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A02613 The ensamples of vertue and vice, gathered oute of holye scripture. By Nicolas Hanape patriarch of Ierusalem. Very necessarye for all christen men and women to loke vpon. And Englyshed by Thomas Paynell; Exempla Sacrae Scriptae ex utroque Testamento collecta. English Hannapes, Nicolas de, patriarch of Jerusalem, 1225-1291?; Paynell, Thomas.; Peraldus, Guilelmus, 13th cent. 1561 (1561) STC 12742; ESTC S103820 271,342 814

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Lorde beholding the cytie of Ierusalem Lu. 19. and considering the euyls that should afterwardes chaunce vnto it wept on it saying Yf thou haddest knowen c. When Iesus sawe Marye wepe and the Iewes also wepyng whiche came wyth her Iho. 11. he groned in the spirite and was troubled in him selfe and wepte Oure Sauiour euen hangyng vpon the crosse was carefull for his mother whome he knewe to be crucified and tormented in soule Woman said he behold thy sonne poynting vnto Iohn When Peter was come to Ioppa and sawe the wydowes wepyng for the death of Tabitha Act. 9. whichie made them cootes and garmentes he kneled downe and prayde and when he had called her he shewed her alyue to the saynctes and wydowes When Paule was at Athens his sprete was moued in him Act. 17. when he sawe the cytie geuen to worshipping of Idolles The barbarous and straunge people shewed Paule and hys felowes no litle kyndnes Act. 27. for they kyndled a fyre and refreshed them euerye one because of the present raine and colde And they that in the tyme of wynter scaped oute of the broken shyppe had good nede of it for some dyd swymme to lande and some were caried on boordes and on broken peeces of the shyppe Paule sorowed hys brethren and kynsmen that perished with so great anxiete of sprite Roma 9. that he sayd I haue greate heuines and contynuall sorowe in my heart for I haue wyshed my selfe to be cursed from Christ for my brethren my kinsmen as pertayning to the fleshe And to the Galathians My lytle children of whome I trauell in byrth agayne Gala. 4. Of hospitalyte Capi. xlv NOte Howe spedely and how Ioyfullye Abraham receyued Angelles into his house Gen. 18. And howe he caused all thinges necessary to be prepared for pylgrimes Marke also howe Lot honored the Angels that past by Gen. 19. Whiche he toke to be men He praide them instantly and offering them most gently all necessarye thinges defended his house as he coulde against those that violently would haue entred into it Rebecca semed to be prest and redye to hospytalyte Gen. 24. the whiche sayd vnto Abrahams seruaunte We haue litter hay and prouinder inough and also fair roume to lodge in And anon after Laban saide vnto hym I haue dressed the house and made roum for thy camels Iethro without any great praier receiued Moses being a straunger into his lodging Exo. 2. Afterwardes he honoured his daughter and his Nephewes magnificently Moses saith Our Lord god loueth the straunger Deut. 10. and geueth hym fode raiment Loue ye therfore the stranger for ye wer strangers your selues in the land of Egipt Rachab the harlot lodged the spies sent by Iosua most liberally Iosu. 2. and she was holpen and deliuered most faithfully The Leuite found no man in al Gabaa Beniamin Iudi. 19. that would take hym to lodging but one old man that cam from his worke Helias reuiued the womans sonne that sustained and lodged him 3. regu 17. The Sunamite receiued Elizeus going by 4. reug 4. into her house and lodged him the which obtained her a childe and reuiued the same Iob a good receiuer of gestes and strangers Iob. 31. said The straunger taried not without and my dores wer open vnto him that went by the way When our sauiour sent his dysciples to preach Mat. 10. he said that he was receiued and hard in them He that receiueth you receiueth me he that heareth you Luke 10. heareth me and he that despiseth you despiseth me Iesus walking here in the world had not where to lay his hed Luke 9. Luke 10. and yet we reade that Martha was his speciall hostes zacheus receiued our Lord ioyfully into his house Luke 19. And oure Lorde made him more ioyful when he said Thys daye is healthe happened vnto thys house By the example of those two discyples that constrained our Lord being LuKe. 24. in the likenesse of a pilgrime to tarye with them it appeareth that straungers should not only be called in vnto vs but also compelled to tary with vs. The Apostles most commonly wer lodged in the houses of artificers Act. 10. and and of mene men As we do reade of Peter who was lodged with one Simon a tanner whose house was by the sea side And Paule lodged with Aquila Priscilla Act. 18. because they wer of the same craft and occupation Lida a seller of Purple besoughte Paule and his company to tary with her in her house Ac. 16. and she constrayned them When Paul and his felowes wer escaped out of the broken ship Act. 28. Publius the chefe of the I le receiued and lodged them thre dayes curteouslye And Paule by prayer and by laying his handes vppon his father whyche laye sicke of a feuer and of a bloudye flixe healed him Paul wryting vnto Philemon vsed an vrbane and a ciuill hope and confidence Ad. phi 1 when he said prepare me lodging for I trust that through the helpe of your prayers I shal be geuen vnto you Amonge all other things vnto the whiche Paule dothe specially induce the hebrews Heb. 13. is hospitalitie Be not forgetful to lodge strangers for therby haue dyuers men lodged Angels vnwares Saynt Iohn in his thyrde Epistle dothe cōmende Gaynus Capi. 1. sayinge Beloued thou dooest faythfully what so euer thou dooest to the brethren and to strangers whiche beare wytnesse of thy loue before the congregation ¶ Of amitie and loue Capi. 46 LAban called to gether a greate company to the feaste Gen. 29. and marryage And gaue hys daughter Rachel to Iacob hys nephewe Our lorde spake vnto Moses face to face Exo. 33. as a manne speaketh vnto hys frende Ruth abode styl by Naomy her mother in law Ruth 1. And sayde vnto her whether soeuer thou goest I will go also And wheresoeuer thou shalte dwell there wyll I dwell The soule of Ionathas was knytte with the soule of Dauid 1. regu 18. Ionathas loued him as his owne soul. And Ionathas put of his own cote that was vpon hym and gaue it to Dauid and therto his cloke his sweard his bow and his girdle It was a token of faithful amity although it was vndiscrete 1. regu 31. that Sauls harnesbearer seing that his Lorde maister was deade woulde dye wyth hym Abner sente his messengers to Dauid sayinge 2. regu 3. Make a bonde of amitye with me and my hād shal be with the to bring al Israel vnto the. Chusai the Arachite Dauids frend came to Absalon 2. regu 17. and destroyed Achitophels counsail The prophet Iehu said vnto Iosaphat king of Iuda the whiche hadde made peace 2. para 19. and was come to helpe to fight with Achab the king of Israel Wilt thou helpe the vngodly and loue them that hate our Lord therefore thou haste deserued
and proue man xiiii That mā should not tēpt god xv Of vowes xvi Of prayer xvii Of wepyng and wayling xviii Of swearing xix Of the obseruation kepynge of the saboth day xx Of the reuerence that oughte to bee done and exhibyted to Gods temple xxi Of the adoration and worshippyng of God xxii Of Idolatry xxiii Of blasphemy againste God xxiiii Of Gods preceptes and commaundementes and of the obseruation keping of thē xxv Of obedience disobedyence xxvi Of holy scripture xxvii Of good exhortation and predication of the word of God xxviii Of euel counsels perswasiōs xxix Of hearing the word of God xxx Of apparicions and vysyons shewed in the old time xxxi Of good angels xxxii Of euil sprites xxxiii Of the immortality of the reasonable soule xxxiiii Of the faith that man shoulde haue vnto God xxxv Of the fidelity that oughte to be kept to man xxxvi Of quietnesse and illustration of the mynde xxxvii Of longanimity xxxviii Of the feare of God xxxix Of feare where wyth the euel fear those that be good xl Of the loue of God xli Of the loue that man ought to haue to hys neighbor xlii Of enuy xliii Of brotherly reprehention xliiii Of the compassyon that man should haue to his neighbor xlv Of hospitality xlvi Of amity and loue xlvii Of enmity and hatred xlviii Of peace and concord xlix Of vnity and common consēt l. Of discord strife and debate li. Of good zeale against sinners lii Of vndyscreate zeale liii Of prudency and dyscretion liiii Of deceyt and subtelty lv Of the erudytyon of chyldren lvi That it is a pearillous thyng not to agre to good counsel lvii Of suspition and falscredulity lviii That holy and good men suffer certaine thinges to be done but not gladly lix Of iustice and equity lx Of the good and euell iudgementes of men lxi Of penaun●e lxii Of the honor of parents lxiii Of thankes geuing for the benefites of God lxiiii Of gratitude for the benefites of man accepted lxv Of ingratitude lxvi That truth engendreth hatred lxvii Of lies and leasyuges lxviii Of treason lxix Of adulatyon and flatery lxx Of derysyon and contumelyous reprofe lxxi Of detractors euil speakers lxxii Of liberaliti merci 〈…〉 lxxiii Of couetusnes lxxiiii Of pouertye lxxv Of hipocrisie dissimulatio● lxxvi Of the receate of gyftes a●● rewardes lxxvii Of fortitude and. lxxviii Of cōfidence magnanimity lxxix Of pacience and mekenes in Iniuris and tormentes lxxx Of constancy continuaunce in purposes lxxxi Of bodely warre victorye most commenly obtayned lxxxii Of impacience murmuring lxxxiii Of pusillanimitye lxxxiiii Of fortitude and strengthe to do euyll lxxxv Of murther lxxxvi Of diuers slaughters o men lxxxvii Of abstinens and sobrietye lxxxviii Of gluttonye dronkennesse lxxxix Of matrimony lxxxx Of chastity xci Of luxuriusnes incōtinency xcii Of vnwyse lookes xciii Of silence and clatterynge xciiii Of carnall affection cxv Of the ire and anger of man thrugh zele and loue xcvi Of the anger of man through vice xcvii Of humilitye xcviii Of pride xcix Of vayne hosting crakinge C Of elections Ci. Of good prynces prelates Cii Of euyll prynces prelates Ciii Of ambitious persons Ciiii. Of the deuels temptation Cv. Of sinne in generall of dyuers paines whiche folow sin Cvi Of confessyon of synnes Cvii Of the hardnesse and obstinacye of the wycked Cviii. Of the peruersity of certen mē Cix Of the wyckednes of tirantes Cx. Of the oppression of the good by the euyll Cxi Of tribulation and vtility c Cxii Of the multitude of euyl men Cxiii Of good men whych lurked wer as vnknown amōg the euil Cxiiii Of the nobility inconstancy of the people Cxv. Of good operations workes Cxvi Of mans intention in doyng of hys workes Cxvii Of slothfulnes and negligēce Cxviii Of the good towardnesse of chyldren Cxix Of the societye and felowshyp of good men Cxx. Of the societye and felowshyp of euell men Cxxi Of good prosperity Cxxii Of worldly curyosyty Cxxiii Of the great faith of wemen Cxxiiii Of the wisedome of wemen Cxxv. Of the pietye compassion of of wemen Cxxvi. Of the fortitude and strength of wemen Cxxvii Of the auidity gredynesse of wemen cxxviii Of the deceytfulnes of wemen Cxxix Of the folyshe and vndiscreate communication of wemen Cxxx. Of the superfluous ornaments and rayment of wemen Cxxxi Of death in generall Cxxxii. Of sepultures and buryals cxxxiii Of the horrible death and c cxxxiiii Of the pretious death of c. Imprinted at London by Ihon Tisoale dwelling in Knyght Riders streat Cum priuilegio ad imprimendum solum Of Miracles shewed by the deuine power of God ¶ The first Chapter THe creatyon of thynges was so meruelous that the knowledge thereof coulde not come to man but by reuelation For after the minde of S. Gregory Greg. super zac homeli 1. Moses prophecied of those thinges that wer past saying In the beginninge God created heauen and earth Genesis 1. Nor that because he forspoke the thinges that were to come but because he disclosed those thinges that were seacreat At the time of Noyes floude Gene. 6.7 oure Lord saued Noah his wife his three sonnes with their wiues and in the Arke he saued the male the female of all other beastes Our Lord repressed the presumpteousnesse of men Gene. 11. that would builde a tower vnto heauen confoundinge their language Genesis 22 Isaac was wonderfully born and wonderfully deliuered when that he the ram being caught by the hornes in a thicket shoulde haue bene offred vp for a sacrifice Exod. 7.8.9 and .10 It is euidente and playne inoughe how many miracles our Lord shewed by Moyses when he broughte the Children of Israel out of Egipt Exodus 13. It was a greate miracle that the Pyllare of the cloude departed not from the Children of Israell goynge oute of Egipte towardes the land of promesse neither by daye nor yet by nighte Exodus 14 It was a terrible and a Myracle worthye to be spoken of that the red sea was deuided and so dried vp that the children of Israel went ouer drye footed and the Egyptyans ouerwhelmed in the myddest of the sluds Exodus 15 By the woode or tree shewed vnto Moyses the waters were made sweete Numer 11. Oure Lorde sente quailes to the murmuring people Nume 20. and afterwards it rained Manna for them to eat and oute of the rocke he sent them water plenteously to drincke Our Lorde sent fleshe to the chyldren of Israel Numer 20 the whiche in the wildernes murmured and desired to eat flesh euen aboundauntly Through thoccasion of Chore and his fellowes sedition Nu. 16.17 many miracles chaunced and was shewed The people wer smitten or stinged with fiery serpentes Numer 21. and loking vpon the serpente of brasse they were cured and healed Our Lorde led the children of Israell in the wildernesse fortye
escape tyll all be fulfylled And the scripture cānot be losed or broken And the new Testamente is of no lesse aucthoryte Ioan. 10. but rather of more then the olde Of the whiche oure Lorde sayth● Mat. 14. Heauen and earth shall passe but my wordes shall not passe Oure Lorde oftentymes ouercame the hie priestes mat 21. Scribes and Pharisees euen by Scriptures the whiche reproued him Oure Lorde reproued the Saduces of ignoraunce mat 22. saying Ye do erre not knowyng the scriptures Peter in his firste sermon after the holye sprite was sent Act. 2. conuerted vnto Christ bi the declaratiō of the prophet Iohels auctorite .3000 men The Enuche or chamberlaine the whiche comming oute of Ethiopia to Ierusalem Act. 8. red the prophete Esay sitting in his charette is muche cōmended praised And Philip by the commaundement of God toke an occasion to preache the gospell of Christ vnto him that by the auctoryte of Scripture that he found him reding whom beyng fast in his belefe he christened Act. 17. Paule cōminge vnto Berrheham entred into the Iewes Sinagoge Certein of them receyued the worde very gredely Dayly searching the Scriptures whether it were so or not And many honest good women of Grece beleued of the cheife men not a few Apollos an eloquent man mighty in the scriptures Act. 18. helped them muche whiche had beleued throughe grace For he ouercame the Iewes myghtely and openly shewing by the scriptures that Iesus was Christ. Our Lorde sent the lawyer that inquired of him what he should do to obtain life euerlasting LuKe. 10. to the scrypture saying what is wrytten in the lawe how readest thou ¶ Of good exhortation and predication of the word of god Cap. xxvii CAine being admonyshed by the exterior voyce of God Gen. 4. lefte not of hys pretenced iniquitye And by this it is patent and manifest that the exterior exhortation withoute the interior is of very litle smal efficacy The iust man Lot dyd mekelye admonyshe and exhorte the Sodomites saying Nay for gods sake my brethrē do not so wickedly Gen. 19. Do not thys euyll vnto whō they answered very contumaciously get the hense Thus it appeareth that peruers people are hardly cured and corrected It happened and chanced wel with Iacob Gen. 27. for as much as he agreed vnto his mothers exhortation counsels Ruben hearynge the wycked wordes of his brethren againste Ioseph Gen. 37. sayde Lette vs not kyll him nor shedde hys bloude and Iudas gaue counsell not to slaye but to sell hym that so the lesse hurte myghte ensue and followe Moses sister perswaded Pharaos doughter euen wel Exo. 2. that an Hebrues womā might be cald to nurse the child Iethro for the vtility of the people and to alleuiate and lyghten Moses burden gaue him good counsell Exo. 18. that he shoulde appoynt and orden meane iudges for the people Dauid by the good exhortatyon of Abigaile 1. regu 25. was tourned and drawne from his intent and purpose that is from shedding of Nabals blud Abner gaue good counsell to Asaeli that followed after hym 2. regu 2. sayinge folowe me not leaste I be compelled to smite thee to the grounde But because he woulde not heare hym hee slue him The olde menne gaue Roboam Salomons sonne good Counsell 3. regu 12. but he to hys greate hurte and dammage ensued the counsel of the yōger sortes of men When Naaman the Syrian because of Eliseus answer 4. regu 5. was departing with displesure his seruauntes counselled and perswaded him to accomplish and fulfil the prophets commaundement and he did so As long as Ioiada the bishop liued whiche instructed and exhorted Ioas the king of Iuda 4. regu 12. so long he was good but after that hee was departed hee waxed very euil The postes wente wyth letters by the commaundement of Ezechiell the king 2. Para. 30. and of hys Lordes and prynces thorowout all Israell and Iuda And saide Ye children of Israell tourne againe vnto oure Lorde God of Abraham Isaac and Israel and let euery one retourne to the remnaunte that are escaped oute of the handes of the Assirians When the Iewes were buyldyng the temple 1. Esd. 5. they that were retourned from Babylone were exhorted and Aggeus and zacharias dyd healpe them Nehemia desyring to build a wall in Ierusalem sayde to the noble men and rulers 2. Esd. 2. Let vs get vp and builde and they strengthened theyr hands to good At Nehemias exhortation they that toke vsury of the people cōsented both to restore it againe 2. Esd. 5. and also from thence forth to take no more Tobias being in captiuitye wente vnto all them that were in prysone Tobi. 1.4.14 and gaue them wholesome exhortations Also he preached verye wel vnto to his sonne It chaunced wel with Toby that he obeyed the counsels of Raphaell Tobi. 6. whome he estemed and toke for a man and specially in drawynge out of the fyshe in demaundynge and askyng a wife and whether he shoulde marrye her or no. The parentes of Sara yonge Tobies Tobi. 10. wife did monysh and exhorte her to honoure her father and her mother in law to loue her husbande to rule well her housholde to kepe her house in good order and to shewe her selfe fautlesse Iudith made a good exhortation vnto the people Iudi. 8. reprouinge that that was vndiscretely ordeined and teachynge them what oughte to bee doone Mardocheus efficacelye perswaded Esther Esth. 4. to go into the kynge wyth danger and pearel of her life to pray for the wealth of her people After that Esay had sene the wonderfull vision Esa. 6. he hym selfe saide wo is me because I holde my peace but after that he perceyued that hys lyps were cleansed with the stone or hote coale that was taken from the aultar he said vnto our Lorde that inquyred whome he shuld send vnto the people here am I send me Oure Lorde sayde vnto Esaye Crye as loude as thou cansie leaue not of Esa. 58. Lyft vp thy voyce lyke a trompette and shewe my people their offences and the house of Iacob their synnes Ieremy fyrst execused hym selfe frō preachinge Iere. 1. and after he graunted folowed the wyl of God Abimelech the Mortan sayde vnto king Sedechias Iere. 38. My Lord the kynge All thy seruauntes that haue cast Ieremye the Prophet into the dongyon or lake haue done euel And the king commaunded that he shuld be drawn out of the lake before he died Our Lord spake vnto Ionas saying Arise Ionas 1.2 and get the to Niniue and preache there vnto them the predication that I shall speake and declare vnto thee Daniell gaue Nabuchodonozor the kynge of Babylon good Counsell Dani. 4. Sayinge be contente with my counsayle and redeame thy synnes wyth almesse When that Mathathias should die he exhorted his sonnes to do
sonne Ioseph was deade Gen. 37. he sayde I wil go downe into hel vnto my sonne mourninge So then he beleued that he was there in spryte Iosephes brethren hauynge in wil and mynde to saye that one of theyr brethren was deade said We are xii brethren Gen. 42. the sonnes of one man the yongest is with oure father and one no man wotteth wher he is Our lord appearing vnto Moses in a bush Exo. 3. sayd I am the God of Abrahā Isaac and Iacob c. by thys our sauiour proueth the resurrectyon of the dead Mat. 22. He is not a God of the dead saith he but of the liuyng It is sayd of Chore and hys companye that they wente down alyue into hell Nume 16. and the earth closed vpon them and they pearyshed from amonge the congregation By thys it appeareth that the euil as touchyng theyr soules do lyue in hel If Saule had surelye beleued that Samuel had bene extincte and deade as touchyng hys soule 1. regu 28. he woulde not haue desyred hym to haue bene reuyued and called againe When that Dauids seruauntes maruailed why he wepte not for hys yonge sonne that was dead he said I shal go to him rather thē he shal come again to me When that Dauids seruaunts meruailed why he wept not for his yong sonne that was dead 2. regu 12. he said I shall go to him rather then he shall come againe to me When Absolon was hanged and thrust thorowe with iii. speares 2. regu 18 Dauid be wailed lamented him mournfully And s. Augustine in his boke de doc chri sayth That Dauid bewaild not the lack and deathe of hys sonne But because he knew to what pains that adoulterous and Paracide soule shoulde be drawen vnto But for his other sonne that died an Innocente and for whose sicknesse hee was sore afflicted 2. regu 12. he reioysed 3. regu 17. Helias praid for the reuiuification of hys hostes chylde saying O Lord my God let thys childes soule come into hym againe Oftentimes we read in the bookes of the kynges 3. regu 14. he was layde a sleape wyth hys fathers The whiche thing by no meanes maye be vnderstanded or spoken of brute beastes 4. regu 13. and therefore ther by it is proued that they liue after theyr death and that here after they shal arise again as it appeareth in those that slepe It is manifest and open by Thobias wordes which he spake rebuking the folishnesse of his kinsfolkes that the soule liueth after that it is seperated from the body Tobi. 2. We are saythe Toby the children of holy men and loke for the life which God shal geue vnto them that neuer tourne their be lefe from him And afterwardes in his oration and prayer he saithe Tobi. 3. O Lord deale not wyth me accordynge to thy wil and commaund my sprite to be receiued in peace Our Lord gaue Iob double of al the euer was his Tobi. 42. And at length he gaue him vii sonnes and iii. doughters The preacher after the mynd of s. Eccle. 11. Gregory in the laste of his Morales spake expresly and plainly sayinge Let the dust be tourned agayne vnto earthe from whence it came and the spryte shall retourne vnto God whiche gaue it By those woordes that the dampned do saye in hell they declare and shew Sapi. 5. that the good as wel as the euil do liue in a nother world Thus it is wrytten euen literallye of Nabuchodonozor king of Babylon Now that thou art laid down to slepe that is in death Esai 14. there come no mo vp to hewe vs downe Hel also beneathe trembleth to meete thee at thy comming And after there foloweth Thy pryde is brought downe into the depe of hel And many mo thinges ar wrytten there by the whyche it is euidente that he pearished not vtterly but that his soule went downe into hel When that they counseld Eleazarus to faine and dyssemble hym self to haue eaten of the flesh of the sacrifice 2. Mach. 6. he said Though I were now delyuered from the tormentes of menne yet shuld not I escape the hand of almighty God nether aliue nor dead One of those seuen brethren saide 2. Mach. 7. Those thynges I possesse and haue from heauen but now for the lawe of God I despyse them for my truste is that I shall receyue them Of hym agayne Lykewise it is cleare and manyfest by the mothers wordes and other that they as touchyng the soule beleued not that they should pearish Razias takyng hys owne bowels threw them vpon the people 2. Mach. 14 callyng vpon our Lord and ruler of the earth and spirit to reward and restore him this again and so he dyed Our sauiour warninge his Dysciples the whych he sent abrode Mat. 10. sayde vnto them Feare ye not them which kyl the body but are not able to kyll the soule But rather fear him which is hable to destroy both soule and body into hel That thing which our Lord dothe shew of the rych man and Lazarus semeth to be no parable or symilitude Luke 16. but a manifest hystorye And so it appeareth that the soules bothe of the good and euyll be immortall and receyue after the separatyon from the bodye euen as they deserued beynge in the body Our Lorde by the ensample of the vniust steward that made hym frendes wyth hys masters goodes Luc. 16. dothe conclude sayinge make you frendes of the vnrighteous Mammon that when ye shall haue neade they may receiue you into euerlastinge habitatiōs The which saying was of none effect if the soule after the seperation from the body or after the death of the body had no receptacle or place to be receiued vnto Blessed saint Steuen had a deuout and a right opinion and faithe of the soule Act. 7. the whyche when they stoned him saide Lorde Iesu receyue my spryte It appeareth manifestlye by the wordes of that excellent doctor Paul tha● the soule doth liue after it be seperated from the bodye 2. Cor. 5. We knowe saith he that if our earthy mancyon of thys dwellynge wer destroyed we haue a building of God an habitation not made wyth handes but eternal in heauen Philip. 1. And he saith I desyre to be losed to be with Christ. And the selfe same man saythe O wretched man that I am who shall deliuer me from this bodye subdued vnto death roma 7. Truely he wold not say such thinges but that he was sure of a nother life ¶ Of the faith that man shuld haue vnto God Cap. xxxiiii ABraham beleued our lorde Gen. 15. and that counted he to him for righteousnesse and note that he beleued God whiche promised hym a thynge most difficult and hard After that the children wer past ouer the red sea Exo. 14. and Pharaos host ouerthrowne and drowned the people feared oure Lorde and beleued
of oure lorde Mar. 15. For first he was scourged vpon the heade he was smitten vpon the heade wyth a rede Iohn 18. And vpon the face One of the ministers whiche slode by the bishop smote hym on the face Mat. 27. Aud they dyd smy●e hym in the necke and ouer all his body And Pilate delyuerd Iesus that was scourged to be crucifyed And in this thynge it is to be noted that all such as do learne are wont to be scourged and bea●ē vpon the heade seruantes vpon the necke the whiche men thrust out of the house gilty persons vpon the face and scelera●e persons thorowout all the body Also a faythfull soule muste consider that hee was scourged wyth the tonges of blasphemers dispisers and of those that cried oute and sayde Mat. 26. crucifie him and that smote hym wyth their handes as it is wrytten They smote hym on his face wyth the palme of their handes And with a rede and scourges As Mathew and Marke do testifie And to the heape of all iniuryes it maketh that the lorde of all lordes and rulers the whiche doth lose that be fetered and dothe illuminate the blynde was taken and bounde lyke a thefe Iohn 18. The Iewes ministers sayth Iohn toke Iesus and bounde him Also he was lesse estemed thē a thefe for the Iewes demaunded that Barrabas Luc. 23. should be loosed oure lorde to be crucified Mat. 27. yet Barrabas was a thefe and in seditiō had cōmitted murther So that Barrabas was a murtherer a sedi●ius person a famous thefe and in malyce sore diffamed forther more he was hanged and set betwene two theues as thoughe he had bene their maister and worste of all other For Iohn saith Iohn 19. And Iesus in the middes Forthermore we must way ponder that he was afflicted and punyshed in all the members and sences of his body His eies behelde and sawe those cruell tormentors And also his mooste mekest mother the whiche in soule was crucified his derely beloued disciple and the deuoute wemen that in minde suffered with him His eares did heare blasphemouse mocking iniurious and dispising wordes Likewyse hys nose by reason of the place in the whiche he was crucified where the misdoers were beheaded might with filthy slenche be offēded His tast was noied because they gaue him wine mingled with myrre or vineger with gall to quenche his thurst withall wherby we may well vnderstand that the drinke which thei gaue him was very bitter His sense of feeling or touching sprede thorowout all his body felte paine in his members which wer scourged in his handes and feete Which were borde thorow with nayles It may be likewise cōsidered Iohn 19. that he sustained losse in things longing and pertayning to his bodye For he was spoyled of hys raiment his frendes went from him Mar. 14. For his disciples for soke him ran awaye Thus he was afflicted as it is sayed in all partes of his body by his most bytter passion Also in hart and minde he suffered for he was sorye for his frendes that stode by and for his enemies that ignorauntly did crucify him And againe in a maner he sufferd was hurte in his good name fame Mat. 27. For they called him a seductor of the people Sir sayd the chefe of the priestes to Pilate we remēber that this deceiuer said while he was yet a liue c. And yet we muste marke as touching the helthfull passiō of our Lord Iesu Christ that it was most fylthy most ignominius shameful be reasō of the place because it was done in Ierusalem Wher he was knowen and honored and wher he had done many miracles Item because of the time day for it was done in the solempne feast of Ester when a greate multitude came together vnto the feast and he was led vnto his crosse and passion at nyne of the clocke to then●ent he myghte bee sene and knowen of all menne And agayne it was most fylthy cōsidering the kinde of death For it was the deathe of the crosse a death dewe vnto yll spoken menne yll doers and vniuste menne And the maner of goynge to his deathe Iesus wente forth bearynge his crosse the whiche thinge is not red of other two wicked persones which wer led with him Iohn 19. And again bi reason of his cōpanions For he was crucyfied betwixt ii theues asthough he had ben one of thē or the greatest or maister of them Forthermore the bitternes of hys blessed passyō was increased by the naturall complection of our lords body For manifest it is that his holi bodi was of the best most purest cōplectiō made fashioned by the worke of the holye goost without any faute or errour of nature and so his holye fleshe had no rebellion or fyght against the spirite And therfore the spirit did loue not without a good cause his body more then any other mans spirite or soule shuld loue his body Item the bitternes of his passion was agrauate by the continuaunce of the same For many mar●irs that wer burnt or drowned or beheaded did accomplish and ende their martirdome very shortly But oure Lordes passion endured euen in a manner from thinstance of his conception vntil the houre of his death For he foreknewe mooste certenlye what his humanity shulde suffer but specially it continued from the tyme of his laste supper vntill the nynthe hour of the syxte daye folowyng And also it was aggrauate by the quality of the members in the which he suffred that is in his fete and handes the whiche are members full of neaues sinewes most ready to receiue dolor and pain And that our lordes passyō was most bitter and very greuous it may be most chefely gathered by this that Luke sheweth for in his oration prayer had after supper hys sweate throughe the vehement imaginacion of the anguishe and paines that were to come Luc. 22. wer like droppes of bloude trickeling downe to the ground But that our Lord went frely and willingli vnto his passion that made it most gratious Mat. 26. R●●e saith he let vs be going Behold he is at hande that shal betray me And Ihon saithe he went forth to mete the ministers that sought Iesus of Nazareth Iohn 18. and when they hard our Lord say I am he they wente backewardes and fell to the ground And when he was taken bounde ignominious●y led away falsly accused buffeted be spued scourged mockingly crowned with thorne yet hee neuer shewed anye word or signe of impacience or trouble but shewed them manifolde benefites that so dyd handle him For hee healed the seruaunts eare that was cut of he spake many deuout and profitable wordes vnto thē and praid meekely for those that crucified him calliuge mooste swetely vppon his father beninglye excusinge them Luc. 23. sayinge father Forgeue them for they wotte not what they
oute of a manne in the Iewes Synnagoge Marke i. Luke iiii and of the woman of Cananes doughter that was healed at the instaunce and praier of her mother Math. xv Furthermore it is shewed after the sence of the letter Luke viii that he caste oute seuen deuils out of Marye Marke xvii When that Simōs mother in law was taken and vexed wyth a greate Feuer Luke 4. he rebuked the Feuer and immediatlye she arose and ministred vnto them Math. viii Mar. i. He healed a manne whyche was let downe thorowe the tilinge of the Palsey Lu. 5. Also as he was eating in the Pharises house on the Sabboth daye Luk. 14 he healed hym that had the dropsy And he erected and made straighte the woman that bowed together Lu. 13 and could in no wise loke vpwardes nor lift vp her heade He caused the man that had a wythered hande mar 3. to stretche forthe hys hande Math. 8. He healed also the Captaines seruaunte that laye sick of the palsy Mar. 7. Item he made the dumme to speake and the deafe to heare Ihon. 4. He healeth the rulers sonne of Capernaum that was euen at the poynt of death Mar. 15. He caused by the only touchinge of the hemme of his garmente the issue of bloud to cease and to be stopped in the woman Mar. 4. Our Lorde being a sleepe there arose a greate tempest or storme in the s●a he rebuked the windes and eftsones the winde and the Sea obeyed hym math 14. He walked on the sea his disciples wondering there at and he made Peter to walcke on the water and stretching forth his hand he saued Peter that began to sinke Mar. 9. He shewed a faire miracle to those three Discyples in hys Transfyguration mar 6. He satisfied with v. loues and two fishes fiue thousande men and they toke vp xii baskets At another time and season he refreshed with seuen loues and a fewe litle fishes ●oure thousand men Math. 15 and they toke vp vii baskets full He cursed the Figge tree hauynge leaues only without frute Math. 21 and incōtinently it withered away Gently he restored the princes seruaunte his eare that Peter smote of Math. 26. and checked Peter for the same When that oure sauiour was hanging vpon the Crosse from the syxte houre to the ninthe houre Luke 23. there was darknesse ouer all the earth the none being on the contrary part of the skye so that the Sunne coulde in no wyse suffer any Eclipse by that mone math 27. And the vaile of the temple did rente and the graues did open At the resurrection and vprising of our Lord math 28. there was a greate earthquake for the aungell of oure Lorde descended from heauē and came and rouled backe the stone c. and for fear the kepers were astonied After this he appeared to his disciples Ihon. 20. the dores being shut Ihon. 21. Afterward did Iesus shew him self agayn at the Sea of Tiberias wher at his Commaundemente they caste oute theyr nette and it was fylde wyth greate Fyshes a hundred and liii yet was not the net broken And xl daies after his resurrection appearinge vnto hys Disciples and rebukinge and instructynge theym Actes 1. while they beheld and maruailed he was taken vp an hie and a cloud receiued him vp out of their sight These forsaide myracles are spokē of in speciall Manye other were done as we read in general As it appeareth in dyuers places of Mathewe Ihon. 21. Marke and Luke And Ihon saythe That there are many other thinges whiche Iesus did the whyche if they shuld be wrytten I suppose the worlde coulde not containe the bookes that should be wrytten Act●s 2. It was no small miracle of the effusion of the holy sprite vpon the disciples at Pentecost where with the disciples were fortified made stedfast and illuminated Peter beholdynge a lame man at the gate of the Temple Actes 3 whyche was called beautifull sayde In the name of Iesus rise vp and walke and takinge him by the right hand he lifte him vp and his fete and ancle bones recouered strengthe The chiefe prieste Actes 5 and al they that were wyth hym layde handes on the Apostles and putte them in the common Prysonne But the Aungell of oure Lorde by nyghte opened the pryson dores and brought them forthe They broughte the sycke into the streates Actes 5 and layed them on Beddes and cowches that at the least waye the shadowe of Peter when he came by myghte shaddowe some of them There came also a multytude oute of the cities round about and they were all healed When Phillip preached at Samaria Act. 8. vncleane sprites crying with loude voices came out of many and many taken with Palsies and manye that halted were healed Actes 9. Peter healed one Eneas which had kept his bed of the palsey viii yeres He said vnto him Eneas our Lorde Iesu shall make thee whole Actes 9. Peter put all other forth and kneling downe he prayed and turninge him to the body he said Tabitha arise and she opened her eies and whē she saw Peter she sate vp Actes 9. This was a maruelous dede that as Saule was going to Damasco to take Christes disciples there shyned round aboute him a lighte from heauen and he fel to the earth Inwardly he was illuminated and outwardly he was blineded Actes 12. Peter being in prison bound with two chaines and kept most diligentlye with iiii quaternions of Souldiours was losed and brought forth by the Angell of God and the yron gate opened to thē by the owne accord Actes 13. Paule did depriue Elimas the sorcerer and false prophet of his syghte because he sought to turne Paule the Proconsul and ruler from the faithe and resysted agaynste the Apostels A certaine damsell possessed with a spirite that prophecied broughte her master and mistres muche vauntage with prophecying The same folowed Paul and Luke Actes 16. and cryed saying These men are the seruauntes of the most hie God But Paule said to the spirit I commaund thee in the name of Iesu that thou come oute of her and he came out the same hour Paule and Silas were in pryson and prayed Actes 16. and lauded God And sodenly there was a great earthquake so that the foundation of the prysone was shaken and immediately all the dores opened and euerye mannes bandes were losed God wrought no smal miracles by the handes of Paule so that from his bodye were broughte vnto the sycke Actes 19. napkins and partlettes and the diseases departed from them and the euel sprites went out of them Certaine Iewes toke vpon them to ●al ouer them Actes 19. which had euel sprites ●he name of our Lord Iesus saying we adiure you by Iesu whom Paule preacheth And the euell sprite aunswered and said Iesus I knowe and Paule I know but who are
ye the man in whom the euil sprite was ran on them and preuailed against them so that they fledde awaye naked and wounded And vpon one of the sabboth daies Paule preached and continued the preachinge vnto midnight Actes 20. And ther satte in a windowe a certaine yonge manne beinge fallen into a deade sleepe And ouercome wyth sleape he fell downe from the thyrde lofte and was taken vp dead But when Paul went downe he fell on hym and embrased him And they broughte the yonge man a liue and were not a lytle comforted And in the Winter when Paule and his fellowes were scaped oute of the broken ship Actes 28. and were warminge them at the fire There came a viper oute of the heate and caught hym by the hande he shoke the viper into the ●ire and felt no harme How be it the menne of that countrye loked and beleued that he shoulde haue fallen down dead sodenly Paule by prayer and by laying his handes on the father of Publius Actes 28. deliuered him of a feuer and of a bloudye ●lixe So when this was done other also which had diseases in the I le came and were healed ¶ Of Goddes prouidence and secreat iudgementes ¶ The second Chapter OUr Lord knewe that man wold sinne Genes 1. yet he made him inclining there vnto when that he might haue made him wythoute anye suche inclinatyon or promptnesse to sinne at all But he knew how great profite and goodnesse should ensue begotten by the occasion of his fall Iacobs sōnes did decre and purpose to extinguishe Ioseph theyr brother Genesis 27 but yet God disposinge the thinge otherwise they exaulted him farre aboue them selues Iacob whē he blessed Iosephs children Ioseph wandering and beynge ignoraunt of the cause laid his right hand on Ephraims hed Genesis 48 and hys left hand vpon Manasses Exod. ● 3 After that Moises had smitten and slaine the Egiptian and by the way of rebultinge of a Iewe had offended him he fled from the face of Phara●e and as a banished man dwelt manye yeares in the countrye of Madian so that it was thought that he durst appeare no more in the land of Egipte and yet by keping there his father in lawes shepe he had a more greater occasion to serue God and sawe that greate vision and was sente by God to the children of Israell and to Pharao Exod. 5.6 Our Lord knew ful wel that Pharao would not obey his commaundementes and yet he caused him to bee required and spoken to by Moyses Exod. ● Our Lord or euer he would bringe the children of Israel out of Egipte permitted and suffred them a longe time oftē to be afflicted punished Pharaos wise menne and his enchaunters did throughe Gods sufferaunce Exod. 7 as great signes as touching certaine of them in Egypte as Moyses did Our Lord dothe permit and suffer the reproued to be indurate Exod. 9 and hys elected to be afflicted thereby to do that is wonderfull and to bee the better knowen and praised Our Lorde did oftentimes promise the children of Israel Nume xii●● a country that floweth with milke and honye and yet but two of them Saleph and Iosue of twenty yeres of age came thyther the reast came not thyther but their children only Moses the which did so often times reconcyle the synnefull people vnto oure Lorde did once sinne at the water of strife Nume 20 nor he obtained not for him selfe to enter the lande of promission In that that the children of Israell for their iniquity remained more thē xl yeres in the desert Oure Lorde was thereby greatlye magnified Deute 29. the which did feede them there so longe and kept their raimēt from wearing and at the last did wōderfully bring them into the lande of promesse Of the people that did inhabite the lande of promesse Iosu. xi thys was our Lordes commaundemente and sentence that theyr hartes should be hardened and that they shoulde come agaynste Israell in battaile and vtterlye to be destroyed and that no mercy shoulde bee shewed them but that they shuld pearish and be brought to nought After that Gedeon hadde obtayned and wonne so maruelous a vyctorye of hys ennemyes Iudi. 8. and hadde refused to raigne ouer the people he made an Ephod the which dede was the decaye and ruine of him selfe and his housholde Oure Lorde was greued with the children of Israell for their iniquitye and wickednesse Iudi. 10. and said vnto them I wyll healpe you no more goe and crye vnto the Goddes which ye haue chosen And they saide vnto oure Lorde We haue sinned Then there foloweth that our Lorde had pi●ye on theyr misery Sampson Iudi. 16 the aungell bryngynge the message was conceiued of his mother the whyche was barren And afterwardes he was often times deceyued by women and at the laste hee was destroyed by the ruine and fal of a house The children of Israel by the counsaile and will of oure Lorde Iudi. 20 foughte twise with the children of Beniamin and were ouercome but afterwardes they vtterly in a maner destroid them Our Lord suffred the Arke to be taken of the vncircumcised 1. regum 6. where hee shewed many miracles And when it was reduced brought home agayne the mē of Bethsames receiued it ioyfully and yet our Lord siue 70. of the Princes 5000. of the cōmen people Among al the people ther was none better then Saule 1. regum 15 when oure Lorde chose him yet afterwardes he synned and our Lord refused him Dauid was the least among al his brethren 1. regum 16 and as it wer of no reputatyon amonge thē So that when I sais children were called for this Dauid was neglected and contempned and yet our Lord gouerned all the people by him and for his cause extolled all his progeny and kindred 1. regum 28 This is much to be maruailed at that Samuel the prophet was called vp by a sorcerer Sainte Augustyne saithe in his boke de doctrina christiana that it was the similitude Image of Samuel but not the Prophet hym self nor yet his spirite for he appeared by the sacrilegious art and crafte of the deuil It is to be noted how expresly oure Lord spake vnto Nathan of the goodnes of Dauid and Salomon his sone ● regum 7. the which should build the temple yet bothe they fell into iniquitye and sinne most shamefully When Dauid should die he made a maruelous ordinaunce 3. regum 2. but for as muche as the scripture dothe so commend him it is to be supposed notwithstanding he was partlye cruell that yet he did it not without a iust a reasonable cause Our Lord gaue Salomon so great prosperity and peace 3. regum 11. that sathā was not against him and he gaue him wisdome aboue all other kinges and yet at length our Lord suffered him to be in satuated