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A06481 A persuasion from papistrie vvrytten chiefely to the obstinate, determined, and dysobedient English papists, who are herein named & proued English enimies and extreme enimies to Englande. Which persuasion, all the Queenes Maiesties subiectes, fauoring the Pope or his religion, will reade or heare aduisedlye ... Lupton, Thomas. 1581 (1581) STC 16950; ESTC S108934 242,044 324

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of God you wil scantly like The Popes Doctors say auouch it for truth that if the Priest say thus when he doth Baptise a childe Ego te Baptiso in nomine patris filij spiritus sancti diaboli that is I Baptise thee in the name of the Father of the Sonne and of the holy Ghost and of the Diuell yet the forme of Baptisme is very good and the child is rightly christned I remember that Christ bad his Apostles Baptise in the name of the Father of the Sonne and of the holy Ghost but that he bad them Baptise any in the name of the Diuel I neuer heard If they be rightly christned that are christned in the name of the Diuel according to the Popes law then I hope they are not falsely christned that are christned in the name of God without naming the Diuell accordyng to Gods lawe If wée shoulde allowe such Baptizing to bée good and that they were rightlye Baptized that were Baptized in the name of the Diuell you that call vs nowe Sathans broode woulde then call vs as you myght well the chyldren of the Diuell Must not this Churche of Rome bée a holy Church that hath such goldy doctrine and diuine Doctours if they bée curst that take any thing from the worde of God then they are not blest that adde the Diuell to the Baptizing of the children of God Euerye one that haue an affection to the Popes Religion woulde scantly beléeue that there is such handsome doctrine belonging to his religion This is not much vnlike other of the Romish Doctors doctrine for in the Defence of the Apologie which the learned Bishop of Sarisburie wrote against the confutation of Doctor Harding are these wordes Petrus Asotus Hosius sticke not to affirme that the same Counsell wherein our Sauiour Iesus was condemned to die had both the spirite of Prophesie and the holy Ghost and the spirite of truth And that it was no false saying when the Bishop sayd we haue a lawe and by our lawe he ought to die and that they so saying did light vpon the very truth of iudgemēt and that the same was a iust decree whereby they pronounced that Christ was worthy to die Thus the Popes Prelates take part with Annus Caiphas against Christ. If that were a good true iudgement that most shamefully wrongfully condemned the sonne of God to death then where shal we finde any false and wicked iudgement by this meanes the Popes sentences iudgements in burning the members of Christ for professing of y e Gospel cā not be false wicked or euill I feare they y t say they had the holy ghost the spirite of truth y t iudged Christ to death and that the same was a iust decrée wherby they pronounced y t Christ was worthy to die I feare I say y t they are none of them that Christ dyed for and as they y t iudged Christ most wrongfully did it not by the spirit of God Euen so Asotus Hosius and all other that say y t their iudgement was true that their decrée was iust whereby they pronounced that Christ was worthy to die spake and vttered the same by the spirit of y e diuell for if they gaue true iudgement against Christ then Christ was an offendor and deserued to die The Lorde blesse euery man from beléeuing the doctrine of such that either say or beléeue that Christ the Sonne of God that neuer offēded nor sinned was worthily or rightly condemned to die If our Bishops Preachers and Doctors shoulde preach teache or write such blasphemous doctrine you might then iustly cal vs Heretiks as we may wel cal them al other y t take their partes blasphemers the disciples of Antichrist But Caiphas sayd it is good that one man die for the people least all the people perishe Ergo sayth M. Harding Caiphas had the spirit of God To whom that learned and worthie M. Iewel late Bishop of Sarisburie replyes with these wordes But that ye may the better M. Harding espie your ouersight like as ye saye Caiphas prophesied blindly himselfe not vnderstanding what he sayd Ergo he had the holy Ghost S Paule sayth no man can say the Lorde Iesus but in the Spirit of God hereof by your Logicke you may reason thus the Diuell sayd vnto Christ I knowe that thou arte Christ the Sonne of the liuing God Ergo the Diuell had the Spirit of God c. If Caiphas had the spirit of God then he had y e holy ghost that wrote this note vpon the Popes decrée that the Iewes had committed mortall sinne if they had not nayled Christ to the Crosse. Now open your eyes and beholde whether this be good sound doctrine or not y t these Papisticall Doctors do teach They that worship God aright follow Christes Gospel wil do detest such diuellish doctrine Therefore flie from this Romish Church that taketh the Pope to be hir heade and that refuseth to be tried by the Scriptures and spéedily become members of that Churche that taketh Christ to be hir heade and is content to bée iudged by the Scriptures For they that are of Christ will heare his voyce which is the Gospell which true Church wherof Christ is the head can not be knowne but by the Scriptures Chrisostome saith now can no mā know the Church but by the scriptures S. Augustine saith Whether they haue the Church or no let them shewe by the Canonicall Bookes of the holy scriptures we must know the Church euen lykewise as we know Christ which is the head of the Churche in the holy Canonicall Scriptures Againe he saith the holy Scriptures shewes the Churche without any doubtfulnesse Againe the question or doubt is where the Churche shoulde be what then shall we doe whether shall we seeke the Churche in our owne wordes or in the wordes of hir heade which is our Lorde Iesus Christ In my iudgement wee ought rather to seeke the Churche in his wordes for that he is the trueth and best knoweth his owne body And agayne he sayeth Let vs not heare these wordes this say I This sayest thou but these wordes let vs heare Thus sayth the Lorde there let vs seeke the Churche there let vs discusse our cause And Saint Ambrose sayeth the Church shineth or is knowne not by hir owne light but by the light of Christ which is the word of God These learned holy and auntient fathers wordes are sufficient to proue vnto vs that y e Church of Christ is known and is chiefely to be discerned by the word of God But what if these auncient and learned Doctors had not written thus shoulde wée then haue taken that for the Churche of God which the Popes doctrine doeth allowe then we shoulde haue a trimme and holy Church as by the premysses doth appeare And nowe bicause nothing can describe which is the true Church better than Christ
was hanged drawne and quartred for treason in the saide towne of Callais Now if the holy Ghost be the teacher of trueth then the holy Ghost did teach this persecuted member of Christe to prophecie truely and if the spirite of Sathan be the teacher of lyes then the spirite of Sathan did instruct Pope Hildebrand that prophecied falsely as is before mentioned of the deposing of the Emperour Wherefore if you woulde by this notable example and by manye other consider what trueth the holy Ghoste dothe vtter by the persecuted professors of the Gospell thoughe simple and vnlearned And againe on the other side what lyes and falshoode the spirite of the Diuel doth vtter by the great learned Pope himselfe his Catholike Cardinalles and hys proude presumptuous Prelates you woulde if you loue trueth as you say forsake them and all their falshoode and lyes and embrace the Gospell of Christe the Touchstone of trueth Marke also howe maruellously the spirite of God dyd speake in another persecuted professor of the Gospel One Patricke Hamleton a godly and learned professor of y e Gospel in Scotland was condemned to be burned who in the fire did cite and appeale the Black Frier called Campbel that accused him to appeare before the high God as generall Iudge of al men to aunswere to the innocencie of hys death and whether his accusation was iust or not betwéen that and a certaine daye of the nexte moneth whiche he the sayde Hamleton then and there named And after it was verie manifest that the sayde Frier dyed immediately before the sayde day came that the saide Hamleton dyd cite him to appeare without remorse of conscience that hée had persecuted the innocent By this example so strange rare diuerse people did not only muche muse thereat but also firmely beléeue the doctrine of the sayde Hamleton to be good and iust Behold here a glasse most cleare that whosoeuer lokes in the same can not choose but both sée and say that youre Church of Rome is the Captaine of crueltie and without all pitie and mercie and so by no means can be the church of God There were thrée women condemned in Garnesey the mother and two daughters bycause they did not come to the Church whereof one of them was named Peretine great with child they were tye● to thrée stakes the mother to the middle stake the eldest daughter on the right hand and the yonger daughter on the left hand they were firste strangled but the rope brake before they were dead and so the women fel in to the fire Peretine who was then greate with child did fal on her side 〈◊〉 hapned a ruthful thing not only to y e oyles of al y t stoo● ther but also to al other true harted Christians y t heare or read y e same or as y e belly of y e womā brust asunder by vehemencie of y e flame y e infante being a faire mā child fel into y e fire being taken out of y e fire by one William House was layde vppon the grasse Then was the Child had to the Prouost from him to y e Bayliffe who gaue iudgement that it shoulde be carryed backe againe and caste into the fire And so the Infant baptized in his owne bloude to fill vp the number of Gods innocent Saints was both borne burned and dyed a Martyre leauing behinde to the worlde whiche it neuer sawe a spectacle wherein euery one maye sée that hathe any eyes at all the Herodian crueltie of this gracelesse generation of Catholike tormentors neuer to be forgotten Yet for all this greate and many other of the Papists more than heathnish cruelties many of you are so blinded ano bewitched that you can not perceiue the vnmercifull time of your Quéene Mary nor can consider the mercifull time of our Quéene Elyzabeth If the Quéenes Maiestie shoulde vse all you that refraine from the Church bicause you wil not heare Gods worde as these thrée séely women were bycause they wente not to the Churche to committe Idolatrie you woulde then saye she were a cruell and tyrannous Prince But suffering you without any crueltie yet you wil not saye that shée is a mercifull Quéene Beholde here an other wonderfull and rare example howe God dydde strengthen a yong maide that professed the worde of God oure religion One Maister Tyrrell and other didde beset the house of one William Mount and willed to haue the dore opened whiche being done the saide Maister Tyrrell with certaine of his companye went into the Chamber where the saide father Mount and his wife did lye willing them to rise for saide he yée muste goe with vs to Colchester Castle Mother Mounte hearing that being very sicke desired that hir daughter mighte firste fetche hir some drinke for she sayde she was verye euill at ease Then he gaue hir leaue and bad hir goe So hir daughter called Rose Allen tooke a stone potte in the one hande and a Candle in the other and wente to drawe drinke for hir mother And as shée came backe againe throughe the house Mayster Tyrrell met hir and willed hir to giue hir father and mother good councell and to aduertise them to be better Catholike people To whome the saide Rose sayde Sir they haue a better instruct●r than I am for the holye Ghoste dothe teache them I hope whyche I trust wil not suffer them to erre Then sayde Mayster Tyrrell why art thou stil in that minde thou naughtie huswife Mary it is time to looke vppon suche heretikes indéede Then saide Rose Allen Sir wyth that whych you call Heresie do I worshippe my Lorde God I tell you truth Then saide Maister Tyrrell I perceyue you wil burn gossip wyth the reste for company sake Then sayde she no sir not for companyes sake but for Christes sake if so I be compelled And I hope in his mercies if he call mée to it he wil enhable me to beare it Then Mayster Tyrrell turnyng to hys company sayde sirs this gossip will burne doe you not thinke it Marry sir quoth one proue hir and you shall sée what she will doe by and by Then that cruell Tyrrell taking the Candle from hir helde hir wreaste and the burning Candle vnder hir hand burning crosse wise ouer the backe thereof so long till the very sinnes crackte asunder In whych time of hys tyranny hée said often to hir why whoore wylt thou not cry thou yong whoore wilt thou not crye Unto whyche alwayes she aunswered that she had no cause she thanked God but rather to reioice you haue more cause to wéepe sayde shée than I if you consider the matter well In the ende when the sinews brake that al the house hearde them he then thrust hir from him violently and sayde Ah strong whoore thou shamelesse beaste thou beastly whoore and with suche like vile wordes but she quietlye suffering hys rage for the time at the laste sayde Sir haue you done what you wyll doe
sayde This is the God that brought vs out of the land of Aegypt wherewith God was highly displeased and plagued them sore for it The Pope sayeth whosoeuer worshippeth an Image and saith this is Christe offendeth not And also God curseth all them that doe worshippe Images The Pope calles them Heretikes that do not worship Images Mardocheus said I feared least I shoulde turne the glorie of my God to a man but the Pope doth make a lawe that wée shoulde turne the honor and worship of God to a blocke or a stone Mardocheus said that he feared to worship any man saue God but the Popes lawe is that we must worshippe a deade Image with the same reuerence wherewith we worship the holye Trinitie The Angell of God would not suffer Saint Iohn to worship him but y e Pope will haue vs fall downe worship dead stockes stones But if it be not lawfull to worship an Angell then surely it must néedes be vnlawfull to worship blockes and stones Thus you that haue eyes may sée that as falshood is contrarie to the trueth so the Popes lawe is cleane contrarie to Gods lawe therefore as Gods lawe is most holye and godly so the Popes lawe muste néedes bée most wicked and diuelish Doe you thinke that these holy Fathers that were gathered togither in this Councell and set out this detestable decrée had the holye Ghost Wel thoughe they hadde not the spirite of God yet they were inspired with the spirite of the Diuel but we must not beléeue for all this but that the Popes haue the holy ghost and spirit of God to direct their doings in all their counsels whereby they cannot 〈◊〉 as it appeareth by the decrée of this Greeke Counsel and of the other Nicene Counsell And therfore at the beginning of all their holy Counselles they haue first of all a Masse of the holy Ghost after which beyng once sayd or sung they can not erre or go wrong And that you may the better perceyue howe readye the holy Ghost is to come among these holy harlots Prelates I shoulde saye at these their holy Counselles Marke wel this that followeth On a tyme in one of their late Counselles in Rome as they were singing and roaring oute of Veni creator Spiritus that is Come holy Ghost c. by and by at their becke and calling a poore olde Owle amazed with the noise thinking belike she was y e holy ghost they called so earnestly for leapte out of the hole where she sat and came downe in the middes of them and sat amongest them Thus you may perceiue there is a gret differēce betwéen the spirite of God and the Popes holy Ghost For God the holy Ghost descēded and appéered to Christ in the likenesse of a fayre white Doue but the Popes holye Ghost did descend and appéere to the Pope to his holy Cardinals Coūsel in the shape of a foule euil fauored Owle Wherby you may learne how holy their lawes and decrées are by their holy Ghost that came down among them to inspire and instruct them for such holy Ghost such holy lawes No doubt God had their counsels in derision and discouered their hypocrisie and their diuelishe doings that the worlde might vnderstande and perceiue in what spirite they did assemble and gather togither Marke also what holy men your Popes Doctors are and how learnedly and truely they write on their God y e Popes behalfe Hosius saith God will neuer haue thée consyder whether the Pope bée a Iudas a Peter or a Paule it is sufficient onely that he sitteth in Peters Chaire that he is an Apostle that he is Christes Embassadour that he is the Angel of the Lorde of hostes from whose mouth thou art commanded to require the Law This thing only Christ would haue thée to consider but you tell vs not in what place of the Gospell wée shall finde it be he Iudas forasmuche as he is an Apostle let it not mooue thée thoughe he bée a théefe Is not here good stuffe trow you there is very hard choice of Embassadours when Christe is constrayned to choose or haue a théefe for his Embassadour If a true man shoulde goe to a théefe to enquire the law or aske Counsell doe you not thinke that he will giue hym good Counsell or tell him the lawe rightly it is more lyke that he woulde take hys pursse from hym or cutte hys throate These holye Fathers are verye harde driuen when their Doctours aforehand are constrayned to excuse their Popes if they chaunce to bée Théeues they thinking belike that Théeues shal sitte in that chaire but it is no great matter for though they bée Théeues when they come to sitte in the Chaire yet they are true men and must néeds be most holy and Godly assoone as they be sette in it such as maruellous vertue hath the Popes chaire For if the Pope hath little or no goodnesse at all of hys owne as some of them had but very little as before it appeares yet for al that he can want neyther goodnesse nor holynesse for Saint Peter hath made the Pope heire of his goodnesse This glose vpon the Popes distinction was wel remembred for if Saint Peter had not made the Popes heires of his goodnesse and left it in hys Chayre behinde him some Popes then perhaps mighte haue wanted bothe godlynesse goodnesse and honestie And so the cheiefest holynesse that the Pope hathe is oute of hys Chayre for Cardinall Cusanus saith Veritas cathedrae adhaeret The truth cleaueth fast to the Popes Chayre c. yea for if it had not bene verye faste nayled vnto it it hadde bin quite gone ere this Christ hath fastned or nayled his truth to the Popes Chaire and not to his person for he saith the Scribes and Pharisies are placed in Moyses Chayre If this be true that the Trueth is so fastened to the Chayre I feare then that some haue stolne that true Chayre awaye and haue set a chaire of falshood in the place of it for surelye all the Popes haue had such lucke that haue of a long time sitten in that Chayre at Rome that they haue told nothyng but lyes woulde not that Chaire that was so ful of knowledge and truth make any desirous to steale it and carry it awaye for if the Pope were neuer so false by and by as soone as he got himselfe into that Chaire he could not erre For then he coulde saye nothing but trueth But as soone as the Pope was gone out of that holy chaire he left al the truth behinde him in the Chaire and carried none awaye with him If the Pope were neuer so vnlearned and could not construe hys owne name by and by as soone as he did once sit in that chayre hée was the greatest Doctor in both lawes that was in the world all knowledge was then crept into the Popes bosome or breast oh if eyther the studentes of Gods law or
workes of the holy Popes of Rome before mentioned that teaches you to haue such confidence in your workes they are more like to bring you to Hell than to Heauen Now marke further what a pretie toye the Pope hath deuised which is his paineful purgatorie to pick our purses withal marueling that you can beléeue that there is any such place The Scriptures in diuers and sundrie places make mention both of heauen hell but not one worde at all of Purgatorie therefore I am out of doubte there is no such place for if there were eyther Moses the Prophets Christ or his Apostles would haue spoken something of it therefore beléeue not that the Pope and his Doctours doe saie true in this thing that haue lied to you in so many other thinges For it is onely inuented to feare vs withall whereby to emptie fooles purses to fill the Popes coffers But if there were such a place then it shewes that the Pope is a couetous and mercilesse Tirant that will do nothing for pittie but all for pence for the rich for money shal soone be ridde out but the poore that wante money or friends must tarrie there stil One sayth The Soules being in Purgatorie are vnder the Popes iurisdiction the Pope might if he would auoide all Purgatorie Truely in this it séemes that the Pope is not halfe so mercifull as Christ was that will suffer the poore soules to lie broyling and roasting in the fire of Purgatorie might with one worde of his mouth or a bull of leade rydde them out of their paines and prison But belike the Popes thinke it néedes not bicause they knowe there is no such place the Pope would scarce doe so much for vs if he could as Christ did that came out of Heauen to Earth and suffered death to ridde vs out of hell that will not release the soules out of Purgatorie with speaking one worde and néedes not once go out of his chaire Well though the Popes doe tell vs that there is such a painefull Purgatorie yet they are not agréed among them selues of the manner of the place nor of the paynes For Sir Thomas Moore said that there is no water in Purgatorie no not one drop which he woulde proue by the wordes of the Prophet Zacharie which are these thou hast deliuered thy prisoners out of the dongeon wherin there is no water but Doctor Fysher the Bishoppe of Rochester sayth there is good store of water and that he proueth by the Prophet Dauid We haue passed through fire and water thou hast brought vs forth into a place of refreshing Albertus and the Bishop of Rochester say that the executioners and ministers of Purgatorie are holy Angels But sir Thomas Moore saith out of doubt they be no Angels but very Diuels But may not one come after these two learned men and proue that there is neither fire nor water in the Popes Purgatorie forasmuch as the Scriptures doe not certifie vs of any such Purgatorie therfore I am sure there is no such Purgatorie and if there be no Purgatorie then I am sure there is neyther fire nor water in Purgatorie and as there is neither fire nor water there so neither Angels nor Diuels are executioners or ministers there It is a verie strange matter that these wise learned and graue men should be so blinde as to apply hell from which Christ hath deliuered vs whereof the Prophet Zacharie ment to the Popes Purgatorie wherof neither he nor any other of the Prophets dyd euer heare But God when and where it pleaseth him doth blinde the eyes of the mightie wise of this world that they may not vnderstande the veritie and againe doth open the eyes of the simple that they may sée the truth I beséech God to open your eyes to sée the truth whereby you may shun all falshhood and lyes Marke further what a maruellous mischiefe the Diuell hath brought into the Churche of Rome which is the disanulling of the marriage of Priests although many of you thinke it is a necessarie and a godly lawe but howe godly so euer it is Saint Paule calles the forbydding of marriage the doctrine of Diuelles for thus he sayeth The Spirite speaketh euidently that in the latter tymes some shall departe from the fayth and shall giue heede to Spirites of errour and diuelish doctrine of them which speake falsely through hypocrisie and haue their consciences marked with an hotte yrone forbydding to marrie and commaunding to absteine from meates which God hath created to be receiued with giuing thankes of them which beleeue and knowe the trueth Doth not Saint Paule poynt oute the Popes doyngs here as plainely as thoughe he had vttered him by name for in what Religion in the worlde but his is marriage and eating of meates forbydden And as this texte doeth touche the Popes wicked and superstitious fasting which before is disproued euen so it doth touche his forbydding of marriage which is an abhominable and detestable doctrine as hereafter shall bée proued For whereas the Popes lawe is that Bishoppes and Priestes maye not marrye Gods lawe doeth permitte and allowe them to marrye for Saint Paule sayeth that a Bishoppe must be faultlesse and the husbande of one wyfe likewyse sayeth he muste the Deacons bee honest not double tounged c. Euen so must their wyues be honest not euil speakers but sober and faithfull in all things let the Deacons bee the husbandes of one wyfe and suche as rule their Children well and their owne housholdes c. Thus Saint Paule doeth allowe that the Bishops and the other Ministers of the Churche shoulde bée marryed and haue wyues but the Popes doctrine is that neyther Bishop nor Priest whiche are Ministers of hys Churche shall bée marryed and therefore the Popes doctrine herein is the doctrine of the Diuels as S. Paule termeth it It is euident that Aaron and the Priestes of the olde lawe before Christ were marryed then why should not our Bishoppes Priestes and Ministers of the newe lawe that are after Christ bée marryed especially not forbydden but allowed by the Scriptures And that you maye perceiue that Christ allowed and lyked well of the Preachers and ministers of his Churche thoughe they were marryed hée choosed marryed men to bée his Apostles For Ignatius that was Scholler to Saint Iohn the Euangelist sayth That Peter other the Apostles of Christ were marryed men And Saint Ambrose sayth that all the Apostles had wyues onely Iohn and Paule excepted yet Origen sayth by report of other his auncestours that Saint Paul and his wyfe were called to the fayth both at one time of which wyfe as he sayeth he writeth thus in his Epistle to the Phillipians I beseeche thee faithfull yokefellowe helpe these women that haue laboured with mee in the Gospell And moreouer Clemens Alexandrinus Eusebius Ignatius that sawe Christ after his Resurrection and was in companie with the Apostles say in
voyce that vttereth Christ hath néede of the tongue to be the minister The Captaine at this halfe out of his witte bare in hande that the hangman deceiued the sight of the people by some subtill and craftie conueyance Not so quoth the hangman if ye suspect my déede open his mouth and searche the roote of his tongue The Captaine at length being confounded with the fortitude and courage of the Martir commaunded him to be brought backe into the prison and there to bée strangled And so he was where his sorrowfull lyfe and paines being ended he now enioyeth quiet rest in the Lord and where no Tirants can hurt him This worthy Martir in whom God thus myraculously did speake when his tongue was plucked out by the rootes and in whom God thus maruellously wrought and whom God did thus strengthen and made bolde and stoute in his cause though his name was Romanus yet he was not of your Romish religion but a professor of the Gospell and of Christes religion And as the spirite of God was plentifull in this holye Martyr and true Christian so hath he bene most aboundant in our Martyrs of late and wil be for euer in all them that professe the Gospell of Christ and are true and perfect Christians And now I will recite no moe examples of the auncient Martyrs but of such as were persecuted and suffred for the professing of Christes Gospell of late dayes wherein you shall plainely sée that as they were persecuted and tormented in Christs quarrel and cause as Romanus was so God wrought in them as he did in Romanus the holye Ghost taught them as he taught Romanus and Christ did strengthem them most wonderfully myraculously as he strengthned Romanus Therfore marke the most cruell and mercilesse dealings of these Tormentors the Papistes which they doe to shew themselues howe like they are to their father the Diuell who as Christ saith was a murtherer from the beginning and yet they will néedes be Christes shéepe and his chiefe flocke But thoughe they saye they are the Churche and flocke of Christ this moste horrible murther and slaughter doeth shewe that they are the Churche and flocke of the Diuell By that holye Father Pope Pius the fourth the professors of gods word were persecuted in Cabria wherof thys that I wil now describe and shew as wel for an example of the maruellous constancie and patience of them that were persecuted as of the crueltie of them that did persecute is to be well noted There were fourescore and eight persons that were Protestants put all into a house togyther and the executioner commeth in and amongst them taketh one and blindfoldeth him with a mufler about his eyes and so led him furth to a larger place where he commaunded him to kneéele down which so doing he did cut his throte and leauing him halfe deade he helde the bloudye knife betwéene his téeth as Butchers vse to doe and carried the mufler all of goare bloude in his hande and came againe to the rest and so he led them out one by one into that other house and cut their throtes And thus Butcherly he killed thē al like Calues and shéepe Whych was a dolefull and horrible spectacle to behold who wente so humbly and patientlye to their deathes as many wyll scantly beléeue Yet as y e true professors and persecuted for the Gospel haue alwayes vsed to doe There was a blind woman was burned at Darby for saying that the substaunce of the breade and Wine is not turned into the substaunce of the bodye and bloude of Christ which woman did offer to the Bishop that perswaded hir to beléeue that the Sacrament was the verye body of Christ that if he would before that company take it vpon his conscience that that doctrine which he would haue hir beléeue concerning the Sacrament was true and that he woulde at the dreadfull daye of iudgement aunsweare for hyr therin as Doctour Taylor before in King Edwards time in diuerse of his Sermons did offer for that that hée preached she woulde then further aunsweare them Wherevnto the Bishop sayde he would But Doctour Dracote his Chauncellour hearing that sayde my Lorde you know not what you do you maye in no case answere for an Heretike Then the Bishoppe asked hir if she wold recant or no and sayde she should answeare for hir selfe Then the poore blinde woman perceyuing this sayde if you refuse to take it on your conscience that it is true you woulde haue me beléeue I wil aunsweare no further and desired them to do their pleasure And then they gaue sentence against hir and so she was burned Were not these godly and holy Fathers and of a good and true religion that did burne innocente people bycause they did not beléeue that they themselues did not beléeue to be true for if the doctrine was true that they taught and they beléeued the same why mighte not they then haue sayde on theyr conscience that it was true and why might not they haue aunswered for them therein to God at the daye of iudgemente this notable example shewes plainely that the doctrine of these persecuting Papistes is wicked and false that they are not of the church of God but of the fellowship of the Diuell that burned these poore blinde and simple women and manye other bycause they beléeued not that the Sacramentall breade and Wine was the verye body and bloud of Christe and theyr wicked religion of the Pope whyche they themselues being learned Byshoppes and Doctoures dyd not beléeue nor stande too But our Preachers of the Gospell will take on theyr conscience and wil stand betwéen God and their hearers that the doctrine they teach is true Therfore this only example if I had writtē nothing else vnto you is sufficient to persuade you that our doctrine is true and your Romishe religion is false vnlesse you winke for the nonce bycause you wil not sée Here also is another notable example whereby you may vnderstande howe God giues his spirite of trueth to the professors of the Gospell hys seruauntes that dye for the Testimonie of the same wherein you shall heare howe maruellouslye and truelye a poore man that was burned for thys our Religion prophesied of the shamefull ende of his persecuter a wicked Papisticall Commissarie A certaine pore man of Callais saying that he woulde neuer beléeue that a Priest coulde make the Lordes body at his pleasure was therefore accused and also condemned by one Haruy Commissarie there Whiche Haruy in time of his iudgement inueighing againste him wyth opprobrious words said that he was an heretike and should dye a vile death The poore man aunswering for himself saide againe that he was no heretike but was in the faith of Christe And whereas thou saist that I shall dye a vile death thou thy selfe shalt dye a viler death and that shortly And so it came to passe for within halle a yeare after the said Haruy