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A14448 Here begynneth the lyf of saint katherin of senis the blessid virgin; Vita di S. Catarina da Siena. English Raymond, of Capua, 1330-1399.; Elizabeth, of Hungary, Saint, 1207-1231, attributed name.; Elizabeth, of Toess, Saint, 1297-1338, attributed name. 1500 (1500) STC 24766.3; ESTC S109658 218,906 188

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hys dyuyne loue that she ●●yed in hyr soule sayd ¶ Lorde thou hast wounded myn herte lorde thou hast woūded myn herte ¶ And this was on saynt margaretes day as she tolde to hyr confessour in preuytee ¶ Hyt befell also in another tyme the morowe after Saynt Laurence daye that this holy mayde cam to the chyrche for to here masse kneled nexte to the auter as she was wonte for to do for to see the blessyd sacrement because that she sholde not lette the preste at theautre by hyr grete sobbynghir confessour came to hyr warned her that she shold constreyne hir asmoche as she mighte fro suche grete sobbynges lest the prest were lette by hyr ¶ Th●nae anone she mekely as trewe obedyent mayden satte ferther fro the aulter prayed to oure lorde that he wold vouchesauf to Illumyne hir confessour that he myght see and knowe whether suche sterynges of the spyryte of god myght be mesured of man ¶ Thēne by vertu of that prayer hyr contessoure hadde so perfyte knoleche of feuoure of deuocyon by experience that he knewe fully by that that suche feruoures of the soule myght not be kepte wythin but nedes by strenthe of dyuyne loue yt muste breke out ¶ Ferthermore oftyme whan she was not houseled she desyred in hyr sowle for to receyue the blyssed sacramet of the aulture ¶ And oftymes she wold breke out and say deuoutly thus ¶ I wolde receyue my lorde Jhesu crystys body wyth that our lorde wolde appyre to hyr as he was wont to doo and to fulfylle hyr desyre he toke the maydens mouthe put it to hys blessyd wounde of hys syde and bad hyr receyue of ●s flesshe and of hys bloode as moche as she lyst ¶ Thenne she receyued plentuously of our lorde breste that she semed for pure loue she sholde hadde dyed by cause of the grete swetnes that she felte in her herte ¶ Hyt befyll also vpon Sanyt ●●exis day that this holy mayde prayed to our lorde deuoutly that he wolde vouchesauf to graūte hyr brēnyng desyre for to receyue hys flesshe and hys blood ¶ Wyth that she had d●a reuelacyon that she sholde be houseled on the morowe doubteles for it was forbeden hyr of the freres that she sholde not so ofte be houseled ¶ Thenne whane she hadde thys confortable reuelacyon She. prayed our lord that he wold wouchesauf to clenie hir herte agaynst the tyme she shold receyue hym that she myght the more worthely receyue hym ¶ In tyme that she prayed thus she felte a reyne comenge doun in to hyr soule in maner of a grete haboundant flood not of water or of suche other lyquore but onely of blood medelyd wyth fyre the whiche as hyr semed purgyd clensed so myghtely ●● rsowie that by strengthe of that tyre it re●o●ded in to the body and clensed also hyr body ¶ After thys on the morowe she was ●oseek that by no waye it semed to hyr she myght not goo one foot ¶ Neuertheless she doubted no thyng of the ꝓmysse o● our lord but trustyng to hym fully began to go to chyrche And whan she was come thyder she knelyd doun in a chapell besyde an aulter ¶ Thenne came to hyr mynde how she was enfourmed that she myght not be houseled of what prest she lyst but of suche that ben assygned to hyr ▪ ¶ wyth that she desyred hyr confessour sholde say a masse at that same aulter Anone oure lorde gaf hyr comforte that he sholde sing there Sodeynly our lord thenne touched the herte of hyr confessonr wyth deuociō that he sholdesaye a masse that day for he was in no wyll for to syng that day ne he wyste not that the holy mayde was come to chyrche ¶ Thenne at the steryng of our lorde he dysposed him to masse wente to the same aulter there the holy mayde was and abode our lordes behest at whiche aulter also he was neuer wont to synge ¶ And whanne he came he founde there this holy mayde axyng for to be houseled for charyte ¶ Thenne he rceyued that it was the wyll of god he sholde syng that day ¶ He sayd masse and at the ende of the masse as the maner is he came for to housele hyr this holy mayde at the aulter ende where she was redy for to receyue that blessyd sacrament ¶ Hyr confessour behelde and sawe hyr vysage all shynyng rede al for wepre wyth terys the whiche was to him a grete meruayll and Wuth that deuocion she receyued that blissed sacrament ¶ And after tyme she was houseled she was so plenteuously replete of our lorde that all that day she myght speke no worde to noo creature ¶ On the morowe hyr confessour axed hyr what hir eyled and what nowe grace she receyued the other day a fore by cause she was so shynnyng rede whan she receyued that blyssed sacrament she answorde thus ¶ Fader of what colour I was that tyme I wote nere but thys I knowe well whā I vnworthy wretche receyued that blyssed sacrament of your hondes it drewe me som to it that alle other thyng saue that allone wexed to me lothesom not onely temporall thynges dylectacyons of the worlde but also other comfortes pleysaunces were they neuer so ghostly wherfore I desyred prayed that all suche ghostly comfortes sholde be sequestryd frome so that I myght pleese god and ende lesly be I knytte to hym And also I prayed hym that he wolde take away my wyl gyue me hys wyll and so he dede right mercyably and sayd to me thus ¶ Loo dere doughter now I gyue the my wyll bi the whiche thou shalte be soo strong that what euer happe to the fro thys tyme for the warde thou shalt neuer be chaunged nestyred ryght so it was ¶ She was euer afterwarde dyspysed and sette lytell by of alle folke and was neuer the more styred ne troubled ageynsthem ¶ Ouermore yet this holy mayde sayd to her confessour Fader well wyll ye wete how our lorde serued me Trewely as a moder serued hyr lytell soukyng chylde whome she loueth tenderly ¶ A moder suffred other while hir childe stonde a ferre from hyr whyle she sheweth hym hirtete of hir breste and suffred hym to wepe longe tyme after hit but all that tyme the lawhed ¶ At the last whan she hath suffred it to wepe long tyme she gothe ther to wyth a lawhyng there and beclypped it in her armes and kyssed it and soo gyueth it hyr breste or she tete ¶ Ryght so ferde our lorde wyth me that day he shewed me hys blessyd wounde in his syde stondyng all a ferre from me ¶ And I for desyre that I hadde ther to putte my mouth to that blessyd wounde and wepte haboundantly ¶ Thenne our lorde sayd after tyme that he hadde so suffred me to wepe he came to me gladdely and tooke my sowle in hys armes and putte my mouthe to his wounde ¶ And thenne my sowle for that grete
she myght whome she had first in grete repreue and soo she accused her self wyth spekynge and tokens makyng asked her mercy and forgyuenesse of her trespaas as she myght speke and soo she was shryue and hoselyd and passyd out of this worlde wyth grete contrycion Whan she was passed out of this world thenne our lorde shewed to this holy mayde her sowle in soo grete bryghtnesse and fayrnes that as she knowleched afterward to her confessour it myght not be tolde ne spoken wyth mannys tongue Yet was not that the fayrenesse that she sholde haue in blysse endelesly but oonly the fayrenes that she hadde in her first creacion and in receyuyng of her baptysme And thenne sayde our lord to this hooly mayde loo dere doughter by the I haue receyned this soule that was loste is thys not a fayre soule and a semely Loo is he or she that wyll not doo her besines for wynnyng of suche a fayre sowle yf that I am the most souerayn fayrnes of whom cometh alle maner of vertues fayrnesse was so oucome thrugh loue of fairnesse of man̄ys soule that I wold come doun froheuē to erthe shedde my blode for to raūsom it moche ye thenne shold laboure so eyther for other the so fayr a creature be not lost for this cause I haue shewed the this soule that thou may the more her afterward be ●●erid for to wynne soules to me and also that thou may stere other to the same grace This holy mayde thenne thanked our lord for his blessyd reuelacion prayng hym mekely wyth alle the affeccion of her sowle that he wolde vouchesaf to gyue her that grace euer afterward that she myght see the fayrnesse of euery soule of all tho the whiche been conuersaunt wyth her so the more be steryd for to winne her helthe the whiche grace oure lorde graunted her and sayde by cause thou haste despised for myn sake all maner of flesshely conuersacion and art knytte to me in the spyryte the whiche am the moost souerayn spyryte and also haste prayed soo besely and soo deuotily fore this sowle therfore now I gyue thy soule clere syght by the whiche thou mayste perceyue and beholde bothe the fayrenes and the fylthes of euery soule that is present afore the So that as thy bodely wittes afore this tyme haue perceyued the condycions of bodyes ryght so from this tyme forward thyn ghostely wyttes sholde perceyue and consydere the conditions of the spyrytes not only of tho the whilche ben I presented to the but also of all other for whos helpe thou shalt praye though they neuer be presented to thy bodely syght ¶ The grace of this gyfte was euer after ward soo spedefull in this holy mayde that fro that tyme forward she perceiued more clerly the qualytes and dedes ▪ of the sowles of theym the whiche aperyd afore her than of her bodyes so ferforth that in a tyme Mayster Reymound her confessour complayned to her of som̄e that grutched vppon her by cause that she suffred many dyuerse persones to knele afore her wolde not byd theym stonde vp To whom she aus●terd in this wyse God knoweth fader that I am occupyed aboute the consyderacion of her sowles that I perceyued nothyng in maner of outward dedes Thenne asked her confessour of her and sayde wheder●ye see her sowles To whom she answerd thus Fader vnder confessyon I shewe to you that after tyme our sauyour hadde I gyue me suche a grace that I sawe the fayrnesse off myn sufters soule the whiche was ordeyned to be dampned for her trespaas by his right wysdom he delyuerd mercyable by mym prayers shewed me afterward He fayrenes ther apperyd afterwar vnnethe afore me but that I sawe the condycions of theyr sowles and therfore fader I am syker if ye hadde onys seen the fayrenesse of a resonable sowle ye wold suffre an hondred tymes bodely deth if it were possyble for the wynnyge off a soule there is nothyng in wis worlde that maye be lykened to her fayrnesse whā here ōfessour herd this he prayed her that she wolde vouchesaf to tell hym all the processe how she come to suche a reuclacion Thenne this holy mayde tolde him al the processe as it is reherced afore all bee it though she tolde it but shortly and me kely of the trespas of her seke suster done agaynst her But her confessour afterward enquyred the sothe of that odyous cryme of her susters the whiche knewe thē both well ynow Ferthermore to the more cōfyrmacion of thyse thynges that benrehersed a fore maister Reymound her cōfessour recordeth of her that he was ofte tymes a speker bytwene her the pope gregori xj For she was an ytaly coude vnd stonde none latyn the pope Gregorye coude vnderstonde none ytaly therfore Mayster Reymound her confessour that coude bothe was a speker bytwene them Amonges alle other communycacions that this holy mayde communyd wyth pope Gregory she complayned her of the court of Rome And sayde that the that paradyse sholde be of vertu ther she founde stynche of cursed vices thenne the pope asked her by her confessour how longe she hadde be in the courte To whom she answerd sodenly wyth a meke boldenes to the pope in this wyse to the worshyppe of almyghty god I dare well say that I perceyued moche more the stynche of synne the whiche is vsed in the court of Rome at home in myn owne cyte there as I was borne thenne they that hath sinned and synne euery daye Thenne the pope after this answere helde his peas And was merueylously astonyed but her confessour maister Reymound merueylously marked he wordes and wyth what auctoryte they were spoken to suche a wourthy prelate Also ofte tymes it befyll bothe to mayster Reymound her confessour and to other that folowed that holy mayde in to dyuerse countrees where neyther she ne they came afore that ther come to her and to hym many vnknowen persons semely arayed for to comin with theym of vertu semyng as though they hadde be vertuous folke But in trouthe they encombred wyth wretched synnes whos synnes she perceyued anone wherfore she wolde neyther speke to theym netourne her face to theym And whan she sawe that they abode lōge Thenne she brake out a lytyll her voyce more than she was wonte to doo and sayde to theym suche wordes Fyrst we shold amende our lyf fro synne and goo out of the deuyles seruyce and thenne to speke of our lord Whā she had said suche wordes she wente fro theym assone as she myght goodly And afterward her confessour and her felawes founde it sothe that they were e ncombred wyth wretched synnes in the whiche synnes they cōtynued wythouten repentaunce Another tyme also she spake wyth a woman the whiche woman semed an honest womā but in soth she was the concubyne of a man of holi chirche and that was grete pyte As they spake togyders the wymmen myght not loke vpon the
can none tongue tell by cause she was soo obedyent and soo groūded in mekenes that coude nother excuse her self ne wythstond the wyll of her confessonr what that euer ●● badde her doo for one or other she wyst well that the wyll of god was contrarye agaynst all their domes And on the other syde she was aferd for the dred of god to forsake obedyence that she was bode by her confessour And therto she was lothe to notefye the trouthe to them carnell pepse by cause the coude not sauore suche a ghostely trouthe therfore what she sholde doo she wyst neuer Thus she suffred moche angwyshe in this conflycte But amonges alle thyse conflictis she ran to her praye and for a souerayn remedy she wepte plentuously afore oure forde teres of sorowe and of hope besechyng hym mekely wyth moche instaunce that he wolde vouchesaf to shewe hys wyll to all tho that were contrary again ste her maner of lyuyng And specyafly to her confessour whom she was moste lothe to offende She wolde not reherce the worde of the Appostles that they sayde to prynces of the lawe whan they sayde thus ¶ Oportet obedire deo magis quam homini b● That is we sholde rader obeye to god than to man But for to seye so she was lothe lest it sholde haue be answerd her that the fende trans●igureth hym ofte tymes in an angell of lyght And therfore she sholde gyue none credens to euery spyrit Ne sholde not leue to moche to her owna wytte but to doo after counseyll ¶ In this deuout prayer oure lord herd her graciously as he dyde in many other and ofte tymes illumyned her confessour his sowle and chaunged his counseyll But now I shalt sece of this mater and procede in the processe of this holy maydens lyuyng The fyrst tyme that this speciall grace befyll her she was soo full of the holy ghoste that fro the begynnyng of lenton in to Ascencīon off oure lorde she was wythout bodely mete or drynke euer glad and mery This was none merueyle for the fruyte of the spyryte is charyte ioye and peas as saynt pouse sayth And as our lord sayth hym self A man lyueth not alwaye wyth bodely sustynaunce but wyth the worde that cometh out of goddes mouth And for as holy wryt sayth Juseus exside viuit That is the ryghtwysman lyueth by the fayth On the ascēciō day our lorde graunted her that she sholde ete as she tolde afterward preuely to her confessour And soo she dyde for she ete bred potage of wortes other rawe herbes also other lenton metes for that meruey lous body about kynde myght not recey●ue none delycat● metes After that day she tournyd agayn to her symple faste that she hadde begunne a fore soo by lytyll and lytill she tournyd that symple faste in to a costome contynuelly that was neuer herd in to tho dayes Her confessour mayster Reymound berith record and sayth that ofte tymes he knewe that her body was not comforted by none bodely mete ne drynke but only with colde water vnto the tyme she was brought to suche a febylnesse that hym thought and other moo that she was almost dede But assone as she herd saye of ony nede that shold be done to man̄is soule she caught strengthe sodenly wythouten ony bodely comforte that she was able to goo as mightely as euer she was wythout ony greuauuce a boue the commune strengthe or of other the whiche folowed her and neuer wae wery Wherof came this grace trowe ye but only of the spryte that comforteth and quickeneth the body merueylously aboue kynde namely of suche a body that is subiecte to the spyryte in alle ghostely werkes By this may euery ghostely man vnderstonde that alle thys holy maydens lyf was aboue kinde and full of myracle ¶ In a tyme whan she hadde faste soo longe and lyued without mete and drinke Her confessour mayster Reymound asked her wheder she had ony tyme ony maner of appetyte to mete or drynke To whom she answerd thus I haue so grete swetnes that our lord gaue me by receyuing of that blessyd sacrament off the aulter his owne precio● flesh blod that in noo wyse I myght desyre none maner bodely sustynaunce of mete or drynke Then̄e her confessour asked eftsones whether she had ony appetyte to mete the day that she was not hosylyd She said nay for whā it happed that she was not hose lyd the presence and the syght of that blessyd sacrament not only the sight of the blessyd sacrmēt but also the presens of that presie the whiche she knewe welle hadde that day sayd masse I touched that blessyd sacrament comforted her in suche wyse that she hadde none mynde of bodely mete ¶ This holy mayde stode bothe full and fastyng wythoutforth fastynge and wythinforth full wythoutforth drye and wythinforth moyste with flodes of quyk water and in alle manes of chaunces she was euer glad and iocūde But the fende myght not suffre this that the she shold thus be endowed by suche gracious gyftes but by his venyms woodnes of malycious enuye he steryd bothe spyrytuall folke and temperall folke Relygious and seculer againste her for that syuguler gyfte of fastynge merueyle not though he styred ghostely folke and relygyous agaynst her for in suche but yf theyr owne loue of theym self were fully quenched by grace regnid more perylous enuye than in other and namely whan they see another doo the whiche them thynketh is vnpossybyle theym for to do Serche wisely now and aspye whether this was not soth amonges the holy faders dwellyng in thebayde there was a seculer man that came to the grete congregaciō where Phatomye was abbot for to receyue the habyte amonges theym And whan he was receyued to the habyte to the holy congregacion the couent sawe how merueylously he lyued And they myght not doo as he dyde They came alle wyth one voyce gretelysteryd agaynste Phatomye and bad hym eyther put out of the congregacion that newe monke or ellis thei wolde not abyde wyth hym Loo yf suche enuye regned thenne in tho dayes amonges suche that were holde ryht ●fyght folk What enuye tro we ye myht regne amōges our ghostely folke that lyuē in thyse dayes it is none wonder therfore thou ghostely folke grutched with this holy maydes fastyng For somme there were that said there is none lyuyng gretter than our lord for oure lorde yet ete dranke whiles he lyued in erthe and his blessyd gloryous moder oure gloryous lady gloryous vyrgyn marye and alle his appostles and also whom our lorde bad that they shold ete and drynke that was set afore theym and soo they dyde How is that that now is lyuyng in erthe that myght passe theym or to be lyke to theym I trowe none Somme ther were also that sayde and afermed that saintes afore vs taught by worde and by dede that there shold none take vpon theym a synguler lyuyng
companye as they satē at the mete Stephene the felowe of Neryus roos vp wyth a grete spyryte went to the holy maydes chambre sytyng doune on his knees and prayed her mekely that she wyll not suffre his felowe Neryus to deye in suche a straunge contree To whom this holy mayde answerde thus sone why art thou heui thou sholdest not be sory for thy felawe For our lorde wyll rewarde hym in blysse for his pacyence in sufferyng of that sekenes Then̄e he sayd agayn dere moder yett here myn prayer at this tyme and helpe hym for I wote well ye may and ye wyll Thenne she sayd well sone I see well that thou art not in will to conforme the to the wil of god as I haue tolde the Therfore sythe I see that thou art soo tourmentyd for hym come to me to morowe whan I go to here masse and be houselyd and reduce this mater to myn mynde And I shall sende vp thyn prayer to god And thou shalt praye for me that I maye be herde Thenne stephen was well apayed wyth this vyheste●erly on the morowe he mette wyth this holy mayde goyng for to here masse Assone as he aspyed her he fyldoune on his knees and prayed her that she wolde not forgete hym of that he spake to her the day afore After tyme whan she was ho●elyd she was rauysshed from her bodely wyttes and prayed our lord for that seke man Soone after she was restoryd ayen to her bodely wyttes and came to the same Stephene smylyng the whiche abode her there of an answere and sayde vnto hym thus Sone thou hast the grace that thou hast asked Thenne he asked her whether Neryus shold be deliuerd of his sekenes She sayd ye wyth that he wente gladly to his felawe and badde hym be of good there for he shall be hole and soo he was full tendaunt aboute for to recouer hym In tyme of his mynystracion aboute hī it happed the same Stephene to be seke lay doune in his bedde of a passyng feuer Whan the holy mayde knewe that she hadde grete sowwe and went to hym and asked hym what sekenes he hadde And she perceyued by touchynge of hys ponse that he was vexed wyth a strong feuer Anone wyth a greate feruour o●● spyryte she sayde thus I charge the feuer by the vertu of obedyence that tho● goo out of this man thenne went the feuer a waye and he wos vp all hole with out ony taryeng and thanked oure lorde of his grete grace that he shewed to hys spouse Katheryne Another notable myracle I shall telle you of a suster of penaunce the whiche was called Johan dwellyng in the Cyte of Sene In a tyme that our holy fader pope Gregory that lyued that tyme was in the cyte of Sene at the byddyng of our holy fader Gregorye this holy mayde was sent to Florence to make pees betwene hym his rebell children of florēce the whiche mat is to longe to tell here But this mater shall hau● a chapytre by hit self afterward by the helpe of god And whan she was come to Florence wyth hyr a felawe of here 's the whiche was called Johan for to trete for the pees betwene our oure holy fader and that rebell people The people sette lytell by hyr wordes but s●laundred hyr meruayllously set hyr at nought Then ne she was counseylled for to withdrawe hyr a whyle vnto the tyme that they were cessyd of theyr malyce She dyd so but yet she sayd that she wold neuer passe out of that cyte in to the tyme they were accorded and pees were cryed thorugh out all the cyte of Florence as she sayde so it was Thenne she wente a syde was lodgyd a lytell besyde the cyte where sodeynly hir suster Johan was seek in hyr foot so that hyr foot was all forswo●land ther wyth for payne of hyr foot she had a grete ●eruent axes and so she was in double wyse tormented that she myght not goo wyth hyr Thy● holy mayde was heuy therof wolde in no wy●e leue hyr behynde le●t s●launder sholde spryng She prayed to our lord for helpe that he wold wouche●auf mercyably to helpe hyr fel●we all the whyle that she prayed hyr suster was a slepe And whan she awoke she was all hole as though she had I had no sykenes Anone she arose vp went wyth this holy mayde as quykly as euer she dyd afore ¶ Of this myracle many one thanked our lord that sawe it the whiche had wrought soo gracyously by hys spouse Katheryne Yette shall I tell you another meruayllous thynge that our lord wrought by hyr in the cyte of Tholetane Whan this holy mayde was entred in to the Cyte of Tholetane she took hir Inne and anone she wente in to hir chambre as she was wonte to do In to the whiche mayster Reymond was come on the popes message Sodeynly thenne he herde in the stretys of the Cyte of wymmen that an holy wommā was come entred in to the Cyte Then ne soone after cam men and after wymmen to hyr Inne axed where thys holy mayde was They of the Inne myght not hyde hyr but they suffred wymmen onely to goo in to hyr speke wyth hyr Thenne ther was one of the wommen that hadde a lytell chylde whos whombe was meruayllously swolle And they prayed this holy mayde that she wold take that childe in hyr armes at the begynnyng she refused it by cause of vayn glorye but at the ●ast she was ouercome by pyte and dyd as they had hyr as soone as she took that chylde in hir hondes anone the childe deliuered from him moche wynde so that at last hys bely aswagyd and was as small as euer it was soo the chylde was hole All be it that mayster Reymond sawe not this myracle yet ther was so open speche therof in the Cyte of Tholetane that it came to the bysshopys ere and sent after mayster Reymond prayed hym that he myght speke wyth the holy mayde for the childe was neuewe to a vycary of hys And than this holy mayde came spake wyth the bysshop of many vertuous maters Many moomeruayls our lord wrought by this holy mayde that ben not wryten in this book But these fewe I haue wryten to you maydens by cause that ye shall the sonner gyue credence that our lord Jhesu Cryste dwellyd in this holy maydens soule the whiche principally wrought all thyse meruayllous werkys wytnes of tho maters the whiche ben reherced in this chapytre ben reherced afore in tho places where these my racles were shewed and thus endeth this chapytre ¶ Of myracles wrought by thys holy mayde a boute the delyueraunce of them whiche were encombred and vexyd wyth fendes Capitulum lx Owre lorde all myghty Ihesu cessyd not to shewe outward the Fertue that he gaue Inwarde to hys spouse Katheryne by many meruayllous werkes The vertue therfore of our lorde Ihesu cryst
rehersyd in the vj Chapytre of the seconde party That same payne in her breste lefte wyth her the whiche passed all her other bodely paines And yet more ouer wyth all thyse paynes she had de ryght ofte the feueres For alle thyse paynes she shewed neuer sory there but euer gladde there to alle folke and neuer pleyned her ¶ But alle those that came to her to bee comforted she comforted them wyth worde yf it nede were notwythstondynge her greate infyrmytes she wolde laboure for theym soo that her sekenesse sholde not let to her But that she wolde aryse out of her bedde and traueyle bothe for her bodely hele and ghostely he le as it is rehersyd in the vij Chapytre of the seconde party ¶ Ferthermore what payne she suffred of fendes it maye not lyghtely bee tolde you by cause it was so ofte It is touched afore in the seconde Chapytre of the seconde party how ofte she was caste off fendes in to the fyre albe it she was in no wyse I hurte But specially of one thinge Mayster Reymound bereth recorde that in a tyme that he and certayne of his bretheren were out for the helthe of sowles And this holy mayde and virgyn with them and as they came homward again a lytyll a thyshalf the Cyte of Sene this holy mayde and virgyn for werynesse was sette vppon an hors she hadde not ryden but a lytyll tyme that the fend drew here doune in to a pyt●e so that the ●y●st that came to the grounde was her hede whan mayster Reymoūde perceyued that he cryed helpe of oure gloryous lady gloryous virgyn Mary and came and founde this holy mayde and virgyn all smelyng as she lay and despysynge the fend and she hadde none harme but she sayde to Mayster Reymound loo the fend hath doo this Thenne she was take vp and sette vppon the hors agayn eftsones And she rode not as ferve as a man myght shete an arow● but that the sende had eftsones throwe her doun in to a foule fenne or lake and the hors laye vppon her syde Thenne she smelyd and sayde this hors warmeth well my syde there I suffer ●he payne of ylica passio so she s●●rned the fende and hadde none harme Mayster Reymound and his fe lawe thenne toke her vp and wolde nomore suffer her ryde but ladde her betwyne theym both By cause also they were nyghe the ●yte Yet the cursed fende wolde not ase but alwaye he tourmentyd her and drewe her now on that one syde now on that other syde And but ●he hadde be holde she sholde haue falle to the grounde Neuertheles alwaye in suffryng of suche tourmentis she shewed e●uer glad pacient chere and dyspysed the fende After suche I●●usyons folowed greate profyght of soules as it is made mencion of the vij chapytre of the second partye And that knewe welle the fende wherfore he tourmentyd her in that ● wyse that he dyde And ryght as thyse tourmentis beren wytnesse of her grete pacyence Ryght so they maye well bere wytnesse that she was and is an holy maide vyrgyn in suffryng of theym as it is openly declared in the second chapytre off the thyrde party where it is rehersed that she ended her bodely lyf in suche martyrdome Ensample herof I may telle you dere frendes of Saint Antony whan he was in deserte he knewe wel that martir dome was a souerayne thynge in the syght of our reuerend l●rde almyghty god therfore he desyred martyrdome whome our reuer●nd lord almyghty god suffred to be tormentyd of ●endes for a martyrdome but yet he lefte not hys bodely lyff for suche tourment This holy mayde vyrgyn was so vyolently tormented by suche paynes that she ended her bodly lyff wyth theym euer thankyng our reue rend lord almyghty god This was a geete token of holynes for to suffer martyrdome of fendes Loo dere frendes now haue ye herde the vertu of paciens whiche this holy maide and virgyn vsed wherfore she is oned spoused to oure reuerend lorde almyghty god swete ●hesu Cryste in the bl●sse off heuen And thus I make an ende of this recapytulacion of this holy booke to the honour and worshyppe of our gloryous reuerend lord almyghty god all the ●euerend Trynyte Cui referantur laudes honor e● gloria in sclā sclō●● Amen ¶ Here endeth the lyff of that gloryous vyrgyn and Martyr saynt Katheryn off Sene ¶ Here begynnen the reuelaciōs of Saynt Elysabeth the kynges doughter of hungarye ON a day whan saynt Elisabeth was in preuy prayer and sought her spouse Ihesu Cryste wyth deuoute herte and drery spyryte and founde hym not as she was wounte She began to thynke her and egerly to syghe in her sowle what were the cause that her spouse vysy ted her not by insendynge of swete comfortes as he was wonte to doo other tymes And whan she stylye dysposed her to goo to somme spyrytualle brother for to haue counseylle therof The blessyd mayden marye apperyd to her and sayde Elysa●eth yff thou wolde ●ee my dyscyple I wolde be thy maystres and yf thou wolde be my seruaunt I wolde be thy lady To whom Elysabeth sayde Lady who bee ye that wolde haue me dyscyple and s●●uaunt To whom mayde Marye answerd I am moder to the sone of god a lyue whom thou hast chosen to bee thy lord and spouse Thenne she sayde ther is noo brother in the worlde that may better enforme the of thy spouse than I maye Thenne Saint Elysabeth faylyng vppon the erthe honouryd her and kneling she layde her hondes ionyd to gyder bytwyxte the hondes of the blessyd virgyn And eftsonys our lady sayde If thou wylt be my doughter dyscyple and seruaunt I wolde be thy moder ladye and maystresse And when thou art of me suffycyently enforned and taught I wolde lede the to the louyd spouse my sone whiche wol receyue the in to hys hondes As I now haue receyued the Thenne afterward she began to warne her and sayde Flee chydynges and streues ba●bytynges and ●u●murracions and murmurs that be made of the gyue noo heryng to theym ne let not thy hert be tormentyd thersore but thynke ther maye not so moche yll be spoken of the but ther is more In theym than is spoken of the The next feste of our lady than folowynge after whan Elysabeth goddes seruaūte in prayeng wepte full bitterly dredynge that she hadde not fully kepte the forsayd warynge of the gloryous virgyne Sodenly she apperid to her not in slepe but wakyng swetely calling her by her propre name and sayde O Elysabeth my swete doughter tourment the not soo moche though thou haue not fully bowed to my warnynges byddynges For why thou beginnest now for to profyte in the way of god But thou atreyned not yet the hyghenes of perfectiō But fyght stedfas●ly against vices and saye on● the angelis Salutacion that Gabryell goddes messanger hayled me wyth and all thy trespace
on longe that one of Elysabeth felowes passed forthe where she prayde whome saint Elysabeth gretely blamynge sayde full sharpely to her Wherto gooste thou now hyther and thider this tyme before my face And began as it were to menace her wyth wordes and sygnes Thenne whan she was passed our lady the blessyd mayde sayde to Elysabeth Crysty● seruaunt ¶ O doughter loo who that thou art pet a foole and vndescrete that ●plyest thy●● herte to ony worldely thynges whyle thou ha●t me presente with ye. ¶ Therfore vse nowe my presence this nyghtfor o● specy all grace I am sentefro my sonne to the that thou aske sekerly what the lyketh And I wolde answere instedfastenesse to the all thyng that thou askest ¶ Neueryelesse for thou applyed thyne herte to the de de of thy ●olowed reproued here vndiscely I wold gyue to the penaunce that ▪ in no wyse thou go agayn to thy bed this nyght ne I thynke not to shewe the somme thyng now the whiche I wolde haue sayd yf thou hadde not offended my presence whan that nyght was passed and. daye was come Elysabeth began to make moche sorowe and gretely to be tormēted for the offence she hadde done in the nyght afore to the mageste of the glory ouse virgyne as it is sayd aboue ¶ And she drede gretely lest she myght neuer after recouer suche a grace and so grete a comforte To whos preuy thougt the blessyd mayde answeryd aperyng to hyr ef●sones and sayd Drede the not doughter ne tormente the not wyth foly doubtyng for wantyng of me for thy trespas that is passyd for why thy trespas is nowe for gyueng to the by thy penaunce and I am now come to the that thou aske what the lyketh for I am redy to gyue the answere of althynges as I bydde the ¶ To whome Saynt Elysabeth sayd I praye you lady that ye say me what steryd you forto aske of our lord that he wold lette you of hys specyall grace seen that mayde borne of the whiche hys ●one sholde be borne ¶ And she answerd on a day whan I hadde comforte of god so wonderfull that vnto that tyme ▪ I was not experte of none suche and came agayne to myself I beganne to thynke and desyre wyth wyll full brennyng herte yf I myght doo onythyng or haue in me for the whiche god wolde lette me neuer parte from hym And whan I thought thus I rose vp and went to a book and beganne to rede in it And the fyrst o●enyng of the booke came before my syght the worde of Esaye the prophete Ecce virgo concip●et et pariet ●●●●um ct ¶ That is Loo a mayden shall conceyue and bere a sonne c● And as I bethought me thynkyng that maydenhode pleased moche to god Sythe he wolde hys sonne sholde be borin of a mayde thenne I purposed in my herte for the reuerence of hym to kepe maydenhode yf it befyll me to see hy● for to serue hy● in maydenhede all my lyf tyme. And yf it nedyd for to goo wyth her through a● the worlde After this the nexte nyght folowyng whyles I prayed wyth deuocyon of soules besought god that he wold let me see the mayde before or I deyede sodeȳly whan I was in derkenes soo moche bryghtenesse appered to me before my syght that in comparyson of it the sonne was as nought and fro that shynnge I herde a voyce clereli seyeng to me mayden of Dauyd kyured thou shalt bere my ●onne ¶ And he added therto wote thou certaynly that the same worshyp and reuerēce that thou desyred for to do to another mayden shall be done to the afore other I wyll for sothe that thou be that mayden the whiche shall here my sonne And the whiche not onely thou shal● haue hym by thy selfe ne in thy self but by lawe of matrymonye thou shalt may gyue hym to whome the lyketh and he shal not haue my grace ne my loue ne he shall ▪ not entre the kyngdome of my sonne that wyll not loue the and trowe the the moder of my sonns that shall take flesshe of ▪ the for helthe of mankynde And thou all one shalte may graunte to other of hys grace the whiche thou shalt receyue of me ¶ And whanne I herde thys wordes I was rauysshed of my selfe for moche drede and wonderyng and I fylle doun prostrate on my face as dede for I myghte not holde vp my selfe but sodeynly the Aungels of god stood by me reysyng me fro the erthe and comforted me and sayd● ¶ Drede the not for why thou arte blyssed aboue alle wommen and in the restyth goddes grace by the whyche all maye lyghtly be fullfylled that be sayde to the of oure lorde ¶ For that tyme forwarde I cessyd not to gyue louynges to my creature daye and nyght wyth herte mouthe and werke wyth stable and certayne trouthe abydynge the daye and the houre whan tho thynges sholde be fullfylled that were shewed to me of our lorde I sayd also oft sythtes wythin my selfe ¶ O mooste benygne lorde sythen yt lyketh the for to gyue soo grete grace to thyne vnworthy hādmayden ¶ I beseche the that thou gyue me the spyryte of wysdom that I mai worthely conceyue thy sonne maker of heuen and erthe and serue hym to pay ¶ The spyryte of vnderstondyng by the whiche I may wyth lyghtned soule fulfyll hys mekenes in as moche as is possyble in this worlde ¶ The spyryte of counseyll by the whyche I may kepe and gouerne hym as it besemeth whyle he is in hys chyldehode and wepyng of mannes Infyrmyte and not yet formyng wordes in spekyng ¶ The spyryte of strenthe by the whyche che I may wyth manly herte bere mynde the name of hys worthynesse and stedfastely cleue vnto hym ¶ The spyryte of conyng by the whyche I may enfourme all thoos that shalle haue to do wyth hym and that wyll folowe hym ¶ The spyryte of pyte by the whiche I may haue compassyon of hys swete man hede and of hys tender compleccion as it semeth for to haue ¶ And the spyryte of drede of god by whiche I may serue him wyth a meke soule and dewe reuerence ¶ All this thinges my dere doughter the whiche I asked were graunted to me as thou mayst vnderstonde by the Angellys salutacyon whiche I was haylled of Gabryell the Angell ¶ Another tyme as Elisabeth Cristys seruaunte stode in prayer and thought how moche grace god hadd done to the glorious vyrgyn mary ¶ She apperyd to hir and sayd my doughter thou thynkest that I hadde so moche grace wythout traueylle of my creatour but it is not soo out take the grace of halowynge in my mods wombe ¶ All other grace I hadde wyth moche trauell of soule and body contynually prayeng daye and nyght wyth fulle brennyng desyre and wepyng wyth full bytter mornyng and euer thynkyng spekyng and workyng that I trowed were moste plesyng to my creatour Eschewing wyth souerayne kepyng me fro