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A19271 A briefe exposition of such chapters of the olde testament as vsually are redde in the church at common praier on the Sondayes set forth for the better helpe and instruction of the vnlearned. By Thomas Cooper Bishop of Lincolne. Cooper, Thomas, 1517?-1594. 1573 (1573) STC 5684; ESTC S108660 415,743 738

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deedes of wickednesse and the worke of robberie c. By these words that folow it may well be gathered what he ment by the former figuratiue Speech For he saith Their counsailes are wicked counsailes * harme and destruction is in their wayes This is the plaine effect of the Cockatrice Egges But the way of peace they knowe not in their goings is no equitie c. They hate peace and quietnesse and be altogether giuē to Strife Cōtention Variance Iniury and violence Yea all their deuises and wayes are so crooked and ouerthwart that they tende to trouble and businesse so that he that followeth them shall neuer be quiet And this is the cause that equitie is so farre from vs and that c. Hitherto the Prophete hath paynted out the vices and wickednesse of the hypocrites that they might the better vnderstande for howe grieuous causes God was displeased with them and that the cause was in them selues and not in Gods harde dealing Therefore he nowe sheweth how great punishments by Gods iust iudgement doe light vpon them for the same First that as they haue * vsed other so they are now by their enimies oppressed with violence and iniurie and the righteousnesse and helpe of God is farre from them and doeth not deliuer them Secondly that where through their hypocriticall fasting without repentance they looked for light that is for felicitie and the brightnesse of Gods helpe and comfort they haue * darkenesse that is aduersitie and certaine token of his heauy displeasure Yea they are wrapped in so great trouble calamitie and miserie as they are vtterly astonied and at their wittes ende and cannot tel what to deuise to helpe themselues but are as men blinde and in great darkenesse that grope by the walles to get out of a maze or intricate place and can finde no way Thirdely that when they see themselues so beset with misery as they can with no shift ease themselues they sometimes * breake out for sorow and roare like a Beare sometime they lament and mourne as a Doue and looke for succour and helpe at the goodnesse of God and yet it is farre from them For seeing they haue deceyued the expectation of God in looking that they should repent meruail though he * frustrate their hope againe in looking for equitie and goodnesse at his hande For our offences are manye before thee and our sinnes testifie c. The Prophet in way of lamentable complaint confesseth the manifolde and great offences of the people which yet they coulde not bee brought in themselues to acknowledge Namely that they departed from the Lorde and rebelled against him with trayterous imaginations and woulde not obey his worde That they vsed falsehoode and dissimulation in their heartes when they spake faire with their tongues That Iudgement and righteousnesse was gone farre from them because truth and equitie was cleane ouerthrowne and could take no place among them Yea right and honestie was so hateful that he which would vpon the feare of God refraine himselfe from euill and not deale in wickednesse as they did was in * daunger to be spoyled Which great enormitie was vnto the Lorde very vnpleasant He sawe also that there was no man righteous and he wondered c. As the Prophete hath shewed before that God of great and iust cause had plagued his people So nowe he declareth that of his owne good and mercifull motion without the helpe or entreatie of any man he is enclined to deliuer them and doth prepare and as it were arme himselfe to be reuenged on their enimies God sayth the Prophete seing and wondering that among all his people there was not one worthie the name of a righteous and iust man that might helpe and entreate for them of his owne strength and goodnesse taketh vpon him to deliuer them And he armeth himselfe with righteousnesse as a Breast plate with health as a Helmet with wrath displeasure as a coate with zeale and ielousie towarde his people as a cloake and so goeth on as a mightie Prince to be reuenged on his enimies in so terrible maner that all the partes of the Earth euen the very Islandes and those that be furthest of shal tremble and wonder at it yea and submit themselues vnto the maiestie of his name When the Prophete sayth that They shall feare the name of the Lorde from the rysing of the Sunne to the going downe of the same Diuerse doe interprete it to be spoken of the comming of the Gentiles all the partes of the Earth to the true knowledge of God when that he should sende his Messias and Sauiour to subdue not onely worldely aduersaries but especially * Satan and all the spirituall enimies of his people which are the stirrers of all trouble and affliction against his Church And in deed in the promise of euery great and notable deliueraunce the Prophete vseth to end it with applying of the same to the deliuerance that should be made by the promised seede and Sauiour of the worlde * For in him and by him all particular promises tooke their effect But vnto Sion there shall come a redeemer and vnto them in Iacob c. As this may be well vnderstanded of the particular deliuerance from the miserie and affliction whereof he hath spoken before So it is especially ment of the general deliuerance and restoring that should be made by Messias For Paule Rom. 11. may seeme so to interprete it although in wordes he be somewhat diuerse following in deede Septuagin interpretes The redeemer of Sion and of those Israelites that turne from their wickednesse and cleaue vnto the Lorde is Christ Iesus who redeemeth them frō Sinne Errour Idolatrie and * all maner of vngodlinesse wherewith they were before ouerwhelmed I wil make this couenant with them sayeth the Lorde My spirite that is c. This couenant God maketh with all the faithfull not onely of the house of Iacob but of all other Nations also and of his whole Church that is that the grace of his holy Spirite and the truth of his Worde and Gospell shall * neuer depart from them Wheresoeuer therefore the Spirite of God is and the truth of his Worde there is his true Church and contrariwise whersoeuer the Church is there is the truth of his Worde and the grate of his Spirite And where his Worde is reiected and mans Deuises followed there is not his true Churche though they glorie in the name of the Church neuer so much This is a notable commendation of the ministerie of Gods Worde and preaching of his Gospell being a portion of Gods couenant with his elect and an vnfallible token of his true Church The 5. Sunday after the Epiphanie at Morning prayer Esay 64. ● That thou wouldest cleaue the heauens in sunder and come downe that the mountaines might melt away at thy presence
In these verses next folowing is denounced a grieuous threatning of God agaynst such wilfull and obstinate refusers and contemners of hys worde Seeing sayth hee your wickednesse is such thus sayth that holy god that hath chosen Israel for his peculier people Because you haue refused this my worde and promise wherby I haue vndertaken to preserue and deliuer you from your enimies in all your aduersities and putte your trust in wrong dealing and peruerse iudgement by seeking helpe of Idolatours with money and ryches therefore I say shall extreeme destruction come vpon you And as an high wall if it begin to haue a clift falleth sodainly before men beware o● it so you which by the blessing of God haue beene hitherto highe and notable because you haue begun to be cleft with the breech of vufaythfulnesse and wickednesse shall fall vpon the sodaine to extreeme cōfusion Yea and euen as an * earthen vessell so broken by the fall of a great stone vpon it that one sharde or shiuer is not left so big as to carie a cole of fire on or to take water out of a pitte so you I say that haue hitherto beene the vessels of Gods great mer●ie shall be so oppressed and destroyed that scant any remnant shall be saued yea in the ende you shall be brought to so small a number that you shall be but here and there one as it were a maste of a shippe vpon a mountayne or a beacon vpon an hill Which shall remaine onely as a token of the great calamitie that by Gods hande shall fall vpon you Therefore doth the Lorde cause you to waite that he may haue c. Here the Prophete declareth a cause why they should leaue the helpe of straungers and put their trust in him that is because he hath determined to saue them from the Assirians if they will ●arie in their Citie and cal vpon him for helpe The Lord sayth he causeth you to wayte and deferreth hys doing not that he intendeth to forsake you but that he may merrifully and with the more glory of his iudgement deliuer you Therefore should ye be of good cheere and looke for the helpe of the Lorde For * blessed are they and good shall come vnto them that put their trust in the Lorde For this I doe assure you sayth the prophete if the people remaine in Hierusalem with quiet trust in God * though for the time they feele some trouble hurt and scarcitie by the enimies besieging them yet shall they not perish be oppressed but at their first complaint and calling vpon him he will haue mercie on them And although the Assirians shall seeme so to haue wasted their countrey that they shall not haue any sustenance to liue by God yet wil so mercifully deale with them that he shall giue them plentie of foode with raine and prosperous weathering to maintaine the same Yea and as a pastour folowing his flocke doeth guide them with his 〈◊〉 vnto the right way so shall the Lorde sende them Prophetes Princes and Rulers that shall gouerne and guide them that they in their doings may go neyther on the right hande nor on the left but keepe the straight and true way But the Lorde doth not onely require of them that they should remaine with quiet trust and cōfidence in him but also that they should destroy and cast away their filthie Idols the * worship whereof hath led them from the true seruice of God and so caused them grieuously to offende and to stray from the right way of his worde appoynted Then shal God giue raine vnto thy seede that thou shalt sow the ground c. Againe the Prophete doth put them in minde of that great and good blessing of plentie and successe of all thinges that God would sende them if they would forsake their owne waywarde doings and turne to him by repentance These be the blessinges of wealth and prosperitie that he promiseth to them that followe his will. Deuter. 28. and Leuit. 26. Finally vpon euery high mountaine and hill there shall be riuers c. The Prophete sayth that at that time that god shall destroy great multitudes of the Assirians and pull downe their high towers that is ouerthrow their mightiest Princes then shall there be great store of water and springs on all the hilles of Iuda whereby their drie landes may be made battle and fertile Yea when God shall haue deliuered them out of daunger and restored them to their former libertie Then shall the light of the Moone be as the light of the Sunne c. That is God shall poure vpon his people so great ioy and gladnesse that the sunne and moone shal seeme to them to be farre brighter than before they were For to those that are in daunger and heauinesse the sunne and moone doe seeme darke and dimme and when they be deliuered al things for ioy seeme more bright and comfortable And because these particuler deliueraunces of the Iewes from their enimyes often in the Prophetes are figures of the great deliuerance of the people of God from their spiritual enimies by Christ Iesu this whole place may well be interpreted of the happie and * spirituall successe that by Christ shall come to the faythfull and of the great brightnesse of his holy spirite which then shoulde shi●e farre more plentifully then euer it did before Beholde the fame of the Lorde commeth from farre and his presence c. This is an other cause why that people shoulde stay themselues in the trust of God and not seeke other forraine ayde and strength For that he will destroye the Assirians and come vpon them as a dreadfull and terrible God his countenaunce his wordes yea the very breath of his mouth shall be so terrible to them that although they be a mightie nation yet shall they not be hable to abyde it but that he will shake and sift them and as it were with a * bitte in their mouthes so turne them that with all their power they shall fall downe and come to nothing Yea the Lorde shall cause hys terrible voyce to be heard among them and shall so stretch out his arme vpon them as he shall most dreadfully declare his grieuous anger towardes them euen as if he had sent downe flames of deuouring fire * lightning and stormes of haile from heaueu to consume them And this scourge of Gods wrath shall not depart from them whither soeuer they go Insomuch that the very king himselfe shall be touched with it and be partaker of that hell and deuouring fire that the iustice of God hath prepared for them euerlastingly The fourth Sunday in Aduent at Euening prayer Esay 32. BEholde a king shall gouerne after the rule of righteousnesse and the princes shal rule according to the ballance of equitie 2 And that man shall be vnto men as a defence for the winde as a refuge
should fall from the Babilonians being now in their great pride to the Persians which were yet of no great name or that there shoulde one rise among the Persians whose name should be Cyrus Then I say so long before in so vncredible and so vnlikely a time was this promise and prophesie vttered to the great assurance of Gods truth and mightie prouidence not onely in this matter but in all partes of his holy worde giuen vs by the same spirite of truth that this was The 1. Sunday after the Epiphanie at Euening prayer Esay 46. BEl is fallen Nabo is broken downe whose images were a burthen for the beasts and cattell to ouerlade them and to make them wearie 2 They are sunke downe and fallen together for they maye not ease them of their burthen therfore must they go into captiuitie 3 Hearken vnto me O house of Iacob and all ye that remayne yet of the house of Israell whom I haue borne from your mothers wombe brought you vp from your byrth 4 It is euen I which shal beare you vnto your last age I haue 〈◊〉 you I will also nourishe you beare you and saue you 5 Whome will ye make me like or to whome wyll ye make me equall or compare me that I should be like him 6 Take out siluer and golde out of your purses and way it and hire a Goldesmith to make a God of it that men may knéele downe and worship it 7 Yet must he be taken on men shoulders and borne and set in his place that he may stande and not moue out of his place and if one crye vnto him he giueth no answere and deliuereth not the man that calleth vpon him from his trouble 8 Consider ●hys well and be ashamed go into your owne selues 9 Remember the things that are past since the beginning of the worlde that I an● God and that there is else no God yea and that there is nothing like vnto me 10 In the beginning of a thing I shewe the ende thereof and I tell before things that are not yet come to passe My deuise standeth stedfastly stablished and I fulfill all my pleasure 11. I call a byrde out of the East the man by whom my counsayle shall be fulfilled out of straunge countries as I haue spoken so will I bring to passe assoone as I thinke to deuise a thing I doe it 12 Heare me O ye that are of an hie stomacke but farre from righteousnesse 13 I shall bring forth my righteousnesse it is not farre and my health shall not carie long away I will lay health in Sion and in Israel my glorie The Exposition vpon the xlvj of Esay Bel is fallen Nabo is broken downe whole images were a burthen c. FOr somuch as GOD by his Prophets had threatned that Hierusalem should be destroyed and the people ledde Captiue into Babilon Esay in this chapiter and others doth instruct and exhort such as were faythfull of the people of God that they should not be * offended wyth their owne 〈◊〉 that God for the it offences had sient vpon them al it with the * prosperitie and successe of Babilon and so by that occasion fall from the worshipping of the true God to the Idols of the Gentils Therefore he here denounceth that Bel and Nabo the great golden Idols of the Chaldees in whome they put their trust shall be pulled downe and caried away in Cartes vpon beastes backes by Cyrus and the Persians in the conquest of Babilon and in the transferring of the Empire vnto the Persians That meaneth he when he sayth Their Image shall be a burthen for the beasts c. and that the same being made of Golde were so heauie that they should wearie euen strong cattell and cause them to sinke vnder the burthen Hearken vnto me O house of Iacob and all ye that remaine yet of the c. God doth here warne his people againe what great difference is betweene the vaine Idols of the Gentiles and himself who hath euer had * care for them and preserued them euen like a most tender mother yea farre more carefully and tenderlye then any carnall mother can doe * For as the mother beareth the childe in the wombe bringeth it forth into the worlde feedeth cherisheth and keepeth it so long as it is not able to prouide for it selfe so when it commeth to age shee shaketh a great part of her care away But God beareth vs in the purpose of his Election bringeth vs forth with the knowledge of our redemption in Christ Iesu feedeth and cherisheth vs with the continuall foode of his heauenly doctrine saueth vs and caryeth vs in his armes from all daunger by the might of his prouydence that not onely in infancie and yo●ng age as mothers doe but in olde age and in all Times as It maye well appeare by the preseru●●●on 〈…〉 his Church euen in these latter and daungerous dayes against all the assaultes of 〈◊〉 and hys instruments Whome will you make me like or to whom will ye make me equall c. Seing that the tender mercie and goodnesse of God towards his people is such as he hath declared he doth here sharpely reproue them that forsaking his true worship prescribed in hys law seeke to honor him in Idols and Images and thereby to make hym so * vyle that they compare and resemble hym to the basest of hys creatures And therefore he doth here againe deride and scorne their industrie and readinesse to bestow all maner of * cost and charges and to pull out of their purses Golde Siluer to set forth Idolatrous worshipping of God by Images whereas they will make great daunger to bestowe anye thing to aduaunce Gods holy worde and true worship according to the same This is a notable place against all such as seeke to defende the vse of Images by saying that they doe not thinke them to be Gods nor worship them as Gods but that they doe worship God in them by them For here you vnderstande that God neither will be * resembled by any Image nor worshipped in it For first the making of Images to worship of directly agaynst the commaundement of god and secondly he cannot be pleased wyth any worship 〈…〉 which is directed to him in in 〈◊〉 Name of 〈◊〉 Only * sonne Christ Iesu and not vnd●r the pretence of any Image Remember the things that are past since the b●ginning of the worlde c. This is an exhortation to such of his people as were inclined to the worshipping of Images Remember sayth he that which I haue tolde you of the vanitie of Idols and Images and consider that they haue their beginning of mortall * wicked men not hable to helpe themselues and that I your God am * euerlasting without beginning and without ending knowing and vnderst anding all things and that there is no Image
the * deliuerance from the tyrannie of Satan sinne and Antichrist * the knowledge of his holy worde * light of his Gospel wherby we are to be made the children of God and * heires not of the land of Chanaan and the fruites and pleasures therof but of the celestiall Ierusalem the kingdome of God and eternall lyfe with Christe Iesu in heauen And if the consideration of worldly benefits might be so good a stay vnto the Israelites how much more ought these to be vnto vs if we think our selues worthie the name of christiās See that you walke not after straunge gods and the gods of the nations c. As the Ievves and by them all other are forbidden to worship straunge gods so are we also to woorship the liuing God with straunge worship that is with any other worship than he himselfe in his holie worde hath appointed We must beware therefore that wee fall not away from Gods true worship * in spirit truth vnto idolatrie superstition and fonde* deuises of men therby thinking to please god For as god is a ielous God and will be worshipped alone and not with other false Gods so is he a seuere God and delyghteth more in single obedience to his woorde than in sacrifice superstition or any of mans deuised holinesse thoughe it seeme neuer so pleasant in the sight of the worlde or to be done of neuer so good an intent * Saule when he spared the fat beastes of the Amalekites for sacrifice might seme to haue done it for a good purpose But God dyd so muche mislyke it that for the same he cast hym bothe oute of his fauoure and out of the kingdome of Israell And when thy sonne asketh thee in time to come saying What meane c. It is not sufficient for vs to know the true worship of God oure selues but we must desyre also to instruct * and teache other and especially oure owne * children that Gods true Religion may be deliuered from hande to hande and so be enlarged to our posteritie How farre from this are a greate number of suche as will be called Christians and neither can nor will teach theyr sonnes and daughters themselues nor yet procure them to bee instructed by other no nor to come thyther where by order they are appoynted to bee taughte the principles of christian faith Surely it muste needes be thoughte they haue small feare of God little sense of the mysterie of oure redemption in Christe no regarde of the good estate of their chyldren or of the saluation of their owne soules They should teache theyr children in lyke manner as Moyses here commaundeth the Iewes and saye We were of oure selues and of oure* owne natures as bondeslaues and subiecte to Sathan synne and Hell And it pleased Almightie God of his exceeding greate mercie withoute any regarde of woorthynesse in vs to sende downe his only and dearely beloued sonne from heauen to take fleshe of the blessed virgin and here liued in this worlde in great contempt and reproche and at the laste was put to moste cruell death by his passion paying the ransome for oure sinnes and for vs satisfied the Iustice of God. So that we by* him are nowe reconciled to God haue remission of our sinnes and in his sight are reputed iust and appoynted heires of eternall lyfe wyth Chryste Iesu For thys cause doe me* assemble togyther in the house of Prayer and vse the Sacramentes and mysteries of oure Religion thereby to call into our remembraunce this vnestimable benefite and to* giue thankes vnto him for the same and to pray for the assistance of his holy spirite that in all vertuousnesse and holynesse of lyfe we may shewe our selues thankefull and studie to liue according to thys our holye vocation that the name of God maye in vs bee praysed This I saye shoulde they teach their children to make them to vnderstande why they be called Christians and what the substance of true religion is The fourth Sunday after Easter at Euenyng prayer Deuteronomie 7. WHen the Lorde thy God shall bring thée into the land whither thou goest to possesse it and hathe caste oute many nations before thée the Hethites the Gergesites the Amorites the Chanaanites the Pherezites the Heuites and the Iebusites seuen nations greater and myghtier than thou 2 And when the Lorde thy God hathe sette them before thée thou shalte smyte them and vtterly destroy them and make no couenaunt with them nor haue compassion on them 3 Thou shalte make no mariadges with them neyther giue thy daughter vnto his sonne nor take hys daughter vnto thy sonne 4 For they will deceyue thy sonne that he should not folowe mée and they shall serue straunge gods and then wil the wrath of the Lorde waxe hotte agaynst thée and destroy thée sodeinly But thus ye shall deale with them ye shall ouerthrowe their aulters and breake downe their pillers cutte downe their groaues and burne theyr grauen Images wyth fyre 6 For thou arte an holy people vnto the Lord thy God the Lord thy God hath chosen thée to be a special people vnto himselfe aboue all nations that are vpon the earth 7 The Lord did not set his loue vpon you nor choose you bicause ye were mo in numbre than any people for ye were the fewest of all people 8 But bycause the Lorde loued you and bicause he wold kéep the othe which he had sworne vnto your fathers therfore hath the Lorde brought you out through a mightie hande and deliuered you out of the house of bondage from the hande of Pharao king of Egypt 9 Vnderstande therefore that the Lorde thy God he is God and that a true God which kéepeth appointment and mercie vnto them that loue him and kéepe his commaundementes throughout a thousande generations 10 And rewardeth them that hate him to their face so that he bringeth them to naughte and doth not deferre the time but rewardeth him that hateth him before his face 11 Kéepe thou therefore the commaundementes and ordinances and lawes which I commaunde thée this daye that thou do them 12 If ye hearken vnto these lawes and obserue and do them the Lord thy God also shall kéepe vnto thée the couenant and the mercie whiche he sware vnto thy fathers 13 He will loue thée and blesse thée and multiplie thée he wil also blesse the frute of thy wombe and the fruite of thy lande thy corne thy wyne and thyne oyle and the increase of thy kine and thy flocks of shéep in the land which he sware vnto thy fathers to giue thée 14 Thou shalt be blessed aboue all nations there shall be neither man nor woman vnfruitfull among you nor any of your cattell shal be barren 15 Moreouer the Lord wil take away from thée all maner infirmities and will put none of the euill diseases of Egypt which thou knowest vpon thée but will sende them vpon
wicked king Achas at which tyme not onely the Syrians made a great slaughter of them but also the Edomites and Philistines inuaded them Of which time these wordes may be well interpreted but farre better if to that also we consider that the Prophet wrappeth with it that Plague and Reproch which at this time was at hande to be brought vpō them and speaketh of it as of a thing past When God doth grieuously punishe any person for his sinnes His wickednesse is said To be discouered which before might seeme to lye hidde For God neuer plageth but Iustly and therefore all other may know and vnderstande by the sight of his plagues that those persons haue bene offenders against hym I might by right deale with thee as thou hast done which hast despised the c. The Prophetes alwayes vse to their sharpe Threatnings to adde Sweete promises and comfortes least such as haue some feare of God and sense of his iudgement should be driuen to desperation and thinke that the Promise made vnto them in the Messias and blessed seede of Abraham should be taken from them Therefore God here affirmeth that he will not deale with the remnant of the Iewes according to their deseruings but vpon their repentance will be Reconciled vnto them The most part of the people were euill and wicked and when the Prophetes threatned the wrath of God and their destruction they would obiect for their defence the couenant that God had made with them as to be Their God Their Defender and therefore esteemed they all the preaching of the Prophetes to be vayne because they thought Destruction could not come vpon them by that God to whome they were ioyned as His people This promise first begonne to Adam and being after confirmed to Noah and Abraham on Mounte Sinay by Moyses was throughly established at which tyme the people also yeelded to the same All things say they that the Lorde hath spoken we will doe and will be obedient to them This Othe and Couenant the Iewes had wholy Broken and reiected his lawe and true Worship therin contained God therefore telleth them that it is vaine for them to stay vpon the Bonde of the couenant seing they themselues had first broken it so that he by good right might deale otherwise wyth them But for so much as the Whole Multitude were not reiected but God had some Remnant of Faithfull and such as had feare of his name and remembrance of their othe and couenant as may appeare by Ieremie Ezechiell Baruch Daniel Tobie and others to their great comfort he saith that he will Remember his couenant made with them In the dayes of their youth that is in Egipt and at Mounte Sinay when they were but a yong people For although the Greater number were vnfaithful yet their doings should not cause him to breake promise with the residue but rather that he would establish with them an Euerlasting couenant that no time shoulde weare out And this is the Couenant that he speaketh of Hier. 31. Beholde sayth he the daies shall come that I will make a new couenant wyth the house of Israel and the house of Iuda not after the couenant that I made with their fathers c. vvhich couenant they brake c. But this shall be the couenaut that I will make with them I will plant my lawe in the inwarde partes of them and will write it in their hartes c. In which wordes the Prophet describeth the euerlasting couenant made in Christ Iesu the true Messias and the confirmation of the same by the sending of his Holy spirite into their heartes to direct them to the obseruation of his Law and blessed Will. In all the great Troubles that were towarde the people of God the Prophets vsed to erect them with the Promise of the true Sauiour that was to come Christ Iesu and so doth Ezechiell in this place For all other particular comfortes had their force and strength in him Then shalt thou remember thy ways and be ashamed when thou shalt c. God saide he would Remember his Couenāt made with them therfore he would haue them also To remember their wayes that is their Idolatry and Wicked life and to be * ashamed of them and earnestly from their harts Repent that they haue done so vnfaithfully towarde so gracious and louing a god When God sayth He will gyue their yonger and elder Sisters for daughters to them He speaketh not onely of Sodome and Samaria which before he mentioned but of all the Nations of the Gentiles which by the preaching of the Gospell should be brought to the knowledge of God and faith in Christ and so be made in deede the true children of Abraham and brothers and sisters to them that descended of the Promised seede The Gospell proceeded out of Ierusalem as Esay sayth A lavve commeth out of Syon and the vvorde of the Lorde out of Ierusalem Therefore the Gentiles might well acknowledge it in that respect to be their Mother they to be her sonnes and daughters The .17 Sunday after Trinitie at Euening prayer Ezech. 18. THe worde of the Lorde came vnto me saying 2 What meane ye by this common prouerbe that ye vse in the lande of Israel saying The fathers haue eaten sowre grapes and the childrens féeth are set on edge 3 As truely as I liue sayth the Lord God Ye shall vse this byworde no more in Israel 4 Beholde all soules are mine like as the soule of the father is mine so is the soule of the sonne mine also the soule that sinneth shall die it selfe 5 But if a man be iust and doe that which is lawfull and right 6 And hath not eaten vpon the hilles he hath not lift his eyes to the Idols of the house of Israel neyther hath defiled his neighbors wife neither hath come neare a woman remoued 7 Neyther hath oppressed any man but hath restored to the detter his pledge he that hath not spoyled any by violēce hath giuen his bread to the hungrie and hath clothed the naked 8 And hath not gyuen forth vpon vsury neither taken any encrease he hath withdrawne his hande from iniquitie and hath executed true iudgement betwéene man and man. 9 And hath walked in my statutes and kept my iudgementes to deale truely this is a righteous man he shall surely liue sayth the Lorde God. 10 If he nowe get a sonne that is a robber a shedder of bloud and doe any one of these things 11 Though he doe not all these things but eyther hath eaten vpon the hylles or defiled his neighbours wyfe 12 Or hath oppressed the poore and néedie or spoyled by violence or hath not restored the pledge or hath lift vp his cies vnto the Idols or hath committed abhomination 13 Or hath giuen forth vpon vsurie or hath taken encrease Shall this man liue he shall not liue Seing he
A briefe exposition of such Chapters of the olde testament as vsually are redde in the Church at common praier on the Sundayes set forth for the better helpe and instruction of the vnlearned By Thomas Cooper Bishop of Lincolne Whatsoeuer things are written before time they are written for our learning that wee through patience and comfort of the Scriptures might haue hope Rom. 15. ¶ Imprinted at London by H. D. for Rafe● Newbery dwelling in Fleetestreete An Epistle to the Reader I Am not of that opinion good christian Reader that I thinke the scriptures of God as touchinge the substance of doctrine contained in them be of such difficultie to the learned and skilfull in the tongues that they may not with the assistance of Gods grace and meane diligence easily atttaine to the vnderstanding of them But for somuch as God worketh nowe by ordinarie meanes and not by miraculous inspiration as hee did in the Apostles time it can not be denied but that to the vnlearned reader or hearer that wanteth the helpe of knoweledge and vnderstanding they may bring some difficultie as well for the matter in sundrie particular places as generally for the phrase and maner of penninge farre differing from other writers Wherefore I thought it woulde not be vnprofitable to the Church of Christ nor vnpleasaunt to the Godly if for the help and furtherance of such vnlearned persons I did set foorth some briefe and plaine exposition of the Chapters of the old testament which vsually are red in the Church on the appointed dayes of common prayer Beside the motion of some godly persons and other causes wherewith I haue bene induced herevnto one principall is this that the aduersaries of the Gospell when they are by vs blamed for keeping the people of God in ignorance of the Scriptures and hauinge their common prayer in a straunge tongue haue nothing more readie then this answere that the common people do not only heare the Psalmes and other partes of the Scripture euen nowe that they be in English with as little fruit and small edefying as they did before but also with some perill of conceiuing erronious and false opinions by hearing those thinges which they doe not vnderstande This answere as it is vntrue in a great part for that we see manye nowe which conceiue good instruction and sweete comfortes by hearing the Scriptures redde where none did before so I cannot denie but in some it is to true But surely in such persons as either vpon 〈◊〉 opinion mislike the seruice and state of religion or else as men giuen ouer to the cares of the world and lustes of the flesh haue no sense of God or godlynesse Otherwise there is no man so simple but that by learning the Scriptures although hee vnderstande not the whole matter nor euerye clause therof yet he shall light vpon some partes whereby he may gather both good instruction of his faith and profitable lessons for the amendement of his life Yea and the verye Godlesse wordling that is furthest from all true sense of Religion and holynesse shall heare those terrible threatninges of Gods iustice that when God shall touch him by sickenesse or other affliction bee hee neuer so desperate shall make his conscience to quake But that the more good might bee wrought in mens hearts and the lesse euill conceyued in erronious opinions I thought some such traueile as this is might be a very good meanes and especiallye where they lacke the presence of some learned and discrete mā to teach them In this doing albeit my conscience did beare me witnesse of a good meaning and did put mee in hope to doe some good thereby yet to confesse the truth I both was and yet am somewhat abashed to giue my traueiles abroade vnto the world I know how daintie these days are and haue felt by experience how waiwarde and vncharitable many be in scanning of other mens doinges very ready to shake euery fillable and letter and without any iust cause at all to obiect heynous and blasphemous crimes If I please not such persons gentle Reader thou maist not greatly maruaile For in dede neither doe I seke it neither thinke my selfe hable to doe it I write not to them I write to the good and modest Christian that delighteth in reading and hearing of the worde of God and lacketh those ordinarie helps whereby he may the sooner attaine to the vnderstanding of it And this my purpose considered I trust shall bee sufficient to moue the godlye learned of the Church to interprete my doinges to the best and to take this my small traueile in good parte although they finde not in it a number of things which are of necessitie to be looked for in such woorkes as are layde forth for learned men to traueile in They shall not finde here either eloquence in penning or great shewe and varietie of learning or curious triall and conference of expositions and translations or large discourses of difficult matters in controuersie These things the wise and learned know are fitter for mother kinde of writing then for this They shall finde here a briefe and easie exposition of the texte whereby the vnlearned reader may not only the sooner attaine to the true sense and meaning of the holyghost the authour of the Scriptures but also learne some godly instructions out of the same If I had written to the learned I woulde haue indeuoured to my power in some other points to haue satisfied their expectation but in this I haue tempered my selfe wholye to the vnderstanding of the most simple My meaning was before I had published anye part to haue written of so manye of the Chapters as are redde on the dayes of common praier and also of the Psalmes But forsomuch as my health and some other necessarie businesses will not suffer me to doe it with so much speede as my desire was I thought it not good in the meane time to stay from them that nede the help hereof so much as I haue presently done The residue as God shall giue mee strength and leasure I minde in conuenient time to finishe and so I leaue thee to the direction of Gods holy spirite and these my doings to the charitable iudgement of the godlye Vale Faultes escaped Fol. 32. b. for Capter reade Chapter 33. a. for the same and distinctly read plainly and distinctly 64. a. for continuance reade countenance 79. a. for felicie read felicitie 82. b. for Waruell though read no Waruell though 101. for where read were 111. a. for If reade it 113. a. for peregrinage reade pilgrimage 119. a. for ta obserue reade to obserue 124. b. for mercie God reade mercie of God. 127. a. for Isaac olde reade Isaac waxed olde 139. b. for be the life reade by the life 143 b. for then the vndertaking reade then by the vndertaking 147. a. for interprete reade Interpreters 175. b. for fellowes reade followers 239. a. for that Woises here vttereth that is reade
THe first verse conteynet● the tytle which briefly noteth what the thing is by whome it was vttered agaynst what place and people and in what time It is a vision that is a prophesie or reuelation declared by almightie God and therefore not to be esteemed as any ma●s deuise and vttered by Esaias the sonne of Amos descending of the royall lyne of the kings of Iuda Who prophecied in the raignes of Ozias Ioathan Achas and Ezechias as it may be thought by the space of fourescore yeares And vttered this prophecie agaynst the nation of Iurie and Hierusalem the chiefe and royall citie thereof that is to say against that Nation that God had chosen of all other for his peculier people and had mainteyned and preserued it with great benefites and yet nowe was fallen from his true worshippe vnto Idolatrie sinne and wickednesse And therefore sayth he Heare O heauens and hearken O earth for the Lorde hath spoken c. That he may the more earnestly mooue that dul and hard harted people he beginneth with a tragicall exclamation and calleth heauen earth to witnesse agaynst them as if he had sayde Forsomuch as the vnthankfulnesse and wicked stubburnnesse of this people is such as they will giue no eare to the worde of God earnestly calling them to repentaunce I turne my speeche to you O heauens and speake to thee O earth Though heauen be 〈◊〉 of yet ●●ely it will heare though the earth be hard and stonie yet it will relent and be moued but this people will not bend this Nation will by no meanes be reclaymed * Yea they are more dull and vn●●nsible in the vnderstanding of Gods will and of his great goodnesse toward them than the 〈…〉 beastes are For what Oxe doth not from 〈◊〉 himselfe to his mayster that keepeth him What Asse doth not acknowledge and looue those that feede him But my people sayth the Lord whom I haue cherished whome I haue * fostered as my * children with all care and tendernesse do not onely with vnthankfull mindes forget my benefites but with stonie and stubburne heartes refuse to heare my calling and in all maner of wickednesse bende themselues against me and striue to prouoke my wrath and indignation agaynst them Whie should ye be stricken any more for ye are euer falling away c. From the beginning of the fift verse to the tenth he doth greatly amplifie their wayward stubburnnesse declaring that as they could not be woonne to repentance nor mooued to turne to their gracious Lorde by consideration of his exceeding great benefites towarde them so neyther could they be reclaymed nor anye thing at all mooued with the grieuous plagues and punishmentes which to that onely purpose as a mercifull father he had brought vppon them but rather by the same hys plagues they increased in stubburnnesse waxed euery day worse than other And therfore sayth he To what ende should I plague or scourge you with aduersitie any further seeing your obstinacie is such as you will increase in wickednesse and still heape sinne vpon sinne and offence vpon offence The Realme of Iurie may well be resembled to a mans bodie the heade and heart whereof is the Citie Hierusalem and the King and Princes with the residue of the inhabitants thereof and the other cities and townes as the inferiour members All which I haue grieuously touched with my seuere iustice and sharpe punishments so that from the * crowne of the head to the sole of the foote from the highest Citie to the lowest Village from the noblest person to the basest subiect there is none but he hath felt the bitter smart thereof and that in such sort as no Phisition is hable to cure or heale their festured sores that is nor King nor Counsaylour nor Prince nor Priest nor Prophete can helpe the miserie of this kingdome and restore it to the prestinate state and integritie againe Their lande lyeth waste their Cities are burnt with fire straungers possesse their Countrey their possessions are spoyled their royall Citie Hierusalem is left desolate as a lodge in a vineyard or a Cotage in a Cucumber garden that hath no house neere vnto it their people are slaine their glorie decaied their strength consumed yea if the Lorde of hys great mercy had not * left thē some cōfort through the promised séede of Messiah their desolation had beene euen as the destruction of Sodome and Gomorrha and yet I say all this notwithstanding are their hearts nothing mooued to repent or to turne to the Lorde for mercie Heare the worde of the Lorde ye Lordes of Sodoma and hearken c. And for that they did flatter themselues in the middes of this great wickednesse with a vaine opinion of hypocriticall iustice and superstitious worshipping of God as thoughe by suche meanes they should winne his fauour towarde them The Lorde plainly sheweth that he doth lothe and abhorre their sacrifices and offerings their festiuall dayes and their solempne meetinges yea though they were commaunded by his owne lawe so long as they were voyde of * inwarde holinesse of heart and minde and distayned with sinne and wickednesse both before God and the worlde In which place the more to mooue them almightie God seemeth to labour with diuersitie of woordes to lette them vnderstande how little account he maketh of such externall worshipping being destitute of true holinesse right worshipping in spirite in truth VVhy offer you sayth he so many sacrifices c. I am full of them I haue no pleasure in them VVho required them at your hands Offer no more It is but lost labour It is * abhominable vnto me I may not away with them They are wicked I hate them They make me weary I cannot abide them I will not heare your prayers I will turne mine eyes from you By all which wordes God sheweth how little he regardeth hipocrisie where true holinesse wāteth Then from the sixtenth verse to the .xxj he sheweth what is the right way to winne his fauour Make you cleane sayth he put away your wicked thoughts and deuises Ceasse from doing euil Learne to do good Applie your selues to equitie Deliuer the oppressed Helpe the fatherlesse Heare the widowes complaint For these are the true fruites of right repentance And then If your sinnes were as red as scarlet in token that you had deserued bloud and confusion they shall be as white as snow in testimonie that by Gods mercie ye be cleared from them This if you will doe the Lorde will looke fauourably on you and prosper you but if you continue obstinate and rebellious as hytherto you haue done the sworde of Gods wrath shal vtterly deuour you for his owne mouth hath spoken it and therefore thinke not that it is mans worde onely How happeneth it then that the faithfull Citie which was full of equitie c. From the .xxj. to the
ende of the Chapter Esay prophecieth that god hauing destroyed the naughtie and rebellious people wil restore and reforme the kingdome of Israell by Christ Iesu the true Messias by him giue them true iustice and integritie And that he may the more aggrauate their present fault in so wicked reuolting from God the Prophete in the person of God himselfe by admiration wooondreth howe it commeth to passe that that Citie which before time hath bene ioyned to almightie God as a faythfull pure chast spouse hath nowe forsaken him as a light strumpette and giuen ouer hir selfe to all corruption and naughtinesse In so much that there is neyther in Prince nor people any integritie or vpright dealing but altogither corruption vnfaythfulnesse counterfeyting forgerie dissimulation falsehoode deceyte oppression and briberie and that is it that he meaneth when he sayth Their siluer is turned to drosse and their wine is mixed with water Meaning therby that their sinceritie and integritie in all maner of dealing is turned to falsehoode and forgerie And therefore with sorrowe and groning he protesteth that he will ease his stomacke * and be reuenged of this his froward and stubburne people which for that cause he calleth nowe his enimies And yet least such as haue some feare of GOD should haue their consciences to much shaken with this terrible threatning he doth * comfortably qualifie the grieuousnesse thereof signifying that hee will not cleane destroy his Church but with the fire of affliction will purge the drosse and corruption from it that they which feare God and haue the grace of repentaunce by this meanes beeing put in minde of their dutie and seperated from the wicked and obstinate may serue him more trulye and sincerely in all maner of Godlinesse And notwithstanding he plainely sayeth that the wicked transgressours that haue forsaken God and cleaned to superstition and Idolatrie for that he meaneth by their trees and gardens which they had chosen shal not escape the scourge but he destroyed and brought to cōfusion togither with their Idols Vnder trees and in groues or gardens they were woont to sacrifice to their Idols Out of this Chapter are these lessons to be taken 1 First that we do not trust and glorie in the bare names of Christen men the Church of Christ the people of God the children of God for these names are burthens vnto vs and notes of vnthankefulnesse as the like were to the Iewes if we serue not God sincerely according to our profession and therfore cannot turne away the displeasure of God from vs which he iustly conceiueth for our sinnes 2 Secondly that we be not negligent and contemptous in hearing the worde of God and preaching of his holy will calling vs to repentance lest he call heauen and earth and his vnsensible creatures to witnesse agaynst our obstinacie as he did agaynst the Iewes 3 Thirdely that we be not vnmindefull of the great benefits of God from time to time bestowed vpon vs but that with thankfull heartes and obedient mindes we acknowledge and confesse the same least we be iustly in the sight of god esteemed more dull and thankelesse than the brute beastes are to their maysters and keepers 4 Fourthly when God shall for our sinfulnesse fatherly chastice vs with any scourge of aduersitie whether it be with warre sedition trouble sicknesse pouertie vexation of minde or any other affliction publique or priuate of purpose by that louing correction to bring vs home to him againe by repentance that we doe not stubburnely stande agaynst him as the Iewes did but with humble and repentant heartes submit our selues and flie to him for mercie through Christ Iesu our Sauiour 5 Fifstly that we flatter not our selues and think to winne Gods fauour by externall and superstitious worshipping of God being inwardly destitute of true fayth toward God and vnfeyned loue or vpright dealing towardes our brethren For God doth here notably declare how he lotheth and abhorreth such maner of hypocrisie 6 Sixtly when want of repentance and the multitude and greatnesse of our sinnes shall prouoke the iustice of god to lay his heauy hand vpon vs by raysing vp of cruell Tyrannes or bringing in of forraine enimies by his iust iudgement to spoyle our countrey or people that we conceyue this comfort of his great mercie that he will not vtterly and for euer destroy his Churche and the number of them that feare him but by this meanes will purge them from their owne corruption and from the infection of the wicked ones that they may more sincerely serue him in spirite and in truth The first Sunday in Aduent at Euening prayer Esay 2. THe selfe same worde that Esay the sonne of Amos sawe vpon Iuda and Hierusalem 2 And this shall come to passe in the latter dates The hill of the Lordes house shal be prepared in the heigth of the mountaines and shal be higher than the hilles and all nations shall prease vnto him 3 And a multitude of people shall go * speaking thus one to another Come let vs ascende to the hill of the Lorde to the house of the God of Iacob and * he will instruct vs of his wayes and we will walke in his pathes for * out of Sion shall come a lawe and the worde of the Lorde from Hierusalem 4 And shall * giue sentence among the heathen and shall * reforme the multitude of people they shall breake their swoordes also into mattocks and their speares to make sythes And one people shall not lift vp a weapon against another neither shall they learne to fight from thenceforth 5 Come ye O house of Iacob and let vs walke in the light of the Lord. 6 For thou hast forsaken thy people the house of Iacob bicause they be replenished vvith euils from the east and with sorcerers like the Philistines and in straunge children they thinke themselues to haue inough 7 Their lande is full of siluer and golde neither is there any ende of their treasure their lande is also full of horses and no ende is there of the●● charrettes 8 Their lande also is full of vaine Gods and before the worke of their owne hands they haue bowed themselues yea euen before the thing that their owne fingers haue made 9 There knéeleth the man there falleth the man downe before them therefore forgiue them not 10 Get thée into the rocke and hide thée in the grounde for feare of the Lorde and for the glorie of his Maiestie 11 The high lookes of man shall be brought lowe and the hawtinesse of men shall be bowed downe and the Lorde alone shall be exalted in that day 12 For the day of the Lord of hostes shall be vpon all the prowde loftie and vppon all that is exalted and he shall be brought lowe 13 And vpon all high and stoute Cedar trées of Libanus and vpon all the okes of Basan 14 And vpon all the high mountaynes and vpon all the high hilles
of heauen be opened and God shall powre downe his plagues vppon the wicked and vurepentaunt contemners of the Gospell And the very earth it selfe and the powers and kingdomes thereof shall stagger and reele and in the end consume and take a newe shape For the iniquitie thereof shall be as an heauie burthen vnto it c. The thirde Sunday in Aduent at Morning prayer Esay 25. THou art my Lorde my God I will magnifie thée I will giue thankes vnto thy name for thou hast brought woonderfull things to passe according to thine olde councels truly and faythfully 2 Thou hast made a Citie a heape of stones and brought a strong towne into decay the habitation of straungers hast thou made to be no Citie neyther shall it be buywed anye more 3 Therefore shall the mightie people giue glorie unto thée the Citie of the valiant heathen shall feare thée 4 For thou hast bene a strength vnto the poore and a succour for the néedie in his trouble a refuge agaynst euil weather a shadowe agaynst the heate for the blast of raging men is like a storme that casteth downe a wall 5 Like as the heate in a drie place wasteth all things so shalt thou suppresse the noyse of aliauntes the heate is abated with the shadowe of the clowde euen so shall God asswage the noyse of the cruell tyrannes 6 And in this mountaine shall the Lorde of hostes make vnto all people a feast of plenteous and delicate things euen of most pleasant and daintie dishes 7 And in this mountaine shall the Lorde destroy the couering that all people are wrapped in and the hanging that is spred vpon all nations 8 As for death he hath destroyed it for euer and the Lorde God shall wipe away teares from all faces and the rebuke of his people shall he take away out of all the earth for so the Lorde hath sayde 9 And or that day it shall be sayde Lo this is our God we haue wayted for him and he shall saue vs this is the Lorde in whome we haue hoped we will be merie and reioyce in the saluation that cometh of him 10 For in this mountaine shall the hande of the Lorde ceasse and Moab shall be threshed vnder him euen as straw is troden to dung on the dunghill 11 And he shall stretch out his hande in the middes of them as he that swimmeth casteth out his handes to swimme and with the strength of his handes shall be bring downe their pride 12 The strong holde also and defence of thy walles hath he ouerthrowne cast downe and brought them in the grouned euen vnto dust The exposition vpon the .xxv. Chapter of Esay Thou art my Lorde my God I will magnifie thee I will giue thanks c. THe Prophet in this Chapter foreseeing in spirit and earnestly considering the meruelous * preseruation of the church and kingdome of Christ euen in the middest of the furious raging of this worlde coulde not but breake out to the great prayse extolling of the same his woonderfull goodnesse and clemencie saying Thou art my Lorde my god c. The thing for the which he extolleth Christ Iesu the Messias and sauiour for he is that Lord and God to whom he speaketh is that he maruelously preserueth his Church and people and fulfilleth all his counsayles and promises * truely and faythfully For albeit they seeme often to be prolonged and deferred so that the faithlesse iudge them to be false and vaine yet in the ende they prooue alway most firme and true and are fulfilled with great glorie These counsayles and promises consist in two poyntes The one is that Christ will ouerthrowe and vtterly confounde all Empires and Kingdomes of the worlde all Princes and Tirannes and all other whatsoeuer they be that afflict and persecute the Godly that professe his name and of this speaketh he in the seconde and thirde verses The other poynt is that he will * deliuer and preserue from all euill his Church people seeme they neuer so miserable poore and contemptible in the worlde and of this speaketh hee in the other partes following Thou hast made a city an heape of stones and brought a strong towne c. By the time past the Prophete signifyeth what GOD doth presently and alway will doe in his Church and by the singuler number speaking of one Citie he meaneth many so that the sence is I therefore prayse thee O thou Messias and Sauiour my Lorde and God that by thy mightie power thou doest ouerthrow and bring to vtter confusion the great Cities principalities and powers of the worlde that persecute thy Church and afflict thy people and repell thy Gospell This is it that thou promisest to Abraham our father saying I wil blesse them that blesse thee and I will curse them that curse thee c. And therefore all powers that will not * submit themselues to thee shall perish and come to desolation Therefore shall the mightie people giue glorie vnto thee Vers 3. the Citie of c. Great principalities and Cities contemning and persecuting thy worde are therefore brought to cōfusion that other by their example may learn to feare thy name and acknowledge thy maiestie and mightie power For thou hast beene a strength vnto the poore and a succour for c. This is the seconde part of the counsayles and promises of Christ that he faythfully perfourmeth that is that he preserueth and succoureth his people in all their affliction and therefore to the great comfort of all that are troubled in conscience or otherwise is called here The strength of the poore The succour of the needie A refuge against euill weather and tempestuous troubles A shadow agaynst the heate of persecution to saue and keepe his people And here is it to be obserued diligently that the people of GOD are often afflicted and persecuted in this worlde and therefore that all which will submit themselues to the kingdome of Christ must looke for * no better entertainement here and yet with strong fayth conceyue this comfort that their king their Lorde and God will either mightilye deliuer them presently and bee reuenged of their enimies or else giue them that strength of spirite that they shal not onely paciently suffer that which shal be laid vpon them but also as S. Paule sayth * Glorie in their afflictions that God hath thought them worthie to suffer for his names sake And in this mountaine shall the Lorde of hostes make vnto all people a feast c. The Mount here spoken of is the hill of Sion whereby the Church is figured The feast is the feast of his Gospell published and calling all men to the sweetenesse of euerlasting life which was first preached in Hierusalem by Christ himselfe where also he bestowed the daintie and delicate dishes of his holy spirite and heauenly graces to all them that receyued his Gospell that is to say The
is perpetuall * felicitie and tranquilitie For Christ hath obteyned for vs of God the father all those blessings that we haue not onely bodily but also and specially spirituall that is * remission of sinnes * imputing of Christes iustice to vs and the spirite of GOD to * mortefie the lustes of the flesh whereby we haue * peace and quietnesse of conscience before God and the worlde The dead will not liue they that be out of life will not rise againe c. Here entereth the first part of an other contrary comparison betweene the wicked and the godly and in this verse he sayth of the wicked that they doe die and liue not againe for their resurrection shall bee to them a death perpetuall and no life And although they seeme to prosper and flourishe long on earth to the annoyance of the godly yet the Lorde visiteth them in due time * and rooteth the memorie of them out of the earth so that they shall neuer ryse againe to glorie Thou hast increased the people O Lorde thou hast increased c. This is the other part of the cōparison touching the godly as if he had sayde Thou O lord christ destroyest the wicked and rootest out theyr memorie neuerthelesse thou doest gather thy Church and increase the number of thy people that thy glorie may be spred and extended to the vttermost boundes of the earth And yet doest thou not gather them to rest and quietnesse of this life but to great vexation and affliction and therfore doe they resort to thee in theyr trouble * and poure out their prayers to thee in the time of thy chastening For * thy chastening they do acknowledge it to be whatsoeuer commeth Although it be the hande of the wicked yet they knowe it to proceede from thy fatherly prouidence to their great benefite and commoditie that their fayth may be increased their spirite styrred vp to call vpon thee Thy dead men shall liue euen as my body shall they rise againe c. The wicked although they flourish for a tyme in this worlde yet shall they not liue in blesse after the resurrection of the deade but shall die for euer But the godly that haue liued here in trouble and dyed in thee shall rise againe to lyfe and ioyes euerlasting Come my people enter thou into thy chambers and shut thy doores c. This is a consolation in the person of Christ exhorting his people paciently for a time to beare the affliction and trouble of this life and to enter into the closets and secretes of their heartes and call vpon the name of the Lord for the succour and strength of his holy spirit vntill the time of his indignation be past For the Lorde in short time will come * to visite the wickednesse of the earth and the earth shall no longer keepe secrete but * disclose the bloud and crueltie that hath beene shewen to the saintes of God that his iustice may proceede agaynst them for the same The fourth Sunday in Aduent at Morning prayer Esay 30. ALas for those disobedient children sayth the Lorde that they will take counsayle and not of me that they will take a secrete aduise and not out of my spirite and therefore adde they sinne vnto sinne 2 Euen they that walke to go downe into Egypt and haue asked no question at my mouth but séeke strength in the might of Pharao and trust in the shadow of Egypt 3 Therefore shall the strength of Pharao be your confusion and the trust in the shadow of Egypt your shame 4 For his Capitaynes were at Zoan and his Ambassadours came vnto Hanes 5 They were ashamed of the people that could doe them no good and that might not helpe them nor shewe them any profite but were their confusion and rebuke 6 The burthen of the beastes of the South In a lande of trouble and anguish from whence shall come the yong and olde Lion the viper and fierce serpent that flieth agaynst them that vpon coltes beare their ryches and vpon camels their treasures to a people that can doe them no good 7 For vaine and nothing worth shall the helpe of the Egyptians be therefore haue I cryed vnto Hierusalem they shall haue strength inough if they wil settle their minds in quiet●esse 8 Now therefore go thy way and write this be●ore them in a table and note it in a booke that it may finally remaine and be kept still for euer 9 For this is an obstinate people and dissembling children children that refuse to heare the law of the Lorde 10 For they say vnto the séers Sée not and to them that be cleare of iudgement Looke not out right things for vs but speake fayre wordes vnto vs looke out errours 11 Get you out of this way depart out of this path and turne the holy one of Israell from vs. 12 Wherefore thus sayth the holy one of Israell Because your heartes rise agaynst this worde and because you trust in wrong dealing and peruerse iudgement and put your confidence therein 13 Therefore shall ye haue this mischiefe for your destruction and fall like as an hie wall that falleth because of some ryft or blast whose breaking commeth sodainly 14 And the hurt thereof is like an earthen vessell which breaketh without helpe so that in the bursting of it there is not founde one sheuer to fetch fire in or tos take water withall out of the pitte 15 For thus sayth the Lord God euen the holy one of Israell In repentance and in rest shal ye be safe in quietnesse and sure confidence shall be your strength but ye haue had no lyst thereto 16 For ye haue sayde No but we will escape through horses therefore shall ye flie and we will get vs vp vpon swift beastes and therfore shall your persecutors be swifter 17 A thousande shall flie at the rebuke of one and at the rebuke of fi●se shall ye all flie till ye be left as a ship mast vpon the top of a mountaine and as a breaken vpon a● hill 18 Therefore ●oth the Lorde cause you to wayte that he may haue merrie vpon you to the intent that he may haue the preeminence when he is gratious vnto you for the Lord is the God of iudgement Blessed are all they that hope in him 19 If the people remaine in Sion and at Hiesrusalem thou shalt not be in 〈◊〉 but at the voyce of thy complaint shall he haue mercie vpon ●hée and when he ●●reth it he shall giue thée an aunswere 20 And though the Lorde giue you the breade of trouble and the water of aduersitie thy raine shall be no name s● scant but thine eyes shall sée thy raine 21 Yea and th●●e eare shall heare the talking of him that both speake behinde thée This is the way walke y● in it turne not aside neither to the right hande nor to the left 22
Ye shall destroy also the couering of your siluer Images and the decking of your golden Idols euen as filthinesse shalt thou put them away and thou shalt say vnto it Get thée hence 23 Then shall God giue raine vnto thy séede that thou shalt sow the ground withall and breade of the increase of the earth which shall be fat and very plenteous in that day also shall thy cattell be fed in large pastures 24 The oxen likewise and the yong Asses that eare the ground shall eate cleane prouender which is purged wyth the winde and the fan 25 Finally vpon euery hie mountaine and hill shall there be riuers and streames of waters in the day of the great slaughter when the towers fall 26 Moreouer the light of the Moone shall be as the light of the Sunne and the Sunne light shall be seuen folde and haue as much shine as in seuen dayes beside when the Lord bindeth vp the fore of his people and healeth the stroke of their wounde 27 Beholde the fame of the Lorde commeth from farre and his presence is so hote that no man is able to abide his lippes are full of indignation his tongue is as 〈◊〉 fire 28 His breath is a vehement flood of water that reacheth vp to the neck that he may sift away the heathen in the ●ine of vanitie and his breath is a bridle of errour in the rawes of the people ▪ 29 And ye shall sing like 〈◊〉 in the night when the holy solemnitie beginneth and ye shall haue gladnesse of hart like as when one commeth with 〈…〉 he hill of the Lorde and to the most mightie one 〈…〉 And the Lorde shall cause his glorious voles to be hearde and shall declare his stretched ou● arme with a terrible countenauncee and with the flame of a consuming fire with noysome lightning with a showre and with hayle stones 31 For through the voyce of the Lorde shall Assur be destroyed which 〈◊〉 other men with the 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 And it shal come to passe that whither soeuer he goeth the rod shall rleaue vnto him which the Lorde shall lay vpon him with tabrets and harpes and with great warre shall he fight agaynst his host 33 For the fire of hell is ordeyned from the beginning yea euen for the king is it prepared this hath the Lorde set in the déepe and made it wyde the burning wherof is fire and much wood the breath of the Lorde which is like a riuer of brimstone doth kindle it The exposition vpon the .30 Chapter of Esay Alas for those disobedient children sayth the Lorde that they will take c. AT what tyme the Assirians vnder * Senacherib in the tyme of Ezechias inuaded Iurie and put Hierusalem in great feare * many of the Princes and people were verye earnest to haue sel●● for succour into Egypt ▪ and might hardly be perswaded otherwise And 〈◊〉 they were commaunded by God in their distresse to put their trust in him and not seke helpe at the heathen and godlesse people that were 〈…〉 Esay in this 〈…〉 from that put 〈◊〉 and sayth 〈…〉 dicut children sayth the Lorde that contemning my worde whereby I haue promised them helpe agaynst the Assirians will 〈◊〉 followe theyr owne 〈…〉 of my holy spirite seeke ayde of straung●●● for their defence and so adde 〈◊〉 vpon sinnes not onely disobeying my worde in taking that aduice but stubburnely refusing my calling back from the execution 〈◊〉 purpose They 〈…〉 and confidence that they shoulde haue in me and follow their owne counsayle and seeke their owne strength by the power of the * Aegyptians But that vaine shadow of Pharoes power and the Aegyptians shall be their confusion Yea they sende theyr Princes in ambassage to the farremost partes of Aegypt that is to Zoan Hanes with rich presentes and giftes in seruile maner to craue ayde of a godlesse people that shall neyther be willing nor * hable to helpe them The burthen of the beastes of the South In a lande of trouble c. The Prophete doth not onely reprooue theyr doyng but amplifyeth their follie shewing that they take great and daungerous iourneyes with their beastes l●aden wyth treasure to passe into Aegypt through the wildernesse which is here noted by the lande of anguish and trouble and by the wayes were assaulted by Lyons and other wilde beastes ▪ and 〈◊〉 with great hurt and daunger And all to bie the helpe of them that ●●re not hable to succour them whereas they might haue had the readie helpe of God at home If according to his worde and preaching of his Prophete they would haue called vpon him and put their trust in hims Nowe therefore go thy way write this before them in a table c. These wordes be spoken in the person of God to the Prophete willing him to write this prophesie and to set it in the sight of the people that it might remain for an euerlasting memorie against them and that all ages might thereby vnderstand what an * obstinate stubburne and waywarde people this was that by no preaching or teaching of the Prophetes of GOD could be withdrawne from their vnfaythfull deuises For they say vnto the Seers Se not and to them that be cleare c. By the name of Seers and those that vnderstand he meaneth the Prophetes and Preachers that God had sent vnto them In this place therefore Esay painteth forth the waywarde obstinacie and contempt of Gods worde before mentioned In so much that they did not only turne away their eies their eares and all their sences from the doctrine of his truth but also derided the same and desired to haue it vtterly rooted out and taken away Of which virulent furie of the wicked ryseth all affliction persecution and trouble against the prophets and messengers of god For when once they can not abide the truth then seeke they all meanes to * vexe them by whome it is offered and brought vnto them Looke not out right thinges for vs but speake fayre wordes vnto vs c. It cannot be thought that any people can be so obstinately blinded that they will with so * open wordes * protest that they will not here the truth vnder the name of the truth or that they will with plaine wordes desire to be deceiued and be led into errour by flatterie but rather with a countenaunce of hypocrisie will detest the truth vnder the name of falsehood and errour because it is to them sharpe and vnpleasaunt and vnder the name of truth and godlinesse desire to haue * erronr and falsehoode beeyng to them more pleasaunt and acceptable because it is more * agreeing to theyr fantasies But the Prophete here pulleth of their visarde and letteth them be seene as they are inwardely in heart and mynde in deede abhorring the truth Wherefore thus sayth the holy one of Israell Because your heartes rise c.
their heartes that they cannot perceyue 19 They 〈◊〉 not in their mindes for they haue neyther knowledge nor vnderstanding to thinke thus I haue brent one péece in the fire I haue baked bread with the coles thereof I haue rosted flesh withall and eaten it and I will now of the residue make an abhominable Idoll fall downe before a rotten péece of 〈◊〉 20 Thus doth he but lose his labour 〈…〉 turne him aside so that 〈…〉 to thinke Do not 〈…〉 Israel 〈…〉 serue me O them backwarde and make their cunning foolishnesse 26 He doth set vp the purpose of his seruant and fulfilleth the counsayle of his messengers concerning Hierusalem he sayth it shall be inhabited and of the Cities of Iuda they shal be builded againe and I will repayre their decayed places 27 He sayth to the depth Be drie and I will drie vp water flouds 28 He sayth of Cyrus he is my heardman so that he shall fulfill all thinges after my will he sayth also of Hierusalem It shall be builded and of the temple It shall be fast grounded The exposition vpon the. 44. Chapter of Esay But heare now O Iacob my seruant and Israel whom I haue chosen c. FOrsomuche as God in the ende of the former Chapter had charged his people with Sinne and grieuous 〈◊〉 and that for the same some 〈◊〉 should come vpon them by their captiuitie in Babilon Here in thys place he doth adde sweete words and a gentle and mercifull mitigation comfort saying as it were Albeit grieuous 〈◊〉 shall come vpon thee being led away captiue 〈◊〉 Babilon yet heare now what I thy Lorde and 〈◊〉 that haue * 〈◊〉 and preserued thée by my diuine prouidence euen from thy mothers wombe will doe for thée my chosen seruant Albeit thou Iacob art nothing in thy selfe and that no nobilitie in thee or worthinesse 〈◊〉 deliuer thee from this wrath and great calamitie yet the adoption and choyse that I thy heauenly father of my meere mercie in my Sonne the Melsias Sauiour haue vouchedsafe to make of thee man be of sufficient force to deliuer thee and to turne all the benefites of the forgiuenesse of thy sinnes vpon thee that is not onely thy wonderfull dispatch out of Babilon but also the watering with the knowledge of the true doctrine of Saluation and the gift of my holy spirite whereby thou and all those that by fayth shall shewe themselues to be thy true posterity and of the number of mine elect shall grow and prosper in all goodnesse submitting their selues to the profession of my holye name Therefore * feare not nor flit not from my true worshipping to the Seruice of the Idols of Babilō 〈…〉 〈…〉 in face of the worlde Wherefore I say againe be not afrayde I haue tolde you and warned you before Put your trust in me All caruers of Images are but vaine and the carued Images that they loue c. Vnto the ende of the twenteth verse In this seconde part of the Chapter GOD doth sharpely and grieuously reprooue and at large scornefully deride the fonde blindenesse and furious rage and madnesse of those that make Gods Idols or Images for themselues to worship And as it is pleasant in this place to consider how he painteth out the busie vanitie of them that make the Idols and the fonde and importunate desire of those that long for them and the vnsensible grossenesse of such as be giuen to the worship of them Euen so may it seeme horrible in the sight of God and man that man indued with reason and the most honorable creature of god should euer fal to so extreme Blindenesse as that he will aduenture with his owne handes to make him a God or an Image to worship as god But some will say no man was euer so blinde to thinke the images Gods or to worship them as Gods and so crie the Papistes at this day for their defence and say they haue Iniurie when they be so charged And yet surely is their defence herein no better than the defence of the Heathen and Gentiles whom God here thus mocketh and reprooueth For they had the same answeres and pretences and yet is it euident that both the one and the other do so rage in their madnesse that so soone as they be made by a Mortall wicked and Sinfull man they thinke them to haue a certain deuine Grace in them and therefore doe they Cap and kneele vnto them call vpon them Burne incense and set vp candels and other giftes before them and runne Hundreds of myles to worship them And if they shoulde shewe and declare to the world the very True worship to the Liuing God they could not set it out by more euident meanes Wherfore dearely beloued earnestly consider with your selues how pitifully you haue bene abused in the time of Papistrie and by Gods * commaundement giuen straitly to the contrary and by this place of the Prophete now read Learne you how wickedly and how displeasantly you haue done in his sight Consider this O Iacoh Israell for thou art my seruant c. Nowe God returneth to an other warning and comforting of his people that seing the Idols of the Gentiles and all that worship them seeme they for the time neuer so prosperous are in deede in the sight of God vaine wicked and odious and seing that he is the gracious Lorde that hath Made them Preserued them * Chosē them to be his seruants * redeemed them and forgiuen their sinnes That they should not * feare nor starte * from hym by any temptation or affliction but in their hartes reioyce and giue thankes continually for this hys great goodnesse and mercie towarde them which is such as not onely they but also in their behalfe * Heauen Earth Mouutaines Woods Trees and all the other creatures of God should triumph and be gladde of and giue glorie and praise vnto hys name Towarde the ende he doth in plaine and flatte wordes renewe the promise of their deliuerance from Babilon and sayth he will fulfill the words of his seruants the Prophets and that their Citie Ierusalem should be repayred again their Temple buylded and that it should be done by a king of the Persians named Cyrus Surely this is a notable place to confirme the certainetie of Gods prouidence in disposing of things and the * truth of his worde and Prophets in foretelling the same For these wordes were vttered by the Prophet long before Cyrus was borne From the death of Esaie vnder Manasses vnto the birth of Cyrus was aboue an hundred yeres and a good space before the Citie of Ierusalem was destroyed the people ledde captiue into Babilon yea when the Iewes themselues for the most part coulde not be perswaded that such misery should come vpon them and therfore hated and persecuted the Prophets and when as yet no man coulde dreame that eyther the Empire
out any money for the thing that feedeth not c. As God by his Prophet calleth his people to the liuely Water heauenly Foode before mentioned so doth he rebuke them that they bestowe their cost labour trauayle to attaine that which in deede is no foode and wherwith their Soules cannot be relieued that is to saye that they leaue the liuely fountayne of Gods mercie in Christ Iesu and seeke after saluation by their owne works or by the obseruation of mens Deuises Traditiōs and Doctrines wherwith God by his Prophet in another place doth protest that * They worship him in vaine Encline your eares and come vnto mee take heede I say and your soule c. That which before he vttered Figuratiuely he speaketh nowe in plaine wordes that is that they should harken and giue dyligent eare vnto Hys doctrine and not be ledde away by the Fantasies of men For sayth he * I will make my euerlasting couenant with you I once promised to Dauid my seruant that of his seede I would bring forth a Sauiour of the worlde by whome I woulde be reconcyled to all them that beleeued in him and that I would chose thē as my Sonnes and heires of euerlasting lyfe This promise or couenaunt that by my othe I confirmed confirmed I will * keepe and performe to you for euer Cleaue therefore to my doctrine and swerue not from it Beholde I gaue him as a witnesse among the people for a prince c. This may be Literally spoken of Dauid But prophetically it is ment of Christ whome he sayth he gaue to the people as a * witnesse to Iustify the promise of his mercy made vnto them as a Prince to gouerne and rule them with the direction of his Spirit as a Teacher to instruct and lead them into all truth Loe thou shalt call an vnknowne people and a people that had no knowledge c. Esay prophecieth of the calling of the Gentiles and sayth that Christ by his Apostles shall * call that people that neuer knewe him before and that they shall gladly and readily runne after him because of the comfortable and sweete Doctrine of the Gospell that he published Seeke the Lorde while he may be founde and call vpon him c. After the publishing of his mercie through the Messias and Sauiour Christ Iesu he nowe exhorteth the Iewes and in them all other to turne to God by earnest repentance while his mercie and goodnesse is so freely offered For if they stubburnly refuse when God is neere at hande and calleth to mercie he will * afterwarde turne his face from them and be so farre of in his displeasure that he will not heare their prayers God is sayde to bee Nigh when by the Preachers and teachers of hys Gospell he calleth to repentance and exhorteth to imbrace his mercie liberally and bountifully offered And then to be Farre of and hard to be Found when for theyr obstinacie of his iustice he turneth his eyes from them and wil not heare their crying complayning at all as he threatneth in the first of this Prophete Esay The reason which the Prophete vseth to mooue them to repentance is the exceeding great * Readinesse and inclination of God to mercy and forgiuenesse especially towarde all them that with Sorrowfull and contrite hearts turne vnto him For thus sayth the Lorde My thoughtes are not your thoughtes c. I knowe sayth God you are all greedie of reuengement and seeke for euery small offence to be wreaked but I am not so Your mercy is Wauering and mutable but mine is Cōstant and perpetuall You are merciful by Pangues and passions but it is of my Nature and substance to be mercifull Wherefore you may not measure my wayes and cogitations by your owne Heauen and earth are not so farre distant nor so farre vnlike as your corrupt Nature and mine is Lyke as the raine and snowe commeth downe from heauen c. By this notable similitude is painted out the truth force and efficacie of the promise of Gods mercie which is the Gospel of our Lord and Sauiour Iesu Christ The raine and snow commeth downe from heauē not to be as an idle spectacle or to return vp into the ayre agayne without vse or profite but to moysten the earth and to make it * fruitfull This is the vse wherevnto the prouidence of God hath appoynted it and this doth it perfourme whensoeuer it lighteth on grounde that is not altogether stonie and harde Euen so is it with the Gospell of our Saluation by Christ which proceded out of the mouth of God and was promised by him from the beginning of the worlde and was appoynted by his goodnesse not to be published * in vaine but so to fall moysten the field of Gods Church that it may be fertile and in deed bring forth the fruit of remission of sinnes Adoption into the Children of God Iustice before God and the world and Assurance of euerlasting life This is the true and right vse of the Worde of God and of his holy Gospell whereby we are assured of his mercy Neither is there any thing more certaine than that it shall worke this effect if it light not on heartes * harder than any stone and such as through stiffenesse and want of fayth will not receyue the Moysture of it And so shall you go forth with ioy and be led with peace the mountaynes c. He numbreth here fiue kindes of fruites that shall spring of the doctrine of the Gospell The first is that as Moyses led forth the children of Israell out of Aegypt euen so shall Christ leade forth and deliuer the faythfull people of God from the bondage of Sathan and all their spiritual enimies to their exceeding great ioy and comfort The seconde that he shall not onely leade them forth with ioy but in peace also and shall make them Quiet in conscience and set them in such safety that neither Trouble nor Afflictiō nor Death nor Hell shall be hable to hurt them The thirde that Mountaynes and Hilles that is all the creatures of God and euen the verye Aungels in heauen shall triumph and reioyce for this our Deliuerance out of that thraldom wherinto we fell by the offence of our first father Adam The fourth that the sweete dewe of the Gospell for Briers and Thornes shall bring forth Firre Mirre and other fruitful trees that is for wicked vniust and naughtie persons it shall make iust good and godly men Thus sayth saint Paule you were whoremasters adulterers wanton persons worshippers of Images but now you are washed you are sanctified you are iustified by the name of the Lorde Iesus Christ The fift that the immortall prayse and glorie of God shall bee set forth in the Church among hys Saintes for this his great Mercies The. 3. Sunday after the Epiphanie at Euening prayer Esay 56. THus sayth
they are called to repentance But they giue themselues to banquetting and with manifest contempt of GOD encourage one an other to surfetting and dronkennesse and that with such obstinacie as though they beleeued there were no life after this Therefore will God bring both vpon people and gouernours wylde beastes of the fielde to deuour them that is cruell and Bloudie enimies that shall destroy them The. 4. sunday after the Epiphanie at Morning praier Esay 57. THe righteous perisheth and no man regardeth it in his heart good godly people are taken away and no man considereth it namely that the righteous is conueyed away from the wicked 2 He conuneth into peace and godly men rest in their chambers and before the godly man goeth peace 3 Come hither therefore ye charmers children ye sonnes of the adulterer and the whore 4 Wherein take ye your pleasure vpon whome gape ye with your mouth and bleare out your tongue Are yée not children of transgression and a féede of dissimulation 5 Ye make your fier vnder the Okes and vnder all gréene trées and ye offer children in the vallcis and dennes of stone 6 Thy part shall be with the stonie rockes by the riuer yea euen these shall be thy part for there thou hast poured meate and drinke offering vnto them shoulde I delight in that 7 Thou hast made thy bed vpon high mountaines thou wentest vp thither and there thou hast slame sacrifices 8 Behinde the doores and postes hast thou set vp thy remembrance when thou hadst discouered thy selfe to another than me when thou wentest vp and made thy bed wider and with those Idolles hast thou made a couenaunt and louedst their couches where thou sawest them 9. Thou wentest streight to kings with oyle and diuers oyntments that is thou hast sent thy messengers farre of and yet art thou fallen into the pitte 10 Thou art wearie for the multitude of thine owne wayes yet saydest thou neuer There is no hope thou hast had the life that thy handes wrought and therfore thou art carelesse 11 For whom wilt thou be abashed or feare séeing thou hast broken thy promise remembrest not me neither hast me in thine heart Thinkest thou that I also will holde my peace as aforetime that thou fearest me not 12 Yea verily I will declare thy goodnesse and thy workes but they shall not profite thee 13 When thou cryest let thy chosen heape deliuer thée but the winde shall blōwe them forth and vanitie shall take them all away neuerthelesse they that put their trust in me shall inherite the lande and haue my holy hill in possession 14. And therefore thus he sayth Make plaine make plaine and clense the streete take vp the stumbling blockes out of the way of my people 15 For thus sayeth the hie and excellent euen he that dwelleth in euerlastingnesse whose name is the holye one I dwell hie aboue and in the sanctuarie and with him also that is of a contrite and humble spirite doe I dwell that I may heale a troubled minde and a contrite heart 16 For I chide not euer and am not wroth without ende but the blasting goeth from me and is included in the body and I made the breath 17 I am wroth with him for his couetousnesse I smite him I hide 〈◊〉 and am angrie and he turneth himselfe and followeth the way of his owne heart 18 I haue séene his wayes and I heale him I leade him and restore to him comfort and to those that were sorie for him 19 I make the fruites of thankesgiuing that he may say Peace peace vnto them that are farre of and to them that are nie sayth the Lorde I make him whole 20 But the wicked are like the raging sea that can not rest whose water fometh with the mire and grauell 21 Euen so the wicked haue no peace sayth God. The Exposition vpon the .lvij. Chapter of Esay The righteous perisheth and no man regardeth it in his heart c. IN these two first verses the Prophet reprooueth the Negligence and dulnesse of the people in considering the worke of God that is when they see the good godly righteous men eyther cruelly slaine by Tyrannes or otherwise dying by common death they weigh not gods meaning and purpose nor vnderstande what therby is pretended to come vpon the worlde They thinke the wicked that liue longer and remaine after them are happier than they But God taketh them away that they may not beholde and be pertakers of those miseries and heauie plagues that he will bring vpon the wicked Beholde sayth God to good king Iosias thou shalt be conueyed to thy graue in peace that thine eies may not see all the euils that I vvill bring on this place The common sort thinke the death of the Godly is miserable but the Prophete here affirmeth that they departe from trouble and miserie of this life and go to Peace in that place where they rest in ease quietnesse as it were men in their Chambers safe from all trouble and daunger Blessed are they therfore that die in the Lorde for they rest from their labours but the wicked in their death are cursed for that the worme of their conscience neuer dyeth Come hither therefore ye Charmers children ye sonnes of the adulterer c. In a good part of this Chapter following the Prophete bitterly inueigheth agaynst the wicked that derided the worde of God and his Prophets and gaue themselues to witchcraft sorcery Idolatry and false worshipping of God * contrary to his lawe and holy woorde By Charmers children and Sonnes of Adulterers he vnderstandeth those that delighted in charming the spirituall whordome of superstition and Idolatrie VVho is it saith Esaias against vvhome you so take pleasure in iesting scoffing whom doe you mocke at whome is it that you gape with your mouthes lill out your tongues you thinke you doe this against me and such other the Preachers and Prophetes of God that he sendeth to call you from your wickednesse But I will you to vnderstand that they bee not agaynst vs but agaynst God that sent vs. * It is God that you contemne and mocke in vs It is God agaynst whome you gape and lyll out your tongues You will seeme to be the people of GOD but all thys reproch of your scorninges lyghteth vpon hym You wyll chalenge to be of hys Church and of the number of them that worshippe him and yet his worde and doctrine is it against which you shewe al this dispite You will seeme to be good and godly but you are in deede transgressors hypocrites and dissimulers giuing the name of Gods true worship to your superstition and Idolatrie You are not contented to followe the prescript of my holye worde commaunding you to sacrifice and doe worshippe to me before the * Arke in the Temple but you seeke straunge wayes of worshypping
which is agayne deuyded into three partes The vpper Region next the Firmament The middle Region where the Clowdes and vpper waters by Gods prouidence are stayed to the great benefite of the world and The neather part left for the commoditie of Gods Creatures to liue and breath in The vpper waters are reserued aswell to make the earth * Fruitfull by sending them downe in due season according to his gracious prouidence as also by hys iustice in way of punishment to work the Plague of Sinfull men as we euidently see in the example of the * generall Deluge and in sending vnseasonable weathering to take from vs the fruites of the earth Let the earth bring forth budde grene hearbe apt to seede and fruitfull c. When we see these faire and manifold Commodities of the earth the greene Grasse the bewtifull Flowers and hearbes the Fruites of Trees and Graine to the singular benefite of man and beast we must not thinke that the same cōmeth by course of Nature only but by the singular Prouidence of God sending the same to the Reliefe of his creatures For the sweet cōfort of this place read Psal 104. He causeth grasse to growe for cattell and herbes for the vse of men that he maye bring forth Foode out of the earth both VVine that maketh gladde the hart of man and Oyle to make him haue a cheerefull countenance and also Bread to strengthen mens harts God hath made not onely fruites of one kinde but of Innumerable sorts that we might thereby vnderstande the bountifull goodnesse and riches of his mercies towardes vs. Let there be lightes in the Firmament of heauen that they may deuide c. Et sint in signa c. The vse and benefite of the Moone Sunne and Planets is not onely to giue light vnto the worlde but to make distinctions of Times and seasons as Sommer VVinter Autumne the Spring also Yeares Moneths VVekes dayes and houres which distinction much serueth to the vse and commoditie of mans life And God made the beaste of the earth and euery thing that creepeth c. Hereby we haue to learne that the Prouidence of God stretcheth not onely to Man Beast Fishe Foule such like but to the verie smallest things and of least estimatiō as Wormes Flees Fleas and other Vermine whatsoeuer be they in mans fight neuer so contemptible For God vseth the same at his pleasure eyther to the benefite or to the punishment of Mankinde as it may very well * appeare by sundrie of the Plagues of Aegipt wherein he vsed these things for his instruments And God sayde let vs make man in our Image after our likenesse c. After God had created and made perfite all the Furniture of Heauen and earth and by his wisedome marueylously distincted eche thing in hys kinde place and office he lastly commeth to the Making of mankinde as that thing vnto whose vse principallie al other his creatures might seeme to be framed That he in the vse of them might vnderstande the great goodnesse of his Lorde and Maker towarde him and for the same yeelde vnto him true Worship and glorie Concerning Man he noteth here briefely 3. thinges his Creation his Dignitie his Blessing and encrease Of his Creation it will be spoken in the next chapiter more particularly Of his Dignitie aboue all other Creatures this is one euident testimonie that he sayth not let Man be made as he sayde before of other things Let there be a lyght Let there be a Firmament c. But to declare vnto vs that it was a Worke of greater worthynesse He as it were calleth in cōsultation his VVisdom that is the seconde person in Trinitie and hys Vertue or VVoorking Power that is his Holy spirit and saith Let vs make man. So that in the making of Man is a more perfite token giuen of the Three Persons in Trinitie then in the Creating of any other part of the worlde And further to declare the Dignitie of man He was made according to the * Image of God whereby we maye not thinke as some wicked heretikes haue done that God hath a like proportion of body as we see man to haue For that is not the Image or likenes that is here spoken of but as God was Wise Iuste Mercifull Good Innocent Holy Immortall so was Man made by God wise iuste mercifull good innocent holy immortall and to expresse a more perfite lykenesse he was made of power and appointed Lorde and Ruler ouer all the other Creatures of the worlde This Image by the fall of Adam was almost cleane blotted out and restored againe by the * second Adam Christ Iesu to that perfectnesse that this frayle and mortall lyfe might beare carying continually about with vs in our bosomes the * stings of our corruption lyricking vs forward still to vngodlynesse The blessing of encrease and multiplying that God giueth vnto Man declareth that he was made Male and Female to the ende that by lawfull procreation they might fulfill the earth and raise vp a large and great Church or congregation of holy Creatures to giue Honor and glorie to their Lorde and maker Wherefore it cannot be thought that Mariage and the lawfull ioyning of Man and Woman is an euill or an vncleane thing but the lawfull and good ordinance of God himselfe And therfore well sayth Saint Paule Honorable in all persons is VVedlock and the bedde vndefiled but VVhooremaysters and Adulterers God will iudge God sawe euery thing that he had made and beholde they were exceeding c. This Iudgement of God that here he gyueth vpon hys workes pronouncing them to be all verie Good ought to be vnto vs a Rule that we presume not to speake or thinke otherwise of them and shewe our selues therein vnthankfull to our God maker If there be eyther fruites or herbs or beasts that we accompt and call Euill or Hurtfull it riseth eyther of our Vnperfitnesse that vnderstande not the right vse of them or else of the Curse of God for the Sinne and fall of Adam by which as Man himselfe so diuers other Creatures are fallen frō that Perfection in which they were first made by GOD So that the Sinne of Man and not Gods creation is cause therof The Sunday called Septuagesima at Euening prayer Genesis 2. THus the heauens and earth were finished and all the hoast of them 2. And in the seuenth day God ended his worke which he had made And the seuenth day he rested from all his worke which he had made 3 And God blessed the seuenth day and sanctified it because that in it he had rested from al his worke which God ordened to make 4 These are the generations of the heauens and of the earth when they were created in the daye when the Lorde God made the earth and the heauens 5 And euery plant of the fielde before it
now his bloud is required 23 They were not aware that Ioseph vnderstoode them for he spake vnto them by an interpreter 24 And he turned from them and wept and turned to them againe and communed with them and tooke out Simeon from amongst them and bound him before their eies 25 And Ioseph commaunded to fill their sacks with corne and put euery mans money in his sacke and to giue them vittaile to spende by the way and thus did he vnto them 26 And they laded their asses with the corne and departed thence 27 And as one of them opened his sack for to giue his asse prouēder in the Inne he espied his money for it was in his sackes mouth 28 And he saide vnto his brethren My money is restored to me againe for lo it is in my sacke And their heart fayled them and they were astonied and sayde one to another why hath God dealt thus with vs 29 And they came vnto Iacob their father vnto the land of Chanaan and tolde him all that befell vnto them saying 30 The man vvho is the Lorde of the lande spake roughly to vs and tooke vs for spies of the countrie 31 And we sayde vnto him We meane truely we neuer were spyes 32 We be twelue brethren sonnes of our father one is awaye and the yongest is thys day with our father in the lande of Chanaan 33 And the Lorde of the countrie saide againe vnto vs Hereby shall I knowe that ye meane truely Leaue one of your brethren here with me and take foode to put away the famine from your housholdes and get you awaye 34 And bring your yongest brother vnto me that I may knowe that you are no spies but meane truely so will I deliuer you your brother and ye shall occupie in the lande 35 And as they emptied their sackes beholde euery mans bundell of money was in his sacke And when both they and their father sawe the bundelles of money they were afraide 36 And Iacob their father sayde vnto them Me haue ye robbed of my children Ioseph is away and Simeon is away and ye will take Beniamin away all these things are against me 37 Ruben said vnto his father Slay my two sonnes it I bring him not to thée againe deliuer him to my hande and I will bring him to thée againe 38 And he sayd My sonne shall not go downe with you for his brother is dead and he is left alone if destruction come vpon him by the way which ye go ye shal bring my gray heade with sorowe vnto the graue The Exposition vpon the .42 Chapter of Esay And he saide beholde I haue hearde there is corne in Egypt c. THe house of the good Patriarke and godly father Iacob was subiect to the necessitie and daunger of the Famine euen as * before it had happened to Abraham and Isaac So God is wont often to make his good and godly persons partakers of the common Calamities to the ende that that rod which is to the wicked a Punishment and correction may be to them an Exercise of their Fayth and pacience to their greater benefite So it fell out to * Ieremy Ezechiel Daniel We haue here also to obserue the course of Gods Prouidence falling out to truth when men least thinke of it Iosephs * Dreame that moued his brethren to enuye him is nowe vpon this occasion to be fulfilled Ioseph was now of great authority in Egypt without whose consent no Corne could be solde And Iacob although vnknowing is moued by the Instinction of God to sende his sonnes into Egypt to bye corne by which occasion they must needs come to Ioseph and Honor him as Lorde of the lande So went Iosephs tenne brethren c. but Beniamin Iosephs brother Iacob c. You haue here the Example of a Fatherly and tender Loue towarde his yonger sonne whom he would not rashely commit to Daunger eyther by reason of his Tender age or other Incident occasions more like to fall to hym then to his other Children And Iosephs brethren came and bowed themselues before him c. The Dreame that Ioseph tolde to his brethren Cap. 37. is here performed but vtterly as yet vnknown to themselues as often Prophesies are fulfilled by the Ignorance of men in Gods affayres It was prophesied that the Iewes should Reiect and put to death Christ the Son of God which they did in deede by Ignorance For if they had known it they would not haue crucified the Lord of glorie Act. 3. 1. Cor. 2. The Apostle propheseth That in the latter dayes some should attende to false spirites and doctrines of Deuils 1. Tim. 4. And so we see it to haue fallen out but not with the Knowledge and Confession of them that doe it who obstinately stande in this that they Defende nothing but Truth and Godlynesse But * God will be alway iustified in his Prophecies and Promises and all * Men shall be founde Liers When Joseph sawe his brethren he knewe c. and spake roughly vnto them c. This might seeme to be of 〈◊〉 or vpon desire of Reuengement that Ioseph vseth the 〈◊〉 Roughly But we 〈…〉 the Acts of good men by the 〈…〉 at the first vntill we see the Ende of their doings For oftentimes they haue other causes 〈…〉 then commonly to all men are knowne Christ him selfe spake * Roughly to the 〈…〉 the first 〈◊〉 in the End he 〈…〉 with Clement Ioseph knowing by his 〈…〉 the Wickednesse of his Brethren might 〈◊〉 Doubt whether they had 〈◊〉 the 〈…〉 his yonge● brother 〈…〉 To boulte it out whether it 〈…〉 And Ioseph remembred his dreames that he dreamed of them c. Ioseph 〈…〉 before ▪ Therefore being put in 〈◊〉 of them now he so deale●●y 〈◊〉 his brethren as when they should be opened vnto them thée might not onely simplie Beleeue them but with Feare 〈◊〉 Reuerence acknowledge the Tri●● of GOD in them with 〈◊〉 of their 〈…〉 Malice Hereby you shall be prooued be the life of Pharao ye shall not go hence c. It may seeme iustly to be called into question both how Ioseph might without blame Dissemble as he doth in this 〈◊〉 also vse this Prophane and 〈◊〉 Othe by tho life of pharao Surely I thinke Many Singuler factes of the auncient Potria●kes before the law published are not to be draw●e into commen Examples for vs now to 〈◊〉 It may be that they had certaine 〈…〉 of God by which they were mooued to doe some thinges otherwise then the common precept requireth Neither is it necessarie for vs to Iustifie all their Factes as good For they 〈…〉 in a Heathnish maner And bee put them altogether in Warde three dayes c. While we read this we may be admonished to 〈…〉 of vs. For God may * turne our State and giue to him 〈◊〉 to be Reuenged as we see here
not let the children of Israel go 21 And the Lord saide vnto Moyses Stretch out thy hand vnto heauen that there maye be vpon the lande of Egypt darkenesse which maye be felt 22 And Moyses stretched forth his hande vnto heauen and there was a thicke darkenesse vpon all the lande of Egypt thrée daies 23 No man saw another neyther rose vp from the place where he was by the space of thrée daies But all the children of Israel had light where they dwelled 24 And Pharao called for Moyses and ●ayde Go and serue the Lorde onely let your shéepe and your oxen abide and let your children go with you 25 And Moyses saide Thou must geue vs also sacrifice and whole burnt offerings for to doe sacrifice vnto the Lord our God. 26 Our cattell also shall go with vs and there shall not one hoofe be left behinde for thereof must we take to serue the Lorde our God neyther doe we knowe with what we must doe seruice vnto the Lorde vntill we come thither 27 But the Lorde hardened Pharaos heart and he would not let them go 28 And Pharao saide vnto hym Get thée from me take héede vnto thy selfe that thou séest my face no more for whensoeuer thou commest in my sight thou shalt die 29 And Moyses saide Let it be as thou hast saide I will sée thy face no more The Exposition vpon the .ix. and .x. Chapter of Exodus The Lorde saide vnto Moyses goe vnto Pharao for I haue hardened c. IN these two Chapiters read this day in the Church are recited sundrie of those plagues wherewyth God Punished Pharao and wrought the Deliuerie of the People out of Egipt And because God was determined to set his People at Freedome and was hable * with one Breath to haue confounded Pharao ouerthrown the Whole power of the Egiptians a man myght marueyle why he dyd Deferre the tyme so long and worke so many Meane miracles whereas he might haue brought it to passe with one Mightie and terrible worke Seing especially that God did know that Pharao would not repent and yeeld To this cogitation GOD himselfe answereth in the .13 14. 15. and 16. verses of thys nynth Chapiter Go thy wayes sayth God to Moyses and tell Pharao c. let my people goe serue me or else at this tyme I wil send al my plagues vpon thyne hart and vpon thy seruants and on thy people that thou may est know there is none like me in al the earth c. And in verye deede for this cause haue I kept thee to shewe thee my power and that my name may be declared throughout all the worlde Here haue we an euident cause why GOD did so long Suffer the wicked and obdurate hart of Pharao that is that God might * set forth his Glorie and by this terrible Example be knowne to the whole worlde That he was a Mightie God hable to breake the power of their Enimies were they neuer so Obstinate and Stiffe harted against hym That he was a Seuere God and * would terriblie punishe the Obdurate vnrepentant sinners Yea though they be neuer so great Kings Princes That he is a Wise God that can Turne the wicked Malice and Obstinacie of sinners to the Working of his greater glory That he is a Carefull and mercifull God towarde his people and for their defence and deliuerance will not sticke to Breake and Pull downe euen Mightie Princes and people There is also an other cause why God doth here Suffer Pharao at other times Beare with other Grieuous sinners and onely for the time punishe them with Light Meane plagues and this is By his great Lenitie Sufferance and Mildenesse if it might be to bring them to repentance or otherwise if they will not repent that they shall declare themselues to the worlde to bee Vnexcusable and God in his Iudgement when he doth confounde them to be a iuste god Of this Cause speaketh Paule Rom. 2. Eyther despisest thou the ryches of his goodnesse and long sufferance not knowing that the kindenesse of God leadeth thee to repentance c. When God is sayd To harden the hart of Pharao we maye not thinke that God doth Force and Compell Pharao to sinne or that the blame of his obstinacie and vnrepentant hart can iustly be laide vpon God * For God doth neyther worke Sinne himselfe nor would haue it to be Wrought of other But God by his seruantes Moyses Aaron offered to Pharao his holye worde and great miracles and he being of nature Wicked and waywarde from God and vtterly destitute of his holy Spirit of which al Inclination to goodnesse commeth did more and more Harden his harte and Withstande the will of god For the Corrupt nature of man without the singuler grace of God when he heareth Gods worde and will declared to him doth not only not yeelde vnto it but more and more stormeth against both the Worde it selfe and the Messengers that bring it For naturall man vnderstandeth not those things that are of God no nor cannot Wherefore when we see in these Chapiters that all endeuour is vsed both by God and by his seruauntes to perswade Pharao and yet that he is nothing Mooued eyther by his Worde or by his threatnings or by his Miracles or by the counsaile and aduertisement of Moyses and Aaron yea or of his owne subiectes we are taught that all the Workes endeuours of Man to bring sinners from their obstinacy vnto the Imbracing of Gods holy will is all Vaine vnlesse it please God also to worke by his holye spirite Wherefore we must submit our selues to the mightie hande of God in his secreat iudgementes and continually in our prayers * craue the assistance of his grace and good spirite which may so worke in vs that both we our selues may humbly Receiue the worde of GOD and that our endeuour to perswade other may by him be Effectuall Moreouer when there happeneth vnto vs vnseasonable Weathering Plagues and other sicknesses of sundrie sortes terrible Nayle Thunder and Lightning Murraine of cattaile Destruction of corne or fruites by blast Vermine or otherwise we must by these examples learne that they come not by Chaunce or by naturall causes onely but that they are Sent of God as Punishmentes of our Sinne and Disobedience to the will and worde of God and as * Meanes to bring vs to Repentance or else that God will lay on vs continually mo of his Plagues vntill he bring vs to Vtter confusion as hee did Pharao and the Egyptians All whose Disobedience sprange of this Roote that they Contemned the worde of God brought vnto them by his seruantes The Contempt whereof if repentaunce did not preuent it God hath alway punished with Induration and vtter Desolation When we reade that the Israelites were cleare from all those grieuous Plagues with which the Aegyptians were punished we muste to our comfort consider
sinned Wilt thou be wrath with all the multitude 23 And the Lorde spake vnto Moyses saying 24 Speake vnto the Congregation and say Get you away from about the tabernacle of Corah Dathan and Abiram 25 And Moyses rose vp and went vnto Dathan and Abiram and the elders of Israell folowed him 26 And he spake vnto the congregation saying Depart I pray you from the tentes of these wicked men and touch nothing of theirs least ye perish in all their sinnes 27 And so they gate them from the tabernacle of Corah Dathan and Abiram on euery side And Dathan and Abiram came out and stood in the doore of their tentes with their wiues their sonnes and their little children 28 And Moyses sayd Hereby ye shall know that the Lord hath sent me to do all these workes for I haue not done them of mine owne minde 29 If these men die the cōmon death of all men or if they be visited after the visitation of all men then the Lorde hath not sent me 30 But and if the Lorde make a newe thing and the earth open her mouth and swallowe them vp with all that they haue and they go downe quick into the pitte then ye shall vnderstand that these men haue prouoked the Lorde 31 And assoone as he had made an ende of speaking all these wordes the ground cloue asunder that was vnder them 32 And the earth opened her mouth and swallowed them vp and their houses and all the men that were with Corah and all their goodes 33 And they and all that they had went downe aliue vnto the pitte and the earth closed vpon them and they perished from among the congregation 34 And all Israell that were about them fled at the crie of them and they sayd Least the earth swallowe vs vp also 35 And there came out a fire from the Lorde and consumed the two hundred and fiftie men that offered incense 36 And the Lorde spake vnto Moyses saying 37 Speake vnto Eleazar the sonne of Aaron the priest that he take vp the censers out of the burning and scatter the fixe here and there for they are halowed 38 The censers of these sinners against their owne soules let them make of them broade plates for a couering of the aulter For they ffered them before the Lorde and therfore they are halowed and they shall be a signe vnto the children of Israell 39 And Eleazer the priest tooke the brasen censers which they that were burnt had offered and made brode plates for a couering of the aulter 40 To be a remembrance vnto the children of Israell that no straunger which is not of the séede of Aaron come néere to offer incense before the Lorde that he be not like vnto Corah and his companie as the Lorde sayde to him by the hande of Moyses 41 But on the morow all the multitude of the children of Israell murmured agaynst Moyses and Aaron saying Ye haue killed the people of the Lorde 42 And when the multitude was gathered against Moyses and Aaron they looked towarde the tabernacle of the congration and beholde the clowde couered it and the glorie of the Lorde appeared 43 And Moyses and Aaron came before the tabernacle of the congregation 44 And the Lorde spake vnto Moses saying 45 Get you from among this congregation that I may consume them quickly And they fell vpon theisr faces 46 And Moyses sayde vnto Aaron Take a censer and put fire therein out of the aulter and poure on incense and go quickly vnto the congregation and make an attonement for them For there is wrath gone out from the Lorde and there is a plague begunne 47 And Aaron toke as Moyses commaunded him and ranne into the middes of the congregation and behold the plague was begunne among the people and he put on incense and made an attonement for the people 48 And when he stoode betwéene the dead and them that were aliue the plague was stayed 49 They that died in the plague were fourtéene thousande and seuen hundred beside them that died about the conspiracie of Corah 50 And Aaron went againe vnto Moyses before the doore of the tabernacle of the congregation and the plague was stayed The Exposition vpon the .xvj. Chapter of Numbers And Corah the sonne of Isaar c. went apart with Dathan and Abiram c. THe Scripture in this place setteth forth vnto vs an example of repining Of the wicked and of rebelling against the good Magistrate and ordinance of god Wherein we haue to marke that no Prince or Magistrate can be so good and vpright but that wicked and lewde subiectes blinded with their priuate affections will rebell and * picke quarrels against him Moyses and Aaron were chosen and appointed by GOD himselfe they had the continual assistance of Gods holy Spirit and Angels guiding them and working with them They were painefull and diligent in their office verye carefull for the good estate of the people verie● milde and mercifull in their gouernment and Farre from all couetousnesse briberie and corruption And yet did Corah Dathan and Abiram with many other rebel agaynst them reprooued them and discredited them in all theyr doyngs as ambitious prowde cruell and false In this example we haue to obserue First that the * rootes of rebellion commonly are Pride and selfeliking Enuie and ambition For pride causeth men to haue a great liking of themselues and to thinke themselues more Worthie men to be in honour and dignitie than anye other And therefore mooueth them partly to Enuie partly to Disdaine other and ambitiously by sturre and rebellion to seeke that which by other quiet meanes they cannot get That this was the roote of this rebellion here mentioned it appeareth by that Moyses speaketh to them You take to much vpon you you sonnes of Leui. Seemeth it but a small thing vnto you that God hath seperated you and taken you to his owne seruice but that you must seeke the office of the priest also In these wordes he toucheth theyr Pride and Ambition Secondly wee haue to marke what Instruments Rebels commonly vse agaynst good Princes and Rulers that is to saye Lying and Dissimulation By Lying they spreade false and vn●eue reporrtes of the Prince that he is Prowde that he is Couetous that he is Cruell that he Oppresseth the commons c. Yea and depraue all his well doynges to bring him the sooner in Hatred with the people and to cause them to mislike him which commonly with euery apparant cause are easily caryed to the desire of alteration of Princes and Rulers especially if they vse seueritie of Iustice in punishing By Dissimulation they cloke their owne Ambitious purpose of aduauncing themselues and pretende forsooth that they doe all for the Loue and safegard of the common weale and for Pitie toward the poore commons and for their ease and reliefe when as in deed they seeke nothing but the setting vp of themselues or the wreaking of malice
on the contrarie part it setteth forth howe God as a carefull protectour doth Defende the same and turneth all the endeuours of their enemies to their greater commoditie and benefite As here he turneth their 〈◊〉 that was purposed into a notable blessing He sent messengers therefore to Balaam the sonne of Peor c. It is not likely that this Balaam as some doe gather shoulde haue dwelt in Mesopotamia For that country is a great number of miles from Moab so that it could not wel be that he could haue bene twise sent for within so short space as the circumstances of this Historie doe signifye It maye be that he dwelt in the countrie of Madian or there about Eastwarde from Moab so that by that occasion the king of Moab did the sooner here of his fame which from the other place so many hundred myles of he coulde not doe We reade cap. 31. that Balaam was s●aine amonge the Madianites and therby he may appeare to haue bene of that countrie Neyther is it to be thought that this Balaam was an ordinarie Prophete of God and indued with the spirite of continuall prophecie and charge of doctrine as the other Prophetes were For 2. Pet. 2. he and his fellowes are condemned I thinke rather he was a Southsayer or Sorcerer which vsed the helpe of euill spirites and by them did some straunge things that brought him in admiration with the Heathnishe people of those partes And yet when the cause of Gods people came in hande it pleased God by his holy spirite for the time to Bridle his wicked affection to stop his couetous mouth and to vse his tongue euen against his will as an instrument to blesse his people and by prophecie to shewe to his enimies the cause why he did so singulerly preserue them that is because the true Messias should descende of them And this interpretatiō can not seeme strange and repugnant to the scriptures that God for the time putteth his spirite of Prophesie euen into the wicked to their further condemnation For we read in Samuel when Saule sent his men to apprehend Dauid although they went to an euill purpose yet the spirite of God entered into them so that they prophecied yea and the reprobate Saule himselfe folowing after them with the same minde did prophecie also whereof rose this common saying Is Saule also among the Prophets He answered them Tarie here this night and I will bring you worde c. At the first sight there doth appeare a great shew of Holinesse that he will not go with them no nor giue them any answere vntill he knewe Gods pleasure therein but all was but Hypocrisie For he woulde gladly haue gone with them for couetousnesse of the great rewardes that were promised to him But the spirite of God Brideled his couetous minde and ouerruled his tongue and doynges that his Heathen enimies might thereby learne their Vanitie and foolishe striuing agaynst him and his people Get you vnto your lande For the Lorde will not suffer me to go with you c. Here Balaam bewrayeth somewhat his Hypocrisie If his minde had beene Syneere and had made vnto them a free answere that they striued in vaine agaynst those that God had blessed they would neuer haue sent vnto him the seconde message but by a doubtfull answere he did the more inflame them For when he sayth God would not suffer him to go vvith them he signifieth there was a good will in himselfe if that he might haue done it and therefore thought they by further intreatie and more Hope of gaine to perswade him Then Balac sent againe a greater companie of Lordes and more honorable c. By the former plaine answere that God gaue willing Balaam not to go both Balach the king of the Moabites shoulde haue learned his vaine trauaile agaynst the people of God and Balaam the Prophete also to haue chaunged his couetous affection into a sincere mind in folowing that thing which he vnderstoode to be Gods pleasure But the Heathen king thought God to depende vpon mans pleasure and that he would haue bene * mutable as man was And the Couetous prophet increasing his hypocrisie retayned the same corruption of mind that he did before When Balaam said If Balach vvould giue me his house full of siluer and golde I can not go beyonde the vvorde of the Lorde c. It might seeme to haue proceeded of a great Holinesse and submission to the will of god But if he spake it Sincerely why did he tempt God againe with a newe question Did he thinke God mutable and to be woonne to wickednesse as himselfe was Surely his endeuour doth declare no other opinion to haue bene in him but that the ●pirite of God would also be Double and mutable as the euill spirites were whose councell he had before vsed And therefore he sheweth that he had no sounde fayth or feare of God but onely was caried away with his Couetous desire if God woulde in any wise haue suffered him But it may then be sayde whie did God yeelde vnto him and bid hym go with those seconde Messengers Truly not because he Lyked eyther the minde of Balaam or the thing it self but that he gaue ouer an obstinate mā to the affection of his owne minde that both he and they that sent for him might with more shame and griefe Learne the will of God which at this first answere they would not receyue And the wrath of God was kindled because he went and the Angell c. By this we may vnderstande that God lyked not the endeuour of Balaam and therfore not onely with greater daunger bringeth him to learne his pleasure but to his reproche causeth a verye Asse to see and vtter that which he blinded with couetousnesse woulde not conceyue And whereas touching the * speaking of the Asse the Deuill may put into our heartes some vngodly cogitations to the discredite of the holy scriptures we must stay our selues vpon these wordes And the Lorde opened the mouth of the Asse If then it were the Lords doyng it is not here tolde as any ordinarie doyng but miraculously as the woonderful worke of God 〈◊〉 the abashing of his enimies and comfort of the faythfull that feare god We thinke it no great matter for a man to cause a Pie or Popingay to vtter certaine distinct wordes and speaches Wee maye not then iudge it so Vncredible a matter if it be attributed to God for his glorie sake and to reproue the wicked that he maketh an Asse to speake seeing especially that the Fynest tongued man if Gods gift had not beene in the beginning could no more haue framed his tongue to speach then now an Horse or an Asse can doe The Lorde therefore is Lorde of speach and vtterance and can at his pleasure giue it to those creatures that haue it not and take it from them that haue it as it appeareth by Zacharie
this shal be a signe vnto thée that shall come vpon thy two sonnes Hophni and Phinehes in one day they shall dye both 35 And I will stirre vp a faithfull priest that shal doe according to my heart and minde and I will builde him a sure house and he shall walke before mine annoynted for euer 36 And all that are lest in thine house shall come and crouche to him for a péece of siluer and a morsell of breade and shall say Put me I pray thée in one office or other among the priestes that I may eate a morsell of bread The Exposition vpon the .ij. Chapter of .1 Samuel And Hanna prayed and sayd My hart reioyceth in the Lord ▪ c. THis Hanna the wife of Helcana as is mentioned in the 1. Chapiter of this boke hauing bene long Baraine without childe to hir great reproch griefe of minde at the last through earnest praier obtained of god hir sonne Samuel and by hir vow dedicated him to the Seruice of god Wherefore in this chapiter stirred by the motion of Gods holie Spirit shee yeldeth most hartie thankes and praises to God for the same And albeit this be the chiefe purpose of Her speache yet in the vehemencie of her spirite she breaketh out to greater matter exceeding lie extolleth the mightye Power of God in other things also My hearte saieth she reioyseth whiche before was wrung with sorowe my Horne that is my strength and glory is now extolled which before was ouerthrowen in shame and reproche my Mouth is now free which erst was stopped with heauinesse and I reioyce not in mine owne strength or doyng but in the saluation of the Lorde The Lord our God is onlie Holie and of almightie Power and my gladnes in him is not vaine Therfore you wicked ones cease to Breath out the pride and arrogancie of your hartes his knowledge is infinite his power is exceding great is hable to bring to passe whatsoeuer he will haue done He ouerthroweth the mightie and breaketh their strength and power he setteth vp the afflicted and troubled persons compasseth them with his strength and assistance The riche that did feede at full he bringeth to pouertie and neede Suche as were oppressed with hunger he bringeth to greate plentie The baraine he maketh mother of manie children and such as had plentie of children he maketh baraine Yea the Lord killeth and bringeth euen from Deathes doore to Life againe The riche he pulleth downe out of his Glory and lifteth vp the poore from lowe estate euen to the dignitie of Princes The Stedinesse of the earth is in his handes and he caused it and hath placed all the other elements about it as it were their foundation whereon they rested The feete of his Saintes that is all their Workes Studies Indeuours and Coūsailes he prospereth but the wicked he causeth to perishe in the darke cloudes of affliction All the enemies of God that set themselues against him and his truth with his mightie power he will from Heauen ouerthrowe and especiallie when he hath giuē his Kingdome to his anoynted Messias Sauiour that is to come But the sonnes of Helie were Children of Belial and knew not the Lord. c. Children of Beliall are dissolute loose young men giuen ouer to wickednesse and not staied or bridled with the feare God such the Sonnes of Helie are here described to be Contemners of God and of his holie ordinances Couetous Cruell Proude Gluttenous They were not Contented with those portions that the Lorde had assigned them Exodus 29. Num. 18. Leuit. 7. But by violence and extortion tooke from men what they lusted Which dealing caused the people to lothe the Sacrifices of God. So great a mischiefe is it if the Ministers of Gods Religion doe wickedly abuse to their gaine the Sacramentes of God or not deale in them with comelie Reuerence for the reproche of the Sacramentes tende to the dishonour of God. Howe greuous this offence of the Sonnes of Helie was in the sight of God it doth afterward appeare There might seme to be great blame in the Magistrates that seyng this outragious contempt of God and his Lawes would not seeke to Redresse the same But the Childe Samuel Ministred before the Lorde girded with c. To Minister before the Lorde is to Minister in the seruice of god Ephod was a little linnē garment from the shoulders downe toward the middle which the Leuites also vsed in the seruice of the Temple But the Ephod which the Priest wore was of another sorte and was made of Golde blewe Silke Purple Scarlet White twined sylke with brodered worke Exod. 28. Elie was verie olde and hearde all that his sonnes did vnto Israel and. c. Helie for age was not hable to execute the office of the Priest himselfe and therfore committed it vnto his sonnes who fouly abused it to gods dishonor and great offence of his people The women that are mentioned to haue wayted at the doore of the Tabernacle eyther came thither to be purified or to helpe forward the holie ministerie and by these wicked Priests were eyther by corruption allured to adulterie or by violence rauished And he said vnto them Why do ye such thinges for of all these people c. He should sharply haue rebuked them yea and with further punishement haue put them from the holie Ministerie as such persons that dishonoured the seruice of God but as a negligent man in Gods cause and a co●kering ●ather toward his children he reproueth them ●oldly sayde only that he Heard euil report of them and therfore they being now acustomed to their wicked doings were nothing amended therby When one h●rteth an other man he offendeth God but by Media●●on but when he trespasseth in matter of Religion and holinesse he offendeth God Immediatly As touching these woordes that bee added They hearkened not to their father Bicause the Lord would slay them It maye seeme repugnant to that God speaketh by Ezec. cap. 18. As sure as I liue I vvill not the death of a sinner c. And in Esay cap. 28. God mynding to punishe the people saith that he wil do A strange work a strange act that is suche an one as vsually doth not belong vnto him Howe then doth he say here that Hee will slay them For answere herevnto we must know That God is not the directe Authoure of Deathe either of the soule or of the body For Deathe came in by sinne Rom. 5. Sinne was wrought by Satan father both of sinne Death and therefore is he iustly called of Sainct Iohn A manqueller Therefore when God punisheth or killeth he may well be saide to do A strange work and such a thing as in his simple reuealed will he doth not delite in S. Augustine noteth two kinds of VVill in God y one Simplex
God and the Lorde of Hoastes vnto whose dominion all Creatures are subiecte and by him are gouerned and maintayned Nowe the Prophete in this place hathe as it were his Commission deliuered vnto him and is sente as Gods Messenger vnto the Israelites liuing in banishmente and is instructed what maner of people they are how they will receiue him and howe he shall behaue himselfe toward them In the ende of the former Chapiter it is mentioned that Ezechiel seyng in a vision an Image of the glorie of God not being hable to abyde the Maiestie thereof fell downe vpon his face in like manner as we reade that Daniell did when he sawe a terrible vision And there vvas no strength saith he remaining in me c. and yet I hearde the voyce of his vvordes and fell astonied vpon my face Such is the frailtie of man as he is not hable to abide but a meane shadowe of the glorious Maiestie of God. But the same God suffereth not these good men that he hath ouerthrowne with terrour of his glorie to remaine long prostrate and cast downe but he comfortablie erecteth them with his spirite as we see in this place in Exechiel whom he not onelye commaundeth to stande vp vpon his feete that he may speake vnto him but also endueth him with his spirit that he may be hable so to doe For such is our weaknes that whē we be once ouerthrowne we cannot rise of oure selues but onely by the mighte of Gods Holie grace and Spirite Wherefore sayth S. Paule VVe are not able of our selues to doe any thing but al our sufficiēcie is of God And again Not of my self but of the grace of God in me Ezechiel therfore stādeth not here vpō his feet of himself but by the Spirite of God entring into him Neyther was the outward Word of God sufficiēt for this Purpose For the Strength might of the word of God is by the Grace of his Spirite goeing alwaye with it The externall VVord as his blessed Instrument soundeth in the eare and moueth the sense but the Spirite of God worketh in the heart And he said vnto me thou sonne of man J sende thee to the children of c. Hovve shal they hear saith Paule vvithout prea ching and hovve shall they preache onlesse they be sent God therefore commonly vseth in notable maner to call his Prophets and they alwaye lightly declare their owne calling and sending as here Ezechiell dothe that they may not bee thought to haue Come of themselues * as they commonly do that are Seducers and deceiuers of the People but to be Sente and appoynted by God. Here is also declared to Whom and to what maner of persons the Prophet is sente that is to the children of Israel liuing nowe in Captiuitie and wyth greate Impacience murmurynge agaynste GOD and hys Iustice So that neyther by Teaching they coulde bee persuaded neyther by the Scourge and punishemente of God anye thing amended Therefore are they described to bee a Rebellious people euer Stryuing and settyng them selues agaynste GOD as their * Fathers had done before them A people of an Harde and impudente face whome Nothyng coulde make ashamed but rather wyth Stoute countenaunce will Defende their Wickednesse and Glorie in it and therefore by Hieremie also are they sayde To haue an Harlottes forheade They are noted also to bee a People of a Stiffe hearte that is of an Obstinate and headie mynde whome neyther Godly persuasion nor greuous punishmente coulde moue to retourne to God and acknowledge their fault When GOD obiecteth to his People the Imitation of their Forefathers wee also are Taughte to beware howe wee Stubburnely Staye oure selues agaynste the Callyng of God and his holie woorde and Gospell by the Imitation of oure Forefathers And yet wee see that men in these dayes shew● no greater grounde of their Consciences than to saye They will Beleeue and doe 〈◊〉 their Forefathers haue doone If that ●●eason bee sounde as by this place and manye other wee are Taughte it is not Surely the Iewes might well seme excusable and not so much to be blamed for reiecting the doctrine of the Prophetes and of Christe and his Apostles For vpon that reason they chiefly grounded them selues Therefore wee oughte diligently to Learne by the vnfallible rule of Gods woorde Wherein oure Fathers dyd well and therein to followe them and contrarywyse gladly to Shunne and forsake those thinges that they doe otherwyse When God commaundeth Ezechiel to goe to the Children of Israell and saye vnto them Thus sayth the Lord both Preachers haue to learne that they remembre whose Messengers they are and that they Teache not the people of God their owne Phantasies and deuises but that only as Paule sayeth whyche they haue receyued of GOD that they maye boldly say with Ezechiel Thus sayth the Lord. And on the other parte the hearers and people are by the same woorde instructed when they heare the Preachers not to make accompte of them as simple men onely nor to accepte their wordes as the wordes of men but as the Doctrine of God whose ambassadours they are sent by him to enfourme them of hys holy will and pleasure and to leade them into his wayes The Preachers of God must not loke to haue their Doctrine by and by to be thankfully frutefully received or that their laboures 〈◊〉 shall haue fauourable and good Successe The Prince of this Worlde is enimie to God and to his cause and therfore wil not easily suffer them that forsake God and fighte vnder his Banner to yelde to the obedience of God and to be reformed at his callyng Therfore sayth God to Ezechiel VVhether they will heare or refuse giue not ouer thy function and office of teaching but let them knovve to their further Condemnation and to the takyng away of all Pretenses of ignorance That there hath ben a Prophet of God among them to gyue them warning and to cal them from their wickednesse I know and I tel thee before hand that they are a Rebellious and obstinate People and wyll not hearken vnto thy Preaching nor accepte thy Doctrine but thou haste my Commandemente and my Commission to confirme thee therfore performe that * Plant and water that stony and harde Ground and leaue the Increase and successe to me If they repent thou mayste haue Comforte of thy trauayle if they continue Stubburne they must haue Iustice for their Disobedience And thou sonne of man feare them not neither be afrayd of their wordes c. Suche is the Frayltie and timorousnesse of Man that hee cannot choose but bee Moued with the Clamour and obloquie of many agaynste hym Therefore God dothe heere strengthen and as it were Arme Ezechiell his Prophete agaynste the waywardnesse of that People and wylleth hym to take pacientely whatsoeuer they shall doe or saye Hypocrites ryse agaynste Gods truth and in woordes pretende Gaye and holye Titles and Names for
as it were in iudgement cleareth him selfe that he neuer hurted them neuer wrought trouble griefe vnto them whereby they might pretende cause to reuolt from him but alway hath shewed him selfe their gracicious mercifull and bountifull Lord euer readye to assiste and helpe them and miraculously with mightie hande to deliuer them As for example out of Aegipt from the sterne Tirannie of Pharao and his people In the wildernesse from manye dangers by the meanes of Moyses Aaron Marie their sister indued with the spirite of prophecie From the wicked deuises of Balach at which time he turned the Cursing that was sought agaynst them into a notable blessing By this wee also haue to take heede that wee doe not contemne the worde of God and reiect the memorie of his exceeding benefits that he hath of late yeares done for vs least it be grieuously laide against vs as the like is here vnto the Iewes Wherewith shall I come before the Lord and bowe my selfe to the hye God c. As the Prophet before made as it were God him selfe to accuse the Iewes euen so here doth he bring in the people of the Iewes cōsulting asking by what meanes by what sacrifices by what satisfactions they may please God and appease his wrath and displeasure Here is to be noted that as the faithfull when they perceiue God to be displeased resort to his holy worde and out of that learne what to doe to please God so other that are vnfaithfull when he hath beaten into their mindes some sense of his wrath as he had here done to the Iewes they cannot ascende to any higher consideration then the wisedome of the flesh and of the worlde And therefore giue themselues to worke reconsiliation by externall things as sacrifices outward kneelings fastings and tormentings of the bodie iudging that God also maketh great account of those outwarde thinges which they themselues greatly esteeme and wherein they iudge principall holinesse to consist But God being a spirite sheweth himselfe to delight in that holinesse only that is in spirite and in truth And therefore in the 8. verse the Prophete aunswering their question sayeth God hath shewed thee O man what is good and what the Lorde requireth of thee c. Whereby he taketh from them their pretence of ignoraunce or rather reproueth their obstinate impudēcie wherby they moue such questions As though God had not by his seruant Moises and by his Prophetes declared oftentimes vnto them what true worship he looketh for at their handes and wherewith his anger will be appeased that is with repentaunce and the true fruites therof Such as are the doing of iustice when not onely the Magistrate dealeth vprightly in iudgement but also euerye priuate man according to his office and calling The loue of mercie and pitie consisting in all the workes of Charitie The humblenesse of our hartes submitting our selues to the will and pleasure of God declared in his worde For To walke with God is to walke before him according to the appointment of his holy will and worde The Lordes voyce cryeth vnto the Citie and the man that shal be saued c. In this part of the chapter the Prophete chargeth them with their sinnes wherewith they had displeased god The Lordes voyce is the preaching and teaching of his worde You haue heard sayth the Prophete what * dueties God requireth of you neyther can you in this pretende ignorance For the Lord doth his part diligently when he sendeth his Prophets to you that be of this Citie and to all other likewise that be in your case and by them crieth to you that you should repent and doe those fruites of repentaunce And therefore the faythfull and good man that hath care of his saluation doth consider it and feare the name of thee O Lorde But you O stiffe necked Ievves shewe your selues to contemne his voyce and to neglect his calling Therefore seeing you will not heare that voyce calling you to saluation hearken to this voyce that assureth you of your punishment rodde and destruction Then layeth he before them their grieuous faultes and offences that is Riches vniustly gotten False measures False waightes and balances Crueltie Lying Falsehoode and deceyte as well in their occupying and bargayning as in all other dealing and for these thinges sayth he the Lorde will take in hande to punish them Therefore I will take in hande to punishe thee and to make thee desolate c. This is vttered in the person of God I wyll therefore punish thee sayth the Lorde and take all those my good gifts frō thee which hath made thee so prowde and obstinate not ouely so but bicause thou wilt not repent and turn from thy sinnes O thou wicked Citie I will vtterly destroy thee and make thee desolate The first plague is famine and that in a strange maner that they should haue to eate and yet there meate not prosper with them The seconde plague that by inward mischiefe among themselues that is by discorde discention or other like meanes by giuing credite to the false Prophetes that were among them they shoulde worke their owne ouerthrowe The thirde is that all meanes of help succour and refuge should be taken from them and that those whome they would seeke to saue the Lorde would deliuer to the sworde The fourth is that their goodes and the fruites of the grounde shoulde be spoyled and taken from them and that they shoulde enioy no part of their labours therein The last is that they should be vtterly wasted caried away captiue and be a scorne and reproch to all people The. 21. Sunday after Trinitie at Morning prayer Habacuc 2. I Will stande vpon my watch and set me vpon the tower and will looke and sée what he will say vnto me and what I shall answere to him that rebuketh me 2 And the Lorde answered me and sayde Write the vision and make it plaine vpon tables that hée may runne that readeth it 3 For the vision is yet for an appoynted time but at the last it shall speaks and not lye though it tarie waite for it shall surely come and shall not stay 4 Beholde he that lifteth vp himselfe his minde is not vpright in him but the iust shall liue by his fayth 5 Yea in déede the prowde man is as he that transgresseth by wine therefore shall he not endure because he hath enlarged his desire as the hell and is as death and cannot be satisfied but gathereth vnto him all nations and heapeth vnto him all people 6 Shal not all these take vp a parable agaynst him and a taunting prouerbe agaynst him and say Wo to him that increaseth that which is not his howe long and he that ladeth himselfe with thicke clay 7 Shall they not rise vp sodenly that shall bite thée and awake that shall stirre thée and thou shalt be their pray 8 Because thou hast spoyled
many nations all the remnant of the people shall spoyle thée because of mens bloud and for the wrong done in the lande in the Citie and vnto all that dwell therein 9 Wo to him that coueteth an euil couetousnesse to his house that he may set his nest on hie to escape from the power of euill 10 Thou hast consulted shame to thine owne house by destroying many people and hast sinned agaynst thine owne soule 11 For the stone shall crie out of the wall and the beame out of the tymber shall answere it 12 Wo vnto him that buyldeth a towne with bloud and erecteth a citie by iniquitie 13 Beholde is it not of the Lord of hostes that the people shall labour in the verye fire the people shall euen wearie themselues for verie vanitie 14 For the earth shall be filled with the knowledge of the glorie of the Lorde as the waters couer the sea 15 Wo vnto him that giueth his neighbour drinke thou ioynest thy rage and makest him drunken also that thou mayst sée their priuities 16 Thou art filled with shame for glorie drinke thou also and be made naked the cuppe of the Lordes right hande shall be turned vnto thée and shamefull spuing shall be for thy glorie 17 For the crueltie of Libanus shall couer thée so shall the spoyle of the beastes which he made afrayde because of mens bloud and for the wrong done in the lande in the citie and vnto all that dwell therein 18 What profiteth the Image for the maker thereof hath made it an Image and a teacher of lies though he that made it trust therein when he maketh dumbe Idols 19 Wo vnto him that sayth to the wood Awake and to the dumbe stone Rise vp it shall teach thee beholde it is layde ouer with golde and siluer and there is no breath in it 20 But the Lorde is in his holy temple let all the earth kéepe silence before him The Exposition vpon the. 2. Chapter of Habacuc I will stande vpon my watch and set me vpon the tower and will looke and. c. THe Prophet Habacuc in the first Chapiter had comforted the Iewes liuing both in great oppression vnder the wicked king Manasses and also being sore afflicted by the power of the Chaldees But some of the people of God considering the great and * long prosperitie of the wicked enemies of God beganne to * stagger in their faith and halfe to mistrust the prouidence of God as though he did neglect his people And for that cause quarelled with the Prophet and desired some resolution of their doubtfull mindes herein Therefore in the beginning of this Chapiter he sayeth He will stande vpon his watch tower and see what God vvill say vnto him and what answere he may make to them that did in such manner rebuke him and quarrell with him By The watchtower hee vnderstandeth a more deepe and earnest consideration and meditation of the misteries of Gods prouidence wherein his minde was lifted vp aboue the capacitie of mans common reason and was stayed vp by the declaration of Gods holy wil reuealed in his worde The Prophet being in this VVatchtower sayth The Lorde answered him that is that God by his holye spirite reuealed to him that he should VVrite a vision and that so playnely and in so great letters that a man running by in haste might reade it In that the Prophet so easily obtaineth answere of God wee also are taught that when with earnest Meditation and Prayer we seeke to vnderstande the will of God and what is best for vs to doe He will not faile by his grace to lighten our mindes to the vnderstanding therof If thou seeke vnderstanding saith Salomon as siluer and search it out as great treasure thou shalt vnderstande the feare of the Lord and finde out the knowledge of God. The summe of this vision is that those prowde Chaldies which did so afflict his people and glorie in their owne strength notwithstanding that they did seeme for the time to prosper and to be a scourge to other yet in short space by Gods iust iudgement for their wickednesse should be brought to cōfusion and made a laughing stock to the worlde This answere God willeth the Prophete to Set vp in writing that all his people might see it and reade it to their assured comforte When the Prophet addeth The vision is yet for an appointed time but at the last it shall speake and not lye and though it taried yet it shoulde assuredly come and not stay c. He meaneth that the contentes of the vision should not forthwith be fulfilled but after a certaine space and therefore willeth them paciently to abide the time for that vndoubtedlye in the ende it shoulde come to passe And so in deed was it fulfilled about 70. yeares after the destruction of Hierusalem and leading of the people captiue into Babilon At which time Cyrus tooke and spoyled Babilon and transferred the Empire to the Persians Beholde he that lifteth vp himselfe his minde is not vpright in him But c. He sayth the Prophet that lifteth vp his minde vpon confidence trust of his owne deuises helpe and strength and thereby thinketh that he shall be safe agaynst all mutabilitie of fortune or other daunger that maye come shall neuer haue sure quietnesse tranquilitie of minde but euer be tossed to fro with newe deuises For God will * frustrate the counsayles of such persons But the good iust man which with an assured fayth* stayeth himselfe vpon the worde and promises of God in all daungers both worldely and spirituall shall not fayle of tranquilitie and quietnesse of minde For he hath the vnfallible truth the almightie power of God whereon he resteth Wherfore by this verse the Prophete willeth the people to * lay aside all confidence of worldely helpe and to rest onelye in Gods truth and his promises This sentence is not onely to be applyed to worldly afflictions and cares but also and especially to the tormentes of conscience agaynst sinne and Satan and all our spirituall enemies and so doth Saint Paule vse Galat. 3. Yea in deede the prowde man is as he that transgresseth by wine therfore shall c. Here the Prophete beginneth to declare what shall come to the Empire of Babilon of the Chaldees together with the causes wherwith God was mooued thereto The prowde man sayth he that is the prowde and ambitious Babilonian is like to a drunken man that hath passed all measure in drinking of wine As in the Drunkarde the vapours of the wine ascendinge to the heade so trouble the braine and taketh away the right vse of sense and reason that without shame or measure he runneth headlong to all filthinesse and the more he hath powred in the more still he desireth to drink Euen so the prowde and * ambicious spirite of the Babilonian doth so trouble his minde with vaine imaginations