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A09183 The piththy [sic] and moost notable sayinges of al scripture, gathered by Thomas Paynell: after the manner of common places, very necessary for al those that delite in the consolacions of the scriptures Paynell, Thomas. 1550 (1550) STC 19494.3; ESTC S122454 195,516 370

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among vs. The lawe was geuen by Moses but grace and truthe came by Iesus Christe No manne hathe sene god at any time I am the voyce of a criar in the wildernes make strayghte the waye of the lorde as sayde the prophete Esaias I baptise with water but one is come amonge you whome ye knowe not he it is that commeth after me which was before me whose shue lache● I am not worthy to vnlose Beholde the lambe of god whiche taketh awaye the synnes of the worlde I sawe the sprete descende frome heauen lyke vnto a doue and abyde vpon hym and I knewe hym not But he that sent me to baptise inwater the same sayd vnto me vpon whō thou shaltse the sprete descende and tary styll on hym the same is he whiche baptiseth with the holye gho●le And I saw and bare recorde that this is the sonne of god Thou arte Simon the sonne of Ionas thou shalte be called Cephas whiche is by interpretation a stone Canne ther anye good thynge come out of Na●areth The .ii. Chapter ALl menne at the begynnynge set forth good wyne and when menne be dronke then that whiche is worsse But thou haste kepte backe the good wyne vntyll nowe Iesus went vp to Ierusalem and founde in the temple those that solde oxen and shepe and doues and changers of money And he made a scourge of small cordes and droue them all out of the temple with the shepe and oxen and powred out the changers money and ouerthrewe the tables and saide vnto them that solde doues haue these thinges hence make not my fathers house an house of marchandise Destroy this temple and in thre dayes I wyll rayse it vs againe Then sayde the Iewes .xlvi. yeares was this temple a bildinge and wylt thou teare it vp in thre dayes But he spake of the tēple of his body The .iii. Chapter VErely verely I saye vnto the excepte that a man be borne of water of the sprete he cannot enter the kingdom of god That which is borne of the fleshe is fleshe and that whyche is borne of the spryte is spryte The wynde bloweth where he lysteth and thou hearest his sounde but canst not tell whence he commeth and whether he goeth So is euery man that is borne of the sprete Verely verely I saye vnto the wespeake that we knowe and testify that we haue sene and ye receaue not our witnes Yf when I tell you eathly thinges ye beleue not Howe shulde ye beleue yf he shal tell you of heauenly thinges God so loued the worlde that he hath geuen his onely son that none that beleue in him shulde perishe but shulde haue euerlasting lyfe For god sent not his sonne into the worlde to condempne the world but that the worlde through him might be saued He that beleueth in him shall not be condempned But he that beleueth not is condempned already because he beleueth not in the name of the onely sonne of god And this is the condempnation that lyght is come into the worlde and the menne loued darrknes more then lyghte because their dedes weteruyll For euery man that euyll doeth hateth the lyghte nether commeth to lyghte leste his dedes shuld be reproued But he that dothe truth commeth to the light that his dedes might be knowe howe that they are wrought in god A man can receaue nothinge at all excepte it be geuen him from heauen He that is of the earth is of the earth and speaketh of the earthe He that commeth frome heauen is aboue all what he hathe sene and hearde that he testifieth but no man receaueth his testimonye Howbeit he that hath recaued his testimonye hathe sette to his seale that god is true For he whome god hathe sent speaketh the wordes of God for God geueth not the spryte by measure The father loueth the sonne and hathe geuen all thinges into his hande Be that beleueth on the sonne hathe euerlasting lyfe and he that beleueth not the sonne shall not see lyfe but the wrathe of god abydeth on him The .iiii. Chapter WHosoeuer drinketh of this water shal thurst againe But whosoeuer shall dryncke of the water that I shall geue him shall neuer be more a thyrste but the water that I shall geue him shal be in a well of water springynge vp into euerlaslynge lyfe Ye worshyppe ye wote not what we know what we worshyp For saluation cōmeth of the Iewes But the houre commeth and nowe is when the true worshyppers shall worshyppe the father in spryte and in trouthe For verely suche the father requyreth to worshyppe him God is a spryte and they that worshippe him muste worshyppe him in pryte and trouth Iesus saide vnto them my meate is to do the wyll of them that sent me to finishe his worcke And Iesus him selfe testifieth that a prophete hath none honoure in his owne countre The .v. Chapter BEhold thou art made whole synne no more lest a worsse thinge happen vnto the. The sonne can do nothing of him selfe but that hesyethe the father do For whosoeuer he doeth that doeth the sonne also Neither iudgeth the father any manne but had committed all iudgement vnto the sonne because that all menne shulde honoure the sonne euen as they honoure the father He that honoureth not the son the same honoureth not the father whiche hathe sent him Verely verely I saye vnto you he that heareth my wordes and beleueth on him that sent me hath euerlastyng lyfe and shall not come into damnation but is scaped frome deathe vnto lyfe As the father hath lyfe in him selfe so lykewise hathe he geuen to the sonne to haue lyfe in hym selfe and hath geuen him power to iudge in that he is the some of man Maruayle not at this the houre shall come in the whyche all that are in the graues shall heare hys voyce shall come forth they that haue done good vnto the resurrection of lyfe and they that haue done euyll vnto the resurrection of damnation I canne of myne owne selfe do nothynge at all Yf I beare wytnes of my selfe my witnes is not true The workes whiche the father hathe geuen me to fynyshe the same workes which I do beare witnes of me that the father sent me Howe can ye beleue whiche receyue honoure one of another and seke not the honoure that cōmeth of God onely The .vi. Chapter LAboure not for the meate that shall perishe but for the meate that endureth vnto euerlasting lyfe whiche meate the sonne of man shall geue vnto you The breade of God is he whiche commethe downe from heauen and geueth life vnto the worlde I am the breade of lyfe he that commeth to me shall not hunger and he that beleueth on me shall neuer thurste I am come downe from heauen not to do myne owne wyll but his will whiche hathe sente me And this is the fathers will whiche hath sente me that of all whiche he hath geuen me I should lose nothyng but shoulde rayse it vp agayne
lament and the worlde shall reioyce Ye shall sorowe but youre sorowe shall be turned to ioye The .xvii. Chapter THis is life eternall that they mighte knowe thee the onelye very god and whome thou hast sent Iesus Christe Holy father kepe in thine owne name them which thou haste geuen me that they may be one as we are I praye not for them alone but for them also whiche shal beleue on me through theyr preaching that they all maye ve one as thou father arte in me and I in the that they maye be also one in vs that the worlde maye beleue that thou haste sente me The .xviii. Chapter Astone as he had sayd vnto thē I am he they went backwardes and fell to the grounde Yf I haue euill spoken beare witnes of the euyll if I haue well spoken why smyteste thou me For this cause was I borne and for this cause came I into the worlde that I should beare witnesse vnto the trueth and all that are of the truth heare my voyce The .xix. Chapter THen sayde Pylate vnto hym Speakest thou not to me knoweste thou not that I haue power to crucifie thee haue power to loose thee Iesus aunswered Thou couldest haue no power at al against me except it were geuen thee from aboue Therfore he that delyuered me vnto the is more in synne The .xx. Chapter IEsus sayde to her touche me not for I am not yet ascended to my father Then sayde Iesus to them agayne peace be with you As my father sent me euen so sende I you And when he had sayde that he breathed on them and sayde vnto them Receaue the holye ghoste whosoeuer synnes ye temyt they are remitted vnto them and whosoeuers synnes ye retayne they are retayned Thomas sayde vnto them except I see in his handes the print of the nayles and thrust my handes in to his syde I wyll not beleue Thomas because thou haste sene me therfore thou beleuest happy are they that haue not sene and yet beleue The .xxi. Chapter WHen Symon Peter hearde that it was the Lorde he gyrde his mantell to hym for he was naked and sprange into the sea the other disciples came by shyppe There are many other thynges which Iesus dyd the whiche yf they shoulde be written euery one I suppose the worlde could not contayne the bookes that shoulde be written ¶ The ende of the gospell of S. Iohn ¶ The Actes of the Apostles the fyrst Chapter IOhn baptysed wyth water but ye shal be baptised with the holy ghoste that within this fewe dayes It is not for you to knowe the times or the seasōs which the father hadde put in hys owne power And the same Iudas hathe nowe possessed a plot of grounde with the reward of iniquitie and when he was hanged brast a sonder in the middes and all his bowels gusshed out They gaue forth theyr lottes and the lotte fyll on Mathias and he was counted with the eleuen Apostles The .ii. Chapter WHen the fyftyth daye was come they were all with one accorde togeder in one place and sodenlye ther came a sounde from heauen as it hadde bene the commynge of a myghty wynde and it filled all the house where they sate And there appered vnto them clouen tounges lyke as they hadde bene fyre and it sat vpon ethe of them And they were all filled with the holy ghost and vegan to speake with other tounges euen as the sprete gaue them vtteraunce Of my spryte I wyll powre oute vpon al fleshe And it shal be that whosoeuer shall call on the name of the lorde shal be saued Dauid sawe before and spake of the resurrection of Christ that his soule shulde not be left in hell nether his fleshe shulde se corruption Peter saide vnto them do penaunce and be baptised euerye one of you in the name of Iesus Christ for the remission of synnes and ye shall receaue the gyfte of the holye ghoste For the promyse was made vnto you and to youre chyldren and to all that a farre euen as many as the lorde our god shall call And all that beleued kept them selues togeder and had thinges commen and solde their possessions and goodes and departed them to all menne as euerye manne hadde nede and they continued dailye with one accorde in the temple and brake breade in euerye house and dyd eate their meate togeder with gladnes and synglenes of heet praysynge god and hadde fauour with all the people The .iii. Chapter MOses sayde vnto the fathers A prophets shall the lorde your god rayse vp vnto you euen of youre brethren lyke vnto me hym shall ye heare in all thinges whatsoeuer he shall saye vnto you For the tyme wyll come that euerye soule whiche shall not heare that same prophete shal be destroyed from amonge the people The .iiii. Chapter THis is the stone cast a syde of you buyldere whiche is sette in the chefe place of the corner Nether is there saluation in any other Nor yet also is there any other name geuen to menne wherin we must be saued Whether it be right in the syght of god to obeye you more then god iudge ye And the multitude of them that beleued were of one harte and of one soule Also none of them saide that any of the thinges whiche he possessed was his owne but hadde all thinges commen Nether was there any among them that lacked for as many as were possessers of landes or hou●s solde them and brought the pryce of the thinges that were solde and loyde it downe at the Apostles fete The .v. Chapter A Certaine manne named Ananias with Saphira his wyfe solde a possession and kepte ●waye parte of the price his wyfe also beynge of counsell and brought a certaine parte and layde a downe at the Apostles fete Then saide Peter Ananias howe is it that sathan hathe sylled thine ●arte that thou shuldest lye vnto the holy ghoste ●nd kepe awaye parte of the pryce in thine owne power How is this that thou hast cōceaued thi● thing in thine hart Thou hast not lyed vnto men but vnto god When Ananias hearde these wordes he fell downe and gaue vp the ghost They broughte the sycke into the streates and l●yde them on beddes and palettes at the leaste waye the shadowe of Peter when he came by ●yght shadowe some of them We ought more to obey god then menne Yf the counsell of this worke be of menne it ●yll come to noughte But yf it be of god ye can not destroye it least haply ye be founde to striue against god And they departed from the counsell reioysyng that they were counted worthy to suffer rebuke ●or his name The .vi. Chapter THen the twelue called the multitude of the disciples together said it is not mete that we shulde leue the worke of god and serue at the tablies Wherfore brethren loke ye oute amonge you seuen menne of honest reporte and full of the holy ghost and wisdome whiche we maye apointe
had bytte any man he beholde the serpente of brasse and was healed The .xxii. Chapter ANd when the asse sawe the Aungell of the Lorde she fell downe vnder Balaam and Balaam was wrothe and smote the Asse with a staffe And the Lorde opened the mouth of the Asse she sayde vnto Balaam what haue I done vnto the that thou haste smytten me nowe thre tymes And Balaam sayde vnto the Asse because thou hast moched me I wolde also there were a sworde in myne hande for euen nowe wolde I hyll the. And the Asse sayde vnto Balaam am not I thyne Asse whiche thou haste rydden vpō sence thou was borne vnto this daye was I euer wonte to do so vnto the he sayde naye The .xxiii. Chapter GOd is not aman that he shulde lye neyther the sonne or a man that he shulde repente shulde he saye and not do or shulde he speake and not make it good The .xxiiii. Chapter THere shall come a starre of Iacob and ryse a scepter of Israell and shall smyte the costes of Moab and vndermyne all the chyldren of Neth and Edom shall be possessed and ●ey shal fall to the possession of they enemies and Israel shall do manfully Out of Iacob shall come he that shall haue domynyon and shall destroye the remnaunt of the cytie The .xxv. Chapter ANd beholde one of the chyldren of Israell came and brought vnto the brethren a Madianity she wyfe in the syght of Moses and in the syght of all the multytude of that chyldren of Israel that wepte before the dore of the tabernacle of wytnesse And when Phynehes the soune of Eleater the sonne of Aaron the preast sawe yt he tose vp out of the myddes of the companye and toke a weapon in his hande and wente after the man of Israell into the tente and thrust them thorow bothe the man of Israell and also the woman eue thorowe the belly of her and the plage ceassed from the chyldren of Israell The .xxvii. Chapter IF a man dye haue nosōne ye shal turne hys inheritaunce vnto his brother yf he haue no doughter ye shall geue his inherytaunce vnto his brethren yf he also haue no brethren ye shall gyue his inherytaunce vnto hys fathers brethren and if his father haue no brethren ye shall geue hys inheritaunce vnto hym that is nexte to him of his hindred and he shall possesse it The .xxx. Chapter IF a man vowe a vowe vnto the Lorde or sweare an a the to hynde his soule he shal not go bathe with his worde but shall fulfyll all that is proceded out of his mouth ¶ The .xxxiii. Chapter AAron was a hundred and .xxiii. yeares olde when he dyed in Mounte Nor. The .xxxv. Chapter ANd from among the Cities whiche ye shall geue vnto the Leuites ther shalbesyre cities for refuge whiche ye shall appointe to that entente that he whiche hylleth maye fle the ther And to them ye shall adde .xlii. Lities so that all the Cyties whicheye shall geue the Leuites may be xlviii wyth theye subuthes And the Lyties whiche ye shall geue shal be out of the possession of the chyldren of Israell Yf the sleyer come wythout the borders of hys priuileged cytyes whether he was fled yf the auenger of vloud fynde him without the borders of his fre towne and sleye the Murtherer he shal be gyltelesse because he shulbe haue bydden in hys free towne vntyll the death of the hye priest and after the deathe of the hyepriest to returne again vnto the lande of his possession Neyther shallone wytnesse aunswere to puts man to deathe Ye shall take none amendes for the lyfe of the murtherer whiche is worthye to dye The fyrste Chapter of Deuteronomium HEare the cause of your brethren Iudge ryghteouslye betwene euery man and hys brother and the straunger that is wyth him Se that ye knowe no faces in iudgement but heare the smal as well as the greate and be a frayde of no man for the iudgementes is goddes The .ii. Chapter BVt Sehon the kinge of Hosbon wolde not let vs passe by hym for the Lorde thy God hardened his sprete and made his hert tough because he wolde delyuer him into thy handes as it is come to passe this daye The .iii. Chapter ONly Or king of Basan remayned of the remnaunt of the gyaūtes whose bed was a bed of Iron And is it not yet at Rabah amonge the childrē of Ammon ix cubytes doth the lēgth therof conteins .iiii. cubytes the bredth of it after the cubyte of a mā The .iiii. Chapter WHat nacion is so greate that goddes come so nye vnto as the Lorde out god is nye vnto vs in al thinges as ofte as we cal vnto him Take hed and make you no grauen Image and picture of any maner of figure the lykenes of man or woman the lykenesse of anye maner of beast that is on the earth or the lykenes of anye maner fethered foule that flyeth in the ayre or the lykenesse of any maner of worme that creppeth on the earth or the likenesse of any maner fyshe that is in the waters beneth the earth Ye lest thou lyfte vp thyne eyes vnto heauē when ye seest the sonne the mone and starres with al the host of heauē shuldest be deceaued shuldest worshippe and serue the thinges whiche the Lord thy God hathe made to serue all nations vnder the whole heauen The .vi. Chapter HEare O Israell the Lord our god is Lord onely and thou shalte loue the Lorde thy God with al thyne herte and with all thy soule and with al thy myght And these wordes whiche I commaunde that this daye shal be in thy hart and thou shalt shewe them vnto thy chyldren shalt talke of them when thou art at home in thy house and as thou walkest by the waye and when thou lyest downe and when thou rysest vp and thou shalte bynde them for a sygne vpon thyne hande And they shal be warninges betwene thyne eyes and thou shalt wryte them vpon the postes of thy house and vpon the gates The .vii. Chapter The Lorde thy God he is God and that a true god whiche kepeth appointement and mercye vnto them that loue him and kepe his commaundementes euen thorowe out a thousande generacions and rewardeth them that hate him before his face so that he bringeth them to nought and doth not defarre the time but rewardeth hym that hateth him before his face Yf ye harken vnto these lawes God will loue the and blesse the and multiplie the he wil also blesse the frute of thy wombe and the frute of the lande thy corne thy wine and thy oyle and the encrease of thy oxen and the flockes of thy shepe in the lande whiche he sweare vnto thy fathers to geue the. Thou shalte be blessed vnto all nacions there shal be nether man nor womā vnfrutful amonge you nor any thinge vnfrutefull amonge youre cattell Moreouer the Lorde will take awaie from the al maner of
but the vngodlye and hym that delyted in wychednes dothe his soule abhorre vpon the vngodly he shall raygne snares fyre and brymstone storme and tempeste this shal be their portion to dryncke ¶ The .xii. Chapter THe Lorde shel rote out all disceatful lippes and the tong that speaketh proude thinges ¶ The .xiii. Chapter HOwe longe shall mine enemy triumphe ouer me Consider and heare me O lord my god lyghten myne eyes that I stepe not in deathe lest myne enemye saye I haue preuayled against hym For yf I be cast downe they that trouble me wyl reioyce at it But my truste is in thy mercye and my herte is ioyfull in thy saluation The .xiiii. Chapter THe Lorde loked downe from heauen vpon the chyldren of men to se yf there were any that wolde vnderstande and seke after god But they are all gone out of the waye they are altogether become abhominable there is none that doth good no not one ¶ The .xv. Chapter LOrde who shall dwell in thy tabernacle he that hathe not geuen hys money to vsurye nor taken rewarde against the innocent ¶ The .xvi. Chapter THe Lorde hym selfe is the portion of myne enheritaunce Thou shalte not leue my soule in hel neyther shalte thou suffer thy holy one to se corruption The .xviii. Chapter The lorde shall rewarde me after my righteous dealyng accordynge to the clennes of my handes shall he recompence me With the holy thou shalte be holye and with a perfect man thou shalt be perfect With the cleane thou shalte be cleane and with the frowarde thou shalte learne frowardnes ¶ The .xix. Chapter The iudgementes of the Lorde are true righteous all together More to be desyred are they than golde yea then muche fyne golde sweter then hony combe of the hony Moreouer by them is thy seruaunt taught and in kepynge of them there is great rewarde Who can tell how ofte he offendeth Oh clense thou me fro my secrete fautes Kepe thy seruaunt also from presumptuous synnes lest they get the dominion ouer me so shall I be vndefiled and innocent from the greate offence ¶ The .xx. Chapter SOme put theyr trust in charrettes and some in horses but we wyll remembre the name of the lorde oure god They are broughte downe and fallen but we are rysen and stande vpright The .xxii. Chapter I Am a worme and no mā a very scorne of men and the outcast of the people They pearsed my handes and my fete I maye tell all my bones they stande staring and lokynge vpon me They parte my garmentes among them and caste lottes vpon my vesture ¶ The .xxiii. Chapter Though I walke thorow the valley of the shadowe of death I wyll feare no euyll for thou art with me ¶ The .xxiiii. Chapter Who shall ryse vp into the hyll of the lord euen he that hathe clene handes and a pure harte and that hath not lyft vp his mynde vnto vanitie nor sworne to deceyue his neyghbour The. 25. Cha. What man is he that feareth the lorde him shal he teache in the waye that he shall chose His soule shall dowell at ease and his seede shall inherit the lande The secrete of the lorde is amonge them that feare him he wil shew thē his conuenaunt ¶ The .xxvii. Chapter ONe thing haue I desired of the lord whiche I wyll requyre euen that I maye dwell in the house of the lorde all the dayes of my lyfe to beholde the fayre beauty of the lorde and to viset his temple ¶ The .xxviii. Chapter O Plucke me not awaye with the vngodly and wycked doers whiche speake frēdly to their neighboures but ymagine myschefe in their hertes Rewarde them according to the wyckednesse of their owne inuentions Recōpence them after the worcke of their handes paye theim that they haue deserued For they regarde not in they re mynde the worckes of the lorde nor the operations of his handes therfore shall he breake them downe and not buylde them vp The .xxxii. Chapter BLessed is he whose vnryghteousnes is forgeuen and whose synne is couered Blessed is that man vnto whome the lorde imputeth no synne and in whose sprete there is no gyle The .xxxiii. Chapter THe lorde bringeth the counsaile of the heathen to nought and maketh the deuises of the people to be of none effecte and casteth oute the counseyles of princes There is no kinge that can be saued by the multitude of an hooste neyther is anye myghtye man deliuered by moche strenght A horse is counted but a vaine thinge to saue a man neyther shall he delyuer any man by his greate strength Beholde the eye of the lorde is vpon them that feare him and vpon them that put their trust in hys mercy To delyuer their soules from deathe and to fede them in tyme of dearth The .xxxiiii. Chapter I wyll alwaye geue thankes vnto the lorde his prayse shall euer be in my mouthe The aungel of the lorde tarieth rounde about them that feare him and delyuereth them O tast and se howe gracious the lorde is blessed is the manne that trusteth in hym O feare the lorde ye that be his sainctes for they that feare hym lacke nothinge What man is he that lusteth to lyue and wolde faine se good dayes Kepe thy tonge frome euyll and thy lyppes that they speake nogyle Eschue euyll and do good se he peace and ensue it The eyes of the lorde are ouer the ryghteous and his eares are open vnto their prayers The countinaunce of the Lorde is agaynste them that do euyll to rote out the remembraunce of them from the earth The righteous crye the lorde heareth them deliuereth them out of all their troubles The lorde is nye vnto them that are of a contrite herte and wyll saue suche as be of an humble sprete Greate are the troubles of the ryghteous but the lord deliuereth him out of all He kepeth all hys bones so that not one of them is broken The .xxxv. Chapter I putte on sacke clothe and humbled my soule with fastynge and my prayer shall retourne in to my owne bosome The .xxxvii. Chapter Wycked doers shal be roted oute and they that paciently abyde the lorde these shall inherite the lande Yet a lytle whyle and the vngodly shal be cleane gone thou shalte loke after his place and he shal be awaye But the meke spirited shall possesse the earthe and shal be refreshed in the multitude of peace A small thinge that the righteous hath is better then great richesse of the vngodly I haue bene yonge and nowe am olde and yet saw I neuer the righteous forsaken nor his seede beggyng theyr breade The mouthe of the righteous is exercised in wysdome and his tounge wylbe talkynge of iudgement I my selfe haue sene the vngodly in greate power and florishyng lyke a grene bay tree I went by and lo he was gone I soughte hym but his place coulde no where be founde ¶ The .xxxviii. Chapter There is no health in my fleshe And there is
he is come to rest Who shall set a watche before my mouth and a sute seale vpon my lyppes that I fall not with them and that my tongue destroye me not The .xxiii. Chapter LEt not thy mouth be accustomed with foo●tyng for in it there are many fallen I man that vseth muche sweatyng shal be filled with wickednes and the plage shall neuer go from his house The .xxv. Chapter There thynges there are that my sprete fauoreth whych be also alowed before god and men The vnitie of brethren the loue of neygheboures a manne wise that agree wel together Thre thynges there be whiche my soule hatethe and I vtterly abhorte the lyfe of them A poore man that is proude A ryche man that is a lyer and an olde bodye that doteth and is vnchaste All wichednesse is nothyng to the wyckednesse of a womanne There is no wrathe aboue the wrathe of a woman Of the woman came the beggynning of sinne and thorowe her we all are deade The .xxvi. Chapter THere be thre thinges that my herte feareth and my face is a frayde of the fourth treason in a citie a sedicious people and noysome tongues all these are heuyer then death But when one is gelous ouer his wyfe it bryngeth payne and sorowe vnto the harte The whoredome of a woman maye be knowen the pride of her eyes and eyeliddes There be two thynges that graue my herte and the thyrde is a displeasure come vpon me When an experte man of warre suffereth scarcenesse and pouertye When menne of vnderstandynge and wysedome are not sette by and when one departeth from ryghteousenesse vnto synne There be two manner of thynges whiche me thinke to be harde and parlous A marchaūte cannot lyghtly kepe bym from wronge neyther a tauerner hymselfe from sinne The .xxvii. Chapter LYke as a nayle in the wall stieketh faste betwyxte two stones euen so doth synne sticke betwixte the byer and the seller The tre of the field is knowen by his fruite so is the thoughte of mans herte knowen by his wordes The .xxviii. Chapter THe more wood there is the more vehemēte is this fyre and the mightier that men be the greater is the wrathe and the longer that the stryle endureth the more it burneth Thou hedgest thy goodes with thornes why doest thou not rather make doores and barres for thy mouthe Thou weyest thy golde and syluer why doest thou not weye thy wordes vpon the balaunce The .xxix. Chapter Helpe the poore for the cōmaundementes sake let hym not go emptye from thee because of his necessitie Laye vp thy almesse in the hande of the poore and it shall kepe the from all euell Surety shyppe hathe destroyed many a riche man Better it is to haue a poore lyuyng in a mans owne house thē delicate fare amōg the straunge The .xxx. Chapter THere is no rychesse aboue a sound body and no ioye aboue the ioye of the hearte Heauinesse hathe slayne many a man and brynge the no profyte zele and anger shorten the dayes of the lyfe carefulnesse and sorowe brynge age before the tyme. Vnto a mery herte euery thyng hath a good taste that he eateth The .xxxi. Chapter TRauayle and carefulnes for richesse taketh awaye the slepe and maketh the fleshe to consume He that loueth rychesse shall not be iustityed Yf thou syt at a great mans table open not thy mouthe wyde vpon it and make not manye wordes Yf thou fealest that thou hast eaten to much aryse go thy waye caste it out of thy stomacke take thy rest and it shall ease thee so that thou shalte bryng no sickenesse vnto thy body Wyne soberly dronken quickeneth the lyfe of man Yf thou drynkest it measurably thou shalte be temperate What lyfe is it that maye continue without wyne Wyne was made from the beginnyng to make men glad and not for dronkennes wy●e measurably dronken is a reioy syng of the so●le and body I measurable drynkyng is helthe to sou●e and bodye But yf it be dronken with excesse it maketh bytternesse and sorowe vnto the mynde Dronkennes fylseth the mynde of the folyshe with shame and ruine minisheth the strēgth and maketh woundes The .xxxii. Chapter IF thou be made a ruler pryde not thy selfe therin but be thou as one of the people Lyke as the Carbuncle stone shyneth that is set in golde so dothe a songe garnishe the wyne feaste and as the smaragde that is set in golde so is the swetenesse of musyke by the myrth of wyne The .xxxiii. Chapter BE sure of the matter then talke therof Be fyrse well instruct then mayest thou geue aunswere Why doth one daye excell another seyng all the dayes of the yeare come of the sunne the wysedome of God hath so parted them a sondre and so hathe he ordeyned the tymes and solempne feastes Some of them hath he chosen and halowed before other dayes And al mē are made of the grounde and out of the earth of Adam In the multitude of science hath the lorde sondred them and made theyr wayes of diuerse fashione Some of them hath he blessed made muche of them halowed them and claymed them to hymselfe But some of them hath he cursed brought them lowe and put them out of theyr estate Geue not thy sonne and wyfe thy brother frende powre ouer the whyle thou lyuesle and geue not awaye thy substaunce and good to another lest it repent the and thou be fayne to begge therfore thy selfe As long as thou lyuest and hast brethe let no man chaunge thee For better it is that thy chyldren do praye the then that thou shouldest be fayne to loke in theyr handes The fodder the whyppe and the burthen belongeth vnto the Asse Meate correction worke vnto thy seruaunt If thou haue a faythfull seruaunt let hym be vnto the as thyne owne soule intreate hym as a brother for in bloude haste thou gotten hym Yt thou haue a seruaunt holde hym as thy selfe for thou hast nede of hym as of thy lyfe The .xxxiiii. Chapter WHoso regardeth dreames is lyke hym that wyll take holde of a shadowe and folowe after the wynde Southsaying witchecrafte sorcery and dreamyng is but vanitie For dreames haue disceyued manye a man and fayled them that put theyr trust in them Whoso bringeth an offring out of the goodes of the poore dothe euen as one that kylleth the sonne before the fathers eyes The breade of the nedeful is the lyfe of the poore he that defraudeth hym thereof is a man of bloude Whoso robbeth his neighboure of his lyuyng doeth as greate synne as though he slewe hym to death He that defraudeth the labourer of his heyre is a bloud shedder He that washeth hym selfe because of a dead bodye and toucheth the dead againe what doeth his washing So it is with with a mā that fasteth for his synnes and doeth them agayne who wyll heare his prayer or what doeth his fastyng helpe hym The .xxxv. Chapter THe offeringe of the righteous maketh the aulter fat
open youre graues O my people and take you out of your sepulchres and brynge you into the lande of Israel againe So shall ye knowe that I am the lorde when I open your graues and bring you out of them My spirite also wyll I put in you and ye shall liue I wil se●te you agayne in youre owne lande and ye shall knowe that I am the Lorde whiche haue sayde it and fulfilled it in dede The .xliii. Chapter O Thou sonne of man this tome is my feate and the place of my foote steps where as I wyll dwell amonge the children of Israell for euermore The .xliiii. Chapter THey shall not shaue theyr heades nor nourishe the bushe of theyr heare but rounde theyr heades onely All the priestes that go into the inmoste courte shall drynke no wyne They shall mary no wydowe neyther one that is putte from her husband but a mayde of the scede of the house of Israel or a wydow that hath had a priest before The .xlv. Chapter VPon the .xiiii. daye of the fyrste moneth ye shall kepe Easter seuen dayes shall the feast continue wherein there shall no sowre nor leuended breade be eaten One sycle maketh twenty garres So .xx. sicles and .xxv. and .xv. sicles make a pounde The .xlvi. Chapter If the Prince geue a gifte vnto anye of his sonnes then shall it be his sonnes heritage perpetuall that he maye possesse it But yf he wyll geue one of his seruantes some of his heritage it shal be his vnto the fre yeare and then to returne agayne vnto the Prince for his heritage shall be his sonnes only The booke of the Prophete Daniel the .ii. Chapter ANd Daniel praysed the God of heauen Daniel also cryed loude and sayde O that the name of GOD myghte he praysed for euer and euer for wysedome and strengthe are his owne he chaungeth the times and ages he putteth downe kynges he setteth vp kynges he geueth wysedome vnto the wyse and vnderstandyng to those that vnderstande he openeth the depe secretes he knoweth the thyng that lyeth in darkenesse for the lyghte dwelleth with him The .iiii. Chapter WHerfore O kynge be contente with my coūsell that thou mayest redeme thy synnes with alinesse and thyne ▪ offences with mercye to poore people for this shal be an healyng of thyne erroure O kynge Nabuchodonozor to the it is spoken Thy kyngdome shall departe from thee thou shalte be caste out of mennes companye thy dwellynge shal be with the beastes of the fielde so that thou shalte eate grasse as an Oxe tyll seuen yeares be come and goen ouer thee euen vntyll thou knowest that the kygheste hathe power vpon the kyngdomes of men and that he maye geue them vnto whome it pleaseth hym The .v. Chapter MAne Thetell Phares Nowe the interpretacion of the thing is this Mane God hath noumbred the kingdome and broughte it to an ende Thetel thou arte wayed in the balaunce and arte founde to lighte Phares thy kingdome is delie in partes and geuen to the Medes and Parses The .vii. Chapter HE shal suddue three kinges and shall speake wordes againste the hyghest of all he shall destroye the sayntes of the mooste hyghest and thynke that he maye chaunge tymes and lawes They shall be geuen vnder his power vntyll a tyme two tymes and halfe a time But the iudgemente shall be kepte so that his power shal be taken from hym for he shall be destroyed and peryshe at the laste The .ix. Chapter I Turned me vnto my God the Lorde for to praye and make myne intercercession with fasting sackecloth and ashes We do not cast our prayers before thee in our owne righteousenesse no but onely in thy greate mercies The .xii. Chapter THere shall come a tyme of trouble suche as neuer was sence there began to be any people vnto the same tyme. Then shall thy people de delyuered yea al those that be founde wrytten in the booke Many of them that sleape in the duste of the earthe shall awake some to euerlastynge lyte some to perpertuall shame and reprofe the wyse suche as haue taught other shall glyster as the shynyng of heauen and those that haue instructe the multitude vnto godlynesse shal be as the sterres worlde without ende The .xiii. Chapter WEl it is better for me to fall into youre bandes with out the bede doyns then to synne in the syghte of the lorde ¶ The booke of the Prophete Oseas The fyrst Chapter GO thy waye take an harlotiets thy wyfs gette children by her The .ii. Chapter I Wyll haue mercy vpon her that was without mercy The .iiii. Chapter THe lorde must punyshe thē that dwell in the lāde And why there is no truthe there is no mercy there is no knowledge of god in the lande but see eating liynge manslaughter thefte and aduoutrye haue gotten the vpper hande and one gyltynesse foloweth another Therfore shal the lande be in a miserable case and all they that dwell therin shall be rooted out The beastes of the felde the foules of the ayre and the fyshes of the see shall dye My people peryshe because they haue no know ledge Whoredome wyne and dronckennesse taketh the herte awaye The .vi. Chapter I Haue pleasure in louynge kyndnes and not in offerynge yea in the knowledge of god more then in burnt sacrifice As the theues armed waite for him that passeth by the waye suche is the counsayle of the presses whiche with one agterd counsayle murther cruelly suche as keye the waye yea they dare do all vnspeakable myschefe The .x. Chapter SOwe vnto righteousnesse reape the frutes of weldoynge plowe vp youre freshe lande for it is tyme to seke the lorde tyll he come and raine righteousnesse vpon you but you haue plowed vngodlynesse ye haue reaped iniquitie you haue eaten the frute of lyes The .xii. Chapter Iacob toke his brother by the hele when he was yet in his mothers wombe and in his strength he wrestled with god he stroue with the aungell and gat the victory so that he prayde and desired him The .xiii. Chapter O Israell thine iniquitie hath destroyed the. but in me onely is thy helpe O deathe I wyll be thy deathe O hell I wyl be thy slinge The .xiiii. Chapter THe wayes of the lorde are righteous suche as be godlye wyll walke in them As for the wycked they wyll stomble therin ¶ The booke of the Prophete Ioel The first Chapter WAke vp ye dronkardes and wepe mourne all ye wyne suppere because of your swet wyne for it shal be taken awaye from youre mouthe Gyrde you and mourne O ye prestes mourne ye ministers of the aultar go your waye in and sleape in sackeclothe proclayme a faslyng cal the congregacyon gather the elders and all the inhabytoure of the lande together in to the house of the lorde youre god crye vnto the lord alas alas for this daye And why the daye of the lorde is at hande and cometh as a destroyer from the almyghtye The .ii.
Ye knowe well that these handes haue ministred vnto my necessities and to them that were with me The .xxiii. Chapter THou shalt not course the ruler of the people The Saduces saye that there is no resurrection neither angell nor spirite But the phariseis graunt bothe The .xxv. Chapter IT is not the maner of the Romaynes to deliuer any man that he should perishe before that he which is accused haue the accusars before him and haue licence to aunswer for himselfe concerning the crime layde agaynst him My thinketh it vnreasonable for to sende a prisoner not to shewe the causes which are laide againste him The .xxvi. Chapter I Shewed fyrste vnto them of Damasco and at Ierusalem and through out all the coastes of Iewry to the Gentiles that they shoulde repent and turne to god and do the righte workes of repentaunce ¶ Here endeth the Actes of the Apostles ¶ The Epistle of S. Paule to the Romaynes the .i. Chap. FOr I am detter bothe to the Grekes and to them whiche are no Grekes vnto the learned and also vnto the vnlearned Likewise as muche as in me is I am redy to preache the gospel to you of Rome also For I am not ashamed of the gospell of Christ because it is the power of God vnto saluacion to all that beleue namely to the Iewe and also to the gētile The iust shall lyue by faithe His inuisible thinges that is to saye his eternall power and godhead are vnderstond and sene by the workes from the creation of the worlde When they counted themselues wise they became fooles And as it semed not good vnto them to be knowen of god euen so god deliuered them vp vnto a leude mynde that they should do the thinges whiche were not comely The .ii. Chapter THinkest thou this O thou man that iudgest them whiche do suche thynges and yet doest euen the very same that thou shalt escape the iudgement of god Either despisest thou the ryches of his goodnes pacience and lōg sufferaūce● and remembreste not howe that the kyndenes of god leadeth the to repentaunce But thou after thine harde harte that cannot repent heapest together the treasure of wrathe against the daye of vengeaunce when shall be opened the righteous iudgement of god whiche will rewarde euery mā according to his dedes that is to saye prayse honoure and immortalitie to them which continue in good doynge and seke eternall life But to them that are rebellions and disobeye the trueth and folowe the iniquitie shall indignacion and wrath tribulacion and anguishe vpon the soule of euerye man that doth euill of the Iewe fyrst and also of the Gentile To euery man that doth good shall come prayse honoure and peace to the Iewe fyrst and also to the gentrie Before god they are not righteous whiche heare the lawe but the doers of the lawe shal be iustified Their conscience beareth witnes vnto them and also theyr thoughtes accusing one another or excusing at the daye when god shall iudge the secretes of mē by Iesus christ according to my gospell The name of god is euell spoken of amonge the gentiles thorowe you He is a Iewe whiche is hid within and the circumcision of the harte is the true circumcision which is in the spirite and not in the letter Whose prayse is not of men but of god The .iii. Chapter THere is none righteous no not one there is none that vnderstandeth there is none that seketh after God they all are gone oute of the waye they are all made vnprofitable there are none that doothe good no not one By the dedes of the lawe shall no fleshe be iustifyed in the sighte of god The righteousnes no doubt whiche is good before god commeth by the faith of Iesus Christ vnto all and vpon all that beleue All haue sinned and lacke the prayse that is of valure before god but we are iustified trely by his grace throughe the redemption that is in Christ Iesu whom god hath made a seate of mercy thorow faithe in his bloude to shewe the righteousnesse whiche before him is of valour in that he forgeueth the sinnes that are passed which god dyd suffer to shewe at this tyme the righteousenes that is alowed of hym that he mighte be contented iuste and a iustifier of him which beleueth in Iesus We suppose that a man is iustified by faithe without the dedes of the lawe The .iiii. Chapter ABraham beleued god and it was counted vnto hym for rightewisenes To him that worketh is the reward not reckened of fauoure but of duetie To him that worketh not but beleued on him that iustifieth the vngodly is fayth counted for rightwisenes Blessed are they whose vnrighteousnesse are forgeuen and whose synnes are couered Blessed is that man to whom the lorde imputeth no sinne Where is no lawe there is no transgression Christ was deliuered for our sinnes and rose agayne for to iustifie vs. The .v. Chapter WE also reioyce in tribulacion for we knowe that tribulacion bringeth pacience paciēce bringeth experience and experience bringeth hope and hope maketh not ashamed for the loue of god is shead abrode in oure heartes by the holy ghost whiche is geuen vnto vs. Seyng that while we were yet sinners Christ dyed for vs muche more then now seyng we are iustified in his bloud shal we be saued from wrath thorow him Lykewise as by the sinne of one condemnatxion came on all men euen so by the iustifying of one commeth the righteousnesse that bringeth lyfe vpon all men For as by one mannes disobedience many became synners so by the obedience of one shall many be made righteous The .vi. Chapter WE are buried with hym by baptime for to d●e that lykewyse as Christ was raysed vp from death by the glory of the father euen so we also shoulde walke in a newe lyfe For yf we be grafte in death lyke vnto hym euen so muste we be in the resurrection Let not sinne raigne in your mortall bodies that ye shoulde therunto obey in the iustes of it Neither geue your membres as instrumentes of vnrighteousenes vnto sinne but geue your selues to god as they that are alyue from death Let not sinne haue power ouer you For ye are not vnder the lawe but vnder grace Remember ye not how that to whomsoeuer ye commit your selues as seruauntes to obey his seruauntes ye are to whome ye obeye whether it be of synne vnto death or of obedience vnto righteousenes As ye haue geuen your membres seruauntes to vnclennes and to iniquitie from iniquitie to iniquitie euen so nowe geue youre members seruauntes vnto righteousnes that ye maye be sanctified The reward of sinne is death but eternal lyfe is the gyft of god through Iesus Christ our lord The .vii. Chapter THe woman which is in subiection to a man is bounde by the lawe to the man as longe as he liueth Yf the man be dead she is losed from the lawe of the man So then yf while the manne lyueth she
not to stande in youre owne conceytes Whatsoeuer thinges are written afore time are written for our owne learnynge that we thorowe pacience and conforte of the scripture might haue hope Yf the gentyles be made partakers of theyr spirituall thynges theyr duetye is to minister vnto them in carnall thinges The .xvi. Chapter I Beseche you brethren marke them whyche cause diuisyon and geue occasyons of euyll contrary to the doctrine whyche ye haue learned and auoyde them For they that are suche serue not the lorde Iesus christ but their owne bellies and with swere preachyng and flatteryng wordes ●eceaue the hartes of the innocentes I wolde haue you wyse vnto that whyche is good and to be innocent as concernyng euyll ¶ The first Epistle to the Corintians the fyrst Chapter I Beseche you brethren in the name of oure Lorde Iesus Christ that ye all speake one thinge and that there be no dissention amonge you but be ye knytte together in one mynde and in one meaning The preaching of the crosse is to thē that perishe folishnes but vnto vs which are saued it is the power of god The folyshnes of god is wyser then menne and the weakenes of god is stronger then menne God hathe chosen the folyshe thynges of the worlde to confounde the wyse And god hath chosen the weake thinges of the world to confounde thinges whiche are myghty And vyle thynges of the worlde and thinges whiche are despised hath god chosen ye and thynges of no reputation for to brynge to nought thynges of reputation that no fleshe shulde reioyse in his presence The .ii. Chapte THe eye hathe not sent and the eare hath not hearde nether hath entred into the care of man the thynges whiche god hathe prepared for them that loue him The sprete searcheth all thinges yethe bottom of goddes secretes For what man knowethe the thinges of a man saue the sprete of a man whiche is within him euē so the thinges of god knoweth no manne but the sprete of god The .iii. Chapter AS long verely as there is among you enuyynge stryfe and dissention are ye not carnall and walke after the maner of menne I haue planted Apollo waired but god gaue the increace So then nether is he that planteth any thinge nether he that watreth but god that gaue the increace Euerye manne shall receaue his rewarde accordynge to his laboure Other foundation can no manne laye then that whiche is laide whiche is Iesus christ Yf any mābuylde on this foundation golde siluer precious stones timber haye or stoble euery mans worke shall appeare For the daye shall declare it and it shal be shewed in fyre And the fyre shal trye euery mannes worcke what it is Yf anye mans worcke that he hathe bylt vpon byde he shall receaue a rewarde Yf any mans worke burne he shal suffer losse but he shal be safe hym selfe Neuer thelesse yet as it were thorowe fyre Are ye not ware that ye are the temple of god and howe that the sorete of god dwelleth in you Yf any manne defyle the temple of god hym shall god destroy For the temple of god is holy which temple ye are Yf any manseme wyse among you let hym be a foole in this worlde that he may be wyse For the wysdome of this worlde is folyshnes with god The .iiii. Chapter WIth me it is but a very small thinge that I shoulde be iudged of you ether of mannes iugemēt No I iuge not myne own self I know nought by my selfe yet am I not therby iustified It is the lorde that iudgeth me Therfore iudge nothynge before the time vntyll the Lorde come whiche will lighten thinges that are hyd in darcknes and open the councels of the hertes and then shall euery manne haue prayse of god What hast thou that thou hast not receaued yf thou haue receaued it why reioysest thou as thoughe thou haddest notreceaued it The kyngdome of god is not in wordes but in power The .v. Chapter DElyuer that fornicator to Saran for the destruction of the fleshe that the spryte may be saued in the daye of the lorde Iesus Yf any that is called a brother be a fornicator or couetous or a worshipper of ydoles eyther a raylet ether a dronckard or an extorciōner with him that is suche se that ye eate not The .vi. Chapter IS there vtterly no wyse manne among you what not one at al that can iudge betwene brother and brother but one brother goeth to lawe with another and that vnder the vnbeleuers Do ye not remember howe that the vnrighteous shall not inherit the kingdom of god Be not deceauers For nether fornicatoures nether worshyppers of ydoles nether whoremongers nether weaklynges neyther abusers of them selues with the mākynde nether theues nether the couetous nether dronckardes nether cursed speakers neyther pyllars shall inherit the kingdom of heauen All thinges are lawfull vnto me but all thinges are not profitable Remember ye not that youre bodyes are the membres of Christ Shall I nowe take the membres of Christ and make the the membres of an harlot God forbyd Do ye not know and vnderstand that he whiche coupleth himselfe w e an harlot is become one body For two saith he shal be one flesh But he that is ioyned vnto the lord is one sprite All fynnes that a manne dothe are without the body But he that is a fornicatour sinneth against his owne bodye Ether knowe ye not howe that youre bodyes are the temple of the holye ghoste whiche is in you whom ye haue of god and howe the ye are nor your own For ye are dearly bought Therfore glorifye ye god in youre bodyes and in your spretes for they are goddes The .vii. Chapter IT is good for a man not to touche a woman Neuerthelesse to auoyde fornicatiō let euery manne haue his wyfe and let euery woman haue her husbande Let the manne gene vnto the wyfe due beneuolence Likewise also the wife vnto the man The wyfe hath no powre ouer her owne body but the husband And likewyse the man hathe not powre ouer his owne bodye but the wyfe Withdrawe not youre selues one frome another excepte it be with consent for a tyme for to gyue your selues to fastynge prayer And afterwarde come againe to the same thing lest Satan tempte you for your incontinence It is better to mary then to burne Lette euerye manne wher in he is called therin abyde with god Arte thou bounde vnto a wyfe seke not to be lowsed Arte thou lowsed from a wyfe seke not a wyfe But and yf thou take a wyfe thou synnest not Lykewise yf a virginne Marye she synneth not Neuerthelesse such shal haue trouble in their fleshe but I fauer you The syngle manne careth for the thinges of the Lorde But he that hathe maryed careth for the thynges of the worlde howe kenispe please hys wyfe There is difference betwene a virgyn and a wife The single woman careth for the thinges of the lorde that the maye be pure
Chapter WHosoeuer cōmitteth syn cōmitteth vnryghteousnes also for synne is vnrighteousnes whosoeuer doeth not righteousnes is not of god nether he that loueth not his brother He that loueth not his brother abydeth in beathe Whosoeuer hateth his brother is a manne flear and ye knowe that no man flear hathe eternall lyfe abydynge in him Whosoeuer hath this worldes good and syeth his brother haue neade shutteth vp his cōpassiō from him howe dwelleth the loue of god in him Lette vs not loue in worde neyther in tounge but with the dede in verite for therby we know that we are of the verite can before hym quiete our bertes He that kepeth goddes commaundementes dwelleth in him and he in him therby we know that there abydeth in vs of the sprete whyche he gaue vs. The .iiii. Chapter BEleue not euery spirite but proue whether they are of God ornot In this appered the loue of god to vs ward because that God sent his onelye begotten sonne into the worlde that we myght lyue thorow him Herein is loue not that we loued god but that he loued vs and sent his sonne to make agrement for oure synnes Yf we loue one another god dwelleth in vs. and his loue is perfect in vs. Whosoeuer confesseth that Iesus is the sonne of god in him dwelleth god and he in god There is no feare in loue but parsecte loue cafleth out all feare for feare hath painfulnes he the reateth is not perfecte in loue Yf a man saye I loue god and yet hate his brother he is a lyar For howe can he that loueth not his brother whom he hath sene loue god whō he hath not sene The.v. Chapter GOds commaundementes are not greuous This is the victory that ouercommeth the worlde euen oure fay the who is it that ouercommeth the worlde but he which beleueth that Iesus is the sonne of God There are thre which beare record in heauen the father the word and the holy ghost and these thre are one There are thre whiche beare recorde in carth the sprete and water and bloud and these thre are one This is the trust that we haue in god that yf we are any thyng accordyng to his will he heareth vs. And yf we knowe that he heare vs what soeuer we are we knowe that we shal haue the peticions that we desyre of hym Yf any man se his brother synne a synne that is nor vnto death lette him are and he shall geue him life for them that sinne not vnto death There is a sinne vnto death for whiche saye I not that a man should pray All vnrighteousnes is sinne and there is sinne not vnto death The worlde is all together sette on wyckednesse ¶ The seconde Epistell of S. Iohn the fyrste Chapter HAd nowe beseche I the lady not as though I wrote a newe commaundement vnto the but that same whiche we harde frome the begynnynge that we shulde loue one another and this is the loue that we shoulde walke after his commaundementes The .ii. Chapter WHosoeuer transgresseth and bydeth not in the doctrine of christ hath not god He that endureth in the doctrine of christe hath bothe the father and the sonne yf there come any vnto you and brynge not his learnynge him receaue not to house nether byd him god spede for he that byd hym god spede is partaker of his euyl dedes ¶ The Epistel of S. Iude the fyrste Chapter BEholde the Lorde shall come with thousandes of saynetes to geue iudgement againste all menne and to rebuke all that are vngodlye amonge them of all theyr vngodlye dedes whiche they haue vngodlye committed and of all theyr truell speakynges whiche vngodlye synuers haue spoken against him ¶ The Reuelation of S. Iohn the fyrste Chapter HAppy is he that redeth and they that heare the wordes of the prophesy and kepe the thinges which are writtē therin for the time is at hād Beholde he commeth with cloudes and all eyes shall se him and they also whiche persed hym I am Alpha and Omega the begynnynge and the endynge saith the Lorde almyghty whiche is and whiche was and whiche is to come The .ii. Chapter TO hym that ouer commeth wyll I geue to eate of the tree of lyfe which is in the middes of the paradise of god To him that ouercommeth wyll I geue to eate Manna that is hydde and wyll geue hym a white stone and in the stone a new name wrytten whiche no manne knoweth sauynge he that receaueth it I wyll geue vnto euery one of you accordynge vnto your worches To him that overcōmeth and kepeth my workes vnto the ende I wyll geue power ouer nations and he shall rule them with a rodde of yron and as the vessels of a potter shall he brake them to sheuers The .iii. Chapter Yf thou shalt not watche I wyll come on the as a these and thou shalte not knowe what houre I wyll come vpon the. He that ouercommeth shal be clothed in whyt araye and I wyll confesse his name before my father and before his angels I know thy worches that thou art nether colde not hote I wolde thou were colde or hote So then because thou arte betwene both and nether colde nor hot I wyll spewe the out of my mouth because thou art riche and increased with goodes and hast uede of nothynge and knowest not howe thou arte wretched and miserable poore blynde and na●ed I counsel the to bye of me golde tried in the fyre that thou mayst be riche and whyt rayment that thou mayste be clothed that thy fylthy nakednes do not a●pere and annoynte thyne eyes with eye salue that thou mayste see As many as I loue I rebuke and chasten be seruent therfore and repent Beholde I stande at the dore and knocke yf anye man heare my voyce and open the dore I wyll come in vnto hym and wyll suppe with him and he with me To hym that ouercommeth wyll I graunt to syt with me in my seate euen as I ouercame and haue sytten with my father in his seate The .iiii. Chapter THe fyrste beste was lyke a lyon the seconde best lyke a calfe and the thyrde best hadde a face as a manne and the fourthe beste was lyke a ●yinge egle The .v. Chapter ANd when he had taken the booke the foure bestes the .xxiiii. elders fell downe before the lambe hauyng harpes and golden vialles full of odoures whiche are the prayers of saintes and they songe a newe songe saynge thou art worthy to take the boke and to open the seales therof for thou wast kylled hast redemed vs by thy bloude out of all kynreddes and tonges and people and nations and haste made vs vnto our god kynges and prestes and we shall raigne on the exche The .vi. Chapter I Sawe vnder the aulter the soules of thē that were kylled for the worde of god and for the testimonye whiche they had And they cried with ● loude voyce sayeng howe lang cariest thou lord
are the baren Luc .xxiii. Haruest is greate but fewe labourers Math .ix. Hate father mother and folowe christ Luc .xiiii. Hate thy lyfe and kepe it Iohn .xii. Hate me and hate my father Iohn .xv. Hatred bringeth darcknes .i. Iohn .ii. Hearde of swyne Mat .viii. Marke .v. Luc .viii. Heauen must be taken by violence Math .xi. Heauenly wysdome Iaco .iii. He that hath shall haue more Math .xiii. xxv Mar .iiii. Luc .viii. xix He that is leest shal be greatest Luc .ix. He loueth god that kepeth his commaundementes Iohn .xiiii. He that say the that he is without synne Iohn .i. He that hateth his brother is a man slear .i. Io .iii. Here and then be doynge Luc .vi. Heauens reioyse at the repentaunce of a synner Luc .xv. Hyd and close thinges shal be knowen Math .x. Hyred seruauntes Iohn x. House of god is a house of prayer Math .xxi. Mar .xi. Luc .xix. Hospitalite Heb .xiii. How man shulde loue is lorde god marcke .xii Humble thy selfe and be exalted Luc .xiiii. Howe mans body shall ryse .i. Cor .xv. Husbans loue your wyues Ephe .v. Collo .iii. I Iesus the mediator of the newe testament he .ii. I am the true way Iohn .xv. Idle wordes Math .xii. Iesus a sauiour Math .i. Iesus fyrst sermon Math .iiii. Iesus was baptised of Iohn mar .i. Iesus after Iohn was taken began c. Mark .i Iesus the sonne of the hyest Luc .i. Iesus meate Iohn .iiii. Ierusalem Math .v. Iesus is our aduocate .i. Iohn .ii. Iohn the baptiste Mat .iii. xi mar .i. Luc .i. Iohn left his father to folow christ mat 4. mar .i Iohns garmentes meate and dryncke mar .i. Iohn was fylled with the holy spirite Luc .i. Iohn for ioy sprange in his mothers bely Luc .i. Iohn the prophete of the hyest Luc .i. Iohns preachyng Luc .iii. Iohn baptised with water christ with fyre luc 3. Iohn .i. Act .i. Iohn goddes messanger Luc .vii. Ionas math .xii. Ioseph a manne of perfection math .i. Ioseph fulfylleth the angels commaunde math .i. Ioseph ruler of all Egypte Actes .vii. If an angell from heauen do preache c. Gala .i. Inner man delyte in the loue of god Roma .vii. Ipocrites praye openly and to be sene Math .vi. It is not geuen to euery man to knowe the secretes of heauen Math .xiii. Lu .viii Iewes maye not company with alienes Act .x. Iudge not Math .vii. Rom .xiiii. Iudge not afte the vtter apperaunce Iohn .vii. Iudge thy selfe truly .i. Cor .xi. Iudgement mercyles Iaco .ii. Iudas hanged him selfe Actes .i. Iustemen shall shyne lyke the sonne Math .xiii. K Kyngdome of heauen is at hande math .x. Kyngdome of god Roma .xiiii. i. Cor .iiii. Kynges thre the starre with their offerynges mat .ii. Keyes of heauen math .xvi. Kynge Herode eaten with wormes Actes .xii. Keye of knowledge Luc .xi. Kepe your vessell in holynes .i. Thes .iiii. L. Laboure for the eternall meate Iohn .vi. Labourer is worthy of his rewarde lucke .x. Lambe of god Iohn .i. Laye from you that olde man Ephe .iiii. Lazarus luc .xvi. Lawe of god shall neuer perishe Luc .xvi. Leest and the greatest in the kyngdom of heauen Math .v. Lende but loke for no gayne Lucke .vi. Leper must shew him selfe to the prest mar .i. iii. v. Lette slepe your nettes Luc .v. Lette not synne raygne in your bodyes Roma .vi. Lette there be no dissention among you .i. cor .i. Letter and the sprete differ .ii. Cor .iii. Let your wordes be poudred with salt Col .iiii. Let the righteous be more righteous Apo .xxi. Leue wordly thinges possesse heauen luc .xviii. Leuytes payd tithes Hebre .vii. Lybette is where the sprete of god is .ii. Cor .iii. Lyfe eternall Iohn .xvii. Lyue after the fleshe and dye Roma .viii. Lyke pleasure lyke paine Apo .xviii. Lyght of the worlde Math .v. Lye vnto the holy ghost Actes .vi Locke not backe Luc .ix. Lorde go from me Luc .v. Lose thy lyfe and saue it Luc .xvii. Lot fyl on Mathias Actes .i. Loue youre enemyes Math .v. Luc .vi. Loue declareth christes disciples Iohn .xiii. Loue fulfylleth the lawe Roma .xiii. Loue excelleth fayth and hope .i. Cor .xiii. Loue couereth synne .i. Pet .iiii. Loue bryngeth lyght .i. Iohn .ii. Loue not the worlde .i. Iohn .ii. Loue in dede and verite .i. Iohn .iii. Loue casteth out feare .i. Iohn .iiii. Loue one another .ii. Iohn .i. M. Make frendes of the wycked mammon Luc .xvi. Magdalen wrought a good worcke vpon christe Math .xxvi. mar .xiiii. Iohn .xii. Magdalens synnes are forgeuen Luc .vii. Man liueth be the worde of god mat 4. Luc. 4. Man is knowen be his dedes mat .vii. Manne be another mans faythe maye be holpen Math .ix. Luc .v. Manne can not seperate that god hathe coupled Mar .x. Man to abyde with his wyfe shall leue all thinge Marcke .x. Manne yf he wylbe saued must be borne of water and the sprite Iohn .iii. Manne is goddes temple .i. Cor. iii. vi ii Cor .vi. Man is the womans head .i. Cor .xi. Ephe .v. Man is the glory of god .i. Cor .xi. Man ought not to couer his heade .i. Cor .xi. Manne shal be rewarded after the worckes of his bodye .ii. Cor .v. Manne was created vnto good worckes Ephe .ii Man wrestleth against the deuyll Ephe .vi. Man shall once dye Heb .ix. Man shall vanyshe awaye as the floure of grasse Iaco .i. Manna Apo .ii. Mannes angell beholdeth the face of god mat 18. Mannes conscience and though shall beare witnes with him or against him Roma .ii. Mans wyll is accepted according to that he hath .ii. Cor .viii. Mans ende shal be according to his dede .ii. cor .xi. Mans lyfe Iaco .iiii. Many and dyuers walkers Phil .iii. Mathen or leuy the customer mar .ii. Luc .v. Martha martha Luc .x. Melchisedech Hebre .vii. Membres that are noysome must be caste awaye math .v. Many are called and fewe chosen mat .xxii. Men loue darcknes more then lyght Iohn .iii. Meate doth not make manne acceptable to god .i. Cor .viii. Manye menne peruert Paules seynges to theyr owne destruction .ii. Pet .iii. Mortify your membres Col .iii. Mortifye the dedes of the body liue Rom .viii. Moses and Helias in the monte and wherof they spake Luc .ix. Moses learnyng Act .vii. Mouth doth speake of the abundance of the hart math .xii. Muche people and fewe preachers math .ix. N Name of Iesus Phi .ii. Name of Iesus the name of saluation Act .iiii. Nazareth a citie of galile marcke .i. Newe wyne in newe vessels math .ix. marcke .ii. Lucke v. No man can serue two masters Mat .vi. luc .xvi. No man without synne Iohn .vii. No manne knoweth the sonne nor yet the father Lucke x. No manne commeth to the father but by Christe Iohn .xiiii. No manne doth good Roma .iii. No manne can tame the tounge Iaco .iii. Nothing so hyd but it shal be knowen luc viii xii Nothynge can departe manne frome the loue of god Roma .viii. O. Obey the