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A07026 The bee hiue of the Romishe Church a com[m]entarie vpon the sixe principall pointes of Master Gentian Heruet, a Romish Catholike his booke, which is deuided into sixe partes, as in the argument doth appeare. And an epistle made by the authour of this booke vnto Franciscus Sonnius, late Bishop of Antwerpe. Translated out of Dutch into English, by George Gylpen the elder.; Byencorf der H. roomsche Kercke. English Marnix van St. Aldegonde, Philips van, 1538-1598.; Stell, John, fl. 1580.; Gilpin, George, 1514?-1602. 1579 (1579) STC 17445; ESTC S119818 327,751 730

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fashion and when they come to be full growen Bees then must they the thirde time bee salued againe with oyle and therewithall they come to a full naturall and most perfect kinde The locke of this Booke HErein I thought good to instruct thee good reader to the end thou mightest discerne the nature and propertie of these Bees from the other common honnie Bees and not to thinke that in all respectes they agree but differ in many But whosoeuer hath any vnderstanding will perfectly perceiue it of him selfe Therefore will wee not trouble thee any longer but make an end of this our Bee hiue Each reade consider specially ponder all the witnesses and allegations which are alledged herein as well out of the Scripture as other Bookes I trust he shall reape commoditie by it God the Lorde lighten all our hearts with his holy spirit and keepe vs from all errours through his euerlasting trueth wisdome and Sonne Iesus Christ to whom belongeth all praise honor and glorie with the Father in the vnitie of the holy Ghost Amen FINIS Afterwarde Bishop of Antwerpe Vinum 〈…〉 the 〈…〉 that 〈…〉 do 〈…〉 lie Vinum Co● 〈…〉 is to 〈…〉 good colo●● smell and 〈◊〉 As well shee Saintes as hee Saintes They were called Ge●ses 〈…〉 of 〈◊〉 against the Papistes Lutheran●● Huguenotes are Heretikes ▪ Church of God and Heretikes Ioh. 10.3 4 ● 14 25. Iohn 10 1● Mat. 15.9 Ioh. 10.9 Iere. 7.4 Ephes. 2.20 Esai 59.21 Ephe. 4.15 16. Colo. 1.18 and 2.19 Iohn 15.6 which witnes is to this purpose set foorth of Iohn Audre as Panormitanus Hostiensis Bernardus Lutzenburgen in the 4. boke of the Heretikes in the 5. part and by other moe Catholike wr●ters Iohn Patriarch of Cōstantinople Bonifac●us ● the first head of holy Church Phocas Popes acco●●●● for Antichrists The Grekes against the Pope of Rome Iohannes the 23. pope The Grekes do answere pope Iohn This doth Iohn Man-deuil write of in his 7. booke E●genius 4 Constanti●us Leo. Images forbidden despised The cause wherefore the Popes did diuide the Empire The Grekes and the Germanes did withstande the forbidding of priestes to marie ●il Boniface 8. did set it vp by force Berthramus Nota. Io. Scotus Berēgarius Huldricus Bishop of Auxburge Bernardus Iohannes Sarisburien Petrus Bloix Deuilish Griphines Petrus Valdo Petrus de Vinea Guilielmus de sancto Amore. Petrus Cass. Dulsimus Iohn VViclef Iohn Hus. Hieronym de Praga Nicholaus Clemangis Oldecastell VVight Paul Cravv Hieronym Sauanerol● Okam and Dante The Phariseis gloses The church is aboue the Scripture Deut. 4.1 12 32. Pro. 30.6 Apo. 22.18 This is thus set forth by Ioh. Ecki●s in his book called Enchiridium loco com Guilielmus Blindasinus The ten cōmādemēts falsified Look in the Catechisme or the sūme of our beleeue printed at Antwerp by the commandement of the King of Spaine Item look in Thomas de Aquino vpō the ten commandements and vpon al the catholike doctours euerie one of them All which haue cleane left out the seconde commandemēt ▪ in the lettting foorth of the ten commandements Mat. 26.27 Ma● 14.23 Lu. 22.17 1. Cor. 11 2● Marke touching this the Master of the Sentences in the 4. booke the 12. dist 4. ca. And vpon the Encherid of Eckius in the booke of Bernard of Luxen In the 12. part of the 4. booke of Heretikes and in al other Catholike writers who do specially treate of this matter This standeth in the third booke of the Coūcels in the Councell of Constance in the 14. session 1. Cor. 7.9 and 2. 1. Timo. 3.4 A charge to the bishops Heb. 13.4 1. Tim. 3.4 This is set foorth in plain words in the Decrees of the Popes in the Chap. Proposuisti in the 82. dist and in the Chap. Decreminus the 22. dist and in the chap. Tene the 31. dist it is likewise in the book of the Sentences in the 17. dist ●n the 4 chap. In the 4. Epist. of Pope Cere in the first book of coūcels fol. 422 col 2. and 423. This standeth euen thus word for word in the booke of Decrees in the chap. Sors nō est causa 26. quaest 2. Math. 5.32.19 7. Mar. 10.4 Luke 16.18 1. Cor. 7.10 Christning breakes matrimonie of the common laye people Deus dedit In the chap. Peruenit causa 31. quaest 1. Conc. Trib. the 6. chap. in the decrees in the cap. Impu in the ca. Si quis sacr caus 27. quaest 1. In the chap. Hac ratione cau 31. qu. ● Rom. 7.2.3 1. Cor. 7.9.28 1. Tim. 5.14 Strange languages in the Church 1. Cor. 14. the whole chapter thorough E●lcius in his Encheiredion Figius in libro cont Hosius in a certeine boke which he set out of this matter onely a Deu. 4.2.5 32.12.4 8.13.32 Iere. 11.4.8 Esai 1 12.2●.13 Mat. 15.9 Col. 2.20 21 22 23. Exod. 20.4 5.22 Deu. 12.8.9 Leuit. 26.1 Deut. 4. whole thorough Deut. 16●22 Esai 40.41 42. whole through Iere. 10. Abacuk 2. Ps. 115. and in other innumerable places 1. Iohn 5.21 Leui. 19.26 De●t 18.10 11. Con. Laodicen ca 30 Con. Cart. cap. 39. cap. Non oportet cap. Auguris caus 26 quaest 5. L. Vnica co de thesauris lib. 10 cap. illos 26. quaest 2. Coniuring This coniuratiō you shall find worde for word in the Masse booke More coniurations Nota. Senora Maria Osorio Christning and coniuring of Belles Bonifa 8. C. alma mater F. adijcimus de senten in sexto And Gregorie 9. Ea permittim in decreta 4 de Sententia excommunicat Peruse like wise Philippum Francum vpon the saide Cant. Alma mater F. adijcimus nu 4. other Canonists Caldar in tract de interdictis in par un ●7 Iohn Cald. Albert. de Rosat in dictionario sup●r verbo Campane Processes for the knolling of Aue Maria. Christning of ensignes Iodocus Tiletanus not contented with the Gospel In his booke written agaynst the confessiō of the preachers of Antwerpe a This is also specified ▪ in ●ecisionibus rote in decisio 1. num 3. in nouis Anton. Maria in addit 1 decis rote nouas de Bigamis nu● ● is likewise defēded by the Iurist Ca●olo ruino in cons. 109. num 1 in the 5. booke and of Sigismūdus Neapolitanus b Eckius in Encherid Locorum communi● in the chap. Ecclesia 2 Tim. 1. Gal. 8.9 Cap so●s non est 26. qu●st 2. Col. and 20.21.22 The rules or 〈…〉 Domini●ke 〈◊〉 Barnarde 1. Pet. 2.2 Iohn 14.29 Iohn 15.15 This is specially written in the 5. booke 〈◊〉 de●re in the Bul of Pope Nicholas 4. beginning exiit qui senec his 1. de verborum signis This standeth plainly in their Legends ▪ and in the booke made of the might of our Ladie Rosa Crans which Alanus did make by the inspiration of Marie the Egyptian or of Egypt To die in a gray friers habite Conformiti●ies Iesuits Egnatius Leguiola Garaffa This is specially writē in the 5.
right honourable Bishoppe Guilielmus Blindasinus in his booke called Panoplia wherein he concludeth with strong inuincible reasons That mē were not bound to beleeue the word of God nor to be subiect vnto it if it were not that the holy Church hath so commanded For what do we thinke that the word of God is so strōg of it selfe as to publishe such thinges thorough the power of the holy Ghost if the Church of Rome did not first giue her verdicte in the matter No marie I warant you for so the Heretikes do vnderstand it For these Heretikes will bring the church of God in subiection vnder the scripture therefore do they alledge out of Ieremie That the word of God is like a fire like a hāmer which breaketh stones in pieces that it is liuely mightie sharper than a two edged sword goeth through euen to the soule to the sinewes and ioyntes is a searcher of the thoughtes intentes of the heart and therefore saye they it hath no neede of any mans witnes as Christ him self hath said but that those which do the will of the father shal lightly know by inspiration of the holy Ghost whether the doctrine be of god They say likewise It doth giue light to al things for it is a lampe to lighten the feete of the beleeuers whereby they must walke through the darknesse of this world they say that mans wisdom vnderstanding how great howe wise howe holy soeuer the same can be is plain darkenesse in comparison thereof Well then if it be so that the darkenesse can not lighten the light but that the light it selfe must lighten all things then in very deede can not the worde of God receiue anie light of the opinion or authoritie of man but it selfe must be the light whereby men may knowe which is the Church of God and which is the Synagogue of dissemblers And therefore they conclude according to the worde of the Prophet Esaie That men must followe after the Lawe and the witnesse which is the writtē word of God and that whosoeuer doth not walke after that shall neuer see the daye spring But as I haue alredy said all that is plain heresie for our dearely beloued mother the holy Church of Rome will be chiefe Iudge her selfe ouer the holye Scripture So that the doctrine of the Prophetes Apostles is now no more the foūdation of the Church as it was in the time of Paul but contrariwise the Church with the authoritie the traditions of the same is the onely foundation of the Scripture For euen so might the Iewes before time aduance themselues likewise by the estimation authoritie of the Church alledging that the law and the witnes whereof the Prophet speakes could haue bene of no estimation but by reason the same was consented to thē by the Church and that men should neuer haue knowen neither the Lawe or the witnesse or Gods worde if it had not bene by them and their forefathers set forth declared what they should accept for Gods worde and that the Church with her light hadde lightened the Lawe and the witnesse And so the Church of Rome doeth nowe also saye That the worde of God hath no estimation but that which it hath borrowed of the Church for otherwise as shee sayeth and as all good Catholike writers do declare howe should we knowe that the scripture were the word of God if it were not that the holy Church had so allowed and iudged it Wherefore should we more beleeue the Gospel of Mathewe or Marke than the Gospell of Nichodemus or Thomas For there standes plainly written in the Decrees That neither the old nor the newe Testament were receiued of mē for this cause or that cause nor for that it must be esteemed for an vndoubted rule and perfect knot but only because that the holye Father Innocentius Pope of Rome had so iudged it and so would haue it Therefore yee maye well thinke that God could not plant and establishe his holy worde in mens heartes by the inspiration of his spirit as S. Iohn the Apostle would proue if it were not that the holy Church had therein holpen him So that in this case God is greatly beholden vnto our deare mother the holy Church for her good wil faithfull seruice For if shee had accepted the Fables of Aesope and of Howleglasse the gospel of the Distaffe and of Fortunatus purse the gospel of Nichodemus or the Alcaron of Mahomet or els the gospel which certein Monkes at Paris in the yere of our Lord 1220. had made set forth being ful of al filthinesse and blasphemie naming it Euangelium aeternum that is to say An euerlasting gospel requiring the Pope that it might be by him canonized and so set it forth for the eternall word of God but it ws denied thē as hap was but if it had bene so I say that the pope and the holy Church would as wel haue allowed it as they did the holy scripture with the Masse booke with the seuē Psalmes with the Rosarium beatae Mariae who could haue said No to them And that should then haue bene the worde of God yea and therewith must God haue beene content Wel go too then seeing that men did herein credit the writing and seale of the church wherfore should they not thē giue as great credit to them in al other matters For euen so doth the text of the foresaid decrees argue saying with plaine wordes In so much as men do receiue and accept the old and newe Testamentes because that Pope Innocentius hath ordeined iudged so it doth necessarily folow that the Decretalles of the Popes of Rome must likewise be receiued accepted the rather for that Pope Leo hath likewise ordeined That whosoeuer doth set him self against them his sinnes shal neuer be forgiuen him c. It is very true that by this argumēt it must likewise folow that all the Iewes Caballes Talmood and all their dreames must as wel be receiued as the fiue bookes of Moses the bookes of the Prophets For it is most true that as we haue receiued the new Testamēt of the christē church so hath the christen church receiued the bookes of the old Testamēt of the Iewes Synagogue And now euen as our Romish church hath receiued the writing of the Apostles iudged the same for true so likewise hath the Iewish church iudged the bokes of Moses of the prophets for true receiued thē for authētike Nowe then as men do herein beleeue and allowe the Iewes writings and seale so must wee also following the rule of our Doctours of Louen beleeue the said Iewes in all that they say and teache and thereby nowe shoulde our Romishe Church come short home But we do not esteeme such cōsequencies It is but Philosophie and the Popes of Rome are no
soundeth not well for we do not al becom one bodie in substance as the holie Church will haue the bread become the verie body of Christ in substance But then the similitude which after that he introduceth or bringeth in is to farre out of the way For hee saieth That those which feede of the altar are partakers of the altar and that those that offer vp to idols are partakers with the diuell And so making a comparison of the table of the Lord and the table of the diuell as though the Priestes could not eate vp that bodie of Christ otherwise than as idolaters eate vp the diuels and as though these wordes Eate that bodie of Christ did signifie nothing else but this through the power of the holie Ghost to be made one bodie ioyntlie with the bodie of Christ as the vngodly idolaters by power of the wicked spirite are vnited with the diuell That is to heynous an heresie and therefore wee may not stande vpon this similitude for it soundeth di●ectlie against our Transubstantiation But when you will haue a substantiall similitude you must search and seeke it out of Scotus and Thomas de Aquino or Panormitanus and such like For they bring in for this purpose a goodlie similitude of a Tauerne or common Inne where they sell wine For as there is commonlie a potte a garlande or Iuie bush hanged out betokening that to be a Tauerne and the Tauerne doeth signifie that there is wine plentie So likewise you see here the outward accidentes of bread to witte the roundnesse and the whitenesse which doe signifie that vnder the same is conteined the verie bodie of Christ which is to bee resembled to the Tauerne And this bodie of Christ doeth further signifie the holie Church of Rome which is made one with the bodie of Christ which they call Mysticum corpus Christi that is to say The spiritual or mystical bodie of Christ and this is that sweete wine which the Priestes drinke in that Inne or Tauerne And after this they doe likewise bring for a similitude the water which in Cana of Galilie was plainlie turned into wine which similitude doeth so wonderfull well serue for this purpose as to set a fift wheele in a wagon But it is pitie that the Priestes haue not other fiue wordes whereby they might do that too For then should the similitude serue their turne much better if that they might when they woulde conuerte and turne the water into good wine for that they might therewith the better scoure and refresh their drie throtes when they are become verie hoarse with singing of their seruice And it is verie true that they doe what they can for that purpose for on Saturday being Easter eeuen they praye vnto God that hee will also do so much as to turne their Beere saying O Lord holie Father almightie and eternal God which hast made both heauen and earth wherein the water is conteined I pray thee and instantly beseech thee in the name of Iesus Christ thy onlie begotten Sonne that thou of thy goodnesse wilt blesse and make holie this Beere as thou diddest blesse the dinner of Abraham and Isaak and as thou diddest blesse the sixe pottes in Cana of Galilie which were chaunged from water into good wine euen so change for thy seruantes sake which do beleeue in the Catholike faith this substance of Beere into pleasantnesse and mirth thorough the same c. But alas what can all this helpe when it will not so come to passe For they haue not this cunning and therefore they must needes haue bene deceiued and so drinke vp the bloud vppon rawe fleshe For men may say all what they will and Paule yea Christ him selfe may bring forth what interpretation they list but the holy church will stande to the first wordes This is my bodie and vpon that will she liue and die The texte is plaine ynough for her shee hath no neede either of glosse or interpretation And therefore vnto all the interpretations which these Heretikes bring in whether it be out of the Scriptures or out of the auncient Fathers wee will answere This is my bodie and sticke as sure to that as the Cuckoe to her song The v. Chapter Treating of the great st●ife and difference which is a●mongst the Romishe Doctours concerning the words of the Sacrament and yet all they agree and stande fast touching the Transubstantiation Herein are likewise set forth some textes of Scripture whereby Transubstantiation is established IT is verie true that our Catholike Doctours and subtile maisters of Diuinitie can not euen they them selues finde anie good resolution of these words neither can make them serue the turne well touching their Transubstantiation but that there doeth alway fall great difficultie and disorder therin The bookes sticke out in euery side like a spindle in a bagge in so much that they snarre and iarre amongst themselues in this matter like dogges cattes yea Quot capita tot sensus How many heads so manie opinions And yet notwithstāding they all ioyntly crie together This is my bodie The text is cleare and needes no glosse yea they cleaue as close to Transubstantiation as claye to the cart wheele Although they can not tell which way to frame this plaine text For to begin withal they all flatly flie from that which was concluded in the foresaid Councell of Rome that is That the verie bodie of Christ shuld be Sensualiter that is to say Sensiblie and visiblie eaten and with the teeth chewed in morsels For to that they all affirme flatlie No and that it is a false lie notwithstanding it is set out in the Decrees verie substantially For say they the bodie of Christ can no more bee bitten eaten nor digested he can not now die nor suffer anie more nor bee broken in pieces he doth liue eternally Which is apparant by this token that yeerelie vpon Corpus Christi day our deare mother the holie church doeth in her vsuall Hymne or Sacramental Carroll sing these words folowing Sub diuersis speciebus Signis tantùm non rebus ▪ Latent res eximiae Caro cibus sanguis potus Manet homo Christus totus ▪ Sub vtraqué specie A sumente non concisus Non confractus nec diuisus ▪ Integer accipitur Sumit vnus sumunt mille Quantum isti tantum ille Nec sumptus absumitur c. That is to say Vnder signes most plaine to see Substance none which seeme to be Things lie hid most excellent The flesh is meate the bloud is wine ▪ A perfect Christ in either signe Remaineth of the Sacrament He is not dealt in morsels small Diuided cutte nor hurt at all But whole he is receiued A thousand taste a thousand eate And all alike feede of one meate He wastes not though digested Nowe see here thus do they deface their owne Councels and Decrees and make al the holie Fathers of the Councel of Rome liers After this
of Rome with all his Cardinals who are deftly decked vppe with all costly iewels like Puppets And hee shall receiue a mouth speaking great and wonderfull things so that all the worlde shall say Who is like vnto him Euen after the same sort as you see the Pope giue forth strange things touching his owne person and doeth attribute to himselfe a certeine power authoritie aboue all kings princes and angels in heauen yea euen aboue the sonne of God and which more is aboue God himselfe Insomuch that vpon this consideration our deare mother the holie Churche hath concluded that hee shoulde bee called Papa as though men should say Pape which is as much to say in our language as a wonderfull shreeke or hem in derision For it is a worde which doth signifie a monstrous wondring for because that he is a wonderfull monstrous and straunge beast Insomuch that one of his owne Poets doth call him Papa stupor mundi that is to say The wonder or mocking stocke of the worlde Euen as if a man shoulde say Tushe who is to be compared to him So that it is most apparauntly to bee seene that Saint Iohn in his Apocalypse doeth as it were euen point to him with his finger and that Daniel and Paule doe in many places of the Scripture paint him plainlie out in all his feathers In so much then that these Heretikes are farre ouerseen● when as they will say That the Scripture doeth not make anie mention of the Pope of Rome considering that wee haue proued all his authoritie to be grounded vpon the Scripture in such order as there is nothing to be said against it The xi Chapter VVherein is set foorth howe that no Prieste● nor spirituall persons are subiect or vnder the iurisdiction or power of the temporall Magistrates or Officers NOwe let vs come to speake of the other Priestes and spirituall persons who are throughlie furnished in all points with their Officials Deanes Archdeacons Vicars Inquisitours Sumners Prisons Places and Instrumentes for punishment so as they are not in anie point subiect to anie temporall Officer or Magistrate Neither may anie of them haue anie their causes or questions debated or determined before anie temporall Iudge or Officer so farre as they haue shauen crownes which is the right marke character of the citie with seuen mountaines whereof Saint Iohn makes mention in the Apocalypse And the same is likewise to bee proued by plaine textes of the holy scripture And for the first it is written That when as Lot went about to dissuade the wilfull Sodomites from their abhominable actes they saide vnto him Thou art come hither among vs and art but a straunger here What hast thou to doe for to take vpon thee to correct and iudge vs Out of this Text hath our mother the holie Church of Rome finally concluded that the Priests may not bee iudged nor punished by temporall Magistrates and Rulers vnderstanding the matter thus That the Priests are vndoubtedly right Sodomites Burgesses borne and maisters of this worlde by inheritance considering that they are made by the Pope to whom the worlde doeth absol●tely apperteine and that the temporall Magistrates and Officers are but as straungers who haue but as it were the gouernement of the world by lease at the handes of the Pope and his Priestes And therefore it doth not become them for to rule or punish the natiue Burgesses of Sodom and Gomorra that is to say the Priestes and Spiritualtie For so hath the Pope Anacletus determined and set forth in his Deccetals which interpretation of his is by our deare mother the holy Church allowed for good and registred in the booke of their decrees for an article of our faith Secondarily the same is proued by a speciall text out of the Gospell where it is written That Christ did driue or chace the buiers and sellers out of the Temple with a whippe or scourge For thereby it is apparant that the Priestes or Spiritualtie may not by anie meanes be punished by anie temporall Officer as is concluded by the forename● Anacletus and the holie Church of Rome vnderstanding the matter thus That the Priests are to be esteemed as the very changers sellers in the Church who do vtter their merchandize so deare that the sight of them manie times will stand a man dearer than the best ware that the Habardashers of Paris and Lions haue in their shoppes And although other chaungers of monie and vsurers did inioy the benefites of the like priuiledge as well as the Priests to witte that they were with the same whipping driuen out of the temple yea and although dogs be sometime vsed after the same manner yet considering that the Priestes are my white sonnes and must haue somewhat the more preeminence and aduauntage specially for that their merchaundize are of more estimation than the rest and their incense of better smell than the incense that the dogges smother abroade in the Church Insomuch that the holie Church of Rome doeth vnderstande this by the priests onelie to wit that temporall Magistrates or Officers shall haue no iurisdiction ouer them considering well that Christ had them in such estimation as he himselfe onelie woulde whippe them out of the Church And yet hath shee more strongly established the same by the plaine Texte of the Prophete Dauid where it is written God stoode in the middest of the Gods that is to say of Priests and Prelats Againe I haue said All you are Gods. Now truth it is that the whole Psalme doeth after the letter speake of Kings and Gouernours of this world yet notwithstanding our deare mother the holie Church hath vnderstood the same wholy of the Priestes and Spiritualtie according to the spirit and that specially by reason of sixe weightie causes to witte First because the whole text doth conclude as well or rather much better vpon the Priestes than vpon anie other for it is written That will not vnderstād but will walk in darknesse and set the whole world in a rore Which wordes seeme to conclude so well vpon Priestes and Bishops as though they had bene spoken only to them Now secondly the Priests are of much more estimation better than any Kings or Princes yea they do excell them as far as Leade doth Gold and therefore must Emperours bow downe their heads vnder the knees of the Popes as is plainely set forth by the holie father Pope Gelasius writing vnto the Emperour Anastasius and registred in the decrees Yea they are the light of the world Fathers Maisters to all men so that they deserue much better to be called Gods than either Kings or other Rulers do or can deserue Thirdly the Priestes are of more worthinesse and estimation than Angels For as our deare mother the holie Churche of Rome hath verie well concluded an Angel may not sing nor say Masse for that hee hath not the priestly character
But I will leaue that to the Doctours of Louen to dispute vpon when they are set vnder the roofe with a Gallon of good Rennish wine for they can not away with Pittaw as for vs whether it be a lie or a true tale it is all one but thus much there is of the matter that our holie father the Pope is in possession and doth enioy the landes which S. Peter left vnto him by testament by the same token it is called Patrimonium S. Petri that is Saint Peters patrimonie ▪ He is likewise in possession of the rich iewels and bagges of the holie Sea of Rome and of the precious triple crowne and other rich and costlie peeces for all the Bishops must sweare that they shall to the vttermost of their power helpe to keepe and augment the said iewelles and that Patrimonie But what needeth all this Paule him selfe saith That Bishops must keepe hospitalitie and bee harborous And then is it great reason ▪ that their purses should bee well filled for to enterteine Kings and Princes and to make them great cheere For how should they els bake good cakes if they haue neither fire nor fatte I assure you if they had not that preeminence and aduantage they would not buy Bishoprikes so deare neither would they pay thirtie thousand Ducates for a Pallium if they must afterwardes say with Peter Aurum argentum non est mihi I haue neither siluer nor golde But that is nowe all cleane turned and the chaunce is chaunged therefore must the Priestes and Prelates nowe a dayes bee riche and possesse the goods of the worlde considering that their father and master the Pope is Lord of the whole worlde as we haue sufficientlie proued in the 11. and 12. Chapters before The xiii Chapter VVherein is set forth by the Scripture the praying to images NOwe will wee treate a while of the praying to images and see with what Scriptures it is defended For that second holie Councell of Nice is without doubt maruellous well furnished of excellent scriptures which serue as fitte for that purpose as Roses for a swine stie But we will onlie choose out and set forth the principall and most meete to serue our turne to the intent that euerie man may iudge by those what all the rest are Among other they haue fetched out of the olde testament That GOD did shape man to his owne likenesse and therevpon concluded That men may verie well haue images Item that God hath diuided the light from the darkenesse and therefore saith Agapius that most holie Bishop of Caesarea I accept images gladlie and cursed bee all they which are of other opinion Aha my friendes Howe like you this geare And after that is the writing of Adrian the Pope of Rome read wherin hee saith That Iames did pray to Iosephs staffe or else to Ioseph him selfe Then I pray you wherefore should not wee pray to images For although that Heretikes do herein so crie out with the Hebrewe texte which saith That he prayed to God leaning vpon his bedde or vppon a staffe for it may be taken both wayes yet notwithstanding it is sufficient for vs that our deare mother the holy Church hath vnderstood it otherwise and that all the forked Bishops which were assembled at Nice haue otherwise interpreted it For they you must vnderstande could not misse nor erre seeing they were assembled inspired and gouerned by the holie ghost of the Empresse Irene whose spirit was so zealouslie addicted vnto the worshipping of images that shee did put out her sonnes eyes who was the right and naturall Emperour and so kept him shut vp in prison to the ende that she might haue the rule and gouernement reigne as Queene all alone and set vp and extoll images according to her owne minde Wherfore should not we then beleue this holy Ghost Whereas he hath declared by the mouthes of the Bishops that there was a litle proper fellowe carued out vpon the end of Iosephs staffe as you see vpon the staues that children and fooles doe ride vpon yea and that the same pretie fellowe was by Iacob worshipped Then do they further alledge this ●ext The soules of the iust are in the handes of the Lord. Againe God is maruellous in his Saintes For by these Saintes doe they vnderstand nothing else but dumbe Saintes or images which stand in the church for that it is written in an other place The Saintes which are vpon the earth Item Noah did set vp one altar vnto God and Abraham likewise with manie other mo And it is good to be thought that they would not set vppe anie altars without goodlie images of our Ladie of Saint Christopher and of S. Anthonies swine and such like to stand vpon the altars For an altar without Saints is like a Cowe without a taile or a Turd without Sugar Againe Moses did make the Propitiatorium which is the round chest of pure golde and did by Gods commandement se● two Cherubims vpon it And wherfore then should we not set images vppon our altars according to the commaundement of the holie Church For whereas the Heretikes will say that these two Cherubims and the golden chest were couered and hidde so that no man could see them much lesse pray vnto them to that our deare mother the holie Church of Rome doeth answere that they can doe so likewise For the whole Lent through they do cause their images to looke through a blewe cloth and plaie bo peepe and so they continue till Easter then come the Priestes and play their pa●tes and so bidde Coppin out of a corner and shewe his face like a man So then these Heretikes haue no cause to pra●e and say That our images are neuer hidde or couered Againe our holie fathers say that notwithstanding the Cherubims were kept close so that no man might see them for that no man migh● enter into that holie place but onelie the hi● Priest and hee but once a yeere yet did not the Iewes forbeare to pray continuallie to the same For so haue the fathers at the same Councell concluded out of their owne heads Nowe thirdly the holie fathers say That seeing images may be had secretlie wherefore should wee not much rather haue them openlie to pray to them For notwithstanding that God hath forbidden it yet he must bee giuen otherwise to vnderstand the matter for he was not yet informed that images are the bookes of the Laie people till such time as Pope Gregorie came and ●aught it for a perfect doctrine But nowe euerie man doeth knowe that bookes must be laide vppon a deske that euerie man may reade on them and are not to bee cast behind a banke or in a corner For it is plainlie written that a candle is not to bee set vnder a bushell but in a candlesticke that euerie man may bee lighted thereby which the holie fathers doe likewise vnderstande by the
of our most holie father the Pope of Rome whereof there is not one iotte forgotten nor left vnconsidered yea surelie I beleeue that his holinesse sitting vpon his stoole of easement sir reuerence of his holinesse should not make one sowre or skornefull countenance but this wise profounde learned Doctour and Bishop can straightwayes bring in for it some mysterie and weightie matter And to bring a text of Scripture for it which shall serue as fit for that purpose as a sadle for a sowe What needeth manie wordes hee is a passing Apoticarie hee can make a good medicine of a Cabadge stalke And therefore it is that our deare mother the holy Church doeth so greatly esteeme this his booke so that shee would not forgo it for anie good and she hath reason for it because in deede it is her chiefe iewell or treasure wherein all her holinesse is locked vp Where will all these Heretikes now hide them selues these Lutheranes Huguenotes Zwinglians Caluinistes the one heape with the other which do bragge so much of the word of God Let thē but once take this booke of Durādus into their hands and they shall finde there that all the ceremonies of the holie church of Rome all their prankings and strange deuises are finely founded vpon the Scripture so that there is not one lacking yea and that the Scripture is wholie on our side if it be right vnderstood according to the meaning and interpretation of our deare mother the holie Church to witte that you passe ouer and let slippe the dead letter and the plaine text depend wholie vpon the spirit of speculation of our Doctours of Louen those of Paris which is only the spirit That quickeneth maketh aliue as is heretofore rehearsed Therefore let all such as wil be good and Catholike subiectes of the holie Church and Sea of Rome holde fast and sticke to this interpretation and in anie wise shrinke not from it but beleeue all whatsoeuer the holy church beleeues not once going about to knowe or to aske any questiō what it is because it is inough for them to know that the church of Rome cānot erre so long as she remaineth fast groūded vpon the foūdation of the Pope Let them keepe in mind the saying of Salomon You shall not remooue the pales markes which your fathers haue planted that is to say You shall not once moue touche or alter any thing of al that which our deare mother the holie Church of Rome hath established and ordeined And dooing thus they shal be her white sonnes haue the worlde at will they shall enioye the goods of this worlde some shall become Bishops and some Cardinalles riding brauelie to the Courtes of Popes and Kings vpon braue horses and Mules and shal haue the fairest Courtisanes of Rome at their commaundementes In summe they shall say to them selues What canst thou desire Where contrariwise these felowes will bee so nose-wise that they will knowe all things and will beleeue nothing but iust that which they finde in Scripture and in their Bible plainlie set out yea they doe mocke our deare mother the interpretations which shee bringeth forth vpon the Scriptures But those surelie are Heretikes to the fourth generation as Doctours and Physicions say Euen to the hiest steppe of the staires For like as Master Gentian hath here finely concluded They do not beleeue the holie Church They beleeue not the twelue articles of our faith yea they doe not beleeue the holie scripture seeing they will not accept the interpretation of the scripture which the holie Church hath allowed for good And therefore they must be banished accursed and excommunicated yea they must be burnt to ashes and powder if they will not recante For that is the sure sentence and resolute determination of our holie mother the Church of Rome wherein doeth not fall anie stay or appellation for that nowe from henceforth they will not nor shall not beare with them anie longer And herewith we will make an ende of the second part hauing emptied this distaffe and nowe by master Gentianus leaue we will in hande and proceede with another part Here followeth the exposition vpon the third part of Gentianus Haruets Epistle wherin is treated of Auricular confession of the Sacraments of Matrimonie of Confirmation and of the holy Anointment The first Chapter Of Auricular confession and howe necessarie it is and of establishing the same by the Scriptures HEre now doth followe the third part of the Epistle of Gentianus wherein he doth declare himself greatlie to wonder that these new Preachers of the gospell will go about to abolish auricular confession Cockes populorum But howe would they go to worke Where our holie mother hath so straightlie cōmanded vpon paine of damnation That al such as are of both kindes to wit male female shall assoone as he or she is come to yeeres of discretion confesse them selues to their owne Curate of all their sins at lest once a yere vnderstanding the same alway of deadlie sinnes only as is set forth by the glosse vpon the text because daily and perdonable sinnes are with a Pater noster or with a sprinckle full of holy water cleane washed away I maruell howe these Heretikes can speake against this For were it not euen as much as though they would put out both the eies of our mother the holie church For vndoubtedly this auricular confession is worthe two paire of eies to her For by the one she can see perceiue learne al the secret determinations counsels and pretences of all Kings Princes and Potentates of Christendome by reason whereof she is come to a peaceable possession enioying of her authoritie and gouernement ouer all Countries and Kingdomes And by the other she can see and creepe euen into the verie bottome of the bosomes of yong maides simple and sorrowful wiues and widdowes and so grope out and vnderstand all their secrets and then enioyne them such friendlie penaunce that their troubled consciences are thereby comforted and their sorrowfull heartes made ioyfull O good Lord How often haue these holy Priests and Friers giuen vnder confession good wholesome counsell to the sorrowfull barren wiues whereby they haue afterwardes become blyth mothers and haue euer after borne an inward loue towardes their holie ghostlie fathers euen as though it were to their owne husbands Yea there is at this present a good holie graie Frier at Brudgesse called Brother Cornelius the Whipper who by meanes of this holie auriculer confession did teach a great many of simple womē to tame and mortifie their fleshe in this manner That they for the fulfilling of penance to them inioyned and to receiue of him ful absolution of their sinnes haue verie willinglie gon creeping vppon handes and feete starke naked before that holie ghostlie father and when he did marke anie that the fleshe was not sufficientlie mortified them did he followe with a rodde
substance and being And therefore these Heretikes are verie much to blame that they will come and plague our most deare mother yet agayne anewe with this worde Idola say that the good Catholike people and Subiects of the holie church of Rome are verie Idolaters because they doe greatly esteeme and woorshippe the images of our Ladie and of other holie Saintes and doe kisse them and licke them and trimme them vp with goodlie garmentes and iewelles setting candles burning before them because they cannot see without candles and cense them with sweete incense and sing Hymnes and other songs of praises deuoutly before them and because they carrie them about vppon their shoulders for that they cannot goe themselues and fall downe vpon their knees before them and say to them Our father which art in heauen They set them vpon Altars they go to them on Pilgrimage to gette health and good lucke in their affaires and doe euen as much worship to them as the auncient Romanes and Greekes or as the Israelites did vnto their false Gods. Nowe vpon this these Heretikes say that it is verie ill done of them and will proue them to be verie idolaters and woorshippers of false Gods but the blinde heretikes doe not perceiue that our images are no idolles but holie Saintes whiche doe manie and great miracles Neither will they vnderstand howe that our deare mother the holie churche of Rome hath commaunded vs so to doe For all the holy catholike teachers haue verie friendly and ioyntlie concluded that all images ought to be worshipped with like worshippe as doth apperteine vnto such after whome the said images are made as the good and holie man Thomas de aquino hath plainely written Yea because that he did handle that matter so exactly there was a crucifixe in the citie of Naples which spake to him saying Gentle Thomas thou hast written well and truely of me what reward wouldest thou receiue Wherevpō he did make answeare to the crucifixe and saide I will haue nothing else but euen thy selfe Now whether the same crucifixe was of Gold or siluer bicause he was so farre in loue with it aboue all other things that I cannot tell but I knowe very well that hee hath written wonderfully for the aduauncement of prayer and woorship to be done to Images and is for that cause likewise by Pope Iohn the .21 canonized for a Saint For he hath concluded wherein our deare mother the holy Church doth likewise follow him that whyle Christ is praied vnto with Latria which is to say after their interpretation with the spirit as God men shall likewise pray with Latria vnto his Image which is with a cole or with a Pencill painted vpon a wall and likewise woorship it as God himselfe if it be so that it be painted with lōg haire and with a round Trencher behinde his heade and holding vp his two fingers and hauing the world with a crosse vpon it in his hand for euen such a fellowe is the righte Saluator mundi The worshipfull Maister Bonauentura doth likewise establish this matter yea all the writers of the sentences haue generally so ordeined and concluded herevpon insomuch that these Heretikes ought not now to doubt any more of the matter Yet it is very true that Durandus woulde not allowe of it but did rather directly withstād it saying plainly that Images ought not to be prayed vnto with the like honour as those after whome they were made or painted But all the rest were offended with him for that he refused to follow the authorite of the holy church And perhaps if he had not written so as hee did hee had been canonized as well as Thomas de Aquino Notwithstanding that a certeine Spaniard called Perezius did followe him in that point saying That stones and blocks ought not to be praied vnto worshiped with Latria as God cōsidering they do alway remain stones blockes how muchsoeuer they be halowed or cōiured by any body But he is far out of the way in this matter For first wee knowe that Saint Thomas de Aquino was taught by Saint Peter and Saint Paule so that he coulde not erre and after that hath our deare mother accepted his opiniō for the best And wherfore shuld she not For seing that a simple priest can with fiue words of a little round cake make a God wherefore I pray you should not a Bishop or a Suffragane make of a goodly gilded Image a God also That were to put little trust in our deare mother the holy church Therfore we must remain stedfast vpō the common opinion and iudgement of our deare mother the holy church of Rome For a final end the Heretiks do vs greate wrong to call vs seruers of false Gods worshippers of Images and Idolaters euē as the Iewes do who cānot find in their hartes to bestow any honester name vppon vs And therefore saith Maister Gentianus that some good people which see deper into the matter mistrust that these Heretiks should haue some secret intelligence with the Iewes yea should play bootie be in pension with them to maintein frendly conuersation with them yet he addeth vnto it that he for his part doth not beleeue any such thing whereby it seemeth that he woulde herein a little flatter and annoynte their mouthes with Honie to please them withall but it is not so for hee speaketh in this behalfe as doth become a good and stoute Catholike subiecte of the holy church of Rome And besides that he should haue done these Heretikes a great deale to much worship if he shoulde haue yoked them in a Waggon with the nation of the Iewes who as wee haue heretofore plainly set foorth are the very best founders and chiefest fountaines and welsprings of all the ceremonies and institutions of the holy Church of Rome It is verie true that our deare mother hath amended them and brought them into a better order for that her wisdome and vnderstanding doeth farre exceede the wisedome of Moses and Aaron And therfore hath shee in place of one temple of Solomon caused to be builded vppon mountaines and hilles and other hie places aboue a hundred thousand and in place of three or foure altars which they had shee hath set vp so manie that they are not all to be told ouer in seuentie yeres Although in deede as before is rehearsed the example and paterne doeth proceede from the Iewes and is borrowed of them which shadowes and figures our deare mother hath followed verie diligentlie Therefore whereas these Heretikes will with the Apostle to the Hebrewes defende and say that all the figures and shadowes of the olde Testament were ended and cleane taken away by the comming of Christ and ought not to be vsed anie more is rancke heresie And truelie they do therby sufficiētlie declare that they haue no vnderstanding with the Iewes neither in white nor blacke For the Iewes hold that for the principall
their meales or to arise without praying and seruing God which notwithstanding is oftentimes neglected by the most chiefest of the catholikes like as may be seene in the Popes sacred Court and at the tables of the Cardinals and Bishops yea amongst the most faithfull subiectes of the Romish church In so much as it hath bin founde necessarie for a Pope to graunt pardons to such after their meales should once drinke to the ende that thereby he shoulde remember the good ale knights to say their graces for to haue one good draught more when they haue done I admit then that the Heretiks do pray apase But to what ende is it They pray not as they ought to doe For in primis they will approue that whensoeuer we desire ought in the name of Christ Iesus that wee are assured to obteine the same And therefore say they All faithful people are assuredlie persuaded of their saluation and stand in no doubt at all of Gods gratious good will and fatherlie loue towards them for so much as God can not lie who hath for Iesus Christes sake vndoubtedlie promised them the same and with his holie Ghost hath sealed and affirmed it in their heartes This doeth the holie Church of Rome hold for great heresie teaching to the contrarie That none in this present worlde can certainlie know whether his prayer be heard much lesse whether he bee in Gods fauour or no except by great preeminence or some speciall miracle it be reuealed and made knowen vnto him Therefore doeth she hold it for great arrogancie and presumption to say according to Saint Paul That the holie Spirit of God is in vs and prayeth in vs and that without it we can not pray at all For so much as none doeth knowe whether hee hath the spirit of God or not and therefore must alwayes stand in doubt betwixt hope and feare like to a ship without helm and compasse betwixt the gulffes and waues of the sea like as S. Iames doeth say Secondarilie the Heretikes will not declare and complaine their neede but to God onelie nor call vpon anie but him alone as though none but hee could helpe them or that he were at leasure and had nought else to doe but iust to heare what they would say vnto him To the contrarie of this doeth the holie Church commaund That wee shall likewise call vpon Saintes and put our trust in them like as hath bene declared before Moreouer they will not haue anie Mediatour or Aduocate to God but onelie Christ Iesus And so set all Saintes aside as seruing for sifers and standing to none effect euen as though Christ alone were a sufficient Mediatour and that the sillie Saintes had not one voyce in a court After this they will not pray anie thing for forsouth it must first be found prescribed in the Scripture forasmuch as To pray without faith say they is sinne And faith can not be allowed without the promes and word of God. Hereby la doeth it come to passe that the poore soules do remaine still frying in Purgatorie for default of a Pater Noster an Aue Marie In so much as now the high waye through which the soules were wont to passe is become such a thicket ouer growen with thornes and thistles that it is not possible to passe that way anie more Moreouer they will not pray otherwise than in their own mother tongue or in such a language as them selues do vnderstand as though our God did not vnderstand Latin or at least that they them selues ought to vnderstand that which they say They build vpon Paule who forbiddeth to pray in an vnknowen tongue But they doe not consider that the holie Church of Rome hath altered the case commaunding that Masses Eeuensongs and Vigilles Mattens and Meridians with all other such tromperies should bee red in the Latin tongue euen like an vnlearned theefe readeth his necke verse for that is more meritorious than if wee our selues vnderstoode what wee did say Like as Cardinall Hosius and Doctor dolt Eckius haue finelie affirmed out of that part of Scripture where it is written That Pilate did set downe the title or superscription in Hebrewe Greeke and Latin. And in deede it is good reason that they which after the example of Pilate do crucifie Christ ought likewise to vse and imitate his language Further these Heretikes will not say their Aue Maries nor Pater Nosters with litle pretie woodden bullets or beaderowes made of stone or yuorie as though they should score them vpon a poast they suppose perhappes that GOD maye nomber or tell them him selfe thinking he hath nothing else to doe They will neuer kneele vnto Images or dumbe Saintes by prayer to craue their helpe or ayde but imagine GOD to bee present euerie where and that their prayers bee as forcible in their bedde chambers as to our blessed Ladie the Ladie of Hayle or to Saint Iames of Compostella in Spaine· And therefore do deride all the pilgrimages of our louing mother the holie church And when they desire to receiue Gods holie spirit they knowe not that they ought to say an Aue Marie like as the good Catholikes vse to do at their sermons for so much as Aue Marie is as much to say with them as O Lord graunt vs thy holie spirit And which is worst of all they will not pray neither through the merites of Saintes nor through the vertue of holie water of the holie oyle of sanctified bread of Palmes Agnus Dei holie Reliques nor through the merites of holie dayes which they haue obserued neither through the merites of their fasting or anie worldlie thing else but onelie through the merites of the onelie sacrifice or oblation of Iesus Christ being offered vpon the crosse to God the Father yea they make a iest of all such matters condemne them for meere superstition and idolatrie To conclude they will not pray as the holie Romish Church doeth Ergo they pray not as they ought to do and therefore must we account of them as though they did not pray at all Euen in like sorte doeth it fall out with their fasting for they fast after their owne orders and will not obserue the ordinance of the holy Romish Churche But like as they pray without keeping any set taylie or Ceremonie so due they fast without a score and without exception of dayes so that God cannot well remember when they haue fasted or prayed And further when they fast they wil not eate any thing at all and make it as great a matter to eate fishe as fleshe and Egges which is a great heresie like as is shewed before Where againe notwithstanding they will with an obstinate he●d defend That that which goeth into the mouth defileth not the man And To them which are cleane all thinges are cleane whiche God hath created to vse them with thankesgeuing After this they will not fast in
a paire of gloues that their left hande knoweth not what the right hand doth And their gold ring what doth it els signifie but that they be vpright without dissimulation Their staffe that they are strōg against heretiks And their handkercher which is alwaies at hand that they bee euer readie to abandon all earthlie filthines and wholie doe rubbe of their fleshlie affections After this all Priestes in generall haue they not a shauen crowne on their heades to shewe that like as a round crowne hath no corners so haue they not anie filthines which they can spare or be without But if I should rehearse all these matters peece by peece it would verilie seeme to be a Babylon which is A fowle confusion or meruellous medlie Therefore it is suffient to gather hereby what great mortification doeth lurke and lie hidden in the skinnes of these holie subiectes of the Romish Church which by their outward apparell and seeming doe shewe such exceeding great holinesse I referre now al men to consider what is to be thought of their inward parts which are so holie as though they were possest with seuen spirites To the contrarie whereof these newe Preachers haue neither sticke nor staffe myter nor ring neither yet anie shauen crownes or other whereby they may declare their mortification yea they goe arraied like other plaine people and say that Penance and mortification doeth not consist in such and such like outward ceremonies but in the conuersion of the mind and soule to Godwardes and in an inwarde feeling of miseries a true feling of Gods wrath against sinne and in a firme faith and trustie staie vppon Gods goodnes and mercie through the merites of Iesus Christ. Moreouer That bodilie excercise is litle vailable but Godlinesse in all thinges is profitable and helpefull Wherein they sufficientlie shewe that they knowe litle concerning the mortification which the holie Church doeth teache and they contemne holie Confession Contrition Absolution and Satisfaction and other such like thinges and loue the first day of Lent aswell as the last Behold for this cause is it that Maister Gentianus hath so cunninglie concluded in this Article That they hate wholie condemne fasting praying abstinence and mortification of the flesh The iii. Chapter VVhich doeth shewe howe it is to be vnderstood that we can not make satisfaction for the least offence and hree is concluded that the penaunce of Heretikes is not acceptable with God. BVt forsomuch as they do here acknowledge that we can neuer make satisfaction for the least offence of the worlde that might seeme to be a great heresie for if it were so the Heretikes shoulde haue great reason to saye that our satisfaction were vaine and friuolous And therefore they would say as hath bin shewed before That we ought to laie aside and treade vnder foote all hope of satisfaction and wholy to cleaue trust to the meere goodnes vndeserued mercie of God which in respect of our partes is without desert bestowed vpō vs but in respect of Gods righteousnes is giuen vs for an exceding deere price to witte the bloud of Christ Iesus the vnspotted lambe which as Esaie saith hath borne our infirmities was laden with our punishments which was wounded for our sins and for our sakes did suffer death and vpon him is laid the punishment whereby we are at peace And hereout they conclude with Paul That we haue through Christ all satisfaction and that hee is wholie our saluation iustification and deliuerance ▪ And with Peter That by none other in the world saluation is to be gotten for somuch as there is not anie other name giuen to mankinde whereby they may be saued insomuch that all our boasts whether it be of good workes merites or satisfaction is wholie excluded and brought to nothing in so much as before God it doth not preuaile and that no fleshe can be iustified in his presence by the workes of the lawe and that all our righteousnes is naught els but a stained cloth But al this is heresie as it hath ben sufficientlie shewed before and they which learne such are hanged and burned like Heretikes For els as hath bin said what should become of satisfaction and meritorious deedes which according to the doctrine of the holy Church do amend faultes escaped and by good foresight defend and set vs free from those to come What should become of al our good works whereby wee can deserue three sundrie things namelie Eternall life Increase augmentation of mercie and Forgiuenes of sinnes What should become of the merites of Saintes through the which the holie church doeth pray vnto God that he wil pardon all their offences through the Saintes whose reliques bones do lie on the altar where the Masse is said In so much as often shee doeth pray through the merites of ashes horses and dogges whose bones for the most parte remaines also as reliques on their altars What moreouer should become of our exceeding good workes which are called Opera supererogationis wherewith wee doe not onelie make satisfaction for our selues but also for others and especiallie for the soules in Purgatorie Yea what shoulde become of Purgatorie it selfe if there were not satisfaction What would become of Pardons and Bulles which are allowed and sent from the Pope Verelie they would serue for no purpose better than to be brought to the house of office to be sealed with portingale waxe if so bee it were true which Maister Gentianus doth here set downe as that wee are vnable to make recompence for the least offence It were in deede a lamentable case therefore we must vnderstande him here aright For his meaning was to speake thus obscurelie because he would tole and entise the heretikes into the field For otherwise this is not his meaning but doeth simplie vnderstand that we can not satisfie Nisi concurrente gratia that is to say Except mercie doeth assist and helpe our merites as is said before sometimes thorough the pikes For we haue apparantlie concluded that wee must make a bargain betwixt God and vs He doeth giue vs his mercie in our baptisme but after that wee must shift for our selues and by our good deedes bind God vnto vs so that of duetie he must receiue vs into heauen especiallie if we be assisted with the meanes and by helpes of holie church namelie by the vertue of the Masse holie water tapers c. and with the Popes Bulles for thereby will our infirmities amende like corne shaken with a shower of haile or like fish left on the sandes and as sower Ale in Sommer And if so be that besides this we will submit our selues and take vnto vs the habit of a Monke or Frier and so frame our selues after the ful shapen order of S. Francis S. Dominicks rule and so compasse more then God hath commaunded vs then wee excell all the rest of our
commaunded the Cardinals to ride no more on horses nor Mules but vpon asses was by them hated had in contempt This craftie foxe did ordeine a man to feine him selfe an Angel of God who speaking through a gutter or pype which was bored through a wal did warne Coelestine by night as in a vision to giue vp his charge he being vnfit for the place and therefore to resigne it vnto some other more able for that function Insomuch as this Boniface by this subtill deuice obteined the Popedome mocking with God and his owne profession And immediatlie after this fearing least Coelestine might yet giue out him selfe for the right Pope did throwe him into prison and caused him there most miserablie to ende his life Further hee play● many iniurious vngodlie partes more for he dispossessed by meere force two Cardinals being of the stocke of the Columneses not onelie from their Cardinalships but also from their owne proper inheritances because they had reported that hee was not the right and lawfull Pope Also he did banish and curse Sara Columna with all the Columneses He refused to crowne the Emperour Albertus and setting the crowne vpon his owne head and girding the sword to his side said I am Emperour my selfe Yet notwithstanding after that the King of France did in his owne person crowne him to spite the Pope which king of Fraunce named Philip hee did likewise excommunicate and adiudged him to be dispossessed and deposed from his kingdome the same apperteining to the Emperour Albertus because hee denied the Pope for his Soueraigne Yet besides this in token of his godlinesse and to the ende eche one might knowe that hee deririded his owne religion It fortuned on a tyme in the Citie of Genes that hee had in handling the Archdeane named Prochetum vppon the first daye of Lent cōmonly called Ashwednesday And in place that he shoulde print the signe of the crosse on his forehead with hallowed ashes after the accustomed manner of the Romish Church and say Memento homo quia cinis es in cinerem reuerteris that is to say Remember O man that thou art ashes and to ashes thou shalt returne he tooke a handfull of asshes and threwe them into the good mans eyes and said in a great rage Memento homo quia Gibellinus es cum Gibellinis in cinerem reuerteris that is to say Remember O man that thou art a Gibelline for they were called Gibellines which tooke part with the Emperour and shalt bee consumed with the Gibellines to dust and therewithall did he bereaue him of his benefice But what shall I say further It doeth manifestlie appeare that he hath deserued a good place amongest the first quarters seeing he was at a general Coūcell holden in Paris accused and founde guiltie of three speciall faultes namelie of Murther Heresie and Simonie or briberie ▪ and for those causes dispossessed of his Popedome and shortlie after was taken as prisoner in the towne of Anagnia where hee was resident and from thence conueied to Rome in a prison called castra de S. Angel ▪ where through verie spite malice hee became raging madde in so much as hee did gnawe and deuoure his owne handes and so most miserablie like to a dogge ended his life howbeit it seemed that the Diuels did maruelouslie mourne for him for the same whole daye was heard in the prison where hee died such great and horrible thunderclappes terrible sturre that it seemed al the belles Priestes and Monkes in hell did sing his Requiem for he had bene vnspeakable holie forsomuch as hee was the first which did set forth the shoppe of Indulgencies pardons and first brought to light the yere of Iubile Therefore it is most meete that hee furnishe this thirde place of these eight first quarters The fourth place we may of dutie attribute to Iohn the 23. forsomuch as hee was a manifest and professed Heretike defending not onelie by woordes but also openlie that the soules die together with the bodies till the lat●er day of the resurrection And verelie at his election the holie spirit of the Cardinals was so zealously inflamed that two of the most principall were murdered yea he him selfe was inflamed with a burning zeale towardes our deare mother the holie Church and therefore did condemne the Emperour Lodowick of Beyren for an Heretike because he would not take the Emperiall crowne at the hands of the holie Pope of Rome yet was he him selfe afterwardes in a generall Councell found an heretike and by Nicholas the fift who possessed his place was figuratiuelie burnt like an heretike And further after his death were his opinions by his successour Benedict the 12. condemned for heresies Hee was also before by the Generall of the Gray friers named Michael of Saesena complained vppon and accused of an other heresie to wit that he would by force mainteine against all sufficient and true proofes of the Scripture That Christ and his Apostles had in this worlde borne temporall rule yet notwithstanding howesoeuer hee vsed the matter he reigned remained Pope For he made two Saintes namely Thomas of Erford Thomas of Aquin and ordeined that at night should be song Aue Maria therfore is he also worthily nūbred among the noble ringleaders of the spiritualtie in this first quarter For the sift in this quarter we may place Gregorie the 11. who reigned about the yere 1371. Seeing he lying at the point of death did make a most true cōfession declaring him self thereby not much better than an heretike for after he like an honest man had of meere malice banished cursed all the Florentines and with a mightie armie had sought their confusion and had raised the tenth pennie throughout al Germanie whereby hee had caused a great schisme to grow among the people At last death approching he sent for his Cardinals and other Prelates to come to him and holding the Sacrament in his hande coniured euerie one which were there present that they shoulde beware from dooing those or other such like thinges as hee had done forsomuch as hee in place of Gods woorde and following of good counsell had inclined to those whiche sought to preferre their owne false imaginations and feigned dreames and thereby had brought the Church to a perfect likelihoode of confusion and ruine by great debate and schisme like as i● did sufficientlie appeare after his death For immediatlie did arrise the horrible schisme which the Historiographers doe tearme The twentie and two Schisme which continued aboue fortie yeres After this followeth in the sixt place of the first quarter a worthie and an Ancient bearer vp of all vngodlie Heretikes and Epicures called Iohn the 24. who at the first brought to passe that Alexander the fift and Pope next before him by an approued and faithfull seruice of his Physicion named Daniel de Sancta Sophia was with a Romish figge pickt ouer the
with the breath of his mouth and force of his holie Spirit consume and destroy the wicked wasters and falsifiers of his holie worde and doctrine to the glorie of his most holy name and the edifying of his Church and Congregation But seeing that here aboue in this our Bee hiue of the Romishe Churche wee haue often and in sundrie places repeated that with manie ragges and patches it is botcht and sowed togeather and selected from diuers and sundrie sortes of flowres and herbes to make the honnie sweete wee will for thy delight and for the further declaration confirmation of that whiche is said dilate and more amplie declare the condition and propertie or rather commoditie of our Bee hiue the original disposition nature cunning and capeable capacitie of our Bees in their honie and honie combes their rule and regimentes with all things appertaining to the end it may be knowen wherein they doe agree with our common sorte of Honie Bees and in what respect they disagree decline from them In which treatie we will presentlie followe with the description of Bees which Aristotle in Greeke Varro Columella Virgil and Plinie in Latine haue wittilie written and for our learning left behinde them But because none shall thinke that we will in anie respect be iniurious to the holie Romish Church forsomuch as we compare her holinesse and vnmoueable foundation to Bees and a Bee hiue I will first and before all other matters rehearse the high prayse and commendation which shee her selfe doeth attribute vnto them For beholde these are the wordes which shee doeth vse vpon Easter eeuen in the hallowing or sanctifying of her Easter Tapers Cum igitur huius substantiae miramur exordium Apum necesse est laudemus originem Apes vero sunt frugales in sumptibus in procreatione castissimae aedificāt cellulas cereo liquore fundatas quib humanae peritiae ars magistra non coaequatur Legunt pedibus flores nullum damnum floribus inuenitur partus non edunt sed ore legentes concepti foetus reddunt examina sicut exemplo mirabili Christus ore paterno processit Foecunda est in his sine partu virginitas quam vtique Dominus sequi dignatus carnalem se matrē habere virginitatis amore constituit Talia igitur Domine digna sacris Altaribus tuis munera offeruntur quibus te laetari Religio Christiana non ambigit Per Christum Dominum nostrum Amen Which in our English tongue is to say Forsomuch as we doe maruellouslie wonder in considering the first beginning of this substance to wit waxe tapers then must we of necessitie greatlie commend the originall of Bees for they are sober in diet exceeding chast in engendring They make closettes found them on the souple waxe whervnto mans ▪ inuention and knowledge is not to bee compared they gather of the flowres with their feet and yet the flowres are not endamaged by it they bring foorth no yong ones but deliuer their yong swarmes through their mouthes like as Christ for a wonderfull example is proceeded from his Fathers mouth they haue a fertile chastitie without bearing which example Christ hath thought good to followe and ordeined to haue a carnall mother for loue of chastitie Therefore O Lord are such worthie giftes offered and presented vpon thine Altar wherein Christian Religion is assured that thou delightest exceedinglie through our Lord Iesus Christ Amen Beholde here wee perceiue what a precious iewell these Bees are Wherefore our deare and louing mother the holie Church of Rome ought not to scorne or disdaine that wee doe compare her customes and orders to a Bee hiue considering that she her selfe doth compare the incomprehensible generation of the sonne of GOD from his Father together with his birth out of the pure and vndefiled Virgine Marie vnto the Bees whiche were in verie deede a great blasphemie if the Bees were not of so great valour and vertue that by them wee might liken and compare the holie Church of Rome And seeing shee saieth That GOD is delighted with the giftes and presentes of the Bees why should not shee her selfe exceedinglie reioyce with our Bee hiue Therefore can none blame vs herein vnlesse also they blame and accuse the holie Church of Rome for blasphemie Which considered we will without feare or dread proceed with this our Bee hiue Now followeth further the exposition declaration of the Bee hiue and the description of the Bees the Honie and Honicombe with all things belonging therevnto The first Chapter VVhereof the Bee hiue is made THE Bee hiue then wherein our Bees dwel swarme make their honie is made with tough and strong wicker or oziers of Louen Paris plaighted and wrought together They commonlie call them at Louen Sophismata or Quotlibeta and are founde for the most part by the Basketmakers of the Romish Church namelie by Iohannes Scotus Thomas de Aquino Albertus Magnus and other such like which haue bene verie expert and c●●ning in this arte These roddes thus wouen or plighted together must for the more securitie be bounde also with grosse Iewish or Thalmodician cables and then ouer that drawe a clammi● or cleauing morter plaster made of olde rubbish or chaskie dust wherewithall the auncient old decaied Councels were wont to bee morteied and dawbed beeing good and small beaten to poulder and wrought verie thinne with a litle chopt straw which the Apothecaries call Palea Decretorum we●●ing and often moystening the same with scomme of the auncient Doctors and also mingled among the same some newe chalke of Trent and so wrought together with sande whiche is digged out of the decayed welles of mens superstitions or of that olde sande which the Heretikes were wont to binde their argumentes withall Here vnder you may also mingle some Iewes lime or Bitumen which is a verie tough and cleauing substance wherewithall the citie and Towre of Babylon was wont to be bound and it is drawen out of the poole and dead sinke of Sodom and Gomorre For herewithall thou shalt make such an excellent morter that neither the heate of the Sunne nor showres of raine will bee of force to moisten it or make it to splitte The maisters of this Bee hiue who loue to haue it somewhat garishe to the eye vse besides all the rest to make snowe white Gypsus or a kinde of playster of white biblish Marble stone very finely grounde in a Louauist or Parisian mill beeing wrought with excellent stronge durtie decrees and so stroke ouer with a whiting brushe or pincell and then painted with all manner of gallant pictures and braue images for that makes a gaie shewe and causeth the Bees the rather to enter into it The ii Chapter Declaring the first originall of these Bees COncerning the first original of Bees are sundrie opinions amongest the learned Some amongst the Poetes as Higinius and others saye that there was a woman named Melissa whome Iupiter did transforme into a Bee.
scape scotfree with foure poundes one Ducate and six Carlines and so of all other Vnderstoode alwayes that this valuation is ment and taketh hold so long as the Romish Court is resident on this side the mountaines namely in France For if she haue her habitation on the other side the hilles as in Italie then for poundes and pence Turnois shal be reckoned pounds and pence stearling like as the Iurist or Lawier Ludouicus Gornesius hath written and mencioned In summe they can not commit anie so great a faulte but they may at Rome for a peece of monie haue dispensation for it so scape free without blame or punishmēt insomuch as they shall neuer come in Purgatorie if they can keepe themselues from hell mouth Whereas maister Gentian shal be more welcome a great deale than at Geneua or elsewhere amongst the Huguenote Preachers And this worthie Booke or Epistle which hee hath made may serue him verie well at Rome for a speciall recommendation to the holie Father the Pope for to obteine him a Bisshops Myter or a Cardinals hat The vii Chapter VVherein is giuen to Maister Gentian and all other holie Catholikes good and wholesome counsell And thus the booke concluded BVt aboue all things in the worlde I would wish master Gentian to be perswaded to remaine stedfastlie and sticke close to the olde customes and traditions of his predecessors like durte to a carte wheele and he can not speede amisse For although he bee then a good fellow with the rest or an Aleknight or one which loues the companie of pretie wenches yet so long as he is not an heretique it makes no matter hee needes but once in a yeare to go to shrifte and obserue a highe feast daye and then shall he be taken for a good faithfull subiect of the holie Catholike Church And admitte that after his deathe he should passe to Purgatorie yet shall so many Masses which nowe are fallen in price and become good cheape be said for his soule that he with hose and shooes shal flie to heauen as straight as a sickle Therefore must I greatlie maruell and reioyce at his wise deliberate and wellpremised conclusion which hereto hee hath annexed to witte That hee will remaine permanent in the lappe of his dearlie beloued mother the holie Churche of Rome without medling or hauing ought to doe with the Heretikes For seeing they cannot as he saith he faithfull forsomuch as they will not beleeue all whatsoeuer the holie Church doth beleeue and in especiall will not beleeue the holie Sacrament of the Altar Seeing also it is a lie that we ought not to beleeue anie thing but whatsoeuer God comprehendeth in the Scriptures and that we may not adde or diminishe anie parte thereof and that in like case the Scripture doeth holde on our side beeing rightlie taken and vnderstoode after the exposition of the holie Church Seeing they doe also call vs worshippers of idols like as also the Iewes do seeing their liues be no better then good christians liues and that they detest and deride al prayers fastings and mortification Seeing their Preachers and Ministers may worthilie be reputed for ignorant and vnlearned yea also reproched for lewde wicked liuers and that they canne bring vs no better demonstracions nor alledge other reasons than is in the Scripture and that master Gentian euen vntill this verie time hath heard say that there is no saluation without the Church so will hee then liue and die with his deare holie mother the Church and wil not at anie time forsake her but vnmoueable remaine with her for euer For although he with great hast did offer an answeare and makes a shewe as though he woulde runne in po●t haste to the Huguenotes sermons yet he is not in earnest I esteeme him to be so stedfast and obstinat that he will not easily alter his hide nor his spottes like as Ieremie doeth say of the blacke Moore and the Libarde In the meane while notwithstanding when I consider the merueilous burning zeale wherwith he is driuen then am I of meere necessitie forced in the name of the holie Church to beseech God that the Huguenotes do not answeare him but may find so much to doe with other hardie and waightie matters that they doe not thinke on Maister Gentian for feare least it might so fal out which I hope not that he might be chaunged forsomuch as it seemes that he is driuen with such seale to his saluation that hee regardes neither Hedge nor ditch but runnes so directly thitherwards as a yong headelesse Ducke Therefore had I rather request the Pope to cast a morsell in his mouth and giue him a good fatte benefice to the ende he departe not from vs in such haste for it were to great a losse if the holie Church shoulde misse such a strong pillar They might go nigh to fall both in the ashes which Gods good mother and all the Saintes which are at Bruxelles on the high altar of S. Goele deliuer vs from Per omnia secula seculorum that is to say For euer Amen Further I am friendlie to request the good man which did translate the Epistle of Gentian into the Dutch tongue that he will take thus much paines more for the commoditie of our deare mother the holie church and to the reioycing of the foresaid good man maister Gentian to translate this our exposition of his Epistle into the French tongue to the end that the Wallons may in like manner vse this our Bee hiue and gather the honie honiecombe thereout to the renoume glorie and honour of our mother the holie Church against all her foes The conclusion of this booke to the Christian Reader HEre hast thou welbeloued Reader a short exposition and declaration vpon the Epistle or letter of the most learned Doctour maister Gentian Haruet which serueth not onelie thereto but to all other bookes and writings of the Catholike writers and defenders of the Romishe Seate For we haue herein as brieflie and expresselie as may be rehearsed the two chiefest foundations wheron all their Scriptures reasons conclusions and Syllogismes are founded and built namelie The first The holie Catholike Church what shee is whereon shee dependeth and howe farre her authoritie and power doth streatche And the second namelie The expositions of the Scripture wherein eache may see with eyes that howbeit the Huguenotes and Lutheranes do alwayes referre them to the text of the holy Scripture yet our deare louing mother the holy church can so aptlie handle the said text that shee maketh it so fitte and pliable as it doeth wholie bende and stretche to her aduantage Then reade the same and accept our paines in good worth and considering the grounded reasons of all commotions and insurrections which from fourtie yeeres hitherwarde haue bene in Christendome for causes of Religion and Gods seruice pray vnto God that he for his Sonne Iesus Christ his sake will shortlie appeare