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A89271 An explicite declaration of the testimony of Christ according to the plain sayings of the Gospel: and therein, of the purposes, promises, and covenants of God, as by Gospel declared. With, a consideration of a question stated about faith. By Thomas Moore, Senior. Moore, Thomas, Senior. 1656 (1656) Wing M2593B; ESTC R231372 616,621 754

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Parables had the like end which whatever the outside and face of the Letter was yet their import was in their end which was to witness of lead to Christ o Rom. 3.21 in minding of whom the meaning of all is seen and so the things and sense in sayings plain p Prov. 8.9 2 Cor. 3.13 16 17. But when Christ the Truth came he by compleating that done in his Body and sending forth the Holy Ghost opened the way into the Holiest q Heb. 9.9 15. revealed the Father r John 1.18 And God hath now spoken to us by his Son s Heb. 1.1 who hath filled his first Witness with the Holy Ghost and so with Knowledge of the Mystery of his will in all Wisdom and spiritual Prudence and sent them forth t Act. 2. Ephes 1.3 8 9. and they have testified and in their Testimony the Holy Ghost hath testified of Christ u Act. 5.32 1 Pet. 1.12 and this Testimony of Christ have they preached and recorded not in a Fable to be Allegorized but the very Truth concerning Jesus Christ himself w 2 Pet. 1.15 16 17 18. not in dark and parabolical Words nor in the Wisdom of man nor with Rhetorical flourishes but with simplicity and great plainness of speech x 1 Cor. 1.17 27. 2.1 2 13. without any deceit or cloak of craft commending themselves to every mans conscience in the sight of God y 2 Cor. 2.17 4.1 2. So that this Gospel of Jesus Christ as now come forth in which is the Law and the Testimony to which we are to resort for Knowledge of Truth is the Testimony of Christ and as it is of deep and profound Mysteries so it is true verily true and plain without any deceit or equivocation as is evident To it therefore go c. CHAP. 2. Evidences of the Truth and Plainness of this Testimony THat the Testimony of Christ in all the sayings thereof is true is evident first in that it came forth from Almighty God and is the declaration of his minde who is the onely true God the God of Truth even Truth it self a John 17.3 1 John 5.20 Deut. 32.1 4. whence it is called the Gospel of God b Rom. 15.16 1 Thes 2.2 3 8 9. Secondly In that it testifieth and setteth forth Jesus Christ who is the Truth c John 14.6 in whom Mercy and Truth are met d Psal 8 5.10 and in that he became hath done doth and will do Truth is and is fulfilled e 2 Thess 2.10 12 13 14. 2 Cor. 5 21.1●0.130 2 Pet. 1.16 19. Ephes 4.21 and he also sends forth the Holy Spirit that witnesseth Truth and leads into all Truth f John 15.26 16.7 13. Rom. 1.3 16. 15.29 whence also this Gospel is called the Gospel of Christ Thirdly in that it was inspired and witnessed by the Holy Spirit of Truth into the Prophets and Apostles and by them breathed forth and written as the Holy Spirit gave them to speak and write g 1 Pet. 1.11 12. 2 Pet. 1.21 Luke 1.70 Prov. 22.21 Rom. 15 4. True it is All the Holy Scripture was given and so narrated and writ by Divine Inspiration and so is profitable c. h 2 Tim. 3.16 But though the Narration of Sayings written in the Scriptures were by Divine Inspiration recorded yet are there many Sayings recorded which in respect of the Sayings themselves were not Divine Inspirations but the Spirations and Sayings some of Satan some of Seducers and wicked men some of weak Believers some even of strong Believers tempted which were by the Inspiration of God given to the Writers and so by them recorded but not recorded as the Inspirations of God's Minde but as God's Declaration of the Sayings of Satan or of Men that we may know the subtilties of Satan and beware and the seducements and evils of the wicked and take heed and so the weakness of some and frame of Spirit in others and so such Sayings are to be taken as God's Declarations of the Deeds and Sayings of others to warn instruct us c. but not as his own Sayings to be received obeyed and built on as true and good that would be an abuse of them But as for the Gospel it self that is the Testimony of Christ even All of it was not onely narrated by Divine Inspiration or given of God by Inspiration to be narrated as those things that were indeed spoken or done by Satan or wicked or weak men But as the very Things Sayings Spirations and Inspirations of God himself of his own Minde and so it is Divine Truth Divine Spiration divinely inspired as well as by Divine Inspiration written and recorded and therefore True not only true it was so said and done for so were all the other sayings but true in it self yea Truth and the Revealer of the Minde of Truth it self Fourthly the Gospel and Testimony of Christ is a full and perfect Truth in all that it narrateth and in all that it affirmeth and in all that it promiseth containing the Declaration of the whole Truth that is for natural Men or Believers to know believe or do in the worship of God or towards the Conversion and Salvation of Men yea even to make the Man of God himself perfect to every good Work i John 15.15 Act. 20.26 Micah 6.8 2 Pet. 1.12 16. 2 Tim. 3.16 And therefore we are bounded up to it k Isa 8.20 Gal. 1.6 12. without adding or diminishing l Deut. 12.32 Rev. 22.18 19. there being no Morning-light in any Spirit Doctrine Saying or Doing that is not in and according to this Testimony it being the Truth and Discoverer of and Guide to all Truth and Trier of all things m Ephes 5.13 it being true in Christ and of Christ and from him to men and for men whether men believe it or not n Joh. 8.40 45 46. 1 Thes 2.10 12. 2 Tim. 2.13 4.4 And as it is true in and of Christ and to and for men so it is true in Believers also so as they discern and experiment and testifie the Truth thereof o 1 Joh. 2.8 20 27. 2 Joh. 2. 3 Joh. 3 John 3.33 and so this Gospel is most rightly called the Word of Truth p 2 Cor. 6.7 Col. 1.5 yea the Truth q 2 Cor. 12. Fifthly the Testimony of Christ which is in the Gospel is the Spirit of Prophecie r Rev. 19.10 it is the Original the Spring Teacher and Guide to all right understaing of Truth and for speaking Truth to Men in Charity and to Edification and Exhortation and Comfort s 1 Cor. 14.1 3. 2 Cor. 5.14 15 19 21. yea this Testimony of Jesus believed is verily 1. Both the Opener of Truth and of the Understanding to discern Truth as pointed out both in the end of the Law and in Types Parables and dark Sayings and also as set
be wise they become most foolish and their Wisdom and their Knowledge perverteth them f Rom. 1.22 1 Cor. 3.19 20. Isa 47.10 or else such filth and blasphemy would never come out of their Mouths much less have been set forth by their Pens as to say That the Scripture contains not all things necessary to Salvation That it is full of Obscurity a killing Letter a dumb Judge inky Divinity a Nose of Wax that may be bended any way That every Heretick proves his Heresie by Scripture and That the Scripture is fitted to the time and variably understood so that the sense thereof is one while this another while that according as the Church is pleased to change her Judgement in determining the sense and That the Gospel was written not to rule our Faith but to be ruled by it and so though a Point of Faith be affirmed never so plainly in Scripture yet it is but sub judice and doubtful without a higher Determination though herein be Difference among them who shall give that Determination some say The Pope some say A Council some say The Pope and the Council both consenting some say A Synod or Convocation of learned and holy Men some say This gathered Assembly or Congregation some That and some say Humane Reason in a Logical Discourse and some say The infallible Spirit in this or that Man And thus do they draw Men from God and his Word rejecting that as of none effect occasioning divisions and contentions without number and so in multiplying Sects not onely seducements from the Faith but wars and ruines are like to follow And Satan that takes advantage from the Flesh to rule in the Hearts of Unbelievers is alwayes at hand subtil and diligent to set forward this evil business and he will abuse Reason use subtil and provoking Motives yea and bring Scripture Sentences with some word subtilly left out and also vent Spirations with boldness though false yea pretend to move to confidence in God though out of his way and to help one to a better condition yea he attempted this where he had no advantage g Mat. 4.3 9. Luke 4.2 11. how much more will he do it where he hath the advantage of corrupt Flesh to work upon yea to keep his possession by some unclean lust or to disturb the proceedings of Truth he can transform himself into an Angel of Light and confess Jesus to be the Holy One of God h Mark 1.23 24. 3.11 and pretend to help Believers in Christ to a better condition i 2 Cor. 11.3 14 and he can teach his Ministers to do the same and much more to maintain some false Doctrine or keep the hold of a false Spirit to rent the Union and disturb the Faith and Fellowship of the Saints and yet be counted of that Number and for this end to make Confession of the Truth and give an Honourable Testimony to the Servants of the Truth and yet vaunt of some higher things to lead men to k Act. 16.16 17 18. Phil. 1.15 16. 2 Cor. 11 13 14 15.18 Thus busie is Satan ruling in the Wisdom of the Flesh whence the Wisdom of the Flesh and so all carnal Men are full of oppositions against the plain Testimony of Scripture yea sometimes some in some measure gracious are yet by Satan and his Instruments and the remaining Flesh in them in some measure tainted so as from many Men we have many Objections against the plain sayings of the Gospel and the plain appearing sense imported by them And notwithstanding all said in the Scriptures quoted in the first and second Chapters yet will they neither give that Glory to God themselves to believe him on his word nor suffer those that do to be at rest but seek to trouble and unsettle them many wayes and the wayes by which they endeavour to trouble Believers are especially three first by Spirit or pretence of Inspiration and speaking from an infallible Spirit Secondly by Word in Queries or subtil Reasonings and Philosophical Disputes Thirdly by pretence of Scripture alleadging it with some addition or diminution or wresting of all which we are forewarned to beware l 1 Joh. 4 1. Col. 2 8. 2 Thes 2.2 I shall endeavour to remove the most usual Objections which each of them do make CHAP. 4. An Assay to remove the Objections of those that pretend Spirit come clothed with Pretence of Inspiration and Zeal Object 1 YOu have nothing but Letter what you read in other Mens Writings but I have the Spirit the infallible Spirit God hath inspired this to me and it is God within me that speaketh by me and that I speak is the true Sense and Minde of God your Sense imported by the Letter is carnal and fleshly and of Man and so not the true Sense Answ 1. Your boasting discovers your unsoundness for he that speaketh of himself seeketh his own glory a John 7.18 and not he that commendeth himself but he whom God commendeth is approved b 2 Cor. 10.18 2. Your bearing witness of your self makes you like the Heathen Idols c Isa 44.9 and your witness not true d Joh. 5 31 32. and coming in your own Name pretending the Name of Christ as if you were Christ declares you to be a false Apostle or Prophet e John 5.43 7.18 Mat. 24.5 24. 3. For the true Christ full of and led by the Holy Ghost gave every Answer to the Tempter with Thus it is written f Mat. 4. Luk. 4. and directed all his Hearers to search the Scriptures and the true Apostles though filled with the Holy Ghost yet did magnifie the Scriptures fore-written and proved and made known all their Doctrine by them according to the Command of God g Gal. 1.8 16. Rom. 16.25 26. Act. 17.2 3. 18.28 26.22 23. And that Spirit or that Man pretending Spirit which heareth not submitteth not to believe obey and be determined by the Doctrine and Saying of the Prophets and Apostles is not of God h 1 Joh. 4.6 2 Pet. 3.2 Wherefore that Spirit that speaks of himself is not of God for the Holy Spirit never speaketh of himself but he witnesseth of Christ and sheweth and teacheth the things of him and that in bringing to remembrance the Sayings of Christ by himself or his Spirit in the Prophets that were written and he had before taught his Apostles that they might witness them to us and we believe through their word i Joh. 16.13 14.26 Luk. 24.25 26 44 45 47. Joh. 17.20 And those that by Faith do know That the world was made by God k Heb. 11.1 2. and that it is preserved and upheld by God through Christ l Psal 35.3 Col. 1.17 and that the Scripture was given by Inspiration of God m 2 Tim. 3.16 and Christ sent forth and to have done all things according to the Scripture n Act. 13.32 33.
21.27 Then the Law shall go forth of Sion and the Word of the Lord from Jerusalem then shall Jerusalem be the praise of the Earth and the Name of the City shall be from that Day The Lord is there yea in Jerusalem are set the Thrones for Judgement the Thrones of the House of David there shall the twelve Apostles sit on twelve Thrones judging the twelve Tribes of Israel all being but the Throne of Christ who overcoming through sufferings is now set on the right Hand of God and so set with his Father on his Father's Throne And when he comes to take his own Throne Luk. 1.32 Rev. 3.21 Rev. 22.14.19 Gen. 13 14-17 Heb. 11.9 1 Chron. 16.16 17 18. Psal 105.8 9 10 11. Isa 14.2 Zech. 12.6 14.10 Isa 61.7 the Throne of his Father David that God will give unto him he promiseth likewise to him that overcometh to grant to sit with him on his Throne so that all such shall have their part in this holy City Jerusalem which Jerusalem shall be in the Land of Canaan in which Abraham sojourned and where David though a sojourner also yet raigned there shall Ierusalem be and be again inhabited and resorted to even in her own place So as for the shame they have undergone c. they shall rejoyce in their portion therefore in their own Land they shall possess the double and everlasting joyshall be upon them 3. The extent and largeness of this Kingdom Dominion and Raigning it shall be over all Nations over the whole Earth Zech. 14.9 and so it is said And the Lord shall be King over all the earth in that day there shall be one Lord and his Name one And Psal 72.8 9 10 11. he shall have dominion from Sea to Sea and from the River to the ends of the earth They that dwell in the wilderness shall how before him and his enemies shall lick the dust The Kings of Tarshish and the Isles shall bring presents the Kings of Sheba and Seba shall offer gifts yea all Kings shall fall down before him all Nations shall serve him And so in Vision seen Dan. 7.14 27. And there was given him Dominion and Glory and a Kingdom that all People Nations and Languages shall serve him his Dominion is an everlasting Dominion and the Kingdom and Dominion and greatness of the Kingdom under the whole Heaven shall be given to the people of the Saints of the most High whose Kingdom is an everlasting Kingdom and all Dominions or Rulers shall serve and obey him Rev. 2.26 And so the Promise And he that overcometh and keepeth my works unto the end to him will I give power over the Nations and he shall rule them c. even as I received of my Father Again Do you not know that the Saints shall judge the world 1 Cor. 6.2 4. The manner of this Kingdom in the beginning of it and till Christ deliver up the Kingdom to the Father it shall be Davidical his Regiment Providential among Men hath from the beginning been and till his next coming will be by wordly Governours which by a Divine power he raiseth up and putteth down and changeth by means and Instruments as and when it pleaseth him His Spiritual Regiment is and hath been and will be till his coming again by his Holy Spirit in and with his Word of Grace in the Hearts and Consciences of his Saints on Earth which is also so far Divine that he makes them Partakers of the Divine Nature though not all Raigners but sufferers in this world But his own Personal Regiment as Man and Son of David shall be Davidical though exceeding that of David as Truth is in all things and ever exceeding the Types in which also are some dissimilitudes as hath been foreshewn yet ever fulness in the Truth to answer all that by similitudes was typed or figured And so 1. Jesus Christ shall have the Kingdom of his Father David 1 King 8.18 19 20. 2 Sam. 7.12 16. Psal 132. 11-18 sit thereon and rule that House and Kingdom suitable to and excelling that said of and by Solomon the Type in which shall be fulfilled that promised 2 Sam. 7. according to his Oath mentioned Of the fruit of thy body will I set upon thy Throne c. and according to that prophesied I will raise unto David a righteous Branch and a King shall raign and prosper Jer. 23.5 6. and shall execute judgment and justice in the earth In his dayes Judah shall be saved and Israel shall dwell safely and this is the Name whereby he shall be called Jehovah our Righteousness And this 〈…〉 this is 〈…〉 or Jer. 33.14 15 16 17. For 〈…〉 on the Throne of the House of Hyael And ●o by another 〈◊〉 phet In 〈◊〉 the 〈◊〉 be established and he shall sit 〈…〉 Isa 16.5 Isa 9.6 7. yea more 〈…〉 Counsellor The Mighty 〈…〉 Prince of peace of the 〈…〉 of David to order it c. And this 〈…〉 Apostle and by the Angel Act 20.30 31. Lub 1.32 Act. 〈…〉 13.36 37. 3.19 20 21. 〈…〉 to him the 〈…〉 not in the 〈…〉 raise the 〈…〉 sit on 〈…〉 Throne of David 〈…〉 in the 〈…〉 and Affairs of Men 〈…〉 shall the 〈◊〉 be and so and in that 〈…〉 2. In the Kingdom of David 2 Eam 8.18 1 Chron. 27.23 〈…〉 33 34. 〈◊〉 8.1 29.6 Isa 61.5 14.1 2. there ws both Rul●●● Subjects and 〈…〉 of degrees in both 〈…〉 also 〈…〉 some also of 〈…〉 over his substance for Land and Cattel and others for 〈◊〉 Affairs of the Kingdom even so in this Kingdom of 〈◊〉 The Inhab●●●● of the twelve Tribes of 〈…〉 all parts of 〈…〉 own I and 〈…〉 Mat. 22.30 Mar. 12.25 Luk. 20.35 36. Rev. 5.10 1.6 1.10 2 Tim. 4.8 for ordering and Catrol 〈◊〉 such-like 〈…〉 Men but the Children of the Resu●●●● on that are the compleat spiritually born Sons of God 〈…〉 shall be the chief these neither marry nor are given in 〈◊〉 riag●● but are as the Angels of God these for the 〈…〉 of the Kingdom 〈◊〉 chiefest 〈…〉 King and 〈…〉 that shall 〈…〉 and to upon Thrones 〈◊〉 him 1 Cor. 15.41 42. Mat. 20.23 Mar. 10.40 〈◊〉 17.5 6. 〈◊〉 105 9-14 Heb. 11.10 c. and have the Growns of Kighteousness and Life 〈◊〉 among these 〈◊〉 there will be degrees one excelling ano●●●● It is ordered for some 〈◊〉 on his right Hand and 〈…〉 his left 〈…〉 shall have the 〈…〉 King so he a Prince among them Dan. 12.13 Hag. 2.23 Mat. 19.28 Rev. 2.26 1 Cor. 6.2 Luk. 19.17 19. Mat. 25.21 23. Ezek. 34.23 24 and 37.24 25. Daniel shall then stand up in his Lot Zerubbabel shall be there as a Signet c. The Apostles shall there sit on twelve Thrones c. The victorious Saints shall sit with him on his Throne ruling the Nations All the Saints judging the World as Sampson
I might shew how Christ is here the chief Master Doctor and Rabbi and the Prophets and Apostles the Masters of this Assembly the Scriptures the Library the Testimony of Jesus the Original the Holy Spirit therein the Interpreter the way of Learning and coming to knowledge is Attention and believing the Fellows and Collegiates are all that are built upon Jesus and so one in this spiritual house the pupils are all that like or desire to learn the Doctrine of the Gospel though yet hardly believing or weak and unstable in the Faith or believing the Truth of the Gospel and professing it but not so prevailed with by it as to be united to Christ and framed to his Minde so as to have his word in their heart these not yet to be Teachers but Learners but the residue all Teachers according to the measure of Faith and Gifts given them and their acts are Fellowship in the Gospel and to those acts the World may come also to hear And all the Ministers God approveth and sendeth forth to minister Gospel to the World they are brought up in and sent forth of this University being Members thereof as is proved in that already said and yet I would add one proof more even from the Prayer of our Saviour for these in John 17. where having prayed for the fitness furniture and blessing on the ministration of those immediately called chosen taught and set forth by himself he proceedeth in that Prayer saying Joh. 17.6 7 8 9 11 14 15 16 17 18 19 vers 20. Neither do I pray for these alone but for them also which shall believe on me through their word which is no other but his own word he received of the Father and gave to them and so it is through their Ministration of the word and so the same word and as ministred and recorded by these first VVitnesses who were immediately sent forth by him with this Ministration for the Obedience of Faith among all Nations and for all that believe through their word He prayeth Vers 21. That they all he saith not some onely or the chief Officers they shall chuse but the unfeigned Believers even they all may be one as thou Father art in me and I in thee that they also may be one in us VVhich cannot be meant of the Essence of God because he speaketh of Ministration nor is it meant onely of being one in him by the Spirit of Faith relying on him though this be included yea the union of the Father and Son in will for Ministration and of the Father in the Son and the Son in the Father and so the union between them is more then so yea I may say there is such an union between them as is higher then we can conceive and incommunicable also though the benefit of it be communicable but the union here meant appears by that foregoing and this following with the scope of the business to be the union of the Spirit for Ministration as the Father was and is one and of one minde in Christ that he should make peace by his blood and then preach peace that Men might believe and that in preaching peace he should speak his words that he gave him and seek his ends for glorifying him in displaying and extending Salvation to Men and eternally saving believing Men. So Christ was one in and with the Father in all this and in the same love with the same design did both make peace by his Blood and preach peace in the same words and for the same end the Father gave them to him and so are they one in the same love and design for the good of Mankinde in this Ministration of peace-preaching to bring Men in to believe and to preserve Believers to eternal Life And now having committed the Ministry of Reconciliation by peace-preaching to his first VVitnesses and prayed for and begun to frame them into union with him in this design he prayeth therewith for all that unfeignedly believe on him through their word and so are united to him by Faith and Love that they may be framed by the same Spirit of Faith to his minde and so be one in the Father and him in the same love and the same design for carrying forth this Ministration as he did and to the same ends though through like sufferings as he did and as the first VVitnesses did that so we may be one together with them and all one in the Father and the Son in this love and design pursued in the same way for Ministration And this to be the union meant appears also in the next words which are That the world that is such as yet believe not may believe that thou hast sent me which can be no less Vers 21. then that through their Ministration carried forth in such love and union of Spirit and way such as yet believe not may believe c. And this to be the meaning the next words shew Vers 22. And the glory which thou gavest me I have given them which is not the glory he had with the Father before the world was and with which he is now glorified at the Father's right hand for that was not then as yet given to him as he was Man but to be given him on the finishing his whole work for suffering and overcoming death and his own immediate personal Ministration and his Ascension into Heaven and offering up the acceptable sacrifice and then was that glory given him so that of this glory he speaketh not but of the glory of the Ministration given him immediately of the Father which was a more great and glorious Ministration then ever before given to Moses or any of the Priests or Prophets or John Baptist and so it 's called the glorious Gospel And this Ministration with commission with power and authority and Spirit he received immediately from the Father and so gave it as immediately to the first VVitnesses and now here mediately through the belief of their Gospel unto all unfeigned Believers in every age that through their word believe to them and all them our Saviour gives this glory of the commission power and authority for Ministration Vers 22. and that to these ends both that they may be one even as we are one in that union forementioned and so Vers 23. I in them and thou in me that they may be made perfect in one I in them The Nature of all Mankinde is in me in which I have died their Death and suffered the Curse that was due for their sins and made peace for them by my Blood and offered the acceptable Sacrifice and obtained eternal Redemption and received in the Nature of Man Remission of sins and fulness of Spirit Grace Truth and Eternal Life for Men that in believing Men might receive me and in receiving me receive it all And now these believing though not by my immediate personal Ministration yet by my mediate Ministration through the
one man had by high Treason procured on himself and all his posterity the sentence of ejection from all his lands and inheritance and of suffering for ever an ignominious and tormenting death being for ever put under the displeasure wrath and hatred of him against whom the treason was committed and yet the execution deferred till the Traytor have twenty children And in the sentence passed this reserve that the third seventh tenth and fifteenth of that mans children shall be freed from the execution of the sentence and be accepted as sons into favour with the King and enjoy the inheritance though these may be born as sinful and ill-deserving as the rest yet can they not be said to be born or by birth to be the children of the wrath and displeasure of the King even as the other seeing even by their very birth the persons so born were appointed to such freedome favour and happiness as the rest were excluded from before they were born but if none so provided for but all alike before their birth excluded then were they alike the children of wrath or else not This Simily illustrates the Text proveth and Mr. Owen confesseth All are by nature the children of wrath one even as another And so as Adams sons none differenced from others by any such election before their being or by a first birth 2 If by Nature be meant the corrupt disposition with which from our first father we are all naturally infected and so according to the lusts of that disposition what ever means were used towards us more than other yet we according to the course of this world and the motions of Satan walked in fulfilling the wills of the flesh And so were by Nature the children of wrath even as others If we take it thus as surely also we may then it still overthrows the forementioned fancy for to be elect to Son-ship and inheritance and to be well-beloved Isa 42.1 with Mat. 12.18 and under well-pleasedness is one and the same by our Saviours opening the word to be under wrath and under compassion may well stand together but to be under wrath and well-pleasedness stands not together nor are any that are without Christ and out of him Rom. 5.4 1 Cor. 15.45 46 47.48 1 Pet. 2.5 9. 1 Thess 5.3.4 Rom. 9 25 26. chosen or elected in him the natural man is first the spiritual afterward as with the head so with the members who are the elect and chosen is fore-declared and they when elect are not children of wrath even as others nor as themselves sometimes were so that in this saying he hath intimately confessed the truth of their beleef he professedly opposeth 2. He saith That faith and holiness which in due time they are invested withall whereby they are made Beleevers and Saints and distinguished from all others what ever is an effect and fruit of and flows from Gods eternal purpose concerning their salvation and election The faith and holiness of those forementioned 1 Joh. 4.14 Joh. 3.16 17. wants nothing of this Was it not the purpose of God in sending forth his Son the Saviour of the world That the world through him might be saved And was it not in the same purpose of God Act. 26.17 18 3.26 Joh. 3.14 15 16. 15.26 16 14 15 1 Pet. 1.20 21 That his Son having in mans nature dyed for our sins and risen for our justification c. should be preached To turn men from darkness to light that whoever beleeveth in him should not perish but have everlasting life Is not this Jesus He of whom the holy Spirit testifieth and the things of whom he sheweth and so in glorifying him draweth men to beleeve in him And are not those so brought to beleeve in him beleevers indeed and Saints by calling And is not this faith produced by the love of God commended in giving his Son to dye for our sins and fastned on Christ the foundation receiving remission of sins Rom 5.8.10 and spiritual quickning through beleeving on him According to the purpose of God Is there any purpose of God for sending his holy Spirit to witness of Christ to work any other kinde of faith than this of the right kinde or is there any faith in Christ of the Spirits working that is not according to the purpose of God doth he speak of himself or work otherwise than as proceeding from the Father and the Son And are not these beleevers in their coming into Christ distinguished thereby from all that are unbeleevers and of the world what ever And who will say It is questionable whether the holy Spirit thus bringing any to beleeve in Christ be an effect and fruit of and flowing from the grace love and purpose of God concerning their salvation even that in beleeving they might be saved But these things have been often at large cleerlyshewn and proved before nor doth Mr. Owen here say This faith is a fruit of election he knows that with more shew of truth it might be said election is a fruit of this faith but yet that is not a good and right expression neither but the testimony of the holy Ghost is That they were chosen through the sanctification of the Spirit 2 Thess 2.13 14. and the beleef of the Truth to which they were called c. which is already fore-shewn And here yeelded in this saying concerning their salvation or election making these two terms in a sort signifying the same thing and so election a part of the salvation wrought in them and upon them and so the faith the same set out Heb. 6. 3 He saith Their faith being as to the manner of its bestowing peculiarly of the operation of God This agrees well with that set forth Heb. 6.1 2 4 5. It was God sure that in love gave his Son to do that for us in and by which he is the compleat object of faith And Jesus Christ in and through whom God commendeth his love to us is God even one and the same God blessed for ever And the Holy Ghost that proceedeth from the Father and the Son is one and the same God with the Father and the Son and that the Father and the Son is And he discovering and drawing on Christ the foundation and so illuminating and affording tastes of the heavenly gift as the effects repentance from dead works and faith towards God This is certainly both his peculiar operation and the operation of God And to deny this under any surmise of an unknown purpose or election were to derogate from the grace of God even of the Father the Son and the Holy Ghost as if their works in this kind were not truly saving and gracious which I hope none wil say so that this faith abideth still right 4. He saith And as to its distinction from every other gift that upon any account what ever is so called in respect of its fountain termed The faith of Gods
faith yet they cannot be saved That first mentioned faith flowing from such an election and purpose of God concerning their persons is the faith of Gods elect This I say Paul never taught nor is there any one line in Scripture to affirm it the Spirit of God leads no man so to beleeve or speak it is quite and directly cross to his Testimony as is shewn at large Part. 2. Chap. 9. Page 87 88 89. Part. 4. Chap. 10. 11. So that the faith here commended is the same with that Heb. 6.4 5. And as for Rom. 8.28 how it speaks the same thing and not a word for this reproved fancy is shewn before at large See Part. 4. Chap. 6 7 8. And so likewise is that Act. 13.48 in Part. 5. Chap. 6. Page 317 318. So that Eph. 1 4. is likewise shewn to make nothing for it Part. 3. Chap. 12. Page 221. And that 1 Pet. 1.2 3 4 5. speaks not of an eternal purpose of God concerning some certain persons of Adams sons in a decree to elect and eternally save them but of the manner of the election of such as were already actually elected viz. That it was through the sanctification of the Spirit unto the sprinkling of the blood of Jesus 2 Thess 2.13 exprest elsewhere The beleef of the truth in which that sprinkling is received This election being according to the fore-knowledge or fore-approbation of God who hath fore-appointed and approved this way for electing and choosing such as beleeve his Testimony as is at large shewn on Rom. 8.28 Part. 4. Chap. 6. 7. 8. So that this Concernment hath gained nothing for any other kinde of faith than that he confest at first true in its kinde I would he had not cast it by CHAP. XVI Of his second Concernment 1. HE saith for the manner of their obtaining this precious faith it is by Gods giving to them that holy Spirit c. In this I shall note three things in which it is pretended to be not only peculiar but of another and better kinde than the former true in its kinde 1. Hee saith It is by giving that Holy Spirit of his whereby he raised Jesus from the dead to raise them from their death in sin to quicken them unto newness of life In this first saying we have two things to note in the manner of true beleevers obtaining faith viz. First What God gives unto them and that is that same holy Spirit of his by which hee raised Jesus from the dead And secondly The end for which God gives this holy Spirit to them and that is to raise them from their death in sin to quicken them unto newness of life both which are very true and will by all true beleevers be so confessed yet the asserting it as a peculiar manner of obtaining faith that is of a better kinde than that mentioned Heb. 6.4 5. and another manner of obtaining also and leaving out something needful in this business to be mentioned is blame-worthy For 1 God for calling any to the faith doth not send forth or give any other spirit nor is there any other spirit proceeding from the Father and the Son than that holy Spirit by which he raised Jesus from the dead This Spirit is called his Holy Spirit the Spirit of Christ the Spirit of Grace 1 Pet. 3.19 20. Act 7.51 By this Spirit Christ preached in the ministration of Noah and of the Prophets whence those that resisted his inlightnings and teachings in those ministrations are said to have been disobedient to and have resisted the Holy Ghost And now more abundantly since the sufferings and ascention of Christ he doth in the ministration of the Gospel inlighten call convince c. whence those that shut their eyes and refuse and despise are said to despise God 1 Thes 4.7 8. Heb. 10.29 And they that after they have received the knowledge of the truth do willingly tread under foot the Son of God and count the blood of the Covenant as an unholy thing are said to have done despite to the Spirit of Grace i.e. If it had not been the holy Spirit they had resisted their sin had not been so grievous It is not good to devise pleas for wicked men to extenuate their sin And though there be a Spirit of truth and a spirit of error yet truth is one and the Spirit of truth is one 1 Joh 4 1-6 1 Cor. 12.4.11 2 Cor. 15. 1 Cor 12.2 3. though his gifts be divers and the Spirit of truth cometh onely from God and Christ And no other spirit but error is divers and many and the spirit of error is manifold and various and proceedeth not from God but from the Devil Nor can any man attain any true kinde of faith but by the Holy Ghost yea that faith mentioned Heb. 6.1 2 4 5. was attained by the illumination of the Holy Ghost and they were made partakers of the Holy Ghost And to ascribe to the Spirit the working of a faith of Christ dying and by his blood having made peace such as shall cause light love joy and fill the soul with such hope of eternal life as shall ravish the heart of a man and inwardly and outwardly change him And yet that Christ dyed not for that man or that there is no eternal life in him for that man nor truth or reality in Gods intentions to give it him Oh! yee heavens be astonished and let the earth tremble at this that any should say thus of the Holy Ghost the Spirit of truth or that God should have two Spirits one to work this faith which yet cannot be true in any kinde and a better Spirit to work a better kinde of faith His Spirit is one and holy and all his operations to bring any to beleeve like himself true real holy and of the right and saving kinde though many resist and some depart So that this line of truth was in this business not well brought forth seeing it was to oppose another line of truth and to obscure the truth of the holy Spirits operations 2. The object discovered and medium used by the Holy Ghost for bringing any to this faith and effecting this end mentioned is here sleighted and left out That is Christ and him crueified as set forth in the Gospel for sinners to look to and beleeve in For this is certain first That this holy Spirit testifieth of Christ witnesseth of his death resurrection sacrifice exalteth and glorifieth him as the Son of God the Saviour of the world Joh. 15.26 16 7 8-15 Act. 5.31 32. the Prince and Saviour that giveth repentance and remission of sins to Israel and is a light to the Gentiles and Gods salvation to the ends of the earth And that whosoever beleeveth in him shall receive remission of sins 1 Joh. 1.1 2 3. 2 2. 2.6 9 10 14.16 5 6 7 8 10 11 12 This Jesus and
the things of him doth the Holy Ghost witness discover and glorifie and no other thing to bring men to the faith It is not the holy Spirit that speaks of himself or that gives any other thing to bottome faith upon or sleights the foundation And all true faith also is by hearing by hearing the word of the grace of God through Christ Faith is by hearing Rom. 10.15.17 and hearing by the word of God The Spirit is received by the hearing of faith Gal. 3.1 2 3. yea the holy Commandement delivered to them who after turned from it was through the knowledge of our Lord and Saviour Jesus 2 Pet. 2.20 1 2 3. 1 Pet. 1.20 21. even the same way which they that abode in the faith attained it So by the knowledge of Christ the foundation and the oracles of God therein teaching the principles with the holy Spirit inlightning the Hebrews obtained their faith So that as there is but one faith so it is attained by one Spirit Heb. 6.1 2 4 5 and that coming in one way through Christ and witnessing the grace that is through him so that there is no other true kind of faith but that at first confessed true in its kinde and to be set forth in Heb. 6.1 2 4 5. And let his Quotations be read and considered and they say no other 2 Pet. 1 1. Peter affirms not of some peculiar among beleevers but of them all to whom hee wrote That they obtained like precious faith with them through the righteousness of God and our Saviour Jesus Christ See Part 5. Chap. 1. Sure the righteousness of God is in and through Christ he promised him and promised to assist raise glorifie him That he should call c. And God in his righteousness hath done this and according to promise as he hath accepted his sacrifice and will accept c. all that beleeve on him And the righteousness of Jesus Christ being in his oneness of will with the Father to perform all that he undertook for men and hath undertaken for beleevers as in his oblation intercession and coming again in all which is the righteousness of God and Christ And through the knowledge of this the Apostles say 2 Pet. 1.2 3. they received and desire multiplying of grace to the beleevers the same way so as which in the saying was left out the Spirit calls tenders inlightens and works faith in giving forth the knowledge of the righteousness of God and of our Lord Jesus Christ So all that through that knowledge are brought to beleeve in Christ have the same precious faith which the Apostles had and no other kinde of faith nor manner of obtaining is commended by Peter 3 The end he saith for which God giveth his holy Spirit is very right and true but the limiting it to some certain peculiar yea unknown and undemonstrable persons is not right nor according to truth nor I hope will any say God giveth his holy Spirit Joh. 3.17 12 47. 1 Tim. 1.15 Act 26.17 18. 2 Cor. 5.19 20 Act. 14.17 Rom. 2.4 Job 33. Prov. 1.23 Joh. 16.29 to work some kinde of faith in any and not for this end here mentioned The end of God in giving and sending his Son into the world was not to condemn but to save the world even sinners The end of Christ his sending his servants with the Gospel to men Is to open their eyes and turn them from darkness to light c. To reconcile their hearts by the reconciliation wrought in Christ yea his mercies and chastisements both have the same end So that we may be fully assured that Gods end in sending his Spirit in the Gospel is to save convince and so turn the heart c. so that a difference of one kind of faith from another cannot be proved by a different end of Gods sending forth his holy Spirit But it may be replied The term in this sentence is more than sending It is Gods giving his holy Spirit To which I answer Joh. 33. That such a difference in the terms makes none in the thing For where God is sending the Gospel and demonstrating by it the life in Christ and calling to it He is then and therein so giving the true bread of life But it will be said the sentence speaks of more than giving his holy Spirit to such an end even also of effecting the end endowing them with a new life I answer This implies receit in them to whom given But receit may be in some men that are receivers Not to one and the same end That it is in God the giver Truth with the love of the Truth to save 2 Thess 2.18 Extended and given to some men to that end to save but some however receiving to profess and make some use of yet they received it not to save them And that such do not unfainedly beleeve and so have not any right kind of saving and justifying faith will be granted though such and no other was tendred and given if they had received it in suffering the love of truth to save them But for such as have so far received the Spirit that they are even by the Spirit affirmed To be in the grace of Christ To have received the Spirit of Gods Son and to be Sons yea to have known God Gal. 1.6 3.1 2 3. 4 6 7 8. 5.1 and to be known of God and to be in the liberty wherewith Christ hath made us free Surely their faith was of the right kinde And yet of these the Apostle speaks after they were indued with all this as if some of them were removed from him that called them into the grace of Christ unto another Gospel which was not another but a perversion Gal. 1.6 3.3 4.9 11. c. seeking to be made perfect by the flesh Turning again to weak and beggarly elements insomuch that the Apostle was afraid of them lest he had bestowed his labour in the Gospel on them in vain And testified to them that whosever of them were so turned back to be justified by the law 5.4 Christ was become of no effect to them they were fallen from grace And this was a more applicatory charge than that in Heb. 6.4 6. and grounded upon that which is undoubtedly found in abiding beleevers Gal. 5.5 6. For we through the Spirit wait for the hope of righteousness by faith for in Jesus Christ neither circumcision availeth any thing nor uncircumcision but faith which worketh by love The perswasion of which abiding in the Hebrews Heb. 6.4 6 8 9 10. withheld him from such a personal charge on any of them and led him to mollifie the harshness of his reproof in the supposition So that in all this saying of Mr. Ouen No other kinde of faith or other manner of obtaining it by other manner of giving the holy Spirit than that set forth Heb. 6.1 2
the Testimony of CHRIST according to the plain sayings of the GOSPEL PART I. CHAP. 1. A Direction to discern Truth from Error ISa 8.20 To the Law and to the Testimony if they speak not according to this Word it 's because there 's no morning or Light in them Now God hath according to his Promise given forth his Son for a Covenant to the People and a Light to the Gentiles a Isa 42.1 6 7. 49.6 with Luk. 2.31 32. Act. 13.47 and so for a Law b Isa 42.4 and for a Witness or Testimony c Isa 33.4 1 John 4.9 10. John 3.16 yea the Scripture witnesseth of Christ and Moses and all the Prophets wrote and spake of him d Joh. 5.39 40. Act. 3.22 24. and He is the Brightness of the Father's Glory and the express Image of his Person e Heb. 1.3 Col. 1.15 in whose Face the Knowledge of the Glory of God shineth f 2 Col. 4.6 he received the Word of the Gospel in which both Law and Testimony is from the Father and in him are hid all the Treasures of Wisdom and Understanding g Deut. 18.18 Isa 42.1 6.1 2 3. Col. 2.3 and he spake the words the Father gave him to speak h Ioh. 3.34 ●7 16 12.49 50. and his Record is true i John 8.14 and he spake of excellent things and the opening of his Mouth was right things his Mouth spake Truth and wickedness is an abomination to his Lips all the words of his Mouth in Righteousness nothing wreathed or froward or perverse in them they are all plain to him that understandeth and Right to them that finde Knowledge k Prov. 8.6 7 8 9. And this Word and Gospel which he received and preached he gave unto his Apostles and first Witnesses and gave them the Holy Spirit which gave them to understand and receive the same l John 15.16 17.6 8. By which Spirit they had the Meaning and Mystery in them so revealed to them as never was to any in any ages before m John 14.26 16.13 14 15. Col. 1.26 27. And so he put and bound and sealed the Law and Testimony in his Disciples n Isai 8.16 2 Cor. 5.19 as in some measure he still doth in them that believe o 1 John 2.8 Col. 3.16 and this Word Gospel and Testimony did the Apostles preach as they had received of the Lord according to the Revelation of the Mystery p Rom. 16.25 26 1 Cor. 11.23 and this with great plainness of Words and evidence and demonstration of Spirit and power q 1 Cor. 2.4 2 Cor. 3.12 And this they also writ and left upon Record in such plainness that they intended nothing but what we in their Writings read r Phil. 3.1 2. 2 Cor. 1.13 and in reading may understand their Knowledge in the Mystery of Christ s Ephes 3.3 4. whence Christ that by his Spirit set them on this work as he did the Prophets before and by that Holy Spirit guided them in writing saith Have not I written to thee excellent things in Counsels and Knowledge that I might make thee know the certainty of the Words of Truth that thou mightst answer the Words of Truth to them that send unto thee t Prov. 22.20 21. And so it is affirmed That that which was and is so written is upright Words of Truth acceptable Words and Words of delight to receive and declare the Minde of God in and so fit also for the Preacher u Eccles 12.10 2 Tim. 3.16 17. So that the Law and Testimony as it is manifested in the first coming of Christ and by him given to his first Witnesses and by them delivered and recorded to us is the Law and the Testimony to which we are to resort and so the whole Scripture as witnessing of Christ and opened by Christ to them and by them to us w John 5.39 Luk. 24.25 26 27 44 45 46 47. Rom. 15.3 4 16.25 26. 2 Pet. 3.2 for Christ spake by his Spirit in the Ministration of Noah x 1 Pet. 3.19 and it was the Spirit of Christ in the Prophets that did signifie to them when it testified beforehand the sufferings of Christ and the Glory that should follow y 1 Pet. 1.11 the Spirit of the Son being also the Spirit of the Father and that by which God ever hath and doth testifie of his Son z 1 John 5 6. And so God at the first did immediately preach the Gospel in Paradise and after more fully to Abraham in Canaan a Gen. 3.15 15.5 17.1 8. and afterwards by the mouth of all his Holy Prophets b Luk. 1.69 70. which Prophets spake and writ as they were moved by the Holy Ghost c 2 Pet. 1.21 whence what the Spirit foresaw and preached the Scripture that was written by his Inspiration is said to foresee and preach d Gen. 12.3 with Gal. 3.8 16. And what the Scripture saith the Holy Ghost is said to say e Psal 95.7 with Heb. 3.7 And we shall finde many sayings in the Scriptures both of Moses and the following Prophets testifying of Jesus Christ his coming and sufferings and resurrection and glory setting him forth to be the great Prophet High Priest and King and God's Salvation to the end of the Earth and that whoever believeth in him shall not be ashamed calling men to look to him and be saved And this is the main thing to which the Scripture testifieth all other parts and portions of Scripture besides this plain Testimony being subservient and having their tendencie to this even to lead men to the Knowledge and Acknowledgement of this Testimony and so of Christ testified therein f John 5.39 And so The Genealogies from Adam to Abraham g Gen. 5.1 32. 11.10 26. Luk. 3. and from Abraham to David and from David to Christ h Mat. 11 18 25. Luke 3.23 32. are to demonstrate of whom Christ came according to the flesh and that he is very Man of the Seed of a Woman c. And also the Love Truth and Faithfulness of God in performing his Promise i Act. 13.32 33. Gal. 4.4 The end of the Law given to and by Moses was to be a School-Master to Christ k Gal. 3.24 and for Righteousness to have it in Christ l Rom. 10.4 the one part of the Law that of ten Words was to discover sin and sentence to death that men might die to themselves magnifie Grace and be quickened by Christ and live to him m Rom. 3.19 20. 4.15 5.20 Gal. 2.19 20. 3.19 The other part that of Types and Figures in Temple Altar Propitiatory Priests Sacrifices Washings c. To figure and shadow out the Truth that was to be found in Jesus that was to come n Heb. 8.5 9.8 9. 7.19 And so many Metaphors and
it but by Christ typed out in one part of this Law and so and to this end the Letter killeth yet this killing and death that fitteth for life in Christ was not effected by a dead Letter or by Words or Sound heard only but by some gracious operation of God therein minding them of and opening their Understandings to discern their sinfulness and submitting their Hearts to say Amen to the Curse and helping them in Observance of the Rites to look to Christ to come that so having no hope in their own Observances being in that respect dead also they saw the end of the Law to lead them to Christ And this was the right use of the Letter and the Work of God by and with the Letter in this killing way to fit them for Life But this Medium and Way of killing to prepare for Life God was not minded always to use but as it was given 430 yeers after the Covenant made with Abraham Gal. 3.16 17 19 20 25. to whom the Seed and Blessing in that Seed was promised so it was to continue but till Christ that Seed came so that this Law ministred by Moses appears all the way in every place speaking of this business and in this very 2 Cor. 3. to be meant by Letter for that Law in Ministration of it was the Ministration of sin and of death or condemnation for sin to death and that to so gracious an end as is said whence said to be glorious and yet to be done away 2. By Spirit is not here meant simply and onely a supernatural shine and infusion of Divine Power and Spirit into the Hearts of Men creating a new and living Spirit even the Epistle or Minde of Christ in the Heart a living Principle springing up in living and quickening Efficacies by Spirit is not meant this only but the Gospel through which this was conveyed for they by whom this Epistle was ministred in respect whereof they were Ministers of the Spirit and their Ministration of Life That which they did Minister was the Epistle of Christ Mat. 22.20 John 14.17 18. 25.26 27. even the Gospel as come forth and witnessed by the Holy Ghost since his Ascension in Ministration whereof Christ according to his Promise is present with them by his Spirit and his Work it is in their Ministration to send forth of his Spirit so as the Ministration of the Epistle of Christ the Words of Christ which are Spirit and Life is their Work but the Supernatural Shine Infusion and Writing the Minde of Christ in the Heart is the very Work of the Holy Ghost from Christ himself though in their Ministration and in with and through the Gospel ministred by them which distinction is here given us by the Apostle himself in this 2 Cor. 3.2 3. in divers other places p 1 Cor. 3.5 6 7. Gal. 3.2 Eph. 4.21 Act. 11.21 So that by the Spirit is here meant the Gospel yet the Gospel in a peculiar sense for Moses preached the Gospel also even the same Gospel although not in the same Manner and Spirit also went forth in the Ministration of the Gospel as delivered by Moses q Rom. 10.6 7 8. Act. 3.22 26 but they to whom it was so preached were still under the Law and had the Law to convince them of sin and the Law to lead them in Observances to look to Christ so that the Gospel was also preached with and under the Law or Letter which was the first and now Old Testament But now that Christ is come and Truth fulfilled in him r Joh. 1.14 16 17 18. that Use of the Law enjoyned to the Jews is taken away and in the Gospel preaching Life is preached with Freedom s 2 Cor. 3.11 Act. 5.20 in a Word of Grace in and with which believed the Spirit operateth both to convince of Sin and to lead into Christ and so into all Truth t John 16.7 17 Heb. 8.10 and write the Minde of Christ in the Heart And this is the New Testament of which the Apostles were Ministers and according to which with Freedom and Fulness they preached the Gospel and Testimony of Christ And so of this Testimony of Christ was Paul and the residue of the Apostles and first Witnesses made Ministers u Act. 26.18 Rom. 15.16 Eph. 3.7 Col. 1.23 And this Gospel being testified and brought forth by the Holy Spirit w 1 Joh. 5.6 Act. 5.32 and being that in Ministration whereof the Holy Spirit witnesseth x Joh. 15.26 27 16.7 8 13. and so the Gospel the Power of God in every one that believeth to Salvation working in and with it in the Believer y Rom. 1.16 1 Thes 2.13 it therefore hath the Name of the Spirit z John 3.6 Rev. 19.10 and so is rightly called Spirit yea it is the Spirit of Prophecie and this Testimony of Christ is of him and that which abideth for ever and this Ministration of it to abide till his own personal coming again and so is a more glorious Ministration than that of Moses which is done away that having also a veil but this delivered without veil and this to be meant by Spirit is seen in the whole Chap. of this 2 Cor. 3. And this Testimony of Christ is one and the same whether writ printed read preached or heard and so not Letter but Gospel ministring not Sin and Death but Forgiveness and Life whether Men believe and receive it or not a John 6.32 Act. 13.37 18. And it is a kinde of Blasphemy to call this Gospel Letter much more to call it a killing Letter the Gospel in Moses Ministration was not so called but The Law much less may it now be so called it is a Word of Life and they that refuse it refuse Life and the refusal brings death though only Believers receive and meet with the spiritual Power and living Efficacies thereof b 2 Thes 1.8 10. 2 Thes 2.13 so that quite contrary to the end of the Objection we are led by this place to magnifie the Gospel and Testimony of Christ for the Truth Livingness Excellency and Plainness thereof And thus much to take away that by which these most dangerous troublers of Believers endeavour to withdraw them from believing the plain import of the plain sayings of Christ in Scripture CHAP. 5. An Assay to remove the Stumbling-blocks laid in the way by them that seek to trouble them by Word that is by pleading the Iudgement and Traditions of Fore-fathers or by Philosophy and vain Reasonings or by subtil and Rhetorical Queries and Perswasions to draw them from belief of Gospel-sayings Object 1 OUr Fathers the Holy and learned Men and chief Teachers in the Church have thus understood and interpreted these have been their Doctrines and Traditions which they have unanimously taught and the most zealous and consciencious for many Generations have so held and observed will you be so profane
come as a Thief h Rev. 16.15 as is not meant in the full and in every respect as a Thief for Christ will not come unjustly to take that is none of his c. but onely suddenly c. i Mat. 24.44 So the word Not in some sentences signifieth not at all k Exod. 20.13 17. Mat. 5.28 Rom. 7.7 in other sentences it signifieth not so much not so primely l 1 Cor. 1.17 16 15. and in some sentences it signifieth not onely but moreover m John 16 26. with 14.16 and divers other words whose import is not alwayes according to the full extent of the word nor alwayes in one sense but the sense imported is that which the sentence in which it is used carrieth forth and so by the whole sentence may be known 2. Not Hebrew and Greek words Rev. 19.10 1 Joh. 2.20 but the Testimony of Jesus is the Spirit of Prophecie and so the true Original and Medium for the right understanding of all spiritual and heavenly things and the true import of all the sayings of the Gospel as is foreshewn chap. 2. 3. That now God hath sanctified all Tongues to declare his Truth and make known his Minde in and to be praised and prayed unto in n Act. 2.6 8.17 Rom. 8.15 Gal. 4 6. they might as well write as they did preach to every Nation in their own Tongue when they writ to the Churches for ought any can say to the contrary though when their writings were collected they might by the great Clerks be put forth in the Greek Tongue onely yet in divers Copies and the Hebrew was translated into Greek before and we thank God both for Translations and the variety of them knowing the Truth of God to be one and the same and of the same Authority and to be received in the same manner as it appeareth in every Translation in every Tongue and Language as it was to those Act. 2. and to Romans c. 4. That the Light of Truth and Import to God's Minde to us in his sayings is the saying or sentence it self and not often in the Etymology of every particular word nor doth the Spirit of Light force to enter the heart lie in the force of the Etymology and copious and various sense of such and such a word of so many Syllables in such and such a Tongue as some would perswade of some words and therefore left them untranslated but in the Knowledge and Belief of the Testimony of Christ And therefore when words are used which are of common and known signification and alter not but set forth the sense as pertaining to the things of Christ in Translation or Explication it is all one and the same being the import of his sayings which believed the Light of his Spirit will go forth therein And so without amazing the people with some strange sense about the Etymology and signification of the word in the pure Hebrew or Greek have those that were infallibly led by the Holy Spirit done as the industrious Learned do know That Gen. 2.24 in Mat. 19.5 Mark 10.8 Ephes 5 31. 1 Cor. 6.16 That Psal 40.6 in Heb. 10.5 That Prov. 3.34 in James 4.6 That Prov. 11.31 in 1 Pet. 4.18 That Isa 11.10 in Rom. 15.12 That Isa 42.4 in Mat. 12.21 are all rendered as they were in the Translation then known and used among the people without mention of any other signification in the pure Hebrew And these are those we are to follow so that this Objection appears carnal and of no force to such as know this Object 4 The fourth Objection is by Queries and Rhetorical Perswasions when a saying is so full and plain that it cannot be denied in its import but that it is so said and that it 's true such a thing is yet then to darken that import and thing that it may not be known what it is The Objectors put forth Query upon Query and on the same Rhetorically perswade or disswade I might instance as if the saying be plain That Christ died for all Men then Query Did he so intentionally why then are not all saved If the saying be plain That Jesus Christ is the Mediator between God and Men and maketh Intercession for Transgressors Then it 's queried In what sort or manner or intent If the saying be plain That Jesus Christ is the true Light that lightneth every Man that cometh into the World Then it 's queried In what measure how far into what degree by whom and by what means c And many such Queries which when used with Rhetorick to withdraw from the Belief of the plain import of the saying they are meer wranglings with the Text it self and might be answered with this Job 33.12 13. That God is greater than man why dost thou strive against him for he giveth not account of any of his matters And we are not to dispute with him about his sayings but to believe them true and right whoever deny them Answ And yet for answer to this and the former Objections it is cleer 1. The Apostles shunned and used not such wisdom of Words and excellency of Speech or Wisdom of the Wise 1 Cor. 1.17 18 20. 2.1 4 6 13. Disputers and Prudent of this world or enticing words of Man's wisdom 2. They have also warned us to take heed lest any man spoil us through Philosophy and vain deceit Col. 2.8 after the Tradition of Men after the Rudiments of the world and not after Christ which observed will be an Antidote against all these gross and subtil troublers of Believers CHAP. 6. An Assay to remove the Objections of those that pretend Scripture seek to trouble Believers from believing the plain sayings of the Gospel with somthing as if it were in the Letters Epistles or Writings of the Apostles c. IN this I must not be large and shall therefore omit those that to evade Scriptures speaking of the extent of the Death of Christ for all alleadge Scripture speaking of his Ministration and of some Efficacies of his Grace in Believers and of their Priviledges and to gain-say the All and Every in the sayings and of the works of God alleadge Scripture using the word All and Every in the sayings and of the works of Men c. which all that are wise may observe as impertinent and I shall onely answer two Objections against the plain import of Scripture-sayings in the Testimony of Christ pretended to be by Scripture and leave the rest to the following Discourse Object 1 Christ himself spake many things to the people in Parables therefore many of the sayings of the Gospel are hard to be understood and have not the sense the words seem to import Answ True it is Christ spake many things in Parables that the Scripture might be fulfilled but to those to whom he spake them as well as to others he had fore-declared the Gospel in the Testimony of
this writing collected and on the Margent quoted the Sayings of the Gospel in the Testimony of Christ will appear plain bearing forth their own import and sense and the Testimony of Christ being known all Truth being included in it and flowing from it we shall by that be led into all Truth and so far as is for us meet and profitable understand what we read in the Scriptures so far as to discern Truth from Error in all Doctrines and Sayings brought unto us I shall therefore proceed in the next part according to the Scripture assaying to declare the Testimony of Christ An Explicite Declaration of the Testimony of Christ c. PART II. CHAP. I. Of the Testimony of Christ THe Testimony of Christ is that Testimony and Witness and Doctrine of Christ 1. Which God the Father hath by his Holy Spirit immediately first given of Christ Gen. 3.15 22.18 Act. 3.18 24. Luk. 1.70 1 Pet. 1.11 12. as the promised Seed and he in whom all Nations shall be blessed after mediately by his Spirit in Moses all the following Prophets concerning his coming and suffering and the Glory that should follow and after all this immediately to John Baptist both who he was and what a one he is and how well-pleased he is in him a Mat. 3.17 and after that mediately by his Spirit in and by John Baptist that he is the Christ upon whom the Spirit resteth full of Grace and Truth by whom it comes and that he is the Lamb of God that taketh away the sin of the world and that he that believeth on him hath Eternal Life b Joh. 1.16 17 29-34 3 27-36 and after this immediately to three of the Apostles and first Witnesses of Christ c Mat. 17.5 2 Pet. 1.17 18. and mediately likewise before by types d Heb. 8.5 and Angels and by Zacharias e Luk. 1.32 33 67-79 2.11 30-34 and old Simeon as also in his own Ministration by the mighty works done by him in his Name John 5.36 14.10 11. 2. Joh. 3.16 17. 5 17-30 6 27-69 10. 12.50 Which Jesus Christ himself received from the Father and testified in his Ministration unto Men which also he did explicate and give unto his Apostles and first Witnesses to testifie and witness Luk. 24.25 26 27 44 45 46 47 48. Joh. 15.15 27. 17.6 7 8. Act. 1.8 3. Joh. 14.26 15.26 16 7-15 Act. 5.32 Eph. 3.5 1 Joh. 1.1 2. 2 Tim. 1.10 Which the Holy Ghost did witness to and in and by the Apostles and first Witnesses with the cleer opening and revelation of the Mystery formerly hidden till Christ had opened the holy of holies offered the acceptable Sacrifice and sate down on the right Hand of God and sending forth the Holy Ghost and by the Gospel in his Testimony opening the door to immortality and eternal life 4. Act. 5.32 13 25-39 Rom. 1 1-5 16.25 26. Which also the Apostles and first VVitnesses have by the same Holy Spirit testified witnessed preached written and recorded according to the revelation of the Mystery Ephes 3.3 4. Phil. 3.1 whence the whole Scripture is said to testifie of Christ John 5.39 of which more is said Part 1. Chap. 1 2. And this Testimony VVitness and Record is called the Record and VVitness of God and of Christ and of the Spirit f 1 Joh. 5.6 7 8 9 10. Joh. 3.33 1 Cor. 1.6 Rev. 1 2. 20.4 2 Tim. 1.8 and it is also called the Testimony Record VVitness and VVord of the Apostles and first VVitnesses of Christ because they bare it forth and left it upon record g 2 Thes 1.10 Joh. 17.20 and because it is of Christ by Christ and according to the appointment of Christ by his Apostles opening the things of Christ it is called the Doctrine of Christ h 2 Joh. 9. and in every respect it is one and the same the Testimony of Jesus Christ i Rev. 19.10 and in this Testimony so cleerly come forth is Jesus Christ plainly set forth who he is what a one he is whence he is what he became what he hath done and is become what he doth and for whom what he will do for some and who they be and what he will do against others and who they be how the good to be enjoyed and the peril to be avoided and all this is full and plain in the Testimony 1. VVho he is and that is not Adam Seth Enoch and so none of the Prophets before John Baptist nor was Iohn Baptist the Christ nor any of the Apostles or VVitnesses that followed k Luk 3 Joh. 1. 1 Pet. 1.11 12. 2 Cor. 4.5 nor is it the Church or any Society of Men though such as do indeed bear his Name though they be of his mystical Body as resembled by a King whose Body is the Commonwealth or a General whose Body is the Army or a Major whose Body is the Corporation yet are not the Commons the King or chief Magistrate nor is the Army the General nor the Corporation the Major and so Mat. 23.8 1 Cor. 8.6 Col. 1.18 Eph. 1.22 23. though the Head and Body be one yet the Body is not the Head so the Church is not the Head the Husband the Lord the King of Saints the Christ but the person of Christ is all that and none but he so that the Church Col. 1.15 21.26 27. 2 Cor. 13.3 5. 1 Joh. 3.24 Rom. 1.18 2 Cor. 4.5 though one with Christ is not the Christ nor is it any inward Frame or spiritual Light or Disposition in the Heart of the Reliever though this being right as flowing from him and effected in such as are believing on him is even the Spirit of Christ by which he is in them and dwelleth in them yet is not this the Christ the person of Christ But Jesus that very Jesus and no other but he that was born of a Virgin espoused to one Joseph a Carpenter Mat. 1 2 c. Luk. 2 3 c. and born in the time of Caesar Augustus when Herod was King of Iudea and in Bethlem in an Inn and Stable in that Inn and circumcised the eighth day and his name called Jesus who was carried into Egypt and returned again to Nazareth in Galilee and there lived a time and after was baptized of Iohn in Iordan and then went about preaching the Gospel and working Miracles called Disciples and chose Apostles suffered and was crucified under Pontius Pilate died was buried and rose again in the same Body and appeared often to his Disciples who saw and heard and felt him and received commandments from him and then he blessed them Act. 1 2 3. and ascended up to Heaven in that Body of his and fate down on the right hand of God Mat. 16.16 Joh. 6 69. and sent down the Holy Ghost to his
it is called The Faith of the common Salvation being The Vision of All. And this Doctrine of the Oblation of Christ is rightly called The Vision of All because that Jesus Christ Rom. 1.1 2 3 4 5. so to be preached for the Obedience of Faith to all Nations for offering this Oblation First he did take the Nature of all Mankinde he was made under the Law for all he bare the sins of all he died for all gave himself a Ransom for all calleth all enlightneth all is God's Salvation for all and being all this God will have him so to be preached to all and set forth as an Object of Faith for all yea as he is The Saviour of the World The Propitiation for the sins of the whole World All which are before shewn in treating of the Oblation by plain sayings of Scripture and yet this is still farther to be noted about this Vision or Doctrine Joh. 20.31 Luk. 1.1 2 3 4. Eph. 3.3 4. Ioh. 3.14 15. Heb. 2.2 Col. 1.28 1 Cor. 1.30 Rom. 1.16 17. That God will have it plainly written and declared yea it is so written and in Ministration to be held forth to all yea so explained and elevated that all and every Man may behold and read it for his healing yea see himself perfect in Christ that is perfectly satisfied for and redeemed from the Curse of the Law by Christ and in him fulness of Wisdom Righteousness Sanctification and Redemption yea fulness of Spirit and Life so as beholding him he may believe and in believing receive it all And Isa 55.4 1 Joh. 4.9 10 14. Eph. 2 13-18 2 Tim. 1.10 as this is set forth as a common Salvation to all so likewise the preciousness and efficacy of the Blood and Sacrifice of Christ the immensness of the Love of God to Mankinde in the Gift of his Son and commended through his Blood the open way of approach here-through to God and so bringing Immortality and Life to Light by the Gospel And so the Ground Isa 55 1-4 Mat. 11.27 28. Rev. 22.17 Isa 45.22 Heb. 2.2 Freedom Motives and Helps for all and every or any one to come in and believe and the certainty of enjoyment in believing and sure hope of Glory these to be declared that he that heareth beholdeth and readeth the same may be saved and run to the enjoyment of all in Christ These things being all in plain sayings of Scripture before cited often sheweth That such is the beginning of his Word and that it is the Vision of all in which such Testimony of Christ and good News for Mankinde and so the Key of Knowledge opening the Door to the Knowledge of the Kingdom Oh loving and glorious Christ Oh excellent Oblation Oh blessed Gospel Of which Gospel-Testimony concerning the Oblation of Christ I will say yet one thing more about its Usefulness in Ministration CHAP. 11. The Vse Ministers of the Gospel are to make of this Doctrine THe Oblation of Christ for us all Tit. 2.14 3.4 and the Love of God to Mankinde therein appearing as before declared is that with which by the appointment of God and Christ and the Teachings of the Holy Spirit the Ministers and Preachers of the Gospel are to do their whole Work for convincing Men of Unbelief and drawing Men to Repentance from dead Works Heb. 5.12 6.1 2. and Faith towards God and instructing them in the Doctrine of Baptisms and laying on of Hands and Use of all the Ordinances of God and for confirming their Faith in the Resurrection of the Dead and of Eternal Judgement This being the Foundation of all these yea 2 Cor. 5.14 15 19.20 21. 6.1 2. Isa 28.12 26. Rom. 5.1 2.5 8 9 10 11. 8 32-35 Heb. 9.28 Tit. 2.11 14. 3.4 by and with this Doctrine of the Oblation of Christ for us all to extend press Reproofs Exhortations Beseechings Instructions and Consolations yea with this and by this to direct to Peace with God and Confidence in him and Hope of the fruits of the Mediation and Intercession of Christ and so to a comfortable waiting for his coming again yea in that before said and places alleadged it plainly appears That this Oblation of Christ and the Love of God to Mankinde appearing there-through is that Grace of God saving to all Men and that which in the appearance in the evidences of it specially in the Gospel-Declaration saveth and teacheth Tit. 2.14 3.4 5 6 7. it saveth the Beholders of it by the washing of Regeneration and renewing of the Holy Ghost which here-through he richly sheds on them that being justified by his Grace they should be made Heirs according to the Hope of Eternal Life And this to be affirmed to stir up Men to good Works also Tit. 3.8 3.11 12 13 14. For this Grace of God saving to all men in its appearing teacheth us That denying ungodliness and worldly lusts we should live soberly righteously and godly in this present world looking for the blessed hope and the glorious appearing of the great God and our Saviour Iesus Christ who gave himself for us that he might redeem c. So precious a Stone is he that so set forth effecteth such things and so precious an Oyntment in the Spirit 's going forth in this Doctrine is this 1 Joh. 2.19 20 21 27 28. That it teacheth Believers all things and is Truth and is no Lye yea and so fully teacheth them that they need not that any Man teach them other Doctrine or in other Manner but as this Anoynting teacheth them of all things yea no otherwise then by and with this and according to this were they to be taught So that all that the Ministers of the Gospel have to do in their Ministration they are as they desire approbation of 1 Cor. 1.17 18 21 23 24. and blessing in their Ministration from God so to do all their Ministration by and with this Oh that they would all be perswaded to this But this having always been rarely found Isa 28.12 14. 29.10 11. Psal 118.22 Mat. 21.42 Act. 4.11 That the profess'd Teachers and Builders in the Church would hearken to but rather slight this as a mean way of teaching yea and in these dayes it being rarely found either in practice or approbation among many professed and admired Ministers of the Gospel I shall hint a little more to evidence That with this Doctrine of the Oblation of Christ for us all they are to do their whole Business in their Ministration 1. This is that set forth and appointed to be set forth by God even the Father for this end Rom. 3.25 26. 1 Joh. 2.2 Him hath God set forth to be a propitiation through Faith in his Blood to declare his righteousness for the remission of sins c. And to the Ministers he hath said Isa 28.12 16. This is the rest wherewith ye may cause the weary to rest
Believers since the beginning of the World though more abundantly present where he is more known as declared since his Ascension into Heaven and this his presence by Spirit in Believers is the whole time of believing and living by Faith and though more abundant in operations at some time than at others yet it is also to help them in their weaknesses and temptations and through sufferings while they are yet mortal But his personal coming which Believers wait for is to free them from weakness temptation sufferings and mortality and it is a personal visible and bodily coming as is foreshewn so as the deceit of these is by it easily seen and avoided 5. Those who though they vary from the former sayings Mat. 24.5 23 24. yet say in effect the same as Lo here is Christ in this or that Form of outward Discipline or such a way of outward performing such an Ordinance to be seen in the strictness severity or some outward appearing excellent thing in it or Lo he is in the wilderness Mar. 13.6 21 22. if you will let go all the hopes begot in you by the Letter of the Gospel concerning Christs dying for sinners c. you shall then see Christ or Lo I am Christ I speak from the infallible Spirit if you receive my saying and Testimony you receive Christ if you refuse my saying you refuse Christ Isa 52.6 1 Joh. 5.19 20. 2.20 27. Of these our Saviour hath forewarn'd us and we that believe the Testimony of Christ do know That he is by his Spirit in his own word the Testifier of his own Grace so as they that believe shall know the same and his personal appearing will be so visible as we shall need no man to tell us where he is or which is he for every eye shall then see him as is said Thus will the knowledge of this Branch of the Testimony of Christ help us against all these and such-like delusions which withdraw from the Faith and disciple to Men and make Schisms and Rents from the true Church Secondly The knowledge belief and minding of the coming of Christ as set forth in this Branch of the Testimony of Christ will help to preserve and keep us from falling into many miscarriages mis-conceptions and mis-expressions of some Brethren and also to afford help to such of them as do prefer the plain sayings of Christ before the Notions of any other Man as to instance some of them 1. Such as deny any appearance of Christ in person on the Earth till the last and final Judgement and sentence when all the wicked shall be cast into the Lake of Fire c. True it is he will be visible on Earth and on his Throne at that time and true it is That all the Just shall enter into everlasting Joy then also And then Christ delivereth up the Kingdom to his Father that God may be All in all but then is no time for destroying all worldly powers and for restoring all things and for bringing the Creation into the Liberty of the Sons of God and for the new Heaven and new Earth to be filled with Inhabitants and for Christ to sit on the Throne of David his Father and for Abraham and his seed to inherit the world and for Christ and his Saints after his coming to rule over the Nations or for the Nations to serve them and bring their Glory and Honour to the City c. In this Life the Saints according to their measure glorifie God through sufferings and in the new Heaven and new Earth God both glorifieth his Saints making them to raign and they glorifie him by raigning but in that last State God only glorifies himself upon them and in them and through them and them with himself And why should any of us so dishonour God as to deny the Truth and true fulfilling of so many plain sayings of Scripture so oft affirmed as hath been shewn and will be more If any say That we stick too much to the Letter of the Scripture in understanding those places It might be answered That in such plain sayings so often affirmed and bound with the Oath of God and his Protestation of the Faithfulness of them it is safer and better to stick close to the Letter or VVords of Scripture as they have been breathed forth by the Holy Spirit than to make Unbelief of the Truth of those plain sayings the Interpreter of their meaning though with never so much humane VVisdom and Learning And it may be also answered That so to understand those sayings is according to the Rule commanded by God and approved by all Believers yea and godly learned as is foreshewn But I farther answer Part 1. ch 7. That we are led by the Scripture thus to understand these things both in that the things spoken of his first coming in which many things had their spiritual sense also yet were all performed according to the plain expression of the Letter as his being born of a Virgin in Bethlem his being called a Nazarite his riding on an Ass his being sold for thirty pence the banding of the Rulers and people against him the scattering of his Disciples his Death Burial Resurrection Ascension his pouring forth the Holy Ghost and sitting on the right hand of God all fulfilled to the utmost of the plain import of the Letter and shall any thing be wanting in the second coming of Christ saith not the Angel This same Iesus shall so come even as ye have seen him go c. And also in that the Apostle speaking of these things shews both a certain measure of fulfilling spiritually now and also a fulfilling according to the utmost of the Letter which is also spiritual but the one is inward in the soul spirit the other outward on the Body also of that inward in Soul and Spirit he saith We that believe have a first fruits he saith not all nor half nor a tenth but a first fruits and that we wait for is not only the whole or harvest of this but the adoption even the redemption of the body when also the whole Creation shall be restored into the glorious liberty of the Sons of God And I might add the Apostles alluding to Psal 8. in Heb. 2. but enough is foresaid for this So that all our Brethren that heed and prize Scripture-Testimony more than Traditions and Opinions of Men will soon yield to believe this 2. Such as believe and look for Christ his raigning in and over the VVorld in his Saints and so would fight and strive to set Christ on his Throne and think all Adversaries to Christ that oppose them in his design to be before his personal appearing These Brethren seem to acknowledge this Truth That Jesus Christ will come and appear personally to raign on Earth and that the Saints that now suffer with him shall raign with him in the Earth and over the Nations and that Christ
sins and delivery from death and truth in receit of and enjoyment of true righteousness peace quickning purity heavenly riches came by Jesus Christ even in all times past and so now more fully and cleerly doth so as though he came after John yet he is preserred before him yea he was before him so as now he is come John and all the residue of Believers then and since even we of his fulness have received and Grace for Grace for the Grace of God in Christ by vertue of his Sacrifice which God hath graciously accepted of him for us we receive the Grace of Faith to believe and therein remission of sins and so Grace for Grace yea this and so one to make us meet to receive another and that to make us meet to receive more still and so Grace for Grace plentifully one heaped upon another Tit. 3.3 4 5 6 7. Col. 1.12 13. Joh. 1.15 16 17. Act. 26.18 yea as Moses had a Law of Works to nurture the people towards Grace so we a Doctrine of Grace and Law of Grace to teach and lead people to partake of Grace 4. That this Jesus Christ is the Lamb of God the sin-offering and the true passover which by vertue of his sacrifice mediating taketh or beareth away the sin of the world Job 1.29 36. Col. 2.14 15. Eph. 2.12 13 16 17. Rom. 5.18 that by his own death and sacrifice offered takes and now hath taken sin out of the way removed the contradictions that were in the mid-way between God and the world of Mankinde and made peace that it may be preached to them and that by vertue of his blood and sacrifice Isa 53.12 1 Tim. 2.4 Rom. 2.4 Rom. 3.24 25 26. 1 Joh. 3.2 Gen. 22.18 Act. 10.43 Rom. 4.5 Mat. 3.2 11. hath fulness fitness authority and readiness to take sin out of the consciences and nature of Men and by his Mediation procures forbearance patience and mercies to sinners to lead them to repentance being he and onely he set forth for that end the propitiation for the sins of the world in whom there is blessing for all Nations and that by spiritual application of his Blood he doth so take sin away from all that in believing come to him for it and that he is neer at hand to set up his spiritual Kingdom the fore-runner of his Davidical Kingdom 5. That the Father loveth the Son and hath given all things into his hands Joh. 3.34 35 36. and immeasurably filled him with the Spirit so that whoever believeth in him hath everlasting life and be that believeth not on him the wrath of God abideth on him This Doctrine was John filled with to teach And with this Doctrine he was to throw down the Momtains exalt the Valleys Joh. 14.18 29 33. Mat. 3. Mar. 1. Luk. 3. cry down all Flesh and exalt the Word of the Lord and so to call Men to Repentance and to Faith in Christ and so to newness of life assuring them that Christ would baptize them with the holy Ghost and as a witness of the Truth of this Doctrine and that Christ was at hand and shortly to be manifested to Israel he did baptize with water unto repentance and so discipled all that came to him and refused it not Yet did he not in the beginning of his Ministration point out which of all the Sons of Men was that Man that is the Christ so he shewed not which was the Person of our Lord Jesus Christ till he was especially fitted and directed and commissionated for that also by the direction of the holy Spirit by communication with Jesus Christ himself Joh. 1.33 34. Mat. 3.13 17. Mar. 1.9 10.11 Luk. 3.21 22. and seeing the Spirit of God descending like a Dove and lighting on him and hearing the voice of the Father from heaven saying This is my beloved Son in whom I am well pleased And so was he furnished to know and declare the person of Christ as distinct from all others and who he was And then he did most plainly point out the Man Jesus Joh. 1.29 35 36. 3.30 36. the Son of the Virgin with confession that not himself and so no other Man but that very Man Jesus was the He the Christ the Lamb of God the King of Israel the Bridegroom the Son of God he even this very Jesus he pointed to and affirmed to the be very he and so exhorted his Hearers to behold him even Jesus and to follow him cleave to him and exalt him And in this his Ministration he was greater than all the Prophets that were before him Mat. 11.10 11. though less than any of his Lord's first Witnesses of his Resurrection that were to come after him and although in the exercise of his Ministration he was but for the House of Israel who if they had received him as he came in the Spirit and Power of Elias they would then have received Jesus Christ also and so they might have enjoyed the Gospel of the Kingdom and have continued in their own Land till his coming again to raign and then John Baptist had been all the Elias they should have needed and the coming of Elias mentioned Mal. 4. it would have been needful onely for the ten Tribes of Israel formerly cast off but they refusing came to be cast off also and so its needful for them And in this Ministration Mat. 11.13 14 15. 17.11 12. 23.37 according to this Revelation all the former helps in and under all the former Revelations and Ministrations still remained and all for the good of Men specially the house of Israel CHAP. 7. Of the seventh Revelation and the last that shall be of Christ till his own return and personal and visible appearing THe next Revelation of Jesus Christ and the last that is to be carried an end for usefulness by teaching and use of such outward Ordinances as now even until his personal appearance when all such means shall cease and the eternal Sabbath be Isa 42.1 61.1 2 3 4. Joh. 12.49 50. Heb. 1.1 2. 2.4 and this Revelation was by the Father to the Son even to the Man Jesus Christ his Elect upon whom he hath put his Spirit and by Jesus Christ to his Disciples God by his divine power bearing witness thereto and confirming the same and this Revelation by Jesus Christ was of the same things fore-revealed to and by the Prophets but now more fully and cleerly manifested with the mystery more abundantly opened and this his Revelation was in a threefold manner or by three distinct wayes or means 1. By manifestation of himself and all that appertained to him to do in his first coming by demonstrating the same in the very act visibly c. 2. By his personal and bodily Ministration in a vocal and audible teaching the Gospel and the Testimony of himself in the Prophets and explicating it 3. By pouring on his witnesses and
man of all Nations in all the World where-ever they come and this as a Word of Truth and so to set forth this second publick Man the spiritual Man the Lord the quickning Spirit as he on whom God hath executed the Judgement that was due to Mankinde for their sins as fallen in whom their Nature is restored the Nature of Man being united and married unto God in the Person of his Son and so a great Feast of fatness even the sure mercies of David prepared in him is Mankinde perfect again as in a publick Man having in him forgiveness pardon peace wisdom righteousness eternal Life so verily that in believing in him they may receive it 1 Ioh. 5.10 11 12. 2 Cor. 2.17 3.12 4.2 and be partakers of it and so is he to be set forth without any Cloak or equivocation plainly to every Man appealing to their consciences in the sight of God and that Jesus is so and as such a one to be held forth to all that every one may behold him as he in whom there is healing for them to be received in believing is plain in our Saviour's own personal Testimony a Ioh. 3.14 15. and the Testimony of his Spirit in his Apostles b Rom. 3.24 25 26. 2 Cor. 5. 14 19 21. Col. 1.28 and this to this end that by this Men might be reconciled to God c 2 Cor. 5.20 And this hope given the Servants of Christ in such elevation of Christ that he will confirm their words and manifest their Testimony true so that all Men shall be drawn thereby even by Christ testified unto him d Joh. 12.32 such as in this day of grace believe this Testimony of him it shall be the power of God unto Salvation in them and work effectually in them uniting and conforming them to Christ so as they shall by degrees and in due season enjoy all this revealed blessedness e Mat. 10.40 Rom. 1.16 1 Thes 2.13 2 Pet. 1.1 10. And such as persist in refusing and rebelling against the Light extended shall by the same Spirit that breatheth in the Gospel be at the last day convinced f Joh. 16.7 8 9 10 11. and come before Christ and bow to him and confess him Lord to the glory of God g Phil. 2.10 11. and shall confess the Truth of the Testimony his Servants delivered and them to be the Servants of the Lord which in the dayes of his patience they despised and opposed h Isa 60.14 Rev. 3.9 and all before the final sentence be executed on them for God that frustrateth the tokens of the lyars and maketh diviners mad that turneth wise Men backward and maketh their knowledge foolishness doth and will confirm the Word of his Servants and perform the counsel of his Messengers i Isa 44.25 26. And to both parts of this said he hath given us his Oath That all shall come before him k Isa 45.22 23 24. And thus was the mystery of Christ revealed by himself in his own personal Ministration Part 1. ch 6. in which also as he uttered many Parables so he opened them all to his Disciples to teach them openly and whereas the Disciples did not yet cleerly understand all this Revelation of Christ so taught to them before Christ had suffered and risen from the dead therefore Christ after his Resurrection appeared to them and taught the same again to them and then expounded Moses and the Prophets and in order opened in all the Scriptures unto them the things concerning himself also opened their understanding that they might understand the Scriptures l Luk. 24.26 27 45 46 47. yet because all was not yet acted by Christ as well as taught by him that was to be in the mystery held forth in their Ministration for Christ his body though then risen was not as then ascended and glorified m Joh. 20.17 and so the fulness of understanding of the whole mystery by the Holy Ghost not yet given n Joh. 7.39 16.7 therefore they were yet to wait for further divine Power even the holy Ghost to be given them to open cleerly this Revelation to them and to help them to witness it which Christ promised them and did perform it after his ascension o Luk. 24.49 Act. 1.4 CHAP. 9. Of the third way of our Saviour's Revelation and manifestation of himself to the first witnesses of his Resurrection OUr Saviour according to his Promise did within a few dayes after his Ascension by vertue and as a fruit of his Ascension and Sacrifice offered and accepted and his Mediation begun he did send and shed forth and pour upon and in them the Holy Ghost in an audible sensible Act. 2.2 3 4 c. and visible shape both resting upon them and supernaturally and inwardly filling them by which Holy Spirit he brought again to their minde and gave them to understand all his fore-Revelation and sayings to them and shewed the things of himself and the Father so leading them into all Truth and making known to them the whole counsel of God in things pertaining to Eternal Life to be taught till his coming again enduing them with power motion and fitness to witness of him and giving them the gift of tongues to speak to every Man in his own Language wherein he was born so abundantly was the Revelation of the mystery of Christ by the Spirit made known to them and yet that we may rightly understand what the Holy Ghost is that was thus given unto them it is good to consider what in Revelation of Christ from the beginning and now by himself is given us to understand and that is that it is something that was never before this so given no not as then while John was baptizing Mar. 1.8 Joh. 7.38 39. Joh. 14.16 16.7 Act. 5.3 4. 1 Ioh. 5.7 Gen. 1.2 Psal 33.6 139.1 11. nor yet while Christ himself was personally ministring here on Earth nor could be given till he left the World in that body of his and went to the Father so that it cannot be meant properly of the essence and being of the Holy Ghost which is one and the same with the Father and the Son the same God by whom the Heaven and the Earth was made and all the Hosts of them for in this respect he fills heaven and Earth and is everywhere present and alwayes was so that in respect of essence he is not said to be sent or proceeding from the Father and Son or descending being ever one in and with both but onely in respect of person or manner of existence in and operation of that one divine essence but it must be meant of some forth-coming of the divine power from the Father by Christ yet in this also it cannot be meant of such forth-coming in breathings and operations as tend to the supportation of the old Creation Joh 26.12 13. Psa 104.29 30. in
upholding and ordering and garnishing the Heaven and Earth and Creatures therein for the good of Mankinde and enduing Men with understanding and skill for Husbandry and disposing the Fruits of the Earth Deut. 28.26 29. Exod. 31.3 35.31 and for curious Arts and Works or for War Physick Laws and Government of a Commonwealth c. though these be all Mercies to lead to Repentance for these were extended before Christ carried the Nature of Man into Heaven no nor yet is meant simply of a discovery of the Minde and Grace of God through Christ Heb. 11.6 Gen. 6.3 Act. 14.17 Rom. 3.2 9.5 Joh. 1.7 29. striving with Men to bring them in to God for this also was from the beginning yea and some brought in to believe thereby from the rumour of the Gospel in Paradise delivered and the works of Creation and Providence and yet more abundantly to Israel in Types Promises and Prophesies and yet more in John Baptist's Ministration yea the Holy Ghost in such means to enlighten and teach hath not onely been alwayes in the Church but some have been wonderfully filled with him he signified in and to the Prophets 1 Pet. 1.11 2 Pet. 1.21 Act. 28.25 Luk. 1.41 46 67. 2.25 26. and they spake as they were moved by the Holy Ghost and the Holy Ghost spake by them and Elizabeth was filled with the Holy Ghost and Mary and Zacharias and the Holy Ghost was upon old Simeon and revealed Christ to him and the same may be said of divers others so that though no other Spirit be promised yet some farther Discovery and Operation of the Spirit which was not as yet given is evident to be meant here by the giving the Holy Ghost If any think that his coming like a mighty and rushing winde and sitting on them in the likeness of fiery Tongues and giving them to speak with divers Tongues is that which was promised he is not deceived in that for it was included in the promises as to the first Witnesses but it was neither the whole nor the main in the Promise but an over-plus and addition to the main Joh. 7.37 38 39. 17.20 21. Act. 2.39 the promise being that which however with more abundance to them yet in the Testimony given them it appertained to all that through that Testimony believe in Christ and this appears to be such a giving of the Holy Ghost as never was before in 1. A more full and cleer Revelation of Christ 1 Cor. 2.9 10 11. Joh. 5.39 Heb. 1.1 Rom. 16.25 Eph. 3.3 9. and things of Christ that lay hid in the bowels of the Scriptures then ever was before all being in this Testimony opened so far as is to be known till his own personal coming again so as the full of the Holy Ghosts Testimony of Christ is come forth opened which was not so before 2. A more free and cleer manifestation of the Lord Christ 2 Cor. 4.6 Col. 1.25 26 27. Joh. 7.37 38 39. as having compleated the Sacrifice and being filled with Spirit and the Father's Face and Minde appearing in him not through Types and Prophecies but in a cleer Demonstration of him in the Gospel as the Object of Faith and Allurer not with servitude in a Law of Works but with Freedom to believe in him and therein to receive more free and abundant spiritual Operations and spiritual gifts then ever before 3. A larger Freedom for all Gentiles as Jews without difference Eph. 3.3 4 9. Gal. 3.28 Eph. 1.8 9 10. all every or any one in believing the Testimony to receive the gracious Priviledges and in all this he abounded to the first Witnesses in all Wisdom and Prudence making known to them the mystery of his will for the dispensation of these last times 4. That this Testimony of Christ in which all parts of the Testimony fore-given by Inspirations Types Prophecies Joh. 15.26 14.26 16.13 15. Joh. 3.16 Rom. 1.16 2 Cor. 3.6 7 c. Visions Dreams was opened being fully and cleerly given forth by the Holy Ghost witnessing of Christ this Testimony being a birth of the Spirit and the Medium in which the Spirit worketh and his own Testimony it also beareth his Name and he that believing receiveth it receiveth him and shall experiment this Light and Operations And that this is meant by the giving of the Holy Ghost fore-promised now performed by Christ appears both in the Promises and Performance and the Scriptures quoted and also by the Apostles Affirmation that as the Promises of Christ concerning it Psal 68.18 20. Act. 2.33 Eph. 4.8 11. Act. 2.17 18. so the Prophesies of the Prophet concerning his pouring forth his Spirit both for convincing the rebellious and leading Believers into all Truth and also the efficaciousness of the Spirit for making known the Mind of Christ and his Operations for and in Prophesie Vision Dreams had all a fulfilling in this given to them so full a Testimony cleer Revelation with such Divine Illumination and Operation was given to these first Witnesses that by that Testimony Christ and the things of Christ might be made known that Men might believe and so come in to Christ And this the last and fullest Revelation of Christ and no other but the cleer knowledge of this to be looked for till he do personally and visibly come again But now for the way of making this known to the Sons of Men and carrying it an end we have that also shewn us in this Revelation these three wayes given to them In which we have three things to note first The prime Medium or Way of making it known and the chosen Instruments to use that Medium to make it known and also the Furniture wherewith they are furnished to make it known that Men may come to know Christ thus revealed and so be saved reconciled and brought to God by Christ Of which see what the Scripture saith CHAP. 10. Of the prime Medium or Way of making Christ known according to the Revelation of the Mystery to bring Men to God by Christ THis way of making Christ known for so gracious an end so cleerly it is manifest to be preaching this Word Testimony or Gospel as it is now come forth Mar. 1.15 Act. 10.42 2 Tim. 4.2 Tit. 1.3 and such a manner of Preaching as never was before Christ his coming in the Flesh and suffering on the Cross and having been put to death in the Flesh but quickned by the Spirit and now alive in that Body for evermore and by vertue of his Cross and death by which he made our Peace and by vertue whereof he still mediateth for us and by vertue whereof he worketh in Believers and so will have his Cross and sufferings remembred imbraced and professed till his coming again so 1 Cor. 1.18 20. 2.1 2. as the preaching of him now as it is called the preaching of Christ so it is called also the
preaching of the Cross and so the preaching of Jesus Christ and him crucified and so it must be a preaching suitable thereto and the means to make Christ known according to this Revelation is preaching such a preaching as in which he is lift up as shewn in the eighth Chapter before and in the Scripture we may finde it farther thus set forth that is 1. That it must be preaching Joh. 12.38 Rom. 10.16 1 Pet. 1.12 Joh. 17.6 7. 1 Joh. 1.1 2 3. Act. 13.32 33. 26.27 Rom. 3.25 26. 1 Cor. 15.1 2 3 4 5. Act. 5.42 18.26 28.23 31. 1 Tim. 2.7 Act. 20 21. 2 Cor. 5.10 11 14 19 20. that is in Scripture Language proclaiming and reporting Jesus to be the Christ and therewith the things done by him declaring with manifestation and making plain the things reported and therewith so teaching and expounding the same that the ends vertues and excellencies of Christ and his Cross and the things of Christ with his requirings and promises may appear and be made known and evidencing and testifying the Truth of all so taught by the Scriptures according to the Commandment of God Rom. 1.1 5. 16.25 26. Act. 18.25 28. 17.2 3. 26.22 23. And from Christ the things of God in Christ thus declared taught 2 Tim. 3.16 Tit. 2.15 and testified to perswade Men to Repentance and Faith and so to be reconciled to God and then live to him and to press this with Reproofs Instructions Beseechings and Consolations as need is and in this manner to exalt and tender the Grace of Christ as aforesaid is preaching yea that preaching that according to the minde of God is to be used 2. This preaching must also be with plain and understandable words 2 Col. 2.17 3.12 4.1 2. 2 Pet. 1.15 16. not in dark Parables and Allegories but with such simplicity and plainness that they may appeal to every Man's conscience in the sight of God with all sincerity without any cloak of covetousness craft or guile As for Christ before his Ascension preaching many things in Parables it hath been fore-answered Part 1. ch 6. Mat. 10.27 28. and shewn how he opened all to his Disciples and charged them to teach the same openly and plainly so that the mystery of Christ as opened by Christ is by his Servants to be plainly preached now without fear of Man and so as in plain words so in such language and terms Act. 2.6 8. 1 Cor. 14.6 7 19. Rev. 19.10 1 Cor. 14.3 1 Joh. 3.20 21 27 28. 1 Cor. 1.1 2. Gen. 3.15 1 Joh. 3.5 8. as the Hearers do know and understand so the Holy Spirit given them did at first give them to speak to every Man in his own language and so they used to speak in words understandable to the Hearers They are now taught that the Testimony of Jesus is the Spirit of prophesie the original spring and Leader to all right speaking for Edification in knowing him all things are known and other knowledge and teaching then according to what is taught by the Spirits witnessing of him is not needful The knowledge of the first Report of the Gospel is in knowing him as now testified cleerly understood whereas those that by humane Wisdom think to know that first saying without this help given run into many mistakes yea all that the Fathers had in Visions and Dreams Act. 2.18 19 20 21. is met with in this Testimony of Christ now given by the Spirit yea all that the Heaven and Earth with his Works therein do witness is seen most cleerly in Christ Psal 19.1 6. Rom. 10.18 Isa 42.6 2 Cor. 1.20 Col. 2.17 Heb. 7 8 9 10. Col. 3.11 as set forth in this Testimony and by him made apparent to be more cleerly seen in them yea the Covenant made with Abraham it is to be seen and met with in him and all that was figured by Sacrifices and all other Types the Truth is in him and to be seen and known in him so that now Christ is all and in all and so in this Doctrine and Testimony And therefore he and the things of him are plainly to be preached and that in a known language and understandable words being alike holy and sanctified to declare the Gospel with and so alike fit to express God's Minde to us as is before shewn Part 1. ch 5. and for us to express our Minde to God in praying to him And so the Apostles writing to the Church at Rome Rom. 8.25 Gal. 4.6 where also both Jews and Greeks were shews how the Spirit breatheth in both languages Abba Father and so to another Church and so they spake with all plainness of Speech in things needful to be known for Faith and good Manners and so is the Gospel to be plainly preached in understandable words 3. This preaching of the Gospel now must neither be with the wisdom of words 1 Cor. 1.17 18 19 20. 2.1 2 3 4 5. which the Spirit of Wisdom that is in the Princes of this World for Learning or the Wisdom of Man teacheth or in such manner as to draw applause to the Preacher or to receive that said for his excellency in Learning and arguing in Rhetorical perswasions Nor must this preaching be with Fables and endless Genealogies 1 Tim. 4.7 6.20 Tit. 3.9 Col. 2.8 1 Cor. 1.19 20 17 23. 2.1 4 12. or opposition of Science falsly so called nor with Philosophical Subtilties Reasons and Depths after the Fashion of humanely-learned wise Men nor with Artificial and framed Eloquence and Rhetorical Perswasions according to Man's Art nor yet with pretences of great Light intruding into things they have not seen in the Testimony there being in that no Revelation of it Rom. 12.3 Col. 2.18 Gal. 1.10 1 Thes 2.4 5 6. 1 Cor. 14.6 19 28. and so beyond the measure of Faith given though covered with great pretences and shews of Humility nor by tempering their Doctrine to the humours of Men to please them and get applause from them nor with using quaint words or words of a strange language not understood If a strange Tongue inspired were to be silenced where it was not of the Hearers understood how much more that which is acquired by study 1 Cor. 2.4 5. Rom. 16.26 2 Tim. 3.16 17. Tit. 2.15 1 Pet. 4.11 1 Cor. 3.18 Rom. 1.1 5. all these things are to be avoided in this preaching and the preaching to be with Evidence and Demonstration of the Spirit in the Testimony he hath given of Christ in the Scripture and so with all Power and Authority as the very Oracles of God and all this plain-speaking to Men not for Men to exercise their Wisdom to imagine a Riddle and study for a mysterious sense but for the obedience of Faith that Men as Fools in their own wisdom may be wise in credit-giving to this Testimony and so believe and obey in
and so is this that follows if we take the words for God's fore-purpose and pre-approbation of these first Trusters in Christ and so take them without a Parenthesis before the foundation of the world Eph. 1.4 that we should be holy and without blame before him in love It 's cleer he speaks here of something wherein they were preferred before the Instruments in former Ministrations for to be holy and unblameable before him in love shall one day be the portion of all the Saints from first to last Eph. 5.25 26 27. And of faults deserving blame in conversation the best Saints on Earth have not been altogether free Rom. 7. Gal. 2. Jam. 3.2 2 Cor. 3.3 14. yea the Apostles confess That they were not But here he speaks of their Ministration and the Testament they were Ministers of as he did elsewhere And so Moses in his Ministration was faithful in all his House as a Servant and Aaron the Saint of the Lord but the Law and Testament they ministred made nothing perfect Heb. 7.19 Rom. 2.3 Heb. 7.12 8.6 11. 9.14 15. 10.5 10. it was weak through the flesh therefore God sent his Son c. and faulting the former Covenant he changed and took away that Law and hath brought in New Covenant established on better promises which Christ ministers by these chosen Witnesses so that they needed abundance of Furniture and were indeed so abundantly furnished that in Love and Declaration of his Love by an unerring Spirit they were un-erringly led in this excellent ministration holy and unblameable in ministring of an holy and unblameable Covenant before him in Love which they have left upon record which did we more believe we should more prize the Gospel with the sayings in it left upon record by them Eph. 1.5 But he proceeds vers 5. Having predestinated us to the adoption of children by Jesus Christ to himself according to the good pleasure of his will Note well the words he saith not Having predestinated us to be adopted children for they were in election and being chosen whether in purpose or act as much adopted as chosen for sure that Phrase Mint Elect in whom my soul delighteth Isa 42.1 is well and truely rendered My beloved in whom my soul is well pleased and is the same with that This is my beloved son in whom I am well pleased Besides Mat. 12.18 Mat. 3.17 17.5 1 Joh. 5.10 11 12. Gal. 3.16 26 29. Joh. 1.12 2 Tim. 1.9 Joh. 6.44 Jam. 1.18 Joh. 1.13 Joh. 1.12 16 17 18. Rom. 8.16 Rom. 9.4 Adoption is onely in Christ Jesus and had in receiving and having him as Eternal Life is and no other way and yet farther Adoption and Acceptation to Sonship in Christ is in a peculiar manner the work of God the Father that calleth and draweth and begetteth to Christ And the communication of the Dignitie and Priviledges of Sons is in a peculiar manner the work of Jesus Christ the Son as it is in a peculiar manner the work of the holy Spirit to witness it besides Adoption is a thing to be ministred and did though not so cleerly appertain to the Jews under Moses Ministration So that it is evident here That in saying Having predestinated us to the adoption of sons he points out the more cleer business in their Ministration they were predestinated to as predestination relateth also to the means as well as the person and end and that is here the Adoption of Children by Jesus Christ in which the way is pointed out a more cleer one then ever was in former Ministrations by preaching Jesus Christ according to the Revelation of the Mystery Rom. 16.25 26. 2 Cor. 5.18 19 20. and so the Gospel is called The Word of Reconciliation and the Ministery of it The Ministery of Reconciliation and both committed to them for that end Whence they said in Ministration to be sent to open the eyes and turn c. that they might receive forgiveness of sins and inheritance Act. 26.17 18. Joh. 15.16 c. whence our Saviour saith of them I have chosen you and ordained you that you should go and bring forth fruit Mat. 28.19 Mar. 16.15 16. Luk. 5.10 c. and what fruit that is is to be seen in the commission given them so that they were appointed to Adoption that is in Ministration of the Son to bring men in to the Faith of the Son of God and so to Sonship or Adoption And this by Jesus Christ that is by abiding in him Eph. 1.5 Joh. 15.4 7 8 27. Luk. 24.47 48. Eph. 1.5 2 Cor. 4 5 6. Heb. 13.7 8. 2 Cor. 5.20 11.2 and so preaching and witnessing him and so Repentance and Remission of sins in his Name to draw men in to him as hath been shewn and this unto himself to draw to him unite to and inamour with him that he may have their heart and the praise such the end of their Ministration and Furniture and so of their preaching so they say We pray you in Christs stead be ye reconciled to God and We have espoused you to one husband even Christ Thus was their Ministration to the Adoption of Children by Jesus Christ to himself and herein far above the Ministration of Moses and Aaron and all the Levitical Priesthood and their Law for though their Adoption appertained to them and their Ministration was to bring Men to God and so to be Sons and Tutor Sons yet it was not with such a cleer Revelation of Christ but by Types and Shadows and Prophesies of him to come and by Circumcision Gal. 4.1 7. 3.16 26. 5.1 4.18 Joh 1.14 15 16 17. 8.31 36. still holding out the Gentiles as strangers to their Priviledges and binding even the Circumcision to such observances of outward Rites that they were kept still in a kinde of bondage so as they were under Tutors and Governours as Servants so as the most upright that were in Grace and not of works of the Law yet were they under the Law but this Ministration is of Grace onely and of Freedom and leads thereto Mat. 11.11 2 Cor. 4.4 yea even John's Ministration though before and above all the former yet short of this this being a glorious Ministration of a glorious Gospel to a gloriously gracious end Eph. 1.5 even the Adoption of Children by Jesus Christ unto God according to the good pleasure of his will not onely according to his will and the pleasure of his will for so were all the former Ministrations but through Men's weaknesses they did not so profit Rom. 8.3 2 Cor. 3.6 14. Heb. 7 8 9 10. nor were to continue but for a time till Christ had offered up the Sacrifice and so were not approved for continuance and perfecting the Saints But his delight is in his Son and the cleer Revelation of him and that Men should love and honour him and
hath given more abundantly to us Rom. 16.25 26. 2 Pet. 1.3 4. Col. 1.26 27. Eph. 3.5 and revealed the Mystery more fully to us and fitted us to manifest the same in all wisdom and prudence more then ever he did to any of the Sons of Men or any his Servants in former Ages and this to be the meaning is fully cleered in the next words Vers 9. Eph. 1.9 Having made known unto us the mystery of his will according to his good pleasure which he had purposed in himself Having saith he made known to us the mystery of his will Eph. 3.4 Col. 1.3 1 Tit. 3.9 16. Col. 2.2 Luke 8.10 Mat. 13.11 Mar. 4.11 1 Cor. 4.1 which is called also The Mystery of Christ The Mystery of the Gospel The Mystery of Faith The Mystery of Godliness yea The Mystery of God even of the Father and of Christ in which also the Mysteries of the Kingdom of God all which was given to them to know and these were made Stewards of the Mysteries of God thus made known to them as he saith Having made known to us the mystery of his will Eph. 1.9 according to the good pleasure which he had purposed in himself This of it self clears up to us all God working all things according to the counsel of his will in which is his purpose he having at first so prepared in Christ and ordered for the several Revelations of him and the Miniders with their furniture in the several Ages to carry the same forth he then for these last times purposed this great and cleer Revelation of Christ and the first Trusters in him after his Resurrection to be his chosen Witnesses and to be thus furnished and according to this purpose in himself he hath thus chosen and furnished them to this gracious end in which this sense doth farther appear by that before and following Vers 10. That in the despensation of the fulness of times Eph. 1.10 he might gather together in one all things in Christ both which are in heaven and which are on earth even in him By fulness of times he gives us to understand is meant the times after that due time was come when Jesus Christ was come and had suffered and compleated that prophesied and typed of him Tit. 1.3 to be done by him in his first coming and so had given his Word to his Disciples to manifest him by preaching and so it is said Gal. 4.4 5. When the fulness of time was come God sent forth his Son made of a woman made under the Law to redeem them that were under the Law that we might receive the adoption of sons 1 Pet. 1.20 which fulness of times is also called the last times because also there shall be no more changes of the manner of his Dispensation in any other Revelation or Doctrine of Christ 1 Pet. 1.4 5. Rev. 10.6 7. 11.14 19. 2 Tim. 4.8 Eph. 1.23 4.13 Rom. 4 6. Gal. 4.4 1 Pet. 1.4 5. Act. 2.17 Heb. 2.2 1 Pet. 1.20 2 Pet. 1.15 3.2 but in and by this and this to be continued till that visible coming again of his which is the last day and last time in which the whole Mystery of God will be finished that being called that day when will be the fulness of the stature of Christ when all that are to be brought in to him by such means are come in to him and with him and from his first coming which was in due time in the beginning of the fulness of times to his next personal and visible coming which will be at that day that is the last time all between is called the last dayes the last times and here the fulness of times that we may be mindeful of and heed this Dispensation and Gospel thus dispensed by the Apostles that proved all by the Prophets also and to look for no other till Christ come again And the end of this glorious Revelation and glorious Dispensation is Eph. 1.10 That by Christ thus discovered and as discovered in it he might shew forth in Christ and gather together in one Heb. 1.1 2 3. Col. 1.15 Joh. 1.18 Mat. 1 23. Psal 85.10 even in Christ all things which are in Heaven and in Earth even all the parcels of his Minde fore-declared in the heavenly Prophesies or by Dreams and Visions or by earthy Types and Shadows and that was hid 〈◊〉 Christ now to be revealed and made manifest together in him in whom God and Man are one and Truth and Righteousness with Mercy and Peace meet in one in him yea in Temple Altar Propitiatory Oracle Priest Sacrifice Purincation yea Life and Covenant are all in one Heb. 12.22 24. in him yea in him Father Son Spirit are all one yea the worshipped and worshippers meet in one in him yea the Spirits of the Prophets and Apostles and of all just Men made perfect in Heaven and of all unfeigned Believers on Earth meet in one in him yea Col. 2.10 11. Faith Love De res Refreshings all flow from him and run into him and meet in one yea Jew Gentile Bond Free Male Female all one in him and by Faith in him come to enjoy Union and Fellowship in and with him and one another and enjoyment of his blessing and this Union with him the Gospel thus dispensed effecteth where believed 1 Joh. 5.20 And thus to understand this gathering together of all things in Christ to be of these things and this Union we are led by the 3 vers and other Scriptures so that the end of this Dispensation is to let Men see all in Christ and so draw them in to believe in him to place all their Love Faith Desires and Content in him and so to finde all their satisfaction in him and so partake of the Blessing of this Union in him Vers 11. In whom that is Eph. 1.11 in Christ we have obtained an inheritance this he sheweth to be they had it in hope and the Holy Spirit as the earnest till the possession be given and this they had also to preach to others and assure all unfeigned Believers of the same to be theirs in hope yea there was a confirmation of the Truth of all this and of the Blessing of their Ministration in the Ephesians believing on their report Vers 13 14. and being therein sealed though they had not so much light into the Mystery as the Apostles had for which he also prays after for them and explicates the Mystery to them as it was revealed to the Apostles both in the Doctrine and Effects of it in Believers and the Priviledges held forth to all Men that they might believe with experiments in some measure found in all Believers which I leave to be read in the second and third Chapters onely here taking notice of what he affirms concerning all he hath said Vers 11. Eph. 1.11 That to all this they were predestinated
and stay and so the Truth is the upholder and stay of the Church and the giver of Authority to it and not the Church the stay of and Authority-giver to the Truth yet even in this respect also as Christ is the Head of the Church and his Truth and Spirit and he thereby an Indweller in the Church so they in holding forth the Truth are instrumental upholders of it Act. 9.15 2 Tim 4.7 Mat. 5.14 and maintainers of the Faith to the World and so the Light of the World and in respect of some in the outward Court that turn the Grace of God into wantonness pervert the Gospel deceive the World and labour to beguile Believers in turning them from the Faith These are the Keepers of the Faith by teaching it and opposing and fighting with the sword of the Spirit against their prophaness and errors and so maintaining the Faith against their falshoods And in all these senses the Church that are these Witnesses 2 Tim. 4.1 7. 2 Cor. 10.4 5 6. Jude 3 4. is the Pillar of Truth and yet more fully in one sense more including all the former in it This Church is the Pillar and Ground of Truth taking in as is given us both the words that is to say 5. As they were of old to write the Commandments and Statutes of the Lord upon the door-posts of their house Deut. 6.9 11.20 and their gates as the Ten words were written in Tables of stone that they might be seen and read and as some say The Prophets did hang or fasten their written Prophesies upon one of the Pillars in the Temple as is the use of the chief Magistrate to have his Proclamation fastned on some noted post or pillar in the Market-place where all the Country may take notice of it and read it so these are the Church or House and so that post and pillar the Table or Ground in and upon whom the Truth is so written that all may read it though some with likement and some with dislike as the Apostle hath plainly affirmed saying to the Church Ye are our Epistle written in our hearts seen and read of all Men forasmuch as ye are manifestly declared to be the Epistle of Christ ministred by us written not with ink but with the Spirit of the living God not in Tables of stone as the Law of old was but in the fleshly Tables of the heart in which there is a performance spiritually by Christ of that said to the Prophet of old Write the Vision Feb. 2.2 and make it plain upon Tables Isa 29 11 12. that he may run that readeth it and being taken with that read he may read to others even that Vision of All and others may read it on him And this writing is the very work of Christ by his Spirit in Ministery of the Gospel We never read that Christ did personally in his own Body write any part of the Scripture that work he left for his Servants by his Spirit to do yet once we finde that he wrote with his Finger on the ground as not regarding his Tempters Joh. 8.6 yet what he wrote is not said but to say the Apostle alludeth to that I dare not nor yet will I say it was an intimate Instruction of his own work so freely to write by his Finger which oft signifieth his Spirit his Epistle in the ground of the heart of his unworthy ones but this I may say in treating of his spiritual writing To allude to this is no error But however it cleerly appears this Society and Church spoken of is the Pillar and ground of Truth where Truth is written and holden forth to be read 1 Tim. 3.16 yea even the Truth that is the Mysterie of godliness that great Mystery God was manifested in the Flesh justified in the Spirit c. And so these unfeigned Believers united to Christ having his word as delivered by his Apostles in their heart be his Witnesses now and the Ministers he hath chosen for this Ministration to minister according to the grace and gifts given them none presuming beyond these are the holy City and Sanctuary of his building and the Ministers of the things thereof Rev. 11.1 2 3. to whom he gives Spirit and Power that they may witness him even to the World and among these is the true Altar even in this Temple and these are the Worshippers thereat and because of the Gospel in their hearts and there through some portion of these forementioned spiritual gifts by which they witness him hold forth the word of life with their tongues therefore their tongue is said to be as choice silver and their lips to feed many Prov. 10.21 22. Pro. 15 10. Psa 35.28 71.24 119.172 51.31 1 Thes 1.8 1 Cor. 3.3 18. Gal. 5.22 23. their tongue useth knowledge aright and speaks of God's righteousness and praise all the day yea even so as sinners may be converted to him and so from them the word of God soundeth forth And also by the same Spirit in the Gospel their hearts being framed to the minde and design of Christ they so have a Christ-like Spirit springing up Love Joy Peace c. which leadeth them to walk in Faith and Love in Holiness and Mercy Mat. 5.16 c. So that also hereby they do witness of him and hold forth the word of Life also in their conversation in good works and holy profession whence the Fruit of the Righteous is called A Tree of Life Prov. 11.30 Ezek. 47.12 Rev. 22.2 2 Cor. 9.2 and a way of winning Souls yea their Fruit is for Meat and their Leaf for Medicine so their Conversation winneth and their Zeal provoketh many and because the Spirit of Glory resteth on them 1 Pet. 4.10 11 14. and giveth them power to glorifie God in witnessing both these wayes though through sufferings Therefore in respect of their twofold witnessing and holding forth the word of Life to glorifie God and do good to Men convincing by Truth and comforting with Truth and confuting falshood Rev. 11 4. They are also called the two Witnesses that witness yea that witness the Truth on God's part against the Man of sin and God of the World and the two Olive-Trees that bring forth that good Fruit whence the good Oyl runneth and the two Candlesticks that hold forth the true Light that shineth so that every way it appears that these unfeigned Believers united to Christ in him by Faith and he in them by Word Spirit are his chosen Ones to bring forth Fruit his Ministers for carrying an end the Ministration of this last Revelation of Christ till he come again these are the Temple of God the House of God the Church of God I need not to use worldly terms else I might shew how these are the Achademah or School University and Colledge in which are all the Scholars that are taught of God And
works be manifold yet he is but one God he is one and so the Holy Spirit that proceedeth from the Father and the Son and discovereth Christ and God in Christ and beareth forth the Testimony though his Gifts and Operations be manifold yet the Spirit is one in the same yea the Father and Son and Holy Spirit are one and the same God one in Essence Will Design Testimony and Power and God in Christ propitious to Men and having prepared Eternal Life in Christ for Men this is the Object of Faith to be preached and believed and if this were not there could be no such thing as the Gospel calls Faith to be preached obeyed or enjoyed And this is one 2. The Grace of Faith or that believing in the Gospel that is called Faith it is that believing which is begot in the heart by the Discovery and Testimony Heb. 11.13 Joh. 6.40 Act. 6.7 Rom 3.25 10.8 9 10. the Spirit in the means he useth hath given of Christ in which a Man discerneth the Truth and Goodness testified is perswaded of it in his heart And this is one one way and manner of believing that Object of Faith and from thence it is called Faith and so truely still one Faith the Object discovered having drawn to it self a believing 3. So when through the Operation of Grace believed the Heart imbraceth the Object believed Heb. 11.13 Rom. 10.10 and so by Faith is united to it in trust and well-pleasedness c. it is still but one and the same Faith the same Object uniting to it self whence indeed it hath the name of Faith so as still Faith is one and but one II. That as Faith is used for the prevalency of the Object of Faith drawing the Hearer and Beholder to believe and so for the Grace of Faith or Believing though the Faith be one yet there are divers Degrees in and of it and divers Acts and Operarations of it 1. One Degree of Believing which in respect of the Testimony by which it is begot and which it believeth Joh. 2.23 12.42 and which if abiden in it will unite to may be called faith is yet short of a real new-birth it is such a belief of the Gospel-Testimony as according to light seen one believeth Jesus to be the Christ so far as to count his saying true and yet not so overcome by that believed to see and acknowledge his own vileness and the vanity of all his own best righteousness and his sin in not sooner believing by evidences foregiven and so see not yet the fulness and liberty in Christ for them and so are not by the knowledge of the Truth made single to Christ they are sprinkled with water and moved with Spirit but not yet born of VVater and Spirit they believe Righteousness but not yet with the heart unto Righteousness they are by the hearing of Faith so far born of God as to believe Jesus to be the Christ and confess him to be the Lord but not so far born of God as to be emptied of themselves and united to Christ and so are not yet inwardly renewed and regenerated and so though in the outward Court not yet really translated out of the Power of Darkness into the Kingdom of God's dear Son and yet even these Believers if they abide in this Faith of the Testimony of the Gospel and give heed to the plain sayings thereof Rom. 10.9 Joh. 8.30 31. and abide therein they shall be saved shall know the Truth and the Truth will make them free To say these did but pretend or seem and profess to believe and so are said to believe in respect of their seeming and prosession to believe in the judgement of Charity is too much presumption and sawciness and derogation from the Holy Ghost for the Evangelists writ this after Christ was ascended and they indued with the Holy Ghost and so writ by his inspiration so that those sayings such did believe were not the sayings of Men imperfect in knowledge and judging according to the judgement of Charity by conjecture but the sayings of the Holy Ghost that knoweth all things the Spirit of Truth that cannot erre or be deceived And he saith they believed on his Name they believed on him and who will be so proud of his VVisdom and Knowledge as to direct the Spirit of the Lord and undertake to counsel him and teach him to speak more rightly and safely and say they seemed to believe they professed to believe in the judgement of Charity they ought to be counted Believers though in the issue it appears they did not believe That which some bring to help this conceit helps it not Joh. 2.24 25. namely that Christ did not commit himself to them because he knew all Men c. for it is not said Jesus knew they believed not Gen. 6.5 8.21 or that he knew there was no truth in their believing but he knew what was in Man an evil and unfaithful disposition c. and he knew that his Words or Miracles that brought these to believe on him were not so submitted to as that their evil disposition was yet mortified and they made faithful to him and so they might have served him as he did Joh. 5.14 15. but believe the Spirit saith they did And so in the other place the Holy Ghost affirmeth That as Christ spake many believed on him Joh. 8.30 31. and that our Saviour then spake to those Jews that believed on him And again the Holy Ghost faith Among the chief Rulers many believed on him Joh. 12.42 but because of the Pharisees they did not confess him So that these were Believers and therefore so called and not called Believers because they seemed or professed to believe which the Holy Ghost saith they did not nay the praise of Men had that prevalency with them that it kept them from profession of believing though it had not so great prevalency with these as with those Joh. 5.44 whom it kept from believing or yet put them in an incapacity of it so that these pointed to did believe is evident that it was not a feigned but true believing is evident for else in continuance in it they could not be saved that they were yet short of the knowledge of the Truth c. is express that if they continued in his words received by this Faith they were even then his Disciples and they should know the Truth and the Truth should make them free is express so that here is one Degree of Faith yet short of a real New-Birth which yet abiden in is certain to be effected and was after in many of these as appears in comparing John 3.1 2 3 4 5 6 18. and John 7.50 51. with John 19.38 39 40. 2. The other Degree of believing in which by the prevalency of the Light seen Col. 1 12 13. 1 Pet. 2.3 5 9. Phil. 3.7 8 9. and Grace believed the Heart
is convinced and brought off all things to accept of and confide in Jesus and so brought out of the power of Darkness into the Kingdom of his dear Son and so by his Love believed framed to love him and that this is true Faith indeed none that I know but the deniers of Jesus to be the Christ gainsay yet is this but the farther Efficacies of the same Object of Faith beheld and so one and the same Faith still though in this degree united and made one with the Object so as it was not in the former Degree yet even in this Degree also there are divers Degrees and so some weak Joh. 2.13 14. 2 Thes 1.1 3. Rom. 3.21 22 25 26 27. Act. 6.7 2 Pet. 1.1 some stronger some stablish'd some Babes some young or strong Men some Fathers yea and in every of these Degrees some may be more grown then others and be before others yet all still in one and the same Faith and still also in this one Faith 3. There be divers Acts and Operations of this Faith 1 Thes 2.13 Act. 10.43 Gal. 2.3 5. 2 Tim. 1.7 Joh. 7.38 39. Gal. 5.22 23. Gal. 5.6 Rom. 10.10 Psal ●6 1 10. as to say a receiving Act in which is received the Word or Testimony and therein Remission of sins Justification Sanctification Liberty of access to God the Spirit of Faith Love Power and a sound Minde a springing act raising up prizings of Christ Love of God and Brethren bowels of Mercy c. a streaming Act Faith working through Love and so bringing forth the services of Love in Confession Prayers Praises Works of Mercy and Righteousness yet the Faith it self is still one and the same and so called the same the same Spirit of Faith yea when it produced Miracles 2 Cor. 4.13 Act. 4.10 11 12. the Faith was still the same though the Act extraordinary The belief of the History Rom. 10.8 9. is the belief of the Testimony of Christ which whoso believeth with his heart shall be saved and when through the Grace believed one is brought upon Christ he is justified from all sins past and in that believing receiveth continual justification Rom. 3.25 26 27. Gal. 5.7 Mat. 24.13 and if any depart from the Faith that proves temporary but he that endureth to the end shall be eternally saved the Faith it self being one still and but one Faith III. As Faith is used to express the Object of Faith Heb. 1.1 so it hath been reyealed for the full and cleer Demonstration of it at divers times and by divers parcels and degrees and at last fully and cleerly by Jesus Christ and yet that Object of Faith still one and the same each Revelation agreeing with and opening the former and so still one as hath been shewn in this whole third Part of the Treatise And because there is no Faith by the Holy Spirit called Faith but that which by his Discovery of this Object is drawn towards it in believing that the Believer might so be united to it Therefore the Faith is one yea and this Demonstration to lead us into unity because as it unites Believers in one Foundation to one Head so it makes them of one Heart and Fellowship Eph. 4.4 For there is one Body that is one Mystical Body or Corporation Fellowship and Society though the Members of this Corporation and their Offices be many yet the Corporation and Society in Faith Love and Fellowship of their Priviledges is one and all bear one Name 1 Cor. 12.12 20. Eph. 2.19 22. 1 Joh. 1.3 Cant. 6.9 Gal. 3.16 29. Hos 11.1 Rom. 8.17 Gal. 3.36 Eph. 4.4 1 Joh. 5.6 Joh. 15.26 Eph. 2.17 18. 1 Cor. 12.13 1 Cor. 2.16 Eph. 4.4 sa 45.22 Joh. 3.14 16. 2 Thes 2.14 Eph. 1.18 Eph. 4.5 Rom. 10.6 15. 1 Pet. 1.20 21. 2 Thes 1.10 Joh. 1.12 13. Eph. 4.5 the Name of Christ being called Christians And so there is but one true Church and Sanctuary that is united to Christ and shall be in and with him for ever and by vertue of their Union with Christ they are all in respect of kinde one Seed and one Son though in respect of their several particular Persons Heirs Children and Sons of God by Faith And as there is One Body so there is in it One Spirit even the Spirit of the Father and the Son that beareth forth the Testimony of Christ and enables to believe in Christ and brings to God by Christ and into this Fellowship working the Minde of Christ and so called the Spirit of Faith by whom all he calleth and so all Believers are called in One Hope of their calling The same Grace proclaimed The same looking and believing required and for the same end To be saved and to the same Hope in believing even the obtaining Eternal Life and Glory and so One Lord even the Lord Jesus Christ in whom the fulness of the Godhead dwelleth bodily and so One Faith as one Object so one Manner of believing which is Faith indeed that is produced by the Holy Spirit through the Gospel and closeth with Christ the Object of Faith and so also One Baptism one kinde and end of the gracious Operation of the Holy Spirit in Baptizing into Christ and through his Name by all the Mediums of baptizing 1 Cor. 12.12 13. Rom. 6.3 6. Gal. 3.26 27 28. called also Baptisms into conformity to Christ in his Death that they may partake of the vertue of his Resurrection and so into the Fellowship of his body drinking into one Spirit and so becoming of one minde and that the minne of Christ the Son of God even as also there is 1 Cor. 6.11 Phil. 2.1 2 5. Eph. 4.6 Eph. 1.3 17. 1 Cor. 2.6 Mat. 10.40 Rom. 16.20 25 26. 1 Pet. 5.10 ● Psa 138.8 One God and Father of all who is above all and through al and in them all that are Believers he is the Father of our Lord Jesus Christ and in him and shmes forth his Glory through him that Men might believe and so in and through him he is the Father of all that believe in Christ and above all able to overthrow all their Enemies and Opposers and to perfect all that concerneth them all so as all flows from and leads into Union and this Union of the Spirit bringing into the Union of the acknowledgement of the Son of God is that which the Spirit teacheth and to which all the Degrees and Operations tendeth whence we are exhorted to keep the Unity of the Spirit in the Bond of Peace 2 Cor 114. Gal. 1.6 7 8. and so but one Faith which the Gospel calleth Faith and he that would finde out another Faith really true and holy in its kinde must first finde out another true Body that is the Church another Spirit another Jesus to be the Christ another Gospel and another Hope to call to and another God all real true and holy in their
1.12 13. 1 Joh. 5.12 13. Gal. 3.29 Ioh. 6.40 45. 10.27 28 29. Ioh. 14.16 17 26. 15.26 27. 16.7 13 14 Rom. 8.26 23 14 15 16. Psal 73.24 and are Abraham's Seed and Heirs according to Promise and he will own them and keep them so as they hear his voice and follow him and he will give them eternal Life and they shall not perish And this he will do by giving forth into their hearts his Spirit in and with his Word to minde them of his Sayings foresaid by himself and by his Spirit in his Prophets and Apostles and so to testifie of him and take of the things of him and shew them and so glorifying him to them he will both enable them to pray to God in his Name and receive Answers from him and also witness with their Spirits that they are the Sons of God and so lead them in his way into all Truth and unto Glory and assures Believers in a plain Affirmation by his Spirit both that there is an incorruptable and undefiled inheritance that fadeth not 1 Pet. 1.4 5. reserved in Heaven for them and also that they are kept by the power of God through Faith unto Salvation it 's cleer the power of God here meant is Rom. 1.16 1 Thes The Word of Grace he hath helped them to believe which is the power of God to Salvation in every one that believeth and the Holy Spirit in and with that word which is the Hand Luk. 11.20 Act. 11.21 1 Cor. 3.4 〈…〉 3. 2 〈◊〉 3 4. Ioh. 17.11 12. the Finger and power of God the Divine Power or power of the Divine Nature in and with the Gospel which is his Name this that by which Christ in his Ministration kept those given him and by which the Father and he still keepeth such By this power of God are Believers kept through Faith unto Salvation ready to be revealed in the last times and how can it be through Faith if the Object of Faith se●●rth in the Word and the influences of that Object be not continued to them that they may continue believing and in believing mix their Faith with these Promises and so be united to and with Christ in the Promises or how can it be through Faith if they also do not in the belief of the Grace Power Truth and Faithfulness of God which they have been helped to see and believe in believing the Testimony of his love in the gift of Christ and in his Blood shed for them when they were Enemies Rom. 5.6 7 8 9 10. Tit. 3.4.5 6 7. Gal. 5.5.6 6.6 Hab. 2.4 Rom. 1.17 Gal. 3.11 Heb. 10.38 Ioh. 3.36 Rom. 4.13 16. even from thence believe and relie on him for all that Grace and Life which he hath promised and so mix Faith with or be united by Faith to the Promises This being the professed way of the Believers confidence growth expectation and perseverance to the inheritance yea this the way of the Believers living in being justified and so preserved to the enjoyment of the inheritance promised till which time there is no other way for the just to live but by Faith and by Faith they shall live and God hath appointed this to be by Faith even to this end That it may be by Grace and that the Promise may be sure to all the Seed And indeed it can no other way be sure nor is there need of any other assurance of perseverance to the inheritance then the assurance of Faith even the assurance that Faith in the Object giveth and Faith in believing receiveth when through the belief of the Love of God to sinners appeareth Rom. 4.17 25. 5.1 2 5 6. Isa 28.6 1 Pet. 2.6 2 Tim. 1.12 4.18 2 Cor. 5.1 in having given his Son Christ to die for their sins and being therethrough led to believe in God for performing his Promises and so mix Faith with the Promises This the Faith of Abraham of which Faith and assurance of hope therein none that have it will or need to be ashamed for sure here are Promises enough confirmed enough in Christ for Believers to mix with Faith and so trust in God even for keeping and preserving them and as he doth enough to keep them trusting in him so he will never fail or forsake any that trust in him But alas will some say this is comfortable to them that in believing do mix Faith with these Promises for their perseverance and so trust in God but we are not able in and by all we believe to mix Faith with these Promises and so to rest patiently on God for our perseverance yea we are not sure the Faith we have is such but that we may fall from it To whom I answer If thou believe the Testimony of Christ as given in the Gospel thou shalt be saved and in this belief abiding in him thou shalt not miss but finde his Grace enabling thee to mix Faith with these promises for perseverance and to help thee and all that believe Jesus to be the Christ Here is yet farther provision for thee in the precious Promises to lead thee on and so enable thee to mix thy Faith with the Promises and these helps though all to one gracious end yet in some respects they are divers and manifold yet meeting in one to lead thee to unite thy Faith with these Promises onely before I mention them take this Coveat that an Opinion of an impossibility of one that doth once truely and indeed believe to fall away again from the Faith is none of the helps given thee in Scripture nor is this Saying That many of the Saints are not enabled all their dayes to mix the Promises of perseverance with Faith and on that account do never get Freedom from Bondage any of the helps given nor will the holding of an Opinion that all true Believers and Saints shall certainly persevere bring those Saints to the heavenly rest and inheritance which never are united by Faith to the Promises yea even the Promises thereof and so have not their Faith mixed with the Promises The Apostle is plain in this desi●ing the Saints That he and the residue that knew this might without offence-taking by the Saints have leave and liberty to fear lest a promise being left of entring into his rest any of those Saints he wrote to should seem to come short of it and the very Ground of his fear was lest this Promise should not be mixed with Faith in every of the Saints that had heard it alleadging That the cause of others falling short and not profi●ing because the word heard was not mixed with Faith in them that heard And indeed the Holy Ghost doth not lead his instruments to daub up any with untempered motter as if they may be Saints that shall infallibly persevere and yet never be able all their dayes to n●● Faith with the Promises of perseverance c. But he afforde●● directions
this Covenant was so made that it might have divers times of fulfilling one in the outside of it Iosh 22.4 Isa 42.6 Luk. 1.71 76. Heb. 9.15 8.1 2 6. in the Types in having some rest in Canaan another in Truth and spiritually in Christ in his first coming having finished his first Work and being set forth in the Gospel and so given for a Covenant Act. 3.19 20 21 2 Pet. 3.12 13. Isa 55.5 1 Pet. 1.21 23. Gal. 3.8 6.26 29 Ier. 31.33 34. Heb. 8.10 1 Pet. 2.3 4 5. Eph. 1.13 Col. 1.3 4. 1 Thes 4.14 15 18. and remaining the Mediator and Minister of it and the next last and compleat fulfilling according to Spirit and Letter both at the next and visible appearing of Jesus Christ yea and also a divers fulfilling of it in particular Believers as first VVhen through the evidence of Truth in Gospel-Testimony glorifying Christ a Man is brought in to believe in Christ and so made of the Seed Secondly When and as in believing a Man through the quickning Spirit of Christ comes to be more built on Christ and so sealed in him being indued with a first-Fruits of the Spirit promised Rom. 8.23 And thirdly VVhen the Lord Jesus Christ shall appear in Glory and the Just be raised so to appear in Glory with him to possess c. 1 Joh. 3.2 IV. That this Covenant was made with Christ as the publick Man Heb. 1.2 Eph. 1.14 Psal 89.28 Isa 53.10 11. Gen. 17. Act. 7.5 Heb. 11.9 10 14 16 40. Psal 105.8 9 10 11. Rom. 9.8 9 10 11. 4.10 11 12 17 23 24. Gal. 3.7 8 16 26 27 28 29. 4.25 26 28 30 31. and the everlasting Father upon the account of his Sufferings and Sacrifice and so the inheritance is his first he is the Heir as the Son of God by Nature and as the publick Man by Purchase and by Covenant for himself and his spiritual Seed to be after brought in to him for there could be none before him And this Covenant was confirmed in Christ to Abraham and so made with Abraham for himself and for his Seed after him also and confirmed to him with an Oath and so to Isaac and Jacob in like manner and so still for them and their Seed that were to come of them and after them so as Abraham was Heir not onely by a spiritual Birth but also by a Covenant made and confirmed with an Oath fastening the right of Inheritance upon him and intailing it upon his Seed and so in like manner was Isaac and Jacob Heirs with him of the same Promise and Promises and promised Inheritance which they never yet enjoyed but in due time assuredly shall when all their Seed is come in to inherit with them And this Covenant is confirmed to Israel for an everlasting Covenant in being so made to Abraham Isaac and Jacob and confirmed with an Oath to them That all that are born of the Promise that by the Grace of God discovered in Christ do believe in him they are the Sons of Abraham and his Seed and so as Isaac and Jacob of the same Seed Heirs by birth of the Promise given to and believed and preached by Abraham Isaac and Jacob and also confirmed Heirs by the Covenant made with Abraham Isaac c. by which through Faith they are assured of the Inheritance V. That this Covenant being so made with Abraham for himself and for all after-Comers that are his Seed Act. 7.2 3 4 Heb. 11.8 Isa 51.2 that they as his Seed may know their Interest in it and have by Faith the same usefulness of it this is farther to be minded That Abraham was a true Believer and justified before God and so by spiritual birth of the Seed of Christ and so an Heir and walked in Faith as a Son before this Covenant was made with him so that this Promise and Covenant was not given to him to beget Faith or to make him a Son or upon condition of his believing All which was wrought in him and he so living and walking in Faith before this Covenant was made with him but it was made with him as a justified Believer to confirm and encrease his Faith and so for the exercise of his Faith in waiting for so blessed a Hope as set before him and given him in this Promise and Covenant and in the same manner it was after made with Isaac and Jacob the Promise of the Inheritance being in order after belief and new Birth The promised Seed is the Promise of which one is so born the Promise of Means from and through that Seed The Promise through which a Man is so born and The Promise of the Inheritance the Promise to the Hope whereof Believers are born And so this Promise and Covenant made with the Fathers is not fastened on any to make them Believers and Sons or on condition of believing Rom. 4.16 8.17 Joh. 1.12 13. Gal. 3 26 29. Heb. 6.17 18. though in believing is the way to meet with it but the Interest in it and the Assurance of it as made to the Fathers for them is given to such as are Believers in Christ and so the Sons of God by Faith who are Abraham's Seed and Heirs according to Promise to confirm and encrease their Faith and for the exercise of their Faith in waiting for so blessed a Hope VI. The freeness largeness Gen. 17.4 8. 1 Chron. 15.15 19 and everlastingness of this Covenant the dependency it hath on the Truth and faithfulness of God for its performance all being put on himself to perform Psal 105.8 11. Ioh. 5.19 20 21. Heb. 9.15 16 17. 13.20 2 Sam. 23.5 who hath confirmed it with his Oath yea and having first made it with Christ his Son upon the account of his Purchase the Son being one with the Father in all he doth he also was one with the Father in making this Promise and Covenant to Abraham for him and his Seed and hath confirmed the Covenant with his own Blood and by vertue thereof extendeth the Performances So that this is a sure and everlasting Covenant ordered in all things This is all express in the words and terms of it VII When this free and everlasting Covenant was openly made and confirmed with an Oath Gen. 17.9 10 11.12 13 23 27. it had also added to it an outward and sensible Testimony Token Sign and Seal to be set on the flesh of Abraham and all his natural Seed according to the flesh that is all by natural birth born of him and all so of him as that by gracious Providence they were put under his care and tuition whether born in his House or Family or bought with his Money so as they were under the Government of him or his Family and also that were proselyted and so come to live under their Profession Exod. 12.48 49 with all under their Tuition and Government likewise And this visible
Spirit and Truth figured is found in the Circumcision Sufferings and Death of Jesus Christ Phil. 3.3 4 7 8 9. Col. 2.9 10 11 12. which Spirit and Truth is so in Christ that whoever believeth in him is interested in the same and it is become his and he receiveth the Circumcision made without Hands even that of the Spirit taking him off from all confidence in the Flesh that he may rejoyce in Christ onely as compleat in him and so that Jesus is the Christ That he had put an end to all bloody Ordinances and Sacrifices for sin That he hath made purgation for our sins to purge us with and then sate down on the Right-Hand of God and the everlasting Covenant firm in him and he filled with Spirit to dispense and so set forth the Saviour of the World and Propitiation for the sins of the whole World that whoever believeth in him may not perish but have everlasting Life and so his part in this everlasting Covenant Compare Gen. 17.9 10 11 12 13. Exod. 12.48 49. with Mat. 28.18 19 20. Act. 16.33 Col. 2.11 12. for all this we have an outward Sign and Testimony more significant easie and free then Circumcision was even Baptism c. to be put on all that accept this Gospel on them and all under their Tuition as a Sign given from Christ to testifie not the Truth of the Repentance and believing of such as are baptized but the Truth of the Faith Gospel and Covenant taught and so disciple into Abraham's Family to be the Scholars of Christ who needeth not as humane School-Masters to have his Scholars bring their capacities and fitness with them for he even giveth that also and as Circumcision and the Passeover were Ordinances of the Gospel in which Christ to come in the flesh was preached and both before the first Testament and yet when that given were both used under it so Baptism and the Supper of the Lord are both Ordinances of the Gospel in which Christ is preached as already come in the flesh and to come in Glory Rom. 3.27 8.2 Iam. 2.8 12. and both instituted before the New Testament was given from Mount Sion yet now both used under it But the new Testament it self will verily appear to be something distinct even that Law of Faith of Life of Liberty for nurturing Sons and in which Believers are to walk in this Life So that yet in this saying we are not satisfied 3. Some say That the New Testament is Christ his Dispensation of a spiritual first Fruits of the everlasting Covenant into the Hearts and Minde of the Believers in putting in by his Spirit his gracious Word into their Heart and so enlivening and operating in them as to unite and conform them to himself and so lead them to the Inheritance This saying is Truth and fully proved in Heb. 8.6 10. and 10.15 16. agreeing with 2 Cor. 3.3 and doth more satisfie according to Scripture then all or any of the former and in this I long rested as if it were the whole of the Truth as indeed it is a part and the chief part of it and that which according to the New Covenant in his present Ministration he dispenseth and in that respect also is rightly said to be given for a Covenant And in this Dispensation given a New Testament is given which what that is I will assay to finde out and delare CHAP. 7. Of the New Testamental Covenant what it is THe New Testament is that Rule and Order agreed on between the Father and the Son in the councel of God both for Christ his Dispensation and the Believers Receit and Perseverance to which the Covenant hath Engagements on both parts as that given by Moses had though not the like Engagements for these two Testaments are one opposed to the other and by comparing the one with the other in their Agreements and Differences and the excellency of the New above the Old as declared in Scripture and the Scripture-Expressions of the New I conceive we may come to the cleerest and fullest satisfaction to know indeed what the New Testament is 1. They were both given by God by and in the Hands of a Mediator Gal. 3.19 20. Heb. 9.15 3.1 6. Rom. 7 10 13. Gal. 2.19 21. 3.21 22. 2 Cor. 3.6 11. Gal. 4.24 25 26 17. Heb. 12.18.22 Deut. 5.23 Gal. 3.17 18 19 25. Heb. 3.2 4 5 6 10. Exod. 20.1 2. Psal 81.10 Act. 26.18 Col. 1.12 13. but not both by one and the same Mediator the one the Servant the other the Son they were both ordain'd to life and so had the same end but not to effect it in the same way but the one preparing by terrifying and killing the other extending it by consolation quickning they were both given on and from a great Mountain but not the same Mountain but the one Mount Sinai gendring to Bondage the other Mount Sion giving to Freedom they both were given after the Covenant made with Abraham and so distinct Covenants made besides that and that by Moses first being no part of the Covenant made with Abraham but only subservient to it and this by Christ after that by Moses and so no part of that yet having in it the quintessence of the Covenant first made with Mankind through Christ and the first Fruits of the Covenant made with Abraham they were both made with a People redeemed not onely redeemed in a publick Man from perishing in the first death as all men were but also called and redeemed in their own persons out of great bondage and servitude to be led to Rest or Canaan yet not both alike the one out of an Egyptian worldly and bodily bondage to go to an Earthy Rest or Canaan the other out of a spiritual bondage in the darkness and pollutions of this World and the powerful Dominion of Satan to be led to an heavenly Inheritance Rest and Glory they were both given for nurture and tutoridge of Sons Gal. 4.1 8 21 31. having both their Directions and Requirings yet not both alike but the one to tutor as a School Master though Sons yet under some bondage like Servants suitably directing to and requiring Works the other to tutor as Sons in the Father's House and Presence with Freedom and its requirings not like the other of obedience in works in the strength they had not putting in new strength to do but of the use of Faith and Love given Gal. 5.6 2 Cor. 6.1 2. Phil. 2.12 13. Deut. 4.1 31.5 6. Rom. 10.5 Joh. 7.37 38 39. Heb. 8.2 6. Heb. 9.12 13 14 15 17 18 22. Exod. 32. 34. Deut. all affording in all its requirings strength for the exercise of them they both had their Promises annexed but not both like Promises the one of an earthy Inheritance with promise of Presence and Assistance in the way upon their keeping his Commandments given in doing them the
their Nature that is rather to be applied to those forementioned to be excluded mentioned in his 402 page then to these mentioned in stating the Question for if by Nature he mean as Men are naturally Gentiles and so not of Abraham's Family and so not naturally under the Hope of that Covenant made with him then I suppose he will confess these to be changed in Nature Mat. 28.19 Rom. 11.24 Eph. 2.11 12 13. in being by the Gospel brought into Abraham's Family If by Nature he mean a change in the Minde Will and Affection and so in the disposition and inclination himself hath confest this of these 1 Ioh. 5.1 If by Nature he mean some beginning of the Divine Birth opposed to the Humane then those that believe that Jesus is the Christ are so far born of God and himself confesseth they have somewhat produced in all the faculties of their Soul by the Spirit subordinate to like and suitable to the great Work of Regeneration Luk. 20.36 Rom. 8.23 Phil. 3.13 13 21. and that is not compleat till the Resurrection from the Dead And so if by Nature he mean the Nature of Man that is yet mortal to be made immortal the best Saints have it not yet but do wait for it to be compleated in the Resurrection which these he confesseth pag. 423. hope for And this I add As he hath professed himself not to mean ceremonial or seeming Holiness so I confess Rom. 1.7 8. 1 Cor. 1.1 9. 6.2 11. Eph. 1.1 13. Phil. 1.1 6. That in the Scripture since Christ his Ascension into Heaven none are called Believers and Saints upon account of any Faith and profession of Faith that is not saving and such as in which Men continuing Col. 1.2 4 22 23. they shall undoubtedly be saved as is foreshewn Part 4. Chap. 4. and Chap. 5. And thus I have according to his own Rule onely taken away those things which cannot be in the Faith and Holiness that is true in its kinde CHAP. 3. Of those things that are right and good in this description of the Faith and Holiness that is true in its kinde IN this Description of Faith and Holiness these things are very good and true 1. That the thing they are enlightned in convinced by and so believe Rev. 19.10 Gal. 1.7 8 9. 2 Tim. 1.13 2.2 it is the Truth proposed and preached to them page 423. Chap. 17. Now if it be the Truth it can be no other nor less then the Testimony of Christ and if called Truths they can be no other then the sayings in and according to that Testimony as namely That Jesus is The Christ The Son of the living God The Saviour of the World that he came into the World to save sinners that he died for our sins and rose for our justification and gave himself a Ransome for all and is the Propitiation for the sins of the whole World that Repentance and Forgiveness of sins is preached to them in his Name that this Word is nigh to them that they might believe and even therefore preached to them that they might obey in believing and so be reconciled to God and be saved and that he is at hand in this day of gracious Declaration to succour them and that whoever believeth in him shall not perish but receive Forgiveness of sins and so be saved and have eternal life and that he ever liveth to intercede for them that come to God by him being able to save them to the utmost and that he will come again and receive them to himself and judge his and their Enemies c. These and such-like and none contrary to these are the Sayings of Truth and so in and with these Sayings the Oblation and Intercession and coming again of Christ and therein so far the Purposes and Promises and Covenants of God have been proposed and preached to them as is largely shewn in this Treatise if they have had Gospel-Preachers which is taken as granted in this business and this Gospel the Truth and Sayings of Truth that they are convicted by enlightned in and believe so in this we agree their Faith in respect of the Truth the Object believed is right 2. That this their Faith is not of their acquiring got by their strife and reasoning but by the Truth preached to them Jam. 1.18 1 Pet. 1.21 2 Thes 1.10 and the work of the Holy Spirit therein witnessing of Christ illuminating their Mindes and working upon their Hearts so framing them to assent to and be perswaded of the Truth and Goodness of the Testimony and so to believe and in this we agree with Truth this believing and so this Faith is right 3. That the Spirit is in this Grace believed so effectually working in all the Powers of the Soul Rom. 1.16 1 Thes 2.13 1.5 that he frames them to inward sorrow for their former Unbelief and Rebellions against so gracious a God and Repentance for their former evil Thoughts Affections and Wayes and so changeth their Affections and produceth in them Faith and Confidence in God and hope of eternal Life and so springs up love joy zeal and ravishing consolation In all which it appears a lively Faith and in this we agree with the Truth This Faith is right true and living 4. That these inward operations of the Spirit lead to 2 Tim. 2.2 1 Iam. 2.18 25. and bring forth amendment of Life Obedience to and Profession of the Faith and walking with God in which they become Vessels in the House of God that do worthily in their Generations which none can do but such as are purged and made fit for the Master's use And this demonstrates and justifies the Truth and Goodness of their Faith and so right and good 5. That all this Faith Zeal Obedience and Profession is not counterfeit but true in its kinde the kinde can be no other but that which is suitable to Christ the Object the Spirit the Worker and the Gospel the Instrument for there is not another Jesus nor another Spirit nor another Gospel true in its kinde either for object of Faith or begetting Faith and these Believers are affirmed to be no Hypocrites in the proper sense of the word 1 Pet. 2.1 2 3. as for some hypocrisie to be by Grace resisting and casting out this may be found in the best of Saints on earth 6. That these Believers may abide to the death yea give their Bodie to be burned and die with rejoycing in this Faith To all which I assent If any say Mr. Owen saith not thus I answer If he speak of the Gospel of Christ and the Belief and Obedience and Profession thereof he hath said no less then all this by many and plain expressions as may be seen in his stating the Question and going over it again page 10. and 423. nor is here any thing put by and taken out but according to his own direction and rule
8 10 11. and being the raiser of men quickened and enlived them 2. In receiving from Christ into their heart an inward living Principle or Spirit of Faith and Life Gal. 5.22 23 24. That without an outward enforcement from law or fears or thoughts of acquiring self-advantages doth from the grace beleeved and hope received spring up love joy childelike affections 2 Cor. 1.8 9 10. 2 Tim. 4.17 18 and so lead to serve in newnesse of spirit and life 3 Since they were quickened in beleeving In raising them out of great deaths Phil. 3.9.14 Heb. 11.25 26. Psal 37. in distresses and temptations in which all seen hopes of help were removed and so far the sentence of death was passed on them yet hee delivered and consolated them 4 In enabling them with willingness to bee conformed to Christ in his death and so to pass through deaths for Christs sake and to bear with patience the wrongs and oppressions of the wicked knowing the certainty of the Resurrection and of eternall Judgement 5 In elivating the Affections to things above Col. 3.1.4 1 Thes 1.10 Tit. 2.14 where Christ is And so moving to hope and long and wait for the comming of our Lord Jesus Christ and the blessed hope and inheritance then to bee given by him in the resurrection of the just as is shewn in opening the two last Principles Now then put all said in these first five verses together of the Principles with the spirituall operations And minde how Jesus Christ in his oblation is the foundation of all and the oracles of God in discovery of that foundation And those oracles the teacher of these Principles and the holy Spirit of God in this teaching the enlightener of the mind and worker of these Principles in the heart and there through building the Beleever on the same foundation from whence all these flow and so having effected in them repentance from dead works faith towards God and such tasks of the heavenly gift conforming to Christ in his death enduing with spirituall vertues and gifts affording experience of Gods graciousness in performing his Promises with a principle of life in the beginning of confidence to live to God and wait for the comming of our Lord Jesus Christ Surely surely in all this is set forth True Faith and Holiness of the right kind even saving and justifying and here set forth in a great degree and measure also And this the very same-faith that was in these Hebrews to whom this Epistle was written whom he owneth as holy Brethren And yet notwithstanding all this Hee by the same Spirit warneth them to flye all those evills that indanger to departing from this faith and such Principles in which they were fastened on such a foundation where they had so great salvation and such a blessed hope and so warns them of the great danger in case of forgetfullness Heb. 2.1 2 3. Heb. 3.6 7 12 13 14 16-19 Heb. 4.1 and neglect of so great salvaation And to avoid that danger by holding fast the rejoycing of hope and beginning of confidence begot in them firm to the end And to hear his voice and beware of the deceitfullness of sin and departing through unbelief And setteth before them the examples of those that through unbelief did not enter the ripicall rest and craveth leave to fear least any of them should seem to come short of entring the true rest Heb. 5.11 12. Chap. 6.1 2 3 4 5 6 7. 10.25 26 29. Jer. 2.21 22. 1 Ioh. 2 -19 chap. 6.9 10. And these holy Brethren also hee reproves for their dulness and unprofitableness And then minding them of the foundation laid among them and the Oracles of God thereby to them and the Principles they taught which these also had received with the lively operations of the Holy Ghost therein experimented also by them And then hee secretly intimates to them as if some so far brought as they were yet for want of heedfullness to this great salvation were seduced by the Tempter And had wilfully and wickedly departed from this faith and therein from the foundation Oracles and Principles which Apostates hee puts here in the third person Those and they because when fallen away they are no longer of this number And because hee doth not judge nor will sentence any of them to bee such yea hee was better perswaded of them and yet proposeth those as terrible examples to warn them And so the application by way of warning and admonition and even to fear such things as cause such danger is even to Beleevers and that both in the first person wee chap. 2.1.3 10.26 12.25 and also in the second person to them chap. 3 7-13.15 4.1 5.11 12. 12.25 And this the usuall language of Scripture in like cases of departure and the danger thereof Rom. 8.13 1 Cor. 15.12 Gal. 1.6 4.11 5.4 2 Pet. 3.17 And so this great danger being proposed as a warning I shall consider the two next points propounded in these verses CHAP. XI Heb. 6.4 6 7 8. FOr it is impossible for those who were once enlightened c. Heb. 6.4.6 If they fall away to renew them again unto Repentance seeing they crucifie to themselves the Son of God a fresh and put him to an open shame In which words for shewing the impossibility of renewing such And the reason thereof I shall consider what the Text offers 1 The persons that have and do so highly sin as to renew them is impossible 1 They are not such as do and alwayes hitherto have lived in ignorance and unbeleef and so in prophaneness Ioh. 3.14 16. Act. 13.38 3 47. Rom. 16.26 c. for to such the Gospell declaring the foundation and sounding forth the oracles of God may bee hopefully and is to bee preached to them to bring them from darkness to light 2 They are not such as having heard of the foundation Joh. 2.9 Luk. 24.26 46 Act. 4.18 26. 1 Cor. 15.12 13-23 do beleeve it to bee and yet are not instructed in or acquainted with the oracles of God as in particular related part 2. chap. 10. page 94. 95. for to such as these they are to bee and may bee hopefully taught and opened 3 They are not such Ioh. 8.30 31 -36. 12.42 43-47 2 Cor. 5.20.21 6.1 2. as having heard and beleeved the Testimonies of the Gospel concerning the foundation and Oracles of God And are not yet so prevailed with to heed and yeild up thereto as by spirituall light and evidence to have those forementioned Principles framed in them only have their knowledge and faith in understanding and notion These are to bee and may hopefully by the word of grace bee pressed thereto 4 They are not such 1 Cor. 15. Gal. 3. 4 5. Iude 19 20 21. as being brought as far as the farthest of these yea with some spirituall operations having a tendancy towards the
for some lust go on rebelliously against him finishing sin till it bring forth death 2 Pet. 2. Yea like Cain and Balaam yea reward him evill for good and hatred for love treading under foot and despiting the choicest of all Gods love cost and Jewels as is foreshewn And here hee produceth a plain parrable in which hee sheweth the equity and justness of such proceeding even to reason it self For the Earth on which a man bestows the same labour and cost for tillage seeding dressing and then it receives the same blessing from Heaven in the heat and influences of the Sun and the former and latter Rain falling often upon it and drunk in by it if any of this bee wanting the Earth is not condemned but if it have all this and then bring forth Herbs Corn or other fruit meet for those by whom it is dressed it receiveth blessing from God As men will gather and accept that fruit and bee well pleased with such ground and blesse God for it So God will accept and bless such as according to his grace extended bring forth suitable fruits But that part of the Earth which hath had the same labour cost tillage seed and dressing bestowed upon it and received the same blessing of the Sun and the Rain and drunk it in as the former did else the faultiness will not be charged on the ground and brings forth briars and thorns is rejected c. So here is equall and just proceeding Now all the difficulty here about Beleevers lyeth in this to know what these fruits are which yet would not have been so difficult but that some to maintain an opinion which this plainly overthrows frame cavills against it What say some are not repentance from dead works and faith towards God and all these Principles good fruits To which one might reply with the like and say was not the receiving of the Word with joy the blade sprung up the during for a while the Corn growing up though among thorns good fruit To which would bee answered No for it came not to perfection to bee gathered in at the Harvest which answer is true and may solve the doubt and answer the former query But I may also answer it otherwise That all the Principles here mentioned as taught by the Oracles of God Are as the seed that is sown in the Earth the bearts of men and the operations of the holy Spirit in and suitable to these Principles are as the rayes of the Sun of Righteousness and the Dew and Rain from Heaven to make them fruitfull And the fruits meet for this is something suitable of which anon but now if some of those fruits also to bee named bee granted to bee in the beleevers operating through all aforesaid as surely there are yet in him that falleth away and so is crucifying Christ again to himself c. are such Briars and thorns Ezek. 33.13 as now nothing else is found upon his account All his former Righteousnesse is not remembred Gal. 3.4 all is lost gone and in vain so saith the Spirit Surely there is a better way to charge sin on such Apostates and to glorifie God than to lay the blame on the foundation laid by him and say there was no room on it for them Christ did not dye for them there was no truth in his intention in the Oracles of God sounded forth to them hee had no purpose to save them The Principles they had were not of the right kind Hee hath not been at the same cost nor bestowed the same tillage nor sown in the same seed nor afforded the same Sun and Rain to them as Hee did to the other and so charge God more than them Surely where God expects fruit hee saith what could have been done more c. And hee otherwise clears himself saying Of old time I have broken thy yoke and burst thy bonds Isa 5 3 4 5● and thou saidst I will not transgresse when upon every high hill and under every green tree thou wanderest playing the Harlot Yet I planted thee a noble Vine wholly a right seed how are thou then turned into the degenerate plant of a staange Vine unto mee ●●r 2.20 21 31. Surely no want in his dealings towards them and this is suitable to that said here as they were our types And so I shall give a plain answer The fruits here meant vers 7. are in this Epistle plainly expressed to bee a diligent heed taking to the grace given Eeb. 2.1 2. 3 7 8 ●5 3 6 14. 10. 35 36. 13.1 11.11 13. 4.16 7.25 10.19 20 22 23 24 25. 13.15 12 13 14. 13.2.16 10.33 34 36. 12 2-12 13.3 10.23 13.23 9.28 13.21 and received and to the voice and teachings thereof so as wee let nothing flip nor harden our hearts against any of its teachings like that 1 Cor. 13 1-4 And with this A carefull and fast holding of the rejoyoing of hope and beginning of confidence firm unto the end like that Col. 1.23 And continuing in brotherly love like that 1 John 4.7 And so using all diligence to walk in faith and love like that Gal. 5.6 And this in approaching to God in the Name of Christ for all promised in the New Testament like that 1 Thes 5.17 18. Phil. 4.6 And in frequenting the assemblies of the Saints continuing our fellowship with them in the Gospel and ordinances of God like that Phil. 1.5 And so in all the fruits of love in com passion following peace with all men and holiness abounding in deeds of mercy and righteousnesse like that Rom. 12 8-13 Col. 3.12 13. with patience and constancie in our selves and sympathizing with others in their afflictions like that Rom. 12.15 And so not ashamed of the word wayes and people of Christ but holding fast the profession thereof like that 2 Tim. 1.8 Phil. 2.14 15 16. And in all so demeaning our selves as they that look and wait for the coming of Christ like that Luk. 12 35-42 And all these and such like fruits are the same exhorted to Col. 2.6 2 Pet. 1. 2 Pet. 1 5-11 Joh. 15.2 3 4-8 Heb. 2.1 3. 3.9 13 15 12 15.16 25. 3.12 16 18. 10.25 And all this fruitfulness is in and by abiding in Christ And on the contrary The Briars and Thorns here meant appear in this Epistle to bee a letting slip the things wee have heard and so a neglect of the great Salvation and so a listening to the deceitfullness of sin and so hardening our hearts against the teachings of the grace of God and allowing in our selves any root of bitterness uncleanness or prophaneness and so turning from him that speaks from Heaven through an unbeleeving heart departing from the living God 6.6 And then neglect of the Ordinances of Christ and forsaking the Assemblies of the Saints and then crucifying to themselves
make themselves again as the Dog and as the Sow How great is their sin and how just their Judgement And as for their disposition hee confesseth that was once changed so that the sin here mentioned suits that falling away mentioned in Heb. 6.4.6 without any impeachment to the goodnesse of the Faith such have fallen from 2 Pet. 2.20 1.4 the excellency whereof condemneth their falling 2. But hee saith again though their faith holinesse light love joy zeal obedience bee all true in their kind and many of them do worthily and yet they attain not to the Faith of Gods Elect neither doth Christ live in them nor is the life which they lead by the Faith of the Son of God so hee Marke here that this is not to bee understood of them as before they came to the Faith Nor yet of them as after they are departed from the Faith but of them as and while the Faith is in them and they abide in it And hee eonfesseth their faith really true in its kind Pages 217 218. And it s before proved there is but one kind of Faith that is really true set forth in the Scripture And that very Faith also set forth in Heb. 6.1 2 3 4 5. Nor are wee treating of a worldly or humane faith or a faith begotten by humane strift but of a Faith effected by the Spirit of God and built on Jesus Christ that is the Foundation and the heavenly gift of which they have tasted Mat. 3.17 12 18. Isa 42.1 And is not Jesus Christ the Son of God in whom hee is well pleased And so Gods Elect Doth the Gospel hold forth and call to any other or doth the holy Spirit witness of glorifie and draw to beleeve in any other but Jesus Christ Doth not every good and perfect giving come down from the Father of lights who enlived them and quickened up all these Principles in them if not Christ by his Spirit what is that which was once so precious that the Apostates after departure crucifie to themselves tread under foot c. Is it not Christ the Son of God his blood even the blood of the Covenant and his Spirit even the Spirit of Grace which they so despite Yea if it were not so their sin and danger had not been so great and there would bee more hope of their recovery again It were better for us to forbear such rash assertions and glorifie God in keeping to the expressions of Scripture concerning Faith and the operations of Grace although some bee departed from it as is forenoted I planted thee a hoble Vine Ier 2.21 27 31. and such of you as are fallen from grace yee were called to liberty Gal. 5.2 3.4 Gal. 5. 1. 3 4 5. yea were called into the grace of Christ yee received the spirit of Adoption yee did run well c. So as wee fault the backsliders from such faith to aggravate their sin and fault not the faith to extenuate their sin which is more or less vile according to the excellency or meanness of the faith departed from But Mr. Owen hath yet more sayings to impeach this Faith as 3 In pag. 423. Hee calleth it an inferiour work of the Holy Ghost causing a great alteration or change c. when the persons bee not regenerated or made new Creatures c. It had been good hee had explicated the meaning of his terms for it s already proved the compleating of the work of Regeneration and making new Creatures is in the Resurrection of the just and that the first fruits is in begetting us by his word to beleeve in his Son But that the Holy Ghost operateth more or less in giving the Testimony of Christ working repentance from dead works and faith towards God to work any change or alteration like Regeneration that is not it according to the measure and degrees of his working none that know God and Christ or the Spirit according to Gospell declaration will beleeve that many fain and pretend what they are not that many resist his operations that many are not yet prevailed with to beleeve on him Is true But these are not charged with this forementioned great sin of departing from the Faith but only for disobedience to the Faith and the Servants of God may both use means and wait with patience and hope when God will give these repentance for they are not come to this impossibility of the fallen ones treated of who when fallen from so great grace and operations of the Spirit It will not bee found a true excuse to say there was but some inferiour work of the Spirit vouchsafed us Ier. Isa 5 4.5-7 to work something like regeneration which was not it when God shall say wherin was I wanting what could have been done more c. but yet more is said by Mr. Owen Pag. 4 26 6. 4 Pag. 124. Every person under these works formerly mentioned and partakers of this light gifts and knowledge c. Bee capacitated for the sin against the Holy Ghost Surely to use such an expression by way of derogation from the Truth goodness and gracious ends and tendancy of the works of the Holy Ghost in inlightening men in the knowledge of Christ and bringing in to beleeve in him and thereby working in all the powers and faculties of their soul such change c. as to say as I hope hee will not say men are thereby capacitated to sin against the Holy Ghost is very great presumption and of dangerous consequence without some better explanation For might not some reply and say All manner of sin and Blasphemy shall bee forgiven unto men But the Blasphemy against the Holy Ghost shall never bee forgiven And so it is lesse dangerous to abide in ignorance rudeness and prophaneness and neglect of all Ordinances then by attending them to come to this knowledge of Christ Faith change gifts c. without which wee are out of the danger of so great sinning but in having such faith c. wee are capacitated so to sin which yet would bee a false plea even for those charged with such a sin Mark 3.28.30 who were short of those wee treat of much more for these yet thus much will bee granted If God had not made the Angels holy and set them in so glorious an habitation they could not have sinned so highly in leaving their habitation but the goodness of God in so making and furnishing them did capacitate them to have abiden in which abiding they might have been established And their own wilfull aspiring capacitated and occasioned their falling If God had not made the first publick man righteous hee couldnot have fallen from it as hee did But the Righteousness in which God made him and the furniture wherewith hee endued him did capacitate him to have abiden in his integrity And his forgetting the word of the Lord and listening to Satans temptation did capacitate
Joh. 5.12 2 Cor. 5.17 1 Thess 5.23 Gal. 5 22 23 1 Joh. 3.9 Eph. 2.10 1 Pet. 1.22 Phil. 2.13 Joh. 14.1 26 15 22 16 7 8 Rom 8.10 11 1 Cor. 6.19 Ro. 5.3 1 Jo 4.13 2 Tim. 2.14 1 Cor. 6.17 12.12 13 Eph. 4. 1 Joh. 3.14 Eph. 2.2 Rom. 6.11 13 12.8 9 Act 26.18 Eph. 5.8 1 Thes 5 4 Col. 1.13 1 Pet 2 9 Eze. 36.25 Zich 13 1 Isa 4.3.4 Eph 5.11 1 Cor. 6.11 Ro. 1.10 Eph. 2.12.13 14 15. Col. 1.21 Heb. 12.22 Eph. 2 3. Gal. 3.13 Ro. 8.1 2 Cor. 5.21 Col. 2.10 Ro. 5.1 8.32 3 1 Joh. 3.1.2 Eph. 3.15 that upon any account what ever is so called in respect of its fountain termed The faith of Gods Elect. 2. For the manner of their obtaining of this precious Faith it is by Gods giving to them that holy Spirit of his whereby he raised Jesus from the dead to raise them from their death in sin to quicken them unto newness of life endowing them with a new life with a spiritual gracious and supernatural habit spreading it self upon their whole souls making them new creatures throughout in respect of parts investing them with an abiding principle being a natural genuine fountain of all those spiritual acts works and duties which he is pleased to work in them and by them of his own good pleasure 3. That the holy and blessed Spirit which effectually and powerfully works this change in them is bestowed upon them as a fruit of the purchase and intercession of Jesus Christ to dwell in them and abide in them for ever Upon the account of which inhabitation of the Spirit of Christ in them they have union with him i. e. one and the same Spirit dwelling in him the head and them the members 4. By all which as to their actual state and condition they are really changed from death to life and from darkness to light from an universal habit of uncleanness unto holiness and from a state of enmity stubbornness and rebellion c. into a state of love obedience delight c. And as to their relative condition whereas they were children of wrath under the curse and condemning power of the Law They are upon the score of him who was made a curse for them and is made righteousness to them accepted justified adopted and admitted into that family of heaven and earth which is called after the Name of God These alone are they of whom we treat of whose state and condition perseverance is an inseparable adjunct c. So far he For his stating the question about perseverance what that is I do not meddle with it may be consented in of all hands But for the faith and Saintship I shall consider it because he begins and ends his discourse or description of these with setting them forth as those alone of whom the discourse is Also having before confessed not to stand for the former kinde of faith And this he hath set forth is in such dark and unscripture-like language though many be quoted that let but the mixtures put in about the former kinde of faith beleevers and Saints Confessed True in its kinde be removed as being no parts of it as they are not And there is nothing in this description that will stand but what is found in that which will appear in every particular of his mentioned concernments and what is that then contended for let them be considered and the rather because there is but one true kinde of faith and all else false I desire therefore the Concernments may every one be considered according to Scripture and Scripture-language without prejudice CHAP. XV. Of Mr. Owen his first Concernment 1. HE saith these Saints and beleevers Eph. 2.1 2 3. By nature the children of wrath they are as well as others The Text is plain that the Apostle having said of the Gentiles They were dead in trespasses and sins where in times past they walked c. He saith of himself and the Jews That we also had our conversation among the children of disobedience c. And he saith not are but were by nature the children of wrath even as others or as some translate it as also the rest or as some translate it Naturally the children of wrath even as well as others But neither the Text nor any translation puts in that as the Jews conformity with the Gentiles That they were even as they dead in trespasses and sins though that in some sense were true of the unbeleeving Jews Rom. 11.16 Rom. 3 2. 9.4 Psa 147.19 20 John 4 22. Rom. 3.2 9 4 5. Eph 2.11 12. Rom. 3 9-19 yet not in full sense even as the unbeleeving Gentiles before the Gospel was sent to bee preached to them For the Jews were the natural branches Not so the Gentiles The Jews had the Oracles Covenants Promises and service of God committed to them Not so the Gentiles The Jews had the worship of the true God among them and so the hope set before them and therein means more abundantly to come in to him for receiving and enjoying the same by faith which the Gentiles had not Yet these Jews not by faith coming in Eph. 2.13 14 15 16 17 18 3 5 6.9 were no better but disobedient and the children of wrath even as the Gentiles Now by Christ the partition wall is broken down and by the Gospel the same priviledges with greater inlargement and more spiritual and effectual means given to the Gentiles yet notwithstanding whether Jews or Gentiles such as are not by this Gospel and means it affords Rom. 3.9.20 2 25-29 Joh. 3.36 gained to beleeve and so converted and changed in disposition and conversation what ever knowledge or means they have what ever humane righteousness or profession they have yet walking according to the wisdome and will of the flesh or according to the oldness of the letter they in respect of acceptance with God and eternal life are no better than others but under displeasure and wrath and in the same danger even as others The children of wrath and if here be put in dead in trespasses and sins it will stand even as others Now the difficulty lyeth in what sense Nature is taken for which I will not strive Let men take it in what sense by Scripture they will 1. If by Nature be meant the first or natural birth as men come from Adam by propagation and so sinners Rom. 5.12 18 19. and bear his image which is common to all men Then it overthrows the fancy of some a certain number of persons severed from others before they were born to be an elect people to Son-ship and eternal life for if any were so elect as Adams sons from eternity before the world was then were they not born or by birth The children of wrath even as others no there would be a great and wide difference in humane things men will easily discern it If
uphold in temptation To raise from the dead To meet Christ in the air I make no determination But I do not beleeve that so it is because neither the Scripture nor experience of any beleever so testifieth But of this I am sure That every one that beleeveth in Christ according to the working of this his mighty power in which is some distinctness intimated between this mighty power and the working of it He that beleeveth according to the working or forth-putting of the operation of this his mighty power whether more or less put forth too and in him he is accepted as a true beleever in him and of that Church whereof he is the head in whom all the fulness is Eph. 6.10 1 Pet. 1.5 And the exceeding greatness of his power is for and towards such And so not the present working of it or operation in them but the exceeding greatness of this his mighty power that is in him which he desired they might know is propounded to all the beleevers one and other that they might beleeve in it and be strong in it that so by it they might be kept through faith unto salvation Yet notwithstanding what the exceeding greatness of this his mighty power is towards such beleevers All such beleevers do not know clearly which if they did it would afford them unspeakable consolation though the full and perfect knowledge of it is not in any mortal man nor will so be in beleevers till the resurrection of the just no more than the greatness of the hope or that hoped for to which he called them or the riches of the glory of his inheritance in the Saints though growing in faith and in the knowledge of our Lord Jesus they by his spirits illumination be sweetly and in a measure cleerly and in respect of the first beginning of faith abundantly known which the Apostle acknowledging these to be beleevers sealed and faithful in Christ intimates them to be yet wanting in and so prayeth for it for them suitable to his instructions and exhortations to the Hebrews So that this place was wrong quoted for any other kinde of faith or manner of obtaining it serving nothing at all to such an end Eph. 2.1 5 6 7 8.10 Speaks of no other kinde of faith or manner or obtaining it Col. 1.23 24 2.13 14. Gal. 4.6 7 3. 5. Heb 3.1.6 c. or quickning in it but of that is compleat in Christ and a first fruits received through faith in him which was also in those mentioned among the Collossians and Galatians and Hebrews to whom those great warnings were given and so not at all to the purpose quoted for another manner of obtaining faith CHAP. XVII Of Mr. Owens second saying in his second Concernment IN explication of this New life the holy Spirit is given to quicken them unto He faith Enduing them with a new life with a spiritual gracious and supernatural habit spreading it self upon their whole souls making them new creatures throughout in respect of parts investing them with an abiding principle All this soberly Col. 1.4 5 22 23 24. 2.13 14. Gal. 4.6 7. 3. 5 4. Heb. 3.1.6 6 1 2 4 5. and according to Scripture understood is very good and true Nor is there any kinde of faith of the Spirits working received that can be called True in its kinde or upon account whereof any in Scripture are frequently termed Saints and beleevers if they be not in some measure in truth endued with this And all this in a good measure evidenced to be in those beleevers so warned and so in that faith and holiness affirmed to be in them the Collossians the Galathians and the Hebrews and confessed by the many expressions used by M. Owen in that kinde of faith and holiness which he saith also is really true in its kinde and wrought by the Spirit as hath been shewn in opening the principles c. and in setting down his expressions So that there is nothing neither in this saying worthy the least blame or refusal but to be received and confessed true and good But only his asserting it to set forth another kinde of faith and holiness and manner of obtaining it then besides that before confessed by him true in its kinde And his altering and stretching out some terms to make this faith seem to be of another kinde but neither will his quotations or terms prove or countenance the same or serve for that end at all Let his quotations be considered Matth. 7.17 Every good tree bringeth forth good fruit but accrrupt tree bringeth forth evil fruit Consider with this the 16 18 19 20. verses Matth. 12.33 Either make the tree good and his fruit good or else make the tree corrupt and his fruit corrupt for the tree is known by his fruit Consider with this also the 34 and 35. verses And consider with both James 3.10 11 12. The whole weight of the business for right understanding these parabolical and metaphorical sayings lyeth in knowing what is here meant by Tree whether the man in the substance of his soul and body or the ruling disposition in the heart of the man diffusing it self in all the powers and faculties of the soul or both these And then in what manner the one and upon what account the other Let these be every way considered And so 1 If we take the Tree simply singly directly 1 King 8.46 2 Chron. 6.36 1 Joh 1.8 10. Mar. 10 17 18 Heb. 9.5 Luke 20.36 and properly for the man in the substance of his soul and body then as all are naturally come forth from fallen Adam so we fell in him and come forth corrupt from him so there is no man living on this earth sinless and good yea there never was a man living on this earth good indeed but one that is the man Jesus Christ who is God over all blessed for ever So that in this sense there neither is nor will be found upon the earth any good man that may answer to those Texts till the resurrection of the just and then there will be such found So this is not the sense 2 If we take Tree for the disposition ruling in man which is neither the substance of soul or body simply considered but some infused inclination so as man in falling from God lost and deprived himself of his Image so there was a corrupt inclination or disposition ingendered and sprung up in his heart Rom. 5.12 Gen. 8.21 Jer. 17.9 Rom. 6.19 20 7.5 Eph. 2.1 2 3. 2 Cor. 4.4 from the word or lye of Satan in and by the Serpent suggested and by man beleeved which is full of aversness and enmity to God and prone to all that is contrary to the minde of God and his design whence flows manifold evil lusts and affections all strengthned and revived by a new plot of Satan in unbeleevers whereby he rules and so these lusts bring forth
nor needless but useful and bottomed upon the same ground with that to the Philippians 1 Pet. 1.20 21. they had and did already by Christ beleeve in God Phil. 2.1 2. and in beleeving or obeying the truth through the Spirit God did lead them and they had purified their souls to unfained love c. like that to the Philippians seeing this See that you love c. And here is the same encouragement as to them being born again c. of incorruptible seed c. And like exhortations grounded thereon 1 Pet. 2.1.2 3 4. And so this saying in this Concernment is in this sense acknowledged true and justifying only the faith set out Heb. 6. In his next Concernment I shall consider it in both parts CHAP. XIX Of the third Concernment The first part thereof THat the holy and blessed Spirit which effectually and powerfully works this change in them is bestowed upon them as a fruit of the purchase and intercession of Jesus Christ to dwell in them and abide in them for ever In this first part of his saying we have two things to note First In what manner he saith the holy Spirit is bestowed on them And secondly To what end he saith the Spirit is so given them Consider both 1 He saith The holy and blessed Spirit which effectually and powerfully works this change in them is bestowed upon them as a fruit of the purchase and intercession of Jesus Christ By them he here professedly meaneth in every of his Concernments another sort and kinde of beleevers and Saints that have another kinde of faith and holiness then that mentioned Heb. 6.4 5. or the best of that set down in that he calls his first kinde of beleevers and Saints or faith and holiness which yet he confesseth true in its kinde and wrought by the Spirit effectually working in all their powers of the soul c. Consider 1 I hope he beleeveth not that the holy Spirit in testifying of Christ and bringing some sort of men to beleeve working in them c. does testifie falsehood or dissemble in his operations c. Nor yet that there are two kindes of Spirits that come forth from God and Christ to work two kindes of faith and holiness one kinde that will fail men by one spirit in some another kinde that will not fail by another spirit in others I have read of some affirming something like this The one they say is indeed the Spirit of God that witnesseth of Jesus that was born of the Virgin Mary and dyed at Jerusalem c. And the faith begotten hereby is very effectual in many yet this is but a fleshly spirit a fleshly faith and fleshly operations But the other Spirit that witnesseth of the true and spiritual Christ that killeth all the other confidence that is the heavenly and holy Spirit whose operations onely are profitable blasphemy so contrary to God and Christ and Scripture as hath been shewn Part. i. pag. 9.10 that they deserve rather to be abhorred than mentioned I know no such thing is in this saying intended I would such expressions were lest as give strength to it 2 There is not one word in all the quotations to prove or shew in what the change in these differeth from or is better than the change in the other kinde 3 That this holy Spirit is bestowed on them as a fruit of the purchase and intercession of Jesus Christ This is a true saying in it self and of all to whom the holy Spirit is in any sort given but as applied to a peculiar company that are not demonstrable it is dangerous and very intimatious of error Psal 75.3 Act. 14.17 17 26 27 28. Rom. 2.4 For it is certain that the earth is upheld since the fall of man and brings forth fruit that the beasts are preserved on the earth That the Sun gives comfortable light and heat and the rain waters the earth and it is fruitful and all for the good and service of men And that in these is a testimony of his goodness and extended to lead men to repentance All this is bestowed on men as a fruit of the purchase and mediation of Christ For surely in the fall all was lost And according to the Truth and Justice of God without a Mediator nothing but death curse terror and distraction and torment and vexation by every creature could have come on men no mercy nor comfort to soul or body nor any thing to lead to repentance to which no door could be opened without the purchase and intercession of Christ for men For God is righteous in all his wayes and holy in all his works Psal 145.7 8 9 10 15 16. And that he is good to all and his mercy is over all his works as indeed he is This is through the sacrifice and mediation of Christ in and through whom God is propitious to fallen mankinde whence the Prophet by the Spirit speaking as well of his general goodness as of his special favour in admiration of both Psal 36.5 6 7 8 9. Joh. 1.4 5. 6.51 3.29 Psal 75.3 Col. 1.17 1 Tim. 2.5 6. Luke 13.8 9. Psal 19. Rom. 10.18 as that which brings men to trust in him he renders this as the ground of both For with thee is the fountain of life Like that is said of Christ In him was life he hath procured it and the life in him is the light the cause of all mercy comfort and of all means of coming to God again of men and that shineth though men perceive it not yea he saith He gave his flesh for the life of the world and that men are not all sorely vexed and suddenly destroyed for their impenitency and unbeleef it s because He is the Lamb of God that taketh away the sin of the world And so he saith of himself The earth is dissolved and all the Inhabitants c. I bear up the pillars by him all things consist He it is that gave himself a ransome for all men and is the Mediator between God and men And so procures that patience and forbearance mercies and means that are extended to them Hence it is said The heavens declare his glory and the firmament sheweth his handy work c. And that all are witnesses of his goodness Col. 1.23 24 25 26. and to lead to repentance and in that sense is the Gospel said to be preached in every creature under heaven Of which Gospel more fully declared in the opening of the mystery Paul was made a Minister Oh ye sous of men how are we beholding to the Lord Jesus and to God for him who hath by his blood made peace for us Heb. 2.9 2 Cor. 5.14 15 Rom. 14.8 9. and by his ransome bought us all into his dispose and by vertue of that mediating for us with God procures for us so much patience and forbearance so many mercies and all to so gracious an end to
lead us to repentance that coming into him we might have life and this now also all testified by the Spirit of God Oh! let us not deny this Lord that bought us let his goodness melt our hearts and prevail with us to acknowledge him the Lord and Saviour of the world even our Lord that so we may repent and beleeve in him and live to him And let no man deceive you by telling you these are the fruits of the goodness of God as a Creator but not as a Redeemer not so as through a Mediator extended as fruits of the purchase and mediation of Christ for all is through him And no man can know God that doth not so acknowledge Christ his Son For the Father hath committed all judgement to the Son of man Rom. 14.7 Phil. 2 7-11 1 Tim. 2.6 Joh. 5.20 21 22 23 27. 2 Cor. 5.15 upon this account because he hath taken the nature of man and therein given himself a ransome for all men and that to this end That all men should honour the Son as they honour the Father And he that honoureth not the Son in these or other things honoureth not the Father So that the application of the purchase and intercession of Christ as being onely for some peculiar and undemonstrable sort of men doth teach the sons of men to deny the Lord that bought them and shuts the door of repentance against them But now for such as to whom the Gospel is also ministred yea and therein also Spirit vouchsafed and they by the Spirit illuminated in the knowledge of Christ and that with such operations as effectually produceth such a change in the minde affections and coversation that there is in them repentance and sorrow for sin with light love joy zeal obedience and holiness So sincere as makes them do worthily in their generations their faith and holines true in its kind and they upon account thereof called Saints and Beleevers And yet though all this be given them of God yet neither the Spirit nor any of these his operations bestowed on them as a fruit of the purchase and intercession of Christ How then shall we conceive it to be bestowed without some secret blaspheming of God some way in his Truth and Justice and testimony of his Son can any man tell Is there any word of Scripture to say it Col. 1.19 2 Pet. 2.1 2. yea is not all the Scripture against such a conceit yea it shews it to be a denying of the preheminencie of Christ that God would have him to have in all things yea it plainly teacheth not onely other men but even beleevers to deny the Lord that bought them and a leaving them to conclude their faith by fancy seeing there are none by the Gospel to tell them though their faith be true in its kinde and operative whether they be beholding to Christ for it and whether it be a fruit of his purchase and intercession or no and if any presume to tell them they must take it on their word and so their faith rest on man 1 Cor. 2.4 And into what delusions this may lead men let wise men judge But Mr. Owen may be supposed not to deny but that they have the holy Spirit given them as a fruit of the purchase and intercession of Christ but that it is not so given them to dwell and abide in them for ever as to these he pleads for And were it not for his oft and plain expressions elsewhere in his book denying the purchase and intercession of Christ to be for any but these he pleads for I should even so have understood him and suppose it so meant of the end of giving the Spirit I shall consider that also 2 He saith It was given them to dwell and abide in them for ever And this must be taken either as relating to the gracious minde and end of God according to his holy will in giving his holy Spirit or as relating to the answering of that end of his ever-dwelling Let us consider both according to the Scripture 1 The end of God in sending his Spirit in the Gospel to call men Act. 26.17 18. Is to open their eyes and to turn them from darkness to light and from the power of Satan to God that they may receive forgiveness of sins and inheritance among them that are sanctified by faith that is in Christ So that this appears to be for continuance of his work to the end and that is his abiding in them for ever And so sure his end in sending Eph. 3.16 17. 1 Pet. 1.5 or giving his Word or Spirit to any and inabling them to understand and beleeve is that this gracious word and Spirit may dwell and abide in them for ever but his will and mind is that it shal so dwel abide in their hearts by faith which he hath given them Whence we are so often exhorted to continue in the faith and to let that we have received from the beginning abide in us so shal we continue and abide in him and his Spirit will abide in us therefore are all the beleevers and holy brethren warned to take heed of such unbeleevingness as canseth departure from the living God by which some have deprived themselves of this blessing in this gracious end of God 1 Sam. 3. Psal 78.5.16 Jon. 2.8 which yet is so ordered in his Counsels that his end will be fulfilled in their just destruction for despiting so great grace as it was in Israel of old that fell in the wilderness in Elies house in Ephraim and others But such as he hath given to beleeve having been found trusting in him have never been forsaken c. And this end in such sense to give his holy Spirit to dwell and abide in them for ever may be affirmed of all beleevers even those mentioned Heb. 6.1 2 4 5. And in no other sense of any beleever but to abide in and through faith 2 If the dwelling and abiding in them for ever be taken in relation to answering this gracious end of God in the constancy and durance of the holy Spirit his dwelling and abiding in them for ever that is so as they live and dye in the faith then it is out of question of all hands but this is not determinable till they have finished their course and dye in the faith so that there is no difference or distinguishing and discriminating mark to difference one beleever from another in this thing but as some are quite fallen away and departed from the faith and others dye in the faith As for that assurance of faith where-through the heart may be thorowly perswaded of their perseverance and so the Spirits abiding in them for ever It is that I have endeavoured to lead all beleevers to in this Treatise as may be seen in treating of the testimony of Christ and of the Purposes Promises and Covenants of God though Mr. Owen saith Even those of that
kinde he pleadeth for many may go without that assurance all their dayes hee onely undertakes to prove notwithstanding it shall so bee for ever Now let his quotations be viewed to see what they say for one beleever more than another for the Spirits abiding with them for ever Joh. 14.16.26 in vers 16. Ioh 14.16.26 15.26 16 7. Luke 24.49 Our Saviour tells his Apostles and first witnesses that were to carry forth the testimony of him to the world after his Ascention That he after he was gone from them in bodily presence would yet be an Intercessor with the Father for them And the Father in his Name and so he from the Father would send them another Advocate or Comforter Let the words be well minded he faith not Another Spirit no he mindes them of that that it is the same Spirit of truth Joh. 14.17 Mat 16.16 17. Joh. 17.6 7 8. which they knew by which the Father in his ministration made him known to them to be the Christ and had given them to beleeve on him in which he did also stil even now he was with them dwell with them So that it is not one spirit opposed to another spirit but one Advocate or Comforter in respect of the manner of advocation and comforting opposed to another God had been formerly even by the Spirit of Christ Heb. 1.1 2. 7 8 9 10. 2 Cor. 3 7-14 teaching his minde by parcels to them and leading them to look to Christ and so to worship him by types shadows and carnal ordinances which were to be removed and now to these in the personal ministration of himself in his bodily presence in which he had been even so an Advocate and Comforter to them Psal 63.18 Act. 2.33 Rom. 16.25 Joh. 16.7 7.39 1 Joh. 2.1 But he was not alwayes so to abide with them nor was the excellency fulness and mystery of either his oblation or mediation and advocation to be clearly opened and made known till he had finished his suffering work and cast off mortality and overcome death and ascended in his body immortal into heaven and offered the acceptable sacrifice and received the fulness of the Holy Ghost in that nature of man to send forth for that full discovery of himself and the Fathers minde in him and then hee would so send forth this Holy Spirit himself remaining with the Father the Advocate still to discover him and so the Fathers mind in him and so and therein to be an Advocate and Comforter to them even so and such as never was before as is shewn in the eighth and ninth Chapters of the third part of this Treatise about the revelation of Christ and so he opens it vers 26. Joh. 15.15 17.6 7 8. He shall teach you all things and bring all things to your remembrance whatsoever I have said unto you For he had made known his Fathers Counsel and Name unto them and given them his words And this holy Spirit of truth in his coming shal guide them into all truth Eph. 1.8 9. by taking of the things of him and shewing them and glorifying him c. So as they shall have the fulness of the testimony in all wisdome and understanding to minister Oh blessed Advocate and Comforter And yet this not all but as the next quotation Joh. 15.26 He shall testifie of him in them to them and through their ministrations so as they also shall bear witness Act. 5.31 32. Act. 1.21 22 10 34.42 1 Cor. 9 1. 1 Joh. 1.1 2 3. because they have been with him from the beginning even ear and eye witnesses of his person and ministration and miracles and sufferings and death and resurrection and assent to heaven And this Advocate and Comforter both the Doctrine of the Gospel by him so opened and the ministration of it he taught and lead them in And his power and presence in that Doctrine so ministred should not be as the Mosaical Law to pass away and give place to another ministration nor as the ministration of John nor his ministration in his bodily weakness 2 Cor. 3 3-18 Joh. 5.35 36 14.12 13. Eph. 1 3-10 See part 3. chap. 12. to be over-shined by a more clear ministration but this shall be the last ministration and abide till his own coming again and so her shall be in them in their doctrine and ministration for ever So as to all beleevers here is given certainty of truth goodness and immutability of the Gospel delivered by the Apostles and of the presence of the Spirit in such ministration thereof as left upon record by them to the end of the world And as for the promise and hope given in these promises to beleevers of this Doctrine for the Spirit in their hearts abiding in them for ever Note 1 It is great Joh. 17.20 21-23 7.37 38 39. 14 17. our Saviour having prayed for the same blessing for them also and promised the same but that is not to some peculiar kinde of beleevers but to all that beleeve on him not beleevers opposed to beleevers but beleevers opposed to the world that lieth in unbeleef as is exprest 2 That the manner of the assuring is abiding in them for ever is by our Saviours own explication to be in their abiding in him Joh. 15.1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11. in that faith love and confidence in him which the Spirit hath wrought and worketh in them and his word that which he hath helped them to understand and by which he teacheth and comforteth them abiding in them This also express So that by there quotations we are lead to hold fast our first faith that Heb. 6. Rom. 8.10 11. The Apostle both admonishing exhorting instructing and comforting in such a manner as telling them how it was with them if Christ be in them and how it should be with them if the Spirit of Christ did dwell in them and so not affirming what would bee for ever but warning and directing that it might be I marvel this should be quoted for this assertion it so suiting to that by him opposed 1 Cor. 6.19 The Apostle tells them that beleeve and surely had such illumination and participation of the Holy Ghost as mentioned Heb. 6.4 5. That their body is the Temple of the Holy Ghost in them c. Their body may be taken either for their personal bodies which were the vessels and instruments in and with which they were to be given up as servants of righteousness unto God Rom. 6.19 or by body may be meant their society in which Truth was and God to be worshipped and therefore to be kept holy 1 Cor. 5.6 7 8. and undefiled Now the Apostle minding them of this That their body is the Temple of the Holy Ghost or rather secretly reproves them for their neglect of minding what their body was consecrated to in the heavenly call
by Christ that bought them and had the right to dispose of them even to be the Temple of the Holy Ghost and Instruments for him to use And thereby he shewed the heinousness of their sin if they defiled their bodies with fornication and made or abused The members of Christ to be one with and the members of an harlot Rom. 12.1.2 And so on this ground exhorted them to demean their bodies sutable to the purchase made by Christ and to the relation they now stood in with Christ and to the purity and holiness of the Spirit God had given them having upon the very same ground forewarned them That if any man defile the Temple of God him shall God destroy 1 Cor. 3.16 17 18. intreating them not to be deceived c. and how doth the Spirit dwell in such for ever then yet after this he both reproveth warneth and exhorteth on the very same ground 2 Cor. 6.15 16.17 18 7.1 2. assuring them from the promises of God of the Spirits continuing and dwelling in them in their yeelding up to his teachings and therefore calls upon them for that even like as to the Hebrews chap. 6. I marvel this was quoted here to such an end which makes for that he opposeth Rom. 5.5 speaks of the operations of Grace beleeved not in some peculiar kinde of but in all true beleevers and so of that which hope in the exercise of faith doth Rom. 5.1 2 3 4 5. because of the love of God shed abroad in the heart of beleevers by the holy Ghost given unto them but not a word of the impossibility of any of the Saints by any ill requitals to deprive themselves of that love again and so of that holy Spirit yea he rather warns them to beware of that in the 6. and 8. Chapters following suitable to the warning given the Hebrews chap. 2. 3 4. 6. 1 Joh. 4.4.13 and those that follow speaks of the Spirit in beleevers a thing denied by none but not a word about the infallibility of his ever abiding unless as the former places directing to that in which it may so be but it may be these are quoted for proofs of that which follows in this Concernment which is no part of that contended for or against unless it be to countenance the distinction of two kinds of faith preferring one before another And so I will consider it CHAP. XX. Of the second part of the third Concernment HE saith Vpon the account of which inhabitation of the Spirit of Christ in them they have union with him that is one and the same Spirit dwelling in him the head and them the members Surely this may be truly said of all beleevers that abide in the faith of Christ during the time of their abiding in the faith and so of the faith as mentioned Heb. 6.1 2 4 5. yea the mixtures by him put in which are no parts of faith being taken out as they consist not with the rest even that first kinde of faith set forth by himself who hath not yet produced a better but even the same clad with some unjustifiable expressions so that this saying is true of all true beleevers or that in truth beleeve the testimony of Christ search the Scripture This I hope being granted of all that beleeve the Gospel of Christ that there are not two Spirits in Christ to procced from him to work faith in men and dwell in beleevers but onely one holy Spirit that is in the Father and in the Son the Spirit of the Father and of the Son sent by the Son from the Father and by the Father through the Son and in the name or Gospel of the Son one and the same holy Spirit And so where ever the Father and Son is he is and where ever he is the Father and Son is there with and by him Now minde what the Scripture saith Christ saith Mat. 10 40. Joh. 13.20 Mat 10.41 42. Luke 10.16 1 Joh. 4.6 Rev. 19.10 2 Cor. 5.19 20 Joh. 15.16 27. Act. 5.32 2 Thess 2.8 10 Hee that receiveth you receiveth me And he that receiveth me receiveth him that sent me And this also spoken of his sending to preach the Gospel And though this in respect of his gracious acceptation and interpretation be true to all that for his sake receive such as beleeve in him yet it is principally meant of receiving his message by and from them And so he that hath the testimony of Jesus hath the Spirit of Prophesie And the holy Spirit witnesseth together with and in that testimony And Christ will in his time come again to be glorified in his Saints and admired in all them that beleeve because the Apostles testimony was received by them in the dayes of his patience while it was preached to them so that whoever in hearty beleeving receiveth this testimony It is Spirit and life to him Joh. 6.63 Rom. 1.16 1 Thess 2.13 Joh. 15.4 5 7. 1 Joh 1.3 2.24 yea the power of God to salvation to him and worketh effectually in him And as they abide in this word they abide in Christ and as this word abideth in them Christ by his Spirit abideth in them And they have fellowship with the Father and the Son and continue in both and that is his dwelling in them And so of the Galatians of whom Paul was sore afraid yet he doubteth not to affirm of them Because ye are Sons God hath sent forth the Spirit of his Son into your hearts Gal 4.6 7 8 9. c. and yee have known God or rather are known of him And so 1 Joh. 44.13 speaketh in the very same language not of any peculiar kinde of Spirit that is in Christ and flows from him into some peculiar kinde of true beleevers but of that one holy Spirit which is in Christ and his efficacies which also in a measure is in all true beleevers And so verse 4. he salth 1 Joh. 4.4 Yee are born of God or of God and have overcome them that is the evil spirits in the world because greater is he that is in you than he that is in the world where the opposition is not of beleevers to beleevers but of beleevers to the world and this he after expresseth both by the effects and the beleevers in whom it is saying What soever is born of God over cometh the world 1 Joh 5.4 5. And who is he that overcometh the world but he that beleeveth that Jesus is the Son of God this being our victory whereby we overcome the world even our faith So that all the way here is but one spirit and one faith Gal 4.9 1 Cor 8.3 1 Ioh 4.6 7.12 And these beleevers marked out by the same terms with others Hee that knoweth God that loves God and loveth his brother these saith he Are of God born of God and God dwelleth in them And to demonstrate who these are he saith
in him the Man Jesus Christ he is therefore likewise called God our Saviour and Lord Jesus Christ our hope And so the Lord Jesus Christ the Son of God and Saviour of the world as he hath taken the nature of man and dyed for our sins and rose for our justification offered the acceptable sacrifice sitteth at the right hand of God filled with Spirit c. So as who ever beleeveth in him shall receive forgiveness of sins c. This the object of faith and the testimony of Christ in the Gospel holding forth this being that in which he is discovered and discerned in beleeving of which beleeved and received that is the mediate object of faith and Christ thus set forth in and by the Gospel is called The faith even the same faith that Paul did once persecute and after preach And this faith is one and but one But I suppose the controversie is not about this though the evil managing the controversie hath strengthned many in denying this But here the business controverted is about the grace of beleeving Now every beleeving is not faith but that which is begotten by the declaration of the object of faith and in beleeving it closeth with it And so faith is still one as hath been shewn at large Part 3. Chap. 17. and elsewhere And so if answer bee given That by faith is meant such a beleeving as is begotten by the testimony of Christ and closeth with Christ in that testimony then sure the Question is stated in the Answer given but if it be urged it need to be better opened I answer it hath been often shewn how the Scripture doth it in many places plainly and so far to yeeld to all that is right even in tradition of Fathers also It s known what some of them have said and others from them have preached who have said the right beleef is this A beleeving God to Bee and beleeving of God in that which he saith and beleeving in God for all he hath promised This all this nothing less than this is said to bee a right beleef True it is He that beleeveth not God to bee and Jehovah to be that very true God is as an Atheist and hath no true beleef at all But he that beleeveth God to be and Jehovah to bee that very God doth so far beleeve a right yet if he beleeve him not true in his sayings and demonstrations of his goodness he is yet wanting of a right beleef yea his beleeving is not saving without this If he beleeveth both these his beleeving is right and saving and if he abide in it and minde what he beleeveth it will save him so as to bring him to beleeve in God for what he promiseth which when he attaineth he beginneth to bee saved so far as he is a true beleever and hath faith even true faith And as I conceive the Scripture it self also holds forth this in Heb 11.6 For he that cometh to God must beleeve that he is and that he is a rewarder of them that diligently seek him Here is the beleef of his being express and the beleef of his sayings in his demonstrated goodness express beleeving in him intimated in coming to him And this to prove faith in Henoch and in his time when though all the goodness of God to man-ward was through a Mediator yet the Mediator and his work was not then so clearly revealed as since Jesus Christ carried our nature into heaven and the fulnes of the God-head dwels in him bodily of which his first witnesses have testified saying We know that the Son of God is come 2 Joh. 5.20 and hath given us an understanding that we may know him that is true and we are in him that is true even in his Son Jesus Christ This is the true God and eternal life So then we have not another faith or an other manner of beleeving but the same object of faith brought nigher and set forth more cleerly to be in the same manner more firmly beleeved in even God in Christ and so Christ and God in him 1 To beleeve this publick man to be even the second man the Lord from heaven the spiritual man that hath in himself as the publick man suffered for the sins of mankinde that came in by the first publick mans transgression and restored the nature of man and presented it spotless in himself before the Father and the Father hath taken his wel pleasedness and dwelling in him and set him forth the propitiation for the sins of the world the Savior of the world That whoever beleeve in him may have everlasting life And that Jesus is this Christ the Son of the living God 2 To beleeve his sayings by his Spirit in the Gospel all true and good the very sayings of the God of truth in and by him 3 To beleeve in him in Christ Jesus in his blood and so in God in him for all that he hath promised and so for the Kingdome to come this according to the description of the Ancient is Evangelical faith not another kinde but the same more bright and fully appearing and enjoyed all which hath been shewn in first second third and fourth parts of this Treatise yea in the residue also at large And though as at first mentioned it is accepted where this glorious Gospel is not given yet where it is displayed if the first be wanting there is no right Gospel-beleeving but that beleeved with the heart will effect the other two which being in any measure effected such do not onely beleeve truly but are true beleevers and have right faith that is saving and justifying And as for Scripture-stating and explicating the question it is oft shewn already and all agreeing with that here said to set it forth by a definition I will not presume onely the nearest that I finde of that nature I will mention it is in Heb. 1.2 Now faith is the substance ground or confidence of things hoped for the evidence of things hoped for the evidence of things not seen By faith here it is cleer is meant such a beleef of Gods evidenced goodness as is begotten by his own declaration evidence or testimony and closeth with the same in beleeving according to his evidence given And that he speaks of the object of faith evidenced by divine testimony received and closed with in beleeving is evident throughout the whole Epistle of which evidences through mediums in the rumor of that report in Paradise the evidences in works of Creation and Providence were the first and then more fully by word and oracles and then most full and clear by his Son the standing testimony of whom is in the Gospel as now come forth and this is plain Chap. 1.1 2 3 2.1 2 3 4. 12.25 of faith begot by evidences through the first mediums Examples in this 11. Chapter from vers 4. to vers 7. of more fulness added in more clear discovery by word
An Explicite DECLARATION OF The Testimony OF CHRIST According to the plain Sayings of the Gospel And therein Of the PURPOSES PROMISES and COVENANTS of God as by GOSPEL declared With A Consideration of a QUESTION stated about FAITH By Thomas Moore Senior Rom. 15.4 Whatsoever things were written afore-time were written for our learning that we through patience and comfort of the Scriptures may have hope Printed at London by J. C. for Liv●●el Chapman at the Crown in Popes head alley 1656. To such as believe the Testimony of CHRIST GOD having given to all men an object of Faith Act. 17.31 Rom. 16.26 Mar. 16.15 Jam. 1.18 Rom. 10.10 15. 4.5 22 25. and commanded it to be made known by the Scriptures preached to all Nations for the obedience of Faith and that believing it which is begot thereby and closeth therewith so as to rest thereon for that promised being therefore by him called Faith and to such Believers Faith imputed for Righteousness So as it is verily true Heb. 11.6 Eph. 2.17 18. Act. 10.43 13.38 39. Rom. 5.1 2 3 5. Heb. 11.2 Act. 18.26 9.15 Rom. 11.20 Eph. 2.8 1 Cor. 15.1 4. 2 Thess 1.10 1 Job 5.10 By Faith we come and approach to God by Faith we receive remission of sins by Faith we are justified and approved of God by Faith we receive the vertues of the Sacrifice and Blood of Christ by Faith we are sanctified and conformed to the minde of Christ by Faith we stand and are saved by Faith we receive the Testimony of Christ and so come to have that Testimony and therein the holy Spirit testifying and Christ testified of and the Father that is in Christ dwelling in our heart by Faith Eph. 3.17 Gal. 3.26 Hab. 2.4 Rom. 1.17 Gal. 1.13 1 Joh. 5.4 5. Heb. 11. all 1 Pet. 1.5 so as by Faith we are the Sons of God and in all trials and temptations by Faith we live yea by Faith we have the victory over the flesh the world and the devil and by Faith may be enabled to do worthily in our generations and be constant in all services of love enduring through all sufferings till we die in the Faith and so in the Resurrection shall receive the kingdom for we are kept by the power of God through Faith unto salvation I therefore am perswaded it is our best service and fruit of love Jude 20.3 2 Tim. 4.7 8. Eph. 4.4 5. to edifie one another in this most holy Faith yea and to contend for it also against the opposers of it and know this Faith to be one and that there is but one Faith that is Faith indeed though in time past I have conceited divers kindes of Faith and now lately meeting with a Question stated in which are asserted two kindes of Faith each true and real in its kinde by M. John Owen in his Book entituled The Doctrine of the Saints perseverance I was mov'd in my heart to consider the same and to answer some Expressions of his yet leaving the handling of the Controversie to those more fit to whom it may appertain acknowledging all for Truth in his Book that is found in the Testimony of Christ and stands with the Rule proposed by himself also and refuse the rest according to his own counsel direction wherein I have endeavored by plain Testimony and sayings of Scripture to set forth the true Faith in the object of it and Grace of believing with its efficacies and so to encourage men to believe and believers to persevere I desire the plain Testimony of Scripture may be believed and so far as any of us are by the Spirit therein brought to acknowledg Christ and desire the exaltation of his Name and winning in of others thereto and encrease and growth of grace in believers let us keep this unity of the Spirit in the bond of peace that so in all our other differing apprehensions and expressions we may so contend for what the Scripture saith that whatever absurdity thereby we seem to cast upon any expressions of one another it may be without judging or despising of one another taking opposed expressions as consequences of misconception in the fancy and not fruits of the principle of grace in such as acknowledge Jesus the Lord nor judging them graceless or having no principle of grace because of such an expression that so we may do all things in charity seeking the edification of one another and so I hope if any be otherwise minded God will reveal the same to them onely whereto we have attained let us walk by the same rule of Faith and Love and believe what Scripture testifieth and not be waved from that the Scriptures being able to make us wise unto salvation through Faith that is in Jesus Christ And so committing my self and labour to the Lord 's gracious good pleasure and to Believers to be tried and received or refused as they are found to be agreeing or disagreeing with the plain sayings of the Testimony of Christ I rest Wittlesey Oct. 12. 1655. A well-willer of all that love the Lord Jesus Christ Thomas Moore The Contents of the Treatise in seven Parts PART I. An Introduction to the Testimony of Christ Chap. 1. A Direction to discern Truth from Error pag. 1. Chap. 2. Evidences of the Truth and plainness of the Testimony pag. 4. Chap. 3. Of the enmity of Flesh and Satan and their way of opposing pag. 9. Chap. 4. An Assay to remove the Objections of those that pretend Spirit and Inspiration Where what meant by Christ what by Scripture what by Letter and what by Spirit pag. 11. Chap. 5. An Answer to such as seek to trouble by words pag. 20. Chap. 6. Answer to such as pretend Scripture to trouble with pag. 26. Chap. 7. A Conclusion with the consent of a learned man pag. 32. Chap. 8. An Assay to direct the weak to finde the Testimony of Christ in the plain sayings thereof pag. 34. Chap. 9. Of the Creation of Mankinde in the first Adam pag. 41. Chap. 10. Of the fall and misery of him and Mankinde pag. 44. Chap. 11. Of the immutability of God notwithstanding pag. 49. Chap. 12. Of the remedilesness in Mankinde fallen to help himself and the wonderfulness of help in another pag. 55. Chap. 13. Of the similitudes and dissimilitudes between the first now old and the new Creation pag. 60. PART II. A declaration of the testimony of Christ in the branches of it Chap. 1. Of the Testimony of Christ who what a one and whence pag. 67. The first Branch Chap. 2. Of the Oblation of Christ pag. 73. Chap. 3. What that was which was offered up in Sacrifice pag. 75. Chap. 4. Who it was that offered up this Sacrifice pag. 76. Chap. 5. To whom be offered this Sacrifice pag. 83. Chap. 6. For whom and in whose behalf he offered it pag. 86. Chap. 7. For what Christ offered this Sacrifice for men viz. To make
forth in Prophecies in which attending to this Testimony minding and believing it it will make all Wisdom's Sayings plain and open the meaning and rightness of them t Joh. 12.36 46. Prov. 1.3 7. 2.2 7. 8.9 Joh. 1.18 14.7 1 Joh. 2.20 27. 2. It hath its meaning in it self and the same is in its Discovery according to the plain import of its Sayings it abhors all Equivocations dissembling and pretending any Love or good-will more then really is u Prov. 8.6 7 8. 26.24 26. 3. It hath Evidences and Demonstrations of Wisdom Power and Goodness and Motives unmatchable to draw to the Belief of its Testimony w 1 John 5.6 9 10. Rom. 5.6 8. Act. 5.32 11.21 4. It is the Instrument and Medium by which the Holy Ghost convinceth of sin unbelief and error x Joh. 15.15 8.7 8 9 10 11. and bringeth the convinced in to Believe and love the Truth y James 1.18 1 John 3.19 and leadeth Believers into all Truth z Joh. 16.13 14 and he that believeth this Testimony believeth the Truth and it being in them and they living according to it they are of the Truth a 1 John 3.19 and in the Truth b 1 John 2.5 2 John 4. and the Truth is in them c 1 John 1.8 2.4 3 John 3. and such as teach it are Ministers of the Truth d Rom. 15.8 2 Tim. 2.15 and such as acknowledge profess and obey it do acknowledge profess and obey the Truth e Heb. 10.26 1 Pat. 1.22 2 Joh. 4. 3 Joh. 3 and such as turn from it turn from the Truth f 2 Tim. 4.4 and such as oppose deny and resist it do oppose deny and resist the Truth g 2 Cor. 13.8 2 Tim. 3.8 So that we are well directed for knowing of Truth to the Law and to the Testimony in which Truth is and all the sayings thereof are true yea all the sayings in Scripture as they witness of this Testimony and are opened by this Testimony and agree in one with this are true and not only true but they are also exceeding plain as may be seen in that foresaid 1. In that God and Christ have affirmed these sayings to be not onely true but also plain and right h Prov. 8.6 9. Isa 45.19 Eccles 12.10 2. In that he affirmeth the end for which he hath written them to be that we might know the certainty of the words of Truth i Prov. 22.20 21 Luke 1.3 4. Ephes 4.3 4. Rom. 15.4 3. In that our Saviour directeth and commandeth for knowing and finding Truth to search the Scriptures k Joh. 5.39 to minde what is written and how we read in the Law and Testimony l Luke 10.26 Isa 8.20 and to apply the Ear to his Knowledge and so the Heart to the Words of the Wise that have written by his Spirit m Prov. 22.17 18 20. 4. In that our Saviour promiseth blessedness to such as believe on him as the Scripture hath said n John 7.38 avouching all that keep not his sayings that do not Believe Love and hold to his sayings to be no Lovers of him * Joh 14.28 5. In the Profession of those inspired with the Holy Ghost in the knowledge of the things of Christ that they spake them in the wisdom and words which the Spirit gave them to speak o Act. 2.4 1 Cor. 2.12 13. and this sincerely without craft in all plainness p 1 Cor. 2.17 4.2 2 Cor. 3.12 and not with a veil over their face 6. In the confession of those that have believed this Testimony that his Word is true very pure q Psal 119.160 140 130. Eccles 12.10 and bringeth Light and giveth Understanding to the simple 7. The Title put on this Testimony as The Word of Truth the Scripture of Truth r Col. 1.5 Dan. 10.21 8. The Commendation and Approbation of such as are diligent in searching the Scripture to see what is Truth and take heed to the Word of Prophecie as to a Light s Act. 17.11 2 Pet. 1.19 Now if the sayings of the Gospel in the Testimony of Christ have not the sense they naturally and plainly import where then is the Truth of God and Christ his Affirmation or the fitness in his words for his ends to give the certainty of the Knowledge of Truth or what Profit in following his direction in searching the Scripture or where is the Truth of this Promise or of the Prophets and Apostles Protestation or of the Title of the Gospel or why are any commended for searching it If it have not the sence it importeth in its own sayings who then shall tell us the sense what Man what Apostle what Angel or what Spirit when we are warned to hear none that speak other or beside that by these before already preached and written who have professed also before God That they did not lye in the things they writ and God hath born Testimony of them Gal. 1.6 9 12 20. Heb. 2.4 So that their sayings in this Testimony are true and plain and have the sense they plainly import and what the Prophets and Apostles have spoke and writ of this Testimony God hath spoken by them and if we believe God to be true and love him then will we believe and love his sayings and so to the Law and to the Testimony for the discerning of every Whisper Spirit Doctrine Opinion and Saying and if they speak not according to that Word there is no Morning-Light in them wherefore let God be true and justifie him in his sayings and let every man whisper Rom. 3.4 Eccles 12.10 Doctrine or Spirit that speaketh not according to his sayings be to us a lyar knowing his Words are true upright and plain though the wisdom of the flesh be enmity to them whose oppositions I will endeavour to remove CHAP. 3. Of the Enmity of Flesh and Satan to Him THe carnal Minde or Wisdom of the Flesh is Enmity against God a Rom. 8.7 so that the natural Man having no other but the Wisdom of Men the Wisdom of this World though never so learned wise prudent doth not approve or receive the things of the Spirit or his sayings but accounts them Foolishness b 1 Cor. 1.18 19 20. 2.5 6 41. And among the rest in this one thing hath this Enmity appeared in that it accounts light of the sayings of the Spirit of God in the Scripture and of that Knowledge given in the plain Testimony thereof c Jer. 8.9 and pretends in its fleshly Minde to a farther and better knowing d Job 11.11 12. Col. 2.18 by which it presumes to understand and to amend contradict the plain Sayings of God and to frame sayings better truer and safer for Men to believe and receive e Job 4.17 18 19. Isa 40.2 8. Isa 40.13 14. In which thinking to
3.24 4.25 28. Rom. 1.1 2 3 they know also That what the Scripture saith the Holy Ghost saith the same o Gal. 3.8 Heb. 3.7 and what the Holy Ghost hath once said and testified as true in Christ he never altereth that Testimony but breatheth in it still and so where-ever written that remaineth Truth which proves this Objection vain Object 2 You understand not our meaning for we do believe in and magnifie Christ and the Scripture as much as you do but we have Christ and the Scripture within us and we believe that and speak that from inward and experimental Knowledge and the infallible Spirit and that we speak is the Minde of God but you believe in and magnifie a Christ without you and so believe and speak of and from the Scripture that is without you and so the true Sense and Mind of God which is infallible and from Christ and the Scripture within is to you a Parable and all you hold and believe is but fleshly and fallible Answ Here is still the former boasting and self-witnessing and self-exalting though with more discovery of Vanity Blasphemy and Pride or Atheism than the former as will appear to all that know who we mean by Christ and what we mean by Scripture For 1. By Christ in whom we believe we mean not An Imagination or Frame but the second publick Man the spiritual Man who not only out of us but before we in our Persons were and without any Motion or In-being in us did himself take our Nature being conceived by and born of a Woman a Virgin that was of the natural Seed and Lineal Descent of David and Abraham and Adam and so took a personal Body of his own in which he bore our sins on the Tree and was made a Curse and died for us and overcame Death and shook off all Mortality without seeing corruption in that Body in which being buried he rose again and appeared to and conversed with his Disciples and then in their sight departed from them out of this World in that risen Body and so ascended into Heaven and offered himself a sacrifice to God and sate down on his right Hand and in that now glorified Body remaineth in Heaven a great High Priest appearing before God ever-living to intercede for us This is The Christ our Saviour not to come to take flesh nor so coming nor so in us he hath done that already he was to do in his own Body for us and can die no more but is alive for evermore immeasurably filled with Spirit to send forth to us The right knowing of him is the original and right way of knowing all things and right knowing and worshipping of God is in the Confession of him thus to be already come in the flesh 1 John 4.3 and that Spirit that denieth this is the Spirit of Antichrist and he that denieth that This Jesus is The Christ he is Antichrist 1 Joh. 2.22 23. and denieth the Father and the Son And whoever believeth in This Jesus receiveth of his Spirit which imprinteth his Word and frameth his Minde in his Heart enriching him with his Consolations and so by Word Col. 1.25 26 27 and Spirit and Riches of Grace and not in bodily presence is Christ in Believers and in so being in them he is to them the Hope of Glory But whoever believeth not in this Christ without them and receiveth not the Efficacies and Frames within from the excellency of the knowledge of and Belief in him without so as he that is without in bodily presence is within by spiritual presence but come to undervalue him as without them and magnifie something within them All that within is but meer delusion which the ensuing Discourse will further shew so that the voice of this Objection being so strange the sheep will not hear it 2. And as for the Scripture we mean not by Scripture Ink and Paper nor Letters of A B C c. nor Syllables and particular Words nor Writing or Printing or a Book bound up in Leaves or rolled in Parchment But that we mean by Scripture is not the writing but the thing written not barely the words but the thing sounded forth and imported to us in the words And so the Almighty God that is Eternal without Beginning before all Things and without End Omnipotent Omniscient Infinite and Immutable the Creator of all things and his onely Son that was in the Beginning and from Eternity with him by whom he made all things and whom he sent forth made of a Woman and so Man the essential Word and the Holy Ghost proceeding from the Father and the Son the infallible Spirit that witnesseth the Minde of God This one God Three in One and this Minde made known to Men the Manifestation and making it known is the Instrumental Word of God whether inspired spoken or written And of this God and his Minde it is as so made known that we mean and when it is once by his Command and Inspiration written and put on record for us to make known his Minde to us Prov. 22.20 21 as now it is then is all this called Scripture and so when God had once by his Spirit preached the Gospel to Abraham this being after written by Moses is since called Scripture Now it was not Moses his Writing that did fore-see and preach nor the Book or Letters or Words written therein but the Spirit in that Testimony did fore-see and preach which being Written and left on Record is therefore called Scripture Gal. 3.8 And when the Holy Ghost had in and by David said to the People To day if you will hear my voice harden not your hearts This being once written and left on Record for Generations following Psal 95.7 the Holy Ghost is said where-ever that Scripture is given still to say it And to those to whom no probability that that particular Word was inspired into every of them Heb. 3.7 which was so given to Israel and Joshua Deut. 13.6 8. yet it being after written and left upon Record for his peoples use it 's said to them many Generations after Heb. 13.5 He hath said I will never leave thee nor forsake thee yea that which God spake to Moses in the Bush our Saviour it being written Exod. 3.6 said to the corrupt and erroneous Sadduces Have not you read that which was spoken by God to you saying Mat. 22.31 32 I am the God c. And so the Spirit in the Apostles teacheth us That whatsoever things were written aforetime Rom. 15.4 were written for our learning that we through patience and comfort of the Scripture might have hope Surely this written aforetime so long before we were was written without us yea without even those of us to whom that sentence was written and therefore written without in Leaves that they might have recourse to it and learn it and love it and so have it
within which true Believers then had and now have that for their good Phil. 31. 1 Joh. 1.3 4. 5.13 2.20 26 27. written without by the Holy Spirit in believing putting it in their Minde and Heart written within and yet the same and more encreased within by use of that without and so that both without and within fenceth us against Seducers And this gracious God in Christ with his gracious Minde as made known and written is that we call Scripture be it written or printed over and over in Hebrew Greek Latine English or any Language be it in Paper or Parchment in Tables Rolls or Books This not the Writing but the Thing written we mean by Scripture And now God hath been so gracious to cause the great things of his Law to be written to us and then called Scripture shall we because of the meanness of a Scribe the homeliness of the Letter and commonness of the Books in which it is conveyed to us contemn and despise it and call it Letter Ink and Paper and Scripture without us and so count it as a strange thing surely then this will be charged on us as a great sin Hos 8.12 Joh. 12.47 48. and a rejecting of his Word and that Word without us despised by us and therefore not within us shall yet judge us at the last day As for any other Scripture within us then this Testimony of Christ and God's gracious Minde in him that is written in the Scripture that is without us we desire not but to have this written without to be enlightned to our hearts and in understanding believing loving or retaining the same to have it by the same Spirit that first testified it to be testified and written in our heart within us so as our hearts be framed into the same Minde and design with God and Christ so we desire it more and more written within Gen. 8.21 Jer. 17.9 But wheresoever this Testimony of Christ that is written without is slighted and that is not it within Prov. 28.26 Isa 8.20 as is said All within is filthy and deceitful and he is a fool that trusteth his own heart or a Spirit of falshood when God hath given us so good a Law and Testimony to resort unto Object 3 Whatever it be that is written yet the Letter is dead and killeth and it is the Spirit that quickeneth Answ This is partly if not fully answered in the former Answer yet I shall consider the words as used in 2 Cor. 3.5 6. Our sufficiency is of God who also hath made us able Ministers of the New Testament not of the Letter but of the Spirit for the Letter killeth but the Spirit giveth life Now all that is objected against the liveliness and plainness of the Gospel in this place lieth in these two words Letter and Spirit which if right understood according to Scripture-Language and import clears all and shews the Objection forceless Consider it 1. By Letter is not here meant A B C c. opposed to a blank without such Letters or to a breath without a Sound the word Letter is not so used in any Doctrine of Law or Gospel nor yet by Letter is meant Syllables and Words written and read over and spoken opposed to some secret and insensible conveyance of the Minde to the inward Spirit Scripture doth not so use the word Letter nor yet is by Letter here meant the outward sound of the words in Ministration of them by reading speaking or receiving them in hearing and understanding them according to the outward import of the words But by Letter is evident to be meant the Thing it self that was written in the Law of works to be done under a penalty and the so doing of it and so the Apostle in reproof of the Jewish Zealots that boasted much of their keeping the Law used the word Letter Rom. 2.17 24. to signifie the Law of Works Circumcision being that outward Covenant in which all that came to be of Abraham's Family were obliged to wait on God in use of all Ordinances given though Circumcision was before Moses Gal. 3.4 and so not of Moses yet when God gave the Law to Moses and by Moses to the People then Circumcision did still oblige all the circumcised to observe all the Ordinances given them by Moses called the Law and none but the circumcised had Liberty to have Fellowship with them in the use of those Ordinances whence all that people Exod. 12.48 Ephes 2.11 12. Rom. 15.8 Eph. 2.11 Gal. 5.6 11. 6.15 which did so worship God were called The Circumcision and all the outward Duties in that outward Worship and Ceremony together in one called Circumcision And this outward Circumcision is plainly said to be that of the Letter Rom. 2.27 29. and opposed to that of the Spirit whence also it is opposed to Faith in Christ according to the Gospel which Grace given and received freeth us from the Bondage of that Law Rom. 7.6 that we may serve in newness of Spirit and not in the oldness of the Letter Rom. 8.2 In which sense the Gospel that is the Law of the Spirit is opposed to this Law of Works called The Law of Sin and Death And it is before shewn That this Law was given to discover Sin and sentence to death that Men might be driven to Christ and so its End was to Life but to Life in a killing way Death by this Law and Life in Christ for whom it fitted and to whom it led Now consider That as the Apostle saith not The Letter of the New Testament whose very outward Sound is of Life but The Letter so it was not a dead Letter that killed or could kill it was not Words writ read spoken or heard only but the Things imported therein Rom. 2.17 18 19. 9.31 32. 10.1 2 3. Phil. 3.2 3 7. John 5.45 understood and minded that did discover to them their Duty and move them to set on the Performance yet when they did this to get Righteousness and be Righteous in they went wrong and their Works were but dead Works their conceited Life thereby a Deceit and they still Dead though trusting in the Letter or those Duties doing still swerving from the end for which the Law or Letter was given this was Confidence in the Flesh For God's end in giving that Letter or Law Gal. 2.21 was not to make them Righteous by it but to discover sin and sentence them to death that so they might be enlivened by Christ in respect of which gracious end of God and the Tendency of the Letter or Law thereto it is affirmed in the Ministration To have been glorious and also profitable Rom. 7.7 13. 2 Cor. 3 7. Rom. 2.25 if so observed for so it ministred sin in discovery of it and death in the sentence and so killeth that in that way they might be brought to Life not by
himself plainly a Mat. 4. 12. Mar. 3. John 3.14 18. and after to those that in seeing did not see and in hearing did not hear but hardened their hearts he therefore spake to them in Parables b Mat. 13.13 And we know in Scripture are many Types Parables and Metaphors which were not clearly and fully opened till Christ entered the Heavens in our Nature and offered the acceptable Sacrifice and sent forth the Holy Ghost c Heb. 9.8 Joh. 7.39 2.22 14.26 And these Parables were all uttered before that Ascension of his and yet he also opened all these Parables to his Disciples d Mat. 13.20 51. Mar. 4.14 34. Luke 8. yea and all that Moses and the Prophets spake concerning himself he opened to them e Luk. 24.27 47 and promised them and according to his promise gave them his holy Spirit to teach them all things he had said to them f John 14.26 Act. 2. having charged them Mat. 10.27 What I tell you in darkness speak ye in the light and what ye hear in the ear that preach ye upon the house top And this given as a Reason to them That the Knowledge given them was as a Light set on a Candlestick that it may give Light to all that are in the House that they which enter in may see the Light g Mat. 5.14 15. Luke 8.10 16. And the Apostles have professed to have fulfilled this charge and to have used great plainness of Speech both in Preaching and Writing declaring no Fable nor using any cloak or veil to hide their meaning as is fore-shewed Chap. 1 2. And it were folly in us to be cheated and with-drawn from believing their sayings of the Testimony of Christ to be plain and true according to their own import If any reply The Revelation of Jesus Christ given to his Apostle John is very dark and obscure and that was since the Ascension of Christ I answer Our Unbelief makes many things therein more dark to us than otherwise they would be and yet the Testimony of Christ and the sayings thereof that are needful to be known and believed of all that would have Eternal Life are very plain there also and have their own plain import as in other places none denying and that in which so much obscurity appears to us is in Visions and Prophecies of his providential dealing with his Church and with the Enemies of his Church and so of things to come pass before and till his own coming again of which in Understanding and Belief of the Testimony of Christ and Acquaintance with the Scripture we may understand as much as is needful for us And in the encrease of that Knowledge and as things draw nigh to be fulfilled know more still whence there is Blessing to be met with in reading and hearing that Book Rev. 1.3 and keeping the things written therein But our Discourse being of the plain sayings of the Gospel and Testimony of Christ by which all the other sayings in the Scripture are to be understood and therefore those sayings not obscure and so these Objections of no force against it Object 2 Peter saith That in Paul 's Epistles which were written after Christ his Ascension are some things hard to be understood which they that are unlearned and unstable wrest as they do also the other Scriptures to their own destruction Therefore many of the sayings of Christ in the Gospel are hard and obscure Answer The Truth of Peter's sayings 2 Pet. 3.16 gives no colour for this objecting inference For Peter 1. He saith not That any sayings in Paul's Epistles are hard to be understood or That the manner of his Writing is hard to be understood but some things in those sayings are hard to be understood Now this is clearly and commonly known that a saying may be plain and clearly understood and yet something in that saying above our knowledge and not easily understood as before it was known to the Eunuch That Christ was come in the flesh and that Jesus was the Christ he in reading Isa 53.7 understood what the saying was and believed it true but there was one thing hard in it to him and that was of whom the Prophet spake without knowledge of which he counted himself not to understand and in knowledge of that one thing all the rest was clear and useful to him Act. 8.30 34 35. And now that is cleared to us and so all sayings yet still in sayings known even some thing known therein to be if it be of a thing to come may be hard to be understood what it is h 1 Joh. 2.2 3. Col. 3.3 4. 2. He saith not That all Paul's Epistles or any one of his Epistles or his sayings or all the things in his sayings or in any of them but onely some things some certain things in them this with a limitation also to these things that is the things of which Peter had been forespeaking in this Chapter about the second coming of Christ the Dissolution and Restauration of all things the new Heaven and the new Earth and God's Patience in waiting so long for Men's Repentance before he bring all this to pass i 2 Pet. 3.3 12 13 14 15. of which things Paul spake to the Hebrews k Heb. 2.5 8. 12.26 27. and often in his other Epistles l Rom. 8.19 23. 1 Cor. 1 6 15. 2 Cor. 5.1.10 Gal 3.19 Eph. 1.14 4.13 Phil. 2.10 11. 3.20 21. Col. 1.20 3 4. ● Thes 3.13 4 14 18. 5 2. 2 Thes 1 7 10. 1 Tim 6.14 15. 2 Tim. 2.12 4.8 Tit. 2.13 And so he speaks not of the beginning of the Gospel of Christ or of things here to be enjoyed but of those things hoped for and of them he saith not The main or all things but Some things are hard to be understood which firms our Belief of the sayings and serves to humble us and quicken up our attention that in Believing we with patience may wait for that time in which we shall know clearly 1 John 3.2 And the more we minde the Testimony the more we shall know now which we could not if the sayings were dark but they are a Light and so affirmed by Peter to be 2 Pet. 1.19 3. He faith not That those sayings or that the hardness of some things in those sayings did lead or cause any to erre much less that they erred in believing them true according to their plain import for had they so done and waited on Christ in that Testimony to teach them they had not erred but in due season should have understood even those things as much as was needful and useful for them to know m Joh. 8.31 32 1 Joh. 2.20 27 28. Prov. 8 9. But those hard things beyond their conception they not liking the plain import of the sayings in which they were and so not believing it to be so having
about the Truth and Righteousness of the Sayings of Christ lest that lead us to stumbling as it did those John 6.30 52 60. Secondly Read the Scripture as the Declaration of the God of Truth which he by the Spirit of Truth hath caused to be written for our learning and in which he speaketh to us d Rom. 15.4 Mat. 22.31 Heb. 3.7 13.5 And therein first and chiefly minde what he hath testified of his Creation of the World for Mankinde and of Mankinde righteous in one publick Man and of the Disobedience and Fall of Mankinde into sin and death in and through one publick Man and of the Redemption wrought for Mankinde in and by another publick Man and of the fulness that is in the second publick Man to make known the Minde and Love of God and to send forth Spirit to convince Men and bring them in to believe and of the Remission of sins and Eternal Life for Believers and the just Condemnation of such as disobey and refuse to believe and of the Resurrection of the just and unjust and the appearing of all before the Judgement-Seat of Christ and his sentence of the Just into Everlasting Blessedness and of the unjust to Everlasting Torment and how all these Sayings are plain being written to that end that we may know the certainty of the words of Truth and that we might apply our Hearts to his Knowledge and put our trust in the Lord e Prov. 22.17 21. And if these Sayings should not hold forth their own Sence no man could tell us what the Sence is let not our Mindes be waving in this but give God the Honour of his Truth and Love in speaking these things so plainly to us as they admit not of any Limitation Glossing or Allegory These be the first things to be known and most needful to be first known and all other Sayings known by their agreeing in Sence with these therefore read them as God's Declaration of his Minde to us that we may know it Thirdly as God hath been pleased to condescend so low to us as to make known his Minde to us in words understandable to and used among Men and in such manner as is usable among Men for importing their Sence so let us observe and minde about them that which is observable of Men about the Import of words to know their sense as to say 1. The Country or People where such words are used knowing that many things are expressed by divers words in divers Countries and understood by the use of the expression in that Country where it is used and that in some one Country one and the same word is diversly used and the Sense it beareth known by the sentence in which it is used Now the Country whence the Gospel came being Zion and according to the Spirit 's breathing writ in the Scriptures we are to minde how and in what sence words are used there and so to understand them according to the sentence in which they are used 2. By and of whom a Speech is whether Governour or Subject wise or simple true faithful and knowing or ignorant and unfaithful and accordingly we value the Extent Truth Worth and Goodness of their Sayings or put Limits and make Doubts thereof so in the Scriptures being related the Sayings of God by his Spirit and the Sayings of Men both of faithful and unfaithful Men we may understand those sayings accordingly for their Extent Worth Truth or for their scantness weakness c. 3. The persons and things treated of whether the chief Magistrate of a Commonwealth or inferiour Magistrates or Fathers or Masters and so whether of a Kingdom Commonwealth Corporation Association or Family and so understand the words All Every Head Body or Hand ruling or subjection accordingly so may we observe in reading the Scriptures of whom and what we read where we read of two Adams or two publick Men the first a living soul the second a quickning Spirit the first fallen and of the Earth earthy the second alive for evermore the Lord from Heaven heavenly the first having all his Generation in his loyns naturally to come forth of him the second taking the Nature of the first and spiritualizing it to have his Generation out of the first Man's Children by bringing them in to him in a spiritual manner And so we read of Men as they are of the Race of the first Adam and of some Men as born of Water the Spirit and become of the Generation of the second and spiritual Man And so we read of the Works of God and of Men about both and of things sutable to the one and his Generation and of things sutable to the other and his Generation And so when we read the sayings of the first Man and his natural Race and of things pertaining to them whether All Every or Head Body Eye Hand Foot or of Wisdom Power Works of Righteousness or of Lands Waters Trees Mountains we may understand it in a sense sutable to the natural Man and his Race whether it be plain or metaphorical But if the sayings be of the second Man that is the spiritual Man and his spiritual seed and of things peculiar to him and them we may understand it spiritually in a sense suiting to Christ and the things of Christ whether it be Temple House Body Eye Hand Foot Fire Water Trees Wisdom Strength or righteous Doing yet still according to the Import of the Letter speaking of such things comparing natural things with natural and spiritual things with spiritual and in sayings relating to both natural and spiritual Men to understand them in both senses according to their Relation 4. The Business in and about which the saying is whether Monarchical agitated by Imperial Edict or National agitated by a Parliament or State or whether the Business of a Province or Country agitated by Judges Justices and Jurors or a Corporation Business agitated by Major Aldermen Counsellor or a Family-Business agitated by a Father Master or Steward's direction or Personal Business between two or three and then the words Rule House Order Law All Every Many or Elect are easily understood of a larger or less extent or more general or more special in the Import of the Sense so in Scripture we may observe the Business of which the Sayings are whether of God and of Christ and his Works and therein whether of his Works in general as of Creation of all things and of Mankinde or his Redemption of Mankinde or his Preservation of them and Extention of Mercies and Means to them to call them to Repentance or whether of more special Mercies and Means extended to one Nation more than to another or of peculiar Graces extended to his new-born People and so whether of his Works of Salvation for Men or i● M●n or of his Redemption and Purchasing of Men of God and calling them to God or of his redeeming and purchasing some Men from among Men
the second and new Creation Secondly Yet notwithstanding there is also a true resemblance in many similitudes between them and that not only in this 1. That they both are the work of one and the same God but also in this 1. Gen. 1.1 2. Psa 33.6 1 Joh. 1.1 2 3 4. Col. 1.15 16-19 That as the first was made by the Word and Spirit of the Lord breathed forth by the Father through the Word that is the Son even so was the second and new Creation also begun and shall be finished 2. Gen. 1.1 26. That as in the first the Heavenly and Earthy Matter was first made and framed before any other particular Creatures and they after by the command and word of the Lord formed and made in and out of them even so the second and new Creation in the counsels and purpose of God and actual consent and Agreement of the Word the Son of God and now also in act by the Word made Flesh the original and first being and that which gives being to all and in and out of which and through which all particulars are formed and made new was first prepared made and formed in the Man Christ in whom the Restauration being made God and Man united in one Person through whom the Holy Spirit proceedeth from the Father and so by the word and command of the Lord the particulars in their order are formed and made new and so Jesus Christ the Son of God and the Son of Man even he himself is called the beginning of the Creation of God a Rev. 3.14 the first-born of every Creature b Col. 1.15 the first-begotten first-born from the dead c Rev. 1.5 Col. 1.18 before Abraham was he is d Joh. 8.56 58. the Root of David e Rev. 22 16. the Alpha and Omega the beginning and the end f Rev. 21 6. yea he that worketh with the Father and whatsoever the Father doth he doth the same John 5.19 23 26 27. he is the beginning and by him are all things 3. That as in the first Creation in respect of particulars to be formed Gen. 1.3 John 1.4 5. 2 Cor. 4.6 God first commanded and formed the Light for his Creatures even so in the new Creation in bringing in particulars the first thing commanded to come forth is Light and this shining in the Face of Christ into the Heart of those he makes new Creatures 4. That as in the first Creation the first publick Man was first made a perfect Man fit for multiplication Gen. 1.28 4.1 2. 5.3 Rom. 5.19 1 Cor. 15.48 and his seed and posterity after to come forth of him one after one by degrees and all in his likeness such as he was when they come forth of him even so in the new Creation the second publick Man is first made perfect and his Seed in a spiritual way and supernaturally to be after brought in to him and that also one after another by degrees h Rom. 16.7 Act. 2.41 47. and all by degrees framed into the likeness of Christ into whom they are brought i Rem 5.17 1 Cor. 15.48 2 Cor. 5.17 Eph. 2.10 5. That as in the first Creation the Man and Woman fell and lost the benefit of all by questioning and letting go the Word of the Lord Gen. 3.16 in hearing and pondering the voice of the Serpent and so in believing the same looked on and beheld the forbidden Fruit and desired it and so took and eat of it even so in the new Creation Men and Women are drawn in to Christ and participation of the benefit thereof by letting go and turning from the delusions of Satan in hearing and minding the voice of Christ in the Gospel and so believing the same that they behold him as discovered therein and so desire him and accept and feed on him k Act. 3.26 26.18 with Iob. 5.26 Isa 53.3 Iob. 11.25 26. 6.54 55 56 57. 6. In the first Creation the deed and offence of the first Man and condemnation of him for it did reach to all Mankinde and was the offence and condemnation of all in him as the publick Man and that so verily and efficaciously that in coming forth Naturally from him they should verily partake of the same and bear his likeness though yet none of the sons of Men could in their own individual persons so partake of and feel the same until and but as and when in a Natural way they come to have their personal beings of him and so come forth from him even so in the new Creation the deed and righteousness of the second Man and his justification as he was the publick Man did reach unto all Men and was so far in that sense on them all to justification of life from the first sentence and escape out of the first death in through him as the second publick Man Rom. 5.12 18 9. 2 Cor. 5.14 15 17 18 19. Phil. 1.10 11. Gal. 3.26 29. and though all shall one day be freed from that first sentence and raised out of that first death by him to acknowledge him Lord to the glory of God yet do or can none of the sons of Men in their own individual persons partake of or enjoy the benefit of that freedom righteousness and justification but as they are brought in to believe that done by him nor of Eternal Life but as they are in that believing spiritually united unto him and so in such a being in him are made new Creatures In which respects as there is such similitude between the first and second Creation and the first and second Man and interests of their seeds in them and what they receive from them Rom. 5.14 so the first Adam was a Type or figure of the second that was to come and so we may say of the natural Tree of Life and so of divers things in the first Creation there was something typical in them the Truth whereof in a superabounding manner is in Christ whence he is called Adam and The Tree of Life The green Olive-Tree The Tree by the Rivers of Waters The true Vine The Fountain of living Waters The Door Heb. 10.1 Col. 2.17 Rom. 16.25 26. 1 Joh. 1.1 2 3. The Way The Rock The Foundation c. not that there were or are no such things naturally in being as appertaining to the old Creation but because the Truth Excellency and Life shadowed out by all these things is found in Christ and enjoyed in enjoying him in the new Creation and we know there is more in the Truth than any shadows could type out and the Gospel hath now more cleerly revealed the same And I hope these things considered that are writ from the beginning of this first part of this Treatise till now and understood and believed as far as they are plainly affirmed in the Scripture here and there in many places written and in
him distinct though never divided from the Divine so that this humane Nature or Body of Christ is not only sinless just holy but also exceeding precious and beyond all our valuation for excellency and worthiness yet in this his personal body was he under the Law for us and brought before the Judgement-Seat for us and condemned and put to death in the flesh for sins committed by us in the flesh f Rom. 8.3 2 Cor. 5.21 Gal. 3.13 he himself bare our sins in his own Body to or on the Tree being put to death in the flesh g 1 Pet. 2.24 3.18 and by death he overcame death and him that had the power of death h Heb. 2.14 and so rose again just and for our justification in the same Body that died i 1 Cor. 15.3 4. and by the Eternal Spirit ascended in that Body by or with the vertue of his own blood into Heaven and offered that spotless Body of his which had satisfied for our sins by death and overcome death and risen just a Sacrifice to God k Heb. 9.12 14. 10 5-10 14. and God hath accepted him and taken up his well-pleasedness and dwelling in him and glorified him in the humane Nature also with the glory that he had in person with him before the world was and hath born Testimony of him And this the Oblation Gift Ransom Sacrifice offered by Jesus Christ the second publick Man a matchless and invaluable Sacrifice which excluded all other Sacrifices and all other works of Righteousness from being it or any part of it this Body of Christ that was crucified for us it and it alone is the Sacrifice which in his Oblation he offered to God for us CHAP. 4. 2. Who it was that offered up this Sacrifice THis is here also in Tit. 2.14 plainly express'd to be our Saviour Jesus Christ who gave himself for us plainly it was Jesus Christ he himself that did freely give himself Peter also speaking of the sufferings of Christ and having expresly named Jesus Christ that suffered for us saith of him Who his own self bare our sins in his own body a 1 Pet. 2.22 24. and our Saviour Christ saith of himself I lay down my life that I might take it again no man taketh it from me but I lay it down of my self I have power to lay it down and I have power to take it again This commandment have I received of my Father b Joh. 10.17 18. And so it 's often plainly and expressy said he gave himself for our offences Christ hath loved us and given himself for us he gave himself a ransome c. he offered up himself c. c Gal. 1.4 Eph. 5.2 1 Tim. 2.6 Heb. 7.27 If it be replied That God the Father he gave his only begotten Son he made his Soul an offering for sin he spared not his own Son but delivered him up for us all d Joh. 3 6. Isa 53 10. Rom. 8.32 I answer This is no contradiction or unsaying of any thing foresaid but rather an illustration and confirmation of the approvedness goodness and excellency of that his giving himself a Sacrifice not only in that no other Man did and that he himself did it by the Divine will and authority of the Father in respect of which will and appointment the Father did and in respect of acting and fulfilling that will he himself did but more also in this respect Joh. 10.30 1 Joh. 5 7. that the Father and he are one in respect of Divine Essence and in respect of both Natures in the person of the Son Joh. 5.17 18 16 20 21 22 23. the Father and the Son are both one in love to Mankinde and so both one in will and design so as also they work together so that the Son can do nothing of himself but what he seeth the Father do and what things soever the Father doth those also doth the Son likewise and also in that the Father fitted him with a Body for this business and appointed and sent him forth to do it and even so he willingly accepted the appointment Heb. 10.5 7 8 9 10 12. and took the Body and came to do and did it and so with free and ready will and oneness of will with the Father he did offer up himself in that body of his once for all so that the saying He gave and offered up himself is not contradicted by saying the Father gave him but receiveth confirmation and illustration of the goodness and excellency of this his gift and giving yea it opens to us the right understanding of it he came and did it not barely of himself Joh. 8 42. 1 Joh. 5.6 but in union of will and approbation of the whole three in one God the Father sent him he came and the Holy Ghost witnessed of him Gal. 4.4 the Father sent him forth made of a woman of the Seed of David and the Holy Ghost sanctified that Seed in the wombe of the Virgin and framed him a Body thereof Luke 1.35 uniting it in the very framing to the person of the Son of God and so it was not the Father nor the Holy Ghost John 1.14 Rom. 1.3 but the Son that is the Word was made flesh of the Seed of David yet the Father by the Spirit made it so and the Son accepting willingly to receive this humane Nature into union of person with himself and to be thus abased he is truly said to have made himself of no reputation Phil. 2.7 8. and took upon him the form of a Servant and humbled himself so it was not the Father or the Holy Ghost that did die Joh. 10.17 18 1 Pet. 3.18 but the Son in the humane Nature or Body which he took he layed down his life for us being put to death in the flesh neither was it the Father or the Holy Ghost that rose from the dead Joh. 10.18 Eph. 4.9 10. but the Son and yet the Son in that Body of his the Father by the Holy Ghost did raise him yet was it he in that very Body that died that rose from the dead even so it was not the Father nor the Holy Ghost that offered the Sacrifice but Jesus Christ himself in oneness of will with the Father Heb. 9.14 Psa 110.1 Heb. 1.13 Heb. 1.3 10.12 and by or through the power of the Holy Ghost he did offer up himself his own Body a Sacrifice without spot to God even the Father who hath accepted him and set him on his right hand and so also as having finished and compleated his oblation and being accepted he sate down on the right hand of the Majesty on high so that there is no exclusion or denial of the works of the Father or Holy Ghost about the provision preparation offering and acceptance of this Oblation in saying Christ himself offered it but onely the affirmation of
of his suffering and Sacrifice or Ransom offered and so mediating between God and Men evidenceth him to have given himself a Ransom for Men but how many even all Men. And of this the Apostle was ordained a Preacher and professeth in this also to speak the Truth in Christ and not to lye and in teaching this to teach in Truth and Verity And what can be said more or more plainly or with greater earnestness and asseveration to shew That Christ died and gave himself a Ransom for all Men And yet to remove all stumbles and doubts and make it most cleer That he gave himself for all Men we have one word more 4. To consider the Qualisication and Character given us of those Men for whom Christ died and gave himself a Ransom to God and this is express That they were and were so viewed even ungodly unjust sinners and enemies to God and this is intimated here in Tit. 2.14 He gave himself for us it is not said for our desires or requests or deserts no we were fallen sinners without strength enemies in captivity to sin death Satan which is intimated in the next words That he might redeem us c. but in other places it is fully and plainly exprest yea assirmed 1 Tim. 1.15 This is a faithful saying That Jesus Christ came into the world to save sinners and in due time Christ died for the ungodly again Rom. 5.6 1 Pet. 3.18 Christ also hath suffered for sins the just for the unjust yea the Believers have not been ashamed to own themselves in this number also of whom saith Paul I am the chief Rom. 5.8 And while we were yet sinners Christ died for us And all have sinned Rom. 3. and come short of the glory of God being justified freely by his grace through the redemption that is in Christ Jesus whom God hath fore-ordained or set forth to be a propitiation 1 Joh. 2.2 even for the sins of the whole World through saith in his blood and that in his setting him forth to declare his righteousness for the remission or passing over of sins that are past through the forbearance of God yea to declare at this time now Christ is so manifested his righteousness that he might be just yea Psa 145.8 9 17. 36.5 9. Rom. 3.3 4 6. Act. 13.39 Rom. 4.5 so known to be in all his merciful Dispensations to men from the beginning of the World and to the end of it and in his judgings of Men and the justifier of him that believeth in Jesus And all this given as the Ground Demonstration and Proof of the Truth of that fore-assirmed namely That the righteousness of God without the law is manifested being witnessed by the Law and the Prophets Rom. 3.21 22 23 24 25 26. even the righteousness of God which is now manifested and by saith of Jesus Christ the cleer Doctrine of the Gospel in which he as the Object of Faith is set forth to be received in believing unto all that is as true for them and tendered to them and upon all that believe for there is no difference Till Men believe and receive it or obstinately reject it it is alike for all and to be preached and tendered unto all and to this end that they might receive it in believing here no diffence and in believing it is upon Believers they all and every one receive it and have it and even so in believing they have it there is no difference in this neither for all have sinned c. which brings fully to that understanding of the word Us Tit. 2.14 to signifie us men us sinners and so all Men and so those for whom Christ gave himself an Oblation and Sacrifice and Ransom to God are mankinde all mankinde Adam and all his Race even all men and when the Oblation of Christ as offered to God for men is only spoke of whether it be in terms of Death or Ransom they for whom he died and gave himself are set forth in those general terms Men all Men Sinners Unjust Ungodly c. such phrases in so speaking of his Death and Ransom as to say He died for his Elect or for Believers or for his Church or such as were appointed to believe on him are not in the Scripture nor Scripture-like but the devices of men thinking to be wise and so in an unbelievingness conceive harshness absurdities errors and danger in the terms of the Holy Ghost and presuming to be wiser than their Maker and to direct the Holy Spirit what terms to breath in finde him out those foresaid terms as more true and safe terms to deliver his minde in but it 's plain and enough said in a former Treatise Universality of God's freegrace to Mankinde yet unshaken by all the attempts against it which also are answered by a learned and godly Brother beside the Answer fore-given in all which it appears That Christ is set forth in the Scripture to have died for all and given himself a Ransom for all men CHAP. 7. 5. For what Christ offered this Sacrifice for us Men. THis is in general intimated Tit. 2.11 12 14. but express in other places That it was for our sins not to purchase any Liberty for sinning Gal. 5.13 Psal 45.7 nor for love of our sins for he loveth righteousness and hateth sin and wickedness but because he loved us and saw us necessitated to suffer for our sins and so in a perishing condition and remediless distress by reason of our sins therefore he came and gave himself in our stead to suffer for our sins the curse that was due to us and so to make an Atonement and escape for us which is here cleerly intimated in saying He gave himself for us or in our stead to work redemption for us and purchase for us and that also to this gracious end That he might redeem us from all iniquity which is a farther business to be spoken in the next Point and Chapter but of the former that done and obtained by him for that end and so far for what he gave himself which is not only intimated here Gal. 1.4 1 Cor. 15.3 1 Pet. 3.18 1 Joh. 3.5 Heb. 10.12 Rom. 3.23 6.23 Gal. 3.10 Heb. 9.22 23. Psal 40.6 7 8 49.7 8. Mie 6 7. but in other places fully and plainly express'd as that He gave himself for our sins He died for our sins c. Hath suffered for our sins He was manifested to take away our sins And after he had made one Sacrifice for sins for ever he sate down on the right Hand of God for so it is We have all sinned and come short of the Glory of God and in this no difference And the wages of sin is death and so we all fall short of those righteous affections and services which the Law of Ten Words require and so deserve to suffer the Curse and so without shedding of blood and suffering
1.7 9. Eph. 5.25 26 27. even for Believers to wash at and they directed to daily washing in approaching to God by him and he is said to have given himself for them to do this business of washing them with Word and Water till he have made them spotless and in this respect also of the provision made in his Sufferings and Sacrifice for taking away these following evils of those redeemed from the Curse of the Law and bought by him it is said Isa 53.6 5 11 12. All we even we that are healed with his stripes like sheep have gone astray we have turned every one to his own way and the Lord hath made the iniquity of us all to meet on him c. and so he is a perfect Saviour and a Giver of Salvation to such as believe on him as is demonstrated and affirmed Heb. 2.10 where the Apostle having spoken of his being made perfect through sufferings after mentions his Burthen and Sufferings in the flesh his tears prayers supports and obedience in all and then saith as in another place And being made perfect Phil. 2.7 11. Heb. 5.7 8 9. he became the Author of eternal salvation unto all them that obey him Now it 's known he was made perfect as a Saviour in his Oblation-offering and the Father's acceptance of it and exalting and filling him and then he became the Author of eternal Salvation which also cleerly implies some true Salvation which proves not to all the saved Eternal and yet none without Blood but this eternal Salvation he gives unto all them that obey him that is believe on him he saith not to all he died for nor to all whom by vertue of his Death and Ransom he hath redeemed from the Curse of the Law and so bought into his dispose that they shall not perish for ever in the first Death nor to all that he useth means and sends forth Spirit to and so calleth them that they might believe and have eternal Life and so not be hurt of the second Death but to all them that obey him that is hear and believe in his Name which is according to the tenor of the Law by which Christ will judge all Men * Act. 3.22 23. Rom. 2.16 Mar. 16.16 so that all the way both from the Types and the Truth affirmed in Christ answering what was typed it appeareth That Jesus Christ offered himself a Sacrifice to God for sins of two sorts the first such as were not against himself as Mediator but against God as Creator which he took on him so to discharge that the debt became wholly his and he hath fully discharged the same and made full riddance of it before God and will in his time remove it from all Men though many will not now believe it the second sort of sins such as are also against him as Mediator many of which he taketh away and as he hath received power so he useth means that Men on the account of his goodness might believe on him and so not only see their Freedom from those sins which are passed but have these present removed from them also and so be Eternally saved and yet Christ's taking away the first sort of sins and provision to take away the second sort also doth still farther appear Thirdly if we consider the difference our Saviour maketh of sins some greater and more heynous and fearful than others Mat. 12.31 32. Mar. 3.28 29. Luk. 12.10 and yet but one sort excluded forgiveness Verily saith he I say unto you All sins shall be forgiven unto the sons of men loe he putteth in no condition here at all and blasphemies wherewith soever they shall blaspheme but he that shall blaspheme against the Holy Ghost hath never forgiveness but is in danger of eternal condemnation And whosoever speaketh a word against the Son of man it shall be forgiven him loe here no condition neither but whosoever speaketh against the Holy Ghost it shall never be forgiven him neither in this world nor in the world to come Now what can sinning speaking against and blasphemy against the Holy Ghost be but some such manner and degree of sinning as in which the Sacrifice offered and the Offerer of which the Holy Ghost hath born and beareath witness is in such degree contemned as the sin cannot be forgiven without dishonour and wrong to the Sacrifice and Sacrificer and so such a sinning as for pardon of which the Sacrifice was not offered for there can be no sin or blasphemy against either Father or Son or Holy Spirit as they are one God which is not against them all and every of them in one as much offended as either personally considered and so all sin and blasphemy Mankinde fell into through the fall of the first Man and that necessarily spring from Nature so corrupted while no sufficient remedy to avoid it is afforded they are directly sins and blasphemies against God as a Creator and so against the goodness manifested in the Creation and against the Law under which Mankinde was fallen and so though we according to appearance may call these sins against the Father as indeed they are yet they are sins against the Son and Holy Spirit likewise by whom as one and the same God the Creation was effected but these sins were so satisfied for and done away by Christ in his Oblation offered which God hath so accepted that he hath remitted all over to Christ and if not now as to Believers it doth yet in the World to come it shall appear they shall not be judged and condemned for sins in this manner committed But now Jesus Christ having undertaken and offered such a Sacrifice to God as in which he hath purged from before him all these and obtained power to make this Grace known to draw Men to him and to forgive all other following sins found in Men in this his strife which indeed are as before shewn sins against the Mediator here by himself called The Son of Man yet these sinnings against him are in a higher degree than the former against the Father who in love gave and sent forth and testified of his Son the Saviour of the World and against the Holy Spirit of Grace in his Testimonies of him and Operations from and with him but they are more appearingly and directly against the Mediator that took our Nature and died for our sins and offered himself a Sacrifice to God for us and now extendeth means and Spirit to us to turn us to himself yet of these sins against himself he saith All these shall be forgiven unto men as Believers do begin to experiment in this World and shall fully in the World to come yea unless some higher degree than yet mentioned in sinning in a higher manner Men shall not be cast into a second Death at the end of the World to come and what this high degree of sinning is is also express'd Mat. 12.24 Mar. 3 29.30 Luk.
12.9 10. to be a speaking against and blaspheming the Holy Ghost in that evidence he gives of Christ and the power and goodness of God in and through him and so it is a willing persisting in contempt and refusal of this Grace in the Mediator when evidenced by the Holy Ghost and so rising up in opposition against his Testimony and strife till he hath finished his Testimony and strife with them for till then the Mediator is mediating for them with God and striving with them by his good Spirit so as in all their sinnings against him though they grieve and sin against the Holy Spirit yet there is forgiveness with him and so hope while he by his Spirit in means is striving with them yea if that be all the dayes of a Man's Life though to all it will not be so But when a Man hath wilfully despited this Holy Spirit after Light and so long and often that he is wholly taken away and the Man given up to Satan and so become of the Serpentine seed then is there no more forgiveness after because there is no other Sacrifice for him and this he hath utterly renounced and this sin is found in such according to the means and light in the means with which the Holy Spirit had been testifying to them and striving with them as may be seen by comparing the Scriptures in the Margent in which sin Prov. 1 24-31 Jer. 6.16.30 Ez●k 24.12 13 14. Heb. 10.29 according to the light and power extended to Men in the means less or more is the most high degree against the Father in contemning and ill requiting his love and graciousness and treading under foot his Son whom he hath sent and been giving to them and the highest degree of sinning against the Mediator the Man Christ in counting as common and prophane that precious Blood and sacrifice of his with which they were bought and so given into his dispose to shew favour to and some in some measure sanctified and the highest degree of sinning against the Holy Spirit in his gracious tenders of Grace to them And it is most properly called The sin against the Holy Ghost because the goodness of God in the first Creation was manifested without a Mediator to Man in innocency and so no need of this sanctifying work while Man was naturally holy and the Goodness of God in the Redemption wrought for Men though manifested in works of mercy through a Mediator yet Men so blinde and weak that they come not in thereby through the Mediator unto God therefore God out of his abundant Grace stretcheth forth his Hand by sending through Christ the Mediator and in his Name the Holy Spirit in the means he useth to enlighten the Mindes and move at the Hearts of Men that they might see believe and so turn and after some of their resistings reneweth his strife with more light and power yea if they yeild not then with some reproofs and chastisements And if after all this they sin against light and willingly persist despiting till they have wholly despited the love of the Father discovered by the Spirit in the Blood of Christ and the Blood and Sacrifice of Christ by which Peace was made for them and by and with which the Spirit hath been working on them and herein despited all the Light and Reproof and gracious Allurements and Bands of Love by the Holy Spirit streamed on them to bring them in to God Heb. 10.29 6.6 and so persisting till given up this proves a third sort and degree of sinning for which there is no sacrifice yea which contemneth the sacrifice in which is help for all sins of both the former sorts yea for all but this casting it off Fourthly and lastly These forementioned two sorts of sins so offered for by Jesus Christ as is said appears by the Scripture-Declaration how and in what manner and for what manner of sins and sinning God doth reprove charge and condemn Men either to Correction Judgements or Eternal Condemnation which since Christ undertaking and his Oblation considered we shall never finde to be for fins simply as fallen in Adam nor yet simply for their natural and necessitated weaknesses and swervings having no remedy afforded them to help much less because Christ died not for them or used no sufficiency of mean toward them by which they might have received help yea the manner of God's proceeding with Men witnesseth That Christ died for them and hath discharged the first debt for them and used means in good will and for good to them whence he saith Gen. 6.3 My Spirit shall not alwayes strive with them And so proceedeth in charging with Sin Reproof and Condemnation Prov. 1 24-31 9.12 Isa 1 2-15 5 4-8 Ezck. 24.13 Icr. 6 16-30 Mat. 23.37 Ioh. 3.19 Because I have called and ye refused I have stretched out my hand and none regarded ye would none of my counsel ye despised all my reproof ye refuse to hearken ye harden your hearts c. I would and ye would not And this is the condemnation that light is come into the world and men love darkness rather than light Which is another manner of Charge and Condemnation and for another manner of sinning putting under another manner of guilt than as Men fell in Adam And these are every way directly Men's own sins for which there is cleansing and pardon to be received in and through Christ till the Grace of his Oblation testified by the Holy Spirit be wholly despited but these things are shewn before and will be more in the after-Discourse only I have been thus large to shew that Christ offered his Oblation both to take away the sins Mankinde was fallen into and to procure authority and fitness to take away the following evils found in Men by offering it to God and for the making that known and taking away the following evils by application of the vertue of his Oblation to Men of which in his Intercession And yet farther to shew for what he gave himself for us it was 3. That by this Sacrifice so offered he might become the Lord of of all Men and Saviour of the World that so he may rightfully dispose of them and use such means to make known his Death and Sacrifice and the Ends and Vertues of the same to them as he being one with his Father in his will and design pleaseth and so to reprove and comfort Rom. 14.9.12 Psa 2.6 7 8 9. or abase and exalt accordingly as he pleaseth and this is express For to this end he died and rose and revived that he might be the Lord both of the dead and the living c. 2 Cor. 5.15 answerable to the promise made to him by the Father on that account and so it is said He died for all that they which lived each in their several ages should not kenceforth from the making this known to them though before they did live
remember Jude 5. How that the Lord having saved the people out of the Land of Egypt afterwards destroyed them that believed not and they being both there and in other places set forth for types and ensamples to us b 1 Cor. 10 1-11.11.18 I will instance yet that which comes nigher it is said Psal 78. He establshed a testimony in Jacob c. That the generations to come might know c. That they might set their hope in God c. And might not be as their fathers a stubborn and rebellious generation c. Which yet many of them were Psa 78.5 6 7 8. and did not set their hope in God as the story shews If it be replied This was but a Ministration I might answer This was God's End expresly that they might know and hope in God c. And that he did order and appoint insufficient and ineffectual means to bring his Ends about I hope none will say neither as I hope will any deny This giving of a Testimony to be a Type of his giving Christ for a Testimony for the same End But I will come to a closer Answer Isa 55.4 in that which the Lord affirms his own doing by the Mouth of the Prophet Jer. 13.11 12. As the girdle cleaveth to the loyns of a man so have I caused to cleave unto me the whole house of Israel and the whole house of Judah saith the Lord that they might be unto me for a people and for a name and for a praise and for a glory but they would not hear c. And so to this very business our Saviour himself tells us God sent not his Son into the world to condemn the world Job 3.17 vers 14 15 18 19 Ioh. 5.34 40 43. but that the world through him might be saved yet he doth not say or infer That the World shall all be certainly saved no not so but He that as he is displayed believeth on him shall be saved c. And so in his own personal Ministration he saith to the Jews These things I say that ye might be saved yet many of them to whom he preached to that End not would come to him nor receive his Words that they might have Life And the like may be seen in his end of sending his Gospel by his Servants so Act. 26.18 that all the way the word might used in setting forth an end aimed at implies sufficiency and effectualness in means to effect the end and good hope yea certainty if not willingly refused and resisted but not an absolute infallibility that the end in the blessed part of it shall be accomplished in fallen Men whether they attend and receive or no And all this is said not to wave one syllable in the Text but to shew what it saith not and how the word might is in such business in Scripture used when the ends of things that are to have their efficacy with and in fallen Mankinde are mentioned And so let us Secondly minde what he doth indeed say that is He gave himself for us that he might redeem us from all iniquity and purifie c. This expresly his gracious End of giving himself for us and so of his Oblation That he might redeem us from all iniquity c. which is partly hinted in the former Chapter shewing for what he offered himself which comes here to be enlarged as it hath reference to this expressed End and so that he might c. is 1. That he might have power and authority in the Nature of Man and as Man also even the Son of Man to be both Mediator between God and Men and to use what means he pleaseth to redeem Men from iniquity and to be the judge of Men and is foreshewn and doth yet farther appear Joh. 5.21 22-26 27. in our Saviour's own giving this as the ground of the Father's giving to the Son to have life in himself to call and to quicken whom he will and to execute judgement because he is the Son of Man And this also by himself explicated with his gracious End affirmed Thus it is written Luk. 24.46 47. and thus it behoved Christ to suffer and to rise from the dead the third day And that repentance and remission of sins should be preached in his Name among all Nations c. Phil. 2.7 8 9 10 11. Mat. 27 28. mat 28.18 19. And upon the account of his Sufferings and Sacrifice this power and authority being given him he from thence groundeth his own rightfull calling of them that are weary c. to come to him and on the same ground giveth commission to his Disciples to preach the Gospel and therefore he gave himself for us in suffering● and offering Sacrifice that he might have this power and authority as the publick Man and in and with it use means by the vertue of his Oblation to save c. And that God hath given him this power and authority to this end Act. 5.31 32. is affirmed 2. That he might be filled in the very Nature of Man with the immeasurable fulness of the Holy Ghost to this End that the Love Wisdom Power Mercy Truth Goodness and Face of God might appear to be seen in him and the Holy Spirit proceed from the Father through him in his Name while in the means he is displayed And this our Saviour expresly affirmed Joh. 16.7 both That unless he did go away which was by his Death and Ascension to offer Sacrifice the Comforter would not come and also That if he departed he would send him and this also upon the account of his Sufferings and Oblation Isa 50.2 3 4 5 6. Isa 61.1 2 3 4. he had not only the forementioned Power but God the Lord hath given him the tongue of the learned that he should know how to speak a word in season to him that is weary And this explained by himself The Spirit of the Lord God is upon me because the Lord hath anointed me to preach good tidings c. And this affirmed also by the Father upon the account of his Sufferings and Sacrifice Phil. 2 7-10 Heb. 8. Isa 42.1 2-8 Mat. 12 18. 3.17 17.5 in which he was his Servant and still is in his Ministration as in the Father's well-pleasedness in him and Acceptance of his Sacrifice and Mediation he is his Elect yea as the publick Man Behold saith he I have put my Spirit on him and he shall shew forth judgement to the Gentiles c. 3. That he might by vertue of his Blood in this his Oblation Psa 22 12-22 40.9 10. Joh. 3.14 15 16 12.31 32. Isa 55.4 5. Isa 42.7 8. Joh. 5.25 26 Isa 52.15 Heb. 9.14 1 Pet. 18 19. Rev. 5.9 with this Furniture he hath upon the account thereof in the means he useth especially in the Ministration of the Gospel declare his Father's Name and Righteousness and be himself lift up and
set forth as the Propitiation for sins and the Saviour of the World and so call all Men to him and therein by his Spirit open the eyes of the blinde and the ears of the deaf and give life to such as in seeing see and in hearing hear and so by degrees in this life redeem them from all iniquity by vertue of his Blood so applied to and sprinkled on their Hearts 4. That in this redeeming them from all iniquity he may purifie unto himself a peculiar people c. that is such as in his redeeming work upon them are found believing on him Tit. 2.11.13 Rom. 5.8 10. Col. 1.22 23. Eph. 5.25 26 27. and yielding to the motions and teachings of his Grace he may and doth still by vertue of his Oblation and his Father's Love commended there-through besprinkle them more with his Blood in Gospel-Testimony and so purifie them a peculiar people zealous of good works Phil. 2 7-11 that he may present them in due season spotless to himself and so have the glory of his Oblation in the eternal Salvation of all that have lived and died in the Faith and in his righteous judging of all wilful Opposers and Apostates This his gracious End in offering his Oblation and he being righteous holy faithful his Oblation was so effectual with the Father for all that for which it was offered that he hath granted him all this and every way furnished him for this end as is foreshewn And for the Power and Faithfuluess of our Saviour to pursue this End and so to do all that by which it may be brought about enough hath been said and more will be said in treating of his Mediation and Intercession And indeed he is and will be faithful to his Father 1 Joh. 2.1 Heb. 2.17 5 1-9 7.25 26. and merciful and faithful to us he is without sin holy unblameable compassionate merciful and able of which after But here in his dealings with Men he meets not onely with weakness and so offences and ill requitals but in some even after their eyes are opened with willing Rebellion closing them again and so the efficacy in Men is not so prevalent as it was with God nor the End so certain of being so accomplished in the blessed part on every Man though in every one that believeth it will but these things I leave to the after-Discourse having now shown concerning the Oblarion of Christ what was offered who offered it to whom it was offered For whom it was offered for what it was offered and to what End in which is an inclusion of his Mediation and of his coming again though not explicated which some Traditions and expressions of Men that darken it being removed will be very useful for our edification a little of which usefulness I shall in that order mention CHAP. 9. An Antidote and Caveat against some unfound Expressions FOr those Expressions about the plain Sayings of the Gospel that are so Serpentine-like first with Queries about the Truth of the plain-appearing Import of God's Sayings Hath God in saying Gen. 3.1 4. said was that his meaning do you think indeed he meant verily and in truth That Christ died for all Men gave himself a Ransom for all that he is the propitiation for the sins of the whole World or that any do indeed deny the Lord that bought them or depart from the Faith or count unholy the Blood of the Covenant wherewith they are sanctified c. and then follow on with plain Contradictions of the Testimony of the Holy Ghost boldly affirming Christ did not die for All Men he did not give himself a Ransom for All Men he is not the propitiation for the sins of the whole World none that are bought by him can deny him none that have true Faith can wholly depart from it none sanctified by the Blood of the Covenant can count it again as a common or unholy thing these are so gross that none that believe the Sayings of the Scripture for the Testimony of the Holy Ghost therein will entertain them and enough is said before to warn of these Part 1. ch 3 4 5 6 7 8. so that I forbear other answer to them But for those Expressions better coloured though having a tendency to the same End I shall instance a few of that learned Mr. Owens 1. That God will give Faith and Repentance to those whom he hath chosen and given to Christ to be saved a Pag. 264. Sect. 6. If this should be meant of Christ his dying and giving himself a Sacrifice to God and by that to save It 's shewn before That there are none given to Christ but upon the account of his Oblation be was given and gave himself for us but none of us given to him Rom. 14.9 but upon the account of his purchasing us also he in giving himself for us hath saved all Men from perishing for ever under the sentence of the Law as Mankinde at first fell under it and in that Death Rom. 5.18 in which thereby we should have perished and for eternal Salvation there are none given unto him to be saved but in the Heavenly call John 6.40 45. and 17.2 6. nor is he the Author of eternal Salvation Heb. 5.9 but to those that obey him in believing on him nor can there be any choice but in Christ nor any chosen in him but as by vertue of his Oblation he is a perfect Saviour and so none first chosen for Christ after to die for nor is there any elect in him who are not begun to be saved by him for the Election is through the Sanctification of the Spirit 2 Tes 2.13 14. 1 Pet. 2.9 par 1. ch 7. and Belief of the Truth and the Elect are Holy c. but enough is said in treating of the Oblation of Christ to shew the Vanity of this Expression it being also Scriptureless and not according to the Rule by himself approved 2. God purposed to give Eternal Life to his elect Believers and that none of them should ever be lost and committed the accomplishment of this to Christ b Pag. 84 2 Cor. 2.17 3.12 13. 4.1 2. This is no Scripture-Expression nor exprest in the plainness the Spirit in the Scripture useth but with much subtilty so as it might stand with the Doctrine he opposeth for if by Elect Believers he meant only such as believing the Grace testified in the Oblation of Christ are chosen through the Sanctification of the Spirit and the Belief of the Truth unto the Obedience and sprinkling of the Blood of Christ and so into union and fellowship with him and conformity to him and so being found believing on Christ the Accomplishment of their Salvation is committed to Christ and none such shall be lost Those he opposeth maintain this But if he mean of an elect Company in the Counsels of God preceding the Death
them and extending to some Revelation Demonstration and making known his minde and goodness to them and also dealing with Men from and for God in opening their Eyes and moving their Hearts to turn to God and look to him and be saved and again still dealing with God for Men for patience pardon and means still to be extended to them that so they might come to Repentance and Faith and that he in his Father's way may freely give it to them By which means and in which patience he is striving with Men in opening their Eyes and moving at their Hearts that they might believe and so from the prevalency of his Mediation by vertue of his Oblation he is giving them Faith and Repentance and such a Mediator he is for all Men yea so set to be of his Father and hath himself accepted to perform this Office also and is furnished for it with the vertue of his Oblation and Immeasurable fulness of the Holy Ghost being faithful able and constant in performance and so in respect of his receiving from the Father and so from God dealing with the people calling and making known God's minde being full of Spirit Love and Faithfulness he calls enlightens moves and so strives with all 2 Isa 42 1-7 45.22 49.6 8. 55.5 61.1 2 3. Joh. 1.4 5 7 8 9 10 11. Rom. 2.4 5. as hath been foreshewn a. And whereas men closing their Eyes which he hath opened c. not owning and receiving his reachings and motions which is the sin of the world he yet by vertue of his Blood and Oblation once offered so intercedes with God as to procure such forgiveness that they are not cut off presently for these transgressions but that longer time and patience and more mercies and means be extended towards them and farther strife with his Spirit that they might yet repent believe and be saved A gracious Mediator intimated to us in the Parable of the Vine-dresser Luk. 13.8 9. Lord let it alone this yeer also till I dig about it and dress it and if it bear fruit well if not then after c. If any say This is meant of the Church the Vineyard of the Iews I answer However meant it is spoken of particular Trees therein of some of which our Saviour saith Ye are of this World Joh. 8.23 Joh. 1.29 but it is plain express by Iohn Baptist Behold the Lamb of God which taketh or beareth away the sins of the world In which it appeareth evidently he speaketh of more than the Atonement and Purgation made and so of the sins taken away from before the Face of God at once by that one Oblation of his once offered yea he speaketh of a continued act by vertue of his Oblation in Mediation he taketh that is spoken of a present and continued business he taketh or beareth away the sin of the world that is his Office and his continued work That he is faithful in doing and how he doth it was long before prophesied Isa 53.12 He poured out his soul unto death and he was numbred with transgressors and he bare the sins of many And then speaking of another and farther business done by vertue of the former he faith also And made intercession for the transgressors A little of which we may see fulfilled in Christ's praying for them that crucified him Father forgive them they know not what they do Luk. 23.34 And this Prayer of his was answered yea in as full a sense and farther degree than that of Amos and they so forgiven this great Transgression that they were not presently cut off Amos 7.2 3 4 5 6. Luk. 24.47 Act. 2.38 3.26 5.31 32. but patience and forbearance and more and greater means extended and used towards them yea the Gospel after the Resurrection and Ascension of Christ first preached to them and Remission of sins c. according to Christ his Order so rendered and given to them And many of them did believe and receive the same And in like manner he procured patience and long-suffering for other great Transgressors even for the same gracious end That they might repent 2 Pet. 3.9 Rev. 2.21 2 Pet. 3●●5 whence we are willed to account That the long-suffering of the Lord is salvation Yea we are instructed into the knowledge of this Mediation of Christ by the Types of old the Truth of all being fulfilled and found in Christ Heb. 9.28 For Christ was once offered to bear the sins of man and unto them that look for him he shall appear the second time without sin unto salvation It is evident in this place That more is here spoken of and meant than bearing of sins in his Oblation-offering 2 Pet. 2 24. Col. 2.14 Rom. 4.25 Heb. 9.14 1 Ioh. 2.1 Rom. 6.9 for those he bare in his Sufferings and Death and nailed them to his Cross so as he did them all away in his Resurrection and then by the eternal Spirit offered himself a spotless Sacrifice to God in the Heavens nor can there be any more sin so imputed to him or so born by him he is just and can die no more but his bearing sins now is his taking them away and keeping the punishment of them off from us And this was also figured to us in the two Goats one slain for a sin-offering figuring out the Atonement made by the Death of Christ the other a living Goat Levit. 16.9 10 20 21 22. 1 Cor. 15.17 Rom. 4.25 over whom was confess'd all the iniquity of the Children of Israel and he bare them away into a Land of separation where no man dwelt to be charged with them So figuring out the Resurrection of Christ for our Justification and bearing away our sins the forgiveness whereof men perceive and receive in confessing and believing on him and yet a farther bearing away of sins was here typed 1 Joh. 1.7 9. in that it was of sins confessed after the Atonement was made over the live Goat that carried them away c. But I will not urge that but come to that which is more full and plain for this purpose Aaron the High-Priest did bear the names and the Judgement of the Children of Israel Exod. 28.29 30. when he went into the holy place continually and he with his Sons the Priests were to bear the iniquity of the Congregation to make Atonement for them before the Lord Levit. 10.17 and this was besides the Atonement made in the holy of holies once in the yeer And what bearing of iniquity this was may be cleer to us not that the iniquity of the people was imputed to the Priests and confess'd over their heads and they to suffer the judgement and punishment due to the peoples sins and to be offered in Sacrifice for them not so But as skilfull Hebricians say The word signifies and the Greeks translates so to bear and take away yea Numb 18.1 2
Power and Authority and oneness with the Father with I will c. That they be one with us and filled with Spirit even all the good things of thy holy Temple that their Prayers be answered and he is answered But I will instance in some particulars as well as by Scripture I may 1. By vertue of his Blood presented to his Father and sprinkled in the spiritual documents of it 1 Joh. 1.7 9. 2.1 2. Phil. 4.7 Rom. 5.1 2. believed Isa 52.15 Rom. 15.20 21. upon their hearts to bring them to see and acknowledge their present and daily infirmities defilements and offences and by the vertue of his Blood to dispense to them forgiveness and cleansing and so maintain that Peace of God in them that shall keep their hearts through him 2. Heb. 6.20 9.24 1 Cor. 1 30-31 By presenting himself for them Wisdom Righteousness Sanctification and Redemption and so presenting them before the Father in himself wise righteous holy free 3. Joh. 14.21 23. Heb. 9.13 14. 10.14 Col. 1.22 23. Eph. 5.25 26 27. By procuring of the Father such Manifestations by his Spirit in the Gospel of the vertues of his Sufferings and Sacrifice for them and his Father's Love there-through to them as thereby both to comfort and purifie them so as in due season he may present them as spotless to himself as now he presents them in himself before the Father 4. Heb. 9.15 8.2 6 10. Rom. 8.23 Joh. 14.16 17 18 26. 15.26 27. Act. 5.31 32. Joh. 16.13 14 15. 1 Pet. 2.7 2 Cor. 3.3 13. Heb. 3.10 11. By procuring for them a performance of the promises of the New Testament in sending forthe the holy Spirit in a first fruits to them according to his promise to be an Advocate and Comforter in and to them and so to minde them of and teach them the understanding of his sayings and to witness of him to them and through them to others to take of the things of Christ and shew to them and thereby glorifying him to them and making him precious to their hearts and so guiding them into all Truth so writing his minde in their hearts Rom. 16.20 1 Joh. 4.4 5.4 5. Rom. 5 1-3 8.14 15 16. Gal. 5.22 Phil. 1.9 10. 1 Pet. 2.5 Ioh. 7.38 39. Rom. 8.26 Ezek. 36.37 2 Sam. 7.27 and to subdue their sinful and fleshly lusts Micah 7.19 Rom. 8.13 Gal. 5.16 18. and to answer their opposers Mat. 10.20 and to support them in troubles Isa 43.3 Joh. 16.33 to be treading and so to tread Satan under their feet in due season and to give them victory over all the evil Spirits and Temptations that are in the World and to shed abroad his Love in their hearts and so fill them with peace joy hope and all spiritual springs of his goodness and fruits of righteousness and because of their ignorance and unworthiness of and inability to reach to or receive these things to lead instruct and move them to pray unto God for all these things promised in the Name of Christ Joh. 16.23 24. Zach. 12.10 5. To perfume their Prayers Praises and Services Rev. 8.3 Joh. 14.16 16.22 1 Pet. 2.5 6 7 9. with the Odours and sweet-smelling Vertues of his Death and Sacrifice and so by his Intercession thereby to expel from before his Father's Throne those mixtures of their fleshly weakness that were in them and make their suits acceptable to his Father and so procure them Answers from God 6. To procure their preservation for their Generation Joh. 17.9.13 2 Cor. 5.18 19 20. 1 Cor. 3.5 6 7. 4.1 Phil. 2.14 15. Eph. 4.7 8-12-16 Joh. 15.5 8 16. 1 Pet. 1.8 to be in his place in the World for the Ministration of the Gospel and holding forth the word of Life to the World and edifying one another and likewise for unity of Spirit among them and Sanctification and Blessing of them and their Ministration that so the World might be brought to believe and Believers may grow up together into Christ by that which every joynt supplieth that so they may not be barren but fruitful in the knowledge of Christ 7. To prepare for them heavenly Mansions Joh. 14 2 3. 1 Pet. 1.4 5. and them for the enjoyment of them and so to preserve them through Faith to the possession of the promised Inheritance All this doth he make Intercession for for all those that come to God by him and this a brief or little mention of his business he is now doing in heaven in making Intercession for Believers And because of his sending forth his Spirit into their hearts by which he is present with them and in them as in his Body also he appears in heaven before the Father for them Joh. 14.16 17 18. Hence that blessed and Holy Spirit of Christ bears his Name being called their Advocate Rom. 8.26 27. and Christ by him doing that work in them he is said to do it even to make Intercession for the Saints so that this making Intercession for the Saints in his Mediation of the New Testament dealing both with God and with them for them and in them is an high heavenly choice and peculiar business And surely all that come to God by Christ believing this it will fill them with strong consolation and make them pray with assurance of Faith knowing he ever liveth to make Intercession for them that come to God by him And therefore 4. That he is able to save to the utmost them that come to God by him which as it is plainly affirmed so I hope none of us doubteth therefore I will no farther instance proofs only let that be remembred 1 Tim. 2.4 5 6. which hath been before noted That though the Death and Ransom by Christ given was for all men and so his Mediation in general for all men that they might be preserved and come to the knowledge of the Truth for which he is able also yet the utmost and Eternal Salvation and Inheritance purchased by his Oblation was and is to be conferred on Believers not on all he died for or mediateth for not on such when through his mediation the heavenly cords are let down Psa 2.3 4 5. 2 Thes 1.8 2.8 10 12. will not obey in suffering themselves to be drawn to him Sure it is there is another portion justly designed for such but to those that by his heavenly cords are drawn to him Heb. 5.9 Joh. 1.12 and so believing come to God by him to these he gives Eternal Life Eternal Salvation and for these Believers that approach to God by him he maketh his special Intercession and Advocation and seeing he ever liveth to do this for them he is able powerful faithful true ready fit doing it at all times evermore to save them to the utmost and this Mediation of Jesus Christ by vertue of his Oblation both as in general for all men and
2 Cor. 4.5 6 7. Isa 42 1-10 Act. 5.31 was from hearing and beholding Christ the Son and so as the Lord gave to every man by his Spirit writ his Epistle in their heart If any desire farther honour to himself Iohn disowns it Christ forbids it the Apostles disclaim it so no wrong done in the quotation yet for giving this Honour to Christ as that glorious Object by vertue of his Oblation and by vertue of his Intercession also thereby such a full flowing Fountain of Life and Prince giving Repentance and Remission of sins that through him discovered and by him the Beholders of him are brought to believe I am not onely blamed but charged to learn this of the old Serpent 2. I answer I have learned to give this Honour to Christ from God the Father that saith Isa 42.1 2 7. 49.7 9. 55.4 5. Isa 61.1 2 3 4. Joh. 5.19 20 25 27. Eph. 2.8 Col. 2.12 Act. 5.31 Isa 55.4 5 6. 1 Cor. 3.4 5 6. He hath put his Spirit on Christ for that end That he should call and open the eyes of the blinde and cause such as foreknew him not to come in to him I have learned from Jesus Christ That he was anointed and filled with Spirit to that end and That the Father and he are one and That the Father doth nothing but the Son doth the same And this honour the Father hath given to the Son That all men should honour the Son as they honour the Father and Faith being the Gife of God and the Operation of God it is verily The Gift of Christ and the Operation of Christ yea He is Author and finisher Alpha and Omega in this work also yea I have learned it from the Holy Spirit both in the Testimony born by the Prophets and Apostles and for a plain express Answer 3. I am learned by the Spirit in the Gospel not only Tobelieve in Christ and on Christ as Mr. Owen saith but also as the Medium of both In the Name and on the Name of Christ yea and also in express words That all that rightly believe it is by Christ 1 Pet. 1.20 Who verily was fore-ordained before the foundation of the world but was manifested in these last times for you Vers 21. Who by him do believe in God that raised him from the dead and gave him glory that your faith and hope might be in God So that to give this Honour to Christ and his Oblation and Intercession That it is by him that men believe in God 1 Cor. 12.2 and so to confess him Lord is by the Holy Ghost though many dare say It 's from the Serpent because it exalts not them in the place of Christ as Rabbies But enough of this nor will I take notice here to answer any more such stuff in that Book of Mr. Owen's it having been fairly answered by a learned and godly Brother But in his pretended Answer to Mr. Iohn Goodwin the Book I minded that occasioned this Discourse he saith Pag. 217. Sect. 3. That Christ interceded for his Elect for whom he died that they may believe which he saith is denied by those he opposeth which both Saying and Aspersion he might have forborn for those he opposeth do hold as firmly as himself and more cleerly according to the Scriptures That Christ intercedeth in a peculiar and special manner for his Elect and chosen Ones that approach to God by him yea even for Believing and Faith in that sense that Believing is taken for abiding Believing and more firmly Believing and for Faith as Faith is taken for Confirmation and Perseverance in the Faith 1 Joh. 5.13 as is shewn in this fore-written Yea more than Mr. Owen can yet be brought to confess even That Christ in act or undertaking died for them before they were elect and That there was not any in him to lay aside the Heavenly Glory and die and rise and offer the Oblation in him and so to be the Mediator in and with him for then there would not have been that room for Imputation or Application to them nor could deserved Grace have been so freely bestowed But he did all this alone and in that respect is the Root and Fountain of Election also so that the Elect are beholding to the Oblation and Intercession of Christ for Election as well as for Faith yea and they believe That Christ interceded for these men also that they might believe but that was before they were personally Elect and so then not for them as they were Elect which then was not nor were they such but as they were Men of the World and Transgressors that means might be extended to them and they so brought to believe 2 Thes 2.13 and in this believing of the Truth chosen through the Sanctification of the Spirit which is God's Way And so Election in some sense a Fruit of Faith but Faith in the beginning of it and first coming into it is not in a proper sense a Fruit of Election yea furely we believe That all the Elect are a holy and peculiar people 2 Pet. 2.5 9. called out of Darkness into his marvelous Light and all of them that yet live on this Earth to shew forth his Praises now as those for whom he especially intercedeth That they may be kept Psa 102.17 23. that when all the Just shall be raised we may all more fully shew forth his Praises together but we dare not entertain vain fancies and dreams to vent them among the Rebellious as if some of them might even now while Rebellious be God's Elect for ought any man knoweth because the plain Sayings of Scripture are against this as hath been plentifully shewn and for that which we believe also and so for the Mediation of Christ in general for all men and more especially for Believers already shewed The third Branch of the Testimony of Christ CHAP. 16 Of the coming again of Christ and the manner thereof FOr the coming again of our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ it being one part of the Testimony of Christ it is needful also to be known and believed it being also of the very Object of Faith set forth in the Gospel to be believed so as without believing it no Man's Faith is compleat and entire in respect of the Object of Faith or Doctrine of the Gospel to be believed yet before I proceed in treating of it it is good to consider what manner of coming it is that is here spoken of because divers comings are spoken of in the Scripture though never but of two personal and bodily comings The first called His coming in the Flesh in Abasements to suffer and overcome in sufferings and so to offer the acceptable Sacrifice and so to make the Atonement obtain Redemption receive Spirit in the Man and sit on the right hand of God as the Mediator and great High-Priest and Prophet and King to send forth Spirit to Men
Saints be joyful in glory c. Psal 149.5 6 7 8 9. Let the high praises of God be in their mouth or throat and a two-edged sword in their hand to execute vengeance upon the Heathen and punishments upon the people to binde their Kings in chains and their Nobles with fetters of iron to execute upon them the judgement written This honour have all his Saints Hallelujah Mal. 4.3 For in that Day they shall tread down the wicked and they shall be as ashes under the soles of their Feet and so in the great straight to give the great Overthrow to the Enemies at the Day of the Lord 's coming it is said Zach. 14.1 2-6 Rev. 19 11-21 2 Pet. 3.5 6 7 8-10 The Lord my God shall come and all the Saints with thee And so the Armies in Heaven follow him to the taking of the Beast and the false Prophet and casting them into the Lake of Eire and slaying the Remnant with the Sword c. when also the Earth with the Works that are therein shall be burn'd up and destroyed as the old World was with Water And this being done the next work is 3. To restore all things so said Peter Act. 3.19 20. When the times of refreshing shall come from the presence of the Lord and he shall send Jesus Christ which before was preached unto you And so as in the beginning of the first Creation the whole business is first set forth in general Gen. 1 chap. and then the things done in the same time more particularly set forth and explicated chap. 2 and 3 So here in the dissolution of the Old and compleating of the New Creation the things done are in general related Rev. 19 and 20 chap. and then more particularly opened Rev. 21.7 5. chap. 21 and 22. And so Iohn saith He saw a new Heaven and a new Earth c. And the Lord saith Behold I make all things new c. And again These words are true and faithful And so the Believers when that great Overthrow is given to the wicked 2 Pet. 3.12 13. do look for a new Heaven and new Earth according to his promise for so when he cuts off the wicked Isa 65.12 15 17. he hath promised to create new Heaven and a new Earth c. And this is assured to be in that Day of the Manifestation of the Sons of God that the Creature even the whole Creation shall be delivered from the Bondage of Corruption into the glorious Liberty of the Children of God who shall then enjoy the Adoption Rom. 8.19 20 21 22. Heb. 2.5 6. with Psal 8.4 5 6 7 8. Rom. 4.13 Heb. 11.16 Isa 58.12 the Redemption of the Body which they now wait for This the World to come whereof we speak this the World to come of which Abraham shall be an Heir this the Country he and our Fathers waited for and then shall inherit so as Christ in this respect also is the Restorer of paths to dwell in And having thus renewed the Heaven and the Earth the next work which is done in compleating this is cleerly shewn 4. Rev. 11.18 Luk. 14.14 Joh. 14.3 2 Tim. 2.12 Rev. 1.5 5.10 Luk. 22.28 29 30. Mat. 19.28 29. To take unto him his great Power and Raign and so to give rewards to his Servants the Prophets and to the Saints and to them that fear his Name small and great and so to receive to himself all that have formerly believed on him lived to him and suffered with him that they may raign with him yea eat and drink at his Table in his Kingdom and sit on Thrones c. In which Raign and Kingdom of Christ with his Saints when he comes and takes it divers things are considerable as expresly declared and affirmed in the Scripture as about the place of his raigning and the place of his Throne and the extent and manner and prosperity and duration of his Kingdom CHAP. 18. Of the things considerable about the Kingdom of Christ THat mentioned in the Scripture about the Kingdom of Christ is 1. The place of his Kingdom and Raign it shall be upon the Earth the Earth being renewed This is plainly intimated in Heb. 2.5 6 7 8. compared with Psal 8.4 6 7 8 9. and affirmed both of him and his Saints upon the making of the new Heaven and the new Earth I Iohn saw the holy City Rev. 21.1 2. new Ierusalem coming down from God out of Heaven prepared as a Bride adorned for her Husband Is not this the Spirits of Just Men made perfect receiving their Bodies raised immortal Heb. 12.22 23 24. Gal. 4.26 1 Cor. 15.51 52 53 54. 1 Thes 4.15 16 17. glorious powerful and spiritual and the living Saints in the same moment of their Resurrection changed and made like them and so both together ascending and meeting the Lord in the Air or Heaven and so coming down with him as is foreshewn And that we may rightly understand the meaning of the Vision declared he farther saith Rev. 21.3 4 5 6 7. Zach. 14.9 Psal 72.8 And I heard a great voice out of heaven saying Behold the tabernacle of God is with men and he will dwell with them and so on Yea the Raign of Christ is expresly affirmed That it shall be on Earth and the Raign of the Saints with him that it shall be on Earth also so they confess Thou hast made us unto our God Rev. 5.10 Psal 37.9 10 11. Kings and Priests and we shall raign on the earth And so it is said When the wicked are cut off and shall not be then the meek that wait on the Lord in these dayes of his patience shall inher it the earth and delight themselves in the abundance of peace But this will still more appear in the Points following and so I will proceed to them 2. The place of the Throne it shall be Ierusalem the great and Holy City in the midst of Canaan in which Abraham walked and sojourned as a Stranger though then renewed and enlarged Jer. 3.17 and so it is said At that tune they shall call Ierusalem the Throne of the Lord And all Nations shall be gathered unto it Isa 24.23 to the Name of the Lord to Jerusalem c. The Lord of Hosts shall raign in Mount Sion and in Jerusalem and before his ancients gloriously Isa 33.17 20 21 And again Thine eyes shall see the King in his beauty c. Look upon Sion the City of our solemnities Thine eyes shall see Jerusalem a quiet habitation a tabernacle that shall not be taken down c. There the glorious Lord will be unto us a place of broad rivers and streams c. Oh Jerusalem the holy City Isa 52.1 henceforth there shall no more come into thee the uncircumcised and the unclean Rev. 21.10 11-27 Isa 2.3 Mic. 4.2 Isa 62.7 Ezck. 38.35 Psal 122.5 Mat. 19.28 according to that Rev.
the Son of Man shall sit on the Throne of his glory then in that day but whether in the beginning or in the middle or the end I leave to every man to think as he seeth cause all Nations shall be gathered before him this may be in beginning and middle and end throughout this great Day of the Lord and he shall separate them and set the sheep on his right hand and the goats on his left And when he doth that then he proceedeth to the last and final Judgement which Judgement is not by his Saints as the former judging and ruling was but by himself only and as the Resurrection of the Just at first was Christ his own work alone so the Resurrection of the Unjust and this final Judgement Rev. 20 11-15 is also now The compassing the Camp of the Saints fire coming down from Heaven and consuming the Enemies the time of Satan's last loosing and his being taken and cast into the Lake of Fire and then the Resurrection of the wicked and also their Judgement according to their works who knows what time these things will take What God as God may suddenly do I meddle not with but what God in Christ and so what the Son of Man will do according to the capacities of Men however enlarged by him in judging with as one may say opening the Books setting Mens sins in order before them producing witnesses and passing the sentence upon every one I dare not determine in what space of time this one thing shall be done but how long or short soever although joyful to the Saints yet all this with all that went before it from Satan's last loosing to his being cast into the Lake of Fire and the Resurrection of the wicked it is all after the thousand yeers of the Saints raigning and judging however the thousand yeers be taken and all this time Christ as Man raigneth and judgeth and his Saints are with him and so it is a long time and the Resurrection of the wicked and the final Judgement past then Christ delivereth up the Kingdom to his Father and then is the mystery of God wholly finished and time shall be no more all will be Eternity then the Kingdom continueth still for ever to Eternity only the Davidical Regiment of it is delivered up to the Father and all ruling as Men all differences of Men in ruling or ruled ceaseth yea Christ himself as Man and David's Son and his whole Body of Saints as Men yea he as a Monarch and they as Rulers or ruled are all subject wholly to the Divine Nature God being All in All the Man Christ remaining 2 Cor. 15.28 and God in him the Saints remaining and God in them the Kingdom remaining and God in all God is in all yea All in all he is in them all Wisdom Power Righteousness Truth Love Joy Glory Everlasting Life and Joy God is All and All in all yea so full so glorious and everlasting Joy that all former things are so forgot as if this had ever been yea without beginning and as if all that can be to Eternity were comprehended in present and so will be to Eternity without end the joy of the Lord in which he is in which all the Saints are it being their joy also they are now both filled and compassed with it in them they in it they now enjoy to the full that prayed for to which the first Fruits in the Day of Grace and the Harvest in the Davidical Regiment had its tendency Eph. 3.17 18 19. even to be filled with all the fulness of God yea if it may be born I suppose one might in a true sense say That of all the Saints and every of the Saints according to every of their capacities which by the Divine Nature possessing them will then be unconceivably great which is said of the Man Christ That as all the fulness of the Godhead even the Father Son and Holy Ghost in the Divine Essence Love Goodness Power Truth Glory c. dwells in him bodily so the fulness of the Godhead of Father Son and Holy Spirit in their Love Joy Goodness Power Wisdom c. dwells in them bodily then shews it self and operates in and through their Bodies so as never before only with this exception The Man Christ is one Person in the Son of God and so God-Man yea that very Person is very God though as Man he have yielded up the Government to God yet as God he governs still but none of the Saints are one Person with the Son of God and so not God governing but filled with God I desire to express it only as by Scripture I may We believing in him now live by Faith and enjoy all and walk in and by Faith Hope and Love but in the Davidical Kingdom we shall not live by Faith but by Sight 2 Cor. 5.7 1 Cor. 13.8 13. Rom. 8.24 25. 1 Joh. 3.2 4.7 12. 1 Cor. 15.28 and so there will be no Exercise of Faith nor yet of Hope we seeing as we are seen and none hopeth for that which he seeth and yet the habits of Faith and Hope abide till the Kingdom become wholly Divine but Charity is most in Exercise but when God is become All in all then Faith and Hope and all Desires are streamed into Charity and Charity abideth ever God is Charity and God and so Charity is All in them and in them all his delight in them and their rejoycing in him Oh unconceiveable Life Joy Happiness without any intermission for ever and ever But what manner of Glory this shall be is not yet revealed nor will be till Christ be upon the Throne of David that the whole mystery of God be opened Therefore I desire no farther to pry into it but only as it is revealed that so it shall be and that I desire to believe and for the manner of it let it alone till the Day declare it And this is all I will till farther occasion given me say of the Kingdom of Christ he comes to take and so likewise of the Ends of his second and glorious coming which yet is enough to make Believers long and wait for his coming the Time whereof is next to be spoken of CHAP. 19. Of the third Poynt The Time of the next coming of Christ FOr the Time of the coming again of Christ I shall also say what I finde for as for the precise hour or day natural or prophetical it were presumption in me so to enquire as to think before-hand certainly to know it seeing our Saviour Christ himself hath told even his own Disciples that enquired after it Ye know not when the time is not only when the end of the Day Mar. 13.32 33 34 35. the last and final Judgement shall be but not the beginning of the Day when the Master of the House cometh whether at even or at midnight or at cock-crowing or at morning If
Saints but the Beast and the false Prophet will stand against him also but he comes not then to suffer but to raign and so all the Enemies will be overthrown he coming to the ends aforesaid I have in this but made a homely Comparison of the proceedings with Jews and Gentiles specially Christians how it was with the Jews is plainly declared through the Scriptures how it was with the Gentiles the Christians in the first ages is seen in the Scriptures and for the following ages it is there also propheted and for other knowledge I leave to them that are acquainted with Histories how it is now let such as have understanding judge And I suppose this will come neer to one with the former accounts of those godly learned Men and manifest that first said That the coming of our Lord is nigh at hand the call of the Jews being at the doors the fulness of Gentiles neer come and the personal coming of Christ not long after he shews us daily our lives here cannot be long and he is in his works hastening his coming and all to move us to haste to it and be always ready and waiting for it Behold he cometh CHAP. 20. Some Application of this Branch of the Testimony of Christ concerning his coming again in such manner to such ends c. THe knowledge and mindefulness of this personal coming again of Jesus Christ in such manner and for such ends as is shewn and his coming so fast and nigh-approaching is profitable to warn teach and stir us up first to avoid and resist the evils and keep from the danger of seducing and evil Spirits that labour to with-draw and turn many from the Faith of his coming by their subtil Reasonings and Arguments viz. 1. Those Scoffers that say Where is the promise of his coming for since the Fathers fell asleep 2 Pet. 3 6. all things continue as they were from the beginning of the Creation Where is this new Heaven and new Earth This Restauration of all things This raigning of Christ and his Saints you say was promised to the Fathers And you have long called these the last dayes and yet no such things appears you are beguiled with some Enthusiasm or Millenary-Opinion you wait for a Fancy one Generation goeth and another cometh all things continue as they were and will so do We in belief of the Testimony of Christ 2 Pet. 3.5.7 may know these Men are willingly ignorant c. we may admire God's Patience to such in forbearing them that they might repent before his coming and his patience towards us that have not done all we might to gain Men in to Repentance that we might renew our Diligence and we know a Day is not in God's account as it is with Men and that there are some things still to be performed that must be done before his coming and the being tried with such Scoffers is one thing in which we see the Truth of his Word that foretold it and the fulfilling of it and the hastening and nighness of his coming to stir us to desire it c. 2. 2 Thes 2.2 Those that go about to shake the minde of Believers by saying the Day of Christ is at hand now presently or within one hour or a day or ten dayes or a month or two months or such a day week or month within this yeer or before a yeer be out and thereto pretend a spiritual Revelation or some word or some thing as out of the writings of the Apostles for though that day be much nigher at hand than when the Apostles gave that warning and though that falling away and the Revelation of the Man of sin be now come to pass yet all there spoken is not yet fulfilled And so we know by the same Rule That all the Horns or ten Kingdoms do not yet hate the Whore and though there is a good beginning and in some places her Flesh eaten yet not by them all nor have they yet burnt her with Fire nor are the Jews yet come into their own Land yea Euphrates is not yet dried up all which must first be So that it is not so at hand as to be this day or week but he is coming apace and hastening in doing these things and our lives short which is enough to move us to be alwayes ready waiting and looking for his coming 3. Those that say The Resurrection is past already The Lord is come to them 2 Tim. 2.18 and they are risen and do raign and Heaven is in them and they are in Heaven enjoying the new Heaven and the new Earth already and are above all Ordinances needing the use of none of them We in belief of the Testimony of Christ do know That when the Lord comes he comes and appears to all at once and so when the Just are raised they are raised all at once and all Saints made immortal at once and go with the Lord to the overthrow of the wicked then enjoy the new Heaven and the new Earth and raign together neither marrying nor giving in marriage 1 Cor. 4.8.2 Thes 4.14 15. Heb. 11.40 nor living in such condition so that whatever they fancy of their being risen and living and raigning in such manner they are deceived for if it were so indeed we should not be left behinde or be as they say we are still in the dark but we should see and raign also with them if they did so in Truth for no one shall prevent another in this or any Saints be perfect without their Fellows 4. Those that put off all the coming of Christ 2 Cor. 11.2 3 ● 2 Pet. 3.18 19. 1 Ioh. 2.22 Prov. 30.13 into a coming in the Spirit and say We must wait indeed for a coming of Christ but it is a coming in the Spirit and That it is but a fleshly Faith to believe in Christ as come in the Flesh but the spiritual believing is to believe in him as come in the Spirit and so enjoying him he is come indeed and then such live above Faith Some such as these are intimated in the Apostles times though the Spirit of Antichrist did but begin then to work But we that believe the Testimony of Jesus Christ do know That Jesus that very Man is The Christ and That his very being come in the Flesh and that he hath done therein and thereby is the Foundation of our Faith and Hope and the way and door of our approach to God and that through which all Mercies are extended yea even the Spirit it self yea this it is which the Holy Ghost whose work it is glorifieth to the Heart and so enables to believe in Christ and unites and frames to him thereby and so to confess him come in the Flesh which none can do but by the Holy Spirit which is Christ his sending Spirit and so coming to them and dwelling in them by Spirit in which he was never absent from
3.4 5 6 7. read and consider the place and see it is the kindness and love of God our Saviour toward man it 's not said Joh. 3.16 his special and peculiar Love to some Elect but the pity and love of God to Man-ward that in its appearing saved us not according to works of righteousness which we have done it neither appeared or saveth by any thing in us or done by us Rom. 3.9 25. 5.6 8 9 10. 2 Cor. 5.20 Eph. 2.16 17. in which we were better than others but according to his mercy that is his Love commended to sinners in his giving Christ to die and make peace for them by his Blood when we were Enemies and causing it to appear to us while we were such and no better than others he saved us that is reconciled our hearts and converted us to himself and this saving by the washing of Regeneration that is the vertue and efficaciousness of the Blood and Oblation of Christ by means of his Mediation made known to us and his Love there-through streaming Rom. 5 1-5 1 Pet. 1.2 2 Thes 2.13 Heb. 9.14 being by the Holy Ghost set home to the Heart and so also by the renewing of the Holy Ghost who in such discovery as is said sprinkleth the Blood of Christ in the Heart and thereby speaketh peace and createth or reneweth a new Disposition or Spirit in the Heart Rom. 3.22 24 25 26 27. 4.5 23 24 25. 5 1-11 Which washing of Repentance and renewing of the Holy Ghost he by vertue of his Oblation once offered and his Intercession continued the Divine Love appearing there-through shed on us abundantly through Jesus Christ our Lord that we being justified by his Grace now mark the last end in which his coming again is intimated we should be made Heirs according to the Hope of Eternal Life 1 Joh. 4.9.10 Thus doth the Love of God to Mankinde appearing through the Oblation of Christ lead to see and enjoy the Ends and Vertues of his Oblation and therein the Benefit of his Mediation and Intercession and therewith and thereby the Hope of the Inheritance and Eternal Life in the coming again of Christ so precious is the word of the beginning of Christ to lead into all that follows to be known of him 2. Tit. 2.11 12 13 14. read the place and minde The Grace of God Tit. 3.4 2 Cor. 3.18 Phil. 3.7 8. which is the same with the kindeness and Love of God to Man-ward saving to all men or bringing Salvation to all Men hath appeared so as in its appearing and saving Operations it teacheth us here is the benefit of his Mediation in extending the Vertues of his Oblation that denying ungodliness and worldly lusts we should live soberly and righteously and godly in this present world now mark the last looking for the blessed hope and the glorious appearing of the great God and our Saviour Jesus Christ And all this large Grace appearing in such saving tendency with such teachings and fitness for prevalency therein grounded and bottomed upon the Word of the beginning of Christ vers 14. Who gave himself for us c. with which I began this Discourse of the Oblation Intercession and coming again of Christ and with the same I for this Part end In all that is said of the Testimony of Christ in every Branch and of all together it appears That this Testimony is a Doctrine according to godliness and hath its natural tendency to godliness effecting it in all cordial Believers of it and also that this Testimony of Jesus is The Spirit of Prophesie The Original of all right Understanding The true and so best Enlightner Teacher School-Master and Director to all right understanding and speaking And ignorance and unbelief of this Testimony or any Branch of it specially the first is the cause of all error and mistakes about Scriptures And by this Testimony minded we may discern what true Faith is what the Object what the Medium discovering what the Believing is and how it worketh But I forbear to proceed farther in those things till I have first minded the degrees of the Revelation of Christ in this Testimony of him and how it was revealed evidenced and so made known and taught by degrees till the whole was cleerly manifested to be so now taught and believed An Explicite Declaration of the Testimony of Christ c. PART III. CHAP. I. Of the first Revelation of Christ and Way of making him known THE first Revelation of Jesus Christ was in Paradise thus Gen. 3.15 I will put enmity between thee and the woman and between thy seed and her seed it shall bruise thy head and thou shalt bruise his heel In which according to Explication since is observed 1. That the first Promulgation of the Gospel as it was immediate from and by God himself so it was done in the denouncing the Curse on the Serpent and his Seed yea Gen. 3.1.14 15. in some measure on the Serpent that was the Devil's Instrument and its Seed but in full and specially on the Devil the old Serpent with his Angels Rev. 12.9 20.2 8.13 9.12 11 14-18 and those by his Temptations become of him and so his Seed even as the compleating of the Exaltation of Christ and those that are his Seed is declared in the denouncing and bringing in the last and great Wo upon the Inhabiters of the Earth which are the Seed of this old Serpent 2. Gen. 3.16 17. Rom. 5.18 Heb. 9.27 That the Seed of the Woman is also so exprest that it may have a double sense one a more remote sense in which it may be carried to all that come of her by a natural conception before whom in the Promise Hope was set and of and from among whom the two Seeds more directly spoken of are and will be drawn And the other sense proper and nigher and that both principal full Gen. 3.15 Psal 49.7 8. Isa 7.14 Mat. 1.22 23. Luk. 1.30 34 35. Gal. 4.4 Mat. 1.1 Rom. 1.3 Gal. 3.16 1 Joh. 3.5 8. Heb. 2.14 and most cleer and direct and that is the Lord Jesus Christ for he saith It shall bruise thy head It was not thus The Woman nor any of her Seed by natural conception which are every way as much the Seed of Adam the Man as of the Woman of which no Man can redeem his Brother or give to God a Ransome for him But it was He even Jesus that was conceived in the Wombe and born of a Woman and a Virgin in a supernatural way without the help or use of Man which Virgin was of the Seed of Abraham and David to whom also the Promise was explicated and so he was the Seed of David of Abraham of the Woman the promised Seed even he that in due time was manifested to take away sins and destroy the works of the Devil And the Holy Ghost hath given us
at his coming will be compleatly fulfilled as according to all this vision Nathan spake to David yea God spake the same in vision to David Psal 89. 1 Chron. 17.15 Psa 89.19 20 29 30 37. how he would exalt him and there brings in Christ under his Name as he had before done to Abraham and shews how he will beat down his Foes and make him higher than the Kings of the Earth how his Seed shall indure for ever and his Throne as the dayes of Heaven yet here in this Life if his Children forsake God's Law and walk not in his Statutes he will visit their Transgressions with the Rod and their iniquity with stripes but his mercy he will never take from him nor suffer his faithfulness to fail his Covenant he will not break c. once he hath sworn c. he shall have his Seed still and his Seed shall endure for ever and his Throne as the Sun before him it shall be established for ever 2 Sam. 23.3 4 5. and of this he speaketh Psal 132.11 18 and also in 2 Sam. 23.1 5. where mentioning the Ruler what a one he shall be and the excellency of his Raign David confesseth his house in his own personal Raign was not so with God nor in his natural Race did the Lord make it so to grow yet saith he He hath made an everlasting Covenant with me he saith not with my house as then it was but with me ordered in all things and sure and professeth for himself this is all my salvation and all my desire And David by the Spirit filled with the Knowledge of this Kingdom of Christ God did still by inspiration of his Spirit reveal to him and he by that Spirit spake of Christ the Anoynted the true David and Solomon the Son of David the Son of God the great King of him he saw and foretold The great opposition and raging conspiracies that would be against him in his first coming in the flesh Psal 2.1 2 3. Act. 4.25 and spiritual evidencing thereof to draw men in to him and this by Jews Gentiles Rulers and People The great sufferings that he should undergo by great and small Psal 22.7 18. 69.12 21. their laughing scoffing shaking the head at him piercing his hands and feet parting his Garments giving him Gall and Vineger to drink c. The Treason of Judas Psal 41.9 109.2 3 4 8. Act. 1.20 one of his chosen Apostles and the overthrow of that Traitor that rewarded evil for good His Death and Resurrection Psal 16.8 9 10 11. Act. 2.31 and 13.33 His doing the whole will of God and so ascending to Heaven Psal 40.7 8 9 10. 110.1 68.11 18 20. Heb. 10.5 6 14. Act. 2.33 and offering the acceptable Sacrifice and then sitting at the right hand of God receiving immeasurable fulness of Spirit in the Man and for Men and so extending thereof to the rebellions that he might dwell with them and to that end raising up many Preachers to declare his Name c. His coming again Psal 2.6 9. 149.4 9. and sitting upon his Throne and raigning and the coming of his Saints to raign with him and the great overthrow he and they all shall give to all the worldly Powers that stand against him and then the flourishing Estate of his Kingdom in Jerusalem and over all the Earth and this largely in the last Psalm which he sung and committed to the Church Psal 72.1 16. and most probable at the same time with that 2 Sam. 23.1 5. Yea Psal 102.16 the time of this his building up Sion and raigning to be even then when he shall appear in his glory All this and much more with the gracious requirings and operations of this Grace believed was revealed to David and he being filled furnished with the Holy Spirit hath declared the same and left it upon record in the Book of Psalms and so I leave it and the residue for such as desire the same to read there And so there was now a great explicite and cleer Revelation in which also was opened and interpreted to them the meaning of and the Truth typed by their Sacrifices and other figures and shadows yet it pleased God still to give more revelation of Christ and to explicate the Testimony in particulars more CHAP. 5. Of the fifth Revelation of Christ and the things of Christ IT pleased God by his holy Spirit to be still revealing Christ and the things of Christ in and to the following Prophets 1 Pet. 1.11 12. 2 Pet. 1.20 Luk. 1.70 Act. 26.22 and by them to Israel and Judah and that so fully both of his first coming and second coming that there is nothing of the things of Christ as then to come but it was revealed to and by them as to instance some 1. The Messenger that should go before his face or in his presence to prepare the way before him Mal. 3.1 Mat. 11.10 Isa 40.3 8. Joh. 1.16 20 23 29. Mar. 1.2 3. and the Doctrine in crying down all flesh and exalting the word of the Lord by which he should do it and the sudden coming of the Lord on the appearance of this Messenger which is now evidenced to be John Baptist. 2. His own first coming and living among men his Ministery Sufferings Victory and Works in each particular Isa 9.6 Luk. 2.11 Jer. 23.22 Gal. 4.4 Isa 7.14 Mat. 1.23 Isa 11.1 Luk. 1.27 c. Mic. 5.2 Mat. 2.5 Ioh. 7.42 Jer. 31.25 Mat. 2.16 17 18. Isa 61.1 2 3. Luk. 4.18 Psal 69.9 Ioh. 2.14 17. as to say a little his birth into the world of a woman a Virgin of the House and Seed of David his birth in Bethlem-Ephratah in Judah yea his flight into and return out of Egypt Hosea 11.1 Mat. 2.15 and the slaughter of Rachel's Children on that occasion in Bethlem His return to Nazareth and manner of living among men Isa 53.2 3 4. Mat. 2.23 Luk. 2.51 Joh. 1.46 7.52 Mar. 6.3 His Ministery his Miracles and Patience Isa 42.1 8. Mat. 12.1 18. His Parables Psal 49.1 4. 78.2 Mat. 13.35 His Zeal for purging the Temple Zach. 11.12 13. Mat. 26.15 27.3 9. Isa 53.7 8 10 11 12. Isa 7.14 Mat. 1.23 His Meekness and riding on an Ass and a Colt the Fole of an Ass Zach. 9.9 Mat. 21.1 10. His being sold for thirty pence the scattering of his Disciples from him Zach. 13.7 Mat. 26.31 56. His being scourged and crucified between two Thieves Isa 50.6 53.12 Mat. 27.26 38. Yea his Death Burial and Resurrection and his Sacrifice offered his being filled with knowledge and his Mediation on that account or by vertue thereof yea his being God-Man in one Person Emmanuel God with us 3. That in respect of all this which he hath suffered and done Isaiah 28.16 1 Pet. 2.5 6. 2 Cor. 5.19 1 Cor. 3.11 Act. 4.11 Isa 49.6 45.22 1 Joh.
writings we may discern that all the Sriptures testifie of Christ CHAP. 6. Of the next and sixth Revelation of Christ his person and personal coming in the flesh THe next Revelation of Christ was of his person and personal coming in the Flesh who he was what a one he was and wherefore come c. and this was first to Zacharias by an Angel Luk. 1.13 14 15 16 17. declaring his Son that should be called John to go before him in the Spirit and Power of Elias c. him before whom he should go the Angel called The Lord their God then by the Angel to the Virgin Mary her self declaring his conception and birth and who Luk. 1.26 27 35 Luk. 1.41 42 43 48 55 67 68 69 79. Mat. 1.20 21 23. Luk. 2.10 11 14 16 17. and what a one he should be and that he should have the Kingdom of his Father David then by the holy Ghost in the Prophecy of Elizabeth my life of Zacharias then by the Prophecy of the Virgin Mary the Mother of Jesus then by the Prophecy of Zacharias being filled with the holy Ghost then by an Angel to Joseph the espoused Husband of the Virgin Mary then to Shepherds by an Angel with a multitude of Angels confirming the same declaring his birth with the day and place thereof and that he is the Saviour even Christ the Lord and this tidings of great joy which shall be to all people And then by the Shepherds when they had both heard and seen unto others then by old Simeon who had it revealed to him and was inspired by the holy Ghost Luk. 2.25 28 32 35. and came and took him in his arms and declared him to be God's Salvation which he had prepared before the face of all people a light to enlighten the Gentiles and to be the Glory of his people Israel Luk. 2.36 38. And then by one Annah a Prophetess And after all this by certain wise men that came from the East to Jerusalem being directed to him by a Star Mat. 2.1 2 9 10 11. who declared him born King of the Jews and worshipped him and offered him gifts And after all this to John the Son of Zacharias declaring this Jesus to be The He Joh. 1.31 33. Luk. 3.1 2 3. The Christ c. to which John the Word of the Lord came at that time mentioned Thus and in many things now came to pass according to fore-prophecies Christ was declared to be already begun to be come in the Flesh and to be the Son of God and the Son of David the King of the Jews and the Saviour of the world the great Prophet and Messiah promised and that this very Jesus that was born in Bethlem of the Virgin espoused to Joseph and seen of the Shepherds and taken in the arms of old Simeon and witnessed to by Zacharias and John his Son even this very Jesus is he even the Christ c. and ready to set on his work And now the person of Christ thus come and thus witnessed and pointed out who he is and that he was personally on the earth and ready to set on his great business doing and that that very Jesus is he is more than ever was so revealed and manifested before and the beginning both of the performance and the more cleer opening of all the prophecies that have been of him from the beginning and so light began to shine forth more cleerly And now in this Revelation of Christ and for making him known according to this Revelation Isa 40.3 4 6 7 8. Mal. 3.1 Luk. 1.13 14 15 16.17 76 79. 3.15 16. Joh. 17.20 23. Luk. 1.15 44 76 78 79. Luk. 1,17 to prepare men that they might come into the acknowledgement of him it pleased God to chuse in Christ the Messenger of the Father and his own Messenger also fore-purposed and now declared to be his immediate Fore-runner to go before his Face to prepare his way and him he approved for this Ministration And for this blessed Ministration he was abundantly furnished in that he was filled with the holy Ghost from his Mothers Wombe and was confirmed by all the Declarations and Prophecies fore-mentioned given to him by the Spirit in the Prophecies and Instructions of his Father and was himself indued with the Spirit and Power of Elias to go on in his Ministration before the Lord and had the word of the Lord came to him revealed and inspired by God into him both in the Doctrine he had to teach and how to apply it to his hearers and also commission to testifie the Truth of it by baptizing with water And in this receit of the Word of the Lord that came to him he received his Commission to set on the business of preaching and babtizing and so did set on it in the fifteenth yeer of the raign of Tiberius Caesar Luk. 3.1 2 3 4. when Poutius Pilate was Governour of Judea and Herod the Tetrach of Galilee and Annas and Caiaphas High-Priests and what his Testimony and Doctrine was appears in that which is recorded of what he taught and delivered to be 1. That Jesus Christ is the Word that was in the beginning with God that was God and that was with God Joh. 1.1 2 3 14. Gen. 3.15 by whom all things were made that are made and that this same Word was made Flesh and dwelt among them Emmanuel God with us in our Nature and for us even he that was promised and manifested to do that great work for taking away our sins and destroying the works of the Devil 1 Ioh. 3.5 8. Ioh. 1.4 7 8. 9. so that in him is Life and the Life is the Light of Men and he is the true Light that enlightneth every one that cometh into the World 2. That he is the onely begotten Son of God and yet very Man full of Grace and Truth and being in the heart Joh. 1.14 16 18. minde and bosome of the Father knowing all his counsels and being one with him in his will and design and so in all his decrees and purposes and as Man having commission from him he hath revealed and declared him so as in knowing him his minde is to be known 3. That he the Man Jesus Christ being the Son of God Joh. 1.11 and perfect Man the Mediator between God and Man full of Grace and Truth declaring the Father he is so loving to Man and so bountiful to all that receive his Declaration and so believe on him that he giveth them of his own Priviledges even to be the Sons of God and so dispenseth to them of his own fulness so that as the Law discovering sin and sentencing to death and that part of it also which by types and figures in Sacrifices and purifications shadowing out a better hope to be looked to in Christ to come though afar off came by Moses even so Grace and free favour in forgiveness of
The Light of the World so that the Ministration of Christ in the Gospel by himself or his Servants it or he in it is not to condemn Joh. 8.12 12.47 Joh. 5.34 Rom. 2.5 Joh. 33.16 17 24 29 30. Prov. 1.23 Rom. 11.11 23 32 33. 1 Cor. 5.5 2 Pet. 3.15 Rev. 2.21 Isa 5.4 Ezek. 24.13 Joh. 3.19 Rom. 11. 2 Cor. 4.4 Mat. 13.15 Ier. 8.9 Iona. 2.8 Mat. 10.26 Mar. 8.36 Ioh. 3.18 19. Mar. 16.16 Exod. 34.6 7. Isa 30.16 17 18. Psa 145.8 9. Ioh. 7.47 48. destroy or judge to perdition the World no not those in the World and of it that at present reject his words but even to save such his words to them are still That they might be saved his mercies are to lead to repentance that they might be saved his chastisements to break them of their pride and enterprizes that they might be saved yea his reproofs and beginning to deliver them to Satan are for the destruction of the flesh and to abase them that they might be saved yea his killing by the Law was that they might live to God Gal. 2.19 yea all his patience and long-suffering is and is to be accounted Salvation being extended to Men because he is not willing that any should perish but that they might come to Repentance and be saved yea he doth that in the means he useth whereby they might be saved so that he loseth none Joh. 6.39 17.12 but whoever are lost it is by rebelling against the light and so causing that which was for their welfare to be turned into a snare in their joyning with Satan that is blinding their mindes refusing when their eyes are opened in seeing to see and casting aside his word and following lying vanities they lose their own mercies and their own souls and these have one that judgeth them even the Light in the Word that hath come to them doth inwardly accuse and condemn them as guilty of sin and liable to death But yet notwithstanding Christ in his Ministration is patient towards them and waits to be gracious to them like as his Father doth being the same with him and having his Name on him and doth not in his Ministration in the dayes of his patience judge them but reserveth that his judging and passing Sentence until the last day when he is come again Whence we may understand the meaning of that sentence Eccles 9.4 To him that is joyned to all the living there is hope Rom. 11.23 so that if they abide not still in unbelief they shall be grafted in again for God is able to do it and therefore continue means still towards them but if they persist still in dis-obedience till the dayes of his patience be out Eccles 9.10 11.3 Ioh. 12.48 then no more hope but at that day the word of the Lord that he hath spoken and the light in the means that he hath extended shall judge them Rom. 2.16 for then will God judge all Men by Jesus Christ according to the Gospel not by the Law of bondage as they fell under it in Adam but by the Law of liberty brought to them by Jesus Christ Iam. 2.12 which could not rightly be if in his word Salvation were not for them 2 Thes 2.10 and truly tendered to them and means whereby they might have received it and this not onely in a shew and pretence but verily and in truth that they might have been saved So far our Saviour's own Testimony of himself and his Father's and his own end in his Ministration and the same he testifieth of himself and his end in the Ministration continued by his Servants left by him in the World to that end that the words he gives them to speak are such as whereby Men should be saved and to that end and that he sends them in Ministration to that end to open their eyes and turn them Ioh. 17.15 18 21. Act. 11.14 Act. 26.17 18. c. and this affirmed by his Spirit in his Servants that God in Gospel-Ministration sends Christ to bless them in turning every of them from their iniquities and so of Christ his coming into the World both in his personal Ministration and his Ministration by his Servants Act. 3.26 This is affirmed as a faithful saying in which there is no dissimulation no equivocation no wreathedness Prov. 8.4 5 6 9. but it is according to the very Heart and Minde of God and very plain to be understood according to the import of the words and worthy all acceptation to be heeded believed and imbraced with the heart That Jesus Christ came into the world to save sinners 2 Tim. 1.15 sinners indefinitely such and all such as are sinners and to put all out of doubt the Apostle having mentioned what a sinner he was saith of whom I am the chief such the purpose and gracious end of God in the gift of his Son and of Christ in his coming and Ministration both immediate and mediate extended for teaching to Men. 4. That Jesus Christ according to all this Revelation of him and of the Father's love in giving him and making him known and his gracious end in this Ministration of him is to be displayed held forth preached and affirmed as a word of Truth and Verity to the World of Mankinde to all Nations to every Man in the whole Creation where-ever they come and this is plain in the commission and charge given them True it is the Ministration of John Baptist was but to the people of Israel though the light of it to be extended farther Mat. 28.19 20. Mar. 16.15 Luk. 1.16 77. Ioh. 1.7 Mat. 15 24. Mat. 10.5 6. Rom. 15.8 9. and so the personal Ministration of the Gospel by Christ was primely to them the Circumcision the lost Sheep of the House of Israel and his Disciples Ministration while he personally abode with them on Earth was no farther but to the House of Israel yet was this also to confirm the promises unto the Fathers and that the Gentiles might glorifie God for his Mercy whence when by providence led among the Samaritans Ioh. 4.10 42. he as an over-plus in his Ministration converted some of them that in hearing his voice became the Sheep of his Ministration yet he did not outwardly fold them till after his ascension and pouring forth the Holy Ghost Ioh. 10.14 15 16. when the commission and mission was enlarged for his Servants Ministration But now when his suffering-work was finished death overcome the acceptable Sacrifice offered and he on the right of God and having sent forth Spirit the veil of the Temple rent the partition-wall broken down and all Tongues sanctified to declare the Work and Name of God in they are to go into all the World and to declare and preach Christ as thus revealed Rom. 5 12 18. Mat. 22.1 7. Prov. 9.1 2 3. Isa 55.1 2 3 4. Rom. 5.18 3.23 24. to every
so come to God by him and of this their Ministration and so this Ministration to continue till his coming again 2 Cor. 2.14 15 17. 3 10 11 12. 4.1 with which he is well pleased so that all the efficacies of it are to him a sweet savour This the choice and good pleasure of his will according to which they were to minister and did minister and both his choice of them and furnishing of them to his Ministration and their so ministring to bring Men by Christ to Sonship Eph. 1.6 was for this glorious end Vers 6. To the praise of the glory of his grace The Grace of God was from the beginning and testified in his works and word and he praised for it by his Servants but the riches and gloriousness of it was but dimly seen in respect of what indeed it is nor did it so appear till the Son was manifested till he came and was thus revealed and that God spake by him Col. 1.15 Heb. 1.1 3. Joh. 1.14 16 17 18. and manifested himself through him who is the Image of the invisible God the brightness of his glory the express Image of his person who hath declared him so that God that commanded the Light to shine out of darkness shined in the Hearts of these first Witnesses the Light of the Glory of God 2 Cor. 4.6 Col. 1.26 27. Rom. 6.25 26. Eph. 3.6 7. in the Face of Jesus Christ revealing the Riches of the Glory of this Mystery c. as formerly had not been revealed to others yea the largeness of this Riches and extention of it to all Mankinde in Ministration that they might participate so as they were for the praise and praising 2 Cor. 1.20 4.7 1 Pet. 1.4 and their Ministration for declaring extolling and praising the glorious largeness riches and freeness of his Grace and to occasion and bring others to glorifie and praise the same together with them in which free and abundant Grace or as still in vers 6. Wherein he hath made us accepted in the beloved Eph. 1.6 which is as much as in more words to say That in the discovery of his glorious Grace in Christ to us Rom. 5.1 6 8.11 Tit. 3.4 5 6 2 Cor. 5.14 15 18 19 20. 1 Tim. 1 12 13 14.15 16. Rom. 8.2 1 Joh. 1.1 2 3. and shedding it abroad in our hearts he hath therein and thereby reconciled us who were sinners as others are unto himself and so made us accepted in Christ the Beloved and counted us faithful and put us in the Ministery so as we have seen and known what we preach and have our selves experience of that we preach to others being also patterns set forth of God for them that believe he having committed to us and put in us the word of Reconciliation and by that large and free Love of his filled our Hearts with Love and Desire that others may participate of the same and so answered that Praver made for us Joh. 17.11 20. by Christ lesus Vers 7. In whom we have redemption through his blood Eph. 1.7 the forgiveness of sins according to the riches of his grace The Redemption here spoken of is explicated by the medium his blood applied the thing it self the forgiveness of sins and the manner according to the Riches of his Grace and so more full then what believers in former times received who had the application mediately by other blood figuring out his blood as then yet to be shed and yet short of that full and compleat Redemption that is still to be waited for of which this is a first fruits and sealing confirmation of it to us And of the having Redemption through his blood the forgiveness of sins Rom. 5.1 2 3 5 8 10 11. 8.2 Rev. 1.5 Col. 2.13 Act. 10.43 is more then having received forgiveness of their own sins in their own consciences and so freedom from the bondage of the Law and Justification through his blood and so peace with God and access to him in this Grace and Hope of Glory which indeed they had and were thereby filled with and fitted by experiments of his Grace But having here signifieth both all this and somthing more then all this even something wherein they were preferred before all the Ministers that went before them These having in Christ in the word of Christ as given them the word of Reconciliation in which all this is brightly discovered in him Col. 1.14 15 20 21 22 23. 2 Cor. 5.18 19 20 21. Luk. 24.47 48. Act. 13.38 Rom. 3.26 27 28. 4.5 and so in the Ministration given them they have the Redemption compleated by him in himself for Men and therein Remission of sins to preach to others in his Name that so by Faith in his Blood they also may receive the same Romans 3.24 25. Acts 10.43 26.18 yea even by Faith in his Blood without outward Circumcision or undering to the works of the Law so glorious the Ministration he hath given them and they have to display not according to the works of the Law but according to the Riches of his Grace And this sence appears by the next following words cleerly to be here meant Vers 8. Eph. 1.8 Wherein he hath abounded towards us in all wisdom and prudence This cleerly appears not to be the wisdom of the World 1 Cor. 1.19 20 21. 2.6 or of the Princes of this World or their prudence which cometh to nought yea with all their wisdom they have not known this wisdom 1 Cor. 2.8 1 Cor. 1.2.4 Col. 2.3 9. but as Christ is the Wisdom of God and the Power of God in whom are hid and treasured up all the treasures of wisdom and knowledge the fulness of the Godhead dwelling in him bodily he being immeasurably filled with the Holy Ghost Prov. 8.11 12. Isa ● 1.2 42.1 8. 61 1 2 3 4. Joh. 15.26 17. the Spirit of Wisdom and knowledge to send forth and it flowing from him and that Spirit testifying of him and enabling rightly to testifie of him When the Apostle prayes for the Ephesians that God would grant to them the Spirit of wisdom and Revelation in the Knowledge of Christ Eph. 1.17 18 19. that so in the knowledge of that Object unbared and their eyes opened and strengthened to behold they might see the hope of his calling them in this Ministration c. and it being the wisdom of the prudent to understand his way so it is manifest Prov. 14.8 that here by all wisdom and prudence he meaneth the imparting and giving in to them the cleer knowledge of Christ and the things of Christ and so of his Minde according to the Revelation of the Mystery 1 Cor. 2.9 10 12 13 16. and ability to declare the same by the Holy Ghost as essewhere he expresseth himself to mean and so by abounding towards us he openeth himself to mean he
spiritual Gifts and Vertue to witness the Testimony of Christ still in all this time And as God forsook Shilo where his Tabernacle was in Canaan first pitched for the wickedness thereof Jer. 7.12 and returned his Tabernacle no more thither Rev. 12.1 so God may reject this outward Court in which his Sanctuary once was and his Glory shined in it and for the wickedness of it never beautifie it with his true Sanctuary again but preserve his true Sanctuary by his Word and Spirit till Christ come Rev. 11 19. and the Holy Ones beneath and the Holy Ones above do meet and the false Prophet be slain and the Church become a Kingdom which whether hinted in leaving out the Name of the outward Court Heb. 9. I will not say but onely that the placing helps in Government among such Temporary things as came in afterward may afford these instructions to us and so leave it to each man as Light of Truth perswades But for the Gospel and these spiritual Gifts given from Heaven that they have already been abundantly confirmed by Miracles and they so divinely recorded as is enough to confirm Faith and no need of doing them over again is that affirmed and proved and yet to make it more cleer and evident we have it expresly testified 4. By the Apostles own words to the Hebrews when having set forth the excellency of Christ as in Testimony of him set forth and then exhorted them to diligent heed taking thereto Heb. 1. 2.1 2 3 4. he admonishing them saith How shall we escape if we neglect so great Salvation which at the first began to be spoken by the Lord and was after confirmed unto us by them that heard him God also bearing them witness both with signs and wonders and with divers miracles and gifts of the holy Ghost according to his own will So that the Gospel hath been confirmed above all that the Law of Moses was and as the Miracles confirming that was no more to be iterated after the Law was once taught setled and confirmed but those remembred with the Law yea the Prophets that came after endeavouring to move them to deviate from that Law with Signs and Wonders Deut. 13. were not to be believed or hearkned to so we are now warned for these times that false Prophets false Christs and Antichrists will come with signs and wonders to deceive and draw credit to their false Doctrine with Mat. 24.24 Mar. 12.22 2 Thes 2.10 So that which we are now to heed is the Word of the Testimony of Christ in which is testified Jesus to be The Christ the Apostles and first Witnesses to have declared his Minde even the Gospel according to the Revelation of the Mystery and the spiritual gifts with which they went forth and the Gospel revealing all this to be taught and left upon record by them Mat. 24.14 Rom. 10.18 the sound whereof went through the whole World before the first Witnesses all of them left the World And it was and hath been setled in many Churches in divers parts of the World and sufficiently confirmed with Signs Wonders Miracles and miraculous Gifts of the Holy Ghost already and they also written that we might believe And thus have I shewn according to this last and fullest Revelation of Christ who were chosen in and by him the first Instruments for laying the Foundation and beginning the building on it and so to set this glorious Ministration on foot and how plentifully they were furnished Now it is needful also to shew the Furniture of the following Witnesses that are of the same society and house and to carry on this Ministration to the same end till the return and personal appearing of Jesus Christ CHAP. 15. Of the Furniture of the following Witnesses till Christ come again WHo are the chosen of God in Christ to be Part 3. c. 11. and so are these Witnesses to carry on this blessed business till Christ come again is already before shewn and that they are such as through belief of his Grace in the Testimony of Christ delivered by the Apostles are by his Spirit built on Christ and so come unto Mount Sion Heb. 12.22 2 24. and unto the City of the living God the heavenly Jerusalem and to an innumerable company of Angels to the general Assembly of the first-born which are written in Heaven and to God the Judge of all and to the Spirits of just Men made perfect and to Jesus thn Mediator of the New Covenant c. and so have fellowship with the Prophets 1 Joh. 1.3 Eph. 2.19 22. Isa 59.20 21. Phil. 2.15.16 Heb. 3.6 1 Tim. 3.15 and Apostles and so with the Father and the Son being now fellow-Citizens with the Saints and of the houshold of God build upon the Foundation c. having the same Word and Spirit in their Heart and in their Mouth which the Apostles had these are to hold forth the Word of Life c. as hath been shewn for these are the House of God and of Christ the Church of the living God the Pillar and Ground of Truth So that 1. Isa 43.10 Act. 13.47 As a Pillar was used for a Witness of Peace Gen. 31.51 52. so these are God's Witnesses to the World of Christ being his salvation to the ends of the Earth to open the eyes of the blinde c. 2. Isa 43.10 11. 1 Joh. 2.2 2 Cor. 5.19 Rom. 3.25 1 Tim. 1.16 Heb. 12.1 As the Pillar of the Cloud was a Testimony of God's presence and a Guide to Israel Exod. 13. so these are God's Witnesses and Holders forth of his presence and propitiatoriness to the World as Preachers and Patterns that they might repent and come in to follow him God spake to his People in a cloudy Pillar Psal 97.7 8. and through the same Pillar looked upon the Egyptians and troubled them Exod. 14.24 and so by and through these God speaks unto the World 2 Cor. 5.20 and manifesteth the savour of his knowledge through them 2 Cor. 2.14 17. which proves a savour of Life unto Life in them that in believing receive it and a savor of death unto them that oppose and rebel against it 3. As a Pillar the word is sometimes used to express some chief ones as Gal. 2.9 so whereas God hath testified his goodness in that rumour of the Gospel proclaimed in Paradise and in his works of Creation and Providence and after by Types and Prophesies and after by the Fore-runner of his Son Eph 3.3 4 5 6 9 10. 1 Pet. 1.11 12. 1 Tim. 3.16 and had Instruments suitable to each for Ministration yet when his Son is manifest as come in the Flesh who is the Brightness of his Glory and chief Testimony of his goodness so in that respect the Ministers that thus hold him forth they are the chief and such are these and the Church now 4. A Pillar is used for an upholder
VVord recorded by my first Witnesses that received it immediately from me they in believing come in to me receiving my words they receive me So that I by my word and in that by my Spirit with all the heavenly riches and treasures I am filled with in their Nature am thus spiritually in them and pray that I may so be still and more abundantly Vers 23. 23. And thou in me the Father is in the Son and all that is the Fathers is the Sons so that as he that in believing receiveth the Gospel doth receive Christ therein and he that receiveth Christ receiveth the Father and so from both that Holy Spirit that uniteth both to Father and Son and frameth to oneness of minde love and design and so for that farther end also here exprest that being made perfect in one and so in this unity of Spirit in love and design their design may prosper in this That the world may know that thou hast sent me the Saviour of the World and that the World through me might be saved and so that I am the Christ and that thou hast loved them these that believe in me and in love minister Gospel to them in my Name as thou hast loved me Which if any one come to know and believe what a one Christ is and how he loves and approves them and their Ministration who also are as patterns to them this will draw them also to believe and be pulling them out of the VVorld into the Church Joh. 4.10 1 Cor. 2.8 1 Joh. 1.1 2 3 4. Joh. 17.24 The next Petition is for glory to be conferred on them after their Ministration the hope whereof is an encouragement and support to them in their Ministration through all sufferings And by all this our Saviour gives us to understand both who be his chosen Ministers and also what their Furniture is and the same that appears in our Saviour's Prayer is to be seen likewise in the practice and counsel of the Apostles who were so filled with and guided by the Holy Spirit as to be unerring both in delivery of their Doctrine and direction for the Ministration 2 Tim. 1.13 Gal. 1.8 2 Tim. 3.4 4.5 1 Cor. 11.2 23. 2 Tim. 1.14 1 Tim. 6.20 so as it is well done of their followers to keep both Gospel and Ministration as they delivered the same and they committed the Gospel and things thereof to such as were known to be faithful and endued with the Holy Ghost and charged them to commit the same to faithful Men not limiting it to outward Officers though in such an Epistle as was most needful to name them 2 Tim. 2.2 if such a thing had been intended but to faithful Men whether such Officers or no. But more need not be said of this enough is shewn before proving these the spiritual House the royal Priesthood the chosen Generation his chosen Ministers to shew forth his praises But yet a word or two more to make plain the Furniture those following Ministers have and in this Revelation of Christ we shall also finde that for Furniture 1. They have the VVord or Gospel discovering Christ Joh. 14 21 22 23. 1 Joh. 2.14 24. Isa 59.21 2 Joh. 2. Eph. 3.17 Heb. 12.22 Isa 78.16 46.13 1 Pet. 2.6 Isa 40.9 and so Christ in that Gospel in their heart and so are come to Sion and so are of Sion and the Foundation is laid in Sion that is Christ as set forth in the Gospel for Sion to hold forth to others the same Foundation that they may come in and be built thereon yea this word hath come from Sion Jerusalem that is above and is the Mother of us all Joel 2.23 Gal. 4.26 and is in the Heart Fellowship and Ministration of Sion that part of it which though in heart and Spirit above Phil. 3.20 Col. 3.1 yet in Sion hath God taken up his rest and will abundantly bless her Psa 132.13 14 15. Joel 3.21 Psa 77.2 he dwelleth there yea the Lord loveth the Gates of Sion more then all the dwellings of Jacob besides And so we may say This Ministration more then all that fore-went it So that the word of Truth of Life and Salvation is here as in the outward record so in the understanding and heart and floweth forth from hence as a first fruits of that Isa 2.3 Mic. 4.2 2 They in believing and imbracing this word have with it the Holy Spirit Isa 59.21 Rom. 8 9 10. 1 Joh. 2.20 3.24 Eph. 4.7 2 Cor. 12.4 7 11. Jer. 30.17 Isa 35.2 3. Cant. 6.8 9. Cant. 1.7 8. effecting the Spirit and Minde of Christ in them all and in some good measure enduing them with all the first mentioned spiritual gifts among them to every one some though not to all and every one alike Thus are they furnished And this may be truely said of Sion whom no Man seeketh after they are in worldly appearance made so like their Lord and there are so many Concubines though this Beloved be but one and the onely one of her Mother that for discerning her that prayer is needful Shew me where thou feedest c. and the direction there given needful and to such as do discern it it may be said as Psal 48.12 13 14. But now because these following VVitnesses that part of Sion yet below have not the Gospel and these spiritual gifts so immediately from Christ and so not in so full a measure as that they are alwayes infallibly freed from erring in every particular thing altogether in delivery of Doctrine and Ministration as the first witnesses were but as they have received their Doctrine and Ministration mediately in belief of and receiving the Doctrine and Gospel as delivered by them that are Sion now above so their preservation from error in Doctrine and Ministration is mediate likewise Prov. 6.20 23. 1 Tim. 4.15 16. 2 Tim. 3.14 17. Col. 3.16 even in heeding the Gospel received from God and Christ by them and delivered by them to us and so both the Commandment of our Father and the Law of our Mother in one to be imbraced and kept by us and so we are directed and commanded and promise of guidance given us therein And so 3. Rom. 1.16 1 Thes 2.13 They are furnished with Matter Rules Directions and Cautions in this Doctrine of the Gospel as delivered and recorded by the Apostles and which they also in believing it have in their hearts savingly working And this helpful 1. For speaking right and wholesome words in Faith and Love and to edification Pro. 22.20 21. Eccles 12.10 11. learning and comfort Rev. 19.10 2 Tim. 1.13 1 Cor. 4.6 and 14.3 2. 1 Cor. 4.6 Prov. 22.21 Rom. 15.4 Col. 2 18. For keeping measure and due order in our speakings that upon no pretence or presumption of Learning Parts Invention or Office we presume to speak of things we have not seen in the word of
the Gospel having that also to testifie withal And so that none go beyond the proportion of Faith dealt to him even that which he is without taking it on trust from others Rom. 12.3 4 6 7 8. 2 Cor. 12.4 5 6 12. enabled to see and understand in the Gospel so as verily thereby to believe and that his venting be not in imitation of other Men's Gifts and Administrations but according to the Manifestation of the Spirit and Grace given him freely operating and leading him forth and not straining beyond that 3. For giving this honour to no Man on Earth how learned soever or in what Office soever or of what parts excellency Mat. 23.9 10. Isa 8.20 2 Thes 5.20 21. Col. 2.8 18. Gal. 1.6 7 8. Rom. 3.4 1 Cor. 7.23 Gal. 1.10 2 Cor. 4.5 6. 1 Joh. 4.6 or appearing godliness soever as to make count or call him our Rabbi Master or Teacher so as to take any matter of Faith on trust from him for Truth or to be waved from the belief of or holding forth the Truth of the plain-sayings of Christ in the Gospel out of fear to make such a one a liar or to temper our Doctrine and delivery so as it may suit with any cross sayings of his yea to give this honour of taking this upon trust to none but God and Christ Mat. 23.8 and so to him for his sake taking it from his Prophets and Apostles by whom in the Record left by them he speaks to us still And that none desire or take this honour to himself but let God and Christ by his Spirit in the Gospel delivered and recorded by his first Witnesses be our Father Rabbi and Master for Faith and Love and all holy walking and we as Brethren 4. For keeping the Unity of the Spirit in the Bond of Peace Eph. 4.2 3. 1 Cor. 4.6 7. 12.4 11. Phil. 2.3 4 5. that we be not any of us puft up with the excellency of our own Gifts or Administrations nor discontent at the meanness thereof in respect of others nor despise or discountenance others for their meanness therein but acknowledging God and Christ in all and in love preferring one another Rom. 14.32 21. 15.1 4. that we judge not despise not one another for difference in some outward things through the knowledge or want of the knowledge of our Liberty in Christ nor trouble the weak Brethren with doubtful disputations But with all lowliness and meekness with all long-suffering forbearing one another in love Eph. 4.2 3 4. 1 Cor. 1.6 10 Phil. 3.14 1● endeavouring to keep the unity of the Spirit in the Gospel-Love and design forementioned in the bond of peace that we may all speak the same thing in the Testimony of Christ confirmed among us and if in any thing any of us be otherwise minded to wait for God in the Ministration to reveal the same to him nevertheless to walk by the same Rule of faith and love according to that we have attained and so minde the same thing that there be no divisions among us so shall all men know us to be Christ's Disciples Joh. 13.35 5. For keeping cleer and fair the Name and Truth that is written upon us 1 Tim. 6.11 12 13 14. Tit. 2.10 Phil. 2.27 Col. 3.17 1 Cor. 10.31 that we follow after Righteousness Holiness Purity Mercy good Works and flie all Pride Wrath Malice Coverousness Fraud Lying Uncleanness Intemperancy c. that we do not blur or deface the Name and Writing that is upon us but adorning the Gospel we profess doing all things heartily as to the Lord in the Name of Christ to the glory of God and good of Men. 6. 1 Cor. 16.14 2 Cor. 5.14 1 Cor. 13. 1 Cor. 8.1 2 3. 14.1 2 5 12. For the profiting in speaking and walking that it may take place with and be edifying to others to see that all our speakings and doings be done in charity with the love and bowels of Christ moving us with desire of the good of others without which all Knowledge Faith Gifts Works or Sufferings will not avail us in this profiting and so in desire of spiritual gifts that we desire them not for our own applause or exaltation but for the edifying of the Church and that in this desire also we do more earnestly desire and follow after charity And these with such-like are the constant and abiding helps given in the Gospel for Believers which in living by Faith they may alwayes have and use and so be preserved from erring in Doctrine Ministration or Manners so that here is a sufficient gracious helpfulness and Furniture always needful and always at hand for all times till Christ come again yet in respect of some occasions there is yet needful to them some other helps as order and helps in Government with which they are also furnished in this Revelation of Christ in the Gospel CHAP. 16. Of the helps in respect of occasions which are given these witnesses FOr the encrease and multitudes of Believers and Professors of the Faith brought in by this Ministration because their Societies and Assemblies may come to be both many and many of them great and numerous and because their employments in this World be many and various and because many brought in to believe the Report of the Gospel to be a Truth are not yet by it convinced of their own unbelievingness vileness and the emptiness of their own righteousness Joh. 2.23 24. 8.31 36. vileness and the emptiness of their own righteousness and some though convinced yet not prevailingly wrought upon to be through-hearted in cleaving and submitting to Christ to have all their life in him and live to him though in abiding in this belief of the Truth and attending this Ministery of it it will save them and work them up to the Truth that will make them free both which though Attenders and of the outward Society yet not the true Sanctuary and so to be Learners and not the Teachers yea it may be also some in some measure unfeignedly believing and yet Novices newly come to the Faith 1 Tim. 3.6 may be ready to speak beyond the proportion of Faith given them yea and it may so be that some feigned and dissembling ones yea and disorderly ones also may creep into the outward profession and so be of this Society in profession and so the outward Court though while such not in nor of the Sanctuary and holy Place of which hath before been spoken and by reason of this if help be not had disorder and confusion will be found in and blemishes besal the whole Society but for remedy hereof there are helps afforded One for Constancy and that is order in speaking in the Assembly that but one speak at once and the rest be silent and so two or three may speak one after another so it be in order and after while time and silence is may
kinde which is altogether impossible for any to do so that there can be but one Faith that is really true and holy in its kinde IV. Rom. 16.25 26. Eph. 3.3 9. 2 Cor. 3.12 14. That the fullest and cle●rest Revelation of the Mystery of Faith is that given immediately by Christ himself and left upon Record by his Apost es and Evangelists and so the cleering up of all the former Revelations and the sense and meaning of the Prophets is most cleerly and in plain Words to be sound in their Writings and so the Gospel as delivered by them because of the abundance and plainness of Truth and fulness of spiritual Evidence in it is truely and indeed and so called Rom. 1.16 17. The Power of God unto Salvation to bring every one that believeth c. for therein is the Righteousness of God not any deceit or fable or pretence equivocation or falshood but the Righteousness of God in his Words saying or mises revealed not hinted in parabolical and cloking terms but revealed opened brought to light from Faith to Faith from one Revelation of Christ the Object of Faith to another and so to another more cleer from assuring him to come suffer to assure him to be already come and to have suffered and to come again in Glory from Faith in him being so come from believing in him through Types Shadows Prophecies to believing in him now from a cleer Demonstration of his having compleated Righteousness and the Father's face shining in him and so now and from believing this Testimony of him to confiding in him and so from one Degree of Faith to another till he come to Vision and yet all the way one Faith still as it is the same strength encreasing in them in which they are said to go from strength to strength till they appear in Sion and so the Just shall live by Faith Psal 84.7 And here we have the fullest and plainest Revelation of it And so we are to heed all and none but those Purposes Promises and Covenant of God which are set forth in this Testimony and Revelation Christ An Explicite Declaration of the Testimony of Christ c. PART IV. CHAP. I. Of the Purpose of God in general THE Eternal and Immutable Will of God Psal 33.11 Isa 14 24 26 27. Eccles 3.14 or his Decree and Purpose concerning all that in his infinite Wisdom Soveraignty and Goodness he hath freely purposed to do hath in his seasons from the beginning now doth and for ever shall take place and be done even so as he hath purposed and no power of Creatures can or shall hinder the same yea none can alter it or add thereto or take therefrom And it must needs be so for he is of one Minde Job 23.13 14. Psal 119.90 91. 103.19 66.7 Deut. 29.29 and none can turn him and his Word is established for ever in Heaven and his Kingdom ruleth over all and he ruleth by his power for ever and all are his Servants yet of this his Will Decree and Purpose in respect of the particulars no more belongs to us to search into then himself hath revealed to us but what he hath revealed by his Work in which his Purposes are brought forth Eph. 1.11 for he worketh all things according to the counsel of his own will so that in the event as things are indeed done we may so far know his Decree and Purpose Psal 39.9 118.23 126. and so far to know the same is of good use for us and likewise what he hath revealed in his holy Word of his Decree and Purpose concerning those things that are already done and those things that he will yet now and hereafter do which Word of his is as himself true from the beginning Psal 119 140 160. Prov. 8.6 7 8. Joh. 17.17 Pro. 22.20 21. Ecclis 12.10 and being breathed forth by his Spirit is the most cleer declarer of his Decree and Purposes his Word being pure and without any wreathedness yea the Truth and therefore written that we might know the certainty of the Words of Truth and that which is written is upright even Words of Truth And according to the discovery of the Decrees and Purposes of God in his holy written Word and by his Works they are to be heeded and believed by us as true certain and good and of good usefulness to us and other imaginations and devices by whomsoever Isa 8.20 and how appearingly goodly soever we are not to heed believe or own Now then the Purpose of God which in respect of the things purposed are called Purposes that I am to treat of are Isa 49.20 Job 27.12 Isa 25. 1. Psal 2.6 148.6 Job 14.5 26.10 28.26 Prov. 8.29 Jer. 5.22 That or those about the Eternal Salvation or Damnation of Men which by these two the Word and the Works of God are revealed to us which though the Will and Purpose of God be one yet in respect of the things willed purposed and decreed are called Many and so Purposes of which is here to be spoken these being all ordered and set in that one Will Counsel Purpose and Decree of his that we are to know and believe hereof is that which by his Word and Works is revealed to us whether in terms of Counsel Will Purposes or Decrees all which terms signifie the same thing and so to begin with that which prepares to the right understanding of all and then so to proceed as by Word and Works we are led we finde 1. Prov. 8.22 23 24 25 26 30. That the Purpose of God was in the first place To exalt his only begotten Son The Word The Wisdom of God equal with God to shew forth his Glory through him and by him bring forth all his glorious Works to glorifie him with his own self to establish him the supream Lord and Governour of all in his own person and all this freely before any view or consideration of any his following Works as moving causes thereto And this he did to his Son the Word Joh. 1.1 2 3. Col. 1.15 16 17. Heb 1.2 3. Joh. 17.5 Phil. 2.6 Rom. 11.36 and so he was possessed in the beginning of his way and exalted from everlasting and brought forth before all things one with the Father in all his Decrees glorified with the Father 's own self and by and for and to him were all things decreed and made that are decreed and made Now in the Son of God The Word The Wisdom The Power of God in this consideration as thus purposed and exalted it was peculiar to his Person as the Son of God onely and there was not in him the Nature of Man in this consideration nor any one of Mankinde elected or purposed to be elected in him into Union and Fellowship and Conformity with him in this Prerogative and Glory in which he was equal with the Father no Scripture
on to Eternal Salvation Rom. 3.10.20 1.18 28. but also some of all sorts if not most of all sorts persisting in rebe●lious wayes leading to Eternal destruction Scripture and Mens manners so fully shew this that it needs no farther proof 2. As God in his Works hath put so in his Purpose he decreed to put a great difference between some Nations and other Nations as one to be greater and endued with more Pri●iledges then the other yea sometime the lesser people or younger to be the chief and the greater or elder people to serve the younger and yet neither doth this Purpose or the fulfilling of it necessitate or imply the Eternal Damnation or hindring the Eternal Salvation of the inferior appointed to serve Deut. 7 6 7. 14 2. Psal 147. 19.20 Rom. 9.6 27. Act. 10.35 or of the Superior to be served So Israel a peculiar people above all other Nation though fewest in number yet were not all this Israel the Israel of God indeed in acceptance of and answering their Pri●iledges and so not every of them eternally saved nor were all and every of the other Nations Eternally damned that Rule true according to his Purpose Rom. 2.6 11 25 26. and 3.9 but this is most cleer in those two people mentioned Gen. 25.23 And the Lord said unto her that is Rebecca Two Nations are in thy Wombe and two manner of People shall be separated from thy Bowels and the one People shall be stronger then the other and the elder shall serve the younger or Rom. 9.11 as some read it The greater shall serve the lesser Now Christ being to come of Jacob Esau or any of his Posterity in serving Christ that was to come of Jacob and so in a willing service of their Brethren the Sons of Jacob attending the Word and Oracles given them might through Grace be saved as no doubt some of them were Deut. 23.7 8. and means was by God appointed thereto And whereas many for their wilful refusal and violence though constrained did yet in another way serve Obad. 9 10 21. Amos 9.12 with Jer. 49.7 11. Job 2.11 Psal 87.4 5. 60.8 yet for that refusal and violence did perish yet of that Race it is found in Scripture many are eternally saved Isa 60 7-14 And as God in his Purpose differenced one Nation from another in superiority and inferiority so he purposed divers means for divers Ages in the World and to divers People and some means excelling other to some People the Word Oracles Gospel c. to other People onely a rumour of these with such teachings as are natural or by natural Mediums in the Works of Creation and Providence yet the Repentance and so the Faith and Obedience he requireth being no more or greater then according to the means he vouchsafeth and that such will be accepted and where more is given more is required This Purpose of such difference and the fulfilling it in extention of such different means hindreth not but that Rom. 2.3 4 9 12 13 14 15 17 26 27. of those that have but the lesser means yielding to repent believe and obey according to the help therein afforded shall be Eternally saved and those that have the greater means rebelling against the help therein afforded and so persisting in Impenitency Unbelief and Rebellion shall be Eternally damned Let this Caution be heeded God hath purposed some things that he will bring on all Men both those that shall be Eternally saved Caution III. and on those that shall be Eternally damned as namely That 1. Isa 45.23 Rom. 14.11 12. Joh. 12.32 Phil. 2.9 10 11. All Men one and other shall come before him and his Son Christ and he by vertue of his great suffering and Sacrifice offered for Mankinde and the Power Authority and Spirit received thereby shall draw all Men to him and they shall come and bow before Jesus and confess him Lord to the Glory of God yet onely those that by his goodness discovered and bands of love extended are prevailed with in this Day of Grace Rom. 10.9 10. Isa 45.24 Joh. 6.37 40. and so found coming to him and believing on him here with the Heart unto Righteousness and confessing him with the Mouth unto Salvation these shall say Surely in the Lord have I Righteousness and shall be Eternally saved All shall come to him but him that cometh now in the Father's drawing he will Eternally save and all that rebel against these drawings and persist so doing shall yet by his irresistable Power be raised from the dead Joh. 6.37 16.8 9. Isa 45.24 Phil. 2.10 11. and convinced of their sin for not believing on him in the Day of Grace and then to their shame and his Glory confess him Lord to the Glory of God before the sentence pass on them 2. Heb. 9.27 Heb. 11.13 1 Thes 4.14 Rev. 14.13 John 8.24 Eccles 11. All Men shall once die or suffer a change sutable to Death which is the way of all Flesh yet of these some die in the Faith and so sleep in the Lord and these shall be Eternally saved but others die in their sins and unbelief and these shall be Eternally damned 3. All Men shall also rise again by the Power and Authority of Jesus Christ at his voice 1 Cor. 15.21 22. Joh. 5.28 29. Luk. 14 14. Act. 24.15 but the Just such as have believed in Christ and done good shall rise in the Resurrection of the Just unto Eternal life and the impenitent and unbelieving in the Resurection of the unjust unto Eternal condemnation 4. 2 Cor. 5.10 Rom. 2.16 Mal. 25.34 46. Rev. 20.13 15. After Death all being raised they shall all come before the Judgement-Seat of Christ and be judged by him according to the Gospel and then all those that have believed in him and lived to him in the Day of Grace shall enjoy Absolution Eternal Life and Joy with him and all that have throughout the Dayes of his Grace and Patience rebelled against him shall then be cast into the Lake of Fire which is the second Death Let this Caution be also heeded For of all Purposes as set forth in these three former Cautions is not in this business directly but onely inclusively to be spoken God hath set in his Counsel Caution IV. Psal 145.8.9 1 Tim. 1.17 Joh. 12.13 Jer. 32.18 19 20. Isa 25.1 40.14 Prov 22.20 21. Act. 20.27 Psa 33.11 Eph. 1.11 and Purposes concerning the Eternal salvation of Mankinde or the Damnation of any of them an holy wise and heavenly Order agreeing with the Nature and Being of God his Soveraignty Wisdom Holiness Love Mercy Truth Justice and the Testimony of his Spirit concerning his Son Jesus Christ and his Love to Mankinde manifest through him all agreeing in one without any contrarying of one by another Hence his Purposes called his Counsel and said to be brought forth according to the Counsel of
who hath declared the Father's Name Psal 22.22 Heb. 2.11 12. Ioh. 1.18 17.6 Psal 18.49 with Rom. 15.9 and so calleth all to look to him and come to him and be saved for in and by him the peace is made the price is payed and all fulness and perfection of Furniture is in him for every Man in him dwells the fulness of the Godhead bodily in him is life yea in him God hath given us Eternal Life and in him it is in him are all the Treasures of Wisdom and Understanding yea the fulness of Spirit to shew forth the same yea in his appearance presence or face as in the Glass of the Gospel presented the Face of the Father shineth and in that shine the Divine Power and Spirit goeth forth to draw the Beholders to desire after and believe in him and to confirm the Believers while beholding him and conform Believers to him so that the Father's Name for Goodness Power Excellency c. is in and upon him he is the brightness of his Glory 3. That God in his Purpose hath appointed and approved this to be the way to call and bring in a Seed to Christ namely to declare his Name and set him forth as the Holy Ghost hath testified of him and left that Record in the Gospel and so to preach him the Saviour of the VVorld the only Rock Foundation the VVisdom of God the Beloved of God See this in Part 2. chap. 10. c. 11. and Lover of Men c. as is foreshewn And thus of his Purpose and in that his Purposes concerning the Man Jesus Christ from which known and believed we may learn 1. Rom. 1.2 5 16.25 26 1 Joh. 1.1 2 3 1 Pet. 1.20 21 Eph. 3.3 9 ● That the Gospel in the whole Testimony of Jesus Christ it is in that which he is become and hath done according to the Purpose of God now manifested according to the Revelation of the mystery so as the Gospel is the Revelation of the Purpose of God 2. Prov. 8.4 9 22.20 21 1 Tim. 2.6 7 Prov. 26.23 26 That the Gospel in all the Sayings and Promises of it is really true and true to all to whom it 's declared there is no wreathedness or equivocation no Declaration or pretence of Love no tender of Mercy to any but what is really true no fair words with an inward covered hatred which God abhorreth but all Truth even that which is in 2 Cor. 1.18 19 20 21 2 Pet. 1.16 and came forth of the Bosome and Heart of the Almighty God of Truth it being the opening of his Will and Purpose 3. That the Purposes of God beginning in his Son Luke 1.70 2 Pet. 1.20 21 and being through and for his Son and so made known by him they all as revealed and written in the Holy Scriptures are all and altogether true like himself his own Minde and in that manner to be performed being all the Breathings of his own Spirit by the Mouth of his Holy Prophets and so there is no secret or unrevealed Purpose in God that is in any wise contrary to those he hath revealed 4. That Purpose and Approbation of that purposed Isa 42.1 1 Pet. 1.1 2 and so Election are distinct and Purpose in order first though they meet in one 5. That Jesus Christ even as the spiritual Man that died and is risen and exalted at the right Hand of God Col. 1.15 19 is the first and choice Elect in order and manner of choice before and above all others and no other but in and by him 1. He had his Being in and with the Father even from Eternity Joh. 1.1 2 Pro. 8 22 Col. 1 17 18 and the Lord possessed him in the beginning of his way he is before all things but that Being of his and the Glory he had with the Father was incommunicable to Mankinde yea without his taking Man's Nature Heb. 2.7 12. and the consideration of his Abasement and Exaltation in that Nature the Excellencies and Priviledges thereof was incommunicable to fallen Mankinde and he as Man is God's first Elect Isa 42.1 Eph. 1.3 4 and without that could none be elected in him and had any been otherwise fore-elected in him he would without doubt have kept them and so must have laid aside their Glory when he laid aside his own which I suppose none will say he did nor that any were in him as he gave his life for the World and so Redeemers with him 2. He was one with the Father and with him in his being Prov. 8.22.31 and in all his Purposes and Decrees and Ways and so in the Election of himself as the second publick Man his first-begotten Son c. I hope none will affirm or conceit the like of any other elect ones 3. Psal 40.6 7 Heb. 10.5 10 Isa 42.1 He accepted the Fathers appointment of him to suffer and sacrifice and do all his will which being accepted of him by the Father was vertuous from the beginning and so he as the spiritual Man was approved of God and being pre-approved was also in that sense elected before the beginning of the World but so and on such account was no other besides him elected 4. The actual and visible election of him was begun in his birth perfected through sufferings Luke 1.35 Heb. 2.10 8.1 Joh. 1.13 16 17 Eph. 1.3 and compleated in his exaltation at the right hand of God and so filled with all fulness of Grace Truth and spiritual blessings and the blessed election of others is in him thus considered 5. Psa 89.19 Deut. 18.15 18 Joh. 8.23 15.19 He was chosen from among Men being made Man and born of a Woman but he was not chosen out of the World of which he never was but others that come to be chosen in and by him are chosen out of the VVorld of which they sometime and in some sense were 6. Joh. 15.16 He was chosen in and by no other Man but all other Men that are chosen are chosen in and by him all these things are shewn in that foresaid By all which it appears he is the first prime and choice elect and the fountain medium and root of election for others 6. Joh. 1.18 1 Joh. 5.20 Mat. 7.27 That no man of us can rightly understand and know the Purpose and in it the Purposes of God or his election of any in Christ but by first knowing Christ and the purposes of God concerning him and God's election of him all right knowing of God being in knowing of Christ and so all right knowing of his Purposes and Election in the knowledge of his Purposes concerning Christ and his election of him Ch. 2. before as appears in all foresaid And according to this knowledge with the Cautions fore-premised I will proceed to speak of his Purposes concerning Mankinde as included and ordered in this great Purpose and
difference prevailed with to believe in Christ and in that believing have been through the excellency and operation of that grace believed prevailed with to let all go for Christ to enjoy him and so severed from their Union and Fellowship with the World and their former vain confidences and designs and so chosen through the Sanctification of the Spirit and Belief of the Truth and set for love-services though through sufferings These are the Lovers of God and the Called according to purpose And of these and only such as these the Apostle speaketh in this 28 v. and these only are the Subjects of that he speaks in the two Verses following which are the reason ground and proof that he gives to confirm the Truth of this he hath said v. 28. We know that all things work together for good to them that love God c. for or because view the verses CHAP. 7. Of Romans 8.29 30. FOr whom he did foreknow Rom. 8.29 30 he also did predestinate to be conformed to the image of his Son that he might be the first-born among many brethren moreover whom he did predestinate them he also called and whom he called them he also justified and whom he justified them he also glorified Let the words be minded he saith not here or anywhere else That there were a sort of people foreknown and elect of God and given to Christ to die for them such a Saying would cross all the Doctrine of the Gospel and the very place it self for if any were so elect then Christ could neither be the Root nor Fountain nor Pattern of Election and so in these respects not the first-born among many Brethren as this place affirms him to be Nor doth the Apostle here or any otherwhere say That some of Adam's Sons were predestinate to be eternally saved and some to be eternally damned before the World was and that Christ came to save the one sort and not the other nor doth he here paint out any of fallen Mankind considered as sinners and unbelievers to be foreknown of God and thus predestinated by him nor is it appearing anywhere in Scripture That God hath foreknown or doth know own and approve any of the fallen Sons of Adam that live in unbelief 1 Pet. 2.9 Rom. 9.25 26 Psal 101.4 5.4 5 either before or in the beginning of the world or since or any till they be brought to believe in his Son yea to affirm such a thing is to deny and affirm cross to the whole Scripture and no way agreeing with this place which brings in onely the Lovers of God that are the called according to purpose as those and only those who have been thus foreknown and predestinated and are the onely subjects of this Election and Predestination here spoken of and so the saying is brought in to uphold and comfort such in the services of love and sufferings to which they are called and that we may cleerly understand the sense it will be profitable for us to minde according to Scripture-language what is meant 1. By Foreknowing 2. By Predestination 3. By Calling 4. By Justifying and Glorifying 5. What the end and scope of the Apostle here is And 6. what the way he takes to accomplish his end In all which the sense appears fully 1. Rom. 8.29 By foreknowing is cleer to be meant fore-owning approving loving and taking well-pleasedness with otherwise in our vulgar sense of the word knowing God foresaw and knew all things good and bad Luk. 13.27 Mat. 7.23 Psal 101. ● Psal 1.6 but in the Language the Scripture here speaketh the Lord doth not never did nor will know an unbeliever hypocrite and wicked Man but he knoweth that is upholdeth approveth loveth accepteth the way of the righteous and so though God be full of compassion and hath given his Son that we might live through him yet is he well pleased with none that having light and means in any measure extended do not accordingly believe in him and love him such however in love of compassion pitied and forborn and still called on and striven with to repent and believe yet till they do so repent and believe he is displeased with them Joh. 3.36 Psal 18.43 Isa 55.5 Rom. 9.25 26 1 Joh. 4.16 19 1 Cor. 8.3 and they abide under wrath and displeasedness And as they know not that is do not own and love the Lord so likewise they are not so known and owned of him and so while they remain such they are in this sense of approbation and special love not known not his people not beloved But if any man through the belief of God's love do love God that same is known of him so the Apostle brings it in as after their believing and turning from serving Idols when they knew not God Gal. 4.9 nor were known of him but now after ye have known God or rather are known of him for known unto God that is approved of God and well pleasing to him are all his works from the beginning of the World Act. 15.18 Joh. 6.29 1 Pet. 1.21 Rom. 5.5 8 10 when he hath made known his love through his Son and so brought Men to believe in his Son and in that belief shed abroad his love in their heart and so sprung up love to his Son and to him This is the work and he approveth it and loveth and approveth such Lovers of him Act. 15.19 Joh. 14.21 23 See ch 10. And this the Apostle affirmeth to prove it an evil work of any to trouble such in such Faith and love and so our Saviour affirmeth He that loveth me shall be loved of my Father and I will love him and will manifest my self unto him if any man love me he will keep my words and my Father will love him and we will come to him and make our abode with him So that these Lovers of God as they are the called according to purpose So they are the elect and owned known and approved of God even all of them and no other but them as is plain and evident in the Scripture As for the word foreknown or as some translate hath foreknown or as others knew before This word before doth no whit obscure the sense that is given or cross any thing said for if Men would take before Joh. 3.16 Rom. 9.8 11. 11.5 6 7 Eph. 1.11 as relating to the purpose of God mentioned vers 28. then it could be no other then his provision to own such lovers of him according to his order for his purpose standing and taking place for saving Men as is foreshewn which will run into one with that said and to be said But it is cleer the word fore or before knew hath not relation to the persons spoken of in vers 28. as considered before or otherwise then as they were lovers of God and the Called according to purpose and so considered as Lovers of God and the Called according to purpose
it hath relation to them with an especial relation to that which follows namely predestinated and called and justified and glorified such foreknown lovers of God being the subjects of this predestination call c. and this writ for the consolation and support of such And this will cleerly appear in the words and scope of the Apostle and in all other Scripture and so 2. To see what is meant by predestination here I shall note three things 1. Who they are that God hath thus predestinated 2. What that is to which they are predestinated 3. To what end he hath predestinated them to the same In all which together it is cleer The great design of God is the glorifying his Son that his Son may also glorifie him and so Joh. 5.20 22 23 17.1 Col. 1.15 17 18 19 that as in the counsels and so in these works of God he may have the pre-eminence as the first-born first lover of God first elect predestinate c. And so if any would pry into the secret of the counsel of God the most and fullest revelation thereof that is since the ascension of Christ in this matter is this that God chose his own Son Psa 40.6 Luk. 24.26 Isa 42.1 Part 4. ch 3. Isa 50.4 5 6 Phil. 2.7 8 9 Isa 50.7 8 9 Mat. 17.5 and appointed him to suffer and offer sacrifice and through suffering to enter into glory and so he predestinated him the first elect to be both his Servant and Son to do the great business as is foreshewed And in due time God called and sent him forth to this great work and he shrunk not back but most readily obeyed and did it and God did justifie him and hath glorified him in Man's Nature at his right hand And so hath God according to his purpose elected and predestinated him Heb. 8.1 12.2 Rom. 5.18 1 Joh. 4.14 Joh. 1.12 13 14 16 17 18 1 Cor. 1.30 Eph. 2.5 6 Phil. 2.10 11 and called and justified and glorified him and so hath set him forth as the second publick Man by and in whom propitiation is made and provision also for all Men that they might be saved he is the Saviour of the World and such fulness compleatness for acceptance of Believers in him and communicating his Son-like Priviledges to them that all that unfeignedly believe in him he his Priviledges are theirs and so they reckned after him and so in him are they elect predestinate called justified glorified he is the head of the Church the first-born among many Brethren yea he is so chosen and exalted that all shall confess him Lord and he shall judge all even those that have rebelled against him so that no particular or individual person was elect in Christ before the World began much less before him But in that very election of the Man Christ such provision was made that in purpose all this spiritual species or kinde of Men believing in him were foreknown approved elect in Christ but none elect in their particular persons till by grace they believed in Christ and yet in respect of him and his election they may be truely said to be elect in him before the Foundation of the World And this might be understood by the Scripture-Language in contrary things Ezek. 23.1 2 3 4 5 19 as to Israel of old it 's said There were two Women the Daughters of one Mother they committed whoredoms in Egypt in their youth there were their breasts pressed there they bruised the teats of their Virginity their names Aholah the elder that is Samaria and Aholibah her sister that is Jerusalem Aholah plaied the Harlot first and Aholibah afterwards Now in Egypt it was but one Woman all Moses time when they were come out of Egypt it was still one Woman all Joshua's time that led them into Canaan and the time of the Elders that out-lived him it was still one and all the time of the Judges from Othniel to Samuel it was still one and all the Raign of Saul and David and Solomon it was but one Woman still in Rehoboam's time Jeroboam with the ten Tribes made the rent 2 Chron. 15.2 4 and then they became two Women two Churches two Nations two Kingdoms And this Aholah went a whoring a long time first or before the other and afterwards the other sister also yet now being charged with the sin of their whoredoms it is for the time of their beginning of whoredomes not reckoned according to the Branches sinning onely what they did when divided but it is reckoned upon the account of the several Branches for the time of the beginning of their sinning Ezek. 20.8 from the root when in their Mother they went a whoring in Egypt and this is understandable enough yet heerer can we understand how a Man in murthering his Brother or a Saint doth therein approve of Cain's murthering Abel 1 Joh. 3.12 Jude 11 Mat. 23.35 Rom. 5.12 18 19 and so makes himself guilty of Cain's sin in killing his Brother And can we understand a Man by propagation from Adam born a sinner that his sin is as old as from Adam's fall and may not a Believer as easily understand of those by a new Birth come in to the spiritual Man that he that yesterday was brought in to Jesus and so believing in him is through the Sanctification of the Spirit and the belief of the Truth united to him and so chosen and approved in him is now in him and reckoned after him the spiritual Man the prime elect and so partaketh of that election that was his and of and in him for all Believers before the World began and so as the grace and righteousness in him even so election c. when we by Faith receive it is become ours and this grace and righteousness and so election which we receive in receiving Christ is for the antientness and the beginning of that grace and righteousness not reckoned according to the time of our receit 2 Pet. 1.20 21 2 Tim. 2.9 10 Joh. 1.12 1 Cor. 1.30 but of the being and compleatness of it in Christ we partaking of no other Sonship Election Righteousness or justification but what is his and was in him for us before we knew him and now knowing him he communicates to us his own Priviledges In which sense he that in his own person was but yesterday chosen out of the world in and into Christ may be truly said to be chosen in Christ before the foundation of the World And this is a full and plain sense not crossing but agreeing with the place the residue of the Scriptures to satisfie those that desire to look into the inmost of the mystery Yet still agreeing with the same the sense is more plainly opened in the words those three things in them propounded considered with this premise That the whole sentence be taken according to its own import of two things performed in it that
being in that purposed which is the constant and plain signification of the word stand whenever used about the Purpose Counsel and Word of the Lord a Psa 33.10 11. Pro. 19.21 Isa 14.24 Jer. 44.28 And it 's not here said That the Purpose of God in or upon the Elect might stand but according to Election So that Election or the Grace of God in Christ the Elect discovered and believed which believed electeth and so it s the Grace of Election or the Election of Grace or which Grace believed maketh opposed to the works of Men by the Law b Rom. 6.23 24 33. 11.5 6 7. This that by which the Purpose of God in Christ for communicating the choise salvation shall stand become efficacious and take effect in any whence those by grace so prevailed with are affirmed to be the Called according to Purpose because Counsel had so ordered it to take place in the Efficacy of his appearing Grace c Rom. 8.28 2 Tim. 1.9 10. Tit. 3.4 5 6 7. and this Election of Grace where it so prevaileth is thereby known d 1 Thes 1.1 3 4 5 6. 2 Thes 2.13 14. and so said to be according to the Foreknowledge of God the Father which is no other but the counsel of his Will in his Purpose approving and appointing this Way for his Purpose to stand and take effect and be accomplished e Eph. 1.11 Rom. 9.11 11.5 6 through the sanctification of the Spirit unto obedience and sprinkling of the Blood of Christ f 1 Pet. 1.2 which is to say it in more words Through the Demonstration of his Grace in Christ the prime elect in the Gospel-Declaration and Call the Word believed working effectually in them g 2 Thes 2.14 1 Thes 2.13 and so chosen to Salvation through the sanctification of the Spirit and belief of the Truth h 2 Thes 2.13 So that all the way Election in Purpose or Act is a distinct thing from Purpose yet the act of the Purpose not divided from it but it is the manner of its taking place and coming into act and election is the Name of it self being the manner of the blessed coming forth of the Purpose and not the Name of the Purpose nor is the Purpose named the Purpose according to Election and there the period but some good thing to be brought to pass it 's said to be so spoken That the Purpose of God according to Election might stand or take place All which is cleered by plain Sayings of Scripture set down often before to which I might add Rom. 11.25 29. Deut. 7.6 7 8 9 10. that which the Apostle desired Believers not to be ignorant of concerning the natural Branches the Seed of Abraham Isaac and Jacob and those few that were chosen for the love God bare to and the Covenant he made with their Fathers of whose natural Seed remaining in unbelief he telleth the Gentiles As concerning the Gospel they are enemies for your sakes Rom. 11.28 but as touching election they are beloved for the Father's sake Now what is here meant by Election is that Rom. 11.25 in which is the mystery there mentioned and it is evident that it cannot be the election of the very individual persons that were then Enemies to the Gospel for the sake of the Gentiles 1 Thes 1.13 2 Thes 2.13 14. because the very fastning and prevalency of election is in through the belief and prizing of the Gospel and Grace by it discovered and the stumbling at Christ as now discovered in the Gospel though because of Gentiles or any receiving him and accepted caused their ejection and was the evident Testimony that such were not elected but blinded c. And the Apostle divides these unbelieving Ones from the Elect and calls them the rest that is none of them Rom. 15.7 8 9 10 11. Rom. 11.7 8 10 15 17 19 20. but saith expresly These are blinded hardned east off and that because of unbelief so as according to the Doctrine of Election delivered not by God but by Men not acquainted with his Minde there would be no love of God to them no possibility for such reprobated Ones to come into favour with God again which the Apostle affirms there is still Rom. 11.16 23. And that God's dealing with them in such a heavy and severe way is a Fruit of his love towards them and hath its tendency that they might be brought in again Rom. 11.11 14. Act. 13.45 47 52. 1 Thes 2.16 And this is rendered as the ground of all that though their envy and sin be grievous that they are enemies to the Gospel for the Gentiles sake and wrath be come upon them and they rejected yet as touching the Election or for the Election they are beloved for the Father's sakes A great mystery a people not elected but cast off for stumbling at the Gospel and yet as touching Election beloved for the sake of others VVhat shall we think then Election here to be though it may stand with the Purpose of God for their Salvation in his way according to the Election of Grace to stand even the Election here meant yet it cannot stand with an infallible Purpose of God in which their persons were elected to be eternally saved against all interposures and oppositions for then they were as well beloved for their own sakes as for their Father's sakes and should not have so been broken off but what this Election is I conceive may appear in the very terms used compared with other places of Scripture to be the Election of Abraham Isaac and Jacob and so for their sakes the Election of their Children the beloved Father's whose natural seed these were and so for their sakes still beloved with love of pity and compassion and means still extended to recal them yea their abasement and casting off to humble them and so as a means ordered thereto and all for their sakes the Elect with whom the Covenant was made i 1 Chron. 16.13 29 Psa 105.5 14 135.13 14. or rather especially for Christ his sake that was in them and to come and is now come forth of them k Rom. 9.5 Psa 89.19 34. with Deut. 7.6 7 8. Isa 41.8 9 Rom. 11.23 Rom. 11.25 26 27 29. and so whoever of these abide not in unbelief shall be grasted in again for God hath not so tied himself with any decree but he is able to graft them in again and though thousands stand out till Judgement have scattered and broken them yet shall there be a preservation of that natural Seed and in due time the whole company of them then surviving shall be brought in and so all Israel shall be saved And is God's gracious Election of Abraham Isaac and Jacob so forcible and is not the Election of Christ now having come in the flesh in the Nature of Man and the love and well-pleasedness God hath in him
sure Isa 4.2 32.1 2. 55.1 7. 2 Cor. 5.14 15 19 20 21. Tit. 3.2 3 4 5. c. as a known thing to relie on and to hold forth to others as that which is alwayes the same and is not impaired by our transgressions but hath enough in it to uphold us with desires and endeavours for such as are turned aside and to allure them if they will hear and minde it to turn in again And what can this be other then Jesus Christ as he is set forth in the Gospel having made peace by his Blood and the love of God to Man-ward commended through him Surely the belief and telling of an eternal Purpose of God to save some certain persons of fallen Mankinde having elected them and to damne all the residue having reprobated them and the most of both sorts unknown and the one sort however for the present it be with them shall be eternally saved the other sort shall never attain any saving Faith and what seeming soever they have it shall be taken away and the Purpose and Election of the one sort to be the Foundation that standeth sure Surely this can produce no such effects to encourage to such diligence in Ministration or to help any by it Seeing if this be true it could be no otherwise with any then it is come to pass yea if this Doctrine be believed and minded for Truth it will naturally of it self produce other Fruits for both Scripture and rightly-ordered-Reason will lead us to conform to the will of God to rest well pleased with it yea pray that it may be done in Earth as in Heaven And why then should any be grieved for such as God in his Will and Purpose hath absolutely excluded life and reprobated to damnation that they pesist in unbelief or if at any time believing depart from the Faith and become reprobate seeing nothing is done but God's will and no remedy to have it any better Psa 58.10 107.40 41. Isa 66.23 24. Rev. 13.14 17. Surely when any through their own fault are in that remediless state of perishing the righteous are said to see it and rejoyce And why should any murmur against God and repine at the fulfilling of his will according to his Purposes or stir to pray or use means to assay to cross or hinder the same 1 Sam. 3.18 2 Sam. 15.25 26. but rather submit with quietness to it as in other cases some have done so that such a thought would have made Timothy quiet and sit still and not to trouble himself with desires prayers and preaching to such an end But the Apostle that had experience what the knowledge and Faith of Jesus Christ Rom. 5.5 8 10. 1 Tim. 1.15 Rom. 1.14 15 16. and God's love appearing through him to Man-ward would effect what a sure fruitful Foundation Christ was how it reconciled him to God how it moved him to count himself a debtor to all Men and to pity them 2 Cor. 5.11 14 15 19 20. Rom. 9.1 2 3. 10.1 2 3 4. 11.4 14. 1 Cor. 9.19 20 and adventure his life to bring in Men to believe yea to desire and endeavour earnestly the return and Salvation of Israel those rejecting and cast-off Brethren whereas had he had in his heart that opinion and thought before mentioned he could not have so done But he had in his heart a better thought even the Testimony of Jesus Christ and that did so lead him and therefore he layes the same before Timothy even so to lead him yea I suppose any unprejuced will in reading Paul's Doctrine and Writings and his scope here to Timothy confess that it was Christ according to the Testimony of Christ that he propounded and laid before Timothy as the Foundation to encourage him and not a hidden and secret Purpose in respect of Particulars 2. This still farther appears by that which the Apostle had in his view and which he suggested to Timothy 1 Tim. 1.19 20. 2 Tim. 2.14 16 23. 2 Pet. 2.18 19. Jude 16. as that which threatned some danger to which he opposeth Nevertheless the foundation c. which is clear to be the blasphemy of those that had made shipwrack of Faith in their words tending to no profit but to the subversion of the Hearers their prophane and vain bablings tending to increase unto more ungodliness their foolish and unlearned questions their great swelling words promising liberty perverting the Gospel and giving out as if Jesus that was born of the Virgin Mary and died and was buried and rose and ascended in that Body into Heaven c. were but a fleshly Christ and the knowledge of and Faith in him as having died for us and being risen and at the right hand of God interceding c. a fleshly and literal knowledge and faith and the looking and waiting for his personal coming again and the Resurrection of the dead Bodies a vain hope keeping to the Letter and under Bondage But their devised allegorical Christ that is dead and risen in them is the true spiritual Christ and the imbracing and believing this being dead to the former confidence in Christ this Christ according to the Spirit is come to them and in them and they are risen Heb. 13.8 1 Pet. 1.24 25. the Resurrection is past c. O lofty O vain Dream How should any that have once believed in and professed Jesus Christ and the Resurrection from the dead be drawn to this Is not Christ alwayes the same The Word of the Lord that endureth for ever Yes surely but these like the fallen Angels were not content with their place Jude 6. Col. 2.18 2 Cor. 11.3 4 13 14 15. Gal. 1.6 7 8. 2 Tim. 2.18 1 Cor. 15.3 4. Isa 40.8 9. 1 Pet. 19.25 Heb. 13.7 8. in the light and knowledge afforded them in the simplicity of Christ as set forth in the Gospel but would be intruding into things not seen and so pervert the Gospel as if they would declare a more spiritual Jesus a more pure Spirit and more heavenly and spiritual Gospel and truer Resurrection then the Letter as they call it of the Gospel doth declare and so they have erred and departed from the Truth which if they had minded and abiden in would have preserved them from such error Nevertheless The Word of the Lord the Lord Jesus Christ as set forth in the Gospel for the Foundation standeth sure abideth and remaineth for ever the same though they boast of such a glorious change from Christ in the Flesh to Christ in the Spirit from Letter to Mystery yet he is the same and had they abode in belief of that Truth they had not so erred VVherefore let none believe or admire their fancies for though they be changed in their thoughts of Christ and the Truth yet he is the same and whoso holdeth to and continueth in his Words he will preserve for though they have erred from the
Truth Joh. 12.47 48. 2 Thes 1.10 yet nevertheless the Truth standeth firm and will one Day judge these Apostates and justifie such as believe in him So that by this opposition it cleerly appears he means Christ to be the Foundation 3. This also appears in the Words themselves with their Order and several Branches and Distinctions let them be every one considered 1. Isa 28.16 Psa 18.22 Mat. 21.4 1 Pet. 2.6 Act. 4.11 12. 1 Cor. 3.11 The Foundation of God standeth sure Is not this plain in Scripture-Language to be the Foundation God purposed and promised to lay in Sion which Purpose and Promise was before the laying of it and now according to Purpose and Promise he hath laid it and Jesus Christ expresly affirmed to be this Foundation the Love and Wisdom of God in his will found out and purposed this Foundation and according to his Purpose his Hand hath laid this Foundation and hath declared his Purpose of saving all that in believing are by Faith built on him who onely is the Foundation and there is no other The knowledge of this Foundation and so of the Love and Purpose of God according to which he is laid meet us with bands of Love to draw to him and fasten upon him or if declined to return to him that is so sure immovable and precious a Foundation And this cleer-here that none needed have imagined another nor feigned the Purpose to be the Foundation but to proceed 2. Having this seal This is plain This Foundation hath a Seal on it an evident and known Seal it is a sealed Foundation and so the Seal is distinct though not divided from the Foundation it is in it and upon it even that by which it is marked out to be known and to be sure and stedfast even that which God hath appointed and sealed in which Seal also is the sealing and approbation of all that through believing come to be built on him So that it is a demonstrating living quickning and confirming Seal and so Christ the Foundation was sealed approved testified and confirmed both by voice and works to be The Christ Isa 28.16 Mat. 3.17 17.5 Joh. 5.37 Joh. 6.27 Isa 55.4 1 Cor. 2.2 Isa 42.4 Rom. 8.28 8.2 Isa 28.16 8.16 51.4 2 Cor. 1.22 5.14 Eph. 1.13 Isa 2.3.4 Mic. 4.2 3 Isa 8.20 14 15 16. 28.9 16. 29.11 12. 42.21 49.6 13.47 Mat. 5.14 15. Phil. 2.15 16. Joh. 1.4 7 9. 5.35 Isa 44.26 Heb. 2.3 4. The Son of God that precious tried Stone laid for a Foundation and upon this ground he exhorteth to seek of him the Bread that endureth to Eternal Life which he will give to such as come to him for it because or for him hath God the Father fealed yea he being given as the VVitness or Testimony of God's Will Love Purpose and Faithfulness and so preached by the Apostles and for the Law which the Apostle calls The Law of Faith The Law of the Spirit of Life This the Foundation laid in Sion The Law and Testimony bound and sealed up among the Disciples of Christ The Law proceeding out of his Mouth and he doth therewith so seal those that believe in him that he indues them with his own Spirit operating in them so that the same Law and Testimony goeth forth from them to others And this is the Law and the Testimony to which we are to resort for the knowledge of all Truth though because of its crying down all flesh and the reproach it is in in the World and among the Children of the Bond-woman in the Church it is to them as a book pretended by the Learned to be sealed and by the unlearned to be out of their ability to read yet with Christ and in him the Lord is well pleased yea and for his sake with all that believe in him and will magnifie the Law and make it honourable yea he hath given him for a light to the Gentiles and to be his Salvation to the ends of the earth yea he will confirm and hath confirmed the same in making those that believe in him the light of the VVorld in holding forth the VVord of Life and bearing witness of him the true light and he will confirm the Testimony delivered by his Servants yea he hath abundantly confirmed this Testimony already Eph. 2.20 21 22. so that Jesus Christ as set forth in the Testimony of the Gospel he is the Foundation laid by God and ministerially by the Apostles even that Foundation on which the Apostles and Prophets yea the whole Church both of Jews and Gentiles are built and by whom as the Corner-Stone they are united in one and there is no other Foundation but this And this Foundation is sealed and hath the Seal on it which will be sealing all that come to be built on it so that hitherto even by this Word having this Seal We are led to own Jesus Christ for the Foundation on which the Seal abideth Now let us consider what this Seal is and that also is express 3. That Lord knoweth them that are his This is plain the Apostle delivereth not this the Lord knoweth them that are his as the Foundation which by his manner of delivery appears to be some distinct thing forelayed yea even before sealed but distinctly plainly and expresly as the Seal on the Foundation which it alwayes hath on and with it and that is this The Lord knoweth them that are his View the words in their own simplicity according to Gospel-Language and it will appear plainly That The Lord is the Name frequently throughout the Gospel as now come forth given to Christ a Act. 2.36 10.36 9.17 29. 11.16 16.31 20.35 Rom. 14.9 1 Cor. 1 2. 8.6 2 Cor. 1 2. 13.14 Gal. 1.3 6.18 c. but if any will take it for God the Father it will come to the same for the Father and the Son are both one and the same God b Joh. 2.1 2 one in divine Essence and in VVill and Design and in Testimony and Working c Joh. 10.29 30. 1 Joh. 5.7 Joh. 5.17.19 22 23. 14.6 10. 16.14 15. Heb. 1.3 yea the Father doth nothing but the Son doth the same yea he doth all by the Son that all Men might honor the Son as they honor the Father nor can any come to the Father but by the Son and all that is the Father's is the Son 's and through him his glory appeareth The Lord knoweth This Word is more then seeth discerneth and so knoweth Joh. 2.24 25. 16.30 Dan. 2.22 Isa 66.18 Luk. 16.15 Deut. 31.21 2 King 19.27 Isa 37.28 Jer. 48.30 Psa 138.6 139.1 5. for so God yea God in Christ and so Christ knoweth all things yea he knoweth what is in the darkness though onely the light dwelleth with him he knoweth the hearts of all Men even the worst of Men also yea
1.22 23. 9.6 Mar. 1.15 Act. 3.26 26 18. Joh. 2.8 Pro. 1.24 Joh. 3.19 Psal 85.8 Heb. 3.7 Jam. 1.21 1 Pet. 2.1 2.3 Jam. 1.25 Act. 15.9 and according to the Purpose in Election For first this saving Grace of God in Christ in its appearance teacheth and requireth every one to whom it is tendered in the Call To submit to his convincements and turn at his reproofs and so turn from iniquity And if any stubbornly refuse they lose their own mercies their own souls and those that begin to hearken and in believing to taste somthing of the graciousness of the Lord it warns also to turn no more to folly but to be still casting off all superfluity of naughtiness and to receive with meekness the ingrafted word that so they may come more upon him and be built on him And such as thus receive his gracious words in believing on him he will purifie from all their iniquities Joh. 3.14 15 16 17 18. Tit. 2.11 12 13 14. 3.3 4 5 6 7. and unite and conform them to himself And so this last sentence shews That this whole Verse agrees with our Saviour's Description of the Will of God and the Foundation he hath set forth and owned and with the Affirmation of the Oblation of Christ and the end thereof and the Teachings and the Efficacies thereof and so with all those holy Cautions and Warnings to take heed of refusing and of back-sliding or of liftning to seducing Spirits And all runs even with the scope of the Apostle and all the precedent and following Verses and the whole current of the Scripture affirming Christ the onely and sure Foundation whereas the affirming of an eternal Purpose and Election of some certain persons of fallen Mankinde to be eternally saved is cross to this Text and all Scripture to be laid as the Foundation though some sometime leave out the words having this Seal that the other following words might be taken for the Foundation Mr. O. p. 77. and then call it The Foundation of God's unchangeable Purpose and Love yet if a Man would say By purpose is meant that purposed I would take it in the most favourable sense Suppose some honest and learned Jew before Christ came in the Flesh should have affirmed God's Purpose of sending forth his Son Christ to die and rise and offer the acceptable Sacrifice and so to be the Saviour of the World that whoever believeth in him should not perish but have everlasting Life Suppose I say he should have taught this Purpose of God to be the Foundation he had something miscarried in Expression for the Foundation purposed and promised was the Seed of the Woman to break the Serpent's Head the Seed of Abraham in whom is blessing for all Nations a Man to be the Rock and God's Salvation to the ends of the Earth and though he was not then come forth and so not laid as now he is yet he was held forth though afar off in the Promise to be looked to and by reason of the agreement between the Father and him and in his undertaking he was so vertuous and efficacious that he was a sure Foundation so as in beholding him and resting on him as yet to come Heb. 11.13 14 40. such Believers were safe And so they seeing it afar off were perswaded and embraced and lived and died in the Faith and shall receive the Promise of the Inheritance together with us and so the Foundation was the thing purposed and waited for then So that here were a little mistake in this honest Jews Expression yet this mistake might have been tolerable because the Foundation was as then no farther laid but as held forth in the Promise and Revelation of the Purpose of God And so to take the Promise and Purpose therein revealed including the belief of him promised for the Foundation had not been dangerous but safe where farther Light was not come forth But now the Purpose is manifest to be come forth into act Act. 2. 13.32 33. 10.11 Rom. 1.1 5. 1 Cor. 3.11 1 Joh. 1.1 2 3. and the Foundation according to Purpose laid the promise fulfilled and Christ that took Man's Nature and died for their sins is risen and manifestly declared to be the Foundation Now to slight over this open and manifest laid and sealed Foundation and to cloke it with making the Purpose of God the Foundation to be built on as if the Foundation purposed were not laid or not manifest is not less then an intimate denial of Christ being come in the Flesh 1 Joh. 4.3 and too neer the Spirit of Antichrist Therefore it is to be desired That Men would acknowledge and call him The Foundation that is so and not avoid it by calling the Purpose the Foundation and yet to call that the Purpose of God which is not and make it the Foundation also is much worse consider that also CHAP. 11. Of a devised Purpose by some called The Purpose of God and counted The Foundation SOme have conceived and are ready to affirm this for the Purpose of God namely That from Eternity before the Foundation of the World God did decree and purpose eternall to save a certain number of persons of fallen Mankinde and eternally to damne all the rest of Mankinde and in this Purpose to elect as a peculiar people to himself all and onely those he so purposed to save and to reprobate all the rest And also That in this Purpose he purposed to give his own Son to take Man's Nature therein to die and rise and offer Sacrifice for all these elect and no other and to purchase for them Repentance Faith and Eternal Life and for no other so that these elect shall infallibly have it all and none but they And That the residue of Men by the Soveraignty and Power of God shall have their lives given them and preserved for a time that living they may by sin deserve this Damnation they were fore-purposed and ordained to before it be executed that so whatever the Purpose was the Execution may be just yea Gospel preached to many of them and some lower works of the Spirit vouchsafed them yea Faith attained by many of them and holiness true in its kinde yea profession and doing worthily from which if they fall the greater their condemnation if they abide and die in that Faith yet they must be damned the Death of Christ and his Gospel and all means extended to call and lead them to Repentance and Faith had nothing really in Truth for their Salvation but to leave them without excuse and aggravate their condemnation All belonging to eternal Salvation is onely for those Sons of Adam that were eternally purposed and elected to be eternally saved and in that Purpose Christ given to die for them that they might be saved through him And this eternal Purpose of God some make the foundation on which whosoever is built shall not miscarry and no
this should be framed out of its dregs after plain Gospel-Testimony is believed there being no one Saying in the Gospel declaring any such thing or that giveth ground for any such consequence and why should any of us that have received so much good in the Gospel-Testimony strain for a consequence to maintain that which the Gospel declareth not yea which stands cross to many Declarations yea Heb. 4.6 and to the scope of that very place alledged some must enter which appears to be spoken to encourage the weakest Believers to abide and go on in their Faith that they may enter the Rest or Canaan Compare ch 3. 4. with ch 6 12-20 11. See Part 3. ch 2. God hath sworn to give Abraham Isaac and Jacob and their Seed and they looked to receive it in a heavenly manner a new Earth c. which they never yet did nor shall till we all to the last that shall be called by the Gospel-Ministration come to enter together with them True God by Moses called them out of Egypt to that very promised Canaan but not at that time to receive it in that manner promised to Abraham but yet to receive it for which he gave them his promise which they not firmly believing especially after the receit of the first-Fruits all the antient Men except Caleb and Joshua that followed him fully in the faith of his Promise fell in the Wilderness and entred not not but that Moses Aaron Miriam Zelophehad and all like them even all but the rebellious shall in the Resurrection of the Just rise again and enter this promised Rest with Abraham c. So that in this they were but Types and Examples to us Those that Joshua led into the Land the Lord by Joshua gave them rest and in continuing in the Law of the Lord they might have retained it in that manner till the coming of Christ but yet the Rest as promised to Abraham was not then given no nor yet so long after as in David's time who when a King there and had both his people and his enemies subdued to him yet confest himself a stranger as his Fathers were and affirmed the promised Rest to be yet to come yet sure all that lived and died in the Faith must rise and enter when Abraham enters after God sent forth Christ for a Witness and Covenant that resting on him by Faith they might be so entring and in due time fully enter And the Gospel hereof was first preached to the Jews who for the most part refused and so entred not by by Faith and deprived themselves of a personal entrance when the time cometh yet God in his faithfulness to Abraham will preserve a Seed of Men of his Generation through all troubles that there should be found of them surviving at the coming of Christ and be brought in by him and shall enter when Abraham and all that sleep in Jesus shall be raised and enter together with them and till then none so enter for were it already so entred our hope would be cut off but it is not the rest yet remaineth for the people of God that we believing and abiding in Christ may have him for our rest and so be entring by Faith now and personally at Christ his next coming to encourage all Believers to firmness and constancy in this faith is the drift scope of the Apostle Rom. 9.19 who hath thus opened the same Methinks none should be so void of fear to affirm that as the Saying of the Holy Ghost which is given as the suggestion of an evil spirit Saying of a vain Man and so reproved Who hath resisted his Will as if none had or could which with grief I suppose true Believers will confess they have too often What other evils of dissention among Brethren c. the affirming of this devised Purpose to be both the Purpose of God and the Foundation and what other inconveniencies follow the maintaining of the last mentioned figment I will forbear to speak onely I confess for the reverence I bare to some I was a long time snared with this old fable till I experimented the evils mentioned and was brought to confess God in his Sayings true whoever be a lyar nor do I now blame any but my self who might have received good onely and not harm by what I read if I had not made Mens holiness and learning but the Scripture onely the umpire of my Faith and yet I have learned this That a Wolf in a Sheep's-Skin may for a time be imbraced and pleaded for by them that are no Wolves and so to be sober in judging yea this I farther confess That when I thought my self freed this last mentioned figment did a long time remain with me yea I was not freed of it when that my first published Tract called by the Printer The Vniversality of God's Free-Grace to Mankinde was put forth some Expressions there of it I wish were amended So that in this whole Chapter I own the blame of all the folly shewn to my self desiring of God as for forgiveness of all my Transgressions so of those in maintenance and favour of this old Fable or the last mentioned figment in Word or any Manuscript of mine desiring him that hath freed me to free others And yet I believe the eternal Purpose of God and the Foundation he hath laid according to his Purpose and his Election of that Foundation and of all in believing united to him to be verily true precious unmoveable unalterable as they are revealed in the Scripture as I have fore-declared CHAP. 12. The Conclusion about the Purposes of God to be known and believed THe Gospel as now come forth the Testimony of Christ in that which he hath suffered and done and what he is to and for them and what he doth to them that they might believe and what he will farther do to and for them believing his Father's and his own end in all this it is the Word and Minde of God yea the very opening and Declaration of the Heart Bosome Counsels and Purposes of God there is no Purpose of God cross to any part of this Testimony nor is there any Purpose that is God's but what is according to this Testimony which is the Word and Declaration of the Minde of the living God Rom. 6.25 26. Eph. 3.3 9. and called his Decree not to be doubted or waved from by any Suggestion of other secret Purposes or by feigned pretences of other meanings as if it were the Word of a Man that spake by guess or probabilities or according to appearances but to be believed and received as the word of the Almighty all-knowing God of Truth wherein the very mystery of his Will is opened to us Wherefore it becomes us neither to imagine our selves nor receive of others nor pry into any Purposes as if Purposes of God that are not declared in and according to the Testimony of Christ
for them in Christ and so the first Promises given and extended to them and as their eyes are opened and their hearts moved by him in the means the two next sort of Promises are extended to them that they might believe and in believing receive though in themselves they be never such sinners and cursed ones and I suppose Mr. Owen's term of qualification will deny nothing of this but for another saying of his Pag. 117. Sect. 8.2 viz. God that hath promised life on believing hath promised believing on no condition on our parts at all because to sinners This is a very hard saying He in the other place said The promises are made to sinners as sinners and under no other qualification whatever And after that again he saith Were not the promises originally made to sinners there would never any one be found in any other condition yet himself hath said That God that promised life on believing hath promised believing on no condition on our parts at all and he gives this as his Reason and Proof because to sinners Minde his saying well VVere they not sinners to whom he promised life on believing what force then in his Reason or Truth in his two other Sayings for any to be induced to believe and yet no Promise of believing to be given produced nor any sinner to whom it should belong nor can he shew any condition in the one namely sinners to whom life is promised on believing but the same is found in the other that is sinners to whom in God his way the grace to believe is promised and they both alike sinners It is before shewn That for giving and sending forth Christ the Saviour of the World the Promise was absolute and not with If Men believe and so the Promises for fitting supporting exalting and furnishing Christ to be such a Saviour all depended onely on the faithfulness of God and though it was for the good of Mankinde yet the performance of those Promises was not made with an if men believe and so the Promises for means to be used and spirit sent forth therein to the opening of the eyes c. that men might believe were not made to be performed if men believe c. all this is done and these Promises all to sinners as sinners and performed to them also before any of them believe and to many that come not in to believe But now when God hath manifested all these Promises so graciously performed that the ears and eyes of Men are open so as they hear and see and he moveth at their hearts the Promises then run thus If they in seeing see c. if they turn at his reproof if they hearken and behold he will save them open his words and pour cut his Spirit to them draw them to Christ enable them to believe and what condition is this when nothing is required but what God hath graciously fore-given in giving them to see that by the same grace they might use their sight Act. 17.31 Joh. 6.32 Isa 5 5.5 1 Pet. 1.20 21. he also in this discovery as they behold gives them an Object of Faith to behold and he is glorifying Christ that Object in their view that their faith and hope may be in him and so giving them faith and to believe so that here is nothing required but the use of that given to that very end the word is in the mouth Rom. 10.8 9. Prov. 17.16 and in the heart that they might believe the price in the hand that they might hold it and so He that believeth on him shall not perish See for all Par. 4. ch 4. c. is no more Condition then the former and as the Promise of saving and believing was not to the qualification of seeing but to him to whom God gave to see in his seeing beholding so this is not to the qualification of believing but to him to whom God is thus giving Faith in his believing all is thus here grace and grace for grace here is a Saviour freely given that wrought salvation in the Nature of Man and that by him means of Salvation afforded that hath it may be made known and extended to us and power in that means to open our eyes that we may behold it and this sight given us that in beholding we may be drawn in to believe Act. 26.17 18. Rom. 10.15 1 Cor. 3.5 2 Cor. 3.3 1 Pet. 1.20 21 22 23 25. and believing afforded that in believing we may rest on Christ and so receive forgiveness c. So that all the way here is still one Grace afforded that we may receive another and that other that we might receive another which if when such divine help afforded we willingly refuse not will still fit and lead us to receive more so great so gracious the Promises of God to Mankinde fallen and this or these are the Promises made and performed in belief or receit whereof Men are united to the immortal Seed and of that through these born from above And yet now for these when so born from above we have more Promises to take view of concerning which Promises Mr. Owen his Sayings That the Promises are made to sinners as sinners and under no other qualification whatever and That if they were not originally made to sinners there would never any one be found in any other condition I know not how to interpret them to make them hold true in a full sense in the Promises to be spoken of for it is evident That those to whom the first Branch of Promises is made known and the second Branch of Promises extended and so received as thereby they are found believing in Christ these though they are sinners and as sinners may still have the use of all the former Promises and so his Saying true in respect of those Promises still yet are these in some better condition and under some better qualification also else the Holy Spirit would not call them The Children of the Free Woman The Sons of God Saints and Faithful in Christ washed sanctified and justified c. translated out of the power of darkness into the Kingdom of his dear Son this is a better condition and better qualifications then onely sinners and as sinners and some are brought to and so found in other and better condition Besides upon due search it will be found That the Promises we are to treat of were originally made to Christ and have their fulness of performance in him and are derived from him to Believers under divers qualifications and exercises as appears in the next Branch The third Head or Branch of Promises are those to be performed to such of Mankinde fallen after they come in to believe and they are those that are confirmed in Christ made through Christ to be derived and received from Christ for Believers and so through Christ to Believers and to be received by Believers such as are already Believers and in all
and Love of God hath so set them forth even to Believers for their good were it not sinful Jer. 23.16 17 27 32 33 34. by any dreams or colourable pretext to steal away the Word of the Lord in this respect from his People counting this part of his Word a burthen Surely it was not well done of Mr. Owen to alter the Words of the Apostle Heb. 3.14 in stead of For we are made partakers of Christ if we hold the beginnings of our confidence stedfast unto the end Pag. 429. to put in Those onely are made partakers of Christ c. and then to add words of his own viz. And for the rest they are not c. The Apostle not using that Language it is not well done of any to use it to take away the word in the force of the Spirits caution joyned with his consolation from Believers and that is something worse to give out as if that said 1 Sam. 12.22 were not the consolation given to all the people to whom Samuel spake to encourage them to obey his exhortation 1 Sam. 12.20 21. and the threat vers 25. a warning not to them all to deter them from disobedience but the consolation to one part of them as godly and the threatning to another part of them as wicked and that Men might believe this to make the one part of them like those spoke of Jer. 31. which speaks neither to nor of such a peculiar people as was then in being though Mr. Owen would have Men conceive so but of a Generation of that Nation that shall be left of the Sword Jer. 31.1 2 3 4 5 31 32 33 34. and found surviving when the judgements of God have been executed on that Nation that then after those dayes shall be made such a peculiar people so it was wrongfully concluded hence by him that the threatnings such as in that 1 Sam. 12.25 are onely to the wicked and not to the Saints but to acquaint them with the terror of the Lord how he hateth wickedness and the Promises onely to the Saints and not to the residue of the people that the wicked may know his love of goodness how this will stand with his two Sayings before twice mentioned of the Promises made to sinners as sinners c. I need say nothing but of that he saith elsewhere viz. That the Saints are only wrought on and perswaded by the love promises of God but not by the terror of the Lord and that is it they hold forth only to the wicked affirming the same of Paul 2 Cor. 5.11 This is not right neither for the very word in that Text with that went before 2 Cor. 5.8 9 10 11. includes the judgement also in which the terror is as that which was also in the motive of his own and other Believers being perswaded to diligence yea intimates it also to have had some prevalency with the Corinthians And plain it is there also 13 14 15 19 20. That he held forth chiefly and mostly the love of God in Christ even to perswade unbelievers and not the terror without it nor but for the contempt and refusal thereof but no need to strive about that is so cleer who can read that profession of Job so oft expressing it and concluding For destruction from God was a terror to me Iob. 31.1 23. and by reason of his highness I could not endure Psal 119.120 And of David My flesh trembleth for fear of thee and I am afraid of thy judgements And of Levi that not onely feared the Lord Mal. 2.5 but also was afraid before his Name And of Habakkuk Hab. 3.16 who when he heard the voice of the judgements his belly trembled his lips quivered at the voice rottenness entred into his bones and he trembled in himself that he might finde rest in the day of trouble Yea hath not God promised to look to him Isa 66.2 5. 28.13 and appear to his joy that trembleth at his word when shame shall befal those that by devices labour to put it from themselves as not having any thing to do with them yet the Spirit saith expresly Prov. 28.14 Happy is the man that feareth alway but he that hardneth his heart shall fall into mischief yea was not Moses thus led for Israel Num. 22.6 15. Iosh 22.15 22. 1 Cor. 9.27 10.1 6 11. and Phinehas yea Paul in respect of himself and also directing all Believers to the same So that this fear in such as believe the Promises is no desperate but a hopeful fear as well standing with confidence as godly sorrow and mourning doth with rejoycing in the Lord as is seen in Job David c. So that this was rashly affirmed and yet worst of all that Affirmation of this Saying Pag. 221. God to be with us while we are with him is a cursed liberty left Men of departing wickedly from God it had not been well so to affirm of that saying of David to Abiathar 1 Sam. 22.2 ● Abide thou with me fear not for he that seeketh my life seeketh thy life but with me thou shalt be in safety But when God in Christ Jesus hath called people to himself spoken peace to them in the Blood of his Son free'd them from the charges of the Law from the Accusations of sin and the tyranny of the Devil and terrors of death and filled them with the consolations of his goodness and promised them eternal life and also told them of the malice of Satan and the World and how they seek to devour them giving them this counsel and comfort saying I am with you and for you abide you in me and with me and I will be with you for ever and with me you shall be in safety but if you abide not in me you will be forsaken and lie open to all danger Shall any call this a cursed liberty c Surely Methinks if they could not see the goodness of it yet they should forbear reviling it knowing it to be the very Saying of the Holy Spirit in the Prophet 2 Chron. 15.2 8 9 10 11 12 13 14. to a good King and good People The Lord is with you while you be with him and if ye seek him he will be found of you but if you forsake him he will forsake you And this they counted not a cursed but a blessed liberty and it had as good a fruit in them Ioh. 15.1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11. And such-like Language used by our Saviour to his chosen Disciples who surely would have shunned it as blasphemy to call it a cursed liberty left Men of departing wickedly from God they knew it tended and the fruit of it in Believers was to keep Men both humbly and confidently to God If the saying startled and enraged him because it could not be answered yet so odious a censure trenching on God's own words might
and helps to Believers that they may in believing mix not reasonings but Faith with the Promises and so live neither by presumption nor sense but by Faith And so in love are many Helps given them which also have the Nature of Promises and many Promises in them and they may be comprehended in these four Heads or Branches namely 1. Caution 2. Instruction 3. Assurance 4. Inward Helpfulness Consider them CHAP. 4. Of the Helps to mix Faith with the Promises and so to persevere IT hath pleased the Lord in his great love to afford and give many Helps to Believers that they may mix Faith with the Promises and persevere I. Joshua 24.20 2 Chron. 15.2 Prov. 1.8 9. 4.2 6 20 24. Jer. 17.13 Ezek. 33.5 11. Prov. 15.10 Psa 141.5 The first Help is Caution and Warning that they depart not from him but abide believing and so he hath warned them of that which will if not avoided hinder and turn aside and therewith discovered the danger thereof that they may both avoid it and be preserved And though these things be grievous to those that are out of the way yet they are very profitable to those that love righteousness and in this manner to this gracious end the Lord hath warned us 1. Heb. 3.7 12 15 16. 10.35 38. Phil. 2.14 To take heed of hardning our hearts from hearing his Voice by fleshly Reasonings or foolish Questions as they Joh. 6. or Murmurings and so to beware of an evil heart of unbelief which leads to depart from the living God 2. Heb. 3.13 12.16 17. Rom. 8.13 13.11 14. Gal. 6.8 Prov. 11.2 16.18 29.23 Rom. 11.20 21. To beware of the deceitfulness of sin and so of those special sins that will harden the heart and lead to unbelief and falling away as of prophaness and provision making for the flesh to fulfil the lusts of thereof and so of sowing to it and so of those sins that seem more spiritual as pride of Parts Gifts Receits Attainments and of vain-glory in love and desire of praise of Men Gal. 5.26 Phil. 2.3 Joh. 5.44 with 12.43 44. 3. Prov. 1.10 9.13 18. 14.7 19.27 Isa 55.2 Rom. 9.31 32 33. 10.2 3. Gal. 4.19 23. Luk. 18.9 11 14. Isa 65.3 4 5. To beware of a more subtil mischief namely That we do neither of our selves nor by the allurements and fair words of others seek life in a wrong way by eating that which is not good to get refreshing and consolation to our Souls And so he hath warned us That we feed not on the works of Righteousness of our own endeavouring by the Law of works conceiting to have the Righteousness of God thereby and so presuming as the Pharisees did we have Grace and are elect and upon that account worship and praise God and hope for eternal life this is to sacrifice in the Gardens and burn incense upon Altars of Brick and drink in vanity in conceits of our own holiness and despising others a thing loathed of God such eat Swines-flesh of which we are warned yea more still 4. Mic. 2.10 Isa 4.1 He hath warned us of an evil more secret and subtil then the former namely That we feed not upon any thing that hath blemish or defilement in it for that is neither the rest nor the bread of life that he hath given us nor any thing is that which is directly our own how goodly soever appearing and what change soever it hath wrought in us as inward sorrow and brokenness of heart for our sins and some suitable mortification of and abstaining from or death to sin and some suitable vivification and quickning in zeal towards love of desire after 2 Cor. 10.7 12 18. 13.5 and delight in holy Duties and Societies and some suitable performances and fruits in prayer hearing just and equitable walking when these are all found and also by others approved right yet are not these to be fed on for life and satisfying in exercising our thoughts on them from thence concluding and trusting That we are Christ's and so elect and upon that account to hope for eternal life Surely there is yet wants and defilements in us in all this sorrow brokenness mortification vivification and performances so that if any of us think not fit to confess of our Righteousness in this with the Prophet It is a defiled clout yet we cannot but confess with the Apostle We are not thereby justified Isa 64.6 1 Cor. 4.4 and if any refuse so to confess they cannot free themselves from that charge of the Prophet Isaiah A dangerous feeding beware of it Isa 65.4 66.17 and yet 5. He hath warned us of a deceit more secret and subtil then these which to some appeareth as the Bread of life to feed on and that is when in waiting and looking for some such thing there cometh into the fancy or thoughts yea to some to their heart some particular Word or Promise of God that is in the Scripture to let pass such as come into the fancy and thoughts onely as knowing none but fools and unbelievers will deceive themselves to trust and rely on such motions and thoughts Prov. 14.15 nor yet to speak of such words as may be cast in by a Satanical Spirit because when so they tend to pride or presumptuous confidence Mat. 4.6 Mar. 1.24 Act. 16.17 withdrawing from attending on Christ in his way and Ordinances and so true Believers will be fearful of entertaining them but those that are hinted by the good and Holy Spirit yea and that in mercy for gracious ends even to draw to Christ and so uphold their fainting Spirits but not for them to rest upon the in-giving of such a word to them and their certain receit thereof from God and so to feed on that and on that account to conclude their Election before time and their assurance of never falling away but having eternal life and persevering to the inheritance for when time was that the Holy Ghost was not given in the full Revelation of the Mystery of Christ and so this in-giving of some particular words more in use yet though personally given to any one Man It had this Caution with it Ezek. 18. 33. If I say to the righteous which can be no less then one justified in some sense That he shall surely live which could not be in any righteousness of his own by the Law of works if he trust to his own righteousness mark the fruit of such trusting and commit iniquity c. he shall die What hurt confidence in our receit of such words hath done me and others I need not here repeat and how it apts some after over-greedily to receive any thing that comes with a shine and spiritual fervor I will not here say But this it is I am now to say That Christ hath come in the flesh and is he in whom all the Promises of
of living Waters Psa 36.9 Jer. 17.13 Mal. 4.2 Col. 2.3 9. Joh. 1.16 of Light Life and Spirit the Sun of Righteousness in whom all Light Life and quickning is in whom the fulness of the Spirit of life is and from whom it flows and so those that through Grace believe on him receive of his fulness and see light in his light and so in beholding of and believing in him the same Spirit that is in him floweth into them Joh. 3.6 and effecteth the minde and disposition of Christ in them which is also called Spirit in which respect Christ is said to dwell in them and the Holy Spirit is said to dwell in them who as proceeding from Christ and remaining in him so he entreth their hearts and worketh this new Spirit or disposition in them and by his light and operations dwelleth in it and so in them and this Spirit effected in them and dwelling in them they have derivatively from Christ and it cannot be had divided from him but they believing in him Eph. 3.16 17. have it of and from him and him within and by it and so they have him and this Spirit of and from him in their hearts by Faith 2 Cor. 4.13 2 Tim. 1.7 1 Ioh. 4.4 and it is in them a Spirit of Faith the Spirit of Power of Love and of a sound minde and this Spirit dwelling in them is greater and stronger then the Devil that is in the World so that they may full readily mix the Promises with Faith 1 Ioh. 5.4 5. yea and believing in the Son of God overcome the World their Faith being their Victory whereby they overcome And thus we have seen the Promises to Believers in their spiritual frames and exercises are many the Promises to them abiding in the Faith given them are many the Promises that they may abide many and the helps for their abiding many and all gracious from the Almighty God of Truth through the Mediator to Believers to whom Faith is given that they may and whoever as they may mix the Promises with Faith and so accepteth the Grace given may have the Assurance of Faith even for his perseverance in which the following Promises will be still farther helpful also let them be considered CHAP. 5. Of the Promises to be fulfilled to Believers after this Life THe fourth sort of Promises are those which are to be performed to Believers when they have lived and died in the Faith when their Battel is fought their Race run and so they have finished their Course and kept the Faith and so overcome The Promises to be then performed to them be great precious and of three sorts 1. Such as are to be performed to them at their death as all shall but such as survive at the coming of the Lord to whom such Promises not needful nor suffer they loss 2. Such as are to be performed at the Resurrection of the Just in the personal coming of the Lord. 3. Such as are to be performed when Christ delivers up the Kingdom to God the Father and so God is All in all I shall according to what I finde hint somewhat of each I. For the Promises that shall be performed to Believers at their death 1. They shall rest from their labours sorrows Rev. 14.13 Isa 26.20 21. 57.2 Ioh. 3.17 18. Zach. 9.11 12. 1 Thes 4.14 Ioh 17.13 16. 19.25 27. combates with temptations being kept as in Chambers of safety till the indignation in which the inhabitants of the earth shall be punished have gone over them all yea they shall enter into peace their bodies resting in the earth in their several places as in beds of peace and though in respect of the enjoyment of the great hope their bodies be as Prisoners yet are they at rest and free from all trouble and fear and so Prisoners of hope that sleep in Jesus and shall be raised at his coming to see him and come with him so it is a blessed sleep and rest 2. Their Spirits or Souls shall walk in their uprightness in the presence of Christ their Righteousness and under his Wings Isa 52.2 Rev. 6.9 10 11. Phil. 1.21 23. 2 Cor. 5.1 2 6 7 8. as the Altar of safety and solace enjoying a more full sight of the Person of the Lord Jesus and being nigher and having more full fellowship with greater rejoycings in him and with him and with the Spirits of just Men made perfect of which they now are then ever they did or could have enjoyed Heb. 6.12 15. 4.3 4 10. while they were in mortal bodies in which respect as touching their Souls they may be said to inherit the Promises to enter into rest and in both these respects the day of their death is better to them then the day of their birth was 3. Their works do follow them Rev. 14.13 Ioh. 15.16 2 Pet. 1.15 1 Tim. 6.14 2 Ioh. 8. 1 Thes 2.19 20. 2 Cor. 10.15 16. Heb. 11.4 12.1 that which through Faith working by love they have done in their preaching the Testimony of Christ their works of mercy their prayers their sufferings and constancy therein in bearing witness to the Truth and against Antichrist have not only had their fruits for holding forth the Faith and winning in others to God in their life-time but in the efficacy of the Truth witnessed by them in preaching and suffering in answer of their prayers and the memory of their good examples their fruits shall remain yea also multiply and encrease upon their account after their decease II. For the Promises to be performed to them at the coming of the Lord Jesus in and at the Resurrection of the Just they are of great and glorious things as to instance some of them 1. Their Bodies shall be raised again not corruptible 1 Cor. 15 23 42 45 52. 1 Thes 4.16 Phil. 3.21 Mat. 22.30 weak and mortal as before they had been but incorruptible powerful immortal and glorious at the very coming of Christ yea so as they shall be as the Angels of God though not Angels and Spirits onely Mar. 15.25 Luk. 20.35 36 Rom. 8.23 yet as the Angels and spiritual equal to the Angels for impossibility of dying or falling for strength agility swiftness of motion in ascending or descending and moving every way Thus shall their bodies be raised and united to and possessed of their own perfect Souls or Spirits for ever being both moved and carried about by the divine power 2. 1 Thes 4.17 Isa 9.4 5 6. 11.4 30.27 28 60.12 Zach. 14.5 2 Pet. 3.7 See Part 2 ch 17. Being so raised and made spiritual and glorious in Soul and Body they shall in a moment ascend and meet the Lord in the Air and so be ever with him yea come along with him to that great Battel in which shall be no carnal Sword no confusion no garments of any Saints rolled in blood and yet the
also and rejoyce for the same being Heirs together of the Grace of Life and so of the Promises mentioned in the third Head or Branch of Promises IV. This Consideration of the Promises of God to fallen Mankinde sinners in the first and second Consideration and his Purposes alike ordered and the Testimony of Christ in the Gospel declaring and witnessing the same will keep us from wresting and lead us to a profitable understanding of that in Act. 13.48 As many as were ordained to eternal life believed This some to favour some Opinion wrest to mean as many as from eternity were in their persons absolutely decreed and elected to eternal life believed so leaving all the rest of Mankinde but that elect number as from eternity decreed to be damned a harsh and untrue position cross to all the plain Declaration of the Gospel and the Purpose of God in giving and sending his Son and causing him to be preached and the Promises of God to fallen Mankinde sinners in first and second Consideration and to the Holy Spirit 's Discovery of the Elect and those that are counted or the Seed and cross to the Text for if as many as were ordained as they say from Eternity decreed to eternal life did then believe then was there no more to be converted and that would not have filled the Disciples with joy nor would the Word of the Lord have been farther published to others still there it were better to acknowledge such a Sentence deep and difficult and wait till we be helped so to understand it as agreeing with the Testimony of Christ then to fancy a sense quite cross to it all as this appears to be nor is there a word here to countenance it for it is not said As many as were from Eternity ordained to eternal Life believed If any say It must be so taken because of the contrary saying in Jude 4. Who were ordained of old to this condemnation I answer They mistake both places for the word in Jude 4 is either forewritten or ordained of old which is not so far as from eternity no not in the works of God Israel said The Lord bath appeared to me of old which could not be from eternity Je● 31.3 though far off in many Ages past and so this fore-writing and Ordainment of old was fore-written by the Prophets And two things are note-able in Jude 4. First Who they were that were thus ordained and that is See Part 4. ch 4. not particular Men as Adam's Sons fallen considered but such as to whom Grace hath been extended and Light opening their eyes to see and so called to yield to the Teachings of it and they willingly close their eyes and pervert the Tenders of Grace and abuse it to take Liberty to satisfie the Flesh and in that sense ungodly and that such as so considered are ordained to stumble is foreshewn Secondly note what that is they are here said to be ordained to and that is to be the Tryers Exercisers and Adversaries of the Saints in contending against their Faith and so to this Judgement Contention or Condemnation to be also contended against by the Saints Gen. 4.15 Prov. 29.27 Psa 101. 139.19 22. which Ordainment and fore-writing is declared of old and may be read and such as persist in the ungodliness are ordain'd to the vengeance of eternal fire and not else as that whole Epistle shews And this Jude 4. speaking of a direct contrary Ordainment to that Act. 13.48 helps to a right understanding thereof namely That such as when means of Grace and the Call of God therein is extended to them and light so given as they are brought to hear and understand and they do in hearing hear and in seeing see and so receive and like the Reproof and Call such are ordained to have Christ made to appear more precious to them and so believe and in believing to have eternal Life as hath been shewn both in Purposes and Promises Par. 4. ch 4. Part 5. Chap. 1. which helps to understand this and according to the Testimony of Christ and the Purposes and Promises set forth in the Gospel is this to be understood And for the words in it 1. Some accounted well skilled in the Greek say It 's thus to be read Act. 13.48 As many as believed were ordained to eternal Life Which however the saying and sense in it is true and safe to be received as Truth which the foresaid contradicting sense cannot be for this agreeth with the residue of the Gospel and the Purposes and Promises of God But grant this Saying to be not fit and proper in this place as other skilful Grecians say it is not yet if we look well into the words as used in Scripture-Language 2. If we should take ordained as some press for it Prov. 1.23 1 Pet. 2.3 4 7. Joh. 5.25 Mat. 13.12 c. to be pre-ordained or ordained of old or fore-written yet the sense is given us in Scripture to be That God hath ordained that when he declares his Grace in Christ and therein opens Mens ears to hear and their eyes to see and puts forth his hand in his Call moving at their hearts that such as then by the Grace extended do in hearing hear and in seeing see and so receive his Words more Grace shall flow in to them so as they shall believe and have eternal life and so it stands well here As many as were ordained to eternal life that is were so prepared by the Grace extended believed This shewn in Purposes and Promises 3. If we take ordained as some skilful in the Greek say The word signifies for ordered or fitted and so for an act of the following Grace of God where his preventing Grace was not rejected but entertained and so such as harden not their hearts against preventing Graces but receive and own it to them more abundant and following Grace is given and so they fitted to prize accept and receive Christ Heb. 3.7 Joh. 4.10 10.38 Joh. 5.38 40 44 10.26 27 12.38 39. Acts 13.39 40 41 47. in whom eternal Life is and so to accept and receive it in God's way and so being ordered inclined and fitted for eternal Life they do in that gracious Operation believe Just as it is said of Despisers of the Word and Resisters of preventing Grace They cannot believe They put away eternal Life from themselves as is seen in the Verses before this Text And so likewise when in this preventing Grace the Lord Jesus was held forth to be a Light to the Gentiles and God's Salvation to the ends of the Earth which is the same with The Propitiation for the sins of the whole World The Saviour of the World that died for all and gave himself a Ransom for all and upon that ground Isa 45.22 Prov. 8.4 5. Act. 13.44.45 all the ends of the Earth called to look to him and be saved when this
they were chosen and filled with the joy of the Holy Ghost it gives us cleerly to understand and minde I. The abundance and power of Spirit that went forth in this Word Act. 10.43 ●● 19 21. when so despised by great Ones and preached by traduced Ministers to the hearts of all such as attentively heard it II. The unfeignedness and effectualness of the Faith in the very beginning 1 Thes 1.4 5 6. 2.13 14. and at once wrought in such as received the word when it was so despised and opposed III. The evidencing the effectualness of their Calling and Election in the beginning 2 Thes 2.13 14. and so in this season such abundance of Grace given and received at the first and not only so but at the first also so shewing forth it self as was not at all times nor to all usual now no feigned Believer now none that believed and were not yet made upright and free nay none here that staggered but all so believing as ordinarily others came to by degrees but such a Blessing as might encourage Ministers of the Gospel to hold forth the Word of Life in all times of opposition Now I leave the sense of the place to every one that believeth the Gospel to understand as he is helped to conceive knowing that all will meet in one and preserve from stumbling and wresting if Gospel-Purposes and Promises be heeded yet I shall mention a little farther use of them CHAP. 7. Of some usefulness concerning those to whom Promises belong THe knowledge of the Purposes of God and so of the Promises which are Revealers of the Purposes in the three several Heads forementioned will lead us to see to whom the Promises belong and to whom and in what order they may be proclaimed preached and applied without any doubt or equivocation or cloak for an evasion as the Promises under the first Head declared as fulfilled to be held forth to all Men for good yea though they believe not yet to affirm them true and good and done for them that they might believe and the Promises under the second Head held forth to all Men as true and good Act. 13.32 39 47 48. even for them so as they have yet an Interest in them and he will perform if in performance of them their eyes are opened c. they do in seeing see c. they shall be saved brought out of darkness into light and so enabled to believe and in believing receive Remission of sins Life Justification and so these of both sorts may be thus affirmed as Truth to all Men to every Man to sinners yea to sinners as sinners and they hereby beseeched to repent 2 Cor. 5.14 15 19 20 21. 6.1 2. believe and be reconciled to God with assurance of Blessing in their believing Acceptance of and yielding up to this Grace praying them to receive it on that Ground But the Promises as under the third Head though to be preached to sinners and in the hearing of sinners to allure them to become Believers yet not to be applied to any unbelievers as that in which they have an Interest though in believing they might come to have an Interest But these Promises are in respect of having Interest to be applied onely to Believers and though to them as yet also in some sense sinners yet not to them as sinners onely but as also Believers and in Christ and Heirs of which enough hath been said and more needs not but onely a word to shew the mistakes of some that would cut off all the Promises of God from appertaining to any but The Elect The spiritual Seed alleadging there is an Israel and an Israel a People and a People and all that are of Israel are not Israel that 's not the spiritual Seed but the Children of the Promise are counted for the Seed All which is very true but the inference is very false That all the Promises pertaining to life pertain to are made and belong onely to this choise Israel and spiritual Seed and not to the residue of Israel and people for Paul speaking of Israel including them that stood out for whom he was in great sorrow Rom. 9.2 9. saith That to them were committed the Oracles of God That they are Israeclites to whom pertaineth the Adoption and the Glory and the giving of the Law and the Covenants and the Promises nor doth he say That those to whom the Promises are made are counted for the Seed for then there needed no being born by or of the Promises to make them so And Isaac the Son of the Promise was conceived and born of a Promise yea a Promise made to Abraham before he had any being and believed by Abraham and Sarah so the Promise is surely confirmed in Christ and believed by the Church and held forth in the Gospel even for and to sinners and when in performance of the Promises under the second Head the eyes and ears of Men are opened some in seeing see not c. and so are not born of the Promise yet those that in seeing see the Promise becomes effectual in them and they are born of it and being born they see their benefit in it Compare Rom. 9.1 9. with Gal. 4.23 26 28 31 and Interest in that Promise to the hope whereof they are born as Isaac also did and were there no Promise made for and to sinners as sinners even such as are not yet Children of the Promise that by the Promise believed and held forth by the Church they might be won in conceived and born of the Promise how should the free-Woman come to have any more Children which certainly she shall True it is Men may be said to be Children of the Prophets and so of the Apostles and so of Abraham and so of the Church and so of the Covenant and Promises God hath made with the Fathers and the Church Act. 2.39 3.19 25 13.26 38 39 46 Rom. 10.1 2 3. while they are nurtured and brought up under the Doctrine Law and Ordinances given by them and continue in that Profession but then so was all the Israel or Jews that yet were unbelievers when Paul wrote yea cleerly distinct from true Proselytes and Fearers of God and charged with putting away eternal life from themselves and in this sense as all Israel under that Tuition so all Christians under Gospel-Ministration and Ordinances are such Children and Promises belong to them and are to be preached to them and yet still those that are born of the Promise are the Children of the Promise that are the spiritual Seed and counted for the Seed and have the Promises to preach to others which known what they are will direct in the preaching them And by that hath been said of the Testimony of Christ in his Oblation Mediation and coming again and of the Purposes of God concerning Christ and concerning Mankinde fallen and concerning Believers and lastly
7.19 24 29. 1 Chron. 17.17 27. even so this part of it now made with David is so made that it might have divers times and degrees of fulfilling as is also expresly to be found written The first fulfilling was according to the Letter 1 King 8.15 20. 2 Chron 6.1 10 1 King 11.36 suitable to the Covenant given by Moses that they were under and this began when Solomon was setled on the Throne of David and had built the Temple as is confest plainly yea and after a great breach yet a continuance of fulfilling avouched The second fulfilling is spiritual Luke 1.31 32 33 69 70 71 74. Joh. 1.49 Act. 5.31 32. 1 Pet. 3.23 Heb. 7 8. Psal 110.11 Col. 1.12 13. and that began when God sent forth Jesus Christ and he had suffered and overcome Death and offered up the acceptable Sacrifice and sate down on the Right-Hand of God and received all fulness of Spirit in the Man and sent forth thereof to Men to convince the Rebellious and lead Believers into all Truth and so by that Spirit rule in the Hearts of his People while they as he was are strangers and sufferers here and this is plainly confest and the continuance likewise The third Rev. 5.10 1 Thes 4.14 15 18. Psa 102.16 Heb. 11.13 40. Rev. 11.18 last and compleat fulfilling is That which shall be both spiritual and literal if I may use that term because it shall be on Earth though the Earth renewed and to Soul and Body though both spiritual c. and to all Israel yea this shall be to Abraham Isaac Jacob and all the twelve Tribes of Israel and all the spiritual Seed together even all that sleep in the Lord and all that are surviving at his coming when Jesus Christ will personally and visibly appear and come and take unto him his great Power and sit upon the Throne of David in Jerusalem and raign in Jerusalem and over all Nations of the Earth and all Kings fall down before him all Nations serve him And the Covenant thus fulfilled Heb. 11.14 15 16. 1 Chron. 16.15 19. Rom. 4.16 Gal. 3.7 8 16 26 29. 5.5 Levit. 26.44 45. Deut. 4.31 Psal 105.8 9. 1 Chron. 16.15 16. and this settlement and Kingdom is that which is promised and which all the Fathers waited for through Faith and which all the spiritual Seed are to wait for as Abraham's Seed to whom through Promise it is sure by Faith and they have professed so to wait for it the time place manner prosperity and duration of it being foreshewn and that God for performance of this and the whole Covenant made and as made with the Fathers Abraham c. hath confirmed for and will perform it to their Seed according to his Promise he doth for this remember this Covenant as made with them and wills us so to heed and minde and wait for it as sure in Covenant as made with them and directs us not to look for another personal making of it to us to make it surer to us to whom it is sure enough in that first making in Faith whereof we wait to receive and enjoy it and not for any other making but the making in performance The first fulfilling is past as confest to begin with Israel and Solomon and if any conjecture It was made again with Solomon it is cleer it was not made with him 2 Chron. 7.18 6.16 2 Chron. 7.16 22. 6.15 16. 1 Sam. 12.20 25. as with Abraham Isaac and Jacob nor as with David but as both David and Solomon was under the Law given by Moses and so God did graciously minde Solomon of the Covenant fore-made with David as he often doth Believers now without so making it over again with him and so Solomon understood it and he promised Solomon the continuance of the Kingdom in that manner he had received according to his keeping of that Covenant given by Moses and not otherwise and so he understood it and such was the promise to all Israel for the continuation both of King and Land and so the everlasting Covenant is fully and surely already made and other makings of it I have not to treat of nor other Covenants to be made but as they are Branches of this and made in some performance of this Covenant And so I shall mention three things in this business according to the performances of the Covenant made with Abraham and that is first In his sending forth and giving Christ the promised Seed displayed in the Gospel so he hath given him for a Covenant to be received by Faith Secondly In the Dispensation of his Goodness and Spirit through Christ he hath given by Christ a New Testament for the nurture and guidance of Believers and Receivers to the Inheritance And lastly In the coming again of Christ the making the Covenant by a compleat Performance I shall confider each of these CHAP. 6. Of Jesus Christ being given for a Covenant GOD promised Isa 42.1 6. 49.8 and according to his Promise hath given Jesus Christ The Seed of Abraham of David The Saviour of the World and Propitiation for the sins of the whole World The Lord of all and Head of the Church that hath satisfied the Law and is full of the Holy Ghost The Heir The King The Son of David and The Son of God for a Covenant to Believers the People that are his Seed so that he is The Messenger of the Covenant and he with whom the Covenant was first made and in whom it was confirmed to Abraham Mal. 3.1 Gal. 3.16 17. Heb. 9.16 23. 13.20 Psal 89.28 2 Cor. 1.20 Heb. 8.1 2 6. and hath confirmed the Covenant with his own Blood and with him the Covenant stands fast for ever so that all the Promises of God in him are Yea and in him Amen and he is The Minister of the Covenant by whom God will perform all that is in it And so I shall here onely in what is implied or exprest in this saying That God hath given him for a Covenant consider what I am helpt to underdand 1. That he is given for a Covenant implieth That he is given or made to appear in the Gospel Joh. 1.18 Mat. 11.27 2 Cor. 4.6 Heb. 1.2 3. Isa 42.1 6. 49.6 Gen. 3.15 1 Ioh. 3.5 8. Gen. 12.3 1 Ioh. 2.2 4.14 Isa 42.7 49.9 that he may teach and Men in beholding and minding him may know the Covenant and so be brought in to him to enjoy it which is a new and cleer and more alluring and powerful way of teaching it and bringing to it then ever was before so he is affirmed to be given for a Light to the Gentiles and to shew forth judgement to them and be God's Salvation to the ends of the Earth And this must needs be so when he is set forth who is the promised Seed that came to take away sins and destroy the works of the
ascended to Heaven and offered the acceptable Sacrifice and obtained eternal Redemption and so is the Propitiation for our sins and Grace is onely by him And Truth that is fulfilling of the Promises he being immeasurably filled with the Holy Ghost in our Nature and the fulness of the Godhead dwelling in him bodily he is The Temple of God the High-Priest The Laver of Regeneration the Altar the Sacrifice The Propitiatory The Oracle c. the Truth of all figured by those is in him and so by him and had in having him and this vertuous from the beginning and so even then though in a more hidden way Grace and Truth came by Jesus Christ. But now he hath come and done his first Work this mystery is manifested and the Spirit hath testified of him and this Testimony is Spirit and Life by which such as are led to believe in Christ do meet with Truth and so are said to worship him in Spirit this gracious Law opposed to that of Works and Types and in Truth acknowledging the Truth in Christ and meeting with him in believing on him as having done his first work for them Job 4.21 22 24. 1 Joh. 5.19 20. and now about the other in them and so they worship God in and through him and that they might thus do God hath done and provided all this in his Son and so made him known And so upon this account of Christ his being so full of Grace and Truth and having been so manifested also in the Nature of Man John Baptist in respect of himself and the first witnesses renders it in these words Joh. 1.14 16 17 vers 17. as the ground of that he affirmed vers 16. For of his fulness have we all received Grace for Grace other profitable senses of this noted before I onely now note this That as Moses received a Law of works and shadows to nurture the people Par. 3. ch 4. that in judging themselves for their sins by one part of the Law and looking to Christ that was to come in their use of the Types the other part of the Law they might through Christ receive Grace as all that so looked did but he having come hath abounded farther to us and we have of him received Grace a Gospel of Grace with a Law of Grace and a Spirit of Grace discovering the Atonement made and forgiveness in the Blood of Christ and Truth fulfilled in him so by the Grace of God in that Cross of Christ he suffered to shew Men the vileness of their sins the vanity of their Righteousness and yet through the same Cross to shew them the great Love Righteousness and Propitiousness of God the pardon of their sins in the Blood of Christ and the fulness of Love and Spirit in Christ to draw them in to believe assuring them in believing they shall receive forgiveness c. and so we have Grace that we may receive and declare Grace and God hath engaged himself that he will so witness of Christ Isa 42.1 8. 55.5 Joh. 3.15 16. Rom. 10.9 10 13 15. Act. 15.9 10 11. Gal. 5.6 1 Joh. 3.23 1 Pet. 1.3 4 5. 1 Ioh 1.7 9. and he shall so far proceed with Men where the Gospel comes that they shall have their eyes opened that they may see and believe and hath also engaged himself to all that where the Gospel comes do according to the Light and Power he giveth believe on him he will save pardon and enlive them and write his Law in their Hearts And this Faith working Love he putteth no farther burden or yoke on any but to believe him and love one another and he will preserve them through Faith to the Inheritance and if they fail confess their failing and through the Mediator they shall be forgiven and cleansed And thus far the New Testament is and is to be held forth to all that live under the Gospel and all the baptized in the Name of the Lord have set their Hands to this Engagement and may live in hope of having it personally made with them but yet the personal making of this New Testament with Believers is yet a farther business see how that is exprest in Scripture also 2 Cor. 3.3 Tea are manifestly declared the Epistle of Christ ministred by us written not with ink but with the Spirit of the living God not in Tables of Stone but in the fleshly tables of the heart It is express throughout this Chapter That the Apostle speaks here of the New Testament opposed to the Old Testament and so likewise it is evident here That in preaching the Gospel as now come forth they did also therein minister the New Testament 1 Cor. 1.6 7. and so it is here also evident That when Men in believing the Testimony of Christ in the Gospel come to believe on Christ then they receive the New Testament and how they receive it and what it is see here 1. Phil. 3.3 7 8 9 In believing on Christ the Grace believed breaketh the stoniness of the Heart and taketh down the pride and stoutness of it and humbleth and melteth it and enamoreth it with Christ and so makes the Heart fleshy tender flexible fit to receive his Sayings Teachings and Impressions And then 2. His making the New Covenant with them is begun by writing his Minde Heb. 8.10 2 Cor. 4.13 2 Tim. 1.7 his Design his Epistle by his own Spirit in their so prepared Heart giving into their Heart the Spirit of Faith of Love of Power and of a sound Minde so that they have in them a new Heart a new Spirit a new Man an inward living Principle derived from the Fountain in which they believe inclining them to love God and their Brother and to live by Faith and walk in Love and so to seek the farthering of his design in seeking the Honour of God in the Salvation of Men and the Prosperity of his Church so looking and waiting for the coming of the Lord the Spirit herein springing up Love Rom. 8.28 Joy Peace c. And this is a Dispensation of a spiritual first Fruits of the everlasting Covenant made with Abraham Isaac and Jacob and no otherwise made with any since excepting David about the Kingdom but in such a begun-performance But then minding the words and the Apostles scope in this place with other places speaking of the same business and we shall see That 3. In this Dispensation of Grace by his Spirit there is made a double Engagement on the part of Christ and on the part of the Believers in which respect it is rightly called a New Testament in opposition to the Old Testament given by Moses which also in this Dispensation is written not with Ink as the Old Testament was nor in Tables of Stone as one part of that was nor in Leaves of Parchment or any such thing as another part of that was but even in their Heart that is That Jesus Christ will
of the Faith or Holiness treated of III. Legal Repentance if by legal be meant that which is right true sound and according to rule we would not strive about words it might stand but by many expressions used and the scope of the business it 's evident that cannot be the meaning here and therefore 1. If by legal Repentance be meant a Repentance effected by the Law under which Man was fallen discovering sin and sentencing to death for sin affording no hope Gal. 3.13 Rom. 9.31 32 33. 10.2 3. but in answering the righteousness it requireth and so afflicting with despair and terrors of wrath and death at best effecting such a grief as causeth thoughts or returning to regain such a righteousness c. this stands cross to Faith and submission to Christ and so is none of the works of the Spirit in the Testimony of Christ See Part 2. ch 7. but the Fruit of unbelief if not also of an evil Ministration being the exercise of a natural conscience through ignorance of the Oblation of Christ and Peace made thereby and also ignorance of God's proceedings with Men through a Mediator and upon what account he chargeth sin upon Men and will proceed to punish them so that this is rather a fruit of the deceitfulness of sin the work of the Spirit being otherwise 2. If by legal Repentance be meant such efficacies as were in Men under the Law as given by Moses effected in that Ministration keeping still under a Spirit of Bondage suitable to the time before Christ came in the Flesh and offered the Oblation and sate on the right hand of God to mediate Rom. 8.15 Gal. 4.1 7. 5.1 ● Tim. 1.7 1 Joh. 4.3 2 Joh. 7. Act. 20.21 Heb. 6.1 and so sent forth the Holy Ghost This would be denial of Christ come in the flesh to attribute such efficacies to the Holy Spirit in the Gospel now yet a Repentance is wrought in the working of the Holy Spirit but it is such as the Gospel teacheth even Repentance towards God and from dead works and not this legal Repentance nor are any under the Gospel-Ministration on the account of such legal Repentance anywhere called Believers or Saints As for that alledged 1 King 21.27 it was an Humiliation occasioned by the report of the terrible Judgements to be executed which God in great Mercy for a time deferred as he took off some Judgements from Pharaoh yet neither of them said to have Repentance Exod. 9.27 nor were called Believers and Saints but wicked Men so we are quit of this IV. Nor can they be brought into this Company of whom Mr. Owen speaks Page 402. Sect. 8. A sort of Men there are in the World who escape the outward pollutions of it and are clean in their own eyes though they are never washed from iniquity who having been under strong convictions by the power of the Law and broken thereby from the course of their sin attending to the word of the Gospel with a temporary Faith do go forth to a Profession of Religion and walking with God so far as to have all the lineaments of true Believers as Mr. Goodwin somewhere speaks drawn in their faces in hearing the word gladly as Herod did receiving it with joy as the stony ground did attending to it with delight as those did Ezek. 33.31 repenting of former sins as Ahab and Judas until they were reckoned among true Believers as Judas and those Joh. 2.23 who yet were never united to Christ So far he But it is plain these were Hypocrites in a proper sense professing to have that they had not to walk with God as they did not Prov. 30.12 13. Mat. 23.25 26 27 28. 2 Cor. 10 11 12 18. Mat. 7.21 22 23 24. nor are such as these anywhere in Scripture called Believers and Saints but plainly affirmed not washed from their filth of lofty eyes Hypocrites not wise not approved Sayers and not Doers of the will of the Father such as Christ in his Ministration and in the Ministration of his Servants never knew owned or approved by any word of his and though he yet wait with patience on such and use means that they might rightly convert yet if they persist and do not convert he will after when the dayes of his patience is out notwithstanding all their profession say to them Depart from me not ye Saints but yet that work inquity And this he forewarned all his Hearers of that they might truely turn to him neither have these all the Lineaments of true Believers of which Mr. Goodwin speaks nor yet of which the Scripture speaks in their Faces nor will the examples instanced prove them so to have for Herod's hearing John gladly and doing many things c. what Lineament was this when he feared the people and knew John both to be and to be accounted a Prophet and to be just and holy Mar. 6.17 27. Luk. 3.19 20. Ezek. 33.31 32 33. So that he had no just occasion to harm him and yet kept him Prisoner and contrary to his preaching kept to himself his Brother's Wife from him living uncleanly with her and at her motion put John to death nor was he ever reckoned Believer and Saint nor with them And Ezekiel's Hearers are plainly branded with Hypocrifie that heard and would not do their Hearts running after Covetousness and so far from being reckoned among true Believers that a wo is denounced against them As for Ahab's Repentance there is nothing affirmed of it as the Lineament of a true Believer nor was he so reckoned any more then Pharaoh as is foreshewn As for Judas Repentance it was hellish and constrained by torment of Conscience which led him to a vain course Mat. 27.3 4 5. even to the Enemies of Christ to ease his grief nor was that Repentance a Lineament of a true Believer nor was he upon that account or after reckoned among true Believers and yet being a secret Thief before what Believer soever he was before that he comes not within the compass of those set forth in Mr. Owen his stating the Question As for the stony Ground it is a part of a Parable uttered and opened by our Saviour shewing the efficacy of the Word for Fruits rather then for Regeneration for none was good Ground before the receit of the Word but that received and possessing the Heart regenerated and made the Ground good and then kindely fruitful which could not be till then So that the Word in the High-Way if it had abiden would have saved and made it good by degrees but being suffered to be presently stollen out Luk. 8.12 they remained High-way they that suddenly believing were a little touch'd if they had abiden minding that believed and let it sink into their Heart it would have broken the Stone and after that have rooted up the Thorns also Mat. 13.20 21 22 6. Jer. 23.29 30. But by being withdrawn by Tempration
things to them till they were fit to be taught what he now writeth and so would he in his Ministration where he met with them but not for fear of these leave off his intended business thus directed to such as were capable to receive profit by it that also one Reason 4. Because if there should be any among them of their Society to whom he directs this Epistle that have not onely known by a ministerial Teaching the Foundation what it is and the Oracles of God in and by it what they are and the first Principles thereof and so hold them all in Opinion but in the Ministration of the Gospel and their understanding these things have been illuminated by the Holy Spirit and so wrought to Repentance from dead works and such Faith towards God as they tasted of the heavenly Gift and so that the Lord is Gracious and in usefulness of the Doctrines of Baptisms with Word Water Afflictions and Spirit were made Partakers of the Holy Ghost in his spiritual Evidences Operations and Gifts and in the Assemblies Prayers and laying on of Hands of his People have tasted of the good Word of God in his faithful performance of his Promises and in the belief of the Resurrection and eternal Judgement have tasted or felt the spiritual efficacies or powers of the World to come all which he believeth to be in these he writes to And if such do fall away he will not say there is any such among them he is better perswaded of them but if any such he saith not if any that are yet ignorant of the first Principles for notwithstanding their declinings they may be hopefully taught them again but if any such as they fall from the Foundation and first Principles and so fall away even as to the Galatians Whosoever of you of you that received the Spirit of Adoption in belief of Christ crucified for you are justified by the Law Gal. 1.6 3.1 4.4 7. 5.2 3. and so Christ become of no effect to you ye are fallen from Grace And so here they that having received all this before mentioned if they fall away it is impossible to renew them again to Repentance c. and so the laying again of the Foundation and opening the Principles to such Chap. 6.4 5 6. will not be of any profit for them therefore the thoughts of such shall not hinder But he will forbear further discourse in this Epistle of those first things and proceed to his intended business and that another Reason and in them all a full Answer of the cause of his present leaving such a discourse Quest 4. What that going on to perfection is he craveth Liberty for and therein exhorteth them to the same Answ That is evident and manifest in all this Epistle to be no other but to instruct them Ch. 5.10 17. 6.19 20. 7.1 25. 8 9.12 28. 10 c. and that they might be instructed farther in the Ends Vertues and Excellencies of the Cross of Christ his Blood and Sacrifice his Oblation declared in the word of the beginning of Christ as declared discovered and shewn forth in the Excellency and Prevalency of his ever-abiding Priesthood after the Order not of Aaron but of Melchizedec and of his Mediation of the New Testament and of his continual Intercession by vertue of his Blood and Sacrifice once offered and all this Mediation and Intercession for his called that come to God by him to fit them for and preserve them to the Inheritance that they may live by Faith in him and look for his coming again and then receive it that by instructing them in the Knowledge and Faith hereof Eph. 1.17 20. 3.14 15 20. 2 Pet. 1.1 2 8. they might be more built on Jesus Christ and grow up into more Union and Fellowship with him and Conformity to him And in these Answers we may be helpt to see his meaning and drift in saying Therefore leaving the word of the beginning of Christ let us go on to perfection CHAP. 5. Of Hebrews 6.1 NOt laying again the Foundation of Repentance and of Faith towards God As if he should say Do not put us to that by such discourse to be still and again laying the Foundation and so to hinder us from building thereon In which manner speaking we may note 1. That the Foundation was forelaid among these The Oblation of Christ taught Heb. 10.32 3.1 6 14. 1 Cor. 15.1 2 3 4. Gal. 1.6 9. 3.1 4.7 c. with the first Oracles thereof and the first Principles opened and pressed and the same heard known and in believing received and the spiritual Efficacies experimented by these Hebrews who were illuminated Holy Brethren Partakers of the heavenly Call as it was with the Corinthians they had not onely heard but received that in which they stood and in retaining should be saved and so the Galatians 2. That the Foundation laid was not the Principles here named as Repentance Ezra 4.10 5.16 Zach. 4.9 c. but the Foundation is that in which are and from which the Oracles come that teach the Principles and on which they are founded it being the Ground Motive Builder and Foundation of them as the Foundation of an House or Temple is not the House or Temple but that on which the House or Temple is builded 3. That the Foundation is that which is first brought forth and laid 1 King 5.17 6.37 38. yea perfectly and-compleatly laid before any other thing be laid or built on it and so nothing laid under it or before it not any thing to be built on before it or besides it but it first and first compleat and then all that House or Temple and every stone to be laid on and builded comes after and is builded on that first-laid Foundation and so the whole House and building being on that Foundation that is sure and firmly laid the Foundation is the Upholder and Bearer of all the whole building that is builded on it This is plain to any ●uk 6 48. 4. That in spirituals of all the Principles here mentioned and of all that farther growth and excellency the Apostle presseth to of all Repentance towards God Faith in God Love to God Walking with God Hope in God of Vocation Sanctification Election of Union and Fellowship together with him of Teaching Baptizing Praying of Perserance and Enjoyment of the Inheritance Jesus Christ as set forth in the Gospel in which he is Evangelized in respect of what from eternity he was 1 Pet. 1.25 Phil. 2.6 10. Rom. 3.25 1 Cor. 1.17 18. 2.1 2. Heb. 7.27 28. 1 Tim. 2.7 1 Joh. 4.14 2 Cor. 5.18 19. Part 4. c. 10. and what he became and what in himself he hath suffered and done and what received in the Nature of Man and for Men and what he is set forth to be for Men him and him crucified with the Vertues and
Hebrews was neither acquired nor humane notions and motions but the work of the holy spirit affording spiritual operations 2 That those that fall away from Christ when they have so known him it is impossible to renew them c. 3 The reason of that impossibility 1 For the first of these It is evidenced in so many operations of the Spirit as hee had formerly mentioned principles Vers 4 5 And so hee saith who were once that is those fallen if any such should bee among them which he will not say are but where-ever they are they once were as those written to are and not only were seeing they retain it they are 1 They were inlightened whence hee bids them call to remembrance the former days in which they were illuminated Psal 36.9 John 1.9 12 Eph. 5.14 Psal 19.8 119.130 Prov. 6.23 2 Pet. 1.19 2 Cor. 4.6 Eph. 1.17 18 5 13 Iohn 16.7 8 9 10 11 Prov. 1.23 Acts 26.18 1 Pet. 2.9 Chap. 10.32 The Scripture shews the fountain of this light and inlightening to be Christ in the appearance and discovery of whom Gods gracious mind appears the medium and instrument bringing it and opening the eyes Is the Testimony of Christ the Gospel the command or word of grace the light entering that which openeth the understanding enlighteneth the heart and enableth it to discern Is the holy Spirit comming forth from Christ in and through the Gospel with divine and supernaturall light and inspiration to the mind and heart The first effect of this inlightening is convincement of sin of righteousnesse and judgement c. And where any receive this reproof and by the light and strength of it turn to the Lord repentance from dead works is wrought and such are brought out of darknesse into his marvellous light And so lively and evangelicall and effecatious was their repentance with such spiritual illumination from Christ by his spirit with his word 2 And have tasted of the heavenly gift the fallen had and these writ too both had and in some measure still did though through their dulnesse the edge of their appetite and liveliness of relishing in their Pallate had some abatement whence the Apostles discovery of fears Chap. 3 4 5 6. and setting forth such danger and giving such warning are intermixt to quicken up the same again for they have tasted and have yet an appetite to be quickened Now the word Tasting in this businesse appears to bee both eating feeding savouring and relishing and discerning the goodness and pleasantnesse of that is eaten or tasted And so the word Tasting in Natural things is put for eating and feeding 2 Sam. 3.35 Jonah 3.7 And for discerning and relishing 2 Sam. 19.35 Iob. 6 6. and 12 11. Ioh. 2.9 10. And so for spirituals when the words of God are received into and laid up in the heart as food They prove sweeter than honey to the taste Job 23.12 Psal 119. 103 104. 34.8 Cant. 2.3 whence when men are exhorted to make tryal of the goodnesse of the Lord by trusting in him they are bidden to taste and see that the Lord is gracious And the Church professeth his fruit sweet unto her taste c. of which tasting Peter speaketh 1 Pet. 2.2 3. and so this Apostle here for there is no other sence of tasting in this businesse given us in Scripture For the thing tasted that is in some measure eat and drunk of and the sweet savour relished that is expresse to be the heavenly gift The same by which that principle called faith towards God was affected and with which it closed and that is no other but Christ The oblation of Christ the flesh and blood of Christ Jesus Christ as he hath suffered for our sinnes and offered himself a sacrifice to God for us and so filled with spirit to send forth to us and in the Gospel set forth the propitiation for our sins wisdome Iohn 6.35 48 50 51. 3 16 17. 4 10 Isa 9.6 Acts 3.26 Gal. 3.1 Iohn 6.32 Rom. 8.32 Iohn 1.12 1 Iohn 5.11 12 Iohn 6.51 52.64 righteousnesse sanctification and redemption for us and the mediator between God and us so hee so as the true bread of life which came down from heaven and which God so graciously and for so gracious an end hath given the gift of God the heavenly gift And which in the Ministery of the Gospel hee sendeth tendereth and giveth yea and no other giveth hee for any to feed on but this true bread of life And in giving him will with him give all things that are good and in beleeving on his name hee is received and in with and from himself and in exercise of faith in receiving the grace that flows through him and so resting on him and taking latislying 1 Pet. 2.2 3 4 5 and well preasednesse in him And in that he hath done and is become and doth and will do men do eat of his flesh and drink of his blood And so tasting the graciousnesse of the Lord are by him more inlived and bunt upon him And such the tasting here meant of the heavenly gift Gal. 4.15 5 2 4. 2 Pet. 1.9 by which that principle of faith towards God was wrought in exercise of which faith also is still the tasting of the heavenly gift As for those fallen away they did once taste of the heavenly gift and then it was precious to them and of high esteem with them Iohn 6.29 37 47 51 54 56 58. though now having crucified it it is of no effect with them And our Saviour saith not he that once came that once beleeved that hath once eaten but he that commeth that beleeveth that eateth as speaking of a present and continued act Heb. 3.1.6 7 13 14 15 1 Pet. 2.1 2 3 4 5 6 which was not in those fallen ones But in those writ too it was they did still in some measure eat and so taste and relish for they had the rejoycing of hope and the beginning of confidence which they are exhorted in beleeving still to hold fast even on like ground as Peter exhorted those new born babes that tasted To whom he wrote And so the principle of faith towards God Being produced through the righteousnesse of God and our Saviour Jesus Christ which is manifested in and through the oblation of Christ and being also built upon Christ the foundation accompanied with such spiritual operation affording such tastes of goodnesse in the heavenly gift It is for the kind of it 2 Pet. 1.1 2 3 4 5 9 10 the same precious faith the Apostles had And so Peter affirms it to the Beleevers giving them the same warning in case of the losse of those tastes and relishings which the Apostle doth here so the faith the same of the same kind I say not of the same degree and measure for growth and establishment yea the drift of the Apostle was to lead them to farther
growth and establishment in this Faith not to another faith 3 And were made partakers of the Holy Ghost This as suted to the principle of the Doctrin of Baptisms declares its own meaning to bee not only of those vertues and springs of love joy peace c. Gal. 5.22 effected by the Holy Ghost in the spirit of Beleevers but also together therewith certain spiritual gifts Eph. 4.7 and operations for usefulnesse whereof to every Beleever is given some in some measure And so these in being baptized in to the death of Christ by all the mediums with water word afflictions and spirit extended to them they did also partake of the vertue of his resurrection so as they were also therein indued with such spirituall gifts as whereby they were inabled in exercise of faith and love to speak spiritually in prayer and praises to God and spiritually and profitably in instruction admonition exhortation and consolation to men as appears in comparing the Promise Act. 2.38 39. and 11 15 16 17. and Rom. 6.4 5 6. with the performance to beleevers 1 Cor. 1.4 5 6 7. And not to every one the same usefull gifts or the same measure in the gifts given but to some one to some another to some more to some less Ephe. 4.7.8 12 14 15 16. 1 Cor. 12.2 4 5 6 7 11. 2 Pet. 1.8 2 Tim. 2.21 Rom. 12.3 6 7 8. 1 Pet. 4.10 11. Col. 2.18 1 Tim. 3.6 And so to every one some according to the measure of the gift of Christ in and with which they were fitted to bee fruitfull and in exercise of the same in faith and love according to their measure and the divine vertues in them they should neither bee barren nor unfruitfull in the knowledge of Christ but Vessels serviceable for their Masters use in the House of God Whence Beleevers are directed in all their speaking and use of spirituall gifts To keep this Rule in going forth according to the proportion of faith given them and the measure of spirituall gifts givenand received by them 1 Cor. 12.7 1 5 6 7. 1 Thes 5.8 He that by any other acquired knowledge or learning presumeth to speak besides or beyond this Rule is like to fall into the condemnation of the Devill that was not content with his place These spirituall gifts being given to profit withall and tending to open and confirm the Testimony of Christ And as of the Romanes ability through these gifts Rom. 15.14 15. so of these Hebrews Hee was perswaded they were also and not like the fallen ones that had deprived themselves thereof but these retainings were capable of that hee indeavoured even to lead them to farther usefulness and fruitfullness They were made partakers of the Holy Ghost 4 Vers 5. And have tasted of the good word of God And this also suited to the Principle of laying on of hands shews its own meaning to be Mat. 7.7 11. Ioh. 16.23 24. that whereas God by his Son had graciously promised to hear their prayers put forth in the name of his Son and to give them his good Spirit and every good thing they should and did so ask of him And this in speciall manner for things of neerest and greatest concernment When two or three of them did assemble together in his name and desired any favour of him Mat. 18.19 20 Hee will bee in the midst of them and it shall bee done in Heaven for them They had tasted that is found sweetness and refreshing in experiments of his truth mercy and goodness in answering their prayers Psal 65.2.4 18.6 7. 10 3.1-10 and manifesting his gracious presence in the assemblie of his people in performing his promises when they have prayed and in confidence lift up hands to him and sometime in that confidence Act. 21 24-3● as a testimony of it laid hands on parties prayed for And so have had experience of the graciousness of the Lord in his pity towards them and of his truth in his promises and of his infinite love power and faithfullness in hearing of prayers and so not executing deserved threats but freely performing his promises of good whence called the good Word unto them And how this doth comfort sweeten enlarge and oblige the heart to cleave to God and continually to love and call on him Psal 17.4 and keep to the assemblie of the Saints is fully professed by the Prophet in the whole 116 Psalm and else where And in this was set out the greatness of Solomons sin 1 King ●1 9 That hee departed from following the Lord that had in such evident manner appeared to him twice And this shews the greatness of the sin of those fallen in forsaking the assemblies of the Saints Heb. 10.25 26. and crucifying to themselves him from whom they had tasted so much of his graciousness in performing his promises and hearing the prayers and blessing the assemblies of Beleevers And therein shews the great incouragement and obligation these Hebrews had to continue in their faith Heb. 10.19 20 22 23 24 25. and fellowship and approaching to God and provoking one another to love and good works having had so many experiments of the graciousness of the Lord. His drift being to stir them up more hereto in that hee hath farther to say to them who have tasted of the good Word of God Heb. 6.5 and of the powers of the World to come This Word being in the Plurall Number The powers of the World to come doth sute this sentence to the two last Principles That is the Doctrin of the Resurrection of the dead and of eternall Judgement Both being grounded on the Resurrection of Christ and his comming again and both the Resurrection of the dead which is first and the eternall Judgement which follows that Resurrection appertaining to and to be done not in the time of the World that now is but in the World to come at and after the visible appearing of Jesus Christ so that of the powers in the Doctrin of both these and the spirituall efficacies of both these in that Doctrin beleeved and of the power of the Spirit that in that Doctrin doth in some measure present or shew them to the view of faith and assertain their being really done in the due time of these powers of both these hee speaketh and of the same say they have tasted that is they have discerned savoured relished and experimented the efficaciousness of the Divine Power by which these shall bee effected 1. In their new birth even when they were dead in sins Ephes 1.19 20. 2 4 5 6. Rom. 7.9.24 25. cast by the sentence of the Law when sin accused and all their righteousness failed and dispair of all hope in themselves ceised on them And while they were in so great blindness and death The Power of this grace in the Doctrin of Christ raised from the dead 2 Tim. 1.7 8. Rom. 7.6
submitting to the righteousness of God and so are not in respect of the prevalency of grace discovered the right called ones yet others in minding that grace discovered are prevailed with to let go all thoughts of confidence in their own righteousness c. and to beleeve in Jesus that they may live in him and to him Are not these the called according to purpose And when in beleeving in Christ on this manner through illumination of the Holy Ghost and tastes of the heavenly gift c. Repentance from dead works and faith toward God is effected c. Are not such in some measure called according to purpose Quickned Born again and spiritually regenerated united to Christ justified and sanctified by the Spirit Who that confesseth God to be true will deny this so that these two Reasons are vain Reason 3. The persons intended here be compared to Briars and Thorns Answ The persons intended here as having and so abiding in these principles upon this foundation and so with these inlightnings tastes of the heavenly gift c. Are verily the holy Brethren partakers of the heavenly Call even the very Hebrews to whom he wrote the persons supposed expressed to be such as do not abide and enjoy these things but are departed and fallen from these things and are now crucifying Christ afresh to themselves they bringing forth such Briars and Thorns are become Briars and Thorns which before they were not nor are any that abide in the faith they are fallen from so called and these fallen upon the very account of their crucifying c. are compared to and with their evil fruits called Briars and Thorns this is plain in the Text and so this Reason though once it was mine is very vain and false for its end and unbeseeming understanding men though weaklings may bee gulled with it as I have been Reason 4. Things that accompany salvation be better things than any in the persons mentioned were to bee found vers 9. We are perswaded better things of you c. Answ Here he speaks of things distinct from the persons though in them Now minde Better things Better than which for the Apostle had mentioned divers sorts of things as he had mentioned Jesus Christ the foundation and the Oracles of God from the foundation teaching those principles to build men thereby on Christ Surely the love of God in the gift of his Son The Son of God given The blood of Jesus Christ that confirmed the Covenant The Spirit of the Father and the Son that witnesseth of Christ and calleth to him and breatheth forth these Oracles to teach these principles and build on Christ Sure this Heb. 10.29 or these things are all holy heavenly rich precious invaluable things not onely accompanying but giving and working salvation though some do tread them underfoot c. which is an evil thing So that sure hee means not better things than these But then here is mentioned also the effects of the word and of the holy Spirit in and with the word in the hearts of beleevers as Repentance from dead works and faith towards God c. with Illumination tasting of the heavenly gift c. Phil 2.12 13 14 15 16. Surely these are also precious things not onely accompanying salvation but even parts of the salvation begun in them and working in them effecting those things to be brought forth which are to accompany it though some murmure and harden their hearts Heb 3.7 15.16 1 Thess 5.19 and so are disobedient and quench and despite the Spirit which is an evil thing and sure he meaneth not better things than these But here are two sorts of things more mentioned that is Heb 3.6 14 13 1 2 4 6.8 9 10. first Abiding in their faith confidence and love And so hearkning to his voyce bringing forth the fruits of faith and love as hath been fore-shewn according to the seed sown in the heart and the refreshings by the rain often drunk in and of these he expresseth himself to men vers 9.10 And these be not better things then the salvation wrought in them as by which they bring them forth but better than the other sort which secondly he names by some supposed to bring forth that is a departing from Christ through an evil heart of unbeleef and so falling from all this salvation and efficacies thereof extended and then crucifying the Son of God afresh and putting him to an open shame And notwithstanding the same seed sown and the same rain oft drunk in yet bring forth Briars and Thorns which accompany not salvation of which hee mentioneth no persons among them that he cahrgeth withall but only by a supposition sheweth the danger even to these Hebrews if any should so do Chap. 2.1 2 3 3.7.18 4.1 15.12 6 4 6 8 9. And having so often warned them before and reproved their dulness And now in his supposition set forth before them the hainousness of the sin and danger of such departing and falling away comparing such transgression and transgressors to Briars and Thorns whose end is to be burned he mollifies the harshness of his sentence in respect of them and saith We are perswaded better things of you and things that accompany salvation though we thus speak which plainly shews the better things to be better than Thorns and Briars which tended to damnation and it shews also that his speech in the warning given was directed to them else they needed not to have been mollified with Though we thus speak surely none would fancy the Apostle to warn the Hebrews by speaking at such a rate as this There is a rock of stability on which who ever once beleeveth and so is can no more fall off not sin not Satan not world though at such and such a rate they listen to them and fall into sueh and such a measure of unbeleevingness and sinning yet they cannot fall off And you are upon that Rock c. Hold fast therefore your confidence Take heed lest any of you fall through an evil heart of unbeleef And give us leave to fear lest any of you come short for there is an unstable rock on which not you but some others are built And they that are built on that rock of instablility if they abide they perish if they fall they can no more rise how fond were this But the foundaion here mentioned is stable nor will the holy Spirit build any upon an unstable foundation nor fill the heart with false light or deceivable works What deceitful illusions such conceits may produce I forbear to name though this Reason be fit for them Reason 5. The persons intended by the Apostle were such as had need to be taught again the first principles c. Unskilful in the word of righteousness c. distinguished from them to whom the promises are c. Chap. 6 9 10 14. Answ This is a very harsh sad and
evil fruits by the members of the body And because this cursed disposition was at first begotten by Satans lye beleeved and is retained and strengthned by his suggestions received Rev. 12.9 he is said to be the Deceiver of the whole world and because of the devillish nature of it being heated and fired by Satan Jam. 3.6 Matth. 15.19 the heart in which it dwelleth and ruleth is compard to hell deep and dark And out of this heart our Saviour saith proceed evil thoughts murders adulteries fornications thefts false witness blasphemies And where envying-strife and such evil fruits are the wisdom such profess comes not from above Jam. 3.15 but is earthly sensual devillish Now this disposition is an evil root an evil tree and he in whose heart this disposition hath the Lordship hath an evil treasure in his heart and so out of it bringeth forth evil things Matth. 12.35 And those that are one with and under the dominion of this disposition having no supernatural disposition to cross and crucifie this they are upon that account and so long a generation of wicked men of vipers and so evil trees Mar. 12.34 Luke 6.43 and cannot bring forth any good fruit at all But now on the other side such as from the holy Spirit testifying of Christ in the Gospel do beleeve that word or testimony of Christ Joh. 6.33 Rom. 1.16 1 Thess 2.13 which is Spirit and life so as they beleeve on Christ then there is by it effected in the heart not onely a reproof and dislike of the former disposition with its lusts 2 Pet. 1.4 5. 2 Thess 1.10 Rom. 7.22 2 Cor. 4.16 Eph. 4.22 23. Col. 3.9 10. Ezek. 36.26 2 Cor. 3.3.18 4 Cor. 2.16 Joh. 3.6 1 Joh. 5.4 Psal 32.2 Joh 7.37 38 39. Gal. 5 17 22 23. but also a new heavenly and Christian-like disposition is from the word and grace beleeved effected in the heart which is no part of the soul or body but an influence from Christ beleeved in and an infusion of the Holy Ghost that dethrones the old disposition from its lordly power in the heart and gets the throne and lordly power in the heart it self and this is called an inward man a new man a new heart a new spirit the Spirit and minde of Christ And this Spirit or disposition is born of the Spirit and so of God and so is Spirit and divine power is in it and it overcomes the world and in it is no guile and it is full of heavenly springs and holy and spiritual lusts according to the minde of God So that this is a good tree and brings forth good fruit and cannot bring forth any evil fruit And he that hath this disposition in his heart hath a good treasure in his heart Mat. 7.18 12.35 and out of the abundance of the good treasure in his heart brings forth good things And upon this account 3 As a man is one with and under this new and spiritual disposition in which by faith Christ dwelleth in his heart he even the man also so far is born of God Joh. 1.13 2 Cor. 5.17 1 Joh. 2.28 3.5 9. And upon this account a new creature and so far doth righteousness and sinneth not And so far in such a sense a good tree and bringeth forth good fruit and not evil But then this last is to be understood according to the expression and with such cautions as the Scripture hath given us thereabout For the man that is a beleever cannot be said to be a good tree and that he cannot bring forth evil fruit in so full a sense as the unbeleever is called an evil tree and that he cannot bring forth good fruit because the unbeleever is under the power of the evil disposition and hath not the supernatural heavenly disposition in him And so what light or motions soever flash upon him yet he is in the flesh and mindes the things of the flesh and walks after the flesh and cannot please God But the beleever though he be from under the lordly power of the evil disposition and the new and supernatural disposition hath got the seat in his heart and so the commanding power yet the evil disposition remains in his members and faculties still Gal. 5.17 Rom. ● 14 ●4 and so they are both in him the one lusting and warting against the other so as the beleever cannot do as and what he would so that though the new disposition be a good tree and can bring forth none but good fruit ●om 7.14 15 16 17 20 24 25. yet the beleever himself is under a double consideration One as man having the old disposition in him with its lustings through which he is hindred and captived and so sometime with the flesh serving the law of sin and death and there he cryes I am carnal c. And again as he is a beleever having the new disposition in him with its lusts and he under the power of it and so free and so there is I and I my self and I according to the inward man and I with my minde do serve the law of God but with my flesh c. And so far as with his minde he serves the law of God and walks after the Spirit so far he is a good tree and bringeth forth good fruit And that he may so do still there are two things taught him by Grace 1 That he hold fast his esteem and minding of and confidence in Christ Joh. 13.1.11 Rom. 7.25 8.2 Gal. 2.20 Gal. 5.16 18 23 24 6.8 Rom. 6. 8 1● 13. 12.1 2. Gal. 5.16 18 24 6.8 Eph. 4.21 24. Col. 1.23 3.9 10 12. Heb. 3.14 Joh. 15.7 in whom this supernatural disposition or Spirit is and from whom it flows into and in all that by faith are united to him and not otherwise it is not nor doth abide in any separate from him or turning aside from him but as the beleever abides in him and lives by the faith of him 2 That by this renewing of his minde he with the word beleeved do oppose and resist the lusts of the flesh and side with sow too and walk after the Spirit fulfilling the motions of it And so they shall reap of the Spirit life ever lasting And this is the Spirits counsel direction and charge given to all beleevers without difference and so is the promise given and hope set before them So to the Romans so to the Galatians to the Ephesians to the Collossians to the Hebrews and by Christ to all his Disciples If they abide in him and his word in them If they walk after the Spirit they shall not fulfil the lusts of the flesh if they walk after the Spirit they shall live c. But if they sow to the flesh they shall reap corruption if they live after the flesh they shall dye But abiding in the faith they partake of Christ and by his
It is he that heareth us that is the Apostles in the word given by Christ to them and by them delivered and recorded Rom. 1.5 16 26. for the obedience of faith among all Nations He that heareth that is accepteth and receiveth our testimony that will bee set appointed and determined in his judgement faith and way by this word delivered by us as it is indeed the word of God and so accounting God true 2 Thess 1.10 1 Thess 2.13 Rom. 3.4 1 Ioh. 4.6.11 Ioh. 1.12 13 7.37 38 39. Ier 11.6 8. 34-6-10 6.17 who ever bee found a lyar c. And so according to this testimony beleeveth in Christ and loveth his brother He and so all such are born of God And that this obedience of faith is meant by hearing is cleer in such a like use of the word in another business And they that refuse this are said to refuse to hearken So on the other side He that heareth not the word of Christ as delivered by the Apostles that is doth not accept it and receive c. he is not of God not born of God that is for the present time he is not now of God what ever he may be hereafter or hath been heretofore And so the word heareth is used for a present and continued hearing Ier. 34.9 10 15 11.16 Ezek. 18.24 Jer. 34. those that were affirmed to have heard yea so to have heard as to have turned and done right in the sight of God yet these after backsliding are then said not to have hearkned unto God according to that word In the day that he sinneth all his righteousness shall not be mentioned to him So then while he thus heareth he receiveth the word as the word of God and therein Christ and his Spirit that frameth inclineth and inableth him to beleeve in God love God love his brother and so the same minde and spirit that is in Christ is in him 1 Cor. 2.16 Phil. 2.12 5. Col. 3.16 1 Ioh. 24. Hence so exhorted To let the word of Christ dwell plentifully in us For such are of God born of God and God dwelleth in them And so vers 13. Hereby we know that we dwell in him and he in us because he hath given us of his Spirit And so in chap. 3. where abiding in him and being born of him are put one for another And there it is affirmed That he that keepeth his commands in beleeving on the Name of his Son Jesus Christ and loving one another dwelleth in him and he in him And hereby we know that he abideth in us by the Spirit which he hath given us which needs no further explication to know what Spirit it is and that it is but one Spirit and the same Spirit that is in Christ and in all unfained beleevers And that this Spirit dwelleth both in their society for ever and in every particular soul of them that are found beleevers so long as they abide in the faith he hath wrought and preserveth in them and on that ground are the exhortations given Chap. 3. 4. and of like signification the other quotations 2 Tim. 1.14 1 Cor. 6 17. 12.12 13. Eph. 4.4 There being but one Spirit and I hope for the manner of the spirits being in Beleevers there needs no contention It is not meant simply of the essence or being of the Spirit Psal 1 30.7.13 Ier. 23.23 24. Amos 9.2.3 Heb. 3.1 Mat. 3.45 Iob 37.27 28 31. which is one and the same with the Father and the Son and so filling heaven and earth with his presence yea so with all creatures and so in love and well-pleasedness with the righteous and in wrath with and against the wicked discerning all things so that here is some farther meaning of the Spirit being in beleevers And that is also a farther thing than the forth-putting of his divine force and power upholding and raising up and making operative something in the creature Psal 33 5 11 36.6 104.27 28-30 for so he upholdeth the earth and the heavens and causeth the Sun to shine and the clouds to carry about water and distill their drops and the earth to bring forth fruit and men to live and move He causeth the grass to grow but not to be sensible and knowing he causeth the beasts to live breathe Act. 14.17 17.25 28. Psal 66.7 Eccles 3.14 and move and to be sensible and so to know as far as by sense they may be brought to know but indueth them not with reason or an intelle tual understanding But men besides all the former he also indueth with reason Job 35 10. and understanding above the beasts And all this extended to and for men is an effect of God and so of one and the same Spirit extended to fallen mankinde through a Mediator and so by vertue of the ransome and mediation of Christ and that to gracious ends to lead men to repentance yet all this being but the supportation of the old creation for a time that time and means may be vouchsafed to bring men to repentance and so short of the New Creation It is said still to be in a natural way extended And men thus knowing are but natural and cannot by nature or all the wisdome thus attained perceive 1 Cor. 2.8 14. or receive the things of the Spirit that he witnesseth of Christ But the forth putting of the divine force and power of the holy Spirit in this business is supernatural in the testimony of Christ The New and Spiritual man and for setting forward the New Creation which divine force or power according to the light in the means vouchsafed is at one time or other put forth to all men that come to the use of understanding in their several Ages In which respect also The word of faith Joh. 1.4 5.9 Rom. 10.6 7 8 9. Psal 119.130 1 Joh. 5.20 when preached is nigh to them in their mouth and heart that they might beleeve and confess And such as in beleeving receive the Spirits testimony He by his divine light and power effecteth in them an understanding and heart to know Christ and so to love him and one another for his sake and so to incline to and seek his ends And thus they partake of the Divine Nature 2 Pet. 1 4. This supernatural force and divine power working in them to this gracious end is the very Spirit that is in Christ and this his supernatural operation of the minde and disposition of Christ and so of faith love and likeness of design in their heart being born of the Spirit Is Spirit Joh. 3.6 1 Cor. 2.16 2 Cor. 4.13 2 Tim. 1.7 yea the Spirit and minde of Christ in them And called The Spirit of faith and the Spirit of love and power and of a sound minde And so bears the name of the Spirit and supernatural divine power that effected it yea is one with
it and never separate from it And this supernatural divine power in this heavenly supernatural disposition is the Spirit of Christ in beleevers And in this manner Rom. 8 9-12 in and with such a disposition is he in them And he that hath not the Spirit of Christ in him is as yet none of his members And thus one and the same Spirit is in him the head and in them the members yet with some difference for the manner of being in them Eph. 4 16. 1 Joh. 2.20 27 28. Col. 2.3 9 10. Eph. 4.7 Rom. 8.23 it is in him as the head whence it flows to all the members In him as the giver but in them as members and receivers In him as the fountain in them as vessels In him immeasurably the fulness of the Godhead dwelling in him bodily In them according to a measure of the good pleasure of Christ and that not the full nor the half nor the tenth but a first fruits of that which abiding in him they shall be filled withall at his coming and this first fruits of a different measure in some more than in other and capable of increase in all Saints during this life And so the same spirit in those spoken to Heb. 6.1 2 4 5 7 9 10. And all this I have writ to prevent fancies delusions and pride in mens conceits of the inhabitation of the holy Spirit in them As for those two terms viz. That upon the account of this inhabitation of the Spirit in them they have union with Christ And that this union with Christ is one and the same Spirit dwelling in him the head and them the members These expressions may to such as have understanding to take them in a right sense go for currant and true for in a right sense so they are but to such as are yet weak they are so darkly exprest that it may dazle and hinder the faith of some and the growth of others For first that upon the account of the inhabitation of the Spirit they have union with Christ it is undoubtedly true yea without controversie there is no union with Christ but by the operation of this holy Spirit But that there is no union with Christ before this inhabitation of the Spirit would be harsh to affirm yea in order of nature if not of time as it may be in some the Spirit in working faith doth first unite the beleevers in beleeving to Christ before he take up his residence and habitation in them which is upon and after beleeving I will not press a nice distinction of the spirits being with a man in bringing to Christ and instructing in the knowledge of him Joh 7.37 38. Eph. 1.13 and so bringing by faith to adhere to him and so uniting And after taking up his habitation as an In dweller affording a living principle though there is more force for this in those words to them united to Christ Yee know him for he dwelleth with you and shall be in you Joh. 14.17 then in many quotations rendred by some for what they pretend to prove thereby But for true beleevers that in faith and love are united to Christ and yet happily have not or discern not such a constant inhabitation as is mentioned the Spirits doctrine is good and safe 1 Pet. 2.2 3.4 5 As new born babes desire the sincere milk of the word that yee may grow thereby if so be you have tasted that the Lord is gracious to whom coming c. Yee are built upon him c. which is no less than more firmly united and growing up in union with him Suitable to that Heb. 3.6.14 Joh. 17.20 Though still there is an union in will purpose design and way which is a fruit of the former and follows it yea in this also they become of one heart and minde with all unfained beleevers for carrying on the design of Christ and of union in a spiritual minde and disposition and by reason of fellowship in an obliging relation is that 1 Cor. 6.17 as appears by the opposition And of union in minde and fellowship as well as in faith appears to be meant 1 Cor. 12.12 13. And the reason rendred because wrought by one Spirit And of the oneness of Spirit with the head and all beleevers Gal. 3.1.5 5.5 6. in faith love and design appears to be meant Eph. 4.4 5. And as the weakest beleever hereby may be both comforted and exhorted in abiding to experiment this inhabitation though he yet hardly discern it So the strongest may be exhorted to grow up in it And yet again that the union with Christ is in this That there is one and the same Spirit in him the head and them the members is true yet in such as are yet weak in understanding so to take it without some explication may hinder their growth supposing the inhabitation compleat when yet there may be much wanting to them and they need still the operations of the holy Spirit in making them one with Christ in his minde and judgement in the testimony of Christ approving what he approves condemning what he condemns And so one with him in his design for glorifying God in seeking the salvation of men and the edifying prosperity of the Church And so one with him in child-like affection to God and member-like love to brethren and compassion to them that are out of the way and so one with him in bowels of mercy patience meekness c. All which oneness with him abiding in that faith and love he hath wrought and is stirring up in them they shall grow up more in and so grow up more into him c. which was that the Apostle endeavoured to farther the Hebrews in And so in all quotations in all the three Concernments no other or better faith shewn than that which is faith indeed in the first kinde set forth by him See also the last CHAP. XXI Of Mr. Owens last Concernment in two parts IN this last Concernment are two things expresly noted First Their actual state and condition And secondly Then relative condition And all said of either as true of that which is faith in that set out in the first kinde as of that which is faith set out in this second kinde for the mixtures put in to darken it taken from the one and the unjustifiable expressions put on the other to make shew of difference removed both appears to be indeed but one kinde of faith so that there is nothing here needful but onely reciting the words and minding the proofs quoted First Rom. 8.23 14 25. 2 Cor. 5.1 4. Phil. 3.11.12 Rom. 8.10 Rom. 7-14 15 24 25 26 ● 1 2 3 4. he saith By all which As to their actual state and condition they are really changed from death to life c. We know he meaneth not from mortallity to immortallity which is that real change they have not yet attained but wait for
c. Just as to the Hebrews Heb. 12.22 Shews to how much more glorious ministration and better Covenant stablished on better promises than they in Moses time had and what happy society they were come to yea even to Jesus where they might enjoy the blood of sprinkling shewing thereby as the benefit of hearing so the danger of turning away so warning to heedfulness Secondly he saith And as to their relative condition whereas they were children of wrath under the curse and condemning power of the Law they are upon the score of him who was made 〈◊〉 curse for them and is made righteousness to them accepted justified adopted and admitted into that family of heaven and earth which is called after the Name of God All this in the truth of it in a measure is true of all unfained beleevers even the weakest of them As for Eph. 2.3 Gal. 5.13 it is fore-spoken to and agrees to all beleevers without difference And Gal. 3.13 shews the way of deliverance through Christ Being made a curse for us And how he hath redeemed us from the curse of the Law so as God will not go to judgement with us thereby however unbeleeving hearts are under the fear of that curse and death but he hath given us all over to Christ to be disposed by him and judged by him according to the Gospel yet this was not all the end he had in so redeeming us from the curse of the Law but he had a more abundant gracious end in this his suffering for us namely That the blessing of Abraham might come on the Gentiles through Jesus Christ that so we might receive the promise of the Spirit through faith He saith not That we Jews and Gentiles all that he hath redeemed from the curse of the Law which is true to all men are in their conscience from under Law and have received the blessing of Abraham and the promise of the Spirit but that he by suffering for us the curse of the Law hath redeemed us from the curse of the Law to this end That we might c. And so upon the account of Christ being made a curse for us Joh. 3.14 15 16 17 18 36. Gal. 3 7-12 16 29. 2 Cor. 15.1 2 3 4. c. The Gospel of this good news is preached to us that wee might beleeve and in beleeving receive the blessing and promise through faith Not else nor otherwise but in beleeving we shall receive And all this is true for and to all men but onely beleevers receive the blessing and Spirit through faith And this is true of all beleevers and abides in them as they abide in the faith to press to which is the drift of this and following Chapters Gal. 4.4 The Apostle here in shewing That God sent forth his Son made of a woman that is in the common nature of mankinde made under the Law that under which all mankinde was fallen to redeem them that were under the Law as all mankinde was that we might receive the adoption of Sons He saith not And then we did Rom. 3 10-19 20. or all so redeemed from the curse of the Law have But that we might that is in beleeving receive c. And so far true to all alike And then vers 6. And because ye are Sons Chap. 3.13 14 that is because ye have beleeved this testimony and so beleeved in the Name of the Son of God God hath sent forth the Spirit of his Son that divine force of his Spirit Joh. 1.12 Gal. 3.26 Mar. 14.36 Rom. 8.2.14 15. working child-like confidence and desires moving to approach to him by Christ crying Abba Father And this all true beleevers receive yet this and the rest he affirmeth in no sort to import an impossibility of their miscariage for he was afraid of them but as a motive to reduce them from miscarriages and prevent farther miscarriages that they might abide in and live by faith and though their declining be great and much fallen from grace yet not being quite departed upon the account of Christ beleeved in he affirms the Spirit in them Rom. 8.1 Rom. 3 19-25 5.18 7 1-7.14.24 The Apostle having before laid the foundation forth in the redemption wrought by and in Jesus Christ And also how by faith it is received and how beleeving in Christ we are dead to the Law by the body of Christ that we might be married to him and that in beleeving we are so quickned and married to Christ That we might bring forth fruit to God and serve in newness of Spirit And then shewing in his own example how the old disposition the law in the members Gal. 5.17 doth war against the Spirit and so hinder them that they cannot do all the good as they would and yet he by following the Spirit in minding Jesus Christ and the redemption in him yeelding up with his minde to side with and walk in the Spirit and so in that faith of Jesus in love c. he was delivered and set free from all charges of sin and sentences of death by the Law yea acquit and justified through the blood of Christ beleeved in Rom. 7.24 25. 5 1-5.9 3.25 Rom. 8.1 and so rejoyce in Christ And this he layes down as true in like manner too and of all that unfainedly beleeve in Jesus Christ and the common priviledge of them all Now then or therefore there is now no condemnation that is none by that law of sin and death either from God or from conscience what ever be from ungodly men yet none that can charge their conscience as under the guilt of sin or liableness to curse no such condemnation or reproof its large No condemnation to them which are in Christ who walk not after the flesh but after the Spirit he saith not simply to them that are in Christ Jesus Gal. 5.16 17 18 6 8. and there stop and make the period for if any that have received the testimony of Christ so as to beleeve in him as the flesh lusts against the Spirit do side with the flesh and sow to it 1 Joh. 3.4 and not presently own and confess that faultiness and seek pardon and healing in Christ but go on in any thing to serve such fleshly lusts 1 Cor. 11.31 32. Mar. 10.41 45 Mat. 28.3 Eph. 4.29 30. 1 Cor. 6.7 2 Cor. 12.21 Gal. 6.8 1 Joh. 3.20 21 1 Joh. 1.6 7 8 9. he sinneth against grace and not onely the Law will reprove him of sin but God will reprove him and chasten him also yea Christ will reprove him yea the holy Spirit will convince him of faultiness and all faithful men that walk after the Spirit will reprove him yea and his own heart will condemn him 1 Joh 3.20 And if he go on thus he will reap corruption and become more estranged weakned and deaded and cannot have boldness towards God but in returning to Christ confessing
first thing in hearty beleeving whereof we shall surely be saved Secondly Rom. 5.8.10 4.23 24 25. In the proceeding of it uniting to and ingrafting into Christ viz. That through the beleef of this fore-said and the immense love power and propitiousness and good will of God commended here-through beleeve in God and so rest on him for preservation in this grace to the enjoyment of the inheritance and so for the eternal life promised Heb. 11.13 which beleeving is formerly described to be a discerning a being perswaded and a hearty operation c. And all so beleeving without difference are justified by faith which word or term is used to shew the way of receiving justification even by faith not to shew that justification is compleated and over and past for justification is still needed by beleevers and in beleeving daily received of them whence also God is said not onely to be the justifier of him that beleeveth on him that justifieth the ungodly and so to be he that hath justified the beleever Rom. 4.5 But to be the justifier of him that beleeveth and it is God that justifieth Rom. 3.26 8.33 So as it is a continued flowing business for beleevers in all needs to be receiving by faith that is the onely way of receiving and that in which God dispenseth justification Therefore being justified by faith that is by and through Christ by his bloud Rom. 5.1 2 ● 3.25 5.11 John 1.12 Act. 10.43 12.38 39 the object of faith received in and through beleeving on him wee have peace with God through Jesus Christ our Lord by whom also wee have accesse into this grace wherein wee stand and rejoyce in hope of the glory of God c. And it should bee an evil work by any strange and lofty expressions to trouble any such beleevers about this faith Rom. 8.32 33-39 Speaketh of that whence the Apostles perswasion was raised and this perswasion not of and for himself alone or some special and peculiar Beleevers with him only But of the whole society and body of Beleevers 1 Joh. 3.1 2. speaketh likewise of the whole society of Beleevers Joh. 1.12 Gal. 3.26 Behold what manner of Love the Father hath bestowed on us that wee should bee called the Sonnes of God Therefore the world knoweth us not owneth not us nor our faith and profession because it knew not him owned not God in that discovery of himself in his Son which hee hath set forth in the gospel Beloved now are wee the sons of God that is by faith and it doth not yet appear what wee shall bee that is 1 Cor. 13 12. Rom. 8.23 Col. 3.4 how glorious and happy we shall be we see yet but in part we are but a little like him we have yet but the first fruits of the spirit but when hee shall appear that is in glory wee shall bee like him for wee shall see him as hee is this is that which all true Beleevers do and may look and wait for Ephe. 3.15 Joh. 1.12 Gal. 3.26 speaks of more than beleevers on the earth and shews that all that are beleevers in Christ and those that have lived and died in the faith have had their name of Sonnes from Christ the Sonne and Beleevers now by vertue of their union with him in beleeving and from him now are they called Christians and his house c. And it is confessed in a sense hee puts his Name on them though it bee not here said they are called after the name of God But let it bee considered that here is shown how the Apostle prayed for them Eph. 3 14.-19 as was in Chap. 1 18.-20 And surely for nothing but what was good and needfull for them hee doth not puff them up with thoughts of their attainments Eph. 1.13 because they had beleeved and were sealed with the holy spirit of promise And were quickned together with Christ and were raised together and made to sit together in heavenly places in him Eph. 2.5 6 8 and were saved by grace through faith of the gift of God therefore they had and injoyed these things hee prayed for and it was impossible for them to miscarry though they knew not that they had these things and so wanted only the knowledge in themselves of the assurance of their abiding Nor doth he scare or terrify them as if their faith were not of the right kind and that Christ and his holy spirit were not in them But hee acknowledging their faith right and them faithful in Christ tells them now earnestly and for what hee prayeth for them Phil. 1.9 10 11. Col 1.9 10 11 1 Thes 3.12 13. 5.23 2 Thes 1.11 12 Eph. 3.14 15 that they may abide and grow and be preserved and established in the faith and so found unblameable before him at his comming As hee did the like for the Phillipians and for the Colossians and for the Thessalonians and so likewise for the Hebrews chap. 13.20 And so here to the Ephesians hee lets them know To whom and in whose name he prayed for them even unto the Father of our Lord Jesus Christ of whom the whole family in heaven and earth is named In which are many things encouraging both him and them to pray to God in the name of Christ As the exceeding greatnesse of the power of God that gave and raised Christ Eph. 1.19 22 2.17 18 19 22. Heb. 3.5 6 c. The relation between the Father and the Son and his ingagement to his Son by whom the ways of our approach to have access to God was opened the fellowship corporation and body hee hath received us into and made us of even his own house and family and so his interest in us Eph 1.23 3 14 and ours in him our Lord and the owner of this house And Lastly That in putting his word in their heart and inabling them to beleeve and confesse the same hee hath put his name upon them so farre that hee is pleased to bee called their God and Father and they called his people and the declarers of his name which with the rest gives great consolation seeing hee hath promised to hear his people that are called by his name when they humble themselves and pray and seek his face and pray towards or in the house that is called by his name 2 Chron. 7 12-14 6 20-41 which as the old was a tipe signifies Christ and his people and so to pray in faith in the Name of Christ and in union with and love of the brethren Joh. 16.23 Mar. 11.24 25 Psal 65 1-4 Hee being a God hearing prayers and they blessed whom he chooseth and causeth to approach to him that they may dwell in his house for they shall bee satified And as this is great consolation for Beleevers confident praying so it hath in it also a forcible and great admonition to Beleevers to
beware that wee dishonour not the Name that is put upon us Rom. 2.24 As miscarriages in such as bear this Name will do ten times more then in those that have not this Name upon them whence that Tit. 2.10 So that all the Family of God is named of Christ is express here and that God hath put his Name on them is true Instructive Consolatory and Admonitory But when thus exprest called by the name of God there needs some cautions to prevent vain conceits c. for they are not called Jehovah or God or the Father or Jesus or the Christ or the Holy Ghost or the Creator of all things or the Redeemer of mankind or the sanctifier of Gods chosen or the Lord of hoasts or the Almighty or the Truth Love Wisdome it self c. no not so but the Name put on them is the Name of that report of his goodnesse in his Doctrin of which they are made Beleevers and professors and so hee is called their God Father Saviour c. And they his Israel his People Sons Christians c. And yet here is another caution namely that this family will one day bee more pure and have a new name given them after their total victory and conquest or his Name put on them in a more glorious manner when that 2 Cor. 5.21 will bee compleatly fulfilled as is there promised when without controversie there will bee amongst them no finne nor possibility of sinning or falling but the family on earth is not so yet and though the spirits of just men bee perfect and under the Altar and out of all danger yet want they their bodies and so that fulnesse they shall enjoy in the resurrection of the just But that part of the family that is here below are yet in mortal bodies and so are not yet any of them altogether without sin nor are all things that offend yet purged out the beleevers and Saints in and of this part of the family here on earth are yet in a warfare beset with enemies within and without temptations from lusts within terrours and allurements from the world without Satan and his Ministers with pretences of light striving to seduce them from the faith and to turn them out of the way whence they are often warned from God to stand fast in the faith to be sober and watchful to put on the whole Armor of God to fight the good fight of Faith to cleave to Christ in whom there is compleatness for them to sow to the spirit of whom they shall reap life everlasting And to take heed that they bee not deceived and that they depart not through an evil heart of unbeleefe and many such warnings with ground of the same Now of this part of the family here on earth and of the faith and holinesse in them and so of such beleevers and Saints is our whole discourse And so in the controversy between some brethren The Question is whether such as are admitted into this family in that part of it that is here below and have the name of God and Christ so put on them as it is put on his people here below whether they may not by neglect of their watch and the warning given them bee overcome to such degrees of sinning as to depart from the faith and so bee cast out of this family and have this name taken off them again To which I answer Oh that none more might but yet wee need to bee heedful for if we look at our tipes as the Temple and place God chose for his worship and put his name there was a tipe of those by faith built on Christ 1 Pet. 2.3.5 So it s not without its use to us that where God sets his name at the first yet for the wickednesse of the people there Jer. 7 10-14 he removed it away from thence And threatned to do the same yea hee hath done it to Jerusalem and the house there called by his name or it wee look at Israel of old was not that people called Israel Isa 1.10.21 after for their wickednesse called Sodome Jer. 2.21 and that called a faithful City afterward for their filthiness called a harlot yea was not the noble Vine of Gods planting 1 Cor. 10 1-11.18 afterward by evil ways degenerated into the plant of a strange Vine And are not these things writ for examples and warnings to us but to leave pressing the tipes and come nigher even to the truth it self If this family be the kingdome of God here on earth as I suppose none questions then what means that saying of our Saviour Mat. 8.11 12 Many shall come from the East and West and shall sit down with Abraham Isaac and Jacob in the kingdome of heaven But the children of the kingdome shall bee cast out into utter darknesse 1 Tim. 3.15 2 Tim. 20 21 16 17 18. with 1 Tim. 1.19 20. Isa 60.21 Zach. 14.21 Psal 144.11 14 15 16 c. And if this family bee the house of God which is the Church of the living God compared to a great house then sure the vessels admitted and taken into it that are unmeet for the Masters use are such as are departed from the faith they once had when they were admitted and used and are therefore to bee cast out Surely that time hath not yet been nor now is but is yet to come of which it is said Thy people shall be all righteous c. This will bee when the Church is wholly rid of strange children that there is no more going out c So that as yet the being in this family and called by his name Is no sufficient argument to prove that all that so are in the time of this warfar will without all doubt so continue and remain for ever it is more safe for us to watch over our selves Gal. 5.4 1 Tim. 1.19 20 2 Tim. 2.18 4.3.4 1 Tim. 4.1 2 and over one another in taking the warnings given us in the Scripture where also it is affirmed that some have fallen from grace some have made Shipwrack of faith and a good conscience some have erred from the Faith and overthrown the faith of others yea and there also the spirit hath expresly affirmed that in these latter dayes some shall depart from the faith giving heed to seducing spirits and doctrins of devils yea many turn to fables which wee with sorrow for them see fulfilled in many of whom it cannot with any evidence of truth bee said that they were all and every of them hypocrites or that their faith was not saving yea some of them so strong in that opinion that they counted it no less than blasphemy to say that there was any possibility for them or any true beleever and Saints to fall away But I will proceed no farther I have considered Mr. Owens stating the question and his proofs and observed his own rule in going to the Law and Testimony
where is not a word found to countenance any kinde of faith but one of which the mixtures in his first kinde and the lofty and by expressions in his second kinde are no part but that which is faith indeed in either or both of them is one and the same faith CHAP. XXIII The Conclusion AS I began so I end To the Law and Testimony Minde what is written see what is there plainly affirmed and testified how the question is there stated and answered that beleeve and hold fast and be not waved from it by any Queries glosses interpretations or subtil and Scholastical stating of the question by men who it will appear by such courses strive more for victory than truth and seek more for the honour of some sort of men than of the testimony of Jesus and spying their inability to overturn the evidence of truth in that testimony of truth plainly asserted they devise Queries and glosses and then state the question so as that they strive to deny and that they maintain is a meer fancy that none that hold forth the testimony of Christ have contended for or against that so they may seem to have the victory and then cast a blemish on the plain sayings of the Holy Ghost to make mens devices appear lovely and so put to shame the beleevers of the plain testimony of Christ And how near to this Mr. Owen comes I leave for others to consider onely in what is written these things appear proved 1 That in affirming two kindes of faith wrought by the Spirit in men upon account whereof they are called Beleevers and Saints and both really true in their kinde He plainly goeth besides and contrarieth the Scripture that tells us but one kinde really true 2 That in his first kinde of faith there are so many mixtures put in that are no efficacies of the holy Spirit in the Gospel nor any parts of faith at all and if they be taken as ingredients and parts of the faith he mentions then is that faith he calls really true in its kinde no faith at all in Scripture language nor any there on the account of such a faith called Beleevers and Saints nor is it the faith pleaded for and called saving by those he opposeth And if those mixtures be removed and left out and that stand for the faith true in its kinde which is so indeed then it is one and the same with all that he saith of the second kinde of faith that is by Scripture found true indeed and then he hath secretly yet plainly yeelded all that which through his book he opposeth in another for this faith hee yeeldeth men may fall from 3 That in his second kinde of faith he hath put in strange and unscripture-like expressions and assertions in every of his Concernments specially the former three of them which being taken as necessary to the being of this second kinde of faith that it may be true in its kinde then is there no such faith and holiness set forth in the Scripture nor any such beleevers and Saints on this earth what ever by fancy or mans approbation some may conceive Nor doth all or any of the quotations express or prove such a faith according to the terms asserted to differ it from the first kinde so that the faith and holiness the perseverance whereof such as no possibility of falling away he asserteth is such a faith as is not as no man hath otherwise then by conceit a fancy which those he opposeth never vented to bring it within the lists of a controversie And so in striving for this he was quite besides the business in controversie to give any answer thereto the question being not about fancy but truth As for the reason why he thus stated the question as to evade the business I leave that to himself and others to consider 4. That in both his kindes of faith I find that that which is true and which the quotations to them do either express or prove for to be saith It is for the kinde of it in both but one and the same kinde of faith as hath been fully shewn in treating of both onely it is so darkned by the mixtures put in the one and the strange expressions and lofty terms put in the other that no man that taketh all hee saith for truth can see any door for him to come into the faith or any certain way to know when he hath it yea it will more hinder such as have it not from faith and such as have it from perseverance then all said by him whom he opposeth and leaves men for their consolation to their fancy and the judgment of their Rabbies to relye on whereas the faith that is true saving and justifying is cleerly set forth in the Scripture in the testimony of Christ as in this Treatise hath been shewn in every part thereof let the Scriptures quoted be read and their expressions beleeved and so let the Reader discern and judge accordingly If any reply That when there is a controversie about faith It is then needful to state the question that it may be seen what is pleaded for and who plead for the true faith indeed I answer The object and foundation of faith being discovered in the plain sayings of the Gospel and the inward beleef and acknowledgement of that stood for according to plain sayings in the Gospel the question is well stated in the plain affirmations of the Gospel and none need require any other stating of the question but such as cannot indure to stand to those sayings from which none that are wise will be waved And the truth is the controversie was not about the faith it self but about the possibility or impossibility of such as at any time have attained to beleeve to fall away again that so help may accordingly be administred to them and they exhorted to receive and use the same to prevent danger and the divers kinds of true faith is an invention brought in to strengthen the pursuit of the controversie and who shall state a question for two kindes of faith true in their kinde when there is but one and what will become of all that is builded on a question so stated or who that is wise will regard it to be waved by it Judge But if any will still bee violent to have the question stated let them first consider and plainly answer this one question namely Quest What they do indeed mean by faith whether the object of faith or the grace of beleeving in that object for this is cleer in the Scripture That as our Fathers confiding and trusting and hoping in God was called their Trust and their Hope so also God himself in whom they trusted is by them confessed their Hope and their Trust Psal 71.5 Jer. 17.17 Psal 40.4 1 Tim. 1.1 And he is pronounced Blessed that maketh the Lord his Trust And so now God hath sent forth his Son and taken up his dwelling
in the mediums begetting faith examples from vers 8. to 31. of the adding to the medium the written word and prophesies and faith begotten thereby Examples from vers 32.37 and then the most clear and full discovery in and through Christ the Author and finisher of faith Chap. 12.2 And yet all the way but one faith and for the nature and property of this faith he saith It is the substance or ground or representation or confidence of things ●o●ed for The evidence argument or proof of things not seen 1 The evidences and testimony given from God 1 Joh. ● 9 Rom. 1.18 19 20 10 21. Joh. 3.19 2 Thess 2.10 Rom. 10.6 8 9 hath in it and brings with it such light power demonstration and evidence of truth and goodness as is fit and able to open the eyes to discern the manifestation and to gain credit and beleeve yea there is more in it to gain beleef then in the testimony of any men to gain beleef to things of men affirmed by them yea if men do not close their eyes harden their heart unrighteously hold and detain and refuse its operations it will draw to beleeve and so save and for that end it comes nigh to the mouth and the heart of man 2 This Testimony evidence 1 Joh. 5.10 1.1 2 3 Rom. 1.16 1 Thes 2.13 Rom. 5 1-5 Phil. 2.1 2 and demonstration of God beleeved and so received hee that beleeveth hath the Testimony and evidence in himself and in or with that Testimony Christ by his divine presence in the vertue of his oblation and in that the Father in his love streaming in the heart and so this word or Testimony beleeved worketh savingly and powerfully in the heart yea it drinks in of the influences of Christ from the right hand of God and carries the heart and spirit in and makes things absent and to come as present in their vertue solace and comfort to the heart they having the word and Testimony of Almighty God his power truth mercy faithfulnesse his son as a witnesse of all This is ground sufficient for all they hope for and evidence enough for them to beleeve and declare to others the truth of those things that are not seen about Creation Redemption the person of the Redeemer and what he hath done doth and will do the resurrection of the dead the new heaven and new earth c. So Faith is not such a thing as hee that hath it is left to build his Faith on mans Testimony and to have a Ministery all his life long to tell him whether his faith bee right or no though Ministery is profitable for his growth and fruitfulnesse but Faith hath its evidence in it self And this the Apostie proves by many demonstrations in such as had it as 1 That God approves and bears witnesse to such Heb. 11.1 2.3 4 5 7 2 That it opens mysteries to them and gives them understanding in things not seen with the eye nor comprehended by reason 3 It stregthens and encourages to approach to God 4 It inables them to walk with God yea to do and suffer great things and to wait with assurance of enjoying a Kingdome in his season yea so evidencing and powerful is Faith When Gods spake in divers manners or by par●●●● how much more now hee speaks by and through his Son as set forth in the Gospel And if any desire a Discription of this beleeving Loe it is all expresse in Heb. 11.13 and plain in three words 1 A discerning according to the demonstration of his goodnesse to look to mind encline the ear and so a discerning 2 A perswasion or credit giving not reasoning against but beleeving his testimony as true and good 3 An imbracing it when it s beleeved with all acceptance and delight that is true beleeving and the grace of God so beleeved operateth in the heart and life as followeth in ver 13 14 15 16. But these things are all shown at large before yea so as the object of Faith is so set forth in Scripture that all might beleeve and such assurance given to beleevers as may encourage both to beleeve and persevere beleeving to help the reader whereto I leave him to consider what is writ in the Treatise and desire that what the scripture plainly saith and in the plain sayings of the Gospel affirmeth may in their own plain import and simplicity of asseveration bee received Pag. 26. in 2 Epistle p. 8 yea Mr. Owen consenteth in this also besides all his sayings forementioned saying 〈◊〉 in his Epistle to the learned that which wee account our wisdome and learning may if too rigorously attended bee our Folly when wee think to sharpen the reason of the Scripture wee may straighten the efficacy of the spirit of it It s often times more effectual in its own liberty then when restrained to our methods of arguing and the weapons of it keener in their own soft breathings then when sharpned in the Forge of Aristotle And or of Ramus either There is a way of perswasion and conviction in the Scriptures that is more Divine and sublime than to bee reduced to any rules of Art that men can reach unto God in his word instructs men to make them wise unto salvation Sillogismes are not doubtlesse the only way of making men wise with humane wisdome much lesse divine so far he If hee should or have warved from his own rule hee can not but bee willing in that to bee refused so that with consent wee all say what is written how readest thou Beleeve the scripture And the Lord in mercy make us ready and constant in imbracing the Truth in his sayings as prayeth the unworthiest of all his people Thomas Moor FINIS
also were to be sound in the Faith and such as is aforesaid yea and proved and approved to be such 5. That for the chusing order and number of these Officers it is to be according to the fitness and necessities of the several Churches and the Liberty God-in his Providence gives them the Church among the Corinthians among whom were many divisions and many puft up for some against other were exhorted to that which should be constant even to order in their proceedings and to let such of them as had prophetical gifts 1 Cor. 14.26 29 40. have the precedence in leading but not being fit because of being puft up for one against another c. they were not yet permitted to chuse their outward Officers that so all things might be so set in order till the Apostle came and did that Believers furnish'd with Apostolical or Evangelistical gifts at least needful in such a case But the Church among the Philippians a gracious sweetly-framed people in their fellowship in the Gospel they had their Bishops and Deacons among themselves and were well approved of And the Churches among the Ephesians had also their Bishops and Deacons but still needed more and more helpfulness about them and Timothy that was an Evangelist by his Gifts 2 Tim. 4 1 2 3 4 5 6. 1 Tim. 1.3 8. 3 4 5 6. and to do the work of an Evangelist in his preaching was left as a Bishop or Elder there to oversee both the several Churches and the Elders or Bishops and Deacons in the several Churches to charge some that they teach no other Doctrine beside that delivered them in the Gospel and to silence and stop the Mouths of perverse erronious Ones by the Word and to help them in choise of Officers Tit. 1 2 3. and for the right ordering of all their Assemblies and Manners and for the same cause was Titus left in Crete both to ordain them Elders and oversee both them and the people and give directions to them yet were all these in Corinth Philippi and Ephesus and Crete true Churches and fought not one with another about these outward Forms it being in and to each according to their firness and necessity Now while the immediate Apostles Prophets Evangelists Pastors and Teachers lived and thos mediate Ones that had heard and seen them and that the Officers were chosen by and of those of the true Sanctuary who were clothed with the Righteousness of Christ and gloried in the Doctrine of Christ delivered by the twelve Apostles and contemned the glory Rev. 12.1 2. riches and pleasures of this World and that the outward Court was in the Hands of the Saints and they the Ministers and these the Officers therein also the Church appeared beautiful and glorious indeed But in that time the outward Court is left into the hands of the Gentiles the true Sanctuary is trodden down and as one dwelling in a Wilderness among Briars Rev. 12.14 11.1 2 3 4 5. Thorns and wild Beasts and then cloth'd with Sackcloth and yet patiently bearing this shall carry on their Work with the rich spiritual and constant Furniture given which is shewn to be very good and great though they have not all their Priviledges in the outward Court and to encourage I will name one Help more 6. Joh. 11.25 7.38 39. 14.16 26. 16.7 15 23 26. Mat. 28.20 7.7 Mar. 11.23 24. Luk. 1.7.6 Phil. 4.4.5 7 13. To fit and furnish for and in all the former Directions and against all that comes to oppose or hinder us he hath given us his gracious promise to be with us that believing on him his strength and Spirit shall support lead and go forth with us and whatever we finde wanting ask in his Name and it shall be done for and to us that so we may be able to do all things through Christ that strengthneth us so wonderfully are these chosen Ministers fitted for the Ministration of the Gospel according to the Revelation of the Mystery And thus much of the several Revelations and so of this last Revelation of Christ CHAP. 17. A Corollary from the Testimony of Christ in the three Branches together with all these several Revelations of Christ to the fullest FRom all that hath been said in the second and third Part of this Treatise and the Scriptures alledged and so in the whole Scripture-Testimony of Christ it appears I. That there is one Faith and but one Faith that is Faith indeed real and true in its kinde and so not divers kindes of Faith each true in its kinde The whole Testimony of Christ holds forth to us one and but one kinde of Faith that is true Faith yea Eph. ● 5 upon exhortation to keep the Unity of Spirit this is given as the ground of it There is one Faith as there is one God and Father one Lord and Saviour and one Spirit and so one true Church in which he is so there is one Faith and no more kindes of true Faith then of Gods c. we may see this in every sense the word Faith is used in the Testimony Rom. 1.5 10.8 16.26 Gal. 1.23 3.2 Rom. 4.19 24. Eph. 2.8 Act. 13.8 Rom. 3.20 30. 4.5 5.1 the word Faith being used sometime for the object of Faith and for the Word or Gospel in which that object is set forth and sometime for the Grace of Faith or believing in that object and sometime for both the object and believing so as the Believer is united to it and so still the Faith one and of one kinde For 1. The object of Faith is every way one and the same the Gospel that is the discovering Medium 2 Cor. n. 4. Gal. 1.7 8 9. Col. 1.5 23. the Word of Faith and of Grace though it hath many Branches and Uses yet they flow from meet in one and there is but one and the same Gospel and not another and Jesus Christ set forth and as set forth in this Gospel he is one and there is not another though he be set forth as indeed he is The Son of God and the Son of Man God-Man and what from Eternity he was and what in time he became what he hath done and what he is thereby become and what he is furnished to do 1 Cor. 8.6 Joh. 4.42 2 Cor. 11.4 1 Cor. 8.6 12.6 Gal. 3.20 1 Tim. 2.5 1 Cor. 12.4 11. 2 Cor. 11.4 1 Joh. 5.7 Mar 12.32 34. Joh. 10.29 30. 1 Joh. 5.10 11. and what he doth and will do as the mighty God and the Son of Man as the Saviour of all Men especially of those that believe and the Judge of all yet he is one and but one Lord Jesus Christ the Christ the Saviour of the World and there is not another Jesus that is the Christ and so God the Father that is in Christ and dwells in him though his