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A07225 Christs victorie ouer Sathans tyrannie Wherin is contained a catalogue of all Christs faithfull souldiers that the Diuell either by his grand captaines the emperours, or by his most deerly beloued sonnes and heyres the popes, haue most cruelly martyred for the truth. With all the poysoned doctrins wherewith that great redde dragon hath made drunken the kings and inhabitants of the earth; with the confutations of them together with all his trayterous practises and designes, against all Christian princes to this day, especially against our late Queen Elizabeth of famous memorie, and our most religious Soueraigne Lord King Iames. Faithfully abstracted out of the Book of martyrs, and diuers other books. By Thomas Mason preacher of Gods Word.; Actes and monuments Foxe, John, 1516-1587.; Mason, Thomas, 1580-1619? 1615 (1615) STC 17622; ESTC S114403 588,758 444

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perswaded her to leaue her wicked opinion of the Sacrament but she answered that it was nothing but bread and wine that they might be ashamed to say that a péece of bread should be turned by a man into the naturall body of Christ which bread doth sennew and Mice oftentimes do eate it and it doth mould and is burned Gods owne body will not be so handled or kept in prison or Boxes let it be your GOD it shall not be mine for my Sauiour sitteth at the right hand of God and doth pray for me and to make it the very body of Christ and to worship it is foolish and deuillish deceit Then an old Frier as●ed her what she said of the holy Pope I say quoth she he is Antichrist and the Deuill then they all laughed ●ay said she you had more néed to weep then laugh in that you are Chaplaines vnto that wh●re of Babylon I defie him and all his falshood you damne soules when you teach the people to worship Idolls and to worship a false God of your owne making of a peece of Bread and that the Pope is Gods Uicar and can forgiue sinnes and that there is a Purgatory when Gods Sonne hath by his Passion purged all and say you make God and sacrifice him when Christs body was a Sacrifice once for all you teach the people to number their sinnes in your eares and say they bee damned ●f they doe not confesse all when GOD saith Who can number his sinnes You promise them Trentalls and Dirges and Masses for Soules and sell your prayers for Money and make them buy pardons and trust in such foolish inu●ntions you teach vs to pray vpon Beads and to pray vnto Saints you make Holy bread and holy water to fray Deuils and you do make a thousand moe abhominations yet you say you came to saue my soule no no one hath saued me farewell with your saluation In Saint Peters Church shee beheld a cunning Duch-man how he made new Noses to certaine Images which were disfigured in King EDVVARDS time What a mad man art thou said she to make new noses which within a few daies shall all loose their heads thou thine Images are acccursed hee called her whore nay said the thine Images are whoores and thou art a whoore-hunter For God saith you goe a whoring after strange Gods Then she was clapped fast and after had no liberty and not long after she was condemned Then she said I thanke God this day I haue found that which I haue long sought and being then exhorted to recant she said I will neuer lose eternall life for this short life I will not turne from my heauenly husband to my earthly husband from the fellowship of Angels to mortall Children God is my Father God is my Mother God is my Sister my Brother my Kinsman God is my Friend most faithfull shee was burned at Execester Iohn Sharpe Thomas Hall Thomas Benion THese were burned in the towne of Bristow for saying that the Sacrament of the Altar was the greatest and most abhominable Idol that euer was and Thomas Benion denied fiue of their Sacraments and affirmed two that is the Sacrament of the body and bloud of Christ and the Sacrament of Baptisme they died godly constantly and patiently Iohn Corneford of Wortham Christopher Browne of Maidstone Iohn Herst of Ashford Alice Snoth Katherine Knight alias Tinley THese were the last that suffered in Quéen Maries raigne They were burned at Canterbury but six daies before the death of Queene Mary The Arch-deacon of Canterbury being at London and vnderstanding the danger of the Quéene made post-hast home to dispatch these They were condemned for not beleeuing the body of Christ to be in the Sacrament of the Altar vnlesse it be receiued and for confessing that an euill man doth not receiue Christs body and that it is Idolatry to créepe to the crosse and that we should not pray vnto our Lady and other Saints when there sentence should be● read against them Iohn Cornefield excommunicated the Papists in these words as follow In the name of our Lord Iesus Christ the Son of the most mighty God and by the power of his holy Spirit and of the authority of his holy Cathothick and Apostolick Church wee doe giue here into the hands of Sathan to bee destroyed the bodies of all those blasphemers and hereticks that do● maintaine any error against his most holy word or doe condemne his most holy truth for heresie to the maint●nance of any false Church or fained religion so that by this thy iust Iudgement O most mighty God against thy Aduersaries thy true religion may be knowne to thy great glory and our comfort and to the edifying of all our Nation good Lord so be it This procéeded as it seemed from an inward faith and harty zeale to Gods truth and it tooke such effect against the enemies that within six daies Queene Mary died and all tyranny with her These godly Martyrs in their prayers which they made at their martyrdom desired God that their bloud might be the last that should be shed and so it was Katherine Tinley was the mother of one Robert Tinley dwelling in Maidestone The Story of Nicholas Burton Marchant of London dwelling in little S. Bartholomew THe fift of Nouember he being in the Citie of Cadix in the parts of A●do●azia in Spaine about his marchandize there came one of the inquisition vnto his lodging who fained to h●ue a Letter to deliuer vnto his hands when he came vnto him he inuented another lye and said that he would take lading vnto London in his ships delaying the time vntill the Alquisyell or Sergeants of the inqui●ition might apprehend them and seeking to know his ships that they might attache them when they had arrested him he boldly asked them what cause they had against him and he would answere them They carried him vnto a filthy common prison of the towne of Cadix where he remained in Irons amongst theeues thirteene daies all which time he instructed the poore prisoners in the word of God that he had reclaimed sundry of them from superstitions to embrace the Word of God which being known they conuayed him thence vnto the Citie of Siuill into a more cruell prison called Triane where the Fathers of the inquisition proceeded against him secretly that neuer after he could be suffered to speake or write vnto any of his Nation And the twentith day of December they brought him with a great number of other prisoners into the Citie of Siuil into a place where the Inquisi●ion sate in Iudgement they put on him a Canuas coat wheron was painted in diuers parts the figure of a huge Diuell tormenting a soule in fire and on his head a long cap of the same worke his tongue was forced out of his mouth with a clouen sticke fastened vpon it that he should not vtter his Faith and conscience vnto the people and so he was set with
question for it and so handled him that they made him to recant or else they would haue dissolued him and his argument in the fire ANNE ASKEW AFter she had bin many times examined and she had answered so wisely that though she had affirmed the truth of the Sacrament yet none could touch her for her arguments by the law Then she wrote her minde of the Sacament as followeth I perceiu● deare friends in the Lord that you are not yet perswaded of the truth in the Lords Supper because Christ sayth Take eate this is my bodie but he giuing the bread as an outward signe to be receiued with the mouth hee meant in perfect beléefe they should receiue his body which should die for the people and to thinke his death the onely saluation of their soules The ●read and Wine were left vs for a Sacramentall communion of the benefite of his death and that we should be thankefull for the grace of redemption And in the closing thereof he sayth This doe in remembrance of me so often as you eate and drinke or else we should haue béene forgetfull of that we ought to haue in daily remembrance and also been vnthankefull therefore we ought to pray to GOD for the true meaning of the Holy Ghost touching this communion for the letter slayeth and the spirit giueth life In the sixth of Iohn all is applied vnto ●aith and in 1. Cor. 4. The things which are seene are temporall but the things which are not seene are euerlasting and in the third of the Hebrewes Christ ruleth ouer his house whose house we are if we hold fast the confidence and reioycing of hope vnto the end and the dead Temple is not his house Wherefore to day if you will heare his voice harden not your hearts Her confession in Newgate CHrist took the bread saying to his Disciples Take eate this is my body which shall be broken for you meaning his body the bread but a signe and Sacrament and so he said He would break downe the Temple and in three dayes build it vp againe signifying his body by the Temple although there be many that cannot perceiue the true meaning thereof for the vayle that Moses put euer his face before the children of Israell remayneth to this day but when God shall take it away then shall these blinde men see For it is plainly expressed in the Historie of Bell O King saith Daniell be not deceiued for God will be worshipped in nothing that is made with hands of men O what stiffe-necked people are these that will alwayes resist the Holy Ghost as their fathers haue done Truth is layde in prison Luk. 21. The law is turned to wormwood Amos 6. and there can no right iudgement goe forth Esay 59. Her condemnation THey said I was an heretick and condemned by the law if I would stand to my opinion I said touching my Faith I said and wrote to the Councell I would not deny because I knew it true then they would knowe whether I would denie the Sacrament of Christs bodie and bloud I answered yea for the same Sonne of GOD that was borne of the blessed Uirgin Mary is now glorious in the heauens and will come againe at the last day as he went vp and that which you call your God is a peece of bread and for more proofe thereof let it lie in a boxe but thrée monthes and it will be mouldy and turne to nothing that is good therefore I am perswaded it is no God Then they willed me to haue a Priest and then I smiled then they asked mee if it were not good I sayd I would confesse my faults vnto God for I was sure hee would heare me with fauour and so we were condemned by the quest This was my beléefe which I wrote to the Councell that the Sacramentall bread was left vs to bee receaued with thanksegiuing in the remembrance of his death the onely remedy of our so●les recouery and thereby we also receaue the whole benefit of his passion then they would needs know whether the bread in the boxe were God or no I sayd God is a spirit and will bee worshipped in spirit and truth then they sayd will you plainely deny Christ to bee in the Sacrament I answered I beléeue the eternall sonne of God not to dwell there in witnes whereof I recited againe the history of Bell and the 7. and 17. of the Acts and the 24 of Mathew concluding I neither wish death nor feare it God haue the praise thereof with thankes then she wr●te to the Lord Chancelour and the King but it preuayled not After she was sent from Newgate to the Tower then Maister Rich and one of the Councell charged me vppon mine obedience to shew vnto them if I knew any of my Sect I answered I knew none they asked me of my Lady Suffolke my Lady Sussex my Lady Hereford my Lady Denny and my Lady Fitzrallins I sayd if I should pronounce any thing against them I am not able to proue it they said the King was informed I could name if I would a great number of my sect I sayd the King was as well deceaued in that behalfe as dissembled with in other matters Then they commanded mee to shewe how I was maintayned in the Counter and who willed me to stick to mine opinion I sayd there was none did strengthen me therein and I was maintayned in the Counter by the meanes of my Mayde for she made mone vnto the Prentises and they by her did send mee money but who they were I know not Then they sayd diuers Gentlewomen gaue me money but I know not their names then they said many Ladies sent me money I answered there was a man in a blew cote deliuered me ten shillings and said my Lady of Hereford sent it me and another in a Uiolet cote gaue me eyght shillings and sayd my Lady Denny sent it mee but I am not sure who sent it me then they said there were of the Councell which did maintaine mee and I said no. Then they put mee vpon the Racke and kept me there a long time because I would not confesse any Gentlewomen or Ladies on my opinion and because I did not cry my Lord Chancelor and Sir Iohn Baker tooke paines to racke me with their owne hands vntill I was nie dead Then the Liefetennant caused mee to be loosed from the racke and incontinently I swounded and they recouered me againe after I sat two houres reasoning with my Lord Chanc●llor vppon the bare floure where with flattering words hee perswaded me to leaue my opinions but God gaue mee grace to perseuere and will doe I hope then I was brought to bed with as painefull bones as euer pacient Iob then my Lord Chancellor sent me word if I would leaue mine opinions I should lacke nothing if I would not I should to Newgate and be burned I sent him word againe I would die rather then breake my faith She was borne
vnto death a rare example to be had in admiration of all parents where the naturall affection of parents were ouercome with godlines w●o like the holy mother in the Machabees incouraged their sonne as much as they could to goe through valiantly reioicing with wonderfull gladnes and either of them dranke vnto him confirming him in the Lord I cannot tell whether I should praise the vertue of the Sonne or of the Parents William Pygot Steuen Knight and Iohn Lawrence AT the same time that Tomkins and Hunter were examined as before these three likewise were examined before Boner the same reasons Articles and perswasions that were vsed to them were vsed vnto these also and they made all answeres al●ke and when by neither flatterie nor threatning they could bee brought from the truth they were cond●mned and were carried into Essex to bee burned William Pigot burned at Braintree Steuen Knight was burned at Mauld●n who at the stake kneeled downe and said this prayer O Lord Iesu for whose loue I ●eaue this life and desire bitt●r death with the losse of all earthly things ●ather then to abide the blasphemie of thy name or to obay men breaking thy Commandements where I might liue in wealth to worship a false God I chose rather the torment of this body and haue counted all things but dung that I migh● winns thee which death i● dearer to me then thousands of Gold and Siluer such loue hast thou laide vp in my brests that I hu●ger for thee As the wounded Deare des●reth the soy●● s●nd ●hy holy comforter to ayde comfort and strengthen me● a weake peece of earth empty of all strength of it selfe of thy great loue thou ●ast bidden me to this banquet accounted mee worth● to drinke of 〈◊〉 owne cup amongst thine ele●t●giue me strength against this ●hine elem●nt which is most irkesome to my sight that it may be swéet and pleasant to my minde that I may passe through this fire into thy ●oso●e according vnto thy p●omi●e accept this sacrifice for thy deare Sonne Iesus Christ his sake for whose Testimony I offer it with all my heart forgiue me my sinnes as I forgiue the world sweet Sauiour spread thy wings ouer me O holy Ghost by whose inspiration I am come hither conduct me to euerlasting life Lord into to thine hands ●commend my spirit Amen Iohn Lawrence was brought to Colchester and not b●eing able to goe for his legges were so sore worne with his Irons in prison and his body so weakened with euill keeping hee was faine to be brought vnto the fire in a chayre At his burning the yong children came about the fire and cryed Lord strengthen thy seruant and keep thy promise which manifesteth Gods glory which writ this in the hearts of these little ones and their parents are to bee commended that brought them vp from their youth in the feare and knowledge of God Gods Iudgement vpon the Parson of Arundell VPon Shroue-Sunday the Parson of Arundell besides Canterbury declared vnto the people all such Articles as were set forth by the authority of the pope and commandement of the Bishops of this Realme and when he had done he thanked God that euer he had liued to see that day and straightway he fell sudde●ly out of the pulpit and neuer spake after The historie of Iudge Hales SIr Iames Hales as before tooke Queene Maries part and would not subscribe to haue any other Quéene though all the rest had subscribed to Edward the sixts Will. He was an vpright and conscionable Iudge To these his gifts and qualities were linked sincere affection to the Gospell of Christ shewing himselfe a true Gospeller by word and deed At the beginning of Queene Maries raigne the masse not being restored by law diuers Priests presumed to say masse and they were indited at the a●●ises before Iudge Hales and he gaue order therein as the law required wherefore when the terme came he comming to doe his office was sent for by Gardner Lord Chancellor to whom he iustified that he did it both by the iustice of the law and of his conscience wherein he was fully bent to stand in triall to the vtmost that can be obiected and it therein I haue done any iniury let me be iudged by the law for I will séeke or desire no better defence for my selfe considering chiefly that it is my profession Ah Sir said the Chancellor you be very quicke and stoute in your answers it seemeth that which you did was more of will fauouring your opinion of Religion against the seruice now vsed then for any occasion of zeale of iustice seeing her Highnesse doth set it forth as yet but withing all her subiects to imbrace it accordingly My Lord quoth Hales I doe but shew my selfe as I am bound in loue to God and obedience to the Quéenes Maiestie in whose cause willingly for iustice sake I did of late as your Lordship knoweth aduenture as much as I had and as for my religion I trust it is such as pleaseth God wherein I am ready to aduenture both my life and substance if I be called thereto and for lack of mine owne power and will the Lords will be fulfilled Shortly after he was committed vnto the Kings Bench then he was committed to the Counter in Breadstréete and from thence he was conuayed to the Fléet where he endured most constantly for the space of three weeks and when thus in diuers prisons being tossed and wearied he could in no wise be subdued there was in the prison where he was a Gentleman of Hampshire called Foster who ●●ing suborned by the Bishops vsed all kinde of perswasions whereby hee might draw him from the truth which at length he brought to passe then next morning early the Bishop of Chichester came to him into the prison to comfort him therein and after Iudge Portman came to him but as soone as he had yeelded to them he ●rew into such an extreame desperation by the worme of his conscience that hee eat little meat that night When supper was done he gate him straight to bedde where he passed the night with much anxietie of mind about six of the clocke in the morning he sent his man for a cup of béere his man was no sooner gone but with a pen-knife he wounded himselfe in diuers places and would haue killed himselfe but that his man méeting the Butler at the chamber doore returned presently into the chamber and let his Master from destroying himselfe Upon this Cranmer straight-way took occasion to call the doctrine of the Gospell openly in the Star-chamber the doctrine of desperation M. Hales being within a while after deliuered getteth himselfe home to his house whether it was for feare that if he should againe professe the Gospell he should be imprisoned againe and burned and begger all his posterity or if he should go to hearing of masses he should doe worse hauing all things set in order a good while before that pertained vnto his
man but consent of deeds Rid. If it were a trifling ceremonie or indifferent for the continuance of common quietnes I could be content to beare it But the Masse tendeth openly to the ouerthrow of Christs institution I ought by no meanes in word or deed consent thereto That of the Fathers is ment of them that suppose they be defiled if any secret vice be either in the Ministers or in the Communicants with them and is not ment of them which abhor Superstition and wicked traditions of men and will not suffer them to be in steede of the Gospell Lat. The Mary bones of the Masse are detestable and by no meanes to be borne with all it cannot be amended but by abolishing it for euer for if you take away ●blation and adoration which hang vpon Consecration and transubstantiation the Papists will not set a button by the Masse onely for the gaine that followeth therin for if our English Communion were a gainefull vnto them as the Masse they would striue no more for the Masse Anto If you refuse to goe to Masse you forsake the Church for the Masse is the Sacrament of vnitie without the Arke there is no saluation the Church is the Arke and Peters ship Augustine saith he shall not haue God his Father which acknowledgeth not the Church his mother And he also saith be thy life neuer so well spent out of the Church thou shalt not inherit the Kingdome of heauen Ridley The Catholick Church is the Communion of Saints the Citie of GOD the spouse of Christ the body of Christ the pillar of truth this Church I honour in the Lord but the rule of this Church is the word of God as many as walke according to this rule peace bee vpon them and vpon Israel that pertaineth to God the guide of this Church is the Holy Ghost the marks of this Church are these The preaching of Gods word due administration of the Sacraments Charitie and obseruing of Ecclesiasticall Discipline according to the word of God these are the heauenly Ierusalem which consisteth of those which are borne aboue This is the mother of vs all I will liue and die the child of this Church forth of this there is no saluation it is onely knowne by the Scriptures which is the true Church indeed the bread which we breake according to the institution of Christ is the Sacrament of the vnity of Christs mysticall body for we being many are one bread and one body because we are partakers of one bread but in the Masse the Lords institution is not obserued for there we are not all partakers of one bread but one deuoureth it all Lat Yea what fellowship hath Christ with Antichrist it is not lawful to beare the yoke with Papists Seperat your selues from them saith the Lord it is one thing to be the Church indéed and another thing to counterfet the Church not all that he couered with the Title of the Church are the Church indéed When S. Paul saith Seperate your selues from them He addeth if any man follow other doctrine he is puffed vp and knoweth nothing For it is ignorance to know many things and not Christ but if thou knowest Christ thou knowest enough though thou know no more Therefore he would know nothing but Christ and him crucified as many as be Papists and Masse-mongers may well bee said to know nothing for they know not Christ they take much away from the merite of Christ. Anto. That Church which you describe is inuisible but Christs Church is visible and knowne For hee saith tell it to the Church which is in vaine to goe to the Church if a man cannot tell which it is Rid. If we cannot see the true Church that is not the fault of the Church but either of our owne blindnes or of Satans darknes but the word is a Candle vnto vs and a light vnto our steps to sh●w the true Church Anto. The Church of Christ is vniuersall dispersed through the whole world the great house of GOD good and euill mingled together Goates Shéepe Corne and Chaffe it is the net which gathereth all kinde of Fishes it cannot erre for CHRIST IESVS hath promised it his good Spirit to leade it in all truth and the gates of Hell shall not preuaile against it he will be with it to the end of the world What it shall binde or lose in earth shall bee ratified in Heauen it is the truth Augustine saith I beleeue the Gospell because the Church biddeth me beleeue it this Church alloweth the Masse therefore it must be followed RidI The Church is taken three manner of waies in the Scripture sometime for the whole multitude of the professors of Christ but as euery one is not a Iew which is a Iew outwardly nor all that be of Israel are counted the seede So euery one that is a Christian outwardly is not so indeede For hee that hath not the Spirit of Christ is none of his The Church that Christ Iesus is head of stands onely of liuing Stones Christians in heart and truth and not in worde onely The multitude of the good are the true Church the multitude of the euill is the malignant Church and Synagogue of Satan These be the three takings of the Church and though there be seldom mention in Scriptures in this interpretation y●t in the greatest assemblies of the world this Church hath borne the greatest swing But if any will affirme that vniuersalitie doth so appertaine vnto the church that Christs promises to the Church must needes bee vnderstood of that where was that vniuersall Church in the times of the Patriarks and Prophets Of Noah Abraham and Moses when they would haue stoned him of Helias of Ieremy in the times of Christ and the dispersion of the Apostles in the time of Arius When Constantius was Emperour ●and Felix Bishop of Rome succeeded Lyberius Lyra vpon Mathew saith the Church doth not stand in men by reason of their power and dignitie whether it be Ecclesiasticall or Seculer for Princes and Popes and other inferiours haue fallen away from GOD Therefore the Church consisteth in those persons in whom is true knowledge and Confession of the Faith and truth euill men are in the Church in name but not in deed Latimer Touching the vehement saying of Saint Augustine I would not beleeue the Gospel but for the Church Melancton vpon this saith the Church is not a Iudge but a witnes there were some that lightly esteemed the Iudgement of the Church and preaching and reiected the outward word and stucke onely to there inward reuelations This droue Saint Augustine into that vehemencie in which he seemeth to them that vnderstand not his meaning to prefer the Church before the Gospel and that it had authoritie ouer the same but that godly man neuer thought so Anto Generall Councels represent the vniuerfall Church and Christ hath promised to be in the middest where two or three be gathered together in his name
Christian Faith 2 There are but two Sacraments Baptisme and the Lords Supper in these are contained the two Testaments the effect of the Law is Repentance and the effect of the Gospell is remission of sinnes 3 There is a visible Church wherein the word of God is preached and the Sacraments truely ministred Uisible to the wicked world although it bee not credited and by death of Saints confirmed as in the time of Elias as well as now 4 The Sea of Rome is the Sea of Antichrist The Congregation of the wicked whereof the Pope is head vnder the Diuell 5 God is neither spiritually nor corporally in the Sacrament of the Altar and there is no other substance but bread and Wine 2 The Masse is not onely a prophanation of the Lords Supper but a most blasphemous Idoll We affirmed to beleeue all that the Bishop or any could proue by Scriptures but he said he would not stand to proue it with hereticks but said they themselues were the holy Church and that we ought to beleeue them or else to be cut off like withered branches When they were brought to Stratford the Bow they were deuided into two parts and put into two chambers then the Sherife came to the one part and tolde them that the other had recanted and were saued and exhorted them to doe the like and not cast away themselues they answered their faith was not builded on man but Christ crucified When he could doe no good with them he went to the other place and told them their Fellowes had recanted and were saued and counselled them to doe the like and not willingly to kill themselues vnto whom they answered as their fellowes had done When he saw he could not preuaile he lead them to the fire they ioyfully kissed the stake the eleauen men were tyed to foure stakes and the two Women loose in the middest and so they were burned all in one fire with such loue one to another and constancy in our Sauiour Christ that it was wonderfull Thomas Free-man William Stannard and William Adames THese were also condemned to dye with the other at the same time and béeing in the hands of the secular power Cardinall Poole sent his dispensation for their liues and by that meanes they were kept from mart●rdome The fourteenth of Iune Iohn Colstoke of Wellington in Liechfield Dioces for holding against the real presence and auricular confession was compelled to recant and to beare a faggot before the Crosse bare-headed hauing in one hand a Taper and in the other a paire of Beads The seuentéenth of Iune Thomas Barnes and Ellice Birth were accused that one wished to the other in the beginning of Queene Maries raigne his dagger in the belly of him that sung to the Organs ●he denied not but he spake these words and that he then thought the masse abominable and though he submitted himselfe hee was condemned to beare a faggot with beads and his taper before the crosse The seuen and twentieth of Iune Thomas Paret Martin Hunt and Iohn Norrice died in the Kings Bench and were buried in the back-side they were imprisoned for the profession of the truth Robert Bernard Adam Foster and Robert Lawson THe 30. of Iune Hopton B of Norwich called Robert Bernard Heretick because he said he would neuer be confessed of a Priest he answered it gréeueth me not to be called hereticke at your hand for so your forefathers called the Prophets and Confessors long agoe then the B ●ad him follow him and went and knéeled before the Sacrament of the Altar and as he was at his prayers he looked back and asked Barnard why he did not as he did He answered I cannot tell why you should doe so the Bishop asked him whom sée you yonder pointing to the Pixe hanging ouer the Altar Do you not see your maker there He said No I see nothing but a few cloaths hang together in a heape then the Bishop commaunded him to the Iayle and ●ad put Irons enough vpon him After one of the Guard had him to a Tauerne where many Priests were when they could not perswade him they threatned h●m with whipping and stocking and when they could peruert him by no meanes then they carried him to the Bishop who immediatly condemned him Hee was a labourer dwelling in F●an●den in Suffolke Adam Foster was a Husbandman dwelling in Mendlesam in Suffollke Hee was apprehended by Thomas Mouse and George Reuet Constables at the command●ment of Sir Iohn Terill because he would not heare Masse He was cast into Aye dungeon from whence he was sent to Norwich and condemned by the aforesaid Bishop Mouse presently after fell sicke and pined away to death the ●ther came to the like end not long after Robert Lawson a Linnen Weauer was likewise apprehended at the commandement of Sir Iohn Terill and sent to Aye Dungeon because hee would not come to Church nor receiue their Popish Idoll When they were carried to their deathes they most triumphantly ended their liues in the fixe Iohn Careles of Couentry Weauer ABout this time he died in the Kings Bench hauing beene long imprisoned there hee was examined before Doctor Martine one of the Masters of the Chancerie a iolly stirrer in those matters in which examination I finde no matters of religion but that he answereth a popish opinion of election that wee are elected in respect of our good workes and so long elected as we doe them and no longer but he beleeued that God of his infinite goodnesse through Iesus Christ did elect and appoint in him before the foundation of the earth was laid a Church or Congregation which he doth continually guide and gouerne by his grace and holy spirit so that not one of them shall euer finally perish and that God hath e●ernally predestinated me to eternall life in Iesus Christ. I am most certaine and likewise sure that his holy spirit wherewith I am sealed will so preserue me from all heresies and euill opinions that I shall die in none at all I doe beleeue that Christ did effectually die for al those that repent and beleeue for none other At his first comming into prison his conscience was ouer much oppressed with the consideration of his sinnes vntill he had a comfortable letter of Philpot concerning the mercie of Christ to them that repent and although a sorrowfull spirit be a sacrifice acceptable to God and the earnest pennie of election yet the end of it must be comfort and ioy of the holy Ghost in assurance of the remission of sinnes therfore he ●iddeth him be carelesse according to his name in assurance of the remission of sinnes in Christ. Wherefore Carles thanketh God heartily and confesseth that Philpots sweete exhortations had brought much glad tidings vnto his tyred soule and that it was greatly refreshed with the sweet sauor of his precious Nard I will now according to your louing request cast away all care reioice with you and pray God for you
burned and she said ● would sée you my Lord instruct mee with some part of Gods word and not to giue me instructions of holy Bread and holy Water for it is no part of Scripture Agnes Stanly answered I am no ●ereticke no man that is wise will beléeue as you doe I beleeue those that you haue burned bee true Martyrs I will not goe from my faith as long as I liue Thomas Thirtle said I will not beleeue your Idolatrous waies your Masse in Idolatry I wil stick to my faith as long as I liue Henry Ramsey said Your doctrine is naught and not agreeable to Gods word and I will stand to my Faith as long as I liue So they were condemned and burned as before In May William Norant Stephen Gratwicke and one King were burned in S. Georges field in Southwarke Iohn Bradbridge of Stapleherst Walter Apleby of Maydstone and Petronell his wife Edmund Allen of Fritendid and Katherine his wife Ioane Mannings of Maydstone Elizabeth a blind Maid THe 18. of Iune these seauen faithfull Martyrs of Christ were burned at Maidstone their answers were like in effect to the fiue that were famished to death in Canterbury Castle The 19. of Iune Iohn Fishcock Nicholas White Nicholas Pardue Barbara Finall Widdow Bradbregs Widdow Bendens Wife and Wilsons Wife were burned at Canterbury their Articles were as the others they ioyfully vndressed themselues vnto the fire and all of them like the Communion of Saints knéeled down and prayed with such zeale as the enemies of the Crosse of Christ could not but like it Ten they arose and went to the stake where they yéelded their soules gloriously vnto the Lord. Richard Woodman George Stephens William Maynard Alexander Hosman his Man Tomasine Awood his Maid Margery Moris Iames Moris hir Sonne Denis Burges Ashdownes wife Groues wife THese tenne blessed Martyrs were burned at Lewes in Sussex the 22. of Iune without a writ from the Lord Chancelor The first examination of RICHARD WOODMAN before the Bishop of Chichester Chichester I Am sory for you and so are all the Worshipfull of our Country you haue béene of good estimation amongst the poore and rich wherefore looke well to your selfe your Wife and Children and bee ruled thinke not your selfe wiser then all the Realme Woodman I will be willing to learne of euery man the truth and I know I haue giuen no iust offence to rich nor poore and God knoweth how deare I loue my Wife and Children in him but my life my wife and Children are all in Gods hands and I haue them all as I had them not but regard the pleasing of God more then al other things I thought good to appeale to you mine Ordinary for som goe about to shed my blood wrongfully that if you can finde I hold any thing contrary to Gods word I will be reformed and if my blood bee shed vnrighteouslie that it may be required at your hands because you haue taken vpon you to bee the Phisition of soules of our Country Story Thou art a peruerse fellow thinkest thou that thou shalt be put to death vniustly that thy blood shall be required No if he should condemne a hundred such Hereticks I haue helped to rid a good many of you and will doe the best I can to rid thee Chich. I am your spirituall Pastor you must heare me and I will giue spirituall Councell Wood. You say you will giue mee spirituall Councell are you sure you haue the Spirit of God Chichest No by Saint Mary I dare not bee so bold to say so I doubt of that Wood. Then you be like the waues of the Sea tossed with the winde and vnstable in all your wayes as Saint Iames saith and can looke for no good thing at the Lords hands You are neither hote nor cold Therefore God will spue you out Story Hee hath the Diuell in him hee is worse then the Diuel thus all heretickes boast themselues Wood. The Iewes said to Christ he had a Diuell and was mad as you haue said to me but the Seruant is not aboue his Master God forbid I should learne of him that confesseth he hath not the Spirit of God Chich. Doe you beleeue you haue the Spirit of God it is more then Paul or any of the Apostles durst doe which is great presumption Wood. I beleeue I haue the Spirit and boast not my selfe but of the gift of GOD as Paul did in 1. Cor. 7. He said he beleeued verily that hee had the Spirit of GOD no man can beleeue that Iesus is the Lord but by the Holy Ghost I beleeue Christ is my Redeemer therefore I haue the Holy Ghost and hee that hath not the Spirit of Christ is a cast-away and none of his and wee haue not receiued the Spirit of bondage to feare but we haue receiued the Spirit of Adoption which cryeth Abba Father The same Shirit testifieth with our Spirits that we are the sonnes of God Héere are proofes enough that Paul was sure he had the Spirit of God And Iohn saith He that beleeueth in God dwelleth in God and God in him So it is impossible to beleeue in God except God dwell in vs Chich. He bade me dine with him and at dinner he asked me whether Priests may marry and whether Paul had a Wife Wood. Paul and Barnabas were not married but all the Apostles else-were For in the 1. Cor. 9. Paul saith am I not an Apostle am I not free haue I not seene Christ Mine answere to them that aske me this Haue wee not power to eat and to drinke or to leade about a Sister to Wife as well as the other Apostles and the Brethren of the Lord or haue not Barnabas and I power thus to do So this Text proueth that Paul and Barnabas were not married but Paul declareth that the rest had wiues and they had power likewise to haue wiues but they found no neede thereof But Paul in the seuenth to the Corinthians said that hee that hath not power ouer his flesh may marry for it is better to marry then to burne wherefore to auoid fornication let euery one haue his VVife and euery woman her Husband Therefore Bishoppes and Priests may haue Wiues because they are men rather then burne and commit Fornication Paul declareth to Timothy the first and niuth that Bishops and Deacons should haue wiues The second Examination before the Bishop of Winchester and others Wine LAst time you were with vs you were in an heresie in saying Iudas receiued bread vnlesse you will tell what more then bread Wood. I say he receiued more then bread for he receiued the Diuell because hee presumed to eate the Sacrament without Faith as Christ saith after he eat the sop the Diuell entred into him Hereby appeareth that the Sacrament is not the body of Christ before it be receiued in Faith Winc. What is thy Faith in the Sacrament Wood. I beleeue when I receiue the body and bloud of Christ if it
cléere that the deniall of it must néeds procéede either of great ignorance or els of wilfull mallice Iustinus Martyr Apol. 2. describeth the order of the primitiue Church saying Vpon the Sonday assemblies are made both of the Citizens and Countrey-men where the writings of the Apostles and Prophets are read as much as may be when the Reader doth cease the head Minister maketh an exhortation to follow honest things then we rise altogether and offer prayers then bread wine and water are brought forth then the head Minister offereth prayer and thanksgiuing as much as he can and the people say Amen He liued about the yeare 160. This declareth plainly that the Scriptures were read and prayers and administration of the Lords Supper were done in a tongue vnderstood Both the Lyturgies of Basill in Chrysostom declare that the people were appointed to answer to the prayer of the Minister sometime Amen somtime Lord haue mercy vpon vs somtime With thy spirit and truth we haue our hearts lifted vp vnto the Lord which they could not haue done if they had not vnderstood the long the prayers were said in Basilius Epist. 63. saith That their Psalmes which they sing being diuided into two parts they sing by course together one beginning the song and the rest following Ambrose vpon the fourtéenth of the first to the Corinthians saith This is that S. Paule saith Because he that speaketh in an vnknowne tongue speaketh to God for he knoweth all things but men know not therfore there is no profit of these things and further he saith The vnlearned hearing that which hee vnderstandeth not hee knoweth not the end of the prayer to say Amen And againe he saith If an Infidell or one vnlearned come in if he heare in a language which he vnderstandeth God to be praised and Christ to be worshipped he seeth perfectly that the Religion is true nothing to be done colourably nor in darkenes as amongst the heathen whose eies are blinded they not perceiuing themselues to be deluded with diuers vanities for all falshood speaketh darknes and sheweth false things for true therefore with vs nothing is done couertly for if there be none that he can vnderstand he may say there is some deceit because they are ashamed to open it further thus he concludeth Let all things be done to edifying this thing ought chiefly to be labored for that the vnlearned might profit lest any part of the body should be darke through ignorance and further he saith He that speaketh in an vnknowne tongue and hath no interpreter let him pray secretly to God which heareth all dumb things for in the Church he ought to speake that which may profit all men And S. Hierom vpon that place of Paul Quomodo qui supplet locum idiotae and vpon other places vseth the very same arguments that S. Ambrose did and likewise Chrysostome vpon 1. Cor. 14. vseth the like arguments and Dionysius Cyprian and S. Augustine agrée in the same and Iustinian the Emperour who liued 527. yeares after Christ made a Constitution that all Bishops and Priests should celebrate their holy oblations and prayers not speaking low but with a loude voice that the mindes of the hearers may be stirred vp with greater deuotion for so saith the Apostle in the first to the Corinthians saying If we only blesse and giue thanks in the spirit how doth he that occupieth the place of the vnlearned say Amen Thou verily giuest thanks well but the other is not edified And in his Epistle to the Romans he saith With the heart a man beleeueth vnto righteousnes and with the mouth confession is made vnto saluation When this was ended certaine of the Bishops began to say contrary vnto their former answer and that they had much more to say vnto this matter whereupon it was agreed that vpon the Monday following the Bishoppes should bring their mindes in writing vnto the second assertion and to the last also if they could and that they should first reade the same and that the other part likewise should bring theirs and being read each of them shou●d deliuer to the other the same writings and that in the meane time the Bishops should put into writing all that Doctor Cole had that day vttered and whatsoeuer they could more thinke of for the same and that they should send it vnto the other partie and receiue that which they had written At which day the Bishops were concluded to reade that which they had to say to the first question and would not procéede then vnto the rest and after they ca●elled because they should reade their writings first saying that if the aduersaries should end the talke then should the veritie on our sides not be so well marked for they should depart speaking last with the reioycing triumph of the people whereupon grew much contention betwixt the Bishops and the Councell because they obserued not the order which they were agréed vpon the day before when there could be nothing done for contention all that day the Lord Ké●eper said My Lords sith you refuse to reade the writing after the order taken wee will breake vp and depart and for that you will not that we should heare you you may perhaps shortly heare of vs. Here you may perceiue what the Papists be if the sword be taken from them how soone all their cunning lieth in the dust or else why would they not abide the triall of writings and stand vnto the order agréed vpon And because they gaue such an example of disorder stubbornnesse and selfe●will as hath not bin séene in such an honourable assembly whereby the godly and Christian purpose of the Quéens Maiestie was made frustrate the Bishops of Winchester and Lincolne were committed vnto the Tower and the rest were bound daily to make personall appearance before the Councell and not to depart the City vntil further order was taken for their comtempt and Bonner about the same time was committed vnto the Marshalsie About this time was a Parliament holden at Westminster wherein a great many of the Papists and Protestants were imployed the one to retaine still the other to impugne the doctrine established in Quéene Maries time Amongst others the words of Doctor Story the stout champion of the Pope in the Parlament house are worthy to be knowne of posterity He said whereas he was much complained of to haue beene a great setter forth of such Religion orders and procéedings as of Quéen Mary were set forth in this Realme he confessed it to be true and protested that he therein had done nothing but what his conscience did leade him vnto and his Commission commanded him and that he was no lesse readie now to doe the like and more if the Quéens Maiestie would authorize him therevnto and hee said hee was sorie for nothing but that hee had done no more then hee had done and that they had not beene more seuere in executing those lawes wherein there was no default in
made the Emperor Hen. 4. his wife and his child to wait three daies and three nights bare-foot in winter at his gates to sue to him for his fauor and gaue away his Empire in the meane time This prophecie of Antichrists exaltation aboue Princes is verified in none but the Pope Touching the breadth of his kingdom it is not said he shall exalt himselfe aboue one or two but aboue all that are called God w ch are all Christian rulers spiritual temporal to whom God vouchsafeth this name because hee ruleth and instructeth by them and dwelleth in them if they be good this declareth the large limits of his kingdome And as he is said heere to exalt himselfe aboue all Kings so Reu. 17. 3. he is said to haue ten horns and in ver 12. they are interpreted to be ten Kings which shal giue their power and authority vnto the beast that is to say the beastly Pope and fight with the Lambe that is they shal be the Popes Butchers to destroy Gods children and as the prophecies foretell such an Antichrist as shall raigne ouer all Christian Princes so this storie shall shew thee the true fulfilling of this prophesie in the Pope Touching the length of his Kingdome it is prophecied Antichrist shall raigne three yeares and a halfe and in Reuel 12. three times and a halfe these times and these yeares are all one so is the fortie two moneths Reuel 13. 5. for there be so many moneths in three years and a halfe the same likewise is the 1260. dayes in Reuel 12. 6. for there be iust so many daies in three yeares a halfe at 360. daies to the yeare which was the number of the dayes of the Iewes yeare And it is common with the prophets to set downe a day for a year so by these prophecies Antichrist must raign 1260. yeares which is iust so many yeares as Christ preached daies and Gregory the first sheweth that Antichrist began when one Bishop exalted himselfe aboue all others And though there were manie Popes before him which did exalt themselues aboue all other Bishops yet he would not but haue himself called Seruus seruorū Dei Wherefore Sabinianus which succeeded him in the popedom was a malitious detractor of his works as thou maist see in this book Antichrist was not at his height vntill Hildebrand had gotten aboue the Emperor for then he was aboue all that was called God yet Antichrist began when the Bishop of Rome being the least of all the foure Patriarchs exalted himselfe aboue all other Bishops which was about the yeare of Christ 400. for then began pride and superstition to creep into the Church and Anno 666. according to the number of the name of the beast in Reu. 13. 18. Latin seruice was set vp in England and all other places and mass●s ceremonies letanies and other Romish ware which was long before Hildebrands time And if we account the aforesaid 1260. yeares of Antichrists raigne from thence there remaineth but about 46. yeares to come vntil God shal call together the kings of the earth to destroy Rome Touching the fall of his kingdom Mat. 24. 22. If God should not shorten his kingdom none of Gods children could be saued from his cruelty but for the elects sake Reu. 11. 13. God first destroyed the tenth part of his Kingdom thou mayest note in this book when this prophecie was fulfilled and Reu. 8. at the blowing of the foure first Trumpets the third part of all his kingdom is destroyed which prophecie we see fulfilled at this day for the third part of his kingdom are wholly become Protestants yet Reuel 11. 22. the Church of Antichrist is not heerewith moued to repent of her murders sorceries fornications and thefts but Reu. 18. 7. glorieth her selfe that she is a Queene and shall be no widdow that is shee shall neuer lose her Spouse the Pope therfore shall her plagues come at one day death sorrow and famine and shee shall be burned with fire for strong is the Lord God which will condemne her The meanes of her destruction is set forth Reu. 17. 16 the ten kingdomes that first tooke her part against Gods children shall hate the whore and make her desolate and naked and eate her flesh and burne her with fire for God doth put into their hearts to fulfill his will The manner of the destruction of Rome and the Popedome is declared Reu. 19. 17. as fowles gather together to a dead carkasse so God shall gather all Nations together to warre against Rome and shall take her and the Pope the false Prophet that worketh miracles wherby he deceiued all that receiued his marke and worshipped his Image and they shall not only be destroyed in this world but they shall bee cast aliue into a lake burning with fire and brimstone to wit into eternall damnation and Reu. 18. 20. the Angells and all Gods children are exhorted to reioyce at her destruction and vers 21. Rome shall be destroyed with such violence as a Mill-stone falleth into the Sea and there shall neuer any more Mill grinde any light corne or anie be married in Rome but it shall euer after be a desolate wildernesse as Babylon was They that cannot behold Antichrist in this Glasse 2. Cor. 4. 3. it is a signe the Diuell the God of this world hath blinded their eyes but as Salomon when hee dedicated the Temple prayed God to heare euery one that prayed therein so I beseech God with his holy spirit to illuminate all that shall reade this book that they may plainly see the pope to be Antichrist and to flie from him lest they be partakers of his punishment in this world and in the world to come AN ABSTRACT OF ALL THE HISTORIES OF THE CHVRCH from CHRIST to this day 1614. THE FIRST BOOKE IN describing the whole State of the Prim●tiue and latter times of the Church First shall be declared the suffering time of the Church 300. yeares after Christ secondly the flourishing time of the Church 300. yeares more then the declining of true Religion 300. yeares more sourthly of the raigne of Antichrist since Sathan was loosed Lastly of the reforming of the Church in this last thrée hundred yeares In the tractation of all which things the Christian Reader may by experience obserue two special points First the Nature of the World Secondly the condition of the Kingdome of Christ By the World is meant all that by ignorance know not Christ and that will not beléeue him or that persecute him The Kingdome of Christ are the beléeuers in Christ and take his part against the World and though they be much fewer then the other and alwaies lightly hat●d and molested of the world yet they are they whom the Lord doth blesse and euer will and Christs Subiects which we call the Ui●●b●e Church the●e are of two sorts first of such as onely outwardly professe Christ secondly of such as by e●ection inwardly are ioyned to Christ
the Britain● King which with a mightie Host came against him There is much commendation in writing of this Oswalds zeale in religion and piety towards the poore he sent into Scotland for a Bishop called Aydanus a famous Preacher as he preached to the Saxons in the Scottish tongue the King vnderstanding the Scotish tongue he disdained not to preach and expound the same to his Nobles in the English tongue King Oswald being at Dinner on Easterday one brought him word there was a great company of p●re people in the streets which asked almes of him be commaunded the meate prepared for his owne Table to be caried vnto them and brake a si●●er Platter in pieces and sen● it amongst them by his meanes Kinigillus King of the West Saxons was conuerted to Christs Faith and after he had raigned 9. yeares he was slaine by the said Penda who was after slaine by Osway brother to Oswald and succeeded him in his Kingdome together with his Cosin Oswine This Oswine gaue Aydanus the Scotish Bishop aforesaid a principall Horse with the trappers and appurtenances and as he w●s riding vpon this kingly horse a poore man craued his charity who hauing nothing else to giue him gaue him his hor●e garnished as he was wherefore as he came to Dinner he King chi●e him he answere● O King set you more prise by a horse then by Chr●st Then the King prayed him to forgiue him and he would not hencefoorth finde fault with him for giuing away any of his Treasure then Aydanus wept and being asked wherefore he wept he answered for that this King cannot liue long this people is nto worthy to be ●uled by such a Prince which shortly came to passe for Osway caused him traterously to be slaine One Benedict a great man with Osway that brought vp Bede from his youth ●orsooke Oswayes house and all his kindred to serue Christ he was the first that brought vp the Arte of glazing in windowes About this time there was a Counsell bolden at Ste●ne-halt for the right obseruing of Easterday King Osway began with an Oration that it was necessary ●or such as serued one God to liue in an vniforme order and such as looked for one kingdom in Heauen should not differ in celebration of heauenly Sacraments then by his commandement Colman Bishop said he receiued the order of keeping Easter the 14. day of the first Moneth from his Auncesters Forefathers and from Iohn Euangelist to which at the Kings commandement Wilfride answered Easter is kept alwaies on the Sunday as we keepe it in Rome where Peter and Paul taught in Italy France Affrick Egypt Greece and in all the world I will not reproue Saint Iohn which kept the rights of Moses Law according to the letter the Church being yet Iewish in many points they could not reiect Images inuented of the Diuell which all beleeuers ought of necessitie to detest least they should offend the Iewes therefore Saint Paul circumcized Tymothy therefore he shaued his head and Sacrificed in the Temple all this was done onely to eschew the offence of the Iewes Therefore ●ames said to Paul Thou ●éest brother how many thousand Iewes doe beleeue yet all are zealous of the old Law yet since the Gospell was preached it is not lawfull for the faithfull to be circumcized nor to offer Sacrifices of carnal things to God but Peter remembring that the Lord did rise from death the first day after the Sabbath instituted Easter on that day and not according to the Law and though your forefathers were holy men what is their fewnesse being but a corner of an Iland to be preferred before the vniuersall Church of Christ Then said the King Did the Lord giue the kingdome of Heauen vnto Peter And they both answer●d yea then the King concluded being Saint Peter is the Doore-keeper of Heauen I will obey his Orders in euery point least when I come to the gates of Heauen hee shut them against mee and with this simple reason they consented Ethelwood preached vnto the people in Southsax and conuerted them to Christ in the time of whose baptizing the raine which before they lacked three yeares was giuen them plenteously whereby there great famine slacked About this time the detestable sect of Mahomet began to take place which well agrées with the number of that beast signified in the Reuelation 666. Of Mahomet came the Kingdome of the Haarines now called Saracens to whom he gaue many Lawes they must pray Southward Friday is their Sunday called the day of Venus he permitted them to haue as many Wiues as they were able to maintaine and as many Concubines as they list they must abstaine from wine excep● on solemne daies ●hey were to worship one onely God Omnipotent Moses and the Prophets were great but Christ was greatest being borne without mans seede and taken vp into the Heauen with many such Lawes at length the Sarasins were wholly conquered by the Turkes Theodorus was sent into England by Vitellianus Pope and diuerse other Monks with him to set vp Latine Seruice in England and Mas●es Cerimonies Letanies and other Romish ware he was made Archbishop of Canterbury and began to play the Rex in placing and displacing Bishops at his pleasure He held a Prouinciall Counsell at Therford the contents thereof were the vniformitie of keeping Easter that no Bishop should intermeddle in anothers Di●cesse that Monasteries should be free from Iurisdiction o● Bishops that Monks should keepe the obedience they first promised and not goe from one Monastery vnto another without leaue of the Abbot that none of the Clergy should be receiued in another Diocesse without Letters Commendatory of his Bishop that foraine Bishops and Clergy men should be content with the hospitality offered them and not meddle in any Bishops Iurisdiction without his permission that once a yeare a Prouinciall Sinod should be kept that no Bishop should preferre himselfe before another but according to his time of consecration that as the people increased so the number of Bishops should be augmented The next yeare was the sixt generall Counsell of Constance where this Theodore was present vnder Pope Agatho Mariage there was permitted to the Greeke Priests and forbidden to the Latine in this Counsell the Latine Masse was first openly said by Iohn Portuensis the Popes Legate Colfride Abbot of Shirwin in Northumberland writ to Naitonus King of Picts that shauen Crownes was necessarie for all Priests and Monks for restraint of their lusts and that Peter was shauen in remembrance of the Passion of Christ so we must weare the signe of his Passion on the toppe of our head as euery Church beareth the holy Crosse in the front thereof that by the defence of that banner it be kept from euill Spirits and exhorted him to imitate the Apostolike Churches and when he died the Prince of the Apostles would open Heauen gate to him whereat the King reioyced and knéeling downe thanked God that
false in that he presently declareth what manner of women Bishops wiues ought to be S. Paul reckoneth matrimony amongst the principall vertues of a Priest and these men call it in the Canons the poluting of the fl●sh God instituted matrimony Christ sanctified it with his presence and the turning water into wine and would haue it the Image of his loue to the Church They aleadge the Leuiticall Priests which as often as they came to minister were bound to be apart from their wiues being our sacraments be more excellent then theirs and daily vsed it would be very vncomely that they should be handled by married men The Priests of the old Law were forbidden all outward vncleannesse of the fl●sh when they ministred to signifie the holines of Christ whom they did prefigure but our holines cons●steth of the inward cleannesse of the spirit and S. Paul is witnesse that the Apostles did both keep their wiues carry them about with them 3 Touching that he should say that the Scottish nation and their Cleargy be altogether blinded no man will deny that people to be blind that neither heare Christ nor his Apostles such is the people of Scotland in that they cal the Pope supreme head of the Church whith belongeth onely to Christ and contrary to the word they forbid Priests to marry in the tenth of Iohn Christ is the doore they affirme they must enter by the Uirgine Mary and S. Peter Christ would haue vs worship him in Spirit and truth The Scots build Temples and Chappels for Idols in which they commit Fornication In the tenth to the Hebrews Christ By one sacrifice hath made those perfect for euer which are sanctified And to this effect Christ said on the Crosse It is finished shewing that by his death all Sacrifices for sinne ended yet the Scottish Church-men daily offer Christ for sins both of them aliue and them that be dead God commaundeth not to worship any Grauen Images the Scots fall flat to them and offer them Incense Paul teacheth that Christ is our wisdome righteousnes satisfaction and redemption the Scots prefer the traditions of men before the law of God they stablish righteousnes in their own works and Sanctification in holy water and other outward things and Redemption in péeces of Lead which they buy of their great Antichrist Touching the possessions temporall and iurisdiction in temporalities in the 18. Chapter of Numbers God said to Aaron Thou shalt haue no portion amongst thē I am thy portion and heritage thou and the Leuits shall haue all the tithes of Israell for their ministry but what heritage is pr●uided for them I doe not say but they may possesse but all temporall iurisdiction should be taken from them when twice there rose a contention which of Christs disciples should be greatest he told them they should not haue dominion one ouer another like the Kings of the Nations Christ in the 12. of Luke answered him that desired him to deuide his Brothers inheritance vnto him Who made me a Iudge And in the 8. of Iohn he refused to giue iudgement vpon the Adulteresse whereby it appeareth Christ reiected the office of a Iudge as a thing not agréeable to his office When Moses tooke vpon him the ciuill gouernment and the priest-hood he was commaunded to resigne the Priest-hood to Aaron for it was against nature one man should suffice both charges and as long as the face of the true Church did continue no Priest did vsurpe the right of the sword S. Ambrose saith Emperors rather desired the Office of Priest-hood then Priests any Empire then sumptuous Palaces belonged to Emperors and Churches to Priests And S. Barnard saith Peter could not giue that which he had not but he gaue to his successors that which he had carefulnesse ouer the Congregation for this cause the kingdom of heauen is giuen vnto you why do you inuade other mens bounds They were ignorant of all iudgement that did fat with their possessions these belly-beasts all they which do indow such filthy sinkes with their reuenues they follow the steps of Iezabell for what do they daily but bleat and bow before their Images burning Incense aud falling flat before the altars as the Prophets of Baall did and if Daniell and Elias were Hereticks when they would destroy the Priests of Baall so am I We do but desire that their riches wickedly bestowed vpon them might be taken from them but Elias was more rigorous for he cast the Prophets of Baall into the brooke Kidron The Pope cannot make lawes according to his owne mind and will and say they are spirituall and pertaine to the soule and are necessary to eternall life for the word of God giueth them no such authority in the 23. of Iosua Thou shalt not swarue from my law to the right hand nor to the left And in the 12. of Deuteronomy Thou shalt neither adde to nor take from my Commaundements Therefore in the second of Malachy The Priest shall maintaine wisdome and the law shal they require at his hands And where he speaketh of hearing them he putteth this condition that they answere according to the Law of the Lord then these are couenant-breakers that binde the consciences of men with new lawes And in the 33. of Ezekiell Thou shalt heare the word out of my mouth and declare it vnto my people So he could not speake any thing of himselfe and God by Ieremie calleth it Chaffe whatsoeuer doth not procéede from himselfe The Prophets speake nothing but the words of God therefore they so often vsed these wordes The word of the Lord the burden of the Lord the vision of the Lord thus saith the Lord The Apostles must not teach their owne deuises but that which God commaunded them Paul in the second to the Collosians denieth he hath any dominion ouer their Faith though their Apostle And in the ●●nth to the Romains Faith commeth by hearing the word of God and not by hearing the dreames of the Pope Christ himselfe saith for our example My doctrin is not mine but his that sent me to teach Ministers what to do The power of the Church is not such that it may teach new Doctrines frame new Articles of Faith and new lawes but is subiect to the word of the Lord included in the same They defended their Constitutions by these reasons if it were lawfull to the Apostles to make a decree besides the commaundement of Christ that the people should abstain frō things offered to Idols blood it is lawful for their successors as oft as néede requireth to do the same but the Apostles made no new decree but to warne them how to rule themselues amongst their Brethren least they should abuse their liberty to the offence of others and contrary Peter in the same councel pronounceth God to be tempted if any yoake be laid vpon the necke of the Disciples and S. Iames saith the Gentiles that are conuerted vnto God are not
Sa●nts departed and we beléeue as a Man departeth this life he is either blessed or damned for euer by reason whereof we affirme Purgatory Masses of Scala Caeli Trentals and such suffrages as the popish Church doth obtrude as necessary to be the Doctrine of Antichrist And wee beleeue two Sacraments of Christ Baptisme and the Lordes Supper and that they ought to be ministred according to the institution of Christ and that they bée no longer Sacraments then they were in vse and vsed to the end for which they were instituted and the mutilation of the one kind from the Lords Supper from the Lay people is Antichristian and so is the transubstantiation and so is the adoration of the Sacrament and the reseruation and carrying about of the ●ame and so is the Doctrine of the Masse it to be a propitiatory sacrifice for the quick and dead or a worke that pleaseth God and so of the inhibition of marriage in any state as vnlawfull we doubt not but we shall be able to proue all these our verities by Gods word and the Church which hath followed Gods word and Spirit and we hartily desire all men to be obedient with vs vnto all that bee in authority and not to cease to pray to God for them that he would gouerne them with his Spirit of wisedome and not to consent in any kind of rebellion against the Quéens Highnesse but where they cannot obey but they must disobey God there to suffer with all patience the pleasures of the higher powers as we are ready to do rather then we will consent to any doctrine contrary to this which we heere confesse wee shall be iustly conuinced thereof The Lord indue vs with his Spirit of truth and grace of perseuerance Upon the twentith day of Iuly the Prince of Spaine landed at Southampton He was the first that landed and presently he drew his Sword and carryed it naked in his hand a prettie way the Mayor of the Towne met him and deliuered him the Keyes which he receiued in his right hand and put his sword into his left then met him the Earle of Arundell and Lord Williams and brought him to his lodging The twenty fiue day He and Quéene Mary were married at Winchester by the Bishop there then they came to Windsor and from thence to Southwarke and from thence through the Citty of London to White-hall by the way many Pageants and glorious sights were made Upon the Cunduit in Gracious-stréet was painted King Henry the eight ●n harnesse with a Sword in one hand and in the other hand a Booke whereon was written Verbum Dei deliuering the Booke to his Sonne Edward painted by him Whereupon the Bishoppe of Winchester sent for the Painter and called him ●naue ranke Traytor and villaine for painting a Booke in King Henries hand and writing Verbum Dei thereon he should rather to haue put the Booke in Quéene Maries hand that was there also pictured for that she had reformed the Church and Religion Against this time Bonner in his Royalty and all his Prebendaries about him the doores of Pauls being shut a new Roode being laid vpon the Pauem●●ts they sung diuers Prayers by the Roode then they annointed it with Oyle in diuers places After they crept vnto it and kissed it after they wayed it vppe into his accustomed place and the while the whole Quire sang Te D●um and then the Bels rang for ioy From White-hall they went to Richmond then all the Lords had leaue to depart and there remained no English Lord at the Court but the Bishop of Winchester from thence to Hampton-Court where the Hall doore was continually kept shut that no man might enter vnlesse his arrand were first knowne which séemed strange to English-men Upon the fourth day of Nouember ●●ue Priests did pe●●ance at Paules Crosse which were content to put away their Wiues and take vpon them againe to minister euery one of them had a taper in his hand and a rod wherewith the Preacher did disple them The twenty seauen day of Nouember Cardinall Poole being but a littl● before come into the Realme came to the Parliament-House the King and Quéene sitting vnder the Cloath of Estate and the Cardinall sitting on the right hand The Cardinall made a long Oration shewing first how this Realme had euer béene forward to receiue Religion first in the time of the Brittaines and then in the time of the Saxons and that the meanes came from Rome in the Faith of which Church we haue euer since continued and shewed what deuotion this Iland hath had to Rome that King Offa and Adulphus thought their obedience to the Sea not sufficient but in their owne persons went to the place where they receiued so great grace And when Carolus Magnus founded Paris hee sent into England for Alcui●us which first brought learning to that Uniuersity I will not rehearse the benefits this Realme hath receiued from Rome nor the miseries this Realm hath suffered by swaruing from that Unity so all Countries that haue refused the Unity of the Catholike Faith hath had the like plagues as Asia and the Empire of Gréece by swar●ing from Rome are brought into the subiection of the Turke And Germany by swaruing from this vnity are afflicted with diuers Sects and factions then hee pra●●ed the King for his greatnésse and riches and the Quéen as one in whose hart God had preserued the Catholike truth when all light of the truth séemed vtterly to be extinct whom GOD had most miraculously brought vnto the Crowne being a helplesse Uirgin naked and vnarmed had the victory of all pollicies and armed powers prepared to destroy her and God hath appointed her to raigne ouer you for the restitution of true Religion and exterpation of errors and Sects God hath deuided his power vnto two parts heare in Earth that is into th● Imperiall and Ecclesiasticall power the Seculer Princes and Ministers of God to execute vengeance vpon transgressors and to preserue well doers which is represented in these two most excellent Princes the King and Quéene The other power is the power of the Keyes which belongeth by prerogatiu● to the Sea Apostlike of Rome from which Sea I am deputed Legate hauing the Keyes committed to my hands I confesse I haue the Keyes not as mine owne Keyes but as the keyes of him that sent mee but certaine impediments in you to receiue it must be taken away before my Commission can take place I came to reconcile and not to condemne and not to compell but to call againe My Commission is of Grace and clemency to all such as will receiue it touching the matter● past they shall be as things cast into the Sea of forgetfulnesse the meanes wherby you shall receiue this benefit is by reuoking the lawes wherby you haue disseuered yourselues from the vnity of Christs Church therefore you as prouident men for the weale of your soules and bodies pouder what is to be done
commaunded the doore to bee kept fast and charged none of his men to come at him saying let him alone it were a good riddance of him Untill he was depriued he paid him twenty shillings a wéeke for his table and since as the best Gentleman and yet vsed worse then the veriest Slaue he imprisoned and stripped his man to finde Letters but could finde none but a remembrance of their names that gaue him Almes and to vndoe them he deliuered the Bill vnto STEPHEN GARDINER there hee continued almost eightéen● monthes The twentith of Ianuary he was brought to Gardiners house at Saint Mary-Oueries where the Bishop of Winchester with other Bishops moued M Hooper earnestly to forsake his euill and corrupt doctrine preached in King Edwards daies and to returne to the vnity of the Catholike Church and to acknowledge the Popes Holines the supreame head thereof according to the determination of the whole Parliament promising that as he himselfe and other his Brethren had receiued the Popes blessing and Queene Maries mercy euen so mercy was ready to be shewed to him and others if hee would arise with them and condiscend to the Popes Ho●●nes Maister Hooper answered for so much as the Pope taught doctrine contrary to Christs doctrine he is no member of Christs Church much lesse the head thereof therefore he could not condiscend to any such vsurped Iurisdiction neither doth he esteeme that Church to bee the Catholike Church of Christ for the true Church heareth onely the voyce of Christ her Spouse and flyeth the voyce of Strangers I desire the Queenes mercy if mercy may bee had with safety of conscience and without displeasure of GOD answere was made that the Queene would shew no mercy to the Popes Enemies then hee was sent to the Fleet againe for sixe dayes then he was brought againe before the Bishop of Winchester and other Commissioners in Saint-mary-Oueries Church and the next day condemned together with Master Rogers and then they were carried to New-gate where he remained sixe dayes Bonner and others resorted thither to him diuers times to perswade him to be a member of Antichrist and when they could not Bonner disgraded him then he was carried to Gloster to suffer death whereof he did greatly reioyce that he should there confirme his doctrine that hee had instructed so many in with his bloud Sir Anthony Kingston which was one of the Commissioners to see him executed came to him and lamented his case and desired him to consider that life is sweet and death is bitter therefore seeing life may be had desire to liue hereafter you may doe good who answered though death be bitter and life sweet yet death to come is more bitter and life to come more sweete therefore for the desire and loue I haue to the one and the terror of the other I doe not so much regard this death or esteeme this life but haue setled my selfe by the strength of Gods spirit rather to suffer any torments then to denie the truth of Gods word desiring you and others to pray for me He answered Well my Lord I perceiue there is no remedie I thanke God that euer I kn●w you for whereas I was an adulterer and a fornic●tor God by your good instructions hath brought me to the forsaking and detesting of the same The same day a blinde boy got leaue to speake with Master Hooper the boy a little before had beene imprisoned at Gloster for confessing the truth After Master Hooper had examined him of his faith he said vnto him Ah poore boy GOD hath taken from thee thy outward sight but hee hath giuen thee another sight much more precious for he hath endued thy soule with the eye of knowledge and faith When he was burned he was not suffered to speake to the people Hee wrote many godly letters to diuers whilest he was in prison which thou mayest see in the booke at large Doctor Rowland Taylor THe Towne of Hadley was instructed by Thomas Bilney so well that you might haue found there many as well men as women that had often read ouer the Bible and could say a great part of Saint Paules Epistles by heart and giue a godly learned sentence in any matter of controuersie and there Children and Seruants were trained vp in the knowledge of Gods Word that the towne seemed rather to bee an Uniuersitie then a towne of clothing In this towne the said Rowland Taylor was Parson Hee most faithfully indeuoured himselfe to fulfill his charge No Sunday nor Holiday passed nor other time that hee could get the people together but hee preached to them the Word of GOD there was none so rich but hee would tell him his fault with such earnest and graue rebukes as best became a good Pastor Hee was ready to doe good to all men readily forgiuing his enemies H●e was a Father to the poore Thus this good Shepheard continued all the time of King Edward In the beginning of Q. Maries raigne he retained in his Church the Seruice which was vsed in King Edwards time and faithfully preached against Popish corruptions which had infected the whole Countrey round about One Foster and one Clerke hyred one Iohn Au●rth Parson of Aldam a Popish Idolator and a whoremonger to set vp Masse againe at Hadly and builded him an Altar in the night their Altar was beaten downe and they builded it againe and watched it then the Priest came thither with all his implements and garments to play his Popish Pageant and was guarded with weapons lest he should be disturbed from this 〈◊〉 sacrifice Doctor Taylor seeing him said Thou Diuell who made thee so bolde to profane this Church of Christ with abominable Idolatrie To whom Foster said Thou Traytor why dost thou disturbe the Queenes proceedings He answered I am no Traytor but the Sheepheard that Christ hath appointed to feede this Flocke I commaund thee thou Popish Wolfe in the name of the GOD of heauen that th●u auoyde hence and presume not to poyson Christs Flocke with thy Popish Idolatrie Then Foster with his armed men tooke Taylor and violently carried him whether he would or no out of the Church and thrust his wife out after him because shee knee●led downe and made humble supplication vnto God to bee reuenged of one of them and then they shut the doore least the people should ●aue rent their sacrificer in pe●ces some that were without threw in stones an● miss●d him but little Upon complaint to Gardiner hee sent for Taylor and though his friends and acquaintance perswaded him by all meanes possible they could to the contrarie yet hee was resolued to goe to the Bishop and to his Beard to tell him hee doth naught I am old though I suffer GOD will raise vp Teachers for his people I shall n●uer doe GOD so good seruice as now I may what Christian would not gladly die against the Pope and his adherents for I know the papacy is the Kingdome of Antichrist
Doctor I would you would remember your selfe and turne to your holy Mother the Church and I will sue for your pardon Taylor answered I would you and your fellowes would turne to Christ as for me I will not turne to Antichrist Then Bonner had him put on the Uestures to bee disgraded but hee would not when they were put vpon him he put his handes by his side and said How say you my Lord am not I a goodlie Foole How say you my Maisters it I were in Cheape-side should I not haue Boyes enough to laugh at these apish toyes and toying trumperie and when the Bishoppe should strike him vpon the breast with his Crossier Staffe his Chaplaines said Strike him not my Lord for he will surely strike you againe That I will said hee for it is our Sauiour Christes cause so the Byshoppe laid his curs● oll him but strucke him not When he came to Maister Bradford for they both lay in one Chamber hee told him laughinglie how he had made the Bishop affraid to strike him that night his Wife his Sonne Thomas and his man Iohn Hull were suffered to sup with him after Supper he thanked GOD that hee had giuen him strength to abide by his holie Word Then he said vnto his Sonne My deare Sonne God giue thee his Spirit truly to serue Christ to learne his word and to stand by it all thy life my Sonne feare God fly sinne pray to him and apply thy booke and sée thou be obedient vnto thy Mother cherish the poore and count that try chéefe riches is to be rich in a●mes Then he said my deare Wife be steadfast in the ●eare and loue of God be not defiled with Popish Idolatries wee haue béene faithfull yoke-fellowes together the Lord will reward you for your faithfulnesse towards me I now must be taken from you and I would aduise you to marrie with some honest man that feareth GOD he will prouide such a one for you and he will bee a mercifull Father to you and your Children whom I pray bring vp in the feare of God and learning and kéep them from Romish Idolatry then with wéeping feares they prayed together and kissed each other The next day he was carried away towards Hadley to be burned there diuers Gentlemen and Iustices came to him there who laboured him to returne vnto the Romish Religion shewed him his pardon and promised him great promotions yea a Bishoprick if he would but all was vaine for he had not builded his Rocke vpon the sands in perill of euery winde but on the sure Rocke Christ. When hee went through Hadley to execution the stréetes being full they cried out with lamentable voyces Ah good Lord there goeth our Shepheard from vs that hath so faithfully taught vs so fatherly cared for vs and so godly gouerned vs what shall wee poore scattred Lambes doe What shall become of this wicked world good Lord comfort him wherefore the people were fore rebuked and Doctor Taylor euer said to the people I haue preached vnto you Gods word and truth and am come this day to seale it with my blood Comming against the Almes-heuses he cast to the poore people all the Money which remained of that which good people had giuen vnto him in Prison for his Liuing was taken away from him so soone as he was put in Prison so that hee was sustained during the time of his imprisonment by the charitable Almes of good people When he saw the place of execution and the multitude of people that were gathered together then said he thanked be God I am euen at home They had clipped his head ill-fauoredly like a Fooles head by Bonners perswasions when he was disgraded when he came there all the people said God saue thée good Maister Doctor Taylor Iesus strengthen you the Holy Ghost comfort you When he would haue spoken vnto the people one or other thrust a tipstaffe in his month then he desired license of the Sheriffe to speake but he denied him and had him remember his promise made vnto the Councell It was a common fame that the Councell sent for such as were condemned and threatned them they would cut their tongues out except they would promise them at their deathes to kéepe silence and not to speake vnto the people When he was in his Shirt hee was set in a Pitch Barrell to bee burned then he said with a loud voyce Good people I haue taught you nothing but GODS Word and those Lessons which I haue taken out of GODS blessed Booke I am therefore come hither this day to seale it with my blood then one Homes a Yeoman of the Gard who had vsed him verie cruelly all the way gaue him a great stroke on the head The Sheriffe called one Richard Doningham a Butcher to set vp the Faggots but he would not then he got others and one of them called Warwicke cruellie cast a Faggot at him and brake his face that the blood ranne downe Doctor Taylor said Ah friend I haue harme enough what néedeth this When the fire was set to him he said Mercifull Father of Heauen for Iesus Christs sake receiue my Soule into thy hands and so stood still without either crying or moouing with his hands folded together vntill one Soyce strucke him vpon the head that the Braines fell out and his Corps fell into the Fire and was burned The foureteenth of February the Lord Chanceller and the Bishops caused the Image of Thomas Becket to be set vp ouer the Mercers Chappe●l doore in Cheape-side in London in the forme of a Bishop with Miter and Crosier within two dayes after his two blessing fingers were broken away and the next day his head was stricken off Whereupon many were suspected and one Maister Barnes Mercer being a Professor of the truth was charged therewith and he and three of his Seruants were committed to Prison and though it could not be proued against him he was bound in a great summe to builde it vp againe now and as often as it should be broken downe and to watch and keepe the same The next day after that it was set vp againe the head was the second time broken off then there was a Proclamation set forth that he that could tell who did it he should haue an hundred Crownes with thanks but it was not knowne who did it The vertuous and godly King Christianus King of Denmarke hearing of the captiuitie of Miles Couerdale whom hee knew by reason hee was in Denmarke in King Henry the eight his time and lamenting his dangerous case made intercession by Letters to Quéene Mary desiring the said Miles Couerdalo to be sent vnto him after the King had written two letters Queene Mary after long delay made full answer to the King of Denmarkes Letters by which prouidence of God Miles Couerdale was deliuered ROBERT FARRAR Bishop of Saint Dauids in Wales THis Bishop by the fauour of the Lord Protector was first promoted vnto that
Testament desperatly he cast himselfe into a shallow Riuer and was drowned in the yeare 1555. IOHN AWCOCKE THis yeare the second of Aprill one Iohn Awcocke died in prison who was buried in the fields as the manner of the Papists was for they de●ied them Christian buriall to such as died out of their Antichristian Church Pope IVLIVS the third THis yeare about the end of March died Pope Iulius the third whose deeds to declare it were not so much tedious to the Reader as horrible to good eares Iohannes de Casa was Deane of this Popes chamber Archbishop of Beneuentanus and chiefe Legat to the Uenetians who well declaring the fruit of that filthy Sea did not only play the filthy Sodomite himselfe but in Italian meetre set forth the praise of that beastly iniquitie and yet his booke was printed at Uenice by one Troyanus Nauus and the Pope suffered this beastlines vnder his nose in his chamber which could not abide the doctrine of Christ. This Pope delighted greatly in Porke flesh and Peacocks by the aduice of his Physitians his Steward ordered that he should set no Porke flesh before him missing it where said he is my Porke the Steward answered his Physitian had forbidden any Porke to be serued the Pope in a great rage said Bring mee my Porke in despite of God Another time he commaunded a Peacocke at the Table to be kept colde for his Supper when Supper came amongst hote Peacocks he saw not his colde Peacocke the Pope after his wonted manner began horribly to blaspheme God one of his Cardinals said Let not your Holinesse I pray you be moued in so small a matter Then said he if God were so angry for one apple that he cast our parents out of Paradice why may not I being his Uicar he angry for a Peacocke which is a greater matter This was he vnder whom Popery was restored in England in Quéene Maries time and the affection that was borne vnto him heere may be séene by the Dirgs Hearses and Funerals commaunded to bee had and celebrated in all Churches by the Quéene and her Councell At his death a woman séeing a Herse and other preparation in Saint Magnus Church at the Bridge foot in London asked what it meant it was told her it was for the Pope and that she must pray for him nay quoth she that I will not for he needeth not my prayers seeing hee could forgiue vs all our sinnes I am sure he is cleane himselfe by and by she was carried vnto the Cage at London Bridge and bade to coole her selfe there GEORGE MARSH THis Marsh was an earnest letter forth of true Religion to the defacement of Antichrists doctrine in the parish of Deane and elswhere in Lancas●ire and he most faithfully acknowledged the same in Quéene Maries time whereupon he was apprehended and kept in straight prison within the Bishoppe of Chesters house foure moneths not permitting him to haue comfort of his frinds but the Porter was charged to marke them that asked for him and to take their names and deliuer them to the Bishop shortly after he came thither the Bishop sent for him and communed with him a long time in his Hall alone and could find no fault with him but that he allowed not transubstantiation nor the abuse of the Masse nor that the Lay people should receiue vnder one kinde with which points the Byshop went about to perswade him but all was in vaine then hee sent him to Prison againe Afterward diuers were sent vnto him to perswade him to submit himselfe vnto the Church of Rome and to acknowledge the Pope to be the ha●d thereof and to interpret the Scriptures no otherwise then that Church doth George answered hee doth acknowledge one holy Catholike and Apostolike Church without which is no saluation and this Church is but one because it hath and beléeueth in but one God and him only worshippeth and one Christ and in him only trusteth for saluation and it is ruled onely by one Spirit one Word and one Faith and that it is vniuersall because it hath béene from the beginning of the world and shall be vnto the end of the world hauing in it some of al Nations kindreds and languages degrees ●●ates and conditions of men This Church is builded only vpon the foundation of the Prophets and Apostles Iesus Christ being the Head-corner-stone and not on the Romish Lawes and Decrees the Pope being not the supreame head and that it was before any succession of Bishops general Councels or Romish Decrees neither was bound to any time or place ordinary succession generall Councels or Tradition of Fathers neither had any supremacie ouer Empires and Kingdomes But that it was a little 〈◊〉 flocke dispersed abroad as sheepe without a Shepheard in the middest of Wolues or as a flocke of fatherlesse Children assisted succoured and defended onely by Christ Iesus their supreme head from all assaults errours troubles and persecutions wherewith shee is euer compassed about He proued by the floud of Noah the destruction of Sodome The Israelites departing out of Egypt by the parables of the sower by the Kings sons marriage of the great Supper and by other sentences of the Scriptures that this Church was of no estimation and little in comparison of the Church of hypocrites and wicked worldlings After the Bishop caused him to bee brought to the Chappell of the Cathedrall Church of Chester where the Bishop with diuers others were set After he had taken his oath for a true answering the Chancelor charged him that he had preached heretically and blasphemously in diuers places against the Popes authority and Catholick Church of Rome the blessed Masse the Sacrament of the Altar and many other Articles Hee answered that ●e neither heretically nor blasphemonsly spake against any of the said Articles but simply and ●●uely as occasion serued according to his conscience maintaining the truth touching the said Articles as it was taught in King Edward the sixth his time whereupon they condemned him at the next appearance And when he would haue perswaded them otherwise by the word of God the Bishop told him he ought not to dispute with hereticks Then he prayed the people to beare him witnesse he held no other opinions then were by Law most godly established and publikely taught in King Edwards time wherein he would liue and die As he came on the way towards the place of execution some folke proffered him mo●ey and looked that he should haue had a little purse in his hand as the manner of 〈◊〉 was at their going to execution to gather money to giue to a Priest to say trentalls of Masses for them after their death whereby they might be saued but Marsh said he would not be troubled with money and hade them giue it to the prisoners and poore people When he came to the ●●re his pardon was offered him he answered being it tended to plucke him from God he could not receiue it
Augustine and all the Fathers of antiquitie doe affirme but in asmuch as the substance of bread and wine is another manner of thing then the substance of the body and bloud of Christ it is plaine there is no Transubstantiation 4 The bread is no more transubstantiated then the wine CHRIST calleth that the fruit of the Uine saying I will drinke no more of the fruit of the Vine Therefore by Christes wordes it was not Bloud but Wine therefore it followeth there is no Transubstantiation Chrysostom vpon Mathew and Cyprian doe confirme this reason 5 The bread is called as well Christs mysticall body as his naturall body for the same spirit that saith the bread is my body saith also wee being many are one body but it is not the mysticall body by transubstantiation no more is it his naturall body by transubstantiation 6 The words ouer the Cup are not so effectuall as to transubstantiate it int● the New Testament Therfore the words spoken ouer the bread are not so mighty to make Transubstantiation 7 The Doctrine of Transubstantiation doth not agree with the Apostolick and mother Churches which receiued there Doctrine of the Apostles who receiued it of Christ and Christ of God as of Gréece of Corinthus of Philippos Collosia Thessalonica Ephesus which neuer taught Transubstantiation yea it agreeth not with the Doctrine of the Church of Rome taught in times past for Gelasius the Pope doth manifestly confute the errour of transubstantiation and reproueth them of sacriledge which diuide the mysterie and keep the Cup from the lay people Therefore the Doctrine of transubstantiation agreeth not with the truth Communication betwixt the Archbishop of Yorke and the Bishop of Chichester with BRADFORD in prison York HOw know you the word of God but by the Church Brad. The Church is a meane to bring a man to the more spéedy knowledge of the Scriptures as the woman of Samaria was a meane that the Samarita●s knew Christ but when as they had heard him speake they said now wee know that he is Christ not because of thy words but because we our selues haue heard him so after we come to the hearing and reading of the Scriptures shewed vnto vs by the Church we beleeue them and know them as Christs sheepe not because the Church saith they be the Scriptures but because they be so wee being assured thereof by the spirit which wrote and spake them Yorke In the Apostles time the word was not written Brad. True if you meane it for some bookes of the New Testament but for the Old Testament Peter telleth vs it is a more sure word of Prophesie not that it is so simply but in respect of the Apostles which being aliue and compassed with infirmities by reason whereof men might perchance haue found fault with their preaching they attributed vnto the Prophets more firmenes as wherewith no fault could be ●●und albeit in verity no lesse obedience and faith ought to be giuen vnto the one then the other both proceeding of one Spirit of truth York Ireneus and others doe magnifie much and alledge the C●urch and not the Scriptures against the heretickes Brad. They had to doe with such-hereticks as did deny the Scriptures and y●t did magnifie the Apostles so that they were inforced to vse the authoritie of those Churches wherein the Apostles had taught and which did still retaine the same Doctrine then the alledging of the Church cannot be principally vsed against me which am so farre from denying the Scriptures that I appeale vnto them vtterly as to the onely Iudge Yorke A pretty matter that you will take vpon to Iudge the Church where hath your Church been hitherto for the Church of Christ is Catholick and visible hitherto Brad. I doe not Iudge the Church when I discerne it from the congregation which is not the Church and I neuer denied the Church to b● Catholick and vi●●ble although at some times it is more visible then at other times Chichest Where was your Church forty yeares agone which allowed your Doctrine I said I would tell him if he would tell mee where the Church was in Helias his time when Helias said he was left alone he said that is no answere Brad. If you had the same eyes wherewith a man might haue espied the Church then you would not say it was no answer The fault why the Church is not s●●ne of you is not because the Church is not visible but because your eyes are not cléere ●●ough to sée it Chich. You are much deceiued in making this collation betwixt the Church then and now Yorke said it was very well spoken for Christ said I will build my Church and not I do or haue built it Brad. Peter teacheth me to make this collation saying As amongst the people there were false Prophets which were most in estimation before Christs comming so shall there be false teachers amongst the people after Christs comming and verie many shall follow them and as for your future tense you wil not conclude Christs Church not to haue béene before but rather that there is no builder in the Church but by Christ onely in that he saith I will build my Church for Paul and Apollo be but waterers York He taketh vpon him to iudge the Church a man shall neuer come to certainty that doth so Brad. I speake simply that which I thinke and desire reasons to answere my Obiections assuredly you did well to depart from the Romish Church but you haue done wickedly to coupple your selues to it againe for you can neuer proue it which you call the mother Church to be Christs Church Chichest You were but a Childe then I was but a young man come from the Uniuersitie and went with the World but it was alwaies against my conscience Brad. I thinke you haue done euill for ye are come and haue brought others to that wicked man which sitteth in the Temple of God which is the Church for it cannot be vnderstood of Mahomer or any out of the Church but of such as beare rule in the Church Yorke Sée how you build your Faith vpon the most obscure places of the Scripture to deceiue your selfe as though you were in the Church which are not Brad. Well my Lord though I might by truth iudge you and others yet will not I vtterly exclude you out of the Church but I am not out of the Communion of the Church for it consisteth in Faith York Loe how you make your Church inuisible for you would haue the Communion of it to consist in Faith Brad. To haue Communion of the Church néedeth not visiblenesie of it for Communion consisteth in Faith and not in exterior Ceremonies as appeareth by Paul which would haue one Faith and by Ireneus to Victor saying disagréeing of fasting should not breake the agréeing of Faith Chichest That place hath often wounded my conscience because we disseuered our selues from the Sea of Rome Brad. God forgiue you for you haue done
Therefore much more where there is so great a multitude but in generall Councels Masse hath been approued and vsed therefore it is good Ridley It is true that where so many be gathered together in Christs name it is not credible but two or three be gathered together in his name but if there be an hundreth good two h●ndreth bad being the Decrees Ordinances goe according to most voices what can the lesse number of voices preuaile It is a common prouerbe often the greater part ouercommeth the better but it is impossible that any such Councell of good men allowed such a Masse as ours was of late in a strange tongue and stuffed with so many absurdities errors and superstitions for as there is no agreement betwixt light and darknes Christ and Beliall so superstition and sincere religion will-worship and pure worship in spirit and truth can neuer agree together Latimer Touching generall Councels I refer you to your owne experience in our Parliaments and Conuocations the most part in my time did bring forth the six Articles because then the King would so haue it After the most part did repeale the same because our good Iosias would so haue it The same Articles now again the most part hath restored because the Queene will haue it after this sort most commonly are mens proceedings Anto. If in generall Councels men should not folow most vo●ces then should the church haue no certaine rule to determin waighty matters but it is not to be beléeued that Christ would leaue the Church destitute of so necessary a help Rid. Christ the most louing spouse of his espouse the Church did giue vnto it abundantly all things necessary to saluation but so that the Church should kéep her selfe within the obedience of his commandements and not to séek any thing as necessary to saluation which he teacheth not and for determination of all controuersies in Religion Christ hath left vnto the Church Moses and the Prophets which he willeth the church to aske councell of and all the New Testament that which is hard in Moses and the Prophets is reuealed in them so that wee haue no need to say who shall clime vp to heauen or who shall goe downe into the deepe to tell vs what is needfull to be done Christ hath done both and commanded 〈…〉 〈◊〉 the word of Faith and if we walke diligently therein by his spirit we shall 〈…〉 out the truth and obtaine euerlasting life As in Esay 8. Shall men-aske 〈…〉 of the dead for the liuing Let them goe vnto the Law the Testament 〈…〉 Christ Ioh. 5. biddeth vs Search the Scriptures And Hierom saith Ignorance 〈…〉 scriptures is mother of errors vpon the 25. of Mathew and in another place he saith the knowledge of the scriptures is the food of euerlasting life and we read not that Christ in any place hath ●aid so great a burden vpon the members of his Church that he hath commanded them to go vnto the vniuersal Church it is true that Christ gaue vnto his Church some Apostles and some Prophets some Euangelists some Shepheards and Teachers to the edifying of the Saints vntill we all come vnto the vnity of Faith But that all out of all parts of the world should méet together in Councell to define the Articles of faith it is not commanded of Christ. Lat. There is diuersitie betwixt things pertaining to God or Faith and politick and ciuill matters for in the first we must stand only to the scriptures which are able to make vs perfect vnto saluation if by study and prayer we vnderstand them and the most prudent men of the world are least apt to vnderstand them but in ciuill matters being wee know not otherwise how to maintaine common peace and quiet they doe ordaine that the most part shall take place Anto. It is perilous to attempt any new thing in the Church vnto which the example of the Prophets of Christ and of the Apostles are contrarie for in their time all things were most corrupt the people were miserably giuen to superstition the Priests despised the law of God yet we neuer read that the Prophets made any schismes and Christ haunted the Temples and taught in them daily Peter and Iohn went into the Temple at the ninth houre of prayer Paule after the reading of the law desired to say some thing vnto the people neyther Christ nor his Apostles did refuse to pray with others to sacrifice or be partaker of Moses law Ridley The Prophets Christ nor the Apostles did not communicate with the people in any kind of worshipping forbidden by the law or repugmant to the word Saint Aug●stine in his Epistle Ad Ianuarium speaking of the ceremonies of the Iewes he saith They were burdens of the law which were deliuered by the word of God and not by the presumptions of men but now the ceremonies are of men and contrary to the word of God and therefore not to be borne In the story of Tobias when all other went to the golden calues of Ieroboam to worship hee alone went to the Temple of the Lord to worship In the third of Kings the man of God threatned terrible plagues to the Priest of Bethell and to the Altar which Ieroboam had made which came to passe by King Iosias The Prophets vehemently rebuked the people still for going a whoreing with their Hill-Altars and this was the chiefe cause wherefore the false Prophets ceased not to maligne the true Prophets therefore they beate them and banished them How otherwise can you vnderstand the saying of S. Paul What concord hath Christ with Beliall the beleeuer with the Infidel the temple of God with Idols for we are said to be Gods temple because God dwelleth in vs wherfore we are bidden to come out seperat our selues from them and to touch no vncleane thing and God will receiue vs and be our Father and we shall be his Sonnes and Daughters In the 12. of Iudith she would not defile her selfe with the meats of the wicked The Machabees died manfully in the defence of the Law S. Augustine saith If we praise the Machabees for their stoutnesse for the Law of Moses how much more ought we to suffer all things for our baptisme and the Lords supper which the Masse vtterly abolisheth and corrupteth Anto. I perceiue you are so obstinatly wedded vnto your owne opinion that no wholsome counsels can draw you to a better mind therefore you must be handled by the lawes and be either compelled thereto or suffer the punishment of the Law he that refuseth to obey the lawes of the realme is an enemy to his Country This is the readiest way to stir vp ciuill wars it is better you should beare your owne ●●nne then the common quiet to bee disturbed how can you say you will bee the Quéenes subiects when you openly professe you will not kéepe her lawes Ridl It is true he that will not obey the Gospell must be
Lord he renounced the false coloured Religion of the Romish Sea wherein many a good man hath beene drowned he was burned at Northampton Thrée in the Castle of Cicester being in like bonds for the like cause of Christs Gospell died in Prison and were buried in the fields who had béene burned if the cruell handling of Papists had not made them away before John Clarke Dunstone Chittenden vncondemned William Foster of Stone Allice Potkins of Staplehurst Iohn Archer of Cranbroke VVeauer THe first of Nouember these fiue were macerate and pined to death by famine in the Castle of Canterbury they answered all to this effect that they beleeue the Articles of the Creed but they beleeue no more Sacraments but two that praiers to Saints or soules in purgatory profit not that faith only iustifieth they denied the Popish ceremonies in the Church that it was as good to carry a Dungfork as Candles on Candlemas day and that it is as necessary to carry the Gallowes about if ones father were hanged as to cary the Crosse that they could not come to Church with a safe conscience There was fifteene of them in prison and it seemeth the Bishops and Priests had appointed to starue them al had not a Certificate of the manner of their cruell handling bin throwne out of the Castle window wherby their doings were made manifest so the other ten were burned as after appeareth In the Months of September Nouember and December there was a great persecution in Couentry and Lichfield the cruell Bishop Radulph Bane and his cruell Chancellor Doctor Draycot and nine Priests and a number of others were compelled to recant and one Hoke was burned at Chester as thou mayst see in the Booke at large THE TVVELFTH BOOKE OF the Acts of the Church TOuching the processe and whole discourse concerning the condemning taking vp and burning the bones and bookes of Bucer Paulus Phagius by the commaundement of Cardinall Poole with all the rites and ceremonies therunto appertaining with all the ridiculous procéeding of the Commissioners whilst they were at Cambridge and also the Oration of M. Acworth Orator of the Uniuersitie at the restitution of Martine Bucer and Paulus Phagius in Quéene Elizabeths time and also the dispitefull handling and madnesse of the Papists towards Peter Martires Wife at Oxford taking her vp from her grau● at the commandement of Cardinall Poole and after buried in a Dunghil Concerning the processe of these things I refer thee if thou béest disposed to sée them to the booke at large The 18. of Ianuary the ten that remained of the aforesaid fiftéene that were in prison in the Castle of Canterbury whereof fiue of them were starued the ●ther ten were burned for the same points of Religion in effect as the other fiue held as before is expressed the names of these ten follow Iohn Philpot of Tenderden William Waterer of Bedingdy Stephen Kempe of Norgate William Hay of Hith Thomas Hudson of Sellenge Mathew Bradbridge of Tenderden Thomas Stephens of Bedingham Nicholas Finall of Tenderden VVilliam Lowicke of Cranbroke VVilliam Prowting of Thorneham The 8. of February a most bloody Commission was giuen forth by King Philip and Quéene Marie to prosecute the poore members of Christ. Whereupon twenty two were apprehended in Essex and brought vp to London at once to Bonner all of them tyed to a rope by two and two and so lead in a rope through the stréetes to Bonner Now the Bishops and Councell perceiuing the number and fearing to put them to death being so many together least I some disturbance might rise vpon the same they bad them make their submission and confession as they would themselues that they might make a colour of recantation wherupon they were discharged for their names I referre thée to the Booke at large Thomas Loseby Henry Ramsey Tho Thyrtell Margaret Hyde Agnes Stanley THe twelfth of Aprill these were burned at one fire in Smithfield Bonner framed now Articles vnto them and confessing these points of his Articles they were condemned 1 For speaking against the Faith Religion and Ecclesiasticall seruice especially concerning the Masse and the seauen Sacraments saying they agréed not w●th Gods word 2 For being perswaded that the English seruice in King Edwards time was godly and Catholike 3 That they did not thinke themselues bound to come to Church to heare the Mattins Masse and Euening song 4. That they did not thinke themselues bound to go a Procession nor to beare Tapers and Candles at Candlemas nor take Ashes vpon Ashwednesday nor beare Palmes vpon Palme-sunday nor to créepe to the Crosse vpon daies accustomed not to receiue and kisse the Paxe at Masse time not to receiue holy water or holy bread nor to except or allow the Ceremonies and vsages of the Church as they are vsed in this Realme 5 For thinking they were not bound to confesse their sinnes vnto a Priest nor to receiue absolution at his hand nor to receiue the Sacrament of the Altar 6 For thinking prayers to Saints or prayers for the dead are not lawdable profitable not allowed by Gods Word and that the soules departed goe straight waies to Heauen or Hell so that there is no Purgatory 7 For thinking all those that were burned in King Henry the eights time and in Quéene Maries time as Heretickes were no Heretickes but faithfull and good people and for approuing their opinions and mis●iking their condemnations 8 For thinking the Sacrament of the Altar to bee an Idoll and to reserue it to be honoured to be Idolatry and likewise of the Masse and ●l●uation of the Sacrament After this they were conuented againe before the Bishop in the Con●●story where these being asked what they had to say against iudgement Thomas Los●by said God giue me strength to stand against you and your 〈◊〉 your Law●s a de●ouring Law I perceiue there is no way with me but death except I will beléeue in that Idoll the Masse Thomas Thirtle said If you make me an Heretick then you make Christ and al the twelue Apostles Hereticks for I am in the true faith and I will stand to it for I know I shall haue eternall life R●msey said my opinion is the very truth which I will not goe from There are two Churches and we the Martyrs of Christ are the true Church and yee be not Margaret Hide affirmed shee was in that true Faith and would neuer forsake it Agnes Stanly said if euery haire of her head were neuer so much worth I had rather they were reburned then I will for sake my true faith Then they were put off vntill the afternoone then as Loseby his answere was reading mention being made of the Sacrament Boner put off his Cap and Loseby put on his hat and he said I trust I haue the Spirit of truth which you detest for the wisedome of God is foolishnesse vnto you whereupon they had iudgement Margaret Hide saide My Lord I will not depart from my sayings till I be
he affirmed that he had beene twice at Rome and there hee had seene that which he had many times heard of before that the Pope was the verie Antichrist for he saw him carried vpon mens shoulders and the false named Sacrament borne before him yet was there more reuerence giuen vnto him then vnto it which they accounted their God Then Bonner rose vp making as though ●e would ha●e torne his garments saying Hast thou seene our holy father and doest thou blaspheme him thus and flying vpon him hee plucked off a piece of his beard and after made speedy hast to his death He wrote this Letter to confirme the brethren the same day that hee was condemned The comfort of the holy Ghost make you able to giue consolation to others in these dangerous dayes when Sathan is let loose to the triall of the chosen to sift the wheate from the Chaffe whosoeuer denyeth Christ before men hee will deny him before his Father and the Angels and to saue the life corporall is to lose the life eternall and he that will not suffer with Christ shall not raigne with Christ Therefore I haue giuen ouer the flesh with the fight of my Soule and the Spirit hath the victory The flesh ere it bee long shall leaue off to sinne the spirit shall raigne eternally I haue chosen death to confirme the truth which I haue taught What can I doe more pray that I may continue vnto the end I haue in all my assaults felt the present ayde of my GOD bee not ashamed of Christs Gospell nor of the bonds that I haue suffered for the same The holy ones haue beene scaled with the same marke It is no time for the losse of one man for the campe to turne back vp with mens harts and blow downe the dawbed walles of heresies let one take the banner and another the Trumpet and I meane not to make corporall resistance but pray and you shal haue Elias his defence and Helizeus his company to fight for you the cause is the Lords Pray for me and salute one an other with an holy kisse the peace of God r●st with you all Amen Margery Mearing said that the Masse was abhominable in the sight of GOD and all Christian people and that it is the plaine c●p of fornication and the whore o● Babylon and shee beleeued that there was no such Sacrament as the Sacram●nt of the Altar in the Catholike Church and she said she vtterly abhorred the authoritie of the Pope with all the Religion obserued in the same Antichrists Church and that ●he neuer meant to come vnto the Church during these Idolatrous dayes And being demaunded whether shee would stand to these answers I will quoth shee stand to them vnto the death for the very Angells in heauen doe laugh you to scorne to se● your abomination that you vse in the Church wherupon shee was condemned They were burned both together in Smithfield where they most ioyfully and willingly gaue their li●es for the profession of the Gospell of Christ. Master Rowgh had excommunicated this Margerie Mearing but the Sonday before he was taken yet hee being in prison in the Gate-house at Westminster where none of his friends could come vnto him to visit him she gother a Basket and put a cleane Shirt in it and fayning her selfe to be his sister got into the prison vnto him and did him no small comfort then shee went to one Sergeants house who betrayed Master Rowgh and asked whet her Iudas that betrayed Christ dwelt not there and she seeing Cluny come vnto her house she went home and asked him whom he sought he said for you you must go with me she said she would go with him the Bishop cast her into prison and the wednesday after she was burned with Master Rowgh Cutbert Simpson Hugh Foxe and Iohn Deuenish SImpson was Deacon of the said godly Congregation in London he was faithfull and zealous vnto Christ and his true flocke the Friday at night before M. Rough the Minister of the Congregation was taken he dreamed that he saw two of the Gard leading Cutbert Simpson that he had a book about him wherin was the names of all them which were of the Congregation so he told his Wife and made her light a Candle and fell to reading and falling asleepe again he dreamed the like dreame Then he said to his Wife that his brother Cutbert was gone and as Maister Rough was ready to go to see Maister Cutbert he came in with the Booke containing the names and accounts of the Congregation then M. Rough told him his dreame and bade him carrie the booke no more about him so he left the booke with M. Rowghs wife the next night M. Rowgh dreamed that be himselfe was carried vnto the Bishop and that the Bishop plucked off his beard and cast it into the fire saying Now I may say I haue had a piece of an hereticke burned in my house and so accordingly it came to passe for shortly after they were both taken at the Saracens head in Islington as before Here followeth the storie of his sufferings vpon the racke and otherwise for the Congregations sake as he wrote it with his own hand I was called before the Constable of the Tower and the Recorder of London they commanded me to tell them whom I willed to come to the English seruice I answered I would declare nothing whereupon I was set in a racke of Iron three houres then they asked if I would tell them I answered as before the Sonday after they examined me againe and I answered them as before then they bound my two fore-fingers together and put a small arrow betwixt them and drew it thorow so fast that the bloud followed and the arrow brake then they racked mee twice and so I was carried vnto my lodging againe Ten dayes after the Lieutenant asked me if I would not confesse I answered I had said as much as I wold fiue wéeks after he sent me vnto the high Priest where I was greatly assaulted at whose handes I receiued the Popes curse for bearing witnesse of the resurrection Bonner in his Consistorie gaue this testimony of Cutbert Sampson ye sée said he what a personable man he is and concerning his patience I say vnto you that if he were not an hereticke he is a man of the greatest patience that euer came before me he hath béene thrice racked in one day in the Tower and in my house hee hath felt some sorrow yet did I neuer see his patience broken They all thrée answered Bonner that the Church is grounded vpon the Apostles and Prophets Christ being the head corner stone and in that Church there is the true faith and religion of Christ that there is but two Sacraments Baptisme and the Lords Supper they said that they haue and will speake against the sacrifice of the Masse the Sacrament of the Altar and the authoritie of the Sea of Rome and Iohn Deuenish
his Papisticall trash And Driuers Wife likened Quéene Mary vnto Iezabell Whereupon Sir Clement Higham Chiefe Iudge adiudged her eares to be immediatly cut off which was done and shee ioyfully yéelded her selfe vnto the punishment and thought her selfe happy that shee was counted worthy to suffer for Christ then they were sent again vnto Melton Iayle where they were examined as followeth When Driuers Wife came before Doctor Spencer to be examined shee smiled then he said Why Woman dost thou laugh vs to scorne shee said Shee might well enough to sée what fooles you be Then he said Woman what saist thou to the Sacrament of the Altar Dost thou not beleeue that it is very flesh and bloud after the consecration Dri. I neuer heard nor read of any such Sacrament in all the Scripture I will grant you a Sacrament called the Lords Supper I pray you tell me what a Sacraments is Spens It is a Signe and Doctor Gascoyne confirmed the same that it was a signe of an holy thing Dri. It is a Signe indéede and therefore it cannot be the thing signified also Gascoyne Doe you not beleeue the omnipotence of GOD Shee answered Yes Then said he Christ said to his Disciples Take eate this is my body ergo it was his body for he was able to performe that which hee spake and God vseth not to lye Dry. Was it not Bread which he gaue them he said no it was his body then quoth she it was his body they did eate ouer night what body was it then that was crucified the next day when his Disciples had eate him vp ouer night except he had two bodies as by your Argument he had Such a Doctor such Doctrine be you not ashamed to teach the people that Christ had two bodies In the 12. of Luke he tooke bread and brake it and gaue it to his disciples saying Take c. do this in remembrance of me 1 Cor. 11. Doe this in remembrance of me and as oft as you shall do it you shall shew the Lords death vntill he come Then Gascoyne held his peace and the Chancellor commanded the Iayler to take her away Dri. Now you be not able to resist the truth you command me to prison the Lord shall iudge our cause vnto him I leaue it I wis this geare will go for no paiment the next day she came before them again and their Arguments were vnto the same effect wherefore she was condemned so went she to prison againe as ioyfull as the Bird of day praysing and glorifying the name of God Alexander Gouch was condemned for that his beléefe was that Christ is ascended into heauen and there remaineth and that the Sacrament was the remembrance of his death and for refusing the Masse and the Pope to be supreame head of the Church they were both burned at Ipswich They ended their liues with earnest zeale nothing fearing to speake their consciences when they were commaunded the contrary Sir Henry Dowell Sheriffe would not suffer them to make an end of their praiers then Gouch said take héede M. Sheriffe if ye forbid prayers the vegeance of God hangeth ouer your heads when the Iron chaine was put about Allice Driuers necke O said she here is a goodly Neckercher blessed be God for it Diuers shooke them by the hands the Sheriffe bad lay hands on them with that a great number ranne vnto the stake he seeing that let them all alone One Bate a Barber was a busie deer against them who being in a fréeze gown sold it saying it stunk of Hereticks with other foule words within thrée or foure weeks after he died miserably in Ipswich Phillip Humphrey Iohn Dauid and Henry Dauid his Brother THese were burned at Bury in the same moneth that Quéene Mary died Sir Clement Highama bout a fortnight before the Quéene died did sue out a writ for the burning of these three godly and blessed Martyrs though the Queene was then knowne to be past remedy of her sicknesse Good-wife Prest SHe was the wife of one Prest dwelling not far from Launceston in Erecester D●oces She told the Bishop that she would rather die then worship that foule Idoll which with your Masse you make a God Bishop Will you say that the Sacrament of the Altar is a foule Idoll Woman Yea there was neuer such an Idoll as your Sacrament is made of your Priests and commanded to be worshipped of all men where Christ did command it to be eaten and drunken in remembrance of his Passion Bishop Dost thou not see that Christ said ouer the Bread This is my body and ouer the Cup This is my blood she said but hee meant not carnally but sacramentally if you will giue me leaue I will declare the reason why I will not worship the Sacrament Bishop Mary say on I am sure it will be good geare Woman I will demaund of you whether you can deny the Créede which saith that Christ perpetuallie sitteth at the right hand of his Father both Bodie and Soule vntill he come againe if it be so he is not in the Earth in a péece of bread If he doe not dwell in Temples made with handes but in Heauen what shall we séeke him héere If he did offer vp his body once for all why make you a new offering If with once offering hee made all perfect why doe you with a false offering make all vnperfect If he be to be worshipped in Spirit and Truth why doe you worshippe a péece of Bread If he be eaten and drunken in Faith and Truth If his Flesh be not profitable amongst vs why doe you say it is profitable both for Body and Soule rather then I would doe as you doe I will liue no longer Bish. I promise you you are a holy Protestant a foolish woman who wil wast his breath vpon thée and such as thou art but how chanceth it that you went from your husband and run about the Country like a Fugitiue Woman My Husband and my Children did persecute me for when I would haue him to leaue Idolatry and worship god in heauen hee would not heare me but he with his Children rebuked and troubled me so I went from him because I would be no partaker with him and his of that foule Idoll the Masse God giue me grace to goe to the true Church Bishop What dost thou meane by the true Church Wom. Not your Popish Church full of Idols and abhominations but where three or foure are gathered together in the name of God some perswaded the Bishop that she was out of her wits therefore they consulted that she should goe at large so the Kéeper of the Bishops prison had her home vnto his house where she fell to spinning carding and did al o●her worke besides as his seruant and went whether she list Diuers had a delight to talke with her and euer she would talke of the Sacrament of the Altar which of all things they could least abide Then diuers Priests
Three yeares after the death of Stephen Gardner followed the death of Quéene Mary as is before declared the same day Queene Elizabeth was proclaimed Queene with as many glad hearts of her subiects as euer was any King or Queene in this Realme The next day after the death of Queene Mary Cardinall Poole died and shortly after Christopher Bishop of Chichester and Hopton Bishop of Norwich died and Doctor Weston which was the cheefe Disputer against Cranmer Ridley and Latimer First fell into displeasure with the Cardinall and other Bishops because he would not depart from his Deanerie of Westminster vnto the Monks being remoued from thence he was made Deane of Windsor where being apprehended in aduoutry was by the sa●d Cardinall put from all his spirituall liuings wherefore he appealed vnto Rome and flying out of the Realme he was taken by the way and clapt into the Tower where he remained vntill Queene Elizabeth was proclaimed then being deliuered he fell sick and died The fifteenth day of Ianuary Queene Elizabeth was crowned with triumphant and honourable entertainment of the Citie of London with such celebritie pra●ers wishes welcommings cryes tender words Pageants Interl●des decl●mations and verses set vp as the like hath not been seene arguing a wonderfull affection of louing hearts towards their Soueraigne and many Letters gratulatory were sent vnto her Maiestie from sundry forraine places as from Zuricke Geneua Basil Berne Wertenberge Argentine Franckfort c. It pleased the Queens most excellent Maiesty to haue a conuenient chosen number of the best learned of either part to conferre together their opinions and reasons and thereby to come to some good and charitable agreement For the Papists were appointed the Bishops of Winchester Lichfield Chester Carlile Lincolne Doctor Cote Doctor Harpsfield Doctor Langdall and Doctor Chedsey For the Protestants were appointed the Bishop of Chichester Doctor Coxe M. Whitehed M. Grindall M. Horne Doctor Sands M. Gest M. Aelmer M. Iuell The matters which they should talk of follow 1 It is against the word of God and the custome of the auncient Church to vse a tongue vnknowne to the people in Common-prayer and the administration of the Sacraments 2 Euery Church hath authority to appoint take away change ceremonies and Ecclesiasticall Rites so the same be vnto edification 3 It cannot be proued by the word of God that there is in the masse offered by a sacrifice propitiatory for the quick and the dead It was resolued by the Quéens Maiesty with the aduice aforesaid that it should be in writing on both parts and that the Bishops should first declare their mindes touching the matters with their reasons in writing and they on the other part should the same day declare their opinions in like manner and each of them deliuer their writings vnto the other to consider what were to be improued therin and the same also to declare in writing some other day the parties of this conference were to put and reade their assertions in the English tongue before the Nobles and States of the Realme that thereupon in the Court of Parlament consequently following some lawes might be grounded The first méeting was the last of March in Westminster Church the Lords and others of the priuie Councell were present and a great part of the Nobilitie the Bishop of Winchester and his Colleagues alleadged that they had mistake● that their reasons should be written but they were readie to argue and dispute this séemed somwhat strange to the Councell yet it was permitted so Doctor Cole Deane of Paules was appointed the vtterer of their mindes who partly by spéech and partly by reading authorities written and somtimes was informed by his Colleagues what to say made a declaration of their meanings and reasons to the first proposition which being ended they were asked by the Councell if they had any more to say and they said no so the other part was licensed to shew their minde which they exhibited in a booke written which after a prayer made most humbly vnto Almighty God for the induing them with the holy spirit and a protestation to stand to the doctrine of the Catholike Church builded vpon the doctrines of the Prophets and Apostles the effect of the protestation i● as here followeth We referre the whole iudgement of the controuersie vnto the holy Scriptures and the Catholike Church of Christ whose iudgement vnto vs ought to be most sacred notwithstanding by the Catholike Church we vnderstand not the Romish Church whereunto our aduersaries attribute such reuerence but that Church which S. Augustine and other fathers affirme ought to be sought in the holy scriptures and which is gouerned and led by the spirit of Christ. It is against the word of God and the custom of the primitiue Church to vse a tongue vnknowne vnto the people in the common prayers and in administration of the Sacraments by the word of God wemeane the written word of God or Canonicall Scriptures and by the custome of the primitiue Church we meane the order most generally vsed in the Church for fiue hundred years after Christ in which time liued Iustine Ireneus Tertullian Cyprian Basill Chrysostome Hierome Ambrose Augustine c. This assertion hath two parts first that it is against the word of God and secondly that it is against the vse of the primitiue Church The first is proued by Saint Paule in 1. Cor. 14. where he intreateth of this matter ex professo purposely and though some say that he there meaneth of preaching and not of prayer it appeareth by the exposition of the best writers that he speaketh of prayer and thanksgiuing and of all other publique actions which require any speach in the Church of prayer he saith I will pray with my spirit and with my vnderstanding and of thanksgiuing he saith Thou giuest thanks wel but the other is not edified and how can the vnlearned say Amen at thy giuing of thankes when hee vnderstandeth not what thou sayest then he concludeth that all things ought to be don to edification and he vseth the similitude of a Trumpet If it giue an vncertaine sound who can prepare to battell so if thou speake with vnknowne tongues you speake in the ayre that is in vaine In the old Testament all things belonging vnto publike prayers benedictions thanksgiuings and sacrifices were alwayes in their naturall tongue if they did so in the shaddowes of the law much more ought we to doe the like S. Augustin● in his fourth booke De doctrina Christiana and the tenth Chapter saith If they for whose cause we speake vnderstand not our speaking there is no cause why we should speake The barbarous Heathen of all nations and sorts of men euer made their prayers and sacrifices to their gods in their mother tongue which sheweth that it is the very light and voyce of nature Touching the second part of the assertion that it is against the custome of the primitiue Church it is a matter so
Popish manner to get Reuelations FIrst he must fast eight daies then hee must bee confessed during which time he must not medle with any flesh of male or female then he must heare seauen Masses of the holy Ghost and vpon a Friday at midnight when the Moon is in the last degree of Cancer he must lay himselfe downe vpon a Mat which some Fryer in a traunce hath slept vppon and in such a Fryers Hood and a Stole on his Necke foulded with a Crosse on his breast and these wordes In principio erat verbum written in Red Letters and he must perfume the place with Holie Perfume hauing a Lampe burning by him with Holie Oyle then hee must make circles about the Mat of redde earth and white Betwixt the circles must bee written these words Pater filius spiritus sanctus nox visionis nox reuelationis nox veritatis with a Crosse made betwixt euery Word then he must say a certaine Charme which coniureth all spirits that are for Reuelations to bee there and to tell the truth The Spirts must be called by Hebrew names because they vnderstand no other language The name of the cheese Spirit for Reuelations is Herusatanaell and when all this is done he must fall on sléepe and that which hee desireth to know shall be reuealed vnto him Calamichaell and Saint Anthony of Padua are Spirits to be sought vnto for things stolne who appeareth in the shape of the Theefe and S. Helene Mother of Constantine is to be sought vnto for loue matters who if the loue be true appeareth to the fasting Fryer with faire Damsels at a table richly decked and eateth with him but if the loue be fained the feareth him with weapons and fires and changeth her selfe into a wilde Boare a Lyon and an Asse and cryeth ilfauoredly This loue is not to be trusted The Franciscan Fryers had gotten such estimation that they were counted GODS Kinsmen they onely had the handling of the Gospell they tooke out heere and there a peece and mixt it with lies false miracles and dreames of Purgatory they kept the people more in feare of their Commaundements then of Gods that Towne was counted vnhappy where one of their Monasteries was not néere men thought to weare their apparell or of their colour was good against the Ague and other diseases and for one to be burned in their habit was the right way to heauen Longolius was burned in their habit and so was Carpi a Noble man and Rodulphus Agricola and diuers others If thou consider their Lawes with what burthens they haue laden mens shoulders thou wilt sweare that the Iews Law is an hundred times more pleasant and easie then theirs Because the Israelits forsook the trust in God and made themselues a Calfe to worship it God laded them with Ceremonies that none could beare so now because Mans folly could not be content with Christ onely the diuine iudgement suffered them to fal into a Sea of Ceremonies and superstitions that except Christ had bin gracious to defend vs and had receiued the truth we should haue béene drowned therein A Gentlewoman of Pulia hating her Husband made her selfe of the order of Saint Francis and of the same order took a yong lusty Fryer vnto her adopted Sonne who handled her in such sort that he made her hart to faint and her purse to shrinke that shee was faine to leaue but halfe builded a Monastery to Saint F●auncis which was building and this being complained of vnto the Lordes of Bonony there was good laughing thereat but she could haue no remedie at all Saint Katharine as the Papists affirme promised vnto him that would remember her Passion to deliuer him from Lightning and Thunder and that Saint Barbara maketh Souldiours to kill their Enemies Many deuout Souldiours haue her painted vpon many parts of their Armour to defend them from Gun-shot Saint Ierome did so much but falsely extoll virginity that hee made this conclusion it is good for a man to be without a Wife therefore it is wicked to be maried vnto a Wife and that God promiseth heauen vnto Uirgines And Origen mistooke himselfe when he gelded himselfe that he might be chast for the kingdom of heauen The Sorbones or Inquisitors of Paris said if they had S. Paul in their hands they would burne him Wheresoeuer a number of Nunnes is the Fryers be of the one side and the Confessors be on the other side the Fryers teach them how to coniure the Diuill into Hell and to fight with him and to be in a trance and the Confessors vnderstanding all that they doe with their hands vpon their heads and their displing Roddes assayle them The Monkes can bring them vnder when they list Vastalla a Widdow being very rich ordained a sect of Women and men who must séeke to attaine vnto that purity that was in Adam and Eue before their fall the means wherby they should attaine hereunto was long prayers much silence continuall fastings to be shréeuen euery day and to receiue their maker euery 8. daies there meanes to know their perfection is as Adam for shame grew from ●akednesse to be more and more clothed to these must go ●●om being clothed to be more more naked vntill they were not ashamed of their nakednes whether they were Man or Woman then they put Adam and Eue to bed together and if they touch not nor think vpon the forbidden fruit of which they must be straitly examined then they are Angels but if they do otherwise as the virgin is for the most times sped then are they cast out of Paradice S. Camella to shew that she was of high blood said that Lewis King of France warring in Italy had to doe with her Mother and begat her She had a Religion of her owne making she vsed to be accompanied with thrée women as superstitions as her selfe They abide in no Monastery but in a priuate house and frequent solitary and pleasant places her house is haunted with Women Gentlemen and Lords as vnto an Oracle sometimes shee shutteth her selfe vp to bee more familiar with Angels to talke with them vpon the Friday she will not be séene nor speake with any but contemplats the Crosse and nayles of Christ and thereby obtained the print thereof in her hands and féete which she kept couered she hath beene seene to drop Malinesie into the markes An Ambassador thought she had the pore she loued well the Franciscan Fryers she got much by contracting marriages and by making medicines In Bernia a Towne of Switchers certaine Fryers did séeke to make the prints of Christs wounds in a simple soules hands and feete the newes whereof was brought to Pope Iuly the second yet escaped they not vnpunished therefore for foure of them that were priuy to this and other so great sacriledges were burned aliue before those of Berna had the Gospell but they were euer e●emies vnto the knauish deuises and deceits of the Fryers A Priest of
to light before it was executed and the said Squire had the same most iust reward of his foresaid treason as his predecessors in like plots had The Earle of Essex Conspiracie LAstly I will conclude with the conspiracie of the late Earle of Essex for although it is not to be doubted but that his heart with many of his followers was vpright vnto the Quéene yet notwithstanding hee had many Papists in the plot with him whose hearts he knew not and by whom if his practise had tooke effect the Queene should haue beene in as great trouble and danger as euer she was in her life but the Lord of his accustomable wonderfull mercie deliuered her Maiestie from this danger likewise who both by his holy spirit of comfort preserued her mind still ioyfull without feare of her enemies and also her royall person and her realme by the safe custodie of his holy Angels from all wicked practises and treasons whatsoeuer vntill her olde age and vntill he at his time appointed called her Maiestie vnto himselfe out of her bedde in peace from a blessed Kingdome wherin she had long raigned in great glory in this world to raigne with his Sonne Iesus Christ in the Kingdome of vnspeakeable and eternall ioy and glorie in the world to come By this storie of Queen Elizabeth the Papists that haue any eie-sight of true vnderstanding may see by what wicked meanes the Pope and their Catholik Church hath alwaies gotten and maintained their most vnlawfull supremacie ouer kings And although they haue wonderfully preuailed against all superstitious Emperours and Kings by such like excommunications warres murthers and treasons as he vsed against Queene Elizabeth yet as God preserued her heart purely to s●icke to his sincere word and to despise all the Popes errors superstitions and trash so God mercifully preserued her and her Kingdome from all the Popes treacherous practises foure and fortie yeares fiue moneths and odde dayes with such glorie and peace as neuer Christian King had more her manifest protections of God were as apparant and as manifest as Dauids and as he and Salomon builded a most glorious materiall Temple in despite of their enemies most gloriously did she build vp the spirituall Temple and Spouse of Christ in despite of the Papists and the Pope and all kings that tooke their part her outward glorie and honour was ●quall w●th Salomons and she o●●matched him in that neither her glorie in this world nor any other means could withdraw her from her true zeale in setting for●h the pure word of God wherefore all honour and glorie be giuen vnto God by this Realme of England and all his Church world without end Amen OVR MOST GRATIOVS King IAME● WHen the Papists triumphing that their long ●xpected houre was come by Gods taking away th● most blessed Quéen● Elizabeth yet the Lord of his great mercie brought their ioy to nought by p●anting our deare Soueraigne Iames by his especiall grace to succeede Queene Elizabeth in these Realmes one that is as zealous of the word of God as she and one whom the Lord hath beene as prouident ouer in all his wayes as ouer her and indued with the like ioy in the Holy-Ghost in the assurance of Gods prouidence in time of danger wherefore no doubt but as the Lord hath so he will couer him and his Realmes with the sh●dow of his wings from all papisticall treacheries euen as he did Queene Elizabeth This is worthie to be recorded vnto the perpetuall honour of his Maiestie that hee being h●ire apparant vnto Qu●ene Elizabeth could neuer be inticed by any Prince or Papist to oppose himselfe against her When the rising was in the North and the rebels were ●led into Scotland he tooke the Quéens part though it were to the great ruine of much of his Kingdome he made a Proclamation in Anno 1588. that none of the ●pan●sh Fléet should land vpon his coasts but that the English should be relieued of any thing they néeded and in the yeare 1592. hee executed as traytors in Scotland diuers for conspiring with the King of Spaine against England and before the comming out of the Spanish Fléet Don Barnardin Mendoza in an open Assembly did say in a 〈◊〉 that the young King of Scots whom hee called a boy had deceiued the King of Spaine but if the Kings Nauie might prosper against England the King of Scots should lose his crowne whereby it manifestly appeareth how true and faithfull his Maiestie was ●u●r vnto the late Quéene of famous memorie Touching GODS wonderfull preseruations ouer his royall person who hath safely preserued him a King almost this eight and fortie yeares in despite of all his enemies forreigne and domesticall and no doubt but he● had many ye● it doth most manifestly appeare in some great and vnheard of dangers out of which the Lord hath most miraculously deliuered him as from Gowries Treason and the Gun-powder Treason and others GOWRIES conspiracie against his Maiestie the fift of August being Tuesday Anno Dom. 1600. MA●● Alexander Ruthwen second brother vnto the late Earle Gowrie came to his Maiestie as he was a hunting and told him that it chaunced the night before as he walked about the Towne of S. Iohnstone hee met a base fellow vnknowne vnto him and hauing suspition of him he narrowly looked to him and examined him and he said he found a great wide pot to be vnder his arme full of coined gold in great quantity whereupon he took him no body knowing thereof and bound him in a priuie darke house and locked many doores vpon him and said that he came in haste to aduertise his Maiesty thereof according to his bounden duety earnestly requesting his Maiestie with all diligence and ●ecrecie to take order therwith before any know thereof swearing that he had concealed it from all men yea from the Earle his brother whereupon the King suspected that it had béene some forreigne golde brought thither by some Iesuits for practising Papists to stirre vp some new sedition as they had often 〈◊〉 before and that the fellow that carried it was some Seminary so disguised for the more sure transporting thereof and with many earnest perswasions he got the Kings Maiesty as soone as he had done hunting to ride with him to the Earle Gowr●es house to dinner with a very small number with him and after dinner his Maiesty being ready to rise from the table and all his seruants in the hall at their dinner M. Alexander standing behinde his Maiesties backe pulled him softly rounding in his Maiesties eare that it was time to goe but that he would fain● haue been quit of the Earle his brother wishing the K. to send him out into the hall to entertain his guests whereupon the K. called for drink and in a m●rrie and homely manner sayd to the ●arle That although the Earle had séene the fashion of entertainment in other countreyes yet he would teach him the Scottish fashion séeing he was a
receiue them Therefore your Lordship may be sure the word of God will one day take place doe what you can to the contrarie The fift Examination Couen DOe you not beléeue your Créed I beléeue in the Catholick Church Phil. Yes but I cannot vnderstand Rome to be the same nor the like to it S. Asse S. Peter builded the Catholick Church at Rome And Christ saith thou art Peter and vpon this Rock I will build my Church and the succession of Bishops can be proued in Rome from time to time as it can be of no other place so well which is a manifest proofe of the Catholick Church as diuers Doctors do● write Phil. You cannot proue the Rock that Christ would build his Church on to bee Rome and though you can proue the succession of Bishops it is not sufficient to proue Rome the Catholick Church vnlesse you can proue the succession of Peters Faith where vpon the Catholick Church is builded to continue in his successors at Rome and at this present to remaine there Couen What meaneth this word Catholick Phil. The Catholick Faith or Catholick Church is not that which is most vniuersall or of men receiued wherby you d●e infer your Faith to hang vpon the multitude which is not so We iudge saith S. Augustine the Catholick Faith of that which hath been is and shall be so that if you can proue your Catholick Church and Faith hath been taught from the beginning and is and shall be then may you count your selues Catholicks otherwise not Catholick in Gréeke is compounded of ● which signifieth according and 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 a summe or principle or whole so that Catholick Church or Faith is as much to say as the first hole sound chéefest faith Boner Doe you thinke the Catholick Church hath erred vntill within these few yeares some haue swarued from the same Phil. I doe not thinke the Catholick Church hath erred but I require you to proue the Church of Rome the Catholick Church Curtop Ireneus who was within a hundred yeares after Christ came to Victor Bishop of Rome to aske his aduice about excommunication of certaine hereticks which he would not haue done if hee had not taken him to bee supreme head and Couentry bad him marke this Argument Phil. This fact of Ireneus proueth no more for the supremacie then mine hath done for I haue béen at Rome as well as he and could haue spoken with the Pope and if I would yet would there were none in England fauoured his supremacie more then I And it is not like that Ireneus or the primatiue church so take him for I can shew 7. generall Councels after Ireneus time wherin he was neuer so taken in many hundred y●eres after Christ These be the Councels the Nicentine Ephesine the first second Calcedone Constantinopolitane Carthagenense Auilence Couen Wherefore will you not admit the Church of Rome to be the Catholick Church Phil. Because it followeth not nor agréeth with the Primitiue Church no more then an Apple is like a Nut it were too long to name all the disagréements I will name but two The Supremacie and Transubstantiation Curtop Although transubstantiation were decréed for an Article of the Faith not aboue 300. yeares yet it was alwaies beléeued Boner said that was well said Phil. It is true it was but lately planted by the Bishop of Rome and you cannot shew any ancient writer that the primitiue Church did beleeue any such thing with that Master Curtop shrunke away Couen Can you disproue the Church of Rome not to be the Catholick Church Phil. Yes that I can but I desire rather to heare you proue it First it doth not agree with the Primitiue Church neither in Doctrine nor in the vse of Sacraments And as you describe Catholick to be vniuersall the Church of Rome was neuer vniuersall For the world being diuided into three parts Asia Africa Europe Two parts Asia and Africa professing Christ as well as wee did neuer consent to the Church of Rome and the most part of Europe doth not agrée nor allow the Church of Rome As Germany Denmarke the Kingdome of Pole a great part of France England and Zeland which is a manifest probation that your Church is not vniuerfall Doctor Sauer I am sory to sée you commune with so many learned men and are no more conformable vnto them then you be Phil. I will be conformable vnto them that be conformable to Christ his word I pray Master Doctor be not so conformable to please men more then God contrarie to your learning for worldly estimation you are led away from the truth for promotion sake as many Doctors be now adaies Sauer Saint Cyprian an ancient Writer doth allow the Bishop of Rome to be supreme head of the Church Phil. I am sure he doth not for he writing to Cornelius Bishop of Rome called him his companion and fellow Bishop and calleth him not Pope nor any other vsurped termes which are now ascribed vnto the Bishop of Rome Then they brought forth Cyprian and turned vnto the third Epistle where hee saith it goeth not well with the Church when the High Priest is not obayed which supplieth the steed of Christ after Gods word and the consent of the Bishops and the agreement of the people Sauer How can you auoid this place which maketh so plaine for the Bishop of Rome his Supremacie Phil. It maketh not so plaine First heare you may see that he calleth Cornelius his fellow Bishop as he doth also in other places you do misconstrue that same to make the high Priest onely for the Bishop of Rome and otherwise then it was in his time for there were by the Nicen● Councell foure Patriaches appointed The Patriarke of Ierusalem and the Patriarke of Constantinople The Patriarke of Alexandria and the Patriarke of Rome of which foure the Patriarch of Rome was lowest placed in the Councell and so continued many yeares for the time of seuen or eight generall Conncels Therefore Cyprian writeth vnto Cornelius Patriarck of Rome because certaine hereticks as the N●uatians which were excommunicated by him went from his Dioces to the Patriarcks of Rome or of Constantinople and there were receiued in the Communion of there congregation in derogation of good discipline and maintaining of schismes in that obedience is not giuen vnto the Priest of GOD being in Christs steede not meaning the Patriarck of Rome onely but euery Patriarck in his precinet who had euery one of them a Cathedrall Church of learned Priests in hearing of whom by a Conuocation of all his fellow Bishops with the consent of the people all heresies were determined by the Word of GOD and this is the meaning of Cyprian Sauer I wonder you will stand so stedfast in your errour to your owne destruction Phil. I am sure we are in no errour by the promise of Christ to the faithfull that he will giue them such a spirit of wisedome that
the aduersaries therof should be neuer able to resist and by this wee know wee are of the truth because neither by reasoning nor writing your Synagogue of Rome is able to answere one of the learned Ministers of Germany who hath disclosed your counterset Religion which of all you is able to answere Caluins institutions Then Doctor Story came in to whom I said you haue done me great iniury without Law you haue imprisoned me more like a dog then a man and you promised mee I should be iudged the next day after Story I am come now to kéep my promise with you was there euer such a fantasticall man as he is may he is no man but a beast yea these hereticks bee worse then beasts for they will take vpon them to be wiser then all men being very asseheads not able to maintaine that which they stand in Phil. I am content to abide your rayling Iudgement God forgiue you yet I am no heretick neither you nor any other can proue that I hold any iot against the Word of God Story The Word of God whom wilt thou appoint to be a iudge of the word Phil. The word it selfe Story Doe you not sée the Ignorance of this beastly Heretick hee willeth the word to be iudge of the word can the word speake Phil. Christ saith in S. Iohn The word which I haue spoken shall Iudge in the last day therefore much more it ought to iudge our doing now and I am sure I haue my Iudge on my side which shall absolue and iustifie me in another world howsoeuer you iudge me and other vnrighteously sure I am in another World to iudge you Story What you purpose to be a stinking Martyr and to sit in iudgment with Christ at the last day to iudge the twelue Tribes of Israell Phil. Yea I doubt not thereof I haue the promise of Christ if I die for righteousnesse sake which you haue begun to persecute in me Story When the Iudge in Westminster hall giueth sentence doth the word giue sentence or the Iudge tell me Phil. Ciuill men haue authority by the word of God to be Iudges of ciuill matters but the word of God is not subiect to mans iudgement but ought to iudge al the wisedome thoughts and doings of men therefore your comparison disproueth nothing which I haue said nor answereth thereto Story Wilt thou not allow the interpretation of the Church vpon the Scripture Phil. Yes if it be according vnto the word of the true Church Story And not wee in possession of the Church and haue not our fore-fathers this many hundred yeares taken this Church for the Catholike Church and if we had no other proofe this were sufficient for presumption of time maketh a good title in Law Phil. You doe well to alleadge prescription for it is all that you haue to shew for your selues but you must vnderstand that presciption hath no place in matters appertaining vnto GOD as I can shew you by the testimonie of many Doctors Story Well Sirs you are like to go after your Fathers Latimer and Ridley who had nothing to alledge for himselfe but that he had learned his heresie of Cranmer where I came vnto him with a poore Bacheler of Art he trembled as though he had had the Palsie as these hereticks haue alwaies some token of feare whereby a man may know them as you may sée this mans eies to tremble in his head but I dispatched them and I tell thée that there hath yet béen neuer a one burned but I haue spoken with him and béene a cause of his dispatch Phil. You haue the more to answer for you shall féele it in another world howsoeuer you do now triumph thereof Story I will neuer be confessed thereof I cannot tarry to speake with my Lord I pray one of you tell my Lord my comming is to signifie vnto him that hee must put of hand rid this Hereticke out of the way and going he said vnto me I tel thée thou must thank no other man but me for this Phil. I thanke you with all my heart and God forgiue you Story What dost thou thanke me if I had thée in my study halfe an houre I thinke I should make you sing another song Phil. No I stand vpon to sure a ground to be ouerthrowne by you now The ninth examination Harps MY Lord hath sent you S. Augustine to looke vpon I will read you an Epistle where you may heare the celebration of the Masse Phil. Héere is nothing that maketh for the proofe of the Masse Saint Augustine meaneth of the celebration of the Communion and the true vse of the Sacrament of the body and blood of Christ and not of your priuate Masse which you lately haue erected in the stead thereof for this word Masse hath bin an old terme attributed to the Communion euen from the Primitiue Church I pray you tell me what Missa doth signifie I thinke many that say Masse cannot tell but then Cousins and the Masse-Priests were dumbe Harps You think it commeth of the Hebrew word Massah as though none were séene in the Hebrew but you Phil. I take the communion to be called Missa a mittendo of such things as were sent by the rich to the reléefe of the poore alwaies when the communion was celebrated for this cause was it called Missa as learned men do witnes at the which celebration of the Masse all that were present did communicate vnder both kinds according to Christs institution as they did in S. Augustines time so being you cannot proue the Masse vsed at that time as you now vse it you can neuer proue it a Sacrament by the name of the Masse which name was giuen to the communion Harps What do you deny the Masse to be a Sacrament it is a sacrifice which is more then a Sacrament Phil. You can neuer make it a sacrifice but first you must make it a Sacrament for of the Sacrament you deduce your Sacrifice Harps Doth not Christ say This is my body and doth not the Priest pronounce the same Phil. The pronuntiation of the words is not enough except they be applied vnto the vse that Christ appointed them for though you speake the words of Baptisme ouer the water yet if there be none baptized it is no Baptisme Harps That this is not like for this is my body is an Indicatiue proposition shewing the worke of God in the substance of bread and wine Phil. It is not only an Indicatiue proposition but an Imparatiue or commaunding for he that said This is my body said also take ye eate ye and except it bée taken and eaten the words This is my body can haue no verification Masse Chapl. Will you make the Sacrament to stand in the receiuing and that the receiuing maketh it a Sacrament Phil. I say the common receiuing must néeds be concurrant with the true Sacrament without which it cannot be a Sacrament because Christ hath made this a