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A17724 Two and twentie sermons of Maister Iohn Caluin In which sermons is most religiously handled, the hundredth and nineteenth Psalme of Dauid, by eight verses aparte according to the Hebrewe alphabet. Translated out of Frenche into Englishe by T.S.; Vingt-deux sermons de M. Iean Calvin ausquels est expose le Pseaume cent dixneufieme. English Calvin, Jean, 1509-1564.; Stocker, Thomas, fl. 1569-1592. 1580 (1580) STC 4460; ESTC S107289 289,195 394

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not O Lorde to liue for my selfe alone in this worlde to receiue heere my pleasures and commodyties but desire it too an other more precious and excellent end than that to wit that I might serue thee Euen so then as often as we are desirous to liue we must remember vs of this request which Dauid maketh That is that we shoulde not be like vnto brute beastes lyuing wee knowe not to what end but that we should alwayes ayme at this make to honour GOD. For without this wee are more miserable then all the rest of his creatures Euery creature will followe his owne naturall inclination and albeit that brute beastes haue an hard and irkesome life yet notwithstanding they are not in their kinde so tormented greeued as we are We know feele by experience that our euil desires and lusts are like hot burning furnaces so that we neede no body to persecute and vexe vs for ther is none of vs all but can tel wel inough how to greeue vex our selues one with ambitiō another with couetousnes some with fornication adultery So thē our life should be very accursed if we looked no farther But we must alwayes aime at this marke to serue God to keepe his word For when as all our affection and loue shal reste in it then shall our life be blessed But contrariwise when we are so brutish as to desire nothing else but to liue heere a long time to haue none other care but of our body and this temporall life the longer we liue heere in the world the more do we heape vppon vs the malediction and curse of God Let vs then keepe in minde this prayer which Dauid heere maketh to wit that he beseecheth God to bestowe that benefite vpon him that he might keepe his commandement all the dayes of his life As if he should haue said Alas my God I see vs to bee so peruerse and frowarde as that none of vs all thinketh to what ende we liue And we are so giuen to all sinne and wickednesse that wee doo nothing else but more and more prouoke thy heauy wrath and indignation against vs. Suffer me not O Lorde to be one of that company but graunt vnto me thy grace that my life may bee ruled and gouerned as it ought to bee that is That I may employ my selfe wholy to serue and honour thee It followeth by and by after Open mine eyes that I may see the woondrous things of thy lawe Heere he declareth that it was not without cause that he made this request vnto God For if it were in our power to follow the word of God and keepe it it were meere hypocrysie and feyned holinesse to make any such prayer For we craue at Gods hand that which we haue not and in our Prayers we must alwayes confesse our pouertie and want Were it not a mockery thinke you too craue of God the thing which I haue already I shall beseech him to giue it me and I haue it already in my possession It is moste true that wee must craue that at Gods hande which already wee haue And why so Because wee are certaine that wee cannot inioy it nor yet vse the same without his grace and fauour And that the vse thereof shall neuer profite vs without he blesse it euen as we desire of him our dayly Breade And although the table be couered and the meate sette ready on the boorde yet we desire of God to make it nourishment for our bodyes Wherby as I haue before sayde it shall profite vs no whit at all without God blesse it through his grace and liberalitie It is very so that we doe craue it by reason of our continuall confessing of our want and neede So then it cannot possibly bee that this was in Dauid his owne hand and power to keep the woorde of God And he sheweth it to be so in this which followeth O Lorde open thou mine eyes As if hee should haue saide Alas deere father it is so farre off that I am able to keepe thy worde as that I should not be able to vnderstand any whit thereof if thou guidest mee not thereto For it is thou which must both beginne the same also performe it wholy in me This is the way and meanes for vs to vnderstande what to doe For many there are which knowe the thinge that is good and yet for all that they vtterly refuse it Nowe Dauid declareth that he is not onely voyde of all power too keepe the word of God but also that hee is without all vnderstanding except it be giuen him by the holy Ghost Let vs note well who it is that speaketh Euen Dauid a most excellent Prophet And yet for all that wee see that hee declareth yea and that boldely him selfe to bee ignoraunte without GOD iustructeth him Neither dooth hee heere speake of any worldely iustruction as wee woulde imagine of the thinges whiche wee knewe nor of before Dauid confesseth that all that would serue him to no purpose at all without God added therunto a notabler or more excellent thing to wit that hee did enlighten him with his holy spirite Sithens then it is so that Dauid who was an excellente Prophet did knowe that hee could neither by reading nor preaching vnderstand that which was requisite vnto saluation what shall become of vs which are yet farre from that forwardnesse that was in him And let vs not thinke that through our owne labour and industrie and by our owne sharpnesse of wit to come so farre as to vnderstande the secretes of God but let vs knowe that wee had neede to be inlightned with the grace of his holy spirit to open our eyes for without it we are poore blinde soules Nowe if this were wel vnderstood we should neuer see such a pride amongst vs as is that euery of vs is wise inough too gouerne himselfe It is an easy matter for vs to make protestation that God hath giuen vs his word and yet for all that we shall still be blinde and knowe nothing vntill such time as he openeth our heartes and mindes For when nothing else shal gouerne vs but our own sense and naturall reason what beastes and Calues shall wee then bee See then how we shall be better instructed in humilitie when as the doctrine shal be imprinted in our heartes True it is that this was not spoken in vaine but to the end that we shoulde be admonished after the example of Dauid too present oure selues before God and in confessing our selues that we are not capable to vnderstande any thing without that he put to his helping hand let vs beseeche him too open our eyes by his holy spirit And bicause it should not seeme straunge that Dauid desired to haue his eyes open he declareth that the wisdom conteined in the lawe of God is too high for our capacities yea although we think oure selues to haue neuer so sharpe and fine wittes And therefore
instruction and profit See then how we ought to linke together that which is written with that which we daily see before our eyes and to be confirmed throughout all the histories in such sorte as that they might serue as it were to seale vp the woorde of GOD that it might bee of a great deale more strength and force and too magnifie the same when neede shal be Nowe haue we so remembred the iudgements of God and are wee so exercised in them yea euen in those I say which were made before we were borne into this worlde Whatsoeuer then that we shall now perceiue and marke whatsoeuer also shal be declared vnto vs so long as we liue we ought by a more forcible reason so much the narrowlier to consider to bee a great deale the more confirmed in them and not to be like vnto brute beastes when as god stretcheth foorth his hand giueth vs some testimonyes that it is he alone which so helpeth vs when as I say God sheweth vs this wee must thinke on them in good earnest and so stay our selues in them to wit that we make not account of them as vaine speculations but too apply all the Iudgementes of God to our vse since it is to this ende and purpose that he sheweth vs them For when wee shall reade that God reuealed himselfe to Abraham and that hee did helpe him in such a necessitie Let this bee our conclusion Very wel that which God did vnto his seruaunt Abraham is to assure vs that he will doe the like for vs and therefore we must euen now runne vnto God for refuge and succor See howe all the testimonyes which God hath lefte vnto vs in the holy Scripture of all his woonderfull works ought to serue euery of vs for aydes and helpes Nowe Dauid setteth downe soone after I am horribly afrayd for the vngodly which forsake thy lawe Heere Dauid protesteth that hee hath resisted another temptation ouer and besides that which wee haue already seene This is already a very sore and harde combate too abyde when as the wicked mock and scorne vs as if God had deceiued vs as if we had bin too too simple foolish to put our trust in him Loe heere a great trouble for miserable and wretched weakelings yea and that such as it cannot be chosen but that they must at the leaste be mooued and astonyed But this temptation which heere followeth is none of the least to ouercome as when wee see all the whole world addicted and giuen to wickednesse that what soeuer we doe is as it were to conspire to lay a platforme to prouoke God his wrath to distrust him to reiect all his graces and to treade them cleane vnder foote When then wee shall see men so estraunge them selues from God euen to make open warre against him it goeth very hardly if we be not as it were vtterly ouercome And yet neuerthelesse it is as Dauid heere protesteth that it is so farre of that he gaue him selfe wickedly seeing the corruptions to bee such as they were all ouer as that hee was horribly affrayde for the vngodly which so forsooke the law of God Wherefore let vs learne to be thus horribly affrayde so often as we see men exceede in wickednesse Let vs learne I say too haue recourse vnto God and as it were in gathering our wittes vnto vs that we might conceiue an horrour feare when as we see such monsters and such things so committed against nature If this hath beene alwayes a necessary doctrine it is at this day moste necessary for let vs a little beholde what a generall confusion there is when as we shal see the order and doings of the Papistes wee shall finde it to be a most hellish outrage And emongest vs alas where the woorde of God should be of greater power and force yet wee see howe the more parte will not onely alter and chaunge the lawe of God but desire nothing more then euen vtterly to abolishe it What is to be doone then It is not inough that we followe not the wicked and vngodly in their impietie and not to linke in with thē as their companions but wee must bee horribly afrayde because wee know that they must perish as miserable wretched creatures therfore we should be greeued and vexed but yet a great deale the rather when as they see them make open war against the maiestie of God For these are matters too to monstrous to see mortal men lift them selues vp against their creator and in very good earnest to fight against him Lo then what is heere shewed vnto vs by the spirite of God vnder the example of Dauid And in this let vs see whether we ought to couer our selues with such horrible yea and most detestable filthynes vncleannes when as any talke shall arise of the contēning of the maiestie of God of the discrediting of his law or worde whether we ought I say to make countenaunce as if such talke were nothing whether we ought to support maintaine the same and to passe it lightly ouer as though we cared nothing at al for it or that it no whit appertained vnto vs. Nowe if in this behalfe we shal doe so it is a signe and token that there is neither zeale nor affection in vs. And heerin we shew our selues not worthy that God should take vs for his childrē For we must remember that which is written The zeale of thy house hath euen consumed me and the rebukes and slaunders which haue bin laide vpon thee O Lorde are come vpon me Whē then we shall see the name of God to be contemned made no account off and shall see the wicked to caste him cleane without the doores in such sort as that they wil make no more reckoning of the law of God without all question wee must not dissemble and holde our peace make account as though it were nothing but if we be the seruaunts of God it shall behoue vs not onely to be touched but also to be horribly afrayd to be as it were forlorne men when as we see such abhomination that it should in such sort fall out as to haue the name of God to be so contēned by his creatures Now for a conclusion Dauid saith Thy statutes haue beene my songues in the house of my Pilgrimage This was yet another great temptation to Dauid aswel as the other that it so fel out as that he was once driuen out of the countrie of Iudea was far from the temple of God dwelt among the Pagans and Infidels Nowe he sayth that notwithstanding al this that hee was not estraunged from God nor yet from the knowledge of saluation but contrariwise that he was the rather stirred vp to sing prayses vnto God and those Psalmes which God did put in his mouth yea euen such as were taken out of the law For we haue to note that Dauid made not the
can be able to submit our selues to God in such humilitie as for to knowe say that he is onely wise But yet they which knowe this think not his chatisements too be gentle and gratious but are impacient and conceiue some griefe that maketh them too grinde their teeth Nowe Dauid ioyned these twoo togither to wit that he did not onely make much of the word of God but also of the punishment which he sente him as if hee had saide O Lord I do not only suffer my self to be taught by thy word but to bee chastised also with thy hand and I beseech thee to scourge and beate mee with thy rodes so often as thou seest mee too doe amisse and too cause mee too amende shewing thy selfe a moste louing and pittifull Father towardes mee Wee haue heere nowe a very good admonition to wit that first we must learne to be ruled after the will of God to receiue his woorde without contradiction that wee reply not according as it pleaseth our owne wittes and affections neither too make any noyse when wee heare God speake But let him haue such authoritie ouer vs to make vs so silent as that wee may knowe that whatsoeuer hee sayth vnto vs is iuste and true And thus too doe let vs learne not to be so sleepy and sluggish as wee are by nature in our vices and sinnes and specially in this vice of ambition hauing alwayes a gready desire to be aduaunced Let vs rather knowe that God is the Mayster of the humble and lowely and let vs therfore humble our selues not looke so bigge and bee so foolish hautie which doth nothing else but cast vs hedlong into destruction when as wee aduaunce our selues higher then becommeth vs. Let vs rather be aduised to bridle all our Lustes and that which holdeth vs as it were captiues as Saint Paul sayth For what is the cause that so many people at this day doe set them selues against the Gospell It is not because they know not this doctrine too be good and that they iudge not so of it But yet are they not therein thorowly perswaded too say Loe howe we must liue Euery man will doe whatsoeuer himself thinketh to be good We must then needes confesse that the iudgements of God are right that wee learne to holde all our passions in bondage that we suffer our selues to be condemned by him and to be rebuked for all our vices and imperfections as becommeth vs. Now can we doe this to wit are we become subiect obedient to the word of God We must also submit our selues vnder his hand to strike vs when it shall please him and liuely to vnderstande that wee haue doone amisse confessing that he hath iustly chastised vs or as heere it is sayde of very faithfulnesse This is the summe and effect that he is iust in punishing of vs as he is wise in teaching of vs the one hāgeth on the other that is to say the second hangeth vpon the first For whosoeuer shal come to this humilitie that Dauid speaketh off to knowe that in the worde of God there is but one holy doctrine one infallible truth one so perfect equitie as can be no perfecter hee that shall haue knowne this shall by little and little haue wherewith too bee fortified too receiue the corrections with a meke spirite and not to bee grieued and to kicke against the pricke as wee are wonted to doe Let vs nowe then suffer God to rebuke vs yea and to correct vs seeing hee doeth all this for our profit and health And this is the summe and effect of this verse It followeth next after I praye thee that thy mercie may comfort me according vnto thy promise vnto thy seruant Here Dauid maketh and more generall request then that which before we haue seene Hee desireth God to instruct him and now he addeth O let thy mercifull kindnes bee my comfort As if he had said O Lord I haue besought thee for a speciall and particular thing but I adde nowe that thou wilt be mercifull vnto me in all and through all that thy mercie bee extended vpon me that I faile in nothing Thou knowest what is necessarie and profitable for me O Lord let mee feele thee to bee gratious and pitifull all maner of wayes Loe what difference there is betweene the first request which we haue already seene and this second Now this is a point worth the noting For as wee haue before said see the first which we ought to haue in a singular recommendation and that is that wee may bee taught by God and not to be taught onely by wordes but that hee will also lighten vs with his holy spirite to make vs knowe that it is his worde which guideth vs. See here I say the very right way to saluation Nowe haue wee made this request we may craue of God that hee will not let vs fall in anything whatsoeuer that his mercy may comfort vs. But yet here we se how that Dauid was not comforted nor yet reioyced but onely in God knowing that all the ioye that we haue here bilowe shal be accursed when as wee haue no regarde vnto our Creator And yet for all this se how commonly wee are wonted to reioyce and comfort our selues that is euen to forget God to turne our backs vpō him Now accursed be such ioy for the issue thereof can be none other but as our Lord Christ Iesus sayeth That it shall bee turned into weeping and gnasshing of teeth Howbeit the worlde is waxen dronke for whatsoeuer is saide vnto it it maketh no reckoning thereof but vtterly refuseth al good sound doctrine In deede this is true that this same was not written in vaine but that we shal be so much the more inexcusable when as we shall haue the example of Dauid except we folowe it See then for this first point that after Dauid had compassed the whole worlde both aboue and beneath he founde no rest to comfort his spirite and soule but at such time as he made his repaire vnto God And there I say he found wherwith to reioyce and comfort him selfe finding nothing els but vnquietnesse in all liuing creatures Now he soone after setteth downe how we ought to reioyce and to be comforted in God to wit through his mercie for if God shoulde deale with vs according to our desertes we should haue no cause wherefore to reioyce but rather be confounded with very horrour and feare When as God shal declare him self to be our iudge alas which way shall wee be able to turne vs Must wee not needes bee cast headlong into the deepe pit If it be said that wee must appeare before the maiestie of our God what shall become of vs which sucke vp iniquitie euen as the fishe sucketh in water as it is written in the booke of Iob Wherefore let vs know that if we will rightly reioyce and finde sure rest in our consciences wee must betake our selues to
Priestes doe sing or rather which they bleate and houle out in their Churches are that they are without either vnderstanding deuotion and any good desire whatsoeuer And they thinke it not inough that they shewe them selues in deede openly to mock God but their deuilish doctrine also emporteth the same that they cannot but merit hauing this finall meaning to prayse God So that when a Chanon hath put on his Grayamisse and Surplisse and going out of his Chamber with this finall intent and yet anon after thinketh of his Gossip his cheere and his pastime yea that he play the Hypocrite there yet forsooth he must needes merit It is very true that they will confesse that there is veniall sinne entermedled amongest but yet that the same cannot hinder them from meriting when as they had this finall intent to prayse God yea and so also as that when they come home againe vntoo their house they think them selues to haue discharged their dutye To be short so that at the beginning and the end they had some motion to deuotion it is inough And is not this wholly to mock God and to dally with him more then a man would dandle a young Childe But see how this miserable cursed people haue peruerted all the holy Scripture in mingling it with so shameful thinges that euen the very Heathen when as they shall haue gotten the vnderstanding of the least sparke of trueth will bee ashamed too see such seruice in the Papacy too bee called godly seruice When it is all after this manner I pray you what praysing of GOD shall there remains Let vs then vnderstande that these people are very farre from Dauid and that if wee woulde take example by them they right well shewe that they knowe not what it is too prayse God but rather prophane his holy name when as they wil thrust in such abhominatiōs amongst as we dayly see them to commit against his worde Now Dauid addeth soone after They which loue thy law shall haue great prosperitie and they shall haue no hurt Heere Dauid beeing led by the spirit of God as a true Prophet contenteth not him selfe with speaking of the benefites which hee had receiued But instructeth others of that which they haue to doe Although in trueth all the protestations which wee haue seene heere are full of doctrine And that it is so wee see that Dauid might very well haue praysed God in his hart without declaring what he had done But it was needefull that he might be set as a Glasse before our eyes to the ende we might be ledde too followe him But yet in this verse he more expressely setteth foorth the office and duetie of a prophet when as hee sayth They which loue thy lawe shall haue great prosperitie and they shall haue no hurt Nowe by this he sheweth vnto vs that wee are euen in good earnest accursed when as wee giue our selues vp vnto our owne fleshly liking because we would bee esteemed amongst men and take pleasure in our pastimes and delightes And why so Because we shall be alwayes tormenmented with vnquietnesse and griefe so that we shall neuer be at peace and rest And although wee veryly thinke our selues to be assured of victory all the dayes of our life yet shall we reele this way and that and willingly hurt our selues so that it shoulde seeme we had a will too breake both our armes and legges in the end neck and all And the reasō is for that we follow not the way which God hath set before vs. Let vs then cōsider what the meaning of Dauid is to wit that we must not make reckoning of any assurāce heere in this worlde except we loue the woorde of God yea and that so to as that we desire nothing else but to be wholly ordered by it to submit and holde our selues therto without beeing withdrawen by the intisementes of Satan and with all the temptations of our corrupte fleshe and nature shall laye before our eyes In very deede it may very well seeme at the firste sight that experience teacheth vs the contrary of that which Dauid speaketh For who are moste greeued vexed and troubled Forsooth euen the children of God who haue al the shame offences doone vnto them Euen the selfe same men For it is saide That our sauiour Christ is as it were a badge and marke of all these contrarieties we must then haue all the vngodly to be our enemyes In summe all they which intend too serue God cannot escape from shame and slaunderous reportes from beeing despised troubled and outraged to indure great numbers of iniuryes and violences Loe howe the Children of God are intreated and handled in this present life And so by this reason it seemeth that Dauid promiseth vs heere that which we haue not But we are heere too consider that Dauid promiseth vs not such a rest as shal be as it were an earthly Paradise Hee speaketh of this true prosperitie which the Children of God haue when they are contented to serue him that in all their griefes yea in all their anguishes and troubles they runne onely vntoo him and lay all their cares vpon him not doubting but that he will helpe them and afterward heerevpon not too feare whatsoeuer that mortall men can imagine or deuise against them When as then wee shall haue such a peace as this although our estate and condition be in the viewe of men the moste miserable in the whole worlde yet ought we too bee throughly contented knowing that God will raise vs vp and make vs to tryumph ouer all our enemyes although we thought we should fall euen to bee crusshed and vtterly beaten too poulder yet will God bee ready too vpholde vs Psam 91. and make vs to be blessed As it is said in the 91. Psalme That God will not suffer his faithfull too tumble ouer and ouer neither yet so to fall as that they shall not be able to releeue them selues againe but will rather sende his Angels to lifte them vpp into the Ayre In very deede yet shall it not bee so as that we shall not sometimes hurt our selues howbeit the assaultes shall not be such as to frush vs deadly howe euer it bee wee shall in the ende feele in what sort God shall haue assisted vs by his Angels This is the meane and the manner too feele by effecte that which Dauid speaketh off Now in trueth the wicked shal neuer be able to take any such holde because they are not worthy of it For by reason they know not what God nor his worde is without it be to hate him and too anger him it is meete that they proue by experiment the contrary of that which is heere spoken of by Dauid to wit because they loue not the lawe of God it is good reason that they shoulde bee inwardly troubled and greeuously tormented without end Now it followeth Lorde I haue trusted in thy sauing health and haue done thy
men And whence then proceedeth this Verily from their owne securytie and negligence because they thought them selues to bee very perfect But Paule is c1eane contrary to this for thus he sayth I haue not attained as yet to that ful perfection neuerthelese I haue done what in melyeth Phil. 3 12. When he sayth I haue doone what in me lyeth he declareth that there was that humilitie in him whereof he spake in the place before by me already alleaged and this humilitie importeth that we should call vpon God as Dauid did as he sheweth vnto vs heere in this place It followeth I haue hid my promise within my heart that I might not sinne against thee When Dauid speaketh after this manner I haue hid thy word or promise in mine heart he wet declareth that if we haue but only a wandring knowledge that the same wil not holde vs in but that the Deuil hath by and by woone vpon vs to oppresse vs with temptations and in the ende to cast vs downe hedlong What must wee then doe It is not inough that we haue beene at church and heard what hath bin there said vnto vs and that euery of vs hath mumbled vp vnto himselfe some one thing or another but the word of God must be setled in vs and be hid in our heart to wit that it may there be resiaunt and continually abyding and to haue receiued it with such an affection as that it bee as it were imprinted in vs. If this be not so sinne will reigne in vs for it hath by nature his habitation with vs For all our senses are wicked and corrupt all our willes and desires are enemyes vnto God vnlesse Gods woord be wel hidden in our heartes Moreouer we are to vnderstande that Dauid heere vaunted not him selfe of his owne power strength as though he were in admiration thereof but the spirite of God speaking by his mouth entendeth to giue vs a glasse wherein we must be confirmed to weete that we must not haue onely our eares beaten with the Doctrine of saluation and receiue it in our braine but that it should be hidden in our heart to wit that we should lay it vp as in a Treasure house For this saying to hide importeth that Dauid studyed not to be ambitious to set foorth him selfe and to make a glorious shew before men but that he had God for a witnesse of that secret desire which was within him Hee neuer looked to worldly creatures but being content that he had so great a Treasure he knewe full wel that God who had giuen it him would so surely and safely garde it as that it should not be layd open to Satan to be taken away Saint Paule also declareth vnto vs 1. Tim. 1.19 that the chest wherein this treasure must be hid is a good conscience For it is said that many beeing voyde of this good conscience haue lost also their faith and haue beene robbed thereof As if a man shoulde forsake his goods and put them in aduenture with out shutting of any dore it were an easy matter for theeues to come in and to reaue and spoyle him of all Euen so if wee leaue at randon too Satan the Treasure which GOD hath giuen vnto vs in his word without it be hidden in this good conscience and in the very bottome of our hearte as Dauid heere speaketh we shal be spoiled thereof He addeth immediatly after Blessed art thou O Lorde O teach me thy statutes After he had fayd I haue sought thee with mine whole heart hee addeth Blessed art thou O Lorde O teach mee thy Statutes Dauid sheweth in this verse that the request which he made here afore is not founded or grounded of any merite or desert which he pretended to haue In very deede at the first sight it might be said that Dauid ment that God would not for sake him because he had sought him thervpon conclude that man must first beginne to goe on too preuent Gods grace and then that God wil afterward aide him Yee see here what men may imagine but this is not Dauids meaning and purpose And to proue it to be so it is moste sure hee attributeth it not to his owne power and strength that he had sought God with his whole heart for we must first be touched with the spirite of God when as we haue any such affection And why so For by nature we haue all strayed from God and all our force power and study bende them selues to estraunge vs from him And therefore wee must come vnto him in such sorte as is declared unto vs in many places of the holy Scripture Dauid then was preuented already by Gods grace and hee onely requireth of God to continue the same in him which hee hath begunne for he knewe right well that hee had greate neede thereof As if he should haue said I know very wel O Lord that thou hast already mightily put too thy helping hand by thy holy spirit when as I sought thee in very deed I had neuer done it without I had beene conducted by thy holy hand neither is this yet inough except thou continue the same in me when thou shalt so doe O Lord all praise and glory shal be thine for the same because thou hast done it of thy meere fauour and grace By this then we may see that Dauid heere meaneth not to glorifie himselfe as beeing puffed vp with his owne vertues and merites But because God deserueth to be blessed and exalted to the end that we shoulde render vnto him all honor and glory See now wherefore hee assureth himselfe that he will teach him and that he shall be more and more confirmed in that doctrine which he hath already learned For when he sayth Teach me thy Statutes O Lord it was not because that he was altogither rude and ignorant that hee coulde bee nowe a Nouice which was a Prophet had charge to instruct others and was also a King Dauid then spake not as one that was vnlearned but hee knewe well inough that all this was not sufficient without hee profited still more and more Now if Dauid spake after this manner I beseech you what ought we to do When soeuer then that we would obtaine this grace at Gods hands to be instructed in his statutes let vs bring this reason vnto him ground our selues vpon this to wit that he be blessed and praysed And aboue all things let vs vnderstand the great neede we haue heereof that is that although wee haue already beene instructed in the holy Scripture that wee must be Scholers vnto the ende and too pray vnto God dayly to encrease our fayth I meane such chiefely as are appointed too preach the woorde True it is that it were a meruelous great presumption for any man too come into the Pulpit and to vsurpe the office of a Preacher excepte hee were well studyed in the holy Scripture But so it is that wee goe vpp
But yet haue I chiefely desired thy word haue euen striuen with my self to subdue al the euil affections of my flesh Here we see what doctrin we haue to gather vnto our selues out of this place to wit that if we wil be the good scholers of God and take delight in the way of his testimonyes we must first subdue the lustes of our fleshe not learne to be giuen to worldly things neither yet to bee nousled in that which we imagine to be the highest pointe of our felicity but that we might vnderstand to contēne riches al other things whatsoeuer which might withdrawe vs from our God and our sauiour Iesus Christ Phil. 3.8 to make no more accoūt of it then of doung and dyrt as S. Paule saith And yet it is most sure that Dauid contemneth not the riches which he had For beeing a mightie rich king as we know yet he cast not his Golde siluer into the bottō of the sea but vsed of the abundance store which God had giuen him yea wee see what an excellent and beautiful house he had as the holy history telleth vs. But yet he followed the rule which the Scripture setteth downe vnto vs which is that hee so vsed the goods of this world as though he neuer had them We must therfore passe through this world 1. Cor. 7.31 without staying our selues altogether in it as S. Paul exhorteth that if God giue vs abundāce of riches we might know how to vse thē with out hauing our harts imprisoned in them yet notwithstāding to be pore in spirit to wit to be redy to forsake all whatsoeuer as often as god would haue vs to be rid of thē to haue alwaies one foote redy lifted vp to go vnto him whēsoeuer it shal be his wil pleasure to take vs out of this world But it is not without cause that Dauid hath spoken heere of the abundaunce of riches For wee see it maketh men couetous which is the springhead of all mischiefe as Saint Paule saith 1. Tim. 6 1● Forasmuch then as we are so much giuen to the goods of this worlde and that we holde our selues accursed if we haue not wherwithall and them to bee blessed which are wel furnished with them let vs keepe well the lesson which is heere taught vs to wit that all our desier must be in the way of the testimonyes of God as in all manner of riches to wit that all our delight and contentation be wholly in them Now in the end Dauid goeth on and sayth I will meditate in thy Commaundementes and consider thy wayes My delight shal be in thy statutes I wil not forget thy words This is the conclusion to confirme the matter which we haue already spoken off For Dauid heere speaketh of no newe matter but protesteth as he hath begun That his delight shal be alwayes in the commandements of God in the doctrine conteined in the holy Scripture and that hee wil bestowe his whole study therin so continue the same and neuer forget the desires which he hath to profite in the obedience of God If Dauid nowe hath thus saide let vs vnderstand that it is not inough for vs to be wel affected to serue God and that for the performing thereof that wee haue already sufficiently traueled but we must also be pricked forwarde that we might alwayes goe on For euen the very faithful neuer runne with so feruent and hote a desire but that they continually draw one leg after them neuer come vnto God but in halting wise What is there then for vs to doe Forsooth wee must protest with Dauid neuer to forget that which God hath once declared vnto vs and also neuer to cease to pricke our selues on to the ende there might be greater vehemencie in vs to goe vnto him with a more seruent desire and boulder courage So that at the last we may growe to this perfection whereunto God calleth allureth vs that is that beeing vncased from out of our flesh and nature hee might fully conioyne vs vnto his righteousnesse that thereby his glory may shine in vs. And according to this holy doctrine let vs prostrate our selues before the face of our good god acknowledging our innumerable sinnes by which we continually prouoke his heauy wrath and indignation against vs. Beseeching him that it would please him to make vs to feele our sinnes and iniquities more then euer to fore we haue done to the end we might seke for such remedies as he hath ordained for vs in exercising our selues about the reading of his holy word and the dayly Preaching thereof which hath graunted vnto vs. And furthermore not to forget to stir vs vp to call vpon him to the end that by his holy spirite he might to put his helping hande euen in our heartes and not too suffer the doctrine which we heare by the mouth of his Preachers to become vnprofitable vnto vs but that it may haue the full power strength so that we may from day to day be confirmed therein and more and more learne to forsake the worlde and all whatsouer may withdrawe vs from the vnion and coniunction of our Lord and Maister Iesus Christ who is our heade And that hee will not onely shewe vnto vs this fauour and grace but also vnto all people and nations of the earth c. The third Sermon of the hundreth and nineteenth Psalme GIMEL Bee beneficiall vnto thy Seruant that I may liue keepe thy woorde Open mine eies that I may see the wondrous things of thy lawe I am a straunger vpon Earth hide not thy commandements from me My hart breaketh out for the desire vnto thy iudgementes alwaies Thou hast destroyed the proude cursed are they that doo erre from all thy Commaundements Remoue from mee shame and contempte for I haue kept thy Testimonyes Princes also did sitte and speake against mee but thy Seruant did meditate in thy statutes Also thy Testimonyes are my delight and my counsaylers IT shall greatly haue profited vs if so be wee haue learned what the ende of our life is For for that cause hath God placed and bringeth vs vpp in the worlde and yet fewe there are which thinke vpon it True it is that euery man will say that it is good reason wee should doe homage too GOD for our life and beeing because wee holde all of him and that wee should glorifie him with so much of our goods as he hath largely bestowed vpon vs. But what of all this When as wee haue confessed that it is but to shewe our ingratitude and vnthankfulnesse and yet no man maketh any account heereof Loe heere wherefore the holy Ghoste seeing vs so tyed to the worlde putteth vs in minde too what ende wee liue heere As heere Dauid maketh this request to God too obtayne that benefite of his Maiestie That hee mght liue and keepe his woorde As if hee should haue sayde I desire
hee sayeth O Lorde open myne eyes that I may see the woonderous thinges of thy Lawe Wherefore vseth hee this woorde woonderous It is as if he would haue saue saide Although the world taketh the lawe of God to be but a light thing and seemeth to be giuen but as it were for simple soules yong children Yet for al that there seemeth such a wisedom to bee in it as that it surmounteth all the wisedome of the worlde and that therein lye hidde wonderfull secrets Asmuch is saide of the Gospell and that not without great cause And in very deede that which at this daye is most plainely declared in the Gospell was before conteined in the lawe onely these were darker shadowes then they are which were since the comming of our Lord Iesus Christ And yet notwithstanding there is no chaung or alteration in this wisedome as God also is not mutable Ephes 3.10 1. Pet. 1.12 It is not then without cause that all the holy scripture is called wisedome and that the Angels of heauen thēselues do wōder thereat If then the Angels be astoyned at the secrets conteined in the holy scripture I beseeche you tell mee what reuerence deserueth it to haue among vs mortall men For we are but poore wormes vpon earth creeping here belowe If there be comparison made betwixt vs and the Angels what shall it be See howe the Angels are wonderfully rauished to see the wisedome of the word of God and yet we make no accompt of it but esteeme of it as a base and childish thing The more therefore ought wee throughly to marke this saying of Dauid that the doctrine of the lawe is not as wee take it to bee to wit a thing of small valure or a common and ordinarie doctrine but a wonderfull wisedome wherein are such secrets as ought to rauish vs with admiration bicause they farre surpasse our wit and reason But what is the cause that we so lightly esteeme of the lawe of God that is to say his whole word Herein the common prouerbe is verified when we saye A foole regardeth nothing Which prouerbe we declare to be rightly verified in vs For many of vs make no estimation of the holy scripture it seemeth to vs that that which we reade there is too to cōmon and this is the reason bicause we know not what it is ●●e yet the great and abundant treasure hidde therein But such as haue once knowen what the Maiestie of God is which hee sheweth and declareth him selfe to be there and do see whether it is that God calleth and allureth them and do also vnderstand and knowe the large and sweete promises offered vnto them therein such I say will say with Dauid O Lorde thy law is wonderfull And so consequently will desire that their eyes might be lightened confessing them selues to be blind vntill such time as God hath ayded them with his holy spirite Now it followeth I am a stranger vpon earth hyde not thy commandementes from me When Dauid did put to this verse he ment to confirme the matter which before he touched that is to say that he desired not simply to liue as if his life had beene deare and precious vnto him without any other respect but he had a further meaning For he saith by a by after I am a stranger in the world therefore hyde not thy commandements from me They which make their continuall nest here according to their owne fansie and thinke to make their heauen in this world these men I say haue nothing to do with the commandementes of God for their saluation For they are safe enough if they may eate and drinke to be glutted that they may take their pleasures and delightes that they may be honoured that they may be in estimation and credit loe here is all that they desire or wysh to haue Yea forsooth For they looke no further but to this corruptible and transitorie life These men I saye are not greatly troubled ne yet haue any care of the commaundementes of God but when as they shal be taken from them all shall be one to them When as the couetous man the whoremonger the dronkarde the ambitious person shall heare no preaching of the word at all neither any talke of God ne yet of Christianitie nor of life euerlasting He in the meane time ceaseth not to pursue his owne waye Yea and it is to them a lothsome and vnpleasant kinde of speach to heare God spoken of but had rather haue no mention in the whole worlde made of him And therefore it is not without cause why Dauid requireth not to haue the cōmandements of God taken from him this is his reason to wit bicause he is a stranger on the earth As if he should haue sayd O Lord if I had none other consideration but of this present life I should be euen accursed and it had beene better my mother had beene deliuered of me as of a dead body and that I had beene an hundred times plunged in hell And why so For we are here in this world but as pilgrims and wayfaring men and we passe to a more excellent life as to that also wherein we repose our whole trust Seeing then O Lord that I am a stranger in the world let not thy commandementes be taken away from me Nowe in this part is conteined a very profitable doctrine and exhortation for vs for we knowe how cold wee are where in deede we ought to haue an ardent desire to be taught the worde of God and to be more and more confirmed therein And I beseeche you how carelesse are we But what is the cause hereof No doubt of it we must alwayes euen searche and looke into the depth and bottom of this corruption and mischiefe for when we see any vice in our selues we ought to enquire from whence the cause proceedeth to the ende we might finde remedy for the same Now the reason is bicause we are blynde and do suppose our abode should bee here still vpon earth and euery man imagineth him selfe to haue here euerlasting life Wherefore when we are thus giuen to the world thinke our selues to haue here an euerlasting enheritance loe this is the cause of our thus contēning of God and his word or rather that we care no whit at all for the seeking out of the doctrine of our saluation What must we then do Forsooth wee must looke a great deale further then to the world if we will come vnto God and be exercised in this study wherof mētion is here made and to say with Dauid O Lord bicause we are strangers in this world to wit that we are to passe here only that nothing can be shorter then our life is here let not thy commandements be taken away from vs. On thother side Dauid his meaning here is to signifie vnto vs that he was but as a poore pilgrime and wandring man without he were conducted and guided by the worde of
and handled hee maketh his complaint vnto God and sayeth O Lorde the Princes and Gouernours them selues doe sit and speake euill against me And yet for all that I haue kept thy Testimonies Herein summe we are to gather out of this place that if it so fall out when as wee haue walked vprightly and in a good conscience to bee falsely slaundered to bee accused of this and that whereof we neuer once thought yet ought we to beare all thinges patiently for let vs be sure of that that we are not better then Dauid although we would make neuer so great protestation of our integritie and puritie Dauid walked both before God and men so faithfully as none of vs all is able to doe and yet wee see that he was subiect to these slaunderous reportes Let vs then be patient when the like shall happen to vs. But let vs also follow his example in that hee sayeth that is that wee shoulde not be discouraged seeing our selues to be so euill and vniustly recompensed at mens handes that we forbeare not for all that to exercise our selues in the commaundementes of God And howe should we come by that patience wee must come to that which he there speaketh off to wit that wee take all our whole delight and pleasure in the commaundementes of God It is the thing which hee often beateth vpon before by me touched and therefore it shall not be needefull to staye vpon it any longer Let vs onely vnderstand this when Dauid sayeth that all his pleasure was in the commaundementes of GOD that we after his example must doe the like Hee added They are my Councellers Loe here a sentence worthy to be wayed of vs when Dauid calleth the commaundements of God his counsaylers for in the first place he meaneth that he might scorne at all the wisedome of the most able and most expert men in the worlde howe goodly and gay shewes soeuer their counsailes seeme to be to those which so exceedingly commend them and are also commended of all in that he was conducted by the word of God gouerned therby Lo what he meaneth here by the first point The second is That when he shal be so gouerned by the word of God he might not onely saye that hee was truely wyse but that it was so much as if he had all the wisedome of all the men in the worlde yea and a great deale more put euen in one man When any one man mistrusteth his owne witte hee will aske councell and arme him selfe the better and when he shall haue vsed such counsell as euery one shall soundly giue him hee will holde him selfe a great deale the better resolued Dauid then declareth vnto vs that if wee will not bee without good counsell and aduise we must follow the statutes and ordinances of God But what fewe men at this day are able in truth thus to saye Euery man will saye the best for him selfe he can and yet it shal be all but a mere mockerie Howe many of vs are there which will be contented to be gouerned as hee was by this counsell Wee shall hardly finde one amonges an hundreth Howe do we iustly promise our selues rightly to knowe that GOD hath spoken vnto vs And let it be that we are in the right way what assurance haue we of it It cannot be chosen but that the least let in the world will trouble vs Our spirite alwayes greatly desireth to be contrary to God we haue greater regarde to the vayne opinions and fantasies of men then to the heauenly doctrine so that we lende out eares to whatsoeuer men bable and are so caried with euery wynde that we knowe not what it is to holde our selues to the counsell of God And so let vs bee aduised to make out profit of this sentence beseching the Lord to graunt vs that his grace that we may be gouerned by him and that with such humilitie and reuerence as that whatsoeuer is set before vs in this world we may alwayes go on our wayes in true and inuincible constancie And according to this holy doctrine let vs prostrate out selues before the face of our good God in acknowledging our faultes beseching him that it woulde please him to gouerne vs in such sorte as that we looke not downe here on the earth ne yet stoope downe to the corruptible things of this world but that we might continually aspire vnto this heauenly life where unto hee daily calleth vs by his worde And for performance thereof to suffer vs to be truely vnited to our Lord Iesus Christ yea and that with an inseparable bond as wee may alwayes followe the waye which he hath shewed vnto vs vntill such time as wee be come to that immortall glorie whereunto he hath gone before vs to gather vs all vp vnto him and to make vs partakers of that blessednesse which hee hath gotten and purchased by his death and passion and where of he will make vs enheritours with him in the kingdome of heauen That he will not onely graunt vs this grace and fauour but also vnto all people and nations of the earth c. The fourth Sermon of the hundreth and nineteenth Psalme DALETH My soule cleaueth vnto the dust quicken me according to thy word I haue declared my wayes and thou heardest mee teache me thy statutes Make me to vnderstand the way of thy commandements and I will meditate of thy wonderous workes My soule melteth with very heauines rayse me vp according vnto thy word Take from me the way of lying and graunt me graciously thy lawe I haue chosen the way of truth and thy iudgements haue I laid before me I haue sticken vnto thy testimonies O Lord confound me not I will runne the way of thy commaundements whē thou shalt enlarge mine heart DAuid sheweth vnto vs in these eight verses what the ioye and contentation of the children of God ought to bee And this is a doctrine for vs most profitable For there is not that man which longeth not too haue the thing that may content and delight him but there is none of vs which holdeth the true meane So much the more therefore ought we rightly to recorde the lesson heere conteined to wit that all our reioyring is accursed and will come to an euill end if wee looke not to God and to his worde Loe wherefore here he sayeth My soule cleaueth vnto the dust quicken me according to thy word Dauid confesseth here that hee was driuen to an extremitie For behold what hee meaneth by this saying That his soule or life cleaueth vnto the dust As if hee shoulde haue said O Lord there is nothing that I more looked for then my graue I am like to a poore castaway and forlorne creature Nowe whether or to whome should he haue recourse Euen vnto God hee desireth to be restored And how may that be according to the promisse which he hath receiued We see then whether and to whom we must haue
Stablish thy promise to thy seruant because he feareth thee Take away thy rebuke that I am afrayde off for thy Iudgementes are good Beholde I desire thy commaundements quicken me in thy righteousnesse THese eight Verses heere conteine the Prayers which wee haue already before seene to witte that Dauid prayeth too be taught in the lawe that he might the better serue God Nowe vpon this wee haue to note that this is not all to heare and to be taught by preaching vnto vs that the same is as it were from the trueth of GOD but wee must also be taught by the holie Ghoste yea and that twoo manner of wayes For when God shall haue inlightened vs to the end we might knowe that it commeth from him it behooueth that he imprinte in our heartes a desire too cleaue vnto it for without that wee shall doe cleane contrary as naturally we are enclyned So then although it bee not superfluous too reade and heare yet wil it profite vs nothing at all excepte the holy Ghoste teacheth vs yea and that to discerne aswel betwene good and euill as also to be wel and rightly affected too walke according to the Commaundementes of GOD. Which thinge is sufficiently confirmed vnto vs in the person of Dauid For as wee haue heretofore declared hee was a moste excellent Prophet Nowe it appeareth that hee was not onely sufficiently instructed for him selfe but GOD hadde also ordayned him too gouerne and instructe others this was the Doctor of the whole Church And yet notwithstanding hee confesseth him selfe too be vtterly ignoraunt and blinde except God directed him by his holy spirite Yea and hee declareth vnto vs moste plainely that hee had neede of these twoo partes of the grace of GOD heere by vs touched to witte to bee taught too knowe that which is good and afterwarde too haue his minde framed to continue therein This circumstaunce also is specially too bee noted that Dauid in making his requestes heerein conteyned was no Nouice For God had already instructed him by his holy Spirite And that which is more he declareth that hee had already desired too followe God and too obay his Commaundementes Wherefore then is it that hee prayeth afreshe but onely that hee felte in him selfe greate weakenesse in this point and that hee was but in the mid way Let vs thē vnderstand that euen they which are inlightened by the spirit of God are wel affected ought not to content themselues heerewith as if they were already come to a ful perfection but rather to acknowledge their weakenes that they are not growne to that forwardnes but that they may faile and that it is God which causeth thē to perseuer and to be more and more confirmed Loe heere what wee haue yet to obserue by the example of Dauid Nowe let vs follow the words which he vseth to the end the effect of this doctrine may the better be imprinted in our memoryes Teach me O Lorde the way of thy statutes and I will keepe it vnto the end Heere Dauid declareth that he hath well begun to serue God but he right wel feeleth that we are so frayle that wee can neuer come home to the mark without God strēgtheneth vs wherfore he hath recourse vnto this high mighty power by which God remedieth the vices that are in his chosen which he knoweth not to be in their nature We see then that when God stretcheth out his hande vnto vs so that we haue alredy bin instructers teachers of our neigh bours yet that we must not presume of our owne power strength but stand alwaies vpon our garde beseeching god with all humilitie and reuerence that as he hath wel begun in vs so he wil performe go through with the same Dauid said not O Lord I haue strayed But he hath very well said heretofore that he was by nature a wandring shepe so shall we see him to be And yet notwithstāding our Lord had already brought him into the way of saluation yea and had bestowed vpon him excellent graces But yet he knowing that he might erre an hūdreth times in a minute without God held him with a mightie hand prayeth to be instructed anew as if all the rest which hee had done had bin nothing So then when as God shal haue bestowed vpon vs his graces let vs not be negligent secure to lul our selues asleepe as though our state and condition were not to bee amended But let vs rather think with our selues and consider that he which hath bin taken and holden for a good vertuous man for the space of ten or xx yeeres might bee seene ouercome in a matter of nothing were it not that God assisted him Loe here how the faithfull after that God hath liberally bestowed vpon them great graces ought alwaies to walke in feare and humblenes knowing that they are subiect to many temptations which they are neuer able to resist if God continued not the same in them as well to instruct them as also to ayde them with his power and strength to fortifie them more and more as before I haue said And here we are diligently to marke this saying And I will keepe it vnto the end As if he should haue said My God I haue already followed thy commaundementes for a certein time but what shall become of it if thou doest not alwayes put too thy helping hand vnto me as thou hast already done I may in one minute fall into a great and horrible confusion O Lord I beseeche thee therefore that as thou hast begunne well in me so to perfourme the same throughly By this we see what a diuelish arrogancie that of the papistes is wherewith they are puffed vp when as to their seeming that a man after God hath once stretched out his arme vnto him can by and by worke wonders of him selfe and is sufficiently able too ouercome all temptations But let vs rather vnderstand and knowe that euen as it is God that must beginne to set vs in the right way so likewise that we cannot continue and abide therein without he alwayes holde vs by his mightie hand and neuer to suffer Satan to seduce vs neither yet to bee wickedly led by his subtelties and wyles And thus much as touching the first verse Now it followeth Giue me vnderstanding and I will keepe thy lawe yea I will keepe it with my whole hart Here Dauid declareth vnto vs in the first place what our true wisedome is to wit that we should walke in the feare of God as also it is said in the scripture That the feare of God is true wisedome In summe wee haue here the confession of Dauid that al they which withdrawe themselues from the obediēce of God are people voide of wit iudgement wisedome and reason In very deede wee shall neuer haue the worlde to iudge thus of it For wee will saye loe this is a witty fellow this man is very wyse when hee is able to
hand of GOD but are hardened and lifte them selues vpp against him It cannot bee chosen but that this muste needes be an horrible pride Euen so then this infidelitie is it that giueth too man as it were Hornes which he so naturally esteemeth although in deede it bee lesse then nothing and thinketh the same to be wonderfull And contrariwise let vs marke that it is onely Fayth that muste induce vs to humilitie and which frameth and fashioneth vs therein considering this swelling of our hearts our growing in presumption like vnto swelling Toades There is nothing I say that can amende this vice but Fayth alone The reason is because that Fayth bringeth vs vntoo God Nowe when as wee knowe what the righteousnesse of God is Let vs then come vnto our selues and wee shall finde in vs nothing else but iniquitie when wee shall consider of the Wisedome of God we shall see that all whatsoeuer we thought too be good reason to be nothing else but vanitie and follie So then when men doe wonder and looke at the brightnesse of God they then learne that they are no better but doung and filthy stench are euen angry and displeased with them selues and greately ashamed of their owne filthynesse See then that humilitie proceedeth from faith And therefore Dauid sayth that the proude to witte the wicked and Infidels imagined a lye against him Let vs then knowe that pryde is ingendred of men and that they bringe it with them into the worlde so soone as they are borne that it groweth and increaseth vnto ful age vntill such time as God correcteth it by his holy spirit and by Fayth And so when as wee shall see the contemners of God and the wicked who knowe not what it is too be ordered by GOD when wee shall see them I say thus outrage let vs not think it straunge seeing it is the course of nature Moreouer let vs well note that Dauid speaking of the neede which hee had of God sheweth vs by his example that the more wee are vexed with temptations that so much the more bolde wee ought too be too beseech him of his ayde that he will reach out his hand too vpholde vs and not to suffer vs to be ouercome And this is specially too be noted for when wee are greeued with any temptation we knowe not that the same is to make vs runne too God who is the onely remedie by which wee must be deliuered And so the Diuell may very easily enter into vs too ouerthrowe our faith since it is as it were put out there vnto him as a pray and besides we vouchsafe not once too receiue the remedy which is offered vs for our helpe So then let vs keepe the order which Dauid heere setteth downe to witte that if we be assayled with great and very strong temptations that then it is high time for vs to haue recourse vnto God beseeching him to saue vs and too remedy our faultes which else would leade vs too euerlasting destruction And thus much for this Nowe wee haue soone after too note that we shall make good proofe of our well willing to serue God if wee resist the temptations If the wicked goe about too drawe vs vnto wickednesse and yet wee stand fast and sure then is our Fayth and constancy well approued And this is spoken to the ende that no man shoulde flatter him selfe for wee thinke this to be a sufficient excuse and that God should also bee well contented therewith too say that wee were drawne to doe wickedly by the meane of some other See I pray you will euery one say I was once in a very good forwardenesse and desired to liue according too the will of God But when I see the worlde so peruerse and wicked and that all men were giuen to so many vices it was impossible for mee too escape but that I muste doo as other men did When wee shall alledge for our selues such excuses wee thinke that God shoulde holde himselfe well contented therewith But contrarywise we see heere that the faithful neuer cease for all that to serue God when all the whole worlde goe about to hinder and let them that although the wicked inuent neuer so many lyes lay neuer so many stumbling blockes in their way to cause them too turne and decline from the right way yet doe they still stande firme and sure And see also how we must be faine too doe that if wee will faithfully serue our good God wee must not cease too pursue our vocation yea although the wicked bente all the force they were possibly able to make against vs too turne vs cleane from the way of saluation Nowe if this admonition hath beene alwaies necessary it is more needefull at this day then euer it was For wee see that the worlde is growne too a monstrous heape of all iniquitie that we are not able too step foorth one step but that we shall meete with great store of euil and daungerous incounters which might weary and withdrawe vs and carry vs to doe wickedly in all kinde of thinges Therefore we ought so much the rather to practise this doctrine That the wicked haue imagined lyes against vs but yet that wee haue kept the lawe of God For the lyes which the proude and the enemyes of God doe imagine against vs are not of one kinde For sometimes they wil seduce vs vnder the colour of Friendship sometimes they will charge vs with a great many of thinges to make vs faint harted sometimes they will make such a confusion of all that we shall not be able to discerne betweene white and black We must then be so much the more well aduised and stand the surer vpon our garde And although the deuill transforme himselfe so into diuerse manners let not vs leaue to keepe the lawe of God yea and that with out whole hearte which is a thing that we ought diligently to mark For if we haue but only some little and feeble affection too followe God wee shall soone be very weary thereof Our heart therfore must be wholy addicted thereto for els we shall neuer be able to make our parte good againste Satan Nowe it is sayde a little after Their hearte is as fatte as greace but my delight is in thy lawe Heere Dauid maketh a comparison betweene the contemners of God and those which desire to serue him And why doth he so He sheweth that the cause which so induceth the Infidels too contemne GOD is the dissolute and brutishe life which they leade because they are as fatte as an Hogge in his stye that hath beene fed with Accornes and Barley and that lyeth wallowing on an heape in his owne greace Hee is so very fatte and heauy that hee is not able to get vp and although hee bee already a meruelous fatte and ●●auy beast which desireth nothing else but draffe and swill yet will hee bee farre fatter and heauyer when as he shall be styed vpp
it is like a bottomles pitte although before we somewhat trusted and hoped vpon God yet for all that wee shall then bee driuen and egged to seeke for aide here and there we know not where And howe so Is it not possible for me to finde remedie Bicause I saye wee are so dull and the hope which we haue in God passeth so lightly away from vs and melteth and runneth about this way and that way Dauid for this reason sayeth That hee hoped for the saluation of God Hereby then hee sheweth that although this occasion was offered him to seeke after other helpes and to cast his eyes vppon creatures and to forsake God yet that the temptations had not so wonne vpō him but that he alwayes remained constant in this resolution that it was God which must relieue his neede Nowe herevpon he addeth Mine eyes faile for thy promise saying when wilt thou comfort me I haue abready said that this verse conteineth no new or strange thing but Dauid chaungeth onely the order of the wordes For when he saieth That his eyes sore longed after the word of God he meaneth none other thing but this that although all his wittes were troubled and that hee was as it were blinded with the multitude of afflictiōs which he endured yet that hee alwayes stayed him selfe vppon this word of God and neuer ceased calling vpon him saying O when wilt thou comfort me By this hee sheweth vs that if we haue a true faith setled vppon the promises of GOD made vnto vs when as it shall please him soone after to afflict vs we must not by and by bee angry biting the bit as Mules do but let vs yelde him true obedience saying O Lord when wilt thou comfort me Wee must then suffer and abide thus to do to wit that when we beseech and require God to helpe vs according to his promise wee must also desire him to shewe it vs by the effect and wee must remaine firme and constant vntill such time as he causeth vs to perceiue it for although hee delayeth his aide and holdeth it as it were in suspēce yet must we be fully persuaded that he hath not forgotten his office which is to comfort vs. By this meane we shall finde in the ende the fruite of our prayers Nowe he fully and wholy explaneth in the third verse following when as hee sheweth it to be no small matter to be thus cast downe had not the woorde of God sustained and vpheld him but that there was great reason in it I am saith he like vnto a Goates skinne wherein oyle or wyne is put hanging in the smoke and so dried and parched as that there was neither substance nor moisture left in him Dauid vseth this similitude to shewe that his afflictions were so great and excessiue as that hee was without all strength and without hope of life Now he addeth notwithstanding That he did not yet forget the statutes of God Loe an example which wee ought too followe neither must we alledge here our infirmitie for Dauid was a passionate man as we are he might very well haue fainted if God had not strengthened him And how so Hauing the promises he hoped vpon them knowing that God continueth his benefites towardes his children bicause they should haue recourse vnto him hee called vpon him for that hee had already founde mercie and succour of him God so holpe him through his holy spirite Nowe haue not wee at this daye the same promises which Dauid had Yea haue wee not more large and ample promises Haue not wee great deale more familiar accesse then Dauid had bicause that Iesus Christe is declared too bee a mediatour more manifestly then he was vnder the lawe When God then rendreth vs such a testimonie of his good will that wee may freely come before him to praye vnto him to the ende hee might helpe our necessities I praye you what excuse shall wee make if wee come not boldely vnto him as Dauid did and be constant to perseuere in the same purpose seeing that God offereth the selfe same meanes to fight against whatsoeuer may turne vs awaye from it Moreouer is the power of God lessened since that time Doth he not at this day helpe all his faithfull with his holy spirite as he did vnder the lawe Yea doth not he saye that he will encrease the kingdome of our Lorde Iesus Christe more then euer he did at that time There is nothing then but our vnthankefulnesse which hath shut the gate against God so that his graces can haue no accesse nor entraunce into vs. It is very true that he will say enough vnto vs but we will stope our eares he wil make vs fayre promise enough but we will soone forget them or els if we keepe them in minde it shal be but a raunging imagination neither shall it haue any deepe print or yet liuely roote in vs. Bicause therefore that wee esteeme not of the promises of God loe the reason why wee are so suddenly cast downe euen with the least temptation that may come Howe exercise we our faith in prayers what readinesse and zeale is there at this daye amongst Christians in calling vpon the name of God Alas it is so colde and feeble as it can not be more And so see why God hath pluckt backe his hand from vs bicause of our infidelitie so that we feele not his helpe as we should The more depely therefore ought we to consider of this sentence here when Dauid declareth that he was cleane dried vp and yet for all that forgot not the promises of God Let vs now goe and vaunt our selues to bee good Christians that we haue greatly profited in the Gospel and yet when as wee shal be touched with any little yea and that with a very light affliction wee shall bee so amased as it is woonder Alas what should become of vs if wee should be as Dauid protesteth hee was that God threatned vs through stitche that there were but one droppe of substance of life and that it should seeme that we were euen as it were dead If then there were such a kinde of parched drynesse in vs what should become of it But what herein resteth the faulte that euery man flattereth him selfe and wee also thinke that GOD shoulde submitte him selfe to our flatteries But it is not in vaine that this example is here set before vs. Let vs exercise our selues then better then we haue heretofore done and call to minde the testimonies of God When as we shal bee parched and so dried as that it might seeme wee had not one droppe of life let vs notwithstanding meditate yet more thē euer before we did of the promises of God to the ende we might get vs newe force and strength Now when Dauid had thus spoken he addeth How many are the daies of thy seruant when wilt thou be auenged of them that persecute me The proud haue digged pittes for me which are
monsters to make no account of God nor godlines must we not needs be greeued as Dauid was Let vs know that God wil blesse our crying and groning when we shall haue this godly sorrowe as too see his law thus destroyed and ouerthrown not to bee regarded with that reuerence that it deserueth And yet notwithstanding the contemners of God must one day come to an account when as they shal be mery after another sorte then they shal be assured to make a reckoning for the grones and lamentations of the childrē of God when they do not only vexe the mortall creatures of God but euen the liuing God him self and his holy spirit which dwelleth in vs frō whome all such sighes and grones doe proceede And so when as we lament to see the law of God to be so destroyed by the wicked let vs put them ouer too the iudgement of God before whome they shall make an accounte of all the grones and sighes whiche wee shall haue powred out which they thought by their gibinges and laughinges too strangle and choke For although they treade vnder foote the lawe of God so much as in them lyeth yet the sorrowe and griefe which we abide for it shall ascend into the heauens to cry for vengeaunce of them According to this holsome Doctrine let vs prostrate our selues before the maiestie of our good God in acknowledging our offences beseeching him that it woulde please him to make vs better to feele our miseryes then we haue heretofore felt them yea to the end we may lay them open vnto him and to seeke for remedy where it is too bee founde that is that after this our good God hath inlightened vs in his knowledge that it would please him more and more to increase the brightnesse thereof in vs and so to confirme vs as that wee neuer chaunge from the right way And although we are too withstand a great number of assaultes and that the Deuill neuer ceaseth craftely too goe about infinite wayes too trouble vs yet notwithstanding let vs beseech him too giue vs an inuincible power to resist them vntill such time as we beecome fully Conquerors and bee conioyned vnto him selfe too liue in his kingdome in euerlasting ioy and felicitie The xviii Sermon vpon the hundreth and nineteenth Psalme ZADE. Righteous art thou O Lorde and true in thy Iudgement Thou hast commaunded iustice by thy testimonies and trueth especially My zeale hath euen consumed me because mine enemyes haue forgotten thy words Thy word is proued moste pure and thy seruant loueth it I am small and of no reputation yet doe I not forget thy commaundements Thy righteousnesse is an euerlasting righteousnesse and thy lawe is the trueth Trouble and heauinesse haue taken holde vpon mee yet is my delight in thy commaundements The righteousnesse of thy testimonies is euerlasting graunt me vnderstanding and I shall liue IT is certaine that there is no man but will easily graunte the lawe of God to be bothe good and holy and that wee ought not onely to allowe of it but also to receiue it with all feare and reuerence Notwithstanding there are very few touched with this affection to vnderstand that there is such a perfection in the word of God as that nothing can bee founde therein but all puritie and sinceritie and too be so infallible a trueth a righteousnesse so certaine as possible can not be more certaine and sure But very fewe there are which vnderstand this or at the leaste which are very greatly touched heerewith And therefore it is not without cause that Dauid in this present psalme vseth such a repetitiō that he so highly magnifieth the doctrine which hee hath learned out of the lawe of God to the ende too declare vntoo vs that wee haue greatly profited when wee shall haue such a sauour and iudgement throughly imprinted in our heartes When as I say this righteousnesse this wisedome and this sinceritie which is contayned in the woorde of God shall be very well and throughly knowen vnto vs then may we be able to say with Dauid Righteous art thou O Lord and true in thy iudgements Now as the holy spirite of God speaking by the mouth Dauid hath set down here no superfluous matter but such as he knewe to be profitable for our instruction Let vs also dillgently weigh and consider all the wordes which are heere touched In the first place he sayth Righteous art thou O Lord and true in thy Iudgements We haue already heretofore handled that the iudgements of God in this Psalme are called the commandements of the law which he giueth vnto vs to rule our liues by Euen so when Dauid saith that God is righteous true in his iudgemēts It is asmuch as if he had said That god hath declared what his nature is in his law that we might behold him in it as in a glasse This then is asmuch as if he should haue said O Lord wee haue thine Image truely and liuely pictured and expressed in this doctrine which thou hast deliuered vnto vs in thy law there we see thee to be righteous and also that thou hast commaunded nothing therein which tendeth not to the same ende Wil we thē magnifie God aright We must know him to be such a one as he sheweth himselfe to be by his word not to fashion our selues like vnto a great number of scoffers which wil not stick to say that god is altogither good wise and righteous but yet they wil separate them selues frō his word forge thēselues a God in the aire or else they would bee contented that there were such a medley as that there were no more diuinitie known Now see how god sheweth himself as I haue said by his word We must then if wee intend to cōfesse him to be righteous good true faithfull to giue these cōmendarions vnto his word wherin he hath once for all declared vnto vs his wil. Now after Dauid hath vsed this word righteous he addeth Thou hast commanded iustice by thy testimomes and trueth especially See thē how Dauid handleth it him selfe shewing that the lawe of God is wholy righteous because saith he that it leadeth vs to righteousnes and trueth Now when these two thinges are in it what may we say but that which hath already beene before said What is that It is so far of with a greate number that when they are cōuinced heerof are perswaded in good earnest to say Amen without dessēbling And to proue it to be so how many men shal we see submit thēselues in this point to the trueth of God whereunto he desireth to leade vs by his word How many I say shal we find which wil yeeld thē selues teachable vnto it But contrariwise we shall finde the greatest part cleane contrary It is very true we shal be ashamed yea euen horribly affraid to say that there is any thing in the law of God which is not true iust yet for al