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ID Title Author Corrected Date of Publication (TCP Date of Publication) STC Words Pages
A10149 The fal of the late Arrian Proctor, John, 1521?-1584. 1549 (1549) STC 20406; ESTC S104432 83,352 290

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delyuered vs from the seruitude of Satan dyslorded him of vs and tooke the lordshyp and domynion ouer vs vppon him selfe Arri. BVT not to trouble your lordship any lenger with my rude barberous talke shortly thus I thinke of Iesus Chryst Verely that he was the most electe vessel the orgen or instrument of the deuine mercy a Prophet and more then a Prophete the son of God but according to the spreete of Sanctificacion the syrst begotten but emongest many brothers c. Proct. HEre is Christe defined as vnchristeanly as euer I herd and who so is werye of the christianitie let hym beleeue as ye teache for in dede it is contrary to Christe and al Christianitie but who soeuer ●eio● seth in the name Iesus Christe and looketh to enioye lyfe euerlastynge through him he must nedes confesse and beleue Christe to be otherwyse then ye do presently acknowledge Fayne wold you that Christ shuld not be god but your faint profe ther of declareth what spirite ye ar of ● Notwithstādyng ye do what ye ca● which is nothyng in effect wh● can any doo more against so heyg●● and manifest truthe Ye leaue ●● one stone vnmoued to further y●● purpose saue only the chiefest stone which wyll not rolle that waye with all that you canne And ye are well content to let it alone proue ma\steries with the rest Much lyke ye are vnto Patroclus who when he went into the warres toke with him all the armour and weapons of Achilles hys speare only excepted which he thought to be to weghty great for hys arme No otherwyse you descendynge into the fielde agaynst Christ is deuienitie brought with you to ouerthrowe the same all kynde of armour and weapon saue only the veritie and truthe whiche was not for your wearīg the speare and shyelde of all Catholyke and Christian men of force in all suche causes to vpholde and support the ●●ght in spyght of all myght And ●●ith this weapon as I haue hither vnto made you to stoupe so a none I dought not I shall geue you the doune fall And here ioyne wee in this quarell In this your discripcion of Christ I fynde that all y● your intētis altogither wycked ye● some parte of your woordes in the same sounde well and maye be well taken as where ye saye that Christ was the moste elect vessell was the orgeyn or instrument of the deuine mercye was a Prophet more then a Prophet These phrases are good Catholyke in a good Catholike mans mouthe where the intent is pure godly Therfore your wordes that sounde Iesus Christ to be a moste electe vessell be they good but your intent that wold haue him an elect vessell only must needes ●● wycked Your wordes that sou●●● Iesus to be the orgen of the deu●● mercy he they good but your in●● whiche wolde haue him an orge●●● instrumēt only of the deuine mercy and not the author of mercy mercy it self must needes be wycked Your wordes that sounde Iesus Christ to be a Prophet and more then a Prophet be they good but your intent which wole not haue him the giuer of all prophercye as God almighty must nedes be wicked because it concordeth not with the veritie of Christis condicion and consent of all the Catholyke Church which beleueth stefastly bothe aswell that whiche your wordes affirme and that also which your intent denyeth It foloweth in our descripcion He is the sonne of God but accordynge to the spirite of sanctif●yng Your But ma●●festly discloseth where at ye shute Which terme is yours the rest is in S. Paule to the Romains but not ●●nakedly as ye haue alleaged it as here afterwarde it shall appeare First let vs examine what ye meane when ye say that Christ is the sonne of God but accordyng to the spirit of sanctuiyng If ye meane as S. Paule meaneth then your meaning is good if not then is your meanyng deuelysh wycked But your But I say vttereth your intent verely that Christ is the sonne of God onlye as other good men are whose heartes the holy ghost hathe anctified ye meane the sonne of God by adopcion and therfore ye knyt vp your definicion with First gotten but amongst many brothers S. Paules wordes wholye and sincerely without wrestyng māgling of them are these Rom. 1. of his sonne which is made of the seede of Dauid to ●● chyng the flesh declared the so●●● of God in power accordyng to 〈◊〉 holye spirite and by his resurrec●●● from the dead This is S. Paule sentence conteinynge muche more then ye brought in eke somewhat lesse by your But whiche if it were in Paul as it is in yours then your next But myght folowe the better In these wordes S. Paul teacheth Christ to be not only the Sonne of man touching the flesh but also the Sonne of God and true God by three wayes that is to saye By power by the spirite and by resurrection By power as by miracles and workes whiche were aboue the condiciō of man of which he spake in Iohn Ioh. v. x. Si ve● bis meis non creditis operibus saltem credite .i If ye beleue not my wordes yet haue credit to my workes By the holy gost as in sundrye places so in that that the holy ghost came doune in visible forme vppon hym what tyme the ●oyce of the father sounded Mat. iii. xvii Hic est silius meꝰ in quo mihi bene cūplacui .i. This is my sonne in whom I am well pleased And hether unto appertayneth that of Ioh. in his caconicall epysiel Et spiritus est qui testificatur He promised also to sende and accordynge to his promyse dyd sene the holye ghost to be a comforter and gyde in his bodely absence vnto all such as faythfully trace his wayes Which was for god to do and not mā The thyrde argument whice S. Paul vseth in that place to proue Christes deuinitie is his resurrection For who could rayse hym selfe frō death by his owne power and vertue but the naturall son of God which said Tollite templum hoc et in triduc excitabo illud .i. Destroye ye this tēple and in thre dayes I wyl builde it vy agayne Iohn x. ego ponam animam meā iterum sumam eam nemo tolle● eam a me sed ego ponam eam ameips● potestatē habeo ponendi eam iterū potestatem h abeo sumēdi cam That is to saye I wyl put my soule from me and I wyll take the same again vnto me None shall take it frome me but I wyl put in from meselfe I haue power in my selfe to putte it awaye and I haue power in me to take it agayne Ye see then what s Paule meaned in that place and ye heare howe that other partes of the scriptures do confirme also his menyng intent in that behalf Wherfor your meanyng and intent which is repugnaunte hereto must needes be wycked
pleasure Lyue we the lyfe in Satan his tabernacle we shall dye the deathe euerlastynge in hell with most terrible tormentes vnspeakable paynes Choose the best whyles choyse lyeth in lot HERE to breake vp this matter gentle Reader and at lengthe to come to the declaracion and disclosyng of my purpose and intent in this my lytle booke whiche I haue entituled THE FAL OF THE LATE ARRIAN Thou shal vnderstand that I haue in the same confuted the opiniō of a serten man who lately denyed Christ deuinitie and equalitie with God the father affirmynge that he was but a mere Creature and a passible man only not God And this was Arrius opinion of whom in my booke I do treate more at large and as many as do holde that opinion are called of Auncient wryters Arrians and therfore I intitle my treactise The fall of the late Arrian not disclosynge hys name throughe oute my worke but vnder the name of Arrian whom I wold be loche to displease if he hath Recanted that blasphemous oppinion as some saye that he hathe This oure late Arrian therfore not long synce was before serten of the Counsell dyuers other Learned men for his opiniō by whose procurement I know not And deliuered the same his opinion with his prouffes in writyng to the lord Archbishop of Caūterbury beyng therunto at length required as in the begynnyng of his writyng he confesseth Wherof dyuers copies came into diuers mens hādes And one was sent to me from a frende of myne who required me to peruse the same and to let him dnderstand what I thought of it To whome I dyd eftsones restore it incontinēt writyng vnderneth the same for my answere to my frendis demaunde nothing els but Vae hoi per quē venit scādalū tantū Then being of mynd neuer to haue sayde one worde more vnto it Yet I thought it veray necessary and expedient that so blasphemous perilous opinion shuld be confuted by some man and that with speedye expedicion In consideracion the people nowe a dayes for the most parte be so good of takyng that nothyng is to harde for them to learne especiallye if they heare of any new lesson not taught or herd of a long tyme before Then nothyng cometh a mysse vnto them nothyng to harde for them to learne and beare away althoughe it be in deade neuer so muche agaynst God the Father and his natural Sonne Iesus Christ But in this behalfe I was in maner carelesse for remēbrynge what a ioylye multitude of fresh writerse there ar in these daies I thought this geare coulde not escape vnlooked on But seeyng in other trifelyng matters of no effect importauunce to speake of in comparison of this they are so readye with their confutyng bookes ballettes and pleyes In so weyghtye a cause as this is I reckened they wold not be seene slacke or necligēt but out of hande with all celeritie and speede withstande it How be it reckeners without their hoste muste recken twyse I haue hearde saye Hytherunto not one of them haue sayde one worde vnto it or by mirth pley or ernest game that I cā heare of what they wyll I knowe not For my parte at begynnynge I thoughte nothynge lesse then to attempte anye suche enterprise as I haue nowe taken in hande partely because I haue not exercysed me self in the lyke before tyme and chieflye for that I suspected much my wytte and connyng therfore I supposed beste for me hauynge neither exercyse ne connynge to dwell in myne olde silence and not to mell especially in this matter beyng of such importaunce and hygh difficultye far aboue my compasse and reache Besyde this I pondered the present sent condicion of this worlde with me selfe I thought in suche hurlye burlye in so great tumultes the voyce of such one shuld not be herd For if the wordes of Ecclesiasticus are true that the voyce of the wyse is hearde in quietnesse it booted not to speke in so vnquiet a time as this is I thought and of such matter And to helpe forwarde the saiynge of the Prophet came euē in the nick to my remembraunce Intelligens in tempore illo tacebit .i. The wise wyll keepe silene in that tyme. All this notwithstandyng when I coulde not perceyue or here tell that any had taken in hande to improue and confute this most daungerous blasphemous opinion Charitie whiche seeketh not any priuate contentacion or pleasure at any tyme but euermore couetyng to vanquish the difficultie of all tymes seasons vehementlye prouoked me to vtter some parte of my mynde in this behalfe Wherunto the chyldren eke whiche were in Babylon dyd not a lytle as me thought encourage hexten me forwarde whose example enstructeth vs that we ought with free courage and good heart cherefully to witnesse the truth although the whole worlde were agaynste it which euen out of the myo burnyng fyre sange merely Psalme to God not regardig the multitude of them which despised the truthe but satisfyed them selfes beyng iii. in nōbre Wherfore neither my small exercise nor my slender knowledge ne yet the aboundaunce of Iniquytie which kepeth reuell now a dayes haue defased me But my hope fixed in the helpe of the Holye Spirite I haue not kycked agaynst the spurre of Charitie nor haue spurned agaynst the zeale and oue whiche I beare towarde my Countrey bothe a lyke togyther prickynge me forwarde herto But haue most wyllyngly I wotte not how happely shewed forthe the truthe touchynge this mater of Christis Deuinitie Besechyng the Christen Reader if I haue not satisfyed thy expectacion in all poyntes yet wyll good to my good wyll and beare with my weakenesse sufficient it is and ynough to wyll well in highe maters writers sayen the matter is hyghe my wyl is good accept th one for the others sake Valete Reason both wonder how sayth tel can That a maid is a mother god a man Let reason go and beleue the wonder Fayth is aboue and reason is vnder ꝙ Antiquitte THE FAL OF THE LATE ARRIAN Arrian ALBEIT IN thys vehemente and vnthought on perturbacion of mynde reuerende father all labor is odious writyng dyffyculte and harde cōmentacion vnplesaunt and gruous vnto me yet in the defence of my cause beyng required to write for the reuerence which I owe vnto your Lordship aboue other I haue purposed briefly and compendiously to commit in writyng what I thinke touchyng tharticles Proctor THO I was resolued in my mynde that ye were well worthye emprisonment fetter chayne that feared not to conceaue maynteyne and teache suche blasphemye agaynst God the Father his naturall Sonne Iesus Christ true God Yet I doubted whether your bodye was after that sort or by any other meanes puny shed or not wher of I coulde not by your owne relacion neither by hearsay learne one worde so muche but rather that ye were takē vp emongst states much made of and frendlye enterteyned for ye wyll not lye