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A67209 Anguis flagellatus, or, A switch for the snake being an answer to the third and last edition of The snake in the grass : wherein the author's injustice and falshood, both in quotation and story, are discover'd and obviated, and the truth doctrinally deliver'd by us, stated and maintained in opposition to his misrepresentation and perversion / by Joseph Wyeth ; to which is added a supplement, by George Whitehead. Wyeth, Joseph, 1663-1731.; Whitehead, George, 1636?-1723. Snake in the grass. 1699 (1699) Wing W3757; ESTC R16372 333,418 578

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contrary now to what they were then But if the Doctrine be true now how comes G. Fox to be blame-worthy for asserting it then and telling them then that such who denyed it were ravened from the Spirit of God And after all the Daubing Hypocrisie of this Snake let him shew if he can that such who deny this Doctrine which is essential to Salvation do not thereby shew themselves ravened c. Ibid. p. 30. Quoted from p. 30. of G. Fox's Answer to the Westmoreland Petition If ever you own the Prophets Christ and the Apostles you will own our Writings which are given forth by the same Spirit and Power The Liberty which this Adversary takes to himself is very great sometimes supplying to our words what he is pleased to think they want as at other times to bite and curtail them And to shew thee Reader what Supplements he gives to our words take the place as it is in G. Fox's Answer c. If ever you own the Prophets Christ and the Apostles you will own them which are given forth by the same Spirit and Power And it is very true for whosoever shall write from the movings of the Spirit and grace of God upon his heart tho' in the least manifestation thereof them Writings so written cannot fail of being acknowledged in their Degree By all who through the Spirit of God are led to own the Prophets Christ and the Apostles And the Reason is plain because every Member partakes of the same Spirit by which the whole Body and Church of Christ is kept living And it is impossible for the Holy Spirit in one Member to contradict the same Spirit in the rest of the Body Thus Reader thou may plainly see that that Sinless Perfection maintained in our Books which the Snake carps at misrepresents and wilfully lyes against is no other than the Perfection of the Holy Spirit and which is no further Ours than we walk in obedience to that Spirit by Obedience to which the Apostle hath testified 2 Pet. 1.4 That by escaping the Corruption that is in the World through Lust we may be made partakers of the Divine Nature It were a foul and false imputation upon this Doctrine of the Apostles to suggest that he hereby advised the true Believers to pretend to any such equality of Perfection as that of God who in his Wisdom and Power c. is Infinite God hath promised to his People I will dwell in them and walk in them 2 Cor. 6.16 And all who do witness this Holy In-dwelling of God must of necessity say and confess that he is able to give a perfect Deliverance and Freedom from Sin But have not nor cannot say That they are God or they are Christ because of the In-dwelling of the Holy Spirit never did any of us so say as falsly suggested by the Snake which in reply to the foregoing quotations doth I think evidently appear Wherefore I now proceed to his 6th Section of the Quakers Infallibility SECT V. Shewing that Infallibility is by us placed in the Holy Spirit and only is ours as guided by that THis Section therefore is like opening the Jugler's Box and you may expect to see Rarities The Snake is the Jugler and this Section or rather his whole Book the Box. The Rarities which the Reader may expect to see will no doubt be agreeable to such a Jugling Undertaker Before I come to open his Box this Section I will shew thee Reader his Jugling Artifice on the Lid of it Ibid. p. 31. This Section may seem needless as being included in the former That it is included in the former is true for who claims to be equal of the same Being and Substance with God Such doubtless claim to be infallible as he And then why this needless Section Why the Jugler doubting to put the matter of Charge upon that Issue multiply'd this Section tho' needless and drew it to a length near twice that of all his foregoing Sections that he might indeed Jugler like blind the Readers observation in the length of it And with respect to us the Jugler might hope it should by its length be admitted as Billa Vera rather than any should examine its Contents and detect its Lyes But to begin with the Snake's first head of Distinction Ibid. p. 31. 1. This their Infallibility was palm'd upon them by the Church of Rome That the Snake may not palm this Story upon the World without proof I do on the behalf of the People called Quakers deny the Assertion and put our Adversary upon the Proof of it which if he cannot do he is hereby registred for a Lyar. Ibid. p. 31. Of which They were so greedy that they swallow'd it down by wholesale and would have none of those Cautions with which the Church of Rome used to defend themselves As we did not receive from the Church of Rome or any other Society of Men our True Principle of the Infallibility of the Spirit or Grace of God so neither did or do we want any of those Cautions which the Romanists may have and use in their claim of Infallibility That this may appear more plain to the Sober Reader I will shew the vast difference between us and them herein The Papists how much soever they differ among themselves in placing of Infallibility in their Church as whether in the Pope and in him Simply or in him in Cathedra or with his Conclave or him in General Counsel or in such Counsel without him or in the Church diffusive yet they do all agree herein that this Infallibility is possessed by Original Grant made by Jesus Christ to one or other or all of them in the Person of the Holy Apostle Peter and doth descend by Ordination in a continual Succession not alienable This I doubt not will be allow'd to be the declar'd sentiments of some of that People in this point and which do abundantly differ from what hath been always professed by us herein which in Brief is to the following purpose viz. First We have constantly said that the Holy Spirit of God is Infallible and that through the Mediation and Intercession of our Lord Jesus Christ a Manifestation of this Infallible Holy Spirit is given to every Man to profit with Secondly We have constantly said that whoever is obedient to the Convictions and Leadings of this Infallible Holy Spirit as they are tendred to their Souls during the day of their Visitation shall thereby be Infallibly lead into all Truth necessary to Salvation both in Principle and in Practice for it doth not only Teach sound Doctrines but also teacheth to deny all ungodliness and hath no fellowship with the Vnfruitful Works of Darkness Thirdly We have constantly said that of such as through their working together with the Grace of God are thereby become Strong in the Lord Of these I say As Christ doth now Prepare Fit Furnish and Qualify with and by his Holy Spirit those whom
Spirit because none of them had this Spirit of Discerning To the first That all are excluded c. Every Member of the Church of Christ must necessarily have a measure of the Spirit of Christ else they are none of his Rom. 8.9 And this Spirit of Christ the Holy Ghost as in its fulness it is Infallible so every even the least measure or manifestation of it is Infallible To the second This Infallible Holy Spirit being of the THREE in the Godhead searcheth the Heart and trieth the Reins Jer. 17.10 But tho' this Holy Spirit can discover unto one the Heart and Thoughts of another as of Ananias to Peter Act. 5. Yet as that is not usual so neither is it necessary nor is it that which we pretend to nor hath G. Fox in the fore-quoted places pretended to it But that which G. Fox means and which we pretend to is That such who minister in and by that Holy Spirit which hath an Infallible Discerning of the Hearts and States of all the Persons ministred to This Holy Spirit doth direct the ministry accordingly that it may be suitable to the states of the Auditory Which they who pretend not to be led guided and assisted by that Infallible Holy Spirit in their Ministry cannot pretend to And as to his Objections that the Quakers did not discern G. Keith F. Bugg and other wicked Apostates There was a time when those Men I in Charity think were truly Quakers as they pretended and to have discerned them Apostates before they were such had not been true discerning There was a time when Demas walked with Paul was owned by Paul to be a Fellow-Labourer with him in the Gospel Col. 4.14 Phil. 2.4 There was a time when through the Love of the World he forsook the Apostles 2 Tim. 4.10 so I may say of these and others there was a time when they walked with us and now is the time when through the Love of the World and other things they are departed and fallen from that Unity and Fellowship they once had with us Ibid. p. 37. quoted from Great Mystery p. 105. We says he the Pope and you the Protestants whom he calls Professors are apostatized from the Infallible Spirit that the Apostles was in in which we are come For who witness these conditions that they were in that gave forth the Scriptures they witness Infallibility an Infallible Spirit which is now possessed and witnessed among those called Quakers Glory to the Highest for ever I shall first detect the Snake's base practice of mangling this as other places by setting down G. F's words as they lie in that Book and then shew plainly their Scriptural meaning The first viz. the Quotation And we say the Pope is not Infallible neither though he be your Father the Ancient Yet we say he and you are Apostatized from the Infallible Spirit that the Apostles was in in which we are come with which ye are seen and judged so not to have the Spirit of Christ Jesus not to have the Spirit of the Prophets and Apostles not to be led by the Spirit of Truth into all Truth not to be in the Spirit not to speak as ye are moved of the Holy Ghost But to be such as ravened from the Spirit of God inwardly and have gotten the Sheeps Cloathing ye and the Pope and so have devoured Nations for this many hundred years so have all been like ravening Wolves For who witness these conditions that they were in that gave forth the Scriptures they witness Infallibility an Infallible Spirit which is now possessed and witnessed among those called Quakers Glory to the Highest for ever This the Snake says Ibid. p. 37. Is Dreadfully Astonishing but gives no reason why it is so but that his practice is astonishing there are several reasons to prove it First In so basely picking and mangling Books that they may thereby be suborned to speak what the Writer never intended Next In his wilful perverting the plain and known sense which they carry and which their Writers had And upon Sober Inquiry what in this can be astonishing That the Pope is not Infallible I suppose the Snake will allow And that the Spirit of Truth doth see and judge such who apostatize from it the Scriptures teach And if the Snake doth account it astonishing that the Quakers should possess and witness according to Holy Writ the manifestation of the Holy and Infallible Spirit of Christ he shews his Ignorance therein tho' all who are truly sensible of these manifestations can in deep Humility of Soul give Glory to the Highest Yet to him must be applied that of Hab. 1.5 For it is a Work that God hath wrought in this day whether he will believe it or not Hitherto Reader pray Observe that tho' the Snake as quoted p. 88. foregoing hath said we placed Infallibility in every single Quaker confine it not to Faith but extend it to all Persons and Things in the World by their inward Light Yet the Charge is notoriously false and that the colourable pretence which he had for this his false assertion was owing to his own false quoting curtailing and mangling of our Books of which I have shewn eminent instances since that assertion of his in p. 88. And that our Books in the instances produced speak according to Scripture I shall leave with the Impartial Reader to Judge only adding that the Forms of Speech Try all things Teach all things Know all things and Judge all things which are frequently found in the New Testament cannot without great perversion be applied otherwise than to that Trying Teaching Knowing and Judging which are the proper effects of the Operations of the Holy Spirit in the Hearts of all that are obedient to it And that in order first to their own Salvation and then to the Service of God in his Church In this sense G. F. E. B. and others have used these Forms of Speech in this sense the Woman of Samaria testifies of the Messias our Saviour John 4.25 He will teach us all things In this sense our Saviour promised John 14.26 That the Holy Ghost should teach us all things In this sense John the Beloved Disciple testifies of the Believers 1 John 2.20 Ye know all things And in this sense the Apostle testifies of the Spiritual Man 1 Cor. 2.10 He judgeth all things And in this sense the Beloved Disciple 1 John 4.1 adviseth to try the Spirits whether they be of God Now these forms of Speech in these and many more places all things are truly as E. B. p. 137. foregoing hath said All things that pertain to Salvation Redemption and Eternal Life needful for Man to know all this was discovered revealed and made known to us by the Light which was in us which Christ had Lighted us withal Ibid. p. 37. But I was much more surprized to find the otherwise Ingenious Mr. Penn laugh at his Adversary for not being Infallible It is no surprise to find
And that to this Holy Spirit Wicked Men and Devils are disobedient yet still have such degrees of Knowledge which are the proper Distinction of their Being Ibid. p. 39. Sometimes it makes them as Infallible as the Apostles nay as Christ himself But at other times when they are pressed they bring down this Infallibility to mean nothing in the World that does distinguish them from other Men. It is utterly false no Quaker hath said he was as Infallible as the Apostles or Christ himself I demand an Instance But without pressing we have often said that a Manifestation of the Light and Infallible Spirit or Grace is 1 Cor. 12.7 given to every Man to profit withal without distinction That which makes the Distinction is Obedience to it By this it was Paul could say 1 Cor. 15.10 By the Grace of God I am what I am and by the same Grace we say we are what we are Ibid. p. 40. But this will no more prove it to be Infallible or sufficient of it self to bring us to Heaven than it will follow that Man cannot die because God breathed into him the Breath of Life or that he is omnipotent because his strength comes from God That the Holy Spirit is Infallible and sufficient for the purposes for which God hath given to Men manifestations of it is very certain from the testimony of God himself 2 Cor. 12.9 My Grace is sufficient for thee But it follows not from this that Man cannot Die or that he is omnipotent because his Life and Strength came from God God hath been pleased to give to Men such Natural Powers as are agreeable to the Nature of their Humane Being And these Natural Powers being employed according to that Great Law of Order in which we stand in the Creation we may act in them our appointed time But the Principles of our Humane Being being finite their power to act is the same and must come to an end With Spirits It is otherwise They are more simple and uncompounded Beings therefore of eternal Duration And the God of the Spirits of all Flesh in Infinite Compassion when Man had forfeited his Title to Happiness to us that this Eternal Duration might be in happiness gave the Son of his Love that we who were afar off might be reconciled to himself which cannot be but as the Spirit of Man which hath rebelled and been in Disobedience comes by the Operation of the Spirit of God upon it to be restored into obedience to its Guidings Which if he will be in the day of his Visitation That Grace and Truth which comes by Jesus Christ will sufficiently and infallibly lead him into Reconciliation with God from whom through disobedience he was fallen And this is not as the Snake says p. 41. Derogatory to the Satisfaction paid by Christ for our Sins But on the contrary places the true value upon it It being that by which we are put into a capacity of being reconciled and not by any power of our own And when the Apostle bids Phil. 2.12 To work out our own Salvation We never understood it otherwise than by the assistance of that Grace which comes by Jesus Christ to Men during the day of their visitation Ibid. p. 41. That does not make the Light within the efficient cause of our Salvation or give it any Title to Infallibility more than vers 13. of the 4th Chap. in the same Epistle can entitle us to Omnipotence because St. Paul says there I can do all things That Christ in his Spiritual Appearance the Light within is the Efficient cause of our Salvation I need not give a greater proof than this same 13th vers which the Snake has quoted For there the Apostle Phil. 4.13 says I can do all things through Christ which strengthneth me that is all things relating to his Ministry as an Apostle or his Duty as a Christian. I come now to the Snake's 4th Head of Distinction which is little more than Profane and Scornful Banter after the first Paragraph p. 41. But if any could pretend to Infallibilty They will be found to have the best title to whom the Quakers would most unwillingly grant it For it is written Prov. 16.10 A Divine Sentence is in the Lip of the King and his Mouth transgresseth not in Judgment Why then does the Snake deny that best Title and not obey that Divine Sentence which confirmed the present Government Why would he flee the Judgment of a Mouth which transgresseth not in Judgment By fleeing and denying he loudly proclaims his unwillingness to grant it But as for us we do not unwillingly but readily grant That God is ready to supply Kings with Wisdom and Justice suitable to their High Station for the good of themselves and those they govern if they in humility will receive it But as with God there is no respect of persons so we do as readily grant That God by his Spirit does as infallibly teach the Governed in their private capacities all that is necessary to their Salvation if they will but attend and learn Ibid. p. 42. Do you think that the Quakers infallibility is limited to speaking only They can make an Infallible Judgment of Men's Hearts and tell who are Saints and who are Devils by very winks and glances At the first glance and so throughout this appears to be a very Lye for no Quaker hath so said But we do say that such who be in the Power and Life of Truth can discern between Saints and Devils for all true Spiritual Discerning is in the Holy Spirit Not but that there often are exteriour marks of inward wickedness Hence Gen. 4.5 When Cain was very wroth his Countenance fell Hence David saith Psal. 10.4 The wicked through the pride of his Countenance will not seek after God And the Prophet Isaiah chap. 3.9 The shew of their Countenance doth witness against them and in the 16th vers the Lord numbers up among the exterior marks of inward wickedness wanton Eyes mincing and tinkling with their Feet Yet these exterior infallible marks as they have been declared by God himself is in the language of this Profane Adversary p. 43. Dwindled down to a meer Gypsie a paultry Fortune-teller to nothing but a little skill in Physiognomy Reader Is it possible for one who so profanely ridicules both the Inward Discerning and the Outward Marks of Secret Iniquity to advance the great end of good Life and Conversation No such ridiculing is in direct opposition to them and is distructive to Exemplary Modesty how great soever his pretence may be of love to Souls I come now to his Fifth Head of Distinction of divers Stories of particular Failings which he brings in opposition to that Infallibility I have so largely spoken of which Plea the Snake says p. 48. leads us naturally into this sort of Redargution Though here as before he is altogether out For tho' to give a Man a Fall is it 's true a plain Conviction
as it is not contrary to the Scriptures So it does not cut them off from being useful as before declared viz. for Doctrine Reproof Correction c. For tho' the Holy Spirit is as infallible now as ever and it is the same Holy Spirit manifested in the Hearts of Men at this day by which the Holy Men did write the Scriptures yet the manifestations thereof to them being in greater degree we justly give them the priority this with respect to the Writings of any faithful Servant of Christ at this day But with respect to the Holy Spirit that being as I have just now said as infallible now as ever it must of necessity also follow that whosoever through obedience follows the guidings of it must have as sure because the same rule as the Prophets and Apostles had And this is no more contradictory than the Parable of the Talents Matt. 25. In which our Saviour shews the different proportions of Trust of the same Treasure And the one Talent had it been imployed in the same way which the five were it would as certainly have gained Profit Thus they who through obedience improve their Talent and are in the Apostles Phrase 2 Cor. 6.1 Workers together with Christ they shall witness a growth in his Grace and who do so grow have the same sure rule of the Holy Spirit to read and understand the Scriptures by even the same sure rule which the Prophets and Apostles had when they writ them Hence it is that he that hath and obeys the least measure of this sure Rule the Holy Spirit in himself will easily and readily acknowledge and consent to the further Degrees of the revealed Will of the Holy Spirit recorded in the Scriptures of Truth Ibid. p. 85 86. But because the Scriptures are often brought in crontradiction to the Quaker-Light therefore they have made it their business to depreciate and undervalue them nay sometimes to run them down as hurtful and pernicious That Light of Jesus Christ which we profess cannot be in contradiction to the Holy Scripture and therefore when so brought it hath been by such who as our Saviour saith Matt. 22.29 Do err not knowing the Scriptures nor the Power of God Nor did we ever depreciate undervalue or run them down The Charge is false as will more manifestly appear by the instances he brings Ibid. p. 86. To make them false in many things that we may believe them or trust to them in nothing To make their Authority Doubtful by disputing their Pen-Men and raising all the evil Suggestions that can be against them The Quakers Refuge Printed 1673. p. 17. States this as truly owned by the Quakers The Book Quakers Refuge does not State this as owned by us that the Scriptures are false in any thing Nor does it raise evil Suggestions nor dispute the Pen-Men of them That there have been very many Questions raised concerning them and the Pen-Men of some Books or Epistles the many Treatises on them Subjects are sufficient Evidence But it not being profitable here to remember them I pass them by in Silence Now several of these Questions the Author of The Quakers Refuge numbers up and concludes p. 17. It is not the Subject of my Argument at this time But that which he therein declares to be the Subject of his Argument is The Authority of the Holy Spirit in Judging or Discerning the Mind of God in the Holy Scriptures This he saith Is as truly stated as owned by us and he declares it to be the concern therein under most Serious Consideration This Reader is the true import of the Author's words which the Snake hath as Injuriously perverted as before I have detected him p. 144 145. perverting W. P's words and the Advantage he will get is much the same because I must hereupon shew thee Reader that what seems to be the occasion of the Snake's Cavil and Perversion is because we assert the Authority of the Holy Spirit in Judging or Discerning the Mind of God in the Holy Scriptures Which Truth as it obtains upon the minds of Men will rather incline them to wait for the sensible experience thereof in themselves than to depend implicitly upon the guest Opinions of any who deny the possibility of such certain guide at this day Ibid. p. 87. Whitehead says that there were some Priests in the North in and before the Year 1653. when those Books which Bugg quoted were Printed who were thus Ignorant And that this was the reason for those expressions in the Quaker Books First this had been no reason for these Barbarous Expressions if it had been so But Secondly I will joyn Issue with G. W. upon it that there never were such Priests in the North or any where else that were so Ignorant No George This is an Arrant Lye without all doubt did any Man ever think or say that the very material Paper and Ink and Letters wou'd endure for ever That there were in the North c. Priests Scandalously Ignorant herein I will presently shew and if they were reproved herein in such manner as they might account contemptuous The Expressions are not therefore Barbarous because so called by the Snake as I may also shew from Authority of Holy Writ and the Practice of them esteem'd by the Snake the Fathers as that expressions which seem contemptuous are not therefore so being in their end directed to rectify the evil Practices of Men related by John Daille To the First viz. the Authority of the Holy Scriptures we know that the Sacrifices Oblations and Offerings mentioned in the Levetical Law had a Divine Sanction and the promise annexed Lev. 18.5 Ye shall therefore keep my Statutes and Judgments which if a Man do he shall live in them I am the Lord. These tho' they had the Promise of this Life yet the Jews thro' their Disobedience made these their Sacrifices not delightful to the Lord their Oblations were Vain and their Incense an Abomination and New Moons and appointed Feasts his Soul hated Isa. 1.11 13 14. And by their continuance in Disobedience while in performance of the Letter of the Ceremonial Law the same Prophet 66.3 tells them from the Lord He that killeth an Ox is as if he slew a Man he that Sacrificeth a Lamb as if he cut off a Dogs neck and he that burneth Incense as if he blessed an Idol These in the Judgment of our Adversary must be very Barbarous Expressions of these Ordinances and which there was no reason for tho' the People were departed from that true use to which they were at first appointed Tho' this be an abundant Testimony that through Mens misuse of things appointed by God to a determinate purpose he hath been pleased to shew and declare his dis-esteem of them Yet I shall not to confirm this Testimony for it needs it not but for the Readers Satisfaction also shew the Practice of the Fathers herein as testified by John Daille in his Right use
Life is thus prefer'd Reader I cannot here omit by a serious Appeal to thy self on the great Injustice and Falsehood of this Adversary And if thou art one who by Conversation with us or our Books hast any knowledge of us thou dost know the Charge of this Adversary is false And I do truly declare that our Value and Esteem for the Books of the Old and New Testament is much greater than for any other Book exstant in the World and this G. W. doth freely own and hath declared as much So also in this particular I will shew his falshood and perversion of G. W's words in the place quoted which the Snake has injuriously curtail'd They are these That which was spoken from the Spirit of Truth in any is of as great Authority as the Scriptures or Chapters are and greater intending as received and proceeding immediately from that Spirit and spoken in the sense thereof as Christ's words were of greater Authority when he spake than the Pharisees reading the Letter and they in whom that Spirit speaketh not and their speaking we deny So that according to G. W's words that speaking or reading of the Scriptures which is deny'd to be of Authority is when spoken or read by such in whom that Spirit speaketh not that gave forth the Scriptures and we have good Authority for this for thus our Saviour Mat. 22.24 denyed the Sadduces when they spoke and repeated the Law mentioned Deuteronomy 25.5 and thus he also denyed the Devil Mat. 4.6 when the Devil repeated the Prophesy of the Psalmist 91.11 and thus also he deny'd the Pharisees of which are divers Instances Ibid. p. 110 111. Mary Tucker a Quaker Servant to W. Reyman a Barber now living in Queen-street Cheapside but formerly in Bread-street where this Mary then his Servant took the Bible and in the open Day publickly burnt it against the Church in Bread-street to shew her Zeal About 40. Years since one Mary Tucker then Servant to W. Reyman not in Zeal but discomposure of Mind did one Morning early before her Master or Mistriss were stirring burn the Bible For which act she was not only reproved by them but also by sundry of our Friends and disowned and among others concerned herein to reprove and disown this Mary Tucker E. B. as W. Reyman does testify was one which by the way Reader is another Evidence that E. B. had the Scripture in great Authority and Esteem As it is also no small mark of the Snake's Injustice to relate a Lye and say that no Censure was passed upon this Mary Tucker when he might have been informed to the contrary by W. Reyman the place of whose aboad he knew so well But we find he is rather willing to relate a Lye than either know or knowing speak the Truth not only in this Instance of Mary Tucker And the Censure past upon her which he might with little trouble have been informed of so much as this Snake hids in the City And in the Instance of Solomon Eccles p. 124 125. foregoing but also in divers other before and hereafter to be given wherein he hath affirm'd egregious falshoods not from any necessity he was under to depend upon false reports but from a base Inclination in him to shun the Truth and to hate Justice For had not this been his hinderance he might with the trouble of a few Lines and the small additional Charge of the Penny-Post to W. Reyman of Queen-street N. Marks of Cheapside R. Scoryer of Wansworth hereafter to be spoken c. have discharged these out of his Libel and by such other not chargable nor troublesome further than it is so to him that we should be in the right means he might have spared the rest Ibid. p. 111. Pursuant to this their Principle in their Disputes among themselves they appeal to their own Writings instead of the Holy Scriptures Pursuant to this Snake's Practice he hath affirmed a notorious Lye I dare him to give any Proof that may be allowed by Impartial Men that ever we did so appeal It can be no more Proof to quote a Book wherein G. Keith hath said so of us than it is for the Snake to quote Julian Porphery or Celsus for Proof that the Primitive Christians were in the wrong or to quote his own Opinion for Proof that the present Government is so But if the Snake will confute the Answer made to that Book of G. K's which he quotes that may be considered and reply'd to SECT VII His Charge of Idolatry refuted and the Quotations restor'd from his Perversions THat our Belief concerning the Light or Holy Spirit of Jesus Christ in Man is according to Scripture I have before shewn and how that by a sincere Obedience to it it will lead to God and Christ whence it comes and to have true Agreement and Unity with the Declarations from the same Holy Spirit which are recorded in the Scriptures of Truth and also with all the Manifestations of the same Holy Spirit wheresoever and in whomsoever appearing For as God is one so the Holy Spirit leads all that obey it into Unity and Oneness and to account worthy of double Honour the Elders that rule well especially they who labour in the Word and Doctrine 1 Tim. 5.17 And in this Section I shall shew that what is by this Adversary called The Quakers Idolatry is not so but only owing to his perversion for as Truth leads to give Honour to whom Honour is due So it also leads to account of no Man above what we ought Ibid. p. 112. They think it not Honour enough to stand before the Throne of God But G. Fox places them upon the Throne p. 31. I suppose Great Mystery for he mentions not the Book The Quakers are in the Power of God and in the Authority of the Lamb above all Houses and are upon the Throne I shall first here detect the Snake's Evil Practice in mangling this Quotation by giving it as it is in the page quoted and afterwards speak to the Doctrine of it To the first The Priest G. Fox's Opponent had said That the Quakers scorns to creep into Houses meaning when persecuted To which G. F. replies This doth not agree with the rest of his Company who say they do Creep into Houses The Quakers are in the Power of God and in the Authority of the Lamb and into Houses creep not but are upon the Throne but you that be in the Form that Deny the Power creep into Houses These Reader are his words and their sense is as plain and nothing but Envy and Ignorance I suppose the first in the Snake could cavil at them or it For who knows not that the word Throne in Religious Matters is a metaphorical expression denoting Spiritual Power and Dominion Christ promised Mat. 19.28 That they who followed him in the Regeneration should sit upon Thrones And to him that overcometh will I grant says he to sit with me in my
attributed unto the Blood of that very Body of Christ to wit that it did propitiate For however it might draw stupendious Judgments upon the Heads of those who were Authors of that Dismal Tragedy and died impenitent yet doubtless it thus far turn'd to very great account in that it was a most precious Offering in the sight of the Lord and drew God's Love the more eminently to mankind at least such as should believe in his Name as his solemn Prayer to his Father at his leaving the World given us by his beloved Disciple doth plainly witness Thus W. P. Wherein I take it to be as plain as can be that he does declare and confess that the true Christ was Man And when he speaks of the Spirit of Christ in its appearance in Man under the Name or Epithet Principle he sufficiently shews that he intends more thereby than any Moral Virtue For in p. 100. speaking of the Spirit of God under this Epithet of Inward Principle he saith And as in Wicked Men God's Holy Light and Spirit or that Principle which is so called hath been deeply wounded yea as one slain so in Good Men that have had a sense of the Worlds Abominations hath it also born many Burdens and Weights for the Light and Life is one in all Now Reader what clearer Testimony can there be that W. P. does under the name Principle understand the Holy Spirit of God and not any Moral Virtue as the Snake would basely and falsly insinuate And for this his manner of expressing the Holy Spirit there are plenty of Examples in the Scriptures of Truth where under the Principle of Wisdom Isaiah speaking of Christ and his Dispensation in the Gospel-times Chap. 33.6 saith Wisdom shall be the stability of thy times And our Saviour saith Mat. 11.19 Wisdom is justified of her Children And the Evangelist speaking of the growth of the Child Jesus saith Luke 2.40 And the Child grew and waxed strong in Spirit filled with Wisdom c. These with abundance more of like import the observing Reader may easily find in Holy Writ Ibid. p. 131. The Snake makes a Quotation from W. P's part of Serious Apology c. p. 146. But that the outward Person which suffered was properly the Son of God we utterly deny And perversely would draw W. P's words to say or mean that the Body which Christ assum'd was but as a Cloak or a Vail like the Body in which Angels appear for a time and throw them off again Against this false and unjust Imputation I shall first give W. P's words in the page quoted from whence the impartial Reader may be able to take W. P's meaning from himself and then observe somewhat upon the Snake's perversion To the first Jenner W. P's Opponent had said We deny that Person the Son of God that died at Jerusalem to be our Redeemer To which W. P. replys Which most horrid Imputation has been answer'd more I believe than a Thousand times that is that he that laid down his Life and suffer'd his Body to be crucify'd by the Jews without the Gates of Jerusalem is Christ the only Son of the Most High God But that the outward Person which suffer'd was properly the Son of God we utterly deny and it is a perfect contradiction to their own Principles A Body hast thou prepared me said the Son then the Son was not the Body though the Body was the Son's This brings him more under the charge of making him but a meer Man than us who acknowledge him to be one with the Father and of a Nature Eternal and Immortal for he was glorified with the Father before the World began Thus W. Penn whose plain meaning is no other than that the Outward Person that Body which our Lord did take of the Virgin was not properly the Son of God by Eternal Generation and was not Glorified with the Father before the World began He is here distinguishing between the Divinity and Manhood of our Saviour and that according to Scripture The Divinity was from Everlasting the Manhood not so that was taken up in the fulness of time appointed by God born of Mary nourished and encreased in Stature Strength c. according to Nature's Law and Course This Body Christ laid it down for the Sins of the World he did thereby consecrate for us a new and living way Through the Vail that is to say his Flesh Heb. 10.20 and here the Flesh or Body of Christ is called a Vail by allusion to the Vail mentioned Exod. 26.33 which did divide between the Holy Place and the Most Holy and this the Apostle shews Heb. 9.24 For Christ is not entred into the Holy Places made with hands which are the figures of the true but into Heaven it self now to appear in the presence of God for us And in this sense and no other have we ever used the words Vail or Garment in this case and not as is falsly alledged by the Snake to signifie a Body Ibid. p. 130. in which Angels appear for a time and throw them off again In like manner the Snake p. 131. curtails and perverts a Quotation from a Book of ours Entituled some Principles c. from which he quotes p. 126. thus The Scriptures do expresly distinguish between Christ and the Garment which he wore And we can never call the Bodily Garment Christ. If the Scriptures do so expresly distinguish Of which Instances are given why did the Snake injuriously make a Break in the Quotation instead of giving those instances For upon the Authority of Holy Writ it is that we do thus distinguish and if our Distinction be bad or weak he should have given us a better Exposition of the Scriptures therein brought for that purpose That he may not omit it in his next I here give some of the Instances from that Book wherein the Scriptures do expresly so distinguish Ibid. p. 131. I come now to a Quotation made from Isaac Pennington in his Question to the Professors p. 25. which the Snake does not only break to pieces but also to the several pieces joins some words of his own that they may like his Brethen of the Inquisition by them be forced to sound as he would have them It is in the manner following Isaac Pennington p. 25. Denies that it was the Flesh and Blood of the Veil of the outward Earthly Nature as he calls the Body of Christ by which we are cleansed for says he Can outward Blood cleanse the Conscience Thus the Snake gives it and makes nonsense of it for by the Pieces of the Quotation as he has placed them he says that I. P. calls the Body of Christ the Flesh and Blood the Vail of the Flesh and Blood or the Outward and Earthly Nature Thus making the Body a Vail to it self But Reader I will shew thee from the Book it self that I. P. is neither Nonsensical in his Expression nor Heretical in his Meaning but Scriptural
Quaker-Spirit No it can't because it is not only Cloudy but it is Dark and False to say that words are Furious Venemous or Nonsensical and not give any Proof that they are so It is no help to the Snake to say as he does There needs no Argument to Discern betwixt Perfume and Stench Because that if the Nose can Discern as his Philosophy expresses it without Argument yet the Mind is not established but by Arguments drawn from true Judgment and Reason and none such nay none at all does the Snake offer The Snake for Conclusion to this Section has brought in two texts from the Psalms which he does improperly apply to the Quakers as he has before falsly charged them with Venom Fury Spite Envy and Nonsense And till he can prove that the words spoken by our Friends which whether these quoted were so or not remains to be proved being only taken from Adversaries were in their Original from Fury Spite and Envy and in their delivery Nonsense The Texts of Scripture are but abused by him as a Text in the same Book Psal. 91.11 was by the Devil when he repeated it to our Saviour Luke 4.10 and it will be answer sufficient if after the Example of our Lord we answer in the words of Scripture Psal. 101.7 There shall no deceitful Person dwell within my House he that telleth Lyes shall not remain in my sight SECT XVI Of Fighting and Loyalty I Have hitherto shewn the falsity of the Snake's Charges and his perversions of our Words Doctrines and Principles and how Unduly and Unrighteously he would endeavour to inferr from them Meanings and Consequences which neither are nor ever were ours but which we Abominate as destructive of and contrary to those Doctrines and Principles of the Christian Religion which the Spirit of Truth teacheth and leads into and which we do sincerely Believe And what is thus already in the foregoing Sections made appear will be further manifested in this and the following Sections for that in these as in those he hath not shewn what we are but what he would have us appear to be under the disguise which himself has put upon us In the pulling off which disguise there is at least this accidental Help and Advantage that the disguise in which he has represented us is exceedingly unlike our true Features I call it an accidental Advantage because if his Malice could have been satisfied in accusing us with only an abundance of improbable things they might have found some unthinking People who might have been misled into a too easy belief of them But as that could not be satisfied but by charging us with a number of Absurd and Impossible things So all that shall consider the ground and nature of our Principles and the nature of his Charge will with little difficulty be satisfied of their Contrariety and Inconsistency And tho' from this Consideration the sober Reader might and would have ground sufficient to determine the Question in this particular Yet for the detecting his particular Charges Perversions and Abuses I shall as in the former follow him through them And for his more full and plain Confutation herein I will briefly hint our Principles as Influencing Men with respect to Fighting and Loyalty The first of which the Snake most falsly does Charge us to approve and use and that in the last we are short and defective And first as to Fighting We say the end of the coming of our Lord Jesus as is prophesied of him Dan. 9.24 was to Finish the Transgression and to make an end of Sin And in the Room thereof to establish Truth and Righteousness in the Earth And as many as do witness the Power of his Coming by the Operation of his Holy Spirit in them do know that the work thereof is to take away and cleanse from all the Fleshly Lusts that War against the Soul 1 Pet. 2.11 which the Apostle makes to be the ground of Outward Wars and Contentions James 4.1 and as the Holy Spirit in all those in whom it does effectually work does destroy and purge away the very root from whence unjust Wars do proceed so it prevents in them the occasion of all outward Wars And this our Saviour did Teach in that Sermon of his upon the Mount Matth. 5.21 22. Ye have heard that it was said to them of old time Thou shalt not kill c. But I say unto you whosoever is angry with his Brother c. vers 38 39. Ye have heard it said an Eye for an Eye and a Tooth for a Tooth But I say unto you that ye resist not Evil but whosoever shall Smite on thy right Cheek turn to him the other Vers. 43 44. Ye have heard it hath been said thou shalt love thine Neighbour and hate thine Enemy But I say unto you Love your Enemies c. And if Anger Resistance and Hate be taken away What then can remain to occasion Wars Surely nothing From a sight of this Gospel Dispensation it was that the Prophet in the Holy Vision did foretel the peaceable practice of those who should come under the peaceable Government of Jesus Christ They shall beat their Swords into Plow-shares and their Spears into Pruning-hooks Nation shall not lift up Sword against Nation neither shall they learn War any more Isa. 2.4 And they who thus are redeemed out of the Grounds and Occasions of Wars by the workings of the Holy Spirit in them Such if they continue obedient cannot any more take the Sword into their hands Hitherto with respect to those who are in and under the Administration of the Gospel of Peace concerning whom we have from the first since we were a People declared that God hath taken the Sword out of their hands But tho' God hath thus disarm'd his peculiar People of the outward Sword that he might bring them to have a full and entire Dependance upon him for their safety Yet he hath never disarm'd himself of the outward Sword and as he is as well Soveraign of the World as of the Church and ought to have the command of all Mankind so he may put the Sword into the hands of those who are not yet brought under the Administration which I have above spoken of and he can make them Instrumental in his hand to Chastize his and his Peoples Enemies Thus Cyrus who many years before he was born was by name foretold of by the Prophet Isa. is there called in the Word of the Lord Cyrus is my Shepherd he is the Lord 's Anointed These Titles were given with respect to the Services which God had fore-appointed he should do viz. be instrumental in the delivery of Jacob his Servant his Elect. In like manner and to the like purposes the Prophet Jeremiah in the Word of the Lord does in three places call Nebuchadnezzar the Lord's Servant but neither of these were of the peculiar People of God but it pleased him to appoint the Sword into their
was to remove an Offence taken against my Friend J. P. for using the same And it would have become this Adversary to have forborn his blasphemous Scoffing at my Light as George if thy Light has hitherto forgot to tell thee I bless the Lord my God who is my Light Life and Salvation he has shewn me the new and living way of the New Covenant which our blessed Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ consecrated prepared or set open thro' the Veil that is to say his Flesh yea through his Sufferings and Death as being the Testator he hath enforced that New Testament or Second Covenant he took away the First that he might establish the Second and so hath open'd the Passage into eternal Life into the Holiest of Holies within the Veil and beyond all the Shadows and Veils under the Law It was in the most Holy Place within the Second Veil in the Tabernacle which was called the Holiest of all in the Old Covenant that the golden Censor and Ark of the Testament were put and the Golden Pot which had Manna and Aaron 's Rod that had budded and the Tables of the Testament and over the Ark the Cherubims of Glory shadowing the Mercy-Seat Heb. 9. Exod. 26. So the most excellent things were within the Veil tho' there was a Beauty and Glory also without it All which I doubt not were Shadows of the New Covenant and the Spiritual Dispensation thereof in Christ Jesus in whom the Most Holy Place of that Divine Service and Worship in the New Covenant-Sanctuary which the Lord has placed in the midst of his People is in the Spirit and in the Truth And all our Spiritual Blessings and Heavenly Treasures are in Christ Jesus who is our Sanctuary and Hiding-place And it is in the inmost or most inward and Spiritual Dispensation of the New Covenant that Mercy and Forgiveness is receiv'd and Christ most livingly and effectually known to us and enjoy'd and in him the most holy and heavenly Places wherein the true Spiritual Believers sit down with him and as being washed from their Sins in his Blood by his Spirit are his Church and Sanctuary also and thereby have boldness to enter into the Holy Place even by that new and living Way which Christ hath prepared for us through the Veil that is to say his Flesh Heb. 10. that we may follow him therein into Heaven it self And what entrance through Christ our Mediator we have here in Measure received into this new and living Way and Holy and Heavenly Places in him we doubt not but it is to us an Earnest of a more full Enjoyment of Heaven and Glory hereafter with Christ Jesus our Fore-runner Leader and Captain of our Salvation we continuing faithful to the end in this his new and living Way as true and constant Followers of him God in his great Love and Wisdom has afforded several Dispensations one higher and more glorious than another in order to bring Man nearer and nearer to himself as that of the Law and of Shadows and Types that of the Prophets that of John the Baptist that of Christ in the Flesh and that of Christ in the Spirit and New Covenant which is higher more powerful and more glorious than the former and therein a more clear knowledge of Christ than in all the former wherein there was some Sight of him through Shadows and Veils but by his Divine Light shining in our Hearts God is pleased to give us the Light of the knowledge of his Glory in the Face of his dear Son Christ Jesus that we all with open Face as in a Glass may behold the Glory of God and be changed into the same Image from Glory to Glory as by the Spirit of the Lord 2 Cor. 3.18 and Ch. 4.6 7. Now tho' our Adversary has made a deal of Dispute and Quarrel with us about calling Christ's Flesh the Veil as in Heb. 10. yet he is fain to grant That Christ's Body is called a Veil in Relation to its Type the Veil of the Temple p. 182. but he 'll have this not to be in the Quakers Sense They call it a Veil that is saith he a Garment in contra-distinction to its being Christ's Substance and of his Nature Whereas it 's rather in contra-distinction to its Being his Divine Nature or to its Being in the first place or principally or chiefly Christ himself who is the Son of God for whom the Body was prepared because he did pre-exist it or was in Being before he took upon him that Body even in his Father's Glory before the World began wherewith he is Glorified However the Veil which was Christ's Flesh through which he set open the new and living Way we never deny to be Christ's Body or to be a real Body but own it was and never believed it be a Fantastical Body as I have often said but that Christ the Son of God took upon him real Flesh and Blood of our Nature yet pure and incorrupted in him And as his Flesh was called the Veil it answers its Type or Figure i. e. the Veil of the most Holy Place or Oracle where God gave Answers 1 Kings 6.20 and 8.6 8. and 2 Chron. 3.10 16. And these Most Holy Places in the Tabernacle and Temple being Places of Divine Service then peculiar to the High-Priest to enter into their Antitype is in Christ Jesus the New Covenant where in Spirit and in the Truth God is truely worshipped and meets with and speaks to his People even by Christ Jesus their High-Priest who is present in the midst of his Church and Assemblies of his People the true and Spiritual Worshippers who meet in his Name Spirit and Power whose Light and Truth brings its Followers unto his Holy Tabernacles Psal. 43.3 And as to Christ's Substance and Nature what does our Opposer mean thereby how has he distinguished in this Point Christ has in him a Divine Nature as well as that of Man which he hath also in the purest Sense But which is the greatest Is not the Divine Nature the Deity in him greater than the Manhood As he said My Father is greater than all greater than I John 10.29 Nevertheless as our great and only Mediator and Intercessor it was necessary he should be Man as he is the most glorious heavenly Man and as the Christ of God he is Spiritually in Us in the Saints and Members in some measure by his Spirit Light Life and Power even as the incorruptible immortal Seed in Man is of the Father Son and Holy Ghost and therein all true spiritual Believers do in measure partake of the Divine Nature being born again of this incorruptible Seed SECT XXIII Some Reflections by G. W. upon A Supplement pretended upon occasion of his Answer to the Snake in the Grass p. 343. THE very Entrance into the said Supplement consisting of divers Falshoods I need take the less notice thereof and spend the less time in its strict Examination besides
Revelation p. 74. Sect. V. Concerning Infallibility p. 85. Sect. VI. Concerning the Authority of the Holy Scriptures p. 150. Sect. VII Concerning Idolatry p. 173. Sect. VIII Concerning the Holy Three Bearing Record in Heaven p. 184. Sect. IX Concerning the Divinity and Incarnation of Christ. p. 191. Sect. X. Concerning the Satisfaction of Christ. p. 230. Sect. XI Concerning the Resurrection p. 239. Sect. XII Concerning Baptism and the Supper p. 258. Sect. XIII Shewing Popish Emissaries did not set up Quakerism in England p. 276. Sect. XIV Shewing that we do not Damn all but our selves p. 293. Sect. XV. The Quakers clear'd from the Charge of Venom and Nastiness and it shewn to be his own True Character p. 308. Sect. XVI Of F●ghting and Loyalty p. 316. Sect. XVII Concerning Tythes p. 376. Sect. XVIII Shewing that the Pretensions of the present Quakers as of the former to the Spirit of Prophecy Infallibility c. is according to and agreeable with the Scriptures of Truth p. 434. Sect. XIX Visible Possessions by the Devil Examin'd and Refuted p. 442. Sect. XX. Of Enthusiasm or Inspiration as said by the Snake to be own'd by the Church p. 462. Sect. XXI His Falsly Entituled Impartial Comparison between G. Fox L. Muggleton and Oliver's Porter shewn to be Prophane c. p. 472. A Supplement by G. Whitehead p. 486. Sect. XXII A Reply to some Remarks upon as it is call'd by the Snake G. W's Creed p. 486. Sect. XXIII Some Reflections by G. W. upon A Supplement pretended upon occasion of his Answer to The Snake in the Grass p. 343. p. 507. ERRATA PAge 32. l. 24. things r. thing p. 34. l. 23 it r. is p. 64. l. 17. Te●● r. Fell p. 76 l. 16.21 r. 28 p. 91. l. 7. after gave us add to discen● p. 94. l. 5 swearing r. to swear p. 111 l. 17 after have add little 〈◊〉 p. 126 l. 32. it r. is p. 144 l. 27 dele unless p. 152 l. 27 after is 〈◊〉 as p. 168 l. 1. after was add said to be ib. l. 22. r. as before is p. 180. ● 34 word r. world p. 197 l. 19 after that add it p. 202 l. 30 〈◊〉 here add desire him to p. 216 l. 9. after to add the ib. l. 10 land 〈◊〉 lamb p. 272 l. 28 after what add it p. 286 l. 13 dele Qua p. 398 〈◊〉 28 after of dele the p. 413 l. 30 dele all p. 431 l. 5 drink r. dru●● Anguis Flagellatus OR A SWITCH FOR THE Snake in the Grass INTRODUCTION Wherein also the Preface and Introduction of the Snake are Consider'd and Reply'd to AGainst the Venome of the Snake as it at first appeared an Antidote has been already given in an Answer under that Title by George Whitehead to the First Edition of the Snake in the Grass Of which Answer the crafty Sophister having gotten notice hastned a Second Edition of the Snake so different from the First that it might rather seem a New Book than a New Impression of an Old One. For besides the Additions which he made he alter'd the Frame and Contexture of it by choping and changing the Parts and melting as his Phrase is a Preface of above 350 Pages and bigger than the Book it self into the Body of the Book which as himself says in his Account of the Second Edition renders it in a manner a New Work and he calls it a pulling down the whole and rearing it in a new Form Thus the Snake cast its Skin chang'd both Colour and Shape in the several Subsequent Editions By which Artifice the Answer which was designed and adapted to the First Edition was render'd less Serviceable and Useful The Reader not knowing by the Pages referr'd to in the Antidote where to find in the later Editions the Matter treated of As this together with the Adversary's Allegations in his latter Editions that in the Answer to his first his Quotations were not disproved was the Ground or Motive to this Second Answer So also the Reasons why this Answer came not sooner forth were partly that we might see in what Shape this Proteus who has transform'd so often would at length settle that we might not be again obliged Actum Agere And partly that we might have had his Reply to G. W's Antidote which is his Third Edition p. 358 and 366. He hath as good as promised that That also might have been considered But since our Adversary has thought fit to suspend if not wholly to throw off his pretended Intention of giving a particular Reply to the Antidote I was not willing longer to delay this Answer to the Third and Last Edition of the Snake And do here acquaint such Readers who have the Second Edition of the Snake that though the Pages differ so that the References by them do not agree yet the Sections in both the Second and Third Editions standing in the same Order and bearing the same Titles and this Answer being adapted to each Section mostly separatim it will not be very difficult for the Reader herein to find the Matter referr'd to in the Second Edition of the Snake also Thus having given some short Account both of the Reasons why this Answer was delay'd till now and why written now It will be necessary to proceed to the Work in which that I may not omit any thing in the Snake deserving notice I shall begin with his Preface The Preface considered THE Snake that he might not miss any occasion of shewing the World the Squint Opinion he has of us is pleased to link us in his Preface with one Antonia Bourignon of whose Principles he pretends to give some Account and that she perfectly agrees with us Pref. p. 11. even in those things wherein himself says she hath writ against us and takes up a great part of 44 Pages of which his Preface consists to shew some Instances of those Wild Heretical and Barbarous Notions which in Pref. p. 4. he says Antonia holds and which he in order bestows upon us thereby to prepossess his Reader Not unlike the Fellow who to shew his Squint and Blasphemous Opinion of the Apocalyps bound up St. John's Revelations and Aesop's Fables in one Volume But as St. John's Revelations had another Origin than the Imaginary Fables of Aesop So the Revelations of the same Holy Spirit at this day do vastly differ from all Imaginary Flights from all Heretical Wild and Barbarous Notions and does give Solid Reasons of that Faith it begets in us and which we are ready to give to the Sober Inquirer As for Bourignon her Errors concerns not us if she be what the Snake says she appearing an Enemy as well as he by having writ against us not but that there is some reason to suspect he wrongs her from the certainty we have of his often and greatly abusing us Pref. p. 11 12. The great design of the Devil is and has always been to beat down the Priesthood and outward
we meet with such Instructions for Profaneness in the Example and Precept of our Saviour The Examples and Precepts of his holy Apostles Or in the Example and Precept of of such who in a true sense of Religion have declared the end of their endeavours were to reclaim and reduce the Erronious and convince Gain-sayers Is it possible Reader that supposing me in Error and Gain-saying I should think a Man so profanely Scoffing should have any real Concern for the Salvation of my Soul so as to be reduced by him Or if I be not in Error that he can have any consciencious Concern for my preservation Nor will the example of Elijah do him any service here he by a warrantable Irony did confute the pretended God-head which hath Eyes and sees not Ears and hears not thereby to reclaim the Idol-worshippers But we the Quakers nor any other Dissenters in England that I know of do or ever did acknowledge any other God than that one Almighty Being the Father of all Things and Jesus Christ his Eternal Son and the Holy Spirit proceeding from the Father and the Son who is one God blessed for ever This hath been so often declared that the Snake could not be ignorant of it wherefore he is the more Inexcusable Secondly Of his Hypocrisie p. 2. I have says he great Charity for the Generality of the Ignorant sort of them some of whom I know to be very Honest and Well-meaning Men and Devout in their Way I do freely own that I have a real Kindness and good Wishes for every one of the Quakers that I have hitherto been acquainted with and I never received any sort of Disobligation from any of them in my whole Life And yet treats the Quakers with all the marks of Bitterness Baseness Contempt and Disdain and with all the marks of open Enmity that can be shewn in the most Scurrilous manner insomuch that he implicitly denies One Dram of the Spirit of Christianity to be in all the Quakers p. 182. and in p. 177. to George Whitehead he says Come George we are near an end and we know not if ever we shall meet again tell me in the Plain Down-right Honesty and Simplicity of the Light within See Reader not only the Prophaneness but the Hypocisie of Pretended Kindness and Good Wishes and the base Returns for no Disobligation Page 202. the Picture of the Quaker Spirit he says he feels sees and abominates by the very Conviction of his Sense Then what grand Hypocrisie must it be to pretend as he doth that he hath real Kindness and good Wishes for such whose Spirit he abominates I have shewn before from his Profane and Scornful Treatment of us that he cannot wish well to our Souls and himself declares he abominates our Spirit which being both absent what would his kindness to our Bodies be Why there is sufficient Ground to believe that his kindness to them is much what the cruel Emperor's was to the Romans when he wished them all but one Neck and then their dispatch would be speedy And to shew that it is not meer Conjecture I now proceed Thirdly To his Injustice which is manifest not only in Wresting our Writings and Perverting our Plain Meanings therein and that knowingly and wilfully since they have been explained by our selves but also by false Quoting our Books sometimes by packing Sentences which stand at distance close together as one continued Quotation or else only with the distinction of a Break without any regard to his breaking off the Sense of the Writer Of which in my way through his Book I shall shew abundance of Instances Add to this his Injustice in urging against us our Adversaries false Charges some upon bare hear-say and often out of Books written against us by open Enemies and that without taking notice of our Answers which is equally Unjust As to have urged the Writings of Celsus Porphyry or other Heathens against the Primitive Christians or the Writings of the Romanists against the Protestants as Eckius against Luther Harding againg Juel c. without any regard had to their Answers Which whosoever should do might have the name of a Bold and Confident but not Wise or Honest Man Yet such is this Snake's Practice and that he might not come short in any thing wherein he can be Injurious he hath purposely mis-stated our Principles that thereby he might make himself an Advantage to fasten upon us what in him lies such Absurd Extravagant and Impious Consequences as he pleases Of this sort I shall have frequent proof to shew thee Reader and now go on to the Book Page 1. The Controversie with the Quaker Dissenters has not been pursued by the Church of England with the like Zeal and Pains as those against the Presbyterians Independants and other Dissenters because the Quakers were not so considerable But their Numbers increased by being neglected are become Formidable It is not my business here to inquire what the Zeal and Pains of the Church has been against other Dissenters it shall suffice me briefly as I may to shew how warm her Zeal and how great her Pains towards us Tho' I here declare it is not pleasant to me afresh to object the Unchristian Treatment Zeal and Pains wherewith very many Members of that Church have pursued us and I would rather have let it slept in Oblivion than called to mind that Harsh Treatment had it not been necessary to remember it and object it for Confutation to the false Pretences of one who pretends to personate her Cause wipe his Mouth say what Harm have we done and to tell the World a most Egregious Lye how the Quakers have been Neglected and thereby Increased For Confutation of this I say I shall briefly Hint to the Sober Reader that we have not come behind our Neighbours in Sufferings in the several Capacities of Name Person and Estate and give some short Specimen of each And first for Sufferings in Name and Fame The many Books written against us even from the very first are Witnesses For the Priesthood in many places in the Days of our Infancy did not only write against us themselves but these incouraged their Flocks whereby there frequently came forth many Books against us insomuch that to the Year 1660. if occasion did require I could produce a Catalogue of many Hundreds which is no mean Beadroll of Adversaries And while Pens were thus imploy'd against us Lying Tongues were not idle for Report and Fame spoke of us in blackest Characters from the Envious and the Ignorant which yet hath often been of advantage for when some in Curiosity have been inclin'd to see for themselves what Monsters of Men they must needs be of whom such ill Fame and Report did go and have seen and found that Fame and Report false they have been inclined to love what that was designed to have made them to hate Nay so general hath our Suffering in this sort been I may say
Enthusiasts both born in the Year 1650. for then it was Muggleton says he got his Inspiration If Muggleton did come forth in the Spirit of Deceit in the same Year that G. F. came forth in the Spirit and Power of the Lord What can be inferr'd from thence Theudas and Judas of Galilee came forth with their Impostors not much differing in time from our Saviour's coming in the Flesh Yet to correct the Snake's Lying Chronology the Reader may please to know that G. F. did come forth in the Power and Spirit of the Lord some Years before the Date the Snake assigns Ibid. p. 6. It will be proper in this place once for all to obviate a Prejudice which some may take at a little Railery I am forc'd to now and then in answer to such Sensless Arguments and Pretences as deserve no otherwise to be Confuted The Sober and Judicious Reader will no doubt but be Prejudic'd against such prophane Railery and manifest Contradictions as frequently appear of which these Lines are one Instance In pag. 34. foregoing We are the most subtle in Distinction of any Hereticks and it is not usual for such who Distinguish Subtilly to Argue Senslesly But Contradictions of this sort are frequent with our Adversary who throughout his whole Book as the Sober Reader may hereafter Observe doth frequently Contradict himself that he may Bely Us Mistake our Principles that he might have the Glory of a Triumph and Pervert and false Quote our Books that he might have the Reputation of Great Discoveries Of all which having gone through his Introduction remains next in order to be spoken SECT I. Our Principle of the Light of Christ in Men shewn to be Scriptural and our Books herein agreeable thereto THE Light preached and testified to by us ever since we were a People is no other than Jesus Christ the Son of the Father's Love who in due time was born of the Virgin Mary dwelt on the Earth and was in all things like unto Us Sin only excepted Who was Crucify'd under Pontius Pilate died was buried and rose again the third Day and ascended into Heaven This Jesus Christ while he dwelt on Earth preached himself the Light and Way to the Father and speaking of himself to his Disciples John 14.17 said He Dwelleth with you and shall be in you And of this Jesus Christ John Testifies He was the Word in the Beginning with God and that this Word was God and that in him is Life and that Life the Light of Men and that this Light Lighteth every Man that cometh into the World John 1.1 4 9. This is that Glorious Truth testified unto by us which is not Notion except to those only who have barely an Historical Knowledge hereof For to those that do reverently attend its discoveries it is no more Notion but a Home-felt Truth With this Testimony it was that it pleased God to send forth his Servant George Fox who tho' despised mean and unlearned in the accounts of Men was of God made an Apostle in this Age and hath been instrumental in his hand for the directing of Thousands to the Light of Christ in Men. Upon which Light as Men come to attend it will fully teach them their Duty to God and enable them to perform it it will discover to them a System of Principles truly Orthodox with more certainty than Council or Synod can not taught by it for he is indeed a Wonderful Counsellor And this not in Notion not meerly Historical No! But in Practice according to their Obedience to it It will first fully and truly beyond any Casuist shew unto Man what is his Sin and if Man dispise not this Discovery but close with it it will beget in him a loathing of his Sin and then procede to work in him a repentance from Dead Works which if unfeigned it will go on to sanctify him and when Man by this Light Spirit or Grace is sanctified it will then witness to his Spirit that he is justified So will Man truly come to be redeemed This in short is the substance of what hath been by us declared concerning this Divine Light Christ in Men and which is not more than is witnessed of it in the Holy Scriptures in the words whereof our Friends have frequently given their belief in this as in other Articles and that with good reason for the Spirit of God in his Church in this Age can well agree with the Language of the same Spirit in and to the Churches in the former Ages And here I may fitly observe that too nice expressing and minute particularizing of Articles of Faith has been frequently one ground of Heresie and Schism and occasioned great disturbance in the World and indeed it 's no wonder that when Men forsake that teaching Grace which brings Salvation they should set up that Earthly Wisdom which in matters of Faith breeds confusion Ibid. p. 7 8. And this Notion of the Light within as a Ray only or Illumination from the Holy Spirit the Ingenious Mr. Penn has let us see in some of his late Books to draw us insensibly off the Scent of the Quaker Notion of the Light within This Adversary that he may scratch more undiscernedly he Hypocritically flatters W. Penn of which as we pass shall meet with divers instances But it is false that W. Penn hath in any of his Books explained our Belief of the Light within in terms contrary to what G. Fox or other our Ancient Friends have done He being a Scholar might use other terms but not contrary he might vary from the express words of G. Fox or others but not from their sense Of this Holy Writ affords instances The Holy Apostle Paul's rethorical forms of Speech might be more agreeable to the Rules of Art but not of the Holy Spirit than those of the rest of the Holy Apostles Yet his Learning and their Illiterature were both of excellent use the minds of the Persons being under subjection to the Spirit of God This was their great Rule so that though according to the Humane helps they had had they might use various yet not contrary terms in the same Article Ibid. p. 8. And that is to make this their Light within not only an Inspiration or Illumination sent from God but to be it self the Essential God and Christ. What Christ hath promised and by the Holy Spirit hath dictated concerning God and Christ's Dwelling in Men as in these places refer'd to among many others it may be seen is so experienced a Truth as well as good an Authority for such like Scriptural expressions that it will stand the Shock of any capricious Gramarian who would pretend to speak more properly and distinguish more nicely than it hath seemed good to the Holy Ghost to do John 14.17 20. Rom. 8.10 1 Cor. 10.4 2 Cor. Gal. 2.20 Heb. 2.11 Col. Ibid. 8. And from hence O Blasphemy to repeat it they
to withstand this his Day of Visitation in the reproofs and discoveries of this Light it must of necessity once come to pass as to the Jews that it will be hid from their eyes and in this final impenitency they will according to Isa. 5.20 call good evil and evil good and of such the Apostle testifies Ephes. 4.18 They are strangers from the life of God through the Ignorance that is in them because of the hardness of their hearts And that 2 Thess. 2.11 They are given over to strong Delusion to believe a lye because they received not the Love of the Truth that they should be saved But they were not given over to strong Delusion till they had refused the Truth and they could not refuse the Love of it unknowingly To the Second Quaere Whether a Man may sin while he follows the Light It may be safely answer'd no! Because it is affirmed by the Apostle Ephes. 5.9 The fruit of the Spirit or Light is in all goodness righteousness and truth And the Christians were advised to walk in the Light that they might become Children of it And if they are Children of it they must of necessity bring forth the fruits of it for that it is sufficient to make Men able so to do these Scriptures among many others testifie Luke 9.21 22. Phil. 4.14 2 Cor. 12.9 And as what is said herein is agreeable to the Gospel so it is not contrary to the Law Because as the Apostle testifies Acts 17.30 In the times of Ignorance God winked But now he willeth all men every where to repent And Heb. 7.19 Tho' under the Law which made nothing perfect there were expiatory Sacrifices for the Sins of Ignorance yet now there needeth not for as much as by the Gospel the bringing in of a better hope made perfect For the several Texts urged by our Adversary as Luke 23.24 where Christ speaking of those who crucified him saith They know not what they do It is no wonder they should be so stupidly blind when we consider the Testimony of Stephen concerning them Acts 7.51 Ye always resisted the Holy Ghost And in John 16.2 where Christ foretels his Disciples the time shall come that whosoever killeth you shall think they do God service But the Snake has left out the reason of that Ignorance which in the next verse as our Saviour says is Because they have not known my Father nor me The like curtailing of the Text the Snake hath practised with that of 2 Thess. 2.11 where he only quotes the words They should believe a lye but left out the reason of it which the Apostle says was because they received not the love of the Truth The Snake's Perversion of that Text Mat. 6.13 is very remarkable where he quotes That the Light which is in some Men is Darkness When our Saviour said no such thing But is here shewing of us How that by Sin and Evil Man becomes Darkned and that a continuance herein leads into great Darkness and thus words it If thine Eye be evil thy whole body shall be full of Darkness wherefore if the Light that is in thee be Darkness how great is that Darkness The Eye is the Organ for Light That being blinded the whole Body is in Darkness so in the Mind with this addition of unhappiness that in this Blindness they think they see and therefore call good evil and evil good But our Saviour hath no where taught That tho' Men should fervently humbly and sincerely pray for the Gifts of his Grace Light or Spirit that it will still be so much a Guess so much in uncertainty as to be possible for these so sincerely seeking To take the Devil for God and his wicked Spirit and his bad Acts for the Holy Spirit and Innocent Life of Jesus Christ. No! It is a most abhorred imputation upon the Doctrine of our Saviour either to suppose it contradictory to it self or that he who according to Mat. 28.18 Has all power in Heaven and Earth given to him should yet be so short in his Power or in his Good Will that he hath not afforded to Man a most certain and infallible Guide to that Glory to which he calls him But further If herein Man can without a Crime be ignorant or disobedient The whole tenour of the Gospel is overthrown the New Covenant Joel 2.29 is of no force and we may with the Apostle in another case conclude 1 Cor. 15.14 Preaching is vain and Faith is vain For if the Light of Jesus Christ is not an Infallible Guide to Salvation Men are in utmost uncertainty of what concerns them most nearly viz. the Salvation of their Souls and are herein more at a Guess than they would care to be in the state of their Healths or the titles of their Estates But now if for Guide and Certainty for it is necessary Men should herein be certain he will turn us to the Holy Scriptures Traditions Councils Fathers Ordinances We shall find all of them declared even by Men of that Church this Snake says he is of such as are not void of uncertainty for that through ignorance iniquity and false pretences all these have been abused So that it remains of absolute necessity for all that would have an Infallible Guide to Salvation to attend the guidings of the Spirit of God which only can infallibly witness to their Spirits Rom. 8.16 th●● they are the Children of God Ibid. p. 11. It would make one merry were ther● not too much of tragedy in the miserable and distr●●ctive error to see what pains G. Fox takes to struggl● from under this Objection If G. Fox's pains could make this Man merry the Priest's pains ought to make him laugh out because they were the greater of the two fo● G. Fox hath answer'd 26 words of the Priests b● 25 of his own As for the Tragedy Misery an● Destruction which the Snake supposes in what h● calls our error there is nothing in it The Destructi●on c. will be eminently so to them that sell pretended Spiritual Ware and among them it will make havock for when Men come to feed upon that substantial Food John 6.35 48. The Bread of Life They will no longer give their Mony for that which is not Bread nor their labour for that which profitteth not Ibid. p. 11. He G. Fox repeats the Professor's objection against him in these words The Apostle Paul thought to do many things against the Church and thought he ought to do so and the Light within did not inform his Conscience To which G. Fox replies in these words did not Christ say that it was hard for him Paul to kick against that that prickt him and was not that within him that prickt him The Snake crys out against this Answer Ibid. p. 11. saying it is manifest perverting of Scripture when indeed the Answer is sound and true as appears by the verse immediately following Acts 9.6 And he trembling and astonished
by our Saviour and mostly in his words viz. as Mat. 5.48 Luke 6.36 and the last Scripture G. Fox there mentions does shew 1 Joh. 4.17 To which he might have added those other Texts 1 Joh. where we are exhorted to walk even as he walked to purify our selves even as he is pure and to be righteous as he is righteous Which exhortations it is impossible to witness fulfilled otherwise than by the Assistance of the Holy Spirit which as G. Fox saith is in equality with God And the Expressions being Scriptural it need not trouble us that he is angry Nor do we nor never did we understand these expressions in Holy Writ above-mentioned otherwise than to relate to the Operations of the Holy Spirit in men For we never imagined that ever any Man or Woman can be even as God is or even as Christ is quatenus God and Christ. The Snakes next Quotation p. 17. is from Saul 's Errand to Damascus p. 8. He that hath the same Spirit that raised up Jesus from the Dead is equal with God Which is as declared by G. F. at his Trial hereafter mentioned to the purpose before for when Men are guided by the Holy Spirit they are certainly guided by God For the Father Son and Holy Spirit are one God and therefore equal and that which is equal as G. Fox often expresses it The Snake's next Quotation p. 18. is from Great Mystery p. 248. All that have the Son and Holy Ghost have that which is Equal in Power and Glory with the Father This Quotation Reader is another instance of the great insincerity of this adversary in that he hath placed the words here as spoken and asserted by G. Fox which yet are sound and true but they were not otherwise than thus The Priest had deni'd the Revelation of Christ in Man otherwise than by Adoption and his Christ's Equality with the Father in answer to this G. Fox mentions that passage in the Assemblies Catechism The Holy Ghost and Son are equal in Substance Power and Glory with the Father and then thus queries not asserts tho' it be true what Then all that have c. See the Readiness of this Man to misrepresent things The Snake's next Step p. 18. is to whom he floutingly calls the Renowned Francis Howgil who he says is yet more express in this Blasphemy if more can be His quotation from F. Howgil p. 232. of his Works is The first thing thy dark Mind stumbles at says he to his Opponent Edward Dodd is that some have said they that have the Spirit of God are equal with God He that hath i. e. obeyeth the Spirit of God is in that Holy Ghost which is equal with God The same says the Scriptures and the same says the Catechism as I have just now noted but F. Howgil goes on He that is joined to the Lord is one Spirit there is unity and the unity stands in equality it self there is equality in Nature tho' not in Stature And now after all the Snake can say against it it is agreeable to those several Texts of Scripture quoted p. 49 50. foregoing and also to many others tho' a Mystery to Men not regenerated And therefore F. Howgil goes on and bids learn what these things mean the Understanding and the Learned will know what I say and this is neither damnable nor blasphemous but on the contrary it 's saving and precious to them that believe The next Reader is another Instance of the Snake's Injustice in urging against us a Book writ by one R. Gordon an open Enemy taking no notice at all of any Answer of ours in which practice I have already detected him in p. 48. foregoing and shall have occasion hereafter and therefore shall not say more of it here nor take notice at present of the passages he urges from that Book which yet the sober and unprejudic'd Reader cannot call a leaping over it because not urged upon valid Authority The Snake's next Quotation in p. 18. is from Saul's Errand p. 7 8. Jesus Christ the Mystery passed before The same Spirit now takes upon it the same Seed where it is manifested What pray is this more than to say Jesus Christ the same yesterday to day and for ever and is sound and true For they who obey his words do know of his Doctrine and they do experience him to be the same he ever was Snake p. 19. Having thus shewn the Quotations of the Quakers out of their printed Books I will now further prove my Charge in Legal Form against them by Evidence upon Oath Having hitherto detected the Snake in false quoting of our Books and perverting the plain Sense and Meaning of them so as it is obvious to the intelligent Reader I shall now examine and detect his Legal Form but first will shew what it is Snake p. 19. Which you will find in a Book printed 1653. Entituled A Brief Relation of the Irreligion of the Northern Quakers c. Here Reader Is the Snake's Legal Form A Pamphlet writ by professed Adversaries like the Snake which pretends to give an account of two or three Trials of G. Fox and J. Nayler for Blasphemy and what is in this related the Snake says is proved by evidence upon Oath When indeed it is only a great Argument of the Snake's Ignorance or Malice I rather think the last to call a private Pamphlet a Legal Form A Charge of Fact done many years past and brought to Trial in Courts of Justice cannot be said to be prov'd in Legal Form if the Conviction of the accused cannot be proved by the Records of the Court. Which I defy the Snake to produce Nay he cannot because the Parties were discharged from their Accusations the Evidence proving insufficient against them And now for the Snake in his own Language Boldly and Impudently to give the Lye to the Judge of the Assize or other Magistrates before whom these Charges of Blasphemy were brought against G. Fox and J. Nayler and to say it was proved when it was not argues Impudence towards the Magistrates but Villany towards the memory of the Accused For had it been proved they must have been convict and have suffered the demerits of Blasphemy And all this would have been upon record But besides this one grand and notorious Lye of the Snake's viz. That the Charge was proved there is in His Legal Form many other Lyes which I shall detect as I come at them Snake p. 19 20. There the Snake directs to that Lying Pamphlet p. 2 and 3. You have an account how G. Fox did avow himself over and over to be equal with God being asked by Dr. Marshal in the presence of Mr. Sawro Col. Tell and Col. West Justices of the Peace in the County of Lancaster at a Private Sessions in the Town of Lancaster whether or no he was equal with God as before that time he had been heard to affirm His Answer was this I
p. 23. Fox having produced so particular a Charge of Gross and Abominable Blasphemies against himself and Partners did it on purpose that he might the more exactly and in terms most express and plain Renounce and Disown them The end for which G. Fox did in that Book entituled Saul's Errand c. set down the Petition of some Priests and others of the County of Lancanster to the Council of State together with the Crimes mentioned in their Schedule was indeed that he might fully answer them in shewing the Quakers Belief in opposition to those false Charges And this is done in that Book in terms so express and plain as leaves no room for doubt unless to such whom nothing will satisfie For to each particular Objection he gives a distinct Answer and that in Scriptures quoted for that purpose But this same Adversary seems to be dissatisfied with such Answer as no doubt he would have been with that of our Saviour to the Captious Jews Mark 11.33 and 12.17 and with many others of the like kind which he may be pleased to say are not in terms sufficiently express and plain Ibid. p. 24. Nay he down-right owns and justifies the greatest part of them as their preternatural Convulsions and Quakings Foamings and Swellings of their Bellies which seiz'd them at their Meetings even Little Children who could not counterfeit It is an unaccountable degree of Impudence for a man with so much assurance as this Snake does to say G. Fox owns and justifies Preternatural Convulsions Foamings and Swellings of Bellies and that of Little Children When G. Fox has not in that Book one such word That I may not herein impose upon the Reader as the Snake has done I will here give intire G. Fox's Answer to that Objection and then the Reader may find whether I or the Snake be the Lyar the page the Snake quotes is p. 5. of Saul's Errand which is thus Answ. The Meetings of the People of God were ever strange to the World for it was as though some strange thing had happened to the Saints as we read in the Scripture Psal. 71.7 1 Pet. 4.12 Which shews they are in the same Generation wondring and stranging at the Work of the Lord despising and casting Scandals Slanders and false Reports upon them And where the Works of God are now Acts 13.41 they think them strange things now as was then who are alive in the Flesh. It would be a strange thing now to see one fall down as Paul fell down and trembled and as Daniel fell down and trembled Dan. 10.9 And to see one as Habakkuk his Belly to tremble and his Lips to quiver Hab. 3.16 And as David to lye roaring all the Day long who cryed till his sight was grown dim and his Flesh fail'd of fatness and till he could number his Bones And to see one as Isaiah to rent his Garment and his Mantle and to pluck his Hair off his Head and off his Beard and sit down astonished And would it not be strange to see such an Assembly as came to Isaiah Isa. 66.5 Which had all trembling Hearts Hear the Word of the Lord all ye that tremble at his Word work out your Salvation with fear and trembling Before their faces the people shall be much pained all faces shall gather blackness Joel 2.6 The Prophets and Ministers of God have all one Spirit according to measure and did encourage those that did tremble Wherein it shews that you have not the same Spirit but seek to persecute and fix Scandals and accuse them falsly Here Reader thou mayst see the injustice and falshood of this Adversary in so boldly asserting what there is not a word of tho' he says p. 24. The Matter of Fact Fox owns p. 5. Thou hast here G. Fox's answer from p. 5. Pray see if it be as the Snake says it is The Snake has one Hiss more In this Section with which he concludes it and that is at James Milner of whom I have reserved to speak in answer to the Snake's 21st Section As I have already hinted p. 66. Wherefore I now come to the Snake's 4th Section of the Quakers Pretence to a sinless Perfection SECT III. We do own and believe that it is our Duty to press on to Perfection which by the assistance of the Spirit of God we believe it possible to attain unto REader I have already shewn thee in Sect. 1. p. 43. what we mean and understand by the Light within viz. Jesus Christ as testified of in Holy Writ where the Apostle testifies 2 Cor. 5.19 That God was in Christ reconciling the world to himself and we say that as Man through obedience to the Holy Spirit comes to witness a being reconciled to God through Jesus Christ he will more and more witness a growing into that Holy Oneness that Spiritual Union and Communion which our Saviour hath prayed his Disciples might witness as is already shewn Sect. 2. p. 64. tho' misinterpreted by our Adversaries to be an aspiring to Equality c. with God And all who in their several degrees of growth in Grace do witness the going on of this Work of Reconciliation must witness a going on to Perfection And I cannot see any absurdity in this Scriptural Doctrine For if I through the Power of Christ have witnessed a Being by him set free from one vile Affection or one inordinate Lust. Have I not good reason to hope that he that hath began this good work is able to finish it and so of the rest of Humane Infirmities which cannot be overcome but by the assistance of a Divine Power which being altogether Perfect in it self will lead on to Perfection all who are obedient to it Yet this Plain and Scriptural Doctrine professed by us from the first hath met with great opposition and perversion as now by this Snake Snake p. 25. After having shewed the Quakers claim to an Equality with God to be part of him of one Soul Being Person and Essence with him It may seem a saying less and going backward to say that they pretend to a sinless Perfection How idle and false is it in the Snake to say we pretend to be one Person with God when we reject the word Person as too gross to be applied to God or Christ or the Holy Spirit But after having shewn the falsity of that Charge as is plentifully done in the foregoing Section I shall go forward to shew also as is above hinted that the Sinless Perfection we contend for is only in the Holy Spirit and no further ours than we come into obedience to it and through obedience to it 't is possible 2 Pet. 1.4 To be partakers of the Divine Nature But because our Modern Quakers are abated somewhat from the Loud Blasphemies to which they at first pretended c. Here Reader Is an Instance of the Hypocrisie and Confusion of this Man He had charged us Sect. 1 2 3. that at our first setting up
he makes Choise of to send forth and imploy in the work of the Ministry So they who are so sent forth have or may have if they diligently attend to the Voice of this Infallible Holy Spirit speaking in them a certain Infallible Knowledge and Assurance of the Truth of what they so deliver And they who hear have or may have if they duly attend to that measure or manifestation of this Infallible Holy Spirit which they have received a like certain Infallible Knowledge and Assurance of the Truth of what they hear But tho' they who so minister and they who so hear have or may have this Infallible Assistance Yet this Assistance continues no longer with any than they to whom it is so given do continue faithful to it and herein is one remarkable difference between the Law and the Gospel the Law in its Offices went by Succession to the several Ages of the People of the Jews and was not alienable from them but fulfill'd and so ended by Christ Thus the Office of the Priesthood descended in that Tribe in which it was appointed at the giving of the Law so that in the execution of their Office they had the benefit of the promises made to the Priesthood at that time tho' some of them were wicked Men an Instance whereof is John 11.51 in Caiphas of whom it is there said He spake not of himself but being High Priest that Year he prophesied But in the Gospel Dispensation it is not so the Gifts of the Holy Spirit not being limited either to Person or Office in the Church nor can Man witness any Union with it or infallible Assistance from it but through obedience to and perseverance both in the Principles which it teacheth and that Holiness of Life which it leads into This thus briefly stated will plainly and truly shew the Inquiring Reader the great difference between us and the Romanists in this great Article of Infallibility Ibid. p. 32. But the Simplicity of our Quakers has deprived them of every one of these helps The Quakers as I have now shewn have no need of those helps because their Simplicity is Godly Sincerity which had the Snake had he would not have bely'd us as he does in the following words Ibid. p. 32. For as they place Infallibility in every single Quaker so they confine it not to matters of Faith but extend it to all Persons and Things To know all Mens Hearts and all things in the World by their Inward Light without being told by any Which are Abominable Lyes and Slanders as will be further manifested in detecting his Perversions and other Abuses of those quotations which he makes from our Friends Books to prove this Assertion Under the second head the Snake makes divers quotations Ibid. p. 33. he quotes from Great Mystery this Objection of the Priest's That is another Error of the Quakers that say he who is not Infallible in his Judgment when he gives Counsel and Advice is no Minister of Christ. The Snake has fairly as above put the Objection but hath falsly quoted G. F's Answer which is truly thus Now he that is not Infallible in his Counsel and Judgment and Advice is not he in Error And are not the Ministers of Christ the Ministers of the Spirit And is not that out of the Error which is Infallible in Counsel and Judgment And are they Ministers of Christ that are fallible And is not the Power the Gospel Infallible Which is briefly thus The Ministers of Christ ministring from the Gospel the Power of God which is Infallible are in such their Ministry Infallible This every Eye not blinded with Prejudice and Envy may by the context perceive to be the sense of the place But this Adversary hath here given a fair mark of his Prejudice and Envy in that he would rather false quote G. F's words by leaving out sentences in the middle of the Quotation than by setting it fairly down let it speak for it self Which practice of the Snake is base and cowardly as well as unchristian He hath posted himself Knight Errant like to Demand Reparation in the name of the Church of England And from this assumed Post he descends to call G. F. Valpoon one of poor Vnderstanding c. yet meanly and in very poor Manner false quotes his Books that he may be sure of a Triumph plainly enough intimating that G. F's words are sound till he has mangled them and which being restored do plainly shew that the Infallibility of which G. F. speaks is that of the Holy Spirit from which Holy Spirit so far as any do Minister so far and no farther are they Infallible in their Ministry Ibid. p. 33. quoted from Great Mystery p. 89. They can discern who are Saints who are Devils and who Apostates without speaking ever a word Tho' the Snake injuriously stop here G. F. goes on and in his next words shews who they be that can do so They that be in the Power and the Life of Truth Which does very plainly shew that G. F. did not attribute this Knowledge or Discerning to the Quakers or any Man but to the Power and Life of Truth where it is manifested And if the Snake will take upon him in his own name or others to deny and disown that any of the Church of England have the word of God or Christ in their Hearts or will say that Christ is not Eternal Infallible and Able to Judge of Persons or things which is the Doctrine that he opposes let him do it in plain terms Ibid. p. 33. quoted from Great Mystery p. 96. Thou not being Infallible thou art not in the Spirit and so art not a Minister and art not able to Judge of Powers that is not Infallible nor Magistrates nor Kingdoms nor Churches Here as I have just now observed the Snake breaks off too soon having purposely left out the very next following words which are these For who is in the Infallible Spirit is in the Spirit that Christ was in c. which words do very fully shew wherein the Infallibility of the true Ministry does stand And do as fully shew the injustice of this Adversary in the curtailing of them Ibid. p. 34. Quoted from p. 7. of E. B's Preface to Great Mystery The Snake says That E. B. says this Infallible Spirit was given to every one and then thus quotes him To us says he every one of us in particular And this Light gave us between Truth and Error and between every false and right way and it perfectly discover'd to us the true state of all things The Snake in this Quotation has treacherously abused and mangled E. B's Words and perverted his Sense I will desire the Reader 's patience to read what I have transcribed from E. B. his clear sense and true Gospel Doctrine will I hope answer the pains thou shalt be at in doing it And for the detection of the Snake in this his nibling practice I will
distinguish what he has taken as above in a different Character Pref. p. 7. of Great Mystery First The Lord brought us by his Power and Wisdom and the Word by which all Things were made to know and understand and see perfectly that God had given to us every one of us in particular a Light from himself shining in our Hearts and Consciences which Light Christ his Son the Saviour of the World had lighted every Man and all Mankind withal which Light in us we found sufficient to reprove us and convince us of every evil Deed Word and Thought and by it in us we come to know Good from Evil Right from Wrong and whatsoever is of God and according to him from what is of the Devil and what is contrary to God in Motion Word and Work And this Light gave us to discern between Truth and Error between every False and Right Way and it perfectly discovered to us the true state of all things And we thereby came to know Man what he was in his Creation before Transgression and how he was deceived and overcome by the Devil and his estate in Transgression and in Disobedience And how he is drove and banished from the presence of the Lord and the Sorrow and Anguish which he is in and to undergo And also by the Light in us we perfectly came to know the way of Restauration and the means to be restored and the state of Man being come out of Transgression and restored These things to us were revealed by the Light within us which Christ had given us and Lightned us withal What Man was before Transgression and what he is in Transgression and what he is being redeemed out of Transgression and also the Light which shined in every one of us as to it our Minds became turned and our Hearts inclined the perfect estate of the Church we came to know Her estate before the Apostles days and in the Apostles days and since the days of the Apostles And her present state we found to be as a Woman who had once been clothed with the Sun and the Moon under her Feet who brought forth him that was to rule the Nations but She was fled into the Wilderness and there sitting desolate in her place that was prepared of God for such a season which season in the very end thereof when the time of her sojourning was towards a full end then were we brought forth If any have an Ear they may hear So that all these things concerning Man and concerning the Times and Seasons and the changing and renewing of Times and all things that pertain to Salvation Redemption and Eternal Life needful for Man to know ALL THIS WAS discover'd revealed and made known to us by the Light that was in us which Christ had lighted us withal Thus E. B. The Snake's next Quotation is from E. B's Works p. 862. and his quotation is thus Every true Member of the Church hath certainty and infallibility of Judgment and discerning who are out of the Truth and in the way of Error and are Hereticks In this as in the last he hath abusively mangled E. B's words which are these Every true Member of the true Church hath its particular Measure of the Infallible Spirit of Christ whereby he is certainly persuaded of the way of Truth in which he walks and knows and believes the Infallibility of the Truth he professes and is certain and secure of the way of his Peace and Assurance in God which he hath received and believed and hath also certainty and infallibility of Judgment and discerning who are out of the Truth and in the way of Error and are Hereticks Such are infallibly known and discerned by the Spirit of God in the true Church of Christ. See here Reader the great perversion of words sound as can be deliver'd and which I dare the Snake to deny if he can for if he does he must of necessity thro' away all that Enthusiasm to which he says the Church in her Offices does pretend Ibid. p. 34. Quoted from E. B's Works p. 861 862. So both the Law-makers and the Judges of the Law must be infallible in Knowledge and Judgment in this case of Heresie otherwise the Law made for that purpose and the Judgment given by that Law are both false and unjust and not according to God and his Truth but are to be justly Judged and Condemn'd of the Lord God in his day and season This the Snake says dissolves our Laws Damns the Law-makers and infers necessarily the Quakers Opinion of their own Infallibility To this Charge let the Snake himself answer whether or no his refusing Swearing Obedience to the Present Government dissolves the Law which requires it of him Damns the Makers of that Law and does infer an Opinion of his own Infallibility Ibid. p. 35. Quoted from E. B's Works p. 198. where I have look'd for the words quoted by the Snake but find no such if he be mistaken in the page when that is rectified it may be answered Ibid. p. 35. Quoted from Great Mystery p. 107. Thou sayst that the Holiest Man is not able to give an Infallible Character of another Man Hast thou not in this discovered thy self to be no Minister of Christ or of the Spirit who cannot give an Infallible Character of another Man how canst thou minister to his Condition How canst thou see them that be turned from the Darkness and that be in the Darkness and distinguish the one from the other and an Holy Man from an Vnholy Man that canst not give an Infallible Character of any Man's Estate Ibid. p. 36. Quoted from Great Mystery p. 94. Have you given your selves a Name of a Church of Christ and is there not a Spirit of Discerning among you have you not manifested there that you are Harlotted from the Church of Christ the Apostles were of and how can you minister or teach People if ye do not discern their estates how they stand before God how can you commend your selves to every Man's Conscience in God's sight How can ye present the Souls of Men to God and see not their states how they are in his Sight How came ye to have fellowship in the Spirit How can you or any minister to the state and condition that people be in and see where they are and doth not see how they stand in God's sight From these two long Quotations he draws two Inferences or Conclusions which I will briefly repeat and then reply to them Here the Quakers have excluded all from the Church of Christ from having any fellowship in the Spirit who have not this Infallible Spirit of Discerning every Man's Heart Secodly It is evident they did not discern Keith and Bugg whom for many years they own'd as true Quakers thought them principal Pillars whom now they vilifie as Apostates Therefore by their own Argument all the Quakers are Harlotted from the Church of Christ have no fellowship in the
the disingenious Snake both to laugh Scornfully Lye and Flatter because he acknowledges not for his Guide the Holy and Infallible Spirit of God But that W. P. laughs not as is falsly said we will now see Ibid. p. 37. W. P. in a sheet of his Entituled A Winding Sheet for Controversie ended catches up Hen. Hedworth for saying he had been mistaken in the good Opinion he had before of Mr. Penn 's Judgment and Conscience How can he chuse says Mr. Penn who denys Infallibility But if mistaken before why not in the Quakers now And so ad infinitum being fallible Judgment and Conscience in respect of Matters Spiritual in Articles of Faith can only be certainly and knowingly judged of by the Spirit of God and what Man soever shall judge of these things without the assistance thereof must of necessity be mistaken for the reason which the Apostle has given 1 Cor. 2.11 For the things of God knoweth no Man but the Spirit of God And if Hen. Hedworth did by Opinion not the assistance of the Spirit of God judge of W. Penn's Judgment and Conscience no marvel if he were mistaken and if by the same medium he would Judge of the Quakers he was equally lyable to be also mistaken in them and so ad infinitum in all his natural Guessings about Spiritual Things and so must this Snake also Ibid. p. 38. Quoted from p. 3. Sect. 2. of W. P's Winding Sheet c. He vindicates what G. F. had asserted of the Quakers Infallibility for having repeated these words of G. F. which were put as an Objection against him How can ye be Ministers of the Spirit and not be infallible And how can they but delude the People who are not infallible He makes this reply I Answer says he G. F's words stand immoveable for ever And he gives this strange reason to support himself and G. F. For says he He that is a Minister of the Spirit is Infallibly so and in that Ministry is Infallible otherwise the Spirit 's Ministry is Fallible I have here been large in transcribing the whole Quotation that the Reader may see whether the Wild Consequences which the Snake does falsly suggest can naturally follow from the Doctrine aforesaid His Consequences are these Ibid. p. 38. That if any Man who is Lighted by the Sun stumble or miss his way the fault is in the Sun which shewed him a false Light what else can be the meaning of that saying If a Minister be not infallible then the Ministry of the Spirit is fallible To make God himself Fallible rather than we should be Infallible O wretched false and perverse consequence of this Snake But truly and easily following is this Consequence If a Man who is Lighted by the Sun stumble or miss his way the fault is not in the Sun that shewed him a true Light but the fault is in his neglecting of it And according to this the meaning of that saying If a Minister of the here the Snake has basely and falsly left out the word Spirit be not infallible then the Spirits Ministry is Fallible The meaning is this God the Holy Spirit is Infallible and those whom he qualifies fits and prepares for his Ministry such are Infallibly assisted to be Ministers of the Spirit But if any who have been so assisted depart from the assistance of the Holy Spirit such in their Ministry are not Infallible tho' the Spirit is Ibid. p. 38. Quoted from Winding Sheet p. 4. Sect. 3. He roundly checks his Opponent H. Hedworth saying I bestowed 32 pages to prove G. F's Spirit to be Infallible for that belongs simply to God alone and then those that are Led by it which was my Question in which sense he is and all such persons are Infallible as he himself confesseth c. Here says the Snake H. Hedworth is made Infallible too But that is false for the words are plain that those that are Led by the Holy Spirit are infallibly Led By this G. F. might be infallibly Led by this any other may be infallibly Led This Hen. Hedworth hath confessed this is what W. P. saith but he could not say H. H. was infallible Because he had quoted him in p. 37. denying of infallibility Ibid. p. 39. Nay the Devil himself is infallible at this rate for he has his Knowledge as well as Being from God Knowledge is Light And if that Knowledge which comes from God be infallible then while the Devil follows that Light or Knowledge he must be infallible And if this be all the Infallibility which the Quakers ascribe to themselves it distinguishes them not from Wicked Men or Devils Profane perversion The Almighty God by his Almighty Fiat did create the several Species of Beings and Creatures and furnished each according to the order in which he placed them To Angels and Men he gives Knowledge and Understanding in their several Degrees by which they might answer the end of their Creation But some Angels and all Men have fallen yet have not thereby lost all that Knowledge which by the Degree of their Beings they had But in their fallen estate employ what Knowledge they have to other purposes than those for which it was given Hence the Devil goes about seeking whom he may Devour 1 Pet. 5.8 And the Devil did follow his Knowledge when in Mat. 4.5 8. he tempted our Saviour And did know that had our Saviour worshipped him he had been conquered Yet the Devil was not herein infallible Nay the Devils believe and tremble from the Knowledge which they have of the Eternal God and their own Eternal Damnation How profane Reader must it be to suppose that this their Knowledge makes them infallible that is guided by the Holy Spirit of God Which none can be unless obedient to it But the Infallibility which does distinguish us from Wicked Men and Devils and which we say is possessed by us Is no other than this That whereas all Men are fallen short of God's Glory and are by Nature Children of Wrath. Man cannot be restored out of this estate but by the benefits of the Propitiatory Sacrifice of Christ outwardly slain by which Sacrifice our High-Priest who was touched with the feeling of our Infirmities hath put Man into a capacity of accepting his Mediation And in order to our reconciliation with God hath given to every one a manifestation of the Infallible Holy Spirit in which he did the Will of the Father To this manifestation such as are obedient are infallibly led in all things that concern Salvation Redemption and Eternal Life which neither Devils nor Wicked Men can be because disobedient to it See Reader how much the Jugler this Snake plays in endeavouring to obtrude under a shew of reason a most dangerous notion and directly contrary to all Revealed Religion which doth agree that the Light and Holy Spirit proceeding from the Father and the Son is able as our Saviour saith to lead into all Truth
that he is not Almighty Yet when Man does fall it is no plain Conviction that he could not have stood by an Almighty assistance We have never placed Infallibility in Persons otherwise than by the assistance of the Holy Spirit to which if Men are obedient it will infallibly guide them to Heaven and so safely protect them that as our Saviour saith John 10.29 No Man is able to pluck them out of my Fathers hand But when Men depart from the Grace of God They may as Samson when he had lost his Strength Judg. 16.20 say I will go out as at other times and shake my self And he wist not that the Lord was departed from him But their weakness will soon discover they are gone from their Guide Thus it was with the People of the Jews and thus with all those Persons whose failings the Holy Spirit has recorded in the Scriptures when they departed from the Lord they left their Strength and fell some very fouly Yet what less than Blasphemy is it to say That the Holy Spirit had they been obedient could not have preserved them as well as there are Instances it did restore several of them And it is no breach of the Oath of God made to Abraham and his Seed nor any argument of the Shortness of his Arm as the Prophet's phrase is That they are become a Desolation because they refused to hear and obey And should it which God forbid come to pass that the Defection of the People called Quakers from the guidings of the Holy Spirit should be as general as is now that of the Jews who sometime were the People of God Yet the Holy Spirit of Christ were not at all the less infallible or sufficient in it self to be the Author of Salvation to all that do obey it His first Story p. 44. is of one Christopher Atkinson who he calls in ridicule p. 43. a Precious Brother in p. 44. a Bright Lamp with other such marks of Scorn insulting over his Miscarriage in the Lust of the Flesh And this Story the Snake makes a twofold use of one to reproach the Memory of the Person who fell and the other to reproach the Principle and Practices of those with whom the fallen Person had walked To both I shall say somewhat To the first I know of no good use which can be made of raking in the Crimes of the Deceased unless for Cautions to the Living But then their Crimes are not to be dressed in the Scornful Garb of a merry Andrew Because tho' that may raise more Vanity yet it can raise no Reformation on such as are guilty or be any means of Preservation to those that are not yet so And therefore we find that the Holy Spirit in recording the failings of Noah Lot Moses David Solomon Peter and others hath done it in Language proper to these purposes And there is not a truer mark of a mean and base as well as an unchristian Spirit in a Man than only for the Glory of Insult and Liberty of Ridiculing to call back to the minds of the Living the Crimes of the Dead To the Second it can be no fault in the Holy Spirit of God that Men are disobedient to it nor is it any argument that the Infallible Spirit of God does not preserve any because I or another may fall but it is certain the Holy Spirit will teach and will preserve all who will keep in Subjection and Obedience to it and they who do so keep have a Godly Jealousie and Care that the Practice of those who make Profession of the Guidings of the Holy Spirit be according to it in all the Fruits of it and accordingly Richard Huberthorn and some others who were then at Norwich did wait for the Counsel of God that in his Wisdom they might search out this evil which C. A. had wrought and by their dealing with him did bring him so to a sense of his Naughtiness that he did confess it and condemn it And further that it might not be supposed that such Naughtiness was tolerated and allowed by a Society professing Christianity it was communicated to the Publick that the guilty Person might bear his own Iniquity and the Holy Truth he had made profession of be cleared The like Laudable Practice tho' call'd by the Snake p. 45. A not regarding the Sacredness of the Seal of Confession was practised by the Prophet Nathan towards King David and the Apostle Paul towards his Brother in the Apostleship and also by others recorded in Holy Writ and yet the Holy Spirit is not at all the less Infallible Ibid. p. 46 47. There was much more tender regard shewed to some Young Women who had given a Confession in Writing to John Bolton of their frailty in the Flesh as is told in the Spirit of the Hat but it was hush'd up because it touched many eminent Ones in the Ministry who from day to day resorted unto them and giving them these appellations Innocent Lasses and Daughters of Sion This Charge and Story upon nameless Persons is Reader another Instance of the Injustice of this Adversary in that he hath taken it out of a Book written against us and Printed Anno 1673. and which was answered in the same Year as the Snake well knows and hath not been since reply'd to and what is an aggravation of the Snake's Injustice herein is that in the Answer to it there is a Certificate under the hands of John Bolton and Sam. Newton testifying to the contrary of this very Charge and of this the Snake could not be ignorant because he makes Quotations from the same Book and in or near the same Page in which this Certificate stands which I shall here set down as answer sufficient to this nameless Charge Whereas the Author of the Spirit of the Hat Insinuates that our Ministry is guilty of Vncleanness Whoredoms and such like beastly Practices under a feigned commendation of us under written as prosecutors of such Persons that they may be brought to Judgment We do declare in the Fear of the Everlasting God that tho' we abhor with our whole Souls such unrighteous Practices and if such things were we should we hope clear our Consciences for God and His Living Truth and People Yet we do declare in the Uprightness of our Hearts that we know of no such nor can acknowledge any such to be either of our Ministry or our Body much less eminent among us as hath been wickedly suggested by the Author of The Spirit of the Hat whom we have found painful and faithful to God his Truth and People Therefore to say we were hindred from bringing them to Judgment whom we never went about to charge neither can we is a wicked envious and false suggestion of the Adversaries of the Truth and this in God's Fear we testify to the World John Bolton Sam. Newton Ibid. p. 47. Instances can likewise be given of some of their She Preachers whom they call
travelling Friends that went abroad c. It is not good manners to name Names upon such an occasion Yet if the Friends will plead Ignorance something may be done for their Satisfaction That Women as well as Men may forsake the Guidings of the Spirit of God and run into Wickedness is very true but that any who have so run into Wickedness are Preachers or as such Travelling Friends as he in scoffing Mood calls them and intimates is very false and I dare him to name any that are such I come now to his 6th Head of Distinction which is a continuation of Stories of particular Failings VI. But we may make a little more bold with the Mens Infallibility And I will not go to mean Ones The Great James Naylor was brought upon his knees before their Church where G. F. presided to acknowledge his Failings This James Naylor suffered himself to be Hosannah'd into Bristol as Christ was into Jerusalem Of this Adversaries Boldness and Scoffing we have great Proof but of his Honesty and Truth we have none of his Lyes here is also fresh Proof For it never was the Practice of any Church or Meeting of ours to bring any Transgressor upon their knees nor did G. F. ever preside in them or any other Person We neither have nor own in our Assemblies any Headship of Man or Men the only Head of them being Christ Jesus who dignifies whom he pleases with fit qualifications by his Holy Spirit for the Service of his Church and they that continue faithful in their Gifts such we with the Apostle esteem worthy of double Honour But now as to James Naylor of whom the Snake often makes mention I shall here at once speak concerning him J. N. was a Man who had been highly favoured of God with a good degree of Grace which was sufficient for him had he kept to its teachings For while he did so he was exemplary in Godliness and great Humility was Powerful in Word and Doctrine and thereby Instrumental in the hand of God for turning many from Darkness to Light and from the Power of Satan to the Power of God But he Poor Man Became exalted above Measure through the abundance of Revelations And in that Exaltation did depart from the Grace and Holy Spirit of God which had been his sufficient Teacher Then blindness came over him and he did suffer himself to be accounted of above what he ought Here he slipt and fell but not Irrecoverably For it did please God of his Infinite Mercy in the Day of his Affliction to give him a sight and sense of his outgoings and fall and also a place of Repentance And he did with the Prodigal weep bitterly and humbled himself for his Transgression and he besought God with true Contrition of Soul to pardon his offences through Jesus Christ God I firmly believe forgave him for he pardons the truly Penitent His People received him with great Joy for that he who had gone astray from God was now returned to the Father's House and for that he who had separated himself from them through his Iniquity was now through Repentance and Forsaking of it returned into the Unity of the Faith and their Holy Fellowship in the Gospel of Christ. And I do hereby testify that I do esteem it a particular mark of God's owning his People in bringing back into Unity with them a Man who had so dangerously fallen as did James Naylor And here let none Insult but take heed least they also in the hour of their Temptation do fall away Nor let any boastingly say Where is your God Or Blasphemously suppose his Grace is not sufficient for Men in Temptation because the tempted may go from and neglect the teachings of it David and Peter as their Transgressions came by their departing from this Infallible Guide the Holy Spirit So their recovery was only by it And for the Reader 's further satisfaction concerning James Naylor's Humiliation and Repentance I here subjoin his own Testimony Glory to God Almighty who ruleth in the Heavens and in whose Hands are all the Kingdoms of the Earth who raiseth up and casteth down at his Will who hath ways to Confound the Exaltation of Man and to Chastise his Children and to make Man to know himself to be as Grass before him whose Judgments are above the highest of Men and his pity reacheth the deepest Misery and th●s Arm of his Mercy is underneath to lift up the Prisoner out of the Pit and to save such as trust in him from the great Destruction which vain Man through his folly brings upon himself who hath delivered my Soul from Darkness and made way for my Freedom out of the Prison-house and ransomed me from the great Captivity who divides the Sea before him and removes the Mountains out of his way in the day when he takes upon him to deliver the Oppressed out of the Hand of him that is too mighty for him in the Earth let his Name be exalted for ever and let all Flesh fear before him whose Breath is Life to his own but a Consuming Fire to the Adversary And to the Lord Jesus Christ be Everlasting Dominion upon Earth and his Kingdom above all the Powers of Darkness even that Christ of whom the Scriptures declares which was and is and is to come the Light of the World to all Generations Of whose coming I testifie with the rest of the Children of Light begotten of the Immortal Seed whose Truth and Vertue now shines in the World unto Righteousness of Eternal Life And the Saviour of all that believe therein Who hath been the Rock of my Salvation and his Spirit hath given Quietness and Patience to my Soul in Deep Affliction even for his Name 's sake Praises for ever But condemned for ever be all those False Worships with which any have Idolized my Person in the Night of my Temptation when the Power of Darkness was above all their casting of their Clothes in the way their Bowings and Singings and all the rest of those Wild Actions which did any ways tend to dishonour the Lord or draw the Minds of any from the measure of Christ Jesus in themselves to look at Flesh which is Grass or to ascribe that to the Visible which belongs to Christ Jesus all that I condemn by which the pure Name of the Lord hath been any ways blasphemed through me in the time of Temptation or the Spirits of any People grieved that truly loves the Lord Jesus throughout the whole World of what state soever This Offence I confess which hath been sorrow of heart that the Enemy of Man's Peace in Christ should get this Advantage in the Night of my Trial to stir up Wrath and Offences in the Creation of God a thing the simplicity of my Heart did not intend the Lord knows who in his endless Love hath given me Power over it to condemn it and also that Letter which was sent me to Exeter by John
Infallibility of all and every one must be a Deceit because the Infallibility is asserted to belong to every one of them Festína Lentè may be a useful Caution to one that makes such hasty and false Conclusions The Infallibility of all and every one is the Holy Spirit and if every one that make profession of it should fall from it and turn from the Grace of God into Wantonness or Delusion yet the Holy Spirit would be no Deceit I will give that Memorable Instance of the two Prophets mentioned 1 Kings 13. where both of them had true Prophesies yet by giving way to Error both fell the first ver 24. lost his Life And of the last it 's said ver 18. He lyed Yet it cannot be but falsly and wickedly concluded that because the Prophesy of one of them was false and the other thereby led into Error therefore the Infallible certainty of all and every one of the Prophesies of the Prophets in the Old and New Testament was a Deceit Nay from hence Holy Writ does not conclude against but confirm the Prophesies of them two Prophets which they delivered in their Obedience to God This brings me to his 8th Head of Distinction of Prophesies which he says are false VIII But here in this place let me give two or three instances to shew their false and wicked pretence to Infallibility And I will not travel far for an example But I will be as merciful in exposing them as I can I will see the Instances before I make the like Conclusion The first instance is of as he calls him a Quaker Glover in Cheapside The Snake did tell us he would not travel far for an Example This is some small hint that he Sculks about the City But if in his next he will be more particular as to his place there is a Poor Man formerly the King's Messenger would gladly speak with him but at present to return to the Mercy of the Snake in Exposing Mercy when properly spoken I know what it means but when it proceeds from an Adversary so Profane Unjust and Hypocritical as is this Snake it cannot have fewer alias's added to it than hath his proper name it may be alias this or alias that but that it is not Mercy in the true Signification of the word will in a few words be seen The Snake calls it Mercy in that he spares names but that it is no such thing may be seen by this he calls one p. 51. Prophet John and there was no such Person of that name and the true reason why he forbore others was because he might err as much in them But be all this as it may the Relation and Story is false and to shew that his Mercy is rejected the Quaker Glover speaks for himself and subscribes his name The Glover replies for himself thinking it no favour to have his name conceal'd under a true state of the Case and minds his Author it is not safe nor warrantable to publish by hear-say for his account is almost in every part false containing at least twelve plain mistakes at best A natural consequence of being over officious and medling in other Mens affairs which he is the readier to let him know that if he will please to appear Face to Face and hath two Ears may be better inform'd by him who is willing to joyn Issue with him in his great many more instances as he saith Nat. Markes Reader I have transcribed this out of G. W's Antidote which he wrote in Answer to the first Edition of the Snake that I might not want an Answer to a Story pompously tho' falsly set out in 3 or 4 Pages His second Story of Prophesies is p. 54. of Solomon Eccles who he says did denounce concerning John Story that he should Dye within one Year and that he meant it of a natural Death The Snake who Glories in the miscariages of them that fall does apply this to the whole Body tho' it can be with no more Justice or Strength of Argument so apply'd than the Lye of that Prophet 1 Kings 13.18 which he spake in the name of the Lord can be apply'd to all the Faithful Prophets in the Messages which from the Lord they did in faithfulness deliver But further S. E. did himself find his words his Burden and did under his own hand condemn that Hastiness Anger and Darkness of Spirit in which he does confess he spake those words and it is not unlikely but the Snake hath either seen or heard so much and if he hath either it is a manifest Lye in him to lay that to the Quakers which they then did deny and which also the Person offending did truly and justly take to himself His Words are these in Babylonish Opposer c. p. 8. As I was sitting waiting on the Lord on the 29th instant these things rose in my Heart that I should acknowledge my Offence to all the Brethren in London and thereabouts and Bristol and to all the Brethren North and South that had been witnesses against the Spirit of Separation and am to let you know that it doth truly Repent me and sorely Grieve me that you that do bear a faithful Testimony for God should have any Prophesie thrown at you which I spoke to John Story in an angry Spirit I do therefore acknowledge as I have signified in my last Paper about two Years ago that I have had little rest Day nor Night at times ever since I spoke these words to John Story That it was the word of the Lord that he should dye that Year which were mine own words and soon became my Burden and were spoken in the Dark and Darkness was upon my Spirit and so under a strong Temptation which I was suffered to fall into I not standing in the Counsel of God for which I bore God's Indignation But I soon saw I should have gone to him in a meek Spirit to beseech him to be reconcil'd to his Brethren But I do judge and condemn that hasty Spirit that set a time for his dying and called it the word of the Lord. And do desire this may go as far as where-ever it may have a service for Truth Solomon Eccles. His Third Instance is p. 55. A Prophecy of W. Penn 's against one Tho. Hicks So sure as the Lord liveth and I testifie to thee from the Lord 's Living Spirit If thou desist not and come not to deep Repentance the Lord will make thee an example of his Fury and thy Head shall not go down to the Grave in peace Ibid. p. 55. Now Tho. Hicks did go down to the Grave in Peace and no Visible Example of God's Fury was shewn upon him And which the Snake has not mentioned Tho. Hicks did desist and did not as I have heard as the Snake falsly says he did p. 56. remain to his Death an Opposer of the Quakers which was the terms of the Denunciation So that the Quakers may
the Sealing his own Testament with his Blood For if he had then all who are not in Communion with the Jews at this Day are Schismaticks and which is worse the Snake says it is from the Devil Ibid. p. 59. And the Apostles after our Saviour frequented the Jewish Temple Luke 24.53 And observed their hours of Publick Worship Acts 3.1 This Adversary would here falsly and Hypocritically insinuate as if the Apostles hereby joined in Communion with the Jews which was against the whole Scope of their Commission The Business of the Apostles in the Temple and wheresoever else their Lots were was to preach up Faith and Salvation through Repentance in and by that Jesus whom the Jews had Crucified For this purpose they went to the Jewish Temple and no wonder they went at the hour of Prayer because then they might find the People together That this was the Reason why they went at the hour of Prayer is fully seen by the Sermon of Peter Acts 3.12 to the end of the Chapter Ibid. p. 60. But the Quaker-notion of the Light within and their pretence to Infallibility as consequential to it does totally root up and destroy all Church Covernment and Order For if the Light within be God it must be self-sufficient and not to need the Rules and Directions of any other The Apostles it 's allowed were infallibly assisted by the Holy Ghost God in them yet this was so far from rooting up and destroying all Church Government that they by the Directions of the Holy Spirit did give Rules and Directions for Discipline in the Churches where they laboured to bring the People to be partakers with them of the same Promise which was Christ in them the hope of Glory Ibid. p. 60. Vpon this Ground the Quakers broke off from the Church and refused to be under the Government of any outward Authority 'T is false the Quakers broke not off upon this Ground but rather to carry on that Reformation which the Church of England began here when she broke off from Rome Neither did the Quakers ever refuse to be under the Government of any outward Authority for we always for Conscience sake have been Obedient to Authority by actively doing what in Conscience we could or by passively suffering for what in Conscience we could not do Let the Snake say so much for himself if he can and prove it Ibid. p. 60. And thus they stood several years in the Infancy of their State till they began to grow numerous and rich 'T is false we never were even when first a People without Government and Discipline such as might answer the good end of the Gospel of Christ. But that there may be occasion as the Community enlarges to add some points of Discipline for the same good end for which the first were appointed Holy Writ does sufficiently justifie The Disciples while in their Infancy had Acts 2.44 and 4.32 All things common afterwards particular Churches made Contributions for the Poor c. When they grew more numerous the Question of the Circumcision began to trouble the Churches in Syria Antioch and Cilecia concerning which the Apostles sent a Determination by Paul and Barnabas Acts 15.25 And in after times as the Churches and their Necessities did increase the Apostle Paul 1 Cor. 8.4 and 10.25 27. did yet enlarge the Borders of that Discipline which was before setled And to other Churches according to their Necessities such was their prescribed Discipline Thus at first while the Professors of Christianity were few there necessities were so too but as their Numbers increased so did their Necessities and the Apostles and Overseers of the Church did provide accordingly that they might in all things adorn the Doctrine of Christ Tit. 2.10 who is a God of Order And as the fullest state of their Discipline was no contradiction to their few first Precepts so neither was a contradiction to the infallible Spirit of God Tit. 11.12 to the Guidings whereof the end of their Preaching was to bring People I come now to his Tenth and Last Head of Distinction Concerning that Church Government which is among the Quakers Ibid. p. 61. The Quakers pretence to Infallibility has been disproved First In particular Instances of several of their Prophets Secondly In whole Floods and Parties for F. Bugg and many others have come openly off from their Communion c. The particular Instances which the Snake hath brought have been above sufficiently disproved being either falsly or insufficiently by him pretended But had they been all such as the Snake hath pretended yet then they cou●● not have answered his purpose to overthrow the Infallibility of the Spirit of God as is also largely before declared Secondly That whole Floods and Parties have left us F. Bugg is with the Snake an Instance and indeed a particular single weak one But had the Floods and Parties been much greater than ever yet any were that did Apostatize and backslide from us They may indeed be Instances of such Backsliders as those mentioned 2 Pet. 2.22 but no Argument that the Holy Spirit of God is not Infallible for as by the power of that in times past these backsliders were in some degree washed so had they continued under its Guidings it would have made them altogether clean Whereas by deserting it they are returned to wallow in the Mire again This Through Disobedience hapned to many in the Primitive times Nay so general was the Defection and Backsliding of that People that the Holy Spirit expresseth it by the Church going into the Wilderness For Darkness and Apostacy did overspread all Lands Ibid. p. 62. Now if their above-told pretences to Infallibility do hold then it will follow that these their former Opinions which the Separatists now condemn were true Then and false Now. Nay that they are both true and false even now because some Quakers do hold them to be true A fine Conclusion and spakes thus much If the Declared Claim of the Church of England to Loyalty do hold then it will follow that that Declared Claim which the Snake and other such Separates now condemn was true then and false now Nay that it is both true and false even now because that Church doth still declare that Claim Thus Reader thou seest the folly of this Snake's reasoning and it cannot be otherwise when Men shall attempt to prove by the precarious and evil practice of Particulars the Unsoundness of Principles Good Principles do always abide the same whatsoever the Practice of their Professors may be Thus the Grace and Spirit of God continues Infallible let whosoever will backslide from it and Loyalty continues to be Loyalty still if the Snake never practice it Ibid. p. 62 63. But if Keith and Bugg were true Quakers then true Quakers are not Infallible And then G. Fox c. who said they were Infallible were led by the Spirit of Delusion and not the Spirit of Truth Keith and Bugg with whosoever else
that can be nam'd that have Apostatized While they were led by the Spirit of Truth were by that Infallibly led and it was no Delusion to affirm so much of them or others while in their obedience to that Infallible Guide But G. Fox c. did never say that any were or could be Infallibly led but by the Holy Spirit Therefore G. F. c. were not herein led by the Spirit of Delusion but by the Spirit of Truth Ibid. p. 63. The Infallibility of the private Spirit or of each particular Quaker is now damned by their Church and their Infallibility is now reduced by them to that of their Church 'T is a notorious Falshood that ever Infallibility was by us placed in the private Spirit of any or every Quaker as it is by this Snake asserted or that it is now reduced to the Church Infallibility is now by us placed where it ever was that is in the Infallible Spirit of God privately or particularly working in the Hearts of Men. Ibid. p. 64. All I am concerned for at present is that their Churches have censured these Separatists and given Judgment against the Light within particular Persons which was the Original Pretence and only Infallible Guide of the first Quakers And upon this only ground they exclaim'd against any Church assuming Authority over any Man 's private Spirit or his Light within as Anti-christian and Diabolical and gave this as the reason of their Separation from the Church of England One but not the only reason and ground of some that separated from the Church of England might possibly be Her Hierarchy and Government or assumed Authority over Conscience as she in her turn made it part of the reason for her Separation from Rome as see Apologia Ecclesiae Anglicanae printed 1617. But that bond of Union and spiritual Fellowship which united us to be a People was First and Principally The Light of Jesus Christ shining into our Hearts whereby through obedience we had and have Unity with all who in any measure are turned to it and walk in it and by this Union of Spirit we were gathered into one Body of external Fellowship and Society in matters of Doctrine and Discipline and being so gathered into particular Assemblies or Churches with respect to place at unity The Authority which these our Assemblies do claim towards them that do so declare themselves Members and who do believe and profess the same Doctrines and Principles of Faith and are so distinguish'd and denominated is grounded in this That every such Member is gathered as above and not by any external constraint or outward respect but only by the real force of Truth upon their Understanding And of such as do profess to be so gathered into Unity and Fellowship with us If any shall Innovate in Doctrine and Discipline and make Defection from the Spirit of Love contrary to that Belief and Profession which by the force of Truth and Convictions of God's Grace on their Hearts they did make and declare at their coming into Unity and Fellowship with us Such the Church or Assembly hath Power to declare Separated from the Body because by this their Innovation and Defection they have dissolved that bond of Union by which they became Members and when censure is denounced against these who are thus separated It cannot be accounted or esteemed A giving Judgment against the Light within particular Persons Because the Light of Jesus Christ is not contrary to it self and if by the inshinings of that it was that they through obedience came into Fellowship and did profess and declare to believe as above it does necessarily follow that their Innovation and Defection must proceed from being darken'd and decay'd from that Life of Righteousness in themselves which was the first Principle of true Union And when we have declared against any Church assuming Authority towards any Man and that Light of Grace which is in him it hath been because such Church hath assumed that Authority without that previous bond of Union which is above declared Having thus briefly but truly stated the Ground and Nature of that Government which is among us and the reason of our refusing Church Government not so constituted it will serve to dispatch all the Objections of the Snake upon this head with greater speed I shall here in fit place acquaint thee Reader that the Snake takes up a considerable part of the following Pages in this Section and some in that concerning Tithes particularly about G. Keith and our Controversy with him I shall take little more notice of them than as they relate to Government that being what the Snake says p. 118. foregoing He is chiefly concerned for Besides that Controversy which Books may be had of Tace Sowle in White-Hart-Court Gracious-Street is in such hands as I doubt not are still ready to maintain the Justice of that Cause they are concerned in if G. K. or the Snake for him shall think fit to reply to what they have written that is yet unanswered by him and also the compass of this Tract will be too short to allow room for a matter so much controverted as that has been Therefore what I shall chiefly say concerning him and what the Snake is most concern'd for will be as above with respect to his quondam Society and Fellowship with us and to shew that the Judgment given against him was not against that Light of Jesus Christ which he once acknowledged for his sufficient Teacher The like for brevity sake I would be understood concerning John Wilkinson John Story Bugg and others who may have Separated or Apostatized as these have done From p. 64. to 68. The Snake is wholly imploy'd on G. K. giving in them some short and false bits of Stories relating to that difference with him in Pensilvania which I should have wholly passed by but that in one Instance the Snake is remarkably false That is p. 66. G. K. was accused for Preaching two Christs i. e. a Christ without besides the Christ within This Sam Jennings after their manner of mumbling Thistles will not confess but dare not deny That G. K. was so accused Sam. Jennings does deny so far as it came to his Knowledge but the Snake carps at S. Jennings because he does not affirm or deny upon such incompetent Authority and Evidence as himself uses which has as I have already shewn and may hereafter shew led him into notorious Lyes and false Stories For S. Jennings says State of the Case p. 6. In the Judgment given forth against him G. K. by Friends they say W. Stockdale denyed the words so spoken as in the Charge above and Ibid. p. 7. which I have heard him W. S. often solemnly to deny Is this mumbling of Thistles or does it not rather shew that S. J. took care to speak Truth to the utmost of his Knowledge and is a full denial of G. Keith's Charge Snake p. 66. Why was this the business of
so many Meetings and so great stir among the● For G. Keith was not so much as accused for Preaching any thing else but this But now Snake who mumbl●●●●istles was not he accused of very many Turbulent and Indecent Actions and Expressions as is at large seen in The State of the Case which I have above quoted and which the Snake also quotes with perversion as I have before shewn Snake p. 67. Here is a many forked and involved Infallibility one Meeting Justifying another Condemning G. Keith and all for the very same Doctrine Ibid. p. 68. This will not only overthrow the Infallibility in each particular Person but even of their Churches or Meetings That particular Persons may make Defection from the Guidings of the Spirit of Truth and may Apostatize from that Union and Fellowship which they had once with the Friends of it I have already largly shewn and what particulars may do Assemblies made up of such particulars may also do Floods and Parties as the Snake expresses it may Apostatize as well as particulars nay a whole Community may Apostatize and yet the Infallibility of the Guide of any one particular Person who continues Faithful and Obedient to the Holy Spirit remains firm and sure Thus 1 Cor. 10.4 The Apostle testifies of the Jews They all Drank the same spiritual Drink for they Drank of that Spiritual Rock that followed them and that Rock was Christ. Now this Rock could have as Infallibly preserved the whole Tribes of Israel from Egypt thro' the Wilderness to the promised Land had they been Obedient to it as it did Caleb and Joshua who were the only two of all the Thousands that left Egypt and entered in But further that Assemblies or Churches may Apostatize and Backslide the Holy Spirit is sufficient Warrant by the particular reproofs or cautions it gives to the seven Asiatick Churches mentioned Rev. 2.2 and 3. And sure the Snake will not be so hardy as to say that the Holy Spirit was able only to give Reproof and Caution suitable to their wants and defects but not to have preserved them blameless and to have guided them Infallibly in that way he appointed them to go Ibid. p. 68. Besides this first proof in Pensilvania there is yet another more express and positive called The Barbadoes Judgment c. And besides the detecting the Snake's false conclusion in that I have to say to this that according to his usual Injustice he herein makes use of an Adversary's Book Babel's Builders c. without taking notice of the Answer which was published to it Intituled A Babilonish Opposer of Truth reproved c. By S. C. I. P. and R. R. as he also passes over in Silence tho' mentioned in that Adversaries Book a Letter of G. ●'s and others writ to Barbadoes concerning this very thing wherein they are shewn their cause is not right that they had taken which Letter and the matter it relates to is fully spoken to in our Answer above mentioned wherein is also S. E's condemnation of his rashness in those words spoke by him to J. S. mentioned p. 125. foregoing Ibid. p. 69 70. I was told by one present at the Quaker Meeting at Ratcliff on Sunday the 17 th of February 1694 5 That Mr. Penn having Preached and after G. Keith rising up and expounding some Scripture in another manner than Mr. Penn had done Mr. Penn stop'd him and solemnly denounced these words against him In the Name of the Lord I pronounce him an Apostate over the Head of him Vpon which occasion I have these few Questions to ask Q. Whether this was a Sentence from Mr. Penn himself or from their Church Whether by an Ordinary Commission of Succession to Christ and the Apostles Whether by an Extraordinary Commission such as the Prophets and the Apostles had To the first W. Penn being in Unity with the Church declared this of one who had broken Unity by making defection from that term of Union which in time passed he had declared he was by the Light of Christ in him led to profess and believe Secondly All who are kept living by the Spirit of Truth in that bond of Union which that did at first lead into such have ordinary Commission therefrom to testifie against Apostates And this not by such falsly pretended Succession as the Papal Chair or others may pretend to from the Apostles But by succeeding in a measure of that same Light and Holy Spirit which they were in To the Last W. Penn tho' then knowing G. K. to have broken Union as is before expressed he might at that time in the Openings of the Spirit of Truth have a larger and fuller Sight of his Apostacy and so a Warrant to Declare it And for this there needed no new Credentials viz. Miracles it being no more than what hath been confirmed by those the Apostles wrought Ibid. p. 72. But for the present I only apply it to the point of their Church Authority over the Light within particular Persons their original and great pretence The Light within particular Persons is as much our Characteristick now as ever and we have no Church Authority over it or repugnant to it and that in the case of G. K. no such Authority was used Consider the following Lines G. Keith hath often Printed and Declared that he did believe and profess the same Doctrines and Principles of Faith with us and that he was led so to do only by the Light of Jesus Christ shining into his Heart Through and by which Light he did profess to have true union and fellowship with us and accordingly he so was denominated and distinguished Now the Light of Jesus Christ is not contrary to it self and if by the inshinings thereof and his obedience to it it was that G. K. did profess as above Then it naturally follows G. K's innovation to the contrary of what he hath so professed cannot proceed from that Light of Jesus Christ from which the above profession of Unity and Fellowship did Therefore to give Judgment against G. K. is not to give Judgment against the Light of Jesus Christ but agreeable to it even in G. Keith against himself The like is to be said of J. Story c. and others who have innovated and made defection as these did whose Works being bad the issue is the same with what Gamaliel shews Acts 5.28 They are come to naught And therefore after all the Boast which the Snake makes about Separation and Faction We may concerning all of them now declining and towards their end hope and have ground to believe that as many as are yet in a Spirit of Separation in whom are any true desires towards God for his guidance in the Truth such he will restore to the Fold they have strayed from And he will scatter them whose end is not his Honour agreeable to what the Psalmist said concerning the Wicked Psal. 37.36 He is gone I sought him but he could not be
we know it to be beyond our practice and liking For whoever is disowned by us for practices contrary to the Terms of their Union and Fellowship is not thereby broke and undone in his outward estate which the Excommunication above hath sometimes threatned Because our disowning of Backsliders and Immoralists does only extend to testifie against such Persons and Practices and it is the Duty of a Christian Community so to do And I herein charge the Snake with a Lie till he can prove Fifty in one Hundred who have been broke and undone in their Trade by such our Testimonies Ibid. p. 83. The surest method for a Young Man to step into an Abounding Trade and a Rich Wife is to set up first for a Preacher of which many Examples daily occur Tho' the Snake in his own Language p. 16. does boldly and impudently aver this yet no such Examples do daily occur because we own not any for true Preachers who do so set up themselves But who are thereunto inwardly moved of the Holy Ghost And this Call the Snake would have us think he owns it being a previous Question to Ordination as himself says p. 316. Ibid. p. 83. G. F. had more Mony at his Disposal than any Bishop in England he having the Command of the Quaker-Treasury It is a notorious Lie G. F. never had the Command of the Treasury of the Quakers Ibid. p. 83. There is a Topick behind which if the former convince them not may at least shame them out of their vain pretences to Infallibility and is the Pitiful and Childish Blunders which are daily seen among them This remaining Topick will on examination like the rest be turned Topsie Turvy for why should a real mistake be more prevalent to make a Man relinquish the guidings of the Spirit of Truth which is able and ready infallibly to guide him in all that concerns his Salvation Redemption and Eternal Life Then the Snake's false Suggestion of Heretical Opinions which he says we hold Which if it were true were a better Argument against Infallibility than the most Childish blunder that can be He quotes W. P. in his Christian Quaker p. 104. repeated by Tho. Elwood in his Truth Defended p. 167. Saying that Christ was born at Nazareth it was a Mistake And what will it thence follow that the Holy Spirit is not able infallibly to inform W. P. and T. E. all that pertains to their Salvation Redemption and Eternal Life If the Snake so think it is easie to know that he blunders and that very dangerously The same is to be understood of the mistake of G. F. if there be one which I have not seen He does also instance one William Walker who he says p. 84. did mistake John 14.2 In my Father's House are many Mansions for in my Father's House are many Manchets Ibid. 84. Another Preaching on Paul 's being bred at the Feet of Gamaliel and being asked by one in the Meeting what that Gamaliel was answered a Town in Judea These two hearsay Stories I disbelieve till proved and in his next desire it be not forgot if it can be done Ibid. p. 84. But above all his Battle-Door a large Book in Folio in defence of the phrase Thee and Thou out of several Languages Greek Hebrew c. of which G. F. understood not one Letter yet subscribes G. F. not only to the Book but to the several pages of this Poliglot That Book the Battle-door is a Collection of Scripture-Examples in the words of the several People recorded therein as the Medianites Hittites Sodomites c. and also a Collection of Examples in the ancient and Modern Languages testifying or proving their concurrence in the essential difference in expressing one and many This Compound work is subscribed by G. F. J. Stubbs and B. Furly For Scripture Examples it needed no greater Learning than English to collect them and that G. F. had For the other Languages the other Subscribers were qualified But the Snake is angry that G. F. is subscribed to the pages of this Polyglot But if he had not been blinded by Envy he might have observed That these words in the Handle of the Battle-Door The Light which Christ hath enlightned you withal believe in that the anointing within you may know to teach you which words are subscribed G. F. in the first page and are of the same signification in the other Languages throughout all the Battle-Door pages So that the words in the first page being G. F's his Fellow-Labourers in that Work to do him justice did in their translating his words into other Languages still put his Name to them Ibid. p. 85. But some Friends know the Jew who had 60 l. in New Crowns as himself told it out of the Quaker-Treasury for helping G. Fox 's Infallibility as to the Hebrew A Liar had need have the help of a Great Memory The Book was printed in 1660. And if a Jew helped he had earned his Mony before that and it is not likely if a Jew wrought for Bread that he could trust and I am sure there could be no new Crowns before 1660. But what is better there was no occasion for a Jew to do that which John Stubbs and B. Furly could and did do themselves that is throughly understand the Hebrew Language And if the Snake cannot prove to the contrary he has done like a Turk in telling this Lying Story of a Jew Ibid. p. 85. He is angry that G. F. should say in the Preface to this Battle-Door That all Languages are to me no more than Dust But has basely omitted to give G. F's reason why they are so which is being redeemed out of Languages into the Power wherein Men shall agree Thus having Tract and Discover'd this Snake through his many Lies base Insinuations and gross Perversions in this tedious Section I now proceed to his Seventh Section SECT VI. Concerning the Authority of the Holy Scriptures WE have always testified according to 2 Tim. 3.16 All Scripture is given by inspiration of God and is profitable for Doctrine for Reproof for Correction for Instruction in Righteousness And the reason of this is because according to 2 Pet. 1.21 The Prophecy came not in old time by the will of Man but Holy Men of God spake as they were moved by the Holy Ghost And therefore it is that we have constantly directed Men to the Holy Spirit for the true understanding of them by the movings whereof they were at first written For as they do contain a true declaration of the things of God so they are not to be truly understood but by the Spirit of God How much the contrary of this can be prov'd by this Snake I shall now examine Snake p. 85. The Quakers notion of the Light within as before explained must necessarily out off our dependance upon the Holy Scriptures as a Rule either of Faith or Manners The Light within Christ in us as before I have explained
of the Fathers first Book p. 194. Whilst they beat down one Error they seem to run into the contrary Error In like manner as those who would streighten a crooked Plant are wont to bow it as much the contrary way that so having been worked out of its former bent it may at length rest in a middle posture Now if our Friends have formerly met with those in the Priesthood whose crooked expressions did need streightning they are not to be wondred at or condemned in their Christian endeavours for that end And whether there were such or not I will now joyn Issue with the Snake and shew from a much narrower compass than the extents of the Snake's Challenge which is That there never were in any place such Priests I shall at present only give some few instances out of the Book Great Mystery which the Snake does so often quote which take as follows P. 16. John Timson did affirm that the Holy Scriptures alone is to be the object of Faith P. 38. Tho. Collier did affirm that the Scriptures shall be our Judge one day which we call the Letter P. 111. Jeremy Ives did affirm it to be an Error to say the Letter of the Scriptures was Carnal P. 247. Christopher Wade affirmed The Written Word is the Sword of the Spirit P. 261. Roger Atkinson affirmed That the Letter of the Scripture was God Ibid. Richard Stoakes affirmed That the Scripture is God P. 280. Edw. Price affirmed The Scriptures is the Power of God and that all Men shall be Iudged by them Now Reader upon the Issue joyned in this little space whether appears the Arrant Lyar G. Whitehead in saying There were in the North where most of these did live Priests who had so affirmed of the Letter of the Scriptures or the Snake in saying That neither there nor any where else were such Priests For it cannot be allowed I suppose That the Written Word and Letter of the Scripture as above affirmed is either God or the Power of God or the Iudge of the World or Spiritual or the Sword of the Spirit These and the like crooked Expressions of some in the Priesthood it was the necessary work of our Friends to oppose and straiten according to the Authority of Holy Writ not that we then did or now do charge all the Men with whom these so affirming have held fellowship to have the same Sentiments tho' this be the Practice of the Snake against us notwithstanding his distinction in the Title page of his Libel Ibid. p. 88. How comes it that since they are such bitter Enemies to the Letter they yet make a Conscience of saying Thee and Thou instead of You in the Singular because these were old English words in the first Translations I need not ask How comes it That envy and prejudice is Blind and Ignorant We are not bitter Enemies to the Letters of which the Books of Scripture are composed No Sober Reader that which we have opposed and for our so doing have the Authority of the Scriptures is that Men should only from them gather some account of the dealings of God with the Holy Men in past Ages and from their Declarations therein nay sometimes contrary to them make to themselves Creeds and herein Copy after those to whom our Saviour says Ye search the Scriptures in them ye think to have Eternal Life but ye will not come unto me that ye may have Life This we have opposed and directed Men to the Spirit of God in them to which as they are obedient they will find it to open the Scriptures to them and give comfort in the reading of them Thee and Thou instead of You in the Singular are as well Modern English Words as Old from the Essential difference that there is between the Signification of One and Many and upon this account it is according to the best Information I can get that there is hardly any Nation whose Language does not differently express that different Signification And that which engages us Conscientiously to this Practice is not that they are Old English Words but that the same Holy Spirit in us at this day leads to that same Simplicity of Language which it did lead the Servants of God into in former Ages And in all Ages of the World it hath been the Language of the Holy Spirit to Man And accordingly before our day at the beginning of the Reformation Erasmus and others whose Language was not Old or Modern English did reprove that Vanity of Mind which did practice and acccept the contrary Ibid. p. 88. Is there any Immorality or Iniquity in these Letters Y. o. u. more than in T. h. o. u Foolish Question Which may serve to please and tickle the Wanton But Sober Reader I doubt not thou wilt perceive the Vanity of the Querist The Alphabet which with us according to its various joynings does serve to express the thoughts of our Minds cannot have Immorality or Iniquity in the Letters Yet whosoever in evil Mind by joyning them does express words either Blasphemous Profane Hypocritical Unjust as this Snake or any other way bad in their Signification of these Men do pronounce accordingly And thus it is if any to shun the Cross of our Lord Jesus tho' in this small matter of the plain Language and to please the vain Mind contrary to the Convictions of the Spirit of Truth in themselves shall say You instead of Thee and Thou such will find that disobedience their Burden In p. 89 90. Snake has gathered many instances from G. F's Writings wherein he saith This is the Word of the Lord which the Snake puts in opposition to G. F's Answer to Christopher Wade Great Mystery p. 246. They the Scriptures are not the Word of God But this soon vanishes for upon Examination of Christopher Wade's words they seem to imply as if he affirmed of the Scriptures that they were the Eternal and In-dwelling Word of God and therefore and thereupon G. Fox opposed him and asserted Christ to be the Word of God p. 247. Great Mystery which is true and from him the Eternal Word the Servants of God have often said to the People Hear the Word of the Lord. And the meaning of it both in the Prophets and since is only this Hear from the Eternal Word a Declaration of his Will Ibid. p. 91. They knew that the Holy Scriptures could not be discarded openly and above-board nor all at once That the World has been long in the possession of them and of a just Veneration of them and therefore would not part with them nor accept of any Fox 's Inspirations instead of them That the World hath been long in the possession of the Books of Scriptures we well know but for want of being in possession of the Holy Spi-the Power of God they have erred not knowing the Scriptures and therefore could not have a just Value or Esteem for them And God who knoweth the Sincerity of
Throne c. Rev. 3.21 And John says he saw Thrones and they who sate on them Rev. 20.4 And after all the Exception that the Snake may take at it it is true that as many as through the Power and Authority of the Spirit of Christ in them do follow him in Regeneration they shall sit upon Thrones metaphorically speaking that is in the Power of God over that which heretofore while in Disobedience they were in Captivity to Ibid. p. 113. The Snake quotes part of a Letter said to be writ by G. F. but for any proof that he has given it may either be adulterated by the Snake or some Apostate or forged by them If they were G. F's why did not the Snake give the whole Letter To what purpose hath he made a break in it And what is left out at it The Editors of the Journal had no Reason why they should have left out or altered as p. 114. he says they have those words My Kingdom is not of this World and those words who is the Son of God which need not have given offence if they had been in For they whom Jesus Christ hath washed from their Sins in his own Blood are by him made Kings and Priests unto God Rev. 1.6 and to them it is their Father's good pleasure to give the Kingdom Luke 12.32 which is not of this World And for those last words said by the Snake to be omitted and instead of which he says are added I set my Name what room or place was there for all that to come after his Name was set which the Snake hath given and omitted with a Ibid. p. 114. In a Book called News coming out of the North p. 15. G. Fox says I am the Door that ever was the same Christ Yesterday to Day and for ever Reader if now upon view of G. Fox's words they shall plainly appear to be by him spoken of Christ thou wilt I doubt not agree with me that the injustice of this Adversary must be very great who hath of set purpose traduced and perverted G. F's words insinuating that he spake them of himself when in truth it is no such thing This will best appear by giving the Quotation with the Marginal Scriptures from the page quoted by the Snake and is as follows P. 15. Now to all dear Ones and dear Hearts I speak The same Seed which is Christ the same Spirit takes upon it now as ever was the same World is now as ever was the same Temptations and the same Devils and the same Worship of the World twining into one another Form and Colour And Jesus Christ is the Way the Truth and the Life he is the Door that all must pass through and he is the Porter that opens it I am the same Door that ever was the same Christ Yesterday to Day and for Ever Look at the Captain Jesus Christ who hath passed before who was tempted the Captain of our Salvation and the same temptation to Worship the Devil and if thou wilt Worship the Devil thou shalt have the Glory of the World but if thou wilt not bow down and Worship the Devil thou shalt have none of the Worlds Glory but be called a Devil as Christ was and be called a Mad-man as he was This Reader with much more of the like Import which I have omitted G. F. does there speak concerning the Power of Jesus Christ to preserve Men out of Temptation and the workings of the Devil to destroy Men by them Yet this by the Snake is accounted part of the Quakers Idolatry The Snake's Quotation from the Introduction to G. F's Battle-Door I have already reply'd to p. 149. and therefore need not say more to it here The Snake 's next Quotation p. 114. is from The Title Page of News coming out of the North from whence he insinuates and charges G. F. with saying of himself that he was prophesied of His Quotation is this Written from the Mouth of the Lord from one who is Naked and stands Naked before the Lord Clothed with Righteousness whose Name is not known in the World risen up out of the North which was prophesied of but now is fulfilled here the Snake leaves off but G. F. continues The Army is coming out of the North against you Terrible Ones whose Weapons are not Carnal but Spiritual G. F. Now from G. F's words it is plain that those words which was prophesied of relate to that Prophecy of Jeremy the 31.8 and not to himself or any Person and are only an allusion to those Prophesies of the H. Prophets concerning the Armies of the North which were to fight against and overcome the Jews and other Nations for their Disobedience and Wickedness Which as they litterally did do so by a usual allusion the People fulfilling this Prophecy Jer. 31.8 will through the Assistance of God's Grace their Weapons being Spiritual not Carnal go on in the Warfare of the Gospel-Day The Snake's next Quotation p. 114. is from Several Petitions answered c. p. 60. And he gives it thus My Name is Covered from the World and the World knows not me nor my Name G. F. Now who would not take this to be either all that G. F. had here spoken or else the words last delivered But Reader it is neither of these for G. F. is subscribed at the bottom of several lines more than these the Snake hath given and are continued by G. F. thus The Earthly Name the Earthly Man knows and he is afraid of Reproach and cannot bear it upon the Earthly Name he that overcometh hath the New Name and knoweth it Now Reader what is this but the sense of those Scriptures 1 Pet. 4.14 Rev. 2.17 and 3.12 which whether this Adversary did not know or had wilfully omitted to consider are yet sufficient to shew the falsity of his Charge of our Idolatry herein The Snake's next Quotations are from an Adversaries Book which was answered Yet such is his Injustice that he takes no notice of the Answer but objects as if they had not been reply'd to wherefore it deserves not to be taken notice of till he shall have reply'd to that Answer and disprov'd it And any Man may with equal Justice quote the Books of the Romanists to prove the Church of England Schismatical Heretical c. without taking notice of the Answers written to them Charges But whether such practice would be reasonable or not not only the Agrieved Party but all impartial Men can readily determine One of these Quotations is from part of a Letter writ by Josiah Cole to G. Fox and which had been formerly objected against by John Faldo and other Adversaries to which Objections W. P. did Answer in two several Books one Entituled Judas and the Jews the other Entituled The Invalidity of J. Faldo 's Vindication Of the first of these Books the Snake takes so much notice p. 115. as to say that W. P. does in p. 44.
make the Quakers Blood to be the Blood of Christ by which we are saved To which false and scandalous Charge the Man himself Thomas Speed who writ that Book being yet Living he answers for Himself and Us as follows For the satisfaction of all Persons whom it may concern I do make this my following Solemn Declaration viz. 1. I never knew nor ever heard of any Person or People of what Perswasion in Religion soever that were of so sordid nonsensical and sottish an Opinion that the Blood of any tho' the most righteous of Mortals was the Blood of Christ the Son of God by which Men are saved 2. I do and ever did with utter detestation abhor any such blasphemous Principle as to assert that the Blood of the Quakers or any other sort of Men is the Blood of Christ by which we are saved Which in the Power of Truth I do openly and boldly assert to confront the Snake in the Grass who herein appears to to be the Child of the Father of Lies who was a Murtherer from the Beginning Bristol the 10th Month 1698. Thomas Speed The next and last Quotation which the Snake makes Ibid. p. 120. in this Section is from p. 22. of the Book last mentioned of T. Speed's which is a Reproof and Testimony against false and flattering Titles given to men Upon which the Snake bids See what Tender Consciences are here who at the same time wipe their Mouths and excuse all the bloody Blasphemies before-mentioned And I Reader may here in fit place desire thee to see and consider not how Tender but how hardned and feared is the Conscience of this our Adversary who hath against knowledge and against the true and plain meaning of our words and upon bare hearsay frequently in this as also his other Sections accused us falsly of matters which we never did spake or intended which will also be further manifested in the ensuing Sections to which I now proceed SECT VIII Concerning Our Belief in the Holy Three that bear Record in Heaven IT hath been an Objection often made sometimes foolishly sometimes enviously but always falsly That we deny The Holy Three mentioned 1 John 5.7 which bear Record in Heaven Because we cannot but think the word Person too gross to express them We own their Distinction in all the Instances of it recorded in Holy Writ and have a thousand times declared our sincere Belief in Almighty God the Creator of all things and in Jesus Christ his Eternal Son by whom all things were made and in the Holy Spirit proceeding from the Father and the Son Yet this because it is not given in the Terms of Athanasius or the Nicene Council has been unreasonably refused as insufficient This refusal were the less strange and unreasonable were it not in Persons who pretend the Scriptures to be their only Rule of Faith c. But as it is the refusal of such Persons it is certainly a violent contradiction in them to damn as Heretical an Article of Faith deliver'd in the very words of that Rule But be their Fault in this matter what it will we are not therefore to be moved from believing That the Holy Spirit by which it was dictated as is acknowledged did and does know all the weaknesses of men and the Designs of Satan and has accordingly fenced the Article from his Subtilty and explained it to our Capacities And I take it to be a great aggravation of the former contradiction in this Adversary and our other Opposers herein that they would upon less Evidence of Truth and a Determination not Infallible which they will not affirm either that of Athanasius or the Nicene Council to be infallibly press their Exemplifications made to the Article That such Practices are wrong all Parties in their turns as their several Interests and Necessities have pressed them have declared and many excellent Arguments by divers Men have been urged against it I shall content my self only with some part of what Jeremy Taylor late Bishop of Down and Connor in Ireland hath said on this Subject in that excellent Treatise of his Intituled Liberty of Prophecying p. 47. For it is says he most considerable that altho' in reason every clause in the Creed should be clear and so inopportune and unapt to variety of Interpretation that there might be no place left for several Senses or Variety of Expositions Yet when they thought fit to insert some Mysteries into the Creed that called the Apostles which in Scripture were expressed in so Mysterious Words that the last and most explicit sense would still be latent yet they who if ever any did understood all the Senses and Secrets of it thought it not fit to use any Words but the Words of Scripture particularly in the Articles of Christ descending into Hell and sitting at the right Hand of God to shew us that those Creeds are best which keep the very words of Scripture and that Faith is best which hath greatest Simplicity and that it is better in all cases humbly to Submit than curiously to inquire and prey into the Mystery hid under the Cloud and to Hazzard our Faith by improving our Knowledge If the Nicene Fathers had done so too possibly the Church would not have repented it And indeed the experience the Church had afterwards shew'd that the Bishops and Priests were not satisfied in all circumstances nor the Schism of Arius appeased nor the Persons agreed nor the Cannons accepted nor the Article understood nor any thing right But when they were over-born with Authority which Authority when the Scales turned did the same Service and Promotion to the contrary Thus he and as I doubt not but the Truth and Reason of his words will weigh with the Impartial Reader so his Character of Bishop ought to be of some weight with the Snake Snake p. 121. The Quakers and Socinians acknowledge a Three but deny a Trinity which is to confess the same thing in English and to deny it in Latin For Trinitas is only Latin for Three But the meaning is they would not have the Three in Heaven to be Three Persons Though they cannot make sense of what Three they are if not Three Persons What the Socinians acknowledge is not my business to inquire But for our selves We acknowledge the Three mentioned in Holy Writ which bear Record in Heaven and we need not the Pedantry of the Snake to Translate the word into Latin And the sence we make of the Three so bearing Record is the same which is declared by the Holy Ghost and when the Snake shall shew that the Holy Ghost hath declared them Three Persons We will not fail so to express them Ibid. p. 121 122. And the Quakers who own the Divinity of Christ are under greater difficulties than the Socinians who deny the Divinity of Christ. For if Christ be God and that there is but one Person in the Godhead it must necessarily follow that God the Father
The Word was made Flesh c. dwelt on the Earth and took on him not the Nature of Angels not any Aerial or Fantastical Body But the Seed of Abraham and David and this he did for the same reason and behoof mentioned by the Apostle Heb. 2.17 18. Wherefore in all things it behoveth him to be made like unto his Brethren that he might be a Merciful and Faithful High-Priest in things pertaining to God to make reconciliation for the sins of the People For in that he himself hath suffered being tempted he is able to succour them that are tempted For which Infinite Love of Jesus Christ in being both the Saviour and Reconciler of Men to God through himself we sincerely say with the Apostle Heb. 3.3 For this Man was counted worthy of more Glory than Moses in as much as he who hath builded the House hath more Honour than the House Reader These and all other Testimonies recorded in Holy Writ testifying to the Manhood as well as the Divinity of Jesus Christ we do and always did sincerely own So that should our Books in which is treated directly on this Subject and abundantly more largely and particularly than here it can be be collected They would make many Volumes Yet such hath been and is the Inveterate Malice of our Enemies that our Writings no more than our Words must not mean what we so often and solemnly have declared we do mean by them But what our Adversaries will have them to mean that so they may not seem to want proofs for these their false and envious Charges What now remains for us to do But still to persevere in our True and Scriptural Belief and to repeat our Testimonies of it to the envious Objections of Enemies and for the satisfaction of the Sober Enquirer And this Reader thou wilt find in reply to the false and envious Suggestions and Perversions of the Snake herein in this Section Snake p. 125. The Quakers Heresie in this is taken from the Socinians they say Christ took Flesh but no otherwise as they explain it than as Angels assumed Bodies or as he Christ or the Word did Inspire or Dwell in Prophets or Holy Men of old c. What the Socinians hold herein I neither know nor is it my business to now enquire But this I know that we do believe that Christ the Word took Flesh but not as Angels assumed Bodies His Body which he took of the Virgin was really truly and properly Flesh and had the gradual and natural Growth of Mankind from Infancy to Childhood to the State of a Young Man and so to the degree of Perfect Man and being Perfect Man did Dwell Eat Drink and Converse with his Disciples and with the Multitude did Preach did work Miracles was Tempted did Hunger and Thirst was crucified and did Rise again and Ascend into Glory Thus did never Angels assume Bodies Those Ministring Spirits when they have assumed Bodies it hath been upon particular and short but special occasions at once appearing without the gradual degrees of natural Growth or subject to the Infirmities and Accidents of natural Bodies and it could not be otherwise they being only Aerial and not truly Flesh and Blood as was that Body of Jesus the Son of the Living God Ibid. p. 125. But they deny any proper Incarnation of Christ that is that he was made Flesh or that he and Jesus was one Person 'T is false we own that He the Word was made Flesh properly Incarnate and was in the form of a Servant Ibid. p. 125. Yet they allow Jesus to be called Christ from the dwelling of Christ in him And if the Snake will not allow so much he contradicts the Apostle who saith of Jesus Christ With him dwelleth all the fulness of the Godhead Bodily Col. 2 9. Ibid. p. 125. But for the same reason they take the name Christ to themselves and say that it belongs to them as well as to Jesus c. Jesus Christ when he ascended up on High he led Captivity Captive and did give Gifts unto Men the Gifts of his Holy Spirit of which the Apostle hath testified Ephes. 4.7 But unto every one of us is given Grace according to the Measure of the Gift of Christ. Thus much we have often declared and that truly But it is falsly said and charged that we take the Name of Christ to our selves or say it belongs to us in any other manner than in these and other Scriptures is mentioned We say that Christ by his Ascension into Glory hath given the Gift of his Spirit to Men to which as they are obedient they will witness the Power of the Spirit of Christ in them to bring every thought into subjection and when through the assistance of this Spirit they thus have got the Victory over their own Corruptions and Lusts they will truly say it is no more I but Christ in me Yet the name Christ cannot hereby be supposed to belong ●o such nor was it ever said by any of us that it did belong to us in such manner as to Jesus for to him it belongs by Origination to us only by participation through him For he by partaking of our Nature made thereby Mankind partakers of his Spirit I say this with respect to the generality of the Gospel Dispensation for there were many particular Persons not within the Covenant of the Law in the time of the Law who had manifestations of the Spirit of Christ and in no other sense have we ever taken the name of Christ to our selves Ibid. p. 125. They say that Christ did raise up the Body if Jesus from the Dead but they say not that Christ did carry it up with him into Heaven What then do we say he did with it Why that the Snake shews not and good reason there is for this his Silence But Reader I will tell thee that we do say and believe according to Acts 1.9 When he had spoken these things while they beheld he was taken up and a Cl●ud received him out of their sight Ibid. p. 126. They say there is no other Christ but what is within them they allow him no Humans Body but their own When we say there is no other Christ than what is within us we say true because Christ as God cannot be divided and the Measure or Manifestation of the Spirit of Christ in us is not another but a Manifestation of the fame Christ which did in fulness and Bodily dwell in the Man Jesus But when the Snake says we allow him no Humane Body if he means Manhood he says false as I have before shewn and as is very often testified in many of our Books Ibid. p. 126. One of their Preachers prayed at a Solemn Meeting O God who was Crucifi'd Dy'd and Rose again in us We know very well that G. Keith did accuse Thomas Fitzwater of so praying at a Meeting in Pensilvania But unless the Snake has better proof than that
are these Light and Life c. p. 59. I do not make S. E's Expression therein especially as construed by our Adversaries an Article of our Faith And G. W. for himself does there declare He did own the Blood shed to be more than the Blood of another Saint Thus saith not only G. W. but thus also say the Quakers who at all times since a People have readily declared their true and scriptural Sense of it But with respect to S. E's words having first inform'd my Reader that no Quaker did ever approve much less justifie them and therefore surely not make them an Article of our Faith either of which if the Snake can prove he is required to do it I say having first acquainted my Reader thus much it will not I hope be expounded a defending of them words of S. E's if I do briefly shew that had this Snake had in himself any of that great Charity for others which he says p. 10. is more apt to have a good opinion of others than of our selves and which he makes one of the Marks of Divine Enthusiasm or Inspiration He would have looked to see whether S. E's words would not have born Sano sensu some honest and innocent Construction and accordingly have judged rather than put a bad Construction on words which if not safely exprest were however so intended That S. E. did so safely and scripturally intend them is I think plain in that he declares He had no light esteem of the Blood of Christ it self as it was made by Christ a part of that blessed Offering for Man and that what he spake of that part of the Blood which was let out by the Spear and which is that the Snake now makes his advantage of was with respect to the Soldiers Act and the time of doing it which was after his Death So that I think it may in truth appear That that upon which Solomon Eccles did ground the difference he put between the Blood of Christ in one respect and in another was that in the one it was a voluntary Offering of Christ himself in and by the Eternal Spirit before his Death In the other it was the forcible act of a Soldier after he was Dead and the Sacrifice compleated And this with much more our Friend Tho. Ellwood had heretofore said Truth Defended p. 111 112. in reply to G. Keith upon the same Charge and which the Snake might have reply'd to if he could before he had renew'd it Ibid. p. 140. They have evaded the most express Texts for Christ's Humanity even that Gen. 3.15 his being the Seed of the Woman They allegorize that too into a Spiritual Sense quite away from the Letter and to mean nothing else in the World but their Light within We have not evaded any Text of Scripture for Christ's Humanity therefore not that of Gen. 3.15 wherein he is testified of as The Seed of the Woman Nor have we allegoriz'd it into a Spiritual Sense beyond the Authority of express Texts of Scripture much less quite away from the Letter but as we now do so we always since a People have owned that it did mean something more than the manifestation of the Spirit or Light of Christ in Man But the Snake for Proof of this Charge makes a Quotation from W. P's part of The Christi●n Quaker p. 97 98. The Serpent says he is a Spirit Now nothing can bruise the Head of the Serpent but something that is Internal and the Snake has left out Spiritual as the Serpent is But if that Body of Christ were the Seed then could he not bruise the Serpent's Head in all because the Body of Christ is not so much as in any one And consequently the Seed of the Promise is an Holy and Spiritual the Snake has left out Principle of Light and Life and Power the Snake has left out that being received into the Heart bruiseth the Serpent's Head And because the Seed which cannot be that Body is Christ as testify the Scriptures the Seed is one and the Seed is Christ and which the Snake has cut off as not to his purpose and Christ God over all blessed for ever We do conclude and that most truly that Christ was and is the Divine Word of Light and Life that was in the beginning with God and was and is God over all blessed for ever Thus W. P. From which the Snake says p. 140. His consequence is that the promised Seed was not any Person but a Principle Which consequence is falsly drawn by the Snake from W. Penn's words the consequence of them being more truly that the Promised Seed was not only that but also a Principle of Light Life and Power which I shall now further shew as it is also declared by T. E. Truth Defended p. 113 114. that The Scope and design of W. P. in those words was to prove against his Opponents that the Son of God who in the fulness of time took upon him a Body of Flesh in which he suffered on the Cross was and was properly called Christ before he appeared in that outward Body which his Opponents denied not owning Christ as Christ to have any existence before that Body which was Born of the Virgin but confining Christ to that Body And because all acknowledge the Promised Seed to be Christ W. P. used that as a Medium to prove that Christ was before that outward Appearance Now this affirming Christ to be the Seed and that Seed to be Inward and Spiritual is not a denial of Christ having a bodily existence without us for he may have and hath a bodily existence without us and yet may be and is spiritually within us 'T is true he denied that that Body which Christ had from the Virgin Strictly considered as such was the Seed and he gave divers reasons for it And which are mentioned from p. 94. to p. 99. of his Christian Quaker From the consequence which the Snake hath falsly drawn from W. P's words viz. That the Seed is not a Person but a Principle He goes on p. 141. fighting against the Bugbear which himself hath conjured up and declares it to be A Supposition of so pernicious a nature that it Vn-christians any who holds it For the Faith of Christians is built upon that Man Jesus Christ as The Seed Promised to bruise the Serpent's Head His Supposition so far as respecting us the Quakers and W. P. in particular is false For we believe the Manhood of Christ gloriously united with the Godhead to be the Seed Promised Gen. 3.15 and also that that Seed being of a Divine and Spiritual Nature did inwardly work against the Serpent and did bruise his Head and break his Strength and Power in some measure in the Holy Men and Women in all Generations T. E. Truth Defended p. 114. and by this their inward experience of his Spirit and Power he was the object of their Faith to be made manifest in God's
say they do appoint Institutions tho' the Matter of One viz. Water and the Manner of Both as now used is not therein exprest why has not another as much liberty If what he contends for be not the Text as it is not but an exposition of it what medium will he use to assure me his exposition is right since all Outward Means lye under the same Objection which his own particular Exposition does and they are not a few For I may object to his understanding to the Interest he is in and to the accidental means by which he came so to conclude And thus Men may grope in the Dark concerning the Mysteries of Religion and the Way to the Kingdom of Heaven while they have only Outward and Corporal Means for which the Snake does so much contend for their Guide But if Men would once come to implore the Assistances and wait for the Guidance of the Holy Spirit That as it illuminated the Holy Men of Old to deliver in Writing a Declaration of the Deep Things of God's Kingdom so it would illuminate their Minds to see and know the Meaning of the Holy Ghost in that Declaration By other means than this there can be no certainty herein But this means the Snake depends not on and would represent us as Criminal because we do Wherefore we justly refuse his Expositions for being Inventions which whether set up new or of old standing makes little difference And while the Snake is contending for Inventions set up he does abrogate if not to use be so as the Snake will have it be an Outward Command of Christ delivered in at least as plain if not plainer terms than either of the foregoing for here is both Matter and Manner recorded I instance in the Command of Christ to his Disciples to wash one anothers Feet John 13.14 15. If I then your Lord and Master have washed your Feet ye also ought to wash one another's Feet For I have given you an Example that ye should do as I have done to you Yet here neither the Example nor the declared Intent of it is interpreted to mean an Outward Institution But it is an Allegory and the Command fulfilled while the Sign is disused if we walk humbly before God and serve one another with Love We say so too yet if practical Obedience is here the intent of an Outward Command Why might not Spiritual Baptism and Communion be the intent of Outward Commands Had there been any such which those before mentioned are not As before I have shewn Ibid. p. 170. Vpon this poor pretence that Baptism is not the putting away the filth of the Flesh but the Answer of a good Conscience c. 1 Pet. 3.21 Which Text they so understand as that the Outward Baptism is thereby disanulled because the Inward Baptism is preferred before it and not reckoned perfect without it This which the Snake calls a poor pretence is but poorly assaulted by him and does remain to be a clear and very plain account of that Baptism which Saves In the Description whereof the Apostle is very particular First Negatively shewing what is not then Affirmatively defining what it is viz. The like Figure or Anti-type as it may be truly rendered whereunto even Baptism doth also now save us not the putting away of the filth of the Flesh but the answer of a good Conscience towards God by the Resurrection of Jesus Christ. And according to this account of that Baptism which Saves it cannot be the Baptism with Water because that is putting away the filth of the Flesh but it is the Answer of a good Conscience towards God Now outward Water cannot give this answer for as the Apostle saith 1 John 5 6. It is the Spirit that beareth witness because the Spirit is Truth And nothing but this Spirit which is Truth can wash and purify the Soul from its Corruptions and Lusts and having so purified it can give to it the justifying Answer of a good Conscience towards God and therefore with great reason it is to be preferred to John's Baptism with Water which cannot add to the Perfection of Christ's Baptism with Fire and with the Holy Ghost Ibid. p. 170. And so it was in the Institution of Circumcision under the Law The Outward Circumcision of the Flesh was not the chief thing meant by it but the Inward Circumcision of the Heart as the Apostle speaks Rom. 2.28 29. Will it follow hence that there were no Outward and Litteral Jews Or that there was not an Outward and Litteral Circumcision under the Law But though the Outward Circision was not the Circumcision i. e. not that alone unless the Inward did accompany it yet the Outward Circumcision was commanded and that under pain of Death Thus both Baptism and the Lord's Supper c. As the Circumcision under the Law was Outward so it was the Sign of an Outward Covenant Gen. 17.7 8. And I will establish my Covenant between Me and Thee and thy Seed after thee in their Generations for an Everlasting Covenant to be a God unto thee and to thy Seed after thee And I will give unto thee and to thy Seed after thee the Land wherein thou art a Stranger all the Land of Canaan for an Everlasting posession and I will be their God The Apostle who was a Minister of the Spirit and of the New Covenant does in this Epistle to the Romans shew the Jew that his Outward Dependance was not Good for he tells him Rom. 2.17 21. Behold thou art called a Jew and restest in the Law and makest thy boast of God Thou therefore which teachest another teachest thou not thy self Thus the Apostle having here reproved that Spirit in the Jew which our Saviour had before reproved in them when they told him We are Abraham 's Seed c. and the dependencies which they had because there was in their Flesh the Sign of that Covenant which God made with Abraham The Apostle brings the matter nearer from the Type to the thing typified from the Outward Jew and Circumcision to the Inward Jew and Circumcision vers 28 29. For he is not a Jew who is one Outwardly neither is that Circumcision which is Outward in the Flesh But he is a Jew which is one Inwardly and Circumcision is that of the Heart in the Spirit and not in the Letter whose praise is not of Men but of God The Apostle is here speaking what the Spiritual Jew is not what the Legal Jew was for of him the Apostle had spoken before and in the like manner it may be spoken of them who have dependence upon the Outward and Decreasing Baptism of John and the Outward and Temporary Commemoration of Christ's Death by Bread and Wine and wait not to know the purifying and strengthning of their Hearts and Spirits by the Holy Spirit of God Thus the Apostle shews the necessary Duty of Christians in the Gospel Dispensation which is to witness the Inward Circumcision
the Papists print her answers and particularly Her Apology which was published 1617. From which it will be necessary to give briefly as I can her Answers to some of the Papists Charges afore-mentioned For it would take me up too much room and time to transcribe the Answers to them all tho' they are all well worth reading The Apology is writ in Latin and divided into 61 several Articles or Answers I shall give it as it is in the Book it self and then render it in English In doing of which if I hurt not the sense I desire of my Reader that less faults may be overlook'd The first Answer that I shall transcribe is to that Charge and Objection of the Romanists that they had Contention and Division among themselves And is in these words Eant ergo sane pacem potiùs inter suos domi sanciant Vnitas quidem consensio maximè convenit Religioni Non tamen est ea propria nota Ecclesiae Dei. Summa Enim erat consentio inter eos qui adorabant Aureum vitulum inter eos qui conjunctis vocibus in Servatorem Nostrum Jesum Christum clamabant crucifige Neque quia Corinthii Dissensionibus inter se laborabant aut quia Paulus à Petro aut Barnabas â Paulo aut Christiani Statim sub ipsis initiis Evangelii aliqua de re à se mutuò dissidebant idcirco nulla erat inter eos Ecclesia Dei Illi quidem quos isti contumeliae causà appellant Zuinglianos Lutheranos re autem verâ sunt utrique Christiani inter se amici ac fratres Non de principiis aut fundamentis Religionis nostrae non de Deo non de Christo non de Spiritu Sancto non de ratione Justificationis non de aeterna vita tantum de una nec ea ita gravi aut magna quaestione inter se dissentiunt Nec desperamus vel potiùs non dubitamus brevi fore concordiam et si qui sunt qui aliter sentiant quam par est positis aliquando affectionibus nominibus Deum id illis esse Patefacturum ut re melius animadversâ atque exploratâ quod olim in Calcedonensi Concilio factum est omnes dissentionum causae fibrae ab ipsis radicibus extirpentur 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 Sepeliantur Sempiterna Amen Let them rather therefore go and establish Peace among themselves For in the forgoing Article is objected the variety of Dissentions amongst the Papists in their several orders Unity and Agreement is indeed most seemly in Religion yet it is not a certain and proper Mark of the Church of God For among those who worshipped the Golden Calf and among those who with conjoined Voices cried out against our Saviour Jesus Christ Crucifie him there was greatest agreement and accord Neither because the Corinthians laboured under Dissentions among themselves or because Paul from Peter or Barnabas from Paul or that under the very beginnings of the Gospel the Christians did in some things differ among themselves Was there therefore among them no Church of God Truly those who they in reproach and taunt call Zuinglians and Lutherans are really both Christians and among themselves Friends and Brethren For not concerning Principles or the Fundamentals of our Religion not concerning God or Jesus Christ or the Holy Spirit not concerning the reason of Justification and Eternal Life Only concerning one and that not weighty or great Question Do they differ among themselves Neither do we despair but rather doubt not that that shortly will be agreed And if there are who think otherwise than is equal which sometimes hath its foundation in Names and Affections God will make it manifest to them that the thing may be better considered and more certainly known which was sometime done in the Council of Calcedon where were extirpated all Dissentions from their roots and causes and buried in a perpetual Oblivion Amen Upon which it may not be amiss to ask the Snake what certain proofs he can give that the Divisions since such there were or to use his own words the various Sects which were sown and set up about the middle of the last Century were not sown and set up by Rome And that these about the middle of this Century were It also will be proper for him to shew why the Church's Answer concerning Dissension does not suit us in answer to him as it did Her in answer to Rome For it is no proof barely to affirm as he does p. 187. Of this many Instances may be given and Proofs undeniable I say this is no Proof and any further he does not offer for he hath not given one of the many Instances of which he with great assurance says they are Proofs undeniable He expected surely that his Reader should take his Ipse dixit and ask no further Proof But that knowing it as I do in this as in many other particulars to be false and Scandalous I do therefore so far as his Assertion relates to us viz. That the Quakers were sown and set up by Rome deny his Charge and require him to prove it by the best Instances which he can which when he shall offer if we cannot disprove them I shall be content to say with him That Romish Emissaries did set up Quakerism in England But till then it must be accounted for one of his Falshoods Ibid. p. 187. Enthusiasm when it is a Delusion or falsly pretended is the surest means to overthrow all Church-Government and Order and all Sobriety of Religion for it is no less than Blasphemy falsly to pretend to extraordinary Inspirations from God Enthusiasm or Inspiration falsly pretended is all this But what is that to the purpose The Question is not now what Enthusiasm falsly pretended is But whether that Enthusiasm or Divine Inspiration of which we speak be false If the Snake prove not that which he can never he does but Plough the Air or strive to make Ropes of Sand. His attempts are foolish as well as false because that whatsoever Enthusiasm falsly pretended may be yet the Inspirations of the Holy Spirit of God which is the Enthusiasm that we own and profess does at this day as in all the Ages of the World first beget a People to be the Church of God and having so begotten them does lead them into such Order and Sobriety as does become that Holy Religion which it teaches Ibid. p. 188. And this Doctrine of Enthusiasm came chiefly from the Church of Rome Labade a Jesuit set it up in Holland and Robert Barclay the Quaker was tinctured with it in his younger Years in the Stotch Convent at Paris and John Vaughton was a Roman Catholick who is now a great Preacher among the Quakers in London and William Southby a Preacher now among them in Pensilvania As particular and positive as the Snake here is concerning the place from whence Enthusiasm came and who set it up in Holland
he has left us to guess who set it up in England For he having enumerated some Instances in which Enthusiasm is owned in the Liturgy and Offices of the Church Does declare p. 317. There is not one Book of Devotion used among us that does not tell us the same What Same Why the same Enthusiasm or Inspiration p. 119. Full as much as any sober Quaker can mean by the Light within Now if this same Enthusiasm came chiefly from Rome and Labade a Jesuit set it up in Holland he will be yet more particular if he can help us to his Name and Character who set it up in England But the Snake says R. B. was tinctur'd with it in his younger Years in the Stotch Convent at Paris What it was R. B. tinctured with If with the same Enthusiasm that he says is allow'd and own'd in the Church full as much as any sober Quaker can mean by the Light within Can there be any fault in that And that it was not the same Enthusiasm he has no where prov'd nor attempted to do it no more than he has attempted to prove that it was the same Enthusiasm with which R. B. as he says was tinctur'd and which Labade set up in Holland But the Snake's Argument has yet another Branch to shew that Popish Emissaries set up Quakerism c. viz. John Vaughton and William Southby formerly Roman Catholicks are now Preachers one in London the other in Pensilvania Therefore c. Reader It may be worth thy while a little to consider the unconcluding Rodomantade of this our Adversary in this point Enthusiasm came chiefly from Rome Labade a Jesuit set it up in Holland Therefore Popish Emissaries first set it up in England Robert Barclay when Young was at the Scotch Convent in Paris J. Vaughton and W. Southby were formerly Roman Catholicks tho' neither of them were more than Infants if born when Quakers first appear'd in England yet he will have it hence follow that Popish Emissaries first set up Quakerism in England Besides that his reasoning is false I take it to be foolish for if all the Religious Societies of Men in England who have in their Communion Persons formerly Roman Catholicks were set up by Popish Emissaries it will be harder for the Snake to shew which of them Popish Emissaries did not set up than which they did because there is hardly any Community in which there is not one or more who have formerly been Roman Catholicks And to carry his Folly to its full length he might with as great force of concluding say That the Quakers set up the Church of England for Francis Bugg formerly a Quaker is now a Member of that Church Ibid. p. 188. But God has punished them by sending the same Spirit among themselves and has made a Great Fraction in the Church of Rome Here is a Soloecism could Rome dress Enthusiasm in several Shapes and set it up in Holland before they had it among themselves I think they could not But as much a Novelty as the Snake would insinuate Fraction to be in the Church of Rome If he will rub his Eyes and look upon the Church of England's Apology afore quoted p. 21. Art 50. He will find her there to object against the Romanists Vix enim unquam inter se conveniunt nisi forté ut olim Pharisaei Sadducaei aut Herodes Pílatus contra Christum They scarce ever agree among themselves unless perchance as the Pharisees and Sadduces or as Herod and Pilate against Christ. This Character was given by at least as good an Authority as is the Snake's and that long before Robert Barclay was at Paris or John Vaughton and William Southby were Preachers nay indeed many years before they were born Ibid. p. 188. The Quaker-Infallibility was contrived on purpose to bring Men back to the Infallibility of the Church of Rome It is both false and impossible that there should have been any such contrivance because they stand in direct opposition to each other For that Infallible assistance of the Holy Spirit of which we speak we say continues not with any Man or Men longer than they continue subject and in obedience to the workings of it But the Infallibility to which Rome pretends is from the Person of the Holy Apostle Peter by a Continual Succession or by Ordination not Qualification not alienable from the Church Concerning which I have more largely spoken in the Section particularly treating of Infallibility Ibid. p. 188. First the Infallibility was placed by G. Fox and all the Primitive Quakers in every single Quaker And all the Modern Quakers do continue to say with the Primitive ones that not only every single Quaker but every single and individual Person hath given him from Christ a manifestation of his Grace Light or Holy Spirit to which as People come to be obedient it will infallibly guide them into all Truth in all those things that pertain to Salvation Redemption and Eternal Life This tho' the Snake in his profane manner calls a Ridiculous pretence yet it is a Gospel Truth and will continue when his Profane and Ridiculous Attempts against it shall vanish Ibid. p. 188. And now there is but one step behind and that is to dispute the Infallibility betwixt the Two Churches that of Rome and that of the Quakers Yes there is one step more behind and that is the Infallibility of the Snake which is also to be disputed For it cannot be doubted but he too set up for Infallible certainty because of the frequent great assurance with which he delivers himself in Matters utterly false If the Snake had not an Infallible certainty that what he calls the Qua-Quaker-Infallibility was contriv'd on purpose to bring back Men to the Infallibility of the Church of Rome and that it was impossible it should be so contriv'd I have shewn what confidence must it be in him to affirm that to another of which he hath no such certainty himself Ibid. p. 188. And the Issue of this who does not see when their Succession and other Marks of the True Church come to be compared together The Issue may with more certainty be seen when the Dispute is ended and the Comparison made Tho' for the present I can see that if the Snake be the Manager Rome will not lose in any Question with any Protestant Dissenters whatsoever Ibid. p. 189. Of all the Dissenters now in England the Quakers have come nearest to the Church of Rome They only have taken the pretence of Infallibility unless they will bring in Muggleton for a Third Man none other except Papists and Quakers do set up for it Neither any of the Dissenters nor the Church of England do hold more Negatives in Doctrine to Rome than do the Quakers for we do not only hold all the Negatives which any of them do hold but also more And in the Doctrine of Infallibility as held by Rome there is not any manner of
Petition p. 5. the other from his Saul's Errand p. 7. which are both to this purpose All that speak and not from the Mouth of the Lord are false Prophets and Diviners At this the Snake is wonderfully offended and taking his Copy from other Adversaries for he is not the first herein no more than in his other Charges makes many false Inferences from them As for the Assertion of G. F's it was as I have just now hinted objected against in the Year 1656. by Jeremy Ives and answer'd by James Nayler in a Peice of his printed that Year Entituled Weakness above Wickedness In p. 12 13. of which Book answering to this Charge he saith What is done now by such Diviners as deny the Faith of Christ and his Call and Spirit in them what such raiseth must needs be Conjuration who denies the Faith and Spirit of God And in like manner we find God by his Prophets hath often rebuked them who spake Lyes in his Name and who were Strangers to his Holy Spirit by the name of Diviners Jer. 27.9 Micah 3.7 Zach. 10.2 And their False Prophesies are frequently called Lying and Flattering Divinations which were Truths they could hardly bear any more than those to whom this was spoken But whether it can be born by them or not it will remain a Truth that such who deny the Faith and Spirit of God and shall yet pretend to speak in his Name it can be no other than the Lying Divinations of their own Brain Ibid. p. 285. If all the False and Foolish Miracles which G. F. tells of himself If all these were not from God then was he and those who recommended that Journal all Conjurers That the Miracles there related are False or Foolish is Gratis Dictum it is boldly said but not prov'd Prove them False and Foolish and then there needs no If they were not from God but till they be so prov'd their Authority and Being from God remains a Truth SECT XIX The Charge of Visible Possessions by the Devil Examined and Refuted HAving hitherto trac'd the Snake through the Twinings of his several Charges and discover'd at least in some measure his Falshood Hypocrisie and Malice in them I am not less in hope to perform the same in this His Charge is that many Quakers have been Visibly Possest by the Devil A Charge which if upon Inquiry it prove not true upon the Quakers will at least prove some such thing in the Charger who from a collected Malice cou'd with so much Confidence and bold Effrontry pretend to tell such Visible Falshoods Ibid. p. 286. A Visible effect of this Possession by the Devil was that extraordinary Shaking and Quaking like Fits of Convulsions which these Quakers at the first either acted or like the Heathen Priests of old were possess'd with If the Snake will venture to affirm that all Extraordinary Shaking and Quaking is a Visible effect of Possession by the Devil I can give him two Instances wherein himself has been so possessed The one was when he was seized at Lidd in Kent by Tompson the Messenger and the other was not very long since in the City when he was under some Apprehension of being retaken by the same Person from whom he run away And I make no Question but he hath frequently been attended with the like visible effects of Possession which whether he will attribute to the strong Impression made by the Devil upon his Imagination as I know not so I shall not trouble my self to inquire nor should I have in this place told this Truth but to redargue the Confidence of one who from a course of Clandestine and Base Practices shuns Day-light and is thereby justly subjected to the Frights which the ugly shapes of Fear can terrifie him with from his Superiours yet not that I might thereby pass over his False Allegation which I shall now consider And here concerning Quaking and Shaking I make no Doubt or Scruple to own and acknowledge agreeable to the Instances thereof Recorded in Holy Writ That God by his Power sometimes in this Age hath brought Holy Fear Trembling Quivering and Quaking upon the Bodies of some as in the former Ages we read he frequently did of which some few follow Thus the Israelites in the Camp Exod. 19.16 Trembled Thus Moses Acts 7.32 Trembled Thus the Psalmist 119 120. saith My Flesh trembleth Thus Habakkuk 3.16 saith My Lips quivered Thus God Commanded the Prophet Ezekiel 12.18 Son of Man eat thy bread with Quaking Thus Daniel 10.7 testifies of the Men that were with him Great Quaking fell upon them And many more such Instances there are of the visible effects of God's ower which howsoever Ridicul'd or Stigmatis'd by such who are Strangers to it are not to be despised or profanely contemn'd by any who are at all acquainted with the Work of Christ in them How much less then ought they Blasphemously to be call'd the visible effects of possession by the Devil which are really the visible effects of the Power of God And it is nothing strange that when God by the Discoveries of his Light in the Heart lets Men see their undone Estate without him that then they should be in trouble and cry out with the Apostle of that Body of Sin and Death by which they are held in Bondage And as many as have come to this Discovery and patiently abode under the Judgment of God's Grace by which they might be made Victors do know that through the gradual workings of the Power of God in the binding of the strong Man in the spoiling of his Goods and finally in casting him out of the Heart they can say it was the Day of Jacob's Troubles and these oft-times are such as do affect the Body And while the Soul is in this Conflict and the Creature groaning to be delivered the Tempter who as he always opposes the Work of God in Men so in this Day of Trouble he aims to Subvert the Soul by his Stratagems sometimes by Imitating the Discoveries of God and endeavouring to lead the Mind into Imaginations and False Appearances thereby to lift it up above the Sense of the Operation of God's Grace Sometimes by Imitating the Judgments of God and by endeavouring to lead the Mind down into Despair and a Distrust of God's Mercy An Instance of this sort is Martin Luther concerning whom Harding the Jesuit objected to the Bishop of Salisbury That the Devil in a Night Vision did reason with him against the Sacrifice of the Mass as the Jesuit calls it and the Jesuit quoted for this a Book of Luther's entituled De Missa Angulari Vnctione Sacerdotali and infers from it that the Reformation sprung in the School of Satan The Bishop in his Reply to Harding Printed 1565 p. 2 saith D. Luther sheweth what terrible Temptations the Devil hath to trap Men withall taking occasion sometime of well-doing sometime of Evil sometime of Truth sometime of Falshood And for example
he sheweth that the Devil on a time Assaulted him not in visible Form but by dreadful Suggestions in his Conscience as it were thus calling him to remembrance These many Years thou hast said Mass thou hast shew'd up Bread and Wine to be Worshipped as God yet now thou knowest it was a Creature and not God thereof follow'd Idolatry and thou wert the Cause thereof All these things he saw to be true by the Testimony and Light of his own Conscience and therefore confess'd he had offended and yielded himself unto God The Devil's purpose was to lead him to Despair but God mercifully deliver'd him If he think it so heinous a Matter for a Godly Man to be vex'd by the Devil perhaps he will also find some fault with Christ who was carried by the Devil into the Mount or with St. Paul that had the Angel of Satan to buffet him Thus the Bishop who seems to have had another Sense of this Matter than this our Adversary I shall only add to this before I come to his particular Instances to my Reader That if any Person Professing Unity with us in whom was began the work of Reformation hath not abode Faithful but run into the Temptations of the Enemy and hath had freakish Actions and Gestures and loose and wild Imaginations and have Falsly and Blasphemously Ascrib'd them to be the Operations of the Spirit of God We are not accountable for them as the Apostle was not for those in his time who were given up to strong Delusion because they receiv'd not the Truth in the Love of it All that we find the Apostle did to them that we have done to such that is testifie against them and their ways For we do not own such Inspirations as have not for their Origen the Holy Spirit and are warranted by the Scriptures of Truth I come now to the Snake's Instances His first is thus p. 288. John Gilpin of Kendal in Westmerland has given us a strange and wonderful account of his own Possession by the Devil while he was a Quaker in a Book which he Entituled The Quakers shaken Printed 1653. In Answer to this there was Published in that same Year 1653 a Book Entituled The Standard of the Lord c. to which Book E. Burroughs writ the Epistle to the Reader In which speaking of this same John Gilpin p. 2. he saith By hearing of the Truth declared through the Witness in his own Conscience he was Convinced of the Everlasting Truth c. This was very well but it seems he continued not under that Convincement for he ran out into Airy Imaginations and Imitations as E. B. saith who speaking further of him says I was mov'd to go to see him and his Will was at liberty got above the Judgment though the Judgment was upon the head of the Beast in him and a true Power working but his Will not being kept in Subjection it led him into Impatiency and into Rebelling against the Lord who was made manifest to destroy the unruly Will and wandring Mind And then I did declare against him and shewed him the deceit where it lodged in him Thus E. B. who it hereby appears did shew the Man his state and did also deny him and his doings But the Matter issu'd thus This Gilpin continu'd to go on in that same Rebellion of which E. B. speaks so that he quite run from under the Judgment and Gilpin in this his worst Estate endeavoured with the help of the then Priest of Kendal in a Book Publish'd under Gilpin's Name to charge the Wicked and Blasphemous Actions and Sayings which he had been guilty of upon that Principle of the Light of Christ in Men which the Quakers Profest though Gilpin being Charg'd with it did deny it in these Words I have neither written nor spoken any thing against the Quakers So that by this it should seem the Book was writ by the Priest and Gilpin's Name put for a Cover And if it had not been so but that Gilpin did really write it there was a fair opportunity given them to have prov'd it because the Words above-mentioned spoke by Gilpin were Publish'd in the Answer before-mention'd Entituled The Standard of the Lord c. which came forth in the same Year which that Book Subscrib'd by Gilpin did Ibid. Attested by the then Mayor of Kendal the Minister of Kendal and several other Persons It was not strange that the Mayor of Kendal should be procur'd to Subscribe what the Priest had so eminent a Hand in though he owns it no further than a Fellow Subscriber But as this was an early Instance viz. 1653. wherein the Priest did lead the Civil Magistrate into such a Mistake which a prudent Inquiry wou'd have prevented so we have often since found they have endeavoured to Ride the Civil Power blindly into Mistakes and Prejudices against us and where such have been able to Hood-wink a Magistrate we have seldom found so little disadvantage from it as is the setting his Name to Partial and Untrue Relations of Fact In fine the Case is thus Gilpin as before related was once under a Convincement of Truth but he abode not under the Judgment of God manifested in him for Sin but started aside as a broken Bow He got into Wild Blasphemous and Airy Whimsies and Notions In all this he was presently denied and testified against For Edw. Burroughs did while this Gilpin was under these Extravagancies deny him and we were sufficiently discharg'd of him And what may further shew the Degeneracy of the Man was the Dissoluteness of his After-time for some Actions of which a Warrant was it seems Issu●d out for his Apprehension but he like this Snake ran away from it as is express'd in the Book aforesaid which was writ in Answer to him The Snake's next Story is of one James Milner mention'd p. 66. fore-going This Man and some others did as the former start aside from under the Judgment but the Event was not the same as is seen in G. F's Journal p. 103. where speaking of this Man and his Condition he saith James Milner and some of his Company had true Openings at the first but getting up into Pride and Exaltation of Spirit they run out from Truth I was sent for to them and was mov'd of the Lord to go and shew them their Goings forth And they came to see their Folly and Condemn'd it and came into the way of Truth again That he did see and condemn his Folly was very well and it was yet better for him that he return'd into the way of Truth Ibid. p. 289. But then as an Excuse for his false Prophesies and his Blasphemies in calling himself Christ c. he G. F. makes this Comical Apology In some things his mind runn'd out and that he Condemns and yet these wicked Men will go tell the Nation of it Great Mystery Page 298. It is not very Comical but very Provoking to find one who
pretends to be a Lover of Souls to be really a Hater of Truth and a gross Perverter of Words Is it any Excuse for False Prophesies or Wild Whimsies to say of those who are guilty of them That they are got up into Pride and Exaltation of Spirit and that they are run out from Truth I think it is not but is on the contrary a Sound and Substantial Denial of them as it was an evidence of their Return who had so been guilty when from a sight of and sorrow for the Wickedness they had been guilty of they did Condemn their Wickedness and return into the Way of Truth which they had forsaken and when Erring Persons are so return'd it is no less than Wickedness imperiously and by way of Taunt to object to them their past Miscarriages and much more so to throw them Evils so forsaken and repented of at a Community for their Scandal Ibid. p. 289. I will trouble the Reader but with one Instance more Then we are not like to have very many for we have had yet but two And were I dispos'd to vie Numbers with the Snake I could enumerate more pretended Members of the Church of England who have in Wicked and Freakish manner pretended falsly to Revelations and Inspirations Ibid. John Toldervy has Printed a very Punctual Narrative of his Conversion to Quakerism and of the most Astonishing Possession of the Devil in which he was held after his said Conversion even to the Apparitions of Evil Spirits dancing and Singing about him and directing him what he should do and encouraging him in the Principles of Quakerism The Snake has taken up near three pages with the story of this Man of which the foregoing words are the substance which are a complex of falshoods as I shall presently make appear But first I shall desire my Reader to observe that the Snake affirms that the Astonishing Possession of the Devil did encourage this J. Toldervy in the Principles of Quakerism which is so venemous a falshood that nothing short of Envy could lead him to affirm it and that in opposition to the Authority he quotes viz. the Book Foot out of the Snare which is the Book which the Snake here calls a Punctual Narrative and also quotes in p. 290. I will give my Reader some account both of the Man J. Toldervy and his Book above-mentioned from both which it may fully appear how far the Astonishing Possession of the Devil or bewitched Imaginations in which he was was from being either owing to or encouraging of the Principles of Truth which we profess And first for the Man He was one who I shall anon give my Authority for what I say had been zealously affected in divers ways of Worship at length he made a shew of a Convincement upon his Spirit and did come to our Meetings but it was not long before he did discover himself not to have any true work of Regeneration upon his Mind but run out into very strange and wicked Imaginations for which he was soon reproved by the Quakers but he persisting they did separate from him and deny him both by Word and Writing because of his following a Bewitched Spirit The Quakers being thus discharged of him his Wild Imaginations turn'd to Envy and he endeavoured to charge his Crimes upon the Principle of the Light of Christ in Men professed by us in order to which he writes a Book Entituled Foot out of the Snare and to give it greater Grace it hath Eight Warrantees or Subscribers for the truth of it Wherein they pretend to set forth the Manner of his Separation from the Quakers In answer to this of theirs James Naylor wrote a Piece entituled as above Foot yet in the Snare in which he shews and often repeats it that J. Toldervy was denied by the Quakers and that they had Testified against him And for the fuller evidencing that the Quakers had denied him he does in p. 21 22. refer to their Book Foot out of the Sare and says In p. 33. Do you not confess that when he came to the Meeting at the place where the Quakers were shewing the holes he had made in his Thumbs and telling of those Lying wonders which he had been acting many of the Quakers being there all of them Judged him with one Consent charged him to be silent and told him that he was in Darkness and had slain the Witness of God in him Thus by their own Testimony nay by the Testimony of Toldervy himself for he was it seems the Author The Quakers had denied him of which we can desire sure no better proof than his own Confession attested by Eight Witnesses of which Tho. Brooks Tho. Jacomb Geo. Cockaine Joh. Tombs and Will. Adderly were part Having thus shewn that the Quakers did deny and therefore not chargeable with him nor his Actions I shall further shew from the same Authority which hath testified our denial of him as above that those his strange and wicked Imaginations were neither owing to nor encouraging of the Principles of Quakerism in him as the Snake has wickedly said For proof of this see Foot yet in the Snare p. 20. where James Naylor clearing our Principles from this suggestion saith thus quoting their own Book before-mentioned And have not you confessed p. 49. the Cause of these Distractions and Confusions in his Mind was having been zealously affected in divers ways before There was begotten in him much Fleshly Wisdom in which his Hope did rest believing it to be the Holy Spirit revealed in him and that he was covered with Deceit and could glory in that Condition Here in their own Testimony they say he was Covered with Deceit did rest in Fleshly Wisdom and believed it to be the Holy Spirit and in this he had been zealously affected in divers ways which was as themselves say the Cause of his Distractions and Confusions and all this before he came among us and staid not long when he was come But yet further James Naylor does in p. 26. quote them more amply clearing the Quakers Principle from his Delusions where they clear the Truth and say He J. T. being fully persuaded by what he learned from the Quakers of the Truth which was made known by the Light in us which Light is Spiritual and guides out of the Work of the Flesh to worship God in Spirit and Truth he was then to wait out of Thoughts and Imaginations c. And his Understanding being now thus opened he was possessed with much Joy in the Sense of that Love he had received whereupon he was resolved to give all diligence that his Calling and Election may be made sure But being naturally of a hasty and forward Mind and his Resolution in part being a Covenant of his own there was speedily begot in him an extream Fiery Zeal so that in the general he was hastily carried forth before the true Light by which in a short time he became lost in his
Understanding and so the Disputer was raised to Life and that which was for Condemnation having darkned the Light of the Sun form'd it self in the shape of the True Light and so Deceit got the Power and led out of the true Obedience in things before related by which the Simple be-became exceedingly deceived But when he was restored by the Clear Light of Life being guided in that Obedience which was professed by those People among whom he was being the Quakers and his Witness Here is a Clear Testimony that the Truth and Light professed by the Quakers leads out of the Works of the Flesh to worship God in Spirit and in Truth And that by this J. Toldervy's Understanding was opened What hinder'd then that the Work of Regeneration did not go on in him Why they say that he being of a hasty and forward Mind it was in part a Covenant of his own which raised a Fiery Zeal by which he lost his Vnderstanding and thereby the Sun was darkned a very natural consequence of that Covenant which was his own and not of the Spirit of God and here it was that that which was for condemnation formed it self in the shape as they express it of the True Light And thus indeed the Enemy of Man the Devil works in a Mystery to drive Men to make Covenants in their own Wills for their Regeneration which as they can never last so according to the various Disposition of the Person so Covenanting are the extreams which they run into Thus they acknowledge in direct opposition to the Snake that that Deceit which was in J. Toldervy was so far from encouraging him in the Principles of Quakerism that it did lead him out of the True Obedience to that Prinliple which they say he learned from the Quakers Ibid. p. 291. He made a sort of a half Vindication and half Recantation not of the matters of Fact of his aforesaid Delusions for these were undeniable but to free the Quakers from the Imputation and Scandal of them and to clear himself to have been and still continue a true Quaker which makes the Cause much worse on their side Supposing John Toldervy did endeavour to clear himself to have been and still continue a true Quaker at a time and in things wherein we had by Word and Writing denied him I pray how shall that make the Cause much worse on our side any more than it makes bad of the side of the Church of England because the Snake a former Scandalous Member does pretend to have been and still continue a True Member in her Communion But to proceed the Snake is here forc'd to acknowledge that J. Toldervy did free the Quakers from the Imputation and Scandal of his Delusions which whether he had or not the Quakers had freed themselves from them by denying of him both by Word and Writing And as he stood thus denied by them so they could not be chargeable with any of his after Actions But if he had sincerely repented of his great Wickedness and thereby found favour in the sight of God to have restor'd to him the Light of his Countenance and had so been received again into fellowship with those from whom he had been separated this would have been far from making the Cause much worse on their side For with respect to their own satisfaction it would make the Cause much better Because the People of God in all Ages did always rejoice when one that had err'd and stray'd from the Fold did by sincere Repentance return into it again Ibid. p. 292. That same Year viz. the 24th of October 1656. all the Good and Evil Spirits entred into Naylor himself Profane Snake why must both Good and Evil Spirits be thus flouted It shews no true Sense of Religion in one who can with so much ease ridicule both the beginning of all true and saving Religion in Man viz. the entrance of the Good Spirit of God and the beginning of all Misery viz. the entrance of the Evil Spirit into Man But with respect to Jame Naylor and his Great Fall and yet greater deliverance from it I have already spoken from p. 111 to 118. and therefore need not enlarge further here The Snake now turns to Quotations again where in p. 295. he quotes Patrick Levingston in a Piece of his Entituled Plain and Downright Dealing with them that were with us and are gone out from us in p. 10 of which Book P. L. makes an Allusion of the Operations of Physick upon the Body to the Operation of the Spirit or Power of God upon the Soul and shews thence what melting into Tears and Shakings he had known upon his own Body and also what some others had known when the Lord did first appear with a mighty hand as he says p. 9. to bring his People out of Spiritual Egypt in this our Age. And he here goes on and shews that these emotions of Body and terrible breakings the Soul were but for a little time and that the Voice of the Lord was not distinctly discerned there they being only preparatory of that way of Peace Stilness and Quietness in which as they continued obedient they came to be established This briefly is the substance of what the Snake hath pick'd and quoted from p. 10. And I will now shew thee Reader his strange perversion of all this Ibid. p. 296. Now here is a Comparison made betwixt the State of the Quakers from 1650 to 1660. and from thence to this time No Snake the Comparison does not lie in any date of Years but in the Progress of the Work of God in Men. Ibid. Their first State was their time of Physick The first State of all who have been Regenerated and Born again may by allusion be called a time of Purging or Cleansing and so it hath been frequently term'd in Holy Writ Our Saviour speaks of this first State in such Pathetick Terms Mark 3.27 as does evidently denote it to be a State of Trouble For the binding the Strong Man of Sin by the Stonger Power of God is not to be effected while the Soul is at ease and secure in Sin Nor can the Strong Man's Goods be spoil'd in Man unless through Obedience he comes under the Workings of the Power of the Holy Spirit and that will not give Deliverance to Man before he sees the great necessity he is in of a Deliverer Ibid. But there was worse than that For as Levingston here informs us The Voice of the Lord was not distinctly discern'd among them the Mind was so Hurried and tossed so that there was not a clear discerning what might be done or left undone in many things This is a very sad Reckning For what will become of the first Quaker Infallibility This is nothing so Sad a Reckning as the Snake is like to make when he shall account for all that Profaneness Injustice and Hypocrisie which he hath delivered under the gilded pretence of advancing the Glory
a good Champion in the Snake's Army and well enough to serve to Revile a People more Righteous than himself and for whom his Iniquities would no longer admit him a Companion and was therefore denied by them p. 10. And though now he is grown so hard in Impiety as to revile them that denied him for his Uncleanness Yet while some little tenderness was remaining he agreed to the Judgment of our Friends against him as may further appear by his own acknowledgment cited also p. 7 8. Thus Be it known to all People unto whom these presents shall be read that I H. W. and A. my Wife do acknowledge and confess before the living God and all People that we have sinned and done that which we ought not to have done in suffering the Temptations of Sin in the Flesh to overcome us So this know all People that it was not because the Quakers Judgment or Doctrine or way of Worship is false that it caused us to fall from them But our Fall was of our Selves So here 's H. W. and his Wife against the Snake his reviving this false matter was to vilifie the Quakers and their Holy Doctrine H. W. confesses to his Shame there Fall was of themselves And on their Heads and his let it rest till they Repent and Ask Pardon of God they for their Transgressions and he for his Revilings on their behalf SECT XX. Of Enthusiasm or Inspiration as said by the Snake to be Owned by the Church of England Ibid. p. 314. THe Word Enthusiasm signifies Inspiration and may mean a good as well as an evil Inspiration I am no more in doubt of the Truth of this than I am certain that the Snake did affirm falsly when in Pref. p. 43. he said There is no Enthusiasm where there is not Pride Ibid. These poor misled Quakers are made to believe that the Church of England does wholly throw off all Inspiration of the Holy Spirit The Snake has told us as above quoted there is no Enthusiasm where there is not Pride And if he would so mislead the poor Quakers as to believe that she does wholly throw off all that it would be in him no less a fault than it is to bely the poor Quakers and mislead his Reader concerning what the Quakers do or do not believe Ibid. I will here briefly set down the Doctrine of the Church of England in this Point To which if the Snake could have truly added and my Agreeable Practice as it would have been for his Credit so it would have dwindled his Libel to a much less bulk than that which his numerous and many fork'd Falshoods have swell'd it to But now he spends 4 or 5 Pages in giving Instances from the Service and Liturgy of the Church of England concerning her Doctrine in this point of Inspiration of the Holy Ghost with which I am so far from being displeased that I could with pleasure have read them all over if he had given as many more and am glad that so Essential a Truth as is the Inspiration of the Holy Spirit is owned by her tho' this is not the first Knowledge I had of it for I have some Years since read the same in her Liturgy And after the Instances he has given of the Inspiration of the Holy Spirit he says p. 319. It is made necessary to every good word and thought and the Cause of all the Good that is in us And we are directed to it to Follow and be Guided by it and are assured that it will lead us to all Truth that is requisite and necessary for our Eternal Salvation It is this which opens the Scriptures to us and our Vnderstandings rightly to apprehend the true sense and meaning of them c. In all this the Snake as he hath said what is agreed to and believed by every Sober Quaker So he hath herein declared the Inspiration of the Holy Ghost to be as Infallible as we believe it is And now before we part from a point in which we do as he says so exactly agree let us a little reason upon it and examine whether he has Squared his foregoing Sections by this Infallible Rule And first I shall observe the Snake says We are directed to it to Follow and be Guided by it and are assured no doubt by a certain Knowledge that it will lead us to all Truth that is requisite and necessary for our Eternal Salvation Supposing this to be true the Snake did very Scandalously not to say worse when he made the Devil as Infallible as any of their Church For in p. 39. speaking of that Light or Knowledge which comes from God which is the Inspiration of the H. Spirit he saith If that Knowledge which comes from God be Infallible then while the Devil follows that Light or Knowledge he must be Infallible And if this be all the Infallibility which the Quakers ascribe to themselves it seems it is all the Snake ascribes to the Church It Distinguishes them not from Wicked Men or Devils This is very hard but there is worse yet For though he does here say That the Inspiration of the Holy Ghost will lead us to all Truth requisite and necessary to our Salvation and so consequently will bring them that follows it to Heaven Yet this they are his own Words p. 40. will no more prove it to be Infallible or sufficient of it self to bring us to Heaven than it will follow that Man cannot die because God breathes into him the breath of Life or that he is Omnipotent because his Strength comes from God These Instances from the Snake though they clash yet in some that follow they will be found to cut one another up by the Roots For here in p. 319. He is very confident That the Church of England does agree with us concerning what we mean by the Light within And I must needs say the same Yet in p. 60. He gives the Light within in which he says we do so much agree with the Church of England a very evil Character and says It does totally root up and destroy all Church Government and Order Nay in p. 96. speaking of this Enthusiasm he says It is Inconsistent to the Government either in Church or State or any Security from all the Dismal and Enthusiastical Murthers Rapines and Outrage of the Zealots among the Jews who went upon the same Principle Fye Snake what the same Principle with the Church These are very ill Characters to recommend that Inspiration in which he is Confident the Church of England does agree with us Indeed he endeavours with a strange Contradiction to make all whole again by adding in the next Words yet shew'd no evil signs of it I would not willingly tire my Reader with Observations of the Snake's Contradictions upon this Head and therefore I shall but gather and add a few more of which this is one worthy of notice That though here in Page 319. he has made
Spirit through the Flaming Sword into the Paradise of God c. And I do Testifie there is no other way to come into it than by obeying the Teachings of Jesus Christ and this Obedience is so far from raising any mad Joy as the Snake does Blasphemously call it that it is Impossible for a Man to have more evident Demonstration of any thing in the World than he may have of his future Happiness if he grows up in Obedience and Faithfulness to Jesus Christ the way that leads to it Ibid. He tells as a wonderful opening to repeat his Cant which the Lord gave to him thus p. 5. About the beginning of the Year 1646 as I was going to Coventry and entring towards the Gate a Consideration arose in me how it was said That all Christians were Believers both Protestants and Papists And the Lord open'd to me that if all were Believers then were all born of God Here was a mighty Discovery And after all the Snake's Prophane Banter of Wonderful Opening and Mighty Discovery It is a great Truth and it was a wonderful Opening in John the Apostle where he testifies 1 John 5.4 Whatsoever is born of God overcometh the World and this is the Victory that overcometh the World even your Faith This Divine Truth when it was again opened to G. F. by the Openings of the same Holy Spirit did well deserve to be mentioned by him to shew the Unity and Harmony that there is in its Discoveries the same may be said with respect to that other Opening from the Lord mentioned by the Snake p. 334. which G. Fox mentions p. 5. of his Journal That being bred at Oxford or Cambridge was not enough to fit and qualifie Men to be Ministers of Christ. Which is agreable to what the Apostle testifies Gal. 1.11 12. But I certifie you Brethren that the Gospel which was preached of me is not after man for I neither received it of man neither was I taught it but by the revelation of Jesus Christ. What the Apostle does here certifie the Primitive Christians concerning his Commission it pleased God to open to G. Fox was the way and means by which all that were truly his Ministers came to be such And tho' the Snake would suggest and insinuate as if the contrary was never the belief of any one Man in the World It is false nor can those who receive their Ordination from Men either after the mode of the Church of England or otherwise say they neither received it of Man nor were taught it but by the Revelation of Jesus Christ. Ibid. p. 335. He tells p. 6. at another time it was opened in me That God who made the World did not dwell in Temples made with Hands And this at the first seem'd a Strange Word because both Priests and People use to call their Temples or Churches Dreadful Places and Holy Ground Thus G. Fox upon which the Snake adds a Prophane Lie It seems Fox did not know before but that God dwelt in a Church as a Man does in a House so as to be lock'd up and to be no where else when he was there No Snake there seems no such thing of G. F. but if the People who continue to call them Dreadful Places and Holy Ground do know no better their Superstitious Ignorance if it be as described by the Snake will much of it be laid to the Priests Charge who have so blindly led the People But if none of all this Gross Blindness there is yet a Reprovable Misapprehension not grounded upon any Example or Authority from the Gospel-Day so far as it 's recorded in the New Testament That is calling their Churches Dreadful Places and Holy Ground from a supposition that after their Consecration there is a kind of Inhabitation or more Immediate and Powerful Presence of God in them by vertue of it This Reprovable Misapprehension as Peoples Minds did continue under it so they were therein liable to let it increase to a Superstitious Reverence And God in the Calling Forth of his Servant did in this as in other things open his Understanding and let him see according to the Testimony of the Proto-Martyr Acts 7.48 The Most High dwelleth not in Temples made with hands And he there further shews that Consecrations of Houses are vain Nor indeed is there from the Authority of the New Testament any Holiness to be attributed to Place The Doctrine there deliver'd is 1 Cor. 3.16 Know ye not that ye are the Temple of God and agreeable to this is 1 Cor. 6.19 2 Cor. 6.16 Ibid. And such are all his Discoveries all his New Light even this Fundamental Distinguishing Principle of the Quakers of the Light within The Discoveries before-mentioned I have shewn to be agreeable to the Scripture and the Snake hath been so far from offering to prove them otherwise that he would have it supposed they are the Concessions of every Man in his Right Wits Where is then the Objection Why they are Truths of Common Notice or in the Snake's Prophane Railery they are Notable Discoveries the Commonest Notions in the World which G. F. has here taken for Supernatural Revelations and because the Snake supposes them to have been the Common Knowledge of Mankind therefore he Concludes they were no Openings from the Spirit of Truth in G. Fox But this is a false Conclusion because he may find in Holy Writ that the Supernatural Revelations Discoveries and Openings which it hath pleased God to give to particular Persons have frequently been such Truths Thus the Apostle Paul had a Supernatural Revelation in answer to his Petition My Grace is sufficient for thee 2 Cor. 12.9 And I would know of the Snake who then there was that had received the Christian Faith that did not believe as much And had the Corinthians been as Blasphemously Prophane as this our Adversary they might have queried in his words p. 335. Why so sottishly Ignorant as to take the Commonest Notions in the World for such Wonders such Supernatural Revelations But how common or mean soever this Snake may judge many of those Truths to be which the Holy Spirit hath and doth at this day reveal and discover upon the Spirits of those who are obedient to it in the Openings which it gives of the Scriptures I must needs say that were it possible for a Man Distinctly to remember and repeat the whole Old and New Testament so that all the Truths therein contained were of easie and common notice to him yet the advantage he would thence reap would be nothing in comparison to the advantage he may reap from having but some of the Truths therein recorded opened upon his Spirit by the Holy Spirit which did at first Dictate them And the Reason is because men cannot be made Holy by Imitation but only by Regeneration which as it is the work of the Holy Spirit so that work is began in what the Scripture calls the Day of Small Things The first
Discoveries are often small not only to try the Obedience but to encourage to Faithfulness And they who will not thankfully receive its lowest Manifestations and obey the Discoveries of the Light of Christ in the forsaking and denying vain Honours and Language are not likely to be obedient to greater Discoveries if they had them Ibid. p. 332. But G. Keith for his Christian Doctrine of a Christ without was condemn'd by their Late Yearly Meeting in their Bull of Excommunication It was not for Christian Doctrine but Unchristian Practice which G. Keith was denied as the Testimony given against him does fully shew in these words George Keith of late hath been and yet is acted by an Unchristian Spirit which hath moved and led him to stir up Contention and Strife in the Church of Christ and to cause Divisions Separations and Breaches amongst them that Profess the Truth and that the tendency of Divers of his late Writings and Actings hath been to expose the Truth and Friends thereof What has Christian Doctrine to do with such Unchristian Actions They have no agreement and this was the Cause there assigned of our denying him The Snake now gives p. 333. part of a Letter which he says W. P. sent to R. Turner of Pensilvania in which speaking of G. Keith are these words I love his Spirit and honour his Gifts and his Peculiar Learning especially Tongues and Mathematicks his Platonick Studies too all being sanctified to the Truth 's Service which is worthy to have the Preheminence Upon which the Snake says here will be a sad account of that Infallible Discerning Spirit which the Quakers do appropriate to themselves To which I shall first say that it is utterly false that the Quakers have ever appropriated to themselves the Spirit of Discerning It is only appropiated to the Holy Spirit and what true Discerning of Spirits is given to Men must be from that Fountain Now as to the Letter the words above quoted do well consist with that Spirit of Discerning because in order of Time it appears not but that that Letter was writ some Years before the Testimony of the Yearly Meeting against G. K. which I have before quoted And if G. Keith's accomplishments in Learning had continued to have been all sanctified to the Truth 's Service as it is there exprest which was the ground of that Love therein declared He could not have stirred up Contention and Strife nor caus'd Divisions Separations and Breaches which was the reason of his being denied But further If that Letter was writ when there was some small beginnings of Misunderstanding betwixt G. K. and those in Pensilvania Yet the words of that Letter referring the Love declared to his Spirit and Learning to be as all are sanctified c. they are very safe as G. K. would also have been had he kept to the Holy Spirit which sanctifies and that would both have prevented further Disturbance and removed all Misunderstanding Ibid. p. 336. I do here demand Reparation in the behalf of the Church of England But particularly in behalf of one whom they have most Scandalously Robb'd The Person wronged is Mr. Selden and the Thief is Francis Howgil A Snake turn Knight Errant the Scandal of the Church presume to set up for her Representative O Monstrum But to his Ridiculous Arrogance I do here demand c. What mighty I is this What Ratling Snake Why an Anonymous who is as fear ful of putting his Name to his Demand as he is to appear before Justice One who Jugler-like plays Tricks in the Dark Therefore sure no true Pleni-Potent of the Church not one Legally Delegated by Her And he is not less the Church's Delegate than he is John Selden's who in his time was one of the Glories of this Nation one whose Living Labours may at once endear and preserve his Memory with those who know his Works And with what Forehead one so differently qualified as is the Snake should pretend to demand Satisfaction if the Demand were just in his Behalf is no small wonder But the Demand is Arrogant Trifling and Impudent in that he says F. Howgil has stoln whole Paragraphs verbatim out of J. Selden's History of Tythes I have with what care I can examined the Charge by comparing the Books and cannot find one whole Paragraph so taken I find that F. H. does in some places treat of Tythes in the same manner as J. Selden does and the Books which are his Authorities he puts mostly in his Margin And among others which he quotes J. Selden by Name is one in his History of Tythes and upon this Subject of Tythes he is twice quoted by F. Howgil viz. p. 482 and in p. 567. which is sufficient to shew that F. H. is no Plagiary But since the Snake hath thus taken upon himself to be a Knight Errant I will direct him to a piece of Work of the sort he here speaks of and if he can get satisfaction he may pretend to be Captain of the Band of Knight Errants He may find it in John Daille's Treatise of the Right use of the Fathers first Book p. 104. In these words St. Hilary St. Ambrose and others who robbing poor Origen without any Mercy do not yet do him the Honour so much as to name him scarcely This is certain that you shall find in St. Ambrose many times whole Periods and whole Pages too taken out of St. Basil but unless my Memory fail me very much you shall never find him once named there Thus he I spare to give more such Instances till the Snake shall here have demanded Reparation in due form But now we are speaking upon the vice of Stealing it may not be improper to remind him that it had been highly necessary for him to have surveyed himself and considered with what Face he could unjustly object Theft to F. Howgil because he speaks of the same Subject in the same manner with John Selden whom he also names While himself if he had been duly prosecuted for Theft must of necessity have been hang'd if at least the Law of the Country where he stole the Virgin whom he made his Unhappy Wife be in that case agreeable to ours But as to the Punishment I shall not now enquire nor yet what Reparation he made to the injur'd Parents or Relations But as to the Fact it had the Forms of Theft in that he had not their good leave before he took her and whether the Canons do not declare the Theft of Souls the Stealing of a Wife to be in the same Class of Crimes in which himself puts Obedience to the King de Facto It may be proper for him to consider which if he find and that he squares himself in his Repentance for that by his practice in this his Repence will be as singular as his tenacious Disobedience hath been observable But of this now no more nor had there been so much nay here none at all had
it not been thrown in my way by his first crying out Thief Thief The Snake hath in this Section made very many scornful and false Comparisons according to his title between G. Fox Muggleton and Oliver's Porter which is but a repetition of somewhat of the same kind in the beginning of his Libel and which I have replied to from p. 33 to 36. it being there somewhat Argumentative and the Enlargement which he here makes together with the Addition of Oliver's Porter in the Comparison has so much of Scandal to all the Pretences of Religion that his Impudence deserves no other Answer than Silence nor himself any other treatment than as a Person very Contemptible even as the Scandal of Religion and the bane of Society In that against the Experience of many Thousands of our Friends against the knowledge of very many Persons of all Ranks amongst whom are some of Chief Note and Dignity who are not of Us before whom and with whom G. Fox for Forty or more Years even to his Death had occasion to converse Towards all which Persons his Sobriety of Life Peaceable Behaviour Exemplary Conversation in Godliness and Humility was evident Demonstration that he acted both as became a Man and a Christian Should yet after his Death be by this Incendiary listed with a Known Mad-Man and Profest Libertine I come now to Consider of a Letter which the Snake gives at the end of his Libel which he says is Spelt and Pointed according to the Original and of which he gives some bits before in p. 115. And here I have to say that what he calls John Audland's Letter I have many Reasons to believe is none of his For First Some former Adversaries have as the Snake p. 115. pretended to give some Pieces of it but have contradicted one another as to the Matter of it by which contradiction in terms it is fully shewn that they could not all be right as they have pretended they were Secondly As to the Spelling and Pointing of it it is so far from being agreeable to John Audland in other of his Writings that it hath many plain marks of being Spurious because he was Correct in both and did understand Orthography better than is shewn in this pretended Letter Thirdly This Pretended Letter from J. Audland to G. Fox was not so well contriv'd but that the Forgers who have heretofore given it with a date have made it bear date from Bristol Anno 1665. This was a very unlucky oversight which as it cannot be now mended so it absolutely overthrows the pretence of its being his because John Audland was buried in Westmerland the 24th of the 1st Month March 1663. being the last day of that Year So that it appears he was dead about two years before the Date of the Pretended Letter But Lastly John Audland has in a Collection of Books and Epistles writ some by himself and some by him and John Camm and of which we have undoubted Proof that they are genuine giving very many Testimonies of his Clear and Christian Principle Holy Reverence and Honour to Jesus Christ according to Holy Writ which do effectually shew that it was far from him to attribute Divine Honours to G. Fox or any Man Some of which Testimonies I shall here subjoin from that Collection c. Collection c. p. 180. I must walk according to the Commands of Christ and his Apostles Ibid. p. 188. Walking in the Spirit which mortifies the Deeds of the Flesh being subject to the Cross of our Lord Jesus Christ here is rest to the Soul Ibid. p. 190. We see the way of Life to all that believe in the Name of the Lord Jesus Ibid. p. 202. The Jews had a Law by which they judged the Holy One that he ought to die Ibid. p. 222. We find acceptance with God through Jesus Christ. Ibid. p. 287. They the Holy Prophets Prophesied of Christ who was born not by the Will of Man supposed to be the Son of Joseph which was the Son of God These with very many more Plain and Voluntary Confessions of J. A. to the very Christ of God in that Collection of Books c. do fully shew that he was very far from owning any such Blasphemy or Idolatry as the Snake does suggest Besides what I have now here said both in opposition to the Pretended Letter and also by Quotation from that Book of John Audlands hath been before spoken to by G.W. in his Just Inquiry printed 1693. which the Snake ought to have invalidated if he could before he repeated these Objections of other Adversaries What I have herein said hath been with purpose to remove that False and Envious Covering which the Snake in his several Charges hath endeavoured to cover Us with Reader As thou shalt have read it with an Impartial Mind thou wilt then be able to make a true Judgment how far my End is Answer'd As for what follows it is G. W's own Defence in Answer to the Snake's particular Objections to him in what he calls Remarks upon G. W 's Creed and a Supplement upon Occasion of G. W's Answer to the Snake in the Grass lately Published A Supplement upon occasion of what the Snake calls Remarks upon G. W 's Creed and in Reply to the Supplement in the Snake upon occasion of G. W's Antidote c. in Answer to the First Edition of The Snake in the Grass By George Whitehead SECT XXII A Reply to what the Author stiles Some Remarks upon George Whitehead's Creed Relating to some of the Particulars beforegoing taken out of the Antidote c. THe nameless Author of the Snake in the Grass having vented his and others Venome and great Spite against the People called Quakers in General and divers Particulars by Name Now to compleat his Design of great Envy he must put forth his Sting and have a fling and fit of Hissing like an angry Snake or as one that Whispers out of the Dust Isa. 29.4 against the said G. W. I being the Person aim'd at may now briefly answer for Truth and for my self as concerned 2. The word Creed he imposes upon me 'T was no formal Creed or Summary of our Faith though real Truths by way of Positions in the affirmative as a Christian Testimony in direct Opposition to F. B's great Abuse false Charge and Perversions which with a negative Testimony against him therein are both adapted to answer his own Terms Words and Phrases that our Testimony and Positions might be the more apparent against his Abuse and Perversions for I know no Adversary that I find fault with but I can freely and in good Conscience assert my own Sense in the Matters in Controversie as well as oppose his tho' it be not in the manner of a formal Creed yet true in it self for we should have numerous Creeds if all Positions we write in Opposition to Opposers must be esteemed Creeds or Summaries and Confessions of our Faith nevertheless we believe
the Reproaches Detractions Contempt and Scorn cast upon my self by the Author are of less value or weight as to me seeing the Rancour Envy and Foulness of the Spirit from whence they proceed And I always thought my self more obliged in Truth 's Vindication than my own Personal Reputation having long been arm'd with so much of Christian Faith Patience and Good-will to my Enemies as Patiently to endure Persecutions by Reproach and cruel Mocking as well as I have endured by Imprisonments and other Hardships And now I do not believe the Author of the Snake says true That he is very well pleas'd with the said Answer I am persuaded the contrary That he is very much vex'd by having his Falshoods in many things so much detected as they are in the Answer or Antidote His following Reason for his being so very well pleas'd with the said Answer is as notoriously false as the rest of his Lies viz. Because it confirms all the Matters of Fact to every purpose and intent for which they were produced To evince the Falshood whereof I refer the Ingenuous Reader to the said Antidote for his Impartial Perusal I doubt not but this Man's Purpose and Intent in producing the Matters of Fact alledged against us was chiefly that they should be given Credit to and that the People called Quakers their Ministers especially might lie under all his gross and foul Imputations and Defamations of being Diabolically Inspired and Possess'd Deluded Bewitched Blasphemers Rebels Traytors c. How monstrous and improbable then is it that I by opposing these Matters of Fact charg'd should write to confirm them against our selves And his following Words are most notoriously false viz. That he i. e. G. W. had not detected One False Quotation of all that I have brought out of their Books With what Conscience could this Person so confidently thus Assert That G. W. has not detected One False Quotation c. Either he has read my said Answer or he has not If he has read it he must be a shameful Man herein if he has not he must be guilty of great Folly and Injustice And farther to Detect his notorious and foul Falshood in this I 'll produce a few Instances of his many more false Quotations detected in my Answer Antidote p. 15.16 That one of the Orders given forth by their Yearly Meeting 1693. Commands that None shall carry Guns in their Ships This is prov'd a false Quotation in my Answer quoted 2. Antidote p. 17. That in the Answer to F. Bugg 's Impeachment they i. e. the Quakers would persuade us That All they have said against the Payment of Tythes was Only meant by them to the Popish Clergy but by no means against the Right of the Church of England to their Tythes This is plainly detected as a False Quotation as in my Answer 't is declared This is Partially and Wrongfully Stated Our Answer to F. Bugg plainly shews our Conscientious Dissatisfaction with Tythes in general and the forcing thereof now in this Gospel-Day by any Clergy whatsoever as not consistent with the Practice of Christ's Ministers or Testimony of divers Martyrs c. See Antidote p. 17 18 19 20 21 22 23. 3. Antidote p. 25 26. That G. Fox Professed and Avowed that he was equal with God that he Profess'd himself to be the Eternal Judge of the World Which is also a False Charge and Quotation against G. F. who being charg'd by his Persecutors with Professing himself to be equal with God Positively denies the Charge as not so spoken as that G. F. was equal with God but that the Father and the Son are one and that Christ and the Holy Spirit are equal with God Saul's Errand p. 5 6. Vid. Just Enquiry p. 12. 4. Antidote p. 35 36. Abusing the Scriptures by the contemptible Names of beastly Ware c. Which is false both in Charge and Quotation and over and over detected in Answer to his Author F. Bugg 5. Antidote p. 43. That G. Whitehead in his Serious Apology p. 49. prefers not only their Writings but their ex tempore Preachments and even All whatsoever they speak upon any account to the Holy Scriptures themselves This also is notoriously false both in Charge and Quotation as is manifest in my Answer Antidote p. 43. viz. He very perversly wrongs G. Whitehead in all these Expressions for there 's not a Word of Preferring our Writings to the Holy Scriptures much less of all whatsoever we speak thereto but a preferring the Holy Spirit and its Immediate Teaching In Man to the Letter of the Scripture and Preaching in the true Sense of the Spirit with Divine Power and Authority according as Christ did to the bare reading the Letter as the Pharisees did I may further add without offence or under-valuing the Holy Scripture or Godly Doctrine therein contain'd that I verily believe St. Paul and other Apostles Preaching in the Demonstration of the Holy Spirit and Power of Christ was of far greater Efficacy Power and Authority for the Converting People to Christ than the Priests reading their Writings or making a Trade of them as they do in these Days 6. Antidote p. 59 60. That they i. e. the Quakers give to themselves and to one another the most peculiar Titles of Christ as that of the Branch and the Star and the Son of God which he says are Attributed to G. Fox and which he takes to himself Quoting New Rome Arraign'd p. 33 34. And the Quakers Vnmask'd and New Rome unmask'd Referring the Reader to those Books of Fran. Bugg's which he has Quoted upon the Margent as he saith Here this Credulous Adversary has accepted and promoted Bugg's False Quotation and Charge against us though over and over detected as his Notorious Refuted Lies which this Adversary is as 't is told him in the Antidote so shamefully credulous of and that we positively deny giving those peculiar Titles of Christ to our selves or to one another as he falsly Prates and Bugg has been over and over Charg'd therewith and cannot Prove them i. e. that we give those said Titles either to G. F. or to one another and that G. Fox is not so much as mentioned in that Epistle of E. Burroughs out of which those Titles the Branch the Star and the Sun of Righteousness are taken which are peculiar and intended to Christ and no other Serious Reader these few Instances of our Adversaries false Quotation besides many more which are clearly Detected in my said Antidote in Answer to him I hope are sufficient to evince his Falshood in Asserting That Geo. Whitehead has not detected One false Quotation that he has brought out of our Books When the contrary is evident that he has both made and accepted many false even grosly false Quotations pretended out of our Books c. And if to detect such was the only proper Answer that could have been given as he says then he had that proper Answer at least in
Substance with God and by consequence Essentially Equal even to God I still in good Conscience deny the Assertion and such self-advancement of the Creature unto such Equality with its Creator whatever any among us has said of the Divine Spirit or Breath of Life which made Man a Living Soul as for the Equality thereof with God and as of his Being I deny that this was ever intended of the Creature Man that he was either one Being or Substance with God or Essentially Equal with God for that were to confound Created Beings with the Increated Tho' Man as made a Living Soul and created in the Image of God had in him something of that Divine Nature and Being which gave Him his Life and Being I really think I have sufficiently and briefly answered this matter in my Antidote in divers places being a reitterated charge of Blasphemy falsly against the Quakers that they so advance themselves as aforesaid to be One Person and Substance with God A body would think the Man should have proved these very words of the Charge upon us or else not so often repeat it with aggravations as he has shamefully done in such Expressions as these viz. that he does not think that any humane Government can be secure of Men in whose Power it is to scrue themselves up to such blasphemous heights of Enthusiasm which he deems the height of Madness which I took notice of and justly reprehended in my Antidote p. 87 88. And I dare further add in order to clear our Principle of Sinless Perfection as attainable through the Grace of God in Jesus Christ That although we own an Essential Equality between our Heavenly Father His Son and Holy Spirit and not such an Equality between the creature Man and his Creator yet such a nearness and likeness between the Heavenly Father and his Dear Children as perfection of Holiness and Purity if they attain to the fulfilling of these Doctrines Be ye Perfect or as some have it ye shall therefore be Perfect even as your Father which is in Heaven is Perfect Matt. 5.48 And be ye merciful as your Heavenly Father is merciful Luke 6.36 And every one that hath this Hope in him purifieth himself even as he is pure 1 John 3.3 And if any among us hath writ of them who are perfect in Christ Jesus being led by his Spirit as in that sense Equal I understand Equal only as like unto God or in Vnion with him being united unto him by his Spirit as he that is joined to the Lord is one Spirit Our own Principle and Distinction in these matters justly considered I do not think that either my self or any Friend whose sense I explain deserves Bedlam as the Snake would infer upon me p. 358. III. It 's a positive falshood that G. Fox and the rest of us do positively assert all these things charged on him and us before in the Snake or assent to his pretended Proofs thereof p. Ibid. Where does he or we positively assert of our selves that we are One Person or Substance with God I find not these words asserted but the contrary Neither is his Reprinting all his pretended Proofs in his Second Edition of the Snake any full Reply to my Answer wherein I detect his fallaciously Imposing such Words and Terms upon us as are none of ours nor agreeable to our Principles as in the before-mentioned and many others And as positive a Falshood it is That G. Whitehead has omitted all the Proofs in the Snake that is almost of the whole Book The Judicious or Serious Reader that shall peruse my said Antidote in Answer to the First Edition of the Snake may clearly see the Contrary But because quoth he the Quakers shall not complain of being thus put off I do intend to make a particular Reply and to follow G. Whitehead through every single Point that he touches for this End especially that this being the last cast of the Quakers and all the defence they have to make I may so plainly detect it as to leave them without Excuse and by the blessing to convince all of them except those who are resolved not to be persuaded though they were persuaded but hope to disarm them c. p. 358 359. Upon all which 't is observed First On the first part of these pretences and boastings How comes G. W's Answer either to need or deserve such a particular Reply or to be followed through every single Point that he touches If his Answer or said Antidote be no Answer but the name of an Answer and nothing to the purpose but shuffling c. as he hath already given judgment p. 355. tho' before conviction it seems 't is so much to purpose that it will make him some work if he still think it worthy to prosecute his intention upon and that through every single Point too Secondly He 's Egregiously mistaken to conclude 't is either the last cast of the Quakers or all the defence they have to make neither may I take upon me the sole defence of the Quakers so called nor do I so abound in my own sense as if no other were capable of making any further or other defence For God having diversities of Gifts hath raised up many in defence of his Gospel and Truth according to their several Gifts among us blessed be his Name and I hope he will raise up more faithful Witnesses Thirdly What detection or conviction this boasting Person can make or work upon us by his fallible and lying Spirit may be easily supposed How shall we believe that he can work or effect such great matters upon us by his scoffing at us about the Light and Infallibility as the Quaker Light and Quaker Infallibility Fourthly And by what Power or Force thinks he to disarm us of our Armour of Light or our Spiritual Weapons No no Neither he nor the Devil his Master the Prince of Darkness shall ever be able to disarm any one that believes in and sincerely obeys the Light of Christ amongst us who are true Children of the Light These his empty Boastings and fruitless Attempts will evaporate and vanish like Smoak Let God arise and his enemies be scattered Let them also that hate him flee before him as Smoak is driven away c. Psal. 68.2 3. and 37.20 IV. To his Alledging G. W. in his Answer to Satan Disrob'd bestows not two leaves upon the Discourse of Water Baptism nor attempts to answer so much as one single Objection or to remove one Stone of that Foundation upon which the outward Baptism is built p. 359. This is as frivolous and impertinent as many other his Reflections are false for he may see that upon that Subject I have bestowed five leaves in the Antidote p. 116 to 126. wherein his Arguments are detected and the Invalidity thereof and the great Stress he lays upon the Type discovered and the thing opened according to Scripture but his sign of Sprinkling Infants by him
Ordinances c. When the Apostle Paul decry'd the abrogated Priesthood and outward Ordinances did he thereby carry on the design of the Devil From the Rise of Popery all along the Apostacy to the time of the Reformation beginning did the Devil labour to beat down the Priesthood and outward Ordinances or to keep them up Ib. Knowing that Religion must needs fall with them What Religion must that be This shews the Religion the Snake contends for is built upon the Priesthood and outward Ordinances else it could not necessarily fall with them He has another Notion of Religion than the Apostle James as well as another Religion and according to him James 1.27 must be read Pure Religion and undefiled before God and the Father is this To keep up the Priesthood and outward Ordinances for if they fall Religion will fall with them Such as is his Religion such the Government also and Order he contends for viz. a Government that depends upon saying You to One calling Men Lord or Master who are not so taking off the Hat and Bowing For not to do these things is with him Pref. p. 15. a dissolving of all Government and order the Relations of King and People Husband and Wife Parents and Children Masters and Servants Which Notoriously False and Childish Assertion deserves to be Hiss'd out of the World For in the Instances of Government disolv'd in the Relation of King and People pray Reader consider have they been dissolv'd and run down by Thee and Thou not saying Master or Lord by not pulling off the Hat or Bowing or have they been run down and dissolved by Men who Practiced contrary to these things The Author of that Treasonable Piece in answer to Dr. King now Bishop of London-Derry in Ireland can say You to One can call Men Lord or Master who are not so can pull off his Hat and Bow yet has given a fair Specimen of his design to dissolve the Relation of King and People by running down the present Government And for the Instances of Relation between Husband and Wife Parents and Children Masters and Servants never was one of these Relations dissolv'd or run down through Obedience to the Precept of our Saviour but always by the Iniquity and Disobedience of those in these Relations who have Dispised the Precepts and cast off the Yoke of Christ. Ibid. That the Quakers at first left their Houses and Families to run about and Preach and cried down Riches when they had none Is notoriously false For the Quakers never left their Families to shift for themselves but always took due care of them which is evident in this in that their Families have not offered themselves to the care of the Parishes where they dwelt but on the contrary have defrayed their own Charge and paid their Lot in the Assessments for the Poor of the Church which our Adversary pretends Membership in But if I should examine how many Priests have spent their exactions in Pride Luxury and voluptuous Living and have left their Families to shift for themselves or to the Alms of their dissenting Neighbours the Number would not be very small Nor did the Quakers ever cry down Riches but the immoderate desire after and abuse of them This we practised then and the same now Pref. p. 24. The Quakers dispute against these viz. the outward Sufferings and Death of Christ and place the Merit and Satisfaction in the allegorical Sufferings and Blood of their Light within inwardly shed c. This Assertion of the Snake is not allegorically but litterally a Lye for we acknowledge the satisfaction made by Christ to his Father but we do deny that groundless and dangerous Notion of his having paid and his Father exacted that strict and rigorous Satisfaction by undergoing the self-same Punishment and Pains that the Damned suffer in Hell We own the Merit of his outward Death and Sufferings but dispute against the misapplication of that Merit to ungodly Men continuing impenitently in their Sins We own and believe that Men by continuing impenitently in their Sins do press as with sheaves the holy Spirit and by such their despite to the Spirit of Grace do grieve the good Spirit of God which he hath shed abroad upon the Hearts of Men in order to their Regeneration But have never said or believed that the Satisfaction made by Christ to the Father and the Merit thereof consisted in any allegorical Suffering and Blood of the Light within inwardly shed We own and believe that Men through obedience to the Spirit of Grace may come to have their Consciences sprinkled from dead Works to serve the living God and may thro' the Blood of the everlasting Covenant be made perfect in every good Work to do the Will of God through 〈…〉 But have never placed or believ●● 〈…〉 thereof did consist in such allegorica● 〈◊〉 and Sufferings as the Snake does insinua●●●●ainst us no more than the Apostle in the●● and other places of holy Writ where he directs Men to the word Christ in Them can be supposed to undervalue the outwa●d Death and Sufferings of Christ at Jerusalem And to place the satisfaction he made to the Father and the Merit of it to consist in these his spiritual appearances by the holy Spirit in the Hearts of Men. Pref. p. 29. George Fox was much more inconsiderable than A●●onia Bourignon and got none at the beginning to follow him but from among the poor and most ignorant of the Herd who have since swell'd to a rich numerous and a potent People overspreading these three Nations and stocking whole Plantations abroad And their Succors have taken Root both in Holland and Germany O! Excellent beginning tho' not enough desired increase Yet both beginning and increase doth in his shew the Servant like his Lord against whom it was objected John 2.48 Have any of the Rulers or Pharisees the Rich Great or Learned believed on him but this People who know not the Law and are cursed Herein the Snake shews his unity with those Blasphemous Opposers of Christ and also gives a Testimony for us that in beginning and increase we are like the Primitive Times of increasing Christianity Which tho' it is beyond the common Rule of Judging yet it is certainly true that by the things which are not God will bring to nought things that are And the mean and low who keep so in his Fear them he will exalt and them who seek first the Kingdom of Heaven and the Righteousness of it shall not fail to have all convenient things added for being Lord of Heaven he is the same over Earth and disposes it at his pleasure This many have experienced after all the fleecings and tearing to pieces of Estates and Families which we have suffered by the cruel hands of such who pretended love to our Souls So that we have none to whom to attribute our Riches Numbers or Might but the Secret Hand of divine Providence which first gave us being
And I firmly believe that if the Professors of Truth keep in the Possession of it the Kingdoms of this World will become the Kingdoms of God and of his Son Jesus Christ who in his smallest appearance as in the vision declared by the Prophet Dan. 2.31 32 33 34. breaks to pieces the seemingly strong and gay Combinations and Pretences of Men which shall oppose his Work in Men and will Blow them away as the Chaff of the Summer threshing Floor Pref. p. 31. Enthusiasm has been the root of the greatest Evils that have befallen the Church It is a perfect opposition to all Rule and Government And there can be no order kept where it is admited Thus Indefinitely and without distinction he brands Enthusiasm yet in the same Page allows it to be Divine admits the greatest flights and extasies of it And says The Higher the Better And in Sect. 22. p. 314 c. defining Enthusiasm to signifie Inspiration and saying it may mean a Good as well as an Evil Inspiration He takes some pains to prove from the Liturgy and Offices of the Church Service that the Church of England which he pretends to be of allows it pretends to it and prays for it Yet in Pref. p. 43. He says There is no Enthusiasm where there is not Pride Which being dressed in the Garb and Guise of Humility is literally the Devil Thus he fights against himself by owning and denying the same thing And not less in the Marks he gives to know that Enthusiasm which he calls Divine from that which he calls Diabolical The first Pref. p. 323. is that Enthusiasm or those Inspirations for he makes them Synonymous which are Divine fill us with Humility and withal a great Charity for others being more apt to have a good Opinion of them than of our Selves Now Reader I will shew thee that the Snake our Adversary is free from this first Mark of Divine Inspiration For as contrary as Hatred is to Love as Cruelty is to Mercy so is his Disdainful and Scornful Insulting and Scoffing which throughout his Book appears contrary to the Humility and Charity which the holy Spirit teacheth And it is in Disdain and Scorn where this Adversary p. 16. speaking of G. F. says it was a bewildring of his poor Vnderstanding And in p. 17. speaking of G. F. he says he had an immoderate degree of Dulness and lack of Vnderstanding as could hardly befall any thing in Humane Shape And in p. 150. speaking of G. F. he says But George Magus owned no other Holy Ghost than what was within himself of which he was the Possessor and Owner P. 42 43. Speaking to G. W. he says Scoffingly and Insultingly George hold up thy Face and look like a Man Come be brisk and tell me by yea and by nay Ibid. Alas poor George Is the Infallible Quakers dwindled down to a meer Gypsie Ah! George What a blessed Spirit wouldst thou have thought Satan These few instances may shew how far the Snake is from that Humility and Charity which himself makes the first and proper Mark of Divine Enthusiasm or Inspiration Charity he says Pref. p. 35. believeth all things that are good or can be well construed of another But himself is so far from this Charity that he misconstrues all things against us with set purpose to abuse us When he says Pref. p. 34. Hence We himself and Party dispise others and are apt to censure them even unto Hell he says true to the Shame of himself and them But when he adds The Quakers have damn'd all but themselves he says false and that it may appear he hath falsly charged us pray Reader consider the following Quotation taken from one of our Ancient Friends Isaac Penington in his Treatise Entituled An Answer to that common Objection against the Quakers that they condemn all but themselves which was writ early and reprinted with his Works Anno. 1680. where p. 310. of the first part of his Works He thus speaks The Protestant Churches as they are called in way of distinction from the Church of Rome the blessed Martyrs who suffered for the Testimony of a pure Conscience towards God and all the Worthies of the Lord in their several Generations who fought against the Scarlet Whore were accepted of God in their Testimony against Her and are not disowned by us but dearly owned and honoured therein He continues in giving Instances both of persons and things as Luther Hus Brute and Fox with whom we agree in these things as against deriving a Ministry from Rome and maintaining it by Tithes and denying Swearing c. And then adds p. 311. But all things were not discovered at once The Times were then dark and the Light small yet they being Faithful according to what was discovered were precious in the Lord's Eyes and what through Ignorance they err'd in the Lord winked at and overlooked being pleased with the Sincerity and Simplicity of Heart which he had stirred up in them towards himself Thus he as who please may read with more to the same purpose Now pray Reader consider whether this be Damning all but our selves or whether it be not of that Charity which the Snake hath made one Mark of Divine Inspiration And more Instances of this sort I could heap but that I aim to satisfie not cloy thee and therefore come to the Snake's Second sure Mark and which is a Mark of Diabolical Inspiration and that is Pref. p. 35. Heresie Instill'd contrary to the Truth of the Gospel Which as apply'd to us is begging the Question And the Charge is the same from the Church of Rome to the Church of England and from other Dissenters to her also So that this his Sure Mark does by such begging the Question as surely hit himself as others And therefore I shall let this Mark rest till I come to the Instances which he shall give of Heresies we hold contrary to the Truth of the Gospel and may then have opportunity to shew that the Snake is with the Papist as ready to bestow the name Heretick as I have shewn him to be Uncharitable Proud and Disdainful I come now to his third and last Mark Pref. p. 36. viz. of Schism upon which our Adversary mentions that of the Corinthians reproved by the the Holy Apostle 1 Cor. 12. where he says To speak with the Tongue of Men and Angels to understand all Mysteries c. To which the Snake adds Pref. p. 37. All this would signifie nothing to us if we keep not in the Vnity of the Body which is the Church Pref. p. 38. And be not content with our Station as Members tho' never so Eminent as an Eye or a Hand without making a Schism in the Body by withdrawing our due Subjection to the Head our Spiritual Governors who are the Principles of Vnity in the Body Pref. p. 39. And now Reader stay and admire That if even Miraculous Gifts were not a sufficient Pretence for any to
advance himself above his Bishop or withdraw from under his Government And the Snake gives us a Reason why this strict Subjection must hold Pref. p. 41. Because Corruptions in the Church are better amended by living in the Communion of the Church and there-by Exhorting Admonishing and Shewing Good Example to Reclaim Thus the Snake And Reader Let me now shew thee how in all this he hath combated the Reformation and thrown down the Church-Services as Schismatical which in Sect 22. he calls Divine Enthusiasm That I may shew this It hath been acknowledged by Members of the Church of England in Dispute with those of the Church of Rome That there is Possibility of Salvation in the Church of Rome She being truly a Church though Corrupt Now if so according to the Doctrine of the Snake the first Reformers from Popery how Eminent soever nay if endued with Miraculous Gifts had not sufficient Pretence to advance themselves Above their Bishop who being their Spiritual Governour and Head they did owe a due Subjection to him And this the Snake endeavours to enforce Pref. p. 40. That notwithstanding the Wickedness of the Priests and People of the Jews Yet the Holy Prophets sent from God set not up opposite Altars to the Altars of those wicked Priests nor invaded their Office Readers who are in Communion with the Church of England See your Advocate is gone to Rome in his Preface and to his Power hath struk at the Root of the Reformation not only here in England but throughout Europe By which Key we may open his meaning in Pref. p. 42. where he would be understood to have a Flaming Charity for the good of the Body and the Vnity of the Church And now for a Man that has in such large Characters Apologized for Rome and endeavoured to weaken the Reformation in the nullity of those Arguments on which it is partly built to be so much in Passion as in Page 189. he is with Josiah Coale for Reprinting in a piece of his what he calls A Sensless but bitter Libel against the Church of England written by A. S. a Papist is very odd it shews his Disposition to be very Uncertain by the Unsettledness of his Reason But hitherto I have only apply'd his Doctrine to the Reformation It 's true it fits not there but there may be some Excuse in that he might in hast not think of squaring his Doctrine by that Rule But then let 's Examine his Doctrine by his own Practice which being under his Daily Observation or else he is very forgetful it is not so likely to run Counter to that Yet such is this Man's blindness That Reader what he objects against us called Quakers and all other Dissenters from the Church of England for Instances of Schism are directly within the Line of his Practice For this doughty Champion who with so much Confidence in Page 336. does Demand Reparation in the Name of the Church of England did yet withdraw himself from his acknowledged due Subjection to his Spiritual Head and Guide his Bishop in not acknowledging of the present Government and has been more apt to Censure others than himself and to Divide than Heal which in Pref. p. 43. he saith We ought not Hence his Momus-like Disposition in Ireland And Hence the Occasion of the Warrant for his Apprehension while endeavouring to escape to France when at War with us in which Practices I doubt not but he is disowned by that Church as that Church must be acknowledged to be disowned by those who tho' in Corners set up private Altars against her Thus in Examination His private Practices run Counter to his publick Pretences which is a Mark of Hypocrisie to which more may be spoken anon But besides all this If Corruptions in a Church are best mended by living in the Communion of it and there by Exhorting Admonishing and Shewing Good Examples Does the Church of England give Liberty so to do to those that continue in her Communion If not what is this but to sham and deceive the unwary Reader But we are rather to take the account of his disposition towards us by the Character which he makes of 30 or 40 different Sects as he calls all Dissenters Pref. p. 43. that they are like the Spawn of the Viper And I cannot think they or he would like the Exhortation and Admonition of such Spawn Pref. p. 44. He advises to be willing chearfully to submit our selves to our Superiours both in Church and State Here he would again impose upon the Reader as if himself did both when in truth neither which if he did it might be hoped in Charity he would be more a Christian and a better Subject The Introduction considered HAving dispatched the Preface before I reply to the Book I shall here observe to thee Reader the Profaneness Hypocrisie and Injustice of this our Adversary in some few collected Instances that I may not postpone thy inquiry to a distinct survey of the whole And first for his Profaneness He doth in a stile not Grave or Serious but Light Airy Deriding and Scoffing treat of Matters most Grave and Serious at least herein equalling if not outdoing the Stage Hereby stirring up Levity in the Wild and Wanton and keeping the Reader from a Sober and Serious Consideration of things rather than make it his endeavour to convince Gain-sayers satisfie the Scrupulous reduce the Erronious propagate the Gospel or to bring Converts or Honour to the Church he pretends to be of And it is not to be imagined that Persons of solid Judgment Sobriety and a serious Sense of Religion should endure much less be taken with an attempt running counter to these purposes Of this sort is his whole 23 Sect. where in most Prophane Manner he redicules the Operations of the holy Spirit calling it p. 330. a mad Joy and p. 336. Enthusiastick Madness And of G. Fox says p. 330. he was a Liberal Cursing Prophet a Journey-man Shooe-maker the Ground and Occasion of whose Enthusiasm was Despair p. 331. So Ignorant p. 335. that he knew not before but God dwelt in a Church as Man does in a House so as to be locked up and to be no where else when he is there And that George Magus as he is pleased to call him owned no other holy Ghost than what was within himself of which he was the possessor and owner p. 150. And speaking to George Whitehead p. 42 43. he does in scoffing Mood bid him by yea and by nay hold up his Face be Brisk and look like a Man This with abundance more scatter'd throughout the whole Book He says p. 6. he is forced to now and then in answer to such sensless Arguments and Pretences as deserve no otherwise to be confuted And on this account it is that of Dissenters in general he can afford no better Character or Simile than that they are like the Spawn of the Viper Now sober Reader pray consider Do
That we have been every where spoken against Hence it appears that great Zeal and much Pains hath been taken to blast our Reputations which Increased not by being Neglected I shall now as briefly speak of that Zeal and Pains which hath been imployed against our Persons and that in both the Branches of Life and Liberty for in both these the Fist of Wickedness hath smote us Many of our Brethren have died by hard and cruel Imprisonments and some by harder and more cruel Blows the Blood of many hath been spilt even at our Religious Meetings and in the Streets Nay such hath been the Zeal imploy'd that by Military Force they have endeavoured to Dragoon some of us to Church which whether learn'd from France or taught them it may do well to consider And what Personal Violence could not do hath been attempted to be done by crowding us into Prisons Holes and Dungeons Suing some to Premunires and Banishment And when all this Zeal and Pains hath proved ineffectual they have not Neglected to employ them both upon our Estates that if by any means our Increase might be prevented And here many Branches of Pecuniary Penalties were Inflicted some for going to our Meetings some for Preaching some for the Meeting-House some for not going to their Meetings 20 l. per Mensem Sequestrations of whole Estates and such like Upon all which Pretences many Dismal and Unchristian Seizures have been made whereby abundance have been Impoverished and many Ruined in their Estates Thus Reader Desolation hath ecchoed in all our Quarters and possibly had taken place had it not been prevented by the Lord and of one or other of these Severities many Thousands of us have tasted for our Consciencious Dissent and that not once or twice only No we were not so Neglected but were Pursued a long Series of time Thus Reader our Enemies if we were not Considerable have made very Considerable Havock of us And had it not been that the safe Retreat of the Faithful was the Power of the Lord who covered our Heads in the Day of Battle we must have fainted and fallen long ago But Praised be his Name saith my Soul in a Thankful Remembrance of that Day The Lord did afford the Comforts of his Holy Spirit which was both Strength and Encouragement to us and did Support and give us Boldness to meet and bear whatsoever it pleased him to permit Men to do against us By these short Hints Reader thou wilt plainly see that our Adversary stumbles at the Threshould makes his entrance like Satan with a Lye in that there are not any People in England distinguish'd by a Name against whom more Furious hardly the like Zeal and Pains hath been imployed than against us of which I have been unwillingly Obliged by his Lye to give the foregoing Account Page 2. It is wholly for the Love of Souls that I have entred into this Contoversie It is not likely Nay it is not possible that it can be a true Christian Love to Souls for their Preservation from Error Or if in Error for their Reduction and Restoration that will deceive with Lyes those he pretends to preserve and abuse by the like those whom he pretends to Reduce There can be no Lying for God's sake nor bringing of Men to his Kingdom by that which fits them for the Devil who was a Lyar from the beginning Ib. p. 2. I name many of their Principal Leaders because I have great Charity for the Generality of the Ignorant sort of them some of whom I know to be very Honest and Well-meaning Men and Devout in their Way That he names some who for Charity and and Good Works have been Eminent among us is very true the far greater part of whom are at rest from their Labours having died in the Lord And the Lot of such often is to be abused as now by this feigned Charitable Man who while he says of the Generality of the Quakers that they are Ignorant is also forc'd to acknowledge that they are Honest and Well-meaning Now Reader how Hypocritical is this his pretended Charity or his Assertion which I have already notic'd p. 23. foregoing There he says Our Numbers are Formidable But here the Generality are Ignorant but Honest and Well-meaning What Terror What Frights can be justly grounded on the Increasing Numbers of Ignorant but Honest and Well-meaning Men From such as these there is no guilded Hypocrisie as in the Snake to be feared no Dishonesty or Ill-Meaning to be expected Ibid. p. 2. And therefore it is Chiefly for the sake of these that I detect the Errors of their Leaders and Ministers It cannot be Chiefly for the sake of these for those this Adversary calls Leaders and Ministers were more known to the Generality of Quakers in their Lives Conversations Doctrines and Writings than to the Snake The Generality of the Quakers looked and do look on them and their Actions with a Good and Honest not an Evil Eye do deservedly Interpret in well-meaning all those Now none of these the Snake can be supposed to do for many of them he knew not their Lives Conversations and Doctrines tho' their Writings he may but not bringing Honesty and Well-meaning with him which he does acknowledge the Generality of the Quakers have he hath belied them in all these and if he hath any Degree of Reason left he could not hope to impose upon the Generality of the Quakers contrary to their certain Knowledge Ibid. p. 2. Though they are generally thought the most Ignorant and Contemptible Sect amongst all our Dissenters Yet since I have perused their Books and convers'd with some of them I have much alter'd my Opinion as to that His Opinion is indeed alter'd very soon for in the forgoing Paragraph the Generality of the Quakers he said were Ignorant but Honest and Well-meaning But that Opinion being gone let us see what his next Opinion will be Ibid. p. 2. I find them to inherit the Hypocrisie as well as Heresie of the Arrians and Socinians who were the most subtile and hardest to be detected of any of the Christian Hereticks And the Quakers do defend themselves with the same distinctions and even add to their Arts as you shall see Here Reader thou see'st our Adversary will have us to have added to the Arts of the most Subtile Hereticks and yet in Contradiction to this he says Page 32. that the Long and Intricate Mazes of the Romanists in their pretences to Infallibility requires no little Skill to be able to follow them through their various Subterfuges And then adds But the Simplicity of our Quakers has deprived them of every one of these Helps Great is the Hypocrisie as well as Contradiction of this Man who one while will Represent us the most subtile in distinction and hardest to be detected of all Hereticks another while so simple as to be deprived of all the helps that others have And yet as simple as in pag. 32. he
says we are in pag 3. he says We speak Sense and English have in a great measure reform'd from the Errors of the Primitive Quakers Thus as his Mood Humor and Occasion Changes we are with him either Subtile or Simple speak Sense or Non-sense Blasphemous to the hight or in some measure reform'd But after all the Ipse Dixit of an Enemy is neither good Argument nor Conclusion as will hereafter appear in the examination of the several Heads of Doctrine P. 3. Many of them have really gone off from that hight of Blasphemy and Madness which was professed among them at their first setting up in the Year 1650. and so continued till after the Restauration Anno. 1660. What the Snake doth acknowledge is at present Sober and Christian in us is really no other than what he calls at our first setting up the hight of Blasphemy and Madness for the colourable Pretences of these are only the spurious Brood of his own ill-forming Fancy and as bad joyning Fingers which have been imploy'd in Mangling the Books of our Friends in his phraise not unlike Rats and Moths Ibid. p. 3. Therefore they endeavour all they can to make it appear that their Doctrine was Vniform from the beginning and that there has been no alteration And that endeavour has not been in vain it having been often made so to appear Ibid. p. 4. I would perswade them openly and above-bord to Renounce George Fox and their first Reformers and all their Blasphemous and Heretical Doctrine Before this be done two things are necessary First to examine whether what our Adversary calls Blasphemy and Heresie be so or not and then to know what he would perswade us to for the first hard names are no Proof For in the Way which some called Heresie the Apostle did Worship God and our Saviour himself The Green Tree was call'd a Blasphemer And for the Last it 's not Good or Safe to be at all much less easily perswaded to forsake Truth for Lying Vanities Ibid. p. 5. And I must say it they give the same Proof for their extraordinary Inspirations as the Quakers do that is none at all but their own confident averring of it And I must say that our first Reformers from Popery having urged for their Separation the Authority of the holy Spirit and being asked for Proof of that Authority could give no other but what in the Language of our Adversary is none at all but their own confident averring of it The Apostle Paul when questioned by the Corinthians for a Proof of Christ speaking in him did not evade the question nor direct to an impertinent Solution of it when he advised them Search your selves try your selves know you not your own selves how that Jesus Christ is in you except you be Reprobates 2 Cor. 13.5 This Proof the Quakers also give and that with reason for the publick Spirit of God privately working in the Hearts of Men is only able to give those in whom it does so Work evidences of its proper effects The Apostle is positive to the same purpose 1 Cor. 2.11 The things of God knoweth no Man but by the Spirit of God And all Inspiration of the holy Spirit will I doubt not be owned to be some things of God and of these no Man can make a right Judgment but by the Spirit of God Which who want it is no wonder that by such this be call'd as by the Snake no Proof but a confident averring of it Though I doubt not but the Sober Reader will have another sense of this Matter Ibid. p. 5. Now I would beseech Mr. Penn who has more Wit than all the rest of his Party to let us know what ground he had for leaving the Church of England more than Muggleton What Muggleton's ground was is not now our Business to examine and what W. Penn's was he hath often declared many Years ago which yet if I should here repeat the Snake might possibly mistake in Judging of it as it is possible he may also in the judgment he pretends to have of Wit Nay supposing it true that W. P. hath more Wit than all the rest of the Quakers yet this Snake not having had distinct Knowledge of every Quaker and of every Degree of their Wit was not capable of more herein than to give some Testimony of his Confidence not Judgment Ibid. p. 5. Why should we trust the Light within him or G. Fox rather than the Light within Lodowick Muggleton W. P. and G. F. did never direct or desire Men to trust the Light within them but have constantly directed Men to trust in the Light of Jesus Christ which is given to each Man for himself and is a sufficient Guide to the true Knowledge and Worship of God notwithstanding all that Men may speak against it Ibid. p. 5. Has Lodowick wrought no Miracles to prove his Mission No more hath G. Fox or W. Penn. To which I may add No more hath the Church of England nor the Snake in the Grass unless we account that for one Miracle in the Snake when he at Billingsgate run away from the Messenger Of which more in its place Are they G. F. W. P. very sure that they are in the right So is Muggleton If the Snake be not very sure that he is in the right he hath but an intention to deceive when he calls others into Communion with him Are they Schismaticks So is he And so is the Snake and by the Snake's Doctrine so is the Church of England as I have shewn p. 15 16 17. foregoing Are they above Ordinances If they be I know not but that we the Quakers are not I know For we own and use Preaching and Praying which the Snake owns to be Ordinances Is he against distinct Persons in the Godhead So are they Distinction in the Godhead we own according to Scripture but think the word Person too Gross to express it Is he against all Creeds So are they It it false we own the Matter contain'd in the Creed called the Apostles Does Muggleton deny all Church Authority So do they So does the Snake that does not please him But that we do not the Snake hath disprov'd himself as see Pag● 61. Yet does he require the most absolute Submission to what himself Teaches So does th● Snake But we do not so but like the Apostles commend our Testimony to the Conscience c. 2 Cor. 4.2 Does he Damn all the World and all since the Apostles So do they So does the Snake counting all others as the Spawn of the Viper Does he make a dead Letter of the Holy Scripture and resolve all into his own private Spirit So do they 'T is false we reject all private Spirits acknowledge the Scriptures to have been writ by Divine Inspiration and to contain a Declaraion of the Will of God and do refer to the publick Spirit of God for the understanding of them Ibid. p. 6. These are Twin
said Lord what wilt thou have me to do Which shews his inward sense of Mind But the Apostle Rom. 7.9 is large in the account of the Work of his Regeneration and he does acknowledge he was alive without the Law once But when the Commandment came Sin revived and I died Which plainly shews the Command was inward and it was hard for Paul to kick against this Command which did thus slay him as in the 11th verse Our Adversary does acknowledge that the Pricks there are to be understood the Power of Christ. And this Power it was Acts 2.37 That prickt them at the heart who were witnesses of the sheddings abroad of the Spirit at the time of Pentecost And of this Power David speaks Psal. 73.21 Thus my heart was grieved and I was pricked in my reins Whence thus in short Paul a zealous Man and a Persecutor is by the Power of Christ let see that he was opposing his Power in his Saints by such Persecution At this in the Apostle's language Sin revived i. e. the sense of it whereby he saw his guiltiness and then he died from any further Life in it And whether this be not a heart work all experienced Readers may judge Ibid. p. 12. Besides they are in great confusion and contradictions amongst themselves concerning their Notion of the Light within denying and affirming backwards and forwards as you may see in Mr. Tho. Crisp his just and lawful Tryal of the Foxonian Quakers Reader This is one of those Instances wherein the great Injustice of this adversary appears in that he takes this false Charge from a Book writ against us by an open Enemy and takes no notice of any reply by us Which was largely and fully given to this Adversary by our Friend Ed. Penington And if after the same manner I should object and say The Church of England are in great Confusions and Contradictions amongst themselves in their Notion of the Trinity which has been abundantly treated of here of late affirming backwards and forwards and recommend for proof of this some Book disowned by that Church the Proof were much the same Or if I should object and say They are in great confusion and contradiction in their Notion of any other Article and bring for proof Harding Stapelton or any of the Romish Church who being Adversaries have so affirmed having no regard to the disallowance of the first or answers to the last I might deservedly be accounted a confident and prejudic'd but not a fair or reasonable Man Yet Reader this is the practice of this Snake with us SECT II. Shewing that we do not make our Souls of the same Person and Substance with God nor aspire to an Equality with him I Shall here consider and reply to his Second and Third Sections together the Charge being the same and the distinction unnecessary For in his mode of speaking a Sameness of Person and Substance imply an Equality concerning which before I procede to the Quotations in the Snake I shall observe to thee Friendly Reader That having in the beginning of the foregoing Section given a brief but real and true account of our Scriptural Belief concerning The Light of Christ in Men. Shewing that the Soul of Man being subjected thereunto he may by the guidance and assistance thereof without it he cannot attain unto Salvation I say having shewn thus much concerning our belief herein it is impossible that we so believing as we do should make our Souls to use his phrase of the same Person and Substance with God or Aspire to an Equality with him Our Friends according to Holy Writ have frequently said and writ and may safely That those who by walking in the Light are become Children of it are such for whom our Saviour Jesus Christ did pray to his Father John 17.21 22 23. That they all may be one as thou Father art in me and I in thee That they also may be one in us That they may be one even as we are one I in them and thou in me that they may be made perfect in one and that the world may know that thou hast sent me and hast loved them as thou hast loved me This Oneness in the Holy Spirit our Friends have pressed and contended for in Opposition to the hurtful belief that had too much prevailed upon Men of an imagined Distance of God from Man at this Day and that Man was now no more to expect the Revelation of the Holy Spirit without which our Saviour hath testified Mat. 11.27 And no Man knoweth the Son but the Father neither knoweth any Man the Father but the Son and he to whomsoever the Son will reveal him This testimony of Jesus Christ with many more to the same purpose do shew the certainty of Revelation as in many others the absolute necessity of it is shewn First By our Saviour who saith John 12.50 And I know that this Commandment is Life Everlasting and the Apostle 2 Cor. 13.5 Know ye not your own selves that Jesus Christ is in you except you be Reprobates And for our acknowledging to and witnessing of the truth of these Testimonies declared in Holy Writ have we met with great opposition and misrepresentation of which Reader there follows now divers instances in these Sections of the Snake's which he thus begins p. 13. Thou sayest says G. Fox to his Opponet Great Mystery p. 247. Christ doth not dwell in them Personally Doth not Christ dwell in his Saints as he is in the Person of the Father the Substance Reader This our Adversary gives for a quotation from G. Fox his Great Mystery and that we might see at what he carps he puts it in Large Black Characters which yet are not blacker than his Envy and Injustice which will appear thus First In that he hath left out the Priests Words which are unsound and unscriptural Secondly In that he hath left out the beginning and end of G. Fox his Answer For thy more certain knowledge of which I subjoin first the Priest's Words and then G. Fox his Answer Priest The Scriptures are the Word except y●u dare to deny Christ is God Let the Word of God meaning the Scripture dwell in you richly To this G. Fox thus Answers So he makes the Scripture Christ and God and he doth not say Let Christ dwell in you but means the Scripture and God dwells in you The Apostle saith Let Christ Dwell in your hearts by faith and God will dwell in you But thou sayst Christ doth not dwell in Them Personally Doth not Christ dwell in his Saints as he is in the Person of his Father the Substance And are they not of his Flesh and of his Bone Here Reader thou mayst see that the plain meaning and drift of G. Fox's words are to assert and maintain that Spiritual Oneness of which I have been speaking and shewing that Christ prayed that his Followers might witness and not to make the Soul of the same Person
and Substance with God as the Snake suggests But to proceed We have found the Snake biting off the Beginning and End of G. Fox's words in the former Quotation in the next place we shall find him false quoting him But here he is pleased to give the Priest's words truly as they stand p. 13. thus There is a kind of infiniteness in the Soul but it cannot be infiniteness in it self Against this G. Fox disputes And no kind of infiniteness will serve his turn but infiniteness in himself which is the Infiniteness of God alone For he only has Infinity in himself as not being given by any other Thus the Snake's Remark and now his Quotation Is not the Soul says G. Fox without Beginning Hath this a Beginning or Ending And is it not infinite in it self and more than all the World This the Snake gives for a Quotation from G. Fox's Great Mystery p. 90. when as by the following will appear they are only Sentences standing at considerable distance in that Book and packt together in his and being so packt by him are urged to prove what G. Fox never said The place in Great Mystery is thus Is not the Soul without Beginning coming from God returning unto God again who hath it in his hand Which hand goes against him that does evil which throws down that which wars against it And Christ the Power of God the Bishop of the Soul which brings it up into God which came out from him Hath this viz. the Power he means a Beginning or Ending And is not this viz. the Power as before infinite 〈◊〉 it self and more than all the World Thus G. Fox the meaning of whose words is no other than thus Christ the Power of God and Bishop of the Soul who can only bring the Soul into acceptance with God is infinite in his Power and greater than all the World which plain sense of the place is vastly different from the perversion of this Nibler The Snake's next Quotation in p. 14. He makes from Great Mystery p. 91. and gives it thus Christ brings the Soul up into God from whence it came whereby they come to be one Soul This like the Last is miserably false quoted The place in Great Mystery standing thus So every one being turned to the Light which Christ the Second Adam hath enlightned them withal they shall see Christ the Bishop of their Souls the Power of God which is immortal and brings the Immortal Soul in to the Immortal God Christ the Sanctification who sanctifies their Bodies and Spirits and brings the Soul up into from whence it came whereby they become one Soul Thus G. Fox who herein is very plain shewing how the Work of Regeneration is began and carried on till the Soul arrive at that Spiritual Marriage-Union and Oneness for which our Saviour prayed that the Saints might witness The Snake's next Quotation p. 14. is from Great Mystery p. 229. Thus Who are come up into the Bishop Christ are one Soul To which he goes on and adds tho' cut off by this Snake They know the hand of God which the Soul lives in And it is doubtless very true for whosoever through obedience to the Holy Spirit comes to be one in Christ do certainly know his Power by which that Work is wrought and in which they live The Snake's next Quotation in p. 14. is from Great Mystery p. 273. thus It is not horrid Blasphemy to say the Soul is a part of God for it came out of him and that which came out of him is of him Of this the Snake says Fox does not say that the Soul came from God that is God Created it But that it came of God as a part of God his Substance Person and Essence But it is very false for G. Fox does not so say nor does his words import more than that it is created by God and the Last words which next follow and which the Snake hath bit off do shew as much For G. Fox saith it rejoyceth in him and so certainly every regenerated Soul does But for further proof that G. Fox did not mean more or other than that the Soul was created and that such was his belief see in the same Book p. 337. where speaking of the Soul his words are these God breathed into Man the Breath of Life and he became a living Soul who hath all Souls in his hand and the Soul is Immortal and Christ the Bishop of it is Immortal and God hath it in his hand which goeth against him that doth evil whose hand is Immortal But Man transgressing the Command of God the Soul lies in Death So Christ is the Bishop of the Souls and they that come to know Christ their Souls rejoice in God their Saviour Luke 1. Here G. Fox hath very fully and expresly declared his Judgment in words unexceptionable to the Cavils of the Snake and contrary to his false insinuations Now in that I have brought another Quotation in the same Book to put out of doubt G. Fox's meaning in the former I have herein used a rule which the Snake lays down p. 195. viz. To hear G. Fox explain himself in other places of the same Book The Snake's next Quotation p. 14. is from Great Mystery p. 100. where he hath only taken these words which I take to be wrong printed of a passage Is not this of God's Being when in the Book it self it is thus And is not that which came out from God which God hath in his hand taken up into God again which Christ the Power of God is the Bishop of is not this Divine Life of the Soul of God's being By the context of which words it is plain G. Fox means no more than as is above observed from p. 337. The Snake's next Quotation p. 14. is from Great Mystery p. 248. Whence the Snake does but not fully give the Priest's words which in that Book are these Priest It is a false thing to say Christ's Person is in Man To which the following answer at which the Snake cavils is made by G. Fox which is as much as to say None are of his Flesh or of his Bone nor eat it nor had his Substance From which words I think nothing is plainer than that the Answer is Scriptural and the sense of it Spiritual as see Ephes. 5.30 32. John 6.63 The Snake's next Quotation in p. 14. is from Great Mystery p. 207. in which he hath not given the Priest's Words nor but part of G. Fox's Answer but I shall give both for the greater evidence of Truth Priest God hath a Christ distinct from all other beings whatsoever whether they be Spirits or Bodies G. Fox God's Christ is not distinct from his Saints nor their Bodies for he is within them nor distinct from their Spirits for their Spirits witness him And God was in Christ reconciling the world to himself who is the head of every Creature and there is not
we were to the Height Blasphemous and Mad. For the proof of this G. Fox's Great Mystery is quoted oftner than any other Book But the Modern Quakers are abated c. and for proof of this G. Fox's Great Mystery is quoted oftner than any other Book So that the same Book shall answer contrary purposes and it is only owing to his Viperine Love or else from that Book he might have attempted to prove us any thing but what we are But his Malice is seen and dispised Ibid. p. 26. I have before quoted Mr. Penn upbraiding the Church of England as opposers of perfection and rediculing us for confessing our selves Sinners and imploring God's mercy And I have in answer to it p. 41. shewn that W. Penn neither upbraids nor ridicules the Church of England for confessing of sin and imploring God's mercy But he speaks against sinning and confessing confessing and sinning and so to go on from seven to seventy this He and this all good Men must speak against because it is against the Law and Will of God Ibid. p. 26. Now hear G. Fox 's Great Mystery p. 101. It is the Doctrine of Devils that preacheth that Men shall have sin and be in a Warfare so long as they be on the earth What can it be other than that Because we know not only from what was promised but by the fruits of true Faith that it giveth victory over the World And it 's impossible for any Men to be Victors over Sin while they are in bondage to it Ibid. p. 26. A quotation from Great Mystery p. 111. They that pretend coming to God and Christ out of Perfection they be in Error And it is doubtless true for there is no coming to God through Christ whilst in sin and according to this God by his Prophet calls to the House of Israel to put away their sins Then come let 's reason together But he would not reason with them while they were led captive with the Love of their Iniquities Ibid. p. 26. From Great Mystery p. 231. All who come to Christ they come to perfection 'T is very true for out of Christ I am sure there is none Ibid. Great Mystery p. 231. They attain to perfection in the Life of God There is no other way to attain it than through that Life which is the Light of Men. Ibid. Great Mystery p. 271. For who are sanctified have perfect Unity perfect Knowledge perfect Holiness Who are sanctified are in Christ in the Apostle's phrase have put on Christ and who have him have perfect Unity Knowledge and Holiness Ibid. Great Mystery p. 281. The Life of the Saints is Christ not sinful at all The Evangelist hath testified of the Life of Christ that it is the Light of Men And the Apostle says when Christ who is our Life c. Col. 3.4 And this Life Christ is not sinful at all And I do hope that the Snake will not be so impudently Blasphemous as to say of this Spiritual Appearance and Life of Christ in Man as the Jews said of him while he dwelt on the Earth John 9.24 As for this Man we know that he is a Sinner Snake p. 26. William Shewen a great Quaker Preacher in his Treatise concerning Thoughts and Imaginations Printed 1685. p. 25. represents a Quaker as Meeker than Moses Stronger than Samson c. The Snake does here grosly pervert W. Shewen's words which by the comparison he uses are only to shew How that a Christian by following of Christ the Light the Saviour of the World and Captain of Salvation may be brought to the Stature of a perfect Man in Christ. And least the Comparison should stumble or offend any he adds Least thou should stumble at these sayings consider that John was the greatest Prophet born of a Woman yet the least in the Kingdom of Heaven is greater than he Matt. 11.11 Ibid. p. 26. Their great Scribe T. Elwood in his answer to G. Keith 's Narrative 1696. p. 202. takes upon him to justifie G. Whitehead for denying that there is continual need of Repentance upon this ground that the Quakers are free from all Sin and therefore have not continual need of Repentance It is false he did not justifie G. W. upon this ground Tho. Ellwood's words are these G. W's meaning only was that there is no continual need of Repentance from a necessity of continual sinning for where true Repentance is wrought and the Fruits of it brought forth it is attended with a real forsaking of Sin and Transgression and this is unto Salvation never to be repented of Ibid. p. 26 27. Edw. Borrough's the mighty Pillar of the Quakers next to the Old Fox determines positively p. 32. of his Works Printed 1672. That God doth not accept of any where there is any failing or who do not fulfil the Law and doth not answer every demand of Justice I suppose a main reason why the Snake is offended with E. B's so saying is because himself has so many failings does not fulfil hardly any part of the Law and answers few or no Demands of Justice But be that as it will E. B. for his so saying hath produced good Authorities viz. 1 John 3.8 1 Pet. 2.9 which if the Snake can refute let him Ibid. p. 27. I could heap up many more Quotations to the same purpose but these will suffice till answered That 's now done and thy deceit and falshood in perverting and mangling our Books is herein in some measure detected and laid open and therefore shall proceed to his 4th Section SECT IV. Concerning our Belief of Immediate Revelation BY what I have already said in the foregoing Sections concerning the beginning and progress of the Work of God in Man how that it is wrought by the Operations of the Holy Spirit It may be well seen what Immediate Revelation it is of which we speak and what we mean by it viz. the Influences and Operations of the Holy Spirit which the Snake dare not deny but owns that in some sense they may be called Revelations and immediate too p. 27 28. which according to the Apostle's Doctrine Col. 1.27 Is Christ in you the Hope of Glory And we do say that the first appearances of Christ immediately by his Spirit in Men is as himself hath said John 16.8 to reprove the World of Sin c. This as it is truly and properly Immediate Revelation So in this degree it is universally given to Men during the day of their visitation in order that they might know the Masters Will. Snake p. 28. But the Holy Prophets and Apostles had Revelations of a much higher Degree than this viz. To foretell things to come to work Miracles to go with particular Messages from God 'T is very true their Degrees of Revelation were much higher but differ'd not in Nature and so it is at this Day For such whom Christ doth now Prepare Fit Furnish and Qualify with and by his Holy Spirit and
send them forth in the Work of the Ministry their Degrees of Immediate Revelation are much higher than that Degree of Immediate Revelation which I have above spoken of And in these higher Degrees of Revelation God may give One to Prophesy or foretell things to come and send Another with a Message as shall seem good in his Sight and all this by the Immediate Revelation of the same Holy Spirit which reproves the World of Sin tho' in a Higher Degree and by the Higher Degrees of this Immediate Revelation it may please God by his Servants for God hath not in his revealed Will declared that he would not to work Miracles But as his Ministers at this Day have no New Gospel to Preach so it is not necessary that the Work of the Ministry should be commonly attended with such external Credentials if so I may call Miracles Ibid. p. 28. And to this G. F. pretended even to Outward Visions and Revelations as in his Blasphemous Journal particularly upon a High Mountain in Yorkshire where he tells of his receiving Commission to Preach That G. F. had Visions and Revelations some of which might be Outward and did receive a Commission from God to Preach he hath given more ●nd better Proofs than the Snake hath that G. F's Journal is Blasphemous For of this I find no Proof but the Snak's own confident averring of it But among the Proofs of G. F's having received Commission to Preach none of the smallest are the many who instrumentally by him were turned from Darkness to Light and from the Power of Satan to the Power of God To which Power of God as they did attend and grow up in they were the Living Seals of his Ministry And for the Visions and Revelations which G. F. hath declared he had there are none of them that are repugnant to the Holy Scriptures but are consistent with and agreeable to the special Manifestations of God to his Children mentioned therein which nothing that is Blasphemous can be Nay further God hath promised Joel 2.28 That in the pouring forth of his Spirit He would give Prophecy Dreams and Visions and that it is fulfilled in the Gospel Dispensation the Holy Apostle Peter hath testified Acts 2.16 Ibid. p. 21. Fox does plainly distinguish betwixt the Ordinary Experiences of the Inward Operations of the Spirit of God upon our Hearts and the being sent Immediately from God with such a Message as the Prophets and Apostles had And this plain Distinction of G. F's is warranted from Scripture it being wholly in the degrees of Operation but the Holy Spirit which does so diversly Operate is the same The Faith of the Woman cured of a Bloody Issue Mat. 9.20 was begotten in her by a degree of the Operation of the Holy Spirit and by a much greater Degree of the Operation of the same Holy Ghost Philip was bid Acts 8.29 Go near and joyn thy self to this Chariot And abundance of Instances of these kinds might be produced in Holy Writ which do as plainly distinguish as any of us can betwixt the Ordinary and Extraordinary Inward Operations of the Holy Spirit upon our Hearts yet both truly and properly Immediate Ibid. p. 29. These are his Words And shew plainly what he meant by Immediate Revelation and how it distinguish'd him from the Professors Yes Snake it is very plain what G. F. meant by Immediate Revelation when he asked Four or Five Priests Journal p. 83. Whether any one of them could say he ever had the Word of the Lord to go and speak to such or such a People viz. that this is a Higher Degree of the Inward Operation of the Holy Spirit than that by which it Reproves the World of Sin This Higher Degree of Immediate Revelation none of those Priests could say they had had and therefore might well be deem'd such of whom the Prophet says They run and the Lord never sent them And to G. F's Question foregoing the Priest made no proper answer when he said He could speak his experiences Because every operation of the Holy Spirit does give some experience to the Heart in which it works And if a Man thereby reproved of Sin be obedient to that reproof he shall witness a forsaking that for which he was so reproved And this is a good Degree of Experience But this Experience barely is no call to the Ministry To which those whom Christ doth Choose Prepare Fit Furnish and Qualifie as it is by a higher Degree of the Inward and Immediate Operations of His Holy Spirit so it does distinguish them from those who can only speak of Experiences as is above declared Ibid. p. 29. And he Vouches this by a company of Vile and Sensless Miracles to which he pretends in his Journal How shews the Snake that the Miracles mentioned in G. F's Journal are Vile and Sensless They are not therefore so because an Enemy says it And yet he has given no other reason And now having gain'd what he meant by Revelation and Immediate Revelation I will shew you that he attributes it not only to his own Worthiness but to the Quakers in General They are says he in his Great Mystery p. 242. in the same Power Understanding Knowledge and Immediate Revelation from Heaven that the Apostles were in There is no dificulty to gain either what G. F. did mean or any of us do mean by Revelation it being in short this 1 Cor. 2.11 The things of God knoweth no Man but by the Spirit of God And whosoever doth know and understand the Gospel of Christ which is Rom. 1.16 The Power of God unto Salvation must receive that knowledge and that understanding by Immediate Revelation from the same Spirit from which the Apostles had theirs The Apostles have declar'd that themselves did receive their Knowledge of the things of God by it and that without this Spirit no Man can know them Yet we do not from hence say nor hath G. F. said that the Gospel of Christ is not to be understood but by the same Degree of Power Understanding Knowledge and Immediate Revelation which the Apostles were in or that himself or any other Quaker as the Snake does falsly suggest are in that same Degree in which the Apostles were The Apostle Peter was in the same Power Understanding Knowledge and Immediate Revelation when he gave Testimony to the Divinity of our Saviour Mat. 16.16 Thou art Christ the Son of the Living God in which he was when he said Acts 2.22 23. Ye Men of Israel hear these Words Jesus of Nazareth a Man approved of God among you by Miracles Wonders and Signs which God did by him in the midst of you as ye your selves also know him being delivered by the Fore-knowledge and Counsel of God ye have taken and by wicked hands have crucified and slain c. But I suppose the Snake will hardly affirm he was in the same Degree of Power c. And after all it is false in
the Snake to say that G. F. said this of his own Worthiness as he floutingly stiles him or of the Quakers in General for G. F. does neither mention himself in Particular nor the Quakers in General But after the words before quoted by the Snake adds That understand the Gospel Instead of which words he hath falsly added as above Ibid. p. 29. Quoted from Great Mystery p. 241. Are not ye in the Presumption and Usurpt Authority to Preach or to Teach that have not the Immediate Revelation as the Apostles had Yes Doubtless they do run when they are not sent of God to Preach the Gospel Who before they Teach others the Things of God are not themselves taught them by the holy Spirit Ibid. p. 29. quoted from Great Mystery p. 213. Thou canst not know the Scriptures but by the same Degree of the Spirit that the Prophets and Apostles had The Snake hath here altered the Form of G. F's Words which as they stand are Thou canst not know Scripture c. And it is plain that by the Error of the Press all is left out for it ought to be Thou canst not know all Scripture c. And to shew plainly that G. F. did so write and intend I will produce p. 212. where speaking to the same Adversary upon the same subject he thus saith every Man that hath a Measure of the Spirit of God in the least Measure or Degree it is infallible and so far they may Teach infallibly and know Scriptures but they cannot know all Scriptures but as they attain to the full Measure of the Spirit of the Prophets and Apostles Ibid. p. 30. Quoted from Great Mystery p. 97· They the Quakers says the Snake but says G. Fox who are come to the Lamb They witness Immediate Revelation They are come to that the Apostles was in the Spirit of Christ the Spirit of God They witness Immediate Revelation And 't is very true for who are come to Christ do witness his Spirit and the Apostles were in his Spirit Ibid. p. 30. Quoted from Great Mystery p. 153. But the rest of the World have never heard the voice of God nor the voice of Christ and have not the same Infallible Spirit a● the Apostles had and no Immediate Revelation nor Inspiration as they had In this one Quotation here is a twofold falshood First Forgery next false Quoting For the Forgery it is this These first words But the rest of the World are not G. Fox's next he has left out a whole Sentence in the middle of the Quotation which is relative to and explanatory of the rest That the falshood and injustice of this Adversary may appear clearly to the impartial Reader I here subjoin the place as it is in the page quoted The Spirit of God in the Apostles being witnessed it opens the Scriptures is the Key lets to see what hath been since the days of the Apostles and rul'd and reign'd and had the Dominion The Wolf in Sheeps Clothing which have deceived the Nations such as have led the World and brought them all upon heaps and have never heard the Voice of God and have published it to the Nation in Print nor the voice of Christ and have not the same Infallible Spirit as the Apostles had and no immediate Revelation nor Inspiration as they had Thus far G. Fox whose words are sound For first it is certain that the Spirit of God does not only open the Scriptures But will also discover the Devourer and Wolf This discovering Knowledge our Saviour hath testified is in his Followers in that A Stranger they will not follow And it is as certain that Men guided by this Devouring Spirit have often brought heaps of Confusion And lastly I take it for granted That such who publish to the Nation that they have never heard the Voice of God nor Christ have not the Holy Spirit nor its immediate teachings and it is no wonder they have it not for God hath said that his Spirit should not always strive with Man and he who resisteth the Day of small things and through the Crowds of Temptations and Vanities will not hearken nor hear the fault is his own Ibid. p. 30. Quoted from Great Mystery p. 321. Revelation is now witnessed in our days as it was in the Apostles but not amongst you who have inwardly ravened from the Spirit of God which have Apostatized from the Apostles And so you be in the Diabolical Devilish that expects not that now which was in the Days of the Apostles This Quotation which the Snake hath jumbled together only with the small distinction of a break Is as it lies in the Book Great Mystery two Answers to things severally asserted by a Priest Josias Dorker at Bransprith Castle Durham The first part of the Quotation to the Break is part of G. Fox's Answer to this following Assertion of the Priest's Immediate Revelation or Inspiration is not to be expected in these days To this false Assertion the words of G. Fox quoted above by the Snake are a proper Answer because as G. Fox in the same Answer shews tho' left out by the Snake according to our Saviour's words None knows the Son but the Father neither knoweth any man the Father save the Son and he to whomsoever the Son will reveal him which Doctrine whosoever shall deny are most certainly ravened from the Spirit of God and Apostatized from the Apostles But Secondly This Priest Dorker did affirm it to be needless and also Diabolical that is to say Develish to expect any such thing now To this the Latter part of the Snake's Quotation is also part of G. Fox's Answer which Answer is true As for Diabolical and Devilish they are the Priest's own words and were fittly by retorsion given to the Priest And it is a great indication that Men are in that Spirit themselves which is Devilish when they call Good Evil and Evil Good and tell the World that that is needless or not to be expected now which is the Covenant of the New Testament And here Reader is another Mark of that foul Hypocrisie and Envy which is in this our Adversary who pretends to quote the Offices and Services of the Church of England for proof that Inspiration is believed and prayed for and which he would have taken as an Argument that himself does so believe and pray Yet here he is angry with G. Fox for telling the Priests that they were ravened from the Spirit of God even then when they told the People Inspiration was not now to be expected How will the Snake winde this into any agreement Himself says Inspiration is to be expected and prayed for The Priests whom G. Fox answered said It is not to be expected nor prayed for Nay they said more that it is Diabolical to expect it now See Reader the Confusion of these Our Adversaries of former and later times Who no doubt pretended to be true both now and then tho' quite
Stranger when I was in Prison with these words Thy Name shall be no more James Naylor but Jesus This I judge to be written from the Imaginations and a Fear stroke me when I first saw it and so I put it in my Pocket close not intending any should see it which they finding on me spread it abroad which the simplicity of my Heart never occasioned So this I deny also that the Name of Christ Jesus is received instead of James Naylor or after the Flesh for the Name is to the Seed to all Generations and he that hath the Son hath the Name which is Life and Power the Salvation and the Unction into the which Name all the Children of Light are Baptized So the Name of Christ I confess before Men but not according to Men which Name to me hath been a Strong Tower in the Night and in the Day And this is the Name of Christ Jesus which I confess the Son and the Lamb in the Seed where he speaks in Male or Female but who hath not this in himself hath not Life neither can have by Idolizing my Person or the Person of any Flesh but in whom the Heir is born and hath spoken or doth speak there he must not be denied the Mouth to spake by who is Head over all and in all his own God blessed for ever And all those Ranting Wild Spirits which then gathered about me in that time of Darkness and all their Wild Actions and Wicked Words against the Honour of God and his pure Spirit and People I deny the Spirit the Power and the Works thereof and as far as I gave advantage through want of Judgment for that Evil Spirit in any to arise I take shame to my self justly having formerly had Power over that Spirit in Judgment and Discerning where-ever it was which Darkness came over me through want of Watchfulness and Obedience to the Pure Eye of God and diligently minding the Reproof of Life which condemns the Adulterous Spirit So the Adversary got advantage who ceases not to seek to devour and being taken Captive from the True Light walked in the Night where none can work as a wandring Bird fit for the prey And if the Lord of all my Mercies had not rescued me I had perished for I was as one appointed to Death and Destruction and there was none could deliver me And this I confess that God may be justified in his Judgment and magnified in his Mercies without end who did not forsake his Captive in the Night even when his Spirit was daily provoked and grieved but hath brought me forth to give Glory to his Name for ever And it is in my Heart to confess to God and before Men my Folly and Offence in that day Yet was there many things formed against me in that day to take away my Life and bring Scandal upon the Truth of which I am not Guilty at all as that accusation as if I had committed Adultery with some of those Women who came with us from Exeter Prison and also those who were with me at Bristol the Night before I suffered there of both which Accusations I am clear before God who kept me at that day both in Thought and Deed as to all Women as a little Child God is my Record and this I mention in Particular hearing of some who still cease not to reproach therewith God's Truth and People that the Mouth of Enmity might be shut from evil speaking though this touch not my Conscience And that Report as though I had raised Dorkas Erbury from the Dead carnally this I deny also and condemn that Testimony to be out of the Truth tho' that Power that quickens the Dead I deny not which is the Word of Eternal Life And this I give forth that it may go as far as the Offence against the Spirit of Truth hath gone abroad that all Burthens may be taken off with the Truth and the Truth cleared thereby and the True Light and all that walk therein and the Deeds of Darkness be condemned and that all that are in Darkness may not Act in the Night but stay upon God who walks in the Light who with the Workers of Iniquity hath not fellowship which had I done when first Darkness came upon me and not been led by others I had not run against the Rock to be broken which so long had born me and of whom I had so largely drank and of which I now drink in measure to whom be the glory of all and to him must every Tongue confess as Judge and Saviour God over all blessed for ever And this further is given me to say to every particular Person to whom this Writing shall come Whatever is thy Condition walk in the Light which lets thee see it there is thy Counsel and thy strength to be received to stay thee and recover thee Art thou tempted to Sin Abide in that which lets thee see it that there thou mayst come to feed on the Right Body not on the Temptation for if thou mind the Temptation it will overcome thee but in the Light is Salvation Or having Sinned art thou tempted to despair or to destroy thy self mind not the Temptation for it's Death that Sin hath brought forth feed not on it nor mind it least thou eat Condemnation for that 's the Wrong Body The Body of Christ is felt in the Light in which is Life from Death Grace and Truth to Feed on which will overcome for thee being followed but if thou follow the Temptation Fear and Condemnation will swallow thee up If there appear to thee Voices Visions and Revelations feed not thereon but abide in the Light and feel the Body of Christ and there wilt thou receive Faith and Power to judge of every appearance and Spirit the Good to hold fast and obey and the False to resist Art thou in Darkness mind it not for if thou do it will fill thee more but stand still and Act not and wait in patience till Light arise out of Darkness to lead thee Art thou wounded in Conscience feed not there but abide in the Light which leads to the Grace and Truth which teaches to deny and put off the Weight and removes the Cause and brings Saving Health to Light Yea this I say to thee in the Name of Jesus Christ that tho' thou has made thy Grave as deep as the nethermost Hell or were thy Afflictions as great as Job's and thy Darkness as the Depths of the Sea yet if thou wilt not run to vain helps as I have done but stay upon the Lord till he give thee sight by his word which commands Light to shine out of Darkness from thence will he bring thee forth thy Eye shall guide thee and thou shalt praise his Name as I do this day glory for evermore and this word is nigh thee which must give thee Light tho' Darkness Comprehends it not And hast thou Gifts Revelations Knowledge Wisdom or
our Hearts he knoweth that our earnest Endeavour since a People hath been to direct to the Holy Spirit to which as the World comes to be obedient it will certainly raise in them a just value and esteem for the Scriptures and a love and desire to be conversant in the reading of them by which through Faith they may receive comfort as we can abundantly testifie we have found And therefore the Insinuation is false and envious that we have ever sought either openly or secretly to discard them or to set up the Inspirations of any instead of them Ibid. p. 91. They have taken upon them not only to abrogate the most express Ordinances of the Gospel But to set up and institute new ones as Womens Preachings directly contrary to 1 Cor. 16.35 and the Prelacy of the Womens Meetings an Invention never heard of in the World till G. F. Cobled it out 'T is false that we have abrogated any Ordinances of Divine Institution And it is also false that we have set up and instituted new ones For under the Law and in the Apostles days there were Women Prophetesses and Fellow-helpers in the Gospel As for the Prelacy of Womens Meetings we know of no such thing but for the good ends of looking after the Poor and seeing after such things as are Comely Decent and of Good Report do they meet as the Holy Women in ancient times did And as it is no discouragement to us so it will not be of weight with the Sober Reader that this practice is profanely said by the Snake to be Cobled out by G. Fox Ibid. p. 92. The Scripture remains of no Authority with them because if what the Scripture command be a-new required by their Spirit they are bound to obey it because required by their Spirit But if the Scripture command the thing they are by their Principles not bound to obey it unless it is required by their Spirit a-new None may at this day upon the Authority of Scripture walk naked as Isaiah 20.2 3. nor go to the King's Chappel as Amos 7.13 nor do any of these special and particular things which many of the Prophets by the Special Command of God did do unless they are thereunto commanded and required by the same Holy Spirit which did require them This is what Edward Burroughs had formerly said and which W. Penn repeats and maintains though very falsly quoted by the Snake who injuriously quotes W. P. in his Reason against Railing p. 150. in the following manner That what was a Commandment to any Servants of God in Old Time That such are not Commandments to us unless required by the same Spirit a-new But W. P's words as they lye in the Book and Page quoted are thus From our asserting that what was a Commandment to any Servant of God in Old Times is not so to us because so to them that is such as Going to Pharaoh as Going Naked Going to the King's Chappel as Moses Isaiah and Amos did as also those Elementary Types Shadows and Figures appointed for a season and to pass off That such are not Commandments to us unless required by the same Spirit a-new It is not a little his endeavour unrighteously to infer that those Moral Perpetual and Eternal Holy Precepts here W. P. mentions the Laws of the First Table are not binding upon us c. Here Reader behold the subornation of the Snake who by a most unjust practice bites out so much of a Quotation as is not for his purpose and brings the remainder to speak against the sense of the Writer Ibid. p. 94. Thus it being Objected to G. F. that one of his Quakers had pretended to an Immediate Call from Heaven to commit Theft Robbery and Sacriledge in taking out of the Church an Hour-glass c. It is false it was not objected that any Quaker did commit Theft or Robbery or Sacriledge Nor does it appear by the Priest's words that the Hour-Glass was taken away That which appears from the Priest's words is That some Quaker had signified to the Priest that the Glass which he made the limit of his Carnal Preaching ought to be removed and that the Holy Spirit was only that by which they that spake from the Lord ought to begin and end their Preachings and G. F's answer is to the same purpose So that herein the Snake is egregiously abusive by perverting both the words of the Priest and G. F. and also in his false and scandalous insinuations concerning what he calls the Communion Plate Ibid. p. 95. Have they not by the same Light rebelled from Episcopacy Not unless it be prov'd by the Holy Scriptures that Episcopacy at this day be in the same Spirit and Government which the Apostles were in Ibid. p. 95. It is true indeed the Church cannot subsist without Government But it is as true that the Quakers pretence to the private Light in particular Persons as a principle over-ruling Scripture and all outward Ordinances is Inconsistent to the Government either in Church or State It is false that we have ever pretended that the Particular Manifestation of the Light of Christ in any of us did over-rule the Scriptures or Ordinances There cannot be Contradiction in the Spirit of God By the movings whereof it was that the Scriptures were given forth 2 Pet. 1.21 Nor do the Movings of the same Spirit privately working in particular Persons at this day over-rule or contradict what it did give forth as above And as the Light and Spirit of Christ is thus agreeable to it self So it is well consistent with the Government of the State in that it leads all that obey it to be loving and peaceable not Seditious or Tumultuous It leads to give Caesar the things that are Caesar's and unto God the things that are God's This it hath taught us to be our Duty and our Practice hath been agreeable of which the whole Kingdom are our witnesses And it is not less consistent with the Government in the Church when the Government in the Church hath its beginning and foundation from it as described p. 135 136. foregoing But it cannot be consistent with Government in the Church when the Church is not govern'd by the Spirit of him whom she says is her Spiritual Head Ibid. Or any Security from all the Dismal and Enthusiastical Murthers Rapines and Outrage of the Zealots among the Jews who went upon the same principle The Holy Spirit of God which by the coming of Jesus Christ is given to Men is the Principle that we profess and is the most effectual Security that can be against wickedness and violence of all sorts because where that is obeyed it will finish Transgression and make an end of Sin Now did the Zealots among the Jews go upon the same Principle No no more than the late Horrid Assassines in Communion with the Snake and with him in Separation from the Church could be said to do Murthers Rapines and Outrage are the
was Incarnate and dyed And that Christ was his own Father to whom he prayed upon the Cross. We own Christ both as Eternal God and as the Son of Mary yet are under no such difficulties as the Snake doth falsly suggest For we cannot express the Godhead by the word Person having no such Example in Scripture and our Belief being according to that and expressed in the words of it It must necessarily follow that the Snake does account the Declaration of Holy Writ in this Article to have many Absurdities Of which let him clear himself if he can as also of inclining to Polytheism which his words do seem to favour Ibid. p. 122. G. F. opposes Christopher Wade for saying That the Holy Ghost was a Person and that there was a Trinity of three Persons before Christ was Born It seems by this they do not acknowledge that there were Three in Heaven before Christ was Born It does not only seem but plainly appear that this Snake is a Notorious Lyar Holy Writ says 1 John 5.7 There are three that bear Record in Heaven It does not express them either by the word Trinity or Persons does it therefore seem that Holy Writ does not acknowledge that there were three in Heaven before Christ was Born Or that the Three in Heaven as the Snake Blasphemously does suggest must be Three Creatures What G. F. opposed in Christopher Wade in this Case was the Unscripturalness of his Language which will best appear from G. F's one Words not curtaild as in the Snake they are these Great Mystery p. 246. Thou knowest not him that is in the Father and the Father in him Glorified with the Father before the World began And the Scriptures doth not tell people of a Trinity nor Three Persons but the Common-Prayer Mass-Book speak of Three Persons brought in by thy Father the Pope And the Father Son and Holy Spirit was always one Ibid. p. 122 123. The Snake shews as himself says what Muggleton did hold in that Blasphemous Whimsy of the Deputy-ship of Elijah c. and says of it It terrifies my very Soul while I repeat such dreadful and sensless Blasphemy But I am well assured that this Snake was under greater Terror of Soul when seized by the King's Messenger at Lidd in Kent For To repeat such dreadful and senslless Blasphemy He had no Necessity was under no Constraint but that it pleased him to think that he might slantingly throw it at us tho' both him and it we do utterly deny But it was not in his Power to avoid being seized by the Messenger though he afterwards found it in his Power to run away from him Of which in its proper place Ibid. p. 123. How far the Quakers differ from Muggleton in what is here told excepting the Deputy-ship of Elijah will appear by their allowing no distinction between the Father and the Son It is an Abominable falshood G. F. did not say there was no Distinction between the Father and the Son but deny'd such Distinction as that Priest contended for and if the Snake think good Let him openly declare whether he will stand by and own that Distinction for which the Priest did contend and which G. Fox did oppose What the Priest did affirm was this as given in Great Mystery p. 293. The Father is a Distinct Incommunicable Being from the Son and the Son a Distinct Incommunicable Being from the Father and the Holy Ghost a Distinct Incommunicable Being from the Son See Reader had not G. Fox reason to oppose this Polytheistical Doctrine of Separation and Incommunication which plainly makes a Triumvirate of the Deity and thereby destroys not only the Simplicity but the Foundation of Faith And this will happen so long as Men will Hazzard their Faith to improve their Knowledge And curiously inquire into what will still remain a Mystery and not be content with such Declaration of it as we are Infallibly assured in Holy Writ is according to the Mind of God and sufficient for the necessities of Men. But to proceed there needs not an Ingenious Stickler to shew what G. F. did oppose but there wants an Ingenious Stickler unless the Snake think himself so to reconcile the Priests words which I have above quoted to the Holy Scripture which he pretends to be his rule for at present they are as contrary to it as Light to Darkness I am not so much surprised to find this Snake p. 124. saying of George Fox He was a very Sorrowful beginner of a Religion and could neither be separated nor distinguished from a Tool which Knaves do work with call'd a F l. As to find him so cautiously clipping the word Fool Because it is greater Modesty and Caution than he uses towards him in other places where he calls him Valpoon George Magus and says he was one of poor understanding and had an Immoderate degree of Dulness But after all this his Serpentine Modesty or rather as himself expresses it p. 198 wicked and hateful Eubullition of Soul George Fox did herein justly and warrantably oppose that Distinction and Incommunication in the Deity which the Priest did as above contend for But again he is angry with G. F. in Great Mystery p. 246. Where the Snake says he disputes against Christopher Wade for saying God the Father never took upon him Humane Nature But he is so far from replying to G. F's answer to Christopher Wade that he gives but three words of it tho' the answer does consist of more than so many lines and is as follows Great Mystery p. 246. Answ. Contrary to the Scripture which saith God was in Christ reconciling the World unto himself And art Ignorant of the Great Mystery God manifest in the Flesh and his name is called the Everlasting Father As for the Word Humane which is from the Ground it comes from thy own Knowledge which is earthly and Christ took upon him the Seed of Abraham and David according to the Flesh and this is Scripture Language And if the Snake can shew that it is not so it will be better to confute the whole than to nibble Rat like at three words of it And this brings me to the end of this short Section SECT IX Concerning our Belief of the Divinity and Incarnation of Christ. ACcording to what has been already spoken in the foregoing Sections occasionally concerning the Divinity and Incarnation of Christ. I do here of set purpose declare it as a Truth which now is and always hath been since we were a People believed and declared by us That The Word which was in the Beginning with God by which all things were made did in the fulness of time according to the appointment of the Father take Flesh and was born of the Virgin Mary and that in that Body of Flesh The Fulness of the Godhead dwelt Bodily Thus in the largness of the Expression and sense of Scripture we do truly and sincerely own according to John 1.14 That
and Answers which are in p. 8 9. of W. Smith's Primmer and which are as follows Child But do they Ministers not all preach Christ in words Father Yes the false Ministers can speak of the Name of Christ as the true do but they want his Power Child But how may I then know which is true and which is false by their words seeing words may be the same Father Why they that are false preach Christ without and bid People believe in him as he is in Heaven above but they that are true Ministers they Preach Christ within and direct People to wait to feel him in themselves and so to believe in him as he makes himself manifest in them and this is true Doctrine that brings People to mind that principle of God in their own Consciences which comes down from Heaven and goes thither again and such as are in the earthly wisdom they do not know Heaven above Child This is a great Difference in their Doctrine for one to preach Christ without and another preacheth him within Father Yes it doth make a great Difference and hath no more fellowship together than the East hath with the West Thus W. S. And this is so far from preventing the least tincture of Christianity that it is a sound initiating Lesson for Children it being no other than a plain and short Paraphrase of divers Texts of Scripture and particularly of 2 Cor. 5.16 17. Wherefore henceforth know we no man after the Flesh Yea tho' we have known Christ after the Flesh yet henceforth know we him so no more Therefore if any man be in Christ he is a new Creature old things are passed away behold all things are become new Col. 1.27 That God would make known what is the riches of the Glory of this Mystery among the Gentiles which is Christ in you the hope of Glory In which places according to the whole tenour of the Gospel-dispensation the Apostle labours to bring People to give up to the workings of the Spirit of Christ in them Yet does not hereby slight or undervalue much less deny Christ in his appearance in the Flesh nor the Office of his Mediatorship in Heaven by whom it is that the Gifts of the Holy Spirit are given to Men. And agreeable to this was the Labour and End of W. S. in that Primmer of his But further if we make but a small amendment of the word only to the second Answer what will become of the Snake's Cavil and then read it thus They that are false preach Christ without and bid People believe in him only as he is in Heaven above c. It will be past his Cavil and he ought not for such an Elipsis to have forfeited all his Pretended Charity nor falsly to have declared it an admirable Cue to prevent the least tincture of Christianity I expect that this amendment may be opposed by him and that he may urge that our Writings are by no means to be added to But if it be so urged I would then answer The Church hath given abundant encouragement to supply Eliptick Defects by her Example and Practice in the Holy Scriptures in which there are a thousand I believe Instances of a word or words added with purpose I would in Charity think of more fully expressing the Mind of the Holy Ghost And what is so familiarly done with Holy Writ surely we may do with our Friends Books Ibid. p. 145. The Snake makes a curtail'd quotation from p. 17. of E. B's Preface to G. F's Great Mystery thus We differ in Doctrines and Principles and the one thou must justifie and the other thou must condemn as being the one clean contrary to the other in our Principles E. B. in this place was speaking of those Doctrines and Principles of the Priests which were opposed in that Book some of which I have mentioned p. 155. but not indefinitely of all the Principles they did or might hold and that there was reason to oppose them I question not but the impartial Reader will agree not simply for that they are clean contrary to us but for that they are so to true Christian Doctrine And of these and such as these E. B. speaks thus p. 17. ut supra And besides their Petitioning which the Priests and others did the Magistrates against us and Preaching and Praying against us and all the evil and wickedness in Work Word and desire brought forth against us from time to time Yet here sober Reader thou hast a Catalogue and whole number of Books printed and written against us and abundance of their Doctrines uttered against us and in opposition to us gathered up in this Volume in a sum with our Answers to them And if thy Mind and Heart be single thou mayst hereby understand in measure the difference in Doctrine between them and us and compare each of them with the Scriptures and see whether their Doctrines and Principles laid down as the subject of their Books or our Doctrines and Principles laid down in answer to theirs be according to and and agree with the Scriptures And if thou be impartial in this business and single in this Search and Judgment I doubt not but thou wilt in a great measure satisfie thy self and be resolved concerning their Priests and Professors in England and us who are called Quakers And when thou hast thus done own and deny whether them or us for thou mayst fully perceive we differ in Doctrines c. Now Sober Reader what just exception can there be to the tryal of Doctrines and Principles where the Holy Scripture is assigned for the Touchstone and such persuasion as the Lord shall give is to be Leader But this is a Tryal the Snake dreads because it wholly destroys Implicit Faith and blind Obedience Ibid. p. 146. And therefore this difference of Doctrine betwixt the Quakers and us which they say is as wide as from East to West must be more than concerning the Light within c. Yes so it is it is concerning the Separation and Incommunication of the Deity mentioned p. 189 foregoing It is concerning the Holy Scriptures alone being the Object of Faith It is concerning the Letter of the Scripture being the Sword of the Spirit It is concerning the Letter of the Scripture being God It is concerning the Scriptures being the Power of God and the Iudge by which all Men shall be judged And in fine it is concerning many other things mentioned in that Book Great Mystery several of which I have refer'd to in their several pages as I have met with them Ibid. p. 146. The Quakers do positively determine their Light within to be not a Secondary Agent or sent from any other but that it is it self the Principal The Quakers do indeed determine according to the Testimonies of our Saviour and his Holy Apostles Mat. 10.20 John 14.17 20. and 15.4 Rom. 8.9 10 11. 1 Cor. 3.16 and 6.19 Gal. 4.15 Col. 1.27 1 John 4.4 That the
Spirit of God is measurably given or manifested to Men in order for the purifying their Consciences from Dead Works to serve the Living God And if the Snake can from Scripture prove these with all the other Texts speaking of the Spirit of God in Man are to be understood of some Secondary Agent or that the Holy Spirit is such then his term may be allowed till then we rather choose to keep to the Language of Holy Writ and must own that the Holy Spirit of God measurably manifested to Men is to every particular Man in himself the only true Foundation and Principle of Religion And such who have not this Foundation for their Religion can do no more with respect to the things of God than as the Apostle says make a fair shew in the Flesh. This is also plainly the sense of W. S's Catechism p. 57. Ibid. p. 147. Yet to make it exceeding plain that the Quakers do not believe that Christ has any other Body or other Humanity than that Spiritual or Allegorical Body or what ever they mean by it which they say he has within them In E. B 's works p. 149. This Question is asked in these plain and peremptory terms Is that very Man with that very Body within you yea or nay And the Answer is as plain The very Christ of God is within us we dare not deny him And E. B. adds which the Snake has cut off as hath been before shewn We are Members of his Body of his Flesh and of his Bone as the Ephesians were Eph. 5.13 Now I will grant the Snake that this Answer is not only plain but also true and dare him to deny it if he can we having for Authority herein not only Eph. 5.30 but a Cloud of Scripture Testimonies But it is exceeding plain that the Snake tells a Lye when he says that E. B. does in this Answer say that the Manhood of Christ which Suffered and Dyed upon the Cross was Buried did gloriously Arise and Ascend into Heaven where he hath now a bodily existence is in that bodily existence within us No E. B. says Christ was in us as he was in the Ephesians that is Spiritually unless the Snake will have it to be exceeding plain that the Holy Apostle does there mean by Body Flesh and Bone that which he took of the Virgin And if he will so have it it will be exceeding plain that he perverteth the Text as much as he does E. B's words But further Reader as exceeding plain as the Snake does falsly say it is that we deny the bodily existence of Christ without us in Heaven He confesses his Ignorance of our Belief not knowing what to determine herein whether it be other Humanity than that Spiritual or Allegorical Body or what ever they mean by it Yet for all this his Cloudiness and Ignorance herein he does exceeding plainly and in most peremptory terms bely and abuse us for we do and always have acknowledged and believed the bodily existence of Christ without us as he ascended into Heaven yet do also say he is Spiritually within us Of which is further spoken p. 213. foregoing Ibid. p. 147. They have of late brought G. F 's Blasphemous Journal into the Publick Meeting-House at the Savoy c. That G. F's Journal is Blasphemous remains to be proved unless we will take for proof the Snake's having as he says p. 16. Boldly and Impudently as well as falsly averred it for better or truer he has not to give That it was so lately brought to the Savoy Meeting-House there is a very good reason which is that it was but lately Printed Ibid. p. 148. This is an Honour they never yet vouchsaf'd to the Holy Scriptures which are not to be seen in their Meetings This is a notorious Lye for it is no greater Honour than is frequently vouchsaf'd to use his terms to the Holy Scripture Ibid. p. 148. And it was a bold effort in G. K. to bring a Bible into his Meeting at Turners-Hall and reckoned by his opposites as a sign of his turning back again to the Priests way of Worship How bold G. K's effort was in so doing I shall leave the Snake and him to agree but what was and is to us a sign of his Backsliding is his having very much turned his back upon that Profession of the Light of Jesus Christ which he hath heretofore professed Ibid. p. 148. In their Publick Schools particularly that great one at Wansworth near London Portions of this G. Fox 's Journal are enjoyned to the Scholars to be read every day but never a Chapter out of the Bible that is Beastly ware with them Dust and Death and Serpents Meat The Publick ought to take some care of this in pity to their poor Souls This I cautioned before in Satan Disrob'd but repeat it here because it is material It is indeed Reader very material that a Man should with so hardened a forehead tell Lyes and repeat them and that with design as himself declares to make the Publick the Executioner to his wicked designs and be himself thus the Trumpeter to Disturbance I say this is very material but that nothing material or true is in what he hath said as above I shall Reader prove I hope to thy Satisfaction And first Generally for our Publick Schools which the Snake upon his own Authority without Proof hath so charged I do as generally charge him with a Lye in that his Assertion and my single denial is at least of equal Authority with his single charge if he will name particulars I shall also as in this his particular Instance disprove it by Certificates under the hands of Persons who are not Quakers and who being near Neighbours and in the School often do full well know the practice of it The first Certificate and which next follows is from a French Protestant who Teacheth the French Language in that School Be it known unto all People to whom these lines may come that for more than four Years I have been conversant in the School of Richard Scoryer at Wansworth in the County of Surry My Station in his said School is Teaching the French Language And I solemnly testify that in the aforesaid School the Scriptures are frequently read by his Scholars and I never did perceive the least appearance of slight or disesteem shewed either by the said R. S. or any belonging to his School unto the Holy Scriptures In Testimony to the Truth hereof I have subscribed my name this 22 d day of August 1698. James Barhays The following is a Certificate from several reputable Men Inhabitants of that Town not Quakers who have knowledge of the Laudable Practice of that School herein We whose names are hereunto subscribed Inhabitants of the Parish of Wansworth in the County of Surry do hereby Certify that there is not in the said Parish any Publick School commonly called or known by the Name of the Quakers School except that
of Richard Scoryer's And we do also certify that some Part or Portion of the Old or New Testament is daily Read in the said School beginning at Genesis and so Reading on in the said Scriptures untill both the Old and New Testament are Read throughout Wansworth 22 d August 1698. Law Ball Edm. Phillips Tho. Darking Steph. Webb Nich. Lesow Sam. Webb Thus Reader thou here hast this Story to a Demonstration proved a Lye as is also done in divers others foregoing and may be hereafter done in other Instances And if this our Adversary had not a natural propensity to tell Lyes he could not thus err from Truth For hiding and sculking as he generally does in the City he might with small pains have gone by Water to Wansworth 5 Miles or with less cost have sent a Penny-Post Letter to many Persons of that Town who could have better inform'd him herein if he had not been both Hypocritical and Unjust in that he pretends care to our Souls while he wilfully tells Lyes with purpose to destroy us This his practice leads me to observe of him that he is fitter to all the purposes of Destruction and Hate than to that one great purpose to which he falsly pretends viz. to promote the Vnity of the Church 〈◊〉 indeed pretends Great Charity Real Kindness and Good Wishes for the Generallity of us yet tells Lyes of us which in their end and design are to raise Persecution by influencing the Government against us if they would but take the Alarm from him But as it hath pleased God who hath the Hearts of all Men in his hand to incline the Government to give us some security against the evil practices of ill designing Men by affording us a Toleration in the matters of the Worship of our God so we are truly thankful to God and the Government herein and are at no time backward to give an account of the Faith which is in us and our agreeable practice however misrepresented by this Incendiary in Religion Ibid. p. 148. I will end this Section with shewing that the Quakers have in their Blasphemies against the Divinity of Jesus and Humanity of Christ only lick'd up and improv'd the Ancient most Anti-christian Heresies And I may fitly end this Section with shewing that whatsoever the Marcionites Manichees Eutychians and Saturnians might hold as to the Divinity and Incarnation of Christ yet we have always said and believed according to Scripture that Jesus so fore-named by the Angel and born of the Virgin in Bethlehem of Judea was truly and properly Man and in all respects Sin only excepted like unto us and that in this Man Jesus the Godhead dwelt Bodily and that through the Power of the Godhead in him he did open and consecrate a New and Living Way for Men to Salvation and Eternal Life through the Veil that is to say his Flesh And this Truth the Apostle does not deny when he allegorizes Eph. 5.30 The Spiritual Union and Fellowship of Christ with his Followers under the terms of being Members of his Body Flesh and Bones and in a like acceptation are very many other such expressions in Scripture to be understood yet is it not thence to be concluded unless falsly as this Snake does that they are Heretically agreeing with the Cerdonites the Eutychians and Manicheans Ibid. p. 149. But lastly because I must not stay here to deduce and compare all their Heresies those Ancient Heretick● the ●bonites and Na●areens from whom our Modern Socinians and from them the Quakers do derive their Doctrine did mightily undervalue the Scriptures Some of them pretended to mend the Scriptures and did boldly Adulterate them and set up other Scriptures against those received by the Church And this the Quakers have done beyond any that went before them The Snake does p. 336. Demand Reparation in the Name of the Church of England insinuating his real or assumed Power and if I should now do the like for or in the name of the People called Quakers I may be as much to seek for Reparation from him for this his abuse as I am to seek for proof in this Charge However I do at least demand a proof where ever the Quakers pretended to mend the Scriptures or did boldly Adulterate them or did set up other Scriptures against those received 'T is no Proof of this Charge to say p. 150. We have cannonized our own Writings If that were true it 's no proof but it is false We may have said and said truly that Writings given forth from the movings of the Spirit of God in any are given forth from the same Spirit which gave forth the Scriptures But we have always readily offered and submitted our Words and Writings to the Testimony of the Holy Scripture because tho' the Spirit of God in his People at this day is the same Holy Spirit which was in the Holy Apostles yet they had greater Manifestations of it So that tho' it is both now and then the same in kind the Degree of Manifestation differs But to return I do as above demand proof where ever we have pretended to mend the Scriptures or have boldly Adulterated them or set up others against them As Euseb. Hist. l. 5. c. 28. Theod. Haerit Fab. l. 2. c. 5. do mention instances of some that did and as he says we have beyond any that ever went before us yet gives not one instance The Snake's Ipse Dixit is no Proof and if he cannot give better it will at least be a fresh Proof both of his Impudence and Lyes SECT X. Concerning the Satisfaction of Christ in Opposition to the false Charges of the Snake herein IN the Section immediately foregoing the Divinity and Incarnation of Christ is largly treated of and I have therein shewn that we own and believe both as declared fully and truly in the Holy Scriptures and also that our Books rescued from the perversions of this our Adversary do speak according to that acknowledged Rule It remains that in this I now shew that we have always owned in like Scriptural sense that Jesus Christ in Life Doctrine and Death did fulfil his Father's Will and did offer up himself a most Satisfactory Sacrifice for the Sins of Mankind in opposition to the false Insinuations of the Snake herein who says p. 151. Herein the Quakers are direct Socinians for they positively deny the Satisfaction Under which cloudy Charge he insinuates as if we did deny what the Scriptures do declare herein Which is false and he might with equal Sincerity have said the Church of England do deny The Satisfaction For to come nearer The Satisfaction which is positively denied by us is as positively denied by the Church of England which is that rigid and strict Notion of Satisfaction which some had Doctrinally but unscripturally laid down in the terms following viz. That Man having transgressed the Righteous Law of God and so exposed to the Penalty of Eternal Wrath it 's
once owing to the Father These Reader are some of those Consequences which W. P. shews do naturally follow that strange and rigid Notion That it is altogether Impossible for God to remit or forgive without a plenary Satisfaction and that God could not by any other way obtain Satisfaction or save Men without inflicting the Penalty of infinite Wrath and Vengance on Jesus Christ. And if the Consequences are Blasphemous it is owning to the Doctrine not W. P's natural deducing of them from it any more than the Glass that is truly Cut and Ground can be in fault to reflect the Deformities that are set before it But whether true or false the Snake says p. 151. His Arguments are the old Socinian Job-trot But if in the reverse the Job-trotting proves the Non-jurors W. P's Arguments may be good still and I think it will hardly pass for sufficient reason that Arguments are therefore bad because either Socinian or Non-juror may have used such like to other purposes If this be so then why not further and reject all the true Articles which they may believe as well as the Arguments which they may use And if the Snake is resolved to keep at this distance from us and disbelieve an Article because we believe it he must resolve to deny God and Jesus Christ and all hopes of Salvation by him Together with all the Holy Doctrines which the Scriptures teach and which we firmly Believe But how shy soever he may be of us herein yet himself is a notable Job-trotter for that his Arguments his Accusations his Stories and numerous Perversions are no other than what have often from Adversaries of many Names been objected against us and as often answered by us Yet as false and as often rebuffeted as this Job-trot has been The Snake hath licked it up and improv'd it as is commonly observed Lies do improve by carrying Ibid. p. 153. But upon the Socinian and Quaker Scheme one of God's Attributes must fight with and conquer the other And his Justice must quit the Field to his Mercy This is great Nonsense as well as Blasphemy and utterly inconsistent with the first Notions of a God 'T is true that they who believe and say that God's Attributes combate and conquer each other do believe and say Nonsense and Blasphemy because all Jarr and Strife is utterly inconsistent with the Unity of his Being But that the Quakers have ever so believed or said is false and does yet remain to be prov'd Which it can never be for we as well as the Snake p. 152. do say That God's Justice is greatly exalted in that it did require and accept the full and compleat Satisfactory Offering which Christ did give of himself to offended Divine Justice And that God's Wisdom and Mercy is also greatly exalted in finding out and affording that means And we say also That these are fulfilled Infinitely in the wonderful Oeconomy of our Salvation in that compleat Satisfactory Sacrifice All this and more to the like purpose we believe as well as the Snake But the Snake tho' with his false Glossings he would represent W. P. and the Quakers as deniers hereof yet does not declare himself to believe the Article as it was propounded by W● P's Opponents and opposed by him Tho' insinuatingly and Snake-like he says p. 151. W. P. denies the Satisfaction What Satisfaction Why The Satisfaction Which the Snake has not declared himself to believe That it is altogether impossible for God to remit c. as above p. 231. Now Reader Whether exceeds in Impudence the Snake in this his liberal Character and Charge that we deny this most Fundamental Doctrine c. or himself in refusing them same terms which are the matter of his Charge This shews the Snake did by his own practice make that Judgment which he hath falsly given of us p. 143. They He it must now be read can upon a pinch subscribe the whole Creed and not mean one word of it c. For the present we have done with his Charge from Sandy Foundation shaken c. and the Snake next quotes p. 154. a passage from W. P. but names neither Book nor Page it is I suppose from Reason against Railing c. p. 91. If it is our Duty to forgive without a Satisfaction receiv'd and that God is to forgive us as we forgive them then is a Satisfaction totally excluded That is such a Satisfaction as his Opponents contended for Yet of this the Snake declares He hath exposed the poorness of this Argument in Satan Disrob'd A poor shift that his Reader must take his word But to shew that W. P's Argument is not so poor as the Snake does suggest Please to take some more of W. P's Argument which the Snake has by a poor cunning left out It is thus Christ farther Paraphrases upon that part of his Prayer v. 14. For if you forgive their Trespasses your heavenly Father will also forgive you Where he as well argues the Equity of God's forgiving them from their forgiving others as he encourages them to forgive others from the Example of God's Mercy in forgiving them Now if this Exposer can also shew the poorness of our Saviour's words not only in this of Mat. 6.14 but also in that of Mat. 18.23 to the end of the Chapter he may then be deem'd a thorough pac'd Exposer Till then I must think that his Exposing is much more poor than the Arguments which W. P. does shew do arise from Christ's words The Snake's last Quotation from our Books in this Section he makes from Serious Apology p. 148. in very false and injurious sort he thus says and quotes p. 154. W. P. speaking of our Justification by the righteousness which Christ hath fulfilled in his own Person for us But here the Snake hath left out these words in a Parenthesis wholly without us which is all that W. P. did oppose in the place above refer'd to in these words And indeed this we deny and boldly affirm it in the Name of the Lord to be the Doctrine of Devils and an Arm of the Sea of Corruption which does now deluge the whole World Yes Exposer it is still true that we do deny and boldly affirm it to be the Doctrine of Devils That Men are justified by the Righteousness which Christ hath fulfilled in his own Person for us wholly without us And for our so denying and affirming we have the warrant of Holy Writ wherein is abundantly testified of the Spirit of Christ in Man to which he must be obedient in order to his Justification and the Apostle in express words speaking of the Righteousness which is of Faith which is Christ's saith Rom. 10.8 The word is nigh thee even in thy mouth and in thy Heart that is the word of Faith which we preach And to the same purpose see Rom. 3.24 28. Rom. 5.1 Tit. 3.7 Then not wholly without us Ibid. p. 155. See this further enlarg'd upon in
now in order Snake p. 165. That is say they with Hymeneus and Philetus till his coming Spiritually in our Hearts I have in p. 255. foregoing briefly observed already concerning these Men part of whose error was and which is only taken notice of by the Snake their saying the Resurrection was past already That they do not seem by the Character the Apostle gives of them of being profane and vain Babblers such who had put away a good Conscience and shipwrack'd Faith I say they do not seem hereby to be such who did contend for the Spiritual Coming of Christ in their Hearts Profaneness is Immorality and what has that to do with the Coming of Christ in the Heart It is in direct opposition to it And the Apostle could not have made their Character as above had they so contended for Christ because it was what the Apostle declares himself did follow after Phil. 3.10 11 12. That I may know him and the power of his Resurrection and the fellowship of his Sufferings being made conformable unto his Death If by any means I might attain unto the Resurrection of the Dead Not as though I had already attained either were already perfect but I follow after if that I may apprehend that for which also I am apprehended of Christ Jesus Reader Think'st thou that Hymeneus and Philetus those profane and vain Babblers who shipwreckt Faith and a good Conscience in themselves and did overthrow the Faith of some did do all these things and expound that saying of theirs That the Resurrection was past already in such manner as the Snake says Spiritually in our Hearts No it could not be they were gone from the Spirit of Christ in them when they went into profane Babbling and what degrees soever they might have known while in obedience of the Power of Christ's Resurrection Yet that they quite lost when they shipwreckt Faith and a good Conscience So that the Snake's explanation is not only arbitrary but contradictory to the Apostles character of them He goes on with great assurance and pretence of familiarity with the Holy Apostles and of the purest Primitive Christians and Blessed Martyrs and affirms of them all in his frothy manner Ibid. p. 165. None of them dream'd of the time being thus expired For the observance of what he calls the Sacraments but that they did think them obligatory to the end of the World the litteral Resurrection at the last day It can be no small acquaintance which this Snake pretends to have had with this variety of Persons who dare so boldly affirm of them all while sleeping that they did never dream of their Expiration and while waking that they all did think these Ordinances always were to continue I suppose the observing Reader will with me be apt to question how he came by this great Intimacy and desire him to give some proof of the truth of what he hath so affirm'd But if we should suppose that he could prove which he never can that none of them did so dream that would not be ground sufficient to us to prove that the time of their continuance is not expired For the Question being concerning Ordinances said to be appointed by Christ we are not to look to Dreams but to consider the Appointment of Christ for from thence can only be truly learn'd both the things appointed and the time for which they were appointed And here of a sudden the Snake hath much abated of his pretence to know what was not Dream'd by the Holy Apostles purest Primitive Christians and Blessed Martyrs and comes to lay his pretence upon the Commission given by our Saviour to his Disciples mentioned Mat. 28.19 20. And this Commission he gives by piece-meal so as that it might if possible be so large as to take in the Addition which he makes to it For first He would have it to be a Commission for Water-Baptism next He would have it to express the Continuance of the Water-Baptism to the end of the World And having in disjoynted sort thus given it he draws this Pithy Conclusion p. 166. For if this be the time during which Christ promised to assist his Commission it must doubtless infer the like continuance of the things required in the said Commission We say so too But the Question is concerning something said to be required in the Commission which the Commission does not express therefore we say not contained in it And that this has been our frequent Objection to our Opposers in this particular the Snake could not but know and therefore if he would have established his addition Water to the Text he ought to have refuted our objections to the addition and then to have given his better reasons for it but none of this is done But he goes on begging the Question and taking that for granted which we deny viz. That when our Saviour saith Mat. 28.19 Go ye therefore and teach all Nations Baptizing them in the Name of the Father Son and Holy Ghost He doth herein Command them Disciples to Baptize with Water If the Snake had given us some reason why we ought to take this his Addition of that wherein the Text is silent that reason might have been considered And it will be yet of greater force if he can prove from Scripture that our Saviour is here giving to his Disciples Commission concerning John's Baptism with Water and not his own which is with the Holy Spirit But of this the Snake says p. 167. The Holy Ghost is his Christ's Gift only It is true that the Holy Ghost is originally Christ's Gift yet it is as true that Men prepared fitted and quallified by the operation of his Grace have Instrumentally as Ministerial Ofcers given the Gifts of the Holy Spirit Thus the Apostle Rom. 1.11 For I long to see you that I may impart unto you some Spiritual Gift And the same Apostle tells the Corinthians 1 Cor. 4.15 For in Christ Jesus I have begotten you through the Gospel And he declares that his Commission was Acts 26.18 To open their Eyes and to turn them from Darkness to Light and from the Power of Satan to the Power of God Now strictly speaking it is only Christ by the Gift of the Holy Ghost who does these great Works of which the Apostle speaks The Apostle herein was Instrumentally made the Minister of those things wherein God did appear unto him And at this day those who are of God made Ministers of those things wherein he does appear by his Spirit unto them such he fits furnishes and quallifies Instrumentally to be able to impart Spiritual Gifts and to beget People to God by turning them from Darkness to Light and from Satan's Power to the Power of God Thus Spiritual Baptism and Teaching mentioned in the Commission of Christ continues to be assisted by Christ and will be so to the end of the World Now this teaching with respect to the sound of words may be said to be
Sacrament of Baptism as Carnal and Hurtful And it may be asked how he would have censur'd the appointing for Institutions and Sacraments what was not so appointed by our Saviour himself or any of his Brethren the Apostles Ibid. And let me here seriously mind these Quakers and admonish others how their Neglect of the Outward Ordinances and Signs has lost to them the Reality and the Thing signified This Snake hath as before shewn pretended great Charity for us yet here sticks not to damn us all See Reader his Hypocrisie he pretends to object against us and hath made a particular Section on that Head That we damn all but our selves of which in its place Yet here in great Charity and as himself says seriously we have lost the Reality and the Thing signified which he will say is Christ then necessarily Salvation which is only by him But it is well for us that this Snake whether serious or scoffing whether profane or arrogant and at times he is all these is still wrong and false For we can in deep Humility of Soul thank God that thro' the Manifestations of the Holy Spirit upon our Hearts we are kept in fresh and living Remembrances of the Love of God in Jesus Christ to us ward and as we open at his Voice we do witness him to fulfil his Promise Rev. 3.20 I will come into him and sup with him and he with me Ibid. For it had been impossible for any who had been kept in the constant use and practice of the Sacrament of the Lord's Supper to have forgot Christ's outward Dying and Shedding of his Blood And is it not as much impossible for those who witness Christ to fulfil his Promise Rev. 3.20 in them to forget his outward Crucifixion and shedding of his Blood I think it is not less impossible and I am very sure it is not less Beneficial for a Man to witness the Spiritual Supper of Christ in and with him than it is for a Man without such Spiritual Knowledge to have only the Outward Remembrances of Christ by outward Bread and Wine Now if the Snake will say and prove that it is impossible for all such who have the Outward Ordinances to miss of the Spiritual Knowledge of Christ that might be somewhat to the purpose but the Contrary is too plain Yet it is absolutely and always impossible for all those who do Spiritually Sup with Christ as mentioned Rev. 3.20 while they do so Sup with him to forget him No it cannot be but that Daily Bread which he breaks to those who seek him will preserve the Soul which does receive it alive to bless and praise his Name Ibid. p. 70. The Devil having stoln from us the Body or Outward Part of Religion the Soul soon disappeared If the Devil has done so by this Snake it is otherwise than we may observe he commonly does by Mankind For it was the Complaint of God by his Prophets against the Jews of old that they had lost the Soul of Religion while they kept the Body or Outward Part. The like Complaint our Saviour made of the Pharisees who had clean outsides The like Complaint was made against the Romanists by our first Reformers viz. that they had the Body or Outward Part of Religion but the Soul of it was disappear'd And for all the Snake's suggestion the Devil holds the same Course And he may have as Gay an outside as he will while he continues so deceitful within as he is Ibid. Religion can no more live and be preserved to us here while we are in the Body without outward and corporal means than the Soul can live to us here while we are upon the Earth without our Body and hence the Corporal Service Rom. 12.1 The Snake has here as in many other places advanced a false and dangerous Tenet little if any thing differing from the opus operatum of the Papists which he would shrowd under the Patronage of Rom. 12.1 which Scripture is directly opposite to his Assertion as we shall presently see He hath asserted Religion cannot be preserved without Corporal Means Now it is an undoubted Truth that true Religion cannot be begotten in the Heart of Man by other means than the secret and inward influences of the Holy Spirit and as this only and alone can beget it so it is this only and alone that can preserve it When it is thus begoten inwardly in the Heart it is indeed the means of those outward services being acceptable to God But outward services cannot be the means of it for we cannot present our Bodies a Living Sacrifice Holy acceptable unto God which is our reasonable service Rom. 12.1 By any other means than by having our Souls and Spirits subjected to the Guidance and Influences of the Holy Spirit and therefore it was that the Apostle advised Timothy 1 Tim. 4.8 For Bodily exercise profiteth little but Godliness is profitable unto all things having the promise of the Life that now is and of that which is to come And to be sure this Godliness must be first inward before it appear outward And it is the means of all our outward reasonable Service but outward Service cannot be the means of inward Obedience But further When the Apostle advises Rom. 12.1 I beseech you Brethren by the mercies of God that ye present your Bodies a living Sacrifice Holy acceptable unto God which is your reasonable Service He is not bidding the Romans take the Corporal Means of Bread and Wine no such matter But is directing them to an Inward Work for he says vers 2. And be not conformed to this World but be ye transformed by the renewing of your Mind And if this Corporal Means Bread and Wine did thus transform and renew the Mind this Snake with many others who partake of it could not be so wicked as they are Ibid. This is so necessary and plain a Truth that those who take upon them to abrogate the Outward Institutions of Christ do at the same time invent and set up others of their own as has been before observ'd of the Quakers Institution of Womens Preaching and Womens Meetings Concerning Womens Preachings and Meetings hath been sufficiently spoken therefore need not repeat it here But to his Argument that they who abrogate the outward Institutions of Christ do at the same time invent and set up new ones c. I have this to say That if from the Commission Mat. 28.19 Go ye therefore teach all Nations Baptizing them c. must of necessity be understood Baptism with Water and that Infants must be understood to be within the Limits of it It may be convenient for the Snake to shew without taking to himself the liberty of a Despotick and Arbitrary Interpretation why Infants are not within the limits of 1 Cor. 11.25 26. and that they must not communicate of the Bread and Wine If the Snake will take a liberty so differently to interpret places of Scripture and
of the Heart and Spirit this work the Law could not perform because as the Apostle says Heb. 7.19 The Law made nothing perfect Nor can Outward Water or Outward Bread and Wine That can only be done by the Inward Operation of the Spirit of God upon the Heart and Spirit This is that which is as useful and indispensable to Christians as the Outward Law was to the Outward Jew To which Outward Law Christ who was greater than Moses having put an end He hath established not another Outward Covenant but the Inward Dispensation of Grace and Truth which comes by Him Ibid. p. 171. Only let me tell the Quakers That their Objections which are answerd in that Treatise a piece writ by the Snake particularly upon this Subject are mostly the same which the Socinians have set up And let me tell the Snake that if the Socinians Arguments herein were sound and according to Scripture it can be no Objection to ours if they were not only mostly but altogether the same And it does not follow that they who err in some things are therefore right in nothing But if what the Snake tells us of our Arguments being mostly the same herein with those of the Socinians It will I hope be of as good purpose for me to tell the Snake that his Objections which are answered in this Treatise are mostly the same which the Romanists did make to the Reformation And then his Witty Remark may be of use to himself To see out of whose Quiver those Arrows came which he hath shot against us Ibid. p. 171. Thus the Socinians having thrown off or slighted the Sacraments have lost the true Faith in the Divinity of Iesus and have rejected him from being the Christ or Word of God which they say only dwelt in him or inspired him but was not Personally united to him Thus say the Quakers What the Socinians have thrown off and lost is not now my business to enquire But that the Quakers have not Thrown off or Lost the True Faith in Christ either as He is the Divine Word or as he was truly Man and dwelt on Earth I have already abundantly shewn in the Section foregoing wherein is particularly treated of and owned the Divinity and Incarnation of Jesus Christ. SECT XIII That Popish Emissaries did not first set up Quakerism in England as is said by the Snake THE Snake that he might be compleat in all the parts of his false and abusive Attempts against us having before by many ill practices in vain endeavoured to make us Heretical in points of Faith would here shew that our Original and Rise was from Popish Emissaries But in this I hope to shew his falsity and abuse as I have already done in those In order to which I desire my Reader to observe that the Snake's first Argument is drawn from the time of our Appearance which he makes to be about 1650. and 1654. And of these dates of time he says P. 187. Then it was that Rome was reaping a plentiful Harvest which they had long been sowing by setting up in that Universal Toleration Multitudes of Various Sects on purpose to Divide and so Confound their only Substantial Adversary the Church of England And here let it be observed that he imposes upon his Reader and would have it taken for granted upon his bare Word that about them Years there was a Vniversal Toleration and that during that time of Toleration there were by Romish Emissaries set up Multitudes of Various Sects Neither of which is true in Fact but contrary to the Faith of the History of them times and also to the Experience of many who are yet living who were eye witnesses of the Transactions of them and some who were Sufferers in them But first to the Toleration which the Snake calls Vniversal I doubt not but upon second thoughts the Snake will allow that at that time the Church of England was in Exile so that it was not Vniversal And as to the Quakers then Beginning they were not included in the Vniversal Toleration As our Testimonies easy to be produced of Imprisonments Blows Fines c. which our then few Friends suffered and underwent can testify These Instances I give to which others it's like may add more to shew that there was no such thing as a Vniversal Toleration Now to his Multitudes of various Sects which he says were then set up It is only a Romantick Story of his own Brain which has no truth in it For should it be supposed that there were in them Years People gathered into Religious Societies under Twelve distinct Denominations tho' I know not of one quarter that number What Multitudes can Twelve be called It may be he may say that Multitudes is an Hyperbole And indeed so it is for it so far beyond Truth that the Expression has nothing of Truth in it And now having briefly hinted at his falsity both with respect to his Toleration and Multitudes I shall proceed to shew That had there then been that Vniversal Toleration and such Multitudes of various Sects as the Snake hath falsly alledged Yet it doth not follow that these Multitudes or various Sects were set up by Rome Because there were various Dissents from the Church of England even from the first Reformation And it was objected to Her by the Author of an Apology for the English Seminaries Printed 1581. That there was Contention and Dissention among themselves This was not in 1650. but in 1581. at such time that if there was not Vnviersal Toleration yet the Church at least was Tolerated and who sowed the Dissentions then And if the Snake will not be angry with me as he is with Josiah Cole p. 189. for Reprinting something of a Papist's which he calls a Sensless and Bitter Libel though it is his practice often to repeat part of our Adversaries Bitter and Sensless Libels against us for which it may be he would have us thank him I will briefly quote that Apology Printed 1581. p. 60. His words are these We charge them with rebelling against Christ's Church Laws and Ordinances with disobedience to their Lawful Pastors with contempt of Holy Councils Fathers and Doctors with falsifying corrupting denying divers Books and Places of Holy Scripture With Contention and Dissention among themselves Disturbances of Kingdoms and Countries desire of Liberty and Novelty in-constant and daily change of their Opinions Presumptuous Arrogance and Vaunting of their Knowledge above all Antiquity with Singularity Sacriledge Apostacy c. Thus he And now what Reader but would take this to be the Snake's Declamation against the Quakers were it not for its Title and Date of Print And that we know it to have been a Papist's Declamation against the Church of England So like the Snake it is that to use his words we see out of whose quiver his Arrows came But as we have now to this Snake's so the Church of England did to this and such like Charges of
was not to whom the Quakers did prefer themselves but whom they did Damn The Snake is not herein shorter in his Proof than he is false in his Charge when he says They have equalled Themselves to Adam in his Innocency as is above shewn The Snake hath indeed as is observed p. 290. foregoing said that G. F. Wrote but where he hath not told us That he was beyond the State of the First Adam that Fell But if G. F. hath so Writ it follows not that he hath equalled himself to Adam in his Innocency Cannot the Snake see a Difference between the State of Adam in the Fall and before the Fall Beyond the State of Adam in the Fall it is the Duty of all Men to come else they cannot witness the being born again by the Power of the Quickning Spirit the second Adam the Lord from Heaven This I say is our Duty and Interest and they who measurably do witness this Regeneration do not therefore Equal Themselves to Adam in his Innocency nor prefer themselves to all Others since the Fall Ibid. p. 192. Thus while they themselves pretend to Infallibility of Discerning and Infinity in Righteousness as shewn before they Arraign the Apostles of Gross Error and Delusion even where they speak from the Mouth of the Lord and in his Name That Infallibility Discerning and Righteousness which we own and contend for is that which is of the Operation of the Spirit of God and which he gives as pleaseth him to all those who through Obedience follow on to know his Will And which may be a strange thing to the Snake they are necessary to Man's Salvation For First Our Saviour speaking of his Faithful Followers John 10.4 5. They know his Voice and a stranger they will not follow But they could not thus chuse to follow Christ and not the Devil if there were not an Infallible Evidence in the Voice of Christ to testify that it is his Voice but such Evidence there is and they who persevere to be Workers together with the Grace of God shall by the Infallible Evidence of the Holy Spirit have a true Discerning between the Voice of Christ and the Voice of the Evil One And as they shun the one and follow the other they will come to witness a being clothed in their Measure with the Righteousness of Christ which is Infinite The Snake is not more false in his Charge concerning Infallibility Discerning and Infinite Righteousness as is above declared than he is grosly abusive and false in saying we Arraign the Apostles c. as will be seen by examining the Instance which he brings It is this P. 192 193. When St. Paul said 1 Thes. 4.17 We which are alive shall be caught up in the Clouds c. tho he said vers 15. This we say unto you by the Word of the Lord Yet T. Elwood in his Answer to G. K 's Narrative c. p. 162. supposes that St. Paul expected to be caught up in the Clouds himself and that the day of Judgment would come in his time while he was Alive And that the same was the meaning of St. Peter when he said The End of all Things is at Hand 1 Pet. 4.7 This Reader is the Snake's Instance that the Quakers do Arraign the Apostles of Gross Ignorance But that there is nothing more in the Charge but this Adversary's Gross Lye what follows will shew G. K. had in a piece of his Entiuled Gross Error and also in the Narrative of 1696. said in opposition to G. W. The Apostles using the word We there We that remain is an Enallage Personae putting We for They like that of James Therewith Bless we God and therewith Curse we Men James 3.9 To which Tho. Elwood replies Though he G. K. delivers it Possitively and like a Dictator yet I see not why he must needs be believed Why might not the Apostle speak in the first Person We As supposing that great and extraordinary Appearance and Coming of Christ the certain time of which no Man knew Matth. 24.26 was so near at Hand that it might probably fall out in his Life time For as the Apostles accounted the Times they liv'd in the Last Days or Last Times and ordinarily called them so Heb. 1.2 and 9.26 1 Pet. 1.20 1 John 2.18 so they thought the End of the World was not far off What else made Paul when he had told the Corinthians that the things he had related were written for our Admonition add Vpon whom the Ends of the World are come 1 Cor. 10.11 Why else did Peter say The End of all Things is at Hand 1 Pet. 4.7 Thus Thomas Elwood whose Querying the Snake calls Arraigning tho' by a very Gross abuse in that the words have no such thing in them For T. E. does here Query Why might not the Apostle speak in the first Person c. What else made Paul when he had the Corinthians c. Why else did Peter say c. It would have been more to the purpose if the Snake had answered the Questions and shewn why the Apostle might not speak in the first Person c. why and what else than the conjecture offered by T. E. did occasion the Apostles so to express themselves as is above quoted But this he drops and stands at a distance from the Questions and for answer flings Gross Lyes Ibid. p. 193. And at a Meeting or Council of their Ministers about the Year 1678. which will be told hereafter Hereafter when the Snake shall tell the Story at Large I shall then particularly reply to it and for the present shall here only reply to his False and Scandalous Insinuations hereon where he says They the Quakers prov'd themselves greater than Abraham because Abraham was before John and that the least in the Kingdom i. e. the least of the Quakers was greater than John Here the Snake by an i. e. does in most abusive manner insinuate his Base and Viper-like Exposition of the Text Matth. 11.11 to be our sense of the place which it neither is nor ever was And I do Charge him with Forgery herein and notorious Falshood unless he be able to prove that the Quakers have said they were greater than Abraham or that the least of the Quakers were greatter than John Which they I am well satisfy'd have never said Ibid. p. 193. Now they having treated the Prophets and Apostles at this rate we cannot expect that they should pay any great respect to the Ancient and Holy Fathers of the Church no they run them down by wholesale Having hitherto detected the falsity of the Snake's Insinuations and Charges in that no such treatment is given the Prophets and Apostles as is by him suggested I shall shew he is not less false when he pretends to give an account of the respect pay'd to them he calls Ancient and Holy Fathers From T. Ellwood's Answer to G. K's Narrative afore-mentioned G. K. had in that Narrative
above-mentioned p. 45. made a Quotation from T. E's Further Discovery p. 99. thus In comparing the Books of Friends to the Books of them called the Greek and Latin Fathers He has not done as a Friend and Brother but as an Enemy in supposing Friends Books to have been written by no better Guidance or clearer Sight than theirs who lived and wrote in those dark Times Upon this G. K. remark'd to his Auditory You see how modest they are here At this Remark G. K. says his Auditors gave a Shout signifying as he says Their dislike that the Quakers Books should be preferred so far to the Greek and Latin Fathers next to the Days of the Apostles To all this T. Ellwood in his Answer to G. K's Narrative as above in p. 177 178. replies One might wonder here at the cause of his Auditors Shouting For such of them as could understand what was meant by Greek and Latin Fathers one might expect should be Men of greater Wisdom and Gravity than to Shout in such Assemblies and for the Vndiscerning Mobb it was a subject so much above their Capacity and Pretences that it cannot be supposed they should Shout at that if they had not been excited thereunto by some little Antick Gesticulation from him But to the matter They shouted he says signifying their dislike that the Quakers Books should be prefer'd so far to the Greek and Latin Fathers next to the days of the Apostles These are not my words I did not refer to the Times next to the days of the Apostles But my words were Who lived and writ in those Dark Times Must those Dark Times needs be next to the Days of the Apostles See what an unfair stretch is this Thus T. Ellwood And yet as unfair as G. K's stretch was the Snake has stretch'd beyond him and pronounces They the Quakers run them down by wholesale But whether it be so or not I leave with the sober Reader to judge and shall observe by the way that how jealously tender soever he is of the names of them he calls Ancient and Holy Fathers Yet Bishop Jewel being prest with some Authorities brought from them by his Opponent Harding the Jesuit makes no scruple to do what this Snake calls run them down by wholesake for applying to his Reader he says That Doctors in all Ages and in all parts of the World were brought against him And the Bishop then queries Who would not be afraid to see such an Army come against him Howbeit gentle Reader be of good Cheer all this is but a Camisado These be but Vizards they be no Faces they are brought in like Mummers for a Shew and say nothing Jewel against Harding p. 6. Printed 1566. What will the Snake think of the light Character given of Doctors in all Ages and in all parts of the World And were it proper in this place I could add plenty of Instances that many of the Reform'd have made so bold with those this Snake calls Ancient and Holy Fathers as to run them down If to discover their Errors and slight their Authority as incompetent when offered in Contradiction to the Holy Scriptures and the Holy Spirit which gave them forth be so Ibid. p. 194. But now what Quarters shall we have If the Snake ask for himself the answer is ready if it be such as he deserves it will be none of the best For one who tells Lyes for Bread and can pawn all the pretences of Religion upon the Score of Malice and base Design may easily guess what value is to be put upon such an Undertaking Ibid. p. 194. How shall we be able to stand before them It is a Question the Snake may well ask concerning himself after so many Injuries of divers sorts and so great Injustice as he is guilty of towards us the weight of which may well be some pressure upon a Spirit that is at all on this side Obduration Ibid. They damn us all together to Hell i. e. all Christians It is false we Damn none no not the Snake much less all Christians Ibid. But they are more favourable to the Heathen whom they think Worshippers of the same Light with them and not led to Outward Things by the Belief of an Outward Christ and Faith in his outward Sufferings Death c. This Snake has an unusual degree of Impudence for he is not contented only to suborn our Books and pervert our Words and forge Lyes but he does bely our very Thoughts and say we Think what we never declared we did Think For we have never declared That the Heathens indefinitely speaking were obedient to the Light of Jesus Christ But we have often said according to the Apostle Acts 10.35 In every Nation he who feareth God and worketh Righteousness is accepted of him And concerning the Heathen in particular with the Apostle Rom. 2.14 15. For when the Gentiles which have not the Law do by nature the things contained in the Law these having not the Law are a Law unto themselves Which sheweth the work of the Law written in the Heart And of such Heathens who do thus shew forth the Work of the Law written in their Hearts we may say when considered and compared with meer Nominal Christians who have not known the Inward Vertue of what they believe Christ did Outwardly Suffer as our Saviour did say concerning the Pharisee and the Publican Luke 18.14 I tell you this Man departed to his house justified rather than the other For a Man may have a Historical Faith of all the Outward Things which are recorded in Holy Writ that Christ did and suffered Yet through disobedience to the Holy Spirit which Reproveth for Sin John 16.18 he may never know that Faith begotten in him which gives victory over the World Yet hence it 's not to be concluded that such who are obedient to the Holy Spirit in its Reproofs for Sin do therefore slight much less disbelieve any part of what Christ outwardly did and suffered No they cannot but must and do highly value and esteem It knowing the Benefits that we receive by it and do bless God that it is our Lots to have the means of the Knowledge of what Christ did outwardly do So that the Snake is most injuriously Abusive in his false Insinuations to the contrary The Snake now turns again to G. F's Great Mystery from whence not unlike the Quacks of the Town who of their pretended Panacea's boast they will cure all Diseases he pretends to fetch proofs for every Charge tho' contradictory to themselves but how falsly I have at least in some measure shewn As that the Quakers at first setting up pretended to be equal and of the same substance with God And it must also prove that the Quakers now abated from that and do now only claim to be Infallible as Prophets and Apostles Again Great Mystery must prove that there was a time when there was no God p. 122. And also that not the
Answer to that Common Objection against the Quakers that they Damn all but themselves The words are these This then is the sum of our Answer in this respect We are not against the Life and Power of Godliness where-ever it hath appeared or yet appears under the Vail of any form whatsoever Nay all persons who singly wait upon the Lord in the simplicity and sincerity of their Hearts whether under any form or out of forms that matters little to us are very dear unto us in the Lord. But we are against all Forms Images Imitations and Appearances which betray the simplicity and sincerity of the Heart keep the Life in bondage and endanger the loss of the Soul And too many such now there are which hold the Immortal Seed of Life in Captivity under Death over which we cannot but mourn and wait for the breaking of the Chains and its rising out of all its Graves into its own pure Life Power and Fulness of Liberty in the Lord. This Testimony which has been published now near 40 years and others of like tendency which I could produce but that I would be as brief as may be shews that from the first we have not Damn'd all the Christian World as is falsly said by this Adversary SECT XV. The Holy Spirit Professed by the Quakers proved to be neither Venemous or Nasty as charged by the Snake but prov'd to be his own True Character HAving thus shewn the falsity of the Snake's Charge of our Damning all the Christian World and on the contrary prov'd that Love and Charity which we have from the first had and shewn to all the sincere hearted under any Form So herein I hope to make appear that the respect wherewith we have treated Men hath been according to it and that if Words and Language may be allowed to discover the Furious Spiteful and Envious Ebullitions of a distorted Soul that then the Snake hath discovered so much Ibid. p. 198. Kind and Sweet Expressions are natural to Love and Good Nature as Furious Spiteful Envious and other Grating and Violent Passions do naturally vent themselves in the like wicked and hateful Ebullitions of a Distorted Soul Love and Good Nature have no doubt expressions suitable to their Quality and Occasion which in their utterance are always Kind but may sometimes not be otherwise Sweet than as Reproof and Rebuke may be said to be when properly and seasonably given And on the contrary Fury Spight and Envy have ever Expressions suitable to their Wicked and Hateful Nature and are level'd against Men in order to their Hurt and Destruction and have falshood for their original but are not always tho' often in violent manner for they are sometimes cover'd with Hypocrisie Instances of both Violent and Hypocritical I shall anon shew in the Snake after that I have told my Reader that as Words and Language are the Servants of the Mind so they are to be varied as the occasions thereof require Hence Kind and Sweet Expressions are properly to be given to Men and Actions that are Good and Honest And it is as proper by a Sharp and Kind Severity to express the Just Indignation of the Mind against the Evil Actions of Wicked Men. A multitude of Examples in both kinds we have in Holy Writ where the Dejected the Disconsolate the Mourner and the Penitent are comforted by the Kind and Sweet Expressions of the Holy Spirit speaking through the Holy Prophets and Apostles as does also our Lord himself It being the way of the Holy Spirit by Love unfeigned to seek and to save Mankind But on the contrary to the Hypocritical the Wicked and Impenitent it hath been the way of the Holy Spirit by sharp and severe expressions even such sometimes as in ordinary discourse might not be seemly or convenient to reprove them How severely doth God both in the Law and in the Prophets threaten the punishment of Idolaters even in terms which the Rabinnical Scholiasts have thought fit to alter in obedience to that foolish rule in their Talmud that all words which in the Law are writ obscenely must be chang'd to more civil words Milton's Apology Printed 1642 p. 25. Much so foolishly wise wou'd this Snake appear in refusing to allow what God at times as occasion did require hath thought fit to speak thro' his Servants Thus the Holy Prophet Elijah hath pronounced from the Lord concerning Jezabel the Daughter of Eth-baal King of Zidon as mentioned 2 Kings 9.37 And the Carcass of Jezabel shall be as Dung upon the Ground Thus also the Lord by his Prophet Jeremiah threatneth the Inhabitants of Jerusalem Jer. 8.2 That they should be as Dung upon the Earth And the Prophet Malachi 2.3 Behold I will cast Dung upon your Faces even the Dung of your Solemn Feasts and you shall be like unto it And the Prophet Isaiah rebuking the Wickedness of the Priests and Prophets telleth them all Tables are full of Vomit and Filthiness so that there is no place clean Isai. 28.8 The Prophet Habakkuk when he objected to the People their Secret Nakedness he tells them The Cup of the Lords right hand shall be turned unto thee and shameful Spuing shall be upon thy Glory These with abundance more Instances there are in the Holy Scriptures which are sufficient to shew that Love and Good Nature for such is the Holy Spirit doth not always use such as in the account of this Snake are to be called Kind and Sweet Expressions No for tho' the Spirit of God is Purity and Meekness it self yet in the reproving the Iniquities of Men it hath often used severe expressions Thus John the Baptist calls the Hypocritical Jews a Generation of Vipers Our Saviour calls Herod a Fox and told the Wicked Jews they were of their Father the Devil The Proto Martyr Stephen detects their Hypocrisie as Paul does the injustice of the High-Priest The Snake will surely not be so Blasphemous as to say these were in them the marks of Fury Spight or Envy c. Nor will it be answer sufficient for him to say of all these and others of like sort recorded in Holy Writ that he believes them to be the immediate Dictates of the Spirit of God But that all such Speeches since that time are the effects of Fury Spight and Envy and that they are the wicked and hateful Eubullitions of a Distorted Soul unless he can shew that God hath promised that he will no more through his Servants in like manner rebuke the iniquities of Men. This as denied by the Snake puts him upon a worse Dilemma for all those in him which are not Kind and Sweet Expressions And some such I think he has They must of necessity be Furious Spightful and Envious and the wicked and hateful Ebullitions of his Distorted Soul of which I will give some Instances when I have first shewn that if it be denied that the Instances above are Authorities for us to build on Yet that
in your high Nest of Liberty in the Lust and Pride and Filthiness of the Flesh. And in like manner he goes through many of the then Parties into which the People were divided and faithfully tells them their Trangression and admonishes to Repentance that so their then impending Destruction and which did come might have been averted And this is so far from being the effects of a Cursed Spirit or Hellish Thundrings and the opening of the Infernal Pit that it hath many Examples in Holy Writ in which God by his Prophets hath denounced and foretold grievous Desolations and Destruction which should come because of Transgression Thus the Prophet Amos 8.11 Jeroboam shall die by the Sword and Israel shall be led away Captive out of their own Land And the treatment he met with was much such as the Snake gives for we read in the 10th vers Then Amaziah the Priest of Bethel sent to Jeroboam King of Israel saying Amos hath conspired against thee in the midst of the House of Israel the Land is not able to bear all his words Thus Amaziah and our Snake are of the same Mind who when a Prophet from the Lord declares his Will concerning the Disobedient these will have such a Prophet to Approve of and Glory in their Destruction Which horrid Imputation cannot appear in any thing to be more false than that these same Men with many of the Prophets of the Lord who have been concerned in like Messages have called in the Word of the Lord to Repentance and Amendment by which the Impending Judgments that they foretold should come might have been turned away and that there was need of Repentance King Charles in the Declaration before-mentioned has abundantly testified but of that I care not to be more large at present The Snake p. 208. next carps at a Book Entituled Good Council and Advice but mentions no more of the Title lest it should betray and destroy the purpose he quotes it for and testifie that the Writers of it were true Prophets it is thus Rejected by Disobedient Men. And the days of Oliver Cromwell 's Visitation passed over and also of Richard Cromwell c. Printed 1659. From which Book p. 27 36. the Snakes quotes thus and begins Oh Oliver arise and come out which is an abuse and false Quotation for these words in that Book do stand twelve Lines assunder and begins thus Oh Oliver hadst thou been Faithful And of this the Snake declares they did blow the Trumpet to Oliver effectually But it is very false for from the Title of the Book their Visitation passed over and from the event viz. Oliver's Death and Richard's being Cast out it appears otherwise Ibid. p. 208. And he further charges Oliver not to turn Sober Men and True Hearts out of his Army And a very good Charge it was Ibid. So it seems they esteem'd Fighting a Lawful and a Good Thing in a Good Cause because they thought it consistent with Sober Men and True Hearts According to what I have before observed p. 138. God not having disarmed himself of the Outward Sword he may and often hath for Causes seeming Good in his Sight put the Sword into the Hands of such whom he hath appointed to be the Ministers of his Anger against wicked Men and among these his Ministers we believe there very often is and hath been Sober Men and True Hearts according to those Discoveries of the Will of God which they have had And this we also know that if Sober Men and True Hearts who have been raised up by the Lord and made Instrumental in his Hand by the outward Sword to Castise His and His Peoples Enemies do humbly wait upon God to have further discoveries of his Will and thereby come into greater degrees of Obedience to the Holy Spirit of Christ the Peaceable Saviour they may at length come to see concerning them against whom God raised them up as Joshua in the word of the Lord recounts to Israel concerning their Enemies Jos. 24.12 And I sent Hornets before you which cast them out before you even the two Kings of the Amorites and not with thy Sword nor thy Bow For it is certainly true that those 〈◊〉 do come to that Spiritual Marriage with the Lord spoken of by the Prophet Hosea 2.9 they will witness the compleating of that Prophecy mentioned in the 18th verse of this Chapter And in that Day will I make a Covenant for them with the Wild Beasts and with the Fowls of the Heavens and with that that creepeth upon the Earth And I will break the Bow and the Sword and the Battle out of the Earth and will make them to sleep safely Ibid. p. 209. But since 1660. it is an Antichristian Doctrine Before and since 1660 even ever since we were a People it hath been our Principle and Practice not to use the outward Sword Ibid. One of the Orders given forth by their Yearly Meeting 1693. Commands that none should carry Guns in their Ships Our Yearly Meeting did never give forth any Commands but in Brotherly sort hath caution'd against those things which are not consistent with our Holy Profession of which this is one Ibid. p. 209. They presented G. K. as endeavouring to Subvert the Government which by their Law is Death because that in the 9 th and 10 th Articles of a Paper there Published called an Appeal from the 28 Judges c. he queried whether it was consistent with their Principle against using the Carnal Sword c. That it was not Because he Queried c. as the Snake falsly says he was presented but because of his indecent and tumultuary Behaviour the Declaration of the Sessions it self will best shew which I shall here quote from S. J's State of the Case p. 50 51. Their words are these Therefore for the undeceiving of all People we have thought fit by this Publick Writing not only to signify that our Procedure against the Persons now in the Sheriffs Custody as well as what we intend against others concerned in its proper place respects only that part of the said Printed Sheet viz. The Appeal which appears to have the tendency aforesaid that is Sedition Disturbance Subversion of the Government or aspersing the Magistrates and not any part relating to Difference in Religion c. Ibid. p. 210. But it is plain that they are not against Force of Arms when they like the Quarrel for they did not only encourage Oliver c. but they fought themselves against the King if you will believe G. F. who complains of many Quakers being Disbanded out of the Army and that for being Quakers tho' they were good Fighters It is false G. F. does not complain that any Quakers were disbanded much less that they were disbanded for being Quakers That which G. F. does here complain of is the Pride and Haughtiness of them to whom he writ and as an instance of their Apostacy from that tenderness towards Religious and
be known which is also a very great Truth that we have towards all Governours utterly denied all Fase Dealing and have dealt faithfully and plainly with every one without favour or partiality reproving and blaming every one for their Faults shewing every one their Dangers and warning every one by the Fall of others that went before them to beware of shun and turn from those Evils which brought ruine upon the former But they never joined with fell in with acted with sought or accepted Places of Profit or Trust from any of them which the Fawning Priests and some Professors did and therefore as with very great Truth and Boldness they might and did say all that the Snake has quoted above So with like Truth and Boldness they say more which the Snake has cut out least while he remember'd their Faithfulness his relucting Mind should object his own past Treachery The words as they stand in the place he quotes from are these Treason Treachery and False Dealing we do utterly deny False Dealing Surmising or Plotting against any Creature upon the Face of the Earth and speak the Truth in plainness and singleness of Heart If the Snake could for himself in truth say so much it would be a brave Testimony I come now to a Book of George Bishops Entituled The Warnings of the Lord to the Men of this Generation Printed 1660. Under the Title of which Book because of Directions to two Places at which it was then sold the Snake says they did industriously spread their Treasons But I would know of him why a Warning to Peace Love and Vnity and Caution against Persecution and such this Book is may not at least be disposed of at as many publick Places as his Defamatory Libels or as his Seditious ones was at private Places But now from the Manner of its Disposal we come to the Matter of the Book The Snake begins with p. 27. of this Book and quotes thus p. 228. Beware of falling under this Spirit or of thinking the Breach between you can be healed for I declare it to you from the Lord That it is irreconcileable it cannot it will not be healed Thus far the Snake quotes and by a dash strikes out about three following Lines which are these Yea the day will come and now is wherein it will be said we would have healed Babylon but she would not be healed let us depart every one to his own place And now upon a Consideration of these Lines what more can be the meaning than that that separation and distance which was between the Spirits and Interest of the Conquerors and Conquered was irreconcileable And the Breach of their Contention was such as could not be healed with the peaceable and quiet possession of those who were then uppermost viz. in the Year 1659. which some might then either foolishly hope or wish But now the Snake after his Dash at which he left out the Lines above-mention'd continues his Quotation thus Therefore in the Power and Dread of the Almighty stand and bear over it viz. that Spirit of Persecution which would vainly hope a Reconciliation Crush it to pieces for that Spirit of which G. Bishop is here speaking had persecuted and afflicted and in many ways made Men to suffer for their Tender Consciences Stamp it to Powder i. e that Spirit of Persecution But the Forgery of the Snake is remarkable here for that after the words last above-quoted he puts an c. and then goes on as if what followed in his Quotation did follow in the same order in the Book from which he quotes it but it is far otherwise for the Lines which he here makes to follow do in that Book precede the beginning of his Quotation eleven or twelve Lines and by the like packing and transposing of Lines which this Snake uses a Man may make the Decalogue or the Lords-Prayer speak to answer any purposes which the wicked Projector shall design Ibid. p. 229. Yet in their Declaration to Him the King after his Return p. 7. they Gravely tell Him We are a People that follow after those things that make for Peace and Vnity and which the Snake has left out it is our Desire that others Feet may walk in the same and here the Snake goes on do deny and bear our Testimony against all Strife and Wars and Contentions c. that is says the Snake when they were beaten and cou'd fight no longer First It is notoriously false that the Quakers did Fight or bear Arms in the Year 1659. or any other Year to the opposing of the Restauration Nor indeed was the Restauration brought to pass by Fighting but there was more immediately the Hand of God in it in that without outward Strength the Powers which then were crumbled and broke to pieces as they were often by our Friends foretold they should having in their several Days and Times of Trial been found to encrease that Yoak which was the Original Pretence of their First Opposition to the King And that it was always our Principle to follow after those things that make for Peace and Unity and have desired that others might walk in the same and did bear our Testimony against all Strife and War and Contention c. George Bishop does in this Book of his the Warnings of the Lord testifie where in p. 10. speaking to O. Cromwell and shewing him in what and how far he had regard to him He saith in behalf of Liberty of Conscience which Oliver had before declared to be a Natural Right yet was herein so far darkned as not to establish this Right which once was in his power to have done and therefore G. B. enumerates some of the Sufferings of our Friends to him herein and at the same time tells him what was the nature of that Dispensation which the Quakers were come to which he tells him in these words We who through the unspeakable love of the Father are come to Witness the end of the Wars the Son of God made manifest in the Flesh whose is the Kingdom and the Glory and the Dominion for ever even his Immortal Seed raised and raising up in us by which we are brought to testifie against the World and all the Deceivers therein and against the Fashions and Customs and Works and Deeds thereof that they are Evil as by his Light we have been shewn and by his Blood redeemed therefrom in our own particulars c. And in p. 14. G. B. enumerating some Instances of those whom the Spirit of Persecution had overthrown and the pretences on which they went as Haman to Ahasuerus the Informers against Daniel and the Three Children and the Pretences of the Elders Chief Priests and Scribes against our Saviour as also their pretences against the Apostles under which they would cloak their wickedness hath these words This is what that Spirit viz. of Persecution suggested throughout all Ages on Record in the Scriptures of Truth and with this
of God in the Consciences of them that without prejudice and with an equal mind do read them But if he denies the Thesis viz. That God can speak and make known his Mind now to Men Immediately by the same Spirit in and by which he spake to the Holy Prophets and Apostles Let him shew when and where God hath imposed that Silence upon himself and bound himself to speak no more in that Immediate manner by his Spirit to Men. Ibid. p. 246. And from the same Mouth of the Lord Tho. Ellwood denounces that they who pay Tythes c. How knows the Snake that Thomas Ellwood did not say he delivered it from the Mouth of the Lord Yet what he there delivered is true But if T. E. did not deliver it from the Mouth of the Lord but laid it down as a plain proposition deduced from Scripture and this abdicated Snake positively says he did From whose Mouth did the Priest denounce that Lye Unless from the Mouth of him who is the Father of them which is the more likely in that he wrongs T. E. in the Quotation also which he gives thus T. E. denounces That they who pay Tythes thereby deny Christ to be come in the Flesh which is a Mark of Anti-christ But T. Ellwood's words are They who pay Tythes do therein uphold a Legal Ceremony abrogated by Christ and thereby deny Christ to be come in the Flesh which is a Mark of Anti-christ 1 John 4.3 The Snake by leaving out those words do therein uphold a Legal Ceremony abrogated by Christ hath conceal'd from his Reader that part of T. E's proposition on which the remaining parts depended which he hath also done in p. 254. and repeated the same again with some addition in p. 273. to make the more noise for the proposition consists of three parts 1. That they who pay Tythes do therein uphold a Legal Ceremony abrogated by Christ. 2. That by upholding a Legal Ceremony abrogated by Christ they deny Christ to be come in the Flesh. 3. That to deny Christ to be come in the Flesh is a mark of Anti-christ for proof of which Tho. Ellwood quoted 1 John 4.3 Now if the Snake can without nibling and taking T. E's words by piecemeal disprove them or the Authority on which they are built it may answer his purpose otherwise the Conclusion is Firm. Ibid. G. Fox in his decretal Epistle bearing date the 3 d. Month 1677. commands Severely that the Friends Testimony against Tythes be kept up with Vigor And yet none of these words Command Severely nor Vigor are in that Epistle which this Scoffing Snake calls Decretal The Quotation he gives out of that Epistle begins thus For any to cry against the Priests in words and yet to give them means and put into their Mouths he has left out here that they may not prepare War against you as not willing to publish that their Unchristian Practice is a Contradiction And is it not so Then he goes on And therefore take heed for if the Lord God do bless you with outward Creatures and you do bestow them upon Baal 's Priests the Lord may justly require the Outward Things from you again Here the Snake stops and covers with a what follows in the Epistle thus Who i. e. the Lord saith that his Christian Ministers should freely give as they have freely received of Jesus Christ. This the Priests don't love the People should hear of no by no means giving Freely is what they care not for And if for a Reason they offer and say they have not freely received though it be Truth yet it will be of no great Advantage But it seems by the Snake's quarrelling with this Quotation that he would have God's Creatures bestowed upon Baal 's Priests for which I should want a reason had I not this viz. That he himself might hope to get a share of them But we have not yet done with G. F's Epistle The Snake goes on with the Quotation thus So all the Preachers for Tythes and Mony and the Takers and Payers of Tythe must be testified against in the Lord's Power and Spirit Here he leaves off again dashing out several lines which mention the Spoil that had been made by the Tythe-mongers upon such as refused to pay them and the Judgments that have come upon those Persecuting Spoilers And therefore said G. F. in the next words In the Power of the Lord maintain the War against the Beast that is that Persecuting Spirit in the Priests and do not put into his Mouth c. To pervert this passage the Snake has printed it Beasts in the Plural that he might make way for a false and wicked Comment of his own that is says he as well Payers as Receivers of Tythes and that adds he is the whole Kingdom King and Parliament Whereas by those words and do not put into his Mouth c. which the Snake has left out it is very plain that G. F's words in that place related to those that exacted not to those that pay'd Tythes But as he hath perverted this Quotation to render the Quakers Obnoxious to the Government by insinuating as if they set up an Outward Authority against it So he craftily but falsly says G. F. concludes his Epistle abovesaid with these words Keep your Authority and Dominion Whereas that is not the Conclusion but after those words Keep your Authority and Dominion it follows in the Power and Spirit and Name of Jesus Which shews the War before mentioned was a Spiritual Warfare to be maintained by a Suffering Testimony and this also shews the Malice and Falshood of this Adversary Ibid. p. 247. There they wou'd perswade us that all they have said against the Payment of Tythes was only meant by them against the Payment of them to the Popish Clergy But by no means against the Right of the Church of England to their Tythes as settled upon them by the Civil Government This is false and the words he quotes from that Paper Signed on the Behalf of Friends and their Yearly Meeting do not say or imply it There is not in them any acknowledgment of any Right the Church of England hath to Tythes He goes on and quotes from that Paper We are not convinced that it can be against the Fundamental Laws of the Land either to deny Tythes What when the Law enjoyns them The Law and that made in the same Reign and not much after that which was the first express Statute-Law for Tythes enjoyn'd owning of the 6 Articles viz. Transubstantiation in the Sacrament of the Altar Auricular Confession c. Was that a Fundamental Law of the Land The Martyrs that then chose rather to suffer Death in Flames of Fire than keep it did not think so Again are not all Acts of Parliament though made in Popish Times Fundamental Laws of this Realm Tho' such as were made about Religion for if they had either the Popish Religion must have yet
if he did not reckon them any part of her ten pound Estate he might if he had sold them somewhat encreased that Ibid. p. 277. Nihil Dicit is Confessing of Judgment c. Supposing Nihil Dicit to be Confessing of Judgment yet that is not our Case we have been far from saying nothing for we have replyed I think to all that Bugg hath writ against us at least while he pretended to bring a Stock of new Charges and so Contentious a Man deserves not to be hearkned to or answered only for his noise sake But now to Nihil Dicit which the Snake says is Confessing of Judgment Sure he unluckily forgot the Suspicions he lay under to which he never yet dare appear to make answer so that Nihil Dicit is Confessing of Judgment Ibid. If they could prove Tythes to be Abrogated by Christ then indeed Bugg 's Impeachment would appear to be Malicious Very well I am contented to put it to that Issue because they have not only been proved heretofore to be abrogated by Christ in the Writings of several of our Friends but herein also as I take it it is fully proved that Christ by coming in the Flesh and offering up himself hath abrogated Tythes And that confirmed by Scripture Reason and Authorities Ibid. It is no Objection that Quakerism has not been voted in St. Stephen 's Chappel as bad things have c. What he means by Quakerism being voted in St. Stephen 's Chappel may seem doubtful yet that the Parliament have given us a Christian Liberty we are truly thankful tho I question not but this Malicious Abdicated Priest is sorry for it But why Snake that scurvy and saucy flurt upon the House of Commons as bad things have Can't the Parliament escape the Lash of this Lurking Snake who by the base treatment he has given to the Reformation in England from Popery and also to the present Government seems to intimate both these to be some of the bad things he flurtingly means to have been voted in St. Stephen 's Chappel This brings me to the end of this Section of Tythes SECT XVIII Shewing that the Pretensions of the Present Quakers as of the Former to the Spirit of Prophecy Infallibility c. is according to and agreeable with the Scriptures of Truth THe Snake that he may encrease the Bulk tho' not the Weight of his Charge does in a Multiform manner repeat the same thing We have before had one Section and that not a very short one Concerning the Quakers Infallibility and another Section Concerning the Quakers Pretence to Immediate Revelation And in both these are included this Section Entituled The Pretensions of the Quakers to the Spirit of Prophecy Infallibility c. In almost every particular Instance which he has here mentioned so that to be distinct and particular in this to all the Parts of it were but to say the same thing over again which would be equally unnecessary both for my self and Reader But if in my way through it I meet with any thing new and not answered before I shall not willingly escape it or pass it over The three first pages and it hath but seven are near all taken up in quibling and foolish unprov'd Reflections not worth a Confutation when they are not dress'd in a false shew of Reasons Garb and then only for this Cause that by Derecting an Enemies false Reasoning he may not be able to deceive or impose upon his Readers which this Snake doth frequently endeavour both by false Relations of fact by false Quotations from our Books by gross known Perversions of our Words and giving meanings to them which were never ours and also by boldly affirming of things utterly false As where he says p. 280. Our present Obstinate Quakers refuse to be brought to disown their own False Prophets We have not refused to Disown and Testifie against any who have spoken falsly in the Name of the Lord No but have according to the Examples of like kind recorded in Holy Writ denied them of which I have already in the Section concerning Infallibility given some instances Ibid. But do still fearlesly go on and pretend themselves to the same Extraordinary Commission of Immediate Divine Revelation That Divine and Immedate Revelation to which we do pretend is no other than that which is declared and held forth in the Scriptures of Truth as I have already shewn Section IV. and which the Snake does acknowledge p. 27 28. In some sense they may be called Revelations and Immediate too And as to Extraordinary Commissions or the Special Manifestations of God to his Children in the Higher Degrees of Immediate Revelation those which we own are not repugnant to the Scriptures but are consistent and agreeable therewith as I have there more largely shewn to which I shall only add that God hath not in the Scriptures of Truth declared or bound himself that he would not any more manifest himself to Men in such special Manifestations or extraordinary Commissions which it is recorded he did give to his Ministers in the breaking forth of the Gospel Dispensation Nay on the contrary the Apostle Peter shewing the People what was the Dispensation of God to Men in the Gospel-day Acts 2.17 18. he saith having reference to the Prophecy of Joel 2.28 And it shall come to pass in the last days saith God I will pour out of my Spirit upon all Flesh and your Sons and your Daughters shall Prophesie and your Young Men shall see Visions and your Old Men shall dream Dreams And on my Servants and on my Handmaidens I will pour out in those days of my Spirit and they shall Prophesie Are not Etraordinary Commissions herein promised I think there be so that there is not any uncertainty or doubt to know whether such Commissions may be or not Which though the Snake wou'd suggest yet he dare not undertake to prove And therefore chuses to oppose the Spirit of Prophecy in the Servants of God at this day by saying they affix God's Seal Thus saith the Lord to whatever their Rage their Malice or Folly shall suggest This is to affirm but not to prove and unless it be proved it deserves not be believed Ibid. This is nothing short of Blasphemy Rank Wild Blasphemy To affix Thus saith the Lord to Rage Malice or Folly it is indeed as the Snake says nothing short of Rank Blasphemy But that the Quakers do affix Thus saith the Lord to Rage Malice or Folly is nothing short of Rank Lying in the Snake to affirm unless he can prove it It is no Objection to give particular Instances of some that have been called Quakers and have spoken falsly in the Name of the Lord and thence conclude and say therefore none of the Quakers speak truly in the Name of the Lord. For by such undue Inference all the True Prophesies in the Old and New Testament are at once denied and refused as not from the Lord because some
false Prophets did also speak in his Name and say Thus saith the Lord when he sent them not Ibid. p. 281. This is the Prince of the Spirits of Delusion and this Prince they worship for God who mistake his Inspirations for God's Very well I say so too but that the Quakers are they who mistake his Inspirations for God's is Gratis Dictum 't is saying but not proving as more particularly will appear upon the several Instances which the Snake brings The first Instance in this Section is what he calls a Prophetical verse of George Whitehead's with which he says G.W. pursued George Keith after he was denied by us He gives it in these words Thus saith the Lord Because thou hast poured out great Contempt and Reproach upon my Servants and People I will assuredly pour out and bring great Contempt and Confusion upon thee Of this the Snake says p. 282. Copies were given out amongst the Friends that they might admire these Prophetical Gifts and if any thing unfortunate should in all George Keith 's Life-time befall him that it might certainly be esteemed as the Consequence of this Curse What Proof is this that what he calls G. W's Prophetical Verse did proceed from Rage Malice or Folly Or that G. Whitehead hath therein mistaken the Inspirations of the Prince of the Spirits of Delusion for God's See Reader how forward the Snake is to give hard words and how backward to prove them That G. Keith hath with great Contempt and Reproach treated the Quakers is very certain and not only so but hath Contemptuously and Reproachfully spoken many things of that way of Truth which they profess and which himself did also for many years profess with them which practices as it is an apparent mark of Confusion in him so it n●●essarily draws after it Contempt upon the Actor from all Observing Men. So that the Prophetick Verse as the Snake calls it of G. W.'s carries with it many evidences of Truth which plainly shew he did not therein mistake the Inspirations of the Prince of the Spirits of Delusion for God's And which is further seen in that there is no proof given by the Snake that it did proceed from Rage Malice or Folly in G. W. as is falsly and maliciously suggested by the Adversary And as there can nothing more unhappy fall out to G. K. in all his Life-time than to continue and go on from one degree of Confusion to another so that Confusion is not the Consequence of what the Snake calls George Whitehead's Prophetick Verse But that Verse was the Consequence of Confusion began in G. K. Ibid. Mr. Penn did own before the Yearly Meeting That the Glorious Power of God which he felt did so transport him that he was carried beyond himself and knew not whether he was Sitting Standing or Kneeling when he pronounced that Sentence of Apostacy concerning G. K. This was like St. Paul's whether in the Body or out of the Body he could not tell Well! Suppose it is like it I would ask the Snake whether he dare affirm that at this day it is altogether impossible for the Spirit of God to influence any to that degree of Extasie or Rapture If he will deny that or which will answer the end of our Present Inquiry if he will allow that but deny this to be so it will then be necessary for the Snake to produce the marks by which he proves it to be what in p. 283. he hath so confidently said it is viz. the Violent Transports of Passion But if the Force of this Mad Spirit of Malice had not govern'd the Snake he might have seen that while he does acknowledge what he there says W. P. does speak of himself to be like the Apostle This was like says he St. Paul whether in the Body c. and calls W. Penn's words The force of this Mad Spirit of Enthusiasm He does then Intimate that the Apostles words proceeded from the like force And how far this may expose Religion and the whole Scriptures to Loose and Atheistical Wits may concern some to see who are more truly concern'd for the honour of both than he who while he is inquiring How great is the force of this mad Spirit of Enthusiasm Observes not how great is the force of the mad Spirit of Atheism in himself But further I do own with the Snake that this Extasie or Rapture of W. P's is like that of Paul Whether in Body or out of Body he knew not That is they are a-like in Kind but not Degree W. Penn's as the Snake says did relate to the Posture of the Body but the Apostle's was much higher even so as to forget the Body Ibid. p. 283. And he is thus far towards it that he must either make out his own Inspirations to be from God in as High a Degree as those which were given to the Prophets and Apostles or otherwise that he has no Authority to inscribe the name of God upon them as they did The Snake does here as before allow the Inspiration to be the same but falsly supposes W. Penn under a necessity to make it out to be in as High a Degree which he is not because the Operation of it on W. Penn the Snake says was not in so High a Degree as on the Apostle And while the Snake does falsly suppose that the Inspirations from God at this day must be made out to be in as High a Degree as those which were given to the Prophets and Apostles Or else his name is not to be inscrib'd on them Besides that the Snake does hereby overthrow what in Pref. p. 31. he calls The greatest Flights and Extasies of Devotion and which he there advises to let Rise as High as they can the Higher the better He does also overthrow all that Enthusiasm which he says the Church of England owns for these he hath acknowledged to be Revelations and in some sense immediate too Yet here he says they are not so to be inscrib'd unless they are in as High a Degree as those given to the Prophets and Apostles Which I think he will hardly presume to affirm But altho' this Adversary is thus Contradictory to himself by denying and affirming the same thing yet Truth remains unmoveable and the Inspirations of the Holy Spirit at this day in what Degree soever they are given are truly the same in kind with those given to the Holy Prophets and Apostles In that now as then God by the divers Gifts of his Spirit doth fit furnish and qualifie his Children and Servants to the several Duties and Services in his Church to which he calleth them Ibid. He must likewise justifie all the False Lying Prophesies before told or otherwise he must unherd W. P. is not obliged to defend False Lying Prophesies but deny them nor doth he Herd as the Snake scornfully speaks with any such Ibid. p. 284. Gives two Quotations one for G. F's Answer to The Westmerland
of God the Unity of the Church and the Good of Souls But to his Flouting Question What will become of the First Quaker Infallibility I Answer Nothing but well because as I have largely shewn in the Section particularly treating of Infallibility neither the First Quakers nor the Present have ever placed Infallibility in any Man or Men but only in the Spirit of God And the Manifestations of this being given by the Mediation of Jesus Christ to lead Men to Heaven it is absolutely necessary that it be able on it's part Infallibly to answer the End for which it is given Well but if it be asked How comes the Voice of the Lord not to be distinctly discerned Since the Spirit of God is Infallible in its Manifestations to Men Why the Answer is ready because when the Mind is Hurried and Tossed and in the deep Exercise and Affliction because of its condition it cannot yet come to have so clear a discovery and so distinct discerning of the Voice and Will of God as afterwards in its further Growths in his Grace and Truth And the different attainments of such who are turned into the Way of the Lord the Apostle hath exprest by going on from one Degree of Grace unto Another Ibid. p. 297. It seems these Hurryings and Tossings did not come from the Holy Spirit of God The Effects of the Work of the Power and Spirit of God binding the Strong Man and purging out the Old Leaven does much agree with that which is described by the Prophet 1 Kings 19.11 12. and hath sometimes been as with a Great and Strong Wind sometimes as with an Earthquake sometimes as with a Fire before the Still Small Voice hath been heard And the Rage of the Enemy as P. L. saith is not small against the Soul which is redeeming from under his Captivity but endeavours to raise Hurryings and Tossings whereby the mind might be so darkn'd as not distinctly to discern the Voice of the Lord. Now again for Stories And there the Snake bestows 3 Pages about a Story bearing date the 19th of the 8th Month 1654. related by one whom he is contented pro hac vice to call a Minister because his Narration is against the Quakers But when that is over then with all the rest of the Dissenters he is with the Snake but as the Spawn of the Viper But to take him in his Character of Minister He was a Seventh-Day Baptist named Tho. Tillam sometime Resident in the County of Durham where he was Pastor to a People but they because of his Wickedness and Filthiness did cast him out and deny him This same Minister such a one in many respects as the Snake came up to London and wanting Induction to some place he apply'd himself to the then Commissioners for approving and giving Induction such as they then used to Ministers this T. Tillam from them gets a Place in Essex about Colchester and here it is that he spreads this Report This Report one Gyles Firmin another such Minister takes up and puts at the end of a Book of his which he writ against the Quakers and printed 1656. To this Edw. Burroughs did writ an Answer printed the same Year wherein he does positively deny both this Story of Tillam's and that other of Firmin's which the Snake mentions and says it is a Lye Then it was Incumbent upon the Snake's two Ministers Tillam and Firmin to have brought out their Testimonials of the Truth of what they had said but no such thing came nay indeed one of them could not stay for that purpose for he Scandalously run away from his Charge here in Essex to which he had been Inducted as before he was thrown out of his Charge in Durham because of his Scandalous Carriage in it As Witnesses yet living do testifie Snake p. 304. Since the Publishing the 1st Edition of this Book there has been published an astonishing account of some Quaker Witches who prosecuted one Henry Winder and his Wife for their Lives accusing them of Murder from the Mouth of the Lord. And since the Publication of the Snake an Answer hath been published thereto entituled An Old Apostate Exposed manifesting the great Wickedness and Uncleanness of the said H. W. to his lasting Shame and Confusion of Face and had he not been under strange Delusions and hardness of Heart he could hardly have been drawn by his abettors to have given such occasion to make his abominable Actions publick But so great is the Malice of the Snake and such like envious Men that even their own Shame will not deter them from venting their Malice but let them reap the Fruit of their doings and let 's hear the Snake further Ibid. One of them being examined how this Revelation came to her said she could not tell but she was sure it began in her Feet See what Idle and Ridiculous Stories this Snake licks up surely if Satan's Delusions had not began in his Malicious Heart he had never been brought so to vent it with his Pen. Ibid. But the Snake goes on to give an account of matters notoriously infamous of which the said H. W. was by these two Women accused Wherein whether the Women were altogether Wrong and how far the said Winder was Guilty God knows However for some satisfaction to the Moderate Reader hear the said Winder and his Wife what they said then viz. about 1674. under their hands as it is related by T. Cam in the aforesaid Answer p. 6. We acknowledge and confess that we have sinned and transgressed against the Lord God and against his People who have born grievous Burthens for us we must needs confess before you But this know dear Friends that the Enemy wrought in a Mystery in us to the persuading of us that we might do such things and yet live Then through the weakness of the Flesh Sin took occasion and overcame us then Sin being finished it brought forth Death to the Innocent Life which we once lived in Here it 's plain from H. W's own Confession he had been about some foul piece of Work then though now a fit Tool for the Snake's turn However let 's a little further view the account of H. W's matter as we have it in the Old Apostate Exposed page 9 10. I shall now add what is so notoriously known in the Neighbourhood that though the said H. W. be greatly hardned yet I presume he cannot have a Face to deny relating to their great Uncleanness for which they were denyed of us c. So that it seems before H. W. was fit for this Snake's Communion he was fit to be expell'd ours But since the Snake has him let 's shew him further what he has got Old Apostate Exposed p. 10. The said H. W. had her that is now his Wife so great with Child in his first Wife's days that there was but about Six Weeks betwixt the Death of his first Wife and the Birth of that Child However
every True Son of the Church an Enthusiast Yet in p. 98. he says Enthusiasts indefinitely have no Principles they have no Rule but their own Fancy which is strongest in Mad-men Reader Is it not very Comical to see this Adversary dealing his Blows with so much blindness and malice thus to wound himself while he thinks he is hitting of others which is a very great Argument that whatsoever Inspiration he may pretend to believe to be in the Church yet that he has little benefit from any because of his repeated Contradictory Assertions in the same thing But besides the propense Malice herein Legible it 's like he used less guard and caution and car'd not how he put upon us since he declares his Assurance p. 32. That the Simplicity of our Quakers has depriv'd them of every one of these helps which others might have to detect him But be that as it will let me here add one Observation to shew yet plainer if plainer can be whether this blindness has led him He would have us believe nay he says p. 319. We are assured that it the Inspiration of the Holy Ghost will lead us to all Truth that is requisite and necessary for our Eternal Salvation Now if the Snake does here speak both the Churches Sense and his own I will shew that notwithstanding he has writ a Section of Tythes as payable to her yet he has absolutely cut them up by the Root while he doth positively affirm that Teaching does cease nay that it 's inconsistent with the Sufficiency of the Light within But if this Light within or Inspiration of the Holy Ghost Leads us to all Truth requisite and necessary for our Eternal Salvation as both himself and as he says the Church do confess I think it hath Sufficiency enough for all the wants of Men. For Proof that this Sufficiency supersedes all Teaching and necessarily Tythes which are the Reward of it turn to p. 166 167. where speaking against us upon this very Head of the Sufficiency of the Light within he saith Teaching does in its own Nature cease when Men are sufficiently Taught therefore to those who hold the Sufficiency of the Light within outward Preaching must be wholly Inconsistent How far this agrees or contradicts what I have above quoted from him in p. 319. the Reader may easily Judge Now again to Quotations and the first is from p. 38 of W. P's Preface to G. F's Journal and is this We have seen the Fruit of all other Ministries by the few that are turn'd from the evil of their ways And let the Snake think as he please it will always be one good Mark to Judge of a Ministry by its Fruit those that are turn'd by it from the evil of their ways It was the end of the Commission which God gave to his Apostles to turn Men from Darkness to Light and it is the end of the Commissions which he gives at this Day and where this end is not Answer'd there Fruit is not brought forth His Objection p. 320. is besides the Point where he says Mens being evil may proceed from their own perverseness For I know none that doubts it But what is to the present Case is That Men's continuance in Evil is often too much owing to the deadness of the Ministry they are under as in Hosea 9. And there shall be like People like Priest Ibid. And to Justifie rather the Ministery of Theudas Acts 5.36 37. who got above 400 to follow him No it is to Justifie rather the Ministry of Peter from the Holy Spirit Acts 2.41 by which there was at one Sermon added to the Church about 3000 Souls Ibid. p. 320. quoted from p. 21. of the Preface before mention'd where the Snake has given a notable Stroak of his Art in I will give the Quotation first as he has made it and then from the Preface it self They the many Ministers in the World declare of Religion say many things true in Words of God Christ and the Spirit of Holiness and Heaven c. but which of them all ever directed a Man to a Divine Principle or Agent plac'd of God in Man to help him c. Thus the Snake has given it but in the Book it self it is thus They declare of Religion say many things true in Words of God Christ and the Spirit of Holiness and Heaven that all Men should Repent and mend their Lives or they will go to Hell c. But which of them all pretend to Speak of their own Knowledge and Experience Or ever directed Men to a Divine Principle or Agent plac'd of God in Man to help him and how to know it and wait to feel its Power to work that good and acceptable Will of God in them Thus he So that when the Snake Answer'd the Question as himself had split it and said p. 321. Not one of them as I know of He did but Answer one half of it But if he will Answer the Question as it lies above in W. P's Words and say Not one of them Ministers but have so directed Men as is above-mentioned there may Thousands be able to Confront him and say his Answer is false In like manner he abuses a Passage in p. 39. of the fore-mention'd Preface Where W. P. directing his Words to those in the Ministry saith For even those that have receiv'd the Word of the Lord had need wait for Wisdom that they may see how to divide the Word aright which plainly implieth that it is possible for one that hath receiv'd the Word of the Lord to Miss in the Division and Application of it which must come from an Impatiency of Spirit and self-working c. What the Snake carps at in this is the Word Miss and among other things says p. 321. H●w did he know they cou'd Miss but by their having Miss●d I Answer Very well For as the Apostle does not Charge Timothy with having miss'd when he gave him that Caution 2 Tim. 2.15 to which W. Penn has respect in them Words which plainly implieth c. So I think the Snake will not be so hardy as to say That either the Apostle or Timothy had miss'd in the Division of the Word Ibid. p. 322. Will they give no body leave to miss but themselves We give none leave to miss in the Division and Application of the Word W. Penn hath truly said as above it is fro● an Impatiency of Spirit and Self-working And if the Snake will not allow of that to be missing it is easie to know that himself does miss exceedingly Ibid. p. 324. The Snake makes a Quotation from p. 83. of G. F's Journal which is but a Repetition of what he has before quoted in p. 28. and which I have already Answer'd in p. 76 77 fore-going and therefore need not here repeat it Ibid. p. 325. But when p. 29. of his Preface before-mention'd Mr. Penn wou'd persuade us that this Fox had outward Revelations and
what we assert and vindicate in each particular Snake p. 175. My Accuser presently shews his Prejudice and Enmity against me without cause As with a new Confession of Faith in such dubious and general Terms as may at first sight deceive the unwary Reader tho' I gave it in as plain and as much in scriptural Terms as I could and as the Matters concerned would admit of And I know my own Sincerity therein better than my Accuser who insincerely calls me Honest George whilst he is aspersing me and casting Dirt at me as Deceiving keeping off contradicting the Heart of the Heresie still preserving it safe and untouch'd and not only so but often with a slily insinuated Excuse and Defence of it So that my confessing Jesus to be the Christ and both his coming in the Flesh and in the Spirit according to holy Scripture-Testimony and also to the Holy Scriptures of the Old and New Testament namely the Holy Doctrine and Divine Precept therein as given by Divine Inspiration on which much of my said Confession against F. Bugg depends this hath no beter Acceptance or Resentment with my Accuser than as no Contradiction to the Heart of Heresie but as still preserving it safe and untouched and which is worse a slily insinuated Excuse and Defence of it Oh sad Stuff Whither will not Pride and Envy precipate some Men What scripturally to confess Jesus Christ and the holy Scriptures as above is this no Contradiction to Heresie But to preserve excuse or defend it What 's Heresie then pray Is it to confess Jesus Christ come in the Flesh c. according to holy Scripture-Testimony of him Oh! For shame leave off such blind Envy and blasphemous Abuse And now to come to the Point How or wherein have I slily insinuated Excuse and Defence of it i. e. of the Heart of Heresie as before p. 175. Thus saith my Accuser in his first Article he confesses Jesus to be the Christ even the same Jesus Christ who was born of the Virgin Mary at Bethlehem c. I confess this is part of my Confession but cannot believe this is either not contradictory to the Heart of Heresie or that it is any Excuse or Defence of it Nor that our confessing God or Christ to be our Light can be any such Excuse or Defence Neither do we attribute the Name Christ to any much less to every one of our selves as we are often falsly accused as here whence he also most unjustly infers That then this will appear that this Confession of Whitehead 's is a meer Fallacy while it attributes no more to Jesus Christ than to G. W. Which is a very foul and absurd Falshood and notorious Lie in Fact and contradiction to my said Confession even so far as it is cited by himself as before which is 1. We sincerely own profess and confess Jesus to be the Christ even the same Jesus Christ who was born of the Virgin Mary at Bethlehem in Judea Mat. 2. suffered Death upon the Cross without the Gates of Jerusalem was quickened and raised again by the Power of God and ascended into Heaven and Glory according to the Scriptures Now have I herein attributed no more to Jesus Christ than to my self as he saith Where did I ever attribute this to my self Where is the meer Fallacy Not in my Confession to Jesus Christ but in this Horrid Abuse and Gross Perversion thereof Did I ever say that I am Jesus Christ Or that I was born of the Virgin Mary Or that I suffered Death upon the Cross at Jerusalem c. Oh! For Shame who cannot see such Malice and Madness as my Adversary has vented against me in this Matter Again I find no Fallacy in my Confession to Christ as without nor is there any unless I had denied the Virgin Mary of whom Christ was born to be without or Bethlehem and Judea and Jerusalem to be without us nor doth Christ being without prove him not to be our Light within for the same Christ said I am the Light of the World therefore he is our Light yea the Quakers Light as he calls it they being included in the World Does not the Sun shine in our Houses because the Body and Fulness of it is without them My Accuser Quibbles and Quarrels with Art 10. of my Confession viz. Our Ministers do not Teach that the Name of Jesus and Christ belong to every Member in the Body or Church as amply as to Christ the Head And here he leaves out all the following explanatory part of the Article as he calls it and Scornfully descants upon the Word amply being in a different Black Character lest quoth he Ibid. you should mistake and think that George was Christ as amply as Jesus And then goes on scoffing That was modest indeed but then George thou art Christ as well as Jesus though not so amply Which is both a false Implication and foreign to my Intention The word amply in that place was only used and intended in direct opposition to F. Bugg's falsly saying The Quakers Teach That the Name Jesus and Christ belong to every Member in the Body as amply as to Christ the Head New Rome Arraign'd p. 47. But even in the same 10 Art quoted against me I do not allow any Member to be called Christ but expresly disallow it though I confess how Christians have some Interest in his Name but not to be called Jesus but Christians The explanatory part of my Confession in the said 10th Article disingenuously left out by this Scoffer is in these Words viz. But that the Divine Anointing to which Name Christ hath relation virtually is in some measure or degree afforded to every Member of his Body but not so amply as to him the Head nor for any Member to be called Christ but a Christian because Christ received the Anointing the Holy Spirit not by measure but in fulness and because he is the Head of the Body the Church And this very Matter is more fully explained in my Charitable Essay in Answer to F. Bugg p. 4. as before It was far from my Thoughts or Intention to imply any such thing as That I am Christ as well as Jesus for I have often written my self A Servant of Christ and so I am I Humbly Bless his Name that is above every Name Therefore I am still very unjustly accused Ibid. with Rank Sophistry Doging and Deluding and casting a Mist before the Eyes of Poor Deluded People or Leading them into the Mystery of Iniquity or of any Equivocation or Jesuitical Confession of Faith I have a Conscience towards God in what I confess and in good Conscience testifie That thou my scornful lurking Adversary hast cast manifold false and gross Defamations upon me and many others of my Christian Persuasion And in the true Sense of Scripture I have both confessed Christ's coming in the Flesh and as he the Word was made or took Flesh John 1.14 And more than
the Socinians I do still confess That as the Reasonable Soul and Body is One Man so He that is God and Man is One Christ. And whether this will give Satisfaction to an Implacable Adversary or no I value not knowing my Conscience Clear in the Sight of Him who Judgeth Righteously which I am sure this my Unjust Judge and False Accuser is not who presently after he has stiled me Honest George unjustly Brands me with Infamy as Sophistry Delusion Depths of Satan Mystery of Iniquity Equivocation Jesuitical Confession c. Oh! Rank Malice Bitter Envy c. As for my Confession in the 7th Art alledged against me it stands good and true viz. We own no such saying as that the Holy Doctrine or Divine Precepts of Scripture is either Dust Death or the Serpent's Meat but truly profitable to us by the Assistance of God's Holy Spirit given to us c. And this was in direct Opposition to F. Bugg's saying These Quakers who pretend to own the Precepts and Doctrine of the Bible to be Holy and Blessed yet say 't is Dust and Death the Serpent's Meat c. Apol. Introd p. 18. to his New Rome We do not believe any of these Quakers ever so said of the Precepts and Doctrine nor do they own any such Saying I wholly disown it But then to beg the Question What was it you called Dust and Serpents Meat Was it nothing else but the Ink and Paper Did any Body ever say That these were not Dust Or Is that any part of the Controversie betwixt us Snake p. 177. Here he yields the Point he grants the Ink and Paper to be Dust. I said Will decay and turn to Dust but so will not the Word the Gospel nor the Holy Doctrine contain'd in Scripture And it has been confess'd by F. B. and others That Holiness is not ascrib'd to the Paper and Ink or Inky Characters that will decay but to the Holy Doctrine and Precepts which will not decay but be permanent and endure and therefore are called the Holy Scriptures with respect to the Holy Matters therein contained That the Books and Writings in Ink and Paper will wear out so will not the Word is evident Jehoiakim King of Judah could burn Jeremiah the Prophet's Roll or Book writ with ●nk by Baruch but not the Word of the Lord nor properly the Words thereof for the same Word caused all the former Words to be written again after the Roll was burnt Jer. 36. If then the Books the Paper and Ink be combustible or will decay and turn to Dust but not the Word nor the Doctrine where 's then the Controversie indeed when the same thing is granted on both sides He quotes Gr. Myst. p. 302. as saying Paper and Ink is not Infallible that will come to Dust unto which the Word Christ and the Spirit is preferred in the same place quoted And in the said Gr. Myst. p. 78. by Letter he there means Paper and Ink but the Scripture the thing it speaks of is Spiritual the Word is Spirit And further p. 127. the Scripture or Writing it self without the Spirit that gave it forth is a dead Letter in it self The Spirit is that that gave forth the Scriptures For my part as I am not in the least conscious to my self of the least Contempt of Holy Scripture nor yet of the Bible for I have always preferr'd it to all other Books extant in the World and more affected Reading therein than any other Book even from my Childhood and often bless Divine Providence for preserving to us the Scriptures So I know of none among us guilty of contemning them Neither is what 's said from any Contempt of Scripture no more than it is of the Earth and the Heavens to say They shall wax old and perish but the Word that made them endureth Psal. 102.25 26. Heb. 1.11 12. But say what we can in this Case to clear our selves of any Contempt to the Holy Scripture this our uncharitable Judge and Accuser will not believe us He 's bent to asperse he has swallow'd down so much of the sour Leven of the Malice of a few false Brethren Persecutors and Apostates from whom he derives much of his Authority and thus scurrilously and most falsly imposes upon me viz. And therefore George notwithstanding all thy meally Modesty it is it is indeed George it is the very Doctrine of the Scriptures which you blaspheme as Dust and Death and Serpents Meat on purpose to bring Men off from trying your pernicious Heresies by those Sacred Oracles Ibid. This is a pernicious Abuse and Calumny against my self and others of us to out-face us against our very Sense and Consciences and in good Conscience I Testifie against it it never entred into my Intention or Thoughts so to blaspheme the Doctrine of the Scriptures as to term or deem it Dust Death or Serpents Meat the Lord rebuke this lying envious Spirit Neither do I vilifie the written Doctrine and Precepts of God in comparison of our New Light as he falsly calls it p. 177. but reverently esteem them The Man makes no Conscience of Defaming us Neither do we quarrel with the Law and the Testimony nor yet with Writing or Scripture as 't is in Ink and Paper but distinguish between the Writing and the Things written which is no contempt to either We are thankful to Divine Providence for both the Scripture or Writing and the Holy Doctrine and Divine Precepts therein written for they testifie unto Christ our Light and our Light to the Truth of them And to what he saith If any do not teach the same i. e. according to the Law and the Testimony or written Word it is because there is no Light in them Isa. 8.20 And then puts this Emphasis upon it No Light George Mark that Your false Pretences to the Light within are here over-rul'd Ibid. I deny that our Pretences to the Light within is either false or are here over-rul'd if they speak not according to this Word it is because there is no Morning to them If he 'll see the Note from the Hebrew in some Bibles he may see no Morning in the Margin over against no Light Then let him Mark that But is there no Light in the Creation before Morning either inward or outward pray Did not the Light shine in Darkness before it shined out of Darkness And had not the Believers a more sure Word of Prophecy whereunto they did well to take heed as unto a Light shining in a dark place until the Day dawned and the Day-star arose in their Hearts 2 Pet. 1.19 And are not many reproved by the Light in them for telling Lies and speaking contrary to the Word c. And therefore there was some true Light in them before the Morning appeared to them And though my Accuser says Ibid. These and such-like Texts detect and explode the miserable Ignorance and Blasphemy of these Pretenders to Light For which we have