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A26796 The harmony of the divine attributes in the contrivance and accomplishment of man's redemption by the Lord Jesus Christ, or, Discourses wherein is shewed how the wisdom, mercy, justice, holiness, power, and truth of God are glorified in that great and blessed work / by William Bates. Bates, William, 1625-1699. 1674 (1674) Wing B1113; ESTC R25864 309,279 511

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Graces are amiable and attractive in the view of Men as easiness to pardon a readiness to oblige compassion to the afflicted liberality to the necessitous sweetness of conversation without gall and bitterness these are of universal esteem with mankind and soften the most savage tempers If there be any Vertue and if there be any Praise think on these things And St. Peter excites Believers to joyn to their Faith by which the Gospel of Christ is embrac't Intellectual and Moral vertues without which 't is but a vain picture of Christianity Add to your Faith Vertue and to Vertue Knowledge and to Knowledge Temperance and to Temperance Patience and to Patience Godliness and to Godliness Brotherly kindness and to Brotherly kindness Charity He enforces the command give all diligence that these things abound in you and ye shall neither be barren nor unfruitful in the Knowledge of Christ. Now these Graces purifie and perfect refine and ra●se the humane nature and without a Command their Goodness is a strong obligation I will take a more distinct view of the Precepts of Christ as they are set down in that excellent abridgement of them by the Apostle The Grace of God that bringeth Salvation hath appeared to all Men teaching us that denying ungodliness and worldly lusts we should live Soberly Righteously and Godly in this present world Here is a distribution of our duties with respect to their several Objects our selves others and God The first are regulated by Temperance the second by Justice the third by Godliness And from the accomplishment of these is formed that Holiness without which no man shall see God 1. In respect to our selves we must live soberly Temperance governs the sensual appetites and affections by sanctified reason The Gospel allows the sober and chast use of pleasures but absolutely and severely forbids all excess in those that are lawful and abstinence from all that are unlawful that stain vilify the Soul and alienate it from converse with God and mortifie its lust to spiritual delights By sensual complacency Man first lost his Innocence and Happiness and till the flesh is subdued to the spirit he can never recover them The carnal mind is enmity against God Fleshly lusts war against the Soul Therefore we are urged with the most affectionate earnestness to abstain from them by withdrawing their incentives and crucifying our corrupt inclinations In short the Law of Christ obliges us as to deal with the body as an enemy that is disposed to revolt against the Spirit by watching over all our senses lest they should betray us to temptations so to preserve it as a thing consecrated to God from all impurity that will render it unworthy the honour of being the Temple of the Holy Ghost 2. We are commanded to live Righteously in our relation to others Justice is the supreme Virtue of humane Life that renders to every one what is due The Gospel gives rules for Men in every state and place to do what Reason requires As no condition is excluded from its Blessedness so every one is obliged by its Precepts Subjects are commanded to obey all the lawful commands of Authority and not resist and that upon the strongest motive not onely for Wrath but for Conscience They must obey Man for Gods sake but never disobey God for Mans sake And Princes are obliged to be an encouragement to good Works and a terror to the evil that those who are under them may lead a quiet and a peaceable life in all Godliness and Honesty It injoynes all the respective duties of Husbands and Wives Parents and Children Masters and Servants And that in all contracts and commerce none defrauds his Brother accordingly in the esteem of Christians he is more religious who is more righteous than others Briefly Christian righteousness is not to be measured by the rigor of Laws but by that rule of universal Equity delivered by our Saviour Whatsoever ye would have others do to you do it to them 3. We are instructed by the Law of Christ to live Godly This part of our duty respects our apprehensions affections and demeanour to God which must be sutable to his Glorious perfections The Gospel hath revealed them clearly to us viz. the Unity Simplicity Eternity and Purity of the Divine Nature that it subsists in three Persons the Father Son and Spirit and his Wisdom Power and Goodness in the Work of our Redemption It requires that we pay the special Honour that is due to God in the esteem and veneration of our Minds in the subjection of our Wills in the assent of our Affections to him as their proper object That we have an intire Faith in his Word a firm Hope in his Promises a Holy Jealousie for his Honour a Religious care in his Service And that we express our reverence love and dependance on him in our Prayers and Praises That our Worshp of Him be in such a manner as becomes God who receives it and Man that presents it God is a pure Spirit and Man is a reasonable Creature therefore ●e must worship him in Spirit and Truth And since Man in his fallen State cannot approach the Holy and Just God without a Mediator he is directed by the Gospel to address himself to the Throne of Grace in the name of the Lord Jesus Christ who alone can reconcile our Persons and render our Services acceptable with his Father Besides the immediate service of the Deity Godliness includes the propension and tendency of the Soul to him in the whole conversation and it contains three things 1. That our Obedience proceeds from love to God as its vital Principle This must warm and animate the external action this alone makes Obedience as delightful to us so pleasing to God He shews Mercy to those who love him and keep his Commandments Faith works by Love and enclines the Soul to obey with the same Affection that God enjoins the Precept 2. That all our Conversation be regulated by his Will as the Rule He is our Father and Sovereign and the respect to his Law gives to every action the formality of Obedience We must choose our Duty because he commands it Whatsoever ye do in word or deed do all in the name of the Lord Jesus that is for his command and by his assistance 3. That the Glory of God be the supreme End of all our Actions This Qualification must adhere not only to necessary Duties but to our natural and civil Actions Our light must so shine before men that they may see our good works and glorifie our Father which is in Heaven Whether we eat or drink or whatsoever we do all must be done in a regular and due proportion to the Glory of God A general Designation of this is absolutely requisite and the renewing of our intentions actually in matters of moment For He being the sole Author of our Lives and
favour Now the Angels are sent forth to minister for them who are Heirs of Salvation Besides in two other things the peculiar affection of the Prince would be most evident to that Nation 1. If he put on their habit and attire himself according to their fashion 2. If he fixt his residence among them Now the Son of God was cloathed with our flesh and found in fashion as a man and for ever appears in it in Heaven and will at the last day invest our bodies with glory like to his own He now dwells in us by his Spirit and when our warfare is accomplisht he shall in a special manner be present with us in the eternal Mansions As God incarnate he converst with Men on Earth and as such he will converse with them in heaven There he raigns as the first-born in the midst of many Brethren Now all these Prerogatives are the fruits of our Redemption And how great is that Mercy which hath raised Mankind more glorious out of its ruines The Apostle breaks out with a Heavenly astonishment Behold what manner of Love the Father hath bestowed upon us that we should be called the Sons of God! that we who are Strangers and Enemies Children of Wrath by nature should be dignified with the honorable and amiable title of his Sons 'T was a rare and most merciful condescension in Pharaoh's Daughter to rescue an innocent and forsaken Infant from perishing by the waters and adopt him to be her Son but how much greater kindness was it for God to save guilty and wretched Man from Eternal Flames and to take him into his Family The Ambition of the Prodigal rose no higher than to be a Servant wha● an inestimable favour is it to make us Children When God would express the most dear and peculiar affection to Solomon he saith I will be his Father and he shall be my Son this was the highest honour he could promise and all believers are dignified with it 'T is the same relation that Christ hath when he was going to Heaven he comforted his Disciples with these words I ascend to my Father and your Father to my God and your God There is indeed a diversity in the foundation of it Christ is a Son by Nature we are by meer Favour he is by Generation we are by Adoption Briefly Jesus Christ hath made us Kings Priests unto God his Father These are the highest Offices upon Earth and were attended with the most conspicuous Honour and the Holy Spirit chose those bright Images to convey a clearer notice of the glory to which our Redeemer hath raised us Not only all the Crowns and Scepters in this perishing World are infinitely beneath this dignity but the honour of our innocent state was not equal to it Secondly The Gospel is a better Covenant than that which was establisht with Man in his Creation and the excellency of it will appear by considering 1. 'T is more beneficial in that it admits of Repentance and Reconciliation after sin and accepts of Sincerity instead of perfection The Apostle magnifies the Office of Christ By how much he is a Mediator of a better Covenant which was established upon better promises The comparison there is between the Ministry of the Gospel and the Mosaical oeconomy And the excellency of the Gospel is specified in respect of those infinitely better promisses that are in it The ceremonial Law appointed Sacrifices for sins of ignorance and error and to obtain only legal impunity but the Gospel upon the account of Christ's all-sufficient Sacrifice offers full Pardon for all Sins that are repented of and forsaken Now with greater reason the Covenant of Grace is to be preferr'd before the Covenant of Works For the Law considered Man as holy and endued with perfection of Grace equal to whatsoever was commanded 'T was the measure of his Ability as well as Duty and requir'd exact Obedience or threatned extreme Misery The least breach of it is fatal A single Offence as certainly exposes to the curse as if the whole were violated And in our lapsed state we are utterly disabled to comply with its Purity and Perfection But the Gospel contains the Promises of Mercy and is in the hands of a Mediator The tenor of it is That Repentance and Remission of Sins be preached in the Name of Christ. And if we judge our selves we shall not be judged 'T is not if we are innocent for then none could be exempt from Condemnation But if the convinced Sinner erect a Tribunal in Conscience and strips Sin of its disguise to view it in its native deformity if he pronounce the Sentence of the Law against himself and glorifie the Justice of God which he cannot satisfie and forsake the Sins which are the causes of his sorrow he is qualified for pardoning Mercy Besides The Gospel doth not only apply Pardon to us for all forsaken Sins but provides a Remedy for those Infirmities to which the best are incident Whilst we are in this mortal state we are exposed to Temptations from without and have Corruptions within that often betray us Now to support our drooping Spirits our Redeemer sits in Heaven to plead for us and perpetually renews the Pardon that was once purchased to every contrite spirit for those unavoidable frailties which cleave to us here The promise of Grace is not made void by the sudden surprizes of Passions If any man sin we have an Advocate with the Father Jesus Christ the Righteous The rigour of the Law is mollified by his Mediation with the Father A title of Love and Tenderness God deals not with the Severity of a Judg but He spares us as a man spares his own son that serves him And as He pardons us upon our Repentance so He accepts our hearty though mean services Now the Legal that is unsinning and compleat Obedience cannot be performed the Evangelical that is the sincere though imperfect is graciously received God doth not require the duties of a Man by the measures of an Angel Unfeigned Endeavours to please Him unreserved Respects to all his Commands single and holy aims at his Glory are rewarded Briefly Although the Law is continued as a Rule of living yet not as the Covenant of Life And what an admirable exaltation of Mercy is there in this new Treaty of God with Sinners 'T is true the first Covenant was holy just and good but it made no abatements of favour and 't is now weak through the flesh that is The carnal corrupt Nature is so strong and impetuous that the restraints of the Law are ineffectual to stop its desires and therefore cannot bring Man to that Life that is promised by the performance of the Condition required But the Gospel provides an Indulgence for relenting and returning Sinners This is the language of God in that Covenant I will be merciful to their unrighteousness and their sins and their Iniquities
Him in the admirable Oeconomy of our Redemption 'T is not upon the account of his essential and eternal Purity which is common to all the Persons but in regard of his Office to infuse Holiness into the depraved Soul and renew the Divine Image that he is so call'd Now Jesus Christ purchased the Spirit by his Humiliation and Sufferings and conveys Him to us in his Exaltation and Glory 1. He purchas'd the Spirit by his Sufferings For since Man fell from his original Innocence he is justly depriv'd of special Grace that is necessary to heal and recover him And till by a perfect Sacrifice Divine Justice was appeased that had shut the Treasury of Heaven and the Forfeiture taken off he could not obtain the eternal Riches God must be reconciled before He will bestow the Holy Spirit a Gift so great and so precious the earnest of his peculiar Love and special Favour to us Therefore our Saviour tells his Disciples who were extremely afflicted for his departure from them That it was expedient he should go away for otherwise the Spirit would not come whose Office was to convince and convert the World The departure of Christ implied his Death and Ascension both which were requisite in order to the sending of Him If the Blood of Christ had not been shed on the Cross the Spirit had not been poured forth from Heaven The effusion of the one was the cause of the effusion of the other The Rock that refreshed the Israelites in the Desert did not powre forth its miraculous waters till it was struck by the Rod of Moses to instruct us That Christ our Spiritual Rock must be struck with the Curse of the Law the mystical Rod of Moses to communicate the Waters of Life to us that is the Spirit who is represented in Scripture under that element 2. Our Redeemer confers the Spirit after his glorious Exaltation When he ascended on high he led Captivity captive and gave gifts unto men After his triumph over Principalities and Powers He dispenc'd his Bounty in this rich Donative For the Holy Spirit was first given to Christ as the reward of his excellent Obedience in dying that was infinitely pleasing to God to be communicated from him to Men. And he received the Spirit in the quality of Mediator upon his entrance into Heaven The Psalmist declares this Prophetically Thou hast ascended on high thou hast led captivity captive thou hast received gifts for Men yea for the rebellious also that the Lord God might dwell among them He acquired a right to those Treasures by dying but he takes possession of them after his Ascension Now He is Crown'd He holds forth the Scepter of his Royalty Therefore 't is said that when Christ was upon the Earth the Holy Spirit was not given because Jesus was not Glorified If it be objected that Believers before the Ascension of Christ were partakers of the Spirit the answer is clear 1. It was upon Christ's interposing in the beginning as Mediator and with respect to his future Death and Ascension that the Spirit was given to them 2. The degrees of communicating the Spirit before and after the Ascension of Christ are very different whether we consider the gifts of the Spirit those extraordinary abilities with which the Apostles were endued or the fruits of the Spirit the Sanctifying Graces that are bestowed on Believers the measure of them far exceeds what-ever was conveyed before The Spirit Descended as in a dew upon the Jewish Nation but 't is now powred forth in showers upon all flesh Now in the stile of Scripture things are said to be when apparently and eminently they discover their being So that comparatively to the Power and Virtue of the Spirit discovered in the Church since the Glorification of Christ he was not given before All the former manifestations are obscured by the excess and excellency of the later And not only the Decree of God which is sufficient to connect those things that have no natural dependence but there are special reasons for the order of this Dispensation for the great end of the Spirit 's coming was to reveal fully to the World the way of Salvation to discover the unsearchable riches of Grace to assure Men of happiness after this Life that they might be reduced from a state of Rebellion to Obedience and their affections be refined and purified from all Earthliness and made Angelical and Heavenly Now the Principal demonstrations which he used to perswade Men of these things are the Death and Resurrection of Christ without which these Mysteries had been under a cloud That the Instruction therefore of the Spirit might be clear and effectual it was necessary Christ should Suffer and enter into Heaven and accomplish those things he was to teach And from hence we may observe that the Sanctifying Grace of the Spirit is only the concomitant of the Evangelical Mercy The Gospel and the Spirit are the Wings by which the Sun of Righteousness brings healing and life to the World The declaration of the Law from Mount Sinai was Divine but not accompanied with the efficacy of Grace Therefore 't is called the ministration of Death It conveyed no Spiritual strength as delivered by the hands of Moses considering him precisely in the quality of the legal Mediator but threatned a Curse to the breakers of it All the promises of Mercy scattered in the Books of Moses belong to the Covenant of Grace The Gospel is called the Law of the Spirit of Life and the Ministration of the Spirit that is the Spirit of Holiness and Comfort from whom true and Eternal Life proceeds 〈◊〉 is solely communicated by it The discovery of the Divine Goodness in the Works of Creation and Providence is natural and without the renewing power of the Spirit There is a correspondence between the external Revelation of Mercy and the internal Grace of the Spirit in their Original as the one is supernatural so is the other Not but that the Heathens had some fainter beams of the Sun of Righteousness for he inlightens every man that comes into the World and some lower operations of the Spirit whereby they were reduced from Intemperance Incontinency and other gross Vices to the practice of several Vertues that respect the Civil Life And of this we have an eminent instance recorded by Diogenes Laertius That Polemo half-drunk crown'd with Roses and in the dress of a Harlot rather than of a Man coming into the School of the severe Zenocrates hearing him discourse of Temperance as by a Charm was so perfectly changed that casting away the Garland from his Head and the lascivious Ornaments that were about him and which was more considerable his vicious Habits from his Soul he that entered in a Reveller come forth a Philosopher so corrected and composed in his manners that he was called the Dorick tone which of all others was the most solemn and majestical in the Musick of
despis'd whatever is amiable or terrible in the world How is it possible He should deny the Knowledg of Himself to those to whom He gave such a pure Love to Himself But the humane Nature in its corrupted state is contrary both to the Doctrine of the Gospel that propounds Supernatural Verities hard to believe and to the commands of it that enjoin things hard to do For this reason 't was necessary that God by some external Operations the undeniable effects of His Power should discover to the World his approbation of it Now that Christ is the Son of God and Redeemer of the World was miraculously declared from Heaven by the whole Divinity There are Three that bear Record in Heaven the Father and the Word and the Holy Ghost and these three are One. The Father testified by a Voice as loud as Thunder at his Baptism and Transfiguration Thou art my beloved Son in whom I am well pleased The Son by his glorious appariton to Paul when He struck him to the earth with these words Why persecutest thou me The Light was so radiant the Voice so strong the impression it made so deep and sensible that he knew it came from God And He manifested Himself to St. John with that brightness That he fell at his feet as dead till in compassion He reviv'd him and said I am He that liveth and was dead and behold I am alive for evermore And the Holy Spirit by his miraculous descent in the shape of a Dove upon Him and in fiery Tongues upon the Apostles gave a visible testimony that Jesus Christ was sent from God to save the World I will particularly consider one Effect of the Divine Power the Resurrection of Christ this being the most important Article of the Gospel and the demonstration of all the rest For 't is not conceivable that God would by his Almighty Power have rais'd Him from the Grave to a glorious Life and it is impossible He should be otherwise if He had taken the Name of the Son of God in vain and arrogated to himself Divine Honour and only pretended that he was sent from Him By the Resurrection He was declar'd to be the Son of God with Power For that being the proof of his Mission justifies the truth of his Doctrine and particularly of the quality of God's Son which He alwaies attributed to Himself Now if Infidelity object that we who live in the present Age have no sensible testimony that Christ is risen and what assurance is there that the Apostles who reported it were not Deceivers or deceived In Answer to this I will briefly 〈◊〉 how valuable the Testimony of the Apostles is and worthy of all acceptation and that 't was equally impossible they should be deceived or intend to deceive His Death is attested by his Enemies 〈◊〉 a Pagan relates that He Suffered under Pontius Pilate And the Jews to this day 〈◊〉 so unhappy as to boast of their being the causes of his Crucifixion and call him by a name that is the mark of his Punishment But his Resurrection they peremptorily deny Now the Apostles being sent to convert the World were to ●ay this down as the foundation of their Preaching that Jesus Christ was rais'd from the dead that all might yield Faith and Obedience to Him This was then special charge as St. Peter declares Wherefore of th●se men which have companied with us all the time that the Lord Jesus went in and out among us beginning from the Baptism of John unto the same day that He was taken up from us must be one ordained to be a witness of his Resurrection They were to testifie concerning His Doctrine and Life His Miracles and Sufferings but principally His Resurrection For this reason St. Paul who was extraordinarily admitted into their Order had a miraculous Sight of Christ from Heaven Last of all He was seen of me to testifie it to the World Now for our full conviction 't is necessary to consider the quality of the Witnesses and the nature of their Testimony 1. The Witnesses were such of whom there cannot be the least reasonable Suspicion In Civil Causes of the greatest moment the Testimony of the Honourable and the Rich are accounted valuable because they are not easily corrupted one of a low degree may from baseness of Spirit through Cowardize and Fear be tempted to deny the Truth one in a poor condition may be so dazled with the lustre of Gold when he considers the price of Perjury as to be induced to assert a falshood But who is more incorruptible the Noble that from a sense of Honour abhor a Lie or those who by their Divine Birth and Qualities did so detest it that they would not tell a Lie for the Glory of God Who is more worthy of Credit the Rich whose Riches sometimes excites their desires after more or those who by a generous disdain despised all things Besides Persons of known Integrity whom the different images of hopes and fears cannot probably encline to evil are admitted to decide the weightiest Causes Now the Apostles were so innocent sober honest and unblameable in the whole tenour of their Conversations that their most malignant Adversaries could never fasten an accusation upon them Indeed if their carnal Interests had been concern'd there might have been some colourable Objections against their Testimony But if we duely consider things it will appear utterly incredible that any deceit could be in it For as all the actions of reasonable Men proceed from Reason solid or apparent so particularly Imposture and Fiction are never without some Motive and Design For being contrary to Nature there must ●ntervene a forreign Consideration for their contrivance Now the universal Motives to invent Fables are Honour Riches or Pleasure But none of these could possibly move the Apostles to feign the Resurrection of Christ. Not to insist on the Meanness of their Extraction and Education who had only seen Boats and Nets and convers'd with Lakes and Fishes whereas Ambition usually springs up in Persons of high birth and breeding 't is evident that no respect to humane Praise excited them since they attributed the Doctrine of the Gospel that should give them reputation in the World to the Holy Spirit and ascribed the Glory of their miraculous Actions entirely to the Divine Power When the People of Lystra would have given Divine Honour to St. Paul he disclaim'd it with abhorrency And presently after those who would have ador'd him as a God stoned him as a Malefactor he chose rather to be their Sacrifice than their Idol Besides how could they expect to be great or rich by declaring that One who came to such a Tragical End in the face of the world was rais'd to Life when the hands of the Jews were still bloody with the Wounds of their Master and their hearts so enraged against all that honoured his Name as to excommunicate
Attributes seem'd to be attendants on Justice The Wisdom of God enforc'd its Plea it being most indecent that Sin which provokes the execution should procure the abrogation of the Law this would encourage the commission of Sin without fear The Majesty of God was concern'd for it was not becoming his excellent Greatness to treat with defiled dust and to offer Pardon to a presumptuous Rebel immediately after his Offence and before he made Supplication to his Judge The Holiness of God did quicken his Justice to execute the threatning For he is of purer eyes than to behold Iniquity As Goodness is the essential object of his Will which he loves unchangeably wherever it is so is Sin the eternal object of his hatred and where 't is found in the love of it renders the subject odious to him He will not take the wicked by the hand The Law of contrariety forbids Purity and Pollution to mix together And the veracity of God requir'd the inflicting the punishment For the Law being a declaration of God's Will according to which He would dispense Rewards and Punishments either it must be executed upon the Offend●r or if extraordinarily dispens'd with it must be upon such terms as the honour of Gods Truth may be preserved This seeming conflict was between the Attributes The sublim●st Spirits in Heaven were at a loss how to unravel the difficulty and to find out the miraculous way to reconcile infinite Mercy with inflexible Justice how to satisfie the demands of the one and the requests of the other God was to overcome Himself before He restored Man In this exigence his Mercy excited his Wisdom to interpose as an Arbiter which in the Treasures of its incomprehensible Light found out an admirable expedient to save Man without prejudice to his other Perfections That was by constituting a Mediator both able and willing between the guilty creature and Himself That by transferring the punishment on the Surety he might punish Sin and pardon the Sinner And here the more severe and rigorous Justice is the more admirable is the Mercy that saves In the same stupendious Sacrifice he declared his respect to Justice and his delight in Mercy The two principal relations of our Redeemer are the one of a gift from God to man the other of an oblation for men to God By the one God satisfies his infinite Love to Man and by the other satisfies his infinite Justice for Man Neither is it unbecoming God to condescend in accepting the returning Sinner when a Mediator of infinite dignity intercedes for favour The Divine Majesty is not lessen'd when God is in Christ reconciling the world unto himself Neither is the Sanctity of God disparag'd by his Clemency to Sinners for the Redeemer is the principle and pattern of Holiness to all that are saved The same Grace that enclin'd God to send his Son to die for us gives his Spirit to live in us to renew us in the inward Man that by conformity to God we may be prepared for communion with him Here is a sweet concurrence of all the attributes Mercy and Truth are met together Righteousness and Peace kiss each other Who can count up this heap of wonders Who can unfold all the treasures of this mysterious Love The tongue of an Angel cannot explicate it according to its dignity 'T is the fairest copy of the Divine Wisdome the consummation of all God's Counsels wherein all the Attributes are displayed in their brightest lustre 'T is here the manifold wisdome of God appears The Angels of Light bend themselves with extraordinary application of Mind and ar●ent Affections to study the rich and unsearchable variety that is in it only the same Understanding comprehends it which contriv'd it But as one that views the Ocean although he cannot see its bounds or bottom yet he sees so much as to know that that vast collection of waters is far greater than what is within the compass of his short sight So although we cannot understand all the depths of that immense Wisdom which order●d the way of our Salvation yet we may discover so much as to know with the Apostle that it surpasses knowledg He that is the Brightness of his Father●s Glory and the Light of the World so illuminate our dark Understandings that we may conceive aright of this great Mystery The First thing that offers it self to Consideration is the compass of the Divine Wisdome in taking occasion from the Sin and Fall of Man to bring more Glory to God and to raise him to a more excellent state Sin in its own nature hath no tendency to good 't is not an apt medium to promote the Glory of God so far is it from a direct contributing to it that on the contrary 't is the most real dishonour to Him But as a black ground in a Picture which in it self only defiles when plac'd by Art sets off the brighter colours and heightens their beauty So the evil of Sin which considered absolutely obscures the Glory of God yet by the disposition of his Providence it serves to illustrate his Name and to make it more glorious in the esteem of reasonable Creatures Without the Sin of Man there had been no place for the most perfect exercise of his Goodness O foelix culpa q●ae tantum talem meruit habere Redemptorem Happy fault not in it self but by the wise and merciful Counsel of God to be repair'd in a way so advantageous that the Salvation of the Earth is the Wonder of Heaven the Redemption of Man ravishes the Angels The Glory of God is more visible in the recovery of laps●d Man than if the Law had been obeyed or executed If Adam had persever'd in his Duty the Reward had been from Gaace for owing himself to God he could receive nothing but as a gift from his Bounty so that Goodness only had then been exerci'sd and not in its highest and most obliging Acts which are to save the guilty and the miserable for Innocence is incapable of Mercy If the Sentence had been inflicted Justice had been honour'd with a solemn Sacrifice but Mercy the sweet tender and indulgent Attribute had never appear'd But now the Wisdom of God is eminent in the accord of both these Attributes God is equally glorious as equally God in preserving the authority of his Law by an act of Justice upon our Surety as in the exercise of Mercy by remitting the punishment to the Offender And 't is no less honourable to God's Wisdom to restore Man with infinite advantage 'T is a mystery in Nature That the corruption of one thing is the generation of another 't is more mysterious in Grace that the Fall of Man should occasion his more noble Restitution Innocence was not his last End his supreme felicity transcends the first The holiness of Adam was perfect but mutable But Holiness in the Redeemed though in a less degree shall be
was not convenient the Father should For 1. He must then have been sent into the World which is incongruous to the Relations that are between those glorious Persons For as they subsist in a certain Order so their Operations are according to the manner of their subsistence The Father is from Himself and the first motions in all things are ascribed to Him the Son is from the Father and all his actions take their rise from him The Son can do nothing of himself but what he seeth the Father do The effecting our Redemption is refer'd to the Fathers Will as the supreme cause our Saviour upon his entrance into the world to undertake that work declares I come to do thy will O God Upon this account the Apostle addresses his thanks to the Father as the first Agent in our Salvation which is not to lessen the glory of the Son and Spirit but to signifie that in the accomplishment of it their working follows their being 2. It was not fit that the Father should be incarnate for He must then have sustained the part of a Criminal and appear'd in that quality before the Supreme Judg But this was not consonant to the order among the Persons For although they are of equal Majesty being one God yet the Father is the first Person and to him it belongs most congruously to be the Guardian of the Laws and Rights of Heaven to exact Satisfaction for offences and to receive Intercessions for the Pardon of the Penitent 3. Neither was it fit that the Third Person should undertake that work For besides the Sacrifice for Propitiation it was necessary the Divine Power should be exerted to enlighten the Minds and encline the Wills of men to receive the Redeemer that the Benefits of his Death might be applied to them Now the Redeemer is consider'd as the Object and the Holy Spirit as the Disposer of the faculty to receive it And in the natural order of things the object must exist before the operation of the faculty upon it There must be Light before the Eye can see it So in the disposition of the causes of our Salvation the Redeemer must be ordain'd and Salvation purchas'd before the Divine Power is put forth to enable the Soul to receive it and accordingly 't is the Office of the Spirit who is the Power of God and by whom the Father and the Son execute all things to render effectual the Redemtion procured by the Son Briefly The Mission of the Persons is according to their principle The Father sends the Son to acquire Salvation for us the Son sends the Spirit to apply it Thus there is no disturbing of their Sacred order more particularly in appointing the Son to assume the Humane Nature and to restore lapsed Man the Wisdom of God is evident For by that 1. The Properties of the Sacred Persons are preserved intire the same Title is appropriated to both Natures in our Redeemer His state on Earth corresponds with his state in Heaven He is the only Son from Eternity and the first-born in time and the Honour due to the eternal and divine and to the temporal but supernatural Sonship is attributed to Him 2. To unite the glorious Titles of Creator and Redeemer in the same Person The Father made the world by the Son By this title he had an original propriety in Man which could not be extinguisht Though we had forfeited our Right in Him He did not lose his Right in us Our contract with Satan could not nullifie it Now 't was consonant that the Son should be employed to recover his own that the Creator in the begining should be the Redeemer in the fulness of time 3. Who could more fitly restore us to Favour and the Right of Children than the only begotten and only beloved Son who is the singular and everlasting object of his Father's delight Our relation to God is an imitation and expression of Christs He is a Son by nature a Servant by condescention we are Servants by Nature and Sons by Grace and Favour Our Adoption into the line of Heaven is by the purchase of his Blood The Eternal Son took flesh and was made under the Law that we might receive the Adoption of sons Who was more fit to repair the Image of God in Man and to beautifie our Natures that were defiled with Sin than the Son who is the express Image of his Fathers person and brighness and beauty it self Who can better communicate the Divine Counsels to us than the Eternal Word 4. The Wisdom of God appears in making the Remedy to have a proportion to the cause of our Ruine that as we fell in Adam our Representative so we are raised by Christ who is made the Head of our Recovery The Apostle makes the comparison between the first and second Adam Therefore as by the offence of one Judgment came upon all to condemnation even so by the righteousness of one the free gift came upon all men to the justification of Life For as by one Mans Disobedience many were made sinners so by the obedience of one many shall be made righteous They are consider'd as Causes having the same respect to the effects produced by them The effects are Sin and Righteousness Condemnation and Justification As the Disobedience of the first Adam is meritoriously imputed to all his natural Posterity and brings Death upon all so the Righteousness of the second is meritoriously imputed to all his spiritual Progeny to obtain life for them And as the carnal Adam by his Rebellion made forfeiture of our original Righteousness and derives a corrupt nature to all that descend from him So the spiritual hath by his Obedience purchased Divine Grace for us that being the price without which so rich a treasure as Holiness could not be obtain'd And from him there is a vital efficacy conveighed to renew his People The same Spirit of Holiness which annointed our Redeemer doth quicken all his race that as They have born the Image of the earthly they may bear the Image of the heavenly Adam 5. The Divine Wisdom is visible in the manner whereby our Redemption is accomplisht that is by the Humiliation of the Son of God By this He did counterwork the Sin of Angels and Man Pride is the poison of every Sin for in every one the Creature prefers his pleasure and sets up his Will above Gods but it was the special Sin of Adam The Devil would have levell'd Heaven by an unpardonable usurpation he said I will be like the Most High and Man was infected with his breath you shall be like God and became sick of the same Disease Now Christ that by the quality of the Remedy he might cure our Disease in its source and cause He applies to our pride an unspeakable humility Man was guilty of the highest Robbery in affecting to be equal with God and
our eyes from it to vanity Here the complaint is more just Ad sapientiam quis accedit quis dignam judicat nisi quam in transitu noverit we content our selves with slight and transient glances but do not seriously and fixedly consider this blessed design of God upon which the beginning of our happiness in this and the perfection of it in the next life is built Let us provoke our selves by the example of the Angels who are not concern'd in this Redemption as man is for they continued in their fidelity to their Creator and were alwayes happy in his favour and where there is no alienation between parties reconcilement is unnecessary yet they are Students with us in the same Book and unite all their powers in the contemplation of this mystery they are represented stooping to pry into these secrets to signifie their delight in what they know and their desire to advance in the knowledge of them With what intention then should we study the Gospel who are the Subject and end of it CHAP. VII The simple Speculation of the Gospel not sufficient without a real Belief and Cordial Acceptance The Reasons why the Jews and Gentiles conspir'd in the contempt of it How just it is to resign up the Understanding to Revelation God knows his own Nature and Will and cannot deceive us We must believe the things that are clearly revealed though we do not understand the manner of their existence Although they are attended with seeming contradictions No Article of Faith is really repugnant to Reason We must distinguish between things incomprehensible and inconceivable Between corrupt and right Reason How Reason is subservient to Faith Humility and Holiness qualifie for the belief of the Gospel-mysteries A naked belief of Supernatural Truths is unprofitable for Salvation An effectual Assent that prevails upon the Will and renders the whole Man obsequious is due to the quality of the Gospel-Revelation THe simple Speculation of this glorious Mystery will be of no profit without a real belief of it and a cordial acceptance of Salvation upon the terms which the Divine Wisdom prescribes The Gospel requires the Obedience of the Understanding and of the Will unless it obtains a full possession of the Soul there is no saving efficacy derived from it And such is the sublimity and purity of the Object that till Reason is sanctified and subdued it cannot sincerely entertain it I will therefore distinctly consider the opposition which carnal Reason hath made against it and shew how just it is that the Humane Understanding should with reverence yield up it self to the Word of God that reveals this great Mystery to us The Apostle tells us that Jews and Gentiles conspired in the contempt of the Gospel Reason cannot hear without great astonishment for the appearing contradiction between the terms that God should be made Man and the Eternal die The Jews esteem'd it an intolerable Blasphemy and without any Process of Law were ready to stone the Lord Jesus That being a man he should make himself equal with God And they upbraided him in his Sufferings that he could not save himself If he be the King of Israel let him come down from the Cross and we will believe on him The Gentiles despised the Gospel as an absurd ill-contrived Fable For what in appearance is more unbecoming God and injurious to his Perfections than to take the frail garment of Flesh to be torn and trampled on Their natural Knowledg of the Deity enclin'd them to think the Incarnation impossible There is no resemblance of it in the whole compass of Nature For natural Union supposes the parts incompleat and capable of Perfection by their joyning together But that a Being infinitly perfect should assume by personal Union a nature inferiour to it self the Heathens lookt on it as a Fable forg'd according to the model of the fictions concerning Danae and Antiope And the Doctrine of our Saviours Death on the Cross they rejected as an impiety contumelious to God They judged it inconsistent with the Majesty and Happiness of the Deity to ascribe to Him that which is the punishment of the most guilty and miserable In the account of carnal Reason they thought more worthily of God by denying that of Him which is only due to the worst of men Celsus who with as much Subtilty as Malice urges all that with any appearance could be objected against our Saviour principally insists on his Poverty and Sufferings the Meanness and Misery of his condition in the world 'T was fit saith he that the Son of God should appear as the Sun which renders it self conspicuous by its own light But the Gospel having declared the Word to be the Son of God relates that he was a man of Sorrows that had no power to defend himself and was deserted by his Father and Followers scourged with Rods and shamefully executed He could not reconcile so many things that seem'd utterly incompatible as Sovereignty and Servitude Innocence and Punishment the lowest of humane Miseries Death with the highest of divine Honours Adoration Briefly Nothing was more contrary to Flesh and Blood than to believe that person to be the Redeemer of the World who did not rescue himself from his Enemies and to expect Immortality from him that was overcome by Death Now the Causes of this Infidelity are 1. The Darkness of the Mind which is so corrupted by Original Pravity that it cannot behold Heavenly Mysteries in their proper light so as to acquiesce in the truth of them The natural man receives not the things of the Spirit of God for they are foolishness to him and he cannot know them because they are spiritually discerned There is no proportion between the Natural Understanding and Supernatural Truths For although the rational Soul is a Spirit as 't is distinguisht from corporeal Beings yet till 't is purged from Errour and vitious Affections it can never discover the Divinity of things Spiritual so as to embrace them with certainty and delight As there must be a Spirit of Revelation to unvail the object so of Wisdom to enlighten the eye that it may be prepar'd for the reception of it As Heaven is only seen by its own Light So Christ is by his own Spirit Divine Objects and Faith that discerns them are of the same original and of the same quality The natural Understanding as the effects declare is like the Funeral Lamps which by the Antients were put into Sepulchers to guard the ashes of their dead Friends which shine so long as they are kept close a thick moist vapour feeding them and repairing what was consum'd but in opening the Sepulchres and exposing them to the free air they presently faint and expire Thus natural Reason whilst conversant in things below and watching with the dead that is in the Phrase of the Antients studying the Books of Men who have left the world it discovers
a rational account why we believe them Is it not the highest Reason to believe the discovery that God hath made of Himself and his Decrees For he perfectly knows his own Nature and Will and 't is impossible He should deceive us This Natural Principle is the Foundation of Faith When God speaks it becomes Man to hear with Silence and Submission His naked Word is as certain as a Demonstration And is it not most reasonable to believe that the Deity cannot be fully understood by us The Sun may more easily be included in a spark of Fire than the infinite Perfections of God be comprehended by a finite Mind The Angels who dwell so near the Fountain of Light cover their faces in a holy Confusion not being able to comprehend Him How much less can Man in this earthly state distant from God and opprest with a burthen of Flesh. Now from hence it follows 1. That Ignorance of the manner how Divine Mysteries exist is no sufficient Plea for Infidelity when the Scripture reveals that they are For Reason that is limited and restrain'd cannot frame a Conception that is commensurate to the Essence and Power of God This will appear more clearly by considering the Mysterious Excellencies of the Divine Nature the certainty of which we believe but the manner we cannot understand As that his Essence and Attributes are the same without the least shadow of composition yet his Wisdom and Power are to our apprehensions distinct and his Mercy and Justice in some manner opposite That his Essence is intire in all places yet not terminated in any That He is above the Heavens and beneath the Earth yet hath no relation of high or low distant or near That He penetrates all substances but is mixed with none That he understands yet receives no Idea's within Himself that He wills yet hath no motion that carries Him out of Himself That in Him Time hath no Succession that which is past is not gone and that which is future is not to come That He loves without Passion is angry without Disturbance repents without Change These Perfections are above the capacity of Reason fully to understand yet essential to the Deity Here we must exalt Faith and abase Reason Thus in the Mystery of the Incarnation that two such distant Natures should compose one Person without the confusion of Properties Reason cannot reach unto but 't is clearly reveal'd in the Word Here therefore we must obey not enquire The Obedience of Faith is to embrace an obscure Truth with a firm assent upon the account of a Divine testimony If Reason will not assent to Revelation till it understands the manner of how Divine things are it doth not obey it at all The Understanding then sincerely submits when 't is enclin'd by those motives which demonstrate that such a Belief is due to the Authority of the Revealer and to the quality of the Object To believe only in proportion to our narrow conceptions is to disparage the Divine Truth and debase the Divine Power We can't know what God can do He is Omnipotent though we are not omniscient 'T is just we should humble our Ignorance to his Wisdome And that every lofty imagination and high thing that exalts itself against the knowledg of God should be cast down and every thought captivated into the obedience of Christ. 'T is our wisdom to receive the great Mysteries of the Gospel in their simplicity for in attempting to give an exact and curious explication of them the Understanding as in an Hedg of Thorns the more it strives the more 't is wounded and intangled Gods Ways are as far above ours and his Thoughts above ours as Heaven is above the Earth To reject what we can't comprehend is not only to sin against Faith but against Reason which acknowledges it self finite and unable to search out the Almighty to perfection 2. We are obliged to believe those Mysteries that are plainly delivered in Scripture notwithstanding those seeming Contradictions wherewith they may be charged In the objects of Sense the contrariety of appearances doth not lessen the certainty of things The Stars to our sight seem but glittering Sparks yet they are immense Bodies And 't is one thing to be assured of a Truth another to answer all the difficulties that encounter it A mean Understanding is capable of the first the second is so difficult that in clear things the profoundest Philosophers may not be able to untie all the intricate and knotty Objections which may be urged against them 'T is sufficient the Belief of Supernatural Mysteries is built on the Veracity and Power of God this makes them prudently credible This resolves all doubts and produces such a stability of spirit as nothing can shake A sincere Believer is assured That all opposition against Revealed Truths is fallacious though he cannot discover the Fallacy Now the transcendent Mysteries of the Christian Religion the Trinity of Persons in the Divine Nature the Incarnation of the Son of God are clearly and expresly set down in the Word and although subtile and obstinate Opponents have used many guilty Arts to dispirit and enervate those Texts of Scripture in putting an inferiour sense upon them and have rackt them with violence to make them speak according to their prejudices yet all is in vain the Evidence of Truth is victorious A Heathen who considers not the Gospel as a Divine Revelation but meerly as a Doctrine delivered in Writing and judges of its sense by natural Light will acknowledg that those things are delivered in it And notwithstanding those who usurp a Sovereign Authority to themselves to judg of Divine Mysteries according to their own apprehensions deny them as meer Contradictions yet they can never conclude them impossible For no certain Argument can be alledged against the being of a thing without a clear knowledg of its nature Now although we may understand the nature of Man we do not the Nature of God the Oeconomy of the Persons and his Power to unite himself to a Nature below Him 'T is true no Article of Faith is really repugnant to Reason for God is the Author of Natural as well as of Supernatural Light and He cannot contradict Himself they are emanations from Him and though different yet not destructive of each other But we must distinguish between those things that are above Reason and incomprehensible and those things that are against Reason and utterly inconceivable Some things are above Reason in regard of their transcendent excellency or distance from us the Divine Essence the Eternal Decrees the Hypostatical Union are such high and glorious objects that it is an impossible enterprise to comprehend them the intellectual Eye is dazled with their overpowring Light We can have but an imperfect knowledg of them And there is no just cause of wonder that Supernatural Revelation should speak incomprehensible things of God For He is a singular and admirable Being
manner He is called a Lamb in the notion of a Sacrifice The Lamb slain from the foundation of the world A Lamb was used in the Expiation of moral and legal Impurities He is called our Passover that was sacrificed for us The Paschal Lamb in its first Institution had an expiatory efficacy for God by looking on that Blood averted the destruction from the Israelites which seized on the Egyptians This was the reason of the Prohibition that none should go out of the house till the Morning lest they should be struck by the destroying Angel Not but that the Angel could distinguish the Israelites from the Egyptians abroa● but 't was typical to shew their security was in being under the guard of the Lambs Blood which was shed to spare theirs Thus the Apostle Peter tells us We are redeemed by the Blood of the pure and perfect Lamb. And he was represented by the red Heifer whose ashes were the chief ingredient in the water of Purification For if the Blood of Bulls and Goats and the ashes of an Heifer sprinkling the unclean sanctifieth to the purifying of the Flesh How much more shall the Blood of Christ purge the Conscience Especially the Anniversary Sacrifice which was the Abridgment and Recapitulation of all the rest had an eminent respect to Christ The whole Epistle to the Hebrews is tinctured with this divine Doctrine Secondly The Effects of Christs Death are infinitely more excellent than those that proceeded from Levitical Sacrifices The Law had a shadow of good things to come But the real Virtue and Efficacy is only found in Christ. 1. The Aversion of Gods Wrath is ascribed to his Death according to the Words of the Apostle Whom God hath set forth to be a Propitiation through Faith in his Blood to declare his Righteousness for the Remission of Sins that are past through the forbearance of God to declare I say at this time his Righteousness that he might be Just and the justifier of him that believed in Jesus A Propitiation 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 The Title of the Mercy-Seat partly in regard it cover'd the Tables of the Law which were broke by us to signifie that by Him Pardon is procur'd for us and principally because God was rendred Propitious by the sprinkling the Blood of the Sacrifice on it and exhibited himself there as on a Throne of Grace favourable t● his people For this Reason he gives the name of the Figure to Christ for he alone answers the Charge of the Law and interposes between Justice and our Guilt and by his own Blood hath reconciled God to us Now the design of God in this appointment was to declare his Righteousness that is that Glorious Attribute that inclines him to punish Sinners For in the Legal Propitiations although the guilt of Men was publickly declared in the Death of the Sacrifices yet the Justice of God did not fully appear since he accepted the Life of a Beast in Compensation for the Life of a Man but in the Death of Christ he hath given the most clear Demonstration of his Justice a sufficient Example of his Hatred to Sin Condemning it and Revenging himself upon it in the Person of his beloved Son that the whole World may acknowledge 't was not from any Inadvertency but meerly by the Dispensation of his Wisdom and Goodness that he forbore so long And by the Death of Christ he hath declared that Glorious Mystery which no created Understanding could ever have conceived that he is inflexibly just and will not suffer sin to pass unpunish'd and that he justifies those who are guilty in themselves if by a purifying Faith they receive Christ for Pardon The same Apostle tells us that Christ hath given himself for us an Offering and a Sacrifice to God for a sweet smelling savour Eph. 5.2 He is qualified as a Priest whose Office it was to present to God an offering for Appeasing his Anger He gave himself the Oblation that is added to his Death gives the compleat Formality of a Sacrifice to it for 't is the Priest gives being to the Sacrifice and the effect of it is to be a sweet smelling savour to God that is to conciliate his Favour to us The same phrase is applyed to the Sin-Offering under the Law We may observe that upon this account our Reconciliation to God is attributed to the Death of Christ in distinction from his Glorified Life For if when we were enemies we were reconciled to God by the death of his Son much more being reconciled we shall be saved by his Life And the same Apostle tells us that God was in Christ reconciling the World to himself not imputing their trespasses unto them we pray you therefore in Christs stead be reconciled to God A double Reconciliation is mentioned that of God to Men and of Men to God the first is the ground of the Apostle's exhortation the latter the effect of it The first was obtained by the Death of Christ who by imputation had our guilt transferred upon Him and consequently our punishment and in consideration of it God who is Just and Holy is willing to pardon penitent Believers The latter is by the powerful working of the Spirit who assures Men that are guilty and therefore suspicious and fearful of God's anger that he is most willing to pardon them upon their repentance since he hath in such an admirable manner found out the means to satisfie his Justice 2. The true expiation of sin is the effect of Christs Death He is called the Lamb of God that takes away the sins of the World Now sin may be taken away in two manners First by removing its guilt and exempting the Person that committed it from Death and when this is effected by enduring the punishment that was due to sin 't is properly expiation Secondly By healing the corrupt inclinations of the Heart from whence actual sins proceed 'T is true our Redeemer takes away sin in both these respects he delivers from the Damnation and Dominion of it for he is made of God our Righteousness and Sanctfication But the first sense is only convenient here for 't is evident that the Lamb took away sin that is the guilt of it by dying instead of the sinner and had no effect for the destroying the malignant habits of sin in those who offered them It appears further that this Divine Lamb hath taken away the guilt of our sins in that He bore them in his own Body on the Tree For the native force of the word signifies not only to take away but to carry and bear which applyed to sin is nothing else but to suffer the penalty of it And 't is to be observed when Cleansing Purifying and Washing are attributed to the Blood of Christ they have an immediat respect to the guilt of sin and declare its efficacy to take off the obligation to punishment Thus 't
to perpetuity all that shall address to God by Him Since He ever lives to make Intercession The Pardon that He once purchased shall ever be applied to contrite Believers The Covenant that was sealed with his Blood is eternal and the Mercies contained in it 2. The perfection of his Sacrifice is evident by its expiating universally the guilt of all transgressions 'T is true Sins in their own nature are different some have a crimson guilt attending them and accordingly Conscience should be affected But the Grace of the Gospel makes no difference The Apostle tells us that the Blood of Christ cleanseth from all sins Whatever the kinds degrees and circumstances are As the Deluge overflowed the highest Mountains as well as the least Hill so pardoning Mercy covers Sins of the first magnitude as well as the smallest Under the Law one Sacrifice could expiate but one Offence though but against a carnal Commandment but this one washes away the guilt of all Sins against the Moral Law And in that Dispensation no Sacrifices were instituted for Idolatry Adultery Murder and other Crimes which were certainly punisht with Death But under the Gospel Sins of what quality soever if repented of are pardoned The Apostle having reckoned up Idolaters Adulterers and many other notorious Sinners that shall not inherit the Kingdom of Heaven tells the Corinthians that such were some of them but they were sanctified and justified in the Name of the Lord Jesus Christ. 'T is true Those who sin against the Holy Ghost are excepted from Pardon But the Reason is Because the Death of Christ was not appointed for the Expiation of it And there being no Sacrifice there is no Satisfaction and consequently no Pardon The Wisdome and Justice of God requires this Severity against them For if he that despised Moses Law died without Mercy of how much sorer punishment shall he be thought worthy who hath troden under foot the Son of God and hath counted the Blood of the Covenant wherewith he was sanctified an unholy thing and hath done despite to the Spirit of Grace that is They renounce their Redeemer as if he were not the Son of God and virtually consent to the cruel Sentence past against Him as if he had blasphemed when He declared Himself to be so and thereby out sin his Sufferings How reasonable is it they should be for ever deprived of the Benefits who obstinately reject the Means that purchased them 2. The Death of Christ hath procured Grace for Men. We made a Forfeiture of our Original Holiness and were righteously deprived of it And till Divine Justice was appeased all influences of Grace were suspended Now the Death of Christ opened Heaven and brought down the Spirit who is the Principle of Renovation in us The world lay in wickedness as a Carcass in the grave insensible of its horror and corruption The Holy Spirit hath inspired it with a new life and by a marvellous change hath caused Purity to succeed Pollution 3. The receiving Believers into Heaven is a convincing proof of the all-sufficiency of his Sacrifice For Justice will not permit that Glory and Immortality which are the Priviledges of the Righteous should be given to guilty defiled Creatures Therefore our Saviour's first and greatest work was to remove the bar that excluded us from the place of Felicity 'T is more difficult to justifie a Sinner than to glorifie a Saint The Goodness of God inclines Him to bestow Happiness on those who are not obnoxious to the Law but his Justice was to be aton'd by Sufferings Now what stronger Argument can there be that God is infinitely pleased with what His Son hath done and suffered for his People than the taking of them into his Presence to see his Glory The Apostle sets down this order in the work of our Redemption That Christ being made perfect by Sufferings that is having consummated that part of his Office which respected the expiation of Sin He became the Author of eternal Salvation to all that obey him To sum up all 't is observable that the Scripture attributes to the Death of Christ not only Satisfaction whereby we are redeemed from Punishment but such a redundant Merit as purchases for us Adoption and all the glorious Prerogatives of the Children of God Upon these accounts his Blood hath a double Efficacy As the Blood of the Covenant it procured our peace as the Blood of the Testament it conveyes to us a Title to Heaven it self according to that of St. Paul we have boldness to enter into the Holiest by his Blood I will remove two slender prejudices against this Doctrine 1. That Repentance and Faith are required in order to the partaking of the precious benefits which Christ hath purchased doth not lessen the Merit of his Death and the compleatness of the Satisfaction made to God by it For we must consider There is a great difference between the payment of that the Law requires by the Debtor and the payment of that which was not in the original Obligation by another in his stead Upon the payment of the first actual freedom immediately follows If a Debtor pays the sum he ows or a Criminal endure the punishment of the Law they are actually discharged and never liable to be sued or suffer again But when the same that the Law requires is not paid but something else by another the release of the guilty is suspended upon those cond●tions which he that freely makes satisfaction 〈◊〉 the Governour who by favour accepts it are ●●eased to appoint Now 't is thus in the transaction of our Redemption Christ laid down his Life for us and this was not the very thing in strict sense that the Law required For according to the threatning the Soul that sins shall die the Delinquent in his own person was to suffer the penalty and there was no necessity natural or moral that obliged God to admit of his Satisfaction for our discharge If the Law had exprest that the sinner or his surety should suffer there had been no need of a better Covenant But in this the Grace of God so illustrously appears that by his appointment the punishment of the guilty was transfer'd to the Innocent who voluntarily undertook for them In this respect God truly pardons sin though he received intire Satisfaction for he might in right have refused it Now these things being supposed although the Blood of Christ was a price so precious that it can only be valued by God that received it and might worthily have redeemed a thousand Worlds yet the effects of it are to be dispensed according to the Eternal Covenant between the Father and the Son and the tenor of it is revealed in the Gospel viz. that Repentance and Faith are the conditions upon which the obtaining pardon of sin and all the blessings which are the consequents of it depends thus Christ who makes Satisfaction and God that accepts
are more then Conquerours through Christ that loves them They are always in an ascendent State and believing rejoyce with an unspeakable and glorified Joy Death it self is not only disarmed but made subservient to their everlasting good Briefly Christian Patience endures all things as well as Charity because it expects a blessed issue It draws from present miseries the assurance of future Happinss A Believer while he possesses nothing but the Cross sees by Faith the Crown of the Eternal Kingdom hanging over his head and the lively hope of it makes him not only patient but thankful and joyful This sweetens the loss of all temporal goods and the presence of all temporal evils St. Paul in his Chains was infinitely more contented than Caesar or Seneca than all the Princes and Philosophers in the World I will conclude this Argument by a short reflection on the immoral maxims of several Sects of Philosophers The Cynicks assert that all natural actions may be done in the face of the Sun that 't is worthy of a Philosopher to do those things in the presence of all which would make impudence it self to blush A maxime contrary to all the rules of decency and corruptive of good manners For as the despising of Vertue produces the slighting of reputation So the contempt of reputation causes the neglect of Vertue Yet the Stoicks with all their gravity were not far from this advice Besides among other unreasonable Paradoxes they assert all sins are equal that the killing a Bird is of the same guilt with the murdering a Parent a Principle that breaks the restraints of fear and shame and opens a passage to all licentiousness They commended Self-Murder in several cases which unnatural fury is culpable in many respects of rebellion against God injustice to others and cruelty to ones self Zeno the founder of that Sect practised his own Doctrine For falling to the ground he interpreted it to be a Summons to appear in another World and strangled himself Aristotle allows the appetite of revenging injuries to be as natural as the inclination to gratitude judging according to the common rule that one contrary is the measure of another Nay he condemns the putting up an injury as degenerous and servile He makes indignation at the prosperity of unworthy Men a Vertue and to prove it tells us the Grecians attributed it to their Gods as a passion becoming the excellency of their natures But if we consider the Supreme Disposer of all things may do what he pleases with his own that he is infinitely Wise and in the next World will dispense Eternal recompences there is not the least cause of irritation for that seeming disorder He also allows pride to be a noble temper that proceeds from a sublime Spirit He represents his Hero by this among other characters that he is displeased with those who mention to him the benefits he hath received which make him inferiour to those that gave them as if humility and gratitude were qualities contrary to magnaminity He condemns Envy as a vice that would bring down others to our meanness but commends Emulation which urges to ascend to the height of them that are above us But this is no real Vertue for it doth not excite us by the worth of moral good but from the vain desire of equality or preheminence And Plato himself though stiled Divine yet delivers many things that are destructive of moral honesty He dissolves the most sacred band of humane society ordaining in his Common-wealth a Community of Wives He allows an honest man to lie in some occasions whereas the rule is Eternal We must not do evil that good may come thereby In short a considering Eye will discover many spots as well as beauties in their most admired institutions They commend those things as Virtues which are Vices and leave out those Vertues which are necessary for the perfection of our nature and the Vertues they commend are defective in those qualities that are requisit to make them sincere If Philosophy were Incarnate and had exprest the Purity and Efficacy of all its Precepts in real actions yet it had abundantly fallen short of that Supernatural Angelical Divine Holiness which the Gospel requires Till the Wisdom of God remov'd his Chair from Heaven to Earth to instruct the World not only the depravation of the lower faculties but the darkness of the humane understanding hindred Men from performing their universal duty The Gospel alone brings light to the Mind Peace to the Conscience Purity to the Affections and rectitude to the Life CHAP. XVIII Examples have a special Efficacy above Precepts to form us to Holiness The Example of Christ is most proper to that end being absolutely perfect and accommodate to our present state Some Vertues are necessary to our condition as Creatures or to our condition in the world of which the Deity is uncapable and these eminently appear in the Life of Christ. They are Humility Obedience and Love in suffering for us His Life contains all our Duties or Motives to perform them Jesus Christ purchased the Spirit of Holiness by his sufferings and confers it since his Exaltation The Sanctifying Spirit is the only Concomitant of Evangelical Mercy The Declaration of the Law on Mount Sinai was not accompanied with the renewing Efficacy of the Spirit nor the natural Discovery of the Divine Goodness in the Works of Creation Providence The lower Operations of the Spirit were only in the Heathens The Philosophical change differs from the Spiritual and Divine Socrates and Seneca consider'd Our Saviour presents the strongest Inducements to perswade us to be holy They are proper to work upon Fear Hope and Love The greatness of those Objects and their Truth are clearly manifested in the Gospel THe Second Means by which our Redeemer restores us to Holiness is by exhibiting a compleat Pattern of it in his Life upon Earth For the discovery how influential this is upon us we must consider That in all the most noble works the principal Cause is an exact Idea in the mind of the Agent and Examples are the same He that desires to excel in Painting or Sculpture must view the most accomplisht Pieces of those Arts. Thus in Morality the consideration of Eminent Actions performed by others is of admirable efficacy to raise us to perfection That Examples have a peculiar Power above the naked Precept to dispose us to the practice of Holiness appears by considering 1. That they most clearly express to us the Nature of our Duties in their Subjects and sensible Effects General Precepts form abstract Idea's of Vertue but in Examples Vertues are made visible in all their Circumstances 2. Precepts instruct us what things are our Duty but Examples assure us that they are possible They resemble a clear Stream wherein we may not only discover our Spots but wash them off When we see Men like our selves who are united to frail flesh and in the
Persecutors he had certainly obtained it He tells his Disciples that upon his request his Father would send twelve Legions of Angels for his rescue But he resigned the whole Power of his Will to his Fathers not my will but thy will be done was his Voice at his privat Passion in the Garden He submitted the act and exercise of his will not what I will but what thou wilt he saith in another Evangelist he yielded not only the faculty and exercise of his will to do what God enjoyned but in that manner which was pleasing to Him Not as I will but as thou wilt he expresses in the words of a third Now what is there in Heaven or Earth that can move our Wills to entire Obedience if this marvellous Pattern doth not affect us Let the same Mind be in you that was in Christ saith the Apostle How glorious is it to do what he did and what a reproach to decline what he suffer'd who had the Holiness of God to give excellency to the Action and the infirmity of Man to endure the sharpness of the Passion 3. Love to Mankind is exprest by our Saviour in a peculiar manner For although God is Infinitely Good to us yet he doth not prefer the happiness of Man before his own Blessedness The Salvation of the whole World were not to be purchas'd with the least diminution of the Divine Felicity But the Son of God suffer'd the extremest Evil to procure the most sovereign Good for us who were in Rebellion against his Laws and Empire Briefly The Life of Christ contains all our Duties towards God and Man exprest in the most perfect manner or Motives to perform them We may clearly see in his deportment innocent Wisdom prudent Simplicity compassionate Zeal perfect Patience the courage of Faith the joy of Hope the tenderness and care of Love incomparable Meekness Modesty Humility and Purity He spent the night in Communion with God and the day in Charity to Men. He perfectly hated Sin and equally loved Souls The nearest and readiest way to Perfection is a serious regard to his Precedent For the causes of all Sin are either the desire of what he despised or the fear of what He suffer'd He voluntarily deprived himself to Riches Honours Pleasures to render them contemptible and endured outrages of all sorts the contradiction of Sinners and the sharpest Sufferings to make them tolerable He ascended Mount Calvary to his Cross before he ascended from Mount Olivet to his Throne He was naked before He was cloathed with Light and crowned with thorns before with Glory And thus he powerfully teaches us to follow his steps who suffered for us If a Physician of great esteem in a Disease takes a bitter Potion it would perswade those who are in the same danger to use the same Remedy Since the Son of God to purchase our Happiness denied himself the enjoyment of worldly delights and endured the worst of temporal Evils nothing can be more effectual to convince us that the Pleasures of the world are not considerable as to our last end and that present Afflictions are so far from being inconsistent with our supreme Blessedness that they prepare us for it In short His excellent Example not only enlightens our Minds to discover our Duty but inables and excites to perform it As the Eye in beholding visible objects receives their Image so by contemplating the Graces that are conspicuous in our Redeemer we derive a similitude from them We all saith the Apostle with open face beholding as in a glass the Glory of the Lord that is by viewing in the Gospel the Life of Christ which was glorious in Holiness We are changed into the same Image from ●lory to Glory even as by the Spirit of the Lord that is gradually fashioned in Grace according to his likeness And what can more powerfully move and perswade us to Holiness than to consider the President that Christ hath set before us For how honourable is it to be like the Son of God By conformity to Christ we partake of the Divine Perfections The King of Heaven will acknowledge us for his Children when we bear the resemblance of our elder Brother Besides the motive of Honour Love doth strongly incline to follow Holiness in imitation of our Redeemer This is one difference between Knowledge and Love the understanding draws the object to it self and transforms it into its own likeness Thus material objects have an immaterial existence in the mind when it contemplates them But Love goes forth to the object loved the Soul is more where it loves than where it lives that is there is more of its intellectual presence its thoughts and desires and it always affects a resemblance to it Thus Love humbled God and made him like to us in Nature and Love exalts Man by making him like to God in Holiness for it excites us to imitate and express in our actions the Vertues of him who hath called us to his Kingdom and Glory 3. In order to the restoring of Holiness to lapsed Man the Lord Christ purchas'd and conveys the Spirit to them A state of Sin includes a total privation of Holiness and an active contrariety against it The Sinner is dead as to the Spiritual Life and a●●●nable to revive himself as a carcase is to break the gates of Death and return to the light of the world but he lives to the Sensual Life and expresses a constant opposition to the Law of God He is without strength as to his Duty not able to conceive an holy thought or to excite a sincere and ardent desire towards Divine things but hath strong inclinations of Will and great Power for that which is evil Now to restore Spiritual Life to the dead Soul and to conquer the living enmity that is in it against Holiness no less than the Divine Power was requisite And the effecting this is peculiarly attributed to the Spirit Our Saviour tells Nicodemus Except a man be born of water and of the Holy Ghost he cannot see the Kingdom of God And the Apostle saith That according to his Mercy He saves us by the washing of Regeneration and by the renewing of the Holy Ghost As in the Creation where all the Persons concurr'd 't was the motion of the Spirit that conveyed the Life of Nature So in the Renovation of the World where they all cooperate 't is the powerful working of the Spirit that produces the Life of Grace He visits us in the grave and inspires the breath and flame of Heaven to animate and warm our dead hearts 'T was requisite not only that the Word should take Flesh but that Flesh should receive the Spirit to quicken and enable it to perform the acts of the Divine Life 'T is for this reason the third Person is frequently stiled in Scripture the Holy Spirit That Title hath not an immediate respect to his Nature but to the Operations which are assign'd to
those times Now this alteration was wrought by the force of natural Reason which prevailed on him to renounce those sensual and base lusts that were inconsistent with the Honour and Peace of a Man in this present Life But still he was exceedingly distant from the Purity of a true Saint who partakes of the Divine Nature and is inclin'd in all his motions to God All the Precepts of Morality to use the Similtude of Plutarch are like strong Perfumes that sometimes revive those that are in a Swoon by the Falling-Sickness but never heal them So they may recover those that are debaucht from the outward practice of those ignoble Vices which violate Natural Conscience but they cannot rectifie and cure the corrupt Nature The highest Philosophical Change was onely from those Vices which were scandalous in the view of men but consisted with those which were though more subtile yet not less sinfull and discernable by the pure Eye of God 'T was from one kind of Sin to another from sensual to spiritual Satan cast out Satan or from higher to lower degrees of Sin but not from Sin to Holiness And although the same good Works as to the external substance were performed by the Heathens as by Christians yet they vastly differ in their Principle and End A Brute performs all the acts of Sense that a Man doth but 't is meerly from the sensitive Soul that is of a lower order than that which animates a Man So in the Heathen 't was only the humane Spirit excited by Secular Interests Self-love servile Fear that performed Moral Actions But the Holy Spirit who infuses Grace that is as it were a second Soul to elevate that which before quickened the Body is the true Principle of Christian Vertues This sanctifying Spirit who transforms us into the Divine Nature and makes an entire and thorow Change in the Heart and Conversation they did not receive in the way of Nature Of this we have a convincing proof in the Example of the best Masters of Morality who by their Discourses or Writings rais'd it to the point of its perfection Socrates the Father of Philosophy to whom this honour is ascribed among the Grecians that he first made Wisdom descend from Heaven to earth because he left the study of Astronomy in which the Philosophers before him were most conversant and applied himself to that which was useful for the Government of Life and Reformation of Manners He that is propounded by Celsus as an unparallel'd Pattern as one that discovered to what degree of excellency Vertue might raise the humane Spirit yet was guilty of great immorality and impiety Those who pretend to have known the retirements of his Life accused him of impure commerce with Alcibiades He betrayed the Chastity of his Wife by giving her to his Friend Plato and Xenophon his admirers declare his compliance with the common Idolatry which is justly aggravated by St. Austin being against the Convictions of his Conscience For although in private Discourse with his Friends he acknowledged but one God and considered the Sun and Moon only as the works and instruments of the Divine Power and in the rank of other Creatures yet in his Apology before his Judges to prevent the fatal Sentence he charged his enemies to be guilty of impudent falshood who accused him that he did not believe the Gods since he believed as all other men that the Sun and Moon were Gods And during the time of his imprisonment he never addrest one Prayer to God for the pardon of his Sins for he had so high an opinion of his own Vertues that he was insensible of his Vices And dying he commanded a Cock to be offer'd to Aesculapius that is to the Devil under the disguise of that famous Physician To Socrates I shall add Seneca Never any excepting the Sacred Writers and those who are instructed by them hath writ more excellently He describes Vertue as if the living Original were in his Breast but how dull a Copy was drawn in his Life There is as great a difference between the expression of it by his Pen and by his Actions as between the lively Picture of a Face by a rare Pencil and the rude Draught of it with a Coal What a villainous part did he act in exciting Nero to murder his Mother and after in writing an Apology for it employing the colours of his Rhetorick to cover one of the foulest blots which hath appeared in the succession of all Ages His Philosophy was not a powerful Antidote against the Contagion of the Court What just excuse can there be of his Cruelty to his Wife in cutting her Veins that she might die with him from a vain-glorious desire to eternize their Reputation And whereas among the whole Chorus of Vertues he in a special manner exalts Magnanimity in the contempt of earthly things and determines that the necessities of Nature are the just measures of ●●ches and Delights and all other things which the irregular Appetites of men pursue So that one would think him an Angel in flesh conversing below to instruct the world how to be happy yet the Historians of those times tax him for insatiable Avarice that in a little time by unworthy arts he rak'd up an incredible Sum of Money Supposing it a Calumny that he forged many Wills to seize upon the Inheritance belonging to others what excuse can there be for his excessive Usury his forcing the Britains to borrow a Million of Sesterces and calling for it in so much to their prejudice as was likely to have caused their Rebellion What for his sumptuous Palaces and Gardens of Pleasure exceeding the Luxury of Nero And all these possest by a man who had no Son to inherit a Philosopher a Stoick the great commender of blessed Poverty All the Apology he makes is that a Wise man that is himself Non amat Divitias sed mavult non in animum illas sed in domum inducit non respicit possessas sed continet Agreeing with Aristippus a Philosophizing Animal who being reproved for his intanglement in bruitish love with a famous Harlot replyed I possess her not she me The only difference is in the matter of their Affections the one was Riches the other Pleasure By these instances we may judg of the rest of the Philosophers Although a Vein of Gold appear in their Writings yet their Lives were full of Dross The best of them are charged to have practised vice with those to whom they commended the Precepts of Vertue The foulest Actions were approv'd by some and the most excellent condemned by others that pretended to Philosophical Perfection Unnatural Lust was allowed as indifferent by Zeno and Chrysippus And the noblest Love in giving Life it self for the Glory of God in Martyrdom is censured by Epictetus and Antoninus as the effect of foolish and incurable Melancholy in Christians who were disgusted with the World and
some temptations wherein the Flesh assaults the Spirit with that violence that Love it self is obliged to call in Fear to its assistance as being more proper to repress its inordinate motions 'T is only in Heaven that perfect Love will consume all concupiscence and cast out fear of Judgment but whilst we are encompast with temptations we must not think under the pretext of a more raised Spirituality that the fear of Hell is either unbecoming or unnecessary 'T is not unworthy a Child of God to employ all the Motives of the Gospel We are commanded to work out our own Salvation with fear and trembling But the opening of Hell to our view is not sufficient alone to make us Holy For the strongest terrors although they restrain from the outward forbidden act yet they do not change the Heart According to that of St. Austin Inaniter se victorem putat esse peccati qui poenae timore non peccat quia etsi non impletur foris negotium malae cupiditatis ipsa tamen cupiditas intus est hostis That is the fear of Punishment can never make us truly victorious over sin because although we do not actually accomplish the desires of the corrupt Will yet the corrupt Will is still an enemy that lives within and is only destroyed by the love of Holiness which allures us by the excellent Reward that is promised to it Besides Fear is a violent Passion to which Nature is repugnant so that although its power is great yet not constant how strong soever the force is by which a stone is thrown upwards yet 't is weakned by degrees and overcome by the natural weight of the Stone whereby it falls to the Centre So the Humane Nature resists Fear and lessens its impetuousness so far that frequently it returns to sensual Lusts. Therefore that the Law of the Spirit may be perfect and stable it must be confirmed by the hopes of Heaven As the Natural so the Spiritual Life must be nourisht by grateful food 't is not preserv'd with Aloes or Worm-wood For this reason our Saviour 2. To encourage and raise our Hopes offers to us a Reward infinitely valuable for as God is Infinite such is the Happiness he bestows on his favourites 'T is described to us in Scripture under the most enamouring representations as a state of Peace and Love of Joy and Glory The Prince of Peace reigns in the Holy Jerusalem that is above and preserves an everlasting serenity and calmness The mutinous Spirits that rebell'd were presently chased from thence into this lower Region where they brought trouble and disorder He maketh Peace in his high Places The Peace of Heaven is like the Chrystal Sea before the Throne of the Lamb which no unquiet agitation ever troubles or disturbs An inviolable Love unites all his Subjects no division or jealousie discomposes their Concord They enjoy without envy for infinite Blessedness is not diminished by the number of the possessours The Inheritance in light is communicated to all Although the Angels are distinguish'd by their several Orders and Ministrations as Seraphims and Cherubims Thrones and Powers yet a Chain of Holy Love binds all their affections together And the Saints although they shine with different degrees of Glory yet as in a Chorus of Musick although the voices are different they make but one intire harmony So Love that ever continues unites their wills in a delightful harmonious Agreement Although there are millions of the Celestial Inhabitants yet they all make but one Society Love mixing in one mass of Light and Glory all their understandings and wills And since all true Joy and Sweetness springs from Love 't is impossible but they must feel unspeakable complacency in the reciprocal exercise of so Holy and Pure an Affection But principally their Joy arises from the possession of God himself by the clearest Knowledg and purest Love of his Excellencies They see him as he is Sight is the most Spiritual and noble Sense that gives the most distinct and evident discovery of its objects The Soul in its exalted state sees the King in his Beauty all the perfections of that infinitely Glorious and Blessed Nature in their brightness and purity And this Sight causes the most ardent Love by which there is an intimate and vital union between the soul and its happiness and from hence springs perfect delight In thy presence is fulness of Joy It expels all evil that would imbitter and lessen our felicity And this is an admirable priviledge for the Humane Nature that is so sensible of trouble All complaints and cries all sighings and sorrows are for ever banisht from Heaven If the Light of the Sun be so pleasant that every morning revives the World and renders it new to us which was buried in the darkness of the night how infinitely pleasant will the Light of Glory be that discovers the absolute and universal Excellency of the Deity the beauty of his Holiness the perfection of his Wisdom the greatness of his Power and the riches of his Mercy How inexpressibly great is the Happiness that proceeds from the illumination of a purified Soul when such is the amiableness of God that his infinite and eternal Felicity arises from the fruition of himself The Joy of Heaven is so full and satisfying that a thousand years there are but as one day Inferiour earthly goods presently lose the flower of novelty and languish in our enjoyment of them Variety is necessary to put an edge upon our appetites and quicken our delights because they are imperfect and fall short of our expectation But the object of our Blessedness is infinitely great and produces the same pure and perfect Joy for ever After the longest fruition it never cloys or satiates but is as fresh and new as the first moment And that which is the peculiar Pleasure of the Redeemed is that they shall be with Christ and see his Glory What a marvellous joy will fill our hearts to see our Blessed Saviour who suffer'd so much for us on Earth to reign in Heaven Here He was in his enemies hands there he hath them under his feet Here He was in the form of a Servant there He appears in the form of God adorn'd with all the marks of Majesty Here He was under the cloud of his Fathers displeasure there He appears as the Brightness of his Glory Here He was ignominiously Crucified there He is crown'd with Immortal Honour Now considering the ardent Affections which the Saints have to their Redeemer the contemplation of him in this glorious state must infinitely ravish their hearts Especially if we consider that the exaltation of Christ is theirs The Members triumph when the Head is crown'd His excellent Glory reflects a lustre upon them and by the sight of it they are chang'd into his Likeness If the imperfect and dim sight of his Divine Vertues in the Gospel hath a power to change Believers into his
ever to Glorifie him will proportionably to our state in this life cause us to observe his Commands with delight and constancy A true Christian is moved by Fear more by Hope most by Love CHAP. XIX The Compleatness of our Recovery by Jesus Cist He frees us from the Power as well as Guilt of Sin Sin is the Disease and Wound of the Soul the meer Pardon of it cannot make us happy Sanctification equals if not excels Justification It qualifies us for the enjoyment of God Saving Grace doth not encourage the Practice of sin The Promise of Pardon and Heaven are conditional To abuse the Mercy of the Gospel is dishonourable to God and pernicious to Man The excellency of the Christian Religion discovered from its design and effect The design is to purge Men from Sin and conform them to God's Holiness according to their capacity This gives it the most visible preheminence above other Religions The admirable effect of the Gospel in the primitive Christians An earnest Exhortation to live according to the purity of the Gospel and the great Obligations our Saviour hath laid on us 1. FRom hence we may discover the Perfection and Compleatness of the Redemption that our Saviour purchased for us He fully repairs what was ruin'd by the Fall He was called Jesus because He should save his People from their Sins He reconciles them to God and redeems them from their vain conversation He came by Water and Blood to signifie the accomplishment of what was represented by the Ceremonial Purification and the Blood of the Sacrifices Satisfaction and Sanctification are found in Him And this was not a needless Compassion but absolutely requisite ingorder to our Felicity Man in his guilty corrupt state may be compar'd to a condemn'd Malefactor infected with noisom and painful wounds and diseases and wants the Grace of the Prince to pardon him and Sovereign Remedies to heal him Supposing the Sentence were reverst yet he cannot enjoy his Life till he is restor'd to health Thus the Sinner is under the condemnation of the Law and under many spiritual powerful Distempers that make him truly miserable His irregular Passions are so many sorts of Diseases not only contrary to Health but to one another that continually torment him He feels all the effects of Sickness He is inflam'd by his Lusts and made restless being without power to accomplish or to restrain them All his Faculties are disabled for the Spiritual Life that is only worthy of his Nature and whose operations are mixt with sincere and lasting Pleasure Sin as 't is the Disease so 't is the Wound of the Soul and attended with all the evils of those that are most terrible The whole head is sick the whole heart is faint from the sole of the foot even to the head there is no soundess in it but wounds and bruises and putrifying sores Now our Redeemer as he hath obtain'd a full Remission of our Sins so he restores Holiness to us the true health and vigour of the Soul He hath made a Plaister of his living Flesh mixt with his Tears and Blood those divine and powerful Ingredients to heal our Wounds By the Holy Spirit 't is applied to us that we may partake of its vertue and influence His Grace that pardons us doth also purifie the Conscience from dead works that we may serve the Living God Without this the bare exemption from Punishment were not sufficient to make us happy For although the guilty Conscience were secure from Wrath to come yet those fierce unruly Passions the generation of Vipers that lodg in the breast of the Sinner would cause a real Hell Till these are mortified there can be no ease nor rest Besides Sin is the true dishonour of Mans Nature that degrades him from his excellency and changes him into a Beast or a Devil So that to have a licence to wallow in the mire to live in the practice of Sin that defiles and debases him were a miserable Priviledg The Scripture therefore represents the curing of our corrupt Inclinations and the cleansing of us from our Pollutions to be the eminent effect and blessed work of Saving Mercy Accordingly St. Peter tells the Jews that God having raised up his Son Jesus sent him to bless you in turning away every one of you from his Iniquities that is Christ in his glorified state gives the Spirit of Holiness to work a sincere thorough Change in men from all presumptuous reigning Sins to universal Holiness An unvaluable benefit that equals if not excels our Justification For as the evil of Sin is in its own nature worse than the evil of Punishment so the freeing us from its dominion is a greater Blessing than meer impunity The Son of God for a time was made subject to our Miseries not to our Sins He devested himself of his Glory not of Holiness And the Apostle in the extasie of his affection desired to be made unhappy for the Salvation of the Jews not to be unholy Besides the end is more noble than the means Now Jesus Christ purchased our Pardon that we might be restored to our forfeited Holiness He ransomed us by his Death that he might bless us by his Resurrection He gave himself for us that he might redeem us from all iniquity and to purifie to himself a peculiar people zealous of good works Sanctification is the last end of all he did and suffered for us Holiness is the chiefest excellency of Man his highest advantage above inferiour Beings 'T is the Supream Beauty of the Soul the resemblance of Angels the Image of God Himself In this the perfection of the reasonable Nature truly consists and Glory naturally results from it As a Diamond when its earthy and colourless parts are taken away shines forth in its lustre so when the Soul is freed from its Impurities and all terrene Affections it will appear with a Divine Brightness The Church shall then be glorious when cleansed from every spot and made compleat in Holiness To this I will only add that without Holiness we cannot see God that is delightfully enjoy Him Suppose the Law were dispenst with that forbids any unclean person to enter into the Holy Jerusalem the place cannot make him happy For Happiness consists in the Fruition of an object that is suitable satisfying to our desires The Holy God cannot be our Felicity without our partaking of his Nature Imputed Righteousness frees us from Hell inherent makes us fit for Heaven The sum is Jesus Christ that he might be a perfect Saviour sanctifies all whom He justifies for otherwise we could not be totally exempted from suffering evil nor capable of enjoying the supreme Good we could not be happy here nor hereafter 2. From hence it appears that Saving Grace gives no encouragement to the practice of Sin For the principal aim of our Redeemers Love in dying for us was to sanctifie and cleanse us by the washing of water and
world When our Saviour was on the Earth the End of his Sermons as appears in the Gospel was to regulate the lives of Men to correct their vicious Passions rather than to explicate the greatest Mysteries Other Religions oblige their Disciples either to some external actions that have no moral worth in them so that 't is impossible for any one that is guided by Reason to be taken with such vanities Or they require things incommodious and burthensome The Priests of Baal cut themselves And among the Chineses though in great reputation for wisdome their Penitents expose themselves half naked to the injuries of the sharpest Weather with a double cruelty pleasure of the Devil who makes them freez here and expects they should burn for ever 'T is not the most strict observance of serious Trifles nor submitting to rigorous Austerities that ennobles the humane nature and commends us to God The most zealous performers of things indifferent and that chastise themselves with a bloody Discipline labour for nothing and may pass to Hell through Purgatory But the Religion of Christ reforms the Understanding and Will and all the actions depending on them It chases away Errour and Vice and Hatred and sheds abroad Light and Love Purity and Peace and forms on Earth a lively representation of that pure Society that is in Heaven The End of it is to render men like the Angels in Holiness that they may be so in Blessedness This will render it amiable to all that consider it without Passion And 't is worthy of observation that although many Heathens and Hereticks have contradicted other parts of the Christian Religion yet none have dar'd openly to condemn the Moral part of it The Effect of the Gospel hath been answerable to the Design One main difference between the old and new Law is that the old gave the knowledg of Rules without power to observe them the new that is attended with the Grace of Christ enables us by a holy Love to perform that which the other made men only to understand Of this we have the most sensible Evidence in the Primitive Church that was produc'd by the first beams of the Sun of Righteousness had received the first fruits of the Spirit What is more wonderful and worthy of God than that perfect Love which made all the first Believers to have one Heart and one Soul What greater contempt of the World can be imagined than the voluntary parting with all their Goods in consecrating them to God for the relief of the Poor And the Churches of the Gentiles while the Blood of Christ was warm and His Actions fresh in the memories of men were exemplary in Holiness They were as Stars shining in a perverse generation There was such a brightness in their Conversations that it pierc'd through the darkness of Paganisme and made a visible difference between them and all others Their words and actions were so full of zeal for the Glory of God of Chastity Temperance Justice Charity that the Heathens from the Holiness of their lives concluded the Holiness of their Law and that the Doctrine that produc'd such fruits could not be evil The first light that discovered the Truth of the Christian Faith to many was from the Graces and Vertues that appear'd in the Faithful The Purity of their Lives their Courage in Death were as powerful to convert the World as their Sermons Disputations and Miracles And those who were under such strong prejudices that they would not examine the Doctrine of the Gospel yet they could not but admire the Integrity and Innocency that was visible in the conversation of Christians They esteem●d their persons from the good qualities that were visible in them when they hated the Christian name for the conceal'd evil they unreasonably suspected to be under it This Tertullian excellently represents in his Apology The most part are so prejudic'd against the Name and are possest with such a blind hatred to it that they make it a matter of reproach even to those whom they otherwise esteem'd Caius they say is a good man he hath no fault but that he is a Christian. Thus the excellent Holiness of the Professors of the Gospel forc'd a veneration from their Enemies But we are fallen from Heaven and mixt with the dust Our conversation hath nothing singular in Holiness to distinguish us from the World The same corrupt Passions reign in Professors of Christianity as in those who are strangers from the Sacred Covenant If we compare our selves with the Primitive Church we must confess our unworthiness to be call'd their successors Sixteen hundred years are run out since the Son of God came down to sanctifie and save the World which are so many degrees whereby we are descended from the first Perfection We are more distant from them in Holiness than in Time So universal and great is the Corruption that 't is almost as difficult to revive the dying Faith of Christians and to reform their Lives according to the purity of their Profession as the Conversion of the World was from Heathenism to Christianity 'T is true In every Age there are some Examples of the Vertue of the Gospel that reflect an honour upon it And this last Age which we may call the Winter of the World in which the Holy Spirit hath foretold That the love of many shall grow cold by a marvellous Antiperistasis hath inflam'd the hearts of some excellent Saints towards God and Religion But the great number of the wicked and the progress of Sin in their Lives there is no measure of Tears sufficient to lament Fourthly I shall press Christians to walk as becomes the Gospel of Christ answerably to the Holiness and Purity of that Divine Institution and to those great and strict Obligations it laies upon us The Gospel requires an entire Holiness in all our Faculties an equal respect to all our Duties We are commanded to cleanse our selves from all pollutions of flesh and spirit to be holy in all manner of conversation We are enjoin'd To be perfecting Holiness in the fear of God To be holy as He that hath called us is Holy A certain measure of Faith and Love and Obedience a mediocrity in Vertue we must not content our selves with 'T is not a counsel of Perfection given only to some Christians of a peculiar order and elevation But the command of a Law that without exception binds all Be perfect as your Heavenly Father is perfect The Gospel gives no Dispensation to any Person nor in any Duty The Doctrine that asserts there are some excellent works to which the lower sort of Christians is not obliged is equally pernicious both to those who do them by Presumption as if they were not due and were therefore meritorious and to those who neglect them by a blind Security as if they might be saved without striving to reach the highest degrees of Obedience 'T is a weak pretence that because the
in the flaming Bush to Moses but 't is never said with respect to those Apparitions that the Word was made Flame or Man But when He came into the World to save us He assum'd the compleat Nature of Man into an Hypostatical Union with himself That admirable Person possesses the Titles Qualities and Natures of God and Man In that ineffable Union each of the Natures preserves its proper form with all the necessary consequents proceeding from it The Humane Nature is joyn'd to the Eternal Word but not chang'd into its Divinity 't is not infinite and impassible The Deity is united to Flesh but not transformed into its Nature 't is not finite and passible But although there is a distinction yet no separation Although there are two Natures yet but one sole Jesus In the same Subsistence the Creator and the Creature are miraculously allied Now this is a work fully responsible to Omnipotence and expresses whatever is signified by that Title The Apostle mentions it with an Attribute of excellency Without controversie great is the Mystery of Godliness God manifest in the Flesh. 'T is as sublime as holy In this the Divine Power appears in its Magnificence and in some respect more gloriously than in the Creation For there is incomparably a greater disparity between the Majesty Greatness and Infiniteness of God and the Meanness of Man than between the whole World and Nothing The degrees of disparity between the World and Nothing are not actually infinite but between the most excellent creature and the Glorious Creator they are absolutely infinite From hence it is that that which in other things resolves our doubts here increases the wonder and in appearance makes it more incredible Ye do erre saith Christ to the Sadduces who denied the Resurrection not knowing the Power of God But the more raised thoughts we have of his immense Power the more unlikely his conjunction with a nature so far beneath him will seem to be 2. The Divine Power was magnified in our Redeemers Supernatural Conception 'T was requisite his Body should be miraculously form'd of the substance of a Woman by the operation of the Holy Ghost not only in respect of its singular Dignity and that he might be the pattern of our Regeneration that is performed by the Efficacy of the Spirit not of the Flesh but in respect of his Office For he was the Heavenly Adam and therefore allied to us and absolutely pure from the stain of Sin Heaven and Earth concurr'd to form that Divine Man the King of both the Earth furnishing matter and Heaven the principle of his conception Accordingly the Angel told Mary who questioned how she could be a Mother not having known a Man The Holy Ghost shall come upon thee and the power of the Highest shall overshadow thee therefore also that Holy thing that shall be born of thee shall be called the Son of God This was foretold many Ages as an admirable Effect of God's Power When Judah was opprest by two potent Kings despair'd of an escape to raise their drooping Spirits the Prophet tells them the Lord himself would give them a sign of their future Deliverance Behold a Virgin shall conceive and bear a Son and shall call his Name Immanuel The Argument is from the greater to the less for 't is apparently more difficult that a Virgin without injury or blemish to her purity and integrity should conceive and bring forth Immanuel than the defeating humane forces how great soever If God will accomplish that Stupendious unheard of wonder much more would he rescue his People from the fury of their adversaries 3. The Divine Power was eminently declar'd in the Miracles our Saviour wrought during the time of his publick Ministry to verifie his Divine Mission that He was the great Prophet sent from God to instruct Men in the way of Life In discoursing of this I will briefly shew that Miracles were a convincing proof of his Celestial Calling and that the performance of them was necessary in order to the conviction of the World and consider particularly those He wrought 1. A Miracle is an extraordinary Operation of God in Nature either in stopping its course or in producing some effects that are above its Laws and Power So that when He is pleased to work any they are his Seal to authorise the Person and Doctrine to which they are annext By them Faith is made visible The Unbeliever is convinc'd by his Senses the only witnesses above reproach in his account From hence Nicodemus addresses himself to Christ Master we know that thou art a Teacher come from God for no man can do those Miracles that thou dost except God be with him That is No inferiour Agent can perform them without the special assistance of the Divine Power And 't is not to be supposed that God will lend his Omnipotency to the Devil to work a real Miracle to confirm a falsity and thereby necessarily induce Men into errour in a matter of infinite moment f●r such is the Doctrine of Salvation that Christ Preach'd 2. The working of Miracles was necessary to convince the World that Jesus Christ was sent from God whether we consider the Jews or the Gentiles To convince the Jews upon a double account 1. Because the performance of them was one of the characters of the promised Messiah For this reason when two of Johns Disciples came to inquire whether he were the expected Prophet he returns this answer to the question Go and shew John those things which ye do hear and see the Blind receive their Sight and the Lame walk the Lepers are cleansed and the Deaf hear the Dead are raised up and the poor have the Gospel preach'd to them Thus he described his Office and verified the Commission he had from God by representing his Miracles in the Words of the Prophecy 2. Our Saviour came to alter the Religion of the Jews that had been confirmed by many illustrious Miracles therefore to assure them that he was Authoris'd from Heaven he wrought such and so many that for their greatness clearness and number exceeded all that were done before his coming Our Saviour tells the Jews If I had not done among them the Works which none other man did they had not had sin that is in rejecting him For if he had exercised only a Power like unto that of Moses and the Prophets in his Miraculous Actions they had been obliged to have honoured him as one of their rank but not to have attributed an incomparable Dignity to him But he did those which neither Moses nor the Prophets had performed and in those that had been done Christ excell'd them in the manner of doing them This the Jews could not contradict and from hence their infidelity was made culpable Secondly Miracles were necessary to convince the Gentiles 1. For the Gospel forbids the various Religions among them and commands all to worship God alone in Jesus
Christ so that without a sensible demonstration that that was the way wherein He would be served their prejudices had been invincible 2. The Gospel propounds Threatnings and Promises that regard a future state where no living Eye can see their effects so that without an extraordinary confirmation it was not likely that men should yield a firm assent to them If it be said Our Saviour did his Miracles only in Judea where very few of the Gentiles saw his Person or Works I answer His Miracles were primarily design'd for the conviction of the Jews and in a secondary intention to disarm Infidelity among the Gentiles Therefore the Testimony of them was conveyed by those who were Eye-witnesses and most worthy of credit and who did many great wonders in the Name of Christ to verifie the report of his famous Miracles and declare his Power and Divinity Of this more afterwards Now I will briefly consider the Miracles wrought by Christ that were the certain Signs of Gods favouring of him and made his Commission authentick Before his coming the hand of the Synagogue was dried up and impotent to produce Miracles The Holy Spirit was withdrawn and for the space of four hundred years no Prophet nor Worker of Wonders appeared John the Baptist though the Angel deputed to signifie the coming of Christ yet did no Miracles But our Saviour was invested with Power from above and performed many Their quality and number is considerable 1. They were not mere Signs as the conversion of Moses Rod into a Serpent nor destructive and punishing as the Wonders in Egypt but advantageous and beneficial to men the equal demonstrations of his Mercy and Power He cured Diseases that were absolutely desperate by the mere signification of his Will As the Son of the Nobleman who was sick at Capernaum when Himself was at Cana in Galilee or by such visible means that the Spectators might be fully convinced that it was not the external application but his sole Vertue Divine Power that produced the effect Thus by anointing with Clay and Spittle the Eyes of him that was born blind who never had any natural possibility of seeing he wrought an unparalleld Cure It was never yet heard that any man opened the eyes of one that was born blind Therefore he that was healed inferr'd from that as a most pregnant proof that our Saviour was from God He rais'd the dead This effect exceeds the power not only of Men but of the Angels 'T is true That one Angel destroy'd in a night an hundred fourscore and five thousand of the Assyrian Army but 't is as true that all the Angels together cannot raise from the dead one Man 'T is wholly the work of the Lord of Nature who holds the Keys of Life and Death in his hands 'T is only his Light can dispel the darkness his Voice can break the silence of the Grave And 't is observable that our Saviour who sometimes conceal'd his miraculous works and forbid the publishing of them yet perform'd this kind before many Witnesses that they might publish and verifie it as being most conclusive of his mission from God He raised to life the Rulers Daughter to the astonishment of all that were present to attend her Funeral The Widows Son of Naim was carried without the Gates of the City to his Grave Jesus stops the sad train and restores life to the young Man and to his Mother something more dear than her life And the more signally to triumph over Death he pursued it to its fort the obscurity of the Grave Lazarus was buried four dayes his Carcase was corrupted Jesus calls him from the bottom of his Tomb with that powerful voice that created the World The Dead answers and comes forth to the amazement of all that saw the Glory of God so clearly manifested The Evangelist reports that the People afterward were as desirous to see Lazarus as Jesus Add to these his casting out of Devils Before the Fall the unclean Spirit was incorporated with the Serpent but now with Man himself He seizes on the External Organs and Internal Faculties and rules him at his pleasure In the time of Christ great numbers were possest for the Devil perceiving the ruine of his Kingdom approaching he would extend the limits of it here and by the perfect possessing of sinners begin their torment which is one act of his principality The case of those persons was most compassionable For in that close fight the soul was disarmed of its defensive weapons being hindered in a great measure of the free use of its faculties Whereas in other Temptations he works by outward object at a distance here he makes a violent assault on both parts 'T is the true anticipation of Hell for the possest person is not exempted from Suffering the priviledge of Death nor enjoys the free power of doing the effect of Life Now the ejecting of this Enemy was above the force of any humane means no material applications had power over immaterial Spirits But our Saviour by a Word commanded them forth of their Garrisons And the Evangelists observe that the sight of it affected the People in an extraordinary manner above what his other Miracles did 'T is said they were all amazed insomuch that they question'd among themselves saying what thing is this what new Doctrine is this For with Authority commandeth he even the unclean Spirits and they obey him His Empire over evil Spirits was more admired than over Diseases or Death it self Those who were insensible of his former Miracles received impression from this They were astonish'd at the mighty Power of God confessing that it was never so seen in Israel And another time they said is not this the Son of David i. e. the Messiah The Pharisees his obstinate enemies were more troubled about this than any other action and to elude the present conviction that He came from God ascribed it to a secret compact with Beelzebub as if there were a collusion between the evil Spirits a lesser Devil retir'd that the Prince might reign But so great was the Evidence of the Spirit of God in that act of Jurisdiction over the Devils that our Saviour charges them with unpardonable Guilt for their wilful denying it The number of his Miracles was so great that St. John saith If all were written the world could not contain the Books We may in part conjecture how numerous they were by taking notice how many he perform'd in one day He dined with Matthew at Capernaum whiles He was there Jairus entreats Him to go to his Daughter newly dead as He went the Woman with the bloody Issue toucht the hem of his garment and was healed He raised the dead Maid in his returning He cured two blind men and immediately after cast out the Devil from one that was dumb And in all these miraculous Operations the glory of Gods Power was clearly manifested 4. The Divine
disposition of the World at that time when it was first Preached First Ignorance was Universal a deep thick darkness cover'd the face of the Earth And the consequents of that gross palpable Ignorance were execrable Idolatry and the most notorious deprevation of manners 1. Execrable Idolatry for as in the night Spectres walk So in the times of Ignorance the Prince of darkness made his progress in the Earth He reign'd in the hearts of Men and in the places of their Devotion The whole World was fill'd with Idols of several Forms and Mysteries some aimiable others terrible according to the humour of Superstition For many Ages Satan had kept peaceable possession of his Empire For the Ignorant World did not understand its Misery but willingly paid that honour to the cruel Usurper that was only due to the Lawful Sovereign They were confirm'd in their Idolatry by several things 1. They were trained up in it from their Infant state Now the first perswasions of the mind though grosly false and ill habits do strangly captivate and are with difficulty removed because the concurrence of those faculties is requisite which are under the Power of Errour and Vice No Tyrant is so exactly obey'd as custome especially in things esteem'd Sacred for the conceit that the service is pleasing to the Deity renders men incapable to believe any thing that contradicts it 'T was as hard to make the Gentiles forsake the Religion they received from their Birth and to loose the impressions made in their tender Age as to make the Affricans change their Skin and become fair and the Furop●ans to turn black for the tincture which the Religion practised in each Country conveys to the Souls of Men is as deep and lasting as that which the Sun impresses upon their bodies according to the diversity of its Aspects 2. The Pagan Religion was derived through a long succession from their Progenitors Antiquity brings I know not what respect to things but 't is specially venerable in matters of Religion Therefore the Heathens accused the Christian Religion of Novelty and urged nothing more plausibly than the Argument of immemorial Prescription for their Superstition They would not consider whether it were just and reasonable but with a blind deference yielded up themselves to the Authority of the Antients They resolv'd not to condemn their Parents and Friends that had gone before them in the Road of Damnation but chose to dye in their Idolatry So hard is it to resist the current of the World and to rescue our selves from the Bondage of popular Errours 3. The Pomp of the Pagan Worship was very pleasing to the flesh The Magnificence of their Temples adorn'd with the Trophies of Superstition their Mysterious Ceremonies their Musick their Processions their Images and Altars their Sacrifices and purifications and the rest of the Equipage of a carnal Religion drew their respects and strongly affected their Minds through their Senses Whereas the Religion of the Gospel is Spiritual and serious holy and pure and hath nothing to move the Carnal part Now how difficult was it to overcome Paganisme when fortified by Custom Antiquity and so agreeable to Sense 2. The depravation of Manners was such in the Heathen World that if the unclean Spirits had been incarnate and taken their residence among Men they could not have acted worse Villanies The whole Earth was covered with Abominations as Egypt with the Frogs that poisoned the whole Climate We may see a picture of their conversation in the first to the Romans And it could not be otherwise For as the Apostle saith Those who are drunk are drunk in the night So when the Mind is darkened with Ignorance and Errour the Affections are corrupted and Men give up themselves to the unfruitful works of darkness Unnatural Crimes were committed even among the Grecians and Romans with that liberty as if no spark of common Reason had remained in them The most filthy Lusts had lost the fear and shame that naturally attends them They esteem'd those things to be the means to obtain Happiness that were causes of the contrary They plac'd their Sovereign Good in extreme Evil i. e. sinful Pleasures They were encouraged to work all uncleanness with gr●ediness not only upon the account of present Impunity for their Laws left almost all Vices indifferent but what disturbed the tranqu●llity of the State and not only by the multitude of Examples so that Vices by their commonness had lost their names and were stiled Vertues nay 't was a Crime to appear innocent among the guilty but principally because they thought themselves secure as to a future state For either they wholly disbelieved it and 't is congruous that those who think to die like Beasts should live like Beasts or els by attributing to their Deities those Passions and Vices that so powerfully reigned in themselves they were strongly perswaded no Punishment would be inflicted For how could the gods made them Sacrifices to their Justice who were companions with them in their Crimes Or revenge the imitation of their own actions This was to cast down the banks and to let the torrent of corrupt Nature break forth in all its fury As St. Austin observes of Homer the father of Poetical ●●ctions that representing the Murders Thefts and Adulteries of their gods he made those Sins divine Properties and effectually commended them to the Heathens Quisquis ●a feciss●t non homines perditos sed coelestes Deos videbatur imitatus And he gives an instance of this from a Comedy of Terence Where a vicious young Man is introduced reporting how he animated himself to satisfie his brutish lust as having no less a Deity than Jupiter for his Master and Model In short the Theology of the Pagans inflam'd them to the bold commission of every pleasant Sin The History of their gods was so intersperst with the most infamous Impurities that at the first reading Verterunt pupillas Virgines in Meretrices They lost the Virginity of their Eyes then of their Souls and then of their Bodies Now the Gospel is a holy Discipline that forbids all excesses that enjoins universal Purity and Chastity So that when it was first preach'd to the Heathens they thought it impossible to be obeyed unless Men were Angels without Bodies or Statues without Souls I shall adde further That the aversion of the Heathens from Christianity was much strengthened by those who were in Veneration among them and vehemently opposed it And they were the Philosophers greatly esteem'd for Wisdome their Priests that had dominion over their Consciences and their Princes that had power over their states and lives 1. Philosophers vehemently opposed the receiving of the Gospel At the first view it may be just matter of wonder that they should be enemies to it whether we consider the objects of Faith or the rules of Life laid down in it The objects of Faith were new and noble of infinite beauty and profit and
pretended Hero rather than have given his Life for a Lie Now the Apostles endur'd the most cruel Deaths to confirm the Truth of their Testimony And what could possibly induce them to it if they had not been certain of his Resurrection Could love to their dead Master animate them to suffer for the honour of his Name This is inconceiveable For He promis'd that He would rise the third Day and ascend to Heaven and make them partakers of his Glory So that if He had lain in the rot●enness of the Grave What charm what stupidity was able to make them preserve so high a Ven●ration for a Deceiver Nothing could remain in them but the memory and indignation of his Imposture Now if it be the dictate of natural Reason that the concurrent Testimony of two or three credible Persons not weaken'd by any exception is sufficient to decide any Cause of the greatest moment that respects Life Honour and Estate how much more should the attestation of the Apostles put this great Truth beyond all doubt since they parted with their Lives the most precious possession in this World for it and which is infinitely more if Deceivers they would certainly be deprived of Eternal Life in the next In short Since the Creation never was a Testimony so clear and authentick the Divine Providence so ordering the circumstances that the Evidence should be above all Suspicion Neither did it ever happen that any thing affirm'd by so many and such worthy Persons was ever suspected much less found to be false 'T is the most unreasonable stifness not to yeeld an intire Assent to it For there would be no secure Foundation of determining innumerable weighty Cases if we should doubt of things reported by the most credible circumspect Persons since we can be certified by our own Senses but of a few Objects I shall only add That the Apostles did many and great Miracles in the Name of Christ which was the strongest demonstration that He was rais'd to a glorious Life They were invested by the Spirit with the habits of various Tongues This kind of Miracle was necessary for the universal Preaching of the Gospel For how difficult and obstructive had it been to their Work if they must have return'd to their Infant-state to learn the Signification of forrein Languages to pronounce the words in their original Sound and the Accents proper to their Countrey Therefore the Holy Spirit according to the promise of Christ descended upon them and became their Master and in a moment imprest on their Memories the forms of discoursing and on their Tongues the manner of expressing them Where-ever the Doctrine of Jesus was preach'd God bare them witness both with Signes and Wonders and with divers Miracles and Gifts of the Holy Ghost according to his own will When St. Peter pass'd through the streets fill'd with persons diseased and half dead he caused an universal resurrection by touching them with his reviving shadow They tamed Serpents and quencht the malignity of their Poison they commanded Death to leave its prey and Life to return to its mansion that was not habitable for it And that miraculous Power continued in their Successours so long as was requisite for the conviction of the World Justin Martyr Irenaeus Tertullian Origen Cyprian mention divers Miracles perform'd by Christians in those times Tertullian offers to the Emperour to whom he addrest his admirable Apology to compel the Devils that possest Humane Bodies to confess themselves to be evil Spirits to constrain the Prince of darkness to enlighten his own Slaves And Cyprian assures the Governour of Africa that he would force the Devils to come out of the Bodies they tormented lamenting their ejection Now we cannot imagine they would so far discredit their Doctrine and Reputation as to pretend to such a Power without they had it In short To deny the Miracles wrought by the Primitive Christians were as great rashness as to deny that Caesar conquer'd Pompey or that Titus succeeded Vespasian For we have the concurrent Testimony of the gravest and best Men of Understanding and Conscience who were Eye-witnesses and which was not contradicted by those of the same Age. Briefly There are such clear characters of the Divine Hand to render the Gospel authentick that to deny it to be true is to make God a liar The Conclusion is this We see how reasonable it is to give an entire assent to the truth of Christianity The Nature of the Doctrine that is perfecty Divine declares its Original 'T is confirmed by Supernatural Testimonies The Doctrine distinguishes the Miracles from all false wonders the illusions of Satan and the Miracles confirm the Doctrine What doubt can there be after the full deposition of the Spirit in raising Christ from the Grave in qualifying the Apostles who were rude and ignorant with Knowledg Zeal Courage Charity and all Graces requisite for their great enterprise and in converting the World by their Ministry and Miracles If we believe not so clear a Revelation our Infidelity is desperate When our Saviour was upon the Earth the Meanness and Poverty of his appearance lessen'd their Crime who did not acknowledg and honour him in the disguise of a Servant Therefore they were capable of favour Many of his bloody Persecutors were converted and saved by the Preaching of the Apostles But since the Holy Ghost hath convinc'd the World by so strong a Light of Sin Righteousness and Judgment viz. That Jesus whom the Jews most unworthily Crucified was the Son of God that in dying He purchased the Pardon of Sin since He is risen and received to Glory That all power in Heaven and Earth is given to Him the effect of which is most visible For spiritual Wickednesses trembled at his Name were expelled from their Dominions and sent to their old Prison to suffer the Chains and Flames due to them To refuse his Testimony is a degree of Obstinacy not far distant from Malice of of the Devils and puts Men without the reserves of pardoning Mercy And 't is not a slight superficial Belief of this great Truth that is sufficient but that which is powerful in making us universally obedient to our Glorified Redeemer who will distribute Crowns to all his faithful Servants We cannot truly believe his Resurrection without believing his Doctrine nor believe his Doctrine without unfeigned Desires after the eternal Felicity it promises nor desire that Felicity without a sincere compliance to his Commands in order to the obtaining it In short 'T is Infidelity approaching Madness not to believe the Truth of the Gospel but 't is Madness of an higher kind and more prodigious to pretend to believe it and yet to live in disobedience to its Precepts in contempt of its Promises and Threatnings as if it were a meer Fable CHAP. XXII The Honour of God's Truth with respect to the Legal Threatning was preserv'd in the Death of Christ. The Divine Truth with respect to the Promises and
was a type of his lying in the Grave and Resurrection Moses in his Prophetical David in his Kingly Office praefigur'd him The Priestly Office being the Foundation of the other two and that upon which our Salvation principally depends was illustrated by two Glorious types Melchisedec and Aaron The one the high Priest in ordinary the other the Priest of God by extraordinary designation I will briefly touch upon the resemblance between him and Christ. Although Sacrifices were offer'd from the Beginning yet he is the first to whom that Title is given as called to that office in a special manner The Divinity of Christs Person the Eternity of his Office and the Infinite Value of his Oblation were shadowed forth by him Melchisedec is introduc'd into the Sacred story as one descending from Heaven and ascending thither without any account of his Birth or Death The silence of the Scripture is Mysterious for the Spirit conducted Holy Men in their Writings The Levitical Priests descended by Natural Generation from their predecessours and had successours in their Office which was annext to the race of Levi. But Melchisedec is represented without Father and Mother without Beginning and End of Days whose Priesthood was permanent in himself For things and Persons have a double being real in themselves and notional as they exist in the mind so that no mention being made of his coming into the World or leaving it the silence of the Scripture is equivalent to his continual duration Now in this was an adumbration of Christ who was the Eternal Son of God and really came from Heaven to execute his office and ascended thither And although his oblation was finisht on the Earth and his intercession shall cease in Heaven yet the effects of it shall be Eternal in his People and the Glory of it in himself The Apostle observes an other resemblance between the Supreme Quality of Melchisedec King of Salem and Jesus Christ He was King of Righteousness and Peace He Govern'd his Subjects in Righteousness and never stain'd those hands with humane Blood that were employed in the Sacred office of the Priesthood And by those Glorious Titles are signified the benefits our Saviour conveys to his People He is the true King of Righteousness By which is not intended the Righteousness that justifies before God in which respect he is call'd the Lord our Righteousness and is said to have brought in Eternal Righteousness for that respects his Priestly office in that quality he acquir'd it But that Title signifies his giving most Righteous Laws for the Government of the Church and his dispensing Righteous Rewards and Punishments Eternal Life and Death by which he preserves the Majesty of his Laws and secures the obedience of his Subjects And he is King of Peace by which we are not to understand his temper and disposition nor our peace with God for reconciliation is grounded on his Sacrifice nor peace with Conscience the effect of the other but that which depends on his Royalty As the King of Peace he keeps his Subjects in a calm and quiet Obedience all their Thoughts and Passions are regulated by his Will The Laws of secular Kings are only exposed to the eyes or proclaimed to the ears of their Subjects but His are engraven in their hearts By the inward and Almighty efficacy of his Spirit he inclines them to their Universal Duty and will bring them to Eternal Peace in his Glorious Kingdom First From hence we have an irrefragable Argument of the Truth and Divinity of the Gospel For 't is evident by comparing the antient Figures with the present Truth the Copies with the Original the Pictures with the Life that Eternal Wisdom contrived them For no created Understanding could frame so various Represen●ations of Christ and all exactly agreeing with him at such a distance before His appearance And if we compare the Predictions with the Events 't is most clear that only the Divine Knowledg could reveal them For otherwise how was it possible that the Prophets so many Ages before the Coming of Christ should predict those things concerning Him that exceeded the foresight of all the Angels of Light What Intelligence could there be between Moses and David and Isaiah that lived such a distance of time from one another to deliver such things as meet in him as their Centre And these Prophecies are conveyed to us by the Jews the most obstinate Enemies of Christianity who although they reverence the Letter yet abhor the accomplishment of them So that there can be no possible suspicion that they are feigned and of a later Date than their titles declare Their successive fulfilling is a perpetual Miracle to justifie the truth of our Religion Our Saviour used this Method for the instruction of his Disciples These are the words which I spake unto you that all things must be fulfilled which were written in the Law of Moses and in the Prophets and in the Psalms concerning me And St. Paul fram'd a powerful Demonstration from the Scriptures to prove that Jesus was the Christ. In his Writings he deciphers the riddles of the Law and removes the Veil to discover the Face of Christ engraven by the Divine Artificer Briefly by shewing the consent between the two Testaments he illuminates the Old by the New and confirms the New by the Old Now what Religion is there in the World whose Mysteries were foretold by the Oracles of God and figured by his Institutions above two thousand Years before 't was exhibited Whose Doctrine perfectly accords with the most antient venerable and Divine Writings Can that Religion be any other than Divine which God did so expresly predict and pourtray in such various manner for the receiving whereof He made such early Preparations in the World Certainly without offering the greatest violence to our rational Faculties none can disbelieve it He degrades himself from the dignity of being a Man that refuses to be a Christian. 2. From hence we may understand the incomparable Happiness of Christians not only above the Heathens who by Divine Desertion were wholly Strangers to the Covenants of Mercy but above God's peculiar People The Messiah was the expectation and desire of Heaven and Earth Before his coming the Saints had some glimmerings of Light which made them inwardly languish after the blessed Manifestation of it But that was reserved for Believers in the last Ages of the World That antient Promise the Morning Blush of the Gospel-Day That the Seed of the Woman should break the head of the Serpent and the Serpent bruise his heel signified the bloody Victory the Messiah should obtain over Satan but how little of it was understood One may as well from the sight of the Root foretel the dimensions of a Tree the colour figure and taste of its Fruits as from that Prediction have discover'd all the parts of our Mediator's Office and the excellent benefits resulting from it The Incarnation Crucifixion Resurrection and