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A02895 The pageant of popes contayninge the lyues of all the bishops of Rome, from the beginninge of them to the yeare of Grace 1555. Deuided into iii. sortes bishops, archbishops, and popes, vvhereof the two first are contayned in two bookes, and the third sort in fiue. In the vvhich is manifestlye shevved the beginning of Antichriste and increasing to his fulnesse, and also the vvayning of his povver againe, accordinge to the prophecye of Iohn in the Apocalips. ... Written in Latin by Maister Bale, and now Englished with sondrye additions by I.S.; Acta Romanorum pontificum. English Bale, John, 1495-1563.; Studley, John, 1545?-1590? 1574 (1574) STC 1304; ESTC S100602 276,183 440

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an anchoresse in S. Albons abbey had this terrible visiion she heard an old man of graue countenaunce crye thre times VVo wo to all that dwel on the earth and then faded away againe Anno 1258. Richard Earle of Cornewall sonne to king Iohn of Englād was chosē king of Almany for his great treasure and the Pope procured that he was chosen Emperour but he did that closely because he had likewyse for the same matter taken a bribe of Alphonsus kinge of Spaine Whereupon a certaine Poet made this Verse Nummus ait pro me nubet Comubia Rome Thus money sayth for loue of me Cornewal with Rome shal lincked be Beside these shiftes made for money this Pope Alexāder vsed another notorious knacke he abusing deluding the simplicitye of the king of England made him beleeue that he would make his sonne Edmond king of Apulia if hee woulde sustaine the charges thereof to maintaine the warres appertayning to it wherupon the king caused his sonne forthwith to be proclaymed king of Apulia and sent to the Pope all the treasure and riches that he could make in his Realme And thus was the king and his sonne deluded and the Realme wonderfullye impouerished by the Popes craft It were to long to discouer all the superstitious wicked deuises of this Pope who at length going to Viterbium Anno 1262. to make peace betweene the Genewaies Venetians according to his owne fansye and because he coulde not haue his will therein he dyed there for anger 125. Vrban the fourth VRban the fourth borne in Fraunce and as some saye was first called Pantaleon being patriarch of Hierusalem As sone as he was Pope by and by he commaūded souldiours out of Fraunce to subdue Manfred the ennemy of the Church for the furtherance therof hee requested Lewes kinge of Fraunce to send his brother Charles the Earle of Anteganor w t an oast into Italye and made him king of both Sicils After many conflictes the said Charles ouercame and slue Manfred at Beneuent and receyued of the Pope against all lawe and right the kingdome of Sicill w t the dukedome of Calabrie and Apulia whereuppon arose many great slaughters While this Pope was frō Rome at Pruse the Romaynes coueting their olde libertyes made a newe kinde of officers callinge them Branderesies who had power of life and death in their handes they chose one Brācaleo a priuate parsō of Bononia to be Senatour whō banished late before they restored But touching Vrban it was not much more then this that he did sauinge that hee ordayned an holye daye namelye Corpus Christi daye the fifte day after Trinitye sonday vpon this occasion as some and most likely do write namelye Arnold Bostro Petrus Praemonstratensis Anno 1264. as they saye a certaine woman called Eue in a Religious house in Leodia with whom the Pope in time past had beene well acquainted had a reuelation which she signifyed by wryting to the Pope beseeching him that the sayd day might be kept holye in the honour of the Sacrament of the altar to whom the Pope according to her desire returned his aunsweare with this Bull to confirme the holy daye The Bull of Pope Vrban to Eue the Anchoresse for the establishing of the holy day called Corpus Christi daye BIshop Vrban seruaunt to the seruauntes of God sendeth greeting and apostolicall bleshing to Eue our beloued daughter in Christe VVe know O daughter that thy soule hath longed with greate desire that a solemne feast day might be appointed for the bodye of oure Lord Iesus Christ in Gods Church to be celebrate of all faithfull Christians for euer And therfore for thy ioye we signifie vnto thee that we haue thought it good for the establishing of the catholicke faith that beside the dailye remembraunce which the Church maketh of so wonderfull a Sacrament there should be more special and solemne recorde appointing a certaine daye for it namelye the fifte daye after Whitsontyde next ensuinge that on the said daye the faithfull flocke do gather together to the Churches deuoutlye and effectuallye and let that daye be to all Christiās ioyfull with new holines and holye with much ioye as is more set out in our apostolicall letters sente for this cause through the world And know ye that we haue caused this feast daye to be solemnized with all oure brethren Cardinals bishops and archbishops and other prelats then being at Rome to giue example of celebratinge the same to all that shal see or vnderstand the same Therfore let thy soule magnifye the Lorde and thy spirite reioyce in God thy sauiour for thine eyes haue seene his saluation which we haue prepared before the face of al people Moreouer reioyce because almighty God hath giuen the thy hartes desire and the fulnes of the heauenly grace hath not disapointed the of the will of thy Iippes c. This Vrhan sate more then three yeares betweene the Guelphes Gibelines and prouoked their quarrels to be tryed by the edge of the sworde to the confusion of manye through Italye He being on a time vpbrayed that he was of base linage aunsweared that no mā was noble by byrth but that to be made noble by vertue is true nobility finallye beinge at Pruse because in great attemptes he had not his desired successe he dyed for griefe Masseus sayth that a blazing starre appeared three nights before the death of this Pope and ceased the same night that he dyed 126 Clemens the fourth CLemens the fourth called before Gui Fulcodius borne in Narbonie ere he came to be Pope was a maryed man and had 3. children by his wyfe a sonne two doughters He as his predecessour began continued in sheddinge of bloud he sent for Charles Earle of Angeow to bringe an armye into Italye where he slew Manfred and was made kinge of Sicill and Hierusalem but vppon this condition that he should paye yearelye to the Pope fortye thousande Crownes This bargaine beinge made betweene them great slaughter bloudshed was committed in diuers places for the said Pope betrayed Conradinus sonne to Conradus kinge of Sicill and inheritour of the kingdomes to the former Charles so that as he passed through the fieldes of Viterbie with an oast of Germaynes wher his abode was at that time the Pope by report sayd that the sayd Conradinus was as a lambe brought to the slaughter shewing therby that he was of councell to the treason Afterward when he foughte with Charles about Naples at the first conflict had sufficient victorye yet then the treason reuealing it selfe Conradinus Frederick duke of Austria were taken being myserablye vsed in their captiuitye mocked and flouted were in the ende beheaded by the Popes commaundement because Conradinus claymed the kingdome which his auncetours possessed Thus the kingdome of Naples came into the hand of the Frenchmen and the dukedome of Sweuia decayed and came to nought by the wickednes of the Pope In the time of
the saying in the 17. of thapocalips concerninge the x. kinges These haue one counsell and power and shal giue their power vnto the beast THE FOVRTH BOOKE cōtayning the third order of Popes in whō Antichrist appeareth to be come toward fulnesse of hys wickednes specifyed in the 17. Chapter of the Reuelation speakinge of Antechrist in the kingdome of the greate whore of Babilon vvhich sitteth vppon the beaste vvith seuen heades and that Prophecye seemeth to maister Baale to containe these 41. Popes following to Siluester the second HYtherto from Phocas the Emperours time for the space of 247. yeares Antichrist like the beast raigned in the Church of Christians without iudgemente or consideration of heauenly spirite Hytherto the Popes euen to the forteth Pope cast theyr eyes on earthly things forgetting Gods euerlasting testament as if they onely regarded but the fleshe and not the soule All theyr delight was in newe traditions ceremonyes buildings pleasures pompe warres treasons and translations of kingdomes as appeareth so that they seemed to liue in the glorye of this worlde and in contempte with Christ so that the Church vnder their gouernment is at length become the strompet of Babilon according to the whole discours of the Apocalips The truth whereof the Lord hath most euidently reueiled in this next Pope that followeth who was a woman and an harlot whereby al men may vnderstand the misterye reuealed by Christ. THE POPES OR ROMAINE ANTICHRISTES 40 Ioan the eight IOan the eight being a woman was made Pope and because of her bringing vp vnder a certeine Englishe mā a Monke of Fulda whome she loued tenderly her name was altered and she was called Iohn Englishe She sat as Pope in the pontificall seate at Rome two yeares and syxe monethes She was a Germain of kindred and borne in Mens called at the firste Gilberta who the more to enioye her louers company and the better to auoyde suspiciō dissembled her kinde and put her selfe into mans apparell so trauailed with the Monke her peramour to Athens where after she had profited in all the sciences her louer being dead she came to Rome disguising still her selfe and counterfaiting to be a man For through the promptnesse of her wit and ready tongue shee talked eloquently in publique lectours and disputations And many had her in admiratiō for her learning She grew into so great credit was so wel liked of al that Leo the Pope being dead they chose her Pope In whiche office as other Popes did shee gaue orders made priests and deacons promoted bishops made abbots sayde masses hallowed altars and churches ministred the Sacramentes and gaue men her feete to kisse and did all other thinges belonging to Popes her doinges stode in force But in the time of her Popeship ▪ Lotharius the Emperour being an olde man became a Monke And Lewis the seconde came to Rome and receiued of ●er the scepter and crowne of the Empier with Peters blessing whereby the whore of Babilon shewed her self so mighty that she made kinges stoupe vnto her Apo. 17. Also as Houedenus saith in her time Ethelwolphus king of Englande gaue the tenth part of his kingdome to the Priestes and Monkes to praye for his soule And his sonne Ethelwaldus maried Iudith a wydow and lately his owne fathers wyfe and his stepmother But as touching Pope Ioan she was gotten with childe by one of her familiar chaplaynes a Cardinall to whome her fleshly appetite caused her to disc●ose her selfe As she was going on procession solemly to Lateran churche in the middest of the way and in the open streate betwene Colossus Clement church she was deliuered of childe in presence of all the people and died of her trauell in the same place And for this wickednesse she was stripped and spoyled of all pontificall honour and buried without any pompe or solemnitie Whereof Mantuan wryteth describing hell in the thirde booke of Alphonsus thus Here honge the dame that erst disguised would seme a mā to be VVhose head the Roman miter ware with crest of crownettes three VVho playde a shamelesse strumpettes parte in place of Popes degree Lo this is that seate that can not erre being endued with the holy Ghost by succession or rather an euident argument of the seate of Babilon But the Popes since that time in their procession do shonne that place where she was deliuered as odious for the hap thereof Funcius sayth boldely that this was suffered by Gods especiall prouidence that this woman should be made Pope being also an harlot euen then when she should bring kinges as she did Ethelwolphus and Alphredus in subiection vnto her whereby Antichrist might be knowen for then it was the Lordes pleasure to bewraye the whore of Babilon in a Pope being an whore Whereof the holy Ghost foretold Apoc. 17. that the elect might beware of her But to auoide the like incōuenience of a woman for the time folowing they deuised that who so euer should be chosen Pope should be serched very narrowely to be tryed a man shamefull to be reported but vsed without shame among suche shamelesse shauelinges But nowe commonly they nede not when they chuse them Popes mistrust them to be women for whyle they are Cardinals they playe suche Carnall partes that they are able to bring forth bastardes of their owne begetting to proue them selues men whereof one Iohn Pannonius wrote a mery Epigram in foure Latin verses testifying the truthe of this their doing of the whiche I omitte the two first verses for ciuilitie sake it may be gathered by these latter two what is ment Cur igitur nostro mos hic iam tempore cessat Ante probat sese quilibet esse marem How hapneth that this groaping them is vsed nowe no more Because eache one doth try him selfe to be a man before 41. Benedict the third BEnedict the thirde being first tried vpon the porphyry stoole to be a man was made Pope Massaeus saith he howled out and cried miserably that he should be promoted to so great dignitie whereof he was vnworthy a rare thing among them But some thinke he did it but of hypocrysie because As Platina saith he offred his feete to be kyssed and suffred him selfe to bee worshipped lyke an earthly Idoll Then came Embassadours from Lewis the Emperour to confirme the election of him done by the Clergie and people Among many supersticious and vaine ceremonies he appointed that Dirige should be sayde for the dead that the Clergy should go soberly honestly He died Anno 859. In this time as Sigebertus and Vincentius testifie in Mens as a certaine Priest was casting holy water a certayne Diuell lurking vnder his Cappe as if he had bene a familiar to him did accuse him that he laye with a Proctours doughter that nighte 42. Nicolas the first NIcolas the firste was made Pope in the presence of Lewis the seconde Emperour after his father Lotharius But as sone as Lewis was departed out of
and vniust dealinge which the Popes haue vsed seing that seate of Rome hath sustaind within so fevve yeares so manye leude persons tyrantes theues filchers robbers rebels adulterers and open purloyners of Church goodes And who in Gods name vvill reuerence that as holye which receiueth so many plagues but as yet the nomber of the wicked ones is not fulfilled as shal follow immediatlye c. The ende of the fourth Booke THE FIFTE BOOKE contayninge the thirde diuision of the thirde order of Popes or Romaine Antichristes in the kingdome of the greate Dragon which is the deuill and sathan Apocalips 20. vnto the time of Innocentius the fourth FRō Ioan the eighte who was an harlot for the space of 146. yeares to this yeare being the thousand yere from Christe his incarnation Antichrist raigned like an harlot in the Churche of Rome pretending chastity in the meanetime Yet we see howe here the prophecye in Daniel 11. concerninge Antichriste was fulfilled contayned in these words And Antichrist shal be in the cōcupiscence of women We see in these former historyes howe these Popes haue liued in wantonesse royat whoredome and worse thē whoredome incest pride ambition robbinge and riflinge Churches coniuringe treason rebellion discention murders poysoninges such other detestable enormities So that according to the saying of Esaie they deserue rather to be called the Princes of Sodom thē the elders of the Church Consequentlye after the thousande yeare after Christes byrth it was prophesyed that the deuil should be let loose and this shal be called the kingdome of the great Dragon wherin the actes of the Popes do wonderfully aunsweare vnto it both in Syluester the second who wyth his Necromancye raysed the deuill from hell and hauinge coniured him vp did compounde wyth him for the Popedome And againe in Benedict the ix who made sacrifyce vnto the deuill in woodes and vppon mountayne toppes In Hildebrand or Gregorie the seuenth who toke counsaile of euill spirites and vsed other diuelish charmes beside other 81. Syluester the second SYluester the seconde was a Frenchman in profession a monke and called Gilbert before he was Pope He was of S. Benedicts order in an abbey at Florence where he being a yonge man and addicted whollye to deuilishe artes betoke himselfe to the deuill both bodye and soule Afterward forsaking that abbey he went into Spaine delightīg much in prophane sciences came to Hispalis vnto a certaine Philosopher being a Sarracen and expert in Magick of whom he learned much both sorcerye and ambitiō and began to deuise howe he might attaine to greate honour riches and thought in deede that coniuringe and Necromancye were the meetest wayes to come by hys purpose He had espyed before in the house of his host a certaine cōiuring booke and did his endeuour to steale it awaye but the Magician kept it so deuoutlye that Gilbert coulde not come by it therfore he inueigled the Magiciās doughter wyth whom beinge in the house he had good acquaintance ●o steale her fathers booke and let him haue a sight thereof the mayde fulfilled his request so he obtayned his purpose He hauing the booke went about to depart by stealth but fearing least this might endaunger his life for stealing the booke he gaue himselfe to the deuill vppon this condition that he should warrant him to passe safelye into Fraūce and to obtayne great dignityes He came into Fraunce taught the liberal Sciences so as many had him in admiration wherby he had a nomber of scholers and auditors some of great calling that learned the former artes of him as Cōstantine abbot of Maximin Lotharius Archbishop of Seuen Otho the Emperours sonne Roberte kinge of Fraunce wyth sondrye other bishops prelats priestes of Rome By the procurement of these parsons he was made first bishop of Remen afterward by his leude artes he obtayned to be Archbishop of Rauenna Last of all he obtayned to be Pope of Rome by the helpe of the deuill whom he w t coniuration raysed out of hell according to the xx of the Apocalips For Peter Praemonstratensis other wryters saye that he was made Pope in the Thousande yeare of our Lords Incarnation In the which yere sayth Masfeus was a great and terrible earthquake and a blasinge starre horrible to loke vppon the xiiii day of December In his Popedome he concealed his coniuring and dissembled that familiarity which he had with the deuill but yet he kepte in a certaine secrete place a brasen heade of which when he demaunded anye thinge hee receyued aunsweare of an euil spirit At the length in his pontificality he would needes demaūde of the deuil how longe he should be Pope the deuill aunswered doubtfullye and misticallye sayinge he should not dye vntill he sayd Masse in Hierusalem He therfore conceyuing good hope of longe life began to ware carelesse thinking to take heede enoughe of comminge in Hierusalem But the vse was that on a certaine day of stations in the Lent time the Popes should say masse at Rome in the Pallayce of the holy Crosse which was called Hierusalem wherevppon Syluester not fearinge his life nor heedefull enoughe to forecast the deuils despite accordinge to custome said masse in the same Chappel And by by a terrible shyueringe and quakinge came vppon him wyth a great feuer and by the rumbling noyse of deuils as Peter Praemōstratensis Platina say he perceyued his death was at hand and that he must paye the deuill his fee. And thus bewayling lamenting openly the abuse of his charmes he confessed his fault til he perished miserablye And sayth Benno he commaunded his tongue and his handes to be cut of wherewith he had blasphemed God in sacrifisinge vnto deuils thus he dyed Anno 1003. The reporte is that the tombe of this Syluester doth euer since prognosticate the death of the Pope by the ratlinge of the bones and the gushing out of water that ryseth out of the groūd about it as also sayth Platina is testifyed by the Epitaphe written on his graue 82. Iohn the 19. IOhn the 19. an Italian did likewise succeede Syluester and gat to be Pope by the deuils ayde for sayth Benno the scholers of the sayde Syluester being coniurers euerye one gaped for the Popedome This Iohn did take from the people the election of the Pope sayinge in behalfe of his doing that the clergye must teache the people but not followe them And againe the lawe which is ruled by Gods spirite is more worthye then that which is mans lawe He allowed commaunded to establishe in all Churches the feast of al soules at the motiō of one Odiloe abbot of Clunie whoe dreamed that soules were deliuered oute of Purgatorye by vertue of the masse and sayd that he harde the deuils houle and roare while the soules were takē frō them through dirges trentalles After he had raigned 5. monthes he was poysoned by his owne frendes In his time the name of Cardinals began to grow
to estimation and many straunge monsters were seene and diuers terrible earthquakes 83. Iohn the 20. IOhn the 20. called Fasanus after that Iohn the 19. was poysoned by magicke coniuringe gat to be Pope For from the foresaid Syluester till Gregorie the seuenth a notorious parson all the Popes were famous enchaunters by theyr charming they sturred vp walking spirits bugs goblins fierye sightes diuers terrible goasts shapes of thinges with howlinges and gro aninges aboute deade mens graues perswadinge the simple people that they were deade mens soules And those spirites beinge coniured vp by priestes deluded men dessemblinge that they were the soules of the dead complayning theyr vntollerable paynes in Purgatorye fyre and craued to be released by the meritorious deedes of theyr frendes kindred bestowinge dirges masses and trentalles on them But to returne to this Pope Iohn hee sayth Platina beinge giuen to idlenesse did nothinge worthye remembraunce He dyed after he had beene Pope .iiii. yeares Anno 1009. 84 Sergius the 4. AFter this Iohn came Sergius to be Pope by the like meanes who also in his Popedome exercised the same sorcerye still by which he obtayned the seate Yet some of the flatterers of Rome do highlye commende him as one that in all his Popedome did no one thinge to be misliked An vnmeete prayse for the prelates of that corrupte time wherein the light of the Gospell was extinct without the which nothinge can be pure and perfite Amonge other praises this is one that he had he was a very pleasāt meerye and familiar companion In his tyme was great pestilence and famine in Italye and in Loraine a fountaine turned into bloud He dyed Anno 1012. 85 Benedict the eight BEnedict the eight was borne in Thusca the sonne of George bishop of Portua brother to Albericus and Iohn was a layman He had a nephew called Theophilactus which was the scholer of Syluester and by the magical charmes of this Theophilact Benedict gatte to be Pope and obtayned the place so longe as Henry Bauarius liued whose ayde defended him because he had bestowed on Henrie the crowne Emperiall But after his death the Cardinals enuyinge him deposed him and set vp another and herevppon arose a cruel debate Yet afterward he compounded for money with his aduersaries and so the vsurping Pope being put out again Benedict is restored w t great pompe He graunted to the foresaid Henrie as Barus testifyeth to make at Bamberg builded by Henry a cathedral Church but with this condition that the same Church should paye to the Pope yearely vnder the name of tribute an hundred markes in siluer with a white horse furnished with trappings He dyed Anno 1023. Peter Damianus cardinall of Hostia sheweth as it is also written by Platina Carion and others that this Benedict or an euill spirit in his likenes appeared rydinge on a blackehorse and came vnto a bishop of his familiar acquaintaunce who amazed at this sight asked him Art not thou Pope Benedict whom wee know to be dead He aunsweared I am the same vnhappy Benedict And howe do you sayd the bishoppe I am cruellye tormented but I may be eased quoth Benedict And therefore go to my brother Iohn who nowe is Pope and bidde him repayre to such a place naming it and take the treasure that is there hiddē and distribute it to the poore And likewise he appeared to Pope Iohn saying I hope to be deliuered and I would to God that Odilo would pray for mee Thus the deuil deluded this age bearing them in hande that the distribution of moneye and not the death of Christe might bringe saluation to soules to the great aduauncement of Purgatorye and masses 86 Iohn the xxi IOhn the xxi brother of the former Benedict and sonne of Gregorie bishop of Portua beinge as yet but a laye man yet likewyse by the enchauntmente of his nephewe Theophilact gat the Popedome as Benno a Cardinall wryteth For the coniuring and charmes of these mē Theophilact Iohn Gratian Laurence Malsitan Brazutus and other like wrought and ruled all thinges at Rome according to the deuils appointmente the aucthor of theyr artes For sayth Benuo Theophilact vsing to do sacrifice to deuils in woods on mountaynes caused women to runne after him whom he with his enchauntments bewitched to loue him And this appeareth to be true by certaine bookes of his which after his death were founde in his chamber This Pope Iohn crowned Conradus Emperour and was by him defended from the violence of the Romaynes who had longe troubled him the Emperour threatned to destroy the Romaynes vtterly if they should practise ought agaīst the Pope and by this meanes he continued Pope xi yere The latine Church doth highly commend him but shewe no good workes that deserued it He commaunded Princes to keepe a solemne kinde of geuinge almes he appoynted priestes to say masse and the people to fast In his time began the superstitious fastes of S. Iohn Baptist S. Laurence Of the counsell of Triburia Anno 1030. began in Fraunce a sect of fasters who said that it was reuealed to them from heauen that to fast Saturday with breade and water was sufficiente for remission of all sinnes if so that they had made a vowe to keepe it But the bishop of Camera did ouerthrowe this blasphemye as derogatorye to the passion of Christe Pope Iohn dyed Anno. 1034. 87. Benedict the ix BEnedict the ninth who before was called Theophilact the sonne of Albericus and nephewe as is said to the former Pope Benedict Pope Iohn as he by coniuring and diuelishe artes did first aduaunce his vnkles so nowe by his magicke he brought to passe that he succeded them He beīg Pope did greatly aduaūce euē next to himselfe as his chiefe and secret counsellers Laurence Iohn Gratiā for that they were notorious coniurers broughte vp with him vnder Pope Syluester He with these companiōs had vsed before he was Pope accordīg to the cursed ceremonyes of their sorcery to call vppon theyr euill spirites in woods and forrests and to bewitch by his cunning any woman that liked him to couet his carnall companye But sayth Benno as on a time he wyth these his mates was comming from the woods to the Church a nomber of birds beinge together a sparowe made a merye and pleasaunt kinde of chirping This Laurence being both captaine coniurer also a southsayer curious in the obseruation of byrds was demaunded what it was that the birde prated The byrde quoth hee calleth other birds to the great gate where a countreymans carte is broken and his meale spilte which was caried in it and therefore she wyth her much chattering biddeth them to come thither to eate and fil themselues Which being harde diuers of them that stoode by ranne in all poast hast to the gate to try the matter and whē they came there they found it so in deede as Laurence had sayd Theyr cunninge in south saying and coniuringe was such