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A68449 A catholike and ecclesiasticall exposition of the holy Gospell after S. Iohn. Gathered out of all the singuler and approued deuines (which the Lorde hath giuen vnto his Church) by Augustine Marlorate. And translated out of Latin into Englishe by Thomas Timme minister. Seene and allovved according to the order appoynted; Novi Testamenti catholica expositio ecclesiastica. English. Selections Marlorat, Augustin, 1506-1562.; Tymme, Thomas, d. 1620. 1575 (1575) STC 17406; ESTC S114256 780,235 632

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❧ A CATHOLIKE and Ecclesiasticall exposition of the holy Gospell after S. IOHN Gathered out of all the singuler and approued Deuines which the Lorde hath giuen vnto his Church by Augustine Marlorate And translated out of Latin into Englishe by Thomas Timme Minister Seene and allovved according to the order appoynted ¶ Imprinted at London by Thomas Marshe Anno Domini 1575. ¶ TO THE RIGHT HONORABLE Lorde Thomas Earle of Sussex Vicount Fitzwalter Lorde of Egremont and of Burnell one of the Queenes Maiesties Honorable priuie Counsayle and Lorde high Chamberlayne of hir house of the noble order of the Garter Knight Iustice of Oyer of the Forrests Parkes VVarraynes and Chases from Trent Southvvarde and Captayne of the Gentlemen Pentioners And to the right honorable Lady his wyfe encrease of honour and true knowledge in Christ Iesus THE GREAT PROfite which the Christiā minde is to receyue by reading this Booke was the cause why I tooke the paynes to Translate it out of Latin into the English toung and the Recommending therof the more diligently to haue it read was the occasion which moued me to Dedicate my parte therein to your Honors For what Englishe man is there which will not thinke it a Booke most worthy the reading which he seeth warranted by your Names The honorable and generall report whereof hartneth me to present it vnto you wherein ye shall finde the deepe and deuine Euangelist Sainct John the marrow of all Commentaries vppon him vnder the name of Marlorates Collection last and least my faythfull trauell to turne them bothe to the vse of my Countrey The thing I know your Honors will like well bicause as I heare you can skilfully iudge so I doubt not but you haue made your choyce what to reade which so muche bruteth the credite of your abilitie founde out by effect As for my labor may it please your Honors to like it as comming from one which caught with the commendation of your Learning and Wisdome generally noyzed could not but offer my selfe to you as the wondering Queene of Saba could not rest tyll she had seene Salomons person of whose wisdome she had hard so muche And withall I thought it good in offering my labor to your Honors to ioyne you both togither thinking with my selfe that it must needes follow that suche skill and iudgement beeing in so Honorable a man must needes by societie of matche worke like effect in so honorable a Mate Wherefore not to trouble your Honors with longer speache I take my leaue Recommending my poore Paynes to your Honors protection the recompence whereof you shall receiue in your reading of the booke whose fruite will bring by Gods grace health to your soules and continuance of your Honor. Your Honors most humble Thomas Timme ❧ A CATHOLIKE AND ECCLESIASTICALL EXPOsition of the holye Gospell after S. JHON The Argument ALthough the worde of GOD dependeth or hangeth not vpon the auctoritie of men yet notwithstanding 1. Iohn 4. as it is profitable to proue the spirites whether they be of GOD or no So it is necessarie that they which take vppon them the office of teaching in the Churche doe keepe their auctoritie in the same to the ende the testimonie which they bring concerning the truthe maye more firmelie abide with the faythfull But trulie this Gospell which John bringeth is nothing else than a testimonie of Christ Iesus that is to say that Christ is the sonne of God the life of men the light of the worlde the breade of life which came downe from heauen the resurrection the waye the trueth and the life the good Shephearde of the sheepe and to be short the onelie sauiour of the worlde It is conuenient therefore that wee knowe who this was which so beareth witnesse of him which was conuersaunt among men hauing the shewe of a seruaunt Philip. 2. being in the similytude of men and founde in his apparell as a man being tempted in all thinges as we are and yet without sinne This one witnesse is to be credited of vs euen as well as a thousand Heb. 4. because he was one that writ these thinges to the edefying of the Church and for the common profite of all men not by the common fame and report of other men but by that which is most sure and infallible namelie by that which he hearde and saw himselfe euen as hee himselfe speaketh of himselfe in the ende of this historie saying Iohn 19. He vvhich savve bare vvitnesse and his vvitnesse is true and hee knovveth that he speaketh truth that ye might beleeue And in an other place he sayth That vvhich vvas from the beginning vvhich vve haue hearde vvhich vve haue seene which we haue looked vpon and our handes haue handeled of the worde of life we shewe vnto you For this writer of the sacred Historie 1. Iohn 1. or Gospel was in the time of Christ being the brother of the Apostle Iames borne in Galilee and the sonne of Zebede and Salomon as many thinke Of whose calling to the office of an Apostle S. Mathew in the .iiij. Chapter maketh mention aptly therfore he calleth this history the Gospel for he doth more largely and plainelie set forth the diuinity of Christ and the mistery of our redemption than the other Euangelists The which thing being forseene by our Lord and Sauiour Christ called this our Euangelist and his brother also the sonne of Thunder or as Marke hath 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 Furthermore the other three Euangelists are very large insetting forth the life and death of Christ but our Euangelist shortely touching those things stādeth more vpō that doctrine by the which both the office of christ and also the power of his death resurrection is explicated And to be short all of them seking to set forth Christ the first three namely Mathew Marke and Luke do set before vs If I may so speake the bodye but Iohn the soule Insomuch that this Gospell maye truelie be called the key which openeth the doore to come to the vnderstanding of the other three For who soeuer shall attaine to the knowledge of Gods power the which is here cunninglie expressed he at the length shall reade with profite that which the other Euangelistes haue written as concerning the redeemer Neyther was it done without the singuler counsell of the holie Ghost that the Gospell written by Mathew Marke and Luke shoulde be published and set foorth in the worlde before that which was written by Iohn for the weake eares of the faithfull were not capeable of so great thunder Therfore it was conuenient that the Incarnation of Christ shoulde fyrst of all be set foorth his Natiuitie described and howe according to the scriptures he was borne of the seede of Abraham of the tribe of Iuda and of the stocke of Dauid by what documents he prooued him selfe to be the true Messias how according to the scriptures he suffered and was buried and rose againe the thirde
Gospell not to liue at their owne pleasure but that their light might shine before men not to be Princes of this worlde but to beare the crosse wyth Christ Who came not to be ministred vnto Mat. 20.28 but to minister him selfe and to giue his life a redemption for many M. Wherfore let the Bishoppes of Rome marke well and sée how they defend their Lordship which they haue in the Churche vnder the pretence of Christ 19. And for theyr sakes sanctifie I my selfe that they also mighte be sanctified through the truthe R. To sanctifie is to ceparate to diuine vses C. Therefore in these words he doth more playnly explicate from whence that sanctificatiō doth come which is wrought in vs by the doctrine of the Gospell namely bicause he hath consecrated him selfe to the Father that his holinesse mighte appertayne vnto vs. For as the blessinge is extended from the firste fruites to the whole increace euen so the spirite ●f God doth sprinkle vs with the holinesse of Christe and maket● vs partakers of the same and that not onely by imputation for by this meanes he is sayde to be made vnto vs righteousnesse but he is also saide to be made vnto vs sanctificaon .1 Cor. 1.30 bicause after a sorte he offereth vs to the Father that by his spirite we may be renued into true holynesse And althoughe this sanctification perteineth to the whole lyfe of Christe yet notwithstanding it is specially to bée seene in the sacrifice of hys death bicause then he appeared to be a true Priest whiche consecrated the Temple the Altar all the Vessels Exod. 29.1 and the people by the power of his spirite A. Euen as before tyme in the Lawe it was shadowed R. Christe therefore sanctifieth him selfe That is he is made the instrument of God the Father by whiche he is glorified he offereth and sacrificeth him selfe that we also may be made the instrumentes and true sacrifices of hys diuine glory Sanctification M. For Christe hath not so sanctified hym selfe for vs that we may abide prophane and farre separate from the communion of his spirite and sanctification but although we be saued by hys onely holynesse yet notwithstanding we are sanctified also by the participation of his spirite They which are voyde of the same promise vnto them selues in vayne the fellowship of Christ Wherevpon the Apostle sayth Rom. 6.4 VVe are buried vvith him by Baptisme into his deathe that lykevvyse as Christe vvas raysed vp from the dead by the glory of the Father euen so vve also shoulde vvalke in nevvnesse of lyfe And in another place he sayth Roma 12.1 Offer vp your bodies a quicke sacrifice holy and acceptable vnto God vvhiche is your reasonable seruice This therfore is the sence meaning I sanctifie my self that is I dye for them that they by my death may be filled with the spirite of sanctification and may be made the holy vessels of God by the reuealed spirite of the Gospell M. This the Apostle comprehendeth in these wordes Hebr. 10.10 In the vvhiche will we are made holy euen by the offering of the body of Iesus Christe once for all In the truthe The worde of God is the truth euen as Christ sayd before Therefore the sanctification of the ministers of Christe and of the faythfull Acts. 15.9 Fayth maketh al thinges cleane consisteth in the truthe of Gods worde vppon the whiche fayth is grounded by whiche God purifieth the hartes Without this all things are prophane and vncleane 20. Neuerthelesse I pray not for them alone but for thē also which shall beleue on me through their preaching R. Thirdly Christe prayeth for all the faythfull whiche should be to the ende of the world This verily bringeth great consolation For if so be through the doctrine of the Gospell we beléeue in Christ there is no cause why we should doubt but that with the Apostles we are vnder Gods protection so that none of vs can perishe This praier of Christ is a quiet hauen into the whiche whosoeuer entereth he is safe from all perill of shipwracke for his wordes are of as great force as if he had solemly sworne that he is carefull for our saluation R. And firste of all this place confirmeth the authoritie of the Apostles agaynst those which very contemptuously extinuate and disprayse the preaching of the Gospell by the Apostles Prou. 20.9 for that they were men also subiect vnto errours And it is true that they were men in lyfe and in workes for who can say my harte is cleane but they preached the doctrine of the Gospel not by humaine but by the diuine ministerie Wherevppon Christe also prayeth for those which shoulde beleeue through their preaching Furthermore let our consciences be confyrmed agaynst the worlde and agaynst all the afflictions of the worlde For so soone as Christe prayed the Father hearde and the father hearing what remayneth but hys grace and readie affection towarde vs C. Let this also suffice vs whiche knowe that our fayth is founded vppon the Gospell preached by the Apoples though the worlde condemne vs a thousande tymes namely that Christe acknowledgeth vs for his speciall charge and cōmendeth vs to his father Ioh. 11.41 of whom he can not choose but be heard C. When he addeth Throgh their preching He very well expresseth the forre and nature of fayth M. Euen as the Apostle Paule also Rom. 10 17 when he sayth that fayth cōmeth by hearing And the worde of the Apostles is nothing else but the Gospell which they were commaunded to preach in the worlde Mar. 16.15 C. Wo then vnto the Papistes whose fayth is so farre from thys rule that they are not ashamed most blasphemously to say that the scriptures are like vnto a Shipmans hose and to a nose of waxe and that therefore the tradition of the Churche shall be their direction and rule of fayth But let vs be assured that the same fayth onely is approued of the sonne of God our Iudge alone whiche is conceyued by the doctrine of the Apostles For there shall no certayne testimonie any where else bee founde than in their writinges We muste also note what fayth the word of the Apostles doth bring foorth This Christ declareth when he sayth Which beleeue in me Let nowe the Iewes Turkes and Romishe rable glory of their fayth but it maketh no matter what euery one beleeueth and in whome he beleeueth Euery doctrine hath his fayth but the Apostolicall doctrine begetteth onely the faith in Christ And this faith alone is partaker of this prayer of Christ of the promises concerning euerlasting life 21. That they all maye be one as thou father arte in me and I in thee and that they also may bee one in vs That the world may beleue that thou hast sent me R. That which Christ prayed for his Apostles he nowe also prayeth for all the faythfull that they might be of one fayth
GOD and the Sauiour of the whole worlde the which is done of vs when we depende wholye vpon him by a sincere fayth and trust and commit our selues wholye as Disciples vnto him Hée sayth not they which are pure and altogither voyde of sinne and worthy to be admitted into the fellowship of this fraternitie but he sayth which beléeue in his name and receyue him that is to saye which acknowledge by fayth the grace offered and receyue it in heart Therefore they which beléeue not receyue not Christ they cannot obtaine this sauing helth and dignity of the sonnes of God in so much that they must of necessitie perish with this world vnder the wrath 13. Which were borne not of bloode nor of the will of the fleshe nor yet of the will of man but of God Which were borne M. These woordes pertayne to the description of them which beléeue in the name of Christ and do receyue the right of the adoption of the sonnes of God They which are such are not borne of fleshe and blood but of God Fleshe and blood begetteth not the Children of God That which is of the fleshe is fleshe Iohn 3 and that which is of the spirite is spirite B. By these woordes the Euangelist meaneth nothing else but the carnall Byrth For he maketh a comparison of the generation of the fleshe and of the spirite reiecting the one and allowing the other C. Neyther is it necessarye that wée vnderstand here by this worde flesh the Woman as many would haue it The Euangelist rather repeating one thing by diuerse woordes goeth about to inculcate the same and to print it more déepelye in our mindes Therefore hée doth secréetelye touche the wicked trust and confidence of the Iewes who had alwayes in theyr monthes the worthinesse of theyr ofspring as though they springing from a holye Progeny were Saintes by nature They had worthelye boasted them selues to bée of the stock of Abraham if they had béene lawfull Children and not bastardes But the boasting of Faith doth arrogate nothing at all from the carnall generation but geueth GOD the praise for all thinges that it hath receyued ● Therefore S. Iohn in effect sayeth thus much They which beléeue in Christ being before vncleane Gentiles are not borne the sonnes of God out of the wombe or by fleshe and blood but are brought therevnto by the workemanshippe of the holye Ghost And although properly hée hath respect vnto the Iewes which were proude in the fleshe yet notwithstanding of this place a generall Doctrine maye bée gathered namelye that where as wée are counted the Sonnes of GOD it commeth not by the propertye of our nature neyther of our selues but because the Lorde hath begotten vs of his owne fréewill and singuler loue Question A. Notwithstanding the Euangelist séemeth verye vnorderlye to make regeneration the first in order as though it went before faith when as rather it is the effect of Faith and therefore the latter of the twaine Aunsvvere C. I aunswere that it is both first and last in diuers respects because by fayth wée conceyue the incorruptible séede by the which we are borne againe into a newe and diuine life and yet neuerthelesse faith is now the worke of the holye Ghost which dwelleth in none but in the sonnes of God Therefore in diuers respectes faith is a part of our regeneration and an enteraunce into the kingdome of Heauen that wée might bée nombred among the children of God For in that hee illuminateth our mindes with the spirite hee sheweth the worke of regeneration After this maner faith springeth from regeneration as from the well But because wée receyue Christ by the same faith whiche sanctifieth vs wyth his spirite therefore it is sayde to be the beginning of our adoption Therefore in respect of our sence we beginne not to be the sonnes of God but after faith onely M. But we must note what difference there is betwéene them whiche are adopted in this worlde to the inheritaunce of earthlye goodes and those which are adopted to bée the sonnes of God They whiche are adopted to haue the inheritance of earthlye goodes are adopted by grace of good will although they come not of the same fleshe neither are regenerate in minde but abide in the same minde whereof they were before But they which are adopted to bee the Sonnes of God are not borne of the substaunce of God as was Christ the onely begotten sonne of GOD but they being by grace taken for heyres and sonnes are also chaunged in minde and of carnall are made spirituall And this is that which hée sayth But are borne of God Wee gather also by this place that faith commeth not of our selues but is the fruite of spirituall regeneration For the Euāgelist affirmeth that no man can beléeue but hée which is borne of God Faith therefore is a heauenly gift Furthermore wée maye hereby gather that faith is not a colde or bare motion seeing none can beléeue except hée be reformed by the spirite of God 14. And the same woorde became flesh dwelt among vs and we sawe the glorye of it as the glory of the onely begotten sonne of the Father full of grace and truth And the same worde C. Nowe hée teacheth what that comming of Christ was of the which he had made mencion before saying Hee came into his owne Namelye that hée hauing taken vppon him our fleshe openlye shewed him selfe to the world M. And by the fleshe he vnderstandeth the whole man in somuche that it is al one as if he had sayd And the word beecame man C. For this worde fleshe serueth more to set foorth the force of his minde than if he had sayde That it was made man His purpose was to shew what a vile and base condition the Sonne of GOD tooke vpon him for our sakes comming downe from the throne of his heauenlye glorye The scripture speaking of a man contemptuouslye calleth him fleshe When as therefore the Euangelist calleth the sonne of God fleshe he meaneth that he hath so much abased him selfe that he hath taken vppon him this fleshe subiect to so many miseries R. As to fragillity contempt execration pouertye hunger thirst nakednesse death and damnation and that wee might bee made through him Strong Blessed Ritch Full Immortal and righteous whereby we haue euerlasting saluation For what thing else is fleshe than weakenesse dust and as it were haye and the glorye thereof as the flower of the field which in the morning groweth and in the Euening is cut downe and withered C. But the fleshe is not here taken for the corrupt nature of man as Paule oftentimes taketh it but for the mortall man Verye fonde therefore is Appollinaris which imagined that Christ had a humane bodye onely without a soule For this is a figuratiue kinde of speache because the inferiour part doth comprehende the whole man For by an innumerable sort of testimonies a man may gather that Christ our
from heauen Christ therfore will be acknowledged in his Ministers but yet so that hée will be Lorde alone as for the Ministers of GOD they are contented to bee in the order of Seruants specially when comparison is made béetwéene Christ and them He that commeth from heauen is aboue all M. Hée repeateth this sentence first of all to inculcate and imprint the same in the mindes of his Disciples that they might submitte themselues to Christ alone which boath came from heauen and also is aboue al and that they should not depende vpon him who himselfe is subiect to another whome hée knewe to bée preferred before all men by God the Father Secondly to the ende he might the more conuenientlye adioyne and bring in that whiche remaineth vnspoken 32. And what hee hath seene and heard that hee testifieth and no man receyueth his testimonie CHR. Because these by corporal scences of hearing and séeing wée knowe all things certainely and thinke our selues worthie to be beléeued when wée haue séene and hearde as suche that neyther faine nor tell lyes therefore to confirme the matter Saint Iohn saith that Christ testifieth that which hee hath both seene and hearde C. For to the ende his Disciples might obey Christ hée commendeth the Doctrine of Christ by the certainetie of the same because hée vttereth nothing but that which hée hath receyued from the Father B. Therefore Christ teacheth those thinges which are most certaine and approoued true Ioh. 1.18 séeing hée is in the bosome of GOD and the wisdome of the Father M. and hée sayth not Hée speaketh that which hée hath séene and hearde But he testifieth to admonishe them that Christ is not onelye a teacher of Gods trueth but also a moste assured witnesse of all thinges A. For hée sayth Ioh. 8.26 VVhat thinges I haue hearde of him I declare in the worlde And in an other place hee sayth Iohn 15.15 I haue shewed vnto you al things that I haue hearde of my father M. Therefore by this place wée maye note what prerogatiue Christ had aboue Iohn and aboue all other teachers because he coulde and doth by his holy spirite teache the mindes of men as well as by words How many soeuer in this life teache deuine and heauenly thinges howe holye soeuer they be yet notwithstanding they cannot testifie of those things which they teache that they haue séene them in heauen though they be true whiche they speake For those thinges whiche they haue receyued they haue not receyued by knowledge or by fight in heauen but eyther by the reuelation of the holy ghost or else by Fayth in Godes worde but Christ coulde testifie in this worlde those thinges which hée had both hearde and séene And no man receyueth his testimonye Bv. Saint Iohn here doth reproue not onelye the vnbeléefe of his Disciples but also the incredulitie of other of the Iewes who withstoode the Doctrine of Christ notwithstanding that it was most true Iohn 3.11 M. So Christ sayde to Nicodemus VVee speake that wee knowe and testifie that wee haue seene and yee receyue not our witnesse Where hée reprooueth the blindenesse of the Iewes euen as Iohn doth here their incredulity The which notwithstanding is not so to be vnderstoode as though no man receyued the testimonie of Christ séeing the Apostles and diuers others receiued and beléeued the same but hée meaneth that a verye fewe in comparison haue receyued and beléeued it C. For if we compare the beléeuers with the huge multitude of the wicked they will appeare nothing And to receyue the testimonie of Christ is stedfastlye to beléeue in him and to imbrace his worde with thankesgeuing as the most assured testimonye of Gods will This is done but of verye fewe also at this daye For the credite geuen to this Heauenly Doctrine is euen now as litle as it was then He sayeth not And no man heareth his testimony But No man receyueth his testimony For there haue béene alwayes manye hearers thereof But there haue béene fewe receyuers of the same founde A. So this place maye bée expounded euen as that which wée heard before He came into his owne Iohn 1.11 and his owne receyued him not 33. Hee that hath receyued his testimonye hath set to his seale that God is true M. From this verse to the ende of the Chapter Iohn the Baptist noteth twoo thinges Fyrst what prayse and profite hée shall receyue whiche receyueth the Testimonye of Christe Secondlye what hurt shall happen vnto him which receyueth not the same He which receiueth his testimonye hath put to his seale R. That is to saye Hée which beléeueth his woorde hath put to his seale or approueth by his fayth and confession that God is true and kéepeth his promises or else receyueth the testimonye in his hart that those thinges which Christ speaketh are the very woordes of GOD. And this testimony is the holy Ghost certifying and confirming our consciences as a seale that this is the Sonne of GOD in déede and that his woorde Ioh. 15 2● is the worde of GOD in déede Herevpon Christ sayth VVhen the comforter commeth which is the spirite of trueth hee shall beare witnesse of mee 2. Cor. 1.22 And the Apostle sayth VVhich hath sealed vs and hath geuen the earnest of the spirite into our hartes Ephe● Also in an other place After yee beleeued yee were sealed with the holy spirite of promise which is the pledge of our inheritaunce C. Saint Iohn also here preuenteth and méeteth by the waye with an offence or stumbling blocke which might tourne many from the fayth and might hinder or at least stop their swiftnesse in their race For the greatest part hangeth to much vpon the iudgement of men and déemeth and iudgeth of the gospell after the contempt of the worlde at the least when it séeth the same in some places to be reiected hauing before conceyued this preiudice it is the more hard and slowe to beléeue Here therefore the man of GOD exhorteth and encourageth the godly boldelye to embrace the doctrine of the Gospell as if hée shoulde haue sayde There is no cause why the Godlye shoulde be ashamed or gréeued at the smalenesse of their number God the aucthor of our fayth is more than al the worlde beside to giue testimonie to the truth séeing that God is the Aucthor of theyr Fayth who himselfe alone is all in al and therfore all sufficient and to be preferred before multitudes Therefore although the whole worlde doe withstande the faith yet notwithstanding this ought not to kéepe good men from the obedience and seruice of GOD. They haue also wherevpon to rest and staye themselues séeing they knowe that to beléeue the Gospell is nothing else than to beléeue th● Oracles of GOD. In the meane time wée gather that this is proper to fayth to rest and stay it selfe vpon God Faith sta●eth it selfe vpon Go● and to be grounded and established by his worde
as they had hearde the testimony of the woman concerning Christe and did béeleue firste of all they wente out of the Citie to sée him on whom they beléeued Then hauing so done and being not contented to haue séene him once they desyred to abide with him for euer and therefore they requested him to tarrie still with them Phili. 1.23 Thus are they alwaies affected which truely knowe and loue Christe So Paule desired to be dissolued and to be with Christe The which Christe also promised to his disciples saying Ioh. 14.3 I will come againe and take you to my selfe that where I am there may ye be also Also Paule foresheweth that this shall not be without greate consolation Thes 4.17 saying And so shall we alwaies bee with the Lorde PAR. Therefore when they had obteyned their desire and sawe him standing before their face they were nothing offended at his base and contemptible forme hauing no manner of kingly shewe but they rather inuite him as the geuer of greate benefites beseech hym that he would vouchsafe to lodge in their Citye And he abode there two daies M. Being intreated he taried for a time such is his humanitie and facilitye by which he willinglye receiueth the petitions of the faithfull specially when they do appertaine to the corroborating and confirming of their faith euen as this petition of the Samaritanes did B. But notwithstanding hée gaue commaundement to his disciples that they shoulde not enter into the Cities of the Samaritanes beecause the time of his full glorification was not yet come But as the calling of the Gentiles appeared in the Magi or wisemen and after that in the Centurion and in others so in this present occasion hee minded to manifest the calling of the Samaritanes The calling of the Gentiles Actes 8.5 which were a certaine kind of people betwéene the Ethnikes and the Iewes the fyrst that receyued the Gospell after the Iewes Wherevpon he tarryed onely twoo dayes with them wheras hée continually Preached the Gospel to the Iewes Rom. 15.8 Mat. 15.24 For hée was the Minister of Circumcision and was specially sent to the lost Sheepe of the house of Israel M. Hée woulde not therefore geue any occasion of offence vnto the Iewes 41. And many mo beleeued because of his owne vvorde C. Here this word beleeued is vsed in another sence than it was before in the nine and thyrtye verse because it doeth not onelye signifye that they were prepared vnto faith but also endewed with a true faith M. Here therefore we sée howe true that is which the Apostle speaketh of faith saying Faith commeth by hearing Rom. 10.17 and hearing by the worde of God R. Therefore as the Samaritanes at the first beléeued because of the womans wordes but afterwardes are confirmed in the faith by the woordes of Christ euen so all the faithfull at the fyrst beleeue because of the Apostles woordes and the wordes of the Preachers but are not as yet confyrmed in the faith except Christ by his voyce speake to our hearts and seale vs by his holye spyrite which is the earnest and assurance of our heart For when the spirite of truth shal come Ioh. 16.13 hée wyll leade vs into all trueth Also Paul planteth 1 Cor. 3.7 Apollo watereth but God geueth the increase 42. And sayd to the vvoman Nowe vve beleeue not because of thy saying for vve haue heard him our selues and knowe that this is euen Christ the sauiour of the vvorld And sayd to the Woman M. These thinges are not therefore spoken to the ende we might thinke that the ministerye of this Woman which they had wel vsed was contemned God forbyd but rather to extoll those thinges which they had heard of Christ him selfe aboue the testimony of the woman Naye they séeme to knowe and ackowledge well inough the Womans Ministerye by which they at the first beléeued because they talked with her then they call to minde her wordes by which shée had testifyed of Christ neyther doe they saye Wée neuer beléeued because of thy woordes but Now we beleeue not because of thy wordes Bv. As if they shoulde haue sayde Thou hast not spoken so largelye of Iesus as hée hath deserued For nowe wée our selues hauing had plaine experience of his Diuine power knowe what manner of personne hée is neyther as perswaded by thy woordes onelye doe wée beléeue him to bée the Messias but being conuicted rather by his euident Doctrine wée knowe and vndoubtedly beléeue and truelye confesse that the same Iesus is not onelye the Sauiour of the Iewes but also of the whole world C. Therefore the Euangelist here expresseth what their faith was namelye suche a faith as was conceiued by the woorde of God in so much that they might boast that they had the Sonne of God to bée theyr teacher which is hée alone vppon whose aucthoritye we may safelye staye our selues Hée is not nowe present before our eyes that hée might talke with vs mouth to mouth but by whome soeuer we shall happen to heare him yet our faith can bée reposed in none but in him M. The Samaritanes which speake here speake not as doubtfull but as most assured and that which they beleeue with the heart Rom. 10.10 they most constantlye professe with the mouth For with the heart wée beléeue to righteousnesse and with the mouth wée confesse to Saluation But howe come they to haue this certaine knowledge of Christ They saye not wée haue séene his Miracles but Wee haue hearde him our selues Therefore they attaine vnto fayth not by Myracles but by the hearing of the verye worde of God Iohn 8.17 He which is of God heareth Gods wordes sayeth the Lord. The vnbeléeuing and froward Nation require signes but the elect doe not so but by the hearing of the woorde of God come to the knowledge of Christ So sayde Peter Iohn 6.68 Lord to whom shall we goe thou hast the wordes of eternal life and wee beleeue and confesse that thou art the sonne of the lyuing God And know that this is euen Christ our Sauiour C. This no doubte they haue by hearing Whereby wée gather that the summe of the Gospel within these twoo dayes was more familiarlye Preached vnto them by Christ than afore tyme it had béene at Hierusalem Bv. Also the prompte ready faith of the Samaritans shall condemne the inuincible incredulitye and obstinacye of men in our tyme. For the continuall Preaching of the Gospell amongest vs not two yeres but many yeres can litle or nothing at all perswade many of vs. Of the worlde C. Christ testifyeth that the saluacion whiche hée brought is common to the whole worlde to the ende the Samaritanes might the better vnderstande that it appertayned also vnto them For he called not them to the pertaking of the grace of saluacion as lawfull heyres but he taught that hée came Eph. 2.17 to admit forreyners into the householde of God
are to be heard ▪ as true Sheapeheardes if so be we despise not the admonition of Christ 2. But hee that entereth in by the doore is the Sheapehearde of the sheepe C. If so be therefore they whiche are called Sheapeheardes doe séeke to draw vs awaye from Christ they are to bée shunned no lesse then Woolues and Theeues for suche are not true shéepeheards because they enter not in by the Doore Neyther must wée haue fellowshippe and societie with any other flocke than with that which agréeth and abydeth in the pure faith of the Gospell For this cause Christ exhorteth his Disciples to seperate themselues from the vnbéeléeuing multitude and not suffer themselues to be gouerned of wicked priestes neyther to suffer themselues to be deceyued by vayne and friuolous names A. Because false Prophetes come in shéepes clothing being inwardelye rauening Woolues 3. To him the Porter openeth and the sheepe heare hys voyce and hee calleth his owne sheepe by name and leadeth them out C. This Porter or Doorekéeper is God whose Iudgement Christ séemeth to oppose against the false opinion of men in approuing Pastors As if hée shoulde saye Others the worlde dothe willingly receyue and doth gladlye honor them but GOD who hath power and aucthoritie doth acknowledge and approue no others than such as leade the Shéepe by this waye Then followeth the obedince of the shéepe For they heare the voyce of the Porter This therefore ought to be referred to the mutuall consent and agréement of Faith because by the only spirite of God the Disciple and the Teacher are lincked togeather that as the one goeth before so the other followeth after Some notwithstanding referre it to the priuate knowledge which the pastour ought to haue of euery one of his shéepe But the former sen●e séemeth to bée more firme 4. And when hee hath sent forth his owne sheepe he goeth before them and the shepe follow him for they know his voice C. Hée meaneth that the shéepe do discerne and knowe the Sheapheards from wolues euen by their voice This is that spirite of discretion 1. Ioh. 4.1 by which the elect of God do iudge and discerne the truth from the false inuencions of men A. Wée are commaunded to proue the spirites whether they bée of GOD or no but that wee maye discerne the spirites of trueth from the spirites of errour it is necessary that we haue the spirite of discrecion whiche maye seale the trueth of God in our heartes C. Therefore the knowledge of the truth goeth before in the shéepe of Christ and then followeth a serious desyre to obeye that they maye not onely knowe what is true but also receyue the same with their whole heart and may followe the Sheapheard 5. A straunger wyl they not followe but wyll flee from him for they knowe not the voyce of straungers Bv. Because the Faithfull doe neyther knowe nor receyue any other Doctrine than the doctrine of Christ euen as a chast wyfe onely obeyeth the commaundementes of her husbande they doe flée from him which bringeth not the worde of Christe C. neyther doe they harken to the voyce of straungers neyther are they scattered when they are called vpon 6. This prouerbe spake Iesus vnto them but they vnderstode not what thinges they were which he spake vnto them R. The wisedome of God being hyd vnder foolishnesse can not bée knowne of the wisedome of the fleshe M. If any man demaunde wherefore the Lord vsed a Prouerbe when no doubte hée knewe that his aduersaries vnderstoode not the same let him reade our annotacions vppon the thirtéene Chapter of Mathewe beginning at the thirtéene verse 7. Then sayde Iesus vnto them againe Verily verily I say vnto you I am the doore of the Sheepe Bv. When the Phariseis vnderstoode not what this parable meant it pleased the Lorde to adde the exposition of the same C. the whiche if he had not done all that he spake had béene allegoricall Bv. And he beginneth with an oath lest we should make any doubt of the present doctrine C. For that which was principall in the similitude he nowe plainelye expoundeth Bv. and hée openeth certayne thinges by the coniecture whereof we maye easelye open and dissolue the rest C. When he affirmeth that hée is the doore hée geueth vs to vnderstande that the principall part of all spirituall Doctrine is contayned in him Wherevpon the Apostle Paul being one of the Shéepheards thought it not néedefull to know any thing saue Iesus Christ Crucified And the wordes of Christ are in effecte as if hée shoulde haue sayde that it is hée aloan to whome we ought to be gathred R. Christ also is the doore by which the good Shéephearde doeth enter into the shéepe of the Church hée is also the doore by which euerye Faithfull man entereth into his heauenly Father and by whome the Father is reuealed to the faithfull Therefore first of all Christ is the doore to the Shéepe of the Churche Christ is the doore into the sheepefolde for the whiche cause no man can teache rightlye in the Churche except he teache Christ truelye and excepte he preache the Gospell of Christ purelye without mixing the same with humaine tradicions For the heart of the Faithfull is not quickened neyther receyueth any consolation but onelye by the Gospell of Christ C. Wherfore Christ inuiteth and calleth all which desire saluacion and exhorteth them to come vnto him by whiche wordes hee declareth that they wearye them selues in vaine which forsaking him séeke to drawe nigh vnto God because there is but one onelye gate open to come vnto him all other wayes and passages being quite shutte vp 8. All euen as many as came before mee are theeues and robbers but the sheepe dyd not heare them All euen as many A. This place hath béene diuerslye expounded being restrained of some to Iudas of Galilee and to such lyke C. But Christe generallye compareth all false doctrines with the Gospell and all false Prophetes with Godlye teachers But yet this sentence is not absurdlye extended to the Gentiles because whosoeuer from the beginning of the worlde haue professed them selues to bée teachers and haue not sought to gather shéepe vnto Christ they haue abused this tytle to the destruction of soules But this doth nothing at al appertaine to Moyses and the Prophetes who sought nothing more than to establishe the kingdome of Christ R. For to come before Christ in this place is not to goe before Christ in time but to teache other doctrine beside the doctrine of Christ Moises was before Christ the Prophets also were before Christ but they taught the Church of the Lorde by the Spirite of Christ and preached Christ plainelye though hée laye hid vnder shadowes and Tipes 1. Pet. i 21 ▪ A. For Peter sayeth that the spirite of Christ was in them also hée saieth that the holye menne of God spake being inspired with the spirite of Christ 2. Pet 1 2i R. Wherefore they
the heires of God in déede doe enioye the lyght to the end When hee sayth Beleue in the light No man must thereby gather that the workes of light are not required of the childeren of light for by the workes of light we are declared to be the chidren of the light Bv. To the which effect pertaineth this saying of Paul ye were sometime darknesse but nowe are ye light in the Lorde walke as childeren of the light for the fruite of the spirite consisteth in al goodnes righteousenesse and trueth aprouing what is acceptable vnto the Lorde Ephe. 5.8 and haue no fellowship with the vnfruitefull wordes of darcknes These things spake Iesus C. It maye séeme straunge why he withdrue him self from them who so ernestly desyered to sée him But by the other Euaungelists we maye easily gather that the Euaungelist here speaketh of the enemies of Christ whome the Godly loue and desyer of good and simple men did ver and offend For the straungers that went to méete with Christ followed him till he came into the temple where he chaunced to come among the Scribes and his auncient enemies 37. But though he hadde done so manie miracls before them yet beleeued not they on him M. This ought not to be vnderstood only of that multitude which had mooued the question vnto the Lord concerning the exaltation of Christ but also of al the vnbeléeuing and blinded Iewes before whom the Lord had done many miracles C Therefore let this hinder or trouble no man that Christ was despised of the Iewes this offence the Euangelist putteth awaye shewing that he had many euident testimonies whiche broughte authoritie and credit to him and to hys doctrine but yet that the glory and power of God which euidently shined in the miracles was not séene and perceiued of the blind M. Moreouer the Euaungelist doth not without consideration make mention in this place of the vnbéelefe of the Iewes For he hath so ordered his history that nowe consequently he commeth to the declaration of the death and passion of Christe Béefore therefore he beginneth with the same he thought it necessary to admonish the reader before hande why it came to passe that the same nation and people remained styll so obstinate and vnbeléeuing that they were not afraide to crucefy the sonne of God to take awaye the offence which might here come he layeth the blame of this matter vpon the obstinacy of the Iewes which coulde be reclaimed by no miracles and yet bée iustefyeth Christ who by many miracles called them vnto the faith B. Moreouer when the Euangelist sayth according to his manner as it were speaking generally They beleeued not on him Iohn 8.30 hée ment that very fewe beléeued on him R. For he affirmed before that sertaine beleeued on him 38. That the saying of Esayas the Prophete mighte bee fulfilled which he spake Lorde who shall beleeue our saying and to whom is the arme of the Lord declared C. Because that thing might trouble the mindes of many men howe the Iewes could be so sencelesse and blinde that the visible power of God could nothinge mooue them Iohn of him selfe goeth forward to shewe that faith commeth not by the common sence and vnderstanding of men but by the singuler and rare gift of God and that if was foreshewed long ago concerning Christ that fewe or none should beleeue the Gospel B. This Esayas prophesyed it was mete therfore it should so come to passe and that the prophesy of the prophet should bee fulfilled For he would not haue prophesied of the same except it had bene so appoynted of my father Bv. But the Iewes were not such obstinate personnes because the Prophete dyd foretell that they should be so but he therefore foreshewed the same because they should bée suche Lord who shall beleeue C. This sentence consisteth of twoo partes In the first part Esaias speaking of Christ and foreséeing that whatsoeuer hee had spoken of Christ and also whatsoeuer should bée spoken by the Apostles should bée reiected of the Iewes as one amazed at such as bée in obstinacye hée cryeth out Lorde who shall beleeue our Preachinges And in the seconde parte hée sheweth the cause why the nomber of the beléeuing is so small namelye because God doeth not commonlye illuminate all menne but bestoweth the grace of his spirite onelye vppon a fewe Wherefore if so bée the obstinate infidelitye of a great number among the Iewes ought not to hynder the faithfull although they be fewe in number no more ought wée to bée ashamed at this daye of the Gospell although the same hath fewe Disciples By this word arme it is euident inough that hée vnderstandeth the power of God The Prophete teacheth that the arme of God whiche is included in the doctrine of the Gospell is hydde vntyll the same bée reuealed and withall hée testifyeth that all are not partakers of this reuelation wherevppon it followeth that many are left to their blindnesse being voyde of inwarde lyght who hearing heare not M. Therefore wee haue néede of the Reuelation of the power of God to beléeue the worde of Christ The high Priestes also Scribes and Pharisées sawe the power of God shyning in the workes of Christ and so dyd the reast of the wicked Iewes but they beléeued not because they sawe the same not as the power of GOD but as the power of Sathan therefore also they sayde Hee casteth out Deuelles in Belzebub the chiefe of the Deuelles Luke xi.xv. To cast out Deuelles was a worke of the finger of God but the wicked attributed the same vnto Sathan Wherfore Because they were destitute of the reuelation of the arme of God their eyes were blinded and their heartes were hardened The arme of God in Christ during the tyme of the Crosse séemed to be shortened but in his resurrection againe it declared it selfe to bée a mightye and outstretched arme Therefore we must praye vnto God that hée wyll reueale his arme vnto vs in Christ R. The Apostle Paule cyteth this testimony to exhorte the faithfull not to be discouraged because of the multitude of the vnbeléeuing and the small number of the faithfull neyther yet for the same to forsake the doctrine of the Gospell All sayeth he obeye not the Gospell For Esaias sayeth Rom. x. xvi Lord who hath beleeued our wordes 39. Therfore could they not beleeue because that Esaias sayeth againe He hath blin 40. ded their eyes and hardened their heart that they should not see with theyr eyes and least they should vnderstād with their heart and shoulde be conuerted and I should heale them C. This speache is somewhat more harde because as the wordes importe the waye and power of beléeuing was quyte stopte vp and taken awaye from the Iewes because the Prophesye of the Prophete had appointed them to blindnesse before they had eyther chosen blindnesse or fayth I aunswere that it is no absurditye if it coulde not happen otherwyse than God
was wickedly betrayed of his domisticall enemie euen so the like condition abideth for the Childeren of God After these mens opinions this is the sence In that one of my disciples is a wicked traytor it is no newe or vnwonted thing in the worlde but rather that is put in practise at this daye whiche the Scripture testifieth to be done longe agoe But séeing the same was shadowed in Dauid which was more fully afterward to be seene in Christ their Iudgement séemeth better which affirme the same properly to be fulfilled whiche Dauid had forshewed by the spirite of prophesy M. Thus therefore he séemeth to shew a reason wherefore he chose Iudas for that he was not ignorant what he was least that which shoulde come to passe might seeme to happen vnawares vnto him Moreouer to lift vp the héele metaphorically signifieth vnder the cooller of frendshippe to set vppon one by deceite that he maye bée oppressed vnawares Nowe that which Christ suffered béeing our head and example we must also patiently suffer béeing his members M. In this place also the authority of the Scripture is commended because all thinges in the same are necessarily fulfilled Wherefore we must take héede that we do not doubt of the fulfilling of them because the holy Ghost whatsoeuer he doth in the Scriptures whether it be by teaching or reprehending by threatning or promising by terrifiyng or comfortyng cannot lye A. For as Christ sayeth the scripture cannot but bee fulfilled Ioh. 10.35 Esay 40.8 because the word of the Lorde abydeth for euer 11. Nowe I tell you beefore it come that when it is come to passe yee might beeleue that I am hee C. By this sentence he admonisheth his Disciples that there is so litle cause why they should stomble or fall because a traytor shall come out of their company that they ought rather thereby to be the better confirmed in faith For excepte we did behould with our eyes the verye same in the Church which was forshewed concerning the troubles and contentions of the same we might haue Iuste occasion to doubt of prophesyes But seeing the trueth of the Scripture doth agrée with our experience then we haue better intelligence that God hath a care for vs and that we are gouerned by hys prouidence M. Therefore let vs noat to what ende Christ went aboute to confirme the mindes of his Apostles in the fayth towardes hym They had séene manye of his miracles and of late when hée raysed vp Lazarus oute of the graue when he had béene dead fowre dayes they stoode by and yet notwithstanding it was so great a matter to beleeue in him that they had also néede to be comforted and confirmed in that faith by the Scriptures of the Prophetes C. Moreouer by these wordes That yee might beleeue that J am hee He geueth vs to vnderstand that hée is the same messias which was promised Not that the treason of Iudas beganne to bring the Disciples vnto the Fayth for they knewe him already and had confessed who he was but because their faith profited more Iohn 6.69 when they came vnto the experience of those thinges which they had heard before out of the mouth of Christ And nowe we maye two wayes vnderstand the same as that he sayeth that the Disciples shall beleeue when they see the matter come to passe because nothing was hidden from him or else that none of thos things should faile him which the Scripture testifieth concerning Christ Both these sentences maye serue well B Therefore when they sawe that he knewe all thinges before they came to passe and yet notwithstanding woulde willingly suffer the same they mighte easily know that he was very Christe and God Howbéeit they did better way and vnderstand these thinges when they were more amply endued with the holy Ghost Concerning the exposition of the twenty verse reade in our commentary vppon the tenth Chapter of Mathewe beginning at the forty verse 21. When Iesus thus sayde hee was troubled in spirite and testifyed and sayde verilye verily I saye vnto you that one of you shall betraye mee C. The more holy that the Apostolicall office is and the greater the excelency of the same the more filthy and detestable was the treason of Iudas Therefore such and so great wickednesse brought horror of mind into Christ him selfe when he séeeth that holy office to be defiled by the vnspeakable witnes of one man in whom the Maiesty of God should haue shined B. And this perturbation constraned him to speake more plainly of the traitor and according to his wonted manner to testify with an oath that it was one of his chosen Disciples Apostles which should betray him As if he should saye Beholde to what great dignitie I haue aduaunced you For I haue made you so great that whosoeuer receiueth you receiueth my father also but Oh wickednesse Oh straunge cruelty one of you I saye of you twelue of you Apostls whom whosoeuer heareth heareth me and my father to whome whosoeuer doth good doth it to me and to my Father shal betray me to death C. And this was not a fained passion in Christ but he was in déede througly so affected and troubled This is necessary to be knowen of vs because his zeale is sett before for immitation that wée might seriously abhorre these monsterouse synnes which do ouerthrowe the holy order of God and of hys Church AVG. Awaye then with the Arguments of the Philosophers which say that these perturbations come not into the minde of a wise man God hath made the wisedome of this world foolishnesse i. Cor. i. 20 Wée maye reade the like wordes in the one and twenty verse of the twentye sixe Chapter of Mathewe 22. Then the Disciples looked one on another doubting of whome hee spake C. They whose consciences accused them not were much agréeue at the saying of Christ only Iudas was so obstinate and hardned in his wickednesse that hée was not touched at al. So great was the authority of Christ with the Disciples that they were sertainly perswaded that he did or spake nothing rashly B. Therefore they looked one vppon another eyther because they were amased or else because thereby they woulde sée if they could fynd out the traytour by his countenaunce But Sathan hadde banished out of the heart of Iudas al reuerence that he might be more hard then the flint stoan to repell all admonitions Bv. For al the rest béeing wonderfully troubled and greeued he notwithstanding hee knewe in his owne conscience him selfe to be giltie was neither a feard neyther ashamed nor abashed to come to the holy Surper and coulde also abide without blushing that the Lorde should looke vppon him whom he knew not to be ignorāt of any of his thoughts So great was the plague of couetousenesse and such liberty he had to abuse the knowen libertie of the Lorde And allthough Christ might seme to deale scarse frendly in suffering his guiltlesse Disciples to
he which beléeueth in God beléeueth also in mée which am the true God of one essence power and glory with the Father C. But it is marueile why he placeth here fayth in the Father in the firste place For he shoulde rather haue sayde vnto his Disciples that they must beléeue in god so soone as they had béeleued in Christ Because as Christe is the expresse Image of the Father euenso firste of all they should haue beheld and considered him and for this cause also he descended vnto vs that our fayth beginning at him might reach vnto the Father But Christ had a farther meaning For there is no man but he will confesse that wée must beléeue in God and this is a generall Rule to the which all men without controuersie will subscribe and yet notwithstanding there is scarse one among a hondered which in verye déede doth beleue in him both because the bare maiestie of God is to farre from vs and also because Sathan doth set betwéene vs and it all the darcke clowdes hée can to kéepe vs from the syghte of the same And so it commeth to passe that our faith seking God in his heauenly lighte and glory vanisheth away Also the fleshe of her owne accorde bringeth a thousand Immaginations to drawe vs awaye from the right behoulding of God Therefore Christ setteth forth hym selfe as the scope and marck wherevnto if we direct our fayth it shall finde by and by where to rest For this is that true Immanuel who so soone as he is sought by faith aunswereth within vs. This is one of the Principall poynts of our faith that the same oughte to bee directed only vnto Christe and to bee reposed in him least it shake in temptations And this is a true triall of faith when we wil not suffer our selues at any time to be drawen awaye from Christe and the promises mad in him 2. In my fathers house are manye mansions If it were not so I woulde haue toulde you I goe to prepare a place for you Bv. He addeth nowe another place of consolation moste euident taken of that blessed kingdome and of the ende or fruite of the Lordes death C. Béecause the absence of Christ might be the of sorrowe he testifieth that hee doeth not therefore go from them to the ende he might abide from them still because there was place prouided for them in the kingdome of heauen For this suspition was to be taken awaye that Christ ascended to the father to leaue his Disciples in the earth carlesly behynde hym This place hath bene drawen amysse into another scence as though Christ had taught that there had béene seuerall degrees of honoure in his heauenly kingdome For he sayth there are many mansions not differing or one vnlike another but such as were and are sufficient for many euen as yf he should haue sayde There is place there not only for mee but for all you also R. There is noe cause then why ye shoulde be gréeued for my corporall departure for the kingdom of my Father is prepared for you from the beginning of the world and ye were chosen therevnto before the foundation of the worlde was layde Wherefore there is nothing that canne hurt you whether it be synne the world Death Ioh. 10.29 Hell or Sathan For no man can take the elect out of my Fathers hand Obiection But some will saye if so be we weare elected and had mansions prepared for vs from the beginning of the worlde what nede haue we then of Christ Or wherefore came he into this worlde I aunswere Aunsvvere we were elected before the foundation of the worlde but yet in Christ and by Christ For none is Adopted of the Lord to be his sonne but by Iesus Christ And thus dwelling places were prepared before the foundation of the worlde but by Christ the Mediatoure and Intercessoure Wherefore Christe came into this world to reueale those dwelling places vnto vs before prepared to open the gate of election and allso to make vs ready and apt by his holy spirite to receiue those mansions For what shall it profite to be elected and yet eyther to be Ignoraunt of the gate of election or else not to enter into the same But whereas there are sayde to be many mansyons whenas fewe are chosen as sayeth our sauioure in another place Mat 20.16 many are called but fewe are chosen We must not lightly ouerpasse it For there are sayd to be many in respect of Christ that this might be the scence Heauen is not prepared for me aloane I aloane am not elected from euerlasting of my father but many others hath my father elected by me the kingdome of heauen is prepared for many others by mee through the fayth which they haue in mée I aloane am the true and only sonne of God and only naturally elected of my Father from whome aloane the kingdome of heauen is prepared naturally but there also many others whom the Father hath chosen in mee and which shall possesse by me the kingdome of heauen prepared from the beginning insomuch that by me they are made the children of God by adoption and heyres of all his blessinges graces and benefites For I haue geuen al those power to bee the sonnes of God which beleeue in my name Jf it were not so J would haue tould you As if he should say C. If so be the kingdom of heauen were prepared for me aloane I would disapoynte you of youre hope I woulde therefore haue tould you that there is no place in heauen with my father but for me alone Notwithstanding heare a question maye be demanded Obiection what was the conditiō of the fathers before Christ ascēded into heauen For many Immagine that the soules of the righteouse were in Limbo beecause Christ sayeth that he will prepare a place by his ascension into heauen But aunswere is easily made here Aunsvvere that a place is sayd to be prepared against the daye of resurrection For mankinde is by nature banished out of the kingdome of God But the Sonne which is the only heire of heauen is gone to take possession for vs that by him we mighte haue accesse thether For in his person we possesse heauen already by hope Ephe. 2.3 as the Apostle Paule teacheth Here therefore he putteth not a difference between our state and the state of the Fathers after death because Christ prepared a place for boath together into the which he shall receiue all in the latter day Before the Reconciliation was finished the soules of the righteouse were as it were in a watch Towre wayting for the promised redemption and doe enioye blessed rest vntil the redemption be fulfilled 3. And if I go to prepare a place for you I will come again receiue you euen vnto my selfe that vvhere I am there may ye be also C. This conditionall sentence oughte to be resolued into an Aduerbe of tyme as if he had sayde after I am gone I
declare I confesse by that your great sorrowe how familyerly ye loue mée but I wyll that ye shewe your loue by another Argument For yf ye loue me indéede shewe that your loue towards me by the obseruation of my commaundements B. Therfore he willeth them diligently to obserue those thinges which he had commaudded them that is to saye constantly to beleeue in him to contemne the world bouldly to confesse Christ before the world to haue mutuall loue one towards another the rest which are contained in these things C. This is profitable doctrine because amonge those which seeme vnto them selues to loue Christ there are very fewe which truly serue him But here contrary wise the true loue of Christ is required to the obseruation of his doctrine as the onely rule M. He saith not if ye loue me dispute of my commaundements or see that others obserue and keepe my commuandements For the declaration of loue consisteth not in disputations nor in the vrging of others to obserue and kéepe them for this may be done euen of those which séeke not Christe but them selues but it consisteth in this yf thou thy selfe be an obseruer of them A. Furthermore Christ sendeth not his Disciples vnto the cōmandements or vaine constitutions of men but to his owne commaundements For he hath not appointed them to be Seruauntes of men but to be faithfull Ministers vnto hym C. Moreouer also we are put in mind how vitious al other affection are when as not so muche as our loue towarde Christ is without fault except it be framed to pure obedience 16. And I will praye the father and he shall geue you another cōforter that he maye bide with you for euer C This remedy he addeth to mitigate sorrow which the Disciples might conceiue by the absence of Christ notwithstanding therewithal Christ promiseth that he wyll geue strength and abillitie that his commaundements may be kept For otherwise his exhortation had bene to small purpose Therefore he prouideth for the same in time and teacheth that how far soeuer he was distant from them in bodye yet notwithstanding he woulde not suffer them to be quite destitude of helpe because he would be present with them by his holy sprite He calleth here the gift of the father the spirit which he himselfe wil obtayne by his prayers In an other place he promiseth that he wyl geue the same Ioh. i6 7 Both are truly and aptly sayde For in that Christ is our Mediatour and aduocate he obtaineth at his handes the spirite of grace In that he is God he geueth the same of him selfe vnto vs. The meaning of this place is this I was geuen of the Father to be a comforter vnto you not for a time but to abide with you for euer R. For Christ by his death and passion purchased to the faithfull the holy ghost which is nothing els but the inspiration of God by which he inspireth our hartes and moueth the same to holy godly iust right and deuine thinges that we might thinke speake and doe nothing day and night but that which is holy and deuine C. This name of comforter is as well geuen vnto Christ as to the holy Ghost and that by right for it appertaineth vnto them both to comfort and exhorte vs and also to defend vs. Christ was the patrone and defender of his Disciples so longe as he was in this world afterwarde he then committed them to the tuition garde of his spirit Yf any man demaunde whether we at this day are not vnder the protection of Christ we may answer that Christe is our euerlasting defender but not after a visible maner So long as he was in the world he openly shewed himselfe vnto them to be a defender but now he defendeth vs by his spirite A. For he saith I wyl be with you vnto the end of the world C. He calleth the same an other comforter by reason of the difference of benefits which we haue from them both it was proper vnto Christe to make satisfaction for the sinnes of the worlde to pacefie the wrathe of God to redéeme men from death to bringe vnto them righteousnesse and lyfe but it belongeth vnto the spirit to make vs partakers as well of Christe him selfe as of all his his owne benefits How be it the distinction of the parsons is not hereby gathered amisse For it is necessary that the holy Ghost do differ from the sonne R. But had not the Apostles the holy Ghost before the death of Christ yes verely had they for they could not haue beléeued in Christe but by the workyng of the holy Ghost but they had the same more aboūdantly and plentifully when Christe was gloryfied euen as we haue shewed in the seuenth chapter goyng before in the xxxix verse 17 Euen the Spirite of truthe whome the world cannot receiue because the worlde seeth hym not neither knoweth hym but ye knowe him for he dwelleth with you shal be in you C. Christ now geueth a new tytel vnto the spirit calling the same the master of truth B. Wherby he meaneth that the holy Ghost is by his owne nature truthe because he is God The same spirite is true and the reueler of truth it is pure sound sincer constant fyrme and faithfull without all deceite tyll such time as we ar taught of hym all our myndes are full of vanitie and lies Whom the worlde cannot receiue C. To the end be might the more comforte his Disciples he sheweth the excelency of this spirit with all the vnspekabl● loue of the father towardes them in geuing to them his holy spirite which the whole world could not receiue C. For by this Antithesis or comparison he amplyfieth the excelencye of his grace the whiche God geueth onely to his elect For his meanynge is that it is no common gift of the which the whole world is depriued In the whiche sence also the Prophet saith Behould darknesse shal couer the earth and a thick miste the people but the Lorde shall aryse vpon thee and his glory shal be seene in thee For the mercy of God deserueth the more prayse toward the Churche when by a singular priuiledge he extolleth the same aboue the whole world Bv. For as the Deuyll dwelleth in the worlde and by his vncleanesse casteth the wicked into distruction euen so the holy Ghoste dwelleth and worketh with the Sainctes that by his pur●ty and holynesse he may bringe the faithfull to eternall and blessed lyfe Neuertheles withal christ exhorteth his Disciples that they take héede lest they put from them that grace of the spirite being puffed vp with vnderstandyng of the flesh Worldly wise men count all that the Scripture speaketh concerning Christ to be as a dreame because they presuming vpon their owne reason do dispise heauenly illumination Neuertheles the words of Christ do declare that no man can haue any vnderstandyng of the Spirit by humane sence and reason but by the onley experience
of Faith The worlde saith he cannot receiue the Spirite because it knoweth not the same but ye know it because it abideth with you Therefore it is the Spirit only which dwelling in vs offereth it selfe to be knowne whereas to other it is vnknowne and incomprehensible R. And by the name of worlde all the most wyse holy mighty and rych of the same are vnderstood for these are called the pillers of the world whom the world only receiuith and hath in admiration Wherfore the spirit is neuer les found than amonge the moste mightye of this worlde For they loue lying and hipocrisie they are blinded with their giftes They cānot therfore abide the spirit reprouing them of lyes and drawynge them from their giftes vnto the geuer M. By this place we are also taught that the world is altogether wicked an enemy vnto God subiect to the spirit of lyes And this is the fountayne from whence so many heresies errors false worshippyngs such lyke do come into the world It is much that he saith that the spirit of truth cannot be receiued of this worlde as yf a man should say that the spirit of sobriety The world is the welspringe of Herely cannot be receiued of droonkards the spirit of humilytie of prowde men nor the Spirite of shamfastnesse of impudent persons For this worlde is so blinded with the spirit of lying that it can neither see nor vnderstand the truth of God Fynally we muste noate that the faithfull are therefore called the temples of the holy Ghost because in them the holy Ghost doth truly dwell and abyde 18. I will not leaue you comfortlesse but will come vnto you M. Some vnderstande this of the retourne of Christ vnto his Disciples after his resurrection A. But other some a great deale better refer the same vnto the comming of the holy Ghost Bv. As if Christ shoulde haue sayde ye shall thinke when I am gone from you in my bodely presence that you are Orphants without a father but yf you consider the matter well I wyl neuer leaue you R. For I wyll come vnto you with the Spirite of consolation which shall help you with fatherly affection in all aduersitie So beneficiall shall my departure be vnto you so great profite shall my death bring vnto you C. This place teacheth what men are and what they can doe being withoute the Spirit of consolation they are Orphants which are reddy to suffer all deceits and iniures vnméete to gouerne them selues and apte of them selues to do nothing The only remedy hereof is for Christ to gouerne vs by his spirite the whiche he promiseth he wyll do Fyrste of all therfore the Disciples are put in minde of their owne imbecillity to the end they distrusting them selues may depend vpon the defence of Christe alone secondly he promising vnto them a remedy putteth them in good comforte because he promiseth that he wyll not leaue them 19. Yet a litle while and the world shall see me no more but ye shal se me because I liue and ye shal liue also M. By this thretning Christ declareth that the vnbeleuing ar vnworthy to enioy his sight any more C. withal prosecuteth the commendation of his spetiall grace which ought to suffice the Disciples to ease them and to take awaye their sorrowe When sayeth he I shall goe out of the sight of the worlde I will neuerthelesse be with you R. For shortly after my death I will go out of the sighte of the worlde that it shall sée me no more but I will be alwayes presente with you Bv. By the world he meaneth carnall men and such as are not regenerate which are vnbeléeuing and liue in the world after the maner of the world Also this word shall sée is by a Metaphor transferred from the body to the mynd Therefore carnall men and vnbeléeuers do not sée do not vnderstand nor beleeue Iesus to be the Sonne of God and yet neuerthelesse very man who by his death bringeth to life and redéemeth all mankind from damnation C. Therefore to the ende we maye enioye the secret behoulding of Christ we must not Iudge of his presence and absence according to the reason of the fleshe but we must behould his power with the eyes of our faith And thus it commeth to passe that the Faithfull doe alwayes behould and haue present with them Christ in spirite though he bee farre from them in body Because I liue and yee C. These wordes maye be construed two wayes eyther that this sentence is a confirmation of that which went beefore or else that it ought to be red seuerally as that therefore the faithfull shall liue because Christ loueth But the former scence séemeth beste to agrée out of the which we maye gather thys Doctryne that Christ is the cause of our lyfe M. For we are dead and oure lyfe is hidde with Christ in God Colos 3 3. In the beginning he noateth the cause why hee would be séene of his disciples and not of the world because Christ cannot bée séene but according to the spiritual life of the which the worlde is quite voyde The worlde seeeth not Christ and no meruaile for death is the cause of blindnesse But so soone as it beginneth to liue in Spirite it hath eyes to sée Christ 20. That daye shall yee knowe that I am in my Father and you in me and I in you R. Many by this Daye of the which Christ speaketh heare vnderstande the feast of Penticoste C. But he rather vnderstandeth all that time from the first declaration of the power of his spirite vnto the laste resurrection For then they beganne to knowe but it was a sertaine sciender instruction because as yet the holy Ghost had not so effectually wrought in them For to this effecte his wordes tende that it cannot be knowen by a certaine trifeling speculation and vaine curiositie what the sacred and misticall vnion betwixte him and vs is and againe what manner of vnion is betwixt him and his father but rather that this is the only way to know him when he powreth into vs his lyfe by the secret efficacy of his spirite And that is the experiment of faith of the which we spake a litle before Bv. But the Sonne after one manner is in the father and after another manner in vs. For by nature he is in the Father and in vs by participation by grace or by the felloweship of the spirite Concerning beath we haue spoken before in the sixt and tenth Chapters And Sainte Iohn in the Epistle sayeth Hereby wee knowe that we abyde in him i. Yoh 4 1● and he in vs because he hath geuen to vs of his spirite C. Therefore we are sayde to be in him because we beeing graffed into his body ar made pertakers of righteousenesse and of all goodnesse he is sayde to be in vs because he declareth by the efficacye of his spirite that hee is the cause and authoure
world by this noate that they should obserue and kéepe the doctrine of the gospel And that this noate belongeth vnto the beginning of faith because it is the effect of calling And Christ sheweth by these wordes how we shall rightly obaye the Gospell namelye for when our dutyes and externall actions doe spring from the loue of the same For our armes and force and our whole body also laboureth in vaine except the loue of God doe raigne in our heart which gouerneth the externall members Nowe séeing it is sertayne that we kepe the sayings of Christ yf so be we loue him and contrarywise we loue him yf wée kéepe his commaundementes it followeth that we cānot finde in the whoale world the true and perfect loue of hym because there is no man which perfectly keepeth hys commaundementes Notwithstanding their obedience is acceptable vnto God who do all that they can to reach vnto this perfection And my father wil loue him R. In this place we haue the greate and wonderfull benifits of God whiche procéede from the fruites of the Gospell The fyrste is that God the Father loueth the faithfull Nowe if God be with vs Rom 8 3i who can be against vs If the Lorde loue me I will not care what man or Sathan can do vnto me The second is that boath the Sonne and the Father will dwell with him that beléeueth the word of God Than the which benifits what greater can be deuised For the Father the sonne are very bountifull and benificial ghuestes they came not empty handed neyther doe they go awaye without saluting their hoast but as they bringe with them the treasure of all goodnesse euenso they leaue behynde them the blessing of all goodnesse C. And he speaketh not heare of that eternall loue with the which God loued vs before the foundation of the worlde was layd but of the same with the which he sealeth our harts when he maketh vs pertakers of his adoption And he meaneth not that firste illumination but those degrées of faith by whiche the faithfull must goe forward dayly according to this saying to him that hath shal be geuen Therefore the Papistes doe draw amis from this place two sortes of loue with the which we loue God They immagine that we loue God naturally before he doeth regenerate vs with his spirite by whiche aptnesse and readinesse saye they we deserue the grace of regeneration As though the Scriptures dyd not teache and experience plainlye proue that we are quite tourned awaye from God and are haters of him vntyll suche tyme as he chaunge our hearts Wée must remember the purpose of Christ that he and his Father wyl come to confirme the faythfull in the euerlasting assuraunce of grace in such wyse that they maye feele the grace of God to rest vpon them and maye be dayly increased more and more with the gyftes of God A. Therefore we ought to desyre this spirituall presence of Christ in our prayers and not that carnall corporall presence of the which the Papistes dreame The Lord dwelleth in the hartes of his saintes by faith whome the heauens must receiue vntill the time come that all thinges be restoared which God hath spoken by the mouth of all his holy prophets synce the world beganne 24. Hee that loueth mee not keepeth not my sayings and the vvord vvhich ye heare is not mine but the Fathers vvhich sent me C. Because the faythfull are mixed in this worlde with vnbeleuers and because of necessitye they must be troubled as it were in the tossing and raginge waues of thesea Christ againe confirmeth them by this admonition lest they shoulde be drawen awaye by euell examples As if he should saye Haue no regard vnto the worlde neither depend vpon the same because their shall be all wayes some which shall contemne me and my doctrine but constantly retayne ye to the ende that grace which ye haue allwaye imbraced And herewithall he declareth that the worlde doth suffer Iuste poonishment for his ingratitude when it perisheth in his blindenes when by the contempte of true righteoussnes it bewrayeth his wicked hatred against Christ B. To kepe the sayinges of Christ is nothing else but to beleue that the same is true and wholsome and also to cleue vnto the same with our whole harte euen as we may gather by the Scripture Heare O Israll the ordinaunces and the Lawes which I propose to you this daye that ye maye learne them and take hede to obserue them Yf by keping the commaundementes of God ye vnderstand the fulfilling of them no man shall kepe them but if ye vnderstand it for seeking to fulfill them then all the godly kepe them For he cannot choose but geue him selfe to the keeping of the commaundementes of God which truely knoweth the same to be of God A. Contrarywise not to kepe the Lords sayings is to reiecte the doctrine of Christ and to contemne his commaundementes which all the wycked are wonte to doe And the word which ye heare is not mine C. Leste the disciples should fall or slide awaye for the obstinat wickednes of the worlde Christ seketh againe to confirme his doctrine when he testifieth the same to be of God and not deuised in earth by man And in this consisteth the stedfastnes of our Faith yf so be we know God to be our guide and are grounded vppon nothing else but vppon his eternall truth Therefore howe much soeuer the worlde doth rage in his madnes let vs followe the doctrine of Christ which far surmounteth heauen and earth In deuiding the worlde to be his he frameth him selfe to his disciples as if he shoulde saye that the same was not of men because he faythfully deliuered that which was committed to him of his Father Neuertheles let vs knowe that for somuch as he is the euerlasting wisdome of God he is the onely well spring of doctrine and that they haue spoken by his spirite which haue bene Prophetes from the beginning A. Diuers like sentences vnto this we haue heard before as My doctrine is not mine but my fathers which sent mee Also Those thinges which I haue heard of him I speake in the worlde 25. These thinges haue I spoken vnto you being yet present with you 26. But the comforter which is the holy ghost whome the Father wil sende in my name hee will send in my name he shall teache you all things and bring all thinges to youre remembrance whatsoeuer I haue sayd vnto you The Lord knew well ynough how rude and ignoraunt his Disciples were and that they were not capeable of those thinges which he spake the which they suff ciētly declared by questioning with hym as we haue heard first in Thomas secondly in Phillip and thirdly in Iudas For this cause lesse they shoulde be discouraged he promysed vnto them nowe the second time the holy Ghost the spirit of truthe which shoulde be vnto them a continuall teacher and which shoulde abyde with them
they did put the summe of theire doctrine in writinge To this doctrine whosoeuer thinketh that somewhat must be added as though the same were lame and vnperfect he doth not onely accuse the Apostels of fallse dealyng but also it is blasphemuse agaynst the spirite Yf so be the doctrine the which they haue put in writing came as yet from yong instructed scholler and nouices yet were it not a vaine and superfluose adition but nowe seing their writinges be as it were prepetunall to the Reuelation of the spirite which was promised and performed vnto them their can nothing be added vnto the same without great iniury done vnto the spirite But when we come to the matter it selfe the Papistes are very vayne ridiculouse For they define and afirme that those secretes with the Apostles were not able to conceiue and comprehende were but childishe and trifeling ioyes then the which there can be nothing more vaine and foolish They woulde haue forsooth the holy Ghost to descend from heauen to teach the Apostles how to consecrate their chalices with their altares how to baptize belles and to make holy water and how to selebrat masses But how do fooles and children learne which haue all these thinges at their fingers endes very perfecte M These are Iolly fellowes which place the Instruction and reuelation of the holy ghost in the Church after the Gospel as though those thinges alone which Christ taught in the flesh and which the disciples could conceiue pertayned to the Gospell and that those thinges which the holy ghoste taught after the departure of Christ which the Apostles coulde not conceyue and carrye before they had receyued the holy Ghost are these notable and erce lent ceremonyes of dayes of meales of garmentes and such lyke B. For they contend affirme that these many thinges which Christ saith his Apostles coulde not beare as yet are to be vnderstoode to be those ceremonies whiche haue crept into the Churche and whiche are very gainefull vnto them But what can be more foolishlye spoken R. For séeing those ceremonies doe sauour more of the fleshe than they doe of the spirite how coulde it be that they shoulde be reuealed by the spirite when the spirite and the fleshe are contrarye one to the other Let vs therefore except we will bée vnthankefull vnto GOD staye oure selues and be contented with that doctrine of the whiche the Apostles are authours as the Scripture doth testify seeing the full perfection of heauenlye wisdome is contayned in them whiche maye make the man of God perfect Beyond the same we think it not méete for any man to passe For in this consisteth high breadth and depth to knowe the loue of God which is offered to vs in Christ Ephe 3 28 This knowledge is aboue all other knoweledg as sayeth the Apostle Paul And when he sayeth that all the treasurs of wisedome and knowledge are hidden in Christ Gala. 3 i. he doth not Immagin any vnknowen Christ but such a one as by hys preaching he hath liuely depainted that we maye behold him euenas it were before our eies cruc●fied But lest any doubt or Ambiguity should remaine Christ hym selfe afterwarde expoundeth his owne wordes shewing what thinges those were which the Apostles could not then beare and with all declareth what the office of the holy Ghost is saying He shall not speak of him selfe but whatsoeuer hee shall heare C. Many restrayne this vnto the spirit of prophesy A. For there wanted not in the Apostles tyme Acts xi 28 some whiche forshewed thinges to come as we may reade of Agabus Acts. xxi x● who prophesyed of the famine to come in the Emperoure Claudius dayes and what should happen to Paule at Hierusalem he forshewed to the Bretheren also the Apostles them selues by the reuelation of the spirit prophesyed of many thinges concerning Antichrist and his members Act xx xxix all which thinges are most true i. Tim. 4 i 2 Tim. 3 19 2. Pet 2. i Iude. i 4 C. Howebeit Christ in this place séemeth rather to speake of the state of his spirituall kingdome which the Apostles sawe strayght after his resurrection but yet could not by anye meanes comprehende the same The treasures of this secret wisdome Paule expoundeth in his firste Chapter of his Epistle to the Ephesyans When Christ sayeth that the spirite shall not speake of him self he confyrmeth that which went before He shall leade you into all trueth He meaneth therefore that whatsoeuer the spirit bringeth procéedeth from God Notwithstanding the Maiesty of the spirite is nothing deminished by these wordes as though eyther he were not God or else weare inferioure to the father but they are spoken to the capascity of our mynd For because of the vayle which is before our eyes we do not sufficiently perceyue with howe great Reuerence we ought to receyue those thinges which the spirit reuealeth vnto vs therefore mencion of the Diuinity is made Euen as in another place it is called the earnest by which God hath established our saluation and the seale Ephe. i. i3 by which he sealeth the sertaynty of the same vnto vs. To conclude the purpose of Christ was to teach that the doctrine of the spirite was not of this world Iohn 17. but that it came out of the heauenly sanctuary euenas Christ often times testifieth of his doctrine 14. Hee shall glorifie me for hee shall receiue of mine and shall shewe vnto you C. Nowe Christ sheweth that there shall not come a spirite which shall erect and set vp a newe kingdome but whiche shall rather establish the glory geuen to him of the Father M. Notwithstanding he speaketh not this for the affection of his owne glory but vppon a desyer to pacifye and quiet the mindes of hys Discipls lest they should think that they should so receiue another comforter that they shoulde be seperated deuided from him as though by them he shoulde deale in another mans cause and not in his owne the which they tooke very greuouslye for the loue which they bare vnto hym C. Many dreame that Christ had onely taught hys Disciples the fyrste Principles and afterwardes deliuered vnto them more profounde matters Thus they make noe more accounte of the Gospell than they doe of the lawe the which is sayd to haue bene the Schoolemayster of the Iewes vnto Christ After this error there followeth an other no lesse intollerable as that Christ hauing nowe taken his leaue Gala. 3 24 and béeing entered into hys kingdome had nothing to do and had appoynted the holye Ghost to be in his place From this ground the sacriledge of Popery and of Mahometisme hath come For although these Antichristes are much vnlyke one to the other in many thinges yet notwithstanding they haue all one beginning For they saye that by the Gospell we are entered into the right fayth but yet that we must séeke for the perfection of doctrne from another As though Christ
once about the the beginning of his Embassage and againe when he was redie to go out of the world to his father M. So soone therfore as he was entred into the Citye hée vewed the Temple Let this be the chéefe care of all men not onely of Bishops but also of al Magistrates that the kingdom and worship of God be sought for A. Concerning the prophanacion of the Temple and the couetousnesse of the Priestes reade the one and twentye of Mathewe 15. And when hee had made as it were a scourge of small cords he droue them all out of the Temple with the Shepe and Oxen and powred out the changers money and ouerthrew the tables Christ by and by goeth about to purge the Temple plainely affirming that the Temple of the Lorde is not a place of Marchandize Notwithstanding it may bée demaunded why hée began not first with doctrine for this séemeth to bée a troublesome and preposterous waye to correcte vice with violence before the same were assayed to bée remedyed by Doctrine But Christ had respecte to another matter For because the time was nowe at hande in the which hée shoulde openly discharge the office inioyned to him of the father he woulde after a sorte take possession of the Temple and plainelye declare his Diuine aucthoritye And to the ende all men might bée attentiue vnto his Doctrine it was méete that theyr sluggishe mindes shoulde bée wakened with a newe and vnwonted déede The Temple was now a place of heauenlye Doctrine When he went about to restore the puritye of Doctrine it was méete that he shoulde shewe him selfe to bée Lorde of the Temple Moreouer he coulde not bring any otherwise the Sacrifices and exercises of Godlynesse to theyr spirituall ende than in taking awaye the abuse Therefore this thing which hée did was a certaine beginning of that reformacion for the which hée was sent of the Father M. They which teache that externall euilles are not to bee taken awaye which are in the Churche except they bée first taken out of the hearts of men may by this place learne to alter their opinion For by this reason Christe shoulde firste haue taken Couetousnesse out of the heartes of the Iewes and afterwardes haue reformed the Temple But we sée the contrarye to bée done here of Christe He cast the Byars and Sellers out of the Temple although they kept couetousnes in theyr brestes 16. And hee sayde vnto them that soulde Dooues Haue these thinges hence and make not my fathers house a house of marchandise M. He doth not simplye dislike that Shéepe Oxen and Dooues are soulde to them which came farre of to offer Sacrifice séeing the same was appointed in the Lawe but because they were soulde in the Temple and because the Temple was made a house of marchandise which was a filthye token of speciall couetousnesse These thinges might haue béene soulde in certayne places without the Temple So at another time he suffered not a vessell to bée caryed through the Temple Wherfore if he so pourged this Temple which in a short time should perishe that it might not bée a house of marchandise what shall we thinke that he will do vnto those Temples at this daye in the which not onelye all thinges are soulde for filthye gaine but also such thinges as are most pernicious and altogeather fained are set forth to sale The Sacrifice of the body and blood of Christ is soulde 2. Peter 2. whiche they saye the Priest maketh being a mere fayned lye The deliueraunce of Soules out of Purgatorye is soulde when as theyr Purgatorye after death is nothing else but a Money matter of Priestes Remission of Sinnes is soulde whiche cannot bée bought The merites of Saintes with many thinges more offered to sale which money in déede in no wise may purchase He that considereth of these thinges what will he iudge of these Churches but onelye that they bée places of fayned marchaundise C. But the Temple was called the house of Prayer because God would there bée speciallye called vppon and because hée had ordayned the same for spirituall exercises R. The Temple of Ierusalem also was called the Temple of the Lorde and the house of God because it was consecrated for a shadowe of Christ in which Christ the Father heareth those that praye and whose onelye Sacrifice is acceptable to the Father Wherevpon our sauiour Christ sayeth VVhatsoeuer ye aske the Father in my name Iohn ●6 he will geue it you Beholde he sayeth In my name not in a Temple of stone For the howre will come when the Father wil be worshipped neyther in Ierusalem nor in the Mountaine but in spirite and trueth C. The other Euangelistes say that hée spake more seuerelye at the seconde time that he caste them out of the Temple namelye that they made of the Temple a denne of Théeues Math. 21. But hée admonisheth them not to prophane the Temple of God in turning it to other vse then God had apointed the same And in making mention of the Father he declareth him selfe to bée the sonne of God that he might challenge to him selfe the right and aucthoritye to pourge the Temple 17. And his Disciples remembred that it was written The zeale of thine house hath euen eaten me And his Disciples remembred B. Namelye after Christ was risen againe when they vnderstode the Scriptures by receyuing the holye Ghost as the Euangelist him selfe expoundeth in that which followeth C. For we must not thinke that they remembred this place of Scripture when Christ did this déede but afterwardes when they being taught from aboue considered with them selues what this déede of Christe should meane and so by the direction of the spirite this place of Scripture commeth into theyr minde And truelye the cause of Gods workes doeth not alwayes come into our mindes out of hand But afterwardes in continuaunce of time he reuealeth his purpose vnto vs. And this is a very fitte bridle to restraine our bouldnesse least we shoulde at any time murmure against God if wée at any time should dislike of those thinges which he doeth For therefore GOD doeth deferre the perfect reuelation of his worckes to staye and keepe vs in the boundes of modestye And the place whiche is here cited is taken out of the Psalme 69. Psal 69. And in the name of Temple Dauid by a figure called Sinecdochen comprehendeth the whole worshippe of GOD. For these are the words of the Prophete For the zeale of thy house hath eaten me Verse 9. and the rebukes of them that rebuked thee are fallen vppon mee Where the seconde member aunswereth to the first and is nothing else but a repeticion The effecte of bothe partes is this that Dauid was so carefull to maintaine the glorye of God that he willinglye bare al manner of reproches with the which the reprobate reproched God yea hée burned with such a zeale that this one affection ouercame all other And in this sence truely hée
Papistes For they wearying them selues all theyr life time with secréete speculations whatsoeuer properly appertaineth to the true worship of God to the assuraunce of our saluation and to Godly life they know no more than doeth the Cobler or Cowheard the course of the Starres and pleasing them selues in straunge mysteries they do cōtempne the more necessary doctrine of the Scriptures as though they were too well learned to spende theyr time in reading of them It is no maruaile therefore if Nicodemus do stumble here as it were at a strawe For this is the iust iudgement of GOD that they which thinke them selues to bée the greatest and best learned Doctours to whome the simplicitye of the common Doctrine séemeth base should bée sencelesse blind in the least Articles R. For neyther can humane reason attaine to that which is diuine nor yet any mortal man to those things which belong to Gods spirite 1. Cor. 2 naye those thinges whiche are spoken vnto him séeme foolishe For as a vessell retayneth the sauoure and smell which it hath once gotten and afterwardes when other liquour is put into it doeth make it to relishe of the same euen so our reason at the beginning of our Natiuitye is seasoned with carnallitye and carnall affections in so muche that whatsoeuer afterwarde it heareth it vnderstandeth according to his oulde relishe that is to saye carnallye and doeth by and by reiect all suche thinges as passe humane capacitye M. For it enquireth howe God can bée incarnate How a Virgin can bring foorth a Childe Howe a man Crucified and Buryed can bée the sauiour of the worlde Howe Baptisme can take awaye sinne Howe can Christ geue his Fleshe to eate and suche like Misteryes of our Faith All these thinges blinde reason condemneth as foolishnesse and derideth them 5. Iesus answered verylye verylye I saye vnto thee Except a man bee borne of water and of the spirite He can not enter into the Kingdome of God Verylye verylye I saye vnto thee Bv. Nicodemus vnderstoode not the opinion concerning Regeneration or newe Byrthe of man therefore our louing and mercifull Sauioure moore plainlye expoundeth those thinges whiche before he spake misticallye teaching that to be borne againe is nothing else than to be borne of water of the spirite and that the same is the very true maner of regeneration But all men for the most part by this sentence of our Sauiour Christ vnderstande Baptisme Baptisme and many of them do hereby make Baptisme so necessarye that they affirme it impossible for a man to attaine to saluation except he be washed with the water of Baptisme and so disorderlye they include the assuraunce of our saluation vnder the signe when as the wole Scripture attributeth the grace and power of regeneration to the holye ghost Marke 16.16 Titus 3.5 1. Pet. 3.12 as may appeare in diuers places of Scripture but speciallye by these places noted in the margent C. And as touching this place we ought to vnderstand the same simplye of mans regeneration and not of Baptisme For the purpose of Christ was to exhort Nicodemus to newnesse of life because hée was not capable of the Gospell vntil he were a newe man Therefore this is the simple meaning of this sentence That it behooueth vs to bée borne againe that wée maye be the Sonnes of GOD and also that the holye Ghost is the aucthour of this seconde byrth For Nicodemus dreaming of a Pithagoricall Regeneration Christ to waken and remoue him from that errour added this for an interpretacion of that which he spake before namelye that man was not naturally borne againe The holy ghost the aucthour of our regeneration neyther was it néedefull that a man shoulde haue a newe body but that he is borne againe when hée is renewed by the grace of the holye Ghost both in soule and minde And therefore by these wordes Spirite and water hée vnderstandeth all one thing The which interpretacion ought not to séeme in any mans sence to strayte and farre fetcht For it is a common phrase of speache in the Scripture when mencion is made of the Spirite to adde the name of Water and Fyre to expresse the force of the same In thirde of Mathew it is sayde that Christ baptized with the holy Ghost Math. 3.11 and with fire in the which place there is no difference in sence betwéene fyre and the holye Ghost but doth onelye signifie what the efficacye of Gods spirite is in vs. And where as here wee haue the name of water set before the spirite it maketh no great matter nay rather this maner of speache soundeth better than that other of Mathew because the plaine sence and meaning followeth the Metaphore as if Christ should haue sayde No man is the sonne of God vntil such time as hée is renewed and borne againe by water that is to saye by the spirite which purgeth vs anewe and which by his grace and power in vs inspireth and replenisheth vs with the moysture of a heauenly life séeing by nature wée are altogither drye and withered And vppon good consideration our Sauiour Christ bringeth this phrase of speache vsed in the Scriptures to set before Nicodemus his ignoraunce and blindenesse For Nicodemus shoulde haue knowne at the last that the same which was spoken by our sauiour Christ was taken out of the common doctrine of the Prophets Therefore by water is ment nothing else but the inwarde purgation and moysture of the holye Ghost So that the second is but an explycation of the first Wherevpon also our Sauiour when hée addeth a reason why wée ought to be borne againe making no mencion of water teacheth that the newnesse of life which hée requireth is wrought by the holy ghost Wherfore it foloweth that water must not be separated from the spirite 6. That whiche is borne of the fleshe is fleshe and that whiche is borne of the spirite is spirite B. This is a reason of that whiche went before For therefore no man vnborne againe can enter into the kingdome of God because all that is borne of fleshe is nothing else by that first and naturall Natiuitye but fleshe And fleshe and blood can not enter into the kingdom of Heauen For by the knowledge of GOD wée are made partakers of his kingdome Iohn 17.3 1. Cor. 2.14 for it is sayde This is life eternall O Father to knowe thee c. Now man which is fleshe can not vnderstand those thinges which belong vnto GOD. Therefore it is necessarye that so many as shall enter into the kingdome of God bée transformed and spirituall that is to saye so many as wyll bée the Sonnes of God C. Therefore Christ proueth by an argument of the contraryes that wée are all shut out of the kingdome of God except we haue entrance by regeneratiō For hée taketh this as graunted vnto him namelye that wée cannot enter into the kingdome of God except we become spirituall But wée bring nothing
from our mothers wombe but our carnall nature Therefore it followeth that wée are naturallye banished out of the kingdome of God and being depriued of the celestiall life doe abide vnder the bondage of death This word fleshe doth signifye the whole man For fleshe in this place doth not onelye signify the bodye but also the Soule and euery part of man For the Papistes do very fondlye restraine it to that parte which they call sensuall because by this meanes the argument of Christ shoulde bée verye vaine as to saye that the second byrth is néedefull because some parte of vs is corrupted and defiled But if any man obiect and saye that there remaineth yet some parte of Gods giftes in this our degenerate and corrupt nature and therevppon conclude that we are not in euery part paruerted and polluted Wée maye easilye aunswere to this obiection and saye That those giftes whiche GOD lefte in vs after the fall of Adam in respect of them selues are highlye to bée estéemed and praysed but séeing the contagion and corruption of sinne hath difunded and spread it selfe throughout euery part we shall finde nothing in vs pure and frée from all pollusion Wherfore as we haue naturally some knowledge of God whereas there is ingraffed in vs a certaine discretion to iudge betwéene good and euill Whereas wée haue wit and reason to defende this present life and whereas wée excell the brute Beasts in so many notable giftes Mans nature defiled these thinges of them selues and as they proceede from God are verye notable but all thinges are defiled in vs no lesse than the Wine that is vnsauery through stinking Vesselles being made thereby verye hurtful Therefore because man is by nature from his Mothers Byrth onelye carnall hée must bée transformed againe by the Spirite that he maye beginne to be spirituall And this worde spirite is here taken twoo manner of wayes namelye for grace and for the effect of grace For in the first place Christ teacheth that the holye ghost is the onelye aucthour of a pure and reformed nature In the second place hée teacheth that we are spiritual so sone as wée are renued by the vertue of the same R. Of this manner of renuing the Apostle also speaketh saying The Lawe of the spirite of life setteth me free from the power of sinne and death through Iesus Christ For what the Lawe coulde not doe by that part by which it was weake through the flesh that did God by sending his owne sonne in the similltude of sinfull fleshe Euen by sinne condemned sinne in the fleshe Rom. 8. that the righteousnesse of the Lawe might bee fulfilled in vs whiche walke not after the fleshe but after the spirite For they that are carnall are carnally minded But they that are spirituall are spirituall ye minded To be carnallye minded is death but to bee spirituallye minded is life and peace Because that the fleshlye minde is enmity against God for it is not obedient to the lawe of God neyther can bee So then they that are in the fleshe can not please God But ye are not in the fleshe but in the spirite If so be that the spirite of God dwell in you M. In this place the Apostle attributeth first to the fleshe and then to the spirite certaine thinges which make very wel for the declaration of the woords of Christ He geueth to the fleshe twoo impossible thinges The first is that it cannot obeye the Law of God The seconde that it can not please God Herevppon it followeth that the same is vnder the power of sinne and death as an enemie vnto God and that the Doctrine of the Letter whiche hée here calleth the Lawe cannot reforme the same in so muche that it standeth altogeather in neede of the Heauenlye power by whiche wee are regenerate Then he geueth that to the spirite which fulfilleth the iustification of the Lawe that is to saye which maketh man spirituall For the Law requireth a spirite conformable The spirite of God is the aucthor of our regeneration and agréeing with the will of God Such a will doth the holy ghost begette The spirite therfore deliuereth from the power of Sinne and death and quickeneth and therefore it is called the spirite of life C. But it is verye absurde which some haue gathered vppon this place of Christ namelye that wée take our beginning of our first Parentes not onelye in body but also in soule For Christ sayth nothing here but that wée are all carnall according to our Byrth and that our nature doth sauour and taste of nothing but fleshe in this respect that we bee borne mortall men into the worlde For he doth here simplye distinguishe betwéene the naturall and supernaturall gifte 7. Meruaile not that I sayde vnto thee Yee must be borne againe M. This sentence maye be referred as well to those thinges which goe before as to that which followeth B. as if the Lorde shoulde saye Thou hast heard good cause and reason Nicodemus why I sayde that no man can enter into the kingdome of GOD except hée bée borne againe meruaile not therefore M. But if wée referre it to that which followeth then wée must vnderstande that the Lorde went about to take from Nicodemus by the similitude following the maze which Nicodemus had conceyued by the straungenesse of the thing which hée hearde C. The which wée must not so take as though the Lorde woulde haue so notable a worke of God in mans regeneration to bee little esteemed of Nicodemus but hee woulde not haue him to woonder leaste his fayth shoulde bee hindered For manye reiect that which is difficile and hearde to bée vnderstoode as friuolous and vaine To be shorte wee must not doubt but that we are framed againe by Gods spirite and are made newe men although the maner how the same is brought to passe be not reuealed vnto vs. Ye must be borne againe M. First of all our Sauiour Christ excludeth himselfe from this necessitie of being borne againe not because hee had not the substaunce of fleshe of the which he was borne but because hée was not so borne of the same that he had néede of regeneration as other mortall men had and haue which are conceyued and borne vnder sinne Then he ioyneth Nicodemꝰ a learned man in the Lawe and the Prophetes and a Pharisey to the rest and includeth him to this necessitie of reregeneration with all other men Psal 53.4 Rom. 1.12 Heb. 7.16 R. For all haue gone out of the waye all are become vnprofitable there is none that doth good no not one Luke 1.35 But Christe by right is exempted from this corruption seeing that hée is exempted from sinners Wherevppon the Angell sayde vnto Mary That holye thing which shall bee borne of thee shall be called the Sonne of GOD. 8. The winde bloweth whyther it listeth and thou hearest the sound thereof but canst not tell vvhence it commeth and vvhyther it goeth So is euery
one that is borne of the spirite The winde bloweth B This is an explanation of those things which went before But there are some which vnderstande these thinges not of the winde but of the holy Ghost because the Hebrue word Ruah signifieth eyther of them CHR. Other some a grat deal better vnderstand the same which say that the similitude is taken of the wind doe thus apply it to this present place The force of this winde is felt but the originall and cause thereof is not knowne C. But howsoeuer we wrest the scence of Christ let vs holde fast this that Christ borroweth this similitude of the order of nature Nicodemus thought that incredible which hée had hearde of regeneration and of a newe life because his capacitie coulde not reache vnto the same Christ to take from him this scruple or doubt teacheth that the wonderful power of God is to be séene in the corporal life the reason wherof is hid For al men drawe the vitall spirite out of the ayre Euen so the agitation or moouing of the ayre is felt notwithstanding from whence it commeth or whyther it goeth wée know not Yf in this frayle and momentanye lyfe God dealeth so mightelye that wée are constrayned to woonder at his power what an absurde thing is it in the celestiall and supernaturall lyfe to measure his secret worke by the apprehension and capacitie of our mind insomuch that wée will beléeue no more than appeareth Euen so Paule when hée inueyeth against those which therefore reiect the doctrine of the resurrection because it seemeth impossible that the bodye which is now subiect to putrifaction shoulde be blessed with immortality when it is brought to nothing and consumed to dust reprooueth their dulnesse because they consider not the like power of God in the séede Wheate ●or 15 Psal 104 For the séede doth not growe vntill it hath suffred putrifaction This is euen the same wonderful wisdome of God of the which the Prophet Dauid cryeth out in his Psalme Therefore they are to grosse and dull whiche being taught by the common order of Nature haue no farther respect to know that the power of God in the spiritual kingdome of Christ is far more mighty and woonderfull He sayth It bloweth whyther it listeth not because the winde hath properlye a will but bicause the agitation and whirling thereof is frée and diuers For the ayre is one while caried this waye another while that waye M. And this is no vnwoonted phrase of speache by which humaine scence séemeth to be giuen to thinges without lyfe So is euery one that is borne of the spirite C. Hereby our Sauiour Christ declareth that the mocion of the holye Ghost and the power of the same maye be as well discerned in the renouation and regeneration of man as wée may perceyue and féele the motion of the ayre and winde in this terrestrial and externall life but yet that the maner howe is hidden from vs and therefore that wée are ingratefull and too to wicked if wée doe not adore and magnifie the incomprehensible power of God in the heauenly life of the which hée hath in this worlde sette before vs so liuelye a vewe and also if wée attribute lesse vnto him in restoring to vs our soules health than in defending the state of our corporall lyfe The application shall be more plaine and manifest if wée thus resolue the wordes of our Sauiour Suche is the power and efficacie of the holy Ghost in a man regenerate PAR. For the spirite of God transformeth and chaungeth mens mindes by secret inspirations The power and effect thereof is felte woonderfull and yet notwithstanding the action of the same is not discerned with the eyes And they which are thus regenerate are not now led with the humaine or fleshly spirite but with the spirite of God which quickeneth and ordereth all thinges Bv. Insomuch that the Apostle feeling the force therof sayth Galat. 2.20 I liue yet nowe not I but Christ liueth in mee And although the inwarde grace of the spirite haue the preheminence in regeneration yet notwithstanding let no good man reiect the preaching of Gods worde by which fayth is planted For it is that immortal incorruptible séede by which men are borne againe to lyfe nor the prayer of the faythfull by which the saintes desire to haue fayth giuen and increased nor baptisme by which wée are sayde to be purged and washed from our sinnes 9. Nicodemus aunswered and sayde vnto him How can these thinges bee B. The houre was not yet fully come in the which Nicodemus shoulde be fully taught all thinges concerning the holye Ghost At the first when he thought that Christ spake of a carnall regeneration hée obiected the impossibility of the same After that when hée vnderstoode that hée spake of another manner of Natiuitie than of that which is carnall as of the Natiuitie by water and the spirite the which was declared vnto him by a similitude hée woondereth as one amazed demaundeth howe these thinges can bée C. Wée sée therefore what specially let hindered Nicodemus Whatsoeuer hée heareth he counteth woonderfull because hée is not able to comprehende it Euen so there is no greater hinderaunce vnto vs than our owne arrogancie because in déede wée alwayes seeke to bée more wise than néedeth and therevpon thorow a diuilish disdaine wée reiect all that our reason cannot comprehende As though it were méete that the vnspeakeable and incomprehensible power of God ought to be restrayned to so straite a measure Wée may after a sorte enquire of the order and maner of Gods workes so that it be done soberlye and reuerentlye But Nicodemus by this demaunde reiecteth that which hée béeléeueth to be impossible as a fable M. And it is not without cause that the Euangelist so dilligentlye putteth downe vnto vs the dulnesse and scencelesnesse of Nicodemus in matters deuine and appertayning to saluation For wée haue in this man some proofe of that which Christ spake before set before vs namelye that it is impossible for anye man to sée the kingdome of God except hée be borne againe Bv. For Nicodemus being so notable a Clarke béeing blinde and ignoraunt after so great light because he was not borne againe sayth How can these thinges bee Whereby it appéereth that he was so amazed at the doctrine of the kingdome of Christ that hée was not onelye ignoraunte of the matter it selfe but also was not able to comprehende the declaration of the same as it was propounded by christ in plaine wordes Euen so at this daye wée sée learned and wise men to be quite sencelesse and foolishe when they come to comprehend the doctrine of Christes kingdome It is no meruaile therfore if they which are the Ministers of the truth doe not by and by perswade euerye one to whome they preache when as Christ with his woordes coulde not at the first perswade Nicodemus But the faulte was not in Christ the teacher but
loued vs because it springeth from his eternall purpose is aboue all other causes but that his grace which he woulde haue to be made manifest vnto vs and by which wée haue assuraunce of saluation beginneth at the reconciliation made by Christ For séeing wée must néedes graunt that he hateth all sinne and wickednesse howe canne wée assure our selues to bée in his loue and fauour vntill our sinnes are cleane put awaye for the which hée is iustly angry with vs. Thus the blood of Christ must bée the meane to make God fauorable vnto vs before wee can haue any manner of féeling of his Fatherly loue and clemencie B. And Christ is called the onely begotten Sonne of GOD because hée is the heade of Gods children and haue all receyued of the fulnesse of his grace that wee also might be the sonnes of GOD. Moreouer there was neuer any man beside him Heb. 7.26 that was without sinne and which bare the full and perfect Image of God for hée onely is innocent And this name of the onely begotten sonne Christ by nature but wee by adoption are the sonnes of God appertayneth to Christ by right bicause by nature hee is the onely Sonne of God but wee by adoption being ingraffed into his bodye Therefore this name of onelye begotten Sonne is put downe vnto vs to expresse the vehemencie of Gods loue towarde vs. For because men doe not easilye perswade themselues to bée beloued of God to take awaye all doubt from vs hée expressely sayth That God hath so greatlye loued vs that for our sakes hée hath not spared his onelye begotten sonne Seing then God hath sufficientlye declared vnto vs his loue hée shall not be a little iniurious to Christ that not contented with this testimonye shall doubt still and make no more accounte of Christ than if one of the common sorte of men had béene giuen to death But wée must rather waye and consider of how great price God estéemed his sonne to whome our saluation was so precious that he woulde redéeme the same with the price of his onelye begotten sonne Euen so the Apostle setteth this loue of God towarde vs before our eyes to be considered Rom. 8.32 saying which spared not his owne sonne but gaue him for vs all howe also with him shall hee not giue vnto vs all thinges That euerye one which beleeueth in hym should not perish A. Concerning these wordes reade the fifteenth verse going before 17. For God sent not his sonne into the world to condempne the worlde but that the worlde might be saued through him M. These wordes appertayne to the enlarging setting foorth of the loue of God with the whiche hée hath so loued this worlde that hée hath giuen his onelye begotten Sonne to the same Hée might by the sending of his Sonne vtterly condempne and destroy the worlde For the worlde by his wickednesse and impietie hath deserued perpetuall condemnation but such is the loue of GOD towarde the same that hée had rather spare it and by sending his sonne to bee a Sauiour sought rather to offer the cause of saluation than of condemnation Therefore this is here attributed to the loue of God because hée would not take vengaunce of the wickednesse of the worlde and because the same loue was so great that by the excellencie thereof it hath repressed the seuerity of the iudgement by which hée might iustlye haue condemned the worlde R. The will therefore of the Father is to saue by the sonne But what for all this Surelye although our sinnes condemne vs yet the father saueth vs by the sonne If we bée afflicted by the crosse the Father saueth vs by his Sonne If we be ouerwhelmed with death yet the Father saueth vs by the sonne Therefore let vs stedfastlye beléeue and leane to this worde God sent not his Sonne into the worlde to condempne the world but that the worlde might be saued through him For hereby thou mayest receyue great comforte and consolation in all thy afflictions Bv. For our Lorde Iesus Christ shall come in the Clowds of Heauen Math. 26 and .24 to iudge both the quicke and the dead with great power and Maiestye But it will bée in the ende of the worlde first Nowe hée commeth not as a Iudge but as a most merciful Sauiour Therfore although now thy great sinnes doe accuse thée and condemne thée consider that this is the time of grace and mercy and feare not but bée of good courage and so shalt thou finde grace and fauour Ezech. 18 and .23 R. For thus sayth the Lorde I liue which will not the death of a sinner but rather that lie tourne from his wickednesse and liue Bv. Therefore if thou bée conuerted and repose thy whole trust in the Sonne of GOD who suffered for thée that hée might make satisfaction for thy sinnes Rom. 8.31 and reconcile thée vnto God thou shalt bée safe 1. Iohn 2.1 For Paule sayeth If God be with vs who can be against vs And Saint Iohn sayeth If any man sinne we haue an aduocate with the Father Iesus Christ the righteous and he is the propitiation for our sinnes and not for our sinnes alone but for the sinnes also of the whole worlde Luke 19. and .10 To this effect also appertayneth this Euangelicall sentence The Sonne of man commeth to saue that whiche was lost and diuers other such like sentences E. Moreouer that which is spoken in another place Iohn 9.39 is nothing contrarye to these wordes of our Sauiour Christ I came to iudgement into the worlde that they which see not might see and that they which see might bee made blinde For in these wordes he declareth what his comming shal be to many but in this place what speciallye it shal be to the whole worlde Iohn 12. and .47 So is that to bée taken which hée sayth in another place For I came not to iudge the world C. To iudge here is taken for to condemne as in many other places also Therefore in that he denyeth that he came to condemne the world hée noteth thereby the proper ende of his comming For howe néedelesse was it that Christ shoulde come to destroye vs which were to much alreadye ouerwhelmed with destruction Therefore in Christ wée must consider nothing but that God of his infinite mercye and goodnesse Rom. 8.33 sought to helpe vs and to deliuer vs from destruction B. And as hée cannot sinne to condemnation which is borne of God the Lord at the length by his holy spirite purging out all sinne Ioh. 5.24 and vndoubtedly pardoning whatsoeuer is committed Euen so such a one cannot bée iudged that is to saye condemned For by Christ hée hath passed from death to life And being assured of Gods loue and fauour in Christ hath alreadye eternall life Wherefore whatsoeuer belongeth vnto sinne and death must decrease and fade away Othersome which beléeue not in the name of the onelye begotten Sonne of
it followeth that they refusing the reméedye doe willinglye séeke theyr owne damnation R. But Christ speaketh not here of grosse and outward sinnes as of Theft The light hated of wicked men Murther Adulterye False witnesse Force Luxury Dronkennesse and such lyke which also are condemned of the wise men of this world but of the most excellent vertues of the worlde as of Reason Wisedome and humaine righteousnesse which in this world are counted for most excellent thinges PAR. Therefore as hée which goeth about any wickednesse loueth the night fléeth from the Sunne least his déedes shoulde bée manifest euen so they whose consciences do accuse them hate the light of the Euangelicall trueth by which all thinges that are filthie are bewraied that they maie be reformed in Christ By this reason wicked Kyngs Princes and Potentates which swell with Ambition which are defiled with excesse and filthie pleasure and which are imbrued with the bloode of Innocents haue hated the Light of the Gospell because it condemneth all these thinges In like maner the Popishe Bishops Abbottes Priestes Monkes and Nunnes which repose theyr trust in Masses in Idolles in Purgatorye in wicked Vowes in Indulgences and such lyke do hate Christ and his light which teacheth that al these thinges are vnprofitable more than Vatinius was hated of the Romaines Insomuch that they persecute the Preachers of the Gospell and hang them vppe because they Preache against the Sacred Canonnes against the dignitye Episcopall against the Popes Holinesse and against Peters Keyes That is to saye because they discouer the Tyranny of Antichrist and do fréelye pronounce the dignitye and aucthoritye of Bishoppes to bée forged counterfaite and méere false C. Therefore we are muche deceyued if wée thinke that they are ledde with Godlye zeale whiche rage against the Gospell when as they rather hate and abhorre the light that they maye the more fréelye walke in darkenesse 21. But hee that doeth trueth commeth to the light that his deedes may be knowen howe that they are wrought in God M. That is to saye He which knoweth that hée doeth the trueth and seeketh the same being a hater of all falsehood and lyes hée truely neyther hateth the light nor shunneth the same but loueth it For to doe the trueth is as much to say as to deale faithfully without any manner of deceyte like good and honest men C. But this séemeth to bée spoken improperlye and absurdly except a man would confesse that some are good and true before they bée borne againe by the spirite of God the which is cleane contrary to the whole Doctrine of the scripture for we knowe that faith is the roote from whence doe come all good workes But Christ simply affirmeth that they which deale sincerelye and vprightlye doe desyre nothing more then the light The light a Touchstone to wicked men that theyr workes maye bée approued because by that triall and Touchstone it maye the better appeare that they haue walked vprightlye and purelye before God from all deceyte Therefore it is verye fondlye sayde of some that menne before Faith are wel disposed For Christ sayeth not that the Faithfull do beléeue to the ende they maye haue the prayse of good workes but he onely sheweth what the vnbeleeuing would do if so be theyr owne consciences did not accuse them of euill R. Therefore if Abbottes Monkes Priestes and Friars did the trueth they woulde also come to the light and would suffer theyr condicion to bée tried But hereby they them selues do bewray theyr owne déedes to bée euill For he which doeth the trueth that is hee whose cause is iust whose worke is of Faith which teacheth the truth which is delighted in the trueth which hateth Hipocrisie and lyes which dealeth iustlye and to be short which geueth all glorye vnto God and geueth place to the Preaching of the Gospell hée can abide the light and to haue his cause his workes Doctrine and state tried and examined Wherevpon Christ because his workes and Doctrine are of God hath left vnto all menne frée leaue to pronounce and iudge of them so that they doe it vprightly Iohn 18.20 Enquire sayeth hée of those which haue hearde mee what I sayd vnto them Beholde these knowe what I haue sayd But the Pharisées and their successours will not suffer any man to iudge of theyr Doctrine but will haue all thinges that they teache and decrée simplye and as a manifest trueth to be receyued and allowed C. Therefore our Sauiour Christ vsed this woorde Trueth Because we being deceyued by the outwarde shewe of workes doe not waye and consider what is contayned within And hée calleth those workes wrought in God which are approued of him and are good according to his rule Hereby let vs learne not to iudge of workes except they bée brought to the light of the Gospell because our reason is vtterly blind and corrupt Bv. And séeing Christ of his goodnesse hath called vs to the light of the Gospell let vs vnderstand that it is our partes to doe the trueth with a willing minde the Apostle exhorting vs vnto the same Ephe 5.8 Ye were sometime darkenesse but nowe are you light in the Lorde walke as children of the light for the fruite of the spirite is in all godnesse and righteousnesse and trueth approuing what is acceptable vnto the Lorde And haue no felowship with the vnfruitfull workes of darkenesse but rather rebuke them And the Apostle Iohn This is the tidinges which we haue hard of him and declare vnto you that God is light and in him is no darkenesse at all If wee saye that we haue felloweship with him and walke in darkenesse wee lye and doe not the trueth But if wee walke in light euen as hee is light then haue wee fellowship with him 22. After these thinges came Iesus and his Disciples into the Lande of Iurye and there he taryed with them and Baptized M Nowe that the Euangelist hath described the Diologue betwéene Christ and Nicodemus hée consequentlye maketh a waye to bring in the testimony of Iohn the Baptist which most excellentlye hée gaue vnto Christ before hée was shutte vp into Prison For the Euangelist speciallye trauaileth to credite and confirme the Diuinitye and aucthoritye of Christ with most firme testimonies geuen from Heauen Bv. Therefore when the Lorde had obserued the Feaste of Passeouer at Hierusalem and had discharged his office according to the oportunytye of the time Preaching the Gospel of the kingdome C. hée came into that part of Galilee whiche was néere to the Towne of Aenon whiche is situate in the Tribe of Manasse B. that there also hée might exhibite and declare him selfe to bée a sauiour For abiding there and Ministring Baptisme by his Disciples hée brought many Citizens to the Kingdome of God The Lorde Iesus abode not long at Hierusalem for his houre was not yet come that hée shoulde bée gloryfied but towarde his ende hée executed his office moore diligentlye
rather with all our might to séeke the aduauncement of his glorye that by the sincere Preaching of Gods word as the Lord him selfe signified to Peter saying Simon Ioanna Louest thou mee Ioh. 21.15 more then these Feede my Lambes And the Apostle Paule saith It is required at the hands of stewardes that they be found faithfull 1. Cor. 4.2 Therefore hée cannot be a true Minister of Christ which is not a friende to Christ Wherevpon the Apostle speaking of himselfe affirmeth that hée is a friende to the true Bridegrome of this Churche saying For I am gelous ouer you with godlye gelousie 2. Cor. 11.2 For I haue coupled you to one man to present you a chaste Virgin vnto Christ R. Therefore Christ is the Bridegroome and the Churche is the Spouse C. And as hée truelye offreth himselfe vnto vs that hée may be oures euen so at our handes iustlye hée requireth that fayth and loue which the wife oweth to the husbande And as for the chastitie which he requireth that specially consisteth in the obedience of the Gospell and in our constancye in the pure simplicitie of the same A. Herevppon the Apostle Peter writeth to the faithful saying 1. Pet. 1.22 Yee which haue purified your soules through the spirite in obeying the truth C. Therefore wée must be subiect to Christ alone hée must bée our only head we must not swarue the breadth of a héere from the truth of the Gospell and Christ aboue all other must be glorified that hée maye retaine and kéepe the right and place of the Bridegroome But what say you to the Ministers Veryly the sonne of God calleth them to attende vpon him in the time of celebrating the sacred marriage Wherefore it belongeth vnto them to séeke by all meanes possible to deliuer vnto the bridegroome whose care is committed vnto them a pure and chaste Virgin But they which séeke to bring the church rather to themselues than vnto Christ doe falselye violate the mariage which they ought to honest and adorne And looke how Christ doth endew his Disciples with the greater honour in making them kéepers of his Spouse the greater is their infidelitie if they séeke not to preserue his right vnuiolated M. For the Ministers ought to stande and heare what the Bridegroome commaundeth and then to induce others to his obedience Wherevpon Saint Iohn sayth not that hée reioyceth because of the Bridegroome but bicause of the Bridegroomes voyce A. The which saying I woulde to GOD were well noted of those which are not afrayde to obiect the auctoritie of the Church against the very worde of Christ as though Christ the onelye and true Spouse of the Churche had lefte an imperfect and lame doctrine to the faythfull For hée sayth I saye not vnto you Iohn 15. that ye are seruauntes because the seruaunt knoweth not what his mayster doth But I haue called you friendes because I haue declared vnto you all thinges that I haue hearde of my Father M. Therfore al auctority is giuen to the Bridegroome not to the Bride To the Bridegroome is giuen a voyce to speake and to commaund to the Bride is giuen eares to heare according to this saying Hearken O daughter and see Psal 45.11 and incline thine eare C. Therefore Iohn the Baptist affirmeth that hée hath obtayned his full desire in that hée séeeth Christ to raigne and to haue that audience which hée deserueth Bv. As if hée shoulde saye As hée which is not the Bridegroome but a friende to the Bridegroome and a looker on neyther enuieth the Bridegrooms felicitie nor taketh awaye his Bride but rather reioyceth for the mariage made betwéene them boath and standyng by reioyceth hereat secretlye in his heart and not openlye because hée séeth the labour which hée tooke in making the mariage to haue prosperous successe and the Bride which is brought of the Bridegroome to enioye most swéete and pleasaunt companye of the same Euen so I béeing a Foorerunner of Christ not the Bridegroome but a friende of the Bridegroome wholy desiring that the people of GOD maye be associate and vnited to his mariage neyther doe I enuie his great glory neither wil I pull from him his people but doe most hartely reioyce that I haue lyued vnto this daye most happelye with my eyes to behold and sée that my Preaching hath not béene in vaine but that all men spéedelye come vnto Christ to whome I haue hitherto inuited them this my excéeding Ioye I saye is fulfilled C. Verylye whosoeuer is so affected that hée will séeke Christ and not him selfe and is contented to haue Christes honour aduaunced shall faithfully and profitablye gouerne the Churche But whosoeuer shall decline eyther to the right hande or to the lefte from this waye shal be an vnchaste Adulterer and can not chose but corrupt and defile the Spouse of Christ 30. Hee must increase but I must decrease R. This is a very short sentence but yet worthy to bée noted C. For because Iohn was at the first highly aduaunced by the Lorde hée sheweth that hée receyued this honour but for a time and must nowe that the Sonne of righteousnesse is rysen geue place Therefore hée doth not onely repell and reiect the vaine titles of honour which men ignorantly and erroniouslye had geuen vnto him but also séeketh carefullye that the true and lawfull honour which the Lord had bestowed vpon him shoulde not obscure the glory of christ For this cause he saith that hitherto hée was counted for a great Prophete and that hée was appointed to enioye his Dignitye vntill the comming of Christ to whome hée ought to render vp the same B. As if he should saye Nowe I haue throughlye discharged my Office Bv. I sayd that Christ should come yea I haue Preached that hée is come alreadye I haue promised remission of sinnes and all other graces in him and to this Christ I haue called all men therfore there remayneth nothing now but that hée alone shoulde liue Teache Florishe Raigne and should bée all in al to his Saintes in the Churche neyther must there bée had any regarde to me anye lenger for it is méete that his glory should bée alone increased in the worlde and be knowne vnto men and contrarywise that my name as the name of a Minister or Seruaunt decreased M. And it is to bée noted that hée sayth not He increaseth and I am deminished for his Disciples saw this were sorye for it and complayned thereof but to the ende he might admonishe them that there was nothing done but that which of necessitie must be done and whiche ought not nor coulde not be let or hindered hée sayth Hee must increase but I must decrease And Christ increased when his knowledge and glorye shined more and more in the mindes of men Iohn diminished when the opinion of his name decreased before those which came to heare Christ Bv. Otherwise Iohn kéepeth his glorye and honour in the Churche
For there cannot be a true fayth before GOD hath spoken by his worde By which Doctrine fayth is discerned not onely from the imaginations of men but also from a doubtfull and wauering opinion For it is necessarie that the same bée agreeing with the truth of GOD which is cléere from all doubtfulnesse Fayth shaketh not Therefore as GOD cannot lye so is it impossible that Faith shoulde wauer or shake Shilding our selues with this Buckler we shall bée sure to ouercome for euer by what meanes soeuer Satan shall assault vs. M. But some will saye what is hée that euer doubted of the truth of God What néede is there then of the Testimony of Christ whereby wée maye knowe God to bée true But Iohn the Baptist speaketh not here simplye of the trueth of God but of that trueth by which the promises made vnto Israel and in Israel to mankinde were fulfilled and performed in Christ Rom. 15.8 So Christ is called the Minister of Circumcision for the trueth of God to confirme the promises made vnto the Fathers This trueth of God can not bée apprehended without wée apprehende also the testimony of Christ And of this trueth Christ him selfe speaketh Iohn 8.31 saying If you abide in my worde then are you my Disciples in deede and ye shall knowe the truth and the truth shal make you free C. Hereby we are also admonished what an acceptable and precious Sacrifice faith is before God For as he estéemeth nothing more than his truth euen so we can doe to him no seruice or worshippe more acceptable than by our faith to professe him to bée true for then we shall geue vnto him his due honour Againe wée can doe vnto him no greater iniurye than not to beléeue the Gospell for hée can not bée spoyled of his trueth and verytye but all his glorye and maiestye must bee cleane abolished M. Therefore looke howe muche the fayth of the Godlye which beléeue in Christ maketh to the glory of God so much on the contrarye parte doeth the vnbeléefe of the vngodly make to his dishonour Not that theyr impietye can make the Faith and trueth of God of none effect but because they reprooue him of vanity To this effect pertaineth the saying of Saint Iohn in another place He which beleeueth in the Sonne of God hath the testimony of God in him selfe 1. Ioh. 5.10 he which beleeueth not God maketh him a lyer because hee hath not beleeued the testimonye which God hath testifyed of his Sonne C. Verylye vnlesse we bée to dull and stonye this so notable a commendation geuen to faith ought to kindle in our mindes a most feruent loue of the same For what great honour is this which God vouchsafeth to bestowe vpon miserable men which by nature are nothing else but lyers and vaine that they neuerthelesse should bée thought méete to confirme and alowe the holye trueth of God by theyr subscription and sealing 34. For he whome God hath sent speaketh the woordes of God For God geueth not the Spirite by measure For he whome God hath sent M. This is the reason why he putteth to his seale that God is true which receiueth the testimony of Christ namelye because the testimonye of Christ is the testimony of God C. because Christ procéeded from no other than from his heauenlye Father Therefore it is God onelye which speaketh by him M. So sayeth the Lorde him selfe Iohn 7.16 My Doctrine is not mine but my Fathers which sent me Also hée sayth The worde which ye heare is not mine but his which sent me Ioh. 14.24 R. Therefore he which heareth Christ heareth God and hée which possesseth Christ by faith possesseth God For God geueth not Some extend this place to the common dispensation because God which is the bottomles well of all goodnesse doth nothing at al empty him selfe when largely and plentifullye God a bottomlesse well of grace hée powreth his giftes vpon men They which powre water out of any Vessell or drawe a Well come at the length to the botome of the same but we néede not feare or doubte of the lyke to bée in God for the more his giftes are bestowed vpon vs the more plentifully they abounde This exposition séemeth to haue some collour because the sentence is somewhat intricate and obscure C. notwithstanding theyr opinion séemeth moore probable whiche interprete this to bée spoken concerning Christ and so the sence and meaning is that the Spirite is not geuen by measure vnto Christ as though the grace in him were to be measured euen as the Apostle Paul teacheth Ephe. 4.7 1. Cor. 12 7 that to euery one is distributed according to the measure of the gyfte so that no one man aboundeth at the full And verylye the Spirite must rest vpon Christ without measure Iohn 1.16 to the ende wée might all receyue of the fulnesse of the same Bv. There is a common Prouerbe Hee geueth by measure that is to saye He geueth sparinglye or nigardlye For hée whiche geueth liberally and bountifullye doeth not measure that which hée geueth but geueth by heape Iohn the Baptist receyued the Spirite by measure as dyd also dyuers others of the Sayntes Wherefore they cannot bée compared vnto Christ so farre they are of from being his equalles But concerning Christ the Prophete Dauid sayeth in his Psalmes Thou hast loued righteousnesse Psal 45.7 and hated Iniquitye wherefore God thy God hath annoynted thee with the Oyle of gladnesse aboue thy fellowes Colos 2.9 Also Saint Paul sayeth In Christe dwelleth all fulnesse of the Godhead bodylye and in him ye are complete Christ hath the spirit of God super-aboundantly CHR. Therefore by this note the Sonne of GOD is discerned from the Prophetes and from other holye men For it is impossible that they which haue receyued the Spirite of GOD by measure should geue and bestowe the same vppon others Neyther hath one holye man bestowed the holye Ghost vpon another but all as wée haue sayde haue receyued of the fulnesse of Christ Therefore because Christ is the geuer of the spirite let no man doubte but that he substantiallye possesseth in him selfe the holye Ghost Act. 8.17 If any man obiect and saye that the holye Ghost was geuen by the handes of the Apostles it maye easilye bée aunswered That they made theyr Prayers to the holye Ghost who being intreated came and was sayde to bée geuen by theyr handes For holye Moyses that Saynte of God was not séene to take of the spirite of GOD which was in him and to geue the same vnto others but this is reserued to the Diuine power onely For these workes belong to God alone 35. The Father loueth the Sonne and hath geuen all thinges into his hande The Father loueth the Sonne Bv. Saint Iohn gathereth in fewe woordes all the Misteries of the Gospell into a bréefe compendium or short summe and doeth more plainelye set forth those thinges which hytherto hée
effectuall the knowledge of his graces is namely of suche force that it wyll incourage and allure our myndes to desyre the same If thou knewest sayeth our Sauiour Christe thou wouldest haue asked Therefore hée went about to make the Woman more desyrous least shée shoulde contemptuouslye reiect the lyfe offered vnto her And he would haue geuen thee of the Water of lyfe This is a playne argument of Gods great goodnesse and lyberallitye by which he doeth not onely consider howe miserable wée are and of what benefites we stande in néede but also allureth vs to craue those thinges which are prepared and readye to bée offered vnto vs so that we aske them For hée testifieth that if wée make our Prayers vnto him they shall not bée in vaine And truelye without this perswasion and trust wée shoulde haue but a colde desyre to praye But séeing Christ méeteth by the waye with those that come vnto him and is readye to fyll euerye Hungrye Soule there is nowe no place or excuse left for slouthfulnesse and negligence But there is none but wyll thinke that this is spoken generally vnto all menne except he bée stayed by incredulitye A. For it is not promised in vaine Aske and ye shall receyue seeke and yee shall finde Math. 7● Mar. 11. ●● knocke and it shal be opened vnto you VVhatsoeuer thinges ye desyre when ye praye beleeue that ye receyue them and yee shall haue them C. Yea we sée that not onelye the liberallitye of God but also whiche is greatlye to bée wondered at the Lord of all thinges hath put vpon him such entire loue that hauing taken on him our fleshe and therewith also our miserye is come downe vnto vs and being Hungrye and Thyrstye craueth of vs those thinges whiche bée Earthlye that by this occasion he might bestow vpon vs in lyke manner his heauenlye and euerlasting treasures Hée who him selfe is the well of lyfe desyreth water to bée geuen vnto him out of a Well by a base and abiecte woman and hée promiseth vnto her againe the water of lyfe Euen so 2. Cor. 8.9 for our sake hée was made poore that wée by him might bée made Ritche So in lyke manner he became Hungrye and Thyrstye that he might féede vs with heauenlye Foode and refreshe vs with the Water of lyfe A. And so often as the Poore shall craue our Almesse Almes deedes to bée refeshed let vs remember that Christ beggeth in theyr personne not to spoyle vs of our goodes if wée geue any thing in his name but rather to exchaunge with vs heauenlye and euerlasting thinges for those thinges which are corporall and transitorye As wée may reade in the Gospell Mat. 10.42 and .25.40 B. Furthermore note here howe Christ maketh a comparison betwéene Drinke and the holye Ghoste whome metaphoricallye hée calleth water of lyfe C. And this Metaphor as it is common so it contayneth notable reason For wée are lyke vnto drye and barren grounde without any dewe or moysture vntyll suche tyme as the Lorde doeth water vs by his holye Spyrite In another place also the spirite is called cleare Water but in another sence because it purgeth and washeth awaye the Spottes with the which wée are polluted and defiled But here and in suche lyke places the secréete refreshing is handeled by which hée quickeneth defendeth and perfiteth life in vs. B. As therefore the liuelye and springing water doeth euer flowe to asswage and coole the thyrst of men euen so the holye Ghost bearing witnesse to our Spirites that we are the Sonnes of God doeth for euer expell the thyrst of the Godlye vntyll at the last it doeth make them perfectlye blessed and doeth perpetuallye comfort them by a sure and certaine Fayth concerning the which reade the Epistle of Saint Paul to the Romanes Rom. 8.16 Gala. 4.9 C. Therefore Christ thought good to oppose or set Water against the vanitye of all good men with the which mankinde is troubled and oppressed And he calleth it the water of lyfe not onely of the effect as of quickening but also he alludeth to diuers kindes of waters Therefore it is called liuelye because it springeth and floweth from a liuely well So that in these wordes Christ doeth excellentlye and brieflye declare what manner of person hée is and what hée bestoweth vppon his faithfull seruauntes namelye all fulnesse of lyfe and perfection of felycitye B. If therefore a man shall make Metaphors and Allegories after this manner they shal be firme and very profitable to teache in the Churche 11. The Woman sayeth vnto him Syr thou hast nothing to draw with and the Well is deepe From whence then hast thou that Water of life M. This Woman calleth our Sauiour Christ Maister or Syr after the common manner of Wiues which are accustomed to call theyr Husbandes so for reuerence sake and not onelye women vsed this manner of speache but also menne speciallye towardes suche as were Straungers Gene. 24.18 Rebecca sayde vnto the seruaunt of Abraham Drinke Syr. Marye Magdalene sayd vnto Christ suspecting him to be a Gardiner Syr Ioh. 20.15 if thou haue taken him awaye c. Abraham Lot and Gedeon Gen. 18.3 Gen. 19.8 Iudg. 6.13 Acts. 16.30 called the Angelles which appeared to them in the lykenesse of Straungers by the name of Lorde or Syr. The kéeper of the Prison also called Paul and Silas whiche were Prisoners by the same name Wherefore they haue slender reasons to alleadge which by this name thinke that this woman beganne nowe to haue more than common knowledge of Christ C. Naye rather shee despised Christ and deryded him Shée vnderstoode well inough that Christ spake figuratiuelye but shée reprehendeth him by a contrary figure as if shée had sayd that hée had promised more than he was able to performe As therefore the Samaritanes were despised of the Iewes euen so the Iewes were despysed of the other in lyke maner 12. Art thou greater than our Father Iacob whiche gaue vs the well and he him selfe dranke thereof and his children and his cattell B. Shée thought that the Lorde arrogated to him selfe power to make a wel as dyd Moyses who caused Water to flowe out of the harde Rocke C. Whervppon shée accuseth him of arrogancye because hée preferred him selfe before the holy Patriarche Iacob as if he should say Iacob was contented with this well for his owne vse and for the vse of his whole familye and hast thou better water What an vngodly comparison this is it maye hereby appeare that shée compareth the seruaunt with his Lorde and a mortall man to the liuing God and yet notwithstanding howe many be there at this daye which commit the same faulte Wherfore we must take the more diligent héede least we so farre extoll the personnes of men that we obscure thereby the glorye of God The giftes of God truelye are reuerently to be imbraced where so euer they appeare Therefore it is méete and lawfull to
honour notable men which are indewed with godlinesse with other rare giftes but they must bée honoured no farther than that God him selfe maye haue the preheminence glorye that Christ with his gospel may shine most clerely For to him the whole glory of the world must giue place B. We must also note that although the Samaritanes were Straungers yet notwithstanding afterward when the Iewes prospered they boasted that they sprang of Ioseph Ioseph last chap. of the 9. booke of the Antiquities of the Ievves as Iosephus testifieth Herevpon this woman called Iacob her Father C. Euen so at this day the Papistes being Basterdes and an Adulterous séede verye arrogantly bragge and boast of the Fathers exalt them selues aboue the lawfull sonnes of God For although the Samaritanes sprang of Iacob according to the fleshe yet notwithstanding because they dyd degenerate and swarue from true Godlinesse this was a preposterous bragging Now they being the ofspring of the people of Cuthah so called of the Ryuer Cuthah C. or at the least wise 4. King 17 24. gathered from among other prophane Nations yet notwithstanding let not to bragge falselye of the name of the holye Patriarche but without any profite Euen so it must necessarily happen vnto all those which ioye amisse in the light of men as to bée depriued of the light of God and to haue no society with the holy Fathers whose title they haue abused 13. Iesus aunswered and sayde vnto her whosoeuer drincketh of this Water Shall thyrst againe M. Againe the Lord aunswereth not vnto all the wordes of the woman but rather to that which appertaineth to the purpose that because shée had so greatlye exalted this Well as though there could no better water be geuen For this cause he expoundeth his former sentence concerning the water C. And although he seeth that he profiteth litle and that his Doctrine is made but a Iest yet notwithstanding he goeth foreward more plainelye to expounde that which he had spoken R. to the ende he might the more styrre vp the woman to séeke that water of lyfe For hée putteth a difference betweene the vse of both Waters as that the one belongeth to the bodye for a tyme and that the other perpetuallye serueth for the refreshing of the Soule For as the bodye is subiect to corruption so the Preseruatiues belonging to the same must néedes bée temporall and transitory but that which quickneth the soule must néedes bée euerlasting 14. But whosoeuer drinketh of the Water that I shal geue him shall neuer be more a thyrste but the water that I shall geue him shall be in him a well of water springing vppe into euerlasting life R. The maner of Drinking of this water is by fayth Therefore euerye one which Drinketh of this water that is to saye euerye one that beléeueth in mée and receyueth of me the promised spirite shall neuer Thyrste but there shall be in him a Well of water springing into euerlasting life This is the verye same which he sayeth in another place Ioh. 7.39 Hee which beleeueth in me shall haue flowing out of his bellye ryuers of water of lyfe This also hée spake of the Spirite which all the beléeuers in him should receyue For hée which hath receyued the holye Ghost by fayth he hath a veyne or spring flowing from sinne to righteousnesse from damnation to Saluation from death to lyfe and from earth to Heauen B. It is most certayne therefore that this Water is the holy Ghost Wherefore if he that hath once Dronke of this Spiryte can neuer Thyrst agayne it is manifest that hée which hath once this Spiryte that is to saye to whome it is once geuen to beleeue shall neuer fall from the grace of GOD. Therefore Paul gloryeth that nothing from aboue neyther from beneathe Rom. 8.35 can remoue him from the loue of GOD which is in Christ Iesu C. Moreouer it is not repugnaunt nor disagréeing with the wordes of Christ that the faithfull euen to the ende of theyr lyfe haue a feruent desyre to haue more plentye of grace For his meaning is not that we shall drinke our fyll the first daye that hée geueth vnto vs his holye Spirite but that hée onelye séeketh to geue vs to vnderstande that the holy Ghost is a Spring flowing perpetuallye and so He which once receyueth the spirite of God by faith is sealed to eternal life that there is daunger lest they should wyther awaye whiche are renewed by Spirituall grace Therefore although wée Thyrst all our lyfe tyme yet notwithstanding it is certaine that wée haue not receyued this Spirite for one daye or for a short time but that the same flowing perpetuallye shoulde neuer forsake vs. Thus the faithfull Thyrst during all the tyme of their mortall lyfe and that feruentlye and yet notwithstanding all that tyme they are full of liuely Licour because howe litle grace soeuer they haue receyued the same doeth daylye moysten them that they can neuer be quite drye Wherefore this fulnesse is not opposed or set against desyre but only against drinesse The which thing in the words folowing as yet he doeth more plainelye expresse There shall sayeth hee bée a Well of water flowing into eternal life for here is a continuall watering noted which in this mortall and transitory life fostereth and increaseth in them heauenlye eternitye B. For as he can neuer wyther away by drouth which hath a spring continuallye flowing in his Bowelles euen so he must néedes be ful of all goodnesse and grace and must alwaies and in all thinges haue present consolation in whome the Spirite of the Lorde the Spirite of Gods children doeth dwell C. Therefore the grace of Christ doth not flowe in vs for a short time but doth continually powre out it selfe vntyll wée come to the blessed state of Immortalytye 15. The Woman sayeth vnto him Syr geue mee of that Water that I thyrst not neyther come hyther to drawe B. This Woman séemeth to bée but a pratler and talker how soeuer shée was elected to eternall life and had the séede of God For there is no doubt but that shee knewe well inoughe that Christ spake of Spirituall water but because shee contemneth him shée maketh no account of all his promises For there is no way to teache so long as hée which speaketh is of no aucthoritye with vs. The Woman therefore verye ouerthwartly replyeth against Christ B. and speaketh these thinges Ironicè that is to saye in a contrarye sence as if shée should saye thou braggest much but I sée nothing if thou canst doe as thou sayest doe it in déede M. Therefore by this example we sée that the elect sometimes so long as they are in darkenesse without the knowledge of Christ doe deride the doctrine of the Spirite as rydiculous and foolishe Wherefore wée must take héede that wée doe not by and by condemne euerye one whome we sée to bée deriders of the Doctrine of Christ
but rather let vs séeke to reduce them after the ensample of Christ to the ryght pathe of trueth 16. Iesus sayth vnto her Goe call thy Husbande and come hyther B. Christ séeking to beate downe the malepartnesse of this woman commanded her to goe and call her Husbande thereby takyng occasion to put her in minde of her euyll life paste C. For when he saw that shée scoffed and Iested at all thinges which he spake he prouided a verye apte reméedye for this euyl for he striketh the Womans conscience with the féeling of her sinne And this againe is a notable example of his mercy for that almost he draweth her against her will which wyllinglye would not come Neuerthelesse we must here note that they must be wounded with the féeling of sinne which are to secure and almost past féeling For to such the Doctrine of Christ wyll séeme as a Tale vntyll they being Sited to the Tribunall and Iudgement seate of God are constrayned to feare him as theyr Iudge whome before they despised After the same manner also all those must bée handeled which in scoffing malepartnesse are not afrayde to rebell against the Doctrine of Christ to the ende they maye know that this their wickednesse shall not escape vnpunished For so great is the ostinacye of a greate many that they wyll neuer vouchsafe to heare him except they bée constrained therevnto Therefore so often as we sée the Oyle of Christ to bée vnsauerye we must mingle the same with Vineger that it maye beginne to sauour Yea this is necessarye for euerye one of vs for we are not seriouslye affected when Christ speaketh except we bée awaked by repentaunce M. For except we be affected with the féeling of our sinnes the largenesse of Gods grace shal be commended to vs in vaine For this cause the Preaching of repentaunce was appointed to go before the Gospel of grace Mark 1.4 15. And it pricketh more if we be but once admonished of our sinnes by others speciallye of our secréete sinnes than if the same were done ten times in the secréesie of our conscience This woman also knew that the Husband which shée had was not her Husbande notwithstanding she could not in the meane time bée brought to repentaunce by the Prycke of her owne Conscience but was driuen therevnto by another mans admonition The like also happened to Dauid 2. King 13. For he was not ignoraunt of his sinnes but yet neuerthelesse he was not drawen vnto repentaunce vntill hée was reproued by the Prophete Nathan And for this cause at the least it shal be profitable to come to Sermons that hauing gotten at the length a féeling of our sinnes we maye repent This therefore the more principall parte is necessarye for vs all that we maye bée made pertakers of Heauenlye grace The other is that we maye acknowledge Christ to bée that well of grace This commeth to passe by the Preaching of the Gospell which leadeth vs to the knowledge of Christ Without this repentaunce is Preached in vaine Bv. And certainelye so often as the righteous Lorde reproueth and reprehendeth our sinnes he doth it to no other purpose than that we shoulde acknowledge our disease and ronne to the Phisition and bée healed We must also here note the modestye and gentlenesse of Christ He might haue sayde What pratest thou of Heauenlye thinges and derydest the woordes of life seeing thou art a vile Strumpet Or else he might haue sayde Goe and call that Adulterer with whome thou hast vnlawful company But because his purpose was to deliuer her out of misery hée thought good not to prouooke her but to bring her faire and softlye to the knowledge and féeling of her owne vncleannesse This example of our Sauiour Christ must bée followed where there is hope of repentaunce where the same is not but by obstinate impenitencye the Doctrine of trueth is resisted there greater seueritye must be vsed Mat. 23.13 Luke 11.42 Luke 20.23 Ioh. 8.44 Euen as we may reade that our sauiour Christ did in diuers places against the Scribes and Pharisees impudent and obstinate enemies of the grace of God 17. The Woman aunswered and sayd vnto him J haue no Husbande M. As yet shée speaketh careleslye and although after a sorte simplye shée confesseth that which is true not suspecting what would followe yet notwithstanding she aunswereth not without carnall wisedome I haue sayeth she no Husbande Bv. desiring to couer her filthinesse and denying Matrimonye dissembled in the meane time Adultery C. Therefore the fruite of that admonition by whiche Christ intended to pricke and prouoke the Womans mind to repentaunce appeared not as yet And truelye the Dronken loue of our selues doeth so dasell our sences that the first prickes and prouocations doth nothing at all moue vs. But Christ verye aptlye prouideth for this dulnesse more forceablye pressing the sore 18. Iesus sayde vnto her Thou hast well sayd J haue no Husbande For thou haste had fiue Husbandes and he whome thou now hast is not thy Husband In that saydest thou truelye C. Christ nowe plainelye layeth her faulte before her M. and conuinceth her secréete sinne that shée might be touched with the féeling thereof and knowing her selfe might desyre the Heauenlye grace and gift of God which was offered Then also he doeth greatly Insinuate him selfe and créepe into her Conscience and bringeth her to this passe that shée beginneth to haue a better Iudgement of him Bv. For by these thinges he declared his Diuinity Iohn 1. séeking by all meanes to profite the Woman euen as he dealte also with Nathanael M. And hée taketh occasion of this matter by the womans aunswere and that verye friendlye and calmelye as it were cōmending her because in making this aunswere shée had tolde no lye but so that with that her commendacion he reuealeth that which shée for shame had kéepte secréete C. But it séemeth here that not one faulte of whoredome onelye is noted For in that shée is sayd to haue had fiue Husbandes it is credible that shee made so often chaunge of Husbandes because shée being a Malepart and disobedient wife constrayned them to bée diuorced from her As if Christ should haue sayde When God had ioyned thée to lawfull Husbandes thou neuer madest an ende of sinning vntyl by many infamous Diuorces thou haddest brought thy selfe to plaine whoredome For he to whome thou kéepest thy selfe is not thy lawfull Husbande but a secréete Whoremonger and yet notwithstanding thou in thine owne iudgement thinkest thy selfe an honest woman thou iustifiest thy selfe saying I haue done no euyll 19. The Woman sayeth vnto him Syr I perceyue that thou art a Prophete C. Here nowe appeareth the fruite of reprehension For the Woman doeth not onelye modestlye acknowledge her faulte but also sheweth her selfe prompt readye to heare the Doctrine of Christ which before shée reiected Repentaunce the beginning of true Docillitye Therefore as we sayde before repentaunce is the beginning of true
the Father the Spirite bearing witnesse vnto theyr spirites that they are the Sonnes of God and crying in theyr heartes Abba Father The Reprobate Rom. 8.16 Gala. 4.6 although they séeme to worshippe God yet they knowe not what true worshippe meaneth and doe alwaye abide in darkenesse although the lyght of the trueth doe shine more bright than the Sunne 22. Ye worship ye wote not what we knowe what wee worship For Saluation commeth of the Iewes Ye worshippe ye wote not what M. Because hée had sayde that the worshippe of bothe as well of the Iewes as of the Samaritanes should ceasse least he might séeme to haue nowe better lyking of the Temple of God at Hierusalem than of that which the Samaritanes had in Mount Garizin Bv. or myght seeme to make the Samaritanes worshippe equall with the Religion of the Iewes hée putteth downe a difference betwéene them both in these words and that no trifling one but a difference of great waight C. Notwithstanding hée deuideth the sum of his oration into twoo partes In the first he condemneth the forme of worshipping God which the Samaritanes vsed as supersticious and erronious and alloweth the worship of God among the Iewes as good and lawfull And he addeth the cause of this difference namely because the Iewishe worshippe was grounded vpon the word of God but that of the Samaritanes had nothing certaine from Gods mouth to maintayne the same Secondlye hée declareth that the Rites which the Iewes had hytherto obserued and kept shoulde shortlye haue an ende B. Therefore because the worshippe whiche was at Hierusalem at that tyme was stayed vppon the worde of God and that of the Samaritanes false by the Immitacion of the Fathers without the worde of God he repressed here the vaine bragging of the Samaritanes and affyrmeth that they worship they knowe not what That is to saye they worshipped God after a fashion of the whiche they were vncertayne whether it were acceptable before God or no naye it was reiected by playne oracles from God Therefore he taught the Woman that it was not méete for the Samaritanes to boast of theyr Religion and to preferre the same before the Religion of the Iewes C. This sentence of our sauiour Christ is worthy to bée noted by which wée are taught that wée ought to doe nothing rashelye or vnaduisedly in Religion because vnlesse knowledge be present to direct vs wée worship God no longer but a phantasie Wherfore by this sentence Good intencion ouerthrow all good intencions as menne call them are ouerthrowen for we knowe that men can doe nothing else but erre when they are ledde by their owne opinion and imagination without the worde of God M. For in the true worshippe of God there is required not onelye an Intencion to worshippe the true God but it is néedefull also that we haue knowledge to worshippe that we may bée certaine of our worshippe whether it please God or no. For saluation commeth of the Iewes B. Some restraine this vnto Christ who being the Sauiour of the worlde Rom. 1. ● was a Iewe by byrth C. But because there is no doubte but that Christ therefore preferreth the Iewes because they worshipped one God alone and no vnknowen God which reuealed him selfe vnto them and had chosen them to be his people vnder the name of Saluation that sauing manifestacion or reuelation which they had out of his worde ought to bée vnderstoode But why doeth hée say that saluation commeth from the Iewes when as rather it was hidde Question and layde vp in them that they alone might enioye the same Hée séemeth to allude vnto that whiche was spoken before by the Prophetes Aunsvvere Esay 2.3 That the Lawe should come from Sion For therefore were they segregated for a time from other people that from them at the leangth the pure knowledge of God might flowe to the whole world B. For the Gospell was deriued and brought from the Iewes to the whole worlde Lu. 24.47 And before the time of the Gospell the pure knowledge and Doctrine of God florished in no other nation than among the Iewes and it is likelye whatsoeuer the wyse men of the Gentiles haue euer taught that the same was euer borrowed of the Iewes Rom. 1.17 C. But this is the summe that if wee wyll haue our Religion allowable before God we must staye the same vpon the knowledge conceyued out of the worde of GOD. Wherevpon it followeth that they must néedes fall to Idolatrye which forsake the word of God M. Moreouer Christ ioyneth him selfe with the worshippers of God who notwithstanding is not onlye worshipped as true God of the faithfull but of the Angels them selues with the Father and the holye ghost But in that hée tooke vppon him the forme of a Seruaunt and was made man in that respect he worshipped the Father and was made obedient to him Phili 2.8 euen to the death of the Crosse 23. But the houre commeth and nowe is when the true worshippers shal worship the Father in spyrite and in the trueth for such the Father also requireth to worship him The houre commeth C. Nowe followeth the seconde part concerning the abrogating of the Legal worship M. whereby he teacheth what is the worship of the New Testament at the comming whereof those olde Ceremonies which were eyther at Hierusalem in vse or in any other place ought to ceasse And so hée admonisheth that the time of reformation is fulfilled Heb. 9.10 Therefore wée must note here the Antithesis or comparison betwéene the spirite and externall figures as betwéene shadowes the trueth Therfore the worship of God is sayde to stand by the spyrite because it is nothing else but the inward faith of the heart which bringeth forth inuocation secondlye the puritye of Conscience the denying of our selues that we maye bée whollye addicted and bent to the seruice of God Herevpon aryseth a question Question Did not the Fathers worship God spyritually vnder the Lawe I answere for so much as God is alwayes one God Aunsvvere hée hath not from the beginning of the worlde allowed any other worship than that which is Spyrituall which might agrée with his nature Of the which matter Moyses him selfe is a sufficient witnesse who declareth in many places that this is the onelye ende of the Lawe that the people cleaue vnto God in faith Deu. 10.12 and in a pure conscience But the Prophetes more plainely haue expressed this thing when they doe seuerelye inueye against the Hipocrisie of the people because they thought that God was pleased with that externall worship onelye Psal 50.8 Esay 1 11. Mic. 6.7 Amos. 8 14 with the offering of sacrifices Of the which wée may reade in the fiftéene Chapter of Mathew beginning at the eyght verse For such the Father also requireth to worship him M. This is the reason why the true worshippers worshippe the Father in Spyrite and in trueth namely because so it
séemeth good vnto God so the father wyll bée worshipped Therefore the wyll of God is that wée worshippe and serue him Psa 14.2 The Lorde looked downe from Heauen to see if there were any that would vnderstande and seeke after GOD. And in another place Psa 50.15 Call vpon me in the time of trouble and I wyll heare thee and deliuer thee and thou shalt glorifye me For that mightye God wyll be worshipped and called vppon of vs whome all the Angelles worship that we maye bée made pertakers of his grace and maye haue occasion to glorifye his name So hée sayeth in another place Esay 43.7 Euerye one shal be called by my name for I created him for my glorye formed him and made him Bv. This therefore is an argument taken of the good pleasure of God which is oftentymes reuealed vnto vs in the Scripture M. Wherefore all those Imagined and false worshippes are reiected which man hath deuised and this is prescribed to bee a true note of the worship of God that the same bée according to his Diuine wyll The which Socrates also is sayd to knowe and acknowledge 24. God is a Spirite and they that worshippe him must worship him in spirite and in the trueth Bv. The other argument of the Lord is taken from the nature of God God sayeth hée is a spirite where spirite is opposed against corporall substaunce Therefore God by his nature and substaunce is without a bodye Therefore he néedeth not neyther is hée delighted with corporall thinges neyther can wée winne his fauour with any thing but with the spirite He delighteth in pure sincere and spyritual thinges C. But séeing men are fleshe it is no maruaile if those thinges please them which bée agréeable to theyr disposition Herevpō it commeth that many thinges are myxed with the worship of God which are full of corruptions and imperfections But it should become them to consider this aboue all things that they haue to do with God Question who hath no more agréement with fleshe than fire hath with water B. But thou wylt saye if God bée a spirite and therfore wyll haue no other worshippers of him but such as worship him in spirite and in trueth why then gaue hée so many Ceremonies to them of olde tyme Aunsvvere For he was then also a spyrite In déede hée was a spyrite neyther dyd God then regard any other worshippe than that of the spyrite but because the people was then more rude and lyke vnto a Childe it seemed good vnto him so to declare his glorye in a rude and Childishe people and to haue some worshippe especiallye hée required to bée feared and to haue his worde obeyed and that with the whole heart Beholde the worship of Spirite and truth C. Moreouer wée must note that truth is not here cōpared with a lye but with the externall addition of Figures that the substance of spyritual worship might bée pure simple M. But the Bishops could not abyde this simplicity which was most acceptable to the Apostles and to the primitiue Church but so added Ceremonies vpon Ceremonies and beautified the same with outwarde shewe and made it glorious to the eye AV. that as this daye testifieth Christians farre excéede the Gentiles and the Iewes in superstition of external worshippe The which speciallye then preuayled when worldlye wisedome reiecting the word of God ruled the Religion of Christ For howe many is there at this daye which being contented with spirituall worshippe desyre not some externall Ceremonies to worshippe God withall B. When as notwithstanding Christian Religion for many signes receiued of Christ a fewe by which the true worship consisted and the same fewe easie to bée done r●yall to bée vnderstoode pure to bée obserued M. Therefore this argument taken of the nature of God is most strong of all other and such that it is not onely knowne to the Godlye and faithful but also to many of the Heathen Philosophers and Poetes Whereby theyr madnesse appeareth to be the greater which thinke that they doe greatlye please God with Gold with siluer with Tapers with Images with Bels and with such lyke Gentillity A. Therfore let vs content our selues with this that God wyll be worshipped in spyrite and trueth and not with mans inuentions 25. The Woman sayeth vnto him I wote that Messias shall come which is called christ when he is come he wyl tell vs all thinges J wote that Messias shall come C. Although the Religion of the Samaritanes was impure and confounded with many errours yet notwithstanding they styll beare in minde certaine principles which they had taken out of the Lawe as this of the Messias M. For they also looked for Christ thus farre agréeing with the Iewes although in worship without Christ they greatly disagreed To this Messias therefore the woman appealed when shée knew not how to aunswere the wordes of the Lorde C. For it is probable or likely that when the Woman gathered by the wordes of Christ that there was a wonderfull and strange alteration of the Church at hand shée straight way remembred Christ vnder whome they loked for a perfect reformation of all thinges B. Wherevpon the woman as it were to make an ende of theyr talke I am not ignoraunt sayth shée that Christ promised of God loked for alreadye of thus many ages shall come vntyll whose comming I wyl reserue these questions for hee shall at large declare vnto vs all thinges whatsoeuer thou hast vttered concerning the abrogating of the worship of the Iewes of the Samaritanes and of the Gentiles concerning Religion and concerning the Well and water of lyfe C. Therefore when hée sayeth that Messias shall come hée séemeth to speake of a tyme neare at hande And truelye it maye appeare by many reasons that the mindes of all men for the most part were greatlye comforted by hope of the comming of the Messias which shoulde helpe those that were in miserye and euen at the brinke of destruction Bv. For all the Prophesies were fulfilled the kingdome was taken awaye from Israel and the Priesthoode Gen. 49.10 was subiect to the power and gouernment of the Gentiles according to the olde Prophesie of Israel When he is come he wil tell vs all thinges M. Therefore they which looked for Christe first acknowledged that knowledge of GOD which they had before his comming to bee obscure and imperfect Secondlye that the same should bée made perfect by the comming of Christ because hee should plainelye declare all thinges The whiche twoo thinges are verye necessarye for our times For vnlesse wee knowe that all thinges are obscure and vnperfecte without the knowledge of Christ and that by Christ all thinges necessarye for our Saluacion and the knowledge of God are plentifullye set foorth it can not bee that wée shoulde imbrace the Doctrine of Christ as necessarye to our Saluation C. Wherevppon wée see that this Woman preferreth Christ before Moyses and the Prophetes
to lyfe 25. Verylye Verylie I saye vnto you the houre shall come and nowe is when the dead shal heare the voyce of the Sonne of God and they that heare shal liue Verilie Verilie J saie vnto you the houre shall come M. Now againe the thirde tyme he vseth this earnest affirmacion whiche greatly expresseth his minde first of all speaking not onely seriously and constantly but also of serious certaine and and waighty matters secondly requiring of the hearers an vndoubted faith also C. For the Euangelist so often times setting before vs the sonne of God swearing in the cause of our saluation we may thereby perceiue fyrst of all howe carefull he is for vs and secondly how néedefull it is that the credit of the Gospel be established and confyrmed The effect of faith of the which Christ here speaketh séemeth to be incredible Therefore by an othe hée affirmeth that the voice of his Gospell is of such quickening power that it is able to raise vp the dead B. There are some whiche vnderstand this worde of Christe of the resurrection or life of mens bodyes go about to proue the same by the example of Lazarus of the widdowes sonne C. but it is euident enough by the text that Christe doth speake of spirituall death Fyrst of al Christ admonisheth vs that we are all dead before he doth quicken vs. And hereby it appeareth what the whole nature of man is able to dooe concernyng the attaynyng to saluation It is verye true that there remayneth in the soule of man some remnant of lyfe for vnderstanding iudgement will and all the sences are partes of life but because there is no part which may aspire to life eternall it is no maruaile yf the whole man so farre forth as appertaineth to the kingdome of God be counted deade And of this death the Apostle speaketh in more wordes when he saith that we were farre from the pure and sincere reason of the mind and in the cogitacion of our hartes enemies to God and his righteousnes and being blind erred in darcknesse were geuen to euyll concupiscence If this corrupt nature haue no strength to attayne to righteousnesse it foloweth that the life of God is extinguished in vs. The grace of Christ the resurrection from death And so the grace of Christ is the true resurrection from death Also this grace is giuen to vs by the Gospel Not that the externall preaching of the same is of suche force which often times goeth in at one eare and commeth out at the other but because Christ speaketh within to our hartes by his holy Spirite that we may by faith receiue the lyfe offered vnto vs. R. Therefore to heare the voyce of the Sonne of God is not onely to heare those carnall wordes with our bodilye eares but to beléeue with the hart Wherfore they that beléeue are iustified For to beléeue with the heart maketh a man righteous Faith iustifieth Rom. 10.10 Gen. 15.6 Abacc 2.4 Also it is sayde Abraham beleeued God and that was imputed to him for righteousnesse Againe it is sayd the iust shall liue by faith For Christe doth not speake here of dead men but he only vnderstādeth the elect whose eares God doeth open that they may receiue the voyce of his Sonne which can restoore them to life Yea Christe distinctly in his wordes commendeth vnto vs two kyndes of grace when he sayth that the dead shall heare the voyce of the sonne of God Two kyndes of grace and liue For it is no lesse against nature for the dead to heare then to be restoared to lyfe from which they were fallen Therefore both these belong to the secrete powere of God A. For experience teacheth vs that the Reprobates haue eyes Esay 6.9 but yet they cannot see they haue also eares but yet they cannot heare and the Gospell of Christ is to thē a sauioure of death vnto death 2. Co. 2.16 When he sayth The houre shall come and nowe it is he speaketh as of an vnwonted and straunge thing And verily the preaching of the Gospell was the new and sodaine resurrection of the worlde A. Wherevppon when Christ taught Mar. 1.17 many sayde VVhat newe doctrine is this And Paul Preaching the resurrection of the dead some sayde Acts. 17.18 This man seemeth to bee a tydinges bringer of newe Deuilles C. If any man demaund whether the word of God hath not alwayes geuen lyfe to men aunswere maye bée made that the Doctrine of the Lawe and the Prophetes being ordayned for Gods people had rather this propertye and office to maintaine those in lyfe which were begotten to GOD The office of the lawe and gospel then to reduce from death But the office of the Gospell was to bring the Gentiles which before were banished menne from the kingdome of God enemies to God and voyde of all hope of saluacion into the society of life R. as also the Apostle teacheth in his Epistle to the Ephesians Ephe. 2.11 26. For as the Father hath life in him selfe so lykewise hath hee geuen to the Sonne to haue lyfe in him selfe M. In these woordes hée geueth a reason why he sayd that the dead should bée raysed vp and quickened by the voyce of the Sonne of God C. and withall he sheweth whereof it commeth that his voyce hath so great efficacye namelye because he is the well of lyfe and poureth the same into men by his voyce For lyfe coulde not flowe vnto vs out of his mouth except the cause and originall thereof were in him Neyther is God sayde to haue lyfe in him onely because hee alone lyueth by his owne proper power and vertue but because he contayning in him selfe the fulnesse of lyfe quickeneth all thinges And this belongeth properlye to God alone euen as it is sayde VVith thee is the well of life Psal 36.9 Hereby wée gather that this title is properlye ascribed vnto Christ in that hée was manifested in the fleshe M. and this hée receyued of the Father when the worde was made fleshe Iohn 1.14 Therefore in that hée is the sonne of God hée hath all thinges of him selfe but in that hée is the sonne of man he hath receyued all thinges from the Father 27. And he hath geuen him power also to iudge because he is the sonne of man And he hath geuen him power C. Againe he repeateth that power is geuen to him of the father that he might haue full power of all thinges both in Heauen and in earth for this worde Iudge is taken for rule and empyre as before But wée must principallye note the reason which hée nowe addeth Because he is the sonne of man M. To bée the sonne of man according to the phrase of Scripture is nothing else than to be a verye man euen as in that he is sayde to bée the sonne of God is meant that he is verye God for euery one is that naturallye which he is when hée
the preaching of the Gospell as many dreame To be drawne of the father is to be endued with fayth and with the holye Ghost by which our heartes are sealed and confirmed towarde Christ For the Father geueth fayth to whome he will and on whome he will he hath mercy Rom. 9.18 and whome he will also he maketh harde harted C. It is no violent manner therefore of drawing whiche draweth a man with externall hawling and pulling The holye Ghost draweth men to God of the whiche oure sauiour speaketh here and yet notwithstanding the motion of the holy ghost is so effectuall that it maketh men willing in despight of fleshe and bloud Wherefore that is false and prophane whiche some saye that no man is drawn against his will as though a man were obedient to God by his own motion and will For in that men willingly obaye God it commeth of him who frameth their hartes to his obedience A. Therefore mans fréewill is nothing And I will raise him vp at the last daye Reade the thirtie and nine and fourty verses going before 45. It is wrighten in the Prophetes And they shall be taught of God Euery man therefore that hath hearde and hath learned of the father commeth vnto mee It is wrighten in the Pro. M. Because it might seeme very straunge that he so gretly vrged that no man coulde come vnto him except he were drawne of the Father he bringeth the prophetical testimony cōcerning the same not that the same was more to be estéemed in it selfe then that whiche he had spoken but because the authority of the Prophetes was of greate credite and estimation with them C. He nameth Prophetes in the plurall number because al the prophecies were gathered together into one body in somuch that all the Prophets may very wel be comprehended in one booke But the place whiche is here cited is to be founde in Esay foure and fiftie chapter and the xiii verse where the Prophete speaking of the repayring of the Churche promiseth to the same sonnes which shal be taught of God Whereby we maye easely gather that the Churche can be no otherwise restoared excepte God taking vppon him the office of a teacher doe bringe the faithfull vnto him B. And not onely the Prophete Esaye teacheth this but the other Prophetes also For there is scarce one Prophet which hath not foreshewed in many wordes that this doctrine of the Father shall be specially in the tyme of Christe For although the fathers were taught and instructed with this doctrine yet notwithstanding it began to be more plentifully bestowed vppon the electe so soone as Christ was glorifyed Bv. If any man desier to haue farther testimony oute of the rest of the Prophetes lette him rede these places coated in the margent C Ier. 31.33 Eze. 36.26 Ioel. 2.28 But this manner of teaching of the whiche the Prophete speaketh consisted not in externall voyce onely but in the secrete operation of the holy ghoste also God calleth outwardely inwardely To be shorte this instruction of God is the inwarde illumination of the harte R. Notwithstanding wée maye not hereby take occation to contemne vocall predication and externall hearing For God verily teacheth but yet by externall meanes for fayth commeth by hearing He geueth his good spirite but yet by the preching of the Gospell he geueth increase but yet by the planting of Paule and by the watering of Apollo Wherfore God teacheth man ministereth faith receyueth doctrine God geueth hys spirite the Apostle ministereth the beléeuer receyueth and so those thinges are ministered and distributed by the seruice of the Apostles whereof God is the author him selfe This particle all ought to be restrayned to Gods elect which only are the naturall Sonnes of the Church Euery man therfore that hath harde Bv. Thrée thinges are put down in order the latter hath his originall of the two firste For they come vnto Christe which beléeue in Christe and they beléeue which haue learned and they haue learned of the father which haue harde the Father To heare therfore hath the firste place and it is properly referred to the institution or inspiration of the father going before For the father teacheth externallye with his worde of trueth by the ministers as by instrumentes and within he doth inflame them by his holy Spirite B. This is to be drawne of the father For the father doth not draw men to the Sonne as a man woulde drawe a stoane or a logge after him but by teaching and perswading C. As Christe therefore at the fyrste did denie men to be féete to beléeue excepte they were drawne euenso now he pronowceth that the grace of the spirite is effecttuall by whiche men are drawen to beléeue of necessitie Freewil ouerthrown By these two members the whole power of frée will is quite ouerthrowen of the whiche the Papistes so greately dreme For if wée come not to Christ before the father drawe vs wee haue not so muche in vs as the beginning of fayth nor redinesse at all to obaye Moreouer if all doe come whome the father teacheth he doth not only geue a desire to beléeu but also fayth it selfe Therefore in that wée willingly obaye by the dyrection of gods holy spirite it is a token of grace and of oure sealing because God shoulde not drawe vs if so be he stretching oute hys hande as it were shoulde leaue oure will in the midest in suspence For he is properly sayde to drawe vs when he extendeth the power of his spirite to the full effecte of fayth They are sayde to heare whiche with all their mynde submit them selues to God speaking within them because the spirit raigneth in their hartes B. Therefore they which come not vnto Christ do not come because eyther they haue harde nothing of the father concerning him or else are not taught so that they haue throughly learned him For the wicked do learne somewhat that is deuine but they learne throughly or sufficiently 46. Not that any man hath seene the Father saue he which is of GOD the same hath seene the Father M. He spake to a carnall people therefore by this adition he woulde prouide that they did not carnally vnderstand that which he spake concerning his Fathers doctrine forsomuche as God is inuisible and can be seene of no man C. And as he hath hitherto comended the grace of his Father euen so nowe he calleth backe all the Faythfull to him aloane For boath ought to be ioyned togither namely that there can no knowledge of Christ be had vntill the Father doth illuminate vs by his holye spirite which by nature are blinde and yet notwithstanding God is sought in vaine before wée haue Christ because the maiestie of God is so highe that mans scence and vnderstanding cannot reache vnto the same naye there is no knowledge of God without Christ His wordes dedepending on that which goeth before are thus muche in effect All men must bée
taught of the father Holy ghost our schole mayster the which teaching must not be such that a man shall sée the father in this fleshe but the Children of God shall be taught by the inward working of the spirit 1. Cor. 2.10 For they vpon whome it breatheth shal search out the profound misteries of God Mat. 11.27 To this effect also pertayneth this sentence No man knoweth the sonne but the Father also No man hath seene God at any tyme Ioh. 1.18 the only begotten sonne whiche is in the bosome of the Father he hath shewed him to vs. C. When he saith that the father is onely knowen to him he meaneth that this office properly belongeth vnto him selfe to manifeste him to men whiche otherwise is hidden far from vs. 47. Verely verily I saye vnto you hee that putteth his trust in mee hath euerlasting lyfe R By thys sentence our sauioure Christe declareth how we are made the disciples of his father namely by fayth in Christe Iesus by whiche it commeth to passe that wée obtayne euerlasting life What it is to beléeue in Christe wee haue before declared For we muste not immagine a confused and vaine fayth whiche spoyleth Christe of his power suche a faith is that which the Papistes haue who beléeue of Christe as they list them selues for therefore we obtayne lyfe by fayth because we knowe that in Christe all the partes of lyfe are contayned 48. I am the breade of life M. After that Christe had answered those murmurers and had sufficiently prouided for that offence which they hadde taken by the humilitye of his fleshe and by the knowledge whyche they had of hym he nowe consequently maketh repetition of those thinges whiche he had spoken and returneth to that whiche he had begonne concerning Manna R. shewing by a notable comparison howe muche better this quickening breade whiche he offereth is than the oulde Manna 49. You re fathers did eate Manna in the wildernesse and are dead M. This verse is two wayes expounded Some vnderstande it generally of all those Fatheres of the Iewes whiche did eate Manna in Moyses time in the desart as well Godly as vngodly insomuche that the Lord speaketh here in this place not of the death of the soule but of the body But othersome expound it of the wicked only whiche did eate Manna withoute fayth of the trueth in the whiche is lyfe and therefore are also deade that is to saye they perished euerlastingly But it séemeth not necessarye that wée here distinguishe betwéene the beléeuing and the vnbeléeuing Iewes C Onelye Christ sayth that Manna was a corruptible meate to their Fathers M. being foode not of the soule but of the body not sempiternall but temporall which coulde not saue them from death C. It followeth therefore that mens soules finde foode no where but in him whereby they maye be fedde into euerlasting lyfe 1. Cor. 10.3 For we must remember what was spoken in another place that there is no mention made here of Manna as Christ was a secrete figure For in that respect Paule calleth hym spiritual meat but here Christ frameth his speache to his hearers who being onely carefull for the féeding of their bellies had no farther consideration of any thinge in Manna He doth therefore Iustly pronounce that their fathers are deade that is to saye which were in like manner addicted to their bellies 50. This is that breade whiche commeth downe from heauen that if any man eate therof hee shoulde not dye C. Christ inuiteth and calleth those to whome hée speaketh to eate when he sayth that hée came that a man might eate For this kinde of speache is as muche as if he shoulde saye that hée is to bée eaten of so manye as will eate Shall not dye M. Christians dye aswell as other mortal men but they dye onely in bodye for a time and not in soule for euer And although the soules of the vnbeléeuing are immortall also yet notwithstanding their condicion is mortall and miserable insomuch that being aliue in pleasure they are counted deade 1. Tim. 5.6 Euen as the Apostle speaketh of the Widdow which liued in pleasure For the lyfe of the vnbeléeuing is not the true lyfe but a false imagination of lyfe and a mere phantasie by which they thinke themselues to lyue aloane when as indéede they are starcke deade Wee must also noate the vniuersall formes of speaking when he sayth If any man eate For by this manner of speache hée meaneth that hée is offered to all men insomuch that whosoeuer vseth hym shall be preserued in lyfe 51. I am the liuing bread which came downe from heauen If any eate of this bread he shall lyue for euer And the breade that I wyll gyue is my fleshe which I will giue for the lyfe of the worlde The Lord doth often tymes repeate this that all that beléeue in him shall haue euerlasting lyfe C. Because there is nothing more necessarie to bée knowne howe hardelye fayth taketh place in vs and howe soone it vanisheth awaye againe Wée all desire lyfe but in séeking of the same wée foolishlye wander in by wayes and the greater parte despise the same when it is offered For what is he that doth not fayne and promise lyfe vnto hym selfe withoute Christe And what is he that is satisfied and contented with Christe aloane Therfore this repetition is not superfluouse when Christ so often tymes affirmeth that it is he whiche geueth lyfe to the worlde For he taketh vnto him selfe aloane the name of breade that he might remoue out of oure myndes al false and fayned hope of lyfe Christ is the breade of lyfe M. What can the glory and plenty of terrene thinges profite in the whiche there is no life yf so be wée loose this breade in the whiche alone all saluation and euerlasting lyfe doeth consiste C. He nowe calleth that the liuing breade whiche before he called the bread of lyfe and all in one sence Afterwarde he sayth it came from heauen because in this worlde the figure whereof passeth and vanisheth awaye the spirituall and incorruptible lyfe is not to be found but onely in the heauenly kingdome of God So often as he maketh mencion of this worde Eate he exhorteth vs to faith whiche onely bringeth to passe that wée enioye this breade to lyfe And this is not in vayne because there are but a fewe whiche will voutsafe to reache out theyr hande to put this breade to their mouth naye when the Lord putteth the same to their mouthes they will scarse taste of the same but some fill them selues ful of wynde and othersome béeing lyke to Tantalus doe hungar and ar like to starue with meate before their mouthes And the breade that I will giue C. Because this secrete powre of geuing lyfe concerning whiche he spake might be referred to his diuine essens he nowe descendeth to the second degrée and teacheth that lyfe is included in his fleshe that men
ascended what is it else but that he descended first into the lower partes of the earth Hée which descended is euen the same also which ascended aboue all heauens Eph. 4.9 to fulfyll all thinges C. In that hée sayeth hée was first in Heauen it doeth not properlye agrée to his humanitye and yet notwithstanding hée speaketh of the Sonne of man But this is no vnwonted maner of speaking when twoo natures in Christe doo make one person and to attribute that to one which is proper to another 63. It is the Spirite that quickeneth the fleshe profyteth nothing The wordes that I speake vnto you are spyrite and lyfe It is the Spyrite that quickeneth M. This parcell contayneth a declaracion of those thinges at the which the Disciples were offended because they séemed harde C. For Christ teacheth that the Iewes receyued no profite by his Doctrine because the same being spyrituall they were but carnall hearers of the same But because this place hath béene diuersly expounded first of all it is needefull that wée haue the true and proper sence of the wordes whereby wée shal easely vnderstand the purpose of Christ In that hée denyeth the fleshe to profite any thing some doe amisse referre the same to the Iewes which were carnall Neyther doe they well whiche affyrme that the fleshe of Christe doeth profite vs nothing in that it is eaten but in that it is Crucifyed but wée must rather eate the same that it maye profite vs when it is Crucified B. Othersome vnderstande this of the Spyrite which the Apostles should receyue after the resurrection and Ascention of Christ affyrming that they had then the true sence of Christes wordes when that most excellent teacher of the trueth had replenished them with most ample knowledge of Christ But their opinion séemeth far better which thinke that these wordes Aloane or Of it selfe ought to bée ioyned therewith as if Christ should haue sayde The fleshe aloane or of it selfe profiteth nothing the which is agréeable to the matter it selfe C. For Christe hath simplye respecte to the manner of eating Hée doeth not therefore so speake as though there were no profite at all to bee receyued by his fleshe Flesh with out the spirite profiteth not but onelye pronounceth the same to bee vnprofitable if it bée remoued from the fleshe For whereof commeth it that the fleshe hath quickening power but because it is spyrituall Therefore whosoeuer stayeth in the terrestriall nature of the fleshe shall finde nothing in the same but that whiche is dead but they which lyft vp theyr eyes to the power of the Spyrite with the which the fleshe is endued shall féele by by theyr affection and by the experience of Fayth that it is not called quickening in vaine Nowe let vs sée how the fleshe of Christ is meate in déede and yet profiteth nothing Surelye it is meate because wée thereby haue gotten lyfe because in it God is pleased because in it wée haue all the partes of saluation complete it profiteth nothing if so bée we iudge and estéeme the same according to the nature and originall thereof For the seede of Abraham which of it selfe is subiect to death doeth not giue lyfe but it doeth receyue of the spyrite to geue vnto vs. Wherefore it doeth become vs also that wée maye bée truelye fed by the same to bring with vs the spyrituall mouth of Fayth The wordes which J speake vnto you are spirite M. Hée doeth not speake of the externall sounde of these wordes but of the sence and meaning of them and hée declareth that hée spake not carnallye of the carnall eating of his fleshe in the which there is no lyfe but spyrituallye of the power of the quickening Spyrite in the which there is lyfe C. In fewe wordes hée teacheth that his Doctrine is spyrituall for this word Spyrite is put for the Adiectiue spyrituall And that worde is called spyrituall which calleth vs vpwarde that the holye Ghoste being our guyde wee maye seeke Christ by Fayth and not in carnall sence in his heauenlye glorye For wée knowe that nothing of those thinges which are spoken can bée comprehended but by Faith It is also worthy to bée noted that hée ioyneth the Spirite with lyfe Hee calleth his worde lyfe of the effecte but he teacheth that the same shall geue lyfe to none but to him who spyritually receyueth the same for whosoeuer receyueth the same otherwise rather draweth to him selfe death than life To the godly this is a most sweete tytle of the Gospel that they are certifyed that the same is ordained for them to saluation they are notwithstanding herewithall admonished to shewe them selues méete Disciples For the woordes being receyued by fayth profite but without faith profite nothing at all 64. But there are some of you that beleeue not For Iesus knewe from the beginning which they were that beleeued not and who should betraye him But there are some of you M. The Lorde is wont to vpbrayd men with theyr vnbeléefe because there can no greater iniurye bée done to God than for men to doubte of his Fayth and trueth Christ againe blameth these men because they being deuoyde of the Spyrite doe wickedly depraue and corrupt his doctrine and by this meanes turne the same to theyr owne destruction For they might haue otherwise obiected and sayde Thou braggest that thy wordes are able to geue lyfe but wée sée no suche thing Hee sayeth therefore that they are a let vnto them selues For vnbeléefe as it is alwaye proud● shal neuer reape any fruite in the words of Christ Vnbeleefe contemneth Christ because it doeth contemptuouslye despise them Hée sayeth not There are some of you which vnderstande not but hée sheweth the cause wherfore they vnderstand not There are sayth hée some of you which beléeue not and therefore they vnderstande not because they beléeue not By fayth wée are coupled togeather and by vnderstanding wée are quickened fyrst let vs sticke fast throughe Fayth that there maye bée somewhat to geue lyfe by vnderstanding For hée which stycketh not fast resisteth and hée which resisteth doeth not beléeue For howe shall he bée quickened whiche beléeueth not C. Whereas hée sayth onely some of them are vnbeleeuing when as almost euery one of them had his faulte hée séemeth so to saye to this ende least if there were any which as yet were curable they might thereby bée brought to dispayre M. Hée meant therefore by more gentle admonition to bring them to a better minde and not so to cast them of that euery one of them might bée made carefull to obtayne the gyft of Fayth For Jesus knewe from the beginning Bv. This the Euangelist putteth downe to amplifye the aucthoritye and magistye of Christ C. Least any man shoulde thinke that Christ dyd rashlye iudge of his auditors Many professed them selues to bée of his flocke but their sodaine falling awaye bewrayed theyr hipocrisie But the Euangelist sayeth that theyr vnbeléefe whiche was
of men If so bée the workes which thou doest be altogither deuine thou shalt not feare the light but shalt goe with vs to the feast that thou mayest bée the more famous and honorable C. For séeing thou art indued with so greate vertue and power that thou canst win Fame by working signes and wonders loose not the same for thou doest in vaine spende and bestowe here those giftes whiche GOD hath giuen vnto thée where there are no méete witnesses and Iudges of the same B. For hée which woulde haue all men to speake fréelye and openlye of him must doe those noble actes which hée doth openlye and not in secrete Therefore make thy selfe knowne vnto the worlde B. Hereby wée perceyue how great the dulnesse of men is in waying and considering the workes of GOD. For the kinsemen of our Sauiour Christ woulde neuer haue spoken thus except they had vtterlye contemned and despised those manifest signes and proofes of his deuine power which they ought to haue receyued reuerenced with great admiration That whiche wée here in this place concerning Christ doth daylye happen For they which ought to be friendelye boath for néerenesse of bloude and also for other causes are more gréeuous and troublesome to the children of GOD than straungers oftentimes For they are the instruments of Sathan to draw and entise them which would scincerelye and faythfully serue GOD one while to ambition another whil to couetousnesse to the loue of the worlde and to such lyke Concerning the which matter reade more in our exposition of Mathew But Christ sharpelye repelling suche Sathans teacheth vs by his example Mat. 10.36 not to followe the foolishe willes and mindes of brethren 5. For his brethren beleeued not in him R. Now in this place that appeareth to be true Ioh. 4.44 which our Sauiour Christ sayth in a nother place A Prophet hath no honour in his owne countrey B. Hereby also wée learne that all are not godlye which appertayne vnto Christ concerning the fleshe For what did it profit these men whom the Euangelist noateth to be vnbeleeuers that they were the Lordes brethren C For the Spirite of Christe doth geue vnto them a perpetuall noat of infamie because they being conuinced by so manye testimonies of workes did not for all that beleeue Therfore as sayth Saint Paule VVhosoeuer desiereth to be in Christ must be a newe creature 2. Cor. 5 i7 B. For in Christ Iesus neyther circumcision auayleth any thing nor vncircumcision but a newe creature C. For they which geue them selues wholy vnto God are vnto Christe in stede of Father mother and brethren as for others he putteth them from hym Wherefore to ridiculouse is the superstition of the Papistes who in the virgine Marie all other thinges sett a parte only extoll the honoure of bloude as though Christe did not reprehende the Woman which cryed in the myddest of the multitude Blessed is the wombe that bare thee Luk. 11.27 and the Paps that gaue thee sucke For Christ aunswered Nay rather blessed are they which heare the worde of GOD and keepe it B. For the inwarde man aloane framed after GOD is acceptable vnto GOD and bringeth foorth the vndoubted fruite of righteousnesse M. Let vs noate also in this place how that fayth in Christ is the onely gift of GOD and commeth not by anye prerogatiue of fleshe and bloode For the faythfull are borne neither of bloude neyther of the will of fleshe nor of the will of man but of GOD. Also fleshe and bloude reuealeth not the sonne of God Ioh. 1.13 but the Father which is in heauen A. Let vs remember therefore what the Lorde answered to his kinsemen Iames and Iohn To sitte on my right hande Mat. i6 17 and on my left is not mine to giue but it shall happen to those for whome it is prepared of my Father 6. Then Iesus sayd vnto them my tyme is not yet come but your time is alwaye readye CHR. Some interpret this of the time of Christes death but not aptlye C. For hée speaketh of the time of his departure and affirmeth that hée differeth from his kinsemen in this that they might without daunger come forth at all houres in the face of the worlde because they haue the worlde their friendes but he hadde good cause to feare for that the worlde was his enimie And hée geueth them to vnderstande that they giue euill aduise in a knowne thing as if hée shoulde saye Bv. My time to goe thither is not yet come when time shall serue I shal néede none of your admonitions I know what when to do euery thing howe also and when I must be made knowne to the worlde doth not depend on mans counsayle but vpon my Fathers decrée M. Ye maye ascende to Ierusalem when ye will but I haue not alwayes that libertie you néede not waight your time because ye may goe when yée will but as for mée I must attende my time because all times to mée are not alike C. Wée are also here taught how dilligentlye wée ought to beware that wee doe all thinges by the rule of Gods worde and in due time Bv. and also to take héede that wee doe nothing rashelye without warraunt from God Hée talketh with vs in his worde Wée consult therefore with him when wée aske counsayle at his worde when wée praye and when wée craue his holye spirite Time ought to be considered according as ocasion serueth M. Euerie man therefore ought to consider his time and not to doe any thing out of due time but pacientlye to tarrye for the oportunity of a conuenient time The Lorde woulde not goe with his Brethren to Ierusalem because hys time was not yet come At another time hee commaunded Passeouer to be prepared for him at Ierusalem saying I will keepe the Pasouer at thy house with my Disciples And to his mother hée sayde Mat. 26.18 My houre is not yet come Let euerye one of vs therefore learne by thys example Iohn 2.4 to frame our selues according to the conuenientnesse of the time Rom 12.11 A. euen as the Apostle Paule teacheth vs but so notwithstanding that we swarue not the breadth of a nayle from our calling 7. The worlde cannot hate you but mee it hateth because I testifie of it that the workes thereof are euill C. The worde is here taken for men not regenerate which retaine theyr nature and disposition Whosoeuer therefore are not regenerate by the spirite of God are pronounced by our Sauiour Christ to be enimies vnto him And why Surely because they condeme his workes Wherefore if wée will stande to the iudgement of Christ wée must confesse that the whole nature of man is so vitious and corrupt that there can procéede from the same no right sincere or good thing M. Christ might haue said The high Pristes Scribes and Pharisées cannot hate you but they hate me But because his brethren had vsed this worde worlde
daunsing They meruayle if a man eate fleshe in Lent but they meruell not if all man prouoke GOD to wrath with sinne A. Reade more concerning the obseruation or breaking of the Sabboth in oure exposition of the twelfe Chapter of Mathew beginning at the second verse 24. Iudge not after the vtter appearaunce but iudge with a ryghteouse Iudgement After he had ended his defence hée vseth also reprehension because they being caried awaye with euill affections Deu. 1.16 iudge not rightlye of the cause R. The Law commaundeth Iudges to iudge with a righteous iudgement and not to respect any mans person because the iudgement is Godes Of this Law Christ putteth the Iewes in minde that in this cause concerning the breaking of the Sabboth Iust iudgement they should not with respect of persons neyther with enuie nor with fauour iudge but with iust iudgement that is to say the only cause considered Bv As if hée should saye in iudging of my déede yée must not follow the affection of anger nor of hatred but equitie and the minde of the Lawe Ye shoulde verilye be conuinced of great iniustice if so be in one and the selfe same facte ye iustifie Moyses and condemne mée but your iudgement shall be iust if that be not imputed to me for sinne which was not hurtfull to him Furthermore Circumcision was iustely reuerenced among them When the same was done vppon the Sabboth daye they knew that the Law was not broken because the workes of GOD among themselues doe rightlye agrée And why doe they not so thinke of Christes work but onely because a conceyued preiudice of the person possesseth their mindes therefore the iudgement shall neuer be right except it bée moderated by the truth of the matter For so soone as the persons come in sight they bende their eyes and scences vppon them Preiudice in iudgement so that truth quight vanisheth awaye R. The Iewes excused Moyses because of the aucthoritie of the person of the breaking of the Sabboth although by his decree and by the decrée of the Fathers also an infaunte might be circumsised and sacrifices killed and they accused Christ because of the contempt and basenesse of the person who by the same example of Moses had not cut of a mannes member but had healed the whole man on the Sabboth day Therefore Chirst reuoketh them to the rule of right iudgement C. The which admonicion ought to take place in all causes and matters but most necessarie it is when wée haue to doe with deuine and heauenlye matters For wee are most easilye drawne from the same by the hatred or contempt of men M. For wheras they which commonlye are counted learned men are so greate enimies to wholesome doctrine and are drawne awaye in iudgement who séeth not that this is the fault therof that they haue more respect eyther to the Rulers or to the Bishops or to the persons of the Princes and to the outwarde shewe of religion which the common people best alowe than what is true or false in these matters whereabout they contende And it is to be noated that Christe sayde not I will not haue you simply to iudge of my facte for I am the Lorde of all things and am subiect to no mans iudgement but he sayde Iudge not after the outewarde apperaunce but Iudge with a righteouse Iudgement By whiche wordes verely he doeth not refuse to haue Iudgement geuen of his workes but he requireth that wee Iudge rightly of the same What Insolencie and pride is it then whiche remayneth in the Bishop of Rome who sayth not with Christe whose vicar notwithstanding he boasteth him selfe to be Iudge not after the vtter apperaunce of my dedes but simply he sayth I will not haue you to Iudge of me and of my déedes at all A. So many Théeues Robbers murtherers would say yf it might be graunted them But Christe doth not thus although he were Lord of all but setteth his workes and doctrine before the wicked to bée Iudged so that theey obserue right iudgement As we shall sée also hereafter in the eyghtéene chapter EVS. We gather also by this place that Moyses and christ doe not disagrée as the Iewes thought Moyses Christe agree nay the Lawe and the doctrine of Christ as touching the Spirite doe very well agrée A. As maye also easily be proued by sondery places of Scripture 25. Then sayde some of them of Ierusalem Is not this he whom they goe aboute to kill These thinges shewe howe the doctrine of truth preached to the worlde is receiued what troubles soeuer aryse for the Gospelles sake For after the truth is preached the wauering and constante multitude are deuided into sondery affections M. These men of Ierusalem of whome the Euaungelist speaketh here were not of the Rulers Scribes Phariseis and Seniours of the people but of the Citizens and Indwellers of Ierusalem to whome the beginning of thys lyinge in waight was knowen and who knewe howe greatly Christe was enuied These men therefore kowing what greate hatred the Rulers of theyr nation bare to Christ marueile not in vaine they béeing nowe quiet that Christe woulde not only walke openly in the Temple but also bouldly preache in the same but in this they offende that they doe not waye and consider the prouidence of God in a myracle altogether deuine Euenso carnall men so often as they behoulde some straunge worke of God do marueile but in the meane time there commeth not into their minde any consideration of Gods power But it is our parte more wisely to expende and waye the workes of God specially when the wicked notwithstanding all theyr practises hynder not the race of the Gospell as they desyer because God with his mighty hande doeth caste them downe 26. But lo he speaketh bouldly and they saye nothing to him Doe the Rulers knowe in deede that this is very Christ M. These Citizens séeme to be gréeued that Christe preacheth so fréely the Scribes and Phariseis houlding their peace whose lying in wayte they knewe well ynough Here is to be noated the libertie of Christ in teaching For he did not preache couldly in the Temple as some doe but openly fréely and bouldly So muste they speake which mayntayne the trueth with a good conscience knowing that they do not speake their owne phantasies nor the dreames of other men but the worde and trueth of God in the Church although the same be impugned and withstoode by wicked Bishopes and Rulers of the people It is not sufficient to speake that whiche is trueth but this specially is required that those thinges be spoken whiche are true that the same be spoken truely and bouldely not obscurely but manifestlie not fearfully but constantlye R. Christe knewe well ynough the hatred and liynge in wayte of the Phariseis for he sayde before Bouldnesse in preaching the truth why do ye seke to kill me and yet notwithstanding hée speaketh before them voyde of all feare
hath opened and reuealed to vs the hydden treasures of God They are worthy therefore to perishe miserablye who being called gently and louingly of Christ wander else where Out of his bellye shall flowe Riuers Bv. By this hée meaneth the plenty and abundaunce of al giftes and good works C. For in him he teacheth is stoare and sufficient to fyll vs. The Metaphor in shewe séemeth harde when hée sayth that Ryuers of water of lyfe shal flowe out of the bellye of the faithfull notwithstanding the scence and meaning is plaine inough that the beléeuing shall neuer want any spyrituall goodnesse Hée calleth that the water of lyfe which in springing shal neuer decrease or waxe drye as is sayde before The bellye of the inwarde man is the conscience of the heart And by floodes hée meaneth the manifolde Graces of the Spyrite which are necessary to the spyrituall life of the Soule To bée short here is promised vnto vs as well the perpetuity of the giftes of the spyrite as the plentye of the same 39. But this spake he of the Spyrite which they that beleeue on him should receyue for the holye Ghost was not yet there because Iesus was not yet glorifyed But this spake hee M. Because the woordes of Christ were to the ignoraunt obscure and darke as Parabolicall therefore it séemed necessarye to the Euangelist to expound the same C. The name of water is sometyme geuen to the Spirite because of cleanesse because it belongeth vnto him to purge our fylthinesse but in this place and in such lyke there is not al one manner of speache and that because we are voide of all humour moystnesse of life vntil such time as the spirite of god doth water vs with his spiritual and heauenlye dewe And here is a figure called Synecdoche because all the partes of life are comprehended vnder this one worde of water whereby also wée gather that whosoeuer are not regenerate by the spirite of Christ are to bée counted for dead men although they séeme to them selues to haue lyfe For the holye Ghost was not yet M. These wordes shewe the cause wherefore it was sayde VVhich they should receyue and not rather VVhich they that beleeue haue receyued Because sayeth hée The holye Ghost was not as yet Bv. Hée speaketh not here of the essence of the holye Ghost which is coequall and coeternall with the Father and the Sonne M. For it is written By the worde of the Lorde the Heauens were made and all the powers of them Psal 33.6 by the breath of his mouth And the whole Scripture of the olde Testament doeth testifye no lesse of him than of Christ the worde of God Neyther doth hée speake simplye concerning his working and giftes in the faithfull as though before Christ was gloryfied the holye Ghost dyd not worke in the mindes of the Godlye as well in the tyme of the olde Testament as of the Newe when as he manifestlye declared himselfe in the Prophetes in the Patriarkes in the Godlye Kinges and in all those godlye men which began to cleaue vnto Christ whether they were Apostles or others that many wayes C. But the Euangelist doeth deny that the same grace of the spirite which after the resurrection of Christ was shed out vppon 〈◊〉 was openlye geuen so long as Christ was in this worlde vnder the hum●●● base forme of a seruaunt And hys forsaketh comparatiuelye as when the new Testament is set against the olde God promiseth his spirite to the faythfull as if hée had neuer geuen the same to the Fathers Then verilye the Disciples receiued the first fruites of the spirite for whereof came Fayth but of the Spirite R. And dyd not the Apostles cast out Deuelles by the power of the holye Ghost and confesse Christ to bée the Sonne of GOD before the Crosse And the confession of Fayth is a worke of the holye Ghost and not of fleshe C. Therefore the Euangelist doeth not deny but that the grace of the Spyrite was geuen before the death of Christ to the Children of God but hee affirmeth that the same was not yet so manifest and euident as it should bée afterwarde For this is the principall ornament and bewtye of the kingdome of Christ that hée gouerneth his Church by his holye spyrite But hée tooke then the iust and solemne possession of his kingdome when hee was exalted to the right hande of his Father It is no maruayle therefore if hée deferred the full exhibition of his Spirite vntyll that time Regeneration the feuite of the spirite But it may bée demaunded here whether hée meane the visible graces of the Spyrite or regeneration whiche is the fruicte of Adoption I aunswere The holye Ghost appeared which was promised at the comming of Christ in those visible gyftes as in a glasse notwithstanding properlye hée speaketh here of the power of the holy Ghost by which wée are borne againe in Christ and are made newe creatures 40. Many of the people therefore when they hearde this saying sayde Of● trueth this is the ●●●phete Bv. Here is repeate●● 〈◊〉 the truth of the Gospell is receyue●● the world For those thinges which hée had spoken euidentlye and plainlye made the multitude diuerslye affected in the which were both good and simple and also wicked and peruerse hearers C. Wherevpon some thinking one thing and some another there roase contencion among the people And there are reckened vp thrée sortes of hearers of Christ Thre sorts of hearers of Christ The first sort confessed Iesus to bée a true Prophete whereby wée gather that they dyd not abhorre his doctrine but howe light and friuolous this confession was it appeareth thereby that they alowing the teacher neyther vnderstoode nor felt what hée meant or spake For they could not trulye imbrace Christ as a Prophete but they must also acknowledge him to bée the Sonne of God and the aucthour of theyr saluation notwithstanding in this they doe well that they thinke some diuine power to bée in Christ which causeth them to reuerence him For being thus apte to bée taught they might easely haue attayned to Faith as is sayde in another place 41. But other sayde this is christ But some sayde shall christ come out of Galilee But other sayde C These dyd better which plainlye confessed Christ M. For they séeme to profite better in the doctrine of Christ than others and to bée better instructed and learned in the holye Scriptures than others Bv. For they acknowledge him to bée the true Messias promised before in the Lawe and the Prophetes which was a true confession For it comprehendeth the whole sum of al the Christian fayth and the Reuelacion thereof is sayde to depende not of fleshe and blood Mat. 16.17 but of the spyrite of God But some sayde shall Christ C. The thirde sorte resist being euyl and vnbeléeuing and corrupted with the Leuen of the Pharisees which do not onely thinke and speake otherwise than dyd the
in it except it receyue the same from Christ Otherwyse it were but vayne and superfluous to geue lyght vnto lyght C. Therefore without Christ there is not one sparke of true light There maye appeare some shewe of bryghtnesse hut it is lyke to a sodayne flashe which doeth nothing else but dasell the eyes Bv. Moreouer the Lorde promised in the Scriptures long before that hee woulde geue this lyght as whan it is sayde The Lorde hath sworne in truth to Dauid and he wyll not shrinke from it saying Psa 132.11 Of the fruyte of thy bodye wyll I sette vppon thy throane If they sonnes keepe my couenaunt and my testimonies that I shall teache them there sonnes also shall sytte vppon thy throne for euer For the Lorde hath chosen Zion and loued to dwell in it saying This is my rest for euer here wyll I dwell for I haue a delight therein There wyll I make the horne of Dauid to bud for I haue ordayned a lyght for myne annoynted To this promyse the Prophetes had oftentimes respect as is to bée séene in dyuerse places As in Esay where the father sayth I haue geuen thee to bee light to the Gentilles 3. Kin. 11.36 3. Kin. 15.4 2. Cor. 21.7 Esay 49.6 that thou mightest bee my saluation to the worldes ende Wherevnto that Iust man Simeon afterwarde alluding sayth that Iesus was geuen to be a light to the Gentilles Luk. 2.32 C. Furthermore we must noate that the partes of illumening are not restrayned to the parson of Christe For although he be farre from our bodely syght yet notwithstadding he doth daily illumen vs by the doctryne of his Gospell and by the secret power of his holy Spirite Notwithstanding we haue not yet a ful definition of this light except we learne that we are illumined by the Gospel and by the Spirite of Christe to the ende we maye knowe that in hym is hydden the well of all knowledge and wisedom Therefore as Sathan is sayde to be the Prince of darcknesse Sathan is the Prince of darcknes because the works that he worketh in the Children of vnbeléefe are euell and corrupt insomuche that by them the wicked fall headlong as it were blynded into distruction So Christ Iesus is set before vs as the true Sonne of righteousenesse that by the benefite of his light we maye be illumined in the midest of the darckenesse of this worlde and maye be brought to eternall life A. And by what reason the name of light maye agrée with the Law with the apostells also and with the faithfull we haue shewed in the eyght verse of the fyrst Chapter Hee that followeth mee C. Here is the exhortation of Doctryne whych the promise strayght after added confirmeth For when we heare that they are out of the daunger of erring which committe them selues vnto Christe to be gouerned it is méete that we shoulde be stirred vp to followe Whervnto he himselfe draweth vs as it were by reaching out his hande vnto vs. This large and greate promise also ought very muche to mooue vs that wée which direct our eyes vnto Christ are sure to walke in the right waye without erring through the middest of darcknesse M. Therefore it is not ynough that Christe is the light of the worlde that we might not walke in darcknesse but it is necessarye that wée follow him They which tourne themselues another waye and which followe not this light but are enimies to the same as they are not illumined by the beames thereof so necessarily they walke in darckenesse Neyther is it sufficient to know the same that darckenesse maye be shunned but wee must also walke in it For hée sayth not Hée which knoweth me walketh not in darckenesse but which followeth me He doth not by and by walke in the light which knoweth the light he doth not by and by followe Christ the light of truth which hath receyued the knowledge of Christ R. To followe Christ in this place is to beléeue in Christ Bv. For by faith that light is receyued and Christ is made our light shining in our heartes Some in this worlde followeth one thing and some a nother as honours riches pleasures and I cannot tell how many such kinde of vanities But those whiche are wise followe Christe by whome they receyue greate profite For they whyche followe hym shall not walke in darkenesse shall not wallowe in wickednesse which are called the workes of darckenesse but shall haue the light of life Iohn 6 4● R. For hée which beléeueth in mée sayth our Sauiour hath euerlasting lyfe C. Therefore the faythfull shall walke most constantlye vntill they come to the marke For this to them is an euerlasting lyfe Wherefore there is no cause why wée shoulde feare to faynt in the myddest of our iourney séeing that hée leadeth vs vnto life And it is no meruayle if there bée suche grose and palpable darckenesse of errors and suspicions in the worlde when as there are so fewe which beholde Christ B. For hée which beléeueth not in Christe nor followeth thys lyght as hée wanteth this his spirite so it is necessary that he walke in darkenesse that is to saye that he followe carnall reson the bonde seruaunt of euill desires whereby hée followeth alwayes that which is hurtefull For what hurtfull thing is it which he followeth not God set aside 13. The Pharisees therefore sayde vnto him thou beareste recorde of thy selfe thy recorde is not true PAR. The Phariseis being swallowed vp of the manifest light of the truth and blinded therewith neyther féele nor sée the light nay they renew the contention and begin anew altrication against Christ by which notwithstanding the doctrine and truth of the Gospell is rather more manifested than obscured These men feared leaste the people forsaking them woulde haue followed Iesus by whiche they knewe that theyr auchoritye shoulde not a little decaye yet notwithstanding they coulde not hitherto by any reasons refell and confute the true doctrine of Christ and his mightie and wonderfull déedes They fall therefore nowe againe to their woonted cauilles to proue if peraduenture they myght bring the rude and simple people to haue Iesus in suspicion of arrogancye and vaine boasting C. They obiect a common saying That no man is to be trusted in hys owne cause As if they shoulde saye R. Thou commendest thy selfe but that commendation or testimonye which a man geueth of himselfe is of no aucthoritie or credite It is the parte of an arrogant man and not of one that speaketh the truth to boast and commende hymselfe wée beléeue not thine owne testimonye But proue out of the worde of GOD that thou art the verye same whome thou preachest thy selfe to be and wée will beléeue thée Doeste thou thinke vs to be so scencelesse that wée will by and by receyue thy worde as deuine We are Doctors of the Lawe wherefore except thou proue thy preaching by the Lawe wée will not beléeue thée but wyll
fruite Ver. 37. Also of the good Trée wée saye in the Winter This Trée bringeth forth good fruite Iohn 13.27 So these Iewes to whome Christe made aunswere in this place dyd then commit the sinne of murther not in acte but in thought meditacion and purpose when they spake these thinges vnto the Lorde For they sought to kyll him as he shortlye after sayde vnto them Ye seeke to kyll mee So the Lorde sayde to Iudas in the time of the Supper That thou doest doe quickly And what was the miserable wretche then doing In action he was at Supper but in thought and minde he was betraying the Lorde The Lord speaketh not of that which hée dyd in action but of that which hée dyd in heart and in minde and yet notwithstanding the Lorde sayde not That whiche thou wylt doe but That which thou doest do quicklye So to fulfill the Lawe and the commaundementes is taken in the Scriptures for a desire to doe the Lawe and the commaundementes Therefore to committe sinne is not simplye to sinne but to haue a desire to sinne although sinne be not finished in act Euen as to doe good is not simplye to doe good in act and deede but to haue a desire to good although the good worke come not alwayes in act Moreouer although boath the elect and the reprobate doe sinne yet not withstanding the elect doe not committe sinne but the reprobate onely For they which are of God as they haue séede of God in them euen so they detest synne from their hearte and that which they detest they cannot studiouslye meditate and fynishe This matter Saint Iohn very notably handleth in his fyrst Epistle The which notwithstanding fauoureth not the secte of the Annabaptistes which by these places goe about to proue that a Christian man symplye cannot synne affirming also because they will bee counted true Christians that they are cleane without sinne and that they can by no means synne the which is a most subtill practise of Sathan in them that hée maye bring the weake mindes of the godlye whiche doe féele the force of synne in them selues to desperation But there is no mencion of sinne made here generally but of a willing desyer and meditation to synne as we haue sayde 35. And the seruaunt abideth not in the house for euer but the Sonne abydeth euer Bv. Now followeth the denouncing of punishment belonging to seruauntes vnder the similitude taken from lawes and pollitique gouernment As the seruaunt though for a tyme hée rule and gouerne is not neuerthelesse the master of the house but is thrust out of the Doores or chaunged at the pleasure of his Lorde euenso the bondeseruaunt of sinne though for a time he playe the Hipocrite and counterfaite pietye and séeme to haue God fauourable vnto him is notwithstanding in due tyme excluded from the presence of God and fellowshippe of Sayntes for the house figureth the fellowshippe of God and of the Saintes C. Whervpon it foloweth that there is no libertye perfecte and perpetuall but that which is gotten by the Sonne of God By this meanes Christ reproueth the Iewes of vanitye because they bragge of a counterfaite shew as if they had the thing it selfe For wheras they were the carnall progeny of Abraham they were nothing but counterfaites They had aucthority in the Church of God but such authoritie as Ismael vsurped to him selfe for a short time the seruaunt exalting him selfe against the true and lawfull Sonne The summe is this whosoeuer boaste themselues to be the sonnes of Abraham doe nothing else but make a certaine colored and counterfayte shewe 36. If therefore the Son make you free then arre you free in deede M. Christ speaketh here of hymselfe but in the thirde person Bv. As if hée shoulde saye Whosoeuer trulye desireth to be frée and to be the heyre of euerlasting lyfe let him séeke to be made frée by me which am the Sonne of GOD that is to saye Let him beléeue mée and abyde in my wordes and the truth shall make him frée C. By these wordes hée declareth that the power of freedome belongeth to hym aloane and that all other being borne seruants are not made frée but by hys grace onelye For whatsoeuer he hath proper by nature hée giueth vnto vs by adoption when we are by faith ingraffed in his body and are made his members Therefore our goodnesse commeth by the fréedome of Christ Freedome commeth by Christ but yet we obtaine the same by fayth Which also bringeth to passe that Christ doth regenerate vs by his holye spirite M. This clause in déede reiecteth all the fréedome that commeth by fleshe and bloud because the same is not true libertie So that libertie is sought in vain without Christ For he geueth vnto vs his Spirite whereby wée béeing free follow with willing mindes those thinges that belong vnto God which only is true libertie For what doth it profite in fleshe to the rule the whole worlde and in mind to be the seruaunt of death For so long as concupiscence beareth any rule inv vs as it bringeth vs to synne so also it leadeth vs to death For the reward of sinne is death Rom. 6.26 Iam. 1 Rom. 8.13 Also S. Iames saith Lust when it hath conceiued bringeth forth sinne and Sinne when it is finished bringeth forth death And the Apostle Paule sayth yf ye liue according to the fleshe ye shall dye 37. I knowe that yee are Abrahams seede but yee seeke means to kill mee because my worde hath noe place in you Bv. Now our sauioure Christ doth more strongly confute the swelling and vaine glory and boasting which was in the Iewes by which they boasted them selues to be the seede that is to saye the posteritie of Abraham As if hée shoulde say Admitte I shoulde graunt vnto you this thing in the which yée so greately glory what notwithstandyng doth it profite them to be called the Children of Abraham which rage and fume against God and his ministers who being mooued with wicked hatered against the trueth are swiftly caried to shedde innocente bloud R. Ye are in déede the posteritie of Abraham but not the true spirituall but the carnall seede the which maye manifestlye appeare hereby for that ye go about to kill mée beléeuing not my word For so were the carnall sonnes of Abraham woont to persecute the spiritual B. These thinges he spake spiritually to those hipocrites and enimies the Iewes which beléeued not in him Gala. 4.29 Howbeit hée ment by these wordes to declare vnto those men also that God nothing regardeth the libertie of the fleshe Hée taught that boath true libertie and nobillitie must be estéemed and iudged by workes and that it is nothing to be borne after the flesh of Abrahā if the spirite of Abraham be not also adioyned there vnto whereof followeth both the lyfe and purpose of Abraham C. When hée sayth that they sought to kill him because his worde had no place
the séede of Abraham but yet frée that they might be reckoned the heires of lyfe whome hee sanctifieth with his holy Spirite M. But séeing the Fayth of Abraham is so greatly commended Question that it shoulde be as an example for all other beléeuers to followe why doth Christe rather propounde his workes then his fayth For he sayth not If ye weare the children of Abraham ye would haue the Fayth of Abraham but if ye were the Children of Abraham ye woulde doe the déedes of Abraham I aunswere Because Abrahams fayth was not deade and voyde Aunsvvere but liuely and effectuall the Lord speaketh not of the workes of Abraham which were done without faith but he maketh mencion of the workes of Abraham as of frutes witnesing and declaring his faith because he purposed by manifest Argument to prooue that his aduersaries were degenerate from the pietie of Abraham For if they had had the fayth of Abraham they would haue declared the same by such workes as differeth not from the pietie of Abraham A good trée is knowen by good frute 40. But nowe yee goe aboute to kill mee a man that hath toulde you the truth which I haue heard of God this did not Abraham C. By the effect he declareth that they are not the children of Abraham because they resiste God For what notable thing is commended in Abraham but the obedience of Fayth This therefore is noate of difference so often as wee must put a difference betwéene Straungers and the Sonnes of God For vain titelles howsoeuer the world do estéeme of them are of no estimation with God M. Christ might haue obiected many other workes to the Iewes which they had committed whereby they declared them selues to be degenerate and vnlaufull children For Abraham was liberall but they were couetouse Abraham was sounde and perfect but they were ypocrites Abraham worshipped God aright but they made the howse of the Lordes worshippe a denne of théeues they deuoured widdowes howses which Abraham neuer did Christ I saye might haue obiected some of these thinges but leauing all these thinges he only obiecteth this that they went aboute to kill him For this was such a haynouse dede that no other was comparable vnto the same Wherevpon also in the parable of the vinyarde which was let out vnto the husband man in the latter ende of the same it is sayde that they went about to kill the Sonne which the Father sent vnto them as the heire of the vinyarde Mat. 21.38 Furthermore we are taught by this place that the mynde and purpose to doe any worke is accounted for the worke it selfe yea if thou consyder well the intent to doe any euell thing is worse then the worke it selfe and the intent to doe any good worke is better then the worke it selfe Intent to kil is worse thē slauter it selfe Better is the desyer to doe good to those that are in misery then the almes dede it selfe and the Intent to kill is worse than the murder it selfe The Almes dede maye be so done that it maye displease God concerning the which reade the fyrst of Mathewe A murderouse déede maye be so done that it maye please God as may appeare in the Leuites in Phineis in Iehu and so refused that God maye be displeased for the not dooing of it as wee maye sée in Agag Amalech whome Saule kept aliue Exod. 32 29 Num. 25.7 4. Kin. 10. 1. Kin. 15 8. 3. King 20.42 in Benadab king of Asciria whome Achab sent a way aliue But the desire and intent to doe good cannot displease God euen as the desyer to kill cannot please him A man that hath tould you the truth This oure Sauioure Christe addeth to shewe the wicked Ingratitude of the Iewes and to make it openly knowen that they are the Children of the Deuell because they were such sworne and mortall enemies to true and wholesome doctrine This did not Abraham M. What Did not Abraham kill a man We reade that he slue fower kinges and deliuered his kinsman Lotte out of their handes But the simple mening of Christes wordes is that Abraham was not so cruell as to kill an Innocent man Gen. 14 15 and that he was not so vnthankful as to kill one which instructed him in the truth and so wicked as to kill the Ambassodoure of God as did his posteritie 41 Yee doe the dedes of your father Then sayde they to hym we be not borne of fornication wee haue on father euen God M. We maye behoulde here great moderation in our sauioure Christ As yet he spareth them not by and by openly affirming that the Deuill is their Father the whiche notwithstanding he afterwarde did when they did not onely malapertly saye that they were the sonnes of Abraham but also the children of God Let vs also immitate this modesty that so long as it maye be done with the glory of God we may spare the wicked and to take héede that we do not styrre and mooue them so much as wee maye But rather let vs with méekenesse instruct them yf at any time it may please God to geue vnto them repentaunce and grace to knowe and beeléeue the truth We bee not borne of fornication Bv. These men styll obstinately goe forewarde to mayntaine their nobillitye speciallye when they perceiued by the order of Christes woordes that hée assigned the Deuyll to bée theyr Father Therefore nowe on the contrarye parte they doe not onelye boast themselues to bée the children of Abraham but also the children of God C. Howbeit they accounted it all one thing to be the children of Abraham and the children of GOD. But in this they dyd greatlye erre that they imagined God to bée tyed and bound to the séede of Abraham For thus they reason God chose the séede of Abraham to him selfe therefore séeing wée come of the séede of Abraham we must néedes be the children of God Now we sée how they thought that they receyued holynesse euen from their Mothers wombe because they came of a holye stocke Moreouer they goe about to proue them selues to be the Church of God because they had their originall of the holy Fathers euen as at this daye the continuall succession from the Fathers doeth puffe vp the Papistes and make them too swelling prowd With suche delusions Sathan beguileth them that they might deuide GOD from his worde the Church from the Faith and the kingdom of Heauen from the spirite But if so be the aunswere of Christ were auailable to refell the Iewes it is of no lesse force to conuince them at this daye For Hipocrites wyll alwayes falsefye the name of God but they shall neuer bring to passe but that they shal be accounted lyers of suche as leane to the iudgement of Christ M. We sée here that the wycked aduersaryes of Christ knew well inough that the impietye of false worship was spirituall whoredome and that the same was filthye and to be detested of the
people of God and therefore they would not séeme to be pertakers of the same By the which wordes they chalenge to themselues both pietye and also the true worship of God Therefore it is no rare and vnwonted thing that Hipocrites being farre from all true sincere pietye and from the worship of God shoulde chalenge vnto them selues both of them These men were so blynde that they had no consideration of their parents which came betwéene Abraham and them béeing by the testimony of the Scripture Idolaters but considered only the firste originall of their nation and boasted of the couenaunt which God once made with them So boulde also are the Papistes at this daye who although they be the posteritie of Idolaters and Idolaters them selues yet neuerthelesse because of the pure beginninges of Christiamisme and the signe of Gods couenaunt doe saye euen as these Iewes did we ar not borne of fornication 42. Iesus sayde vnto them if God were your father truelye ye woulde loue me for I proceded forth and came from God neyther came I of my selfe but he sent mee Bv. Christ refelleth this wicked bould and impudent bosting of the Iewes and for certaine causes conuinceth them of a lye M. And he reasoneth of the nature of true Sonnes after this manner C. Whosoeuer is the sonne of God knoweth and loueth his firste begotten sonne but you hate mée therefore there is noe cause why you shoulde boaste youre selues to be the children of God This place is dilligently to be noated that there is no pietie no feare of God where Christ is reiected False and counterfayte religion boldelye boasteth of God but what agréement can they haue with the Father which disagrée with the only sonne what knowledge of GOD is this where his liuely image is reiected In vaine therfore doe the Iewes in vaine doe the Turkes boaste of the true worshippe of God when as with obstinate minde they reiect al knowledge of the sonne of God C. When Christ sayth that hée came from God hée giueth the Iewes to vnderstande that they cannot obiect anye thing vnto him which is contrarye to the will and pleasure of God and that no terrestriall or humaine thing can be founde in his doctrine and office For he doth not speake here of deuine essence as some thinke but of his office 43. Why doe yee not knowe my speache euen because ye cannot know my word Hée addeth another argument wherby hée euidently proueth that they are not the Children of God C. and withal casteth in their téeth their obstinacye which was such that they coulde not abyde to heare him speake Herevppon hée gathereth that they were caried headelonge with diuelishe mallice and outrage As if hée should say M. They which are the true Sonnes of GOD cannot be ignoraunt of the voice of their Fathers house Bv. If therefore yée be the Sonnes of God what I praye you is the cause why ye know not my voyce He speaketh vnto you by mée Children commonly know their parentes voyce euen as shéepe know the voyce of their shéepehearde But seeing yée knowe not my doctrine which appertayneth to my father it is out of all controuersie that yée are none of my Fathers Children 44. Yee are of your father the Deuill and the lustes of youre Father will ye doe hee was a murderer from the beginning and aboade not in the truth because there is no truth in in him When he speaketh a lye hee speaketh of his owne for hee is a lyer and the Father of the same thing Ye are of the father M. Thus farre foorth hee hath proued that they are neyther the Sonnes of Abraham nor the sonnes of God the which they falsely chalenged to them selues and now consequentlye he sheweth who is their true father C. And that which before he had spoken obscurelye he now openly discouereth namely that they are the children of the Deuyll The Deuil a murderer But we must vnderstand here the Antithesis or comparison that they could not be such mortal enemies to the son of god except they had a father whiche were a perpetuall enemy to God M. As if he should say Now ye pretende God to be your father when as indeede ye are neither the true sones of Abraham nor of God in one word I wyl shew you who is youre father whome you expresse euen as his very sonnes boath in disposition and in manners yea who are such as I finde you to be whome soeuer you fayne your selues to be and whatsoeuer you would be accounted of in this world ye haue the Deuell to your Father C. And hee calleth them the children of the Deuill not because they did imitate him but also because by his impulsion they were caried to warre against Christ For as wée are called the sonnes of GOD not onelye because wée are lyke vnto him but also because hée doth gouerne vs by his holy spirite and because Christ doth liue and growe in vs that hée might make vs lyke vnto the Image of his Father so againe the Deuill is sayd to be their Father whose mindes hée blindeth and whose heartes hée instigateth and pricketh forwarde to all vnrighteousnesse in whome also he ruling mightely excerciseth his tirannye M. The Maniches haue abused this place and such like insomuch that they haue made two beginnings one of euill thinges and the other of good thinges C. But in vaine For as when the Scripture calleth vs the Children of God the same doeth not belong to the originall of substaunce but to the grace of the spyrite which doeth regenerate vs to newnesse of lyfe euen so this saying of Christ doeth nothing appertaine to the originall of substaunce but to the corruption of nature the cause and originall whereof is the fall of man In that therefore menne are borne the children of the Deuyll we must not impute the same to the creacion but to the wickednesse of sinne Christ proueth this of the effecte because they are proue of their owne accorde and mynde to followe the Deuyll M. After this manner he calleth Iudas the Deuyll as wée hearde before in the sixte Chapter verse thrée scoore and ten not in that he was a man but in that hée was a Traytour A. And Saint Iohn sayeth in his Epistle that Caine was of that wicked because he slewe his brother 1. Iho. 3.12 And hée affirmeth him which sinneth to bée of the Deuyll All which thinges are spoken not in respect of the creation but in respect of imitation least any man shoulde referre the same vnto the naturall and substanciall originall He was a murderer from the beginning C. Christ expresseth what those desires are which the vngodly of their owne accorde and mind followe and he repeateth two kindes namely Crueltie and liyng in the which thinges the Iewes weare too lyke to the Deuell In that he sayth He was a murtherer he geueth vs to vnderstande that he sought mans destruction For so soone as man was created
the truth yet notwithstanding the trueth is neuer in him because hee speaketh the same to no other ende then to deceiue and to destroy Wherevppon Christ suffered hym not to speke though he spake the truth Luk. 4.41 Paule also would not suffer the spirit of Southsaying Act. 16.17 though he confessed the truth For that is a daungerouss trueth which bringeth credite to a mortall lye No heretique or false apostle at any tyme got credite and fauoure among men by mere lies but in mingeling some trueth with his doctrine he hath deceiued the minde of the simple When he speaketh a lye Bv. First this place teacheth that the falte of a lye is not to be layde vpon God the author of nature but it commeth rather of deprauation and corruption C Secondly that the Deuell is accustomed to lye and that he canne do nothing else but deceiue For he is a lyar and the Father of the. The deuell by his owne nature is a lyar not that he was so created of God but as he hath by his owne infidilitie gotten the same Insomuch that he is the father of lying because he is alienated from God in whome aloane all trueth abydeth and from whome the same doth flow as from a springing well R. For Sathan is not the Father of Lying and the author of the same because God is by hym selfe as Marcion dreameth but because hée aboade not in the trueth Lyes come of Sathan for he hauyng forsaken the trueth the lye succéeded of his owne accorde in stede of the same Bv. Sathan therefore is the welspring original and beginning of lying of eror of Sinne and of all euell euen as on the contrary parte God is the welspring of all truth and the truth it selfe 45 And beecause I tell you the truth therefore ye beleeue mee not M. He retourneth vnto that whiche he obiected vnto them before saying VVhy doe yee not knowe my speache Because ye cannot heare my worde When therefore he had opposed him selfe against the Deuell as the teacher of trueth he addeth by and by Because I tell you the trueth therefore yee beleue me not To declare that they hated his doctrine for no other cause than for that he spake the truth otherwise if hée had spoken lyes they woulde haue beléeued hym Bv. This he spake that by the similitude and lykenesse of their manners and disposition he might prooue the Iewes neyther to be the children of Abraham nor the Children of God but of Sathan C. Because séeing they had no cause to resist but onely for that they hated and coulde not abide the trueth they openly declared them selues to bée the children of Sathan M In this place wée sée that the truth to reprobate men is the cause of vnbeléefe which contrarywise to the elect is the cause and foundation of faith Neyther doth Christ simply vpbrayde the Iewes with this that speakinge the truth they woulde not beléeue but for that they did not beléeue because hee spake the trueth and no lye So in humayne matters nothing commeth more often to passe than this that men geue hede and credite to such as tell the moste false and vayne thinges but when they shoulde beleeue the trueth the greatest parte of men beléeue not and al because the trueth is set before them being redy to receyue a false lye If so be Micheas had tould King Achab a lye the king woulde easily haue beléeued him but because he vttered the truth the king could scarce abide to here him Bv. So that heare the nature and disposition of the Children of the Deuell is described 3. Kin. 22.8 These are lyke to their Father in quallitie in worde and in deede they feare not God they detest and abhorre all faith truth and puritie they despise and contemne the worde of God they followe Rapine murther and bloudshed they are enemies to all men and good profitable to none but to such onlye by whome they looke to haue greater profite and aduauntage agayne by hipocrisie they hide and discouer all thinges Whosoeuer frameth and ordereth hym selfe by this glasse searching out the grounde of his harte and iudging of his owne wordes and déedes he shall thereby learne whether he bee the Childe of God or the childe of the Deuell For so many as haue hated the truth and are indued with the spirite of lying and are ready to lye are of the Deuell and contrariwise they whiche are true and which speake the trueth from their hart are endued with the spirite of God And who hateth not to haue fellowship with the deuell Againe who doth not greatly estéeme and desyer to haue fellowshippe with God Wherefore let vs detest this deuelish vice that is this aptnesse and readines of lying and with oure whoale harte let vs loue the trueth let vs consider that true religion is prooued and declared by godlynesse and not by titelles Therefore it doth not profite vs to be called in name Christians except we be Christians in déede A. Iudas béeing aduanced to the dignitie of an Apostle loued lyes more than trueth and therefore Christe who knoweth not howe to lye called hym a deuell For the wicked ypocrite was more lyke the father of lyes than the Father of trueth 46. Which of you doth reprooue me of syn And if I speake the trueth why doe yee not beleeue me Bv. As hipocrisie is euer like it selfe and hath alwayes one cloake or other for it selfe so heare the Iewes consyderyng them selues thought thus secretly in them selues We want not lawefull causes whereby we maye refuse to béeleue thy preaching M. For in that wée doe not beléeue thée it is not because wée cannot here the truth and are of the Deuell as thou sayest of vs but because thou art a seducer not preaching the trueth but withstanding vs. To this secrete obiection Christe aunswereth by this Interrogation C. whiche procéedeth of faith and trust For when he knewe that his enemies coulde reproch hym with nothing he tryumpheth ouer them as victor And yet notwithstanding he doth not saye that he is frée from their slaunders For although they had no occasion to speake euell yet neuerthelesse they ceassed not to rayle on Christ but he knewe that he had not deserued the same And the gréeke worde Elegcheim sygnifieth to conuince which is when a man is not onely reprooued of some falte but also playnly conuinced to be giltie of the same But this defence is not referred to the perfect Innocencie of lyfe by which as he was the Sonne of God he excelled all other men but it ought to be restrayned to the circomstaunce of the place as yf a man shoulde saye that no man could obiect any matter against hym to prooue hym not to bee a faythfull Minister of God i. Cor 4. euen as the apostle also boasteth that hée knoweth naught by him selfe For this Appollogy or defence is not extended to to the whoale lyfe but is a defence of
his doctrine onely and Apostleshippe Euenso Christ here defendeth rather the cause of his doctrine then of his person A. As yf he shoulde saye If in all my office I shewe my selfe a faythfull minister of God ye haue nothing to cloake your incredulytie with all and to excuse the same For I teache truely I shewe the wyll of my father vnto you no terrestriall or humaine thing can be founde in my doctrine therefore ye cannot conuince the same of a lye Wherefore If I tell you the trueth why doe ye not beeleue me If so be ye cannot Iustely speake euell of my doctrine why do yee refuse to beléeue the same R. By this place we learne that we ought to beléeue him that speaketh the trueth without all contradiction Certaine of the Iewes refused to heare Christ because hée Preached without Ecclesiasticall authority othersome because none of the Pharisées and Rulers heléeued on him many could not abide to heare him because he was a Galilean and the reast could not awaye with his doctrine because he regarded not the decrées and customes of the Fathers But the Lorde the aucthor of trueth vrgeth against all these thinges shewing that hée knoweth no reason that shoulde staye any man from beléeuing the truth Wherefore then doe not menne in our time séeke the trueth to what purpose doe they séeke for so many excuses If those thinges bée not true whiche the Ministers doe teache let them be confuted by euident argumentes if they bée true why bée they not quietly receyued One sayth this doctrine is new another sayth that it is Scismaticall another sayth that it appertayneth to the Pope to refourme doctrine others obiect the Fathers others the counsailes others Ecclesiasticall ordinaunces and some séeke to set custome against the Gospell But what néede these delayes Let them saye simplye This doctrine is not true but let them proue it also If they be not able so to doe why doe they not subscribe vnto the trueth Ye shall heare the cause 47. Hee that is of God heareth Gods words yee therefore heare them not because ye are not of God B. That is to saye He which hath the spirite of God he which is elected of God he heareth the worde of God and receyueth the same by Faith C. Now Christ more vehementlye inueyeth against the Iewes being assured of the trueth of his doctrine For theyr impietye was not obscure when they were so obstinate in reiecting the word of God He had shewed that nothing coulde bée obiected vnto him which he had not taught out of the mouth of God he concludeth therefore that they haue noe felloweshippe with God because they here not R As if he shoulde saye Therefore ye doe not beléeue because ye are not the children of God but the Children of lying Sathan Yée are not borne of God and Therefore it is no merueile yf ye receiue not my wordes which am the Sonne of God For he which is of God heareth gods worde 1. Cor. 44. but he which is of Sathan contemneth the truth of Gods worde Bv. There is therfore no other cause why ye heare not the words of God which I speak neyther receiue nor beléeue them than this because ye are not borne of God but of the Deuell M. To be of God in this place is not to be borne or regenerate by the Spirit and word of God but to be elected and predestinate to lyfe before the Creation of the worlde Act ●3 ● wherevpon also the christian faith is called the fayth of the elect And they are sayde to haue beléeued so many as were foreordayned vnto lyfe So that although they are by nature blinde and the children of wrathe yet notwithstanding when the time of their calling commeth they receyue that grace of the holye Ghoste whiche some call the preuenting spyrite and their hartes are opened that they maye receyue the séede of Gods worde through the which being apprehended by Faith they are iustifyed and regenerated Example of this wée haue in the Mayde that wrought purple of whome Luke testifieth in the actes of the Apostles C. By this place therefore wée are taught that there is not a more manyfest sygne of a reprobate mynde than whan a man cannot beare the doctrine of Christ although otherwyse in the shewe hée séemeth to bee an Aungell Whereas if so bée wée willingly imbrace the same wée haue as it were a visyble sygne of our election For hee which hath the worde hath God him selfe but he whiche reiecteth the same depriueth him selfe both of lyfe and also yf righteousnesse Wherefore we ought to feare nothing more than least we fall into this horrible Iudgement A. For it is no light commination where with Christ threatneth the Iewes saying The kingdome of God shal be taken from you Mat. 21.43 and geuen to a Nation that wyll bring forth better frute of the same 48. Then aunswered the Iewes and sayde vnto him Saye we not well that thou art a Samaritane and hast the Deuell M. This aunswere of the highe Priestes Scribes and Phariseis containeth an impudent malicious sclaunder C. More and more they bewraye how that they are bewitched of Sathan who being plainlye conuinced yet notwithstanding are not afrayde to rushe foorth euen through the middest of desperation B. Thus is conuicted impietye wont to fare when it is not able to aunswere to the trueth then it falleth to rayling and sclaunder They were manifestly proued to be the children of the Deuell therefore they reply againe without any shew of truth that the Lorde was a Samaritane and had the Deuell Meaning by this double sclaunder to declare that Christ was a detestable man and lead with an euyll spyrite Because the Iewes accounted the Samaritanes for Apostatas and corrupters of the Lawe so often as they intended to defame any man they woulde call him a Samaritane Nowe therefore because they had no greater cryme wherwithall they might defame Christ they rashlye and without iudgement vse that common reproche R. As if they should saye What Darest thou defende the trueth of thy doctrine before vs séeing thou art worse than any Heretique or Apostata For thy doctrine is the doctrine of Sathan and not to GOD thou speakest of the Deuell and not out of the mouth of God For we are holy people a Priestlye stocke a holye Nation and suche a Nation to whome God hath whoally geuen him selfe but thou according to the manner of the Samaritanes pronouncest vs not to bée of God it must néedes be therefore that thy false doctrine is of Sathan Bv. The lyke reproches and sclaunders they cast foorth at this daye who are gréeued at the Preaching of the Gospell For they call the Preachers of the Gospell Apostataes sedicious personnes Scismatikes workers by Deuelles Seducers and such lyke R. least the wicked and vngodly might séeme to haue no cause of their vnbeléefe 49. Iesus aunswered I haue not the Deuell but I honour my Father and
first is whether there Sonne were blinde secondlye whether hée were borne blinde and thirdlye howe he receiued his sight C. They doe subtillye include more in this their question that they might take awaye all occasion of aunswere according to the wonted manner of all such as are oppressours of the trueth 20. His Father and Mother aunswered them and sayde We know that this is our sonne and that hee was 21. borne blinde But by what meanes hee nowe seeth we cannot tell or who hath opened his eyes cannot we tell he is olde inough aske him let him answere for him selfe C. The Parentes of the blinde man aunswere onelye to the one halfe of the captious question whiche the Pharisées propounded vnto them They affirme him to bée their sonne and to bée borne blinde also wherevppon it followeth that hée dyd not naturallye sée but by miracle but the thirde thing whiche was howe he receiued his sight they cleane omit because that was obious vnto the eares of the Phariseis Bv. referring that vnto their Sonne saying Hee is olde inough aske him But by this theyr vngodly silence they bewraye their ingratitude For verylye they receiuing so notable a benefite shoulde haue béene whollye moued to set forth his name But being made afearde they bury so muche as i● them lyeth the grace of God sauing that they appoint their Sonne to testifye the same for them which should both with lesse enuye and also with greater Faith declare the whole matter as it was done But yet for all this the holye Ghost by the mouth of the Euangelist condemneth their softnesse in that they dyd not that which became them Howe much lesse excuse then shall they haue whiche by trayterous denial do quite and cleane ouerthrowe Christ with his Doctrine with his miracles with his power and with his grace 22. Suche wordes spake his Father and Mother because they feared the Iewes For the Iewes had decreed already that if any man did confesse that he vvas Christ he should be excommunicate out of the Sinagogue Bv. In these wordes Saint Iohn rendereth a reason why the Parentes dyd not aunswere to the third question of the Phariseis not because they knewe not the aucthour and manner of the benefite bestowed on theyr Sonne vut rather because they being afearde durste not confesse before the Phariseis the vndoubted trueth M. Therefore they knewe more than they confessed That whiche they them selues had done they fréelye and without perrill confesse for they had begotten and brought forth a blinde man but that which Christ had done they dare not confesse Therefore this is a frée confession of the blindnesse whiche is in men before the cruell Phariseis but of the illuminacion which Christ worketh not so Both are true but both haue not their true confession in this worlde Thou mayest confesse without daunger the euill that commeth of men as that thou wast borne in sinne but the grace goodnesse that commeth by Christ whereby this euill is taken awaye the Pharisaicall tiranny wyll not suffer thée fréelye to confesse For the Iewes had decreed alreadye Excommun●cation is auncient B. Hereby it maye easilye bée gathered that it beganne now to bée reported that Iesus was Christ C. Furthermore this place teacheth vs that the custome and manner of excommunication hath béene euer of olde time For excommunication was not then first of all inuented but nowe that excommunication which was vsed long before against Apostataas and contemners of the lawe for a punishment was vsed and conuerted against the Disciples of Christ It hath not therefore béene the corruption of one time or age that the sacred institucions of GOD haue béene corrupted by men The whiche also hath béene among Christians For it can scarsly be expressed what barbarous tyrannye the false Bishoppes haue exercised in subduing the people insomuche that one durste scarse to mutter against them and wée sée also at this daye what crueltye commeth by this thunderbolt of excommunication against all the worshippers of God But wée bouldlye contemne excommunication when it is vsed at the wyll and pleasure of men contrarye to the institucion of the same R. For as there is a double communion so there is a double excommunication the one is internall the other is externall The internall communion consisteth of one holy Ghost of one faith of one Christ and of one Lorde which is Father of all The internall excommunication is that when man through infydelitye agréeth not with the Godly in one spirite in one fayth and in one Christ howe Godlye outwardlye soeuer hee séeme to bée The externall communion is the communion of the word and Sacraments The externall excommunication is the depriuation of those thinges Nowe the wicked man which sayeth in his heart there is no God is alway excommunicated howbeit he is not subiecte to mans iudgement if so bée he bée not an offence vnto the Churche by the fruites of impietye Mat. 18.17 1. Cor. 5.11 For if so bee he doe offend the Church of the Lord with the filthynesse of his facts he ought to be cast out But if any man be cast out of the Church for the word of God or for the confession of Christ by excommunication it is a blessing and not a curse Deu. 23.5 for Baalam also cursed the people of God but the Lord turned the same into blessing A. Moreouer though the right of excommunication was so notably corrupted in the olde Church yet notwithstanding Christ by his comming woulde not haue the same to bée cleane taken away but restored the same to his puritye that it might remaine with vs styll Euenso at this daye though in the Papacye this holy discipline of the Church bée profaned and abused yet notwithstanding we ought rather dilligently to restore the same to the former integritye than quite and cleane to abolishe it There was neuer any thing so well begunne in the worlde but that by the wickednesse of men the same hath béene corrupted Sathan should haue to much libertye graunted him Good things corrupted ought not to be cleane taken awaye if so bée euerye thing might be frustrate and cleane taken awaye which is corrupted For then shoulde we haue no Baptisme no Supper of the Lorde neyther any Religion no part of the which he hath left frée from corruption I. In this place also we maye noate howe yll the worlde can suffer and abide true righteousnesse What greater innocencye at any tyme what greater modesty what greater homage and seruice towardes al men at all times coulde be seene than was in Christ And yet notwithstanding the Potentates and Rulars of the worlde coulde with suche hatered persecute him that they iudged all those vnworthye of theyr companye whiche testifyed any goodnesse to come from him though neuer so truelye and all vnder the pretence of righteousnesse and of the loue of God Wherefore then shoulde we bée troubled when the worlde hateth vs and casteth vs out of his
to be taught and méeke although he shoulde vse the moste vile man in the whoale worlde to teach vs. For there is no greater plague than when our eares are stopt with disdayne lest we shoulde voutsafe to heare hym who admonisheth vs for our profite And they caste him out R. Behoulde how impietie is prouoked by the confession of the name of Christ and what fruite hipocrisy bringeth forth béeing rightly mooued For one while procéeded from the Phariseis hatred another while enuie somwhile deceite another time anger somtime rayling and reproche and another while contempte of their neighboure to be shorte what wickednesse doeth not come of Infidelitie Christ the authoure of all goodnesse being reiected Bv. They cursse and excommunicate the constant Confessoure of Christ they declare hym to be an heritique a wicked person and one vnworthy to be hearde and not to be vsed in familliaritie and frendshippe by good men M. But what had hee done worthy of reproche and what was he In their Iudgement he was altogether borne in sinne he beganne also in their presence to teach and to deuine But verely they knewe well ynough before they called him the second tyme that he was borne blinde and also that he was a begger Wherefore then doe they call suche a one before them againe Verely they hoped to haue abused his simplicitie Euenso our Doctours and Rabbines when they sée oportunitie call before them ignoraunt and vnlearned men but when they sée that striue against their purpose they contumeliously reiect them C. But as concerning the manner of obiection although it may be that by violence they cast him out of the Temple or Sinnagoge yet notwithstanding the meaning of the Euaungelist seemeth to be that they excommunicated him and so their election bare a countinaunce of Lawe and equity And this doth better agrée with the text because if hée hadde bene cast foorth by contumelye and reproche onelye it was not of so great waight that the same shoulde haue come by fame vnto Christ Bv. Therefore because they had excommunicated him they hoped that none woulde here a man so excommunicated or beléeue his wordes and testimonies which was accursed C. But we are taught by this example howe friuilouse and vayne the curse of the enemies of Christe is and howe litle it ought to bée feared If so be wée bée cast forth of that congregation in the which Christ raigneth we must account it a horrible Iudgment against vs because we are geuen to Sathan and because wée are banished from the kingdome of the Sonne of god But we ought willingly and of oure owne accorde to flée from that place where Christ doth not gouerne by his word and holy Spirite although no man doth expell vs so farre we ought to be from fearing that cruel Iudgement which the wicked exercise against the seruauntes of Christ R. The godly beleeuing in Christ must be as the excrementes and of stouringes of this worlde 35. Iesus heard that they had excommunicate hym and when he had founde him hee sayde vnto him Doest thou beleeue on the Sonne of God M. The Euangelist here speaketh simply and according to the common manner of speache saying when Iesus had hearde that the Phariseis had cast forth or excommunicate this blind man and when he had founde him c. and he meneth that this eiection and excommunication of the blind man was by and by knowen abroade Also whereas hée sayth that the Lorde founde the blynd man doth it more to describe vnto vs what happened abroade than to declare that the Lord did séeke after the blynd man of purpose to finde hym If so be the blinde man had béene kept still in the Sinagogue it was to be feared lest hee being drawen by little and little from Christ shoulde haue fallen into the same destruction with the wicked Now christ méeteth with hym out of the temple as he wandereth abroade he receiueth and imbraceth him whome the Priestes had caste forth he erecteth him whome they had cast downe and offereth lyfe vnto him which was geuen to death Of the lyke we haue had experience in oure tyme. For when Luther and suche lyke reproued in the beginning the grosser sorte of abuses of the Pope he had small or almost no féeling at all of pure Christianisme But after the Pope had thondered out his curses agaynst them and when they were cast forth of the Sinagogue of Rome by terrible Bulles Christ reached forth his hande vnto them and made him selfe fully knowen vnto them Thus we sée that there can be nothing better for vs than to be farthest from the enemies of Christ that he maye approch more nere vnto vs. C. For to be eiected of the Phariseis is to be ioyned vnto Christ Therefore they which suffer anye reproche or euill for the truthes sake of Christ are most speciallye honoured of GOD. For as hée which spendeth his money for Gods sake shall finde them and hee which hateth his soule doth most of all loue the same euen so hée which suffereth reproch for Gods sake is much honoured of God Bv. Yea it is necessarie that they bée first condemned and cast foorth of the companye and congregation of infidels which will or desire to be receyued of Christ and to be in the number of his Disciples For except thou departe from Antechrist and from the wicked Christ will neuer receyue thée and the congregation of the saintes will not acknowledge thée For whome the Phariseicall pride reiecteth Christ receyueth and imbraceth For to be secluded from the communion and felowshippe of the wicked is to be ioyned vnto Christ and to be condemned of those which séeking to establish false righteousnesse doe resist the true righteousnesse of God is to be approued also to be reproched and abased by those which seeke theyr owne glorye to obscure the glorye of Christ is great prayse and glorye and to receyue cursynges of the accursed is to be blessed of Goo Bv. Let them therefore reioyse and be glad in Christ whome the wrath of the Byshoppes of Rome hath cursed for receyuing the Gospell For the Lorde will tourne his cursyng into blessing Doest thou beleeue on the sonne of God M. Christ doth not aske to learne as though he were ignoraunt of his minde but to teache this man and the heareres which stoode by the true manner of iustification C. And because hée speaketh vnto a Iewe who knowing the doctring of the Lawe from his Childehoode had learned that God had promised a Messias hée exhorteth him to followe him and to giue his name vnto him Howbeit hée vseth a more honorable name Mat. 22.42 than they were wont then to vse For the Messias was onely counted the Sonne of Dauid 36. Hee aunswered and sayde who is the Lorde that I might beleeue on him Bv. The blinde man not knowing Iesus as yet by his face yet notwithstanding hauing an earnest desyer to knowe him he asketh him VVho is that sonne of
God C. By which aunswere it appeareth that he was apt and ready to be taught although as yet he knewe litle or nothing concerning Christ As if he should saye M. I am ready so soone as he shal be declared vnto me to imbrace him He calleth him Lorde according to the manner of his country which called the better sort of men Lordes And we must noate that the blind man desiereth to bée taught of the Prophete Christ for now he was perswaded that Christ was sent of God Wherefore he doeth not rashely béeleue his doctrine 37. And Iesus sayde vnto him Thou haste boath seene hym and it is hee whiche talketh with thee R. That fayth which is conceiued by myracles is not a true faith but that which commeth by the hearing of the word of God is the true Faith For miracles doe not bring fayth but doe only confirme that fayth which was conceiued before by the worde Wherefore that the blynd man which was now restoared to his syght might truely béeleeue Christ creapeth into his harte by his worde whereby he might be made a beleuer as one borne of newe seede which is immortall Iesus woulde be acknoweledged of him for Christ that from this beginning of Fayth he might bring him to more ful and perfect knowledge of him Bv For fayth hath his degréese and his increasinges M. The Preterperfectence semeth here to bée put for the present tence For before this time this blinde man had not séene the Lorde Furthermore we must noate that the knowledge of Christ is not denyed to those that aske the same seriously and with their whoale heart and which are ready to beléeue although in the sight of the worlde they bée neuer so base and abiecte 38. And hee sayde Lorde I beleeue and hee worshipped him Lorde J beleeue Bv. As if he shoulde saye I beléeue that thou art the Sonne of God and I repose my whoale trust and confidence in thée M. Here wée sée that the true knowledge of the Sonne of God whiche is conceiued by his word doth not onely beget faith but also the confession of Fayth This blynd man doth not saye what I thinke of thee I will kéepe to my selfe but by and by before them al which were present setting all shame aside and feare he confesseth hys Fayth boath in word and in worke And he worshipped him C. It may be demaunded whether hée gaue vnto Christ diuine worshippe or no. The word which the Euaungelist vseth sygnifieth nothing else but a sertayn veneration declared by the bowing of the knée or by such lyke outward signes Notwitstanding it is lykely that some rare and vnwonted kinde of worshippe is heare noated as that this blind man gaue much more honor vnto Christ than belonged eyther to a man or to a Prophete Bv. For although we reade often tymes in the Scriptures that men haue wor shipped men that is to saye that they haue done their obeysaunce and dutifull curtesey yet notwithstanding here the circumstaunces do proue that this place ought to be vnderstode of that odoration which belongeth to the Sonne of God only C. Although therefore the blind man had not profited so farre that hée knewe Christ to be God manifested in the fleshe being perswaded notwithstanding that Iesus was the Sonne of God he as one rauished of his wittes by admiration prostrated him selfe before him M. This place playnely ynough proueth the diuinitie of our sauiour Christ seing he requireth men to beléeue in him and suffereth hym selfe at diuers times to be worshipped Bv. Let the Iewes and Turkes prate with the Arians at their pleasure deniing Iesus which was borne of Mary to bée the Sonne of GOD. The trueth which cannot lye the moste mightie myracles which cannot be denyed and the power which sencibly worketh in the Faythfull testifie Iesus the Sonne of Mary to be the true and natural Sonne of God M. coessential with the father and coequall with him in Diuinitie maiestie and honoure 39. Then Iesus sayde vnto him I am come to Iudgement in this worlde that they which see not might see And that they which see might bee made blinde I am come to Iudgement C. Christ in this place calleth that Iudgement by which he restored things confounded and dispersed into their due and Lawful order Notwithstanding he geueth vs to vnderstand that this was done by the wonderfull counsayle of God and contrary to the sence and vnderstanding of men And verely there séemeth nothing more contrary to humaine reason than that they should be blinded from the light of the worlde which sée This therefore is one of Gods secrete Iudgementes by which he casteth downe the pride of men B. And he alludeth to that sight which hée had geuen to the blynd man As if hée should saye As I haue made thée béeing starck blind to see in body so I geue vnto thée to others also which thos wise men of this worlde contemne in diuine matters as blinde the eyes of the Spirite that ye maye sée vnderstand loue and possesse those thinges whiche yée neuer sawe and which seeing ye would not sée and which thinges also make you blessed for euer Thus those wise men which haue séene many things vnknowen to the common sorte of people and doe think that as yet they shal sée more by the shining brightnesse which I teache because they béeing borne of the Deuel want the eyes of the Spirite doe I bereue of all knoweledge of the trueth that they maye misse of all vnderstanding of that which is right and that they being starcke blinde maye stumble and be broken vpon mée whiche am the head corner stoane immoouable vpon whome also I my selfe will fall at the Laste and grind them al to Poulder C. Also we must noate that the blindnesse of the which mention is made here commeth not so much of Christ as it doth by the falte and corruption of men For he doeth not properly blynde any man by his owne nature but because the reprobate doe desyer nothing more than to extinguish his light it is necessary that the eyes of their mindes which are infected with mallice and wickednes be darckened and shut vp by the light offered vnto them In fine forsomuch as Christ by his owne nature is the light of the worlde this is accidentall that some by his comming be made blynd By the waye of graunting he calleth those which sée Ironicée vnbeléeuing béecause they béeing blinde do thinke them selues very quicke syghted and wise and béeing puffed vp with this truste they will not voutsafe to heare the voyce of God and without Christe the wisedome of the fleshe hath a gloriouse shewe because the worlde doth not knowe what it is to bée wise in déede Therefore Christ sayeth that they do sée which deceiuing themselues and others vnder the foolish truste of wisedome are caried awaye with their owne sence and do make account of their owne Immaginations as of wisedome Such so soone as Christe
his doctrine but that the whole faulte and blame of ignorance rested in them which were negligent and disobedient and withall he proueth him selfe to be the Messias and sheweth the cause vnto the Iewes why they dyd not beléeue the same C. Christ doeth not make semblaunt as though he were Christ neyther yet doeth hee teache them as though they were apte to bée taught but doeth rather cast their mallice in their téeth in the whiche they were obstinate because hytherto they had profited nothing being taught by the worde and workes of God He imputeth it therefore vnto theyr faulte that he is not knowne of them As if he shoulde saye My doctrine of it selfe is easie inough to be vnderstoode but the faulte is in you because ye doe maliciously withstand God By whose wordes onelye menne are taught that I am Christ Wherefore séeing ye onely behold my contemptible shewe and base condition because I come not in Kinglye Pompe as ye looked for it cannot bée that ye shoulde beléeue my worde But goe to bée ignoraunt of my personne as the Lawe commaundeth that no mannes person shoulde bée knowen in iudgement and take houlde of my worde and iudge according to my word and not according to the outwarde shewe and then it cannot bée but that ye shall beléeue The workes that I doe C. Hée speaketh of workes also that hée might conuince them of double obstinacye For beside his doctrine they had euident testimonye in miracles if they had not béene to vnthankfull vnto God When hée addeth Jn my Fathers name M. Hée geueth vs to vnderstande that to beléeue in Christ is also to beléeue in God the Father and to reiect Christ is to reiecte the Father Bv. The same argument also hée vsed in the fifte Chapter going before 26. But yee beleeue not because ye are not of my Sheepe as I sayd vnto you M. Secondlye hée sayeth Ye beleeue not For vnbeléefe is reprehensible when men beléeue not the worde of the sonne of GOD the most excellent Sheapheard the which in the wordes going before he obiected vnto them And this incredulitye is inexcusable when men beléeue not the workes of God Euen as he him selfe wyll declare hereafter in plaine wordes saying Ioh. i5 If so be I had not come and had not spoken vnto them they had had no sinne c. But nowe hée alleadgeth a farther cause why they beléeued neyther his miracles nor his doctrine namelye because they were Reprobates And wée must noate the purpose of Christ For because they boasted them selues to bée the Churche of God least their vnbeléefe should derogate any thing from the Gospell hée pronounceth that the gyfte of Faith is speciall And veryly to the ende men may know God it is necessarye that they first of all knowe them selues Galat. 4.9 as sayeth the Apostle Paule also they to whome God hath no respecte must néedes bée alway farre from him M. Whereby we gather that they can not beléeue Christ Titu i.i. which pertain not vnto Christ Therfore the fayth in Christ is not the Faith of Goates of Dogges or of Swine but of Shéepe that is to saye of the elect as sayeth the Apostle Bv. The Reprobate haue no simple disposition and apte to bée taught but a harde variable wanton corrupt and peruerse disposition because they wyll not suffer them selues to be purged and restored R. They are the Sheepe of Christes which heare Christes voice The Phariseis heare not the voice of Christ for they knowe his person but not his worde therefore they neyther are his shéepe neyther beléeue nor are saued C. If any man should murmuringlye obiecte and saye that the cause of vnbeléefe resteth in God because it is in his power onely to make shéepe we must aunswere that hée is frée from all blame séeing men by their owne voluntarye wickednesse reiect his grace God getteth so muche Fayth vnto him selfe as sufficeth but the wyld Beastes are neuer tame vntyll suche time as by the spirite of God they are turned into Shéepe They whiche are suche shall séeke in vaine to laye the blame of their madnesse vppon GOD which is proper to their owne nature To bée short Christ geueth vs to vnderstande that it is no maruaile if so bee he haue fewe that imbrace his Gospell because so many as by the spirite of GOD are not subiect to the obedience of Faith are vntamed and wilde Beastes Wherefore it is muche more vnméete and absurde that the authoritye of the Gospell shoulde depend vppon the faith of menne but rather let the faithfull waye and consider howe muche more they are bounde vnto GOD than they whiche are blinde when as they them selues by the illumination of the spirite are drawne vnto Christ M. Hereby also we sée that we must not by and by conceale the trueth before those which beléeue not For although the vnbeléeuing are vnworthy to heare the same and are none of the electe yet notwithstanding it is so appoynted by God that the Gospell of grace should also bee preached to the Reprobate and vnbeléeuing not because there is any hope that they shoulde beléeue but because it is so méete that the light of the trueth shoulde aboue all other thinges shyne before the eyes of all men as doeth this visible Sonne and also take from them all excuse that the iudgement of God maye bée iust by which the vnbeleeuing shal be damned Last of all the Ministers of the Gospel haue here wherewithall to comfort them selues if so bée their labour be not profitable to all men 27. My Sheepe heare my voyce and I knowe them and they followe mee M. Christ doeth not in vaine repeate the condicions of the Sheepe and of the Pastour For this is a great consolation in aduersitye that Christe is our Sheaphearde and that wée are his Shéepe C. Now therefore hée proueth by the contraries that they are none of his shéepe because they beléeue not the Gospell For those whome God hath elected he effectuallye calleth and so by Faith the Shéepe of Christ are proued And therefore the name of shéepe is geuen to the Faithfull because they submitte them selues to be gouerned vnder the hande of the most mightye Sheaphearde and forsaking their former brutishe wildenesse doe shewe them selues tractable and obedient B. By these wordes Christ plainlye teacheth that all thinges depende vpon the deuine election and that they to whome it is geuen to be shéepe can neuer perishe For in this place we doe heare that they onelye heare the voice of Christe that is to saye doe receyue the same by fayth which are shéepe Nowe whereof shall it come that some are shéepe that is to saye capeable of the doctrine of Christ and others not No doubte because the one are indued with the good spirite of God and the other not so For the Apostle Paul doeth attribute the knowledge of diuine thinges i Cor. 2 i4 to such as are endued with the spirite of God
In that therfore he sendeth not his Disciples into Iewry but goeth with them him selfe not sending them alone in so perillous a Iourney he doeth the duty of a good shéepheard which bringeth not his shéepe into daunger but guideth them and taketh part with them 8. His Disciples sayd vnto him Maister the Iewes latelye sought to stoane thee and wylt thou go thither again Bv. The Disciples greatlye fearing death and abhorring perilles diswaded Iesus from going againe into Iewrye M. the which notwithstanding they seme not to doe without lawfull cause For sometime it commeth to passe that for want of foresight we fall into perils but it is great rashnesse if we so do wyttinglye and wyllingly without any necessity Bothe these twoo namely want of foresight and rashnesse the Disciples in this place séeme to obiecte against Christ Want of foresight because he went before vnto them of Iewry who like mortal enemies went about to stoane him Rashnesse because he would goe againe into Iewrye after by flight he had escaped the cruell mallice of the Iewes R. but this counsayle of the Disciples sprang from the wisedome of the fleshe For it séemeth foolish to humane reason if so be a man put him selfe into present perilles For séeing we counte him wyse whome other mennes harmes doe make to beware what a madde man doe we iudge him to be who wyll not take héede by his owne harmes C. Howbeit whereas the Disciples do séeke to terrifye Christ paraduenture they doe it not so much for his sake as for their owne because they feared them selues Therefore in séeking to auoide the Crosse and are ashamed to confesse the same they pretend a care for their Maister The like we may sée daily in others For they which for feare of the Crosse cease from doing their dutye make many cloakes and delayes to couer their faulte least they might séeme without iust cause to defraude God of his due obedience A. And nowe hereby apeareth a great and wonderfull conflicte betweene the fleshe and the spirite For when the spirite séeketh whollye to obaye God the flesh with all his might rebelleth against the same insomuch that the godly man who onelye séeketh to further the glorye of God is constrayned to abyde many assaultes of the fleshe and the Deuell Bv. Therfore in these disciples of Christ haue a patterne of the infirmitye drawing vs from those thinges which make to the aduauncing of Gods glorye A. The fleshe shunneth the Crosse and desyreth rather ease and pleasure and séeketh by all meanes to drawe a man from the obedience of God R. So Peeter wisely in his opinion admonished Christ not to put him self into the hands of the high Priests but Christ sayd vnto him Come after mee Sathan thou sauorest not the thinges that are of God but the thinges that are of men Mat. i6 22 But if so be we haue no such externall Sathan to drawe vs from the dooing of our duty we shal whether we wil or no cary an internall Sathan with vs for what is oure fleshe else but a certaine Deuell who a thousand wayes disquieteth and troubleth vs. Galat. i i7 A. Euen as the Apostle writeth saying The fleshe lusteth contrary to the Spirite and the spirite contrary to the flesh these are contrary one to the other so that ye cannot do what ye would The flesh saith Ministers of Gods at Hierusalem are whipped stoaned burnt therfore there is no going thither but the Spirit sayeth That which I saye vnto you in darknesse speake ye in the light and that whiche I tel you in the eare prech ye on the house toppes Mat i0 27 The fleshe sayeth If so be you speake the trueth ye shall haue many enemies for Veritas odium parit that is trueth bringeth hatered but if thou canste dissemble thou shalt easily haue the fauoure of men Iam 4 4 But the spirite sayeth Hee that willbee a friend of this world is an enemie vnto God The fleshe sayeth he which sheweth him selfe a shéepe shal be deuored of the wolfe Luke 2i i9 The Spirite sayth Possesse your soules in patience The fleshe sayeth To confesse Christ before men is not without daunger Mat i0 32 The Spirite sayth Euery one that acknowledgeth me before men will I acknowledge before my father which is in heauen The fleshe sayeth Take héede how thou speak of the Gospell of Christ for if thou be caste into prison for the same how canst thou then defend thy cause The Spirite sayeth VVhen they deliuer you vp be not carefull what to speak Mat i0 16 for in the same howre it shal be geuen you what to speake The fleshe sayeth Preach not the trueth to euery one but to those only which will gladly heare thée for so shalt thou not come in daunger The spirite sayeth Behould I send you forth as shepe among wolues Mat 28 i9 Go ye forth therefore and teach al nations The fleshe sayeth The Phariseis expell and excommunicate all those that confesse Iesus to be Christe The Spirite sayeth Luke 6 22 Blessed are ye when men hate you and seperate you from their company and raile on you and put out youre names as an euell thing for the Sonne of manes sake The fleshe sayeth It is a hard thing to fall into the handes of men The spirite sayeth It is a horrible thing to fall into the handes of God Heb. i0 3i ▪ The flesh sayth Let a man looke well alwaye to him selfe The spirite sayeth He whiche loueth his life shall loose it Iohn i2 25 The fleshe sayeth The nature of man is to hate nothing more than the trueth to what ende shall the same be preached then vnto them Act. 5 29 The Spirite sayeth It is better to obey God than men The fleshe saith the worlde is so obstinate that it is neuer a whit the better for the preaching of the word The spirite sayeth Yf so be thou admonish the wicked man to forsake hys wicked waye Ezech. 33 6 and he conuert not from the same he shall dye in his iniquitie and thou haste deliuered thine owne soule The fleshe sayeth It is a shame for a man to be openly punished The spirite saieth i Pet. 4 See that none of you be punished as a theefe as a murderer or as a malefactoure If any man suffer as a Christian let him not be ashamed but let him glorify God on this behalfe The fleshe sayeth It is plesaunt to enioy the pleasures and lustes of the harte and it is payne to mortifie and kill them The Spirit sayth wo vnto you ritch mē because you haue cōsolatiō Luke 6 24 wo vnto you which are full for yee shall honger woe vnto you that laugh for yee shall morne and weepe The fleshe sayth There is nothing more precious than a good name the which notwithstanding is brought in perill through the confession of the name of Christ Luke 6 26 The
notwithstandinge they felt afterwarde that their blindnes was not to be forgeuen And the impiety of Caiphas did not let but his tongue might be the instrument of the holy Ghost because God had more respect to the Priesthoode which he had appointed than to the personne of men Num 2● 8 After the same manner he blessed his people by the mouth of Balaam whom he had endued with the Spirite of prophesye B. For as God ordayneth and chooseth good and godly Maiestrats that by them he maye worke many notable thinges euen for as muche as he hath the hartes of al men in his hands yet notwithstanding speciallye he is wount to moue the hartes of those men as we may reade often times in the holy prouerbs Kings hart are in the hand of god Herevppon oftentimes they do speake vnwittingly those thinges which belong to another manner of ende then they ar done or spoken by them and do bring an other maner of matter to passe than euer they thought vpon Wée are al the instruments of God but speciailye they which are in auctorytie God therefore worketh muche more by them than by others Psal 82 6 Whervpon also they are called Godes and the sonnes of the most highest M. Hereby we gather that the gifte of prophesie is geuen not onely to good men but also to the reprobat being set in publique office Prophesye cōmeth out of the mouth of wicked men sometime euen as oftentimes it is permitted to the wicked to work Miracles as we may read in the seuenth Chapter of Mathew So also we reade of Saule i Kin i0 i0 who beinge annoynted with the kingly vnction by Samuell began to prophesie with the rest of the Prophets B But as Caiphas vnderstoode not his prophisie so other Reprobates also by whom God reuealeth his misteries vnderstande not those thinges whiche they speake but geue onely a sounde without a minde whereas the godly alwayes vnderstande so muche of those thinges whereof they prophesy as is requisit for their saluation and necessary for the office which they discharge C. Moreouer very fonde are the Papistes and to ridiculous who gather herevppon that we muste counte for an Oracle whatsoeuer it pleaseth the Bysshop of Rome to bable First if we graunt vnto them that whosoeuer is a high Preist is alway a prophete yet notwithstanding of necessitye they muste prooue that the Bysshop of Rome is created by the commaundement of God For the Priesthood of one man is quight abolyshed by the comminge of Christe neyther doo wée reade that God at anye tyme after that had appoynted one man to gouerne the whole Church Secondlye if we graunt vnto them that the office and honour of the high Priste was translated to the Byshop of Rome let vs see what it profited the Pristes that they imbraced the prophesie of Caiphas to subscribe vnto his iudgemente they conspire the death of Christ Be such obedience farre from vs which should draw vs to horible Apostacy in denying the sonne of God Caiphas blasphemeth and prophecieth with on voyce they which obai his word do contemne the prophesie and imbrace the blasphemye That the lyke happen not to vs let vs take héede that we heare not the Romish Caiphas That Jesus should dye for the people B. This prophesie of Caiphas is the summe of al prophesies namely that saluation commeth to the electe by the death of Christ M. The Iewes dyd put Christe to death to get honor to them selues but Christe dyed that by his death he might redéeme the world 52. And not for the people onely but that he should gather together in one the children of God that were scattered abroade C. First of all the Euangelest sheweth that our saluation doth consiste in this if Christ do gather vs together in one For so he reconcileth vs vnto his Father in whom is the well of life Wherby we gather that mankind was disperced and alienate from God Psal 36.9 vntyll suche time as the Children of God were gathered together in one vnder Christ Thus the communion of Saints is the preparation to euerlasting lyfe because al they abyde in death whom Christ gathereth not vnto the Father as we shall sée in the 17. Chapter followyng Paule also teacheth that Christe was therfore sent of God Ephe. i. i0 that he might gather together what so euer thinges were in Heauen and in Earth Wherefore that we may enioy the saluation which Christ hath brought al disagrement taken away we must be at one with God with Angels and among our selues The cause and pledge of this vnitie was the death of Christ by which he brought all thinges to him selfe but we are gathered dayly by the Gospel into the shepfould of Christe The Euangelist also meaneth that the reconcillyation which Christ made is extended also to the Gentiles R. For euery one that trusteth in him shal not be confounded There is no difference betwéene the Iewes and the Greeks Rom. i0 For there is one Lord of all who is ryche to all that call vppon him For Christ gathereth the dispearsed sonnes of God together in one spirituall body and not into a corporall bodye For there is one faith one bodye and one spirite euen as ye are called in one hope of your callyng one Lord one faith and one Baptisme Ephe. 4.4 Therefore althoughe the godlye are by distaunce of place farre asunder yet notwithstanding they are alwayes gathered tegether into one in the Lord C. But how are they called the children of God who being miserably dispearced and in error were the enemies of God Although they were by error the enemies of God and nothing lesse then Sheepe yet notwithstandinge in harte and mind they were the Sonnes of God Therefore he calleth them Sonnes of their election before they were called who at the last by faith beganne to be manifested both to them selues and also to others A. Concerning the which reade the sixteene verse of the x. Chapter goyng before 53. Then from that daye forth they tooke counsaile tegether to put him to death Bv. There séemed to be Iuste and Lawefull cause found for the which Iesus as the common troubler of the whol country might be put to death Therefore nowe they séeke occasyon euery howre that they might put the same in execution whiche they séemed to haue wysely consulted of By which is to bée noated the nature bouldnesse and perseueraunce of the wicked in a matter once cruelly begon A. For what greater crueltie and madnesse can there be deuised than when the members with one consente séeke the destruction of the heade Yet notwithstanding wée sée also at this daye that the counsailes of men tend to this ende that the trueth of God maye be oppressed which al men ought to desyer specially of those which haue the chiefe seate in the Church 54. Iesus therefore walked no more openlye amonge the Iewes But wente hys waye thence vnto a
to so great obstinacy not by erroure and foolishnes but by brutish dogged mallice insomuch that they are not afeard to warre agaynst God R. For admit that Christ brake the Sabboth daye made hym selfe equall with God and hadde caused sedytyon what fault had Lazarus committed that he should dye Hee was raysed from death But is it a faulte to receiue a benifite M. What did Lazarus sauing that he béeing raysed out of the graue lyued to the glory of Christe his qickener This the high Priests thought suficient cause to put him to death What other thinge do they at this daye which do not onely séeke to extinguish the doctrine of Christ but also to kill those who by the same are raysed and quickned as it were from death 11. Because that for his sake manye of the Iewes went awaye and beleeued on Iesus Bv. Christ had wrought many myracls but neyther the restoaring of the half to his limmes nor the geuing of syght to the blind nor any other miracle made them so mad as did this For this was by nature more wonderful and done after many other And verely it was wonderfull to sée and heare a man which had bene deade fowre dayes to speake and walke Furthermore when he had geuen sighte to the blind man he séemed to haue broken the Sabboth but séeing they had here no such occation to complayne they are prouoked against him that was healed Moreouer the blind man was a beggar but as for Lazarus he was a man of welth the which may be gathered hereby for that many of the Iewes came out of the Cittie to comfort his sisters and because the miracle was done in the presence of many with admiration of all men Therefore many came to Christ to Bethanie M. And the high Priestes were not offended so much that many beléeued in Christ as they were that they went awaye for this vexed them for this going awaye was a cleane forsaking of the Phariseis For they whiche beléeued in Christ cast of their yoake At this day also the Bishoppes of Rome would easily be contented to suffer the doctrine of the Gospell if so be men by the same were not drawen vnto Christe but vnto them A. But no man is to be reckoned among the nomber of the Disciples of Christe which will not followe hys teacher For Christes shéepe heare his voyce and followe Therefore that we maye hould fast the doctrine of Christ we must reiecte the whoale doctrine of Antechrist and forsake his wicked ceremonies Ioh. i0 27 For what felloweshippe is there betwéene righteousenesse and vnrighteousenesse what communion betwéene light and darcknes what agréement with Christ and Belial Or what parte hath a faithfull man with an Infidell Or howe agreeth the temple of God with Images 2 Cor 6 4 C. Moreouer seeing Sathan wholy bendeth hym selfe to ouerthrowe the workes of God or at least to obscure them it is oure partes continually to thinke vpon them 12. On the nexte daye muche people that were com to the feast vvhen they hearde that Iesus shoulde come to Hierusalem Bv. The glory of the Lorde Christ increased more and more the Iewes his enemies fretting and fuming in the meane tyme at the same Concerning the exposition of the twoo nexte verses following reade our Commentary vppon the one and twentie Chapter of Mathew beginning at the fift and eyght verses 16. These thinges vnderstoode not his diciples at the firste but when Iesus vvas glorified then remembered they that suche thinges were wrighten of him and that suche thinges they had done vnto hym C. Euen as the séede doth not springe by and by after it is cast into the ground so the fruite of the works of God doth not strayght waye appeare The Apostles were the Ministers of God to fulfill the prophesye but what they did they vnderstoode not They harde the crye of the multitude and that no confused crye but such a crye as proclaimed Christ to be a King yet notwithstandinge they knewe not to what ende nor what it ment It was therefore vnto them a dumbe and vaine shewe vntil the Lord opened their eyes M. Here also we are taught to obaye the wordes of Christ although we vnderstand not by and by to what end they tende Then they remembered C. Here the cause of that grosse ignoraunce is noated which went before knowledge because they had not then the Scripture their guide and Scoolemaistris to directe their mindes to righte and pure consideration For we withoute we haue firste the worde of God are starcke blind neyther yet is it sufficient that the worde of God doth shyne vnto vs except the holy ghost doth illuminate our eyes This grace Christ gaue vnto his disciples after hys resurrection because as yet the ful tyme was not come in the which he shoulde powre forth the riches of his spirite in ample manner vntill he was receiued vp into heauenly glory And we béeing taught by this example let vs learne to Iudge of all thinges which pertaine vnto Christ by the Scripture and not after the scence of our owne fleshe Also let vs consider that this is a speciall grace of the spirite to be instructed by the same in continuaunce of tyme that we might not be without sence and vnderstanding when we call to minde the workes of God 17. The people that was with him when hee called Lazarus out of his graue and raysed hym from death bare recorde M. The Euangeliste cannot forgette the miracle of the raysing vp of Lrzarus C. Therefore he repeateth againe that which he had spoken before that a great many béeing mooued by the fame of the myracle went forth to mete Christ For therefore they went forth by heapes becaus euery where the rumor concerning the raysing vp of Lazarus was spred abroade These men therefore had Iuste cause to attribute the honour of Christe vnto the Sonne of Marye séeing they had such knoweledge of hys wonderfull power M. And thus we sée that the more the wicked desyer to haue the trueth buryed the more God doth open the mouthes of the Godly to the manifestation and setting forth of the same and geueth vnto them suche courage that they doe not onely speake that which they knowe to bée true but doe constantly mayntaine the same 19. The Phariseis therefore sayd among them selues perceiue ye how yee preuaile nothing behoulde al the whoal worlde goeth after him Bv. The more the glory of the Lorde encreased the more the anger wrath and fury of the enemies of Christe also was inflamed notwithstanding they are conuinced and ouerwhelmed with the huge heape of Christs gloriouse acts and by his euident preaching insomuch that as mad men and men wanting counsail they are constrained almost to dispayre for they crye with greate fury and outrage Perceiue ye howe ye preuaile nothing C. By which wordes they prouoke them selues to greater madnesse For it is a sertaine exprobration and reprehention of their negligence as if
heauen to sytte at the ryght hand of my father From whence by sending the holy Ghost I will first of all bring that thing to passe which ye thinke to avoyd by killing mée namely that the whoale world that is to saye all mankind maye followe mée For I will drawe all men vnto me they béeing perswaded by my spirite that I am the sauioure of the worlde 34 The people aunswered hym wee haue heard out of the Law that Christ bydeth euer and howe sayest thou the sonne of man muste bee lifte vppe who is that Sonne of man M. The people vnderstoode that the Lorde spake of his exaltation by whiche he shoulde be put to death Therefore they obiect vnto him saying we haue heard out of the Lawe C. There is no doubte but that there purpose was maliciously to cauill at the wordes of Christ therefore their owne mallice blindeth them that they can sée nothing in the cleare light They saye that they will not account Iesus for Christ because hée sayde hee should dye whenas the Lawe promised euerlasting continuaunce to the Messias Iohn 8.17 As though boath were not exppressed in the Lawe that so soone as Christ was dead his kingdome should florishe for euer But these men take occasion to cauill of the last parte 2 Kin. 7.16 Psalm 4.7 Psal 72.17 Psa 89.30 Psa 100.4 Psa 127.2 Esai 9.7 Esai 40.8 Ezec. 37.25 M Here they call the Scripture of the oulde Testament the Lawe euenas Christ vsed this worde Lawe before But the testimonies of Scripture wherevnto they leaned were these which I haue coated in the Margent C. But the originall of this error was for that they looked for worldelye Pompe to be in the Messias and in his kingdome Hereuppon it came to passe that they reiected Christ because he was not according to their fantasy and Immagination A. But verily they shoulde fyrst of al haue consydered this which Peeter teacheth namely howe that the spirite of Christ which was in the Prophetes testified the afflictions that Christ shoulde suffer i. Pet. i. xi and the glory that should follow the same For what other thing did Esay and Danyell prophesy of Esay 53.2 Dan. 9 26 Therefore the Iewes are worthy of no excuse whiche for this cause would not receiue Iesus to be Christ for that he was subiect vnto death For it behooued Christ to suffer and so to enter into his glory Luk. 24.26 Who is that sonne of man This question containeth a mocke or scorne as though Christ by that shorte refutation had nothing to saye Wherby it appeareth howe arrogant Ignorance is For it is as much as if they had sayd goe thy waye nowe and boast thy self to be Christ when as thy owne confession argueth that thou hast no affinitie or symilitude of the same 35. Then sayde Iesus vnto them yet a little while is the light with you walke while yee haue lighte leste the darckenesse come one you For hee that walketh in the darcke wotteth not whether hee goeth Bv. He might in fewe wordes haue made aunswere by the distinction of the two natures namely that one and the selfe same Messias is boath mortal and immortall for according to the deuine nature he is immortall and mortall according to his humaine nature notwithstanding hée thought it better in one worde to make an obscure aunswere and more plentifullye to exhort them vnto the Faith Howebéeit by this aunswere hee did frendly admonishe vs and sharply reprehend them for he reprehendeth them because they were blind in the lighte and also threatneth to take shortly his light from them When he sayeth that yet a litle while his light shall remaine with them hee confirmeth that which he had sayde before concerning his death For allthough he meaneth not the light of hys corporall presence but the lighte of the Gospell yet notwithstanding he alludeth vnto his departure As if he shoulde saye When I departe I will not ceasse to be light so that I shall loose nothinge by your darcknesse When he sayeth that they haue the light he geueth them a priuy nippe for that they béeing wilfully blind forsooke the light and therefore he geueth them to vnderstand that they were vnworthy to be answered because they sought to bring vnto themselues occasion of error As if he should saye whatsoeuer I forshewe concerning the crosse ye make a laughing matter at the same and despise it Wherefore the Gospell shal be preached vnto you yet a little while and yée shall not long haue Christe with you which is the true light For the time wil come when Christ and the Gospell shal be taken from you and ye shal be cast in vtter darckenesse and blindnesse It were better therefore that nowe whyle occasion is offered you yée would not neglect the haruest of your saluation For hée which forsloweth the harues●e shall honger in winter but hee whiche fetcheth his haruest in sommer is wise Nowe is youre haruest nowe ye haue the light with you sée therefore that yée so walke that the darcknesse comprehende you not and when the nighte is come ye be blind M. In fine he sheweth them of that wherof he spake in another place saying Mat 21 43 The kingdome of God shal be taken from you and geuen to a nation that will being forth better fruite of the same C. Furthermore in that he sayeth that the light shall shine vnto them but a litle while that belongeth to all the vnbéeléeuing for the Scripture promiseth that the Sonne of righteousenesse shall ryse and shine vpon the Children of God and shall neuer sette The sonne hereafter shall not shine vnto you in the daye time Esay 60 16 nor the moone in the night but the Lord shal be youre euerlasting light Notwithstanding all men muste walke warely because darcknesse followe the contempt of the light The which also is the cause why such darke and cloudy night hath béene before this tyme many ages in the world because few would com to the bright shine of heauenly wisedome For Christ doth shine vnto vs by hys Gospell that we might follow the way of saluation which he sheweth Therefore they which vse not the grace of God do put out the Light somuch as in them lyeth He that walketh in Bv. he sheweth the discommoditye which the vnbeléeuing receiue and to terrifye them the more he sheweth how miserable their condition is who béeing destitude of the light do erre all their life long for they cannot mooue theire foote withoute falling or the perill of stombling And Christ nowe pronounceth vs to bee in darcknesse except hee shine vnto vs. 36. While ye haue light beleeue on the lighte that yee maye bee the children of the lighte These thinges spake Iesus and departed and hidde bim selfe from them Bv. This exhortation to Faith is verye graue and waightie to the which he addeth a most large reward C. For hee calleth those children of the light who béeing
honoureth Christe with that parte with the whiche wée are to be honoured of him and dishonoureth him with that with the which he is to be honoured For the Religion of supersticion is commonlye preposterous In sinning it is moued with no reuerence towards GOD but in praying for remission of sinnes wée wyll séeme to shewe reuerence towardes God confessing but yet supersticiouslye I wyll not saye wickedlye that wée are so vnworthye that we shoulde not presume to come into the presence of God to craue helpe at his handes And as it is true that we are vnworthy to come into the presence of GOD so it is Godlye to confesse our vnworthinesse But that pietye turneth to supersticion and impiety if for our vnworthinesse wée exclude the ministerye of Christ 7. Iesus aunswered and sayde vnto him What I doe thou wottest not nowe but thou shalt knowe hereafter M. The Lorde declareth that hée doeth another thing besyde the washing of theyr feete For otherwyse Peter had not erred when hée sayde Doest thou washe my feete For this thing the Lord did and yet he sayde not I wash not thy feete but what I doe thou wottest not nowe but thou shalt knowe hereafter B. For hée did not washe the Desciples feete to make them cleane but to the ende they might learne mutual loue This Péeter knewe not of then but afterwarde hee heard the same of the Lord but truly he vnderstoode the same when he receiued the holy Ghost and called to mynd all the wordes and déedes of Christ C. Furthermore by these wordes of the Lorde we are taught to obaye Christ although there appeare no reason why he woulde haue this or that to bee done In a house well ordered the counsail resteth onlye in the mayster of the house to whome the seruauntes ought to submitte them selues Therefore he is to presumtuouse which eschueth the power and neglecteth the commaundement of God because hee knoweth no reason of of the same Also this admonition doth further extend it selfe as that we should not think much to be ignoraunt of those thinges which God would haue hidden from vs so a time For this kind of ygnoraunce is better learned than any knoweledge when wee geue place vnto the Lorde to excell vs in wisdome 8. Peeter sayeth vnto him Thou shalte neuer washe my feete Iesus aunswered hym if I wash thee not thou haste no parte with mee R This wylfulnesse of Peter procéeded of the zeale of God but not according to knowledge wherefore it is carnall affection and not spirituall worshippe C. Thus farre forth his modestye was to be excused howbeit the same wanted not faulte but nowe it offended more for that it being reproued gaue not place And this is commonlye seene that errour and obstinate wyll are ioyned togeather It is a notable collour that disobedience should spring of reuerence but because he doth not sipmly obeye the commandement he doth loose his labour in séeking to honour Christ This therefore is the true wisedome of faith to allowe and reuerently to imbrace as well and orderlye done whatsoeuer commeth from the Lorde For verilye otherwise we cannot sanctifye his name because except we iudge the same to be excellentlye well done which he doeth our fleshe wyll neuer obeye and geue that honour which is due vnto him but by constraint To bee short except man doe forsake him selfe in iudging of the worckes of God although he haue a desyre to honour God pride wyll alwaye lurke vnder the shewe of humilitye C. Peter had hearde the Lord saye that there was somewhat in this washing whiche he shoulde knowe afterwarde whereby he shoulde haue béene bridled from resisting the Lorde any further But he was to shamefast It is not good shamefastnesse whiche excéedeth so muche that it resisteth the grace and loue of God towardes vs. Some are oftentimes so affected with this ouer much shame that they dare not call vppon God in the time of neede but make intercessours of the Saintes Of the which we haue spoken a litle before Jf I washe thee not Bv. The Lorde Iesus vehementlye reprehending the refusall of Peter sheweth and openeth the misterye of this washing which is the fruite of his Passion of his comming into this world C. Yet notwithstanding he doeth not plainelye expresse for what cause he determined to washe his Disciples féete onelye by a similitude taken from the soule to the body he teacheth that he doeth no newe thing or vnbeséeming his person in washing his Disciples féete Notwithstanding the Lorde sheweth what foolishe circumspection Peter vsed The lyke shall happen vnto vs so soone as the Lord beginneth to contend with vs. Because Christ was there Lord and Maister Peter thinketh it verye absurde that he shoulde washe his féete But in repelling this office he refuseth the principall part of his saluacion For this sentence contayneth a generall doctrine namelye that all of vs are filthye and defiled before God vntyll Christ wy●e awaye our spottes Nowe séeing that he challengeth to him selfe aloane this office of cleansing let euerye one offer vnto him his vncleannesse to bée purged that he maye haue place among the sonnes of God M. Herevppon the Apostle sayeth Knowe yee not that the vniust shall haue no enheritaunce in the Kingdome of God 1 Cor 6.9 Ephe. 5.5 Bee not deceyned and so forth C. Moreouer there are some whiche referre this worde VVashe vnto the frée remission of sinnes and there are other some also which referre the same to newnes of lyfe and a thirde sort vppon good consideration referre it to both For Christ washeth vs when he wipeth awaye our sinnes by the offering vp of him selfe least they shoulde come into iudgement Moreouer he washeth vs when by his holye spirite he abolisheth the wicked and sinfull desires of the fleshe 9. Simon Peter sayeth vnto him Lorde not my feete onelye but also the handes and the head M. Peter hearing such a graue and intollerable threatening submitteth himselfe wholly vnto the wyl of Christ being nowe readye to suffer not onelye his féete to bée washed but his handes and his head that is to saye his whoale body As if he shoulde saye Before I suffer my selfe to be seperated from thée I wyll suffer whatsoeuer thou wylt Bv. I doe geue not onelye my féete to be washed but also I offer my selfe with all that I haue vnto thee C. This necessitye was a méete Mistres to tame him Therefore laying aside contencion he geueth place But he wyll nowe bée washed euerye whitte And he truelye confesseth that he is whollye in euerye part defiled and that therefore he is nothing profited if so be one part onely bée washed 10. Iesus sayeth to him Hee that is washed needeth not saue to washe his feete but is cleane euerye whitte And ye are cleane but not all A. As by a certaine obstinate wyll Peter at the first resisted Christ going about to washe his féete C. euen so here againe through rashnesse he erreth
bretheren thou knowest not whether Christ be a Mayster or no. But séeing a great many loue their brethren very couldly but none so effectually as they ought we maye thereby perceiue howe farre wée are yet from the perfect light of fayth M. Moreouer this place maye specially be obiected vnto them who when they beare the doctrine of the Gospel say who knoweth not these thinges Therfore let it be sayde vnto them If yee knowe these thinges blessed are yee if yee doe them A. Contrarywise if ye know these thinges and doe them not ye are accursed and miserable Iam. 4 17 For to him that knoweth how to doe good and doeth it not to him it is synne Luk. 12.47 And the seruante that knoweth his maisters will and doth it not shal be beaten with many strypes 18. I speake not of you all I knowe whome I haue chosen but that the Scripture might bee fulfilled Hee that eateth bread with mee hath lifte vppe his heele againste mee C. Againe he sheweth that there is one among his Disciples whiche is in very déede nothing lesse than a Disciple and this he doth partly for Iudas sake to the ende he might make him the more inexcusable and partly for the other disciples sake lest the false Iudas should make any of them to slide back And hée doth not only animate them to persiste in their vocation notwithstanding the fall of Iudas but also because the felicity of the which he spake pertained not to all men he teacheth that the same ought to be the more earnestly sought for of all men and when they haue founde it with the greater constancie to abide in the same And now this their stedfast standing he attributeth to their election For as the strength of man is weake and fraile so it staggereth at euery small puffe of winde and falleth with the leste thruste yf so be the Lord stayeth not vp the same with his hand But because be gouerneth those whome he hath chosen how subtily soeuer Sathan séeketh to worke their destruction he shall profite nothinge at all but with firme constancie they shall perseuere vnto the ende And not onely perseueraunce is here attributed to election but also the beginning of pietye Howe commeth it to passe that one loueth the word of God more thā another Surely because he is elected Election is the cause of pietye Again how commeth it to passe that the same goeth on still in Godlinesse of life but only because the purpose of God is sure which perfiteth that worke which he hath begone Furthermore this is the principall difference betwéene the Children of God and the vnbeléeuing that the one are drawen to saluation by the spirite of Adoption and the other by their vnbrideled and lasciuiouse fleshe to damnation Otherwise Christ might haue sayde I know what euery one of you shal be but leste they should arrogate any thing vnto them selues but might knowe rather that they differed from Iudas by grace only and not by their owne power hee setteth before them the frée election vppon the which they were builded Wherefore let vs hereby learne to way and consider all the parts of oure saluation Iohn 6.70 And whereas in another place he reckneth vp Iudas among the elect it is another manner of speaking and not a contrary For there the Temporall election is noted by which God doth appoynt vs to some certaine and spetiall worke as Saul who was chosen to be a King notwithstanding that he was a reprobate but nowe Christ speaketh of the eternall election by which we are made the sonns of God and by which God hath predestinated vs to life before the foundation of the worlde was layed Also somtime God doth adourne the Reprobates with the giftes of the holy Ghoste to execute that office which he committeth vnto them So there shined in King Saule prin●ly vertues for a time So Iudas also had notable giftes beseeming an Apostle of Christ But the Spirite of sanctification which God geueth only to his childeren is another manner of spirite For he renueth them by the same in minde and harte that they might be in his sight holy and irreprehensible Also they haue in them a liuely roote which cannot bee plucked vp at any time because the Adoption of God is without repentāce that is to saye God neuer faileth those whom he hath chosen Notwithstanding this abideth firme that it belōgeth vnto the deuine election that we imbracing the doctrine of Christ by faith do also attaine life and that this is the only cause of our blessednesse by which we differ from the Reprobate that they béeing destitute of the grace of the Spirit come to destruction but wée haue Christ our watchman who gouerneth vs with his hand and defendeth vs by his power M. We sée also here howe those thinges whiche concerne onelye the good are commonlye also spoken vnto them amongst whom euell personnes also are mixte Those thinges whiche the Lorde had spoken vnto his disciples to instruct them he so spake vnto them as if they had pertained vnto all when as notwithstanding they dyd not appertaine to all euenas he in this place plainly testifieth Therefore let no man in the Church bée offended yf so be he heare Christians among whome as yet there are many wicked prophane persons to be called godly and holy men if so be he heare the doctrine of life commonly preached to all men when as faith and pietie belongeth not to all yf so be he heare all Christians generaly reprehended of sinne when as notwithstanding all are not culpable euenas we sée that the Apostle reprehendeth the Corinthians Let him alwayes consider and say within hym selfe i. Cor. i. xi these thinges pertaine not to all Furthermore Christ here geueth euident testimony of his diuinity firste of all when he affirmeth that he doth not Iudge after the manner of men secondly when he maketh him selfe the authoure of election For this knoweledge of the whiche hée speaketh in this place is proper only vnto God but this other is more effectuall when he sayth that they were elected of hym before the creation of the worlde For this so notable a declaration of hys deuine power ought to mooue vs more then if the scripture did call him God a hoondered times That the scripture might be fulfilled C. It might séeme very absurd that he which was chosen to so honorable an office was not also endued with true godlinesse for it might easily be obiected Why did Christ choose one to be an Apostle which should fall from his Apostelship And why did he create him an Apostle whome he knewe should be such a wicked and naughtie person To this therefore Christ aunswereth that necesarily it was so because it was forshewed and knowen also aforhand to the Prophet Dauid For some thinke that the prophesye is cited which properly belongeth vnto Christ othersome think it to be a simple comparison that like as Dauid
be troubled for a time yet notwithstanding because such trouble was for their profite Christ did them no iniurie at all for it is good for the childeren of God to be troubled by hearing the Iudgement of the wicked to the ende they might try and examine them selues and beware of hipocrisie for therby they haue occasion geuen them to examine them selues and their life Also this place teacheth that the wicked ought to be so handeled that they be not at the firste poynted out with the finger vntill such time as God doth manifest them with his hand For there are often times in the Church secret diseases which maye not behyd 23. There was one of Iesus Disciples leaning on Iesus Bosome euen he whom Iesus loued M. This Dsiciple was euen the very same Euaungelist which wroat these thinges as wee shall see in the one and twentie Chapter following C. And the speciall loue with the which Christ loued him doth euidently testifie that it is not alwayes contrary to charity yf so be wée loue some more than other some but oure loue speciallye to consiste in this that howesoeuer we loue we haue respecte vnto God From this scope Christ went not the bredth of a heare But we are farre wyde for such is our vaine disposition that there are fewe which in louing men come anye whit the nerer vnto God Verely our loue shal neuer be rightly framed except the same be referred vnto God A. Of the which matter we haue spoken more largely before in the fifte verse of the leuenth Chapter Leaning on Iesus bosome C. This leaning at this daye might séeme scarse mannerlye but suche was theyr manner of sitting at the Table at that time For they sate at meate as we do but when they had put of their shooes they went vp vppon certaine lytle beds made for the purpose vppon the which they being boulstered vp laye halfe vpwarde Christ therefore dyd associate and ioyne For humanity sake the same Disciple with him whome he speciallye loued and made him leane after the same manner vpon his breast 24 To him beckened Simō Peter therfore that he shoulde aske who it was of vvhom he spake M. We may styll behould a certaine continuall zeale in this Apostle toward the Lorde But in that he himselfe doth not demaunde the question we must attribute the same vnto modestye Some thinke that he was stayed by feare least the Lord shoulde reprehende him againe before others Whatsoeuer the let was that which hee durst not him selfe he séeketh to demaund by another namelye by him whome hée sawe to leane familliarlye vppon the Lordes bosome Therfore modestly he required this disciple priuilye to demaunde of the Lorde who this Traitour should bée 25. He thē whē he leaned on Iesus breast said vnto him Lord who is it M. This Disciple which was in the Lords fauour when hée leaned vpon the Lordes bosoome fulfilled the request of Peter and softlye asked Christ saying Lord who is it which dare committe such wckednesse 26. Iesus answered he it is to whom I geue a Sop when I haue dipped it And he wet the Sop gaue it to Iudas Iscariot the sonne of Simon M. Mathew sheweth that when euerye one of the Disciples sayde Lorde is it I The Lord aunswered Mat. 26.23 He which putteth his hande with mee in the dishe the same shall betraye mee And Luke sayth And behold the hand of him that betrayeth me is with me on the Table Luk. 22.21 Also this our Euangelist reported a litle before that the Lorde sayde Hee which eateth bread with me hath lyfted vp his heele against mee But by these words the Traytor could not be easily known because hee aloane dyd not eate with Christ Yet this noate of the which mencion is made here was so speciallye geuen that Iohn might easilye perceyue that the same appertayned to Iudas C. Christ if he woulde haue had him openlye knowne might haue pointed him forth with the finger but his purpose was ta geue onelye suche a signe as Iudas might bée knowne to one and no moe Moreouer it was very profitable and necessarye that Iohn was a witnesse of this mater for that he should afterward in due tyme reueale the same to others And Christ vpon wyse consideration differred the manifestacion of Iudas to the ende we might bée the better content that Hipocrites shoulde lye hyd vntyl such tyme as they bée brought forth into the open light M. Also the manner of Christ was to reache vnto everye one breade and such like meate as was before him on the Table 27. And after the sop Sathā entred into him Thē sayd Iesus vnto him that thou doest doe quickly R. Had not Iudas Sathan before By Sathan hee murmured against Marye which anointed Christ By Sathan hee conspired with the Pharisées to betraye Christ Bv. Luk. 2● And in the second verse of this Chapter wée reade that Sathan put into the heart of Iudas to betraye Iesus Howe then after the receyuing of the Sop dyd Sathan inuade Iudas Aunsvvere and enter into him Aunsvvere I aunswere M. This must bée vnderstoode of the more full and vehement impulsion of Sathan C. For as they are oftentimes sayde to beleeue which are confirmed in that faith whiche they had before and so the increase of faith is called faith euen so now when Iudas was whollye geuen to Sathan that he might with violent impulsion be caryed to all kinde of wickednesse the Deuell is sayde to enter into him For as the Saintes of God profite by degrées and in that they are increased with new giftes they are sayde to be filled with the holy ghost euenso when the wicked by theyr ingratitude doe prouoke the wrath of God against them the Lord depriuing them of his spirite of the light of reason and of all humane sence maketh them mansions of Sathan This is the horrible vengeaunce of God that when men are geuen ouer into a reprobate scence they might differ nothing from brute Beastes and that they might fall into suche wickednesse as euen Beasts do abhorre AV. The Deuell therefore by the Sop entered into the Traitour that he nowe being geuen vnto him might more fully possesse him into whome at the first hee entred to deceiue C. Wherefore wee must walke circumspectly in the feare of the Lorde least if we abuse his goodnesse by our wickednesse hee doe at the last delyuer vs to the wyll and pleasure of Sathan Moreouer the Sop which Christ reached vnto Iudas gaue not to Sathan place and enterye but rather Iudas receyuing the same deliuered him selfe whollye to Sathan This Sop verily was the occasion but not the cause And this so greate forbearaunce and long suffering of Christ ought euen to haue mollefyed a heart of flint but his incurable obstinacy deserued this that God by his iust iudgement shoulde by Sathan more harden the same Euē so we by doing good to our enemies doe heape coales of fyre vpon
after the which he séemeth to doe béecause the traytor was already gone forth to finishe his Trayterouse acte wherevpon came shortely after the béeginning of his glorification B As yf he should saye the time will come anon to finishe by my death my base estate and to beginne the time of my glory This is so nere that me thinkes I am alredy glorifyed me thinkes I am Christ alredy worshypped throughout the whoale worlde And God is glorified in him C. This is added in stéede of confirmation Therefore he nowe sheweth how he should bring glory vnto him selfe by such a death namely because he should gloryfy God his father For in the crosse of Christ the vnspeable goodnesse of God appered vnto the whole world for by the same sinne was abolished Death destroied the power of hel vanquished euerlasting saluation geuen to men 32. If God bee glorifyed in him God shall also glorifye him in him selfe and shall straight waye glorify him He meaneth that the glory of the Sonne is the glory of God the Father The glory of Christ is the glory of God And the Father was glorifyed by the son first of al by the obedience of the crosse death So Peter also glorified God by his deth Secondly because he was made knowen to the world to be the son of God So also God is glorifyed by vs when by oure good workes occasion to gloryfy him as our father is geuen to mortall men Thirdly God is glorifyed by Christ béecause he brought this worlde to the knoledge of him boath by his heauenly doctrine and also hy his miracles So all they glorify God which sette forth the knowledg of him in this world C. Christ therefore gathereth that he shall haue a glorious triumph by death in the which he sought only to glorify his father For the Father did not so séeke hys glorye by the Death of his sonne but that hée made him pertaker of the same with him also should suffer for a short time great glory should apeare in his death that which was fulfilled For the death of the Crosse dyd so lytle obscure the glorye of Christ that thereby the same dyd more brightlye shine for thereby apeared his vnspeakeable loue towardes mankinde his exceeding righteousnesse in making satisfaction for sinne and in pacifying the wrath of God and his wonderfull power in subduing death and destroying Sathan This doctrine is also to be applied vnto vs because although the whole world do conspire our infamye yet notwithstanding if we séeke sincerelye and with our whole heart to glorifye God there is no doubte but that he also wyll glorifye vs. i. Kin. 2.30 For he sayeth Him which glorifyeth mee wyll I glorifye And shall strayte waye glorifye him C. Christ encreaseth the consolacion by the shortnesse of the tyme least that delay should cause the disciples to doubt And although this glorye beganne at the daye of his resurrection yet notwithstanding that propagation is noted whiche followed straite after when by the power of the Gospell and of the holye Ghost he raysing vp the dead created vnto him selfe a newe people 33. Litle children yet a litle vvhile am I vvith you Ye shal seeke me and as I sayde vnto the Iewes vvhether I goe thyther can yee not come also to you saie I nowe R. Some wryters affirme that Swannes a lytle before their death sing verye swéetelye euen so Christ hauing at all tymes most gentlye dealt and spoken to his Disciples yet notwithstanding being neare vnto death hee handeleth them more friendlye calling them lytle children than the which name what can be more acceptable and swéete to a Godlye man C. By this gentle speache he declareth that he doeth not therefore goe awaye from them because he had lesse care for their saluation séeing hée loued them tenderlye He tooke vpon him our fleshe to this ende that he might bée our brother but in that other name there is greater vehemēcy of loue expressed And because it could not bée but that the departure of Christ would be a great grefe vnto the Disciples therefore he tolde them before hande that he should not bée long with them and therewithall exhorteth them to patience As if he shoulde saye Bv. Verye shortly lytle children the wicked shall laye handes on mee and carry me vnto death R. For the Crosse wayteth mee at the doores and by the Crosse I wyll goe out of this world vnto the Father and obtaine righteousnesse saluation and euerlasting lyfe for al that beleeue Ye shall seeke me M. That is to say It wyl shortly come to passe that ye shal desire my presence and haue a wonderful longing after me And as J sayde vnto the Jewes C. He repeateth vnto them the verye same wordes which he had spoken vnto the Iewes but in another scence For he sayeth that they cannot followe patientlye to suffer his temporall absence and he doeth as it were bridle them that they might keepe them selues within their compasse vntill they had finished their battaile in this earth He doth not therefore seclude them for euer from the Kingdome of God as he had done the Iewes but only commandeth them patientlye to abide his leysure vntyll such time as hée might bring them vnto him into his heauenly kingdome Reade the seueth and eight chapters going before beginning at the .34 and .21 verses 34. A newe commaundement geue I vnto you That ye loue togeather as I haue loued you that euen so ye loue one another M. After hée had foretolde them certaine thinges concerning his departure C. he addeth to the consolation an exhortacion to loue one another As if he shoulde saye When I am absent from you in bodye shewe by your mutuall loue that ye haue not béene taught by me in vaine let this be your continuall studye let it be your speciall meditacion that ye be farre from all disdaine loftinesse of minde Ielousye Enuye vaineglorye and from strifes and contencious C. Why he calleth this a newe commaundement there are diuers opinions Some thinke this to bée the reason that forsomuch as all that was prescribed in the Law concerning loue was lyteral and externall Christ writ the same in the heartes of the faythfull by his holye spirite And so in their opinion the Lawe is newe which he setteth forth after a newe fashion that it might haue his full strength But this seemeth to be far fetchte and contrarye to the purpose of Christ Other some expounde it to be called a new commaundement because although the Lawe doeth commaunde loue yet notwitstanding because it is mixed with many Ceremonies and circumstaunces depending vppon the same the doctrine of loue doeth not there so euidently appeare and contrarywise in the Gospell the perfection of loue is appointed without any shaddowes This interpretacion is not to be despysed Howbeit Christ séemed to speake now simply For we know that Lawes in the beginning are kept diligently but are by lytle and lytle
will retourne to you againe R. For I will not so goe away that I will be quite separated from you I will not so goe awaye that I will not retourne againe I will not so enter into the kingdome of my Father that I will retayne the same to my selfe aloane but for youre cause I goe and I so goe that I will come againe receiue you vnto me C. Moreouer this comming againe heare oughte not to be vnderstoode of the holy ghoste as though Christ would geue vnto hys Disciples a newe presence of him selfe in the spirite It is very true that Christ dwelleth in vs and in vs by his holye spirite but he speaketh here of the laste daye of Iudgement in the whiche hee shall come at the length to gather those that be his together And verily hée doth dayly prepare a place for vs yf so be wée haue respecte vnto the whoale body of the Church Wherevppon it followeth that the full time of our enteraunce into heauen is not yet come This the Apostle doth notably expresse in the fourth Chapter of his firste Epistle to the Thessalonians M. Lette vs remember therefore that Christ is come againe into this world The worlde beleeueth not this The cause of hys firste comming was that all they which were elected vnto lyfe from the beginning might be called vnto the grace of the kingdome of God The seconde cause of his comming shal be that the foresayde elected maye be taken vp into Euerlasting mansions This shal be broughte to passe by the ministery of Aungels Math. 13 And this second comming of Christ is desired so long vntyll a place is prouided in heauen for euery one And this caling of the electe shal be fulfilled here in earth the which béeing once ended and fulfilled this moste corrupt and wicked worlde shall haue an ende This wicked worlde shall haue an ende when the nomber of Gods elect is full A. Reade the twentyth sixe verse of the twelfth chapter going before 4. And whether I go yee know and the vvay ye knowe B. Because he would comfort his disciples concerning his departure it is necessary that we vnderstand this of that waye by which his disciples should followe hym vnto the Father C. Howebeit withall Christ teacheth that his death is not destruction but a passag to the father Therefore we haue here to noate twoo thinges The fyrst is that wee beholde Christ in his heauenlye glorye and blessed immortallity with the eyes of faith Secondlye that wée knowe him to bée the first fruites of our lyfe and the waye which was shut vp against vs is nowe opened vnto vs by him This he vttereth more plainlye in another place saying Mat. i6 24 M. Hee which wyll followe me let him deny himselfe and take vp his crosse and followe mee Christ him selfe is the waye to heauen that by him and after him we may come to heauenly thinges 5. Thomas sayde vnto him Lorde we knowe not whether thou goest and howe is it possible for vs to know the waye Bv. The Disciples being much gréeued marked not what the Lorde sayde vnto them and iudging to groslye of the wordes of the Lorde vnderstande not his minde and purpose C. And although at the first sight the aunswere of Thomas séemeth to disagrée with the saying of Christ yet notwithstanding his purpose was not to discréedite his Maister Notwithstanding it may be demaunded howe he denied that which the Lord had affirmed We aunswere that there are oftentimes in the Saintes confused vnderstandinges because they doe not way and consider the manner and reason of that which is plainlye set before them So the calling of the Gentiles was prophesied by the Prophetes to come of the true scence of Faith Ephe. 3 9 the which notwithstanding the Apostle Paule affirmeth to bée a misterye hydden from them Therefore when the Apostles shoulde beléeue that Christ went vnto the Father and yet notwithstanding knew not howe he should get that kingdome Thomas iustly affirmeth that they knew not whether hee went Therevppon hée gathereth the waye is more obscure For before wée enter into the race wée must knowe whether it tendeth M. By this place wée gather that no man knoweth the waye to heauenlye thinges except he fyrst knowe that Christ our sauiour and Mediatour is gone thyther 6. Iesus sayth vnto them I am the waye the trueth and the lyfe no man commeth vnto the Father but by me R. This is the principall poynt and sum of the whole Gospell that Christ is the waye the trueth and the lyfe C. Christ doeth not dyrectlye aunswere vnto the question yet notwithstanding he omitteth nothing which is necearye to bée knewne The curiositye of Thomas was to bée bridled therefore Christ doth not shewe what his condicion shal be with the Father but standeth vppon a more necessery point Thomas would wyllinglye haue hearde what Christe should doe in heauen euen as we oftentimes doe to muche wearye our selues with such subtile and curious poyntes But wee ought rather to applye our mindes how we shal be partakers of the blessed resurrection to come Wherfore the sum of this sentence is that whosoeuer getteth Christ she ll want nothing and that therefore he goeth beyonde all perfection which is not contented with him alone And he speaketh of their degrées as if he should saye that he is the beginning the middest and the ende Wherevppon it followeth that we must begin with him goe forewarde in him and ende at him We must not séeke for higher wisdome than that which leadeth vs to euerlasting lyfe This he affirmeth shal be founde in him And hée also pronounceth that the same must bee sought for in no other Hée teacheth moreouer that he is in the waye by whiche onelye wée must come thyther Therefore least hée shoulde fayle vs in any part he reacheth out his hande to those that goe astray and doeth humble himselfe so far that he directeth sucking Children hee hauing professed him selfe to bée a Captaine forsooke not his seruauntes in the midst of their race but made them partakers of the trueth At the last he made them partakers of that trueth than the which nothing more excellent can be deuised Bv. Therefore in these wordes all the Misteries of the Gospell are comprehended and from hence the ryuers of lyfe doe spring C. Séeing therefore that Christ is the waye there is no cause why the weake and ignoraunte shoulde complaine that they are forsaken of him seeing he is the truth and the lyfe he containeth in him selfe wherewithall to satisfye euen the most perfect Trueth in this place is taken of some to bée the wholsome lyght of heauenly wisedome And of othersome to be the substaunce of lyfe and of all spiritual graces which is compared with figures and shadowes Euen as when it is sayde Grace and trueth came by Christ Iesus But more rightlye it is taken for the perfection of Faith Iohn 1.7 euen as the waye is
Myracles than Christ him selfe is because he goyng to take possesion of his kingdome woulde more fully shewe foorth his power from heauen Whereby it appeareth that nothyng of his glory was deminished in that his Apostles wrought more excelentlye after his departure who were onely his Instrumentes Yea Philip. 2. hereby it appeareth that he sitteth at the right hand of his Father that euery knée might bowe before hym R. For to go vnto the father in this place is for Christ being now not only God but also man by his death and resurrection to enter into the kingdome of his father to sit at his right hand and to take vppō him the rule of all cretures The which appeared then to the worlde when the Apostles and their true successors preached the Gospell in diuers partes 13. And what so euer ye aske in my name that wyll I doe that the father may be gloryfied in the Sonne Bv. Now he vttereth an other Argument of his deuinitie ▪ the whiche being rightly waied wonderfully comforteth I wyll do saith he for you what so euer you aske in my name For I am God And it belongeth vnto God alone to heare the prayers of al men to graunt and fulfill all mens desyres B. Therfore he geueth a reason of that which he had sayde that the beléeuing in hym should worke greater workes than he wrought which he specially promised to his Disciples at that time present His meaning therfore is this think not that incredible whiche I haue promised vnto you Wherefore what soeuer ye shall aske in my name I wyll geue vnto you But he spake of those workes and Myracles by whiche the Father should be gloryfied in the Sonne That is to say by whiche he was acknowleged to be the sauiour of the world lest any man should drawe this promise to euery thing The glorye of God is the health of his Saintes Prayer accordinge to Gods glori and therefore before all other thinges they pray that his name may be sanctified and that his kingdome might come neither do they pray for any thing vnto the whiche they are not moued by the spirit of God M. To aske in the name of Christ is to pray for somwhat which either pertayneth to his name or kingdome Act. 4. or els by the prorogatiue of his name may be hoped to be obtayned After the firste manner the Apostles prayed to God the father as we may reade in the actes of the Apostles After the other manner al the faithfull pray J wyll doo it By these wordes he declareth that he is not onely a mediatour but also the Lord of all thinges who can graunt al things that we aske yea and as he can so also he will He teacheth also what the end is whervnto all our prayers must be directed namely that the Father may be gloryfied by the Sonne Therfore those thinges which are such that they cannot be done to the glorye of the Father by the Son are neither rightly asked of vs nor yet can be obtayned So that this place agréeth with this saying of Paule That euery tongue should confes that the Lord Iesus Christ Phil. 2. xi is to the glory of God the father The end of all prayers is the hallowyng of Gods name But the lawfull way to sanctifie is here expressed namelye in the son and by the sonne For when the maiestie of God is hidden from vs in it selfe it shineth in Christ when his hand is hidden we haue the same visible in Christ Therefore in those benefits which the father bestoweth vpon vs we must not seperate hym from the sonne according to this saying He which honoreth not the sonne honoreth not the father Ioh. 5.23 14. If ye shall aske any thinge in my name I will doe it R. Christ repeateth one thing twise that those thinges might be more assured whiche he promiseth For we obtayne nothing at the handes of the father but by the son C. The repeticion thereof is not superfluous All men see and féele that they are vnworthye to approche vnto God yet notwithstanding the greater part rush forth like madd men and bouldly yea rather proudly talketh with God Afterward when that vnworthynesse of the which we speake euen now cōmeth in their mindes euery man deuiseth for him selfe new meanes But God calling vs vnto hym setteth before vs one Mediatour by whom he wil be intreated and also fauorable vnto vs ▪ But here agayne the corruption of humaine wisdome triumpheth because the greater part forsakyng the true way wearieth it selfe in crocked and by wayes This therefore commeth to passe because the power and goodnesse of God is not apprehended as it should in Christ There is also a second error namely the not remembring that we are al iustly driuen from the accesse and comming vnto God vntill we ar called of him and that we are not called but by his Sonne Wherefore yf we think one testimony insufficient yet not withstanding let vs knowe that for as muche as Christ doth the seconde time intreat that the Father must be praied vnto in his name he doth as it were lay his hand vpon vs lest we should trauaile in vayne in seeking after ther patrones and helps A. For there is one onely Mediatour of God and men the man Christ Iesus 1. Tim. 2.5 Therfore if any man sin we haue an aduocate with the Father the righteous 1. Ioh ● 1 and he is a propitiation for our sinnes not for our sins only but also for the sins of the whole worlde Concerning the which matter reade more in the .vii. of Mathew beginning at the seuenth verse 15. Yf ye loue me kepe my cōmaundements M. This verse contayneth an exhortation ioyned with comfortable promises Bv. The spirit of the Lorde throughout the whole scripture doth not only shew and teach playnly the trueth but also most vehementlye vrgeth that wée shoulde receiue and retayne the same when we know it wherevpon our Lord also in this present place ioyneth an exhortation to the consolation and deuine doctrine by all meanes vrging his Disciples in them the whole Churche to receyue and retayne these thyngs and to exercise them selues in them C. It was true and sincere loue with the which the Disciples loued Christ the which notwithstanding was somwhat mixed with supersticion the which also happeneth oftentimes vnto vs. For they were out of the way in desiring to retayne Christ styll in the world That he might correct this vice he commaundeth them to bend their loue another way namely to the obseruing of those commaundementes which he had geuen them As if he should say I haue taught you by this my worde that I go to my father I haue taught you why I goe and what fruit commeth vnto you thereby and to the whole Church But because ye here that I shall dye ye are greatly troubled euen as men are wont to be for the departure of their fréendes and ye
of oure lyfe But whereas the Arians haue in time past abused this testimonye to prooue Christe to be God by participation only and grace their cauill may easily be confuted For Christ doth not simply defend his eternall essence but commendeth that deuine power which was reuealed in him For as the Father left all fulnesse of goodnesse in his sonne so in like manner his sonne hath powred hym selfe wholy into vs. 21. He that hath my commandementes and keepeth them the same is hee that loueth mee and hee that loueth me shall bee loued of my Father and I will loue him and wil shew my ovvne selfe vnto hym Bv. Heare the Lord repeateth that againe which he had otherwise propounded before saying If ye loue me keepe my commaundementes C And againe he exhorteth the Faithfull and teacheth that the true proofe of their loue toward him consisteth in this that they obserue and keepe his commaundementes of the which matter he so often times admonisheth his Disciples lest they shoulde swarue from the same because we are more proane to nothing than to carnall affection insomuch that vnder the name of Christe we loue somewhat besyde Christe To the which effecte pertaineth this saying ef saincte Paule Although wee haue knowen Christ after the fleshe 2 Cor. 5 16 now yet henceforth knowe wee him so noe more Therefore if any man be in Christe he is a newe creature M. He sayeth not simply yf any man kéepe my commaundementes but he sayeth Hee that hath my commaundementes and kepeth them C. And to haue the commaundemen●s signifieth to be rightly instructed in thē to frame him selfe his life vnto them Bv. And by the commaundementes he vnderstandeth faith and loue A. For this is his commaundemente that wée beléeue his name i. Ioh 3.23 and loue one another And then he addeth the reward or fruite of faith and of perseueraunce in the loue of God by which he encourageth those that ronne well to goe forwarde And hee that loueth mee shal bee loued Bv. To beloued of the Father is to be receiued into the frendshippe of the most high God and to be preserued and defended by God M. But heare it may be demaunded howe Christ sayeth that he is loued of the Father whiche loued him as though wee must fyrste loue him before we can be loued of the father C. Obiection For Christ speketh as though men might preuent him with their loue the which notwithstanding is verye absurde Rom 5 i0 for at such tyme as we were his enemies he reconciled vs to himselfe Also S. Iohn saith In this is loue not that wee loued God but in that he loued vs. i Ioh 4 i0 But heare is no controuercy concerning the cause or the effecte Terefore it is gathered amis that the loue wherewith we loue Christe must néedes goe before that loue which God beareth vnto vs. For this only is the purpose of Christe to shew that al they shal be blessed which loue hym because they shal be loued of the father in like manner againe not that God beginneth then to loue them but because they haue the testimony of his fatherly loue writen in their hartes To the same effecte pertaineth also that which followeth in the nexte member where he sayeth And wil shewe my owne selfe vnto him C. knoweledge verelye goeth before loue but this is the purpose of Christ that he wyll geue vnto the true imbracers of his Doctrine strength to profite daylye in the faith that is to saye I wyl bring to passe that they shall come néerer and more familliarlye vnto mée Bv I wyl increase in them my gifts that from thence foorth they knowing more rightlye and fullye the misteryes of Gods kingdome maye bée ioyned at the last by the same perfect faith vnto me and maye also enioye mée to theyr soules health For faith and the knowledge of Christ haue theyr degrées whiche encrease more and more tyll they growe vnto the full measure C. Hereby wée maye perceyue that the fruite of Godlynesse is the going foreward in the knowledge of Christ For he which promised to geue vnto him that hath reiecting Hipocrites maketh all to profite in the faith who vnfainedlye imbracing the doctrine of the Gospell frame them selues wholly vnto the obedience thereof And herevpon it commeth that many going backward we doe sée scarce the tenth man to goe forewarde in his right course because the greater part is vnworthy to behold Christ Also we must noate that more ample knowledge of Christ is here set forth as a singular rewarde of our loue to Christ wherevpon it followeth that it is an vnspeakeable treasure 22. Iudas sayeth vnto him not Iudas Iscariot Lord vvhat is done that thou wilt shewe thy selfe vnto vs and not vnto the world B. Because the Disciples had not receyued as yet the spirite of trueth they vnderstoode lyttle or nothing of all those thinges which the Lorde spake Wherevpon Iudas here demaunded a question no more to the purpose than Thomas and Philip had done before The Lorde had shewed vnto them that his departure should profite them more than his carnal presence and that therefore there was no cause of sorrowe but rather occasion offered them dilligently to obserue and kéepe his commandements Nowe Iudas but not Iudas Iscariot the Traytour but Iudas whose syr name was Thaddeus whose Epistle also is called the Epistle of Saint Iude as knowing none of these thinges sayde Lorde what is done C. It séemed vnto him verye vnméete that Christ which was and is the sonne of righteousnesse by whome all the worlde ought to be illumined shoulde lyghten onelye a fewe and not spreade forth his beames vppon all Bv. As if he had sayde Howe maye it bée séeing thou art nowe knowne vnto all menne that thou shouldest manifest thy selfe onelye vnto vs and not to the worlde R. Are not we also in the worlde are not we a parte of the worlde Wherefore if thou manifest thy selfe vnto vs arte thou not also manifest to the worlde 23. Iesus aunswered and sayde vnto him Yf a man loue mee hee vvill keepe my sayinges and my Father vvill loue him and vvee vvill come vnto him and dvvel vvith him C. The aunswere of Christ doth not explicate the whoale question for that there is no mencion in the same of the first cause why Christ shewing him selfe to a fewe dyd hyde him selfe from the greater number of men For at the first he founde all alyke that is to saye quite gone astraye from him Wherefore he can choose none which loue him but the chooseth some out from among his enemies whose heartes he maye bende to loue him but he thought it not good at this tyme to touch that difference which was farre from the purpose His purpose was to exhorte his Disciples to the earnest desyre of Godlynesse that they might profit more and more in the faith Therefore he thought it sufficient to put a difference betwéene his Disciples and the
in their mindes and should teach tel them all those things which they had so often tymes all ready heard but not playnly inough for them to vnderstand partly because of their rudenes and partlye by reason of the sorrow of their hartes C. The Lorde at that time sowed the seede of doctrine which for a time laye as it were choaked in his Disciples Therfore he exhorteth them to hope wel vntill such time as the doctrine brought fruit whiche as yet might seme vnprofitable In fine he affirmeth vnto thē that plentifull matter of consolation was in that doctrine whiche they had heard The whiche although it dyd not by and by appeare vnto them yet neuerthelesse he wylleth them to be of good cheare vntill the Spirite the internall Scoolemaster spake the same in their harts A very profitable admonitiō for al men Except we haue by and by all that Christ teacheth we are weary and count our labour lost in trauelyng about obscure matters But we must bring with vs prompt docillytie and aptnesse to be taughte wee must geue dilligent eare be attentiue yf so be we desire to profit in the Scoole of God but specially we haue néede of sufferance vntyl such tyme as the spirit doth reueale that which as we thinke we haue red and hard very often This poonishment Esay threateneth to the vnbeleuing that the worde of God should be vnto them as a shut booke but the Lorde doth after this manner oftentimes humble his seruaunts Therefore we must paciently and quietly way●e for the tyme of reuelation and must not therefore reiect the worde R. Fyrst of all we learne by this place that the holy Ghost is geuen to the Church of God the Father through the Mediatour Christ who hath purchassed the same of the Father that wée might be the sonnes of God by adoption C. Secondly we learne that the external preaching of the Gospel shal be to no purpose excepte the derection of the spirite be Ioyned therewith Therefore God vseth to teach by two maner of wayes namely by the outward sounde of his worde proceding out of mens mouthes and by the inwarde operation of his holy spirit and this be doth at diuers times according to his goodwil and pleasure T. Example here of we haue in the Actes of the Apostells of whome Saynt Luke wrighteth thus VVhose hart the Lorde opened so that he gaue dillygent heede vnto those thinges whiche Paull preached M. For we shall be alwaye taught in vaine withoute the Spirite of God be our teacher except he teach inwardly in the hart al doctrine is in effectuall yea although Christ should preache the same with his owne mouth Moreouer we are taught that the Doctrine of the Apostles is not of men but procéeding from the Spirite of GOD. For what other thing did they teache than that same which they had receyued from the holye Ghost R. This place is wonderfully construed by the wicked For they saye that Christ taught not all thinges but reserued many thinges for his Apostles to be reuealed by the holye Ghost of the which number they Iudge those wicked ceremonies of the Masse to bée But what doth Christ speake here C. What are all those thinges the teacher whereof hée promiseth that the Spirite shall be Hee shall sayth hee teach you al things and bring all thinges into your remembrance what ye shal do Wherevpon it followeth that there shall no newe reuelations In these fewe wordes all those things are confuted which Sathan hath brought into the church vnder the pretence of the holy ghost The Mahumetes and the Pope haue all one beginning of religion they boath affirming that the perfection of doctrine is not contained in the scripture but procéedeth from the reuelation of the spirite With these also agrée the Anabaptists and the Libertines But they are ledde by a sedusing Spirite and not by the spirite of Christ who thruste in straung Doctrine contrarye to the Gospell For Christ promiseth the holye Ghost which shoulde as asubscriber confirme the doctrine of the Gospell M. For the holye Ghost deliuered no other doctrine to the Apostles than the very same which they had hearde before out of the mouthe of Christ Let vs therefore take héede of those which boaste of the reuelations of the holy Ghost if so be they offer vnto vs straunge Doctrine contrarye to that which wée haue receyued of Christ 27. Peace I leaue with you my peace I giue vnto you not as the worlde geueth giue I vnto you let not your hearts be greeued neither feare Peace I leaue with you Bv. The Lord persisteth still in all one argument of consolation M. And hee obserueth the manner of friendes departing away who when they take theyr leaue of theyr friendes are wont to leaue somewhat with them in steade of a blessing and doe wishe them peace and health C. By the name of peace hée meaneth prosperous successe alluding to the manner of his countrie as if hée shoulde saye I leaue with you my farewell M. And very aptly he placed this worde leaue to giue his Disciples to vnderstande that hée left his peace with them after his departing Peace wished and giuen by christ to his Apostles C. But strayght after he addeth that this peace is far more excelent than that which is commonly among men who often times for an outwarde shewe and fashion onelye haue peace in theyr mouth or if they doe wishe peace from theyr hearte to any man yet notwithstanding are not able in verie déed to giue the same But Christ sheweth that his peace doth not consiste in bare wishing but that it is also Ioyned with effecte As if he should saye I haue toulde you allready that I will not leaue you comfortles and that ye shall not dwell in the earth destitute of my helpe For although I be absente in bodye yet notwithstanding I will be present with you as God deliuering you from all euells in suche wise that your enemies shall neuer be able notwithstandinge their great malisse to dawnt your courage Thus ye shal be free from feare and Godes power shall protect you which shall reueale such secret misteries to your quiet mind as other mens mindes are not able to comprehende And nowe I giue vnto you peace not simplye or the common peace but my peace And because there is great difference betwéene the peace of the worlde and the peace of Christ hée addeth by and by these wordes Not as the worlde giueth giue J vnto you For the worlde calleth that peace which the truth calleth warre as the ydle and secure lyfe in pleasures not troubled with aduersitie For many misfortunes calamities and the iust wrath of GOD also followeth this A. For when the wicked shall saye Peace Peace of this worlde and all thinges are safe then shall sodayne destruction come vpon them euen as vpon a woman trauayling with Childe 1. Thes 5.3 and they shall not escape Bv. But the
what thing worthy of hatered did the most méeke and louing Lord Iesus commit He deliuered from destruction he deliuered from the tyranny of the Deuell he extinguished the strength of synne he broughte manking out of seruitud and bondage into the gloriouse libertie of Gods childeren he hath geuen vnto men the participation of the holy Ghost and the kingdome of heauen to be our dwellyng place Wherefore he was rather to be commended of all men than to be hated But none of these thinges could mooue them For they hated him without any cause whome they should most entirely haue loued B. That which is written in the Psalme he sayeth was written in the Lawe because by the name of Law hée vnderstood the whoale Scripture C. Also the whoale doctrine of the Prophetes was nothing else but an Appendix of the Lawe And we know that the Ministery of Moyses continued but tyll Christes tyme of the which wee haue spoken in the seuentéene verse of the eyght Chapter going before Also he calleth it theyr lawe not for honours sake but that they might be more sharplye nipt with a familiar tytle As yf he should say they haue a Law geuen vnto them as it were by birthright in the which they sée their manners liuely drawen forth vnto them M. Where we haue to noate howe the wicked by their wickednesse fulfill those thinges which are foreshewed in the holy Scriptures The Iewes knewe this place of Scripture and yet notwithstanding they were so blinded that they did not perceiue that they fulfilled the same by hating Christ yea and if any had toulde them of the same they would in no wise haue acknoweledged it 26. But when the comforter is come whome I will send vnto you from the father euen the spirite of trueth whiche proceedeth of the Father he shall testefie of mee Bv. This also pertaineth to the consolation of the sayntes in persecutions which they suffer for the confession and preaching of the trueth of the Gospell C. For after Christ hath shewed that the Apostles ought not to estéeme any whit the lesse of the Gospell because the same hath many aduersaryes euen in the Church it selfe nowe he setteth against their wicked madnesse the testimony of the Spirite As yf he should saye the worlde shall rage agaynst you to some your Doctrine shal be a iestinge stocke and othersome shall deteste and abhorre the same but there shal be no such violent motions which shall shake the strength of your fayth when the holy Ghost is geuen vnto you which shall stablishe you by his testimony Bv. For I knowe howe hard a charge it séemeth vnto you to be which I nowe committe vnto you ye your selues féele howe vnapte and vnprepared ye are to take a matter of so great waight vppon you ye feare I knowe this world armed with wisedome pollicie and with all manner of helpes and strength But I would not haue you carefull the holy Ghost shal be geuen vnto you which shall geue testimony of me in this world and that with so great power that though this world rage neuer so mightely yet it shall preuaile nothing And this verely is our onlye comfort and staye when the world is on a roare on euery syde that the trueth of God beeing sealed by the holy Ghost in oure hartes it regardeth nothing that is in the world For yf so bée it were subiect vnto the Iudgement of men our Fayth shoulde dayly bée ouerthrowen a houndered times Therfore we must diligentlye noate howe we must staye our selues in the midest of so great troubles namelye thus because we haue not receiued the spirite of this world but the spirite of God we knowe what thinges God geueth vnto vs. This only witnesse doeth mightely repell disperse and ouerthrow whatsoeuer the world extolleth to obscure and beat down the power and glory of God Whosoeuer shal be endued with this spirite they haue so litle cause to be discouraged by the hatered and contempte of this worlde that euery one of them shall be conquerers and ouercommers of the same A. For this is the victory which ouercōmeth the world 1. Ioh. 5.4 euen our fayth In the meane time wée must beware that we do not depend vpon men For so soon as Fayth beginneth so to wander yea so soone as the same beginneth to goe forth of the sanctuary of God it must needes be miserably tossed Therefore it muste bee reuoked and brought to the inward and secret working of the spirite which the faithfull knowe to be geuen them from heauen And the spirit is sayd to testify of Christ because it retayneth and kéepeth the same fayth in him aloan that we might not séeke any part of our saluation in any other Moreouer he calleth the holy Ghost the comforter that is to saye our Instructor our aduocate and patrone that we bearing our selues bould vppon his defēce should neuer feare For Christ went about by this title to confirme and strengthen our fayth lest it should quail in temptations whom J will sēd vnto you C. He sayeth that he will sende his spirit from his Father and that the same shal procéede from the Father to make the same of more authority For the tstimony of the spirite could not suffice against so many strong assaults except we were perswaded that the same proceeded frō god Therefore it is Christ which sendeth his spirite but out from the heauenly glory to the ende we might know that the same is not a humaine gifte but the assured pledge of Gods grace But wheras in this place it is called the spirite of trueth it is to be applyed to the present circumstance For we must vnder stande an Antithesys or comparison for because without this witnesse men are diuersly caryed thys way and that way and knowe not where safely to rest but wheresoeuer he speaketh there hée deliuereth mens mindes from all doubting and feare of erroure A. Wherevpon the Apostle sayth It is God which stablisheth vs with you in Christ and hath anoynted vs which hath also sealed vs 2. Cor. i. 2i and hath geuen the earnest of the spirite into our heartes B. This spirit worketh all righteousnesse and truth in the sayntes it gloryfyeth Christ makinge them bould to confesse hym to be the only sauioure yt teacheth all thinges and maketh all those thinges which Christe hath spoken to be vnderstoode to bee shorte it leadeth into all trueth and therefore it is properly called the spirite of trueth 27. And yee shall beare wittenesse also because ye haue been with me from the beginning C. The meaning of Christe in these wordes is not that the testimony of the spirite is such that the Apostles shoulde haue the same priuately and aloane but that he would by them spread the same farther because they should be the Instrumentes of the spirite euenas he had spoken by their mouth As if Chryste shoulde haue sayde Bv. When I saye that the spirite shall beare witnesse of mee I
that comforter will not come vnto you But if I departe I will sende him vnto you B. He bringeth them from the consideration of his departure to thinke of his instante kingdome M. to the ende they considering the profite which they shall haue by his departure might put awaye all sorrowe and heauinesse of hearte C. Therefore hée testifieth that his absence shall be profitable that they myght cease to desire to haue him present before their eyes and he vseth the forme of an oath For because wée are carnall thereis nothing more hard than to plucke this preposterous affection out of our mindes by which we pull Christ out of heauen vnto vs. And hée sayde that this was profitable for them because they coulde not be endued with the holye Ghost except hée forsake the worlde For this presence of Christ is more profitable and to be desyered of vs by whiche hée offereth himselfe vnto vs by the grace and power of hys spirite than if hee were present before our eyes M. Also let vs noate that hée sayth not It is good for mée that I goe awaye but It is good for you Let vs well remember this sayinge of Christ For it is proper vnto him to doe all thinges for vs and for our profite and nothing for himselfe The voyce of Caiphas that false high Prieste was far otherwise Ioh xi x● For he sayde according to his owne faction It is good for vs that one man dye for the people On the contrarye parte the voyce of Christ is It is good for you So the Apostle sayde Phil i 27 I am in a straight betwixt two hauing a desire to be loosed and to be with Christ which is much farre better Neuerthelesse to abidein the flesh is more needefull for you Séeing therefore Christ the Sonne of God was so carefull for oure profite let no man hereafter séeke that which is hys owne i Cor i0 24 but euerye man anothers welth M Therefore Christ ascended to his Father for our profite euen as for our profite hée descended from heauen For hée is entered into the verye heauens to appeare now in the sight of god for vs. Heb 9 24 But hée being in earth Math 3. i6 coulde hée not sende hys spirite the which as wée know came and rested vpon hym when he was baptised and which was neuer seperate from him Wée answere C. Christ taketh this as graunted vnto him that what soeuer the father hath decréed shall stand And verely when the Lorde hath once shewed what he will haue done it is but foolishnesse to dispute about the possibilitye Therefore let it content vs to knowe that Christ departing corporallye not onely the holy Ghost but also the Father and the sonne are spirituallye present with the faythfull R. For Christ hadde preached much of his kingdome of lyfe and of righteousnes but so long as he was present in bodye the Apostles looked for nothing that was in him but that which was carnall as for a carnall kingdome corporall lyfe and for externall righteousnesse But after he was risen againe and ascended into the heauens it was manifested by the reuelation of the spirite that the kingdome of Christ is not corporall nor his life carnall i. Pet 2.25 but that his kingdome and life are spirituall that is deuine and euerlasting A. For hée is the true Shepherde and Bishoppe of our soules 8 And when he is come he will rebuke the worlde of sinne and of righteousnes and of iudgment C. Omitting the varietie of expositions which the obscurenes of this place hath occasioned wée will dilygently and brefely declare the meaninge of Christe in these wordes Hée had promised his spirite vnto his Disciples and now hée commendeth the excelencie of the gyfte by the effecte because this spirite shall not onely gouerne sustayne and defend them alone but shall also more largely shed foorth his power and efficacye He will rebuke the worlde of sinne That is to saye he will not remaine shut vp in you but his power shall shew foorth it selfe in you to the whole worlde Therefore he promiseth vnto them his spirite which shall be the Iudge of the worlde and by which theire preachinge shal be so liuely and effectuall that it shall rule and subdue those which before by vnbrideled libertie wente at randam without feare or awe But wée must noate that Christ speaketh not here of secrete reuelations but of the power of the spirite which appeareth in the externall doctrine of the Gospell and in the outwarde voyce of man For wherof commeth it that the voice of a man shoulde pearce and enter into mens mindes take roote there and fructefie making of stoanye heartes fleshie hartes and renewing men 2 Cor 3 6 but onelye because the spirite of Christ quickeneth the same Otherwise it should be a ●ead letter and a vaine sounde euen as Paull plainly teacheth when he calleth himself the Minister of the Spirite because God wrought mightely in his doctrine The sence meaning therefore is that when the Apostles shoulde bée indewed with the spirite they should also be armed with heauenly and deuine power wherby they should haue iurisdiction and Rule ouer the whole worlde But this is rather attributed to the spirit than to them because they shall haue nothing of theire owne power being only ministers and instrumentes but the spirit oenely shall rule in them Vnder this name world he cemprehendeth as well those which should be truly conuerted vnto Christe as hipocrites and reprobates For the spirite rebuketh men by to wayes in the preaching of the Gospell For some are seriously touched insomuch that they humble them selues of their owne accorde and do willingly yelde them selues vnto the Iudgemente by which they are condemned Other some althouge they cannot cléere them selues yet notwithstandinge they do not yéelde with their whole harte nether submit them selues to the power and rule of the holy Ghoste but being rather constrained do fret and f●me inwardely and being conuinced and confounded do not cease notwithstanding to be obstinate To rebuke in this place signifieth to conuince As if hée should say he shall make manyfest that the wrath of God is reueled from heauen against all fleshe againste all mortall men who although for the moste parte they fayned and counterfeyted godlines haue helde notwithstanding the truth of GOD reuealed vnto them in all impietye and vnrighteousnes as sayth the Apostle C. And the saying of Saint Paule in his fourtéene Chapter of his Epistell to the Corinthians serueth greatly to the vnderstanding of this place where hée speaketh of a lyuely kind of rebukeing as when God bringeth his electe by the preaching of the Gospell to repentance In fine we haue here described vnto vs in Christ the singuler excelency of the holy Ghost because God by his meanes wyll erecte his tribunall seat to iudge the whole world 9. Of sinne because they beleeue not on mee C. He sayeth that the
iudgement of the Spirite doth begin at the demonstration of sinne For this is the begininge of spirituall doctrine that men are borne in sinne that they haue nothinge in them selues but the cause of sinne As yf he should saye The Spirit when he commeth shall shewe and conuince that sinne raigneth in the world withoute mee Wherfore infidelytie is here named because it doth seperate vs from Christ and so bringeth to passe that ther is nothing left in vs but sinne To be short in these wordes is condemned the corruption of humane nature least we should thinke that we haue any drop of perfection in vs without Christ M. Therfore we see here that it is expressed by a manyfest sentence that not to beleue in Christe is sinne For it is the commaundement of God that wée beleue in his sonne 10. Of righteousenes be cause I goe to my Father and ye shall se me no more C. We muste noate here the order of degrées which Christe vttereth Nowe he saith that the world shall be rebuked of 〈◊〉 righteousnes for men do not hoongar and thirste after righteousnesse nay they disdaynfully reiecte what so euer is spoken of the same excepte they be touched with the féeling of sin Specially we must thus iudge of the Faithful that they cannot profite in the Gospell except they be first humbled the whiche cannot be without the knowing of their sinnes It is the proper Office of the Law to call mens Consciences to the Iudgment of God and to wounde them with feare but the Gospell cannot be rightly preached but it muste bring from sin to righteousenes and from death to lyfe Therfore it is necessarye that it borrow from the Lawe this firste parte of the whiche Christe speaketh here Moreouer by righteousenesse in this place Christ vnderstandeth that righteousnes which is geuen to vs by his grace Christ sayth that he geueth not this without his fathers consent that not without cause For as he rose agayne for our iustification so now he sitteth at the right hande of the Father that he mighte vse that power which is geuen to him and might so fulfill al thinges In fine he neuer sendeth from his heauenly glory the odore of his righteousenesse vnto the worlde but the Spirite pronounceth by the Gospell that this is one way by whiche we are counted iuste Therefore this seconde degrée of the coniunction of sinne that the Spirite might plainly proue and shewe vnto the worlde what true righteousenesse is namely that Christe by his assencion into Heauen hath appoynted the kingdome of lyfe and now sitteth at the right hand of the Father that he may stablish true righteousnes A. Therefore there is no other waye to obtayne true righteousnesse than to imbrace the Gospell with true Faith For he which trulye beléeueth is trulye iustified 11. Of Iudgement because the prince of this worlde is iudged already C. Iudgement in this place signifieth right and equitie as in diuers other places of the Scripture also and it is the contrary to that which is disordered dispersed cōfounded This therfore is the sence That Sathan so longe as he hath rule doth mix disorder and trouble all thinges that there might be a foule and deformed order of the workes of God but when he is put from his tyranny by Christ that then the worlde is repayred and good order beginneth to appere Thus the Spirite rebuketh and conuinceth the world of Iudgement That is to say Christ hauing ouercome the Prince of Iniquitie restoreth into good order those thinges whiche before were confounded and out of frame M. Sathan therefore was ouercome by the comming of the sone of God as by the more mightie but that is then knowne when by the power of the spirite the kingdome of Christ shineth in the harts of mortall men A. Concerning the which reade in the twelfth Chapter goyng before and the xxxi verse 12. I haue yet manie things to say vnto you but ye cannot beare them away now 13. Howbeit when he is come which is the spirite of truthe hee will leade you into al truth He shall not speake of himselfe but whatsoeuer he shall heare that he shall speake and he will shew you thinges to come M. It appeareth that the Lord among all other consolations proposed this before his Disciples as chiefe and that hee afterwarde doubled the same because they should receyue the holy Ghost to be their teacher comforter and Aduocate by whom they should be led and gouerned in all thinges By this promise he incourageth them to reueale the sorrow and heauinesse of their hart by which it came to passe that they coulde not well vnderstande those thinges which were spoken C. And because there was no other stay but doctrine vppon whiche they might reste he geueth them to vnderstande that he hath tempered the same according to their capasitie As if hee should say Yf that be not sufficient to stablishe and staye you whiche ye haue heard of mee staye a while For heareafter you being taught by the instruction of the Spirit shall want nothing he shall profite and finish that in you which is as yet but newly begon M. Here the Ministers of the worde haue an example to folow namely that they them selues might haue a consideration of the weaknes of others whom they take in hand to instructe either in Doctrine or in Dissiplyne and to burthen them with no more than they ca● presently beare For there are sertayne increments and measures of the giftes of Christ in the minds of the faithful insomuch the all men are not capeable of al thinges Yf so be ye should by and by at the fyrste chopexpounde vnto a Iewe newlye instructed the misterye of the holy Trinitie according to the fulnesse of our Faith neither his vnderstanding can conceiue it nor his memory carye it away C. Now it may be demaunded what thinges those were whiche the Apostels as yet were not apt to learne The Papistes to thruste in their owne inuentions in steade of deuine Oracles do wickedly abuse this place Christe say they promised new reuelations vnto his apostles Therefore we must not content our selues with the Scriptures only aboue the which Christe called his Disciples But séeing Christe houldeth his peace which of vs can say either those be they or those be they Or if he dare presume to say so how wyll hee proue it Who is so vaine or rashe who although hee spake these thinges which are true will afirme without any deuine testymony that they are those thinges which the Lorde woulde not they speake C. Moreouer the Spirite is called the perfecte scolmaster of trueth which Christ promised vnto his Apostles But to what end promised he the same but onely that they might deliuere the same wisdome which they had receiued from him That spirite is geuen the which beinge their guid and directour they discharged the office committed vnto them The same spirite had led them into all truethe when
did not here plainly affirme that the holy Ghost hath no other office than to establishe the kingdome of the sonne of God and to ratefye and confirme that for euer which the Father hath geuen vnto him To what ende then pertayneth the doctryne of the spirite Math. 17 5 Not to drawe vs from the scoole of Christ but rather to establishe and confirme that voyce by which we are commaunded to hear him Otherwise he should diminishe the glory of Christ which sayeth Hee shall glorify mee c As if he should saye After the holye Ghost shal be reuealed ye shall preach the Gospell to the whoale world and ye shall tell foorth my most gloryous vyctorye ouer the worlde sinne death Sathan and hell the which shall tourn to my great glory M. Let them noate and consider this which bragge and boast of the instruction and reuelation of the holy Ghost in the Churche The worke of the holye Ghost is not to gloryfye our strength wisdome and merittes but Christ which cannot bee glorifyed but in our heartes mortefyed and voyde of our owne ryghteousnesse C. When Christ addeth that the holye Ghoste shall take of his he geueth vs to vnderstande that we receiue his spirite to this ende that we might enioye his benefits For what doth it profite vs Surely it bringeth to passe that we are washed with the bloud of Christ that sinne is abolished by his death in vs that our ould man is crucefyed that his resurrection is of power to bring vs to newnesse of lyfe and finally that wée be pertakers of all his benefits and graces Therefore the spirite geueth vs nothing which is not in Christe but taketh from Christe to geue vnto vs. The lyke also wee muste thinke of doctrine i. Cor. i 30. For he doth not illuminate vs to drawe vs any whit from Christ but to fulfill that which Christ speaketh namely how that Christ is made vnto vs wisedome For it openeth vnto vs those treasures which are hidden in Christ To be short the Spirite doth in ritch vs with no other treasures than with the ritches of Christ that in all thinges Christe may be gloryfyed 15. All thinges that the father hath are myne Therefore sayde I not vnto you that hee shall take of mine and shewe vnto you C. Because Christ had séemed to haue spoken arrogantly lest he myght seeme to deminishe the glory of the father in saying Because he shall receiue of mine he strayght waye maketh mencion of the Father and confesseth that he hath all that from the father which he geueth vnto vs by his spirit But when he sayth that al things which the Father hath are his he speaketh in the person of a mediatoure because they shoulde drawe and receiue from the fulnesse of the same He alwayes hath respect vnto vs and speaketh of his Ritches to inuite vs to enioye the same and among the benefites which by his hand wée receiue from the Father hée reckoneth vp the spirite M. Let vs consider therefore of what dignitye the sonne of GOD is If all thinges are his whiche belong vnto the Father then is he of equall wisedome power and dignitye with the Father Mat. 11.27 and Lorde of all Herevpon it commeth that the Apostle Paule sayeth All thinges are youres and you are Christes i. Cor. 3.21 and Christ is Goddes M. Howebeit Christ speaketh not so muche here of his secréete power as hée doeth of his office 16. After a while and yee shall not see me and againe after a while and ye shall see me for I go to the Father M. The tyme was euen at hande that the Disciples being depriued of the presence of Christ shoulde bée verye heauy and sorrowfull the which sorrowe strayte after the resurrection of Christ shoulde bée tourned into greate ioye By the promise of this euerlasting ioye to come hée comforteth their mindes againe with these wordes B. I therefore speake vnto you of the holye Ghost the comforter by whome hereafter ye must be taught all thinges because the tyme is verye short which I haue to tarrye with you in the fleshe For euen anon I shal be caryed to death but shortly after I shal be restored to you againe but after another manner that is to saye by the presence of my spirite C. Howebeit othersome expounde it thus Ye shall sée me when I am rysen againe from the dead but it shall bée but for a short tyme because strayte after I shal be receyued into heauen But by this consolation he doth rather mittigate the sorrowe which they might conceyue by his absence affyrming that the same shoulde not bée long and so he commendeth the grace of his spirite by which he shoulde be with them for euer And it ought not to séeme absurde that he affyrmeth him selfe to be séene when he dwelleth in his Disciples by his spyrite for although he bée not discerned with our eyes yet notwithstanding Faith beholdeth Christes presence his presence is felt and seene with the eyes of fayth It is true which the Apostle sayeth VVee knowe that so long as wee are at home in the bodye 2. Cor 5.6 wee are absent from the Lorde For wee walke by fayth not after outward apperance Therefore the grace of the spirite is a glasse for vs in the which Christ wyll be séene according to this saying of Paule Though wee haue knowne Christ after the fleshe 2. Cor. 5 6 nowe yet henceforth knowe wee him henceforth no more 17. Then saide some of his Disciples betvven them selues vvhat is this that hee saieth 18. vnto vs After a vvhile and ye shall not see me and again after a vvhile and ye shall see me and that I go to the Father M. The matter it selfe of the which the Lorde spake as it was rare and seldome hearde so was it obscure vnto the Disciples and not easye to bée conceyued R. For fleshe and blood is deaffe at the Preaching of the Crosse and vnderstandeth nothing that is spoken of the Crosse For howe oftentimes had hée toulde his Apostles that hée woulde goe vnto the Father and take possession of a newe kingdome Howe often had hée made mencion of his Passion Notwithstanding they doe not as yet vnderstande the same so blynde is our nature in the worde of God without the spirite of Christ Suche is the doctrine of Christ that it requireth not carnall hearers but spirituall bearers and this is the cause that so fewe doe truelye vnderstand the same Notwithstanding wée must noate that not all but some of the Apostles not vnderstanding the wordes of the Lorde spake thus among them selues for they were not al of like capascity and wisedome 19. Iesus perceiued that they would aske him and sayde vnto them Doe yee enquire among your selues of that I saide After a while and ye shal not see mee and againe after a whyle ye shall see me R. This is an example of gentlenesse and carefulnesse Of gentlenesse in
third day he wyll rayse vs vp and we shall liue in his sight C. Therefore because the Crosse of Christ hath alway included in it victory Christ doth very aptly compare the sorrow whiche is conceiued thereby to the sorrowe of a Woman traueilinge with childe Rom. ● 2 which sorrow is tourned to ioye by the reward of a Childe But because this is the state and condition of al creatures to trauaile and groane vntyll the last day of redemption let vs know that we must sighe and groane also vntyll such times as we being deliuered out of the continuall miseries of this present lyfe do plainly see the fruite of our faith For the faithful are lyke vnto a woman whiche hath brought foorth a Childe in that they are borne againe in Christ and are already entered into the celestiall kingdome of God and euerlasting lyfe but they are like vnto great bellyed and traueilyng Women in that as yet they are captiues in the prison of the fleshe wayting for that happy state whiche lyeth hid from their eyes When he saith that he will sée his Disciples againe he meaneth when he shall returne to visite them with grace of his Spirite that they may haue the sight of him for euer R. For christ séeth vs when he sendeth his holy Spirite by which as by a Seale he sealeth and confirmeth our harts that we may haue the ioye of the Spirite for euer euen as he addeth saying And your ioye shall no man take from you This perpetuity and euerlastinge continuance doth make the ioye more precious For herevppon it followeth that those sorrowes are lighte 2 Cor 4 i7 and patiently to be suffered whiche are momentany Also by these wordes Christe sheweth what is true ioye Ioyes of the vvorlde are transitorye It muste néedes be that the ioyes of the world are transitory and sodenlye vanishinge away for that they consist in corcuptible and momentanie thinges Therefore we muste come vnto the resurrection of Christ in the which there is eternall stabillitie and continuance Ioy euerlasting is Iesus Because therfore Christ himselfe is the ioye of the godly it is saide to be euerlasting For Christe dyeth no more Rom. 6.9 death hath no more power ouer him Therfore the faithfull neuer want true matter of ioy M wherfore that is not true sorrow which is tourned into euerlasting ioy neither is that true ioy which is conuerted into sorrow which shal neuer haue an endde The wicked then are moste vnhappye and miserable which ioye in this world and shall afterward sorrow weepe and lament for euer and contrariwise most blessed and happy are the children of god whiche mourne wéepe and lament in this life but in the life to come shal ioye for euer And that which christ saith here that there ioye shal be perpetuall agréeeth with that he sayd before 23. And in that daye shal ye ask me no question verely verely I saye vnto you whatsoeuer ye shal aske the father in my name hee wyll geue it you C. After that Christ had promysed ioye vnto his Disciples which shoulde come of inuincible fortitude and constancye now he promiseth vnto them another grace of the Spirite that is to say suche light of vnderstandyng as by the same they should reach vnto heauenly mysteries At this time when Christe talked with them there was such great dulnes in them that euery scruple caused them to stay an● to doubt For as children whiche learne but their Primer cannot reade on verse through without stops and staies euen so in euery word of Christ almost there was one offence or other whiche made the Disciples to staye but within awhile after being illuminated by the holy Ghoste they had no more stayes and lettes but were famylierly acquainted with the wisedome of God insomuche that they wente forwarde withoute stoombling through the secret misteries of God M Moreouer there are some who by that daye of the which Christ maketh mencion here vnderstand that time whiche passed betwéene the day of his resurection and his assention into heauen Othersome more truly extend the same vnto the ende f the worlde from that time in the which the holy Ghoste was sent vnto the Apostles For the Apostls differing nothing from children naye being more lyke vnto blockes then men how sodenlye they were chaunged by the instruction of the Spirite of God we may playnly sée in the Actes of the Apostles Act 2 i7 Therfore whereas he denieth that they shall aske any thinge he hath this meaning Ioel ● 8 R. In that day in the which I wil send vnto you the holy Ghoste all these thinges shall be reuealed vnto you of the which I haue tould you C. Not because the Apostles did cease euen when they were moste wise to demaunde at the mouth of Christe but there is onely here a comparison of a double state as if Christ should say that their rudenes should be corected in such wise that they which dyd stut and stammer in euery small thing should easely attaine to all perfection To this agréeth the saying of Hieremy And they shal teach no more euery man his neighbore saying Know the Lorde for they shal all know me from the least of them vnto the greatest He doth not take away prophesie neyther doth he abolish that doctrine which ought to florish in the kingdome of christ but he rather denieth that groase ignoraunce shall take place when all men are taught of God the which ignoraunce possesseth the mindes of men vntyll such time as Christ the sone of righteousnes illuminateth them by the bright beames of his Spirite Whatsoeuer ye shall aske the father A. For the exposition of this place read the 13. and 14. verses of the 14. Chapter goyng before 24. Hitherto haue yee asked nothing in my name aske and ye shal receiue that your ioye may be full A. This séemeth at the firste fight very absurde that the Apostles asked nothing before that time in the name of Christ when as Luke maketh mencion that they desired Christ to teach them a for● of prayer Teach vs say they to pray a Iohn taught his Disciples Agayne it is not lyke that they were so long conuersaunt with Christ but that they obserued that rule and forme of prayer which the lawe prescribed Beside this it is very probable that they vsed to pray though for temporal things onely seeing Christ taught them first to séeke the kingdome of God and the righteousnesse therof The which they performed afterwarde as may appeare by this their petition Lorde encrease our faith But Christe by these wordes sought to bring his Disciples to the knowledge of the true mediator C. For he had allredy sufficiētly declared him selfe vnto them to be the very same mediatour but their knowledge was so obscure that they could not as yet frame their prayers aright in his name And it is no absurditie to saye that they prayed vnto God vpon trust of the
he addeth another cause why he prayed so earnestly for hys Disciples bicause shortly they should be destitute of his corporall presence by enioying the whiche they were as yet cherefull So long as he was conuersaunt with them he gathered them and nourished them euen as a Henne doth hir Chickens vnder his winges and nowe gooing away he desireth of the Father to protect and defende them the whiche he dothe in respect of them For he séeketh to remedie their feare that they mighte staye themselues vpon God him selfe to whome he nowe deliuered them as it were from hande to hande M. Therefore nowe we see howe the moste faythfull and louyng Lorde was not so desirous to go vnto the Father that he regarded not the condition of his Disciples but carefully considereth in what state to leaue them after his departure Héereof commeth no small consolation when wee heare that the Lorde is the more carefull for the saluation of hys when he leaueth them according to hys Corporall presence For heereof wee maye gather that we also at thys day labouring in the world are regarded of hym in so muche that hee sendeth helpe vnto vs when wee are in trouble euen from hys heauenly glory Holy Eather kepe thorough thy owne name M. Hee knewe that they shoulde be subiect to many daungers in this world and therefore hee prayeth that they maye be preserued by hys Fathers prouidence C. For all hys prayer tendeth too that ende least hys Disciples shoulde bée discouraged as though their Corporall state shoulde bee the woorse by the misse of the Corporall presence of their Maister As if he should say My Apostles shall abyde persecution of the worlde for the Gospell Wherefore I praye that they faynte not vnder the heauie burthen of the crosse M. He addeth In thy name For bicause they were consecrated to the name of God and shoulde suffer many aduersities in the worlde for his sake he prayeth that they maye bee preserued in or by hys name R. For the name of GOD is a most strong tower Prou. 18.10 Therefore the name of GOD can defende the Faythfull man from all euils and from the dartes of Sathan C. The summe then is thys When the Corporall sighte of Chryste is taken from the Disciples they sustayne no losse bycause God receyueth them into his protection whose power is euerlasting He ascribeth the maner of sauing saying That they may be one For those whome the heauenly Father hath decreed to saue he gathereth into the holy vnitie of fayth and of the spirit But bicause it is not sufficient for mē to agrée togither in one he addeth this Euen as we are one For then our vnitie shall be happie if so be it set foorth the Image of God the father and of Christ euen as the waxe in the which the King or Signet is printed carieth the marke or print of the same A. But concerning the vnitie of the father and the sonne reade the tenth Chapter going before beginning at the .30 verse and in the verse folowing 12. Whyle I was wyth them in the worlde I kepte them in thy name those that thou gauest mee haue I kepte and none of them is loste but that loste childe that the Scripture mighte bee fulfilled C. Christe sayth that he hath kepte them in hys Fathers name bicause he made hym selfe onely a Mynister whiche dyd nothyng but by the power of GOD. Hée therefore thynketh it not méete that they shoulde nowe peryshe as though the power of GOD by hys departure were extinguished or beade R. As if hée shoulde say Hytherto I haue confyrmed the Apostles wyth the worde of the Gospell yea I haue lefte nothynge vndoone that myghte keepe them wythin the bandes and duetie of Faythe and I haue kepte them that none shoulde perishe but onely that Iudas Iscarioth of whose fall the Scripture before testified And nowe because I am gooing away I committe them to thy charge For I shall be delyuered too the Aduersaries and shall bée lefte in the handes of the wycked that in deryding mée they shall saye He saued others hym selfe he can not saue Wherefore I resigne them ouer into thy hande that they maye bee preserued from all euill C. But this séemeth very absurde that Chryste shoulde sette ouer vnto GOD the offyce of sauyng and preseruing as thoughe he hauyng ended the course of hys lyfe leassed to bee their kéeper But this is thus aunswered That Chryste speaketh onely héere of the visible custodie whiche had an ende in the death of Christe For so long as he was conuersaunte on earth he needed not to borrowe any other power to preserue hys Disciples But all this is referred too the person of the Mediator whiche appeared in the fourme of a seruaunte for a tyme. But nowe he commaundeth his Disciples so soone as they beginne to wante but the least helpe to lyfte vp theyr eyes to heauen Whereby wée gather that Chryste dothe no lesse preserue the faythfull at this daye than he hathe doone in tyme paste but after an other manner because the deuyne Maiestie openly shineth in him R. For if so be Christe kepte and preserued hys before hee entered into the Kyngdome of hys Father and satisfyed the desire of the Faythfull concernyng ioye howe muche more shall he keepe them nowe seeing he hathe iustified them by hys Deathe and Resurrection For nowe oure saluation is more neere than when wee beleeued And seeyng when as yet wée were Synners Chryste dyed for vs muche more nowe wee beeing iustified by his bloud Rom. 5.6 shall bée saued through hym from wrath M. Furthermore let vs note héere howe Chryste saythe that he hath kept hys Disciples in the worlde For suche is thys worlde that the Electe haue nede of Gods preseruation so long as they are in the same C. Whereas he maketh exception heere of Iudas it is not wythout cause For althoughe he were none of the Elect and of Gods flocke yet notwithstāding the dignitie of his office made him seeme so to be Neither woulde any man haue thought otherwise of hym so long as he was in that office Therefore in respect of Grammer the exception is improper but if we consider the matter all men will say that it behoued Christe so to speake Moreouer lest any man shuld thinke that the eternall election of God was voyde in the destruction of Iudas he addeth héerewithal that he was the sonne of perdition by whiche words he giueth to vnderstand that his ruine and destruction which sodenly appeared in the sight of men was from the beginning knowne vnto God It appeareth therefore very well that Chryste knewe for whome he prayed and for whome he prayed not M. By this perdition of Iudas wée may gather that there is no hope of saluation for those whiche following the steppes of Iudas persecute the truthe of Chryste for filthye gayne whereby they manyfestly declare that they are borne the children of perdition seeyng the same happened too
theire desiers whiche exceeded very much by this meanes which he prescribeth Hee promiseth not vnto his disciples the grace of his Father which might deliuer them from all care and labour but whiche mighte arme them with inuincible fortitude agaynste theyr enemies and defende them agaynste the huge heape of dissentions whych they shoulde sustayne Therfore if we desire to bee saued according too the Rule of Christe we muste not desire to be frée from euils neyther muste wee praye vnto God to deliuer vs by and by into blessed reste and peace but we must cōtente our selues with a sure truste and hope of victorye and must stronglye and constantly resiste all euils from the which Christe prayeth hys father that wée may haue a happy deliuerance 1. Cor. 10.13 R. For God is faithful which wil not suffer vs to be tempted aboue our strengh Mat. 6.13 but in the midest of temptation will make awaye that we may be able to beare it M. To thys effecte perteyneth this petition of the Lordes prayer Leade vs not into tēptation but deliuer vs from euill C. To be shorte God taketh not those that are his out of the worlde bicause hee woulde not haue them Idle and sloughfull yet notwithstanding he deliuerethe them from euill leste they shoulde be destroyed For he woulde haue them fyghte but he woulde not haue them wounded to deathe R. Therefore by this woorde Euill vnderstande not affliction Crosse and death but sinne impietie infidelitie and falling a way from the Gospell the which euil being taken away other euills wil turne to good For in that Christe hath taken a waye synne the euills and wages of synne remayning hee declareth his glory and power by which of euill hee maketh good For deathe bycause it is the rewarde of synne and the Crosse bicause it is the hyer of sinne are euills but synne beeyng taken a waye by faythe they are made good and they must abyde with the Godly in this worlde that they may be proued and purged as it were through fyre 17. Sanctify thē through thy truth thy worde is the truthe M. Before hee sayde I haue giuen vnto them thy worde nowe he prayeth that they mighte bee sanctified with the spirite of God at their entering into the Apostleship whereby the truthe of God mighte be spred throughout the whole worlde that is to saie that they mighte supplie his roome and bee confyrmed Therefore this sanctification comprehendeth the kingdome of God and the righteousnesse thereof that it mighte also bee extended to all the béeleeuing though not Apostles the whiche is brought to passe when God renueth vs by hys holy Spyrite and confyrmeth the grace of renouation in vs and continueth the same to the ende Fyrste of all therefore hee prayethe that the Father woulde sanctifie hys disciples that is too saye that hee woulde whollye addiecte them vnto him and take them too him selfe as a holie and principall charge Secondlye hee shewethe the manner howe hee woulde haue them sanctifyed and that not withoute cause For there are sertayne braynesicke Menne whiche babble and prate muche of sanctification but doe omit the truthe of God by whiche hee consecrateth vs too him selfe Moreouer bycause others no lesse mad than they do tryffle and toie with that truth of the which ther is mention made here and do in the meane time neglecte the worde Christ plainelie affirmeth that the truth is no wher els to be found than 〈…〉 which doth 〈…〉 is it 〈◊〉 For 〈…〉 be s●●●led with ●●●pe and work according to the custome of the lawe sa●●g the bloude of Christ is mutable and h●dde● from our eyes Therfore it is 〈◊〉 the consciences by the worde of the Gospel which is the truth And the word is this Christ dyed for vs 〈…〉 for my ●●eepe ●ake ye 〈…〉 thys is my body which i● giuen for your drynke ye● this is my bloude ●hiche is shed for you And suche lyke 1 Pet. ● 18 Ioh ● 1●.15 Mat. 26 26 Ephe. ● 26 In this sence Paule affirmeth that the church is clensed by the fountayne of water in the worde of life R. Also Christ sayth Now are ye all cleane through the vvorde which I haue spoken vnto you And Peter sayth Ioh. 15.3 Purifying your soules in obeying the truth by the spirit C. It is God onely whiche sanctifieth 1. Pet. 1.22 A. I am the Lorde sayth he vvhich sanctifie you but bicause his Gospell is the power of saluation to euerye one that beleeueth whosoeuer forsaketh that meane Rom. 1.19 he must needes be more filthe euery day than other Truthe here by excellencie is taken for the light of Heauenly wisedome in the which God hath reuealed him selfe vnto vs that hée mighte make vs lyke 〈…〉 18. As thou dyddest send me into the worlde euen so also haue I sente them into the worlde C By another Argumente he confirmeth his prayer namely bicause his and the Apostels calling was all one Now sayth he I commit vnto them that office which hytherto I my selfe haue sustayned and borne at thy commandement Therefore it is necessary that they be instructed and armed with the power of thy spirite that they maye bee able too beare so greate a burthen M. And he vseth here according to the Hebrue phras one tence for another as I haue sent for I will sende For hee sente them not vntyll after his resurrection Mar. 16.15 Also here we haue to noate who they are whiche may hope that this heauenly santification shal bee geuen them to discharge the office of preachyng There are some whiche runne of them selues vncalled and there are other some which beeing only taught and called of men runne without the diuine disposition and calling of God Neyther of them haue to hope for the sanctification of the spirite But they whome Christ sendeth into the worlde which are sanctified by the spirite of God to be ministers of the truth Suche were the Apostles whom Christ intēded to send foorth into the world euen as he him selfe was sent foorth of the Father Also we muste weye how greatly we oughte to esteeme the doctrine of the Apostles Althoughe they were men yet notwithstanding by the testimonie of Christe him selfe they were so sent into the worlde euen as he was sente of the Father Therefore he which heareth them heareth God hym selfe and he which despiseth them despiseth God Luk. 10.16 Finally let vs consider to what ende the Apostles were sente into the worlde R. They were sente of Christe euen as Christ was sente of the Father Nowe Christe was sente to shewe the will of his Father that is to saye the Gospell he was also sente to be a lyuely example and to beare the crosse M. not to rule in the worlde after the manner of men but to be as it were the seuaunte o● others when as notwithstanding he was Lorde of all R. Euen so also the Apostles were sente not to teache mans inuentions but the
power of his resurrection whiche was moste principall Wherfore it is no maruell if suche grosse affections put a vayle before hir eyas 16. Iesus saythe vnto hir Mary She turneth hir self and said vnto him Rabbony whiche is to say Master C. In that Christe suffered Mary to erre for a shorte time it is profitable for vs to confirme our fayth but nowe wyth one worde he reuoketh hir from errour M. He sayth not I am he whom thou séekest for whose sake thou wepest so much but he calleth hir by hir proper name as one familiar friende speaketh to another and that with suche a voyce as was best knowen vnto the woman C. At the first he spake vnto hir as a stranger but now taking vpon him the person of a Master he speaketh vnto hir as to a Disciple euē as we heard before that a good shepheard calleth all the shepe of his flocke by name Iohn 10.3 The voice therfore of this shepeherd perceth into the mind of Mary openeth her eyes moueth al her sences affecteth her forthwith to geue her self vnto christ For She tourned hir selfe and said vnto him Rabboni M. The Euangelist in saying that Marie tourned hir selfe about againe meaneth that she tourned hir face again to the Sepulcher whither peraduenture hir heart was bent A. For she had a feruent vnspeakeable desyre to fynde the Lord but so soone as she heard and vnderstoode the voice of her Shepeheard she biandby cryed with great ioye and admiration Rabboni C. Thus in Mary we haue depainted to vs the Image of our calling For this is our only enteraunce into the true knowledge of Christ if so be he know vs fyrst and do familiarlye call vs vnto him not with that common voyce which generally soundeth in the eares of all men but by which he doth specially cal those shepe which are geuen vnto him of the father Hereuppon the Apostle Paule sayth Gal. 4.9 After that ye knew God yea rather wer known of God And the efficacie of the word appeareth hereby that Mary gaue biandby vnto Christ that honour which was due vnto him For the name of Rabboni is not only honorable but contayneth also the profession of obedience Therefore Marye declareth her self to be a disciple of christ and submitteth her selfe vnto him as to a maister This is a wonderfull and secret conuersion of mans mynde when God illuminating the same by his holye spirite maketh the same of blynde sodenly to sée perfectly The like example we haue almost in the two disciples which were going to Emaus A. For when as at the fyrst their eyes were held that they knew not Christ Luk. 24.30 at the length when he toke bread and blessed and brake the same their eies were opened and they knew him whom before they iudged to be a straunger C. Furthermore the example of Marye ought to be an exhortation vnto vs that so many as Christ calleth vnto him do answer him presently again without delay 17. Iesus sayth vnto her touch me not for I am not yet ascended to my father but goe to my brethren and saye vnto them I ascend vnto my father your father and to my god your God B. Mary wold haue imbrased Christ for the exceding loue ioy which she had because she saw Christ present again in the flesh But when the Lord sawe that she wondered at his carnall presence more than was mete seking to lift vp her mynde to heauenly thinges and to the imbracinges of faith forbad her to touch him saying Touch me not C. Notwithstanding this séemeth not to agree with the narration of Mathew Mat. 28.9 For he plainlye writeth that the women imbrased the féete of Christ And seeing afterward he would haue his disciples to handle and to feele him what cause was ther why he should forbid Mary to touch him Obiection M. For he said vnto Thomas brīg hither thy finger and see my hands and put thy finger into my syde and be not faithles but beleuing C. The solution hereof is very easy if so be we consider that the women were not prohibited the touching of Christ before such tyme as they were too busy and desirous to touche him Answere For no doubt he did not forbid thē to touch him so far forth as it was nedefull to take away all doubt but when he saw that they were to busye in impracing his féete hée moderated and corrected that rashe zeale For they depēded vppon his corporal presence neyther did they know anye other way to enioy him than if he dwelt among them vppon the earth M. Moreouer bicause his disciples doubted whether he were truly risen again or no and bicause the same which appeared vnto them was iudged of them to be but a vision Luk. 24.37 to the end they might beleeue the resurrection he sayd Feele and see for a spirite hath not flesh and bones as ye see me haue Also Thomas had sayde Except I see the print of his nailes in his handes and put my finger into the print of the nayles and my hande into his side I will not beleue Therfore Christ did very well in offering him selfe to be felte of him A. But in Marye there was no suche doubting that there should neede any further feeling but it was requisite that she shuld come to a further faith and to more plain vnderstanding of the kingdome of Christ least she should abase him in cogitation more than there was cause C. We must also note the reason which Christ addeth For I am not yet ascended to my Father For by these wordes he commaundeth the woman to suspend their affection vntill suche time as hee was ascended into the glory of his kingdome Furthermore he sheweth the fayth of his resurrection not such a faith as they imagined to them selues as that when he was risen againe he should raigne triumphe in the world but rather that by his ascension into heauen he shold take possession of that kingdome which was promised vnto him and sitting at the right hande of his Father might gouerne the Church by the power of his spirit Therfore the sence and meaning of his wordes is that the state of his resurrection is not full and perfecte vntill such time as he sit at the right hand of his Father in the kingdome of heauen As if he should say B. Think not bicause ye sée me presente in the flesh that ye haue obtayned the fruition of all good thinges I sayd before vnto my disciples that it was good for them that I should go vnto my Father to whom when I had ascended I would send my spirite the comforter and bring all things to passe for them These thinges ye ought to looke for and not to make such account of my corporall presence Abstaine therfore from this earnest touching lest ye be to much addicted to my carnal presence ye ought hereafter to imbrace me by faith raigning in heauē C. But this
for deuine lawes it hath Priestes and Philosophers which are learned elloquēt and of greate authoritie agaynst whom thou settest vs which are naked vnprepared vnlearned and barbarous men C. Therefore bicause almost no mortall man was fitte for so heard an office therfore Christ endueth his Apostles with the spirit of grace And in déed it is a thing far surpassing the strength and power of man to gouerne the Church of God to prefer the Ambassage of eternall saluation to erect the kingdome of God in earth and to lift vp men vnto heauen Wherfore it is no maruayle if so be none be found fitte but hee which is endued with the holye ghost 1. Cor. 12. For no man can speak one word of Christ except the holy Ghost gouerne his tong so far is euery one from the faythfull discharging of so notable an office But this glory belōgeth only vnto christ to frame appoynt those teachers which he setteth ouer his Church For therefore he receyued the fulnes of the spirite that he might geue vnto euery one of the measure of the same And séeing he is the only Shepeheard of the Church it is necessarie that those Ministers whose labour he vseth in the Church haue the power of the spirite from him the which he declared by an externall signe when he breathed vppon his Apostles What horrible sacriledge thē is that of the papists which take that honour vnto them selues which belongeth vnto the sonne of God C. For their consecrating Bishops depraue these woordes when in making their Masse Priestes they boast that they breath out the holy Ghost by belching But the matter it self doth plainly declare how much their filthy breathing doth differ from the deuine breathing of Christ bicause of brutish horses they do nothing els but make ignorant asses Wherefore they vsurpe vnto themselues the glorye of the diuinitie which professe that they geue the holy ghost by breathing We must also note that Christ indueth them with necessary giftes whom he calleth to the pastorall offices that thei may be able to execute their office or at least not vnprepared for the same Therefore let vs beleue that they are lawfull pastors of the Church who as it may appere are endued with the grace of the spirite But some will say Obiection if so be Christ at this tyme gaue the holye Ghost by breathing the sending of the holy Ghost afterward may séeme superfluous Answer Answere The holy Ghost was so geuen to the Apostls in this place that they were only sprinckeled with his grace and not endued with his full power For whē the spirite appered in fyery tonges lighting vppon them they were wholy renued But at this tyme he did not so ordaine them preachers of his Gospell that they might biandby go forth to the same but rather as it is sayd in another place hée commaundeth them to be quiet Luk. 24.42 and to abyde in the Citie vntil such tyme as they wer endued with power from aboue And when Christ might haue geuen grace to his Apostles by secret inspiration he added therunto visible breathing to the end he might not onlye instructe them with wordes but confyrme them also with a certayne signe Ier. 19.10 to the ende the myndes of the disciples might doubt the lesse of the truth of the promise The like signe Ieremy vsed in threatning destruction of Ierusalem But we must also note that the word is ioyned to the externall and visible signe For hereof sacramentes take their force Not that the efficacie of the spirite is included in the voyce which soundeth in the eares but bicause the effecte of all those things whiche the faythfull vnderstande and féele by sacraments dependeth vpon the testimonie of the worde Christ breatheth vpon his Apostles but they receiue not only brething but also the holy ghost And wherefore but onely bicause Christe promiseth vnto them Thus it commeth to passe in Sacraments Whervpon we may gather that whatsoeuer sacraments men haue deuised are nothing els but méere toyes bicause there cā be no truth in signes but where the worde of God is present 23. Whosoeuers sins yee remit they are remitted vnto thē and whosoeuers sins ye retaine they are retained C. After that Christ had ordeined and appoynted Ambassadours to be sent foorth into the world now more expresly be describeth the office or ministerie of his Apostles and comprehendeth in fewe wordes the summe of the Gospel For this power of remitting of sinnes must not be separated from the office of teaching Sinnes remitted by Christ to that which héere it is annexed M. The sonne of God him selfe came into this world and suffered the death of the crosse to bring remission of sinnes vnto mankinde So said the Angell Mat. 1.21 Lu. 24.47 Rom. 4.6 He shall deliuer his people from their sinnes For in this consisteth our saluation that our sinnes are fréely forgiuen vs euen as damnation standeth in the retayning of them Remission of sinnes pronounced by the Apostles C. Therfore the speciall ende of preaching the Gospell is that men may he reconciled vnto God bicause remission of sinnes is frée euen as the Apostle Paule teacheth in the fyfth Chapter of his seconde Epistle to the Corinthians where vpon this consideration he calleth the Gospel the ministery of recōciliation Many other things the Gospell conteyneth but this is the speciall thing which God intreateth of in the same that he might receyue men into his fauour not imputing vnto them their sinnes They therefore whiche will shewe them selues faythfull ministers of the Gospell muste be very paynefull in this poynt For the Gospell dothe differ speciallye from prophane Philosophie in this Saluation consisteth in free remission of sinnes that it placeth the saluation of mankinde in the free remission of sinnes For héereof come other benefytes of God as that God illuminateth and regenerateth vs by his holy spirite that he maketh vs lyke vnto hymselfe and armeth vs with inuincible fortitude agaynst the worlde and the diuell So that the whole doctrine of pietie and the spirituall buylding of God standeth vpon this foundation that God deliuering vs from all our sinnes adopteth vs to be his sonnes M. But it maye be demaunded Obiection howe Christe giueth vnto his Apostles power to remitte sinnes seeing it belongeth only vnto God to remitte sinnes Answere Answere Christe so commaundeth his Apostles to remit sinnes that he doth not geue vnto them that whiche belongeth vnto him selfe It is proper to him selfe to remit sinnes this honor as it is proper to him selfe he doth not geue vnto hys Apostles but commaundeth them in his name to pronounce remission of sinnes that by them he might reconcile men vnto God And to speake properly he hym selfe alone forgiueth sinnes by hys Apostles Notwithstanding this was giuen to establishe our fayth when he so greatly extolleth their power that he maketh them witnesses onely and proclaymers of this grace and not the authors of the
denyall of Christ of the which we haue hard had made him vnworthy of the Apostleshippe For how should he be a faythfull teacher of the fayth whiche had so fowlly fallen from the same He was made an Apostle namely with Iudas But so soone as he had forsaken his place office and dignitie he was also depriued of the honor of the Apostleship Bv. Therfore least he might seeme to be remoued for euer from the fellowship and office Apostolical by the thréefolde denyall he is receiued agayne by the trebble confession of his loue and now as well libertie as authoritie to teache is restored vnto him both whiche he had lost through his owne fault And least the infamie of his fall might any thing hynder him Christ quite wipeth and blotteth away the same Such a perfect restitution both for Peter and also for his hearers was most necessarie for him it was necessarie that he mighte the more boldely execute his office beeing assured of his vocation to the whiche he was restored agayne for the hearers also least the fault remayning still in the man mighte haue giuē some mē occasion to despise the gospel Simon Ioanna A. Concerning this name we haue spoken before Iohn 1.42 Simon Ioanna sayth our Sauiour louest thou me Bv. The whiche some referre vnto the Disciples that this might be the sence and meaning Louest thou me more than thou doest these thy brethren and fellowes But it séemeth to be the more simple sence and meaning if so be thou vnderstande that Peter was asked whether he loued the Lorde more feruētly than did the rest Peraduenture the question rose herehence for that he leauing his felowes in the Skiffe cast him selfe into the lake not tarying the time of rowing and seeking to come first vnto the Lord standing vpō the shore Also because he fund the Sauiour very mercifull vnto him in forgeuing his sinne Luke 7.47 by righte the greater loue is required of him For he to whom more is giuen ought to loue more C. But howsoeuer the matter standeth that way it is most certain that the meaning of Christ in these wordes is that no man can faythfully serue the Church and take paynes in féeding the flocke excepte he haue further respecte than vnto men First the office of teaching of it selfe is laborious and troublesome seeing there is nothing more harde and to keepe men vnder the yoke and obedience of God of whom some are weake some lighte some peruerse some dull some slouthful some hard and vnapte to be taught Preaching a harde office Also Satan for his parte thrusteth in al the lettes and stumbling blocks he can deuise to discourage the good shepheard or at lest to weaken him Therfore none shall c●nstantly go or warde in this office but he in whose hart remayneth the loue of Christe that he forgetting him selfe and wholly adicting him selfe vnto Christ may ouercome all impediments and stayes Thus Paule declared him selfe to be affected when he sayd The loue of Christ bindeth vs. Bv. To be short Christ requireth of the shepheard burning and earnest loue For the Lorde did not aske Peter as one ignorante what was in the harte of Peter or of any other mā but he sought to imprint this in the mindes of al his Disciples that he must of necessitie be endued with perfect loue toward Iesus Christ whiche taketh vpon him the care of his flocke C. Therfore let them which are called to gouerne the Church remember that if they will eightly and truly execute their office they must first begin at the loue of Christ Yea Lord thou knowest that I loue thee M. So great is the constancie and trust of a good conscience that it is not afrayde to appeale vnto the knowledge of the Lorde and to take the Lorde him selfe for a witnesse Peter sayth not Thou knowest Lorde that I loue thée more than these doo but Thou knovvest Lorde that I loue thee He exalteth not himself aboue the rest neyther doth he ascribe lesse loue vnto them than vnto him selfe but modestly and simply affirmeth that he loueth the Lord. He could iudge no more of other mens harts than they could doo of his For no man knoweth what is in man 1. Cor. 2.11 but the spirite of man that is in him Euen so we must testifie of the truth of our hart that in the meane time we reiecte not others nor presume to iudge of the spirit of other men Feede my Lambes C. The Scripture applyeth this worde Feede metaphorically to all kinde of gouernment But bicause héere he speaketh of the spiritual gouernmēt of the Church it is good for vs to note in what partes the office of a shepeheard consisteth For we haue héere no vayne or idle dignitie depaynted vnto vs neyther dothe Christe commit any gouernmēt to a mortal man that he may vse the same at his own pleasure Christ seeing he is properly the only shepheard of the Church who gouerneth and feedeth his sheepe by the worde of saluation Pastors of Christe to feede hys sheepe bicause he vseth the helpe of men to preache doctrine dothe giue also vnto them his name or at lest communicateth the same with them Therefore they are accounted for lawfull and true Pastors before God which gouerne the Churche by the ministerie of the worde vnder the head Christe Whereby we may gather what burthen Christ layeth vpon Peter and vpon what condition he appoynteth him a gouernour of his flocke Whereby also the wickednesse of the Bishoppes of Rome is playnly inough refelled and dysproued whiche wrest this place to establishe the tyrannie of their Popedome To Peter say they it was sayde aboue the rest Feede my Sheepe Why it was spoken rather to him than to the rest we haue shewed before Supremacie of the Pope But there is nothing geuen to Peter in these words whiche is not aswel common to all the Ministers of the Gospell R. For the Apostles haue all one power bicause they haue all one and the selfe same spirite all one worde of the Gospell giuen vnto them to preach C. Therefore the Papistes doo seeke to proue in vayne that Peter was chiefe bicause he was specially spoken vnto aboue the rest But admit and graunt that he had some speciall honor aboue the rest how will they proue that he was placed in the highest degrée of all other He was in deede the chiefest among the Apostles but shall it therof follow that he is the vniuersal Bishop of the whole worlde Verely whatsoeuer Peter hathe receyued doth no more appertayne to the Pope than it dothe to Mahumet For by what right dothe he chalenge to him selfe to be Peters successor And what man in hys right wittes will graunt vnto him that Christ speaketh here of any right of succession Yet notwithstanding he will be counted Peters successor I would to God he were None of vs doth let him but that he may loue Christ and take care and charge to