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A17690 Diuers sermons of Master Iohn Caluin, concerning the diuinitie, humanitie, and natiuitie of our Lorde Iesus Christe as also touching his passion, death, resurection, ascention: togeather with the comming downe of the holy Ghoste vpon his Apostles: and the first sermon of S. Peter. The order of which you shall finde in the page ensuing.; Plusieurs sermons touchant la divinité, humanité et nativité de nostre Seigneur Jesus Christ. English Calvin, Jean, 1509-1564.; Stocker, Thomas, fl. 1569-1592. 1581 (1581) STC 4437; ESTC S107259 368,049 418

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of God and humbled WE haue already begunne to treatise and say that although the Gospell shoulde bée published throughout the face of the whole earth yet that it should be very hardly receiued intreated by the greatest number which thing the Prophet hath also so declared to the end the children of God might not bée abashed whenas they sée the faithlesnesse of such as haue had their eares beaten with the doctrine of saluation and yet haue cared no whit at all for the same And is not this a strange kinde of dealing that when God as much as is possible calleth vs vnto himselfe and laboureth so gently and graciously to winne vs that we should peruersly drawe our heades out of the collor as wée say and euen for the very nonce refuse to receiue the benefite thus offered vnto vs A man woulde thinke that this were an impossible thing and yet wée dayly sée it by experience Loe here why it is that the Prophet cryeth out whenas God as it were by the sound of a trūpet would publish his Gospel yet that there should be notwithstanding so fewe beléeuers hée addeth the reason that it was very méete that God should shew forth his power to graunt faith vnto those which naturally would be faithlesse What is the cause that wée sée so many people reiect loath cōceiue so great an hatred against the Gospell had rather be like vnto them which so set thēselues against God then quiethly come néere him What is the cause I say Forsooth nothing els but that we imagine we haue faith tied to our gyrdels Howbeit the Prophet telleth vs another maner of thing for he saith that although god cōmaūded that his word should be published to all both good bad yet worketh hée such a secrete effect in his chosen as if he made thē féele his arme power And therefore let this bée our obseruation that whensoeuer the Gospell is preached it wyll bée but as an vnprofitable sounde vntyll such time as our Lorde sheweth that it is hée him selfe which speaketh neither bestoweth hee this benefite vpon all men Thus wee see the power of GOD to bee hidde from the reprobate and therfore that this priuiledge belongeth but to a few whō he hath chosen adopted to attaine to euerlasting life whenas hée telleth them that the Gospell is the doctrine of saluation and a most infallible trueth whereto they must sticke Thus we sée in summe the meaning of the Prophet in this place Nowe we must heereupō be fensed armed against this obiect which the diuel setteth before our eyes whēas we sée such a mightie number of people withstand the Gospel euen of the greatest and highest in calling for thē we think it as a mā would say not to be the worde of God And why so verily because we depend too too much vpon mē thus we sée howe weake and vnstable our faith is And therefore let vs ouercome the worlde and let vs vnderstand that when God speaketh we must submit our selues vnto him and although none will accompanie vs héerein but bée all against vs yet let vs for al that be contented to receiue with a pure and cleane faith whatsoeuer God speaketh vnto vs. Moreouer to the end we might not be abashed to sée men so wickedly bent as to fight against their God yea euen their Creator Redéemer let vs therefore vnderstande that faith is not giuen to all men but is a singuler gift which God hath reserued as a precious Iewell for his elect and chosen and although we vnderstande that our duetie is to cleaue vnto him yet let vs notwithstanding know that euery of vs hath not faith of our owne proper motion but that God hath inlightened vs made vs sée by his holy spirite and in thus doing hath shewed his power that is to say hath giuē vs such a liuely féeling thereof in our heartes as that we may very wel know that the Gospell is not of men but frō him And this is the effect which we are to consider of out of this place To be short let vs boldly set our selues against the faithlesnes stubbornes of all such as are the enimies of God let vs march on whither soeuer he calleth vs receiue the benefit which he offereth vs to the end we may be found blameles of this vnthākfulnes wherof the Prophet accuseth condēneth héere all such as would not obey the doctrine of the Gospell Nowe héereupon he sheweth that they vouchsafed not to beléeue Iesus Christ because they sée him as a forlorne and cōtemptible man R●m 9.32 1. Pet. 2.8 We know that our Lord Iesus Christ is called the stone of offence and stumbling blocke because the worde stumbled at him And yet God his father gaue him to vs for another vse which is that wée might bée grounded vpon his fauour and grace and as a stone vppon which wee myght all stande because there is none other sure stay but hée And therefore wée stand all in réeling maner and Hell mouth is wide open to swallowe vs vp Thus wée sée that our saluation hath no sure ground worke in this worlde and therefore must we stay our selues vpon our Lorde Iesus Christe Isaiah 8. 14 Wherefore sée why it is saide That he shoulde be placed as a precious stone vpon which the Temple of God shoulde bée built and such a sure stone as shoulde bee able to beare the whole building the Prophet also furder saith that he shoulde be a stumbling stone vnto the kingdome of Iuda and to the house of Israel And according héereunto it is nowe saide that he shal be as A small twigge and as a roote comming out of a dry and barren grounde And that when he should be séene no man shoulde once vouchsafe to looke on him but that euery man shoulde turne away his face from him and abhorre him Wée see nowe that there are but a fewe which will beléeue the Gospel for wée séeke continually to make a goodly outwarde shew and would gladly that all shoulde bée séene and come to light Nowe the dealing of the Lorde God was after another maner when he ment to redéeme vs For as Saint Paule saith because the worlde woulde not benefite it selfe by the wisedome of God whenas he in such sorte shewed himselfe the Creator as that the very beholding of the heauen the earth might haue sufficiently made it to haue come vnto him 1. Cor. 1.21 hee then made an alteration in the worlde and hath vsed as it were a certaine kinde of foolishenesse to teache vs For as I haue saide wée shoulde haue beene taught by the wonderfull wisedome of God which appeared both in the heauens and in the earth vnto the whole worlde but wee haue béen ouer blockishe théerein And therefore God hath vsed a kinde of foolishnesse when as he sent his onely sonne who submitted himselfe to all our infirmities whom the worlde refused
and terrefie the whole worlde and all mankinde that we might worship God with one accorde and bée obedient vnto him But by the way we must be wakened because we are too too blockish and we must also lay aside all arrogācie that wée might be brought to obey his Maiestie séeing wée right well know that we are most miserable and no better then dust and ashes yea our soules also are verie corrupt vntil it pleaseth the Lord to renue them Moreouer when the holie Ghost came downe in such a likenesse to wit in clouen and firie tongues that was the more liuely to expresse vnto vs howe God would worke by the preaching of the Gospell If a man speake his voice vanisheth away in the ayre Rom. 1.16 and dyeth Nowe it is saide that the Gospell is the power of God vnto saluation to all beléeuers What can a sounde which flyeth in the ayre and vanisheth bring vs to the kingdome of heauen There is no man liuing that is able of him selfe to make the least flye that is it is saide That the image of God is repaired in vs ● Pet. 1.23 and that wee receiue this incorruptible séede whereby we might attaine to this heauenly glorie be companions with the Angels be transfigured euen into the glory and immortalitie of our Lorde Iesus Christ and be partakers as S. Peter saieth 2. Pet. 1.4 of the diuine nature And may all this be done by the voice of a man No sure But it is here namely saide that the holie Ghost is linked with an inseparable bonde vnto the word preached For why tooke hée vpon him this shape of tongues Surely there is alwayes some likelihood betwéene the visible signes and th● trueth which is figured in them And therefore we are to consider wherefore the holy Ghost appeared in the fourme of tongues forsooth it was to shew that hée woulde be in the mouthes of the Apostles and woulde giue them whatsoeuer was requisite for the executing of their office and commission and likewise so blesse their labour as that it should not be vnprofitable Nowe we knowe in the first place that the most able man that is to be found cannot vtter one word without the spirit of God gouerneth him And herein God sheweth what we are 1. Cor. 12.3 séeing wée are not able to open our mouthes to speake one word to his glory which shall turne to any purpose without it come from him It must therefore néedes fall out that the spirite of God gouerned the Apostles for els they had become dumbe We sée besides how groase headed they were For they might haue bin more quick and sharpe witted but that God meant to shew vnto vs as in a glasse by their groasenesse what we are vntill such time as he hath enlightned vs with his grace In déed when the Apostles kept company with our Lord Iesus whō they tooke to be their maister they verie soberly obeyed his doctrine But in the meane while what was their knowledge without doubt we sée that they were verie beastes insomuch that when we consider of them howe litle they profited in so good a Schoole their slacknesse should make vs ashamed Howbeit this their dealing hath greatly profited vs For behold they were chaunged in the minute of an houre whereby the grace of God hath shined a great deale the more because wée sée they spake so wonderfull mightely of the secretes of God whereat euerie man was abashed where before it was thought to be nothing Moreouer let vs consider of their power and constancy surely they all quayled and it should séeme that their fayth was dead and of no force For mark how Peter euen one of the chiefest of them villainously forsooke his Maister and yelded himself the bondslaue of Satan Wherefore it was God that must put too his hand because it was impossible for any man to helpe it And so let vs obserue that it was not without cause that the spirite of God appeared in the likenesse of tongues because it was a declaration that God by that meane had allowed and sealed vp the doctrine of the Gospell to the ende we might reuerently and humbly receiue it and not reason from whence it came séeing God hath stretched foorth his arme and declared him selfe to be the Authour thereof And besides it is not without cause that they were clouen and fierie tongues For we know how mankinde had deuided it selfe by the estraunging of it selfe from God And the platforme that was layde for the building vp of the Tower of Babylon Gen. 11 7. was the cause that men vnderstood not one an other nor yet spake one to the other so that they thought that God of verie anger had deuided them Howe falleth it out then that the Apostles hauing been alwayes enclosed as simple and vnlearned people in this corner of Iudea were able to publish the Gospell throughout the worlde if God had not accomplished that which before hee had promised to wit Isaiah 19.18 that all languages and nations should know him In déede it was said that all men should speake the Hebrew tongue that they might agrée together in one true fayth But it is more manifestly set foorth when as it is saide that all the faithfull of what nation soeuer they were should call vpon God with one accord and crye Abba Rom. 8.15 Father notwithstanding their sundry languages Thus we sée how the spirite of God would poure abroad the power of his tongues Ephes 2.14 to the end that all men might call vpon the name of God that we might all be made partakers together of this couenant of saluation which apperteined onely to the Iewes vntill the wall was broken downe And herein we sée the vnspeakeable goodnesse of God in conuerting of yll into good For if we séeke for the cause why there are so many languages in the worlde we must néedes confesse it to be the curse of God and yet herein appeareth his wonderfull fatherly goodnesse and mercy to haue the glad tydinges of euerlasting life to be caried through the world in all languages Thus we sée howe God hath conuerted euill into good And therefore we haue hereby the more to glorifie and blesse his holy name because wee knowe that the diuersitie of tongues haue not letted him to declare vnto all the worlde that hée meaneth to receiue all such as had before estraunged them selues from him and thrust them all as it were into his bosome vntill suche time as hée hath brought them together into the heauenly enheritance And thus much for this Howbeit this were not enough to haue the Gospell preached and to haue God to be knowne all the world ouer without this doctrine had foorthwith power liuely to touch mens heartes that they might be brought to obedience This then was the cause why the fyrie tongues appeared Yea verely For in the first place we had néede to be purged because we are altogether
shall neuer perish as hée himself hath said Iohn 6.39 10.28 Wherfore let vs submit our selues vnto our lord Iesus Christ if we will féele the benefite accomplishment of the thing which S. Luke here speaketh of to our saluation to wit that God doth not onely speake to our eares his voice resounde in the ayre But his doctrine also pearseth our heartes that wée might be so enflamed perboyled renued as that we might cast away the corruptions of this world So that as we would be taken allowed for his people we might in trueth call vpon our God in the name of our Lord Iesus Christ vnto whō we are conioyned to this end that he might perfectly vnite vs vnto God his father And therfore behold why this holy Table is at this present made readie for vs. For as I haue before said we cannot possibly be partakers of any of the graces of the holy Ghost but by being the members of our Lord Iesus Christ Now how can we attain therto without he offer himself vnto vs biddeth vs vpon such a condition as truely ioyneth vs vnto him and he so dwelleth in vs as that whatsoeuer hée hath is oures whereby we might enioy the benefites which were graunted to him in our name Isaiah 11.2 It is said in the prophesie of Isaiah That the spirit of God rested on him howbeit it was not because he had any néed of the same nor yet for his own priuate vse But it was for the benefite of his whole body to wit the whole Church Let vs then know that since the Supper is at this time offred vnto vs that the meaning of our Lord Iesus is that we shoulde séeke all our felicitie in him And because we are very farre from him he of his great goodnesse commeth neare to vs. In very déed hée leaueth not his heauenly glory For we must not thinke that hée descendeth héere below as the Papists imagine to bestowe his body and blood vpon vs But although wée are farre from him yet ceaseth hée not to refresh vs with his body and blood neyther let vs leaue so farre foorth as shall be néedefull for vs to bée perfectly vnited to him Nowe marke why I say perfectly although in very déede hée maketh vs go on in some measure but yet how euer it is let not vs leaue to ioyne our selues to him And let vs vnderstand that hee will not deceiue vs of our hope séeing hee hath declared vnto vs that hée is our head and wée his members and that if wée suffer him to gouerne and guide vs wée shall finde him to bée a good and sure guide and the power of his holy Spirite to bée infinite to defend vs. In the first place then when wée come to this holy Table Let vs vnderstand that it is a secrete surpassing our capacities and therefore wee must héere giue place vnto faith And let vs know that the thing which wée cannot conceiue and vnderstand is notwithstanding accomplished by the secret and inuisible grace of the holy Ghost for sée how we are made partakers of the body blood of our Lord Iesus Christe Moreouer since hée dwelleth in vs and that wée are truly and in déed his body let vs not doubt but that whatsoeuer Isaiah speaketh of the graces of the holy Ghoste they belong and are proper vnto vs In very déede wee receiue not the holy Ghoste perfectly Ephe. 4.7 because there is a measure of the gift according to the saying of Saint Paule and wée must increase in it more more Besides it is not without cause that our Lorde Iesus hath so distributed it to vs by certaine and sure portions and degrées For it is néedefull that his power shoulde bee made perfect in our weakenesse to the end wée might hang alwayes vpon him 2. Cor. 12.9 and carefully call vpon his holy name that wée myght also bée humbled because wee know that there are many things in vs which may be amended Wée see then that wee should vnderstand that Iesus Christ dwelleth not in vaine in vs because hee will effectually witnesse vnto vs that his holy Spirite will powre foorth his power to strengthen vs in him that we might forsake this world and come vnto heauen It is said in that place of Isaiah That the Spirit of wisedome rested vpon him by which hée meaneth to shew that we are nothing but darknesse and miserable blinde foules and in steed of thinking our selues to be both able and skilfull wee shal alwaies peruert and falsifie the trueth of God vntill such time as hée inlightened vs and graunted vs an heauenly cléerenes which commeth not vnto vs either by birth or yet by inheritance And it is said besides that he hath the spirite of the feare of God and al because our desires are so many enimies against the will of God vntill such time as they be refourmed Rom 8.7 and altogether chaunged Besides it is said also that he hath the spirite of power to the ende we might vnderstand our weakenesse so that we coulde not choose but quaile if we were not strengthened from aboue wée shoulde then feele al these things whenas we should come to the receiuing of the testimonie which is héere set downe vnto vs and we should be persuaded that as mortall men distribute the bread and wine euen so will our Lord Iesus worke therein because it is done by his authoritie in his name is no deuised thing of mans braine but that Iesus Christe is the Authour thereof Thus we sée wherunto we must apply this history Moreouer let vs bée so vnited vnto this head as that wee may worship our God with one heart and one mouth and in the meane while let vs ioyne our selues together For it is not said that the apostles ioyned with all in one accord Because al the whole towne of Ierusalem was an enimie vnto them and yet although they were but few in number and a contemptible people they ceased not to persist and ioyne themselues together vnder the Ensigne or banner of God in the name of our Lord Iesus Christ Euen so thē séeing there are such a number of Curre Dogges barking against vs and that the Diuell raiseth vp so diuersly many troubles let vs ioyne our selues together so much the more constantly and let not the bond of our concord bée loosed Rom. 12.18 that wée may by that meane be able to set our selues against Satan all his supporters True it is that we ought generally to séeke for peace with all men without exception For we should loue those which hate and persecute vs and wish them good although they deserue it not and yet wee must be their enimies for otherwise we should separate our selues from Iesus Christe And therefore let vs set our selues against all the world and let vs besides vnderstand that we must forsake our selues to be ioined to our Lorde Iesus Christe and he doth
vs no hurt nor wrong in raysing vp the incredulous people against vs whenas we goe about to make an accord amongst our selues and to ioyne and vnite our selues together in the name of our Lord Iesus Christ and let vs also vnderstand that he alloweth and liketh of our accord and although we are but a handfull of people yet let vs boldly contemne the worlde and all Satans adherents gods enimies And although in respect of them wée are nothing let vs not doubt but that God alloweth of vs and dwelleth amongst vs. At what time that S. Luke described this matter here in this place the Sacrifices were vsed in the Temple as they had béene before time and the Priest was there present in all his dignitie and pontificalibus There was also the common order of all their glorious and glittering shew so that a man would haue thought that God had been tyed to this people Now the holy Ghost descended but vpon one house nay rather but vpon one chamber wherein the poore fearefull Disciples were euen like silly lambes cōpassed about with wolues A man would haue thought that the state of these people was miserable and yet see the holy Ghost appeared vnto this little and simple company Euen so although we at this day be contemptible in the worlde no great number yet let vs not doubt but that the Sonne of God will poure out the power of his holy spirite vpon vs and cause vs to féele his graces so farre foorth as he séeth to bée néedefull and therfore let vs be so cōtented with this inestimable benefit as that we enuie not the prosperity of the vngodly enimies of God and that hee doth vs no wrong that the worlde desp●eth vs and bee taken for rotten mēbers let this bée but as a matter of nothing vnto vs so that we remain vnited and ioyned together I meane in that vnite which we haue by the meane of the Gospell and of our Lord Iesus Christ who is the fountaine of all goodnesse and life and in whom also is all perfect ioy Now let vs fall downe before the Maiestie of our good God and acknowledge our offences beséeching him to forgiue vs them to correct vs for them wholy to rid vs of them And so let vs al say O Almightie God and heauenly Father c. The second sermon of the descending of the holy Ghoste Actes 2. 13 OThers mocking saide These men are full of newe wine 14 But Peter standing forth with the eleuen lift vp his voice and said vnto them Yee men of Iury and all yee that dwell at Ierusalem be this known vnto you and heare my wordes 15 For these are not drunken as yee suppose seeing it is but the third houre of the day Ioel. 2.28 16 But this is that which was spoken by the Prophete Ioell 17 And it shall come to passe in the laste daies saith God that I will powre out my spirite vpon all fleshe and your sonnes and daughters shall Prophesie and your young men shall see visions and your olde men shall dreame dreames THese wordes which Saint Luke hath héere set down in the beginning of this percell of Scripture serue for a notable example of the wickednes and vnthankefulnesse of men For beholde how the Apostles who were very wel knowne to bée plaine countrie men of base estate spake diuers and sundry forreine tongues and languages excellently handling the true religion and declaring the saluation which was in Christe Iesus Nowe this thing in déede was sufficient to haue caused thē who heard it spoken of many dayes after to fall into a great admiration and therefore it could not be chosen but that they which presently beholde with their owne eares heard them speake must néedes bee stirred vp to bée brought to the true obedience of the worde Howbeit they would not acknowledge the workes of God whereby they ought to haue magnified and glorified him but euen made a iest at them Well this fault was not onely in the worlde at those dayes but wee may sée it also in this our age For God worketh so mightily and effectually alwaies as that wee are no way able to comprehend his doings and yet for all that wee are no whit moued to thanke him for them but especially for that great benefite of calling vs to the knowledge of his Gospell which hée hath largely bestowed vpon vs. But cōtrariwise do we not see a rabble of scoffers mocke and iest at the wordes of the Lorde and make as great an account of preaching as if it were an olde wiues tale tolde vnto them In which their doing beare they that reuerence vnto the worde of God which they ought without all doubt no. Notwithstanding although there bée a great number of suche scoffers as neither profite by the word of God nor yet by his miracles as some such there were in the cōpany of the Apostles yet let vs not be any whit offended at them but continue firme and constant least we fall into the like condemnation for the contempt of the wonderfull works of God for our not honouring of him as hée ought And this is a good obseruation for vs in the first place Now S. Luke saith that Peter in the behalfe of all the Apostles shewed that the scoffers and contemners of God were greatly ouershot to scorne and iest at such a myracle which they manifestly saw before their eies and that they ought not to haue attributed it vnto any such drunkennesse wherof they accused the Apostles For he saith Yee men of Iewry and all yee that dwell at Ierusalem bee this knowne vnto you and heare my wordes for these are not drunken as yee suppose seeing it is but the thirde houre of the day We haue héere first of all to obserue that the men in olde time reckoned the houres otherwise then we doe For they made the first houre to begin at the rising of the Sun and so they had alwaies twelue houres from the Sunne rising vnto the going downe thereof and as the daies grew lōger or shorter euen so made they their houres Moreouer they deuided the day into four quarters to wit the first quarter beganne at the first houre and continued vntill the third the second from the thirde houre vnto the sixte the thirde from sixe to nine and the fourth from nine vnto twelue So that the sixt houre was as it were noone and the third was betwixt eight and nine in the morning as wée reckon Let vs now come to the reason which S Peter brought by which hée shewed that they were not drunke as the Iewes thought For it is as much as if hée had saide It is nowe about the thirde houre of the day and that is as I haue alredy saide betwixt eight and nyne in the morning and therfore it is not likely that men would bée drunke at that time of the day and such men especially which gaue themselues to serue
wée might bée the better confirmed in this doctrine let vs note that when our Lorde Iesus prayed hée did not onely pray for himselfe and for his owne behoofe but hath so consecrated all our petitions and prayers as that they are sanctified and allowed of God according to his heartes desire as is saide in Iohn Iohn 17. Hée was sanctified that wée might bée sanctified in him And this may also bee a very good conclusion for vs. That hee prayed because his prayer is auaileable and strong euen at this day by meane whereof wée are all hearde And this reason wée are highly to estéeme of when hée saith that the spirite is ready but the fleshe weake which declareth vnto vs that wée haue all néede of that remedy which hée héere ordeined for his Disciples For many thinke that if they bee neuer so little well disposed that they haue gotten all the worlde and this supposall in very déede maketh them nothing worth And héereby they become soone after so idle and colde as that they fall from GOD and contemne his ayde which is the cause also why God many times withdraweth him self hideth his power For it is good reason that when men truste too much vnto them selues they should bée left to their owne willes that GOD might scorne their arrogant and foolish imagination Wherefore to the end both great and small might knowe and vnderstande that they ought not lightly to passe ouer the helpe of God and the graces which they haue receiued of him hée must therefore alwayes continue and increase that in them which hée hath giuen vnto them that they might be made strōg It is said here that the spirit is readie c. That is to say that although wée féele some willingnesse in our selues and that God hath set vs in the right way and giuen vs his hande so that wée may finde by very good proofe that hée guideth vs by his holy spirite Although I say we haue all this yet must we not bée slacke in praying And why so Because if we well consider the matter wée are no better then a puft of winde Now no doubt of it wée shall finde many remnants of infirmities in vs although god hath alredie so holpē vs as that we are highly to thanke him and to magnifie his goodnesse yet is it good reason wée shoulde stoupe and cast downe our heads and sée in very déed that if hée forsake vs wée shall soone I say not onely be weakened but bée vtterly ouerthrowne To be short our Lorde Iesus Christe his meaning héere is to shewe that the most perfect and forewarde of those vpon whom God hath enlarged the graces and vertues of his holy spirite must notwithstanding humble themselues and carefully and fearefully walke and call vpon God euery houre that they might knowe that it is not enough for him to haue begunne except hée make it perfect and that all goodnesse commeth from him so that when hée hath giuen a good minde hee must eftsoones graunt the perfourmance thereof Forsomuch as perseuerance is the most speciall and rarest gift that may be And thus we sée whereunto the exhortation of our Lorde Iesus tendeth Now if they who call themselues spirituall to wit who haue a feruent zeale to serue GOD and still haue recourse vnto his Maiestie with Prayers and supplications are yet so weake as that they may bee ouerthrowne euen in the minute of an houre except they continually call vpon GOD Howe shall they then doe who are so earthly and heauie as is lamentable insomuch as they are not able to traile their legges after them and haue scarsely any good motion or yet one good thought howe greatly ought these men I say in respect of the rest inforce themselues Let euery man therefore examine himselfe and wée shall finde our selues to bée so cold and blockishe as when any question shall bée mooued of praying vnto God wee goe to it sometimes more for a fashion then for any affection and loue we haue thereto when we see this to be in vs let vs learne to bée displeased with such a vice and with such a coldnesse yea let vs detest such a corruption and doe our best to call vpon God and lift vp our mindes vnto heauen and séeke for the remedie which is héere set before vs Thus wee see in effect what it is that we must remember For where it is saide that the Disciples were a sléepe the thirde time yea although they were so liuely stirred vp ouer and besides that which we haue this morning spoken of to wit that we right well see that our Lorde Iesus Christe chose vnto him no companion for the helping of him to finishe the worke of our saluation Let vs also behold our dulnesse for it is most certaine that wée haue no more ablenes then these thrée of whō mention is héere made and yet were they the most notable men of all the company and those whom Iesus Christe had marked as it were to bee the very floure of the twelue for the publishig of the Gospell throughout the worlde And although héere was already neuer so good a beginning yet for all that wée sée howe weake they were And this is set downe to this ende that we should altogether haue recourse vnto the Sonne of God and seeke for our want in him and not to bee faint hearted whenas we shall féele suche weaknesse in our selues In very déede the example of the Apostles must not giue vs occasion to flatter ourselues as many there are which wil say that they may very well sléepe because that Peter Iohn and Iames stept But let vs be angrie with our selues for our sinnes and know that our Lorde Iesus is ready to receiue vs if that wée will come vnto him Moreouer this hath alwayes béene the most speciall reason which wee haue declared this morning That what soeuer is in men must néedes bée weake to the ende wee might knowe that in him is the accomplishment of our saluation whom God had appointed to bée our Mediator And besides wée are to note that the néerer wée come vnto our Lorde Iesus Christe wée ought then to bée most watchfull For the worldlinges and such as God hath cut of as rotten members and forsaketh thē neuer haue any great conflict Because the Diuell hath alreadie dominion ouer them And therefore wée see that they may sléepe at pleasure But as our Lorde Iesus sheweth vs this fauour to call vs vnto himselfe and familiarly to come néere vs euen so likewise doeth Satan prepare combates for vs because hée woulde retire vs from the obedience of the sonne of God And therefore I say when hée séeth vs in any good towardnesse then doeth hée most roughly assaile vs. Wherefore let euery man make readie himselfe knowing whereunto God hath called him and what his charge is This then is the summe of that we are to kéepe in minde Moreouer where it is said Sleepe hence
humblinge them selues and to bee repentaunt are so much the more infected and poysoned prouokinge eftsoones the wrath of God and driuing him into an hoat burning flame to consume them therin and all this we sée And therefore let vs looke vpon these two théeues as the mirrors of all the worlde for from hte hyest to the lowest wee are all gultye before the Lorde Yea and yf we all suffered this together what is hee that might bragge of his innocencye or who is hee that coulde purchase his pardon Wherefore séeinge wee are ouer head and eares in condemnation wee iustly suffer for our sinnes and yet we wyll not all alyke graunt it because there are some as we haue said which waxe rather worse and there rebellion agaynst God is openlye séene For they gnashe their téeth spewe out their rage and crueltie and will neuer agrée to this condemnation or els they take the bit in their mouthes and shewe them selues so stubborne as that they wyll not stick to saye that God shall winne nothing by it nor yet haue the masterie of them Now let vs conclude that when miserable sinners acknowledge their sinnes and be humbled and confesse the debt giuinge glory to God declaring also that he handleth thē iustlye and rightlye and that it is good reason they should be so chastised when I say wretched sinners be drawne to this reason let vs vnderstand that God hath put to his hande and touched them with his holy spirit that we may sée his wonderful infynit goodnes whēas he pulleth those out of destruction and hell whose case before was as it were desperat In sūme we sée in the person of this miserable théefe so excellent an example of faith as neuer was séene And therfore we should be so much the rather rauished with such a miracle as thē God wrought for in what state stoode he Beholde he was nie his death hée suffered horrible tormentes he looked to haue his bones to be crushed and broken and to be dismembered whiche was so sharppe and terrible a torment as that it was euen enough to haue made him haue lost both sence and memorye hee sawe also our Lorde Iesus who most flaunderouslye was to be hanged there as well as him selfe and yet sée what wordes he vsed for he doth not onely acknowledge his sinnes for the humblinge him selfe before God he doth not onely vse the office of a teacher to bring home his companyon and to set him in the right way but maketh suche a confession as is more worth then all the rest if we consider well the circumstances I beseeche thee saieth hée remember mee whenas thou commest into thy kingdome How was it possible that he could conceiue that Iesus Christ had a kingdome for hee was hanged on trée and cursed of God and men For this sayinge of the lawe was spoken by the mouth of God cursed is hee that hangeth on tree Deut. 21.23 Galat. 3.13 Neither dyd this come to passe by chaunce as we commonly say that God put his onely sonne to it And therefore when he sée Iesus Christ to be there accursed both before God and men yea as one throwne downe into a desperat case as farre as mans reason could reach vnto hee had not such a stayed brayne to say that Iesus Christ was a Kinge without hee had spoken it in faith and in spirit For he saw such thinges as might haue made him decline from the son of God to haue made him thus conclude that it was but an abuse mockery to trust in him and yet he called him king whē he sée him ready to dye I beseeche thee sayeth hee saue mee and graunt mée lyfe For it thou wilt remember mée that is all the blessednesse that I desyre Now when wee shall well consider of these circumstances without all doubte the faith of this théefe was so excellent and great as that neuer any man that euer lyued had the lyke And therefore let not vs be a shamed to be his disciples for to say the trueth the death of our Lord Iesus Christ wyll neuer stande vs in any stead except we condemne our selues that we might be saued through him neither will God euer pardon vs without wee confesse our selues to be most wicked filthy Since then it is so that we are guiltie before God and that our owne cōsciences doo iudge and condemne vs let vs not be a shamed to folow this théefe his steps séeing he may be a good Scholemaster vnto vs. And because our Lord Iesus is ascended now into heauen and hath taken possession of the glory which God his father hath giuen him Phil. 2.10 to the end euery knée might bow vnto him let vs not doubt to put our selues wholy into his custody cōclude say loe wherin lieth our felicity to wit the Iesus Christ is mindful of vs gouerneth vs because he was ordayned to be our shepheard he wil be watchful ouer our saluation that we might be safe sure vnder his hand and protection Moreouer let vs learne paciently to beare the miseries of this present life so that it maketh not vs decline from comming vnto our Lord Iesus Christ For we sée here that the théefe was heard and yet was hee faine to abide and harde and terrible death Let vs therefore so estéeme of the spirituall grace which is giuen vs by our Lord Iesus Christ and which is dayly offred vnto vs by the preaching of the Gospell as that it may make vs ouercome all the anguishes griefes domages troubles and temptations which any way may come vnto vs so that all our afflictions might be mitigated because we know that they shal all turne to our benefit and welfare through the grace of our Lord Iesus Christ And this is it which we are here to obserue And besides let vs here to ioyne the the answere of our Lord Iesus Christ when he promised that hée should be that day with him in Paradise For although our Lord Iesus was not as yet risen from death nor had not accomplished all that was requisit for our redemption and saluation yet had hée alreadie powred abroad the power fruit of his death and passion True it is that the fulfilling of all rested in the resurrection But since it is conioyned with his death and passion and that we know he suffred in the weaknesse of his flesh euen so is he risen again by the vertue of his spirit and as he suffred for our sinnes that wée might be made frée before God so likewise rose he againe for our iustification Nowe when we knowe all this I say let vs with so much the more bold courage come frankly vnto him not doubt but that whē he pleaseth to remember vs and hide vs vnder the shadow of his winges that we may be able to stande against Satan death and al miseries glory in our weaknesse And although we be in the sight of the world
before saide after the example of Dauid My God my God why hast thou forsaken mée Euen so likewise taketh hée at this present the prayer which Dauid made in the one and thirtie Psalme Into thy handes I commend my spirite In very déede Dauid saide these wordes when he was in the middest of all his dangers Psal 31.6 as if hée shoulde haue saide O Lorde I beséeche thée receiue mée into thy protection for my soule is as it were in my hands is there euen at randon for I sée how I am thrust out to all hazardes and my life hangeth as by a thréed and therefore thou must protect mée Wée sée héere then that Dauid by this prayer made God his protector and yet gaue hée not ouer but still called on him whenas he was at the point of death alwayes assuring himselfe that God woulde saue his chosen not only in defending thē héere in this worlde but also when hée calleth them vnto himselfe For the chiefest regarde that God hath on vs is this that when hée hath taken vs out of this worlde hee hideth vs vnder his winges that we might inioy his presence 2. Cor. 5.8 according to the saying of Saint Paule to the Corinthes For when our Lorde Iesus made this prayer hée sheweth that he died quietly whenas he ouercame all the combates which hee susteined for vs and triumpheth in our behalfes both for our profite and for our saluation And a none after he declareth by the same meanes that God is his Sauiour kéepeth his soule as a sufficient pledge For this much his request imported when he said My God thou shalt preserue my soule euen when I am dead When our Lorde Iesus speaketh after this sort it is as muche as if hée assured vs all that wee cannot doe amisse in submitting our selues vnto our GOD séeing that hée for the defending of vs vouchsafeth to take the charge of vs and that we shall neuer perish vnder his hand Now we haue eftsoones to consider that when Iesus Christ saide Into thy handes O Lorde I commend my spirite that hee obteined this priuiledge which Saint Stéeuen gaue him in the seuenth of the Acts Acts. 7.59 which is hée was made the preseruer of all our soules For what was it that S. Stéeuen saide when hee went to his death Forsooth these were his wordes Into thy hands O Lorde I commende my spirite And héere wée sée that Saint Stéeuen shewed the benefite of the request which Iesus Christe made to wit that wée may nowe come vnto him and that wee ought to doe so declaring that since God his Father had made him a Shephearde for vs that wee shoulde not doubt but to bée at peace come life come death knowing that all shall bee for our profite and turne to our benefite and as Saint Paule saieth that when hee had Iesus Christe hee had riches enough Phil. 1.21 and cared neither for life nor death for all shoulde be gayne vnto him Wherfore let vs nowe learne that when death shall assaile vs that Iesus Christe hath broken the sting which might haue stoong vs deadly to the heart and that death shall no longer hurte vs and that when our Lorde Iesus yéelded vp his Spirite vnto God his Father it was not onely to haue it conserued in his owne person but that hee myght haue this Priuiledge that ours might bee preserued eftsoones by the power of this request whenas wee shall come vnto him as vnto one vnder whose protection we cannot peryshe as hee himselfe declareth And this is that triumph wherof wee haue spoken which alreadie profiteth vs. For our Lorde Iesus sheweth howe precious his death is when as hee went so fréely vnto his Father as that wee might bee brought vnto him and to shewe vs the way But the principall point is this that wee might vnderstande what benefite wée receiue thereby because he hath cancelled the Obligation that was against vs that hée hath so purchased full satisfaction for our sinnes as that wee may bee bolde to come before God his Father so that death it selfe is no way able to harme nor hurt vs. And although wee see many thinges in vs which might make vs afearde through the féeling of our miseries let vs not for all that cease to glory in him who so abased himselfe for vs to the ende hée myght rayse vs vp with himselfe And although there is nothing in vs but shame and rebuke yet séeing that Iesus Christe hung vpon the Crosse God woulde haue him by the mouth of Pilate to bee called a King And so although the kingdome of our Lorde Iesus Christe is nothing estéemed of héere in this worlde yet let vs account it to bée the foundation of all our glory and let vs also vnderstande that although wée be put to shame vnder his conduct yet that wee haue whereof to reioyce because our estate shall be alwayes blessed forsomuch as that whatsoeuer miseries afflictions and rebukes wée shall abide are more honorable and precious before God then all the Scepters pompes and the most honourable thinges wherein wée take any pleasure and delight Thus wée sée how wee must come vnto our Lorde Iesus Christe and so stick vnto him as that we might vnderstand of what valure the riches are which he bringeth vs but especially when hée guideth vs by his Gospell let vs forsake all the commodities and pleasures of this world and also abhorre them whenas they shal withdrawe vs frō the right way To be short let our Lord Iesus haue the honor which he deserueth let not vs for our parts be like vnto Réedes carried with euery wind but being established in him let vs call vpon God we shall haue victory ouer life death ouer which he hath alreadie triumphed And besides let vs whiles we are yet in this worlde yéeld him this honour to wit euen to acknowledge that he is our defender which he will do whenas we truly come vnto him neither wil he I say doe it after an ordinary maner but euen myraculously For although death shoulde cast vs downe headlong yet is it his office to drawe vs out of it and guide vs vnto the heauenly inheritance which he so dearely hath purchased for vs. Let vs nowe fall downe before the Maiestie of our good God acknowledge our offences beséeching him that hee will make vs féele them otherwise then we haue done And that we might bee so touched with the lothing of them as that we might returne vnto our God with heartie repentance And not for a day onely but to cōtinue it with sighing and groning And although we shall beheld within this prison of bondage yet let vs alwayes lift vp our harts vnto the heauens and come familiarly vnto our God since he is so enclined to mercy and calleth vs of his owne accord without tarrying till wée séeke him And when wée see that our Lorde Iesus doeth not onely come néere vs to
foolishe glorious woman who woulde faine haue séene her children in some glistringe earthly tryumph But beholde she saw héere a farre other manner of Schole for she saw our Lorde Iesus Christ hanging vpon the Crosse so shamfully and reprochefully as that all the worlde was against him and there honge as if God had cursed and forsaken him And thus wée see that when we shall bee brought vnto such a shame as that our mindes shal be terrifyed with feare gréefe that God then taketh from vs all earthly affections to the ende we might not be hindered from lifting vp our mindes vnto heauen and to the spirituall lyfe wherunto we must attaine Which we shall neuer be able to come vnto except we be cleansed of al whatsoeuer kepeth vs back héere below Thus we sée what we are to consider of touchinge these women Iho. 19.26 And yet for all that the meaning is not but that there were men also for we know that our Lord spake vnto Iohn and commēded his mother vnto him But the intent purpose of the holy ghost was to set héere such a mirror or glasse before vs to the ende we might vnderstand that it was God who guided these women by his holy spirit by which hee would set forth his power and grace by choosinge in mennes iudgementes suche féeble and weake instrumēts The like was also seene in Nicodemus and in Ioseph Indéede S. Matthew S. Luke and S. Marke make mētion of none but of Ioseph because it was he that came to Pilat thervpon Nicodemus tooke hart when hee sée himselfe to haue so good a guide True it is that Nicodemus was a Doctor of great estimation and Ioseph of Arimathea was a riche man and of hie calling and a Counsailor also as héere it is said But yet let vs sée whether their zeale was such as that they would geue their liues for our Lorde Iesus Christ or not and whether they had in their life time forsaken their houses to follow him No no but when it came to that that they must giue theyr liues it was God that stirred them therto cleane contrary to all worldly iudgement Héere then we sée that God hath made a straunge and wonderfull alteration in geuing this bouldnesse to Ioseph and Nycodemus that they feared not the rage of the people when they came to bury our Lorde Iesus Christ Before time Nycodemus came in the night for feare of being euill spoken of and yet when it was growne euen now to the worst Ioh. 3.2 he burieth him And therfore it cannot be chosen but that God gaue him a new harte for he came before closely there was no darknesse dark ynough considering his fearefullnesse and cowardize if God had not corrected this fault in him To be short we see what good the death of our Lorde Iesus Christe hath done in that he then powred out the graces of his holy spirite vpon these wretched people who neuer before durst declare their faith nor yet render a reason thereof Wherefore they doe not onely confesse it with their mouth but that which they did sheweth that they had rather bee accounted cursed before the worlde then that they would not be the disciples of our Lorde Iesus Christ and so the thing which they had before obteined to wit the free saluation which was set before them And héere we also sée why it is namely said that Ioseph looked for the kingdome of God Now by these woordes wée are tolde that God hath forsaken vs and we are banished his kingdome vntyll such time as hée gathereth vs vnto himselfe as his people in the name of our Lorde Iesus Christe Wherefore wée sée how miserable our estate is vntill our Lorde Iesus calleth vs vnto himselfe to consecrate vs vnto God his father And if this benefite bée taken away from vs cursed and confounded are we Nowe this then was a wonderfull power strength to waite for the kingdome of God because the Iewes were made Bastards vnto it and in the opinion of the worlde the occasions therof were very great For the Prophets had foretold that at the returne of the people out of Babylon Agge 2.10 that God woulde become such a redéemer vnto them that his kingdome should florish most honorably that the temple should be built more gloriously then euer before it was that they should inioy al the pleasures that might be lead a most blessed life that all men should be in quiet no talk be had but of reioysing in God of blessing his name and of yéelding him praise thansgiuing And this is it which the Prophets promised But how fared it with the people Forsooth their neighbours dyd eate drinke thē vp they gréeued vexed them there was such tyranny vsed as that innocēt blood was spilt throughout al the towne the booke of the law burnt euery man forbidden vpon paine of death not once to read it such cruelties cōmitted as were horrible The temple also was altogether polluted And what became of the house of Dauid Forsooth it was cut cleane downe at last the whole state became worse worse And therfore no maruel although so rude a people so giuen ouer to all their desires lustes had not almost fallen from the true religion and béen cleane out of heart because we sée that the number of those which paciently suffered Luk. 2.25.36 Mat. 2.19 and were constant in faith were very rare and fewe And of this number were Simeon Anna the Prophetesse and Ioseph But what The holy Ghost setteth downe vnto vs in so great a multitude amongest the Iewes and in a countrie so notably peopled foure or fiue as a thing which was not ordinary and witnesseth that it were they onely who looked for the kingdome of God and it was to this end that we might learne that when things were confounded in a desperate case that we should then looke stedfastly vpon God And because his trueth is infallible vnchangeable let vs bée constant vnto the end ouercome all troubles offences and griefes of the world neither let vs when we sigh grone cease to go on whither our Lord calleth vs which is let vs paciently abide vntyll his kingdome bée established in vs and in the meane while let it suffice vs that hée hath giuen vs a pawne from his holy Spirite by which hee witnesseth vnto vs our frée adoption And therefore when God sheweth that hee taketh vs for his children and engraueth the same in our heartes by his holy Spirite and besides when wée haue the doctrine of the Gospell dayly sounding in our eares Let our faith be confirmed and let vs not slyde albeit all thinges were so confounded as could not be possibly be more wished And thus wee sée what it is that we haue to consider of out of this place Wee are also to note the thing that Saint Iohn reciteth before our Lord
power was in him to blot out all our iniquities at once let vs bouldly runne vnto his death and passion and not doubt but that it wil alwayes haue this strength in it as to reconcile vs vnto God Now the life wherinto our Lorde Iesus Christ entred is heauenly for it was such a perfect condition as could not be amended And when S. Paul saieth that he liueth vnto God it is as muche as that he is now cleane exempt from all our miseries and from the condition that hée had before taken which was to become a mortall man Wherefore Iesus Christ hath discharged al this geare and is now rid of all humaine frailenesse to the end that we which are his members might hope for the like in our selues And so let vs in the first place note that the Prophet hath héere declared that our Lorde Iesus Christ rose not agayne to bée any more subiect to death but hath purchased euerlasting life In the 2 place we haue to learne that this was not done onely for himselfe but also for all his whole Church For when it said by the Psalmist that God was exalted and tooke the spoyle of his enemies this is to shewe that when our Lord Iesus christ was lifted vp after his death that it all turned to the common benefit welfare of his Churche Psal 68.19 The ouercomming then of Satan and of sinne was to this end that we might be deliuered of them and enioy the fruit of such a conquest and therein triumph This then is the very effect of that whiche we haue to learne out of this place Now the whole substance of the matter is this that wée might vnderstand how to apply it rightly vnto our owne vse And therfore when it is saide that the son of God was lifted vp from out of anguish condemnation let vs learn that when we are moued to become desperat to set Iesus Christe before our eies since we know that he hath passed the course that God his father stretched out his hand vnto him that he might not be oppressed all which was done for our sakes Wherfore we haue a very good way to come out of our angushes and paines so long as we haue Iesus Christ for our Captaine and follow his steps because that whatsoeuer was accomplished in him as being our heade belongeth to vs and the effect thereof will appeare in euery faithfull man And when his age is spoken off it is to this end that we might vnderstande that hee will bee of power able to defende his Church euen vnto the ende for he will not be deuided from his body In very déede our estate and condition differeth greatly from his vntill such time as wée be taken out of this world but in that he is the first borne of the dead he is also the first fruits of all those which shall rise againe Let vs then vnderstande 1. Cor. 15.20 Coll. 1.18 that because the Sonne of God is not onely in his owne essence or being and in his deuine maiestie immortall but also in his flesh and humaine nature that it is to this end that his church might be alwaies preserued in this world neuer ●ecay True it is we shal sée great troubles and indéede a man would think many times that the church of God should vtterly perish for if there arise neuer so small a tempest the surges will by and by be so mightie horrible as that a mā would say all were lost cleane dasht And this is so common a thing as may be For what outwarde shew of maintenaunce can there be to the church of God whēas it is assailed thus on al hands must it not néedes be thought that it cannot be but vtterlye ouerthrowne whenas it is thus wonderfully assaulted howbeit this is the truth of it we must be faine to resort to our head Wherfore since the age of our Lord Iesus is without end and that all the changes in the world cannot stay him from hauing a very good eye vnto his church although the temptations were farre greater and more violent then they are yet let not vs shrink at the matter And this is not to be applied only to the whole company of the faithful but also to euery one of vs. And therefore let vs vnderstand and be throughly perswaded that although our Lyfe be but a blast we ready euery minute to vanish away yet notwithstanding that we haue a lyfe which lasteth for euer because we are the members of our Lorde Iesus Christ Moreouer let vs eftsoones learne to walk through this world since this is not our life which we héere presently enioy but a pilgrimage which we must passe on quickly vntil such time as we haue come vnto our quiet enheritance Thus we sée that in hoping for euerlasting life wee must forsake all this which is but a shadow not suffer our sences to be ēfolded in that which we openly sée and may occasion vs to tarry stil héere in this world for surely as many as haue their mindes set héere on this lyfe without doubt doo thereby seperate themselues from the sonne of God and are vnworthy to haue any part or portion with him in his euerlasting kingdome And therfore let vs forsake this world if we wil ioyne our selues vnto the son of god Furthermore because this doctrine might take the better holde of vs the prophet cryeth out he saieth not that the age of our Lord Iesus Christ shall be onelye euerlasting but casteth it out as a man meruelously abashed saying Who shall be able to number his yeares Wherfore we are admonished to striue against all temptations although we be some times hindred this way and that be as it were cast downe wtout mouing yet let vs resist with much to doo enforce vs vntill such time as wée haue attained vnto this which is héere shewed vs to wit the mans reason is not able to vnderstande nor yet any mouth able to expresse the age of our Lord Iesus And for the bringing of this matter about we must be also very wel aduertised to surmoūt all our thoughts whēas we fal in reasoning of putting our trust in our lord Iesus Christ folow him for the partaking of the heauēly enheritaunce which he hath purchased for vs. Neither must we stick to our own opinion and fantasy whenas this doctrine shal be well treated of as if it were to bée debated by words But let vs know this that although our faith hangeth vpon hearing yet shall it neuer haue through assurance except it receiue such a testimony from God and from his holy spirite as surpasseth whatsoeuer the tong of man is able to expresse For this cause must wée not dwell in our owne vnderstandinges and iudge as we thinke best but let vs know that it is a wonderfull and an in comprehensible secret the the sonne of God became a mortall man and subiect to death that
vntill such time as wee are wholly vnited vnto Iesus Christ And in déede we knowe that although God enlightneth vs with his holie spirite and we haue a desire to walk in his feare and acknowledge his goodnesse wherevnto wee trust yet are our infirmities so many as is lamentable and we are to fight against a number of temptatiōs wherwith we are oftentimes ouercome What shall become then of all this geare Is it enough that wée haue entred No no But wée must vnderstande that our lyfe is a way and we must still be going on vntill wee be come vnto our Lorde Iesus Christ And so must the kingdome of God more and more encrease vntill wée are quite rydde of sinne For wée daily haue experience enough héereof although we are a great way of from being vnited to God as we ought Wherefore this is a token that God reigneth not in vs as hée shoulde For if he did all our power and force woulde bende it selfe that way Contrariwise wée féele euen as great rebellion as may be when as wée woulde goe about to doe that whiche God teacheth vs. Séeing then we in such sort stande against God and his iustice it is a signe that hée ruleth not vs peaceably For all that euer we haue euen without our bellies as we say should goe that way that the glorie of God might appeare and shine throughout Contrariwise we sée that there is nothing in vs euen from the toppe to the toe but horrible rebellion ● Cor. 15.18 And thus we may sée that the kingdome of God is not accomplished Wherefore we are admonished to goe on vntill such time as God is all in all to wyt we should be so full of him as that we should be emptie of our selues namely we shoulde be vncloathed of this bodie be raysed vp into that glory which is promised vs. The spéech then which our Lord Iesus Christ had with his Apostles of the kingdome of God tended to this end that wée shoulde forsake our selues and ouerthrow whatsoeuer is oures and that Iesus Christ might set vp his Throne and guide vs so that we might be altogether agréeable vnto his righteousnes seeke only to folow him as our soueraigne and liege Lord King And all this is spoken to vs. Why so Forsooth because the Apostles were not taught onely for them selues but for vs. And therefore let this be a note vnto vs that whensoeuer the Gospel is deliuered vnto vs it is to this end that we should be readie to leaue this world to wit al the wicked affections and vanities that are in vs which kéepe vs back here below For we must be wholly chaunged God must giue vs a new life Thus we sée how it is that the Gospell must doe good to the end it might be indéed the verie kingdome of God beare such authoritie with vs as is méete And by the way God calleth vs not vnto him meaning to kéepe vs alwayes in one state but will continually pricke vs on vntill he hath brought vs to perfection making vs to vnderstande that this present life is like a Sea full of all miseries thus we sée howe Iesus Christe bendeth him selfe to bring vs vnto the heauenly kingdome after we are once entred into the kingdome of God in this world It is saide That he forbad them going from Ierusalem vntill such time as they had receiued the promise of God And all this was spoken for the building vp of our Fayth For we sée howe necessarie it is for vs to be assured and resolued of this point to wyt that men deuised not the doctrine of the Gospell but that God sent it from heauen And therfore this ought to be put out of all doubt What would then become of it if it were not throughly declared and verified vnto vs that Iesus Christ in such sort sent his Apostles and were not ledde by their owne motion counsell or will but sent by God who taught them their lesson and vnderstood not of their owne witts this doctrine but by the holie Ghost And therefore the wordes of Saint Luke are here to bée well marked that hée handled this doctrine oftentimes amongst them to the ende they might be the better instructed therein and not runne at randon Ouer and besides this it is saide that they must néedes be enlightened with the holie Ghost that they might bée quite voide of all worldly wisedome and that it might be knowne that their doctrine was the verie word of God Let vs therfore marke this well that our Fayth may alwayes cleaue vnto God as a fast Anker holde For wée shall finde nothing in the Creatures but shall flyt away lyke water and therfore it were an yll foundation to builde our Fayth on them but when we shall builde it vpon God it shall not be subiect to réele this way and that but shall stande fast and sure And héere wée sée why the Apostles were forbidden to departe from Ierusalem vntill they had receiued the holie Ghost Nowe by this we sée their obedience For in mans reason they might haue somewhat replyed and saide What Are not we the Apostles of God haue not we authoritie to preach his worde Are not we able to execute our charge They had some shewe why they might thus haue saide For to what purpose had God iustified them in this charge without they might doe it But they knew well enough that it was he whom they must obey For cursed is that man who trusteth in him selfe to doe any worke before God putteth him forwarde to doe it And contrariwise when God sendeth him hée must not striue against it but say Loe here am I Lorde employ mée as pleaseth thée And thus we sée howe Saint Luke sheweth that the Apostles obeyed Iesus Christ when as he forbad them to depart from Ierusalem vntill suche time as God had perfourmed his promise vnto them And herein we sée that the grace of the holy Ghost had alredie wrought in them For not long before they were clean out of the way they had forsakē their Maister they knew nothing what the assistance sauegard of God ment and suffred Satan to disperse them abroad But what when as God had once graunted them the grace to vnderstande his voyce and meaning hée néeded not but to haue beckened his finger and they woulde haue obeyed him And if he had forbidden them any thing they would not haue attempted it But contrariwise when he commaunded them to goe neither fyre nor water coulde staye them Thus then wee sée that it is God whiche must worke in vs to bring vs vnto such a subiection For els when he would say retyer we would goe on and when he woulde byd vs march on Num. 14.3 40. we woulde goe backe Nowe héere we sée what our nature is And this notable myrror haue wee euen in the Iewes For if we reade howe they behaued them selues after they were deliuered out of
vseth these tearmes yet doeth he it only to fit himself vnto the time wherin he was because we shuld not say but that we haue a greater measure of knowledge For to say truely GOD neuer shewed himselfe so manifestly in the olde Testament as hée hath nowe doone to vs by Iesus Christe For where God had appointed the offerings to bée sacrificed in the old Lawe which were but figures and shadowes to bée oftentimes vsed that it might bée séene that men could not come néere vnto God but by the meane of a Mediator wée haue at this present the personall presence of the Mediator himself who once for all hath fulfilled euery thing by his alone Sacrifice And therefore there is nowe no Sacrifice to bée doone for the purging and sanctifiyng of sinnes Mala. 1.11 but onely the Sacrifice of thankesgiuing vnto our GOD who therewith is well pleased through our Lorde Iesus Christe And although it is said in the Scripture that at the comming of our Lord Iesus Christe Altars shoulde bée set vp throughout the whole worlde to Sacrifice vnto the Lorde our God yet must wée leaue the figure and rest in the trueth For inasmuch as the Altar was a signe of the worship of God because it is saide that Sacrifice should bée doone all the worlde through the meaning is that God shoulde vniuersally bee worshipped No doubt of it the Pope with all his Colledge of Cardinalls and all other his deare friendes the Romanistes wyll conclude vppon this place that there must néedes bée Sacrifices had And therefore when they woulde haue their Masse allowed they bring in this testimony of the Scripture Howbeit if it were so as they make themselues beléeue Surely surely they muste néedes conclude that Iesus Christe hath not yet appeared nor that his kingdome is yet come Neuerthelesse wée sée the contrary And therefore séeing the Prophets haue thus said it is not only to shew that God should be vniuersally worshipped in spirite trueth and not in figures Moreouer héere is to bée noted that the saying of Prophesie is not meant by the Prophet to tell of things to come as in the olde time it was taken but the meaning is that whosoeuer shal haue the gift of Prophesie shoulde bée able to teache and apply doctrine to the ende wee might bée brought to the knowledge of the trueth and profite therby And so the promise that was made vnto vs of the cōming of Iesus Christ conteyneth thus much that we should be more déeply séene in heauēly things then heretofore we haue béen For we sée in very déede that S. Paul calleth it the wisdome of God ● Cor. 2. vnder which all things should be subiect Wée are nowe therefore briefly to conclude vpon all things That as our Lord in sending Iesus Christe his sonne into the worlde to make vnto vs a more liuely assurance of our saluation Euen so by sending vnto vs his holy spirite hée hath made vs greater partakers of his graces then euer hée did before The Prophet Ioel soone after setteth downe in this place That God will doe wonderful things in heauen aboue and signes in the earth belowe blood fire and vapour of smoke that the Sunne shall bee turned into darkenes and the Moone into blood These wordes shewe that greate and maruellous things must come to passe whenas Iesus Christ shall manifest himselfe And why so Forsooth because the the worlde shall then bée changed For they which woulde followe Iesus Christe must wholy alter their nature And therefore is the comming of our Lorde Iesus Christe called the latter dayes Moreouer this is not spoken for a day or for a moneth But the Prophet referreth all that is héere spoken vnto the whole time frō the comming of our Lorde Iesus Christe vntill the day of iudgement so that wée must inclose the wonders which shall bée doone at the comming of our Lorde Iesus Christe from the time of his comming vnto the last day And to say truely the forwarder wee goe the greater thinges will hée doe as wee dayly finde by experience Nowe that we vnderstand the meaning of the Prophete let vs apply the same to our owne vse For where it is said in the first place that God will powre out his spirite vpon all flesh we are to consider that the greatest benefite which we can possibly haue is to bée partakers of the graces of his holy spirite And this is the most excellent gift which God bestoweth vpon vs in respect wherof all the worldly liberalitie which he rendreth vnto vs is nothing For whensoeuer wée are bereaued of this gift Iesus Christe is taken from vs and vntill suche time as wée are clothed with him all whatsoeuer wée doe tendeth to our condemnation Wherefore God saith that we cannot be his children without wee bee bedeawed and sprinkled with his holy spirite Nowe if wee bée not his children wée shall neuer be partakers in the communitie of Iesus Christe For although God offereth vnto vs his graces yet is Iesus Christ nothing vnto vs vntill such time as wée haue receiued the holy Ghoste Let vs then conclude héereupon that vnto the time that wee are partakers of the holy Ghost wée are reprobate and the children of perdition because it is hée which sanctifieth and maketh vs holy in the sight of God So then vntil such time we be as called by the knowledg of the holy scripture which wée can no way haue but by the gift of the holy ghost to lift vp our mindes on high wée are fast tyed to the earth as if it were in Hell And héereupon it is that Saint Paule speaketh when he saith Rom. 8.14 That they which haue receiued the holy Ghost guiding themselues according to the will of God declared in his word are I say the children of God and they without all doubt are the children of the Diuell who following their carnall affections giue themselues ouer to their pleasure and delight Thus we sée how necessary a thing it is for all those that would bee acccounted the children of GOD to haue the knowledge of Gods trueth Moreouer wée cannot excuse our selues if wée receiue not his graces because hée offereth them vnto al but wée are so accursed as that we forsake the benefite which hée would bestowe vpon vs. And héerein is knowne the goodnesse of God to vs warde that although wée striue alwaies against his will yet ceaseth hée not for all that to offer himselfe vnto all as it is héere said by the Prophet That young and olde men and women shal all receiue of one and the selfe same spirite And it is to this end that no man might bée able truely say O Sir I am vtterly vnlearned and therefore it is impossible for one to vnderstand the Scriptures whereby I might receiue the holy ghost Why I beséech you hath God promised vnto the learned alone the grace of his holy spirite to none other Nowe surely this is a very
we must not doe as many of the Papists doe who neither care for God nor his worde but content them selues onely with this bare name of a Christian and so they may be called by that name they care for no more Nowe if they be asked and if they be Christians I pray you what answer will they make Surely they think they haue great wrong offred them to haue this question demaunded What I beséech you good Syr will they say are we not Christians haue we not béene baptized Yea ywis I graunt it But what faith haue you for all this Verely they will say that they beléeue as the Church beléeueth And so by this meane they haue aswadled fayth wherin their teachers haue instructed them in saying That it is sufficiēt for them to beléeue as the Church beléeueth Let them also be asked how God is to be serued and worshipped why they thinke that question is soone answered And thus doeth God iustly punish the iniquitie of men when we sée simple soules guided by such instructers of Satan to bring them tumbling headlonges together into the bottomlesse pyt of hell with them selues Thus we sée howe this Romish Idoll hath licoured Christendome with all kinde of lying and false doctrine And howe so Forsooth because men haue stopped vp the way against the word of God and are contented to be lycoured with leasing But by the way let vs come home to our selues and let vs neither condemne the Papistes nor yet any others but eftsoones apply this doctrine vnto our owne vse First of all we haue the Gospell the doctrine of all wisedome and yet how deafe and blockish are wée we are daily preached vnto But what instruction receiue we thereby for all that Surely surely it is wel enough perceiued and the fruit that commeth by it Without all doubt it is truely sayde That wée haue the Gospell But if we liue not in all obedience therevnto what testimony shall wée haue that wée are the seruants of God For according to that which wée handled on Sunday last we cannot be the seruants of God without wee be partakers of his holie spirite who is not without cause called the spirite of wisedome For by this we are shewed that we cannot haue so small a portion of the holy Ghost if we will continue it but that God wil more and more augment it in vs. In verie déede euerie man cannot haue the lyke measure thereof howbeit that is no let why we shoulde not encrease our small Talent For although a man hath the gift of tongues yet may he not haue one some grace which an other man hath And héerevpon is that saying of Saint Paule verefied Rom. 12.3 Ephes 4.7 That God will giue of his graces to euerie man according to such measure as wée are the members of Iesus Christ As we sée that the members of one bodie haue not all one office For the féete will doe that which the handes cannot doe the eyes are put to an other maner of vse then the eares are and so consequently are all the parts of the bodie Euen so our Lord will bestow his holie spirite vpon some after an other sort then hée will vpon other some and yet it is all one and the selfe same spirit and therfore if we would be knowne to be Christiās we must haue the knowledge of that which is spoken of and that it is God which guideth vs by his holie spirite to the ende we should not be like vnto those blinde ones which walke in infidelitie And thus much for this saying That God wil poure out of his holie spirite vpon all flesh Moreouer where it is saide That they shall prophesie herein the meaning of the Prophet is to signifie vnto vs That when God will instruct vs hée will doe it so perfectly as that the doctrine shall not onely profite our selues but that we shall also be able to teach others And in déede whosoeuer shall receiue greater graces from God then the rest is so much the more bounde to instruct the base and simple ones and giue him selfe to teach his neighbors Wherefore let vs vnderstande that after God hath instructed vs that it is our duetie to labour to bring others vnto the knowledge of him And hereupon it is that Isaiah speaketh saying Isaiah 2.2 Mich. 4.1 Let euerie man take his neighbour by the hand and lead him vp vnto the holy hill And this is one of the most principall pointes whereby God alloweth our Christianitie whē as we so loue our neighbours as to instruct them in the word of God Now this is done by the doctrine which we haue receiued of him at the handes of the Apostles which came out as we said last Sunday of the fountaine of Ierusalem whose riuers so ouerflowed the whole world as that euery man might not onely receiue it for his owne behoofe but also distribute it vnto our neighbours In déed all men are not Doctors to teach howbeit if we be Christians we haue sufficient wherewith to exhort our neighbours Let vs now come to the other part of the prophesie of the Prophet Ioell where it is saide That God will send terrible and wonderous signes blood and fyre and the vapoure of smoke The Sunne shall be turned into darknesse and the Moone into blood Wherein as wée haue briefly saide the Prophet meant to shewe that when God would visite his people at the comming of Iesus Christ although great felicitie and blessing was promised yet the meaning was not for all that but that we should sée horrible and merueylous thinges And therefore it was verie néedfull that we should be told of it to the ende we might vnderstande that the comming of Iesus Christ was not to place vs in this world as in a Paradise and to liue in it at our ease and pleasure But that Iesus Christ was sent to an other ende to wit that wee might be drawne from these earthly things and be lifted vp vnto heauenly matters And to say truely there were neuer so horrible and wonderfull thinges as were at the comming of Iesus Christ Nowe if it be asked why such thinges came to passe after that Iesus Christ was manifested it is because we were so cursed as that we would not receiue the graces which hée would haue bestowed vpon vs. And therefore when our Lorde offreth him selfe vnto vs and we refuse him must hée not then of necessitie so lift vp his hande as to thunder and storme that we might be afearde of that our so great vnthankfulnesse We sée therefore why it is saide that when God had poured out his holie spirit that we must néedes sée wonderfull troubles and whē we haue looked vnto heauen aboue and vpon the earth beneath we shall sée in them both such great trouble and feare as that a man woulde think heauen and earth should euen goe together so that the Sunne shoulde bée darkened the Moone be turned to blood the Starres
estéemed and honoured and yet will wee thrust him out at the Cartes arse as wée say who made vs for what purpose doe they this Is it not a thing cleane against nature but let vs by the way marke that the ignorance of Infidels and incredulous Papistes procéedeth not of méere simplicitie but of very malice pride and hypocrisie which causeth them to bée so cléerely voyd of wit and discretion And how so because without all doubt if we might once come to the knowledge of God we could neither will nor choose but hūble our selues before him For it is impossible for vs to bee able to thinke what God is except wée bée liuely touched with some feare which may make vs yéelde vnto him And therefore so long as wée are Rebels and his enimies it is a token that wee neuer knew him for this knowledge of God is too too liuely a thing to say there wée sée him and yet bée as obstinate and rebellious as Infidels And if any man say that they are ignoraunt I graunt but let them take this withall that they are also cursed hypocrites Is there either one or other of vs that hath any thing in him able to excuse him No surely for if wée had but the séede of nature in vs giuen by God the verie beholding of heauen and earth were ynough to make vs think that there were some one who created all these thinges God reuealeth vnto vs as it were in a glasse his maiestie and glorie and yet there is none of vs all that will yéeld vnto it Surely the moste vngodly and such as make a scorne of GOD whenas they bée in any paine or griefe will call vpon him and yet thinke no whit at all indéede of him and héerevnto doeth GOD driue them that they might bée without all excuse insomuch that they as I haue already sayd which are most incredulous are not yet so ignorant but that they play the very Hipocrites They would gladly couer and cloake it Howbéeit they close vp their eyes for the very nonce Wée are proude also malicious for if wée did beare that honour vnto God that wée ought we would haue another maner of care to séeke to know him and his will And therefore whenas wée are so lazie and colde it is a token that wée care not for him So that by that meane our desire is to walke altogether in the darke Why so what is then to bée done Forsooth when wée come néere vnto GOD and that hée rebuketh vs for our offences wée shoulde learne to bée offended with our sinnes and reforme our liues Howbéeit wée are contented to lulle our selues asléepe in our miseries and thus wée sée howe wée flye from his brightnes Wée are therefore héere to note that we are not punished without good cause although we bée ignorant for wée cannot iustly say that wée are simple but rather hypocriticall proud and malicious We sée then why S. Paule saith That they which had sinned without law to wit they which had no vnderstanding of the woorde of God should notwithstanding die without law saying further that God had ingrauē a law in euery mans heart for although we had neither Scripture nor preaching yet doth our consciences serue for a law to condemne vs and this shalbée sufficient at the latter day well wée may haue many starting holes to deceiue men withall and wée thinke it a good discharge but when wée come once before the heauenly Iudge wée shal come short of our reckoning for there wée shall sée all our excuses to be vaine Let vs then note out of the saying in this place That the Lord wil come to render vengeance vnto al those which haue not knowne GOD and obeyed the gospel to wit vnto al incredulous persons Now by this wee sée that faith is the only port or gate vnto saluatiō life because Iesus Christ wil come to confound al those which haue not beléeued Moreouer we must vnderstand that vntill such time as GOD enlighteneth vs wée are altogether ignorant and blind And why so Forsooth wée haue a faire catch to know whatsoeuer is in heauen in earth yet not knowe God then to what purpose serueth all our knowledge And surely wée shal neuer know him aright vntil such time as hée hath enlightened vs with his holie spirit Whervpon we sée that our ignorance shal not excuse vs to the end no man should flatter himselfe and become carelesse yet let vs also note one thing by the way that when wee are come to the knowledge of God wée ought of very right submit our selues vnto him to the end hee might kéepe vs in awe that all our thoughts and affections might be guided after his wil so that wée may haue such a faith vnto the Gospel as that we may say with Dauid Psal 19 1● that this doctrine is sweeter then hony more precious then gold or siluer And thus much for this poynt Moreouer wee here sée how GOD meaneth to certefie vs of our saluation For if Iesus Christ must come to doe vengeaunce vpon all those which haue not beléeued the Gospel but resisted it wée must néedes conclude that the worlde shall bée iudged by the Gospel Nowe it is there sayde vnto vs that when wee haue receiued the promises of God with a true and liuely faith we must not stand in doubt of his fauour and loue to vs warde neither yet doubt that Iesus Christe will not stande to the thing which hee hath offered for vs and for our redemption And therefore all they which doe beléeue in the Gospell may without all doubt reioyce that Iesus Christe will come to be their Redéemer And this assurance as I haue alreadie said God maketh vs so that wée refuse not such a benefite As for the power and glory of Iesus Christe which Saint Paul héere speaketh of it is as hath béene before saide to this ende that his comming might bée the more terrible to all incredulous and rebellious persons And is this a small matter to say that Iesus Christe wyll come accompanied with his Angels in flaming fier and with an incomprehensible Maiestie thundering and lightening vpon all those that are his enimies By this wee sée that Saint Paule his meaning héere is to admonishe all faithlesse people if they are to bée holpen to beware how they continue still without am●ndment Notwithstanding because wee sée that such as Satan leadeth and whose heartes hee hardeneth doe nothing els but make a mocke at the threatninges of God let vs for our partes make our profite thereby and when wée heare that Iesus Christe wyll come in such a feareful maner as that hee will so feare and bridle vs that when Satan shall goe about to spurre and pricke vs forwarde to withdrawe vs from the obedience of the Gospell wée might bée able to thinke thus with our selues and say how fareth it with vs how headlong runne we into destruction What meane
shewed him selfe a lyue after hée had béen dead with so manifest and many proofes wée must learne to build vpon such a foundation as shall neuer be able to be shaken And as he hath thus ouercome death euen so doeth hée now stretch foorth his hand to guide and bring vs to saluation And so often as wée would assure our selues of our saluation wée must not runne vnto Creatures but let vs behold as it were in a glasse that as Christ Iesus is risen againe and hath ouercome death euen so also hath he opened the kingdome of heauen that we might enter into it vnder his charge It is further saide that when hée shewed him selfe That hee spake of the kingdome of God amongst his friendes Wherein wee are to note that the Commission which was graunted vnto these from whom we receiue the doctrine of the Gospell was not set downe in a worde or for a minute of an houre but that they were so sufficiently instructed for a long while and that they haue not instructed vs at randon not knowing what they meant but were taught and instructed as they shoulde bée And when they had thus fully and wholly receiued this doctrine and therewithall authoritie to bestow it they haue deliuered the same faythfully vnto vs. Thus we sée what wée haue to note in this saying Nowe it is saide that Iesus Christ shewed him selfe vnto his Apostles and in shewing him selfe Hee spake of the kingdome of God amongst them But héere we are to vnderstande what it is that Saint Luke meaneth by the kingdome of God hée meaneth not by this kingdome of God euerlasting life as we commonly take it and as at the first sight it might here be taken as who shoulde say That that is the kingdome of God which we wayte for through hope But Saint Luke taketh it to bee the spirituall gouernment by whiche Iesus Christe holdeth vs in his obedience vntill hée hath wholly refourmed vs vnto his owne Image and hauing dispoyled vs of this mortal body sendeth vs to heauen And this is the very meaning of S. Luke But to make the matter more easie and plaine let vs take the kingdome of God cleane contrarie and that is this the life of men which follow their corrupt nature And in déede if Iesus Christ should goe from vs and let vs goe whether we listed our selues surely we should be quite clean out of the kingdome of God For by the kingdom of God is meant a reformation and we bring nothing with vs but miseries corruptions in this worlde to be short we are wandring beasts and the Deuill ruleth vs and so thralleth vs euen as it pleaseth him selfe Thus we sée what man is vntill God hath refourmed him Wherefore let vs take out this lesson to know what wée are vntill such time as Iesus Christ hath refourmed vs. Why then would we haue a greater mischiefe then this as to haue Satan so to possesse vs and to be our Maister And thus I say we sée what we are vntill such time as God of his infinite goodnesse stretcheth foorth his hande vnto vs euen to bring vs into his kingdome that we might be obedient vnto him and to his iustice Nowe by the way we are also to sée howe highly we ought to estéeme of this grace when it is offred vs and that Iesus Christ draweth vs vnto him And loe here is all our blessednesse that God is our King In déed although Kings couet to haue kingdomes to encrease their honour and wealth and to be Lordes ouer nations without any regard to a better ende yet if any Prince be endued with excellent graces euerie man will think him selfe blessed that is his subiect But when Iesus Christ reigneth ouer vs we haue a king that is not onely endued with many excellent graces but also who reigneth ouer vs for our benefit And to say the trueth he is no whit bettered by vs for we can no more encrease then we can diminish Psal 16.2 Thus we sée that the thing which I haue alredie said is very true That we are blessed when as God setteth vp his kingly throne amongst vs to reigne ouer vs. Here we sée what we are taught in the secōd place to wit to esteeme and make muche of such a benefite when God bestoweth it vpon vs now the meane commeth by the Gospel We also sée why Iesus Christ spake so oftentimes of the Gospel Mat. calling it the kingdome of God For if we sticke not to it we are verie rebelles to God and banished from all his graces For wée shall neuer haue parte of them vntill we be refourmed Which thing the Gospell worketh by calling vs to Iesus Christ and shewing vs that we must be regenerate by his holie spirite Since then it is so when the Gospel is preached it is to the end we might bée lyke vnto Iesus Christ forsake whatsoeuer is in our selues that we might be raysed vp agayne by his grace And therefore the Gospell is not called the kingdome of God without good cause And in déede as without it the Deuill reigneth and by reason therof is called the King of this world Euen so when Iesus Christ causeth his Gospell to be preached in any countrie it is as much as if hée shoulde say I will reigne ouer you and be your King But yet it cannot be saide that all they which dwell in that countrie where the Gospell is preached doe obey God For we sée some of them lift them selues vp and shewe foorth their iniquitie which before laye hid in them and othersome contemne the doctrine in whom is no fruite of the kingdome of God And yet Christ Iesus hath alwayes a little congregation where the Gospel is preached And howe so Forsooth because there is no King but hath subiectes Neuerthelesse wée may conclude that it is an inestimable benefite when GOD offreth vs his Gospell For what would wée more then when our Lorde Iesus Christ sayeth vnto vs. Loe héere I am and take charge of you to the ende you might bée vnder my winges and protection nowe what can you desire more Wée knowe then that all this commeth vnto vs by the Gospell And this is the perfection of all our happinesse if wée could rightly vnderstand it Moreouer this is certaine that when Iesus Christ thus bringeth vs into his kingdome and taketh vs vnto him selfe it is because hée woulde cloth vs so much the rather with immortalitie incorruption to the ende wée might enter into his promised glory And therfore when we receiue this Gospel we enter into the kingdome of God But what This is only but an entraunce howbeit we must go on a great deale further into it which thing is brought to passe when as he deliuereth vs from this cursed bondage of sin and setteth vs at the libertie which he promised vs. Thus wée sée that it is not enough to haue an entraunce but wée must goe still forwarde