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A76788 Endevors aiming at the glory of God, that peace & truth may meet together: wherein is contained the excellency, benefit, and necessity of good government and governors: a loving reply to Mr William Prynnes speech made to the House of Commons, and afterwards published. Some matters are propounded to the consideration of the ministry; and also to particular (and to all) opinions. The first, purest, best and most blessed form and manner of government, prescribed by God, (and recorded in Gods sacred word;) together with the way of entrance, or Gods calling of persons to places of chief government, the great consequence thereof. Wherein is shewed, that government by succession, from the father to the son, was none of Gods institution, in the first and purest times. And also the government by Judges is plainly proved to be the best form of government, being Gods immediate direction, most blessed and approved for Gods glory, and for a peoples greatest good, comfort, and safety. / By John Blackleach. Blackleach, John. 1650 (1650) Wing B3074; Thomason E590_5; ESTC R206330 147,760 171

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valued at a high price Now to the end that we may more deeply imprint this in our affections and that we may never forget the great good and benefit of good Government it behoves us to consider what should be the Reason that God permitteth such corrupt Governors to be in the world It is not because God wants either Power Wisdom or Will to do us good for as a father pitieth his children so and much more is our Gods favor toward us And as the Heavens are higher then the Earth so is his Mercy c. God is of great bounty abundant in goodness rich in mercy If it be so as it is certainly so then we may learn this That the cause why God suffereth us to err in this matter of Government is for his Glory and for our learning for our good Good things are best seen to be good by their contraries The benefit of light is best discerned when we have been in darkness The absence of the Sun and cold in Winter causeth us to value the benefit of his nearer presence in the Summer The full loatheth the hony-comb but to the hungry bitter things seem sweet When God brought Jsrael out of Egypt he could have brought them to Canaan a nearer way God seeth it meet that we must sow in tears before we reap in joy God placed Adam our Grandfather in happiness he valued an apple at a higher price then Gods favor therefore God made him to know sorrow that seeing the difference he might be more wary afterwards and value better things according to their worth Israel was Gods first born Son and God bestowed this favor not to be enough valued upon them namely this That he did immediately appoint the persons that should govern them But Israel were full and fat they were wanton and slighted Gods mercy in this matter Therefore God suffered them to reap the fruit of their inventions They disliked that form of Government which God had prescribed which God had owned and blessed They would alter that form of Government appointed by God namely that of Judges and they would have a King Against this form of Government by Kings God expresly declared his dislike for here note it was not about the person but about the form of Government the difference lay directly between Government by Judges and Government by Kings They were at the first content that God should choose the person and to make him King who the Lord their God chose But after they fell more grosly they chose Kings themselves without enquiring of God as I purpose if God will to shew afterwards Well consider we of it God gave them a King in his wrath c. Note well what God saith Deut. 28.47 48. Because thou servedst not the Lord thy God with joyfulness and with a good heart for the abundance of all things Therefore thou shalt serve thy enemies in hunger and in thirst and in nakedness and in need of all things and he shall put a yoke of iron upon thy neck c. Beloved friends Let us not cast away our Reason that noble faculty of our Souls consider that both they and we have had a long and large experience of the difference between Judges and Kings Compare those Judges of Israel before Kings were with those Kings that were after them Consider this That of or amongst those Judges immediately appointed by God from Moses to Samuel there was not one of them but were blessed by God his good Spirit helped them to judg righteously Secondly God made them a blessing to the People they did not addict themselves to voluptuous pleasure nor to build stately Palaces not to idolatrous wives not to many wives not to voluptuous diet or much wine not to multiplicity of attendants not to Plays Pastimes Hawking and Hunting not to Oppression of their Brethren not to idleness not to swearing profaneness They did not nourish and promote and put great Titles of Honor upon men and keep company with such most familiarly which openly and often blasphemed and despised God the most high God by swearing revelling whoring and what not profaneness nor did those blessed Judges neglect the due administration of Justice and Judgment Quest But what did these Judges then What manner of persons were they Ans First Note that God sent them they came into the sheepfold by the door by Gods appointment they did not creep slighly in by beauty friends eloquence mony indiscreet Elections of the people not by any unjust fraud or force Hence it came to pass that God blessed them with a good portion of his good and blessed Spirit God owned them Hence it came to pass likewise That the sheep owned them and willingly obeyed their voyce and followed them in the paths of righteousness These Judges likewise loved the People see how Moses intercedes and pleads with God by prayer and supplication for them Oh it is a precious benefit to people to enjoy godly Governours These Judges were humble meek painfull they did not swell with conceit that their veins were full of Royal bloud For they still acknowledg the people to be their brethren It 's said of Moses when Jethro came to see him that he judged the people from morning to evening And afterwards his burthen or charge was not laid aside by Jethro's counsel only it was eased It is said of Samuel That besides the pains he took where he dwelt in judging the people he likewise went about and judged the people in other places year by year Now dear friends concerning the fruits that came by Kings I appeal to God to his sacred word to the Records to the Chronicles to the experience both of our own and other Nations whether Kings have been to be compared with those Judges have not Kings been addicted to those vices and very empty of such graces as were requisite for men in such eminent places For though some may cavil and object that some Kings were good I shall if God permit and assist answer I hope to satisfaction both this and all other objections that I have yet heard of and can remember that tend to confirm and strengthen the continuance and beings of Kings amongst us Because I judge that from evident grounds plainly laid down in the sacred Scriptures the word of God the most true and the most unerring rule to direct us Kings were neither the first nor the best way of Government Consider likewise those precious promises of God who hath not left us without hope for the word of God seemeth to me plainly to declare and shew that in these last days which days and times I believe to be these verytimes or times very near approaching as by the opinion of many Godly and learned men in which God will destroy corrupt Government and Governors and will exalt his mountain in the top of the Mountains and will give and restore to us Judges as at the first and Counsellors as at the beginning
more then an appearance of evil in such expressions by way of reproach It was the custom of the Heathens to upbraid the Christians by those names by way of disgrace And it is the guise and custom of too many profane English at this day to scoff and scorn those that truly love and fear God under those names of the Saints or the Brethren Do we not know that this is properly and truly our Titles our names that we ought to own For if we be not of the number of the Saints of the Brethren it had been better for us that we had not been The ungodly are apt enough and too apt to learn this custom we need not to put words into their months 2. Touching the second matter offensive it is because he doth often direct or incite the Magistrate against Separates Anabaptists Independents c. under these names in so much that the outward shew of his Writings strikes much at all of these sorts For the name of Separates there are few that doubtless he intends that call themselves by that name But thus much I should say for that matter M. Pryn himself is a Separate in some sence He is or ought to be separated from the evil works of the Devil he will acknowledg that he will separate from those works Secondly He is I beleeve in judgment and profession separated from Idolaters and Vnbeleevers Thirdly He is separated or ought to be separated from false doctrines and from the openly known obstinate and notorious sinful unrepentant sinners In these sences I conceive he will allow of Separation Therefore all Separation is not unlawful It maybe those Separates that he intends go something further They separate likewise from such Congregations as are out of order conceiving that where order is not there will be confusion in the administration of holy things conceiving that thereby Gods precepts must be made voyd by such confusions There is not power in the Church to purge and reform things amiss in the Church Thus much I would say That I beleeve amongst that number there are many of those little ones concerning whom Christ saith Mat. 18.6 That it were better that a milstone were hanged about the neck of them and that they were cast into the Sea that shall offend one of them that beleeve in the Lord Jesus Christ I shall propound to consideration the case first of the Anabaptists so called These deny the Baptism of Children this I beleeve is clearly their error yet if they differ in this point onely why may they not be suffered to live in love and in peace with us so long as they lead a godly a peaceable and a quiet life If they do not rail or speak evil of Baptism it self but onely differ concerning the circumstance of the time when it should be administred Let us consider that we our selves do not tie the Dispensation so to an hour or to a day but that upon several occasions we do differ So it is to be considered concerning divers other Opinions so long as they lead a godly a peaceable and a quiet life why may not they live lovingly and peaceably amongst us Consider circumspectly That concerning all persons that were not of the natural seed of the Israelites there is no part of Gods Law I beleeve that doth command or binde them to partake with the Israelites either in the Passeover or Circumcision nor in other holy duties that were peculiar or proper to the Church of God Consider likewise That there is no precept I beleeve in the Gospel that giveth authority to Magistrates to force men to beleeve or practise such holy duties This is considerable That God hath expresly given power and command to Governors in divers cases to punish matters of commission or evil things provided that Governors go not beyond the rule I am no Judg in these matters therefore these matters being weighty I shall refer it to those that God appointeth to judg This I would say to all men to all Opinions Let us keep close to Gods rules that so God may chuse our Governors for us and let not us then fear for if Governors be of Gods sending God will bless them with his Spirit they will love the Flock and give true and righteous and merciful judgment The point is weighty in matter of Separation I dare not presume to determine many points in controversie about that matter I do acknowledg that I do conceive That Reformation is more agreeable to the Will of God then rigid or total Separation But here I speak onely to defend them from more violence then I conceive is meet But further suppose that things matters in and concerning the Worship of God be so unsetled or disordered to their understanding that they can see no other present way to please God but by Separation I had rather leave them to God to judg then rashly to sentence them I am no Judg in this matter therefore I leave it to them to judg the cause whom God hath appointed for that purpose Touching the Independents I could wish that none would acknowledg that name without due and circumspect declarations of their intents touching Independency For there is a direct and total Independency and there is an Independency according to that reference or object or matter with which it is compared or to which it is referred As for instance if God command one thing and the Magistrate command that which is directly contrary thereunto in this case a man hath no such dependance upon the Magistate's Authority but that Gods command is to be kept although thereby the command of the Magistrate be neglected And I beleeve that this is the true intent of those or many of those that are called Independents On the contrary it would be a great Error to conceive That the Magistrate is not to meddle in spiritual matters as duties of the second Table for the Magistrate watcheth for Gods Glory he is to see Gods Laws kept and the Delinquents punished according to a Rule prescribed by God whether it be for the breach of the Duties of the first or second Table and for the distinction of Spiritual and Civil this is evident That the breach of any Rule of any Command of God is of a spiritual nature and either we must acknowledg no punishment for any sin or else for all sins according to a Rule This is only to be referred to the wisdom of them appointed to judg many are afraid to acknowledg that power which God hath given to Governors namely because so many Governors have exceeded the Bounds and Limits of the Rule prescribed and by that means many have been persecuted that should have been spared Now that which offendeth in this work of Mr Prynne in my apprehension is because he striketh too generally and by that means endangereth many that should be spared and helped I would not engage to try the equity of the whole work of The Sword of Christian
that act of the peoples as appeareth 1 Kings 12.24 Thus saith the Lord Ye shall not go up nor fight against your brethren for this thing is done by me The peoples sin lay in another way They enquired not of the Lord who should govern them therein lay their evil From that root sprung up their error and this error was the very cause I do undoubtedly believe that they had so many corrupt Governors that ruled over them It may evidently be seen that men usually run into extreams and all is because they are not circumspect in following Gods Commandments they depart from the Rule Now dearly beloved Countrymen I judg it will be seasonable because such precious liberties are not usual to consider a little what our condition is and what we are and in what relation we do truly stand according to the true Rule of Gods sacred Word the most blessed and unerring Rule of Truth God in great rich and singular mercy undeserved by us hath put a great difference between us and the beasts of the field and between us and these sensless creatures lands houses and such earthly inheritances How cometh it then to pass That when a King dyeth the breath is scarcely out of his body or his body quite cold there is such post-haste such running and riding to proclaim one King in his room what is the matter of such great haste surely there is something in it Do they not take us as young heirs take their fathers inheritance as beasts lands houses This maketh me to consider sometimes the manner and actings of such men of War as do live upon the labours of honest and true men they when they espy a prey presently up top-sail top gallant sails and all the sails it were oft-times better for the true honest and plain-dealing men that they should make less haste observe it well your honest Merchant men make less speed to pursue after others because they mind their own Surely Moses that godly man made no such haste nor did the good Iudges of Israel they stayed till they were called by God Certainly I should note it to be the Character of a good Shepherd or Governor when they do first consider the great weight and concernment for Gods glory and for the peoples good that Government is of certainly if it be heartily and duly considered there is not just cause for so great haste Moses and Gideon and the rest considered the great weight for saith Moses My abilities are but weak and Gideon said he was but mean in his own esteem for such a work it is like they considered That except God did in an extraordinary manner promise to assist them with his blessed Spirit they should be insufficient for so weighty employments Indeed if any look at their own glory and ease and worldly riches it is no marvel then if such make speed but consider that if any want Gods blessed Spirit into what a truly miserable condition do they plunge both themselves and those poor people that must be judged preserved and protected by them I do confess I see no such cause of haste when matters are truly considered of There will or would be less bloodshed and more peace if men were truly consciencious of their duties Crowns would be of less esteem It is well to be noted That in the first and purest times God owned and blessed the people as his proper and peculiar inheritance and so carryed himself to them for Moses had children yet God so honoured and loved the people that he did not leave them the people to the Judges as their inheritance although the Judges were blessed Judges but did keep them as his own inheritance and so provided men whose inward affections he knew and God did immediately appoint Judges himself for them and those God blessed with his good Spirit all of them such did not claim the people as their inheritance and so leave them as beasts lands or houses to their children this continued all the time of the Judges But when the people preferred their own inventions before the wisdom of God and would be governed by a King and so cast off God from raigning over them then a declining people and a forsaking God Not long after God made David a promise That some of his posterity should hold the people as their inheritance in some proportion Government went then by Succession But consider now beloved Countrymen That there is no King upon Earth hath such a promise as David had now the partition wall is broken down God is reconciled if we believe therefore for any King now to claim Government by Succession they must shew some Charter some gift from God for it for my part I have searched the sacred Records of Gods Will revealed and in all the Word of God I can see no such Scripture if they can shew any hidden light let it be shewn that I may see it too but till then I shall conceive that we Believers are Gods inheritance and God by my consent shall be our King and appoint our Governors in his own way and then I am sure this people I and my posterity may rest in secure peace for then God will not fail to bless such Governors with his good and blessed Spirit Beloved Countrymen GOD hath preferred us in honor above beasts or lands and shall we like those asses beasts prostrate our selves to such a servile condition Object But suppose a King can say His forefathers obtained the Kingdom by the Sword by Conquest Answ I look upon that as the worst and meanest title of all For our Indians that know not God can shew such a title for their unjust encroachments upon other mens Lives and Estates And consider That that man that possesseth but the Goods or Lands of another mans by violence shall hold that no longer then till the other man hath power to take them again but we acknowledg a God and his Word must be our guide But further consider That suppose that we should grant to a King as good a title to Government as Moses Joshua Saul had who were men immediately appointed by God which no King I beleeve can shew the like yet these could not rightfully claim the people as inheritance to leave to their Children that is Gods proper right and God is a jealous God Kings must therefore shew such a Promise made to them by God and recorded in Gods Word as David had or else I must desire leave to be excused if I conceive that I and my posterity through the gracious bounty of a good God in Christ do look upon my self as free and not as a bond-man And yet further Could Kings shew as good a promise as David had yet God must chuse the man which should be Governor For Gods Word is express Deut. 17. Thou shalt make him King whom the Lord thy God shall chuse This is a sentence recorded and never repealed to this day There is an apparent
forme of government which God did in his wisdom appoint to his beloved first borne Sonne in the first and purest times of government from Moses to Samuel was much better then that government of Kings which succeeded afterwards in more corrupted times when God was angry with the people and was such a government as the people invented in imitation of the Heathens Secondly this government of God was better and the Peoples worse because God blessed his owne Directions and Prescriptions It is to be noted that of all the Iudges that God appointed immediately or in which the people asked counsell of God those governours God blessed them with his good and holy Spirit all of them from Moses to Samuel there was not one of them an evill governour that I can find and they all proved blessings to the people But those governors that the people chose and invented themselves many or most of them God did not so blesse with his good and holy Spirit and they proved curses and crosses to the people and were great afflictions to the people as appeared in Abimeleck in Ieroboam in Ahab and others Next let us consider That this people the children of Israel had the best forme of government from Moses to Samuel which appeareth from the considerations of diverse Scriptures Exod. 5. God there saith yee shall be my chiefe treasure though all the people of the Earth be mine this place sheweth that God preferred this people at this time above all other people therefore it may plainly be gathered that God took more speciall regard to appoint them a better government then other Nations but other Nations had Kings at that time and God prescribed and appointed to them Iudges at that time Therefore government by Iudges in that first and purest times were better then government by Kings Read Exod. 33.16 So shall I and thy people have preheminence above all people that are on the Earth here again the same is repeated to shew that this people had preheminence above all other people and should they be preferred in smaller matters and not in this matter of government being a matter of the greatest concernment Read Levit. 9.23 and the glory of the Lord appeared unto all the People from this place it appeared that in this most excellent mercy they were far preferred before other people for did any other People see the glory of the Lord as they did no verily Read Levit. 26.12 Deut. 4.5 Behold J have taught you Ordinances and Lawes as the Lord my God commanded mee that yee should do Ver. 6. keepe them therefore and do them for that is your wisdome and understanding Ver. 7. For what Nation is so great to whom the Gods came so neare unto them as the Lord our God is neare unto us in all c. Ver. 8. And what Nation is so great that hath Lawes so righteous as all this Law that I set before you this day Ver. 9. But take heede to thy selfe and keepe thy soule diligently that thou forget not these things and that they depart not out of thy heart all the dayes of thy life but teach them thy sonnes and thy sonnes sonnes Ver. 2. Yee shal put nothing to the Word which I command you neither shall you take ought there from that yee may keepe the Commandements of the Lord your God c. Deare Friends let us well weigh the very expresse and direct force of such a plain downright Rule of God God tells them that they had Lawes and Commandements such as no people on Earth had the like Consider what was meant by Lawes and Precepts and Ordinances This is meant by it the whole frame of their government For Rules and Lawes and Ordinances implyeth most plainly two things the governours and the governed for else to what purpose had God given the lawes if he had not appointed governors to see those lawes executed We see it to be of necessity and most principall concernment that in all combinations or societies wherein many act together there must be Order which is nothing else but government We see likewise that this government being regulated and ordered wisely justly mercifully c. This puts a beauty upon all matters to be acted by Societies This Order in Government it puts a shining luster upon all pieces of worke and upon all Societies Do but withdraw a wise and good government and let either a foole or a negligent person or a disordered Epicure or a Tyrant mannage actions and you shall presently find that Workes or Societies guided by such will either turn into a Chaos or into disorder or at the least in the best cases the lustre and beauties of such societies will be taken away That which I shall then gather from these Scriptures is that no Nation under Heaven had so good a government which is plainly expressed in that none had so righteous Lawes and Ordinances as this people of Jsrael had now in this time of the Judges now in these first and purest times now in this time when God shewed his glory so eminently now in this time when God came so neare unto this people as no Nation upon Earth had such a government such governors which is plainly implied and expressed under these words Lawes and Ordinances This being true then it followeth plainly That this government by Judges was better then the government by Kings for at that time they had Kings in their Heathen governments the Egyptians they had a King a Tyrant an unrighteous oppressor a ripe of the Devill but God saith that at that very time the Ordinances and Lawes the whole-frame of their governors and government was better then all other Nations did enjoy then certainly it was better then the government by Kings We can no way evade or avoid in a plain way of righteousnesse this truth it followeth plainly directly and strongly But further it appeareth clearly that this government was better then that government by Kings because God in his wisdom saw this government to be best for his Church and people God was the Author of this government by Iudges God did prescribe this government and blesse this government And God is not as man his works are not imperfect God seeth and knoweth at once what is best consider then That God is likewise unchangeable Concerning the Government by Kings God was not ignorant of it he saw that but it plainly appeared that he approved not of it because nevertheles God prescribed to the people this way of Government by Judges this was Gods own Ordinance and God saith This Government was the best no Nation had so good a Government take it in what respect you will or can take it Further let us consider That these Ordinances of God these Laws this Government prescribed and blessed by God himself do continue in force to this day they were never changed nor repealed to this very day Object But do we not find that there were some good Kings as
David and some others Answ That proveth not in the least That the Government of the Kings was to be compared to that Government by Judges because this Government by Judges was Gods prescription and direction but that Government by Kings was the prescription of the People the Peoples invention in imitation of the Heathen round about and this was expresly forbidden by God before in Deuteronomy Thou shalt not follow the manner of the Heathen Nations round about And it was expresly against the Counsel of God recorded by Samuel it was against Gods Will for though God did permit Kings to be yet he did not originally appoint them but contrarily God dehorteth the people from having Kings in a vehement manner and taking it in the highest degree to be both the breach of Gods Commands or Institutions and likewise a very forsaking of God recorded by the Prophet Samuel 1 Sam. 8.7 They have not cast thee away but they have cast me away And further note That God out of his tender compassion to the people notwithstanding that they had cast him away in the form of their Government yet God lovingly admonisheth the people God giveth warning to the people what they should get by having a Government by Kings namely 1 Sam. 8.11 This shall be the manner of the King that shall raign over you He shall take your sons and your daughters your fields and your vineyards your servants your cattel and your sheep and ye shall cry out by reason of your oppressions but I will not hear you in that day Further consider That God did permit divorce in sundry cases and did permit the Israelites to have more wives then one this matter to my apprehension hath a better footing and much fairer shew of Gods approbation then the Government by Kings and notwithstanding Christ our Lord saith That this was not originally right God did not in the first and purest Institution ordain this matter yet God did act in many cases and blessed children and married persons in this way In the first being of Kings God did act in this cause as namely God chose Saul and David yet nevertheless God did expresly by the Prophet Samuel in threatning manner admonish and foretel the people That Kings would oppress the people and make them cry out and GOD would not alter the Government by Kings when they would Observe we well That where men do not cleave close to Gods Ordinations to his Institutions and do not prefer the Wisdom of God before their own wisdom it is a righteous thing with God to suffer them to smart and to endure bitter afflictions when we shall not have ability to help our selves We have had experience of Kings from Samuels time to this day and now God hath given such an opportunity as hath not been a long season now we have comfortable hope that God will give and restore Judges as at the first and Counsellors as at the beginning Oh dearly beloved whosoever thou art hinder not Gods Work of Reformation left thou beest found a fighter against God remember that our forefathers have been a gainsaying people let not us I pray you resist the good Spirit of his grace 2. But further consider That although David and some other Kings were better then the rest God would not suffer the Rod of his Wrath to lie always so heavy as at sometimes yet even David and Solomon and others were not blessed with the like measure of grace that the Judges were blessed with Consider did Moses Joshua Gideon Samuel did they kill innocent Vriah Did they commit Adultery with Bathsheba Did they number the people with David Did they set up Idolatry or suffer Idolatry Did they build sumptuous houses and gardens and orchards as Solomon Did they commit such abominations as many other Kings did Consider of it That this Government by Judges instituted by God himself in these first and purest times was the best Government it was most for Gods glory it was according to his will and it was most for the peoples good 3. Consider That although God commendeth David in the general yet that proved nothing in this particular case namely it neither proveth to them be of Gods first Institution nor any Institution not that place for instance if a master of a family having an hundred servants some of these may be as personable nay they may some of them be beloved of the master and be rulers in the family but this doth not prove That the form of their government being a form of their own invention was or is so good a form as that form of government that the master himself appointed We ought warily to distinguish between those matters that God doth permit and between those matters that God doth institute and ordain Adam our grandfather sinned by eating of the forbidden fruit yet nevertheless God made some of his posterity Instruments of his glory and they were beloved of God yet it doth not thereby follow That Adams condition was so good after as before God saith David was a man after his own heart but it neither followeth thereby That all Kings were men after Gods heart in that sence nor doth it thereby follow That the government by Kings was so good a government as the government by Judges for that is against the express letter of the Scripture and against the experience of all ages to this present Object Doth not God say That Kings shall be thy nursing fathers and Queens thy nursing mothers Answ This sheweth That although the people had deserved that God should make all Kings to be enemies or scourges to the people for rejecting God their King and for their evil and obstinacy in forsaking the first and best form of government by Judges a form prescribed and blessed by God yet this sheweth That God would not always be alike offended he would let some Kings be nursing fathers although many were evil towards God and the people Another instance consider A father having many children employeth or there is employed divers nurses some of his own chusing and some of his childrens chusing the father considering the childrens weakness and offence in chusing other for nurses without his order he doth neither allow of their act in chusing nor of the persons although he may forgive his children part of their offence and promiseth that some of these should prove nurses to them though many should prove crosses this doth neither approve of his childrens act in breaking his way prescribed neither doth this indulgence or mercy in the father encourage or warrant other children to follow that way not prescribed but expresly witnessed against One instance more to open the matter consider Certain men being to go to a place far distant from them there are divers ways that lead to the place the master of the company he sheweth to them the best way but the company are obstinate and will to King and Princes by descent without enquiring Gods counsel
fornication and lived in pleasure note usually that is one note they lived voluptuously with her these words with her imply a near conjunction when they shall see that smoak of that Her burning Vers 10. And shall stand afar off for fear of her torment and why Is it not because it threatned them saying Alas alas that great City Babylon that mighty City is fallen is fallen for in one day thy judgment is come Vers 11. And the Merchants of the earth shall weep and wail over her c. Vers 17. And every ship-master and all that occupy ships and ship-men and whosoever trafique on the sea shall cry Alas alas that great City c. is made desolate But note I pray you what the blessed Servants of God esteem of this fall of Babylon this is noted Vers 20. O Heavens rejoyce over her and ye holy Apostles and Prophets for God hath punished her to be revenged on her for your sakes I pray you consider why the Prophets and Apostles should in such primary and particular manner rejoyce over her Answ Was it not because she ruled by her prerogative by her own will and would not be ruled and guided by the Writings of them the Prophets and Apostles therefore the Prophets and Apostles whose Writings this great Whore had slighted are noted in such a peculiar and eminent manner to rejoyce at her down-fall To conclude if she be falling or fallen I hope God will keep me that I shall not under-prop her to keep her up Thus I beleeve by this Babel of Confusion is plainly held out by the blessed Spirit of God That corrupt Government and corrupt Governors are to be understood thereby which Babel of Corruption must be put down this being the root of confusion must be plucked up by the very roots And further note That the very true way to be beautiful and good order must arise from good Government and good Governors therefore if ever we do become a City of Righteousness and a faithful City let us very circumspectly and with all diligence labour that we may have Judges as at the first and Counsellors as at the beginning that is to say as in the first and in those most uncorrupted times when God did the most immediately appoint Government and Governors Let us keep close to Gods Rules and then we shall not err Thus much briefly I have writ to shew some grounds that strengthen me to expect That now in these latter times God will do some eminent matters in the Reformation of Government and to my apprehension these actings of God in these times do hold out such a thing namely That God is exalting his poor afflicted and so much despised Servants and People I leave it to consideration I shall by the assistance of Gods good Spirit which I hope and beleeve I am guided by now proceed to describe Government according as I find it prescribed owned and blessed by God and recorded in the sacred Scriptures and as at the first in the purest times Therefore first I find That God did begin the model or the form or the composition of Government at the head or chief Ruler Moses was the first touching his entrance he was called immediately by God and so were divers others till Samuels time And because Gods presidents and doings are done in such perfect manner with such wisdom and so exactly useful and fit for those employments that God disposeth them unto therefore I conceive it may not be unuseful to commend something to consideration touching this man and first God setteth out or describeth his parentage Exod. 2.1 There went a man of Levi and took to wife a daughter of Levi Vers 2. And the woman conceived and bare a son which was Moses Here God doth not describe any great difference between his parentage and the parentage of the rest of those people that God called him to govern The like is noted in the rest of those Judges which God did immediately call and in the best of Kings David who was a man God did immediately in mercy appoint to govern his people Israel this David the best of the Kings was chosen by God and taken not for his eminent kindred but out of a low condition From hence I observe That God doth not look or chuse Governors out of or by respects as man usually doth Man usually looketh upon the outward man this was Samuels error man looketh at beauty riches kindred rich or great parentage at eloquence and the like which respects usually lead men to chuse those men that prove usually neither any great promoters of Gods Glory nor of the Peoples good God looketh at the inner man at the graces of his own Spirit in their hearts and principally God looketh at his own Institutions when such a man is made Judg as entereth into his office and charge purely according to Gods Institution ●o as God in his Word hath prescribed then God blesseth such with his Spirit It is remarkable that Moses pleaded his insufficiency for that work God appointed him unto recorded for our learning Exod. 4.10.11 Then the Lord said unto him Who hath given the mouth to man or who hath made the dumb or the deaf or him that seeth or the blind have not I the Lord Therefore go now I will be with thee This consideration holds out to us of what high and great concernment it is to observe with carefulness and diligence how our Governors enter in and take their offices and charges in Government we cannot be too circumspect in this matter let us keep close to those first most pure and unblemished directions that God hath most immediately prescribed that are most clearly revealed in his sacred Word for that is our most certain guide and the most sure way to our future safety that possibly we can attain or reach unto It is very observable That of all the Judges that God did immediately chuse I cannot find but that God endowed them all with his good and blessed Spirit and not one of them but proved to seek Gods Glory and the Peoples good from Moses to Samuel which was so long as the people followed Gods Institution in their Government And observe well That so soon as the people were negligent in following those first and pure Institutions most clearly and primarily prescribed by God concerning Government then God did withdraw his gracious presence from them and what misery and affliction folowed to them and to their posterity God in his sacred Wisdom hath left recorded for our learning in the Books of the Chronicles and Kings of Israel and Judah How did these Kings draw the people from God into sin and brought the fierce wrath of God upon the people And did not all this proceed from this root namely from this Because they were negligent in the circumspect observance of Gods Prescriptions and because they leaned to their own understandings and followed their own inventions Oh that we the People of
watchfulnesse in this matter which doth so nearly concerne the glory of God and the good of us and of our posterity I find that God doth desc●ibe a clear evident and great difference betweene the chiefe or principall Iudge or Governor and the other Governors inferior to them in regard or respect of their callings or of Gods sending them into and unto those places of government therefore I shall observe the wisdom of God who first ordaineth the head or chiefe governor and shall begin with the chief Judge We finde that God did himself immediately appoint Moses Exod. 3.10 Come now therefore I will send thee unto Pharaoh that thou mayest bring my people the children of Israel out of Aegypt Ver. 12. And certainely I will be with thee c. Here is Moses call so likewise God did immediately appoint Ioshua Read Joshua 1.1 Now after the death of Moses the servant of the Lord the Lord spake unto Ioshua the sonne of Nun Moses Minister saying Ver. 2. Moses my servant is dead now therefore arise go over this Jordan c. Read Num. 27.18 And the Lord said unto Moses take Ioshua the sonne of Nun in whom is the spirit and put thine hands upon him c. VVe may note here that in the Verses before Moses did earnestly intreat God that he would appoint a Governor or Shepherd to go in and out before the people Moses knowing of what concernment it was to Gods glory and the peoples good that the people should have a good shepherd note that God doth not presently answer Moses thus let the people chuse a Governor themselves but on the contrary God owneth this way of his own prescribing as appeareth because as God did immediately chuse Moses as is before considered so also here again God proceedeth as before and doth immediately chuse Ioshua to be the chief governor of his people And secondly we may observe that God giveth this further manifestation of his minde in these wordes in whom is the spirit wherin and whereby God sheweth that the People might have erred if they had chosen for they could see but the outward man But God knew exactly who would be for his glory and for the peoples good he knew in whom his blessed spirit was Next reade Judges 1.1 After that Joshua was dead the children of Israel asked the Lord saying who shall goe up for us against the Canaanites VVe may here note that the people had bin so well instructed in the dayes of Moses and Ioshua that they did account it to be Gods Will and their duty to let God chuse their chiefe Governor no doubt this people did not do this unadvisedly but upon knowledge and due consideration that it was the Will of God and that it was the most surest and safest way for them that God should chuse their principall Governor for them Therefore they used the means they enquired Gods minde who should governe them And it is to be duly considered that this People nor any of their posterity did never seek God in such weighty Causes Humbly Heartily Earnestly but God did usually mostly if not alwayes condescend unto them and answer them graciously whether they enquired Gods Mind by the judgment of Vrim or whether by lotts I cannot tell but God answered both these wayes and God owned and prescribed both these wayes as appeareth by Samuel his practice in chusing Saul by Gods immediate direction 1 Sam c. VVe may note further that the people are recorded by God to be a people that did cleave close to and were observant of Gods Commandments Josu 24.31 And Israel served the Lord all the dayes of Ioshua and all the dayes of the Elders that overlived Joshua and had known all the workes of the Lord which hee had done for Israel We may note that after this Generation the people grew wanton and forsooke the streight and pure wayes of the Lord therefore the Lord delivered them into the hands of their enemies Judg 2.12 13.14 But the way that God helpeth them is by raising up Judges Judg. 2.16 Reade Judges 3.9 And the children of Israel cryed unto the Lord and the Lord stirred up a Saviour to the children of Israel and he saved them Ver. 10. And the Spirit of the Lord came upon him and he judged Israel Here we may note that it is not a vaine thing to seek the Lord for although the people had done wickedly yet when they cryed unto the Lord the Lord heareth them And secondly we may note that God owneth this way that himself chuseth Government immediately Thus we may read that God did immediately send Gideon Judg. 6.14 And the Lord looked upon him and said go in this thy might and thou shalt save Israel have not I sent thee I note that where God doth immediately send or appoint government from the dayes of Moses to the dayes of Samuel God doth not institute or appoint the Son to succeed in Government next after the Fathers death and this continued all the time of those first and purest times and those times wherein God did most immediately appoint Government in favour and in mercy to his Church and People Whereby it plainly appeareth that succession from the Father to the Son was none of Gods institution in those first and purest Times God chose Samuel to be Governor or cheife Governor immediately by which and by the former Governors mentioned before it plainly appeareth that God did prescribe and owne and blesse this way it appeareth that it was Gods minde and will to chuse Governors himself immediately The next way that God did prescribe of chusing governors was by lot whereby God did immediately chuse the chief governor recorded 1 Sam. 10.19 Now therefore stand you here before the Lord according to your Tribes and according to your thousands Vers 20. And when Samuel had gathered together all the Tribes of Israel the Tribe of Benjamin was taken and afterwards he assembled the Tribe of Benjamin according to their families and the family of Matri was taken so Saul the son of Kish was taken and Samuel said See ye not him whom the Lord hath chosen By this place it plainly appeareth That God did ordain this way for the chusing the principal Governor namely by lots whereby God is said to chuse There were some Judges the manner of whose choyce is not so expresly recorded those most eminent are such as God first raised up and used as instruments in more then an ordinary manner such for ought I know may be made useful for Gods glory and for the peoples good such as God hath raised up to work deliverances for the people such as in that respect may be called Saviours and such as are men well known to be men of courage humility and p ety We find That God afforded deliverances protection and peace to the people by such men as for ought I know were so raised up this way is the nearest to these most pure and immediate
callings of Governors by God to their places in those first and purest times But this is not so safe and clear a way so far as I understand First Because we read not we cannot find it recorded that I can find and I have searched the Scripture with diligence that God did appoint the people to chuse that way Consider That those acts that the people did are not therefore Gods Commandments and Institutions for then we must follow them in many actions which would be vain to conceive Secondly The People may err and are much subject so to do Thirdly Gods Law is express we may not add nor diminish we may not turn to the right nor to the left hand to or from Gods Commandments Fourthly I believe the promises of God lead us to chuse most exactly according to the purest Institutions noted in Isai 1. I will that is God will restore thy Judges as at the first c. that holdeth out as in the purest times c. Before I make Application of what is mentioned touching the calling of these chief Judges I conceive it will be needful to answer an Objection which is this Object May not the people chuse chief Governors did not the people chuse Jepthtah Answ The exact manner of Jepthtah's choyce is not so plainly described but that for ought I know they might have some further enquiry then is set down much we read not of Jephthahs acts this is to be noted concerning him That he did such an act as no other Judg did that we re●d of namely he vowed such an unllimited and unlawful vow as occasioned him to sacrifice his daughter and so he did which was the direct breach of Gods Command in a high degree But secondly consider That it is a safe way in dubious matters especially in such eminent matters as do so immediately concern Gods glory and the peoples good to walk by the plainest by ●he most evident ways that God hath prescribed 3. God saith expresly with many threatnings and many times That we shall neither add nor diminish from his Institutions Now this is evident That God chusing immediately either by voyce by Prophet or by lot is Gods own appointment It is without denyal or question and God foreseeing that the people would corrupt their ways and break his Institutions by desiring to be governed by Kings yet God was so jealous of his honor and tender of the peoples good in the choyce of the chief Governors that he saith expresly Deut. 17. Thou shalt make him King whom the Lord thy God shall chuse Therefore considering that we may neither add nor diminish it is without comparison much safer to chuse by Gods plain Rules For in both the Government by Judges and in the Government by Kings it is to be noted That God did immediately chuse Governors and I cannot see that a people that will follow Gods express Command and President can avoyd but that God and not men must chuse the chief Governor It is expressed and recorded That God raised up Judges and made them Saviours to the people but because the manner how God raised them up is not so plainly expressed therefore I conceive that it is the safest way to follow the plainest and clearest ways by which are plainly declared the manner how God did chuse and wherein God did act own and most eminently bless but where God raiseth up men and maketh them eminent Instruments for his glory and by them worketh deliverance to a people in such a case I dare not oppose it doubtless I believe it is a way nearest to Gods immediate callings and nearest to the plainest Presidents recorded in the sacred Scriptures Fourthly If the people chuse they are subject to err and mistake they see but the outward appearance and they may intend one man and it may be a great number carryeth the choyce to another or they may be mistaken in the man most meet for Government which will appear if we consider that Samuel a wise and holy man was mistaken in chusing but amongst one mans children how much sooner may we be mistaken when we having less understanding then Samuel are to chuse out of a multitude and we may be over-powered by money by friends by kindred by beauty by eloquence by fraud or force or ways we know not of Fifthly Experience may teach us That people do err very often and chuse those men to be their Judges or Governors that prove direct enemies to them and to their posterity witness Abimeleck and a multitude of others recorded for our learning and for our instruction Sixthly God never erreth and he doth bless with his holy Spirit men of his own sending Seventhly God complainenth of this by his Prophets formerly cited saying They had Kings but not by me Princes but I knew it not From the premisses may be gathered three ways whereby Governors were in those first and purest times chosen and ordained two of them are very clear the third I dare not absolutely oppose but leave it to the consideration of the godly-wise-hearted I shall propound to consideration somewhat touching the particulars and then make a general Proposition to consideration touching all the three joyntly as God shall assist First concerning the immediate Call of God by voyce or Prophet or some such way as God shall see meet I know no place of Scripture that doth declare That God will no more appoint Governors as at the first as he did Moses and Joshua Secondly This Prophecy Isai 1. holdeth out much for these words as at the first and as in the beginning may for ought that I know be determined by God to be accomplished in the full latitude namely as in the time of Moses and Joshua That Prophecy Dan. 7.27 in these words And the Kingdom and Dominion and the greatness of the Kingdom under the whole Heaven shall be given to the holy people of the most High This seemeth to me to import That God intendeth to do great things for his people in these latter times Read Micah 7.17 According to the days of thy coming out of the Land of Egypt I will shew unto him marvellous things This to my apprehension holds out That God will do marvellous things God is not limited within bounds he can do as great things now in these latter times as in the former times Thus in other places Thirdly I believe That with limitation and submission to Gods good will and pleasure we may safely present our humble prayers to God in the Name of his Son our blessed Saviour That he would be pleased to appoint our chief Governor for us The Lord was so far from rejecting the people Judg. 1.1 when they sought his gracious favour in this particular that he graciously granteth their request God doubtless will not be offended when people with the greatest care and diligence cleave closest to him the Apostle willeth us That in every thing our request should be made known unto
about this matter and what the issue will be the Lord knoweth If therefore there be any bowels of pity if you love Gods glory if you be lovers of peace and truth then fear not to trust in God in this matter God is not changed Do we not trust our Souls with God and shall we not trust God with our Bodies The Lord give us understanding And now I shal speak a word to the third way of chusing Governors it is said in sundry places of Scripture that when the people had forgotten or cast behind them Gods Commandements yet even when they earnestly sought Gods helpe Gods counsell then God stirred or raised them up a Saviour or Deliverer The way being not so plainely described where we may take notice of the peoples negligence in not seeking to God for Governors for at such times when the people committed such wickednesse we shall usually find that the State or Common-wealth was vacant of a chiefe governor Read Judg. 3.7 So the children of Jsrael did wickedly in the sight of the Lord. Ver. 9. And when the children of Israel cryed unto the Lord stirred them up a Saviour and he saved them Ver. 10. and the Spirit of the Lord came upon him and he judged Israel We may note here that the people were negligent in inquiring of God before their distresse for a chiefe Judge the state was empty And we may note that till they sought the Lord God suffered them to be afflicted but when they cry unto the Lord when they do cleave to the Lord the Lord relieveth them and sheweth to them mercy this way namely by stirring them up a chiefe governor And further we may note that when God putteth his spirit eminently in such a person then he judgeth Israel no doubt but the Spirit of God came upon him in some extraordinary manner Read Jud. 3.12 Then the children of Israel againe committed wickednesse in the sight of the Lord. This was after the death of their former governor Ver. 15. And when the children of Israel cryed unto the Lord the Lord stirred them up a Saviour c. Jud. 4. The children of Israel againe committed wickednesse Ver. 3. And the children of Israel cryed unto the Lord and we may there read how the Lord shewed them favour by stirring up a Saviour Where the Man was nominated that was their leader by the prophetess Debora but Debora at that time judged Israel Ver. 4. And so Debora by Gods appointment I believe judged Israel to the day of her Death The next was Gideon Judges 6. He was immediately called concerning divers Judges it is not so expresly noted after what manner God stirred them up Whether it was by immediate Revelation or by Prophets direction or put his Spirit into their hearts and made them to be notable and eminent deliverers of the people In all such dubious cases the safest way is to follow the most evident and clear Rules Wherein and whereby God doth most evidently prescribe own and blesse Now consider that Gods immediate call is clear without all doubt and chusing Governors by lot is evident and clear to be a way that God himself prescribed and the lot never erred The third way is more dubious yet I dare not oppose it where God raiseth up a man and maketh him an eminent deliver of his Church and people if the people in such a case chuse such a man to govern them God may blese it this way is left recorded in the sacred Scriptures and we find that thus far God blessed this way that hee made such Men so raised up or stirred up by God to become saviours the people were protected and not devoured and the people were blessed with peace in their dayes this is the nearest way next to the former but in any wise take heed not to establish government by succession from Father to Son we have tasted deep of the cup of affliction in this kind The Father a good man the Child otherwise the Father holding one opinion and the children another this plainely appeareth from the Divine Records in the Sacred Scriptures and by the late sad experiences in this kind We may plainely see the bittter fruits the people reaped by Government from Father to Son if we consider and compare the fruits by Iudges with the fruits that the people reaped by Kings which succeeded by succession Note well that the Government had continued from Moses to Samuel which was many hundred years many generations and yet we see God so blessed these Iudges that came not in by succession but were by God appointed where he saw meet Read 1 Sam. 9.8 And the servant answered Saul againe and said behold J have found about me the fourth part of a shekell of silver which was about five pence Read Gen. 23.15 that will I give the man of God to tell us our way note well the plainnesse and godly humility of the Iudges in those times that would accept of five pence Note likewise that in a short time when the Government went by succession from Father to Son the case was altered we may note in three or foure generations the governors built stately houses rich gardens a thousand Wives and Concubines great multitudes of Charets and horses these things were directly against Gods Commandements Deut. 17 In any wise hee shall not prepare him many Horses neither shall hee take him many Wives neither shall he gather him much silver and gold but we may note that Kings quickly overtoped and annihilated Gods Laws This God knew when God put a bit in the mouth of Kings to curb their pride Deut. 17.18 19. namely Gods Lawes that so their hearts should not be lift up but these Lawes would not hould them their hearts were above Gods Laws God warned the People of this the 1 of Samuel but the People would not hear till they cryed out under Rehoboam by reason of their oppression I believe a door-keeper would not now accept five pence Dearely beloved Fathers if you should consent to government by succession it might be just with God to let their hearts be lift up like to Rehoboam that God might make their little finger bigger then the former Kings loynes the Father chastised us with rods but the Son may with scourges I pray you therefore let us have plaine humble blessed Iudges as at the first not chosen by succession but as in the beginning I shall now from these considerations make one general proposition and humbly lay it down at your feet dearly beloved Fathers which is Considering the sad and lamentable envy emulations strife differences that have been and are at this day in the Nation may it not be meet solemnly after an extraordinary manner to humble our selves and to cry unto our God for direction who shall be our governor It may be before the time which you set apart for this occasion bee expired God may reveal his minde in some extraordinary manner but if God appear
when the glorious and brightest Sun appeareth the eye of the blessed God and their Maker looked clearely upon them and vouchsafed to some of those poore prisoners of hope to looke upon him also have not you godly Souldiers bin a means to redeem us the people of England had we grace to see it to acknowledge and be thankfull for it from that Egyptian bondage a corrupt forme of government wherein we like Lands Beasts and Asses were left as inheritance from the Father to the supposed Sonnes the Father of one Religion the Sonne of another did they not run and ride with fury and all possible speed horse and man from generation to Generation to seize upon us thus entring in at Windowes back-doores and in By-pathes they too often proved in● sheepes clothing and the blessed Spirit of God was not given unto them and they kept the People from true Shepherds men of Gods sending upon whom the good and blessed Spirit of God would have rested I should much admire that all men should not joyfully see and acknowledge so great deliverance and salvation were it not that I consider Gods righteous judgements for sinne and also considering how prevalent custome is insomuch that often times it consumeth truth and yet is lean still are not your Carriers horses often very sore loaded and yet being accustomed to beare burdens they are even contented or looke no higher they keepe jogging on loth to go out of their pace nor out of their accustomed way although it sometimes be up to their bellies in mire and dirt where because of times quick motion I must leave them to their content and I and my house will by Gods gracious assistance freely joyfully and with all hearty praise blesse the God of our protection salvation and deliverance for our freedome and better way Have you dearely beloved godly Souldiers bin used by God as instruments to accomplish the precious promises of God recorded concerning Babels fall corrupt government and governors and should I forget you No verily for I believe that the generations to come shall have cause to blesse God for you and your memory shall be blessed times quick motion bids me unwillingly to forbeare and because I conceive I shall never more in this World speake of you or to you in this kinde till I believe wee shall very shortly meete though of our selves unworthy yet through the free and abundant mercy of God in Christ with joyfull hearts before God and his blessed Angells with whom we shall be and never more be separated to eternity this span of time hasteneth and shorteneth our glasse runs apace as swiftly as the Sun runs round the World when our worke is done come Lord Iesus come graciously and quickly Therefore I shall at present conclude my speech to you Revel 12.10 being sorry that I have not opportunity to see the faces of many of you and to rejoyce with you for all the great workes God by you● hands Numb 23.23 According to this time it shall be said of Iacob and Israel what hath the Lord wrought Then I heard a loude voyce saying now is salvation and strength the Kingdome of our God and the power of his Christ for the accuser of our Brethren is cast downe Ver. 11. But they overcame him by the bloud of that Lambe and by the word of their testimony and they loved not their lives unto the death Vers 12. Therefore rejoyce yee Heavens and yee that dwell in them And now beloved Countreymen let me speake a word to you may I not say to many of you with Ieremy O that mine eyes were a Fountaine of teares that I might weepe day and night for the iniquity of the People is it possible that after such cleare evident and wonderfull gracious workes and actings of our good God in these very times that any rationall man should be so far led aside and prejudiced that he should not acknowledge with joy and thankfulnesse to God and to those that God hath used as instruments of so great deliverance it is possible for some they cry out Oh the King the King is gone is so great pompe and riches come to desolation in one houre others they would have all opinions openly manifested to be tolerated under pretence of liberty of conscience others would have their owne opinions and no other to be tolerated that they may lord it over their weake Brethren Others they speake with a double heart as David tooke notice and so make ready their arrowes and bend their bowes that they may shoote at all that are upright in heart Psal 11. For they speake against Government and Governors saying they hate these opinionists they by this meanes shew too evidently by their fruits that this is but a cloake for their owne sinnes for under pretext of conformity they shoote at Government and governors and in truth at those that are the humble true and faithfull servants of our God at all such as are circumspect and fear to offend God I would first say to them that unfeignedly desire to do Gods Will though in some matters some having larger talents then others there be difference in their judgements although in many matters the difference being throughly and truely considered is more in shew then in reall substance would you take the best and safest way Then begin in the right manner and place labour to strengthen and encourage this present government who I believe many of them do humbly cordially and unfeinedly desire to do Gods good Will now stand still and see the salvation of God proceede regularly pray earnestly to God for them that the good Spirit of his grace may leade them into all truth for doubtlesse in their peace your peace and prosperity in a great measure is contained Let government be thoroughly setled according to Gods owne wayes which if we pray earnestly and walke humbly with our God I believe God will direct them to establish government according to Gods minde you would have this issued namely what liberty shall be granted to severall or to all opinions which is a matter unpossible to be done for much must be left to the judgement of authority it cannot be avoided because many opinions doe not yet appear and the Governors do not know their own hearts before hand I know this by well observed experience and could instance in many cases but I forbeare Therefore joyne unanimously in this to seeke and to pray God so to direct our present governors that they may be so directed by God that they may discerne and follow that way for the calling of our Iudges into their places that God hath prescribed owned and blessed for this is the roote from whence our greatest safety under God consisteth Such Governors sent of God I know God will blesse with his holy Spirit and agree upon what you will before hand it will be of little moment because it is not agreeable to Gods proceedings and if governors enter in at