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A16752 A treasurie of catechisme, or Christian instruction. The first part, which is concerning the morall law or ten Commandements of Almightie God: with certaine questions and aunswers preparatory to the same Allen, Robert, fl. 1596-1612. 1600 (1600) STC 366; ESTC S100095 232,397 320

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notwithstanding this couenant thus respecting Christ was first entred with the Israelites yet it is now extended to vs God professing himselfe to be not onely the God of the Iewes but also of the Gentiles Rom. according to the former prophesies of the calling of the gentils Read Psalme 87. and Hos chap. 1.10 and 2.23 and Ioel 2.32 Amos 19.11.12 Mal. 1.11 Neither was Israel so the onely people of God at anie time but that alwaies it pleased him to aceept of the Gentils such as would ioyne them selues to his people in the true worship of him And although we for our parts haue not bene deliuered out of the bondage of Egypt yet the Lord hath deliuered vs with a more gracious deliuerance out of the bondage of sin and the Diuell and from the tyrannie of death and from the torment of hell whereof also that deliuerance of theirs was a figure and pledge vnto them Let vs now come to the first Commandement VVhat doth the Lord forbid in it Sins forbiddē See more after To haue anie strange God What is this to haue anie strange God To haue a strange God is either to acknovvledge vvith the heart or to fancie and conceiue in the mind any other to be God either beside as altogether excluding the onely true God or ioyntly yea or if it be in any inferiour degree together vvith him vvho hath made himselfe so euidently knovvne by his vvord and vvorkes as that vvhich he hath manifested of himselfe cannot possibly agree to anie other But then especially is a strange God taken and acknovvledged for God vvhen anie spirituall and diuine worship is yeelded therunto that is to say vvhen any faith and trust any feare loue prayer prayse thankes or any other like dutie is yeelded vpon the same false conceit and acknovvledgement This indeed is principally that which the Lord forbiddeth in this Commandement according to that which we reade in the 8. and 9. verses of the 81. Psalme As touching the rest of the transgressions of it which are verie manie we shall haue a fit occasion to note them and that also by a more plaine and easie direction after we haue seene what be the good duties or spirituall graces commaunded in the same In the meane season let vs well obserue concerning the present answere that the Lord doth not onely forbid his people the vtter excluding of him that they might altogether imbrace false Gods but also the ioyning of anie with him whether as copartner or though it be but in an inferiour degree of minoritie as it were for so doth the Lord interpret his owne meaning in the 23. verse of this 20. chapter of Exodus and Deuteronomy 32. verse 39. Reade also 1. Kings 18.21 and 2. Kings 17.33 and Iohn 4.22 Reade also Iudges chapter 2.11 c. to the end and chapter 3.7 and Psalme 81.11 and Psalme 106.37 All the Gods of the heathen are meere vanitie Leuiticus chapter 19 4. Deuteronomie 32.21 and 1. Samuel 12.21 and 1. Kinges 16.13.26 and 1. Corinthians whence the house of the strange God is called Bethanuen the house of vanitie Hosh 4.15 Duties commanded Yea 2. Kings 17.12 strange Gods are in singular contempt abhomination called dirtie or dungish Gods and therefore in no wise to be ioyned with the true God of all Maiestie and glorie Reade also Iud. chapter 6. verse 8.9.10 and 1. Kings 17.35.36 and Psalme 115. and Exodus 23.13 and Psalme 16. No trust no loue no prayer no prayse c. belongeth to them The Lord will not giue his glorie to anie other Isai No god beside the Lord chapter 45. foure times repeated in that one chapter and chapter 48.11 Surely I wil not giue my glorie to another saith the Lord. Wherfore right worthie is that excellent profession of the Prophet to be imitated of all the seruants of God Psalme 73.25 where he saith vnto God Whome haue I in heauen but thee and I haue desired none in the earth with thee Finally let vs diligently note that the Lord forbiddeth these sinnes and all of this kind as being before his face he giuing therin to vnderstand that none of these sinnes can be committed but they are knowne to him and that he taketh them as done to his exceeding great dishonour c. Reade Psalme 44. vers 20.21 Now on the other side let vs see what good spiritual duties the Lord requireth and commandeth in this first commandement What haue ye learned to be the wil of God herein That we do both rightly knovv and discerne euen in the spirite of our mind and also that vve do ioyfully acknovvledge with our whole soule that God to be our onely Lord eternall and almightie most vvise most holy most righteous most gracious mercifull most faithfull and true euen the Father the Son and the holy Ghost the Creatour gouernour and preseruer of all things the Supreme and Soueraigne iudge of all the vvorld one God to be blessed for euer vvho hath manifestly reuealed himself first to his people Israel in speciall manner aboue anie other people and novv more clearely to all beleeuing Gentils through the vvhole vvorld both by his diuine vvord and also by his most gracious and vvonderfull vvorkes and that vve do acknovvledge the same his workes and all other from the greatest to the least of them to be done and ordered in all perfection of vvisedome goodnesse righteousnesse faithfulnesse and truth in most excellent manner aboue all that vve can conceiue God requireth also in this first commandement that as a necessarie fruite of this true knovvledge and heartie acknovvledgement of him and of the most perfect vvisedome and excellencie of all his vvorkes vve do vvisely entirely zealously and constantly yeeld him alone as most vvorthie all true diuine and spirituall seruice and vvorship and no part therof to anie other as hath bene ansvvered before This verily is the end wherefore the Lord hath manifested and reuealed himselfe namely that he might be knowne and acknowledged of his people Reade Deut. 4.32 c. to the 40. verse and Isaiah This also was necessarie For else how should he be rightly worshipped and serued here in this world According to thy name so is thy prayse vnto the worlds end that is ouer all the earth thy right hand is full of righteousnesse Ps 48.10 And that this our God is most worthie of all diuine worship and seruice his verie nature which is most excellent sheweth it Reade also 1. Chronicles 29.10 c. And Nehem. 9.5 Psal c. and Micah 7.18 c. and Deut. 32.31 Their God is not as our God euen our enemies being iudges Worthie therefore in this place is the admonition of the Prophet Ieremie which he giueth in the name of the Lord chap. 9.23.24 Let not the wise man glorie in his wisedome c. but in this that he vnderstandeth and knoweth the Lord c. To conclude the proofe of this
vvritten of the Serpent is to be vnderstood of the Diuell vvhose instrument onely the Serpent vvas You answer truly as may euidently appeare by conference of other places of the holy Scriptures with this third of Genesis as 2. Cor. 11.3.14 and Reuela 12.3.4 and Rom. 16.20 reade also Iohn 8.44 and 1. Epistle Act. 26.18 2. Cor. 4.4 Ephes 2.2.3 Chap. 6.12 and 2. Tim. 2.26 and. 1. Pet. 5.8 and finally 2. Pet. 2.4 c. And in the Epistle of Iude the 6. verse But though Adam and Eue the first man and woman fell away from the Lord lost their first estate and pulled miserie vpon themselues what proofe haue you that it is so likewise with all their posterity In the fift Chapter of the Epistle to the Romanes verses 12.13.14 in these vvords Wherefore saith the Apostle as by one man sinne entred into the vvorld and death by sinne and so death vvent ouer all men for asmuch as all haue sinned For vnto the time of the Lavv vvas sinne in the vvorld though sinne is not imputed or rather not regarded where there is no Lavv. Also death reigned from Adam to Moses euen ouer them that sinned not after the like manner of the transgression of Adam vvho vvas a figure of him that vvas to come This place doth plainly confirme it indeed And it is iust with the Lord that it should be so no lesse then the attainder of the children of a traytour is accounted iust with men vntill the Prince of his clemency mercy shall pardon restore them The issue therefore of all is this that we haue very iust and also exceeding great cause in godly sorrow to lament and bewaile our sinne and to turne to the Lord by true repentance vtterly denying our owne wisedome which is nothing but folly and our owne righteousnesse which is meere iniustice c. if happily we might find fauour with God c. But haue we of our selues due conscience and remorse of sinne so to do Mans recouery not of himselfe We haue it not neither can vve possibly attaine vnto it vnlesse God of his free grace and mercy vouchsafe to giue it that is vnlesse he do by his word and Spirit mightily quicken and awaken our dead and drousie consciences and also mollifie our hard and stony hearts Nay rather vve blesse and thinke our selues happie in putting farre away the consideration of these things from vs euery one excusing and iustifying himselfe against God though we go on in neuer so vvicked and godlesse a course Shew some proofe of this that you say In the 17. Chapt. of Ieremie the 9. verse The heart is deciptfull and vvicked aboue all things vvho can know it I the Lord search the heart And againe Prouerbs 16.2 All the vvayes of a man are cleane in his owne eyes but the Lord pondereth the Spirits Thus therefore it is plaine and manifest euery way that naturally we neither know God nor our selues aright and that our corruption vanitie sinne and miserie is aboue all that we can conceiue so that infinite cause haue we to renounce our selues and all opinion of our owne wisdome and goodnesse so submit our selues to seeke our wisdom from the instruction of the word of God and that our hearts may be renewed by the grace of his holy Spirit and that we should pray vnto him earnestly and continually and vse all good and holy meanes appointed of God himselfe to the same end that so happily we may be blessed of him And so come we now after all former questions premised to the parts of Christian Catechisme and instruction mentioned in the beginning of this our exercise whereunto as was sayd all that hath hitherto bene discoursed hath as it were paued the way Rehearse the Law or ten Commaundements of Almighty God God spake all these vvords and sayd I am the Lord thy God c. We begin with the Law that is with the ten Commandements of Almighty God because they are that portion of Scripture which God hath specially sanctified to discouer vnto vs The Law of God detecteth sinne c. and to cause vs in and by his wisedome to see our owne folly by his holinesse our prophanesse by his righteousnesse our sinne and by our sinne our owne most iustly deserued death and damnation but not that we should peremptorily and without all bayle and maineprise as we may say be condemned but rather that we might be led to Christ Iesus thereby and so in him find wisedome holinesse righteousnesse redemption repentance and godlinesse of life here in this world and life euerlasting with all glory and happinesse hereafter in the kingdome of heauen To the which end and purpose let vs now in the feare of God trusting in his grace and in the blessed direction and comfort of his holy Spirit enter vpon the interpretation of the same the most wise holy and righteous Law of the Lord our God And yet because these words Law sinne curse repentance vertue or righteousnesse and blessing will be of often and necessary vse in this part of our exercise and therefore also necessary to be well vnderstood of all it shall be good for vs in few words to set downe the meaning of them before we come to the particular interpretation of the Commandements I aske therefore what this word Law meaneth The Lavv of God is a deuine rule or doctrine vvhich teacheth and commandeth the perfect righteousnesse of vvorkes That it is so we may perceiue by that we reade Leuit. 18.5 and Rom. 10.5 What is sinne It is the transgression of the Lavv either in deed vvord or thought neuer so litle swaruing from it So doth Saint Iohn define sin 1. Epistle chap. 3. vers 4. And Rom. 7.7 Lust is sinne And Marke 7.21 our Sauiour Christ telleth vs that wicked thoughts defile a man What is the curse of the Law which is the reward of sinne It containeth all the heauy and vvofull effects of Gods wrath that is to say all the plagues and punishments both of soule and body in this life and the euerlasting torment of hell fire in the vvorld to come This is plainly layd forth Leuit. 26. from the 14. verse and Deut. 28. from the 15. verse What sinne curse blessing c. do meane c. And Chap. 29.18.19 c. and chap. and Isaiah 30.33 and Matth. 25.41 What is repentance whereby if it be of faith the curse may be auoyded It is an vtter forsaking of all sinne proceeding of hearty sorrovv for it vvith vnfeined hatred and strife against it and a zealous following of all true godlinesse and vertue vvith constant ioy and delight therein That this is the nature of repentance reade Isaiah 1.16.17 Amos 5.15 Rom. 12.9 2. Cor. and Prouerbs chap. 21.15 It is ioy to the iust to do iudgement What is vertue or righteousnesse which is the chiefe fruit or part of repentance It is perfect
answere that God is to be acknowledged wholly and in all his essentiall diuine properties most wise most iust c. Reade Exod. 34.6.7 and Deut. 32.3.4 Now I would know of you wherein the spirituall worship and seruice of this onely true God the eternall and almightie Lord of heauen and earth doth stand It standeth in the holy meditation of God his vvord works both of Creation and gouernement specially concerning his Church it standeth in faith or trust belief in hope in loue in zeale in feare or reuerence in humblenesse and sobrietie of mind rightly to vse all good gifts and blessings of God in patience and meekenesse of spirit to endure all vvants and afflictions hovvsoeuer it shall please God to exercise and try our faith it standeth in prayer ioyned vvith thankesgiuing in all things finally it standeth in the dedicating of our selues soules and bodies and al that vve haue and vvhatsoeuer God shall blesse vs vvithall to the honour and prayse of his name and that in a most sacred and secret couenant oath and vowe betwixt him alone and our owne consciences in stead of a thousand vvitnesses Here we may not vnfitly call to mind that the beginning of our Catechisme is confirmed by the Lord himselfe in the beginning of his most wise holy and righteous Law he setting that in the first place which is principally most worthie and most necessarie aboue all the rest And for the same cause this commandement is most diligently to be considered and weighed of vs because it is as the foundation light and life of al the rest of the commandements not onely of the second Table but also euen of the first Let vs therefore I pray you in the name of God without all preiudiciall conceit of vnnecessarie tediousnesse continue still in a further inquirie more large hādling of this cōmandemēt And first of all What is that meditation of God and of his word and workes which you speake of It is a staying of the mind in the serious thought and consideration of them vvith a holy delight and admiration at that most perfect and diuine excellencie vvhich shineth in them and which casteth forth the comfortable beames thereof vpon the soule of him that so thinketh vpon them Reade Ps 1.2 and Ps 8. and Ps 104. and Micah Now what is faith and trust or beliefe in God It is an assured and comfortable perswasion of Gods loue fauour and blessing in all things and specially concerning the euerlasting happinesse and saluation of our soules vvhile● vve vvalke in his vvayes and stay our selues vpon the gracious promises of his vvord Reade Psalme 27.13 and Psalme 116.10 and the same againe 2. Corinth 4.13.14 Reade also Psal 56.3.4 and verses 10.11 and Ps .. 46. Ps 125. Read also Rom. 8.31 to the 〈◊〉 of the Chapter Thus faith hath ioy and comfort in the pe●s●●sion of Gods fauour c. yet vpon condition that we w●●●●● his wayes for so soone as we decline from the Lord we ●●●●ken our faith and going on in such a course it should be presumption and not faith to incourage our selues to thinke that God would blesse vs we should therein tempt God c. reade Psalme 30.6.7 What is hope in God It is as the anchor of faith or as a proppe to vndershore and vphold it quietly expecting and vvaiting for the performance of saluation and all other blessings from the bountifull hand of God in due season vvhatsoeuer faith for the present assureth Reade Lament chapter 3.24 c. The Lord is my portion saith my soule therefore I will hope him c. Reade also Romanes 5.5 and chapter 8.24 and chap. 15.4 verse 13. Note also that manie times God is called our hope Psal 62.8 and 65.5 and Ieremie 14.8 and chap. 17.13 and Act. 24.14.15 and chapter 26.6.7 Reade also 1. Thessal 5.8 and Ephes 6.17 and Hebr. 6.19 Christ also is called our hope because by him our hope is established in God 1. Tim. 1.1 Coloss 1.27 the hope of glorie Finally it is the note of an heathen and vnbeleeuer to be without hope 1. Thess 4.13 For hope comforteth and establisheth the heart against all present cause of sorrow and griefe Psalme 27.14 VVhat is the loue of God It is a most precious and honorable esteeming and affecting of him vvith a chiefe delight in him aboue all things besides Reade Deut. 6 5. and Matth. 10.37 yea Luke chap. 14.26 Zeale followeth what is that It is a special fruit of loue or the earnestnes of loue longing after the glorie of God vvhich vttereth it self in a wise discreet holy cōtēding for the aduancemēt of it infinitly aboue al things else Read Ps 69.9 read also 2. Sam. The nature of that zeale which is in loue is notably described Cant. chap. 8.6.7 What is the feare or reuerence of God It is a holy childlike avvfulnesse vvhereby the faithfull and zealous seruāts of God are made loth to displease offend him considering his fatherly loue vvherby he is loth to plague punish them Hereby also they are made very carefull desirous to please God in all things By this that you say it appeareth that the feare of God is in the harts of his children both as a bridle to restrain thē from sin and also as a spurre in their sides to pricke them forward to good duties And that it is so Reade Prou. 3.7 and chapter 8.13 and chapter 1.14.16 and verse 27. and chap. 16.6 and Nehem. 5.9 and verse 15. and 2. Cor. 7.1 and 1. Pet. 1.17 Read also Psal 2.10.11 and Psal 4.4 The want of this feare is as the breaking open of the dore to all wickednesse Rom. 3.18 and Gen. 20.11 Now what is humblenesse of mind It is an vtter denying and abasing of our selues in the sight of God through conscience of our ovvne vnvvorthinesse of the least of his mercies yea vvith acknovvledgement that vve haue most iustly deserued and do dayly deserue his greatest plagues and punishments if he should enter into iudgement vvith vs. Reade Genesis 32.10 and 2. Sam. 6.21.22 and chap. 7.18 and Psalme 8. What is man that thou shouldest be mindfull of him c. and 1. Tim. 1.15 and Isaiah 6.5 and Dan. 9.7 c. Reade also Micah 6.8 It is a dutie verie acceptable to God When do we soberly vse the good gifts and blessings of God When vve are in the enioying and vse of them carefull to procure his glorie and not our ovvne prayse and vvhen vve seeke therein spiritually to please him and not carnally and voluptuously or couetously to delight pleasure or profite our selues Reade Rom. 12.3 and 1. Cor. 4.6.7 and Tit. 2.11.12 the Apostle Iohn 1. Epistle chap. and Peter 1. Epist 4.7 and chap. 5.8 and our Sauiour Christ Luke 21. ver 34. c. contrarie to the disposition of vngodly men who seeke praise one of another and make their belly their God louing pleasures
of this holy Commaundement aboue that I am able to vnderstand This verily is the naturall disposition and estate of vs all euen from the wombe as may appeare not onely by particular testimonies of the holy Scriprures but also by many reasons drawne from the same and from common experience also so that when it is truly sayd in respect of all the Cōmandements we may wel vnderstand it spokē chiefly in regard of this Who knoweth the errours of this life clense me from secret faults Keepe thy seruant also from presumptuous sinnes let them not reigne ouer me c. Psal 19.12.13 And Ier. 17.9 Yea besides our errors infinite are our naturall rebellions the suggestions of the diuell to hinder the obedience of this Commandement If we be pressed very hard with conscience of our duty we are readie without the grace of God to cast of the yoake Perfect obedience for vs. and to say who is the Lord To walke by faith is in our iudgment follie and the next way to beggery The feare of God breedeth melancholy And may we not loue God the world too what neede we pray God knoweth what we need before we aske and Gods will shall take place whether we pray or no. But who can recken al the replyings and mutterings of our corrupt and prophane hearts this way Seeing then neither your selfe nor any other of vs haue obeyed and kept this Law neither do nor can keepe it as we ought it followeth that you together with vs all haue deserued the curses threatned in it Haue you not I must needs acknowledge that I haue We all must needs acknowledge it not mutually among our selues one to another but chiefly to God with godly sorrow and lamentation in our soules for the same if happily we will not deceiue our selues But is there no meanes to auoyd the curses Yes by faith in Iesus Christ vvho hath perfectly fulfilled it for vs and giuen himselfe to the death for our sinnes vve shall not onely escape euery curse but also be partaker of all the contrary blessings For this cause indeed was Christ made accursed for vs that we might be made the heires of blessing through him Galathians 3.13.14 Seeing therefore our deliuerance and comfort standeth in the obedience of our Sauiour Christ me thinke it should be to good purpose for vs to consider of some testimonies of holy Scriptures which shew that he hath obeyed this Law for vs. What proofe can you alledge for it In the 11. chapter of Isaiah from the beginning of the chapter to the 6. verse vve haue one very speciall proofe Rehearse that Scripture But there shal come a rod forth of the rocke of Ishai a graffe shal grow out of his roots And the spirit of the Lord shal rest vpō him the spirit of wisdom vnderstanding the spirit of coūsel strength the spirit of knowledge of the feare of the Lord. And it shall make mim prudent in the feare of the Lord. Our iustification only by Christ The same is euident also in many other places of the Scriptures Reade Isaiah Luke 2.49.52 and chap. 3.21 with Math. 3.15 and Luke againe chap. verse 16. c. and chap. 6.12 and chap. 22.42 Iohn 2.17 and chap. 4.34 and chap. 6.38 and chap. 11.42 and Math. 11.25 c. Heb. 12.2.3 c. 1. Peter and Isa 53.7 But are you now discharged from obedience to this Commandement because Christ hath obeyed it for you I am onely discharged of the guiltinesse of my sinne and of the curse due to the same but as touching obedience I stand bound for my redemption sake to knovv and acknowledge the Lord to be my God and Sauiour in Christ and therefore also that I do more stedfastly beleeue in him more heartily loue him more dutifully serue him and finally that I be euery vvay more aboundantly thankefull and obedient vnto him It is very true and standeth with al good reason Here therefore vpon so iust an occasion let vs diligently obserue that howsoeuer there is an infinite difference betwixt the Law and the Gospell in respect of vs and as they are for the same cause opposed the one to the other specially in the point of iustification and saluation the same Law being the ministery of the curse of death and damnation through the discouery and conuiction of our sinne as hath bene shewed before the Gospell on the other side being the ministery of grace and blessing of life and saluation yet in Christ Iesus the Law and the Gospell are reconciled and the righteousnesse of the one is the righteousnesse of the other and the duties of this are the duties of that and the blessing of either is in substance and effect one and the same blessing But yet seeing you cannot attaine to the perfect obedience of it to what purpose is it that you should take any great care or indeuour with any great labour to increase in the obedience of it Our vnperfect obedience is for Christs sake accepted of God God in Christ Iesus and for his sake forgiuing my sinnes and renewing me vnto himselfe by his holy Spirit hath of his most free and bounteous grace promised to accept of my vveake faith and vnperfect obedience yea and to blesse me for it more and more so long as I acknowledging him louing fearing and seruing him in any measure of truth Sins forbidden am hartily sorie that I can performe these spirituall duties no better and do labour vnfeinedly by prayer and by vsing all other holy meanes to increase more and more therein You are in a very good way and your perswasion hath sure ground for the Lord will not breake the brused reed nor quench the smoking flaxe Isaia 42.3 so long as we can say in truth Lord I beleeue helpe my vnbeleefe and Lord thou knowest that I loue thee c. And the desire of our soule is to thy name Isaiah 26.8 The Lord will not cast vs away Iohn 6.37 The sacrifices of the Lord are a contrite spirit a contrite and a broken heart the Lord will not despise Psal 51.17 Reade Isa 66.2 I will looke to him that is poore and of a contrite spirit and which trembleth at my words And Song of songs chapter 4.9 and Math. 5.3 and chap. 13.12 Now blessed be the Lord our God who hath thus prepared vs so blessed a remedy and for that he hath giuen vs his holy Spirit and for that he hath made vs partakers of the beginnings of so vnspeakable consolation and comfort in Christ Iesus c. For he might iustly haue left vs to the common Atheisme and profanesse of our nature after the course of this wicked world c. Hitherto of the first Commaundement and therein of that spirituall worship which the Lord requireth which is such a kind of worship and seruice as hath his most proper seate in the inmost closet of the heart and reines and
in the very spirit of the mind which the Lord only and our owne consciences is priuie vnto The second Commandement followeth to be considered of vs which concerneth the right manner of the externall and bodily profession and practise of this inward worship of the soule and spirit from the former ground of the true knowledge and acknowledgement of the onely true God and as a fruite of his true faith feare and loue Rehearse therefore the second Commandement of Almighty God Thou shalt not make to thy selfe any grauen Image The Hebrew word is serue Thabhandem 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 nor the likenesse of any thing that is in heauen aboue nor in the earth beneath nor in the vvater vnder the earth Thou shalt not bovv downe to them nor vvorship them for I am the Lord thy God a iealous God c. Is there nothing contayned in all these words but the Commandement it selfe There is beside the Commandement a reason annexed to it Ye say well the Commandement is this Thou shalt not make to thy selfe any grauen Image c. The reason followeth for I the Lord thy God am a iealous God c. And let vs obserue it well for this Commandement in stead of all the rest is set downe in the full strength and beautie and as it were in cōplet armour being furnished both with the threatning of the curse against the transgressors and also with the promise of blessing and holding forth the garland of glory to all that shall obey it Why is that God would in this one let vs see expressely how euery Commandement is to be vnderstood as carying the curse and blessing death and life as it were in the bosome of it But more specially because the imbracing of idolatry whereby the hart is drawne away frō the true spirituall worship of God is as it were the dissoluing of that mariage-couenant which God hath vouchsafed to enter with his people and their posterity euen as on the other side faithfull continuance in the duties of his true outward worship is vnto all true spirituall worshippers of him as the perpetuall sealing and confirmation of the same for euer Of these things we shall vnderstand more hereafter only as touching the nature of the Law contayning both the curse and death against the transgressors and also the blessing and life to those that shall obey it reade Deut. and chapter Now first of all what doth the Lord forbid in this second Commandement First of all in this second Commandement the Lord forbiddeth not only the making dedicating or consecrating and setting vp of any kind of Image and liknesse of any creature thereby to represent to our selues either his diuine Maiesty or anie strange God but also he forbiddeth that we should once fancy or contayne in our minds any bodily likenesse or shape of the diuine nature Secondly he forbiddeth vs to bovv downe the body or to yeeld any other externall seruice and vvorship to the honour either of the Image so fancied made dedicated and set vp or of God himselfe or any strange God in or by the Image either in priuate closet oratory or Chappell or in any publike high vvay market place Church or Temple Thirdly he forbiddeth all wil-worship that is to say euery forme and practise of diuine worship and seruice either in the whole or in any part and all the superstitious rights and ceremonies thereof though it be without idols and images besides that outward forme only with those holy rights and ceremonies which he himselfe hath for the time being commanded to be vsed and practised according to the prescript rule of his word either heretofore vnder the Law among the Iewes or now euer since vnder the Gospell among all Christian nations to the ende of the vvorld Fourthly the Lord forbiddeth vs to rest in any or all the outward duties of that worship vvhich he himselfe hath commanded as though he vvere pleased with the vvorke vvrought as they say vnlesse they be done in faith and repentance Fiftly he forbiddeth all true worshippers of him to enterprise any neare societie and familiarity vvith idolaters either by mariage or by bodily presence at their idoll seruice or any of their idolatrous and festiuall assemblies Finally he forbiddeth all desire and lingering affection of hart towards idolatry or any other false erronious hereticall practise of religious vvorship For the first of these points reade Isaiah and verses 22. c. and Acts 17.29 For the second the expresse words of the Commandement are cleare The true worshippers of God bow not the knee to Baal 1. Kings 19.18 Of more secret and priuate or houshold idolatrie reade Iudges chap. 17. and Gen. and chapter Deut. 27.15 And note that the word of seruing the Image or idol is more generall then that other of bowing downe For it comprehendeth all idolatrous superstitious rights and ceremonies all outward actions gestures significations of zeale reuerence or allowance of this kind of worship Such are the dedicating of places for such kind of worship the erecting of altars burning of incense lifting vp of the eyes to the Image holding vp of the hands vncouering the head before them kissing of them speaking honorably of them swearing by them keeping holy dayes and feastes vnto them consecrating of Priests for them c. Reade against these and the like Leuit. and chap. 19.27.28 and chap. 26.1 Deut. and chap. 14.1.2 and chap. 16.21.22 Iosh 23.7 and 1. Kings chapter and chap. 18.28 and chap. 19.18 and 2. Kings 16.10.11 c. and 2. Chron. 28.22.23 Exod. 23.13 and chap. 32.5 Psalme 16.4 Hosh 2.16.17 Psalme 106.39 Read also Isaiah chap. 19.19 Isaiah 44.17 and chap. 57.5 c. Ier. 7.9 and chap. 11. verses 12.13 and chap. 12.16 Ezek. chapter Amos. 8.14 Zeph. 1.5 Reade also Iudges 8.27 Touching the third point reade Collossians 2. verses Reade also Micah 6. vers 6.7 and Isai 29.13 Math. 15.9 and Marke chap. 7.5 c. Not onely the Popish Portesse and Masse booke and the Idolatrous worship thereof but also the Turkish worship according to their Alcoran and the Iewish worship euer since their obstinate deniall of Christ though it be without Images yea and whatsoeuer is in any diuine seruice booke as we call them contrary or not soundly agreeing to the prescript rule of Gods word all is condemned in this second Commandement As touching the Iewes there was indeed a forme of worship prescribed by God which was allowed of him standing in many godly rights and ceremonies as the bookes of Moses do plentifully declare But now vnto Christians all those rights and ceremonies which were peculiarly commaunded to the Iewes vntill the comming of Christ they are ceassed Only that which was morall to the Iewes is remayning to the vse of Christians with such change of Sacraments as God himselfe hath expressely commanded Of which things
a maruellous and easie way of worshipping God according to that which one saith of their most deuoted and religious persons that they are humble but without lowlinesse poore but without want and rich without labour It were doubtlesse an easie thing for any of vs to bring our hearts to as great a loue and liking of idolatrie and idolatrous worship as any of the Papists beare vnto it if the commandement of God did not through his grace restraine vs and informe our consciences against it So that they which boast and glorie of their deuotion this way they do but glory of their owne shame The temptations of grosse Idolatrie Go be thanked are not of anie great force with vs in this our gracious peace and libertie of the Gospell Christs perfect obedience for vs But which of vs knoweth how great they would be if Idolatrie which God of his infinite mercie forbid might yet againe be countenanced commanded by publike authoritie and enforced by seuere persecution and penalty we may be sure of this that vnlesse we should be mightily assisted by the Spirit of God to withstand them they would fearefully shake vs. Wherefore let vs not deceiue our selues with vaine confidence without carefull sifting and examining of our selues in the sight of God c. But to leaue coniectures for the time to come and to go no further then to present signes and shew tokens surely the litle sorrow which we haue for our former sinnes in the dayes of idolatrous darkenesse and the litle thankfulnesse that is among vs for the sweet and comfortable light of the Gospell with so wonderfull deliuerance as we enioy and finally that litle reuerence and zeale which we beare to the true worship of God in the holy and pure exercises thereof they do strongly euidence and testifie against vs that our sin and guiltinesse is great against the righteousnesse of this holy Commandement We are therefore so farre from the desert of blessing that we haue deserued a great measure of the curse and might iustly feare it without all escape vnlesse happily we shall take hold of that part of the obedience of our Sauiour Christ whereby he hath obeyed this Law and made satisfaction to God for our sins in this behalfe for he onely must be our discharge c. But what proofe haue you that our Sauiour Christ hath perfectly obeyed this 2. commandement that so we may haue assurance that he is our righteousnesse concerning this commandement as well as concerning the former We haue a notable proofe of it in the 2. ch of the Euang. Iohn vers 14.15.16 17. which testifieth of his perfect zeale against the abuses for the right vse of the holy place of Gods worship Rehearse that which he Euangelist writeth of this matter 14 And he found in the Temple those that sold oxen sheep and doues and changers of monie sitting there 15 Then he made a scourge of small cordes and draue them all out of the Temple with the sheepe and oxen and powred out the changers monie and ouerthrevv the Tables 16 And he said vnto them that sold doues take these things hence and make not my fathers house a house of marchandise 17 And his disciples remembred that it vvas vvritten The zeale of thy house hath eaten me vp This zeale of our Sauiour Christ for the house of Gods worship is indeede a perfect confirmation of his zeale to all the duties of Gods worship to be performed in all holy and pure manner in the Temple of God according as it is said in the Psal 93.5 Holinesse becommeth thine house O Lord for euer and Psalme 5.7 I will come into thy house in the multitude of thy mercie c. and Psalm 29.9 In his Temple should euerie man speake of his glorie And according as the Israelites returning from captiuitie Nehem. chapter 10.39 in their subscribing of their oth and vow to the Lord expresse it by this that they would not forsake the house of their God Neither did our Sauiour Christ once onely in this maner of reforming the Temple vtter this his perfect zeale in the beginning of his miracles and shewing himselfe but also toward the end of his course as we reade Matth. 21.12 c. and. Luk. 19. vers 45.46.47 And let vs the rather obserue the perfection of the zeale of our Sauiour Christ because he vseth this reproofe and sharpe censure against that which though it was a great profanation of the Temple yet it had great colour of carnall reason to set a glosse and faire shew vpon it For there was vse of all those things in the worship of God that such as wold offer sacrifices either greater or smaller might haue them at hand there also their monie of what coyne soeuer changed there for the buying of their sacrifices c. The perfection therefore of the zeale of our Sauiour Christ may hence be noted in that no shew of excuse could slack his iust censure and vehement reproofe He was so wholly taken vp with the true zeale of Gods worship that he doth as it were trample vnder his feet all carnall reason specially the filthy couetousnes of the Priests which was in them a chief cause of the tolleration of this abuse But beside this one that also a dobled cōfirmatiō we haue the former profes alledged in the first Commandement Our vnperfect obedience for Christs sake accepted for his perfect obedience in that spirituall and internall worship of his soule For they are so many warrants of his fulfilling of this because in them he hath ioynt-witnesse both of his internall and externall worship together Neither is it to be omitted here that our Sauiour Christ vsually frequented the Sinagogues of the Iewes and Temple of Ierusalem at the times of the holy feasts partly to celebrate the feasts according to the commandement of God and partly to manifest himselfe to be the Lord our righteousnesse and to publish the doctrine of saluation in the most solemne assemblies of the people of God Wherefore also we are hereby likewise further confirmed that the Lord who hath in Christ Iesus accepted a satisfaction for our sinnes against this Commandement as well as against the former will for his perfect obedience sake accept of our poore endeuour and labour if from our hearts we striue to worship him in some measure both of inward truth also of outward profession and declaration of his worship and also make vs partakers of his blessing promised both to our selues and our children euen to so many as shall yeeld him any measure of true seruice and obedience But what proofe haue we of this In the ninth Chapter of the Gospell of Saint Iohn the 31. verse Rehearse the Scripture Now vve know that God heareth not sinners but if any man be a vvorshipper of God and doth his vvill him he heareth A comfortable testimonie of him that was before a blind man but now had not
off Of this curse King Dauid had his part when he was grieuously afflicted in his conscience for his sinne in the matter of Vriah in that his child begotten in adultery dyed of a very grieuous sicknesse and in that manie other heauy calamities followed Psalme 51. and 2. Sam. 12. c. What is the curse of those that are vnconstant and finally fall away from the true profession of the name of God and from the obedience of his word He that putteth his hand to the plough and looketh backe is vnapt for the kingdome of God sayth our Sauior Christ Luk. 9.62 And againe The latter end of such is worse thē the beginning Mat. Reade also 2. Pet. 1. Ioh. 4.16 What is the curse against those that continuing in an outward profession of religion do notwithstanding vsually leade a wicked and vngodly life The Lord will be as a Lion against such and teare them in peeces and none shall deliuer them Psalme 50.22 What is the curse against those that hauing gouernement of others are negligent in looking to them that the name of God be not dishonoured by them We haue Eli for a fearfull example hereof whose sonnes were slayne in battell and he himselfe at the report thereof fell downe and brake his necke because his sonnes ran into a slaunder and he stayed them not Whereupon also God sayth generally They that despise me shall be despised 1. Sam. 2. chap. from the 12. verse and chapter 3. and 4. A notable example which the Lord hath euery way made very notabe that all might take warning against the like sinne yea that all of vs might learne to keepe our selues farre from it as the weightinesse of the matter requireth and of the contrary to admonish vs to be earnest in gouernement with a holy seuerity and not to be remisse as Heli was to the great dishonour of God yea though he spake some words of cold rebuke as the historie layeth it forth at large He should rather haue dealt in the zeale of Moses Phineas and Nehemias He should in this case haue bene a man of great anger Pro. 19.19 Consule Tremel What is the curse against false Prophets such as teach the errors and lyes of their owne deuice in stead of the word of God It is in the ciuill course of Gods iustice in Israel bodily death and by his diuine sentence eternall death and destruction both of body and soule in hell So indeed we reade Deut. chap. 13. and further Ier. and Ezek. chap. 13. and 2. Peter c. Reuelation 19.20 and chap. 20.10 and chap. 22.18.19 reade also first of Kings 22.15 and Ier. What is the curse against those that abuse the name of God or his creatures to sorceries or enchantings c. The Lord departeth from such Isa chap. 2.6 and chap. 47. verses He will destroy them and ther posterity yea suddenly and without recouery will he destroy them What is the curse against those that shall not only be wicked themselues and licentious but also be ring-leaders and Captaines to incourage others to rebellious and vngodly practises They shall be in speciall reproch in the Church of God Pro. 24 8.9 Neither shall they dye the common death of all men Num. 16. from the 28. verse to the 36. What is the curse against those that in the bitternesse of their hearts curse others or vse wicked imprecations against themselues either of impatience or to face out any vntruth As any loueth cursing so shall it fall vpon him it shall be as a garment to couer him and as a girdle alwayes about him Psa Reade also Numb 14.2 and verses 21.22 Finally what is the curse against those that speake blasphemously against the holy Ghost This most haynous sinne shall neuer be forgiven them neither in this vvorld nor in the world to come Math. chap. 12. verses 32. Heb. 6.4.5 chap. 10. verses These are the most heauie and wofull curses which shall surely weigh downe all transgressors of this holy Commandement of the Lord specially those that be greatest in the trespasse euen to the horrible pit of hell if they will not turne vnto God by speedie repentance but go on till they grow to that despiting of the Spirit of grace for the which most haynous wickednesse there is no forgiuenesse as was sayd from the testimony of our Sauiour Christ himselfe But let vs now come to refresh and cheere our soules with the consideration of the blessings which God hath promised to all those that shall be found obedient vnto it And first The Blessings what is the blessing promised to those that shall speake good of his name and of his word and workes By thy words thou shalt be iustified saith our Sauiour Christ Matth. 12.37 This surely is no small blessing to be in the number of those who are to be esteemed for good and godly men What is the blessing of those that be carefull to honour the name of God in the right and religious maner of taking an oth when the iust occasion doth so require If they will learne the wayes of my people saith the Lord to sweare by my name The Lord liueth as they taught my people to sweare by Baal then shall they be built in the midst of my people Ieremie chapter 12. verse 16. What is the blessing of God belonging to a religious zealous care of honouring the name of God with a godly life answerable to the holy profession of his blessed religion Them that honour me I will honour saith the Lord 1. Sam. chapter 2.30 What is the blessing of those that be not onely carefull them selues in their owne persons to glorifie God but also hauing gouernement ouer others be carefull of them also yea and to further and draw on all other so manie as they can to honour the name of God together with themselues They that be wise shall shine as the brightnesse of the firmament and they that turne manie to righteousnesse shall shine as the stars for euer and euer Dan. chap. 12. verse 3. And in the Prophesie of Malac. chap. 3. verses 16.17.18 The Lord saith he hath a booke of remembrance to record the names of such And further that he accompteth them for his flocke which he watcheth ouer and that he will spare them as a man spareth his owne sonne that serueth him To conclude this point of the blessings of this commandement What is the blessing of constancie in the profession of the name and religion of God in the midst of persecutions and euen to the death of martyrdome it selfe Blessed are they which suffer persecution for righteousnesse sake for theirs is the kingdome of heauen saith our Sauiour Christ Matth. 5.10 and verses 11.12 Blessed are ye when men reuile you and persecute you Euerie man is a damnable transgressor and say all maner of euill against you for my sake falsely reioyce
through the grace of God though not in full perfection Phil. I haue learned saith the holy Apostle in what estate soeuer I am to be therewithall content I can be abased and I can abound and to be full and to hungry to abound and to haue want I am able to do all things through the helpe of Christ who strengtheneth me For the second point reade 1. Thes and 1. Pet. 1.22 For the third point consider the nature of true loue that it is farre from minding euill against a mans neighbor as 1. Cor. 13.5 Loue thinketh not euill that it deuiseth how to do good Isaiah 32.7.8 The liberall man will deuise of liberall things The contrary is seuerely reproued 1. Iohn 3.17.18 and Iames c. Reade the places For the fourth point reade Rom. 13.15.16 Reioyce with them that reioyce and weepe with them that weepe Be of like affection one to another Naturally euery man aspireth to be his owne as entir and whole in himselfe as may be that he may stand in need of none nor be combered with the care of any c. This is the naturall study and corrupt desire of vs all But the Apostle Paule guided by the holy Spirit of God teacheth vs all both by doctrine and by example another manner of lesson he counting himselfe a detter to all men both Iew and Gentile Rom. 1.14 So ought we likewise to account our selues according to our gift place and calling Consider also the example of the same Apostle in his excellent measure 1. Cor. 10.33 and 1. Cor. 7.13 c. chap. 11.28 29. 1. Thes 2.8 Consider also the example of Nehemiah chap. 1. verses c. and chap. 2.3 c. For the last point consider the example of the Apostle Paule Rom. 7.24 O wretched man that I am Reade also Acts 8.22 Hitherto what is forbidden and contrariwise what the Lord God commandeth in this his tenth Comandement The equity is next to be considered How may that be discerned of vs The equity of this Commaundement may be discerned two vvayes First in respect of God Secondly in respect of our selues Shew therefore in the first place how it may be discerned in respect of God In so much as the Lord our God is the soueraigne iudge The Equitie not onely of mens actions and determinate purposes but also of their vnsetled thoughts and motions yea seeing he is the Creator of mans person and nature it selfe vvhich also he made very good and perfectly vvell disposed in the beginning of the creation it is very equall and meete that he should both forbid and also condemne the most secret corruption of nature vvith all immediate fruites thereof as vvell as the outward actions seeing the one as well as the other do proceed from the Diuell through mans owne default and also that he should on the contrary require and command all that originall righteousnesse and perfect disposition of nature and of all the powers thereof which he had at the first most graciously giuen It must needs be acknowledged most iust and equall indeed For what reason can there be that the righteousnesse of God should giue place to the lustes of the Diuell and to the corrupt will of man such as are all the lustes and motions of sinne according to the reproofe of our Sauiour Christ Iohn 8.44 Ye are of your father the Diuell and the lustes of your father ye will do The Law also must be agreeable to the nature of the giuer He therefore being most spirituall yea spirit it selfe must needs in all equity giue a most spirituall Law binding the most secret motions and powers of the soules and spirits of all his subiects His Law in all equity must in this respect exceed all humane Lawes of the most wise and iust Law-giuers whosoeuer For they can take no further knowledge of difobedience but from the disloyall actions or speeches of their subiects otherwise they haue no ground to proceed against them for the secret intents and motions of their minds how dangerous and traiterous soeuer they be Neither indeed is any creature in his owne right Lord ouer the soules and spirits of men This soueraignty belongeth only vnto God Shew therefore in the next place how the equity of this Commandement may be discerned in respect of our selues If we should not begin our obedience to God from our inward thoughts motions yea euen from a renewed inclination of the very spirit of our mind we could not possibly performe either any true obedience vnto him or any true loue or duty toward our neighbour It is true it should be only an hypocriticall and pharisaicall obedience and a dissembling loue which he can take no pleasure in God loueth truth in the inward parts Psal 51. He requireth the heart especially Prou. 4.23 Neither can he abide that it should be withheld from him Matth. Reade also Rom. 12.9 Let loue be without dissimulation And 1. Peter 1.22 We must loue brotherly without faining and with a pure heart feruently It is a singular benefit to haue a most subtile and dangerous enemy discouered vnto one Such an enemy is this wicked lust Ephes 4.22 1. Pet. 2.11 Iames 4.1 2. Tim. 2.22 And beside the most prosperous fight and incounter against sinne is in the first thought and motion of it for otherwise it gathereth strength and is according to the proceedings of it so much the more hardly vanquished afterward The speciall equity of this Commaundement iustifieth the speciall curses of God threatned against the transgression of it These curses are now to be considered Shew what you haue bene taught concerning this point Like as the transgression of this Commandement is the roote and cherisher of all sinne and the extinguisher or rather as the barre of a strong fortresse vtterly to let and hinder all goodnesse and loue toward our neighbour and therewithall likewise all loue and good dutie to God for as the Apostle Iohn saith in the first Epistle chapter 4.20 Hovv can he that loueth not his brother vvhom he hath seene loue God vvhom he hath not seene so it openeth a passage for the curses of God against all the sinnes forbidden in the vvhole Lavv to enter in and to ouerflow all like to the increase and gathering together of many vvaters till they grovv to a mighty and raging floud such a one vvhereof vve reade in the holy Prouerbe that it leaueth no fooode A good reason answerable to the nature of this sinne the which as it groweth in offence so it procureth the increase of the punishment against it selfe The Curses according to that gradation which the Apostle Iames vseth chapter 1.15 When lust hath conceiued it bringeth forth sinne and sinne when it is finished bringeth forth death And that this sinne is the mother-sinne and breed of all the rest reade Rom. 7.5 The motions of sinnes which are by the Law to wit through the corruption of the
returne to the last point of the first answer that we may more particularly consider from the instruction of Moses to what ends and purposes it pleased God to giue his Law in so fearefull a manner What are those ends and purposes Moses comforting the people against their excessiue feare letteth them to vnderstand that God did not mind by that his dealing to exanimate and amaze them but rather first of all to examine or try and proue them that is to shew them by sensible and plaine demonstration from their owne experience how fraile and sinfull creatures they were in and of themselues without his mercy and grace Secondly he telleth them that Gods meaning was by that meanes to settle his true reuerence and feare in the hearts of their posterity for euer Deut. chap. 4.10 chap. Thirdly that as a fruite of the same his true feare and reuerence they hauing the knowledge of his Law and will might be nourtured and preserued from all witting and willing sinning against him This is indeed a true and short interpretation of the speech of Moses to the people of Israel Concerning euery of these points sundry things were deliuered for a more full instruction the which time will not serue to repeate Let vs therefore come to the generall vses which we are to make of our owne hearing of the same Law of God vnlesse we will be vnprofitable hearers of it yea vnlesse we will heare it to our curse and condemnation and not to our blessing and saluation Shew you which those vses are There are some which we may call the former vses and there be other which we may call the latter Which are they which we may call the former They are these which follow First the Law of God maketh knowne vnto vs the infinite greatnesse of our naturall corruption and sinne What vses all Christians ought to make of the Law Secondly it sheweth vs the infinite greatnesse of that wrath and misery which is due to vs from the iustice of God because of the same Thirdly it is as a Schoole-maister to bring vs to Christ that we might be made righteous by faith through the forgiuenesse of our sinnes and by the imputation of his righteousnesse and that being deliuered from all wrath and misery yea from euery discomfort whith either the Law or our owne sinne and corruption offereth we may be heires of blessing here and of life euerlasting in the kingdome of heauen These are the former vses of the Law concerning the which we are to vnderstand that as in the bodily sicknesse so in the sicknesse of the soule and cure thereof these three things are necessary First that the sicknesse with the causes thereof be rightly discerned and knowne Secondly that a meete and conuenient medicine be sought out And thirdly that the medicine being found out it be speedily vsed and applied First therfore that the Law of God maketh knowne our sin which is both the sicknesse and also the cause of the sicknesse of the soule reade Gal. 3.19 Rom. 3.19.20 chap. 17.7 and verse 13. Reade also how our Sauiour Christ himselfe consenteth by the worke of his Spirit with this vse of the Law Iohn chap. 7. verse 7. and chap. 16. verses 8.9 Touching the second vse it is most answerable to the iustice of God that the same Law which is the meanes of discouering sinne should also make knowne the penalty and punishment of the same Reade Rom. 4.15 2. Cor. 3.7 9. Reade also Deut. 27. Gal. Reade also Psal 45.6.7 Ier. 5.9 verse 30. and chap. 9.9 and chap. 7.19 Ezek. 22.13.14 and 1. Cor. 20.22 Heb. 2.2 chap. Reade also Psal 76.7.8 and Psal 130.3 and Amos 3.8 Concerning the third vse which is the last of the former and the most excellent vse of them as that whereunto the other do serue for the benefit of all the elect children of God reade Gal. 3.24 and Rom. 10.4 For the opening of the which point you may remember how it was declared vnto you that the faithfull do find in Christ all sufficient comfort against euery discomfort which the Law confirmeth against vs seeing we do by faith find in him both purity of nature and righteousnesse of life and satisfaction for sinne and intercession with God on our behalfe and therewithal power against sinne and grace to liue righteously in some measure of true obedience to God and finally euerlasting life and glory through the most free and infinite mercies of God To him therefore be all praise and honour and glory for euermore Amen Now let vs come to those which were called the latter vses of the Law Which are they The first vse of the Law after that we are brought by it to our Sauiour Christ is that henceforth it is vnto all the seruants of God a most perfect rule to teach and admonish vs how we are to amend our former wicked wayes and to order and frame our liues anew in all the duties of true righteousnesse and holinesse to the glorifying of the name of God to the assuring vnto our selues the truth of our faith for the peace of our owne consciences and to the good example and profit one of another Secondly it serueth as a continuall watch-man and admonitor to tell vs of our faults that by the rebukes thereof we may be more and more humbled in the sight of God and likewise to shew vs the imperfection and manifold failings of our obedience yea euen in the best things which we do that so it may be a preseruatiue against all false opinion of the worthinesse and merit of our owne workes and as a spurre to stirre vs vp to the care of better proceedings as hauing bene hitherto vnprofitable seruants vnto God Thirdly it is a perpetuall remembrance vnto vs how great our deliuerance hath bene by our Sauior Christ who hath freed vs from infinite sinnes and from the most horrible damnation due to the same to the end that by the same continuall remembrance we do prouoke our owne harts to loue Christ more and more dearely all the dayes of our liues and therewithall also to put vs in mind how infinite the danger is if at any time we should fall away from him Concerning the first of these latter vses of the Law reade 1. Tim. In this respect also doth our Sauiour Christ returne all that are brought to him by the Law for their redemption iustification and saluation backe againe to the Law for the direction of their life in all the duties of loue both to God and their neighbour as to the end of their redemption And so also do his holy Apostles Reade Ioh. chap. 13.34 1. Epist Rom. Gal. 5.14 and Iames chap. Luke 1.74.75 Neither is there any other knowledge of God faith feare loue c. cōmanded in the Gospell to any Christian and true beleeuer which was not before commāded in the Law
liberis vt noua soboles ad Deum colendum sisccedat summae turpitudinis damnatur eorum ignauia quibus Dei memoriam aeterno silentio obruere nulla religio est vt per eos non stet quò minus intercidat Promiscuè monentur omnes operam hanc gratissimam esse Deo si nomen eius transmittere studeant ad aetates futuras to the end it may continue and as it were suruiue vs after that we be dead For as he saith further in so much as the holie Ghost layeth this as a common charge vpon all that are godlie minded that they be diligēt in teaching their children to the end a new of-spring may succeede in the practise of Gods worship most shamefull is their lubberishnesse who are so profane that they care not though the memoriall of God be for euer suppressed and that for any thing they will do it should be so farre from continuance that it should vtterly fall away And Psal 78. vpon the 5. and 6. verses he doth likewise very worthilie obserue that from these wordes of the Psalme God hath commanded that fathers should teach their childrē That the posteritie might know his Law the children which shold be borne should stand vp and declare it to their children c. All saith he are generallie aduertised that they performe a dutie most acceptable to God whosoeuer do carefullie indeuour to set ouer his name that is to make him trulie knowne to the ages to come Finally as touching the last point of the answer that is concerning the blessing of God following this carefull indeuour read Deut. 28.1 c. 14. Read also Psal 67. and Iohn 9.31.1 Tim. 4.8 There are many such like testimonies And on the cōtrarie for Gods curse vpon the neglect hereof reade againe Deut. 28. verses 15.16 c. Psal 78. from the 8. ver There are likewise many other such like places of holie Scripture Yea examples also of Gods fearefull iudgements 2. King chap. 2.23.24 and chap. 17. of the same booke And Psal 106.37.38 c. But these for the present shall suffice Let vs now proceede Which are the parts or most generall heads and grounds of Christian Catechisme They are these two the morall Law or ten Commandements of almightie God and the Gospell of our Lord Iesus Christ It is true for the morall Law or ten Commandements they are a brief sum of the old Testament in so much as the ceremoniall and iudiciall lawes of God are but as it were appendices or appurtenances to those which are morall The parts And the Gospell that is to say the glad tidings of saluation containing the Articles of our Christian faith it is as one may say an abridgement of the New Testament Whereunto belongeth the doctrine of the Sacraments which are as signes and seales annexed to the Gospell c. We begin with the Law of God not that we hold it the only right and necessarie course of Catechising For God as it pleaseth him doth somtime enlighten call and renew those that be his not by humbling or casting them down at the first as he did Saul as we reade of Martin Luther c. by the terrors of the law in the sight of their sinnes and of that horrible damnation and vengeance due to the same but by giuing them notwithstanding they are grieuous sinners a comfortable sight and sweet tast and feeling in the apprehension of his rich and tender mercies touching forgiuenesse of sinnes through Iesus Christ And accordingly is the doctrine diuersly fitted and disposed in the holie Scriptures themselues For sometime the instruction proceedeth from the discouery of sinne of the corruption of nature as God dealeth with Adā in the beginning our Sauiour Christ with Nicodemus in the Gospell Paul in his Epistle to the Romans sometime from the blessings as God with Abraham and Paul to the Ephesians somtime from the curse as Iacob with his sonnes at his death sometime frō both iointlie and expresly as Leuit. chap. 26. and Deut. chap. 27 and chap. 28. or at the least inclusiuely as Iohn the Baptist our Sauiour Christ Repent amend for the kingdome of God is at hand Neuerthelesse let vs wisely marke we shall see that which way soeuer God giueth an entrance into his kingdome either by terrour or by comfort yet he doth afterward schoole and nourture them both wayes he sometime laying to their consciences the greatnesse of their sinnes and iust deserued miserie by the rebukes of the Law so driueth them to Christ the comfortes of the Gospell then againe from Christ in whom their soules are refreshed to more care and conscience of better dutie then before in obedience to Gods Law least comfort should hide it selfe and trouble and discomfort should returne more vncomfortably then before So that we our selues shall finde by experience that there is a continuall and necessarie vse successiuelie both of the law and also of the Gospell Questions preparatorie to the Law partly because of the dulnesse hardnesse of our hearts least we should waxe wanton against the Lord and profane his mercies and partly because of the weakenesse of our faith and failings in repentance least we should be driuen to dispaire of Gods mercy beholding the strictnesse and perfection of his glorious iustice And yet seeing humiliation by the Law is for the ordinarie course more fit for vs howsoeuer the ioy of the Gospell is more agreeable to the bountie of Gods grace and mercie and seeing Christ came not to call the righteous but sinners to repentance therefore saith Come vnto me all ye that are wearie and laden therefore let vs hold our purpose to make our entrance into the doctrine of Catechisme from the law The reason whereof shal yet further appeare hereafter yet so as by the grace of God we will neuer be contentious herein In the meane while let vs consider of the answers to certaine questions profitable to prepare the way thereunto as also to the whole doctrine of Catechisme I demaunde therfore first what euerie one of vs ought both first of all in order of time as most necessarie and chiefly also as being most worthy aboue all other things to seeke and labour after all the dayes of this short and transitorie life of ours Rightly to know beleeue loue feare serue and worship God in Christ Iesus to the glorifying of his name in this present euill world that we may be glorified of him and with him for euer in his heauēly kingdome in the world to come Mat. 6.33 For so is the cōmandemēt of our Sauiour Christ Iohn 17.3 First seeke ye the kingdome of God his righteousnesse And againe This is life eternall to know thee the onelie true God and him whom thou hast sent Iesus Christ Haue we such knowledge good dispositiō as you speake of by our owne naturall inclination No for it is written The naturall man
perceiueth not the things of the spirite of God for they are foolishnesse vnto him 1. Cor. 21.14 neither can he know them because they are spirituallie discerned And againe 2. Cor. 3.5 We are not sufficient to thinke any thing pertaining to the kingdome of God as of our selues The Greeke word icanoi may well be Englished 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 and that also more significantly to the purpose of the Apostle Naturall knowledge insufficient VVe are not fit nor haue no aptnesse c. But can we not by the light of our naturall vnderstanding know God by looking as it were in a glasse vpon that wisedome and power of his which shineth in his creatures nor be sufficiently prouoked by his accustomed goodnesse powred forth vpon vs in them to know and beleeue in him to loue feare worship and serue him to his honour and glorie and to our owne saluation No neither but we are so much the rather left without excuse before God because we through the dimnesse of our naturall sight knowing him but weakely and vnperfectly by his creatures cannot neither are desirous to bend our hearts and minds worthily to glorifie him as God It is true for so the Apostle Paul teacheth Rom. 1.20.21 and 1. Cor. 1.21 I aske therefore where that knowledge and faith which is sufficient for saluation and to the perfect guiding of vs in the right way of glorifying God here in this life is to be found Deut. 4.2 Pro. 30.6 Psal 105. 2. Tim. 3.15 Onely in the holy Scriptures and written word of God wherof it is said Thy word is a Lanterne to my feet and a light to my steps And againe the holy Scriptures are able to make vs wise vnto saluation through the faith which is in Christ Iesus Which are those holy Scriptures you speake of The bookes of Moses the Prophets and the Psalmes in the old Testament and the writings of the Euangelistes and Apostles of our Lord Iesus Christ in the New So indeed doth our Sauiour Christ deuide the holy Scriptures of the old Testament Luke 24.44 How many are the bookes of Moses They are fiue Which are they The first is called Genesis The second Exodus The third Leuiticus The fourth Nombers The fift Deuteronomy Which are the bookes of the holy Prophets First there are foure more larger then the rest Isaiah The holy Scriptures the onely ground of Catechisme and which they be Ieremie Ezechiel Daniel And then there be other twelue which are called the lesser Hosea Ioel Amos Obadiah Iona Micah Nahum Habbakuk Zephaniah Haggai Zechariah Malachi Malachie being the last of the Prophets endeth his Prophesie with foretelling the comming of Iohn Baptist wherewith the Euangelistes do begin the writings of the new Testament And thereby it appeareth that both the Old Testament and the New are one intire Scripture giuen by the same Spirit But we must needes vnderstand more vnder the name of the Prophets then these 16. which you haue alreadie rehearsed or else the diuision of our Sauiour Christ shold not comprehend all Shew therefore furthermore how manie be remaining of them and which they be There are also 16. bookes of them that is to say One of Ioshua One of Iudges One of Ruth Two of Samuel Two of the Kings Two of the Chronicles One called Esra Another Nehemia The booke of Esther The booke of Iob. The Prouerbes of King Salomon Ecclesiastes or the Preacher And the Song of Songs Of the Old Testament the booke of the Psalmes onely remaineth the which in the Hebrew is deuided into fiue partes How manie are of them in all The whole number of them is one hundreth and fiftie These are the holy Scriptures of the Old Testament shew likewise which be the bookes of the New Testament and first how manie are the writings of the Euangelistes VVhich be the holy Scriptures They are foure which be called after the names of those that wrote the most ioyfull Historie of the Gospell of our Sauiour Christ Who are they Mathew Marke Luke and Iohn Of these holy Euangelistes Luke wrote also the booke following next after them called the Actes of the holy Apostles and Iohn the last booke of the New Testament called the Apocalypse or Reuelation of Iohn the diuine But beside these writings of the New Testament there are one and twentie seuerall Epistles or letters contained in the same which partly the same Apostle Iohn and beside him some other of the Apostles and holy ministers of the Gospell wrote entitled either to whole Christian Churches or to certaine particular Christians of speciall calling and note in the Church of God Shew which those Epistles or holy letters are Of the Apostle Paul who wrote specially to the Churches of the Gentiles We haue one written to the Romanes Two to the Corinthians One to the Churches of Galatia One to the Ephesians One to the Philippians One to the Colossians Two to the Thessalonians Two to Timothie One to Titus One to Philemon Next vnto these is one written more specially to the Christians of the Iewes called the Epistle to the Hebrewes without any name of the writer of it And some other of the Apostles who wrote indeed for generall instruction both of Iewes Gentils in which respect their Epistles are called generall we haue One of Iames. Two of Peter Three of Iohn And one of Iude. Neuerthelesse Iames and Peter write with speciall directiō to the Christian Iewes This well agreeth to Peter who was the Apostle of the Circumcision that he should write to the Iewes as it doth vnto Paul to write specially to the Gentiles seeing that he was the Apostle of the vncircumcision And thus we see which are those holy Scriptures both of the Old and New Testament which aboue all other writings haue this chiefe and most honourable prerogatiue ascribed vnto them according to that which was answered that they onely are able to make vs wise vnto saluation and to guide vs perfectly in the right way of the holy worship and seruice of God to the glorifying of his name here in this present world What is the reason hereof Because these holy Scriptures onely are in most singular manner and more immediately then anie other writings giuen by God himselfe either by the ministerie of Angels from heauen in the hand of a Mediator which is Christ Iesus the eternall sonne of God or by the same Mediator himselfe manifested to the world in the nature of man or else by diuine inspiration in the ministerie of men like to our selues though specially chosen and sanctified of God to be his most holy Scribes and Secretaries to the same end What proofe haue you for these things In the 19. verse of the 3. chapter to the Galatians and in the 2. verse of the 2. chapter to the Hebrewes also in the beginning of the same Epistle in the 1. verse and in the 2. Epistle to Timothie the 3. chapter 16. and