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A14186 The whole booke of Psalmes collected into English meter by Thom. Sternh., Iohn Hopkins, W. Whittingham and others, conferred with the Ebrue with apt notes to singe them withall ; set forth and allowed to be song in all churches, of all the people together before and after mornyng and euenyng prayer, as also before and after sermons, and moreouer in priuate houses for their godly solace and co[m]fort, laying apart all vngodly songes and balades, which tend onely to the nourishyng of vice, and corruptyng of youth.; Whole book of psalms. 1578 Sternhold, Thomas, d. 1549.; Hopkins, John, d. 1570.; Whittingham, William, d. 1579. 1578 (1578) STC 2450.5 159,067 104

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this sinne will smite verse 3 Take not in vaine his holy name Abuse it not after thy will For so thou might soone purchase blame And in his wrath he would thee spill verse 4 The Lord from worke the seneth day ceast And brought all thinges to perfect end So thou and thine that day take rest That to Gods hest●● ye may attend verse 5 Vnto thy parentes honor gene As Godes commaundementes do pretend That thou long dayes and good mayst line In earth where God a place doth lend verse 6 Beware of murder and etuell hate verse 7 All filthy fornication feare verse 8 See thou steale not in any rate verse 9 False witnes agaynst no man beare verse 10 Thy neighboures house wish not to haue His wife or ought that he calles mine His held his Oxe his Asse his ●lant Or any thing which is not thine A Prayer The spirite of grace graunt vs O Lord To keepe these lawes out hartes restore And cause vs all with one accord To magnifie thy name therefore For of our selues no strength we haue To keepe these lawes after thy will Thy might therfore O Christ we craue That we in thee may themm fulfill Lord for thy names sake graunt vs this Thou art our strength our Sauiour Christ Of thee to speede how should we mis In whom our treasure doth consist To thee for euer more be prayse With the Father in ech respect And with thy holy spirite alwayes The comforter of thine elect The Lordes prayer D. Coxe M.iij OVr Father which in heauen art an● makst vs all one brotherhood to call vpon thee with one hart our heauēly Father our God ●●raūt we pray not with lips alone but with thy hart deepe sigh and grone Thy blessed name be sanctified Thy holy worde mought vs inflame In holy lyfe for to abide To magnifie thy holy name From all errours defend and keepe The little flock of thy poore sheepe Thy kingdome come euen at this houre And henceforth euerlastingly Thine holy Ghoft into vs poure With all his giftes most plenteously From Sathans rage and filthy band Defend vs with thy mighty hand Thy will be done with diligence Lyke as in heauen in earth also In trouble graunt vs pacience Thee to obay in wealth and wo Let not flesh bloud or any ill Preuaile agaynst thy holy will. Geue vs this day our dayly bread And all other good giftes of thine Keepe vs from warre and from bloudshed Also from sicknes death and pine That we may lyne in quietnes Without all greedy carefulnes Forgeue vs our offences all Reliene our carefull conscience As we forgene both great and small Which vnto vs haue done offence Prepare vs Lord for to serue thee In perfect loue and vnitye O Lord into temptation Lead vs not when the feend doth rage To withstand his inuasion Geue power and strength to euery age Arme and make strong thy feeble host With fayth and with the holy Ghost O Lord from euill delinct vs The dayes and tymes are daungerous From euerlasting death saue vs And in our last neede comfort vs A blessed end to vs bequeth Into thy handes our soule receiue For thou O Lord art king of kinges And thou hast power ouer all Thy glory shineth in all thinges In the wide world vniuersall Amen let it be done O Lord That we haue prayde with one accord The xii Articles of Christian fayth ALl my beliefe and con●idence is in the Lord of might The father which all thinges hath made the day and eke the night the heauens and the fir mament and also many a star the earth and all that is therein which passe mans reason far And in lyke manner I beleue in Christ our Lord his sonne Coequall with the deitie and man in flesh and bone Conceiued by the holy Ghost his word doth me assure And of his mother Mary borne yet she a Virgine pure Because mankinde to Sathan was for sin in bond and thrall He came and offered vp himselfe to death to saue vs all And suffering most greuous payne then Pilate being iudge Was crucified on the crosse and thereat did not grutch And so he dyed in the flesh but quickened in the spirite His body then was buryed as is our vse and right His spirite did after this descend into the lower partes To them that long in darcknes were the true light of their hartes And in the third day of his death he rose to lyfe agayne To th end he might be glorified out of all griefe and payne Ascending to the heauens bye to sit in glory still On Gods right hand his father deare according to his will. Vntill the day of iudgement come when he shall come agayne With Aungels power yet of that day we all be vncertayne To iudge all people righteously whome he hath dearely bought The liuing and the dead also which he hath made of nought And in the holy spirite of God my fayth to satisfie The third person 〈◊〉 Trinitie beleue I sted fastly ▪ The holy and Catholick Church that Gods word doth 〈…〉 ▪ And holy Scripture doth alow which Sathan doth disdayne And also I do trust to haue by Iesu Christ his death Release and pardon for my sinnes and that onely by fayth What tyme all flesh shall rise agayne before the Lord of might And see him with their bodely eyes which now do geue them light And then shall Christ our Sauiour the sheepe and Goates deuides And geue life euerlastingly to those whome be hath tride Which is his realme celestiall in glory for to rest With all the holy company of Saintes and Angels blest Which serue the Lord omnipotent obediently ech houre To whome be all dominion and prayse for euermore ¶ A prayer to the holy Ghost to be song before the Sermon ¶ Sing this as the Cxix Psalme COme holy spirite the God of might comforter of vs all Teach vs to know thy word aright that we do neuer fall O holy Ghost visite our coast defend vs with thy shied Agaynst all sinne and wickednes Lord helpe vs winne the field Lord keepe our Queene and her Counsel and geue them will and might To perseuer in the Gospell which can put sinne to flight O Lord that geuest thy holy word send preachers plenteously That in the same we may accord and therein liue and dye O holy spirite direct a right the preachers of thy word That thou by them mayest cut downe sinne as it were with a sword Depart not from those Pastors pure but ayde them at all neede Which breake to vs the bread of lyfe whereon our soules do feede O blessed sprite of truth keepe vs in peace and vnitie Keepe vs from sectes and errours all and from all Papistrie Conuert all those that are our foes and bring them to thy light That they and we may well agree and prayse thee day and night O Lord increase our faith in vs and loue for to abound● That man and wife be
in mine ire your helpe be farre to finde verse 26 He that doth geue to me the sacrifice of prayse Doth please me well and he shall see to walke in godly wayes 1. Miserere mei Psal. Li. W. W. O Lord consider my distres and now with speede some pitie take My sinnes deface my faulte 〈◊〉 good Lord for thy great mercyes sake Wash me O Lord and make me cleane from this vniust and sinfull acte and pur●●e yet once agayne my haynous crime and blondy fact verse 2 Remorse and sorrow do constraine me to acknowledge mine excesse verse 3 My sinne alas doth still remaine before my face without relesse verse 4 I or thee alone I haue offended committing euill in thy sight And if I were therefore condemned yet were thy iudgementes iust and right verse 5 It is to manifest alas that first I was conceaned in sinne Yea of my mother so borne was and yet vile wretc● remaine therein verse 6 Also behold Lord thou doest loue the inward truth of a pure hart Therefore thy wisedome from aboue thou hast ●encaled me to conuert verse 7 If thou with 〈…〉 this blot I shall be cleaner then the glasse And if thou washe away my spot the snow in whitenes shall I passe verse 8 Therefore O Lord such ioy me send that inwardly I may finde grace And that my strength may now amend which thou hast swaged for my trespasse verse 9 Turne backe thy face and frowning ire for I haue felt inough thy hand And purge my sinnes I thee desire which do iu number passe the sand verse 10 Make new my hart within my brest and frame it to thy holy will Thy constant spirite in me let rest which may these raging enemies kill The second part verse 11 Cast me not Lord out from thy face but spedely my tormentes end Take not from me thy spirite and grace which may from daungers me defend verse 12 Restore me to those ioyes agayne which I was wont in thee to finde And let me thy free spirite retayne which vnto thee may stirre my minde verse 13 Thus when I shall thy mercyes know I shall instruct others therein And men lykewise that are brought low by mine example shall flee sinne verse 14 O God that of my health art Lord forgeue me this my bloudy vice My hart and tongue shall then accord to sing thy mercies and iustice verse 15 Touch thou my lips my tongue vntye O Lord which art the onely kay And then my mouth shall testifie thy wondrous workes and prayse alway verse 16 And as for outward sacrifice I would haue offered many one But thou esteemest them of no price and therein pleasure takest thou none verse 17 The heauy hart the minde opprest O Lord thou neuer docst reiect And to speake truth it is the best and of all sacrifice theffect verse 18 Lord vnto Sion turne thy face poure out thy 〈◊〉 on thy hill And on Ierusalem thy gra●e build vp the walles and loue it still verse 19 Thou shalt accept then our offringes of peace and righteousnes I say Yea calues and many other thinges vpon thine altar will we lay ¶ An other of the same by T. S. Sing this as the Lamentation HAue mercy on me God after thy great abounding grace After thy mercies multitude do thou my sinnes deface Yet wash me more from mine offence and clense me from my sinne For I beknow my saultes and still my sinne is in mine eyen Agaynst thee thee alone I haue offended in this case And euill haue I done before the presence of thy face That in the thinges that thou doest say vpright thou mayest be try de ▪ And eke in iudging that the dome may passe vpon thy side Behold in wickednes my kinde and shape I did receaue And loe my sinfull mother eke in sinne did me conceaue But loe the truth in inward partes is pleasaunt vnto thee And secrets of thy wisedome thou reuealed hast to me With Isope Lord bespri●ckle me I shall be clensed so Yea washe thou me and so I shall be whiter then the snow Of ioy and gladnes make thou me to heare the pleasing voyce That so the brused bones which thou hast broken may reioyce From the beholding of my sinnes Lord turne away thy face And all my deedes of wickednes doe vtterly de face O God create in me a hart vnspotted in thy fight And eke within my bowels Lord renue a stable spirite Ne cast me from thy sight nor take thy holy spirite away The comfort of thy sauing helpe geue me agayne I pray With thy free spirite establish me and I will teach therefore Sinners thy wayes and wicked shall be turnd vnto thy lo●e The second part O God that art God of my health from bloud deliuer me That prayses of thy righteousnes my tongu● may sing to thee My lips that yet fast closed be do thou O Lord v●lose The prayers of thy maiestie my mouth shall so disclose I would haue offered sacrifice if that had pleased thee But pleased with burnt offeringes I know thou wilt not be A troubled spirite is sacrifice delightfull in Gods eyes A broken and an humble hart God thou wilt not despise In thy good will deale gently Lord to Sion and withall Gra●nt that of thy Ierusalem vpreard may be the wall Burnt offringes giftes and sacrifice of iustice in that day Thou shalt accept and Calues they shall vpon thine altar lay Quid gloriaris Psal. Lii I. H. WHy doest thou tyrant boast abroad thy wicked workes to prayse Doest thou not know there is a God whose mercyes last alwayes verse 2 Why doth thy minde yet still deuise such wicked wiles to warpe Thy tongue vntrue in forging lyes is lyke a rasor sharpe verse 3 On mischiefe why setst thon thy minde and wilt not walke vpright Thou hast more lust false tales to finde ●hen bring the truth to light ▪ verse 4 Thou doest delight in fraud and guyle in mischiefe bloud and wrong ▪ Thy lips haue learnd the flattering stile O false deceitfull tongue verse 5 Therefore shall God for euer confound and pluck thee from thy place Thy seede roote out from of the grounde and so shall thee deface verse 6 The iust when they behold thy fall with feare will prayse the Lord And in reproch of thee withall cry out with one accord verse 7 Behold the man that would not take the Lord for his defence But of his goods his God di● make and trust his corrupt sence verse 8 But I an Oliue fresh and greene shall spring and spread abroad For why'my trust all tymes hath bene vpon the liuing God. verse 9 For this therfore will I geue prayse to thee with hart and voyce I will set forth thy name alwayes wherein thy Sai●tes reioyce Dixit inspiens Psal. Liij T. N. Sing this as the xlv Psalme THe foolishe man in that which he within his hart hath sayd That there is any God at all hath vtterly denayed
the night for man to rest in as thou hast ordained him the day to trauell graunt O dear● Father that we may so take our bodely rest that our soules may continually watch for the tyme that our Lord Iesus Christ shall appeare for our deliueraunce out of this mortall life and in the meane season that we not ouercomen by any fantasies dreames or other temptations may fully set our myndes vpon thee loue thee feare thee and rest in thee furthermore that our sleepe be not excessiue or ouermuch after the insatiable desires of our fleshe but onely sufficient to content our weake nature that we may be better disposed to liue in all Godly conuersation to the gl●ry of thy holy name and profite of our brethren S● be it ¶ A Godly prayer to be sayd at all tymes HOnor and prayse be genen to thee O Lord God almighty most deare Father of heauen for all thy mercies and louyng kindenesse shewed vnto vs in that it hath pleased thy gratious goodnes freely and of thine owne accord to elect and chose vs to saluation before the begynning of the world and euen like continuall thankes be geuen to thee for creating vs after thine owne Image for redeemyng vs with the precious bloud of thy deare sonne when we were vtterly lost for sanctif●ing vs with thy holy sprit in the reuelation and knowledge of thy word for helping and succouryng vs in all our needes and necessities for sauyng vs from all daungers of body and soule for comfortyng vs so fatherly in all our tribulations and persecutions for sparyng vs so long and geuing vs so large a tyme of repentaunce These benefites O most mercifull Father lyke as we knowledge to haue r●ceiued them of thy onely goodnesse euen so we beseeche thee for thy deare sonne Iesus Christes sake to graunt vs alwayes thy holy sprite whereby we may continually grow in thankefulnes towardes thee to be led into all truth and comforted in all our aduersities O Lord strengthen our fayth kindle it more in 〈◊〉 and loue towardes thee and our neighbours for thy sake Suffer vs not most deare Father to receiue thy worde any more in vayne but graunt vs alwayes the assistance of thy grace and holy spirite that in hart word and deede we may sanctifie and do worshyp to thy name Helpe to amplifie and increase thy kingdome and what soeuer thou sendest we may be hartely well content with thy good pleasure and will Let vs not lacke the thing O Father without the which we can not serue thee but blesse thou so all the workes of our handes that we may haue sufficient and not to be chargeable but rather helpefull vnto others be mercy full O Lord to our offences and seyng our det is great whiche thou hast forgeuen vs in Iesus Christ make vs to loue thee and our neighbours so much the more Be thou our Father our Captaine and defender in all temptations hold thou vs by thy mercyfull hand that we may be eliuered from all inconuenienees and end our lyues in the sanctifing and honour of thy holy name through Iesu Christ our Lord and onely 〈…〉 Let thy mighty hand and out 〈…〉 Lord he still out defence thy mercy and 〈◊〉 kind nesse in Iesu Christ thy deare sonne our saluation thy true and holy word our instruction thy grace and holy spirite our comfort and consolation vnto the end and in the end So be it O Lord encrease our fayth ¶ A confession of all estates at all tymes O Eternall God and most mercifull Father we confesse and acknowledge here before thy diuine mai●stie that we are miserable sinners conceiued and borne in sinne and iniquitie so that in vs there is no goodnes For the flesh euermore rebelleth agaynst the spirite whereby we continually transgresse thy holy Preceptes and commaundementes and so purchase to our selues through 〈◊〉 iust iudgement death and damnation Notwithstandyng O heauenly Father for asmuch a● we are displeased with our selues for the sinnes that we haue comitted agaynst thee and do vnfaynedly repent vs of the same we most humbly beseech thee for Iesus Christes sake to shew thy mercy on vs to forgeue vs all our sinnes and to increase thy holy spirite in vs that we acknowledgyng from the bottome of our hartes our owne righteousnesse may from hence forth not onely mortifie our sinnefull lustes and affections but also bryng forth such fruites as may be agreable to thy most blessed will not for the worthynesse thereof but for the merites of thy dearely beloued sonne Iesus Christ our onely Sauiour whom thou hast already geuen an oblation and offeryng for our sinnes and for whose sake we are certainely perswaded that thou wilt deny vs nothyng that we shall aske in his name according to thy will. For thy spirite doth assure our consciences that thou art our mercifull Father 〈◊〉 so lowest vs thy children through him that nothyng is 〈…〉 thy heauenly grace and fauour from vs to thee therefore O Father with the sonne and the holy Ghost be all honour and glory world without end So be it ¶ A prayer to be sayd before a man begyn his worke O Lord God most mercyfull Father and Sauiour seing it hath pleased thee to commaund vs to trauell that we may relieue our neede we beseech thee of thy grace so to blesse our labor that thy blessing may extend vnto vs without the which we are not able to continue and that this great fauour may be a witnes vnto vs of thy bonntyfulnesse and assistaunce so that thereby we may know the fatherly care that thou hast ouer vs Moreuer O Lord we beseech th●e that thou wouldest strengthen vs with thyne holy spirite that we may faithfully trauell in our estate and vocation without fraud or deceit that we may endeuour our selues to follow thine holy ordinaunce rather then to seeke to satisfie our greedy affections or desire to gayne And if it please the● O Lord to prosper our labour geue vs a mynde also to helpe them that haue neede according to that abilitie that thou of thy mercy shalt geue vs and knowing that all good thinges come of thee graunt that we may humble our selues to our neighbours and not by any meanes lift our sel●●● vp aboue them which haue not receaued so large a portion as of thy mercy thou hast geuen vs And if it please thee to try and exercise vs by greater pouertie neede the our flesh would desire that thou wouldest yet O Lord graū vs grace to know that thou wilt nourish vs cōtinually through thy bountifull liberalitie that we be not so tempted that we fall into distrust but that we may paciently way● till 〈…〉 ●on to rest vpon thy mercie● Heare vs O Lord of 〈◊〉 through Iesus Christ thy sonn● our Lord Amen A Prayer for the whole state of Christes Church ALmighty God and most mercifull father we humbly submit our selues fall downe before thy maiestie beseeching thee from the
bottom of our harts that this seede of thy worde now sowen amongest vs may take such deepe roote that neither the burnyng heat of persecution cause it to wyther neither the thorny cares of this life choke it but that as seede sowen in good ground ●t may bring forth thirty sixty and an hūdreth fold as thy heauenly wisedome hath appointed And bec●use we haue neede continually to craue many things at thy bandes we humbly beseech thee O heauenly Father to graunt vs thy holy spirite to direct our petitions that they may proceede from such a feruent mynd as may be agreable to thy most blessed will. And seyng that our infirmitie is able to doe nothyng without thy helpe and that thou art not ignoraunt with how many and great temptations we poore wretches are on euery side enclosed and compassed let thy strength O Lord sustayne our weakenes that we beyng defended with the fo●ce of thy grace may be safely preserued agaynst all assaultes of Sathan who goeth about continually like a roaryng Lyon seeky●g to denoure vs Increase our fayth O mercyfull Father that we do not swerue at any tyme from thy heauenly word but augment in vs hope and loue with a carefull keeping of all thy commaundementes that no hardnes of hart no hypocrisie no concupiscence of the eyes nor inticementes of the world do draw vs away from thy obedience And seyng we liue now in these most perillous tymes let thy fatherly prouidence defend vs agaynst the violence of our enemyes whiche do seeke by all meanes to oppresse thy truth Furthermore for asmuch as by thy holy Apostle we be taught to make our prayers and supplications for all men we pray not onely for our selues here present but beseech thee also to reduce all such as be yet ignoraūt how the miserable captiuitie of blyndnes and errour to the pure vnderstandyng and knowledge of thy heauenly truth that we all with one consent and vnitie of mynde may worship thee our onely God and Sauiour And that all Pastors Shepheardes Ministers to whom thou hast committed the dispēsation of thy holy word and charge of thy chosen people may both in their life and doctrine be found laithfull settyng before their eyes thy glory and that by them all poore sheepe which wander and goe astray may be gathered and brought home to thy fold Moreouer bycause the hartes of rulers are in thy handes we beseech thee to direct and gouerne the harts of all Kynges Princes and Magistrates to whom thou hast committed the sword especially O Lord accordyng to our bou●den duety we beseech thee to maintaine and encrease the honorable estate of the Queenes Maiestie and all her most noble Counsellers and Magistrates and all the whole body of this common weale Let thy Fatherly fauour so preserue them and thy holy spirite so gouerne their hartes that they may in such so●t exercise their office that thy Religion may be purely maintained maners reformed and sinne punished accordyng to the precise rule of thy holy word And for that we be all members of the misticall body of Iesus Christ we make our requestes vnto thee O heauenly Father for all such as are afflicted with any kind of cr●sse or tribul●tion as warre plague famine sicknes pouertie imprisonment persecution banishmēt or any other kinde of thy rods whether it be of calami●le of body or vexation of mynde that it would please thee to ge●e them patience and constancie till thou send them full deliueraūce of all their troubles roote out from hence O Lord all ra●enyng Wolues which to fill their bellies seeke to destroy thy flocke And shew thy great mercies vpon those our brethren in other countreys which are persecuted cast into prison and dayly condemned to death for the testimony of thy truth And though they be vtterly destitute of all mans ayde yet let thy sweete comfort neuer depart from them but so inflame their hartes with thy holy spirite that they may boldly and chearefully abyde such triall as thy Godly wisedome shall appoint So that at length as well by their death as by their life the kingdome of thy deare soone Iesus Christ may encrease and shine through all the world In whose name we make our humble petitions vnto thee as he hath taught vs saying Our Father which art in heauen c. ¶ An other prayer of the same made by I. Foxe LOrd Iesus Christ sonne of the liuyng God who was crucified for our sinnes and didst rise agayne for our Iustification and ascendyng vp to heauen reignest now at the right hand of thy Father with full power and authoritie rulyng and disposing all thynges accordyng to thine owne gracious and glorious purpose we sinnefull creatures yet seruaūtes mēbers of thy Church do prostrate our felues and our prayers before thy Imperiall Maiestie hauyng no other 〈◊〉 nor aduocate to speede our sutes or to resort vnto but thee alone beseechyng thy goodnes to be good to thy poore Churche militant here in this wretched earth sometymes a rich Church a large Church an vniuersali Church spread sarre and wyde through the whole compasse of the earth now driuen into anarrow corner of the world and hath much neede of thy gracious helpe First the Turke with his sword what landes nations and countreys what Empires King domes and Prouinces with Cities innumerable hath he wonne not from vs but from thee Where thy name was wont to be inuocated thy word preached thy Sacramentes administred there now reigneth barbaron Mahumet with his filthy Alcoran The florishyng Churches in Asia the learned Churches of Grecia the manifold Churches in Africa which were wont to serue thee now are gone from thee The seuen Churches of Asia with their candlestickes whom thou diddest so well forewarne are now remoued All the Churches where thy diligent Apostle S. Paul thy Apostle Peter and Iohn and other Apostles so laboriously trauailed preachyng and writyng to plant thy Gospell are now gone from thy Gospell In all the kyngdome of Syria Palestina Arabia Persia in all Armenia and the Empire of Capadoc● through the whole compasse of 〈◊〉 with Egypt and with Africa also vnlesse amongest the ●arre Ethiopians some old steppes of Christianitie pera●●●enture yet do remaine either els in all Asia and Affrica thy Church hath not one foote of free land but all is turned either to infidelitie or to captiuitie what soeuer pertaineth to thee And if Asia and Africa onely were decayed the decay were great but yet the defection were not so vniuer●all Now in Europa a great part also is shronke from thy Church All Thracia with the Empire of Constantinople all Grecia Epyru● Illyricum and now of la●● all the kyngdome almost of Hūgaria with much of Austria with lamentable slaughter of Christen bloud is wasted and all become Turkes Onely a litle angle of the Weast partes yet remaineth 〈…〉 of thy name But here 〈…〉 commeth an other mischief as great or greater then 〈◊〉 other For the ●urke with
〈…〉 into English 〈…〉 Iohn Hopkins W. Whitting●●●● and others conferred with the 〈◊〉 with 〈◊〉 Notes to sing them withall ▪ ¶ Set forth and 〈…〉 to be sung in all Churches of all the people together before and after Mornyng and Evenyng prayer as also before and after Sermons and moreouer in priuate houses for their Godly solace and cōfort Laying apart all vngodly songes and balades which tend onely to the nourishyng of vice and corruptyng of youth 〈◊〉 JAMES v ▪ ¶ If any be 〈…〉 pray and if any be mery let him sing Psalmes ▪ COLLOS III. ¶ Let the word of God dwell plenteously in you in all wisedome teachyng and exhortyng one an other in Psalmes Hymnes and spirituall songes and sing vnto the Lord in your hartes HORVM CHARITAS J. D. AT LONDON Printed by Iohn Daye dwellyng ouer Aldersgate 1578. ¶ Cum gratia Privilegio Regia Majestatis Veni Creator ▪ COme holy ghost eternall God proceding from abo●e ▪ both from the Father and the sonne the God of peace and loue Visite our ●indes and in to vs thy hea●enly grace inspire that in all truth and godlynes we may haue true desire Thou art the very comforter in all woe and distresse The heauenly gift of God most high which no tongue can expresse The fountaine and the liuely spring of ioy celestiall The fire so bright the loue so cleare and vnction spirituall Thou in thy giftes art manifold whereby Christes Church doth stand In faythfull hartes writyng thy law the finger of Gods hand According to thy promise made thou geuest speech of grace That through thy helpe the prayse of God may stand in euery place O holy Ghost into our wittes se●d downe thy heauenly lights Kindle our hartes with seruent loue to serue God day and night Strength and stablish all our weakenes so feeble and so fraile That neither ●●esh the world nor depill agaynst vs do preuayle Put back our enemies farre from vs and graunt vs to obtaine Peace in our hartes with God and man without grudge or disdayne And graunt O Lord that th●n beyng our leader and our guide● We may eschew the snares of sinne and from thee ne●er slide To vs such pl●nty of thy grace good Lord graunt we thee pray That thou mayest be our comforte● at the last dreadfull day Of all strife and dissention O Lord dissolue the bandest ▪ And make the knots of peace and loue throughout all Christen landes Graunt vs O Lord through thee to know the Father of all might That of thy deare beloued sonne we may attayne the sigh● And that with perfect fayth also we may acknowledge thee The spirite of them both alway one God in persons thr●● Land and prayse be to the Father and to the Sonne equall ▪ And to the holy spirite also ▪ one God coet●rnall And pray we that the onely Sonne vouchsafe his spirite to send To all that doe prof●ss● his name vnto the worldes end ¶ The humble sute of a sinner M. O Lord of whome I do depend behold my care full hart and when thy will and pleasure is release me of my smart thou seest my sorrowes what they are my griefe is knowen to thee and the●● is none that can remoue or take the ●ame from me But onely thou whose ayde I craue whose mercy still i● prest To ease all those that come to thee for succour and for r●st And sith thou seest my restles eyes my teares and greuous grone ▪ Attend vnto my sute O Lord marke well my playnt and mone For sinne hath so inclosed me and compast me about● ▪ That I am now remedilesse if mercy helpe not ou● For mortall man can not release or mitigate this payne But euen thy Christ my Lord and God who for my sinnes was slayne Whose bloudy woundes are yet to see though not with mortall eye Yet do thy saintes behold them all a●d so I trust shall ● Though sinne d●th hinder me a while when thou shalt see it good I shall enioy the sight of him and see his woundes and bloud And as thine Aungels and thy Sayntes do now behold the same ▪ So trust I to possesse that place with them to prayse thy name But whilest I liue here in this vale where sinners doe frequent Assist me euer with thy grace my sinnes still to lament ▪ Least that I wo●d in sinners trace and geue them my consent To dwell with them in wickednes where to nature i● b●nt Onely thy grace must be my stay least that I fall downe ●lat And being downe then of my selfe can not recouer that Wherefore this is yet once agayne my sute and my request To graunt me pardon for my sinne that I in thee may re●t Then shall my hart my tongue and voyce be instrumentes of prayse And in thy Church and house of Sainte● sing Psalmes to thee alwayes Venite exultemus Psalme xcv ¶ Sing this as the Benedictus O Come and let vs now reioyce And sing vnto the Lord And to out onely Sauiour Also with one accord O let vs come before his face With inward reuerence Confessing all our former sinnes And that with diligenc● To thanke him for his benefites Alway distributing Where fore to him right ioyfully In Psalmes now let vs sing And that because that God alone ●s Lord magnificent And eke aboue all other Gods A king omnipotent His people doth not he forsake At any tyme or tide And in his handes are all the coa●tes Of all the world so wide And with his louing countenaunce He looketh euery where And doth behold the tops of all The mountaines farre and near● The Sea and all that is therein Are his for he them made And eke his handes haue fashioned The earth which doth not fade O come therefore and worship him And downe before him fall And let vs weepe before the Lord The which hath made vs all He is our God our Lord and king And we his people are His flock and sheepe of his pasture On whome he taketh care This daye if ye will heare his voyce Yet harden not your ha●tes As in the ●itter murmuring When ye were in desartes Which thing was of their negligence Committed in the tyme Of trouble in the wildernes A great and gr●●ous crime 〈◊〉 your Fathers tempted me And ●●yed ●●e euery ●ay● They proued me and saw my workes What I could do or say 〈…〉 Wh●● all this generation ▪ And euermore I say it they 〈◊〉 I● their imagination Wherewith thei● 〈◊〉 we●e 〈…〉 Long tyme and many dayes ▪ Wherefore I know assuredly They haue not knowen my wayes To whom● I i●●●ine anger swor●● That they should not be blest No● see my ioy c●lestiall Nor enter in ●y rest Gl●ri●patri All lau● and prayse be to thee Lord ▪ O that of mig●● art most To God the Father and the sonne And to the holy Ghost As it in the beginning was For euer heretofore And is now at this present tyme And shal
the multitude of their deuice and thought verse 11 But his decrees continue still they neuer slake nor ●wage The mott●ns of his mynde and will take place in euery age The second part verse 12 And blest are they to whom the Lord as God and guide is known Whom he doth chuse of mee●e accord to take them as his own verse 13 The Lord from 〈◊〉 cast his sight on men mortall by birth Consideryng from his ●eat of might the dwellers of the earth verse 15 The Lord I say whose hand hath wrought ma●s hart and doth it frame For he alone doth know the thought and workyng of the same verse 16 A king that trusteth in his hoast shall nought preuaile at length The man that of his might doth boast shall fall for all his strength verse 17 The troupes of horsemen 〈◊〉 shall fayle their sturdy steede● shall sterue The strength of horse shall not preuayle the rider to preserue verse 18 But loe the eyes of God intend and watch to ayde the iust With such as feare him to offend and on his goodnes trust verse 19 That he of death and all distresse may set their soule from dread ▪ And if that dearth the land oppresse in hunger them to feede verse 20 Wherfore out soule doth still depend on God our strength and stay He is the shield vs to defend and driue all dartes away verse 21 Our soule in God hath ioy and game reioycing in his might For why in his most holy name we hope and much delight verse 22 Wherfore let thy goodnes O Lord still present with vs bee As we alwayes with one accord doe onely trust in thee Benedicam psal xxxiiii T.S. ¶ Sing this as the xxx Psalme I Will geue laud and honor both vnto the Lord alwayes And eke my mouth for euermore shall sing vnto his prayse verse 2 I doe delight to laud the Lord in soule and eke in voyce That humble men and mortified may beare and so reioyce verse 3 Therfore see that ye magnifie with me the liuing Lord And let vs now exalt his name together with one accord verse 4 For I my selfe besought the Lord he aunswered me agayne And me deliuered incontinent from all my feare and payne verse 5 Who so they be that him behold shall see his light most cleare Their countenance shall not be dasht they neede it not to feare verse 6 This se●ly wretch for some relief vnto the Lord did call Who did him heare without delay and rid him out of thrall verse 7 The angell of the Lord doth pitch his tentes in euery place To saue all such as feare the Lord that nothing them de●ace verse 8 Tast and consider well therfore that God is good and iusts O happy man that 〈◊〉 hi● ▪ his onely stay and trust verse 9 Feare ye the Lord his holy ones aboue all earthly thyng For they that feare the liuing Lord are sure to lacke nothyng ▪ verse 10 The Lyons shal be hungerbit and pined with famine much But as for them that feare the Lord no lacke shall be to such The second part verse 11 Come neare therfore my children dea●● and to my wordes geue eare I shall you teach the perfect way how ye the Lord should feare verse 12 Who is that man that would liue long and lead a blessed life verse 13 See thou re●●aine thy tongue and lips from all deceit and stri●e verse 14 Turne backe thy face from doyng ill and doe the godly deede Inquire for peace and q●ietnes and follow it with speed verse 15 For why the eyes of God aboue vpon the iust are bent His eares likewise doe heare the plaint of the poore innocent verse 16 But he doth frown and bend his browes vpon the wicked trayne And cutth away the memory that should of them remayne verse 17 But when the iust doth call and cry the Lord doth heare them so That out of payne and misery forthwith he lets them go verse 18 The Lord is kinde and straight at hand to such as be contrite He saues also the sorrowfull the meeke and poore in spirits verse 19 Full many be the miseries that righteous men do suffer But out of all aduersities the Lord doth them deliuer verse 20 The Lord doth so preserue and keep● his very bones alway That not so much as one of them doth perish or decay verse 21 The sinne shall ●lea the wicked man which he him selfe hath wrought And such as hate the righteous man shall soone be brought to nought verse 22 But they that serue the liuing Lord the Lord doth saue them sound And who that put their trust in him nothyng shall them confound Iudica Domine psal xxxv I.H. ¶ Sing this as the humble sute c. LOrd plead my cause agaynst my ●oes confound their force and might Fight on my part agaynst all those that seeke with me to fight verse 2 Lay hand vpon thy speare and shield thy selfe in armour dresse Stand vp for me and fight the field to helpe me from distresse verse 3 Gird on thy sword and stoppe the way mine enemies to withstand That thou vnto my soule mayst say loe I thy helpe at hand verse 4 Confound them with rebuke and blame that seeke my soule to spill Let them turne backe and fly with shame that thinke to worke me ill verse 5 Let them disperse and fly abroad as winde doth driue the dust And that the angell of our God. their might away may thrust verse 6 Let all their wayes be voyde of light and ●●ppery like to fall And send thine Angell with thy might to persecute them all verse 7 For why without my fault they haue in secret set their grin And for no cause haue digd a pi● to take my soule therin verse 8 When they thinke least and haue no care O Lord destroy them all Let them be trapt in their own snare and in their mischief fall verse 9 And let my soule my hart my voyce in God haue ioy and wealth That in the Lord I may reioyce and in his sauyng health verse 10 And then my bones shall speake and say my partes shall all agree O Lord though they do seeme full gay what man is like to thee The second part verse 11 Thou doest defend the weake from them that are both stout and strong And rid the poore from wicked men that spoyle and doe me wrong verse 12 My cruell foes against me rise to witnes thinges vntrue And to accus● me they deuise of that I neuer knew verse 13 Where I to them did owe good will they quite me with disdayne That they should pay my good with ill my soule doth sore complayne verse 14 When they were sicke I mournd therfore and clad my selfe in sacke With fasting I did faint full sore to pray I was not slacke verse 15 As they had bene my brethren deare I did my selfe behaue As one that maketh wofull cheare about his mothers graue verse 16
their land for heritage for his mercy endureth for euer verse 22 Euen to his seruaunt Israell for his mercy endureth for euer verse 23 Remembred vs in base estate for his mercy endureth for euer verse 24 And from oppression rescued vs for his mercy endureth for euer verse 25 Which geueth food vnto all flesh for his mercy endureth for euer verse 26 Prayse ye the God of heauen aboue for his mercy endureth for euer verse 27 Geue thankes vnto the Lorde of Lordes for his mercy ●ndureth for euer An other of the same by T. C. ¶ Sing this as the Cxlvij Psalme O Laud the Lord bening Whose mercies last for aye Geue thankes and prayses sing To God of Gods I say For certainely His mercies dure Both firme and sure Eternally verse 3 The Lord of Lordes prayse ye Whose mercies aye do d●re verse 4 Great wonders onely he Doth worke by his great power For certainely His mercyes dure Both firme and sure Eternally verse 5 Which Lord omnipotent By his great wisedome hye The heauenly firmament Did frame as we doo see For certainely c. verse 6 Yea he the heauy charge Of all the earth did stretch And on the waters large The same he did outreach Fo●certaynely c. verse 7 Great lightes he made to vs For why his lone is aye verse 8 Such as the same we see To rule the lightsome day For certainely c. verse 9 And eke the Moon so cleare Which shineth in our fight And Starres that doe appeare To guide the dar●ksome night For certainely c. verse 10 With greuous plagues and sore All Egipt smote he than The first borne les and more He slew of beast and man. For certainely c. verse 11 And from amidst their land His Israell forth brought verse 12 Which he with mighty hand And stretched arme hath wrought For certainly c. verse 13 The Sea be cut in two Which stood vp like a wall verse 14 And made through it to goe His chosen children all For certainely c. verse 15 But there he whelmed then The proud king Pharao With his huge host of men And charets eke also For certainely c. verse 16 Who led through wildernes His people safe and sound And for his loue endles verse 17 Great kinges he brought to ground For certainly c. verse 18 And slew with puisant hand Kinges mightye and of fame As of Amorites land Schon the king by name For certainly c. verse 20 And Og the Giant large Of Basau king also verse 21 Whose land for heritage He gaue his people tho For certainly c. verse 22 Euen vnto Israell His seruaunt deare I say He gaue the same to dwell And there abide for aye For certainly c. verse 23 To made he did vs ●all In our most base degree verse 24 And from oppresso●s all In safety set vs free For certainly c. verse 25 All flesh in earth abroad With food he doth fulfill verse 26 Wherefore of heauen the God To laud be it your will. For certainly c. Super flurnina psal Cxxxvii W. W. WHen as we sat in Babilon the riuers round about and in remembraunce of Sion the teares for griefe burst out We hangd our harpes and instru mentes the willow trees vpon for in that place men for their vse had planted ●any one verse 3 Then they to whome we prisoners were sayd to vs tauntingly Now let vs heare your Ebrue songes and pleasaunt melody verse 4 Alas sayd we who can once frame his sorrowfull hart to sing The prayses of our louing God thus vnder a straunge king verse 5 But yet if I Ierusalem out of my hart let slide Then let my singers quite forget the warbeling harpe to guide verse 6 And let my tongue within my month be tyde for euer fast If that I ioy before I see thy full deliueraunce past verse 7 Therefore O Lord remember now the curssed noyce and cry That Edomes sonnes agaynst vs made when they raced our Citie Remember Lord their ●rnell wordes when as with one accord They cryed on sack ▪ and race their walles in despight of the Lord. verse 8 Euen so shalt thou O Babilon at length to dust be brought And happy shall that man be cald that our reuenge hath wrought verse 9 Yea blessed shall that man be cald that takes thy children young ▪ To dash their bones agaynst hard stones which lye the streetes among Confitebor tibi psal Cxxxvii N. Sing this as the Cxxxvij Psalme THee will I prayse with my whole hart my Lord my God alwayes Euen in the presence of the Gods I will aduaunce thy prayse verse 2 Toward thy holy temple I will looke and worship thee And praysed in my thankfull mouth thy holy nam● shall be Euen for thy louing kindenes sake and for thy truth withall For thou thy name hast hast by thy word aduaunced ouer all verse 3 When I did call thou heardest me and thou hast made also The power of encreased strength within my soule to gr●w verse 4 Yea all the kinges on earth they shall geue prayse to thee O Lord For they of thy most holy mouth bane heard the mighty word verse 5 They of the wayes of God the Lord in singing shall entreat Bycause the glory of the Lord it is exceeding great verse 6 The Lord is hye and yet he doth behold the lowly spirite But he contemning knowes a farre the proud and lofty wight verse 7 Although in midst of trouble I do walke yet shall I stand Renued by thee O my Lord thou wilt stretch out thy hand Vpon the wrath of all my foes and faued shall I be By thy right hand the Lord God will performe his worke to me verse 8 Thy mercy Lord endures for aye Lord do me not forsake Forsake me not that am the worke which thi●e owne hand did make Domine probasti psal Cxxxix N. ¶ Sing this as the Cxxxvij Psalme O Lord thou hast me tride and knowne my sitting thou doest know verse 2 And rising eke my thoughtes a farre thou vnderstandst also verse 3 My pathes yea and my lying downe thou compassest alwayes And by familiar custome art acquainted with my wayes verse 4 No word is in my tongue O Lord but knowen it is to thee verse 5 Thou me behinde holdst and before thou layest thy hand on me verse 6 To wonderfull aboue my reach Lord is thy cunning skill It is so higth that I the same can not attaine vntill verse 7 From sight of thy all seing spirite Lord whether shall I goe Or whether shall I flee away thy presence to scape fro● verse 8 To heauen if I mount aloft loe thou art present there In hell if I lye downe below euen there thou doest appeare verse 9 Yea let me take the morning winges and let me goe and hide Euen there where are the farthest partes where flowing Sea doth slide verse 10 Yea euen thether also shall thy reaching hand me
neede so vs defend That we may prayse thee world without end ¶ FINIS ❧ A forme of Prayers to be vsed euery Mornyng and Euenyng Morning Prayer ALmighty God and most mercifull Father 〈◊〉 doe not present our selues here before thy Maiestie trustyng in our owne merites or worthynes but to thy manifold mercies whiche hast promised to heare our Prayers and graunt our requestes which we shall make to thee in the name of thy beloued sonne Iesus Christ our Lord who hath also commanded vs to assemble our selues together in his name with full assuraunce that he will not onely be amongst y● but also be our Mediatour and aduocate towardes thy Maiestie that we may obtay ●e all thinges which shall seeme expedient to thy blessed will for our 〈◊〉 Therfore we beseech thee most mercifull Father to turne thy louing countenaunce towardes vs and 〈◊〉 not vnto vs our manifold sinnes and ofences whereby we ●ustly deserue thy wrath and sharpe punishment but rather recea●e vs to thy mercy for I●su● Christes sake accepting his death and passion as a iust recompence for all our offences in whom ●●ely thou art pleased and through whom thou canst not be offended with vs And seeing of thy great mercies we haue quietly passed this ●ight grau●●● heauenly father that we nay bestow this day wholy in thy seru●● so that all our thoughtes wordes and deeds may redound to the glory of thy name and good e●sample to all men who seeing our good worker may glorifie thee our heauenly father And for as much as of 〈◊〉 meere fauour and loue thou hast not onely created vs to thyne owne similitude and 〈◊〉 but 〈◊〉 hast chosen vs to be heyres with thy deare sonne Iesus Christ of that immortall kingdome which thou preparedst for vs before the begynning of the world we beseech thee to increase our faith and knowledge and to lighten our ha●●e● with thy also spirite that we may in the mean time liue in Godly cōuersation and integrity of life knowing that Idolaters Adulterers Couetous men 〈◊〉 our persons Dronkerdes Gl●●●● 〈◊〉 and 〈…〉 shall not inherite the kingdome of god And because thou hast commaunded vs to pray one for an other we do● not onely make request O Lord for our selues and for them that thou hast already called to the true vnderstandyng of thy heauenly will but for all people and nations of the world 〈◊〉 as they know by thy wonderfull worke● that thou 〈◊〉 God ouer all so they may be instructed by thy holy spirite to 〈◊〉 in thee their onely 〈◊〉 and 〈◊〉 But for asmuch as they cannot be 〈…〉 heare nor can heare but by preachyng and none can preach except they be sent Therefore O Lord rayse vp faithfull dist●ibuters of thy misterie● who setting apar● all worldly respectes may both in their lyle and doctrine onely seeke thy glory Co●tr●ry●y confound Sathan Antichrist with al hirelinges whom thou hast already cast of into a reprobate sence● that they may not by sectes scismes heresies and errours disquiet thy little flocke And because O Lord we be fallen into the latter dayes and daungerous tymes wherin ignoraunce hath gotten the vpper hand and Sathā by his Ministers seeke by all meanes to quench the light of thy Gospell we beseech thee to maintaine thy cause agaynst those rauening Wolues and strengthen all thy seruauntes whom they keepe in prison and bondage Let not thy long sufferyng be an occasion either to encrease their tyranny or to discourage thy children neither yet let our sinnes and wickednes be a hinderannce to thy mercies but with speeile O Lord consider these great miseryes For thy people Israell many tymes by their sinnes prouoked thine anger and thou punishedst them by thy iust iudgement yet though their sinnes were neuer so greuous if they once returned from their iniquitie thou receiuedst them to mercy We therefore most wretched sinners bewayle our manifold sinnes and earnestly repent vs for our former wickednesse and vngodly behauiour towardes thee whereas we cannot of our selues purchase thy pardon yet we humbly beseech thee for Iesus Christes sake to shew thy mercies vppon vs and receiue vs agayne to thy fauour Graunt vs deare Father these our requeste● and all other thynges necessary for vs and thy whole Church accordyng to thy promise in Iesus Christ our lord In whos● name we beseech thee as he hath taught vs saying Our father c. Euening prayer O Lord God Father euerlastyng and full of pit●e we acknowledge and cōfesse that we be not worthy to lift vp our eyes to heauen much lesse to p●esent ourselues before thy Maiestie with confid●nce that thou wilt heare our prayers and graunt our request if we consider our owne deseruynges for our consciences do accuse vs and our sinnes witnesse agaynst vs and we know that thou art an vpright iudge which doest not i●stifie the sinners and wicked men but punishest the faultes of all such as transgresse thy comma●ndementes Yet most mercyfull Father since it hath pleased th●e to commaund vs to call on thee in all our troubles and aduersities promising euen then to helpe vs when we feele our selues as it were swallowed vp of death and desperation we vtterly renounc● all worldly confidence and flee to thy soue●aigne bounty as our onely stay and refuge beseeching thee not to call to remembraunce our manifold sinne and wickednesse whereby we continually prouoke thy wrath and indignatio● agaynst vs neither our negl●gence and vnkindnesse whiche haue neither worthely esteemed not in our liues sufficiently expressed the sweet● comfort of thy Gospell reueled vnto vs that rather to accept the obedience and death of thy sonne Iesus Christ who by offeryng vp his body in sacrifice once for all hath made a sufficient recompence for all our sinnes Haue mercy therefore vpon vs O Lord and fo●geue vs our offences Teach vs by thy holy sprite that we may rightly wey them and earnestly repent for the same And so much the rather O Lord because that the reproba●e and such as thou hast forsaken can not prayse thee nor call vppon thy name but the repentyng hart the sorrowfull mynde the conscience oppressed ●●ungryng and thirstyng for thy grace shall euer set forth thy prayse and glory And albeit we he but worthes and dust yet thou art our creator and we be the worke of thy ha●des yea thou art our Father and we thy children thou art our shepheard and we thy ●ocke thou art our redeeme● and we the people whom thou hast bought thou ●art our God and we thine inheritannce Correct vs no● therfore in thine anger O Lord neither accordyng to our desertes punish vs ●ut mercyfully chastise vs with a fatherly affection than all the world may know that at what tyme soeuer a sinner doth repent him of his sinne from the bottome of his hart thou wilt put away his wickednes out of thy remembraunce as thou hast promised by thy holy Prophet Finally for asmuch as it hath pleased thee to make
his sword is not so cruell but the Byshop of Rome on the other side is more fierce and bitter agaynst vs styrryng vp his Byshops to burne vs his confederates to conspire our destruction settyng Kynges agaynst their subiectes and subiectes 〈◊〉 to rebell agaynst their Princes and all for thy na● 〈◊〉 Such dissension and hostilitie Sathan hath set amonge it vs that Turkes be not more enemyes to Christians then Christians to Christians Papistes to Protestantes yea Protestātes with Protestantes do not agree but fall out for trifles So that the poore litle flocke of thy Church distressed on euery side hath neither rest without nor peace within not place almost in the world where to abyde but may cry now from the earth euen as thyne own reuerence cryed once from thy Crosse My God My God why hast thou forsaken me Amongest vs English men here in England after so great stormes of persecution and cruell murther of so many Martyrs it hath pleased thy grace to gene vs these Al●toa dayes which yet we enioye and beseech thy mercyfull goodnesse still they may continue But here also alacke what should we say So many enemyes we haue that e●●ie vs this rest and trauquillitie and doe what they can to disturbe it They which be frendes and louers of the Byshop of Rome although they eate the fatte of the land and haue the best prefermentes and offices and liue most at ease and ayle nothyng yet are they not therewith content They grudge they mutter and murmure they conspire and take on agaynst vs It fretteth them that we liue by them or with them and can not abyde that we should draw the bare breathyng of the ayre when they haue all the most libertie of the land And albeit thy singular goodnes hath geue● them a Queene so calme so pacie●● so mercyfull more like a naturall mother then a Princes to gouerne ouer them such ●s neither they nor thei● a●nciters e●er read of in the stories of this land before yet all this will not calme them their vnquiet spi●ite is not ye● 〈◊〉 they repine and rebell and needes would haue with the Frogges of E●ope a Ciconia au Italian straunger the Byshop of Rome to play Rex ouer them and ca●e not if all the world were set on fire so they with their Italian Lord might reigne alone So fond are we English men of straunge and forrein thynges so vnnaturall to our selues so greedy of new fangle nouelties neuer contented wit● any state long to continue be it neuer so good and furthermore so cruell one to an othe● that we thinke our life not quyet vnlesse it be seasoned with the bloud of other For that is their hope that is all their gapyng and lookyng that is their golden day their day of Iubiley which they thyrst for somuch not to haue the Lord to come in the cloudes but to haue our bloud and to spill our lyues That that is it which they would haue and lōg since would haue had their willes vpon vs had not thy gracious pitie and mercy raysed vp to vs this our mercyfull Queene thy seruaunt ELIZABETH somewhat to stay their furie For whom as we most condig●ely geue thee most hartie thankes so likewise we beseech thy heauenly Maiestie that as thou hast geuen her vnto vs and hast from so manifold daungers preserued her before she was Queene so now in her Royall estate she may continually be preserued not onely from their handes but from all malignant deuises wrought attempted or conceaued of enemyes both ghostly and bodely agaynst her In this her gouernement be her gouerner we beseeth thee So shall her Maiestie well gouerne vs if first she be gouerned by thee Multiply her reigne with many dayes and her yeares with much fel●citie with aboundaunce of peace and life ghostly That as she hath now doubled the yeares of her sister and brother so if it be thy pleasure she may ouer 〈…〉 And because no gouernement can long 〈◊〉 without good Counsell neither can any Counsell be good except it be prospered by thee blesse therefore we beseech thee both her Maiestie and her honorable Counsell that both they rightly may vnderstand what is to be done and she accordyngly may accomplish that they do Counsell to thy glory and furtheraunce of thy Gospell and publicke wealth of this Realme Furthermore we beseech thee Lord Iesu who with the Maiestie of thy generation doest drowne all Nobilitie beyng the onely sonne of God heyre and Lord of all thynges blesse the Nobilitie of this Realme and of other Christen Realmes so as they Christianly agreeing among them selues may submit their Nobilitie to serue thee or els let them feele O Lord what a friuolous thyng is that Nobilitie which is without the● Likewise to all Magistrates such as be aduaunced to authoritie or placed in office by what name or title soeuer geue we beseech thee a carefull conscience vprightly to discharge their dutie that as they by publicke persons to serue the common wealth so they abuse not their office to their private gayne nor priuate reuenge of their owne affections but that iustice beyng administred without bribery and equitie balanced without crueltie or partialitie thynges that be amisse may be reformed vice abandoned truth supported innocencie relieued Gods glory mainteined and the cōmon wealth truly serued But especially to thy spirituall Ministers Byshops and Pastours of thy Church graunt we beseech thee O Lord Prince of all pasto●● that they folowyng the steppes of thee of thy Apostles and holy Martyrs may seeke those thynges which be not their 〈◊〉 but onely which be thyne not caryng how many benefices nor what great Byshopprikes they haue 〈◊〉 well they can guide those they haue Geue them such ●eale of thy Church as may deuoure them and graunt them such salt wherewith the whole people may be seasoned and which may neuer be vnsauery but quicken dayly by thy holy spirite whereby thy flocke by them may be preserued In generall geue to all the people ▪ and the whole state of this Realme such brotherly 〈◊〉 in knowledge of thy truth and such obedience their Superiours as they neither prouoke the scourge of God 〈◊〉 them nor their Princes sword to be 〈◊〉 against her will out of the scaberd of long sufferennce where it hath bene long hyd Especially geue thy Gospell long continaunce amongest vs And if 〈…〉 the contrary graunt we beseech thee with an earnest repentaunce of that which is past to ioyne ●●arty purpose of amendement to come And forasmuch as the Byshop of Rome is wont on euery Good friday to accurse v● as damned her 〈…〉 we here curse not him but pray for him that he with all his partakers either may be turned to a better truth or els we pray thee gracious Lord that we neuer agree with him in doctrine and that he may so 〈◊〉 vs still and neuer blesse vs more as hee blessed vs in Queene Maryes tyme God of his mercy keepe away