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A18947 The Popes deadly wound tending to resolue all men, in the chiefe and principall points now in controuersie betweene the papists and vs. Written by T.C. and published by Master Doctor Burges, now preacher to the English troopes in the Pallatinate. Clarke, Thomas, of Sutton Coldfield.; Burges, John, 1561?-1635. 1621 (1621) STC 5364; ESTC S108050 185,964 236

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a manner to beare the persons of the things themselues that they signifie So the Apostle saith The Rocke was Christ for that the Rocke whereof it was spoken signified Christ And thus we see the matter made as cleare as the Sunne that shineth at noone day that those words of Christ in calling bread his body and wine his bloud were onely but figuratiue speeches and therefore the bread and wine are onely but figures of his body and bloud But yet forasmuch as the Antichristians haue so besotted the multitude in making them to beleeue that after the words of consecration the bread and wine is transubstantiated into the naturall body and bloud of Christ let vs heare a little further what the Fathers say more fully to this point 10 Saint Ambrose hereof saith thus z Ambrose in his Booke of those things that are declared by the mist ries the last Chap. Before consecration another kinde is named but after consecration the body of Christ is signified Theodoret saith a Th●odo in his 1. Dialogue Christ did honour the visible tokens with the names of his body and bloud not changing the nature but adding grace vnto nature Againe he saith b In his 2. Dialogue The sacramentall signes goe not from their owne nature after sanctification Also Saint Chrisostome saith c Chrisost ad Caesatium Monachum The bread before it be sanctified is called bread but when it is sanctified by the meanes of the Priest it is deliuered from the name of bread and is exalted to the name of the Lords body yet the nature of bread doth still remaine And therefore in another place he saith plainly thus d In his 11. Hom. vpon Mathew The very body of Christ it selfe is not in the holy vessels but the mistery or sacrament thereof is there contained But that which is more then all this the Pope himselfe saith euen Gelasius by name e Gelasius against Eutiches There leaueth not to be the substance of bread and wine or the nature of wine and indeed the image or representation of the body and bloud and the likenesse thereof is published in the ministration of the misteries Therefore it is which their Bishop Fisher saith f Fisher against Luther No man shall be able to proue by the very words of the Gospell that there is the true presence of Christs flesh and bloud in our Masse To conclude Saint Augustine saith g August in his Booke of profit of repentance It is a dangerous matter and a seruitude of the soule to take the signe instead of the thing that is signified And here haue we sufficient experience in the Papists who by taking the signe for the thing it selfe commit most horrible idolatry in adoring the bread for Christ CHAP. XI Tending to resolue all men that wee ought not to pray to Saints but to God onely neither to worship Saints but God alone And that it is Sacriledge to doe either 1. A Great part of the World Christian Reader hath of long time been carried away with the multitude of Popish delusions amongst which this is one Namely to say We must goe to God by the mediation of Saints as by noble men we goe vnto a King Hereby haue they drawne the people to impart the glory of the Creator to the creature euen to pray to Saints whereas they should pray onely to God For so hath the Lord commanded vs saying Psalme 50. Psalme 50.15 Call vpon me in the day of thy trouble and I will heare thee and thou shalt glorifie me Now therefore seeing the Lord commandeth vs to come vnto him why should we goe first to any other yea first or last Againe seeing the Lord accounteth it a part of his glory to be prayed vnto is it not a stealing from him a chiefe part of his glory to pray vnto others yea verily And therefore all those that make any intercessiō to Saints can no more look to obtaine any good at the hand of God then theeues can looke to obtaine good at the hands of those from whom they robbe and steale 2 Our Sauiour saith Matthew 23. One is your Doctor Matthew 23.8 Acts 3.22 1 Cor. 1.30 euen Christ Saint Luke saith Chap. 3. Him must wee heare in all things Saint Paul saith 1 Cor. 1. He is our wisedome Now if Christ be our Doctor and Teacher and him whom wee must heare in all things and also our wisedome by which we are to be directed then ought we to learne of him both to whom we should pray and also the manner how to pray And hereof haue we a plaine example in the Apostles who knowing that the whole World was to be taught by him desired him to teach them how to pray Luke 11. ● Master said they teach vs to pray as Iohn also taught his Disciples and Christ being as willing to teach them as they were to learne began thus to instruct them not onely in the manner how but also to whom they ought to pray When ye pray said he pray vnto your Father which is in secret and he shall reward you openly Againe said he After this manner pray ye Matthew 6.9 Our Father which art in Heauen c. Now if Christ were wise enough to teach his Apostles then are wee to learne by his directions not onely not first to goe to Saints but not at all but onely to God the Father of Heauen Wherefore then this vtterly condemneth the Papists of most wretched impiety that will teach men first to goe to Saints Also it flatly condemneth them of arrogancy in taking vpon them to be wiser then Christ who in his heauenly wisedome knew best how to instruct Gods children in the right way for the most speedy and surest obtaining their petitions 3 It was not without great cause Christian Reader that St Paul said Christ is our wisedome For had ●e sent vs to the Saints departed yea had hee picked out of all the Patriarks and Prophets Abraham the Father of the faithfull to haue prayed vnto that by his mediation we might haue come to God what had it auayled seeing the Prophet Esay saith Chap. Esay 63.16 63. Abraham is ignorant of vs and Israel knoweth vs not Yea seeing Salomon the wise saith The dead know nothing at all But therefore wee see Christ did it not otherwise hee should haue condemned himselfe of Popish ignorance in sending vs to seeke helpe at their hands who are ignorant of vs and knoweth not how to doe vs any good Saint Augustine reprouing those heretikes of his time which sought for helpe of the dead declared plainely vnto them that they did but delude themselues and spend their labour in vaine for said he a August in his Book of the spirit soule 29. The soules of them that be dead are there where they doe not see nor heare what things are done or chance in this life Such is the care they haue for the
as we know not he shall purge his Church and to that purpose shall stirre vp the spirits of his Elect. After which things saith she shall ensue such a reformation of the holy Church and such a renouation of the godly Pastors thereof that the very thoughts thereof maketh my spirit to reioyce in the Lord. And as I haue tolde you heretofore saith she the Spouse which is now altogether deformed ragged and ●orne shall then be adorned and decked as it were with precious iewels and chains And all faithfull people shall be glad when they are thus beautified with so holy Pastors Yea the very Infidells being drawne with the sweete smell of Christ shall repaire vnto the Catholike sheepfold and be conuerted to the chiefe Pastor and Bishop of their soules And this is it also which Gregory the Great Bishop of Rome did foresee as may appeare by these his words written in his nineteenth booke the ninth chap. vpon Iob The Church after the dayes of her afflictions shall afterwards notwithstanding be strengthened with great power of preaching And that it may yet more plainely appeare that our Nation of England shall beare some sway in this worke the aforesaid Dominican Frier in his sixt vision declareth that it was reuealed vnto him That the I le of Britaine should proue the chiefe receptacle of the Church of God and euen an Asile or Sanctuary to the Church of Rome in the time of the Turkish Persecution and as it were her nursing mother after she should come to be thus reformed and that the true Christian religion should be maintained especially by the blessed meanes of the people of the aforesaid Isle For As the title of his Vision saith the Translator is of the future state of the Church so the Vision it selfe doth beare how he did seeme to be together with some other persons in a small number in a certaine great ship not well appointed with Ruthers or Oares in the maine Sea and that the shippe came as it were of it selfe vnto a certaine Island whereunto saith he we being but a few had our recourse for refuge and safety Also to the like effect there is this prognosticall verse aledged by Ioannes Wolfius in the second tome of his memorable things in Latine thus Europa genit us terra vir iust us aequus Pastor erit Caeli claues non regna gubernans Pax erit toto surget concordia Mundo Vna Fides vnus regnabit in omnia Princeps In English thus A certaine wight equitable and vpright borne in Europe shall be the chiefe Pastor or Bishop of Christendome such a one as shall mannage and gouerne the Keyes of the kingdome of Heauen and not the Scepters of the kingdomes of the earth There shall be peace and concord in the world one Faith and Religion and once Prince imperially raigning ouer all Also their Paracelsus the German Hermite in his 26. Prediction maketh mention of an English Prince and his issue that shall more fully effect this worke of reformation And in an old Prophesie had out of the Pallace of wisdome in Rome and in another Prophesie of Sauanarola a Dominican Frier mention is made of a Prince of the name of Charles that shall strike a great stroke in this worke and shall bring to passe that in the end according to a Prophesie also of Nostrodamus Rome shall be ruled by her old Britannish head Cant. 5. quadrin 99. Quand Rome aurale chef vieux Britantique And saith Maister Iames Maxwell the Translater As the Italian Iesuite Heronymus Platus in the second booke of Religious life chap. 30. confesseth England to haue beene more fertill of conuerters of Nations and Countries to the Christian faith then any other Land else so is it not vnlikely but that God will haue the same Country to be more fertill of reformers of other corrupt Churches especially of that of Rome then any other Land whatsoeuer And that as there is in no one Country or Nation of the world to be found so many learned and eloquent Preachers nor so many compleat Diuines for Iudiciousnesse Ingenuousnesse and moderation and for fitnesse to deserue well for the peace of the Church as there is in England so it is like that God will honour this Island with the reformation of the Church of Rome and her daughters by sending forth from thence such godly iudicious zealous and moderate men as shall reclaime them from their abuses and restore vnto them their Primitiue puritie and integritie such as it was in the happie daies of Constantine the Great borne in great Britannie For saith hee To the same effect soundeth this prognosticall verse which was found in an old manuscript Iesse Rosa sanguis Bruti Portat Crucem Iesu Christi The Rose of England beareth and bringeth the Crosse of Christ to forraigne Lands Also as their Ioachim the Abbot writing vpon the and 30. Chapter of Ieremy sheweth that there shall be certaine new Preachers of the Gospel in the Catholique or Vniuersall Church strong in faith and true in Doctrine whose Doctrine shall be open and free and that they shall preach Repentance both to the Greekes and Latines and conuert many of them to the truth so is there a certain Prophecie vttered in the yeare of Christ 1119. as writeth Matthew Paris in his 475. Page of this History which saith They that walke in darkenesse shall turne to the light and those things that were diuided and scattered shall be gathered together and vnited Also the same Abbot sheweth how that the Pope and his Prelates will rage against those whom God shall send to conuert them where hee writing vpon the first Chapter of Ieremy saith thus Such Doctors and Prophets are to be sent which shall not onely rebuke the people but also thunder out against the Priests and strike earthly and carnall hearts with all maner of plagues and put to silence the loftie and swelling Maisters who shall fight against the aforesaid Preachers which shall be reuealed as once did Iuda against Israel and the Iewes against Christ and his Apostles By meanes whereof the death of Philip the second King of Spaine in his Sericum mundi filum doth deliuer that The Lyon hauing the Rose and the Lillies in his armes shall vtterly destroy the Pope so as that afterwards there shall neuer be any more Popes And then all Christian Princes being at peace and vnitie it seemeth by a Prediction found in an olde Booke that they shall consent and agree to chuse out of all one excellent Man for learning and good life to be as a chiefe Moderator for the bringing all sorts of people in the whole world to one kinde of Religion and all Churches into one vniforme order For thus it is written in that Prophesie The afflictions of the Church and Clergie being passed and after so many great tribulations by the will of God a most holy man shall be chosen perfect in all manner of perfection
as much as to say before there was an Vniuersall Pope made and established and consequently a Popish Church many soules were saued in the Romish iurisdiction but afterwards as she saith d Ibidem Both Clergie and Laitie are scattered and runne seuerall waies carried with the immoderate loue of worldly commoditie neyther doe they care a whit for the incommoditie and damage of their soules THE NINTH OBIECTION 32 Besides this the Scriptures teacheth vs plainely that before Antichrist come Henoch and Elias shall returne to oppose themselues against him and in the end shall conuert the Iewes Malachi 4. Eccle. 4.8 Matth. 17. Apocca 11. But we see not this poynt fulfilled to proue the Pope to bee Antichrist THE ANSWERE 33 Here to blind the eyes of the ignorant he telleth them a tale of a tubbe to wit that before Antichrist come Henoch and Elias shal returne to oppose themselues against him and shall conuert the Iewes and for proofe hee citeth foure places of Scripture of which if any one of them doe proue his Assertion I dare recant all that I haue written For as touching the returne of Henoch there is no such thing mentioned in all the Scriptures and for that Prophecie of Malachi which fore-told of the returne of Elias if we may beleeue our Sauiour Christ that was fulfilled in Saint Iohn Baptist Matth. 11. Where in the 7. Matth. 11.7 verse it is said Iesus began to speake vnto the Multitude of Iohn And in the 13. verse Christ said All the Prophets and the Law prophecied vnto Iohn and if yee will receiue it this is Elias which was to come He that hath eares to heare let him heare And in the tenth verse Matth. 11.10 hee declareth Iohn to be the same Elias which the Prophet Malachi in that fourth Chapter which Bellarmine citeth fore-told should come in that he there repeateth the verie words of Malachie And hereby our Sauiour Christ confuted that erronious opinion of the Iewes Matth. 17.10 who thought that Elias should returne into the world in his owne proper person as the Papists doe at this day Also by these words of Saint Luke spoken of Iohn Luke 1.17 He shall goe before him to wit Christ in the spirit and power of Elias is plainely confuted that erronious opinion of some of the Rabbines who held that Elias should rise eyther in his owne bodie or his soule to enter into some other bodie in that hee sheweth him to returne onely in power and spirit in the person of Iohn Baptist And as touching the calling of the Iewes by Enoch and Elias forasmuch as no place in all the Scripture doth shew the returne of Enoch and that Saint Iohn Baptist was onely that same Elias that the Prophets fore-told should come it is cleare the Iewes shall not be conuerted by them Rom. 11.11 ver And the rather because Saint Paul declareth Romans 11.11 verse that their conuertion shall be by the Christian Gentiles and that Erasmus writing vpon the same place Erasmus Paraf declareth that when the fulnesse of the Gentiles be come into the Christian Church and all be of one Religion the Iewes onely excluded they will storme and rage at the Christians for a while but ere long will ioyne themselues vnto them therefore they shall bee conuerted by the Christians and not by Enoch and Elias Wherefore what prophecie is there yet to be fulfilled that should proue the great Antichrist not yet come or what one sound argument hath Bellarmine made to proue the Pope not to be the same THE TENTH and last OBIECTION 34 This Obiection is to proue the day of Iudgement a day certaine to be knowne of man which because our Sauiour as he was man said was vncertaine to himselfe I leaue to meddle with that matter but whensoeuer it doth come I doubt it will come too soone for Bellarmine and all that are led by him to cleaue vnto the Beast of Rome as may appeare in the 14 Chapter of the Rouelation where it is thus written Reuelat. 14.9 10 11. If any man worship the Beast and his Image and receiue his marke in his fore-head or on his hand the same shall drinke of the Wine of the wrath of God yea of the pure wine which is powred into the Cup of his wrath and he shall bee tormented in fire and brimstone before the holy Angels and before the Lambe and the smoake of their torments shall ascend euermore and they shall haue no rest day nor night which worship the Beast and his Image and whosoeuer receiueth the Print of his name And this is it which their Saint Bridgit cannonized for a Saint by Pope Boniface the ninth saith of the Popes their Prelates and all that are seduced by them e Bridgit in her first Booke 41. Chap. In stead of honour they shall haue eternall shame and confusion and looke how high they haue ascended aboue others through pride as low shall they be brought vnder others in Hell Their members that is to say saith she all their followers and fauourers shall be cut off disioynted and pulled in peeces like vnto a wall that is casting downe wherein is not left one stone standing vpon another neyther shall my loue and mercie euer warme them nor build them vp againe into eternall mansion in the Heauens but they with their heads secluded from all good comfort shall be tormented eternally Wherefore it behoueth euery man as he tendereth his owne saluation to turne from Poperie in time lest dying therein he be vtterly depriued of eternall saluation And thus much for answere to these Obrections for the clearing the Pope from being Antichrist Now it remaineth in the next chapter to answer the other Obiections which deny Christian Rome now in her latter dayes to be that Babylon the seate of Antichrist which the Angel in the 17. Chapter of the Reuelation Reuela 1 l. and 18. Chap. calleth the Mother of Whordemes and abominations of the earth And which the other Angell in the eighteenth Chapter saith Is falne and become the habitation of Deuils the hold of all foule spirits and Cage of euery vncleane and hatefull Bird. CHAP. III. Tending to resolue all men that Christian Rome now in her latter daies is that Babylon the seate of Antichrist which the Angel in the 17. Chapter of the Reuelation calleth the Mother of Whordomes and abominations of the Earth And which the other Angell in the 18. Chapter saith is falne and become the habitation of Deuils the hold of all foule spirits and cage of euery vncleane and hatefull Bird. 1 WHosoeuer wil diligently pervse the thirteenth Chapter of the Reuelation Reuela 13.1 2. shall euidently perceiue that Romish Babylon is described by two manner of Beasts the one corporall the other spirituall The corporall Beast is disciphered by the similitude of an vgly Monster beeing in shape like vnto a Leopard his feet like Beares feete and his mouth
liuing that they know not what we doe euen as our care is for the dead that wee know not what they doe And therefore it is which in another place he saith b In his Booke of free-will We are not commanded to goe to any creature that we might be made blessed but to the Creator and maker of all things of whom if wee be perswaded otherwise then the truth is we are deceiued with a damnable errour Saint Chrisostome likewise hauing to deale with the same kinde of heretikes that supposed they could not come to GOD but by the meanes and mediation of Saints thus reproued their errour saying c Chrysost in his Serm. of going forward of the Gospell There is no neede of a Porter or Mediatour say onely Lord haue mercy vpon me we haue no neede of an Aduocate with God nor of any running or gadding about for to speake saire vnto others for although thou be alone and without an Aduocate and pray vnto God by thy selfe thou shalt obtaine thy petition For God doth not so easily heare vs when others pray for vs as when wee pray our selues although we be full of much euill and vnrighteousnesse And yet to proue that we are indeede sooner heard when we pray our selues then when others pray for vs he bringeth the example of the woman of Canaan of whom he saith vnto vs thus d In his 2. Hom. of the woman of Canaan Thou seest how Christ denied and put her backe when other men prayed for her meaning the Apostles but as soone as shee cried for her boone and gift he granted it Behold saith he the wisedome of the woman shee prayeth not to Iames shee intreateth not Iohn shee goeth not to Peter shee did not get her selfe to the company of the Apostles shee sought for no Mediatour By which he giueth vs to vnderstand that the most surest way for the obtaining our requests is to pray to God our selues and not to trust to spokesmen for as Saint Ambrose saith e Ambrose in his Book vpon the 1. Chap. t. the Romans To obtaine Gods fauour from whom nothing is secret as knowing what euery man is meete to haue we neede no spokesman but a deuout minde for wheresoeuer such a man speaketh to God God will heare him By which we see how vaine a thing it is to say We cannot come to God but by the mediation of Saints Yea the same Father in the words going before doth proue such speeches but vaine and to proceede out of the mouthes not onely of vaine men but of a peruerse Sect past shame For saith he f Ibidem Men through shame vse accustomably euery where this miserable excuse why they neglect to come to God saying that by them we goe to God as by Noble men we goe vnto a King Ambrose accounted it treason to God to make Saints intercessours vnto him for vs. And then flouting them for their foolery he thus finisheth vp his speech saying Well said is there any man so mad or so vnmindfull of his health to giue vnto a Noble man the honour due vnto a King onely for that if any in such sort behaue themselues they are iustly condemned as guilty of treason And saith he shall these men not thinke themselues guilty which giue the honour of the name of God vnto a creature and forsaking their Lord doe worship their fellow seruant as though there were any thing greater then God to whom a man might doe seruice For therefore saith he doe we goe to a King by tribunes and Noble men because the King is a man and knoweth not whom he may be sure to trust And indeed for diuers causes it is not meete that euery man should haue free accesse into the Kings priuy Chamber and chiefly for feare of treason against his person as experience doth plainely teach vs and as no doubt it would soone be seene if our inuocators of Saints might haue free passage Neuerthelesse where is there any such decree made that no man may speake to the King but by some Noble man Doth not the King allow any man or woman to deliuer their Petitions vnto him with their owne hands wheresoeuer they meete him and is there any other decree made by God to debar any from deliuering their Petitions vnto him by their mouth Therefore what ground of truth haue they to debarre men from going to God without hauing some one Saint or other to be their Aduocate Mediatour or intercessour 4 All the Principles of Popish Religion Christian Reader they say they hold by antiquity The antiquity of this heresie of which this is one for we see it was sprung vp twelue hundred yeeres agoe and therefore no maruell though they claime it by antiquity Neuerthelesse it was not so ancient but that as we see it was as anciently confuted and condemned for sacriledge and treason to Gods owne person both by the Scriptures and Fathers No Patriarke Prophet or Apostle euer prayed one to another Neither yet was it so ancient as that they can proue that any one Patriarke Prophet or Apostle euer prayed one to another which if they had done we see they had beene condemned by the ancient Fathers for theeues and traytors to God as they condemned those heretikes of their time and the counterfet Catholiques of our time who most peruersely withstand the manifest truth of the Scriptures which allow no more Aduocates Mediatours or Intercessours then there are Gods which is but one and hee onely which is partaker of the natures both of God and man as we shall now see euidently proued Saint Paul 1 Timothie 1 Tim. 2.5 2 Chapter saith For there is one God and one Mediatour between God and man the Man Christ Iesus Vpon which words Saint Augustine wrote thus g August lib. 2. cap. 8. to Paermeni Paul saith he maketh not himselfe a mediatour betweene God and the people but willeth them to pray one for another Also in another place to shew that none can be Mediatour betweene God and man but he that is both God and man he saith h Vpon the 134. Psalm Thou O man couldest not come to God vntill God became man that thou being a man mayest come to God and he was made Mediatour of God and man the man Christ Iesus Againe in another place he faith i In his Hom. of Sheepe the 12. Chap. One Mediatour betweene God and man c. and he was God with the Father and was man with men The manhood is no Mediatour without the God-head And in another place thus k In his Enchiridion to Laurence the 108 Chap. We could neuer haue beene deliuered by that onely mediatour of God and man the Man Christ Iesus vnlesse he had beene God also So that who seeth not but that he that is not both God and man is not allowed to be Mediatour betweene God and man And thus much out of the words of Saint