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A16539 The last battell of the soule in death diuided into eight cof̃erences ... : whereby are shown the diuerse skirmishes that are between the soule of man on his death-bedde, and the enemies of our saluation : carefullie digested for the comfort of the sicke / by Mr. Zachary Boyd, preacher of Gods word at Glasgow. Boyd, Zacharie, 1585?-1653. 1629 (1629) STC 3447; ESTC S881 434,219 1,336

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with thy mercie In the multitude of thy compassions blot out my transgressions wash me throghlie from mine iniquitie and cleanse mee from my sinnes where by the seed of thy grace within mine heart hath beene choaked and starued Let the depth of thy mercy swallow vp the deepes of my miserie Bridle my sinnes and spurre forward thy graces within mee Set all mine affections on foote that they may follow after Thee Put a fairer flame into my smoking slaxe and more strength into this bruisedreede that the bones which thou hast broken may re●…oyce O Lord with thine eye salue cleanse and open the eyes of my poore Soule that I beholding these things that are aboue may gladlie desire to be dissolued for to be there with my Lord and Sauiour Lord let thy Spirit carrie still a strong hand ouer me Furnish mee with such measure of thy graces whereby I may patiently waite vpon thy will Except that by a speciall fauour thou vphold mee I shall neuer bee able to secure my feete in so slipperie ground While I haue beene hearing most glorious speaches of the Heauens the shadowes of earthlie things haue ecclipsed my minde like a Moorie O make such shadowes to flie away that the horizon of my spirituall sight beeing cleared I may in some measure see thy backe partes whereby my Soule may bee enlightened like the face of Moses Though often I haue beene deafe at thy preachinges bee not thou dumbe at my prayers O Father of mercies listen vnto the groanes of my drooping spirite assailed with diuerse temptations Heare the sighes and crouding of thine owne Turtle Doue O LORD leade mee into the Land of vprightnesse and make thy grace to seat it selfe into mine heart Store my memorie with these good lessons which I haue heard preached in mine health Let mee neuer ouer-pryze anie good thing that is within my selfe Though Iames and Iohn bragged that they were able to drinke of thy cuppe scarce could they abide to see Thee drinke it O Lord make mee euer to vnder-value thy greatest worth that thorow the valey of humilitte I may come to these euer lasting exaltations Come LORD for loe thy seruant commeth I am willing Lord helpe my vnwillingnesse If it bee thy will to loose me out of this sinfull prison when I shall leaue this earth to earth appoint thine Angels to carrie my Soule vnto Abrahams bosome where I may sing with thy Saincts Halleluiah for euer Come Lord now and seeke thy lost groate Fetch home vpō thy Shoulders this wandering Sheepe and make all the Heauens to rejoyce Despise not that which in the creation thou diddest ennoble with thy liknesse Giue mee a warrand and a token to bee admitted within the Gates of thine euerlasting Tabernacles Till I come there make my Soule to burne still in holie feelings Lord heare mee for the deare sake of thy Sonne to whom with Thee and the Spirit of grace as it is most due wee render all praise glorie and dominion for euer AMEN The Pastour Blessed be God Sir who maketh his Spirit to worke so powerfullie within you Wee are all greatlie refreshed with your comforts It hath beene a great joye to vs all to heare that most sweete feruent prayer full of the groanes of the Spirit of Iesus In you haue wee seene the trueth of that Text The Spirit helpeth our infirmities for wee know not what wee should pray for as wee ought But the Spirite it selfe maketh intercession for vs with groanings which cannot bee vttered I am assured that that same Spirite hath made intercession for you with groaninges in that prayer which now yee haue vttered And againe while I consider in what weakenesse and faintnesse I found you at the first I wonder at such a vigour of Spirit which I petceiue now to be into you Truelie the word of God is most true God giueth power to the faint to them that haue no might hee increaseth strength Euen the Youths shall faint and bee wearie and the young men shall vtterlie fall But they that waite vpon the Lord renewe their strength They shall mount vp with winges as Eagles Many in their afflictions either desparatelie rage or weaklie wa●…le But God in great mercie hath at last filled you with true Christian courage and comfort in your greatest smart Hee hath listened to all your desires beeing moued with that sacred Loue which alwayes burneth in his bosome His Grace like the Notherne Pole hath giuen you aime and direction whether to bend your course Now the darkenesse of the night beginneth to ouer-cloud the earth By Gods grace I shall returne in the Morning so soone as the birdes shall begin to chirpe at the spring of day Because while the spirit of man is idle it weareth and wasteth it selfe away with barren and lumpish melancholie While yee shall awake cause reade Scripture vnto you and particularlie these places Psalme 27. Psalme 84. Psalme 87. 1. Corinthians 15. 2. Corinthians 12. Reuelation 21. Reuelation 22. His Grace bee you THE SEVENTH DAYES Conference The sicke Mans last wordes to his Pastour Friendes Wife and Children The Pastour THE Lord blesse you Sir According to my promise yester-night I am come againe earlie All this night mine heart hath earned to knowe of your estate How haue yee passed this night The sicke Man O the mercie of my God towards mee that hath moued you to take such paines for mee an vnworthie worme By your most holy Sermons yee haue furnished and supplied my minde with store of holie and heauenlie meditations Ye haue beene both a Paul for to plant mee in the true Faith and an Apollos for to water mee Christ the Master builder by the Finger of his Spirit hath laide the foundation of his Temple within mine heart Hee hath made choise of you a skilefull Workeman to aduance the worke till in mercie at last hee shall roofe his graces in mee with celestiall Glorie By the word of God yee haue comforted mee that is onelie the word of comfort Of all other words were they neuer so eloquent I will say with a Father In a thousand talents of worldlie wordes a man shall hardlie finde an hundreth pence of spirituall heauenlie wisedome This life is like the Haw thorne more pricking than pleasant Ye haue rauished my heart with desire of immortalitie aboue I blesse God Sir that euer I saw you The Pastour All these good things are to bee ascribed to the working of GODS Spirit All the juice and sappe whereby the branches spring and liue ensueth and riseth from the roote of the tree We who are Pastours are but the Lords Spouts and Cocks of his Conduits wherby his graces are conuoyed vnto the heartes of our hearers If the Spirit of God mak not a mans Saluation sure hee will incessantlie reele from one doubt to another from one temptation to another like a drunken man from wall to wall It is
the blasphemie against the holie Ghost shall not bee forgiuen vnto men To this is subjoyned in the verse following Whosoeuer speaketh a word againe the Sonne of man it shall bee forgiuen him but whosoeuer speaketh against the holie Ghost it shall neuer bee forgiuen him By this at the first blinke it would seeme indeede that it were not so dangerous to offend the Father or the Sonne as the holie Ghost Wherefore yee must consider that this sin which is called the sin against the holie Ghost is no lesse against the Father and against the Son than it is against the holie Ghost But it is called the sinne against the holie Ghost because it is a most high rebellion and stiffe standing out against the peculiar worke of the Spirite which is to inlighten the minde and bow the will and affections that man by repentance may bee brought home againe vnto his God As the Creation is ascribed to the Father and Redemption vnto the Sonne so is illumination and conuersion of Soules 〈◊〉 to the holie Ghost though all these e●…ternall actions of Creation Redemption and Sanctification bee common to all the three Persons of the Trinitie Vnderstand then that the reason wherefore this sinne is called the sin against the holie Ghost it is because it is against that energie efficatio●…s working of conuersion common to all the three Persons but particularlie ascribed to the holie Ghost as our Creation is to the Father and our Redemption to the Sonne When man stiflie and stubburnlie sinneth against the remeede of sin how can that sinne bee remeeded It must of necessitie bee a sinne reremeedilesse A sinne past all remeede is a desperate disease The sicke Man Let mee I pray you heare more clearelie what this sinne is The Pastour It is an vniuersall apostasie from a knowne Trueth with an eager ●…nest malicious persecuting of the same by both secret and open hostilitie The sicke Man I know that manie of the learned call that sinne an vniuersall apostasie from the Trueth but I neuer could well vnderstand that The Pharisees are esteemed to haue beene guiltie of that sin yet I cannot read that they had made an vniuersall apostasie from the trueth of doctrine Christ said that they sat in Moses chaire which did signifie that they had kept some thing of Moses his Doctrine though miserablie mixed with the leauen of their traditions Thus as ye see their apostasie was not vniuersall * Saul did not altother renounce the religion of Israel though after hee had beene among the Prophets hee killed the Priestes The Pastour Indeede Sir that doubt is not without great difficultie Mine opinion concerning that is that who out of malice and despite renounceth and persecuteth any fundamentall point of religion which he hath before knowne and approuen is by consequence guiltie of that vniuersall Apostasie My reason is foūded vpon the Apostles rule Whosoeuer shall keepe the whole Law and yet offend in one point hee is guiltie of all That is who euer he bee that maketh no conscience of one sinne maketh conscience of no sinne If for the feare of God you darre not murther how darre thou then if thou feare God committe adulterie or how darre thou steale or lye Euen so he out of malice despite renounceth any maine ground of the Trueth which hee hath once knowne and professed and after that contemptiouslie with a lifted vp hand persecuteth the same hee in my judgement hath drawne vpon himselfe the guiltinesse of an vniuersall Apostasie If by this vniuersall Apostasie were onelie vnderstood an actuall publick totall renouncing of God of all Religion with railing and raging such sinners should not bee as indeede they are most difficile to bee knowne The sicke Man I perceiue by the definition of that sinne that it is not common to all the Reprobates The Pastour No not But onelie to these who haue beene inlightened with some knowledge of the doctrine of truth after begin maliciouslie to persecute the same The sicke Man But thinke ye that any man would bee so beastlie as to persecute a knowne Trueth I cannot thinke that the Pharisees who are said to haue beene guiltie of that sinne did euer know Christ to be come from God for had they knowne him they had not crucified the Lord the Lord of glorie The Pastour Indeede these words are true of many but not of those doctours which made Christ to pronounce so manie woes against them They and their complices knew what hee was and wherefrae hee came Yee both know mee said Christ to them and yee know whence I am The sicke Man Mercifull God how could they then pursue him with such spight bitternesse I thinke that by that knowledge as by a bit their most head-strong corruption should haue beene snaffled and curbed The Pastour Man doeth not despight to the Spirit of grace at the first but by little and little like clay before the Sunne his heart is ha●…dened by the deceitfulnesse of sinne First a man will know the Trueth and will loue it with some sort of feruour for a space after a little this loue beginneth to lessen and grow cold while at last it is turned into hatred man beeing fallen in loue with lyes which fill his bowels with a boiling hatred of the Trueth From thence commeth a persecution and a finall desertion a just recompence of reward due to all these that will not receiue and keepe the loue of the Trueth that they might bee saued If the poore Pagan for abusing his naturall ●…ite by changing the trueth of God into a lye by Gods just judgement was giuen ouer to a reprobate mind what wonder if they who hauing once beene inlightned fall away bee neuer possiblie reneued againe vnto repētance seeing they crucifie to themselues the Son of God afresh and put him to an open shame Such men goe about presumptuouslie to grind the face of all godlinesse The sicke Man I see then that in the sinne against the holie Ghost there must first bee a knowledge of Gods Trueth and then a wilfull rebellion against it with a lifted vp banner The Pastour The Apostle is plaine If we saith hee sinne wilfullie after that we haue receiued the knowledge of the Trueth there remaineth no more sacrifice for sinnes but a certaine fearefull looking for of judgement fierie indignation The poison of that sinne is in the word wilfullie after a preceeding knowledge While Peter denyed his Master it was not wilfullie but for feare of his lif Soule persecuted most bitterlie beyond measure said hee I persecuted the Church of God and wasted it but God had mercie on him for it was in his ignorance These two great men rode so neare vnto that vnpardonable sinne that betweene Peter and it was nothing but wilfullie and betweene Paul and it was
Beasts fed on the bare commons are not so neere the slaughter as these that goe into fatter pastures B●…ware of all vncleannes Make a couenant with your eys not to behold wine women keepe carefullie your vessels cleane in sanctification and honour If yee slippe in anie sinne beware to sleepe in it for that is death Vita in vigilia est Godlie men in olde age regretting their former haunts are lessons from God to teach Youth not to plot the pleasures wherewith God is displeased Manie sinnes of Youth be called tricks but it is a terrible tricke to goe to Hell People foolishlie cloake Fornication with a tricke of youth but the Spirit of GOD giueth it a scarlet cloake dyed in red with the blood of three and twentie thousand Bee yee wise in time let the rememberance of the shrill sound of the last trumpet euer hold your heart in a stirre so soone as yee see the least appearance of euill Thinke no sin litle seeing it is against so great a Majestie For eating of a tree Ada●… was banished out of Paradise For touching the Arke shaken with the Oxen Vzzah lost his life For looking into it fiftie thousand three score and tenne men were slaine at Bethshemeth For gathering sticks vpon the Sabbath God declared that the man should bee stoned vnto death without the Campe Such thinges are written for our learning As for you stand in awe to sinne in a thought To clippe the Kings Coyne were it neuer so little is an high ●…reason Be affraide at the first gloumes of your GOD Crouch so soone as hee beginneth to shake his rod at you In all companies be constantlie godlie like the Sunne in his light Too manie like the Moone now glister with reflexes of light and anone are darkened Now and then they appeare with diuerse faces now with Saul they are Prophets among the Prophets and anone as reuoking all former godlinesse they runne rȳot with gluttons and reuellers O my beloued thinke neuer shame to be godlie among scorners Care not that by your conscio●…able cariage the wicked bee gauld and grieued in their madde moode they will call all godlinesse but outwardnesse and formalitie Tak good he●…d to all your ways set a guarde about your thoughts and a watch before your mouth Seeing the tongue is mans glorie let it not bee abused with rotien words Let not your eares bee open for to receiue the scowring of other mens filthie mouthes Bee calme and quiet in all your wayes Bee not rash or hastie looke before yee leape bee not selfe-willed proude contemners of your betters Aspire not aboue your pitch Care not so much for mans d●…spight as for Gods displeasure Let God be the caruer of all your car●…s Abhorre to be idle like these who sitting in the Chire of sloth passe their time at handie dandie Loyter not while yee should labour The first word that Pharaoh said to Iaakob his sonnes was What is your treade or occupation Be painefull and faithfull in your calling liue not litherlie as these that are giuen to sleepe the sluggardes lingring sicknesse Hee is of a base spirit who sluggishlie gaping and stretching himselfe lyeth lusking on the downe Vp vp from the feathers earelie in the morning striue with the Cocke in watchfulnesse and rise with the chirping of the birdes Ioyne watching against euill with wishing and prayers for that which is good It is good that the bodie bee moistned with the morning dew earelie rising bringeth health to the bodie and increaseth the number of mans dayes I remember of a verse which while I was young serued for a wakener for to rouse mee from my morning sleepe Sanctificat sanat dit at quoque surgere mane That is it maketh holie whole and rich to rise earelie in the morning for this cause earlie buckle your selues to your businesse Bee wise and watchfull In all your enterprisses haue an eye vpō your God doe all as into his sight bee not too cast down in aduersitie nor too puft vp in prosperitie If mans applause make you to ouerweene your selues at anie time chasten your loftinesse with the memorie of manie infirmit es which are nested within you in all thinges feare the worst and hope the best That which seemeth to man vnliklie is not with God impossible Let your life in a godlie sober ciuill cariage shine before men that they seeing it may glorifie your heauenlie Father Striue not to bee called Doctours and Rabbies though ye bee men of letters but aboue all striue to bee teachers of others by good example and not by word onlie lest yee bee like the Fyle which smootheth all other thinges but it selfe remaineth rough Beware of all sinfull pleasures which like faire Ladies come with alluring propines to woo and catch the vnstable soule In the verie throng of all your adoes draw your selues to a set dyet of priuate deuotion Mine heart beginneth to faint of force I must make a pause After that I am refreshed with a little rest I shall declare to you all that is in my minde and memorie O my Soule seek sigh for grace Be carefull for a neerer acquaintance with the Lord of Heauen Shortlie thou shalt embrace him whom the Fathers by faith saluted but a farre off The Pastour Lord heare thou in Heauen the groanes of thine humble supplicant mak him fullie freelie to taste and partake of the pleasures of thy graces til he come to glory Roll his wearied Soule within these compassions which in thy mercie are rouled together O deare Iesus besprinkle thou his heart with thy precious Soule-sauing blood which is euer louelie to the mercifull eye of the Father Take breath a little Sir that yee may continue in such precepts such heauenlie sentences were neuer bred nor brewed vpon the earth The Lord himselfe hath put the Roll of these things into your mouth which yee haue eaten and which make your breath to haue the sauour of life vnto life Certainelie in some measure the Lord Iesus hath breathed vpon you as hee did vpon his Apostles when hee said vnto them Receiue the holie Ghost The sicke Man Lord imprint thine Image into my Soule afresh My Spirit is reuiued a new power is entered into mee Blessed be hee who giueth power to the faint and who increaseth strength to them that haue no might Giue eare now againe vnto my speach O yee my deare Children Incline your eares vnto the wordes of my mouth See that yee liue in loue a rent is the forerunner of a ruine If yee would liue die in honestie practise all Christian dueties Feare God loue the Church honour your King bee faithfull to your Countrie reuerence your Mother Bee pitifull bee courteous liue in loue together Your strength is in vnitie like a sheafe of arrowes A
Let no man blesse himselfe with Micah because hee hath gods at home Though men by manie meanes may become rich and think that they shall leaue great wealth vnto their children God can by as many meanes disapoint them as by blood by shipwracke by fire by water by warre by banqueroupts by plea and by piracie c. He who to day was swaggering in his Silkes and swimming in his wealth speaking of nothing but of thousands within a little space behold him againe and loe all is changed The poore man he goeth and no man regardeth him he is hungrie nacked and colde but not so colde as the charitie of these that may helpe him These who were wont to eate at his table desire no more to see him The thoughts of olde obligations are to them lik letters of Caption for to enforce thē to giue some what to their olde distressed friend But cold are such comforts Heere beholde Sir as in a glasse what vanitie into these transitorie things which men think to make permanent to their posteritie But let a man be rich till he die After that he hath spoiled others to make himselfe wealthie shall his children bee his Heires No not The wealth of the sinner is laide vp for the Iust See how God maketh a Worlding to be as it were a drudge or a packe horse for to gather with the sweate of his browes that wherwith the righteous man may bee sustained As hee made the Rauens to flee and fetch flesh for the nourishing of his Seruant Elijah Some tims also it wil befal otherwise that thewe alth of the sinner shall be laid vp for one worse than himselfe that all the world may see and beholde what vanitie there is in such carking care O wil some say if hee that is dead saw such a man in his house Master of all his labours What would hee now thinke Thus God in a manner making deboched bare men like leane Kine prey vpon the wicked who while they liued wold not with the Oliue leaue their fatnes for to be Kings in Heauē letteth the world see what folie it is to put their trust in such transitorie trashes What say yee now Sir Are yee now free of such earthlie temptations The sicke Man I am miserablie vexed with this world Worldlie things doe what I can runne euer into my minde and trouble mee with carking cares The Pastour So long as a mans heart is clogged with this clay hee hath no power to stirre hand or foote to heauen-ward There is both gall and guile in earthlie mindednesse Well is him whose Soule can sore farre aboue this Region of corruption for to minde aboue all things the things that are aboue The sicke Man My minde alas is like Martha busied about manie things or rather buried in manie things The Pastour But Christ said One thing is necessarie Hee that said it is that which hee said euen that One necessarie thing Wee may passe to life eternall without any other thing But there is such a necessitie in Christ that without him wee can doe nothing Without mee said hee yee can doe nothing Christ is that Best part Maries choise Well is that Soule that maketh him its part He is onely that which shall neuer bee taken from vs But what worldlie thing is that that as yet troubleth you The sicke Man Mine heart Sir is ouer-burdened with the weight of manie cares concerning this Life The Pastour Our Sauiour hath set downe a particular Precept concerning that Take heede said hee to your selues least at any time your heartes bee ouercharged with surfetting and drunkennesse and cares of this life Such cares may snow downe white haires vpon our hairie scalpe But it is onelie the godlie care the care of the Life to come that worketh Repentance neuer to bee repented of But come to the pārticulars The sicke Man I haue latelie bought some heritage my seruants are plowing it before I die I would wish once to reape the fruites thereof The Pastour To bee worldlie minded is death The command is gone foorth ' none can plead ignorance Loue not the world nor the things of the world Well is him that so liueth heere that he may be counted worthie to enjoy that world It is no time now Sir to thinke of ploughes yee must now leaue all for to follow Christ like Elisha who left his plowing for to follow his new vocation Take now a kisse of your dearest friendes and follow this great Elijah the Lord Iesus the Chariot of all his chosen and the Horse-men of his Israel The sicke Man My Lands are laboured the Haruest draweth neere there is a plentifull croppe vpon the ground Cornes and wheat and all abound The Pastour There is no solide comfort in Wheat or in Corne but onelie in Gods countenance I compare all worldlie things to the Tallow of a Candle and spirituall thinges to the flamme thereof If the Candle bee right set that the flamme bee vpmost the Candle will shin clearelie and giue light But if yee turne the Candle and holde the flamme downe it shall at once drowne in its owne tallow Euen so if the Soule of man bee well set that spirituall thoughts bee vpmost and worldlie cōsiderations sanctified which haue beene melted strained from their drosse be vnder that Soule will shine in holie life before men But if the flamme of the Spirit bee turned downe it will drowne vnder the droppes of such earthlie tallowe By this at last all our light dyeth out like a Candle so that our hearts that were once enlightned become lik a dampish dungeon I confesse so long as wee are here the fire of the Spirit within the best of vs is like ignis in materia fire in an earthlie matter from whence commeth euer some filthie reeke But when once wee shall bee aboue all places wherevnto no reeke can reach this spirituall flamme abstracted from all earthlie matter shall shine most clearlie into the presence of God for euer Are yee not yet Sir resolued Is not your desire now to bee dissolued The sicke Man The world is yet still in my mind I haue takē much paines into it am now but beginning for to get some ease I haue builded an house gladlie would I dwell some space into it Mine heart is sore yea it bleeds for to leaue this Lodging and neuer to come to it againe I had trimmed it for my pleasure and now behold shall I bee disappointed The Pastour There is no great matter of griefe Sir when a man changeth for the better What are all the sieled Palaces of Princes on earth but like the house of a Spider How soone are they all sweept away with the besome of vengeance when God is angrie What are all our dwellinges on earth but Dungeons in a dunghill Let not your
of his Throne make Mercie and Trueth goe before his Face Blesse His Royall Match make thy mercie to bee shed abroad in Her Heart Cloth Her with the Royall apparell of Christs Righteousnesse Let readinesse to heare the Preaching of the Word bee Her Eare-ring and good Workes in Her Hand like golden Rings vpon Her Fingers Write vpon the Tables of Her Heart the Loue of true Godlinesse The LORD bee mercifull to the Common-wealth of this Land protect It from the rage of forraine Enemies Let neuer thy protection depart from this Land Let it bee like that Bed of Solomon Threescore stronge men are round about it of the valiant men of Israel They all handle the Sword and are expert in warre euerie one hath his sword vpon his thigh for the feare by night The LORD be gracious vnto vs all whō are heere vpon our kneees before Thee What wee haue said to Thee on earth LORD heare Thou in Heauen Let this afflicted Soule haue a proofe of thine own Trueth that the effectuall prayer of the Righteous auaileth much LORD hea●… vs for the sake of him who is righteousnes it selfe in whose most perfect Prayer we close vp allour sutes saying Our Father which art c. The Peace Grace and Mercie of our GOD bee with you Sir for euer I hope that by Gods Grace I shall see you earlie in the Morning The sicke Man The LORD render to you according to his gracious promise made to all these that serue him in sinceritie A great blessing requireth great thankes I neuer deserued such kindnesse at your hands The lesse deseruing bee in mee the more deeplie doe I hold my selfe bound vnto your loue I pray you Sir be as good as your word come againe earelie in the Morning The Spirit of IESVS goe with you THE SECOND DAYES Conference Of spirituall temptations The Pastour GOD saue you Sir How haue yee rested this Night Haue yee found any working of Gods Spirit within you since our last conference Is your minde so at quiet now that yee may boldlie say with Simeon Now let thy seruant depart in peace The sicke Man Alas Sir Satans temptations are like that Serpent of Lerne called Hydra which had fiftie heades whereof one beeing cut off two sprang vp in the place thereof I take that serpent to haue beene but a fable But that which I say may bee written for an Historie Many heads of temptations haue yee cut off with the sword of Gods word But now I think that for euerie head cut off two are sprung vp in the place thereof All my temptatons hitherto haue beene but vpon the skin like the scratch of a pinne wrinkles but not woundes All my troubles hitherto hath beene but matters of trifles viz. Feare for my Life feare for my Children feare for the Graue of this our muddie mortalitie and for other such trifles and trashes vnworthie for to trouble a couragious Spirit The Spirit of a couragious man said Solomon will beare his infirmitie But the wounded spirit who can beare it well is the child of God in his ●…orest sicknes for while his bodie is sicke his Soule is sound His God in great loue will make all his bed in his sicknesse and strengthen him into the bed of languishing Hee whom God loueth is armed with Faith and patience all his troubles are but outward scrappings vpon the skinne The temptations wherewith I am lashed are spirituall woundings for my sinnes which neuer troubled mee before I heard oft-ten of such troubles but I neuer knew before this time what such things did meane Thinke ye Sir that the Spirit of a godlie man can bee thus wise troubled I heare Dauid crying in his mourning There is no soundnesse in my flesh neither is there anie rest in my bones But what reckes of flesh and bones if the Spirit were free The Pastour The most godlie that euer liued haue suffered spirituall woundes Christ the Captaine of our Saluation said That his Soule was sadde euen vnto the death Iob cryed that h●…s Spirit was drunken vp with the poyson of Gods arrowes The arrowes of the Almightie said hee are within me the poyson whereof drinketh vp my Spirit See how that holie man of God complaineth that his Spirit was like a drinke drunken vp by the poyson of Gods arrowes By this yee see that spirituall wounds are alloted to the dearest of Gods Elect so that they are not exeemed from inward blowes Trouble of Conscience is the disease of the innocentest Soule The sicke Man That satisfieth mee not As for Christ the blowes which hee suffered in his Soule were blowes of satisfaction for the sinnes of others As for Iob these blowes were blowes of probation of tryall for to let the world see that he was not an hypocrite that serued GOD for rewardes as Sathan did alledge But it is not so with me who am a bond slaue of corruption I suffer for my sinnes which are euer before mee The fainer I would forget them they flow the faster into my rememberance The voyce of my Conscience followeth mee with hue with cry Though God hath spared thee long thou hast not beene bettered looke now for vengeance after so long delayes I can make no answere I can not denie but God hath spared mee long In this is my greatest feare The higher a stroake bee fetcht the longer it is in comming But the higher it bee lifted the heauier it will fall The Pastour I answere to that which yee said first viz. that Christs sufferings are no comfort to you because they are blowes of satisfaction The afflictions of Christ were of diuerse vses first of all for to make payment to Gods Iustice for our sinnes Secondlie he suffered that by his own experience of sense hee beeing expert what it is to suffer might assure vs that hee is both a mercifull and a faithfull high Priest For in that hee himselfe hath suffered beeing tempted he is able to succour thē that are tempted Thus the Apostle declareth plainelie afterward Wee haue not said hee an high Priest which cannot bee touched with the feeling of our infirmities But was in all pointes tempted like as wee are yet without sin This experience which he had of our miserie is called his learning Though hee were a Sonne yet learned hee obedience by the things which he suffered Hee also suffered for to bee an example vnto vs. The sicke Man I vnderstand not well these words that Christ learned obedience by his sufferings The Pastour The words indeed seeme obscure The most Learned think that Christ is said to haue learned obedience by his sufferings because while he suffered hee felt indeed how difficile a thing it is talem obedientiam Deo praestare to yeeld such obedience vnto God others say that by his suffrings hee joyned to his diuine
mine owne Conscience This is my greatest feare that I haue done despite vnto the Spirit of Grace This striketh widest wounds into my Soule and maketh all the bowels of my bellie to wamble O fye fye what a filthinesse is within this heart of mine The small moats moue not thicker in the Sunne than sinnes of all sortes haue reeled to and froe in this wicked heart of mine which is nothing but a nest of Spiders and a cage of corruptions O what a shamefull discouerie should this bee if mine heart were as well seene as my face If all the monsters of my meditations were set in open view if the eyes of men could spie out what thoughts haue beene within my breast since I was borne If all the men of Africke a place most fertile of Monsters were taken to bee witnesse they would plainlie declare that the Earth cannot bring foorth such Monsters as are bredde into the heart of man O the great mercie of God who to the ende that man may liue with man hath hidde the heart of man from men O my God though thou hast sieled the eyes of man that hee cannot see within my breast thine eyes which see our thoughts a far off perceiue most clearlie all my bygone abominations To Thee alone belongeth the discouerie of a closed heart Would I bee dashed if the eye of a sinner tooke mee at an euill turne and shall I not bee ashamed when I remember how the eye of my God hath followed me in all mine euill wayes Alas my deare Pastour yee speake much to mee of Christ and of his death but what portion can such a vile stinking creature as I haue with Christ I haue delayed all to the after-noone and now my Sun is readie for to set The blacke night of darknes is posting vpon my soule My Soule refuseth all sortes of comforts I thinke that it shall die in the verie grippes of such bloodie temptations Behold and consider if there bee anie sorrow like vnto my sorrow The Pastour I know Sir that no sort of men are sooner or sorer touched for their sinnes than are the best children of God Sathan is most busie to blow at the coale of their corruptions And againe there bee no sort of men more readie to appropriate to themselues the comforts of God than they to whom they least belong But yet Sir seeing yee are sicke in Soule yee must not refuse spirituall Physicke Christ is the onelie comfort against the guilt of sinne His blood is the onelie trayacle against the poyson of this pest But can any comfort auaile to him that will not receiue it As meate set vpon the Table cannot nourish except that it bee put into the mouth and from thence bee sent downe to the stomacke So neither can the wordes of comfort feede the heart Nitraijciantur in viscera nostrae animae transeant in affectiones nostras except that they enter into the bowels of our Soule and passe thorow vnto our affections Your Spirit is so knappish and way-ward that it will not admit the most solide comforts The marke of Christs Lambes is an eare-marke My sheepe heare my voyce The sicke Man But thinke yee Sir that I can bee one of Gods who haue beene so great a sinner My Soule is sicke to the death with surfets of sinne Can Gods Spirit abide where there is so great corruption Can two Guestes of so contrarie nature dwell together in one man The Pastour They may indeede though they cannot agree Grace and corruptions may be into the heart of a mā as Israel was with the Iebusites Hiuites and Perezites into Canaan But as Israel wasted these Nations by litle litle so the Spirit of God with grace by little and litle rooteth out wasteth and foileth these nations of sinne that are within vs But not all at once Lest wee should grow idle and roust for want of such spirituall exercise The heart of a godlie man is like the house of Abraham where Isaac and Ismael lodge together Though for a space they tarie together at death the olde scorning Ismael shall bee cast out Hee shall not inherite the promise with Isaac the laughing man If Sir yee finde a wresling within your heart some newe working which once yee did not perceiue it is a token that grace is conceiued in your soule After that a womā hath conceiued she wil find some times a working about the heart prouoking to vomite It is so with the heart of a regenerat mā so soone as grace is conceiued into it it wil ouercast til it cast and vomite out many filthy corruptions Though Iacob be little and weake at the first seeme not to be a peregall vnto the rugh man who is full of strength yet at last hee shall catch him by the heele and ouerturne him in a moment Waite but a litle and yee shall bee vtterlie out of the reach of all the powers of Hell The sicke Man I tremble all with feare that the Lord cast mee off and banish out of the Land of the liuing this filthie festered Soule The Pastour God is more mercifull than man can conceiue him to bee Can a mother forget her Childe that shee haue no compassion saith the Lord A louing Father will bee loth to cast his Childe out of doores in a deadly disease If these who are euill can giue good things vnto their Children how much more will that Father who is goodnesse it selfe giue the holie Spirit with all other good thinges to these who will seeke then cry to God in prayer The sicke Man Alas the sorrow of mine heart lameth the liberty of my tongue my wordes cannot expresse the groanes of my griefe The Pastour Though yee bee not able to vtter words sigh with your hearte vnto God God heard Moses his sighs like cryes Why cryest thou to mee said God to the sighing man A sigh out of a soft melting heart is a powerfull prayer before God The sicke Man I am both sinfull and senslesse Though I haue sinned most hainouslie yet I finde no melting in mine heart All the teares of my repentance within mee are become like a frozen moisture I cannot so much as wring out one drop thereof Oh that they were so melted that they might rush out at the flood-gates of mine eyes that thereof I might with the sinfull woman make a bath for the feete of my Lord Oh that mine heart were formed into another mould Oh that I could in his presence drench my Soule in a showre of teares O how precious is the sense of a reuealed and a reconcealed God! I find my selfe so ycie and colde yea so benummed and blockish as though I were voide of all sense of grace What can this bee The Pastour He who findeth himselfe benummed is not altogether senslesse
to Simon Magus seemeth to set before him a certaine possibilitie to be saued a perhaps that the thought of his heart might bee forgiuen him The sicke Man Now it appeareth by all your discourse that the sinne against the holie Ghost is a reuolting from the Trueth with a most wilfull persecuting I thanke God my Soule is free of that But tell mee I pray you may not a man bee free of that most hainous sinne and yet be damned It would appeare that many Reprobates are free of that sinne The Pastour It is most certaine for it is onely the sinne of these who haue knowne the Trueth of Gods word and hath made a fearefull reuolt from it with a persecuting hatred against the same Many who haue liued in a true profession haue denyed God in their life There bee but too manie whose hollow heartes are couered with outwardnesse like a potte-shard ouer laid with siluer drosse The sicke Man Alas that putteth my Soule in terrible feare for this is my conscience in a qualme I haue professed with great shew and that without substance I haue beene one of Satans reuellers hauing a smilling countenance but a bleeding Conscience Gods judgementes haue stayed till my sinnes was rype When the fire is kindled woe to the stubble There is no place now for to escape In Heauen in Earth and in the Sea Gods hand will finde mee out Fye now on all my greatest pleasures the Darlings of account Though I haue not sinned that sinne against the holie Ghost which God cannot forgiue I am guiltie of sinnes which God will neuer forgiue O these eyes of fire ten thousand times brighter than the Sunne what sinne is able to escape them what glistring golden shewes of outwardnesse shall mak you to dazle ye euerlasting eyes The Pastour Man had great neede to bee ware that his tongue walke not without a bit There is no sinne but God can forgiue it if the sinner could repent the Sea of his mercie is bottomles As for that that God will or will not it is too great presumption for mā to define Yee continuallie flit from one temptation to another whereon yee feede like a Flee happing from scab to scab Yee often seeme desirous to shift the comforts of the Spirit for to goe seeke a knot in a rush a difficultie where none is Bee earnest in prayer sigh to God for the assistance of his Spirit that yee may bee capable of comfortes which the Tempter most enuyeth vnto you When the sillie Soule would fainest heare the words of spirituall peace then cryeth he red-warre stirring vp temptations like the fowles that cumbered Abraham when hee should offer sacrifice Take heede to your selfe Sir The Serpent now is more craftie than when hee pointed Adam to another tree for to depriue him of the Tree of life Resigne vp your selfe in all holie obedience to the wil of your God I can neuer perswade you to tak heede to that which I say Betweene a good tongue and a bored holy eare is an happie harmonie such musicke is melodious but a deafe eare maketh a dumbe tongue Beware of the Spirit of giddinesse which maketh the Soule to runne round as it were in a Circle of needlesse doubts The sicke Man I intreat you Sir for patience for I am one of a sorrowfull spirit as Hannah said to Eli a fierie wrath lurketh in my breast which maketh mine heart to grone Pittie mee Sir I pray you for now I am come to the arraignment and am called to the barre like a Crane or a Swallow so doe I chatter The voyce of the Preacher did often glide by my faults But now Gods Spirit speaketh home and setteth all my sinnes in order before mee Now must I end my yeares in the bitternes of my Soule Well may I say with that godlie Matron Call mee not Nahomi that is pleasant But call mee Marah that is bitter for the Almightie hath dealt verie bitter lie with mee The Pastour That which is most bitter is often most holesome Gods course with the godlie is from the bitter to the Sweete When Israel in their progresse had remoued from Mara they came to Elim from a place of bitternesse they came to refreshing fountaines of waters and to pleasant palme trees All this worlde is but a Mara a place of bitternesse Let vs haue patience but for a space till wee ariue in Elim vp into the Heauens where wee shall dwell among most pleasant palmes and drinke of the holesome springes of the well of Life euen pleasures for euermore The Amen the faithfull and true witnes hath promised The sicke Man My troubles are farre from such pleasures I feare that such troubles bee but the fore-runners of a greater tempest This maketh all the bowels of my bellie to wamble The Pastour Nay by the contrarie take them as I haue alreadie said to bee messengers posting before the calme It is good as yee knowe to see euerie season like it selfe The Christian life in this world must bee like the Winter season subject to frosts and to snowes for killing of weedes and of wormes If the earth and mens bodies bee not nipped with cold great are the euil which ensue The earth becommeth barren and mans bodie become sickelie and subject to many diseases It is euen so with the Soule if it remaine not heere in a wintrous estate laide open to the tempests nipping colds of temptations profitable for to mellowe and to rot the fellow ground of the heart there is no great appearance of anie good spirituall haruest But if the winter tempests of afflictions come whereby the weeds and wormes of the conscience are killed then may we looke for a pleantifull haruest of the quiet fruite of righteousnesse God in mercie shall step with his mercifull feete thorow the fieldes of our heart and his steps shall drop fainesse Let such hopes comfort you in this wearisome winter of your afflictions All Gods gloumes are but like winter cloudes or like the louring of the Skye faire weather will bee nixt let such tempests fall but in there owne season Happie is hee whose heart with such boistrous blastes is not swaide awry The Sicke Man O what a longsome winter is this wherein I can not once see the Sun of righteousnesse neither feele the heat of his beames the comforter that should relieue my Soule is farre from mee The Pastour Let not that discourage you Sir heare what Christ himselfe the bottomelesse fountaine of all comforts saith I goe away for a while and yee shall bee sorrowfull but I will come againe and your joye shall none bee able to take away If yee finde Christ to bee absent comfort your selfe with the hope of his returne His absence is but for a little While the day is at
was the chiefe entiser of him vnto sinne by bearing him in hand that it was an easie thing after many sinfull pleasures enjoyed to returne vnto God whose fauour and kindnesse might bee procured by and by without anie labour But now Father while he seeth his day declining the Sun of his life neare its setting of an Entiser hee is become an Accuser striuing by all meanes to cause him make shipwrack vpon the bankes of despare Night and day hee vexeth and teareth his Soule by whispering into his eare most impudent lyes against thy Trueth viz. That hee is so miserable that thou art not able to be mercifull vnto him He suggesteth most craftily that it is in vaine for him to sue to thee for thy grace that there is none hope of mercie left for such a sinner that there is none accesse vnto the Throne of Grace for the prayers of such a miserable wretch and that it is no purpose for him to pray But what LORD thou who art Trueth it selfe wilt thou suffer this father of lyes to trouble still thy Seruant Wilt thou heareanie longer thine infinite mercie thus reproached and reuiled as though thou were not able to pa●…don the faultes of thine owne poore creature What is that to say but that God shall cease to be that God whose mercie is aboue all his workes O LORD most mercifull can the sinfull scarlet rednesse and the Crimsin colour of mans corruptions bee ●…o dyed that it cannot bee washen away with the Blood of thy Lambe O seale vp the sense of thy loue in his heart make thy Spirit to whisper in his eare that mercie is with thee that thou may bee both feared and loued Shall anie thing LORD withhold the heart broken sinner from the Throne of Grace Is not this the voyce of thy Spirit Come vnto mee all ye that are wearied and ladened with sinned Is not thy promise written in thy Booke that thou wilt ease them O most louing Father euen in despite of Sathan and his most despitfull suggestions make his Soule bolde and confident that it may aduenture it selfe to the mercifull Throne of thy Grace Cleare and cleanse his eyes from the Spirituall goare of sin that with Simeon he may see thy Saluation which thou hast prepared before the face of all people O deare IESVS deliuer his Darling from the power of the Dogge Incline thine eares and heare the grieuous groanes of this poore prisoner Make him a prisoner of hope Turne thee now about and refresh his wearied heart with a blinke of thy mercie Shew him the light of thy Countenance and hee shall bee saued Enlarge his heart that thy Graces finding a spacious roome may plentifully harbour in his soule Alas LORD what shall we say if thou shalt say to him I haue no delight in thee Behold heere hee is doe to him as shall seeme good in thine owne eyes Thou hast not forgotten neither can thou forgette but that thy delight is in mercie Where sinne doeth abound shall not there thy Grace abound much more Thou LORD hast often bathed this sillie Soule in most bitter brimie teares Thou hast hid thy selfe from it and it hath beene troubled Now amid the vexations of so many temptations blinke vpon him with a reconcealed face O GOD of Battels in this Bartell of the Soule send downe thy strength for to guarde him against the assaultes of Satan who pursueth him so eagerly with most sharpe and fearefull af●…aultes like a Dogge hunting after a sillie straggling sheepe Though for a space thou suffer him to bee buffeted with a messenger of Sathan yet let him know that thy Grace shall bee sufficient for him Let thy right hand hold him vp and let thy gentlenesse make him great Renew his heart with the power of thy Spirit reinuest him with the image of thine holinesse which once hee lost in Adam Cast his Spirit againe in thine owne mou●…d At last LORD put Sathan to silence let thine owne Spirit speake vnto this Sicke in his inward partes Say vnto his Soule I am thy Saluation Make thy good Spirit of comfort to whisper in his eare that thou a●…t well pleased and that thou hast receiued a ransome Such wordes of mercie will bee a blessed Balme●… wherby thou shalt heale this sorrow beaten Soule stung with a checke and smart for his sinnes Though LORD hee hath but some poore beginnings of Grace in a time wee confesse when thy graces in him should haue beene ripe for that glorie which is now shortly to bee reuealed vnto him yet notwithstanding let it please thee of thy meere mercie to pittie and ●…don Remember thy mercies of old which were neuer wont to break the bruised reede nor to quench the smoaking flaxe If thy great mercie be not his strength and stay he must needs bee ouercome For whom hath hee in Heauen but thee Or who is on earth whom hee can desire besides thee O Thou whom his Soule loueth tell him where thou makest thy flock to rest at Noone in the greatest heate of affliction Seeing he seeketh after thee onelie let him bee refreshed with thy comforts for why should he turne aside by the flockes of thy companions Consider well wee pray thee LORD how bene he hath vexed and d squieted with many fearfull temptations now at last come with thine helping hand come and abate the force and furie of all his enemies whether within or without subdue their raging and reigning power that when the houre of his departing shall come hee may with Simeon depart in peace Stand LORD fast by him forsake him not in this perelous time Let thy Spirit guide and leade him in the Land of righteousnesse Let thy grace be vnto him a Sunne by day a Moone by night Take all impedimentes out of the way bridle so curbe all his vnrulie affections that they may fold vnder thine obedience Suppresse all his carcing heart deuiding cares whyp out of his heart all treacherous temptations Embalme his hearte with the sweetnesse of thy new fresh graces Settle in his Soule that godlie sorrow which cause Repentance neuer to bee repented of This sillie Soule LORD hath beene fearefullie tossed to and froe with the waues of thy wrath Let it please thee to command a calme Settle thou his heart and stablish it with thy free Spirit Mercifull GOD thou knoweth how Sathan hath sought to sift and to winnow him but of thy mercie thou shalt neuer suffer his Faith to faile Build vpon the Rocke which cannot bee shaken Through thy fauour giue him peace in belieuing and joye in the holy Ghost that by the grace and power of thy Spirit hee may finish his course with comfort Let in now be made manifest that his life hath beene hid with Christ in God Thou who hast numbered his haires obserue his griefe his groans pittie the crouding of thy Turtle-Doue Tak thou to heart the
comparison of fifteene hundreth myles What wonder seeing as the most learned Philosophers haue obserued the least fixed conspicuous starre which feemeth to bee but a golden naile fixed into this seiled house containeth the greatnes of the earth eighteene fold Others of the greater sort are esteemed to bee more than an hundreth sold greater than the whole earth It is most certaine that if the whole bodie of the earth were where a star is it should not appeare so great as that little blacke spot that we see into the Moone Nay certainelie though an hundreth Earthes as great as all this were joyned in a cluster or in one masse they should not there appeare so great as a little more in the Sun for seeing a star which is of such a bignesse and such a brightnes seemeth to bee but a sparkle as much of earth as would come to the greatnesse of a starre beeing corpus opacum a bodie darke and duskish shuld not in any way bee able to bee an object for our sight heere below Fye on foolish Atheimse that will not looke vp to the Heauens for to consider what an Arme it can bee which turneth about with a continuall whirling Bodies of such a quantitie The sicke man Oh that wee could vnder value our selues as wee should to acknowledge our stupiditie Hee is not a man indeede but a beas●… that can not say and thinke with that wise Agure Surelie I am more brutish than any man and haue not the vnderstanding of a man The Pastour Oh that wee were wise for wisedome is better than Rubies Oh that wee were wise for the man that wandreth out of the way of vnderstanding shall remaine in the congregation of the dead Wee are such muddie worldlings that wee cannot thinke of that immortalitie of pure and refined pleasures that are aboue The sicke Man But to the purpose Is there not a Temple in Heauen wherein the Sainctes conueene for the seruice of their God The Pastour S. Iohn saith That hee sawe no Temple therein for the Lord God Almightie and the Lambe are the Temple of it The sicke Man I vnderstand not howe the Lord God can bee said to bee the Temple thereof O Lord sette bounds and limi●…s to my curiositie Let the loue of thy selfe haue the preheminence in swaying all my desires A Temple or Church properlie signifie a particular house appointed for Gods seruice for so it is that such an house should not bee in heauen But the Lord himselfe shall bee to all the Sainctes in steede of such an house The Temple is a place properlie for offering vp of sacrifices for instruction of ignorants for comforting of these that are afflicted To declare vnto vs that there shall bee no neede of such thinges the Scripture teacheth that there shall bee no Temple but that the Lord and the Lambe shall bee the Temple that is shall bee in steede of sacrifice instruction comfort joye all other good things vnto his owne so that hee shall bee All in all No created Spirit is able to conceiue wade thorow such mysteries The sicke Man The summe of your discourse as I perceiue is that though that Citie want a Temple God himselfe by his presence shall bee in steede of all thinges which are helpefull vnto vs heere But it would seeme by another place of the Reuelation that in the Heauen there is a Temple There was giuen mee a reede like vnto a rod saith S. Iohn and the Angel stood saying Rise and measure the Temple of God The Pastour By that Temple is to bee vnderstood the Church of God on earth as the most Learned esteeme They also thinke that this Calamus mensorius measuring Reede is the rule of holie Scriptures wherby Sectes Heresies are discerned from the trueth of Religion By this Temple heere I say Wee must vnderstand the Church of Christ according to this it is said to the Faithfull Know yee not that yee are the Temple of God and that the Spirit of God dwelleth in you The hearts of all the faithful are a Temple which God hath consecrate vnto himselfe for his Spirit to dwell in The sické Man O my God keepe still mine heart in an holie spirituall temper Soften and season it with the dew of thy Grace Inlighten the eyes of my mistie minde that beeing made quicke and nimble they may sharplie discerne and with a liuelie vigour apprehend their blessed object euen God himselfe the Soueraigne felicitie of my Soule O Lord of immortalitie make heauenlie meditations only to lodge into mine heart which may bread therein thoughts of a more noble and spirituall temper then ordinarlie arise and are fostered in earthlie minded men ' who drinke vp iniquitie like water and feede vpon it as the horse Leech vpon corruption The Pastour The Lord giue eare to your desires Oh that wee could consider how our drousie thoughts and dull affections are so glued vnto the vvorld as though Eternitie of happinesse were lodged vpon earth and the short time of pleasures had its residence onelie in the Heauens Such follies and fancies by the subtilitie of Sathan are moulded into vnstable and vnhallowed braines There is a secret influence of folie from the corruption of our Nature whereby except that Gods Grace stand in the gap and debarre it all the wisedome of God shall seeme to bee but follie vnto the Soule of man The sicke Man The Lord giue vs wisedome in all things But to follow our purpose seeing wee are now speaking of that heauenlie Ierusalem I would gladlie heare you declare the differences that are betweene the heauenly and the earthly Ierusalem The Pastour There bee many notable differences worthie our obseruations 1. The earthlie was builded into dust and now it hath the salt of Gods curse sown vpon it The other hath its foundation into the Heauens blessed for euer 2. That which is below had not a gate for euerie Tribe neither were all Israel free Denizens therein But as for the Citie aboue The gates thereof said Ezekiel shall bee after the name of the Tribes of Israel The name of the Citie from that day shall be IEHOVAH SHAMMAH The Lord is there S. Iohn saith That hee saw this Citie enuironed with a wall both great and high with twelue gates and at the gates twelue Angels and names written thereon which are names of the twelue Tribes of the Children of Israel 3 That which was earthlie was abhorred by the Gentiles and at last by them destroyed and now by Turkes possessed and subdued But as for Ierusalem aboue The Nations of them which are saued shall walke in the light of it the Kings of the earth doe bring their honour glorie into it 4 These of the earthlie Ierusalem could not see without the light of the Sunne by day and of the Moone by night It behoued them to haue
who hath the fauour of his God In good life is long life Nequities vitae non sinit esse senem The wickednesse of life abbridgeth the life Bee more desirous to liue well than to liue long Too too manie liue to spend their grace-right with their Birth right Such like wanton Widowes are dead while they liue If yee fall in sinne vp vp make haste to returne vnto your God Repentance delayed in youth is a strengthening of sinne against the olde and weaker age The least sin entertained maketh a way for more The least drop of the juice of euill is lik leauen that sowreth the whole lumpe If in this world yee prosper bee not taken vp with selfe foolish conceit Take not outward prosperitie to bee the ell and measure of Gods loue Whether yee wither or yee flourish in worldlie thinges thinke vpon this that your miserie or happinesse can be in nothing but in that which is eternall Goe where ye please the justice of God one day shall try the foote-steppes which ye haue troden The chiefe Legacie which I leaue to you all is the Charter of Gods promise which I haue receiued by the hand of Faith In it is an Heritage of lines fallen in pleasant places VIZ. That not onelie hee should bee my God but that he should be a God to my Childrē vnto thousand generations keepe fast this promise into the Charter Chists of your heartes In confidence of this promise depend vpon your God in well and in ●…oe in wealth and in want Though hee should slay you yet say with Iob that yee will trust in him Nowe for to drawe to an ende for my breath faileth and mine heart fainteth I desire you aboue all things to bee earnest in prayer with God By prayer morning euening dresse your Soules like the Lampes of Gods Tabernacle Fill them of the pure oyle-oliue of his grace that alwayes they may shine Eliphaz charged Iob chieflie with this as beeing the chiefe cause of all his woe that hee restrained prayer before God With this the Psalmest hath branded the wicked They call not vpon God and againe They call not vpon God It is obserued by the most cunning Physitions that paine in speaking and loathing of meate be two symptoms of a diseased distempered bodie A Soule while it prayeth it speaketh while it heareth it eateth If there be paine in the one and loathing in the other that Soule cannot bee well Thrise a day Dauid was wont to pray at morning euening and at noone This zeale also wakened him while others were sleeping At mid-night he arole for to pray vnto his God Happie is that mā who shal so spend the short time of his life in this valey of mortalitie Let this in all things bee an awband aboue your heades that the eye of the Almightie God is euer vpon you and that hee is acquainted with all your wayes Where euer yee bee thinke your selues euer to be in that most awefull presence make Conscience of all your thoughts for the verie thought of foolishnesse is euill Beware of the lustes of youth Striue with God in prayer that hee would so ingage you in his grace loue that your corruption proue not strongest while your wittes are weakest Intreate earnestlie the Lord that hee woulde make perfect his strength in your weaknesse When yee finde anie good beginnings of Grace within your selues waite stedfastlie vpon the due accomplishment thereof in Glorie Whom the Lord loueth hee loueth to the end his calling and gifts are without repentance If this yee doe carefullie ye shall bee like twigges which hauing a vigorous life sprout and flourish till they come to trees And now at last for to conclude and summe vp the whole brieflie If ye would haue God to dwell into you bee yee an holie Sanctuarie for his Spirit If yee would haue God to rest in you as hee did into his holie Temple there must bee in you as was in his Temple an Holie of holies As were within Gods Arke so must yee haue within your heartes the Tables of Gods Law the summe of the Olde Testament and with them the potte of Manna euen Christ the bread of life the substance of the New Testament Loue this word honour this word bleed for this word yea die for it Manie in this world be like these Pultrons and base spirited men of Thessalonica who had no courage for the t●…ueth As for you striue to bee like these of Berea who were better borne of a more manlie breeding in that they were couragious for the Trueth Striue to the keeping of Gods Commandments for like friends they are so linked together that if one bee offended all the rest will interest themselues in its quarrell faile in one and faile in all Pray feruentlie that ye may practise all these my precepts This doing ye shal neuer find your selues fatherles The great God shal be your Father To this Father now I giue you irtreating him to bee a Father vnto you in all times to ensue The Father of mercies the Sonne of his loue and the Spirit of c●…mfortes so guide you in all your cariage that ye may carie an incorrupt Conscience to the Graue The God of all grace mak you perfect stablish strengthen settle you leade you in the Land of vprightnes The Lord blesse you all with his best blessings My blessing I leaue you Kisse mee and so fare well Now the day is fatre spent and my strength beginneth to faile mee seeing all things as the Apostle saith are sanctified by the word of God and prayer let vs conclude this dayes conference with our humble supplications vnto our God My deare Pastour offer yee vp this Euening Sacrifice The Lord perfume it with the spirituall incense of Christs merites that thereby our Soules being perfumed the Lord may finde a smell as the smell of a fielde which the Lord hath blessed Pray earnestlie for me that the Lord giue me both strēgth and courage for the fighting out of this Battell that in the ende I may bee crowned with the Laurels of an euerlasting victorie The Pastour My Soule rejoyceth to haue heard so manie good wordes from your mouth Solomon said verie well and wiselie A word spoken in due season how good is it According to your desire wee shall conceiue a Prayer to GOD for you The Lord powre vpon all our Soules that promised Spirit of grace and of supplications A Prayer for the sicke Man Sore weakned with sicknesse MOst gracious GOD most deare louing Father Let the word of our mouth the meditations of our hearts bee acceptable in thy sight O LORD our strength and our Redeemer By thy Spirit banish all stragling thoughts and keepe our mindes steddie and attentiue in this chiefest worke of deuotion Beholde LORD and consider heere thy poore
Seruant fainting in great weaknesse of bodie But thogh flesh and friends health wealth and all should faile him thou LORD will neuer faile him Hee is thy Seruant he is thy Seruant the son of thy hand-maide Thou hast most powerfullie hitherto supported and vpholdē him by thy mercifull hand Now leaue him not while he is drawing neare vnto his long home It is easie to perceiue that his age is departing from him like a shepheards tent and that thou art readie to cutte off his life like a weauer His desire LORD is to bee with Thee Thou hast heard the sighings of this prisoner and thou hast vnderstood the groanes of thine own Spirit As thou hast begunne the good worke in him so perfect it in due time As thou doest with the yeare crowne it with thy goodnesse with-draw not thy Grace from him till it bee made perfect in weaknesse Thou LORD hast manifested thy loue to him wonderfullie by putting into his minde and mouth such diuine preceptes and counsel●… to his Friends Wife and Children that all that haue heard them haue beene forced to wonder at the glorie of thy grace Now deare Iesus let thy force be with him in his fainting but the nearer hee draweth vnto his end l●…t thy Spirit the Comforter enable him the more till victoriouslie hee hath put an end vnto this Battell As the strength of his bodie shall beginne to decrease let the comfortes of thy Spirit increase in his Soule Seale vp in his heart that peace which thou hast purchased by the blood of the Prince of peace Assure him of the rest of these joyes which are to bee reuealed whereof hee hath alreadie receiued the earnest O say vnto his Soule that thou shalt bee his Saluation In the silence of the night while deepe sleepe falleth on man make thou his reines to instruct him Suggest vnto his heart the sweetest wordes of thy comforts which may bee vnto him like apples of gold in pictures of siluer Waine his heart daylie more and more from the loue of things below Make thou his Soule to soare vp with Eagles wings towardes the heauenlie Mansions Prepare nowe his Soule to the last conflict Put vpon him all the Armour of God Strengthen his Faith that hee may holde fast by Thee yea so resoluedlie that though thou should slay him yet hee may trust in thee When the force of sicknesse shall tak away the vse of his tongue make his heart to groane vnto Thee in the secret language of thy Spirite ●…hat in thine hands he commen●… 〈◊〉 his Soule and that he desireth thee to come quicklie for his reliefe Let not the increasing throes and pangues of death discourage him In greatest anguish vphold his enfeebled heart with the hope of Glorie Look on him Lord with the eye of thy mercie incline thine eare to the sighes of his heart make haste to come for his Soule is longing for his appointed time till his change come As thou art the Lord of life so vnto thee belong the issues of death Let strength proceede from thee like vertue from Christes garment whereby hee may bee encouraged against the fearefull assaults of death which shortly in all appearance shall besiege his noble parts for to bring him vnto dust frō whence hee came Make thy Spirit to enter into his hearte for to vphold him against this feare smart of his last and most heauie houre Let him know that if the earthlie house of his Tabernacle bee dissolued that he hath a building of God an house not made with hand eternall in the heauen Make his Soule more and more earnestlie to groane for to bee cloathed vpon with his house which is from Heauen Seeing while hee is heere at home in the bodie hee is absent from the Lord make thou him confident and willing rather to bee absent from the bodie that hee may bee present with Thee in the Heauens Let the hope of the Resurrection vphold him against all the terrours of the Gra●…e Perswade his Soule that at the sound of that shrill celestiall Trumpet his bodie shall arise and with these same eyes shall beholde his Redeemer and none other for him Innumerable euils Lord haue compassed him about Nowe the time approacheth that thou wilt deliuer him from all his feares Make haste Lord Come Lord Iesus come Rebuke Sathan wee intreat thee that in the darksome night he interrupt not the comforts of thy Spirit Suffer neuer that slie and craftie one to bereaue him of the pledges of thy loue Make him to holde fast that which hee hath that none bee able to take his Crowne O mercifull God take notice of all his wants and necessities and bee thou to him SHADAI GOD all sufficient for to supplie them Let him not want that Grace without the which hee cannot serue thee Through thy selfe make him to push downe all the enemies of his Saluation Through thy Name make him to treade them vnder foote that rise vp against him for he hath not forgotten the Name of thee his God neither hath hee stretched out his hands to a strange God While his eye-stringes shall bee broken and when the throes of death shall make his heart to tumble within him then bee thou the strength of his heart the health of his countenance and his God In his greatest griefes anoynt his Soule with some droppes of that oyle of gladnesse wherewith thou once anointed our Lord and Sauiour aboue his fellowes Let thy Graces like that precious ointment that ran downe vpon the beard of Aaron flowe down from thee aboundantlie vpon all the powers of his Soule Let spirituall vertues drop downe vpon him as the dew of Hermon and as the dew that descended vpon the mountaines of Zion O thou the perfection of beautie shine vpon his Soule Indue him with a melting and relenting heart Bee mercifull to thy distressed Church comfort Her in all Her teares and troubles Pittie Her deformities Adorne Her with Puritie and Vnitie Though Shee bee outwardlie 1. duskie because the Sun hath withered Her yet Shee is the Kings Daughter whose 2. whole glorie is within 3 Awake O North Wind and come thou South blow vpon Her Garden that the spices thereof may flowe out Declare vnto Her enemies that if they 4 touch Her they shall touch the Apple of thine Eye Let them all know that it is 5 hard to kicke against prickes and that if they perlecute thee Thou wilt throw them to the ground Bee mercifull to our gracious SOVERAIGNE the Kings Majestie as by thy Grace thou hast made him a King so by thy Grace make Him a good King Powre down a princelie Spirit vpon his Soule that Hee may haue courage for the Trueth Make Him answerable to his most honourable Style Defender of the Faith Vouchsafe thy mercie vpon his Princelie Spouse Let the beautie of the Lord Her God bee vpon Her Make Her like
brought me out of an horrible pitte out of the myrrie clay and set my feete vpon a Rocke and established my goings He hath put a new song into my mouth euen praise vnto our God many shall see it and feare and shall trust in the Lord. O that I had breath for the setting foorth of his praise Happie is he who while he may vtter words praiseth God continuallie Blessed is that man who may call his tongue his Glorie O my Soule I charge thee by the Roes and by the Hindes of the fielde that thou cease not to praise his Might his Mercie and his Majestie O my Soule take heede and listen vnto his voyce O Iesus the great Deputie of mercie sent by the Father forsake mee not in this heauie houre Now I sore sicken so that all naturall force faileth me My words now so wea●…ie mee that I thinke ere it be long this bodie shall bee lodged in the place of silence But let mee intreate you Sir so long as ye shall perceiue life to bee in mee let it please you to continue in some good purpose concerning the world to come By some holie discourse rouse vp my drousie Spirit hold mine heart vpon an edge Let me not die like a senselesse Nabal of whom it is written that his heart died within him so that hee became like a stone Manie blindlie and boldlie rush into hell I beseech you Sir to waite well vpon mee till yee see the ende I thinke that ere it bee long my Soule shall bee at the farthest tryst O Lord warme my frozen Soule with the sense of the kindled compassions of the bowels of thy loue Inlighten my mistie minde cleare it with thy countenance Bee thou the comforter of my Conscience vntil the day break and the shadows flie away Take now Sir my Soule into the armes of your prayers lift it vp and lay it into that blessed bosome of my Lordes mercies Bend yet againe your knees before God in prayer that hee for his mercies sake would receiue mee into my Masters joye O but my Soule fluttereth fast within mee for to bee at my God Let it please you to bee feruent in prayer for mee that I may foile vnder my feete the Deuill Death and all the powers of hell The Deuill in death will not faile to giue mee a furious assault at the chiefest fortresse of my Saluation for to batter it downe to the ground Intreate the Lord that his mercie may bee a strong rempart and a blessed Bul-wark against all the Engines of hell which are readie bent to waste and hauock all Gods graces within mee O Lord campe thine Angels about mee Place thy Pauilions of war betweene mee and mine enemies Refresh mee more and more with thy comforts Giue mee the earnest of these joyes which passe all vnderstanding Possesse mee with the Spirit of gladnesse for that thou in mercie hast forgiuen mee my sinnes Continue so vnto the end that in the heauens for euer this may be the burden of my song For his mercie indureth for euer Let it please you Sir on whome God hath vouchsafed the Spirit of Prayer in a good and great measure to assist mee with your comforts and prayers lest by temptations I should beginne to slacke off my care and watchfulnesse The Pastour Hold fast your eye vpon Christ your Redeemer Follow him thorow the valey of death for hee hath not onelie pointed out our path but as Captaine of our Saluation hath troden euery steppe before vs Yee may well sticke a little in the narrow throate of Death but that one steppe being past yee enter into Rehoboth a place of roome farre from the reekie smoke vaine shadowes and dreames of earthlie vanitie and perishing pleasures Bee glad Sir to flit from this barren moorish ground and muddie mortalitie for to goe to a paradise a Palace a place of pleasures for euermore According to your desire wee shall returne to God by prayer A Prayer for the sicke man drawing neare to the doores of death O Father of mercies and God of all comforts in whom all goodnesse and graces are treasured let it please thee fauourablie to regard the soule of this thy seruant here whose heart panteth after thee as the wearied Hart panteth after the water brookes Refresh his Soule with the diuine dew of thy grace till it bee entered in at the gates of Glorie Powre into his hearte the sweete streames of thy loue Settle his soule in a right and vpright course so long as it remaineth in this mistie muddie mortalitie send out thy light and guide it by thy Grace till it hath passed the straites of Death for to enter into the Land of vprightnes O Father of mercies perswade him by thy Spirit that the comming of Death shall bee to him a time of discharge a time of freedome from sicknes of bodie anguish of Spirit trouble of Conscience and from all possibilitie of sinning anie more Let him know that while hee is going to the Graue hee is going to a bedde of ease where most quietlie he shall rest from all his toylesome labours Turne all feare of Death into a chearefull expectation and longing for the houre of dissolution Make quiet his Conscience that he may die with comfort O thou Sauiour of mankind whose boweles are filled with mercifull compassions spreade the wing of thy righteous garment ouer this Soule of thy seruant Thou hast shaken him with thy terrours in diuerse assaults Thou hast broght him low for to make him a fitte passenger for the little doore which leadeth vnto Glorie Leaue him not now Lord in his greatest neede Make thine Angels camped about him powerfully to assist him against al the last assaults of that euill one Thou who hast heard all his groanes registrat thou his sighs and put all his teares into thy bottels suffer not thy kindled zeale to coole in him In an holie despaire of his owne worth make him whollie to relye vpon thy meere mercies in Christe the onelie salue for sicke Soules and remeed for broken bones While hee is weakest work with thy Spirit feelinglie and powerfullie into his hearte Subdue euerie euill motion that may arise therein for the troubling of his soule Draw vp his desire aboue the pitch of all natural knowledge Banish all earthlie thinges cleane out of his minde and make all his thoughts to attend vpon thee In thy diuine might rebuke Sathan that hee interrupt not thy comforts Let him not bee able by his secret craft and vyles to steale from him the pledges of thy loue O Sonne of GOD O Sunne of Righteousnes send a quickning heate with a shining light into his sillie Soule Make thy blessed Beames to strik on his heart for to warme it with thy loue Set all his desires a floate from the moode of sinful mortalitie Thou at diuerse times hast affrighted him fearefullie with
thou separate them s●…ale surelie thy pardons within my Conscience and doe perfectlie away all my transgressions Guarde mee assist mee and harnesse my Soule against Sathan his last on-sette Let my Soule graspe with an holy greedinesse in the hand of Faith such spirituall comforts as thou O Lord makest to come from the boundlesse and bottomelesse fountaine of thy mercie toward all these whō thouloueth Let my soule feele more and more sensiblie these mercies which fairelie oriently streame thorow the bloodie wounds of my blessed Sauiour Iesus the 〈◊〉 wash and bath my drooping Soule in the well of life Giue vnto it a drinke of the riuers of thy pleasures O Lord of loue shedde thy loue into mine heart thorow the bleeding bowels of my blessed Sauiour O blessed Redeemer of lost mankinde O Pelicane of pittie whose heart did euer melt with m●…rcifull compassions pittie my Soule in this painefull plight Mine heart strings are racked my bowels are rent the house of the Soule is falling downe nowe open the doore of thine euerlasting Tabernacles that my Soule may goe from Grace to Glorie Make the power of thy loue like a load stone for to draw mine heart after thee from the mudde of this mortalitie The Pastour Lord heare thou in heauen and fulfill the sute of thy Seruant burie all his sinnes and his sorrowes in the bottomelesse sea of thy mercie Entombe in the Tombe of Iesus where they may lye for euer without anie hope of a resurrection The sicke Man I waite for the Lord my Soule doe●…h waite in his word doe I hope My soule waiteth for the Lord more thā they that watch for the morning I say More thā they that watch for the morning My Soule is wearied of this earthlie Tabernacle O when shall I come and appeare before God O that I were at my wished home O nowe moue the poole of thy mercie and moue my Soule to runne into it The Pastour It is likly that within an hou●…e God shall grant you your desire Could not you watch with mee but an houre said Christ to his Disciples Yee haue nowe but an houres absence from your God Yee haue but an houres voyage from the bodie to the sight of Gods face the place of your rest Fixe fast your eyes vpon the Crowne of immortalitie till your Soule be past from toilesome Time to Eternitie Yet a little while God shall retire you from the tyring trauels of this life Watch but an houre and your end shall bee peace The sicke Man The Lorde sende a good houre wherein I may lay downe the loade of this mortalitie Alas manie an houre haue I euill and idlie spent in pam pering this foggie flesh with the light and loose pleasures of this life O Spirite of Grace drawe neare vnto my Soule Make thy residence into this broken heart Correct cure and couer all the corruptions of my Nature Beginne and end crowne the worke with thy goodnes At last close in me thy graces with thy glorie O make mine eyes to see and mine armes to carrie and mine heart to bee filled with thy Saluation Conuoye vnto my Soule the warmest blood that euer heated the heart of Iesus Let that euer recking blood wherein is a Sauour of life vnto life Comfort and vp-holde my Soule in this last heauie houre Now Sir seeing the end draweth neare helpe mee to spend well this houre which in all appearance shall be my last I wish that all my thoghts and affections bee nowe so bended toward my God that they neither sway nor swerue from him by anie idle wandering of minde O Thou that art high and excellent who dwellest in the high and holie place Thogh thou be high thy promise is to dwell also with him that is of a contrite humble spirit According to thy promise reuiue the Spirit of the humble and giue life to him that is of a contrite heart O Lord according to thy wonted grace make mee in my last agonie to possesse my Soule in peace and patience Disapoint Satan in all his craftie fetches O couer this sillie Turtle vnder the mantle of thy mercie All other couerings are but light and slight like Spiders webbes which cannot endure the breath and blast of thy mouth The Pastour Lord hearken thou in heauen giue eare vnto the sute of thy Se●…uāt I perceiue indeede that now your words wearie you Lest yee faint I shall tak the speach vpon me If it be your will I shall let you heare a most diuine discourse taken from a godly preacher on his death-bed the words surely are weighty of great power If ye please I shal let you heare them while I speake them meditate yee and in your minde make them your owne wordes The sicke Man I intreate your Sir for to let mee heare them I shall follow you in mine heart as I can I finde that my tongue almost now faileth mee O God while I heare let the Spirit of grace take harbour into mine heart Set all mine affections on bensell that I may carefullie giue eare vnto thy comfortes the cordials of thy Gospel O cleare the sight of my minde dazeled with the mist of my corrupt affections The Pastour Lord heare thou in heauen and forgiue the sinnes of thy seruant After this manner Sir the man of God spake vpon his death-bedde I owe to God a death as his Son died for mee Euer since I was borne I haue beene sayling to this Hauen and gathering patience to comfort this houre therefore shall I bee one of these Guestes nowe that would not come to the banket when they were inuited What hurt is in going to Paradise I shall lose nothing but the sense of euill And anone I shall haue greater joyes than I feele paines For mine Head is in Heauen alreadie to assure mee that my Soule and bodie shall follow after O Death where is thy sting Why should I feare that which I wold not escape because my chiefest happines is behind I cannot haue it vnlesse I goe vnto it I wold goe through Hell to Heauen And therfore if I march but through death I suffer lesse than I would suffer for God My paines doe not dismay mee because I trauaile to bring foorth eternall life My sinnes doe not fright me because I haue Christ my Redeemer The Iudge doeth not astonish me because the Iudg●…s Sonne is mine Aduocat The Deuill doth not amaze mee because the Angels pitch about me The Graue doeth not grieue me because it was my Lords bedde Oh that Gods mercie to mee might moue others to loue him For the lesse I can expresse it the more it is The Prophets and the Apostles are my fore-runners Euery man is gone before mee or else hee will follow after mee If it please God to receiue mee into Heauen before them which haue serued him better I owe more thankfulnesse vnto
Iudge his Consistorie The day of this life wherein onelie wee can worke declineth a pace The fearfull night cloud hath taken post So soone as it shall come man shall bee discharged to worke any more It is good often to consider le●… wee should dote and dreame of Immortalitie heere that the short threed of this life will bee soone drawne out to an end that by such thoughts we may learne in time not to bee taken vp with abortiue earthlie pleasures which perish in the budde What is this earth but a muddie myre What is poore mans life on this earth but a map of miserie The best of it is white and blacke checker work mixed with paines pleasures lashes and laughters Euen in laughter the heart is sorrowfull and the end of that mirth is heauinesse This godlie mans death should bee warning for vs Death knocking at our neighbours doore should remember vs of our mortalitie There is no case of humane calamitie but it is insident to all In this our old friend wee may see and reade that we haue none abiding heere Hee is nowe gone to his long home by the way of all flesh Aboue the rolling circumference of heauen hee hath found the center of his rest Natures necessitie subjecteth all flesh to mortalitie Hee is gone before vs from the land of the shadowe of death thorow the valey of the shadow of death vnto euerlasting felicitie and we all soone o●… since must all treade the same way Let vs prouok our watchfulnes with this that wee shall goe to him but hee shall no more come to vs Let vs worke while the day lasteth Before wee bee benighted by death let vs wot where we shall get a lodging So long as wee haue breath and being let vs like Moses bee instant with God in prayer that hee would so teach vs to number our few and euill dayes that vvee may apply our heartes to vvisedome and to vvell doing Wee haue all great neede to goe to this Schoole for the learning of that lesson because death in this narrow passage of mortalitie stealeth vpon vs all with insinsible degrees The course of our dayes is like the course of the Sunne the ruler of the Day whom our owlish eyes cannot perceiue to moue though hee rejoyce as a strong man to runne a race we know him to be more swift than winde yet while wee behold him in his course wee cannot perceiue his motion It is euen so of our life Our dayes runne fast away but wee perceiue not how It is not long that wee stand but when wee beginne to fall wee are like the Yce which thaweth sooner than it froze Our life like smoke or chaffe is carried away as with a gale winde and yet we cannot consider Oh that this meditation like the Rowell of a Spurre could pricke vs forward in our voyage from grace to glorie Nature hath taught the ●…sillie Birdes the Cranne Storke and Swallows our winter strangers to know their seasons As if they had numbered the dayes of their absence they come precisely at their appointed Spring The Salmons also in their season returne to the place where they were spawned They like skilled Airthmeticiens number well the dayes of their absence and for no rubs in the way will they be moued to cracke their tryst All this haue they learned in the Schoole of Nature But men who should haue grace with Nature forget to desire to returne to their God who at the first spawned or as Scripture speaketh breathed within them their liuing Soules Men are often worse than the beasts who wold faine know their duety but cannot Many mē can but will not lik these whom S. Peter calleth Willinglie ignorant The God of grace giue vs wisedome that before our day bee spent and our Sunne set wee may weigh well and consider how wee may so liue to die that wee may die to liue Happie is the man whom God his white man hath in this life marked with the mourning marke The way to Heauen is not so easie as manie dreame Oh how many lets bee within vs and without vs Oh howe manie weightes hang ●…o fast on whereby the vnstable Soule of man is tossed and swayed hither and thither Seeing this holie man of God such a strong Oake hath beene so sore shaken what may we poore little shrubs expect O but we haue great neede to coffer vp some comfortes against the euill day All worldlie helpes depart from vs when we depart out of this life but Gods fauour faileth neuer When all thinges haue forsaken vs then onelie hee will stand by vs and at last will draw vs out of this myrie lake of miserie Happie and thrise happie is the man that is holie heere whome the Spirite of God may point out with an Ecce Behold a true Israelite Such a man after death shall obtaine a name which shall giue him after death a second life O thrise blessed is hee whom God in mercie remoueth in time that his eyes should not see the euill to come The world now is come to its dregs From little to little our zeale is come to its last gaspe Now if euer the Church is a Lillie among the thornes Our sinnes are become like Oakes but our vertues are pinched smal lik graines of mustard seede Wee look in drumblie waters and therefore we cannot see our sinfull blots and blamishes Lord teach vs to grow better that so long as we sojourne in these mansions of dying wightes wee may striue without guile to glid thorow this world that at last following this our olde deare friend wee may come to him and to all the Sainctes into to that celestiall Palace a place of plentie peace and pleasures for euermore Another discourse of the same sort O How hard a thing is it for the liuing to remember that wee are but weedes of a day fading and flying vanities Wee are all heere like poore Trauellers who haue farre to goe and little to spend In our most constant estate below we are like Ionahs gourd that sprang vp into a night withered into another euen a ●…oish vanitie This life said a Father is miserarable Our death is vncertaine If it surprise vs vnawares whither shall wee goe where shal we learne that which wee haue neglected heere Men for the most part wallowing in their sins while they looke most for life are by their expectation surprised of Death But Oh then whether shall they goe Alas that we cannot consider while we haue time and breath Man naturallie is so dull and dumpish that hee cannot imagine that he is possest with a melting mortalitie The best of vs in spirituall matters are pure blind Wee cannot see farre off no that which is neere euen this mortalitie among vs yea within vs That which hath breath can