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A00778 A profitable exposition of the Lords prayer, by way of questions and answers for most playnnes together with many fruitfull applications to the life and soule, aswell for the terror of the dull and dead, as for the sweet comfort of the tender harted. By Geruase Babington. With a table of the principall matters conteyned in this booke. Babington, Gervase, 1550-1610. 1588 (1588) STC 1090; ESTC S101499 244,374 582

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that which our teachers themselues refuse for their owne partes to ioyne with vs as in a course that is neither comfortable nor safe Let vs hearken rather to the Apostle truely aduertising vs to suffer none such as these neither any man liuing at his pleasure to beare rule ouer vs by humblenes of mind and worshipping of Angels aduauncing himselfe in these thinges which hee neuer saw rashly puft vp with his fleshly minde and holdeth not the head c. For assuredly if the consciences of all thē were examined y e delight in other mediators beside Christ to offer vp their prayers to GOD and to speake for them and true confession made of what they finde it would appeare to vs all that this sinne springeth of none other roote than of a persuasion that Christ is not so pitifull and mercifull and willing to bée spoken vnto as other Saints and creatures be Which how blasphemous it is against him to giue his creatures preeminence aboue him in any goodnesse let euery feeling hart discerne and iudge Farre was the godly father from such opinion of our Sauiour when he made him all in all and with truth sayd of him what all true Christians firmely beleeue and holde Ipse os nostrum est per quod patri loquimur oculus noster per quem patrem videmus dextra nostra per quam nos patri offerimus He is our mouth wherewith wee speake vnto God our eye wherewith wee see GOD and our right hande wherewith wee offer our selues vnto GOD. Quo nisi intercedente nec nobis nec Sanctis omnibus quicquam cū deo est But by whose intercession neyther we nor all the Saints in heauen haue any thing to do with the Lord. And y t there remaine no scruple of feare in vs to goe to this gratious mediator euer when we pray consider it in the Scriptures and consider it earnestly that that glistering reason which they vse of our indignitie to goe to him at the first for so I call it because it seemeth so faire at the first vewe neuer discoraged any of the godly mencioned in the worde euer but euen then when they haue seene and thought of their vnworthynes most they haue yet gone vnto God and to no others for helpe Dauid when hee sawe that multitude of offences in him and himselfe so horribly defiled as that there remained almost nothing of olde Dauid in him that is of a good seruant of God neuer yet cried to Abraham Isaac and Iacob nor to any of all the godly departed or Angels in heauen but Miserere mei deus haue mercy vpon me O God and according to the multitude of thy mercies do away mine iniquitie Iohn Baptist though hee sawe himselfe vnworthy to loose the very latchet of Christ his shoone yet taught he no other Mediatour to God neither had any other himself but only him The good Centuriō that in so true feeling both of himselfe and Christ confessed he was not worthie vnder whose roofe the Lord should come yet with all that vnworthinesse was not feared from him to aske his helpe euen for his seruaunt The poore Publican vnworthie in his owne eies to looke vpon the heauens yet feareth not to loke vpon his God and to say God be mercifull vnto me a sinner when he might haue called vppon Saints and Angels for mercie if it had béene as good or better as these mad men affirme And so farre was this his doing from presumption displeasaunt to God and vnséeming an vnworthie sinner as that sentence is giuen by the Lord himselfe of it it was pleasant acceptable to God and he iustified more than the other Finally the Prodigall Sonne with the same mouth that confesseth his indignitie euer to be counted a Sonne any more yet calleth vpon his Father for pittie and not vpon any of his Fathers seruaunts Wherfore let vs open our eyes and sée the truth let vs not harden our hartes to day when we heare his voyce the mediator betwixt God and man is thr man Christ Iesus none but he it is he that sitteth on the right hand of God and maketh intercession for vs and there is no other And if any man sinne wee haue him our aduocate and wee must know no other Yea Sir but you knowe their answere in this matter if they bee charged they doe not denie they saie but Christ and onely Christ is mediatour of redemption but not of intercession and that which they ascribe to holy spirites it is onely to make intercession for them Indeede they so answere but alasse in vaine For it is but a shifte deuised of Satan to deceiue our soules by if wee receiue it and that may appeare both to them and vs if we haue care to see the truth For hath it first anie warrant in the worde If it haue let them produce it if not let them knowe that euen for this cause it faulteth and we reiect it For if this bee graunted that men may frame distinctions at theyr pleasures there is not the truth to bee named but it may be ouerthrowen Wherefore this is one reason agaynst it it hath no warrant in the worde Secondly was not the high Priest in the lawe mediator in figure both of expiation by sacrifices and of intercession by prayers That is more plainly did not he both offer the sacrifice make prayer And what was this but in shadow to shew that so in the new Testament both these things should bee conioyned in one man also euen the man Christ Iesus he that was mediator of redemption should also be mediatour of intercession To diuide these thē is to make the bodie not answere to the shadowe neither the truth to the figure which may not be For looke whatsoeuer was typically shewed Christ should do that hath he truelie done and performed and to affirme otherwise is great impietie Thirdly these two are both duties of the mediatour and in truth none can be a mediator vnlesse he performe both these things namely both redemption and intercession Now of two duties or partes of the office of a mediatour shall we make two sorts of mediators Truely it is euen all one as if because man consisteth of bodie and soule as of two partes that make but one whole we should say there are two sortes of men one consisting of bodie another of soule which were a trimme speech Or agayne because the Prince hath power ouer body and goods and they both are incident to the prerogatiue of his kinglie office therfore of two things belonging to one person we should make a distinction of persons say there are two sorts of Princes one hauing power ouer body and an other hauing authoritie ouer goods For euen so it is in this matter of a mediator whose office consisteth in both these duties as parts of the same to redeeme the people and to make intercession for them Remember also in the
❧ A profitable Exposition of the Lords Prayer by way of Questions and Answers for most playnnes Together with many fruitfull applications to the life and Soule aswell for the terror of the dull and dead as for the sweet comfort of the tender harted By Geruase Babington With a Table of the principall matters conteyned in this Booke PSALME 119. O how sweete are thy words vnto my throte yea sweeter than honie vnto my mouth AT LONDON Printed by Thomas Orwin for Thomas Charde 1588. TO THE RIGHT HONORABLE HIS VERY singular good Lord Henry Earle of Penbrooke Lord Harbert of Cardiff Marnion and S. Quintine Lord President of Wales and the Marches thereof and of the most Honorable Order of the Garter Knight and to the Right Honorable and vertuous Ladie the Countesse his wife G.B. wisheth all mercie and comfort in Christ Iesus both here now and for euer COnsider the olde generatiōs of mē ye children sayd that wise Sonne of Sirach Right Honorable and my very singular good Lord in his tyme marke them well VVas there euer any confounded that put his trust in the Lord Or who hath continued in his feare and was forsaken Or whom did he euer despise that called vpon him Agreeably truely to all Scriptures and experiences euer if they were searched For such a thing is it to cleaue vnto the Lorde with a faithfull heart that the Bride may forget to trim her selfe the day she is maried and the mother her Jnfant she bare of her bodie and esteemeth full deere before the Lord of heauen can forget such The Lorde knoweth the daies of the vpright men their inheritance shalbe perpetual They shall not be confounded in the perillous tyme and in the daies of famine they shall haue enough Though he fall he shall not bee cast of for the Lord putteth vnder his hand The Lord shall exalt them as themselues shall see and their ende sayth the Prophet shall bee peace Thousands of comforts hath the word mo yet these are both many and great ones if we marke thē Gayne is not godlinesse saith the Apostle but godlinesse is great gayne and hath the promise both of this life that to come VVherfore Right Honorable more ioye in this than in all the earth if it might be your owne For the earth must perish and all the glistring glorie of it passe away as a tale that is tolde burnt and consumed melted with heate but the feare of the Lord shall set her seruants before the highest for euer euer Now did the Apostle say to King Agrippa before so many O King Agrippa J knowe thou beleeuest Surely I may say it before as many I knowe Right Honorable your L. beleeueth both Prophets and Apostles and whatsoeuer the childe of God is bound to beleeue vnto saluatiō I say I know it and yet know I it not alone but others with me aswell as J attending your L. both in like and other places And if we should all denye it yet would the world steppe in and say it knewe what we denied God haue the glorie to whō it is due of his free election manifested both to your self and others by a true calling vnto sanctification And it remaineth Right H. that with a spirit flaming with thankefull loue to so gracious a God you let your light shine further further to a greater glory to the Lord a fuller cōfort to your owne soule Performe your selfe therefore in all truth of hart before the iudging eyes of a mightie God still more more as you do alreadie an honorable maintainer and furtherer of his truth A shield and defence to all the godly in their griefes and distresses Carefull to haue both your selfe and your familie gouerned by the precious and holy word of God maintayning and countenancing to that end as most honorably you do both at home and abroade the Lords poore seruants appoynted to that ministerie Be a rare example stil both worthy honoring and following of carefull bestowing of those liuings whereof God hath made your Lordship Patrone Multiplie as the Lord shall assist those your Honors zealous prayers which some can witnesse for the peace of Hierusalem that her rightuousnes may breake forth as the light saluation as a burning lampe And stil say with the Prophet Dauid we wish you good lucke ye that be of the house of the Lord. Your Honorable seruices for a most gracious Soueraine as euer the earth had any and for your deere Countrey let them still as they are be most sweete and ioyful to you In your Honorable place and gouernment carie your zeale as your L. doth euen more more agaynst the incorrigible aduersaries of Judah and Beniamin to note their doings to obserue their drifts and to ouerthrowe their plots Cut off still with your sword of holy Iustice as with exceeding trauell your Lordship most honorably doth those contentions disorders and offences that corruption both breedeth and feedeth ouer much And finally as the Apostle sayth if there be any vertue if there be any praise to God or to Prince to Countrey or to any Right Ho. thinke of that For so shall your L. establish your selfe both in earth and in heauen both here and for euer Yea your self your seede as the former promises haue giuen assurance And so shall you to your God and your self as many as knowe your vertues stand approued euer whatsoeuer either ignorance or vnkindnesse may effect in some VVithout this course care in a measure as the Lord shall giue well may a worlde continue a while flattring fauning with many delights God being patient and forbearing long but the end is destruction death and confusion God being iust and paying at last Your self Madame still more and more as your Ladiship doth partake with your owne what your place permitteth in these Honorable actions make them also your owne Let it still be your honorable iust true praise that you feare the Lord that you loue his truth fauour his followers and abhorre his foes For there is no praise shall continue as this there is no wisedome that may bee compared to it The feare of God is the beginning of wisedome a good vnderstanding haue all they that do thereafter the praise of it indureth for euer Againe let this be your wisedome sayd the Lorde of heauen to that people once euen to heare my wordes and to worke my will with a carefull hart For then shall all Nations say you only are wise and you onely haue knowledge of the best course Let it be your Posie Right Honorable as pleasant as euer it was And now Lorde what is my hope truely my hope is euen in thee Though the Lorde should kill mee yet will I put my trust in him And let that plaine Prophet strengthen your Ladiship still by his words to King Asa all Judah The Lord is with you while ye be with him
well together as of things contrary to themselues and therefore taking away one an other The willingnesse of God to graunt our desires taketh not away our Prayer but strengthneth our faith to aske chéerefully and therfore euen then when he saith you shal haue he saith also aske by Prayer then when he saith I will heare he saith also call vppon me and euen then when he promiseth to be néere yet he mentioneth to whom namely to such as pray vnto him And the eyes of the Lord are vpon the iust and his eares are open to their Prayers Therfore euen the Lord himselfe being iudge his purpose to graunt taketh not away our obedience to aske his readie willingnes to giue euen before we aske crosseth not at all his commaundement neuerthelesse to aske and so neither our bounden duetie to perfourme the same continually But by all those places of his fatherly readines and most mercifull willingnes to doe vs good as I haue alreadie saide our faith is strengthned our harts incouraged his goodnesse shewed and our obedience in 〈…〉 Prayer confirmed greatly not any way subuerted or taken away Well then see nowe an other deuise of Satan against this holy exercise If we cannot take it away out of the vse of mē by these conclusions let vs trie another way to make it vaine and not onely so to our selues but euen hatefull and abhominable to the Lorde Let vs ascribe vnto it merite of remission of sinnes iustification with God many marueilous vertues aboue the dignitie allowed in the word and finally to saluation And to this ende let vs alleage all the places of Scripture wherein Prayer is commended highly as if they meant thus highly Indeede you say very true such there are and thus Satan perswadeth But alas what should wee stande vpon it It is one thing to be a meanes and an other thing to be a cause of saluation and mercie Gods children acknowledge no cause of their life with God but Christ Iesus only in whom freely the Lord hath loued vs but meanes many as hearing reading fasting what we speake of praying Our prayers are acceptable to our GOD but neuer for them selues but for Christ They are auaileable also with God but by for faith in Christ whereof earnest Prayer ioyned with fasting is a token And therfore if we obtaine of God neuer so great matters by Prayer our Prayer yet is no cause of that but only a meanes So then a foolish and false argument it is to cut it off that thus reasoneth of a cause that is not a cause indeede I see well then the foundation of Prayer euen in nature I see the necessitie of it in respect of God our selues and our brethren I see the marueilous and exceeding profite of it and lastly the malice of Satan against it in both extremities either seeking to deface it as not required or if he cannot that do in ascribing vnto it aboue that which is lawfull thereby to make it fruitlesse with God Will you now adioyne any more It shall not bee amisse also for vs to consider those other poynts which bee vsually considered in these treatises and comprised for memorie in an olde verse to wit Affectus causae quis per quem quidque petendum That is With what affection we must pray For what causes To whome Through whome For what And concerning the first the Scripture teacheth vs that wee must pray with a zealous spirit with hart with soule and with all the power within vs not with colde affection and lippe labour The Apostles speach of the Spirit may giue this rule of Praier in it euer to be obserued be feruent in Praier The Lord himselfe by his Prophet complayneth that the people cried not in their hearts vnto him that is with this affection that we speake of And the auncient Ceremonies of lifting vp of handes remembreth vs thereof The spirit of God witnesseth it of his children as of Anna she prayed and wept sore troubled in her minde that her lippes shooke withall albeit she spake in her heart Of Moses that he cryed vnto the Lord and yet he spake neuer a word but so vehement was his spirite and so feruent his inwarde powers of Soule and heart that it was like a shrill shrike in the eares of the Lord. This heate of heart it is glorious before the Lord and profitable to vs but it is not at our commaundement we cannot haue it when wee will the Lord hath reserued it to himselfe to giue when and where and to whome and in what measure it pleaseth him As it is witnessed vnto vs by the Apostle saying The Spirit helpeth our infirmities for wee knowe not what to pray as wee ought but the Spirit it selfe maketh request for vs with sighes which cannot be expressed That is wee are not able of our selues to pray with that feruentnesse of spirite that heate of hart such motion of minde such trust such faith such sighes such power such affection in a word euery way as is conuenient to the Maiestie of God vnlesse we be inabled by his Spirite and therefore in mercie he supplieth with the same as pleaseth him Neuerthelesse meanes there are in the word noted vnto vs which worke vnder the blessing of this Spirite to this effect in measure in vs and therefore if this affection bée required in vs they be also necessary as helpers to y e same The first is a true consideration of our owne vnworthinesse and indignitie such and so great as that there is no mercie due vnto vs Such as maketh vs with the Publican not to will to lift vp our eyes to heauen but to knocke our breast and crye in humble sorte Good Lord be mercifull to me a sinner Such as maketh vs with the Centurion to say Lord I am not worthie that thou shouldest come vnder my roofe and therefore say but the worde and my seruant shall bee well Such againe as maketh vs with Daniell to say in smarting woe O Lord wee doe not present our supplications before thee for our owne righteousnesse but for thy great tender mercies With Dauid O Lorde enter not into iudgement with thy seruants for no flesh liuing shall bee iustified in thy sight With Esay Wee haue all bene as an vncleane thing all our righteousnesse is as filthie cloutes and we all doe fade like a leafe and our iniquities like the winde haue taken vs away With Ieremy O Lord though our iniquities testifie against vs deale with vs according to thy name for our rebellions are many and wee haue sinned against thee And finally such as may iustly make our soules vexed within vs when we thinke of it our bodies to bowe downe and goe crookedly and our eyes to faile as he speaketh This low conceipt but true conceipt of our selues marueilously quickneth vp our spirites and therefore is euer to
creatures in the worlde yea all the worldes workes and thoughts of men to serue to his glorie wisedome and will whatsoeuer is intended by man or anie meanes to the contrarie which the Heathens haue called destiny or ineuitable necessity This kingdome is not here meant when wee praie Thy kingdome come For the Lord neuer hath neyther euer will loose this kingdome y t is as I say this authoritie and power ouer al things to make them serue to his pleasure and to bring to passe what he wil haue whereby we should neede to praie for it that it may come Of this kingdome may it bee sayd that is in the Psalme Whatsoeuer pleased the Lord that did he in heauen in earth in the sea and in all deapths For it subiecteth as you see to the Lord al these al their works whatsoeuer And then what is exempted out of this kingdom of power if heauen earth sea and deeps be ruled by it Yet stayeth not the Prophet so but proueth by examples what hee hath sayd and affirmeth it of y e Lorde that he bringeth vp the Clowdes from the endes of the earth and maketh the Lightning with the raine that he draweth foorth the windes out of his treasures that he smiteth the first borne of Egipt both of man and beast that it is he that sendeth tokens and wonders c. Of this Kingdome may it bee meant that is sayd by the Apostle for of him and for him and through him are all things with a number such like places speaking of the prouidence of God And to this kingdome of God it may bee applyed that the wiseman sayth Non est consilium non est prudentia non est fortitudo aduersus Dominum There is no councell there is no wisdome there is no strength against y e Lord. For he hath ruled euer hee doth rule and will rule for euer al things let al the world conspire against it what they can Againe the Lord worketh al things after the counsell of his owne will He giueth raine vppon the earth and powreth water vpon the streates he setteth vp on high them that be lowe that the sorowfull may be exalted to saluation hee scattereth the deuises of the craftie so that their hāds cannot accomplish that which they doe enterprise He taketh the wise in their craftinesse and the counsell of the wicked is made foolish He remoueth the mountaines and they feele not when he ouerthroweth them in his wrath He remoueth the earth out of her place that the pillers thereof doe shake He commaundeth the Sunne and it riseth not he closeth vp the Starres as vnder a signet He himself alone spreadeth out the heauens and walketh vpon the height of the sea All these are sayd of this kingdome Reade Syrach the 17. to the 20. verse and see what a kingdome of power acknowledged ouer al the beastes foules men and matters whatsoeuer Notable is the 4. of Exodus vers 11. For those séeme casuall in the mothers bellie whereof they must needes be vnderstood man being not created so at the first The kingdome of grace shall much better bee vnderstoode if we consider how we were created how by sinne corrupted and how now in mercie daylie by grace renewed The creation of man you know is layd downe to haue bene according to the Image and likenesse of God himselfe For God created man saith the booke of wisedome without corruption at the first and made him after the Image of his owne likenes And he clothed them with strength sayth Sirach as they haue neede and made them according to his Image Which Image of God maketh not GOD like vnto men with legges armes hands a gray head and so forth as not onely other heretikes but euen our holy papists haue imagined and by so paynting him in their Churches windowes made y e ignorant beléeue it but it maketh man like vnto God in holynes righteousnes wisedome and so forth For so expoūdeth the Apostle these words to the Ephesians and there might all Papistes haue seene it if they would Putte on the new man sayeth he which after God that is after the Image of God is created vnto righteousnes and true holynes meaning by these two words all perfection as wisedome will to doe good truth innocency loue of God power and such like See what the Image of God is Now then being thus created and made who ruled in man or what kingdome was he subiect vnto The Lord you see ruled in him and to his Kingdome was he subiect But alas the time this happie estate was quickly lost The Serpent deceiued the woman the woman the man Sinne entred GOD was offended and a fearefull change from al weale to wo in a little time and brought to passe So that now looke on man agayne and his copie is changed Satan ruleth sinne is entred death foloweth and this blessed Kingdome of God in man and ouer man is lost gone and destroyed Yea to speake playner and not so generally familiaritie with GOD is turned into a fearefull flying off from God for they hide themselues from the presence of the Lorde among the trees of the garden Wisedome is turned into folly and they thinke with a fewe Figge leaues to couer their shame Yea such is our wisedome now as Rom. 8.7 Truth is turned into lyes and they deale not plainly with the Lord. The serpent deceiued me the woman deceiued mee and there is not plainly wee haue sinned O Lord forgiue vs. Now is it sayd of man that all the imaginatiōs of the thoughts of his hart is onely euill continually that we are all become as an vncleane thing and that all our righteousnesse is as filthie cloutes that wee all doe fade like a leafe and our iniquities like a winde doe take vs away Now is it sayd of vs that wee are carnall solde vnder sinne that we doe not the good which wee would but the euill which wee would not that doe wee that when we would doe good we are thus yoked that euill is present with vs that there is an other lawe in our members rebelling against the lawe of our minde and leading vs captiue vnto the lawe of sinne which is in our members That the naturall man perceiueth not the things of the Spirite for they are foolishnesse vnto him neither can he knowe them Now is it sayd of vs that by nature we are the childrē of wrath dead in trespasses and sinnes walking in them according to the course of this world and after the Prince that ruleth in the ayre euen the Spirite that worketh in vs the children of disobedience Now is it sayd of man that was so excellent Verely euery man liuing is altogether vanitie Now cryeth the Prophet of men that his soule is amongst Lyons that their teeth are speares and arrowes and their tongue
soules but that thankfull to thy maiestie for the thing they may hate the persons in singular loue for their work sake obeying them and submitting themselues to them as their appointed ouerseers of them that they may giue their accountes with ioy and not with griefe If it fall out otherwise thy iust purpose being to slay those disobedient scorners O Lord O Lorde make strong thy seruants to indure this griefe and not fearing the face of anie whose harts feare nothing nor weighing the godlesse loue of them that loue not the cheerfulnesse to go on through all pikes of worldly vnthankfulnesse through good report and ill report and all snubbes knowing in a sweet feeling that they are vnto thee a sweete sauour of Christ in them that perish as well as in them that are saued And let it neuer be said of vs O heauenly Father as once it was of others that these things beeing done for vs and we professors of thy great mercyes yet thou hast not giuen vs an heart to perceiue and eyes to see and eares to heare vnto this daie but giue vs heart eyes eares for thy mercie sake Circumcise our hearts and the harts of our seed that we may loue thee much our Lord and God and liue with thee for euer Reuiue the spirites of the humble and giue lyfe to them that are of a contrite hart Take awaie our stony harts out of our bodies giue vs harts of flesh Open our vnderstāding as thou didst thy disciples that wee may vnderstand both by reading and preaching to our cōfort Giue vs merciful father that heauēly spirit that leadeth into al truth that happy annointing that teacheth al things that spirit of wisdōe reuelatiō that the eies of our minds may be lightned that wee may know what y e hope of our calling is the riches of that glorious inheritāce prepared for thy Saints That wee may bee strengthened by thy Spirite in the inner man that Christ thy sonne may dwell in our hearts by fayth we able in some measure to comprehend thy louing kindnesse to all penitent weeping and wayling sinners For O Father we haue sinned and darknesse hath entred to rule both bodie and soule if thou helpe not Lord in that mercie that hath no measure looke vppon vs let not his malice destroy the workes that thy mercie hath made His kingdom is death thy kingdom is life ioy for euermore O heauenly God thē let thy kingdome come that wee ruled here by that sauing hand of thine may tast and feele inioy and haue for euer the reward that foloweth such subiectiō in thy glorious kingdome not for our sakes but for Iesus Christ his sake with thee and the holy spirite one maiestie mightie and glorious euer blessed and praised from generation to generation eternally Amen The third Petition Thy will be done c. why followeth this next THE order if we marke it is most fit and good for in the former we prayed that the Lord might rule in vs but that cannot he do if we euer remaine vnwilling stirring and wresting against him and his will inter inuitos enim reluctantes nemo commodè regnare potest therefore very rightly doe wee pray now in the next place that his will may be done And truely very duetie bindeth al children to frame their life according to the will of their fathers and not contrariwise the parents to conforme themselues to the will of their children In the volume of thy booke sayth Dauid it is written of me that I should doe thy will So is it of vs all for this is a matter that concerneth not Dauid only but euery man that hopeth and looketh for the place that Dauid now hath and therefore with Dauid we must all and euery one say most hartely O my God I am content to doe it yea thy law is within my hart that is not ordinarily or superficially thought vpon by me but it is euen my earnest and vehement meditation and desire continually I seeke not mine owne will sayth our Sauiour Christ but the will of the father who hath sent me And let vs thinke that if he did thus that was subiect to no sinne but had receiued all power of God and himselfe was Lord of all what excuse may we haue before his gloriouse face in that high Court of his at the latter day if called into the Kingdom of God and receiued into the adoption of the Sonnes of God we doe not as good children the will of our father but as rebellious wretches euery one his owne will Agayne I came downe from heauen not to doe mine owne will but his will which hath sent me Thus did he as a sonne to his father and thus must we doe if we be sonnes with him And therfore pray we euer and pray we hartely to our heauenly father as here wee are taught Thy will be done For not euery one that saith vnto me Lord Lord shall enter into the Kingdome of heauen but he that doth the will of my father which is in heauen Why pray wee that Gods will may bee done and not ours may be done Because our wickednesse is still great in the earth and all the imaginations of the thoughts of our harts by nature are onely euill continually And because the natural man as saith the Apostle perceiueth not the things of the spirit of God For they are foolishnesse vnto him neither can hee knowe them because they are spiritually discerned That is because in truth we are so fallen by our first sinne and our will so corrupted thereby that of our selues wee cannot will the thing that is good no not thinke it but both the will and deede if it be good yea and all our sufficiencie is of him But on the other side the Lords will is all holie and euer holie yea holinesse it selfe and the rule of right for euer Wherfore by good reason we pray as we do Thy will bee done And this being the true ground in deede of our doing let vs by the way consider whether euen this petition assureth not our consciences of their error that say it and of our truth that deny it that in vs or any is left by nature a free will to doe good For are wee not there taught to pray that his will may bee done and not ours We see it And may we contrary to this order pray that our will may bee done that is our owne proper and naturall will Who will say it But I will say it that if I were by nature and of my selfe able to will the thing that is good then might I lawfully and rightly pray that my will might be done Wherefore we see and the world may see how euen this prayer if there were no further proofe yet satisfieth the consciences of men as touching this losse in vs namely of freewill to do or wish good of our selues till the Lord
and not euill So the deliuering of the Gentiles into a reprobate mind and all such examples in the woorde Tertullian against Marcian and Augustine against Iulian handle this matter and may further bee read of it This sufficeth to shewe that although wee say that God willeth often that thing that in it selfe considered is euil yet as it proceedeth from him that it should be so and consequētly he the author of euil it followeth not For many times euill is the punishment of euill that is iust with the Lord euer Concerning the second distinction how God may bee the author of the action and yet not of the euill any way in the action sée by these similitudes The Sunne lighting with his hote beames vppon a dead carcasse causeth a strong and loathsome sauour yet is not the Sunne either vnswéete it self or the cause of that vnswéetenes but the carion it selfe For if the Sunne were the cause then euer the like cause the like effect but wee see it is not so but contrary when it lighteth vppon sweete hearbes and odoriferous flowers it draweth out of them great sweetenes and pleasaunt smels Againe the earth wee all knowe with her sap and moysture feedeth and nourisheth al the trees plantes and rootes that are yet is not that earth cause why this tree bringeth a bitter fruite and that hearbe or roote a bad tast but the nature seuerall of y e things themselues is the cause of that Thirdly the pure worde of the Lorde is preached or read and one sauoureth and gathereth to life an other to death and destruction is now y e word cause of those seuerall effects or the creatures themselues blessed or not blessed with Gods holy Spirit Thus may the Lorde then bee author of an action and yet not of the euill in the action and so hee séemeth to will euill when yet in trueth he doeth not What is now his reueiled will All that which in the holy booke of his worde hee hath layd downe and declared to be the duetie which he will haue performed of vs towards him And is this that will which here we pray may be done Yea this is it and therefore if wee will vnderstand this petition let vs looke what is required of vs in this worde and all that we begge of the Lord strength and abilitie to doe We beseech him that whereas the mindes of earthly men burning with lustes are commonly caried to desire and to doe those things that most displease God hee of his mercie will with the mouing of his holy Spirit so chaunge and fashion all the willes of vs all to that will of his maiestie that we may will and wish nothing that his diuine will misliketh Praecamur optamus vt non tantum faciat Deus quod vult sed nos fac●re possimus quod vult We pray that not onely God would doe his will but that wee may doe what is his will sayth Cyprian To runne ouer all the dueties of a Christian required in the word were too long let vs therefore not so doe but for example sake of all the rest consider these three First we knowe it is the Lords will that wee should beleeue in Iesus Christ whome he hath sent and that by faith in his name wee and all the worlde should obtayne remission of our sinnes and eternall life So God loued the worlde that he gaue his onely begotten sonne that whosoeuer beleueth in him should not perish but haue euerlasting life And againe This is the worke of God that is the worke that God requireth of you that ye beleeue in him whome he hath sent Wherefore in this petition wee beseech him that that will of his may be done in vs that is that we may receiue grace so to doe and neuer to looke for saluation in any other Secondly we knowe it is the Lordes will that wee should in a true faith leade a holy and cleane life for so sayth the Apostle haec est voluntas dei sanctificatio vestra This is the wil of God euen your sanctification and that ye should absteyne from fornication that euery one of you should know how to possesse his vessell in holinesse and honour and not in the lust of concupiscence as the Gentils which know not God What do we then in this petition but beseech the Lord that that will may be daylie done of vs and we daylie chaunged by the renewing grace of his blessed spirite into such men and women as he desireth delighteth in namely into holy creatures walking not after the flesh but after the spirit and so consequently sauouring not the things of the flesh but of the spirit That we may be holy as he is holy That our light may so shine before men as they may see our good workes and glorifie our father which is in heauen that wee may keepe iudgement and doe iustice in our callings that being buried with Christ by baptisme into his death as he is risen frō the dead to the glory of the father so we also might walke in newnes of life That sinne may not rule in our mortall bodies that we should obey it in the lusts thereof or giue our members as weapons of vnrightiousnes vnto sin That fornication and al vncleannes or couetousnes may not once be named amongst vs as becommeth Saynts That we may putte on as the elect of GOD holy and beloued the bowells of mercy kindnes humblenes of mind mekenes long suffring forbearing one another if any man haue a quarrell to an other and forgiuing euen as Christ hath forgiuen vs and what should I saie We beseche the Lord euen that very GOD of peace to sanctifie vs throughout that our whole Spirit and soule and body may be kept blamelesse vnto the comming of our Lord Iesus Christ And with Dauid we saie in effect Looke if there bee any way of wickednesse in mee and leade mee in the way euerlasting Thus saith Cyprian Voluntas Dei quam stabiliri fieri precamur est quam Christus fecit docuit humilitas in conuersatione stabilitas in fide verecundia in verbis infactis iustitia in operibus misericordia in moribus disciplina The will of God which wee pray to bee established and done is that which Christ both did and taught humilitie in life stabilitie in faith shamefastnes in words iustice in deedes mercie in workes discipline in manners And doe we thus pray then to be holy O my beloued what shall we answer the Lorde then I say not for our vnholinesse but euen for our securitie dulnesse deadnesse and conceiued hartie pleasure in vnholinesse Was it euer counted better than a mockerie to seeme to aske a thing and yet to doe against it To desire a Phisition to helpe vnto health in the meane while our selues with al our might to féede vpon the foes of that wished good Consider then our cases and the cases of
brokē from the tree which if it were it could not beare It is a meruaylous proofe to vs of this good and therefore marke it well The Apostle againe sayth There is no condemnation to them that are in Christ Iesus Yea but who bee those See what followeth Which walke not after the flesh but after the spirite So then if I would know whether I bee in Christ Iesus or no I must looke how I walke that is still how I am sanctified And if I finde that the God of mercie by his perpetual spirit hath wrought in me a chaunge that whereas once I walked after the flesh that is was ruled guided and gouerned by my corrupt nature now it is not so but the holy Ghost leadeth me into a feruent loue of God and a true hatred of euill then is the conclusion inferred by the very spirit of truth himselfe I am in Christ Iesus and there is no condemnation to me nor for me So that Sanctification the lowest step leadeth mée surely to election the highest of the ladder Giue rather diligence sayth Saint Peter my brethren to make your calling and election sure Yea but how might they say shal we do it Peter telleth them If yee doo these things you shall neuer fall And what be those things Hee also sheweth them namely If you ioyne vertue with your faith and with vertue knowledge and with knowledge temperance and with temperance patience with patience godlynesse with godlynesse brotherly kindnes and with brotherly kindnes loue c. Now what is al this but sanctification of life So that still our rule is proued that if wee woulde know whether we be elected to liue in heauen we must euer looke how we leade our liues in earth And if there the Lorde hath chaunged vs from carelesse to careful men and women to please him in holynesse and righteousnesse all the daies of our life then is this Sanctification a note of Iustification Iustification of Vocation Vocation of Election and so heauen is ours But now take heed that in this search for holynesse of life we bee not carryed away with outward shewes For such holynesse holdeth not either in promisses or conclusion of our former argument The Lorde abhorreth approching lippes and reproching hearts And Except your righteousnesse sayth hee exceede the righteousnesse of the Scribes and Pharesies you shall neuer enter into the kingdome of GOD. That is except you haue more thā a painted visard which they had most glorious and a counterfait hypocriticall shew of holynesse your reckoning of heauen will bee without your host and you will fayle of it Write sayth the Lord to the Angell of the Church of Sardis I knowe thy workes for thou hast a name that thou liuest but thou art dead It is not then a name only y t wil serue the turne Hauing a shew sayth Paule of godlynesse but haue denyed the power thereof As if hée should saie vaine thrice vaine is the shew without the power and truth when this search of our election is in hand O beloued consider then of this earnestly and think with your selues if there be no comfort to be had in our heartes that we are the Lordes appointed to life and blisse in the worlde to come but onely by a true espiall of sanctification of life in our selues how carefull should we bee by hearing of the worde by praying by reading and by all appoynted good meanes to haue this change wrought in vs that our light shining forth may not onely make others glorifie our heauenlie Father for his graces in vs but euen vnto our selues as Saint Peter sayth Make our election and future state in the glorious kingdome of God sure Truly there should be no cares greater than this neyther anie diligence as the Apostle speaketh more faythfull whilest we liue And see with your selues in your secrete meditations often this difference of holynesse and vnholynes of sanctification and prophanenesse the one proueth vnto me my euerlasting ioy with GOD when this course is ended and the other my assured woe with the deuill and his Angels in the blacknesse of darknesse for euer O what are the pleasures of sinne then for a season when swéet meate shall haue so soure a sauce Could the Lord with a more pearcing argument pricke vs forwarde to holy life or with a sharper knife cut in sunder the cords of vanitie iniquitie and sinne wherewith thousandes of vs are so fettered and tempered than to teach vs that the one assureth vs of lasting life and the other of lasting death in the world to come Truly he could not And therefore euerie one laie his hand vppon his soule betimes Beleeue the Lorde and we shall not be confounded Had I wist sayth the olde Prouerbe commeth euer too late Nowe liue like a Christian amongst men and euer liue like a Saint among the Angels of heauen For the Lord hath spoken it But now soake in sin with the bit in thy teeth vnrestrainable and then rot in the reward of it an euerlasting curse from God and all his ioyes for the Lorde hath also sayd it And if this sanctification beloued may not be in shew onely as hath bene said but in truth and veritie how desperate how woful how wretched and miserable is the estate of that man and woman that hath not so much as a shew If there bee no comfort gotte by a glistering outward appearaunce what comfort may be in the soule if the Lord awake to thinke of it where euen this also vtterly wanteth and the contrarie to wit all libertie loosenesse and sinne aboundeth meruailouslie Shall we forget the curse of our Sauiour Christ in the Gospell vppon the figge trée that yet had goodly leaues fresh greene because also with y e leaues it had no fruit If so fearefull a curse light vpon that O curses of curses how many of them shalbe vpon those trees that haue not so much as leaues no not one greene leafe but are altogether withered twice dead and plucked vp by y e rootes Wherfore I pray you euen again as you loue your life w t god another day desire any assurāce of it to your soule in this worlde Giue your bodies dayly a liuing sacrifice holy acceptable vnto God which is your reasonable seruing of God And fashion not your selues like vnto this world but be you chaunged by the renuing of your minde that you may proue what that good and acceptable and perfect will of GOD is And Whatsoeuer things are true whatsoeuer thinges are honest whatsoeuer things are iust whatsoeuer things are pure whatsoeuer thinges are worthie loue whatsoeuer things are of good report if there be anie vertue or if there be any praise thinke of these things For as you haue hearde and seene trulie proued these thinges shall assure vs that we are the Lordes cared for here and chosen else where to be with him for euer and
pro veritate quis pro iniquitate quis nocendi causa quis emendandi For in all men that punish execute lawes vpon any what is to bee considered but which of them doth it for the maintenance of truth which of them for the maintenance of euill which of them with a mind to hurt which of them with a minde to refourme Vides itaque non esse considerandū quod quisque cogitur sed quale sit illud quo cogitur vtrum bonum an malū You see therfore that this must not only be marked that a man is cōpelled but the thing also must be looked wherunto he is cōpelled whether it be good or bad And if it be good it will euer iustifie the actiō howsoeuer y e suffrer be offended The Phisition offends many times his patiēt y e scholemaster his scholler the father his wilde wanton child But this offence shall haue a iust warrant if it be cōplayned of the carefull hart of eche one to do good in their places If horses and mules must be ruled with bits and bridles to take a liked course we should make lesse accompt of our selues than of these beastes if we should seeke both immunitie and impunitie whatsoeuer wee do And let this suffice for some satisfaction to a causelesse cry and most vnworthy complaint when so euer it is made I very well see these temptations in iudgement are many and therefore your speech might bee long if you would followe them but these may suffice for a tast of Satans malice in respect and you may nowe if your selfe will proceede to his temptations in life and behauiour They also as hath bene said are in number moe and in nature more vnknowne than that of any one man they may bee either named or vnderstood For there is no commandement the breaches whereof in euery branch hee tempteth not some vnto and what a field were this to runne a very long course in Hee tempteth to adulterie fornication vncleannes wantonnes Idolatrie witchcraft hatred debate emulations wrath contentions seditions enuy murthers drunkennes gluttony and ten thousand such like So that to followe the temptations in life and behauiour and to lay downe what might bee sayde eyther in description of their manner or as helpe against their strength and venom were to take in hand to write many volumes This is certaine he is our enemy and so firme a friend as he is a fo were worth much gold euen of the gold of Ophir In which enmitie and immortall malice of his hee goeth about like a roaring Lion seeking whome he may deuoure But if wee resist him stedfast in fayth he flyeth from vs. With which shield of fayth together with the sworde of the spirite the word of God we shal quench al his fierie darts and become conquerors And the best meanes to helpe vs in these many thousand spirituall onsettes and to strengthen body and soule against the killing poyson of them after auoyding of all occasions so much as euer we may stil truly discharging our seuerall places both towards God man is to print in our harts and sinke into our soules a true an often and earnest meditation of the ende of the thing or thinges whatsoeuer that we shall in this respect be tempted solicited vnto For the wise Syrach vpō deepe experience hath sayd it Whatsoeuer thou takest in hand remember the end thou shalt neuer do amisse The end of sin is death the reward of sinne is death death of body many a tyme by a shamefull ende in this world and death of both body and soule in a bottomelesse pit for euer where is weeping and wayling and gnashing of teeth Sweete meate will haue a sower sawse sayde the prouerbe then and sweete sinne bringeth smarting payne sayth the trueth now What wo to themselues and to their seede for euer brought that faire fruit with pleasure eaten when time was of our first parents Would God no posteritie might rue the falles of them whome they loued Surely if the end preuailed in the thought before sinne preuailed in act they shoulde rue them lesse O deed done howe bitterly biteth it when it is done that was thought full sweete before it was done and nowe sore lamented that euer done or that again it cannot bee vndone But had I knowne commeth euer behind too late to comfort too soone to wring and euer sinne rubbeth vppon the rawe Before these our parents should sinne honour preferment glory and ioy were brought by a hellish serpent to muster themselues before their eyes and Gods shall you be if you will do this But O woful Gods when the deede was done Then mustred as fast before their minde death hell damnation the wrath of God and all terrour and torture And so is it euer that deuill that pleadeth all mercie and goodnes patience and long suffering in the Lord towardes sinners before they offend vpon boldnes thereof to make them offende that deuill as fast thundreth damnation and death iustice and wrath in the same Lorde when once we haue offended Especially if wee begin to slacke our diligent seruing of his filthy humor O Dauid speake and instruct a litle What thoughtest thou when Ioab must go number all Israel and Iudah Of wisedome pollicie to know my power What feltest thou when the deede was done Securitie for a time and all was well But when God awaked what O aske mee not that For the remembrance of it as yet is grieuous vnto me But if you wil needs know I was smitten I was bittē I was wounded and wroung with the very furies of hel My flesh quaked my heart aked and my soule admitted feares vppon feares My conscience cried my Spirit groned and the worlde knewe not what I felt within Were mine eyes open or were they shut the eyes of my minde still sawe my sinne and the face of Iustice in a mightie God against it The rest I found was to accuse my selfe and with sobbing sighes and brinish teares to vtter my fall as I could for woe in words of griefe to a gracious God I haue sinned I haue sinned O my God and deere in that I haue done exceedingly nowe Lorde I beseech thee take away the trespasse of thy seruaunt for I haue done very foolishly And what shoulde I say the end was mercie yet mingled with Iustice I was brought into a wonderfull streyt by an offer that was made And whosoeuer sinneth streyt in the ende either lesse or more as God appoynteth is the flower that bloweth vpon such a stalke and so I leaue you Well then wee heare what we were better to heare then euer to feele as hee felt it For his heart smote him smote him sayth the text and the woorde importeth a twitching smart Dauid felt the fruites of other falles also if we remēber them and preacheth vnto vs to take heede of the pleasures of sinne for a season But I speake
and if you seeke him hee will bee found of you but if you forsake him he will forsake you The like hath dying Dauid to his deere sonne to be left behinde him And thou Salomon my sonne know the God of thy father and serue him with a perfit hart and a willing minde For the Lord searcheth all harts and vnderstandeth all the imaginations of thoughts Jf thou seeke him he will be found of thee but if thou forsake him he wil cast thee away for euer But what spēd J speech where many giuen graces say spare thy speech J know it wel Then stay J so to you both Right H. J adde but this that as duetie bindeth and many great and honorable fauours both to me and mine require and charge me I rest before my God in praier that goeth out of vnfained lips that it may bee thus with your H. both thus stil I say and thus more thus more agayne and thus still and thus both still more continually during life That those wordes of endlesse comfort may reach vnto you in iudging day Come ye blessed of my father and possesse eternall ioy If this poore trauell of mine may auayle any thing to this effect it is your Honors own proceeded from your owne most deeply bound for euer to be your owne and therefore bold to present it in this sort because he is your owne It was begun in your Honors hearing being that part of the Catechisme that then fell to my course both the lawe and faith hauing bene expounded before the one by my selfe the other by my fellowe that followed because it could not at that time be gone forwarde withall J haue since as J could layd it downe in this sort if it please the Lord for the good of mo VVho all shall welcome it by thus much more as they did the other by how much it bringeth countenance from your Honors both vnto them and is a gift deriued euen from your selues vnto them The Christian Reader els whosoeuer I should wrong too much if I should not comfortably hope he will accept it well since alreadie he hath shewed his loue in the like respect Therefore most humbly beseeching you both Right Honorable to accept my dutie to weigh my hart and to pardon my boldnesse J beseech the Lord againe and againe to multiplie his mercies towardes you both giuing honor here and honor euer in his happie kingdome of eternal comfort VVilton the 11. of May. 1588. Your Honors most humble bounden to death Geruase Babington A PROFITABLE EXPOSITION of the Lords Prayer by way of Questions and Answers ¶ Of Prayer in generalitie MAny things are spoken by many men of Prayer in generalitie and gladly would I heare what you think conuenient of the same Yet would I not prescribe by any questions for feare my want of iudgement in asking might procure in you any needlesse answering Your care is very good yet spare not to speake if I omit any thing whereof you would willingly heare Trueth it is that much is spoken and much may bee spoken of this matter at large but a fewe things may suffice vs at this time hauing fuller discourses to goe to when we will First then let vs consider that Prayer hath a foundation euen in our nature as we are men and is so taught vs by the very instinct and testimonie of reason and conscience that looke what or whomsoeuer we acknowledge and thinke to bee God that and the same wee also willingly confesse ought to be prayed vnto For a perswasion of Godhead standeth not without a confession of Prayer done to the same So wee see in the 14. Psalme where with the deniall of God which the foole maketh in his hart is ioyned an vtter want of prayer and inuocation Contrariwise in the 139. Psal with the confession of God an earnest hartie and often calling vpon his name So that a necessarie consequence the Spirit of GOD maketh it vppon the confession of a God euen by the instinct of nature to vse prayer to the same And contrariwise if we should neuer pray then necessarily must we be euen in the number of those fooles which say in their harts there is no God Which if it were duely and effectually considered of vs it would rowze vs assuredly out of our dead and damnable negligence in this behalfe if there were any spirite of life and feeling in vs and cause vs to acquaint our soules more often and earnestly with this heauenly exercise Fearing euen with a great feare the vengeance of ingratitude towards God for innumerable benefites the plagues in hell due to Atheists and such as denie GOD and the same amongst men that of force must fall vppon vs when being men yet we abhorre from the very nature of man All which three greeuous conditions the want of Prayer forcibly prooueth vpon vs as now wee see Againe the Apostle Saint Paule in his Epistle to the Romanes teaching how the Gentils doing by nature the thinges contayned in the lawe shewe the effect of the lawe written in their harts is a witnesse in steade of many moe sufficient and strong that to pray to God being a thing comprised in the lawe was then is now and euer shall bee whilst man hath mans nature a thing ingrafted and planted of God in the same nature And many other reasons might be brought but these suffice Secondly let vs consider the necessitie of this Christian exercise of Prayer which wee shall euidently see if either we respect the Lord our selues or our brethren For vnto the Lord wee knowe is due euer and eternally here and in the worlde to come praise and thanksgiuing that is Prayer Praise the Lorde all ye people for it is a good thing to sing praises vnto our God O giue thankes vnto the Lord for he is gracious O thanke the Lord of all Lordes c. Yea let euery thing that hath breath praise the Lorde And as long as I haue any being I wil sing praises vnto my God In the world to come see the Scriptures Holy holy Lord God almightie which was and which is and which is to come Thou art worthie O Lord to receiue glory and honor power for thou hast created al things and for thy will sake they are and haue bene created Beside many other places Vnto the Lorde is due worship and seruice of all them that looke for a place in his kingdom of which worship and seruice Prayer is a notable part and therefore necessary Vnto the Lorde is due obedience to his Commaundements if we bee the Lordes for they are holy and iust But this is one that we should pray vnto him and therfore in respect of God Prayer is necessary Call vpon me in the day of trouble and I wil heare thee thou shalt glorifie me saith the Lorde And in an other place
the example of Gods chosen euer with such like and these are great causes to vse it What say you then of the third point concerning the persons to bee prayed vnto I answere that onely God and none but God is to be praied vnto or as the wordes of our faith and Créede hath one GOD in Trinitie and Trinitie in vnitie is to bee worshipped Which answere implying to things as you see to wit that God is to be prayed vnto and onely to bee prayed vnto Let vs see the truth of them both out of the word First then for the former it is mencioned vs in the law Thou shalt feare the Lord thy God serue him swere by his name And in another place Thou shalt feare the Lord thy God and serue him and thou shalt cleaue vnto him swere by his name With a number other proofes in euerie place where the word of seruing the Lord by a figure noteth al duties due vnto him in general so implieth this duty of prayer to him in special Euen as Dauid expoūdeth it in his Psalme saying I will worshippe towardes thy holy Temple then expresseth what one thing he meaneth by that worship I will praise thy name because of thy louing kindnesse truth that is by prayer of thanksgiuing and praise I will doe my dutie So than this is plaine and more plain I trust than that it should need proofe that God is to be prayed vnto If anie would haue reason as well as testimonies the Apostle giueth vs a strong one of contraries when he toucheth the Galathians with it as a fault no lesse than Idolatry that they did seruice vnto them which by nature were no Gods For it inferreth plainly our not offending but most right doing when we doe seruice vnto him that is by nature God But praier is a seruice and a great seruice therefore due and most due to the Lord for euer But it is not this that anie man doubteth of and therefore as I sayde not to bee stoode vpon It is the other that is a question to wit whether God onely is to be praied vnto or no and therefore let vs looke to that rather and see the truth Concerning this then is not the Scripture as plaine if wee will not wilfully bee blinde as in the other And doth not our Sauiour Christ put it quite out of doubt when he saith him only shalt thou serue Onely to God auouched by Christ should stand against not only to God affirmed by tenne thousand worldes if there were so many to doe it But the Lorde affirmeth further that he will not giue his glorie to any other and it is a parte of Gods glorie in any Christian iudgemēt I hope to praie vnto him and to make him the fountaine and welspring of all our good For Call vppon me saith the Lorde in the day of thy trouble and I will heare thee and thou shalt glorifie me The lawe of God saith Thou shalt haue no other Gods but me which is an exclusion of all creatures in heauen and earth from partaking with the Lord in any worship we owe vnto him as our God The 17. Chapter of the second booke of Kings is a notable testimonie of the Lordes abhorring any partners in this behalfe For there we may see and heare him witnesse it vnto our soules who must one day come to iudge them in glorie dreadfull if wee haue not harkned that not to feare him onely is not to feare him at all and not onely to doe after his lawes and commaundements is not at all to doe after them For our additions to the wil of him ouerthroweth vtterly that which wee doe thereof because it is not as wee should doe it that is onely My couenant and charge with the Israelites saith the Lord there was euer this that they should feare no other Gods nor bowe themselues to them nor serue them nor sacrifice to them but onely mee which brought them out of the land of Egipt with great power and a stretched out arme And marke the emphasis Him feare That is as we may see plainly him onely him euer and none but him And therefore ouer and ouer he saith it there no other no other and againe the third time no other Which is proofe sufficient if wee bee the Lordes yet is the Scripture fuller and teacheth vs plainly that they euer were and euer shall bee blasphemous Idolaters iniurious to the Lord that call vppon any in their prayer but the same Lord alone whether it be in heauen or in earth or in the waters vnder the earth whether it bee of golde siluer or whatsoeuer The places are knowne and you may reade them It teacheth vs also that God hath made vs in his great mercie Lordes of all his creatures here and euen the Angels in heauen ministring Spirits to our good as shall please him to appoynt But whatsoeuer we pray vnto we make it superiour to vs and hauing rule and power ouer vs and therefore if it bee a creature we offende greeuously peruerting the Lordes appoynted course and seruilely submitting our selues to that which he in mercie hath put vnder vs not ouer vs in his maner and order Againe that we cannot pray to any thing without beleefe in the same but beleefe must onely be in God and therefore prayer to no other Wherefore it standeth true by the Iudge of trueth the eternall worde of God wee now well see that both God with his worship of prayer is to bée serued and honored and onely God also with exclusion for euer of all others whatsoeuer they may bee and so wee ende this question Your next is through whome or by whome wee must present and offer our Prayers to God It is so And it may bee that in the former question you expected some fuller spéech of Angels and Saints that be dead which many are of opinion may bee called vppon that yet greatly mislike that other folly or rather madnesse of praying to inferiour creatures And if you did it shal now be supplied God willing for I did referre it of purpose hether because no man iustifieth it amongst vs if he haue any cunning that they are simply to bee praied vnto as helpers themselues of themselues but as mediatours to him that is able to helpe that is God the Lorde Let vs see then this if euen but thus much may bee giuen vnto them And to begin at the beginning we know it true that betwixt God and vs a mediatour must needes bee For so sayth the Scripture No man commeth to the father but by me And as there is a God so there is a mediatour betwixt God and man The high Priest in the lawe by God assigned a figure and shadowe of Christ euen in his office taught the same And conscience in vs of our owne vnworthines to appeare before God in our selues and for our selues driuing vs away from his
vs. How came it to passe that the Iewish people so seeing dayly the wonderfull workes of God for them the proofes of his power mercie and goodnesse aboue all the nations of the world yet persisted vnfaithfull stubburne and wayward to so good a God O sayth Moses these things being done for you yet hath the Lorde giuen you an heart to perceiue and eyes to see and eares to heare vnto this daie teaching vs playnly that such hart such eyes and eares are onely the Lords to giue and without such gift we profite nothing no not by the verie euident extraordinarie mercies of God In another place agayne The Lord thy God will circumcise thine heart the heart of thy seede that thou mayest loue the Lord thy GOD with all thine heart and with all thy soule that thou mayest liue As if hee shoulde saie neuer thinke of anie loue of GOD faythfull and true as possible to be within thee and consequently no obedience loue being the root of all excepte the Lorde circumcise thine heart that is purge all thy wicked affections giue hearing reading a blessing which thing is not in thine owne power to doe It is I sayth the Lord by the prophet Esaie that receiue the spirite of the humble and giue lyfe to them that are of a contrite heart If the Lorde worke in one he worketh in all the spirites of men are ruled and gouerned vnto good onelie by him If he touch vs we are touched if hee turne vs wee are turned and if hee reuiue not and giue life we sinke in all our sinnes as vnfeeling wretches and abide in death How playnly sayth it agayne the Prophet Ezekiel I wil giue you a newe heart and I will put a newe Spirit within you and will take away the stony heart out of your body giue you an heart of flesh And I will put my spirit within you and and cause you to walke in my statutes c. O see and marke howe all lets bee remooued and all grace giuen by the Lorde alone in mercy seeking our saluation And therefore knowe it true as the truth is true that neither hearing nor reading preaching or priuat speaking auaileth euer to doe vs good except the guiding grace of the Lorde direct vs to it by a blessing giuen to them all or any when they are vsed And therefore as for the word so for the blessing of it by the Spirit of God do we euer pray when we say these words Thy kingdom come Then opened he their vnderstanding sayth the Gospell of our Sauiour Christ that they might vnderstand the Scripture And Lydia attended to those thinges which Paul spake because the Lord opened her heart So that neither one nor other Lydia nor the disciples of Christ see heare or vnderstand except the Lorde giue the eye the eare and the heart It is the holy Spirit that teacheth teacheth into all trueth and without whome still still all meanes remaine vnprofitable There is an oyntment sayth Saint Iohn from him that is holy and that anoynting teacheth you all things that is the grace of the holy ghost Wherefore I cease not to make mencion of you in my prayers sayth the holy Apostle and to bowe my knees vnto the Father of our Lorde Iesus Christ that he would giue vnto you the Spirit of wisedome and reuelation through the knowledge of him that the eyes of your vnderstanding may bee lightned that we may knowe what the hope of his calling and what the riches of his glorious inheritaunce is in the Saints c. And that yee may bee strengthened by his Spirit in the inner man that Christ may dwell in your hearts by fayth and yee may bee able to comprehend with all Saynts what is the bredth and length and depth and height c. See Pauls refuge for profitte to his preaching for life and light for these Ephesians euen to the Lorde for his holy Spirite to soften and supple their stony heartes to illuminate and lighten their darke mindes and to make that sweete to them that is sower to many and fruitefull to them by his mightie power that is neuer so to any without the same Wherefore to goe no further knowe it for conclusion that wee praying for Gods kingdome to come vnto vs in this petition by the hearing and preaching of his worde the meanes appoynted of him to erect the same and seeing well by all this that hath bene said that neither one nor other of these meanes cā preuaile with vs any thing vnlesse the Lorde also with them giue the power of his Spirit and the blessing of his grace in our hearts by them therefore there is included herein also euen praier for this grace and the petition being vnderstoode of vs is thus much with the Lord as we should in playne termes say O Lord giue vs not onely thy worde to reade and heare but the heauenly grace of thy holy Spirit also to sanctifie blesse and make fruitefull to vs both our reading and hearing that so reading and so hearing thy kingdome may come vnto vs and thou ruling and wee ruled wee may liue for euer with thee according to thy promise See then still further matter of this petition And since the Lord hath taught vs thus to pray for the helpe of his hande and the blessing of his grace to all the meanes of good vnto vs and so guided the tongues of his children euer before this forme was layde downe vnto them though in other wordes Let vs brethren looke vpon this occasion into our corruption for truely the Lorde reueileth a secret vnto vs of our natures that thousands sée not when hee thus teacheth vs that without his Spirite no meanes profite vs. We trust to our witts to our skill to our yeres and youth and I know not what and wee thinke wee haue wings of nature aboue our fellowes many of vs to flye aloft and to sée the secretes of the Lord but truely it is not so we haue all sinned and sinne hath cut our wings that wee cannot flye aboue wee haue all in our first parentes transgressed and that transgression hath dazeled and darkened our eyes closed our eares and benummed our heartes that we can neither see heare nor feele except it bee giuen vs from aboue as wee haue now fully bene taught As naturall men we perceyue not the thinges that are of GOD we are not able to thinke a thought that is good but all our sufficiencie is of God and by his grace only we are what we are that good is if any trueth bee opened to vs the Lord hath done it and cōcerning life eternall flesh and blood reueileth nothing to vs but the father in heauen reade without this spirit and the booke is sealed to vs heare without this Spirite and it is a pleasant song that sinketh not but passeth with the time pray without this
Spirit and we pray wee knowe not what for it is the Spirit that helpeth our infirmities and that maketh request for vs with sighs which cannot bee expressed And he that searcheth the hearts knoweth what is y e meaning of the spirit for hee maketh request for the Saintes according to the will of God Haue not this spirit and be none of Christes for as many as are led by the Spirite of God they are the sonnes of God Want this Spirit feare againe the seuere threatning of the Lawe but haue it and cry in comfort Abba Father the same Spirite bearing witnesse with our Spirits that we are the children of God sealing our adoptiō in our minds and therefore opening our mouthes This blessed Spirite and sweete grace is that heauenly water that our sauiour speaketh of in his dialogue with the woman of Samaria when sitting vpon the wel with her hee sayde whosoeuer drinke of this water shall thirst againe but the water that I shal giue him shall bee in him a well of water springing vp into euerlasting life And O my brethren how differeth all earthly water from this if wee marke it let a man thirst for the honors titles pleasures places and dignities of this paynted world and if he inioy thē euen in great measure do they quench his thirst No truely but if this other water bee away I meane this moderating grace of Gods blessed Spirit whereof we speake they increase his thirst a thousand fold of a sound man before he inioyed such heapes hee is striken into a loathsome and deadly disease euen a spirituall dropsie that the more hee drinketh the more drye he is and neuer satisfied Playing dayly and hourely the parte of Achsah in seeking springs of water to her South countrey that is more to much and still something else to that that is had already But this water of Gods holy spirit springing not out of the veynes of the earth but from the highest heauens runneth about our hearts continually with a diuine vertue most comfortably cooling al our Spiritual heats refreshing vs against all burning temptations quenching the firy dartes of Satan and finally quickning vs to eternall life This water therefore let vs make accompt of pray for a true faith for he that beleeueth in me out of his belly shall flowe riuers of water of life sayth the Scripture Quench not this Spirit then neither grieue him by whome we are sealed vnto the day of redemption But remember the good that commeth by him to this wretched frame of our sinnefull harts the ground is hard if this dewe drop not and vtterly vnfruitefull if this grace blesse not Lende mee therefore not thy tongue and lips only but thy soule heart chiefly to pray with mee to the throne of mercy for our selues and all O Lorde O Lord create a cleane heart renew a right Spirit within vs euermore Cast vs not away from thy presence neither take thy holy Spirit from vs. Giue vs the comfort of thy helpe for euer and establish vs with thy free Spirit Amen What else is concluded in this prayer Another good meanes to further this kingdome is a godly zealous and carefull Magistrate and therefore we praie for him also and the blessing of his seruice This teacheth the Lord vs when hée biddeth vs praie for kings and all that are in authoritie that we may leade a quiet and a peaceable life in all godlinesse and honestie They are the means the Lord giues the blessing The lyke doth the Apostle when he telleth vs that Princes are not to bee feared for good workes but for euill And therefore if we will bee without feare of the power that we must doe wel and so shall we haue praise of the same For hee is the minister of God for our wealth But if we do euill that then we must feare for he beareth not the sword for naught but is the minister of God to take vengeance on him that doth euill Charging vs as well for these good vses of him as also for the author of his office and authoritie which is the Lord for there is no power sayth he but of GOD and the powers y t are be ordained of God that euery soule of vs be subiect to the higher powers and that we resist not for if wee doe we resist the ordinance of God they that so resist receiue to themselues damnation This benefite of a magistrate to the increase of Gods kingdome appeared in Asa who tooke awaie the Sodomites out of the land and put away all the Idols his Father had made displaced his mother for her idolatrie and destroyed her idolls The like appeared in Ezekiah Iosiah and all the rest Read what they did sée what authoritie may do nay ought to doe Vertue flourisheth by iust incouragements vice flieth and dieth by iust punishmentes if the magistrate bee good and then ruleth God when this is so Blessed therefore wel may be said is the lande when the king is the sonne of Nobles and when the Princes eate in time for strength and not for dronkennesse That is when the higher and lower and all powers in a land are famous for vertue and wisedome and with the giftes of God And why so Surely because these being thus the Lord is king in such a place and his heauenly power is more and more dayly spread ouer and into the heartes of men by these meanes Contrariwise Woe to the land whē the king is a childe and the Princes eate in the morning that is when the chiefe of all wanteth wisedome and counsayle and the inferiors are giuen to their lusts and pleasures And why so agayne surely because then for want of so forcible a meanes as carefull magistracie is to represse it Vice floweth vertue flieth and God ruleth not Finally therefore doe we praie here in this petition and aske of the Lorde as a greate mercie that he would giue vs godly carefull and zealous Magistrates to the better setting vp of his blessed kingdome amōgst vs. And truly beloued would God the iust often consideration of these might worke in vs a faithful loue to thē for their pains and a flaming thankfulnesse to the Lorde for them when we haue them O that wee would meditate of it vpon our beddes and and thinke vppon it when wee are waking what Moses felt when he sayd How can I beare your comberance your charge and your strife alone Or what hee felte that sayde to his regall Crowne or Scepter that he which knew the carke and care the woes and griefes the toyles and labours and the infinit perils and feares that are incident to it would not take it vp if he found it in the streete Then woulde wee feele what it is to gouerne and to be alofte Then assuredly would wee honour Magistrates more loue them more obey them more and contend
renew vs and then is it not I but the grace of God in me sayth the Apostle but this doctrine hath bene sufficiently touched before What will of God is here meant for I haue heard that it is diuersly propoūded vnto vs though one and the same simple vnto him or in respect of him You haue heard right and to make this speech as plaine as I can you must vnderstand that the will of God is sayd to bee of two sorts to wit hidden and reueiled The first for that it is so is in Scripture resembled to a depth and it is vnsearchable of man Wee cry out of it with the Apostle O the deepnes of the riches both of the wisedome and knowledge of God how vnsearchable are his iudgements his waies past finding out And with the Prophet Dauid Thy rightuousnesse is like the mightie mountaines Thy iudgments are like the great deepe We say of it That no man presume herein to vnderstand aboue that which is meete to vnderstand but that he vnderstand according to sobrietie For curiositie in this behalfe the Lord misliketh we plainly see When his Apostles asked him of the restoring of the kingdome of Israel when he would doe it then or no wée know he smot them for this entring into the hidden will of God and tolde them that it was not for them to know the times and seasons which the father hath put in his owne power When Peter asked the Lord of that other disciple hic autem quid Lord what shall this man doe Remember how the Lord answered this curiositie of defence to know this hidden will and tolde him that if hee would haue him tarie till he came what was that to him let him doe that which he knew to be done So that this will of God is not to bee pried into in a busie and curious impietie of minde as many wicked ones doe that by most horrible meanes euen by spirits and deuilles seeking to pull out of heauen and wrest from the Lord as they thinke his secretes before the time Forgetting quite what the great seruant of the Lorde Moses sayde touching this thing namely that the secret matters belong to the Lorde our GOD but the things reueiled belong to vs and to our children for euer that we may do them This wil of God is called secret or hidden for two causes First because it is so in déed to all men till such time as God manifest by euents what he hath appoynted to euery one In respect whereof S. Iames willeth euery man to put in this condition if the Lord will and if wee liue to doe this or that Secondly because the reason of the Lords will thus or thus when it is manifested for the most part is not comprehended of man but hidden in himself As why he chose Iacob refused Esau why he put Saule away from the kingdome for one offence and not Dauid for many with such like Onely this we knowe with the Apostle that he hath mercie on whom hee will haue mercie and whom he will he hardeneth And this his will is our stay What then is mans duetie in respect of this will Surely as hath bene sayd non est curiosè inuestiganda sed adoranda it is not to bee sifted but highly reuerenced and t●ll the tyme come that y e Lord reueile it by effects in generall thus to be disposed in my selfe that whatsoeuer this hidden will of the Lord be concerning me whether to liue or dye to be poore or rich to bee high or lowe in this worlde in the same I rest and am contented let the Lord that made mee doe with me and dispose of me at his pleasure And then afterwarde when the Lorde shall reueile it by effects much more to rest in it and giue him thankes howesoeuer it is taking with good Iob euen euill thinges at the Lords hands aswell as good that is sowre as well as sweete and lowring lots as well as smiling dayes Blessing the name of the Lord that hath taken what before hee gaue and yet dealeth with vs but in mercy euer Doe wee pray that this will may bee done No. For this is euer done and shall bee whilest the world indureth neither can any creature or power resist it So sayth the Prophet My counsell shall stande and I will do what I will doe So confessed Iehosophat King of Iudah When he sayde O Lorde GOD of our Fathers art not thou God in heauen and reignest not thou ouer al the kingdomes of the heathen and in thy hande is power and might and none is able to withstande thee And so notably confessed that wretched Balam when he sayd If Balac would giue me his house ful of siluer and gold I cannot passe the commaundement of the Lorde to doe either good or bad of myne owne mind c. So confessed the deuill when he asked leaue to touch Iob not able else of himselfe to goe against Gods will and all those deuils that could not enter into the swyne sent by the will of God and all the actions of man and beast euer bridled and ruled and disposed by the power of his will No resistaunce therefore can there be against this will and therefore no neede that we shoulde pray that it may bee done No Annas nor Caiphas no Herod nor Pilat no Iewes nor deuils coulde haue wrought the death of our Sauiour Christ except the hand of the Lord his counsell had determined before that it shoulde bee done But do not you nowe say that GOD willeth euill to be done and so make him the author of euill God forbid we should make God an author of euill Yet say we in deede that God willeth many things that in some respects are euill and to some persons as this death of his own sonne named last and such like But as he willeth thē they are neuer euill neither to such as he directeth a good to by them being not done by them as in the example named appeareth But surely some larger speech to drawe vs to a right knowledge herein is not amisse and therefore a litle I pray you heare Will therfore hath two obiects to witte good and euill sometime it willing the one sometimes the other And good thinges beside the Lorde which is the chiefe good of all are sayde to be of 3. sortes naturall morall and diuine The first belong ad vitā animatam the sesond ad humanam the third ad coelestem diuinam All these the Lorde willeth there is no controuersie and not onely so but is also euen the fountaine and giuer as S. Iames saith for euery good giuing euery perfect gift is frō aboue and commeth frō the father of lights with whō is no variablenes neither shadowing by turning So hath euil also his distinction whilest some is the euill some the punishmēt of the euil The
such as do Gods wil both wittingly willingly Which perfect obedience of ours as oftē as the Scripture speaketh of it vseth to cal vs to that coeleste 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 that heauenly regimēt wherin perfectlie and faythfullie the Lorde is obeyed So doth our Sauiour teach vs and therefore addeth heere these wordes Sicut in coelo as it is in heauen You see then the reason of them and why they be added euē to teach vs the measure of obedience that wee are to desire and thirst after and praie for not halt not lame nor maymed but all full whole and perfect such as is in heauen That looke with what spirite measure affection and will with what readinesse and alacritie the heauenly Angels and blessed spirites Sunne Moone and Starres obey God euen with the same we may do it also that as in heauen so in earth there bee no rebellion nor repining agaynst his holie will The obedience of all those heauenlie creatures I need not to describe looke but at the Angelles and you shall see three properties of their obedience such as ought to be in ours They obey God lubentissime citissime and fidelissme most willingly most readilie or speedely and most faithfullie If they be sent to performe anie seruice they neuer murmure but doe it and therefore sée their willingnes If to execute iudgement vpon the enimies in one night one of them dispatcheth an hundred foure score and fiue thousand of them and then see their speede Yea they spare no creature neyther giue ouer euer till the Lorde saie it is sufficient staie thy hand and therefore faithful They are not lyke Saul to saue eyther king or fatlings no there is no meanes to corrupt them in their seruice such willingnes then such readie speede and such faithfull obedience wee are taught to desire and praie for by addition of these words As it is in heauen For these Angels we know are there And this obedience of theirs with the circumstances hath the Prophet Dauid layd downe if you marke it Psalme 103.20 Why but still I saie can we performe such obedience as this in this life No in deede Whilest here we liue both knowledge and obedience are in part And the most regenerate that euer was must praie Forgiue vs our trespasses It is Anabaptisticall to dreame of a perfection heere Yet for all that so perfect wee ought to be and so desirous of Gods greater and greater pleasure in vs and glorie by our seruice as that we should neuer stick down our staffe as hauing obtayned inough tyll this be brought to passe in vs. Therefore then praie wee for it not as accounting to get it in this world but as professing our desire to haue it and our discontent with our obedience whatsoeuer it bee till it bee such And if anie man will conclude anie thing vpon this forme of speech lette him conclude that such perfection wee shoulde performe not that such heere wee euer can performe And if we ought to performe it as dutie due from vs then may we pray for it that it may be such still stil till it be such and our prayer becommeth vs well What more then will you say touching this petition You must remember how we haue said that in euery petition are required of God as well the meanes ordayned of GOD to worke such things as the things thēselues that we aske For Expetito fine expetuntur etiā quae ad finē The end being desired those things are also desired which belong to the end Wherefore vnderstanding now what we aske in this petition euen abilitie to performe that reuealed will of our heauenly Father in his word wholy and fully after the example of his heauēly creatures we must consider the meanes wherby this is had and knowe that in these wordes we beseech his Maiestie likewise for them to be giuen to vs. And what are they They are chiefely two the knowledge of his will and the strength of his grace or direction of his spirit The first hath relation to his word for therehence onely is his will to bee learned and therefore it hath pleased him to giue it the name of his testament or last will and most straitely charged that nothing bee added to it or taken from it The second is that whereby the first is profitable and sanctified to our good For illumination without sanctification auayleth not but is euen in the reprobate And they that knowe their masters will and doe it not shall their knowledge saue them Had not Iudas knowledge there is no questiō but of Christ hee had learned many misteries had not the Scribes and the Pharisées the knowledge of the lawe Yes they were able to teach many trueths out of the same vnto others and whilest they sate in Moses chayre that is whilest they deliuered truely the doctrine of Moses they were to be heard by the commandemēt of our sauiour and to bee followed also in that they sayd But because this Spirit of the Lorde did not sanctifie their knowledge to them and make it powrefull in them to the death of sinne and the life of righteousnesse but that they knew and did not therefore for all their knowledge they perished a man may speake with the tongues of men Angels and not perish a man may haue the gift of Prophecie and knowe all secretes and all knowledge and yet bee no body in Gods eyes 1. Cor. 12.1 2. Spiritus est qui foecundat animos It is the spirit of the Lord that maketh our minds fruitefull Yea that maketh our heartes good earth to receiue the good séede of the worde to our comfort that blesseth our knowledge to vs to crucifie vs to the world and sinne and to renewe vs to the Lorde in dayly obedience more more This Spirit also inspireth our mindes to will and after giueth the effect and execution of that inspired will Deus enim ille est qui in nobis operatur velle perficere pro gratuita sua beneuolentia The Lorde is hee that worketh in vs both the wil and the deede to wit by his holy spirite euen of this good pleasure And it is the God of peace sayth the Apostle that brought againe from the dead our Lorde Iesus the great shephearde of the sheepe through the blood of the euerlasting couenant that maketh mē perfect in all good workes to do his will working in them that which is pleasant in his sight through Iesus Christ Wherunto agreeth that of Cyprian Vt fiat a nobis dei voluntas opus est dei voluntate quia nemo suis viribus potens est That is to doe the will of God we haue neede of the will of God to wit his assistance and strength for by his owne power no man is able Wherefore since knowledge to vnderstand Gods will out of his word and the grace of his spirite to blesse that
we not sée the guilty quitte and the halter put ouer the innocents head Shall we not see the wicked aduanced and the godly depressed wreaked and wronged and troad vppon Surely we shall see fooles bid speak and wise men bid peace Yea we shall see euery mans mouth ouer foule with loosenesse and fewe mens liues gouerned with vertue Alasse then againe what a place is this Shall the sinnes of himselfe make the Apostle crie Cupio dissolui I desire to bee loosed and to be with Christ And shall not all the sinnes of so sinfull a world together with our own make vs desire it What pleasure had the good prophet who for the very sinne that he sawe hee desired death Did not our Sauiour say it when time was Non rog● pro mundo I pray not for the world And shall wee ioy in the place so fearefully excepted in the prayer of Christ If wee thinke heauen to bee our home are we not so long from home as we are heere If to depart here hence be to go to lyfe is not to tarrie heere to abide in death If that life be freedome is not this bondage Finally if to bee with God bee our true felicitie to be absent from GOD is it not our sure miserie But whilest we are at home in the bodie we are absent from God sayth the Apostle and therfore think of it What may you now think you beloued to staie you from a true and Christian lothing of this wretched life in so vil● a world Truely I knowe not excepte you should vnwisely saie there be few that doe it and many that doe it not Which if you should saie then must I answere you as he did that said it Neque minor erit gloria tua si foelix eris cum paucis neque poena leuior si miser eris cum stultis Neither shal thy glory be lesse if thou be happie with fewe neyther thy punishment lighter if thou be miserable with many But I hope you are far from being holden in euill with so bad arguments and therfore I pray you let vs all remember what is sayde vnto vs Loue not this world neither any thing that is in the world For if wee loue the world the loue of the father is not in vs. And the Lord strengthen vs. Seuenthly we see heere by this petition and forme of praier the verie true nature of a childe of God namely to desire pray heartely that both in himselfe and others Gods wil may be knowen and done Yea so heartely and earnestly doth he wish this that to see the contrarie is a vexation to his soule very vehement and great And he deliuered iust lot sayth Sainct Peter vexed with the vncleanly conuersation of the wicked And I saw the transgressours sayth Dauid and was grieued because they kept not thy word yea mine eyes gush out with teares for this cause But of this some thing was sayde before The Lorde enter not into iudgement with vs euer for the want of this sorrow to see other men doe euill saying nothing of our selues our owne euill For how may we answer not our sorrowing but our laughing euen as wee were tickled to see dronkards to heare rimers and railers and idle counterfaiters tearing their tongues against theyr teeth to the dishonour of God the gauling or slaunder of others and the death of their owne soules for euer without repētance which in many of them God may worke but it is smally to bee hoped of as yet God that shall iudge vs knoweth it and telleth vs now whilst we haue time to leaue it that wee cannot answer it The Lord therefore chaunge vs and wee shall be chaunged and make the breach of his will to touch vs deepely both in our selues and others Lastly wee may note here if there were no other Scriptures to shewe vs what an acceptable thing to the Lord the readie and carefull doing of his wil is by this that our Sauiour placeth this petition amongst the first and chiefe desires of his children wee may see our dulnes that must be taught to pray for this obedience and wee may see Gods rich great goodnesse that wil giue vs strength to obey him and then crowne vs for so doing with an immortall crowne as if wee had done all of our selues The Lord giue vs feeling And let thus much suffice of this petition A Prayer O Sweete and gracious Father how deere both is ought to be to a good child the goodwill of his earthly Father And if so how much more deere to thy child the iust and euer holy will of thee his heauenly father In deede hee should pray with hart soule that it may be done And therefore feeling our onely sweete comfort this that wee are thy children wee againe and againe beseech thy maiestie that it may so be Concerning thy secret will reserued to thy selfe O Lord let vs neuer curiously bee searchers and seekers to knowe aboue that which is meete for vs to knowe Much lesse let vs giue our selues by spirites and deuilles and vile meanes to wring out as it were by force from thee the knowledge of tymes and seasons and matters reserued in thy power but let vs euer concerning this bee thus disposed by thy grace in our selues that whatsoeuer this hidden will of thine shal be concerning vs whether to liue or dye to bee poore or rich to be high or low in this world with the same and in the same wee rest and be contented saying in our harts as obedient children let my God and Father do with mee and dispose of mee at his pleasure And when it shall appeare and be reueiled to vs then euen more if more may bee to be contented giuing true and hartie thankes to thy maiestie as well for wo as well for little as much for lowe degree as high degree if so thy pleasure be taking well in worth as thy seruant Iob at thy hands euill things as good things sower as well as sweet and lowring nightes as well as Sunneshine mornings Deere GOD make vs euer blesse thy name with a single hart when we knowe thy will and till thou shewest it leaue it to thy selfe Concerning next thy reueiled will that is all that which in thy worde thou hast layd downe and declared to bee the duetie which thou wilt haue performed of vs toward thee O Lord of mercie wee beseech thee that whereas our mindes burning with lusts are commonly caried to desire and to doe those things that most displease thee thou of thy gracious goodnesse wouldest vouchsafe so to chaunge vs by the power of thy blessed Spirite that we may wil and wish nothing but what thy holy will alloweth Giue vs faith firme and stedfast in thy Sonne our Sauiour Iesus Christ And to this faith ioyne in mercie a pure and cleane life graunting vs grace to possesse these vessels in holinesse and honour and not in the lust
God or by viewing the commandements or by any meanes what souer that may bee good and profitable to this effect And thinke with your selues that if these chosē vessels notwithstanding so greate graces giuen them yet groaned vnder such waight of deadly sinnes alasse what may wee doe that want many thousand degrees of theyr goodnesse saue onely that we feele not through a deadnesse of heart the burthen of iniquitie that is vpon vs. By theyr feeling then iudge what you ought to feele by theyr confessions what you should confesse and by theyr shiuering feares what you may many millions of times more iustly feare Think also of the punishment temporall and of the death eternal in that flaming lake of dreadful wo due and assured to all sinfull creatures for euermore And see then if it be not sweete to heare of remission of all this euill See if this petition be not thrice needfull to cōsciences crying our Lord is great O deerest God that woulde bidde vs aske teach vs and tell vs yea will and commaunde vs euerie daie and houre to praie for pardon for iniquitie For thus do we see thy willingnesse to giue neuer vsing to bidde vs aske but what thou art ready to grant euen before we aske Thus do we see our pardon is readie and though worthie wee bee neuer once to feele anie inwarde ioy or outward comfort yet in thy mercie wee shall finde both by thy gracious forgiuenesse of our sinnes And Lorde of mercie make vs thankfull The Prayer O Lord and Father sweete mercifull we fall down in our heartes heere before thy maiestie beg thy mercie For we haue sinned O Lord wee haue sinned done wickedly our consciences crieth thy wrath is due if we find not mercy Our thoughtes our words and workes haue bene against thy blessed will and commaundement and stil still our most grieuous corruption pulleth vs from thy wayes We may bee ashamed and confounded to lifte vp our eyes to thee so increased ouer our heads are our iniquities and our sinnes so grieuous euen to the heauens But with thee there is mercie and therfore thou shalt bee feared O LORDE in that mercie lifte vp the light of thy countenance vpon vs and saue vs. Let that precious bloud of Iesus Christ dash and wash out al our offences for we flie vnto it and with the armes of our faith clasping fast that deere Sauiour wee set him before thee as our attonement peace and propitiation for euer auaileable with thee For his sake not for ours O Lord heare O Lord forgiue O Lord consider and doo it deferre not for thy mercie sake Comfort our consciences with that sweet and dropping dew of mercie and grace for they shake tremble at thy iudgementes Strengthen our steppes heereafter for Iesus Christ his sake more more that they may be streighter and we possesse these vessels of ours in more cleannesse holinesse and righteousnesse than we haue done And forasmuch as it is all repugnant and contrarie to our sinful nature and rebelling bloud to forgiue other mē theyr trespasses committed against vs without reuenge and to loue them that hate vs to praie for them that persecute vs as thou hast willed deere Father we beseech thee helpe vs therein and by thy working power within vs make our hearts so meeke and gentle that we may gladly vnfainedly heartely wholy forgiue all men that haue hated or hurted vs by word or deed that wee may behaue our selues vnto al men friends and foes with such mercy gentlenesse and kindnesse as we would desire not only that they but also that thou good Lord shouldest vse vnto vs. Finally deere Father in life haue mercie in death haue mercy and euermore haue mercie vppon vs in that blessed kingdome of thine for Iesus Christ his sake our blessed Lord Sauiour Amen The sixt and last petition Leade vs not into temptation c. We drawe now neere an end of this labour and are come to the last request in this prayer wherein proceeding as you haue done in the former I praie you first shew the order of it THE order is meruailous fit that after we haue in a stinging wo for them begged of the Lorde our God most heartely and earnestly the forgiuenesse of all our sinnes and trespasses alreadie past and done we should next as obedient children not agayne to grieue so déere good a Father beseeche him for his mercies sake to aide and strengthen vs against that which is to come that wee may not offend and fault as wee haue done but by an happie new birth and spirite of power vouchsafed from his heauēly grace vnto vs be able to fight agaynst all sinfull corruption daylie and euer vexing vs more and more For in this order speaketh the Lord still still in his word that if we be made whole wee should sinne no more That if the grace of God that bringeth saluation vnto al men hath appeared we should thereby learne to denie vngodlynes and worldly lusts and that wee should liue soberly righteously godly in this present world And in this order reasoneth euen the spouse her self I haue washed my feet and therefore how should I foule them agayne Wherefore I say as concerning order after pardon begged for passed sin most fitly doe wee aske next the power of his grace against what is to come Surely it is not onely fit in regard of order but most necessary also in respect of the thing In deed it is and that for these causes first in respect of our owne corruption and vilenesse of whome the spirit of God hath sayd by Iob that man is abhominable and filthie drinking iniquitie lyke water that is euen so desiring to sinne as hée that is thirstie to drinke Secondly in respect of the infinite allurementes and delights that sin hath to pull vs on to it from God which we are so far from repulsing gayne standing that wee readily and most willingly yeelde to them except the Lorde assist vs and inable vs by his spirite Yet are those delicates our death both in bodie and soule for euer if we followe them For it is true of al men which the Apostle speaketh of the widow that she liuing in pleasure is dead whilest she liueth so And agayn If ye liue after the flesh ye shal die Of these alluremēts and delights in sinne spake the holy Ghost when he called them the pleasures of sinne And Dauid when hee sayde Incline not my heart to euill that I shoulde commit wicked workes with men that worke iniquitie and let mee not eate of their delicates There is also a subtiltie in sinne to deceiue vs a deceitfulnesse in riches to choke vs and therfore most needfull this prayer that we be not hindered through the deceitfulnesse of sinne Thirdly in respect of the power of the enimie which is verie greate For we wrestle not agaynst flesh and bloud
kindnes worke in him whilst the spirit preuailed O my God what shall I render againe vnto thee for al the mercies that thou hast bestowed vpon me What I say shall I render render againe as if he should say I know these blessings require a duetie of mee a loue a zeale a heart a soule a mind a life to the glory and prayse of such a God And in trueth it is so For we our selues for our petite benefites require men to be ours in all lawfull sort faithfully firmely with tongue and heart and hand with body and goods and al. And what comparison with the Lord O louing God what can man do for vs like thee and yet howe care we to please them and forget thee O Lorde awake Remember also what the Prophet complaineth of saying But this people hath an vnfaythful and rebellious heart they are departed and gone And why for they say not in their heart let vs nowe feare the Lorde our God that giueth rayne both earely late in due season hee reserueth vnto vs the appoynted weekes of the haruest As if he should haue sayd this effect shoulde Gods blessings vpon them haue euen earnestly and hartely to make them seeke the Lorde and serue him and with many a feruent motion to thinke of so good a GOD as in mercy poureth so many comforts vppon vnworthy wretches And especially marke it that because they did not thus therefore he saith they had rebellious harts and were gone away A fearefull sentence of a true iudge concerning all vnthankfull vsers of prosperitie Againe the same Prophet in an other place They shal come reioyce in the light of Sion shal come to the bountifulnes of the Lord why euen for the wheate and for the wyne and for the oyle and for the increase of sheepe and bullockes and their soule shall be as a watered garden c. Sée still what Gods mercies should woorke in vs euen a reioysing in so deare a Father and not a going but a running to his seruice worship that is so kind vnto vs. Knowest thou not saith the Apostle that the riches of his bountifulnes and patience and long suffering leadeth thee vnto repentance In effect knowest thou not that if God be thy deare sweete and tender Father that thou againe art bound to bee his louing carefull and obedient childe In trueth it should be so And if the Lord were not in his goodnesse past the reach of any mortall braine he might say also his benefites had caught a goodly reward or catch of my goodnes for alas what are wee or what is our loue yet since it is his mercy vnmeasurable and vnsearchable to stande so contented and to seeke no more pardoning in his deare Iesus all imperfections O my bleloued fathers and brethren what soeuer that vouchsafe your eyes to reade these papers let vs not deny him what if he were not such a God as he is were not worth hauing when wee gaue it namely our poore hearts our weake loue our harty obedience our care and diligence to bee what with so many mighty mercies receiued we are bound to bee For truely if giuing man must haue of all honest receiuers not the words onely of mouth but the sincere affection of the soule our giuing God must haue the very soule of our soule and all that is within vs for his goodnes to vs. And blessed is that man and woman that loued of the Lord aboue all measure by his giuen grace loue him againe in their measure as they can Truely to such shall be euen a continuance of mercy as shalbe good For then shalt thou prosper if thou obserue his statuts sayth Dauid to his sonne Salomon and therefore my sonne the Lord giue thee only wisedome and vnderstanding to do this Vzziah sought y e Lord the Lord made him prosper sayth y e text Iotham became mightie because hee directed his way before the Lord his God What man is he that feareth the Lord him will he teach the way that hee shall choose His soule shal dwel at ease his seede shall inherite the land If ye consent and obey yee shall eate the good things of the lande but if ye refuse and bee rebellious you shall bee deuoured with the swoorde for the mouth of the Lorde hath spoken it With a number such places in the Scripture Finally there is no good thing saith the Prophet that he shall with-hold from them that liue a godly life But I will euen mary thee vnto me for euer sayth the Lorde yea I will mary thee vnto me in righteousnes in iudgement in mercy compassion I will euen mary thee vnto me in faithfulnes and thou shalt know the Lord and I will heare the heauens and they shall heare the earth and the earth shall heare the corne and the wyne the oyle and they shall heare Israel c. But if prosperitie and the Lords blessings haue not this effect in vs then are they the Lordes gagers to discouer worse matter than happely either the worlde or wee our selues did thinke before to bee in vs or at least so much to bee in vs as pride enuye disdayne spite malice crueltie vnthankefulnes wantonnes vncleannes with a number such So that still our ground-worke standeth fast that prosperitie is one of Gods temptations that is one of Gods tryers and teachers of man what he is and will be that way It discouered in Dauid both to the world and to Dauids own eies his great wickednes For in his prosperitie he sayd tush tush this wealth weale shall not decay in his prosperitie peace and rest from many former griefes he looked from his turresse vpō Bersabe Vriahs wife with a sinful thought and deede in the end It discouered in Salomon ouermuch loosenes weakenes of minde vnkindnes to God For his wiues were not as they shoulde haue bene they were chosen amisse of him he made an Idolater by thē c. Manasses exalted to a kingdome bewrayed manners farre vnseemely for the meanest in the worlde The Israelites in their prosperitie how euer euer forgat they God and waxed wantons yea grieuous sinners against his maiestie Howe sad was that yong man that was so wealthie when hee was bidden sell all So that what shoulde haue lift vp both heart and soule to a good God that pressed downe mightily and reueyled a secret both to himselfe and others euen an vnwillingnes to forgoe for God what God in mercy had lent vpon that condition what bewrayed that rich glutton in his prosperity but pride couetousnes wanton delicacie contempt of the poore such like Those vnkind guestes bidden to the wedding what bewrayed they in their prosperitie the rich farmer the wealthie marchant they would not come and the maried man drowned in his pleasures he could not come Herod in his robes and chayre of estate
That is What needeth this Sufficeth it not y t they are in the Church Wherefore with the Church do you communicate abide ye in her and come ye as you ought vnto the assemblies and Sacraments For although there bee many impure ones and publique offenders not reformed in the same yet shall not you bée defiled by them no more than the Apostles were defiled of the Iewes Rather take you heede that ye bee not defiled of your selues because ye attribut so much to your selues ye iudge all men and very much please your selues Therefore spirituall pride and contempt ouermuch resteth in your mindes Thus doe we see the worde of God against this temptation teaching strength If I should adioyne the witnesses of this truth frō time to time I might be long A little let mée doe it though not much because I haue bene so long alreadie Cyprian spake thus in his time full earnestly Et si videntur in ecclesia zizania c. Although there be tares seene in the Church and impure vessels of dishonor yet is there no cause why wee should depart from the Church onely let vs indeuour that we may be wheate our selues vessels of golde or siluer vnto honor And as for the earthen vessels it is the Lordes proper office and prerogatiue to breake them that hath only the non barre neither may any man chalenge to himselfe that which is peculiar to the Sonne onely namely to be able to make cleane the floore and to purge away the chaffe and all tares by mans iudgement For proude is this obstinacie and sacrilegious is this presumption which wicked madnes taketh to it selfe Austen in his time thus There were many good men in the olde Church before Christ Dic mihi quis tunc iustorum separauit sibi altare Tell me what one of all these iust men in those daies made a seperated Altar for himselfe from the rest Yet multa scelera admittebat iniquus populus ille Many wicked things committed then that wicked people They sacrificed to Idols they killed the Prophets nemo tamen iustorum recessit ab vnitate and yet none of the godly departed from the vnitie Vno templo miscebantur sed mixti non erant corde They were mingled or ioyned together in one temple but they were not of one minde meaning they approued not any euill that was done Si hoc est consentire malefacientibus esse cum eis in ecclesia consentiebat etiam ipse c. If this bee to consent to euill to bee with euill men in the Church then consented he to false brethrē that sayth he was with them in perill of them and that suffred those impure preachers amongst the Philippians Zizania ergo vel paleam Catholicae segetis nobiscum copiosissimè accusent sed nobiscum ferre patientissime non recusent Wherfore let them with vs find fault with the tares chaffe as they please fréely but thē let them with vs agayne indure them patiently Et propter malos filios non separemur a matre And for other euill sonnes let vs not shake of and say farewell to our mother For we do not for the chaffe forsake the Lords floore we doe not breake out of the Lords Nette for any bad fish inclosed therein with vs wee doe not runne away from the Lordes flock for the Gotes that are there to be seperated in the ende finally we doe not goe out of y e house of God for the vessels therein made vnto dishonor And a number such like sayings hath Austen in these bookes and diuers other places of his workes if this were my purposed course but they neede not Consider what Maister Caluin sayth and let both you and me marke his iudgement Let vs learne sayth he to giue this honour to the worde of God and his holy Sacraments that wheresoeuer wee see thē there we acknowledge a Church And let both these poynts remayne established as most certaine truths first that he is without all iust excuse that willingly forsaketh the outwarde Communion of the Church where the worde of God is preached and the Sacraments administred Secondly that the faults neither of fewe nor many can any whit hinder vs from testifying our faith rightly by vse of such ceremonies as God hath ordayned Because that by no other mans vnworthines whether he bee Pastor or priuate man a godly conscience can be hurt neither are the holy misteries lesse pure or profitable to a godly man because together with him the wicked also handle them Finally if all things in the Church be not so wel as they should bee concerning correction of faults yet let neither priuate men therefore departe by and by from the Church nor the Pastors themselues if they cannot according to their harts desire purge al things that néed amendment therefore throwe away their ministerie or with vnwonted rigorousnes trouble the whole Church Many other places hath this man to this end very worthie reading if I might both note all and be briefe too But it cannot be and therfore I followe him no further Only I request that wee may diligently obserue it how Satan hath euer tempted the children of God to receiue this error and how faithfull teachers withstood it still And if euer he deceiue any what holdeth them in and hindreth their reformation Surely quia vanam gloriam hominum attendunt insensatorum non contemnunt opprobrium qui dicturi sunt quare modò Because they regarde the vayne praise of men and doe not contemne the speech of the foolish which will say Why now or is he now c●me home c. And with that heauenly counsell of the spirit of God I conclude this matter Let vs not forsake that fellowship that we haue one with an other as the maner of some is The Lord make it sinke in eiery mans hart to his good The second temptation concerning the Ministers OThers he perswadeth that the whole matter of the woorde and Sacraments dependeth vpon the ●olynes and goodnes of th● minister so y t if he haue any spot or crime thē may there be no receyuing of these things at his hāds A most poysoned dart also of a destroying deuil whersoeuer he throweth it and worthy to be carefully knowne of vs al how hurtful and preiudiciall to the glory of God it is Not that ministers shoulde not be good for the word is playne there is no heart seasoned with one corne of the Spirit of God but it wisheth that all offences were drowned in the depth of the Sea that come this way and that ministers as they are called in the worde Angels so euen with Angels purity if it were possible they might walke in this worlde before all men but that Gods mysteries ma● not fall by mans miseries and his holy ordinaunces cease to be holy for vnholy disp●sers Knowe we therefore touching this temptation that whosoeuer heareth the word preached and
bée vsed and our soules prepared therevnto by some fit meditation of it before Prayer This wanted the proud Pharisie therefore his prayer sheweth no zeale nor heate as the humble hart that commeth creeping to the Lord in humilitie confessing greefe for sinne and speaketh as one doth to him that hath no cause to giue but great and many to withholde Euer therefore bée carefull of this to kéepe vppon your soule as vpon a trée that you would haue growe broade and large but not high a weight of her owne true vnworthinesse and certainely you shall finde the power of it in quickening affection when you pray great The seconde meanes is a true consideration of the things that we aske for how profitable expedient and good for vs they are howe bad wee are without them c. By which thinges there shall growe in our hartes an heate and prayer for them more earnest and if this be wanting wée pray in an order and a forme but zeale is away forasmuch as wee knowe no great hurte if we spéede not and if ou● wordes be more vehement than the true and simple desire of the thinges prayed for doth procure it is mockerie such as the Lorde will punish And therefore let this be an other Christian meanes carefullie vsed euer as we may in our prayers to worke a right affection in vs euen so much as euer wée can to consider of the things we want and aske before we aske them Then when we sée these two to wit our vnworthinesse to receiue and the benefite of the gift let the thirde be a true viewe of the want of any vnder meanes in this worlde to compasse our desire by or if we haue any as friendes riches and such like yet the great inabilitie that is in them all vnlesse the Lorde say Amen giue his blessing to their labours and prosper their indeuours for vs. For thus againe will growe a feruentnesse in our affections and a right godly zeale in our prayers Yea the more emptie that we come before the Lord in this respect the more life hath our Prayers alwaies For he that in truth doubteth his helpe at home to bee sufficient his suite for reliefe abroad will be more earnest He that secretly shrinketh to the conceipt of the power of any second cause whatsoeuer to giue him any good by and cleaueth not only to the Lord in a Christian renounciation of all the meanes in the world further then hee will vouchsafe to blesse them his Prayer shall be colde and more frosen as resting vpon other matters aswell as vpon his prayer and if he speede neuer so thankfull to the Lord neither Therefore you see a third care of the childe of God if he will haue his prayer pithie euen to emptie his hart of al such earthly bondage as we haue spoken of to goe to his knees either without them in déede or without any trust and confidence in them further then the Lorde shall strengthen them to him and for him A fourth is an eye to the sweete promises of God concerning the sutes of his children to him which are so manie and so intire as no heart if it be not flint or stéele but must receiue comforte and courage to speake vnto such a Lord. Aske and you shall haue seeke and you shall finde knocke and it shalbe opened vnto you Yea whatsoeuer you shall aske the Father in my name he will giue it you Call vpon me and I will heare you Come vnto me and I will refresh you Whosoeuer shall call vpon the Lord shall be saued And a thousand such like Muse vpon them till the fire kindle within you and then speake with a spirit to so sweet a God as so cheareth his children to pray hartely And remember it often what once was saide I will come into thy house euen vpon the multitude of thy mercie and in thy feare will I worshippe toward thy holy temple The multitude of Gods mercies make a sweete entraunce into the house of Prayer yea say you with Dauid ioyfully and comfortably In Gods worde will I reioyce in the Lords worde will I comfort my selfe in God haue I put my trust I will not feare what man can doe vnto me Other meaner helpes also there be of affection not to bee contemned of the godly as to speake and pronounce our Prayers with words for sometimes our weaknesse is great and our minds begin to stray from our Prayer conceiued in silence and then it shall bee good to speake out yea euen to cry out that which wée but thought before to the ende that so wee may stay a starting minde and bring it to the sounde of the tongue This hath bene a wisedome of the godly euer and a meanes as wee reade to helpe them The Profite Dauid saith I cried to the Lorde with my voice and I saide thou art my hope and my portion in the lande of the liuing So that he vseth the pronountiation of worde and happelie euen for this cause that wée speake of Saint Augustine sayeth Deuotio nostra voce excitatur our deuotion and affection is stirred vppe and and quickened by the voyce And experience serueth for longer proofe in this matter The gestures of body as knéeling lying prostrate vpon the earth knocking of the breast and couering the face or turning to the wall lifting vp the eies and such like they are helpes also of affection Yea then are they lawfull and right in deede when they serue to this purpose in sinceritie and not to any outward shewe in hypocrisie And thus much of them Now on the other side as these be helps vnder God to quicken vp our Spirites in prayer if we bee dull and to make vs pray zealously and earnestly so are there impediments also that hinder vs and make vs that wee cannot pray with such affection as we ought As the contraries of these that I haue spoken of A proude hart puft with conceit of merit an ignorance or at lest not a through consideration of the thing or thinges we begge a leaning to second causes ouermuch a dulnes in the seeking of Gods promises such like which I may not nowe ouer againe folow at large One great let only will I touch and so conclude this poynt that is ignorāce of the speech or tongue wherein we pray Which I call euen a great let because it not onely hindereth our affection and zeale but otherwise dangerously hurteth vs by keeping from vs a singular fruite of our prayer as will appeare This great folly then of many in y e world that delight to pray in a straunge tongue not onely so but boldly to say no worse of them defende that they can pray with as right an affection thus as otherwise hath first God against it in his word most plainly by the voyce of Saint Paul the Apostle who saith flatly no man heareth their prayers that are so made