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ID Title Author Corrected Date of Publication (TCP Date of Publication) STC Words Pages
A15874 A briefe rehersal of the death resurrectio[n], [and] ascension of Christ gathered together oute of ye foure euangelistes and actes of the apostles by the most godly and great learned man Huldriche Zuinglius, written first in Latin, and now tra[n]slated into Englishe, that such as vnderstande not the Latin tongue should not wante the vse of so worthy and profitable a treatise. Perused and allowed according to the order appointed in the Quenes maiesties iniunctions. Zwingli, Ulrich, 1484-1531. 1561 (1561) STC 26135; ESTC S106617 105,568 216

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for how can a man hope for the same thing that he seeth Roma viii Therefore we wayte for that by pacience which we see not but onely beleue hope for Let vs be exercised in the meane time vnder the crosse so shal we continually be made perfect by his spirit being hated oppressed in the world that we may the soner aspire vnto our father be very desirous to come to our heauenly coūtrey Heb 13. Titus ii We are straūgers in this world we haue here no abiding citie but we looke for one to come wayting for that blessed hope appearīg of the glory of the great God our sauior Iesus Christ i. Iohn iii ii Cor. iii. And we knowe that whē he appeareth we shal be like vnto him bycause we shal see him as he is and we al representing the glorye of the lord in a glasse with vncouered face are transformed into the same Image frō glory to glorye as it were by the spirite of the Lorde This is signified shewed before as it were in a certayn figure in that Christ openeth him selfe after his resurrection by litle litle leasurely by certain degrees as we see in the women in the trauellers of Emaus in the disciples Sometime he appeareth in the forme of a straūger holdeth their eyes that thei knew him not sometime he talketh with Marye in forme of a gardener sometime he sendeth hys Aungell vnto them sometime he offreth hym selfe to be sene and handled openly sometyme he forbiddeth them to handle him sometime he appeareth at Ierusalem sometime in Galile till he openly ascended into heauen al doubt set asyde they loking vpon him sent his spirite fully vnto them from aboue So God oftentimes deferreth and will not be sene by and by and being called vpon sendeth not succoure strayght waye that our hartes mighte be kindled more more our fayth shine forth more brighte Who vnderstandeth not that Mary Magdalene was pulled away frō Christ with an euil wil whē as he sent her to the Apostels For vndoubtedly shee woulde haue gladlier abiden longer with Christ satiated her minde with the contemplacion fruition of him But it was more necessary to serue her neyghbor that that ioye and so wonderfull comfort shuld also be brought to the Apostles Whereby we learne that we can not fully haue the commoditie of the contemplacion of the Godhead whilst we liue here but we had neede to serue oure neighbour by charitie Paule acknowledging thys writeth vnto the Philippians after thys sorte What to chose I knowe not Phillip i. for I am constrayned of these two thinges I desire to be loosed and to be with Christ which is much and farre better Neuerthelesse to abide in the fleshe is more nedefull for you And the woman entred into the sepulchre found not the body of the Lord Iesus And it happened as thei wer amased therat behold two mē stode by thē in shining garments And as they were affrayed bowed downe theyr faces to the earth thei said vnto them why seeke ye the liuyng among the dead He is not here but is risen Remember howe he spake vnto you wen he was yet in Galile saying That the sōne of mā must be deliuered into the hands of sinneful men be crucified the thirde daye rise agayn And they remembred his words returned frō the sepulchre tolde al these thinges to the eleuen to al the rest And as they wer going to tel it to the disciples beholde Iesus met thē saying Al hayle And they came held him by the fete and worshipped him Then sayed Iesus vnto thē be not affeard Go tell my brethren that they go into Galile there they shall see me And it was Mary Magdalene Ioanna others that were with them whiche tolde the Apostles these things And their words semed vnto them fained things neither beleued they them DIuerse wayes doth Christe as I haue sayd before declare that he is risen from death in deede but yet to those oute of whose hartes the feare of the crosse had not altogether shakē of Christ which sought hym with a feruent fayth Charitie is diligent neuer ceasseth they go often to one place looke againe being desirous to serue Christ Whose feruentnes doth put to shame our sluggishnes They seke one absent being very desirous of him we eyther disdayne Christ being presente in the poore or els we thinke scorne to bestowe a litle of our money vpon thē They spare no laboure nor coste we are so addicted to thinges that we can let thē go empty away The Lord therefore doth not frustrate the desire of these godly womē but meteth thē saluteth thē frendly offreth him selfe to be felte of thē finallye he comforteth them All these things are done that their weake faith might be strengthened Let vs not doubt therefore at all but that the Lord wil be with vs and comfort vs whē we are in afflictions and temptacions So that we seke the lord and cease not till we fynde hym And behold two of them went the same day to a castle called Emaus whiche was about threscore furlongs distant frō Ierusalē And thei talked betwene thē of al these things that had happened And it came to passe as thei were in talking and reasoning together Iesus also him selfe drewe nere went with them but theyr eyes were holden that they knew him not And he said vnto thē what manner of talke is thys whiche ye haue together as ye walke and be so sad And one of them aunswered whose name was Cleophas and sayd vnto him Arte thou only a straunger in Ierusalem and knowest not the things that are happened there in these dayes To whom he answered what thinges And they sayd vnto him of Iesus of Nazareth whiche was a Prophete mighty in dede and word before god and al the people And how the high priests and our rulers deliuered him to be condemned to death and haue crucifyed hym But we hoped that it had bene he whiche shoulde redeme Israell And nowe as touching al these thynges this is the thyrde day since these thyngs are done yea and certayne women also of our company amased vs which came to the sepulchre before daye lyghte finding not hys body came and sayed that they had seene a vision of Aungels which sayed that he is on lyue And some of them whiche were with vs went vnto the sepulchre and founde it euen so as the women had saide but him they saw not THe same daye namely in the which the Lord had risen Luke 10. two of these seuenty disciples whom the Lorde whē he was yet liuing had chosen wente forth It appeareth that these disciples woulde haue fled for feare namelye of the persecution which they supposed to be at hande This historye also teacheth that it was true which Christ promised namely that he
that frō henceforth I shall not eate and drynke wyth you after the accustomed maner I shall with my bloud being shed confirme that testament which somtyme I established with Abrahā but after a new sorte not by the bloud of beastes as it was in the olde tyme but by myne owne bloud Neither shal my couenaunt stād with the Iewes only but with al mankind This worde braunche or fruite of the vine is a paraphrases of wyne and doth signifye not onely that to be wyne which Christ dranke in the cuppe and gaue vnto his disciples but it also declareth that it was bloud but such as came out of the vine and not powred out of his body as if a man would say this is of the fruite of wheat he shoulde by circumloqution signifie bread and therwithall declareth that it is not onely bread but also it is bread made of wheat and of no other graine For there is also bread made of Rye and of Otes c. And this emphasis haue all parephrases and specially the Hebrew parephrases So whē Christ calleth himselfe the sonne of man Therfore he saith henceforth I wil no more eat nor drink wherfore it is likely Christ him self also dyd eate and drinke namely after this sort but after an other sort and newe that is to say after my resurrectiō I wil thē eat with you whē as you shall eate with me at my table in the kingdom of my father but not after that sort as bodies are wonte to be fed but in the state of immortalitie Therfore the kingdom of god is either the time after the resurrection or els a more full knowledge of Christ The kingdom of God or els the eternal life after this life in the which the faith full shall eate and drinke vppon the table of Christ wiih Christ that most swete drinke of immortalitie as appeareth in the .xxii. chapi Luke As concerning the sence of these wordes of Christ this is my body and of the foode of the soule we haue spoken inoughe of in an other place Let vs not dispute how the bread is made the bodye of Christe but lette vs rather remember the benefitte performed vnto vs by the bodye of Christe that being inwardly satiated in our minds we may lift our hartes to him which sitteth at the right hand of the father that is in a certain limited place in heauen that we may loue one another that we may liue innocētly that we may geue thākes vnto the Lord and walk worthely in our vocatiō To eate of the body of Christ is none other thing but to beeleue that his body was geuen to the death to make satisfactiō for our sinnes To drinke the bloud of Christe is nothing els but to beleue that Christ his bloud was shed for the washing away of our sins neither is there any other eating of the bodye of Christ then that which is done by faith of the which Christ speaketh in the 6. chap of Iohn neither can it be done of any but of the godly But the eating of the simbolical and mistical bread is common both to the godly and also to the vngodly althoughe after a diuers sorte For there be some which do eate the bread of the supper vnworthely and drinke the wine vnworthely and by that meanes do get vnto themselues death and iudgement that is punishmēt And those although they eat drink with their mouth the sacramēts of the body bloud of the Lord yet neuerthelesse they eate not the body of Christ neither do they drinke his bloud vnlesse they will make Christ a lyar which farre be it from the euerlasting and infallible truth whē as he saith They which eate my fleshe and drinke my bloud abyde in me and I in them There is none I thinke that will affirme if he haue his right wittes that this agreeth with the vngodlye but as for the godly they do not onely eat with their teath the signes neither haue they ●are signs but besides the eating of the signes whiche is done with the mouth of the body they are inwardly fed in their mindes with the body and bloud of Christ by the eating of faith which faith the spirit of Christ kindleth within thē at such tyme as much to whō it pleaseth him For the operatiō of his spirit is not boūd to the signes neither is grace so put in them that it shuld be brought vnto them as it were in a wagon but Christ that chief and eternall bishop doth feede the faithfull with his body and bloud the minister only administring the sacraments outwardly vnto whome he setteth before their eyes putteth in remēbraūce and declareth the grace of god he bringeth it not to them he geueth it not neither doth he distribute it to thē Therfore a faithful mind doth receaue the body and bloud and hauing receaued it the spirite of God doth with heat disgest it poureth it into the inwarde bowels of the soule of the which springeth a maruelous and inwarde refreshing vnto a godly mynde when we celebrate therfore the Supper of the Lord or thankes geuing let vs remember that only sacrifice which was offred vppon the crosse with thankes geuyng For we are admonished that by the flesh and bloud of the onely begotten sonne of God offred vppon the crosse for vs we are redemed from euerlasting death and that the same are made to vs spirituall foode to norish and kepe vs in euerlasting life for as much as Christ hath offred vp himselfe a most acceptable sacrifice for vs vnto the father in geuing his body to the deth powred forth his bloud to wash vs wtall it is wholy our partes to meditate and to preache abroad so great a loue and so wōderfull great a benefit and to geue thanks for so liuely a death and by that meanes our faythe will more encrease towardes God the father also his loue and good will towards vs will be more and more kindled Moreouer we are admonished by this most holy Supper to offer and vowe our selues wholy bodye soule vnto Christ for a sacrifice considering that he hath suffred death to restore vs vnto life and desire not to lyue nowe to our selues but to Christ Finally the remembraūce of the body geuē and of the bloudshed is therfore set before the church of Christ in the holy signes of the supper that by the same it might more certainly receaue as it were a certain priuy tokē of her redemption and might cal into memory that we are so compacte by faithe into one bodye that we are made the members of one head Christ It is therfore mete that we bee bound together with a singuler charitie amōgest our selues and with doyng good one to an other Let the death of Christ therfore neuer slip out of our heartes let vs alwayes remember that Christe is wholly made oures that we should also be his by faith and charitie and our neighbors by charitie