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A54120 The Christian-Quaker and his divine testimony vindicated by Scripture, reason, and authorities against the injurious attempts that have been lately made by several adversaries, with manifest design to rendor him odiously inconsistent with Christianity and civil society : in II parts. / The first more general by William Penn ; the second more particular by George Whitehead. Penn, William, 1644-1718.; Whitehead, George, 1636?-1723. 1674 (1674) Wing P1266; ESTC R37076 464,302 582

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departed from them so as neither Life nor Substance is to be found in them but a dark Spirit of Enmity and Opposition against the true Power and Life is centered in them Yea the same Spirit which walketh in dry Places I wish they were truely sensible of it X. Of knowing Christ and his Coming Reign and Deity UPon 2 Cor. 5. 16. Though I have known Christ after the Flesh yet from henceforth know I him so no more H. G's Exposition is That the Word know here doth hold forth to esteem regard allow or to approve by Way of Preference p. 58. Now if we read his Exposition herein upon the Text it runs thus viz. Though I have known or esteemed regarded or approved Christ after the Flesh by Way of Preference yet from henceforth do I esteem regard or approve of him so no more and then how must I regard and prefer him but after the Spirit and in his spiritual Manifestation as I know him in me to be my Hope Life and Stay But how does this agree with his Discription of Jesus Christ as the alone Saviour As consisting of a human Body of Flesh and Bone as before p. 31. and 55. and with his saying that the Spirit or blessed Comforter cannot be the Saviour and Mediator p. 46. But this he hath also eminently Contradicted in confessing that The Power of Christ's Spirit risen in us is for our Sanctification and Renovation p. 54. To which I add that the Apostle witnessed that the ingrafted Word is able to save your Souls or the Word that is grafted in you as some have it Jam. 1. 21. and see 1 Pet. 1. 23. and the Spirit is Life giveth Life quickneth sanctifieth it self maketh Intercession And if ye through the Spirit mortifie the Deeds of the Flesh ye shall live Rom. 8. Therefore the Word and Spirit which are one do save the Obedient Whereas H. G. saith Some of those Cazers and Waiters viz. that look for Christ's personal Reign was Paul Peter and John yea all the primitive Saints though Christ was come in Spirit to them as gloriously c. p. 60. I deny that they were any such Gazers after Christ's Ascension and glorious spiritual Appearance and Revelation in them he hath herein asperst Paul Peter and John and all the primitive Saints with gazing for Christ's personal Reign which he reckons his second Coming to Salvation wherein he hath not only rendred all the Saints and former Witnesses of Christ to be such uncertain Gazers abroad but their Hope Expectation and Faith ineffectual and fruitless as to such a Coming and they to be disappointed of Salvation for a personal Coming and Reign of Christ as this man speaks of they attained not in their Dayes neither is it yet nor are Baptists like to see such a personal Reign though he has rendred all the primitive Saints Gazers and Waiters for it whereas Christ said unto his Disciples Verily I say unto you there be some standing here which shall not taste of Death till they see the Son of Man coming in his Kingdom Math. 16. 28. or till they have seen the Kingdom of God come with Power Mark 9. 1. As for H. G's human personal Christ consisting or meerly made up of Flesh and Bone finite weak subject to Passion as we are who as such he deems the alone Saviour with his unscriptural Expressions he puts upon him as outward Existence personal Existence personal Subsistence human Nature second Person of the Trinity c. p. 46. and 83. and 94. And yet in Contradiction he is made to confess him to be the most high God p. 80. Jesus of Nazareth truely God the most high God as is the Father and of the same Substance and Essence yet distinguished from the Father as touching his personal Subsistence p. 83. I cannot but look upon this Relation to be non-sensical and confusedly intermixt with those unscriptural Terms of which let the ingenuous Reader judge that can distinguish between the Body which Christ took upon him and the divine Being this Relation of his tends farther to stumble and keep distant both Jews and Others thus to represent Jesus Christ as a meer Body consisting of Flesh and Bone human Nature finite weak c. and then saying He is the most high God of the same Essence c. And his rendring him only a Saviour after this his own imaginary human or earthly manner he hath sufficiently confuted by these Reasons wherewith he proves Jesus Christ his Deity or Being God and as such the Saviour orgiveth Power unto others to become the Sons of God 1st From his Name the mighty God the true God the only wise God God blessed for ever Isa. 9. 6. 1 Joh. 5. 20. Jude 25. and Rom. 9. 5. 2ly His making and creating the World Joh. 1. 1 3. Col. 2. 16. Heb. 2. 10. 3ly His upholding and preserving the whole Creation Heb. 1. 3. Col. 1. 17. 4ly His knowing all things Joh. 12. 17. and 2. 24 25. Psa. 139. and 4. 10. Job 36. 4. and Ch. 38. 5ly His searching the Heart Jer. 17. Rev. 2. 23. 6ly His being the fist and the last Isa. 44. 6. and 48. 12. Rev. 2. 8. 17. 7ly His having spiritual Worship or divine Adoration due to him Mat. 8. 2. and 28. 17. Luke 24. 52. Joh. 8. 38. Heb. 1. 6. Phil. 2. 10. 8ly His having Power to forgive or pardon Iniquity Mat. Ch. 9. and Mark 2. 5. Luke 5. 21. 9ly In that the Saints ought to pray to him Act. 9. 14. Rom. 10. 9 10. 1 Cor. 1. 2. 10ly His having Power to give the Holy Spirit and Saving Graces Math. 3. 11. Mark 1. 4. Ephes. 4. 8 9. 11ly His being equal with God Phil. 2. 6 7. Zach. 13. 7. 12ly His having Power to lay down his Life and to raise it up again Joh. 2. 19. and 10. 18. 13ly His being the Object Author and Finisher of the true Believers Faith Joh. 14. 1. and 9. 35. Heb. 12. 2. 14ly He who can by his own Name proper Power and Authority give Power unto others to become the Sons of God must needs be God himself but that Christ doth and can do this is evident Joh. 1. 11 12. He doth adopt regenerate or make others the Children of God by the effectual Working of his blessed Spirit in the Hearts by which they are interested in all the Priviledges of the Covenant of Grace which none can do save God alone p. 91 92. Thus far H. G. to his own eminent Confutation and Contradiction hath assented to Truth in Words and how Jesus Christ is the Object of Faith and Giver of Power to men to become the Sons of God and how he makes them his Children by the effectual Workings of his blessed Spirit in their Hearts even because he is God Eternal in that none can do those but God alone according to Isa. 43. 10 11 12. and 45. 14. and 49. 26. and 63. 〈◊〉 Jer. 14. 8. Hos. 13.
the Law in the Letter or as outwardly written And if this Immediate Light be not of a saveing Property what Light is And for what end is it given universally to Man-kind That they may be saved or onely to condemn them 2. Christ's enlightning all men as the Eternal Word and that with a spiritual Light flowing from himself as the Eternall Word Enlightening It is not with the Letter which killeth and Cannot give Life but with an Immediate Illumination or Influence of Light from himself which can both kill and make a live it hath both the Law or sentence of Death in it to the transgressor and quickning Vertue and Gospel in it to make alive to God and minister Life and Justification from God to them that truly obey it 3. This immed iate Light or Shining from Jesus Christ as the Eternal Word is neither the Letter of the Law nor created nor yet natural as Anabaptists use to say but as the Eternal Word enlightning man and the Life which was in him being the Light of Men is therefore a Light and Law which can give Life which the Law as in the Letter could not it being the Life it self that was in the Eternal Word H. G. The great Darkness of these Men who cry up Light and Power within this Wile of Satan and Cheat of Anti-Christ p. 31. H. G. Contradiction The Lord Jesus Christ as the Eternal Word enlightneth all Men this Light is the Substance of the Law the Candle of the Lord it doth convince of Sin p. 8. If Heathens follow it they would shine in just living the Work of Faith with Power I do mantain that Faith is required and must be wrought with Power in the Heart p. 15 16. G. W. Animad What horrible Blasphemy is it then to term our crying up the Light and Power of Christ within the Wile of Satan and Cheat of Anti-Christ and how plainly hereby confuted We have Cause to look upon those Heathens that follow the Light or Gift of God within to be more godly and better Christians then many of these Baptists H. G. Rep. Your Lyes and Ignorance I say the Darkness of these Men who cry up Light and Power within is great and I did say in p. 31. I should make appear this Wile of Satan and Cheat of Anti-Christ that is to say the Evil Doctrine and Principles of yours And do I contradict this in affirming there is a Light in all Men called the Candle of the Lord and in owning the Inward Work of Faith with Power upon the Heart c. p. 4. G. W. Answer Hath he not before evidently made their crying up Light and Power within the Character of the great Darkness and this the Wile of Satan and Cheat of Anti-christ You that understand Grammer and common Sence mark the Tenour of his Words and how he shuffles to cover this Blasphemy and Contradiction to his confessing that the Lord Jesus as the Eternal Word enlightneth all Men and this is our Principle though now he placeth the great Darkness Wile of Satan and Cheat of Anti-Christ upon our Doctrine and Principles without Exception concerning the Light within and thus still ensnares himself in his Confusion as also in one while affirming that this Light in Man is the Substance of the Law or first Covenant another while that it is the formed Spirit in Man Zach. 12. 1. which is called the Candle of the Lord as in his 9th pag. of his first Book Where note that by seeking to obscure his gross Contradiction before he is run into another viz. One while calling the Light of the Eternal Word in every Man The Substance of the Law of the first Covenant yea now the Ministration of Death or Letter that killeth from 2 Corrinth 3. 6 7. cited by him another while he calls this Light in every man A Spirit that God hath given or formed in Man you who can distinguish between the Law or Letter of it written in Table of Stone and the Spirit of Man Judge if this Anabaptist be not plainly contradictory to himself herein for is the Spirit of Man and the Law written both one and the same thing And while the Spirit of Man is confest to be the Candle of the Lord it s lighted by his Divine Word or Fire The Lord hath lighted my Candle II. The Sufficiency of the Light within to reveal God Christ c. HEnry Grigg again shuffles and beggs the Question thus viz. Do not you say that this Light which is in every Man that cometh into the World is God is Christ is the Holy Spirit or Blessed Comforter and a Saving Light and that it will convince a Man of every Sin and Transgression and lead into all Truth c. Answ. He here questions the things which in his 18th pag he affirms The Quakers speak of the Light within viz. That it is the Divine Essence the Lord Jesus Christ the holy Spirit c. But I ask him where or in what Book and page do the Quakers speak all this of that Measure or Gift of Light that is in every man he deals disingenuously in not citing our own Books and Pages for these Words that we might consider further thereof seeing the Stress of his Charge lies so much on them which though we assert it to be a divine Light of God and Christ and holy Spirit which are one and omni-present filling Heaven and Earth over all and through all God unlimitted in his Presence which to man is an Enlightning Presence yet God and Christ is not revealed in all for he was in the World and the World was made by him and the World knew him not yet his divine Light or immediate Shining in Man is manifest by measure or Degrees as man is capable to receive it the least degree whereof is saving to them that obey it and tends to direct and draw Man towards God who is the absolute and alone Saviour and he and his Light in men are inseparable whose Salvation is manifest by degrees as his Light or Grace in man's Heart is which hath taught us to wait and to look for that blessed Hope and the glorious apprearing of the great God and our Saviour Jesus Christ. The Measure or Manifestation of this Light and Grace which immediately directs and leads to this Appearance of the great God and our Saviour must needs therefore be saving And because God or his Son in his infinite Fulness and Knowledge as in himself cannot be contained in man in that the Heaven of Heavens cannot contain God it follows not therefore that the Measure and Manifestation of his Light in Man is not convincing sanctifying or saving whilst it is confest to be a Light or Illumination of Jesus Christ as the Eternal Word enlightning all Men and Women If the infinite Fulness or Giver of this Light cannot be contained in Man yet God hath promised to tabernacle with Men and to dwell in them it follows
Heaven I say yes and these three are one and is not Christ the Saviour that Word which is one of the three which are but one divine Being Thing or Substance though revealed under several Considerations and Diversities of Manifestations and Degrees of Discoveries yet all one divine Life and Being as God is the Word the Life the Light and so is Christ and the holy Spirit is Life to the Righteous and so is Christ the Way the Truth and the Life In him was Life and the Life the Light of Men the Life affordeth Light to all and the Light Life to all that obey it and in it follow Christ such receive the Light of Life and come to walk in the Light of the Living as the Light of Life is received unto Justification and Peace the holy Spirit is received in that glorious Ministration as Comforter after a State of Desolation and Sorrow of whom Christ said He shall receive of mine and shew it unto you Joh. 16. 13. H. G. Did the true Saviour die on the Cross or not Answ. Yes as concerning the Flesh but not as concerning the Spirit or most noble Principle by which he was impowred to his Work of Salvation H. G. I affirm once again That neither the Comforter viz. the holy Spirit nor the Deity of our Lord Jesus distinct from his Manhood or human Nature could be the Saviour and Mediator which dyed on the Cross c. pag. 7. Answ. This is a meer impertinent Shuffle to prove the holy Spirit could not be the Saviour he now tells us that neither the holy Spirit nor the Deity distinct from his human Nature as he calls it could be the Saviour that dyed who of us ever affirmed that his Deity or holy Spirit dyed But seeing the holy Spirit or Deity dyed not with the Flesh of Christ that was crucified then the whole Saviour did not dye but what he calls the human Nature But if we take his Words according to his Doctrine before for Proof that the holy Spirit or Comforter cannot save or be the Saviour only thus viz. Neither the Comforter the holy Spirit nor the Deity of our Lord Jesus distinct from his Manhood or human Nature could be the Saviour This were all one as to tell us that God cannot be the Saviour or that God cannot save if the holy Spirit or Deity be God he should rather have said that the Manhood could not save without the holy Spirit divine Power or Deity which alone is sufficient and only that which is felt and experienced in Man to effect his Salvation and Deliverance from the Power of Sin and Satan Ye are my Witnesses saith the Lord and my Servants whom I have chosen that ye may know and believe me and understand that I am he before me there was no God formed neither shall there be after me I even I am the Lord and beside me there is no Saviour Isa. 43. 10 11. There is no God else beside me a Just God and a Saviour Chap. 45. 21. And we both labour and suffer Reproach because we trust in the living God who is the Saviour of all men specially of those that believe 1 Tim. 4. 10. And how is God especially known to be the Saviour but in saing man from Sin Unrighteousness and all Guile I will mention the loving Kindness of the Lord c. For he said Surely they are my People Children that will not lye so he was their Saviour Isa. 63. 7 8. Now consider whether it be not grosly erroneous to suppose the holy Spirit o●… Deity cannot save or is so deficient distinct or in it self whereas though God was manifest in Flesh God was in Christ reconciling the World to himself the Divinity and human or earthly Nature were alwayes distinct and is not God omnipotent To the only wise God our Saviour be Glory and Majesty Dominion and Power now and ever Amen V. How the Light in Man is a Gift and H. G' s distinction between the Meritorious and instrumental Cause of Salvation examined H. G. ARt thou not able to distinguish between the Giver and the Gift between the Fountain and the Stream p. 7. Answ. Yes I do distinguish between the Giver and the Gift between the Fountain and the Stream between the Fulness and the receiving thereof Grace for Grace bu●… while the Distinction between God and the Gift of his Spirit or between Christ and his Light within seems to be no more then between the Fountain and the Stream how grosly erroneous is it to conclude either that the Spirit cannot be Saviour or that the Light of Christ is not saving For that 's all one as to say that either the Stream is not the same Water with the Fountain or that the Stream cannot wash because not the Fountain or Fulness who in his right Wits will believe this H. G. But again it appears thou distinguishest not between the meritorious Cause of man's Salvation and the Instrumental the killing of the Sacrifice and the sprinkling of the Blood c. p. 7. 8. Answ. Where doth the Scripture make this Distinction or say that the killing of the Sacrifice which he must mean of Christ is the meritorious Cause of man's Salvation Such like blind distinctions are fit to darken Knowledge and blind Peoples Minds and how gross and unchristian is it to place such a Merit or Worth upon that murtherous Act of killing the Sacrifice if he mean Christ as his Discourse implies For though Christ Jesus by that inherent Holiness and original Righteousness and Grace of God in him offered and gave himself up to suffer and tasted Death for every Man yet the crucifying and killing him according to the Flesh was an Act of Murtherers and Persecutors who by wicked Hand put him to death so that the Dignity and Worth was in Christ and on his Part through all his Sufferings and not in the Act of killing him by wicked Hands nor on their Parts howbeit the Sufferings and Death of Christ were of great value with the Father and his Power did appear through all to the bruising the Serpents Head And if it be the Work of the Spirit to sanctifie and renew us is not this a saving Work And doth not this bring us to receive the Attonement and to enjoy Peace Who follow and obey this Spirit for a Reconciliation through the Death of Christ and being saved by his Life and so the Work of Christ in saving and redecming man from Iniquity and in making Attonement Peace and Union between God and Man however these be directly pointed at made way for by the Suffering and Death of Christ yet they were inwardly revealed effected and fulfilled by the Spirit or Life of Christ where the Word of Reconciliation is received in the Heart For Christ's Appearance and Suffering in the Flesh did really and directly point at those spiritual Ends which are for man's Eternal Advantage to be fulfilled by his Appearance in Spirit VI.
Wicked who are Rebellious against him and reject his Grace by rebelling against his gracious Light and Spirit in them And also it was said unto Esau as 〈◊〉 the Wicked of his Posterity or the earthly Edonites and carnal envious Persecutors Shall I not saith the Lord even destroy the wise Men out of Edom and the Understanding out of the Mount of Esau Obed. 8. That every one of the Mount of Esau may be cut off ver 9. For the Viol●…ce against thy Brother Jacob Shame shall cover thee and thou shalt be cut off forever ver 10. Thou shouldst not have looked on the Day of thy Brother c. neither shouldst thou have spoken proudly in the Day of Distress See ver 12 13 14. to the End Are not here plain Causes sh●…wn why God hated Esau Arg. 6. God knows his Elect from others and this not only after but before they are called 2 Tim. 2. 19. The Foundation of God standeth sure The Lord knoweth who are his Joh. 13. 18. I know whom I have chosen Joh. 10. 14. I am the good Shepherd I know my Sheep ver 16. Other Sheep I have that are not of this Fold them also I must bring and they shall hear my Voice Therefore are they particular Persons These and not others that the Lord hath chosen Joh. 6. 37. All that the Father giveth me shall come to me Answ. This Argument signifies nothing at all sor his Purpose nor would it help him one whit if it were all granted for who questions God's Omnisciency God knows all alike considered meerly as Persons but in a near peculiar Relation to himself he knows his Elect he knows who are his Christ knows them both Men and Women whom he hath chosen out of the World and he saith I am the good Shepherd and know my Sheep and am known of mine Joh. 10. 16. But these latter Words and I am known of mine S. S. is pleased to leave out and quietly to pass by for that Christ is known of his Elect his Sheep but surely he could not be known of them before they were born or had a Being and as for those other Sheep which are not of this Fold which Christ foretold the Gathering or bringing home of they were such as had a Remainder of Innocency in whom Jacob was not wholy destroyed through Rebellion and Wickedness but such as had been seeking Rest where they could not find it but when the Truth and Way of Life came to be manifest to them they were ready to receive and comply with it and hear the good Shepherd's Voice and obey him There were such lost Sheep both among Jews and Gentiles who when the good Shepherd appeared were so well disposed as willing and ready to come to him receive and follow him and obey his Voice which were distinguished from the Murtherers of the Just one in themselves who were Wolves and Persecutors of Christ his Witnesses as he the good Shepherd was distinguished from the Hireling that fleeth Joh. 10. 13 14. And they that come to Christ out of a true Hunger and Desire after him as the Bread of Life are those whom the Father hath given to him who come to him in that which is given to him of which he looseth nothing but will raise it up at the last Day Joh. 6. 37 39. And they whom the Father giveth to the Son are given in a true Desire Willingness and Love in themselves to the Truth to follow obey Christ the Father's Drawings not being resisted by them but having an Influence and Prevalency with them and upon their Spirits for that End as he said Every man that hath heard and learned of the Father cometh unto me Joh. 6. 45. so the Father's Teaching or Instruction was the Way of his drawing to the Son and this was not a Forceing them whether they will'd or nill'd to the Son but a gentle Perswading them to hear and learn of God in his Light that thereby they might come and in a sence of his Love therein be given to the Son Arg. 7. This appears from the very Nature of Election for sect 5 where all are taken or all are left there can be no Election Answ. Election rightly considered and truly stated according to Scripture I never questioned the Nature of which as is by this Opposer implied here is a being chosen out of or from imong and so the Elect or true Believers are chosen out of the World from among Men chosen out of Kindreds Nations and People as the Royal Offspring and Priesthood of Christ But what proves this of a Personal Election and Reprobation particularly decreed and designed from all Eternity But still the quite contrary far from the Nature of Election or chusing a Church or People out of the World or from among Men and that through the Sanctification of the Spirit and Belief of that Truth it follows that they were first in the World in the Unbelief and scattered among Men and People before this Act of Election or chusing out was fulfilled in them He hath chosen us that we should be Holy and w●…thout Blame that we might partake of Salvation by Jesus Christ Ephes. 14. 1 Thes. 5. 9. and those thus cho●…en for this end were the Saints the Faithful in Christ Jesus Ephes. 1. 1. who first trusted in Christ ver 12. who alter they believed were sealed with the holy Spirit of Promise ver 13. their Faith was in the Lord Jesus and Love unto all Sai●…ts ver 15. who believed according to the working of his mighty Power ver 19. A●…d that th●… Esta●…e might be attained Faith is offered to all the Power of Believing is given in the free Grace and Gi●…t of God's eternal Spirit and universal Light of his Son It bei●…g the World's Sin that they do not believe in Christ of which the Spirit reproves them sor which they would not be chargeable or reproved if he had not afforded them Light and Power sufficient ●…or them to believe and obey Christ. S. S. Jacob have I Loved and Esau have I hated Though these last Wor●…s were spoken when Esau's Posterity was the Border of Wickedness Mal. 1. yet what ever G. W. saith were they spoken to 〈◊〉 the free Choice that God long before had made os Jacob and his 〈◊〉 pag. 112. Answ. As he intends Jacob after the Flesh and so his Seed who was called by the Name of Israel this is still grounded upon his Mistake and doth not at all make for his Opinion but against him For though I grant a free Love to and Choice of Israel so of the Seed of Jacob as a peculiar People yet this did not secure them as to their eternal States without their Perseverance in the Way of God Neither was the Seed of Jacob as after the Flesh under an absolute Decree of Election to Eternal Life that being known only in the Seed after the Spirit for the contrary was and is manifest
without which they had not been Martyrs The Work was now to promote Religion by Power who had so lately overcome It by Suffering Leagues stately Embassyes great Conventions raising of Armies War with one and Peace with another took up the Minds of most how to defend the Stateliness and Pompous Grandure of their Religion though they by so doing gave Testimony they had lost much of the true Sence of that very Religion they pretended to advance 'T was now that some appear'd dissatisfied with such Proceedings decry'd that Superstition and Formality which had been unadvisedly detain'd by the English Church as Decent for the Invention of that Church the Protestants themselves stil'd Antichristian They believed mens Lives were much corrupted and laid the fault upon the Pride Avarice Voluptuousness and Ignorance of the Clergy they stript themselves of most Superfluities and seem'd to promote a streighter Way then what was then generally professed these they called Puritans But such sowr Resentments had both the Powers and Prelates of their Procedure that Laws were enacted and executed to Blood as well to hinder Religion from being more refined as they had for preserving it from being again more gross Surely this look'd more like Care for Power Faction and Interest then Religi●… For without doubt the Plea of those Puritans was thus far unanswerable by their Adversaries By this time almost all People were taken with their Complaints especially those who seem'd more Religiously inclin'd which at last had so leavened the Gentry as well as the Commonalty that when that memorable Parliament was chosen and for their Sitting call'd afterwards The Long-Parliament the Sream clearly run on the Puritanical-side The Church of England disdaining their pretended Reformation and as resolved to abate in nothing of Her Splendor Wealth and Preserment in e●…ther Civil or Ecclesiastical Matters makes Head against th●…se supposed Disturbers of the Peace of both Church and State And as the blind Wrath of Heathens taught the Papists and the Papists the Protestants so the Protestants by their Coercive Power for Religion taught the Puritans to be resolute and fierce in the Defence of their Separation The Complaints of the one meeting with strong Denials from the other they came to Big Words and from thence to Heavy Blows Such Feud such Hatred such War Spoil and lamentable Slaughter as for many Ages had not been known were the most deplorable Effects of that Contest for Religion By this time Victory turning to the Puritanical Party now degenerated into harsh Presbytery they who before did fasten Anti-Christianism upon the Church of England for offering to act Coercively towards them in what concern'd Consciencious Separation become themselves the most Narrow in Religion and Vigorous in imposing upon the sharpest Penalties known to those times what they Synodically agreed to be Scripture-Faith Worship and Discipline forgetting or denying to leave that Liberty of Examination to others they had so earnestly contended for against the Prelates of the English Church So partial is Self so blind is Interest But neither doth our Story end here for these Men forgetting their Primitive Tenderness and that lowly Spirit which justly charged the English Clergy with some Degeneracy as had that done the Romish were quickly Reminded by the timely and honest Zeal of those they call Independants and Anabaptists who having a clearer Sight of things as I believe and more Regard for Reformation at once charg'd them with neglect and endeavour'd to push things a Step further They lowdly exclaim'd against the Loosness of their Parishes and their too free Administration of the Sacraments to mixt and unqualified Persons They decry'd the Absoluteness of their Church-Monarchy with the Necessity of Humane Learning to Ministerial Qualification And lastly with great Earnestness they disclaim'd against the Imposition of any Faith or Worship or punishing with Corporal Penalties such as dissented for the sake of Conscience One would have thought these Men had set the last bounds to the Spirit of Superstition and Revenge and that having seen the Rock on which their Predecessors split they should have learnt Safety by their Destruction and Construed those foregoing Calamities Land-marks for their preservation as was anciently said aliena pericula cautum that is having beheld so many fair Adventures for Reformation begun certainly from an inward sense of the corrupt and Un-Christ-like State of things to issue in Fulness Pride Superstition and base Coertion upon Conscience they should have liv'd in an holy Subjection and awful Regard to that holy Spirit of Truth that had given them some farther Illumination which would have taught the Denial of those Worldly Lusts that Covetousness and Revenge whetted their desires after and have preserved them in the Way of Meekness Patience Long-suffering and Holiness without which none shall ever see God But alas as Reformation from Popery and Prelacy was soon over-run by Party-Asperity and Self-Promotion so truly these Men made as little Conscience to employ the old Weapon of external Force to advance themselves and depress others as had those that went before them 'T is true the Presbyterian who shewed them the Way as had the Protestant him and the Papist the Protestant being so considerable in Number and these Peoples Maxime so narrow viz. Out of a Church out of the Faith Not Dipt not Christian'd That too great Division might not perish the whole Affair of continuing the Government in its present Channel of incredible Advantage unto them they much against their Will admitted the Presbyterian into a share with them especially of Parochial Churches as they are called and did not wholy exclude the more Moderate of them a part in the Administration of the Civil Government Thus then though with regret and no small Jealousie being tollerably well agreed like as he that from a poor Priest to a Pope was wont to be remembred of his Original by a Net because several of the Apostles were Fishermen which he commanded to be brought to his Table when Pope cried Take it away Take it away the Fish is caught So they having caught the Great Two-Headed Fish of Civil and Ecclesiastical Power and upon one a Crown upon the other a Miter Laodicea-like Full Rich and wanting nothing and willing to forget their small Original their Fathers House those Heavenly Convictions and their humble frame of Spirit their early Sense in some good measure had reduct them to O! Into what Falsness Cruelty Covetousness and Folly did they not precipitate themselves To violate Faith with Men and break the most Solemn Covenants that any Age have ever made with GOD himself to sayl to Security through Blood and establish their Church in Persecution not un-like the Ottoman Emperors that never think their Imperial Crowns better settled then in the Murther of their Brethren But above the rest to decry Tyranny and Persecution and yet to be the Authors of both ●…s if they could not have used their Power without abusing
their Weakness that he might both keep them from gadding after the Pompous Invention and Idolatrous Worship of other Nations and point out unto them under their great Carnality that more Hidden Glory and Spiritual Dispensation which should-afterwards be revealed to wit The Compleat Redemption of the Soul and Raign of the Holy Seed from the Child born and the Son given to the Wonderful Counsellor the Mighty God the Everlasting Father and Prince of Peace of the Increase of whose Government there shall be no End So that then we ought and we do by absolute Force of Truth conclude 1. That the Seed which Seed is Christ was in all Ages with Abraham with the Israelites with the Prophets Therefore he was as well before he came in that prepared Body as then and since 2. Yet it is confest That He was not so clearly revealed perfectly brought forth and generally known before his so Coming as then and since but more darkly figured out by Types and Shaddowy Services which though they Cleans'd not Sav'd not Redeem'd not yet did show forth a more Hidden and Spiritual Substance that was able to Cleanse Save and Redeem and did all that received it and were truly subject to it 3. That it therefore is not at all Absurd that the more Excellent Manifestation of Truth should he Typified and Prophesied of under the Enjoyment of the Lesser since the Reason of the Thing and the Testimonies of the Scripture are so express for it which ends our Answer to this Particular CHAP. XX. The Fourth Part of the Objection stated and considered Christ's Death and Sufferings confessed to and respected they were beneficial The Light of Christ within is the Efficient Cause to Salvation HAving thus considered the Third Part of this great Objection I am now come to what chiefly stumbles People with respect to the Light within at least as I apprehend and that is this Fourth and Last Particular viz. But if the Light in every Man be Christ how doth it bear our Sins and are our Iniquities laid upon it and how can we be said to be Justified Redeemed or Saved by its Blood since all these things are spoken by the Holy Pen-men of the Man Christ or Jesus born at Nazareth Surely you wholy invalidate his Life Death Resurrection Ascension and Mediation by this Belief in the Light This I take to be the very Stress of the Matter collected out of the most Forceable Writings of our Adversaries To which I Answer and let him that reads understand It must be considered in this Last Part of the Objection how those Questions can be applicable to the Light and yet be reconciliable with those Scriptures that seem to attribute all to his Bodily Sufferings I hope to make appear that as we exalt the First so we dare not by any means to slight the Last The Light or rather He that is Light in Man for I have alwayes desired so to be understood Light being a Metaphor or word taken from the outward Day and chiefly so term'd because of Man's Darkness which is thereby discovered hath been as a Lamb slain since the Foundation of the World that is the World had not been long created before the good Order of it and every thing therein being envied by the Fallen Angels that Spirit of Iniquity betrayed Man of his Innocency and Sin by Disobedience prevailing the Light or Principle of Life under whose Holy Leadings Man was placed became Resisted Grieved and as it were Slain which word Slain is also Metaphorical that is to say the Innocent Pure Life was as Wounded unto Death through Man's Disobedience and Lamb-like Image in which Adam was created by him through Rebellion lost Thus that Holy Principle which God placed in the Heart of Adam in which was true Light Life and Power bore the Sin was prest under it as a Cart under Sheaves grieved exceedingly and as it were quencht with Iniquity This hath been the Condition of that Precious and Elect Seed Spirit Light Life Truth or whatever Name equivalent any may please to give it ever since that first Rebellion to this very Day And as in Wicked Men God's Holy Light and Spirit or that Principle which is so called hath been deeply Wounded yea as one Slain so in Good Men that have had a Sence of the World's Abomination hath it also born many Burdens and Weights for the Light and Life is One in All. And those who have been reformed by it and joyned to it have been as One Spirit and have not been without their Share of their Lord 's heavy Sufferings from the Ungodly World which was as well a filling up of Christ's Sufferings that were before his Outward Coming as what to this Generation are behind And as at any time Disobedient Men have harkened to the still Voice of the WORD that Messenger of God in their Hearts to be affected and convinced by it as it brings Reproof for Sin which is but a Fatherly Chastizement ●…o upon true Brokenness of Soul and Contrition of Spirit that very same Principle and Word of Life in Man has mediated and attoned and God has been propitious lifting up the Light of his Countenance and replenishing such humble 〈◊〉 with Divine Consolations So that still the same Christ Word-God who has enlightned all Men by Sin is grieved bearing the Iniquities of such as so sin and reject his Benefits but as any hear his Knocks and let him in he first Wounds and then Heals afterwards he attones mediates and re-instates in the holy Image Behold this is the State of Restitution And this in some Measure was witnessed by the Holy Patriarchs Prophets and Servants of God in old time to whom Christ was substantially the same Saviour and Seed bruising the Serpent's Head that he is now to us what Difference s●…ever there may be in Point o●… Manifestation But notwithstanding the same Light and Life with that which afterwards clothed it it self with that outward Body did in measure inwardly appear for the Salvation of the Souls of Men yet as have often said never did that Li●…●…eminently put ●…orth it self for that End as in that 〈◊〉 and prepared Body so that what he then suffered and did in that transcendent Manisestation may by way of Eminency assume the whole Work unto it self that he ever did before or might do afterwards For doubtless that very Light Life and Power which dwelt in that Flesh●…y Tabernacle eminently was the Convincer Condemner Saviour and Redeemer yet not only as confined to that Body but as revealed in the Hearts of Men as he was in Paul who not consulting with Flesh and Blood against the Lord of Glory willingly receive him in to bind the strong Man spoil his Goods and cast him out that He might Reign And that the Divine Life Light Spirit Nature of Principle which resided in that Body was the efficient Cause of Salvation observe the Title that is given from the great Work he was to
whence it came Or because of God s ondescension for a time to Externals shall they turn the Light and Spirit out of the Office of Rule and Judge by being perpetuated the Rule and Judge Or is it to lay down instituted Religion as some ignorantly talk to press after that which was be●…ore and ends those temporary things The Law outward as a Rule was but as Moses till the Son came The Servant abideth not in the House forever The written Law held its place but till the inward rise in more Glory and Brightness o●… rather till they became more capable of being turned to it and living with it In those Dayes I will write my Law in their Heart c. They who say otherwise of Scripture do pervert and abuse it for there is nothing more clearly laid down in it from Beginning to End then the Rule and Reign of the Spirit My Kingdom said Christ is not of this World Again The Kingdom of God is within I will write my Law in their Hearts and place my Fear in th●…ir inward parts All thy Children shall be taught of the ●…ord and in Righteousness shall they be established I will pour out my Spirit on all Flesh. The Grace of God that brings Salvation hath appeared to all Men teaching c. Obj. But if the ●…aw engraven and delivered to Moses was a Rule to the Jews why should not the Law deliverd by Christ and written by his Apostles be the Rule to Christians Answ. Christ left nothing in writing as the Rule that we hear of and it is not to be thought he was less faithful in his House then Moses And doubtless had he intended the Rule of his Followers to have been a written Rule he would have left it upon record with all Punctuality This must be believed and that done on Pain of eternal Death Nor did his Followers write in the Method of a Rule as the Law was written nor did they so call or recommend what they writ But this leads me to my 8th Reason why the Scriptures cannot be the Rule under the New Covenant c. For admitting the Law written by Moses were the Rule A Rule I grant it was to the Jew outward yet Christ the spiritual Leader of a spirit●…al Israel writeth his spiritual Law in the Heart as Moses the outward Israel's Leader writ the Law upon Tables of Stone This was God's Promise the Priviledge and Blessing of the new Covenant that as the outward Jew had an outward Law for a Directory the inward Jew should have an inward Law for his Directory And as the outward Jew had an outward Priest at whose Mouth he ought to seek the Law so the Jew inward and Circumcision in Spirit has an inward and Spiritual High-Priest whose Lips preserve Knowledge at whose Mouth he is to receive the Law of Life And this is his Rule who is the Ruler of his People Israel who reigneth in Righteousness and of the Increase of whose heavenly Government there shall be no End The King Ruler Judge Law-giver High-priest Law Rule Temple are all Spiritual so the Scriptures inform us My Kingdom said Christ is not of this World Again The Kingdom of God is within I will write my Law in their Hearts and place my Fear in their inward Parts They shall be all taught of me and in Righteousness shall they be established The Tabernacle of God is with Man He will dwell with them I will pour out my Spirit on all Flesh. The Grace hath appeared to all M●…n teaching c. A Measure of the Spirit is given to all Men to profit withal The Inspiration of the Almighty giveth Understanding Whatsoever may be known of God is manifest within walk in the Spirit If ye walk in the Light c. Come let us walk in the Light of the Lord. And there needed neither Sun nor Moon to shine for the Glory of God did lighten it and the Lamb was the Light thereof As many as walk according to this Rule Peace be on them and the whole Israel of God c. What Rule Not that of the old legal Creation that passed away but the Rule of the 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 or new Creation as it may be rendred And as Drusius cites one to have interpreted it and Grotius also interprets it which is the Way of Life Isaiah spoak of An High-Way there shall be and it shall be called the Way of Holiness the Unclean shall not pass over it and wayfaring Men though Fools shall not e●…r therein There shall be no Lyon there nor ravenous Beast go thereon but the redee●…d shall walk there which Way Teach●… Guide Rule Light Spirit andholy Unction that directs keepeth in steady Paths of Truth is Christ Jesus our Lord. Obj. But do you not tur●… the Scriptures off sor an uncertain un●…rviceable Writing and as good as reject and deny them altogether Answ. There is a late Author or two who to depaint us as ugly as their Malice could invent have rendered themselves so ridiculous as so to infer But it is not my Business at this time to medle with particular Controversie that followeth in the second Part and shall therefore attend to answer the general Objection The Scriptures are uncertain upon your Foundation but not upon ours Doth our mani●…esting your Faith concerning them to be grounded upon your own Imaginations or human Traditions make void or render uncertain the Scriptures By no means but we would have you come to receive them upon the Spirit 's Testimony and Evidence that gave them forth And though we cannot allow them to be the Rule of Faith and Life under the Dispensation of the Gospel which is Power and Life it self yet are they to be read believed and fulfilled under the Gospel For notwithstanding the Law written upon Stone was not Paul's Rule after the Son of God was revealed in him yet the Son of God taught Paul to fulfil the Righteousness declared by that Law If it were to deny and reject as some Persons enviously say of us yea to vilifie the Scripture because we cannot allow it to be the Rule c. Paul must be said to deny reject and vilifie the Law written at what time the Law of the Spirit of Life in Christ Jesus became his Rule There is a great Difference in asserting that the Spirit is the Rule and casting away vilifying of Scripture And indeed it is but an old Fetch of the Devil 's to pretend Honour to the Letter that he might the more unsuspectedly oppose the bringing in of the Dispensation of the Spirit which the Letter it self testifies to They that come to be led of the Spirit arrive at the End for which Scripture was given forth the Apostle John did as good as say the same thing when he told them to whom he wrote That the Anointing which they had
received and abode in them would lead them i●…to all Truth and that they needed not that any man should teach them To deny this to have been the Saints Teacher is to deny as plain a Proposition as is in the whole Scripture and that one Age of Christianity should have one Rule and another Age another Rule that the Spirit we but the Letter is more then any Man can prove yet did John's so writing invalid the Scripture or vilifie his own Epistle Certainly none will talk so idly How then doth our lifting up the Light and Spirit of Christ which fulfils the Scriptures by bringing such as are led thereby to enjoy the good things therein declared reject and vilifie the Scriptures Does our living up to them by an higher Rule make us to deny and reprobate them Erasmus and Grotius think them then most to be valued when men are Witnesses of them see on 2 Pet. 1. 19 20. I do acknowledge they contain an Account of several heavenly Prophecies godly Reproofs and Instructions that ought to be obeyed Obj If so Then how are they not a Rule of Faith and Life Answ. A Rule and the Rule are not one and the same thing By the Rule of Faith and Life I understand the living spiritual immediate omnipresent discovering ordering Spirit of God And by a Rule some Instrument by and through which this great Rule may convey its Direction Such a subordinate secondary and d●…claratory Rule we never said several parts of Scripture were not yet the Reason of our Obedience is not meerly because they are there written that were legal but because they are the eternal Precepts of the Spirit in Mens Consciences there repeated and declared I●… is the T●…stimony of the Spirit that is the true Rule for believing and understanding of any or all the Scripture therefore not the Scripture but the Spirit of Truth must be the Rule for mens believing understanding c. Thus held the Ancients T●…rtullian saith Worldly Wisdom the Lord calls Foolishne ss he hath chosen the soolish things of the World to the confounding of Philosophy for that is the Matter of Worldly Wisdom a divine Interpreter of the divine Nature and Disposings Justin Martyr in Exposit. ●…id The Interpretation of the Scriptures is to be a commodated to the Will of the Doctrine of the Spirit and not to human Reasonings Hieron saith The Scriptures mus●… be opened with spiritual Exposition Epiphanius saith Only ●…o the Children of the holy Ghost all the Scriptures are plain and cle●…r Nor were the most approved Protestants of any sort who have been so reputed in Opposition to Popery of another mind It is the Substance of the sourth Article exhibited against the Lutherans in the Council of Trent as an Erroneous Doctrine they held That to understand the Scripture neither G●…oss nor Comment is necessary but only to have the Spirit of a Sheep of Christ's Pasture Erasmus tells us What Man sets forth by Man's De●…ice may be received by Man's Wit But the thing that is set forth by the Inspira●…ion of the Holy Ghost requireth an Interpreter inspired with the like Spirit and without the Inspiration of it the Secrets of God cannot be known Luther giveth us his Mind thus The Scriptures are not to be understood but by that very Spirit by which they were writ Peter Martyr that famous Italian Protestant teacheth us The Spirit is the Abettor by which we must assure our selves for understanding of the Scriptures that thereby we must discern between Christ's Words and a Strangers quoting Christ's Words My Sheep know my Voice and several other places of Scriptures Again The Spirit of God rev●…aleth the Truth in the Scriptures H. Bullinger Decad. 4. Serm. 8. Men ●…etch the Understanding of Heavenly Things and Kno●…ge of the Holy Ghost from NOWHERE ELSE but from the same Spirit John Bradford answerd to the Arch-Bishop of York thus We know the Scriptures as Christ's Sheep by the same Spirit that wrote and spake them being thereby assured c. Calvin teacheth thus in his Institutes It is necessary the same Spirit that spake by the Mouth of the Proph●…ts should pierce into our Hearts to perswade us that they faithfully delivered that which was committed to them of God Beza saith That the Way of understanding Prophecies and referring them to the right Scope must be sought or fetcht from the same Spirit which dictated them to the Prophets themselves and more to that purpose W. Tindal call'd the English Apostle by J. Fox saith It is impossible to understand in the Scriptures more then a Turk for any that hath not the Law of God writ in the Heart to sulfil it Bp. Jewel thus against Harding The Spirit of God is bound neither to Sharpness of Wit nor to Abundance of Learning Flesh and Blood is not able to understand the Holy Will of God without SPECIAL REVELATION Without this SPECIAL HELP and PROMPTING OF GOD's SPIRIT the Scripture is to the Reader be he never so Wis●… and well-Learned as the Vision of a sealed Book D. Ames a great Father of the Independents saith upon Bellarmin's word●… The Anointing of the Holy Spirit doth teach the Faithful to understand those things which they received of the Apostles therefore to understand the Scriptures in those things which are necessary to Salvation with more to that purpose Vatabl●…s on Job 32. 8. with Drusius Clarius and others speak to the same effect G. Cr●…dock a famous Independent Preacher preacht That the Scripture is a Speechless thing without the Spirit Ch. Goad an eminent Separatist's Works styl'd B. D. of K. Colledge in Cambridge and an Independent Pastor thus ta●…ght There is no Knowledge of Christ nor of the Scripture but by Revelation D. J. Owen a man of greatest Fame among the present Independents saith The publick authentick and infallible Interpreter of the holy Scripture is HE who is the AUTHOR of them from the BREATHING OF WHOSE SPIRIT IT DERIVETH ALL ITS VERITY PERSPICUITY AND AUTHORITY So that we see upon the Judgment of many considerable Persons the Scripture is no Rule for our believing and understanding of it self therefore not The Rule of Faith and Practice co●…cerning the things therein declared I will give a short Instance in Christ's words about Regeneration He taught and strange it was no doubt to wise Nicodemus That unl●…ss a Man be born again he cannot see the Kingdom of God This is as plain a Proposition as can be laid down and may be credited Historically But what is that to any ●…s New Birth that they are never like to 〈◊〉 ●…formed of there Nor can that Scripture be my Rule in that Heavenly Travail respecting the many and wonderful Tryals and Exercises that are to be met with in it neither can any other Writing whatever This only is the Office of that Spirit Word immortal by which I am anew
a certain Decision and if not a certain one then none to the Purpose Nor ought any Person no otherwise judged that is perswaded of the Truth of his Cause to let fall his Belief upon so fallible a Determination since he not only moves without Conviction but against Conviction And which is worse he is not ascertained of the Truth of what he is required to submit to Therefore of all People they are most condemnable who keep so great a stir about Religion and that sometimes use coercive Means to compass their designed Uni●…ormity and yet acknowledge to us they are not certain of their own Faith unless it be those who notwithstanding yield to such uncertain Imposers Since then the Judge must be infallible it will be worth our while to consider where ' this insallible Judge is to be found There is none Good but God said God himself when manifested in the Flesh that is originally or as of himself so truly there is none infaltible but God as of himself yet as the supream Good is communicated unto man according to measure so well sayes Bp. Lati●…er is there infallibility Certainty or Assurance of the Truth of things given to man according to Capacity otherwise men should be oblieg'd to believe and obey and that upon Damnation those things concerning which there can be no Certainty whether they be true or false Immanuel God with men as he is their Rule so their Judge he is the Law-giver and therefore the best Irterpreter of any Point that may concern his own Law and men are so far infallible as they are subject to his Voice Light or Spirit in them and no farther for humanum est errare Man is Errable Nor can any thing rescue him out of Error or preserve him from the Infections of it but the sound or certain Judgment God by his Light or Spirit within assists him with Obj. But is not the Scripture the Judge of Controversie Answ. How can that be since the Q●…estion most times arises about the Meaning of Scripture Is there any place tells us without all Interpretation whether the Socinian or Trinitarian be in the Right in their differing Apprehensions of the Three that bear Record c also the Homousian and Arrian about Christ's Divinity or the Papists or Protestants about Trans-substantiation If then things are undefined and undetermined I mean expresly in the Scripture and that the Question arises about the Sense of it doth the Scripture determine which of those Interpreters hit the Mark As this is absurd to think so must it be acknowledged that if Interpretation decide the Matter in Controversie not the Scripture but the Interpreter is the Judge Now this Interpreter must either interpret by his own meer Wisdom or Spirit called by the Apostle 1 Cor. 2. II. the Spirit of a Man who by weighing the Text consulting the Intent of the Writer comparing places together gives the Judgment which the Scripture cannot do or from the Spirit of God which gives Understanding as Job 3●… 8. and as the same Apostle saith searcheth the deep things of God If the first then a Fallible If the last then an Infal●…ible Judge I would sain know whether it was the Scripture or the Holy Ghost that presided among the Apostles when they were come together Acts 15. when they said It seemeth good to the ●…oly Chost and to us c. If the Holy Ghost give us a plain Scripture to prove we are to have another Judge now If not then we must have the same and consequently an Infallible Judge Obj. 'T is granted that the Spirit is Infallible But how shall I know that any man determines a thing by this Spirit and does not rather obtrude his own Sense upon us under that specious Pretence Answ. By the same Spirit As well said Gualt Cradock The Way to know whether the Spirit be in us is its own Evidence And that is the Way to know it in others too and the man hat hath the Spirit may know the Spirit in another There is saith be a kind of Sagacity in the Saints to this Purpose Which is also true in the Sense of abundance of P●…otestant Writers For as they held That no man could know the Scriptures but by the same Spirit so consequently that the same Spirit only could assure him of the Truth of the said I●…terpretation And Peter Martyr as before quoted tells us The Holy Ghost is the Arbiter or Judge Also D. J. Owen s●…ith That the Holy Ghost is the Only Authentick Interpreter of the Scripture I●… Authentick then Infallible if Infallible then the Judge of the Mind of Scripture is both an Only and an 〈◊〉 Judge But to wave this Does not the same Objection lie aga●…st the Sense of Scripture since one sayes this is the Sense and another that To know God's Mind men must come to God's Spirit else Difficulties of that sort are unsurmountable In short It were greatly to be wisht that all men would hold themselves unconcerned in disputing about what they have not received an Infallible Dictamen from the Holy Spirit upon since they beat but the Air and obtain no solid Satisfaction neither can they God never prostrates his Secrets to Minds disobedient to what they do already know Let all practise what they assuredly know to be their Duty and be sparing in their search after nice and unknown Matters Weighty and seasonable was and is the Apostle's Saying Nevertheless whereunto we have already attained let us walk by the same Rule where he both limits to the present Knowledge communicated and exhorts to live up to that and if any thing be further necessary God in due time will reveal it by his Spirit that gives to know discern and judge of the things that are of God Obj. But how will this determin the Controversie and allay the Fury of Debates on foot Answ. Nothing like it if man adhere to it and if he does not there is no way left but the Wrath that is to be reveal'd But most Perswasions are agreed about the absolute Necessaries in Religion from that Witness God has placed in man's Conscience viz. That God is That he is a Rewarder of them that diligently seek him That the Way of God is a Way of Purity Patience Meekne ss c. without which no man can see the Lord Nay they accord in some considerable Matters superadded as some of them speak to wit That God manifested himself extraordinarily in the Flesh that he gave his Life for the World that such as believe and obey his Grace receive Remission of Sins and Life Everlasting Now I say since these things men generally submit to let them live up hereunto and forbear wanton Scrutinies after Things or Notions that gender to Strife and Contention and leave not Mankind better but rather worse then they found them and the World would be soon rid of Controversie Holy Living and not Disputing would be the Business of
Mankind What more excellent Judgment can be given then that men quit their Contentions about Notions and Opinions and betake themselves to the Practice of that which God hath already shewn unto them as spake both the Prophet Micah 6. 8. and the Apostle Paul Rom. 1. 19. And if any thing be revealed to one more then another let the rest judge in the Spirit or be silent till God manifest more to them in order to Right Judgment 'T is good to try all things but we must have something to try them by and what ought that to be but the Spirit that searcheth the Anointing that teaches all things which is Truth it self Here Mankind will live in Love having at least Natural Affections now lost by the B●…rbarity of some of their cruel Religions and a Judgment o●… things will be made not from the Rash Partial Short sighted a d Froward Mind of man but that eternal Light and Spirit that never erred which however disgustful to some Protestants in this Age was no False Doctrine in the Account of John Philpot and Bp. Latimer two great Founders of the Reformation The first in his Answer to the Bishop of Chichester reproving his Confidence about true Faith in Christ saying These Hereticks take upon them to be sure of all things they stand in Let him doubt saith John Philpot of his Faith that listeth God give me alwayes to believe that I am sure of true Faith and Favour in Christ. The second in his Answer to a Knight objecting the Uncertainty of Man in what he calls Truth thus recorded by J. Fox Your Friends deny not but that certain Truths are communicated to us according to Capacity But as to my Presumption and Arrogancy either I am certain or uncertain that it is Truth that I preach if it be Truth why may not I say so if I be uncertain why dare I be so bold as to preach it And if your Friends be Preachers themselves after their Sermon I pray you ask them Whether they be certain and sure they preach the Truth or no and send me word what they say that I may learn to speak after them If they say they be sure you know what follows if they say they be unsure when shall you be sure that have so doubtful and unsure Teachers Let not Protestants for Shame judge us for owning a Doctrine that is confessed to and confirmed by some of the Worthiest of their own Ancestors viz. That an Infallible Judgment in things necessary to Salvation is both possible and requisite and that God communicates it by his Spirit to the Souls of men The Conclusion TO Conclude Immanuel a word suited not only to that Appearance but whole Dispensation imports God nigh to or with men The Tabernacle of God is with men he will dwell in them and walk in them they shall be all taught of me and in Righteousness shall they be established And this admits not of any Book or literal Rule or Judge to come between that in-dwelling Light Life and Wisdom of God and the Soul as its Rule of Faith and Life And because it is the unutterable Goodness of God to People in these latter Dayes as the Sum of Scripture-Prophecy thus to make known himself we are incessant in our Cries unto them that they would turn in their Minds now abroad and taking up their Rest in the Externals of Religion that they may hear his Heavenly Voice and Knocks and let him in and be taught of him to know and do his Will that they may come to be experienced and expert in the School of Christ For never Man spoak and taught as he livingly speaks and teaches in the Consciences of those who diligently hear him and are willing to be taught of him the Knowledge of his Wayes The Priest was Outward but he is now Inward the Law Outward but it is now Inward And he is no more a Jew that is one outward nor that Circumcision which is outward in the Flesh but he is a Jew who is one inwardly and Circumcision is that of the Heart in the Spirit and not in the Letter whose Praise is not of Men but of God Which is so far from lessening the Scriptures of Truth that unless this be man's Rule and Judge in the reading and believing of them he can never either understand them or keep the things therein contain'd aright And indeed as before I have expressed I cannot but say That Man whilst unregenerated setting his Wit and Wisdom to fathom and comprehend the Intention of the Holy Ghost in many of those Writings hath occasioned that Confusion Darkness and perplext Controversie that now so lamentably pesters the World In which State for all the External Imitations of the Ancients in some temporary and visible Parts of Worship I am to tell such from the Spirit of the Lord God of all Truth they will never be accepted The utmost of that literal Knowledge historical Faith and outward Religion is at best but the Old Heavens that are to be wrapped up as a Scroul the Old Wine and Bottle that belong not to the Kingdom and Man's holding true Words in an unregenerated and unrighteous Nature where he may cry Lord Lord but shal●… never enter into the Rest that is Eternal For under such a Faith and Religion Envy Wrath Malice Persecution Pride Passion Worldly-Mindedness c. may and do live yea and are cloaked as with a secure Cover from the Stroak of God's Spirit insomuch as when any are moved of the Lord to decry such fair and hypocritical Shews of Religion they are reputed Rash and Censorious and presently a Plea must he made on this wise Do not we follow the Commands of the Scripture Did not such and such do so and so Never regarding from what Grounds the Performance springs whether it be according to the Rule of the NEW or OLD Creature bu●… abuse and vilifie us for making such Distinctions as if the Prayers Preachings Singings outward Baptizings and Suppings c. of Men in their own Spirits Strength and Will were required and accepted of God for Evangelical Worship Thick Darkness and dangerous Presumption Thus are Men out of the Way concerning both Faith and Practice and the true Rule and Judge of them They make the former to lie in an Assent of the Understanding to such Propositions and in the performing of some visible Parts of Religion in their own Spirits and Wills which is far from the Immanuel-State And the latter to be the Scriptures which is but an Account of those Things which others were ruled to and directed in by the Holy Spirit before they were ever recorded or made Scripture and not another Rule or Judge can so regulate For as the Faith and Experience so the Rule and Judge of that Faith and that Experience must be one God by his Spirit begets Faith God by his Spirit rules Faith and governs the Life of his Children for
as many as are Children of God are led by the Spirit of God The Scripture much of it is but a Declaration of Faith and Experience therefore not the Rule or Judge For as Faith and Experience were before Scripture so the Rule and Judge before Scripture because as I said before there is a Rule and Judge as soon as there is Faith therefore the Scripture is not that Rule or Judge And before that Declaration be answered by any they must come to the Faith Rule and Judge of which that is a Declaration So that Faith is yielding up to the Requirings of God's Spirit in us in full Assurance of the Remission of Sins through the Son of his Love and Life Everlasting from whence daily flow Works of Holiness well-pleasing to God and not a meer Assent of the Understanding to a verbal though a true Proposition The Life of a true Christian stands not in Bodyly Exercise that sayes the Apostle profits little nor in an Imitation of the Ancients in temporary things which as well the Hypocrite as the Saint can do But in self-Denyal and walking in the Spirit to bring forth the Fruits thereof unto all Godliness which is the pure and spiritual Obedience resulting from the living spiritual Faith of God's Elect and the Rule Judge thereof is their Author or Begetter even the Spirit of Truth which alone gives saving Understanding and searcheth the deep things of God O you Professors of Religion that you would but seriously weigh these things and examine your selves in God's Sight who respects none for their fair Out-sides If this saving Faith be your Faith and this Heavenly Life be your Life and if the holy Spirit be your Ruler and Leader if not you are but legal formal in the Oldness of the Letter and Runnings in your own Will which obtains not in which State not the Wisdom from above but that which is from below of the old Creature is your Rule in it you read Scripture expound it pray preach sing perform all your Duties and this is not to walk according to the Rule of the New Creature but in a legal Spirit to make a Gospel-Profession the End of which from the Lord I am to tell you will be a Bed of Sorrow Therefore resist not the Light and Spirit within but turn at the Reproof thereof that you may come to walk in the Way of Life daily Life to your Souls that so you may be quickned and made alive to God and live to him in that Life which is hid with Christ in God that being thus born again and become renewed in your inner Man you may perform that pure and spiritual Worship which is of a sweet Savour with the Lord so shall he bless you with his Heavenly Blessings and daily replenish your Souls with the unspeakable Joyes of his glorious Salvation This I heartily desire and through all Difficulties incessantly travail for in Body Soul and Spirit that the al-wise omnipotent God may be known served obeyed to and by you to your Comfort and his Eternal Honour who alone is worthy to receive it now and forever Amen William Penn. Errata for the First Part. REader Several Errors have escaped the Press partly through the Author 's frequent Absence and the Printer's many other Occasions but the most considerable of them are here noted and thou art desired hereby to correct them Contents Chap. 9 line 3. dele after Scriptures Preface Page 1. Margent dele Milt p. 2. l. 1. read at last p. 5. l. 2 3. for Ab. rogation r. Ab●…uration l. 25. for the read that p. 7. l 2 read in their Hopes l. 14. read that at page 9. l. 10. for disclaim'd read declam d. line 19. read faciunt page 10. line 32. for reduct read reduc'd page 19. line 8. for but read by line 31. read too irksom page 22. line 4. for Hammer read Humor pag. 24. line 19. begin a Parenthesis at And my and conclude it line 30. after Dominion Book Page 8. line 42. b●…ot out self p. 13 l. 38. for paws read pause p. 17. l. 12. for without read with our pag. 18. l. 25. read was to be l. 31 for it self read himself p. 20. l. 40 for these read those p. 21. l. 34. for Who Me read Who Me p. 23 l. 26. for is read are p 26. l. 7. for this before Light read this Light before page 28 l. 10. for at that time read at thi●… time p. 30. l. 2. read formeth createth l. 39. for here to read hereto pag 33. l. 2. read not with respect to any l 4. dele the whole line l. 9. for of read to l. 37. for heart he read hear the. p. 39. l 2. for bold read ●…eld p 40. l 20. read or be void p. 43. Margent l. 19. for tell read tells p. 44. l. 37. read bits pag. 45 l. 7. Marg. read Civ Dei 8. p. 47. Marg. read Id. p. 711. for Id. 4. read Id. mem 4 p 48. line 2. dele in line 22. read on that line 32. read of him page 50. line 32. read Idolatrous That line 33. Thought it let Margen dele Aru●…t de Xen. Ma●…gent for Laert. de read Lactant. de pag. 51. line 12. for Accute read Acute Marg. Plat. Phaed dele p 53. l. 25. read of the. p. 54. l. 12. for Pireen read Prienc ●…in 14. and He de●…e l. 15. dele He at the end of the line pag 55. l. 13. for Good re●…d Go●…d p. 56. Marg. for Enca●… read Aenead p. 59. l. 6 7. dele p. 61. Marg. l 3. for 1543. 123. read 123. 1543. p. 62 l. 24. for accutely read acutely p. 65. l. 13 for no read no●… p. 66. read CHAP XIII l. 12. dele not 70. Marg. l. 3. dele o. l. 12. dele ibid. p. 71. Marg. l. 2. for 48. read 84. p. 73. l. 5. read and giveth p 78. l. 30. read of Men. p. 79. l. 24. dele Prophecy and. l. 35. for then read them p 80. l. 12. for End 〈◊〉 hand p. 81. l. 29 30. for what Virgil will add to read what Eusebius will have Virgli t●… have added in p. 82. l. 35. read Occidet serpens p 83. l. 22. for Iandix read ●…anilix page 84. 〈◊〉 32. read enough to p. 87. l. 4 read Hicks then he hath dealt l. 5. read Dialogue pag. 91. l. 11. add after him so as to be no where else l. 20. read the Manifestation of Light p. 92. l 34. for dar●…st read durst page 94. l. 15. for Light read ●…llumination p. 79. l. 6 read not only p 98. l. 8. read And that pag. 101. l. 35. read 〈◊〉 willingly p. 103. l. 26. for when read whom p. 106. l. 33. for endanger'd read accessible l. 4●… for guarnison'd read garrison'd p. 107. l. 2. for inbondag'd read ●…nbondag'd l 5. read clear and broken forth l. 15. read We say l. 17. for not instrumentally read instrumentally not p. 110.
leavest out part of the Controversy between us whichw as thus viz. T. H. The Light in every Man cannot be the divine Essence in God for God is in Heaven and his Divine Essence is not communicable c. G. W. What is this but to deny the Omni-presence of God and to endeavour to confine him 〈◊〉 is Infinite and not limitable We ask if the Holy Ghost or the Eternal Spirit be not God And if this Holy Spirit be not communicable This Question in the Narrative T. H. is willing to wave as that which pinches him and thus does he reply to the Words before viz. T. H. Then it seems that the Lightwithin and the Omni presence of God is one and the same thing Is this your Champion a. 4. Answ. Thou scoffs but durst not answer God's Omnipresence divine Light and Spirit are inseparable God is Light whose Presence fills Heaven and Earth and upon whom doth not his Light arise And in what Country or People does not his Spirit come if an Infinite Spirit Whether shall I go from thy Spirit Or whether shall I flee from thy Presence Psal. 139. 7 8 9 10. His Infinite Spirit is not tyed up to a few Predestinarian Electioners who only conceit they are elected and saving Grace only free for them though in Vertue and Uprightness they be far short of many called Heathen who were a Law to themselves in Truth and Uprightness towards God and man Sect. III. The Baptist's Quarrel grounded on his Mistake about the Light and our Testimony of it T. H. THough it be granted that God is an Infinite Immutable and Perfect being will it therefore follow that every thing he created and communicated is his own being What man but a Quaker would dare affirm this Answ. Thou wrongst the Quakers as thou callst them its none of their Argument that because God is Infinite therefore every thing that he creates is so But because of his Infiniteness and Omni-presence he is near unto all men even shining in their Hearts But it is thy gross Error to take for granted that his Light in every man is Created See 2 Cor. 4. 6. God hath shined in our Hearts and that Christ that enlightens every man that cometh into the World is God in worshipping of whom we do not worship a Creature as thou falsly insinuates against us p. 6. But thou shewest thy self against the Light as an Agent of the Son of Perdition who exalts himself above all that is called God or that is worshipped so that he as God sitteth in the Temple of God shewing himself that he is God 2. Thes. 2. 4. Is not man this Temple of God by right And hath not this Son of Perdition or Mystery of Iniquity been exalted in Apostates above all that 's called God And what was that that was called God and that was worshipped above which this Son of Perdition exalted himself Was it not a Manifestation of the divine Life and Light And what was the Apostles Rule to try and reveal this Son of Perdition by when he wrought in a Mystery and as God did sit in the Temple of God shewing himself to be God Is it not the Day of Christ that reveals and so God himself that makes manifest this man of Sin And is not God then the Saints Rule to discover this Mystery T. H. Let me tell thee that thy Light is very imperfect forasmuch as it hath not yet instructed thee by what Name to call it whether Christ or only a Measure or Gift of Christ p. 6. Answ. Thou hast wronged my Light sor God is my Light and my Salvation and Christ is my Life and Light who is perfect and this Christ we preach as the Light of the World that enlightens every man that comes into the World though we do not say that he is revealedly or manifestly the Light in every man or by Way of Union nor yet that Christ considered as thou describes him p. 11. as to his outward Birth and Person is in any much less in every man Yet this hinders not but that as God or as with Relation to his divine Life and Light he is Infinite over all and through all and in all yet to those only revealed and united who truely obey and follow him in the Measure of his Light which is universally given unto Man-kind T. H. The Apostle did needlesly exhort the Corinthians to examine themselves whether Christ were in them or no viz. If he were in every man p. 7. Answ. Nay he bad them examine themselves whether they were in the Faith for saith he know you not your own selves that Jesus Christ is in you except you be Reprobates And if thy Mind were not reprobated and estranged from his Light in thee thou mightst know him revealed in thee But as Christ the annointed is a Mystery he is hid from thee and many more though his Light be in thee and others that is sufficient to reveal Christ and leave you without Excuse and to condemn you for Iniquity Sect. IV. Christ guides to Salvation by his Inward Light and the Baptist confounded in his opposing it T. H. I Grant that every man is enlightened has a Light in them but this doth not prove that this Light in every man is Christ nor yet sufficient of it self to guide to Salvation Christ is sufficient but I say the Light in every man is not sufficient p. 7. Answ. First If Christ hath given to every man a sufficient Light to leave them without Excuse as he hath then it is sufficient to guide and direct them unto Salvation for if they could justly charge this Light with Insufficiency for this end this would be an Excuse Secondly That Light which is sufficient to convince of Sin and lead out of it is sufficient to guide to Salvation but such is the Light of Christ in every man Thirdly God offers a good end to man in giving him Life and Grace Job 10. and this Grace tends to his Salvation if obeyed otherwise mans Destruction is of himself for his Disobedience and not Designed by the Lord in his giving him Life and Grace 4thly Thy denying the Light in every man to be sufficient to guide to Salvation is plainly enough contradicted by thee in thy confessing Christ to be the Life and Light of men p. 22. whose Life and Light is sufficient And for what end is his Light in every man given if not to direct unto Salvation Thou art not so ingenuous as to relate though thou both appealst to it and grantst it ought to be obeyed this will stand in Judgment against thee for thy false Judgment given against it in other Places as also what thou further acknowledgest viz. T. H. There is something within that checks for many Evils and excites to many good things and that I ought to shun those Evils and to do that good p. 8. Answ. If thou didst obey this something or Light within thus acknowledged
and that to evince the Truth concerning his Light to them that pretend a Belief of the Scriptures while yet they are opposing his Light testified of therein As there are those that pretend to believe Moses and the Prophets and think to have Eternal Life in the Scriptures while yet they really oppose that Life and Light testified of in them And such profess the Scriptures to be their Rule while yet they are perverting them against the Life and Light from whence they came and this Hypocrisie many of you are guilty of and therefore with Abraham we refer you to the Scripture Testimony in this Case which if you believe not while you profess them you will not believe if one rise from the Dead The Scriptures are not our only Rule for our refusing to swear our not breaking Bread with you c. for which thou falsly accusest us of arguing against the Institutions of the Gospel p 23. for 1st We stand for the Reputation of Christianity and that Love which injures no man in our res●…sing to swear which the Prohibition without us did not bring us to but the Power of Christ when it begat us into that Love wherein we know the fulfilling of Christ's Command 2ly O●…r Experience of Christ Jesus the Living Bread which comes down from Heaven hath shewed us the Uselesness of your breaking Bread as being but a Shadow while we are come to the Substance to wit Christ Jesus the Bread of Life come down from Heaven which if thou knowest him so come as that his Flesh and Blood were thy Meat and Drink thou wouldst not be doting about the Shadow We do not grant that Christ is so come and revealed in all men and yet own some degree of this Light to be in all Thou hast no Reason to accuse us for Lyars in this matter as in p. 23. But thy slanderous Tongue and Pen is at Liberty in this and many other things Thy Malice also plainly appears in charging us of denying the Person of Christ whereas we have fully confest the Man Christ according to the Scriptures both with respect to his Sufferings and Glory Sect. XIII The Baptist's Impious Forgery upon the Quakers about the Scriptures which are in Reality owned and used by them AFter thou hast erroniously accused that of God in us as not sufficient to direct thou proceedst in thy false fictitious Dialogue thus viz. Chr. Is it ingenuous and honest in you to deny the Scripture to be a Rule to others and at the same time you make it though by mis-interpreting it a Rule to your selves Are not you ashamed of this Deceit and self-condemned of plain Partiality And then he most falsly personates the Quaker Qua. Thou mistakest us for when we make Use of the Scriptures 't is only to quiet and stop their Clamors that plead for it as their Rule Reply Who but an Ungodly Man would have brought forth such a lying Forgery as this in the Sight of the Sun as the Quakers Words which is not the Speech of any real Quaker so called but one of thy own making to speak as thou pleasest for thy own wicked ends and thy Lye upon the Quakers is manifest herein Is this the Way thou proposest for our Conviction to make Lyes thy Refuge Was it not known unto the World that we have a better and more serious Esteem of the Holy Scriptures then here thou represents as knowing them to be profitable to the man of God who is come to know that eminent divine Rule of the Spirit which opens them and to make use of them in Subjection thereunto As also our denying that they are the Rule of Faith is no Proof that we deny them to be any Rule at all while in Subserviency to and Proof of the greater we make use of them as the Spirit of God teacheth and for the Information and Conviction of them that have a Belief concerning them for the End still that they may eye that Light and Spirit of Truth which gave them forth and come to know that Inspiration of the Almighty which giveth the Understanding As for Deceit Impudence and presumptuous Conceit which thou T. H. accusest us of thou art highly guilty thereof thy self or else thou couldst never forge such Lyes against us as thou hast done And we wish thou didst in Reality own the Scriptures as feigndly in Words thou pretend'st So far are we from strenuously endeavouring to take People off of the Scriptures as falsly thou accusest us that we desire all might come to know the Righteous Ends for which they were given forth by that divine Light which opens them Much of thy dirty stuff is gathered out of other dirty lying Pamphlets which have been long since answered Sect. XIV His impious Abuse about Revelation Light within Scriptures c. ANd why dost thou quarrel against us for owning Revelation or Perfection as attainable What hast thou against Immediate Revelation Instead of confuting the thing it self thou tellst us of some personal Mistakes or Weaknesses of some particulars as First Of one being mistaken by Paul Hobson's speaking through a Trunk though that was no Quaker who was thus cheated 2ly Of others being mistaken about the Persons to whom they should have declared some Message 3ly Of a notorious Falshood being taken for a Revelation 4ly Of the Opposition of some professing the Light and Revelation p. 26 27. together with several other Stories and Personal Reflections which I have very much Cause not to believe But suppose many of these Stories were true against private Persons Hast thou herein dealt ingenuously thus no inveigh against Principles from personal Failings of such as profest them Is there no such thing as divine Revelation or the Guidance of an Infallible Spirit to be known because some do err or are mistaken that profess them Or no such thing as an infallible Light because some have differed in some particular Cases that have profest it Wouldst thou thus be dealt by concerning thy Water-Baptism or pretended Gospel-Institutions If it should be argued that because the Dippers are greatly divided among themselves and that about Principles and Doctrines and some of them have been grosly corrupt and debaucht in their Lives therefore their dipping or Water-Baptism is no Institution of Christ wouldst thou look upon this as a good Argument Nay further Do you not much differ among your selves in several principal matters As about personal Election and general Redemption and so about the Death of Christ whether for all or some and about Free-Will the seventh Day Sabbath and laying on of Hands and about the manner of administring your pretended Lord's Supper and about the Immortality of the Soul as also some affirming Water-Baptism to be of Necessity to Salvation others not with several other things and yet most of you that thus differ profess the Scriptures to be your Rule If then I should from hence argue that therefore the Scriptures are not the Rule
4. 1 Tim. 1. 1. and 4. 10. Jude 25. But how doth H. G's Confession and these Scriptures agree with the Discription he gives of Jesus Christ as Saviour and as the only true Christ viz. That he consists of a Body of Flesh and Bone human Nature being finite weak subject to passion as we are saith he p. 94. Let the Reader judge how gross and confused he is in these matters and whether the true Christ and Saviour doth either consist of an earthly Nature or finite being or was subject to Passion as fallen men are The Truth of it is this Man hath confest more to the Deity and divine Power of Christ and so to save and beget men to himself as God alone more then most of the Baptists that I have met withall before for one of his Brethren to wit W. Burnet a Preacher saith That Christ as he was the Word which was God was not a Saviour as he was God he could not save Man in his Book stiled the Capital Principles p. 35. which denyes the Omnipotency of God but this Baptist H. G. grants that it is the Power and Spirit of God himself or God alone that doth regenerate and make men his Children whence it follows that then it was not meerly the outward Body of Jesus that was the Saviour though he was a Saviour in that Body but it was by the Divine Power or Holy Spirit of the Father in him XI His Erroneous Distinction about the Light BUt whereas H. G. accounts the Light and Knowledge of God as Creator that was given to the Gentiles Rom. 1. 19. and Chap. 2. 14 15. But the Light of the Moon to guide their Paths and so much inferior to that of a crucified Jesus as that it leaves them utterly void of the saving Knowledge of the Gospel and of a crucified Jesus p. 68 69. Mark here how he hath undervalued the Light and Knowledge of the glorious Creator whom before he has in Words exalted above all in the Work of Regeneration and Christ as man but as finite weak c. But now alass with him the Light and Knowledge of the glorious Creator is but the Light of the Moon in comparison of the Light and Knowledge of Christ as man though in that Weakness as crucified how egregiously he is involved in gross Consusion and self-Contradiction in these things he that runs may read and no such distinction nor contrariety between the Light of God and the Light of his Son is owned in Scripture ●…or I and my Father are one saith Christ and the Father Word and holy Spirit are one And the same Life which was in him was the Light of Men Joh. 1. 4. and this Life which in due time was manifested was the same eternal Life which was with the Father 1Joh 1. 1. 2. which Light or Life they that obey a●…d follow in its Appearance and Guidance it brings them to a Fellowship with the Father and with the Son and this is not the Light of the Moon as our Opposer blindly and unscripturally terms it But seeing he saith this Law or Light is given to guide their Paths by which the Gentiles are taught their Duty to God in Morals I ask him whether will this Light guide their Paths if not in the Way to Salvation And whether will they go and to what End if they obey and follow it Does not the Apostle for a Proof of a justified State instance it in the Gentiles shewing the Effects of the Law written in their Hearts Rom. 2. 13 14 15 16. And what Nature was that by which those Gentiles did those things contained in the Law surely it was not the corrupt Nature for that is inconsistent the Law being holy just and good and though these Gentiles had not the Law in the Letter of it as many now have not the litteral Discription or histotical Relation of Christ's outward Sufferings must they therefore be damned to Hell What Cruelty were this to condemn Nations for want of the Scriptures But as those Gentiles who had not the Law in the Letter and yet had and obeyed it in the Spirit were both therein a Law to themselves and excused in the Sight of God in the day when he judgeth the Secrets of Men by Jesus Christ according to the Gospel Rom. 2. 16. So those Gentiles and Peoples who obey the Light and Life of the Son of God in them though they have not the historical Knowledge and Profession of Christ as he was Man and suffered Death in the Flesh c. Yet they are truely accepted of God and more real Christians inwardly then many of you that have the Scriptures and an historical Faith and Profession of the Man Christ and of Christianity outwardly for in all Nations every one that fears God and worketh Righteousness is accepted of him Depart from Evil and do Good and dwell for evermore And this the Light of the Son of God implanted in the Hearts of all Nations teacheth and herein the Grace of God that bringeth Salvation hath appeared unto all Men Tit. 2. 11. But it is the Error and Mistake of these Men to put their historical Notions and Profession of the Man Christ for the Light of Christ in Man whereas their Notions and Professions are neither any real Knowledge of the Man Christ nor the Principle of his Light in Man for the one is traditional and acquired by Man and so but dark the other is the immediate and divine unchangeable Gift of Christ in Man which indeed is the Light of the Eternal Word the glorious Creator but as these men's pretended Light and Knowledge of the man Christ is what they get out of Scriptures with their own private Interpretations on them so they hereby render Christ and his Light as limitted only to such Places and People as have the Scriptures opposing his divine Omni-presence and denying him his Right which is the Heathen for his Inheritance and the uttermost Parts of the Earth for his Possession Psa. 2. Now as for that Morality as he calls it which the Law of the first Covenant and Light implanted in the Hea●…ts of all Man-kind teacheth in the true Nature and Inten●… thereof it falleth no more short of Christianity then Godliness doth for this Law and Light teacheth Man to love the Lord God with all his Heart and Soul c. and his Neighbour as himself this do saith Christ and thou shalt live in answer to the Question what shall I do to inherit Eternal Life Luke 10. 25 26 27 28. This is the highest Morality or Duty of Man-kind even this Love to God and one another which is the fulfilling of the Law And this is both taught by the Light within and Power given by the Grace of God to fulfil it which the Law without in the Letter cannot do Now if the Jews Way to inherit Eternal Life was through the Grace or Help of God to fulfil what was written as before then
that are not written Joh. 20. 30. and Joh. 21. 25. To this I say It s an easie matter for Intruders to ask unlearned and unnecessary Questions whereof this is one of those many other Signs and Things that Jesus did it s said If they should be written every one I suppose that even the World it self could not contain the Books Joh. 20. 25. how then should this Querist be capable to contain them I suppose he doth not think himself able to contain more then the World it self If he saith it is an hiperbolical Expression then is his Question hiperbolical to be sure And if we cannot give him Account of all those Signs and things in particular while we are not sollicitous to know them nor do we think it needful is that any valid Plea or Proof against the Sufficiency of the Light within or Spirits Teaching Would such an Argument against the Scriptures being the Rule please him because they contain not all that was done God gives us to know what 's sufficient and necessary for Life and Salvation by his Light within But if the Word contain 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 of 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 be taken for to understand as Mat. 19. 11. to comprehend Job 21 25. Then in that Sence there 's far more written in the Scriptures already then either our Opposer or his Brethren can either comprehend or understand and therefore it s a busie Intrusion and Cavil in them to query for more while they oppose the true Light within and will not believe in it nor depend upon the Immediate Teachings of the Spirit of Truth from whence the holy Scriptures proceeded but dark they are and more grosly dark and confused they are like to be who persist in that gain-saying Spirit of Prejudice and Enmity against the Light of Truth which I desire the Lord to give them a Sight and Sence of unto Repentance rather then they should perish in their perverse Gain-sayings THE Angry Anabaptist Proved BABYLONISH IN Answer to Henry Grigg's Pamphlet stiled The Baptist not Babylonish Wherein Whilst he endeavours to reconcile his Contradictions in his Book Entituled Light from the Sun c. Charged upon him in a Paper Entituled The Babylonish Baptist He is run into more Contradictions Absurdities and false Accusations against the People of God called Quakers and their Principles By G. W. Ex ore tuo te judicabo Printed in the Year 1673. The Heads of the following Treatise I. OF the Light of the Eternal Word in Man and the Anabaptist confounded about it II. The Sufficiency of the Light within to reveal God Christ c. III. The Effect of Christ's Sufferings only known in his Light within IV. The saving Work of the Spirit V. How the Light in Man is a Gift and H. G' s Distinction between the Meritorious and Instrumental Cause of Salvation examined VI. The Lord's Supper in the Type and in the Anti-Type the Shadow and Substance distinguished VII The Anabaptist's Imposition about their Shadowy Baptism VIII Their Definition of the true Saviour and his Being IX The Hypostatical Union X. His Charge against the Quakers Principles and Doctrines of the Light within proved impure vile and ignorant and the Spirituality Divinity and Sufficiency of the Light within further asserted XI His sad and impious Prayer against the Light in all which Light is proved of the same Nature or kind with the Witness in Believers XII His groundless Comparison and Distinction between the Light of God in man and the Light of Christ or Gospel further refuted XIII His belying us with denying the Man Christ Jesus to ●…loak his own Absurdity and Ignorance of Christ and his Being XIV That scriptural Distinction between the Eternal Son of God and the Body prepared for him further maintained and the Anabaptist's persecuting Spirit reviling and traducing the Inocent reproved XV. A Warning and Reproof to Hen. Grigg c. XVI The Baptist's nine Questions answered THE Angry Anabaptist Proved BABYLONISH IN Answer to H. G's Pamphlet stiled The Baptist not Babylonish WHereas H. G. pretends he hath set down my Animadversions upon his Contradictions in order exactly after my own Fashion pag. 1. I say this is not true he hath left out the latter part of five of them which it appears did pinch him Therefore I shall represent to the Reader his Contradictions with my Animadversions and the Stress of his Exceptions whereby he would endeavour to make People believe he hath not contradicted himself but that we must refer to the Impartial Readers to judge of in the Light of Truth I. Of the Light of the Eternal Word in Man and the Anabaptist confounded about it HEnry Grigg saith viz. I utterly deny that this Light which all Men have from the Glorious Creator is a saving Light pag. 8. of his Book called Light from the Sun of Righteousness H. G. in Contradiction saith I really believe that the Lord Jesus Christ AS the Eternal Word hath given Light or enlightneth all Men and Women that come into the World p. 8. G. W. his Animadversion The Light or Life of the Eternal Word which is the Light of Men Joh. 1. 4. is spiritual and divine as is that Word and therefore saving to all that truly obey it H. G. replyes It seems to me as if this Man had lost his Common Reason because I deny that the Light which is in all Men is a saving Light and yet say I really believe all have a Light in them from Christ considered as Creator This cannot be a Contradiction unless he can prove there is no Light proceeding from the Eternal Word as Creator but what is saving p. 2. G. W. answereth Whilst he would insinuate that the Light in every Man is created or a Creature he meerly beggs the Question and still remains in his self-Contradiction for he dare not say That AS the Eternal Word Jesus Christ is a Creature Neither is his Light that proceedeth from him as that Word created any more then that Life which was in him which Life was the Light of Men will they say this is either created or natural As the Eternal Word is divine so is the Light or immediate Shining thereof in Man's Conscience H. G. What though it be granted that the Light which all Men that come into the World are lighted which flows from the Eternal Word and so is spiritual must it needs therefore be a saving Light Was not the Law given forth on Mount Sinai a Light of or come from the Eternal Word and doth not Paul say that the Law is spiritual Rom. 7. 14. and yet a Ministration of Death 2 Cor. 3. 7. and that killed and in other places that there was no Justification by it G. W. Answer 1. If it be a spiritual Light in Man proceeding and flowing from the Eternal Word it must therefore be the Eternal Word that immediately shineth in Man's Heart which is not created nor natural for all have not
It is a vile and wicked thing to say it is the Lord Jesus Christ the Lamb of God the great Prophet God promised to raise up 2. It is a vile Error to say it is the holy Spirit or blessed Comfortor for that Christ s●…ith the World could not receive Answ. H. G. should have been so ingenuous as to have cited the Quakers Books and pages first to prove these to be their Doctrines and Principles and that in their own very Words before he had so severely charged their Doctrines and Principles about the Light of Christ in every man which till he doth I must deny him to be either an impartial or true Stater of our Principles and state them in our own Words as 1st We confess that Jesus Christ as the Eternal Word enlightens every Man with his own divine Light or Life which gradually appears in Man and shews it self by Measure but God gave not the Spirit by Measure unto Jesus Christ the great Prophet therefore we do not call every Appearance of Light the whole Christ And according to H. G's Definition of Jesus Christ as consisting of human Flesh and Bone he is not in any Man but we knowing him after the Spirit and that he is God over all he is spiritually in his Saints in Union with them and known to them and his Presence is unlimitted he was in the World and the World knew him not whose Presence enlightens Man-kind with an immedia●…e Light from himself which is able to reveal Christ himself as he is only peculiarly revealed in the Saints who have obeyed his Light 2. The Gift Enjoyment and indwelling of the holy Spirit as Comforter is a peculiar and glorious Manifestation of Life only received by those that obey the Measure of that spiritual and divine Light within which is freely given of God to all wherein they tha●… wait upon God obtain more Power and Vertue from him who giveth the holy Spirit to them that truly ask him from a Sence of its Vertue and Light within in which they are only capable of receiving the powrings forth of the holy Spirit and abundant Shedding thereof on them as those that receive the Measure of his Discovery or Appearance in them And though the rebellious World doth not receive or accept of this holy Spirit nor see his Glory as an indwelling Comforter yet some enlightning Appearances and Operations thereof do at times reach the men of the World to their Conviction and Reproof often striving with Man to perswade him out of his Sins and Iniquities And if the holy Spirit be God his Spirit is unlimitable filling Heaven and Earth c. Whether shall I go from thy Spirit or whether shall I flee from thy Presence see Psa. 139. 7 8 9. and his Presence is to Man an enlightning Presence and Thine incorruptible Spirit is in all things therefore thou chasteneth them measurably by putting them in remembrance of the things wherein they have offended that leaving Wickedness they may believe in thee O Lord. 3. H. G. Abominable it is to say 't will cleanse from all Sin and eternally save those that obey it p. 18. Answ. The Life which is the Light of Men is both cleansing saving in the least degree of it to them that obey it and it doth not in the least deny Christ to be the Saviour to say that his Life or Light in Man is saving being divine and that by which the obedient come to know and follow Christ and thereby receive the Light of Life and Power to become the Sons of God and the Kingdom of God which Christ said is within you is compared to a little Leaven a grain of Mustard-Seed which therefore hath a seasoning and growing Vertue in it he said believe in the Light that ye may be the Children of the Light and this Light Men ought to walk in of which it s said as yet ye have a little Light in you as some read it walk while ye have the Light and in walking in the Light the Blood of Jesus Christ is received which cleanseth from all sin 1. Were it not a vile Error for any to affirm that that Life which is the Light of Men is neither Divine nor a Saving Light of Christ or Holy Spirit in any Degree of it 2. And art not thou H. G. vile and wickedly erronious to give out such Language as This Wile of Satan and Cheat of Anti-christ that appears blasphemously to reflect upon the Light and Power within as before in calling it a Wile of Satan and Cheat of Anti-christ to cry up Light and Power within And now to refuse believing in the Light which enlightens every Man that cometh into the World for Life and Salvation p. 19 though it be the Word which is Christ that so enlightneth every Man XI His sad and impious Prayer against the Light in all which Light is proved of the same Nature or kind with the Witness in Believers H. G. GOd forbid that I should ever own their Principle of Light in all that doth so clearly tend to the racing out the grand Fundamentals of the Gospel p. 52. H. G. Contrad Praises and Hallelujah to God for ever who hath given us that Witness in our selves of which thou 〈◊〉 est p. 54 55. which Witness his Sister spake of was the Light which reproves for Sin to own and believe in the Light that enlightneth every Man that cometh into the World p. 8. and 29. G. W. Animad See what a sad pass these men are grown to and what kind of Prayers they offer to God against his own Light and witness within and how contrary to the Gospel Spirit and Light they are H. G. Rep. G. W. belics both me and my Sister in what he saith here for the Witness she spoke of is not the Light which reproves for Sin which is in every one that cometh into the World though I confess she bids me believe in the Light that reprov●…s for Sin which lighteth every one that cometh into the World 〈◊〉 contrary-wise she mentioned the Words of the Apostle John 1 Joh. 5. 10. He that believeth hath the Witness in himself p. 19. To this I answer Let all moderate and impartial Readers both thy Sister and others judge whether I have belyed thee or her in this Matter And how quarelsome and peevish thou art could she intend contrary-wise or another of this Witness of God then of that Light which enlightneth every one that cometh into the World Thou shouldst have asked thy Sister if she doth not own the true Light that enlightens every Man and the Witness o●… Word which he that believeth hath in himself to be one and the same And hast not thou confest that Christ AS the Eternal Word enlightens every Man which he that believeth hath in himself as having through the Light given received Christ the faithful and true Witness who stands at the door of Man's Heart and knocketh so as in
Dignity of our Lord Jesus More particularly we have made Confession of those reigning Abominations in our own Souls and in the Churches of that light Spirit living short of the true Sight and Sense of God's Majesty in his Churches and among his Saints from whence proceeds that Vanity and Carelesnes which doth so much attend them We have bewailed that wretched worldly Spirit that plucks down the Saints from their Excellency and leaves such Blackness upon them which renders them so uncomely in the Eyes of Men. We have bewailed that Coldness and Deadness that is upon our selves and upon the Churches that Formality in holy Duties that Indifferency and that Laodicean Spirit that is fallen in upon us while we have been crying let him make Speed and hasten his Work that we may see it let the Counsel of the Lord come that we may know it and all this while we have been drawing Iniquity with Cords of Vanity having been in a great Measure as without the Sense of the Work so without the true Travil of Soul which this Work should put us into the Crown is fallen from Sion's Head by Reason of her Iniquity we have been bewailing personal Iniquity Congregational Iniquity National Iniquity Family Iniquity Closet Iniquity we have by Search found poor Sion as it were without Soundness from the Crown of the Head to the Sole of the Foot ful of Bruises and putrified Sores your own poor Souls are in Distress Heaven and Earth seem to frown Oh! come down sit in the Dust and weep bitterly before the Lord for all your Abominations you have but as it were played with God you have not trembled in his Presence you have been wanton before him having been without the Terrour of his Majesty therefore you have confessed and have delighted to word it out with the Lord Oh! how often have you mocked God It appears already how God takes it at your Hands We have begged him to save us yet this once more and truly we tremble the Hope that is in Isra●…l lies in your putting from you that accursed Thing Oh! now if you would pursue this Worldliness this Coldness and Sloathfulness your personal Neglects your Family Neglects how doth the World as a Canker eat out your Affections to the Lord Jesus eat out your Time your Strength your Zeal while you have been asleep in the Lap of this Da●…ilah your Locks have been cut off and you are but as other Men whoever beholds you may say what singular thing do ye Now then lay to Heart these crying Abominations the World is too beautiful this hath bewitched you have fallen before your Enemies this Iniquity hath been apparently written upon your Fore-heads witness your Remissness in Meetings your Neglect or the poor Saints Ministers of Christ whose daily Complaints and Addresses are living Monuments of this reigning Abomination your Cruelty to Servants Children exacting all their Labours but take no Time to counsel them instruct them that are without Christ that miserable Estate wherein they are this hath made Professors Families so dry useless and unprofitable this Sin eats out all of that divine Sweetness of regenerating sanctifying Grace We have mourned in that we have had so great a hand in this Trespass in not bearing so faithful a Testimony against it in our Ministry but slavish Fear of being accounted selfish or the like hath stopt our Mouth until the Mouth of this Iniquity hath almost devoured the poor Churches of Christ That of Sloathfulness and Carelesness another reigning Evil They are Evils rooted deeply in the Heart it is hard to get them out They are Sermon-Proof and Epistle-Proof so strong that they have wrested all Weapons out of the hands of Saints and Ministers that have been formed against them Now we desire we may no longer rest in a Testimony of Words but proceed to take some effectual Course that Sin or Sinners may be purged out of the house of God in order to this we desire the Churches that they would set some day or dayes a part wherein they may bewail the Iniquities and Pollutions o●… Zion before the Lord also that the Ministring Brethren would without Respect of Persons bear their constant Testimony warning every one to f●…ee from these Abominations Another Evil we had Thought to have spread before you for want of Opportunity we shall now omit yet desire you to lay it to Heart THE Presbyter's Antidote TRYED Or Stephen Scandret with his Antidote against Quakerism Proved a PHYSICIAN of No Value AND The Truth plainly asserted and vindicated in divers Weighty Points against both the Imperfect and corrupt Work of S. S. and his Masters the Assembly of Divines so called who sat at Westminster in the long Parliament's Time and of the general Assembly of the Kirk of Scotland about their Confession of Faith which was first printed at Edenburg and after reprinted at London Anno 1651. G. W. Ye are all Physicians of no Value Job 13. 4. Printed in the Year 1673. THE Presbyter's Antidote TRYED c. CHAP. I. A Comprehensive Account concerning the Rule the Light and Scripture Explaining both ●…ur sense of the terms and S. Scandret's together with the Assemblies Confession about the Scriptures BY the word RULE we understand 1st The Power of Government and Authority to order and rule in the Sense that in the first Creation the greater Light was set to rule the Day Gen. 1. 16. or for the Rule and Order of the Day So in the new Creation the divine Light of Christ the Son of Righteousness doth govern and rule in the Order of his Everlasting Day in the Souls of the Righteous the Path of the Just being this shining Light which shineth more and more until this perfect Day 2ly So this divine Light is truly the only Rule for its being most eminent above all outward Rules and Prescriptions ●…or its Power Glory Virtue Order and Government as Rule of Life in all the Children of Light The only trying and discovering Rule for its manifesting whatsoever things are reproveable Ephes. 5. 13. whether they be Spirits Works or Words and he that doth Truth cometh to the Light that his Deeds may be made mani●…est that they are wrought in God Joh. 3. 21. 3dly By only Rule An universal manifest publick Standard ●…or Truth and Righteousness in the Consciences of all People and Nations and against all Sin Wickedness and Unrighteousness and so is the S piritual and Divine Light of the Son of God in whom was Life and the Life was the Light of Men Joh. 1. 4. whose Life is Supernatural Increated and Incorruptible Christ the divine Word being that true Light that inlightens every Man coming into the World vers 9. 4thly Concerning that heavenly Gift or divine Manifestation within which was the Saints Rule of Life the Apostle Paul thus speaketh 2 Cor. 10. 13. But
his Prologue prefixt in some Bibles he saith thus viz. W. Tindal unto the Christian Reader If ought seem Changed or not altogether agreeing with the Greek let the Finder of the Fault consider the Hebrew Phrase or Manner of Speech left in the Greek Words whose Preterperfect Tense and Present Tense is oft both one and the Future Tense is the Optative Mood also and the Future Tense is oft the Imperative Mood in the Active Voyce and in the Passive ev●…r likewise Person for Person Number for Number and Interrogation for a Conditional and such like is with the Hebrews and Common usage and he further adds if I shall perceive either by my self or by the Information of others that ought be escaped me or might be more plainly Translated I will shortly after cause it to be amended howbeit in many places me thinketh it better to put a Declaration in the Marg●…nt then to run too far from the Text. Now from hence considering the Difficulty of truly translating the Scriptures from the Hebrew both as to Time Manner Voice Person Number and Condition c. how easily herein may the Sense be greatly changed and how this ingenuous Translator himself doth not place Infallibility upon his Work or Translation from the Hebrew but ingenuously proffereth Amendment of it if either by himself or an others Information he shall perceive a Deficiency in which he hath done and also considering what Irreconcileable Controversies have been among many counted Learned about the Translations in divers Places of Scriptures and how many Amendments have from Time to Time been made upon them and even how many various English Translations we have what Dubiousness and Uncertainty are both Priests and People in both as to Rule Faith and Foundation of their Religion who neither know nor own the Principle of true Knowledge and divine Understanding which is God's Gift while they have no regard to divine Illumination as the Rule of Faith before the Scriptures but do cry and set up one while a meer Translation or Reading which to them may be dubious as their only highest infallible Rule of Faith another while their own uncertain Meanings private Conceptions and fallible Interpretations upon the Scriptures they set up as the Rule and Judge over them as their Phrase hath been to Reconcile the Scriptu●…es which as given by divine Inspiration cannot be broken And while still their Work tends to divert peoples Minds from depending upon the Spirit of Truth and its Inlightning as the chief and only infallible Guide and Rule where will they center and what a Babylonish Structure do they erect upon their uncertain Conjectures and dubious Interpretations from their fallible Spirits and Judgments And to place Infallibility upon the Letter or Writing or English Translation whereas W. Tindal a Translator himself did not attribute this to his Translation nor divers others in their putting many marginal Notes upon some English Bibles as from the Hebrew and Greek and even their learned D. Ce●…l set forth a large Book in Folio entituled An Essay to the Amendment of the Last English Translation of the Bible wh●… he finds fault with and corrects several noted Places and what less is signified in their ample Annotations and manifold Notes upon some Bibles And moreover when some of the Clergy have made that of Job 2. 9. their Texit viz. that Job's Wife said unto him Curse God 〈◊〉 dye they have told People that that Hebrew Text signifieth Bless God and dye and some take it so as to desire humbly of God that he might dye which arguing Impatiency was reproveable others that it was Curse God and dye which was much more reproveable not only as Foolishness but Wickedness And concerning that of Saul and the Witch of Endor his bidding her bring him up Samuel it 's said And when the Woman saw Samuel ver 12. and Saul know that it was Samuel vers 14. And Samuel said unto Saul why hast thou disquieted me c. ver 15. then said Samuel ver 16. So the matter runs in Samuel's name Whereas those of the Clergy have told us it was Satan and that Saul spake according to his gross Ignorance not considering the slate of the Saints after this Life and how Satan hath no Power over them it was Satan who to blind Saul's Eyes took upon him the Form of Samuel c. Now seeing this Interpretation is so plainly contrary to the Words themselves for which I blame them not in this though in many others I do I query how the●… agrees this with their placing Infallibility upon the Scriptures not only on the Doctrinal but on the Historical Part when they are minded to oppose the Sufficiency of the Light of Christ within Many more Instances might be brought to shew their vast Variations from the Letter of the Scriptures in their Interpretations By the Tenor of all which Discourse before of this Import it 's evident that their Confession at least of many of them is that a●…l the Scriptures are not Infallible but some Corrupted in the various Translations ●…hers not to be taken meerly as the Words import Howbeit for all this many Priests and Professors for their own Ends if they be about to oppose the Light within or divine Illumination and the Sufficiency of the holy Spirit 's Teaching denying it to be either the Rule of Faith or Life or sufficient to guide to Heaven without the Scriptures which argues their gross and carnal Diffidence and sinful Unbelief then in plain Contradiction they place all the Infallibility and sole Sufficiency therein upon the Scriptures as the only highest Rule of Faith and Life the only Rule and Way to Heaven and Glory the only Rule totry both Doctrines and Spirits by And here they most Idolatrously and in a most pre●…sterous Manner prefer the Scriptures before Christ and set them up above the Spirit that gave them forth while they slight and cry down the Light of Christ within as not any Rule c. though it both manifests all things reproveable and be the Prover of Deeds whether they are wrought in God for which End he that doth Truth bringeth his Deeds to the Light Joh. 3. 19 20. But as Christ said to the unbelieving Jews so it may justly be said to these Opposers of his Light within now Ye search the Scriptures for in them ye think to have Eternal Life and they are they which testifie of me but ye will not come to me that you might have Life Joh. 5. 39 40. Mark ye will not come to Christ that ye might have Life and now the Scriptures do not direct Men to themselves for Life and Salvation but to the Son of God who is both the Life the Foundation the Way and so the only Rule Guide and Teacher and not the Scriptures But why do the Presbyters of our Times so often exalt their own divers Meanings and Interpretations as the Rule above the Scriptures contrary to the great
his Covenant that was made to Adam Gen. 1. 28. Chap. 9. 7 9. and there were Righteous Generations after the Destruction of the UNGODLY WORLD by the Flood though many turned to Iniquity again But all Men are accountable for their own It will not be either their crying out of Adam's sole Offence or their pleading Christ's intire Obedience that will excuse them in the Day of the Lord wherein every man shall give an Account of himself to ●…od and be rewarded according to his own Deeds done in the Body whether they be Good or Evil. S. S. God doth not punish that Person in whom he doth not first see a Transgression p. 96. Answ. True But how agrees this with his Sense of Imputation Let the competent Reader judge hence it ●…ollows and that by his own Rule of Contraries that A S God doth not punish a Person in whom he doth not first see a Transgression SO God doth not justifie a Person or repute him Righteous in whom he doth not first see a real Righteousness and that through Faith and Sanctification And this plainly overthrows his Notion of Imputation before S. S. We are made Righteous not by Conversion only as G. W. would have it p. 96. Answ. However this Not only grants thus far that we are not made Righteous without Conversion and then we are justified made Righteous or declared just in the true Sense of Imputation when converted in which State we are inherently or inwardly Partakers of Christ's Righteousness and not in the unconverted So that S. S. his reiterated contradictory Opinion as stated by him viz. AS the Disobedience Adam wrought in his own Person on Earth makes us Sinners SO The Obedience Christ wrought in his own Person on the Earth makes us Righteous p. 96. is still opposed by the Light of Truth which manifests how far Men are Partakers of the Nature and Disobedience of the first Adam and how they come really to partake of the second Adam in themselves without which God doth neither justifie nor reckon them just It being also confest That God doth not punish that Person in whom he doth not first see a Transgression and then it follows No more doth he justifie that Person in whom he doth not see his own Image His Phrase Christ's Sufferings imputed is not a Scripture-Phrase though much of his Work hangs upon it yet his being made a Curse for us was not in vain being to remove the Curse of the Law as generally pronounc'd for not continuing in all that 's written c. to abolish the Shadows of the first Covenant and to establish the second that both Jew and Gentile might be reconciled in one Covenant wherein Christ is the Blessing to all having been both a perfect Example and Sacrifice who travilled that he might see his Seed and suffered that he might reign Though he suffered and tasted Death for every Man as an universal Offering for Sin yet Men are neither acquitted thereby in their Sins nor interested in the second Covenant which he dyed to establish unless they come under the Condition and State thereof namely an Agreement and Friendship with God for Men will be condemned for disobeying the Gospel though there be a Relaxation and Change of the Law touching the Curse thereof as 't is threaten'd on those general Terms for not keeping all But what the Law saith it is to them that are under it It was the outward Jews that it was imposed upon in the Letter of it though it be universally to be fulfilled in Spirit in the true Christians or Jews inward And though God hath shewn a Mitigation of the Severity which hath been incurred by Sin and a Pacification and coming nigh to Mankind with Kindness in his Son Christ Jesus yet still if men reject the Love of the Truth the Terms of Friendship and Agreement with God and obey not the Gospel they miss and fall short of the Benefit of Christ and his Sufferings and the blessed End for which God sent his Son And though the Curse of the Law doth not rest upon men for not continuing in all the Letter of it or shadowy Part including both Circumcision divers Washings c. yet if their Hearts be not circumcised to the Lord nor they inwardly washed or sprinkled from an evil Conscience they have no Part with Christ as he said If I do not wash thee thou hast no Part with me Except ye be born again ye cannot enter into the Kingdom of God Notwithstanding God doth greatly shew himself propitious and kind in his Son to Mankind in that upon any Condition viz. his own Terms he will admit Man to approach unto him or come into actual Friendship with himself Argum. What was typified in the Ceremonial Law is certainly accomplished but the Imputation of Christ's Sufferings was typified Exod. 24. 8. Heb. 9. What did this Sprinkling typifie but the Imputation or Application of Christ's Sufferings to us Answ. He varies uncertainly in his Words Imputation or Application which are different the Imputation being supposed to be God's the Application Man's And M●…ses's taking the Blood and sprinkling it on the People Exod. 24. 8. was neither a Type of this Man's Imputation nor his Application of Christ's Sufferings unto unsanctified Persons for their Justification but a real Type of Sanctification and Remission by the Blood of Christ sprinkled upon the Conscience for that End which is more then unsanctified Persons Application thereof and thence imagining their Justification The Scriptures cited by himself prove what I say against him 1 Joh. 1. 7. But if we walk in the Light as he is in the Light we have Fellowship one with another and the Blood of Jesus Christ his Son cleanseth us from all Sin And Hebr. 9. 14. How much more shall the Blood of Christ who offered himself without Spot to God purge your Consciences from dead Works to serve the Living God And Hebr. 12. 24. And ye are come to the Blood of sprinkling From whence Mark that this cleansing purging sprinkling the Conscience c. was a real Act or Effect of the Blood of the Covenant unto the Sanctification of them who walked in the Light and not a meer Imputation or Application of Christ's Sufferings for the Justification of Impure and Unsanctified Persons Moreover it was when the People said ALL that the Lord hath said will we do and be Obedient that Moses took the Blood and sprinkled it on the People and said Behold the Blood of the Covenant c. Exod. 24. 7 8. To which Type answereth what the Apostle Peter saith Elect according to the fore-Knowledge of God through Sanctification of the Spirit ●…to OBEDIENCE and SPRINKLING of the Blood of Jesus 1 Pet. 1. 2. And he hath washed us from our Sins in his own Blood This is the Blood of the Covenant that doth sanctifie Heb. 10. 29. And he shall sprinkle many Nations Isa. 52. 15. Where Christ is known to sprinkle
Debtor in Prison if his Debts be all paid by the Surety or to suffe●… the Surety to wait long soliciting or interceeding for his Pardon or Deliverance Q. 3. Doth not your Doctrine of such Rigid or Severe Satisfaction oppose Christ's Intercession Howbeit we still confess the Man Christ was greatly acceptable and most eminently satisfactory considered as a Sacrifice of a sweet smelling Savour to God and as the first Fruits Quest. 13. What did the Blood of Christ that was shed bespeak and what is our Sense of Christ's Blood and for what End owned Ans. 1st It did bespeak Remission of Sin past to all that truly repent and believe in him 2dly Our Sense of the Blood of Christ is a living and spiritual Sense of the Virtue and Efficacy of it as through it we receive Redemption even the Forgiveness of Sins 3dly We really own and confess to the Blood of Christ both in the History and in the Mystery as most significant to express his Life which he gave a Ransom and the Value of the one Offering we do in the sight of God confess and own the Blood of Christ both as shed for us and as sprinkling and purging our Consciences from dead Works And this We are come to know by his Light shining in our Hearts which as we walk in the Light we have Fellowship one with another and the Blood of Jesus Christ cleanseth us from all Sin 1 Joh. 1. 7. Heb. 9. 14. To come to the Blood of Sprinkling which speaketh better things then that of Abel is an Attainment and Mystery only obtained by true Believers in and through his divine Light and Eternal Spirit by which Christ offered himself without Spot to God and by One Offering God hath perfected sorever them that are sanctified whereof the holy Ghost is a Witness to us Heb. 10. 14 15. For if a Literal Knowledge and Application of the Blood could either Sanctifie or Justifie without having the Conscience sprinkled with it then how could it be as the AntiType answering and ending the Type or Pattern under the Law where all the People were sprinkled with the Blood of the Offerings see Heb. 9. and 10. Chap. And the Leaper was cleansed by seven times sprinkling upon h●…m the Blood of the Bird that was killed Lev. 14. 6 7. but the Blood of Christ which sprinkles and purgeth the Conscience far excels all those under the Law and therefore as it redeems from the vain Conversation 't is called the Pretious Blood of Christ as opposed to and beyond all Corruptible things 1 P●…t 1. 18 19. Thus in the Blood of Christ there is a Mystery and a spiritual Consideration and Application absolutely necessary beyond the Historical Profession and Faith thereof as well as in the Cross c. as Christ said Except ye eat my Flesh and drink my Blood ye have no Life in you Joh. 6. It is the Spirit that quickneth c. The holy Ghost is Witness to us of the Virtue and blessed Effect of the One Offering Blessed be the Name of the Lord our God forever who by his divine Light hath opened our Understandings in the Mystery of Christ Jesus and the saving Knowledge of him which is after the Spirit All these Scriptures relating to Christ's Sufferings as Isaiah 53. Zach. 13. 17. Rom. 8. 32. Phil. 28. 2 Cor. 5. 14 15 21. Gal. 3. 13. and 4. 5. Heb. 2. 9. do all intimate God's great Kindness and Condescension in Christ Jesus and his Humiliation and deep Suffering under the Weight and Burthen o●… Sin and as by the Grace of God he tasted Death for every Man all which fall greatly short of proving our Adversary's ●…harge against him viz. That God poured down his Wrath or Revenge upon his Innocent Son for Satisfaction to divine Justice in Man's stead that had done the Injury I say all the Scriptures alleged by them can never prove this but rather 1. That Christ's Sufferings were of another kind both as he was delivered up by the Father in his Patience to suffer and bear the Burthen Sorrows and inward Griefs by reason of man's Sin for which his Soul also was made an Offering 2. And as the Reproaches Suffering and Death of the Cross that he sustained from the Wicked Murtherers were temporal or had an End and not as infinite Wrath and Revenge from God due to wicked Men. 3. Yet Christ was rendred a Curse and as made to be Sin This he could not properly be a in his own being for Sin and a Curse in this abstract Sense couldnot strictly relate to his pure and sinless being but so made or reputed with respect to his bearing the Reproach and Sin of many the outward Punishment Crucifying Death and Blood-sheding And all that was in him which in any sense might be said to Suffer was offered and given for the Advantage and Good of Mankind and that which he so gave and offered was called his Life Himself a Ransom and all some times in Scripture comprehended and expressed under the Phrase The Blood the pretious Blood of Christ that redeems from the vain Conversation purgeth the Conscience c. and even the outward part of his Suffering most Innocent Example his Cross Death Blood of his Cross his reviving again were so far from yielding either an Indulgence or justification to men as in Sin and Disobedience that they did very eminently preach and openly proclaim to Mankind both the Condemnation of Sin in the Flesh Repentance Mortification Remission and Man's reviving again to real Righteousness and Justification therein and all to be experienced through Faith in the Name and Power of Jesus Christ the Son of the living God in sending of whom the Father's Love was manifest that we might live through him And as Christ's Travil of Soul was inward and so his Suffering inward as well as outward what is more obvious to the spiritual Eye and Mind then that his Travil and Sufferings and his holy Design therein were to have an inward Effect and inwardly to be fulfilled by his Word and Power even in them who receive and believe in the same as that Instance of the holy Evangelist is very plain and pertinent where 't is said They brought unto him many that were possessed with Divels and he Cast out the Spirits with his Word and healed all that were Sick that it might be fulfilled which was spoken by Isaiah the Prophet saying Himself took our Infirmities and bare our Sicknesses see Ma●… 8. 17. Isaiah 53. 4. And moreover as to Christ's being the Lamb of God that taketh away the Sins of the World This taking away the Sins was not only fulfilled by that general Expiation or purging which he made by Way of Sacrifice but also inwardly by his real Cleansing purging the Conscie●…ce and purifying the Soul from the Nature and Being of Sin And God's Reconciling us by the Death of his Son whose putting away Sin is said to be by the Sacrifice of
of Condemnation both to Angels and Men to be their Sin in forsaking the Lord and living Ungodly But whereas S. S. renders God's fore-knowledge of all his Works as the Reason or Proof That he from eternity decreed particular Angels and Men for Destruction which appears Contradictory to his Masters of the Assemblies confessing viz. That God hath not decreed any thing because he foresaw it as future Confess Chap. 3 This Proof is as impertinent as the rest of his shallow Arguments for his fore-Knowledge being infinite it is no Proof that he hath absolutely decreed or ordained all things that come to pass because he foresaw all for he hath not ordained that Men should live in Sin though he hath designed their Punishment who do so live yet known unto the Lord are all his Work 's both those of his Creation which he wrought according to his absolute Pleasure both in Heaven and in Earth and in the Sea c. Psal. 135. 6. and Man was not capable of resisting his Maker in forming of him he was as the Clay in his Hand as also the Lord foreknew his work of Sanctification and saving of man from Sin and Death but this is not effected without a Subjection to his Will and a Compliance with his Spirit and Power in his Work within They are not Partakers of Salvation from Sin who wilfully gain-say the Truth resist the holy Ghost and act Despite against the Spirit of Grace But further I find S. S. so uncertain in the Management of his partial Proposition for a personal Election and Reprobation that he is made sometimes to grant and confess to Truth to his own absolute Confutation and the Break neck of his graceless Cause As by his Confessing That God hath no Pleasure in the Death of him that dieth considered barely as his Creature for he is willing to receive to Mercy every returning Sinner yet if a Person perseveres in Wickedness as such God will laugh at his Calamity c. Thus far S. S. From whence it follows 1st That God did not from Eternity decree the Damnation of particular Persons contrary to his declared Pleasure 2dly That persevering in Wickedness is the Cause of Men's Calamity 3dly A●…d their Perversness and Obstinacy in rejecting Wisdom's Reproof and Counsel the Cause that God will laugh at their Calamity and mock when their Fear cometh Now the Doctrine of Election and Reprobation as universally sect 11 and equally laid down in the Scriptures of Truth and as accordingly by us asserted for that there can be no Repugnancy either in God's Actions or in his Will whether secret or revealed as some vainly imagin cannot be inconsistent with God's Prohibitions Eat not of the Tree of Knowledge His conditional Promises If thou dost well shalt thou not be accepted If you Seek the Lord he will be found of you Whosoever believeth shall not perish shall not abide in Darkness His conditional Threats If thy Heart turn away thou shalt Perish If ye for sake him he will for sake you His sending his Son into the World not to Condemn the World He should have added Christ's Dying for all Men tasting death for every Man his giving his Spirit to instruct them His Setting Life and Death before them in the Promises and in the Threats or giving Men up to their Lusts for Sin This cannot be inconsistent with God's Election or Choice of true Believers and Obedient nor with his rejecting the Rebellious unto Reprobation for they evince the Truth thereof But the Presbyters partial Doctrine of Election and Reprobation of particular Persons and certain definite number of Men and Angels and their most grosly Asserting that God from all Eternity did freely and unchangeably ordain whatsoever comes to pass This is both inconsistent with those and such his Prohibitions conditional Promises and Threats His sending his Son not to condemn the World but that the World through him might be saved his dying for all Men his giving his good Spirit to the Disobedient to instruct them his setting Life and Death before them to chuse Life or perish Deut. 30. 15. to the end but Alas if from Eternity God had reprobated them or absolutely ordained and designed their Damnation and Curse how should they Chuse Life or Blessing Or if particularly unchangeably ordained to Life and Salvation from all Eternity Could there be any such Danger of their perishing or that they should thus need to be threatned with Cursing and Perishing if their Heart turned away from the Lord For had they been unchangeably designed of God for the one End whether Life or Death were it not very inconsistent to propose both conditionally to them as namely to exhort them to chuse Life or if they refused to threaten them with perishing c. do not you partial-minded Presbyters and Calvinists by such kind of Preaching and Propositions so contrary to your partial Principle most grosly dissemble with People and mock them contrary to your own Belief whenas Moses the Prophets and Apostles in such like Conditional Promises and Threats believed what they spoak they believed and therefore spoak from the Spirit of God which cannot lie nor dissemble If you say God hath decreed particular Persons Salvation by such Warnings you thereby tell us that he hath decreed it by Threatning them with Damnation and thereby you affix your non-sense incongruous Doctrine upon God rather then you will confess your own nonsensical Contradiction therein which runs thus That God hath from all Eternity unchangeably designed some Persons eternal Salvation and yet that he warns and threatens the same Persons with eternal Damnation or Perdition if they refuse Life or to ●…earken to him and obey him or if their Hearts turn away from him pray mark how inconsistent and contradictory this is like as to say It is unchangeably designed of God that you must live for ever yet take heed you do not dye eternally And to S. S. his adding All these are subservient to the Soveraign Design of God's Decrees The Magnifying his Mercy and Grace in the Salvation of all the Elect his Justice or Wrath in the Reprobates c. pag. 115. Ans. If by the Words All these as we may take him he intends according to the Assembly's Confession That God from all Eternity did most freely and unchangeably ordain whatsoever comes to pass then it may be understood that all these things those Conditions or States both Good and Bad which he mentions before are subservient to the soveraign Design of God's Decrees as he words it But if by all these he intends all these conditional Promises and Threats are so subservient as I think he doth then God's Decrees of Men Salvation or Damnation are also conditional accordingly as first If you seek the Lord he will be found of you and then as all are called to seek the Lord he hath also given Liberty and a Capacity to all to seek him that they may
find him this I grant to be according to his good Will and subservient to his Decree as his sending his Son into the World not to condemn the World but that the World through him be saved for he verily was fore-ordained before the Foundation of the World 1 Pet. 1. 20 21. But then I deny that God hath either decreed or ordained that men's Hearts should turn away from him or that they shall forsake him or love Darkness rather then the true Light which is come into the World whereby many cause their own Condemnation How dare any say or think that all these are subservient to the soveraign Design of Gods Decrees as they must who say that he has unchangeably decreed whatsoever comes to pass which renders him to be the Author of those and such Sins and Abuses against himself and his Love and that in order to serve his own Decree which is very blasphemous against God who hath testified otherwise as namely Thy Destruction is of thy self but in me thine Help saith the Lord Hoseah 13. 9. and why will ye die O house of Israel c. God is not the Author of Sin nor willing that any should perish therein he doth actually damn none but the finally ●…mpenitent as is plainly confessed So thus his Decree Justly stands against the finally Impenitent therefore do not continue in your Impenitency that you may not incurr final Damnation God is neither Partial nor Cruel in decreeing to deny saving Grace sect 12 to some whilst he decrees to give it to others p. 115. Answ. That God doth so decree is but Petitio Principii and sufficiently confuted in the whole Tenor of this Discourse and let the Ingenious Reader Judge whether this doth not render him both Partial and Cruel to conclude he hath unalterably decreed to damn some and to deny them saving Grace but decreed to give it to others who were by Nature Children of Wrath as well as the rest and yet all God's Creatures and Workmanship as Man and Woman both the saved and the damned are all inevitably brought into the World This partial Doctrine of God's eternally decreeing to save some and to damn the rest who by Nature are rendered as all a like is enough to make many despair and curse God that ever they had a Being and to destroy themselves as many have donc upon this Principle as by Satan's seconding it by perswading them That God hath decreed to deny them saving Grace on purpose to damn them forever which is ●…o small Reflection upon God and the Glory of his Soveraignity and Grace and tends more then a little to ecclipse the Glory of his divine Justice to render it so vindictive and cruel as not in the first place to regard his own Workmanship in general to wit Mankind but to decree eternal Vengeance for the greatest part thereof without affording them the least Degree of saving Grace to help them out of the sallen Estate Oh What a cruel dark Spirit is that in Electioners that thus reflects u●…on a most gratious and Merciful God who delighteth in Mercy and not in Destruction Neither is his divine Justice so Inconsistent with himself and his gracious divine Nature as not to respect poor lost Man and Woman in general or as not to allow Grace and Light sufficient for the Help Salvation of Mankind in general seeing that his being a Savour is not inconsistent with his ●…vine Justice for he said I am a Just God and a Saviour there is none besides me Isa. 45. 21 22. Divine Justice cannot be so partially cruel to the Creature as either to make void divine Goodness or withhold it from Mankind S. S. Who can prove that converting confirming Grace is a sect 13 due Debt to every fallen Man and Woman who hath first given to him p. 115. Answ. What an impertinent Question is this Who of us ever asserted Grace to be a Debt to any Man Grace being so contrary to Debt in the very Nature of it Rom. 4. 4. 11. 6. God loved us first so that his Grace or Favour in the first Place is free to all Men without Exception or respect of Persons and this condemns the Cruelty and Partiality which the particular Electioners or Predestinarian Opinion would lay upon God to limit and tye up his Grace in such Narrowness as it doth Why doth he yet find Fault Rom. 9. may be justly objected against that erroneous Doctrine That God hath unchangeably ordained whatsoever comes to pass for why should he find Fault either with his own Works or with the Effect of his own Design or Decree But he doth not find Fault either with his own Works of Creation as made by him no●… yet with any Vessel as made renewed o●… clea●…sed by him but as polluted or corrupted with Sin and so with Man not as his Maker is the Potter or Framer but as the Devil is the Potter having framed Men up in his own Nature and Image of Sin and Unrighteousness and so W●… unto him that striveth with his Maker Isa. 45. 9. to which that of Rom. 9. 20. relates And likewise Who hath resisted his Will or the Might of his Pow●…r is a Question of some supposing that God absolutely Wills and Effects whatever comes to pass from an unchangeable Purpose or Design both as to the particular States and Ends of Pe●…sons but herein ma●…y partial Minds and narrow Spirits are greatly mistaken for though the Will of God and the Might of his Power both in creating Man and in many times convicting judging and condemning the Wicked and Rebellious for Sin be absolute and irresistable yet his Will as manifest in the Tenders o●… Good in Counsel and Perswasion to Man in the Strivings of his Spirit with the Wicked All which have a tendence to draw Men out of Sin and Evil and to induce them to Righteousness His Will as thus considered many do resist in rejecting his Counsel rebelling against his Commands quenching his Spirit resisting the holy Ghost despising his Law casting it behind their Backs striving agai●…st their Maker in the time of his Patience and long Suffering towards them till for their Rebellion he bring his Severity and heavy Hand upon them for if Men did not resist the holy Spirit it should not need to strive with them God wills not that any should perish but that all Men should come to Repentance 2 Pet. 3. 9. Who will have all Men to be saved and ●…o come unto the Knowledge of the Truth 2 Tim. 2. 3 4. And yet all are not saved all do not know the Truth and what hinders them Not any Decree of God but their resisting his Good Will Counsel and Motions of his Spirit O Man thy Destruction is of thy self but thy Help is of me saith the Lord. S. S. All fallen Men and Women are not reprobated this is sect 14 some Comfort and it importunately urgeth all in Compassion to their own Souls
to turn from Sin to God in Christ and to seek after good Scripture Evidence of their Election p. 116. Answ. The Matter would have been more congruous thus for that no fallen Men nor Women are reprobated for Everlasting lasting Destruction until they have first slighted the Kindness of God abused his Grace rebelled against his blessed Light rejected his Knowledge as not liking to retain him in their Knowledge this importunately urgeth all in Compassion to their own Souls to turn from Sin to God in Christ while his Grace and Good Will extends to them and a time of Love is afforded them while he maketh his Sun to rise on the Evil and on the Good and sendeth Rain on the Just and on the Unjust Mat. 5. 45. Now this is Matter of Comfort that God doth shew Love and Kindness towards all and that he universally extends Light and offereth Salvation by his Son who indeed is his shining Sun to the Ends of the Earth and that he willeth not or desireth not the Death of any in their Sins but rather their Return and Repentance that they may live But alas What a mani●…est Contradiction is it for the Man one while to conclude that God hath from all Eternity reprobated the greatest Part or Number of ●…allen Men and Women or unchangeably designed their Eternal Damnation poor Encouragement another while to tell of importunately urging all in Compassion to their own immortal Souls to turn from Sin to God in Christ How should they have Compassion to their immortal Souls if God hath no Compassion nor Love towards them Or how should Reprobates turn from Sin if eternally reprobated This were but putting them upon an Impossibility and so a flattering and mocking them with a pretended Kindness never intended for them As the Opinion which I oppose vainly supposeth by such specious Pretences Presbyterian Priests c. have flattered many out of their Money which is like as if a Priest in his preaching to a People should bid them all have Compassion upon their Immortal Souls and turn from Sin and then tell them it is impossible they should ever turn from Sin or be saved God having unalterably designed the Destruction and Damnation of the greatest Part of them what Comfort would this Contradiction and cruel Partiality administer to them I pray you It would be but cold Comfort to tell a great Congregation That God had fore-design●…d them all except two or three of them to be damned eternally This is not the Word of Faith nor any preaching in the Faith this is not Yea Amen but a saying and unsaying a pretending to comfort and encourage them all and to discourage and lead m●…ny into Despair And how then should they seek Evidence in Scripture for their Election or Salvation The Scriptures of themselves do not evidence to particular Perso●…s their Election from Eternity the Seriptures do not tell S. Scandr●…t Nat. Barnard c. that they are Elect Persons B●…t to them that believe in Christ and in him have obtained Power over their Corruptions and whose Hearts are truly and spiritually tender towards God his Spirit beareth Witne●…s w●…th their Spirits and evidenceth to them according to Scripture that they are the Sons of God chosen in Christ Jesus through Sanctification of the Spi it and Belief of the Truth and so are adopted through the Spirit of Adoption to be the Children of God and Coheirs with Christ of Eternal Life and Peace S. S. Is the Judge cruel that hangs up a Murtherer sect 15 Answ. No but neither the Judge nor yet the Law doth ordain or prescribe that this or that Person shall be a Murtherer for the Fact is forbidden and the Punishment is prescribed as is the judgment and Punishment of ungodly Men in general S. S. God doth actually damn none but the finally Impenitent Answ. Then their Impenitency is the Effect of their own Disobedience and Rebellion not of God's Decree and this sufficiently con●…utes their accusing God with fore-designing or ordaining the Sin or wicked Actions of Men or particular Persons ●…or such and such Wayes and Ends Act. 2. 23. Christ being delivered by the determinate C●…unsel and fore-Knowledge of God after you had taken with wicked Hands you hav●… crucified and slain p. 116. There was a Necessity of his being delivered to suffer as God fore-knew because of the Sins of the World Christ was given up in the Counsel of God on his Part to suffer but their wicked Hands that God permitted to take and murther him were against God and Christ not subject to his Counsel of Love and Mercy but to the Devil and their own wicked Hearts malicious murtherous Spirits and therefore they were by God's Counfel call'd to repent to be converted to turn from their Iniquities Acts 3. 14 15 19 26. But surely God did not call them to re●…ent of obeying his holy and just Counsel but of their Iniquities having murthered the Just one Acts 4. 27 28. Against thy ●…oly Child Jesus Herod Pontius Pilate with the Gentiles and the People of Israel gathered themselves together to do whatsoever thine Hand and thy Counsel had determin'd before to be done But see ver 25 26. concerning the Gentil●…s Rage and the Kings of the Earth and the Rulers standing up and gathering together against the Lord and against his Christ the Rage and wicked Consultations of whom God was not the Author of for when God by the Mouth of his Servant David asked Why did the Heathen rage ver 25. Would it have been a good Answer for any to have said Lord why dost thou ask Hast not thou ●…ore ordained them to rage imagine vain things Surely no sor th●…n he would not ask why but when thereby they had provoked him having rejected his Counsel and Good Will they were given up to work Wickedness and Injustice and so their own Ruin like those who brought Wo upon their Souls for they had rewarded Evil to themselves As God's Counsel fore-saw and perceived as the Jews or People of Israel rejected Christ and would not be gathered by him he said O Jerusalem Jerusalem how oft would I have gathered thy Children even as the Hen gathereth her Chickens under her Wings and you would not he therefore said Ye are the Children of them that murthered the Prophets fill ye up the Measure of your Fathers c. Serpents c. Mat. 23. 31. to the End This was not from an Eternal Decree irrespectively against their Persons but in Judgment and Wrath against them because of their Ungratefulness Envy and Wickedness and so likewise all who receive not the Love of the Truth whereby they might be saved but have Pleasure in their Unrighteousness God gives them up both to strong Delusions and Hardness of Heart for their Iniquity 2 Thes. 2. 10 11. S. S. Is Cod the Author of Sin in determining or fore-ordaining the wicked Actions of these Men It is one thing to decree
it is unworthy the Name of true Men. I will believe succeeding times may have out-done them in Debauchery but I can never think unless better inform'd that any Age hath so much as equal'd them in a Treacherous Hypocrisie though that I may be just several among them were not wanting to express their utter Abhorrence of such Procedure which hath thus far aggravated the others Apostasie that they were worse treated then such that were reputed their Publick Enemies as if not to be Treacherous had been to be Dis-affected concerning which I refer the Reader to the first and second Narratives printed in the Year 1659. Certainly it was now time that God should arise and that his Enemies should be manifest who under the Splendidst Shew of Reformation that almost any Age for 1400. Years could parallel had Crucified the Holy Life of Religion stifling the Spirituality thereof by reform'd Formality empty Shews and meer tinckling Cymbals of Sin-pleasing Doctrines And their Primitive Tenderness being worn off by Time and Preferment none grew more Superstitious and Persecuting then those who once seem'd most averse from it I charitably forbear the mention of particular Persons In short Pride Self-Seeking and Self-Establishment in Glory Wealth and Worldly Prosperity having undermin'd the Worthy Honesty that was at first stirring in the Hearts of some of them Behold a Glorious but Empty Trunk of Profession as lofty as the Jews themselves pretending to be Children of Abraham and Heirs of the Promise yet Servants to Sin Christians by Imputation but not by Qualification saved in Christ though lost through Sin in Themselves pray by the Spirit yet their Duties unholy Things Behold Babylon in one of her best Trims But it was at this time serious Reader when Religion was so much talk'd of and so little practis'd that it pleased the Eternal Wise God who is unsearchable in his Goings to appear and manifest the Knowledge of Himself by a Way contemptible to the World as indeed when did he otherwise shewing himself first to Shepherds and Men of mean Rank whose outward Abilities were as incapable to gain Applause from Men as their Meanness to invite them Men Plain and Simple who desired of long time above Worldly Treasure they might be acquainted with the true unchangable Way of God All the Religion they were taught of Men or the strength of Memory could collect from Books joyn'd with their own Simplicity and Zeal was not able to overcome the Enemies of their Souls for whose Redemption God appear'd and they often groan'd in secret being truly willing to undergo any cross that might but help them to this Knowledge after which they had daily thirsted more then for appointed Food Thus that no Flesh might glory in his Presence did the Almighty God according to his many Precious Promises break in upon the Spirits of a poor despised People by his terrible Power which caused the old Foundations to shake and begat holy Terror and Dread because of the Glory of his Majesty who had reveal'd Himself Judgment overtook for Sin and Righteousness was laid to the Plummet and a true Scale was erected wherein all the Profession in the World was lighter then the Chaff which is blown away of the Tempest This Day of Judgment for Sin and Consumption upon all the pleasant Pictures of Religion that Tradition Education or Imagination had drawn in the Minds of Men they were constrain'd to Declare and the very Utterings thereof were astonishing both to Professors and Prophane For being Witnesses of a nearer thing then an Out-side Religion however refin'd in which the whole World was adulterated from God and that the Time of the Kindling of the Indignation of the Lord God Almighty was come because of Iniquity and Unrighteousness that cover'd the Earth as the Waters cover the Sea which made the Controversie Essential Not to consist about exterior Order Church-Government or meer Articles of Faith But that Inward Principle of Righteousness which reduceth the Soul to the Heavenly Order and that Faith which overcomes the World Therefore in the Name of the Lord and by the alone Arm of the Almighty did several of these poor Men go forth into Towns Citties and Countries proclaiming the Day of the Controversie of God with Men by the pleadings of his Holy Light Power or Spirit in their Hearts and Consciences decrying all Notions of Christ above Possession calling the lofty Cedars to bow and the sturdy Oakes to bend before the Heavenly Appearance of the Lord by his Light within that all Knowledge of God not gotten through inward Judgment and Experience of the Operation of his saving Hand was accurst of God And that as the Earth of Wickedness in Mens Hearts should be consum'd by the Refiners Fire so the Heavens of lofty Knowledge should by the fiery heat thereof be wrapt up as a scrole that a new Heaven and a new Earth in which dwelleth not IMPU●…ATIVE but Real Inherent Everlasting Righ●…ousness might be known to be created by the Word of God nigh in the Heart I say these Men alarming the Nation with the Sound of this harsh and terrible Trumpet who had taken so long a Nap in Pleasure Ease and Fleshly Religion caused very strange and differing Apprehensions Some prickt to the very Heart cryed out What shall we do to he saved whilst the Wolf and the Fox lay in wait to intercept the blessed Work of the Lord by several wayes of Cunning and Cruelty The Priests who were degenerated as well as the People basely Teaching for Hire and Divining for Money The best accounted of them making Bargains how much a Year to preach the Gospel as they call it and so is it to this Day like Foxes seeing their Kennel found out into which they had so long hid their Prey and fearing that the Turning Men to the Light in the Conscience and their so resolutely Testifying That no Man could be at Peace with God who went condemn'd thereof and that all Knowledge of the things of God which hath not been received through the holy Subjection of the Creature to God's Heavenly Appearance Within him for whatever may be known of God is manifested within saith the Apostle was above the true Teacher and the Sufferings of the Cross of Christ They posted to the Magistrates Saul-like with whole Packets of Lyes Slanders and Invectives on purpose to beget a Wolf fish Nature in them to put a stop to the Progress of this blessed Manifestation of the Eternal Light of Righteousness but the Exercise of a Merciless Power Some few would not be prevailed upon but the Generality seeing their Worldly Honour and which to some of them was dearer their beloved Easie Religion was struck at Root and Branch they as an Arm'd Man furiously employ'd their Strength to the Relief of the Priests and Subversion of these poor Men Some were Imprison'd others Whipt several Bruised not a few Murther'd and many Robb'd and Spoil'd of their Goods And that
the Priests might shew themselves some of them thinking it to long to wait the Magistrates Leisure turn'd their own Pay-Masters upon Heads Shoulders and other Limbs of Men and Women not distinguishing in either Sex or Age. The Cry of these Innocent People came up to the then Supream Authority but Relief could not be had One Book came out upon another conjuring the Magistrates to employ their Power to the utter Extirpation of these Seducers commanded the People that they should not so much as have any common Intercourse with them but avoid them as the Pest and fly them as Witches Sorcerers It were to irksom to tell the moity of their Stratagems O the Mercys of these Men were Cruelties But yet farther many things were writ by us in Vindication o●… our Innocency Some that sought for the Redemption of Israel and the Right Way of God believ'd here there a Simeon a Centurion a Priest a Lawyer a Physitian a Customer Fisherman and abundance of Handecrafts for the Poor receiv'd the Gospel But Alas Neither our Apologies nor grievous Sufferings were enough to allay that swelling spirit of Cruelty nor in the least affect the minds of Priests or Rulers with the Deploredness of our Condition so as to redress all these grievious Sufferings perhaps somtimes a little shew of Favour there might be but usually attended with a more terrible Storm They at last I mean the Magistrates by the detestable Suggestions of the Priests not having any Law in force by which they could just●…fie the Rigor of their Carriage towards us enacted first that no Man should Travel on the Sabboth-Day thereby to punish us as Criminals for going to our Assemblies to Worship the living God and next that such Persons as should be found above so many Miles from their own Homes not being able to give a good account of themselves should be whipt as Vagabonds by which Laws they miserably opprest our Friends many Men of considerable Estates being worse us'd then very Vagabonds Thus covering the one over with Devotion for the Day of rest and the other with prudent care for the Good of the Common-Wealth Nor was this all but as if they would out-do the Ages of cruel Popery and degenerated Prelacy they received both the Oath of Queen Mary made against such Protestants as came to decry the Idolatrys and Superstitions of the Romish Worship in the time of their Service thereby to justifie themselves in the Exercise of Cruelty and Revenge upon us for bea●…ing our faithful Testimony against their Formal and Hypocritical Preachments and that Oa●…h of Abrogat●…on of Popery that by the Advantage they took of our not Swearing at all they might the better fasten upon us the Character of Papists as Men Jesuited to that Interest with plain Design to render us odious and cover their own Cruelty Well may I say OUT-DONE when pretended reformed Protestants endeavour the Security of their Religion by the enaction of those Laws which were made by Inhuman Papists against such as in good measure we can say were truly reformed Protestants thereby condemning that in the Papists which they vigorously acted themselves and basely sought to entrap us by a colourable Oath wickedly forecast because they knew we could not Swear at all to punish us for not swearing against the Papists This was their Cloak they had to cover their Malice but it is grown to short scanty and out of date The Bruises Blood-shed grievous Beatings and tedious Imprisonments which followed this procedure are now seen with detestation of almost the very multitude it self and after Generations shall have it in utter abhorrance O what did not the Blood-thirsty Spirit in its Day These were the great pretending Presbyterians Independents and Anabaptists Fighting Knocking Kicking Robbing Imprisoning and Murthering an Innocen●… People whose whole Business was to Deny the daw●…g Doctrines of the Times and to Direct People to a certain Holy Principle in themselves unto which being Obedient they should experience Sin conquer'd and Peace with God preferring this above all the Traditions of Men or utmost Power of Human Ministry But as many of us saw in the Eternal Light that such Obstinacy in both Priests and Rulers to the Heavenly Truth would provoke the Just God to overturn them forever which though we did once and again tell them by Writings and by Word of Mouth they slighted our plain-Dealing turning it upon us that we should vanish in a little while So within very few Years God wrought the wonderfull Revolution and those who had been Inflicters of Heavy Punishments upon us became the Objects of their greatest Dis-pleasure whose Power and Estates they had so long usurp'd I can call it no otherwise for not the Country but Self was wickedly advanc'd thereby Behold the Justice of the Almighty such as refused us our Liberty after their Solemn Oathes to God and Men for the Preservation of Liberties Civil and Religious became destitute of their Own and who spoil'd us were spoil'd by Others and we just now under their Fee●… came upon Equal Terms with Our Adversaries At what time though both They and We used our Endeavours to prevent Coertion upon Conscience yet whether they prevailed or no some were in Hopes that the Edge of their Spirits by this Change of Affairs had been so doubl'd as never more to cut or wound a People that had never wrong'd them and that their Retirement would have been rather employ'd in hearty Sorrow for their Abuse of Government in their Unjust Severity towards us as well as others then a Continuance of the same Enmity But thus far such fail'd in hopes their Displeasure against us surviving their Power to inflict it for though it is true that in time of Persecution they would inquire out of their By-Holes of our Well-fare for who had so long reigned shew'd they were most unfit for Suffering and like People upon City-Walls or from other conven●…ent standings would diligently observe the State of things and by their Observation or Inquiry carefully acquaint themselves with the Success for our Overthrow had been the End of them and as one of themselves said We were the Bulworks that receiv'd the Shot Yet so unabated hath their implacable Malice been at the King 's first coming in they thought to do great Matters by letting the Powers know they were no Abettors of the Quakers which indeed stood us in great stead least we might have been taken for those Tumultuous Blood-thirsty Covenant-breaking Government-destroying Anabaptists and that they might prove to the World we were not of them No sooner those Storms of Persecution have been over but like forgetful Mariners they have faln to their Old Work of bitter Envying Either some one of their Church leaves them or the Quakers are prosperous in their Labours or any thing else that is next for a Cover to palliate their Emulous Spirit in all its base Detractions from us and the blessed Truth
Love of God not to believe every wandring Book or Story that is out against us but hear us before he passeth Judgement against us and then let his Conscience tell if We are not the True Apostolical Christians promoting the Interest of the Pure Spiritual Apostolical Religion For what we believe and assert we Witness We don't Steal nor Robb our Neighbours God has brought it to us beyond all Imitation Our Religion He has made our Own through his internal Operations And against Convictions there is no standing as well as without them there can be no solid Knowledge the want of which makes the World miserable renders us unknown Having thus Historically introduc'd my present Discourse and my Witness is with God the Rightteous Judge of all not out of ill-Will to any but in perfect Love to all that the very Truth of things may be brought to Light in order to a more clear Understanding of that Controversie which is now on foot betwixt the so much despised Quakers and their Adversaries For this let all know I Write not for Controversie but truly for Conscience sake that not empty Conquest but sound Conviction may be the End of all my Labours for the Lord my God who is over and above every Name worthy of Eternal Praises and Dominion I shall conclude with these Earnest Desires in uprightness of Soul to God that Truth Righteousness and Peace may prevail to the more plain Detection of Error and utter Confusion of all Envy and Prejudice THE CONTENTS OF THE First Part. CHAP. I. The Occasion of the Discourse The unhan●…some Dealing of T. Hicks with respect to the Invented Weak●…ess 〈◊〉 charges upon the Quakers as the strength of their Cause Pag. 1. CHAP. II. The Gross Lyes Tho. Hicks tells in the Name of or fastens upon the Quakers Such Proceeding full of Envy Folly and Ungodliness pag. 4. CHAP. III. That he does not only make us impertinent and Lye But he mannages the Whole prophanely That he who is an Anabaptist has forgot the Scorn once cast upon his own Perswasion Men are not to be mockt out of their Religion pag. 7. CHAP. IV. That a Right-Relish of the Manner of the Dialogue is a sufficient Antidote against the Matter of it His Questions stated His feigned Answer A True Answer to the First What is Salvation To be saved from Sin and Wrath not Wrath without Sin pag. 10. CHAP. V. The second Question stated Particularly what is meant by Light It is more then an Act It is a Principle that discovers the Sate of Man pag. 12. CHAP. VI. That the Light Within manifests Sin yea all Sin That Apostacy or Sin in any is no Argument against the Light but rather for it That the Additional Services of the Jews show No Imperfection in the Light but the People whose Minds were abroad If Insufficiency against the Light should be admitted of because of Reb●…llion and Wickedness in Men the same would be objected against the Scriptures which overthrows our Adversary's Assortion concerning their Sufficiency pag. 13. CHAP. VII Another Objection against the Light 's Sufficiency to manifest what ought to be done though it were able to discover what should be avoided It is answered The Light 's not telling 〈◊〉 all it knows or man may know in time to come is no Argument to prove it knows not all things Men know more then they do let them first obey what they know and then what is convenient will be further Reveal'd It is proved from the Reason of Contraries because it show●… what ought not to be done From Scripture at large that 〈◊〉 instruct what to do and that there is Vertue in it to the Salvation of all that Believe and Obey it That there is no ●…ssential Difference between the Seed Light Word Spirit Life Truth Power Vnctio●… Bread Water Flesh and Blood only so denominated from the various Manif●…stations Operatio●…s and Effects of one and the same Divine Principle pag. 17. CHAP. VIII An Objection against the Light 's 〈◊〉 Being to Christ's Coming It is proved to have been known to be a saving Light from Adam ' s Day through the Holy Patriar●…s and ●…rophets time down to Ch●…ist's from the Scriptures of Truth pag. 25. CHAP. IX Another Objection that though the Jews had it it will not f●…llow that the Gentiles were so illuminated It is Answered by several Scriptures In this Chapter quoted to prove that they were not exempted but had a measure of Light some Divine Seed sown in their Hearts some Talent given and that it was sufficient T. Hicks ' s Challenge to give an Instance of one that by the Light within was reprov'd for not believing that Jesus was the Christ is answered Such as believed in the Light and walkt up to it did receive Christ when he came The high Pretenders were they who to Scriptures Opposed and Crucifi●…d him The Light from Scripture concluded Universal and Saving pag. 31. CHAP. X. That the Gentiles Believed in one God That he enlightned all Men with a saving Light That Men ought to live piously That the Soul is immortal That there is an Eternal Recompence The Whole call'd Gentile-Divinity The first Point proved by sixteen Testimonies pag. 41. CHAP. XI The second Fundamental of Gentile-Divinity viz. That God hath Imprinted the Knowledge of Himself on the Mind of all Mankind Proved from twelve pregnant T●…stimonies as well of whole Societies as particular Persons Compared with Scripture pag. 52. CHAP. XII That this was not only the Doctrine and Faith of the Gentiles but the very primitive Doctors or Fathers both so held and so exprest themselves Eight Testimonies produced for Proof thereof pag. 60. CHAP. XIII The Third Part of Gentile-Divinity viz. That they were Men of Vertuous Lives and taught the Indispensibleness thereof to Life Eternal Prov'd by Numerous Instanc●…s pag. 66. CHAP. XIV That the last Point of Gentile-Divinity to wit Immortality and Eternal Rewards is also very clearly and positively held forth by the ancient Heathens Six Testimonies from them to prove it Socrates ' s Great Faith in particular and the lofty Strain of the Pythagoreans pag. 76. CHAP. XV. That the Heathens had a Sight of the Coming of Christ That and not Swearing proves the Sufficien●…y of the Light pag. 80. CHAP. XVI It is granted that the Jew and much more the Christian hath the Advan●…age of the Gentile yet that the Gentile had enough to Salvation pag. 84. CHAP. XVII A great Objection stated Answered The Light both Law and Gospel not in the same Discovery but in it self A Way to reconcile the seeming Difference about it The Light still defended pag. 86. CHAP. XVIII The second Part of the Objection that Christ was not anciently called the Light Answered And the Contrary proved from Scripture and Reason pag. 91. CHAP. XIX The third Part of the Objection If Christ was enjoyed under the Law as he was If the Light be Christ why was he typified is
Q. But doth not this signifie a very Dishonest and Malicious Mind in you He makes us return A. We care not what you think provided our Friends think not so And to conclude his Slanders of this kind hear him once more Q. Doth not W. P. in his Book against the Author of the Spirit of the Quakers tryed manifest great Displeasure against the Man for concealing his Name Suggesting that if he knew it then probably they 〈◊〉 have something to detect him c. I shall omit in this place making mine own Defence but be pleas'd Curteous Reader to observe the Man's Answer which he would have the World to believe was ours A. Whatsoever thou or others may think of our Writings we will give it out that we have both answer'd and consuted our Adversaries and our Friends will believe what we say in this matter which is enough to us O Lyes Madness and Folly Certainly Reader By this time thou canst not but with me believe I had Reason enough to make this General Exception against the Dialogue as neither becoming what I am so tender as to think our bitter Adversary upon more serious Considerations might esteem a Right Christian nor yet that Character of a Quaker which the more Sober Sort of Men carry in their Minds concerning us and in the fear of Almighty God we do appeal to the Consciences of all People that shall ever read us whether we have been treated by this Man in his Dialogue and Catechism with that Spirit of Meekness Righteousness and Truth which is or ought to be the Rule and Guide of Christian-Men in their undertakings more especially in and about the very weighty matters of Religion Indeed we need no other Apology in this case then the Folly of his Answers For all the World will think we had least need of seeking the Good-Will of our Friends which we had already and rather conclude it our interest to care after and not to slight what others say or believe concerning us 'T is true I perceive our Adversary is a great Slighter of Conscience and that Light of Truth which should be the Instructer thereof and therefore no wonder if we find so little of it in his Dialogue but however he sets little by it preferring his most defective Head-Conceits before the holy certain DICTATES of the Heavenly Light in the Consciences of Men as his Unconscionable Dealing with us sufficiently testifies yet is it our Desire to act suitably to that in our selves and to seek the Approbation of it alone in others rather then by a disingenuous way of Writing obtrude our own Fictions for Christian-Faith much less meer Impertinencies and very Lyes for the only and best Answers of our Adversaries CHAP. III. That he does not only make us Impertinent and Lye But he mannages the Whole prophanely That he who is an Anabaptist has forgot the Scorn once cast upon his own Perswasion Men are not to be mockt out of their Religion BUt He has not only made us to say what he pleas'd Impertinently and untruly but he has done it with a manifest shew of Prophaneness by a Light Taunting and Inapplicable Use of those Expressions which in a way of Seriousness and Simplicity may have been sometimes uttered by honest and Religious People Such are these that he makes us to give in Answer to his Questions which we refuse not to render a distinct account of to any Sober Man at any time viz. Thou runnest into many Words and carnal Distinctions and wouldst have thy fleshly Wisdom satisfied but I tell thee that Dust is the Serpents Food To his Answer against the Sufficiency of the Light he makes the Quaker Reply I see thou art a Poor Dark Creature as by thy talking is manifest yea 't is manifest in the Light To the like Purpose Thou art a wicked Creature Blackness of Darkness is reserv'd for thee Thou art a Serpent and the Curse of God is eternally upon thee Again Thou manifests thy Darkness and that thou art still in the Imagination Again Thou lookst for Words but thy Flesh must be silenc'd Again We witness it Poor Creature Thou runst to the Letter what dost thou witness in thy self Again I command thy Flesh to be Silent I bear Witness against thee At other times in Answer to such like Questions Yea Verily Alas for thee These are thy own Dark Imaginations Now thou runst to Meanings We deny Meanings Thou manifests a Perverse Spirit We are dead to Distinctions We deny Dispositions Thou suggests thy own Imagination These Impartial Reader with more of the like tendency he is pleas'd to set down as our Strongest Answers to his Questions several of them such as have receiv'd and yet may very Rational and Satisfactory Returns from many of us However if any such kind of Answers have been given to the Unseasonable Queries of Airy and Entrapping Persons neither is it more Ridiculous then Christ's Immovable Silence to Inquisitive Herod was judged of old Nor did he Manfully to assault our Weakest Part if such he thought it But least of all is he excusable that one who is reputed an Anabaptist the very next in Religion that seems expos'd to the Scoffs of Libertines should take so much pains not only to render a Sober People Ridiculous though it will return upon himself but with the common Taunts of Prophanenists to venture to give their Serious Language in a Jeer An Employment that had much better become a Comedian then a Christian and the Entertainment of Loose then Religious Persons Certainly Reader We must be at a very great Loss for Religion before we could embrace it from such a hand supposing us to be as meer Heathens as he would have others to think us For how can we believe him to have any Sincerity to God who so far seems to have forgotten the Reproach which his own Separation from others hath been attended with as to make that of ours a Subject for his Mockage and Scorn Let him call to mind some of the Infamous Playes of those Comical Wits Sylvester Shackspeer Johnson c. with too many of our own dayes wherein the Preciseness and Singularity of Puritans and others are abusively represented and expos'd to the Life for the Entertainment of Vain and Irreligious Persons If this then be a Crime in an unconcern'd Wit can it be excusable in a Christian for such he would have us think him to be No certainly but will be a great Aggravation of his Account in the Day of the Lord unless it be wip'd out by unfeigned Repentance as well as that it must needs deter all Persons that are in earnest about the weighty Life of the true Religion from countenancing his ungodly Attempts against us And me-thinks it is no small discovery of the exceeding Vanity of his Mind that instead of putting away Foolish Jesting he should entertain base Mockage and Derision and that about
Religion it self What Is he grown so hardy that he can handle Holy Things without Fear and make bold with tender Conscience so far as to abuse it self Is Singularity become so offensive in a Quaker as an Anabaptist must show his little Wit in Deriding it But certainly Reader it can be no small Advantage that both his Bitterness and Lightness give us against a Man of his high Pretences to Religion However our Conquest here will be our Patience Innocence and Truth Not that I will believe he thinks I want Words to whom he more then once makes the having of them Criminal and all that read him may see he hath furnisht me with Matter GROSS enough But I delight not to spend my time upon Invectives did I perhaps I might bestow a Tragick Comedy upon a Railing Anabaptist in return of that Ridiculons Dialogue he disingenuously would fasten on an unconcerned Quaker But my God forbid that I should Sport about Religion or make so much as any Man 's pretended Religious Dissent a Theam for my Railery or Abuse for I think it an ill way to Laugh men out of their Profession as well as I can never esteem that any sincere one which men are Jeer'd into and as Conviction is the most Serious Ground on which to receive Faith so to detract or deal disingenuously with any man may harden but can never Proselyte and this is our very Case with respect to T. H. Yet I would have him know That our so much reproached Light Within he so little concerns the Government of his Life withal incites us not to an Eye for an Eye but teacheth us that Forbearance and Forgiveness which we have some Reason to believe his Principles are wholly Strangers to else what can mean his greedy Endeavours To pluck out others Eyes that never yet assaulted so much as one of his either by Word or Writing Well may we take up the Complaint of God's Prophet of old We are had in Derision daily and almost every one Mocketh us But let the Carnal Christian-Mockers have a Care for though their Cruel Mockings be our Portion in this Life yet also for a Recompence shall their Bonds be made Strong and a Consumption from the Lord of Hosts is determined against them that persist therein Having now rendered with all convenient Brevity my just Exceptions against the manner of the Dialogue and spirit of the Man in general I shall proceed to offer something against the distinct Doctrines of it in my particular Vindication of the Truth viz. The Universality and Sufficiency of the Light Within and Demonstration of the General Rule of Faith CHAP. IV. That a Right Relish of the Manner of the Dialogue is a sufficient Antidote against the Matter of it His Questions stated His Feigned Answer A True Answer to the First What is Salvation To be saved from Sin and Wrath not Wrath without Sin WHat I have already said being duly weighed may be an apt Introduction to what follows For he that relishes the Unsavouriness and Rancour of His Spirit in the Mannagement of his pretended Christian-Dialogue surely can have but little Appetite to feed upon a Dish cook't up with such Poysonous Sauce Enmity and Truth were never Companions and where there appears so great a share of the one as hath been truly observed we may I hope without Offence conclude there can be but very little if any of the other However let us see with Reason and Sobriety whether the Matter of his Dialogue be more commendable then the Manner of it writ with so much Railing and Immoderation For Reader this know I writ not for Conquest but for Conscience sake and what I can grant I shall and what I must oppose I hope to do it with Truth and Meekness being only desirous to approve my self to God who will Reward all men according to their Works and to that Measure of Divine Light in every Conscience with which I shall begin and which as the Lord God shall enable me I will endeavour to maintain against the Angry and Undervaluing Reflections of its Adversaries To overlook then many unnecessary Queries that are set down either to Abuse us to fill up Corners or make the Dialogue glide the better no wayes true in themselves and wholly impertinent to the Matter I receive and prosecute the Main Questions which he propounds thus 1. What is that SALVATION which the Light leads to 2. What is this LIGHT that leads to It and 3. Who this HE or THEY are that Obey this Light and in Obeing attain Salvation Sober Questions I grant and as necessary to be known but I am willing first to set down the Answer he makes the Quaker to return before I give mine own that the Sober Reader may judge how different the Reason of a True Quaker is from T. Hicks's Phantastical one 〈◊〉 Thou runnest into many Words and Carnal Distinctions and wouldst have thy Fleshly Wisdom satisfied but I tell thee that Dust is the Serpent's Food Is this to act the Christian or the Scoffer towards the Quaker 'T is not to be doubted but T. H. knows better and that he hath not herein done to us as he would be done by For all his Pretences to Christianity he is thus far Debtor to and Criminal by the LIGHT he vilifieth But the Truth is he therefore maketh his Quaker to render him no better Reason whatever he knew because indeed it was inconsistent with his Design that he should But I will see if I can supply that voluntary Defect in Rebuk to his Disingenuous Practice on the behalf of the poor Abused Quaker I answer I. By SALVATION we understand as by Scripture is deliver'd to us A being saved from Sin here and the Wages of it which is Wrath to come Whereby we are taught utterly to renounce and reject the common Acceptation of it as the full and compleat Force of the Word viz. barely to be saved from Punishment hereafter In which Security through a vain Expectance of Salvation whilst not really actually sav'd from the Power of Sin and the Captivation of Lusts through the invisible Power of Christ Thousands dye and T. Hicks is one of those that not only is inthroal'd himself but earnestly contends for that Beggarly Faith and Religion to be the most Christian which is so unable to deliver both himself and others that believe in it In short We call Salvation Christ's making an End of Sin Destroying the Works of the Divel Finishing of Transgression Binding the Strong Man and Spoyling of his Goods in the Hearts and Consciences of Men and Women and bringing in his Everlasting Righteousness into the Soul whereby to Cleanse Wash Regenerate Renew and Refresh the Soul in one Scripture-Phrase to Save his People from their SINS These are the Times of Refreshment and this is the Day of Restitution and thus is HE King to Reign Prophet to give Vision and High Priest to Anoint with the
this World who had crept into the Outward Forms of Religion then as now and in that employ'd many Emissaries to decry that Pure Heavenly and Invisible Life of Truth and Righteousness which was then and is now begotten in the Hearts of many to the ending of the Idolatries of the Gentiles and Formality and Outward Services of both Jews and Carnal Christians And I affirm in the Name of God and with the Reason of a Man That it is most preposterously absurd for any to charge the Rebellion of Men to be Insufficiency in the Light For if men are Wicked not because they will not be better but because they neither see nor know nor are able to do better How Heavy how Black and how Blasphemous a Charecter doth the Consequence of these Mens Opinion fasten upon the Righteous God of Heaven and Earth since it supposes him Not to have given either Inwardly or Outwardly unto Men Means sufficient to do that which he requires from them and for the not doing of which they are to be sentenced to Eternal Misery But I confess How deep soever this may stick with Impartial Spirits I almost despair of entering our Adversaries whose Souls are pinch'd up within the narrow Compass of a most Detestable Kind of Predestination making the Eternal God as Partial as themselves like some Ancients That because they could not Resemble God they would make such Gods as might Resemble them I say what else can be the tendency of this kind of Doctrine against the Sufficiency of the Light Within then that the Gift of God is not Perfect or able because Men don't Obey it and that the Talent God has given to all is therefore Insufficient for the End for which it was given because Man hides it in a Napkin Again Let them tell me Would it be a good Argument that if the same Corn should be sown in a Fertile and Barren Soile that growing in one and not in the other the Fault should be in the Seed and not rather in the Ground Who knows not how Tradition and Custom have eaten out much of Conviction blinded the World and that it is through Lusts and Pleasures become stupified as to the Invisible Things of God Alas there had never been so much Need of many Exteriour Dispensations and Appearances in reference to Religion so much preferred by the Professors of this Day had not Mens Minds been departed from the Inward Light and Life of Righteousness so that they being abroad God was pleased to meet them there with some External Manifestations yet so as to turn them home again to their first Love to that Light and Life which was given of God as the Way to Eternal Salvation Nor could any of those cleanse as concerning the Conscience wherefore God still by his Servants and Prophets admonished and warned the People of Old To Put Away the Evil of their Doings and to Wash themselves and to Cleanse themselves for that all their Exactness in Outward Services was otherwise but as the Cutting off a Dog's Neck a Sacrifice equally pleasing wherefore the Abrogation of all Outward Dispensations and Reducing Man to his first State of Inward Light and Righteousness is called in Scripture The Times of Refreshment and of the Restitution of all things In short Though there have been External Observations and Ordinances in the World by God's appointment either to prevent the Jews from the Outward splendid Worship of the Idolatrous Gentiles that he might retain a Peculiar Soveraignity over them or to show forth unto them a more Hidden and Invisible Glory this remains sure forever That Light there was and that the Ancients saw their Sins by it and that there could be no Acceptance with God but as they walk'd up to it and were taught to put away the Evil of their Doings by it suitable to that Notable Passage The Path of the Just is a shining Light that shines clearer and clearer unto the Perfect Day What was this Day but compleat Salvation Can there be any Imperfection or Darkness in the Day Surely no What if their Light was not so large Was it not therefore Saving Yes surely But as where much is given much is required so where little is given but little is required If the Light was not so Gloriously manifested before the coming of our Lord Jesus Christ in the Flesh less was then required at that time then since yet it follows not that there was Two Lights or that the Light was not Saving before the Visible Appearance of Christ to as many as lived in an Holy Conformity to it And if it be agreed that Blindness in Men can be no Argument against the Light of the Sun neither is the Light Insufficient because the People of any Nation remain Blind through their Vain Customs Nay should any such Doctrine be admitted what would become of our Adversary's Opinion That the Light of Scripture is Sufficient of it self to give Men the Knowledge of God For if those People who have the Scriptures do not so Know Believe and Obey God as T. Hicks says they ought to do will it not follow upon his Principles that the Defect is not in such as if they were Ignorant and Rebellious but in the Scriptures Certainly the Consequence will hold as well against the Scriptures as the Light If then such wrong the Scriptures who so dispute Let T. Hicks I intreat him endeavour to Right the Light and not longer maintain a Position that being admitted would equally overturn his Notion of the Scriptures without Belief of the Light Within CHAP. VII Another Objection against the Lights Sufficiency to manifest what ought to be done though it were able to discover what should be avoided It is answerd The Lights not telling man all it knows or man may know in time to come is no Argument to prove it knows not all things Men know more then they do let them first Obey what they know and then what is convenient will be further Reveal'd It is proved from the Reason of Contraries because it shows what ought not to be done From Scripture at large that it does instruct what to do And that there is Vertue in it to the Salvation of all that Believe and Obey it That there is no Essential Difference between the Seed Light Word Spirit Life Truth Power Unction Bread Water Flesh and Blood onely so denominated from the various Manifestations Operations and Effects of one and the same Divine Principle BUt there is a Second Objection That there seems to be a manifest Insufficiency in the Light For though several things are Revealed by it yet several necessary matters are not nor cannot So that though it should manifest all that is Reproveable yet cannot it Discover all that is Necessary to be either Believed or Done I Answer this is but a peece of the former Objection already considered I perceive the Pinch lies here that because Men do not Do what they should or don't Know
is Light 2. Who can have no Fellowship with him such as walk in Darkness that is Sin 3. Who have Fellowship with him such as walk in the Light as he is Light 4. the Reason why is given because such as walk in the Light are there sure experimentally to feel the Vertue of Christ's Blood to cleanse them from all Unrightcousness Where observe that the Light 's leading out of Darkness that is Unrighteousness is the same with the Blood of Jesus Christ cleansing from all Sin Sin and Darkness and to be cleansed from the one and to be translated from the other is equivalent otherwise a Man might be delivered from Darkness and walk in the Light and not be cleansed from Sin which is that Darkness a thing Absurd and Impossible In short they go together By this 't is evident that the Light being walkt in doth directly lead to God and Fellowship with him who is the Saving Light and Health of all Nations and consequently that the Light leads to Eternal Salvation Many are the Denominations that are given in Scripture to one and the same Being or Condition Christ is called The Word the Light the Saviour Emanuel a Rock a Door a Vine a Shepherd c. A State of Sin is sometimes called Darkness Death Disobedience Barrenness Rebellion Stiff-neckedness Eating of Sowr Grapes And Wicked Men Bryars Thorns Thistles Tares Dead Trees Wolves Goats c. On the contrary a State of Conversion is sometimes expressed by such words as Purged Refined Washed Cleansed Sanctified Justified Led by the Spirit Baptized by one Spirit into one Body Regenerated Redeemed Saved Bought with a Price c. And Persons so qualified The Children of God Children of Light Heirs of Glory Lambs Sheep Wheat And that by which they become or continue thus Light Spirit Fire Sword Hammer Power Grace Seed Truth Way Life Blood Water Bread Word Unction that leadeth into all Truth All which respectively is but one and the same in Nature That is Sin or a Sinful State is so variously denominated from the divers Operations and Discoveries of the Nature of it in Wicked Men. The like may be said of the several Vertues in Good and Holy Men and so of that one Divine Principle which so qualifies and preserves them For as the Primitive Saints felt the Operation of the One Holy Principle so they denominated it to men in Darkness they call'd it Light to such as believed and obeyed It became a Leader and those who witnessed their Sins conquer'd their Lusts cut down their Hearts broken and their Souls Washed Redeemed and daily Nourished they called that Divine Principle a Sword Fire Hammer Water Flesh Blood and Bread and Seed of Life In short The same Heavenly Principle became Light Wisdom Power Counsel Redemption Sanctification and Eternal Salvation unto those who believed in it So that the Variety of Expressions in the Scriptures must not be taken for so many distinct things in kind no nor sometimes in Operation And indeed notwithstanding that Light T. Hicks would have lodg'd in the bare Scriptures exclusive of the Spirit all the Men of the World met together would be confounded to give a true Account of the Matter therein contained if they were not Living Experimental Witnesses For as he is not an Evidence sufficient in Laws Humane that was not an Eye or Ear Witness neither are they Evidences for God and Christ who are not Eye and Ear Witnesses of the Light Spirit Grace and Word of God in the Heart And I boldly affirm the Scriptures speak no more for such as are not Inheritors of that Blessed Condition they declare of in some Measure or other then any Deed of Gift would do for a Person no wayes Nam'd or Interested therein It is time then for T. Hicks and his Partners to look about them lest the Midnight-Cry overtake them and their Professing Lamp be found without Oyl For I must needs tell him in the Beloved Disciple's Language He that saith he is in the Light and 〈◊〉 his Brother is in the Darkness even until now And in my own Language That I take that to be their State who shew so much Envious Displeasure against an Harmless People and those in particular that never yet Offended much less Justly provokt them But would they bring their Thoughts Words and Deeds to the Light in their own Consciences and let true Judgment pass upon them and patiently undergo the Heavenly Chastisements for their Disobedience to and Vilifying of the Light they would come to witness a turning from the Darkness to the Light and continuing therein as that Holy Way in which the Ransomed of the Lord alwayes did do and shall walk through all Generations they would know the Injoyment of Eternal Peace Yea such is the Excellency of Christ the true Light that as He was First so shall He be the Last when all Outward Performances Writings Worships yea the whole World shall be at an End the Use and Excellency of the Light will remain forever as saith John the Divine And they shall see his Face and his Name shall be written in their Fore-Heads and there shall be no Night there and they need no Candle neither Light of the Sun for the LORD GOD GIVETH THEM LIGHT and they shall Reign forever and ever Amen CHAP. VIII An Objection against the Light 's Antecedent Being to Christ's Coming It is prov'd to have been known to be a Saving Light from Adam's day through the Holy Patriarchs and Prophets time down to Christ's from the Scriptures of Truth HAving then plainly prov'd from Scripture 1. That the Light is Saving since the time of Christ beginning with its first Appearance as Manifesting Sin 2. Condemning of It. 3. Redeeming from It as obeyed And that the same Principle which is called Light is the Seed Grace Truth Word Spirit Power Unction Water Way Life Flesh and Blood and therefore not a Distinct Being from that which T. Hicks himself if he will own plain Scripture must confess doth Save I call it the LIGHT OF SALVATION OR THAT LEADS TO SALVATION But there remain yet several Objections to be Answered which done we shall immediately proceed to give Judgment upon the Question Who or What this Light is with respect to all our Adversaries Cavils Obj. Though you have thus far evinc'd the Universality of a Saving Light from the Scriptures since Christ's Life Death Resurrection and Ascension yet that which is the Pinch of the Controversie will be this Where was this before Light Had any this Saving Light they had a Light before it came in that Eminent Manner above One Thousand Six Hundred Years since It is generally believ'd that Christ's then coming benefitted the World with it in case the World universally hath such a Saving Light To which I shall give my Answer both from Scripture History and Reason The first Scripture I shall quote is in the first of Genesis So God created
Wiser then his Teachers in the hidden Life and Mystery of things whereby David had long seen beyond all Types and Shaddows of the good Things to come to the very Substance it self from whence came his excellent Prophecies agreeing with that passage The Path of the Just is as the shining Light that shines more and more unto the perfect Day said the wise Man This strongly implies that David and not he alone but the Just of all Ages were attended with the Discoveries and Leadings of a Divine Light which as obey'd did make Just and alwayes lead in the Way of Salvation unless the Just Way was not the Saving Way and if it was certainly it is still for it is the Lord himself whom in Samuel's History he is recorded also to have called a Lamp as he here doth the Word which Moses said was nigh in the Heart that Men should obey it and do it This was the Word of Reconciliation in every Generation whose Holy Water washed their Consciences from Sin who heard andobey'd it Again that this Light was not confin'd to David or such Good Men take these two Passages Thou givest thy Mouth to Evil and thy Tongue frameth Deceit Thou sittest and speakest against thy Brother thou Slanderest thine own Mothers Son These things hast thou done and I kept Silence thou thoughtest that I was altogether such an one as thy self but I WILL REPROVE THEE AND SET THEM IN ORDER BEFORE THINE EYES saith the Lord Again His Lightnings inlightned the World the Earth saw and trembled In which two places it will appear upon impartial Consideration that God hath inlightned the World and that as Light Difcovering the Works and Workers of Darkness he doth reprove the Inhabitants of the World set their Sins in order before them and cause such Guilty ones to Tremble at his so appearing which is expresly confirmed in that notable passage of the Prophet For Lo He that treadeth the Mountains and cleareth the Wind that makes the Morning Darkness and treadeth upon the High Places of the Earth and DECLARES UNTO MAN WHAT HIS THOUGHTS ARE THE LORD THE GOD OF HOSTS IS HIS NAME This the Psalmist was well acquainted with himself when he uttered these Words Whither shall I go from thy Spirit or whither shall I flee from thy Presence which plainly shows to us that the Spirit of the Lord and his Presence was every-where and that as Light discovering Darkness with respect to Mankind For the Question was not whether God by his Spirit was not every-where for that our Adversaries grant or he could not be God But whether it was possible for David to withdraw himself into any place where his Mind could not be sensible of the Eternal Spirit and Immediate Presence of God who is Light it self either as a Reprover Exhorter or Informer as the foregoing Words intimate O Lord thou hast searched me and known me Thou understandest my Thoughts afar off Thou art acquainted with all my Wayes Which however God might know them it stands firm that David could never have known God so as to see and behold them but from that Light and Spirit of which he sayes in the 7th vers following which I have already cited Whither shall I go from thy Spirit In short it must needs be evident to all unprejudic'd Readers that David had this Light within or Spirit of God present with him as a Reprover Informer or Comforter since it was impossible for him to be any-where without it Which may prove to us that however he lived above a thousand years before the Apostle Paul he very well knew the meaning of that Doctrine he preach'd to the Athenians God is not far away or at a Distance from every one of you Which truly known and experimentally witnessed not only as a Reprover but by an humble and holy reception of him into the Heart as King and Lord is the Glory of the Evangelical Dispensation where God dwells in his People as an Holy Temple and Tabernacles with them This is the blessed Emmanuel-state God with and God in Men. I might here to sub-joyn the Account we have of the great Illumination of Daniel and the Gentiles clear Acknowledgment of the same which they could never have done with that Seriousness and Conviction but from some glimps of the same Divine Light but that I shall pass over with several Passages of other of the lesser Prophets and conclude this Scripture Proof of the Gift of the Light and Spirit antecedent to Christ's coming in the Flesh and from Stephen's Testimony Howbeit the Most High dwelleth not in Temples made with hands as saith the Prophet Heaven is my Throne and Earth is my Footstool what House will you build me saith the Lord or what is the Place of my Rest Hath not my hands made all these things Ye Stiff-necked and Uncircumcised in Hearts and Ears ye do always resist the Holy Ghost as your Fathers did so do ye And lest it should be objected that it was only in Stephen then and the holy Prophets of Old that both they and their Fore-Fathers resisted the Holy Spirit Remember Reader that weighty Passage in Nehemiah Thou gavest also thy Good Spirit to Instruct them and withheldst not thy Manna from their Mouth by which it is most evident that the Light of God's Spirit or the Spirit of God was given as well to the Rebellious as Obedient that it might as well condemn for Sin as lead into all Righteousness And since we are to suppose God's Spirit and the Light thereof to be sufficient to Salvation for God's Gifts are perfect in themselves and are given to accomplish their Ends perfectly from that Sin and Iniquity which the contrary Spirit draws into we may without any offence I hope conclude that during those many Ages before the Coming of Christ in the Flesh he did Illuminate Mankind with a sufficient measure of his Divine Light and Spirit CHAP. IX Another Objection that though the Jews had it it will not follow that the Gentiles were so Illuminated It is Answerd by several Scriptures In this Chapter quoted to prove that they were not exempted But had a measure of Light some Divine Seed sown in their Hearts some Talent given and that it was Sufficient T. Hicks's Challenge to give an Instance of one that by the Light within was Reproved for not believing that Jesus was the Christ is Answer'd Such as believed in the Light and walkt up to it did receive Christ when he came The high Pretenders were they who to Scriptures Opposed and Crucified him The Light from Scripture concluded Universal and Saving Obj. BUt here I expect this Objection having run our Adversaries unavoidably to it Very well Taking it for granted that what you have said in reference to a Saving Light or Spirit universally bestow'd upon the Jews THAT WERE A DISTINCT PEOPLE from the rest of the World under very many peculiar Rights
yet cannot we think it good Arguing to infer the Gifts of God's Light and Spirit to the Gentiles that make far the greatest part thereof from these Scriptures that only seem to prove it the Priviledg of the Jews To which I Answer That I conceive I have urg'd those Scriptures already that afford a plain Conviction and Evincement of the Truth of that general Inference but because I am desirous from my very Soul in perfect Love to theirs that shall read this Discourse of removing what Objection I am able to fore-see it may meet with after it shall have past my hand I will endeavour to make appear first from SCRIPTURE and next from the Best Account we have of the DOCTRINES and LIVES of HEATHENS and lastly from REASON That God's Love in the Illumination of his Spirit or Gift of a Measure of his Divine and Saving Light was Universal or that Mankind was and consequently is antecedently to Christ's Coming in the Flesh enlightned with such a Measure of Light as was Saving in it self And to all such as received the Light and obeyed it in the Love of it In order to this I shall briefly insist on a few Scriptures some of which have been already quoted though not so directly to this Matter I. My Spirit shall not alwayes strive with Man Here observe That no one Nation was interested more then another but Man stands for the whole Adam or Mankind from whence I do very truly Conclude that Mankind was not destitute of the Spirit or Light of the Almighty though it might be known in no higher Degree then that of a Convincer and Reprover of Sin yet it follows not But if man had yielded to the Striving of it doubtless he had been thereby redeemed from that Spirit of Iniquity that was the ground of his grievous Resistance which I call Salvation from sin II. They are of those that Rebel against the Light they know not the Wayes thereof nor abide in the Path thereof Here is no mention made of the Jews in this Chapter nor in many foregoing or following it if at all in the whole Book For Job is here giving the Character of wicked Men in general that is not with respect to any particular Nation so that we may well infer neither did he understand the Light whereof he spoke should be limited as to its Illumination or any particular People In short I argue thus If such as pluck the Fatherless from the Breast and take a Pledge of the Poor as the Context relates are those that Rebel against the Light and walk not in its Way then because that Vice was never limited to the Jews but other Nations work'd that Wickedness as well as they it will plainly follow that the Light against which such Offenders Rebell'd also was not limited to the Jews but extended to the Gentiles also unless it should be said That what was Rebellion and Wickedness in the Jews was not so in the Gentiles But because Sin was and is Sin all the World over Light was and is Light all the World over whether Men bring their Deeds to it or not III. But again let us hear the same Book speak Is there any Number of his Armies and upon whom doth not his Light Arise This Question carries in it a strong Affirmative of the Universality of God's Light as much as to say Who is there among all the Sons and Daughters of Men that can say I am not Enlightned by Him If then none can it must needs follow That all are Enlightned as well Gentiles as Jews IV. Thus much these two Notable Parables teach us of the Sower and the Lord that gave his Servants Talents They who believe Scripture must acknowledge them to represent God's Dealings with Mankind in reference to Gift Duty and Reward Observe the first Parable The same Day went Jesus out of the House and sate by the Sea side And great Multitudes were gathered together unto him so that he went into a Ship and sate and the whole Multitude stood on the Shore And he spoke many things unto them in Parables saying Behold A SOWER WENT FORTH TO SOW and when he sowed some Seeds fell by the Way side and the Fowls came and devour'd them up Some fell upon Stony places where they had not much Earth and forthwith they sprung up because they had no Deepness on Earth and when the Sun was up they were scorched and because they had not Root they wither'd away and some fell among Thorns and the Thorns sprung up and choack'd them But other fell in Good Ground and brought forth Fruit some an Hundred-fold some Sixty-fold some Thirty-fold Who has Ears to hear let him hear It is granted by all that I know of that the Seeds-Man is God the Scripture saith the Seed is the Word of the Kingdom which must needs be the Spiritual Word nigh in the Heart suitable to the Heavenly Kingdom Christ said was within other-wise call'd Light that is said to be sown for the Righteous or the Grace that appeares unto all-Men and brings Salvation to them that are taught by it And lastly common Sense tells us that the several Grounds comprehend Mankind for they must either include the Bad with the Good or the Good only must be benefited But the very Scripture expresly distinguisheth betwixt the Good and Bad Ground yet affirms the one to have been sown with the Seed as well as the other Therefore Gods Gift is Universal however Men by Wicked Works may have render'd their Hearts Stony Thorny or otherwise defective and uncapable of bringing forth Fruit. The other Parable is also very weighty and much to our purpose For the Kingdom of Heaven is as a Man travelling into a far Country who called his own Servants and delivered unto them his Goods and unto one he gave Five Talents to another Two and to another One to every Man according to his several ability and straight-way took his Journey Then he that had received Five Talents went and traded with the same and made them other Five Talents and likewise he that had received Two he also gained other Two But he that had received One went and digged in the Earth and hid his Lord's Money After a long time the Lord of those Servants cometh and Reckoneth with them And so he that had received Five Talents came and brought other Five Talents saying Lord Thou deliveredst unto me Five Talents Behold I have gained besides them Five Talents more His Lord said unto him Well done thou Good and Faithful Servant thou hast been faithful over a few things I will make thee Ruler over many things Enter thou into the Joy of thy Lord. He also that received Two Talents came and said Lord Thou deliveredst unto me Two Talents Behold I have gain'd Two other Talents besides them His Lord said unto him Well done Good and Faithful Servant thou hast been faithful over a few things I will
the Righteousness of God reveal'd from Heaven against all Ungodliness and Unrighteousness of Men who hold the Truth in Unrighteousness Because that which may be known of God is manifest in them for God hath shewed it unto them For the Invisible Things of Him from the Creation of the World are clearly seen being understood by the Things that are made even his Eternal Power and God-head so that they are without Excuse because that when they knew God they Glorified him not as God neither were Thankful but became Vain in their Imaginations and their Foolish Hearts were Darken'd And even as they did not like to Retain God in their Knowledge God gave them over to a Reprobate Mind to do those things which are not Convenient These Notable Lines of that Great Apostle give an apparent Overthrow to all Objections against either the Universality or Sufficiency of the Light within which will be further manifest if the Reader be but pleas'd to observe these few Particulars 1. That in the Gospel of Christ is the Righteousness of God revealed and that from Faith to Faith 2. That this Faith the Just have ever lived by for he quotes a Time past as it is written which Writing was about 700. Years before he wrot that Epistle 3. That many had degenerated from the Righteousness of God to wit the Gentiles into Ungodliness against which the Wrath of God was revealed from Heaven 4. That they however once knew the Truth 5. That they came to the Knowledge of this Truth from the Manifestation of God who is Light within since what might be known of God was manifested in them because God had shewed it unto them 6. That the Cause of their after Darkness was their Rebelling against that Manifestation or Light not Glorifying the God that shewed it to them when they both saw it and knew him so to do Consequently that God had given them Light Sufficient both to know and obey him And since they liked not to retain God in their Knowledge the Deficiency was theirs and not the Light 's 7. If therefore their foolish Hearts were darkned that is by Disobedience it follows that therefore that Darkness came by Sin into their Hearts they had Light in their Hearts or a Light within 8 Lastly If the Wrath was therefore revealed because the hold the Truth in Unrighteousness and when they knew God by that Manifestation of Light within they glorified him not as God but became vain in their Imaginations and their foolish Hearts darkned Then certainly had they kept to that Principle call'd the Truth and the Manifestation of God within and preserv'd their Faith in God as he had reveal'd himself to them So glorifying him as God and delighting to retain him in their knowledge Not Wrath but Mercy ●…nd Peace had been revealed from Heaven as saith the same Apostle in his following Chapter to them who by patient continuance in well doing seek for Glory and Honour and Immortality ETERNAL LIFE In short This we may safely conclude that the Righteousness 〈◊〉 in the Gospel of Christ of which Paul was not ashamed from Faith to Faith by which Faith he 〈◊〉 the Just Ancients lived or were accepted is One in N●…ture though not in Degree with that TRUTH the Gentiles Apstatized from and therefore lived without Faith Righteousness or God in the World for which the Wrath was reveal●…d which had they lived up unto glorifying God as God ●…ccording to the Manifestation of himself in their Hearts and Consciences they would have had not the Revelation of Wrath but of the Righteousness of Faith by which the Just in all Ages have liv'd ●…cceptably with God For without Faith can no Man please God in any Age as without Holiness that flows from true Faith to Man shall ever see the Lord. VII And Lastly I do earnestly intreat the Unprejudic'd Reader to observe these two notable Passages which with my Consideration of them shall conclude the Scripture-Proofs I have urg'd for the Universality of the Light and Spirit of God antecedent to Christ's Appearance in the Flesh. Then Peter opened his Mouth and said Of a Truth I perceive that God is no Respecter of Persons but in every Nation He that feareth him and worketh Righteousness is accepted with him For not the Hearers of the Law are Just before God but the Doers of the Law shall be justified For when the Gentiles which have not the Law do by Nature the things contained in the Law these having not the Law are a Law unto themselves which shew the Works of the Law written in their Hearts their Consciences also bearing Witness and their Thoughts the mean while Accusing or Excusing one another in the Day when God shall judge the Secrets of Men by Jesus Ch●…ist according to my Gospel These Scriptures are a severe Check to our Adversaries undervaluing Apprehension of the blessed Light of God and that will appear in several particulars 1. God is no Respecter of Persons in any Nation from whence I honestly conclude that all Persons and Nations were inlightned as well Gentiles as Jews 2. That here are Men not of the Circumcision made with hands who fear God work Righteousness and are Doers of the Law not from any outward Obligation ●…or they had none but the inward Work of the Law writ upon 〈◊〉 Hearts which is a Demonstration that they had not only 〈◊〉 Light as a Reprover but as a Teacher and Leader whereby th●…y came to fear God and work Righteousness which is else-where said to be the Sum of the Matter and whole Duty of Man 〈◊〉 then no 〈◊〉 that fears God works Righteousness and keeps the 〈◊〉 Law of God as the Scriptures testifie some Gentiles to h●…ve done can be said to do so and yet worship false Gods or not ri●…htly Worship the true one be void of the true Light the most part of T. Hicks his 9th page where he objects the 〈◊〉 Ignorance of the true God against the Sufficiency of the Light within and a Challenge to us to produce one Instance amon●… the many Thousands of Mankind that from the Light within hath been reproved for not believing Jesus to be Christ 〈◊〉 as the smoak For though perhaps he thinks he may have done a great deal in making that bold Demand of 〈◊〉 yet I shall briefly tell him that such as lived up most sincerely to the Light in their own Consciences acknowledged most readily that glorious Appearance of Light in ●…hat Body then in the World They were the great Pretenders to Scriptures that would not come to Christ the Traditional Literal and Ordinance-Men that Rejected and Crucified him and that had not both Cornelius and the Centurion with many others been upright Livers to the Light within neither 〈◊〉 Peter been so received by the one nor Christ so follow'd by the other But that measure of the Divine Light which they had thitherto obey'd as the more sure Word of Prophecy lead
them naturally unto the Rising of the Day-Star which though a more glorious manifestation yet not of another Light Life or Spirit then had ever been for there are not two Lights Lifes Natures or Spirits in God he is ONE for ever in himself and his Light one in kind how ever variously he may have declar'd himself or manifested it at sundry times of the World His Truth is one his Way is one and his Rest one forever But last of all that which greatly joyes is this that the Narrowness of some Mens Spirits in this World will not be found able to exclude vertuous Gentiles from their Reward in the other But maugre all the Heat Petulancy Conceitedness and Fleshly Boasting of Carnal Christians such as fear God and Work Righteousness and are Doers of the Law we are assured shall be accepted with and justified of God in the Day that he will judge the Secrets of all men by Jesus Christ according to Paul ' s Gospel and if any man bring another let It be accurst Amen I have here on purpose overlookt many very pregnant Instances both in the Old and New Testament so call'd for Brevities sake in which the Righteousness of the Gentiles hath in several Cases more evidently appeared then that of some of the Jews and which undeniably testifies to the Sufficiency of that Light they had both to manifest that which was Good from that which was Evil and give an Ability to such as truly minded its Illumination whereby they were enabled to do the one and to reject the other Such were Abimelech Cyrus Darius the Ruler that came to Christ and many others which I shall omit to mention more particularly the chief Bent of my Mind being to demonstrate the Truth of my Assertion from their own Writings CHAP. X. That the Gentiles Believed in One God That He inlightned All Men with a Saving Light That Men ought to live Piously That the Soul is Immortal That there is an Eternal Recompence The Whole call'd Gentile-Divinity The First Point prov'd by Sixteen Testimonies HAving prov'd briefly but truly from the Scriptures that the Gentiles in general were Illuminated with a Divine Light I shall now make it my Business to evidence the Truth thereof by most undeniable particular Instances out of their own Writings And because I am willing my Defence of both the Light within and Those of them who obey'd it should turn to the clearest and best Account I will endeavour to resolve the Whole into as plain a Method as the Matter and their Way of delivering it will allow me First then from their own Authorities I am taught to affirm that the Gentiles Believed in One Holy Infinite and Eternal God Secondly That they did therefore so believe because God had imprinted the Knowledge of himself in their Hearts or in our Language that he had Illuminated all Mankind with a Divine Light which as conversed with and obey'd would lead to Eternal Happiness Thirdly That they held and practised high Sanctity of Life Fourthly That they affirmed an Immortality of Souls and Eternal Rewards of Felicity or Misery according to Man's Obedience to or Rebellion against the Eternal God his Creator which Excellent Principles true and clear being the Result of their Discourse on those Subjects do worthily deserve in my esteem the Style of DIVINITY which shall be the Denomination I hope I may without Offence bestow upon them in this Discourse That the Gentiles did acknowledge and believe There was but One Supream God that made all things who is Infinite Almighty Omni-present Holy and Good forever I shall produce some of those many Authorities that aver the same and accommodate it to such Scripture as the Truth of them as well as Practice of very Ancient Fathers will bear me out in I. ORPHEUS as Old as more then One Thousand Two Hundred Years before Christ thus expresseth his Belief of God His Hand reaches to the End of the Sea his Right-hand is everywhere and the Earth is under his Feet He is only One begot of himself and of Him alone are all things begot and God is the First and the Last Hereby not only telling us there was a God but attributing that Almighty Power and Omni-presence which show he meant no Statuary Deity but the God that made the Heavens and the Earth II. HESIOD Of all which do not Dye thou art King and Lord none can Contend with Thee concerning Thy Power This Emphatically proves God to have been but One and Omni-potent in their Belief III. THALES a very Ancient Greek Phylosopher tells us That there is but One God that he is Glorious forever and ever And he openly confesseth That he is called 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 HE WHO KNOWS HEARTS Thales being demanded what God was That saith he which has NEITHER BEGINNING NOR END Another asking If a Man might do Ill and conceal it from God How saith he WHEN A MAN THAT THINKS IT CANNOT Men ought to believe saith Cicero in his Name that God sees all things IV. SIBYLLA There is One God who alone is Infinite and without Beginning Again Who can see with Fleshly Eyes the Heavenly True and Immortal God whose Seat is in the Highest of Heaven This Sibyll is Aged above Two Thousand Years The Question implies her Faith that God was a Spirit as Christ himself also testifies V. PYTHAGORAS a Modest but Diligent and Retired Man in his Search after Heavenly things saith That it is Man's Duty to believe of the Divinity that it is and that it is in such a manner as to Mankind that it overlooks them and neglects them not for we have need of such a Government as we ought not in any thing to Contradict such is that which proceeds from the Divinity For the Divinity is such that to it doth of Right belong the Dominion of all Again God resembleth LIGHT and TRUTH In another place God himself inhabits the Lowest and Highest and the Middlemost there is no Being nor Place without God God is One HE IS NOT as some conceive OUT OF THE WORLD but entire within himself as in a Compleat Circle surveying all Generations HE IS THE SALT OF ALL AGES the Agent of his own Powers and Works the Principle of all things One Heavenly Luminary or Light and Father of all things Only Wise Invisible yet Intelligible Which very Pathetical Account of the Divine Being so correspondent with Scripture yet he a Stranger to it I mean the Words only for the Matter in this Point he weightily hits deserves very Serious Consideration and Acknowledgment from all especially those who would not Narrow God's Mercies to their own Time or Party VI. To the same purpose speaks HERACLITUS that sensibly Afflicted Philosopher for the World's Impieties and Idolatrics whose very Sorrowful yet sound smart Expressions show they came from a Mind deeply touch'd In one of his
as that which raiseth up the Soul into a Sensible Communion with God above the World which the Mind of Man is prone to slug or bemire it self withal And adds PLOTIN a Famous Platonist God is the very Root or Life of the Soul Again Man hath a Divine Principle in him which maketh the true and good Man And the Platonists in general held Three Principles to be in Man the first they called 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 Mind Intellect Spirit or Divine Light The Second 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 the Soul of Man The Third they called 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 the Soul's Image which say they is her vital Energy upon the Body and the Feminine Faculty of the Soul By all which it is evident though I could more abundantly prove from their many Writings that they believ'd and held Divine Illumination and Inspiration and that such a Principle resided in Man even the Eternal 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 or Mind which is to say in proper English God Himself by which alone the Soul could become what it ought to be to God VII CLEANTHES the Stoick alloweth not Mankind to be govern'd of right by the Dictates of their own Nature which barely renders them Men but by that Divine Infinite and Eternal Nature which is God universally defus'd or sown through the whole Race of Man as the most sure and infallible Guide and Rule To live saith he according to this Knowledge and Direction is truly to live according to Vertue not doing any thing that is forbidden The Vertue and Happiness of a Man depends upon the close Correspondence of his Mind with the Divine Will of him who governeth the Universe Again saith the same Cleanthes THE KNOWLEDGE OF GOD IS IMPRINTED UPON THE MINDS OF MEN. VIII MENANDER signifying God to be Good saith Every Man hath a good Daemon as soon as he is born an Holy Instructor in governing of the Life as that I may confess him to be an Evil Daemon who hurts the Life of a Good Man Then subjoyns he That a Good God is in all that God is perfectly Good and that he is Good in all Again on another Occasion saith he God who is alwayes near sees this for God is not a God afar off IX PHILO though a Jew born yet a very Serious and Refin'd Philosopher gives us his Judgment in this Particular very positively and to purpose How should the Soul of Man saith he know God IF HE DID NOT INSPIRE HER AND TAKE HOLD OF HER BY HIS DIVINE POWER Again That the Divine Reason we have from God is an Infallible Law not a Mortal Rule given by this or that Mortal NO LIFELESS PRECEPTS WRITTEN IN PAPERS OR UPON PILLARS BUT IMMORTAL being ingraven by the Eternal Nature IN THE MINDS OF MEN. This is an undeniable Testimony to the Law written in the Heart as a more Excellent Dispensation then that which is written in Paper or engraved on Pillars But further X. Nor is PLUTARCH wanting to the Proof of this Assertion on the behalf of the Gentiles Divinity who thus delivers himself speaking of the Principle of God in the Conscience It is a Law saith he not written in Tables or Books but dwelling in the Mind ALWAYS AS A LIVING RULE which never permits the Soul to be destitute of an interiour Cuide Again To debase this Ancient Faith of Mankind and Natural Belief which is planted in all Reasonable Souls is to Overthrow the Strong and Everlasting Foundation of Vertue Doubtless very Peremptory Zealous and Sensible doth Plutarch show himself on the behalf of an Internal Divine Principle XI But be pleased to hear what * EPICTETUS says in this Matter whose Vertue was admirable in its time and whose Memory is preserv'd in great Respect among many who would think themselves much wrong'd if they should not be accounted Christians When you have shut your Gates saith he and made it all Dark Within that is to say are retired to your own Dwelling as alone do not say that you are alone for you are not alone but GOD IS WITHIN What need then is there of outward Light to discover what is done or to light to good Actions who have God or that Genius or Divine Principle for your Light as the following words do further import But above all the Gentiles that have been mention'd I mean in Point of plain and Positive Expression for I will prefer the Life of none before that Self-denying Martyr Socrates let us hear with great Attention what kind of Lecture SENEC A will read us upon the Subject handled truly something very weighty XII The Multitude saith SENECA is the worst Argument Let us inquire what is best to be done not what most usually is done and that may settle us in the Possession of Everlasting Happiness not what is allotted by the Vulgar the worst Interpreters of Truth I have saith he a clearer and more certain Light by which I may judge the Truth from Falshood that which appertains to the Felicity of the Soul the Eternal Mind will direct to that was the Light doubtless Seneca meant Again It is a foolish thing for thee to wish what by thee cannot be obtained God is near thee and HE IS IN THEE The Holy Spirit SITS OR RESIDES WITHIN US the Observer of our Good and Evil Actions as he is dealt with by us HE DEALS WITH US But yet further we have this great Gift saith Sene●… That Vertue meaning the Principle or God hath sent her Light before into the Minds of all for even they that follow her not SEE HER. Where observe Reader how he confesseth to the Universality of the Light yet lays the Fault of Rebellion against it not as T. Hicks doth upon the Light but such as refuse to follow it implying their voluntary Rejection of its Heavenly Discoveries Again Wonderest thou that Men go to God God comes UNTO Men nay which is more near he cometh INTO MAN and he makes the Heart of every good Man his Habitation Yet again hear him Nothing is closed from God he is within our Souls and he Cometh INTO THE MIDST OF OUR THOUGHTS And lastly Every Man saith he has God indued with that which if he forsake it not HE SHALL ARISE LIKE GOD. How much more weighty O Sober and Impartial Reader are these inward Doctrines of the Vertuous Gentiles then the Vehement Clamours and Uncharitable Exclamations of Empty Christians against them Men that seem as if they were a●…raid of nothing more then inherent Holiness though of Christ's working reputing it a kind of Undervalue of his Blood to feel the Only I mean the Inward Benefit of it accounting us the greatest Hereticks for assenting to the greatest Truth to wit The Sufficiency of his Universal Light in the Hearts of Men to Salvation challenging us to prove it by Scripture or any Credible History objecting the Heathens
in being I cannot see but the Type and the Thing typified might be at one and the same time not as to Degree but Nature for so I would be understood Before I conclude take this notable Saying of Christ to the Jews and what may be collected from it to our Purpose BEFORE ABRAHAM WAS I AM ABRAHAM SAW MY DAY AND REJOYCED which affords us briefly thus much That though he was not so visibly come yet it was the very same HE that came about One Thousand Six Hundred Years ago who was with the Fathers of Old and that Abraham who lived One Thousand Nine Hundred Years before that outward Appearance saw him and his Day If this be not the Import of the Place I know none For the Jews not believing him to be the Messiah thought it high Presumption sor him to compare with Abraham Art thou Greater then our Father Abraham who is dead and the Prophets are dead Whom makest thou thy self said that Unbelieving People Unto which he answered that he might prove himself to be the true Messiah the Christ of God ABRAHAM SAW MY DAY and rejoyced They still harping upon that Visible Body not Thirty Three Years old replyed Thou art not yet Fifty and hast thou seen Abraham Taking that to be the Messiah the Christ of God and Saviour of the World he meant which they saw with their Carnal Eyes To which he rejoyn'd with a Verily verily I say unto you before Abraham was I am then took they up Stones to cast at him c. By all which it is most clear that unless our Adversaries will deny him that so spoak which yet T. Hicks's Anti-scriptural Opinion doth imply to be Christ who singled and distinguisht himself as the Messiah the Christ of God and Saviour of the World from that Visible Body not Fifty Years old indeed both Christ that then spoak must needs have been long before Abraham's Time and that such Holy Ancients were not without a Sight and Prospect of him and the Day of his Glorious Appearance or that most Signal Manifestation of himself in that Body prepared for that Great and Holy Purpose witness the exceeding Clear and Heavenly Prophecyes that were as so many Fore-runners or Introducers of the Evangelical State And this is unquestionably confirm'd unto us by that known and very weighty Expression of the Apostle Paul to the Romans Whose are the Fathers and of whom as concerning the Flesh Christ came who is over all God blessed for ever Amen Since here both Christ is distinguisht from the Body he took and made one with that God who is over all blessed for ever Amen As much as to say of whose Flesh Christ took therefore Christ was before he took it or his taking it did not constitute him Christ which Christ is God And if God which cannot be said of meer Flesh or any Corporal Lineage then must he have been from all Everlasting To conclude As Abraham Outward and Natural was the great Father of the Jews Outward and Natural whose Seed God promis'd to bless with Earthly Blessings as Canaan c. that they were figurative of the one Seed Christ and such as he should beget unto a lively Hope through the Power of his Spiritual Resurrection it will consequently follow that this Seed must be Inward and Spiritual since one outward thing cannot be the proper Figure or Representation of an other Nor is it the Way of holy Scripture so to teach us The Outward Lamb shows forth the Inward Lamb The Jew Outward the Jew Inward As God attended the one with many singular outward Mercies to say no more above other Nations So the Jew in Spirit doth he benefit above all other People I have these two short Arguments to prove what I believe and assert as to the Spirituallity of the True Seed and a clearer Overthrow it is to the Opinion of our Adversaries to the True Christ. First Every thing begets its like What is simply Natural produces not a Spiritual Being Material Things bring not forth Things that are Immaterial Now because the Nature or Image begotten in the Hearts of True Believers is Spiritual it will follow that the Seed which so begets and brings forth that Birth must be the same in Nature with that which is begotten therefore Spiritual then Christ's Body or what he had from the Virgin strictly considered as such was not the Seed Secondly it is clear from hence The Serpent is a Spirit Now nothing can bruise the Head of the Serpent but something that is also Internal and Spiritual as the Serpent is But if that Body of Christ were the Seed then could he not bruise the Serpent's Head in all because the Body of Christ is not so much as in any one and consequently the Seed of the Promise is an Holy and Spiritual Principle of Light Life and Power that being receiv'd into the Heart bruiseth the Serpents Head And because the Seed which cannot be that Body is Christ as testify the Scriptures the Seed is one and that Seed Christ and Christ God over all blessed forever we do conclude and that most truly that Christ was and is the Divine Word of Light and Life that was in the beginning with God and was and is God over all blessed for ever And this may yet more evidently appear let it but be seriously weigh'd that before ever that visible Appearance the Seed bruised in good measure the Serpent's Head in the Holy Men and Women of all Generations otherwise they had not been Holy but Serpentine and Wicked And if the Seed was before and that Seed be Christ because there is but One Christ as well as but One only Seed it doth clearly follow that Christ was Christ before that Outward Appearance and consequently it could but be a more Excellent and free Manifestation of his Truth Righteousness Salvation Wisdom Power Glory and Dominion as indeed it was For notwithstanding that this Heavenly Seed was in some measure known and what was wrought of Inward Deliverance in that Day was by and through the Power and Vertue of it as the Minds of People were retired to that Word of God nigh in the Heart to cleanse and redeem And though particular Persons might arrive at great Attainments even to a Beholding the Day of the Seeds compleat Redemption and Conquest over all it's Oppressors when what was but in the Condition of a Seed or New-born Child should become the only Son the Wonderfull Counsellor the Mighty God the Everlasting Father and Prince of Peace of the Increase of whose Government there should be no End as speaks the Prophet Yet it is granted through that good Understanding the Lord has given us in these weighty Things that the Generallity were but Weak Dark and Imbondaged as saith the Apostle under Carnal and Beggarly Elements not clearly seeing through those outward Services which if I may so speak God held them in hand with condescending to
do namely To save his People from their Sins there is not one Word of Wrath but consequentially Therefore since that Sin is in the Heart and Conscience of Mankind nothing but a Divine Light Spirit or Power can reach Immaculation into those inward Parts and consequently that must be the Redeemer and Saviour But indeed those who have a Mind to Naturalize that strange Figure into the Language of the Holy Truth I mean to understand that to be saved is to be saved from Wrath and not from Sin whose assured Wages is Wrath may have some Interest though no Reason for their implacable Enmity against an Inherent Holiness But I farther confess that his Righteous Life with respect to its Appearance in that Body was grieved by Sin that the Weight of the Iniquity of the whole World with the Concernment of its Eternal Well-being lay hard upon him nor was his Manhood Insensible of it Under the Load of this did He travel he alone trode the Wine-Press that is All others were then Insensible of that Eternal Wrath which would be the Portion of Impenitent Persons as well as that it was his great Care and deep Travel that the Holy yet Oppressed Seed might arise over the Pressures of Iniquity in the Hearts of Men to bruise the Serpent's Head in all And as outwardly he gave his outward Life for the World so he might inwardly shed abroad in their Souls the Blood of God that is The Holy Purifying Life and Virtue which is in him as the Word-God and as which he is the Life of the World This was it which gave that visible Part the Understanding it had which fitted it for so great an Embassy by whose Power alone it Fasted Prayed Preacht Cast-out Devils Wrought Miracles Lived that most Unblemisht Life Patiently Suffered Death was Raised for an Holy Confirmation maugre all the Military Opposition of the Jews and this it was which accompanied the Ministry of his Followers rendring it Efficacious to Conviction and Conversion So that the Invisible Spiritual and Divine Life Principle or Nature was the Root and Fountain of all which is sometimes asscribed in Scripture to the Body by that Common Figure or Way of Speaking amongst Men the Thing containing which was the Body for the Thing contained which was the Eternal Power Wisdom Life c. Not that we would irreverently rob the Holy Body of whatsoever Acknowledgement is justly due nor yet separate that God joyned though I confess with holy Fear I dare not attribute to an External prepared Being which is the Natural Proper and Only Work of the Divine Light and Life to operate and effect But certainly if some Men in Scripture are intituled Saviours because of the Contribution of their Tryals Travels and Labours towards the Salvation of Man-kind of much more Right is that Honour ascribable to him who had the Spirit without Measure For I do freely acknowledge it to have been in some sense a Co-worker and Partner with the Divine Life in many of its Tryals Weights Sufferings and Travels for Man-kind Yet as it was the Divine Power in them that made them serviceable in that great Work so was it the Divine Power in him which made that what it was and therefore ought we chiefly to appropriate the Salvation to Christ as the Word-God and to the Holy Manhood not any otherwise then Instrumentally or by the same Divine Power in and through it I mean as it was a Chosen Instrument or Vessel in and by which God declared the Blessed Glad-Tidings of Love and his Message of Reconciliation to the World in which he gave the most Heavenly Example of Purity and through whose whole Life Doctrine and Death did shine forth the clearest Evidences of Truth Goodness Mercy Patience deep Travel for the World Self-Denyal Holiness and Triumphant Matyrdom No Wonder then if he be called a Saviour who not only came on an Embassy of Salvation and when come did draw many after him who were struck with the Authority of his Sayings when he allow'd for a time to have their Eyes and Hearts upon him as in that State present with them But afterwards he let his Disciples know of how much Benefit it would be to them that he should leave them How Forever In all Capacities No but as with respect to his outward Appearance that being scattered in that Day to their own Measure of Light Pon er and Life they might know him NO MORE AFTER THE FLESH but witness him come into their Hearts a Comforter who could not leave his true-hearted Disciples comfortless He that is with you shall be in you To be brief that I may yet again express our reverent Sense of Christ's Manifestation so far as relates to that Holy Thing that should be born of Mary take these few particulars in my next Chapter CHAP. XXI A Confession in particular to Christ's Redemption Remission Justification and Salvation I. WE do confess that though the Eternal Power Life and Light which inhabited that Holy Person which was born at Nazareth was is chiefly eminently the Saviour for there is no Saviour besides me saith God yet that it was Instrumentally a Saviour as prepared and chose●… o●… the Work which Christ had then to do i●… it which was actually to the Salvation of some and intentionally of the whole World then and in Ages to come suitable to that Scripture Lo in the Volumn of the Book it is written I come to do thy Will O God a Body hast thou prepared me c. II. That as there was a Necessity that one should dye for the People so whoever then or since believed in Him had and have a Seal or Confirmation of the Remission of their Sins in his Blood and that Blood alluding to the Custom or the Jewish Sacrifices shall be an utter Blotting out of former iniquates carrying them as into a Land of Forgetfulness This grand Assurance of Remission from the Wrath due upon the Score or former Offences do all receive in the Ratifying Blood of Christ who Repenting of their Sins believe and obey the Holy Light with which he hath Illuminated them For Paul's being turned from Darkness to the Light in his Heart was one with his believing in the Son of God revealed in his Heart III. This more glorious Appearance ended that less glorious Service of the Jews the Figures being compleated the Shadows they fell He in that Body preacht and lived beyond those Beggarly Elements He drew Religion more Inward even into the Secret of the Heart and made it to consist in an higher State o●… Righteousness called Evangelical and at once became both the Auth●…ro 〈◊〉 Heavenly Dispensation and therein an Example to all as well Jews and Gentiles sealing such a Common and General Religion to both with his Blood as would forever end the Difference and slay the Enmity that they might be all one in Christ. Thus did he end the Jews External Services
and overturn the Gentiles Idolatries by his one most pure and Spiritual Offering and Worship IV. It plainly preaches thus much to us That as Him whose Body the Jews outwardly slew we by Wicked Works have crucified in the Streets of Sodom and Egypt spiritually so called our polluted Hearts and Consciences So unless we come to know the Benefit of the Inward Life answering to and expressed by that Outward Life he gave for the World it will avail little For so it is and very Marvelous in our Eyes that the Life of the Crucified can only save those who may well be reputed the Crucifiers O Mystery And because those that did not actually slay him Outwardly have slain him Inwardly therefore must every such one really know that Life Inwardly raised shed abroad for Sanctification and Redemption O how great was his Love Truly larger then Man's Cruelty who whilst he dyed by Wicked Men he would Dye for them and when dead they could not hinder him from Rising to do them good who had done their worst for his Destruction thereby shewing Mercy to those who shewed they had no Mercy for themselves O Jerusalem Jerusalem how often would I have gathered thee and thou wouldest not c V. That Expression of his is greatly worth our Notice I lay down my Life for the World All he did was for the Good of the World and particularly the Laying down of his Life that he might both express his Love and our Duty Had he not desired Man's Salvation and for that purpose prepared a Body in which to visit him and by his daily Labours among Men to further their Eternal Happiness the Jew had never been able to put him to Death But being come and when come so hardly used herein did he recommend his great Love to us that besides the Inward Weights of Sin he bore with his deep Concernment for Man's Eternal Well-being he chearfully offered up his Bodily Life to recommend and ratifie his Love for the Remission of Sin and give us an Holy Example to follow his Steps But these Words will bear another Sease too as do those he spoak to the Jews Unless ye eat my Flesh and drink my Blood you have no Life in you Where we may plainly see that as the Jews vainly and carnally fancyed he meant his Outward Body only to which they opposed the Impossibility of the thing so Christ declares their Mistake of his Meaning to his Disciples in these few but deep Words The Flesh profiteth nothing it is the Spirit that quickeneth So that the Words are true and weighty in both Senses VI. And we further acknowledge that in that Holy Body the Divine Principle of Light and Life did discover the Depth of Satan's Darkness encounter Hell Death and the Grave every Temptation it was possible for the Serpent with all his Power and Subtilty to beset him with in which Sense he was made like unto us in all things Sin excepted that he might be sensible of our Infirmities the Divine Life travelled and supported under all administring Strength to the outward Man that it might answer the End of its Appointment in the End utterly defeated and forever overcame the Power of the Tempter bruising the Serpents Head in general as Prince of Darkness and God of the World and in a plain Combat giving him that Foyl which in good measure shook his Foundation divided his Kingdom chased away his Lying Oracles and proved a very Fatal Blow to his whole Empire Which holy Conquest obtained by Sweat of Blood and deep'st Agonies with Holy Patience may not unfitly be compared to that of some Worldly Prince maintaining a Righteous Cause against an Usurper of his Territories whom he puts to rout in open Fields by which I understand the General Conquest yet many Towns and Cities and Cittadels remaining strongly guarnison'd by which I understand particular Men and Women enslaved by Sin they are not thereby overcome though the Approach be easier to them and they be truly more endanger'd then before The One Seed who is Christ who is God over all blessed forever having given that Proof of his Everlasting Arm that it has brought a general Salvation by a plain Overthrow of the God of this World the Enemy of his Glory and thereby weakened his Power in himself which is the single Battel fought in Garments rould in Blood between the two Seeds Spirits Natures and Powers God and Mammon Christ and Belial had many Towns Cities and Cittadels to vanquish who lay strongly guarnison'd by this God of the World which Places as I said represent the Souls of particular Men and Women inbondaged by him So that though their Hearts were or are more accessible by that general Victory over the very Spirit of Darkness it self and Light may be more clear d and broken up yet unless those particular Places or Persons are besieged and taken their Goods spoiled and Houses sackt of all the strange Gods so redeemed from under the Yoak of that Pharaonian Task-Master reclaimed renewed sanctified naturalized by way of an Holy Subjection to him who is Lord from Heaven the Right Heir of all things to receive his Mark and bear his Image Those Places or Persons must needs have yet been and be Subjects of the Prince of Darkness the God of this World who reigns and rules in the Hearts of the Children of Disobedience To conclude We though this General Victory was obtained and holy Priviledges therewith and that the Holy Body was not Instrumentally without a Share thereof yet that both the efficient or chiefest Cause was the Divine Light and Life that so clearly discriminated and deeply wounded this Mystery of Iniquity and that none can be thereby benefited but as they come to experience that Holy Seed of Life and Mighty Arm of Power revealed to effect the same Salvation in each Particular Conscience which none can fail of who receive it first as a Light that manifesteth and reproveth every Evil Way and continues to walk up to all its holy Leadings VII But there is yet a further Benefit that accrueth by the Blood of Christ viz. That Christ is a Propitiation and Redemption to such as have Faith in it For though I still place the Stres●… of particular Benefit upon the Light Life Spirit revealed witnessed in every Particular yet in that general Appearance there was a general Benefit justly to be attributed unto the Blood of that very Body of Christ to wit that it did propitiate For however it might draw Stupendious Judgments upon the Heads of those who were Authors of that dismal Tragedy and dyed Impenitent yet doubtless it thus far turned to very great Account in that it was a most precious Offering in the Sight of the Lord and drew God's Love the more eminently unto Mankind at least such as should believe in his Name as his solemn Prayer to his Father at his leaving the World given us by his beloved Disciple
doth plainly witness For how can it otherwise be but that it should render God most propitious to all such as believe in Christ the Light of the World when it was but a letti●…g of his only begotten Son's Sufferings turn to their account that should ever believe in him Yet doubtless greatly did it influence to some singular Tenderness and peculiar l●…egard unto all such who should believe in his Name among other of his weighty Performances for the sake of that last and greatest of all his External Acts the resisting unto Blood for the Spiritual Good of the World thereby offering up his Li●…e upon the Cross through the Power of the Eternal Spirit that Remission of Sin God's Bounty to the World might be preacht in his Name and in his very Blood too as that which was the most ratifying of all his Bodily Sufferings And indeed therefore might it seem meet to the Holy Ghost that Redemption Propitiation and Remission should be declared and held forth in the Blood of Christ unto all that have right Faith therein as saith the Apostle to the Romans Whom God hath set forth to be a Propitiation through Faith in his Blood and to the Ephesians In whom we have Redemption through his Blood the Forgiveness of Sins c. because it implies a firm Belief that Christ was come in the Flesh and that none could then have him as their Propitiation or Redemption who withstood the Acknowledgement of and Belief in his Vi●…ible Appearance which John tells us some denyed and withstood 2. That he came in order to the Remission Redemption and Salvation of the World 3. That his so Dying was both an evident Token of his Love and strong Argument of Confirmation of his Message and Work 4. That it might the better end the Jews Services by an Allusion to the Way of their Temporary and Shadowy Sacrifices as the whole Epistle to the Hebrews showeth 5. And that by bringing through the holy Light in the Partic●…lar i●…to the Acknowledgment of and Belief in the Blood which was ratifying of that whole Appearance Men might be brought unto the knowing Christ after a more Inward and Spiritual Manner suitable to Christ's own Words It is the Spirit that quickens and the Apostle avers that the Lord from Heaven is that quickning Spirit by which Eternal Spirit he offered up himself without Spot Nor can any reasonably suppose that when Christ so spoak to his Disciples explanatorily of what he had obscurely and in Parables said to the Jews that he meant not something more hidden and Divine then what they and the Jews saw Yet that which hindred those Jews from the Knowledge or Benefit thereof was their Stumbling at him without a Confession unto whom they co●…ld never come into the Beholding or Experiencing of his Divine Life in them To conclude That Body was the Divine Lifes a Body hast thou prepared me therefore all that was done by that Body towards the Redemption of Man-kind was eminently the Divine Lifes yet because many times Actions are denominated from or appropriated to the Instrument as the next Cause though not the Efficient or most Eminent Cause therefore the Scripture speaks forth as indeed is the Propriety of both the Hebrew and Greek Tongues Parabol cally Hyberbolically Metaphorically the inward Substance and hidden Life of things by things more Exteriour and Obvious to the Sense to the End that such Mysteries might be the better accommodated to Vulgar Capacities Consider what I say with this Qualification that ultimately and chiefly not wholy and exclusively the Divine Life in that Body was the Redeemer For the Sufferings of that Holy Body of Jesus had an engaging and procuring Virtue in th●…m though the Divine Life was that Fountain from whence originally it came And as the Life declared and preached forth it self through that Holy Body so who did then come to the Benefit procured by the Divine Life could only do it through an Hearty Confession to it as appearing in that Body and that from a Sence first begotten by a Measure of the same in themselves This is the main Import of those Places Whom God hath set forth to be a Propitiation and in whom we have Redemption through Faith in his Blood For who is this H E whom God hath set forth and in whom is Redemption Certainly the same H E that was before Abraham the Rock of the Fathers that cryed Lo I come to do thy Will O God a Body hast thou prepared me which was long before the Body was conceived and born But may some say How is it then his Blood Why just as the Body is his Body Those who had Faith in that Blood believed his Visible Appearance inasmuch as they acknowledged that great Seal and Ratification of it to wit the Shedding of the Blood of His Body who came to save the World and who alone is the Propitiation Redemption and Salvation of all who had right Faith in that Appearance and Message so confirmed and therefore so often exprest by it as inclusive of all his whole Life and Sufferings beside And this is my Reason for it that it was impossible for any Man in that Day to confess to and believe in that Divine Light and Life which appeared in that prepared Body but from the Inward Discoveries and Operations of that Light with which Christ the Word-God who took Flesh had enlightened him However though the Apostles might then so express themselves thereby to assert and recommend unto the Faith of all that most Heavenly Manifestation and the great Love of Christ therein as the Visitation of the Heavenly Life through that prepared Body and the deep Sufferings of both for the World being True and Spiritual Witnesses thereof yet it was never intended that any should barely rest in that but press after the Knowledge of Christ by Faith in something farther and beyond that Body in which he appeared not excluding our Belief in that too They who knew Christ after the Flesh were to press after some more Spiritual Discovery of Him and who almost doted on his outward Manifestation it was expedient that they should be weaned from it to the End his more interiour and indeed beneficial Revelation of himfelf might be witnessed Faith in his Blood was requisite that they might confess him whose Body and Blood it was to be Christ who is God over all blessed for ever The great Question with the Jews Whether God was truly manifested in that Body of Flesh which they saw So that the Stress lyes in Confessing to the Divinity come in the Flesh otherwise they would have rejected not only the most signal Suffering of the whole Manifestation but consequently that It self To conclude we confess HE who then appeared was and is the Propitiation c. and in Him was Redemption obtained by all those who had such true Faith in his Blood But still it is to be understood that there must be
that Illumination God has given me in Moderation the very Truth Weight and Tendency of the Outward Coming of Christ and his deep Sufferings by and for the World And also the Nature of his Inward Coming into the Souls of Men to expel the Darkness that lodgeth there In both which respects I confess him to be the Saviour of the World in general and the Saviour of each Man in particular But that the Benefit accruing to Men from Him as the general Saviour is known and received only where he is witnessed a particular Saviour and that I will abide by For Christ in Man becoming the Hope of Glory and Man's being changed into the same Image from Glory to Glory even as by the Spirit of the Lord is the Salvation and Perfection of every True Christian. CHAP. XXII That Christ is the Light or the Light is Christ. proved from Scripture and so concluded notwithstanding two Objections which are fully answered THat which remains to compleat our Scriptural Discourse of the Light is to pronounce it that which H. H. J. Faldo Tho. Hicks and a Multitude of other Barkers at it despise to call it and don 't a little undervalue both us and It because we do I mean CHRIST Not that the Manifestation of Light in every Conscience is the Intire Christ but that Christ the Word-God is that Light of Righteousness which inlightens all Men for which the Scripture is most express in that so well known but little believed Passage delivered to us by that beloved ●…isciple who best knew what his Lord was and stood in no need of any of their Information how to denominate or rightly character him although they and others implicitely accuse him of Weakness Obscurity nay Error if not Blasphemy too who make it all this and if it were possible more in a poor Quaker for only Believing on pure Gonviction this one weighty Passage THAT WAS THE TRUE LIGHT WHICH INLIGHTENS ALL MANKIND COMING INTO THE WORLD I have so throughly handled this Matter in a late Book intituled the Spirit of Truth Vindicated that I need the less to enlarge at this time to which I refer the Reader for Satisfaction concerning some Objections raised against the place However I will briefly consider it here that our Believing Christ to be an Universal and Sufficient Light and that to be Christ may stand in the View of the World upon so good Foundation as the Testimony of that Divine and well-beloved Apostle Two things are commonly urg'd against our Understanding of the first Nine Verses of John as they respect the Light 1. Some say that the Light here spoken of is not a Super natural and consequently no Saving Light but the Light of common Reason Others call it of Nature decay'd by the Fall and what Conviction ariseth thence is only the Imperfect Remains of that Natural Light which these Men who thus speak grant all to have as well before as after Christ's coming in the Flesh. 2. Others say that this is indeed an Universal and Saving Light but they restrain it to that Visible Appearance and make the ALL to be all those that will believe and the World to be that New Spiritual World Christ came to create by Saving Knowledge which Believers come into I will briefly answer both and therein as well all the pretended Anti-Socinians viz J. Owen R. Baxter T. Danson J. Clapham J. Bunnion S. Eaton J. Grig T. Imner T. Hicks and abundance more who hold the former as those who are reputed Socinians who hold the latter It is agreed by the First in the beginning of this Chapter that Christ's Eternal Divinity is declared by the Evangelist since some of them and particularly J. Owen tells us out of Eusebius that it was written on that very Occasion one Cerinthus then denying any such thing This Word which was with God and was and is God This God the same Person tells us in his first Epistle is Light By Him all things were made among the rest Mankind He then tells us that This Word had Life and from thence descends to inform us what the Word was with respect to Man In Him the Word was Life and the Life the Light of Men as such He was that True Light and not John who only came to bear Witness of that True Light which inlightens all Mankind coming into the World That this Light is Divine and no otherwise Natural then as it is Christ's Nature or Natural to the Word I shall thus prove Man is here supposed to be before he was inlightened therefore what ever was proper and connatural to Man as Man he had before he was inlightened that is he had a reasonable Soul indued with intelligent Faculties and that clothed with a Body fitted with sensible Organs The Latter differ'd him from Inanimate the Former from Irrational Creatures But still the Light with which this Soul is enlightened in reference to God and things appertaining to its Eternal Well being belongs not to Man as Man Surely then this Light must be superadded that is over and above Man's Composition as a meer Understanding Creature and consequently it must descend from above and in this Sense be Supernatural Thus the Word created all things and among them made Man enlightened Man with a Supernatural Light That this Light was not only over and above Man's Nature but is also of a Divine and Saving One in it self 〈◊〉 prove from its being the Life of the Word for if the Life of the Word be the Light of Men here is no such thing as descending to an Effect to prove the Light Divine a that the Life should bring forth a Light and therefore this Light is Divine because the Life of the Word that Product it is so I say without going to an Effect for a Proof of the Light 's Divinity I thus Undeniably prove it from the Life it self for that very Divine LIFE is the LIGHT not that it createth or brings forth a Light as a Cause doth an Effect but is that very Light it self so that unless they will make that Life Natural I mean as they do Created though very improperly for a Divine Life is Natural to Christ they cannot conclude the Light which is not the Product but that very same Life it felf to be a meer Natural Light If then the very LIFE of the Word be the LIGHT of Men unless the LIFE of the Word be NATURAL the LIGHT of Men must be SUPERNATURAL DIVINE and INFINITE as it becomes the LIFE of the WORD which is GOD to be And this roundly checks the dull Ignorance or base Malice of Tho. Hicks who either could not or would not understand G. Whitehead when he said The Light must needs be Divine because the Life from whence it came is so and the Effect is alwayes of the same Nature with the Cause in any other sense then this That because saith Tho. Hicks God is the Cause of Beasts
Neglect as the Imperfection of them is either of his Insufficiency or Unwillingness that made them to do otherwise What is this but to say God expects Homage from Men as their Soveraign Lord and that they live uprightly in the World yet he has given them no Ability in order to do it He pronounces such Miserable who conform themselves not to an Holy Life but gives no Power to avoid the Curse In short though Reason tell us he made none purposely to Destroy them but rather that he might be glorified in their Salvation which he is also said to invite Men to yet that he designs nothing less by leaving any or all Mankind under the Fa●…ntings of an Impossible Success But as such Dismal Consequences belong not to the Truth what ever share such kind of Calvinistical Predestinarians may have therein so we are well assured that the Light of which we speak has ever been Sufficient to the End for which it has been given in every Age both to Manifest Evil Condemn for it and Redeem by the Holy Inclinings and Operation of its Power those who are the Diligent Disciples of it For it seems most Unreasonable that the Spirit of Darkness should be sufficient to draw into and Destroy by Sin and yet the Spirit of Light not be sufficient to Redeem and Save from it Since therefore we cannot admit of any Insufficiency in the Light within but we must suppose that whilst God would be rightly worshipt he has too darkly discovered the Way how to do it aright that bis Gift is Impotent that Man is required to do what he has no Power to perform and that whilst God requires Man to serve him he hath not so much as shown him what way he ought to do it All which Consequences are most Unworthy of God We rather chuse to sit down contented with this Belief that God who made Man and has given him a Soul Capable of Knowing and Serving his Maker hath also endued him with Divine Knowledge by a SUPERADDED LIGHT AND POWER and enabled him thereby to live subservient to that Knowledge That God's Gift is perfect and sufficient for that Work and that such as are led by it must needs be led to God unto which that Divine Light naturally tends and attracts as that from whom it came which is certainly a State of blessed Immortality In short accept these few Arguments Comprehensive of these two Chapters and indeed most of what goes before 1. God requires no Man to do any thing he has nog given him first to Know and the●… Power to Do. But God requires every Man to fear him and work Righteousness Consequently He has given every Man both a Discovery of his Will and Power to do it 2. No Man ought to worship the true God Ignorantly But every Man is commanded to worship God therefore He is to do it Knowingly 3. No Man can know God but He must ●…over it to him and that cannot be without Light therefore every Man has Light 4. This Light must be Sufficient or God's Gifts are Imperfect and answer not the end for which they were given But God's Gifts are perfect and can perform what they are designed to therefore since the Light is his Gift it must be Sufficient The Sum is this Every Man ought to Fear Worship and Obey God No Man can do it a●…ight that knows him not No Man can know him but by the Discovery he makes of himself No Discovery can be made without Light Nor this Light give that Discovery if imperfect ●…r Insuffecient in Nature Therefore all have a Sufficient Light to this great End and Purpose viz. To Fear Worship and Obey God CHAP. XXV The 〈◊〉 Who He or They are that obey the Light c Considered and Answered being a Character of a true Quak r. AS I took Occasion to begin this Discourse from the late Dialogue so shall I end so much of it as immediately concerns the Light with my Answer to the third Query made by T. Hicks W●…o this He or They are that obey this Light and in obeying attain S●…lvation ' If I should take his Question as personally directed I mean what Man or Men they be I should decline to answer for the Controversy is not now of Person but Principles I rather take this to be his Meaning What are the Qualifications of those that obey this Light Not what are their Names but what kind or manner of People are they In short what is it to obey the Light I think I have so fully exprest my self already in this Matter that with an 〈◊〉 Adversary I might be saved the Pains of any further considering it But that nothing may be thought to be 〈◊〉 as Unanswerable which is so easy to be answered I tell him and all Men and that not without some Knowledge experimental of what I say That such 〈◊〉 the Light who 〈◊〉 all that it manifests to be Evil and inclines to perform all that it requires to be done For Example When the Light shows that it is Inconsistent with a Man fearing God to be 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 Proud Covetous Backbiting Envious Wrathful Unmerciful Revengeful Prophane Drunken Voluptuo●… 〈◊〉 which with such like are called in Scripture the Fruits of the Flesh and Works of Darkness and Persons so qualified the Children of Wrath such as delight not to retain God in their Knowledge c. I say when the Light discovers these things to be Inconsistent with a Man fearing God He who truly Obeyes the Light denyes and forsakes them however Cress it be to Flesh and Blood and let it cost him never so dear Though Relations do both threaten and entreat the World m●…ck and he be sure to become the Song of the Drunckard and a De●…ision to his Ancient Companions No he dare not conform himself any more to the Fashions of the World which pass away and that draw out the Mind into vain and unprofitable Delights by which the 〈◊〉 in him had been 〈◊〉 neither to gratifie the Lust of the Eye the Lust of the Flesh and the Pride of Life which are not of the Nature of his Father who has begotten better Desires in him He rejects the Conversation he once had in the World and in the Eye of its Children seems a Man Forlorn and Distracted he takes up the Cross desp●…ses the Shame and willingly drinks o●… the Cup of bitter Mockings and yields to be baptized with the Baptism of deep Tryals Christ Jesus his Lord 〈◊〉 of and was baptized with He is as well taught to deny the Religions as Cares and Pleasures of the World Such as prosess Religion from what they have either been taught by others or read and gathered with their Carnal Minds in the Scriptures intruding into the Practices of either Prophets or Apostles as to External and Shadowy things not being led thereto by the same Power they had he can have no Fellowship with He
In short If the holy Ancients had Faith before they had and wrote Scr●…pture they had a Rule before they had or wrote Scripture for where Faith is there is a Rule for that Faith And if the Faith be of one Nature the Rule is of one Nature And since the Faith is Inward Spiritual begotten of the Immortal Word in which is Life and that the Light of men and that this Word Life and Light was the Rule then no more Book Writing or ingraving on visible and perishable Matter can be the Rule now Again Such as the Faith is such must the Rule be But the Faith is as before Inward and Spirual therefore the Rule must be Inward and spiritual which no meer Book can be 2. If the Scriptures were the Rule they must have always been a perfect Rule ever since they were a Rule But this is impossible since they were many hundred years in writing and are now imperfect also as to Number How then the perfect Rule That they were not the Perfect Rule before they were written must be granted and that they were many hundred Years awriting must also be allowed and that they are imperfect now as to Number I prove First Enoch's Prophecy is mentioned by Jude but not extant in the Bible the Books of the Wars of the Lord Numb 21. 14. The Book of Jasher Josh. 10. 13. 2 Sam. 1. 18. The Book of Nathan 2 Chron. 9. 29. The Book of Shemaiah 2 Chron. 12. 15. The Book of Jehu The Epistle of Paul to the Laodiceans Collos. 4. 16. and several others mentioned in the Scriptures not now extant And lastly Luke sayes That many took in hand to relate from Eye-Witnesses the things most surely believed c. Now 't is taken for granted that John wrote many Years after Luke Some think Luke wrote before Mark However Matthew and Mark were not many and to this day we see no more then those four in our Bibles and therefore many such Writings lost and if lost then the Scriptures not perfect and if imperfect how can they be the Rule of Faith since the Rule of Faith must be perfect 3. My third Reason is this The Scriptures however useful to Edification and Comfort seem not in their own Nature and Frame to have been compil'd and delivered as the Rule and intire Body of Faith but rather upon particular Occasions and Emergencies The Doctrines are scattered throughout the Scriptures insomuch that those Societies who have given forth verbal Confessions of their Faith have been necessitated to toss them to and fro search here and search there to lay down this or the other Principle and then as like the original Text as their Apprehensions are whereas were it as plain and distinct as the Nature of a Rule requires they needed only to have given their Subscription for a Confession Besides here they are Proper there Metaphorical in one place Literally in another Mystically to be accepted Most times Points are to be prov'd by comparing and weighing Places coherent here to allude aptly and not wrong the Sense is difficult and requires infallible Discerning notwithstanding the Brawlers of our times against Infallibility Now from all this with abundance more that might be said plain it is that the Scriptures are not plain but to the spiritual man but as Peter said of Paul s Writings in many things hard to be understood therefore not the Rule which ought to be plain proper and intelligible 4. Again the Scripture cannot be the Rule of Faith because it cannot give Faith for Faith is the Gift of God which overcomes the World neither of Practice because it cannot distinguish of it self in all Cases what ought to be practised and what not it containing as well what ought not to be practised as what ought This was the Case of Christ's Disciples who had no particular Rule in the old Testament Writings for the abolishing of some part of the old Testament Religion on the contrary they might have pleaded for the Perpetuity of it because Christ said unto them Do as they say that sit in Moses ' s Chair more reasonably then many make that a Plea now adayes for their invented Worships What guided them in their declaring void and relinquishing those things For Instance God gave Circumcision as a Sign for ever And Paul tells the Galatians That if they be circumcised Christ should profit them nothing Was not this the Spirit of Truth that leads into all Truth that they made the Judge and Rule of their Doctrine and Practices So James and the Assembly of the Apostles when they said It seem●…th good to the Holy Ghost and to us c. 5. These very men that say it is the Rule of Faith and Life deviate in their Proof from their Assertion for the Scriptures no where say so of themselves He that flyes to Meanings and Interpretations The Question arises not about the Truth of the Text for that is agreed on on all hands but the Exposition of it If then I yield to that Man do I bow to the Letter of the Text or to his Interpretation If the Latter as manifestly I do is the Scripture or that Man's Sense of it my Rule Nay the Person so interpreting makes not the Scripture his Rule but his own Apprehension whatever he may say to gain Credit to his Conceptions in others then Mine it must needs be I consenting thereto 6. How shall I be assured that these Scriptures came from God I am bound to try all things If all things then Them amongst the rest I would fain know what I must try them with with the Scriptures Then the Scriptures must be the Rule of my Examination and Faith concerning themselves which is improper If with the Spirit that gave them forth that searcheth the deep things of God a measure of which is given to me to profit withal Then is it most congruous to call the Spirit and not the Scriptures the Rule 7. If the Scriptures are the Rule they are so either in their Original or Copies If in their Original that is not extant then no Rule in being for the last of it that was extant was John's History at Ephesus not seen these thousand Years If the Copies must be the Rule it were to be wished we knew which were the nighest to the Original there being above thirty in Number This is undetermined and for ought we see indeterminable And that which makes good what I say are the Variety of Readings among those Copies amounting to several thousands And if the Copies cannot how can the Translations be the Rule so differing from the true Sense of the Copies in many things and one from another Besides I would fain know of those of our present Age who thus contend for the Scriptures being the Rule c. in Opposition to the Spirit upon what foot they receive them into this Place and Authority Is it by Tradition or Revelation I mean
begotten Who then is my Rule to inform order strengthen and lead through the whole Experience but the same Spirit All Doctrinal Scripture was experienced before written or they had not been true Witnesses who wrote it Now that which was their Rule can only guide us into the same Experiences nor are they to be known before experienced Do my Will and you shall know more of my Doctrine saith Christ. I read the History of such things This saves not Neither can the History be the Rule leading into the Mystery That belongs only to the Spirit that searcheth the deep things of God Consequently the Spirit and not the Scripture is the Rule for so believing and living Obj. But is not this to make void the Protestants Plea against the Papists That the Scriptures are the Rule of Faith and Practice Answ. No such matter For the Question was not Whether the Spirit of Christ or the Scripture was the Rule But Whether the Scripture God's Tradition or Popish Traditions were the Rule to measure the Truth of Doctrines and Practices by We grant that particular Scriptures rightly understood may measure what is agreeable or disagreeable to them that is such Doctrines and Practices as are contrary to that part of Scripture more particularly relating to our dayes are questionable by the Scripture especially since all Parties pretend what they say and do is according to Scripture Yet this concludes not the Scripture to be the General and Evangelical Rule Obj. But if God had not revealed those things that are in Scripture by it to us ●…ow could they have been known by us Answ. They were known by the Light and Spirit of Christ before written from whence they are call'd Scripture Therefore it is said That the Prophets searched diligently what and what manner of Time the Spirit of Christ that was in them did signifie when it testified before-hand of the Sufferings of Christ. Nor are they ever the more reveal'd to the blind and dark Mind because there written The Mysteries of Regeneration are as puzling to Natural Wit and Earthly Wisdom as before Therefore well said Epiphanius Only to the Children of the Holy Ghost all the Holy Scriptures are plain and easie Mens going to hammer out Principles without that infallible Guide and Rule hath been the Cause of that great Confusion that is over Mankind about Religion Obj. But how could you have known those Prophecies to be true for that is not matter of Witnessing but Fore-telling Answ. That is an extraordinary Revelation not falling within the ordinary Discoveries absolutely necessary to mans Salvation but to shew his Power Faithfulness that he is God and can and will fore-tell and bring to pass But therefore must there be an Extraordinary Light or Spirit and not rather an Extraordinary Sight and Se●…ne from one and the same Light and Spirit in them Besides That which gives me to believe and savour it to be from the Spirit and not by Imposture is my Rule for believing it Now that the Spirit so doth Calvin and Beza too as before cited assert for me viz. The same Spirit that spake by the Mouth of the Prophets must pierce into our Hearts to perswade us that they faithfully declared that which was committed to them of God Obj. But this Light you speak of could not tell you which way Sin came into the World That there was an Adam and Eve that they fell after that manner that Sin so entered the World That Christ was born of a Virgin suffered Death and rose again That you ought not to Swear in any case c. if the Scriptures had not told you so Answ. That is boldly said But consider well Moses sayes the vulgar Opinion had that Account above Two Thousand Years after the Creation by Revelation which we find in Genesis Now that there could be no Revelation without this Divine Light or Spirit which is the Life of the Eternal Creating Word must needs be granted For the Spirit of God knoweth only the Things of God and whatever makes manifest is Light And that the Spirit and Light are one though two Names has been sufficiently evidenced If then it was this Light of the Eternal Word that delivered these past things to Moses and gave that Prospect of future things to the Prophets as no doubt it was if Scripture be indubitable then to say the Light or Spirit could not do it is Blasphemous Again To argue because the Light does not reveal every Circumstance of History to each Individual that hath already an Account that therefore it could not is ridiculous Were the History of the Transactions of Christ and his Followers wanting as before Moses was that of Adam and his Posterity and that the Lord saw it needful to acquaint Mankind therewith no doubt but the Light and Spirit which revealed the Account of the Creation above Two Thousand Years after to Moses and fore-told several Hundred Years many of those Transactions of Christ by the Prophets would also have supplyed that Want But inasmuch as an Account is extant and therefore not needed 't is vain to make that Objection Again It does not follow because every man has a Measure of Light to inform and rule him that therefore he must needs know all which that Light knows or is able to reveal to him I return that Argument thus upon our Adversaries They say they have the Spirit of God Then they know all that the Spirit of God knows or can reveal to them If the latter be absurd then the former Again say they The Light within did not reveal Christ to the Gentiles that Christ should be born of a Virgin c. therefore insufficient I return upon them thus The Spirit of God given to the Children of Israel Neh. 9. 20. did not acquaint them that Christ should be born of a Virgin nor much more of his Life and Bodily Transactions therefore the Spirit of God was insufficient The like may be concluded against the Spirit in the Prophets For 't is manifest from 1 Pet. 1. 10 11. that the Spirit had not revealed to all the Prophets the Time of Christ's Appearance and Sufferings was the Spirit therefore an insufficient Rule to them But that which falls heaviest upon our Adversaries is this That the Scriptures by their own Argument are a most imperfect Account themselves of what was done not relating the hundredth part of things therefore as insufficient in not relating what is behind as they would weakly render the Light or Spirit in not revealing to every Individual those things already related Nay they may as well infer Insufficiency to the Spirit or the Light within in that it does not now shew all that shall be to the End of the World which in their proper Seasons there will be a Necessity to know as to reflect insufficiency upon it c. because it did not foretel things now past to ●…ormer Ages or needlesly reveal
its directing Men to the same Power of God for the subduing and bruising Satan under their Feet which in their own particulars they must experience whoever attain to Deliverance or Salvation from the Power of Sin and Satan As also God hath promised to make a New-Covenant with his People It s new not as opposed to the Light within as implying its waxing old but new as that the old Covenant without which the Jews broke was to decay and vanish this New-Covenant being a Covenant of Light Life and Peace a Covenant whereby he takes away and forgives Sin This they only have a Part in who obey the Universal Light of the Son of God within which no Way differs in Nature from the Covenant it self nor can it oppose the Ends of it but is a Light of the same Life and Fulness that is enjoyed in the Covenant or Agreement with God moving and conducing to the very same End and Agreement as ob●…ed and waited in and as the Jews outward had a Rule directory and Law in the Letter without though that alone could not give Life so the Jew inward hath his Rule directory and Law inward in Spirit which can give Life And this New-Covenant is the last Dispensation of God in Christ to Man wherein his Highest Spiritual and Saving Knowledge is to be received by all that truely obey his Light and though this be new as to his renewed glorious Discovery herein yet he who is the Life of this Covenant and given for a Covenant and Salvation is the first and the last the Rock of Ages whom God hath decreed to anoint or set up upon the Hill of his Holiness even the Holy Hill of Sion that he may subdue and rule the Nations and be the Salvation of God to the Ends of the Earth more abundantly to be manifest in these last Ages wherein his Church cometh out of the Wilderness and the Holy City New Jerusalem is discovered from Heaven as a Bride prepared for the Bridegroom and the Lord God and the Lamb as promised is the Light thereof and the Nations of them that are saved shall walk in the Light of this City and for this End is the Gospel made known and preached again after a long Night and Reign of Anti-Christ Beast false Prophet Dragon and Whore whose Judgment is revealed even against all the dark Whorish Spirits and Hypocritical Envieus Agents of Anti-Christ and Satan who do not only envy oppose and gain-say the Truth and undervalue the True Light as its an Universal Principle in man but also resist and strive against the Glorious Breaking forth and Discovery thereof in our Dayes for which the Lord will rebuke them and he that sits in Heaven hath them in Derision And all such Babylonish Builders and Envious Agents as divers of these Men called Anabaptists or Dippers now shew themselves to be whose Malice Madness and Folly shall be manifest to all Men why do they rage and fret and revile but because the Light is sprung up and the Over-spreading Day of God is broken forth who hath said as truely as I live all the Earth shall be filled with the Glory of the Lord Num. 14. 21. The Stone cut out without Hands that s●…ites the Image shall become a great Mountain and fill the Earth the God of Heaven is setting up his Kingdom which shall never be destroyed as is prophesied in Daniel Yea Truth is sprung out of the Earth which strikes at Satan's and Anti-christ's Kingdom and again bruiseth the Serpent's Head who hath lodged and covered himself under their empty Forms Shaddows and Liveless Professions as he did among the persecuting Jews of old The Lord hath lifted up a Standard against their Hypocrisie and Deceit who have been covering an Envious Spirit with a Pretence of Christianity And he is exalting his Gospel-Dispensation in setting up his Light above their Darkness his Power above their empty Forms the Substance above the Shaddow the Spirit above the Letter and his Worship in Spirit and Truth above Will-Worship in Hypocrisie At this Satan is offended and his Agents are angry These our present Opposers vent forth their Confusion Envy and Strife though it be against the Stream they are wearying themselves for very Vanity the Fire which they have kindled in their Envy against the Lord's Heritage wherein they are labouring shall devour them 1. These Anabaptists Babylonish Confusion greatly appears about the Light which is in every Man as Men whom Enmity hath blinded and whose Minds are alienated from it into gross Darkness Though the Controversie between us is not upon the Question Whether there be a Light or any Light in every man for thus far we both agree in the Affirmative but whether God hath given a Divine or Sufficient Light to every Man to shew and direct him out of Sin and Evil to God who is Light and the Giver of Light for Life and Salvation which we affirm but these Dippers deny especially such of them who are particular Electioners or Predestinarians whose partial Doctrine doth not really place the Cause of Men's Condemnation upon their Neglect or Disobedience of the Light given them but originally upon God's secret Decree against them and his with-holding saving Light or Grace from them as they both falsly and partially imagine however it s confest to be tendered to all in preaching the Gospel without Exception or Respect of Persons But under what Terms or Names do these our Opposers represent this Light which they confess is in every Man to prove it Insufficient either for a Rule or Guide to Salvation Sometime they call it a Creature sometime a Natural Light sometime the Substance of the Law or first Covenant which they grant ought to be improved Sometimes after a more gross manner they blasphemously represent it as a Mis-guiding Light directly opposing the Covenant of Grace and to be rejected but how well this agrees with its being a Light given of God to be improved surely sor a good End I leave to the Serious Impartial Reader to judge of which he may see further about in the following Answer to Thomas Hicks And as touching these Men's Envy against us called Quakers as being offended at our present Liberty and Prosperity H. Grigg endeavours to clear them in his Epistle to the Baptists not Babylonish by this Passage viz. I have not the least Enmity nor Hatred in my Heart against the Persons of any of these People called Quakers nor are we offended or troubled at their present Liberty as he seems to charge us though we cannot deny but their Principles and unsound Doctrines tend to the wounding and grieving of our Souls because we see daily more and more the dangerous and damnable Nature thereof Mark that while hypocritically they pretend to clear and quit themselves from having the least Enmity against our Persons or Offence at our present Liberty It appears they would be gratified or pleased if the Powers would do them
by thee in shunning those many Evils thou art checkt for and performing the good to which it excites thee thou wouldst both know and speak better of it then thou dost as that which both moves and leads in the Way to Salvation which is from Sin here and from Wrath hereafter and so unto Christ who is the Giver of it But it is probable thou thinkst thou art an elect Person and so in thy Presumption slites the Light within as not only Insufficient of it self to guide unto Salvation but also as a mis-guiding Light And this Doctrine herein opposeth thy Maker and his Universal good to Man-kind How then thinkest thou that the Rebellious can be left without Excuse or God be known to be clear when he judges Sect. V. The Dipper proved a Blind Guide and in gross Confusion in undervaluing the Light within T. H. DId the Light in Saul reprove him for persecuting the Church Doth not he himself confess that he verily thought he ought to do many things against the Name of Jesus Yea doth not Christ tell his Disciples that some would kill them and yet think they did God Service But how could they think so if this Light in them did reprove for it p. 8 9. Answ. Thou having asserted that there are some Sins which the Light reproves not among these thou instancest namely persecuting the Church doing many things against the Name of Jesus killing the Disciples and therefore concludes it no sufficient Rule O! thou blind Guide how darest thou thus accuse and undervalue the Light of Christ within contrary to thy many Concessions elsewhere Is Christ the Life and Light of men And yet does not his Light reprove Persecution and Murther If it reprove not these what are the Evils it checks for What rational Man cannot see thy manifest Folly herein thus to confound Persecutors evil Thoughts with the Light within and to conclude the Light within no sufficient Rule because of some mens Wickedness who have rebelled against the Light and therein thou hast put Darkness for Light And what were the Pricks that were hard for Saul to kick against And where was that Holy Ghost which the Persecutor alwayes resisted Act. 7 Their Envious and superstitious Minds and dark Thoughts were not the Light but such as clouded and obscured the Light in them yet the Kingdom of Heaven was in those Jews and so much divine Light in those Heathen as shewed them that there was a true and unknown God to be worshipped with sincere Hearts and pure minds and that in him we live and move and have our Being had they waited in that Light and listened to it they would both truely have known God his Way and Worship as some did If all things that are reproved are made manifest by the Light how dost thou exclude those gross Sins of Persecution and Murder from being reproved by the Light And why dost thou argue against it from mens persecuting and murtherous Thoughts which arise from their Enmity and Rebellion against the Light But further I argue against thee on the Behalf of the Light viz. That its manifesting all things that are reproved is in order to guide men out of all reprovable Wayes which if they be guided out of they are in their Duty For where man is not reproveable for any thing he is in his whole Duty and so in the right Way T. H. Did the Light in the Heathen-Philosophers check them for multiplying their Deityes and for not believing that Jesus is the Christ Or did it reprove them for their manifold Superstitions And were they thereby directed to the right Way of worshipping the true God I demand an Instance among the many Thousands of Man-kind c. p. 9. Answ. That which might be known of God which was manifest in the Heathen and which did open the Eyes of many clearly to see the eternal Power and God head Rom. 1. that was able to direct them into the right Way of worshipping the true God for the reason why many run into Superstition and to multiply Gods was because that when they knew God they Glorified him not as God but became vaine in their Imaginations Rom. 1. which was their Sin and not any Defect of the Light given them from above for that Light which gave them the Knowledge of the true God was therefore able to direct them into the right Way of worshipping him And whereas thou demandest an Instance among the many Thousands of Man-kind that hath been convinced or reproved for not believing Jesus to be the Christ by the meer Light within before any Light of Revelation was brought unto them p. 9. Thou still persists in thy dull course of begging the question while thou takest it for granted that the Light within is but a Creature or natural and so not any absolute revealing Light But this I cannot grant thee while it is revealing God and his eternal Power to man that waits in it However thou slites it under thy frequent Phrase Meer Light within though it be neither opposed to the Spirit nor Revelation as thou wouldst have it while it is Divine and Spiritual And that thousands of Man-kind are reproved for not believing in the Son of God is evident by the Spirit of Truth reproving the World of Sin because they believe not in the Son of God in that they do not believe in his Life or Light within they do not believe in him who is the Giver of it and therefore reproved by the Spirit and surely many Thousands are comprehended in this World of Unbelievers Sect. VI. His Ignorance of the Divine Principle T. H. I Grant that the Light in thee may reprove for those Sins the common Light in all Man-kind will not because thou hast borrowed much Light from the Scriptures p. 9. Answ. It s evident thou understands not the Principle of divine Light within from what thou hast borrowed from the Scriptures with thy Imaginations perverting them wherein is thy great Darkness thou egregiously mistakeest a litteral Notion and Historical Faith for the divine Light within which is given to all which is a pure Incorruptible and Unchangeable Principle of Life and Truth immediately given and shining from Christ the Eternal Word and not mens acquired Notions from the History of Christ's outward Manifestation in the Flesh. But in thy gross Ignorance thou exalts such Acquirements of men above the Principle of Light within And so mens Historical Profession of the Scriptures as their only Rule though they much differ in their meanings therein which they make their Rule many times above the Scriptures and above the Gift of God this is a great Error of you Litteral Professors Thou wouldst not be pleased should I alledge your various Opinions upon the Scriptures to prove them no sufficient Rule though thus thou art pleased contradictorily to deal with the Light within Had the Princes of this World obeyed the Light of Christ within they would not have crucified
the Lord of Glory for it would have given them a Sence and Knowledge of him there were those that grieved and vext the Holy Spirit within would it therefore be a good Argument to say that his Spirit was no sufficient Rule And to what thou sayst of Jesus Christ as come in the Flesh a Person prophesied of born at Bethlehem p. 11. we never said the Light in every man was Christ under these Considerations though Christ considered as the 〈◊〉 enlightens every man Spiritually and Divinely Both John the Baptist and John the Evangelist gave a higher Proof and Testimony of Christ then this you Baptists give When John Baptist said he is preferred before me for he was before me and John the Evangelist saith In the beginning was the Word c. this was Christ. Sect. VII His Madness and Self-Contradiction about the Light TOuching our obeying the Commands of the living Word in us for this thou accuseth us with a mental and mystical Reservation which thou sayst indeed is no other then a meer mystical Romance p. 10. For which the Lord rebuk ethy Prophaneness and Irreligious romancing against the Word and Light within Also thy Blasphemy is very manifest in accusing what we said of the Light within as to the Miracles Wonders or Works wrought by it to be no more then what the Apostle spake of the man of Sin 2 Thes. 2. 9. and also what may as well prove Mahomet to be the true Christ as the Light in us p. 11 12. Here again thou actest the Part of a Bedlam against the Light in us which else-where thou hast confest to be Christ for that he is the Life and Light of Men and is not this Christ the Messiah They that have believed in his Light within and so truely made Tryal of it do know that wrought by it which never was wrought either by the man of Sin or Mahomet for to believe in this Light is the Way to become Children of it the Way to see Darkness and the Power of it to vanish and so to have Sathan overcome by the Power of Christ received in the Light and this did never the Man of Sin nor Mahomet therefore thy Instance herein is most Blasphemous And if we be accountable for every Dispensation of Light according to its kind and degree p. 13. of what kind is this Dispensation of Light that 's given in common unto Mankind thou hast sufficiently answered to thy own utter Overthrough in pag. 36. viz. T. H. Yet all this is no Disparagement to the Light within to say that God doth make any thing more known of his Will than is or can be known by this meer Light within for 't is but to say that each degree of Light is serviccable to its End Reply Where now Mark that the Difference about the Light that is given in common to all and more peculiarly manifest to some is not in the Nature and Kind of it but in Degree and surely the Degrees of the Light do not alter the Property of it The divine Light is one and the same Throughout all Ages both in the time of the Law Prophets of Christ coming in the flesh which was to exalt his mannifestation in Spirit And now in the fulness of time shining forth in a more glorious and powerful Manifestation the same Light hath shined forth more and more throughout the several dispensations of God which were all for the Exaltation and bringing forth of the Light in its degrees and Manifestations of Glory and Power But what Account wilt thou give to God for thy so much undervaluing that Degree of Light that he hath given unto all Mankind as thou hast done One while in judging it a misguiding Light another while comparing our Tstimony of it to the man of Sin Mahomet c. Another while it is so dis-esteemed by thee as not sufficient to discover or reprove Persecution and killing the Disciples and yet we must be acountable to God for it What mean and confused Thoughts thou hast of it the Impartial Reader may easily judge by the tenor of this thy most contradictory Discourse But they who experienced the Increase of Light in them the Superaddition of divine Revelation p. 12. the shining of the Light more and more unto the perfect Day their being changed from Glory to Glory it was through the diligent Improvement of that Degree of Light that sure Word of Prophesie shining in their hearts and not by opposing and disparaging of it as thou hast done in thy Pride and Darkness which covers thee who art one that stumbles at the Ingrafted Word through thy Disobedience In which thou wouldst have us to believe the Light within to be not sufficient to guide unto Salvation while thou hast not followed it to experience the good End of its Guidance as we have done Thou pretends to know what it cannot do but ●…elst us not what it can do and to what end it will lead if truely obeyed Nor what will become of those that improve it who have not the Scriptures or Historical Relation of Christ as come in the Flesh wherein thou art deficient and difingenuous in all thy Work Sect. VIII Christ as the Rock of Ages and the Intent of his coming in the Flesh not known to Baptists while they oppose his Light within T. H. JEsus Christ was a Person of whom there were many Prophesies which should be fulfilled in him p. 11. If this Light within be the true and only Christ then why was there so many Sacrifices in the time of the Law tipifying Christ to come since Moses and the rest of the Children of Israel had a Light in them If you say the Light within was not the Messiah then you deny your Principle If it were what Significancy could there be in those Types respecting Christ to come p. 12. Answ. Thou thinkst thou hast caught us in a learned Dilemma here but what amounts the tenour of it to but to tell us either that the true Christ was not in being in Moses and Israels time or that he was not in them for if he were thou questionest what Significancy could there be in those Types But here thou art very dark for though Christ's Manifestation did differ both in degree and manner of Appearance and though when in the Fulness of time he came to fulfil the Prophesies and Types of him the Power and Glory of the Father was more fully and eminently and signally manifest in him then in any before and the Light more shone forth exemplarily in him yet it follows not that the true Christ was not in being in Moses and in the Prophets time or that his Light was not in some Degree manifested both before under and since the Law If the true Christ was in being and in any degree manifest his Light needs must but the true Christ was in being from Everlasting and in time universally shining and manifest in some degree
throughout all the Generations of the Righteous since the World began being the Rock of Ages that spiritual Rock whereof all Israel drank 1 Cor. 10. 4. who said before Abraham was I am this great and most eminent Prophet God promised to raise up unto Israel of their Brethren which was in a more familiar Appearance even in the Flesh though his spiritual Out-goings were before from of old and he was called the faithful and true Witness the beginning of the Creation of God Rev. 3. 14. who faith behold I stand at the door and knock if any man hear my Voice and open the Door I will come in to him and will sup with him and he with me ver 20. Now I ask what and where is that Door that he so universally knocks at And is not this the true Christ that thus knocketh And was not his Light or Word in Israels Hearts and his Spirit in the Holy Prophets by which they fore-saw his Coming in the Flesh his Sufferings and Glory that should follow Now though the pure Light and Glory of the Father was more fully eminently and signally then ever before manifest and shining forth in him as coming in the fulness of time to consummate and end the Types and Shadows of the first Covenant whereby he gave a more eminent and signal Testimony of God's Universal Love and Power to man this is no Argument to prove that either the true Christ or his Universal Light was not in being and in some degree discovered before for without this no Soul could ever be saved it was his divine Light that could minister Life unto the Soul and not Shadows Sect. IX The Dipper plung'd in a Laborinth of self-Contradictions and the Light within proved a Rule above the Scriptures T. H. IT will be our Wisdom yea our Duty not only to attend the Light within but specially to those Revelations of God's Mind and Will in the Holy Scriptures p. 13. Answ. In thy granting its part of our Duty to attend to the Light within thou hast plainly contradicted thy Blasphemy in opposing it in other places as a mis-guiding Light and comparing it with the Man of Sin Mahomet c. and judging our following its Conduct as a subverting and anihilating the Covenant of Grace and that this Light doth directly oppose it and ought to be rejected as appears p. 38. Is it part of our Duty to attend upon that that subverteth and opposeth the Covenant of Grace O! that thou wouldst consider and see thy Blasphemy and what a Laborinth of Contradictions thou art fallen into as also in thy Concession of attending to the Light within thou art defective whilst thou dost not place the special Attention to be upon it but upon the Scriptures whereas the Light within is specially to be attended to as that which both opens the Understanding in the Scriptures and discovers the several Conditions which they relate to otherwise men are apt to pervert and mis-apply the Scriptures to their own Destruction turning the Truth of God into a Lye as they did who turned their Backs upon the Manifestation of God in them Rom. 1. 19 21 25. T. H. I conceive enough hath been said to evince that the Light in every man neither is the true Christ nor a sufficient Rule to guide us unto Salvation p. 13. Answ. While Thou are following thy own Conceptions thou dost not follow the Guidance of the Light of Christ within and therefore conceivest amiss of it for it is a true and perfect Rule unto which he that loveth doth truth cometh and bringeth his Deeds that they may be manifest that they are wrought in God Joh. 3. 21. it is a convincing Rule that pure and inward Law or Light which converts the Soul It doth not onely convict man of Sin but upon Repentance evidenceth unto him Remission And this doth not the Scriptures without to men particularly though they testify of the several Conditions which the Light guides the Soul through The Scriptures testifie against all Sin but do not shew unto men their particular Sins many read the Scriptures who over-look the Deceits of their own Hearts but if they Eye this Light of the Son of God within it will manifest unto them their particular Evils and shew them their Thoughts Motions and Actions and the Tendance of each so do not the Scriptures they cannot of themselves convince any as the divine Light can And this divine Light within discovers all the Temptations and mysterious Workings and Depths of Satan to that Soul that waits in it as they are met withall and as Satan attempts to insnare that the Soul may shun his Snares and Wiles upon all Occasions and in all Tryals and this does not the Letter without This Light within also as a perfect and immediate Rule of Faith directs the Soul in all the Operations of Faith against all the Innumerable Temptations and Tryals and Besetments of the Enemy and it opens an Inward Eye of Faith and is the Immediate Guide to see him who is Invisible through all but so is not the Scripture All which being seriously considered the Light within is the Rule of Faith and not the Scripture But if it be objected That the Scriptures being the Rule of Faith is not intended without the Help of the Spirit or divine Light in the Soul I answer This granteth that the Scriptures are not the Rule of Faith alone therefore that they are not to be taken as the Intire Rule of Faith they not being effectual without the Spirit whereas the Spirit is effectual without the Scriptutes and able of it self to lead into all Truth The Spirit or Heavenly Unction considered as a higher Degree Gift or Effusion of divine Life than that degree of Light that is given in common to all is attained unto only by those that faithfully improve the Life or Light in its less Appearance which in some degree appears in every man's Conscience T. H. I query whether all the Generations of Christians since Christ's time until within these very few Years be not eertainly lost and damned forasmuch as they acknowledged not this Light within as the true Christ p. 12. Answ. This shews thou hast very little Sense of all the Christians and their Acknowledgments who thus queriest of them Did not they acknowledge Christ in them the Immortal Word of Life and Light in them And was not Christ both their Life Light and Salvation And was not the Apostle Paul sent to turn the Gentiles from Darkness to Light And did not all the true Ministers preach Christ as God's Covenant given for a Light and Salvation to the Ends of the Earth But in thy dark Thoughts thou seest not the Drift of rheir Testimony but queriest whether all the Generations of Christians till within these few Years be not certainly lost and damned And yet thou wouldst be accounted a Christian in this thy Unchristian Work Sect. X. The Subject Understanding and Obeying
the Light within unknown to the Cavilling Baptist. T. H. WHo or what is it that obeyeth this Light and in Obedience of it is saved Or if this Light be the Rule it doth suppose a subject capable of understanding it and of yielding Obedience to it p. 4. Answ. It s placed in the Heart and Conscience of man that he with his whole Soul Mind and Spirit may understand and obey it and come to Life and Salvation in Christ being guided by his Light in the Conscience T. H. What then is the Principle Either the Light must obey it self or Darkness must obey it Answ. Thy Darkness makes thee talk thus darkly and scribble thus nonsensically the Spirit of man is to obey every degree of this divine Light given of God that the whole man may be in Subjection for which End God hath given man a spiritual Capacity and Power to obey by the Vertue of Grace that the reasonable Soul in believeing in the Light and obeying it may find Relief and more Power from God comfortably to subsist in the Way of Life and Peace with him And though it be not a Scripture Phrase to tell of two such Lights in every man as thou mentions p. 14. Yet as the Light of the Body is the Eye which seeth the object of Light and there is a single Eye which causeth the whole Body to be full of Light So in man hath God placed the Eye of the Understanding and Mind and a Conscience in the reasonable Soul which is capable of receiving the divine Light as both the supream Rule and commanding Light and they that are translated out of Darkness into it are become Children of the Light And if thou wert come to this Estate thou needst not question who is the subject of Obedience to the Light whether the whole Person or only a part for the whole man ought to be the subject and where the Eye of the mind is single the whole Body is full of Light and no part dark But for the whole person to be subject to the Light is inconsistent with thine and thy Brethrens Doctrine for Sin and Imperfection during Life Why then dost thou now suppose the whole Person to be the Subject when thou art not real in what thou implyest of the whole Persons being obedient p. 15 16. And thou dost but play the Fool and Caveller whilst thou art drawing such a Conclusion upon us as that by our Principle the Light must obey it self and in so doing be saved this is only inferred from a Fiction of thy own Framing or a Quaker of thy own making to speak as thou pleasest for the Light is given for the Benefit of Mankind that they that truely follow it and throughly obey it with Subjection of both Soul Spirit and Body may know Salvation from Sin here and Wrath her●…after And so man in his spiritual being both in Soul and Body spiritual as changed or translated from a State of Mortality may forever enjoy a State of Immortality in Glory hereafter as they who are led by the Counsel of God shall afterwards be received into Glory for man as translated into that Celestial Spiritual State is most capable of the full Enjoyment of Glory with God hereafter Sect XI Concerning the Soul of man as under divers Considerations and States and G. Fox ' s VVords so considered with ●…ight Queries added COncerning the Soul of man thou vehemently accusest us with Fancies Conceits Absurdities Nonsence and Error p. 16. Thy Instance for this is viz. That G. F. mentions in his great Mystery c. p. 68. and 100. That the Soul is part of God and of his being and that it is without beginning p. 91. and also infinite p. 29. Whence thy Inference is viz. Which is as much as to say the Soul is God then God sets up a Light in himself which he himself is to obey and in so doing he shall be saved p. 16. Answ. We cannot expect any impartial or fair Dealing from thee while Prejudice and Envy do possess thee who hast both falsly and ignorantly represented G. F. and both curtayled and perverted his Words and the Sence of them And all these things mentioned by thee he does not speak of the Soul or Spirit of man as made or formed in him though composed of Spiritual Parts nor use these Expressions that the Soul or Spirit of the Creature Man is a part of God without beginning neither was the Phrase part of God originally G. F's but his Opposers only admitted of by him by Way of Question as plainly appears p. 100. with Relation to that which came out from God that immediate Spirit of Life which gives Being Life and Subsistance to the Soul and he doth distinguish between the Soul and Christ the Bishop of it between the Soul and the Saviour of it as plainly appears in many places of the said Book and the Soul could no otherwise be deemed infinite then as Man is said to be the Image and Glory of God namely by a Participation thereof so he speaks of the Soul in a two-fold Sense as First With reference to that which came out from God which is the Original Life or Soul of every Man's Soul Secondly With Respect to man as being made a living Soul by Vertue of the Spirit of Life proceeding from God And so with Relation to the first he questions Is not that of God which comes out from God Great Mystery p. 68. But with Relation to the latter viz. Man he speaks distinctly of the Soul as neither God nor Christ neither doth he confound the Being of man with the Infinite Being of his Creator as is implyed in our Opposers angry Charge for as every Spiritual Being or Existence is not divine so the Spirit or Spiritual Parts of Man are not God though a divine Light and Capacity is placed in them And G. F. doth not only speak of the Soul in a two-fold Sense viz. with Relation to its original Life and with Relation to man in his Spirituality but of the Soul of man as in several States as First Of the Souls being in Death in Transgression man's Spirit unsanctified the Soul being come into Death transgressing the Law c. Great Mystery p. 91. Therein he cannot intend the infinite Essence Being or Life of God or Christ which is immutable and unchangeably pure and holy though thereby the Soul is upheld in its Being and Immortality whether in Comfort or Misery Secondly Of the Soul and Spirit of Man as sanctified living to God in his Life through a diligent hearkening to the Counsel and Voice of God and feeling of his Hand which brings up out of Death and restores the Soul that it may live in Christ the Preserver and Overseer of it to praise God the Saviour being one Soul in that State as they that are joyned to the Lord are one Spirit As also G. F. adds viz. Every Man that cometh into the World having a
because you that profess them to be so are so repugnant one unto another thou wouldst readily reflect Absurdity upon me though to the undermining of thy own Cause Why dost thou so much slite the Light within and insinuate against Revelation or Perfection from personal mistakes Weaknesses or Failings of some particulars supposed Nay I may further except against thy Impertinency herein who durst not produce one Argument against the Principle upon this Occasion when thou wast desired for that an occasional Mistake Slip or circumstantial Difference is no general Argument to prove a man a false Prophet or Minister never called of God seeing that An Eli and a Samuel might be mistaken 1 Sam. 1. 13 14. and Ch. 3 4 5 6 7 8. and Ch. 16. Verse 6 7. A young Prophet seduced by an old 1 King 13 18 19 20 22 23 24. A Paul revoking his Reflection Acts 23. 5. A Paul and a Banabas in a Contest Acts 15. 39. A Peter withstood by Paul Gal. 2. 11 12 13 14. Yet these are no Arguments that therefore these men were never called of God nor had divine Revelation to prophesie or preach Neither on the other Hand does it argue that they fell short of Perfection or Infallibility when they came to see into the Depths of Satan and how any of them have been overtaken for through that which is perfect they out-grew Imperfections and Weaknesses I must yet take notice of what thou speaks of a Revelation that came from Paul Hobson who on Purpose to try them spake through a Trunk yet could they not distinguish his Voice from the Immediate Voice of God p. 27. Reply Thou hast herein grosly belyed the Quakers neither were they either thus tryed or cheated howbeit dost thou think that this adds to the Credit of thy Cause Was not Paul Hobson an eminent Dipper or Brother Baptist of yours who when he grew weary of a poor shattered whimsical man in his House who was no Quaker your Brother Paul did feign a Call as from God through a hollow Trunk to the poor man to get rid of him as I have also heard the Story credibly related in the County of Durham Now was not this a horrible Deceit and Cheat of your Brother Paul to presume such an Invention as in the Name of God whether was he the Deceiver or the poor man deceived most to be blamed Let the ingenuous Reader and thy own Conscience judge And so how dully and sorrily thou hast come off to bring this as an Instance either against the Quakers or Revelation How hast thou manifested thy Folly herein And wouldst thou and thy Brethren be thus dealt by to be all reflected upon or disparaged by the Miscarriage of any particular Persons supposed among you thou wouldst be ill pleased if I should speak in earnest behold what Deceivers the Baptist Preachers are seeing Paul Hobson their Brother did so impiously deceive and cheat the poor shattered man And so what Advantage hath thy envious Reflection upon us been to thee or thy Cause Again thou bring'st an Instance against the Light within thus T. H. Above all that eminent Difference may not be omitted between J. N. and G. F. at or after J. N's publick Entrance into Bristol when they called each other the Children of the Devil and departed from the Light A great Party adhered to both in this Opposition of their Lights and Revelations p. 27. Answ. First This is a false Relation the Words were not so between them nor was the Opposition at Bristol 2. Nor was the Opposition from the Light in both 3. It s true that J. N. was witnessed against by several for turning aside from the Light at that time and therefore it is most unjust in thee to cast his Failings upon the Light or instance it as an Argument against us 4. J. N. came by the Light to a Sence of his Loss and repented of it therefore unjustly imputed either to the Light to G. F. or us 5. Seeing there was Opposition between them it is a most malitious Conclusion of thine from hence to call us Cheats and Impostors p. 28. as also in thy 17. pag. thou calls our first fundamental Principle a meer Cheat. Thus thy wicked Design is not only against the Persons but against the Principles whereas our first fundamental Principle is the true Light against which thou hast thus blasphemed for which God will rebuke thee not only as an impertinent but a most malitious Opposer And to prove thy Lye that we endeavour to beget in the minds of men an ill Opinion of the Scriptures thou dost instance my Saying that which is spoken from the Spirit of Truth in any is of as great Authority as the Scriptures and greater p. 28. But leavest out my Explication viz. as received and immediately proceeding from the Spirit and spoken in the Sence thereof that is in the living Demonstration of the Spirit to the Conscience This I still testifie is of greater Authority then the meer Letter or Writing though containing the same Words so spoken as I did then instance and explain thus viz. As Christ's Words were of greater Authority when he spake then the Pharisees reading the Letter c. But do not you Baptists deem your Preaching of equal Authority with the Scriptures when you say what you preach is the Word of God however intermixt with your own uncertain Meanings In thy 35. pag. to prove thy calling me a Knave a false and deceitful Man thou sayst I give not the least hint of thy Explications of thy Positions whereas I writ thy Doctrines for thee to give thy own Explications least thou shouldst say I wronged thee yet to this Day I must confess that some of thy Positions were so absurd and incongruous that I could not hear thee give the least rational Explication upon them as those mentioned upon Joh. 1. 4. viz. First Of the Light being natural because the Light of the Eternal Word Secondly That 't is divine as in God but natural as in man for this thou didst not shew so much as the least Colour of Reason or rational Explication And must I be accounted a Knave guilty of Deceit a false deceitful Fellow for not writing all thy Impertinencies And yet thou takest the Liberty to leave out my Explication which was most material to my Position for the powerful Demonstration of the Spirit while it was set down in Print before thy Eye Oh! what gross Hyocrisie art thou guilty of thus to rail and revile such as wish thee no Harm when thou hast no Occasion given thee and yet art guilty of that which thou falsly accusest another for An other dark Accusation of thine is of a Servant Maid that should say the Bible is a good honest thing but she lik't our Friends Books better p. 29. If thou hadst mentioned the Name of this Maid and proved the Accusation what is this to the Body of the Quakers Though I suspect this
Accusation not true but if it were doth thy inference follow that our Proselites are thus taught O abominable Wickedness Where or when did we ever preach such Doctrine We utterly deny it and never heard any of our Friends held or owned it knowing in our Conscience the eminent and reverend Esteem we have of the Scriptures or Bible as the principle Book extant in the World though we may not slite but esteem all other Books dictated by the Spirit of Truth in their Places and for the good ends intended Another Accusation is that Fox and Hubberthorn said the Scriptures are no standing Rule and that it is dangerous for ignorant People to read them p. 29. Reply First As for being the only and standing Rule they no where call themselves so but refer us to God and Christ or Spirit within 2ly Thou hast wronged and mis-cited their Words in a more general terms then they are their Words not being 't is dangerous for ignorant People but to their Adversary they say The Letter which killeth is dangerous for thou takest it here to war withal against the Saints giving out thy carnal Expositions upon it you read with Danger who make a trade of Scripture but blessed is he that does read and understand c. as in the same page and Book cited by thee Entit Truth 's Defence Mark here they neither slite nor oppose the sincere reading and perusing of the Scriptures Now seeing thou abuses and mis-renders as hinted before such Passages as we find apparent in our Books to correct thee It s no Wonderment if thou dost abuse divers of our Fri●…nds in thy Stories upon meer Reports and private Discourses as thy manifest Deceit in mis-citing our Words which renders thee very suspitious in many of those Stories Now let the ingenuous Reader take notice of thy Abuse herein B●…t 3ly That it is dangerous for some ignorant or unlearned People to read them is evident while unstable and prejudiced in their Minds not regarding the Spirit or Light that gave them forth to learn by and give them the right Understanding for 't is such as are unlearned who wrest them to their own Destruction Is not this dangerous for any to pervert them to their own Destruction Is it therefore just in thee to compare them to Jesuites and Romanists who thus intend Yet 't is not dangerous but useful and profitable to read the Scriptures in Honesty and Simplicity of mind having regard to that divine Light and Inspiration of the Almighty that gives the true Understanding of them Another Story is of one Holbrow that should say that the Scriptures were no better to him then an old Almanack Answ. This verifies the old Saying that the Devil will play at a small game rather then stand out But we utterly deny any such gross Comparison concerning the Scriptures I am credibly informed of a Ranter that spake these Words above twenty Years ago what 's that to the Quakers And we have heard of some Ranters that have thus grosly slited the Scriptures but never any real Quaker Howbeit thou art not wanting in Envy to brand us with such Calumnies how utterly soever the things be disowned abhorred by us Some Baptists have turned Ranters and others have mantained Ranterism and others of them Poligamie others again eminent among them as namely of their Leaders have turned Papists Now wouldst thou take it well if I should endeavour to render you all odious upon their Account 'T is probable when they turned Ranters they had a very mean Esteem of the Scriptures And if I should take this Course of arguing against the whole Body of you Baptists and Dippers I might make a large Narrative of the gross Wickedness of many that have been eminent among you but that is not my Way of confuting mens corrupt Principles though sufficient to spoil the Credit of the guilty and to render them unmeet Guides to others Yet far be it from me to asperse all amongst you therewith believing many called Anabaptists to be far more honest and sincere then thy self or divers of thy Brethren Elizabeth Marshal saith in answer to the Dialogue pag. 27. THat about sixteen Years ago I was pressed in my Spirit to v●…sil the People called Baptists in Taunton and at their Meeting which was then in Taunton Castle I spake amongst them what was given me of God which the Meeting with Attention received and many of them came forth with me lovingly to a neighbouring House this is true but that I should ever say or pretend I had a Message from the Lord to deliver only to Thomas Mercer at Taunton this is utterly false And also that Thomas Mercer as an old Acquaintance hath been several times to visit me this is true but that I should say to him or any other person that it was revealed to me that he was come to deny his Principles this is also a false forged Lye and I think when I shall speak with Thomas Mercer he will not abuse me with such a Lye not did he ever reprehend me for such a Saying So it is a Lye proceeding from the Father of Lyes who through his Servants would suggest such things on purpose to render the Truth and those that profess it odious but the Pit the wicked hath digged for others they fall into themselves and the Truth is Clear and I am Innocent therein who am yet alive to give this my Testimony under my Hand Elizabeth Marshal Sect. XV. His partial Relation against John Story AGain thou givest a very scanty and partial Relation concerning John Story about the Sufficiency of the Light in every Man to guide to Salvation without any other Counceller upon their excepting against the Priest's Book out of which the Position was read and refusing to be catechised by thee c. p. 30. As for that Contest between thee and John Story I have heard a more full and impartial Account then thou givest and how thou wast sufficiently baffled at it and proved a false Accuser of the Principle of the Quakers as leading from Christianity to Heathenism which could not be supposed to relate to those Gentiles that walked up to the Light or Law of God in their Hearts for that was really pious and therefore Christian but to the impious idolatrous Part And though John Story and his Friends might justly except against the Priest's Book as being an Adversary to us perverting our Principles and representing them to our disadvantage yet John Story never receded from the sufficiency of that divine Light of Christ in every man to guide them to Salvation who believe in it and are obedient to it not excluding the Counsel of such faithful Ministers where they are sent so to direct and turn mens minds from Darkness to the Light wherein they still submit to the Light of Christ as the Ground of their Ministry and the sufficient chief Rule and Guide which implies no defect in Christs Light but on the
witnessed in order to bring forth this justified State If in the latter Sence as thy Words import then all must be in a justified State for whom Christ dyed If their Justification was wholy wrought without them in his Person and then all men must be in a justified State for Christ dyed for all men and then what hast thou to do to revile or condemn any as thou hast done those whom thou severely opposest must be in as justified Estate as thou canst think thy self But if men receive the Pardon of Sin through true Repentance and Justification through living Faith in the Name of the Son of God and by his Vertue and Blood then are not all men justified nor the Justification of any effected nor fulfilled wholy in his Person without them for First Men are not in a justified State while their Sins are unremitted 2. They are not in a justified State while the Wrath of God abides upon them And mens Sins are unremitted while they impenitently persist in Transgression and the Wrath of God abides upon them who bclieve not the Son Again we do not affront either the Grace or Wisdom of God in adding what more Light he pleases to any measure that he hath given while we are witnessing against mens affronting that measure of Light and Grace which he hath already given to Man-kind T. H. This Light within directs not our Actions to those Holy and Spiritual Ends which the Scripture does Alas whereto do the best of mens Actions naturally tend p. 37 and 38. Answ. Here like a dull and dark Opposer still thou endeavourest to confound the Light within with man's corrupt Nature whereas thou hast confest it to be not only such a Light as can discover God and that he is to be worshipped but also that Christ is the Life and Light of men and also that it can discover morality that its serviceable to its end and that God's Soveraignity over man and man's Inferiority to God ought to be acknowledged And doth not this extend to the same holy and spiritual Ends which the Scriptures direct to What more holy then God's Soveraignity over man and man's Subjection to and Adoration of God But according to Scripture is it not an holy and spiritual End truely to ●…ear God work Righteousness and do Good which in every Nation he that doth is accepted And this the Light teacheth and Glory Honour and Peace to every man that worketh good to the Jew first and also to the Gentile for there is no respect of Persons with God Rom. 2. 10 11. Besides 't is most natural and proper to a spiritual and divine Light to direct to sacred and spiritual Ends. And if thou didst not vary and waver in thy Confusion from thy Concession to the Divinity of the Life and Light of the eternal Word which is the Light of men thou wouldst have spared much of thy Babylonish Work to the contrary who in thy 39 pag. sayst that thou opp●…sest not the Scriptures to the holy Spirit but to the Light within And why dost thou oppose the Scriptures to the Light within Or imply such a Difference between the Spirit and the Light within while thou hast granted that the Light within is not only serviceable but ought to be improved as that which chccks for many Evils and excites to Good And does not this agree with the Testimonies of the Scriptures And will thy reviling of G. Whitehead as dealing deceitfully for but asking a sober Question excuse thee in thy Malice and Confusion The Question being By what Rule shall we be convinced that the Scripture is the Rule and hath Preheminnece above the Spirit Apology pag. 48. which instead of answering directly to thou revilest me as in pag. 39. not at all telling me by what Rule shall we be so convinced but asks this Question By what Rule shall we be convinced that the Light within is the Rule and hath Preheminence above the Scriptures pag. 39. Answ. Every one that doth Truth brings his Deeds unto the Light which Light within being divine is sufficient to evince it self as supream Rule in the Conscience And as it is so manifest where it is not withstood but obeyed it s own Brightness Vertue and Operation sufficiently discovers it self but where Enmity is lived in and Darkness loved rather than Light the Excellency of it cannot be known Concerning the Rule that the Patriarchs or Holy Men had before the Scriptures thou tellst us they were instructed by Dreams Visions and Angels pag. 40. But were these the standing Rule Had they these Dreams and Visions to instruct them in the sole Course of their Lives or rather on particular Occasions Surely these were neither the standing nor yet their chief Rule They had a Rule to know the Truth of those Visions and whether those Angels were good Angels or no a Rule of divine Light to discover whether they were good Angels or evil Angels transforming themselves into Angels of Light which nothing but that which is divine can discover for the Saints in this Light shall judge Angels And Peter James and John had both a Vision and Voice when in the Mount from Heaven yet Peter himself testifieth We have also a more sure Word of Prophecy ●…nto ye do well that you take heed as unto a Light that shineth in a dark Place until the Day dawn and the Day-Star arise in your Hearts 2 Pet. 1. 19. Though the former Vision and Voice were true yet not so universal and abiding as this shining Light was That Vision and Voice was only seen and heard by a few the other was seen and known by all who attained to the dawning of the Day and the arising of the Day Star in their Hearts for it did shine as in a dark Place for that end It s evident that this Light or Word so shining was a Light of the same holy Ghost which moved the holy men of God to speak forth Scriptures ver 21. and therefore the Apostle prefers it before the Scriptures as the Cause of their being given forth Sect. XVIII The Baptist's Quarrel against S. Crisp removed THou makest a great Pudder against S. C. about knowing the Beginning and Date of thy Christ whom to confute thou pleadst his Deity p. 44 45. having before told us of expecting to be saved by Jesus as being in a Person without what Scripture hast thou for this Creed Is Christ the Object of Faith only as a Person without But dost thou believe in thy Conscience that he could intend any such thing with reference to the Deity of Christ Why art thou so wilfully quarrelsom And though the Appearance of Christ in the Flesh or as man when upon Earth was within the Compass both of time and date that is as to his coming into the World and going out at his Ascension yet still the same man Christ is in being glorified with the Father in the same Glory that he had with him before the
according to the Scripture though 't is probable not in my Opposers Words and Terms for note that his Charge which I denyed was not that the Quakers deny the raising again of this very Body of Flesh c. but the Resurrection of the body in this general Phrase Is it therefore ingenuous that I should be thus accused in these general Terms And when I cannot in Reason or Conscience own T. H's manner of stating things as my Opinions in his own Words both besides and contrary to what my Words were or are must I therefore be called a Knave a deceitufl Fellow c Whereas my Conscience bears me witness that if he had stated either my Affirmations or Denials in any Case in my own Words Books or Writing I would not in the least have disowned or receded from them as mine but either have stood by them or upon plain Scripture Evidence to the contrary should have fallen ●…nder Conviction and Reprehension according to the nature of the Error or Mistake if truely detected or proved guilty thereof As concerning the Resurrection I am so far from bauking my Testimony or receding from what I have and do hold concerning it that I am intended if God permit to speak further thereof according to the Sence and Understanding given me and that before I have done with my present Opposers But whereas T. H. takes the Liberty to be the Quakers Mouth and to present them as speaking those impertinencies and Falshoods which are meerly his own Forgeries and ●…ever believed nor intended by them Let the unprejudice●… Rea●…er judge whether he be not highly guilty of Falshood and Deceit herein as in divers things hath been signi●…ed in this Discourse And as for his second Accusation admitting that I did not write down all his Explications upon his Positions 't is no Proof that the Relation of what I gave was false as very sillily he accuses me Neither hath he proved that I have given a false Relation of any one Position of his Besides in some of his Positions the very Substance of his Reason or Argument is therewith inserted in my Paper others of his Positions are so absurd and gross that he could not make so much as the Colour of a reasonable Explication upon them and therefore I did endeavour to induce him upon more deliberate Conside rations to produce what Explications he could for his Doctrines for which these were my Words If our Opposer say we have not inserted his Explications upon his Assertions our Answer is that 's his Work he hath Liberty to do it himself Now if for this he must revile me in the open Street calling me Knave and shaking his Stick at me If the Baptists will prove men Knaves at this Rate about Principles or Opinions they will make all Knaves that oppose them who do not relate all Circumstances of Words as well as their Assertions how impertinent soever Though I am unwilling to reflect upon all of them for this outragious and uncivil Carriage and defaming Language of their Brother Hicks for his Brother W. Kiffin did somewhat ingenuously shew his Dislike thereof openly yet when he attempted to prove it adding thereto against me such Language as this viz. impudent Fellow audacious Fellow deceitful Fellow c. To excuse him herein some of his Companions said it was his Zeal but this Cover was too narrow such hypocritical and false Excuses will not hold up the Credit of T. Hicks and those his Adherents And be it reminded that in divers things he hath both curtail'd and wholy left out my Explications particularly of that Passage cited by him in his 28. pag. viz. That which is spoken from the Spirit of Truth in any is of as great Authority as the Scriptures and greater here he stops and leaves out As received and proceeding immediately from that Spirit and as Christ's Words were of greater Authority when he spoke then the Pharisees reading the Letter as before hinted See here he hath called me a Knave for that which he is more manifestly guilty of and so is condemned out of his own Mouth in that which he allows himself in And I desire that Tho. Hicks may look at home and examine his own Conscience whether he was not in himself detected for that his Passion and Fury towards me I would not have him go on wronging his own Conscience nor withstand that Light in him which in secret would shew him his Infirmity and Evil in this matter of Passion and calumnious Railing whereby he will never gain upon the Spirits of any who are tender and sincere to God But instead of repenting thereof he brings the same Language over again in his Postscript after he has had both reproof and deliberation to have learnt better but it appears he is disturbed and royl'd in his Spirit as a man guilty and therefore shuffles to ease himself by telling us again thus viz. I told G. W. he was a Knave wherefore I did then and do so still esteem him c. really false and dishonest p. 91. To which G. W's reply is the Lord forgive him howbei●… I am at defiance of my Adversary's implacable Enmity and do challenge him and all the World justly to detect me of dishonesty or of acting against my Conscience or to the Injury of any one living knowing my own Peace in the Testimony of a good Conscience towards God and Man I do really defie the Envy of the Devil and all his Agents And T.H. cannot hide his Passion and 〈◊〉 by his begging the Question viz. Doth not that Quaker who wrote that Book called the lying Wonder p. 9. endeavour to fasten these terms of Fool and Knave upon J. G. Whereas his Case was not the same with mine nor is he positively so charged for his Brother J. G. attempting to attest the Anabaptist's lying Wonder out of Lincolnshire upon the meer Credit of his Brother Ralph James the Fomentor of it as having been an Elder of a Congregation many Years from whose Mouth J. G. had the Relation of a great Miracle done by the Prayers of their Church though contrary to their Faith who affirm that Miracles are ceased long since and yet in his Letter to his Elder R. J. to desire a Reason why this great handy Work of God hath been so long concealed from Publication when he himself knew of it some Months before as also Ben. Morley as J. G. affirms to which the Words are added by T. R. thus viz. Whether J. G. be not as much Fool as Knave by his own handy Work let his Brethren judge See here it s referred to his Brethren to judge in this Case which was 1st His deposing the lying Wonder under his Hand from the Credit of the Forger 2. His pretending to desire a Reason of its being so long concealed when he himself knew of it some months before though they have not judged his Folly at least in this but T. H. hath positively called
through the Help of Christ's Power and Work within but to go round again he is sliting that inherent Holiness which is wrought within and accusing his Sister for not having a deep dependency on that Sacrifice of Christ's Crucified Body without p. 14. The Truth on 't is she or they that believe Christ to be risen and know his Power in their Hearts may think it improper to have their Dependancy on that his Body as crucified without but rather on him that lives for ever as knowing the blessed Effects of his Sacrifice to wit the Relief and Redemption which his Flesh and Blood affords His saying The Debt is paid and yet fearing his Sister 's remaining in Prison and Darkness notwithstanding her Teacher near p. 14. proves no more against the Light the inward Teacher then against Christ's Sufferings She may as well say Brother for all thy Dependance upon the crucified Body without thee I fear thou art yet dead in thy Sins and in gross Darkness and thou takest not the Course to convince me nor at all to draw my Heart towards thee and thy Brethren by such sad and wicked Work as thou makest against the Light Concerning his Water-Baptism it s not Reasonable in him either to impose it or judge us Transgressors in not submitting unto it p. 18 27. until he prove his Call or himself or any of his Brethren commissionated from Heaven as John was to administer it for we do not own it to be Christ's Baptism and till they prove themselves so called they should let us alone without it we being content with the one Baptism of the Spirit III. Of the Lord's Supper THe drinking of the Fruit of the Vine in the Fathers Kingdom and the eating of the Living Bread which comes down from Heaven Joh. Chap. 6. Luk. 22. 18 30. Mat. 26. 29. We are come to witness and so to partake of the heavenly Passover and the Communion of the Body and Blood of Christ which wise men can judge of 1 Cor. 10. 15 16. And the Power and Coming of our Lord Jesus Christ we have been Eye Witnesses of so as we cannot dote about Signs and Shadows as you carnal Professors do whose pretended Lords Supper is but Bread and Wine and no more then a Sign Type or Shadow which the clear Light of the Gospel and its Dispensation is beyond and in it there 's no need of those Shadows for a sacred Memorial of Christ's Death for the supposed Use and End thereof is better supplyed by the divine Light and Spirit of the everlasting Gospel which hath not only begotten in us a living Memorial and Sence of the Death of Christ and blessed Effects thereof but hath also brought us to know the Power of his Resurrection and our being risen with him so as we are not only dead with him from the Rudiment of the World and from touching tasting and handling those things that perish with the using after the Commands and Doctrines of Men but also being risen with Christ we are come to set our Affections on things above Where are those his Words written in Scripture viz. That Bread and Wine remain in full Force until Christ's second coming in Person p. 19. where doth the Scriptures call his second Appearance a coming in Person Which was a coming to Salvation Hebr. 9. 28. but this man saith he is not so come the second Time which doth both conclude that all the primitive Believers or Christians who so look●… for his second coming both fell short of Salvation and mist and were dis-appointed of their Hope and Expectation which is a sad Mistake His saying He dare not be wise above what is written p. 29. contradicts his asserting that which derogates from what 's written viz. That Christ's second coming to Salvation is in Person or a personal Coming whereas nigh his Departure he said I am no more in the World Joh. 17. 11. and yet a little while and the World seeth me no more but ye see me Ch. 14. 19. his spiritual Appearance was to be in the World and he universally to be seen in Judgment As for that which Paul received of the Lord 1 Cor. 11. 23. proves not that he received outward Bread and Wine of the Lord to deliver to them till Christ's supposed coming in Person again but he received of the Lord not only the Relation how Christ took Bread and the Cup c. And so of the Administration of the Sign or Shadow but the Communication of the Mystery viz. the Body and Blood of Christ See 1 Cor. 10. And this was that Bread and that Cup spoken of 1 Cor. 11. 28. And he further shews what he received and what he delivered concerning Christ and his comings 1 Cor. 15. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8. 2 Cor. 13. 5. As for the Corinthians many of them were carnal and their minds too much in outward Things and Shadows and some lyable to run into Idolatry And the Apostle in some things condiscended to them as Weaklings below the spiritual and manly Understandings wherefore their Practice and Example is not in every thing binding to spiritual men IV. Of Baptism H.G. FRom Math. 28. 19 20. The Baptism here spoken of is that of Water p. 23. to baptize with the holy Spirit is the alone Work of Jesus Christ and it never was in the Power of any Apostle or Disciple to do it p. 24. Answ. This man contrary to his Pretence here makes himself wise above what is written in adding to the Command That it was the Baptism of Water which is not mentioned in the Command but rather it appears to be a spiritual Baptism which the Disciples were impoured to administer in that they were to teach baptizing them 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 into the Name c. which 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 imports the Authority and Power of Christ and sometimes Christ himself and sometimes Reverence and Worship see T. C's Lexicon The man is very rash in his concluding that it was never in the Power of any Apostle to baptize with the holy Spirit I ask him if the true Ministers were not endued with Power from on high to turn and convert People from Darkness to Light and from Satan's Power unto God And if so what 's this short of the Spirit 's Baptism I pray His meaning from Paul's not being sent by Christ to baptize but to preach the Gospel 1 Cor. 1. is that he gives us to understand that to baptize was not the alone or chief Business he was sent to do p. 27. alone or chief Business is his own Addition to Paul's Words what needed he give them to understand that to baptize was not his alone Business while they knew he was more a Preacher 'T is not to be supposed that the Corinthians should think that Paul was to do nothing else but baptize or plunge them in Water but he himself gives it as the chief Reason why he baptized none but
all John 3. 31. and the Flesh of the Son of man which he gave for the Life of the World is that Bread which came down from Heaven Joh. 6. 50 51. Except ye eat the Flesh of the Son of Man and drink his Blood ye have no Life in you ver 53. Yet that the Name Son of Man was applyed to him as a Sufferer and as he said so shall the Son of man be three Dayes and three Nights in the Heart of the Earth Math. 12. 40. I deny not but this doth not limit him from being called the Son of Man in a higher State also each of God's Prophets might be called as divers were a Son of Man but Christ the great Prophet the Son of Man the Apostle distinguisheth between the first man and the second man thus The first man is of the Earth earthly or human the second man is the Lord from Heaven 1 Cor. 15. 47. therefore the second man is not human in their Sence nor consisting of a human or earthly Body as the first man and Ephes. 4. 9 10. now that he ascended what is it but that he also descended first into the lower Parts of the Earth he that descended is the same also that ascended up far above all Heavens that he might fill all things and Phil. 3. 21 who shall change the Body of our Lowness that it may be fashoned like unto his glorious Body c. Now if it should be read according to these Baptists Sence it must be who shall change our vile Bodies that they may be fashoned like unto his human Body as if they were not such already and how disproportionable is it to say Christ consists of a human Body of flesh blood and bones in Heaven but the Saints must have a spiritual glorious Body in the State of Glory hereafter yet to prevent these mens Scruples concerning our owning the man Christ or the Son of man in Glory I tell them seriously that I do confess both to his miraculous Conception by the Power of the holy Spirit overshadowing the Virgin Mary and to his being born of her according to the Flesh and so that he took upon him a real Body and not a fantastical and that he was real Man come of the Seed of Abraham and that he in the Dayes of his Flesh preached Righteousness wrought Miracles was crucified and put to Death by wicked Hands that he was buried and rose again the third Day according to the Scriptures and after he rose he appeared diversly or in divers Forms and Manners he really appeared to many Brethren 1 Corinth 15. and afterwards ascended into Glory being translated according to the Wisdom and Power of the Heavenly Father and is glorified with the same Glory which he had with the Father before the World began being ascended far above all Heavens that he might fill all things whose Glory is Incomprehensible and beyond the Apprehension of Human Capacities VI. Of Jesus and his Body of Man and the Body of Man WHereas H. G. cavils at my speaking distinctly of the Body of Jesus in that Joseph of Arimathea begg'd the Body of Jesus and to confute me herein he instanceth that of the body of Saul and saith that the Case is the same and the body of Moses which the Devil disputed about p. 39 40 41. but in this I cannot see any valid Matter to his purpose nor wherein he can intend it unless he believes that the Soul or spiritual Existence of man dyes with the body and the Devil did appear wiser then he concerning this distinction in that his disputing about the body of Moses does imply a distinction between Moses as to his immortal Existence and the body of Moses and that he did not confound them as this man doth who concludes Jesus Christ to consist of a human Body of Flesh and Bone which the original Being of no man properly consists of though to prevent Cavils and for 〈◊〉 sake I 'll grant him thus much that the Name Jesus Christ is indifferently and mutually applyed both to his spiritual being and to the body he took upon him and that distinctly in Scripture although the Names Messiah Jesus Christ the Anointed the Image and Glory of the invisible God the Word the Light the Life c. do more eminently and more originally belong to him as he was before he took that body upon him which he called this Temple and it was called the body of Jesus Whereas H. G. sayes What a strange Epitath would this Man write upon a Tomb-stone he cannot write here lyes the Body of Thomas or William c. but rather thus here lies the Thomas of Thomas p. 41. Reply This more properly falls upon himself in not admitting that distinction touching Jesus and the body of Jesns but their concluding and confining Jesus Christ as to confist of the meer body of flesh and bone and that he could not be Jesus Christ the Saviour before he took upon him that body by which this man cannot write Here lies the body of Thomas or William c. which implies a belief of an Immortality of the man as to his Spirituality but rather here lies the whole man Thomas or William without admitting of any such Immortality and yet I will grant him as before that the Word Man is indifferently applyed to either the spiritual Being or Body of man as there is an inward man and an outward man 2 Cor. 4. 16. And as God created man in his own Image and yet it s said he formed man of the Dust of the Earth Gen. 1. 27. and Chap. 2. 7. and it s said That the rich Man dyed and was buried which was his Body and in Hell he lift up his Eyes c. which could not be that Part which dyed and was buried but the immortal part or Soul Luke 16. 22. 23. yet the Word Man most properly and originally as God created Man in his own Image belongs to his spiritual Existence or Being for the Earthly Body was not the Image of God But farther let the Reader observe how evidently H. G. has contradicted his foregoing Stuff for a human Christ consisting of a Body of meer Flesh and Bone against my distinction concerning Jesus and his Body that was put to Death and buried which was also raised as where he speaks distinctly of Jesus and his Body p. 33. and confesseth that Christ came in the Flesh p. 36. that he hath an outward glorisied Existence that he hath a body p. 46 47. Christ's crucified Body p. 50. the Body that was prepared for him p. 79. He did assume our Nature p. 80. He had the very Form Shape and Fashion of a Man p. 81. And what He or Him was this he speaks of Was it not Christ the Son of God the Anointed And to his arguing That if Jesus Christ continues a man for ever then he hath a Body of Flesh and Bone forever This doth not follow
not that a little degree of the Light Vertue and Knowledge thereof is not saving or sanctifying A small Stream can wash and a little Fire kindle and increase to more and a little convenient Food nourish and satisfie and a little Water quench one's Thirst or a small Seed grow and bring forth great Increase and so a little Light from Christ can increase and shine more and more till it discover the Glory of God in the Face of Jesus Christ the anointed these things are truely known in the Mystery through true Obedience to so much Light or Illumination as God hath given man for he the Glorious Creator hath given a Light to all men sufficient to save or else they could not be left without Excuse but it would reflect upon him for condemning them for Sin if he did not afford them a Light sufficient to guide out of Sin unto Salvation But for our asserting the Light of Christ that is in every Man to be convincing sanctifying and saving H. G. concludes as followeth p. 5. III. The Effect of Christ's Sufferings only known in his Light within H. G. IN this appears your great Darkness and herein you are beguiled and cheated by the Devil to the invalidating of the Meritorious Death and Sufferings of our Lord as if there were no need of his Blood to be poured forth nor of his Intercession p. 5. Answ. Can either Christ's Light within or our following of it invalidate or make void his Sufferings without Or deprive us of the End thereof or of the Vertue of his Blood When they that crucified murthered Christ were turned from his Light within Or can any receive the Benefit of Christ's Sufferings and Blood without or out of his Light within Or are the Sufferings and Death of Christ absolutely meritorious for Man's Justification without any Dependance upon his Light within If so how can any be deprived of Justification for whom Christ dyed Which was for all Men but what Proof hath he from Scripture That the shedding Christ's Blood was the Meritorious Cause of Justification Seeing it was shed by wicked Hands and surely had the Jews and Gentiles obeyed and walked in that holy and just Light that was in them they had not crucified nor murthered the just One the Son of God whose giving up to the Death of the Cross though of Necessity yet it was occasioned because of Sin and Death that was come over all which man must only be convinced and truely sensible of by the Light of Christ within and it s such only as walk in his Light who come to know the Blood of Christ to cleanse them from all Sin And there is a certain Congruity and Oneness in being sanctified redeemed and saved by his Life Light Blood Power Arm Ingrafted Word Spirit Fire Water or by Grace these do not oppose Christ as Saviour he being in all the great Workman of God through whom God hath saved us by the washing of Regeneration and renewing of the holy Ghost Titus 3. 4 5. These being one in Substance with him and of himself as the Spirit the Water and the Blood agree in one And as his offering up himself being a Propitiation for the Sins of the whole World pouring out his Soul to Death and making Intercession for the Transgressors was by the Eternal Spirit so the blessed Effects thereof are spiritually and inwardly received by them that obey and walk in the Light of his Spirit wherein his Life and Vertue of the Blood of the Covenant is received unto Cleansing Sanctification and Reconciliation with God The great Sufferings Burthens and Afflictions of Christ were occasioned by man's Sin Disobedience and turning from his Life and Light within and this brought Darkness and Death over Man-kind and therefore Christ deeply travelled in the Spirit of Prayer and Intercession through all his Sufferings to bring forth his own Life and Light for man's Deliverance out of Death and Darkness that he might see his Seed and the Travel of his Soul and be satisfied And this is the Seed that shall serve him throughout all Ages which shall be counted unto the Lord for a Generation and this serves him in his Light and worships him in Spirit therefore they that oppose this Light of Christ to the End of Christ's Coming Death Sufferings Blood or Intercession as if his Light in Man did invalidate these they are darkned and cheated by the Devil and not these who obey Christ's Light within for Life and Savation in him IV. The saving Work of the Spirit HEnry Grigg observes from John 16. 7. That the Spirit or blessed Comforter cannot be the Saviour pag. 46. H. G. Contradiction Till the Coming of his Spirit and Grace with Power in my Heart for the binding of the strong man Satan and killing my Corruptions my Soul was not brought out of the horrible Pit p. 16. having wrought this glorious Work of Regeneration p. 17. G. W. his Animadversion Then it s the Spirit and Power of Christ that effects Salvation through the Work of Regeneration Tit. 3. 5. which is not meerly by Christ's outward Sufferings though we cannot believe that Satan is bound in this Man while he is in Satan's Work blaspheming Christ's Light within and belying us H. G. replyes What sober Christian Man can find any Contradiction here against H. G Is not G. W. the Lyar and false Accuser I say the Spirit or blessed Comforter cannot be the Saviour or Mediator p. 6. G. W. Answer The Contradiction is very obvious to say the Spirit cannot be the Saviour when it can save the Soul out of the horrible Pit can it save and not be a Saviour Or can it bind the strong Man or kill man's Corruptions and yet not save him And if the Father the Word and the holy Spirit be God cannot God be the Saviour When as Christ's being the Author of Faith giving Power to others to become the Sons of God is a Proof of his being God Light from the Sun p. 91. And Christ said The Son can do nothing of himself c. The Father that dwelleth in me he doth the Works Joh. 5. 19. 30. and 8. 28. and 14. 10. And the holy Spirit where received also maketh Intercession according to the Will of God and by this Spirit Christ prayed unto the Father but to say the Spirit or blessed Comforter cannot be the Saviour is also to deny Christ in his spiritual Appearance to be a Saviour and so to confine the saving Work to him only as man or in the Flesh without or separate from us whereas he said I will not leave you comfortless I will come to you John 14. 18. which plainly denotes him to be the Comforter in that Spiritual Appearance wherein he that was with them promised to be in them and as revealed in them his Appearance was another or diverse to his outward Appearance in the Flesh whereas H. G. saith Are there not three that bear Record in
Martyrs p. 9. And I require this Man to prove that Gospel-Ordinances are a Shadow as he hath confessed their Supper to be H. G. I would know of this Man where he reads of any thing called the Lord's Supper but this which we contend for pag. 10. Answ. You are contending but for the Shadow but there is the Lord's Supper in the Mystery for saith the faithful and true Witness the beginning of the Creation of God Behold I stand at the Door and knock If any man hear my Voice and open the door I will come in to him and will sup with him and he with me Rev. 3. 20. Is not this the Lord's Supper that 's above the Shadow And Christ said I appointed unto you a Kingdom as my Father hath appointed unto me that ye may eat and drink at my Table in my Kingdom Luke 22. 29 30. Verily I say unto you I will drink no more of the Fruit of the Vine until that day that I drink it new with you in my Father's Kingdom Is not this the Lord's Supper in the Mystery or Anti-Type And I am the Bread of Life I am the living Bread which came down from Heaven if any Man eat of this Bread he shall live for ever and the Bread that I give is my Flesh that I give for the Life of the World He that eateth my Flesh and drinketh my Blood dwelleth in me and I in him Joh. 6. Is not this living Bread from Heaven conf●…st to be the Substance and the ontward Bread the Shadow thereof H. G. I do affirm That this is spiritual to wit the Lords Supper the Baptist p. 10. Answ. The Lord's Supper in the Mystery is spiritual but not your Bread and Wine unless they be transubstantiated which we utterly deny H. G. The Ordinance of Water-Baptism was given forth by Christ after his Resurrection Mat. 28. 20. Answ. There 's no mention of Water but baptizing them 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 into the Name of the Father Son and Holy Spirit and this Baptism was saving so is not your dipping H. G. And this of the Lords Supper Paul received of Christ sometime after his Ascension 1 Cor. 11. 23. Answ. 1st Paul received of Christ the Lords Supper in the Mystery not in the Shadow 1 Cor. 10. 15 16 17. yet he delivered unto them the Relation how the Lord Jesus took Bread and the Cup the same Night in which he was betrayed ver 23 24. which he applyed to a spiritual End ver 28. explained before Chap. 20. 16. and he delivered the Gospel as well touching Christ's Resurrection as his Death 1 Cor. 15. 3. and for their being baptized into his Death and raised in the Likeness of his Resurrection which was more then a Remembrance of his Death in or by the Shadow which could not be positively enjoyned by as oft as ye do this 2. That which the Apostle received of the Lord was the Gospel and a Gospel-Discovery of the Substance which was beyond and above the Shadow And his Recitation of the Shadow was directly to point at the Substance viz. that Bread and that Cup which was the Body and Blood of Christ and the spiritual Communication thereof he was a Minister of the Gospel the Dispensation whereof was not a Dispensation of Shadow but of Substance H. G. The end of this Ordinance doth remain notwithstaning the pourings forth of the Spirit and therefore the Ordinance must needs remain which is to confirm our Faith in the true Saviour and to keep up our Love to him p. 21. G. W. What Faith and Love are these of theirs which are confirmed by Bread and Wine and what Idolatry and Diversion from the Spirit doth their Doctrine tend to herein Surely the holy Spirit can best supply the said End Gal. 5. 22. H. G. Rep. This Ordinance tends to increase our Love to him and our Faith in him therefore the end remains unless you can prove Christ is come the second time without Sin unto Salvation do you suppose there is no need of this Ordinance because the Spirit can best supply the said End p. 11. Answ. There 's no need of the Shadow where the Substance is enjoyed and whilst thou Henry hast confessed your Supper as its called to be the Shadow the Substance being Christ thou dost but contradictorily begg the Question calling it a Gospel-Ordinance the Lords Supper in full Force the Ordinance the Ordinance 2. Thou dost but imagine a Confirmation and Increase of Faith in and Love to Christ by your Bread and Wine which they cannot do true Love and Faith being Fruits of the Spirit which in that it can best and only supply this End which idolatrously thou proposest to reap from thy pretended Supper There can be no Necessity of this thy Shadow for any such End to the Soul can there be any need of that which cannot supply the Soul when that which best can do it is manifest Is there Necessity where there 's Plenty or a full Supply 3. Whether those Believers in the Apostles dayes who hoped and looked for Christ's appearing the second time without Sin unto Salvation Heb. 9. 28. did not accordingly come to experience his Appearance unto their Salvation H. G. Darest thou say the Spirit can best supply those Ends without making use of the means God in his Word doth direct unto The Usefulness and Sufficiency of the Spirit in fulfilling of its Work doth not dis-annul Christ's Precepts p. 12 Answ. 1. I would know where the Word of God hath dictated that your shadowy Supper of Bread and Wine is the means to confirm true Faith in Christ or increase your Love to him or else confess thy Error for the means thou talkst of must have reference to what we were upon before about your pretended Supper or else thou art insignificant and impertinent in thy discourse 2. If the Spirit be sufficient to fulfil its Work and Office which is to bring forth its own Fruit what Necessity of your Shadow which cannot do it nor so far help man as in the leasts supply those Ends the Spirit is given for much less help the Spirit therein which is al-sufficient VII The Anabaptist's Imposition about their shadowy Baptism AGain H. G. is very fierce and rash for thei●… Water-Baptism or plunging People in Water where he saith Whosoever brings any other Gospel let him be accursed p. 〈◊〉 G. W. Hereby he hath cursed all the People of God and sincere minded both Protestants and all others in the World who oppose and come not under the Baptists dipping or plunging People in Water The Lord sorgive him he is very uncharitable herein for our parts we cannot believe their Baptism to be either the Baptism of Christ or Gospel or of Necessity and available to Salvation H. G. Rep. Thou hast in this manifested thy Imperfection and false Anti-christian Spirit hast thou no more Care nor Conscience that thou goest about thus to belie the Innocent Have I affir●…ed
that Baptism or plunging Men and Women is Gospel Have I said it is of Necessity to Salvation p. 13. Answ. 'T is both dishonest and false in thee to accuse me of an Anti-christian Spirit and belying the Innocent for stating thy own Words and the Consequence thereof from the very Tenour of thy Discourse hast thou not accounted your Water-Baptism or dipping Gospel or at least part of Christ's last Will and Testament and them accursed that bring any other Gospel See thy other Book pages 24 25 26. and have not thy Brethren declared it for the Remission of Sins and the only Way of gathering Churches 1. To teach and then to baptize or dip them See their Confession of Faith Article 11. presented to the King and subscribed by above 40. of them And have not some of thy Brethren affrighted many simple People into Water to be dipt formerly by such Language as dip or damn and what hast thou said less if they be accurst that own it not Some of thy Brethren have positively affimed it necessary to Salvation on that Scripture Except a Man be born again of Water and the Spirit he cannot enter into the Kingdom of God falsly deeming that outward Water there spoken of H. G. All that are accursed are only those who bring another Gospel besides that which was given sorth by Christ as he is King and Mediator of the new Covenant p. 14. Answ. And your dipping thou reckons to be given forth by Christ thy pretended Proof being Mat. 28. 20. as before mentioned wherefore thy case is against all that own 〈◊〉 or deny to be dipt for our parts we will not be dipt by you H. G. I doubt not but all sincere-minded Protestants are of my Perswasion touching this matter though we may differ about the Form and Subjects of Water-Baptism p. 14. Answ. Here thou insinuatest and flatters the Protestants like a temporizer and decliner of your former Testimony and contrary to thy Brethrens said Confession of Faith which is wholy against that scriptureless thing of sprinkling Infants Article 11. as their Phrase is and have not divers of thy Brethren deem'd it Anti-christian H. G. False it is and a Slander to say that we make it essential and of absolute Necessity to Salvation though we believe it essential to Church Communion p. 14 15. Answ. Is it not essential and of Necessity to Salvation if part of Christ's last Will and Testament as before thou sayst And such to be accurst that oppose it or if the same Baptism of Christ mentioned Mat. 28. and Mark 16. which is annexed to believing in order to Salvation But if not of Necessity to Salvation then not the Baptism into the one Body or Church-Communion and then it s not that one Baptism or Anti-Type which doth save viz. The Baptism into the Name of the Father Son and Holy Spirit for without that Name or Power Men cannot be saved VIII Their Definition of the true Saviour and his Being HEnry Grigg denyes the true Saviour to be the Light and Power I afsirm saith he that Jesus Christ is a Man consisting of Flesh and Bones p. 30 31. human finite weak subject to Passion as we are 94. p. 33. the true Christ consisting of a Body of Flesh and Bone p. 31. 34. H. G. Contrad John declared plainly that Christ was before him being from everlasting before Abraham the Son of God by Eternal Generation truly God David's Lord p. 35. The Lord Jesus the Eternal Word p. 8. The Emanuel p. 32. Christ the Son of the living God p. 33. G.W. Animed Therefore it s both unscriptural and absurd to assert that Jesus Christ consisteth of a human Body of Flesh and Bone or is finite seeing he was before all things and by him all things consist Col. 1. 17. and inconsistant both with the Eternal Glory of the Son of God which he had with the Father before the World began wherein he is glorified and his Body Glorious and Spiritual They should have said that he took upon him that Body prepared for him and not that he Jesus Christ consisteth or is made up of Flesh and Bones but at length they are made to grant to the Deity of Christ more than formerly though to their own Confutation as before And I further add Is there not a plain Contradiction between Jesus Christ consisting of Flesh and Bone human Nature and that the Lord Jesus Christ is the Eternal Word from Everlasting c. Besides after his Resurrection he said a Spirit hath not Flesh as ye see me have Luke 24. 39. now for Jesus Christ to have Flesh and Bone and for him to consist of Flesh and Bone in his Sence are two differing things for to have Flesh and Bones implies a Distinction between him the Son of God as to his Being and the Flesh and Bones which he had but to consist of Flesh and Bones implies he could not have a Being without them but that he is made up meerly of human Flesh and Bones H. G. Doth he not evidently declare to the World that it is a Contradiction and absurd to assert that Jesus Christ is God and Man subsisting in too real distinct Natures because I said he is Man and that the Divinity distinct and apart from the Humanity is not the Christ and yet also said he is God everlasting and the Son of God by Eternal Generation p. 16. Rep. 1. It is remarkable how the Man shuffles evades and useth a Subterfuge besides my Objection which was not at all against Jesus Christ being God and Man take Man as Christ is the heavenly spiritual and glorified Man being ascended up where he was before but it was against his affirming that Jesus Christ consisteth of human Flesh and Bone I distinguishing between consisting and having seeing Christ was srom Everlasting 2. And now also to say he subsists in two Natures divine and human contradicts his saying he consists of Flesh and Bones human Nature for these do not consist of two Natures the human Nature is not two Natures both human and divine as human or earthly Nature cannot be the heavenly also 3. If Christ consisteth or is made up of human Flesh and Bones and be the Christ only as so considered then how is he the Son of God by Eternal Generation even before as well as since he took upon him that Body which was prepared for him or pertook of that which the Children had to wit Flesh and Blood If the Son of God before was he not then Christ before Or was he the Son of God when he was not Christ IX The Hypostatical Union BUt H. G. instead of clearing himself in this matter he sillily yet perversly begs the Question thus Doth he not deny his human Nature and glorious hypostatical Union p. 21. This being consider'd together with his severe Conclusion against us of horrible Heresies Delusions and vile Impostures as in p. 17. shews that he has a design to render
us as odious and as obnoxious as he can for if he can influence the Powers with his own and his Brethrens implacable Enmity and inveterate Spirit and possess them that the Quakers are horrible Hereticks and vile Imposters and that they deny the Man Christ Jesus and the Hypostatical Union we must be no objects of Mercy nor fit to live among Men but Subjects of Ruine Destruction we cannot herein but take notice of the persecuting Spirit implacable and deadly Envy that is in some of these Anabaptists tending to Persecution in the highest But to the Question Whether I do not deny his human Nature and glorious hyp●…statical Union 1 ●…nswer 1. That if Hypostatical signifie Substantial from 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 Substance I do confess and own that the Father the Word and holy Spirit are one Substance or that the Oneness of Substance is applicable to all the three in Heaven ●…or they are not three Substances And that the Son of God is the Brightness of his Father's Glory and the express Character of his 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 Substance Heb. 1. 3. And that therefore the Father and the Son are one Substance 2. But that either the Son of God doth consist or is made up of human Flesh and Blood or that these and the divine Nature are one Substance I deny as contrary to the Son being the Brightness of his Glory the express Character or Image of his Substance Heb. 1. 3. for human Nature and divine are not both one though still the one Hypostacis or Substance is in all the three divine Witnesses in Heaven whose glorious hypostatical Union we never denyed this is further opened in our Books viz. The Divinity of Christ c. Serious Apollogy 1. Part Chap. 3. Howbeit if we cannot own these to be Scripture-Language viz. 1. That Jesus Christ consisteth of human Flesh and Bone 2. That the glorious hypostacical Union consists of a human and divine Nature or that they are hypostatically one he should bear with us till he produce us plain Scripture for those Positions and Words X. His Charge against the Quakers Principles and Doctrines of the Light within proved impure vile and ignorant and the Spirituality Divinity and Sufficiency of the Light within further asserted ANd again H. G. is very vile and impure in affirming the Quakers Principles and Doctrines of the Light within to be impure and vile p. 17. note that before he accused the Quakers Principle of the Light within now it s the Principles that is all our Principles about the Light within he accuseth to be impure and vile which is also still contradictory to his confessing that Christ as the Eternal Word enlightneth every Man that cometh into the World or that the Light in every man is the Light of the Eternal Word or a spiritual Light flowing thence This he hath granted and this is one of our Principles and Doctrines which he hath accused with Impurity and Vileness as before which must needs strike the Principle of Light it self though I would believe he might not intend so badly as his Words import while we assert it to be what it is as manifest in Man as 1. That Christ as the Eternal Word enlightneth every Man c. 2. That as the Eternal Word his Light is spiritual and divine as the Word it self is which is the true Light enlightning every Man 3. That therefore this Light in Man being sincerely obeyed and followed it will guide and direct man his Way out of Darkness and Sin to God and Christ the Giver of it and so to Life and Salvation 4. That men are not condemned nor can they be left without Excuse for want of Light sufficient given them but for their Disobedience and Rebellion against the Light that God hath given them which therefore is sufficient 5. By these we do deny their Predestinarian partial Principle that concludes That God hath not given a sufficient or saving Light or Grace to every Man but that he hath refused it to the greater part of Man-kind as having from all Eternity particularly designed their Damnation Destruction or Preterition This we cannot own though it be the Doctrine upon which much of these mens oppositition is grounded against God's affording Sufficient Light to every man the Sufficiency thereof and our Vindication of it as it is for which this Opposer and his Assisters in his work most blasphemously and outragiously cry out against us in this Language viz. The great Darkness of these Men who cry up Light and Power within This Wile of Satan and Cheat of Anti-christ the Vileness and Impurity of which Principle c. And all this in his pretended Light from the Sun of Righteousness p. 31. and 48. which he should rather have called Darkness from the Son of Perdition Howbeit H. G. is made to give us a little better Language concerning the Light within where he saith viz. I acknowle●…ge the Light which is in all and do esteem it and have a Regard to it in its place and do say it witnesses for God and serves for the End and Purpose when obeyed for which is was given unto Man p. 18. But for what end it serves and is given to Man if it be neither saving nor sufficient to lead from Sin he tells us not nor to what End it can guide men singly following it what Esteem or Regard soever he pretends he hath to this Light within it appears he hath made little Tryal or Proof of its Testimony for God by obeying its Directions and Guidance We may see what Esteem and Regard this Man hath to the Light within when he counts it great Darkness to cry up the Light and Power within and this a Wile of Sathan and 〈◊〉 of Anti-christ What horrible Atheistical Stuff is this thus to cry down the Light and Power of God within And then deceitfully to evade and say it was the Quakers Doctrine and Principles that which you Quakers speak of it is abo●…inable and to be detested by all good Christians p. 18. What 's now the Matter what do the Quakers speak of the Light within that 's given to every Man H. G. It was never bestowed upon man to be made an Idol of and set up in the 〈◊〉 of God Answ. The Light of the Eternal Word neither is nor can be made an ●…dol for that which is divine as is this Light cannot be too much loved esteemed set up or obeyed H. G. It is Blasph●… to say it is the divine Essence Answ. To what place wilt thou limit or confine the divine Essence In him was Life and the Life was the Light of Men is this divine yea or nay If divine is it not a Light of the divine Being Whereas H. G. to prove the Quakers Doctrine and Principles concerning the Light within impure and vile abominable and to be 〈◊〉 by all good Christians p. 18. He further adds these Positions by Way of Charge viz. 1.
true Union with him and Knowledge of him to experience his Indwelling as he dwelleth in us and we in him if we keep his Commandments and thus the true Believer hath the Witness in himself which that thou mightst experience was thy Sister 's wholsom Advice to thee to believe in the Light that reproves for Sin which enlightens every one that cometh into the World and so thou mightst in Love and Humility have received the Witness in thy self which if thou hadst obeyed thou durst never have prayed so wickedly as God forbid that ever I should own their Principle of the Light in all contrary to thy pretended Praises and Hallelujah to God for the Witness within neither co●…ldst thou have opposed the Witness in the Believer to the Light which reproves for sin which enlighteth every man as thou hast done H. G. This Witness through Grace I in measure do Experience not that I believe in that Light which every man that cometh into the World is inlightened with for Life and Salvation that is insufficient c. pag. 19. Answ. If thou rejectest the Gift or Measure of the Light or Life of Christ within thou rejectest the saithfull Witness Christ the Giver and canst not know him to be thy Saviour while thou art disobedient to his Light within and Christ and his Light in man are so inseperable that he who obeys and believes in his Light within he and his Faith must needs have a dependance upon Christ the Enlightner who is the Object Author and Finisher of Faith and so upon God who is the Fountain of Light who shineth in man's heart to give the knowledge of his Glory in the Face of his Son and hereby is the benefit of him as the one Offering and the vertue of his Blood known that both Sanctifies and makes Perfect XII His Groundless Comparison and Distinction between the Light of God in Man and the Light of Christ or Gospel further Refuted ANd whereas in thy other Book from Rom. 1. 19. and Chap. 2. 14 15. thou callest the Law or Light of God in men The Law or Light of the Moon to Guide their Paths by which they are taught their duty to God in morrals but understand nothing of the glorious Mystery of the Gospel pag. 6●… To this I Answer 1. Those Gentiles mentioned in Rom. 1. had a Sight and Knowledge of the Invisible things of God even his Eternal Power and God-head ver 19 20. was this but the Light of the Moon and was there nothing of the Gospel or Mystery of it in this whereas the very reason of their becoming foolish vain in their Imaginations darkned and reprobated in their minds was that because that when they knew God they glorified him not as God ver 21. they did not like to retain God in their knowledge ver 28. Therefore if they had continued in the Light given them glorified him as God and retained him in their knowledge they had been preserved unto Salvation out of that dark reprobate state and out of those gross evils which they fell into 2. Those Gentiles mentioned Rom. 2. 15. were accused or excused according to that Light or Law of God in their hearts and the secrets of them and all men to be Judged by Jesus Christ according to the Gospel but could this be or were it Just if there were no Law nor Light of Jesus Christ and Gospel given men are they and their secrets to be judged by a Law or Light which they never had in secret for my Part I know none so gross and partial as to affirm it on any serious Thoughts or Consideration 3. If the Light of God and his Knowledge be but the Light of the Moon and the Light of Christ the Light of the Sun how doth he demonstrate this difference between God and Christ and the Light of each and wherein the Glory of the one so far exceedeth the other or can any suppose there is a Light proceeding from Christ as man that so far excels the Light flowing from him as he is God or the Eternal Word as the Light of the Sun doth the Light of the Moon what Scripture hath H. G. for this distinction are not God and Christ and holy Spirit One and one Eternal Light and Fulness in their own Being and so the Light immediately shining or flowing thence unto man's Heart and Conscience one Divine Light though manifest by degrees and in several measures being still one in kind in man And this which H. G. calleth the Law or Light of the Moon is granted to be 1st The Light of Jesus Christ as the Eternal Word 2dly That which may be known of God manifest in men 3dly That Light which gives the Light and Knowledge of God and his Eternal Power 4dly The Law written in the Gentiles hearts who were a Law to themselves to which I add If men truely believe in and obey the Light of the Eternal Word in them and retain the sence and Knowledge of God as therein they receive it they will find Preservation and Acceptance with God for is the Improvement of any more then what 's given required XIII His belying us with denying the Man Christ Jesus to cloak his own Absurdity and Ignorance of Christ and his Being AGain H. G. To prove thy slanders 1. That we deny the man Christ Jesus 2. That we are found daily in the Sight of all Persons denying that man to be Christ who was born of the Virgin c. pag. 20 21. Thou judgest us insolent for saying we are falsly accused and guilty of this If it be absurd as we judge it is to say Christ doth Consist of a human Body of Flesh and Bone pag. 21. which is thy own absurdity To these I say Though we never deny'd the man Christ Jesus nor him to be Christ that was born of the Virgin according to the Flesh yet I must still count it absurd to say That Christ doth Consist or is made up of a human Body of Flesh and Bone for that 1. because Christ the Son of God was and had a Being before he took upon him that Flesh or Body in the Virgin 2. Because that when he took upon him that Body and even in the dayes of the Flesh he was spirit as well as had Flesh. 3. In that he is ascended up where he was before and far above all Heavens and is glorified with the same Glory that he had with the Father before the World began 4. He was before all things and by him all things consist this is truely our Christ and Saviour But If your Christ doth consist of a human or earthly Body of Flesh and Bone our Christ who consisteth of quickning spirit and heavenly Body of divine Life and Light a spiritual and glorious body is above you and yours so we must leave you Anabaptists with your earthly Christ consisting of a human Body of Flesh and Bone together with your empty and lifeless Shadows
Stress which at other times they lay upon the Scriptures So that finally they deny both the Spirit the Scriptures to be the Rule setting up their own Meanings over both being ignorant of the Scriptures and the Power of God We may believe that the Truth of it is It is more consistent with their Gain and Trade of Preaching that their Meanings should be the Rule over or above the Scriptures then that the Scriptures should be the only or highest Rule to Heaven as sometimes they pretend for that Bibles are had at a great deal cheaper Rate then their Trade of Preaching can be had But then for their own Ends on the other Ha●…d they can in plain self-Contradiction cry up the Scriptures as the only 〈◊〉 Rule to Heaven when their Design is to divert Peoples Minds from depending upon the DIVINE LIGHT and IMMEDIATE TEACHING OF GOD WITHIN for Life and Salvation Seeing that it 's evident they can more easily avoid the Scriptures Infallibility for their own Ends that they may be Masters both over the Scriptures and Mens Faith for their Lucre and Gain than they can get any of the Children of Light to assist their Trade or any to maintain them therein who are turned from Darkness to the LIGHT to wait upon the Immediate Teachings of God it 's easier for them to evade or dispense with the Scripture's Infallibility then to hinder the true LIGHT WITHIN from shining in Mens Hearts for that is impossible for them Again the Scriptures were not the Presbyterians sole Rule of Faith and Practice when they set forth their 〈◊〉 Confession of Faith and Scotch Covenant agreed upon by the Kirk of Scotland and the Assembly at Westminster which was of no small Charge It 's easie to see that their sole Rule as they have pretended the Scriptures to be they can easily dispense with add to or vary from for their own Ends at their Pleasure both in Doctrine Discipline and Practice as might be instanced not only for their unscriptural Sprinkling Infants but in many othe●… Traditions and Babylonish Reliques S. Scandret ' s Sense about the Points in Controversie examined S. S. BY the Light in every Man understand not the Light of the Gospel 2 Cor. 4. 4. lest the Light of the glorious Gospel should shine c. p. 1 2. Answ. The God of the World hath blinded the Minds of them that are lost lest the Light of the glorious Gospel should shine unto them 2 Cor. 4. 4. And this Man's Work is of the same Tendency viz. to blind Peoples Minds which implies that the Light of Christ Jesus which is Gospel-Light is given to all but the Minds blinded by Satan oppose it The Subject which Satan works upon and prevails with is their Minds not the Light S. S. Mark 't is not said the Light but God hath shined p. 7. Answ. A frivolous Exception Can there be such divine Shi●…ing without his divine Light God hath shined in our Hearts c. and God is Light S. S. Upon Phil. 3. 16. The Saints were to walk according to their several Attainments what they had got out of the Scri●…s by the same Rule c. p. 9. Answ. What Scriptures They were to walk in the Spirit which directed their Minds to God that he might reveal his Mind to them And here was the same Rule the same Thing the same Principle their several Attainments being according to their spiritual Growth in the Light Was the Rule mentioned in 2 Cor. 10. 13. and Gal. 6. 15 16. to be got out of the Bible See this Man's gross Ignorance S. S. Innocency man's perfect Light must not be the whol●… his Rule p. 11. Answ. A gross Error God was then his perfect Light and Rule in his Teachings and is not that Light which is perfect whole S. S. We need no infallible Spirit to help to discern the Counsels of Light and Darkness in Scripture for all there comes from God p. 27. Answ. He is not told this by an infallible Spirit for many Counsels of Darkness Serpent and wicked Men both against God Christ and his People are recorded in Scripture And it is the Spirit of Christ which is Infallible that truly opens and reveals the Truths in Scripture to the Understanding of the Children of Light S. S. The Spirit dwelling in all Believers is sometimes a sweet Mo●…r to Duty though no indwelling Spirit p. 38. 〈◊〉 Gross Ignorance and Confusion What! no indwelling Spirit and yet dwelling in all Believers Did you ever hear such Doctrine before S. S. God's Commands cease not to be God's Commands either because the Spirit doth not within put Men on to obey them c. p. 38. Answ. A gross Inference against the Spirit for the Spirit of Truth leads true Believers into all Truth from which no true and necessary Commands can be excluded unless he will say some of them are no Truths S. S. We are to obey them though the Spirit 〈◊〉 puts not on otherwise some wicked men in living contr●…ry to the Scriptures do not sin cannot be dam●…ed for so doing for s●…e have sinned away the Motions and Strivings of 〈◊〉 Spirit p. 8. Answ. What will become of such poor ●…eople that are fed with such Chaff and Darknes as this And what is the Tendency of it but to set 〈◊〉 on to work in their own Wills to set up their own 〈◊〉 without the Movings of the Spirit of God And what will that profit them though without this Spiri●… they are carnal and selfish in all their Acti●…gs and can●…t truly obey Nor can wicked Men who have 〈◊〉 away its Strivings escape Damnation withall S. S. ●…is pressing them to obey the Scriptures wi●…hout the Guidance of the Spirit for without him we can do 〈◊〉 but all things through him that strengthneth us S. S. Because a Thing is written in the Scripture are we to do it I will in God's Assistance rowl my self and act Faith on God and Christ because I see the sweet Words in the Scriptures c. p. 38. Answ. This is a Faith of his own making a Will acting that is not grounded upon the Spirit of God and its Perswasion within an imperfect Imitation of the ●…etter wi●…hout the Spirit for he hath not an infallible Spirit o●… discerning between the Counsels of Light and Darkness in the Heart nor to discern those few Truths it doth reveal as he confesseth p. 27. and 31 So that this Book of his against us pr●…ceeded from his Darkness and fallible Spirit But if God s Spirit teach us by the Works of Creation and the Light in every Man propounding the Creation to be considered and he helps us to conclude a God thence that he is to be worshiped c. for in him we live move and have our being as is largely confessed p. 53. Then there is a twofold Testimony afforded of God to Mankind viz. Immediate and Mediate as namely First his Spirit or Light 2dly His Works
of Creation thr●…gh which his Light gives Men to consider and see God and his eternal Power Rom. 1. and to worship him And this Light and Works are and do preach forth the Power of God and his Wisdom where the Scriptures are not And therefore God affords a Sufficiency even to the Heathens both of Light inward and Evidence outward of his Power c. They that have the holy Scriptures in the Bible may thank God for those good Testimonies in them as his Light within opens their Understandings in them to the Right Use of them A●…d they that have not the Bible have the Book of the Creation to read in and the Light within to open it and to read and understand a Deity and Divine Power through all and over all And they that are born Deaf and Blind shall not be therefore damned God having afforded an invisible sufficient Light to save being obeyed to leave them without excufe being disobeyed And if by the use of Reason the Spirit of God teacheth the Heathen moral Duties as in p. 54. which Duties as he explains are to love and worship God and to love our Neighbours as our selves then have the Heathen First A supernatural and Divine Light to wit that of the Spirit 2dly His Spirit with the Teaching and Reason of it in that degree it is in them is a Rule of Life to them that have not Scriptures who obey it And this confutes and overthrows the greater part of S. S. his Book or bundle of Confusion S. S. Most falsly obtruds upon R. Ludgater this Concession viz. That the Will of God as much of it as is revealed by the Light in every man without the help of Scripture is not the only Rule to Heaven p. 23. And this sayes S. S. fetcht out of the very Heart-Blood of Quakery Epist. This is a gross Abuse and Lye for R. L. hath a better Knowledge and Esteem of the Light of Christ in every man and its own Sufficiency to guide the Obedient to Heaven In him was Life the Life was the Light of Men Job 1. 4. This Life and Light of Christ being divine is therefore a sufficient Rule Also S. S. hath abused G. W. in several places perverting his Words and setting down words in G. W's Name which he never wrote nor spoak and in particular these words about Christ's Coming viz. He hath tarried above Sixteen Hundred Years p. 86. quoting Divin of Christ p. 49. and then to back this Abuse and to lay Judgment 〈◊〉 G. W. brings those Scriptures 2 Pet. 2. 3 4. and Mat. 4. 48. Whereas G. W's Words were quite contrary ●…nfessing both to Christ's Outward and Inward Coming which ●…is Disciples did not put afar off as you do it being above ●…ixteen Hundred Years since they both waited for and receiv'd ●…is Coming Here is no such Word as that He hath tarried so long we refer the Reader to the Book and Page before mentioned to see S. S's Abuse in this as also many more might be instanced where instead of answering he hath wronged and belyed our Words and Books S. S. in p. 32. saith though the Counsels of God's Spirit in Believers Hearts be IN themselves as certainly the Truth of God as are his Counsels in the Scriptures yet are they not to Believers so certainly the Truths of God Answ. What 's this but to tell us that the Scriptures can better ascertain us of the Truths therein then the Spirit that first gave forth those Truths or that the Spirit of Christ is Insufficient assuredly to manifest his own Counsels to Believers which is contrary to Christ's own Testimony He shall guide you into all Truth He shall abide with you forever and the Sons of God are led by his Spirit and hereby know we that we dwell in him and be in us because he hath given us of his Spirit 1 Joh. 4. 13. Chap. 3. 24. Therefore this Spirit is our certain and highest Rule And as to his pudder he makes about Water-Baptism 't is very confused and silly as at the Dispute not plainly asserting whom he would have the Subjects of it whether Infants or Believers yet brings some of the Anabaptists Arguments though we still suppose he intends Infants but durst not tell us whether it be his Practice now So see what a Laborynth and Loss his Work tends to bring People to neither plainly telling them the Subjects nor showing who are the Ministers of this imposed Water-Baptism whether himself or such as he or who and yet injoyns it as a Means of Sanctification a Means of Salvation which we do not believe As also he explains not his terms of the Lord's Supper what he means by the Lord's Supper whether the Shaddow or the Mystery and what is his own Practice therein whether he ministers Bread and Wine as a Figure or the Substance And whether the Mystery or thing signified be attained by any in this Life This is unanswer'd Nor whether Shaddows be essential to the Gospel Dispensation Concerning Justification He hath in some degree granted to truth that the word Justifie the Scripture sometimes useth it to signifie to make Just by inherent Holiness or to Sanctifie Tit. 3. 5 7. He saved us by the Washing of Regeneration that being justified c. Herein he hath assented more to Truth then many of his ●…rethren but 't is much contradicted again in his handling the matter of Imputation of Adam's Sin to those that are not Partakers of it and so of Christ's Obedience p. 96. As if Adam's Sin and Christ's Righteousness were so imputed to them who partake not of them This we cannot own and hath been often answered in our Books and much we have against this his Sense of Imputation as also against their Opinion about personal Election and Reprobation and the Cruelty Partiality and ill Consequence of the Presbyters Opinion therein And against S. S. his shallow and absurd managing the matter whose manifest Contradictions were long since published which we do not understand that he hath made any Publick Essay to reconcile also his work about the Scriptures Baptism and the Supper are more particularly and fully answered elsewhere which there hath not been for some time an oppo●…tunity to publish CHAP. II. About JUSTIFICATION and IMPUTATION S. S's Quest. WHether we are justified by the Righteousness of Christ imputed The Question would better reach the Controversie as thus stated viz. Whether Impure that is unsanctified Persons while 〈◊〉 be justified by the Imputation of Christ's Righteousness Thus I stated the Question at first which S. S. evaded with this viz. Whether Justification be by the Works of the Law 〈◊〉 by the Righteousness of Christ through Faith No●…●…enying the former and granting the latter this Question will not find out the Controversie but rather Whether Christ's Righteousness be imputed unto Persons in a disobedient unsanctisied or unconverted State Or Whether Christ's Righteousness be imputed of Co●… to Persons
remit or pardon Offences past without such a severe Payment and Satisfaction as is implyed because as some say he dispenseth not with the Act of Law If he could so punish his Innocent Son to the full who never offended was not this a Dispensing with the Act of Law when the Law was made for Offenders and added because of Transgression and to punish such for it was not made to punish an Innocent or Righteous Man against whom there is no Law But if to pardon former Transgression upon true Repentance and to save Man from Sin and Wrath be not inconsistent with the infinite Goodness and Mercy of God himself and to be both a just God and a Saviour were not Inconsistent then his divine Justice consisted not in such Severity as to obliege him from shewing Mercy witho●…t such a rigid Satisfaction and Payment as that of punishing his Son to the full and pouring out his Wrath upon him for the Sin of Mankind Whereas where Remission of Sin is obtained there is both a Relaxation of the Severity of the Law and a manifest Effect of the Propitiation or sweet smelling Sacrifice of Christ as Mediator and Advocate and not as the Object of Wrath Revenge and full Punishment from God that is due to Sin and that to acquit the Sinners continuing therein And his not sparing his own Son but delivering him up for us all and his being made a Curse for us was neither equivalent to that of Eternal Death Curse and Damnation which Sin and Sinners have deserved nor doth it absolve Man from his Obedience to the Law of the new Covenant or Spirit of Life in Christ though it was for a Relaxation of the Law as to the Bondage thereof and in order to abolish and end the first Covenant and the Curse thereof yet not to pardon or justifie Men in Sin against the second Nor is it any Loosening but a Reinforcing of the Terms thereof for he took away the first that he might establish the second he removed ●…nd ended the Shadows that he might exalt the Substance that was vailed under them he blotted out the Hand-writing of Ordinances nailed it to his Cross that he might reinforce the Law of the new Covenant written in the Heart that we might not be without Law to God but under the Law to Christ He did both fulfil the Law in hs Person and doth fulfil the Righteousness of it in them that walk not after the Flesh but after the Spirit he did not only remove the shadowy Part of the Law and the Curse thereof through his Suffering and Sacrifice but also he actually delive●…s the Soul from the inward Terrors Condemnation and Wrath of the Law upon true Repentance and Contrition of Heart in Remission and Pardon through Faith in his Blood being virtuously felt and efficaciously evidenced by his holy Spirit unto the Soul that hath a Part in Christ as the Propitiation for the Sins of the whole World whose Blood bears Record in the Earth agrees in one with the Spirit sprinkleth the Consci●…nce from dead Works speaketh forth Mercy and Forgiveness better things then that of Abel Besides Christ was as well exemplary as propiriat●…ry or gracious in his Sufferings which had both a blessed Accep●…ance and Eff●…ct with G●…d and a spiritual Influence upon them that follow him in Spirit further then the Historical Faith and Relation thereof as he said If any Man serve me let him follow me and where I am there shall also my Servant b●… J●…h 12. 26. And thus far is his Example spiritually fulfilled in them that follow him as namely Jesus Christ was outwardly c●…rcumcised baptized crucified put to Death as concerning the Flesh buried quickned raised up by the Power of God c. His Followers or Servants are spiritually circumcised baptized into his Death or crucified with him buried with him by Baptism as Partakers of the Fellowship of his Suff●…rings quickned by his Spirit raised up by his Power into the Likeness of his Resurrection and having suffered with him shall reign with him And now in Opposition to the Doctrine of such a rigid and Severe Satisfaction as is by divers asserted 〈◊〉 must tell my Opposers that though the Chastisement of our Peace was upon him and by his Stripes we are said to be healed this is neither of the Nature of Revenge from God Wrath or Punishment to the full that is due for Sin nor doth it exempt or free them who come to be his Followers from being liable at all to God's Chastisement or Correction in their own particulars when there is Cause for it for whom he loves them also he doth correct which is not Revenge as 't is said If my Children forsake my Law and keep not my Commandments then will I visit their Transgressions with the Rod and their Iniquity with Stripes nevertheless my loving Kindness will I not utterly take from them c. Psa. 89. 30 31 32 33. This concerned David and his Seed who notwithstanding did so undergoe the Chastisements of the Lord that he went often in a bowed down and mournful State as when he complained My God my God why hast thou forsaken me c. Psa. 22. which were the same Words Christ u●…tered in his deep Suffering Mat. 27. 4●… plainly i●…timating how he took upon him the Sufferings and Bur●…en of his People and his bearing the Sin and 〈◊〉 of many wherein it 's evident that they that ●…ollow Christ through the Work of Regeneration and obtain the new Birth do spiritually pass through the Fellowship of Christ's Sufferings and do partake of their due Shares thereof both for their Remission and to obliege them to follow him in his own Way of Light and Life whereby they who are faithful to him witnes the Blood Cove●…ant the Coverant that cleanseth from Sin and an Interest in that everlasting 〈◊〉 This is the Way a●…d Passage of the Ra●…somed o●… the Lord who through his Judgment and Chastis●…ments have 〈◊〉 a Ransom received the Attonement and an Interest in the Everlasting 〈◊〉 of Li●… and Glory Having thu●… 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 to the Matter in general I come further to 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 particular Passages that chiefly concern me to 〈◊〉 S. S. Th●… La●…●…ver a●…ows us to sin if at ten Years of Age a Person commits M●…er a●…d then lives according to the Law of the Land in ev●… 〈◊〉 ●…rty Years then arraigned for this the Judge cannot pro●…ounce him Innocent and so acquit him because the Law did not allow him to commit Murther any Part of his Life p. 93. Answ. A Truth in both 1st The Law never allows us to sin no more doth Grace or the Gospel Shall we sin because we are no more under the Law but under Grace God forbid for how can we that are dead unto Sin live any longer therein 2dly Justice cannot pronounce a Guilty Person Innocent upon the Cessation from the meer Act of Unrighteousness but God's lovin●… Kindness and
Time 2. The Appeasement of Wrath and Severity so far as to grant Remission on true Repentance 3. The End of the Law and first Covenant and the Shadows and Curse of it as threatned to impose the Terms of it 4. To introduce the new-Covena●…t Administration Christ being the Mediator of it 5. To shew God's great Condescension to receive poor lost Man again on the Terms of this new Covenant reinforced by the Death of his Son that Man coming into this new Covenant he might experience a real Agreement with God even in the Son of his Love Quest. 3. How far the Light in Man is necessary and answers the Intent and Ends of Christ's Sufferings Answ. It is absolutely necessary to Salvation being that divine Principle of Light within which directly guides all them that obey it into the Way and Dispensation of the new Covenant whereby they secretly experience the real Intent Virtue and Ends of Christ's Sufferings and Blood Quest. 4. Whether the Light of Christ within in each Degree of it be not the New-Covenant Light in Nature and Kind and the certain Guide into this Covenant Answ. It is being it was the Life that was in Christ as the eternal Word that was and is the Light of Men which Life or Light is therefore divine and spiritual as the New-Covenant Dispensation is Quest. 5. Whether the Word within the Law within the Commandment within the Kingdom of God within and the Light within be not one and the same thing and so the Life of the New Covenant Answ. They are The Names Degrees and Manifestations do not alter or vary the divine Nature or Life thereof Quest. 6. The Satisfaction what and in what did it consist Answ. 1. Not rigid Payment from Christ to God 2. Not of the Nature of Payment for all Sins past present and to come as stated by Sin-pleasers 3. Not Christ's undergoing infinite Wrath or Revenge from his Father for these were never exacted nor required of him But the Satisfaction was in Christ as the Son of the Father's Love the Delight of his Soul and as he was a Sacrifice of a sweet smelling Savour to him both the Father and the Son condescended in one and the same Infinite Love for Man's Recovery out of Sin and Death and for his Deliverance from Wrath to come being confessed to be equally kind to Man and equally angry at Man's Sin God so loved the World that he freely sent his only begotten Son c. And in the same Love the Son freely gave his Life yea even himself a Ransom for all for a Testimony in due Time Quest. 7. What is true Justification Answ. It is properly and strictly a making Man Just viz. through the Washing of Regeneration It is also not only God's pardoning Sins past for Christ's sake through Faith in his Name but also God's absolute accepting owning and blessing all them who faithfully obey persevere and walk in the Light and Law of the new Covenant Q. 8. What is the true or real Imputation of Righteousness Answ. It is the same with Justification as it relates to God's reckoning or esteeming that Man Righteous that partakes of the everlasting Righteousness of Christ by a living Faith in him and so the same Righteousness and Holiness of Christ as inwardly revealed and brought forth in the new Creature that is made conformable to his Image and so all the blessed Fruits and Effects of Christ's Power and inward Work of Righteousness as true Faith Love Obedience Sincerity Holiness Integrity of Spirit to God are acceptable to him accounted of and reckoned unto his People for Righteousness and all still for Christ's sake who is the Author and Finisher of true living saving justifying Faith as Abraham believed God and it was reckoned to him for Righteousness We say then that Abraham's Faith was so reckoned or imputed to him It has been by some confest as between God and the Creature That there can be no liking one another without Likeness of Disposition nor doth God receive Man into actual Friendship with himself without being renewed after his Image Quest. 9. Who are the Subjects of everlasting Wrath and Vengeance Answ. Wicked and Rebellious Persons who reject the Love of the Truth tendered to them such as tread under Foot crucifie or contemn the Son of God sleight the Blood of the Covenant and do Despite to the Spirit of Grace Quest. 10. Whether it consists with divine Justice or Truth in God to shew Mercy and to be an absolute Saviour after so much Injury done against him and his Commands by Adam's Fall and the actual Disobedience of his Posterity in the Fall Answ. Yes It is not inconsistent with divine Justice sor God to be the absolute Saviour of all that return to him and believe in him he being a just God and a Saviour besides or without whom there is no Saviour Absolute divine Justice in God doth not limit him nor withold Mercy from the Creature in the first Place nor doth it produce Severity or Revenge until his Goodness be rejected and wholy slighted for he saith plainly I am a just God and Saviour c. I even I for my own sake do pardon Transgression Quest. 11. Whether Divine Justice did properly and strictly require a full Payment and Punishment upon Christ in man's stead for all the Debt contracted and Injury done by fallen Man Answ. No Christ's Sufferings were not of that Nature or Intent but as it was by the Grace of God that he tasted Death for every Man They shewed God's Patience and proclaimed his Mercy in Order to pardon all that return to him from the Evil of their Wayes Quest. 12. Whether God as Rector and Judge could dispense with the Act of Law and not rather with the immediate Object Did he not substitute an Innocent Person to undergo the Punishment or Severity of the Law due to Sin and Sinners Rep. This is objected by some of our Opposers which m●…st needs imply a great Dispensation with and Digression from the very Intent of the Law If the severe Punishment of it be removed from the Unrighteous for whom it was made and who have incurred it and fully inflicted upon Jesus Christ the Righteous One that never Sinned Could God thus far dispense with the Intent of the Law and yet not forgive Sin without such a kind of Satisfaction and Payment supposed Oh sad Blasphemy and Inconsistency And seeing it hath been confessed by some of our Eminent Opposers that Satisfaction is not a Scripture-Phrase but a Notion of Law and made agendo patiendo viz. by Christ's Obedience in Doing and Subjection in Suffering the Penaltey which the Law should have inflicted upon Offenders I propose these three Questions to our Opposers Q. 1. Were it Reasonable or true to say the Creditor has forgiven both the Debt and Injury if it be all paid and fully punished in the Surety Q. 2. Were it Justice in the Creditor to detain the
himself his by himself purging our Sins the Will of God sanctifying us through the offering of the Body of Jesus Christ once for all c. as being a Sacrifice of far more Value then those Typical ones under the Law which he fully answered and ended though they were said to make Attonement Reconciliation for Sins of Ignorance that they might be forgiven and the Scape-Goat to bear away the Iniquities and Transgressions of the Children of Israel Lev. 4. 16. 23. And did not the killing and sacrificing of Bulls Goats and Heifers typifie or figure forth the killing and destroying that corrupt beastly Nature and Enmity in man which is for Death and Destruction and which those Beasts were as a lively Embleme of Seeing hereby God was pleased in a Way of Condescension to their low Capacities to shew a Pacification or Expiation to express his Forbearance suspending the severe Execution of the Law and Willingness to pardon Iniquity and to pass by former Transgressions and be reconciled when they afflicted their Souls and offer'd up burnt-Offering in the Day of Attonement as both were required much more hath God declared himself reconciled to us in commending his Love to us in that while we were Enemies Christ dyed and so he hath shewed forth his Kindness and free Love as willing to pass by and pardon the Sins of the World upon true Repentance in his setting forth his Son to be a Propitiation through Faith in his Blood and in his being in Christ reconciling the World unto himself not imputing their Trespasses unto them which was both in his Forbearance commending his Love and Good-Will in his Son unto the World and sending his Son that the World through him might be saved Let it be seriously here minded 1. That those Scriptures relating to Christ's Death Reconciliation Sanctification and putting away Sin as by Way of Sacrifice c. as Joh. 1. 29. Rom. 5. 10. Heb. 10. 10. Chap. 1. 3. Col. 1. 22. which intimate the Work as if universally done yet it is with respect unto the general Favour and Good-Will of God in Christ as by the which Will we Believers are sanctified through the Offering of the Body of Jesus and so we are said to be reconciled in the Body of his Flesh through Death Withall note that it was the manner of the Hebrews Prophets and Apostles to speak many Things in the Spirit of Prophecy as done or past before they were accomplished in the proper Subjects God having an Eye of Pitty and Compassion open to lost Man for his Redemption even before it was fulfilled whereby he saw and lookt beyond the former Transgressions Sins and Infirmities for the Sin of the World is not actually taken away purged out or put away as to its Nature and Be ing nor are Men in a State of Reconciliation or Friendship while actual Sinners and Enemies in their Minds but as they come to be converted and sanctified by the Spirit Therefore God's reconciling the World in and by his Son shews his gracious Will and was intended conditionally to be fulfilled in them viz. Upon Faith and Obedience It was done so as with respect unto Christ as the first Fruits and with an Eye to the Condition before it was actually fulfilled in them and what was outwardly signified as to the Good of Man by Christ's Sufferings and Death in the Flesh as our great Exemplar in his Obedience and Holiness is inwardly to be fulfilled and answered in Spirit as to the Principle End and Design of God therein as for Instance God was in Christ reconciling the World to himself yet the Apostle added We pray you in Christ's stead be you reconciled to God 2 Cor. 5. 19 20. And to the Saints at Colos. You that were sometimes alienated and Enemies in your Minds by Wicked Works yet now hath he reconciled in the Body of his Flesh through Death to present you Holy and Unblameable and Unreproveable in his Sight If ye continue in the Faitle grounded and setled c. Colos. 1. 21 22 23. Mark on this Condition they were reconciled and to be presented to God Not as being Enemies and in wicked Works But as made Friends by Conversion to and continuing in the Faith And God shewing forth Mercy to all and universal Pardon of Sin past in and for the sake of his Son Christ Jesus he being the Propitiation for the Sins of the whole World declares his not imputing their Trespasses unto them according to Severity but his being reconciled to them that they may be reconciled to him Finally Because God was in Christ reconciling the World to himself and because he commended his Love to us while we were Sinners and we reconciled c. by the Death of his Son as our Representative If from hence any infer That their Sin being not imputed therefore they are justified by the Imputation of Christ's Death and Blood though they continue in Sin and Disobedience to him and remain Unsanctified I must deny their Consequence and tell them that there is a two-fold non-Imputation of Sin or under a two-fold consideration Sin is said not to be imputed 1st with respect to God's Forbearance while he suspends Execution and doth not cut off 〈◊〉 in their Sins when yet the Nature and Being of Sin is not destroyed nor purged away expecting their Repentance c. In this Sense David when he said I have sinned Nathan to●…d him The Lord hath put away thy Sin Thou shalt not dye 2 Sam. 12. 13. Yet this proves him not then at that time in an absolute and compleat Justified Estate or his Sin blotted out for a●…ter this he both implored Mercy intreated Forgiveness and passed through great Judgment Difficulty and Trouble under the Weight and Burthen of his Iniquity 2. A Non Imputation of Sin in a better and higher State as where the Mi●…d and Spirit is sanctified and cleared and Sin really done away and wholy blotted out where the Lord Imputeth not Iniq●…ity but Righteousness as Blessed is he whose Transgression is forgiven whose Sin is covered Blessed is the Man unto whom the Lord Imputeth not Iniquity and in whose Spirit there is NO GUILE Psa. 32. 1 2. It were unreasonable to think that all to whom Sin is ●…ot imputed i●… the first Sense are in a Justified State for then were the whole World Justified for God was in Christ reconciling the World unto himself not imputing their ●…respasses But in the latter Sense they are Justified being Washed Sanctified and Justified in the Name o●… the Lord Je●…us and ●…y the Spirit of our God 1 Cor. c. 11. and such as in w●…ose Spirit there is no Guile And so no Condemnation to them that are in Christ Jesus who walk not after the Flesh but a●…ter the Spirit Rom. 8. 1 2. Therefore Justification And if it be further queried viz. Quest. How doth it consist with God's Justice and Truth which alwaies required perfect Obedience either to
Pardon or pronounce Man Just upon the account of an Inh●…rent Righteousness Sanctity or Reformation wrought by the Spirit without Satisfaction to vindictive Justice for Sins past seeing those who are the most inherently Holy have not perfectly obeyed God s Law from the Beginning of Life to the End Answ. 1. Both God's Justice Truth and Mercy have a share in Man's Reformation and Restoration to himself and it is in his u●…iversal Love in Christ Jesus to Mankind that he makes know●… his Truth that makes free and the Grace and Truth concurring in Man's Conversion and Restoration and so in making him a New Creature it must needs be consistent with God's Truth to Pardon and pronounce Man Just as he becomes and is God's own Workmanship in whom he beholds his own Image renewed for he blessed the Works of his Hands and still blesseth them 2dly Without such a Satisfaction he doth pardon c. And yet Justice and Truth are not violated nor destroyed but have their place and share in Man's Reformation both in God's Judging Reproving and Correcting Man for Sin Co●…demning Crucifying and Slaying the Transgresfing Earthly Nature and Birth and Christ came not to destroy the Law but to fulfil it He came to condemn Sin in the Flesh and to Save Man that the Righteousness of the Law might be fulfilled in them who walk not after the Flesh but after the Spirit The Law forbids Adultery Christ forbids and removes the Evil Lusts and Desires which are the Ground of it The Law forbids Covetousness Christ removes It The Law forbids Murther Christ forbids Envy 3dly But from the Beginning of Life to the End who can say he hath perfect Righteousness inherent in him Answ. He that is born of God the New Creature to whom Christ is made Righteousness and who being God's Workmanship is made the Righteousness of God in Christ Jesus He that is attained to this New Creature 's State hath crucified and put off the Old Man with his Deeds whom the Law 〈◊〉 that hath been the Offender and Sinner from the Beginning of Life to the End as The new Birth and new Cre●…ture in Christ hath No Guile in his Spirit but is alwaies inwardly Righteous from the Beginning of Life And that ●…or this End God is pleased in his Son to shew forth his For●…earance and Favour to Mankind and for a time to suspend the ●…evere Execution of his Law as not to execute Judgment ●…peedily but in giving Man Grace and Space to Repent be Converted and Renewed in Righteousness This answers the 〈◊〉 of his sending his Son into the World to be both a Sa●…ice and a Saviour So his Forbearance or Suspension of the ●…verity o●… the Law for Christ's sake can be no making void 〈◊〉 Law Justice or Truth which Christ came to fulfil and 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 The Difference between the Terms or Tenour of our Opposers Gospel and ours I. AS to the Sense or Substance of our Opposers the Predestinarians according to their Traditional Faith partial harsh Opinions repugnant to God's universal Grace and Love in Christ Jesus to Mankind their Gospel runs on this wise or in such Terms as these viz. We tender Grace and Salvation to all but believe it is only free for a few Elect Persons for whom only Christ dyed Therefore believe you are Elect Persons and that Christ dyed for you apply his Blood and Merits and you shall be saved though you be Sinners all your Dayes Believe that you are Justified by Christ's Death and Sufferings only though you have nothing but Matter of Condemnation in you believe that you are Imputatively Righteous by Christ's Sufferings and Righteousness without you only and in Comparison thereof do you abhor all Sanctification in you or inherent Righteousness wrought in you by the Spirit Believe that it is God's good Pleasure Sin should be in you all your Dayes to keep you humble and that Christ hath satisfied for all your Sins past present and to come Believe that God hath poured out all his Wrath upon his Son Jesus Christ and punisht your Sin to the full in him to satisfie Justice for your Injury done him Therefore there remains no more Wrath behind for you being Elect and Justified Persons Though you commit Sin as did David and have Corruption remaining in you all your Dayes and and daily Sin in your best Duties and have Sin mixt with your Graces your Salvation is eternally secured for you as Persons whom God has had in his Eye to save you need not fear any final Fall or falling away from Grace once in Christ and ever in Christ. Thus far Presbyterians II. The Sense and Terms of our Gospel according to what follows From the Sence and Experience we have of God's free Love and Grace in Jesus Christ to all Mankind We preach in the Spirit of the Gospel The Instructions and Conditions thereof are on this wise viz. Be converted that your Sins may be blotted out Turn ye from Darkness and Sin to the true Light that shews It and reproves Evil And so turn from Satan's Power to God and receive the Remissions of Sins Believe in the Light that ye may become the Children of Light Labour to make your Calling and Election sure If ye walk in the Light the Blood of Christ cleanseth from all Sin If ye be Crucified Dye and Suffer with Christ ye shall Live and Reign with him Believe and Obey the Gospel and be saved Christ Jesus is the Author of Eternal Salvation unto all them that obey him Confess and forsake Sin and ye shall finde Mercy Depart from Evil and do Good and dwell forevermore Wash you make you Clean put away the Evil of your Doings c. Except a Man be born again he cannot enter in the Kingdom c. If I do not wash thee saith Christ thou hast no part with me And to them in whose Hearts the Work is begun Look diligently to your Standing lest any of you fall from the Grace of God Abide in his 〈◊〉 that you may not fall into the hand of Severity To Unbelievers and Rebellious If ye believe not in Christ you shall dye in your Sins and where He is ye cannot come The Wrath of God is revealed from Heaven against all Ungodliness and Unrighteousness of Men who hold the Truth in Unrighteousness and his Wrath abides upon them that do not Believe nor Obey his Son Thus far Quakers so called Now serious Reader judge which of these whether the Presbyterians or the Quakers Doctrine tends to stir up and excite People to Righteousness to true Fear and Watchfulness And whether the Presbyterians doth not tend to beget People into a Self-Confidence and false Liberty in Sin upon a partial Opinion and Conceit But the Quakers Desire Aim and End is To turn People from Darkness to the true Light and to true Fear Diligence and Faithfulness to God CHAP. V. Concerning ELECTION and REPROBATION THE CONTENTS A brief Introduction
God and his free Grace and renders the Tenders of it to Mankind in general and preaching Salvation by it conditionally to all no better then a Mockery to the greater part of the World And this neither S. S. nor his Assembly of Divines have answered nor can they clear themselves herein S. S. begins to vindicate his Opinion by parts thus sect 1 1. God's Act which Essentially takes in the Object thereof he hath chosen some particular Persons 2 Thes. 2. 13. God hath Chosen you Joh. 15. 19. I have Chosen you Ephes. 1. 4. He hath Chosen us This being directly denyed I shall add Arguments Answ. The Scriptures are not denyed by me as most falsely is here insinuated but I deny that these prove their Proposition for a Personal Election or Reprobation from all Eternity as also I deny that God ●…rom all Eternity did unchangeably ordein whatsoever comes to pass as they most grosly asserted or that his Decree or Act is so absolute from all Eternity to particular Persons as strictly eying and unchangeably designing each Person to his End a certain definite Number unto everlasting Life and others to everlasting Death This I still oppose and find this Man's Vindication thereof very ●…eeble and his Proofs impertinent For that 2 Thes. 〈◊〉 13. He hath left out the following words after chosen you he leaves out through Sanctification of the Spirit and Belief of the Truth which as they clearly explain how they were chosen to Salvation even the Conditions on which God's Act of Chusing them depends to wit Sanctification of the Spirit and Belief of the Truth So this makes clearly against my Opposers Opinion for they were not capable of this Belief of the Truth and Sanctification before they had personal Beings which sure they had not from all Eternity and so seeing the Way and Act of God's chusing Men must be through Sanctification and of the Spirit and Belief of the Truth which Condition answers this Decree he hath not designed nor ordeined the contrary Condition of his Wrath against Man as Sin and Unbelief though they are come to pass upon many whose Repentance and Return God rather willed then their Death or Destruction But if S. S. might have pleaded a little further from the words God hath from the Beginning chosen you if he had insisted on the Words from the Beginning I might answer That does not signifie from all Eternity much less that he hath had you particular Persons in his Eye as unchangeably designing you to Salvation meerly as particular Persons without having Relation to any such Conditions or Qualifications as Faith Sanctification c. which may be rejected by Man 2. The Words from the Beginning are so far from signifying from all Eternity that in this place they reach not so far as to the Time of the Beginning of the Creation but rather to the Time of their first Reception and Belief of the Truth according as they import in divers other places as 1 Joh. 3. 11. This is the Message that ye have heard from the Beginning and 2 Joh. 5. Though Beginning in the highest Sense relateth to Christ as the divine Word who is the Beginning and the End And also note that S. S. deals with that of Joh. 15. 19. as he doth by the other leaving out both the foregoing and following Words which still make against him setting down only I have Chosen you whereas Christ said thus Because ye are not of the World but I have Chosen you out of the World therefore the World hateth you Joh. 15. 19. And then it is plain they were both of and in the World before they were chosen out of the World for could they be chosen out of that-which they were never in So that Christ's Chusing his out of the Corrupt Wayes and Spirit of the World through Faith and Sanctification is the Reason why the World hates them which it did not while they were Conformable to the World By the World here is understood those who are in the Natural Unbelieving State and also such as hate the true Believers and Disciples of Christ whence it follows that you Presbyterians how highly soever you conceit of your selves as Elect Persons from all Eternity above all others yet are not in the Election of Christ nor in a State of Election so 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 the Spirit o●… Persecution Rules in you as 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 shewed it self in many of your Leaders and 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 And to that of Ephes. 1. 4. He hath Chosen us 〈◊〉 him These words In him to wit in Christ S. Scandret hath left out like one that both shuts his own Eyes and seeks to keep others in a blind Belief of his partial Principle The very Ground and Principle of Election being in Christ which the man overlooks God hath Chosen us the true Church which is Elect in him before the Foundation of the World that we should be Holy and without Blame before him in Love Ephes. 1. 4. For as we are in him and become so well qualified in Holiness and thus nearly related to him as to be without Blame in due time we shew forth the Effects and Fruits of that Elect Seed and Principle wherein our Life and Ground of Election stood before the Foundation of the World not merely as we are particular Persons or Natural men but as his living and Royal Of-spring his Church and peculiar People sprung from his own Seed now in due time chosen by him out of the World and the Corruptions thereof through Sanctification of the Spirit and Belief of the Truth S. S. Arg. 1. Particular Persons in time receive Mercy are converted sect 2 made to p●…rsevere are saved Therefore God did Decree this beforehand for God worketh according to the Counsel of his own Will Ephes. 1. 11. Answ. Particular Persons in time receiving Mercy being converted and persevering in Grace doth not argue that Mercy was but only proffered and shewed to a few particular Persons nor yet that it is so absolutely and Eternally Decreed of God that all to whom Mercy and Grace is shewed shall so inevitably persevere in it as that there is no Possibility of their Declension and Falling from it after the time of their receiving Grace while yet unestablished for 1. He hath concluded all under Sin that he might shew Mercy upon all 2. Those particulars who sincerely receive Mercy and Goodness upon them he will have Mercy both in a way of Continuance and Increase and unto them Goodness who abide in his Goodness Rom. 11. 20 21 22. It is true God worketh all things after the Counsel of his own Will his gracious and good Will counsels him to shew forth Goodness and Mercy to all in the first place and Severity or Damnation to none without Cause And his Will is alfo Believers Sanctification in order to which he graciously counsels and perswades Men by his Spirit to forsake Sin and be converted which manner of working in
with Intention to leave them without Recovery which though all in curreth the same End as is supposed to a certain fore designed Number of Persons yet the State of the Case as it reflects upon God is as much opposite and contrary as to say God doth absolutely eternally decree Man's Destruction or did reprobate them from Eternity and then that he purposely passeth by and leaves them to destroy or kill themselves whereas his good Will and Kindness and free Proffers of Grace and Salvation to lost Man admits of neither to wit neither of such Cruelty to nor Carelesness of his Creatures his Mercies are over all his Works and his Grace and Mercy in the first place extending to all And that saying He will have Mercy on whom he will is no Limitation to the first extent of his Grace and good Will But that he will have Mercy both by way of Encrease and Continuance to the Upright-hearted even to them that fear him who Love and obey him but those that are destroyed their Destruction is of themselves as it is written But my People would not hearken unto my Voice Israel would none of me Therefore mark the Cause I gave them over to their own Hearts Lusts Psal. 81. 11. and as S. S. in Contradiction to himself saith Nor doth God consume any Man meerly as his own Workmanship but he adds God endureth with much long Suffering unregenerate men and they fit themselves for Destruction pag. 113. See here how the Man breaks the Neck of his own Cause Is his Opinion of God's Eternally reprobating and ordaining partiticular Persons to Destruction come to this That now while he sheweth long Suffering towards them they fit themselves for Destruction that is they rebel against God resist his Spirit and despise the Riches of his Grace and slight his long Suffering and Patience till they bring swift Destruction upon themselves And this God is not the Cause of He doth not unchangeably ordain whatsoever comes to pass Sin and Rebellion in the Wicked and their Striving against him Isa. 45. 9. are come to pass which he is not the Author of Wo unto him that Strives with his Maker thou hast hid thy Face from us and we are consumed because of our Iniquities which God is neither the Author nor Cause of S. S. God's Election is unchangeable he will certainly bring in never finally reject that Soul he had taken Liking to Nothing sect 7 can fall out not Sin it self causing God to alter his Purpose he foresaw all c. p. 113. Answ. His Election and Purpose thereof where made sure and confirmed by his Spirit in his Sanctified ones who are established in his Grace is unalterable But 1st There are Degrees and Growths in a State of Election before Establishment as those to whom Peter wrote his first Epistle were called Elect according to the fore-Knowledge of God through Sanctification of the Spirit unto Obedience c. 1 Pet. 1. 2. These though Elected so far as they were chosen out of the World through Sanctification and Belief of the Truth yet he both wrote unto them to stir up their pure Minds 2 Pet. 3. 1. and exhorted them to give Diligence to make their Calling and Election sure that they might never fall 2 Pet. 1. 10. But what need of this if they were personally elected from an absolute Purpose of God from Eternity Needed or could they make that more sure which God had made so absolute If so then the Exhortation had more properly run thus viz. Brethren believe that God hath made your personal Election sure from Eternity and then what needed he warn or admonish them concerning the Apostacy of those who denyed the Lord that bought them who had forsaken the right Way or of such who after they had escaped the Pollutions of the World through the Knowledge of our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ which sure was saving Grace yet were again entangled therein that their latter End was worse with them then the Beginning 2 Pet. 2. Did not then their Sin their falling from Grace and so their Disobedience hinder their Establishment and Security in a State of Election or keep from that Diligence in the Spirit whereby they should have made their Calling and Election sure 2dly His saying That Sin it self cannot cause God to alter his Purpose is not only a gross Mistake as in this Case but also gives a great Liberty to Hypocrites who believe they are eternally elect Persons to continue in Sin and Presumption But in Reproof to such and Confutation of the Mistake see what the Prophet Jeremiah saith in the 18th Chapter where having first declared the Power God had over them by the Instance of the Potter ver 3 4 5 6. He further shews his Purpose and the Manifestation of his Power both in Judgment and Mercy and the Condition on which his declar'd Thought or Intention may be alter'd as where he saith v. 7. at what Instant I shall speak concerning a Nation concerning a Kingdom to pluck up and to pull down and destroy it v. 8. If that Nation against whom I have pronounced turn from their Evil I will repent of the Evil I thought to do unto them v. 9. And at what Instant I shall speak concerning a Nation and concerning a Kingdom to build and to plant it v. 10. If it do Evil in my Sight that it obey not my Voice then will I repent of the Good wherewith I said I would benefit them See also ver 11 12. to the 18th Object If any should thus object That these conditional Alterations of God's Purposes did but concern their temporal Conditions not their eternal c. Answ. It may be answered That it is a Mistake they concerned both except Men repent they shall perish eternally Their persisting in Evil-doing and Disobedience to the Voice of God i●…currs eternal Condemnation as well as temporal Punishments so contrary wise through true Repentance c. both have been escaped by many and Godliness is great Gain which hath the Promise of the Life that now is and of that which is to come 1 Tim. 4. 8. 6. 6. Again my unanswered Objection was and still is Were it not impertinent and vain to warn Men of Destruction sect 8 eternal Death or Perishing if from Eternity they were secured from any such Danger Or on the other Hand in time to set before them Life and Death that they might chuse Life refuse Death c. as Deut. 30. 15 16 17 18 19 20. If God had particularly designed them for Death and Destruction how should they then chuse Life Were not this to mock them with a dissembling Proffer of Life if the contrary be so unalterably designed for them S. S. After his fashion answers God that decrees their Salvation decrees by such Warnings to work in them his Fear and an holy Caution to keep them in his Wayes that they may be saved p. 114. Rep. What Fear A Fear
terms of his Covenant and Promise on his part I Would ask our Opposer who reckons it not a falling from Grace for those he counts Elect Persons as David and his Children with others of his own Opinion now to sall into the Guilt of Adultery and Murther c. whether or no did not his Son Solomon fall from Grace when he loved the outlandish Women so as they turned away his Heart aster other God's 1 Kings 11. Did he stand in the Covenant of Grace or in God's Favour all this time Was not the Lord angrv with him See ver 10 11 12. And surther that of Psal. 89. Concerning David his Seed and Throne it extends further then meerly a literal Relation of him and his Seed according to the Flesh for David is beloved I have sound David my Servant with my holy Oyl have I anointed him ver 20. his Seed also will I make to endure for ever and his Throne as the dayes of Heaven ver 29. his Seed shall endure forever and his Throne as the Sun before me ver 36. Herein David was truly a Type of Christ the Anointed of God to whom these Promises relate which were typified in David as also that saying I will make him my First-b●…rn higher t●…en the Kings of the Earth ver 27. This is a Mystery beyond a meer Literal Acceptation and I may say in this as the Apostle said in his Instance of Abraham and his Seed That as they that were of Faith were of Abraham and his Children so they that are spiritually anointed of God and his Beloved Children and Faithful Servants are of David's Seed even such who incline their Ear to God and obey his Voyce for it is written Hearken diligently unto me and eat ye that which is Good and let your Soul delight it self in Fatness Incline your Ear and come unto me hear and your Soul shall live and I will make an Everlasting Covenant with you even the sure Mercies of David Isa. 55. 2 3. A POSTSCRIPT about the Will of God Election and Reprobation Concerning the Will of God in its Manifestation both 1st as unresistable ●…dly as resistable sect 1 FIrst On what Considerations it may be said to be unresistable shewing forth the Might of his Power as 1. In bringing forth the Works of Creation Whatsoever he pleased that did he Psal. 135. 6. 2. In fore-ordaining his Son to be set forth in him to tender Grace and Salvation in due time to Mankind Who could hinder his first Ordination though many reject the Tenders 3. In extending his Light and Power universally to the final Conviction of Impenitent Evil-doers for their Rebellion which Light and Power unavoidably at times seizes upon their Consciences reproving and convicting them while they have a Day and though they may shun being reformed thereby yet they cannot alwayes avoid the Torment and Trouble thereof in themselves That God may shew himself clear when he Judgeth 4. In bringing and executing his Judgments and Wrath as he sees Cause upon the Wicked and Rebellious who are finally Impenitent By all which God hath manifested his Power or Soveraignity which on these Considerations hath irresistably shewed it self for the fulfilling his Righteous Will so far as it hath absolutely extended it self from an Intention or Design of God to shew forth his Wisdom Justice and the Greatness or Might of his Power without the Creature Complyance as 1. God's Work of Creation 2. His Fore-ordination to bring forth his Son into the World c. 3. His Power in finally Convicting Rebellious Sinners 4. The Execution of his Judgments upon the Rebellious In all these who shall say to God What doest thou Who shall let what he will do so far as his Will inevitably and unresistably hath acted or doth act in any thing without Man's Complyance as it was in Making Man in Convicting and Condemning the Rebellious and Stubborn But Secondly The Will and Power of God as condescending and reaching gradually to the Creature 's Capacity it is possible ●…or Men to resist the Manifestation thereof to their own Condemnation As the Will of God is manifest in a Way of Friendship and Kindness to Mankind as 1. In a way of Counsel Commands Instructions Invitations Perswasions and gentle Reproofs which have a tendence to draw Men out of Sin and 2. In his Patience and long Suffering towards them waiting to be gratious desiring their Return striving with them by his Spirit Thus his Will is That all should know the Truth and be saved 1 Tim. 2. 4. 2 Pet. 3. 9. But Mens Conversion and Salvation is not wrought without their Subjection Obedience and Complyance with the Spirit and Power of God co-operating by Faith Reprobation What it is A Reproving Disallowing Rejecting sect 2 Reprobate is Wicked Base Dishonest Corrupt so as to be cast out of God s Favour c. And the Cause of Persons being given over to a Reprobate Mind is their Rebellion against Light given them their rejecting the Knowledge of God till their Minds became so reprobate or corrupt as to be void of true Sence and Judgment Rom. 1. As they who w●…re called Reprobate Silver or as corrupt drossy false Coyn were rejected of the Lord Jerem. 6. 30. The Word Election explained Election is Choice which respects both sect 3 I. The chusing of some from amongst many as Christ said to his Followers I have chosen you out of the World Joh. 15. 19. II. The Excellency or Choiceness of that which is chosen And this relates First To Christ the Elect Seed of whom it is said Behold my Servant mine Elect in whom my Soul delighteth Isa. 42. 1. And He is also called a chief Corner-Stone Elect Pretious 1 Pet. 2. 6. Secondly To the true Church or Elect People who being chosen through Sanctification of the Spirit and Belief of the Truth are the faithful Followers of Christ these are choice and pretious in God's Sight and therefore are called the Elect of God Holy and Beloved Col. 3. 12. a chosen Generation a Royal Priesthood an Holy Nation a peculiar People c. 1 Pet. 2. 9. They that are with the Lamb are Called Chosen and Faithful Rev. 17. 14. the Pretious Sons of Sion comparable to fine Gold Lam. 4. 2. This God's Election or Choice of his Church or People is gradually manifest and experienced in them as 1st When they have known the Work of God by his Grace begun it them unto their Separation from the World through a Decree of Faith and Sanctification are called Elect that is as chosen out of the World or from among Men being more peculiar to God then others while yet they are not perfectly grown and established in the Truth as Israel of old was Elect and Jerusalem chosen before their Estrangement from God Esa. 44. 1. 1 Kings 11. 13. Paul was a Chosen Vessel when first he had received and obeyed the heavenly Vision and Call Acts 9. 15. and Chap. 26. 19.
70 〈◊〉 Let it be understood that we do not fall thus abruptly upon People to surprise them with such Threatning them with Hell as if we would fright them into Perfection or drive them into Despair He hath not herein proposed our Method in order to Freedom from Sin and Salvation for first We preach the Grace the Light and Power of God to be believed and patiently waited in and that Patience may have her perfect Work in order to Perfection and Freedom which is not all wrought on a suddain or presently upon Conviction for it will require both Faith Patience Diligence and Travail to obtain it and we know that to obtain Salvation is to obtain Deliverance from Sin and this is by Jesus Christ who saveth his People from their Sins It is not our Method first to say There must be No Sin at all in you and then you shall attain Salvation Nor barely to say to People at first You must be quite free from All Sin here or burn in Hell hereafter for this though it hath a Truth in it is not a proposing the Ground and Foundation whereby to obtain Freedom but an abrupt Threatning tending to make Men look more at the Difficulty of the Condition then at the Power of Christ to aid them for that End And thus have the Papists misrepresented our Method in their Indefatigable Seeker as if we presently imposed such a Difficulty as the setting Men strictly to keep the Law obey punctually in every Title or else be damned But this is to make way for their Purgatory and may be taken as if we set People on work in their own Wills and Power to a most strict severe Life without the Power of God whenas without that we can do nothing acceptably and yet all things by that Power or through him that strengthneth us But whereas this man takes it for granted that to be quite Free from all Sin here or to keep the Commands of God is Not attainable Let it be minded that since he hath confessed No Unclean Thing shall enter into Heaven And Christ proposed the Keeping the Commandments as namely Thou shalt love the Lord thy God with all thy Heart c. and thy Neighbour as thy self as the Way to inherit Eternal Life this Man doth render it impossible either to enter in to Heaven or inherit eternal Life while he will not believe that to keep the Commands of God is attainable though God assist his own thereto for to keep the Commands was in order to inherit Eternal Life So to say with Christ if thou wilt enter into Heaven keep the Commandements●… and a Presbyter answers No It is not possible to keep the Commands The Consequence is then It is not possible to enter into Heaven Or it may be as well proposed If thou wilt enter into Heaven make thy self Wings and fly thither or go and stop the Sun in its Cou se or take the World on thy Back but God's and Christ's Commands imply no such Impossibility but that they may be performed We should not speak an idle Word we should not have one vain Thought in us not one wandring Thought in Prayer Eccl. 5. 3. We should not have one inordinate Desire nor evil Imagination against our Neighbour p. 71. He asked If a State of Freedom from all these Sins were attainable in t●…is Life and that I had the Face to tell him it is but the Consciences of all enlightened Persons Observers of their own Hearts will bring in Testimony against me Thi●… still shews his Presumption and Unbelief while he grants it our Duty to for sake all these Evils as idle Words vain Thoughts wandering Thoughts in Prayer inordinate Desires evil Imaginations c. Where then is the Christian Sabbath in which Man is not to speak his own Words nor think his own Thoughts And are not the Weapo●…s of the spiritual Warfare mighty thorrow God to the pulling down of strong Holds and the bringing every Thought into Subjection into the Obedience of Christ And the Thoughts of the Just are right Thoughts If the pulling down of Satan's Strong Holds be attainable by the spiritual Weapons much more the subjecting of wandring Thoughts being watch'd against in the Light that discovers them But while he doth not believe that a Freedom from wandering Thoughts in Prayer is attainable and yet confesseth that the holy Ghost calls a wandering Prayer a Dream we are to understand that when you Presbyters bring forth your wandering Prayers with your wandering Thoughts in them you are but dreaming and so meer Dreamers you do not pray with the Spirit for that does not bring forth any such Wandering Prayers and Dreams And be it further minded that his granting enlightned Observers of their own Hearts do see wandering Thoughts and Imaginations herein he hath given Concession to the inshining Light* as the Rule to discover wandering Thoughts which is more then the Scriptures do Therefore he and every one should attend and watch in the Light against Imaginations and wandring Thoughts and not to suffer them in Prayer From Job 9. 21. he concludes That Job abhorreth to entertain such a Thought as being Perfect pag. 72. Herein he hath wronged Job for he counted it not consistent with Self-Abasement and Humility for him to say I am Perfect especially upon a Self-Justification as his words before plainly intimate If I Justifie my self mine own Mouth shall condemn me c. Job 9. 20. Though I were Perfect yet would I not know my Soul vers 21. Which proveth not that Job abhorreth to entertain such a Thought as that of Perfection but rather that it was not so proper for him to speak it in his own Justification for surely he did entertain such a Thought as that of Perfection when he said When he hath tryed me I shall come forth as Gold Job 23. 10 11. The man 's gross Confusions about Job's Perfection is hinted in our Paper entituled the Presbyters Antidote choaking himself That saying If our Hearts condemn us God is Greater doth not prove these holy Men knew God saw something in them which ought not to be for which their Hearts condemn'd them so long as they lived for it is as well said If our Hearts Condemn us not then have we Confidence towards God S. S. Thoughts prevailed against and cast out return again and their being in us is Sin Act. 8. 20. Thou thoughtst that the Gift of God might be purchased with Money p. 72. Answ. A very pertinent Proof for the covetous Presbyters the quondam Hireling Parish Priests but no meet Instance to prove the Being of Evil Thoughts remain in all the holy Men of God nor an equal Comparison to mention the corrupt and erroneous Thought of Simon the Sorcerer as a Proof that Thoughts preva●…led against and cast out must return and have their being in the Lord's People all their Dayes but while he grants that evil Thoughts are prevailed against and
Israel and it is likely buried in twelve distinct places the Bones will fly through the Air out of all those places and meet together in one Body Oh! what a great part of the Air Water and Earth will there run into Conjunction by the Command of Christ and be turned into those very Bodies which were resolved into them by Death and the Corruption of the Pit But with the Addition of such new Qualities as shall sublimate spiritualize and refine them from all that Dreggishness and ill humour that shall be the Foundation of any Sickness or Death forever then the Bones will come together be made like Stones for Strength then the Sinnews will be as it were Iron Sinnews and the Flesh Brass such Strength will be put into them as I conceive is not to be found in the strongest Creatures which hitherto God hath made that they might be fitted the Bodies of the Righteous for an Eternal Life of Happiness and bearing the Glory of Heaven The Bodies of the Wicked for an Eternal Life of Misery and bearing the Torments of Hell pag. 17 18. But what a Stirring will there be in the Earth Those which are alive will wonder to see such a strange Metamorph●… of the Ground to seel Men and Women stirring and moving under their Feet arising and crouding for Room amongst them Then will the Lord bring down all the Souls of the Righteous which have been in Paradise with him many Years and they shall find out their own Bodies And he will open the Prison of Hell and let out the Souls of the Wicked for a while that they also may find out their own Bodies pag. 19. The Book of God's Remembrance will be opened This we are to understand in a Spiritual Sense not as if there were a real Book which God did make use of for his Remembrance of things as Men do who have Frail and Weak Memories pag. 22. The Spirits of all the just Men and Women made persect shall then come down and enter again into their Old Habitations pag. 31. when the Soul left the Body vile to putrifie and corrupt in the Grave and shall finde it come forth more Bright and Glorious then Gold after it hath been resined in a Furnace If the Love between the Soul and the Body were so great when the Body was so vile and the Soul so Sinful what will it be when both are glorified If the Conjunction between the Soul and Body were so sweet when the Body was so Frail and subject to Death and the Soul a Spiritual and Never-dying Subscance what will it be when the Body shall be made immortal and in some sort spiritual pag. 32. No sooner are they awakened and risen out of their Graves but they are entertained by Angels those Holy and Excellent Creatures when before in the Body they were too low and unfit for their Acquaintance but they will then know them and be able to discern the Beauty of those lovely Spirits pag. 33. They will arise like so many shining Suns out of the Earth pag. 34. They admired to see the Saints and to see themselves so transformed pag. 36. He will bring the Keys of Death and Hell along with him and open both these Prison Doors not to give Liberty and Release to the Prisoners But as prisons are opened at Assizes to bring them sorth unto Judgment he will open the Prison of Hell and all the Souls of the Wicked shall come forth like so many 〈◊〉 cut of the bottomless Fit and he will open the Prison of the Grave and all their Bodies shall creep Like so many ugly Toads out of the Earth and then Soul and Body shall be joyned together again and this Meeting will be sad beyond Expression Then the Meeting of the Souls and Bodies of the Wicked will be dolesul pag. 46 47. It is said that the vile Bodies of the Righteous shall be made like unto Christ's Body in Beauty and Glory but the Bodies of the Wicked will have another Hew and Fashion if it were possible to fashion Bodies like Devils those impure and foul Spirits such spiritual Bodies the Wicked should have Be sure their Bodies shall have no Glory put upon them but as they lay down Vile Bodies they shall rise up far more Vile The Bodies of the Wicked most probably will be Swarthy Black Ugly Monstrous Bodies p. 48. The Blackness and Dread of the Soul would quickly appear in their Countenance besides the Impressions which the Fire of Hell will have upon them if the Body be black how black will the Soul be after so long abode with foul Devils in the lower Regions of Darkness And when such foul Souls and such vile Bodies meet what a Meeting what a Greeting will there be We may fancy a kind of Language to be between them at that Day The Soul to the Body Come out of thy Hole thou filthy Dunghil Flesh for the Pampering and Pleasing of whom I have lost my self forever who hast stolen away my Time and Thoughts and Heart from God and Christ and Heavenly Things to feed and cloathe and cherish thee and make Provision to satisfie thy base deceitful Lusts when I should have been making Provision for thine and mine Everlasting Happiness Awake and come forth of the Dust thou Bewitching Dirty Flesh who didst lull me asleep so long in thy pleasing Chains until thou didst suddenly open thy Doors and thrust me out where I was awakened in Torments before I was aware Now I must come into thy Doors again that thou mayst share and taste the Bitter Issue of sinful Pleasures and Delights And O how will the Body be affrighted so soon as the Soul is entered p. 49. The Body to the Soul And hast thou found me out O my Enemy Couldst not thou have let me alone to lie still at rest in this sweet Sleep Hast thou used me as a Slave and employed all my Members as Servants of Iniquity and Unrighteousness and 〈◊〉 thou come now to Torment me and is this the Fruit of all the Pleasures we have taken together Shouldst not thou have been more VVise and provided better for thy self and me O! what Cryes and Shreeks will the Tongue give forth so soon as it hath recovered its Use p. 50. 2. The second Antecedent to the Judgment of the Wicked will be their Meeting with Devils to entertain them at their Resurrection and then they will not appear unto them like Angels of Light as sometimes here they have done p. 50. but they will spit forth their Venom and Malice then in their Faces possibly they may buffet their Bodies and lay painful Stroaks upon them surely they will terrifie their Souls for those Sins they have drawn them unto the Commission of p. 51. How will they be affrighted at the Apparition of so many Devils about them when they shall lash their Spirits with Horrible Scourges when
of their future Beings or how they shall be reserved for Eternal Rewards There are two things tend to Atheism or to make men Atheists viz. First Some Mens Curiosity in studying and searching into Matters and Things beyond their Capacities and Reason being things of another 〈◊〉 and Principle then they are in Secondly Other Mens Self Confidence in asserting things contrary to Reason and manifest Experience and in particular in their affirming that these self-same Terrestrial Bodies of Flesh Blood and Bones shall be made Spiritual Immortal and Incorruptible and yet the same Matter and Substance as now It is true that Henry Moor had finer and more 〈◊〉 Notions about the Resurrection then many other learned men and aimed at the Truth and Spirituality thereof from the Visions of the Holy Men recorded in the Scriptures but if any should soar after those Notions how fine thin sublime or desirable soever they seem to be to that Aspiring Mind that desireth to feed upon the Tree of Knowledge such are in Danger both to fall 〈◊〉 and miss of the Fruit of the Tree of Life and of the Resurrection of the Just. Therefore Oh breathing Souls retire and 〈◊〉 down to the holy Principle of Light and Life in your selves so as that may both rend the Vail of Darkness open you and shew it self in its own Purity Vertue and Efficacy unto you that thereby you may know Christ revealed in you to be your Resurrection and Life your Hope of Glory and Everlasting Reward your Strength Nourishment and Souls Satisfaction For this is Life Eternal to know God and Jesus Christ whom he hath sent that in him each of you may arise to Righteousness and Peace here and to Glory hereafter And though it appear not what you shall be yet it is matter of Satisfaction Stay and Comfort that you have such Experience of the Love of God as to be his Children and to have his Witness and Testimony in you That his Appearance and Work will be to your Glory and future Felicity in Immortality where we shall have a Building of God an House not made with Hands eternal in the Heavens for in this we groan earnestly c. that Mortality might be swallowed up of Life Now he that hath wrought us for the self-same thing is God who also hath given unto us the Earnest of the Spirit Glorified be his Name forever George Whitehead THE END A Conclusive ADVERTISEMENT Serious Reader THe many Controvers●…s the great 〈◊〉 of the Press the 〈◊〉 Strivings of our Adversaries and their 〈◊〉 to prejudice and divert the Minds of People with their 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 and perverse Gain-sayings from the Reception of Truth which required 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 and speedy Answers have occasioned the long Delay of publishing this Book after it was writ but I hope it will not be unseasonable at length but of Service to many for the Information of such honest Minds as sincerely seek to understand the Truth about those principal Matters of 〈◊〉 between us and our present Opposers herein unfolded And if the Manner or Method of Wording any Passages of Reprehension c. seems too Harsh or Sharp in the Eye of any who have not known 〈◊〉 been concerned as we are with such unplacable Adversaries let not this disgust or 〈◊〉 them from eying the Light and Manifestation of Truth aim'd at really intended and seriously contended for in the Matter and Substance of these 〈◊〉 Considering also in the reading the reprovable Occasions given us by those 〈◊〉 Spirits we have to deal withal our Zeal being for the Truth as made known to us and that in Uprightness and Simplicity of Heart to God and Love to Souls we have taken this Pains with much more And we must speak and write 〈◊〉 according to our several Gifts and as we see Occasion as they naturally 〈◊〉 and spring even in the Simplicity of Truth received not as Men 〈◊〉 nor to gratifie Men's Curious Fancies and Affections but as those that must give Account unto GOD whose we are Upon perusal of the Answers here 〈◊〉 I 〈◊〉 meet to give a Hint of these two Passages to prevent some Objection viz 〈◊〉 in pag. 112. there is a Question upon John 12. 35. which is Did not Jesus say There is yet a little Light IN YOU Having made further 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 it I find only in the Old Latin Translation these words Dixit ergo eis Jesus adhuc modieum Lumen IN VOBIS est And whether this might not be 〈◊〉 out of some very ancient Greek Copy not come to our 〈◊〉 is to be 〈◊〉 as being supposed by some However it is a Truth 〈◊〉 the 〈◊〉 that was with them was also IN them To be with them doth not 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 in them And whereas in pag. 305. lin 6. 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 are to dye these Words of S. S' s should have been inserted viz. Another 〈◊〉 say to that Company Though you are not able to run as 〈◊〉 as 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 as strongly yet if you do your best Endeavour and hold out you are to 〈◊〉 the rich Inheritance I ask which of 〈◊〉 two did speak to the 〈◊〉 of their Companies 〈◊〉 he renders the Scripture-Minister as 〈◊〉 in Opposition to the Quaker How this Passage 〈◊〉 omitted I know not for I am 〈◊〉 it was intended being spoaken to in my Answer as 〈◊〉 pag. 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 306. And as for the Errors or Defects that 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 in the Press through any Inadvertency or much Business the Reader is desired to correct or at least not to reflect upon the Author therein seeing the most material Faults are noted in the following Errata and how to be Corrected in the 〈◊〉 ERRATA TO THE SECOND PART HEre are some of the most material Faults escaped the Press which the honest serious Reader is desired to correct as 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 read obvious to the Sight p. 8. l. 30. for us read as p. 14. l. 23 for filth 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 p. 15 l. 1. r. obliterated p. 19. l. 21. for Saint r. Saints p. 29. l. 〈◊〉 for 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 p. 30. l. 4. r. Manifestation or Principle l. 19 r that the Light is Christ. p 32 l. 10. for good read Goodness p. 39. l. 15. r. comparing it as to its Work pag 45 l. 29 f. effect r. affect p. 48. l. 3 for which r. the. p. 54 l. 24 f principle r. principal pages 66 67 68. in the Titlo blot out Offices 〈◊〉 p. 72 l. 27. 〈◊〉 meerly as a 〈◊〉 without p. 75. l. 22. 〈◊〉 spiritual known r. spiritually 〈◊〉 p. 77. l. 35 r 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 p 80. l. 33. f. to be r. will be p. 84. line last de●…e lux p. 105. l. 9. f Christ saying r. that saying p. 132. l 6. r. 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 p. 133 l. 16 for he r they p. 142. l. 5. r. strike at p. 150. l. 22. f Body r. the Body p. 151. blot out Body of in the 〈◊〉 p. 152. l. 31. r. on thy
3 One God and Father of all 1 Cor. 8. 6 Now to the King Eternal Immortal Invisible the Only Wise God be Glory c. 1 Tim. 1. 17. The Heaven of Heavens cannot contain Thee 1 Kings 8. 27. 2 Chron. 6. 18 What House will ye build me Acts 7. 49 God dwells in the Light 1 Tim. 6. 16 To whom will ye liken God what Likeness will ye compare unto Him Isa. 40. 18 25 God is a Spirit John 4. 24. Clem. Alex. Strom. L. 2. Lact. Fals. Rel. 1. 5. Cic. de Nat. Deor. 1. But to us there is but One God the Father of all of whom are all things 1 Cor. 8. 6. Where wast thou when I laid the Foundations of the Earth read on Job 38. 4 And the Earth was without Form read the Chapter in which is declared God's Making and beautifying Heaven and Earth and all Living Creatures therein Gen. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12. and so to the end Thou Lord madest the Heavens and the Earth and all that in them is Acts 4. 24. August cir Del. 8. Tim. de De Anim. Mund. The Pure in heart shall see God Mat. 5. 8. He dwelleth in Immortality no Mortal Eye can approach or behold him 1 Tim. 1. 16. One Thing have I desired of Thee O Lord to behold the Beauty of the Lord Psalm 27. 4 The Things of God knows no Man but the Spirit of God but God hath Reveal'd them to us by his Spirit 1 Cor. 2. 10 11. 1. 13. Is Christ divided 1 Cor. 1. 13 And I heard a great Voice saying THE TABERNACLE OF GOD IS WITH MEN. He that Overcometh shall Inherit all things I will be his God and he shall be my Son Revel 21. 3 7. Jambl. * Jamblich * De Anim. Mund. In the Beginning was the Word and the Word was with God and the Word was God John 1. 1. The Word is nigh thee in thy Heart and in thy Mouth Rom. 10. 8. I dwell in the High and Holy Place with him also that is of a Contrite and Humble Spirit Isa. 57. 15. Ye are the Temples of God and that the Spirit of God dwells in you 1 Cor. 2 16. Whatever may be known of God is manifested within for God shews it unto them Rom. 1. 19. Valer. Max. 7. 2. Lay up Treasure in Heaven where neither Moth nor Rust can Corrupt nor Thief break through and Steal Mat. 6. 20. This Treasure hath God put into Earthen Vessels 2 Cor. 4. 7. Fear not for the Lord thy God it is that doth go with thee he will not fail thee nor forsake thee Deut. 31. 6. In all their Afflictions he was Afflicted Isa. 63. 9 The Lord is a present Help in the time of Trouble Psal. 46. 1. * Oedip. Tyr. Shall not the Uncircumcision that is by Nature if it fulfil the Law judge thee who by the ●…etter and Circumcision dost transgress the Law For he is not a Jew that is one Outward implying such as keep the Law is one Inward Rom. 2. 27 28. And the Word of God nigh in the Heart shall abide forever Isa. 40. 8. Clem. Alex. Strom. L. 5. Plutarch de Gen. Socr. There is a Spirit in Man but the Inspiration of the Almighty giveth Understanding Job 32 8. 2 Tim. 2. 22 25. For as many as are led by the Spirit of God are the Children of God Rom. 8. 14. * In phaed. God is Light 1 John 1. 5. In thy Light 〈◊〉 we see Light Psalm 36. 10 God is not far from every one of us for in him we live move and have our ●…eing for we are also his Off-sping as certain of your own Poets have said Acts 17. 27 28. One of whom was Arabus whom the Apostle quotes as speaking Truth and imployes it against them to prove a True God and to introduce his Gospel which if it shewed their Apostacy it also implies that there had been Heathens rightly apprehending of God else surely the Apostle would never have cited the Poets Saying for a Confirmation of his own Doctrine * Enead 1. cap. 1. For the Lord God is a Sun a Shield the Lord will give Grace and Glory no good Thing will he withhold from them that trust in him and walk uprightly Psal. 84. 11 12. For God hath shewed it unto them Rom. 1. 19. Clem. Alex. Strom. L. 5. A Manifestation of the Spirit is given unto every one to profit withal 1 Cor. 12. 7. One God and Father of all who is above all and through all The Lord is Good unto all Psal. 145. 9. Leg. Alleg. L. 1. The Things of God knoweth no Man save the Spirit of God 1 Cor. 2. 11. I will put my Law in their Minds and write them in their Inward parts I will be their God and they shall be my People Heb. 8. 10 11. Plut. Dion Prus. Because whatever may be known of God is manifest within for God hath shewed it unto them but because they liked not to retain God in their Knowledge God gave them up to vile Affections Rom. 2. 19 26 28. Dis. lib. 1. cap. 14. O Lord thou hast searched me thou understandest my Thoughts afar off Whither shall I go from thy Spirit Psal. 139. 1 2 7. We have a more Sure Word of Prophesie 2 Pet. 19. The Lord hath shewedun to thee O Man what is Good and what he doth require of thee Micah 6. 8. In him we Live Move and have our Being Acts 17. 28. Such as Men Sow such shall they Reap Gal. 6. 7. That was the true Light which Inlightneth all Mankind John 1. 9. * Senec. Epist. 41. * De Benef. c. 17. * 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 Behold the Tabernacle of God is with Men Rev 21. 3. He that d●…clareth 〈◊〉 Man his Thoughts the Lord the God of Hosts is hi●… Name Amos 4. 13. W●…ite ye have the Light walk in the Light that you may be the Children of the Light God is Light John 12. 26. 1 John 1. 5. * ●…pist 8. * Epist. 31. * If Angry Tho. Hicks will please to inform himself of the Reasons that induced Justin to turn Christian he will find the Light Within acknowledged to be the Efficient Cause thereof for it was the Principle of God in his Conscience that continually pleaded the Christians Cause within him and who at last overcoming Justin Believes in Christ and Dyes for him too Now what Disgrace is this to the Light Within Liv'd after Christ Ann. 123. 1543. years since Apolog. Liv'd after Christ 190. Admon ad Gent. Strom. L. 5. Clem. Alex. in Admon ad Gent. Liv'd Ann. 195. Liv'd about Ann. 203. Liv'd about Ann. 315. De Cult Ver. Lib. de Ira cap. 2. Liv'd about Ann. 325. Athanas. cont Gent. Liv'd about Ann. 3 80. Liv'd about Ann. 393. Liv'd about the Year of the World 3313. before Christ about 630. years which is 2330. years since Thou therefore which teachest another teachest thou not thy self Rom. 2. 21. Love thy