my discourse it must be known that many have been of this opinion that the Souls of the Patriarchs and Fathers that lived under the Old Testament were not received into Heaven till the manifestation of the New and that by the ascension of Christ on high admission thither was granted to them And the principal foundation that they have for this opinion is that passage in the ninth Chapter of the Epistle to the Hebrews where it is said Vers 8. that the way into the holiest of all was not yet made manifest under the time of legal dispensation whilst the first Tabernacle was standing Having therefore banished Souls from the habitation of Heaven for all the time that ran by till the ascension of our Saviour and it being necessary to provide for them some certain habitation to the end they might not remain wanderers and vagabonds because they did not believe any place more proper to mark out for them than the bosom of Abraham of which our Saviour speaks in the Gospel they have made no difficulty to determine that is there they have made their abode all this long tract of time only they have found themselves much perplexed when they have been to determine precisely in what part of the World the bosom of Abraham should be For some have placed it in the near neighbourhood of Hell although our Lord put a great deep between them others have made it the Porch or Antichamber of Heaven to conclude others not knowing
those of the old As to this Text of Scripture I observe that 't is understood after diverse manners whereof among others there are two worthy of Consideration for some have thought that by the Spirit of Christ is meant his Soul by his preaching the knowledge that he gave to the Souls of the ancient Believers of the propitiation that he made upon the Cross by the word which we translate Prison a kind of Watch-Tower wherein these Souls expected the Redemption hoped for according to the promises that had been given them concerning it they suppose then the Souls of the ancient Believers in condition something like those that are set in Centinel on some high place in a besieged City to discover afar off from whence and when succour will appear unto them only they put this difference that the hopes of succour in a place besieged is always mixed with doubts because of the uncertainty of all human Counsels and Events and this doubt is not without fear nor fear without unquietness nor by consequent without anxiety and perturbation whereas the Souls of the holy Persons of passed ages never having any doubt concerning the promise of God have possessed a hope altogether assured and by consequent a tranquillity very profound and a contentment without any mixture of afflictions others have thought that by the Spirit of Christ must be meant his Divine Nature by his preaching the invitation to Repentance that he caused to be made in the days of Noah And by the Spirits that are in Prison for they believe that to accommodate this Hebrew phrase to our Language 't is necessary to supply these words which are or which are now the Souls of those which would not hearken to this invitation and who by reason of their obstinacy have been put under chains of darkness in those horrible Prisons where they expect their final punishment Now to make here a small Digression and to return again after a little while to the preceding Question I say that whether of these two interpretations we do embrace it will evidently conclude that Souls are not destitute of all knowledge after death for if we fasten on the first the Souls of the faithful expect with great longing the revelation of the Redemption of Jesus Christ and if we follow the second Offenders do not use always to sleep in their holes the worm of their Conscience and the fear of what is to come will awaken them Besides if the Souls of the wicked lose all sense at their going out of the Body there will be no need of assigning to them one certain and common Prison they will be sufficiently well disposed of for the expectation of Judgment in whatsoever part of the World they shall be found But let us return to the Question in hand I think this second Interpretation much the better and most agreeable both to the intention and words of the Apostle and if I should hold my self to that I should have nothing to answer but that although the Prison and place of punishment be different sufficiently often yet they are not always so sometimes Offenders are punished in the Gaols and Prisons wherein they are kept expecting the sentence of the Judge and in the time that St. Peter wrote 't was a thing sufficiently common among the Ramans and Greeks to make use of the same place first as a Prison and then as the Theater of punishment so that this Text proves not at all that the Souls of Unbelievers are not now kept in Hell although one day they must there be tormented for their Crimes And by the same reason it will not follow that the Souls of Believers are not now assembled in the Heavens although that must be one day the place of their recompence and their glory But let us give this honour to those that have proposed this first interpretation to see if by receiving it it can be proved that the Souls of the faithful have not at present their habitation in the Heavens Although the Vision of God in which consists our supream happiness must be chiefly Communicated in the Heavens nevertheless the Court of Heaven and the Vision of God may be things distinct I say God may make himself seen out of Heaven if he pleases and if he pleases he may receive a person to Heaven who shall not see God by that Vision in which consists the top and highest part of happiness Let us put the Case that the Souls of the faithful have in other ages or are at present put in some place as in a Watch-Tower those of the faithful of times past in expectation of the Redemption of the Cross and those of the faithful of the time present in expectation of the appearance of the same Redeemer this place may very well be in the Heavens though the Vision of the glory of God be not yet Communicated to them and if we compare this Text so interpreted with that This day shalt thou be with me in Paradise there will be much more reason to believe that the place of this Sentinel is in Heaven than any where else for the Paradise whither the Soul of our Lord Ascended is in the Heaven and there by consequence are the Souls of those to whom he will give the knowledge of his satisfaction As to what concerns those other Texts wherein the Scripture sends us to the day of the blessed Resurrection for the obtaining of our Reward it seems not at all necessary to understand them in such manner as may persuade us to exclude faithful Souls from Heaven There is no term more usual to represent the glory which we expect on that very happy day than that of triumph Let us then compare the Condition of them that have formerly Triumphed at Rome with the faithful that expect the Reward of Glory they first of all fought at a distance from the City in strange Countreys some nearer and some farther off according as the emergency of things and the extent of the Empire did require after they had vanquished their Enemies they were permitted to enter into the City of Rome as private persons there to demand the charges of the Common-wealth or the honour of Triumph the Senate first appointed it and no man ever triumphed at Rome without consent of the Senate or by authority of the People After a permission of Triumph was obtained they went out of the City to return again in some short time not as private Persons without any Attendance or Ornaments but as victorious Captains and Conquerors with solemn pomp and magnificence Wherefore then after the Believer hath fought here below against the Enemies of the glory of God and his Salvation and is escaped victorious in all his Combates may he not be permitted to enter as a private person stripped of his body into the heavenly Jerusalem not to demand a Triumph for that is already determined but to expect the day on which it must be Celebrated in
the mean whiles passing its happy time in the company of those Saints and Angels which are in the same expectation The same thing is practised towards Embassadors who first enter as private persons into the capital Cities of those Empires whither their Embassies are addressed and soon after go forth to return again on another day in the glory of a great and courtly Attendance and at the Entry of Princes when they return from some Conquest or some glorious Expedition the same method of proceeding is frequently observed the Pomp and Magnificence is differred to some solemn day but in the mean while they live at home with their ordinary Court To conclude the same thing having been used towards our Lord Jesus it may not be thought strange if God make use of it towards Believers For first of all He fought upon the Cross and by his courage became victorious his Body being laid in the Grave his Soul ascended into Paradise and if I may so say without any noise and afterwards being returned and his Body raised he was carried up on high mounted on the Clouds and entred in triumph into Heaven among the applauses of happy Spirits and the acclamations of Angels in the mean time 't is no wonder if the Scripture speaks something more rarely of the reception of Souls into Heaven than of the glorious day of the blessed Resurrection for those beginnings of our happiness which we enjoy immediately after death are indeed very marvellous if we consider them precisely and in themselves but they are obscure imperfect and of little or no lustre if we compare them with the splendor and magnificence in which we shall see the accomplishment of it therefore as the promises of reward made to Jesus Christ for his obedience to the death of the Cross do properly respect his ascension into Heaven and his exaltation to the right hand of his Father in glory so that St. Paul refers it thither Phil. 2. that hinders not but that his Soul might obtain the right of entring into Paradise during the time of its separation from the body and that he did make use of it so that although the promises of Reward have a particular respect to the Resurrection that doth not infer that our Souls are deprived of the liberty of entring into the heavenly Sanctuary there to live in the expectation of it And if any of us according to the manner of the ancient Romans should adopt any one for his Child with resolution to declare this adoption publickly and according to Law upon some certain day to the end that he may be capable of succeeding to our Estate and Honours nothing hinders but that in the mean time he may lodge in our House though perhaps he may keep a little more close and private till the day apointed for this publick and solemn action or installation 'T is true there are some that make some scruple of lodging the Souls of those in Heaven that God hath raised up with purpose to permit them to live yet a while in the World as that of Lazarus and some others For what likelyhood is there say they of bringing them back from that place of glory and happiness to one so wretched as is that of our Conversation on this Earth Had it not been much better never to have given them any taste of the joys of Heaven than to pluck them thence and return them to live among the infirmities and inconveniencies of the present life They are therefore willingly enclined to say that it would have been more adviseable to have assigned them an Habitation in some place whereof the deprivation would neither be so sensible nor so prejudicial But methinks these men give themselves a great deal of trouble to no purpose For if there be any inconvenience therein is it not easie for God to appoint some particular Habitation for those and in the mean time receive all others into the Heavens to the end that none may go thence till on the final Resurrection A score of Souls it may be which were to be reunited to their Bodies by a particular dispensation must they give Law to so many Millions of Spirits as are not at all subject to it nor must have experience of any other Resurrection than that of the general and last day To which we may add that although they should have been received into Heaven seeing that in their first Creation they were made for the glory of God and on other accounts have so many obligations to him because he hath redeemed them they will have no reason to complain if they suffer something extraordinary for his service Scipio Africanus after very glorious Triumphs went to War for the obtaining of Forreign Conquests under the Authority of his Brother and in the quality of his Lieutenant for the sole love that he bore to him and to assist him in arriving at the highest dignities of the Common-Wealth In which he suffered some diminution of his own besides the incommodities which he received in his own person and the sensible griefs that he had experience of by the captivity of his Son The Angels themselves descend from Heaven where they enjoy the vision of God with unspeakable contentments to the end that they Minister to the Protection and Salvation of believers To conclude in whatsoever place those Souls be lodged which by a particular Resurrection return again to the Habitation of their bodies they are delivered from their infirmities as long as they are separated from them and it seems probable that they cannot re-enter there without some disadvantage by that change of condition Wherefore since they cannot return into the world without some abatement to their felicity it cannot be more troubleous to them to be brought back from the Heavens than from the Elementary Region If it were reasonable absolutely to decide this Question touching the place where the faithful are received after death by simple reasonings drawn either from the probability of things or even from the harmony that the parts of Theology and Religion have among themselves there are those that are clear enough and pregnant enough to perswade us to believe that they are received into the Heavens for since as St. Paul teaches us our Conversation is in Heaven and we have the honour to be Citizens thereof for what reasons are we so long exiled from our Country What sin remains unpardoned which should hinder our return to the place whence we are descended Since we are exhorted to tend thither and henceforth to think of nothing but Heavenly things why are we so long deprived of the fruit of our thoughts and desires How is it that the Gospel labours so powerfully to beget in us a desire after it if it give us not also the enjoyment of it Since we are dead to the World and our life is hid with Christ in God why do we not go to converse where our life is kept in reserve for us
it Touching the Body 't is beyond comparison more easy to tell what it will not be then what it will be For we see very clearly what things it must necessarily be delivered from but we do not see in the same manner the things wherewithal it must be endued on that very happy day There are in us two sorts of infirmities whereof the one are so very natural that we should have been subject to them though we had continued in the state of our integrity The others are so far natural that we are subject to them from the womb and from the first principles of our being and yet notwithstanding they have come upon us since the constitution of our nature and had never come into the world but in consequence of sin with regard to these last such as is the deformity of members the ugliness of the visage the want or weakness of any sense maladies wounds ill proportion of stature and to conclude liableness to death since they have no other cause nor original but sin it must necessarily be that sin being entirely and absolutely abolished all these infirmities will necessarily cease of themselves So that though we had nothing else to expect from the Resurrection it must however replace us in a condition not less excellent in what appertains to the constitution of the Body than was the condition of Adam at the hour of his Creation For 't is neither agreeable to the wisdom or mercy nor it may be to the justice of God that having absolved our whole and entire persons from all kind of sin by justification and having delivered our Souls from all evil habits by Sanctification he should notwithstanding leave on our Bodies some trace of those infirmities which had never come there but for the punishment of sin or which are necessary and indubitable dependances of it Imagine you then the most beautiful man upon earth and the most perfectly composed endued with the most lively and vigorous and exquisite senses that can be imagined free him from the danger of all kinds of incommodities in his health make his vigour always equal and flourishing and suppose you that no consequence of years can ever alter or change him and to conclude give him assurance that he shall continue so everlastingly and you will after a sort have conceived the first beginnings of the perfection which we expect in the happy Resurrection Touching the first sort of infirmities which are absolutely natural they consist in the desire of meat drink and sleep and in all those things which are either in some manner like unto them or depend upon them For without doubt Adam desired all this and this desire in a State so Holy and Perfect as was his is an indubitable argument of need and need a necessary consequence of the estate of nature in which he was placed and which the Holy Scripture expresses by this manner of speech he was made a living Soul that is to say that in this respect he was like to other Animals in which the living Soul which the Scripture also attributes unto them derives all these things in consequence to his being Now we ought also to be delivered from these kind of infirmities For the Heavens whither we aspire are not an Habitation agreable to these things although it be said that we shall be there at the Table with Abraham Isaac and Jacob that we shall there be satisfied with the fatness of the House of God and moistened with the Rivers of his pleasures that doth not mean nevertheless that we must make feasts there or to take it according to the Letter that Rivers of pleasure do actually run there But because as long as we are here below we conceive nothing almost but under the Images of things which we see the Scripture accommodating it self unto us as we do to Children doth as it were cover the Heavenly pleasure under the shadow of those that are earthly And as to what concerns generation For as much as it was not instituted in nature unless first of all for the multiplication of single persons for the peopling of the universe and afterwards for the preservation of the species when death removed the individuals the necessity of these two causes then ceasing 't is no wonder that our Saviour hath told us that in that respect we shall be like the Angels Now 't is no disadvantage to be deprived of these things when we have no need of them But to subsist in our being and to exercise perfectly the Operations which are agreeable to our most noble faculties and nevertheless to be delivered from that condition that makes all these base and wretched Actions of our Bodies absolutely necessary is without lying an Estate that ought to be judged very advantageous by those that are compounded more of Spirit than Body and have a Soul a little roused and generous if therefore you add this to those other perfections of which I have made mention you will yet much advance the excellence of that Estate whereof I have formed the Idea In the mean time all these infirmities have their root in us in that we have a Body compounded of the Elements in the same manner as are the Bodies of all other Animals and in that we are endued with a Soul sensitive and vegetative as they speak which hath faculties altogether like to the faculties of the Souls of beasts unless peradventure we be above them in some higher degree of perfection and this composition of the Elements and of a Soul vegetative and sensitive in the constitution of our essence is a cause that although the providence of God should hinder as it did in our integrity our being sick or wounded so it is that our Bodies in themselves would be capable of the impression of the causes of all these alterations and that although God should perpetually preserve us from death nevertheless the constitution of our Body in it self would be perishable and mortal for that the first man had been exempt from all these evil accidents and immortal if he had persevered in his innocence would have proceeded from the care of the Divine Providence and not from the temperature of his Body 'T is therefore necessary that although our Bodies be raised again and remade of the same matter of which they are now compounded the constitution of them must nevertheless be so changed that nothing must remain of all its natural qualities or of that Animal life which we have in common with Creatures endued with sense and destitute of Reason Let us therefore oppose a little those things that depend on this natural complexion of our Bodies to those qualities that are contrary unto them and so let us Endeavour to come to some knowledg of the perfection of the Estate that we expect our Bodies are now in their nature capable of all sorts of evil accidents and impressions which cause incommodity and grief unto them then they shall be so
no more They are at this time corruptible and mortal then they shall be incorruptible and immortal They are now heavy by reason of the Earth that doth predominate in them there they shall be agile beyond all imagination they are at this time capable of being wearied there they shall be indefatigable they are at this time dark then they shall be bright and shining to that degree that the Holy Scripture compares them to the Sun they are at this time perpetually subject to repletion and excretion then they shall be in a Constitution perpetually uniform they are at this time defective in their conformation many ways then the proportion of their parts shall surpass all the measures of nature and art Here they are troubled with the ill taste of their pleasures there their contentments being perfectly pure they will have always a Savour exquisite and eternally agreeable They are now a burthen and hinderance to our minds then they will assist to the vigour and quickness of their Operations In a word they are at this time marvellously earthly then they shall be altogether Heavenly As to what concerns the Operations of the senses and the motions of the affections which as we have said above have their seat in the Body forasmuch as it respects rather the Estate of the Soul when it shall at some time be reunited there and doth not respect the qualities of the body it self I shall speak but one word of it here and 't is this the objects that are perfectly well proportioned to them do indeed delight them but others do offend them so that light it self which in its own nature is so lovely and agreeable offends the eyes if it be but a little too lively and sparkling Instead whereof then the constitution of our senses will be such that they will be impassible and unalterable by grief whatever be the nature of the Objects that do occur unto them and that is it that the Apostle would teach us when he says there is a natural and there is a Spiritual Body For by Spiritual he doth not understand that which is entirely separate from matter otherwise since he calls it matter his words would imply a contradiction but he understands that which although it be matter hath notwithstanding those qualities that follow the nature of Spirits such as are to be immortal incorruptible and impassible When the wife of Lot became a Pillar of Salt if this change were made by degrees and by little and little she was marvellously astonished to see all the colour of her skin and all the substance of her body change and yet more when she perceived all her members to grow stiff in that manner that at last the obduration proceeded even to her very bowels If a while after she had seen her natural constitution to return little by little her Body to become soft and supple her skin return to its former colour and her members retake their precident pliableness in proportion to the horrour that she had of her self in her change in the same proportion will she have experience of ravishment and joy But if immediately after she had seen her self re-established in her first Estate she had begun to perceive an extraordinary strength in her person an Angelical beauty in all her Fabrick and Composition a vigour unknown before in all the Organs of her senses a nimbleness more agile than that of Birds in all her motions and that Majestick aspect that we suppose to have been in the female Hero's of time past implanted in all the comportment of her Body and on all the lines and stroaks of her countenance neither the word joy nor that of ravishment are capable of representing the emotions that she would have thereupon in her Soul Now the change that happens in our Bodies by death is much worse than a Transformation into a pillar of Salt and the condition into which they will be re-established in the Resurrection incomparably more Excellent than all that at this time can be imagined concerning it From whence 't is easy to conjecture in some manner what a spectacle so marvellous will produce in us Concerning the Soul and the condition wherein it will be found then when it shall be reunited to the Body if from these goodly lights wherewithall it is filled and encompassed in the Heavens it should be brought back into a Body incommodated with the trouble and confusion that is found in the affections and Organs of ours at present without doubt it would receive much disadvantage thereby this would be well nigh as if you should recal an excellent Philosopher from the top of an high Mountain where he did contemplate the Heavens and the Stars which are there and saw the Clouds and Fogs under his feet and make him descend to the bottom of it where he can contemplate nothing but through the darkness of the Clouds But the thing that happens to the Body will place it in such a condition as will in no wise incommodate the actions and Operations of the Soul Let the nature thereof be what it will 't is necessary that besides the Operations of understanding and reason that it now attend to the Conservation of the three faculties which we have in common with beasts The vital the natural and the animal As to the vital faculty our Soul will then so animate our Body that it will no longer hold it fast unto it self by the bond of that Coelestial heat and those Spirits that continually beat in our hearts it will be there even as light is in the Body of the Sun and will not keep it self there by any other bonds than it self the Body such as we now have is too far removed from the nature of Spiritual substances to be capable of being joined with them so closely unless it be by the means of something more subtil and less Earthy but the qualities wherewithall it will be reclothed by the Resurrection will purify and subtilize it in such manner that it will be further removed then from the gross qualities which we observe therein than now are those little Bodies which we call by the name of Spirits which serve as a bond and medium between our Bodies and Souls As to the natural faculty our Soul will be neither imployed in the Concoction as they call it nor in the assimilation of nourishment as now it is obliged to do to preserve unto the parts of the Body their just vigour and stature For in the frame wherein the power of God shall place them at first they shall remain for ever without any need of reparation in their substance or in their powers Such well near as is the nature of the Stars according to the Peripateticks whose matter is so pure or form so perfect or the bond that joins the matter to the form so strict and indissoluble that they can never suffer any alteration according to the opinion of those Philosophers As to the Animal
the universe must fall into a dreadful ruin So that if it had pleased God in his just severity to have forsaken man in his accursed State the entire destruction of the World had unavoidably followed thereupon For as when a subject hath committed Felony or Treason against his Soveraign we are not content only to punish his person we cut down his woods pull down his Houses and in a word we make all things that have any necessary dependance on him bear some marks of the indignation of his Prince so it was convenient that the world that was made for man and consequently depended on him as its end should follow his condition and as it were pass with him under the same condemnation but also since it hath pleased God to shew mercy to man and to promise Redemption to him and to decree to gather his Church out of his Posterity It is agreeable both to the wisdom and mercy of God to use the same conduct towards the World For first of all he ought to sustain it that it may be the Habitation of his Church during the time that it sojourns here below Even as after a Prince is reconciled to his subject he is not content to testify that he hath received his person into his favour he permits him to restore his Houses to their former State yea he furnishes him out of his bounty wherewithal to make them more bountiful and magnificent Not only to the end that he may obliterate all footsteps of his indignation but also that all things may bear the undoubted marks of his Clemency and Favour and 't is this that hath caused the subsistance of the World hitherunto and will yet cause that at the last day it shall not only be delivered from the disorders which are here seen but honoured with a Communication of the glorious liberty of the Sons of God after which St. Paul says it hath groaned and travailed for so many ages Therefore one part of our happiness will consist in the contentments of seeing the breaches which the order and beauty of the world hath suffered for our sakes magnificently repaired and the resplendent glory that we expect for our selves spread universally over all the parts thereof I very well understand that there have been some that have held an opinon quite contrary and have believed that as the World was produced of nothing it shall be reduced to nothing to the end that the maxim of the Philosophers as nothing is made of nothing so nothing can be reduced to nothing may remain totally confounded For they think 't is a maxim prejudicial to the glory of the Divine power and that the event of things must necessarily confute it But 't is an opinion that hath no firm foundation either in Scripture or Reason Touching Scripture all that it says is that the Heavens and the earth shall pass away but the word of God shall never pass away that the Heavens and the Earth shall pass away but God remains Eternally the same which easily receives two answers The one that the meaning is that although the Heaven and the Earth should pass away Nevertheless the word of God would remain immutable and of such manners of speech or affirmation which seeming strict and absolute which must be interpreted by a simple supposition examples are found elsewhere as Psal 45. the Earth is removed and the Mountains are carried into the midst of the Sea the Waters thereof roar and are troubled the Mountains shake with the swelling thereof the streams of the River shall make glad the City of God For so the words are read in the Original and yet we Translate them although the Mountains be carried into the midst of the Sea and the waters thereof Roar and be troubled and the rest in the same manner And the nature of the thing and design of the Author of this Divine Song do demonstrate clear as the day that so it ought to be understood The other Answer is that things pass away after two Fashions That is to say by a perfect abolition of their essence or by so great and considerable a change in their qualities that there appears no trace or footstep of what they were before For when things suffer so great a change that we know them no more at all we may certainly very well say in some sort that they are passed away Now without doubt these Texts may be understood in this manner and 't is plainly said Psal 110. that the Heavens shall be changed which shews that the Holy Spirit understands no otherwise that they shall pass away but by suffering a change marvellously considerable To conclude St. Peter who describes so gloriously the ruin of the world at the last day adds immediately after that according to the promise of God we expect a new Heaven and a new Earth in which righteousness shall dwell Which foretells a change of things into a better State not an utter abolition of their essence Touching reason there is no appearance of it in saying that because the world proceeded from nothing that therefore it must return to nothing again If that pass in such manner very strange consequence will follow concerning the Church and the humane nature of Jesus Christ which reason doth not so much reject as Piety and Conscience doth abhor God hath given proofs sufficiently certain of his infinite power in creating the World as he hath done without any need of giving Testimony of it by an entire and universal abolition of its essence And those miserable Philosophers if they have believed that Creation from nothing and the abolition of things to nothing doth surpass the power of God will be sufficiently convinced and punished for their errour although God do not destroy and abolish his own work for their confutation To conclude the glory of his power will not remain so illustrious if he reduce it to nothing as that of his goodness and mercy will remain darkned and dishonoured if after having given Being to the World and had such particular consideration of man as to punish it only for his sake he should soon after totally ruin it although he received man to favour who alone was guilty of those things which drew all this curse upon the World It remains therefore that we see what will be the constitution of the World by this great and memorable change that will happen to it at the last day Upon which I shall make some general considerations following the method of our preceeding discourses The first is that all things that appear to have come into the world in consequence of sin and not being of the first institution of the Creation must undoubtedly be abolished For since they have no subsistance but in vice or the depravation of sin Sin being in all regards obliterated there remains no place for the fruits and consequences of it If then there be any evil influence in the Stars or any pestilential exhalation in the
we love One whereof are insensible of our love because they are so in themselves The other have knowledge of our affection and on their part correspond unto it the love that we have for the first gives not a pleasure that comes near that of the love that we have for the second then when we are assured that they love us reciprocally And the reason thereof is two fold The first is that the things that cannot love us reciprocally however excellent they may otherwise be are nevertheless void of understanding those that are capable of a true affection for us are partakers of it Now things endued with understanding are infinitely better than those that are not if therefore the satisfaction that we receive either from our contemplation or from our love encreaseth as we have seen above according to the proportion of the excellency of the object upon which our faculties display and exercise themselves the love that we have for things endued with understanding must infinitely over-weigh the other The second is that as we love nothing earnestly which we do not value much so we cannot perceive our selves loved but we perceive our selves also valued and esteemed by those that love us Now 't is a thing supreamly sweet and pleasant to be valued and esteemed by those that we believe do exactly know us and which otherwise we know are themselves to be valued and esteemed in a Soveraign manner For either they esteem us for the sake of our proper worth as when we love our Friends for the sake of their virtue Or else they esteem us for this that although in our selves in comparison of them we be of no marvellous great price so it is nevertheless that they have made us and 't is by them that we are what we are So we love our Children so every understanding Cause loves the work that he hath produced with some Understanding and Art The first is marvellously pleasant For if it be a thing agreeable to be and to know that we are how much more is it to possess a Being accompanied with commendable qualities The second ought to be much more For although we do not perceive our selves commendable in our selves 't is no small commendation to be dependances of a great Cause and parts of a Noble Principle from whom we are derived Now in the Estate in which we shall be in the Kingdom of Heaven we shall possess both all these degrees and all these kinds of happiness For as we shall love both the Angels and the faithful that shall there be partakers with us in one and the same glory with tenderness unimaginable so will they on their part love us so heartily that they will perfectly correspond to our affections And in the same manner that we shall love them as well with that kind of love wherewith we embrace our Friends by reason of their Holiness and virtue which we shall see arrived at the highest pitch of its perfection as with that kind of love wherewith we love our Brethren For the sake of the Communion we shall have with one and the same Heavenly Father So we do certainly know that we shall be perfectly loved of them on the same considerations because our virtue and perfections will be the same with theirs and we shall be equally the Sons of God So that as by the love that we shall bear to them we shall be so closely joined to them that we shall have them perpetually in our minds they will be joyned so closely to us by the affection wherewith they will embrace us that they will have us perpetually in theirs and so our Souls shall be as it were melted and mingled together And this will be wonderful in the vehemence and sincerity of this love that whereas 't is impossible here below to have many such Friends for whom we have such deep and great affection there will be above in the Heavens Millions with whom we shall have these indissoluble Tyes and Obligations For on one side here are found but few that upon Trial we have judged or can judge worthy of this degree of love and on the other side our minds in this natural Constitution in which they are cannot supply to so many Operations of so great and extraordinary vehemence Whereas there we shall be fully assured of the excellency and merit of all our Objects without any need of Tryal and our minds having obtained by their glorification a supernatural and extraordinary vigour they will become as it were fruitful and inexhaustible fountains of these kinds of operations from whence love and kindness will run down not as little streams or brooks which presently grow dry but as floods abounding and remaining to eternal ages Again as we shall love the Lord Jesus and the Heavenly Father all as much as the properties infinitely and supremely amiable that are in them shall be known by faculties such as ours will be that is to say with the whole extent of the power of a reasonable Creature raised to glory in like manner they both the one and the other will love us all as much as such Creatures can be loved by those that are wholly love Insomuch that although we do not find in our selves to whatever perfection we do arrive what may correspond to the honour of so great love Nevertheless we shall not cease to esteem our selves supremely happy in it and to receive unspeakable joy from it For this Relation which we shall have with God of being his Children and that which we shall have with Jesus Christ of being his beloved Brethren will certainly be sufficient to give us esteem and value and to make us eternally the objects not only of those which shall partake with us in the same Salvation but the admiration of Angels themselves Behold will they say those that were taken from the Earth raised above the Heavens those that had deserved Eternal confusion advanced to the top of glory and honour those that have deserved to inhabite Hell with Devils partaking Heaven with the Son of God Those that were sometimes worthy that God should separate them from his presence Eternally received into his own bosom there to enjoy the Communion of his Holy Spirit in Eternal life and glory Now to him that shall have all the powers of his Soul filled with so great and perfect contentment what can be wanting of a most perfect and Soveraign happiness Observe principally as I have above represented it that the Body shall become shining incorruptible and immortal and that the enjoyment of this happiness will be given us in an Habitation Eternally glorious For it is not for nothing that St. John representing the Jerusalem that is on high saith that 't is full of the glory of God and that its light is more sparkling than that of Pretious Stones That the wall thereof is Jasper the buildings thereof of pure Gold like unto transparent glass The foundations thereof so many Quarries of Pretious Stones That its twelve gates were twelve Pearls its Streets paved with Gold and that the Lord Almighty and the Lamb that accomplished our Salvation is the Temple thereof That it hath no need of Sun nor Moon For God enlightens it on all sides and the Lamb is the Torch which makes it sparkle with an Eternal light For although these terms be Prophetick and Mysterious their sense is nevertheless a representation of a magnificence which cannot be expressed And although it have a particular regard to the light of knowledge and the perfect holiness of the Church of God nevertheless it includes the quality of its remaining happiness and the beauty of its Habitation Now although it be not unprofitable thus to bring down if I may so express it Heaven to Earth by our Meditation and from thence to form some imperfect Idea thereof in our minds 'T is yet notwithstanding incomparably more advantageous to raise as far as our infirmity will permit Earth to Heaven and even now to fix our hearts and affections on high expecting that the Lord Jesus will do us the favour and bestow on us the priviledge really to contemplate there what we do not yet see but in the promises that he hath given us to him with the Father and the Holy Spirit be glory power and dominion for ever and ever Amen FINIS ERRATA PAge 3 l. 14 r. merry l. 16 r. occurence p 4 l. 1 r. of p 5 l. 7 r. fails l. 21 r. consequence p 6 l. 14 blot out forms p 9 l. 22 for to r. so p 14 l. 25 r. there p 15 l. 4 r. that l. 9 r. abstractions p 17 l. 1 r. those l. 28 r. on p 18 l. 8 r. he p 19 l. 22 r. how p 21 l. 12 r. affixed l. 22 r. retained p 22 l. 28 r. Spirits p 26 l. 8 r. this p 30 l. 27 r. therein p 31 l. 9 r. so p 33 l. 27 r. Christ p 35 l. 13 r. buried l 16 r. so p 39 l. 20 r. Orpheus p 52 l. 10 r. entred p 59 l. 3 r. it p 75 l. 9 r. may p 81 l. 12 r. there p 83 l. 21 r. consists p 85 l. 4 r. them not p 97 l. 27 r. already p 109 l. 12 r. of r. All l. 15 blot out now p. 111 l. 8 r. love p 114 l. 3 r. so 122 l. 14 r. raised p 123 l. 1 blot out of p 126 l. 23 r. precedent p 131 l. 15 r from p 147 l. 11 r. then p 148 l. 22 r. wraps p 150 l. 20 r. will appear p 153 l. 8 r imbued p 157 l. 15 r. means l. 16 r. Brethren p 163 l. 3 r. Calvin p 165 l. 23 r. Flaminius And Also p 166 l. 6 and p 170 l. 12 r. and Prophets
infirmities into glory This is he that conversed here below in mean condition among men and behold him raised above the magnificence of all the Angels This is he that suffered the contradiction of sinners but receives now the applause and veneration of all the Inhabitants of Heaven This is he that ignominiously hung upon the Cross but now all Creatures behold him with reverence and trembling This is he that here below suffered death but who now holds in his hand the life of all things and the subsistance of the universe This is he that was seen laid in a dark Tomb in comparison of whom now the splendor of the Sun is but as a shadow This is he that was thought unworthy that the Earth should bear him who now walks upon the Heavens and under whose feet the whole Fabrick of the World doth Tremble This is he in whom sometimes I believed indeed but with a faith always imperfect always spotted with some darkness always mingled with some remainders of incredulity whom I now see fully and manifestly and to whom I have liberty to approach without fear and behold him face to face After having in some sort represented what is the excellence of the knowledg which the believing Soul obtains when 't is received into Heaven there is no need that I should stay long to examine what is the measure of the happiness that it there enjoys For happiness consists as well in the absence of evils as in the fruition of good which are inconsistent or agreeable to the nature of those Beings which we call by the name of happy As for evils there are none that enter the Kingdom of Heaven which is a marvellous happiness to a nature sensible as ours is As for good things what may they be which are suitable to a reasonable Soul notwithstanding 't is separate from the Body Certainly as the happiness of the eye consists in seeing agreeable things and as the happiness of the ear in hearing pleasant and harmonious sounds and generally the happiness of all the other senses in exercising themselves upon those Objects whereunto nature hath appointed them with pleasure and content the happiness of the separate Soul consists in a suitable exercise of its faculties upon the most excellent Objects which can be presented to it and in the joy that is consequent thereunto It s understanding therefore being both perfectly purified in it self and filled with the presence of Objects so admirable its happiness in this respect is proportionable to the excellency of its Operation and those contemplations in which it is perpetually employed If those therefore that have any spark of generosity and any thing brave in their Souls do esteem those happy that have obtained any skill in those Sciences to which men ordinarily apply themselves and yet nevertheless an excellent Philosopher had reason to say that one drop of the knowledg of the nature of Celestial Bodies is more to be desired by reason of the nobleness of their essence and the advantage of their utility than all the Sciences that men have formed upon the other Beings of the World how happy must that Soul be that perfectly knows those things whose excellency as far surmounts the Sun and other the Stars of Heaven as they are to be esteemed more worthy than all the other Bodies of these Elementary Regions And if none of our faculties do employ themselves in their Operations in a suitable manner upon those subjects that are proportionable unto them without receiving some sensible pleasure what may be the satisfaction that a faithful Soul receives in being incessantly exercised in such marvellous Operations Certainly the pleasure of the eyes and ears is great when they are filled with such Objects whose colour or figure or harmony and justness of proportion is capable reasonably as satisfying the hunger that uncorrupted nature hath placed in those Senses For pleasure properly consists in this that now when the Objects that are without do occur unto our faculties and apply themselves to the desires or capacities that are there with so much proportion and equality that the motions that they make there be neither too languishing nor too violent but in an agreeable measure The pleasure of the mind when it employs it self with success in the contemplation of things intellectual is much more great than that of the eyes or ears because 't is a more noble faculty and things Spiritual are more excellent than Bodies and by consequence Operations more exquisite and curious do arise from the occurrence of them From whence it follows necessarily that when the faculties of the Soul are come to that point of perfection in which they do as it were as much surpass themselves when they were in a state of nature as in this state of nature they did surpass the eyes and ears and that when the Objects that are presented to them have as many or more degrees of excellency above those things intellectual which we ordinarily apprehend as they have above sensible and Corporeal Objects it is indubitable that the joy and content that doth accompany Operations so Divine must infinitely excel that which can be Ministred by the knowledg of the most perfect and sublime Sciences The understanding being filled with such excellent knowledg it must necessarily be that the will be full of love marvellously ardent towards those Objects from whence it doth derive For things that are excellent do draw our affections for their own sake and deserve our love by the sole respect of their beauty And the content that we take in the knowledg of them is a cause that we love them also for our own sake because we love our selves it cannot be that in that respect we should not love those things that Minister to our satisfaction Besides we are so naturally disposed that we do not only love those Objects from whence such excellent knowledg derives but we singularly esteem the means by which we do enjoy it and 't is for that reason that some have said that we have our eyes above our other Bodily Senses because they discover to our knowledg a far greater multitude of things than our others and under greater variety And experience teaches us that of all visible Objects light seems to be most beautiful and pleasant which comes to pass not only from its natural constitution in that it seems to be the Object which hath the most proportion with the faculty of seeing but also because 't is that which renders other things visible and which if I may so say doth colour even colours themselves and give the form and figure to the forms and figures of Bodies So that we may not doubt but that blessed Souls are wholly inflamed with the love of the persons and things which on high are perpetually presented to the eyes of their understandings Now love is of it self a thing full of contentment and joy when we enjoy the thing we love and know that we are
beloved thereof The believing Soul therefore ardently loves the happy Spirits which are received on high and likewise the Holy Angels and being likewise reciprocally loved by them and loving our Lord Jesus with an affection far above what it bears to Angels and Spirits and being much assured that it is yet much more beloved of him and to conclude seeing in its Habitation in the Heavens in the aspect of the marvellous things that are there in the company of Holy Spirits in the Society of Angels in the presence and Communion of Jesus Christ so many and such irrefragable Testimonies of the love of God towards it it plunges and drowns and totally swallows it self in the love that it bears to him and finds in all these motions a sensible and sublime taste of unspeakable felicity What it is that the Resurrection will add to the blessedness of the believing Soul The Third Discourse THis which I have said hitherunto very imperfectly concerning the happiness of the believing Soul after it is separate from the Body may enable us to conceive something of its grandeur as by the lightning that passes before our eyes we do in some manner judge of the quantity of fire that is wrapt up in the dark clouds But although there be attractives enough in what we understand of it to excite the desire and admiration of it in our hearts yet it falls far short of its perfection as long as man remains deprived of the other half of his essence For the believer of whose happiness we are now discoursing may be considered after three manners First in himself then as the world hath some Relation to and Connexion with him And lastly as he hath some Relation to the Church as a member hath Relation to his Body Now to consider him in himself seeing he is composed of a Soul and a Body to whatsoever perfection the Soul be advanced so it is that whilst the Body remains under the power of death its happiness is not compleat To consider it in the Relation that it and the World have between each other forasmuch as the World was made for-man and hath been made subject to vanity by reason of him when man shall be placed all entire in perfect happiness as far as precisely concerns himself nevertheless he cannot be said to be absolutely and entirely happy as long as the World remains subject to misery by reason of him and by occasion of him bears the marks of the cruse of God Lastly to consider him after the third manner Forasmuch as he is a part of that whereof the Church is the whole although he should behold himself perfectly happy in himself and although he should see the World delivered from the curse that it incurred for his sake nevertheless he cannot be said to enjoy a full felicity until the whole Church on its part partake in the enjoyment of it If Esther esteemed her self miserable although she were advanced to the glory of a great Empire whilst she beheld her Nation in danger of desolation the Believer may not account it self happy whilst some of his brethren are fighting upon Earth and others with respect to their Bodies are under the power of death and rotting in their graves Forasmuch then as the Soul in that beatitude that it enjoys in the Heavens hath sufficient knowledge of all these Relations 't is impossible that it should not desire the Resurrection of its Body to the end that it may be united with it and the deliverance of the World out of its misery and vanity so that it may no longer be subject to corruption for its sake and the glorification of the Church in a perfect felicity so that the state of that wherewith it hath such inviolable ties may not divide its thoughts betwixt grief and and joy Now he is not happy perfectly that doth desire and hath yet reason and subject to desire something 'T is very true the desire of the Soul in all these regards is without inquietude and anxiety for these passions are generated either from the impatience of our spirits or the uncertainty of the event of what we desire or from hence that although the event that we expect is sure yet the condition that we are in in the mean while is troublesome in it self and uneasy to be born As to what concerns impatience there is not the least string or fiber there-of in the Souls that are on high they are endued with all sorts of Virtues principally they are all swallowed up in a profound respect to the providence of God And as to the assurance of their hope they are more than most assured that it will never fail them since God hath promised it and the power that he hath to execute his Counsels finds no where either difficulty or impossibility to arrest or hinder it to conclude as to what respects their condition the little which I have above reported of it represents it capable of swallowing up in the sweetness of its contents all resentments they may have for the length of their expectations When the Holy Ghost in the Revelation causeth us to hear them cry how long Lord wilt thou not avenge our blood we may not take that for any mark of inquietude of mind any more than for an inordinate desire of vengeance Forasmuch as in this place they consider their enemies as reprobated and adjudged by God to the suffering of punishment and are no longer obliged to have any charity for them Our charity having none for its object but such as may have some access to the mercy of our Heavenly Father Is the gate then closed upon any one Yea as it hath been from the beginning upon Devils or on those that have sinned against the Holy Ghost or on those against whom God hath pronounced an irrevocable sentence of death and condemnation our charity remains utterly extinct in respect of them And to desire the Execution of this condemnation as the Souls of the faithful do is nothing but a conformity to the Divine Justice and will So that the words how long are purely and simply a Holy breathing of Zeal which they have to see the glory of God shining in the Execution of his judgments which doth not pass the bounds of respect which they owe to the conduct of his wisdom Nevertheless although they be without inquietude so it is as I have said they are not without out desire Now he which desires gives evidence that something is wanting to his condition and by consequent is not accomplished in all things And 't is for this reason that we must see what will be the happiness of believers in these three respects at the last day For the first it seems that there are principally two things to be considered that is to say what will be the quality and condition of the body when it shall be raised again and then what will be the estate of the Soul when it shall be rejoined unto