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A06360 The life of Gregorie Lopes that great servant of God, natiue of Madrid, written in Spanish by Father Losa curate of the Cathedrall of Mexico. And set out by Father Alonso Remon of the Order of our Lady de la Merced, with some additions of his owne. Losa, Francisco de, 1536-1624.; White, Thomas, 1593-1676. aut; Remón, Alonso, 1561-1632. 1638 (1638) STC 16828; ESTC S105406 99,533 326

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his vnderstanding as he did his body with those of his body and he did clearely discerne those two springs of his body and his soule which rise vp so mingled the one with the other restrayning the current of the body and enlarging that of the spirit which is very rare for it is a very hard thing and such as few attaine vnto to distinguish in ones self the workes that proceed from grace from those that proceed from nature because oftentimes the one are masked with the liknes of the others Gregory discerned these very well both in himself and others that asked him counsaile in the like doubts It once so fell out with me that haueing bin for some months space only exercised in mentall prayer wherin I found great difficulty and trouble I had afterwardes occasion to goe about a certaine worke of charity and by the way I felt such an inward ioy and tranquillity of mind that in those daies me thought I was in heauen Afterwardes returning to Santafe and giueing him account of what had past I told him that my spirit had dilated it self very much he answered me Father Losa it was your nature that dilated it self I did beleeue him though at that time I did not vnderstand it but assisted through the mercy of God by his prayers soone after I attained to this verity for I was wont to doe outward workes of charity which though in themselues they be vertuous and meritorious yet haue this property that they recreate and dilate nature and sometimes self loue creeps in but in that recollection I did only vse mentall prayer during the which nature was as it were in a continuall torment and rack because she was withheld from those exercises wherin she was vsed to find content and delight though holy and good of which kind are these to relieue the necessities and seeke the good of ones neighbour to heare and speake of heauenly things for these haue bin my employments by the grace of God for some yeares but when I left of this recollection to doe that worke of charity which I spoke of and recreated my self with the sight of the fieldes and hills nature did returne to her former case and quietnes so as she made no war against the spirit wherwith I rereceiued much content thinking that now I was at peace with my self but afterwardes when I desired to returne to my sole mentall exercises I found that nature had got more strength then euer to war against the spirit and perceiuing by this manifestly that this my peace was not so much of the spirit as of nature I came to see by euident consequence that Gregory knew my spirit better then I my self did Certaine religious men talking in his presence of things which did help ones spirit and deuotion one of them said that musick did much auaile for he by heareing once euēsong in the great Church at Mexico found his spirit so reuiued as that he had neuer said his prayers before with such peace and quietnes Another said that it auailed much to pray in company with others because the difficulty which he found in praying in his Cell was diminished and taken away by the presēce and example of those that did pray with him Gregory let thē goe away without speaking a word vnto them about that matter I did perceiue that he could easily haue freed them from their errour and shewed them that it is nature that is helpt and recreated by those meanes and not the spirit as might be seene by the successe which I had and because the reason why some in prayer doe help themselues with the company of others is because our nature is quickned and taketh delight that her good workes are seen as may be seen in those who take a discipline and giue almes in publick therfore such as those following the content of nature pray better in company then alone I asked him what was the reason that he did not aduise and instruct those religious men in this he answered me because that were to hinder their iourney for with that staffe they goe on a little and without it they would sit downe Our Lord had giuen him a great quicknes of iudgment in distinguishing thōghts or words which was idle and which not and in speaking of God he could very well discerne when it proceeded from nature and when from God to this purpose he was vsed to say many mē doe speake of God more through loue of themselues then of God sometimes allso he said the loue of God is all in workes it hath but few wordes and oftentimes it is dumbe From this knowledge proceeded that rare moderation of his tongue as shall be said in its proper place From hence allso it came to passe that he neuer had any scruples but an admirable quietnes of mind ād no lesse certainty in matters of faith wherin he neuer had any doubts notwithstanding his great temptations and this is that which he meant at the hower of his death when being asked whether he would haue the holy candle to goe and see the secret he answered with great courage as is said before all is cleare there is nothing secret it is noone day with me wherin his meaning was not that his faith had no obscurity in it but that he had no doubt in matetrs belonging vnto it for our faith is obscure yet so as it is allso most certaine and the certainty of it taketh not away its obscurity wherin our Lord will haue vs walke in this life captiuating our vnderstanding in his seruice as saith the Apostle I haue thought conuenient to put downe some examples wherby the greatnes of the light which Gregory had might be gathered since that with it he knew not only himself and his owne spirit but allso other mens I had great signes and coniectures by those things which had hapned vnto me to perswad my self that he did see other mens soules being of this opinion I asked him one day about fiue yeares or more before his death if it were true that he did see them he answered no with this so plain an answer I beleeued him and rested satisfied but I obserued that frō that day forwardes he grew euery day more wary therfore I spoke no more vnto him of that matter but since I haue had and now haue so many witnesses so worthy of credit and such as none can except against that I thinke I should doe ill in not affirming it for certaine and if he said that he did not see them that is to be attributed to his great humility and wisedome which made him seeke to conceale that gift of God as he did many others neither is it to be thought that a mā so true and perfect did tell a ly for his denying of it in this case might be saued from a ly by many waies First it might be that at that time God had not as yet done him that fauour but that
Gods Lord of Kings reuealer of secrets and interpreter of great and hidden misteries Gregory died to the eies of the world I meane of Men addicted to the word and forgetfull of their saluation but he liued in the memory of the faithfull and of the true Christians to whom God began to reueale in the death of his seruant how acceptable his life had bin vnto him of this we haue infinite testimonies and be this the first At the same hower that Gregory died a certain religious woman much exercised in vertue and interiour conuersation with whom this holy Man was vsed to haue communication in the vnion of spirituall life being at her prayers rapt in spirit she saw him come towardes her saying these wordes sister I am going to heauen you are not to goe so soone because your presence is necessary for the seruice of God and the comfort of this monastery this said he presently vanished away leauing her soule much edified ād resigned to the will of God though her desire was to be freed from that mortall body and be with Christ And before the newes of Gregory his death came to Mexico she told this reuelation to her ghostly father who being certified of the truth aduised her not to diuulge that which had bin reuealed vnto her vntill it pleased God to declare what was to be done he did allso counsaile her to pray more earnestly vnto God to assure her whether this was a visiō from him or illusion of the diuell and twelue daies after she told her ghostly father that it was the will of God that this should be reuealed vnto me because I had inquired of what had past and moreouer that these wordes were spokē vnto her by the mouth of her heauenly spouse Iesus Christ Wherefore thinkest thou Gregory is placed neare me because he left all temporall things for my sake and liued with inward recollection and silence I haue bin told of a religious woman whose vertue and spirit is well knowne vnto me how that fiue yeares before Gregory his death laying herself downe vpon her bed after Prime because at that time she was sick God shewed her in her sleep the heauens open and all the religious Orders and Martirs going out in procession and more ouer our Lady with many of the weomen saints and our Sauiour Iesus Christ with Apostles and she being amaysed at this vision it was told her that they went to visit holy Gregory who was sick Afterwardes she vnderstood that he was like to dy and that he had not earen any thing in fiue daies A certaine person whose wisdome vertue and humility is well knowne to all moued with an affectiō of deuotiō and loue which he did beare towardes this holy man did desire him some daies before his death to remember him and he promised him to doe so and the first saturday night after Gregory his death this man saw in his sleep a vision wherwith he waked and that which he saw was the likenes of holy Gregory whose blessed soule did as it were vnite it self vnto the others body and made him praise God in his ●aints especially in the holy con●esiour Gregory with great Iubily and this past for a while and he remaining very ioyfull and much comforted he began againe to feele himself touched ouer all the body and awaking therwith now the secōd time that shape of Gregory did enter into him moouing him after an extraordinary manner and making him praise God in such sort as it was not in his power to cease one instant and withall made him vnderstand and acknowledge how vnworthy he was of that fauour and how much he was obliged to serue God and be gratefull for that visite of his faithfull freind A seruant of God of approued vertue whom our Lord teacheth and incourageth by many extasies and rapts being one day ten yeares before Gregory his death sore afflicted and full of paine he began to consider with himself the excellence of Gregory his spirit and being in this consideration rapt in spirit there was set before the eies of his vnderstanding an image so cleare and transparant as that he could see through it and it was told him such is the soule of Gregory Lopes where at he did both wonder and reioyee very much and told it vnto Gregory who answered not a word A religious Man that led a spirituall life much addicted to prayer whilest he was praying in the quire had such a cleare knowledge of his being nothing giuen him by God at the intercession of Gregory as that it much edifieth all that treate with him and withall such a great loue of God and vniō with his diuine maiesty that two months being past since he receiued that fauour he hath neuer discontinued that vnion but allwaies perseuered in one continuall act There was a certaine Priest that was much affected to the vertue and spirit of Gregory and had great hope to find fauour in the ●ight of God by meanes of his ●rayers he considering sometimes with himself a little while after Gregory his death how happy he was and gracious in the sight of God once in his sleep he seemed to heare a voice which said Aske and in confirmation of this word he asked some thing of God which till that time he could neuer obtaine and it was granted him presently the same day and by the same meanes he obtained other things not only for himself but allso for others To another deuout man that came to aske counsaile of Gregory being now dead as he was vsed to doe whilest he liued it was said iudge not thy neighbours and be more temperate wherwith he told me that he had reaped much profit in his soule Many other things like vnto these haue bin wrought by our Lord whereby appeares the great glory wherwith the diuine goodnes hath honoured Gregory aft●r his happy passage and made knowne his great sanctity by a number of miracles THE SECOND CHAPTER Of some Miracles which God hath wrought by the reliques of Gregory Lopes GOd is wōt to exalt his freinds not only in their heauenly country where they liue for euer but allso in this place of exile where they dy and to honour those at their death who honoured him in their life working miracles by the iust man to the end that his good workes may be knowne the power of God honouring him with miracles who had serued and honoured God with his vertues And because the sanctitie and vertue of Gregory haue bin so excellent therfore the diuine goodnes hath done and doth still euery day so many miracles by this his seruant as that if any curiosity and diligence had bin vsed in gathering them together and approuing them by this time we night haue made a good large relation of them and I hope in God that he will yet worke more for his greater glory the honour of this holy man and our profit and edification I will here only
full of holes and corruption The chiefe brother seing him so incurable ād that besides these and other sores and paines there was gowne in his forehead a swelling as bigge as an egge and another not much lesse in his anckle both very painefull he remoued him to the hospitall in the Ilande of S. Iohn de Vlua thinking that he would recouer in that place because it was of a hotter temper But it fell out quite contrary for he grew much worse by reason of the moistnes of the sea ād the cold north windes This brother being one day sad and troubled in mind recommended himself to God and all the saints and earnestly besought Gregory Lopes to obtaine him his health and remembring himself of some reliques of his which were giuen him at Guasteca he applied them to his head with a night cap and to his leg with bandes throwing the emplasters and patches which he wore into the sea and in three or foure daies after he had applied the said reliques he found himself perfectly cured of all his diseases swellings and sores without any other medicine and he was neuer troubled with thē afterwards wherby he plainly perceiued the force and efficacy of Gregory his intercession THE THIRD CHAPTER Of the knowledge in the holy Scripture which God infused into Gregory Lopes ALlthough Gregory Lopes neuer studied any kind of learning not so much as Grammer or euen Latine yet he vnderstood the holy Sctipture and turned it into spanish in the opinion of some learned men with such propriety and iudgement as if he had spent all his life in the study of the Latine tongue and Diuinity so as many that saw him turne ouer the bible and read it with such strange readines in diuers occasions that were offered h●m would haue rather thought he had red thinges writen in his owne Mothers tongue then translated them out of another He had by heart all the historicall part of the Scripture of the Ghospell of S. Matthew and S. Iohn word by word and those things which were said by the other two Euangelists more then was by these the Epistles allso of S. Paul and the Apocalips To conclude he had such a perfect knowledge of all the holy Scripture that being asked of any place or sentence whatsoeuer he answered with incredible readines and certainty Father Peter de Prauia being Vicar Generall of this Archbisoprick came to visit Gregory whilest he was in my house at Mexico recouering his health and he chāced to aske him about a place in the Scripture which after long studying he could not find either in the Bible or the Concordances Gregory hearing it said this place is not in all the Bible but there is another like it and it is this opening the Bible he presently shewed it to the Vicar Generall and it was the same that he sought for Three Doctours of Diuinity of the vniuersity of Mexico conferring with Gregory in this village of Santafe about some hard place of the Scripture intreated him withall to tell them if there was any place in Scripture that treated of a certaine matter which they mentioned vnto him To the ●eard places he answered very ●learely and gaue them one very ●roper for their purpose which ●hey had not found though they ●ad studied that matter very diligently wherat being much astonied they said in my presence here is a learned man indeed what is our knowledge in respect of his Beatus homo quem tu erudieris Domine Psal 39. Certaine religious Men very learned being in Santafe spoke a sentence as out of Scripture in his presence and he said that is not Scripture they much wondering hereat looked into the bible and found that he had said true It was a thing worth admiration how certainly he knew in how many places of the holy Scripture this thing or that thing was said or whether it was in it or no to this purpose a religious man a publick reader of the Scripture and one that had conuersed with him said vnto me as one that knew him these wordes I doe not talke with any man about the holy Scripture with such warines as I doe with Gregory Lopes Certaine prebends being in cōpany with him told of another that was present how that he knew all the Psalter by heart he answered that which is to be esteemed is if he can make vse of it when it is requisite for in this he was singular that he could call to mind both the thinges which he knew and their places when it was needfull Ther were some Preachers who haueing occasion to retire themselues to Santafe when they were to make a sermon were vsed to say that they needed not their Concordances where Gregory was Don Pedro Moya de Contreras visiting his Archbishoprick came to Guasteca where Gregory did liue at that time and sent vnto him by me to aske a doubt wherunto he answered so profundly as that I did not dare to bring him the answer but re●…ning with the message I said vnto him I had rather that you would heare Gregory his reasons from his owne mouth then from mine and so he will answer you when you goe to see him When the Archbishop had bin with him and heard him he remained well satisfied and much amased and said vnto me I neuer thought that he knew so much Father Dominick de Salazar who died being first Archbishop of the Philippines spoke in this manner of Gregory twenty yeares before his death in the presence of three graue and learned religious men of the order of S. Dominick how is this Fathers that we with all that we haue got by studying in all our life know not half so much as this young man doth Many learned persons that came to aske him doubts out of the holy Scripture returned well satisfied and amased at the great knowledge which it had peased God to bestow vpon this his seruāt● amongst others came a Doctour of Diuinity who some daies before had bin present at some conclusiōs out of the holy Scipture which had bin defended in the schooles of the society of Iesus at Mexico vpon that place Malach. 3. Ecce ego mittam Angelum meum c. and asking Gregory what was the meaning of that place he brought so many exquisite things vpon it that he Doctour affirmed that there was no more nor euen so much said in all the Conclusions THE IIII. CHAPTER How Gregory Lopes was directed by the holy Ghost in the spirituall manner of life GOd did not onely teach this his beloued scholler the holy Scripture as is said but also and in a more excellent degree he instructed him in a spirituall course which he was to follow in a most eminent manner and was allso to be a guide and Master to others For this holy man by the light of his vnderstanding knew his owne person and as far as I could vnderstand he did see as distinctly his owne spirit with the eies of
he did it him afterwardes towardes the end of his life It might be allso that at that instant whē I askt him that question he did not see the soules but that God gaue him light to see them at other times when it was necessary for the light of contemplation of spirituall things is not habituall and permanent but only actuall such as is that of prophecy which God giueth and taketh away as he pleaseth And so at that time when Gregory said that he did not see them though he did see them in other occasiōs it is to be vnderstood that he did not see them because God had taken away that light from him at that present A certaine person of quality told Gregory that he had had great temptations but he hoped in God he had not committed any sinne in them and therfore that he had not reuealed them in confession Gregory replied not so stoutly for truely you haue bin but a weake souldiour then the other said then doe you thinke it good I should confesse them Gregory answered he did not thinke that he had cōmitted any great fault in doing as he did but to haue made an entire resistance he should haue done such and such things hereby the other not only gathered that he had seen his spirit but allso learnt the māner of resisting better afterwardes A godly Priest came frō a place far distant vnto Gregory to be resolued of some doubts concerning his soule and he answered him so to his purpose as the Priest said you haue told me that which I thought to haue askt you and which I had great need to be told of Gregory replied God seing your necessity moued my tongue to speake that which you heard There came to visit Gregory a lawyer who then was maried and now is a religious man but was allwaies a vertuous man and by the way he talked with his companion about certaine thinges touching his soule which neither Gregory nor any other man did know or could know by any naturall meanes and as soone as they came vnto him before they asked him of any of those things of which they intended to talk with him he answered them so directly to all thinges as that they remained satisfied and amaysed ād looking one vpon the other rendred thankes vnto God seing him answer them so directly as if he had bin asked whervpon the lawyer tooke occasion to examine his cōscience as often as he went to visit Gregory thinking that he saw the most secret thoughts of his heart and after the same manner going at other times to aske his counsaile he answered him so directly before he spoke euer a word as that he was confirmed in the opinion which he had of him A religious man of a very spirituall life and very familiar with Gregory went one euening to aske him some doubts about his spirit and because it was allmost night and he had not the time which he desired to treate of that busines he bid him goe take his rest and that the next morning they would talke of it The religious man being that night in his chamber which was vnder the holy man his lodging receiued inwardly an answer from God of that which he intended to aske and a check for comming to aske counsaile of a creature when he might haue it from the Creatour for that he that had giuen Gregory such store would allso giue vnto him if he would dispose himself for it and put his confidence in God as soone as it was morning he went vnto Gregory his chamber who smiled as soone as he saw him and the religious man began to tell him how that God that night had answered his doubts Gregory helpt him out to tell it ād preuenting him for as yet he had not told of the reprehension he said these wordes vnto him and had you not a good reprehension for seeking counsaile of a creature he answered yes father I had a reprehension allso At all this he maruailed very much and assured himself that the holy man had seen in God all that had past with him Another Priest very carefull in things concerning his spirit came to see Gregory Lopes and obseruing him diligently perceiued that this seruant of God spoke to him of all that was in his heart which though Gregory himself did neue● insinuat yet the priest assured himself that it was so for that his soule somewhat inordinately affecting the great fauours which he had receiued and which he did hope to receiue from the hand of God Gregory among other things said vnto him wee looke for great matters but truly either here or there we must pay for our small humility A cortaine person deuout vnto our Lady was vsed to say his beades and by that meanes so efficacious for all good and happie progresse had receiued such fauours from God as that for some yeares space he was allmost in cōtinuall prayer Therfore seing himself so well profited in mentall prayer he asked Gregory whether it were not best to leaue off the rosary that he might giue himself the more to the other he answered no knowing that the worshipping of our Lady to whom he was very deuout doth not only help beginners but is allso cause of a happy progresse in the spirituall life ●uē to those that haue attained to perfectiō and a meane to perseuer in it wherfore he perseuered a yeare in that deuotion of the rosary ād perceiuing that those heauēly fauours still continued in his soule as one now alltogether spirituall he determined to leaue of the rosary without acquainting Gregory with it but within few daies after he left it off he began to feele many troubles and drouths and almost no prayer for to these dāgers he exposeth himself who thinketh to make a prosperous nauigatiō in the spirituall life without Mary the starre of the sea he told this vnto the holy man without telling him the reason which was his leauing off of the rosary wherat Gregory smiling said vnto him fall to your beades againe he did so and it succeeded so well with him as that in a short time he came to haue the same spirit and deuotiō as he was wont to haue whervpon he was euer after very deuout vnto our Lady ād wōdered much that Gregory did knowe the cause of his drouth though he had concealed it It once hapned that there met at Santafe six spirituall men or more at the same time who came from diuers parts to confer with Gregory of matters concerning their soule and sometimes he answered thē all in publick and that so substantially as that they were satisfied in their doubts and instructed in what they were ignorant of but that which I most admired at was to see in how few wordes he answered for he did resolue great difficulties in two or three wordes and me thought those wordes were as lawes in the mindes of the heares and sparcles deriued frō a burning charity so as
had need of any because there was not any created thing that did hinder him or make him grow remisse that his inward operation was allwaies in the same estate that it was allmost become naturall that he had neuer gone back in the perfection of the vnion which God had giuen him but that he allwaies went forwardes and that by meanes of this vnion he had got whatsoeuer he knew because God had allwaies bin his Master not bookes though it was a great comfort to him to see those thinges writen by Tauler and Rusbroque which God had imparted to him and he neuer ceased to praise and extoll the spirite of the holy Mother Terresa de Iesus At another time being asked by the same religious man sir if you were a Priest what would you doe he made answer as I doe now he replied how would you haue prepared you self to say Masse he said as I prepare myself now he asked him further and how would you haue made your Mementos he answered him after the same māner as I doe allwaies and he added moreouer saying if I were certaine to dy within these few howers I should not doe any thing more then I doe for I am now actually giuing vnto God all that I haue and I cannot giue him more vnles he out of his mercy giue it me But because it often falleth out that as the soule is louing God with all her strength in great quietnes our Lord sodainly raiseth her vp for a short time to the height of vnion drawing as it were the curtaine which is betweene God and her God himself dilating her and making her capable of such thinges as she can neither expresse nor conceiue and when she desireth to thinke and stay vpō that which God wrought in her she findeth that those fauours are now past the affections of them only remaining behind the said religious man asked him againe whether hauing receiued such fauours he remembred them afterwardes and whether his soule did allwaies remaine in that height to which God is wont to raise others for a little time as is said he answered him that as it is not in mans power to obtaine such singular fauours of God so neither is it in his power to remember or continue them for a long time and that he doubted whether there euer had bin any pure creature except the B. Virgin that did allwaies perseuer in such an excellent vnion which God is wont to giue though in the ordinary kind of vnion such as God had giuen vnto him one might allwaies continue and profit And prosecuting this matter he said further that vnions reuelations extasies and rapts were not the top of perfection nor that it did not consist in them though God is often wont to giue them because he worketh with euery soule according to her capacity necessity ād dispositiō they that are perfect and well exercised in the act of loue doe not require that the senses should be suspended from their operation to the end that they may be more vnited vnto God because the senses are no hindrance to them in their enioying God for he had neuer had any extasy reuelation or rapt that deprined him of his senses the which had neuer hindred him At another time the same man talked with him of some soules which attained to great peace and ●hward quietnes together with a ●assiue vnion and as it were enioying loue which God gaue vnto them Gregory answered him that such as those were good soules and were in a good way but that perfection and merit is not so much in those workes of enioying as in that the soule of her part endeauoureth with all her might to loue God with the perfectest manner and act that she can for this is rather to doe then to enioy and the other is rather enioying then working because the soule that loueth God perfectly cannot giue him more then she doth giue him neither doth God require any thing else of her for hereof dependeth all our law and Prophets I was once talking with him how gratious in the sight of God certaine persons were who doe allwaies employ themselues in praying for the whole Church with a great zeale of Gods honour and desire of the saluation of soules he said that this was a great perfection but such as few had attained vnto and that he had vnderstood that Mother Isabell de la Natiuidad a nunne of the Monastery of the Conception in Mexico now deceased had obtained it who as I thinke for certaine knew by reuelation from God that Gregory Lopes allso was wholly giuen to this exercise for in a letter which she writ she said these wordes I am cōtinually in the office which God hath put me in of praying for the whole Church as my brother allso doth she said this by Gregory and she was one free from all falshood and euen from suspicion Thinges haue bin said in this Chapter which in the opinion of those that treat of prayer and spirit are for confirmation and testimony of great sanctity more then miracles because they are more infaillible signes of it then miracles THE XVII CHAPTER Of some other manners of prayer which he vsed NO lesse wonderfull height of perfection and sanctity is proued by other kindes of prayer wherin this admirable man though his continuall emploiment was to exercise that act of lone towardes God and his neighbour and in this worke he vsed all his strength employed himself without diuerting his mind but rather allwaies increasing the vnion we spoke of When any inward combates presented themselues he was very willing to fight them for the loue of God and after he had ouercome he offerred him in sacrifice the victory and all the spoiles of of that war and therfore by reason that he was wont often to ouercome and through the great confidence which he had in God he reioiced when he saw whole troupes of temptatiōs come against him as huntsmen doe when they see their pray that they may see it on their Masters table and he did not only offer vp in sacrifice vnto God the victories and the spoiles of his combates but also the gifts and strength wherwith God did enrich and adorne him making an offering of them vnto his God and giuer with a very humble prayer and acknowledgment wherin he confessed him to be the chiefe good and source of all good and therfore most worthy to whom all thinges which we haue receiued should be offered so that Gregory as soone as he receiued any fauour or gift presently with a more cleare knowledge and feruent charity directed it to his Lord without staying on it himself because he desired all whatsoeuer he receiued should be his Such was his fidelity and loue towardes God and in these times he was vsed to repeate that sentence of the wise man you shall find many mercifull but a faith full man who will find He was allso wont to offer vp vnto the Eternall
holy Apostles and whosoeuer shall haue read with attention that which is aboue written will allso come to see that this exercise of greatest charity which maketh one suffer and dy for his beloued was the whole life of this holy man for it was a thing well knowne to vs all that did conuerse with him that this so vehement an exercise of louing God with all his strength was the cause of all his weaknesses paines and sicknesses and he perceiuing this went on pining away ioyfully for his beloued Vpon this oceasion relating sometimes vnto me the great paines which he had endured he said vnto me the materiall martirdome of whipps hookes of iron fire and sword be it neuer so great dureth but for a short time but besides these God hath in heauen spirituall martirs in a very high degree He did tell the liues of many saints worthy of great honour that confirme this verity amongst others he told of Paph●utius the hermit that as he was led in chaines for being a Christian and those that led him threatned him with great tormēts vnles he would forsake the faith o● Christ he laughing at his tormētours said vnto them we hermits vse to endure these torments in the desert But because it is a thing most certain both to me and to others that knew Gregory that he did excell in spirituall martirdome I will not speake more hereof considering the ioy wherwith he receiued his death when without any feare he beheld it neare at hand yea with far more contentment then wordly men feele in the middest of their pleasures honours and pastimes saying with the Apostle to mee Christ is life and death againe Gregory his delight therfore was to suffer for Christ and his cōtent and glory was in the crosse saying with S. Paul Far be it from me to glory in any thing but in the crosse of my Sauiour Iesus Christ and with the Prophet David who seing himself so enriched with the benefits and fauours which God had bestowed vpon him in his last daies he began to consider it and to say what recompence shall I make vnto God for all the fauours that he hath done me and fixing his eies vpon all whatsoeuer he had he found no other recompence but only to say I will take his cup and call vpon his name as if he should say I wil desire inwardly to drinke of the cup of his Passion the which I see and know well by the spirit of Prophesy This therfore was the spirit of Gregory in this way God did guide him this is the doctrine which was taught him by our Sauiour Christ in whose paines and death he found such spirituall delight that he neuer desired any other as is said and he was wont to say that perfect spirituall men are displeased with those delights which beginners doe willingly embrace for a man taketh as a reproach to be offered a bunch of grapes or an apple wherwith the child is much taken he added moreouer that this present life is no● for ioy and rest but sorrow and trouble Finally this his refusing euen of spirituall delights proceeded from a perfect pouerty of spirit which was giuen him by God wherunto appertaineth to desire nothing but God for his owne sake wherin consisteth true charity and the top of Christian perfection so as he that loueth God most is most perfect be it with those delights or no for if the cobler mending his shooes should loue God more then a contemplatiue man he would be more perfect in Christian life then he notwithstanding the fruition that he hath attained With this spirit did Gregory chieflly attend to the increase and purity of charity desiring allwaies in his life and labours to imitate our Sauiour Christ whom he allwaies looked vpon as on a good paterne by which he might learne how he ought to labour saying with Dauid my eies are allwaies vpon our lord and to this purpose he was wont wisely to vse that sentence the wise mans eies are in his head meaning that the wise man hath his eies allwaies vpon Christ who is his head for said he the soule touched with the loue of God is like the mariners needle which by reason that it is touched with a loade-stone allwaies inclineth to the north and that spirituall men ought to haue this maruailous property as in what place or busines soeuer they are to be allwaies inclined and desire to haue their eies allwaies fixed on our Sauiour Christ He tooke great contentment to see men doe so for once four men very spirituall and great seruants of God being come to visit him and sitting with him at the table it so fell out that they wer● all bareheaded he looked ioyfully on them and said God b● praised for that all we that sit a this table haue our head bare He spoke spiritually and his meaning was that they were all spiritually looking vpon Christ who is our head and at that time was bare vnto them all and by reason of the tokens that we saw I hold for certaine that he saw the hearts of those that were present for as is said God hath oftentimes done him that fauour and considering the vertue and good spirit of those his guests it may be thought that they were in that disposition as to haue their eies vpon God This holy man as I was allwaies of opinion neuer lost sight of God and therfore God neuer went out of sight from him according to to that of Iob God will neuer haue his eies off of the iust man and by meanes of this sight God allwaies preserued him in such manner from falling into all the nets and snares whatsoeuer the enemy laied for him as that he passed through them freely and safely as is shewed THE XIX CHAPTER Of the effects of his prayer I haue allwaies thought that God hath wrought stranges effects through his prayers and though he out of his humility neuer reuealed any of those great effects for he neuer told me any in that kind though I was so familiary with him yet I am certaine that he knew of wonderfull thinges which God had done by his prayers of the which I will here relate for the greater glory of God some which I came to know by other meanes In the yeare 1579. being at our Ladies of Remedies he was visited by a priest who was much troubled in mind because he did not perseuer in the seruice of God but fell into great in conueniences through such occasions as offered themselues Therfore he instantly besought him to pray for him and to aduise him what he should doe for assuredly he would doe it whatsoeuer it were though it were to goe vnto a montaine and be an hermite since that his saluation was not a busines of small importance Hereunto Gregory answered only these wordes you shall be an hermite in Mexico for this yeare He vnderstanding it as it ought to be vnderstood endeauoured to change his life and
will cary him a hat for he weareth none perhapes because he hath none and I will not informe the Inquisition of him as I thought to haue done This passed betwixt the priest and me concerning Gregory Lopes whom I knew not of till then neither did I then know his name allthough by the said relation I conceiued a good opinion of his manner of life God beginning then though I knew nothing to shew his great fauours and mercies which he was to doe me by meanes of this his seruant as shall be said hereafter THE IX CHAPTER His aboade in Atrisco his returne to Mexico and the examination which the Metrapolitane made of his spirit and manner of life THe desire which Gregory Lopes had to liue vnknowne and the great care which he vsed to conceale his spirit and heroick vertues made him often change his dwelling imitating herein the ancient hermits who fearing least they should be knowne and honoured by Men did trauell continually from one place to another so he hauing bin about foure yeares in Guasteca seing himself knowne and much esteemed both by Spaniards and Indians by the instinct of the holy Ghost for it is to be thought that he neuer chaged his habitation without it he departed towards Atrisco and being within a league of the towne God brought him vnto a man of good esteeme by name Ihon Perez Romero who gaue him lodging and all things necessary for his maintenauce in his mannour Gregory was there well treated because his hosts were good Christians and benefited themselues with the good counfailes and examples which he gaue them for that was the gratifying and recompence which Gregory left to them that entertained him and wheresoeuer he came the temper of the country was very agreable vnto him and the riuers brookes and pleasantnes of the fieldes did further him much in his deuotion and recollection But it was not the will of God that he should stay in that place aboue two yeares because the sower of coccle the enemy of our good is wont to hide the vertue and darken the light which shineth and enlightneth that others might not profit themselues nor goe forward in the seruice of God as did those hosts of Gregory and many of their neighbours round about Therefore the cōmon enemy vsed for his instruments certain religious men that liued in that place none of the learnedst but it is likely their intention and zeale was good though not secundum scientiam who seing such great mortification and so composed a behauiour in such a young Mā such an admirable wisedome vertue and spirite in one that had neither studied nor euer wore any religious habit wherein he might haue got such good parts they were much scandalised and did feare where there was nothing to be feared and sorgetting that saving that the hood maketh not the Monke and that which the Prophet saith Happy is he O Lord whom thou instructeth and teachest thy holy law They did so much aggrauate the matter before him that was then Archbishop of Mexico that he thought it necessary to make very exact inquiries to learne the truth which being performed according ●o the order of law he declare ●…y decree and publick sentence the great vertue and innocence of Gregory who hauing got by this a greater name and opinion of fanctitie amongst all men tooke his leaue of Iohn Perez Romero and leaning him and all his family sad for the losse of such holy company by which they were so much edified he tooke his iourney towards Mexico and from a place neere Tescuro lifting vp his eies he espied the house and sanctuary of our Lady of Remedies on the other side of the city and thinking that there might be there some habitation wherein he might continue his solitary life he trauailed straight towards that place without entring into Mexico and seeing that it was a place dedicated to the Mother of God he reioyced exceedingly and purposed to remaine in that place in seruice of the Queene of heauen God disposed all this for the good of many soules in that place who profited much in vertue by the conuersation and company of Gregory At his first comeing and for some months after none knew what he was and there were scarce any that made any esteeme of him because he was very wary in makeing any outward shew of the fauours which God did vnto him but seemed outwardly a simple Man of few wordes and of a shallow vnderstanding none did resort vnto him none did light vpon that treasure which God had in secret in that wildernes By reason of this he was in great necessity ād want of sustenance in so much that I haue knowne him passe many daies only with wild quinces but time running on men began to take more notice of him some deuout persons who did there keepe their nouendialls inuiting him now and then to dinner and they did behold with care and attention their guests new attire and manner of life some were edified by his conuersation others did beware of him holding it a suspicious matter to stray from the common course others lesse aduised iudged him to be a Man of ill life and a dissembling heretick and therefore did abhorre and fly his company and he in that kind suffered much with wōderfull patience allthough I could not hitherto learne any notable thing that hapned vnto him in that place This came to the eares of the Archbishop Don Pedro Moya de contreras of good memory who like a vigilant and carefull Prelate thought good to informe himself of the life and behauiour of Gregory Lopes and the spirit by which he was directed I went about that time to our Lady of Remedies to see him and by the conferences which I had with him I remained well satisfied touching his spirit and iudged him to be a man of solid and well grounded vertue I gaue this relation to the said Archbishop and told him that was my opinion he for his more satisfaction and better performance of his office would haue this busines examined more exactly and gaue in charge to Father Alonso Sanches of the society of Iesus a man of great zeale and learning ād much addicted to spirituall life and well experienced in it to examine Gregory Lopes with all care and diligence making as they vse to say an anatomy of him and to acquaint himself with his emploiments exercises and manner of proceeding The said Father went with this commission to our Ladies of Remedies where he spent much time with Gregory propoūding vnto him very precise questions concerning the Catholicke faith his customes and spirit to all which he answered with such breuity and humility that he left him alwaies more in doubt so as his desire of getting out the plaine truth clearely was increased in him Therefore thinking that to vse any other meanes was but to goe about the bush he determined to speake to him plainly and so with a graue and seure
to be talked of when there is nothing that troubleth vs but all goeth well with vs so he was vsed to say commonly that resignation is alltogether deedes and hath no wordes He spēt some daies after this manner with that patience and courage as he was vsed to suffer his other sicknesses vntill vpon the day of S. Iohn Baptist the 24. of Iune I thought it fitting to giue him the blessed Sacrament and askeing him whether he thought it good to receiue it then he answered yes and that he reioyced much that it was vpon the day of S. Iohn Baptist his especiall patron I gaue him the blessed Sacrament and fearing that his death did draw neere I had some holy oile in readines against it was needfull for besides his great weaknes and illstomach he had got a hicket that was very painefull vnto him and his pulse did beate with intermissions notwithstanding all this such was his courage that the very same day that he receiued his Viaticum and all the daies following he rise out of his bed and made it himself he made himself readie and allwaies euen to his death he did rise to the stoole and though commodity was offered him yet he would mortify himself in not vsing it He grew weaker euery day not being able to eate any thing at all he only sustained himself with strong waters which were sent him in great quantity from Mexico by persons of quality which when he receiued admiring at the prouidence of God he said with great feeling ●hou art wonderfull o Lord for that a Man who in all the world doth not possesse a pin of his owne should haue need to liue vpon waters of kings and princes and should find those that would giue him them without seeking for Now the day of the glorious Apostles S. Peeter and Paul was come and I doubting that my sick man would not out-liue that day thought it most secure to giue him Extreme Vnction He was very glad that this Sacrament was to be administred vnto him vpon that day of the Princes of the Church to whom he was much deuored and had allwaies a desire to serue The time being come wherin I was to giue him absolution in vertue of his Bulla Cruzada I bad him call to mind some sin though of the yeares past that I might absolue him and apply vnto him the Indulgences of the See Apostolick whereunto he answered that by the mercy of God he did not feele any thing trouble his conscience the which was to be vnderstood of mor●all sins whence may be gathered that h● neuer committed any in his life because he was not ignorant that none euer liued without veniall sin ●xc●pting our Lady though it might be allso he said that he did not remember any veniall sin not because he had neuer committed any but because he had not committed them wittingly and being asked sodainly it might very well be that he remembred none With that I gaue him the Sacrament of Extreme Vnction afterwardes importuning him that he would suffer sheetes to be brought him to ease him somewhat of his paines he answered now that I am anoiled I may receiue them and thinking that his death drew neare I said vnto him will you dy now then speaking to himself he said now nature wilt thou dy shewing by this the pity and compassion which the spirit had of the body or the higher part of his soule of the lower ond sensitiue for Gregory vnderstood very well this diuision and anatomy of the inward Man and the outward and the parts of both and he was vsed to discourse very elegantly of it So vehement were the paines which he endured in his body as that I once asking him how he did and where was his paine he said that from the sole of his feet to the crowne of his head there was no part free from paine ad besides this our Lord on the other side did afflict him in the most interiour and sensible part of his soule so that both inwardly and outwardly he might haue abundant occasion of merit In this kind I will tell one thing that was generally knowne in Mexico though perhaps all doe not relate it so precisely as it hapned and therefore it is not amisse to set downe the truth I will conceale the persons names because those that knowe them will easily guesse the right and those that doe not knowe them there is no reason why they should Amongst those persons of quality that came from Mexico to visit Gregory in this his last sicknes there was a great Lady who was wife to a noble man that serued the king in an honourable office She did not giue such Good exāple in the city as she might haue done both in matter of brauery and excessiue expences as also in playing at crades wherin she lost much time and mony allso drawing after her some other noble weomen who vnder her wing did dare to giue scope to that vice their husband 's not being able to hinder them This Lady came to Santafe the third of Iuly seauenteen daies before Gregoryes death to visit him and cherish him for allthough in the thinges aforesaid she was somewhat faulty yet for workes of merey and compassion towardes the poore and afflicted she was much to be commended As soone as I vnderstood of her comming I sent word vnto her that she should not come into the house hauing made such little vse of his prayers and labours for that hauing bin here before she had not left off playing art cardes and taken away the scandall which she did giue therby being a purgatory to so noble a gentleman as her husband was therefore she might returne to Mexico for there was no meanes to see the sick man neither would her almes be wellcome vnto him She made diuerse replies and in messages backwardes and forwardes were spēt three or foure howers I still denying her leaue to come and visit him Whilest therfore this Lady expected the last resolution and answer that deuote of ours whom I spoke of and others allso certified me that she came with a great desire to amend and leaue of her idle life and gaming and that therfore it would much auaile for her entire amendment to comfort her and yeeld to that which she did so much desire wherwith I was satisfied and of opinion that she should see him As she came in at the doore a far of he said vnto her Father Losa had promised that you should not come in at this doore to which she answered he hath reason but I will amend As soone as she saw Gregory she tooke much compassion of his infirmity and began presently to serue him with her owne handes sitting on her knees at his bedd side ād to dresse his meate for in that she had a speciall faculty though she had a greater in commending herself earnestly to his prayers and making vse of that good occasion in time before it slipt
customes and inuentions he did relate very particularly The like he knew from Noe till the comeing of Christ and he spoke of those times and persons as if he had liued in them Hauing spoke of this family of God he discoursed of the bordering nations putting all into one history and accommodating these histories to the times and successes of the said family and he did not only know the warres and other thinges that hapned in the family of God but allso those of the Gentills vntill the comeing of our Redeemer and in my opinion he knew all this as exactly as any other man of his time He had by heart the Prophecies of all the Sybilles he would tell many particulars of the birth infancy child hood youth of our sauiour Christ and allso of his preaching death and the other mysteries and how much the law of grace excelleth the law of nature and the law written He had in a manner before his eies the life and preaching of the holy Apostles and their Disciples He related in particular the liues and Martyrdomes of the Popes and other famous martyrs from S. Peeter to S. Syluester and the most remarkable liues and deeds of the Confessours of most note from S. Syluester to Clement the eighth in whose time he died He told the names time and conuersation of the founders of religious orders and of solitary life and of the Archereticks condemning their errours and alledging the Councells wherin they were condemued setting downe allso the time wherin such and such heresies began and ended He discoursed very particularly of the history of that beast which S. Iohn speakeh of in the Apocalips which was the city of Rome and of the ten hornes which were the ten Emperours who did most of all persecute the Church and he did bring downe this history of the Emperours to Phillip the second in whose time he died He did speake very distinctly of the beginnings and increases of the sect of the false Prophet Mahomet of the many countries which were ouerrun by the Mahometans Turks Ottomans by nation Scythians and off spring of Magog and the Slaughters which they haue made of Christians I haue heard him say that this peruerse sect did possesse allmost three thousand leagues of land reaching from Europe to China He was allso very conuersant in the histories of the heathens both anchient and moderne and had knowledge of those famous men whom the gētills esteemed Gods as Ianus Hercules and the rest He related the conuersions of all nations and countries to our holy faith and those that preached the ghospell vnto them and allso the memorable thinges that hapned and that with such certainty as if he had seen them or read them Of all this he hath made à Chronology or successiō of times from the creation of the world to Clement the eighth very short yet exact setting downe the mos● memorable both in the Ecclesiasticall and secular affaires so as many learned men doe earnestly intreat me to lend thē that booke to copy out He had gathered allso out of the said histories the choicest and best thinges that concerned our faith law and customes and had reduced them to a kalendar of the daies which he did sometime tell me by way of recreation to my great content and admiration THE VI. CHAPTER Of the knowledge in other sciences which God gaue vnto this his scholler GRegory did not only know both the holy scripture and morall and spirituall things as we haue said but he was allso an Astronomer Cosmographer and Geographer He had a globe and a map made with his owne handes very truly and exactly for I haue heard skillfull men that haue seen it praise it as such but that which I most wondred at is that ostentimes when there was occasion I askeing him about diuers parts of the earth euen of the Antipodes he answered me presently without studying or thinkeing upon it He did vnderstand well the Ana●omy of mans body and someti●es he told very curious thinges of it declaring how admirable the diuine wisdome shewed it felf in man He was allso very skillfull in Physick of which he writ a very elegant booke wherin were many experiences which were easy to be made by poore men and labourers and sundry properties of s●mples and compounds The greatest delight which he tooke in this art was to make receits which he gaue to the poore and needy written in his owne hand with the best remedies which the desire that he had of his neighbours health did make him inuent and compose for he was very compassionate and thefore God gaue vnto him wonderfull successe He was likewisse very skillfull in husbandry and was allso an herbalist for he did not only know the properties and vertue of hearbs but allso how to make them better with sundry liquors which he made and gaue to the he●bes as it were to drinke I haue seen and earten of them so changed by his hand as that they seemed of another kind and he told me that if he did know of any man that were curious and a good Christian least that if he wanted the feare of God he should make them worse and poison them by this art he would teath him this art for the profit of his neightbours He was a very good penman and did write many kindes off hands singular well at this day there are some things in this kind of his making very admitable especially the map we spoke of before the which being of late much augmented excelleth all that haue come out in print and is so curiously made as that it see●eth printed and therfore a graue ●octour to whose lot it fell estee●eeth it very much He had skill euen in the tailours ●ade and could make his owne cloaths which though but meane yet to be accommodated to his weakenes and sicknes did requite a particular fashion and making and so he was wont to say that none hit so right in the making of them as himselfe He did not make himself shooes but he mended them so well that they serued him three yeares ād more neither did he make himself a hat for h● neuer wore any since he went out into the wildernes and it is no● knowne that he euer had more th● one and that remayned as good as new This multiplicity of thinges in 〈◊〉 contemplatiue mā will not seem● excessi●…e though ōly one be necesary and many doe rather hinder then otherwise if we consider the sublimity of his spirit to which the great number was no hindrance from the following of that which was the principall and necessary and I to be resolued of that doub●… did once aske him if any of those little things did wholy possesse him and he answered me I find God as much in the least of these things as in the greatest and the reason of this seemes to be because his chief●st end and scope was his creatour so as hauing his eies allwaies fixed vpon
refused them some he did take least by doing otherwise he should discontent him that brought them Sometimes though but seldome he would take a white lilly or red rose because as he said the smell of those flowers is very chast As soone as he went into the desert he made a purpose neuer to eate with intent to please his palate but only to sustaine his life the which he obserued all his life in so much as that when I perswaded him to tast of a Melon grapes or figgs for those fruits are here in great request and esteeme he would only smell to the Melon saying it is enough this yeare to haue smelt this Melō of the grapes he only tooke one saying presently it is enough for this yeare of figgs he only tooke half an one and said the same Allthough he loued fruit very well and desired to liue vpon it because as he said it was the proper food of man for in Paradise man should only haue liued vpon it God had created so many sorts of it only for mā● vse yet as we haue allready said he told me that fruit neuer did him harme and I wondring therat he gaue the reason for said he I did allwaies eate of it moderately That which he did eate of with a good appetite was bread the sustenance of the poore but it seemeth he obtained of God to find euen in that such mortification and difficulty as that some yeares before his death he could not eate one ●orcell of bread vnles it were first steeped in broth without salt fat or spices in it and that was his diet at this time making way for the bread with some light meate Sometimes he chanced to keep his bread in his mouth a good while and I bidding him remember to swallow it he said I cannot and that one of the painfullest thinges to him was to eate neuertheles he made much account of his s●nses knowing of what profit they are to a spitituall man if he keep them well mortified After a burning feauer which he had there remained a lingering ague which held him allmost a yeare and in this necessity I often importuned him to vse some sheetes but I could neuer perswade him to it I neither can nor ought to passe ouer in silence a very subtile mortificatiō which I perceiued in Gregory for the vnderstanding wherof it is to be noted that one of the thinges wherwith nature is most mortified is that the spirit doth not cherish her nor giue her any part of that which passeth in its self debarring her of the part she was to haue in the spirituall worke This premised I haue obserued for many yeares which we haue spēt both together liuing in the same house eating at the same table and sleeping in the same chamber that he did neuer weep nor sigh nor lifted vp his handes nor shrunke vp his soulders nor spoke any word aloud with God nor to himself by which one might come to know his inward affections a thing which in a man of so great affection and spirit would amayse any one that knew what belonged to prayer and contemplation I admiring much here at said one day vnto him you being thus allwaies vnited vnto God and in the presence of such a Lord doe neither sigh nor speake but are alltogether rapt in extasy with the diuine goodnes wherunto he answered That is not the reason Father Losa for truly I doe sigh and grone allmost a thousād times in the day and am allmost allwaies talking with God though only mentally I haue vsed this manner now thirty yeares and I endeauour not to giue nature any of these feelings which is to her no small mortification because I haue found her false and treatcherous I became not so perfect in this lesson but that sometimes going into the garden to prayer and contemplation I should forget my self knocking sometimes my brest or sighing and Gregory hearing me would in a pleasant māner say vnto me Father Losa giue Nature now and then a bit least she dy for hunger but he did not giue such counsailes to other men but rather aduised them to help themselues with those outward signes for without them they did not any thing I am verily perswaded that he that shall read with a fauourable eie the pennance and mortifications which are here related will rest fully satisfied that this heroicall man went not into the wildernes to sleep and be idle but to doe and suffer I am allso certaine that if he would haue ●old other greater mortificatiōs which he endured a course of such difficulty and vertue would haue caused in vs great admiratiō it would haue allso bin much better if those thinges had bin better expounded that they might be better knowne for I confesse that I haue left out many thinges because I could not explicate them and make them vnderstood yet by those that we haue set downe one may perceiue that his life was all mortification penance and crosses Now it remaineth for vs to see the profits that Gregory reaped by this vertue First such strēgth that as he was wont ●o tell me he now ouercame with Gods grace all temptations with a blast Secondly such a dexterity in sighting as that his enimies as puissant as they were could neuer make him giue back one step but that he went allwaies getting ground and putting such a firme confidence in God as that if he had a whole squadron of temptations against him he should ouercome and put them all to flight and so though ueuer so many bid him battell he neuer left of the exercise that God had giuen him but euen in the middest of them walked on in the loue of God and his neighbour Thirdly such a peace and dominion of himself in his manner of combate as that neuer any could perceiue whether he was inwardly in combate or at peace He was allwaies the same without any change and in him was verified that sentence the wise mā is stable like the sun but the foole hath his changes like the moone and he was vsed sometimes to repeate it Fourthly by this his mortification he obtained of God as one allready well exercised to be made the elder brother being now able to haue a care of his brethren and neighbours to fight for them and that his combates which he fought for his neighbours sake should be accepred of as if they had fought themselues as I perceiued it often hapned as shall be said in the 19. Chapter of the effects of his prayers All this his strength proceeded from the liuely faith which he had in God wherby he vnderstood clearely and distinctly the greatnes of the diuine goodnes and mercy which sufferreth not any to be tēpted aboue his strēgth therfore he fought his combates with delight saying with spirituall contentment that this was neuer wanting vnto him and he was wont to say that whosoeuer had receiued that delight from God was allready as is said
that which was conuenient Fiat voluntas tua sicut in caelo in terra Amen Iesus teaching him the same prayer that he had taught his Apostles and in this prayer he gaue him for his exercise one of the most excellent workes and hardest to be done because it cōprehendeth all the doctrine of the conformity of our will with that of God which spirituall men call resignation and that not in any degree whatsoeuer but in the perfection which those wordes require namely that there be such conformity vpon earth with the will of God as is talked of and practised in heauen It is much to be noted that the diuine goodnes would haue Gregory practise himself so long in this exercise as our Sauiour Christ was in preaching his ghospell to giue vs therby to vnderstand that all the perfection of his holy doctrine consisteth in the perfect execution of those wordes The carefull and studious scholler embraced this diuine prayer and lesson with such good will and resolution as that for 3. yeares together a wonderfull thing without ceasing or euer omitting he said it mentally as often as he did draw breath when he was awake and considering the little time that he slept and the great vigilance which he allwaies vsed it is allmost impossible to tell how often he said those wordes Fiat voluntas tuasicut in caelo in terra Amen Iesus and he told me that after a yeares space he did no more trouble himself to call them to mind thereby to make his acts more intense amorous and feruent I heard him allso tell once vpon a certaine occasion of spirituall discourse that if he did not make those acts with great d●u●tion allthough at other times he did the diuell at the very instant did assaile h●m with a multitude of temptations so that as he told me in those times by reason of the many temptations that came vpon him he could not possible take any booke in hand and that those only wordes serued him insteed of bookes and study and with them as with armour of proofe he defended himself from all his enemies and ouercame them and because he had found by experience the great force and vertue of those wordes he counfailed many persons to repeate them often with deuotion During those breathings his operations were so vehement as that he was allmost allwaies eleuated and thought of nothing of this world and such was the intensiuenes wherwith he employed his memory vnderstanding and will in this diuine exercise that allthough while he was in it he was assailed with many grieuous temptations yet as soone as they were past he did not remember them From this exercise of resignation as from a solid roote grew out all his wisedome and spirit When he had exercised himself for the space of three yeares in this spirit of resignation it pleased his heauenly Master to aduance him to another degree of perfection instructing him inwardly that the height of perfection in this life was in the practise of these wordes Thou shalt loue God with all thy heart and with all thy soule and with all thy mind and with all thy strength and thy neighbour as thy self and that he was allwaies to practise this vsing all his forces in it louing God and his neighbour with one act of loue imitaring herein God himself therfore afterwardes he did not repeate so often as before that act of resignation wherin he said Fiat voluntas tua sicut in coelo in terre Amen Iesus because this often making of acts would rather hinder then further the continuall act of loue wherin his soule now was as he himself said For the same reason he left of other meditations and exercises which he vsed before because they should not diuert him from his cōtinuall act of loue Gregory endeauoured to follow this exercise with the same fortitude as he had practised that of resignation yea and with greater for row his strength was increased So in few yeares he became so expert a louer as that he told me that it seemed vnto him a very hard thing to leaue off that diuine exercise of loue euen for a short time and that therfore without breaking it off he did eate and talke and performe all other operations both of body and mind Together with this heauenly employment he began to reade the bible and most of all at this time for it hapned sometimes that he spent three or foure howers in the day in reading of it and by this great loue towardes God he attained to the vnderstanding of the Scripture Hereby he got that great poise and measure in his wordes the greate prudence and wisedome he shewed in his answers and counsails and the equality in louing his neighbour and himself wherin he did much excell for in all his good workes he esteemed himself as one of the rest of the world and desired as much to obtaine mercy for them as for himself From hence allso proceeded his purity of mind in prayer freedome and Dominion against his enemies and the seuere mortification of his senses Now in praying he did not vse such violence and force as he did before but a more refined and de-delicate act lesse sensible but more prefect In this manner he went on euery day increasing in perfection and that after such a manner as that many spirituall men were deceiued seing him so conuersant in other arts and sciēces it seeming vnto them that this would diuert him from praying but he was so far from that as that in his last yeares he attained to such high degree that as he hath often told me his interiour man did worke without imparting any thing to the exteriour and that he did not reduce the conference that he had with God into mentall wordes but to another language which should seeme to haue excellent effects To conclude by meanes of this exercise he attained vnto that excellēt vnion with God which he allwaies endeauoured to practise and his heroicall vertues and to say all in a word together with this there came to him all that is good THE XVI CHAPTER The spirit of Gregory is made more manifest by the answers which he gaue to certaine questions I haue thought conuenient here to set downe some answers which Gregory Lopes gaue vpon certaine occasions to the end that by them his spirit might somewhat more appeare which since that it was so interiour may be the better knowne out of these A certaine religious man both spirituall and learned one whom Gregory well esteemed and conuersed with more then with any other asked him if he had any particular times and howres of the day or night appointed to make his act of loue more intēse if peraduenture it grew slack or cold whilest he was at table or otherwise emploied in offices of charity towardes his neighbour or for the comfort of those that conferred with him he answered that he had no set times neither that he