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A26759 The utter routing of the whole army of all the Independents and Sectaries, with the totall overthrow of their hierarchy ..., or, Independency not Gods ordinance in which all the frontires of the Presbytery ... are defended ... / by John Bastvvick, captain in the Presbyterian army. Bastwick, John, 1593-1654. 1646 (1646) Wing B1072; ESTC R10739 685,011 796

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or sweare fealty to any King who is owned by the people and whole Kingdome to be their lawfull King as appointed and set over them of God and is openly proclamed through the whose Realm to be their King though at that time hee be in an other Countrey and but now comming to take the possession of his Kingdome I say I demand whether such subjects as take the oath of allegeance and sware fealty unto him before he comes and sits visibly upon his Throne be not by this their oath become that Kings subjects as truly and as really as if the King were bodily present I demand further when hee is in person come into his Kingdome and visibly amongst them saluted and entertained and owned by the people for their King whether or no those subjects that then take their oath of allegeance and promise by that their oath their subjection unto him bee not as really and truly his subjects as those that after hee is inaugurated and gone into one of his other Kingdomes take then the oath of allegeance and sware subjection unto him in all his just commands I am confident that all men that are but a little skilled in politicks or any good learning will acknowledge that either of the former subjects are as truly and really subjects unto him though they never saw him as many hundred thousands never did their Kings as those that tooke the oath when hee was gone in triumph into an other of his Kingdomes And thus it was with those that were baptized by Iohn the Baptist that great Officer of Christs kingdome and the blessed Apostle those Stewards Secretaries privie Counsellors Embassadours of his Royaltie who all baptized those that came unto them into Iesus Christ the King and Messiah as well before his death as after and all they owned him as well then for their King as after crying Hosanna thou sonne of David and strowing their garments in the way saying Blessed be the King that cometh in the name of the Lord peace in Heaven and glory in the Highest Luke 19. vers 4. and therefore it is a senslesse reason yea contradictory unto it selfe that I. S. bringeth considering there is no difference for the substance of the matter though there be some variety in respect of the circumstance of time and in this fond error of I. S. is my brother Burton and the Papists who thinke there was a great difference between the Baptisme before Christs death and that after his death when indeed for substance there was none no more then was betweene the Sacrament of the Lords Supper before Christs death and after And therefore all those that received either of those Sacraments or both of them before his passion were as good Christians as those that received them after for hee was owned by them at that time to be the Lambe of God that was to take away the sins of the world of beleevers and to be the King of the Iews the Saviour of his people to be the anoynted Christ they took the Sacraments upon it which is as much as the oath of allegeance to any King which were sufficient to make them as good Christians as any that should come after them and therefore they that were baptized by Iohn the Baptist into Christ to dye which I. S. doth acknowledge they were all as good Christians as any now baptized by the Independents and therefore that hee faith to the contrary and in opposition to this truth is a meer babble and a contradiction of himselfe And this shall suffice to have spoke to his first answer to prove that those that were baptized by Iohn the Baptist were as good Christians as any other that were baptized after Christs death His second is as senselesse which is this To say saith he that the Baptisme of Iohn was the same with Christs and the Apostles is flat contrary to the assertion of Iohn himselfe and the Apostles Mat. 21. 25. Act. 18. 25. I baptize you with water saith he but there comes one after me who shall baptize with the Holy Ghost and with fire These are the words of his second argument to prove that those that were baptized by Iohn the Baptist were no Christians In the entrance of this his answer he beats the ayre and fights with his owne shadow and falsifies my words for I never said nor thought it that the Baptisme of Iohn was the same with Christs for the Scripture relateth that Christ baptized not at all Iohn 4. vers 2. I said indeed it was the same with the Apostles and that is manifest out of many places of the holy Scriptures as out of the 3. of Luke ver 2. Iohn the 1. v. 33. where Iohn himself speaking saith hee that sent mee to baptize with water the same said unto me c. Yea one of those places quoted by himselfe Matth. 21. vers 25. sufficiently declares that Iohn had his Commission from God himself whose Prophet he was to baptize with water and the Apostles themselves before Christs death and Ascention baptized but with water and had no other Commission but that Saint Iohn the Baptist had and Iohn baptized with the Baptisme of Repentance saying unto the people that they should beleeve on him which should come after him that is on Christ Iesus Act. 19. vers 4. and the very Apostles Baptisme before Christs death vvas no other but the Baptisme of repentance and to beleeve in Christ yea faith and repentance was the summe of all the Preaching both of Iohn and of all the holy Apostles both before Christs death and after as wee may see Acts 20. vers 21. where the Apostle saith Testifying both to the Iewes and also to the Greeks repentance towards God and faith towards our Lord Iesus Christ Now when the Baptisme of Saint Iohn and the Apostles both before Christs death and after was all one for substance and all into Christ as wee may yet further see Acts the 8. 16. where it is said they were baptized in the name of the Lord Iesus It was no error in mee to say that the Baptisme of Iohn was into Christ Iesus and the very same with that of the Apostles for the Holy Ghost which is the spirit of truth hath so taught mee and therefore all those that were baptized by Iohn the Baptist were as good Christians and beleevers as those that were baptized by the Apostles if repentance towards God and faith towards our Lord Iesus Christ and being baptized into him could make good Christians which were blasphemy to gain-say and nothing else but to give the spirit of God the lye and therefore J. S. affirming that there was a difference between the Baptisme of Iohn and that of the Apostles and denying that those that were baptized by Iohn were Christians gives the spirit of God the lye for the holy word of God which was penned by his spirit asserteth the contrary And for that text that he citeth
places so ought all men that are under obedience to learne their duty and not to take upon them that which God never gave unto them as to have their voice either in making of members in Churches or casting of them out or of ordaining of officers or of imposing laws upon others either of making publike confessions before the congregations or of producing evidences of their conversion or that they should walk with them some time that they might behold their conversation or of imposing a Covenant upon any that shall be admitted for all rule and government in the Church is put into the hands of the Presbyters and does not belong unto the people or multitude neither may the Presbyters usurpe authority but they also must exercise it onely according to the commission given unto them by Christ they may not transgresse it or go beyond it in the least thing and therefore when many of the brethren call for a publike confession of mens faith to be made in their new congregations and the evidences of their conversion to be produced and impose a Covenant upon them before they admit them to be members of their Church as if they had lived before in infidelity Who notwithstanding were known to be holy and godly Christians and as true beleevers as any that now live in the world and think them onely Christians and Beleevers that doe as they would have them and count of others that will not conforme themselves to their customes and novelties but as the off-scowring and refuse and no Christians I say it is an intolerable usurpation and a thing that was yet never before practised in the world in any Church either Jewish or Christian till these dayes and therefore they go beyond their commission in so doing for God in his commission to his Apostles and all Ministers bids them admit of all that come in and beleeve and are baptized he quencheth not the smoaking flax nor breaketh the bruised reed now then when they know thousands in this Kingdome that do beleeve and are men of unblamable lives and such as would lay down their lives for the faith once delivered unto the Saints and are baptized what have they to do to lord it over them and to hinder them from communicating in the Ordinances and to be admitted into Church fellowship with them or to debarre them from the communion of the Saints Me thinks the vision to Saint Peter in the tenth of the Acts should teach such men their duty when God said unto Peter rise kill and eat Peter said not so Lord for I have never eaten any thing that is common and unclean and the voyce said what God hath cleansed call not thou common And this saith the Scripture was done thrice that by the mouth of two or three Witnesses this truth might be confirmed to Peter and all other Ministers not to call those people common prophane and unclean and to count them but rubbish whom God hath graced with the gifts of his holy Spirit and hath sanctified and such as beleeve in Jesus Christ and are baptized as well as themselves and such as stood to the truth when they durst not shew their faces but ran from the Cause and deserted it or at least temporized and such as if the like occasions were offered would manifest unto the world by Gods assistance that their lives and all they have should not be dear unto them for the restimony of Jesus and yet such as these must be debarred from the communion in their Assemblies unlesse they will conforme to their new-born traditions for these are no traditions of the Elders but of the younger and if Christ in his time sharply reproved those that brake the Commandements of God through the traditions of men and deeply reproved the Ministers in those dayes for teaching the people to preferre the traditions of the Elders before the commandements of God and for teaching them the fear of God after the precepts of men What shall we think those Ministers will have to answer at the dreadfull day of judgement when they set up their traditions in the Church of God and preferre them before the Commandements of God and what can any man think of the condition of that people that account of such novelties as the Oracles of God and violate the law of Love and make rents and schisms in the seamlesse garment of the church through these traditions Surely whatsoever they may promise to themselves their condition is very dangerous for our Saviour saith Woe be to those by whom offences come Matthew 18 and whosoever shall offend one of these little ones that beleeve in me it were better for him that a milstone were hanged about his necke and that he were drowned in the depth of the sea And whether this be not to transgresse the the Commandements of God through their traditions and to offend those little ones that beleeve in Christ when they will not receive such into the communion and fellowship of the church as beleeve and are baptized but count them as aliens and strangers yea infidels and rubbish I referre my selfe to any that is but of ordinary understanding For Gods command unto all Ministers was that they should admit all such into the church as beleeved and were baptized upon their desiring it without any confession either private or publicke or entring into any covenant Now this command of God they trangresse by their traditions and keepe out many thousands of Beleevers through the Kingdome as unholy and as having no right to the Ordinances because forsooth they will not obey their new-borne Lawes and Traditions for where did ever God command that no Beleevers should bee admitted into the church except they made a publicke confession of their faith and walked some time in fellowship amongst them and then gave in the evidences of their conversion and entred into a private covenant and gave the Church satisfaction Or where was it ever practised by any of the Primitive christians either by those that were converted by Peters Sermons and the other Apostles or by Pauls preaching was Lydia when God opened her heart to beleeve Pauls preaching admitted into the church upon any such termes was the Goaler and his converted family forced to make a publicke confession to the church of their faith and to give in the evidences of their conversion and to enter into a private convenant before they could be made Members of the Church or was the Churches assent required before they could be admitted and made members of it or were ever any of these things they impose upon Christians now required at beleevers hands before these our times and therefore they are to be abominated as vaine traditions and such as by which they breake the Lawes of God making divisions in the Church and Kingdome and through all the families and houses of the same so that neither Masters of families nor parents have any rule over their wives children or servants
For first as the Jesuites and Papists separate from all our Assemblies counting themselves the onely Catholicks and all our Congregations Hereticall and all us Heretiques Even so do the Sectaries deal with us they separate from our Churches as prophane societies esteeming themselves the onely Saints and their new Congregations the only Churches in which Christ is set up as King upon his Throne And as the Jesuites and Papists magnifie themselves and their Masters for the onely seraphicall Doctors and in all their writings boast of their eminent learning and slight and contemn all the Protestant writers as nothing so do the Independents and Sectaries highly magnifie themselves and esteem of all the Presbyterians as the off-scouring of the earth making them the sillyest creatures of the world in comparison of themselves as in all their Vindications and forthy Pamphle s dayly appeareth yea they write against them with more then an episcopall pride So that in all these their dealings they are l●ke the Jesuites and Papists Again as the Jesuites and Priests amongst the Papists make all the Protestant Ministers with the Presbyterian government odious and hatefull to the people even so do all the Independents and Sectaries incense the people against all our godly Ministers and Presbyters and the Presbyterian Government falsly perswading them that children killed Exod. 1. ver 16. 22. that he might weaken the people of God so the Independents and Sectaries labour to deale with us for if amongst the Presbyterians any masculine spirits come forth with Christian manly courage to discover the evill of their wayes having piety wisdome l●arning abilities gifts and parts wherewith they are able to oppose their errors these they indeavour to have supprest and to kill in their good names which is better then life and for the accomplishing of this they have their agents besides their scurrilous reviling pamphlets to ride from City to Country and to go from house to and to cast all the males that knowingly and conscienciously appear of a contrary judgement unto them into the deep rivers of Calumnies laying on their backs such loads of fals defamations as may for ever drown them in their credits and reputations in the torrents of this troublesome world and by this their Egyptian policy they suppose in a short time to weaken the Presbyterians making them by their reproaches unfit for any imployment in Church and State as if they were dead men by which means they bring in their own party and so think to increase and strengthen themselves but those their diabolicall practices with all their Agents God will in his due time fully discover and certainly destroy and down them all in the sea of his indignation they being all contrary unto his holy Word and royall Commands and therefore although they come to us in their gray heads yet they are not in the way of righteousnesse nor in the way of the old Puritans of ENGLAND And t●uly if we look into the whole proceedings of the Independents and Sectaries of our times we shall find them most agreeable to all the practices both of the Jesuites and Aegyptians and the Pharisees of old those cruell enemies of God and his people and dear servants for the Pharisees would ever oppose Christ and interrupt him in his Ministery and their weapons they deal with are all carnall as those I have now mentioned and that weapon my brother Burton cometh out against me with viz his Phocions hatchet which I cannot but speak something of before I conclude this my Epistle to the Reader In the seventh Page of his book he hath these words You bring saith he the Scripture for you Come on brother let you and me try it by the dint of this Sword And truly I shall by the helpe of my God make no long work of it You spend about eleven sheets wherein you have woven sundry long threaden arguments to measure out your Dependent Presbytery as holding paralell with the line of Scripture Now you m●nst pardon me saith he if I shall assay according to an old Proverb with one stroke of Phocions hatchet to cut in two the long thred of your Alcibiadian fluent and luxuriant Rhetorications Thus he Here my brother Burton seems to desire that he and I may try out the truth of what I have written by the dint of the sword of the Scripture and I say as David did in another sense 1 Sam. 21. 9. There is none like that but he immediately forsakes that weapon and betakes himselfe to Phocions hatchet and that is his Pole-ax Truly I exceedingly pity him who strives to maintain a way that brings him into such a straight that he cannot cut in two the arguments brought against him without a hatchet whereas the Sword of the holy Scripture is sharp enough to cut in two with one stroke any erroneous arguments For the Word of God is quick and powerfull and sharper then any two-edged sword piercing even to the dividing asunder of soul and spirit and of the joynts and marrow and is a discoverer of the thoughts and intents of the heart Heb. 4. 12. But he knowing very well that with the sword of the spirit which is the Word of God Gal. 6. 17. though it be a two-edged sword c. that he could never cut in two with that weapon my arguments the truth and strength of them being drawn out of the Word of God upon which I have grounded all my assertions which is a sure unmoveable and impregnable foundation therefore laying aside the sword of the Scripture he vapours with an unknown hatchet a desperate carnall weapon and to please himself he assays to chop hack and mangle my arguments which he is never able to cut in two with all his strength and strokes Surely none but a bad cause and an unwarrantable way had need to make use of such a weapon Now for the Presbyterians as their way is warrantable being grounded on the holy Scripture the good Word of God the practice of the Apostles and all the Churches constituted by them so the weapons of their warfare are not carnall but mighty through God to the pulling down of strong holds 2 Cor. 10. 4. And for my part I am resolved never to use any other but that heavenly weapon the sharp sword of the spirit for the hewing and pulling down of all the strong holds of the Independents and Sectaries and for the dividing and cutting in two all their erroneous opinions and by the help of my God and through the power of his might and by his assisting grace I shall never doubt but by the dint of that sword ever be able to try it out with my brother Burton and all those of his fraternity and to oppose any adversaries of the truth and to make no long work of it and alwayes to be sufficiently armed to maintain it and all the wayes of God which I have formerly suffered for and still continue to hold forth and
Antitode to it in the same place and for farther answer to your meager and slender detractions take notice that I value not what you or any Adversaries can say concerning my tautologies if handling the same thing often be thought a tautologie with you for this is my resolution that wheresoever and as often as I find an adversary hath a tongue to speake against the truth or a pen to write against it were it an hundred times in the same place or in the same page I will God assisting me answer them upon the place I find them and that instant I will never refer the Reader to what I have said before in any other place concerning that point for I for my part think it a kind of lazinesse to spare any paines in so weighty businesses and things of so high concernment as these are yea I think there is but little zeale in that man that shall hear the truth either often blasphemed or spake against that will not as often stand up in defence of it and contend for it according to command Iud. 3. to his uttermost ability yea it would be a means to perswade unstable men that there were some strength in the Arguments of the enemies or that they are more diligent to sow errors tares then I should be diligent to root them out oppose them if I should not as often reply as they cavil and object therfore for my particular it never troubles me what any of youcan say to me about my tautologies which are not vaine repetitions to any that love often to heare the same truth well confirmed for allthis will but witnesse and declare to all men that I am a carefull man to uphold the truth and to resist gain-sayers besides any man may sooner reade a reply many times then turne to an other place where it was formerly spake of and answered to withall there will in a severall answer to the same objection in an other place be found some variety both for argument and language which many times begets other excellent notions which more and more confirmes men in any truth Besides this hath ever beene Gods owne method which they that are taught of him Iohn 6. ought to imitate often to repeate one and the same Law as what he taught his people in Exodus he often reiterates in the same Booke and not in that only but in Leviticus and Numbers and repeats the whole Law againe in Deuteronomy and that often to the end they might remember it the same may be saidof al the holy Prophets through the whole Bible who often reiterate repeat the same things that the people may not pretend ignorance and this I say is Gods own method and therfore worthy of our imitation yea and Christ himself used this method in his preaching and dictating unto his Apostles by his Holy Spirit who writ foure Evangels of what he hath both done and suffered for us often repeating the same thing yea all the holy Apostles and pen men of holy Writ used the same method as is to be seen through the Acts all their holy Epistles repeating the same things according to their several occasions as when either the same errors sprang up in other places or began to increase where they were so wen and started up yea Paul professeth of himselfe Phil. 3. verse 1. that to him it is not grievous but for them safe to write the same things The same method did Saint Peter use as yee may see in his second Epistle and therefore it is no error in me often to repeate the same things and to inculcate and reinforce the same Arguments especially if it be occasioned by your selves that by this meanes the truth for which I contend may be the more confirmed and errors may be the more confuted and overthrown But withall let mee say thus much unto you by the way that although I am constrained through your vaine tautologies often to handle the same truths yet it is with such variety and in so diverse a way manner and stile as it will not bee grievous or tedious to all those that shall reade it with honest hearts where they will well perceive that what I have answered more briefly in one place I have more fully handled in an other that if it be possible I might give full satisfaction to all docible and ingenuous men that will be satisfyed either with Scripture or reasons Now if in this dispute there be any expressions that may displease any of you you of all men may well excuse them knowing how great your provocations of me have beene especially if you consider that all this contention is for the defence of the truth of God which yee all have sought to corrupt and adulterate with your traditions in whose quarrell and for the maintenance of whose honour it becomes every man to be more zealous and fuller of animosity then for his owne and therefore if I take liberty to speake more freely in shewing the vanity impiety and wickednesse of the Deceivers and Impostors of these times in which we live it is but to use the same method the holy Prophets and blessed Apostles have used against the false teachers of their times who have expressed themselves in language equivalent to whatsoever they shall find in any part of my Booke Yea you your selves if you but looke upon my Brother Burtons Vindication or upon any of his Pamphlets or indeed upon any of your own scriblers in maintenance of your owne vaine errors and novelties or upon Iohn Goodwyn your famous Cretensis or the last Vindication that came out against Reverend Master Edwards you shall find them as full of unsavoury expressions as ever people writ against any men withall writing also with such elated spirits and with so course language as is possible for any men to vent themselves withall they ordinarily beginning and continuing their Pamphlets with pride and ending them with cursing as in that late Vindication appeareth where the Author page the first saith I thought it might not be amisse speaking of learned Master Edwards to spend an houre or two upon this vaine man Here wee find the height of pride insolency and disdaine and in the 30. page he hath these words concerning the same man The Lord rebuke turbulent and violent spirits here he ends with cursing causelessely whereas there is no more turbulent and violent spirits now upon the earth then this of that Author and all those of your fraternity as all their practices and noysome fruitlesse and vilipending scriblings can witnesse who daily write against their Christian Brethren for their zeale to the truth with a greater spirit of pride insolency and elation and with more contempt and disdaine and that out of selfe conceitednesse then ever the Prelates did continually slighting under-valuing and contemning those men they are not worthy for any merit or true learning to be compared with or named the same day they
which words there likewise cannot with any reason be understood That Herod and Pontius Pilate with all the Gentiles and the people of Israel did all meet in any one place for all understanding forbids men so to argue or conceive or believe for they well know that there was no place could have contained them all together no not the thousand part of them besides they were all in their several Countryes and aboads and it is well known that before this time Herod and Pilate were not so loving one to another as to come together but it is related they were altogether 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 to signifie that wheresoever they dwelt or in what coasts or regions soever their habitations were they all agreed upon one and the same wicked design to be enemies of Christ in this wicked resolution they were epi tò autò that is they all wel accorded and assented together to put the Lord of life to death and to cast of his government So that by 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 we are to understand a mentall meeting together and not a topicall local and bodily meeting or convening of all those Kings in any one place by which in all their consultations they were resolved to carry on their wicked design and unlawfull businesse and in that regard they were said to be gathered together 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 in unum though they did it in severall places and this is the true meaning of epi tò autò there as when any men do carry on a good designe though they be in dive●s and severall places they may be said to be gathered together 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 as now with us the Lords and Commons and divers Committees in both Houses assemble themselves dayly epi tò autò and are but one Parliament though they meet in two severall rooms and more and so a thousand Congregations and Assemblies may be said to meet Homothumadòn epi tò autò every Lords day though they be in never so many distinct places in regard of their common design to serve God on that day So that all reason to any intelligible man from that I have said will clearly evince that by epi tò autò is meant nothing else but that the Apostles were met together with one accord upon the occasion of the feast of Pentecost with this deliberate design and for this very end and purpose to celebrate that feast unto the Lord which was the work of that day the Iews also through all Indaea and from the regions round about being come up to Ierusalem to that f●ast to worship God in it and to offer up that service that was due unto his Name and the which were taken up in the Temple and in their severall Synagogues and meeting places in the same imployment the Apostles were of all the which I affirme it may be as really and truly said that they all met Homothumadòn epi tò autò as of the hundred and twenty Names And yet no rationall man would from thence conclude that all the people did or could meet in one place No more can any understanding creature or well grounded solid Christian gather that because it is said the hundred and twenty names were all Homothumadon with one accord epi tò autò that therefore there should be no more beleevers in Ierusalem then did or could all meet in any one place or congregation to partake in all Ordinances as the Independents all gather from the words I assert that such a kind of arguing in any man would argue that he had little brains in his head and therefore I shall be ever able by Gods assistance to maintain against all the Sectaries and Homothumadòn Independents that by epi tò autò is to be understood either some designe whether it be taken in a good sense or a bad which the holy Scripture apparently holds out unto us or if otherwise that epi tò autò in the verse of the second chapter of the Acts is rather to be understood of the time of their meeting then of the place All this I say I undertake by Gods gracious assistance to make good against all the Independents and Sectaries and to prove withall that they do all of them most wickedly for the deluding of the people to gather and conclude from epi to auto that there were no more beleevers then or at any time after in the Church of Ierusalem then could all meet in any one place or Congregation for indeed to make such a conclusion as this from epi tò autò is not onely to fight against all the light of sound reason but to give the holy Ghost the lye and to resist the spirit of God and to withhold the truth from the people in unrighteousnesse All which I shall by and by God willing briefly make appear But before I come to that should I for disputation sake grant unto the brethren that by epi tò autò in that text were meant in one place as they would have it because we cannot conceive if there be a meeting or convening of the persons of any people together but it must be in a place or at a place as we usually speak would it therefore follow that because any one place or room will hold a hundred and twenty names for they say there were then no more in that company to partake in all acts of worship that it will hold hundreds of thousands or that all the beleevers in Ierusalem did then meet there or that there were no more beleevers then in that Church then could meet in one Congregation or that for ever after there were no more Christians in Ierusalem then did ordinarily meet in one Congregation I am most assured that there is not any intelligible Independent but upon due deliberation would say that he that should so conclude speaks against the very light of all understanding that dictates the contrary and therefore he would not make that inference the Homothumadon brethren make viz. that there were neither then in Ierusalem nor at any time after more beleevers in that Church then could all meet in any one Congregation to partake in all acts of worship But now to shew the vanity and wickednesse of these men and that it may appear they in this may be rightly called Homothumadons in that they do with one accord and with one unanimous consent conspire together to trouble and disquiet the whole Church of God and to disturbe the peace of the three Kingdomes and are resolved to persist epì tò autô in that their wicked designe and that with one accord I shall here lay down some reasons which all that will vouchsafe to read the ensuing discourse shall see more fully set down afterwards I say therefore they extreamly shew their vanity and wicked purpose in this that they all conclude from epì tò autò there were no more beleevers at that time nor ever after in Ierusalem then could all meet in any one place or
shadow of whose wings I have ever found there is only safety whose blessed assistance in all calamities they that trust in him may be most assi●ed of His patronage now and his defence is my shield whose cause and the honour of whose kingdome at this time I contend for And howsoever in all my life in all humane learning I was never so wedded to my own resolves but upon better reason I could easily be divorced from them yet in Gods matters if an Angell should come from Heaven and teach me that that there were another way to happinesse then by that new and living way the blood of Jesus Christ who was the Lambeslaine from the beginning of the world I would count him Anathema Or if an Angel should tell me there were a new way of worshipping God and serving him then that which God himself hath set down in his holy Word I would account him accursed for I have learned to believe God and Faith upon their word and bond without any either Angelicall or Humane reason or the authority of Coun●els and Fathers and whatsoever I finde a warrant in Gods Word for I have learned to cleave close to it against all humane reason supposing such men none of Gods nor Faiths truest friends that will not believe them upon their own word and bond except they have reason humane authority Councels and Fathers and ●aine traditions joyned with them for sureties Again if any man should go about to perswade me that there were any other government established in the Church of God then an Aristocraticall and a Presbyterian one I should notwithstanding all humane reason to the contrary submit my self to that kind of government as being most confidently assured that it is warranted in Gods Word which all Christians are bound for ever to make the Rule and Square both of our faith manners and government And here I must minde all those that shall read this Book that this is no new opinion of mine but that which I have once and again suffered for and if ever they have read my Elenchus religionis papisticiae or my Flagellum pontificis or my Apologie or any of my Latine Books in all those they will finde that the cause of all my sufferings was this and this only That I maintained that all Churches were to be governed by an Aristocraticall and Presbyterian government which in those Books I have clearly and fully through Gods assistance made good Yea in in my answer to the Bill of Information put up against me in the Star-chamber they shall have some reasons I gave there of this my tenent to the Lords of his Majesties Hrivie Councell and Judges in the Star-chamber so that I stand to my principles and am no starter And if then amongst Gods people it was thought an opinion worthy the suffering for and my Christian brethren deemed me worthy of honour for it and afforded me their prayers and shewed me and mine in all our distresses many curtesies when we found little favour from our own brethren which their humanity I must never forget but with all due thankfulnesse for ever acknowledge I say if then this my opinion was thought Orthodox and worthy of their applause I see no good reason why a truth then should not be counted a truth now for the Word of God out of which I had it is the same and if it were good then it is good now for the change of mens minds cannot change the truth but it must be ever truth but this my opinion I learned out of Gods Word then which shall be for ever by his gracious assistance the warrant of my beliefe and practice This Word therefore I desire all my Christian Brethren in the deciding of this question now agitated amongst Gods people and his faithfull servants concerning Church-government to take into their hands and with those noble B●reans to sit down and examine whatsoever shall be said on either side according to the holy Scrigtures and I intreat them also to lay aside all passion which Religion has no need of and all vain-glory and bitternesse which is a dishonour to our holy calling and in the spirit of meeknesse and with a Virgin judgement not ravisht with any previous or anticipated opinion to come and approach to the Altar of truth and so consider and examine which of those two opinions the Brethren on both sides now sacrifice themselves unto be the offering that will best endure the firy-tryall 1 Cor. 3. 13 14 15. viz. Whether the Presbyterian government Dependent or a Presbyterian government Independent both now laid upon the Altar be the acceptablest service and best pleasing sacrifice This is granted on all sides and of necessity it must be yeilded unto that that Oblation is the best and most acceptable that is offered up by faith without which it is impossible to please God and that sacrifice only is offered up by faith which is according to his Word and has its warrant from his revealed will which is the rule both for worship and the government of his Church we are to be guided by The Brethren on both sides agree about the rule in deciding of this Coutroversie and make the written word the rule They agree also about the materials both acknowledging a Presbytery the difference between them is only about the mould and manner of the offering I will therefore state the questions between us and shew wherein we differ and then set down my own opinion with my reasons and after endeavour to be a Moderator for the determining of this unhappy difference which hath been an occasion of so much rejoycing to the common Enemy There is a two-fold question between us they call the Presbyterians and our Brethren they tearme Independents The first is concerning the government of the Church vi● whether it be Presbyterian Dependent or Presbyterian Independent The second question is concerning the gathering of Churches but of that in its due place The first question is whether many Congregations or Christian Assemblies commonly called Churches in our dialect in the which there are all the acts of worship or all Ordinances as the pure preaching of the Gospell the due and right administration of the Sacraments the true invocation of God Discipline rightly executed and all other performances which make for the essence and form of a true Church and in the which assemblies likewise they have all such officers and helps of Government as in their severall places being rightly imployed may serve for the edification of the same and mutuall comfort and benefit of each other and the preservation ofall as Presbyters doth preaching and ruling and Deacons and all other Officers I say the question between us and the brethren is Whether all these severall Congregations and Assemblies may be accounted but one Church or make but one Church within their Precincts and be to be under the government and rule of one Presbytery or a Councell or Colledge of many
that I may not passe by lest he should glory I could not answer it I will therefore say something to that and conclude this point and then go on to all his other fond answers to such arguments as he thought himselfe best able to incounter with His words are these in the conclusion of his Babble If saith he nothing of publike concernment ought to be done and transacted without the joynt mutual agreement and common consent of the Presbytery John the Presbyter would not have transgressed so farr as to take upon himselfe this authority over Diotrephes to tell the Church of his faults and to say he would remember him and sharply reprove him and teach him to prate against the Presbytery with malicious words which belonged to the Court and Common-councell of Presbyters Thus Mr Knollys rather chatters than disputes in making such an inference from his own conceit And therefore for Answer let Mr Knollys know that there was no transgression in Saint Iohn against the Presbyters in taking such authority upon himselfe for S. John was an Apostle and an universall Pastor tyed to no one place or flock but had the same power and authority that Paul and all the other Apostles had over all the Churches the care of which lay primarily and principally upon them who were immediately inspired by God and in all their preachings and writings followed the dictates of his holy Spirit who spake in and by them so that whatsoever they taught or writ was to be the rule of all mens thoughts words actions and governments and it was their place to give Laws unto all Churches and Ministers in them what they should do in the ordering and governing of the same and therefore S. John had no lesse authority and power over this Church wherein Diotrephes was an Elder and in and over all other Churches then S. Paul and all the other Apostles had in all Churches Now if S. Paul could give a Law unto the Church of Corinth For the casting out of the Incestuous person and for the carrying of themselves with Order and Decency in their Assemblies and sharply reproove offenders in that Church and if all the other Apostles did the like and took such Authority upon them over all the members of those severall Churches and that without any transgression of any divine institution but with the very good liking and allowance of God himselfe who writ the Commandements of the Lord to all the Churches then I say Saint Iohn transgressed not at all in using his authority and power given him of God over Diotrephes in telling the Church of his faults and saying He would remember him and sharply reprove him for this he might well do by his sole Authority without any offence as he was an Apostle for what he did he did by immediate Revelation and had a warrant for it from Christ himselfe who sent his spirit to lead him into all truth And therefore it is a ridiculous if not an impious thing in Master Knollys to draw such an inference from a phantasie of his own brain in that he makes no difference between Saint Iohn and another ordinary Presbyter and Minister and would make that an offence which was none and infer that Saint Iohn took more upon him than he ought Besides it had been no transgression in any other Presbyter if he had writ so to any Presbytery under which he had been a fellow Presbyter to inform them of any miscarriage in either Pastor or member of that Church wherein he was an Elder and if he had said If I come I will remember his deeds c. For in his so speaking he would assume no more authority to himselfe then became a Presbyter to take upon him as both to witnesse to a truth and to give in evidence of what he knew of such a man to his fellow judges and then to leave it to the judgement of the Presbytery and Common Councell of Elders which Saint Iohn did whose place it was to censure such an offender and in his so doing he should no way impeach the power and authority of the Court or Common councell of Presbyters but rather ratifie and confirme it as all learned men will gather For by such words he declareth that there is a standing Court or Councell there where offenders are both to be questioned and censured for such an expression If I come I will remember his deeds sufficiently declareth that there was power in their hands and manifesteth that he was a judge there among the rest who with others had the hearing of all causes there and that all businesses of publike concernment ought to be done and transacted by the mutuall and joynt accord and agreement of the Presbytery and not to be managed by any one singly by himself or by the people whom God had never given the Keyes unto nor the power of rule and Government This I affirme will necessarily ensue and follow and not that which Mr Knollys vainly intimateth And I am confident that any judicious Christian upon due deliberation will say the same and will conclude That Saint Iohn in his so writing was no offender though all things of publike concernment in the Church were ever to be transacted by the joynt agreement and common consent of the Presbytery So that all men that are judicious may plainly behold the futility in both the answers and cavills of this man and well perceive that he was never cut out for a disputant or ever fitted for Government in church or State who if he might have his own minde would bring in a confusion in both and violate all order divine and humane and make the head the foot and the foot the head And truly if a man would but consider the manner of Government in their seven new Churches or rather seventy for every ten or twelve of them prove a Church he should find in them all so much disorder and discrepancy amongst them and yet every one of them pretending Divine authority for its particular government as he would advisedly conclude That God was never the author of them for God is a God of order and not of confusion for never since the world began was there such practice● in any Christian Churches as are to be found in theirs And to speake the truth they are a meere mockery of all government for every one of those severall Churches be they never so slender and small assumes an absolute soveranity unto themselves Independent from all other Churches and Presbytries from the which there is no appeale be one never so much wronged And they are as so many free States and republicks every one of them ruling within themselves as absolute Magistracies And therefore upon all occasions if any difference arise betweene member and member in those Churches or betweene Church and Church as often they do as other Countries and Common-weales send their Embassadours to each other upon any difference or about states affayres
out of the third of Matthew where Iohn saith I baptize you with water but there comes one after me who shall baptize you with the Holy Ghost and with fire this is nothing to his purpose nor nothing against my opinion For as I said before it was never my beliefe that the baptisme of Christ and Iohns baptisme was all one seeing Saint Iohn the Baptist hath taught the contrary as in the words alledged it is sufficiently declared But I demand of I. S. whether the Apostles all whose names were written in heaven were not as good Christians and Beleevers in Jesus Christ by Iohns baptisme before they had received the gifts of the Holy Ghost and were baptized with fire which we read of Act. the 2. as they were after the cloven tongues appeared unto them ver 3. If either he or any of his fraternity shall deny it then they must deny the sixteenth chapter of Matthew and the sixt of Saint Iohn where we finde that honourable confession of all the Apostles where they testifie their faith in Christ into whom they had been baptized before that yea they must deny the whole Scriptures of the New Testament which affirme the contrary And if the baptizing of any with the Holy Ghost and with fire be that thing onely that makes men Christians and Beleevers then none that were not so baptized were good christians for the gifts of the Holy Ghost as the diversity of tongues and working of miracles were not promiscuous and given to all as Saint Paul doth sufficiently declare 1 Cor. 12. 30. Have all the gifts of healing Do all speak with tongues So that all the people were not baptized with the Holy Ghost and therefore by I. S. his learning were no christians Neither was that the worke of the Apostles but it was Christs work onely who first breathed the spirit upon the Apostles and after his ascen●ion first poured down those gifts upon them Acts the 2. and after that at many other times through the prayer of the Apostles and putting on of their hands upon the Beleevers Christ for the confirmation of their Ministry and to manifest to all those that were converted by them that they were sent by him shed down those miraculous graces upon many but gave them not to all and it is also declared that they first believed and then they were baptized with the Holy Ghost and wee have but one President that I remember in the holy Scripture that any received the gifts of the Holy Ghost before they were baptized with water and that is those of Cornelius his house but all the rest were baptized with water before And therefore those gifts made them not Christians but declared them to be beleevers and were the effects of their faith which notwithstanding were not conferred by the Apostles but were immediately given by the spirit of Christ So that those visible gifts were not essentiall for the making of any Christians and Beleevers for they were alwayes Beleevers before they received them and if those gifts had been essentiall and absolutely necessary for the making of any Christians then all that had received them should have been saved which they were not besides then many hundred thousands of the primitive Christians should not have been true Beleevers and Christians indeed for all men generally received them not as I proved before and all the Christians for ought I know since the Primitive times and all that now live should be no good Christians for they were not and now are not baptized with the holy Ghost with fire So that al men may see with how little reason this I. S. speaketh in these his argumenta●ions and how vain and impious he is in all his cavills this shall suffice to have spoke concerning his second answer And now I come to his third which is as good as the two former His words are these 3. Therefore now saith I. S. by Iohns baptisme they were not all made Christians no more then the body of the Iewes before John were turned Christians by being baptized in the red Sea c. For they were baptized into Christ by their baptisme 1 Cor. 10. 3. I deny not but this baptisme of John was to prepare men for Christ and did beare a more immediate relation to such a worke then any Ordinance before but it did not make them absolute Christians It did not absolve and perfect the new Church I mean not so far as that Ordinance of baptisme was to do afterwards Thus I. S. blasphemeth rather then disputeth For that he saith is impious in the highest degree for it is an apparent giving of the spirit of truth the lye and a confuting of Christ himselfe and Saint Paul and an opposing of the generality of all the Independents as every understanding man will easily gather for the Scripture everywhere and all the orthodox Divines yea and all the Independents that ever I talked with or read of before I. S. and my Brother Burton acknowledge that those that were baptized by the Baptist and Christs Disciples before Christs death were Christians and Beleevers for otherwise they could not have been baptized Notwithstanding I. S. out of his learning denyeth not onely that they were Christians but affirmeth also that those that were baptized by Moses in the red Sea were no Christians whether therefore this be not to beat up the quarters of Iohn the Baptist Christ himselfe and the quarters of Moses the servant of the Lord and of all the Independents and to pull down the very pillars of the holy Scriptures and be not a horrid blasphemy in I. S. I leave to the judgement of the learned Our saviour saith Luk. the 7. v. 29. 30. And all the people that heard him the Publicans justified God being baptized with the baptisme of John but the Pharisees and Lawyers rejected the Councel of God against themselves being not baptized of him Here we have Christs testimony who asserteth that the Lawyers and Pharisees only excepted all that heard Iohn of which innumerable multitudes of them came from Jerusalem for all Ierusalem went out to him did justifie God and did not reject his Councell that is to say they were Believers for the councel of God in the ministry of Saint Iohn to all the people was that they should repent and believe in the Messiah and in token of their faith that they should be baptized now this sweet councell for the obtaining of free grace and favour offered unto them by God in the ministry of Iohn did the Pharisees and Lawyers reject to their own perdition for they would not bring forth fruits meet for repentance that is they would neither believe in the Messiah nor repent nor be baptized and therefore as a company of Infidels and unbeleevers they despised the councell of God and his grace and favour but all the other that heard Iohn saith Christ justified God and did not reject his councell that is they acknowledged that
their new lights and their congregationall way But this by the by Now I say if there were such multitudes both of Hearers and Teachers there was without all doubt many places for them seveally to heare in and it stands withall reason that the severall strange Nations had Synagogues by themselves and such men to Teach unto them in their own language as they could understand or else they could not have been edified and there is very good ground to induce men to beleeve that I now say For if there was a Synagogue in Ierusalem of the Libertines as there was that is to say of those that had beene slives and bond-men but were made free then can any man beleeve that all those severall Nations of the free-men that abounded also with wealth and honour or else if they had not had great riches they could never have journied so about from Country to Country and transported their families thither I say in all these regardes it stands withall reason that they had their particular Synagogues also and therefore that they were in mighty multitudes so that a few places could not containe them all to communicate in all Acts of worship and therefore of necessity in Christ his time they were distributed into many and severall Congregations and all this I say besides the holy Scripture very reason dictats to any man but Master Knollys and I. S. and their fraturnity who all deny that there were either in Christs life time or after his death more Christians and believers in the church of Ierusalem then could meete in one place or congregation notwithstanding the holy Scripture sayeth that there was a world of believers there and that all Jerusalem the very City was full of them I referre therefore that which I have now spake to the judgement of all the judicious and learned whether we ought rather to believe the Holy Scripture of truth which was indited by the Spirit of truth or Master Knollys who saith and writeth the contrary by the spirit of error And this shall suffice to have spake for proofe of my first proposion to wit that the world that went after Christ were believers which Master Knollys most fondly and impiously denyeth The second proposition remaining to be proved is this that there was a world of beleevers in the Church of Ierusalem and that they were inhabitants there Now howsoever by the proving of my former proposition this latter also was included in it and proved likewise as all the places above cited do sufficiently shew for the place where the word that followed Christ dwelt is said to be Ierusalem and if we but consult with the holy Scripture especially the Gospell of Saint Iohn we shall again and again meet with many testimonies there besides those I have above quoted to prove the same so that it may be thought a needlesse work in particular to prove this second proposition seeing it is already evinced in the former yet because Mr Knollys hath made them two propositions and hath peremptorily delivered it that there was not a world of beleevers in the Church of Ierusalem I will to gratifie him and to satisfie any that will be satisfied prove this proposition also distinctly and severally by it selfe viz. That there was a world of beleevers in Ierusalem and that they were inhabitants there For proofe of this the 12. chapter of Saint Iohn and the 29. verse decla●es it saying behold the world is gone after him This world was at Ierusalem and inhabitants there and well known to the Scribes and Pharisees which is yet farther ratified out of the 7. chapter ver 48. where the people that are called accursed had their dwelling for they were known to the high Priests Scribes and Pharisees which they could not have been had they not been Inhabitants which is yet more clear from the 21. of Matthew where it is manifest that not only the men of Ierusalem but that the very children cryed Hosanna to the son of David and it is wel known to all men what children do ordinarily in a publike way it was well approved of by their parents who likewise cryed Blessed is he that cometh in the name of the Lord as it was here in London at the begining of the parliament when the king came into the city to seek for the 5 Members there was not a woman or a child that had a head as big as a crab but cryed for the Priviledges of Parliament commonly as the cock crows so crows the hen the chickens And by all probability it was at that time in Ierusalem in respect of Christ as it was then here in respect of the Parliament the generality of all the inhabitants believed in him and honoured him as the people generally in the city did the Parliament which is yet more evident from the great indignation and wrath of the Priests and Scribes who were displeased to see the wonderfull things he did and especially that they heard the children crying in the Temple saying Hosanna to the sonne of David by which they well perceived that the children spake no otherwise then their fathers would have them and that the whole city of Inhabitants were such as beleeved in him Yea the second of the Acts addes a great deal of strength to this argument where it is said That there were devout men dwellers at Ierusalem out of all the Nations under Heaven besides the Inhabitants that were Natives But the eleventh of Mar. puts all out of doubt for that chapter speaks plainly of all the Inhabitants and Dwellers in Ierusalem as well as of the strangers that came to the Feast where it is said there were two mighty parties either of which so awed the Scribes chiefe Priests and all the enemies of Christ that they durst not meddle with him and the one of them was such as adhered unto Christ and beleeved his doctrine so that although Christs enemies sought to destroy him yet they feared him because saith the Scripture ver 17. all the people were astonished at his doctrine that is all the people approved of it and beleeved in him for he taught as one having authority Matth. 7. The other party were Iohn the Baptists Disciples all beleevers too for it is there asserted that all men compted John that he was a prophet indeed ver 32. And this party also kept the chief Priests the Scribes and the Elders Christs capitall enemies in such awe as they durst not attempt any thing against Christ and all these were inhabitants of Ierusalem For it is said in the 28 verse that all the people were astonished at his doctrine and it is said ver 32. that all men counted John a Prophet indeed Now then if all the people of Ierusalem and all the men of Ierusalem these two mighty parties and both believers be put together and were inhabitants there as ●he Scripture relateth besides the strangers that came up to the Feast then there was a world
word of God teacheth us So that to any intelligible Christian there can be no doubt or scruple any longer left about this point For that which God himselfe hath dictated by his holy spirit and recorded in his holy word we may not gainsay but God hath dictated by his holy spirit and recorded it in his holy word that the multitude that was converted and believed upon that new miracle and preaching of Peter Iohn was about five thousand men Ergo it is not to be gainsaid but to be beleeved and received as an everlasting truth by all Christians For as I said before this was a new effect or a new act and distinct and different from the former and therefore these five thousand are to be considered by themselves and apart Now five thousand and three thousand put and joyned together make up eight thousand which were all added to the Church to all the former that were converted by the Ministery of Iohn the Baptist Christ and his Disciples in Christs life time and therefore there is no mistake in my addition as Mr. Knollys fondly and childishly concludes and his reasons by which he would prove my mistake are as vaine and senselesse For saith he some of the three thousand may be were women and how can the Doctor say there were eight thousand new converts besides women Take notice I pray of the vanity of his expression Some of the three thousand saith he may be were women and it may be they were not and it standeth with as good reason they were not as any he can bring to prove they were although I did not set it down as my own opinion but said onely That it was the judgement of many learned men that all those eight thousand that were converted by those two miracles and Sermons were men and not women and children and therefore Mr Knollys here commits a double errour first in making that my opinion and ascribing that to me which I onely then related as the judgement of others and then left it in medio that is his first error his second is worse for whereas the Holy Scripture saith that there were three thousand soules added unto the Church by the first Miracle and Sermon and five thousand by the second in the fourth of the Acts Master Knollys peremptorily affirmeth they were but five thousand in all so gives the Spirit of God the lye who declares there were three thousand at one time five at another added to the Church But if there were but 5. thousand in all as M. Knollys asserteth then by his own acknowledgement they were all men and not women and so then I had committed no error neither can M. Knollys convince me of an error if I had said it as my own opinion that al those that were converted by those two Miracles had been all men and not women and children For for the five thousand the word of God saith they were all men and not women the words are these in the Originall 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 the number of men according to Master Knollys his owne interpretation was five thousand and if there were five thousand men then not women And wee find in the Holy Scripture that the word 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 is alwayes taken for men as we may see it Matth. 15. verse 38. 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 and they that did eat were foure thousandmen besides women and children So that amongst these five thousand by the testimony of the holy Scripture and in the judgement of Master Knollys by his owne interpretation they were all men and no women now then if all the whole number of Beleevers that were converted by those two Miracles and Sermons mounted in all but to five thousand as Master Knollys affirmeth they did not and were all men as hee accordeth to what purpose then doth hee rayse a new and needlesse cavill against mee because I said that it was the opinion of many learned men that those that were converted by these two miracles and sermons were all men and not women and children For I did not as I said before relate it as my owne judgement neither did I say there were no women amongst those eight thousand but that it was the opinion of the learned that they were all men only and not women and children But were I of as contentious a spirit as Master Knollys and that it tended to edification I could bring better reasons to prove they were men only and not women then either he or any of his Fraternity can produce to the contrary But Mr. Knollys himself seemeth but faintly to assert that there were any of them Women and Children for he saith it may be some of the 3. thousand were women thus he trifles in his answer to my first Argument saying it may be there were no more Beleevers in Ierusalem at the Feast of Pentecost but the hundred and twenty names Now all the learned know that to say it may bee there were some women makes no reall conviction of a mistake it is but a naked and groundlesse supposition of a mistake especially when there may be many solid reasons produced to prove they were all men and no women and children And therefore such kind of triflings are not sufferable in any that pretend to fear God for vain janglings and needlesse contentions about words is that that is condemned by the Apostle in all Ministers in his Epistles to Timothy and Titus and it troubles me not a little that I have to do with such vaine kind of creatures whose cheese bable is about words But notwithstanding I see a providence in it for in this the man shewes but his ignorance and whiles he would perswade the Reader that he is very acute he shewes himselfe to be a very child in the art of disputation There is an old saying give some men rope enough and they will hang themselves Even so it is here with Master Knollys whiles he takes that liberty to himself to run out in his discourse he intangles himself on every side as by the sequell will appeare as here He sayd that there was no mention in any Scripture quoted by me of eight thousand and he denyed withall that the Scripture doth prove any such thing and asserted moreover that the whole number of all those converts amouted but to five thousand and he said that all these were men and not women and yet here he confutes himself I desire all therfore to take notice of the vanity of the man He had confidently concluded there were but five thousand in all and asserted that they were all men and notwithstanding as it were in the same breath he makes mention of three thousand more of another company amongst the which he sayth some of them might be women So that by his own concession here is two distinct numbers or companies one consisting of 5. thousand
may we suppose were then in the Church at Ierusalem when many more great congregations and Assemblies of Beleevers were dayly added to that Church and when the holy Word of God in expresse termes in the 21. chap. of the Acts saith There were many ten thousands of beleevers there without all controversie there must needs at that time be a mighty many of Assemblies and Congregations and yet in the very infancy of it and when there were but five thousand beleevers as my brother Burton and Saint Hanserdo do both witnesse they then had divers Assemblies and Congregations and communicated in severall private houses and brake bread from house to house that is to say in every house And therefore I have now great hope that not onely Mr Knollys will confesse the brethren have acknowledged That there were many Congregations and Assemblies of beleevers in the Church of Ierusalem but that Sir I. S. his scrupulous conscience also will be satisfied about this point especially when it commeth ratified not onely by Scripture but by the testimony and witnesse also of my brother Burton and Saint Hanserdo But if Sir I. S. shall still persevere in the error of his wayes and shall be so far from beleeving that there were many Congregations and Assemblies of beleevers in the Church of Ierusalem as he will yet swear there were no more Saints there then could or did dayly all meet in one place or congregation then I will conclude of him that he is a gentleman very fit to be made a Knight of the post whether I send him to be whipped out of his grolleries Having for the gratifying Mr Knollys and Sir I. S. and for the undeceiving of all cordiall and well affected Christians and such as desire to know the truth been the more large in this controversie I shall now refer my selfe and all that I have said concerning my first and second propositions to the judgement of every indifferent Reader whether I have not sufficiently proved not onely that there were many congregations of beleevers in the Church at Jerusalem but that it is likewise acknowledged by the brethren that there were many Assemblies of them there if any credit may be given either to my brother Burton or to Saint Hanserdo and if they shall judge that I have sufficiently proved it both from Scripture and Reason and from the testimony of two prime witnesses of the Independent party against whom there can be no just exception by any of the Congregationall way they being of their own fraternity Mr Henry Burton and Saint Hanserdo by name I shall again challenge Mr Knollys his promise who hath ingaged himselfe That if I could by the expresse word of Scripture evince there were many congregations of beleevers in the Church at Jerusalem that he would relinquish his grollish opinion of Independency Now therefore when I have done it both by Scripture and the two witnesses above specified I say again I challenge his promise and if he notwithstanding all I have writ will not abandon this his error I shall never esteem him to be either a man of faith or common honesty and shall for ever hereafter proclaim both himself and all such teachers as he is fighters against God and his truth and resisters of his holy Spirit and such as withhold the truth from the people in unrighteousnesse And so I conclude this second Proposition and come now to see what they have to say to the third My third Proposition is this viz. That the Apostles and Presbyters Governed Ordered and Ruled this Church consisting of many congregations and Assemblies by a common Councell and Presbytery This is my third Proposition which is evident out of many places of the Acts and sundry other places of holy Writ some of which with my Arguments I shall here relate in order as they were first set down in my book called Independency not Gods Ordinance the which Mr Knollys I. S. and my brother Burton indeavoured to Answer unto And after I have faithfully related the Arguments I deduced from those severall Scriptures by which I then made good my third Assertion I shall also truely set down the Answer of Hanserdo Knollys and I. S. to all those Arguments The places therefore of Scripture with my Arguments gathered from thence are these following Acts 11. 27. And in those dayes there came Prophets from Ierusalem to Antioch and there stood up one of them named Agabus and signified by the Spirit that there should be great dearth through all the world which came to passe in the dayes of Claudius Caesar then the Disciples every man according to his ability determined to send reliefe unto the brethren that dwelt in Iudaea which also they did and sent it to the Presbyters by the hands of Barnabas and Saul Here in these last words we see that the Presbyters and none but the Presbyters received the Almes for it is said They sent it to the Presbyters by the hands of Barnabas and Saul which sufficiently proveth That the Presbyters in all Churches were the men in government as who had the Ordering and authority of appointing unto the Deacons how they should distribute those monyes that they might be best improved and disposed of which is an act of government as all men that know what belongs unto government will acknowledge Now should it be granted that these Presbyters here spoken of were the Presbyters of Iudaea which notwithstanding is not specified but onely the distressed brethren in Iudaea yet had it been in expresse words set down That the Almes had been sent to the Presbytery of Judaea the Presbytery of Ierusalem must necessarily have been included in it as being the Metropolis of Iudea and it was an ordinary thing for the Churches that were abroad and particularly that of Antioch to send to the Apostles and Presbyters of Ierusalem as we may see Act. 11. ver 22. and Act. 15. And by all probability Paul and Barnabas brought these Almes to the Presbyters of Ierusalem for he in the fifteenth chapter of his Epistle to the Romans maketh mention of a contribution that was made in Macedonia and Achaia for the poor Saints in Jerusalem Whether the Apostle saith he was going to Minister unto them and desired the Romans to pray for him that he may be delivered from the unbeleeving Jews and that his service for Jerusalem might be accepted of the Saints which by the learned Interpreters is generally taken that Paul speaketh of this time and that they were then sent to Ierusalem from Antioch But howsoever it should be understood that these almes were sent to the Presbyters in Iudea yet these two conclusions necessarily result from it The first that this expression comprehends also the Presbyters of Ierusalem as being the chiefe City of Iudea The second that the Presbyters in all Churches were the men to whom the government and ordering of businesses was committed and in whose hands the power and authority lay of
persons The third Essentiall part of soveraigne power in any state is this to make warre and peace at pleasure either forraigne or domesticall upon any just occasions and to have the managing of the Militia c. so that those only in whose hands this authority lyeth they are reputed and indeed are the supreme Rulers in that state The fourth Essentiall property of superlative power and authority in any government or state is this to have a Court of ultimate resort to the which all men may fly for reliefe and to the which all Appeales by all persons from all parts within their jurisdictions and from all inferiour Courts are made upon any unjustice done them there or upon any pressures or grievances by any one in authority and in whose power it is to end and determine all controversies and differences or to redresse all abuses and to relieve the oppressed so that in whose hands soever this authority resides they onely are said to exercise the soveraigne power and to bee the sole Governours and Moderators in that state The fifth and last pa●t of supreme authority in any state consists in this that they have the power of pressing and stamping monies and coynes and setting the valution upon them or any other monies that are currant in their countries or have the disposing of the treasurie of those states in which they live and have the Exchequer in their hands and all the revenues of them and to whom all the tributes subsidies assessements customes benevolences and collections of the people that are gathered for the common reliefe and preservation of the whole countrey or state are sent and who have the disposing of them according to their wisedome in those mens hands I say that this power ●esideth of disposing the treasury or revenues they and they onely are the supreme Magistrates and Rulers in that state as at this day it resides with all the former essentiall properties in the hands of King and Parliament that great Councell of the Kingdome by all which it sufficiently appeareth that all soveraigne power resides in them onely and is soly exercised and managed by them so that if Master Knollys should say that it doth not prove that the government lyeth now in the hands of King and Parliament that great Court because the contributions collections and excises from all parts of the Kingdome are sent unto them and are now at their disposing I beleeve the great Councell would teach him a little more wit and all those his brethren that should joyne with him in this his argumentation a little better manners Now if wee will compare things together wee shall find that whatsoever can prove the soveraigne power in all secular governments to be in those mens hands which exercise it the same may be said concerning the Ecclesiasticall Government in the Church at Ierusalem and of the Apostles and Presbyters of that Church who were the chiefe Officers and men in authority in it that the government and soveraigne power in that Church lay in their hands onely So that it will then undeniably follow that my argument will for ever stand good against Master Knolly's fond cavils for the proving of these two truths viz. that the Presbyters in the Church at Ierusalem and in all other churches were the onely Governours in those churches and that from this reason because the almes were sent unto them and because they had the disposing of the treasury of the Church This I say will in the first place necessarily follow The second truth that will result out of the words is this that the Apostles and Presbyters governed and ruled that Church by a common-councell and Presbyterie both which Master Knollys vainely denyeth will follow from my Argument But for the farther elucidation of this truth and that it may the better appeare unto all men I will briefly run over the essentiall properties and parts of supreme and soveraigne power that were exercised in that church and shew that they resided onely and solely in the Apostles and Presbyters hands who were the Governours of that church and that the people had nothing to doe with them and for the first to wit the legislative power it was in the church of Ierusalem and committed onely into the hands of the Apostles and Presbytery of that church as who had received the Keyes Matth. 16. and Matth. 18. For so saith the Prophet Isaiah chapter the 2. verse 2. out of Zion shall goe forth the Law and the Word of the Lord from Jerusalem and Acts the 1. vers 2. 3. it is said that Christ for the time that hee remained upon the earth after his Resurrection through the Holy Ghost gave commandements unto the Apostles whom hee had chosen speaking to them of the things pertaining to the Kingdome of God and commanded them that they should not depart from Ierusalem but waite for the promise of the Father which was that hee would send them the Holy Ghost the comforter which should teach them all things and bring all things unto their remembrance whatsoever Christ had said unto them and that hee should abide with them for ever Iohn 14. verse 26. and leade them into all truth and in the fifteenth Chapter hee cals his Apostles his friends telling them that hee had made knowne unto them all things that hee had heard from his Father verse 15. and hee promised that the Holy Ghost should bring all those things to their memories and in the same Chapter in the 26. verse Christ saith when the comforter is come whom I will send unto you from the Father even the spirit of truth which proceedeth from the Father hee shall testifie of me From all which places and from the 28. of Matth. verse 18 19 20. Mark the 16. verse 15 16 17 18. and Iohn the 20. verse 21 22 23. and many more that might be alleaged it is apparently evident that the Apostles and Presbyters in the Church of Ierusalem were invested with a legislative power so that whatsoever they preached or writ that wee find recorded in the Holy Word of God they are all the Statutes and Lawes of the King of his Church Christ Jesus and by the which all Christs subjects to the end of the world are to be regulated and governed The Apostles and Presbyters in the Church of Ierusalem had power also to abrogate old Lawes and to enact and establish new ones as wee may see Act. 15. and Act. 16. yea they had power of life and death of which wee have one example in Ananias and Saphira Act. 5. yea they raysed the dead cured the lame and healed the sicke with their very shadowes and all this power was given unto them for the ratifying of their authority and to shew they were sent of God withall they had the power of erecting new offices and creating new Officers not onely in Ierusalem but in all the Churches as that office of Deacons in the sixth of the Acts and the
THE UTTER ROUTING of the whole Army of all the INDEPENDENTS SECTARIES with the Totall overthrow of their Hierarchy that New Bable more groundless than that of the Prelates OR INDEPENDENCY not Gods ORDINANCE in which all the frontires of the PRESBYTERY with al the quarters of the same are Defended against all Enemies And all the Forces of the three Generals and Commanders of the Sectaries Hanserde Knollys J. S. Henry B Burton are all dissipated with all their whibling Reserves and the field of Truth still kept viz. That the Presbyterian Government Dependent is Gods Or dinance and not the Presbyterian Government Independent Unto which is annexed an Appendix in way of answer to Henry Burton Clerk one of his quondam fellow sufferers in the which all his ca lumnies are wiped away by the sponge of innocency and the Postscript Vin dicated the honour also of all our renouned Generalls and Commanders is Vindicated the honour of the City of London the honour of our brethren the Scots the honour likewise of all the Presbyters through the Kingdome are Vindicated from the obloquie of all the Independents and Sectaries and their due prayses given unto them in their severall ranks and or ders as next under God to have been the principall and primary Repairers of our breach and the Restorers of our pathes to dwell in the honour of all which the Sectaries wholly and solely ascribe to their Party By JOHN BASTVVICK Captain in the Presbyterian Army Dr in Physick and Phisitian in Ordinary to all the Ill-dependents and Sectaries to sweat them with Arguments twice a year gratis spring and fall who discovering their distempers and malidies finds by the severall symptomes of their diseases that they are very unsound root and branch and therefore ought with their venemous and intolerable Toleration of all Religions to be shunned and avoyded as a company of infected per sons by all such as are sound in the faith Mat. 7. 15. Beware ... but inwardly ... wolves London Printed by John Macock and are to be sold by Michael Spark at the sign of the blue Bible in Green Arbour 1646. TO My dear friend D r Bastwick on the Frontispeice of his Book Intituled The Vtter Routing of all the Independent Army c. TO be a Captain in an holy War Doth well become a man of peace so far As he contending on Gods glory looks Which is the cause maintain'd in all thy books And now in this by Gods great might and power Thou wagest War against high Babels Tower The whole armour of God thou 'st thee upon Thy Loyns are girt with Truth the brest-plate on Of righteousnesse Thou hast thy feet are shod With Gospell-Peace prepared by thy God And above all the shield of faith in t' hand All fiery darts of Satan to withstand T' helmet of salvation the spirits sword Thou fightest with which is Gods holy Word A weapon that all battels will abide March on brave Captain God is on thy side S. B. TO My worthy and learned friend Doctor Bastwick on his book intituled The Vtter Routing of all the Independent Army c. THY former works I 'ave read and truly say They were a means I wandred not astray From Truth to Error But did pry into The new opinions which some say and do Pretend to be according to Christs mind But searching Scripture no such way I find The paths which Independents do walk in Gods Word shew'd me to be a way of sin And not the only way as they depone Christ to advance and set upon his Throne For they thereby Christs seamlesse Coat do rend And precious time in jangling quaeries spend Framing their notions only to make fraction To Christs dishonour and th' increase of faction By their means blasphemies are spred about All sorts of Sectaries the Land throughout Do preach up Error and so bold they grow To threaten such as will not let them fow Their tares amongst them nor let them mislead People from Truth who readily give heed To new opinions ways of Liberty Being pleasing Doctrine to delude them by And to make many follow them because 'T is naturall to reject Gods holy Laws Grief overwhelm'd my heart when I did see Poor souls seduc'd yet men so silent be At length I heard as thou hast heretofore Discover'd Error out of thy rich store Of heavenly wisdome which the Lord gave thee Thou plead'st Truths cause that All her worth may see In this thy Book To th' Presse I therefore went Perus'd so much as gave me such content That whil'st I read my spirits reviv'd again Seeing Error vanquisht and the Truth made plain Unto all men God so assisting Thee That those who read it o're resolv'd may bee Thy Arguments being prov'd by holy Writ None can deny but such who use their wit To wrest the Scripture reason to deride Thereby to gain Proselytes on their side For thou hast laid down Truth so clear I see That sincere souls will blesse the Lord for thee Of all false Doctrines I do now desire Good people to beware and this Book read What satisfaction any can require They will find here who love the Truth indeed Read meditate of God ask wisdome then Truth to discern from all false ways of men S. B. ON The approved transcendent worth of my dear and faithfull friend Dr Bastwick Which the Independents and Sectaries of our times do labour to obscure with their black mouth'd railings false accusings sinfull reproachings self-conceited slightings proud scornings unworthy and unchristian vilifyings of him TO set forth all thy parts Learning and skill It were a work too hard for Homers Quill And Virgils Poem excellent in Verse Would come far short thy vertues to rehearse Were they alive and should it take in hand Thy worth 's above their muse to understand For why in thee divine and heavenly grace To be admir'd do challenge the first place But they such precious graces never learn'd Nor could perceive b'ing sp'rit'ally discern'd To speak thy praises fully they would find A task not easie though both were combin'd To make a Record onely to declare Thy morall vertues eminent and rare As Justice Fortitude Wisdome Charity Temperance Patience Love Humility Thy knowledge They in Tongues might then commend And without doubt their muses would contend Thine Eloquence and Rhet'rick to set forth Yet could they never make known all thy worth Which they would see and so conclude thy praise By setting on thy head a wreath of bayes And yet all this were to eclipse thy glory Thy graces rare transcend so mean a story In morall vertues true Thou Ex'lent art But here 's thy praise thou hast an upright heart To God thy maker hating every sin Thou art a man all glorious within Let Sectaries rail raise Lyes Yet without fear Truth speaks thee one of Gods choyce Jewels dear As having been most faithfull to her cause When men presum'd to make their will their Laws And
they allow of that doctrine proclaming themselves to be the only Saints the holy people and the godly party the generation of the just and separate from their brethren as impure creatures Therefore the Independents do not walk in that old way of righteousnesse the old Puritans of ENGLAND walked in who made no separation in the worst times from the publike Assemblies or ever refused to pray with their Christian brethren and therefore in this point they have not outstripped them nor overgrown them from which I boldly conclude that herein that Predicant did abuse the world in saying that there is no difference between the Independents and the old Puritants of ENGLAND For the old Puritans were humble self denying men and the Independents are pharisaicall boasters of their own holinesse and sanctity and therefore in this their way is not the way of righteousnesse but a great aberration from it Again the old Puritans of England though never so learned and never so sufficiently furnished with all accomplished abilities of divine knowledge which many of them by their indefatigable pains study and industry and by their prayers unto God night and day and by their continuall waiting upon the Ordinances and Gods blessing upon all their endeavours had attained unto so that they were taken notice of by all men both in the Universities and amongst all the learned to be incomparable men many of the which I could name yet not any one of them ever preached either in publike or private without great study and prayer yea and without a speciall call and they alwayes with Saint Paul exercised their Ministery in fear and much trembling 1 Cor. 2. ver 3. saying with him 2 Cor. 2. 16. Who is sufficient for these things Those holy and godly Puritans though transcendently learned yet were always conversant in all holy duties especially in preaching and prayer with fear and trembling thinking themselves never sufficiently enough provided for for those duties And truly Saint Paul's example is worthy alwaies to be looked upon who though he were immediately inspired by God himselfe and had alwayes the assistance of his spirit and ten thousand times more learning then all the Independents put together yet he preached alwayes with fear and trembling and cryed out who is sufficient for these things Now if we compare the Independents and their Predicants with the old Puritans of England we shall find the old Puritans alwaies and in all things imitating the example of holy Paul and the other Apostles in their Ministery which they had a command to follow Phil. 3. ver 17. who intruded not themselves rashly upon the Ministery as the false Apostles and Seducers usually did and as all the Independents and Sectaries daily do they cryed out who is sufficient for these things and how can any preach except he be sent Rom. 10. saying No man taketh this honour unto himself but he that is called of God as Aaron Hebr. 2. 4. Those old Puritans were all men of Saint Paul's spirit they durst do nothing without a call nothing without great study nothing without their parchments and books imitating Saint Paul in this who would alwaies have his parchments with him that is his books bring me my parchments saith he they preached not without fear and trembling this was the continuall practice of the old Puritans they could never be seen in a Pulpit before they had some dayes prepared themselves by prayer and study and yet after all this they would then cry out Who is sufficient for these things Whereas all the Independents and Sectaries assert that every man may preach and every man of them is sufficient and many also hold that women may preach yea and to manifest that they are all sufficient for these things and for the dispensing of the great mysteries of Heaven which the very Angels desired to pry into they run through Town and Country and wheresoever they come get up into the Pulpits and preach with such impudencie impiety and blasphemy as it is not lawfull to name their very doctrines being so destructive to all piety goodnesse and good manners and Ruffian like they go in their hair and apparrel and so insolent and proud they are that one would rather take them for Luciferians then Saints and such unbeseeming expressions they have in their prayers to God as would terrifie a truly consciencious and godly man to hear them as not long since one of them in London publickly speaking unto God in his prayer said Right Honorable Lord God which kind of expressions as they are blasphemous so ridiculous exposing Religion and the sacred Ordinances of God to ludibry and derision But yet this is the dayly practice of the Sectaries through the Kingdome far different from that of the old Puritans of England and therefore in this point of fear and reverence and of an holy awe of Gods divine Majestie and a reverend adoring of the ministery and mystery of the Gospell the way of the Independents is not that either of the holy Apostles or of the old Puritans there being as vast a difference between them as between light and darknesse and therefore the way of Independency in this particular also is not the way of righteousnesse but the way of rebellion and impudency Againe the old Puritans of England had all of them a reverend opinion of all in authority and did ever beleeve that there was no power but of God and that all powers were ordained of God Rom. 13. and they beleeved that every soule ought to be subject to the higher power and that whosoever resisted the power resisted the Ordinance of God and for that their Rebellion they should receive to themselves damnation and they ever believed that every soule ought to be subject unto authority not onely for wrath but also for conscience sake this was the Doctrine of the old Puritans of England and their practice in yeelding continuall obedience to them and praying for them is knowne to all men yea they did acknowledge that as all power was given unto Jesus Christ in Heaven and Earth Matth. 28. Psal 2. so they did beleeve that all power in Church and State was derived from him as the head of all Principalitie and power who had said Prov. 8. 15. 16. By me Kings raigne and Princes decree justice by me Princes rule and Nobles yea all the Iudges of the earth c. this doctrine the old Puritans of England had learned and taught and were obedient unto as having precept upon precept for it as from the words above quoted out of the thirteenth of the Romans so out of 1. Pet. chap. 2. verse 13 14. who said submit your selves to every Ordinance of man for the Lords sake whether it be to the King as supreme or unto Governors as unto them that are sent by him for the punishment of evill Doers and for the prayse of them that doe well for so is the w●ll of God that with well doing yet may
Divines that have writ before these Sectaries appeared in the world they would find that for all both Theoricall and Practicall Divinity they knew as much of God yea farre more then any Independents and Sectaries in the world And yet this is the daily language of the Sectaries both in their prayers and in their prattle that any one of their congregationall way knowes more then a thousand Presbyterians yea they have beene often heard say that every boy and woman in their society can confute any Presbyterian and upon all occasions they say that they never heard so much of Jesus Christ before these Sectaries appeared affirming that free grace was never so richly taught as it is now by the Independents when notwithstanding it is most certaine that for all saving knowledge whatsoever can be taught or spake concerning the knowledge of God and of Jesus Christ wherein consists life eternall Iohn 17 it hath beene a thousand times better taught and farre more orthodoxly by the Presbyterians then the Sectaries can teach it and therefore when they say that never so much of Jesus Christ and of free grace was taught before these times it is not only injurious to all the Protestant Divines at home and abroad and exceedingly derogatory to them all but to all the holy Prophets and blessed Apostles which have taught us as much concerning God and Jesus Christ as in the wisdome of God himselfe was thought fit for mortall men to know of God and Christ whether wee speake either of the divine Essence of God or of the persons of the blessed Trinity or of the glorious Workes names titles and attributes of God or whether we speake of both the natures of Iesus Christ the divine and humane nature or of the hypostaticall union of them both or of what Christ hath either done or suffered for us or of his offices either Kingly Priestly or Propheticall or of whatsoever is necessarily to bee knowne for our salvation I say and affirme that whatsoever is requisite for our learning is abundantly and clearly set downe in the Holy Word of God by the holy Prophets and blessed Apostles and hath faithfully and orthodoxly beene taught and delivered by our holy godly painfull and learned Presbyterian Ministers in all the Reformed Churches beyond the Seas and in these Churches of England Scotland and Ireland and that far better and more soundly and solidly then ever it was or can be taught by any Sectaries for it is well knowne that our religious Presbyterian Ministers had as much of the assistance of the holy Spirit as ever any Sectaries had and far more learning then they are either capable of or can attaine unto and therefore it is not truly nor humbly spake by the Independents continually to say they know more of God then they and to assert that Jesus Christ and free grace was never so much and so well taught as by the Sectaries and yet these are their daily brags and boasts and by the which they with-draw multitudes of simple people to their Predicants and Tub-men and then under pretence of preaching Jesus Christ and free grace they teach their errors and heresies and vent all their blasphemous doctrines and destructive opinions amongst them to the destroying of their poore soules But should I grant unto these men which were wickednesse in me to doe that they did truly and indeed preach Jesus Christ and free grace yet to say that they preached them more clearly more fully and better then ever they were formerly taught is not farre from blasphemy and exceedingly injurious and derogatory to the holy Scripture for all knowledge that wee are to take notice of concerning God and Christ is shut up and contained in the holy Scriptures out of whose confines we are not to seeke for any knowledge concerning either God or Christ for wee have a speciall command given us by Christ himselfe Iohn 5. to search the Scriptures and we are sent to Moses and the Prophets by Father Abraham Luke 16. 29. and in the 8. of Isaiah wee are sent to the Law and the testimony so that they that speake not according to that word it is because there is no light in them and Saint Paul in the 1. of the Galat. 8 9. saith that if an Angel from Heaven should teach us any other doctrine concerning Iesus Christ then that which wee have heard and learned in the holy Scriptures we should count him accursed and therefore if the Sectaries and Independents teach but according to the holy Scripture then all they teach concerning Christ and free grace was taught long before any of the Sectaries were borne and all they say boastingly vaunting of this their owne knowledge and preaching and of these their new wayes they are not the way of Righteousnesse which teaches all men meanly and humbly to think of themselves and in honour to prefer others before themselves Rom. 12 ver 10. and in lowlinesse of mind to esteeme others better then themselves Phil. 2. verse 3 4. and this is the way of Righteousnesse God hath appointed his people to walke in and this was the way the old Puritans of England kept in who never boasted they knew more of God and Jesus Christ then their Christian Brethren as the Independents and Sectaries daily doe which is the very height of Pharisaicall pride in them to assume these Prerogativesunto themselves and to receive them from others as to be the only Teachers and Preachers of Iesus Christ and free grace and to be the most illuminated and eminent Saints and servants of Christ and the most excellent lights which titles are given lately to the Homothumadon dissenting brethren by one of the Sectaries in a frothy Pamphlet called Independency no Schisme in a pretended answer to Master Iohn Vicars who hath writ nothing concerning them but what is Vox populi and most of it knowne to all men to be true Yea they are growne to that height of pride and impudencie that they vent their singular knowledge of divine mysteries above others as we may see in Saint Dels Epistle to the Reader before his Sermon where he speaketh of the great familiarity he hath with Iesus Christ and of some rare knowledge that hee hath received from him of the mind and bosome of the Father c. these are his own words and he esteems of his Presbyterian brethren as of the off-scouring of the world saying that he was counted worthy to be taken into some Fellowship with Christ in his sufferings and to endure the contradictions of sinners and oft times to encounter the rage and madnesse of men yea and to fight with men after the manner of beasts altogether brutish and furious This high esteeme S. Del hath of himselfe and counts all his Presbyterian brethren though in all mens judgements that know them he writes against far more pious and orthodox then himselfe but brute beasts Now because these men talke so much of their singular knowledge before their
Church then the doctrine of the Congregationall way falleth to the ground or vanisheth for if there were many and severall Congregations there that had not an absolute authority and jurisdiction Independent within themselvs respectively but were subordinate and subject to another authority above them then of necessity that tenent of the Congregationall way is but a meer chimera or whimsy of your own heads as all the learnedst of your tribe do acknowledge Now when my brother Burton hath not onely granted there were many Congregations of beleevers in that Church but by arguments proved it he hath utterly I say lost the field before he entered into the combat as will yet more perspicuously appear in the following discourse but by that I have now said you may see how unhappy you are in all these your Champions and Generals that give as great wounds unto your cause as any adversaries you have in the world now living ever gave That which I have now to say in the first place to all your leaders and guides is earnestly to intreat them as they look for true comfort in life and death and as they desire the peace of the Church and quiet of this distracted State and Kingdome they would now no longer withhold the truth from the people in unrighteousnesse which hitherto they have done but that they would unfainedly bewaile the errors of their wayes and repent of their seducing and misleading of the poor people let it be enough that they have so highly provoked God and caused the enemies to blaspheme our Christian Religion And in the second place I desire all you that have hitherto been misled and carryed about with every wind of their new doctrine that now you would more seriously prove and examine all things according to the Apostles rule 1 Thess 5. 12. and hold fast that which is good Lay not out your time and moneys for that which will profit you nothing but whiles it is called to day set your selves seriously upon the work of examining all those new doctrines that have been taught you set before your eyes the example of the noble Bereans search the Scriptures whether things be as they have taught you and if you please diligently to read what I have writ out of a zeal of the glory of God and out of love to your selves and a true desire of your eternall felicity If any of you that have erred from the truth shall be converted by it let him know that he that converteth the sinner from the error of his way shall save a soul from death and shall hide a multitude of sins James 5. 19. 20. John Bastwick THE ANTILOQVIE SOLOMON the Wisest of men and one beloved of God gives this counsell to all the sons and daughters of God and to the universality of all man-kind saying unto them all Prov. 23. ver 23. Buy the truth and sell it not also wisdome instruction and understanding He counsells them all to prise truth with wisdome instruction and understanding above all things as the onely means of making men happy not in this life alone but eternally for so Solomon that wise man asserteth Prov. 3. ver 13 14 15 16 17 18. saying Happy is the man that findeth wisdome and the man that getteth understanding For the merchandise of it is better then the merchandise of silver and the gain thereof then fine gold Shee is more precious then rubies and all the things thou canst desire are not to be compared unto her Length of dayes is in her right hand and in her left hand riches and honour Her wayes are wayes of pleasantnesse and all her pathes are peace She is a tree of life to them that lay hold upon her and happy is every one that retaineth her If all the Orators of the World had been gathered together 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 they could not with so illustrious a brevity have set forth the excellency of wisdome and understanding nor with more glorious encomiums and ellogies have decipher'd the amability of them for the making of them specious and lovely and for the inviting of all men to the ready and willing imbracing of them for if either life profit pleasure honour or any delectable content or any thing indeed desirable in the world can invite any creature to be inamored with any object of love all that can be said in way of the praise thereof is contained in this description of wisdome and understanding delivered by Solomon And yet truth hath the preeminency before them all the first place for dignity being given assigned unto her and by a speciall command from God himself who spake by his servant Solomon all men are injoyned to buy the truth and that upon any termes and not to bartell it away or sell it or to part with it though it might be with never so much worldly emolument unto them Buy the truth saith God sell it not keep it for ever For by the truth thou shalt perfectly attain unto liberty which is the life of life yea which is better then life liberty being that the whole world contends for every man not onely desiring it but fighting for it Now the truth will make every man free so saith Christ John 8. ver 32. The truth shall make you free from all error and from the fear of Hell and Death and from the very terror of both And lest any man should seriously doubt what truth is as Pilate scornfully did Christ himselfe hath taught us John 17. v. 17. saying Thy Word is Truth and that Truth that sanctifieth his people For every thing is sanctified by the the Word and Prayer 1 Tim. 4. v. 5. This precious good Word of God and the faith once delivered unto the Saints Jude 3. contained in it is that that all men are exhorted earnestly to contend for And therefore more especially in these our times every one ought vigorously to stand up and contend for it yea upon any termes or at any rate to buy it when it is become such a rarity as it is scarse to be met with being almost lost in the thickets meanders and labyrinths of so many errors so that the faith once delivered unto the Saints is very rarely to be found amongst the sons of men through the involutions and intanglements of writhing and restlesse spirits whose whole work and designe it is as by their dayly practices it doth appear either wholy to eclipse or darken it or totally to take it away that by this meanes Truth and Light being once removed the deceivers and impostors may the better put off their corrupt and putrid wares and commodities and the poor deluded people may the more facilly and readily be deluded cheated and consened and those that are wayfaring men for the want of its direction may wander in the by-paths of darknesse to their own eternall perdition And the verity is too too many by their needlesse vain and unnecessary janglings about the truth
Pentecost was fully come they were all with one accord upon that viz. occasion or designe For this is as much as the words 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 do signifie being taken both adjectively and relatively in that place and therefore under reformation be it spoken it is not rightly translated in our bibles for unlesse we do consider the words 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 with reference to some substantive or some thing going before there can no sense be made of them nor no man mortall can tell the meaning of them no more then any man can divine or judge what one that commeth abruptly into his company and having interchanged no discourse with him doth mean and understand if he should barely say upon this or upon that Now all the contestation is about these words 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 as for the word 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 we all agree it signifieth with one accord Now the Independents by 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 understand in one place which epì tò autò never signified in the world for if we will stand upon the words they have a far other meaning then the Homothumadon brethren give of them as will by and by appear for as for the word 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 taking it not as a preposition in the Greek tongue as all the learned in that language know it often signifies time and of this I could produce many examples as if one speaking or writing Greek should say such a thing happened in my time or in my dayes he would expresse it by epì and say 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 tempore meo or mea aetate it was done in my time So that 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 may with far better ground and by far far greater reason be interpreted for time in that text then for place in regard there was no mention made of place before but of time for it is in terminis said When the day of Pentecost was fully come they were all together with one accord 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 viz. at that instant of time or upon that very day this interpretation I say doth farre better come up to the sense and meaning of that text then the other in one place for both 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 in that text are relatively and adjectively taken as I said before having reference to something going before for otherwise they cannot possibly be understood So that there being mention of time before they are to be interpreted rather of time then place but that is not the true meaning of the words 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 in that text for the true interpretation therefore of them we must have recourse to other places of holy Scripture and primarily to that portion of Scripture from whence these words are taken and that is out of the Septuagints translation upon the second Psalm ver 2. which Saint Luke follows which in the Greek runs thus 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 which is rendred by the latin interpreters thus astiterunt reges terrae principes convenerunt in unum adversus dominum adversum Christum ejus In our bibles the words are thus translated The Kings of the earth set themselves and the Rulers take counsell together against the Lord and against his anoynted So that 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 in that place must necessarily be taken for an evill designe purpose counsell machination or resolution and indeed if we duly consider the words 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 wheresoever we meet with them they do for the most part signifie some designe purpose or resolution whether it be taken in a good sense or a bad as 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 in the Psalm is taken for a conspiracy and an evill design of the Kings and Rulers but in the second chapter of the Acts ver 1. it is taken for a good design in the Disciples for when the day of Pentecost was fully come saith the Scripture they were with one accord 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 viz. upon this occasion they were met together with this design purpose and resolution to consecrate the day to Gods service and to celebrate the feast to his name and this is the true and genuine meaning of the place viz. that the disciples were all met together upon the day of Pentecost upon this designe with full purpose and with an unanimous consent and resolution to keep that day and celebrate the feast unto the glory of God and this was a good design and purpose in them which is signified by the words 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 which are not to be understood in one place as the Independents would have it and as it is translated and that it may yet be more evident that by 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 is signified a design and not in one place very reason and common understanding will make it out and clear to every man if we will compare Scripture with Scripture and in the first place duly consider the words in the 2 Psa where it is said that the Kings of the earth set themselvs and the Rulers took counsel together 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 which words there do not imply a convention or meeting together of the persons of all the Kings and Princes in the world in any one place for that they never did nor could do there being an impossibility of it both in respect of time and place no place being able to contain them all so that I say by 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 there is onely signified a wicked design and purpose or a deliberate counsell and resolution agreed upon and consented unto in all their wicked and rebellious hearts to shake off the sweet yoke of Christ and of casting away from themselves those bands of love and of breaking those cords of his affection towards them For whereas God the father had appointed Christ to be King over the Nations to govern them by the Scepter of his Spirit and by the Rod of his Word they all conspired with one accord to resist his spirituall government over their souls and would not have him to rule over them And therefore the holy Ghost expresses this their conspiracy wicked design and evil purpose by the words 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 which intimate as much as if the spirit of God had said this was the design resolution and the determinate counsell of all those wicked Kings and Rulers to reject the government of Christ over them not meaning or understanding there by 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 that they in all their persons ever either came together or could meet in any one place So that by 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 there is meant a design onely and not a meeting of all the persons of all Rulers and Kings in one place The same expression we find Acts 4. ver 26 27. where it is said That Herod Pontius Pilate with the Gentiles and people of Israel were gathered together 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 which expression is borrowed out of the second Psalme the
Priests were also added unto the Lord so that if there were a great Congregation and Assembly of the Priests as the Word of God relateth there must necessarily be many more Congregations of the ordinary people and all these are to be yet reckoned upon a new account and upon a new List so that there were numberlesse Congregations of Beleevers in the Church of Jerusalem if any credit may be given to the Holy Scripture and that in the very infancy of the Church so that I am most confident that this truth is now evident and perspicuous to all those that have but ordinary understanding But because this is the onely busines as the Independents say and that will put an end to this controversie betweene us for they have often said prove once but clearly unto us out of the Word of God that there were many Congregations of Beleevers in the Church of Jerusalem and then wee will grant you the day I say in this regard I shall briefly adde some other Arguments to prove there were more Beleevers in the Church of Jerusalem then could all possibly meet in any one Congregation or a few for to these that were daily converted and added to the Church wee heare upon all occasions of additions upon additions and of increase upon increase of many more Beleevers for in the ninth chapter verse 31. it is recorded that the Churches having rest through all Judea and Galilee and Samaria they were multiplyed for so it is in the O●iginall Now Ierusalem was the chiefe Church in Iudaea and therefore shee also multiplyed and increased in Disciples daily which being added to the former spake of it makes it an impossible thing that they could all meet together in any one place or a few And in the 12. chapter upon the miraculous death of Herod it is said verse 24. that the Word of God grew and multiplyed in Ierusalem that is brought forth great increase of ' Beleevers and made them exceedingly daily to multiply so that all these additions upon additions of Beleevers made it an impossible thing that the hundreth part of them could meet in any one place But omitting many Arguments that I could produce from the multitudes of their Preachers and the diversity of the nations and the infinit number of the Inhabitants and from the Miracles in Jerusalem that necessarily called for many Congregations and Assemblies that one place in the 21. of the Acts may for ever silence all Gain-sayers and abundanly prove unto rationall men that there were many if not numberlesse congregations of Beleevers then in the church of Ierusalem If we will but take notice what Saint Iames and all the Presbyters of Jerusalem spake unto Saint Paul who being all Inhabitants there and the Ministers and Preachers of the Word in that Church must all necessarily know not onely the condition of the Beleevers there but for the most part the number of them now I say it will be worth our paines and attention to observe and take notice what is there confirmed by the testimony of many witnesses yea a cloud of witnesses and all of them without exception there was Iames the Apostle by name and all the Presbyters of Ierusalem all Synodians whose witnesse was true and for ever to be beleeved and yet they give in this evidence to Saint Paul concerning the Beleevers in Ierusalem that there were many ten thousands of weake Brethren here how many ten thousands more may we suppose were there then of strong Brethren in the Church of Jerusalem seeing for the most part in all Churches where there are able and learned Ministers it is ever observed that there are three strong brethren to one weak one at least more strong brethren then weak ones Now when there was a whole Colledge of Apostles for the most part resident in that Church and a whole colledge of Presbyters fixed Ministers there and able Preachers besides a multitude of Priests and all painefull and laborious that preached unto them night and day instructed them all in their Christian Liberty and confirmed them in it with miracles and when they had also for a farther strengthning of them in that their Christian Liberty called a Councell and Synod in Jerusalem and ratified the abrogation of the legall Ceremonies and that from the Holy Scripture and the Spirit of God and did daily preach unto them all this their Christian Liberty we are bound by the Law of charity to beleeve there were many more thousands of strong Christians then weake in that Church yea our daily experience will perswade any man to beleeve this Doctrine Now let us heare what Saint Iames and all the Presbyters witnesse unto Saint Paul concerning this point verse 20. Thou seest Brother Paul say they how many ten thousands for so it is in the Originall 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 of the Iewes there are which beleeve and they are all zealous of the Law out of the which words wee may observe that those Saint Iames and the Presbyters speake of were all Inhabitants in Ierusalem for they could witnesse nothing of strangers those that dwelt in other places neither could they have said thou seest them if they had not beene Inhabitants or if they had beene here to day and gone to morrow for then they could not have beene taken notice of but they speake of Inhabitants as by many Arguments may be proved and of all these they asser● these things First for the number of them that they were many ten thousands Secondly that they were all Beleevers Disciples and very good Christians yea very zealous ones Thirdly they doe witnesse that all these many ten thousands were but weake Brethren and therefore gave Saint Paul counsell yea an order somewhat to connive at their weaknesse for a time that hee might the better ingratiate himselfe into their favour the story is there fully set downe Now I say if there were many ten thousands of weak Brethren in the Church of Jerusalem how many more ten thousands of strong Beleevers may any rationall men suppose were then there in that church where there were a colledge of Apostles forthe most part and a standing Colledge of able Presbyters all miraculous Teachers and assisted immediatly by the spirit of God Surely a few hundred of houses or places could not possibly have held their very bodies much lesse could a few hundred of houses have held them to partake in all the Ordinances so that all men that have not absolutely resolved to give the Spirit of God the lye yea to wage warre against Heaven must acknowledge that there were many Congregations and Assemblies of Beleevers in the Church of Jerusalem especially when it commeth confirmed by so many witnesses of divine authority By which it appeareth that there were many Congregations of Beleevers there as in every house one So that for this point I am most assured it is now without controversie that there were many Congregations and Assemblies of Beleevers
in the Church of Jerusalem and yet all these as the Holy Scripture asserteth in many places made all but one Church and the Independents themselves acknowledge there was but one Church in Jerusalem Now how in any ordinary mans understanding can many congregations be one politicall ministeriall Church except only because they are united and associated under one Presbyteriall government that is to say under the government of a whole colledg of Presbyters which the Church of Ierusalem was for there was many Presbyters there as this 21. ch testifieth and the 15. chap. and many other places of holy writ all which had the government over that Church committed to them in common So that it may be a wonder to all rationall men that there should any appear in the world notwithstanding the abundant evidence out of the holy Word of God that should yet assert there were no more beleevers in the Church of Ierusalem then could all meet in one Congregation which assertion of theirs besides the Scripture very common reason overthrows for if we consider Jerusalem it is said to be the city of the great King in which there were never lesse then seven or eight hundred thousand inhabitants who dayly expected the Messiah who it is well known when he came had twelve Apostles and seventy Disciples at his command to go and come at pleasure whose powerfull preaching was such that it is related that Satan was seen fall down like iightning from heaven that is to say whose Kingdome was overthrown by their ministery and by all whose efficacious preaching and miracles we have this testimony that at one of their Miracles and Sermons there were three thousand converted at one time besides dayly additions added unto that Church by the Lord and five thousand men besides women at another and multitudes of beleevers both of men and women at another and that there was dayly increase of beleevers upon increase with a multitude of Priests besides a whole colledge of Presbyters settled Ministers amongst them and that all these should yet prevail to convert no more in future time then could all meet in one Congregation it seems a thing very incredible and truly for any to persevere in this error against all reason and against the evident testimonies of holy Scripture where we have it recorded there were many ten thousands of very weak beleevers in that one Church besides the strong it is an open and wilfull fighting against God and a resisting of his spirit which is a fearfull sin for all these are convincing arguments to prove the numberlesse multitudes and congregations of beleevers in the Church of Ierusalem And all th●s brigade of arguments militate against the whole Army of the Homothumadon Sectaries and shall I hope for ever serve to vanquish them all and to make good this field of truth That there were many Congregations and Assemblies of beleevers in the Church of Jerusalem and yet they were not every one a Church or Churches severally considered by themselves exercising an absolute soveraignty Independent within themselves respectively as all our new gathered Churches do now here in London but all those congregations in Jerusalem were all subordinate and being combined together made all of them but one Church and were all under a common Counsell or Colledg of Presbyters within that Precinct the example of which Mother-Church is left upon record to all posterity for imitation and therefore that tenent of the Homothumadon Independents concerning the congregationall way hath no ground for it in the whole Word of God but is a meer whimsy of their own brain and hath its foundation only in the aire and will soon vanish or be speedily blown away by the blast and breath of truth Now my other companies drawn out of the Apostles quarters after Christs death and ascension they militate against all the Burtonian Independents who acknowledge that there were many Assemblies of beleevers in the Church of Ierusalem but deny they were Churches properly so called now though by their grant they have lost the day as in the following skirmishes will appear yet that all men may see that this sconse of error to which they have betaken themselves cannot defend their cause I shall with one company at this time beat them out of that hold and fully vanquish them in the pitcht field It is recorded Act. 2. v. 42. of all those new converts which were in many assemblies in many houses that they continued stedfastly in the Apostles doctrine and fellowship and in breaking of bread and in prayers This very troop alone serves for the beating of them all out of what bulwark soever they can betake themselves to for shelter for if all these congregations and Assemblies of believers were equall in all priviledges and immunities with any Churches that ever were on earth and had in them severally whatsoever did make the whole Church of Ierusalem the first formed Church then they were all and every one of them Churches properly so called But the antecedent is true Ergo the consequent so that to any rationall man this question is also out of controversie for let any man but duly examine what it was in the whole church of Jerusalem that made it the first formed church and a church properly so called and he shall find the same in every one of those particular congregations and assemblies for the making of them churches properly so called so that th●y each of them severally may as truly challenge the name of Church as the whole Church can they communicating in whatsoever is essentiall for the making of any church a compleat church or a church properly so called if partaking in all Ordinances by lawfull Ministers can make any assembly or congregation a church properly so called So that by this one company and by this very argument all the whibling reserves of all the Burtonian Independents are dissipated and scattered and that place of truth maintained against them all viz. that every one of those Assemblies in Jerusalem were churches properly so called and yet all of them made up but one intire Church and they were not every of them severally considered by themselves and apart Independent and exercising an absolute soveraignty within themselves And therefore this truth shall for ever stand good against all sorts of Independents That many congregations combined together and subordinate to some one colledg of Presbyters make all of them within their precincts but one entire Church and that this is Gods Ordinance and not that tenent of the congregationall way which hath neither precept or president for it in all Gods holy Word So that by all these encounters and frequent skirmishes and by the mighty power and assistance of the great Lord of Hostes the Generall of all the Armies of heaven and earth I have vanquished all the forces both of the Homothumadon Independents and all the Burtonian Sectaries and maintained and kept not onely the field of truth but these
one of them that followed Christ and beleeved in him at which the Scribes and Pharisees were offended and sought how they might destroy him but saith the Scripture they feared him because all the people were astonished at his doctrine that is they beleeved it verse 18. another company was those that were the Disciples of Iohn the Baptist and they accompted Iohn a Prophet indeed as all the men of Ierusalem did verse 32. and either of these companies were so great and powerfull as they kept all Christs enemies in awe so that they were affraid of the people of either party and therefore there was then a very City of believers in Ierusalem and they Inhabitants and that in Christs time and they had been baptized by Saint Iohn for all Ierusalem went out and were baptized by him So that now I assure my selfe every but ordinary understanding man will gather that there was an innumerable multitude of believers in Ierusalem and more than could meet in any one place or a few if they had been put together when there were two such potent parties there as either of them kept the very enemies of Christ the Magistrates and Rulers yea Herod himselfe in awe which a few thousands could never have done and all these were Inhabitans of Ierusalem and well known to the Scribes and Pharisees to be Christs and Iohns Disciples and all beleevers as wee shall more abundantly prove in the following discourse and therefore my Minor doth now stand firme That there were more beleevers in Ierusalem and that by the very ministry and baptisme of John then could meet in any one place or a few and that there w●● an infinite number of beleevers and a very City of beleevers which Mr Knollys denyeth and in so doing gives the spirit of God the lys and contradicts the holy Scripture and opposeth all sound reason and all this to maintain the fonde opinion of Independency And this shall serve to have spoke by way of answer to what Mr Knollys had to reply to my first arguments concerning the multitudes baptized by John the Baptist I will now give an answer to what I. S. hath to say against this argument of whom I shall take the liberty by way of preface before I come to my Reply to speak something and yet no more then shall be thought fit and agreeable to sound reason and so much the rather I do it because this man greatly vanteth himselfe and because his answer is highly esteemed of amongst many of the congregationall way who I confesse are much to be blamed that they suffer themselves to be deluded with such fellowes never examining their writings but taking all for oracles they vent and thinking it enough that there is any thing come out against a Presbyterian in way of answer though there be nothing more destructive to their own opinion as I am confident it will appear to all judicious men that these answers of Mr Knollys my Brother Burton and this I. S. are And for I. S. I may say thus much of him that he is yet vainer then Mr Knollys in his answers for he candidly denyeth upon all occasions the Minors of my Syllogismes and then gives some sucking reasons for this his denyall but this I. S. hath nothing of a Scholler in him for all good Schollers and Disputants will set down the arguments of their adversaries in their full strength and as they are in the Copy and then either deny the Major or Minor or both or distinguish and after they have shewen the fallacyes of the arguments if there be any then by their art and learning they will shew the weaknesse of them and so evade the dinte and force of them this I say is the method not onely of all accurate Disputants but of every ordinary jangler if he at least pretends any thing to learning But I. S. hath not so much ingenuity in him as to do any thing of all this but first sets down my arguments in an obscure way and to the halves so that the unlearned Reader cannot perceive the strength of my reason and then in a confused manner gives in his answer in the name of all the Independents which upon due examination I am confident will appear to all learned men to be nothing but a packe of blasphemies and contradictions as being a meer fighting against the truth and a giving of the spirit of God the lye as in the sequell will be evidenced Our Saviour in the 3 of John verse 20. 21. saith That hee that doth the works of darknesse shunns the light but he that doth truth cometh to the light c. Truly I may justly accuse I. S. and his fraternity of this sin that they not only shun the light themselvs but hinder others also from it and do whatsoever in them lies to keep men from the knowledg of the truth and from prying into their errors that by this means they may atttain unto their own ends and therefore they not onely disp●rage all the Presbyterians and with their calumnies labour to make them odious to the people as so many railors and persecutors for so they call us that they may neither hear their Sermons nor read any books written by them or any thing penned against their Novelties by those of that party and all this to abuse the simple people that by this their art they may with-hold the truth from them in unrighteousnesse And in this facultie are all the Independents very expert who cunningly either pick and choose or curtalize and adulterate all a guments that are brought against them or else totally passe them over with slightings when they can no way with any reason reply unto them And as they are generally void of all good learning and sciences so there is neither ingenuity candor or honesty amongst the most of them these excellent graces and vertues being now strangers to those of the congregationall way amongst the which fraud and juglings and all manner of dissimulation and railing are the only master pieces of their craft by which they maintain and uphold their way and foment their errors for should they deal fairly with us and not disswade the people from reading our books and hearing our godly and painfull Ministers and would they but set down our arguments and reasons in their full strength the people would not onely speedily see their errors but relinquish them And therfore they all take speciall care to keep the people in ignorance and amongst those Artificers and Craf●s-men of that new Goddesse that Diana of Independency this J. S. though in all good learning he be a very novice yet in this craft of jugling he is pretily expert And that all men may see I do not falsly accuse him I will first set down the sum of my arguments taken from the multitudes baptized by Iohn the Baptist and and then set down in what terms he delivers them with his vain and impious answer to them
that were baptized by Iohn Baptist were Christians and beleevers but also that they were in such multitudes as they could not all possibly meete in any one place or congregation to communicate in all the Ordinances and all Acts of worship to edification The dint and force of the which Argument he thinkes he sufficiently evadeth by denying that they were Christians at all So that if this Answer be well looked into and examined it will appeare that whiles he boasteth and glorieth that he hath beate up my quarters he beates up Saint Iohns quarters yea Christs quarters and all his Disciples quarters before Christs death and Ascension and all the quarters of all Christians that now live in the world For if none are well Baptised and made Christians indeede but such as are Baptised with the Holy Ghost and with fire then all those that were baptised before Christs Ascension were no true Christians nor no Christians in these our times nor many Generations before us who were not baptised by the Holy Ghost and with fire and by these his fond cavills he overthroweth the Scripture it self and all Divine and humane Authority and gives the Spirit of God the lye And truly such a peece of impious ignorance with such impudent confidence my eyes yet never beheld before I. S. and his complices came into the World So that it stranges me eceedingly that such men as he and they are should be suffered by those of the Congregationall way to go unpunished who may shame them all as indeed they are a shame to all Christian Religion For I appeale to the judgement of all such as have any knowledge in Religion or love to the truth or have any moderation or good temper yet left in them whether this be a thing tolerable in any that has the name of a Christian to play not only the juglers to deceive and delude the poore people but to give the Spirit of God the lye and then to vapour and brag of it as of a conquest But now I will set downe his Arguments in his owne words and give my answer to them severally We saith he answer to your reasons So that he writes in the name of all the Independents as one of the Commanders and Captaines in their Militia and as one of their Champions and therefore in the name of them all sayeth We answer to your reasons Now take notice what he answers in the name of the whole Fraternity 1. Iohns Baptisme was into Christ but it was in Christum moriturum not in Christum mortuum This is J. S. his first answer Truly one that should but looke on all his Answers to my Arguments would wonder what the man meant by them and to what purpose he uttered these words for they are a manifest fighting against the Scripture of truth as all the judicious and learned will wel perceive And I have heard both learned pious men say that they did not beleeve that I. S. did well understand himselfe when he writ this book and there is some reason of this their opinion for hee confesseth in his wise Epistle that hee was in a course of Physick at the wels who knowes but the man might then be somewhat distemperd in his braine and so might doe the actions of a man crased and his very language doth in a manner speake as much both in this his Answer and in many other passages of his Book as in their due places will appeare yea the very title also and his Epistle being senselesse calling his Pamphlet Flagellum flagelli and the beating up of Doctor Bastwicks quarters when he never came nigh them and the taking hold and shaking of the Pillars of his discourse when hee never so much as touched them with many such other expressions all which have no correspondency amongst themselves and shewes that the man is either a very stranger in Rhetorick not knowing how to keep himselfe to his Metaphor or else that hee is crased indeed and truly so every one will conceive if they duly weigh and consider all passages in his booke especially this answer of his to my Arguments by which hee labours to prove that those that were baptized by Iohn the Baptist were no Christians no Beleevers which he doth by very senselesse reasons the first of which I have related viz. that they were baptized into Christ to dye and not dead and therefore in his opinion they were no Christians I omit his latine expression as thinking it a vaine thing in him to insert latine sentences writing in the vulgar tongue especially in handling points of divinity those of great concernment which the people should have set before them in perspicuous and plaine termes But now take notice how the man contradicteth himselfe in his answer for the drift of it is to prove that those that were baptized by Iohn the Baptist were no Christians and yet hee sayeth they were baptized into Christ Then they were Christians by his owne confession for Iesus Christ was yesterday and to day and the same for ever Heb. 13. and He was ever the Messiah the seed of the woman that should breake the Serpents head that Rocke upon which the Church was built against which the gates of Hell should never prevaile Mat. 16. So that they that were baptized into Iesus Christ whether whiles hee was living or dead whether before his Nativity death or ascension or after are all good Christians therefore he contradicteth himselfe in saying they were not Christians for it is not the circumstance of time that makes an alteration in the substance and essence of any thing for the Passeover in Egypt was the same for substance that it was in the Wildernesse and in the land of Canaan for otherwise it should follow that the Supper of the Lord celebrated by Christ himselfe before his passion and in memoriall of his death should not be the same with that it was after Christs Resurrection and Ascension and that the Apostles that received the Lords Supper were not Christians then as well as after his death which I thinke I. S. will not dare affirme but if he should I am confident all the well grounded Christians in the world would be his adversaries in this for the Apostle Saint Paul in the 1. of the Corinth 11. 23 24 25. makes them all one for substance and as the Sacrament of the Lords Supper was the same for essence before Christs death that it was after so was the Sacrament of Baptisme to all that were baptized and hee was as good a Christian that was baptized in to Christ before his death as hee that was baptized into him after his Ascension as all good reason will perswade for Christ was ever the Messiah and King of his Church which will yet more evidently appeare if wee compare earthly things with heavenly I demand therefore of I. S. or any of the congregationall way whether all such subjects as take the oath of allegiance
more closely to examine I. S. his words that we may discover yet more fully the fallacious juglings of both himselfe and all the Independent Ministers and that all the people may the better understand what it is to to be cast into a Church mould after the New Testament forme and vvhat is absolutely necessary and required of all men to be made a Member of a Christan Church and vvhat that forme is the Scripture holdeth out unto all Christians to be the mould of a christian Church according to the New Testament forme all vvhich termes and expressions being vvell explaned then the grollery of those of the congregationall vvay vvill the better appeare I will therefore that those that are the most ignorant may the better understand the termes these Juglers use First say something briefly concerning the governement of the Church of the Iewes under the Law in Moses his time and under the Kings both of Iuda and Israel through all their cities and what it was that was requisit and thought necessary for the casting off any into a Church mould after the old Testament forme which being declared the trifling of all the Independent Ministers will be more obvious to all men For the manner of the governement of the Church of the Iews wee are to consider it under a double nation as it had a ceremoniall service and a morall worship and both appointed by God yet the former but temporary the other for duration Now in regard of the manner of the administration it was divers for the ceremoniall worship was ordered after a monarchicall way there was a high Priest that typified Christ that was to make the atonement betweene God and the people who was in a speciall manner to mediate with God for the twelve Tribes of Israel and hee had many Priests under him for the offering up of daily sacrifices either of prayses or of reconciliation in the materiall Temple they were tyed but the High Priest onely went once a yeare into the Holy of holies for the making of an attonement for himselfe and the people and this way of administration of the Church continued to the coming of Christ who was the true high Priest typified and who through the eternall spirit having offered himselfe without spot to God to purge our consciences from dead workes to serve the living God Heb. 10. verse 14. and for this cause is the Mediator of the New Testament by his death and suffering hee hath put an end to that way of administration But there was an other way of Administration in respect of the morall worship which was ever to remaine in the Church and that was in their severall Cities in their Synagogues and Villages and all those Synagogues that were through all Iudaea and Israel and through the vvorld vvho vvere all governed by Presbyters and Elders vvhich vvere called Rulers so that all those Synagogues that vvere in the severall Villages or Hamlets within the jurisdiction and limits of every Citie were all of them governed after a classicall and collegiate way and those Synagogues were as our Parish Churches now at this day are amongst us Now these Elders and Rulers in Moses time were first appointed to rule and governe the people in common so long as they were in the Wildernesse but after they were come into the Land of Canaan then they had their Elders and Rulers in every Citie appointed over them who had the government of the people committed unto them and whose care it was that the morall worship and service of God as the reading of the Law and the Prophets and the interpretation of the same should be every Sabbath day continually preserved in all their Synagogues by their Priests and Levites and Scribes and Lawyers and they had also the power in their hands of conventing any before them upon Delinquency and of censuring and punishing of them upon proofe of the same And they were called the Church as is to be seene Matthew the 18. and there is not any truth almost in all the new testament that is more evidently cleare than this that all the Synagogues were governed by a Court or Classis or College of Rulers for they had inferior judges and Superiour in them yea many chiefe rulers in all cities as we may see in Antioch and Pisidia Acts the 13. 14. 15. where Paul and his company went into the Synagogue on the Sabbath day and sate downe and after the reading of the Law and the Prophets the chiefe Rulers for so it is in the originall sent unto them saying men and brethren if you have any word of exhortation for the people say on Out of which words these three things are observable First That there were many Governors and chiefe Rulers as well as inferior rulers that governed their Synagogues in every city in common and that they had a Courte in them to order all the Synagogues and people under their jurisdiction and that they were all Aristocratically governd and by the common counsell of them all not by any particular Iudge or Ruler The second observable is that their whole imployment was to uphold and preserve the true worship of God and to see that the Holy Scriptures were read and interpreted that men women and children might be brought up in the nurture and feare of the Lord and that all things should be managed with order and decency The third thing observable is this that their people yeelded subjection unto those Rulers and did not intermeddle with their government nor did not take upon them to command any Minister to Preach or appoint any one to exhort but it was the place of the Rulers to doe this and they willingly submitted themselves to this Government without joyning themselves in commission with them as knowing it was their place to obey And this kind of Government was that that was established in all cities through the world where the Jewes were permitted to exercise their Religion and this kind of government was transacted over to the Christian church to be perpetutated to the ende of the world and therfore there was through all cities Presbyters ordained as the Scripture saith Acts the 14. and Tit. 1. that were to governe the church by their common councell and this is accorded unto by all the Independents who acknowledge that in the Apostles times and many Generations after all the churches of the New testament were governed communi consilio presbyterorum And that the Church of Jerusalem in respect of the moral worship was governed both in Christs time and after his death and ascention by a colledge of Elders and Presbyters all the Evangelists and the Acts of the Apostles doe testifie it and this way of government I say was transacted over to the Christian church and is that forme and mould of church government that is according to the New Testament forme into the which mould of government those that were baptized by Iohn were cast which was a Presbytery
now living in these dayes of light and knowledge that should be either so ignorant or erroneous as to gainsay it and yet learned Master Knollys in his moderate answer as he calleth it pag. 8. and 9. replyeth and answereth to it by denying the Minor of my Syllogisme for very slender reasons as his custome is after this manner I will give you his owne words which are these There is no mention saith he in any Scripture quoted by the Doctor of eight thousand new Converts besides women and children Neither doth that Scripture produced Acts 4. 4. prove any such thing For the Reader may consider that the number of them there mentioned are but five thousand and albeit the Dr. make them up eight thousand by saying those five thousand men were added to the Church and joyned to the former beleevers pag. 57. Yet there is a two-fold mistake in the Doctors addition to wit first that some of the three thousand may be were women how then can the Doctor say there were eight thousand new Converts besides women secondly these five thousand are only called men and not Converts not beleevers For howbeit many of them hearing the word beleeved yet it is not said the five thousand men beleeved and the truth i● the text well considered only holds forth that the number of men was wade up five thousand These are Master Knollys owne expressions and all that hee hath to say against this Argument with his confused reasons or rather triflings What man but of ordinary capacity that had but cursorily read over my Arguments would not have observed the truth so plaine and evidently laid downe in them and confirmed with such reasons as hee would not onely have beene well satisfied therewith but would have judged it either great blockishnesse in any and apparent ignorance to have yet doubted of it or great temerity and contentiousnesse of spirit to have gainsayed such evident demonstration of verity And yet Mr. Knollys out of the sublimity of his learning being a confident Disputant not onely confutes mee but repels the very Scripture it selfe and resists the Spirit of God which is usually with him and his Complices and all out of the spirit of error and contention to maintaine their severall factions So that it may be admired that such men are not abandoned and abhorred of all people truly fearing God especially when they see their whole study and indeavour is to delude and seduce poore silly creatures But I desire the Reader here deliberately to weigh and consider what the man saith hee denyeth that there is any mention in any Scripture quoted by mee of eight thousand new Converts besides women and children whereas in the second Chapter of the Acts which I cited there is mention made of three thousand added to the Church by the first Miracle and Sermon of the Disciples and this Master Knollys himselfe doth acknowledge pag. 8. of his Pamphlet His words are these To whom were added viz. to all those that were converted before by Johns and Christs Ministry about three thousand soules c. Here hee confesseth there were three thousand soules added to the Church neither is there any mention of women amongst them and in the fourth Chapter hee likewise acknowledgeth that the number mentioned there is five thousand His words are these For the Reader may consider that the number of them there mentioned are but five thousand Thus hee Now all the world knowes that three thousand and five thousand are eight thousand and the Scriptures quoted by mee made mention of these eight thousand what so ever M. Knollys saith to the contrary So that no man of understanding can doubt of the truth of what I asserted For that which is confirmed by the testimony of the holy Scripture were it single and by it selfe ought by all Christians to be beleeved but that which hath both the holy Scripture and learned Master Knollys his owne witnesse to confirme it that hee cannot with any good reason deny but that there was three thousand soules at the first Miracle and Sermon of the Apostles after Christs Ascension added to the Church and five thousand after both the Holy Scripture affirmeth and Master Knollys acknowledgeth it Ergo there were eight thousand new Converts added unto the Church at Ierusalem for these were distinct actions or effects of the Ministry of the Apostles and produced at severall times and upon severall occasions from the Miracles and preaching of the Apostles for otherwise they would not have been taken such notice of as such wonders and have beene so distinctly set downe with all the severall circumstances both of time place and persons neither would there have beene such running and going questioning and consulting about that busines by the Magistrates and Officers as there was if some new and strange thing had not happend and falne out for men doe not usually wonder at ordinary occurrences Now when the holy Scripture relateth this new miracle in the 4. of the Acts as an unexpected thing and suddenly hapning as a matter of great admiration astonishment yea of terrour to the enemies from the curing of the Criple from the preaching of Peter Iohn asserteth withal that many which heard the word beleeved the number of the men was about 5. thousand v. 4. It is apparently evident that as this was a new act distinct from the former so that the conversion of these five thousand was a new effect and distinct one from the former and is of purpose set down by the holy Ghost by it selfe severally to be taken notice of as a matter of more admiration than the conversion of three thousand by how much it was a greater work of the Spirit of God by another miracle and Sermon to convert five thousand then three thousand And without all controversie it was thus recorded with all its circumstances for this very end that it should for ever be taken notice of as a distinct miracle and work of wonder from the former For the holy Ghost is very accurate in the relation of it and very carefull that there should be no mistake in the whole businesse for in expresse words and termes it is said Notwithstanding all the opposition that was made by the Priests and by the Captain of the Temple and the souldiers to hinder the preaching of the Word and to smother this miracle yet many of them that heard the word saith the Scripture beleeved And that there might yet be no mistake or fallacy in the story and narration the very sum and accompt of those that were converted and beleeved by reason of this last miracle and Sermon is specified particularized and set down in these words and the number of the men viz. that beleeved saith the Scripture was about five thousand So that the Scripture it selfe sets down the number and calleth them men and not women and children And it is very safe alwayes to speak as the
and all men and no women and another consisting of three thousand more of which he makes a scruple saying that amongst them there might be some women So that if the five thousand were all men and there was yet another company of three thousand more besides amongst which there might be some women as Master Knollys saith then this three thousand was a distinct company from the former now three thousand amongst the which there might be some women and five thousand all men makes up full eight thousand so that Master Knollys by his whibling againe and againe Volens nolens confirmes my assertion that the full number of those converts by these two miracles Sermons was eight thousand and for ought any thing can be said to the contrary they were all men besides women and children and this is all he gaines by his fond caviling and contention to prove himselfe a very jangler and one like that wicked servant that condemns himself by his own mouth And this shall suffice to have spake for proofe of the number viz that there were eight thousand besides women and children And now I come to his second reason by which he labours to evince and prove they were not converts beleevers which I hope to make appeare to be not only groundlesse but to be most impious and wicked as giving the Spirit of God the lye and indeede destructive to their own tenents and principles His words are these These five thousand saith he are onely called men and not converts not believers for howbeit many of them hearing the word believed yet it is not said the five thousand men beleeved And the truth is the text well considered only holds forth that the number of men was made up five thousand Thus Master Knollys For my owne particular I stand astonished at the vanity senslesnes and wickednesse of the man for his words are not only against the light of reason and the judgement of all the learned and the very opinion of the Independents themselves who hold that they were all converts and beleeves but they are contradictory to the Spirit of God giving the holy Ghost the lye as I said before for the Scripture saith notwithstanding all the resistance and opposition made by the enemies of the Gospell to hinder the work of the Ministry and notwithstanding all the persecution that was raysed against them for this very end I say notwithstanding all their indeavour the holy Ghhst saith that many of them which heard the word believed and the number of men was five thousand Here are two truths evidently laid downe contrary to Master Knollys his errors The first is that they are not only called men but beleevers for saith the Scripture they that heard the word believed Secondly the number of those that believed is there in terminis set downe to be five thousand and the number of the men viz. that believed saith the text was five thousand So that from this testimony of Scripture and from all my arguments deduced from thence these two conclusions do follow evidently The first that Master Knollys is a very wicked man that thus at pleasure can give the Spirit of God the lye and oppose the truth it selfe upon all occasions The second that there were more believers in the Church of Ierusalem then could possibly all meete in any one place and congregation to partake in all acts of worship and that in its very infancy for here we read of eight thousand more cnoverts besids women and children for the Scripture maketh mention of no women nor children newly added to all those that were converted by Iohn the Baptist and by the ministry of Christ and his Disciples in Christs life time and all they were innumerable for all Jerusalem went out unto them and were baptised besides the many other thousands that the Scripture recordeth were daily added to these all which I say could not possibly meete in one congregation to edification And the truth of these conclusions I am most assured will appeare so cleare in the judgement of all the learned as they wil gather that Mr. Knollys his complices that thus sottishly oppose it ought severely to be punished for these their wicked practices who for the upholding of their own errors and for their base lucre and gain for worldly ends care not what they say or do to the disturbance of church State for the seducing of the poor people and hindring of the work of reformation so much to be desired But before I passe on to Master Knoylls his other Cavills I shall desire the reader a little to consider what I have yet in this place to say to him These five thousand saith he are called men and not converts not believers for howbeit many of them hearing the Word believed yet it is not said the five thousand men believed And the truth is the text well considered only holds forth that the number of men was made up 5. thousand From hence I gather if these words of his may be credited that it may be a very well formed Church after the new testament forme for this Church at Ierusalem was such an one by the confession of all the Independents although they be not all visible Saints but many of them unbeleevers Iewes and Infidels and be not true converts and that for the moulding up of a true Church after the new testament forme it is not absolutely necessary that they should be all visible Saints for here Master Knollys says they were mixt good and bad together it is not said saith he the five thousand men believed and yet they were all members so that by his doctrine some of them were unbelievers and notwithstanding they were all moulded up into a Church body so that they were not all visible Saints and yet the true Saints and believers made no separation from the other but they all continued together in Church fellowship both Saints and infidels and communicated in all Ordinances Now whether or no Master Knollys by this doctrine of his doth not fight against the opinion of all his brethren and utterly overthrow all the new fabricke of Independency I leave it not onely to the judgement of the learned of the congregationall way if there be any such but to the censure of the seven new churches of which he is one of the pastours and an other Saint Diotrephes who if they do not punish him for this his Grollery I will say they deserve censure and punishment themselves But this is not all I have here to say to Mr Knollys I have this also to adde that if any credit may be given to his words there will then be no certainty in any thing the Scripture relateth unto us For he saith That those five thousand that were added to the Church are called men and not Converts and Beleevers and howbeit many of them believed yet it is not said the five thousand believed So that if he may
I say as he affirmeth and whether I have not both Scripture and reason for what I say through my whole book and if he shall upon mature examination perceive that I have good authority for what I say then let him judg whether or no M. Knollys all his complices that thus upon all occasions traduce me bee not a generation of the accusers of the brethren and whether both Mr Knollys and all his confederats be not a company of calumniators raylors and Lyers rather then Saints For I bless God I have both Scripture and sound reason for all that I say and I speak it here in the presence of the great GOD that if I had ever seen the least ground of truth in all the Scripture of truth for what they of the congregationall way hold about their Church I would rather have suffered any misery in the world then ever have opened my mouth against their way much lesse have written against it but finding it not only a novell Opinion but hereticall indeed the very sourse of all heresies and errors and of dangerous consequence and such an one that if it be not speedily looked unto will not onely bring down the plagues and judgements of God upon the Nation and overthrow all the Christian Religion and all power of godlynesse but all government in Church and State through City and Country and bring a miserable desolation and utter ruine upon the 3 Kingdoms which God of his infinite mercy and goodnesse prevent And the consideration of all these things in the presence of God I say it again and no other put me upon this imployment to oppose the error of the wayes of all the Independents and Sectaries and in this course I am now in by the grace of God and his blessed assistance I will persevere in with all my endeavours to the last period of my dayes And now I come to reply to what Mr Knollys hath here set down by way of answer and although I have formerly given an answer to all the fond cavills of the Independents concerning their severall meetings together in the Temple and in Solomons Porch which the Reader I am confident will say is satisfactory enough to any that know what reason is yet here again for Master Knollys farther satisfaction if he will with any thing be satisfied I answer as followeth to what he childishly bables against this Argument of mine This argument of the Doctors saith he I answer first by denying the Assumption c. One would have expected that when Master Knollys began with this word first which amongst learned and rationall men in disputing it being a word of relation hath ever reference to some second answer at lest if not a third and fourth that he had had some second and third reserve of reasons at least to have fallen upon my argument with this I say all wise men would have imagined And yet there followes neither a second third or fourth answer But howsoever he may speak nonsense by his calling and by vertue of his Independency I will take no advantage against him for that I will examine onely the futility of his denyall which he calls a reason which indeede is a meer contradiction not only of himselfe but of the holy Scripture and is a giving of the spirit of God the lye as at other times as will forth with appear For whereas he saith that the Scriptures produced by me do not in expresse words declare that there were divers Assemblies and Congregations of Beleevers in the Church of Jerusalem and that the Scriptures quoted do in expresse termes declare the contrary it is most abominably false and that by his own confession as we shall by and by see For should I grant unto Master Knollys which I cannot do for many reasons set down in my foregoing Discourse That when there were but three thousand converted and added to the Church that they might then all meet together in any one place or congregation to partake in all Ordinances and that when there were five thousand more added to them they might still likewise all meet together either in the Temple or in Solomons Porch to hear the Word I say should I to gratifie Master Knollys grant him all this yet it will not follow that when there were dayly new additions upon additions of other Converts and Beleevers and that of many thousands that then they could still doe the same But I cannot grant all this for it would be against all reason and contrary to daily experience which tels us that eight thousand men cannot meet in any one Congregation to partake in all acts of worship to edification Yea if I should grant this to Master Knollys both hee himselfe and all his Fraternity would laugh at mee all learned men would conclude that I were indeed a mad man as my brother Burton speakes of mee for it is most certaine that all the Beleevers and Converts in the Church of Ierusalem did never all together partake in all Ordinances and in all acts of worship either in the Temple or in Solomons porch for wee never reade that they either baptized or brake bread in either of them neither would the Magistrate have ever indured or suffered it and yet both these were the discriminating and sealing Ordinances by which all Christians were distinguished from Jewes and Gentiles and all Vnbeleevers and it is well knowne that there was no room in any private house that could containe such a multitude to partake in all Ordinances to edification and this my brother Burton accordeth to saying in expresse words that there was no roome or place large enough to containe them all and the very Scripture also is cleare in this point in many places Yea Master Knollys assenteth to this though hee takes no notice of what hee sayes at any time But because hee perhaps will beleeve himself rather then me and because also his Followers and Schollers will give credit to his words rather then to any reasons produced by mee let them I pray heare what hee saith The Apostles and all the Beleevers in the Church of Jerusalem saith hee met together with one accord in one place to wit the Temple and in Solomons Porch and brake bread from house to house 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 Domatim not 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 per singulas domos and thus they did 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 quotidie day by day and they continued stedfastly in the Apostles doctrine and fellowship and in breaking of bread and in prayer c. These are Master Knollys his owne words From the which all learned men may easily perceive the force of truth and the weaknesse and feeblenesse of errour for whiles the man labours to enervate my Argument he contradicteth himselfe and the holy Scriptures and overthrowes his owne Principles and confirmes my opinion for by his owne words it is evident there were many Congregations and Assemblies of Beleevers in Ierusalem
as yet any particular visible formed churches for all these severall congregations are but so many branches of that one catholicke visible church and a branch and a member of a church is not a church properly so called in my brother Burtons Dialect and therefore wee have no true visible churches or church bodies upon earth properly so called this I say will necessarily follow upon my Brother Burtons unsound Principles and this his opinion which I am confident upon his more serious thoughts and when he makes not such haste as he confesses he did when he writ this his book against me he will acknowledge to be very erroneous But if he shall against all reason undertake to maintaine the same doctrine concerning the Catholicke visible church he doth about the church of Ierusalem I am assured he will be highly condemned by the learnedest of his party as well as by the universall consent of all the judicious Divines in the world who I know are of a contrary judgement But I say if upon mature deliberation he shall acknowledge and grant that the severall congregations or churches of believers mentioned in the Scriptures as that of Corinth Ephesus Galatia c. and their own severall congregations in their new gathered churches howsoever he will not grant that title unto our assemblies I say if he shall but accord that both the primitive churches and their new congregations be churches properly so called or church bodies though but so many branches and members of the Catholicke visible church which yet is but one and the same church then likewise of necessity it will follow and he must yeild unto it that all those severall congregations and assemblies in the church of Ierusalem were churches properly so called though but so many branches of that one and the same particular church because as the learned know all particular congregations and churches that partake in all the Ordinances as they are similar parts of the whole church so they doe all partake of the name and nature of it and are all of them churches properly so called and therefore by the very same reason I say all those severall congregations and assemblies in the church of Ierusalem being parts of that Nationall city or Presbyterian church that one and the same church as partaking both of the name and nature of that church are all of them churches properly so called one of those conclusions I affirme will necessarily follow from my brother Burtons principles And for the better evidencing of what I have said I will adde a few words more by way of a corollary that whatsoever the whole church at Ierusalem had in it to make it the first formed church properly so called the same had all the congregations and assemblies respectively and severally considered to make every one of them churches properly so called And therefore if the whole church at Ierusalem may challenge the name of a true formed church as the Independents acknowledge then the severall congregations and assemblies respectively and severally considered might do the same and were churches properly so called For if the whole consisted of visible Saints so did every one of those severall congregations and assemblies consist of visible Saints And if the whole had the blessed Apostles in it and Christs seventy Disciples and all sorts of church Officers so had every severall congregation and assembly of that church though but a part and a branch of the whole And if the whole church inioyed all the saving and sealing ordinances and all acts of worship and continued stedfastly in the Apostles doctrine and fellowship and in breaking bread and in prayer so did every one of those congregations and assemblies severally and respectively considered And therefore when all the branches of that one particular church at Ierusalem viz every congregation and assembly severally considered and as a part were equall to the whole church in all priviledges immunities and in whatsoever is required for the making of a true formed church so that there was nothing wanting to either of those congregations that the whole church partaked in and injoyed or could challenge for the making it a compleat Church then it followeth and that necessarily that if the whole church be a true formed church and a church properly so called as the Independents confesse that all those congregations assemblies severally considered were churches properly so called This I thought good to premise And now I come to make good what I undertooke which is to prove those severall Assemblies in the church of Ierusalem to be churches properly so called which I do by this argument All such assemblies congregations as daily met together in diverse companies in the Temple and in Solomons Porch and in severall private houses in the fellowship of the Gospell and in the name of Christ and clothed with his power and honoured with Christs presence being all believers and Saints and such as gladly received the word and were all baptized and continued stedfastly in the Apostles doctrine and fellowship and in the breaking of bread and in prayer and injoyed amongst themselves in their severall congregations all the saving and sealing Ordinances and all Acts of worship and whatsoever priviledges and immunities the whole church partaked in and the which the Independents themselves repute and thinke sufficient for the making and constituting of a formed church and who also had amongst them in those severall assemblies Ministers immediately sent them of God and inspired with the holy Ghost every one of the which had the keyes of the Kingdome of Heaven given unto them by Christ himselfe with a promise to be with them to the ende of the world and that whatsoever they loosed on earth should be loosed in heaven and whatsoever they bound on earth should be bound in heaven and that his spirit also should leade them into all truth the which Ministers likewise taught them whatsoever Christ had commanded them and that daily in the Temple and in every house all and every one of them respectively and severally taken were true and compleate churches properly so called But in the church of Jerusalem there were many such assemblies and congregations as dayly met together in diverse companies in the Temple and in Solomons Porch and in several private houses in the fellowship of the Gospell and in the name of Christ and clothed with his power and honoured with Christs presence being all believers and Saints and such as gladly received the Word and were all baptized and continued stedfastly in the Apostles doctrine and fellowship and in the breaking of bread and in prayers and injoyed amongst themselves in their severall congregations all the saving and sealing Ordinances and all acts of worship and whatsoever priviledges and immunities the whole church partaked in and the which the Independents themselves repute and thinke sufficient for the making and constituting of a formed church and who also had amongst them in those severall
assemblies Ministers immediately sent them of God and inspired with the holy Ghost every one of the which had the Keyes of the Kingdom of Heaven given them by Christ himselfe with a promise to be with them to the end of the world and that whatsoever they loosed on earth should be loosed in Heaven and whatsoever they bound on earth should be bound in Heaven and that his spirit also should leade them into all truth the which Ministers likewise taught them whatsoever Christ had commanded them and that dayly in the Temple and in every house Ergo all and every one of those Assemblies and Congregations respectively and severally taken were true and compleat churches properly so called For the Major no well grounded Christian will deny it especially the Independents cannot gain say it for if two or three met together in the fellowship of the Gospell and in Christs name make a true visible church as those of the congregationall way hold and teach then much more where two or three hundreds are met together in the fellowship of the Gospell and in the name of Christ and in the which also they partaked in all the saving and sealing Ordinances as in the preaching of the Word and Prayer and in the Sacraments of Baptisme and the Lords Supper and that by lawfull Ministers and Officers appointed and sent by God himselfe I say by far better reason such a congregation is a true and visible and compleate church properly so called as all rationall and intelligible men will easily conclude and therefore this cannot be denied by the Independents especially when as I noted before it is their owne Doctrine taught in all their writings and Preached by every one of the congregationall way and confirmed by their own daily practice And to passe by many books writ of late by the Ministers of New-England and some of the Independent Ministers here amongst us I will only at this time pitch upon one who hath in my opinion dealt more candidly then any of his brethren for he kepes no reserves Donec ad triarios redierit res but sets downe plainly what they hold I will make bold therefore with his new blasing lights lately set up upon that learned Beaken called Truth gloriously appearing from under the sad and sable cloude of obloquy In the which treatise pag. 22. and 23. the author in the name of all the Independents declares their judgement concering this businesse whose words I will set down at large desiring to deliver their minde in their own expressions rather then in mine that they may not hereafter accuse me to have pickt and chose what made most for me and against them and left the rest His words are these Object It may possibly here be objected how will it appeare that so small a number as two or three joyned together in the fellowship of the Gospell do constitute a visible Church Answ It will appeare evident by this insuing argument Christ hath given his power and promised his presence to two or three ioyned together in the fellowship of the Gospell therefore two or three so joyned together do constitute a visible church The Antecedent is proved from the Words of Christ Matth. 18. If thy brother offend thee tell him of it if he refuse to heare thee take two or three if he heare not them tell it to the church if he neglect to heare the church let him be unto thee as an Heathen and a Publican I say unto you whatsoever you shall binde on earth shall be bound in Heaven and whatsoever yee shall loose on earth shall be loosed in Heaven Loe Here 's their power given them by Christ The presence of Christ is promised by them vers 20. Where two or three are gathered together in my name there am I in the middest of them The consequent cannot be denied for what people in the world may be called a church if they may not to whom Christ hath given his power and promised his presence If the gifts of Christ be of any force if the power of Christ be of any efficacy then they have a right to be so called Neither is this destitute of learned men who have given their suffrage to it Humfred de religione vera conservanda pag. 24. Ecclesiam cum dico non unum aut alterum sacerdotem aut ministrum sed legitimum ac Christianum catum nomino et innuo Besides the definition of a visible church will prove the consequent A visible church is a mysticall body whereof Christ is the head the members be Saints called out of the world united together into one congregation by an holy covenant to worship the Lord and to edifie one another in all his holy Ordinances This definition though it properly looke upon a compleate church it is appliable to two or three that are joyned together in the fellowship of the faith of the Gospell 2 Object But is it like that two or three there is taken for the church mentioned vers 17. to which Christ hath given his power Answ I do not say that it is alwaies so taken for because the church doth frequently consist of many but this I say that it may be so taken as the very coherence of the words shews Beside it will further appeare thus if two or three may meet together clothed with Christs power and honoured with Christs presence then two or three may be the church mentioned vers 17. but two or three may meet together clothed with Christs power for they meet in his name as the text speakes 1. e. clothed with his power for name signifieth power in severall Scriptures Prov. the 18. 10. Philip. 2. 10. and honoured with his presence and therefore two or three may be the church there mentioned 3. Object But such a company being destitute of Officers can be no church Answ If it had been said they could have been no compleate church I would have consented But to say that they are not a compleat church therefore they are no church is a Non sequitur A man that wants a hand or foot or both is notwithstanding a man though a maimed man Officers do not concurr to the esse or being of a church but to the bene esse or well being of a church for otherwise put case the Officers of a church dye then must the church be unchurched and so Toties quoties as such a thing happens which in times of mortality may be often Againe a company of believers ioyned together in the fellowship of the Gospell hath the matter and forme of a church even before it hath any Officers and therefore is a Church without them it hath the matter of a Church a company believing 1 Cor. 1. 2. Ephes 1. 1. and it hath the forme of a Church viz. a combining and uniting of themselves together into one body by the bond of an holy Covenant I have spoke some thing the more in this particular to strengthen
such as have built upon this foundation that upon the reading of any books or hearig of any arguments on the contrary side their hearts may not like the heart of Ahaz Isai the 7. 1. when he heard of the confederacy of Syria and Ephraim be moved as the trees of the wood are moved with the winde This is the discourse of that Author whose words I have related in their full length and extent not intending at this time to shew all the errors of them which would require a just volume though occasonally I shall meete with some of them and make it appeare that according to his discription of a church which he hath taken out of Master Cotteos booke of New England none of the congregationall churches at this day are compleate churches properly so called And if that also my brother Burton speakes be true then the very church of Jerusalem as I said before which he calles the first formed church was not a true formed church properly so called All this occasionally I hope to make evident In the meane time I will make use of such Arguments as the new lights from the Summer Ilands afforde me for the proving of my major proposition which was that All those Assemblies and Congregations met together in those severall houses at Ierusalem every one of them respectively and severally taken were churches properly so called And this I doe the more willingly because I conceive it will better sound in my brother Burtons eares and those of his party to heare one of their own great Rabbyes who they usually call Giants and tall fellowes then to heare me who at pleasure they stile a Pigmy and Dwarfe from his words therefore I thus argue If two or three met together in the fellowship of the Gospell and in Christs name and clothed with his power and honoured with his presence doe constitute a visible church as he asserteth and laboureth to prove in the name of all the Independents then much more two or three hundred met together in the fellowship of the Gospell and in Christs name and clothed with his power and honoured with his presence having amongst them also their lawfull Officers and Ministers and injoying likewise all those saving and sealing Ordinances within themselves which the Independents confesse are sufficient for the constituting of a Church properly so called then I say and that with far better reason that such a company doe constitute a compleat visible Church or a Church body properly so called but in the Church of Jerusalem there was not onely two or three met together or two or three such Assemblies and Congregations but at least twelve if not halfe twelve score yea innumerable in all and every one of the which they met together in the fellowship of the Gospell and in Christs name and clothed with his power and honoured with his presence and in all and every one of the which respectively and severally they had also their lawfull Officers and Ministers and injoyed all those saving and sealing Ordinances which the Independents confesse arr sufficient for the constituting of a Church properly so called Ergo all and every one of those Congregations severally and respectively considered were Churches properly so called This Argument is grounded upon the Independents owne Principles and upon their very words and corroborated with their owne reasons For what people say they in the world may bee called a Church if they may not to whom Christ hath given his power and promised his presence If the gifts of Christ be of any force if the power of Christ bee of any efficacy then they have a right to be so called Thus the Independents speake and therefore without they will renounce their owne Principles and abjure all reason and the very light of understanding given them of God they must acknowledge those severall congregations in the Church of Jerusalem to be Churches properly so called as having in every one of them whatsoever they thinke requisite and sufficient to constitute a formed Church for there were in each of them respectively such Ministers and Officers as to whom Christ had given his power and promised his presence and that to the en● of the world Matth. 28. vers the last They had also in all those congregations all those Priviledges Immunities and Ordinances the injoying of the which the Independents thinke sufficient to make any one of their new congregations a compleat and formed church or church body properly so called as for their Ministers and Pastors they had all the blessed Apostles amongst them and Christs seventy disciples and many other Preachers abundantly furnished with al gifts as who had gone in and out with Christ from the very beginning of his and Iohns Ministry the meanest of which was thought fit to be an Apostle as is manifest from the first of the Acts and they had amongst them also in their severall congregations many Beleevers and Saints and all of them extraordinarily gifted and qualified and such as continued stedfastly in the Apostles doctrine and fellowship and in the breaking of bread and in prayers therefore they were visible Churches I doe not with the Author say mysticall bodies the Members of the which were visible Saints such as were called out of the world and united together in their severall congregations and that with the holy covenants of Baptisme and breaking of bread to worship the Lord in all his holy Ordinances and therefore they were so many compleat churches and churches properly so called as being joyned together in the fellowship of the faith of the Gospel and having in all those assemblies and congregations severally and respectively both for matter and forme that which the Independents hold ever sufficient to constitute and compleate churches properly so called for the matter of those congregations they were visible and miraculous Saints not ordinary ones as being inspired with the Holy Ghost and having amongst them Officers and Ministers of incomparable sanctified transcendent indowments viz the holy Apostles al the which were led into all truth by the Spirit of God who spake in them and by them infallibly who had all and every one of them the Keys of the Kingdome of Heaven viz. the power of order and jurisdiction by which they preached the Gospel and ordained and constituted all other churches and gathered and formed churches both in Ierusalem and in all other cities and countries wheresoever they came And as in all those congregations and assemblies they had the materials both for Officers and Members of true compleate formed churches so t●●y had likewise that which the Independents call the forme of compleate churches properly so called to speake in their owne language for they were all united and combined together in all and every one of those severall congregations by the bond of an holy covenant or covenants as that of Baptisme and breaking of bread those sealing Ordinances and they had the preaching of the Word and prayer amongst
seriously and without partiality weigh all things And for the evincing of that I will begin with Abraham the Father of all the faithfull who saith Gen. 18. ver 27. Behold now I have taken upon me to speake unto the Lord which am but dust and ashes Here we see Abraham had no high though●s of himselfe nor of his own righteousnesse which example of his was left to all his children in succeeding ages to teach them to esteeme meanly of themselves and not pharisaically to boast of their owne holinesse Jacob likewise in 32. of Genesis ver 9 10. speaking unto the Lord saith O God of my Father Abraham and God of my Father Isaac c. I am not worthy of any the least of the mercyes and of the truth which thou hast shewed unto thy servant c. Here likewise we see what a low esteem he had of himselfe The same we finde in Ezra the 9. ver 6. who in the name of all the people said O my God I am ashamed and blush to lift up my face to thee my God for our iniquities are increased over our heads and our trespasse or guiltinesse is grown up to the heavens c. And so in the ninth of Nehemiah ver 1. c. The children of Israel were assembled with fasting and with sackclothes and with earth upon them they were all in a posture of humility as the whole Chapter declareth Job also that righteous and upright man in the 42. chapter ver 6. saith Wherefore I abhorre my selfe and repent in dust and ashes He had no bigg thoughts of himselfe and his own holinesse The same we see in Isaiah that great and holy Prophet who in the 64. chapter ver 6. in the name of all the people of God in his age he saith But we are all as an uncleane thing and all our righteousnesses as filthy raggs and we all do ●ade as a leafe and our iniquities like the wind have taken us away c. They had no proud conceipts of their own righteousnesse nor vaunted not of their holinesse and sanctity Neither was Daniel in any other posture though a man greatly beloved of the Lord chapter 10. ver 11. Yet he in the 9. chapter in the name of all the people humbly prostrated himself Seeking unto the Lord by prayer and supplication with fasting and sackcloth and ashes Saying O Lord the great and dreadfull God c. We have sinned and have committed iniquity and have done wickedly and have rebelled ver 3 4 5 c. And so we might run through all the Old Testament and finde all the Prophets and holy men of God ever confessing their own vilenesse and never boasting of their own righteousness The Publican also and the Prodigall had learned this lesson the one of which said Luke 15. ver 19. I am not worthy to be called thy sonne the other standing afar of Luke 18. ver 13. would not so much as lift up his eyes unto Heaven but smote upon his brest saying God be mercyfull unto me a sinner All the faithful and truly holy people and godly party both under the Old and New Covenant had learned this lesson of self-denyall and Paul acknowledged himselfe the greatest of all sinners crying out of himselfe Rom. 7 O miserable man that I am who shall deliver me from this body of death They had no overtowring conceipts or thoughts of their own holinesse and righteousnesse nor never boasted themselves that they were the onely holy people and the generation of the Just That was the practice of the Justiciaries yea of the hypocrites and wicked under the Law and of the Pharisees in the time of Christ as we may see in Isaiah 65. ver 5. who said Stand by thy self come not neer to me for I am holier then thou c. The Pharisee also stood and prayed thus with himself God I thank thee that I am not as other men are extortioners unjust adulterers or even as this Publican I fast twice a week and I give tythes of all that I possesse c. By which it may evidently appear that those that boast themselves of their own righteousnesse and holinesse treade not in the steps of father Abraham and all the truly holy Prophets and people of God in all ages but in this their so doing they deviate from ●heir example and imitate the example of the wicked Pharisees and old Justiciaries and therefore are justly to be blamed and found fault with as transgressors against both the precept of God and example of Christ who said Learn of me for I am humble and meek Mat. 11. against the President of all the faithful w ch is the second part of my Minor which is to prove That God did ever condemn such as justified themselves and boasted of their own righteousnesse as is manifest from that place in Isaiah above quoted in the 65. chap. ver 5. where the Lord saith that such as gloryed they were more holy then others were as smoke in his nose and fire that burneth all the day And in the 16 of Luke ver 15. He said unto the Pharisees Ye are they which justifie your selves before men but God knowes your hearts for that which is highly esteemed amongst men is abomination in the sight of God And in the 18. of Luke the place above cited ver 9. He in a Parable reproved certain which trusted in themselves as being righteous and despised others And told them plainly ver 14. That the Publican that meanly esteemed of himselfe went down to his house justified rather then the other For every one saith Christ that exalteth himselfe shall be abased and he that humbleth himselfe shall be exalted Yea it is the command of Christ Matth. 16 to all such as will be his Disciples ver 24. That they should deny themselves and take up their Crosse dayly and follow him Now self-denyall and boasting of their own holinesse cannot stand together for Saint Peter in his first Epistle chap. 5. commands all Christians to be subject one to another and to be clothed with hum●lity saying That God resists the proud and gives grace to the humble Humble your selves therefore saith he under the mighty hand of God that he may exalt you in due time The same lesson doth Saint James teach us chap. 4. v. 6. And if we look through the whole Scriptures we shal find That God looketh unto those onely that are of a poor and contrite spirit and that tremble at his word Isaiah 66. ver 2. The same also the Lord saith Isaiah the 57. v. 15. Thus saith the Lord the high and holy One that inhabiteth eternity whose Name is holy I will dwell in the high and holy place with him also that is of a contrite and humble spirit to revive the spirit of the humble and to revive the heart of the contrite ones David had learned this lesson also who in the 51. P salme saith A broken and a contrite heart O Lord thou wilt
not despise But for all such as pharisaically boast themselves of their own righteousnesse God will despise and resist especially when they come far short of the Pharisees righteousnesse who fasted ordinarily twice or thrice a week and gave tythes of all they had and were very bountifull and charitable to the poor and did many other things praise worthy whereas all the Il-dependents are so far from giving tythes of all they have as they would not willingly that any other should give them writing books to the contrary and that bitter ones and for the many other acts of holinesse in the Pharisees as fasting deeds of charity the world knows they are not so frequent in them towards their poor brethren that dissent from them but in running from sea to land and from one place to another to make Proselytes and seduce the people they are very like the Pharisees and in boasting and glorying of their own righteousnesse in this they ●qualise if not exceed the Pharisees and Justiciaries of old and if they repent not God will have a controversie against them for God resists the proud and will give grace unto the humble and in the 30 of the Proverbs ver 72. God saith there That there is a generation pure in their own eyes and yet they are not purged from their filthynesse Gods people were ever humble but the Il-dependents are not as will by and by appeare in the sequell The third part now to be proved viz. That the Il-dependents do both falsly and pharisaically boast themselves when they call themselves the pretious and holy servants of God c. Now that they boast and glory of their own holinesse and that they are the onely people and the godly party all that are acquainted with their language and have heard their Sermons and have seen their books can bear witnesse with me of the truth of that I now charge them with neither can the Il-dependents themselves deny it And that they falsly glory and boast of their own righteousnesse holinesse and sanctity is my taske now to prove which by the grace of God I will do running through all and every severall branch of their gloriations And to begin with the first when they call themselves the onely pretious servants of God and the godly party in this their glorying I say they as falsly as Pharisaically boast which will evidently appear if we duly examine who in Gods dialect are a holy people and the onely holy servants of God In the 1 of the Corinthians chap. 7. ver 34. The Apostle there describes who are the holy people they saith he are such as care not for the things of the world but for the things of the Lord how they may be holy in body and spirit They were such as being bought with a price studyed how they might glorifie God in their bodyes and in their spirits which were the Lords 1 Cor. 6. ver 20. And how they might cleanse themselves from all filthynesse of the flesh and spirit perfecting holinesle in the fear of God 2 Cor. 7. ver 1. The holy servants of the Lord are such as present their bodies a living sacrifice holy acceptable unto God as their reasonable service and that from the consideration of Gods great mercyes unto them Rom. 12. ver 1. They pressed toward the mark to the high calling of God in Jesus Christ Phil. 3. 14. Whose conversation was in Heaven ver 20. Those Saints minded not earthly things but being contented with food and rayment they esteemed godlinesse the greatest gain 1 Tim. 4. Gold and silver saith Peter I have none Acts 3. He studied onely to be holy and regarded not the world The life of all the godly and holy party was above in heaven according to that of Solomon Prov. 10. They were not groveling upon the earth nor regarded not the things of this life they were changed from that they were before they were now no longer conformable to this world but they were transformed by the renewing of their mind that they might prove what is that good that acceptable will of God Rom. 12. ver 2. According to that of Paul Eph. 23. 24. They were renewed in the spirit of their mind they had put on the new man which after God is created in righteousnesse and true holinesse Yea they were renewed in knowledge after the Image of him that created them Coloss 3. ver 10. In a word all the truly holy and godly party have an universall change wrought in them their understandings witts and affections are changed they are all heavenly the whole frame of their lives and conversations are changed they are all heavenly so that they by all their actions declare they are such as really minde nothing but heavenly things they are mortified men they seeke not great things nor they intangle not themselves with earthly businesses they onely mind heavenly things where Christ sitteth at the right hand of God Coloss 1 2 3. No sooner was Levi called from the receipt of custome but hee relinquished and left the world and followed Christ The same did Zacheus distributing that hee had liberally to the poore and manifesting to the world by giving full satisfaction to all men that could say they were damnified by him that now hee minded nothing but heavenly things the things of the Lord how he might be holy in body and spirit which were the Lords and this was the practise of all the holy servants of God in all ages they were heavenly minded lowly humble meeke they were of one mind having compassion one of an other they loved as brethren they were pittifull and courteous they rendred not evill for evill or rayling for rayling but contrariwise blessing knowing that they were thereunto called that they should inherit a blessing they refrayned their tongues from evill and their lips spake no guile they eschewed evill and did good they sought peace and ensued it 1 Pet. 3. verse 8 9 10 11. they loved without dissimulation they abhorred that which was evill and cleaved to that which was good in honour they preferred one an other Romans 12. verse 9. in Lowlinesse of mind they esteemed of others better then themselves Phil. 2. ver 2. 3. they wete all heavenly minded men who regarded no worldly things neither doe we ever reade in all the sacred Scriptures that any of the holy Prophets or Saints of old were taken up with the world or aspired to the Honours and Dignities of the same but chose rather to suffer affliction with the people of God then to injoy the pleasures of sinne for a while yea they esteemed the reproach of Christ greater riches then all the treasures of Egypt they chose rather to wander about in deserts in sheeps skins and goats skins naked despised and contemned in the caves and dens of the beasts of the earth then to dwell in the greatest affluency of worldly things they slighted all the world and all the Glory of it
their duty and according to the will of God Therefore when the Il-dependents pray for a Toleration of all Religions under the name of liberty of conscience and labour for it and hinder with all their power the setting up of the onely true Religion and worke of Reformation and the setting up of such a Government in Christs Kingdome which is his Church as he hath revealed in his blessed will and they have also covenanted to bring in in their so doing they neither pray that Gods name may be hallowed nor that his Kingdome may come nor that his will may be done nor that they may not be led into temptation and be delivered from evill and therefore they pray not aright and are not as they falsly boast themselves the only true praying people for they pray not according to Gods will Now when those Churches of the Congregationall way consist of such kinde of praying Members it is apparently manifest they are a mixt Generation of men and not the Generation of the just nor the men of Gods right hand which is another title they falsly and pharisaically also claime and challeng unto themselves as they did the former as will by and by appear upon due examination and discussion of the true sense of that expression For those that are the men and people of Gods right hand properly so called are such as with all their might stand up in defence of Gods true Religion and earnestly contend for the faith once delivered unto the Saints Jude 2 3. and are not onely ever ready to lay down their lives for that ancient faith but with all their power to fight for it to the last drop of their blood in opposition to all errours superstition heresies and all manner of false worship and in opposing whatsoever is against the power of godlinesse as a Toleration of all Religions is which tends only to the bringing in of all prophanenesse and irreligion Now the Il-independents deny that they did ever fight for Religion Yea I my selfe have heard many of them say That it is unlawful to fight for Religion and they professed that when they went out with the sword in their hands they fought onely for the liberty of their consciences and for a Toleration of Religion which is a part and branch as they said of the Subjects birth-right All this I can with many more depose and therefore they falsly arrogate unto themselves that title of being the men of Gods right hand which no more belongs unto them then the other ensignes and titles did And as little right have they to the title of Saints and the generation of the Just which is so frequently in their mouthes if wee bring them to the true touchstone of that mettle therefore it may be to very good purpose to turne to the 15. Psalme and briefly to run over that where we shall finde a true description of Saints indeed Who saith the Psalmist shall abide in thy Tabernacle and who shall dwell in thy holy hill that is to say who are Saints indeed and the generation of the Just For answer the Holy Ghost that best knew who were Saints indeed sets down the characters of true Saints The first of which is his upright walking He that walketh uprightly saith the spirit of God This is a metaphoricall expression signifying the trade of a mans life his custome and carryage in it as when a man is said to walk after the flesh it is as much in the dialect of holy Scripture as to say He goeth on in his naturall condition and in his irregenerate state in his ignorance blindenesse wicked courses and practises and hath no work of grace wrought in his heart nor any chang in his will and affections nor in his whole frame of life and carriage but he is the old man still Rom. 18. ver 1. So to walk uprightly in Scripture language is to walk after the spirit to be regenerate to be a holy and heavenly minded man who doth all the actions of one borne again of the water and of the spirit he makes the Law of God his delight and squares his life and actions according to that rule and the direction of his blessed word and he orders his life by that rule in all integrity sincerity and without hypocrisie or any base or by-ends or wordly respects He makes it his employment with Enoch and Noah to walk with God secretly as well as openly in all manner of conversation in his thoughts words and deeds as if he were ever in the sight and presence of God walking uprightly also towards men carrying himselfe justly towards all but especially his main aime is to indeavour that the true worship and service of God may be set up in his family and wheresoever he hath power hee declines not to the right hand nor to the left in matters of Religion but keeps himselfe strictly to the rule and goes right on according to the direction of that He halts not between two Religions or more for he knowes how much that is disspleasing unto God who said unto the people by his Prophet Why halt ye between two Religions That God cannot indure in any people no more then he can indure the lukewarme Laodiceans that are neither hot nor cold but indifferent what Religion be set up so they may injoy their case all such he knows God hath and will spew out of his mouth Such therefore as halt and limp in Religion and hop first on this side to this Religion and then on the other side to that other Religion and a little after limp into another opinion and soon after hop into another Sect all that walk thus are no Saints in Gods dialect For the true Saints indeed they walk up ●ghtly before God in that one Religion he hath appointed they turne not to the right hand nor to the left they take no by-way or crosse path in Religion they halt not nor limp not nor doubt not of their way neither do they sit still or make a stand nor set not a foot backward in Religion all which were not to walk uprightly before God but all the true Saints walk uprightly they go on with constancy without interruption in their Religion that way Jerem. 6. They are not carryed sometimes this way with this wind of doctrine and sometime that way with that blast of opinion but they walk right on they set not a step backward from their first love to Religion like the Church of Ephesus Revel 2. but passe forward toward the price and mark of their high calling with as great a zeal and fervency as at first and hate all false wayes and erroneous religions they persevere in all the wayes of God and in the footsteps of all the Saints of old and imitate all those vertues and graces that are commendable in the Saints and all the Churches They cannot indure that any doctrine of Baalam Jezabell or of the Nicolaitans should be connived
lies to this day upon all Ministers and people and all those Priests knew very well that this duty lay also upon them and that by a speciall command from God long before given them who had said that the Priests lips should preserve knowledge and that the people should seek the law will and good pleasure of God from their mouth Now then if all Christians and all the Servants of the Lord in all ages studied to teach their friends and families the knowledge and fear of the Lord as we see in Abraham and Jacob and Joshua and all the Patriarks and they had a speciall command also to do it as we see Deut. the sixt and Deut. the eleventh and when it was the practise of all people truly converted to do the same as I said before and we see it likewise in the woman of Samaria how quickly she brought her neighbours and fellow citizens unto Christ after shee was converted then I say we ought to think yea we ought much more to beleeve that these Priests being thus wonderfully converted spent their strength and might now to gain Disciples unto Christ and that by how much the more they had been his enemies and persecutors And the people without all controversie would be the readier by far to give heed unto what they taught them because they knew that they were learned and in that they had a command from God himself to seek the law of God from their mouths who said that the Priests lips should preserve knowledge and wisdome Yea Christ himselfe sent the lepers at any time when he had cured them to the Preists and the Scriptures sufficiently declare that the Priests were in great esteem among all the people and that they did mightily prevaile with them so that they could perswade them to do any thing they would have them Now when the people saw that their Priests in great companies were converted without doubt they still followed their Pastors and waited upon their Ministry and the law of love binds us to beleeve that abundance of the people also were dayly converted and added to the Church by their Ministry and Preaching and this ordinary reason and dayly experience will perswade every man to beleeve for we see here amongst us what mischiefe a few whibling and unlearned fellows that were Ministers have done in seducing of the people after they revolted from the truth upon whom they still depend and what distractions among all sorts of men and women a few unstable and unconstant Presbyters hourly make when for base ends they fall from their principles and turne Independent Praedicants and Itinerany Preachers we see I say that they have in a very short time with the leaven of their doctrine with their sottish wicked and groundlesse opinions sowred the whole lump of the sweet truth of the Gospell and seduced many thousands both of men and women if their gloriation be true Now if a few illiterate seducers in these our dayes have misled and perverted such multitudes with their novelties and that without any miracles without all controversie that great company of Priests that were converted preaching then unto all the people the truth of God and the glorious Gospell of glad tydings and not their own fantasies and the people seeing it also dayly confirmed unto them with such stupendious miracles they prevailed greatly to the converting of thousands for the example of such men as the Priests were wrought very much upon the people yea we see how it has been in all ages when great and rich men whether Magistrates Ministers or people imbrace any new opinion what way they go the common people ordinarily follow whether it be truth or error rather following example then precept as we may see it When Moses was but gone up into the Mount and that Aaron had built them a calf they all began to dance about it and when Jeroboam set up his calf●s ten tribes revolted with him yea it is said Hee caused all Israel to sinne And we may observe it daily amongst us if these grolls seduce but any giddy-headed Gentlewoman that is rich or but any inferior Lady and make them but turne Independents what a noise there is by by through the Kingdom of it and how staggering other poor unstable women begin to be But if any great Noble man or Courtier or Parliament man or some of our temporizing Presbyterian Ministers but turn Independents or is but rumor'd to favour that way we see what revolt amongst unsetled and ungrounded people their examples make in many places Whereas the truely godly such as are well grounded know that the stars shall fall from heaven and that they usually chang themselvs into Angels of light and seem to be the Ministers of righteousnee that they may the better seduce yet I say such as fear God and are rightly instructed are not moved but they abhor the evill of their wayes and cleave the faster to the truth and are of such discerning spirits as they can well perceive that it is for base ends and worldly respects that many have turned Independents and it is well known and can be proved That the Independents have perswaded many if they would prosper in the world that they should turn to their party for that was as they said the thriving way And it is taken notice of also that very few but Independents are either greatly countenanced or preferred or at any time rewarded for any service they have done their Country Now every generous spirit especially a constant well grounded Christian detests and abominates all such base dealings and such base fellows as will be of any religion for earthly fading momentary and uncertain things and therefore stand more stoutly to the truth and their ancient principles yet such as have a mind speedily to get into the chayre of preferment or to be in any Office or to grow rich they turn Independents and I am most confident that whereas the Independents brag that many of the Lords are Independents they notoriously belye them but this I dare presume that if Sir I. S. can from his great and rich Independent friends procure a yearly and certain pention to be confirmed upon my lord Tapps that upon that condition he would turn independent and so then they should be sure to have one lord of their party and then also Sir I. S. might haply attain unto the honour to be my lord Tapps his Chaplain which he is very fit for and might also reside in Cambridge where he may so indoctrinate his plumbeous cerebrocities as he may speedily be able to divisinate a snayle pye or a mushrome into two particles But to be serious if a few obscure Presbyters here amongst us that were never really guilty either of learning or honesty revolting once from the truth through covetousnesse and other base ends have notwithstanding with their fayned holinesse and under pretence of their long prayers devoured so many widowes houses
as hee was President in that Councell in the 15. of the Acts and it stands with very good reason for many yeares after he continued still the prime man in authority there amongst the Presbyters and knew very well the condition of all the Beleevers there and what numbers and multitudes of Disciples there were Inhabitants in that Church all which sufficiently demonstrateth that hee had his residence continually or for the most part in Ierusalem so that Paul comming thither to the Feast as it is related Acts the 21 chapter was informed by him not onely that there were many ten thousands of Beleevers in that Church but what those Disciples had heard concerning his preaching which sheweth not onely that Saint Iames had his aboad in that Citie but that those beleevers likewise were dwellers and inhabitants there and that now hee had very good acquaintance and familiarity with them yea which is more at that very time that Paul and Barnabas were sent to Jerusalem with those almes Peter and Iames were then in that Citie if not other of the Apostles also as the twelfe chapter of the Acts abundantly sheweth and without doubt they all joyned with the Presbyters and in a Common-councell ordered how the Alms should be disposed of by the Deacons to the necessity of the Saints yea it doth most necessarily follow what so ever Mr. Knollys and those of his Fraternity shall be able to say to the contrary for the Scripture recordeth that the reliefe was sent to the Presbyters through Iudaea Ierusalem was the Metropolis citie in Iudaea and in the 12. chapter v. 25. it is related that Barnabas Paul returned from Jerusalem whither they had carried the almes so that many of the Apostles being at that time in Ierusalem and the princiall and chiefe Presbyters in that Church amongst the other Presbyters it may not bee credited that they I say being the prime Magistrates and Governours did sit still and leave the rule ordering and government of that Church to other of their fellow Presbyters and them of inferiour ranke but they also acted their parts in the government at that time as well as at others and therefore I say when the disposing of the treasury of the Church or State is an Act of soveraigne power and belongs only to those that are in authority in either and when all the Apostles and Presbyters governed that Church by a Common-councell and joynt consent and when the almes were sent unto all it necessarily followeth notwithstanding all Master Knollys his garrulity that my Argument out of that Scripture will ever stand good to prove that the sending of the reliefe to the Elders makes good these two things the first that the Presbyters were the onely men in authority there and secondly that the Apostles and Presbyters of that Church governed and ruled it by a Common-councell and Presbytery yea Master Knollys his owne words confirmes mee in my opinion who saith it is not denyed by the brethren that the Presbyters in all Churches were the men in the government of the Churches in which they are Elders so that all businesses of publicke concernment were to bee transacted and managed by the common consent and agreement of them all and not by the determination of any one particular Presbyter in either of those Churches much lesse by any other persons or people in them but the Presbyters And this shall suffice to have spake concerning the confirmation of my first Argument grounded upon that Scripture that the reliefe and almes were sent unto the Presbyters of Ierusalem And now I come to what he hath to say against my second argument by which I proved my third proposition which is this as he himselfe set it down in the 12. Page of his book They that in the holy Scripture are called Presbyters and acted and ordered things in a joynt body and common Councell with the Presbyters and exercised that ordinary power committed to them in the 18. of Matthew they acted as Presbyters But the Apostles in governing the Church of Ierusalem consisting of many Congregations and Assemblies acted and ordered things in a joynt body and common Councell with the Presbytery of that Church as Presbyters Ergo the church of Ierusalem was Presbyterially governed and by a common Councell of Presbyters The Major and Minor of this Syllogisme being proved saith the Doctor the conclusion will necessarily insue Thus Master Knollys relates this Argument wholly passing by all the rest And to this argument he first thus replies I know not saith he that the brethren ever deny ed that the Church of Ierusalem was presbyterianly governed So that he assenteth unto the conclusion which is all I contended for by that argument So that by this it followeth that the people had no hand in the government for they are not Presbyters by office And yet such is his ambition to be thought some body in the art of disputation that he quarrels the forme of my Syllogisme and takes upon him to shew me how I should have framed it aright but all those that know indeed what really belongs to learning will easily perceive the man doth but babble and if I should spend time in trifling with him about forms moodes and figures in Syllogisms who knows no more in Logick then the horse he preaches on I might be thought as vain as himselfe therefore intreating him hereafter to learn his Grand-dame to suck and not mee to make Syllogisms passing by all those his grolleries I will set down what he hath farther to reply to this argument in the 13. page and then answer to that and after I have done with him I will come to I. S. that learned Gentleman and profound Clerk Master Knollys to this argument thus farther answereth Though the Apostles saith he were called Presbyters in the Scripture yet it followeth not that they acted as Presbyters but as Apostles Act. 15. And they cannot therein be a pattern and president for Presbyters First because the Apostles had the care and charge of and over all Churches 2 Cor. 11. 28. But the Presbyters had the care and oversight of some one Church onely as Ephesus Act. 20. 28. or Philippi Phil. 1. 1. and this the Doctor often inserts in his book That all the Churches we read of in the New Testament though they were presbyterially governed were Dependent upon their severall Presbyters page 12. And secondly because this would make the Presbyters Independent indeed for so the Apostles were in the government of all the Churches the Presbyters of Jerusalem of Ephesus and of all the Churches were Dependent upon the Apostles and the Apostles only Dependent on Christ by whose holy spirit they were alwaies guided in the government of their churches and therefore they said Acts 15. 28. It seemed good to the holy Ghost and us And though the Doctor say the Presbyters might say so as well as the Apostles because the Elders and Presbyters are mentioned there The
Apostles and not as Members for that present of the Presbytery of Antioch now all men know that they that are sent as Messengers by command and appointment as they were were not greater then those that sent them which is one of the reasons all orthodox Divines use against Peters Supremacy in that the Apostles which were in Ierusalem Acts 8. 14. sent him and Iohn to Samaria and therefore they conclude that the Colledge of Apostles had authority over him and that they were not subject to him And the same may be concluded concerning Paul and Barnabas that they were subject to the command of the Church And it is yet more evident out of the second verse of the 15 chapter of the Acts Where it is said that when Paul and Barnabas had no small dissention disputation with them that then they determined that Paul and Barnabas and certain others of them should go up to Ierusalem unto the Apostles and Elders about this question out of the which words every one may observe these conclusions following First that Paul and Barnabas used not any transcendent extraordinary and Apostolicall authority in that Church neither did they challenge unto themselves an infallible authority for the deciding of that difference which they might have done if they had then and there acted as Apostles and put forth their Apostolicall power yea which is more it is in terminis said that Paul and Barnabas had no small dissention and disputation with them intimating by those words that they argued and debated the matter by Reasons and Arguments as the other ordinary Presbyters of that Church did which they would never have suffered if they had acted there as Apostles and with an infallible authority and this is the first conclusion may be gathered out of those words to prove that Paul Barnabas acted there as ordinary Presbyters and were not onely at that time subject to that Church but Members of the same The second conclusion that may be gathered out of those words is this That they were sent as the other ordinary officers and the same commands laid upon them that were laid upon the other Now if they of Antioch had looked upon Paul and Barnabas as extraordinary Messengers indued with Apostolicall authority they would have made some difference between them and the certain others spake of in that place but sending them all with equall authority and with one and the same Message and making no distinction between them it sufficiently proveth that they of Antioch in this imploiment lookt upon them but as ordinary Presbyters The third thing observable is this that Paul and Barnabas with those certain others were sent as well to the Elders or Presbyters at Ierusalem about the question as to the Apostles for so runs the text they were all sent unto as having equal authority and as the ordinary Governours and Councellours of the Church and as to such as sat by one and the same Commission Writ or Charter and governed with a joynt consent and by a Common Councel and Agreement And therefore they are all to be considered as ordinary Presbyters in that Councel and Synod and all this I say may be gathered out of that text But there are many other Arguments to prove it because the Presbyters all of them and that all along through the whole debate acted as authoritatively as the Apostles For as the Presbyters were sent unto as well as the Apostles and assembled themselves accordingly v. 6. So they did decree and write the Epistle as well as the Apostles ver 22. 23. and Act. 16. 4. they are called also the decrees of the Apostles and Elders and Act. 21. the Presbyters say Wee have written and concluded manifesting unto all the World that they in that Synod sat and acted by the same authority and were assisted and guided by the same spirit the Apostles were as sitting by the same Commission or Writ And therefore when the holy Ghost makes no difference between them in respect of their authority but only in regard of their names it is a very great rashnesse in Mr Knollys and those of his fraternity to say that the Apostles acted not as Presbyters which is indeed to confute the Scripture and all this to delude the poore people Many Arguments more might be produced to prove that the Apostles acted as Presbyters and were no more then guided by an Apostolicall and infallible spirit then the other Presbyters but for brevity sake I shall only name one more which is this in that they stated the question and debated it from the holy Scripture in the ordinary way disputing Con and Pro arguing and reasoning what they should write and what they should judge of that busines as it is apparent in the 7. verse and many more places in that Chapter by their deliberate suffrages and discourses in that Councell and having by searching the Scripture saith the Holy Ghost found what was the good and acceptable will of God thereupon they say it seemed good to the Holy Ghost and to us as any Synod or Councell of Divines upon the like assurance of Scripture warrant may doe Now I affirme had the Apostles at that time acted by an apostolicall and infallible Spirit a when they writ the holy Scripture and not as Presbyters they would never have admitted any disputation nor entred into a serious debate and consultation what they should write and judge of that matter but would speedily have dispatched the busines and by their Apostolicall authority and that infallible Spirit they were led with they would have decided the matter and either have said thus saith the Lord as the Prophets of old did or take notice that what wee write are the commands of the Lord dictated unto us by the Spirit of God and would never have gone to consult with others about it or debated the matter by Arguments and reasons which when they did it is a sufficient Argument to prove that the Apostles acted as Presbyters in that Councel and therfore from all that I have now said it is apparently evident that all the Apostles at Ierusalem acted as Presbyters and that the other Presbyters had equall authority and power with them notwithstanding all Master Knollys his bable And this shall suffice to have spake by way of answer to that part of his fond cavill and now I come to reply to his Grolleries concerning the votes and suffrage of the people in the Church at Ierusalem whom Master Knollys joyneth with the Apostles and Elders and makes them equall with the Elders in authority misconceiving what is meant by brethren there his words are these page 13. The Doctor saith hee might have also considered that the Brethren even the whole Church the multitude how many soever the Doctor can make of them were present as well as the Presbyters Act. 15. 4. 12. 22 23. 25. 27 28. and so have made the Brethren the multitude even the whole Church independent also
that by this their doctrine they not onely rob Christ the King of his Church of his honour and dignity which I made good before but all the holy Apostles and Presbyters his Ministers and Servants also of their honour power and dignity which the King of his Church the Lord Jesus had invested them with and bestowed upon them all which will clearly appear if we shall again briefly consider and but take notice First what power and authority God gave unto his Apostles and to his Ministers which was the power of the Keyes Matth. 16. and Matth. 18. that is all power in his Church under him Matth. 28. and Mark 16. I say if we shall duly in the first place but consider that all the Apostles Christs speciall Ministers and Servants were by Christ himself invested with all authority and guided in their preaching and writing by his holy spirit so that whatsoever they taught or writ as his Ministers were the dictates of his spirit and the commandments of God and were for ever to be the rule of his Church to all succeeding ages to the end of the World and if we consider also what he promised to his blessed Apostles and all his Servants and Ministers that should succeed them viz. that he would be with them to the end of the World to all which Ministers likewise he had given the keys and made them stewards and overseers of his house which is his Church I say if we but duly weigh all these things we shall finde them all invested with plenary authority and by the very commission of God for ever inabled to exercise all acts of Government in the Church and that by themselves without the assistance and concurrence of the people who were never joyned with them in commission but received commands from heaven to obey those that God had made guides over them and made Rulers in his Church I say if we maturely consider all these immunities and priviledges and the power that the Apostles and Ministers of Christ were indued with and that from Christ the King of his church And on the other side shall but consider what learned I. S. in the name of all the Independents his brethren declareth concerning not onely all the ordinary Ministers of the church but what he delivereth concerning the blessed Apostles we shall clearly perceive that herobbs them all of that honour dignity and power which God hath given them and invests the people with it which is a double injustice First in taking from the Apostles and Ministers that which was their due and which God had bestowed upon them And secondly in giving unto the people that which pertained not to them and to which they had no right nor could lay no claime and with which they were not to meddle But take notice of his Doctrine what hee holds and beleeves concerning the ordinary Ministers page 12. In ordination saith hee election belongeth unto the brethren Jmposition of hands is proper to the Officers where there are Officers as in a Church constituted and compleate otherwise if the Church be not compleate according to his learning the people may doe it Thus I. S. speaks there and in the 11 page hee grants it is the Presbyters part to rule But as soone as hee hath spake the word as if hee repented of what he had said hee comes in with a but saying but wee distinguish betweene Authority and Iurisdiction on the one hand and Power and Jnterest on the other this latter belongs unto the people the other is proper unto the Officers which yet they exercise in the name of the Church The Officers saith hee ordaine they excommunicate they leade and direct in all government and disputes they have the executive power but the people have a power and interest too that is in his dialect as hee declared himselfe in the words going before the Officers must exercise all their authority and jurisdiction in the name of the Church and must doe as the people shall direct them for their power is onely the executive power they are onely the executioners of the church they can neither elect any officers nor excommunicate any without they have the leave and good liking from the people for the radicall and originall power lyes in the people and church which if it be not utterly to overthrow the authority of the Ministers and to make them nothing but cyphers in the Church and most sacrilegiously to rob them of that power Christ the King of his Church hath given them and to arrogate it and assume it unto themselves and whether this be not the greatest wickednesse and injustice in the Independents that can be committed against men I leave it to the consideration and judgement of all conscientious and learned men and whether such temerarious and bold impudent theives and Church-robbers ought not with greatest severity and justice to be proceeded against for this their malefice and unsufferable wickednesse who doe not onely take from the Ministers of Iesus Christ whom they ought ever to have in great reverence for their workes sake 1 Thess 5. that honour power and authority Christ hath given them but labour likewise now with all their might to take from them also that that God hath put into the hearts of men his servants to give them viz. their tythes and lively-hood and all that by which they should support themselves and their poore Families which is as intolerable an in justice and ingratitude both towards God and men as can by mortall creatures bee committed which wickednesse of the Independents and Sectaries if the Magistrates shall suffer to goe unpunished I most confidently beleeve that the Lord and King of his Church the Lord of heaven and earth will take the quarrell of his righteousservants into his hand and will poure downe his plagues both on them and all their complices and abettors And now I have made it evident how they rob all the ordinary Ministers and Presbyters of the Gospel of their due honour and power I will make it likewise appeare that the Apostles also are by their doctrine in the same predicament and that they deale no better with them whom they have robbed also and spoyled of their honour power and authority and count of them all no otherwise then of ordinary and common Ministers and but as of a company of Executioners for wee must take what I. S. speakes in this busines to be uttered in the name of all the Independents for hee is but their mouth and his booke came forth by the authority and approbation of them all and was esteemed of as a goodly peece and he highly honoured amongst them for it His words are these page 12. The Apostles and Elders saith he as a Committee first prepared the dispute as not counting it so safe perhaps to admit the weake to the same whiles it was intricate and then reported it and had their assistance and concurrence and the Letters of resolution
and humane learning yea contrary to the very opinion of the learnedst of the Independents for this I. S. his judgement is that the Apostles and Presbyters without the concurrence of the people and Church could not have made the Decrees valid and binding whereas all the Independents besides himselfe joyning with the Papists against the Protestants affirme that the Apostles onely in that Synod and Councell by their infallible authority ratified those Decrees and so they exclude all the Presbyters saying that the Apostles acted not as Presbyters in that Councell but as Apostles stles with a transcendent power and were onely the men who were led and guided in that Session by the Holy Ghost and by a spirit of infallibility which say they the Presbyters were not indued with and therefore their presence onely as Apostles made their Decrees binding which opinion of the Independents howsoever it is very erroneous as I have often shewed in the foregoing Discourse yet it is point blanke against the Doctrine of I. S. who places all the power in the people robbing both the Apostles and Presbyters of their authority and on the other side his brethren they place all authority upon the Apostles and deprive the Presbyters of it and count them but ordinary men and not infallibly there assisted by the Holy Ghost both which opinions as they are contrary unto the word of God so they sufficiently prove that these men are but Babel Builders whose tongues and language are divided and tend to confusion for they are diametrically fighting one against ano ther so that all the world may see that those men that begin once to fight against the truth like the Midianit●s they destroy one an other But this has generally beene observed that such men as these are that study to invent Engines to beate downe the truth yet all the vapours of their braine cannot so much as cloud so bright ● Sunne but it will evermore gloriously shine forth to the dazeling of the eyes of all the enemies of the same So that it is a wonder of wonders to mee to see the people generally so hardned by obstinacy that they cannot yet discerne into the craft and juggling of the Ill-defendents predicants who whiles they give the people or Church power and interest to humour them it is not so much out of love to them as hatred to the Presbyterians to build up their Diana Temple of Independency hoping by raysing it to ruine the truth it selfe and to overthrow the whole Fabricke of Presbyterian government which Christ the King of his Church hath appointed and in fine by this meanes to bring in a confusion of all things and a m●●re Anarchy in Church and State But howsoever the Ill-defendents seeke to put out the light of the truth by this their snuffing at it they make it burne the brighter as I. S. and Hanserdo Knollys have done by their snuffing at it And this shall suffice by way of Answer to have replyed to what both these Gentlemen Master Hanserdo and I. S. had to say to my third Proposition I come now to my fourth which I will first set down with their Answers to it and then make my reply as I have done to all their former cavills and I will go on in the same order first answering to Hanserdo and then to I. S. My fourth Proposition is this viz. That the Church of Jerusalem and the government of the same is to be a pattern for all Congregations and Assemblies in any City or Vicinity to unite into one Church and for the Officers and Presbyters of those congregations to govern that Church joyntly in a Colledge or Presbytery And for the proofe of this there needs no great dispute for all men acknowledge that the mother Church must give an example of government to all the daughter Churches now then when it doth evidently appear that this mother Church of Jerusalem in her most flourishing condition and by her first constitution was consisting of many Congregations and severall Assemblies and that they were all governed by a Presbytery or a joynt and common Councell of Presbyters then it followeth that all other Churches should be governed after the same manner as the mother Church was to the end of the World neither doe the brethren deny but the government of the church of Jerusalem must be the patterne of government to all churches and therefore out of that misprision and mistake that she was consisting of but as many as could meet in one congregation they take the church of Ierusalem for imitation and teach all their severall congregations to do the same and to exercise the same power among themselves Independent and to govern with as absolute an authority in their severall Congregations as the whole Colledge of the Apostles and Presbyters did in the church of Ierusalem and from the which they allow of no appeale as all that know their tenents can witnesse So that this last Proposition being strengthned both by reason and the consent of the brethren needs no further proof Now to this my fourth Proposition and the Arguments contained in the same Master Knollys thus replyeth Page 14. Neither do the Brethren deny but the Government of the Church of Ierusalem must be the pattern of Government to all Churches But the Doctor knows that the brethren deny that the Church of Ierusalem consisted of divers Congregations and severall Assemblies under a common Councell Consistory Colledge or Court of Presbyters And this they have not granted neither hath the Doctor proved And this may be sufficient to be said in Answer to the four Propositions touching the first Question This is all Mr Knollys hath to say by way of Answer to this my last Proposition in the which Answer of his I desire the Reader to observe what he in the name of all the brethren granteth and assenteth unto and what both he and they all deny at least as he saith for he personateth them all He grants in behalfe of them all that the Church of Ierusalem must be the pattern of Government to all churches And this is as much as I desire But by the way take notice that Master Hanserdo reckons before his host for I. S. is one of the brethren and yet he Page 13. asserteth that the example of that Church is not bindingly presidentiall Now what he and all the brethren deny if Mr Knollys be worthy of credit are these two things viz. The first That the Church of Ierusalem consisted of divers congregations Secondly they deny that the Doctor hath proved it That all the brethren deny as Mr Knollys saith that the church of Ierusalem consisted of many congregations is not altogether to be believed For my brother Burton none of tne meanest of the Brethren doth not deny it yea he not onely grants it but by arguments proves that there were many Assemblies of Believers in the church of Ierusalem and therefore Mr Hanserdo in this also his assertion
godly conscionable and learned Ministers as they did thus meet together so they have ever since laboriously searched the Scriptures to find out what is the good will and pleasure of our God herein and they have not concluded of any thing but what they bring their warrant for out of Gods word being taken from the example practice precepts and commands of the holy Apostles and the Churches in their times for that government which they stand for and humbly desire to have setled aud established in the Church of God Now can it be justly said that if men waite patiently while these truths are discussing which have beene the longer by reason that daily opposition and many cavilling argumentations that have beene brought against that truth which they hold forth by some irresolvable spirits that this is to tye them to waite on the Synods finall Resolution no surely for to waite on the meere resolves of men the wisedome of the State would never permit to tye any man but to waite on Gods word and those warrantable and unquestionable truths which by the Synod are clearely demonstrated out of the same concerning Church-government and this is a truth cannot be denyed or gain-said that it is better and the safest way for men to waite see and seriously consider of what God shall out of his word reveale to his faithfull servants the Ministers who are met together in his name and feare for this very end and purpose diligently to seeke and find out his good will and pleasure in this particular then for men to tye themselves to the private opinions and wayes policie of some particular men who under the pretence of going before others in Reformation set up what government they please and cause people to enter into a Covenant of their owne framing for all which when matters are rightly stated and tryed by the ballance of the Sanctuary there is not any colour nor warrant out of Gods word nor in the solemn Covenant which we have taken therefore in the judgement of all who are humble and low in their owne sight and who sincerely aym at the glory of God Zions peace it is not thought any usurpation upon our Christian Liberty nor diminution of the Scriptures authority nor retarding of the worke to waite and see what God shall make cleare to the Synod out of his word upon their debates consultations and answers to all opposing parties for this is a way to make truth perspicuous and as wee are exhorted to try all things and hold fast that which is good so those that are godly and will not be deluded with shewes they bring all these results to the Touch-stone of Gods word and if they find that they indure the teste then they dare not but receive and hold them fast being the words of sound and wholesome truths so that the finall Resolution for Church government which men waite for is not from the Synod further then they hold it forth and make it manifest to be agreeable to the Scriptures and to that rule all men are bound to submit and we ought to waite and see what the Synod doth conclude of out of Gods word as the Church of Antioch and other Churches did Acts 15. where we have a President for our imitation set before our eyes in the which wee may observe that the Christians of those times were as well instructed as any in the new gathered Churches or any of the dissenting brethren whether assembled or not assembled and yet all those holy and godly Christians thought it no usurpation upon their Christian Liberty nor no diminution of the authority and sufficiency of the Scripture nor no dangerous retarding of the worke of reformation and of setling their Church-government to waite upon the Synod at Ierusalem for their finall resolution about that question there in debate and which had caused so great a schisme betweene the Jewes and Gentiles I say these glorious and truly precious Christians had none of these panicke feares the Ill-dependents of our times are troubled with but willingly and cheerfully waited upon that Synod and Councell without making in the meane time any rents and separations from their Christian brethren and this their doing was left for our example to teach us to doe the like and not under a semblance and shew of going before others in ●reformation to make rents and schismes in the Church and State and to gather new Churches and separate Assemblies and this shall suffice in way of answer to have spake to all my Brother Burtons cavils against my first Querie and for answer likewise to the question propounded by him to mee and now I come to see what my Brother Burton hath to say concerning my second Querie viz. touching the requisites in those that are to bee made Members the Reader may looke backe to the querie by which hee will the better discerne the Grollery of the man As for I. S. hee answers to that querie although it be the practice of many of new gathered Churches that hee knowes none such who hold it so so that it seemes I. S. is but a Catachumenos in the Independents doctrine whiles hee undertakes to instruct others in it But my Brother Burton he is well verst in all the Ill-dependent discipline both for the Theory and Practick who answers thus to my second querie page 14. I pray saith he what harme is in that that none are to bee allowed of but by the consent and approbation of all the congregation for answer I say very much harme in regard they impose a Law upon their brethren that Christ the King of his Church never laid upon his people by which they deprive them of that Christian Liberty Christ hath purchased for them and in the which they have a command to stand fast Gal. 5. 1. which is not to bee intangled with any yoake of humane bondage But it will not be amisse to heare his reasons They saith he who are to walke together should first be agreed together as Amos the 3. 3. an two walke together except they be agreed If therefore any one of the Congregation can object any thing as a just cause of non-admittance of a Member hee ought to shew it not onely for his owne peace but the peace of the Church c. A second reason is this to know those well saith hee that are to be admitted abundans cautela non nocet in things weighty we cannot be too wary nor do we so much look at circumstances in conversion as the substance This is all my brother Burton hath to answer to my second qu●ry which he calleth a caption But for answer I expected that he should have produced some command or example out of Gods Word for the ratifying of this their practice in their new congregations for that is ever to be the rule of Christians obedience and where our King Christ Jesus hath ceased to command there all his servants must cease
same word is used Matth. 19. 5. For this cause saith our Saviour shall a man leave father and mother and 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 shall cleave to his wife Now saith he we know that a man cleaves to his wife by a covenant and therefore why not so to the Church If he had said why not so unto Christ he had said something to the purpose for we are married onely unto Christ and not to the Church knowing that the Church is Christs Spouse and Christ is the Churches Husband and we are married unto Christ and not to the Church and one to another neither did any Christian yet ever deny but that all those that would be joyned unto Christ and so be received into his house and family and be subjects of his Kingdom they must take the oath of Allegeance unto their King Christ and therefore must enter into his house which is his Church by the covenant of Baptism this I say all men accord unto when men are first admitted into the Church And this covenant I say all that will be Christs Disciples and of his Kingdom and Family must take before they can be admitted But that they should after they are baptized enter into another particular explicite covenant and by that binde themselves to the Church I affirm there is neither precept nor president for it in all the holy Scripture either of the old or new Testament neither is there any such mystery in the Greek word 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 as to imploy so much for we know the same word is used in the eighth Chapter of the Acts verse 29. Where the Spirit said to Philip go neer and joyn thy self to this Chariot Where the word joyn in the original is 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 by the which word Philip did not understand that he must joyn himself to the Eunuchs chariot by a particular explicite covenant No more ought any wise man to conceive that when Paul assayed to joyn himself to the Disciples that by that he would have taken a particular explicite covenant of Church fellowship This is nothing else but to beg the question and to amuse the simple and to deceive them by taintering the words of Scripture and stretching them beyong their native signification to make them fit for their occasions that they may juggle the better to delude the poor people which is a great wickednesse in these men thus to trisle about words till they loose the Truth which is the substance to the destroying of their poor souls The truth is that word is often used in the holy Scripture and is used metaphorically as being taken from Joyners and crafts men that joyn many things together by Glew And ●o ordinary discourse it intimates a close joyning whether natural as a branch to the Vine or an arm to the Body or artificial as when two sticks are joyned to become one in Ezekiels hand Ezek. 37. As when Masons joyn stones together or Carpenters timber to make a house But that this word joyn should alwayes imploy a particular explicite covenant to any Church or Congregation when any man takes on him a new relation to it and is made a member of it I affirm there is not one example of it in all the Word of God and as for any command that every member of a Church should do it there is none And therefore it is a meer Will-worship and one of their own Traditions and ought to be abandoned of all Christs Disciples and with so much the more detestation because they make it one of Gods Ordinances and part of his Service and Worship and the very form of a Church whereas it is a batch of their own leven by which they have of late much sowred the Truth But as I said before so I say now again that Christians are to swear fealty onely to their King and Lord Christ Jesus who is their husband and who is the onely Master of his own House and Church and whose voice is onely to be heard and whose Laws are onely to be obeyed and listned unto we swear no allegiance or fealty to the Church for we are all his servants domesticks and have no authority one over another to impose Laws upon each other or to enter in to any covenants amongst our selves without a special command from Christ And as when Stewards of Princes or Noblemen take any in to their masters families they swear them onely to their lords and masters we never hear that the servants enter into any covenant among themselves or joyn or unite themselves in covenant one to cleave unto another Such proceedings amongst servants would never be allowed or tolerated amongst men it would be thought rather a conspiracy or a confederation to do mischeif if they should attempt such a thing As when those men enterd in to a covenant amongst themselves that they would neither eat nor drink till they had killed Paul yea it hath ever been observed in all countreys That when servants began once to combine together and to joyn themselves by secret covenants they have alwayes plotted mischeif and therefore there hath been special care used to prevent such conspiracies And all men may well perceive by this their covenanting in their new gathered Churches what it tends to if God of his infinite goodnesse prevents not their designe Therefore I say we being Christs domesticks and his Church and being his house and he being the onely Lord of it and our King we are to smite our covenant onely with him and to swear fealty and obedience to him onely and his Laws and we are not to be the servants of men 1 Cor. 7. And therefore the Lord saith in Malachi the first If I be a father where is my reverence if I be a Lord where is my honor How is it that ye obey me not We are onely therefore to obey his voice and not to regard the traditions of men or to serve God after the commandments of men Now then when the Independents impose this their covenant upon the people as a part of Gods worship and will not admit of any into their new Churches without entering in to this conspiracy I say by all their proceedings in as much as in them lies they dis-throne Christ in preferring their own laws before his wherein they commit a detestable wickednesse And this sh●ll serve to have spake concerning the fourth quere And now I come to the fifth of womens votes whether they are to be admitted in elections To which my Brother Burton thus replies Page 15. We saith he tie not the keys to womens girdles And I. S. page 19. But as for this of womens voting in the Church saith he we have no such custome nor any of the Churches of God that I know Thus he For answer to both my Brother Burton and I. S. I say thus much That they cannot be ignorant of the practice of the Churches in many of which and those the
the hearts of their brethren more then all their former afflictions and gives a great advantage to the common enemy and scandalizes the Gospel and exposes both themselves and us to the scorne of the Malignants who ordinarily jeere and say see those holy Brethren that lost their ears together are now together by the cares and count one of another as a company of Infidels and disclaime all holy communion one with another and will not so much as admit of their children to baptisme or suffer them to receive the Sacraments with them But this is that that makes all men wonder to heare them proclaime all the Ministers of the Church of England to be such as deny disclaime and preach against Christs Kingly government when it is apparently evident both by all their preachings and writings and all their practices that they ever advance Christs Kingly government as really as any of those that oppose them who in preaching up the Kingly office of Christ and setting Christ upon his Throne are inferiour to none of them in this work For we are taught out of Gods Word that those Ministers set up Christ in his Throne that open the eyes of the blind and turne them from darkenesse to light and from the power of Satan to God that they might receive forgivenesse of sinnes and an inheritance amongst them that are sanctified by faith in Iesus Christ and that teach men to repent and turne to God and doe workes meet for repentance and when the people that heare them give themselves first to the Lord and upto his Ministers by the will of God and after denying all ungodlinesse and worldly lusts live soberly righteously and godly in this present world And this the Word of God teacheth us is to set up Christ upon his Throne and those Ministers that teach all these things set up Christ upon his Throne and those people that embrace this doctrine make Christ their King as we may see 2 Cor. chap. 8. ver 5. Tit. 2. verse 12. For Christ sits as King upon his Throne when hee is beleeved in to bee that horne of salvation that was raised up for us in the house of David that has saved and delivered all that beleeve in him out of the hands of all their enemies both spirituall and bodily that they may serve him without feare and when Christ rules in all their hearts by the Scepter of his Word and Spirit and when they owne him as their onely Law-giver and acknowledge him to be the onely King in his Church and the Saviour of all those that truly beleeve in him and this is to set up Christ upon his Throne and the brethren themselves accord unto this Now when the Ministers of England teach this doctrine in their preachings and writings how can they be truly said to deny disclaim and preach against Christs Kingly government over mens consciences and Churches and how can that people be said truly to deny Christs Kingly government who do both beleeve and to the uttermost of their power practice this doctrine and follow onely the guidance of his holy Spirit and Word both for doctrine and government who is King of the Church whether therefore this be not an unjust and unchristian calumny laid both upon the Ministers and people of the church of England I leave it to the consideration of any moderate minded christian doubtles all charitable minded christians if they consider all things aright will not think so dishonourably neither of the Ministers of England not of the people under their Ministery for they deserve not to be accounted the profest enemies of Christ who are freed from that heavy accusation by Christs own testimony who when it was related unto him by Saint John Mark 9. ver 38. That they had seen one casting out devills in his name which followed them not and that the Disciples had forbad him because he did not follow them Our Saviour Christ replying forbid him not saith he for whosoever is not against us is on our part Now these Ministers that open the eyes of the blind and turne them from darknesse to light and from the power of Satan to God they cannot be esteemed enemies of Christ and to be against Christ but for him and ought highly to be honoured for their works sake 1 Thess chap. 5. ver 13. and singularly to be beloved and deserve not to be maligned and reproached especially by brethren who owe all their conversions next unto God to their Ministery yea both the Pastors and people of all the new congregated churches are beholding unto them for their conversion for they admit none into their Assemblies but beleevers and they were made beleevers and converted by their Ministery and therefore they are friends of Christ and not his enemies and they ought all of them to look upon them as their Fathers and on the church of England as their Mother and on the beleevers of England as their brethren and ought not thus unchristianly and ungratefully to cast dirt in all their faces Saint Paul in his Epistle to the Philippians chap. 1. hath these words Some saith he preach Christ even of envy and strife and some also of good will the one preach Christ of contention and not sincerely thinking to adde affliction to my bonds but the other of love What then notwithstanding every way whether in pretence or in truth Christ be preached I therein do rejoyce yea and I will rejoyce Saint Paul speaks here of such as preach pure doctrine though not with a pure mind and was glad that Christ was preached and counts them not the enemies of Christ as he did the false teachers among the Galatians who joyned the ceremoniall law and their own inventions with the Gospel and therefore he wisht that they were cut off but in this place he rejoyces that Christ and the Gospell were purely preached though it were of envy Now when the Ministers of the Church of England do not only preach the Gospell purely but of sincerity and of love and mingle not their own traditions and inventions with the Gospell but follow their commission how can any men without intolerable injustice proclame them the enemies of Jesus Christ and make them odious to the people under the name of Presbyterians whom they perswade all men that they will prove more cruell Taskmasters then the Prelates yea and they have generally possest the people with so prejudicate an opinion of them all as if they would more lord it over them than ever the Bishops did and causlesly have moved the people to hate the name of Presbytery And notwithstanding they themselves pretend they contend for the ancient Presbytery and by this make themselves Presbyterians as well as the other What justice or equity then is there in their dealing to make their brethren odious to the world for endeavouring to set up a Presbytery after Gods Word when they themselves are Presbyterians and labor to set up a Presbytery of
Protestant Profession he should have been so far from suffering for it as they would not only greatly have honoured him but also highly have rewarded him for his endeavour and this that I now write I am able to prove by a cloud of witnesses and my unjust suffering in their opinion made me find more favour amongst all the Governours that were Papists which I do ever acknowledge for a singular courtesie from them then ever I found from Protestant Goalers And therefore whereas the Independents do accuse me for the greatest Incendiary of the Kingdome all men may see they speak as untruly so most maliciously c. Now these are my words And herein is observable First that as I say I have been cleared by both Houses of Parliament from being an Incendiary so I mention not commend or speak of the Cavaliers for their undertakings I onely say many of the brave Gentlemen in the Kings Army have also cleared me from that aspersion being convinced that my sufferings were most unjust Secondly that I say many of the brave Gentlemen I speak not of all the Cavaliers in the Kings Army but you silencing my words and omitting to shew the cause which induced me there to speak of them make your complaint in Generall saying He commends the Kings Cavaliers for brave Gentlemen Thirdly in my forecited words I plainly set down the reason which moved the Popish Cavaiiers to shew me favour namely because they were fully perswaded that I having writ so much in defence of the Protestan● Religion which was here established had suffered most unjustly and contrary to the Laws of this Kingdome for my own part I look to a higher hand in it but this was the reason that moved them to demean themselvs courteously towards me Now who so deafe as they that will not hear and who so blind as they that will not see for whosoever will hear see and read what I have written and then speak truly they cannot but say that were you not resolved for the venting of your selfe to pretend ignorance the reason there laid down might have informed and satisfied you and so have stopt the mouth of your causlesse Quaeries You having as little reason to question and examine me upon such interrogatories as you have for complaining of me for commending the Kings Cavaliers and for the false Calumnies which throughout your book you have loaded me withall but by these you discover your spirit and what you aime at to say no more Therefore I will give a more full Answer to them and first to your complaint I say That to affirm there are many of the Kings Cavaliers brave Gentlemen is a truth and all ingenuous men that have been amongst them will confesse they have met with many of whom it may be said it is ten thousand thousand pities that such brave Gentlemen should be so seduced and misled as to appear in so bad a cause and further for my selfe know I am not ashamed nor afraid to confesse that Popish Cavaliers did use me courteously and that I might not be ungratefull to God nor man I then did now do and ever shall acknowledge that I found more favour from some of them which I esteem a singular courtesie then ever I found from Protestant Gaolers Therefore as to the glo●y of ●od I there made mention of it so I shall here set down the particulars and inlarge my selfe to show forth Gods goodnesse unto me therein For by his gracious assistance I will never cease to declare how that after I had been kept in the dungeon seven days and nights in York Castle and for a year and a halfe underwent great inhumanity was cruelly used uncivilly and most unsufferably abused by a professed Protestant Goaler there a length by the Command of the Earl of Newcastle on purpose if possible to augment my miseries I was all on a sodain removed from York Goale to Hemsley Castle in which he intended evill towards me but the Lord turned it to good and gave me favour in the eyes of a profist Papist Colonell Irington by name the Governour of that Castle who with all in his family used me and my servant very courteously he supplyed me with necessaries and that freely and demeaned himselfe unto me in every respect as a Gentleman while I remained his Prisoner which was but one Moneth for when my adversaries heard thereof perceiving their designe was frustrate they forthwith removed me to Knaseb●ough Castle the Governour and his Deputy the Captain thereof being profest Protestants where although in some things I was not so inhumanelyly abused as in York Goal yet there I was kept close Prisoner again and I assure you I found no such courteous usage as I received from the other Gentleman Now for my part I am so far from being conscious to my selfe that I have done evill in making mention hereof as by your complaint you would infer that I then did and still do hold my selfe bound in conscience upon all occasions to speak of the merci●s of my God unto me and to make manifest the mighty power of the Lord JEHOVAH that so for time to come if any who fear his name should be invironed about with enemies troubled on every side and cast into the depth of miseries in mans imagination as I have been yet by the many experiences which I have had of Gods fatherly mercies the heavenly soul-ravishing and spirit-reviving comforts wherewith the Lord hath strengthned and supported me in my greatest calamitie they may be incouraged to maintain their integritie and be confident of his never failing goodnesse mercies and loving kindnesses unto them For though in my remove I could expect nothing but increase of miserie to the outward man yet to the glorie of God I speak it I found at that very instant as at other times the Lord mightily to uphold my spirit filling me with such inward comforts full assurance of supporting mercies and that his grace was sufficient for me and his strength would be made perfect in weaknesse that in the strength of my God I went willingly and chearfully not fearing what man could do unto me And when I was delivered to Colonell Irington to whom the foresaid Earl had sent me He in my hearing read the warrant which he had received from him wherein he was straitly commanded to keep me close Prisoner and not to suffer any to see or speak with me but God counter-manded this command and moved the Colonels heart to such compassion that he carried himselfe verie nobly and lovingly towards me if any desired it he permitted them to have accesse unto me and gave me liberty to take the Aire which was a sweet refreshing unto me being not thorowly recovered out of a long and dangerous sicknesse whose favors and courtesies I stand bound in the bonds of thankfulnesse and civilitie ever to predicate whereby all men may take occasion to blesse and praise Gods name with me and I may manifest