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A23268 Austins Vrania, or, The heauenly muse in a poem full of most feeling meditations for the comfort of all soules, at all times: by S.A. B. of Arts of Ex. Colledge in Oxford.; Urania Austin, Samuel, b. 1605 or 6. 1629 (1629) STC 971; ESTC S104457 102,044 160

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the worldly wi●e So greedily pursue as wealth delights And honours all esteem'd in their blinde sights As Deities And didst more wisely craue What they indeed thought foolishnesse to 〈◊〉 To bee entitled one of mine to bee My sonne by Grace a heauenly high degree Which flesh and bloud can ne'r conceiue and hence It is that they led only by the sense Can ne'r attaine vnto 't nor thy weake eie Poore soule can ere bee able reach so high Do what thou canst vnlesse my lightning Grace Reueale it thee for t is nor wealth nor place Nor labour that can worke it out but I Alone must giu 't of my benignity Now what is this great gift Why sure it is The very Treasurie of perfect blisse And hence deare soule bee not a whit dismai'd To passe those many deepes my Gracious ayd Shall still bee with thee go and prosper on 'T is worth thy suffrings to bee call'd my Son Thou seek'st no meane preferment know one aske Is not enough no 't is a weightier taske And craues thy longest paines so hard an Art For flesh and bloud to learne that 't would dis-hart The wisest of you all did hee but know The many plunges he must vndergo Before hee can attaine this height Alas 'T is not a common I beleeue will passe Thereto only for fashions sake No no There is an inward feeling-faith must go With euery word thou speak'st and this proceeds From my sole purer Sprite which only feeds Those truly contrite soules whose happier eyes Haue seene the deepes of their owne miseries As thou poore humbled soule hast done whereby Thou' rt made a subiect fit for mercies eie To work vpon and pitty Now 's the time Indeed to comfort thee when pow'rs diuine Alone can helpe and nothing else beside Can come so neere in this so deepe a tide As doe thee but least show of good vnlesse It bee to drowne thee quite in thy distresse And headlong send thee downe to Hell Then co●e Come my deare soule or rather my deare son For so thou shalt be called hence arise Shake off thy quondam sins and miseries For I thy God will haue it so and now Come on with me where I will shew thee how Thou shalt obtaine thy full desires but know There 's one thing yet before thou further goe Which must be done and though thou thinke it hard Yet neuer faint it must or all is marr'd Thou needs must vse all meanes hereto but here I know thou 'lt say Alas I cannot beare This heauie yoake Goe too I know full well What thou canst do Nothing but goe to hell Without my sauing Grace but know with this Thou shalt vse all those mediums of thy blisse With wondrous ease and this my yoake shall bee More pleasing farre then worlds best ioy to thee For I my selfe will be thy strength in whom Thou shalt performe what ere I will and none Thy foes shall dare resist or if they doe Thou shalt both fight with them and conquer too To thine abundant hearts content Now then This is the taske which thou must doe to men I know full harsh which is still to represse The swelling pride of thy rebellious flesh To crucifie thy man of sinne to die Daily with Paul to giue to vanitie A resolute farewell and part withall That earst occasion'd thee so great a fall I meane thine owne innatiue lusts for they Indeed are those that caus'd thy soule to stay So long in these vnhappy deepes but now Thou needs must turne another leafe and vow Perpetuall warre against them all yea tho It be against thy very selfe in show I meane against thy outward man thy flesh That Stewes of ill that Cage of filthinesse Which needs must be pull'd downe and purg'd of sin Or my pure Sprite will neuer enter in To fill it full of ioy no no my Grace Cannot abide the house till these giue place Out then you diuelish lusts goe quickly flie Into some Swinish Heard my Deitie Commands your hastening flight you must not stay To make it night where I will haue it day And thou dead heart I charge thee vomit vp The poys'nous drugs of that deceitfull cup Which earst thy flesh did giue thee and whereby Sh'ath brought thee to so deepe a Lethargie That thou hast quite forgot thy selfe yea mee Who earst haue done such wondrous things for thee And you corrupted Trades-men of the minde You wanton eies you leaders of the blinde I charge you hence be pure ne'r wander more To gaze on vanities play not the whore With euery idle obiect that you see Which cannot satisfie but looke on mee By often reading of my Word and by Perusing me in that sweet Theorie Of my most beautious Workes where you shall see That nought indeed is worth your eies but me And you corrupted Listners too you Eares Whose hollow intricate Meander beares Each sound vnto the soule wh'are alwaies apt To ope your doores to ill but closely clapt To euery thing that 's good I charge you too That hence you sanctifie your selues and doe Nought but my will which is to entertaine All messengers of good but to refraine From hearkning vnto any ill whereby Thou mayst conceiue one thought of vanitie Yea Mouth and all which haue your seuerall parts To act in this great mysterie of Arts I charge you all be pure let not a word Be spoke of thee but that which doth afford Matter of praise to me whence all may know The Fount is pure from whence these waters flow Besides accustome not thy selfe to eate Of ouer-much or too delicious meate Whereby to pamper vp thy flesh for these Although they seeme bewitchingly to please Thy all-corrupted man of sinne and feed Thy sense with seeming pleasures yet indeed If thou but duly thinke on them they be The chiefe maintainers of that miserie Which thou so fearefully hast felt for they Are alwaies stirring vp those foes that sway So domineeringly o're thee thy sin And raging lusts which fight so sore within Against thy soule against thy drooping Sp'rite And these are they that cause this gloomy night Of drowzie carelesnesse in thee yea these Would lull thee faine along in thy disease As one that 's in a sleppe to hell where thou Shouldst be impris'ned fast ere knowing how Wherefore I charge thee specially from hence Forbeare these luring baites which feed the sense But famish vp the soule forbeare I say And hence inure thy selfe to fast and pray The readiest meanes whence to cast forth this kinde Of diuelish thoughts that so disturbe the minde This being duely done 't is now high time I send my sanctifying pow'r diuine To purge thine inward faculties thy soule And her attendants made so lately foule By thine owne sinnes and thence to driue away Those theeuish lusts there gotten
to thee In my behalfe What shall I say hee bore My sins and griefes as well thou know'st yea more Hee hath fulfill'd thy Law for me and thou Thy selfe wouldst haue him so yea sure and now Thou 'st also led mee by thy Sprite to him In these my deepes of misery and sin To salue and solace vp my soule and I Appeale to thee vnder no other tye Or name but his that being found alone Hauing his righteousnesse and not mine owne For I alas haue none I thus might bee Made perfect in thy sighs and so might see And know my selfe linkt in thy loue whereby I 'm bound to thee in this eternall tye Of praise and thankfulnesse Here then my Lord Come take me to thy selfe here let thy VVord Speake comfort to my soule that I may bee From hence accounted thine here take from mee All that is mine my sinnes I meane and hence Compose mee for thy se●e Refine my sense With all mine inward faculties that I May bee made wholy thine Let not mine eye So much as look on what I loue vnlesse It please thee sanctifie the same and blesse Its sight and vse to mee for good and let Mee here intreate thee teach mee to forget My fathers house this earth I meane that so My soule may hence with that faire daughter go Vnto the King my Christ and there may bee Presented glorious all within to thee Roab'd only with his Righteousnesse and thou May'st greatly cast thy loue on mee for now Behold I haue giu'n o're my selfe to be Thy worshipper alone who art to mee My only Lord. Here will I set my heart As Dauid earst to act its thankfull part Of prayses to the King here shall my pen Become his tongue here will I show to men The wondrous Riches of thy loue which thou Hast showne to mee Come then my friends for now I will begin Come yee that feare the Lord Come all I say attend to euery word Which I shall speake here will I show to you Such things as may deserue the choycest view What God hath done for my poore soule when I Was in distresse first please you cast an eye But back on these my many griefes which bee Set dully forth in this sad mappe by mee And you shall finde if you haue eyes to looke That can refraine from drowning my poore booke With interrupting teares whiles you peruse The heauie plunges of my sorry Muse There shall you finde I say what deeps of griefe My soule was in there shall you finde in briefe The fearefull'st plunges and extremest smart That euer did beset so weake a heart O're-whelming mee at once there is the paine My soule endur'd which stroue so long in vaine To be redeem'd from sin the heauiest loade That euer yet poore wretched man abode There may you see the feares despaires and all The sad euents that euer could befall A perfect sinfull wretch oppressing mee So sore on euery side that you may bee Made tremble but to thinke vpon 't for I VVas sure me thought past all recouerie Yea sure I was in mans conceit my soule VVas pris'ner fast to death writ in the roule Of hells accursed bookes and could not stirre One foot so much vnlesse it were to erre Into some greater deepe of sinne whereby I needs must fall to greater miserie This was my case deare friends wherein I lay Bereft of helpe full many a tedious day So that I knew not what to doe nor where I might betake my selfe all that was here Within this earth I meane did seeme to me But as some friends of mine which faine would be Accounted so but in my deepes of griefe They were so farre from sending me reliefe That at my greatest need my hopes prou'd vaine Thus did they helpe to adde vnto my paine And thus alas I still continued on From bad to worse till I was so o're-gone VVith my increasing killing sinnes that I Had lost all sense of mine owne miserie VVhich show'd indeed I was quite dead in sin Such was the fearefull case my soule was in But here behold now you haue seene a briefe Or shaddow of my former tedious griefe And wofull deepes that I was in I say Behold when all things else were fled away And would not could not comfort me euen then O here was loue surpassing that of men My God alone tooke hold on me when I VVas in my greatest deepe of miserie Enslau'd to sinne polluted in my blood A loathsome lumpe of any thing but good And there he sweetly ray●'d me vp and said Vnto me ●iue lo I will be thine aide For all things else are vaine e'en I alone I will redeeme thee for besides there 's none That can redeeme I will because I will Of my free Grace for thy deserts are ill As all the rest thy kinreds are which came From sinfull Adams loynes for mine owne Name And goodnesse sake I will that hence thou be A vessell wholly consecrate to me In holinesse Thus did he leade me on As I haue showne his sacred Word along Till from Mount Sinai he had brought me vp To Sions hill where he gaue me the cup Of his saluation freely and mine eie Began to see that happie Mysterie Of his abundant loue in Christ which he Did sweetly there begin lay ope to me Lay ope indeed for 't was a treasurie Of loue beyond conceit the time when I Was in my deepest plunge prest downe by sin Euen to despaire the time when I was in The very Iawes of Hell euen then I say When there was left for me none other way Then did my gracious God in kindnesse come And take me vp then did he send his Sonne His owne beloued Sonne downe from on high And rather then hee 'd suffer me to lye In those eternall bonds of death to be Still thrall'd to Hells expreslesse miserie Whereto my selfe had brought my selfe euen he His onely Sonne would needs come downe to be My Ransomer his loue was growne so great Hee 'd rather leaue his wonte glorious seat Of Maiestie then see me thus yea more Hee 'd be my suretie too for sure he bore My sinnes and griefes he vnder-went the paine Of death and hell for me nought could restraine His forward wings of speakelesse loue but he Would straight vn-God himselfe as 't were and be Made man like vs he would descend from high Where 's earst he sate in his felicitie And glorie inexpressible that he Might take on him our poore humanitie The ragges of our accursed flesh wherein He might in person answer for the sin That we had done he would become our Gage To vndergoe his fathers heauie rage And wrath so iustly due to vs that wee From out the hell of this our low degree Might bee raisd vp so high from death from sin And all those deepes of misery
that they Had flattred all that e're hee had away And seem'd to promise much as long as hee Had any thing to giue but now they see That he was left in deepes of misery They run away at once and let him lie Hee then gan know himselfe and hauing seene The fearefull deeps of want and wo wherein Hee now was plung'd hee gan with weeping eyes To thinke on these his wilfull miseries And hauing deepely counted with himselfe What once he was and now vngracious Elfe Whereto hee 'd brought his state hee would not rest But needs returne to him that lou'd him best His first offended Father where he hies All totter'd o're with ragges of miseries The fruits that he had got and there he showes His great extremes in swelling tides of woes Vncessant teares and penitentiall groanes For none besides would pitty these his moanes Vnto his Fathers eyes But soone as hee I need not speake in parables to thee Thou knowst it well enough had told his sin His pittying Father runnes and takes hi●●n Embrac'th him in his armes with kisse●●eet To shew how glad the Father was to meet His conuert son he yearned more to giue Him life then hee himselfe did yearne to liue For lo before the Son could well intreate The Father grants his loue was growne so great This is my case O Lord t is I that am That wretched Prodigall who earstly ran Away from thee my God who wast to mee By far a dearer Father then was hee Who was the Prodigals and lo t is I That brought my selfe to all this misery VVherein I am but now I 'gin to see My poore estate Behold I come to thee VVith Father I haue sin'd my deep distresse Enforceth mee vnfainedly confesse My wofull wandrings that haue gone astray From all thy sacred paths and spent away Thy talents all in hell done nothing well As earst I did confesse and now I tell Againe with griefe of heart with watery eyes With inward sighes with soule-relenting cryes With teares of penitence and deepe-fetcht throes The dull expressions of my deeper woes The Caracters wherewith the soule doth write The recantations of her past delight Lo here I feele the reward of my ill The penury of Grace which yearks me still Into the very soule As earst did want The Prodigall when all things were so scant And here of force I cry'd for helpe but none Of all my friends would hearken to my moane As earst I said for they did flee away As fast as cowards from a fearefull fray But when I saw that all were fled and I Was left alone beset with misery And there was none would helpe I gan to rue With solitary sighes and weeping Dew My wilfull foolishnesse and now I see My running thus so farre away from Thee So good a God is cause of all my wo Behold I cannot rest vntill I go To thee againe for it was onely Thou That first gau'st being to my soule and now There is no other Name I know full well That can redeeme me from the deepe of Hell But onely thine Thus in extremes I flie To thee for mercy in my miserie To thee alone for lo with griefe I see All other helpes are burdens vnto me Alas they kill my soule and doe but feed My greatest foe where all my horrors breed This corruptible clog of flesh that faine Would sinke me sleeping to eternall paine Whence nothing may redeeme Oh then I pray Come purifie this filthy piece of clay By those sweet streames of thy e'r liuing Grace Which issue from that holy-holy place Where thou art resident thy purest Sprite The Comforter and pledge of true delight And giue my soule free liberty to see The very fulnesse of its miserie Alas It doth not see enough I feele My heart continues yet as hard as steele It will not yeeld me teares enow to spend In wished penitence vntill I end My little day of life and here againe I am inforc'd with doubled sighes to plaine To thee for remedy this forceth more Then all the miseries that went before Alas and what 's the reason Sure I see And feele t is nothing but the want of thee He that wants thee wants all that 's good and I By wanting thee haue more then misery O then behold if euer Prodigall Thus pincht with pouerty had need to call Good Father come and helpe sure I am hee That thus in humblenesse appeale to thee Or looke vpon these caracters of wo The rags of misery wherein I goe Or were not that enough yet looke vpon My greater want of thy saluation See how I sigh to thee for grace or more I sigh alas because I am so poore In sighes and teares and weeping words that I Cannot bewaile inough my misery By reason of my sinnes which striue to keepe My gasping soule in an vnhappy sleepe Much like those lumpish clouds that I haue seene In lowring dayes to thrust themselues betweene The Sun and vs and so to keepe away Those sweet inflowings of bright Phoebus ray That quickneth vp our Spirits by which wrong It makes the sluggard lye a bed too long Enthrals vs to a drowzinesse that wee Are quite vnapt for good vntill wee see Those sleepy clouds dispell'd and Phoebus eye Doth cheere vs vp with new alacrity Such are my sinnes and till that sacred Sunne Which is indeed the light shall shine vpon This sluggish soule of mine and driue away These cloudy aduersaries of my day I cannot cry with cheerefulnesse or weepe The enemy enforceth so to sleepe O then my God thou thou that art the Sun And all I want come quickly shine vpon My deadned sleepy soule and let thy beames Of grace resolue my Icy heart to streames Of faithfull feeling penitence that I With perfect sense of this my misery May swim in teares vnto thy Mercy-Throne There to enforce thee to compassion And further let my teares be all as tongues To intimate the penitentiall songs My heart endites or rather let my pen As Dauids be the Scribe to publish them And last of all O let my sprites loud groanes Expreslesse vtter forth the saddest Tones That euer yet true penitent did weepe To wake our drowzie carnalists from sleepe And by a secret vertue to enforce My hearers all to melt into remorce When they haue seene themselues by me for all As well as I haue play'd the Prodigall If they but duly thinke vpon 't and then They 'le all vouchsafe to company my pen In weeping meeters too or if not so For want of measures to expresse their wo Which is so measurelesse yet out of loue Thus farre I know they will my griefes approue As to affoord me teares in euery line To write their penitence as well as mine Which done I doubt not but we all shall be Compartners in the same felicitie As well as griefes ere my Vrania end Her happy taske for lo I apprehend
fall vpon the good and dispossesse Them of their rights fill all with heauinesse But to my selfe againe When carelesse I Had swallowed downe this pleasing miserie Of one vnhappy thought O how my heart VVas strucken straight with a benumming smart Prest with a heauy drowzinesse my sin Had cast such gloomy mists on all within And hereupon O that so light a toy Should seeme to ship-wrack all my former ioy And so o're-whelme my soule with feares that I Should lose my selfe so long in misery A Legion more the most vnlucky shade That euer yet did my poore soule inuade Of thoughts distracted thoughts came rushing in And faine would haue mee desp'rate on in sin Ne'r hope for Goodnesse more ne'r spend my paine For that which was so difficult to gaine Nay more alas O that my shamelesse pen Should dare to whisper out to other men Those priuate conflicts of my soule for feare I should offend the true religious eare For Christians should not once so much as name Such things as these lest some say 't is prophane They drew mee to such dangerous Rocks that I Was put to doubtings of a Deitie Whether I had a God or no that Hee Should seeme to goe so far away from mee In those my greatest deeps O how my sprite Was mazed at this vnaccustom'd fight How was I shaken How was all my man Strook downe with feare Good God! how pale and wan My outward visage was which might bewray The grieuous conflicts of mine inward fray How did I walke disconsolate as one That had no life in him or had alone His life to liue in misery wherein T were better not to bee then to haue been But here deare Christians you whose happier Eyes Are alwayes blest with feeling Theories Of Heau'ns chiefe Goodnesse you that sweetly run These happy paths ne'r clouded from the Sun Condemne mee not I pray you straight that I Beare not a part in that felicitie Which you your selues are in but rather prayse The goodnesse of that God whose Gracious Rayes Hee would in mercy make your eyes to see But in his Iustice hide them now from mee For reasons knowne best to himselfe and who Shall dare gaine-say what pleaseth him to do O bee your selues I pray which if you bee Then am I sure you 'l rather pitty mee With earnest prayers in my behalfe that I May win at length a happy victory After these dreary stormes Oh these are they I neede especially Good Reader pray To helpe mee out and know what now is mine If Iustice please to morrow may bee thine Calmes seldome hold continually and wee Though now in stormes haue yet a hope to see A fairer day Thus may the loftiest eyes Looke for a fall and I may looke to rise And I may looke Alas poore soule how faine Would'st thou bee lifting vp thine eyes againe To see that Light of happinesse that Sun Whose beames ere-while so wondrously begun To glad thy drooping sprites and to expell The dismall clouds of all thy former Hell But O vnhappy wretch how doe I see My gloomy sinnes o're-vaile and shaddow mee What gastly thoughts doe wrest away mine eyes To gad and gaze on thousand vanities And various shows of ill which giue to mee No more content then doth my misery Alas they vex mee ten times more for these Will not so much as let mee seeke for ease Which that enforceth mee to doe but still They vrge mee onwards to some other ill Which seemes as though 't would giue mee ease but when I 'ue also try'd its Remedy Oh then I grieue to see my foolishnesse that I Should bee thus flatterd on in misery For still the more I adde to ill the more I adde of poyson to my festred sore The more I adde to weigh mee downe to Hell And more of paine my conscious soule doth tell That I of force must vndergoe e're I Recouer backe my first felicity Such ease it seemes to fall tow'rds Hell but then Alas how full of teares to rise agen And thus I adde vnto my griefes altho My stupid flesh would faine perswade mee no Oh this is it that kills my soule to see I 'm sicke euen to the death yet not to bee Touch't truely with the sense of it whereby I might in haste goe seeke for remedy With some new kinde of Rhetorick with cryes And teary-words making my weeping eyes My humble intercessors and my groanes To vtter forth more lamentable Tones Then euer yet before which might enforce The Heau'ns and all vnto a new remorce And chiefly to appease the angry frowne Of my Great God whose absence throwes mee downe To all those deepes of misery that I Should so misprize that high benignitie And Riches of his loue which was to mee The very summe of true felicitie As to exchange it for a taste or twaine Of Satans sweets and so to entertaine In stead of him those guests which now possesse My soule with nought but cursed bitternesse And sad desparing-heauy thoughts and these Are all the salues that Satan hath to ease The troubled soule O what a foole was I Thus to beleeue his damned flattery Did I not know enough before how hee Beguild my Parents as hee now doth mee To eate of the forbidden fruite and said That they should bee as Gods ere hee betrayd Their soules into his cruell hands But then Hee threw them downe below the state of men And then hee triumpht in their falls as now He doth in mine But Adam where art thou Or rather where am I Why doe I runne Amongst the trees to hide mee from the Sun I le goe vnto my God againe and there Will neuer cease to call vntill hee heare From out his holy Place and thence come downe To take mee vp and till that angry frowne Bee turn'd to wonted pleasing similes and hee Shall sweetly come againe and show to mee Those endlesse Riches of his loue wich erst Hee 'gan reueale for lo I cannot rest My soule will not bee comforted till I Shall see at full that happy Mystery Of his eternall loue whereof while-ere I had a glimpse O let mee but come there To that high seate of happinesse to see The fulnesse of that true felicitie And in the mid'st of that sweet Theorie O let my body melt away and dye Or let mee dye vnto the flesh that so My soule may ne'r more taste of bodies woe But alwaies bee hereafter thron'd so hie As still enioy that happy Theorie Where is my God so long O where art thou My Light my Life my Happinesse Come now O quickly come and take mee vp for feare I fall into the gastly pit and there Bee none to helpe me vp againe O why Did'st thou in anger take away thine eye So suddenly from mee Thou knew'st full well I needs must fall downe to the pit of hell When thou didst faile to hold
of this horrid deed Wherefore I now returne againe and come Vnto my Sauiours latest part the Summe And woe of all the rest that dreary seene Which now hee was to vndergoe I meane On this sad Scaffold of his latest crosse The first was paine of sense but this of 〈◊〉 That was his bodies paine but here againe His paine of soule which is the soule o● pa●●e For now behold not to enlarge my verse With each sad circumstance I here rehearse Only that one expreslesse plunge of all The great'st that euer was when hee did call At his extremest gaspe My God my God Why hast thou now forsaken mee What rod Was it that strook this wondrous blow Aye mee My blessed Christ what God forsaken Thee Thy selfe forsake thy selfe O thou my life How could this b●e Ne'r was there fatall knife Could cut this threed no Thus it came to passe Thy Sprite of loue hath told mee how it was Now was that wofull time at hand wherein Th'intolerable weight and curse of sin Which I and all the world had done were cast Vpon thy backe at once Now was that last And very vtmost deepe which thou while-ere Didst seeme in thy humanity to feare Now didst thou drinke of that accursed cup Which earst thou didst intreat thou mightst not sup Vnlesse it were thy Fathers will and here Behold it was his will and thou didst beare Those heauie brunts alone for vs from whence It was indeed thou hadst such feeling sense Of these thy miseries in vs that wee Might thereby feele our happinesse in thee Nay more thou now of wondrous loue hadst tooke Our sinnes on thee whence 't was thy God forsooke Or seem'd at least forsake thee thus and why 'T is sin indeed vndoes that happy tie Betwixt humanity and God for this Is that whi●h sep'rates vs from all our blisse I meane from God and this is it which made Him thus withdraw himselfe from thee or shade As 't were his present ●●dance from thy sight And leaue thee to thy selfe prest with the weight Of sin and hell and of thy Fathers rage ' Gainst these our si●●es since thou would'st so engage Thy selfe for vs and here thy soule was brought Downe to the low●st plunge of woe where nought VVas left to comfort thee but thou meane while Being made as ' twe●e a desolate ex●le From all true happinesse didst vndergo Such sad expreslesse pangs that none can know Their depth but thou that suffer'dst them nay sure That only paine of losse thou didst endure VVas more by farre in reference to thee Then hells most cruell torturings can bee In reference to vs. VVhat shall I say This was indeed a lamentable day For thy pure eies to see ne'r was there griefe Like vnto this of thine where all reliefe VVas held so long from thee and here indeed I found that true which I ere-while did reade Foretold of thee thy comlynesse was gone And forme or beauty there alas was none To make thee now desir'd Thou wast a man Of sorrow friend of griefe whence wee began To hide our faces ' way from thee or thou Didst hide as 't were from vs Thus didst thou bow Thy righteous back to heare our griefes while wee Like cruell Iewes went on in tort'ring thee By adding sin to sin Thus didst thou cry Aloud for vs and thus for vs didst die Didst die yea more didst rise againe that wee Might rise againe from sin and bee made free From all the pow'r● of death and hell and then Being thus reuiu'd by thee to liue agen The happy life of Grace till thou shalt please To call vs gently hence and sweetly seize Vpon our soules to carrie vs vp on high To liue with thee through all eternitie The endlesse life of Glorie there where wee Shall sing of nothing else but praise to thee But O my God thou thou that hast been pleasd To ayde mee hitherto thou that hast easd My wearied soule at length in this sweet Ford The sacred Spring of thy all-sauing VVord Come here againe and as it pleas'd thee show Those mirrours of thy loue to m●e euen so Enable mee as thou hast said that I May sing thy mercies to posterity In a ne'r-dying verse whereof each word May speake my thankfulnesse and each afford Eternall matter of thy praise Nay more May here bee found a salue for euery sore To each good soule that euer felt the smart And terrors of a truly contrite heart Come then my sweet Vrania come againe And raise thy selfe here change thy dolefull straine Into some happier notes of ioy and here Come come my sprites I charge you all appeare In ioyous readinesse yea soule and all Giue your attendance to my instant call For now behold I speake Come come away To celebrate this high-made Holy-day Of reconcilement with my God First then O thou sole Guider of my tongue and pen And all my thoughts and all my Acts whiles they Are good Lo here I humbly come to pay My tributarie thanks that thou hast brought Me hitherto the place which earst I sought And here hast rais'd my soule againe to see Those wondrous things which thou hast done for me When I was past recouerie if thou Hadst not been timely mercifull and now Redeem'd me by thy loue as thou hast done Though by the death of 〈◊〉 owne onely Sonne Thine owne beloued Sonne but O my life Life of my soule I say whence is the strife I feele in me if this be so that I Am subiect yet to Satans tyrannie And cannot praise thee as I would for lo My sinnes step still betweene and 〈◊〉 so I cannot raise my drow●ie eies to see As here I ought thy wondrous 〈◊〉 to mee But O my God! here is the reason sure Of this my miserie thine eies so pure Will not vouchsafe to loo● 〈◊〉 I meane In smiling sort because I am not 〈◊〉 But thou conceal'st thy co●nce ' cause I Haue broke indeed thy Lawes most ●ankelesly Both in my thoughts and 〈◊〉 and yet alas I am not truly penitent but p●sse My time in senslesnesse as 't were and 〈◊〉 Burst forth in teares to wash away the blot Of this my great ingratitude aye mee All this is true my God for thou dost see My secret paths and yet behold thine eyes Do also see my griping miseries How oft indeed I grieue and sigh and groane Because I am become so dead a stone And cannot weep as faine I would but here O thou my Lord why should I further feare At these mine owne deficiencies behold My Sauiour burnd in loue though I am cold His wounds did weepe to wash away my sin Though I am dull O cast thine eyes on him Or looke on mee but as in Him that when Thou seest me thou mayst finde mee clear'd and then Thou canst not bee displeas'd with mee for hee Hath made a full supply of all
AVSTINS VRANIA OR THE HEAVENLY MVSE IN A POEM FVLL OF MOST FEELING MEDITATIONS for the comfort of all soules at all times By S.A. B. of Arts of Ex. Colledge in Oxford Aut perlegas aut non legas What e'r thou be whose eyes doe chance to fall Vpon this Booke reade all or none at all LONDON Printed by F.K. for Robert Allot and Henry Seile 1629. An Apologie for my Muse that it chose this subiect before any other which might seeme more pleasing to the Times I Write not newes of Ree or our late Fleet For Rochels ayde or of the States that meet In our great present Parliament to cure Those wounds our dearest England doth endure For her both hid and open sinnes Oh no It is not fit for me who am so low To speake when greater tongues are tyde but I Bring newes from Heau'n wrapt in a mystery The sweetest newes that e'r was heard and such That cannot chuse but please yet 't is not much And therefore easier to be borne In briefe It is a remedy ' gainst euery griefe Of these our present troublous times I meane To those alone that crie Vncleane vncleane And faine would be washt white from sinne and be Secur'd also from all the miserie That followes it those Iudgements now that threat Our Englands fall if Mercy proue not great Thus haue I thought the safest way to please By writing what might giue to all men ease S. A. E Musaeo meo in Coll. Exon. in Oxonio 26. Maij 1628. AVSTINS VRANIA OR THE HEAVENLY MVSE Being a true story of mans fall and redemption set forth in a Poem containing two Bookes whereof one resembles the Law the other the Gospell Wherein is chiefly imitated the powerfull expressions of holy Scripture very necessary to be read of all both Diuines and others especially those who labour vnder the heauie burden of their sinnes and would faine be comforted By S.A. B. of Arts of Ex. Colledge in Oxford 1. TIM 4.12 Let no man despise thy youth c. IOHN 3.16 For God so loued the world that he gaue his onely begotten Sonne that whosoeuer beleeueth in him should not perish but haue euerlasting life ROM 5.19 21. For as by one mans disobedience many were made sinners so by the obedience of One shall many be made righteous That as sinne hath reigned vnto death euen so might Grace reigne through righteousnesse vnto eternall life by Iesus Christ our Lord. LONDON Printed by F.K. for Robert Allot and Henry Seile 1629. TO THE RIGHT WORSHIPFVLL THE especiall fauourer of my Studies Mr. Dr. PRIDEAVX the Kings Professor of Diuinitie and the most deseruing Rector of Exeter Colledge in Oxford Grace and peace c. Reuerend Sir IT may haply seeme strange vnto you to receiue such a Present as this from my hands but when you haue well consider'd it and the occasion of it I doubt not but without further wondring you will be ready to challenge it before any other as your owne principall due It is not your minde I know that I should here proclaime vnto the world the many dutifull ties and speciall engagements wherein I stand bound vnto you how that next vnder God I haue liu'd in this happy place aboue this foure yeeres especially by sucking in the sweet ayre of your continuing fauours and not so onely but how in a neerer kinde of reference you haue vouchsafed to take me into your owne Diuine Tutorage and honour'd me beyond all desert with the priuiledge of vsuall disputes before your selfe amongst those that were your Noble Scholers How much these and the like may serue for the illustration of your goodnes I well know not in that you plac'd your fauours on so low and worthlesse a subiect but I am sure they stand with my credit for euer to remember them for which and for diuers other particular respects if I had not iust occasion to present you these first fruits of my Studies which were nourish'd vp in your owne Garden yet here againe I could appeale vnto you as to a common Patron or Godfather as it were of the Diuiner Muses If I had made choice of any other Muse then Vrania or if my Subiect were not Diuine I would not haue presum'd to approach your eyes with it or intreate the world might know it vnder your Patronage But since all these circumstances doe so happily conspire and if these my labours may also prooue any way beneficiall to Gods Church and Children by your good approuement let them I beseech you as my first conceptions haue leaue to breathe forth their sorrows to the world vnder your Name Neither let it bee accounted my pride that I seeke after the vain-glory of the world by being in Print for these I hope can sufficiently witnesse for mee that if I glory in any thing it is with Paul in my infirmities after this manner would I haue the world take notice of me and to amend in themselues what they finde defectiue in me but if any thing herein seeme praise-worthy I would intreate all men to know that this came from a higher Spirit and my selfe can glory in nothing of it but by being the Instrument If you knew but the paines I haue suffer'd in trauell hereof how many precious houres and dayes I haue detain'd from those sports and vanities which are common to others yea how much time I haue stolne from my other priuate Studies which lay of necessitie on mee in this place and sacred them onely to this and then againe when I came about it with earnest intents how vnaptly I was disposed for it how ready for any thing besides it what drowzinesse would set vpon me and when I went sometimes more happily onwards by the strength of Gods Spirit what Legions of euill thoughts would suddenly interrupt me in briefe what heauy and hard conflicts and what a tedious trauell I haue had as God knowes in the producing of it I dare promise my selfe it would make your yeelding heart e'en bleed to thinke on 't Had I gone about any any worke of vanitie I am sure I should haue had the World Flesh and Diuell at hand to forward it but this hath shewed it selfe to be a worke of a contrary nature and hath had all these as earst Nehemiah had Sanballat and his complices conspirators to hinder it But now thankes bee to my God after two yeeres tedious trauell I haue at length finished it And since it has growne vp hitherto vnder your Tuition I doe here also humbly commend it to you for its future preseruation and fauour in publishing it which if you please but daine mee I dare promise its life shall prooue so thankefull vnto you as besides mine owne prayers procure you the blessings of many other soules for preseruing it To which great fauour I shall onely craue this one addition for the crowning of my desires that I may alwayes retaine my wonted priuiledge in being euer Your Worships
in to prey Vpon thy purer parts for thou must be A Temple wholly consecrate to me In holinesse Wherefore I charge you all As subiects to my Pow'r Imperiall Thou Breath of life you vnderstanding parts And thou Inuention searcher out of Arts And Memorie so aged in thy youth The Register of ancient times and truth And Iudgement thou great Vmpier of the ●est VVhich alwaies fi●st to censure what is best I charge you strictly all I say and will That you be cleane keepe not one thought of ill VVithin your sacred Chancels but be pure Euen as I am and hence yourselues inure To nought but holy practices that so Thy soule and sense may both together go As two made one and all to sing my praise In sweetest Concords to ensuing daies This being also done I say Come now And prosper on here will I shew thee how Thou shalt obtaine thy wished rest and flye So farre beyond thine owne abilitie As thou wilt wonder at thy selfe to see That height of happinesse thou hast in me Beyond conceite or vtterance Come then My dearest come here will I make thy Pen To speake of mysteries here I le begin To put a period to thy daies of sin Here will I wipe away thy teares and leade Thee forth with Dauid where thy soule shall tread In paths of righteousnesse till thou hast won This sweet assurance that thou art my son Here then returne returne thou thirstie soule To my pure Spring since all the rest are foule And cannot satisfie Here turne againe Where first thou didst begin vnto the maine Of my sole-sauing comforts to my Word I meane that Well indeed which doth afford True Cordials to distressed soules Come here And take thy fill thou needest not to feare Of paying ought take wine and milke and buy Without a piece my freely bounteous eie Lookes not for thy rewards or if it did Alas poore soule thou hast not ought to bid To counteruaile my Grace for sure from thee Comes nothing good but what thou hast from me Goe then I say goe hasten to that Well And Spring of life whose vertue shall expell These sad suspenses from thy heart and shall Instruct thee in the truth and tell thee all That thou so much desir'st onely indeed Thou must beleeue what e'r thy soule shall reade Within this sacred Writ for sure in this Lyes hid the treasurie of life of blisse Which onely true beleeuers find But here I know thou 'lt say Why then 't is ne'r the neere If this condition come betweene for I Am growne so dead in sinne and miserie I cannot stirre one foot to good and whence Should I beleeue so farre beyond my sense That which I cannot comprehend Aye me Faine I 'd beleeue indeed that true to be Whose truth so much concernes my good but O I see no ground alas I should doe so Here stands my miserie my flesh and blood Thinke sure that newes must needs be too-too good Ere to be true as vsuall Prouerbs say That brings me tidings of that happy day VVhich puts a period to mine ills for I Am so bedull'd with tedious miserie That now 't is growne a miracle to see Some pow'rs proue yet so kinde to comfort me Alas poore soule 't is true indeed and yet Here stay thy plaints for here thou must forget Thine owne estate these are thy miseries Indeed as of thy selfe but now thine eies Must soare beyond thy selfe where thou shalt see Thy happinesse consisting all in mee Not in thine owne abilities and this Is it while-ere I said to thee which is Indeed a mysterie that flesh and blood Cannot conceiue that must be vnderstood Onely by my reuealing Sprite And now Come on therefore I know full well that thou Canst nothing doe herein vnlesse it be As hauing thine abilities from me But know in me thou shalt doe all as I Ere-while did say Thus doe I magnifie My selfe in weakenesse thus my pow'r shall be Made knowne the more by thine infirmitie On then I say goe hasten to that Brooke Which runnes so sweetly through my sacred Booke VVhere I will surely be with thee to leade Thee on along till thou hast found that Head And Spring of life where thou wouldst be and when Thy so●le hath bath'd therein a while euen then I will begin to make thee see and know Thy boundlesse happinesse in me and show Thee all the treasures of my loue whereby Thou shalt perceiue th' inseparable tye Betwixt thy selfe and me Then shalt thou reade And vnderstand then come and goe with speed About my worke and prosper still and then Scorning as 't were those vanities of men VVhich earst so much ore-sway'd thee thou shalt be Possest with nothing but delight in me Then all shall be at thy content when thou Shalt onely aske and haue the heau'ns shall bow If thou but pray and I my selfe descend To answer thee as thy familiar friend Goe then I say 't is time thou wer 't well on In this thy way See how the vsh'ring Sun Inuites thy haste the Sprite sayes Come away To celebrate this high-made Marriage-day For lo the Lambe is ready come and see How much he lou'd that lost his life for thee And where thou sayst Alas thou hast not pow'r VVhence to beleeue know 't was an happie houre For thee that ere thou knew'st so much for I Ne'r vse to heale the Pharisaicall eie VVhich thinks he sees and yet is blinde but know Since I haue gi'en thee grace to stoope so low As to attribute all to me that now Thou shalt both see and eke beleeue for thou Hast put thy trust in me and since thou hast Be 't to thee as thou wilt thy worst is past And hence know thou hast ouercome in m● VVho am alone thy strength and still will be VVherefore I will that here thou quickly go And doe as I haue said it must be so Vse thou no more thy weake replyes for I VVill haue it so what pow'rs shall dare denie VVhere I command Goe on I say and then This being done prepare thy tongue and pen And all thou hast to sing of nought but praise To me thy God and let thy high-borne Layes Rauish thy hearers all to heau'n whiles they Attend to thee whence they may blesse the day Of these thy happie miseries and bee As ioynt-competitors of ioy with thee VVhat now remaines Behold thy long'd for day Is hard at hand I will no longer stay Thy forward thoughts Go go and take thy fill Of Sions streame let not a thought of ill Dare interrupt thy good intents but bee As happie as thy wish hence shalt thou see The mirrors of my loue and know ere long I shall expect thy Muse to change her song Thus I surcease Now let thy new-borne heart Succeed and act its last and happiest part
This being said behold my deadned soule Began reuiue the sprite that was so foule That Messenger of hell which often brought Me downe into such desp'rate deepes me thought Did leaue me by degrees and all gaue place To entertaine a sweet succeeding Grace VVhich seiz'd vpon mine inward parts whereby I 'gan to feele a secret new supply Of an vncustom'd strength and now againe Me thought I had a pow'r whence to refraine From swallowing Satans luring baites which he Did vse erewhile thus in bewitching me And here me thought by secret sweet degrees My selfe gat ground and Satan 'gan to leese By sweet assistance from my God for he Indeed did worke these miracles in me O how I wish to thanke him for 't and I Began to feele a happie libertie From that most loathsome slauerie wherein I was enshackled earst so fast in sin My stormes blew ore and this my troubled Man Seem'd to be somewhat calm'd the clouds began To fleet away and an vnwonted light Fills vp the place of former gloomie light VVhereby mine eies began to wake and I 'Gan call vnto my drowzie memorie Those happie notes I heard of late from whence I felt these holy changings in my sense As well as in mine inward soule and here With awfull reuerence and submissiue feare In thus repeal'd vnto my God Great IOVE Thou sole Commander of the pow'rs aboue And these below who only with thy word Do'st whatsoe'r thou wilt lo here my Lord I am thy seruant son of thine hand-maide Bee 't done vnto mee all as thou hast said I humbly here submit my selfe to bee Obedient to thy will to giue to thee All glory due vnto this worke for I Desire herein no greater dignity Then to bee made thine instrument by whom Thou 'st pleas'd to show thy great saluation To mee and all the rest of thine which bee Implung'd in deepes of griefe as well as mee Here then great Lord in humble confidence Of thy sole promis'd aide as hauing sense Of these mine owne infirmities whereby My wings are clipt with Paul from soaring hie On selfe-presumptious perfectnesse lo here I doe proceed in humbled faith and feare Crying aloud to thee with teares of griefe Lord I belieue O helpe mine vnbeliefe Thus going on from Moses sacred Law Wherein ere-while with weeping heart I saw Mine owne defects and miseries and now Pearching aloft to Esay's happier bow Which sprang from out of Iesses root I 'gan To see saluation preach'd to sinfull man By God himselfe his holy Cryer calls Prepare the way the former humbled vales Shall bee exalted but the towring hill Shall bee throwne downe as low for lo hee will Reueale his glory forth all flesh shall see The wondrous light of his benignitie Himselfe hath spoken it And here mine eie 'Gan see some glimm'rings of that mystery Which I so much desir'd but going on Those pleasing high-waies of Saluation To finde more sweet assurances I past The Prophets all by whose good help at last I came vnto Mount Sion-hill where I 'Gan see my Sauiour with a clearer eie Then e'r I did before this was the place VVherein I found that couenant of Grace VVhich earst the Prophets pointed at the VVell And Spring of life where all true comforts dwell To euery sad wearied heart that lyes O're laden with his heauie sins and cryes VVith thirsty Soule for ease Here did I finde Those sweet reuiuals to my drooping minde VVhich flesh and bloud cannot conceiue I meane VVithin the Storie of that happy Scene VVhich God himselfe came downe to act when hee Out of that boundlesse loue hee bare to mee And all the rest of his tooke flesh on him To beare those punishments which wee by sin VVere subiect to but could not beare vnlesse VVith euerlasting losse of happinesse And durance of expres●esse paine which hee Alone of loue did vndergo that wee Might haue our freedome all in him But here Beeing much desirous yet to come more neere And pry into this sacred Fount wherein I might wash off my leprosie of sin And bee made fully whole at length I came To Matthew's holy VVrit mark't with the Name Of Iesu● in the Frontispice where I Did quickly finde his strange natiuitie As was foretold for this indeed was hee That should bee borne of that pure Virgin tree VVhich sprang from Iesse's holy Root yea'uen hee That was to ope the blinded eyes to free Vs that were pris'ners fast to sin to preach Good tidings to the meeke in heart to reach His comforts out to those that mourne whose Name VVas to bee called Wonderfull the same With God himselfe which was ordain'd to saue The people for their sins Thus farre I haue Gon on with him but going sweetly on As I began behold I see anon The VVise-men comming from the East and they Being guided by his starre were come to pay Their duties to this God made man to see And worship him for so it ought to be O thou my God send here thy lightning Sprite To bee my starre also to guide mee right That I may finde my Sauiour too and then Though not with th'offrings of those wiser men For lo I am vnwise alas and poore Yet may I truly worship him with more Then e're they did with heart with soule and all That now I haue or euer after shall Thus passing on at length my thoughts were brought To holy Luke for Mark indeed had nought Of this his birth where when I ent'red in I saw the Angell speake againe of him As earst in Matthew's sacred Writ but here I went not far before there did appeare A wondrous change this Heau'n-borne Maiestie Whom earst the Magi came to gratifie With these their best adoring gifts with Gold With Frankincense and Myrrhe which plainly told How great a King a Priest and Prince hee was Whome they ador'd I say it came to passe This Maiestie so great being now disgrac'd As 't were with Ragges of humane flesh lay plac'd In an vnseemly manger for the Inne Was haply stuft so full with guests of sin There was no roome for this great Lord but hee Must seeke a Stable for his high degree Being thought the very scorne of men but sure 'T was not without a Prophecy so pure And innocent a soule should bee thus left Both in contempt and misery bereft Of worlds best seeming-comforts But behold When earth and cruell men were growne so cold In charitie the Heau'ns themselues proclaime His wondrous worth for lo a glorious Traine Of that celestiall Quire were come to bring This happy Tidings to the world to sing His high natiuitie in their high-layes Where euery Period eccho'd nought but prayse And glory to our God on high on earth Peace and good will tow'rds men all from his birth Issuing as from one
mine eyes 'gan see Within mine owne distressed man when I Prest with the weight of mine iniquity Did earst implore my God to helpe for sure Of all the miseries I may endure There 's none that paralels with this to bee Depriu●d of God which to my griefe I see My many sinnes do oft ●ffect whereby I 'm driuen to such great extremity I know not what to do which makes mee craue Either his sweet returne or else my graue Rather then liue and not with him but here Alas vnhappy wretch all that I beare Is iustly for my sin but thou my Lord Didst neuer sin neither in deed nor word No nor in thought so much or were it so Yet what speake I of these my deepes of woe Which bee but flea-bites as they say if way'd With these of thine for thou alas wast laid Downe in the lowest hell of griefe to beare All paines and punishments beyond compare Which wee poore soules should else haue borne Ay mee Yet this not all those that should comfort thee In these thy great extremities yea'uen they Did sleepe it out as wee doe now a day Seeming as senslesse of thy griefes nor would Bee brought to watch and pray one houre so cold Are our affections growne tow'rds thee though thou Do burne in loue tow'rds vs. But whither now Where strayes my Muse I say Is not this all Oh no One griefe another in doth call These plunges were no sooner past but lo I see the Nuntius of another woe Judas and all his following rout for they Are hard at hand and ready to betray This guiltlesse Lambe vnto the Wolues but here T is worth the notice ere wee yet draw neere To Annas house how that our Sauiour when Knowing the hearts of these malicious men Hee boldly yet steps forth to them and said Who is 't yee seeke Which when they had betrayd By naming him hee answers I AM ●EE At which they starting back full suddenly Fell downe vnto the ground Here was a word That plainly told indeed HEE was the Lord Whom they did now resist but O my soule Couldst thou my Lord so suddenly controule Those their presumings with a word and yet How was 't thou seem'st so quickly to forget Thy selfe by suffring them alone to show Their cruelties on thee nay which was moe Thou didst restraine thy Peter too when hee Drew forth his sword and would huae rescude thee But O how doth my reason erre for here The Scriptures were to bee fulfill'd while-ere Which spake of thee whence 't was thou didst reply To Peter with vndaunted constancy The cup my Father giues shall I not drinke Oh yes I must and will or may you thinke 'T will go but bad with you for should I not Your selues must doe 't Thus as hee had forgot What hee indeeed was of himselfe hee goes Along with them euen these his cruell foes Without least show of murmuring vntill At length they had accomplish't all their ill Concerning him And first they brought him on To Annas next to his malicious son Caiphas the then High Priest where harmelesse hee Was most vniustly smitten next wee see Him led to Pilates Iudgement Hall where when They had not ought T' accuse him of yet then With most corrupted hearts they rather sought To free their Barabbas though hee had wrought Much wickednesse with them Thus did they bring Our Sauiour forth yea'uen him that was the King Of Heauen and Earth placing vpon his head A Crowne of cruell thornes thus was he led With scourgings scoffings and with all disgrace That malice could inuent on to the place Where hee was to bee crucified yet here Wondrous to speake hee did not once appeare So much as to repine but went along Much like a Lambe ne'r muttring out the wrong They did to him And thus the Scriptures ought To bee fulfill'd thus was hee to bee brought Vnto the slaughter as our Esay said Yet opening not his mouth on whom were laid The iniquities of all and thus indeed He was that true vnblemish'd Lamb wee need To bee our sacrifice for sin But here O stay my soule and though thou want a teare To weepe at this sad sight yet let it bee Thy wish to imitate what thou dost see I meane thy Sauiour● patient steps for lo Here 's patience fit for all the Saints to know Yea know and imit●●e but I forbeare And turne vnto my Christ againe euen where I left him going on but O my heart VVhence is 't thou look'st on this most tragick part And yet not burst thy selfe to teares Alas Art thou so strained vp with walles of brasse As yet thou canst not breake what shall I say Thou want'st a teare to celebrate this day Of these thy Sauiours pass●●nings VVhy then Come all the griefes of miserable men And set on 〈◊〉 once yet bee thou still As hard as rock ne'r weepe at any ill If not at this ne'r weepe to see thy friends Not pity thee ne'r weepe to see their ends Ne'r weepe at any worldly crosse nay more If thou seeme senslesse of this only sore And wilt not weepe to see so sad a part Ne'r bee thou hence call'd by the name of heart But O my life VVhy dost thou ake and burne So sore within my brest VVhy dost thou mourne So oft in secret deep fetcht sighes and yet Not weepe a teare Alas canst thou forget Thy quondam vse when thou wouldst freely weepe And not bee staid O 't was a happy deepe Thou then wast in when griefe knew how to plaine It selfe in teares and so dismisse the paine But woe is mee my fainting sprite hath seene Those heauier plunges that thou now art in And knowne them too-too well Alas my heart Faine wouldst thou personate this passiue part In a more seemely weed of teares but lo Thy time 's not come when God will haue it so Then sure it shall be so meane while I pray Rest thee content and follow on thy way Thus turning to my Christ againe behold I finde him brought as Esay had foretold On to his slaughter-place where hee good man Though forst by them yet willingly began T' embrace his latest Crosse that wofull bed Whereon hee was to lay his wearied head In these his greatst extremes of death but here O cursed Iewes could not you yet forbeare To cast your scorning taunts on him Sure no The Scriptures had foretold it should bee so You would not could not choose But cruell eyes What malice could haue wisht more miseries To fall on him then now you saw that yet Your wicked braines still studied how to get Some new-inuented grieuances whereby To adde vnto his deepes of misery And persecute whom God had smit But O Why do I question more of this for lo Your browes were brasse and you were fore-decreed To bee the Actors
in their ills let them ●ke vp The seeming sweets of sins impoys'ned cup Let them carouse in vanity and draw Iniquity with ropes ne'r stand in aw ' Of future iudgements Let them prosper still As they suppose by adding ill to ill Let them be carelesse of themselues and spend Their precious daies ne'r thinking on the end Let them make flesh their guide taking delight In their owne lusts still glorying in the hight Of their ambitious titles and their wealth Got by obliquitie and lawlesse stealth Let them be-pride themselues in rich attires And robes of State burning with lawlesse fires Of lusts not to be nam'd let them be fed With choycest meates and glutted vp with bread Like pampred Horses to the full I say Let them spend all their happinesse away In these and such like vanities nor thinke On death at all thou standing at the brinke Of their vncertaine graues and heau'ns high hand Of vengeance ouer them doth alwaies stand Readie to strike them downe to hell but we Will ioy alone in this sweet libertie We haue in Christ we will delight I say Our selues in him in him wee 'l vow and pay Our dues of praise vnto our God in him Wee 'll hence triumph o're all the pow'rs of Sin Of death and Hell in Him we will expresse Our vtmost thanks by liues of holinesse And walking in his waies till by the hand Of his good Sprite hee'th brought vs to the Land Of righteousnesse where we would be on Him We will build all our confidence and clim To Heau'n alone by Him vnder his wings Wee 'l alwaies shrowd our selues nor shall the Kings Of th' earth be able doe vs harme though they Rage ere so much Our foes shall melt away Like Snow against the Sun and ' cause wee 'ue made The Lord our dwelling place vnder his shade We shall be surely safe ye● though the earth Be mou'd with all the pow'rs thereof though death Triumph on euerie side of vs yet wee Shall surely be preseru'd and liue to see The wondrous riches of his loue wherein He hath endear'd himselfe to vs through him We shall passe all these nether-stormes and spight Of all with-stands walke onwards in the light Of his sweet countenance still singing praise Vnto his Name till he at length shall raise Our Muses to a higher pitch where we Shall sing his praises to eternitie In his ne'r-ending place of blisse euen there Where he himselfe remaines where neither feare Nor griefe shall interrupt our ioyes but we Shall haue our fills of all felicitie And glory inexpressible the hight And chiefe of which is in the blessed sight Of this our glorious God whom we shall see There face to face euen as he is yea bee Made like to him what would you haue me say Mine eyes are dazled at this glorious day And reason stands amaz'd when it would reach This wondrous hight how shall a Mortall preach Of this immortall state O had mine eye But one sweet glimpse of this how should I tye Your eares vnto my tongue when I should speake Of what I saw 't would make your hearts to breake With earnest longings after it and you Would scorne from hence so much as take a view Of these inferiour vanities which be But toyes as 't were not worth your thoughts and flee Away almost as soone as come withall Leauing behind them nought but cursed gall And bitternesse to vex and gripe and grieue Those foolish soules which did ere-while beleeue Their false pretended sweets but here alone Is fulnesse of all true delight where none Can euer be deceiu'd vnlesse it be As that wise Queene of Sheba was when she Heard of the glory of King Sal●●on And of his happinesse but when anon She came and saw it with her eyes she than In great amazednesse thereat began Confesse that all was true yea sure the fame Said she came farre too short If then the name Of Salomon were such behold here 's one That 's greater farre then was King Salomon What shall I say of him sure my report Will speake but truth and yet come so farre short As finite doth of infinite what then She spake of Salomon and of his men So may I speake to thee my God O how How happie are thy Saints which fall and bow Before thy Maiestie Happie I say Are those that haue the priuiledge to stay Continually with thee there to behold Thy glorious face wherein as Dauid told Are ioyes at full and sit at thy right hand VVhere pleasures liue for euermore where stand Thy blessed troopes of glorious Saints that sing Eternall Halleluia's to their King To thee their King to thee alone for thou Art onely worthy O my God And now Here doe I craue to ioyne with them euen I Though yet on earth here doe I thankefully Fall downe before thy glorious Throne and here In humbled confidence and holy feare I offer my poore mite to thee of praise And thankfulnesse in these my lowly Layes All glorie be to thee my God to Thee And to the Lambe which hath redeemed mee By his deare blood and to the sacred Sprite The Comforter and pledge of true delight Which hath been with me hitherto and brought My soule into thy peace Sure I haue nought That 's worth thy great acceptance Lord for I Am poore thou know'st and full of miserie Happie in nothing else but thee I meane By being thine and yet I 〈◊〉 vncleane Vncleane alas vncleane well may I cry Come thou and wash away my Leprosie And make me fit for being thine O then What shall I pay who am the worst of men To thee for all thy mercies Lord VVhy here I le pay thee with thine owne the case is cleare I offer vp my selfe to thee with all That here I haue hence may it please thee call And count me wholly for thine owne for now I bid farwell vnto the world and vow In thy sweet aide eternall enmitie To all my wonted sinnes to vanitie And euery luring baite of hell And here I humbly doe deuote my selfe in feare And holinesse to thee my God that I May still be praysing thee vntill I die In all my thoughts and words and acts and hence May walke along by faith and not by sense Still gladded with thy countenance till I Haue ouer-past the present miserie Of this short life and till my soule at length Being cloath'd vpon with that immortall strength Of my blest Sauiour Christ shall sweetly flee Into thine hands there to remaine with thee In thy expreslesse happinesse till thou In that last day shalt swiftly come and bow The heau'ns and raise my body vp though dead And rotned dust and ioyne it to my Head And Sauiour Christ where it againe shall bee Vnited to my soule and I shall see My