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A11010 Lectures vpon the first and second Epistles of Paul to the Thessalonians: preached by that faithfull seruant of God M. Robert Rollock, some-tyme minister of the Euangell of Iesus Christ, and rector of the Colledge in Edinburgh Rollock, Robert, 1555?-1599.; Charteris, Henry, 1565-1628.; Arthur, William, fl. 1606-1619.; Rollock, Robert, 1555?-1599. In Epistolam Pauli Apostoli ad Thessalonicenses priorem commentarius. aut 1606 (1606) STC 21281; ESTC S116171 462,033 538

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avvay this word and prophecying euen this word preached take me away the ministrie Mean● to 〈◊〉 the spirit in spyte of thy hart the Spirite shall die out The world would faine haue this word away but this is a maine violence done to Iesus to put the light of Iesus out of the hart O Lord vvhat count shall there be at that great day for the contempt of this word But is there no more to be had but the hearing of this word to enterteine the Spirit of Iesus Yea. It will not be the hearing only that wil hold in the Spirit Thy lyfe must be answerable to the word Thou must feede him with holy motions and thoughts within the hart feede him with holy speaches in the mouth Paul Ephesians 4. chap. 29. verse speaking of certaine vyces to be contempned he meanes planely that rotten talke puts out the Spirit Last he is fed within the soule with holy actions that holds in the light of Iesus Spirit As the oile holds in the fire take away these materials the Spirit shall die within thee The other meane to put him out is not onely to draw away from him the matter he feeds on but to giue him as it were poison to feede on An harlot poysons him with an harlatrous hart A murtherer with a bloudie hart A blasphemer with a blasphemous hart we poyson him with foull thoughts in the hart foull speaches in the mouth wicked actions in the hands this is water to put out the fire Then brethren learne one lesson As euery one should take heed to the graces of the Spirit to keepe patience joy prayer and thankfulnesse continually these are the graces of the spirit So specially and before all we should take heed to the work● of all the holy Ghost that dwels in our soules as a temple Take heed how thou treatst him what enterteinment thou giuest him looke that thou treat him well doe euery thing thou thinkest may pleasure him absteine from all thinges may offend him Set thy hart to please him and let thy pleasure be in pleasing him and pray euer Lord if thou hast giuen me thy Spirit giue me grace to enterteine him that I anger him not Lord giue me grace to doe all thinges to please him to doe nothing to offend him Alas if a honourable man would come in thy house and take a nights ludging thou would looke diligently that all the house and family were in good order So hold thy bodie and soule in reuerence and order for the holy Spirits sake that dwels in thee othervvaies he vvll not ludge with thee Murtherer fyle not thy hands vvith bloud if thou vvould haue him to dvvel vvith thee Paul sayes 1. Cor. chap. 6. verse 19. 20. The Lord hes boght thee out of the deuils hands out of thy ovvne hands for thou vvould lose both thy soule and thy body if it vvere in thy hand He hes boght thee with the bloud of the immaculat Lambe and to this purpose to be a ludging of the holy Spirit to dwell in He is speaking to harlots he sayes Thou art not thy ovvn Thou art boght vvith a pryce God hes boght thee with the bloud of Christ to be a temple of the holy Spirit Where the Spirit ludges there is the Father and the Son the whol Trinitie So in effect the man boght with the bloud of Christ is a ludging to the Trinitie the Father Son and holy Ghost Alas if thou could looke to this for all the world thou would not destroy that ludging of God If once this trueth of God could sinke in mens harts for all the world they would not quenche this Spirit and defyle this temple of God Alas the blindnesse of men vvho knovves not vvhat estate they stand in for vvant of sight and attention for want of regarding of the trueth we go to Hell And if euer thing was to be deplored in this world this is to be deplored that the Spirit of God is abused when he commes to sanctifie men and wemen he gets villanie and wrong done to him they wold pollute him when he commes to sanctify them Indeed he is disludged of his ludging These murtherers takes him by violence as it were and with their hands puts him out of their hart by the shoulders God keepe vs from the sin against the holy Ghost Goe thou on this way ay conte●ning the Spirit thou shalt enter in this sin vvhich shall neuer be for giuen thee in this life nor in the lyfe to come Now to speake of the way how we may know that we haue this Spirit These things cannot be told by words thou must go to experience and there is none of you that hes had a taste of the sweetnesse of the Spirit but ye will feill him dwell in you if ye haue him thou wilt knowe him aswell as euer thou knew any guest that ludged with thee for he brings with him such a faire light such a lyfe and joy c. that thou may easily know him He commes in joy in prayer in thanks-giuing thou wilt knowe him in these but thou wilt finde him in experience if thou growest in his seruice to honour and reuerence him as he dwels in thee To treat him as thou wouldst treat a honorable man that ludges with thee he will dwell with thee but if thou be ●●uggish in these things thou wilt finde he will draw himselfe to a nuke of thy soule as it were for a tyme thou wilt find him cease from his working of regeneration within thee if thou cease to enterteine him by praier godlines in hart holy speaches in the mouth holy actions in the hand he will ly closse within thee for a time and do nothing And then if the man be godly he will be ●ad and sory For no ioy in the godly but when he feeles the Spirit within him Now if when he is not well 〈◊〉 he depart How much more when we striue as it were to poyson him when we bring vp euill motions in spite of him when we fall out in euill language in mouth euill deeds in the hand shall he withdraw himselfe and depart so that we will finde no sense of joy When a man failes to harlotrie he smores the Spirit As for exemple Dauid if euer man felt the Spirit of Iesus in him he felt him yet when he fell to adulterie and murther the spirit lay so closse in him that he found him not Then he wakens and sayes I haue bene sleeping I find not the joy that I was wont and so he saies Restore to me thy spirit again Psa 51. verse 12. Would he haue said restore except he had found the Spirit of God which he had before withdrawen in working within him What shall I say No joy nor rest without this Spirit be enterteinde within vs. The Lord giue vs grace to enterteine him in soule and bodie in holy speaches thoughts and deeds To this Lord be glorie and
trueth It is not thy eare in hearing of the word nor thy mouth in speaking well of it that will make thee a good receiuer of the trueth but it is the hart Looke there be an vnfained loue to the trueth in it and then hold vp thy eare and it will sinke in so sweetly in thy soule that thou shalt feede on it so joyfully as no tongue neither of man nor Angell can tell It is not the outward profession nor the outward receiuing if thou should sit a thousand yeeres hearing that will bring thee to life First thou must haue hart and soule disposed inwardly with an vnfained loue to God to Iesus Christ and his Gospell and then Heauen and earth shall got together ere thou perish An hart that loues Christ and this light shall neuer perish on the other part al the outward forme of doing the protestation subscription and the rest of these outward things shal not saue thee in the day of the Lord if there be not a peece of this loue in thy hart And so I end with this word 〈…〉 accursed be he that loues not Iesus Christ and his trueth And by the contrare blessed are they that loues Iesus Christ and his truth euen this word preached by this ba●e ministrie and blessed shall they beforeuer To this Christ with the Father and the holy Spirit be all praise for euer AMEN THE EIGHT LECTVRE VPON THE SECOND EPISTLE OF PAVL TO THE THESSALONIANS 2. THESSA CHAP. 2. vers 11. 12. 13. 14. 11 And therefore God shall send them strong delusion that they should beleeue lyes 12 That all they might bed●mned vvhich beleeued not the trueth 〈◊〉 had pleusure in vnrighteousnesse 13 But vve ought to giue thanks alvvay to God for you brethren beloued of the Lord because that God hath from the beginning chosen you to saluation through sanctification of the Spirit and the faith of trueth 14 Where-vnto he called you by our Gospell to obtaine the glory of our Lord Iesus Christ. THE dayes bygone beloued brethren in the Lord Iesus we haue heard a Prophecy of that uniuersall Apostasie that was to come and of the reueiling of the Antichrist who should be the head and ring-leader of this vniuersall Apostasie We heard of the Antichrist to be reueiled he is painted out and deferyued in his owne collours before he was reueiled euen as we see him this day For Paul could not haue set him out more viuely in his nature properties and actions if he had seene him nor he hes done in this Prophecie for he descryuos him euen as if he had seene him with his eyes He hes descryued him from his nature He shall be a man sayes he not a single man simplie but he meanes by this word one man a succession of men in one kingdome As for his properties he sayes he shall be a man of sinne and addicted slaue to sinne Next he shall be the sonne of perdition destinate to destruction and euerlasting perdition from al eternity As for his actions first in malice of his hart he shal oppone himselfe against all thing that is called God and is worshipped either in Heauen or in earth He shall oppone himselfe both against the Majestie of God in Heauen and against the majesties of Kings and Princes on earth Againe in pryde of his hart he shall lift himselfe aboue euery thing called God More in the pryde of hart he shall sit in the Temple of God as God in Gods seate vpon the consciences of men to control them which thing properly pertaines to God No creature hes power ouer the consciences of men it is proper to God onely More he shall showe himselfe in all his styles dignities and names as God He shall reaue these from God and shall cloath himselfe with them Last he is descryued from that effectualnesse and powerfull working which he shall receiue of Satan and which at his comming he shall haue in the harts of men partly by working wonders partly by false and fraudulent doctrine But in whom He sayes in them that perishes that is in them that are ordeined to destruction before the foundation of the world was laid in these he shall be powerfull they shall beleeue him in all that he does and sayes Then he sets down one cause of the perdition of these men in whom the Antichrist is and shall be effectuall To witte their owne merite and desert they will not receiue the loue of the trueth they contemne the light of the Gospell and therefore perish shall they God indeed hes decreed from all eternitie that they shall perish but before the decreete be put in execution their merite shall interuene and in tyme they shall contemne the trueth of God which shall procure that damnation to the which from all eternity they were predestinate In the first verse we read the Apostle showes by what order damnation and perdition shall follow vpon the contempt of the light of God in Iesus Christ Marke this Damnation shall not follow vpon the contempt of the trueth immediatly but something shal interueene first there shall follow one plague of God for he shall send vpon these men strange illusions that is he shall hound out the Antichrist with his effectualnesse and he comming with the effectualnesse of Satan shall deceiue them he shall blinde them as it were and put out their eyes What shall followe on that Being blinded they shall goe forwarde in their sinne and so goe downe toward Hell as it were by another steppe And as they contemned the light before so now being deceiued they shall embrace greedilie lies And what shall followe vpon this Embraceing lyes and vanities damnation shall ensue This is the meaning of this verse Then ye see a man is not shot in Hell at the first No when a man hes committed one sinne God will not put him in Hell at that same instant but he shall make him goe to Hell by degrees from steppe to steppe and from sinne to sinne in his just judgement he shall make him stop from a smaller sinne to a greater sinne and this he will doe by plaguing of him and inflicting on him either spiritual or temporall judgements and being beatten he will not amend No mark this A reprobate will neuer mend all the temporall judgements in the world will not better him but he will be ay worse and worse so that if he sinned before now being plagued he shal go to a greater sin and shal not make an end of sinning till he end in judgement Marke another thing here Ye see what the Antichrist is with all his force and effectualnesse his wonders and his doctrine whereby he is effectuall in them that perishes Is he without God trow ye No he is no other thing but a burrio sent from the Tribunal of God to plague the ingrate world as the king would send an hangman to hang a thiefe or murtherer God in his just judgement sends him to
wrought by the Spirit of God thou must liue holilie in his sight and then thou must beleeue thou must haue faith that is throgh the trueth of Iesus Christ or else thou wert neuer chosen If thou hast not faith if thou hast not an holy life no saluation for thee Then shortly in the next verse Hauing spoken of faith he showes how a man commes by faith how he gets it He sayes vnto the vvhich ye are called Faith thou is gotten by calling if a man be not called and cryed on as it were with a shout from Heauen O the dead bodie will not waken for if thou be not cry edon thou wilt not get grace to beleeue if thou be not cried vpon by the cry of God in his word thou shalt neuer get faith for faith is kindled vp by the voice of the Euangell The Lord sayes Iohn 5. 28. 29. The houre shall come and novv i● vvhen the dead shall heare the voice of the Sonne of God and they that heare it shall liue meaning the dead in sinne So faith rises by a crye and call when he sayes come out of that death thou that s●eepest if thou heare thou shalt incontinent arise and beleeue O the power of the voice of God! It is his voice onely that makes the dead soule heare and to beleeue It is not thy free-will that makes thee to answere it is the cry of God onely that kindles vp faith in thee and what meanes vses he to call men by Euen the Gospell of Iesus Christ which is the voice of God For what is the word of God but the voyce of God shouting and crying vpon thee So calling is by a word and voice Now calles he thee by the voyce of the Law No long would thou haue lye● ere thou had answered to the voyce of the Law the more it cry vpon thee thou wiltly the longer dead What is the voice then The sweet voice of the Gospell of Iesus Christ when it is tolde to thee that the Sonne of God is incarnate for thy sake he hes suffered and is risen that thou may get remission of sinnes and life euerlasting in one word the speach of the crosse of a dead man it is the speach that puts life in thee and so no faith without calling and no calling without the voice of the Gospell and no life without the voice of the Gospell Thou shalt neuer see the face of God without thou heare the voice of the Gospell Yet marke He sayes our Gospell that is that I Paul and my fellow laborers ministred Then I aske what is the mouth out of the which the voice of the Gospell sounds and by the which the Lord calles the dead man Euen the mouth of sillie simple men and therefore Paul cals it his Gospel Pauls mouth Peters mouth and the mouth of all the faithfull ministers are the voice of God to the end of the world calling thee to faith and therefore doe they call this Gospell their Gospell The Lord hes so ordeined that without the mouthes of sillie men no voice of God should be heard in the earth Goe to thy chamber read as thou wilt thou shalt nor come to Heauen if thou contemne the mouth of sillie men for without the voice of sillie men that soundes this Gospell there is no voice of God calling thee to faith And therefore without this base ministrie is no saluation for thee I say farther If the mouth of this ministrie whereby the Lord speaks be contemned by thee there is no faith no life appointed for thee God hes so bound himself to this ministrie that if thou contemne this ordinance thou shalt neuer see Heauen He will haue thee safe by a foolish preaching or else thou shalt neuer see heauen Say not might he not send Angels No close thy mouth for by foolish preaching thou shalt be safe and by no other means Mark this ye that contemne the preaching of the word of God out of the mouthes of sillie men Now in the end of the verse he sets downe another end of this calling the first end was faith the other is the participation of the glorie of Heauen in Iesus Christ all is in Christ glorie is in him so thou shalt not get either grace or glorie if thou get not Christ alwaies this is an end both of election and vocation life euerlasting Election is from all eternitie vocation is in tyme and lyfe euerlasting followes as the onely effect and end of both Now the calling beginnes here and what other thing is al our preaching but this come to Iesus Christ the Anchor of your faith and life and this cry holds 〈◊〉 till Christ Iesus come and then he will cry out that last cry Come ye blessed of my Father and inherite the kingdome prepared for you and then the chosen shall enter in the participation of that glorie through Christ that neuer shall end And therefore to this Iesus the Anchor of our life and the caller of vs to life and glory with the Father and holy Spirit we render al praise and honor for now and euermore AMEN THE NINTH LECTVRE VPON THE SECOND EPISTLE OF PAVL TO THE THESSALONIANS 2. THESSA CHAP. 2. vers 15. 16. 17. 15 Therefore brethren ●tand fast keep the instructions vvhich ye haue bene laught either by our vvord or by our Epistle 16 Novv the same Iesus Christ our Lord and our God ●●en the Father vvhich hath loued vs and hath 〈◊〉 vs euerlasting consolation and good hope through grace 17 Comfort you harts and stablishe you in 〈…〉 and good vvorke AFTER the Apostle he● ended that Prophecy of the vniuersall defection from the trueth and faith of Christ Iesus and of the reueiling and manifesting of the Antichrist and his power he doeth three things in the end of this chapter First he comforts the Thessalonians against this Aposta●ie and defection assuring them it should not touch them because they were grounded vpon that stable foundation of the eternall election of God of the which they had sure tokens and testimonies the sanctification of the Spirit and faith in the trueth the calling of God to faith and participation of the glory of Iesus Christ Next in the text we have red there are conteined two things The first is 〈◊〉 exhortation to the Thessalonians to stand and per●euere to the end The other is a prayer conceiued by the Apostle to God the Father and to the Lord Iesus that it would please them first to comfort the harts of the Thessalonians next to establish them in euery good word and worke Then shortly to come to the text We haue set downe in the first words an exhortation to the Thessalonians that they should standfast But first we shall consider how this exhortation followes on the doctrine passing before Therefore sayes he Then it must be inferred by a consequent vpon the doctrine preceeding The cause of their standing and perseuerance must be in the text preceding
with a crosse on the backe of it for thou shalt not brooke it without a crosse Therefore maruaile not at this affliction for it is a meruaile that the Gospell should haue remainde so long without affliction in Scotland and all this affliction in Scotland is nothing in respect of other parts where affliction is And therefore if we brooke this Gospell looke for greater afflictions then these for who hes striuen yet to the blood for the libertie of the Gospell Now in the last words with the affliction he joynes the holy Spirite An●●oy sayes he of the holie Spirite Ye receyued the Gospell with affliction and with affliction ye receyued joy of the holie Spirite Ioy of the holie Spirite ioined vvith affliction Looke how surelie affliction is the companion of the Gospell as surelie is the joy of the Spirite the companion of affliction and this is most sure that the affliction of the Gospell is most joyfull aboue all other things in the world A man that suffers as an euill doer a man that suffers for theft a murtherer that suffers for murther an adulterer for adulterie he hes no joye in suffering he is ashamed and hangs dovvne his head because the querrell for which he suffers bringes an euill conscience theft bringes an euill conscience murther bringes an euill conscience adulterie brings an euill conscience therfore he hes no joy in suffering It is true a man that is to be execute for his his euill deedes in his execution will rejoyce but marke the ground It is it not the euill cause that bringes that joy but it is the assurance of the remission of sinnes in Christ that bringes the joy the euill turne bringes euer an horror of conscience but vvhen one suffers for Christ and the Gospels sake there is joye and comfort and they that hes suffered for Christs sake in suffering haue greater joy in the spirite nor euer they had in the fulnesse of their pleasures in the world Peter in his first Epist 1. 8. sayes In the midst of their suffring they suffred joyfully when there is a good conscience when men suffer for Iesus sake there was neuer joye comparable to that joy it is such a joye as vvill swalow vp al paine terror Experience of this we haue in manie godlie Martyres not that affliction brings joy with it for it is naturall to the affliction to worke sorrow and griefe but it is the good conscience that makes joye and the good conscience comes of the good cause When the conscience sayes Thou art suffering for Christ that suffered for thee and be assured after suffering thou shalt be glorified ô the joye that that man shall finde The Lord giues euerie man joye that suffers any thinge lesse or more for Christ the furnisher of the joye is the Spirite who will not suffer anie persone to beare anie thing for Christ but he will giue comfort and joy therein Brethren ye heare it commonlie said It is the cause or the querrell and not the paine that makes the martyre the paine the torment were they neuer so greuous will not make a man a martyre the ground is the good cause quarrel that they suffer for the Gospel Christ But I say farther if there be no more nor the cause or the querrell that makes not martyrdome if when thou art suffering for Iesus sake thou hast no joy no patience no faith and tolerance no joye in the holie Spirite and reioyse more in suffering and bonds nor he that goes free it is no martyrdome Ioyne me joye and the good cause vvith patience in torment all three together these make a Martyre Peter sets downe the rules of suffring saying Let no man suffer as a murtherer as a theefe as an euill doer or as a busie bodie in other mens matters Then he subjoynes If anie man suffer as a christian for a good cause let him not be ashamed therein but let him glorifie God 1. Epist 4. 15. 16. As in the I. Cha V. 8. he sayes They haue in suffering for a good cause a ioy ●●speakable and glorious So here he forbids them to be ashamed in suffering but to reioyce and glorifie God who hes called them to that honour for this is the highest honour of all to suffer for Christ as the Apostles did Marke all these grounds These examples and rules commending suffering are not set downe in vaine and let none thinke to be a christian and to be exeemed from suffering Away with them who will say they will preach and receiue the word gladlie in calmnes but they will haue nothing to do with suffering but I say if thou prepare thee not for suffering after so long a calmnesse of the Gospell the end shall prooue that thou shalt curse the time that euer thou heard the Gospell Therfore in purpose let vs prepare our selues to suffer that nothing come to vs vnawares and let vs say when we rise here I am readie if it please thee ô Lord to lay any thing on me for the Gospell ere euening Lord giue me grace not to be ashamed but to suffer in joy my life is not heere but my life must be laid down And wel is him can be this way prepared and lookes for greater affliction for no doubt after so great calmnesse affliction must follow and all our suffering is but childrens play yet The Lord prepare vs for it and make vs readie when he pleases to visite vs. To this God be all praise for euer Amen THE THRIDE LECTVRE VPON THE FIRST EPISTLE OF PAVL TO THE THESSALONIANS 1. THESSA CHAP. 1. vers 7. 8. 9. 7 So that ye vvere as ensamples to all that beleeue in Macedonia and Achaia 8 For from you sounded out the vvorde of the Lord not in Macedonia and in Achaia onelie but your faith also vvhich is tovvarde God spread abroad in all quarters that vve neede not to speake any thing 9 For they themselues shevv of vs vvhat maner of entring in vve had vnto you and hovv ye turned to God from idols IN this part of this Epistle which presentlie we haue in hand ye haue heard brethren the Apostle rejoyses together with the Thessalonians for those graces of God which he vnderstood and knew to be in them geuing God thanks therefore rendering him the whole glorie thereof The graces wer as ye heard namely first their effectuall faith secondlie their laborious loue and charity thirdly their patient hope Then he comes to the ground of all these graces their election which was from all eternitie vttering an assurance of their election and of the chusing of them before the world was made The grounds of his assurance of their eternal election wer two the first in himself the second in the Thessalonians the ground in himselfe was that grace of God that libertie that power which he had in preaching Christ when he came among them which assured him the Lord had his chosen amongst thē The ground
childe so he takes a similitude from a mother toward her infant there is no busines nor care the mother wil leaue vndone for the infant nor respecting her hyre or gaine but vpon an inteere affection to the infant Then learne shortlie A pastor must be like a mother Paul Gall. chapter 4. verse 19. compares him selfe to a mother trauailing in birth vntill Christ be reformed in them O my little children vvith vvhom I trauaile in birth vvhile Christ be reformed in you Novv he cōpares the pastor to a nource taking paines to nourish them when they are borne vpon a motherlie affection without eyther respect to goods or honor and he compares the people who by the pastor are fed in Christ nourished by the sincere milk of the vvord to infants As a yong infant craues no other nourishment but milke no more shouldst thou craue to be nourished with any other food but the sinceere milke of the word and as the infant would die except he be fed with milke so all they that refuses to be nourished with this sincere milke of the word if they continew die shall they Thou Lord Laird or Barron Husband-man die shall thou if thou be not nourished with this sincere milke of the worde If it be so betweene the people and the Pastor Affection of the Pastor to the flocke as betwene the childe and the mother the Pastors lesson is Looke what tender affection the mother hes to her birth to cherishe it to take paines and trauaile to wake and watch ouer it and all vpon a motherly affection without respect of honour or gaine the lyke shoulde thy affection be towards thy flocke and on paine of thy lyfe looke thou seeke them and not theirs The Mother seekes the well of her childe and not his goods nor honour so seeke thou the well of thy flocke and not their goods nor honour and let thy affection be motherlie and when thou sees the motherlie affection of the mother to the childe say The Lord giue me such an affection to my people as this mother hes to her childe let my honour and gaine be to get them nourished The honour of a Minister is in Heauen and not in earth his gaine is in Heauen So Paul sayeth 1. Thess 219. What is our hope or ioy or crovvn of reioysing are not euen you it in the presence of our Lord Iesus Christ at his comming to glorifie his elect To this Christ with the Father and the holy Spirite be glorie and honour for euer AMEN THE SIXT LECTVRE VPON THE FIRST EPISTLE OF PAVL TO THE THESSALONIANS 1. THESSA CHAP. 2. vers 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 8 Thus being affectioned tovvard you our good vvill vvas to haue dealt vnto you not the Gospell of God onelie but also our ovvne soules because ye vvere deare vnto vs. 9 For ye remember brethren our labour and trauaile for vve laboured day and night because vve vvould not be chargeable vnto any of you and preached vnto you the Gospell of God 10 Ye are vvitnesses and God also hovv bolilie and iustlie and vnblameablie vve behaued our selues among you that beleeue 11 As ye knovve hovv that vve exhorted you and comforted and besoght euerie one of you as a father his children 12 That ye vvoulde vvalke vvorthie of God vvho hath called you vnto his kingdome and glorie THE Apostle ye remember brethren leauing off for a tyme the purpose that was in hand to witte that rejoysing he had with them for the graces of God was in them In the second chapter he falles out to a discourse concerning himselfe making mention of his manner of entrie among them how it was not in vaine For when he entred among them he entred with libertie although that hee had suffered immediatlie before at Philippi notwithstanding of the battaile he had in the meane tyme while he preached to them Thereafter ye heard the last day he remoued from him selfe all suspition of vnsincere dealing in preaching the Gospell chalenging to him self sincerity in preaching Seing in preaching and speaking he had not man before his eyes but God not content onlie to remoue from him vnsinceritie in 〈◊〉 he discends to the fountaines of vnsinceritie and vncleane dealing which are three namelie flatterie auarice 〈◊〉 and these three rootes of vnsincere and vncleane dealing in the 〈◊〉 he remoues from him he flattered them not he was not greedie of their goods he was not greedie of honour Albert saieth he I might haue beene chargeable to you as the Apostle of Christ ye were addebted to me both of your goods and honour yet I would haue none of them but I liued in the midst of you vnburdensome submit●ing my selfe to all fash●ie and paines for your sakes as a mother nourishing her childe will vndertake all paines for the childe so did I for you Now in the first vvords of this text we haue red that vvhich he spoke of the nource cherishing her childe he applyes to him selfe Th●● sayes he 〈…〉 tovvard● you The vvord is in the first language I was desirous of you I had a longing desire of you such desire as a mother hes to her infant she can not suffer her infant to be out of her sight to be absent from her incontinent she grie●es for it she is not well vvhile thee haue it in her sight The same affection sayes the Apostle I beare tovvards you I loue you I can searcelie vvant your presence for being absent from you I haue a continual care of you There is the meaning of the wordes in the which ye see that loue that motherlie affection to call it so the Apostle bare to this Church of Thessalonica The first grace in the Pastor is to loue his flock this is the ground of all the rest if he want it all the rest is deare of the hauing if he had all the learning and eloquence and vt●●●ance of men and Angels all is nothing if there be not loue and affection in his heart to his flock Paul 2 Cor. 6. recounting our many marks of the Apostle which he bare amongst the rest in the 6. verse of that chapter he account● vnfamed loue to be one for nombring those marks he declares what spirituall loue he bare to the Corinthians saying in the 11. verse O 〈◊〉 my mouth is open to you our heart is made large so that if it were possible I vvould take you in my heart ye dvvell not narrovvlie in me but ye dvve●l 〈◊〉 in your ovvne bovvelles I loue you but ye loue not me so intirelie as I doe you In the 11. chapter of that Epistle verse 28. stryuing vvith the ●alse Apostles he shovves vvhat carefulnesse he had of the Church Beside sayeth he 〈…〉 I haue the care for 〈…〉 of the vvorlde 〈…〉 but I am afflicted I vnderstand there are none afflicted but I am afflicted vvith him 〈…〉 It is vvonderfull to knovve vvhat affection hee bare to the Church of Christ Ye
hes beene afflicted before him and scarcelie shall he see a godlie man but vvith his burdene on his backe all is not laid on him alone But aboue all let the persone that is afflicted first set his eye on the Lord Iesus Let him looke ouer to Golgotha vvhere Christ is hanging on the Crosse and in Christ let him looke to tvvo thinges first to the glorie worthinesse of that personage who sufferes next to the extremitie and ignominie of that passion looke to these two things in him and then looke down to thy selfe and looke what thou art first not a Lord if thou were a King but a seruant all the Kings on the earth are but seruants in respect of him then go to the affliction thou suffers and thou shalt finde thou suffers not the thowsand part of the affliction he suffred for thee there is great inequalitie betweene thee and him and then beginne to reason The seruant is not greater nor his Lord the disciple is not greater nor his Maister The Lord Iesus is my Lord I am not but a seruant yet the Lord Iesus my Lord suffers and in such great extremity then may I not be content to suffer the thousand part of his suffering Of this comes contentment of heart and patience to suffer for the Lord. For except thy eye be set vpon that personage of Iesus Christ it is not possible for thee to suffer with joy the simplest crosse that is for the Lords sake The next point of their dittay they haue slaine their ovvn Prophets Persecution of the Prophets This they did ere they slevv the Lord albeit it be set in the second rovv●●e They haue slaine vvhom Prophetes vvorthie men Whose Prophets not strangers but men of then own nation Iewes as they vvere their ovvne Prophets sent by God to them to teach and prophecie to them to bring them to the way of life yet they haue runne vpon them and haue slaine them all aggreages their fact Ye vvill aske vvas these Ievves that slevv the Prophets the same that slevv the Lord Iesus they wer not in the Prophets dayes they came long after I answer he vnderstands the whole bodie of that people fathers and children which makes vp a bodie The fathers slew the Prophets Therfore Steuen sayes Act. 7. 52. Which of them is he vvhom your fathers haue not persecuted Then he comes to the children as for you that are children ye haue betrayed and slaine the iust one This is it that Christ sayes in the 23. chap. of Matt. vers 32. Ful 〈◊〉 out that or follow out that that your fathers haue left vndone slay me and my Apostles Yet there may be an other answere made to this It may be that he will lay to the charge of them that slew the Lord Iesus the slaughter of the Prophets as though they had slaine them with their owne hands Posteritie guilty through their fathers For ye must vnderstand that the children that come after their Fathers are inuolued in the whole guiltinesse that their fathers were in before them Was he a murtherer thou art guiltie of murther were thy Grandfather and his father murtherers thou art inuolued in the same guiltinesse and except thou by grace be transplanted out of the rotten stock of thy fore-fathers in Iesus thou shalt die for that murther of thy fathers All the sinnes of thy progenitors shal be hung about thy neck if thou be not exeemed and ●lanted in Iesus Christ Yea that sinne of Adam for eating of the frute shall be laid to thy charge and thou shalt pay for it if thou be not transplanted out of rotten Adam and ingraft in Iesus Christ the second Adam Rom. 5. 14. Not onelie is this naturall corruption drawen to children throgh propagation but the children are inuolued in the guiltinesse of the verie action of the progenitours All serues to this to make fathers to be waie and to take head to their actions that they slay not themselues allone but the multitude of their posteritie as Adam slew vs all Yet there is an other ground and answere to this These Iewes that slew the Lord Iesus are counted to haue slaine the Prophets before them The ground and cause is this I would that all murthereis did heare this Slayest thou an innocent man such as Abel the whole innocent bloud that was shed since the beginning lights vpon thee thou art guiltie of it And therefore Christ Matt. 23. 36. layes to the Ievves charge the whole innocent bloud shedde since Abell vnto Zacharias that vvas slaine betweene the temple and the altar Therfore murtherer take head thou shalt drowne in bloud for by thy act thou giuest approbauen to al those murtherers that were from the beginning Thou makest it a pastime to dip thy hand in innocent bloud but wo to thee if thou be not washed in the bloud of christ This for the answer to the question Now marke brethren When he speakes of the slaughter of the Lord Iesus committed by these Iewes he forgets not the old Prophets and with the Lords he joines his seruants neither forgets he the Apostles Both the persecution the persecutors are recent in Gods memorie and vs also haue they persecuted al are put in one catalogue the olde Prophetes the Lord Iesus the Apostles and Martyres that were slaine And who doeth this It is not so much Paul as the holie Spirite that doth it which is a token that all the martyrdomes that haue bene is and to be was not is not nor shal not be forgot of the Lord they are all in recent memorie And suppose there were not a booke of Martyres vvritten in the earth yet there is a booke in Heauen written and all the Martyres from the beginning are registrate in it and that book shall be laid oppen before man Angels ye shall see them not in pictures but in face And again he remembers the Iewes who did it so as there is a booke of Martyres in heauen so is there a booke of persecuters wherein all their names are written and in that great day the booke shall be laide oppen and shall be presented to their eyes to their rebuke shame and eternall confusion So the Lord hes all in remembrance the Lord hes a recent memorie a thousand yeeres are but like a day to him and a day as a thousand yeeres albeit we will forget all yet all is recent in his memorie And this is verie comfortable to the afflicted and it is terrible to the persecutors Woe is that man that hath not his sinnes forgote and pardoned of the Lord. There is not one teare of the sufferer but it is put vp in his bottle This for the second point of their dittay Let vs novve come to the third point The Iewes vvere not content with the slaying of the Prophetes and of the Lord Iesus himself but when he is away they persecute his Apostles A wonderful thing that this people can not hold
countenance and that the countenance of his terrible vvraith may be turned from vs that that vve may studie to please him in our lyfe and conuersation through Iesus Christ To vvhome vvith the Father and the holie Spirite be al praise honour and glorie for euer and euer AMEN THE NINTH LECTVRE VPON THE FIRST EPISTLE OF PAVL TO THE THESSALONIANS 1. THESSA CHAP. 2. vers 17. 18. 19 20. 17 Forasmuch brethrer as vve vvere keept from you 〈…〉 concerning ●ight but not in the heart vve enforced the more to see your face vvith great desire 18 Therefore vve vvould haue come vnto you I Paul at least once or tvvyse but Sathan hindered vs. 19 For vvhat is our hope or ioy or stovvne of reioy forgiune not 〈◊〉 you it in the presence of our Lord Iesus Christ at his comming 20 Yes ye are our glorie and ioy THESE dayes bygone brethren we haue insisted vpon this rejoysing of the Apostle together with the Thessalonians for the graces of God he vnderstoode to be in them and so we haue alie●die ended his part of the Epistle which ●●ands in a ●●ngratulation Now in this text presenlie red the Apostle excuseth himselfe to the Thessalonians because he came not to them to vis●e them after that tyme that first he planted the Gospell among them For they might haue said to the Apostle Well thou professest a great loue towards vs and giuest vs a goode 〈◊〉 and vtterst a great 〈…〉 vs and the graces we 〈◊〉 of God yet then 〈…〉 the Gospel 〈…〉 confirme the worke begun This 〈…〉 of vs notwithstanding of all pres●●● inword The Apastle answeres this and giues two excuses The first is from that earnest desire he had to visite them the second is from that purpose he tooke after the desire to come to them and visite them yea for that purpose he made once or twise to come for once or twyse he was on his journey and was impeaded by Sathan In the end of the chapter he giues a reason of that desire and purpose he tooke to come to them Because sayes he Ye are my hope my ioy and the coovvne of my glorying in the presence of the Lord Iesus Christ at his comming And therefore why should not I desire and take purpose to visite you There is the summe of this present text Now to returne and passe throgh euery verse and expone it as God shall giue the grace His first excuse is that earnest desire he had to see them In the beginning of the 17. verse he giues the reason thereof Because on a sodaine he was rest from them otherwise then he expected the more sodanlie he was rest frō them the greater was his desire to see them and to visite them Of this parting and seuering of the Apostle from the Thessalonians after that he had bene with them a certaine space of tyme ye may read Act. 17. The obstinate Iewes seeing that Christ and his Gospell was receiued of the Thessalonians and the Lord blessed Pauls trauels among them by the instigation of the Diuell stirred vp such a vehement sedition that Paul is compelled to slee to Beroea The word he vses heere hes a great pith It signifies not onelie to be seuered but it signifies to be made an orphanne a puple destitute of father and mother and spoiled of his parents and therefore the seuering of him was as the spoyling of an orphane or puple from the father whom he loued best in the world The text is easie and the obseruations fall out as easie Ye may se first the delite and pleasure the godly haue to dwell with other to haue a mutuall presence one of an other that euerie one may receiue of other consolation in Iesus Christ Rom. 1. 11. 12. especiallie a Pastor or a Minister when he see the Lord hes blessed his laboures among any people or congregation his pleasure is to abyde with that people his delyte is in the presence of that people and when he is seuered from that people it is as sore to him as to a childe or young one when he is seuered from the parents and spoiled of the presence of father and mother Againe we may note The Deuill the enemie of mans saluation muyes nothing more then the mutuall societie of the godlie and especiailie aboue all other societies he inuyes the presence of a faithfull Pastor vvith his people for he knows that by this ministrie saluation is vvrought Novv would to God men and wemen knew aswell this ministrie as he does He knowes this ministrie of saluation is so necestarie that if thou conten●ne it thou shalt neuer be safe thou shalt neuer see the face of God I haue giuen this doome ofttymes Therefore he invying mans saluation his whole indeuore is to seuere him that is the Pastour 〈◊〉 his people knowing that hee being seuered the people shall be a pray to him This is his oulde craft and no noueltie Now the Deuill is euer lyke himselfe he can raise seditions and trmults and that to seuere the ministrie that caries the message of saluation before the people that they being seuered the people may be a pray to him Now the word vsed heere is to be marked He sayes he was seuered in the momēt of an hour Meaning he was seuered vpon a sodantie far from their his expectation sodainly he and they wer seuered well an euil turne is soone done in the twinkling of an eye a breake will be made euill is soone done but not so soone mended Paul could not come so soone to them againe as he was put from them and when he is aback the Deuill holdes him aback and when he would haue c●mde to them he did cast in impedimēts Yet albeit he seuered Paul in body his hart abode with the Thessalonians they possest his hart the enemie could not get it seuered from them Then there are two sorts of profences of men with mē as there are two sorts of absence of men frō one in bodie an other in spirite a mans heart will be where his bodie is not and by the contrare the bodie will be present 〈◊〉 he heart 〈◊〉 not It is easie to seuere the godlie in bodie 〈…〉 Deuill will easilie do that It is easie to him to seuere 〈…〉 of the vngodlie for there is no true con●●ction but in Christ 〈…〉 the hearts of the godlie it is not easie 〈…〉 The bonde that joynes them is not naturall 〈…〉 it comes not of 〈…〉 of the Spirite of God vvho 〈…〉 member vvith an other member As it is an hard matter to breake that bonde that joynes the members vvith the head vvhich is faith so it is an hard matter to breake that bond that joynes the member vvith the member that is loue and charitie vvhich joynes vs together Who shall seuere vs from the loue of Corist Rom. 8. 35. A naturall bond is soone cutted but no hammering will breake the bonde of Christ Therefore seeke not to
discharge of a King in keeping the people in good order and peace will be the meane of thy crowning in heauen Art thou a pastor intending to win manie soules to the kingdome of heauen it shall be a meane of thy crowning in that great day When a crowne shall be set on a kings head or a pastors head it shal not be his calling that shal be the cause of his crowning he was an Emperor therefore he must haue a crovvne in heauen it vvill not follow if there be no more He vvas a pastor therfore he must haue a crovvne in heauen no it shall be that blessing and frute that God gaue thee in the faithfull discharge in thy calling heere that shall be the meane of thy crowning And therefore let neuer fleshe glorie in any calling if there be no more if the blessing of the Lord be not with thy calling thou hast cause of mourning and thou shalt say in that day woe to me that euer I was a King an Emperour a Pastor if there be not a faithfull discharge of thy calling the greater damnation falles vnto thee the greater thy calling be Now to end he is speaking of this rewarde that he was to receiue at Christs comming and he speakes not of these earthlie stipends how beit their be much adoe and stryfe for them in the land if they wer neuer so selie he speakes not of these goods or anie thing that pertained to them but the reward of his Apostleship he speaks of is that he claimes themselues ye are my hope sayes he ye are my ioy euen ye your selues So in one worde the rewarde of a faithfull Apostle shall not be the 〈◊〉 of this earth for as niggard as men are of it no it shall not be his man●e his 〈◊〉 two or three ●halders of ●●●uall or an hndreth marke rest all not be this but it shall be the soules of all them hee did vvinne heere on earth and the Lord shall say to him take them and let them be a matter of joy of glorie and honour for euer to thee Well he will not wishe ought of the durt of the earth but their owne selues whom he will professe as the rewarde of his faithfull calling to his euerlasting joy I goe forward before whom and in whose presence shall this joy and crowne of glorying be He sayes before the Lord Iesus Christ it must be done in his sight hee must be before hee must be the doer of all it must be he that shall take thee by the hand and giue thee to the Apostle and pastor and saye Take man there is the matter of thy glorie and crowne make it a matter to thee of thy joy for euer Brethren there is no joy but in the face and presence of Iesus there is no light but that that comes from his face and countenance It is true the pastor ministers light but if in the meane time the light of Iesus shine not in thy heart all is but vaine and lost labour And therefore Paul 2. Cor. 4. 6. sayes all this light must come from Iesus Christ and thou must holde vp that heart of thine that the light of Iesus may shine in it And he sayes also as soone as the heart is turned the va●le is remoued 2. Cor. 3. 16. and the face of the Lord illuminates thee For what trow you the light be the joy be the glorie be that we shall receiue in one word vvhat trow you heauen be Al the light in heauen is nothing but as a reflexe of that light that is in Iesus Christ al the light and glory of heauen is 〈◊〉 like sparkles scattred from him for all glorie is in him And therefore if ever thou looke for joy and glorie addresse thy selfe for Ieses Christ and as thou wouldst liue either here or hence 〈◊〉 to his presence and thinke neuer thou art well vntill you get 〈…〉 that presence Let nothing so bewitch thee 〈…〉 of heart vntill thou getst some light of Iesus Christ 〈…〉 is no life nor joye within him I aske thy conscience Didst thou euer feele that solide joy and life but when thy heart was set on that countenance of Iesus Foole thou mayst rejoice like a dog or beast with a sensuall pleasure but woe to thy joye and peace there is no peace to the vvicked for when thou art so passing thy time out of Iesus the judgement shall sodainelie ouertake thee for there is no saluation out of Iesus When shal this be At this comming It is true we vvalke heere in his presence and that joye that comes downe from Heauen it comes through that glorious bodie wherewith he is cled but the sacietie of all shall not be vntill the eye see it thy glorie shall not be perfited while then I tell you all the light we haue now the Apostle calles it the light of the Euangell of the glorie of God it is his face that shines in a mirror thou seest him no otherwise but then this mirror shall be taine avvay and the face of Iesus shall be holden vp in your sight Brethren while we are here the light cōmes from heauen and ouer shadowes and transformes the soule onlie and that not fullie but in a part but when he shall come he shall transforme not the soule onelie but these vilde bodies and make them conforme to his glorious bodie Phil. 3. 21. And so there must be a greater force in his owne presence nor is in the mirror of the Gospell And thou that takest a pleasure to see Iesus in the mirror of the Gospell and to be ouershadowed with the light of the Gospell the face of Iesus shall shine on thee and by the contrair thou that takest no pleasure in the mirror of the Gospell thou shalt neuer attaine to the sight of Iesus Wilt thou continue in hatred of the ministrie of Iesus Christ thou shalt neuer see the glorious countenance of Iesus In the end of this chapter not being content to tell this once he sayes it againe yes ye are my ioy This doubling proceedes of a persuasion that he had of that glorie in a word let a Minister be faithfull to winne many soules to pleasure God and Iesus Christ who will recompence him so aboundantlie The glorie is sure the joy is sure and if he finde faithfulnesse and a blessing in his calling in this lyfe as the joye and glorie is certaine so when he is going out of this lyfe he may be sure and may say with confidence I shall enter in my joy and my soule and bodie shall be crowned with his crowne of joy and glorie and all in the presence of the Lord Iesus To whom with the Father the holie Spirite be all praise AMEN THE TENTH LECTVRE VPON THE FIRST EPISTLE OF PAVL TO THE THESSALONIANS 1. THESSA CHAP. 3. vers 1. 2. 3. 4. 1 Wherefore since vve could no longer forbeare vve though it good to remaine at Athens alone 2 And haue
vntill we see the Lord face to face and then we shall get saciety then we shall be filled when God who is loue himselfe shall be all in all thinges And therefore grovv euer get a peece of grouth this day another peece to morrovve and so day by day grovv vntill thy heart be filled vvith the grace of Christ As thou increasest in knovvledge so thou must increase in loue for these must be joined together knowledge and loue Knowledge is in the mynde and loue in the heart Ye see how pleasant it is to see the Sunne but the light of the mynde whereby we see the Sunne of glorie is more excellent it is the light that commeth from the Lord. Then joyne thereto the loue in the heart these tvvo should ansvvere other in proportion Growest thou in knovvledge of the vvay of Christ looke thou grovv in loue to God and man othervvayes I say thy knovvledge shall not auaile thee and the greater knowledge without loue grow there-with the greater damnation Now whom should they loue Loue euerie one among your selues loue next all men in the vvorld Loue all mankinde Ye are Christians loue together mutuallie Be ye among the Heathen loue them too who knows not Christ loue the Domestickes of faith but loue the strangers too loue the members of the bodie of Christ but loue them also vvho are out vvith the bodie but in a different maner The words lets vs see the loue of the domestick is mutuall As thou louest me so I loue thee as the hand loues the foote so the foote loues the hand So among the members of Christs bodie there is a mutuall loue The band of loue goes from my hart to thee and comes again from thy hart to me but it is otherwaies with the loue that reaches out beyond the body to strangers it is but a single loue going from my hart and not returning againe from them I loue him but he loues not me I loue the Iew but he loues not me I loue the Turke but he loues not me because he is not conjoined in a body with me we should loue them to saluation Then learne we should not be narrovv hearted in loue Say not I loue not him because he loues not me if Christ had done so vvhen thou vvas an enemie it had not beene well with thee He loued thee being his enemie Loue them then vvho hates thee and them vvho would slay thee I will not giue a penny for thy loue if thou loue them onely vvho loues thee And this telles that thou art a member of the bodie when thy loue reaches out with the bodie to others As Christ loues his enemie so thou if thou be of Christs bodie vvill loue thy enemie Alas the canker of our nature against loue If thou striue not to loue thy enemie and to get that rancor of thy nature slaine slaine shalt thou be Steuin when the Ievves vvere stoning him to death sayes Lord let it not be laid to their charge Act. 7. 60. Therefore as thou wouldst haue thy soule safe loue thy enemie He layes downe his owne ensample as I doe you He vses this commonlie when he bids them doe any thing I craue nothing but that ye should resemble me I loue you loue ye others There is a lesson Thou vvho vvilt bid anie other doe well doe vvell thy selfe vvilt thou bid me loue loue then first thy selfe and loue all men A Pastor vvho vvould teach his flock to loue let him shovv loue first in his life and actions himselfe othervvaies he shall not haue grace in his vvords let him cast himselfe to be full of loue and then his vvords shall edifie Let him euer seeke an hartie loue to their saluation and craue loue to them at the hands of the Father and Christ Iesus his Sonne To vvhom vvith the holie Spirite be all praise for novv and for euermore AMEN THE XIII LECTVRE VPON THE FIRST EPISTLE OF PAVL TO THE THESSALONIANS 1. THESSA CHAP. 3. vers 13. 13 To make your hearts stable and vnblameable in holinesse before God euen our Father at the comming of our Lord Iesus Christ vvith all his Saints 1. THESSA CHAP. 4. vers 1. 2. 3. 1 And furthermore vve beseech you brethren and exhort you in the Lord Iesus that ye increase more and more as ye haue receiued of vs hovv ye ought to vvalke and to please God 2 For ye knovv vvhat commaundements vve gaue vnto you by the Lord Iesus 3 For this is the vvill of God euen your sanctification and that ye should absteine from for●ication IN the wordes going before ye heard brethren the Apostle makes mention to the Thessalonians of that earnest prayer he vsed to God for them that once it would please God to graunt him a prosperous journey to them He fell out immediatly in a prayer The prayer containes thre parts the first part is that God the Father and the Lord Iesus vvould direct his vvay tovvardes them The second part is that how euer it should fall out vvhether he should come to them or not at Gods pleasure yet that they shoulde abound in loue euery one tovvardes another and not that onelie but in loue to all men yea tovvarde their ver●e enemies Now shortly to come to our text In the last verse of this chapter ye haue the third head of his prayer he beseeches God to giue them holinesse holinesse in generall all kinde of holinesse As he prayed before that they might abound in loue and charitie vvhich is a part of holinesse So novv he prayes they should haue all sort of holinesse Thereafter in the chapter following he falles out in precepts of good maners and holie lyfe and conuersation and this he follovves out to the end of the Epistle sauing onely by the vvay he casts in one or tvvo informations resoluing them of certaine doubtes the first concerning the mourning for the dead the second concerning the day of Iudgement and the comming of the Lord Iesus Novv to returne He prayes for holinesse to them And vvhat should this holinesse doe To make your hearts sayes he stable and vnblameable before God And at vvhat tyme especiallie at the comming of the Lord Iesus Christ In vvhat companie should they be established with holinesse They alone No but vvith all his Saints in that happie societie of the Church of God and the Saintes There is the effect shortlie of this thirtienth verse Then brethren marke It is holinesse not a fashion of holinesse in outvvard behauiour Holines stablishes our harts before God but vvithin the heart of a man or vvoman that makes them stand vp in the presence of God that establishes them without feare terrour or trembling when they stand before the. Tribunall of a terrible Iudge Where there is no holinesse no sinceritie of heart in man but an heart filled vvith foull affections full of vncleannesse and filthinesse there the heart dare not present the selfe before the face of
affirme if there be not a better meeting and greater care to reuerence this calling and to loue and honour it and to prouyde sustentation for them that laboures the eyes of our posteriue shall see this Ministry decay It is going away Men beleeues it is well if they get the teyndes If the Lord and Laird get the teyndes Teinds he will indent and subscryue all with you But either must these things be redressed or else certainly there shall be a decay and then farewell all grace Shame and confusion to Scotland Trowes Scotland that the common-well shall floorishe or that the estate shall be good if this Ministrie goe away No there shall be nothing but desolation If they were heere to whom this matter and this admonition pertaines I woulde charge them in the name of God that they would show a better meeting to entertaine this Gospell or else shame shall ouertake them Now this farre as the wordes of the text furnishes to me I haue spoken of the duety of the people Nowe there is another precept added to this exhorting to peace Peace cōmanded Be at peace sayes he among your selues This is agenerall precept giuen to Ministers to people and to all men commaunding peace loue vnitie and concord of mynde This is the fountaine of other graces She goes before vs as a mother other graces as children followe her If she goe not before no following of graces Where peace is there is grace where peace is not there is no grace And therefore Paul first to Tim. chap. 2. verse 1 sayes Pray for Kings for what end that vve may lead a quyet and a peaceable lyfe in all godlinesse and honestie Where he meanes where peace is these two followes godlinesse which is the ground of the first table and honestie which is the ground of the second table Where peace goes avvay farevvell these tvvo Will ye looke to your ovvne families if there be not peace betvveen the Husband and the Wyfe tell me what grace can be in the familie tell me can godlinesse can grace be in the familie vvhere there is nothing but stryfe and enuy can common honestie be there No no grace Go to a Cittie where there is nothing but dissention can therebe grace godlines or honesty there Goe to a Kingdom or common-well where a Kingdom is rent in peeces can there be grace holinesse or honestie there So it is the peace in Iesus Christ vvhich is the mother and conquerour of all graces where the hearts of men and wemen are bound vp in peace there is floorishing either in Citty or houshold But yet vvhat peace should this be Wherein standes it It stands not in a faire vvord in a faire goode morrow nor in an outvvard behauiour or false fained smiling vvith thy mouth vvhen thou hast no loue in thy heart but this peace standes chieflie in the lenitie and conjunction of myndes and heartes Paul to the Eph. chap. 4. vers 3. sayes Studie to keepe the vnitie of the Spirit in the bond of peace where he earnestly recommends an vnion of myndes Paul to the Philippians in the 2. chap. vers 1. sayes If there be any consolation in Christ if any solace if any communion of the spirite if any bovvels of pittie fill vp my ioy and wherein standes it Be sayes he of lyke minde and affection There my joy let your affection be one haue one loue haue one minde dwell with all your soules together Ioyne so your hearts together as if they were one heart joyne your soules together and make vp one soule of all And as concerning your judgements he sayes be not of contrare opinions and judgementes There are some that euer delytes in contradiction When one will say one thing they will make a contradiction to it Now ye see wherein this peace stands and this is the peace that makes vp the Kingdom of God Paul sayes to the Romanes 14. 17. The Kingdom of God standes not in meate and drinke but in peace and righteousnesse tovvards God Indeed the Kingdom of men will be made vp of an outward counterfaite peace The Grecian Kingdom the Roman Impire stoode of an earthly peace but all vanitie the Kingdom of Christ is made vp of an vnitie of our soules knit together in Christ When our conscience is peaceable then our souls is knit to him Reade the 4. chapter to the Ephesians ye shall not finde so many arguments in no place as there to exhort men to vnitie There is sayes he but one bodie one spirite one hope of your vocation one Lord Iesus one faith one baptisme one God one Father of all Then if there be so many one thinges why should ye not be one Now the whole blessing of men standes in vnion Yea the blessednesse of God standes in an vnion the Father the Sonne and the holie Spirite vnited together in one God-hood The blessednesse of our nature standes in the vnion with our head Christ and in the vnion of the members among our selues Where this vnion is not there is nothing but miserie In the Kingdom of Heauen there is nothing but vnity by the contrare there is no peace in Hell If the father and the sonne goe to Hell together trow ye there shall be any loue betweene them No nothing but inuy all inuy and hatred is among the Deuils all peace and vnity is in God who drawes the soules of men and wemen together and makes one soule as it were in that glorious bodie of Christ The Lord giue vs this bond of vnitie and loue that we may be joyned with the rest of the members in one bodie to our head Iesus Christ To whom with the Father and the Spirite be immortall praise honour and glore world without end AMEN THE XXIII LECTVRE VPON THE FIRST EPISTLE OF PAVL TO THE THESSALONIANS 1. THESSA CHAP. 5. vers 14. 15. 14 We desire you brethren admonish them that are vnruely comfort the feeble mynded beare vvith the vveake be patient tovvarde all men 15 See that none recompense euill for euill vnto any man but euer follovv that vvhich is good both tovvard your selues and tovvard all men WE goe forward brethren in these exhortations and preceptes concerning goode maners and godly conuersation vvhich the Apostle settes downe heere to the Thessalonians As for these whereof we haue alreadie spoken as that wakrifnesse that should be in them that sobernesse that spirituall armour vvherevvith they shold be armed concerning that mutuall exhortation euery one of them ought to other concerning that duetie that the flocke and the people ought to their Pastour concerning that mutuall peace that should be among them we speake nothing now recommending all to your memories who heard vs. Now in this text we haue reade presently first we haue three particulare directions concerning three estates of persones first concerning vnruely men secondly concerning feeble minded men and last concerning them that are infirme and vveake in saith vveake in the knovvledge
shall die for hunger and plaine want of grace and we shall not onely lose this lyfe present but a better life life euerlasting The next part of Praier is thanksgiuing we spoke the last day of seeking Now this day first in this text we haue red we haue to speak of thanksgiuing which we should rander to God The wordes are In all thinges giue thankes for this is the vvill of God When he hes said pray continuallie immediatlie he subjoynes in all thinges giue thankes Marke it So he joynes these two together Sec. part of prayer thanksgiuing Prayer or asking at God and then thanking of him Brethren I see not onely in this present text these two thinges Prayer and thankesgiuing joyned together but in sundrie other places Philippi chap. 4. verse 6. Be not carefull for any thing but in euerie thing let your requestes bee shovven foorth to God by prayer and supplication vvith thankesgiuing To the Colossians 4 chap. 2. verse Continue sayes he in prayer and vvatching vvith thankesgiuing there they are conjoyned Seking thanksgiuing euer ioined together the one of these should not be seuered from the other Prayer should not be seuered from thanksgiuing thanksgiuing should not be seuered from prayer The neede and necessity we haue in this world that mooues vs to prayer is not so great but euer there is matter of thanksgiuing to God for the graces that is giuen euery moment of our lyfe day and night For there are none of vs but we haue experimented in some measure the bountifulnesse of our louing God who dare say otherwaies but in the greatest strate that euer he was in he ●and by experience of the mercy of God a measure of grace for reliefe Alas if it wer no more but this grace in thy need to get grace to seek grace it is a speciall grace thou art oblist to thanke God for that grace thou getst to beg grace Againe the blessing and mercy of God is neuer showen on vs in such aboundance in this world but in the me and 〈◊〉 thou hast neede and mister and in the most floorishing estate thou art in thou standest in neede The greatest Monarch that is in his greatest floorishing he standes in neede and therefore as he hes cause to thanke that God that hes exalted him so hes he cause to be a begger to seeke more For there is a Kingdome that is aboue all Kingdomes a glorie aboue all this glorie riches aboue all these riches a pleasure aboue all earthlie pleasure so as long as thou art not come to this hight yet beg for none shall come to that hight neyther King nor Monarch shall come there but by continuall begging Ye see Dauid in his Psalmes he prayes and askes when he is in neede and in his necessitie But at that same very tyme he also thankes Ye see he will begin a Psalme with great heauinesse of hart but ere he come to the end ye will see in that same Psalme how he will rejoce and with joy he will thanke Then looke Paul in the beginning of all his Epistles he commonly sayes I thank God for you but what more are ye in such estate that I need not pray for you No. Therefore he subjoynes euer praying for you As he would say as I am thanking God for you so I am a begger for you Brethren learne to pray by example of these old fathers who were better learned nor we When thou seekest any thing at God thanke him also there is not a more forcible argument to God to mooue God to graunt any thing nor to thanke him I cannot knowe what tune a prayer can haue without thanking For effectuall prayer cannot be vvithout thanking To let you see this in one word Read Rom. chap. 8. verse 36. and there ye shall finde that the Spirit of Iesus interceedes for vs. Well if the Spirit of Iesus raise vp in the hart sighes and furnishes thee prayer it shall not be without thanksgiuing And if thy prayer be any thing worth it must come from the Spirite of God Many vvill make a forme of prayer but vvithout the Spirite it is but pra●ling and therefore their prayer is abho●●nable Therefore enter neuer to prayer but aske the Spirite of Iesus to pray with It is impossible to man to open his mouth to pray feruentlie except the Lord open it by his Spirite Dauid say in his 51. Psalme verse 15. Lord open thou my mouth and then I shall preache thy praise And Paul to the Corinthians sayes None can name the name of Iesus and call him Lord but by the holie Ghost 1. Cor. 12. chap. 2. vers if the Spirit open not thy mouth thou may bable of that glorious name but to speake of it to thy comfort and as thou should doe without the Spirite teach thee it is impossible Now to returne to the matter If the prayer be any thing worth if the Spirit of Iesus request for vs with sighes vnspeakable then impossible it is but God must answere thee The Spirit of 〈…〉 neuer seeke any thing at God without effect If the Spirite 〈◊〉 prayer to thee it is impossible but thou must resaue an answere Rom. chap. 8. vers 26. it is said The spirt interceeds vvith sighes vnspeakable And the Lord knovves the meaning of his ovvne spirite A man sighes not so soone with the Spirite of God but as soone is the sigh conueyed vp to the presence of God And to speake it plaine the sigh touches not the hart of man so soone but as soone it touches the hart of God so of necessitie he must receiue an answere The very prayer makes a way and accesse to the presence of God And brethren all the joy in this world is in that sight and presence of God Thou neuer knew what joy was that neuer got a sight of God in Christ Then what must joy bring out Prayer to God gets Gods presence the presence bringes joy What must joy bring out Of necessitie an hart that rejoyces must burst out in thankfulnesse If the hart rejoyce the mouth must be opened to thanke Go to experience Your harts was neuer touched with joy but either hart or mouth bursted out in thanking Ioy cannot be without thanking and the proper effect of joy it thankfulnesse Then ye see neither should these two Prayer and thankfulnesse be seuered one from another neither can they be seuered It may be our Spirit will make vs pray and vtter not thankes-giuing but all that is partling and vttering of griefe and not prayer but the Spirit of God prayes not without thanking God and againe he thankes not without prayer Now to go forward I haue made you see how these two goes together But to come neerer the purpose We said whatsoeuer forte of prayer it be whether it be asking or thanking it serues to bring out joy all tendes to joy for in joy is our blessednesse I ●ould you the last day the blessednesse
vvord And as though all the speaking to the Church vvere not by the vvord preached but by other reuelations they will binde the Spirit to vaine fantasies illusions and dreames These are Anabaptists that dependes on these illusions of the deuill and their owne fantasies and foolish reuelations The third sort wil acknowledg the Spirit so wil they the word and Scripture but they think it is eneugh to read the word He will say I will sit at home in my chamber and I will read sometime of the olde and sometime of the nevv Testament and what will the Minister tel me in the Pulpet but I will get it here and as for the opening vp of this word he wil scorne is This sort of men is verie euill and they will finde in the end that the word read and not preached vvill doe them little good Novv the last and best sort vvho will get grace are they who reuerences the Spirit and word and seeke by all means to haue them ludging in their soules not only reads themselues if they haue knowledge but hes a pleasure to haue it opened vp to the vse of the Church and their vse in the congregation It is these men that by the Spirit truely imbraces the word for faith is by hearing Rom. 10. 17. Now I goe forward to the text In the next verse is another exhortation Try all things and keepe that vvhich is good reteine it after try all Tryall of doctrine In these wordes the Apostle settes downe the order after the which a man or woman shall allowe or disalow of prophecying that is preaching when they heare it The allowance or disallowance of it must be after a certaine order The order is this in one word Try 〈…〉 and then either allow or disallow There are two sortes of extremities in hearing of prophecying There are some that wil allow ere euer they try at the first hand These are vaine heades Peter calles them vnstable soules 2. Epistle 2 chap. 14. vers These are men that hes soules euer fleeting and flowing and wil be euer caried away with euery light winde of doctrine This is the cause that so many becommes Heretikes and I beleeue there be some among vs that delites in new faces if a stranger step out in the midst of them and speake incontinent will they fay there was neuer such a man in the world this is an extremitie Another sort is of them that will not heare preaching and giue audience that there after they may try when a man presents himselfe to speake in the name of the Lord they will not giue him audience and certainly if there were no more but the reuerence we ought to God we ought to heare him that speaks in his name but then try his doctrine and allow or disalow thereof as it agries with the word Now these are the two extremities The midst is betweene them and this midst is to be tain as best of al. Heare and when thou hast heard try after tryell if thou findst●it sound good and wholsome keep it if not farewell it lend not thy care any longer to it This is the rule Iohn sets out in his first Epist chap. 4. vers 1. Welbeloued beleeue not euery spirit but try the spirit vvhether it be of God or not If thou finde not the doctrine agreable to the analogie of faith away with it The Iewes at Berea are commended for this Act. chap. 17. verse 12. when Paul and Sylas came among them they heard but beleeued him not vntill they ran to their bookes and conferred that which they had heard with the ●ould canonicall Scripture and found that they agreed then they allowed of their doctrine Now brethren in this Church of Thessalonica among all the rest of the gifts of the Spirit that they had this was one the gift of discretion and judgement to disce●●e betweene true doctrine and false doctrine betweene spiritual doctrine and carnall naturall doctrine Paul knowing this wrytes 〈◊〉 them and desires them according to the gift of the Spirit of discretion to discerne right doctrine from wrong I● is euen so with all the Church of God on the earth The Lord among all the giftes he giues to the members of this Church he giues this gift also to judge of that which they heare to judge betweene true and false doctrine the doctrine that is lyke stubble that may not bide the fire and the doctrine that is like gold The Lord in the Church hes giuen some this discretion and certainly if it were not so the Church should spoue be poysoned Some gets this gift to taste the doctrine whether it be wholsome or not A man that wants the taste will ●eceiue poyson for 〈◊〉 So if the Church want this taste they would receiue poison for food But marke againe ●uerie one gets not this gift and the Church is beholden to them who gettes it for they try doctrine and saues the Church from poyson And I say where one hes it foure wants it And where one is spirituall and hes it ten will be carnall and flestilie The Corinthians as we may see in Paul Alas there are many lyke the Corinthians amongst vs tooke vpon them being carnall harted to judge of spirituall thinges and so they preferred vaine men that came in with ●●ratorie to the Apostle Paul who spake with the power of the holy Spirit Alwaies among the Church there are some that hes it and ye that wants it seeke it for it is a speciall gift to decerne betweene the trueth and falset and when ye go to heare a preaching among all your prayers say Lord giue me grace to discerne what is spirituall and what not that I may embrace that vvhich is spirituall and may leaue that vvhich is carnall Some will haue it in some greater measure nor others In the 8. chap of the Actes Philip a good man being in Samaria Simon M●gu● the sorcerer was with him Philip tooke him not vp but yet when Peter came he perceyved him and he sayes knaue I see thee in the gall of bitternesse● repent thee or destruction shall suddenly ouertake thee Marke it Further this place is not to bee vnderstoode of false teachers vvho are alreadie damned neyther of them vvho hes not a calling to speake in the Church but of them vvho hes an ordinarie calling the doctrine of such men onely should bee tryed by the Prophetes and euerie one that hes the spirit of discretion 1. Cor. 14. 32. Now brethren to goe forvvard shortly to the next verse The● vvordes are these Abstaine frem all appearance of euill This precepte is generall and concernes asvvell doctrine as any other thing in the vvorld that can haue the appearance or any shovve of euill As for the doctrine vvhen thou hast heard it and hast tryed it if after tryall thou be not satisfyed vvith it but yet there abydes a doubt in thy hart Then vvhat should thou doe Abstaine from it
and the 〈◊〉 Christ is both the beginning and the ending the shining begins at him and ends at him And therefore it is said Rom. 11. chap. 36. verse For of him and throgh him and for him are all things to him be glory for euer Now what shall be the cause of this glorie of ours He sets it downe in these words according to the grace of our God and of the Lord Iesus Christ Grace is the cause of our shining Grace from the Father grace from the Sonne Then there is nothing but grace there shall be nothing but grace in Heauen grace in earth no merite in this earth no merite in Heauen No merite in this earth but Iesus merite no merite in Heauen but onely grace grace and mercy in earth all standing here and in Heauen is only by grace And so the cause of our euerlasting standing is euerlasting grace the onely grace of God in Christ To whom with the Father and the holy Spirit be all glory for euer AMEN THE FOVRTH LECTVRE VPON THE SECOND EPISTLE OF PAVL TO THE THESSALONIANS 2. THESSA CHAP. 2. vers 1. 2. 3. 1 NOW vve beseech you brethren by the comming of our Lord Iesus Christ and by our assembling vnto him 2 That ye be not suddenly mooued from your mynde nor troubled neithr by spirit nor by vvord nor by letter as it were from vs a● though the day of Christ vvere at hand 3 Let no man deceiue you by any meanes IN the chapter preceding ye haue heard brethren first of the saluation of the Apostle wherein he wishes to the Thessalonians grace from God the Father and from the Lord Iesus Christ Then we came to his preface wherein he rejoices and giues thanks to God for the increase of grace of faith of loue they had receiued And thirdly we came to that consolation that he ministers to them against the affliction and trouble vnder the which they lay for the faith of Christ Now to come to this chapter In it the Apostle first admonishes the Thessalonians that they giue not eare to deceiuers and false teachers who would perswade them that the comming of the Lord Iesus was at hand and thereafter ●e enters in a refutation of this pointe of false doctrine and heresie Now to make this more plaine The occasion as it appeares of that which the Apostle wrytes in this chapter is this In his first Epistle written to them and fourth chapter thereof he spoke concerning the second comming of the Lord Iesus 〈…〉 and beside other thinges as we may read there he specifies these wordes We sayes he vvhich liue and are remaining in the comming of the Lord shall be caught vp in the cloudes vvith them vvho are departed this lyfe after their resurrection The Thessalonians reading this incontinent concludes Christ shall come ere euer we die we shall be found on lyfe at his comming and we shall be re●t vp in the aire to meete the Lord in the cloudes vvith them who are departed Now in this meane-tyme the deuill is busie to confirme them in this error and therefore he raises vp deceyuers and false teachers that went about to perswade them of the trueth of this as though it had beene true that they should be liuing at the Lords comming These false teachers alledged for them partlie the reuelation of the Spirite of God partlie a tradition of Paul which both were false Therefore the Apostle vnderstanding this tooke occasion to vvryte this Epistle and especiallie this second chapter wherein he admonishes or rather effectuouslie requestes them that they suffered not themselues to be deceiued as though the comming of the Lord were at hand and thereafter falles out in a refutation of this error To returne to the wordes In the wordes we haue read in the first verse we haue the earnest request of the Apostle together with an obtestation adjuring them with all grauitie by the comming of the Lord Iesus by the assembling of the elect to him at his comming that they should not suffer themselues so to be deceyued as though the comming of the Lord were at hand Now to insist in this first verse Novv vve beseech you sayes he by the comming of the Lord Iesus Christ and by our assembling vnto him The words bears a great obtestation wherein he straites them vnder the paine of lyfe and death that as euer they wold look to haue joy in Christs comming and to communicat with his glory they shold not suffer themselues to be deceiued Then brethren ye see in requesting and that in lenity he obtests and adjures them in grauity and in some seuerity He joines and tempers two contrare things together sweetnesse and lenity on the one part sowrenes and seuerity on the other part First he dravves them on and intreates them vvillinglie to obey that vvhich he requyres of them and then againe in a maner violentlie he pulles them He both leades and dravves Requesting in l●●●tie he leades them obtesting in seuerine he dravves them as it vvere violentlie Commonlie ye shall finde he vses this forme of requesting In the 2. Epist to the Cor. 10. chap. 1. verse 〈◊〉 I Paul myselfe beseech you by the meeknesse and gentlenesse of our Lord Iesus Christ. There ye haue the request vvith an adjuring and charging of them Novv brethren take these tvvo take lenitie vvith seueritie together they vvill haue a great force in the hearers to bring them forvvard sunder them none of them vvill be so effectuall lenitie the alone hes lesse force seueritie the alone is ouer sharpe It will destroy more nor vvin bind them together they haue a great power In the 2. Epistle to Timothie 4. chap. 2. verse 〈…〉 there is ●eueritie and againe exhort vvith all 〈◊〉 suffring and 〈◊〉 there is meeknesse Looke that these two be not seuered This was the Apostles maner of doing and thus forme ●e vses bindes euerie one of vs that speakes in the Church of God to the end of the world to vse the lyke Yet to insist in the vvordes I beseech you by the comming of the Lord Iesus Christ and by our assembling vnto him Ye see tvvo thinges heere vvhereby he adjures them to obey his request The first is the co●●●ing of Christ The second is our assembling to him at his comming Then it fellowes that seeing he obtes●s by these two thinges that we should not doubt but the Lord Iesus will come and when he commes that we shall assemble vnto him for all obtestations are made by things which are counted vndoubted trueths The things whereby any man objures and obtests another man should be sure grounds Now the Apostle obtests them by these two things Therefore we should not doubt but these two are true Christs sec●nd comming to the cause of our assembling vnto him that Christ shall come and we shall assemble vnto him Yet compare these two together the first is the cause his comming the second is the effect our assembling vnto him
shame suddenly as it were with euerie light winde to be caried away Thefore the Apostle marueiles that the Galathians was so suddenlie caried away to another Gospell Galat. chap. 1. verse 6. Now to come to the lesson Who is the man that is in his right minde Who is he that is in his witte Is euery man in his wit No. Onely that man is in his wit whose mynde is inlightned by the supernaturall light of the faith of Iesus Christ Onely the beleuer is in his right wit Who is the man that is by his mynde and is mad Tharman albeit otherwaies he had all the wit of the world in his head that wants this light of faith in Christ is madde and the end shall kythe and declare it and the vviser in worldlie thinges if he be without this supernaturall wit he it 〈◊〉 the madder 〈…〉 This then must followe By nature we are all borne mad and by our myndes mad foolishe witlesse no otherwaies borne Therefore the Apostle to Titus chap. 3. vers 3. saies We also lewes aswell as the Gentiles vvere vnvvyse madde and by our myndes meaning that without Christ we are all mad fooles Brethren there are two sorts of this spirituall madnesse one naturall common to all the sonnes of Adam all are euer madde till they know Christ euer continuing in madnesse till they beeleue in Christ The other sort of madnesse is that is acquyred by the defection and falling away from the knowledge of Christ euery Apostate is mad euery one that hes known the trueth and falles therefrom becommes mad Of this madnesse Paul speaks Gal. 3 chap. 1. verse O foolish Galathians c. Now if ye will compare these two madnes the one naturall the other by defection The second is more dangerous nor the first Madnes that commes by Apostasie of all other is the most dangerous madnes and therefore Peter 2. Epistle chap. 2. verse 20. sayes The latter condition is vverse nor the former Madnes that commes of the defection from the knowne trueth is worse nor the madnesse we had before we knew Christ And so he subjoynes It had bene better neuer to haue knovvne the vvay of Christ nor after knovvledge to haue fallen back againe It is better to a man euer to haue bidden in the naturall madnes nor once to haue bene wise and inlightned and then to haue made defection There is a recouerie after the first madnes but after the second it is verie hard to get recouerie An apostate hardly recouers but oft the Apostate will fall to blasphemie against the holy Spirit Therefore let euery one striue by al means to keepe the trueth Now the next thing he requestes is that they be not troubled The vvord is borrovved and in the ovvne language it signifies that horror that ryses in the hart of man through the clamor or noyse of any tumult Ye see men will be afrayed when they heare any tumulte So vvere the Thessalonians afrayed vvhen they heard that Christes comming vvas at hand Novv vvill ye compare this terrour vvith the mouing out of the mynde it follovves verie vvell For the man vvho hes his mynde euill informed and not inlightned by the faith of Christ can haue no rest and peace in hart For ye see a madde man hes neuer quyetnesse in his hart but his affections are euer in trouble So a man spiritually madde without the light of Christ and saluation is neuer setled in his hart An Idolater is neuer setled in hart an Herotike hes neuer a setled hart euer his affectiones on feare Therefore he who would haue that peace and joy that passes all vnderstanding let him seeke light to knowe Christ and to know the trueth concerning him otherwaies shall he neuer get peace and joy Then in one word I aske the question Who is he that is happie Who is he that hes a stable and setled hart Who is he that hes peace in his affectiones and hes them set in order so that he may take rest both day and night I answere The faithfull who beleeues the trueth in Christ This man is blessed being iustified by faith vve haue peace tovvards God sayes the Apostle Rom. chap. 5. verse 1. If thou be not justified by faith in Christ no peace but euer trouble and vnquyetnesse both with thy selfe and vvith God God shall make one affection to fight with another and to harle thee before his fearefull tribunall Then who is he that hes not a stable and setled hart Who is he that hes not his affections setled He that beleeues not in Christ he that beleeues not in the trueth of God in Christ he that knowes not the way of saluation he hes not a setled hart It is truely said Es 7 cha 57 verse 21. No true peace for the vvicked for they haue vnstable harts and when thou seest the jawing and mouing of the raging sea thou may say this is nothing in respect of the trouble that the vvicked hes in conscience for the trouble of the hart and vnquyetnesse in the affectiones of all troubles is the greatest and surelie he vvho hes not the peace of God but is troubled in hart vvould gladlie be turned in any thing When it pleases the Lord to make one affection rise against another ô vvhat paine trovvest thou that person sustaines And againe ô hovv prerious a thing is faith in Iesus Hast thou it nothing shall trouble thee So prease euer to haue faith in Christ Hast thou faith thou shalt in joy peace and a quyet minde What euer be thy estate in the world be thou rich both on poore hast thou faith in Iesus Christ thou rests by day and night nothing troubles thee yea euen in these things that appears to bring some greefe to thy body outwardly as siknes c. Yet in thy soule in some measure thou shalt injoy peace and joy in Iesus Christ that shall make the patiently beare the outward crosse Now in the second part of the verse we haue the meanes set downe which the deceiuers vsed to deceiue the Thessalonians with concerning Christs comming 〈◊〉 of deceyuing men They are thre first Neither by spirit that is to say by dreames which men pretended to be reuelations of the Spirit The next is neither by vvord that is by any tradition that they said they had of Paul The third is neither by forged wryting or Epistle as if they had any which Paul had written to them concerning Christs comming Now what are the thinges that cheefly euer from the beginnig hes made men madde and hes troubled the harts of the people and the Church of God Euen these same three things In all ages men hes risen vp that hes said We haue receiued reuelation extraordinar from the Spirit of God Such as of olde were the Valentinians and Montanists such are the Anabaptists this day such are many Papists and Monkes in their closters When they dreame they pretend the reuelation
swordes Heard you euer of a Pope Benifacius the ●ight● of whom it is said He entered in lyke a Tod raigne like a Lyon and died like a dog In the tyme of his jubile in the first day thereof he commes out in the Popes weed and as he goes he blesses the people In the next day he commes out in Cesars warlike clock and a naked sword horne before him and sitting downe he cryes out Behold two swordes heere I am the head of the Church I am the Pope and Cesar I haue the Empyre in Heauen and earth Who calles himselfe the head of the Church A style onely proper to Christ Who calles himselfe the Vicar of Christ The brydgrome of the bryde the Church Who calles himselfe the high Priest Styles onely proper to Christ Is it not this beast of Rome Whereto should I insist It is wonder that the earth can beare such a proud filthie villaine It is a wonder that the Heauen can couer him but we must reuerence the long suffering patience of the Lord. And seeing the Scripture hes pointed him out so euidently it is a wonder that men should be so blinde that they should so reuerence him when he rages this waye in sinne and that they will call him the successour of Peter and the head of the Church What shall I say all reading and hearing will not inlighten the mynde and perswade men except the Spirit of God be present to open the hart Therefore leauing this beast I pray God to send his Spirit to let men see that they may abhorre such an enemy to God and Christ and that they may imbrace the light of Iesus and that he would keepe vs that we be not deceyued by these vanities To this God euen the Father Sonne and holie Spirit be all praise for euer AMEN THE SIXT LECTVRE VPON THE SECOND EPISTLE OF PAVL TO THE THESSALONIANS 2. THESSA CHAP. 2. vers 5. 6. 7. 8. 5 Remember ye not that vvhen I vvas as yet vvith you I told you these things 6 And novv ye knovv vvhat vvithholdeth that he might be reueiled in his tyme. 7 For the mysterie of iniquitie doth already vvorke onely he vvhich novv vvithholdeth shall let till he be taken out of the vvay 8 And then shall the vvicked man be reueiled vvhom the Lord shall consume vvith the spirit of his mouth and shall abolish vvith the brightnesse of his comming THE Apostle Brethren ye heard proues against the false teachers that the comming of the Lord was not so neere hand as they thought and as they teached He takes his argument from one thing that was to fal out in the world before Christs latter comming Ere euer become sayes the Apostle there shall be an vniuersall defection from that faith of Iesus Christ This matter will conteine a long processe of tyme and therefore would the Apostle conclude Christs comming is not so neere hand as they make the people beleeue He expresses not the name of the Antichrist but for the name he hes a long description and painting out of him This description we entered in the last day and he lets them see when he shall be when he shall come He pointes him out in his nature First in his very essence he shall be a man of nature lyke other men Then he commes to his properties What shall they be First a man of sinne a wicked man as euer was or shall be in the world The next propertie He shall be the son of perdition a man long agoe ordeined to destruction Then he commes to his actions when he shall come and reueile him in the world he shall oppone himselfe against euery thing that shall be called God or shall be worshipped That is against euery superiour power and Majestie whether earthly or Heauenly against God himselfe and his Sonne Iesus Christ Another action He shall not be content onely to oppone himselfe in malice but in pryde he shall exalt himselfe aboue all thinges that shall be called God and worshipped either in earth or in Heauen Then he commes to two speciall actions of his pryde first exalting himselfe aboue God he shall sit in the Temple of God in the Church of God For so the Antichristian Church is termed because shee keepes some ensenzies of the Church of God the Word and Sacraments He shall sit there as God on the consciences of men and wemen to thrall and controle them at his pleasure The other particulare action of his pryde he shall showe himselfe as God in the properties perteining to God he shall take them all on him This far we proceeded the last day in the description of the Antichrist whom the Apostle prophecyes will come in the world ere Christ come againe onely this I aduertise you as I did before Take not this man whom ye call the Antichrist to be a single man one person take him to be a succession of men euery one following another in one kingdome and tyranny The kingdome of Antichrist all is termed vnder the name of a man They are but one kingdome of all one purpose of all to exercise tyrannie on the Church of God heere on this earth Now brethren to the text He leaues off this description for a tyme vntill he come to the ninth verse following and there he returnes againe Now in the meane-tyme he falles out in some speaches and admonitions to them concerning the Antichrist and in the first verse we haue red he confirmes the thing he hes spoken of the Antichrist from the speaches he had with them when he abode among them in Thessalonica Concerning the Antichrist I wryte would he say no other thing to you now nor that which I told you when I was with you That which I then spoke that same thing now I wryte vnto you Then in the next verse he showes to them that the Antichrist and Antichristanisme is come and begun already in the world albeit his reueiling and his comming to his pryde is not yet yet the Antichrist is come Antichristanisme and fals religion is begun Then againe he telle what withholdes him that he is not reueiled so soone and hastily There is an impediment casten in which I told to you when I was with you He insistes on this impediment and telles when this impediment shall be tame out of the way then this wicked man of sinne shall be reueiled And last as he hes tolde of his comming out and growing to an height in his pryde so he propecyes of his decay and his destruction Now to returne to the wordes Remember ye not sayes he vvhen I vvas vvith you I told you these thinges To assure them the more of the trueth of these thinges that he wrytes to them concerning the Antichrist hee calles them to remembrance of that which he spoke to them face to face concerning this same purpose and in doing this the vtters some peece of anger Remember ye not He vses some sharpnesse in wordes because
he the foundation of God standes sure hauing this seate the Lord knovves vvho are his ovvne Whereby he strengthens the godly that they shold not be discouraged when they heard of that defection and his argument is from that solid foundation of their election euen so here when he hes spoken of this vniuersall defection and effectualnesse of Satan he ministers this argument of consolation to them their eternall eternall election Then the lesson is The chosen of God they stand fast The elect are not subiect to finall defectione they are placed without all danger of defection and falling away at least finallie and are not subject to Heresies and errors as are the reprobate and therefore well is that soule that is ordeined to saluation for the deuill will neuer haue power to seduce that soule by Heresies Indeed the soule may be deceiued for a tyme for this effectualnesse of Satan by the Antichrist is hardlie escaped euen by the elect yet they ●tand sure For a man hauing his saluation standing on this solide foundation euen the election of God that man shall not altogether fall away but when he hes beene wandering to and fro for a while and hes slidden then the hand of the Lord shall pluck him vp againe and why not Who is able to shake the foundation of the Lord Is Satan able to shake that decree of the Lord concerning thy saluation Men will change and alter mens decrees but how vvil● thou get that decree of the Lord altered No thou canst not But as God himselfe is vnchangeable so is the decree of thy saluation Indeed thou may make the elect of God shudder and shake while he is heere but as for his saluation it is keept vp in Heauen where the decree is and therefore it is impossible to shake it It shall be impossible to shake the man of● this solide foundation of his election Againe learne If it be so as it is indeede The Apostle when he would comf●rtmen when he see● one assault on this side another on that side one behinde another before he telle● them thou art setled on a solid● foundation looke to it lift vp thy eyes to that decree of God Now if the Apostle 〈◊〉 this kinde of argument Certain●y of election requisite what men are these that teaches that men should not haue a certaintie o● their election while they stand in the midst of Apostasie Men will say this is curiositie and presumption but alas what comfort canst thou haue except thou bear the decree of thy election in thy bosome Alas what joy canst thou haue in thy soule or how dare thou presume to seeke for mercy or life eternall if thou hast not this certaintie that tho● art one chosen of God if thou knew what this matter meant as I speake it to thee thou would neuer rest til thou got some assurance of thy election Now in the end of the verse the Apostle showes by what middes the Lord chus●s a man to saluation 〈…〉 Look● the middes 〈…〉 and the faith of the trueth Marke it The decree of God to saluation is not without middes but as he hes ordein●e thee to saluation so hes he ordeinde thee to passe by such a way● He sayes not simplie My will is that this 〈◊〉 shall be 〈◊〉 but he sayes Sanctification faith meanes requisite It is my will that this person get lyfe 〈…〉 by such a middes that is by sanctification and by faith in Ie●us Christ and therefore as there is a decree of the end so there is a decree of the middes Thou art appointed by the decree of God to lyfe and tho● art likewise appointed to come to that lyfe by middes There are two middes to come by this life The first is sanctification which is nothing but our regeneration ●rought in vs by the Spirit of God The second is saith holden in the truth which is the ground of holines●e that springs out of the hart of him that beleeues in Iesus Christ S●● sayes the Apostles Act. ●5 9. Hauing their harts ●urged by faith so that without faith there can be no holinesse in a man And all this ciuile fashion of d●ng is doing without faith Men trowes they doe well enough if they keepe ciuile honestie I say to thee it is but a counterfaite doing for where there is no sanctification in the hart 〈…〉 hypocrisie If the loue of this Gospell and ●aith in it b● not in the ha●● all thy doings are but counterfaite and they shall not be a meane to saluation for it is true holinesse comming of a true faith in this Gospell that is a middes of thy saluation And therefore all other outward showes how honest and ciuile that euer they appeare to be I say to thee they are no middes to thy saluation and thou shalt neuer be 〈◊〉 to 〈◊〉 by them for all is hypocrisie therefore that thy life and forme of actione may d●●●hee good to thy saluation thou must haue this faith in the Gospe●l and trueth of Iesus If ye will joyne these two together 〈…〉 and faith in the trueth of Iesus Christ thou shalt be saued and thou shalt goe on in the way of thy saluation to the which thou wert appointed from all eternitie Ye see then heere further brethren before that euer that eternall decree concerning saluation take effect and be put in execution in the world to come what must be done in this world This decree must be put to execution in faith and holinesse in this life first in faith and then in sanctification Then would thou know how thou shal know the decree of thy saluation for there is no decree extant in the counsell of God concerning thy saluation I will not bid thee runne vp to Heauen rashly but take vp the assurance of that decree in the execution of these mids ere thou come to the end I send you to easie meanes hast thou faith and holinesse and perseueres in them conclude and say with thy self Lord I thank thee I am of the number of thy chosen thou hast giuen me the arlespenny of my election I haue gotten that blessed Spirit of Iesus that seales vp my saluation I haue gotten faith and holinesse blessed be ●e that hes giuen me these thinges And so it is not curiositie to be sure of thy saluation nor it is no temeritie to seeke the certainty of thy election Brethren there is no doctrine so true and so good and profitable but wicked men abuses it and turnes the grace of God into wantonnesse lipiturians and Libertines whose pleasure is in vncleannesse when once they heare of election they will start vp and say If I be chosen what matter what I doe doe what I will and play the wanton as I please my election stands sure I must be safe Vaine man fye on thee looke what the Apostle sayes God hes chosen thee to saluation But how by these middes they must haue sanctification that is
Peter and the rest of them there is no standing but on the foundation of the Prophets and Apostles Paul writing to the Ephes 2. 20. speakes of their building Being builded sayes he vpon the foundation of the Prophets and Apostles Thou shalt neuer be builded on Iesus Christ if thou be not builded vpon the doctrine of the Prophets and Apostles and if that be not then there is no saluation for thee goe to Spaine goe to Rome as thou wilt thou hast noght ado with Iesus Christ if thou stand not grounded on the doctrine of the Prophets and Apostles Then would ye see what ye call true perseuerance in faith VVhat is perseuerance and apostasie Euen that is true perseuerance that is in the doctrine of the Prophets and Apostles onely and no more and no lesse Then what is Apostasie that is contrare to perseuerance If perseuerance be in keeping of the doctrine of the Apostles then that is Apostasie when thou falles away from their doctrin No brethren the falling away from that Roman Antichrist is no Apostasie The Lord at his comming in that great day shall justifie this and shall judge that Church to be a false and an adulterous Apostatike Church and whoeuer joines with it if they repent not shall be adjudged that day to damnation and they that departs from it and stickes to the doctrine of the Prophets and Apostles shall be judged to be the holy ones of God Now followes in the end of the verse two sortes of teaching of them that the Apostle vsed The first is by word when he spoke to them face to face The other is by his Epistle The lesson is easie Men are taught aswell by writ as word all teaching is not tied to the personall presence of men No men are as surely taught by writ as by word And seeing it hes pleased the Lord to showe this mercy on vs that the writtes of the Apostles are comde in our hands which are read in your audience therefore we haue Paul to be a teacher to vs aswell as the Thessalonians had Therefore conclude surely that it is not so much this Minister or that Minister teaches you as it is the Apostle Paul and Christ Iesus in him for euery Minister is not so guyded as he was the ministers may erre and hes erred but the Apostles could not erre for they were immediatly called of Iesus Christ and were in their writting direct fully by the holy Spirit Therefore think that ye haue the Apostle Paul and the rest to be your teachers and as for a Minister if he goe a stray breadth off that ground of the Apostles he teaches false doctrine and so the surest teachers that we haue are the olde Prophets and Apostles that cannot erre Thinke it not a small mercy that the Lord hes made their writs to come to vs and no doubt Christ when he tooke good-night of the Apostles had respect to this Matt. 28. chap. 19. vers Goe your vvay and teach all nations baptizing them in the name of the Father of the Sonne and the holy Ghost and loe I am vvith you vntill the end of the vvorld as he would say ye in a maner shall bide and liue till I come againe if not in your persons yet in your writte and I shall accompanie your writte as I did accompany your persons in the world and surely the Spirit of Christ accompanies this same writ and word as euer he did their dresence on earth Now I will answere one doubt that he ere occurres before I go forward Ye that hes red any thing knowes that the aduersars preases to make aduantage of this place keepe that that I haue taught you by word or writ Then cry they out traditions traditions The Apostles say they hes left traditions besides their writs verities vnwritten and therefore as great credite should be giuen to them as to the written verity and they should be receiued with as great reuerence as their writs Brethren it is true the words importes a diuersity but if ye will looke well about you ye shall find that there is no diuersity in the matter and substance but onely in the maner and forme of teaching as if he should haue said Keep that which I haue teached you either by word or writ which is all one thing for that which I spoke I wrote and that which I wrote I spok this is certaine But giuing this to them supponing the Apostle had spoken something which he had not written at this time what is it to the purpose Ergo wrote he i● not afterward Supponing the Apostle had not written this whole doctrine to the Thessalonians yet wrote he it not to the Romans Ephesians c and in one word the Apostle spoke nothing by mouth which he registred not in writte The same doctrine he spoke by mouth the same he left in register in writ to be red by the world Now then to return to the matter When he hes ended the exhortation he subjoines prayer and the same perseuerance he exhorted them to he begs to them frō the hands of God Brethrē al exhortation Teaching vvithout the spirite povverl●s all this doctrine and preaching all preceptes and admonitions are but winde and vaine voyces shal sounds in the eare and goes not to the hart except with the word the Lord concur by his spirit If the Lord by his power and spirit inwardly moue not the hart and affections of men all is but vanity and winde Now the meane ye see to get the Spirit to the preaching and hearing of the word is prayer And therefore take the lesson A man should neuer preach nor heare preaching but the eie of his soule should be lifted vp to him that is able onely to giue the power and increase In preaching the Minister should be begging power and the people praying and saying Lord as this is thy word which is thy power vnto saluation so by thy Spirit make it powerfull in me If thy eye be on the man and thy hart be not lifted vp to God thou shalt goe as empty home as thou came abroad Therefore set thy eye and hart on him who is only able to giue power to thy life and vpon him who giues only consolation when thou hast need and finally on him that giues saluation to all that beleues aright to wit the Lord Iesus for without him there is no grace to be bestowed on man be what he wil. Prayer is the meane to get the presence of the Spirit concurring with the word for the word without grace and power be giuen to it to open the hart is powerfull to close the hart The Gospell is an instrument to obdure thy hart if it be heard without praier to God and presence of his Spirit Therefore pray that in hearing ye may vnderstand and that ye may walke according to the knowledge thereof Now then to come to the wordes There are three thinges in this prayer First
this solide foundation for euer and euer and let euery one of you pray for the same in the name of Iesus To whom with the Father and holy Spirit be all praise and honour AMEN THE TENTH LECTVRE VPON THE SECOND EPISTLE OF PAVL TO THE THESSALONIANS 2. THESSA CHAP. 3. vers 1. 2. 3. 1 FVrthermore brethren pray for vs that the vvord of the Lord may haue free passage and be glorified euen as it is vvith you 2 And that vve may be deliuered from vnreasonable and euill men for all men haue not faith 3 But the Lord is faithfull vvhich vvill stablish you and keepe you from euill THE Apostle brethren hes comforted these Thessalonians against the afflictiones and persecutiones which they vnderlay for the present He hes instructed and informed them concerning the second cōming of the Lord Iesus Christ showing to them that his comming shold not be so soone and sudden as the false teachers preased to perswade them but before his second comming there should interueene a great thing to wit an vniuersall apostasie and falling away from the faith of Iesus Christ which should take a long tyme in growing and in the decaying and so ere the Lord should returne it should be a long tyme. Thereafter he comforts them against this Apostasie the comming and reueiling of the Antichrist that notwithstanding of this they shold stand fast vnchanged or put off the ground of their faith for the Lord that had begun his work in them should hold them vp establish them to the end Yet he exhorts them to stand and be carefull of it for a sleeping man will not stand the Lord hes not appointed standing for a slouthfull man negligent bodies must of necessitie fall But as he hes appointed standing to his owne so he hes appointed them to be carefull of it and to vse meanes to procure their standing And therefore he falles out in prayer and beseeches God the father and the Lord Iesus Christ that he would hold vp this people and comfort them Now shortly to come to the text red In this last chapter we haue the last part of the Epistle wherein the Apostle giues out admonitions and preceptes concerning good maners and a christian behauiour for a bare knowledge of Christ a pretended faith a profession outward is nothing worth except that a man that sayes he hes faith in his hart can testifie it in his doing before the world God counts not of it Now the first admonition concernes prayer for it is one of the chief dueties that the Lord craues of man and it is a duetie of the first Table whereby the Lord is honoured Therefore the Apostle begins his admonition at prayer and desires them to pray and because immediatly before he prayed for them therefore he desires them to recompence him in that part that they should doe a mutuall duety to him to pray for him and Syluanus Ere I goe further marke the lessone Euen as all dueties and offices among Christian men should be mutuall for he that does a good turne to another should receiue a good turne of another he that loues thee should be loued againe of thee Euen so there is a mutual duety craued in praying If one prayes to God for another that other is bound to pray for his well againe and especially this duetie is craued betweene Pastor and people The Pastor should pray for the people and the people should pray for the Pastor The Pastor should begin the people should follow the example of the Pastor for the people is bound to recompence the good doing of the Pastor for the whole duetie of the people to the Pastor is called a recompence as the duety of the childe to his parent is but a recompence for the good deeds receiued of the parent It is euen so with the people and the Pastor All that the people does to the Pastor is but a recompence 2. Cor. 6. 13. he sayes As children I speake to you I 〈◊〉 a recomtence there is nothing I craue of you but a recompence onely rander a duety for that I haue done to you Now to come to the words Pray for vs saies he brethren There are two things in the words following Paul craues praier bothe for the Gospel for the ministers thereof in respect of which they should pray for Paul Syluanus and Timotheiu First he desires them to pray in respect of that Gospell that was concredite vnto them Then againe he desires them to pray for him in respect of their persons Marke then the order When he desires that they should pray for him he desires not first that they should pray for the good estate of his person but to pray for him in respect of that commission he had of the Gospel of the Lord Iesus concredite to him and so he desires them rather to pray for the Gospel then for himself The lesson is easy A pastor or preacher after the example of Paul is bound to care for the Gospell more nor for his own life Then after the Gospell let him come on and care for his person But marke this that his care of his person be for the Gospels sake Brethren the Gospell of Christ is not ordeined for the Minister or Prophet nor for the Apostle or Pastor what euer he be to be a seruant to him that he may make his vantage by it to seeke himselfe by it but the Minister is ordeined for the Gospell to be a seruant to it for the Gospell is an hundreth thousand times worthier then he if he were the best preacher that euer spoke Therefore that man must sin greatly in the heighest degree that will teach the Gospell not so much for the Gospels sake as for his owne sake that by it he may entertaine his dignitie and lyfe It is true indeede the Minister should liue by the Gospell and should be entertained by it yet his liuing should not be the end of his preaching but his preaching should be the end vvherefore he should desire to breath eate and liue Againe to come to the words That the vvord of the Lord may haue a free passage and be glorified Concerning the word of God he desires two thinges The first is that it may run through the world and haue a free passage in running The next is that it may be glorified The first is lesse then the other to wit to run to haue a course The next is greater to be glorified in running that is to say in running to be povverfull to be mightie and effectuall in the hearts of the hearers to turne them to God and to reforme and renue them according to the Image of God and so consequently to be glorified in the sight of the world To make this more plaine There are two sortes of the running of the Gospell There is one sort when it runnes onely through the mouthes and eares of men and no further when there is nothing but a bare hearing
true brother from a fained brother There are sundrie seuerings One when we seuere our selues from these that are publictly excommunicate Another when men quietly draws themselues from them that liues inordinatly No it is not eneugh to say He is not excommunicate and therefore I may hant his company No but I say If he liue not well and holilie begin thou to draw thy self from him before that by that publike censure he be casten from thee Now from whom should he withdraw himselfe He sayes From euery brother what euer they be to thee and of what estate soeuer they be of And who is this brother He that takes on the name of a Christian and yet in effect is not a Christian company not with such a man if his lyfe fightes against his name away with him let him stand his alone There are many sortes of euill company but of all sortes the worst and most dangerous is a brother that is an euill man of lyfe and takes vpon him the name of a Christian and be assured thou shalt get more euill of such a companion nor thou shalt get of an Heathen or Pagane Is it not trovvest thou a dangerous thing to haue company vvith a brother that is an adulterer and a murtherer will he not infect thee Fy on thee that vvithdravves not thy selfe from him for a brother that hes onely but a bare name of a Christian and not the lyfe of a Christian is lyke a lumpe of sovvre leauen for if it be casten in a vvhole baking it vvill sowre all the rest euen so he will infect all So if there be a false brother in thy company if thou be homely with him thou shalt be within fewe dayes made such a man as he is for familiaritie makes conformitie in maners And therfore men when they goe to the scaffold to execution ye haue heard haue oft curssed euill company Familiaritie with a fained brother shal make thee cold in Religion and draw thee to his maners and so being inuolued in his sinnes thou shalt haue a part of his punishment And what a brother is this from vvhom thou should vvithdrawe thy selfe One that liues inordinatly that is that liues not according to my doctrine and rule and what rule hes he preseryued Looke Ephes 4. 28. to witte that euerie man should labour and that euerie one should eate their owne breade And if thou hast not laboured but hes bene idle all day looke that thou put not a nip in thy mouth for there is an Inhibition Let him not eate that labours not This is the rule Now learne how holy this christian lyfe should be for by them that walkes inordinatly he meanes not of men openly wicked and disobedient as open adulterars murtherars oppressors c. but he meanes of idle bodies that are out of all calling and are not labouring but are busie bodies clauerers and pratlers looking here there making that a mean to win their liuing by as dron-bees enters in the skeppes and soukes vp the honey of the labouring bees so they souke vp the meate that others hes win with the sweate of their browes So as idle busie bodie is euill company clap him as ye will entertaine him as ye please he is a plague and he will infect thee for if he haue not a certaine calling let him speake of Religion as he will no religion will follow him for the Lord giues not a blessing to any but to him that hes some honest calling Another thing marke heere Let none pretend the Gospell of Christ to their idlenesse fy on the mouth that speaks of Christ and then is out of all calling and idle speake not one word or one mum of Christ if thou hast not a calling and be exercisde therein I tell thee Christs Gospell takes not away any good order but ratifies it The Lawes of Policie hes ordeinde that euery one haue a calling and the Gospell ratifies the same Law and it is Christs will that men keepe themselues in their calling It is not lawfull vnder pretence of Christianitie and Religion to cast off a calling for as God is the God of order so he lookes euer that men be in an honest calling If thou be idle thou offendest him and prouokst him to wraith therefore looke to thy self 〈…〉 that thou be not out of all calling yea rather ere thou sit idle be exercised in the vylest calling and vocation that euer was Now I beseech the Lord that as he hes appointed euerie one of vs to be exercised in some lawfull calling winning our liuing with the sweate of our browes so he would grant that we may faithfully trauaile in our lawfull calling and that he woulde joyne his blessing to our labours that hauing sufficiencie for our pilgrimage heere we may consecrate soule and bodie to him who cares for vs and blesses vs in all thinges that this lyfe being ended we my be assured to rest from our labors with Iesus Christ To whom with the Father and holy Spirit be all honour and praise for euer AMEN THE TWELFTH LECTVRE VPON THE SECOND EPISTLE OF PAVL TO THE THESSALONIANS 2. THESSA CHAP. 3. vers 7. 8. 9. 10. 7 For ye your selues knovve hovv ye ought to follovv vs for vve behaued not our selues inordinatly among you 8 Neither tooke vve bread of any man for nought but vve vvroght vvith labour and trauaile night and day because vve vvould not be chargeable to any of you 9 Not but that vve had authoritie but that vve might make our selues an ensample vnto you to follovve vs. 10 For euen vvhen vve vvere vvith you this vve vvarned you of that if there vvere any vvhich vvould not vvorke that he should not eate THIS last part of this Epistle we shewe you contained precepts and admonitions concerning Christian life and conuersation The first precept and admonition was to pray and that for Paul and his fellow-labourers Syluanus and Timotheus who with him directed this Epistle to them The next precept was generall desiring them to doe and continue in euery thing he had commaunded them The thirde precepte was particulare that they should take heede to their harts and set them first on the loue of God and secondly vpon the patient hope and awaiting for the comming of the Lord Iesus Christ The fourth precept concerneth societie and fellowship and warnes them to withdraw themselues from euery Christian that keepes the name and walked inordinatly that is not according to the ●ale he had set downe to them to follow In this precept first we haue the forme how he propones it the forme is graue I denounce sayes he in the Name of the Lord that ye withdrawe your selues By this forme he teaches vs how hard it is to seuere the best of vs all from evill company for this remanent corruption that abydes in the renewed men cleaues so fast to euil company that oft-tymes it preuailes against the Spirit so that men must be reauen
care should be had of the bodie Now to come to the last verse Yet sayes he count him not as an enemie but admonishe him as a brother In this verse we haue a kinde of mitigation and tempering of the rigour and seueritie of Excommunication for brethren if Excommunication had the ovvne force in any man the stroke of Excommunication would be the sorest stroke that euer one felt Read 2. Cor. 2. 7. Excommunication threw the incestuous person in such an heauy displesure that his soule vvas almost svvallovved vp vvith in him for when once the soule is casten in an heigh displeasure which is the effect of Excommunication then the deuill is readie to bring that man to dispare Therefore he sayes here verse 7. Forgiue him and comfort him for vve are not ignorant of the enterprises of Satan It is marueilous that sin blinds men so that many cares no more to be excommunicate then if excommunication wer the lightest thing in the world There is such a deadnes and senslesnes in the harts of men that there is no displeasure now for sin but rather a delite and rejoycing in it Certainely the lesse sense of the sharpnesse of that sword of Excommunication the greater miserie If there were any displeasure for sinne in thee it were an argument that there were helpe for thee but if thou byde senslesse at that ordinance of God if thou be hardned against the word and discipline both shall turne to thy destruction But when God is powerfull with in thee with it for as God is powerfull with the Word so is he powerfull by the Discipline then it shall turne to thy well and saluation Therefore seeing there is such a force in it mitigation is verie meete for it Now here the way how it is mitigate Count him not as an enemie The next admonish him as a brother The first of these touches the inward thought the second concernes thy outward speaking to him The first is lose not a good opinion of him hate him not lightly him not as thogh he wer a conjurde enemie against Christ and his Church but loue him lose not the loue in thy hart towards him but loue him as a brother Now louing him in thy hart speak to him also think him not vnworthie of any speaking but flatter him not in his folie and humor for that will hurt him for if thou loue him thou wilt not nor thou ought not to flatter him But I tell thee what thou shalt doe admonishe him both sharply and louingly true admonition commes from the loue of the hart and whom we loue we admonish but yet admonition must be so louing that it must be sharpe also and so it is effectuall in the hart of the sinner Now louing him first and admonishing him next is the way to win him and to bring him home againe who hes gone astray And if he be curable certainely admonition will doe the turne if admonition will not doe the turne nor will not mooue him alas brethren it is ouer sure an argument that that man is vncurable and that the Lord hes not ordeinde him for saluation If the Gospell be hid it is hid to them that perishes sayes the Apostle 2. Cor. 4. 3. If our Gospell will not worke it is ouer sure an argument of perdition vvherevnto long before they vvere ordeined as Iude sayes 4. vers Therefore let a man suspect himselfe when he is admonished and obeyes not and let him say shall I be for damnation The Lord saue me and mollifie my stony hart that I may giue obedience to the word well giue obedience to wholesome admonition that by man is giuen thee out of the word of God as thou would haue a sure warrand thou art of the number of those that are appointed to saluation Marke againe Nature and vse of Excōmunication He will not haue him called an enemie but a brother This lets vs see the nature and vse of Excommunication of a brother it makes not an enemie he is now a brother ere he be Excommunicate and being Excommunicate he remaines a brother That which was a member of Iesus Christ before Excommunication makes it not altogether to perishe neither cuts it so the rotten member from the bodie that it shall haue no more adoe with the bodie of a sheepe it makes not a goate that is not the vse of it of a christian it makes not an vnchristian he keeps his name It shoots him not out of the Couenant of grace God forbid but he standes in the bonde being Excommunicate What does it then I shall tell you A man that hes fallen from Christ by sinne which seueres thee from Christ it bindes him againe it bringes him in repentance and calles him home againe being wandring from God it holdes him within the Couenant A man going to be an enemie to Christ and his Church it straits him to byde still a brother So it does him no euill it is not ordeined for his perdition but for his well and saluation This whole ministrie of Iesus Christ and all the parts of it Preaching and Discipline promises and consolation and threatning of judgement al the parts of Discipline yea this Excommunication it selfe are al ordeined to saue soules that is the proper vse of the ministrie to saue all and neuer to lose one man Therefore in the 2. Cor. 10. 8. Paul sayes that he got povver to edification and not to destruction Neuer Minister got power to destroy one bodie but to edifie and if any perishe if the Word or Discipline be the sauor of death to death as to many it is let him not blame the word but let him blame himself For men by their obstinacy and malice turnes the word maliciously in an vnproper vse to their destruction and of the Spirit of life they make it the letter of death Therefore the Lord keepe vs from al slubbornnes and all repying against this Word and Discipline for I assure thee repine thou against the Gospel and Discipline which should be the power of life to thee it shall kill thee thou shalt not need another to kill thee euerlastingly And therefore the Lord grant euerie soule submission vnder the word of God which is the meane that he hes ordeind to saluation in Iesus Christ To whom with the Father and holy Spirit be al praise for euer AMEN THE FOVRTENTH LECTVRE VPON THE SECOND EPISTLE OF PAVL TO THE THESSALONIANS 2. THESSA CHAP. 3. vers 16. 17. 18. 16 Novv the Lord of peace giue you peace alvvayes by all meanes The Lord be vvith you all 17 The salutation of me Paul vvith my ovvvne hand vvhich is the token in euery Epistle so I vvryte 18 The grace of our Lord Iesus Christ be vvith you all Amen IN this text brethren we haue the end and conclusion of this Epistle it consistes wholly in prayer First he wishes peace to them from the Lord of peace for euer euery way Then he wishes to
stampe that is with such a Majestie in speaking with such gratiousnesse and spiritualnesse both in words and matter that they that hes a spirituall eye to discerne betweene light and darknesse will take it vp to be of God I pray you tell me how was the olde Scripture tane vp to be of God The Papist will say because the Church said it they were of God Is that all the warrand And who told the Church If the olde and new Scripture bare not the markes of the Spirit in themselues the Church had neuer tane them vp to be of God So the marke of the Scripture is that stampe of the Spirit that Majestie in such a simplicitie of wordes that gratiousnesse and power which shows both in the wordes and matter these things telles vs they are not mans writs for mens writtes hes not the gratiousnesse and power that is in the Scripture Brethren this marke of Pauls subscription is away albeit we haue the Epistle but a better marke bydes the stampe of the Lord bydes and this telles that it is the Scripture of God and Pauls writing Now followes the saluation The grace of our Lord Iesus Christ be vvith you all I see the affection of the man in the end of his writ is powred out on this Church of Thessalonica and when he takes his leaue he burstes out in frequent prayer and al his praier is for heauenly and spirituall thinges Then first we learne we must not euer bide al together and we cannot haue euer conference either by word or writ But how is our sundring recompensed To wit with greatnesse of affection let thy loue grow And how shalt thou vtter it In prayer to God for them with whom thou may not dwell affection is nothing worth without praier And what should we pray for Especially for heauenlie things Pray for heauenly peace for the presence of Iesus Christ and that the grace of Christ may be with him Pray also for things earthly but so that they may further him to heauenlie thinges And I say the man that cannot pray for heauenly things cannot pray truely for earthly thinges Dare thou pray if thou seeke not first the kingdome of Heauen no thou cannot pray if it were for thy dinner except thou pray first for the kingdome of God Now the next word is grace that is free fauour of God I reade not of such a commendation of any people as of these Thessalonians He commended them in both these Epistles from their faith hope loue and all the dueties of loue Yet he sayes not The Lord render you a rewarde for your merite but he sayes grace be vvith you This is contrare to all merite Read the 2. Timo. 1 16. there ye will finde a very notable exemple to this purpose There he sayes Onesiphorus vvas very beneficiall to me he oft refreshed me he thought no shame of my bondes he sought 〈◊〉 Rome very diligently How should he be requyted for this He sayes The Lord grant that Onesiphorus may finde mercy vvith the Lord at that day He is but a miserable man when he hes done all this And therefore this shall be my prayer for him for it will not be his merite that will do him good but it is the free grace and fauour of God O foole all thy merites shall stinke in that great day and then thou shalt see what free grace shall do for in that day none shall stand but such as stands by free grace Now whose grace is it he prayes for It is Iesus Christs No there is no grace but Christs grace How is it the Lord Iesus Christs He hes boght of the hand of the Father all grace al gifts of the holy Spirit all glorie in Heauen and earth with a pryce euen the pryce of his precious bloude And therefore the Father hes giuen him all So there is no sparke of grace giuen to any creature but it must come through Christ his hand euen the hand of the man Iesus All righteousnesse sanctification and glorie must come from him he must be the giuer thereof Therefore it is said he gaue gifts to men Ephes 4. 8. The Father giues no graces immediatly but all are giuen through the hand of Iesus Christ Therefore let vs haue recourse to this Lord of grace and seeke not to the Father without him but seek all from the Father in him Now how far should this grace extend Euen as Iesus Christ is an head that extends himselfe to al so the grace that commes from him is sufficient for all it is sufficient if it were for a thousand yea infinite worlds Rom. 5. 15. The Heauens are not capable of the greatnes of the grace of Iesus Christ Greatnes of the grace of Christ so that if there were a thousand worlds there is sufficiency of grace in him for them all There is no inlack in him but the inlack is in thy narrow hart it is capable but of a very small portion Learne here then by the exemple of Paul that we should not haue narrow harts to wish this grace to a few but we should wish it to be giuen to all Looke what he sayes of himselfe 2. Cor. 6. 11. My meuth sayes he hes bene vvyde open vnto you my hart is dilated ye dvvell not narrovvly in my hart So all men should haue an open and a dilated hart in wishing grace spare not to be liberall in wishing fill thy hart and mouth with his grace and 〈…〉 with liberalnesse to others seeke that grace of Iesus to all that if it were possible all the world might be saued For this is good and acceptable in the sight of God our Sauiour vvho vvill that all men shall be saued and come vnto the acknovvledging of the trueth 1. Tim. 2. chap. 3. 4. vers Yet the Lord hes his owne and so many as he hes written in his booke shall be saued Therefore thou should seeke all the warrands thou can to assure thee that thou art Iesus Christs fore-ordeinde to lyfe euerlasting for if thou be of the number of the elect the grace of Christ shall extend to thee and thou shalt haue glorie with him for euer To this Iesus be all praise honour and dominion for euer and euer AMEN FINIS
in sanctifying of the heart by faith of the hand by charitie that refuses suffering in hope let him not thinke he hes these graces of God Thou that hast no work no faith no laboring no charitie thou that can not beare patientlie and who at euerie thing comming to thee art readie to dispare thou that can not ly vnder the crosse thou hes no hope And therefore as thou would finde grace in the life to come looke that thou be exercised in this life for if thou be not exercised heere thou shalt enter in that damnation where there shall be no end of thy labour thou that wil be exercised in faith charitie and hope assure thee in the life to come thou shall not be pyned with worke thou shalt cease from thy labour and the teares shall be wyped from thy eyes all paine and anguish shall be put away Looke then how ye will spend a moment to eschew an eternitie if thou passe thy tyme idle and do no good heere neither to thy selfe nor to thy neighbor thy labour shall endure euerlastinglie Thou who wilt not spend a moment in labour looke not to obtaine rest for euer In the end of the verse he places and groundes this patient hope on Iesus Christ there is her ground foundation Looke the words And the patience of your hope in our Lord Iesus Christ in the sight of God the Father The faith and hope being begunne on Iesus Hope grūded on Christ a ground immoueable all the worlde can not shake it He setteth to her witnesse God the Father He must be witnesse and must stand looking into the heart to see what sinceritie is in the heart So beside the patience wherewith hope must be indewed she must be enarmed to dree out this destinie she can not sustaine trouble except she be grounded The ground is the Lord Iesus immoueable for euer who is able to shake him If my hope be set on Iesus I defye all the worlde shake me as thou wilt no more nor thou is able to moue him out of his place no more art thou able to moue my hope out of my hart There is the foundation she must haue Yet more she must haue a witnesse he who hopes must hope before the Father for the Father seeth all and there is no sinceritie but in the Spirit of God and thou who wilt hope consider God is before thee looking into thine heart and haue him euer before thy eyes otherwayes thou shalt do nothing in thy life-tyme sincerelie but all thy cogitations motions and actions of thy hand are all in hypocrisie Therefore when thou doest any thing do it sincerelie and say My God is looking on me and therefore Lord prepare my heart to doe it sincerely let me not seeke no approbation of men but let me seek the approbation of thee my God It is a miserie to se men in the world they wil steale from God as it were to a backside because they can not abide his eye euery man taketh counsaile at it were to hate God and he flyes from God because his pleasure is in hypocrisie and thou vaine man likes neuer to do any thing in sincerity but would as it wer ●yle thy own eyes and Gods eyes and the eyes of all the world with thy counterfaite falshood therfore as thou would be approued in conscience flee not from the sight of God but craue his presence that light may come from him lighten thee that in that light thou may walke and studie to be acceptable to God with whom thou must be bid all this world farewell Wo to them that studies not to be approued of God gettes not that approbation in their consciences To this God the Father with the Son and the holy Spirite be all praise for euer AMEN THE SECOND LECTVRE VPON THE FIRST EPISTLE OF PAVL TO THE THESSALONIANS THESSA CHAP. 1. vers 4. 5. 6. 4. Knovving beloued brethren that ye are the elect of God 5. For our Gospell vvas not vnto you in vvord onely but also in povver and in the holie Ghost and in much assurance as ye knovv after vvhat maner vve vvere among you for your sakes 6. And ye became follovvers of vs and of the Lord and receyued the vvord in much affliction vvith ioy of the holie Ghost THE last day Brethren we spake of the first part of this Epistle written to the Thessalonians to witte the salutation that the Apostle with Siluanus and Timotheus directs to them We entered in the second part which continewes the congratulation wherein he rejoyses together with them for the graces of God bestowed on them geuing God the glorie of all making him the chiefe Author of all grace Namelie for their faith which is imployed in clensing and purifying their hearts for their loue and charitie which was imployed in laboring with painefulnesse for their brethren and nighbours to their profite and well and last for their hope which was imployed in suffering and taking things patientlie grounded on the Lorde Iesus Christ hauing God the Father for an witnesse of her sinceritie This far for the matter going before Now followes in the fourth verse an other cause of this thankes-geuing to God and of this rejoysing a more effectuall cause nor any that was named yet their eternall election before all worlds All the graces told before were in tyme but as for this election it is before all tyme from all eterni●e Vpon this as vpon a foundation all grace that is receyued by vs in tyme is grounded as ye would ground an house vpon an fondation None getteth faith but those that are chosen of God from all eternitie None true loue but those whom God loueth from all eternitie None hope of lyfe but those who are chosen of God from all eternitie So all grace geuen in tyme is grounded on this ground of election that was before all tyme. But to come to the words Knovving saith the Apost brethren beloued of God your election He styles them brethren first then he calleth them beloued of God for I lyke that reading best The second is the cause of the first Because they are beloued of God therefore they are Brethren to him to Timothie and to Siluanus Marke this Note Whom God loueth and vpon whom he powreth forth his grace as he did on these Thessalonians we are bound to loue them to powre out our affections vpon them to call them Brethren in Iesus Christ to speake kindlie and louinglie to them for the graces of God we see in men hes force to conciliate the loue of men so that men when they see them in others are bound of dewtie to loue them If thou see the grace of God in any man thou art bound to loue the man for the grace as thou would vtter thou louest God the geuer of the grace The loue thou carries to a man for the graces of God thou sees in him vtters the loue thou carries to
as miserable catiffes appointed to damnation What auailes this life and al that we haue if we misse that glorie to come In all our proceedings looke what serues for the life to come for all our liues will away our life is not heere this death temporall is not death this life temporall is not life but death eternall is death and life eternall is life But to come to the words and marke them For our Gospell saieth he vvas not vnto you in vvordes onelie but in povver Then it is not preaching in vvordes onelie that vvorkes saluation I see there are tvvo sortes of preachings some preachings in vvordes onelie as these Orators vvho preached to the Corinthians for inuy of Paul had nothing but vvordes There he sayeth When I come I vvill cognosce these men not in their vvordes but in their povver if they haue anie for the Kingdome of God standes not in vvordes but in povver of the Spirite 1. Corinth 4. 19. 20. There is an other preaching of the Gospell not in vvordes onelie but vvith vvisdome and povver Theefore seeing this difference is in preaching that some preachinges are in vvordes onelie and some preachings in vvordes vvith power I must confesse the cause wherefore there is onelie vvordes vvithout povver geuen to the teachers is oft tymes not onelie in the people themselues although they be wicked but in the preacher that vtters nothing but wordes without power to worke into the hearts of the hearers Therefore he that speakes in the name of the Lord looke that he haue power and aske power of God that his words may be effectual in the hearts of the hearers to saluation or else let him holde him silent Either seeke that power of God may be joyned with words or else close thy mouth and speake not one word in the name of the Lord. This power is not gotten lightlie looke to the groundes of this power Paul sets them down heer In the holie Spirite there is one and in full assurance there is an other The first the preaching of the Spirite 2. groundes of povver in preaching the second a full assurance that is in the heart of man that speaks to the hearers Looke that he haue assurance in his owne heart that remission which he preaches to others is gotteu to himselfe Is he promising life to the people looke that he haue assurance that that lyfe is in him The first and chiefe ground of all power is the holie Spirite of Christ if the Spirite of Christ speake not but onlie the spirite of man the humane power in the teacher there shall be no power no vertew in that word to edifie And therefore Paul 1. Cor. chap. 2. vers 13. when he hes spoken of the mysterie of Christ which the wisdome of the vvorlde could not comprehende he subjoynes The vvhich vve speake not vvith speaches and vvordes vvhich the vvisdome of man teaches but vvith vvordes vvhich the holie Spirit teaches vs ioyning spirituall vvords vvith spirituall matters By the which words he meanes plainly that except the Spirit of Christ be the principall speaker of a spirituall matter be the matter neuer so true of it selfe it shall haue no power yea farther in the 1. cha v. 17. he saieth the preaching of Christ with the wisdom of words humane eloquence makes the crosse of Christ ineffectual 1. Cor. 2. 5. he saieth that faith stands not in the vvisdom of mē and therfore who euer teaches in the name of christ let him beg earnestlie that that holy Spirite may be in the heart to tune the heart may be in the tongue to tune the tongue that the matter and words that he vtters may both be of the holie Spirite It is a dangerous thing to a man to speake in the name of the Lord except first he pray and say I am going to this place Lord giue me matter giue me words and let not the speach be so much my speache as the speache of thy Spirite in my heart If the Spirite be in thy heart he will speake but if he be out of thy heart it will be the voice of a man onelie No nothing will conuert men but that which comes of the Spirit A natural eare may take pleasure to heare a naturall thing a naturall heart to speak of a naturall matter but a spirituall eare and hart wil take pleasure in a spirituall matter which comes from the heart of a spirituall man Now to come to the second ground of this power It is the full assurance of grace and mercie that he preaches by his own feeling he speaks nothing but of faith and particular assurance a generall assurance is naught for before I preache the grace of Christ I must seeke my warrand in my heart that that grace righteousnes life I teach is setled in my minde and vpon this assurance I must speake to others and if the speaker albeit the grace were neuer so good haue not in his heart an assurance of that grace all his words will be vnsauory words So he must striue alwayes to participate of that grace he teaches to you either in teaching or before Dauid sayes I beleued and therefore I spake Psal 116. 10. And Paul sayes We beleue to ryse againe and to be joyned to Christ and therfore vve speake 2. Cor. 4. 13. As he would say I am speaking to you of the rysing of the bodie but all this comes of an assurance in my hart that this bodie of mine shall be dissolued and at that last day shall liue and be glorified and vpon this assurance of mine I preache to you this resurrection All tends to this He who speakes of God to vs would be a man that in his owne heart hes a full assurance of grace and aboue all men a Minister that stands vp and speaks to others shoulde haue this assurance and shoulde seeke all vvarrandes of his ovvne saluation And of the assurance of his heart he should speake and say Because I haue felt remison of sins in Christ Iesus and lyfe in him therefore I may assure you of them in him if ye earnestlie by faith seeke them So look that none that is faithles on pain of his life stand vp to vtter one word in the name of Iesus to offer life or remission of sinnes his speaking is but like the clattering of a Parocket his heart is dead and his head onelie sounds The Apostle sayes Because I am assured in my heart of this therfore I spake vvith a great libertie Then there are the two groundes first the holie Spirite secoundlie the assurance if these two be of necessitie the worde must be profitable and thogh a man can not get the ful measure of these two well is he that can sigh and say Lord giue mee an assurance in my heart ere euer I vtter it to others In the end of the verse he takes them to be witnesses of his doing manner of speaking and povver they savv in his preaching
they may see what danger they incurre by controlling the libertie of the worde in the Church There is his moderation in teaching Now one thing more Al this power is in the beginning in his enterance to them The Apostle is now afflicted in Macedonia when he comes to Theslalonica all his preaching is but a battaile last shamefully is he put away and goes to Ber●●a What shall I say of this If Paul had had no more but the spirite of a man he would not haue immediatlie gone to Thessalonica and there teached and being in Thessalonica he would not haue vttered any thing that would haue displeased them No but he does otherwise the power of God neuer so well appears in men as vnder affliction for when man is weakest God is strongest in them My strength sayes the Lord 〈◊〉 shovven in infirmitie 2. Cor. 12. 9. And in the fourth chapter of the same Epistle vers 7. he showes the Lord hes put a treasure in earthen veshels that the excellencie of his povver may be knovven Then he falles out in a probation of this power My bodie is daylie slaine where euer I go there is nothing but afflictiō But saith he by this I know the lyfe of Iesus is manifest in me He hes not a better token to knowe the life of Iesus nor by affliction and none can know the life of Iesus so well as in the last agonie of death Other countries hes experimented this power of God that appeares in affliction better then we haue done Scotland hes no manifestation thereof in respect of other Churches Well brethren our tyme is comming fast on The Lord of Heauen that is strongest when man weakest giue vs strength and courage to abyde that tyme and holde vs vp in our infirmities that he may be glorifyed in our affliction To this God the Father Son and the holie Spirite be honour and praise for euer AMEN THE FIFTH LECTVRE VPON THE FIRST EPISTLE OF PAVL TO THE THESSALONIANS 1. THESSA CHAP. 2. vers 3. 4 5. 6. 7. 3 For our exhortation vvas not by deceite nor by vncleannesse nor by guile 4 But as vve vvere allovved of God that the Gospell should be committed vnto vs so vve speake not as they that please men but God ●v●o trieth the hearts 5 Neither did vve euer vse stattering vvordes as ye knovve nor coloured couetousnesse God is record 6 Neither soght vve praise of men neither of you nor of others 7 Whe● vve might haue bene chargeable as the Apostles of Christ but vve vver gentle amōg you euen as a nource cherisheth her childrē BRETHREN the purpose we haue in hand and hes had these dayes bygone is the rejoysing of the Apostle together with the Thessalonians for the graces of God bestowed on thē The Apost falles out in a narration concerning himself the manner of his entrie among the Thessalonians setting out the grace of God that vvas vvith him vvhen he entered in among them to this end to let them see the ground wherevpon their faith vvas builded vvas not faire vvordes but that effectuall grace of God that was hid vp in the 〈◊〉 The last day vve shevve the Apostle proponed his manner of his entrie among them it vvas not in vaine it vvas not fectlesse but fectfull and when he come and entered amongst them he come vvith a libertie and boldnesse vttering the Gospell of Christ and a libertie not grounded on man or on his ovvne affection but on the power of God This boldnesse he amplifies in respect of the afflictions vvhich before he had suffered at Philippi in respect of that suffering he had while he preached that word of the Gospell with libertie among them Now to come to this text we haue in hand The Apostle in the third verse of this chapt answeres to that which might haue bene thoght and objected by the Thessalonians for he meetes the thoght of the heart Thou sayes thy entrie amonge vs was with libertie boldnes but looke with what sincerity thou entered among vs it is not eneugh to preach with boldnes libertie but there must be sinceritie looke that thy preaching hes not bene with deceat to deceiue vs with vncleānes with guile If any of these thre things haue concurred with thy preacing exhorting al thy liberty in preaching exhorting auails not The Apostle answeres marke euerie word for our exhortation vvas not by deceit nor by vncleannes nor by guile Look to the vvords Our exhortation our doctrine or preaching for by a speciall part of the doctrine which is exhortation he vnderstandes the whole and that because all doctrin ends in exhorting Exhortation is the cōclusion of all doctrine exhortation sayeth he was not with deceat with vncleannes nor with guile that is to say was not with any kind of fainednes neither in substance of doctrin which is called deceat false doctrine deceiues Neither in affection in vttering the Gospell which is called vncleannesse neither in the manner of delyuerie which here is called guile In a word our exhortation was voide of all sort of vnsinceritie no part was simulate Marke the lesson on this verse Ye see here this meeting the Apostle makes to the verie thoght of the heart and to the opinion they might haue conceyued that he was not sincere in doctrine vtters plainlie that there is oft-tymes a verie opinion and suspition in the heartes of the hearers that there is vnsinceritie in the teacher in delyuering the doctrine and this will make such a doubt in the heart that it will hinder edification and faith And therefore the teacher had much neede to take head to himselfe in teaching to his affection and to eschew all sort of vncleannesse if it were but in his thoght and affections before he speake he should striue to get a sanctifyed heart and in word let him meete the verie thoght and suspition of the people to remoue all blame of vnsinceritie in preaching and vttering the Gospell that edification and faith may increase His end in preaching is faith that the people may beleeue and be edified Let him therefore put away all occasions that may stay the edification of the people that the worke and building may goe vp and faith may grow Then secondlie ye se there are sundrie sorts of vnsinceritie A man may be vnsincere in teaching many wayes he may teache and yet teache false doctrine he may be vnsincere in his heart in teaching he may be vasincere in delyuering and thereby deceyue thee And there is none of these wayes but they will stay edification if the people take a suspition if it were of an vnsinceritie of the heart it will stay the worke And therefore in all manner of way the teacher should striue to be sincere in vttering the Gospell that if there be any stop it may be in him that heares and not in him who teaches for if the preachers stryue not for his part to sinceritie and the people for their
his heart he wold haue bought the graces of the holie spirit and therfore Peter meetes him and wishes that he should perish and his money to There are manie of this sort who vvill be content to heare allovve it to say The Minister hes said vvel this day all is true yea but what hast thou reported and what hast thou applyed to thy heart Thou heard to thy condemnation except thou apply some thing to thy self of that grace thou didst heare Yet ther is a fourth degree to receiue it as God vvord Not onlie to heare allow embrace but to receiue it as the word of God Albeit Paul spoke it 4. Receiuing of the vvord as the vvord of God yet they looked vp aboue Paul and tooke it out of his hand not as his vvord but as the vvord of God that is a greater grace There are manie that rest to much vpon the man that teaches and set their hearts on the mouth of him that speakes more nor on God that giues the speaker the grace Manie will heare this vvritten vvorde allow it embrace it but they make it to them the vvord of man rather nor the word of God because they count the Scripture to be authentick not because God did speake it but because the Church sayes it as the Papists do say this day So they make the New and old Testament to be the vvord of men The Lord keepe vs from such an error for it is not possible to builde faith vpon that ground I appeale thy conscience that sayest this if euer thou didst finde that constant faith in thy heart faith can not rest except it haue an assurance that the word is from God and not from men how manie in this countrie faile in this There are manie that receiue and embrace it not with that reuerence they should when they hear it spoken they giue no reuerence nor obedience thereto more nor it were the word of man for when they goe out they are as wanton in wickednesse as euer they were before This testifies their want of due reuerence If this were setled in the hearts of men that the word that is spoken were the word of God and that it is not the man that speaks it but Gods Spirite in the man● they would receiue it embrace it and obey it with greater reuerence O the obedience he would giue to that word There is naturallie such a reuerence of God in the heart that when they are assured it is of God they will reuerence it Now brethren ye see in all these degrees nothing but faith All is expressed in faith ye see the beginning of it the progresse of it the ending where it rests It begins at the outward senses It begins at the eare Faith is by hearing Rom. 10. 17. Then it goes next to the minde which allowes and approues it It sticks not there but it goes downe to the heart and there in very deed is the right sait of faith there is the proper loding of faith Look that thy faith be not in thy head and eare onelie there are many hes it so and it goes away with the winde Looke that it goe to the minde and be not content with that but see that it goe down to thy hart This faith ye see then it exercises the whole soule of man it exercises both the reasonable powers the affections Take head to it The thing whereinto this faith is exercised is the word of God Faith in the eare is exercised about the word faith in the minde is exercised about the word faith in the heart is exercised about the word of God The word of God should fill the whole head mynde and heart This is it that the Apostle to the Coloss sayes chap. 3 16. Let the vvord of God dvvell in you plenteouslie not sparinglie but powerfullie And certainelie thinke on I tell you if thou stryue not so long as thou art heere to be filled with the word of God looke not after this lyfe for his presence if thou preasse not in some measure in this lyfe to haue thy soule filled with him looke not that God shall be a father to thee in the life to come Alas we can not get that fulnesse and our soules so wel exercised as we should haue by the word but if we striue to this our willingnesse is acceptable to God Where there is a desire to thinke and meditate of it and to repent that thou canst not haue that desire therof as thou wouldst it repares that want we haue of that fulnesse There is yet one thing heere to be marked The speciall ground of his thanks-giuing is for the imbracing of this word not as the worde of men but as the worde of God Wherein ye see it is a rare thing and a speciall blessing of God vvhen a man is not offended vvith that goode vvorde of God What care I for him some vvill say oft-tymes I vvill heare the vvord of God and receyue it but this companion vvho teaches hes offended me I vvill not heare him Againe he is of so meane graces he can not speake two words right he is babling Well thou art stumbling and thou wilt breake thy neck if thou doest so for thou must not thank that the word of God hangs on the mouth of man but the mouth of man doth hang on the word of God This is the fault we measure euer the word of God by the instrument and counts ay of the word of God as of the word of man that speakes it and preaches it 2. Cor. 10. 7. Enter in comparison The 〈◊〉 God and the 〈◊〉 of man are contrarie and I will let you see Gods doing is far from mans doing and mans doing is contrair to Gods doing There is the wisdome of God It hes pleased him from the beginning to put his power in the weakest creature in the silliest and basest to looke to the hes not chosen the wise in the world the potent and noble to put his power in them when it pleased him to vtter his omnipotent power When he vttered his power against Pharao he puts his power in frogs in lyce in flees and he is auenged on proude Pharac by those vylde things All this is and was that his power shoulde be seene that men should not thinke this is the power of a frogge louce or flee but is the power of the great God that made all thinges And when he meanes to destroy Goliath he will not haue the armie of the Israelites nor Saul● slaying him but he will haue sillie Dauid slaying him without armour with a sling onelie All this was that the world might see it was not Dauids power but Gods that slew Goliath So the richest treasure that God hes in Heauen vvhich is Christ Iesus in the word he puts it in vylde veshelles the Ministers thereof The vnsearchable riches of Christ the power and justice of God in Christ and all the
vp their hand the fathers slay the Prophets the children slay the Lord then the Apostles Ere I goe forvvard marke this iniquitie in●●ietie vngodlines when once it enters in anie familie or clan in any race of men in the vvorld howe hard a thing it is to get it out againe Oft times when the fathers begin with it it followes on so vpon the whole race of them that it makes an end of them and their race both Beginnest thou that art a father thy sonne and thy vvhole posteritie vvill follow while in end the judgement of God light and destroy all together Is the father a murtherer and slew he one the sonne will double it and so forth of other vices and then the Lord throwes dovvne the house and cuttes off all the generation And the Lord did so vvith these Ievves It is said in the second command that the Lord visites the th●●d fourth generation of them that hate him What is the gro●nde of this because the iniquitie of the fathers is driuen to the children to the thrid and fourth generation Therefore the vengeance of God lights on all Ye fathers therefore take head to your selues and purge you frō iniquitie for if ye be carelesse of your selues the vengeance of God shall be on you and your children both The example of the Iewes might be a spectacle to al the world the verie iniquitie proceeding from the fathers to the sonnes till all were cutted off might nowe suffice to exhort all fathers to leaue sinne as they woulde not be destroyed and their vvhole race after them Marke an other thing heere There is nothing that can not content this people there is no kinde of message that can please them First the Lord sends Prophets to them then he s●ids his Sonne as it is said in the parable that they might reuerence him Matt. 21. 37. Last he sends the Apostles his seruants and they are as rigorous against them as they could so no sort of message could content them 〈◊〉 Act. 7. 51. layes downe the ground of this Persecuters malice euer against the light of the spirite 〈…〉 So there is the ground because all come with the light of the holie Spirite therefore they persecuted all The malice of a persecuter is euer against the light of the Spirite of God So let euerie man be sure so long as the Spirite of light is there must euer be persecution Had I an other man will the prophaine man say I would heare him No if thou hast this hatred of the light of the spirite in thy heart if Paul should come and preach thou vvouldst persecute him yea if Christ him selfe should come in proper person thou wouldst persecute him take therefore head not so much to the preacher as to thine owne heart if thou hast the loue of the light the preacher can not be disliked by thee and by the contrair if thou hast not the loue of the light thou wilt persecute all that come to thee This for the thrid point of their dittay Now comes on the fourth part of their dittay God ●hey please 〈◊〉 This followes the other three The slaying of the Lord the slaying of his Prophets and the persecuting of his Apostles They that slew the Lord and his Prophetes and persecuted the Apostles How could they please God that was the sender of them And so in these wordes he takes off the couer of their faces For these malicious Iewes when they were doing all this euill they boasted of themselues they pleased God they wer his people saying We are the Church and all these are enemies to God Paul pulles off this couer and he showes that they in doing of this were nothing but enemies to God Ye knowe in these dayes men will come in and say It is we that are the true Church it is we who are seruing God aright and in the meane tyme they will be persecuting burning ●ormenting the children of God But what are they will ye haue them deciphered they are enemies to God the Pope is the Antichrist and this shall be ratified in that great day But to let them alone there are many amongst our selues who will ay be doing euill and are enemies to God for thou that art an enemie to his seruants thou pleases not God for heere is a ground There is no glorifying of the Lord but in his ministrie Contemne thou this ministrie by little and little in end thou shalt be an enemie to God if thou hadst sworne the contrair If thou seuere the glorie of God and this ministrie and be a contemner of it thou shalt neuer be glorified of God Ye haue heard foure pointes of their dittay Now to come to the fift They are contrai● to all men Iew and Gentile This is a consequent of the first three slayers of the Lord and of his Prophets persecuters of the Apostles pastors they are enemies to the saluation of all mankinde 〈◊〉 what they wil enemies to the seruants of God to the ministrie 〈…〉 which saluation is wrought and without it thou shalt neuer obtaine saluation nor see the face of God they are enemies to all mankindes saluation Come to the last point of their dittay They forbid vs to speak to the Gentiles they are enemies to the saluation of the Gentiles that by our ministrie shoulde be wonne to God and to his Church the porple-wall is broken down that did hold out the Gentiles before yet they wil hold thē out of the fold There are sundrie sortes of Iewes that hindered the saluation of men there is one sort of them that vvould not suffer Christ to be preached to the Gentiles at all but euer raised vp sedition to impead that vvorke Of these ye may read in the 13. of the Acts. There was another sort of the Iewes that suffered the Gospel to be preached to the Gentiles but added to it circumcision and the law of Moses of whom read Act. 15. The first sort is worst Now the Apostle heere meanes chieflie of this first sort who as the Lord himselfe sayes vvould neither enter them selues into the kingdome of heauē nor suffer others to enter For this is a sure thing euen as a man that hes gotten his own heart enlightned by the loue of the trueth would haue that light to be imparted to all the world and wishes from his heart that all were partakers of it as Paul wished to Agrippa and the rest that heard him that they were lyke vnto him sauing his bondes Acts 26. 29. Well had they bene thogh they had bene chainde to haue had the light of Iesus yet he puts to these wordes for reuerence cause sauing these bandes Euen so a man who hes the hatred of the trueth and light he would haue all the world blinded as he is he woulde haue all mouthes closed as his mouth is closed that neuer man should name Christ to the world He would haue all eyes put out that neuer
seuere them that should be joined as it is the worke of God to joine them together Now let vs goe to the last part of this text containing a weightie reason first of his desire and next of his purpose to come to them These are the wordes For vvhat is our h●pe ioy vvhat is crovvne of my glorying There is the question and demand The answere of it is Are not ye in the presence of our Lord Iesus at his comming Then he doubles it yea sayes he yee are my ioy and my glorie and so he endes Where a mans hope is there is the thinge he hopes and lookes for where his joye and crowne and glorie is there he would be that is to say where his bless●●● is there wold he be No● Paul vvold say Ye Thessalonians are my hope my joy my crown of the which I glorie therefore I woulde be with you There is the force of the argument Now the style of the language would be marked for the same Spirite that dytes the matter dytes the style and spirituall matter craues a Spirituall style 1. Cor. 2. 13. The holie spirite of Iesus must be the speaker as wel as the dyter His language ryses vp by degree by degree the lowest degree is in the vvord hope the next degree is in the word joy the last and hiest degree is in the vvord crowne vvhereby is meaned a most high and excellent glorie This learnes vs this lesson Heauen would haue an high style that crowne would haue an hie style the grace of Iesus Christ woulde haue an hie style when it is spoken of And brethren if Heauen be in the heart as it is in the mouth and if glorie be in the heart as it is in the mouth and if the Crovvne of glorie be in the heart as it is in the mouth the mouth vvill euer be readie to speake of grace of joye and of glorie in a glorious style for it is true Of the abound●nce of the heart the mouth speaketh And I vvould demaund of you what is the occasion that men doe speake so couldlie and careleslie of the Lord of glorie and so baselie of so glorious thinges as of heauen and of the joye thereinto Alas the occasion is the vvant of sense in the heart the heart is not filled with such thinges and therefore an emptie heart an emptie mouth if thy hear be full of vanitie thy mouth vvill be full of vanitie and euanish in painting out of vanitie for looke as thou art disposed in heart in like manner shalt thou bee disposed in mouthe Therefore seeke to haue thy heart furnished fullie vvith the Spirite of Iesus No man sayes the Apostle can call Iesus Lord but by the Spirite 1. Epist Corin. 〈◊〉 12. 3. Yee more Speaking of this joye he passes vp by degrees The lowest is hope then he comes to an higher my ●oy then the highest is 〈…〉 on their glorie The greatest glorie in the earth is a crowne and when a man is crowned in the earth he can be no higher But there is the difference The crowne in the earth is corruptible but the crowne of heauen is incorruptible It is of this crown of heauen he speaks Yet not these three degrees for I marke this passing vp by degrees in sundry 〈◊〉 parts for when the Apostle begi●●nes to speake of Iesus he can be satisfie himselfe in vvords and 〈…〉 Praying i● God 〈◊〉 yee may 〈◊〉 sayes hee vvhat is the● hope of his calling there is the first step he stands not there he goes vp to see what the 〈…〉 his glorie what glorie of his 〈…〉 〈◊〉 among his saints this is the second degree yet he stands not there and vvhat is that excellent greatnes of his power according to the efficacie of his strong strength There he stands Brethren these are not vvords but this rising vp tels vs the hight of the glory of heauē is wonderful that thou mayest attaine to it thou must rise to it by degrees that is thou must passe from sense to sense from grace to grace from light to light from oye to joye from glorie to glorie as the Apostle speakes 2. Corinth 3. 18. So long as thou liuest thou must finde this climming of thy heart sensiblie that thou growest in joye and that thou hast more joye this yeere then before and so striue continually vntil thou come to the point euer striuing for perfection in this lyfe which shall be compleat when we shall see our Lord Iesus Christ Now he calles it the crowne of glorying that is that makes him to glorie in God who crownes him Brethren when the heart is filled with glorie in Iesus christ the mouth shall not be dumbe but it shall oppin and vtter that passing joy and the persone shall euer glorie in him vvho hes set that crowne on him O that infinite glorie and rejoysing that shall be in that glorious Majestie now we tyre searcelie are we begun to glorie in him but the heart beginnes as soone to tyre but then there shall be no tyring nor wearying the voice shall neuer cease but glorie in that Creator for euer and ever Byde in patience while ye attaine vnto this glorie and in all troubles let the hope of this glorie comfort thee Rom. 5. 2. For there is nothing that abydes but this glorie col Now if hope made vs to rejoyce how much more present sight present joy and the crovvne put on our heads vvill make vs to rejoyce and vvith gladnesse and loude voyce to praise him who ●●es crowned vs for euer In the latter end of the verse he makes an answer to his owne demand are not ye sayes he c. He calles the Church ●is●oy and his crowne not that properlie his blessednesse was in them for onelie Iesus Christ is called our hope our joy our glorie and crowne Onelie Iesus Christ is our lyfe onelie Christ is our solace he hes no companion but he calles them his hope and joy in an other sense Because they wer the meane and matter wherby he attained to the joy solace and crowne which is in Iesus Christ It is then an improper fashion of speaking for the people in whom our ministrie is effectuall to saluation is the meane whereby we shal be glorified in the Heauen Marke this speaking of the matter of his joy He speakes not of his Apostleship and sayes not it is the meane of my joy but he sayes the blessing giuen me in my Apostleship in sauing you is the meane of my joy Faithfull discharge of a calling a mater of ioy The matter of thy joy in the lyfe to come and of thy crowne where-with thou shalt be crowned in Heauen it is not so much a calling if it were the calling of a King it will not be that that wil make thee be crowned in Heauen no it must be the faithfull discharge of thy calling toward them with whom thou hast adoe Art thou a King the faithfull
sent Timothius our brother and minister of God and our labour-fellovve in the Gospell of Christ to establishe you and to comfort you touching your faith 3 That no man should be moued vvith these afflictions for ye your selues knovve that vve are appointed therevnto 4 For verely vvhen vve vvere vvith you vve told you before that vve should suffer tribulations euen as it came to passe ye knovv it AFTER the salutation ye haue heard brethren a congratulation and rejoising of the Apostle with the Thessalonians for the graces of God in Christ that were bestowed on them Thereafter followed an excuse of the Apostle wherfore he came not to visie the Thessalonians he excused himself from that great desire purpose he had to visite them face to face He entred in the journey once he was impeaded he entred the second tyme Sathan impeaded him he could do no more Now shortly to come this text He followes out the same purpose and continewes his excuse showing them the desire yet left him not but albeit he was impeaded in his owne person to come to them yet his desire was 〈◊〉 toward them And therefore that which he could not bring to passe in his owne person he thought good to performe by another by a deare brother and fellow laborer Timothie Therfore he tooke purpose being at Athens in Grecia and Timothie with him to abyde at Athens himselfe alone and to send away Timothie to them and all to this end to establishe them in that word which they had receiued To exhort them that they should not be commoued or dasht with the afflictions which ouertooke them and wherewith they were exercised Vpon this he salles out in an exhortation exhorting them to beare patientlie those afflictions that fell vpon them The first argument to moue them thereto is knowing well they were appointed thereto God had ordained from all etern●●ie those afflictions for them a necessitie was imposed vpon them and why should they not then suffer and beare them patientlie The next argument wherewith he comfortes them There is nothing come to vs sayes he but that wherewith ye were forewarned Therefore take it patientlie This is shortlie the summe of the text standing in these two partes in a purpose he tooke because of his owne not comming to them to send Timothie to them and in an exhortation to beare affliction patientlie Now to make euerie sentence The na●●ation is verie plaine and therefore it farnishes plaine doctrine 〈◊〉 sayes the Apostle I thought it best 〈…〉 to send him to you so to remaine al●ue at Athen This is to be marked this earnest desire of the Apostle to doe that which became him in vi●ying these Thessalonians it les● him not notwithstanding or any opposition he got S●han did cast in stayes to hinder him he stayed him to come to Thessalonica yet Sathan could not get the desire of his heart stayed he desired 〈…〉 he is not able to performe that which he desired so earnestlie 〈…〉 It is a hard matter to put out of the heart of the godlie an holy desire to doe well to do that which they should doe of 〈◊〉 yea it is an hard matter to Sathan himselfe to quench the holie desyre of the heart of the godlie Paul in the Rom. 7. 18. vvhere he sets out the battell he had betvvene the Spirite and the fleshe he confesses in plaine wordes that he could not get that thing done that he would haue done In the meane tyme he sayes To vvill is prese●t to me that is say I haue in the meane tyme a good vvill to doe vvell albeit I can not attaine to the performance of vvell doing the flesh in Paul stayed the action and perseuerance in well doing but the flesh vvas notable to quenche the good-vvill he had to doe vvell And brethren most certaine it is vvhere the desyre abydes in the heart vvhen a vvillingnesse to doe well abydes the battell is not lost the Diuell hes not gotten the victorie the flesh hes not gotten the victorie Lose thou once the desyre and will of well-doing if there be in thee no repugnance to Sathan but his worke goes forward 〈…〉 the Diuell then hes gotten the vpper hand the 〈◊〉 is lost and thou art gone keep well therfore the desire in the heart to do well how euer thy hand feet be bound so that thou canst not do with thy hand any good nor can not go with thy foote to do good yet it this will of well doing remaine the victorie shall be thine in the end It is most certaine the desire of the godlie albeit it be impeaded for a time yet in the end it shall be victorious Therefore the Lord himselfe promises them certaine victorie Blessed are they vvho hungers and thrists for righteousnedsse Matt. 5. 6. there is the desire for they 〈…〉 there is the victorie The heart that desires grace continewing in the desyre shall be filled with grace and glorie This for the first The desyre continevving vvith Paul vvhen he is not able to visie the Thessalonians in his ovvne persone he takes him to the next best and that vvhich he could not doe by himselfe he tooke purpose to doe by Timothie vvhich vvas his fellovv-labourers Where there is an earnest desyro to doe well in the heart of any man that thing he can not attaine to at the first he assayes it ouer againe and if he can not get it done in his ovvne person he preasses to doe it in an other As Paul assayed the first and second tyme in his ovvne persone and vvas tvvyse in the journey vvhen he is impeaded in his ovvne persone that he is not able to performe it himselfe he purposes to doe it by others and so he sends Timothie to performe that which he might not doe himselfe Then ye may see an earnest holie desyre hes such a force that it rests not it must break out in some effect at one tyme or other by one way or other it can not still remaine in the heart nor the Deuill will not be able to impead the action for euer No but an holie desyre of goode in the heart shall take effect once in despite of all the worlde Then marke The great necessitie joyned to euerie one of vs to do the thing we should do must not be left off for one or two or three or foure impediments and when we are not able in our ovvne persone to doe it then prouide some other meane to doe it for it may be the Deuill will not be so busie to impead others as he will be to impead thy selfe for it is certaine the Deuill is euer busie working but he was not so busie to stay Timothie as he was to stay Paul Now in the next wordes he sayes he thoght it best to abyde solitare all alone at Athens where he was for the tyme for from Thessalonica he went to Beroea and from Beroea to Athens and there he abode as
more easely sustaind No he assures them that it behoues them through many afflictions to enter in the kingdome of heauen Act. 14. 22. Euerie one who liues godlie shall suffer 2. Timoth. 3. 12. The Apostle so warnes them that when the people are warned the affliction shoulde not come vnto them vnarmed but that when they see it they should say I looked euer for affliction Now welcome affliction He that is prepared for it and knowes perfitelie affliction wil follow the gospel he wil tak it in his aimes say welcome affliction and he wil receiue it with such patience as the tongue of man can not report and where patience is joyned with affliction it is but halfe affliction but a man who lyes sighting and waltring in trouble ô that man hes double disease Therefore brethren since it is that we must suffer either in one measure or other let not the things of this worlde make vs forget that we are appointed to suffer but when prosperitie comes let vs say this world will decay thou art mounted vp this day thou may be casten down the morne thou art whole this day thou may be sicke the morne and so I will not be deceyued with anie thing but will prepair me for aduersitie The Lord prepair vs for it for Christs sake To this Christ the Father and the holie Spirite be all praise and honour now and euer THE ELEVENTH LECTVRE VPON THE FIRST EPISTLE OF PAVL TO THE THESSALONIANS 1. THESSA CHAP. 3. vers 5. 6. 7. 8. 5 Euen for this cause vvhen I could no longer forheare I sent him that I might knovve of your faith lest the tempter had tempted you in any sort and that our labour had bene in vaine 6 But novv lately vvhen Timotheus came from you vnto vs and brought vs good tidings of your faith and loue and that ye haue good remembrance of vs alvvayes desiring to see vs as vve also doe you 7 Therefore brethren vve had consolation in you in all our affliction and necessitie through your faith 8 For novv are vve aliue if ye stand fast in the Lord. IN the beginning of this chapter Brethren the Apostle Paul telles of the purpose he did take to send Timothie to the Thessalonians to establishe them in the faith and to exhort them and of the accomplishment of that purpose that as he tooke purpose to send Timothie to them so he sent him And this was one of the Arguments whereby he excuses him selfe for that hee did not come to them himselfe being impeaded by Sathan The next he could do was to send that brother Timothie who was a faithfull man in the ministrie of the Lord and therfore they should haue him excused Then thereafter ye heard he fell out in a short exhortation exhorting them to beare patientlie those afflictions and crosses that they suffer in this life The first argument vvas from the appointment of God God had so appointed from all eternitie that they should suffer therefore seeing that necessitie was imposed on them why shold they not bear the burden pauentlie The second argument was from his fore warning of them of the troubles for the Gospels sake There is nothing come but that I did forewarne you of therefore when they are come what rests but that ye should beare them patientlie Now leauing that which we spok the last day vpon the text preceeding I come to this present text The Apostle in the fift verse of this chapter returnes again to that which he spoke concerning Timothie and the sending of him to the Thessalonians In the next verse he hes a narratiue of Timothie his returning againe and of that good report he made in his returning of the Thessalonians of their faith loue and remembrance they had of Paul After that in the verse following he showes what effect that report of Timothie wrought in him it brought to him joye and consolation notwithstanding of all his affliction he was in for the present The reasone is giuen because we liue when ye stand in the faith your perseuerance is our life and therefore what maruell if vve rejoice in your faith And thereafter he vtters that he can not thanke God eneugh for that grace they had gotten of God Now to come back againe The text containes a plaine narratiue Wherefore saies he vvhen I could no longer forbeare I sent Timothie to you Of this vve spoke the last day in the beginning of the chapter and therfore vve goe forward The end is set down wherefore he sent Timothie to vnderstand of your faith That is of your perseueeing of your abiding and of your standing in that faith yee haue receyued This is an other end from that which vvas before Before he sent Timothie to establish and to comfort them nowe he sends Timothie to vnderstand of their faith and perseuerance No matter albeit there be sundrie ends wherefore he sent Timothie one for their cause to establishe them an other for his owne cause that hee him selfe might vnderstand of their per●euerance in faith and might haue joye in the report of their perseuerance therein So ye see the Apostle brethren is euer carefull of this Church at Thessalonica planted and begun by him there So that in the beginning he vvas carefull to lowe the seede of the vvorde amongst them to conuert them and turne them to the faith of Christ When he hes done this he leaues not off his care but that vvorke he had begunne he is carefull that it bee brought to some perfection in Christe So that he leaues behinde him this lesson vnto all pastors and vnto all that trauaile in that calling The care of the Pastor 〈◊〉 his stock shold be instant to haue a continuall care ouer the people that are committed to them to haue a care of their perseuerance and continuance in faith to the end It is not enengh to raise them vp once and to set them on their feete and thereafter to plucke away his hand from them and to let them stand as it were them allone but hee must striue to holde them vp as he hes laide the foundation of faith so he must build vpon that foundation continuallie so far as lies in him while the building be ended He is an euil workman that wil lay the foundation of an house then leape away he is an euill teacher that will found any people on faith and then goes away and leaues them Brethren the beginning of faith is by the 〈…〉 way this ministrie there shall be no foundation on 〈…〉 persseuerance in saith is by this ministry take it avvay 〈…〉 once founded shall fall dovvne againe 〈…〉 〈◊〉 preaching of the Gospel 〈…〉 of God from the Congregations and leaue 〈…〉 your owne reaching meditation thogh ye be 〈…〉 shall ye all your reading and meditation shall not holde you vp for that is the onelie meane whereby perseuerance in faith is effectuate without the which thou shalt not perseuere in
then to finde no rest nor fruite of his labor at night but I say to thee if thy walking be not to please God thou shalt neuer get any frute of thy walking if thy walking be not euer to please thy God thou shalt neuer get the right way thou shalt goe like a doting bodie and be the farther from that glorious butt and in the end thou shalt effectuat nothing but in that great day thou shalt curse all thy labors and exercises and thou shalt say Alas my labours are all lost I haue wearied my selfe and now I am no better But if thy walking be to please God thou shalt finde a sweetnesse in thy labor and joy in the end thereof And when that blessed day of resurrection shall come thou shalt say Blessed am I in my labours that I wrought to please my God for now I haue gotten the butt I finde the frute of my laboures Paul sayes 1. Cor. 9. 26. I runne but not to an vncertaintie Learne neuer to runne to an vncertaintie but euer runne to a butt effectuat something by your doing The onely way to make you runne well is to please God A Minister or any other in the world who woulde runne right must run to pleasure their God and then they shall finde sweetnesse in their running Now well is the soule that can endeuore the selfe to pleasure God for ther is no joy in the creature but when it is set to glorify God night and day in this world for to this end are we set in the world 1. Cor. 10. 31. and if we doe this he shal set vs in the heauens to glorifie him Now in the next verse he takes themselues to be witnesses that he had set before them the preceptes and lawes whereby they should walke in the journey Ye knovve vvhat commandement vve gaue you by the Lord Iesus It is an happie thing to a Minister in his calling when with a good conscience he appeals the consciences of the people that he cried to them and saide ô people I bade you goe I prescriued you rules to goe into your blood be on your owne head I haue discharged a faithfull duetie to you Brethren what auailes it vs if we should euer preache the Gospell if we be not saued thereby And when we teache you the Gospell we also stir our selues forward to come to that butt Christ our owne teaching is the meane whereby we are saued as it is the meane whereby ye are saued Therefore let all goe forward together in the rinke Now in the verse following he beginnes to set down to them the rules of walking and going forward That which he had spoken by tongue being at Thessalonica the same thing he puts in writ by his pen. It is a foolish thing to a man to say The Apostle spoke one thing and wrote another No brethren Paul neuer spake one sentence to confirme any people but it is registrate to vs. It is blasphemie to thinke that Paul and Peter c. wrote not that which they spoke it is follie for there was no sentence they spoke pertaining to our saluation but it is written Then the rule is The vvill of God vvhich is your sanctification That is that ye be holie in your soules and the whole affections thereof in your bodie and all the members of your bodie and all the actions of your members So he drawes the whole rules which are to be obserued in this course and rinke we haue to Heauen and life euerlasting to holinesse and sanctification Then in one word there is the manner how thou shalt goe forward to this butt Be holie be holie thou must be holie holie in heart hand mouth foot in all the members of thy body separate thee from the worlde which is full of sinne full of foull affections displeasing the eye of thy God and put on holinesse Who euer they be that goe forward in holinesse assuredlie they shall come to the marke Liue thou an holie life what vocation that euer it be in assure thee thou shalt come to the prise of the high calling of God in Christ Iesus Philipp 3. 14. To turne it ouer againe Busie thy self as thou wilt if that thy businesse be not in holinesse thou art foolishe the faster thou runnest thou art the farther behinde Alas how many are there who busies them selues in wickednesse and the more they wearie themselues the farther are they from Heauen Blessed are they who can goe forward to Heauen Stryue to holinesse and say Lord I am on my journey I cannot goe forward except I finde an holie heart to thinke an holie mouth to speake an holy hand to touch Lord sanctifie them that I runne not in vaine The way to runne holilie is to keepe euer before thy eies God that holie one in the face of Iesus and to cry O Lord guide me in holinesse And I assure thee if thou wilt striue to liue holilie and cry to God to guide thee in holinesse thou shalt come to that endlesse joy But if thou let God out of thy eye thou shalt perishe Brethren this life will away and therefore set your harts to run to that euerlasting life Nowe hauing set downe the generall he deduces it in parts and the first part he takes vp is cleannesse of the bodie as he would say fyle not the bodie with fornication fyle thou thy bodie with fornication thou shalt not thinke a cleane thought speake a cleane word or doe any cleane deed Surelie all sinnes pollutes and fyles The sinne that comes from the heart if it were but an euill motion it goes back againe and leaues a foull blot behinde it a rotten deed leaues a blot behinde it a foull worde in the mouth goes back and leaues a foull blot in the hart when thou hast spoken a word thou art not quite thereof but it comes back againe and fyles the soule It goes not from thee so lightlie as thou trowest no it leaues ay a foull blot behinde it So this corruption growes daily Brethren I tell you all sinnes fylles the bodie yet of all sinnes harlotrie especiallie fyles the bodie Looke the comparison the Apostle vses 1. Cor. 6. 18. The bodie of an harlote of all bodies is the foullest Alas such a fyling of the bodie and soule followes vpon adulterie that it is wonderfull to tell Seeing therefore speciall pollution of the bodie followes on fornication I beseech you as ye would present your selfe before God in cleannesse abstaine from harlotrie An harlot will trauell long ere he come to heauen thy heart and bodie must be sanctified before thou come to Heauen And so as thou would come forward to Heauen stryue to keepe a cleane bodie and soule to God and speciallie abstaine from this vyce of fornication Lord keepe vs from it vntill we come to the end of our journey that we may be presented clean before christ To whom with the Father and holie Spirit be honour and praise for
shouldst seek to possesse is thy vessel thou cariest about with thee But how should thou possesse thy vessell First he showes after what maner they should possesse it and then after what maner they should not possesse it The maner how to possesse it is vvith holinesse and honour Fy on thee thou wilt keepe thy pot or thy pan cleane to thy meat the vyllest vessell in thy house thou wilt keepe it cleane Maner of possessing the vessell of the bodie and will haue it washen euerie day once and yet thou wilt not be carefull to keep cleane that vessell that keepes thy soule And yet more It is not en●ugh to keepe it cleane but thou must keep it in honour There are sundrie sort of vessels in an house some vessels to dishonor and some to honour They that are euen to dishonour must be keeped cleane but they that are to honour must both be keeped cleane and in honour Thy bodie which is the vessell of thy soule shoulde not be keeped cleane onely but in honour also for it is the vessell of a honourable soule Yea Paul sayes 1. Cor. 6. 19. It is the dvvelling of the holie Spirit which is more nor thy soule Thy body is dearer boght nor al the vessels in this earth it is boght with the precious bloud of Christ fy on thee who pollutes and defiles the bodie which is boght with so precious a bloude Aske some men and say to them why defilest thou thy bodie He will ansvvere My bodie is my ovvne But I say to thee thy body is not thy ovvn it is Christs he hes boght it vvith his precious bloude if it be not Christs it is the Deuils and he shall possesse it in the end And therefore seeing that bodie of thine is the Temple of the holie Spirit boght vvith the bloud of Christ keep it in holinesse and honour and if there were no more to moue thee but because it is the vessell of the soule thou should keepe it holie and cleane For an harlots bodie as a priuy stincks so in the nose of the soule that the soule shall say Lord if I vvere out of this stinking bodie O hovv much more vvill it stincke in the nose of the Lord. And vvhosoeuer keepes their bodies cleane all that they haue is cleane their heritage their moueables and vnmoueables all are cleane and honourable but if thy bodie be polluted thou art foull all is foull put thy finger to thy meate it fyles it all that goes out of thy body is foull stinking and polluted the verie earth thou goest on thou fylest it with thy foull feete albeit they be finelie decored and it grones vnder thee because thou art heauie to it The Lord let vs see this and giue vs grace to abstaine from this filthie vice harlotrie Trowest thou thy vvhorishe eyes shall see that faire glorious face of God No no they shall not see it Cry for the grace of sanctification and for the bloud of Christ that all may be cleansed and thou ●n the end may win to the end of the rinke euen Christ and liue in him and be cleansed in him Now to the next verse which containes the vvrong vvay of possessing thy bodie The vvordes are Not in the lust of concupiscence There is the vvrong vvay Weigh the vvordes Not vvith the passion The vvorde passion signifies a firy flame which breakes out of the bodie inflamed vvith foull lustes vvhich proceedes from the heart and settes the bodie in a fire The lust beginnes at the heart and breakes out through the whole members of the bodie vvith extreame passions and the bodie so exercised is a sicke and suffering bodie the bodie of an harlote is the seekest bodie that goes it is brunt vp vvith a fire within The thing that is enemie to the bodie is sicknesse and passions And therefore who euer would possesse their bodie well they must be carefull to keep the bodie from sicknesse and passions Novv among all the sicknesses that can come to a man the sicknesse of foull lust is the vvorst and most consuming sicknesse another sicknesse may well waste the moisture of the bodie but if thou be sanctified the Lorde shall make it a meane to sanctifie thee And oft times there vvill not be a ●holier bodie nor that bodie that is lying in sicknesse but this sicknesse of luste not onely vvastes the substance of the bodie and dryes it vp but it destroyes the holinesse and honour thou shouldest haue it is an enemie to holinesse It is a sicknesse that vvill neuer sanctifie thy bodie but destroy it and the longer thou ly in that sicknesse the fouller and vnholier art thou This is the nature of the sicknesse thou shalt not onely be consumed in bodie with sicknesse but thou shalt lose thy holinesse in thy soule And this is a fore matter A sicke man in another sicknesse vvill cry to the Lord for comfort but in the sicknesse of harlotrie he vvill neuer haue a voice to cry vnto the Lord for mercie if he repent not So abhorre this sicknesse aboue all other sicknesses The Lord makes all sicknesses and deathe to vvorke to the best to his ovvne but this sicknesse destroyes the soule and the bodie altogether Novv to moue men to abhorre this sicknesse He bringes in the ensample of the Gentiles and he sayes euen as the Gentiles vvho knevv not God As he vvoulde say It is a shame to you to be like the Gentiles among vvhom this foull vyce raigne first It is shame to you vvho are called to this holinesse to be lyke these foull Gentiles Brethren a bodie vvho sees not God nor Christ is a prophaine blinded bodie And he seeing a murtherer going before him in murther a thiefe in thiefrie he vvill follovv and committe the lyke vvickednesse and so the blinde following the blinde both falles in the pit together But he vvho hes gotten a sight of God and a glance of the glorious face of Iesus Christ in vvhose face the glorie of that Majestie shinnes vvhen he seeth an harlote he vvill bee so farre from following him that he will scarcelie looke to him but he vvill abhorre and detest him For in the light of the face of God that a man sees in the face of Iesus Christ as in a faire mirrour he will see the filthinesse and foulnesse of sinne None knowes how great a sinne the sinne of filthinesse and blasphemie c. is but that soule that lookes in the glorious face of Iesus Christ That mirrour is so faire and glancing that looking thereto and in it seeing the foulnesse of sinne he will be mooued to hate and detest sinne and darknesse And I say there are none who are truelie illuminated with the light of God but the more they see Idolatrie harlotrie and sinne the more they deteste them It will neuer giue me in my mynde that they who will go out of this land and at the first hand can find in their hart to
ye not the patience of God He is patient and lets men runne in wickednesse vntill the cuppe be full and then he powreth out his wraith and judgement on them to the vttermost The Lord keepe vs from his judgements and wraith for Christ his Sons sake To whom with the Father and the holy Spirit be praise and honor for euer AMEN THE XV. LECTVRE VPON THE FIRST EPISTLE OF PAVL TO THE THESSALONIANS 1. THESSA CHAP. 4. vers 6. 7. 8. 6 That no man oppresse or defraude his brother in any matter for the Lord is auenger of all such thinges as vve also haue tolde you before time and testified 7 For God hath not called vs to vncleannesse but vnto holinesse 8 He therefore that despiseth these thinges despiseth not man but God vvho hath euen giuen you his holie Spirit IN this part of this Epistle after the salutation and after that large congratulation wherein he rejoised for the grace the Lord had bestowed on the Thessalonians not after a common manner but in great aboundance He sets downe preceptes of manners concerning an holie lyfe and a godlie conuersation in this worlde and he comprehendes them all first in a generall and he calles it sanctification holinesse in lyfe and conuersation for whatsoeuer duetie appertaines to vs to be done in this lyfe the whole may be taken vp vnder this one word sanctification which standes in holinesse in soule and bodie When he hes sette downe the generall he diuydes it in parts and the first part of sanctification of holinesse of lyfe and conuersation he takes it vp to be in absteining from fornication it respects a man or woman in their owne person that they keepe the soule and bodie that God hes giuen them in holinesse vnpolluted vvith filthinesse The second part concernes our neighbour that we doe him no wrong He is an vnholie man that hurtes his neighbour that vvill vvrong him in anie dealling or trafficking with him He is hurt two manner of wayes first he is hurt by deceite vnder colour by fraude beg●yling or circumvention He is secondlie hurt by plaine violence and oppression Both these two sortes of wronges and injuries are vnholie He that circumueenes his brother is vnholie he that oppresses his brother is vnholie Novve to persvvade them to this sanctification standing in these tvvo partes he vses sundrie argumentes The first argument ye heard of before vvas from the vvill of God This is the will of God sayes he your sanctification It is the Lords vvill that ye be holie It is not an hid vvill but a reuealed will and oft reuealed that ye be holie in your selfe holie in respect of your brethren and holie all manner of vvaye Brethren if there vvere not an argument to moue vs to be holy holie in respect of our selues holie in respect of our neighbour this onely reason to vnderstand it is Gods will we so doe may be sufficient For albeit we knovve of no other reason wherefore vve should be holie but onely that it is his vvill it bindes vs to holinesse For this reuerence tovvarde the Creator and Redeemer of the world should be in euerie creature that they vnderstanding anie thing to bee agreable to his holie vvill should stoup knovving his will they are bound to acquiesc● and rest there seeking no farther and to close their eyes at all their reasones hovvbeit the thing that is injoyned to them should seeme to be an impossibilitie The Apostle speaking of his vvill Roman chap. 12. verse 2. sayes His vvill is euer goode it is good vvhat euer he vvilleth it is perfite yea it is the rule of all righteousnesse So euerie one should reason vvith themselues Is it the vvill of God Then it is most just I vvill follovve and obey it my reason shall not stay it my reason is vvrong and out of rule his vvill is the rule of righteousnesse I insist on this rather because I knovve how hard it is to make the vvill of man plyable and to frame it to Gods vvill and vvhat discrepance is betvveene the vvill of God and the vvill of man So if thou giuest thy selfe ouer to thy ovvne nature there is nothing God willes but thou willest the contrare therof And therfore our praier should be continually to God to conforme our froward will to his wil this should be our praier continuallie what euer come to vs be it prosperitie or aduersitie Lord do thy will giue me not my own will for if I get my own wil it will be my wreak but Lord rule my will according to thy will for thy will is onely the right will and the preseruer of my life and euen now while we haue time we should cry Lord thy will be done we are thy creatures Lord let thy will be done in vs. And I assure thee if thou get thy will conformable to his wil and be content with any thing he layes on thee life or death certainly thou shalt find comfort all shall come well to thee The second argument taine from the vengence that falles on the transgressours He saies For the Lord is the auenger of al● such thinges He auenges the deceit vsed by vs and the violence done against our neighbour This second argument followes well on the other for one of those two must be either the will of God must be done by vs or else vengence must be for disobedience If the will of God moue thee not to doe that which he craues of thee Punishement for disobediēce to gods vvill to liue in holinesse before him let the feare of vengence and punishment moue thee For Brethren the will of our God is in the selfe a thing so holie and inuiolable that there was neuer person yet that disobeyed that will from ould Adam to this houre if it were but in a litle thoght of the heart let be a deed in a motion of the soule let be an action but that disobedience and transgression of that holie and inuiolable will of God was punished either in the persons self or in the Mediator Iesus Christ So inuiolable a thing is the just will of God that the disobeence to it cannot escape punishmēt God is not like man impossible it is that thy disobedience to him if it were but ●n a motion of thy heart should bee vnpunished either in thy bodie or soule or else thou must haue refuge to the Mediator and it shall be punished in him For if thou be in Christ thy disobedidience is taine away in his obedience And therefore thinke it no childish play to play with his will if it were but the least cogi●ation of the heart Play vvith man as thou wilt but one thought against Gods will importes damnation if thou hadst a thousand lyues He addes that reason in the end of this verse as vve also 〈◊〉 you before tyme and testified This was not the first tyme that he had tolde them of it of before and now he telles them
that calles and God that is calling on you his vengeance shall sease vpon you And now it is no time to thee to ly in vncleannes when the Pest is at the doore woe to thee dying therein being in the puddle of vncleannes but well is thy soule that turnes to God howbeit thou die in the pest of the body Now followes another argument to moue vs to holines He who wil not be holie when God calles on him disobeyes not man but God As there are two thinges to moue vs to holinesse first our vocation to holinesse secoundlie the caller so there are two sinnes that accompanies the disobedience of that calling one sinne against the holie calling another sinne against the holie God the caller Contēpt of God the vvord the greatest sinne There is no sinne by the selfe allone One sinne must euer haue another with it and committing one sinne we sinne manie waies Compare these two the sinne against the calling and the sinne against the caller by all appearance the secound is the greatest The greatest sinne that can bee is to contemne God Thou that playest the harlote thy sinne is double first by thy harlotrie thou sinnest against thy calling thou was called to and this is a great sinne but the other is greater Thou contemnest the voyce of the high Majestie of God that called thee The oppressor sinnes by his oppression but his sin is the greater in that he contemnes his caller And in the latter day ye shall finde by experience the challenge shall not be so much against the adulterer for his adulterie as for that in sinning he contemned the voyce of God calling him from adultery This shall be a chiefe challenge dirtlay especially of christians who hes heard this word and Gospell of God that they contemnd the majestie of God who called them by this word Gospell And surely all these particular judgements of God that falles on men and these particular judgements on Scotland and on Edinburgh this day either the Pest or the famine fals not somuch for vncleannesse and other sins as for the contemp of the Gospel and God that calles thee by this base ministrie And therfore the right cause of all these judgements is the contempt of God calling vs to holinesse For we haue not onelie sinned in committing of sin but in contemning God calling vs from sin and we haue spitted as it wer in his face Put away the contempt of the word of God if ye put it away who wait but but God wil be mercifull If we contemne still looke for greater judgement The contempt of God and of this foode of the soule offred by the base ministrie hes caused this plague of famine and the Pest fall on this land The Apostle sayes In resisting ye resist not men but God There is no blessing in tyme that God giues but he ministers it by men He wil not come out of Heauen to speak to thee but he will speak to thee by the ministrie of selie simple men He tels thee of remission of sins of justification of sanctificatiō c. if thou dispise the ministry of base men though thou wer Monarch of all the earth thou shalt neuer get remission of sinnes sanctification nor glorification Now this is the thing that beguyles the world When they looke to the vyle ministrie of men they cannot see God in it They looke to the selie man they goe no farther Who speakes A selie man speakes Who calles me I heard a selie man and so through the man be looks not vp to heauen to se God speaking by the minister And from this flowes the contempt and resisting man thou resists God that is the principall worker The word is then contemned when the man is contemned in speaking it Resisting man thou resists God who sent the man Can any man resist God and not be plagued therefore if there be no repentance So they who are called to the ministrie let them care for nothing but to speake the word of God and open their mouth to glorify God And if he be resisted he is not resisted but God who sent him is resisted And at that last day it shall be seene it was not man thou resisted but God Happie are they therefore who gettes a sight of this in tyme and that giues obedience to the worde Happie is the bodie that receiues this word as the word of god and not of man Now the last argument followes Who saies he hes giuen vs his holy Spirite Looke now what he hes done He hes chosen vs from all eternitie to be holielie and hes giuen vs his Spirit and al graces to this end to be holy When the Lord hes begun to call vs to holinesse Spirite of god d●velling in vs bindes to holinesse if he stand there and doe no more it will not doe the turne if he giue vs ouer to our owne nature and free vvill and take away his Spirit when he hes broght thee on a point of holinesse and leaue thee there thou shalt neuer enter in Heauen And therefore when he hes done all these thinges to thee then he will put into thy soule and bodie his Spirit of grace to cleanse the foulnesse out of thy soule and bodie to bring in holie motions actions and speeches So that thou art made now as Paul speakes 1. Corint 6. 19. the Temple of the holie Spirit and then that same glorious person the holie Spirit comming from the Father and the Son will dwell within thee in soule and bodie as assuredlie as we are within this Church presentlie and thy soule and bodie shall be as sure Temples of this Spirit as this Church is to our bodies And is not this a great honour that in substance this glorious person will dwell within vs So this learnes vs that all is of grace the beginnig of grace the midst of grace the end of grace Our predestination in God our vocation our justification and sanctification all in God our glorification in God Brethren the highest estate we can come to in this life is sanctification We passe from predestination to vocation from vocation to justification from justification to sanctification we cannot reach higher so long as we are heere We may growe in this estate but we cannot come higher As to glorification we get it in the lyfe to come when we leaue this life All our actiones heere are impersite and all mingled with the corruption of nature but heereafter all will be perfited For when we leaue this lyfe we goe not backward Thinke not that bodie that sleepes in Christ that he goes backward That body is predestinat called sanctified heere in some measure after this life passes a degree vpward and commes to glorification for holinesse in this life it passes vp to glorie we are holie heere but glorious in the life to come We are not called to be glorified in this lyfe but to be sanctified when we
end our life in Iesus Christ we passe vp to a wonderfull glorie Now how comes this glorie Comes it on any thing we haue done heere in earth Comes it of our workes or merites No as holinesse in this life comes of the free mercie of God in Christ so the crowne of glorie in that life onelie comes of the mercie of God in Christ We shall be glorified in Heauen but hovv Through the grace of God that he will giue vs in Christ And as the crowne of glorie shall be giuen vs of free grace so the standing in that estate of glory shall indure for euer of grace So all comes of grace Perseuerance of holinesse in this lyfe is onely by the grace of God All perseuerance in glorie in the life to come of grace and mercie nothing in earth nothing in Heauen but free grace in mercy Wherefore is this the Lord will haue nothing in Heauen nor earth but mercie To this end that all the glorie of our saluation may be giuen to him and he that glories in it should glorifie him Grace free mercie onely in him And let this be our song on earth vvhen vve speake of the grace of God on earth Glorie to God mercie to vs onelie in God The Lord giue vs grace that we may giue al and the onely praise of mercie and of glorie in this life and in the life to come To this God with the Son and the holy Spirite be immortall praise and glorie foreuer AMEN THE XVI LECTVRE VPON THE FIRST EPISTLE OF PAVL TO THE THESSALONIANS 1. THESSA CHAP. 4. vers 9. 10. 11. 12. 9 But as touching brotherlie loue yee neede not that I vvrite vnto your for ye are taught of God to loue one another 10 Yea and that thing verelie ye doe vnto all the brethren vvhich are throughout all Macedonia but vve beseech you brethren that ye increase more and more 11 And that ye studie to be quyet and to meddle vvith your ovvne businesse and to vvork vvith your ovvn hands as vve cōmanded you 12 That yee may behaue your selues honestlie tovvards them that are vvithout and that nothing be lacking vnto you THE Apostle brethren after hee hes set downe his general exhortation to sanctification and holinesse This is the will of God sayes he euen your sanctification that ye be holie in soule holie in bodie holie in all your actions within and without He discends and comes to the particulare parts of this generall exhortation The first part of it respects a man or vvoman in their own person that they keepe their person to God as the vessell of honor keepe it from fornication which is a sinne that especiallie and in the highest degree fyles the person of a man both in bodie and soule which should be keeped in holinesse to God who made it The next part of this sanctification concernes our brother our neighbour that wee doe no wronge nor oppresse him by violence we circumvene him not by fraude and guile in businesse concerning this life but in all affaires we be as carefull he haue aduantage as we are that our selues haue aduantage When thou art onelie set to make vantage to thy selfe by thy own selfe loue that aduantage is wrong We heard the arguments the Apostle vses to moue them to this First the will of God If the will of God will not moue thee from harlotrie from doing euill vnto thy neighbour let the vengeance of God moue thee for that is the second argument and it shall ouertake thee in the end if thou continue therein Then he came to that holie and Christian calling that should moue vs to liue holie We are called to be holie let vs keepe therefore our owne person holie let vs be holie to our brother let vs be holie in our hand holie in our faculties Then he goes forward to another argument He that will not be holie when he is called by man he saies it is not with man he hes adoe but with God It is God that bids thee keepe thy bodie cleane from harlotrie thy hand from wrong Therefore thou disobeying thou disobeyes not man but God What is it to disobey me or him that speakes It is that great God that thou rebellest against and in that great day thou shalt be challenged as a rebell to that great God These argumentes are all set downe to this end to moue vs to holinesse Then at last in the end of the last verse he castes to an argument from the holie Spirite giuen vs by God to this end Getst thou the holie Spirit to play the harlote getst thou that holy Spirite that glorious gift the third person of the glorious Trinitie dwelling in thee as in a Temple to the effect thou shouldst commit filthinesse No as all things oblishes thee to be holie so especiallie the holie Spirite of God dwelling within thee crauing an holie Temple craues holinesse otherwayes with thy filthinesse thou shalt disludge him and anger him vntill at last he shall depart from thee and then that foull spirit of wickednesse shall possesse thee Nowe to come to the text In the first part thereof he goes forward to another particulare part of this sanctification which is brotherlie loue So the third part of this sanctification stands in brotherlie loue called beneficience and liberalitie to thy brother a grace and vertue crauing an open hand to bestow on the necessitie of thy brooher So when he hes exhorted not to doe wrong to thy neighbour not to oppresse him by violence or surprise him by deceite then he exhorts that thou be beneficiall to him liberall to him to support his want and necessitie Hee sayes then But as concerning brotherlie loue bountifulnes towards thy brother ye neede not that I vvrite vnto yo● The reason of it is What need haue I who am a man to be ouer diligent in teaching outwardlie when God is the inward teacher of you and when he teaches this point of doctrin in special to loue euerie one another Ther is the substance of the first words Now to obserue something on the wordes Ye see it is not eneugh not to do euil but true sanctification craues that we do good also De● 〈◊〉 from euill sayes Dauid in his 34. Psal vers 15. and doe good There are two things It is not eneugh not to do wrong to our neighbour or brother not to oppresse him not to beguile him but true holines craues that we benefite him we bestowe on him a goode deede we supplie his necessitie want and pouertie All the parts of this which we call sanctification holines of life that are as manie graces of God in Christ are so inseparablie linked together as the linkes of a chaine are one in another All the parts of sanctification link it together that if anie of them be a missing in anie person man or woman and be not in him in some measure I cannot saye that that person hes truelie anie
part of sanctification As for exemple Even this one grace of almous deeds of beneficence showing our liberalitie on them that haue need if this be not in some measure in anie man or woman Liberalitie if there be nothing in the person but gredines auarice and a closed hand who can say that that person hes anie true or solide grace of God If one of these vices raigne in thee as auarice raigning in the highest degree if thou be a slaue to it who can saye that anie true grace is in thy soule Thou mayest wel count thou hast this grace or that grace but I can not say that anie grace of that spirite raigne vvithin thy soule make no account that ther is anie grace within thee if any sinne raigne in thee without controlement Count not of thy abstenance thou wilt bee abstinent in mouth and then an auaritious man But look that euerie grace of God in some measure be within thee and that sanctification goe through thy vvhole soule and bodie Peter in his sec Epist 1. chap. linkes together all the graces of God amongst the rest he countes this brotherlie loue he linkes this linke among the rest to help faith for I assure thee faith will not stand it self alone Cast to sayes he to faith vertue to vertue science and so forth vntill ye come to this brotherlie loue Adde to thy brotherlie loue charitie and so forth vntill all graces be linked together Paul 2. Corinth chap. 8. verse 7. hes a speciall regarde to this grace showing our liberalitie to our poore brethren As ye abound in all thinges in faith knovvledge 〈◊〉 ●●oke sayes he that ye abound also in liberalitie and doing of almous deedes And as in all the graces of the holie Spirite in vs there is a resemblance of the Image of Christ So ospeciallie in this grace of beneficence Ye knovv sayes Paul ● Corinth chap 8. verse 9. the bountifulnesse of the Lord vvho vvhen he vvas 〈◊〉 vvas made poore for our sa●es that vve might be made riche in his pouertie Novv this is the grace that is heere recommended and novv I recommend it to you for if it was in any age craued now certainlie at this tyme thou hast more nor matter to shovve thy well doing and almous deedes to the poore Certainlie charitie vvas neuer so colde and mens handes vvere neuer so hard contracted and men vvere neuer nearer to themselues nor they are now The latter dayes are neare for the nearer the end of the world be we are the nearer our selues and the nearer our selues the farther from God The Apostle when he exhorts them to this grace he comes not on so plainlie but he vses an holy colour and kinde of simulation He exhorts them and yet he lets not on him he exhortes And as it vvere obscurelie and passing by he giues them a watch-ward and wakens them vp to be beneficiall To teach 〈◊〉 Ministers to be wyse in speaking to the people We should not leaue off to exhort any person in whom there is grace to do any duetie but yet we should doe it so discreetly that our exhortation 〈◊〉 not so much an exhortation as a commendation For the grace of God in any person shoulde not be misknown but known and reuerenced both for his sake that is gi●er and for his sake that hes gotten it both that God may be glorified in giuing him that grace and the person may be stirred vp to perseuere in that grace For it is an old prouerb Vertue being commended increasse Ioh. 1. Epist 2. 27. vses this same wisdom I need not saies he teach you the holy spirit hes taught you all thinges and in the mean time he is teaching them continually yet when he is teaching them he saies he needed not to teach thē So Paul when he is making a cōmendation of the grace in them he saies it is not needful to exhort you to the grace ye haue a better teacher nor I Teaching of the holy spirite God teaches you therfore I need not to teach you the Lord teaches you by working in your harts by his holy Spirit what needs me to teach you by my pen Brethren Ther are two sortes of teachers God and man Men teaches Philosophers in schooles teaches Ministers out of pulpets teaches many sorts of teachers If man be the onely teacher of grace and vertue to be embraced by the auditor and if Gods Spirit should not concur inwardly to instruct the soule and heart there would neuer be a good scholler in the schoole of christ none of you to the worlds end would get good by teaching It may be men teaching thee vvill informe thy minde and make thee to vnderstand vvhat is spoken but man can neuer teach the hart that is to embrace that is spoken no it will passe mans power to reforme the hart if the holy spirit moue thee not to embrace that which is spoken thou wilt neuer embrace it for all that man can say As for example I may stand vp and lay out before you this whole grace of liberalitie and beneficence and paint it out in all the colours thereof and make you vnderstand this whole vertue in all the parts But when it commes to the heart to be practised in your life and conuersation if the holy Spirit go not down to reforme the hart ye shall neuer be the better but the worse for the knowledge shal but serue to aggreadge your condemnation Then be neuer content with the voice of men but euer cry for the inward doctour the Spirit of God from Heauen And say Lord come with this word and teach my heart otherwaies all is but winde and shall be an aggreading of my condemnation at the last day It is thou Lord who is the onely inward teacher and therefore except thou teach me I shall not be taught So except that holie teacher be with vs in teaching all is but lost tyme. Now to come to the wordes What is this the Lord craues of them what teaches the Lord them that euerie one should loue another He teaches not onely loue but loue that meetes loue he will not teache thee onely to loue him but him to loue thee againe This is mutuall loue As he teaches thee to loue me so he teaches me to loue thee loue must be mutual Friendship standes not in the one side but friendship must be conjoyned to friendship There is no bond in that blessed bodie of Christ except there be a mutuall bond if I loue thee neuer so well if thou loue not me thou shalt neuer be in the bodie For as the rest of the members of Christ loues thee so thou must loue them againe or else thou hast no fellowship in the bodie Marke the order which the Apostle vses in teaching When he instructes men in any grace there are some fundamentall graces that are so called because they are the grounds of al graces to wit Faith Hope and Charitie
eate none It is the will of God that they who vvill not vvorke and may worke that they should die for hunger They who are strong and may get labour and will not vvorke there should be an inhibition laid on them not to eate and they who eate if they eate not the bread conquest with their owne labour their eating is cursed to them It is not permitted to a King to eate bread except he labour for it and surelie his labour is an heauie labour No for al the warrands Charters and securities which thou hast of thy lands be thou Earle or Lord or Barron except thou eate the labour of thy owne hands thou eatest not lawfullie but thy eating is accursed This Inhibition is not to beggers onelie but to the greatest dominators of the earth for it was injoined to Adam Thou shalt eate thy breade vvith the svveate of thy brovve and all Lords and great men were then in the loynes of Adam Goe keepe sheepe or nolt or digge dykes if it please God thou haue no other trade and be ay doing something Now Labour both honest and profitable in the end he addes two reasons to cause them labour the first for honestie the other for commoditie He is the honester man that will put to his hand to labour and will sit downe vvith gray bread conquest by his labour nor he who eates all delicates with idlenesse When thou hast laboured and win thy dinner then thou art an honest man idlenes is no honestier an idle bodie I cannot count him honest He that eates without labour set him at the table head he hes no honestie Now this honesty should be seene by them that are without euen the heathen Brethren we should be honest if it were no more but onely for our enemies cause for regard of our holy profession The Enemie the Pagane lookes vpon thee vvho art an idle body and labours not and sees nothing but a bellie and a denourer of the creatures of God and then will he not slander thy profession Therefore if it were but to saue this profession from the slanders of wicked men labour continuallie ere thou should be idle labour in any exercise Yea more nor this Labour is the moyen vvhere by the Lord hes ordained thee to win thy enemy vvhen he sees thee labour and win thy liuing vvith the sweat of thy browes and by the contrare thy idlenes holds others back vvho vvould embrace the Gospell Woe to them vvho are stumbling blocks to holde men back from Christ As for the profit the laborer gets I not will insist in it he who in his labor hes God before his eies labors not so much to win his liuing thereby as to glorifie God according to the command of the Apostle 1. Cor. 10. 31. Whither ye eate or drinke what euer ye doe doe all to the glorie of God he vvho vvorkes let him not worke as an Oxe or an Asse but to glorifie God He who in labour sets himselfe to glorifie God to be holie be it to 〈◊〉 pottes to hold the pleugh to dig dykes those men they shall neuer vvant the thing the Lord thinkes may suffice them at the least they shall haue co●●en●ment When they sit at dinner they shall haue greater contentation then they that are fed with most daintie dishes Therefore haue ay God before thy eyes labour ay to God and then thou shalt haue here in this life sufficient to serue thee and hereafter shalt haue heauenlie riches in aboundance Therefore stand not be not idle in thy calling but labor And how euer to God and his glorie and then thou shalt not want thou shalt haue plentie and sacietie of joy in that full sight of the countenance of Christ all this worlde will away Then blessed is that man who will set himselfe to serue God in his calling while he is heere for when this worlde goes away he shall obtaine that glorious kingdome that lastes for euer not by him selfe but onelie by Christ for in him onelie we and our labours are blessed And therefore to him with the Father and the holie Spirite be all praise for euer AMEN THE XVII LECTVRE VPON THE FIRST EPISTLE OF PAVL TO THE THESSALONIANS 1. THESSA CHAP. 4. vers 13. 14. 15. 13 I vvoulde not brethren haue you ignorant concerning them vvhich are a sleepe that ye sorrovv not as others vvhich haue no hope 14 For vve beleeue that Iesus is dead and is risen euen so them vvhich sleepe in Iesus vvill God bring vvith him 15 For this vvee say vnto you by the vvord of the Lord that vvee vvhich liue and are remayning in the comming of the Lord shall not preuent them vvhich sleepe THese Thessalonians brethen to vvhom the Apostle writes they were not altogether ignorant of the estate of them vvho departed this life No question they vnderstoode and knew the resurrection of the dead for not knowinge that vvhat could they know of Christianitie Yet as appeares of this place by the Apostle it was not a setled knowledge in the heart they had they knevv no so as they shoulde haue done the resurrection of the bodie And therefore when their friends whom they loued wel departed their dolour was excessiue When they saw the godlie who professed in the beginning drawne to torments martyred and execute they tooke displeasure out of measure euen as if they who departed this life had perished altogether and shold neuer haue bene more The Apostle vnderstanding this among other things he writes to them he casts in this doctrine of the estate of them that are departed to the end they should leaue off that excessiue sorrow and lamentation and not lament as the Gentiles who were vvithout hope Then to come shortly to the wordes and purpose of the Apostle He settes downe this proposition I vvould not brethren haue you ignorant concerning them vvhich are a sleepe the end wherefore he would not haue them ignorant is that they sorrovv not as others vvho hes no hope Now concerning the estate of those that are departed he instructs them in sundry heads of it First he telles them that they are but a sleep that is now their present estate in graue Then he teaches them what shall follow the rising again when that they haue sleeped a time as one after sleep awakes so shal they awake Next he instructes them of the honor they shall haue in the resurrection vvhen they shall meete the Lord of glorie Suppose they be dead first they shal not be last in meetting the Lord yea they who shall be aliue at that day shall not be first but they who are departed shall be in the first rank to meete the Lord in the clouds Of this he taks occasion to speak of the Lords comming of the glory thereof to this end that euery one in thinking vpon these things shold receiue comfort Ther is the summe of this doctrine I vvoulde not haue you brethren ignorant as
to God If thy conjunction be not with Iesus in this lyfe the power of God in the latter day shall not raise thee to joyne thee to God Take this first cause away the second shall not follow Then againe if the hand of God at the day of the resurrection should not be put as it were out of Heauen to take vp thy bodie thou wouldst ly still Therfore joyne these two First the conjunction with Christ that is by Faith then joyne with Faith the power and vertue of God and so ryse shalt thou and be joyned with God in glorie Now as to the power of God to raise vs it is not extended to vs heere but we shall see it in that great day but the thing vve haue to care for is to looke that we haue saith and of necessitie the second must follow Hast thou faith and art thou joyned with Christ by Faith of necessitie the power of God must reache to thee to raise thee out of the graue Thou needest not to feare if thou be found in Christ All mercie power and glorie is in him if thou be out with Christ no glorie nor mercie but damnation for thee for the power of God shall be extended to thy destruction Now to the next verse Yet he goes forward and teaches them that not onely they shall rise and be broght to God and be joyned with him But he sayes This say vve vnto you by the vvord of God that vve vvho liue and are remaning at the comming of the Lord shall not preueene them vvho sleep He speakes heere of himselfe as thogh he should haue bene liuing at the day of judgement and yet he died more nor a thousand yeere since To teach vs euer to be in readinesse no houre nor moment should be but we should look for the cōming of Christ and think we shall be liuing whē he commes This is our vain thoght we think we shal die before the day of judgment No Paul spok not so we should not speak so but be ay ready to meet the Lord at his glorious appearance Now the third head wherein he instructed them is the order and ranke of men that shall meete the Lord in the cloudes All that judgement shall passe by order The God of order shall be judge Order in meeting the Lord after resurrectiō and all shall be in order and men shall be in ranke they who shall be raised vp from this earth to meete the Lord shall haue their own place and ranke Now the Apostle would teach them that they shal haue this order They who hes departed first this lyfe shall not be preuented they vvho shall be aliue shall not be put in the ranke before them but they who are dead shall be in the first ranke and order and ere euer that sodain change be made of them vvho shall be found alyue changing them from mortalitie to immortalitie vvhich change shall be in the twinckling of an eye the dead in the graue shall be raised vp first by the power of God their bodies shal be first glorified and then shall come on that sodain change of them who shall be aliue then all shal be rest vp to the clouds first they that were dead next they that were changed and so we shall come all to meete our head Christ This is the order Now to be short This same verie speaking of the Apostle and his instructing of them in this preferment teaches vs that there should be in vs such a desire to meete with Christ that we should striue who shal meet with him first striue to be first and not to be last cast vs to haue a parte of this preferment and considering this preferment is promised to them vvho dies first it should make vs joyfull to die first and to say to them vvho are standing about vs vvhen vve are on death-bed I vvill get a preferment I am called to death first before you I shall be preferred to you in meetting vvith my Lord in Heauen Ye shall liue after me but I shall meete first vvith my Lord. O vvhat it is to get preferment in heauenlie glorie Ye vvill count of preferment vvith Kinges of this earth and men vvill striue vvho shall first meete vvith the King O then should vve not striue to meete vvith the King of Kings in Heauen The Lord grant vs faith that we may be joined with Christ in this bodie that at that last day soule and bodie may be glorified in Heauen vvith Christ our Head To vvhom with the Father and the holy Spirite be all glory and praise for euer AMEN THE XVIII LECTVRE VPON THE FIRST EPISTLE OF PAVL TO THE THESSALONIANS 1. THESSA CHAP. 4. vers 16. 17. 18. 16 For the Lord himselfe shall descend from heauen vvith a shout and vvith the voyce of the Archangell and vvith the trumpet of God and the dead in Christ shall rise againe Then shall vve vvhich liue and remaine be caught vp vvith them also in the cloudes to meete the Lord in the aire and so shall vve euer be vvith the Lord. 18 Wherefore comfort your selues one another vvith these vvords THE Apostle brethren in this present text by the way as it were instructs the Thessalonians in that head of doctrine that concernes those who are departed this lyfe Of the which either they were ignorant or thought not of it as they should haue done And therefore in the death and departure of their kins-folke and friendes whom they loued well they mourned excessiuely as though there estate had beene miserable as though after this world there should haue been no more of them but they should perish like beasts And therfore the Apostle to the end that for death they shold not mourne so desperatlie he instructs them in certaine heades of doctrine concerning the departed The first was that they that died died not so much as sleeped this death is not so much to be called a death as a sleepe for there shall be a waking againe as a man lying down to sleepe shall awake againe The second point Their resurrection shall be glorious Being laid down in the graue they shall not ly for euer but shall be gloriouslie raised againe for heere he speakes of the resurrection of the elect and chosen Now the third thing he instructs them in is an peece of honour they shall haue in their resurrection They that are dead first shall see the Lord before them that shall be found aliue for the dead shall ryse first and then the change shall be made of them who are then liuing And as the dead shall rise first so they shall be first in ranke among them who shall goe to meete the Lord in the aire first the dead after their resurrection shall be rest vp to the cloudes then they who shall be liuing shall be rest vp after them So the dead shall get the first sight of Christ then they who shall be found alyue shall be
These shall be the signes that shall be joined inseparablie with Christs comming The signe of Christ In the meane tyme he shall come down when all the world shall be on a fire And this is called by Matthevv 24 verse 30. the signe of Christ the signe that shall be conjoined with his comming Reade of this whole matter in this 24. chap. of Matthevv verse 30. 2. Epist of Pet. chap. 3. verse 10. 12. Reuelat chap. 20. verse 11. and chap. 21. verse 1. Then brethren if there was such a commotion in the heart of men in the first signes that past before what commotion shall there be in the harts of men when they shall see the whole world on fire A wondrous thing When all this consumption shall be no body shall be burnt but the power of the judge shall reserue the bodies to the judgement that is to follow immediatlie Peter when he hes tolde of these signes saies If such a dissolution of the world be what maner of men should we be how should we studie to prepare vs to meete the Lord So on that great day all these thinges shall not make the godly to shrinke but they shall ay prease forward to meete the Lord in the cloudes As to the reprobate ô that horrour and terrible feare that shall ouertake them at his comming Now this for the two sorts of signes The first going before his comming the second joined inseparably with his comming down to judge the world Now shortly to speake of Christs owne comming And this is it which the Apostle speakes of in this place Which for our vnderstanding I shall gather out of this and sundry other places of the Scripture Christes cōming Now as for the comming of the judge he shall not come from the Sea from the Earth from the Plane Wherefrom commes all the Kings of the earth when they are in their triumph The Romane Emperours came out from the Capitoll in their Chariots But the King of Kinges shall come from the Heauen of Heauens abone all these heauens that we see from the highest place The maner of his comming is sodaine These signes that I spake of shall come on a sodaintie and yet there shall be a processe of tyme in doing thereof He shall come on a sodaine as the deluge of Noah did as the 24 chap. Matt verse 37. telles The people knew not of the deludge that ouerwhelmed them vntill it came No more shall this miserable world know Christes comming vntill he come sodainlie And therefore considering this in the Scripture the Lord giues a watch-word to his Disciples Many hundreth yeeres are past since and repeate it heere he saies Matt. 24. 42. Watch for ye knovv not vvhen the Lord shall come The sodaintie vncertainty of his comming shoulde make vs euer readie to looke for it The Chariot he shall be caried in is the cloudes of the aire As in his ascending the cloudes resaued him from our sight so shall the cloudes resaue him at his comming Such a Chariot got neuer Emperour in all his highest triumph none of them was caried in the clouds The company that shall conuoy him he shal come saies Matt. chap. 24. verse 30. with the Angels and a flame of fire that fyre that shall burne vp the world and shall burne vp the reprobate in the owne tyme. 2. Thess 1. 7. 8. Iude sayes verse 14. He shall come with millions of Angels there shall not be an Angell but all shall come in that conuoye to let all the worlde see that all the Angels are but seruants to that Lord and seruantes standing about him to obey his vvill vvhat hee commandes that his glorie and Majestie may be seene In the meane-tyme he hes no neede of them for they neyther can adde to his glorie nor diminish it yet it hes pleased him so to vtter his glorie to the vvorld And in that meane-tyme when he is comming he will not come in silence Ye see when an Armie marches forward there is a great noyse and crying shouting and blovving of trumpets So there shall bee a noyse in the Lords comming dovvne The Angels of Heauen shall blovve the trumpets So he speakes Matth. 24. verse 31. Paul in this place sayes there shall ryse a sound The worde in this place is a vvorde of exhortation 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 borrovved from that sound vvhich the Mariners vses to others euerie one to moue others to rovv A shout direct to the dead that lyes in the graue it shall pearce through the graue and eares of the dead and shall waken them vp With the shout shall be conjoyned the voice of the Archangell and with the voyce of the Archangell the sound of the trumpet of God and this shall be the last trumpet and neuer shall the voyce of the trumpet be heard againe and it shall be the sh●●llest trumpet that euer was heard Now when the Lord in his comming downe shall come to the place where he is ordained to sit to judge the worlde which shall be in the cloudes Then all the Angels shall showe their presence and the Angels shall make a glorious Throne to the Lord of glorie and there he shall sit This much shortlie for the comming and appearing I shall be short in this matter For I will speake nothing but make a narration of it out of other parts of Scripture Would ye vnderstand the effectes that followes on his comming Effectes follovving Christs cōming Certainlie notable effectes must followe on it The Lord prepare vs for it The Father shall be there the Sonne shall be there cōming the holie Spirite shall be there vvith all their power and all their Majestie The glorie of the Father neuer appeared so glorious as it shall appeare that day The glorie of the Sonne neuer appeared so glorious as it shall appeare that day The glorie of the holie Spirit neuer appeared so glorious as it shall appeare that day Ye see in the Parliament the Kings of the earth appears in their greatest glory to the people so the Lord of the world shall appeare with an infinite and vncapable sight of glorie Now to come to the effects that shall follow on his comming Assēbly The first effect There shall be an assemblie a conuention the fairest conuention that euer was since the world stoode There are none that euer tooke lyfe but all shall bee there all shall be sommonded with the shout of the trumpetuall shall compeare no excuse the graue shall not excuse death shal not excuse dead and liuing neuer man nor woman excepted all shall be there So the first effect that shal follow the comming of the Iudge shall be a conuention of the whole world elect reprobate dead and liuing And I shall tell you after what order it wil be by the Scripture The first that shall come there to the conuention shall be they who were dead they shall preueene them who were alyue And Adam and
day be not in vaine wordes Heauen and lyfe euerlasting is not in wordes but looke that it be fectfull in the heart and that of the aboundance of the heart the mouth speake Before thou speake feele it in thy heart and then speake So sayes Paul 2. Cor. chap. 4. verse 13. I beleeue I shall ryse and therefore I speake to you And Dauid sayes I beleeue and therefore I spake Psal 116. 10. And say I pray God that I beleeue all these thinges that I speake to you The Lord giue euerie one of vs grace that we may beleeue all these thinges of Christes comming and of the glorious resurrection For vvithout Faith and Hope of these thinges no comfort no lyfe The Lord giue vs Faith and Hope vntill he bring vs to the full sight and fruition of these thinges throgh Christ To whom with the Father and the holie Spirite be all honour and praise for euer and euer AMEN THE XIX LECTVRE VPON THE FIRST EPISTLE OF PAVL TO THE THESSALONIANS 1. THESSA CHAP. 5. vers 1. 2. 3. 1 But of the tymes and seasons brethren ye haue no neede that I vvrite vnto you 2 For ye your selues knovve perfectly that the day of the Lord shall come euen as a thiefe in the night 3 For vvhen they shall say Peace and safetie then shall come vpon them sudden destruction as the trauaile vpon a vvoman vvith childe and they shall not escape IN the text immediatlie going before ye haue heard brethren of the comming of the Lord Iesus the Iudge of the world in that day appointed to judge the quicke and the dead Of the resurrection of the dead especially of the chosen that shal be dead before that day of the changing of them that shall be found liuing that day by vertue of the resurrection of Christ and of the lyfe glorie and joy that they shall enjoy after they are rest vp in the clouds They shall be with him for euer Now to come to this text we haue in hand The Thessalonians hearing and vnderstanding that the Lord will come from heauen Iesus will come and judge the world might haue moued the question to the Apostle about the tyme of his comming when he will come what yeer what day what houre what time generally shall we looke for him The Apostle meetes this and answers It is not needfull brethrer that I vvrit vnto you of the times and seasons for ye yourselues knovv perfectly that the comming of the Lord shall be as a th●efe in the night And therefore why should I goe calculat dayes and yeeres to you seeing that the Lord shall come at vnwares and on a suddainty the world shal not wit vntil he come And he proues this in the next verse from the effect of his comming They who shall be found in a deadlie securitie sleeping they shall be striken sodainly For vvhen they shall say Peace and safetie then shall come vpon them sodaine destruction as the trauaile vpon a vvoman vvith chylde and they shall not escape And vpon that followes an exhortation to vigilance Now to come to the words of the text I need not vvrit to you saies the Apostle concerning times and seasons It is not needfull would he say it is not expedient it is not profitable to you yea more it pertaines not to you to know it As the Lord saies Act. 1. 7. when the Disciples a litle before his ascension was curious to know the times he saies It is not expedient to you to knovv the tymes and the seasons the Lord hes in his 〈◊〉 By times is meant all times lesse or more whether it be the time of an houre a day a weeke yeere or any greater tyme. It pertaines not to you to knowe anie tyme of Christes comming yea to knowe in what age of the worlde let be the moneth weeke yeere or day it shall be It pertaines not to you to knowe any definite or certaine tyme. The next word is 〈…〉 It meanes a more strait and particular tyme when things commes to passe according to the Lords preseryued tyme in his counsell the artickle of tyme God hes appointed to it There is nothing the Lord hes appointed but it shall f●ll out in that same moment and artickle of tyme. Now would ye know what meanes these seasons I vnderstand by them the morning noon-tide euening In the 1. chap. Act. It is not for you saies Christ to knovv tymes and seasons vvhich the Lord ●es put in his ovvn povvers Ye should not know the time of his comming whether he come in the morning euen tyde midnight or cock-●●●w So the answere the Apostle makes is ye should not be curious about the time of Christs comming asking for daies weeks months yeers it is not for you to know this Now to marke something for I vvill not goe deeplie in this matter We learne of the text immediatly going before There is nothing vnder the Sunne more sure not this that Christ vvill come Certainty of Christs comming This is a thing that euerie one of vs is bound to knowe that Christ will come and sit in judgement and put an end to all thinges in this worlde And this is an artickle of our Creed From thence he vvill come to iudge the quick and the dead If thou beleeue not that Artickle howbeit thou beleeue all the rest of the Artickles thy faith is nothing Then the second thing I marke of this is the curiositie of the Thessalonians This curiositie hes beene in all ages that when any man heard tell that the Lord Iesus is to come againe and to judge the world and to put an end to all thinges in all ages there hes risen vp men curious to vnderstand the tyme and to searche when he shall come The Apostles begouth this Curiositie in searching the tyme of Christes comming repressed for immediatlie before the ascension of our Lord they vttered this curiositie asking the tymes and seasons of his comming againe But incontinent their curiositie is snibbed and repressed by the Lord Act. 1. 7. From that tyme men hes neuer left off to be curious of these tymes and seasons Men hes beene curious to lay an account if Christes comming shall be in this yeere in this age yea men in our age hes done this but all is vanitie Now thirdly I note on Pauls part and his answere to them Men should not search in curiouslie anent the tyme of Christes comming Men should not seeke the moneth day yeere nor age that perteines not to them There is great difference betweene the first comming of Christ and his second comming As to the first comming it was the will of the Lord that the tyme of his comming should be knowne to the world And therefore he reuealed the yeere of his comming to the olde Prophetes As ye may see 9 Daniell And as Peter telles 1. Epist chap. 1. verse 10. They searched in to the very tyme of this comming and they did nothing
all the Lords hand will draw thee out be where thou wilt be It is true at that latter day before Christes comming some will runne to one hole some to another hole some will cry Hilles couer vs from the vvraith of the Lambe Shall the hilles couer them No no the Hilles shall present them to the judge all the creatures shall serue that God and search them out The watter shall spew them out the verie fyre shall present them to that Iudge No escaping from the sight of that Iudge Then ye haue the suddentie of this judgement the eternitie of it and paine of it Let all these holde vs in awe Paul sayes Knovving the terrour of the Lord I trauell to be faithfull in my calling I exhort men 1. Corint chap. 5. verse 11. So let vs thinke on all these thinges and set our selues to serue God in this lyfe that we may be fred of paine for euer The Lord graunt vs grace to doe so for Christes sake To whom with the Father and the holy Spirite be all honour and praise for euer Amen THE XX. LECTVRE VPON THE FIRST EPISTLE OF PAVL TO THE THESSALONIANS 1. THESSA CHAP. 5. vers 4. 5. 6. 7. 4 But ye brethren are not in darknesse that that day should come on you as it were a thiefe 5 Ye are all the children of light and the children of the day vve are not of the night neither of darknesse 9 Therfore let vs not sleep as do other but let vs vvatch be sober 7 For they that sleepe sleepe in the night and they that be drunkē are drunken in the night BRETHREN ye heard that it was a thing most sure and certaine that the Lord Iesus will come againe to judge the quicke and the dead ye heard againe in the beginning of this chapter the vncertaintie of the day and houre of his comming vvhat age he shall come in vvhat yeere he shall come vvhat month what day vvhat houre vvhether in the morning noone-tyde midnight cockcrow c. No man knowes neither is it reuealed neither is it a thing to be knowne it is not for our well to knowe it but for our wel to be ignorant of it for if we knew it it would ingender a securitie in vs the ignorance of it is or at the least shold be an occasion to vs of waking and preparation of vs for it makes vs ready at what time soeuer he shall come to meete him Alwaies when he shall come to the vngodly there shall be a destruction Iudgement shall suddenly ouertake a great nomber of men and wemen that shall be found alyue at his comming especiallie these who shall be glorying in the face of the world saying all is well shall be suddenly striken as the dolor commes on a woman with chylde and they shall not escape Now to leaue all thinges taught before and to come to this present matter I haue read The Thessalonians to whom the Apostle writes hearing that at Christes comming there shall be a sudden destruction might haue consaued a feare as no doubt some of them did they might haue thought that that sudden destruction should haue ouertaken them at the comming of Christ The Apostle meetes this feare with a comfort and he sayes to them who were turned who were translated from darknesse to light Brethren vsing an homely style Ye are not in darknesse the sudden destruction shall ouertake them onely who at the comming of Christ shall be found in darknesse lying in blindnesse not knowing Christ but as for you brethren that day shal not come on you as a thief that sudden destruction shall not light on you Indeede it is true it shall come on you at vnawares but it is as true albeit it be vnawares yet it shall not destroy you The reason is because ye are not in darknesse ye are translated out of that darknesse ye were before into to light to the light of Heauen and so ye shall be found waking when the Lord shall come and so ye ye shall escape that destruction that shall ouertake them who shall be found sleeping in grosse ignorance at that day This is the meaning shortlie of the Apostle in this place Now to marke something Learne heere first when the judgementes of God are threatned when mention is made of that latter judgement and of that sudden destruction that shall be at Christes comming Who are they that feares and trimbles vvho are they that are striken vvith feare and terrour It is not the wicked of the world that is lying in darknesse in the ignorance of God and of Christ that is feared for any threatning of a judgement Threaten on a yeere the wicked who is indured in heart will neuer be striken with feare The vvicked mocks the iudgment of God tell him of judgement the judgement shall neuer moue him a whit● albeit it pertaine to him Speake to him of the sudden destruction that shall be at Christs comming in the world tell him there shall be a day of count and albeit he seeme in the mouth to acknowledge it yet he shall scorne it in his heart Reade the second Epistle of Peter chap. 3. verse 4. There the mocker is brought in saying Where is the promise of his comming for since the Fathers died all thinges continue alyke from the beginning of of the creation Christ indeede shall come to judge the quicke and the dead there shall be a generall judgement and a count and reckoning for all our actiones and vvorkes done in this world good and euill and a sudden destruction of the world yet tell the mocker of these thinges he shall scorne them all and he will thinke all are but vaine fectlesse threatninges Yea not onely will the wicked contenine all the threatning of judgment but also the verie judgement it selfe that is lighted on him except it be all the heauier he will contemne it Read Fsay 9. 10. They say sayes he in the pryde of their heart it is but bricke and clay houses that are casten dovvn to vs when the judgement commes on them but vve shall build vp again houses of stone Se the contēpt of the judgement of God So except the judgement be the heauier they shall contemne it and scorne God in his face Experience telles this The Earle the Lord c. wil say when his house is casten down in the just judgement of God What matter that this house be casten down I shall builde vp one farre better but the Lord may make that new house fall about thy eares So the world will neuer know the judgements of God vntil the judgement light on them to their destruction Well then if the wicked fear not the judgments of God then who feares the godly they whom to the judgment of God pertains not The godly feare gods iudgmēts And I dar say in Edinburgh the godliest is euer most feared for Gods judgments The Lord is terrible when he commes in judgment Paul
let vs comforte our selues vvith thinking on the joy that we shall haue when we shall be in the Heauens with our Lord and Sauiour Now to marke the words He saies that vve should liue vvith him Looke the nature of the life that we get in the death of Iesus It is a life that we liue with Christ not a lyfe that we liue from him there cannot be a spirituall lyfe from him Death will not serue to lyfe if thou be from him but thou must be with him Thou must not onely liue with him as a man will liue with an house and family but thou must liue in him As by comparison the arme liues with the head so thou must liue with Christ Ye see the conjunction naturall that is between the head and the members that same conjunction must be betweene thee and the Lord Iesus If thou liue with him thou must liue as a member he must be thy head and thou must be a leg an arme or some part of the bodie Well is that soule that is any parte of the bodie of Christ Therefore draw euer nearer and nearer vnto him vntill thou be fully conjoyned with him we haue no lyfe except we be ingraft in him as the imp is ingraft in the tree and so prease euer to grow in that conjunction Look how thou was joined in him yesterday say Lord make a nearer conjunction this day and to morrowe say worke yet a nearer conjunction that I may draw nearer my head But brethren this full conjunction cannot be vntill we see him face to face we are far of now but we shall be with him we are from him now for a lytle space but then we shall be with him for euer and then in that great day thy blessednesse both in bodie and soule shall be perfited we shall be with him and stand for euer in that full conjunction with out head Christ in whom is all blessednesse To whom with the Father and the holie Spirite be all honour and praise for now and euer AMEN THE XXII LECTVRE VPON THE FIRST EPISTLE OF PAVL TO THE THESSALONIANS 1. THESSA CHAP. 5. vers 11. 12. 13. 11 Wherefore exhort one another and edifie one another euen as ye doe 12 Novv vve beseech you brethren that ye knovve them vvhich labour among you and are ouer you in the Lord and admonish you 13 That ye haue them in singular loue for their vvorks sake Be at peace among your selues IN the last exhortatation brethren the Apostle stirred vp the Thessalonians to be good souldiours and warriours vnder the banner of the Lord Iesus Christ In a warriour we shew you there are three things specially requyred First vigilance and wakrifnesse Secondlie sobriety and temperance And last of all that he be in his armour with his Helmet on his head and his brestplate on his brest and all the rest of his armour on For albeit he be waking and sober yet if he be naked the enemie will ouercome him So it is in the Christian warriour the same three thinges after a maner are requisite First he must be wakrife in soule Secondly temperate in soule hauing a soule not drunken with these earthlie thinges which drawes our whole heart and faculties away from God So that they who are full thereof are laid vp as it wer in a dead sleepe And last it is requisite that he be clad with his armour his owne Helmet which is Hope his owne brest-plate which is faith and loue take away hope faith and loue he is but a naked man in the world and shall soone be destroied if he be not clad with faith and loue in his brest and with hope in his head he will not be able to gainstand Followes now in the text ye haue heard another exhortation and it is to vse these meanes whereby we may continue in wakrifnesse in continuall sobriety and spirituall armour enarmed against the enemy There are the wordes of the exhortation Wherefore As he would say Seeing we must be wakrife sober and enarmed in the Christian warfare therefore I exhort you to get the meanes whereby these thinges are keeped The means are Exhort one another euen as ye doe alreadie So my exhortation is that ye continue to the end It is not eneugh to begin except ye continue to the end Now there are the meanes Then brethren this lesson offers the selfe to vs The meanes not to sleepe in the soule but to be wakrife not to be drunken but to be temperate not to be naked but to be clad with spirituall armour is instant exhortation Stir vp men and wemen by exhorting in edifying in an instant building vp and confirming them in the doctrine and knowledge that they haue once receiued This worke of building will not be done in one day or two dayes or twentie dayes but this building of the soule of men and wemen building them vp in that spirituall building must be raised vp higher nor euer Babell was yea it must rise to the Heauen of Heauens and to the head Iesus who sittes aboue all Heauens This building must be instant In one word The means to hold men waking and sober and temperate in the spirituall warfare and to holde this armour on them is instant exhortation Take me away the voice of exhortation take away building in the doctrine ye haue receiued and edifying therein in stead of wakrifenesse there shall come on you a dead slumber in stead of sobriety and spirituall temperance thou shalt be drunken in stead of armour nothing but nakednesse and ye shall be a pray to the Deuill this world and your owne cankerd nature assay it when ye will So then brethren in one word See the necessitie men hes of instant exhorting and edifying not for one day or two yea if thou shouldst liue Methusalems dayes the voice of exhortation should neuer goe out of thy eare For there are a thousand thinges to draw vs downe to cause vs sleepe vntill we die in sleeping many thinges to make thee drunken to ly dovvne lyke a drunken bodie vvithout sense of the lyfe to come Many thinges to denude thee of armour to set thee vp naked to the eneme Would to God this world wold consider the necessity of instant and continuall exhortation to moue them forwarde in the course of godlinesse Marke next Who is this that should exhort Who is this that should edifie who should hold men waking in Spirit hold them in sobriety and hold on their armour by exhortation and edifying who should doe it He sayes not the Pastor ye haue Ministers let them doe it it is their office It is true indeed they haue a speciall calling for that effect and are placed in the Church to hold you wakrife to cry in your eare vntill ye waken againe to exhort and edify continually to build vp that spiritual building and to build men and wemen vp as liuely stones in that spiritual building Therefore in the first Epistle to
saue him he slayes him as it were with his owne hand This is thought hard dealing fleshe and bloude would wonder at this dealing and yet is the Lords will Men sayes commonlie he hes done me a wrong I will doe him no euill but as for my good he shall get none of it I will neither be friend nor foe to him Then he thinkes he hes done eneugh Christ telles thee heere If the man inlacks or if he be hurt through the holding back of thy good deed if it might haue helped him thou art the doer of it Alas why flatters thou thy selfe I tell thee albeit thou doe him no euill with thy hand if thou beare malice in thy hart thou art a murtherer and shall be challenged for a murtherer in that great day Degrees of patiēce in bearing vvrongs Brethren there are two degrees of patience in bearing with injuries The first degree of patience is not to doe euill for euill The second and higher degree is to doe good for euill if thou would haue perfite patience go vp these two steps do not only no euill to thy enemie but doe him good striue euer to a further perfection thy strife in this life shall be crowned with victorie in that life to come They who striues not to perfection in this earth shall neuer be perfite in the life to come Well is him that can striue to perfection albeit he come not to it heere he shall obtaine it heereafter Doe good saies he How long euer There is no word heere in vaine doe good to thy enemie euer on so long as thou hast an hand Galat. 6. chap. 9. vers he speakes this matter more planely let vs not wearie in doing good and he addes to the promise we shall reape the frute of our good deeds in our owne tyme if we long not but goe forward ay to the end This language is borrowed from the laboring of the husbandman He will till the land and goe forward and then cast the seede in the land but if he begin then to thinke he hes done eneugh alreadie and let the land be vnharrowed or when the corne commes vp he doe not weed it how shall the frute prosper shall he haue a great haruest if he harrow it not the foules shall gather it vp the weather shall wash it away and at haruest he shall get little of it to reape So it is with vs if we begin to do good and continue in well doing for a little space and then begin to close our hand and our purse and thinke we haue done eneugh Alas when it commes to the haruest tyme in that great day of the Lord there will be no shearing nor reaping to life euerlasting except by perseuerance we continue to the end no frute of our labours He that striues not continuallie he shall not ouer come therefore let vs euer perseuere while we liue and then when our haruest and reaping commes we shall haue a faire barn-yarde Blessed is that man that can perseuere Then hee saies in that 6. chap. to the Galath While wee haue tyme let vs ay doe good and he makes two rankes of them to whom we should doe good First to the familie of faith and then to all maner of men This tyme would be well marked For there is a season of all things a season of tilling a season of sawing and a season of reaping The season of sawing in the spring-tyme If thou saw not in that season thou shalt not reape frute in Haruest So it is in spirituall things in this life is the time of polwing sawing and harrowing The life to come is the time of reaping and reaping the frute of our labours Lose thou the tyme of thy sawing harrowing here thou wilt neuer get it againe and when thou commest to the season of reaping thou shalt not finde frute Alas I haue sene great men when they haue bene on death-bed and found death to be at hand wold say I haue abused my time Lord if I had my tyme againe I should spend it better nor I haue done Alwaies many neuer gets this repentance And well are they who hes repentance for the tyme that is mispent but where one gets this grace twentie gets it not Now all tends to this to go forward in well doing while that we meete our head Christ saw harrow and go forward vntill the tyme of our Haruest and reaping for if thou he sluggish here and saw not thou shalt not reape hereafter Now to whom should they do good To your selues First euerie one to other first to them whom he calles the family of faith Gallat chap. 6. verse 10. He that would showe a good deed let him begin at Christians for we are all of one familie euen of the familie of Christ I assure thee that name Christian bindes thee to show a good deed to them that caries it It is a sweete name I tell the more albeit that bodie be thy enemie yet that name of Christian in him bindes thee to loue and helpe him and do good for euill to him It is no small obligation binding euerie man to do good Then he ads to and sayes doe good to all men To Christian to no Christian to Iew Gentile Turke Pagane what euer he be Marke this The Lord requyres that this beneficence and liberalitie to men and wemen be extended to all men in the whole corners of the earth beare they the name of men and wemen thy liberalitie should ay extend to them Looke what reasons Paul Rom 12. 20. vers giues in recommending the same well doing to our enemies He saies If thy enemie thirst giue him drinke if he hunger giue him meate Giue him not it bitterly with the buffet but giue him it with chearefulnesse and pray the Lord to mend him the reason is For in so doing thou shalt heape coales on his head For if he repent not for all thy doing good to him the meate and drinke thou giuest him shall be as many firy coales on his head Another reason Be not ouercome vvith euill but ouercome euill vvith good He wins the better that suffers the wrong and renders good for euill for at last he shall be crowned with glory The Lord bring vs to this glorie for Christs sake To whom with the Father and holy Spirit be all honour and glorie for euer AMEN THE XXIV LECTVRE VPON THE FIRST EPISTLE OF PAVL TO THE THESSALONIANS 1. THESSA CHAP. 5. vers 16. 17. 16 Reioyce euermore 17 Pray continuallie THERE are three precepts heere brethren which the Apostle joines together The first is the precept of patience in suffering wrong and not rendering euill for euill but doing good for euill Of this we heard the last day There is next the precept of joy and peace of conscience in the first wordes we haue presentlie red Last there is the precept of prayer seeking to God and thanking God for the benefites resaued in the next
part of the text The Apostle Paul not onely in this place joines these three together but also in the 4. chap. to the Philipp ye shall finde the same three precepts joined together howbeit not in this order he beginnes there Patience ioye and praier ioined together at joy and he sayes reioice in the Lord alvvaies againe I say reioice then he commes to patience in suffering wrong let your patient minde let your moderation be knovvne 〈◊〉 all men for the Lord is at hand And last he commes to prayer and saies be not carefull for any thing but in all things let your requests be shovvne to God in prayer and thankes-giuing Then he commes to peace of conscience again and the peace of God vvhich passes all vnderstanding shall preserue your harts c. These three are joined together The precept of patience joy and prayer because these three graces of God patience joy and prayer are vnseparable euerie one of them joined vnseparably with another tak one away thou shalt not get the other tak praier away thou shalt not haue joy take joy away thou shalt not get patience in suffering So these three are so vnseparably lined together that if they be not altogether in the hart of a man none of them can be in the hart and if one be in the hart all shall be in it Howbeit patience be set down first here yet it is not the first grace praier is first joy next and then patience for praier first bringes joy then this heauenlie joy being broght forth and entertainde by praier it bringes patience in suffering troubles Now brethren what shal we mak of this ere we come to the words Only this the graces of God which are parts of our new-birth called Regeneration are so inseparably locked together that they cannot be seuered and therefore he that would haue any one of them let him seeke them al he that would haue patience let him seeke joy and he that would haue joy let him seeke praier let him seeke them altogether either seeke them all and get them all in some measure or it shall passe thy power to keepe any one of them either keepe all or want all this is their nature ye saw neuer a chaine so linked together as these graces of regeneration are linked It may be that a man haue the outward showe of a grace but indeed it shall passe his power to haue a true grace except he haue the whole graces of this new-birth in some measure Many will seeme to suffer wrong and yet they will not haue the joy of the holy Spirit but they that wants the joy of the Spirit albeit they seeme to suffer many wrongs yet they are but hypocrites Therefore seeke one seeke all want one want all either haue all or want all But to come to the text and speake of this joy Reioice sayes the Apostle euermore True rejoicing or joy is that joy that entertaines patience in suffering Goe to experience and try it There is none of vs that hes tasted of this heauenlie joy but we will finde by experience it raise vp the hart of man and woman aboue all these thinges earthlie in some measure It raises vp the hart to an higher kingdome nor all the kingdomes in this earth this heauenly joy raises vs vp to the kingdome of God This kingdome of God saies the Apostle Rom. chap 14. vers 17. Is peace and ioy in the holie Ghost So that they who hes this joy are in another kingdome as far aboue these earthly kingdomes as the heauen is aboue the earth and by this joy they are lifted vp to heauen and being vp there they look downe to all these things on the earth the troubles afflictions and persecutions as thogh they were nothing and thinkes them nothing joy being in the hart it swallowes vp the heauiest displeasure that can be looke this by experience A little measure of it in the hart will swalow vp sadnesse suffering of wrongs and injuries in this world This world is but a world of suffering In the 5. chapter of the Acts verse 41. ye see the Disciples of Christ after his ascension are drawen in before the Councell there they are scourged manassed and threatned that they should not speake in the name of Christ But what doe they when they are dimitted They go away with joy is there matter of joy heere they are beatten scourged and boasted yet they goe away with joy reioicing that they vvere counted vvorthi● to suffer for Christs sake Brethren if joy had not swallowed vp sadnesse the Apostles had not rejoyced Reade the Psalmes of Dauid He beginnes with such a sadnesse in many of them all that he would appeare to be in Hell and ere the Psalme be ended ye will see that he burstes out with exceeding great thankfulnes This meanes that there was a joy and an exceeding great heauines in the hart and there was a battell betwixt them and in the end joy got the victorie and swallowed vp sadnesse But now what is this joy that he meanes of when he saies Reioyce euermo● It is no other thing but that which he calles in the fourth chapter to the Philippians Description of ●oy The peace of God that passes all vnderstanding standing about the hart as a guard And to speake the trueth of this it is the end and crowne of all the graces of God in Iesus Christ it is that end whereto all the graces of God tends and when they come there they go no further Wherfore came Christ in the world but that we should haue peace and joy in conscience Wherefore died he that we should haue joy Wherefore rose he that we should haue joy in his resurrection Wherfore are we all called to be Christians that we shold rejoice Wherefore are our sins remitted onely to rejoyce This is the end of all joy What is Heauen but joy What is life euerlasting but joy vnspeakable What is glorie but joy Paul joynes these two together joy and the crowne of glorie 1. Thess chap. 2. vers 19. Therefore in one word what is true happines nothing but joy joy in God throgh Iesus Christ What is any thing vnder Heauen without joy in the hart If a man haue all the world and all the honour and riches of the world except he haue joy in them what auaill they So joy is the blessednesse of men and women And therefore when the Apostle bids vs rejoice euermore what craues he but that we should prease euer forward to our blessednes and Heauen begin thy blessednes here or thou shalt neuer get blessednes hereafter Life euerlasting begins here in a measure of joy that is not persite and ends in the next life in glory which shall be perfited Yet brethren the nature of joy would be better seene and knowen that men be not deceiued with it The joy that is craued of what kinde is it There are sundrie kindes of joy Is it a
fleshly and carnall joy 〈…〉 that will be in the mouthes of prophaine people be merie eat drinke Is that this joy no no. When Paul bids thee rejoyce he bids thee not passe the time like the Epïcurians Eate drinke and be merie The joy that he craues the nature thereof is not fleshly but it is cleane holie and spirituall To speake the trueth it is in the hart all joy is in the hart of a bodïe but it is not so much the joy that is of the naturall affection as it is the motion of the spirit of Christ within vs vsing the affectiones of our hart as a parte to reioyce in when he is dwelling in vs. When a man reioyces naturallie it is his heart that reioyces but this is another kinde of reioycing It is the Spirite of consolation that comforts the Spirite of Iesus that dwelles in the hart and wakens vp the affection aboue nature and makes it It is 〈◊〉 and 〈◊〉 that was naturall as supernaturall it cannot be so well tolde as felt Rom. chap. 8. verse 26. The Spirite of God requests for vs vvith sighes vnspeakable Then the Spirite sighes within the heart If the Spirite of God be within the heart the sighe will not be so much the sighe of the bodie as of the Spirite of God 〈◊〉 It is so with that spirituall ioy the ioy in the hart if will not be so much the ioy of the heart as the ioy of the Spirite of God a ioy vnspeakable No no tongue can tell the greatnesse of it And brethren if there vvere no more but this that it cannot be toulde it telles you the nature of it it is not a naturall ioy the naturall ioy can be all toulde the heart of man is comprehensible and the affectiones of the hart can be toulde but the joy of the Spirite of God is incomprehensible The joy of the Spirite of God in the heart of the poore sinner cannot be toulde by all the Angels of Heauen let be by the tongue of man For no man can re●● the infinitnesse of Gods Spirite Therefore put a difference betweene it and all other ioyes The property of this ioy is here expressed Properti● of this ioy It is continuall it lastes euermore it is continuall it alters not it is without interruption it is not broken off prosperitie will not breake it aduersitie vvill not breake it lyfe vvill not breake it death vvill not breake it it abydes in lyfe it abydes in death yea euen to the verie poynte of death vvhen it pleases the holie Spirite to vvorke it vvill be in a greater measure in his soule than nor it vvas in the life-tyme When we thinke the body should be heauiest and saddest then it is most joyfull This earthly joy is soone broken off he is now in joy in the twinkling of an eie it shall be broken off this houre glade the next houre wo. Balthazar was a mery man when he was prophaning the vessels of the Lord and banketting in the meane tyme of his merinesse came the hand writting vpon the wall and then he beginnes to shake and his countenance is changed with shuddering and shaking 〈…〉 Ye heard in this same chapter when the wicked saies Peace all things are sure then a sudden destruction ouertakes them So this worldly joy is ay interrupted it is ay turned in sorrow if thou be content with a worldly joy proceeding of a worldly thing if it were all the kingdomes of the earth thy joy shall be turned in a weeping for euer but the spirituall joy is continuall without interruption Then if this be the nature of it it is spirituall it is cleane and pure heauenly not rude fleshly nor earthly If this be the property of it Matter of spirituall ioy it continues ay for this propertie must follow on the nature of it a spirituall thing must euer abide What can be the matter of it there must be some cause of this joy No joy but there must be some cause and matter that moues it Then what is the matter of it There are two sorts of things in the world that wakens vp joy in the heart of man The first is earthly things ye know the things worldlie honor riches they waken vp joy in the hart Another sort is called spritual heuenly clean There is no other but these two either things heuenly or earthlie to cause men to rejoyce Then are these earthly things the matter of this spirituall joy he speaks of Examine the nature of it it is spirituall it is the joy of Christ Will these worldly things if there be no further consideration of them cause the Spirit of Christ rejoyce within thee Will a kingdome make Christes Spirit within the hart of a man to rejoyce if there be nothing more but as it is a worldly kingdome No I say they will not be the matter of this joy looke to these worldly things how thou resauest them if they be not resaued out of Gods hand as arlespennies of heauenlie thinges and tokens of better benefites and of life euerlasting they shall neuer make the Spirit of Christ to reioyce in thee Thy hart may be blyth for worldly thinges because thou art an earthly bodie A King may rejoyce in a kingdome c. but if they be not taine out of Gods handes as arlespennies of heauenly and spirituall benefites the Spirite of Christ shall not rejoice in thee Take heed if it wer but a morsell of meate if thou take it out of Gods hand as a token of that heauenly food to life euerlasting the Spirit of Christ shall rejoyce in thee Therefore be neuer content of earthly things as earthlie things onely nor of the naturall joy of the hart of man A sow hes a naturall joy 〈◊〉 in filling the bellie No beast in the field but it hes a sensuall joy in the selfe by nature in the foode thereof Fy on thee that cannot haue more joy nor a beast Thou art made for Heauen and not for Kingdomes here Therefore rejoyce in heauenly thinges and I say the Kow and other beasts are better nor thou if thou rejoyce not with that heauenly joy for the kingdome prepared for thee in Iesus Christ Woe to thee that hes not the joy that proceeds of the Spirit of Iesus Againe this joy lasts euermore it is continual it bides in the night it bides in the day it perishes not These worldly things are al perishing He will be a King the day and will be casten down to morrow He is riche the day and will be begging to morrowe How can thinges changeable be matter to me of joy that standes euermore No they cannot If my joy restes on earthly things when earthly things failes me of necessity my joy must faile me When the ground of joy failes my joy must faile Worldly things must faile therefore the joy in worldly things must faile and specially in death Either shall earthly things
faile thee or else thou shalt faile them if thou were a King thou must faile in thy kingdome thou must leaue 〈◊〉 either shall the worldly things be taine from thee or thou from them What Monarch euer yet since the beginning of the world for al their dominions if they had not God and Christ had euer a sparke of joy at the houre of his death A dram weight of this joy is worth all the kingdomes of this earth and if thou hast gotten a little peece of this joy thinke it better nor thou wert made Monarch of all the world No question the least peece of Christes graces and of this regeneration is worth all the Kingdomes of this world Euen so these earthlie thinges cannot bee the matter of this joye Thou shalt neuer get the joy of the holy Spirite if thou seeke it in the world Then wherein standes this joy Paul 4. chap. to the Philippians verse 4. sayes Reioyce in the Lord. He sayes not rejoyce in the world or kingdomes of the world but he sayes rejoyce in the Lord and in all those graces he hes broght with him in remission of sins in life euerlasting c. Take heed compare this joy with the matter thereof This joy is spiritual Iesus is a Spirit all his graces are spirituall Then these two agrees very well a spirituall matter a spirituall joy Then againe this joy is continuall Christ is for euer Heb. 13. 8. His graces standes for euer Al the mercies of God in Christ are eternall and vnchangeable How well then standes these two a joy continuall a matter continuall a joy that is eternall a matter that is eternall But thou wilt say 〈…〉 albeit that matter of my joy Christ Iesus neuer perishes yet we must perish and albeit he stand yet we must fall No no. Paul to the Rom. chap. 8. vers 35. saies What shall separate vs from the loue of God in Christ No if thou be once well imped in him by his Spirite and a lyuely faith all the world shall neuer bring thee back againe thou shalt neuer be separate heauen and earth shall first perishe ere they who are imped in Christ be separate from him death shall not separate them Paul sayes Christ is to me both in life and death aduantage Philipp chap. 1. vers 21. These earthly thinges may vantage thee in this naturall and transitory lyfe 〈…〉 riches may vauntage thee in this lyfe honour may be pleasant to thee here but when death commes then may thou justly say I will get no more vantage of my riches I will shake all off me and go naked to the graue but Christ will go to the graue with me yea euen to the resurrection he shall accompany thee and then soule and body shall be joined together and thou shalt be with him for euer In one word the matter of this joy are not earthly things but spirituall It is Christ and his graces that is the ground of all this joy vntill thou come to that lyfe euerlasting And this for the opening vp of the words Learne Vse● then There are none of vs that walkes in the light of the Gospell of Christ and hes taine the name of Christians vpon vs but we are bound and oblist to rejoyce and be glade and that not for one tyme onely one day or one night or one yeere or one season but euermore and at euery occasion in prosperitie in aduersitie in life and death euer rejoyce and weulde ye know the paine all obligations are vnder some paine the paine of it is vnder the paine of banishing vs out of Gods Kingdome out of heauenly Ierusalem He that would not rejoyce vnder the hope of heauenly Ierusalem must be banished out thereof Rom. 14. verse 17. Gods Kingdome in righteousnesse and peace and ioy in the holy Ghost if thou prease not to rejoyce in Christ and his Kingdome in life and death prosperity and aduersitie thou shalt be shut out of it I say they who neuer felt of this heauenly joy and neuer rejoyced in Christ in his Redemption of vs from sin in that life purchast to vs by his bloud who neuer rejoyces in these but ay is glad when he is exercised about these earthly things that man neuer yet saw Christs Kingdome And albeit he be outwardly in the Church the Church is called the Kingdome of God in the Gospell yet indeede he is not one of the Kingdome he is going vp and downe in company with them of the Church but he was neuer in the Church for thou must be spiritually in it and not bodily And if there be a great sin in the world this is one not to rejoyce in such a matter of joy God offers thee saluation in Christ if thou rejoyce not therein thou cannot doe a greater contempt to the light of the Gospell wherein life and saluation is offered no● a greater injury to God thou bereaues God of his glory for what shall be the chiefe glorifying of God but a rejoycing in his mercies through Iesus Christ Alas what great blessednesse we defra●d our selfes of when we rejoyce not in the worke of our Redemption It is wonder what joy the Angels haue in looking in to this worke of the Redemption of man Peter in his 1. Epistle chap. 1. vers 12. sayes The Angels desires to looke in to this misterie Were not the Angels preachers to the shiephirds of that joy and blessing that came to the world Luke chap. 2. verse 13. 14. Fy on thee Christ is come to redeeme thee and not the Angels and yet they rejoyce and wilt not thou rejoyce The earth and heauen leapes and rejoyces for the hearing of their deliuerance by Christes comming againe and thou cannot rejoyce fy on thee When all the dumme creatures aboue vnder and about thee rejoyces and thou cannot rejoyce Waken vp that dead hart of thine and rejoyce in God or else the spirit of sorrow and sadnesse shall waken thee that thou shalt weepe for euer The tyme of joy is pretious if thou rejoyce not heere thou shalt neuer get that joy in Heauen hereafter Now ye will say should we rejoyce ay The wise man sayes Ecclest chap. 3. vers 4. 〈…〉 All thinges hes the tyme there is a tyme of vveeping a tyme of laughing How should we ay be glad I aunswere it is true there is a tyme of mourning and a tyme of sadnesse and I trow this same verie tyme is the tyme of sadnesse But I tell thee againe for all this sadnesse rejoyce must thou and when thou art commanded to be sad for sin thou art commanded to rejoyce in Christ for remission thereof where nothing is in the hart but sadnesse it will bring a man to dispare Sadnesse would euer be mingled with joy sadnesse for miserie would be mingled with joy for hope of reliefe or else the end shal be dispare And it is wonderfull to see the Spirit of Iesus at ● tyme to
to Christ and are translated from this vvorld that ye thanke him in prosperitie and aduersitie in vvell and vvoe there is the meaning Then ye see in this place a speciall vvill of God concerning this calling vve stand in and the speciall vvill of God concerning vs Christians is that vve thanke him Christian men and vvemen are most debtfull to thanke him and ought aboue all creatures to thanke him Fy on thee that vvill take the name of Christ on thee and not thanke him Thanke him in all things he can lay before thee It is his will that thou thanke him at least striue to thanke him for well and woe prosperity and aduersity for death aswell as life As for other men Iewes Turkes and Pagans c. that are not Christians God craues not this thanksgiuing at them A maruelous thing The Turke he hes the glory and wealth of the vvorld and yet the Lord sayes I vvill haue no thankes of thee neither in vvell nor in vvoe because thou art not in Christ all my glory is in Christ all the seruice I craue in the vvorld is in Christ So the pratling of the Turke and Ievv that makes them to thanke God is all but vanitie he craues it not of them O hovv great a honour is it to call a man to thanke and to serue him No neuer King got such great honour as vve get vvhen vve are called to thanke and to serue that King of Kings all our glory standes in seruing and making homage to God so blessed are they that are called to this honour through Iesus Christ Therefore he sayes through Christ meaning that in Christ is the matter of all thanksgiuing There is matter in Christ of all thanksgiuing In vvell and vvoe Christ is to me aduantage both in lyfe and death sayes Paul If thou hast aduantage in death vvhy should not thou thanke him In one word where Christ is there is matter of thanksgiuing to God in the greatest misery we can be in the world Againe where Christ is not and who are not in him as members of that glorious body ioyned in society with that glorious head if they had all this broad world they haue no cause to be merie nor to thanke no to open their mouth to praise And to speak the trueth they cannot be merie They may laugh but the true ioy is in God he is the Lord of ioy a man may well laugh but he can haue no true ioy except he haue Iesus in his hart That man in aduersitie and in the point of death will laugh more sweetly and vtter greater ioy nor the greatest worldly man in the midst of his prosperitie So I say and I command thee looke that thou reioice not without Christ I say to all men reioyce not but be sad if thou hast not Christ The Lord hes not ordeined thee to be glad it is his will onely that they that are in Christ reioyce and be neuer glad vntill thou get Christ I counsell you if ye had all the world if ye find not Christ in the hart be neuer glad What matter hast thou to be glad when the great God turnes his back on thee It may be he will cast a kingdome to thee ouer his shoulder as it were a bone casten to a dog what is that to thee if thou get not his ioyfull presence Read Dauid in all his Psalmes he was neuer glad but when he had the presence of God Now I come to the next precept Quench not the spirit The wordes are few but they conteyne great matter Quench not the spirit put not out the holy Spirit of Christ Take heed He ●es bene speaking before of the graces of God What is patience in suffering wrong What is joy What is thankfulnesse but the graces of the Spirit He hes beene before speaking of his graces and recommending them to thee Now he commes to that glorious person himselfe vvho is the giuer and vvorker of all these graces of Patience of Joy of Prayer and Thanks-giuing The holie Spirit the third person of the Trinitie that God giues to me and thee if thou be Gods seruant It is vanity to think that a true Christian man gettes onely the graces of the Spirit they get the verie Spirite No it is not the graces of the Spirite that will dwell in the hart and soule and bodie of a man no but the Spirit it selfe The Spirit will dvvell as surelie vvithin thy hart as euer a man dvvelt in an house That Comforter that Christ promised to his disciples when he was going vp to Heauen was not the graces of the Spirit no but the Spirite it selfe to dwell in our hart and to work it in al the graces So it is not the graces but the spirit he speaks of here when he saies quench not the spirit Paul saies Ephes chap 4. vers 30 Grieue not the holy spirit It is a simple guestning to make thy guest sad make not the spirit of Christ sad Paul saies in another place that the spirit is giuen thee as an arlispenny of thy saluation Ephes cha 1. vers 14. Thou ●oses the arles-pennie if thou make him sad But to the wordes The speache when he saies Quenching of the spirit quenche not the Spirit appeares to be metaphoricall It is borrovved and not proper and it is borrovved from a fyre or candle that vses to giue light and heate Then if it must not be quenched It must follovve that the Spirite of Christ must be a fyre vvithin vs It must follovve he must be a light inlightning our soules as a lanterne and lampe of light set vp within the darke and dead soule to let the soule and affectiones haue light and the Spirite of Iesus shynes vvithin the darke soule of a man as a lanterne shynes in a darke night and puttes out that masse of darknesse that is in the soule of man And therefore because it is as a fyre he sayes Quench not And Paul to Timothie 2. Epistle chap. 1. vers 6. sayeth stir vp or kindle the gift that is in thee it is lyke a flamming fyre the gift of it is but a light or flam that commes from this fyre So he sayes Stir vp kindle vp the gift that thou hast receiued Now ye see by experience a fire or light is two maner of waies quenched take me away coales timber or such other matter to burne take me away the nourishment that holdes in the fire it will die out Another way cast water on it smore it it will also die out albeit ye take not burning thinges from it So it is with this heauenly fire First draw me away the meanes whereby the Spirit is fostered and the fyre of the Spirit is holden in for as the fire feeds on the subject so the fire of the Spirit feeds on the own nutriture and foode take me away this foode of the Spirit as thou seest a fire die out so he will die out Take me
praise for euer AMEN THE XXVI LECTVRE VPON THE FIRST EPISTLE OF PAVL TO THE THESSALONIANS 1. THESSA CHAP. 5. vers 20. 21. 22. 23. 20 Despise not prophecying 21 Try all things and keepe that vvhich is good 22 Abstaine from all appearance of euill 23 Novv the very God of peace sanctifie you throughout and I pray God that your vvhole spirit and soule and body may be keept blamelesse vnto the comming of our Lord Iesus Christ. IN this parte of this Epistle brethren there are certaine exhortations and precepts so linked together that the next is ay the cause and meane of the former He beganne at Patience in suffering and not randering euill for euill but recompencing good for euill Then he came to joy Rejoyce euermore Ioy is the meane and cause of Patience from joy he came to Prayer in asking that which we neede at the hands of God and in thanking him for the grace and benefite receyned Prayer is the meane that interteines joy in the hart from Prayer he came to the Spirit the holy Spirit of God who is the worker of all these graces in our hart The Spirit workes Patience the Spirit it workes Ioy the same Spirit 〈◊〉 vp the hart to Prayer and to thankfulnesse This Spirite the worker of all grace in the hart should not be quenched by leauing off of well doing or by doing euill for both these two quenches the Spirit Now ●hortly to come to ou● purpose In the first verse vve we haue read presentlie He commes to the meane whereby the Spirit of Christ the worker of all graces with vs especiallie is inter●ind in the soule and hart of a man and woman And he saies Despise not Prophecying The thing he recommends is Prophecying To make the words plaine to you By Prophecying here I vnderstand not the foretelling of things to come as there was raised vp from tyme to tyme Prophetes in the Church of God that fortold either wel or w● that was to fal on the church in the own time this prophecying was not such foretelling of things to come it is no other thing in this place but the opening vp of the Scripture and so this word Prophecying is taine in the 1. Cor. 14. chap. throghout all that chap. But he that Prophecyes sayes he he speakes to men to edifing to exhortation and consolation That is he applyes the word of God to the present vse for the tyme So that if a man needes to be edified he edifies to be comforted he comfortes to be exhorted the exhortes So then to make the words plaine ` Despise not Prophecying It is asmuch as he would say despise not the preaching of the word despise not this ministrie whose calling is to preach this word Now brethren ye see heere among all the meanes whereby the Spirit of Christ is enterteinde in the hart of a man the Apostle makes a choise in this place of preaching hearing the word of God set downe in the Scripture opened vp and applyed to the right vse Certainelie this is to the great commendation of this same visible ministrie and of this teaching of the word in the presence of the congregation and people of God Shall I tell you There is such a necessity of the preaching of this word for as base as it semes to men that if it be not holden vp farewell the Spirit of Iesus Christ If it be not there shall not be in the earth a visible Church for the word preached is the slandart that is holden vp on high to the world that men and women that would be safe may goe in vnder it and make vp a Church Take me away this slandart where shall men goe to who shall knowe the Church So take me away this outward preaching of the word vnto the which men should resort to seeke saluation no Church Will men goe to experience I shall but touch it there is but ouer great experience of this in this Countrey this day Abstaine 〈◊〉 hearing of the word let it be of negligence or of malice yet thou shalt in proces of time feele thy hart voyde of all sense and feeling of God thou shalt lose thy eyes thy light and sight of God thou shalt lose the sight of lyfe and Heauen if that thou doe it in contempt and malice thou shalt grow as prophane as a prophaine dog and wallow in all kinde of wickednesse and euill deed after euill deed shall fal out in thy hand Looke to the great men of this land What is the cause he is such a murtherer Onely the contempt of this word preached What is the cause he is such an adulterer only the contempt of the word I cannot tell if there be any great mens houses at least there is verie few but thou may see the contempt of this word hes heaped judgement on judgement on them Ye who wold read of Prophecying which is the opening vp of the word in the face of the Church of God and who would read of the powerfull working of it in the hart of men read 1. Cor. chap. 14. verse 1. Seeke after spirituall things but specially after Prophecying And in that same chapter 24. verse by supposition he lets vs see by comparison betweene Prophecying and strange language what prophecying works When a man is teaching the word then commes in at the doore an infidle that hes no vnderstanding he layes to his eare and heares and he hears himself rebuked incontinent his conscience wakens and lets him see the filth that is within him So the poore man hauing his conscience wakned he falles down on his face and seeks mercy and then he will be mooued to make a confession and say It cannot be but this man hes the Spirit of God that maks my sin so manifest to me it cannot be the spirit of man but it must be the power of God whereby he speakes I will not insist Brethren I shall summe vp to you in few words the diuersitie of the disposition of men cōcerning this word of God Al is not alike disposed Diuersity of mens disposition concerning the vvord toward the Spirit and the word which two things onely saues men There are some that cares neyther for the Spirit nor the word such 〈…〉 dogges atheists men liuing without God in the world speake of a Spirit to them they will scorne it a prophane bodie that hes not the Spirit the name of a spirit is but a scorne vnto him tell him of spirituall lyfe he will laugh an heedfull laughter Lykevvise speake to him of the vvord and tell that saluation must be by the word the prophaine dog vvill laugh and scorne at it These are the vvorst men in the world There is another sort that clames to a Spirit They will acknovvledge the Spirite of God but vvhen it commes to the vvord of God they vvil feuere so the vvord from the Spirit as though the vvord had nothing adoe vvith the Spirit nor the Spirit vvith the
all eternitie ends in this peace of conscience in the soule regeneration ends in this peace Now looke how this style agrees with the matter he is praying for sanctification and he styles him the God of peace who is the Author of all peace Both the means the end ar● of God and he askes at his hand sanctification Marke this He who is the giuer of our felicity is he that giues vs all the meanes that brings vs to that felicity he that must giue thee the crowne of glorie he must giue thee sanctification to glorie In one word he that giues thee felicitie is the gi●e● also of all the meanes whereby we attaine to felicitie So thou hast no cause to glorie in thy selfe The beginning of grace is of God the meanes is of God the end is of God nothing in our selues all in God To goe forward to the petition There are two thinges he craues in this petition Sanctification conseruation therof craued of God The first is sanctification or holinesse The next is conseruing and keeping in that same sanctification and holinesse First he prayes that they may be sanctified Next he prayes that they may be keept vntill Christ come againe Paul 12. Rom. 2. verse Be not fashioned that is shapned lyke the vvorld and men of this world but be transchanged that is turned away from that thing to another and that though the renuing of the mynde that ye may proue vvhat that good and acceptable vvill of God is What ●row ye then sanctification is It is no other thing but a new shaping ouer of them againe as ye will shaip a garment The Apostles takes that similitude Brethren we were all well eneugh shapen in Adam and Eue ere they fell and we had an exceeding good shape but since they fell we become all wanshapen creatures and monsters When thou seest an vnregenerate creature a murtherer rejoycing in murther then say thou art a curst monster of a man So in Adams fall vve became monsters of nature Thou saw neuer such a monster as an vnregenerate man Now we being monsters through Adams fall in Christ we begin to take on vs a new shape according to the glorious Image of God So our sanctification is onely as a renewing of vs againe according to the first shape of the Creator in holinesse and righteousnesse Novv vvhat is it must be shapen ouer againe What parte of vs is it that is wanshapen The Apostle sayes The God of peace sanctifie you throughout The whole man through that foull aposta●ie in Adam is become a monster Not a finger in thy hand but it is become a monster The eye a monster or else such a foull looke would not be The tongue a monster or else such foull language would not be The ear a monster or else we would not desyre to heare foull and euill speaches No part of thee but all are monstrous except thou be renewed And therefore he prayes that they may be renewed and made ouer againe throgh Christ euen in the whole parts of the body and soule Therefore pray thou and say Lord renew not this part or that part onely but renew me wholly The Lord renew the mynde and begin there The Lord renew the body the Lord renew the eye the ear the hand The Lord renew all ouer againe For I tell thee if therebe any part of thee vnrenewed thou shalt al go to Hel for that vnruely part The Lord vses not to renew one part not another but he renews altogether This shortly for the first part of the petition Now in the next part he beseches the Lord of peace to sanctifie them throughout and that their vvhole spirit soule and body may be keeped vvithout spot or blame to the comming of our Lord Iesus Christ. He prayes that they may be keeped in holinesse So it is not eneugh to get one grace to get sanctification and holinesse but thou must be keeped still on in that grace vntill thou come to glorie Thē again as grace is of God al grace is of God So the perseuerance in grace to the end is of God Thou hast no more in thy power when thou hast gotten grace to stand one moment in grace if God hold not his hand about thee nor thou had to tak that grace before thou got it Thou hast no power in nature to stand in grace So perseuerance in grace is of God only aswell as the grace is in Gods hand to giue And as we must pray for the grace before we get it and say Lord sanctifie vs so we must pray for the continuance of it and say Lord continue vs in it if thou Lord hold it not into my armes I will not get it keeped Therefore Lord keepe thou it Now to go forward What shold be keeped blameles without spot All the partes of man to be keeped blameles One part or peece or the whol man should I pray to God to keepe my soule onely in holines and not my bodie my body onely and not my soule Wilt thou part them or thinkest thou that God wil keep one part of thee in holines and not the whol When men goes to Idolatrie they will pray to keepe their hart holie When they will bow their bodie to Baall they will say my hart is to God No if he keepe not all if thou dedicate not all to him all shall goe to Hell So the Apostle sayes I pray the God of peace that he vvould keepe blamelesse your spirit your soule and bodie In these three thinges he takes vp the whole man within and without I will onely speake this far By the Spirit he vnderstands the cleannest part of the soule Ephes 4. chap. 23. vers He calles it the Spirit of the mynde that is the light of the mynde which is reason The reason is not common with the beasts but it is common with the Angels So it is the speciall part of a man and thou may thanke God that hes it and thou should pray to the Lord to keepe it The next is the soule whereby he vnderstands the inferior part wherein are the senses that part of the soule that hears sees c. Then he saies the bodie So ye see God must keep all in holines and he that would be keeped of God must seeke to be keeped whole and euery part of him without exception For I tell thee no part of thee is able to keepe another The olde Philosophers made a Queene of reason as thogh she should keepe all and should keepe the soule and body in her light It is solie who can keepe her God must keepe the Spirit that is the reason aswell as the bodie and the Spirite hes as great need to be keept as the foote for sinne will begin at the reason it is the first breaker of so craue that he keepe all or he shall keepe none Alas what is man without grace What hes he to boast of Thou wilt
he sayes not Onesiphorus deserues well at Gods hand and I pray that the Lord would rewarde him according to his demerites No but he sayes The Lord shovv mercy on Onesiphorus And he doubles it ouer againe and he saies God grant as I haue found mercy at Onesiphorus so he may finde mercy at the Lords hands in that day He sayes mercie not reward but free mercie and so I end Nothing but mercy and free grace when we haue done all we can nothing but mercy mercy in earth mercy in heauen On paine of lyfe when thou hast done all the good thou may doe beware thou think of any deseruing at the hands of God But cast thy selfe on thy knees and hold vp thy hands and cry for fre mercy and pardon of thy sinnes and say away with all my workes they are but dung and filth I craue pardon for my sinnes of thy free mercy in that bloude of Iesus Christ Except thou craue this thou shalt neuer haue solide joy in thy hart And shall I say that one of these false quenchers of the Spirit felt euer this sweetnes in Christ which onely ryses of the assurance of the free mercy of God Therefore let our onely reposing be vpon this free fauour in Christ To whom with the Father and the holy Spirit be all praise for euer AMEN FINIS LECTVRES VPON THE SECOND EPISTLE OF THE APOSTLE PAVL TO THE THESSALONIANS PREACHED BY THAT FAITHFVLL seruant of God Maister ROBERT ROLLOK some-tyme Minister of Gods vvord and Rector of the Vniuersitie of EDINVRGH EDINBVRGH PRINTED BY ROBERT CHARTERIS Printer to the Kings most Excellent Majestie Anno Dom. M. D. CVI. Cum Priuilegio Regiae Majestatis THE ARGVMENT OF THE SECOND EPISTLE TO THE THESSALONIANS THIS second Epistle to the Thessalonians seemes to haue beene written soone after the first The occasion of the wryting thereof may be gathered of the Epistle it selfe The Thessalonians were at that tyme persecuted and heauily troubled for the faith of Christ and lykewise there entered in amongst them false teachers and deceiuers who went about to perswade them that the comming of Christ was instantly at hand taking occasion as it appeares by the Thessalonians mistaking of certaine speeches vttered by the Apostle in the first Epistle especially these wordes in the fourth chapter We vvhich liue and are remaining in the comming of the Lord shall be caught vp in the cloudes vvith them that are dead in Christ after their resurrection to meete the Lord in the aire and so shall vve euer be vvith the Lord. Where-vpon the Thessalonians concluded that Christ should come before they died and they should be on lyfe at his comming The deuill to confirme them in this errour raises vp these deceiuers who went about to perswade them of it as though it had beene true that they should haue beene liuing at the comming of the Lord alledging that they had it both by the re●elation of the Spirit of God and also by the tradition of PAVL The Apostle therefore thought it needfull to 〈◊〉 this second Epistle to the Thessalonians partly to comfort them against the persecutions of their enemies partly to admonish them that they giue not eare to these false deceiuers assuring them that before Christ come the Antichrist should come and there should be an vniuersall defection from the trueth The Epistle may fitlie be diuyded in six parts The first part is the salutation in the two first verses in the first chapter The second is the Preface wherein he rejoyceth for their perseuerance and increase of Faith of Loue and Patience in all their persecutions and tribulations from the third verse to the fift In the third part he comfortes them against the troubles and persecutions that they sustained for the faith of Christ from the fift verse to the end of the first chapter In the fourth part he admonishes them that they giue not eare to these false teachers that said Christs comming was at hand showing them that before the second comming of Christ the Antichrist should be reueiled and there should be an vniuersall defection from the faith of Christ Yet he comfortes them against the feare of defection and exhortes them to abyde constant in the doctrine they had receiued from him crauing 〈◊〉 comfort and constancie to them at Gods hands This par●e is conteinde in the whole second chapter The fifth part containeth exhortations to good maners and Christian dueties from the beginning of the third chapter to the sixteenth verse In the last part he concludeth the Epistle with prayer and salutation from the sixteenth verse to the end THE FIRST LECTVRE VPON THE SECOND EPISTLE OF PAVL TO THE THESSALONIANS 2. THESSA CHAP. 1 vers 1. 2. 3 4. 5. 1. PAVL and Siluanus and Timotheus vnto the Church of the Thessalonians which is in God our Father and in the Lord Iesus Christ. 2 Grace be vvith you and peace from God our Father and from the Lord Iesus Christ 3 We ought to thanke God alvvaies for you brethren as it is meete because that your faith grovveth exceedingly and the loue of euery one of you tovvard another aboundeth 4 So that vve our selues reioyce of you in the Churches of God because of your patience and faith in all your persecutions and tribulations that ye suffer 5 Which is a token of the righteous iudgement of God that ye may be counted vvorthie of the kingdome of God for the vvhich ye also suffer HAVING ended Brethren as God gaue the grace the first Epistle of Paul to the Thessalonians I thought it meetest to goe forward in the second Epistle for otherwayes the worke would seeme not to be perfyted and the matter conteined in the second Epistle is very worthie to be insisted vpon And it appeares very well among all the Epistles that Paul vvrote that these two directed to the Thessalonians were the first This second Epistle which we presently haue in hand appearantly hes beene written soone after the first The occasion of the wryting of it appeares well of the purpose and argument it selfe The Apostle in this Epistle comfortes the Church of the Thessalonians vvhich vvas persecuted and heauily troubled for the faith of Christ Another occasion we take vp in the second chapter There entered in this Church for the deuill can neuer be idle false teachers and deceiuers who went about to perswade the Thessalonians that the comming of Christ was instantlie at hand The Apostle therefore taking occasion hereof admonishes them not to giue eare to these men and he telles them that before Christ come the Antichrist should come and that there should be an vniuersall defection in the world I take these to be the two occasions of his wryting There are three chapters of this Epistle In the first after he hes saluated them and giuen thanks to God for them he enters in to comfort them against all the troubles they were in for the present In the second chapter he admonishes them not to
thy hart but a contempt of the Gospel of the preachers of the Gospell But boast as thou wilt of the knowledge of Christ thou shalt finde if thou be impenitent in this pointe vengence shall light on thee Rebels to the Gospell and preaching thereof in earth rebels to Christ in the Heauen Think not when thou hungerst the Gospell out of the land by drawing away in thy ●lookes all the thing the Gospel should be sustained on that thou knowest God and Iesus Christ What matter of the hungring of the bodies of men in respect of the Gospell When thou closest the mouth of men so that for hunger they are not able to preach say not thou knowest Christ and loues the Gospell thou liest falslie Whē throgh thy gredines thou art an hinderer to the ministrie whom the Lord thrusts out to be dispensators of the foode to the soules of men thou hungerst the Gospell When thou doest this say not thou louest Christ Thou wilt say in that great day Lord where saw we thee hungring where saw we thee naked c. But the Lord then shall say What euer thou did to the Ministers of the Gospell thou did it to me thou stayed the planting and progresse of the Gospell throgh thy auarice O sacrilegious Abbot Bishop and Priour and the rest of that rable and ô ye rauening woolfes that deuoures the teinds to the prejudice of the plantation of this ministry and Gospel to the hungring of innumerable soules Look to this matter and tak vp your selues that the Lord meete you not in vengence looke to this at this tyme and with draw not the moyen whereby this Gospell may be propagated in the world I speak no more of this matter One day will show the trueth of these things Yet ere I leaue the words Marke further He is speaking of the godlie that were persecuted and he brings in the Lord Iesus rendring and yet he sayes not he shall render vengence to them that afflicted and troubled the godlie he speaks not of them that were afflicted But he sayes to them vvho obeyed not the Gospell of the Lord Iesus So he touches the groundes persecution and troubling of the saints rises euer on this ground rebellion to God rebellion to Christ no persecuter but a rebell to God a contemner of the Gospel of Christ be is a contemner of God and Christ And in the meane-tyme with this he comforts the persecuted Thessalonians they shall not escape trouble who hes troubled you because the Lord hes his entrest And therefore assure the● if there were no other thing but this rebelling against God and Christ of necessitie vengence must follow Trouble euer rises of misknowledge of God What matter of men in afflicting men they ●rebell against God and that rebelling shall not escape punishment Now in the next words he commes more particularly to the vengence To sca●se of these thinges oue● far it is but vaine curiositie Therefore it is expedient in these things to ●old fast the plaine words that we alter not to the one side nor to the other Curious spirites hes spoken much of this matter without any grounds It might haue bene asked What can this vengence be He answers and calles i● a perdition Then he cals it euerlasting perdition and wrack of the creature There are sundry sorts of vengences all vengences are not the vtter wrack of the creature for many men after punishment will get vp their heads againe and come throgh but after this punishment vtter wrack and perdition shall follow A beast when it dies and is feld it is wracked but looke the nature of this wrack it shall be euerlasting a wrack without an end a death without a death a death that shall neuer haue an end ay dying and neuer dead So first it shall be perdition and an vtter wrack and then neuer shall haue an end The ho●ling and vtter cry of the reprobat in Hell ● how dolorous is it But what matter of the extremity of it if it had an end but alas extremity without end of pain how dolorous is it Many wil neuer know this till they be shot in Hel Heauen and Hel is thoght mocking Many wil neuer know there is an Hel vntil they feele it in experience The Lord waken vs that once we may think of this Alas there is such a stupiditie in the hart of man that he can neuer beleue this So there the vengence a perdition and an endlesse perdition Now in one word He resolues this particular vengence in the own grounds there is first a perdition then an eternity of perdition In the next words he lets you see the groundes first of perdition and then of the eternitie thereof As to the perdition it selfe He sayes it commes from the face of God The wicked shall not see so soone the face of Iesus Christ the Iudge at that day but as soone they shall melt away as the waxe at the fire and as ye see the matter of melting is in the waxe it self so the matter of the melting of the wicked shall be in themselues But what matter if it had an end And therefore next he layes downe the ground of ●rernitie ●aine from the glory of the power of the infinite Iudge The power of the glorious Iudge is eternall infinit and endles the power of man hes an end He is a mighty monarch to day but to morrow euanishes his power lasts not But the power of the lord Iesus shal neuer hauean end and from once he begin to pu● the finger of his power on the soule of the wicked they shall neuer be free of vengence It is a terrible thing to fa●in the hands of an angry God from once he grip thee his hand shal neuer louse his power indures euer and therefore shall thy paine indure euer So ye that will thinke an endlesse paine cannot be lift vp your eyes and consider the eternitie of his power and infinitnes of God and then ye may see the great and euerlasting vengence that he hes to be po●red on the wicked and great and euerlasting mercy on them that pertaines to him in Christ The Lord giue vs eyes to see it euen for his Christs sake To whom with the Father and the holy Spirit be praise for euer AMEN THE THIRD LEC●TVRE VPON THE SECOND EPISTLE OF PAVL TO THE THESSALONIANS ● THESSA CHAP. 1. vers 10. 11. 12. 10 When he shall come to be glorified in his Saints and to be made marueilous in all them that beleue because our testimony towaryou was beleeued in that day 11 Wherefore vve also pray alvvayes for you that our God may make you vvorthie of his calling and fulfill all the good pleasure of his goodnes and the vvorke of saith vvith povver 12 That the name of the Lord Iesus Christ may be glorified in you 〈◊〉 in him according to the grace of our god of the Lord Iesus Christ THE last day ye heard brethren
that will vpset it The lose thou getst by deceite will neuer be vpset all the kings and doctors vnder Heauen will neuer set vp thy lose thou getst by defection Alas what hes that 〈◊〉 win when he hes win all the world and lost his soule by falling away from the trueth Now the Lord let euery man see that there is nothing comparable to this hurt of deceiuing What pleasure can thou haue of all the kingdomes of the world when thou hast a troubled hart and conscience when thou hast an vnquyet soule within thee Therfore as we say It is good to sleepe in a sound skinne Change not a setled minde and pacified hart with all the world and preferre a sound minde inlightned with the knowledge of Christ to all the honours and dignity in the world And because we are so vnstable mynded and so ready to alter that except we be surely anchored on Christ we shall be euer beatten away with euery light wind of false doctrine Therefore we haue to pray that our soules may be anchored by a sure faith on Christ The Lord therefore by his grace anchor our soules on Christ To whom with the Father and the holy Spirit be all honour and praise for euer AMEN THE FIFTH LEC TVRE VPON THE SECOND EPISTLE OF PAVL TO THE THESSALONIANS 2. THESSA CHAP. 2. vers 34. for that day shal not come except there come a departing first and that that man of sinne be disclosed euen the sonne of perdition 4 Which is an aduersary and exalteth himselfe against all that is called God or that is vvorshipped so that he doth sit as God in the Temple of God shovving himselfe that he is God WELBELOVED brethren ye haue heard the request the Apostle makes in the beginning of this second chapter to the Thessalonians He requests and adjures them by the comming of the Lord Iesus and by our assembling vnto him at his comming that they suffer not themselues to bee deceyued or put by their mindes troubled in hart and affection especially in this head of doctrine that concernes the comming of the Lord in the latter day and that they should not be deceiued by false teachers who wēt about to deceiue them in this point teaching that the day of the Lord is at hand he shall come incontinent ye shall be found aliue when he shall come This age and generation shall not be past when he shall come This pointe of false doctrine that these false teachers went about to perswade the Thessalonians and so to vnqiuet them held them ay in vexation of sprit and minde looking ay for Christs comming assuring them that he should come ere that presentage should end Now in this text the Apostle enters to a refutation of that false doctrine and he proues that the day of the Lord was not instant that the day of the Lord would not beat such a tyme that it should not fall out in that present age Now marke his reasons If the day of the Lord were instant then there should not bee an vniuersall Apostasie and defection from the faith of the Lord Iesus Christ before the day and comming of the Lord Vniuersal defection must goe before the Lords cōming For vvhy This Apostasie must craue a large space of tyme. Then he subjoines but so it is before that day shall come there shall be an vniuersall Apostasie and defection from the faith and trueth of Christ Iesus And so hee concludes Therefore it is not so as they say The day of the Lord is not instant and is not so neere hand as they goe about to perswade you Marke his reason The proposition and first part of the argument is not expressed in the text The next parte the assumption is sette dovvne in the text to witte The day of the Lord shall not bee before that an vniuersall defection be first Now before I come to the wordes take vp shortlie this one thing The Thessalonians to whom he wrytes being deceiued thought that incontinent Christ should come and that they should be rest to the Heauen with him and glorified from hand The Apostle to put them out of this consaite tels them ere they and the Church be rest vp to Heauen and glorified there that they shall suffer yet on the earth some trouble there shall be yet a great alteration and vexation in the Church of God Brethren mark it The battell must goe before the victory let none looke for the victory before he fight thou wilt not come sleeping to Heauen Thou must fight on earth ere thou come to glorie and ere thou triumph in Heauen thou must be victorious on earth throgh many tribulations we must enter in the kingdom of heauen This is that which the Apostle teaches the Thessalonians Novv to come to the vvordes of the text and to make this matter plaine we shall insist particularlie on euery word taking vp the meaning of Gods Spirite heere And first ●here occurres this vvord Apostasie which must be before the day of the Lordes comming This Apostasie is nothing but a falling avvay a flyding aback This Apostasie is not a particulare Apostasie or defection of this man or that man onely of any one person or any two or three persons onely But it is an vniuersal defection of multitudes of men and wemen in this world For the word ye see is generallie set downe in the text to be a departure without any restriction It is not said a departing of this man or that man but generallie a departing Therefore the Apostle must meane of a departing and falling away of multitudes and great multitudes Now all the question is what Apostasie meanes the Apostle of I am not ignorant how a great number of the olde Latine fathers in the Church vnderstandes this Apostasie to be meant of the defection of many Nations from the Empyre of Rome It is true indeede the Nations of the world fell away from the Romane Empyre But how well and rightly they vnderstood this Apostasie of that falling away from the Romane Empyre God knowes And it is a wonder that so many learned and quick spirited men should haue erred together in this pointe so long Indeede it is likly that when one of them fel in this error all the rest followed on in troupes without further discretion or judgement But I leaue them What Apostasie is this then that the Apostle meanes of heere I shall tell you It is an vniuersall defection not from an Emperour or earthly King but from the King of Heauen Iesus Christ and from his faith This agrees with the course of this text and with that which followes immediatly of the Antichrist the head of this Apostasie This agrees with the speaking of this same Apostle in sundry other places In the 1. Tim. chap. 4. verse 1. he foretels of this vniuersall defection from the faith The wordes are The spirit speakes euidently that in the latter dayes some shall depart from the faith and
shall giue heed to spirits of error and doctrine of deuils forbidding to marie and commanding to absteine from meats vvhich the Lord his ordained to be receiued vvith thankes-giuing of them vvhich beleeue There the summe of this defection whereof he speakes in this place Looke also the 2 Tim. chap. 3. vers 1. 2. 3. In the latter dayes there shall be troublesome tymes men shall be louers of themselues louers of pleasures and not of God corrupt in mynde reprobates concerning the faith There the Apostasie from the faith In that same Epistle chap. 4. verse 3. The tyme shall come vvhen men shall not suffer to heare the sound doctrine but according to their ovvne lustes shall gather together heapes of teachers to wit orders of Monkes Friers and heaps of Iesuites and the rest of that prophaine and deuilish rable that the deuill by his spirit hes thrust in on the people of God and they shall auert their eyes from the trueth and turne them to lies Peter in his 2. Epistle chap. 2 verse 1. sayes There shall be among you false teachers vvho shall bring in damnable heresies and many shall follovv them to their perdition They shall goe to destruction with their Heresies and many shall goe after them And before them Christ himselfe foretolde of this defection 18. chap. of Like verse 8 When sayes he the Son of man shall come thinke ye he shall finde faith on the earth No there be an vniuersall defection Then this vniuersall defection is nothing else but this Apostasie and defection from the faith of Christ that shall be before Christs comming in the world Now ye see then this is a prophecy of the thing to come Is this Prophecy fulfilled yet or not Is it come to passe Is that vniuersall defection of the world from the church from the faith of Christ come or shall we looke for it There is the question I tell you it is come I cry it out it is come and come long since and verie long since It holdes on and shall hold on Mahomet beganne it when he drew away not only the people from the faith of Iesus but also drew away the verie name of Christianity so as there durst not one avowe himselfe to be a Christian The Orientall Churches so well planted by the Apostles of Christ whereof this Church of Thessalonica was one may beare witnes hereof Who followed on Mahomet ended it not then The Popes that beast of Rome followed on As Mahomet played with the Orientall Churches So the Papists played with the Wester and Occidentall Churches The Pope hes drawen away this occidental Church of Christ in Europe not indeede from the name and outward profession of Christ for all are called Christians but he hes drawen them from the faith of Christ without the which there can be no saluation So this Apostasie prophecyed so long before is come now to passe Church militant subiect to errors But ere I goe forward mark here The estate of the Church of Christ militant on the earth she is subject to errors and Heresies to be caryed away vvith false doctrine subject to defection yea to an vniuersall defection of the whole visible Church on the face of the earth And brethren euen godly men seeing this thing they haue bene compelled at tymes to doubt they were so offended whether if this Church was Gods Church or not whether if this building was builded by God or not which they saw so beatten downe and lying so long dead It is a lamentable thing to see the Church of Christ so long vnder the dominion of the Antichrist And therefore the Lord by his Apostle and others hes foretold of this vniuersall defection that the godly may be comforted and stand seeing nothing commes to passe but by his prouidence and foresight Then again ye know the Papists proposition the church cannot ere Now consider this place and ye shall see it cannot stand with that opinion I aske how can that opinion stand with this Prophecie of Paul who telles not of a light error but of an vniuersall defection from Christ Either this must be false which the Apostle saies and which Christ spok before him which wer blasphemie to affirme or that which they say that the Church cannot erre must be a lye and it is so And all the Papists are blasphemous lyars beleue them as ye will No the godly are not ignorant of their purpose in this their assertion They hold that doctrine to be a pretence to keepe the Antichristian Church in her error and Apostasie for she is altogether out of the way and if she could thinke she could be subject to error she were curable but because she lyes in her stinking Heresie and Apostasie and will not acknowledge it therefore in the just judgement of God she shall perishe perdition shall be her end if the Lord waken her not in tyme. Now to the wordes The wordes are That the day of the Lord shall not be vntill the tyme that that man of sin be reueiled That man of sin must be reueiled ere the Lord come in the world againe This is one thing with that which went before of an vniuersall Apostasie the comming of an vniuersall Apostasie and the reuelation of that man of sin the Antichrist is one thing in sundry wordes For what is the Antichrist but the head of this Apostasie and vniuersall defection and of all Apostats vnder the Heauens he is the cheefe Apostate Now he is called heere a man the Antichrist as though there were but one person Marke it for this place is mistaken When ye heare of this name of the Antichrist who is here called the man of sinne be not deceiued The Antichrist woulde perswade you that this name of Antichrist signifies but one man some one person who shal be in the vvorld at such a tyme. No the name of Antichrist imports not one man onely but a succession of persons one after another in one kingdome or tyrannie ouer the Church of Christ in the vvorld All this succession of persones is expressed by the name of one man or one person because they ranne on all one course and euery one of them hes but one purpose to exercise their tyme in oppression of the Church of God Therefore the vvhole succession is called but on man But when shall this reueiling of him be He is said to be reueiled vvhen his kingdome and tyrannie commes to the height and full perfection in the sight of the vvorld He beganne long before he vvas reueiled and he vvas in the dayes of the Apostles When Paul and Peter vvas in the vvorld he vvas And beginning in their dayes he grovves on peece and peece in greatnesse from a small beginning vntill hee came to such a vvonderful and great height that he makes the vvhole vvorld vvonder at him and this fell out in Anno 666. Reuel chap. 13. verse 18. He came to his height vnder the Emperour of
man is leaning on the deuill and on vanitie he hes a kinde of pleasure and delite in his reposing on them but it is a false and deceitfull pleasure a fained rest and joy and heere I take vp the plague of the hart as I did before of the mynde when he makes the hart with a pleasure to rest on Satan and vanitie vvhen the hart is beatten with a senslesnesse that it cannot grippe a solide thing but grippes vanitie and leanes on it as if it vvere a solide thing vvhen it thinkes fleeting vanitie to be solide vvhen it is fleeting in the Aire it beleues it be on the ground So that the plague of the hart is when it is made senslesse that it cannot grippe a solide thing but vanitie and lies and this plague is of Gods just judgement Marke then here the order Wickednes and malice begins at the hart first so that when the truth is offred to the minde the malice of the hart oppugnes and will nor let it enter in the minde Rom. 1. 28. Ephes 4. 18. vpon this God beattes first the minde and casts the man away in a reprobate sense But lets he the hart alone No the hart that beganne the mischeefe escapes not but he beattes the hart that would no●let the trueth enter with a senslesnesse to liue vpon lyes and vanities and ere she knovve of her selfe she and her leaning-stock shall be both beatten downe to Hell So beware of this malitiousnesse to the trueth for if thou haue a malitious hart against this trueth o● God assure they selfe thou hast a blinde ignorant mynde plagued of God and thou thy hart and mynde and all thou leanest to shall be plagued with Gods euerlasting destruction Lord saue vs from a malitious hart for all standes in the disposition of the hart if it be plyable to embrace the trueth thou shalt get true knowledge and solide joy otherwayes woe to thee for euermore Now in the next verse the Apostle leauing off this doctrine and prophecy concerning the Antichrist and this 〈◊〉 Apostasie turnes him to the Thessalonians and beginnes to comfort them thinking well that the Thessalonians vnderstanding 〈…〉 these that the 〈…〉 Apostasie from Iesus Christ and that the Antichrist shall come with effectualnesse to deceiue the world should be discouraged with such doctrine Therefore he beginnes to comfort them And certainely if we knew what Apostasie were and 〈◊〉 danger is 〈◊〉 it 〈◊〉 what is the 〈…〉 Antichrist what a deceiues he were and what false doctrine were when it is sowne among people and what domage it imported the verie name of Apostasie and of the Antichrist and false doctrine would terifie vs and discourage vs altogether For I trow therebe none of vs but if a canker enter in a joint of our finger we would 〈…〉 for it Brethren false doctrine is a canker and there is as neuer a canker that wil consume so as the canker of false doctrine and so when it enters in the Church there is not a member of the Church but it should be fearde for it and astonished to see it but alas there is not feeling of the spirituall canker we 〈◊〉 so gro●●e in our 〈…〉 that we cannot ●eele the 〈◊〉 spirituall things But to come to the words 〈◊〉 sayes he should thank God 〈◊〉 for 〈◊〉 Wherefore Because that God 〈…〉 from the beginning 〈…〉 As he would say be not feared with these thinges 〈…〉 and on a 〈…〉 He sayes Brethren Our eternalelectiō proceds of Gods loue 〈…〉 The cause of this style is in the word following 〈…〉 for this eternall election commes of a speciall loue of God for if he had not loued thee he had 〈…〉 came of an vnspeakable loue of God towards thee as the reprobation came of 〈◊〉 hatred to the reprobate Therefore Rom. 9. 13. It is said Iocob I ha●e loued but as for Esau I haue hated him from all eternitie and therefore I cast him away Well since election commes of loue it is not without cause when we speake to the elect that we call them the beloued of God This is a token of loue when God hes elected a man from all eternitie and there is not a man looke to your experience there is not one I say when they ●eele their election for thou should feele it and finde in thy hart that thou art chosen of God but they will feele it with such a joy and sense of loue of him that hes chosen them as is vnspeakable for there is no●one gift of God but when we feele it and consider it it brings with it a sense of the loue of him that gaue thee the gift and it wakens vp the joy of the hart exceedingly What matter of the benefite it with the benefit bestowed on vs the sense of loue be not communicated for the least and smallest benefit giuen with a sense of loue is 〈…〉 not a great benefit and gift without the sense of loue When God castes a kingdome to a man in hatred there is no joy nor sweetnesse in it because there is no sense of loue no if it were but a morsell of meate giuen of loue that loue will make it so sweete to ●ee that thy hart shall be vnable to 〈◊〉 the sweetnesse of it Therefore whateuer God giues thee be it little or much labour to feele that it is giuen of loue to thee otherwayes there is no true pleasure or joy in it for all true joy is when the loue of God is shed abroad in the harts of men by the holy Spirit Rom. chap. 5. verse 5. Now what sayes he We to wit I and they who writes with me thank God and not that onely but vve should thank God Mark it All offices of thankfulnesse that we can doe are debt and no merite if thou lost thy lyfe for Gods cause there is no merite in thy part all merite and desert is on the part of God as for thy part it is but debt and thankes-giuing is a debt we ought to God not for our selues onely but we are debt-bound to th●nke God for the graces bestowed on another and a Pastour is cheeflie bound to thanke God for the graces bestowed on the people He saies more alvvayes not for one time or two but euer and euer Thanks-giuing is a debt that should be euer in paying euer counting and telling downe as Paul sayes to the Rom. 13. 8. Pay loue euer for thanks-giuing is a debt will neuer be pa●de neither in this world nor in the world to come Now he subjoynes the cause wherefore he thankes God that is the argument of consolation he ministers to them Because sayes he the Lord hes chosen you from all eternitie Blessed is that bodie that the Lord hes made a choise of Paul in the 2. Tim. 2. chap. 18. 19. vers when he hes spoken of the defection of some and that there were some Heretikes namely Humineus and Philetus thereafter he subjoines a comfort but sayes
the persons to whom it is directed The second is the arguments whereby he will assure the Thessalonians that the praier shal be granted to them And the last is the things that he prayes for to them To come to the persons I pray sayes he the Lord Iesus Christ. He names him first for the sweetnesse of grace he had found in him euer since first he knew him his soule was so filled with the swetnes of Christ that in nothing he could forget him neither in his praier nor exhortations to others as euery one that is touched with such a feeling of Christ will doe Know ye not this ye that make a glorious profession of Christ 〈◊〉 is thee that euer took the profession of Christ in thy mouth if thou find not a sweetnes of his grace towards thee in thy hart if thou finde it thou wilt neuer speake of any matter concerning grace and saluation but Iesus Christ shall be first in thy mouth Next he commes to the Father and he sayes and God our Father There then the two persons which are the two fountaines of all grace that comes to mā in the world Mark here a double honor giuen to Christ First he is joined with the Father as a fontaine of all grace and next he is first named for he sayes I pray the Lord Iesus and then he sayes and God our Father He puts the Father in the second rowme Iesus Christ god equal vvith the Father albeit in other places he puts God the father in the first rowme as ye may finde in all his salutations Now what must followe on this Euen this that Iesus Christ is very God as he is very man coessential of the same nature with God coequall of the same dignity and majestie with the Father and coeternall with him if this were not he could not haue giuen him such a style without blasphemy against God The olde Heretikes thought they got a great aduantage of such places of the Scripture that placed the Father in the first rowme to conclude that Iesus Christ was not onely inferior but far vnequall to God the Father and especially they gather it out of these wordes I baptise thee in the name of the Father and of the Son c. Ergo say they the Sonne is inferiour But looke here and ye will finde that Christ is named in the first rowme That olde doctor Chrysostome when he hes reasoned against this fond opinion at last he concludes They are equall in eternitie dignitie and in euerie thing that is or may be called truely God Indeed the Father is the first person but that makes not that the Father is aboue the Sonne for there is equalitie in dignity and essence and therefore he whiles puts the one before the other and that not in respect of any supremacy but to testifie that Iesus Christ our Sauior and the Father is one and equall in euery respect Now to come to the argumentes which are not set downe so much to mooue God as to assure the Thessalonians that the thinges shall be granted that he craues for them The arguments are from the effects of God First Who hes loued vs. Secondly vvho hes giuen vs euerlasting consolation And the last who hes giuen vs good hope and all throgh grace and mercy contrare vnto our deseruing Marke bethren a generall He bringes these Thessalonians to remembrance of these graces of God bestowed on them before Argumentes to assure vs that God vvill grāt vs benefits craued in prayer to assure them the Lord wil grant them these benefits he praies for to them When God begins to show his mercy on men or wemen and in Iesus Christ to powre out his blessings vpon them he giues as it were an obligation subscriued with his own hand I shall be with you for euer neuer man bond himself as the Lord binds himselfe from once he begin to deale mercifully with vs if he begin once to giue vs faith in Iesus christ and to minister that inward consolation and to giue vs hope of life euerlasting in so doing he giues vs an obligation that that mercy shall continue with vs for euer Therefore mark the graces of God giuen to thee and neuer forget them for they vvill hold thee vp That God that hes comforted thee once shal comfort thee for euer He is not like man I am sayes he Iehoua not changeable and therefore ground thy hart on that vnchangablenes of God For he who hes once begunne with thee to giue thee mercy assure thy self he shal not leaue thee How was Dauid and the godly of olde holden vp but by this same obligation Would euer any of the olde fathers haue stood without this No. There only prop vp-hold was the experience of the mercy of God once showne on them and diligently remembred by them Now to come to the particulare Who hes loued vs not as a Creator does a creature The first Gods loue but as the father does the son that is an higher degree of loue for he called him Father immediatly before then he subjoines he loued vs. Brethren would ye come to the thinges we haue of God throgh Christ The first is grace mercy and free fauour He is bound to no creature but what euer he giues he giues it freely The first blessing that God bestowes on man on earth and the first effect of grace and of his free fauor is loue this loue is giuen to make the creature to powr out as it wer the hart on his Creator againe He hes loued vs ere euer we wer of this loue proceeds eternal election as ye may read in sundry places of the new Testament This loue stayes not here but after he bringes vs in the world at his owne appointed tyme he makes the loue that was in his hart before all tyme towardes vs to break out and he sheds it abroad in our harts And the first effect of it is our effectuall calling He will say Come hither out of the foule pollution of the world and I wil exceme thee from the damnable end of the world and so from thence forth mercy hes no end but from calling he proceeds to justification from justification to regeneration and last to glorification So the first thing God giues thee is his hart and harty loue He will not giue thee any of these blessinges that are in Iesus Christ vntill with them he giue thee his hart He is not like man who will giue thee a faire countenance alone and will take no further thought what become of thee but God will giue thee his hart as the first gift and giuing thee his hart what can he deny thee When he hes giuen thee his hart can he deny thee life And therefore Rom. 5. 5. it is said that the loue of God is shed abroad in vs by his holy Spirit Now as he embraces vs with loue Lord if we could meete him with halfe loue againe We
cannot loue him except he loue vs first 1. Iohn 4. 19. There is none that loues him but he that hes the sense of Gods loue in his hart furnished by the Spirit of God O the joy and consolation in the hart when it findes the Lords hart powred out on it And without this sense of Gods loue towardes thee fy on thee if thou wert a king for all thy kingdomes if thou wert ruler ouer all fy on thy glorie and pleasure for all the things vnder Heauen may well minister to thee a false joy and peace in thy hart but they shall neuer giue thee the true joy for there is no true joy but through the sense of the loue of God in thy hart So there is the first gift and argument whereby he assure these Thessalonians that the thinges he askes for them shall be graunted to them without all doubt The next argument is And hes giuen vs consolation eternall In this word he summes vp all the blessinges giuen to man in Iesus Christ in tyme The secōd is eternall cōsolatiō our effectuall calling our justification through his righteousnesse forgiuenesse of sinnes and an acceptation in his fauor our sanctification by his Spirit the resurrection of the bodie and life eternal in glorie al these we haue in him to whom Paul maks this prayer So all the blessinges of God commes and meetes in the hart of man as in a centre they end all in consolation our effectual calling ends in consolation our justifying ends in consolation Therefore sayes Paul Rom 5. 1. Being iustified by faith vve haue peace tovvard God Then in one word As all blessing beginnes at the hart of God and at that loue he powres our on vs so al blessing ends in our hart The beginning is Gods the end is ours and our end is this that peace that passes all vnderstanding This loue of God is as a floode through the which slowes downe all these blessinges bestowed on vs which are as as many springs and conduits comming from that great and vnspeakable loue of God and entering once in vpon our harts wakens vp an infinite and vnspeakable joy in vs For from once that wa●e● of the loue of God touch the hart there flowes such a consolation as is vnspeakable The Lord of Heauen giue euery one earnestnesse to seeke this consolation for it is the arlespenny of these euerlasting joyes which once we shall haue in Heauen throgh Iesus Christ He calles it eternall because it is a fontaine that neuer is stopped it neuer goes dry but euer runnes when the fountaine euer ●●mes the riuer that runnes from it will neuer goe dry And therefore when that fountaine of loue in the hart of God commes in thy hart thy consolation must laste for euer his loue running down in thy hart makes thy joy euerlasting The thinges of this world when thou gettest them will waken vp some joy in thy hart but that joy which thou hast the day thou wilt want to morrow for it is not permanent but as for that joy which proceeds of the loue of God it hes no end it is eternall and therefore they that will seeke consolation in Iesus shal neuer haue an end of joy Indeed sometymes this our joy seemes to be troubled heere because it is compassed with many crosses and afflictions but the Lord from tyme to tyme makes our joy sensible and wakens it vp in vs and when thou shalt be in Heauen thou shalt haue an endles consolation without any vicissitude or alteration for euer Seek then I pray you for this loue of God as ye wold be euerlastinglie blessed with this joy vnalterable Now the third benefite is good hope He calles it good because it is of the best thing The third good hope that euer was that is it is of that cheefe felicitie for vvhat is it vve hope for Euen that consummation of our cheefe and euerlasting felicitie vvith our God vve hope for that possession of the glorie of our Lord Iesus and therefore it is not vvithout reason that it is called good hope Wherefrom flowes it Euen as consolation flowes from loue so hope flowes from consolation Rom. 15. 4. and consolation is as an arlespenny that God puttes in thy hand that thou shalt get thē full payment of the whole summe And therefore it wakens vp thy hart to hope so that when I get a peece of consolation I am induced to hope certainely that that Lord that hes giuen me that arlespenny shal not leaue me till he fil my hart with the fulnesse of consolation for the saciety and full contentment is not till we see Christ face to face and vntill this tyme we must liue by hope In end he sayes all these thinges are by grace Loue is by grace consolation is by grace hope is by grace that is of the free fauour of God without any desert or merite on mans part And it is vvell vvith vs that it is no● so that all is of free grace vvithout out merite for if any blessing of God hang vpon a mans merite vpon his doing and deseruing alas vveak vvould this ground be and there vvould not be one day but vve should fall from the grace If it 〈◊〉 depended on me I vvould lose it euerie moment of the day So the ground of thi● suretie and stabilitie of Gods blessinges is onely in God euen his free grace and loue When the Lord regardes thee not for ought that is in thee but lookes to himselfe then thou hast stedfastnesse by the grace of God as ye may collect of the 4. chap. to the Rom. verse 16. Therefore it is by faith that it might come by grace and the promise might be sure to all the seede If the inheritance hang vpon thy stinking vvorkes for thou fylest the vvorkes of the holy Spirit in thee thou shouldst neuer see Heauen And thou that vvilt stick by such a ground and say Heauen and saluation depends on thy vvorks thou shalt find thy selfe frustrate in that day and shall not attaine to that inheritance that thou looked for for there is no blessing of God in Christ but that that hangs vpon the free fauor and mercy of God to vs in Iesus Christ All the vvorld shall not louse this ground In the last verse vve haue the thinges he prayes for to these Thessalonians I pray the Lord Iesus Christ and God euen our Father that they would comfort your harts The next establishe you in euerie vvord of the trueth and euerie good vvorke Praier for consolation These are the tvvo thinges he prayes for consolation and perseuerance in well doing Hes he not said before that God the father had giuen them eternall consolation what is the crause then he praies for it as though they had not gotten it He sayes he hes giuen vs eternall consolation and now he sayes I pray the Lord Iesus that he would comfort you How can these two stand Mark brethren
eneugh put me from his gun and pistolet sayes he I am sure eneugh and in the mean-tyme there is neuer suspition of the deuill stronger and subtiller then al the men in the world He wil get on a croslet and plateglufe ô miserable catiue what armour hast thou for the enemy of thy soule It is not with men we haue to do but with powers we haue not to do with flesh and bloud but with Empyres and Principalities Gouernours Princes of the world rulers in the Air. If thou hast adoe with Princes and Kings earthly they wil sute the field with thee but if thou hast adoe with the deuill as euery vnbeleeuer hes he will not sute the field with thee but he will be aboue thy head where thou shalt not get one stroke of him but he vvith great fetches and force will beate thee downe and vse thee at his pleasure Therfore it is not eneugh to pray to giue thee grace to stand and to keepe thee from such as are enemies bodily to thee but thou should say Lord keepe me from that euill one Satan from spirituall powers from that deuill thou art neuer free of him night nor day for he is going about like a roaring lyon seeking vvhom he may deuore 1. Pet. 5. 8. and when thou hast thus praied to be saued from the deuil then say Lord keep me from these bodily enemies Alas men liues carelesse of Satan as thogh there wer not a spiritual enemie while as there are millions of them to deuore thee for euer Ye see then this that is spoken to the Thessalonians is applyed to the whole Church of God in the world for this that he speaks of the Church of Thessalonica he meanes of the Church of God euery where that the Church hes many enemies the Church of Christ hes and euer had and shall haue many enemies The 〈◊〉 ●es many enemies the Church it selfe is but an handful in respect of the multitude both of spirituall and bodily enemies multitudes of deuils multitudes of wicked men and wemen in the world and therfore she cannot be without some noy and hurt no think it not But there is a consolation The Church of Iesus Christ shal neuer be tread vnder foote the deuill and all his supposis shall neuer tread on her nor ouercome the Church of God Hold that fast for a sure ground The Church of God shal neuer be vtterly ouerthrowne and this is a wonderfull thing And yet brethren as the might and omnipotency of God appeares in other things so especially his might appears in holding vp a poore handful of the poorest and vilest bodies in the world in appearance against such multitudes of strong and mighty both spiritual and bodily enemies and the Lord will be glorified in this few number and in end he shall make that handfull to tread on the necks of the multitude of the wicked vpon Princes necks and on Powers and Principalities and on the deuill himselfe The cause of her standing is because she is grounded on Iesus Christ who is immutable and vnchangeable she reposing and leaning on Iesus shall stand still and be vnalterable as long as he is vnalterable which is euerlastingly all the power of the world and Hell shal neuer ouerthrow her and bring her at vnder This is her joy that she shall neuer finally fall but shall stand notwithstanding of all assaults for euer And at last be victorious ouer oer enemies through the strength of him on whom she reposes Now to this God the Father Sonne and holy Spirit be praise and honor AMEN THE ELEVENTH LECTVRE VPON THE SECOND EPISTLE OF PAVL TO THE THESSALONIANS 2. THESSA CHAP. 3. vers 4. 5. 6. 4 And vve are persvvaded of you through the Lord that ye both doe and vvill doe the things vvhich vve command you 5 And the Lord guide your harts to the loue of God and the vvaiting for of Christ. 6 We command you brethren in the Name of our Lord Iesus Christ that ye vvithdravv your selues from euery brother that vvalleth inordinatly and not after the instruction vvhich he receiued of vs. THIS last part brethren of the Epistle of Paul written to the Thessalonians containes precepts and admonitions to liue an holy and christian lyfe The last day wel ad in hands the first precept which concerneth prayer to God which is the cheefest exercise that a christian man can haue in this world there is none before it Therefore he began to pray and as he had prayed for them immediatlie before so he craues of them a recompence which is pray for me againe and good reason that when I pray for thee thou pray for me againe When the Pastor prayes for the flock the flock should interceede againe with God by prayer for him So the Apostle sayes Pray for vs for me and my fellow-laborers from whom in common this Epistle was directed But for what things should they pray to him The first thing is the Gospel and what of it Pray that it may runne and haue a free course through the world And what more That the Gospel of Christ running throgh shold not run through the mouthes and eares of men onely that is a small matter if there be no more but that in running it may haue the course with power and effectualnesse in the hearts of the hearers working lyfe and saluation in them and so consequently she may be glorified that is that men and wemen feeling the great force may be inforced to glorifie her in this world for none will glorifie the Gospell but he that feeles the power of it in his hart and to whom the Gospell is the power of God to saluation The next thing that he craues they should pray for is for his person the persons of his fellow-laborers that we sayes he may be deliuered from vnreasonable and euill men He giues the reason of this desire All men hes not ●aith When we goe abroad preaching the Gospell we will haue great opposition of many wicked men euil inclined in hart euil disposde in hand so that our persons must be oft in great danger Therefore pray for vs And the ground is all men hes not faith Howbeit some will professe God and religion yet in very deed God is not in their hart Christ dwelleth not in them by faith they are not elect and therefore they beleeue not It is dangerous to be amongst them yea euen for the persons of men for without Christ the hart of a man is as cruell as is the hart of a Tyger and Lyon or any wylde beast before it be drawen away from that cruelty and tamed by faith in Iesus Christ this is the nature of all men Then in that third verse lest that matter concerning faith and the scarcitie of it should haue offended them and moued them to doubt and to thinke it might be that they should fall away from the faith He sayes the Lord is faithfull and he shall
giue me grace to loue thee as thou bidst me hope so worke thou hope in me otherwise I will neuer be answerable to thy command Now to the words I pray God to direct your harts to the loue of God Ye see here wherfore he praies not for their mouth or tonge nor for their eies nor for none of these outward members but his prayer is for their harts that the Lord would direct their harts What meanes this To wit that the directer the guider and ruler of all these outward members of the eyes tongue and mouth of the hand and foote is the hart she sittes in the midst and guides all so that if she her selfe be first well guyded ruled and disposed it shall be well with all the members of thy bodie she shall guide thy tongue and brydle thy mouth in speaking and guide thy hand in doing it shall be well with thy eyes and eares she shall not suffer thee to looke or heare wrong and so well is the person that hes a well guyded hart and well disposed mynde For then as for the outward members they shal be all made wapons of righteousnesse to serue God but if the hart be euill disposed but if it be backward and peruerse as it is of nature there shal not be so much as the least member of the bodie but al shal goe the wrong way thy foote shall goe to mischieefe a murtherers hart stirres his foote to murther thy hand shall be a wapon of vnrighteousnesse to fight against God thy eye shall be looking to euill and likewise all the rest all shall be set to do wickednesse And therefore as the hart craues heere prayer for guiding of it so euery part of the bodie craues prayer for it As the Apostle prayes so let vs pray Lord guide my hart my hand my foote No the least member craues prayer but begin at the first stirrer the hart and say Lord guide my hart that all the rest of my members may followe her Alas the neglect of this prayer to God that he would guide the hart makes the hart a foule stinking puddle There is no stinking flewer to the stinke of a foule hart ô if thou felt it that thou might detest it If it be not purged thou shalt neuer see the face of God if thou ly still in the filth of thy hart and euery day in thy hart contract some further filth remember I forewarne thee the intolerable judgement of God shall be heaped on thy head as thou heapest filth vpon filth Now what craues he to their harts I pray the Lord sayes he to direct your harts The word in the owne language signifies a straightning as it wer an euen lyne for brethren consider the hart of man as it is disposed by nature and by this foule birth of ours all within vs is foule without that renuing Spirit of Iesus Christ it comes in this world crooked manshart crooked by nature and bowed in as a crooked tree bowed away from God to the deuill from al good things to all euil and mischiefe It is backward that is the terme that the Scripture giues it euery man is borne vvith a backvvard hart bowed downward from God And therefore what thing should thou craue to the hart what should thou aske for it It is not euen eneugh no so long as thou liuest there shall be ay a crooke in it What should thou pray for it then Euen this Lord make it euen put this peruersnesse out of it for so long as it bydes in this backvvardnesse it is not possible but thy vvraith must be on it Then pray for two things to thy hart First to mak straight thy crooked hart and say Lord I finde my hart crooked vvithin me bovving avvay from thee Lord put in day holy Spirit in it and straighten it And againe because it is impossible so long as I liue that I can attaine vnto an hart altogether straight Lord hyde the crookes of my hart with that mantle of the righteousnesse of Christ Trovvest thou that thou could stand one moment before that Majestie that cannot looke on a crooke except thy crook were couered with that mantle of the righteousnesse of Iesus Christ Therefore our prayer should be Lord let Christ my Mediator euer stand betweene me and thee to hold off thy wraith and fire of thy countenance Now folovves in the end of the verse tvvo pointes vnto the vvhich the hart should be directed manshart should be directed to tvvo things 1. the loue of God The thing that is made straight must be directed to a pointe The first pointe whereinto the hart must be directed is the loue of God the next is the patient avvaiting for of Christ. To speake of the first The hart as it is bowed and alienated from euerie good thing so first it is bowed from God and his loue be assured as thou art borne thou louest not God No thy nature inclines to hate him so deadlie that thou hast no vvill nor pleasure once to thinke of him the hart abhortes by nature the verie cogitation of him and faine vvould thou haue that conscience that aduerises thee of him to be pulled avvay Many vvould be quyte of their conscience that is euer sounding to them of God thou would giue a kingdome if thou had it to be quite of it And as thou wold not think of him by nature so thou vvould neuer heare of him there is such a naturall hatred against God in the hart of man for all are borne as it were with their face away from God and their backs turned to God and the longer thou liuest the farther thou runnest from him except by his Spirit he turne thee and say to thee turne thee and looke on my face And therefore the first thing we should pray for should be Lord turne my hart to thee to loue thee and set it on thee This is the praier of the Apostle and it should be our prayer night and day What thing canst thou loue with any joy or delectation if thou first loue not God Will the Husband loue the wife if he loue not God first fy on thee and thy loue both for thy loue vvill be turned in hatred and thou vvilt cursse thy vvyfe and thy children if thou louest not God first and then them in God for this cause This is the first pointe vnto the which the hart should be directed Now the next pointe he calles Patience that is a patient hope Of vvhom Of Iesus Christ that is of his comming and consequently of thy euerlasting saluation that shall be reueiled at his comming 2. Patient avvaiting for Christ Brethren it is craued that the hart of man be set beyond any thing in this lyfe I tell thee thy hart must be directed farther nor any grace thou can get in this lyfe farther nor faith nor the loue of God vvhich is the preciousest thing thou can haue thy hart must be set on things
in sinne No if thou would doe an idle bodie any good bound him to worke wilt thou giue a vagabound leaue to clatter from morne till night and then giue him meate thou fosters and enterteines him in sinne beware of such helpe for when thou thinkst thou helpst and pleasure him thou art procuring a iudgment to him The Lord giue vs grace to helpe all creatures out of that damnable estate whereinto they are by our ensample that thereafter both we and they may striue to honour God in our callinges vntill we come to Christ the Author and finisher of our faith who according as our faith and beleefe is in him does recompence to euerie one of vs that through him the just may be saued and the reprobate condemned And therefore to him with the Father and holie Spirit be all honour praise and glorie for euer AMEN THE THIRTENTH LECTVRE VPON THE SECOND EPISTLE OF PAVL TO THE THESSALONIANS 2. THESSA CHAP. 3. vers 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 11 For vve heard that there are some vvhich vvalke among you inordinatly and vvorke not at all but are busie bodies 12 Therefore them that are such vve command and exhort by our Lord Iesus Christ that they vvorke vvith quyetnesse and eate their ovvne breade 13 And ye brethren be not vvearie in vvell doing 14 If any man obey not our sayings note him by a latter and haue no company vvith him that he may be ashamed 15 Yet count him not as an enemie but admonishe him as a brother THE Apostle ye heard brethren her found great fault with such among the Thessalonians as liued inordinatly without a lawfull calling idle in the world Now to come to the purpose shortly in the beginning of this text he layes down the ground of that rebuke and finding fault with such men he spok not begesse but vpon a sure information and reporte that he had concerning these men albeit he was absent yet the report came to him that some among the Thessalonians liued inordinatly not working and not exercised lawfully but in vain speachs and curious and supersluous exercises The text is plain and the first thing I marke heere is Nothing should be spoken no rebuke no reproofe shold be directed to any but vpon a certaine assurance and good ground knowledge and notorietie of it either vpon that knowledge we haue our selues as when we see the fault our selues either vpon the certaintie of a true and sure report of others that are of credite and whom we know to speake not of affection or malice or of purpose to slander the person of whom it is spoken least we speaking vpon an vncertaintie and being ouer soone credulous without a full information in the end such speaking bring a disgrace to our ministrie Then againe the Pastor when once he hes scattred the seede of the word in the harts of the hearers his next care should be to see how it buddes out and fructifies in their lyues and conuersations Euen as the Husband-man after he hes casten the seede in the ground his eye is on the ground to see how the corne brierdes so the Pastor should haue his eye on his ground vpon the which he sowes the seede of the word that is his flock and see how it fructifies in them If he be present his eye should not be off them He should not onely looke on them in the Church but his eye should at all tymes and in euerie place be very instant on them Alas for pittie that this care is neglected in all almost we thinke it eneugh to studie the preaching and lets the maners of men passe ouer as if they appertained not to vs If the Pastor be absent his eares should be opened to heare sure reportes concerning their maners that as he heares and sees he may doe thereafter that if the word fructifie hee may encourage them to goe forwarde otherwise he may admonishe rebuke and stirre vp the dead soule for a Pastour should neuer be idle but either speaking or doing comforting or exhorting instructing or admonishing or rebuking No there is no idlenesse for him as he woulde giue vp a faire count in that great day What heard he by report That there wer some that liued inordinatly Who are these He defines them in the words following They that vvrought not at all and yet vvere busied and none so busie as they appearandly Here ye see are two contrares doing nothing and yet exercised they were not busie in well doing and in a lawfull calling but they were exercised and busie in curiositie and so euill exercised The lesson is There is a common Prouerb An idle man must ay be doing some-thing and he that is not profitable and wel exercised of necessitie must be vnprofitably exercised for the Spirit of a man cannot rest for we see by daily experience idle men and wemen and Paul marked that in some young widowes 1. Tim. 5. 13. of all people they wearie and fash themselues most ye see them here and there talking and pratling and where euer they come they are in such a busines as is wonderfull they gather al the newes and tydings of the countrey greedily and then running here and there they scatter them In one word they will be in as great a businesse as if the care of a kingdome were laid on them Let euery one apply this to himselfe Amongst all the faults of Edinburgh this is not one of the least that would be amended The maners and behauiour of many people which I see in this Citty forces me to speak of it In the next verse vvhen he hes laid dovvne the ground he turnes him to them and charges and warnes them very weightilie That they worke Marke the weight of the charge He charges and exhorts so that ye see he mingles lenity with sharpnesse There is a sharpnesse in charging and lenitie in exhorting In whose Name charges he them Not in his owne name but in the Name and authoritie of Iesus the highest authoritie that euer was which learnes vs this how hard a thing it is to make an idle man to put his hand to worke they must be straited with the highest authoritie that is Euen of the great God of Heauen yea when they are charged in his Name scarcely will they put their hand to worke Once a begger and vnthriftie neuer a thriftie man againe It is a very hard thing to bring thee from thy vaiging Take heed to this ye that hes yong ones that they be not brought vp idlie for if thou so doe it will be hard to bring them to worke againe It is Gods just judgement that ye see many of them begging because ye put them not to labour in their youth Now this for the forme What charges he them to doe Worke sayes he and so doe I in the Name and authoritie of the great God I say to you vagabounds worke ye that make a shift by pratling and talking I say to you worke
them the presence of the Lord himselfe to be with them all Last he salutes them and the effect of the saluatation is a prayer for them The grace of our Lord Iesus be with you all Amen So all consistes in prayer Then learne He beganne this Epistle with prayer and salutation throughout the whole Epistle prayer is mingled Now in the end he multiplies prayer What meanes this Euen this that in vaine is all doctrine exhortation admonition and precept whatsomouer all preaching is nothing except the Lord by his Spirit worke inwardlie in the harts of the hearers all is nothing but vvinde except he moue their affections Now the way to obtaine this inward and secreete operation of the holy Spirite is oft-tymes to turne to God by prayer beseeching him to be povverfull and to joyne his Spirite vvith the vvord and to joyne vvorking vvith speaking And therefore hovv oft so euer we teach and ye hear the hart and eye should be lifted vp and set vpon him who hes keeped Spirit and power in his owne hand to giue as he pleases No man can giue you it neither the Preachour nor no Angell can giue you it It is onely in the hand of God and Iesus Christ to giue thee Spirite and povver and to joyne vvorking vvith speaking And therefore the eye in preaching should euer be set on Christ The Pastour should pray and haue his hart aboue to dravve dovvne grace to himselfe and the people that the vvord spoken may be effectuall in the hart othervvise preaching and all hearing is in vaine Now to come to the words The first thing he prayes for and wishes is peace The Lord of peace sayes he giue you peace for euer and euery vvay The thing then he wishes is peace that is quyetnes rest and tranquillity concord agreement all these words expresses the meaning of the word Peace The contrare is vnquyetnes What peace is dissention c. This Peace is the blessednes felicity happy estate of Christs kingdome which is his Church both in earth and Heauen And all the graces we haue in Iesus Christ tends to this end that his subjects may liue in peace quyetnesse and joy for euer and that shall be the end when we are in Heauen peace and joy for euer Ye see the happy estate of a worldly kingdome what is it When men liues in rest and enjoyes peace and quyetnes that is the happines of a worldly knigdom therefore in the 1. Timot. 2. 2. he commaundes prayer to be made for all men For Kings and superiour povvers To what end Euen to this same end that vve may liue a peaceable and quyet lyfe Euen so the blessed and happie estate of Christs kingdome is an heauenlie peace concord and quyetnesse And therefore Rom. 14. 17. he makes this peace to be essentiall to the kingdome of God that he defines it by this peace saying The kingdom of God is righteousnes peace and ioy in the holy Ghost This Heauenly peace is onely in Christs kingdome in his Church in Heauen and earth And the subjects of the kingdome of Iesus Christ are onely they that enjoyes this peace here and after this life for euer for without the Church of Christ there is no true peace If thou be no subject in his kingdome thou hast no rest no true peace for there is no true peace for the vvicked sayes the Prophet Esay 57. 21. If thou be of that number that is without the kingdome of Christ no peace for thee and the end shall proue thou hadst neuer true peace in this world Now to go forward He craues that it may be giuen to them Then Peace the gift of god it is a gift Heauenly peace is the gift of God thou hast it not by nature None is borne with peace but with warre and inimitie by nature all are borne with dissention strife and debate there is no heauenly peace by nature And the whole lyfe naturall what is it but a continuance in war debate and strife first against God next with thy selfe and thy owne conscience And againe a strife against the Angels in Heauen and men on earth and all the creatures of God thou art an enemie to them and they vnto thee vntill the tyme thou attaine to that new birth in Iesus Christ and then by vertue of that birth thou getst this heauenly and spirituall peace for then thou beginst to liue at peace first with God himselfe and next with the Angels in Heauen and men in earth and with all his creatures So looke how needfull it is for thee to haue regeneration for if thou want it thou shalt be at war for euer thou shalt haue no peace But how getst thou it It is a gift And who shold giue it The Lord of peace The giuer of it must be the Lord with dominion and power with command And as vnder his Lordship other things must be so peace must be at his command either to giue it or hold it Now who is this Lord that hes this power of peace and war Who is he that sayes All povver is giuen to me in heauen and earth Matt. 2● 18. This Lord is Iesus Christ And therefore ere euer he came in this world and tooke on him our nature Esay 9. 6. he styles him the Prince of peace And Paul Ephes 2. 14 styles him peace it ●elfe he is our peace-maker And in Iohn 14. 27. Christ speaking to his Apostles takes on him to be the giuer of peace and sayes My peace I leaue to you and giues you So this Lord of peace is the Lord Iesus Christ who hes in his handes all grace and glorie in Heauen and in earth Yet to goe forward The lords style ansvver able to the grace 〈◊〉 praier Why is it that he makes a choise of this style rather then of any other Certainely this style he receiues here agrees with the petition and thing asked at his hands peace is craued he is styled the Lord of peace what euer we aske of Christ it should be in faith that he hes power to giue it aske i● thou peace aske it not but in an assurance that it is in his hand and that he is able to giue it Now this assurance that all is in his hand it cannot be better vttered then by the Name and style we giue him askest thou wisdome say Lord of wisdome giue wisdome askest thou peace say Lord of peace giue me peace askest thou mercie say Lord of mercy giue me mercy So the name and style we giue to the Lord when we craue ought at his hands should be answerable to the grace and mercy we aske for then we vtter our faith and assurance that he hes such a grace and power to giue vs. This hes bene the forme of Pauls prayer and of godly men of old and should be imitate by vs. The Lord hes many styles he is called the Lord of peace mercy and justice the Lord
This he sayes to tell vs that consolation is gotten by praier look the necessity of prayer If there be no prayer at no tyme there is no consolation that man that cannot pray to God and beg comfort at his hand that manifest neuer spirituall consolation in his hart Goe to experience I pose thee in thy conscience felt thou euer comfort without prayer No if there be not prayer to God thou shalt haue no comfort and more if there be not continuance in prayer thou shalt get no continuance in consolation Leauest thou off prayer looke whether consolation will leaue thy hart or not Leauest thou off in prayer to meditate on Iesus Christ I pose the whether the consolation in the hart leaues thee or not Againe striuest thou to keepe that presence of Iesus Christ by prayer and in all thy exercises castes a blenke to Iesus Christ be not so exercised that thou forget Iesus Christ hast thou thy eyes euer on Iesus by prayer and meditation wilt thou not finde a joy and swetnes in thy hart such as thou cannot be able to expres Againe when thou art so fixt on the things in this world yea euen in thy lawfull exercise for in thy lownry thou cannot haue an eye to God that thou cannot get a peece of thy hart to God it may be that thou haue a carnall and false joy but true joy and comfort hast thou not Well then brethren that peace and consolation flowes of prayer and earnest meditation in Iesus Therefore as the Apostle sayes Philip. 4. 6. 7. Be not solist for any thing but in euerything let thy requests be shovven forth to God and that by all maner of prayer and supplication and supponing thou get not the wordly releefe I shall tell thee what thou shalt finde the peace of God that passes all vnderstanding shall stand about thee as a guard and what lakest thou if thou hast that peace and tranquillity of thy soule And what hast thou if thou lakest this peace Now fy on al if thou lake this guarde of Gods peace if thou wert a king or Monarch abounding in riches pleasure and honour what shall all auaile thee So he drawes consolation from God by prayer And as it is sure that euery thing that liues hes the being and continuance of God So it is as sure that that person that is disposed to pray keepes and shall keepe the comfortable presence and peace of God that passes all vnderstanding Therefore the Lord dispose our harts to pray that by praier we may keepe some meditation and presence of Iesus Christ in our harts Kings will leaue their kingdomes Lords their lordshippes and euerie man will leaue this world and all that is vvithin it but vvoe to that man vvhom God leaues when the world leaues him The next thing he prayes for is that the Lord would establish them Praier for perseuerance as we say settle them and make them firme and stable not changing and wagging as the busse wagges and so inconstant in their religion but that they be settled Ye heard wherein stood our perseuerance It stood in holding a fast grippe of the Apostles doctrine the trueth of God Now here I finde more He prayes to God and Iesus Christ that they would establishe them that is hold a grippe of them So that in our perseuering there must be two things of necessitie The one is thy hand must be festned or else thou wilt fall for there was neuer one that had not his hart festned vpon the trueth of Iesus Christ by holding a grip of it but he fell downe to Hell The other thing The Lord must hold a grippe of thee or else thou cannot be able to keepe thy grip so thou must grippe and God must grip thee thou must stand on a fundation which is Iesus Christ and the Lord God himself must hold thee on thy fundation for otherwise thy feet will slip off the ground So euer say Lord hold me on this ground and fundation or else I wil not be able to stand one moment Now then to come to the fundations whereon we must stand and whereon the Lord must establish vs they are these first euerie vvord of this trueth and next euerie good vvorke Ye may see there are two fundations heere whereon thou must stand for he that would stand to the end must haue his feete set a spar-waies he must not stand on a slippery place nor on one foote onely but he must haue a sure ground and must stand on both his feete and euery foot must haue the own ground-stone to stand on and the first ground is the Gospell of Iesus Christ Therefore first lift thy right foot and set it on the trueth of God the Gospell of Iesus The next ground is holinesse of life and good works flowing from the former then take thy left foote and set it on holinesse of lyfe and euery good worke and then both thy feete stands sure I shal make this plaine There are two things in man the hart and the hand The man that would stand must haue hart and hand both fastned The hart must be first fastned and locked on the Gospell of Christ Iesus and that by the lock and bond of faith and next the hand must be fastned too and it must grip first to euerie good turne thinke it not eneugh to haue thy hart exercised If thy hand be idle or doing euill for if thy hand be not well exercised it shall be doing euil keepe these two fast then thy hart on the word of God and thy hand on euery good worke and then firmely shalt thou stand These two are so joyned together that they cannot be seuered for if thou six thy hart on the Gospell of Iesus Christ of necessity thy hand shall be exercised in well doing keepst thou one of them thou keepst both losest thou one of these two thou losest both for it shall passe thy power to haue a good turne in thy hand if thou want the Gospell of Christ Iesus in thy hart As by the contrare hant euill doing and then come to heare the Gospell in despyte of thy hart thou shalt not get the Gospell within thy hart but thou shalt want Christ Therefore as thou would keepe one keepe both and striue to fasten thy hart and hand on both and I shall assure thee in the name of Iesus Christ that he wil hold his hand to thee and stand shalt thou fast to the end vntill thou be put out of all danger For when once thou art brought to the mark and comes to the rinkes end then thou shalt be out of all feare and danger For there is no defection in Heauen no falling nor stumbling there but an euerlasting stabilitie when this mirrour is away and we shal see our Sauiour Iesus face to face Therefore as the Apostle praies for stabilities to these Thessalonians Euen so I beseech Iesus Christ and God the father to keepe vs on