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A01200 The chronicle and institution of the Order of the seraphicall father S. Francis conteyning his life, his death, and his miracles, and of all his holie disciples and companions / set foorth first in the Portugall, next in the Spanish, then in the Italian, lastlie in the French, and now in the English tongue. Marcos, de Lisboa, Bishop of Porto, 1511-1591.; Cape, William. 1618 (1618) STC 11314.2; ESTC S4305 734,345 826

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Father as our protectour I beseech you my Brethren euen humblie kissing your feet and with the greatest charitie I can I doe exhort you to reuerence and honour with your vtmost ability the most sacred sacrament wherby heauenly and earthlie matters are reconciled with God I beseech all my brethren that are Preistes and such as in the name of God shal be when they intend to celebrate the diuine masse to be pure and neat that they may worthelie offer the true sacrifice of the most sacred bodie and bloud of our lord IESEVS CHRIST with the greatest reuerence puritie holie intētion that they shal be able not for any humane respect for any feare or loue but that their intention be directed to God desiring to please onlie his Maiestie who sayth Doe this in remembrance of me Know then yee Preistes that he who shall doe otherwise shal be like vnto Iudas Remember the saying of the Apostle A man making the law of Moyses frustrate without any mercy dyeth vnder two or three witnesses How much more thinck you doth he deserue worse punishmente which hath trodden the Sonne of God vnder foot and esteemed the bloud of the testament polluted wherin he is sanctified and hath done contumelie to the spiritt of grace For then is a man irreuerent and treadeth on that lambe of God when as the Apostle saith he doth not examine and make a difference betweene this true bread of God and that which he doth ordinarily eat and therfore he receaueth it vnworthely For God saith in Ieremie The man is cursed that doeth negligently and feinedly And the Preistes that will not haue this care to celebrate so excellent a Mystery the most worthely that possibly can be shal be condemned of God who saith I will tour●e your benedictions to maledictions on your selues My brethren heare me I pray you if the glorious virgin be so much honoured as she deserueth for hauing receaued into her chast wombe our lord IESVS CHRIST If. S. Iohn Baptist trembled and durst not touch the head of IESVS CHRIST and finally if the holy sepulchre wherin IESVS CHRIST was buryed for his so small time of residence is so much reuerenced how much more ought he to be iust holy and well purged who with his handes doth handle and with his proper mouth doth receaue so high infinite a Maiesty and doth administer the same to others Remember that he is an immortall and eternall God that liueth glorious and eternall with contemplation of whose Maiesty the Angels themselues cannot be satisfied Preistes know your dignitie and be holy for God is holy and as in regard of so great a mystery and dignity you haue bin more honoured then other men remember in like sort to be also more gratefull vnto God and to reuerence loue and honour him for otherwise your misery is exceeding great and deserueth continuall teares in that you hauing in your handes the almighty God the fountaine of all good thinges you procure to haue transitory and terrestriall thinges all the world ought to tremble with feare and sweetly weepe whiles the Angels themselues bend their knees when IESVS CHRIST the Sonne of the most high is vpon the altare betweene the handes of man O merueillous highnes and diuine debasement O most high humility that the Sonne of God yea God himselfe the master and lord of the vniuersall world should so humble himselfe as to giue himselfe vnto vs hidden vnder the forme of bread Consider my brethren so profound a humility and purifie your hart before his diuine Maiestie to the end he receaue all as he giueth himselfe to all Therfore I aduerti●e you in the name of God that in all places where the Religious are you celebrate but one masse a day and though you haue diuers Preistes lett the rest be content to heare it for although it be seene in many pertes yet is it one and indiuisible and without any detriment true God and true man so in one sole masse he can communicate his grace to all present and absent that make themselues worthy one onlie and verie God Father Sonne and holie Ghost worcking this Amen Of the faith and knowledge of our Sauiour Iesus Christ and of the sacred Sacrament THE XLV CHAPTER TO all Christians Religious Ecclesiasticall lay men and women that are in the world Brother Francis their seruant and subiect in God desireth withall reuerence a true peace in heauē by the sincere charity which is discended on earth As I am the seruant of you all so am I obliged to serue all and to administer vnto you the most sweet word of my lord and Sauiour IESVS CHRIST Considering therfore in my soule that by reason of the diuers infirmities that afflict my body I cannot by corporall presence as I desire visitt you my selfe I haue thought good to supply the same by letters and by them to administer vnto you the worde of IESVS CHRIST who is the word of the eternall Father the wordes of the holy Ghost which are spiritt life I then admonish you Brethren to confesse your sinnes to a Preist with all the dilligence you can possible and att his hand to receaue the true body and bloud of IESVS CHRIST For as our Lord saith he that eateth not my flesh and drincketh not my bloud cannot haue eternall life Lett vs then endeauour worthely to receaue such so eminent a maiesty for he that receaueth it vnworthely in steed of saluatiō pourchaceth death Besides I exhort you often to visitt the holy churches and to reuerence Preistes not so much in respect of themselues if they be sinners as for reuerence of the function and dignity which they haue in being ministers of the most pretious body and bloud of our Sauiour IESVS CHRIST which by them is offered on the altare receaued and administred vnto vs without which none can be saued by the holy wordes which they vtter and minister he discendeth from heauen to earth and none but they can doe it O how happy and blessed are they who loue God withall their hart with all their soules and with all their forces and their neighbour as themselues I inuite you all my brethren and you my sisters to this loue lett vs all with one accord loue God with one pure affection of our hart adore him because that is the thing which he especially requireth and demaundeth of vs as himselfe hath said the true adorers adore in spiritt and truth and it is necessary for them that adore him to doe it in that manner Our lord said to his disciples I am the way the verity the life No man cōmeth to the Father but by me If you had knowne me my Father also certes you had knowen from hencefoorth you shall know him and you haue seen him Phillip said to him Lord shew vs the Father it sufficeth vs. IESVS said to him So long time I am
both of them illustrious in vertue and bloud in which respect they were found worthie in the flower of their marriage to enioy this child He was baptised in the said Church of which parish also he was there was he first named Ferdinand so that he was called Ferdinand Martin Buglione till he tooke the habitt of S. Francis He began his first learning in the said Cathedrall Church with the Christian doctrine the manner to prayse God he serued the quier both by night and day offering the first fruites of his age to our Lord IESVS CHRIST and to his most holy mother whome he chose for his particular Aduocatrise euen from his tender yeares He cōtinued in this pious course fifteene yeares in which time he learned the study of humanity afterwardes his bloud began to heat and his sensuall appetites to desire carnall and worldly pleasures As soone as he perceaued it he endeauoured by the feare of God to restraine them and because it is very difficult to conuerse among so many thornes and not to be pricked he resolued to take a secure remedy Wherfore abandonning all conuersations of this perillous world he repaired to the Monastery of S. Vincent without the citty where were Canon Regulers of S. Augustin leading a life of very exemplare piety whence he neuer departed tlll he had taken the habitt and made his profession surmounting all the inconueniences and importunities of his kinred and friendes that omitted no meanes to diuert him from it there did he establish his foundation in the seruice of God But in regard that his worthie iudgement and great prudence began to appeare to his kinred and friendes they repaired vnto him for his counsaile and aduise in their affaires and difficulties running vnto him as to an oracle in such sort that being vnable to endure that exceeding disturbance of spiritt hauing with verie much difficulty obtayned the permission of his Superiour he retired to the deuout and Religious monastery of sainct Crosse of Conimbria of the same Order hauing spent two yeares in that of Lisbone And he so profited and proceeded there that it was to each one apparant that he was by a secrett and diuine vertue not by a lightnes of spiritt retired thither For proceeding daily ascending from perfection to perfection he aymed at a most perfect end of his life as being replenished with the spiritt of wisdome by his continuall reading and meditation of the holy scripture wherin hauing for his instructor the only and true master IESVS CHRIST he made such progresse that his learning was sufficient to shunne vices and embrace vertues to refute errours and support the truth How for the desire of Martyrdome he became Religious of the Order of S. Francis THE II. CHAPTER ABout that time thefame of the holy Father S. Francis did spred it selfe ouer all the world as also of the Frere Minors his disciples of whome as is said there were already monasteries in portugall they by their pouerty and contempt of the world conuerting many people to penance the holy Father Saint Antony as I haue formerlie said being one of the Religious of sainct Crosse that receaued the holy reliques of the glorious martyres of Marrocho and being as a noble Elephant encouraged by the sight of the bloud shed for the loue of God he resolued also to enter into combatt for IESVS CHRIST reputing his repose wherin he liued for the seruice of God to be nothing in respect of that course O spiritt really happy who not only was not terrified with the sight of the bloudy sword of the Tyrant but was so encouraged therby that the feruour of diuine charity in him was greater then the imbecillitie of humane fragillity Wherfore thirsting to effect this good desire he resolued first to take the habitt and therwith to imitate the life of those glorious Martyrs by the same meane to obtaine the two crownes and to ascend from one degree vnto an other to that soueraigne perfection of Martyrdome exercising himselfe before he entred into that conflict and combatt Now there were two Religious of sainct Francis which ordinarily liued in a Church of the title of sainct Antony without the Citty of Conimbria with which sainct Antony hauing casually mett he discouered his intention vnto them as to two Angels of Paradise and they gaue eare vnto him with great contentment and comforted him then they appointed him a day when they would repaire vnto him to effect his pious desire Hauing taken leaue of them he ceassed not to solicite and importune his superiour to vouchsafe to giue free consent to this his holy intention which as a thinge perordinated of God he att length with much difficulty obtayned The aforesaid Frere Minors comming on the prefixed day they gaue their habitt to sainct Antony euen in the monastery of sainct Crosse and then being cloathed they carryed him with them to their oratory Att his departure one of the Canon Regulers that was much disquieted therwith said vnto him Well goe your wayes in good time it may be you may proue a sainct giuing him such reproach as if he thought one could not serue God but in the Religion of sainct Francis sainct Antony humbly answeared him If it should happen that I proue a sainct it may be you would praise God for it But doubtles these Religious should not murmure if God transferred this sainct from their Order to that of sainct Francis considering that in their Church they possessed fiue of his martyrs and with all it cannot be denyed but that the worthie and pious education of sainct Antony ought to be attributed first vnto God and then to their holy Religion wherein he spent eleuen yeares so that he entred into the Order of sainct Francis the 26. yeare of his age being then Priest the yeare of grace 1220. How the name of Ferdinand was chaunged into Antony and how he departed for Marroccho with intention there to receaue Martyrdome and was by tempest driuen into Sicilia thence he went into Italy and thence to the generall chapter of S. Francis THE III. CHAPTER THe holy Father being come to the Oratory of the said Religious knowing that the title therof was sainct Antony he prayed them to giue him that name abhorring his owne as seculer and too prophane and to the end that not being so called of all he might be much lesse knowne and disburded of his kinred and friendes besides we may well attribute this same to the worck of the holy Ghost sith that many of his most note-worthie elect haue chaunged their name as first the Patriarkes Apostles and other ●his fauourites Hauing then thus chaunged his name he desired to effectuat the designe for which he became Frere Minor and to attaine the same he trauailed into Africa there to receaue the crowne of Martyrdome but he being afflicted with a great and long infirmity began by diuine inspiration to conceaue that his designe was not gratefull vnto God but
but with time and patience repaireth it so must you doe and thinck your selfe vnworthy to receaue any consolation in prayer considering that albeit a man had liued from the beginning of the world till this present and were to liue till the end therof and should euery day in prayer power a quart of teare-water out of his eyes yet should he not att the end of the world be worthy to receaue any consolation from God An other Religious demaunding of this his Father why a man was more tempted in his prayer then in any other time he answeared When any one hath a processe in a kinges Court and knoweth that his aduersary seeketh to gett some fauour against him att the kinges handes he endeauoureth with all meanes and possibility to hinder his repaire to the Court if he cannot he procureth att least that the king giue not eare vnto him or at least that he obtaine not his request and then vseth all his indeauours to procure iudgement in his owne behalfe Thus worcketh the deuill against vs. And therfore when you discourse with any one you shall very rarely perceaue the deuill to warre against you with his temptations but if you goe about to recreat your soule with God in prayer you shall incontinently feele the shottes of the ennemy against you But you must not therfore giue ouer prayer but with great feruour and resolution perseuer for there is the true and assured way leading to the celestiall contry and he that for temptations omitteth prayer is like to a coward that flyeth the combatt An other Religious said to this holy Father I see many that when they are in prayer incontinently obtaine the grace of deuotion and teares but my selfe can neuer find any consolation Br. Giles answeared Brother omitt not to continue prayer with your accustomed feruour For if God giue not you his grace att first he can giue it you att an other time and that which he might haue giuen you in a day or in a weeke in a month or in a yeare he will giue you when he shall see it most conuenient and most necessary for you But in the meane while faile not in your endeauour and leaue the care of the rest to the prouidence of God For the master Cutler giueth many hammer-strokes on the iron before the endeth a knife and then att last finisheth it with one blow A man ought to haue great care of his saluation sith that if it were possible that the whole world were heaped vp with men to the very cloudes and of all them only one were to be saued yet not one should omitt to follow his vocation and procure the grace to be that one for to loose the glory of Paradise is not a matter of small importance as to loose the lachett of a shooe or such other thinge But wretched as we are there wanteth not one to giue but to receaue the refections are prepared but there is none ready to eat Many good worckes are commended in holy scripture as to cloath the naked to feed the hungry and other like thinges but prayer ought to be in spiritt and truth as our Lord IESVS CHRIST saith The holy Religious are as wolues who seldome goe foorth in publike vulesse vppon vrgent necessity neither then doe they long remayne abroad A Religious that was very familier to Br. Giles asked him one time why he did not more often goe abroad to visitt the seculers that desired to conferre with him The holy Father answeared him I desire to satisfie my neighbour without preiudice to my soule Do not you beleeue that sometimes I would giue my neighbour a thousand duckets if I had them rather then I would giue him my selfe the Religious answeared that he beleeued him Beleeue you not also sayd the holy Father that I would giue my neighbour foure thousand duckets rather then my selfe The Religious answeared I beleeue you Br. Giles then inferred Our Sauiour sayth in the Gospell he that forsaketh Father Mother Brothers Sisters kinred friendes and all other worldly thinges for my sake shall receaue an hundred fold in this world and in the other life euerlasting This holy Father seeing a gentleman that was esteemed to be worth threescore thousand duckets to enter into Religion sayd The retribution which God giueth in this life is excessiuely great sith that to this man is to be deputed and hundred times threescore thousand duckets but we are blind and worse then blind that will neither know nor consider it This good Father on a time sayd beleeue me if we should see a man replenished with grace and vertues we should not support the sight of his perfection and if a man were perfectly spirituall he could hardly permit and endure to see or heare any wordly thing or to speake with any worldly personne but vpon vrgent necessity but would affect to be alwayes solitary He sayd of himselfe I had rather be blind then be the fairest richest wisest and most noble in the word This Religious asked him the reason Because said he all thinges are apt to hinder my sure way this my blindnes and want of sight might be a guid and assistance vnto me A discourse of spirituall warinesse and of consideration THE XXXIV CHAPTER IF thou wilt tast the chieffest good thou must sequester thy selfe from all sensual thinges if thou wilt loue thy selfe well● thou must hate thy selfe If thou wilt liue well mortifie thy selfe if thou wilt be rich make thy selfe poore if thou wilt liue deliciously afflict thy selfe if thou wilt liue in security perseuer alwayes in feare if thou wilt be exalted humble thy selfe if thou wilt be honoured dispise thy selfe if thou desire to haue that which is good endure that which is euill if thou wilt be blessed support maledictions O how great is his wisdome that can performe this but because they are great matters they are not graunted to all If a man should liue a thousand yeares and had nothing to doe without himselfe he should find businesse enough within him yea he were not able to cōpasse all that was necessary to be done None should desire to see to heare or to speake but what were a furtherance to his spiritual profitt and vpon whatsoeuer occasiō should proceed no further He that will not know shall not be knowne But vnhappy are we if hauing the giftes of our Lord IESVS CHRIST we doe not know thē they that haue then not seek not to haue them a man imagineth God according to his apprehension but God is such as he is A discourse of the Actiue and Contemplatiue life THE XXXV CHAPTER AS no man can conueniently attaine to the contemplatiue life if he be not sincerely and deuoutly exercised in the actiue wherin it is necessary that with all his cogitation he apply himselfe so he shall proue a true actiue man who if he could feed all the poore of the world cloath them and supply all
procured thē The first name also that this holy Religion had was Preachers of penance which title and ministery was giuen them by Pope Innocent the third in the first confirmation of the Order therfore was it that S. Francis did institute the third Order called of Penitents The second matter he was to be employed in by the holy Ghost was for himselfe and his disciples by profession and rule to renouate the Euangelicall life and perfection the which to effectuate he instituted with the spirit of IESVS CHRIST and ordeyned the rule of the Frier Minors which he being desirous to found with exceeding deepe foundations of humility he would that his Brethren should be called Minors that is the least of all other Many holy Fathers haue florished in this Order who haue bin glorious in sanctity doctrine as S. Antony S. Bonauenture S. Lewis the bishop S. Benardine and many other Confessours and Martyrs of IESVS-CHRIST S. Francis did also institute the Apostolicall rule and life of S. Clare and hir Disciples who by their sanctity and example drew an innumerable multitude of Virgins that espoused thēselues to IESVS-CHRIST Finally the third thing that this Seraphicall sainct was to attempt was to teach all faithfull Christians voluntarily to take vp and carry on their shoulders the crosse of our Sauiour IESVS-CHRIST demonstrating vnto them that with pouerty and the crosse they should gaine and gett possession of true incorruptible richesse and with labour should attaine true repose that with humility is gotten true glory and with the familiarity and frequent communication which is had with our Lord IESVS-CHRIST is purchaced his loue and amity The stigmates also and woundes of our Redeemer were imprinted in this glorious S. Francis not only in his soule but euen visibly in his body that the carnall might haue no excuse of not following IESVS CHRIST crucified in his seruant Francis Now out of these obligations which this holy Father had as out of a new spiritt of IESVS CHRIST there proceeded in him that nouelty of so merueillous worckes in all sortes of vertues as those excesses of humility contempt of himselfe the austerity of discipline wherwith he afflicted his body the great feruour he had of the saluation of his neighbour wherby he entierly employed both himselfe and his to reforme Christians to reduce them into the way of obedience vnto God his law These things are vnderstood of few also of few prised according to their worth by reason that they seeme cōtemptible to earthly eyes yea mē shunne iest at thē because the sensual mā guided only by natural light cōceiueth not the thinges that are of God The deuout Christian then ought now to demaund humbly of this soueraigne God as of the author of this worck the light of his grace wherby being freed of humane iudmentes and conceiptes he may vnderstand tast and gather the fruit of the spiritt of IESVS CHRIST so bcuntifully communicated to S. Francis to his true children for the reformatiō assistance and comfort of his elect and of all true Christians The summe of that which is contained in each of these Ten bookes IN the three first are written the life workes death and miracles of the holy Father S. Francis these first three bookes make the first volume In the fourth booke are recorded the Martyrdomes of many of his disciples In the fift the doings and miracles of S. Antony of Lisbone called of Padua In the sixt the conuersations of many other disciples of S. Francis In the seauenth the exemplar life of the blessed Br. Giles his third disciple In the eight the life of S. Clare the beginning of her Order In the ninth the institution of the Rule and Order of Penitentes called the third Order of S. Francis In the tenth and last is treated and discoursed of diuers thinges happened and worthy to be obserued in the first time of the said Religion of the Frier Minors THE FIRST BOOKE OF THE CHRONICLES OF THE FRIER MINORS Wherin is treated of the conuersion life and actions of the Seraphicall Father S. Francis Englished out of French by F. C. Of the Birth Education and naturall incl nation of S. Francis THE I CHAPTER THE grace of our Sauiour IESVS-CHRIST hath appeared vnto vs in these later dayes particulerly in his seruant Francis to whome the Father of mercy and light would by his benignity impart such benedictions and so excellent fauours that as by the discourse of his life appeareth he did not only draw him out of the darckenes of the world to setle him in the true light but he made him great in the merites of the perfection of all vertues And hauing extraordinarily communicated vnto him many note-worthy mysteries of the crosse he merueillously eleuated and exalted him in his holy Church wherin he gaue him a right eminent place and degree This great seruant of God Francis was borne the yeare of grace 1182 in the citty of Assissium scituate in the valley of Spoletum in Italy His Father was a rich Marchant of an honest familie called Mariconi his name was Peter Bernardone taking for his name the proper name of his father the grand father of the said Francis called Bernardone de Mariconi his mother was called Pica who was a very pious honest woman who procured him in his baptisme to be called Iohn but his Father afterward att his Confirmation would that he should chaung his name and was called Francis Some affirme that he was called Francis because he had with exceeding facility learned the French tongue Before his birth his mother endured very much being many dayes in labour of deliuery in meane while there came a poore pilgrime to the doore of the house who hauing receiued an almose said to him that brought it cause that woman who endureth such throwes of trauaile to be carryed into a stable and she shal be incontinently deliuered Which being done she was instantly deliuered and for that respect there was built in that place a chappell where in memory of the birth of this S. the history of this miracle was depeinted whome our Lord IESVS-CHRIST would in regard of his birth in a poore and contemptible place make like vnto himselfe This chappell is now called S. Francis the litle Francis was nourtured and educated of his parentes as their eldest sonne And hauing in short time learned the French tongue though it be very difficult they putt him to learne Latin as most vniuersall in ail Europe for to merchantes it is of no small importance to know many tongues which hauing learned and being of age capable to manadge affaires he trayned him to his trafique both in his citty and abroad And though he where busyed and employed in the vanities and folies of the world yet was it not possible for the deuill to corrupt his good and naturall inclination which God who had sowed the same in him as in a
to Assisium purposing by almes to execute and accomplish that which he could not doe with the mony of his fathers merchandise and this his dessigne had good successe For seeking ouer the citty where he was alreadie knowne to be the seruant of God he found mony among his freindes and kinred and matter requisite for the building of the said Church So associating him selfe with the Preist that serued there he began the said reparation wanting nether masters nor worckmen to this effect he neuertheles without intermission employed his owne person therin that his body being already weakened by continuall fastes and ordinary abstinences might be more subiected and chasticed as well by carrying burdensome stones as by the mortification he endured in demaunding of them to whome he had formerly giuen Thus by the grace of God and the deuotion of the faithfull he so well endeauoured that he accomplished the reparation of the said Church in which labour the said Preist perceiuing how painfully he employed himselfe for so holy an enterprise alwayes reserued somethinge to refectionate and releiue him But the humble seruant of God could not long endure that as being desirous to serue and not to be serued of any Wherupon he said once in himselfe Is it conuenient that thou haue alwayes a preist to serue thee Is that the way of pouerty which thou seekest and then he resolued to be no longer serued by preist or other person and when he would eate he tooke a dish and went to the dores with other poore people to demaund almose for the loue of God and with them did there eat what was giuen him And albeit this was att the begining very sharpe and difficult vnto him yet in the progresse it was so pleasing and contentfull that he afterward affirmed to his Religious that he neuer eat with so good an appetite as then Being one day inuited to eat with a Prelate he would eat nothing but what he had brought with him of almose giuen att the dores Saint Francis hauing finished the reparation of the Church of S. Damian went to repaire an other of S. Peter farther off from the citty and by the same meanes that he vsed in the former he in short time accomplished this also After that he went to Porticella very neere to Assisium where was a Church dedicated to the Virgin Mary which was so abandoned that there was no person had c●ardge therof nor did any seruice therin He for the great deuotion he had to the Queene of heauen remained therin and incontinently began to thinck of repayring it and being there often visited by the Angels conformably to the title of the Church which was S. Mary of Angels he the more willingly stayed there and affected that place aboue all other because therin he began humbly proceeded and fought valiantly and there ended most blessedly There by diuine reuelation did he begin the foundation of the rule and order of the Frier Minors which was not without mysterie but by disposition of the diuine prouidence which gouerned him instructed and directed him in all his dessignes So that this worthey seruant of God repaired three materiall Churches of S. Damian S. Peter and S. Mary of Angels and all this before the institution of his Order and his preaching of the gospell as well that from these sencible thinges he might attaine to intellectuall and from lesser matters by course and ordre to great as also that what he should doe might first be reuealed vnto him by the mystery of sensible thinges to the end it might appeare that as he had reestablished three Churches so also that of IESVS CHRIST should be by him renewed and repayred according to the forme rule and doctrine which he would giue him as we see apparantly to haue succeeded in the three exercises or warfares if you will which are the three Orders which saint Francis institued in the world Of the second vocation to the estate of Euangelicall perfection and how he began his rule THE VII CHAPTER THe worthy of God hauing chosen for his residence the Church of the mother of IESVS CHRIST and therin perseuering in cōtinuall feruent deuotions beseeching her to be his aduocate his prayers were of such efficacie that by the merittes of the glorious virgin he was also found worthy to conceiue and produce the spiritt of verity and of Euangelicall pouerty For as he one day deuoutly heard the masse of the Apostles where the gospell is read wherin our lord IESVS CHRIST prescribeth thē the forme of the Euāgelicall life when he sent them to preach ouer the world to this purpose saying Do not possesse gold nor siluer nor purses not a scripp for the way neither two coates neither shooes neither rodde And into what soeuer place you shall enter salute it saying the peace of God be in this house S. Francis hearing this cryed out with more then a naturall voice That is it which I seeke that is it which the interiour of my hart desireth and thē was he replenished by the holy spiritt of IESVS CHRIST with such a vertue that it did not only trāsforme him into the said for me and rule in cōsent and desire but euen in operations and effectes for immediatly he putt of his shooes he reiected his staffe and wallet He cast away the mony which remayned vnto him of almose and contenting himselfe with one only garment or coate reiected euen the lesser belt wherewith he was girded and vsed a corde being more carefull then to conforme himselfe perfectly to the Apostolicall life Vpon this Euangelicall lesson in this week and on this day which was the yeare of our lord one thousand two hundred and eight in the month of October and feast of S. Luke this blessed S. began the rule of the Frier Minors being then twenty seauen yeares of age two yeares from his cōuersion being expired the twelueth yeare of Pope Innocent the third a worck proceeding verilie from the holy Ghost by the gospell of IESVS CHRIST not from any humane spiritt though God for an instrumēt would vse his most faithfull seruant as founder of so glorious a fabrick who as a prudent Architect layd the foundation of his Order with violent floudes of teares with most feruent prayers with worckes of mercie of penance and of retirednes and coniunction vnto God neuer wearied nor desisting till the holy Ghost had giuē him the foundatiō of the Apostles and Prophets which is that soueraigne stable corner stone IESVS CHRIST on whome the whole edifice being gounded and referred vnto it encreased in this holy temple of God vpon whome the S. did not build his order with the chaffe of vaine titles or of temporall possessions nor with the dirty dregges of worldly and perishable thinges but with purified gold which is the Euangelicall spiritt and with precious stones which are the Apostolical Counsailes by meanes wherof it was then securely guarded against the force
virginall purity wherin God did alwayes conserue him in the middes of worldly vanities and that he had such speciall care therof that he deserued to haue the sacred woundes of our Redeemer engrauen on this his pure and virginall flesh Wherof Brother Leo gaue testimony who notwithstanding that he was his Confessour being curious to be confirmed therin did neuertheles in his prayer demaund the same of our lord IESVS CHRIST who by diuine reuelation ascertayned him therof for he shortlie after saw the holie Father in spiritt on a high mountaine in a most beautifull garden among roses and lilies hauing his handes full of them He was hereby aduertised that what he saw on this mountaine was the sainct registred in heauen with the virgines not only of body but euen of spiritt and will How the holy Father taught his Bretbren to shunne idlenes THE XXXV CHAPTER HE a boue all other thinges taught both by doctrine and example that idlenes ought to be shunned as a principall cause of lewd cogitations and corrupter of vertue shewing by example of his life with what diligence one ought to exercise the flesh by fruitfull mortificatiō in regard that it is addicted to sloath and is rebellious And therfore he called the body litle asse as one that ought to be subiected to the ordinary supporting of the burdens of labours not making resistance and that it ought to be chasticed with stripes and nourished with very course and rude meates If by chaunce he saw any loitring and idle person that would eat of an others labour he said that he ought to be called Brother Fly because not doeing any good but distayning and hindering the good worckes of others he ought to be reputed contemptible and abhominable In the beginning of the institution of the order to giue example of exercise vnto his Brethren he trauailed alone to seeke almose wherin he extremelie laboured his body that was already very sickly He spent the night in watchinges and continuall prayers and the day in reading the office in seruing and preaching in the townes and villages or in administring to leapers or decking and triming the churches It succeeded afterward that many Brethren who were not fitt to keep the quire did liue of the labours of others as of Brother Giles Brother Ginipero and some others who were imployed in certaine profitable occupations to shuune the capitall ennemy of the life and soule thence it proceeded that they had sufficient almose for themselues and for others Neither would he permitt his Brethren to giue eare to newes and relation of seculer matters that they came not by omitting the contemplation and tast of celestiall thinges to employ themselues in vaine and worldly thinges which they had already abandoned It was not permitted to any of them to relate what he heard abroad All they that were nere S. Francis were aswell by night as day exercised in diuine prayses wherin they rather seemed Angels thē men In this sort did they maintaine the schoole of the holy Father in labour and exercises of the spiritt Among the said Brethren it was held a great sinne for one to take his recreation and pleasure in any other thing then the consolation of the spiritt The holy Father affirmed that the negligent and sloathfull that applyed not themselues to any exercise should be incōtinently vomited out of the mouth of God And if he mett with any such he would incontinently reprehend him as one that by his example of perfectiō was in continuall exercise to the end that in his schoole none should loose any part of so great a benefitt as is time which is giuen vs by our lord IESVS CHRIST After his refection he accustomed with his Brethren to vse some exercise to auoyd idlenes that when afterwardes they were to pray they might not by meane of their vnfruitfull wordes then vttered loose the gifte and recompence which they had merited att the handes of God So the more to shunne idlenes he gaue this rule that by his commandement all the Brethren that should vtter any idle word conuersing or trauayling together should be obliged to say one Pater and to praise God in the beginning and end to the benefitt of the soule of the culpable cōditionally that he first acknoledged his fault before he were reprehēded by others But if he were first admonished and reprehēded by an other the said Pater noster should be for the soule of the reprehender And if the culpable would not admitt the admonitiō and penāce mayntainning his speech not to be idle the holy Father ordayned that he should be obliged to redouble the said penāce and now to say twice the Pater noster once for the reprehēder and once for him that should iudge his worde to be idle or vnprofitable Now the prayses which he ordayned to be said before and after the Pater noster he would they should be vttered with such and so distinct a voice that it might be vnderstood of all the Brethren there present who should then be silent to heare the prayse of God and if any one then spake he should in like manner be obliged to say Pater noster for him that was to praise He would that all the Brethren entring into any house or other place and casually meeting one an other should prayse God saying God be praysed or some like wordes This Seraphicall Father was accustomed to giue these honoures to God with a most zealous feruour and desired that all his Brethren should be carefull and religious in doeing the like How he was ennemye to murmuringe and how he reprehended it THE XXXVI CHAPTER THe holy Father extremely abhorred murmurers the venimous fruit of murmures growing of the pestiferous tree of idlenes yea he shunned them aboue all other kind of vicious personnes affirming them to haue a most mortall venime in the topp of their tongue wherewith they empoyson men both present and absent Wherefore hauing one day heard a Brother offending the reputation of an other he tourned to Brother Peter Catanio and crying with a loud voice he vttered these wordes Discorde beginneth to enter into religion if detractours be not chasticed with discipline and if these loathsome mouthes be not stopt the sweet odour of the good will incontinently be infected Arise arise speedily and dilligently examine the matter and if thou finde the offended Brother innocent chastice the murmurer sharpely that he serue for an example to all others And so I will that all Gardiens and Ministers be verie vigillant that this pestiferous infirmitie take not root in religion To this purpose he often said that whosoeuer did frustrate his Brother of his glory and fame merited to be depriued of the habitt of the order and of all power euer to lift vp his eyes to God till he had to his power restored the honour taken from his Brother He further affirmed that the crueltie of detractors exceeded that of murderers in regard of the law of IESVS
CHRIST the one by an ardent feruour and the other by abstinence and discipline sacrificing the flesh exteriourly in holocaust and interiourly burning in the temple of his soule the sweet incense of piety eleuating his spiritt vnto God by a most seruent loue and extending it by his interiour benignity ouer all creatures that were associated vnto him by nature and grace and redeemed by the precious bloud of our lord IESVS CHRIST He had not bin reputed the freind of IESVS CHRIST if he had left desolate the soules redeemed by such an inestimable price Wherfore he affirmed that one ought to preferre the safty of soules before al thinges sith that the only Sonne of God the Father would be crucified on the crosse for their saluation Therfore when he prayed he poured out an infinite quantity of teares When he preached he extremely heated himselfe and in this consideration it was that he so rigorously afflicted his body for it was not to punish it for sinnes which he had desisted to committe nor to preserue himselfe therefrom by reason that the hand of God was with him But it was to the end that by his example and merittes he might free and deliuer the poore soules of IESVS CHRIST from that horrible and insatiable gulphe of hell vsing those wordes of S. Paul If I speake with the tongues of men and of Angels and haue not charity I giue no good education to my neighbour and very litle doe I profitt others and much lesse my selfe Therfore he deuided this his charity as an abondant Fountaine into many and diuers chanels wherby he dispersed it louing and honouring each one in his degree and estate He particulerly honoured Preistes as the Ministers of God which he performed with exceeding reuerence acknowledging them to be sanctified by diuine aucthority with power to celebrate his sacred mistery and to absolue soules his mysticall body from detestable sinnes He would not see nor consider any imperfection in them as people that alwayes represented vnto him IESVS CHRIST He left by testament vnto his disciples this notable respect which he had vnto Preistes and shewed by example that euery man ought to reuerence them as personnes in whose authority next after God consisteth the recouery of our saluation He exceedinglie honoured Preachers and diuines as they who administred vnto vs the spiritt and life of the word of God He also much respected old people and gaue due honour to men of power and authority in the world But in especiall manner did he ground his affection on the poore He had peace and charity with all the world and would that his Religious should endeauour the like that none might be scandalized or troubled by their occasion He manifested vnto them the cordiall loue wherwith he affected them as his children in IESVS CHRIST in that he did not conuerse with them as their head lord or Superiour but as Father brother and seruant perticipating of all their necessityes afflictions and temptations so that he might well say with the Apostle Who among you is weake and I am not weake who is scandalized and I am not burnt and on the other side he congratulated extremely att the spirituall progresse they made he corroborated and conforted the feeble and they that were tempted as by these examples may appeare He was on a time entreated by one that was violently tempted to pray vnto God for him to whome conforting him he said My child be not disquieted for this ought to be vnto thee an assured testimonie that thou art pleasing and gratefull vnto God None may esteeme himselfe the seruant of IESVS CHRIST but in afflictions and temptations There are many though ignorant that glory not to haue tasted any infirmity and not to know what temptation is wheras they might iustly be greiued and therby vnderstand their weak spiritt and sclender loue towardes God and assuredly beleeue that they haue much more to endure in the other world For God doth here chastice the faithfull to free them from feare of correction otherwhere giuing them the meritt of a more worthy crowne and doth neuer permitt them to be tempted aboue their forces but causeth his seruantes to make great benefitt of these tēptations The said Religious was so comforted by these wordes that albeit he disposed himselfe thenceforward to endure and support his tēptations yet he incontinently felt all the bitternes he had sustayned to tourne into ioy and alacrity An other Religious being tempted with the spirit of blasphemy farre more insupportable then any other fell att his feet with abondance of teares and such sobbes that he could not vtter so much as one word Wherevpon the S. knowing the exceeding torment which this Religious endured ●oued with pitty and zeale of his soule he said I command you yee deuils in the name of our lord IESVS CHRIST that you presume not henceforward to tempt this Religious and he was incontinently deliuered yea in the very instant Here then appeared the deepe compassion of the holy Father and his power against wicked spiritts How he trauailed towardes Siria there to receiue Martirdome THE LIIII CHAPTER THe yeare of grace ' 1212. the order of S. Francis still florishing in nomber and in fame of sanctitie he ordayned that they should twice in the yeare assemble att our lady of Angels att the feast of Pentecost and of S. Michael tharchangel to suck the milke of Euangelicall pouertie from this their holy mother and there to conferre of matters necessarie to their Order and of accidentes occurring as also to vnite themselues in fraternall loue animating each other in vertue of the spiritt There were the preachers deputed to their places and other obediences ordayned The holie Father desiring to assist not onlie the faithfull but euen Infidell Pagans to sow the faith euery where and to offer himselfe in sacrifice to the fire of Martyrdome a liuely host vnto God and by his death after the example of IESVS CHRIST to lay open vnto erring foules the way of saluation in the aforsaid yeare which was the fourth of the institution of his order being no longer able to suppresse the flame of desire of martyrdome he resolued to passe the sea to goe preach vnto the Infidels in Siria He embarqued himselfe to this purpose but the vessell which carryed him was encountred with a most cruell tempest that forced it into Sclauonia where he remayned diuers dayes his companie refusing to proceed any farther Wherfore perceauing himselfe frustrated of his holy desire esteeming it to arriue by the prouidence and pleasure of his diuine maiesty and vnderstanding that there were certaine mariners retourning to Aucona he besought them for the loue of God to conduct him with his companion back againe into Italie They perceiuing him to be extremelie poore and that no benifitt was to be gotten by him they made excuse that they had sclender prouision But the holy Father relying on the mercie
ennemyes and pray for them that persecute and calumniate you Blessed are they that suffer persecution for iustice for theirs is the kingdome of heauen and he that perseuereth vnto the end shall be saued That the Brethren shall not enter into Monastories of Religious women THE XI CHAPTER I Ōrdaine and command all my Brethren that they haue no suspected familiarities with women and that they enter not into the Couentes of Religious women those excepted who to that effect shall haue speciall licence from the Apostolicall sea Likewise I will not that my Religious be God fathers either of men or women that by such meanes there happen not any scandall among the Brethren or by their occasion Of such as shall goe among the Sarrazins and other infidels THE XII CHAPTER EVery Brother whosoeuer that by diuine inspiration desireth to goe among the Sarrazins and other Infidels lett him demaund leaue of his Prouinciall Minister who shal be very respectiue not to giue licence but to such as to him shall seeme fitt to doe good among such people And for all these causes I commaund the Ministers vpon obedience to procure of his Holines to haue a Cardinall for Gouernour Protectour and Correctour of this Confraternity that they may be alwayes subiect to the feet of the holy Romane Church stable and firme in the Catholike faith Lett pouerty humility and the holy gospell of our Lord IESVS CHRIST be entierlie obserued of vs as we haue faithfully promised The end of the rule of the Frere Minors The rest of the bulle touching the confirmation of the said Rule omitted in the beginning thereof LEtt it not therefore be permissible for any man to infringe this ordonnance of our confirmation or rashly to contradict the same And if anie presume so to doe know that he shall incurre the indignation of Almighy God and of S. Peter and S. Paul his Apostles Giuen att S. Iohn Lateran the 29. of Nouember the eight yeare of our Papacie The end of the confirmation of the rule of the Frere Minors Of the perfection of this rule and the abridgement therof THE IX CHAPTER AS the three yong men according to Daniel were ioyfull in the flaming fire of the burning fournace where Nabuchodonosor had caused them to be throwne as faithfull seruantes of God because they would not giue to his monstruous statua the honour dew to God alone and as they sung prayses to the Almightie together with a fourth like vnto the sonne of God so there were three Orders and holy Rules founded by three holy personnages S. Basill S. Augustin and S. Benedict in the burning fournace of temptations and worldly afflictions wherwith the prince of the world combatteth against the seruantes of God and often times surmounteth them which holy personnes as men freed from the fire and from feare haue with alacritie praysed God in the middes of it Afterward there was seene the fourth like vnto the sonne of God to witt The Seraphicall and crucified seruant of IESVS CHRISTS Francis that gaue a fourth estate vnto the church wherin men being deliuered from the prison of the world and taking more content in the honours and graces of God might more freelie serue IESVS CHRIST And such was his intention in all the wordes of his Euangelicall rule to witt that they who had made profession to imitate IESVS CHRIST should endeauour to become the most like vnto him in laboures of their life and exercises of spiritt that possibly could be procured He with the help of the holy Ghost founded on that onlie and firme foundation of IESVS CHRIST the edifice of the rule in meruaylous hight and perfection Therefore in the first chapter he saith The life and rule of the Frere Minors is such to keep and obserue the holie gospell liuing vnder holie obedience without possessing any thing in proprietie and in pure chastitie The life spiritt and wordes of the said holy Father considered his intention was that the Frere Minors should obserue not onlie the preceptes of the gospell but the counsailes also Neuertheles knowing and considering humane infirmitie he would not oblige them to all In the second chapter he teacheth to forsake and contemne the world with whatsoeuer is in it giuing them meanes to make such renunciation as the gospell teacheth which is to sell what they haue and to giue it to the poore that being deliuered of so great an impediment they might freelie serue IESVS CHRIST and with him say The Prince of this world is come in me he hath found nothing In the third he teacheth exercises to prayse God by the diuine offices and by fastinges and seuere abstinences mortifications of the flesh good examples and edification of our neighbour and particulerlie of seculer personnes He also teacheth them the vertue of penance humilitie and charity whereby they may with edification conuerse with all people In the fourth he expresly declareth that he will not his brethren shall haue mony vnder any pretence whatsoeuer but that the Prouincialls shall supplie their necessities knowing that auarice is daungerous to soules and principallie to Religious and how true is the sentence of IESVS CHRIST where he saith that no man can serue God and Mammon The holy Father therfore would that richesse should not onlie be remote but entierlie and absolutelie separated from the Order In the fift he bannisheth from his societie idlenes as contrarie to the true seruantes of God and capitall ennemy of mennes saluation In the sixt he rayseth the soule frō cogitations of the world and in as much as may be hoped or expected of him leauing neither place nor affection proper in thē wherby they might adhere to any cogitation of terrestriall loue to the end that they might ioyfullie say Our conuersation is in heauen as possessing nothing on earth In the seauenth he comforteth sinners and such as are sick teaching thē the conditions of their Phisicion that can and will cure them who is our lord IESVS CHRIST who will mercy and not sacrifice and who came not to call the iust but sinners that they might be conuerted and liue In the eighty chapter he teacheth the Superiours and all his Order in what manner they ought to gouerne the Religious and insinuateth that they should procure to haue alwayes a Generall sufficient and worthy of such a chardge In the ninth he teacheth his preachers to fly pride and arrogance in their life and doctrine and to be humble and zealous of the saluation of soules feeding them alwayes with holie and profitable doctrine without which they can neuer produce fruit redounding to the benefitt of the said soules In the tenth he admonisheth superiours and subiectes to be verie carefull in the diligent accomplishment of their obedience and the obligation which is reciprocallie betwen them but particulerlie that which they owe and is due to God by reason of their profession In the eleuenth chapter he demonstrateth vnto his Religious how
that burneth in her and maketh her in that manner feruēt in her spirituall operations in such sort the soule remayneth filled with this diuine vnion replenished with so great feruour that she att their first arriuall putteth to flight the flyes of contrary tēptations and doth more annihilate and mortifie her selfe in one act of the will then others can doe in much time She likewise receaueth a penetratiue vertue to participate with all creatures without any impedimēt because she easily is vnited to her God thus doth she dispose her selfe to receaue greater grace of God because she approacheth neerer and is raysed vnto the perpetuall fountaine and to the Father of lightes the eternall God The property of this estate of Asseurance is to haue God alwayes in her hart present in euery place neuer separating her selfe frō him which she performeth by meane of a liuing loue and cōtinuall memory of him for she is present liueth in his armes freed frō all action sauing that wherin her beloued God employeth her he being euer presēt with her The holy Father knew that he had attayned this degree of vnitiue loue in the cōtinuall memory and diuine cōmunication which he had without disturbance as well in the Monasteries as in hermitages alone and in company were he employed in the doctrine of saluation of soules or in prayer And it was euen apparant that the holy Father S. Francis had obtained this degree of perfection in the conuersion of his sences powers and inclinations into God for he seemed to be retourned into the state of innocencie so much were his interiour powers submitted to the empire and domination of the soule which was so perfectly vnited vnto her God in the light and frequent reuelations which she receaued of the diuine presence whence proceeded that he gloryed in his labours and in merueillous asseurance of his saluation which was by speciall diuine grace reuealed vnto him Of the sixtdegre of perfection called Tranquility THE VII CHAPTER THe estate of perfection called Tranquility is in the sixt degree where there is such peace and contentment that the soule liueth as it were in silence and repose as in a sleepy slumber on the brest of God so that she may say with S. Paul that she no more liueth in herselfe but that IESVS CHRIST liueth and raigneth in her But three thinges should preceed this life so singuler this sanctity and conuersation with God this perfect charity towardes God and our neighbour this seeling of the diuine familiarity First a perfect mortification in worckes and affaires of the world in such sort that the soule for her owne respect haue no contentment in any creature what soeuer and lesse in her selfe but onlie in her Creatour The second that she be distracted from all spirituall consolations wherin she taketh comfort and reioyceth for her owne repose and tast because often times in the spirittes euen of them that vtteirle shunne spirituall thinges doe grow great affections and spirituall delectations wherin they finde consolations for themselues but God seldome or neuer and so they shutt the gate to the true light and this happeneth because they propose not God for the end of their exercises purelie and without meane of any creature Now this sincere intention and renunciation as it is far more perfect so is it much more difficult then the former therfore also the soule that doubteth therof holdeth her selfe absolutely in the hand of God as well for matters of the world as of the body soule The third is that with an assiduous dilligēce she procureth to conuert her selfe free and peaceable into this most pure and most simple good which is God remitting her spiritt into him not in part but absolutely considering God enioying him as it pleaseth him to communicate himselfe vnto her in this life for the excellēcie diuine prerogatiues by which we call him with diuers names Almighty God most wise most good most iust For so much as the holy scripture attributeth vnto him these names and qualities for the diuers effects which he worcketh in his creatures wherby we come to the knowledge of him for the diuine essence exceedeth all titles all tearmes and imaginations of our vnderstāding and when the soule cometh to contemplate God in the said māner she attayneth the quiet and peaceable estate of contēplation though it be not cōtinuall but for a very short time in regard of the infirmity and weight of the mortallity wherin she liueth The property of this estate is that the soule be instructed addressed towardes God in all her actions cogitations remote from the way of humane prudēce considering that God is the guide and master of euery estate of spirituall perfection and that he alone knoweth the necessities the capacity the intētions of the spirit of man and therfore he alone can conduct guide vs in the most commodious and most certaine way They therefore doe erre who by their counsaile and doctrine will not only persist in their own opinions but also admonish others for taking on them to be guides of the blinde they doe not perceaue that thēselues being blind presuming to know the necessity of the feeble both the one and the other doe oftē fall into the deepe gulfe of errour It is also the property of this degree of perfectiō that the man which hath attained the same is conuersant in all the exercises of the other foresaid degrees especiallie of humility of the imitation memory of I. C. wherin he layeth a deep foundation that the edifice of his contemplation fall not but be conserued and augmented by the benignity of IESVS CHRIST Among other effectes wherby the holy Ghost discouered to haue cōmunicated this height of perfectiō vnto his seruāt Fr. one was the manifest and almost continuall spiritt of prophecie wherwith he endued him wherby he seemed peaceablyto enjoy the contēplatiō of God a diuine conference and familiarity And by how much he was sequestred disioyned from all the world and from himselfe so much was he perfectly and intentiuely alwayes employed in the exercises of the spiritt By reason also of them his life and perfection is praised and preached considering that therby he is admitted to the tranquilitie of the diuine contemplation Of the seauenth degree of persection THE VIII CHAPTER THere is no man that with humane wordes can say any thing of the seauenth degree of perfection which is a priuiledge rarely communicated of God sith that the wordes of Angels would be defectiue and seeme barbarous in the explication therof Some SS haue experienced it in this flesh God communicating it vnto thē sodenly as to passengers now they enioy and possesse it manifestly without limitation or measure of faith It is that which the iust doe feele in glory being of the nomber of those thinges which the eyes cannot behold nor the eares heare nor the hartes of mē comprehēd which God hath
blindesse that held him in the handes of the deuill in this life and led him to eternall damnation in the other inducing him to embrace the sole true faith of IESVS CHRIST our Sauiour who out of pure loue being God vouchsased to become man and to dye on the tree of the Crosse to deliuer him from eternall death and ascending into heauen prepared for him an immortall life But this Morian king and his people shewing themselues deafe to this discourse determined to separate these Religious one from an other and then to each in particular were offered in the behalfe of the king richesse and honours att lenght they were threatened with most cruell tormentes yea with death it selfe if they would not accept of their law Their threates auayled as much as their promises for God had so transpearced their spiritt with the sweet nailes of his loue that they all in their hartes spake these wordes of S. Paule Who shall euer separate vs from the charity of IESVS shall the sword afflictions worldly fauours and richesse the pleasures of the flesh or any other allu rementes and withall couragiously answeared and derided their threates accusing Mahomett whome they tearmed accursed and his law contemptible carnall and damnable A certaine Preuost then drew his sword and gaue their superiour Father Daniel a dash on the head then ayming his sword point att his face and att his hart he said conuert thee traytor or I will procure thee a cruell death which he did to terrifie the other six who were by the Iudge and the Counsailers there present persuaded not to misprise the fauour of the king and to haue compassion att least of their miserable liues but they confidently answeared them and exhorted them that being old and already as it were in the mouth of death so that they could not long enioy the contentmentes of this life they would not persist in obstinacy least their soules were eternally condemned to hell for adhering to men of this world and to a law that their owne consciences knew to be false as apparently as a thing to be touched with the finger But these old men held themselues so offended with this speech though they had bin very fauourable and respectiue vnto them that they resolued their death How the seauen Martyrs were condemned to death and beheaded THE XXXIV CHAPTER THe iudge therevpon gaue Order that as enemies of the law of God they should be beheaded wherwith the holy Martyrs exceeding well pleased did encourage each other and then the six Religious addressing themselues to their superiour Father Daniel and kissing his handes gaue him thanckes for procuring them these marriages each of them asked his benediction and the grace to be the first martyred for the loue of God This good Father hauing his eyes beteared with ioy thancking God for such a singuler gifte and giuing them his benediction he said My deerly beloued children lett vs all reioyce in God in this festiuall day which he hath pleased to ordaine for the last of our pilgrimage and be not terrified for all his Angels are present prepared to assist vs they haue opened vs the gate of Paradice whither if he please we shall this day arriue together to receiue the crounes of martyrdome and to be eternally glorious These wordes ended the executioners stripped the seauen martyrs inuincible champions of IESVS and hauing bound their handes behinde their backes they conducted them out of the kinges Pallace with a trompettt before them as if they had bin attainted of some notorious crime But these holy Religious as meeke lambes went to the slaughter and hauing their spiritt eleuated to the soueraigne God ceassed not preach to the Mores by the way Being come to the place of execution they fell on their knees and recommending thēselues to God they ioyfully receaued martyredome offering vp their innocent soules vested with the pious purple of their very bloud with a great admiratiō to the Mores who as enraged were not satisfied herewith esteeming themselues as indeed they had reason rather vanquished then to haue ouercome These Ministers of the deuill tooke those holy bodies dismembred them and trayned them thorough the dirt till they were weary and then the Christians secretly gathered them vp and carryed them into the suburbes where they were and are honoured and reuerēced for many miracles which by their merittes God wrought there wherof hauing no other asseurance then the affirmation of the inhabitants of the place I thought it not expedient to committ them to writing as determining to insert nothing in these chronicles but what is most true and autenticalll It sufficeth that Pope Leo the tenth graunted and permitted the Freere Minors to celebrate their feast on the day of their Martyrdome which was the tenth of October 1227. a yeare after the death of S. Francis So is it att this day celebrated in the bishopprick of Brague the Primacie of Spaine though in the office of Bracare it is put in the yeare 1221. but it is an errour of the Printer It is recorded in the end of the legende that a Prince of Portugall by a speciall fauour obtayned these resiques and carryed them into Spaine but there is not to be found any other perticuler mention of certainty in the bookes of the Order The 35. Chapter is put after the 39. of this very booke as more proper vnto it The triumph of two Martyrs of Valencia How two Religious which S. Francis sent to Valencia in Arragon were Martyred there THE XXXVI CHAPTER THe holy Father S. Francis sent two Religious of pious life to the kingdome of Arragon to witt Brother Iohn a Preist Peter a lay Brother who arriuing att the citty of Teruel they caused a chappell to be built there wherin they dwelt employing their time in pious exercises and prayers and liued vertuously with exceeding edification and by their preachinges filled the citty with a most sweet odour of their sanctity The citty of Valencia was then possessed by the Mores mortall ennemies of the Christians and therein raigned their king Azot a most cruell persecutor of the faith of IESVS CHRIST and therfore these two seruantes of God resolued to preach there and to offer their liues for the saluation of soules so passionate was their zeale of the faith and their desire of Martyrdome So then goeing and entring in to the Citty they began to confesse and resolutely denounce to that people the word of God condemning their erronious sect as pernicious and damnable Wherof the king hauing first made them all kinde of gracious offers to allure them to his law them vsing terrible threates to feare them and perceiuing that he no more auayled in the one sort then the other he caused their heades to be cutt off on the feast of the decollation of S. Iohn Baptist in the yeare 1231. and their bodyes were carefully gotten and buryed by the Christians God by their merittes working many miracles How the reliques
that according to the etymologie of his name he carryed IESVS CHRIST in his body by penance in his hart by seruent prayers and in his mouth by diuine prayses and wordes of his law which he imprinted in the memory of sinners And God by many miracles which he wrought by him would demonstrate how gratefull his worckes were vnto him and of what vertue and efficacie his prayers were before his diuine maiesty Being in the citty of Cahors in France a child of eight yeares old called Remond afflicted with so greiuous a disease that he was esteemed neere his end S. Christopher att the instancie of his mother prayed for him and hauing made the signe of the crosse and layd his hand vppō the child he presently spake calling his mother who came with great ioy and gaue him to eat and so by the prayer of this holy Religious against all humane hope and apparance he was cured In the same citty an other child called Peter could not moue his right arme nor his foot and besides had almost lost his sight so that he was generally iudged as dead This holy Father att the request of the mother came to visitt him and read the gospell ouer him then made the signe of the crosse from his head to his feet and the child was instantlie cured A man of the same citty hauing bin long time afflicted with the falling sicknes prayed the holy Father to giue him his benediction which hauing receaued he was entierly cured of the said infirmity A woman of Sauueterre in the same citty was exceedinglie vexed with a fieuer and hauing great deuotion to the holy Father she sent vnto him to come visitt her which he hauing performed and prayed for her she was cured by the signe of the crosse A Priest that was very sicke drincking of the holy water giuen him by Br. Christopher that visited him was instantly cured Againe in the Bishopprick of Cahors a woman hauing left her child in the field whiles she was reaping corne by a sodaine sinister accident he became dumme The mother hauing carryed him to diuers churches recommended him to God by the inuocation of many sainctes the child found no cure Att length full of confidence and deuotion she presented him to this holy Father who hauing made his prayer and the signe of the crosse vpon him he restored him to his mother speaking as before and shee giuing thanckes to God and his seruant retourned full of consolation vnto her house Of the spiritt of prophetie and of some other miracles wrought by this glorious seruant of Iesus Christ THE LI. CHAPTER THere was without the citty of Cahors a very high mountaine by which this holy Father passing one day he saw many men and women on the banck of the riuer that ran vnder the sayd mountaine employed in diuers actions Br. Christopher sayd vnto thē Fly ye all from this place and that instantly for the mountaine will incontinently fall some of them seeing no appearance laughed first att this admonition Yet the sanctity of this good Father being manifestly knowen they all retired from that place which they had scarcely done but a great part of the mountaine fell downe without hurting any person wherfore they all gaue thanckes to God for the benefitt receaued and were the more deuout vnto this sainct A woman of the sayd citty hauing bin afflicted with a longe infirmity was visited by the sainct whome she prayed to obtaine of God for her either that he would please to restore her health or by death to deliuer her from such extreme anguishes This holy Father answeared her feare not but take courage my daughter for on such a day att the third houre thou shalt depart out of this life On the sayd day he expresly retourned att the same houre whome she seeing sayd vnto him Father that which you told me seemeth not to be accomplished he replyed doubt not my daughter for it shall incontinently be accomplished as in deed it was For as they did ring att the third houre this woman being cōfessed and hauing performed what belonged to a Christian in the presence of this holy Father and of many others yelded her spiritt to our Sauiour This seruant of God in Marseilles saw two men in guise of Phisitians comming to visitt one that was sicke but knowing in spiritt that this sick person was in estate of mortall sinne and that the seeming Phisitians were two deuils he made the signe of the crosse against them and they instantly vanished then the holy Father admonishing the sick party he sincerely confessed his sinnes and being contrite and comforted with a quiett conscience he happely departed from this life to a better In the sayd citty a good deuout woman had a very auaricious husbād and sparing in worckes of mercy whervpon she complayned to this holy Father that she had nothing to giue in almose but wine The S. bid her giue securely of that wine for the loue of God This woman obeyed him giuing therof to all poore that had need in such sort that there was not much left in the vessell her husband drincking knew by the tast of this wine that it was very low and neere the lyes wherfore he grew into choler with his wife examining her what was become of his wine she full of trembling answeared that there was yet much in the vessell The husband sent his seruant to be truely enformed what quantity was left she found the vessell full euen to the bung wherof she with great ioy incontinently aduertised her master which reuiued the soule of his wife that was dying with feare and thervpon she boldly recounted all to her husband who resolued thenceforward to be more charitable towardes the poore attributing the present miracle to the merittes of the glorious Br. Christopher and to the vertue of charity whose worckes our Lord doth not only recompence in the other world but euen in this also Of the glorious death of Br. Christopher THE LII CHAPTER AFter that almighty God had ennobled and enriched his seruant Christopher with many merittes and miracles and by the example of his holy life had singulerly planted the rule and Order of the Frere Minors in diuers places of France where he caused the erecting of many Couents which he furnished with Religious of holy life and exemplare conuersation he would att length recompence him with eternall reward as he ordinarily doth those that faithfully labour in the vigneyard of his holy Church The night when he passed from this miserable life to that which is blessed all the Religious being assembled about his bed he made them a long discourse of the kingdome of God exhorting them to perseuer with purity in his holy seruice they then demaunded his benediction which he gaue them very affectionatly in the name of our Sauiour IESVS CHRIST then recommending his spiritt to his Creator he rendred it vnto him and his body remayned so ●elligiously composed that he
him in this sort of his desired successe in this voyage In the said citty of Tunes there was an old More a man of great authority with those Pagans whome they reputed a sainct he had for a long time opinatiuely forborne to speake but as soone as Br. Giles and his companions were landed this More went presently preaching and exclaming through all the streetes and corners that certaine Infidels were arriued who intended to condemne and calumniat their great Prophett and their law and therfore counsailled and commanded them to seeke them out they being Christiās to kil them This caused a great rumour and tumult ouer all the citty in such sort that in an instāt they were all armed and prepared themselues to murder these poore Religious But the Christians hauing vnderstood the cause of this insurrection and fearing the Mores would kill them all they forcibly thrust Br. Giles and his companions againe into the shipp in which they came But these true seruantes of IESVS CHRIST did not omitt to preach to the Mores out of the shipp which putt the Christians into such a feare that they commanded the Marine●s of the vessel to hoyse their sailes and so being peruented of the effecting of their pious desires they were retourned into Italy Of the hight and sublimity of Br. Giles his contemplation THE IX CHAPTER AFter this holy Father had spent many yeares in the actiue life in affliction and labours it pleased almighty God to make him a new man calling him to the repose of contemplation and priuiledging him aboue all men of his time The beginning of this his perfectiō was when being in the Couent of Faleron neere Perusia offering his prayer one night he was touch●d with the hand of God and replenished with such a supernaturall consolation that it seemed to him that God would separate his soule from the body In this instant he felt his members as dead it seeming vnto him that his soule forsooke them and that being gon foorth she already delighted and pleased her selfe in the sight and contemplation of her so great naturall beauty but much more of her spirituall wherwith the holy Ghost had already endowed her whereby she appeared to her selfe more beautifull then all humane consideration could comprehend as himselfe a litle before his death did testifie In this extasie we●e reuealed vnto him celestiall secrettes so great that he would neuer disclose them to any and therfore he would sometimes say Happy is he that can conserue the secrettes of God in himselfe and it must not be obiected vnto me that God hath reuealed them vnto me to the end I should manifest them to others for when it shall please him that I reueale them he will discouer them vnto me by other meanes Of divers apparitions of our Lord and S. Francis to Br. Giles THE X. CHAPTER THe eighteenth yeare of the conuersion of Br. Giles wherin S. Francis dyed he went to dwell in the Couent of Crettone in Toscane within the Diocese of Chiusi●the first night of his being there there appeared vnto him in vision an Emperour that spake very familierly vnto him this presaged vnto him the diuine vision of the glory which God communicated vnto him in that place where spending the lent of S. Martin in very a●stere fastes and continuall prayers he had one night an apparition of S. Francis to whome he said that he had a great desire to speake vnto him The S. answeared him Brother sift and examine wel your selfe before hand and so vanished Br. Giles perseuering three entyer dayes in prayer IESVS CHRIST appeared vnto him before the feast of his holy Natiuity and for as much as might be coniectured by his wordes he was rauished in spiritt and with the eyes of his soule ●aw the glory of Paradice he neither could nor durst explicate this viion which was not continuall but by intermission till the eue of the Epiphany att which time he was so replenished with force and conso●tion both spirituall and supernaturall that his weake and feeble huma●e body could not support it for his soule seemed to expire so that he ●as constrayned to breath out violent sighes by reason of the force ●f his spiritt which his body could not sustaine and albeit he were on he hight of a mountaine in a cell very remote where he prayed yet did he other Religious sometimes heare him and then would they sēd Br. Gratiā to assist helpe him as there should be need This Religious thus ●ming one time vnto him asking him wherfore he cōplayned the ●oly Father answeared come hither my child thou art come in good ti●e for I wished thee here then recounted to him many thinges to his ●ceeding cōfort The next morning retourning thither he foūd him bit●rly weeping wherfore he prayed him not to afflict himselfe in that ●rt for it might wee l shorten his dayes Brother Giles answeared Alas ●y friendly Brother how may I refraine from teares that feare to 〈◊〉 the ennemy of God for hauing receaued so many graces of his Maiesty I doubt I doe not serue him as I ought and according to his holy will wherof if I were certaine it would be more gracious vnto me then death it selfe which he spake in respect of the vision and diuine reuelation that made such alteration in him and therfore he sayd Till this present I wēt whither I would and with my handes laboured as I would but henceforward I can no more follow my fantasie but must doe according to the spiritt that I find to conduct me This feare in this holy Faher was like to that of S. Paul when he sayd we carie this diuine treasure in earthen vessels Butt because the certaine perill of the losse of an eternall and infinite treasure would cause a diffidence and despayre in any one by consideration of his naturall infirmity he added we know that the preseruation of the diuine treasure consisteth in the vertue and power of God and not of vs. The sayd Religious then tooke occasion to comfort him or rather the holy Ghost for and by him with the said sentence of S. Paul saying that though it were expedient that the feare of God should be alwayes in vs yet should it be there with faith and full confidence in his bounty who as he giueth grace vnto his seruantes so also he giueth them force to preserue the same together with perseuerance Br. Giles being by these wordes comforted he proceeded in employing his dayes in such hight of contemplation and spirituall consolation as is not to be expressed demaunding of almighty God as a fauour not to be so ouer-chardged alleadging that he being so great a sinner an idiot rustike and simple was not worthy so much grace but the more he reputed himselfe vnworthy the more did almighty God augment his fauours There was a religious of pious life in the same Couēt to whome God did some times reueale his secrettes certaine dayes befor that
such sort that this holy virgin began without her knowledge to be commended by her neighbours the true same of her secrett pious worckes so publishing themselues that in an instant they were exceedingly spred abroad and euery where diuulged How the virgin S. Clare had knowledge of the vertues of the holy Father S. Francis THE III. CHAPTER THis vertuous virgin Clare hearing the grat same of the admirable life of S. Francis that then renewed vnto the world the way of perfection in the same citty with a merueillous example of piety and vertue and considering that many gentlemen did follow him and that his life was already approued by our holy mother the Church she exceedingly desired to see and heare this worthy seruant of God therunto inspired by the soueraigne Father of spirittes to whome had already bin presented the first fruites of their deuotions though differently S. Francis hauing bin aduertised of this her desire and hauing heard the bruit of her vertues and holy affections desired also exceedingly to see her and to conferre with her with intention to frustrate the world of so noble and precious a pray to present her vnto our soueraigne Redeemer to serue him in some notable enterprise as preordayned of God to despoyle the great prince of the world Neither did his diuine Maiesty faile to open vnto them the meanes and to at taine therunto he inspired this vertuous woman to relye on a very honorable graue woman that gouerned her in her house as her mother And to the end this holy purpose might be sinisterly enterpreted of men and to hinder publicke murmure she went out of her Fathers house with this good womau and found out the holy Father by the feruour of whose pious discourses she was presently enflamed with diuine loue and moued by his holy actions which she admired as seeming vnto her more then humane And therfore she began very exquisitely to dispose her selfe to the effecting of the wordes of the holy seruant of God who hauing very louingly entertayned her began to preach vnto her the contempt of the world and by euident reasons to demonstrate vnto her that all the beauty of thinges present is but a vanity filled with false and deceipt full hopes Then he persuaded vnto her pure eares the honourable and amiable espousale of IESVS CHRIST and counsayled her to conserue that most precious pearles of virginall purity for that glorious Spouse who out of loue he bare to the world being God became man and would be borne of a virgin This holy Father sollicited this affaire and playd the procuratour as a Paranimph and Embassadour of the heauenly king The holy virgin on her side beginning already to tast the sweetnes of contemplation and the proofe of the eternal ioyes the world began to seeme vnto her vile and contemptible as indeed it is she as it were melting for the loue of her celestiall Spouse whome she already desired with all her hart Thencefoorth therfore she desprised precious stones iewels gold sumptuous apparell and all other worldly trash as filth and donge and abhorring the detestable delightes of the flesh she resolued intierly to dedicate her selfe a liuely temple to IESVS CHRIST and to take him for the only Spouse of her body and soule and so submitting her selfe totally to the counsailes of the glorious Father S. Francis him next after our Lord she tooke for guid and directour of her life How S. Francis drew the virgin S. Clare out of the world and made her Religious THE IV. CHAPTER ANd to the end the most cleare Mirrour of her soule might not be stayned and blemished with the dust of this world and that the contagious seculer life did not corrupt her innocencie the holy Father prudētly endeauoured to sequester this virgin from worldly people And the solemnity of palme-sunday approching the holy espouse of IESVS CHRIST wit a great feruour of spiritt repayred to this man of God and most instantly demaunded of him when and how she should make her retyre from the world Whervpon the holy Father S. Francis ordayned that one the day of the sayd feast she should goe to the procession of palmes with the people decked and adorned the most richly and gorgiously that she could procure and the night following goeing out of the citty and withall out of all conuersation of the world she should change seculer pleasures into lamentations of the passion of our Lord. Palme-sunday being come the glorious S. Clare went in the cōpany of her mother and other ladies to the great Church where there happened a matter worthy to be recorded as not done without the prouidēce of the diuine goodnes Which was that all the other ladyes goeing as is the custome of Italie to take holy palme and S. Clare out of a virginall bashfulnes remayning alone without mouing out of her place the Bishop descended the steppes of his seat and putt into her hand a branch of palme The night approching she began to prepare her selfe for effecting the commandement of the holy Father and to make a glorious flight and honorable retyre frō the world in honest company But it seeming to to her impossible to goe foorth att the ordinary and chieffest dore of the house she bethought her selfe to take the benefitt of a back dore which though it were damned vp with grosse stones and mighty blockes she with an admirable courage a force rather of a strong man then a tēder yong woman her selfe brake open Thus then leauing her fathers house her citty kinred and friendes she with extraordinary speed arriued att the Church of our lady of Angels where the Religious that in the house of God were employed in pious watchinges receaued with burning wax lightes in their handes this holy virgin that sought her Spouse and Redeemer IESVS CHRIST with a lampe not extinct and empty but filled with diuine loue And incontinently in the selfe same hour and place hauing left and abandonned the immondicities of Babilō she gaue the world the ticket of defiance and repudiation before the altar of the soueraine Queene of Angels where the glorious Father sainct Francis inspired of God and neglecting all other worldly respect cutt off her haire then he cloathed her with a poore habitt of the Order reiecting the iewels and gorgious attire which she brought to be giuen to the poore of IESVS CHRIST It had not bin in deed conuenient that the new Order of florishing virginity towardes the end of the world should otherwhere begin then in the Angelicall Pallace of that most emminent lady who before had alone bin a mother and Virgin and consequently more worthy then all others In the very same place had the noble cheualrie of the poore of IESVS CHRIST the Frere Minors their beginning vnder the valerous Captaine sainct Francis to the end it might euidently appeare that the mother of God in this her habitation ingendred and produced the one and the other Religion And so as this new
hidden the sweetnes of spiritt which her selfe more subtility obtayned and tasted with more sauour She accustomed to say that the sermon of whosoeuer preaching the word of God was exceeding profitable to soules considering that it is no lesse prudence to know how sometimes to gather beautifull and sweet flowers from a mong grosse and rude thornes then to eat fruittes of a good plant Pope Gregory the ninth one time att the instance of diuers Prelates commanded that no Religious should preach att the monasterie of poore Religious women without his expresse permission wheratt the pittiful mother complayning in regard that thenceforward her daughters should seldome be spiritually fed with holy doctrine with teares she sayd Lett then all my Religions be taken hence sith they are taken away who gaue vs the food of spirituall life And with all sent away the Religious that appertayned to her monastery to serue them in getting almose abroad refusing to haue Religious that should prouide them bread to reliefe the body sith they were depriued her that gaue them bread to nourish their soules Wherof his Holinesse being aduertised he reuoked his prohibition referring all to the disposition of the Generall of the Frere Minors S. Clare had not only care of her daughters soules but of their bodies also that were feeble and tender for whose necessities she prouided with exceeding feruour and charity For she often in the night when it was cold went to visitt and couer them whiles they slept And if she found any ouer-much benummed with cold or otherwise in ill disposition through strict obseruation of the commune rigour she commanded them to take some recreation till their necessities were satisfied If any of her daughters were troubled with temptations or were sorrowfull or melancholie she would call her a part and louingly comfort her Sometimes she would fall to the feet of those that were heauy and afflicted to putt away the force of their griefe by her motherly cherishinges for which they yelding themselues to this their holy mother did not proue ingratefull They reuerenced the office of Prelature in their mistresse and followed the conduct of so diligent and secure a guide and ayming their actions by the espouse of IESVS CHRIST they admired the excellencie of such a sanctity and charity Of the deuotion which Pope Gregoire the ninth bad to the virgin sainte Clare and of a latter which he wrote vnto her whiles he was yet Cardinall THE XVIII CHAPTER POpe Gregory the ninth had a merueillous confidence in the prayers of saincte Clare hauing experienced their great vertue efficacie and often times when he was in any difficulty both whiles he was Cardinall and bishop of Hostia and afterwardes when he was Pope he would by letters recommend himselfe to this glorious virgin demaunding helpe of her because he knew of what importance her assistance was this being in him not only a great humility but also worthy to be dilligently imitated to see the vicar of IESVS CHRIST on earth to begg helpe of a seruant of God in recōmending himselfe to her prayers This great Pastour knew well what diuine loue could doe and how freely pure virgins doe finde the port of the consistory of the diuine Maiesty open There is extant a very deuout letter of this Pope written to saincte Clare whiles he was Cardinall which is here inserted to make appeare that the spiritt of God made his residence in this Prelat and what deuotion he carryed to the sanctity of the glorious saincte Clare To the most deere sister in IESVS CHRIST and mother of his holinesse sister Clare the seruant of IESVS CHRIST Vgolin miserable sinner Bishop of Hostia recommendeth himselfe what soeuer he is and what he may be Well beloued sister in CHRIST IESVS since the houre that the necessity of my retourne separated me from your holy speeches and depriued me of that pleasure to conferre with you of celestiall treasures I haue had much sorrow of hart abondance of teares in myne eyes and haue felt an extreme griefe In such sort that if I had not found att the feet of our Lord IESVS CHRIST the consolation of his ordinary piety I feare I had fallen into such anguishes as my spiritt would haue forsaken me and my soule would haue vtterly melted away and not without reason because that ioy failed me with which I discoursed with your good company of the body of our Redeemer IESVS CHRIST and of his presence on earth celebrating the feast of Easter with you and the other seruantes of our Lord. And as whiles our Sauiour by his dolorous passion and death was absent from the presence of his disciples they were possessed with an extreme griefe and affliction so doth your absence procure my desolation and though I acknowledged my selfe a grieuous sinner considering the prerogatiue of your merittes and the rigour of your holy Religion I know not out of doubt but that the number and grauity of my sinnes are such and so much haue I offended God the vniuersall Lord that I am not worthy to be vnited to the society of the elect nor to be sequestred from worldly occupations if your teares and prayers doe not obtaine me pardon of my sinnes And therfore to you I committ my soule to you I commēd my spiritt as IESVS CHRIST on the crosse recommended his spiritt to his Father to the end that in the terrible day of the vniuersall iudgement you giue an account for me if you be not diligent and carefull of my saluation For I confidently beleeue that you may obtaine of the soueraigne Iudge whatsoeuer by your deuotion and your teares you shall demaund of him The Pope speaketh not of cōming to Assisium as I desire but I purpose to visitt you and your sisters att my first commodity Recommend me to Agnes your sister and mine and to all your other sisters in IESVS CHRIST Of the confirmation of the first rule of saincte Clare inserted with her rule THE XIX CHAPTER THe holy Father sainct Francis by instruction of the holy Ghost made a rule for saincte Clare and the Religious that intended to follow her distinguished ordered by chapters conueniēt and conformable to the Rule of the Frere Minors which rule this holy Father imparted vnto Cardinall Vgolin then Bishop of Hostia who was Protectour of his Order and was after Pope by the title of Gregory the ninth who was very affectionate vnto him and confirmed the sayd rule in the rigour of a strict pouerty austerity of life not by bulle but only of his Apostolicall authority and viua voce The Order of saincte Clare had not this rule confirmed by authenticall bull till the third yeare of the Popedome of Innocent the fourth which was the yeare 1245. when the sayd Pope att the instance of certaine Prelates and of certaine Abbesses of the Religion of saincte Clare instituted the second rule for the virgins of this Order vnder the title of the enclosed Religious
subiect to seculer ecclesiasticall iurisdiction These Penitents may yet as is practised in all their Cōfraternityes create an head or chefe by the title of Minister Rector or Priour who shall haue care to assemble the Brethren att certaine times to consult of matters touching their company It is also manifest that S. Francis alone among al other authors of religions did institute and ordaine the Brethren and sisters of the third Order of Penitents And because he had formerly instituted two rules the one of Frere Minors and the other of poore Sisters this Confraternity of Penitents was called the third Order thence is deriued their denomination Since that time some others Orders principally the Begging Freres endeauour to imitate S. Francis and to institute also other Confraternities of imitating Penitents or what such other denomination they will and submitting themselues in some sort to the sayd Orders they withall enioy their priuiledges But to the end more apparent knowledge may be had of this first and true Order of Penitentes instituted by the holy Father S. Francis and the holy sea and of the fruit which they haue produced in the Church we will proceed in declaration of this Order First we will sett downe certaine Apostolicall fauours and concessions bestowed on this confraternity in the beginning therof then the rule which the said Pope Nicolas the fourth of blessed memory compiled approued finally we wil deduce the illustrious personnes that haue florished in the sayd Order in all sanctity which wil be a matter gratefull and worthy to be recorded The Briefe of Pope Gregory the ninth wherby he declared this Order to be confirmed and fauoured by Pope Honorius the 3. THE II. CHAPTER GRegory Bishop and seruant of the seruantes of God to all the Brethren of the Order of Penitents instituted in Italy Forsomuch as the detestable enuy of the ennemy of mankinde doth with greater obstinacy persecute the seruants of CHRIST IESVS spreading his snares against them and with all his power seeking to withdraw and remoue them from the seruice of the king of kinges by malicious inuentions we knowing that these hauing forsaken the vanitie of the world though they be yet with their bodies on earth neuertheles in soule and spiritt they conuerse in heauen renouncing worldly desires for the loue of God they enioy not only transitory pleasures but eternal richesse so much more also doth he torment them no otherwise then did the Egiptians persecute the people of God that went out of the Egipt of this world till they perished by diuine punition and a new manner of death finding receauing the end which their worckes deserued And after our Sauiour and Redeemer IESVS CHR. hauing receaued holy Baptisme went into the desert where hauing fasted 40. dayes and 40. nightes the same wicked spirit feared not to tempt him Therfor he that addicteth himselfe to the seruice of God must according to the sentence of the Sage prepare his soule vnto temptations Which being considered by Pope Honorius the 3. our Predecessour and that doeing worckes of Penance you were afflicted by the children of this world by diuers afflictions and crosses that therfore you had need to be nourished and fauoured by laudable worckes he embracing and louing your Religion in the bowels of IESVS CHR. gratified the same with speciall grace commanding all Bishoppes and Archbishoppes of Italy to exempt and free you from such oathes as are accustomed to be exacted of Gouernours of townes and other officers of others places and to protect you that you be not constrayned to accept publicke offices and chardges or to be receauers of common rentes and such like affaires But because the children of darcknes who by their humane prudence haue learned to repute darcknes light and light darcknes and this by calomnie of sinister interpretation haue so afflicted you in the preiudice of your priuiledges that you are for more vexed and chardged then before you had those priuiledges for albeit the sayd Officers cānot exact your oathes they find other occasions to enforce you to sweare not permitting you to giue your reuenues in almose where you please Wherfore you haue with great humility demaunded that we deliuer you from the obligation of such oathes as you haue made those accepted of peace faith and testimony and that you may not be chardged with impostes and contributions more then your other fellow Cittizens that you may employ your reuenues in pious vses and distribute it att your pleasure and may not be troubled for the debtes and faultes of your neighbours but that you be obliged to answeare the debtes of others for which you shal be engaged We then considering that you enter into the way of perfection and that the children of the world will so much the more hinder you as they are and know themselues different frō your holy life and that they make a confused heape of peruerse oppositions to hide and obscure the veritie doe by aucthority of these present letters giue and graunt to all you in your vniuersity of whose faith and Religion we hold our selues assured the permission which you demaund of vs in all the sayd matters most expresly commanding you that yon endeauour to vse the grace and fauour well which we bestow on you and that none of you abuse the same Vnlesse you wil be frustrated and depriued of the priuiledge which we graunt you and therfore lett none c. Giuen at saint Iohn Lateran the 30. day of March and second yeare of our Popedone This present Breife was giuen the yeare of grace 1228. wherin appeareth that the Confraternity of the Penitentes was not exempted from seculer or ecclesiasticall iurisdiction though in this Briefe it be tearned Religion because this title of Religion is taken and vnderstood lardgely for Christian Religion The Briefe of the said Pope Gregory the ninth wherby he permitteth the Penitents of the third Order of S. Francis to heare diuine office in time of interdiction THE III. CHAPTER GRegory Bishop and seruant of the seruantes of God to the Archibishoppes Bishoppes and Prelates of the church of Italy It being euident that the intention of those who are mindfull of death is not to follow the vanitie of the world but IESVS CHRIST doeing pennance with an humble hart by true contrition chasticing and subiecting the sences to reason and that their intention is to apply themselues to the seruice of God So that it were an iniust thing that these cōfraternityes should be separated and depriued of the diuine offices Ecclesiasticall sacraments it being reasonable that they receaue some speciall fauour of the holy Apostolike sea in these and other matters that concerne the seruice of God There being then many through Italy that obserue this order of life which some call Brothers Penitents we cōmand your prudence by this our Apostolicall Briefe that in the Churches of your iurisdiction wherin it is generally permitted you to say the
matter be brought before the Magistrate who hath auctority to iudge therof who hearing the parties with patience shall determine their discord by iustice How the Brethren may be dispenced withall in their abst●nences THE XVIII CHAPTER THe O●dinaryes of the places or the Visitor shall haue power to dispence with the Brethren and sisters touching the abstinences fastes and other austerities of this rule vpon lawfull cause and when they shall see it expedient That the Ministers must discouer vnto the visitor the manisest saultes THE XIX CHAPTER THe Ministers shall aduettise the Visitor of the manifest faultes of the Brethren and Sisters that the culpable may be punished And if any be found inco●igible after three seuerall admonitions by the Minister or by some of the discreet Brethren lett him be denounced to the Father Visitor who shall expell him the confraternity and publish them in the congregation Approbation of the Pope that none of the Brethren shal be obliged vnder mortall sinne to obserue the points afor●said THE XX. CHAPTER BVt in al the afo●esayd thinges wherunto the Brethren and Sisters of your Order are not obliged by the commandements of God or ordinances of the Romane Church we will not that they be bound vnder mortall sinne but lett them with prompt humility receaue the penance enioyned them for the excesse committed and study to accomplish it entierly The sequell of the confirmation of this rule Let no man presume to dismember the page of this our decree rule or rashly to contradict it But if any presume to att●pt it lett him know that therin he incurreth the indignation of Almighty God and of his blessed Apostles S. Peter and S. Paul Giuen att the Reate the 17. of August the second yeare of our Pontificate The Briefe of Pope Nicolas the fourth in fauour of the confraternity of Penitents THE XXI CHAPTER NIcolas Bishop the seruant of the seruants of God to all faithfull to whome these presents shall appeare heal●h and Apostolical benediction The only sonne of God by whose precious woundes we haue bin redeemed and reuiued in the fountaine of his precious bloud founded and instiruted the holy Church on the rock of faith instantly after his birth and committed the iurisdiction and power of his celestiall empire to the blessed Prince of the Apostles and porter of eternall life giuing to him and to his successors principality and power to bind and loose the dispea●ced of Israel that by the mystery of his passion are retyred into his fold And therfore the foueraine Romane Bishop successour of the same principasitie of those principall watches and carefull diligences and not of studyes and desi●es filled with vanities is changed by Apostolicall obligation that the Church alwayes multiply with a new generation and race to be vnited to the well-disciplined flock because the condition of humane nature is easily broaken or dissolued as an earthen vessell that is subiect to fragility and with difficulty reformed And therfore it is necessary for the faithfull of the same Church to haue especiall care as hauing bin diligently educated in the innocencie of sincerity and verity not to deface and corrupt the doctrine and constitutions of the Successour of the same Prince or in whatsoeuer manner by wordes of murmure to hinder the same for as the Apostle saith He is contrary to the Ordinances of God that resisteth his power Sith then the holy seruant of God and singuler Confessour of IESVS CHRIST S. Francis enflamed with the burning fire of charity disciple both in wordes and worckes of the glorious Apostles aduancing himselfe with a spiritt full of verity to augment the family in the house of our Redeeemer IESVS CHRIST with intention to reduce into the way of saluation the feet of such as walked in darcknes instructing them without learning he hath infrituted an Order with the title of Penitents to whome he hath giuen meane to meritt eternall life We desisiring to fauour the sayd Order to the end the intention and zeale of the sayd Confessour doe encrease in vertues and that the Professours of this Order by meane of our care make good progresse in the way of their saluation It hath seemed vnto vs requisite approuing the sayd Order that therin be performed certaine ordinaces worthy to be obserued as most behoufull which by our letters we haue to that end perscribed vnto them and among others where we counsaile and with a Fatherly affection admonish the sayd Brethren Penitents to follow and obserue the sayd rule and forme of life and that so doeing they with perfect charity by meane therof conse●●e a mutuall vnion and affection Naturall reason and duety requiring that for reuerence vnto this holy Confessour the Professors of the sayd Order be conducted and guided by the doctrine and counsaile of the Frere Minors the sayd Saint hauing hin institutor of these Orders and therfore lett them procure to haue of the Frere Minors to be Visitors and reformers of the sayd Religion And for so much as some of the sayd Order which is lamentable by their peruerse will being doubtles illegitimate children yea bastardes of the Church and of this holy Confessour of IESVS CHRIST doe rebell against this our permission and counselle and haue presumed to affirme and maintaine that the Religious receauing and obseruing that rule cannot be saued therin and are so temerarious as that without any feare they attempt to peruert and att least doe persecut thē that desire to follow our sayd consaile We therfore determining not to lett this presumption with conniuence to passe vnpunished doe totally annull the processe made or to be made against those that follow our counsaile and will that all they who with reuerence accept and follow our sayd behouful counsaile doe participate of the grace of the Church and of our benediction and doe enioy the priuiledges graunted to the same Order of Penitents by the holy Apostolike sea or to be graunted hereafter We further ordaine that they who shall resist or hinder so holy a constitution be in such sort restrayned by the Ordinaries of the places that they enforce them to desist from their turbulent impedimentes Notwithstanding whatsoeuer priuiledge or vnder whatsoeuer forme of wordes obtained to the contrary and lett the Brethren Penitents that shall follow our sayd healthfull counsaile haue Ministers taken and elected among themselues according to the forme contayned in the sayd rule Giuen att Ciuita Veazia the 8. day of August the third yeare of our Pontificate The life of S. Elizabeth the widow daughter to the king of Hungary and of the third Order of S. Francis Of the Innocencie and vertue of S. Elizabeth in her most tender youth THE VIII CHAPTER THis blessed S. the daughter of king Henry of Hongary was royally educated in her Fathers house but being by diuine grace illuminated and opening the eyes of hir natural knowledg she timely began to misprise the vanities of the world and the apprehensions of youth chaunging them
of Brother Leo Br. Angelus and Br. Rufinus all three companions of S. Francis The legend of Brother Thomas of Cellano The legend of Brother Leonard of Bessa The great and litle legend of S. Bonauenture The Flowers of the Religious of S. Francis and his companions The ancient chronicles that breifely treat of the most memorable matters of the order Vrbertin Casal in his booke intituled Vita Christi The monumentes The historicall mirrour of Br. Vincent of the Order of the Preachers The ancient memoriall of the order The history of S. Anthonius Arch-bishop of Florence Master Aluaro of the lamentations of the Church The legend of S. Antony S. Clare and other sainctes The legend of the fiue Martyrs of Marocco of S. Crosse of Coimbra The booke of Conformities THE PREFACE WHERIN IS DECLARED THE intention of the Holy Ghost in the institution of the holy Order of the Frier Minors IT is with great reason that learned men writing bookes of histories or doctrine for the publike good doe ordinarily accompany them with certaine introductions which we call proemes or prefaces to discouer their intention to the Readers which wanting they cannot haue perfect knoledge nor reape much fruit of what they read Though in deed for the Readers to remayne only depriued of these fruites and benefittes were a lesse inconuenience and in some sort supportable if they did not some times conceiue euill impressions that induce them to contemne the good doctrines and profitable exāples which they read and this proceedeth of their ignorant temerity which causeth them to condemne thinges worthy of praise and falsly to censure that which they vnderstand not which vice as is it reprehensible so is it detrimentall and detestable in all kinde of doctrine but especially in the sacred scriptures and liues of sainctes And therfore we see that God in all his worckes would prepare men as it were by certaine proemes that they might vnderstand them and expect them with such intention as he meant to performe them as when he purposed to renew the world by meanes of the vniuersall deluge he conferred thereof with the iust Noe an hundred and twenty years before commanding him the edifice of the arck to thend that worck might be knowne not only to those that then liued but also to such as should succeed them afterward Neither did he vpon any other consideration deferre to giue children to the Patriarch Abraham but that he should the better vnderstand and with greater reuerence receiue the grace which was figured vnto him in his sonne Isaac I am of opinion that for the same respect he was forty dayes in giuing the law to the people of Israel bountifully imparting vnto them many notable fauours in the meane time and with such excellent miracles deliuering them frō the seruitude of Egipt that they might by these meanes dispose thē to acknoledge him alone for God and completely to obserue his law I may also inferre the like of the forty yeares that he entertayned that people in the desert that it was vnto them as it were a disposition the more deerly to prise and estimate the so much desired land of promise For this selfe same cause did God vse Prophetes among his people were it to thereaten them with punishment and chasticementes or to giue them hope of the benefittes and fauours which he intended vnto them or to teach them the manner to demand and meritt his grace And finally all the old testament the sacrifices ceremonies and mysteries haue bin nothing else but as a certaine proeme or preface of the new that it might be desired and hoped vnderstood by them and receiued by vs according to the true light of the holy Ghost and not with a humane and fallacious spiritt Intending therfore to imitate those diuine and humane examples it seemed to me expedient to add a preface to this worck that the readers might dispose them to read it with a good intention and auoid the enormous vice of ingratitude not duely receiuing the diuine graces and that also they might receiue therof a beneficiall fruit Which I haue found so much more necessary to this worck as the holy Ghost in the institution of the Order of the Freer Minors is more remote from the ordinary intention and discourse of the world for Mounting aboue the common obligation of the preceptes he hath designed it to a degree of perfection more high then the Euangelicall Councells It is not needfull not with standing that I search farre to find the proeme requisite to discouer and manifest vnto you the intention of the holy Ghost and the eminencie of this Order sith him selfe semeth to haue disigned it both in the old and new testament We read in the prophet Ieremie that when the Hebrew people were obstinate in their sinnes and that they opened not their eares to the wordes which on the part of the almighty were by the Prophetes preached vnto them God said to Ieremie Goe to the house of the children of Rechab and conduct them with thee to the temple and giue them wine to drincke Wherto Ieremie obeyed and hauing brought the Rechabites to the temple in to the house of one of the principall Officers before him and many others he offred them wine in cuppes or vessels and bid them drinck But they answeared him Know Ieremie that we haue neuer drunck wine nor will we drinck any because we haue bin forbidden it by Ionadab the sonne of Rechab our Father who commanded it vnto vs in these termes You Rechabites shall neuer drincke wine nor your children you shall not build houses you shall not sow you shall not plant vignes nor possesse any but you shall dwell all your life in tentes and pauillions that you may liue many dayes on the earth wherin you are pilgrimes And in this sort doe we obserue it obeying that which our father hath commanded vs. The Rechabites hauing giuen this answeare to Ieremie he had incontinently the spiritt of God that said vnto him Ieremie goe to the people of Iuda and of Hierusalem and thus speake vnto them O obdurate and obstinat people will ye neuer obey my law and follow my commandementes the wordes of Ionadab the sonne of Rechab are they of more force then mine He would that his children and their posterity should neuer drinck wine and to obey their father they haue not dranck any and you would neuer obey my commandementes I will therfore send you a punishment worthy of your rebellion according as I haue threatned you but I will not ceasse to fauour the Rechabites because they haue obeyd the commandements of their father A figure doubtles most expresse so farre foorth as the ancient estate would permitt it and so particular for the Religion of the Frier Minors of the B. Fa S. Francis that it hath litle need of farther exposition then to be red and conferred with the expresse wordes of his rule which are these The Frier Minors haue not any
and liberality giue a right worthy example distributing the patrimony of IESVS Christ among his poore Fourthly that the imitation of the life of IESVS Christ might be better knowne and more readily embraced in pouerty crosses and contempt of all transitory thinges men hauing by experience seene how many euils and sinnes succeeded in his Church by meane of honours and temporall richesse and that euen the blinded worldlinges might be assured that the state of life which himselfe did choose in this life is most secure and most perfect Fiftly and finally to condiscend vnto the imperfection and infirmity of many that being incapable of the excellent and Apostolique pouerty wrought their saluation by this more large way whence may be conceiued that God hath alwayes ordeyned the estate of his Church according as he knew it most expedient for his elect so that wheras the Church hath bin enriched with temporalities it was by the most prudent counsaile of the holy Ghost This magnificence of richesse and temporall estate auaileth much for triall of Prelates and Ecclesiasticall personnes for by the same appeareth whither they be humble in honours temperate in abondance and amiddest their flowing substance poore in regard of their will But alas few by this triall haue proued such for contrarie wise they haue become licencious and haue conuerted that into intollerable transgression which was giuen vnto them for inducement to exercise themselues in all piety and vertue Now this fall towardes the end of this latter age and estate of temporall prosperity is merueillous punctually declared by S. Iohn in the fift chapter of his visions where he introduceth the Angell speaking to the fift Church of Sardis Thou art esteemed to liue but thou art dead Then by way of threates he saith that in regard of the great euels and litle good which she did if she did not amend she should in short time be punished and damned And in the opening of the fift seale it is said that the sainctes out of great zeale required vengeance on sinners and att the sound of the fift trompett it is said that a starre therby being vnderstood the principall of the estate of the Church seculers and ecclesiasticals fell as vpon the earth with so greedy a desire of terrestriall thinges that the pittes of the bottomles depth did open as if he would say all kinde of sinnes and vices as are pride auarice cruelty murders and other infinite enormities did by their euill example ouerflow the earth and vpon that occasion the name of God hath bin from that time blasphemed and many heresies haue thence succeded and likewise warre betweene kingdomes and peoples one against an other schismes and discorde among Prelates one against another and betwene Prelates and their subiectes and all this to the great scandall of Christians which did so much exceed the other precedent disasters in regard that it was domesticall proceeding of the cheefe spirituall and temporall personnes of the Church In the dregges of this fift age was all the Empire of Federic the second a violent persecuter of the Church and of the Prelates in so much that he brought the Sarrazins into Italy and there planted them who by their incursions committed a great murder of the Christians saccagementes ruines and burninges of Churches and monasteries to satiate their barbarous infidelity The sunne was then obscured to witt our holy Father the Pope who was depriued of the reuerence from each one due vnto him and the moone became bloudy by the persecutions imprisonmentes death of the Cardinals and Prelates that were so much afflicted by the said Emperour Federic and his adherentes And the starres fell from heauen that is many ecclesiasticall personnes betraying the Church of IESVS Christ adhered to the Emperour The deuils therefore ministers of the wrath of God made readie themselues to reuenge such and so many enormities ouer the world in all the foure partes of the earth and to this purpose they induced men to vnwonted sinnes labouring to preuent with punishment the diuine mercy doubtles if our Lord IESVS Christ had not fauoured his Church by a new byrth and reformation of spirit she could not haue auoyded an horrible chasticement God omitted not to reueale to his vicares on earth and to many faithfull Catholiques for their consolation this necessity and the remedy he intended to the same He manifested invision to Pope Innocent the third the Church of S. Iohn Lateran as ready to fall but that it was supported and susteyned by the shoulders of two poore men So when afterwardes the glorious Father S. Francis and after him S. Dominick came to demanded permission of the said Pope to institute their Orders in the Church he knew by illumination of the holy Ghost that they were the two poore men whome he had seene in his dreame or vision supporting the said Church and therfore was he the more easily induced to accord their requestes So that the Church was att that time filled with brutish people that were all sclaues to their concupiscences and as terrestiall serpents full of auarice and with other cruell and horrible monsters hauing their face and conuersation vtterly deformed corrupted with infinite vices but particulerly with hypocrisie and heresie which then raigned Albeit that God as iealous of the honour of his Espouse was exceedingly moued and offended att so many enormities yet did he not therfore in his greatest fury omitt to shew his mercie for in the middes of his Church he raysed the Orders of begging Friers flowing with men of famous sanctity that should roote out auarice banish allurements and carnall pleasures reiect honours and terrestriall dignities shame hipocrisie defend truth stirre vp the fire of charity reforme other peruerse habitudes and imitating and following the exampe of IESVS CHRIST should boldy reprehend the euill deportements and abuse of some in the Church should by the word of God awaken induce the people to pennance should with admirable vertue confound the malice and great errours of mischeuous heretikes and by their instant and seruent prayers should appease the iust wrath of God Among whome as it were being figured by Enoch and Elias S. Francis and S. Dominick particulerly were ordayned and deputed to this employment And as S. Antonine in his history recounteth the holy Father S. Dominick in spiritt saw God exceedingly moued against the world which he intended to punish But that the glorious Virgin demaunded pardon for the Church presenting vnto him two men who by the diuine prouidence were already deputed to preach pennance to sinners to moue them to amendement which were the glorious Father S. Francis and S. Dominick by whose prayers God was appeased and it happened afterward that these holy Fathers entring into the Church of S. Peter att Rome did in spirit know one an other to be Brothers and companions designed to this affaire wherefore in great charity they mutually embraced one an other These two origines and institutors
iniustly afflict vs that oppose them selues against vs that iniury vs procure our vexation torment and death and we ought to loue them the more in that what they doe vnto vs God vseth them as an instrument and because what soeeuer he doeth and permitteth though it seeme displeasing vnto vs it notwithstanding auaileth to our saluation sith by meane hereof we shall purchase eternall life We ought besides to abhorre and hate our body when it is pleased in delightes and vices for so liuing carnally we estrange our selues from the loue of IESVS CHRIST and make our owne entry into hell and by reason that by sinne we become loathsome and miserable and that the concupiscences of our flesh are contrary to our true good and make vs prone to euill as our lord saith From the hart of man proceed euill cogitations fornications adulteries murders couetousnes theftes deceiptes blasphemies false testimonies pride and the foly of this world and all the foresaid euils procure and make the soule loathsome defiled and refrigerate we therfore who haue already forsaken the world should haue regard to no other thinge but to doe the will of God an to take contentment therin Lett vs haue care not to be like the earth by the way side full of stones and thornes because as our lord saith the seed that is the word of God which was sowne by the way side was trodden vnder foote by passengers and destroyed Hereto are compared those that heare the word of God but dispose not themselues to vertue and the deuill incontinently rooteth it out of their harts least beleeuing they might be saued They are compared to the stone wheron the other seed fell who willingly heare the word of God and insome sort dispose themselues to doe well but some affliction befalling them they are incontinently scandalized the seed then withereth because it hath no root They are compared to thornes who hearing the word of God haue their harts alwayes employed on worldly thinges and permitt thēselues to be seduced by richesse and auarice busying themselues in terrestriall affaires and therfore the seed cannot profitt them But they are like to fertile land who heare the word of God and with the hart obserue and practise it and doe worckes worthy of penance Lett vs therfore as our Lord saith suffer the dead to bury the dead Lett vs be seriously wary of the slightes and mischeiuous deuises of the deuill who seeketh no other thing but to separate our soule from vnion with God by the bait of temporall richesse honours and pleasures of the flesh seeking to become lord and master of the hart of man employing all his endeauour to root out of his memory the preceptes of God and doth striue to blind the hart of man in the desires and cogitations of the world and to confirme him in them according to the saying of our lord When the vncleane spiritt shall depart out of a man he wandereth through places without water seeking rest And not finding he saith I will retourne into my house whence I departed And when he is come he findeth it swept with a besome and trimmed Thē he goeth taketh seuen other spirits worse then himselfe entring in theydwel there And the things last of that mā be made worse then the first Sith then we are by these speeches admonished lett vs not procure our ruine and death by disvniting our soule from God for whatsoeuer terrestriall recompense affaire or fauour but lett all we doe be only for the loue of God I pray all the Brethren that being freed and deliuered of al impediment and hinderance that may trouble them they make their best endeauour to serue loue and honour God with a pure hart and free spiritt in regard that he especially requireth the same of vs and lett vs so proceede that in vs may be the residence of his diuine Maiestie the Father the Sonne and the holy Ghost who faith vnto vs Pray att all times that you may be accounted worthy to escape all these things that are to come and to stand before the Sonne of man he also teaching vs to pray saith When you shall pray say Our Father which art in heauen We therfore must alwayes pray and neuer faile therin Lett vs adore God with a sincere hart because such adorers please the eternall Father and he would haue it so God is a spiritt and they that adore him ought to adore him in spiritt truth Let vs haue recourse to our Lord as to the Father and Pastour of our soules who saith I am the good Pastour that feed and keep my flocke euen to the exposing of my life for it you are all Brethren therfore call not your selues Fathers on earth because you haue but one Father which is in heauen nor call your selues masters for you haue but one celestiall Master If you remaine in me and my wordes in you you shall haue and obtaine whatsoeuer you shall demaund And where there are two or three assembled in my name I am there with them euen to the end of the world The wordes that I haue spoken to you be spiritt and life I am the way and the verity and the life lett vs then keep the true life and doctrine and the holy gospell which it hath pleased him to manifest vnto vs as he sayth Father I haue manifested thy name to the men whome thou gauest me and they haue receiued the doctrine which I haue giuen them they haue knowne that I am truely come from thee and they haue beleeued that thou hast sent me For them I praye not for the world but for them whome thou hast giuen me Holy Father keepe them in thy name whome thou hast giuen me that they may be one as also we These things I speake in the world that they may haue my ioy filled in themselues I haue giuen them thy word and the world hath hated them because they are not of the world as I also am not of the world I pray not that thou take them away out of the world but that thou preserue them from euill Sanctifie them in truth Thy word is truth As thou diddest send me into the world I also haue sent them into the world And for them I doe sanctifie my selfe that they also may be sanctified in truth And not for them onlie doe I pray but for them also that by their word shall beleeue in me that they all may be one that the world may beleeue that thou hast sent me and hast loued them as me also thou hast loued and thou shalt lett them know thy name because the loue whereby thou hast loued me shall be in them and in me together By the same meane Father whome thou hast giuen me I will that where I am they also may be with me that they may see my glorie which thou hast giuen me I praye all the Brethren in the name of almightie God
odoriferous floures and sauourous fruictes of vertue and respect towardes his diuine Maiesty For there being many conuerted and enflamed in the loue of IESVS CHRIST they bound themselues with strict and new lawes of pēnance following the rule and holy counsaile of the blessed seruant of God Others not only touched with deuotion but inflamed with a holy desire to imitate him did tread his holy steppes and concerning the contempt of worldly vanities and earthly appetites did chose him for their guid and following the spiritt they in short time augmented to such a quantity that they enuironned the whole world One of the first that then came was the blessed Brother Siluester the twelueth Disciple who was the first preist that entred into the Order he was of Assisium and the manner of his conuersion was thus He was present when Brother Bernard Quintaualle by helpe of the S. distributed what the had to the poore And seeing with what liberality he gaue his mony to the poore his auarice therby encreased and therfore he spake to S. Francis to pay him the residue for the stones which he had deliuered him to the building and restablishing the foresaid churches But the S. admiring this demaund without making any reply thrust his hand into the purse of Quintaualle and gaue him a handfull of mony and then asked him if he were satisfied or would haue more wherto he answeared that he would no more but was contented And being retourned to his house and finally perceiuing the diuelish couetousnes that had blinded him he sharpely reprehended and checked himselfe and exceedinglie commended the feruour and liberalitie of Brother Bernard and the sanctitie of S. Francis and as well in regard of this light of conscience and true knowledge of him selfe as that God had already elected and predestinated him to this new life of perfection he had shortly after a strange dreame three seuerall nightes together He saw in a dreame the citty of Assisium enuironned with a mighty and hideous dragon which seemed to intend the destruction not only of the said citty but also of all the country neere He saw also to proceed out of the mouth of S. Francis a faire and lardge crosse of gold the toppe wherof touched the heauen and the armes therof stretched euen to the two endes of the earth att the sight of which crosse this venimous dragon fled For that time he spake not a word of this dreame because he did not perfectly beleeue But considering that the Pope had confirmed the rule of S. Francis whose perseuerance also in sanctity of life and doctrine admiring he recounted vnto him this vision and hauing afterward distributed his goodes to the poore he tooke the habitt of the Order of the said S. with whome he liued so piously and with such obseruance of his rule that of his part he verified what he had seene There was att that time one of the Order called Cruciferi who are Religious wherof there are many in Italy the greater part being gentilmen they are cloathed in violet and perpetually carry a crosse of siluer in their handes his name was Mauricius who was greiuously sick in an hospitall neere to Assisium where being dispaired of and abandoned by the Phisitions he reposed all his hope and confidence in God and by message vnto S. Francis of whome he had a right good opinion seriously besought him that he would vouchsafe to pray to God for him Which the holy Father hauing done he incontinently tooke crummes of bread which he steeped in the oyle of the lampe that burned before the image of the virgin Mary wherof he made a new kind of oyntmēt which he sent to the sicke persō by two of his Brethrē saying vnto them Carrye this Medicine to our Brother Mauricius wherby God shall not only restore him to perfect health but shall dispose him also to be his seruaunt in our company It so came to passe for hauing taken this medicine he was instantly cured it was not confected by any worldly apoticary but of the vnction of the holy Ghost And the said drogue wrought such forces both in his body and soule that he afterwards became a Freer Minor and was cloathed with the habitt rather of a beggar then of a Religious in such sort was it patched and also with a shirt of maile against his flesh In that manner did he liue for many yeares neither drinking wine nor eating bread nor any thing dressed by fire but contented himselfe with the only nourrishment of hearbes pulse fruites which extreme abstinence neuer distempered his body but was for diuers yeares preserued in health and strength sufficient to support the labours and wearisomnes of the Order for which after his death God by his merittes wrought many miracles How Brother Leo Br. Mace Br. Pacificus with others entred into the religion of S. Francis THE XXVIII CHAPTER IN short time after entred into the Order this said Brother Leo who was confessour to S. Francis Among manie●vertues wherwith this Brother was endued there appeared especially one which the said S. exceedinglie prised to witt an Angelicall simplicitie in fauour wherof he was verie familier to S. Francis and did participate of all his secretcs and therfore the said S. did often call him Brother Beast of God Brother Maceus of Marignan did also enter into the said Order he was a famous Courtyer and for his prudence exceedinglie honoured of the world he obtained of God grace to edifie much by his pious discourses and therfore did S. Francis often take him for his companion and when any came to visitt him they were so entertained with the worthey discourses of Br. Maceus that S. Francis was not interrupted of his prayer Brother William an Englishman made himselfe also of the Order who was of so pious a life that he merited to be one of the first twelue disciples of the S. in place of Brother Iohn Capella who was one of that nomber but being the first that participating in the habitt transgressed the rules he was chasticed of God by the soares of leaprie which correction not receiuing att the hande● of the infinite bountie in such sort as he ought being moued with rage he grew into such furie of impatience and the deuill so blinded him that running out of the Religion he as an other Iudas hung himselfe Now this child of perditiō being rased out of the nōber the said Brother William was subrogated in his place who was a man of such perfection that whē he died God shewed by manie notable miracles how pleasing and gratefull the merittes of so worthie a seruant of his was vnto him Brother Ruffinus was a verie rich gentleman of Assisium neere of kinred vnto S. Clare who being exceedinglie edified by the conuersion life and doctrine of S. Francis was also conuerted and att this time tooke the habitt He perseuered a virgin and pure in religion as he entred into it which proceeded of
the fauour and grace of God He was verie deep in contemplation Brother Pacificus did afterward enter into the Order in this manner Being a very famous Poett he was interiourlie affected by the Emperour Frederick the second who with his owne hand crouned him with laurell and entitled him the Prince of Poetry But as the merittes of the vertues of the holie Father S. Francis did augmēt and the most pleasing sauour of his sanctitie was spread in diuers places diuers being moued and induced with so singuler a vertue went from the Court of the said Emperour where he was with a generall admiration so much praysed for a great mispriser of the world expresly to see him Among others Brother Pacificus then a famous poett and Courtier conceiued a desire to see and heare him and therfore he attempted a iourny to find him which he did when he least thought therof at the towne of S. Seuerin within the limites of Ancona where he saw the said S. miraculously crossed with two glittering swordes wherof th one reached from his head euen to the middes of his feet and the other a crosse from the left hand to the right by which vision though he had neuer seene S. Francis he notwithstanding instantly knew him and was then by God conuerted to the chaunge of his profession to abandon the world and to vnite himselfe with him as well in that he had bin touched by the wordes of S. Francis as transpearced with the sword of the holy Ghost that issued out of his mouth Hauing then misprised and renounced the vanities of the world he incontinētly adhered to the said S. with a firme purpose to follow him Which the holy Father preceiuing who by the spiritt of God vnderstood that his conuersion was perfect and entierly chaunged from the inquietudes of world to the peace and tranquility of IESVS CHRIST he gaue him the name of Brother Pacificus This man perseuering in the seruice of God merited att an other time to see the holy Father S. Francis with the great Thau which is a Greek letter made in forme of a crosse painted on his forehead with such liuely colours that they cast as it were a diuine light vpon the face of the said S. Att the very same time Brother Geniprus entred into the said religion he was a man endued with profound humility and patience as in his life appeareth Of Many others that entred the Order and of one whome S. Francis would not receiue THE XXIX CHAPTER BRother Iohn a man of deep simplicity was about that time admitted after this manner It happened that S. Francis goeing to preach in a church and finding it foule and very vncleane he swept it himselfe The report then incontinently ran through those quarters that S. Francis was arriued in that village whervpon out of a great deuotion that the people bare him many reprayed thither and among others the said Brother Iohn att that time a very simple man who being at his labour when he vnderstood of the comming of the S. least his oxen feild and plough to goe to see him and was one of the first that came vnto him whome he found sweeping the said church and therfore said vnto him Brother giue me this broome I will assist you and taking it out of his handes he ended the sweeping of the church S. Francis soone after perceiuing the affluence of people there present because he preached to each ones great contentment he retired himselfe and the said Iohn insinuating himselfe vnto him said I haue for many dayes had a desire to serue God and since I haue heard spoaken of you this my desire hath exceedingly encreased but I knew not where to find you Now sith it pleased God that I haue this day mett you I am resolued to accompany you and to follow your commandements The holy Father perceiuing his quality and good purpose and exceedinglie reioycing in God to vnderstand that by reason of his great simplicitie he should proue a good Brother he thus answeared My Brother if you desire to obserue our rule and to conyoine your selfe with vs it is precedentlie necessarie that you depriue your selfe of what soeuer you haue in the world and following that which the gospell doth counsaile vs that you distribute it vnto the poore for all those of mine that could haue done the same Which this good and simple Iohn hauing heard he retourned to the place whence he came from his labour and loosing an oxe from the plough he brought it to the S. and said I haue for so many yeares serued my father and his house therfore though this be a very sclender recompence I will neuertheles for the portion of mine inheritance content my selfe with this oxe which as mine I will giue to the poore or will dispose of him as to you shall be most pleasing But as the holie Father and he consulted together what should be done with this oxe his kinred hauing notice that his resolution was to leaue them came all where he was and did there so bitterlie lament that the S. conceiued great compassion therat and for their consolation he said Prepare some thing speedilie to eat and weep not for I will recomfort you So they went together to one of their houses where they did eat with the S. who after dinner addressing himselfe to the Father of the said Iohn said vnto him you ought not thus to disquiett your selfe for that your sonne hath a desire to serue God but rather ought you to reioyce theratt and to giue thanckes to IESVS CHRIST who is content to be serued by one of your bloud by meane of this yoursonne Iohn you this day gaine all our Religious to be your children and Brethren And he being the creature of God whome to serue is to raigne hath now made choice to serue his Creatour But that in this his seruice of God you remaine not vtterly discomforted I will that in regard of your pouerty he leaue you this oxe wheras according to the gospell he ought to giue it to other poore people His parentes did then shew themselues much comforted especially in regard of the oxe he left them for they lamented him as much in respect of their pouerty as their sonne did of charity By this meane S. Francis gayned his Brother Iohn as Elias did Elizaeus retiring him from temporall labour to the perfect labour of the vigne of God And because the S. exceedinglie affected pouerty in himselfe and in others being once cloathed he euer after tooke him with him for his companion which so augmented in him this his simplicity of hart that whatsoeuer he saw the S. to doe the same he sought to imitate For if he saw him in prayer he would seeke some place where he might easily obserue him to conforme himselfe vnto him euen in his very gestures so that if S. Francis were on his knees or standing vp right in prayer or prostrate with his
face vpon the earth or if he held his handes ioyned together on high if he sighed if he spett or coughed Brother Iohn would doe the like S. Francis once reprehending him for it he thus answeared I haue promised to God to doe what soeuer I shall see you doe and therfore I must endeauour to conforme me entierly vnto you The holy Father admired and together reioyced to finde him so constant in his simplicity by meane wherof he so much att lenght profited in all other kind of vertues that all the other Brethren held the perfection wherto he arriued in great admiration But by reason that the world was not worthie of so pure a conscience God afterwardes called him to himselfe After his death S. Francis with great ioy recounted vnto his Brethren his holy conuersation and called him not Brother Iohn but S. Iohn It happened about that time that S. Francis preaching in the prouince of Ancona there came one day after sermon a man vnto him that said he would leaue the world and dwell with him to whome S. Francis answeared If thou desire to enter into this order goe first and accōplish the saying of the gospell Sell what thou hast and giue it to the poore He then incōtinently went and distributed all his goodes amōg his kinred being herevnto moued rather by passiō of the flesh then deuotion of the spiritt and then retourned to S. Frācis to whome he said Father I haue forsakē all that I had The holie Father demāded of him in what manner he had disposed therof and he replyed that he had distributed it amōg his poore and needy kinred S. Frācis then knowing that this man had not any feruour of spiritt said vnto him Brother Fly sith thou hast giuē they goodes to they kinred gett thee home and aske no more to liue of almose with my poore Brethrē So this wretch retourned alone to his kinred as vnworthy to liue with so manie perfect seruātes of God Many others inspired by the supreme boūty and with an exceeding feruour of spirit daily entred into the Order the renowme wherof was spread ouer all Italy yea through all Christēdome By reasō that S. Francis sent his Religious into diuers partes of the world who represented the life of IEVS CHRIT by holy pouertie which they carryed in steed of purses by obedience wherin they were most prompt and ready and trauaile wherby they were speedie in their iorneyes and in regard that they had nothing they feared not the losse of any thing Thus liued they euery where without feare and in great tranquility of spiritt without care either by day or night as they had bin instructed by him that is the only true and singuler Master They kept not the remaynes of one dayes meat for the next being of beleefe that to endure want of these temporall and transitory benefittes was their great richesse and aboundance In what exercise and beleefe he fashioned ●●is Bretheren THE XXX CHAPTER SAint Francis knowing that his religion was instituted of the holy Ghost in the church of God for a mirrour or looking glasse wherin sinners might behold and contemplate their deformitie and how far different and distant they are from the liknes of God he for this respect endeauoured to annoynt his Brethren with the vnction of IESVS CHRIST by whose vertue he begatt them So then being replenished with the holy Ghost his Order did not only encrease in nomber but in vertue also and edification of the faithfull and to the end that besides their deuotion they might also be exercised in charitie and loue of their neighbour sith they were piously to cōuerse in the world he would often louinglie sitt downe with them and in the name of God command now one then an other to make some exhortation of that which the holy Ghost should dictate vnto him and this he practised often And one time of all other they whome he had enioyned to speake did all deliuer such excellent and admirable thinges of the bounty and goodnes of God and of his secrettes and this vnpremeditated only by the vertue of obedience that themselues grew into admiration therof He then by experience knew that which God said to his disciples It is not you that speake before Presidents and Princes but the spiritt of your Father that speaketh in you Now whiles these holy pure and simple vessels did poure out the baulme of diuine grace discoursing of very high matters of God and discouering the deepe misteries of the scripture by vertue of obedience vnto their holy Father our lord IESVS CHRIST appeared vnto them and stood in the middes of them in forme of a most beautifull yong man and gaue them his benediction with such a sweet and immensiue grace that S. Francis and his Brethren were rauished in extasie and fell all in a sound and as dead to the ground Being retourned to themselues S. Francis said My deerly beloued Brethren we are much obliged to be thankfull vnto God for that it hath pleased his diuine Maiesty to manifest his treasure by the mouth of the simple and to appeare vnto vs to lett vs know that he was present and that when it pleaseth him he maketh the mouthes of infantes of the simple and mute to appeare right eloquent These seruantes of God thus replenished with so great a light of diuine grace S. Francis sent them to illuminate the world and att their retourne they all repayred to our ladie of Angels as their true mother and there they enioyed againe each others sight with an extreame contentment which so filled them with a spirituall exultation that they easilie forgott the labours and contradictions which in their trauiles they had endured The other Brethren that stirred not from the Couent though sometimes they were employed in manuall labours about the necessities of their house neuertheles the chiefest part of their exercise was in prayer for they very frequentlie prayed with feruour and teares They arose att midnight watching to pray to God for themselues and for all other sinners They had a very tender and mutuall loue to each other The holy Father serued them as a mother doth her only sonne charitie so burned in them all that it seemed very easy vnto them to spend their life not onlie for the loue of our Lord IESVS CHRIST but euen for the safty of one of their Brethren Two Brothers walking one day through the feildes they mett a foole that cast stones att one of them which the other perceiuing he stept before his companion to receiue the strokes of the stones These good Brethren did such and the like thinges being induced therto out of perfect charity They reuerenced one an other as masters and he that by his office or age was amongest them the principall would appeare the most humble and abiect they exercised themselues in obedience each of them being prepared to performe not only the precept but
to this end we be called to witt to cure the wounded to reduce those that erre into the right way and to make vnion where there was diuision fastening them together with the sweet nayles of the feare of God He afterward explicated vnto them the state of the Freer Minors saying The Religion of the Freer Minors is a nett that taketh the great fishes for God and letteth the lesser escape and the life and religion of the Freer Minors is a little flock and fold of sheep which the Sonne of God hath desired his heauenlie Father to giue vnto him in this later time which were a people replenished with humility and with so abiect a pouerty that they were different from all other and were content to posses no other thing in this world but himselfe in regard that his Father had giuen them vnto him Herevnto he added that for this respect God had commanded him in a reuelation to call his Religious Freer Minors because they were the poore people which he had required of his Father to whome in his gospell he spake in these tearmes Feare not my litle flock for it hath pleased the Father to giue you the eternall kingdome And albeit this hath bin vnderstood in the person of all the poore of spiritt yet was it particulerly spoaken concerning the Religion of the Freer Minors who were to renew in the church the primitiue estate of the Apostles Thus did the holy Father encourage them without feare to trauaile ouer the world securely to denounce and simplie to preach pennance reposing their confidence in God who had vanquished the world who would speake for gayning of soules for them and in them by meane of the holy Ghost But lett vs especially haue care said the holy Father we that haue already abandoned the world that we loose not the celestiall kingdome for a matter of small moment I therfore further aduise you that if you find mony in any place wher soeuer you esteeme it no more then the dust you trample vnder your feet The said S. did afterward admonish them not to contemne any person that they should see to liue licentiously or cloathed sumptuously considering that God is our common Lord who is of sufficient power to call and iustifie them For which reason he would that his Religious should yeld them equall reuerence with their fellow Brethren and Lordes for they are as well and really theire brothers in regard of reasonable essence sith we are all creatures of one same and sole Creatour and Redeemer and they are also their Lordes in as much as they assist them in their course of life and releiue them in their necessities He farther affirmed that the Freer Minor ought to be such in the world that in whatsoeuer he should see or heare in the world he should glorifie the heauenly Father The Brethren one day besought the holy Father that he would be pleased to manifest vnto them what vertue would make a man the greatest freind to IESVS CHRIST and he answeared them My Brethren pouerty my Brethren pouerty my Brethren pouerty Know for certaine that it is the singuler way to perfection the stemme or stock of humility and that God would that therevpon should begin the structure and building of perfection saying If thou wilt be perfect goe and sell all that thou hast because therby the greatest impedimentes are cutt off to witt the affection and cogitations of temporall substance ordinarily accompanyed with pride and vaine glory of the world which breed of richesse as the moth engendreth in cloth Our Lord also declareth this eminencie of pouerty to be the seat of all other vercues when he saith He that will liue with me lett him renounce himselfe and take vp his crosse and follow me Because he that is perfectly poore ought not only to forsake all loue and desire of temporall thinges but also the loue of himselfe of his proper iudgement of his prudence and of his owne will that hauing no propriety in any thing he may enter into the merueillous puissances of God and present himselfe nakedlie into his sweet embracementes In the discourse which S. Francis made to his Brethren he did also commend in a Religious the vertue and grace of prayer affirming that without the same none could perseuer or profitt in the seruice of God he therfore exercised and induced his Brethren to prayer by all meanes he could deuise persuading them to pray alwayes trauailling or resting in one place a broad or within in comfort and affliction and that they should doe al things with their spiritt erected vnto God who is alwayes present in all places and within vs ●and will that we continuallie conuerse with him for feare that by our negligence and tepidity we depriue our selues of the veritie of his holy spiritt not receiuing it with due reuerence Of the austere life of S. Francis THE XXXII CHAPTER THe blessed Father knowing that he was giuen of God for an example and light vnto the Gentiles and worldly Christians that many by his meane carrying the crosse of our Redeemer should be saued as a captaine of the warre of IESVS CHRIST he endeauoured to gett the crowne of victory by worckes of perseuerance in perfection and reflecting on these words of the Apostle They that appertaine to IESVS CHRIST haue crucified their flesh with their vices also to carry the armour of God in their bodies he crucified his flesh with the rigour of discipline and so bridled his appetites that touching his refection he scarcely tooke what was necessarie to suffice nature And as one that had well experienced the matter he affirmed it to be a thing verie difficult to satisfie the necessitie of the body without obeying the disordinate inclinations of sensuall delight In the beginning of the Order albeit he had not sufficient almose of bread to releiue his Brethren yet for the most part he demaunded no more because himselfe and his Brethren were so attentiue and addicted to the spiritt and to prayer that out of forgetfulnes they omitted to demaund almose and therfore refected themselues with hearbes and rootes which they did eate with exceeding good appetit and great contentment The holy Father in his health did very seldome or almost neuer eate any meat dressed by fier His ordinarie repast was bread and water and if att any time he did eat of such it was of boyled hearbes which he so mingled with ashes or cold water that loosing their sauour they were worse then raw and drincking water he toke only so much as he thought would suffice him not to quench the heat of his thirst but to satisfie the necessitie of his body His ordinarie table was the ground neither had his Brethren other during his life He euerie day inuented and found some extraordinary manner of abstinence so atttentiue and regardfull was he to chastice the flesh and to render it obedient to reason that
CHRIST which is not accomplished but in charitie and doth more oblige vs to desire the good of the soule thē of the body In this respect the Brethren from that holie time as obedient children that desired to accomplish the iust will of their Father were with their best industrie warie therof because to murmure what other thing is it said the same holie Father then with the gall of dishonour and treason to fill holie religion his true and deere mother Such murmurers are of the cursed race of Cham for as he discouered the nuditie of his Father so these discouer and aggrauate the defectes of their Superiours and of the Order Therfore they deserue the malediction of God they wallow in filth like hogges and seeke to lay false imputations on their Brethren and to make them like vnto themselues who haue their consciences exceedingly defiled and loathsome their office is conformable to that of dogges to bite to barck and to complaine of the order of the Superiours and of the discipline The voice of the murmurer is thus I want perfection of life and true knowledge I cannot attaine to tast the sweetnes of God and therfore I cannot find place neere his diuine Maistie nor repose with men I am resolued what to doe I will raise discord amōg the elect and the good people and I shal be fauoured of the principall so much the rather because I know my Superiour to be a man and that also as I doe he sometimes vseth this meanes Oh wretch thou feedest already on humane flesh why seekest thou not they food other where thou gnawest the liuer and bowels of those that liue well Those fellowes seeke to seeme vertuous not to be so and accuse the vices of others without indeauouring in the meane time co correct their owne They praise onlie them of whome they are praised or of whome they hope some benefitt yet doe they not prayse them but when they thincke or know it will come to their vnderstanding and that themselues shal be commended therfore The holie Father thus laboured with all his power to root out of his Order so many occasions of euels as arriue by an vnbridled tongue to the end his Brethren might obserue the Euangelicall silence And in that respect he hath att times exhorted them to auoid idle wordes as such wherof one should render an account and be punished for in the great and dreadfull day of iudgement and if he mett with any one that should forgett himselfe in this point he would verie sharplie reprehend him assuring his Brethren that holie silence was the gard and cōseruation of the purity of the hart that it was not one of the least vertues and that so slight regard ought not to be made therof sith the Scripture saith that death and life are in the power of the tongue Of the spirituall ioy he would that his Brethren should haue THE XXXVII CHAPTER HE had an especiall care that his Brethen in their prayers diuine offices and corporall exercises should euer haue interiourly some spirituall ioy against the venime of idlenes and melācholy as a signe that they were the habitatiō of Iesus Christ He did with all singularly affect in them this peace and alacrity of spiritt he assured them that this spirituall ioy was directly opposite to all kinde of deceipt and temptation of the deuill and said vnto them that if the seruaunt of God did labour to conserue in him interiourly and exteriourly the alacrity which springeth of the purity of the soule as his proper foūtaine which is caused by the vertue of prayer the deuilles cannot annoy him for they will say If this man be ioyfull in afflictions and trauailes by what meanes can we procure him euill And on the contrary when the deuill seeth the seruaunt of God disarmed of this spirituall alacrity he hopeth with all to make him loose the tast of prayer and of all his other good worckes and especially of the puritie of the soule for he well knoweth with what temptations and by what slightes he can endommage and robbe the peace of the spiritt and of the good disposition which is in the seruaunt of God But this mischeuious beast shall haue lesse power when the soule shal be dilligent to expell this heauines by the vertue of prayer which as a most pleasing odour hath power to chace far a way from her this fierce and venimous serpent but when the hart is oppressed with griefe and heauines the deuill reioyceth because he very easily plongeth him into melancholy or into dispaire or persuadeth it to wallow in worldly pleasures Thus did the holy Father exceedingly labour to preserue the ioy of the hart which is the oyle of spirituall vnction wherwith the holy Ghost annoynteth those whom he hath sanctisied and thereby preuenteth the dangerous disease of idlenes and of spirituall distast which the Sainct with such dilligence endeauoured to exterminate that when he felt it to breed in him he had incontinently recourse to prayer as to a most assured remedy and preseruatiue against so perillous a disease He counsailed his Brethren in like sort when they felt themselues troubled to haue instant recourse to prayer and being on their knees prostrate on the earth before God to say Restore me if thou please my God that grace which thou wert pleased formerly to graunt vnto my soule whereto I beseech thee to giue that alacrity and rast which it felt in thy holy seruice and comfort me by the same that I do not perish and he admonished them thus to perseuer till they were heard and that their former ioy retourned vnto them For said he if the soule permitt it selfe to be transported to heauines of spiritt the vice of confusion of Babilon will grow in it which rustieth the hart and silleth it with sorrow if it be not washed with teares And know yee said this good Father that the alacrity which proceedeth of a good conscience and of vnion with God by prayer is one of the principall giftes which one is to receiue and receaued ought to conserue Labour then all of you to obtaine it sith I loue it for my selfe and desire it for you both exteriourly and interiourly for the glory of God and the greater confusion of the deuill who only and his haue occasion to be melancholie wheras we on the contrary ought to reioyce in God I know well that the deuilles beare me enuie and that they cannot but against their wil endure so many graces to be imparted vnto me by his diuine maiesty and seeing they can not annoye me they endeauour to trouble my fellow-brethren but they lesse preuayling therin if it please God they shall depart with confusion If sometimes they tempt me with slugishnes idlenes and heauines of spiritt I free me therof by consideration of the alacritie of my Brethren Now it is here to be vnderstood that the holie Father being an Idea and paterne of all
true modestie he did not meane that one should shew a vaine ioy of speech or of light laughter for that is not the alacritie which the true seruantes of IESVS CHRIST ought to haue as some esteeme which is but a vanitie and a manifest signe of litle spiritt S. Francis therfore in an exhortation that he made to his Brethren declared vnto them what was the ioy of the true seruantes of God saying That Brother may be called happy who hath not his ioy but in worckes and wordes of charity by example and document wherof men are induced to loue prayse and honour God And on the contrary wretched is the Brother that is delighted in idle wordes wher with he moueth men to laughter in whome that is verified which the Apostle saith that his religion is vaine and vnfruitfull So that by spirituall ioy he meant the feruour resolution readines and tast of the will of the bodye prompt with alacritie to attempt all good by which feruour and ioy men are oftentimes more edified then by the very worckes they doe be they neuer so good if they seeme to be done with an euill will because they represent the idlenes anxietie of the will and the sloathfullnes of the body in doeing well so that they doe not edifie but corrupt The holy Father affected grauity in himselfe and others that the ioy of the spiritt might not seeme a certaine vaine mirth He well knew by experience that this grauity would serue him as a wall against the dartes of the deuill because the soule disarmed therof remayneth light and vaine and as a naked man amongst potent ennemies that seeke all meanes to murder him Of the fraternall vnion which he taught his brethren THE XXXVIII CHAPTER ANd because the said spirituall ioy proceedeth of the innocencie of the soule and of an amourous peace and tranquillitie with God and our neighbour S. Francis exceedinglie laboured that so holy a vnion might be cōserued amōg his deerly beloued disciples to th end that they who had ben engendred by the holy Ghost in vnion of loue and concorde might be conserued and maintayned semblably vnited among themselues in the lappe of their mother which is holy Religion To the end also that the said disciples should praise God with one hart and according to the Apostle should reioyce with the ioyfull and mourne with the sorrowfull neuer permitting any roote of sorrow enuie or any other disordinate passion to enter into them and that the greater should be assuredly vnited in a true loue of charitye with the least the prudent and wise with the simple as true Brethren and they that are in their country with such as are come from farre He one day proposed to his Brethren an example to this purpose of notable doctrine and efficacie Supposing said he that a generall chapter were held of all the Brethren that are in the glory of paradice and as there are both learned and simple ignorantes that haue vowed to serue God without any science acquyred lett commandement be giuen to a learned man and to a simple ignorant to make each of them a sermon the learned considering what he was to say thus discoursed with himselfe where there are so many of perfect knowledge it would be vnprofitable for me to appeare learned my auditours being incapable of further science to premeditate to make election and search of curious and subtill matters before more curious then my selfe would appeare ridiculous but peraduenture I shal be better and more voluntarily heard yea and with more fruit if I discourse simply Now the prefixed day being come all the holy Saints assemble in the place deputed to heare the sermon of the Doctour who appeared cloathed with a rude sack cloth and his head couered with ashes Those present more admired this habitt then the wordes which were compendious breife and simple in these termes My Brethren we haue promised great matters but greaters are promised vs. Lett vs exactly performe those and tenderly aspire att these The pleasure of sinne is breife but the paine therof is without end The labour of vertue is small but the glory gotten therby is infinite Many are called but few are chosen and each one in the end shall receiue according to his deserte These so pregnant and patheticall wordes did so touch and moue the hartes of the audience that they were constrayned to shed abondance of teares exceedingly praysing this Preacher and esteeming him a holy person The simple ignorant then that was also to preach said to himselfe Sith this learned Preacher hath made vse in his sermon of my simplicity I know what I will doe I haue some verses of the Psalter by hart them will I sett foorth the most eloquently and learnedly that I can sith that the doctour hath preached like a simple man The houre of his sermon being come this simple man rose vp and replenished with the holy Ghost he propounded his theme with such feruour so ingeniously and clearly yea with such eloquence by the grace which God imparted vnto him that his auditours filled with admiration sayd Without doubt God doth speake in the simple Now S. Francis expounded this figure in this manner Our Religion said he is a great and generall congregation in which are vnited from all partes of the world a great nomber of men vnder one same forme and rule of life The prudent therein ought to make vse of the grace that is in the idiotes which is to be employed in worckes of humilitie as true disciples of IESVS CHRIST and so to benefitt themselues therby when they shall see them exercised with a liuely intention in celestiall vertues and voluntarily to heare the mysticall doctrine of the holy Ghost yea with a pious and holy enuy to resemble them and to cleare their spirittes of all presumption that they may be enriched of God with the spiritt of humility and diuine theologie On the contrary the simple ought to be very carefull to make their profitt more of workes then of doctrine and to conuert the science which they see in the learned into so much fruit seeing the honour and reuerence which they exhibitt to the rule and to simplicity of life whereas they being so noble and so learned might liue in the world as Lordes and yet they haue made themselues litle because they had true knowledge of the greatnes of God Then he concluded that in this worthy concord consisted true peace in this equalitie of hartes reposed true ioye of spiritt yea all the beautie and perfection of all their congregation and that by this only meane they might become gratefull and pleasing to the eternall Father who as he had engendred them and alwayes conserued them in grace would also afterward vnite them together in glory How he accustomed his Brethren to perfect obedience THE XXXVIIII CHAPTER BEside the premises he also trayned them vp in the vertue of obedience and abnegation of their
shalt performe the pennaunce that I shall now enioyne thee The Religious acknowledging his fault and submitting himselfe to doe his penaunce S. Francis said vnto him Strip thy selfe naked and aske him pardon and beseech him to pray to God for thee which was done He caused an other Religious to doe the like for hauing only giuen a rigorous answeare to a poore man that asked an almose He manifested to his Brethren how they ought to behaue themselues towardes the poore in these termes When you shall see a poore creature consider that it is a mirour which our Redeemer IESVS CHRIST proposeth vnto you of his pouerty and of his blessed virgin mother and that he presenteth it to your sight When you shall see a sick person know that it is a paterne of the infirmity which he tooke on him for our sakes if the pride and irreuerence of the riche displease God how much more will displease him the rigorous wordes of Freer Minors to such as make professiō of pouerty If in this our profession God permitt that we be honoured of great personnes how intollerable will our pride appeare if proudly puffed vp we contemne such as are as poore as our selues Lett vs therfore beware that by iust permission of God it happen not to our confusion that the rich make lesse esteeme of vs yea that they suffer vs to die for want of releife Of the spiritt of feruour of S. Francis in his preachinges THE L. CHAPTER BEcause the Apostle saith that piety is profitable and behoufull in euery thing this vertue was so vnited to the hart of the holy Father and so engrauen in his bowels that it seemed to subiect him to all creatures but especially to the soules redeemed by the precious bloud of our Lord IESVS CHRIST for if the saw them sicke or dead in sinne he had such a tender feeling of hart and affection with them as if he had naturally begotten them And in that respect he excceedingly honoured Preachers because they alwayes raysed some dead Brother vnto our Redeemer and with a pious care endeauoured to reuoke the erring and to confirme the imperfect in God S. Francis then preached being vested with this zeale and charity towardes his neighbour not with selected wordes or by humane art but by the vertue and doctrine of the holy Ghost did manifest vnto them the kingdome of God his preaching was vehement as a burning fire that peneteated the center of the hart and putt soules into a continuall admiration and as it were beside themselues Prayer alone was all his bookes distrusting all his knowledged and industrie and entierly relying on the diuine vertue He obtained of God this his holy grace which he so instantly required for assistance of his neighbour in such sort that his wordes did penetrate not only the eares but euen the hartes of sinners It only once happened that he studyed his sermon and the reason was because he was to preach before the Pope and many Cardinals by commandement of the Cardinall of Hostia Protectour of his Order The time being come to ascend the pulpitt and being therin he could by no meanes beginne his sermon though he exceedingly laboured to doe it which infinitely troubled him and much amazed the assistantes wherfore he publickely acnowledged that he had seriously studied that sermon but hauing incontinently recourse to prayer in few wordes recommending himselfe with all his hart vnto God vtterly reiecting his former conceipt and entierly referring himselfe to his diuine maiestie he began to preach with such feruour that hauing in an instant sett att liberty his holy tongue he deliuered matter so learned sublime and so necessary that he moued all the hartes of his audience to compassion and then it appeared to each one that the wordes of God were vndoubtedlie true where he saith It is not you that speake but the spiritt of God that speaketh in you This holy Father thus obtayning the reuelatious of the diuine mysteries by meane of prayer and correcting first whatsoeuer vices he found in himselfe it is not to be admired that he moued the most obdurat hartes vnto pennance reprehending vices with such vehemence He preached with like feruour his constancie being incredible both to great and meaner people riche and poore many and few and alwayes with exceeding profitt What conditions S. Francis required in Preachers THE LI. CHAPTER BEing according to the example of IESVS CHRIST a true Euangelicall Preacher and teaching rather by workes then wordes he would in like sort that his disciples rather wanted learning then goodnes because sayd he the function and grace of preaching is farre more gratefull to God then any other humane office if it be especiallie practised with a care of perfect charitie adding with all that the poore and wretched preacher that despoiling himselfe of pietie sought not the benefitt of soules in his preachinges but only to please men for his particuler interest deserued to be lamented so miserable was his state and condition But more greiuous was his case that by his lewd life he scandalized and ruyned more soules then he gained by his doctrine Herevpon he inferred that before such Preachers was to be preferred a simple Religious man who by his pious example and imitable life induceth each one to vertue Which is insinuated by the wordes of S. Anne Donec sterilis peperit Till the barren bring foorth many children and she that had many become infirme vnderstanding the barren to be the simple Religious whose function is not to preach and by his doctrine to bring foorth any child vnto God but att the day of the vniuersall iudgement it will appeare that by his life his example his prayers and his teares which he hath presented vnto his diuine maiestie imploring him for the conuersion of sinners he shall haue engendred many more in the Church of God then diuers that preach because the iust iudge shall attribute them all vnto him for his merittes and shall recompense him accordinglie And the mother that is the Preacher that in exteriour apparence seemed to haue many children shall appeare infirme because he shall proue to haue no part in that wherein he gloryed as proceeding from himselfe and notfrom God In respect wherof he would not that the Preachers should be distracted and transported by cares and asfaires of the world but should remayne retired and attentiue to prayer as being elected by his diuine Maiesty for publishing his holy word vnto sinners Therfore said he the first thing that a Preacher ought to doe is in priuate prayer to feed himselfe with the spiritt of God then being himselfe enflamed within to communicate and impart vnto them therby to enflame them without The Function of preaching was by him reputed reuerend so consequentlie the Ministers therof Preachers said he are the life of the body of the holy church they are the champions and bucklers of soules against the deuill they are the
recouer them and know the place of their residence but they could neuer see nor heare of them It was then iudged that this was the recompence of the curtesy which the deceased had done to S. Francis and his companions when he entertained them att Orgogno and thence forward those people were euer exceeding deuot vnto the Freer Minors In the same iorney betweene Barcelone and Ghirone neere vnto S. Celony one of the companions of S. Francis being very hungry entred into a vineyard which he happelie found there and did eat of the grapes The keeper of the vines hauing perceaued it tooke from him his cloake which he very patientlie permitted him to take and would not restore it whatsoeuer instance S. Francis vsed but carryed it to his master of whome the said S. so graciously demaunded it that he did not only restore it but withall inuited him to eat with him where he in such sort comported himselfe that this good man entierlie edified by the wordes of the S. and by his doctrine offered himselfe to be a perpetuall host vnto all the Freer Minors that thenceforward should passe that way To whome the S. reciprocally replyed I accept thee for a Freer of our Order and so proceeding in continuall performance of that charity when they passed that way he died many yeares after and as his kinred procured his obsequies to be performed where were present many Preistes some did deridingly beginne to murmure saying that the Freer Minors did not appeare att the death of one of their so affectionate Brethren of who they had receaued so many curtesies and vpon the deliuerie of these wordes there came two and twentie Religious singing the Psalmes of Dauid with an exceeding melodious harmony who hauing finished the office in the Church did all disappeare The kinred of the deceassed prepared for them to eat but they rested content with only giuing thanckes to God with the rest of the people for the recompence he affordeth those that entertayne his seruantes euen after their death It was then ordayned in that citty that the Freer Minors should thenceforward there be lodged and entertayned with all thinges necessary att the chardge of the common purse S. Francis passing afterward through the kingdome of France preaching in a hospitall att Montpelier he prophetically foretold that in that citty should shortlie after be erected a monastery of Freer Minors which was accordingly verified soone after in that a Couent was there built which was very worthely mayntayned till the fury of the Caluinian heresie did vtterly ruinate the same Of the first meeting of S. Francis and S. Dominick THE LVII CHAPTER THe yeare of grace 1215. when the first generall Councell was held att Lateran during the raigne of Pope Innocentius the third the holy Father S. Dominick was att Rome with the Bishop of Tolous called Falcon to procure the Popes confirmatiō of the Order of Preachers which he then intended to institute and estabish wherof the Pope being by diuine reuelation aduertised and enformed of the great fruit that this Order should produce vniuersally to the holy Church att his first vew of S. Dominick without farther notice of him incontinently commanded him to retourne vnto Tolouse and to conferre with his Religious touching the penning of a rule that might be approued by the Church vnder which his Religion might be confirmed S. Dominick then retourning to Tolouse and hauing with his Religious implored the diuine assistance they made election of the rule of S. Augustine with the name and title of Preachers The yeare following being 1216. Honorius the third succeeding Pope Innocent the third retourning to Rome he demaunded of the Pope that then succeeded the said confirmation with the Bull and apostolicall authority in vertue wherof to make profession and with all to adde other constitutions that seemed necessary All which hauing obtayned the night ensuying he saw in prayer our Lord IESVS CHRIST att the right hand of God against sinners in an hideous and terrible manner brandishing three launces in the aire against the world the first to suppresse the hautines of the proud the second to disgorge the ouer-stuffed entrailes of the auaricious and the third to massacre the carnall There was none that could resist this wrath but the virgin Mary his most sacred mother whome he saw most affectionately to embrace the feet of her sonne beseeching him to pardon those whome he had redeemed with his precious bloud and with the mixture of his infinite mercy to delay that his rigorous iustice Then he heard our Lord thus answeare her See you not mother how manie iniuryes they doe me how is it possible that my holy iustice permitt so many enormityes to be vnpunished His most gracious mother thus replyed Thou knowest my deere Sonne what is the way to conuert sinners vnto thee but behold here a faithfull seruant of thine whome thou mayst presently send into the world to preach thy word to men that being conu●rted vnto thee their Sauiour they perish not and behold there also an other of thy seruantes ready to assist him Presenting vnto him S. Dominick and S. Francis with whome he saw God to be satisfied Now S. Dominick awaking very well retayned the markes wherby he might know this his companion whome he neuer knew before But the day following by diuine prouidence he mett S. Francis who was then in the Church of saint Peter att Rome whome he incontinently knew by the markes which he had obserued in the said vision Then he ran and verie affectionatelie embraced him and said we shal be companions and shall labour together in our holie purpose and neither any man nor wicked spiritt shall haue power to preuaile against vs. At length he recounted vnro him the said vision And after long discourse together they remayned vnited in God with one hart will and spiritt They commanded the like vnto their brethren This vision was imparted vnto the Religious of saint Dominick by saint Francis his meanes to whome onlie the said saint had recounted the same How these two SS had sight of each other an other time att Rome and how they reiected the benefices that were presented to them and to their Religious THE XLVIII CHAPTER THese two eminent lightes sent of God to illuminate the world did an other time meet together att Rome in Cardinall Hosties house who for the great zeale he carryed to the Church of God and for the deuotion wherwith he respected them both said vnto them In the primitiue Church the Prelates were poore and liued without any vanity gouerning the flock of Christ with loue and humility not by desire of terrestriall and temporall thinges therfore in myne opinion the holie church would retourne to her primitiue estate if of your Religious we should make Bishops and Prelates because by their doctrine good example of life and by contempt of the world they would represent to the whole world the Prelates of the primitiue
litle faith why distrust you the prouidence of God why remember you not those wordes of Dauid so often cited by your holy Father putt your hope in God and he will assist you he that faileth not the very beastes Know that it hath pleased God to chastice and afflict you with hungar for your weaknes of faith and therfore learne how you ought to behaue your selues hereafter which said he vanished and the Religious thus hūbled demaunded pardon of God to whome they promised amendement How a man that built a Couent for the Freer Minos had his mony encreased this is the thirteenth chapter of the sixt booke putt in this place where it ought to be THE LXVII CHAPTER BVt what happened vnto two Religious that were sent into Arragon is verie admirable being receaued in Lerida by an honorable gentleman called Raymod de Barriaco verie deuout vnto the Order of S. Francis they persuaded him to build them an oratorie without the towne assuring him that by such disbursement his monie would not diminish wherto giuing credit he so seriouslie sett labourers on worck that in short time the building was verie forward Now sending his seruant one day vnto his cabinett to take thence some monie to pay the labourers he retourned answearing him that there was no more He not beleeuing it sent him the second time but he affirmed that doubtleslie there was none wherwith the gentleman considering the great expences he had made and the failing of the foresaid promise being exceedinglie disquieted went impatientlie to the said two Religious and reproached them wherto they humblie answeared that he should not not be afflicted but should goe himselfe and curiouslie search and should without doubt finde the promise of God not to be frustrate Which the gentleman hearing being somewhat recomforted and encouraged beleeued the wordes of the Religious Goeing then himselfe he found all his monie as if he had not disbursed a penie and besides he found a notable somme in a corner Wherfore replenished with ioy att the knowledge of such a miracle of God he wēt to the said Religious at whose feete falling prostrate he demaunded pardon for the litle faith he had and then with exceding feruour proceeded in the building How S. Francis went into Egipt to preach the Faith of Iesus Christ vnto the the Soldan THE LXVIII CHAPTER THe yeare of grace 1219. after the said holie Father had sent his brethren into diuers places as we haue said he determi-to goe preach the faith vnto the great Soldan of Babilon in Egipt and with such feruour that the Christians then went with exceeding deuotion to see if he and his Religious could fight a spirituall combat and by the grace of God wrest those prisoners out of the handes of the deuill But as a great nomber of his Religious followed him to goe in his company arriuing att Ancona where they were to embarque themselues he said vnto them My beloued Brethren I would willingly content you all I know that you vehemently desire to accompany me in regard of your greedy thirst of Martyrdome But you may well perceaue that it is impossible because the vessell is not capable to carry vs all It is therfore expedient that you referre your selues to the will of God wherby such of you as shal be elected shall presently goe with me and the others shall remayne in peace And therfore that none be discontent you see there a litle child very simple which saying he poynted att him being before him who knoweth vs not if you thincke it good as I doe he shall make choice of you They al incontinently consented thervnto the holy Father therfore called the child to whome in theire presence he said Tell me my child is it the will of God that all these Religious goe with me into Egipt The child answeared no. Which of them then replyed S. Francis This this this said the child and so by one and one he pointed out eleuen and no more which the others perceauing they stopped thir iorney and the holy Father with the said eleuen Religious embarqued themselues At length after a longe nauigation they arriued in Egipt where the Christian army then beseiged the citty of Damiett which the Soldan possessed whose army was also in the feild euery day ski●mishing with ours so that there was no meane to passe the army of the Pagans without imminent dāger of death in regard that the Soldan had proclaimed an edict through his campe that euery More that could bring in the head of a Christian should be rewarded with a ducat But the seruant of God S. Francis who went thither for no other end but to die a martyr hauing made his prayer and being spiritually comforted in God went with all his companyons to the army of the Mores continually singing this verse of the Prophett Although I shall walke in the middest of the shaddow of death I will not feare euils because thou art with me Bur being discouered by the Mores diuers of them issued out of the campe and assaulted S. Francis and his companions as hungry wolues the simple sheep who yelded themselues captiues without any resistance affirming only that they had matters of importance to impart vnto the Soldan How the holy Father S. Francis preached vnto the Soldan THE LXIX CHAPTER THus then was S. Francis and his companions led fast bound vnto the Soldan who incontinently demaunded who they were who had sent them into his army and what was the end of their comming The holy Father as one that found himselfe in that place which he had a long time exceedingly desired with a merueilous feruour of spiritt thus answeared him Know Emperour Soldan that our comming hither hath not bin enioyned vs by any earthly man or Prince but by the will and ordinance of that almighty king of kinges and lord of lordes the eternall God who hath sent vs vnto thee that art not only his creature as we all are but art also his Minister and possessest his place in thine Empire and therfore his most gracious goodnes seeing that thou with all thy people walkest out of the true way of the knowledge of him thine only true and soueraigne God and though thou deceauest thy selfe putting thine affection in creatures without acknowledging their Creatour and Redeemer though thou doest farre stray from the way of naturall reason wherby thou mightest attaine the knowledg of thy faultes of the honour thou owest vnto his diuine Maiesty and of his law yet he hauing a feeling compassion of thee hath sent vs hither to teach thee the true way and the only meane of thy saluation which consisteth alone in the faith and obediece of IESVS CHRIST the true Sonne of God and true man who came into the world to redeeme vs from the handes of the deuill and to giue eternall glory to all them that haue bin are and shal be sincere in holy Faith and on the contrary eternall torment
and damnation to the disobedient and such as erre from the said most holy Faith and to this end would he by his immensiue charity assuming our nature therwith satisfie all our offences and die on the wood of the crosse for our sinnes and would afterwardes leaue vs the meritt of his passion in the sacrament of holy baptisme wherby we are new borne to eternall life that all our sinnes dying we may sett our selues free from the captiuity of the deuill and from eternall death which this cruell ennemy hath from time to time procured vs. Great Soldan proceeded the S. open the eares and eyes of thine vnderstanding misprise not the Embassadge which thine omnipotent eternall king sendeth thee permitt his grace to enter into thy hart and by his holy light he will giue thee instant knowledg of the great blindes wherin till this day thou hast liued and consider attentiuely how much thou art bound vnto his diuine maiesty letting thee now vnderstand that he can giue thee a kingdome in heauen much greater then this which he hath giuen thee here one earth But if thou perseuer in thine errour be thou assured of the punishment prepared for thee for thou must know that soone or late thou must fall into his handes yeld him an account both of thy sinnes and of thy vassals The holy Father spake these and many other like wordes with such feruour and vehemencie of spiritt that all those present though they were all infidels did manifestlie know that the said wordes proceeded of a more then humane vertue And they were indeed vttered with the same spiritt that God promised his seruantes saying I will giue you a tongue and wisdome which the princes of the world shall not be able to resist Now the Soldan acknowledgeing so great a vertue in the seruant of God he gaue him thanckes with much reuerence and tokens of curtesie then asked him concerning new difficulties being very attentiue to the answeares which the holy Father gaue him as a man sent him from God and therfore very instantlie prayed him not retourne to the Christians but to remaine with him the seruant of IESVS CHRIST cntierly circumvested with zeale of the faith thervpon made him this answeare Great Soldan If you with all your people wil be conuerted I will right gladly remayne with you and if you haue any doubt that detaineth you from leauing your beleefe for mine because the time is very short you may presentlie make proofe therof lett there be made a great fire in the middes of the army then call your Sacrificers and Religious command vs all to enter into the middes of the fire and afterwardes follow their faith that by their God shall be preserued The Soldan amazed att the proposition made by the holy Father said I doe not thinck that any of our Religious will make this triall Wherin he was not deceaued for he had scarcely vttered that word but one of his Collociers there present very aged and among the Turcks reputed for a S. hearing it incontinentlie slipt away fearing that the Soldan accepting the condition he should be deuoured by the flames The holie Father then addressing himselfe againe into the Soldan said Mighty Soldan wilt thou promise vnto God to become Christian if I my selfe alone goe into the fire Wherto I am now readilie prepared The Soldan answeared him that he durst not then make any such promise much lesse accept such offer fearing that such an vnwonted attēpt might raise some tumult in his army neuertheles it wrought much fruit in his hart and though for the present he did not resolue to be baptised yet he remayned exceedinglie aflected to the holy Father to whome he offered a great quantity of gold siluer and apparell for himselfe and his companions which the Saint no more esteemed then verie filth not vouchsafing to behold the same which much more amazed the Soldan yet he prayed him againe to accept those presents to dispose them in almose for his soule albeit he were not as yet resolued to be baptised But his requestes were vaine S. Francis then determined to passe further as not finding any firme and stable resolution in the Soldan though he prayed the holy Father to visitt him often affirming that he would conferre more amply with him graunted him letters patentes by vertue wherof he his Br. might freely preach ouer all his kingdome wherwith S. Francis departed How S. Francis and his companions preached the faith to the kingdome of the Soldan and how he miraculously resisted a More that tempted him to carnality THE LXX CHAPTER SAinct Francis diuided his companions and sent them ouer Egipt Syria and himselfe with Brother Illuminatus went through all the kingdome continually preaching the gospell And being on a time enforced to rest himselfe in a certaine place expecting the mitigation of the stormy weather he retired into a house to lodge where in was a More who in the lineamentes and proportion of her face was faire and of comely grace but in spiritt extremelie loath some she induced by the deuill that one each side cast his snares to surprise the S. went to him into a chamber where purposely she had placed him alone and instantlie prayed him to sinne with her the S. answeared her woman if thou wilt that I offend with thee thou must also yeld to me in my request Wherto the amourous More presentlie accorded S. Francis then incōtinently goeing to a great fire that was there spreding it abroad layed downe and stretched himselfe theron inuiting the More to keepe her promise and lye with him one that bed so gorgious and resplendat The More remayned a while pensiue betweene loue and feare expecting the issue but att length seeing him to turne one the coales as if he had bin one roses and lillies she acknowledged her selfe and her sinne and was baptised and afterwards by vertue of the miracle of the S. as an other Samaritane conuerted many Mores vnto IESVS CHRIST The S. hauing vpon this occasion seiourned there certaine dayes went on his iorney cōming within three or four leagues of Antioch to a place called Mōtenegro where was a Monastery of Religious of the Order S. Be. he there made some stay in such sort cōported him selfe that in few dayes the Abbott all the Religious renūcing all their possesiōs into the hādes of the Patriarck became Freer Minors In the meane while it chaunced vnto two other of his companions that they seeming to a More so miserable he of compassion offered them almose which they refusing in any sort to receaue the More demaunded them wherfore they would not accept the same wherto they answeared that for the Ioue of God they would possesse neither mony or any other thing in this world the More was therwith so touched that he sodenly receaued them into his affection yea into such amity that thence forward he had
deluded by the deuill amiably replyed saying Oh God brother Ruffinus what wordes haue you vttered are you besides you selfe or doe you yeeld to be deluded by the deuill Know you not that S. Francis is an Angel of heauen on earth Is it not knowne vnto vs how many millions of soules God hath saued will saue by his meanes how he hath illuminated the world and how much ourselues perticulerly are by him illuminated howsoeuer sith he hath expresly sent for you I will that you repaire vnto him because indeed I know that you are exceedingly deluded by the deuill Brother Ruffinus being by these wordes att length persuaded without farther reply went with him and came to S. Francis in whose presence appearing the deuill lost his prey For after he had recounted vnto the S. all the circonstances of his temptation by order and had receaued demonstrations of the S. to witt that the deuill did harden the hearts of men and God on the contrary did soften and mollifie thē himselfe saying I will take from thee thy heart of stone and will giue thee one of flesh acknowledgeing the extreme hardnes which the deuill had left in his heart and with all vnderstanding in one instant all his slightes with abondance of teares he vttered his fault and cōfessed his sinne in concealing his temptation S. Francis then said vnto him My sonne goe make thy confession frequent prayer and know for certaine that this tēptation as thou shalt breifely experience shall tourne to no lesse peace and spirituall ioy And if this horrible deuill retourne to tempt thee vse these wordes vnto him Thou base and loathsome deuill open wide thy lying mouth that I may fill it full of filth Thus Brother Ruffinus retourning to his said mountaine and celle there to lament his passed errour Satan presented himselfe vnto him in forme of IESVS CHRIST crucified and said did I not forbid thee to beleeue Brother Francis But brother Ruffinus intertupted his wordes and answeared Thou loathsome and lying deuill open that thy mouth where out issue such horrible lyes that I may fill it with vilany which the false and proud deceauer hearing departed making such a terrible ruine of the stones of the montaine which he threw downe by grosse heapes hurling thē with such impetuosity that the stones flintes tumbling downe stroake fire against each other breifely it seemed that the mountaine was entierly to be ouer-throwen or suncken This storme was heard euen to the place where S. Francis was who with his companions went out to see whence proceeded this terrible noyse They were all exceedingly terrified S. Francis excepted who incontinently imagined the cause In the meane while Brother Ruffinus returned victorious from so tedious bitter a combatt who by experience knowing this illusion came to S. Francis to whome to the great ioy and contentement of all the hearers he recounted all the successe He being retourned to his cell the true Crucisix incontinentlie appeared vnto him and said Thou hast done well Brother Ruffinus to take the counsaile of Francis who hath discouered vnto thee th● fraud of the deuill and therfore henceforward in consideration of the affliction which thou hast endured in this temptation I giue thee this grace that whiles thou liuest thou shalt be no more afflicted by the deuill then blessing him he disappeared whervpon he was according to the prophesie of the holy Father so comforted and replenished with such sweetnes and feruour of spiritt that his soule was often rauished and eleuated in God and so he liued and died in this perfect vnion of his loue Of the humility that shined in this Saint THE LXXIX CHAPTER IT being vnderstood that the holy Father had obtayned a right glorious victory ouer the deuill in himselfe and his for he only is vanquished that presumeth of himselfe and the humble as litle fishes escape out of the nettes we will now consider by what meane the S. became so admirably victorious ouer those proud and rebellious spirittes It was in deed by no other meane then by his humility wherwith he did not only surmount their cruell assaultes but they being vnable long time to endure him he putt them to flight it alone being the guard beauty and the mother of all other vertues aboue all which it shined in him gaue light as in the persō of him that would be the least of all his brethren and one that freely acknowledged himselfe the greatest sinner of sinners and reputed himselfe no other then a veslell full of ordure and not as in deed he was an elected vessell full of sanctity and very resplendant by the lustre of so great vertues and singuler graces wherin all perfection appeared as in a very beautifull cleare glasse Now on this vertue of humility he laboured to found and build all his holy and worthy edifice affirming that IESVS CHRIST descended not into the world from the besome of his eternall Father nor was vested with our so contemptible flesh for other end but hauing redeemed vs to teach vs both by word and effect as a true master of humility what himselfe said Learne of me because I am meeke and humble of hart therfore he as his imitatour endeauoured to be of no respect first in his owne sight and then before others fearing least it should befall vnto him as it is writtē that he which is high before men is abominable before God for which cause he accustomed to say vnto his Religious A man is so great as he appeareth to be before God and no greater and therfore it is a great vanity to glory in the honours of the world He also reioyced when any iniury or reproch was done him and receaued prayses and honoures discontentedly being better pleased with reprehension then with flattery because said he by reprehension he learned to humble and correct himselfe wheras it was an ouer excessiue vanity to heare ones selfe praysed And with all he endeauoured to conceale the giftes which he receaued of God forbearing to discouer that which might occasion him to fall or offend Being one day called S. call me no more S. said he for as yet I may haue children and no man ought to be praysed till he haue perseuered vnto the end which to vs is vncertaine besides no glory is to be giuen to what soeuer is done by a sinner A sinner may fast lament and discipline his flesh but he cannot doe it alone and of himselfe The principall is that he be faithfull vnto his God wherof only he should glorifie which he shall doe if in his seruitude he attribute all the good he shall doe vnto God from whome doe proceed and are deriued vnto vs all graces and perfections as from the true Father of all our consolations Of the loue and zeale he had in humility THE LXXX CHAPTER DIscoursing one day with his brethren he said I cannot repute my selfe a Freer Minor If I proue not
this that followeth in my selfe I purpose to goe to the chapiter where shal be assembled all the Religious who will receaue me with great reuerence as their superiour afterward lett them pray me to comfort them explicating vnto them the word of God which for their satisfaction performing lett them all arise and say Hold they peace we well haue thee no longer for Superiour for thou art an idiot block-head and ignorant and with all knowest not what thou sayest wherfore it is ouer great shame to haue such a superiour then be it that you detrude me out of the chapter with vtter dishonour as deseruing the same I would not I say esteeme me a good Freer Minor if I did not support all that with the same promptitude and ioy as if I heard my selfe praysed for if I reioyce att honours what profitt reape I therby I putt my soule in perill of vaine glory without hope of any benefitt but if I be contemned my soule is therby secured and profiteth in spiritt In regard of his exceedingly zeale vnto this humility when it happened that any praysed him either for his preaching or vpon any other occasion he commanded his companion to contrary it and to giue him wordes of disprayse which doeing though vnwillingly the holy Father would answeare God blesse you because you speake the truth and that which the sonne of Peter Bernardone doth deserue Being one day att out lady of Angels Brother Macie had a desire to trie the humility of S. Francis though he were his perticuler freind only because he knew it would be gratefull vnto him Being then in his presence he twice iterated these wordes Wherfore to you wherfore to you as if he would inferre Francis wherefore doe people so much honour you The holie Father smilinglie answeared What meane you by that brother Macie All the world replyed brother Macie runneth after you euery one desireth to see you to heare and obey you and for any thing that I know you are neither personable learned eloquent nor noble whence is it then the world doth follow you The S. then vested with his accustomed humilitie hauing lifted his eyes to heauen and a litle prayed and thanked God thus answeared his deere freind Will you know Brother Macie whence it proceedeth that as you say such resort of people doe follow me and willinglie heare me This proceedeth of the eyes of the great omnipotent God which in all places beholding both the good and bad hath pleased to choose me as the most simple and vilest sinner in the world for God doth choose the most feeble and infirme thinges with them to confound the noble potent strong and worldlie wise that the glorie may be his alone and that the creature being in presence of his Creatour may haue nothing wherof to glory An answeare doubtles more then humane and descending from heauen where the spiritt of this holy Father learned of that high and potent God who hath euer his eyes fixed on the humble of spiritt as likewise the most sacred virgin learned when she answeared to the prayses of S. Elizabeth by these wordes My soule doth prayse God because he hath beheld the humilitie of his hand maid How S. Francis reputed him selfe the greatest sinner of the world THE LXXXI CHAPTER THat the more he humbled himselfe on earth the more he was exalted in heauen was manifested vnto Brother Ruffinus in a reuelation whiles he was praying for being rapt in spiritt he saw an high and eminent place in heauen wherin was the Order of Seraphins and among them a seat void farre more resplendant then any other and all couered with precious stones Wherevpon with exceeding admiration he demaunded for whome that seat was prepared and he heard a voice that said this seat was one of the principall Seraphins that fell into hell and now it is reserued for the right humble Francis After this vision Brother Ruffinus had an extreme desire to know wherin principally consisted that so great humility which was so meritorious in the blessed Father saint Francis hauing therfore some discourse one day with him he said My beloued Father I hartely beseeche you to tell me certainely what is your owne esteeme and what opinion you haue of your selfe Sainct Francis answeared Verily I hold my selfe for the greatest sinner of the world and toe serue God lesse then any other Brother Ruffinus replyed vnto him that he did not thinck he could speake the same sincerily and with a cleare conscience it being so that others as was apparent did committ many greiuous sinnes wherof by the grace of God he was innocent To this S. Francis answeared If God had with so great mercy fauoured those others of whome you speake I am assured that how soeuer wicked and detestable they may be now they would farre more gratefully acknowledge the giftes of God then I doe and would serue him much better And if my God should now forsake me I should perpetrate more enormities then any other In regard therfore of this ineffable grace done vnto me I accuse and acknowledge my selfe to be the greatest sinner that is Brother Ruffinus by this answeare was thoroughly confirmed in the vision which God had shewed vnto him hauing found good demonstration of the meritt of the holy Fathers humility But because humility ought alwayes to haue verytie for foundatiō it seemeth one may make a sufficient reply to this his answeare and not without reason For some one might thus argument Most holy Father tell me if you please by the excessiue loue which in this world you haue borne to the hūble Jesus Christ and att this presēt more thē euer doe beare him where haue you learned that if an other sinner had receaued or should receaue the talent of grace which God hath giuen you that he would more acknowledge it and make better profitt therof then you haue done Vpon what reason vpon what doctrine and on what spiritt is grounded the foundation of this feeble opinion which you seeme to haue of your selfe For I firmely beleue that if God had knowne it he would neuer haue bestowed this grace on you but rather on that other The most humble Father to this obiection might well answeare that he had learned it of the doctrine of our Sauiour IESVS CHRIST who with his mouth hath said The spiritt breatheth where he will and of S. Paul that neither he that planteth is any thing nor he that watereth but he that giueth the increase God wherof he might thus inferre I not being Francis without God that worcketh in me when he had pleased to inspire an other there is no doubt but he had done the like and euen more according to his grace And wheras you beleeue that if God had giuen it to an other it had bin knowne that he had done this or more your beleefe is false for as the same S. Paul saith it is in the power of
damnation he might manifestest the saluation of the other Whiles he was in the cāp of the Christians vnder Damiette when he wēt to preach to the great Soldā he prophesied to the Christians that if they gaue battell they would loose the feild But they not beleeuing him their fault of incredulity was payed by the losse of the bodie of the army that was putt to flight where of one part was slaine Retourning afterward on this side the sea and arriuing att Celano he was inuited to dinner by a gentleman where being as according to his coustume he prayed before his sitting to the table he saw in his God on whome he had alwayes his eyes eleuated that which he fore told as it afterward arriued for incontinentlie calling vnto him the said gentleman Confesse and prepare your selfe said he for in short time you shall dye and from this time you shall receaue the recompence of all the good worckes you haue done particulerlie in harbouring the seruantes of God Doe then in such sort as without impediment you may goe directlie to God The gentleman therefore who had confidence in the wordes of the holie Father sodenlie taking leaue of him prepared himselfe to confession then calling the companion of sainct Francis who was preist he made an entiere confession vnto him afterwardes he recomended his patrimonie to the diuine prouidence so to auoyd all impediment And so with the greatest deuotion he could possible he expected when God would call and inuite him but he expected not long for whiles his familie were att table without other greife but very well disposed of body and spiritt he rendred his soule to his Creatour according to the prophesie of the holy Father armed by the diuine mercie with armour conuenient and necessarie to a true penitent How S. Francis saw the secrets of mennes consciences THE CXII CHAPTER OVr lord IESVS CHRIST hauing chosen the glorious Father S. Francis for Pastour of his flock he also so illuminated him interiourlie by his diuine vertue that he discouered vnto him the secrettes of the consciences of those that were his and likewise their priuate and hidden necessities so that by the same meane he knew both the grace which they had receaued of God and euē that which they thē receaued By this knowledge he foretold the fall of manie who seemed to haue attayned the state of perfection and on the contrarie the saluatiō of manie wicked prophesying their conuersion He saw what should succeed them for manie yeares after as if it had bin present onlie beholding the vnspotted and cleare mirour of diuine light and his admirable splendour by a diuine prerogatiue and especially the successes and mutatiōs of Religion which he would sometimes with abōdance of teares cōmunicate to his cōpanions Touching that which concerned the consciences of his Religious he both with al possible speed and effect redressed the same and if they were far distant he appeared vnto them in their sleepe and instructed them what they ought to doe and frō what to abstaine as by the sequell shall appeare The holie Father comming from beyond the sea with his companion Brother Leonard a Religious of very worthie familie and being by reason of his infirmities verie wearie and feeble he had for ceraine dayes the vse of an asse But the poore Brother Leonard that followed him a foote being also very weary began to murmure saying to himselfe what doe I poore follow that I am to follow this man a foot Is there not great difference betweene his discent and mine why then contrary to that which should be doe I goe on foot and he on horseback and euen I follow him as a lackye driuing this asse with speed and so wearying my selfe as I can no longer endure The good Brother Leonard went on thus still discoursing with himselfe in his first motions when as the holy Father S. Francis seeing in spiritt the secret murmure of his companion called him and alighting from his asse he said Brother and Freind I confesse I haue litle discretion to see you so wearily to goe a foot and my selfe to ride att mine ease Gett vp therfore on this asse now att least whiles I remember me considering that being in the world you were farre more noble and more honnorable then my selfe Brother Leonard hearing this was vtterly confounded and amazed that the S. so soone knew his euill cogitation Falling therfore at his feet and confessing his vaine ridiculous discourse with a very deep contrition he asked and obtayned pardon Two very spirituall Religious came expresly from Rieta to the Oratory of Grecio to visitt S Francis and to haue his benediction But being there ariued it was told them that there was no hope of speaking with the holy Father by reason that hauing taken his refection he was retourned to his cell where he prayed and slept and came forth but once a day to eat it being lent and that being then so solitary he would not haue his companiō much lesse any other Religious to disturbe him vnles he so commaunded These two poore Religious exceedingly afflicted esteeming themselues by reason of their sinnes vnworthy of such grace not hauing oportunity any longer to expect because their superiour had commaunded them to retourne the same night to their Couent they hastened homeward S. Francis who in spiritt had seen all this contrary to his custome came hastely out of his c●lle and went after the said Religious who by that time were farre gone and so in an instant giuing them consolation together with his benediction which they demaunded he dismissed them doubly satisfied knowing that the holy Father came by diuine inspiration to giue them his benediction Two Religious comming from Naples to visitt him the elder of them on the way committed some fault att which the yonger was extremely scandalized now comming to the presence of S. Francis he giuing them his benediction demaunded of the yonger how his companion had behaued himselfe he esteeming it indecent to discouer the faultes of his Brother answeared well The holy Father replyed My sonne beware that vnder colour of humility you doe not lye for I know what hath passed in your iorney and I would haue you know that you shall shortly see this man to proue worse Which so succeeded for this old man not long after went out of the Order according to that which S. Francis had foretold for the sinne for the scandall and for his neglect of doeing pennance which is the ladder to diuine mercie In the first beginning when none was admitted and receaued into the Order but by S. Francis himselfe a gentleman of Luca came expressy to demaund the habitt of him he had with him some of his cōpanions it being when he lay sicke in the Bishoppes lodgeing of Assisium The said gentleman being conducted to the S. he fell on his knees before him most instantlie beseeching him to admitt him into his Religion
but the holy Father beholding him attentiuely answeared O miserable man this request is not graunted to men entierly addicted to sensuality and to the world as you are for you doe lye to the holy Ghost these teares are seigned and not true your interiour is not with God neither is it he that calleth you to this Religion Depart you therfore in good time for you are not fitt for it The holy Father had scarce ended these wordes but the Religious vnderstood that the kinred of this gentleman were come for him but not beleeuing them he put his head out att the windoe whence hauing seene them he was very ioyfull and taking leaue of the said Religious he retourned with them to his house Those present exceedingly admired the spiritt of S. Francis that knew the feined intentions of this man who exteriourlie appeared so contrite The rest of this chapter is transfered to the end of this first book with the 31. and 32. chapter of the second booke there placed together as their proper place Of a Religious that seemed a S. The 28. chapter of the 12. booke transferred to this place as proper vnto it THE CXIII CHAPTER HE knew by an other Religious who being deluded by the deuil he more strictly to keepe silence proceeded so farre as that he would not so much as confesse as did the other Religious but by signes as one dumme which he vsed also when he demaunded any thing and without any speech he sheued such signes of spirituall alacritie that he moued all the Religious to prayse God The fame hereof was presentlie diuulged so that he was generally held for a S. In the meane while S. Francis arriuing where this Religious was he was aduertised of his proceeding but he answeared that he was exceedingly tempted and deluded by the deuill because confession of the mouth was necessary as contrition of the soule and satisfaction of worckes The superiour of the place then confirmed the sainctity of the said Religious vnto S. Francis alleadgeing that it was not possible he should be tempted of the deuill considering the signes of sanctity which he exteriourlie shewed The holy Father replyed proue him in this manner commaund him to confesse twice or att least once euery weeke which if he refuse beleeue that it is a delusion of the deuill Which the superiour hauing done the Religious putting his finger in his mouth and shaking his head by these signes declared that he could not doe it for breaking of silence His superiour would no farther vrge him but the great prudence of S. Francis was not long vnknowne for a litle after this Religious S. abandoned his Religion a tooke a seculer habitt Two Religious of his companions meeting him attyred seculerly conceauing great compassion of his blindenes sayd vnto him O miserable wretch and forgetfull of thy selfe where is that thy solitarie and sainct-like life yea such as thou wouldest not conuerse with thy Brethren nor speake in Confession for keeping of silence thow now hauing lost thy selfe in the world abandoned our habitt reiected thy vow and broaken the rule as if thou haddest no beleefe of God but he gaue them so diuellish an answeare that he plainly discouered he had not only chaunged habitt but also Religion and interiour vertue These good Religious could by no meanes reduce him though they laboured to reprint in his minde the obligation he had to God and the perill of his damnation and so in few dayes after he dyed being in possession of the deuill that held him choaked because he would not confesse It is a worthy example for all Religious to beware of singularity in matters appertayning to their Order that demonstrate more pride then spiritt of deuotion and humility Of other merueillous accidents wherin the spiritt of Prophetie of S. Francis did miracously appeare THE CXIV CHAPTER THe Cardinall of Hostia hauing on a time commaund S. Francis to repaire vnto him to Rieta where then was Pope Honorious with his Court and comming neere the citty he saw a great troup of people that came against him wherfore stopping his iorney he staid in a Church before S. Fabian a league and halfe from the citty where was a very poore Preist that very curteously and in the best manner he could entertayned him But the Cardinals and many other of his Court knowing whither he was retired went thither to see him by this visitation the vineyard of the poore Preist was wastfullie gathered by the indiscretion of the trampling traine of the Cardinals and others whereat he exceedingly complayned repenting that he had entertayned S. Francis in regard that for the litle good he had done him he thought he should incurre such losse The holy Father who in spiritt knew the affliction of the Preist that durst not acquaint him therewithall and who on the other side knew what fruit he was to procure in that place whither he had bin expresly sent of God there to plant an abondant vigne of true penitentes in which respect he could not depart thence reputing it behoufull to endure the losse of that litle materiall vigne for the better gayning a spirituall Neuertheles as a pittifull louing Father he called the Preist whome for his consolation he bad not to vex himselfe nor to feare for of the litle that remayned of his vigne he should gather double the ordinary though there appeared almost nothing The Preist that firmely beleeued these wordes deserued also to be recompenced according to his faith for wheras he accustomed to haue three hogsheddes he had then twenty of verie good wine as the holy Father had promised him which with exceeding ioy and admiration he related vnto him and to all the people thereabout to the prayse of God and of his seruant Francis This holy Father being in the Prouince of Massa on the Mount Casal within a desert Church there employed in prayer God reuealed vnto him that in the same Church were relikes of his sainctes Wherefore determining that they should no longer there remaine concealed and without the honour due vnto them and hauing no opportunity of longer abode in the said church by reason of other occurrances for which he was to take order he commaunded his Religious sheuing them where they were to take them from that place and to carry them into their church which hauing said he departed But these good Religious forgatt it Wherefore they being one day to say masse in the Oratory thinking to prepare the Alcare they found vnder it certaine bright and glittering bones that filled the place with a most delicious sauour Being extremely amazed and diuising who should putt them there they remembred the commaundement which S. Francis had giuen them and concluded that those were the reliques which he commaunded them to remoue and that because they had fayled therein God had miraculouslie supplyed it as accordinglie S. Francis being retourned to that place and hauing vnderstood the processe and pardoned
Goddes will he should come thither This holy Father finding himselfe loaden with the prayses of men which he esteemed an intollerable burden he one day priuatly departed the towne without speaking a word to any man The sequel of the aforesaid hundredth chapter Brother Macie thefore that followed him murmured a litle to himselfe att his litle good manners in departing from the Bishop without taking leaue of him for making him turne as a foole in the middes of the way the day before but perceauing afterwardes that it was a deceipt of the deuill he very bitterlie reprehended himselfe affirming that he deserued hell for presuming to iudge of the S. as opposing against the diuine worckes by him wrought as a verie true Angell of the liuing God in such or like manner accusing himselfe The holie Father tourning to him said Proceed bouldelie Brother Macie for this thy last discourse is euen so of God as thy former was of the de●ill Brother Macie then so much more humbled himselfe as he more approued the admirable sanctity of his holy Father An other Religious had a great desire to conuerse with him but he abstayned fearing to offend him by knowing his great imperfections doubting withall that offending the purity of his soule he should also vtterlie loose his fauour These thoughtes being entierly reuealed vnto S. Francis he one day called him to him said Brother I know you desire to conuerse with me speake therfore and say freely what you will and come to me when you desire by this meane the Religious was so secured as he remayned more affected vnto him These thinges wherby the prophetie of the holie Father Sainct Francis was generallie manifested are almost infinite therefore hauing hereafter recited two or three other we shall haue ended all that may be collected of all authors God knoweth the rest How S. Francis prophesied the Papacy to Nicolas the 3. when he was yet a child This is taken out of the 9. chapter of the 9. booke and here put in his place Mathew Rimido a Romane gentleman was an affectionate freind vnto the holy Father Sainct Francis yea did afterward take the habitt of the Rule of the third Order this man hauing one morning inuited Sainct Francis to dine with him and presenting vnto him his sonne Iohn Caietan then a litle child who was afterward Pope Nicolas the third to giue him hs benediction the holy Father tooke him in his armes embraced and kissed him very louingly and recommended vnto him his Religion which procured great astonishment and abondance of teares of the Father present and much more when he more plainly told him that the child should not be Religious in habitt but much in deuotion and principall Lord of this world and protectour of his Religion The holy Father vsed one of his ordinarie exercises of humility with this gentleman out of the very harty loue he boare to holy pouerty which was that being inuited by him and comming att such time as he was not att home where certaine new seruantes not knowing him gaue diuers poore people to eat within a Court he likewise receaued almose and did eat togeather with them The Lord Mathew comming home and finding Sainct Francis to eat among the poore he incontinently sate downe on the ground with him where he would in like sort eat with the poore and the S. to whome he said Father sith you would not dine with me I must dine with you The sequel of the said hundredth chapter Brother Iohn Bonello a Religious of great perfection held a generall chapter in Prouence in the monastery of Arles where he was Prouinciall Minister S. Antony of Padua preached att that chapter vpon the title of the holy crosse It there happened then that a Religious Preist called Brother Monaldus of a very exemplare life saw ouer the dore of the Chapter in the aire S. Francis with his handes and feet stretched on a crosse and as he was he blessed all the Religious loosing his right hand from the crosse whiles S. Antony most profoundlie expounded the said title of the crosse Wherefore the spirituall consolation which they all then felt in themselues was such and so great that albeit Brother Monaldus alone saw the said S. present neuertheles they all did participate of the grace in such sort that if any one would not haue beleeued the relation of Brother Monaldus he was constrayned to be assured thereof by that which he had felt in his hart Besides many other like apparitions of the said S. by diuine permission wherein God would demōstrat how neere our soule is when she wil receaue his grace vnto the diuine light and eternall wisdome by communication wherof she ariseth from the world to vnite herselfe with God making the humble and poore of spiritt Prophettes reuealing high mysteries vnto them as it made Dauid one of the principall prophetes afterwardes S. Peter and the other Apostles according to the saying of the Gospell Many thinges I haue to say to you but you cannot beare them now But when he the spiritt of truth commeth he shall teach you all truth and in these latter dayes his humble and simple seruant S. Francis For as he did chose the Apostles simple and idiotes in regard of the learning of the world he neuertheles made them famous by doctrine and diuine worckes and the Sheepheard Dauid to feed the sheep of the sinagogue transported out of Egipt and S. Peter the fisher to fill the nettes of the holy church with the multitude of faithfull Christians so he would haue Sainct Francis a merchaunt to teach vs to traficke and negociate for this precious stone of the Euangelicall life selling all his goodes and distributing it to the poore for his loue and to enrich his church with soules redeemed by this holy meane How the blessed Father Sainct Francis renounced and rendred in the handes of his Brethren the office of Generall of the Order and instituted a Vicar Generall in his place This was the 31. chapter of the second booke improperly and therfore to follow the true Order of his life we haue here put it in his place This B. Father was so zealous of obediēce especially of that his most holy humility that he could in no sort dispose himself to cōmaūd so that it was irksome vnto him to performe the office appertayning therevnto as to haue the chardge of gouerning so many thousandes of Religious to commaund and reprehend to aduise and correct to giue ordonnances and to chastice the offenders Therfore he resolued to renounce the office of Minister Generall as well for the cause hereafter alleadged as the better by example to teach obedience vnto his children Besides he found himselfe too sickly so that he could not apply himselfe to that office as was requisite and yet would not omitt the rigour of his penance to conserue his body yea he was better content to continue sicke then by
that he precedently make good triall of his proper forces with the rule of discretion that he happen not which God for bidd to looke backe and be conuerted into a piller of lost salt for not hauing seasoned his sacrifice with the salt of prudence remayning as he that is vn wise without sauour and salt if he be not seruent and so he that is seruent shal be foolish and vnsauoury if he be not wise therfore it is most prudently ordayned in all Religious that they who are to promise reguler obseruance doe formerly make good triall therof for a certaine time to auoyed occasion of repentance for so he cannot lay any excuse on his temeritie or ignorance For this cause we by the tenour of these presentes forbid you to admitt any personne to the profession of your Order if he haue not first made an entier yeare of probation and also we ordaine that after the the said profession none presume to forsake the Order and that no other receaue him hauing left the same We also make prohibition that none goe out of his obedience with the habitt of the Order nor doe corrupt the puritie of true pouertie And if any presume to doe it we authorise you his superiours to execute against such the ecclesiasticall censures till he retourne to obedience Lett none whosoeuer attempt to infringe these present letters of prohition and benefitt or to oppose against them for if any one presume so to doe lett him be assured to incurre the indignation of God and of his blessed Apostles S Peter and S. Paul Giuen att Viterbium the 22. of September the fift yeare of our Papacie This is the prohibition which sainct Francis alleadged in the second chapter of his rule The prasecution of the s●auenth chapter which 〈◊〉 ●●●itted Besides all this it was thought necessary Ad perpetuam rei memoriam for a perpetuall memorie therof and for the asseurance and stabilitie of the order to confirme the said rule by Apostolicall authoritie Therfore the Cardinall Vgolino Protectour of the Order prayed the holie Father S. Francis to abridge it for it had bin much augmented by reason of manie new accidentes that happened from hand to hand He prayed him I say to moderate it in certaine thinges that it might be more easy to execute and to learne by hart and that he would procure it to be for euer confirmed by an Apostolicall bulle S. Francis vnderstanding this would know if such were the will of God as in all matters of importance that he enterprised he accustomed to doe and therfore taking leaue of the Cardinall telling him that he would shortlie giue him answeare he had recourse to prayer where he made supplication to God that he would reueale vnto him what he should doe who was rauished in spiritt and had this vision It seemed vnto him that he heaped together a quantitie of crummes of bread which he was to share amongst many Religious who together with himselfe were as it were hunger-staruen and because the crummes were too small he was carefull how to deuide them that they might not fall through his fingers but he heard a voice that said Francis make one entier hoste of those crummes and then giue it to them that will eat it Which hauing done it seemed vnto him that all they who receaued it not with deuotion or misprised it were entierlie couered with leprosie which vision he not so plainelie vnderstanding as he desired praying againe the day following and perseuering in demaunding counsaile of God he heard the same voice that said Francis the crummes of bread of the last night are the Euangelicall counlailes the hoste the Rule and the leaprosie malice The holy Father then knew that he should vnite his rule and compose it of the Euangelicall counsailes compendious and mysticall Hauing therfore giuen answeare to the said Cardinall that he would confine his rule conformably to the will of the diuine Maiesty and taking with him Brother Leo and Brother Bonisius of Bolognia he wēt vp to the mount Carnerio neere Rieta otherwise called Fonte-Colōbo where fasting with bread and water forty dayes and forty nightes and persisting in continuall prayer he wrote and composed his rule as God reuealed vnto him then came downe with it from the mountaine as an other Moyses with the tables of the law and committed it to the keeping of Brother Helias who was his Vicar Generall who perceauing it to consist of a greater contempt of the world and of a more strict pouerty of life then was gratefull vnto him so delt that the rule was lost and perished that it might not be approued and confirmed by the Pope with intention to make an other according to his fansie But the holy Father that would rather follow the diuine then humane will making no esteeme of the wise of the world and knowing in spiritt the fayned cogitations of that Religious resolued to retourne to the said mountaine by fasting and prayer more copiously to obtaine the will and rule of God for his seruantes the Frere Minors Now Brother Helias to interrupt this his second attempt called an assemblie of many learned superiours of the Order where ●e began to discouer his peruerse intention alleadging vnto them that Brother Francis intended to constitute a rule so strict and austere that was impossible to be obserued and that he would procure it to be confirmed by the Pope for euer Which they hauing heard they with one accord answeared that they yelded all authoritie vnto him and that sith he was his Vicar Generall he should go to him and tell him that they intended not to keepe the rule he made but that it should be for himselfe alone if he would But Brother Helias fearing to be reprehended of S. Francis incouraged them and perswaded them to goe with him and so they wentin companie to the said mountaine and being called by Brother Helias he knew his voice and came out of his celle and seeing so many Religious he asked Brother Helias what they would who answeared they are superiours of the Order who vnderstanding that you institute a new rule they and I fearing we shall not be able obserue it doe protest vnto you that we will not oblige our selues therevnto S. Francis made no other answeare to this protestation but falling on his knees and casting his eyes to heauen said My God did I not tell thee that these people would not beleeue me and att the instant a voice was heard that sayd Francis as in this rule there is nothing of thine but all commeth and is of me so also I will that it be obserued Ad literam ad literam ad literam without glosse without glosse without glosse I know the infirmitie of man I know also my will to assist him Therfore they that will not obserue it lett them depart the Order and permitt others to keep it S. Francis then tourning to the superiours said haue ye heard haue ye heard haue
to you simple and to other in paraboles Manie monthes after that S. Francis being att our ladie of Angels the same Religious in extreme temptation recommended againe vnto him the aforesaid licence to haue a psalter to whome the holie Father said goe doe what the vicar generall hath graunted thee The Religious retourned whence he came but the holy Father considering what he had graunted went after him and ouertaking him said my sonne retourne with me and show me the place where I bid thee doe with the psalter what the vicar generall had permitted thee Comming thither S. Francis fell on his knees before the said Religious saying Brother I confesse my fault I confesse my fault then added know that he who wil be a good Frere Minor must haue nothing but his habitt the corde and linnen breeches as the rule enioyneth and they that are by manifest necessitie constrayned sockes euery thing els is superfluous and against the puritie and pouertie of the rule which we promise God to obserue the said Religious moued with the wordes beleeued this holy counsaile Being by diuers demaunded the like counsaile he answeared them with this sentence right worthy to be sett in letters of gold and not only painted or engrauen in marble but in the hartes of men A man hath so much knowledge as he is a man of vertue and loueth God and his neighbour and no more and the Religious so good as he doeth good worckes because the tree is knowne by his fruit When he retourned frō Syria a Prouinciall came to visitt him to cōferre with him of the affaires of the Order particulerly touching the vow of pouerty to know his will therin and of the obligatiō inserted in the first rule takē out of the gospell to witt whē you trauaile you shall carry with you neither mony nor wallett S. Fran. answeared I meane thus that the Frere Minors must only haue their habitt the cord linnen breches as the rule saith and such as are enforced by necessity the sockes The Prouinciall answeared What shall I doe with so many bookes as I haue that are worth more then fortie crownes which he said because he desired to haue licence of S. Francis to enioy them for he kept them with a remorse of conscience The S. replyed Brother I neither will nor ought nor can doe any thing against my conscience and the profession of the holy gospell which we haue promised Which this Prouinciall vnderstāding he was exceedingly troubled the S. perceauing him so sorrowfull with a great feruour of spirit said vnto him as if he had spoakē to all the Religious you would seeme to mē to be Frere Minors would be called Preachers of the gospell make shew to obserue it but in effect you desire to haue propriety and superfluity and to haue a purse The Ministers earnestly seeke to take away the first rule you shall not carry wallettes in your trauaile they supposing that they should so be freed from the obligation of this counsaile of Euangelicall perfection but the holy Father S. Francis in the presence of many brethren said the Ministers thincke to deceaue God and me but the deceipt falleth on them selues Lett them and all my other Religious know that they are obliged to the obseruance of Euangelicall perfection and will that it be thus written in the beginning and end of the rule That the Brethren are firmelie obliged to the obseruance of the holy gospell of our lord IESVS CHRIST Of the horrible malediction which S. Francis gaue to a prouinciall and wherfore and of the miracle that ensued THE XXIII CHAPTER BRother Iohn Estitia a very learned Minister of the Prouince of Bolognia ordayned an exercise of study in the Monastery of Bolognia without licence of the holy Father S. Francis who vnderstanding therof went incontinently thither and very sharply reprehended him by these wordes I rather desire that one obey the holy gospell and be employed in the study of holy prayer where the holy Ghost is Master then in humane studies and curious lessons wherin is lost the spiritt of humility and the sweetnes of God the ladder wherof is this Religion which annihilateth this new study But S. Francis being departed this Prouinciall began againe as before wherat the holy Father being for the zeale of God much disquieted he publikelie gaue him his malediction as to a disobedient child By which the said Brother Iohn fell incontinently very sicke and lying in his bedde perceauing that his sicknes did hourly encrease seased and touched rather with the feare he had of death then with true contrition he sent two Religious to pray S. Francis to reuoke the said malediction to whome the S. answeared God hath confirmed in heauen the maledictiō which I haue giuen him so that he is cursed of God In that instant there fell from heauen a litle stone of burning brimstone which transpearced both his body and bed and att the very houre he died yelding an extreme infection by this so seuere chasticement God shewed how iust and assured was the counsaile of the S. that they should not be curious of bookes but should rather study to ground themselues in holy humility prayers and pouerty The holy Father being once demaunded if he would consent that the learned who were and might enter into religion should study diuinity hee answeared affirmatiuelie prouided that they imitate the example of IESVS CHRST who prayed more then he read as is written also of his disciples and also that they omitte not the studie of prayer to gett learning and that they studie not onlie how they ought to speake but principallie how they may effect what they read and doeing so may teach others to doe good worckes I will that my Religious be disciples of the gospell and that so they make progresse in the knowledge of the truth and doe also encrease in puritie simplicity that from the prudence of the serpent they doe not separate the simplicity of the doue which IESVS CHRIST with his mouth hath vnited together The holie Father affirmed that by meane of the knowledge of ones selfe one easily obtayneth the knowledge of God prouided that one sought it with humilitie and without presumption Therfore he was much troubled when he knew that neglecting vertue and the vocation wherto the Religious was called of God one sought knowledge by curiositie with extreme dolour of his soule saying My Religious that are honoured by the curiosity of knowledge are found emptie handed in the times of tribulation I would rather exercise them in the vertue of humilitie that the perillous times of tēptations happening they might finde God with them in those anguishes for afflictions will come against which neither their bookes nor pourchaced science will auaile then would it be more expedient for them to be simple and feruent in obedience humilitie and charitie then great in commaunding and teaching in curiositie of science
and though they be not knowne in the world they shall neuertheles be much esteemed of God for he will neuer abandon this Religion so that there shall alwayes remayne some competent nomber of vertuous though in comparison of so many lewd and libertines they shall appeare very few and this few shall be persecuted of the world which shall procure them a greater crowne with God Now the sackcloth and cloake so course wherof I seeme to be ashamed and disquieted is holy pouerty which as it is the ornament of this Order and the singuler foundation of all piety so the bastard children shal be ashamed therof for their ayme shall not be to God but to the world and therfore endeauouring to please it they shall misprise the habitt of God and seeke faire and fine cloth for the vse wherof they shall importune the world and shall pourchace it by way of simonie and therefore happy shall they be that perseuer to the end in obseruance of their holy vowes After these speeches it disappeared and the holy Father S. Francis remayned full of admiration and teares with all his hart recommending vnto God his sheep both present and to come God reuealed these thinges and many other to his seruant Francis as head and Pastour of his Frere Minors concerning the chaunge of his Religion which being founded in Euangelicall perfection exceeding difficult to be obserued according to the world it is not to be admired if it be fallen and doe decline from its perfection We all being naturally inclined and affected to worldly thinges and to shunne alll seueritie and rigour and all necessitie and much more freindes to our owne will then to the will of God which according to our sottish prudence causeth vs to make no esteeme of the commaundementes of God and to forke his most strict way though most necessarie to our saluation as in deed it is and therfore degenerating more and more we fall from our first Fathers On the other side also it is not to be admired if some of these so fraile vessels composed of earth as we are haue demonstrated such an inuincible constancie in so strict an obligation to obserue the gospell and in themselues to preserue such a treasure because all that is the worck of God to the end the world may know that the eminencie and glory of this Religion proceedeth of the vertue and power of his diuine maiesty and not of humane force and vertue And therfore when to him seemeth time conuenient he sendeth reformations to support the same Of the compassion and discreet charity of S. Francis to wards all his Religious but particulerly to wardes the sicke THE XXX CHAPTER BEcause the obligation of a Prelate towardes his sheep doth not only extend to giue them aduise and spirituall refections but also to releiue them in their corporall necessities the holie Father S. Francis was replenished with an infinite charitie and had a continuall care to prouide for the corporall wantes of his beloued children and particulerlie where sicknes and necessitie were ioyned together which charitie he exercised not only of Fatherlie duetie but of naturall compassion which he euer had towardes the afflicted which vertue he afterward redoubled to make it more meritorious so that he referred all the afflictions of his neigbour to the person of IESVS CHRIST for whose loue they ought to be assited and therfore his hart melted as if he had seen his God in them for which cause those new and feruent warriers of IESVS CHRIST in the beginning of the Order did so speciallie exceed in leading seuere liues and doeing worckes worthy of pennance which may appeare by the ensuying example together with the charitie of the Sainct As the Religious were one day a sleep one of them began with a loud voice to cry I dye att which lamentation S. Francis instantlie arose and caused all the other Brethren to arise and to light a candell then asking who was he that complained the Religious answeared him Father it is I that dye with hunger which hearing he presentlie caused to be brought him to eat and that he should not be ashamed he caused a table to be prepared wheron he meant to eat himselfe which he caused all the other Religious to doe though it were a verie extraordinarie houre The Religious hauing taken his Refection the holie Father to teach his children the vertue of discretion wherby they should moderate the feruour of the spiritt for conseruation of the corporall forces in abstinence he said Brethren learne and retaine in you this aduertisement that each one carefullie conserue his naturall complexion and forces and lett him vse moderation in abstinence accordinge vnto them for albeit some can sustaine themselues with litle food it is not therfore reasonable that others who cannot liue with so litle should keep the same abstinence for as we are obliged to forbeare superfluous eating for not damning our soule and consuming our body so ought we to shunne indiscreet abstinence but must so vse it as the bodie may serue the soule for God loueth mercy aboue sacrifice and lett euerie one remember what by charity I haue done I haue only done it as a pious worcke and for an example of charitie his extreme necessitie requiring it And therfore lett each one refraine to cause the like an other time and especially Prelates towardes their Religious Which was exceeding carefully obserued of the S. for though he were very glad that pouerty in all thinges should appeare in them yet would he neuer that his Religious should be frustrate of their due releife and therfore when he saw they had not sufficient to eat himselfe would goe to begge as we haue heretofore made appeare For his owne respect notwithstanding his verie feeble complexion he was euer very strict and abstinent yea beyond reason euen from the beginning of his conuersion to his death Yet he is not therfore to be reprehended considering that one ought not to measure or limitt the life of the great seruantes of God who are continuallie directed in their actions by the holy Ghost but we must permitt to worck in them the spiritt and certaine excesses that are to be seene it is sufficient for vs to our confusion to admire them and therof to imitate what one can for it was expedient that as many were defectiue performing lesse then their duety God should raise others that in their bodyes should supply both for themselues and their neighbour and to the end that the holy Father might giue this good example of himselfe wheras in his sicknesses many thinges extraordinarie were necessarie for him he would rather depriue himselfe therof to giue example to others● and when there were any Religious sicke he was not ashamed to goe into the villages to seeke flesh and their other wantes which in their health he would not haue permitted them to vse for any thing in the world He did also seriouslie admonish them to remember that
against chastity and the admission of yong men withour spiritt against pouerty magnificent and sumptuous buildinges proud Prelates that shall haue no power to cōtaine thēselues within the bōdes of humility against obediēce diuersity of opiniōs and other thinges which now I wil not discouer lett it suffice thee that we will labour so much as to get the vpper hād this Order which thou seest so eminent shall come to such ruine and be so contemptible to men as is admirable Albeit in that time there shall arise an other Religious of the same Order of no lesse vertue then this Frācis He shall attaine to that sanctity that the third part of men shal be by his example and predication conuerted to pennance we haue now resolued with all our possibility to oppugne and assault this order and to that end there are lately sent eight thousand of my companions to a Monastery where there are but seauen Brethren to tempt them This was two yeares before S. Francis receaued the stigmates And though it be not receaued for a truth because it was spoaken by a deuill neuertheles that which is since arriued causeth a beleife that God forced him to vtter it this not being the first time that God hath manifested his secrettes vnto the world by the mouth of deuils as in the time of our lord IESVS CHRIST when he constrayned them to confesse that he was his true Sonne How S. Francis departing from Carnerio preached to diuers birds THE XXXIV CHAPTER SAinct Bonauenture and S. Antony doe recount that S. Francis being departed out of the said Carnerio before he came to Benammo he saw on a tree a great nomber of birdes of diuers kindes and hard by them an other squadron a matter indeed deseruing consideration in regard that it seemed to signifie I know not what extraordinary thing as it happened For the S. inspired of God causing his companions to stay behinde went to preach to the said birdes and comming neere to the tree saluted them in these wordes The peace of God be with you and they shewing signes of ioy approached all to this predication those that were on the tree descended to the ground and rancked themselues with the other and keeping a quiet silence they seemed to expect when the holie Father would begin Wherfore he thus discoursed vnto them My Brother Birdes ye are exceedinglie obliged alwayes to prayse God your Creatour for he hath giuen you winges wherwith you lightlie fly in the aire and whither you will a fauour that he hath not giuen to so manie other Creatures He hath also adorned and cloathed you with fethers and they of diuers delectable and beautifull coulers he hath created your bodyes light and supporteth you without any paine of yours permitting you to enioie the labours of men He hath also giuen you a qualitie of singing verie delightfull then he conserueth and hath conserued you from the beginning of the world he miraculouslie cōserued you from the deluge sending couples of euerie kinde into the arck of Noe there to be preserued he hath giuen you for habitation one of the foure elementes therefore doth holie scripture ordinarilie call you the birdes of heauen besides that you possesse the mountaines and hilles the vallyes and plaines att your pleasure the fountaines riuers trees and houses for nestes it hath pleased God himselfe by his sacred mouth to testifie vnto the world that you neither spinning nor in any sort labouring he hath care to cloath you both sommer and winter and to giue you althinges necessary to your conseruation All which benefittes are pregnant signes of the loue which God beareth you as his creatures And therfore my Brothers and sisters blessed of God beware that you be not ingratefull vnto his diuine Maiesty but prayse him alwayes deuoutlie with your sweet accentes sith he hath giuen wherwithall The Sainct hauing ended his sermon all these birdes which is admirable began to open their billes and beate their winges as if they would haue said we thanke you but being vnable verballie bowing their heades they manifested vnto him their due reuerence and that they expected his benediction to prayse God and so to depart The holie Father was much comforted in beholding those gestures perceauing these creatures to be so obedient vnto their Creator and therefore for their farwell he gaue them his benediction which hauing receaued they with one accord mounted into the aire filling it with most pleasing accentes then did they diuide and separate themselues in the aire into foure bandes conformable to the benediction which the holie Father had giuen them in forme of a crosse S. Francis retourned to his companions who were as beside themselues seeing such straunge meruailes in vnreasonable creatures he asking them pardon in great humilitie for hauing made them attend whiles he preached to those birdes whome he found so prepared to heare the worde of God He thenceforward preached to all creatures exhorting them to prayse their Creatour that all the world might yeld honour glorie and prayse to God A short aduertisement for the better vnderstanding of this miracle and some other the like contayned in this Cronicle of S. Francis added for the better vnderstanding of the simple The glorious Father S. Francis was not ignorant that dumbe creatures were not capable of his sermon and therfore preached not vnto them to instruct them but to stir vp him selfe the more to admire the goodnes of God And God no dout to comfort his deuout sernant made the very vnreasonable creatures by a secret instinct to reuerence the Sainct whilst he preached vnto them or rather whilst he preached to him selfe in them and by them the holie Scripture being full of such sermons and namelie the four last psalmes of the prophet Dauid and the Canticle of the three children in the furnace of Babilon which what else are they but such sermons as Sainct Fr. made vnto these creatures to adore their Creator Of the vertue and efficacie of the holy Father S. Francis his preaching and of certaine miracles wrought therby THE XXXV CHAPTER THrough whatsoeuer townes and villages he trauailed he preached with such feruour and spiritt and with such efficacie that there was no hart so obdurate but was moued to pennance Besides that which is spoaken of the towne of Carnerio it many times arriued that there followed him more then thirty or fiue and thirty men conuerted to pennance by his discourses who did not only abandon vanities as the custome is for ten or twelue dayes but did vtterly and entierly forsake the world following God in his Euangelicall pouerty He admirablie confounded the blindenes of heretikes and exalted the faith of the Romane Church which he performed by the meane of the science which the holy Ghost had infused into him and of the merueillous miracles which God wrought by him who was also present fauorable vnto him in all his actions He expelled diuels out of the humane bodyes
with you and haue you not knowē me Phillip he that seeth me seeth the Father also The Father dwelleth in a light inaccessible God is a spiritt whome no man hath euer seene because he is a spiritt and therfore inuisible but in spiritt considering that he is a spiritt most pure for it is the spiritt that giueth life and the flesh can doe nothinge He may also be seene of euery true Christian in the Sonne in that substance which is equall to the Father and therfore all they that see our Lord IESVS CHRIST according to the humanity and not according to his diuinity are condemned as likewise are they who see the sacrament which is consecrated by the wordes of our Lord on the altare by the handes of the Preist vnder the formes of bread and wine and doe not see him and beleeue in their spiritt that it is the true and most sacred body and bloud of our Lord IESVS CHRIST are condemned the souueraine Lord giueth his testimony against them when he said This is my body and this is my bloud of the new testament which shal be shed for you and for many in remission of sinnes He saith in an other place He that eateth my flesh and drincketh my bloud shall haue life euerlasting He that hath the spiritt of God which dwelleth in his faithfull he receaueth the most sacred bloud and body of IESVS CHRIST and all other that haue not the same spiritt yet neuertheles presume to receaue it they eat and drinck their iudgement and damnation therefore yee children of men how long will you be sencelesse and haue your hartes so hardened When will you compasse to know the truth and to beleeue in the Sonne of God who so humbly seeketh you euery day as when he discended from his imperiall throne into the virginall wombe he ordinarily commeth euery day vnto vs in such humble manner attired and so approachable He euery day descendeth from the bosome of his Father into the handes of the Preist on the altare and as he was knowne vnto the holy Apostles in true flesh in that very manner doth he communicate himselfe vnto vs in the holy Sacrament And as they with their corporall eyes saw nothing but flesh yet with their spirituall eyes they knew him to be God euen so we with our corporall eyes seeing the accidentes of bread and wine ought to see and firmely to beleeue that there is the most sacred body and true bloud of our Lord IESVS CHRIST on the altare In this manner is God alwayes with his faithfull as himselfe hath said I wil be with you euen to the consummation of the world Of lone towards our neighbour and how much the body is to be hated THE XLVI CHAPTER THis thinge may doubtles much confound vs that making profession to be seruantes of IESVS CHRIST and being certaine that his true freindes haue done may worckes that haue bin entirely deuout vertuous and holy we neuertheles content our selues with the only relation of them and esteeme by the bare discourse therof without execution to raigne eternally Blessed is the seruant of IESVS CHRIST that loueth his Christian brother as much being sick as in health and in aduersitie as in prosperity Blessed is he that loueth and honoureth his Brother both farre and neere that speaketh nothing in his absence but what with great charity he may say in his presence God said in the Gospell loue your ennemies and pray for them that hate and iniury you He loueth his ennemie truely that complaineth not of the iniuries which he hath receaued doth receaue of him but of the sinnes which himselfe hath cōmitted and doth cōmitt against God and his soule and also he that is not content to haue the loue of God in himselfe if he doe not also make demonstration therof by the same worckes vnto his neighbour and much more vnto his ennemy Blessed are the poore in spiritt for theirs is the kingdome of heauen There are many that endure diuers afflictions in their bodyes in prayer and good worckes and that mortifie it with abstinence and neuertheles for a slight word spoaken against their liking or for hauing something denyed them they are incontinentlie scandalized and troubled Such are not poore in spirit though exteriourly they appeare so for the true poore in spirit misprise and abhorre themselues and loue not only those that afflict and iniury them but euen those that beat them Blessed also is he that supporteth the infirmity and fragility of his neighbour as he would be glad to haue his owne supported My faithfull lett vs loue our neighbour as our selues and they who see they cannot loue them as themselues lett them loue them as much as they can or att least lett them not offend them Lett vs hate and detest our peruerse willes for as God saith of our hart proceedeth all euils this is to be vnderstood of him that applieth his hart to satisfie his sensualities Many when they sinne or receaue any iniury accuse their neighbour therof which they should not doe for each one hath his ennemies which is the body with the sences therof by which he offendeth Therfore blessed is the seruant that hath such an ennemie in subiection and so keepeth it vnder and watcheth it with such prudence that he hath no cause to feare it for whiles he vseth this dilligence no other ennemy visible or inuisible can annoy him nor procure him to sinne in such sort that as S. Iohn Chrysostome saith no man is hurt but of himselfe We hate our body in as much as it will committ sinne for liuing carnally it seeketh to destroy the loue of God together with the glory of Paradise condemning it selfe and the soule perpetually to to hell the greatest ennemy therfore that a man hath is his proper flesh which can thinck of nothing but that which offendeth it nor feare ought in foresight of that which is eternally to befall it the humour and desire therof is only to abuse temporall thinges and the worst is it vsurpeth to it selfe all contentment and glory euen of that which is graunted to the soule not to it for it seeketh the honour of vertues of prayers watchinges and temporall fauour it will haue applause of teares in fine it leaueth nothing to the soule that apperteineth to her Of obedience THE XLVII CHAPTER GOd said to Adam Of euery tree of Paradise eat thou But of the tree of knowledge of good and euill eat thou not and whiles he obeyed God he offended not But hauing transgressed this commandement he was condemned of God for euer till he was redeemed by the grace of his Sonne That man doth eate of the forbidden apple of knowledge of good and euill who appropriateth to himselfe his owne will and with his benefittes which God vttereth and worketh by him doth exalte himselfe therfore was he necessarily obliged to punishment God saith in the gospell he that loueth his
life shall lose it and in an other place he that doth not renounce all that he possesseth cannot be my disciple He renounceth all that he possesseth and looseth his soule for the loue of God who in euery thing submitteth himselfe to his Prelate for by this meane he may be tearmed truely obedient and then also knowing he could doe some other thing better then that which he is commanded and of more profitt to his soule he sacrificeth his will vnto God employing himselfe in that which he is commanded for the loue of God though it be of lesse fruit for true obedience is full of charity edifieth our neighbour and entierly satisfieth God But if the Superiour should command him any thinge in preiudice of his soule then only he ought not to obey but this case excepted in althinges else he must hold him his true Superiour and if that other Religious persecute and afflict him because he obeyeth his Superiour happy shall he be for he may then truely say that God hath communicated vnto him his perfect charity which consisteth in enduring persecutions and exposing his owne life for his neighbour But the misery is there are certaine Religious who whiles they would consider and know whither certaine thinges by them inuented be not better then those which the Superiours commaund them the wretches doe not consider that they looke back and retourne to the vomitt of their selfe-will and so doe they ruine themselues and their neigbour by their euill example Of patience and humilitie THE XLVIII CHAPTER THough there be nothing that ought more to displease the true seruant of God then sinne neuertheles if he fall into ouermuch passion for any sinne whatsoeuer his charity towardes his neighbour excepted he is guiltie of that sinne Therfore the seruant of God which is not moued in such accidentes may be truely said to be without passion for his patience ●cannot be knowen while alt●inges smiles vpon him and succed according to his wish But when occasion is presented wherin he desireth to be satisfied and the contrary arriueth then is his patience experienced for he hath as much as he then sheweth and no more The holy Father S. Francis would say that they were truely peaceable who suffering in this world for the loue of God conserue peace in their interiour and liue as Lambes among woulues In which respect God himselfe liued and dyed so Happy is he that being reprehended and accused of others receaueth and beareth such reprehension charitably and patiently as of himselfe and without excusiue reply consenteth with shame confesseth with patience and performeth due satisfaction couragiously yea euen in matters wherof he is guiltles and being a subiect persisteth vnder the rule of discipline or being superiour conuerseth with his subiectes as with his superiours Happy is the seruant that incontinently correcteth and chasticeth his offences interiourly by contrition and exteriourly by confession and satisfaction A discourse which the holy Father S. Francis made to Brother Leo his companion being in seruour of spirit BRother Leo my beloued sonne note well these my wordes Albeit the Frere Minors in whatsoeuer place they be giue example of edification and sanctity neuertheles consider prudently seriously obserue that their perfect ioy consisteth not in that Yea if they should restore sight to the blind health to the sicke hearing to the deafe speech to the dumbe ability of goeing to the lame should expell diuels out of bodies and rayse the dead that had sauoured four dayes their true alacrity consisteth not in all this If they should vnderstand all the scriptures could speake all tongues should prophesie and know the consciences of men yet doth their true ioy lesse consist in this Had they intelligence to discourse of celestiall vertues with the very tongues of Angels as also of the course of the starres of the proprieties of plantes and stones were all the treasures of the world discouered vnto them knew they the nature and vertue of fishes and other beastes and also of men their true ioy dependeth not theron Though they should preach with such feruour as to conuert all the Infidels to the faith of IESVS CHRIST neither doth their true ioy consist in that Brother Leo to all this answeared Wherin then consisteth it S. Francis replied Heare me Brother Leo If we comming to our Lady of Angels by meane of a long iorny very weary wett with the raine frozen with cold dabled with durt and extremely hungry ringing att the gate the porter vtterly disquieted and in coller should aske vs who we were and hauing answeared him that we were Frere Minors and therefore ●e should open vs the dore he should reply So farre are you from being any of ours that you seeme two idle companions and rogues that goe loitering about the world robbing the poore of their almose and so should not permitt vs to enter but should make vs remaine till night all drowned and dagled with durt and rayne without giuing vs any comfort and if that we support it patientlie for the loue of God receauing all that from his holy hand and confessing that the porter knew vs very well Brother Leo writt that therein consisteth perfect ioy And if being constrained by necessity we continued ringing to enter the porter should come forth in great choler against vs and vse vs indiscreetlie and importunately ●aying vnto vs Get ye gone to the hospitall lewd and impudent fellowes as ye are and stay no longer here for you shall not enter if we support all this with alacritie and pardon him with all our hart therin consisteth perfect ioy And being full darck night we being euery way molested should begin againe to ring and knock weeping bitterlie should pray the porter to lett vs in for the loue of God yet he more cruell then before should come out with a good cudgell and load vs soundly with iniuries and bastinadoes leauing vs in the durt rather dead then aliue write Brother Leo that therin would consist perfect ioy prouided that we support it all with great patience that we pray God to pardō him and that we loue him more then if he had opened the dore vnto vs for the loue of God who hath endured much more for all vs. Heare now the conclusion of all the graces of the holy Ghost which IESVS CHRIST hath graunted doth and euer will graunt to his elect The principall is that a man doe conquere himselfe and for his loue doe voluntarily supporte all kinde of iniuries and blowes euen to death because indeed we cannot truely glory of any of the other foresaid vertues and graces by reason that they are not ours as the Apostle saith but Goddes What hast thou that thou hast not receaued and if thou hast receaued why doest thou glory as if thou hast not receaued wherefore we neither can nor ought the glory but in the crosse of tribulations and afflictions which is our owne therfore the Apostle saith
nor vnderstand for they doe voluntarie blinde and ruinate their owne soules Open your eyes then blinded deluded as ye are by your ennemies the flesh the world and the deuill To the body it is a very delightfull thing to serue sinne very tedious to serue God all euils and sinnes proceed from the hart of mā as God saith in the Gospell The wicked haue no good in this world nor shall haue in the next they seeme att their pleasure to possesse the present vanities but they are deceaued for the time and houre will come when they shall loose all The holy Father said also that one being knowne to be verie sicke the first aduertisement of his kinred and freindes is not to prouide for his soule but to make his will and so his wife kinred and freindes gather about him to induce him to be mindfull of them And he ouercome by the teares of his wife the tender loue he beareth to his children and the persuasions of his kinred that seeme to haue forgotten his soule disposeth of his substance according to their fancie to giue them contēt and saith that he committeth to their gouernment and authority his substance his soule and his body that man is truely accursed who in this sort putteth his trust in man conformable to what the Prophett Ieremie said Cursed is the man that trusteth in man Now after such disposition the Confessour is sent for who finding the wretch obliged to some restitution soliciteth him to discharge himselfe therof but he answeareth that he hath made his testament disposed of all his goodes and deliuered it into the handes of his heires who will satisfie whatsoeuer shal be necessary and because he is in agonie and hath almost lost his speech there is no time to dispose of matters necessarie to the discharge of his conscience and so he dyeth a most miserable death Therfore lett euerie one know that when and howsoeuer a man dye in mortall sinne and without due restitution of an other mannes goodes hauing power to doe it before his death the deuill carryeth his soule directlie to hell where he shal be eternallie tormented and so in an instant he looseth bodie and soule goodes and honour because his kinred diuiding his inheritance among them they often curse his soule for not hauing left to one of them what he hath left to all Of the contrarietie of vices and vertues and certaine breife aduertisements and exercises of them THE LI. CHAPTER THe holy Father S. Francis affirmed that where true charity is there can neither be feare nor ignorance Where there is a ioyfull and voluntarie pouerty there is neither enuy nor auarice where there is Meditation of God there is no care where the feare of God is keeper of the house there the deuill cannot enter where there is discretion and mercy there is neither superfluity nor deceipt Now I tell you there is no man in the world can in any sort haue one of the said vertues If he doe not first die to himselfe and he that reallie possesseth one hath all with that one he erreth not in the rest and he that erreth in one erreth in all the other and is in that case as if he had not any they are of such valew that each one of it selfe confoundeth vices and sinnes holie wisdome confoundeth the deuill with all his malices holy simplicitie confoundeth the prudence of the deuill the world and the flesh holy pouertie confoundeth enuie auarice and seculer desires holy humilitie confoundeth pride with all worldly honoures and what soeuer is in them holy charity confoundeth all diabolicall and carnall temptations and pleasures holy obedience confoundeth all naturall will and sensuall affection subiecteth the body to obedience of the spiritt rendreth and maketh a man humble and subiect not only to all men but euen to other irreasonable creatures The Apostle saith the letter killeth but the spiritt giueth life they are killed by the letter who seeke to know only to be reputed learned and wise of the world by this meane to purchase honours and richesse with anxiety to aduance their kinred and freindes and in a word not for themselues but for the body or for others And they are quickened of the spiritt who referre all the learning and knowledge they haue and desire to haue only to the prayse and honour of the diuine maiesty and who appeare before God by the example of their life and with wordes full of edification offring vnto him that goodnes which is entierlie his owne In this sort it is that the seruant of God may know if he really haue his spiritt for if the flesh glorie in the worckes it doeth by meane of the grace of God as its owne it is then a signe that he is of the deuill But if in the said worckes he neuerthelesse repute himselfe vile and acknowledge himselfe a most greiuous sinner he is then truely of God and God is in him Happy is the seruant that neither speaketh nor doeth any thinge for hope of recompence in this world but for the loue of God nor lightlie speaketh what commeth to his mouth but prudently and in due time disposeth his propositions and answeares Wretched also is the Religious that buryeth in his hart the graces which he receaueth of God or that commanicateth them for subiect of vaine glorie desiring rather to manifest them verballie then to God for he hath alreadie receaued his reward and they who haue heard him haue bin litle edified therby These are wordes of life and he that shall ruminate and accomplish them shall finde true life and in the end obtaine saluation of God They that seeke not to tast how sweete God is and that loue darcknes more then light neglecting to obserue the commandementes of God are by his Prophett accursed of him who sayeth Cursed are they who erre from thy commandementes but how blessed and happie are they that loue God and performe the saying of the gospell Thou shalt loue thy Lord thy God with all thy hart with all thy soule and withall thy will Lett vs therefore My Brethren loue and prayse God day and night Our Father which art in heauen because it is necessary to pray alwayes without intermission and lett vs haue charity and humility and doe almose deedes that they may cleanse our soules from spottes of sinne for euerie thing appertayning to the world tourneth to ruine men must leaue it and carry with them onlie the recompence and reward of charitie and the almose they haue done wherof they shall receaue recompence of God And therfore it is good to fast from vices and sinnes flying all occasions of them and to keepe vs from all kinde of superfluitie though lawfull and we must frequent churches and honour Preistes in respect of the dignity they haue with God and especiallie the Religious that haue renounced the world to doe more good then others and by their example we
conscience which knowing it selfe pure before God could feare nothing Not withstanding it was not conuenient in presence of so many seculers who all knew him to be nerre death to shew no signe of repentance of his offences past no remorse of his sinnes committed against God attleast in this terrible passadge of death S. Francis with great feruour answeared him Brother giue me leaue giue me leaue I pray thee to reioyce in God and in his prayses during this sicknes because by the grace of the holy Ghost my spiritt is in such sort vnited vnto his diuine Maiestie and so secure that it may reioyce Remember now that there are two yeares past since you deliuered me from him an aduertisment of this my passadge since which time I haue alwayes endeauoured to prepare my selfe lamenting my sinnes and satisfying God for them But sithence that by his immensiue grace he hath made me worthy of his glory as he hath reuealed vnto me I haue euer since endeauoured to reioyce and now so much more in that the time approacheth wherin my soule shall for euer be loosed from the waight of this body and shall goe towardes him who hath created it and in that he will not omitt in me to edifie this people How the S. made himselfe be carryed to our Lady of Angels finding his death to approach THE LXVI CHAPTER THe glorious Father therfore perceauing that the day of his death approached prayed all the gentlemen and his freindes there present to cause him to be carryed to his church of our Lady of Angels that he might render vnto God the spiritt of life where he had receaued of him the spiritt of grace So hauing obtayned permission of the bishop and Gouernour of the citty they went accōpanyed with the greatest part of the said citty and comming to the hospitall which is in the great street betweene the citty and our Lady of Angels causing himselfe with his bed to be sett on the ground and tourning towardes the citty he gaue it his benediction saying Citty blessed mayest thou be of the soueraigne God because by thee many soules shal be saued and in thee many worthy seruantes of God of both sex shall make their residence and by thy meane many shall attaine the kingdome of glorie So hauing blessed the citty and proceeding his way towardes our Lady of Angels S. Clare his deere and true disciple imitatrice and daughter in IESVS CHRIST fearing she should not see him before his death sent to aduertise him that herselfe was also in such estate as she should not liue long after yea that she thought to goe first and that therfore she felt an extreme greife to dye without his holy benediction without seeing him who was her master and beloued Father in CHRIST IESVS and for that occasion she prayed him for the passion of our Lord I. C. with her knees on the ground not to permitt her to dye so discontent but sith he was in his iorney to doe her that last and singuler fauour as to visitt her before he went to our Lady of Angels The holie Father S. Francis felt the bowels of Fatherly cōpassion to moue in him in that he could not content her by reason of the imminēt perill wherin he was and that the Phisicions nobles and gentlemen there present would not to permitt him yet procuring wherwith all to write he sent her by a Religious his benediction in writing then lifting his eyes to heauen he said vnto him Goe and comfort my beloued sister telling her this good newes that she shall see me before she dye which shal be shortly as shall all her Sisters to their exceeding consolation This prophesie fayled not in the effect for the holie Father being dead when the Cittizens carryed him to bury att Assisium they passed through the monastery of S. Damian as hereafter shall appeare and seeing the body of the Sainct with in their Couent they were all exceedinglie comforted therwith How a Romane Lady very deuout and affected to S. Francis called Lady Iaqueline of the seauen Sunnes came by diuine reuelation from Rome to the death of S. Francis THE LXVII CHAPTER THe holy Father approching neere vnto his death called a Religious whome he willed to finde out a messenger to goe with al diligence to Rome expresly to aduertise the Lady of the Seauen Sunnes that she should incontinentlie come to visitt him if she desired to see him liuing knowing in what affliction she would haue suruiued if she had not seene him before his death as he had promised her when he tooke leaue of her att his departure out of Rome and in meane while procuring wherwith to write he dictated this letter ensuying To the Lady of the Seauen-Sunnes poore Brother Francis desireth health in our Lord IESVS CHRIST Know my beloued Sister in IESVS CHRIST that God by his grace hath reuealed vnto me the last day of my life Wherfore if you desire to see me liuing hasten so much as sometime on saterday you may be att our Ladie of Angels and bring with you a morcell of gray cloth wherwith to coue● me and wax for my seruice Att the end of this letter it was reuealed vnto the S. that she would come wherfore he said to the writer Rent this letter for there is no need therof He had scarce ended those wordes but a messenger came from the said lady that told him she was att the gate of the Monastery with two of her children sena●ours of Rome and a noble and honourable company to visitt him A while after the said lady came who entring his chamber fell incontinently on the ground humbling her countenance as an other Magdalen towardes his feet bathing them with bittet teares and ●mprinting her lippes in his sacred stigmates with such ioy and consolation of spiritt as nothing could be more she could not be satisfied with kissing them embracing and clipping them with all reuerence in regard of their vertue representing vnto her those of our Lord IESVS CHRIST she could not depart from him no more could the Religious for she was entierlie rauished in this so singular sweetnes of spiritt without any speech att all till S. Francis called her att whose voice awakening she answeared the S. who asked her how it happened that she came so readily that being one night in prayer she heard the voice of God that said If thou wilt find Brother Francis aliue goe incontinentlie to our lady of Angels and carry with thee what thow knowest necessarie to his sepulture and such meat as thou gauest him att his being in Rome to comfort him in his sicknes Which hauing heard I prepared my selfe verie instantlie and thus am come S. Francis gaue thanckes to God and demaunding the said meates he refected his body with very great consolation Now this lady supposing that S. Francis would lye long time sick determined to send back her children to Rome and many personnes of note that
a woman so much afflicted As she one night lamented vpon this subiect Sainct Francis caused her to sleep then in her dreame appeared vnto her and with very compassionate wordes comforted her and a●tlength wished her to carry her child to a church verie neere thervnto and dedicated to his name promising her that after she had washed him with the water of the Couent-well in the name of God he should rec●a●e his perfect shape and health But the woman 〈◊〉 this to be an ordinarie dreame affected not the wordes of the S. who an other time appeared vnto her redoubling the same admonishment which she no more beleeued then the former The glorious sainct retourned the third time and himselfe conducted her fast a sleep together with her sonne to the dore of the Couent where he left her disappeared Certaine great Ladies of deuotion comming thither in the meane time awakened this woman who much amazed to finde her selfe there related vnto them the vision and so in company they presented the child vnto the Religious who incontinentlie drew water out of the well and the most honourable and worthyest lady with her owne handes washed the child which being washed his lymmes miraculouslie became duely placed to the wonderfull astonishment of those present perceauing what the mercy of God was in our behalfe by the great merittes of his seruant Of the miracles wrought by S. Francis by the signe of the crosse THE XX. CHAPTER THere was a man in the towne of Chora within the diocesse of Hostia which was so depriued of the force and strength of one foot that he could neither goe nor any way moue the same wherefore despairing by humane art to cure him he began one night to discourse with S. Francis as if he had bin present complayning before his altare in these wordes S. Francis helpe me remember what I haue done in thy seruice carrying thee with such deuotion on my asse I haue kissed thy holy handes and feet and haue bin euer most deuout vnto thee I loue thee cordiallie consider therfore how I am tormented with this extreme paine The holy Father as approuing his discourse was moued with his iust and pious complaintes and as one that hath a continuall memory of those deuout vnto him he appeared with one of his Religious to his freinde euen whiles he was waking and said Sith thou hast called on me I come to thee bringing wherwithall to cure thee then comming neere him he touched his place of paine with a litle staffe wheron was the figure of the signe Tau the Greek letter thus made in forme of a crosse and presentlie the apostume brake out of his legge and his paine ceassed the said man remayning perfectlie cured and that which more augmented the miracle was that in the place where his griefe was the signe of Tau remayned for memory of the same It was the seale wherwith the holy Father S. Francis sealed his letters when he wrote to his freindes concerning any worck of charity Now here is to be obserued that whiles we discourse of the diuerse miracles of this glorious sainct it happeneth by diuine inspiration and the will of this inuincible stande●dbearer of the crosse that we end our historie with the signe of Tau and marck of our saluation for hence may we collect that as it was vnto him a comfort and great meritt towardes his saluation in following IESVS as his Champion so being now triumphant with IESVS CHRIST it is become vnto him an assured testimonie of his honour and glory for great and admirable is the mysterie of the crosse wherin the giftes of graces the merittes of life and the treasures of the wisdome of God are very deeply couered and concealed from the wise and prudent of the world which neuertheles were entierly reuealed vnto this poore of IESVS CHRIST who during his life followed only the steppes of the crosse and neuer conceaued tast of any other thinge then the sweetnes of the crosse so that in the beginning of his conuersion he might well say with sainct Paul God forbid that I should glory sauing in the crosse of our Lord IESVS CHRIST as also afterward he might truely say of his Rule Peace vpon them and mercy that shall follow this Rule but towardes the end he might more truely say with the said Apostle I beare the marckes of our Lord IESVS in my body and we should desire to heare those other wordes from him The grace of our Lord IESVS CHRIST be with your spiritt brethren Amen Thē mayest thou O glorious standerd-bearer of IESVS CHRIST most assuredly glory in the glory of the crosse of IESVS CHRIST because thou diddest begin by the crosse and finally end by the crosse and for testimonie of the crosse it hath bin manifested to all the faithfull how glorious thou now art in heauen so that we may securelie follow them that depart out of this cruell Egipt because the red sea being diuided by the wood of the crosse they passed the desertes to enter into the land promised to the liuing leauing behinde them the floud Iourdan of mortality by the merueillous carryer of this holy crosse to the which blessed land of the the liuing the infallible guide of our beloued IESVS CHRIST crucified conduct vs by the degrees of the ladder following his glorious seruant being our Intercessour Here end the miracles of the glorious Father Sainct Francis written by Sainct Bonauenture A treatise wherin is discoursed how the holy Father sainct Francis attayned to perfect contemplation which hath bin transferred hither from the 37. chapter to the end of the tenth booke this place being more proper there vnto THE I. CHAPTER IT seemeth here to good purpose in some sort to declare the order and degrees wherby the holy Ghost doth raise those that are his to this great and high vnion of spiritt with God as well for a more true relation and intelligence of the perfect contemplation and vnion which the glorious Father S. Francis had with God as for the greater comfort of the soules who desire to follow and imitate his life and exercise Now it is to be noted according to the doctrine of S. Augustin that men lay two foundations the one of perdition which is selfe-loue and the other of saluation which is the loue of God or else that men haue two endes some in God and others in themselues directing all their actions for themselues our will is gouerned according to these two endes for if it conuert it selfe vnto God as taking him for its end the more it disioyneth it selfe from creatures yea from it selfe the neerer doth it approach vnto God by obedience and charity and perhappes with diuine assistance to the perfect contempt and abnegation of it selfe and to transforme it selfe entirely into the loue of God which is our end wherin consisteth all our perfection and glory Our Master IESVS CHRIST left vs this rule in his holy
in the soule by the loue and the will its charity is neuer so intentiue in the contemplatiue life and in the proper mortification as vnto the exercise of vertues neither is this kinde of seeking and ascending to the admiration and deuotion of God so perfect it is more ordinary in the learned and prudent personnes and of subtill spiritt in whome the intelligence proceedeth alwayes vnto the will and this loue by meditation and consideration But the affectiue way is farre more breife to ascend vnto God the principall therin is the will for she hath her exercises ordinarily in desires in inspirations and interiour sighes in verie frequent manner vnto her beloued which she performeth by iaculatorie prayers more ardent then long meditations of the spiritt wherof although she make vse as of the foundation as it were to recomfort her owne infirmitie she notwithstanding vseth them to raise the soule to her God by a desire of loue which encreasing she vseth the action of the will which is to loue because it hath more entrie with God then the action of the vnderstanding which is to know the way verie breife for perfection and easy to practise because it needeth neither science nor many bookes in which the most simple idiot profiteth much more then the learned God disposing according to his liberality that the soule of him who seeketh him without meane be rather instructed by him vnto his conuersation but this instruction is perticulerlie necessarie to them that are alreadie arriued to the loue which causeth them the extasies to the end they setle not all their perfection in the deuotion and sensible tast which they receaue for finally it is an instrument only for spirituall charity and that those impetuosities of deuotion and subtill conceited actes make them not presumptuous because this matter may be obtayned by naturall exercise and without grace But lett them diligentlie regard and consider in themselues if they receaue this diuine grace with fruit and if they profitt in true mortification and abnegation of their proper will so that it be prompt to execute the diuine will receauing with patience and contentment of hart what soeuer it shall please God to ordaine as well in exteriour as interiour labours euen the losse of consolations yea temptations For if it seeme to them that they are lesse obliged to these later then the other they will haue no care to seeke the exercise of vertues but will apply all their endeauour to gett this sweetnes of deuotion though they fall into extasy seauen times in a day they will profitt litle and will abuse the diuine grace wrongfully and to their damnation for they satisfie their pleasure with more diligence then the will of God and such shall finde in themselues rather passionate cogitations and wordes of presumpsumption esteeming themselues perfect and resting assured to be in the way of perfection iudgeing others that walke not their way to proceed erroniously then to haue true feare and humility The property then of this way is when without deceipt as God sendeth mentall extasies vnto the soule eleuating her to the imbracementes of diuine loue so the soule being retourned to her selfe worcketh merueillous excesses of humility and patience the example of all vertues and particulerly in the amourous compassion of the passion of IESVS CHRIST whose excessiue tormentes being contemplated by the soule she burneth and cannot conteine hir in her selfe for the great apprehension which she hath of such a charity which is such as she desireth to repay IESVS CHRIST this his glorious death by her owne life exposed to martyrdome We may coniecture in what perfection this degree of the loue of the holy Ghost eleuated S. Francis wrought by frequent and excessiue corporall deuotions wherin he was swallowed vp being a figure of many greater eminent conceated worckes of the spiritt so that for the most feruent loue he carryed to IESVS CHRIST crucified he trauelled to seeke martyrdome But because his admirable excesses of prayer humility and other vertues haue bin already recorded it is not necessary to repeat them it sufficeth to haue only refreshed the memory of the readers therwith as with a matter worthy to be noted Of the fift degree of perfection called Asseurance THE VI. CHAPTER THe fift degree is called asseurance because hauing in the precedent estate tasted feruent chariry it expelleth all feare out of the soule which doth not repute her selfe only resigned and perfectly setled as much as is possible for her in the diuine will and disposition but doth euen desire really and with seruour to expose her selfe to all labours to conforme her selfe to her laboured IESVS CHRIST and so she remayneth without cause of feare for albeit God should cast her into hell the same should be her glory it being the will of God and besides she hath such a strong hope and assured persuasion of the grace and fauour of her God that it is impossible for her to be separated from him saying with S. Paul For I am sure that neither death nor life nor Angels nor Principalities nor Powers neither thinges present nor thinges to come neither might nor height nor depth nor other creature shal be able to separate vs from the charity of God which is in IESVS CHRIST our lo●d Let vs therfore know that this word Assurance is rather a name accidental of the effect this estate then essential because the root and essence therof is the coniunctiue loue which the soule possesseth but because this name hath a secrett and hidden signification though diuers know it not which is manifest only to God the soule wherin it worcketh this merueillous vnion we haue signified it by the name of the effect wherby the soule attayneth to make her selfe a spiritt by the cōtinuall norriture of grace and charity by the merueillous vniō of her loue with God For as a droppe of water mingled with wine looseth its nature assumeth that of wine as also the coulour and sauour so the soule that perfectly loueth in this degree falling into the infinite diuine charity without yet loosing her nature is conuerted into the diuine loue according to the office and institutiō of life and all her powers remayne confected in the tast of the loue of God albeit our nature is not chaunged in this diuine vnion touching her naturall essēce yet doth it chaūge many inclinations cōditions obtayneth others beyond the forces of nature created as we see the fi●e worcketh in iron which it depriueth of the hardnes coldnes and blacknes which are proper vnto it endueth it with other cōtrary and more excellēt qualities yet without chaūging the nature therof so the soule farre more enflamed vnited in the diuine loue being endued with other life motiō force remayneth without any feare or dulnesse without diffidēce so light and easy to trāsforme it selfe into God her beloued by a vnitiue desire as the diuine fire
Religious began then out of loue to weep bitterlie and affectionatelie recommended themselues to his prayers wherin next vnto God they reposed more confidence then in any other thing saying vnto him Father send vs whither you shall please we are ready to accomplish what soeuer God by you shall command But withall we beseech you to remember that we goe a mong most cruell men whose tongue is vnknowne vnto vs as also are their manners and behauiour besides we know them to be the ennemies of Christians desiring nothing more then to drinck their bloud and ours with so much more fury and passion when they shall know we endeauour to conuert their people for accomplishmēt wherof we acknowledge our forces to be most infirme and our selues very insufficient if the mercy of God doe not by your prayers assist vs and therfore we recommending vs vnto them demaund your holy benediction that we may vndergoe this obedience to the honour of God and the saluation of our owne and the Infidels soules S. Francis then lifting his eyes all bathed with teares towardes heauen blessed them in this manner The benediction of God the Father the loue of the Sonne our Redeemer IESVS and the grace of the holy Ghost discend vpon you as it discended on the Apostles conduct comfort and fortifye you in afflictions that you may valiantly resist couragiously assault and gloriously subdue your ennemies sith God sendeth you for his glory and seruice And feare not for God goeth with you to be your protector So being full of teares he dismissed them and these Apostolicall Religious tooke their iorney conformably to the Rule of the holy Ghospell on foote without mony scrip or staffe bare-foote with one only coate poore course and all patched but yet in exchaunge of all this they had the grace of God that safelie and securely conducted them into Spaine How Brother Vitall fell sicke in Spaine and would that leauing him alone in the hospitall his Companions should proceed on other iourney and of his death THE II. CHAPTER THese good Religious being arriued in Arragon Brother Vital their superiour fell sicke and kept his bedde the others expected there some time to see the issue of this sicknes which daily encreasing Brother Vital said to his companions My beloued Brethre you see my sicknes is violent and what wil be the issue therof I know not wherfore I will no longer detaine you from proceeding about that which hath bin enioyned vs it hauing bin alwayes my desire to accōpany you if it pleased God who I suppose hath ordained that I proceed no farther in respect that being too great a sinner I am not perhapps worthy of your cōpany or to be employed in so worthy an office It is therfore necessary that you leaue me in this hospitall and that you apply your selues to this holy enterprise of the conuersion of this people to God who hath thus farre conducted you by obedience and be not greiued to leaue me here alone for his diuine Maiesty will prouide for me Proceede then on your iourney accomplish the will of God and be mindefull of the admonitions of our holy Father with a speciall care not to transgresse them and pray to God for me constituting Brother Bernard the preacher to be their superiour The poore Religious hauing heard the said proposition with extreme sorowfull and sobbing sighes that sufficiently discouered the bitternes that afflicted their spirit they bowed downe their heades calling God to witnesse of the greife they had to leaue him so alone but because their obediēce vnto S. Francis and him so required they acknowledged themselues ready to obey and so hauing receaued his benediction after they had louingly and charitably embraced each other they departed beseeching him by his prayers to obtaine of God that they might againe see one an other att least in Paradise This poore Religious remayning then alone in affliction dayly weakened till hauing vnderstood the martyrdome of his companions and giuen thanckes to God for it he was so afflicted for not perticipating with them and for hauing lost that crowne that burning with charity towardes God this fire in such sort augmented that by his good will and desire he shortly after receaued the ●ame crowne in his bedd making of himselfe a gratefull and pleasing sacrifice vnto his diuine Maiesty and so hastened to meet them in the other world Thus much for Brother Vitall We must now discourse of the combat of his companions who still ma●ching further on into Spaine euen vnto Portugall neuer ceassed in time and place conuenient to preach vnto both Catholiques and heretiques wherof then the nomber was great in Spaine and euery where produced fruit most pleasing to the almighty whose grace had conioyned them together How the fiue Religious arriued att Conimbria where they prophecied vnto the queene her death and their owne Martyrdome THE VII CHAPTER THe said Religious being arriued at Conimbria a famous citty in regard that it was the vniuersity of the kingdome of Portugall as also being very anncient and right noble there they found the queene Vraca wife of king Alphonsus the secōd who incontinently inuited them vnto her entertayned thē with great deuotiō as exceedingly affected vnto their Order and then very louingly demaūded of thē whence they came whither they intended and withall offered to releiue thē in all their occurrēces They breifely answeared her discouered vnto her their designe to witt that they were sent by their Generall Brother Francis to preach the faith of IESVS CHRIST to Infidels But the queene not cōtent with this slight narratiō putt thē into discourse of diuers spirituall matters as one more thirsty of the word of our lord then a hinde of fresh water With whose discourse finding her selfe exceedingly edifyed and cōforted perceauing their extreme feruour and to what degree of the fauour of God their merittes had raysed thē she drew them a part cōiured them in his name for whose loue they had resolued euen to endure death so much to gratifie her as by prayer to procure reuelation frō God of the time and hower of her death not admitting their excuses which were that it would be a great temerity presūption to seeke to know the secrettes which God for deepe great cōsiderations would not haue knowne vnto mē adding withall that they were not worthy to obtaine the same diuers other such reasons but she so importuned them that they were att lenght cōstraynd to accord vnto her hauing to this end applyed thēselues to prayer they vnderstood frō God that and more then they demaūded whervpō they went vnto the queene and thus spake vnto her Madame lett it not if you please be troublesome vnto you to vnderstād that which you haue so instātly required of vs and so much the lesse because we assure you that no creature loueth you so much as God who will in no sort dispose of you but
spēd time with this simple and inconsiderat multitude of people considering the litle hope we haue being so few to suppresse their obstinacie lett vs rather repaire to their king endeauouring first to conquer the head so with more ease facility to gett victory of the mēbers afterward Lett vs giue him the on sett couragiously and ioyfully lett vs goe then lett vs goe preach and tell him the verity of the faith of IESVS CHRIST of Baptisme of penance in remission of sinnes Lett vs boldly confesse before him that IESVS CHRIST the sonne of God is true God and man who would be borne dye for sinners with his owne bloud redeeming vs from eternal death rising againe after his death ascended vnto heauen and sitteth att the right hand of his Father Iudge of the liuing dead where he expecteth vs to croune vs with his holy martyrs for euer How these fiue Religious preached before the king of the Mores the faith of Iesus Christ our Sauiour and what sueceeded therof THE VI. CHAPTER THese Religious being thus mutuallie animated went directlie to the Pallace of the king att the entrie wherof being intercepted by the guard their Captaine who was a gentleman of note demaunded of them what they were They answeared that they were Italiens and desired to speake with his maiestie of matters of great importance as well touching his owne particuler as his whole kingdome Whervpon the Captaine demaunded if they had no letters or other token of commendations to deliuer him They replyed that their embassage was to be deliuered by mouth and could not be writtē but in hartes by tongues The Captaine willed thē securely to commend the affaire vnto him promising to deliuer it faithfully vnto the king they prayed him againe for conclusion to conduct them only to the presence of the king where he might also vnderstand what they had to say The Captaine related the whole vnto the king who commanded them to be brought before him where being present he demaunded them what they were whence they came who sent thē vnto him wherfore they were come Wherto they answeared that they were Christiās that they came frō Rome sent frō the king of kinges and Redeemer of the world IESVS CHRIST to preach vnto him his holy faith so that their bussines tēded only to the saluatiō of his soule which should be effected if he would no lōger beleeue the doctrine of Mahomet but in IESVS C. the true God receauing baptisme in the name of the most sacred Trinity that he could not be saued by any other meane The Mory king that expected no such greeting became despightfully furiours for he esteemed the seruantes of God to haue giuen him an extreme affrōt to whome he said O ye poore braineles men sottish and miserable as ye are how can ye possibly presume to vtter this speech in my presence without more respect vnto my crowne or feare of the losse of your liues already infallibly incurred by the great blasphemie committed against my most holy Prophet But tell me are yee come hither expresly and in my only particuler respect or to preach also vnto my people and to delude them dissuading them frō mine obedience and their alleagiance Hereto the good Religious with a bold and smiling countenāce answeared O king know that we are come to thee as to the chiefe of all this sect of Mahomet filled with diabolicall spiritt and to him that in the bottome of hell shall be more rigorously tormented then thy subiectes that shall persist in obstinacie to the end that thou being reduced into the way of truth saluation thou mayest be a meane of their conuersion as thou art now the cause of their damnatiō for auoyding wherof thou must beleeue in IESVS CHRIST our Redeemer who sendeth vs vnto thee saying in the Gospell Goe and teach ye all nations baptising them in the name of the Father of the Sonne and of the Holy Ghost adding afterward for thē that would not yeld thervnto he that will not belieue shal be damned eternally This king stopping his eares began to rage and crye out O cursed wretches your former lewd behauiour no doubt hath brought you hither where it shal be rewarded instantly neither is there any other meane to deliuer free your selues but that you vnsay whatsoeuer you haue now foolishly and rashlie vttered and to receaue and espouse the Religion of our great Prophett for so doeing I will not only pardō you but will also make you great and rich in my kingdome that it may publikelie appeare how much we prise and esteeme the greatnes of our Prophett and how much we honour respect and enrich those that preferre our Religion before their owne but otherwise you shall for your sollie dye with infinite torments or I will enforce you to beleeue me The Religious replyed if your law were not full of lies false impious as it is but iust and conformable vnto truth we would receaue it but because it doth eternallie damne the followers therof we respect not all treasure nor feare tormentes for false honours are the baites and delusions of you Mores who truely miserable doe end together with them because they haue no longer continuance and you are eternallie damned the meerlie contrarie happening to vs considering that by the pouertie and contempt of our dayes of this life we pourchace eternall treasures and honours in heauen as our Lord teacheth vs when he said Heap not vp your treasure in earth where nothing is secure but in heauen where you may for euer enioy the benefitt therof And therfore O king be thou conuerted to receaue this true and holie law in regard of this recompence And if thou so much esteeme a kingdome of this world how much more oughtest thou to esteeme this eternall kingdome of heauē tourne thy hart to the soueraigne and true God who hath thus long expected thy penannce and now sendeth vs vnto thee as his messengers to deliuer thee from the eternall tormentes of hell which are prepared for thee and all them that follow the absolutely accursed Mahomett Take heed how thou misprise the grace which God by meanes of vs doth offer vnto thee How the fiue Martyrs were adiudged to death by the Morian king who att the instance of the prince his sonne reuoked his sentence THE VII CHAPTER THe Morian king could no longer endure nor heare the preaching and remonstrance of the Religious against his sect but being exceedingly afflicted and enraged commanded them to be expelled his presence and condemned them to be cruelly whipt and then to haue their heades cutt off The Martyrs then hastened to death with a courage and countenance very ioyfull and contented as they that knew themselues neere to the accomplishment of what they so much desired and to encourage each other they mutually said Behold brethren behold how God doth benignely offer vnto vs that which we haue so long desired
thus he continued for certaine dayes till it pleased our Lord to declare him to be his seruāt which by this meanes came to passe One of the noblest of the Citty who then was the Iudge seeing and considering the life of this poore Religious sayed in himselfe this man thus contemned must needes be some holy personnage in regard of his extraordinary patience And therfore he called him vnto him and hauing demaunded what he was and whence he came Brother Bernard drew out of his bosome the Euangelicall rule which sainct Francis had giuen him and which he had written no lesse in his hart then in that paper and without vsing any other wordes deliuered it vnto him The iudge hauing seene the same was stricken into an amazement and tourning towardes many that were flocked thither to heare the Religious discourse he sayd This rule doubtlesse teacheth the most strict and rigorous religious life that is in the Church and in deed this man and all his companions that lead this life represent vnto vs the Apostolicall Colledge and therfore are worthy of very great honour This being said he conducted Brother Bernard to his house with such ioy and contentment as if he had bin an Angell of heauen A litle after att his owne expences he built for him and his companions a Couent without the cittie but very neere the walles as most commodious for them He liued and dyed as a deuout Brother of the Order In this sort was Brother Bernard the first that began the Couent att Bolonia which he did not seeke to build sumptuouslle and found with much rentes and possessions but with the examples of a most profound humility and patience he built vpon the firme rocke of IESVS CHRIST who is our true and liuely foundation Br. Bernard being then thus seated att Bolonia the people by litle and litle knowing his sanctity beganne to respect him and desirouslie to heare his wordes and to admitt his Coūsailes in such sort that in a short space many did not only forsake their disordered life but also left the world becomming Frere Minors in the said monastery To be short he was generally respected of all as a sainct each one desired to see him and to kisse that habitt which formerlie they misprised but he as the true and humble disciple of Euangelicall humilitie shunning these vaine honours retourned to the holie Father sainct Francis whome he besought to send him some other where wherin the sainct was willing to gratifie him and sent him into Lombardie where he edified the people with admirable vertue and erected many monasteries and recouered an infinite nomber of soules that resolued to follow the life and profession of the gospell of IESVS CHRIST Of the pilgrimage of Brother Bernard to S. Iames in Galicia and what happened to him there THE III. CHAPTER WHen the holy Father S. Francis went into Spaine to visitt the Church of sainct Iames in Galicia he tooke Br. Bernard and certaine other of his companions with him They found in theiriorney a poore sicke personne in a place very miserable and discomfortable and vttetly abandoned there they remayned certaine dayes to haue care of him serue and comfort him But sainct Francis knowing his sicknesse would be of long continuance lefte Brother Bernard to attend him and proceeded on his pilgrimage whence retourning he found the sick man recouered and tooke Brother Bernard back with him into Italie whence shortlie after he demaunded leaue of him to visite the Apostle Sainct Iames in Galicia not hauing opportunitie to goe with him the other time and hauing accomplished his iust desire att his retourne he came to a riuer which by reason of the swiftnes and violence of the current which was very deepe he could not wade ouer wherfore he was enforced to stay att the side therof where a litle after an Angel in very actiue manner appeared vnto him and saluted him in Italian Which Brother Bernard admiring asked him if he came from Italie or whence he was wherto he answeared that he came from our Lady of Angels where he had bin to admonish Br. Helias of his temerity in desiring to make a new rule and that he had rudely shutt the gate vpon him for which God would punish him Which said he easily conducted Br. Bernard to the other side of the riuer and then incontinentlie vanished leauing Br. Bernard exceedinglie comforted who gaue thanckes to God for hauing visited and assisted him by his Angell Being att Assisium he recounted to the holy Father S. Francis and others what the Angell had tould him of Brother Helias by which meane it was knowne that he who was att the dore of the Couent of our Lady of Angels and had spoken to Brother Helyas as hath bin related in the 100. chapter of the first booke was sent of God to propose vnto him the question there sett downe to giue him occasion of amendement How Brother Bernard receaued of almighty God the grace of extaticall contemplation and of the effectes therof together with his abstinence THE IV. CHAPTER THis holy Father oftentimes retyred himselfe from the worckes and labour of the actiue life wherin he spent a good part of his time for the saluation of soules to the repose of the contemplatiue life whereby he obtained of God such a sublimitie of spiritt and clearnesse of vnderstandinge that the deepest learned diuines repayred vnto him to demaunde solution of difficult and obscure passages of the holy scripture It seemed that his soule conuersed continually in heauen Sometimes he went ouer the mountaines entierly transported in God rauished as a propheticall spiritt in manifest signe of his continuall mentall eleuation Fifteene yeares before his death as he was spiritually in heauen he had also his countenance euer lifted very high in his iornyes when he began to feele the force of spirituall extasie he would bid his companion to expect a while then would turne out of the way and seeke some tree against which to rest and so held himselfe firme and stable that his spiritt might not wander diuers wayes till the extasie were ended He one time said to that great contemplatiue Brother Giles that he made himselfe but halfe a man remayning as a woman shut vp in his Cell and not goeing abroad to teach men the right way of their saluation Brother Giles answeared him O Brother it is not permitted to all men to eat and flye as swallowes as it is to you who goeing resting not stirring and running in any place whatsoeuer doe alwayes tast the extaticall and diuine consolation For which cause sainct Francis tooke great contentment to discourse with him of matters concerning God so that to that effect they were sometimes found together in a wood both rapt in extasie where they remayned in that manner a whole night together As he one day heard Masse in the quier he was so rauished in spiritt that he remayned till the ninth hower immoueable and insensible with his eyes
as precious stones and iewels that cannot be sufficiently esteemed So called he the affrontes and iniuries done vnto him precious stones and of notable value with God An other time being in the citty of Spoletum he vnderstood that there was a feast to be solemnised att Assisium whither would repaire from most parts of the world nott minding too loose the gaine he hoped to make there he determined to goe to the feast in the fashion aforesaid and being in the citty he went expresly to be seene and the more to be mesprised of the people into the principall streetes which was presently related to his Brethren as he well expected Wherfore being come to the monastery they all chardged him with notable iniuryes calling him foole and worthy to be layd in irons for dishonouring their house and Religion all concluding that he deserued a great penance Wherevpon the Guardian hauing before all the company giuen him a rough and rude chapter sayd vnto him O miserable wretch what pennance can I impose on thee correspondent and worthy the excesse of thy notorious fact Herevnto Brother Iuniperus very humbly ausweared Father the correction you should giue me is to permitt me to retourne in the same manner I came and the same way Herbie the Religious vnderstood well what had bin the cause of his comming and being qualified and appeased they pray7s ed God for it How Brother Iuniperus abhorred honours and consolations THE XXXVII CHAPTER BRother Iuniperus being sent to Rome there to remayne where the reputation of his vertues liued some that were deere freindes to him and deuoted to the Order vnderstanding therof went out of the citty to meet him so to entertayne him curteously and to honour him But this holy Religious seeing them comming and suspecting the occasion which he extremely detested and shunned he was att the first apprehension exceedingly troubled to resolue on some meane to auoyd that honour Att lēght after he had some time discoursed in his spiritt of this subiect still goeing on his way he found children busyed in this sport following they had layd a peice of wood crosse vpō a wall att each end wherof was a boy sitting astride who by equall waight did alternatiuely mount each other vp and downe Brother Iuniperus gott one of the places and began to sport with the boy att the other end His freindes and affectionat comming there did not yet forbeare very reuerently to salute him well knowing his fashions and customes but he persisting firme and constant in his purpose would not seeme to see or heare them so atttentiue did he appeare in that sport and so long he continued and so resolutely that trying their patience he enforced them att last to retourne home much discontented and disedifyed att the inciuillytie and folly of their freind and afterwardes he secrecretly slipt into his Couent very ioyfull in hauing so auoyded the vaineglory of that worldly entertainement An other time he hauing bin against his will commanded to goe to the house of a gentleman that desired much to discourse particulerly with him he was thervnto constrayned by obedience but by whatsoeuer meanes the gentleman could deuise to occasion him to discourse he could not wrest so much as one good word from him Yet supposing him to be weary or distempered with some indisposition he for that night conducted him into a chamber very commodiously furnished for his repose but very early the next morning without speaking a word to any person he departed leauing the bed and other furniture disorderly and confusedly heaped together to be esteemed a foole Which the gentleman hauing seene he was exceedingly confounded and scandelized att this Religious that thus disgraced him and complayned therof to the other Religious who exceedingly checked him for it And then in their presence he reprehended himselfe acknowledgeing that he did not only deserue to be rebuked but also to be seuerely punished Brother Iuniperus discoursing one time with some Religious touching death one of them said God graunt me the grace to dye in some Couent of the Order in the company of my Brethren that my soule may be comforted and assisted by their prayers and that my body may be buryed with other Religious Herevpon Brother Iuniperus tooke occasion of speech saying I would that at the houre of my death my body might be so loathsome and stinking that no Religious would aduenture to come neere it but that they would therfore cast me into some priuie or smoke and there leaue me as most abhominable and afterwardes being dead would not aforde me any buryall but that foules might deuour my body The humility of this holy Religious was so admirable as also his desire to be misprised for the loue of IESS CHRIST that he could neuer esteeme himselfe in any sort sufficiently burdened with reproches iniuryes vilainies and infamies in his life and in his death In which repect we may iustly say Non est inuentus similis illi that more precisely then he obserued to repay this law vnto our Lord in the same mony and coyne of reproches as he suffered for vs and with such ●oue as this holy Religious and that more euidently discouered in himselfe the perfection of S. Paul in effect Mihi mundus crucifixus est ego mundo for he alwayes contemned it withall the pompes and vanities therof esteeming the world to be but a foole Of the remedy which Brother Iuniperus vsed against the temptations of sensuality THE XXXVIII CHAPTER BRother Giles Brother Ruffinus Brother Simon and Brother Iuniperus being on time together in spirituall conference and conuersation Brother Giles sayd to the rest My Brethren I beseech you tell me how you arme your selues against the temptations of sensuality Br. Simon of Assium answeared I consider the loathsomnes of this sinne how detestable it is not only in the presence of God but euen before men who though impious yet seeke to conceale and couer themselues from being seene in the exercise of such a filthy act This consideration procureth in me a displeasure and detestation of this sinne and deliuereth me of the temptation Then Brother Ruffinus spake as thus For my part when I am tempted with that sinne I fall on both my knees vpon the ground I implore the assistance of the diuine clemencie and of the glorious Virgin Mother and so continue in prayer till I feele my selfe freed Brother Iuniperus then spake to this purpose When I perceaue such diuelish temptations are represented to my senses forcibly to assault me I instanly shut the gates of my hart whereto I constitue for seuere guardes holy meditations and pious desires for security of the castell wherin resideth the soule and when their ennemies make their approches to giue an assault to that place I that command in that forteresse cry to them from within Goe your wayes gett yee gone the place is possessed for others yee are discouered I am fortified with whatsoeuer is necessary to
a mountaine where he found a litle chappell hauing bin an hermitage called S. Laurence farre distant from habitation and consequently very solitary there he resolued to spend his lent but three dayes after he was there arriued it did so snow and freeze that they could not possibly goe abroad The holy Religious seeing there was no meane to goe foorth to seeke bread sayd to his companion Brother lett vs make petition to almighty God that he will please in our necessity to send vs bread sith there is none but he that can heare and releiue vs. Then he recounted an history of certaine Religious who wanting bread in the like necessity had recourse to him and were heard Being moued by such an example they began on the euenning to pray with loud voice vnto almighty God so perseuered till the breake of the day following when as God inspired a good man of a neighbouring place who seeing the snow so extreme called to minde that he had seene att other times Hermites att S. Laurence thought with himselfe that if then there were any there they could not come foorth to seeke food which mouing him to compassion he went out of his house with bread and wine which he gaue to the Religious and being retourned to his house he aduertised his neighbours and friendes of the necessity of the said seruantes of God and so procured that they wanted not wherwith to liue the rest of the lent which happened to good purpose for them in regard of their extreme necessity Br. Giles desirous to acknowledge the great charity vsed vnto him by those people he said to his companion hitherto we haue prayed to God for our selues to be relieued in our necessity heceforward we ought to pray vnto him for our benefactors so that persisting night and day in these petitions our Lord bestowed such graces and fauours on the inhabitantes of that place that neuer Frere Minor hauing bin formely seene there many among them neuertheles being moued by the example and pious exhortations of the sayd Religious forlooke the vanity of this world and became Frere Minors and such as could not serued God by prayers and did penance in their owne houses and by this meane for corporall benefittes they gaue in exchaunge spirituall in double mesure Of the humilitie and obedience of Br. Giles THE V. CHAPTER THe holy Father S. Francis cordially loued Br. Giles for his great perfection in all vertues and his promptitude in doeing well and therfore did often obserue him and would say to his other Religious that he was one of his knightes of the round table so did he call the humble and deuout Religious Now Br. Giles one day demaunded obedience of S. Francis to goe where he pleased or to remayne where he was the holy Father answeared him your residence is prouided goe where you will whervpon hauing demaunded and receiued his benediction he went and walked in this freedome fower whole dayes but finding his spiritt much disquieted he retourned to S. Francis Father sayd he I beseech you designe me a certaine place whither to goe because goeing according to my owne liberty I cannot haue my conscience free the S. sent him to the Couent of Fabrian whither he went barefoote with a very ragged habitt though the season were extreme cold On the way he mett a passenger that sayd vnto him I would not goe so poorly cloathed in so cold a season were I therby to pourchace paradice by which wordes the deuill so augmented the cold that he expected death therby but he incontinētlie called to minde that our lord IESVS CHRIST went barefoote and poorely cloathed through the world and endured far more cold and other labours for our sakes these pious cogitations did in this sort warme first his hart and then all his body with a diuine heat wherfore he began to praise God his sweet lord who had thus warmed him not with materiall fier but by the only burning heatof his diuine loue So Br. Giles remayned many yeares in the sayd place where one day weighing his sinnes he ascended on a mountaine neere by whither he carryed a yōg Religious whome he commanded with a cord about his necke to lead him naked to the place where the other Religious were and entring in this sort before them he began with teares to cry Haue compassion and pitty of me miserable and detestable sinner The Religious beholding him in such a gastly plight began all to weep and prayed him to putt on his habitt but he answeared with bitter teares and extreme sighes that he was vnworthy to be a Frere Minor Yet if you will that I take the habitt againe said he I will as an almose receaued of you though I doe not deserue it and so he cloathed himselfe and there remayned labouring with his handes in making caskettes of straw to couer or keep glasses and litle baskettes which he and his companion carryed to the neighbour towne and villages and in exchau●ge receaued what they needed either of food or cloathing and with the rest he cloathed other Religious saying that such almose done to any Religious prayed for him when he slept and could not then pray himselfe This good Religious retourning one day from the fieldes hauing in his handes a reed and a hatchett he past before a church the Chappelaine wherof seeing him called him hippocrite which did so grieue and afflict Br. Giles that he wept bitterly A Religious finding him thus lamenting demandindg the occasion of his teares he answeared him because I am an hippocrite as a Preist did now instantly assure me The Religious replied poore man doest thou then belieue it to be true Br. Giles answeared that he belieued it because he was a Priest that auouched the same and he could not conceaue that a Priest would lie The Religious replyed Brother be no longer disquieted for it may be thou art no hippocrite because the opinion of men is most often farre from the iudgement of God Br. Giles with this reasonnable answeare was somewhat satisfied and comforted saying that if he were not such it was by the pure grace of God Hearing one day relation of the fall of Br. Helie that had bin Generall of the Order whence he was an Apostata then liuing excommunicated thence in the traine and seruice of the Emperour Frederic the second then a rebell vnto the Church he with extreme griefe fell flatt vpon the ground and there contemptibly tourned and tumbled himselfe affirming that he would discend as low as he could because the other had wrought his owne distruction by clymeing so high This great seruant of God being one day out of the Couent he receaued a letter and therby commaundement from his Generall to meet him att Assisium whither he instantly tooke his iorney his companion putting into his minde that it were good to retourne first to the Couent to aduertise the Religious therof he answeared Brother I am commanded to goe
to Assisium and not to the Couent so much did he yeld himselfe to obedience that his only cogitation was readily to obay The Guardian hauing commanded a Religious that was praying to goe to demaund almose the Religious therat murmured exceedingly withhimselfe and in this distemper came to Br. Giles thus cōplayning Father I was praying in my cell and the Guardian hath commanded me to goe begge so that I must omitt the greater good for the lesse B. Giles answeared him brother you know not yet what prayer is for the most true and perfect is that the subiect doe the wil of his Superiour How zealous Br. Giles was of his rule and of holy pouerty THE VI. CHAPTER THe blessed Br. Giles as the true disciple of S. Francis was a great friend of pouerty From his entring into Religion to the end of his life he had neuer but one habitt and that all patched He went alwayes barefoot made his owne cell with earth and brāches of trees shunning all such superfluous celles as were more hansome commodiously built Comming one time to Assisium to visitt the sepulcher of S. Francis the Religious shewed him the Couent that was new built very great and sumptuous shewing him the great edifice of the Church and a faire structure of the altare that had three stages or stories of hight then the Cloister the refectory the dormitory and other places newly built for the commodity of the Religious who gloried in the accōplishment of so eminent a peece of worck Br. Giles very attentiuely considered all without vttering a word and hauing seene all he addressed himselfe to those that guided him saying Brethren here is no want vnto you but of women The Religious seeming to be much scandalized att those wordes Br. Giles replyed you should not wonder att what I haue sayd for you know well that it is no more lawfull for vs to dispense with pouerty then with chastity So that you hauing bid adieu to pouerty taking that for lawful which is directly against our rule I doe much admire you doe not dispense with your selues in the breach of this other article considering that both are vowes by you equally made vnto God There was a Religious that came one day full of ioy and contentmēt to Br. Giles sayd Father I bring you good newes This last night I saw a vision of hell and looking very curiously into it I could not see any of our Relligious Which Br. Giles vnderstanding he sighing sayd I belieue thee my child I belieue that you haue seene none and oftentimes reiterating the same wordes he was rauished in spiritt then retourning to himselfe he added belieue it for certaine my Child that there are some but thou sawest them not because thou diddest not discend low enough where they are tormēted wretched as they are for not hauing performed worckes conformable to their rule and habit for as holy Religious haue with the most perfect and glorious their residence in heauen so those which are bad haue their place with the most wicked in hell How much Br. Giles affected the purity of Chastity THE VII CHAPTER THis venerable Father continually afflicted his flesh keeping it subiect to the spiritt Which he did to conserue in his soule the splendour of chastity therfore he accustomed to eat but once a day and that litle and very late He would say that our flesh was like vnto a hogge that very greedily ran to the dirt and filth delighting himselfe therin or like the beetle that in all his life doth nothing but tumble and wallow himselfe in loathsome filthines He would also affirme our flesh to be the most valliant soldier that our ennemy hath against vs by which wordes and other like he demonstrated what an ennemy himselfe was to the peruerse inclinations of his senses and what a friend to Angelicall chastity Being one day in the citty of Spoletum he heard a voice as of a woman that called him this voice being of the deuill suggested into his heart such a temptation as he had neuer experienced a greater But as a valerous Champion of IESVS CHRIST he chased farre away his ennemy and remayned victorious first by cruell disciplining himselfe then by seruent prayer A Religious Priest being exceedingly afflicted and tormented by the deuill with a cruell temptation of the flesh and getting no remedy by abstinences and prayers he sayd with himselfe if I could see Br. Giles to discouer vnto him this mine affliction I am assured he would relieue met but he was so farre distant that there was no meane to come att him Br. Giles or his Angell for him appeared one night vnto him with whose presence the Religious being exceedingly comforted he opened vnto him all his temptation and demaunded of him some ayde and counsaile Br. Giles sayd vnto him come hither brother what would you doe to a dogge that would bite you The Religious answeared that he would cry att him and make him fly Br. Giles replyed doe the like to him that tempteth you and I will pray to God to assist and encourage you therin whervpon the Religious awaking he found himselfe fully comforted and deliuered of his trouble some temptation Other Religious were also in such sort molested with the like temptations that they became euen desperate and in tearmes to leaue the Order neuertheles they were deliuered by the wordes and prayers of Br. Giles A Religious came one time full of ioy and contentment vnto him vpon a victory gottē against a tēptation of the flesh● for he had perceaued heard a woman come behinde him which caused him a very grieuous temptation and the neerer she came vnto him the more did his temptation encrease But she passing before him and he hauing attentiuely beheld her was freed of the temptation Br. Giles asked him if she were old or yong he answeared she was olde and deformed Br. Giles replyed that it was no great meruaile if the temptation presently ceassed and with all added know brother that you gott no victory but haue bin vanquished for the victory consisted in not beholding her att all when she past by you this is the securest remedy one can vse in the conflict of the flesh Therfore herein be very carefull hereafter for feare that in steed of an olde you behold a faire young woman which would cause the temptation with infamy to proceed further How Br. Giles went into Africa to preach to the Mores with intention there to suffer Martyrdome THE VIII CHAPTER THe yeare 1219. wherin the greatest generall chapter was held of the Frere Minors S. Francis deputing and disposing of all his Religious throughout all Christendome and euen among the infidels Africa fell to Br. Giles his lott whither he hastened with many his companions of one same spiritt And to that end they embarqued themselues with an Italian merchant and safely arriued att Tunes but the deuill by diuine pe mission preuented
hereto replyed I come to Perusia more for this only respect then for any other thing and therfore bring him incontinently hither which was done but as soone as Brother Giles had in great humility kissed the feet of the Pope he scarcely began to speake vnto him but that he was rauished in spiritt and remayned immoueable with his eyes fixed towardes heauen which the Pope seeing he sayd verily if thou die before me I would seeke the knoledge of no other miracles to canonize thee An other time the said Pope goeing to the Couent of the Frere Minors of Perusia to visitt Brother Giles the Religious ran presently to his cell to aduertise him therof but they found him in extasie which the Pope vnderstanding he went to his cell accompanyed with many Cardinals and other noble men who all continued a long time beholding him and to see if he would retourne to himselfe But seeing it would not be in short time the Pope with his company departed much admiring and troubled that he could not speake with him as he desired He commanded that his extasie being ended he should be told his holinesse attended him to dine with him which was done and at dinner time this good Father went to the Pope whose feet he most reuerently kissed and was with al curtesie entertayned There was then with his holinesse a gentleman that sayd vnto him that he had heard report of Br. Giles his gracious and sweet singing praying his holinesse to cause him to sing therof to receaue some contentment and consolation The Pope as well in regard of his deuotion towardes him as of his desire to heare him prayse God said vnto him Sonne I should be glad you would comfort and reioyce vs in God by some gracious and deuout song Br. Giles answeared doth it please your holinesse that I sing which hauing diuers times reiterated he retyred himselfe into a corner and was presently rapt in extasie The Pope those with him desirous to experience the force of that extasie they felt found him withour pulse or heat The Pope being exceedingly troubled that he had lost the company and conuersation of this holy Religious sharply reprehēded the gentlemā that had persuaded him to cause him to sing The time of supper being come and Br. Giles still in extasie the Pope said to the Cardinals presēt I am sory this holy Father is not heere with vs but I am resolued to try in him the vertue of obediēce whereof haue bin seene many experiēces in the Frere Minors then cōming to Br. Giles he said vnto him Because the Order of the Frere Minors depēdeth immediatly of vs we cōmand thee vpon obediēce to retourne incōtinently to thy selfe The successe was admirable for att the very instāt this mā of God that had bin entierly insēsible as dead stood vp right on his feet and wēt fell on his knees before his holines with deep humility acknowledging his fault The Pope causing him to arise took him by the hād spake vnto him then Br. Giles demaūded of him how he did the Pope answeared that thāckes be to God he was well Br. Giles added Holy Father you haue great need of the help of God in the great importāt affaires which you haue For I suppose that the inquietude occupatiōs of the soule in exteriour matters are of great labour The Pope answeared My child thou sayest true therfore doe I pray thee to treat with almighty God for me that by meane of his grace I may the more easily carry the weight of this burdē Br. Giles replyed that he would willingly doe it and submitted his neck to the yoke of the cōmandement of God to that end instātly retired himselfe from the presēce of the Pope to performe his obediēce and employed himselfe in prayer where he was so rauished in spiritt that he retourned not thece in fower houres after In the meane while the Pope all his cōpany praysed God in his seruāt to whome he had imparted such a diuine familiarity that he cōuersed more out of then in the world though he were as yet in this mortall flesh Now Br. Giles being retourned to himselfe his holinesse sat downe att table willed he should eat with him which was an incredible contētment to the Pope who afterward cōmended him to a chāber to repose The day following his holinesse familierly discoursing with him asked him what should become of him The holy Father making his excuse of answearing thervnto the Pope againe vrged him att least to tell him what he should be Wherto Br. Giles hauing likewise replyed that he could not answeare therin being still pressed by his holinesse cōmandement he sayd holy Father endeauour to keepe both the eyes of your spiritt alwayes very pure the right eye cōtinually to contēplate high future thinges wherin we ought to addresse all our actiōs the left to order direct presēt matters that are vnder our chardge doe appertayne to the duety of our place and quality He spake many other thinges of notable edificatiō which are not extāt wherby appeared the great abōdance of diuine lighte imparted to this holy Religious The Pope therwith remayned more edified then euer and was enamoured of this sainct as being the true and perfect freind of God Of the exercises and of the affection Br Giles had to the contemplatiue life THE XIII CHAPTER THis true seruāt of God had his face alwayes cherfull ioyful and whē he spake to answeared any one he alwayes discouered himselfe to be full of ioy deuotion and entierly eleuated in God yea sometimes he so exceeded in this ioy that he oftē would kisse the very stones did such other like actes thervnto cōstrayned by the loue of his Creatour and perseuering in such grace he was very wary not to contristate the spiritt of God which he possessed so that it was exceeding troublesome vnto him vpon whatsoeuer occasion to leaue the diuine cōuersation and retourne to the cōsideration of these humane affaires He desired to entertaine his life with leaues of trees only so to haue more occasiō to shunne all humane cōsolation Whē cōming frō prayer he mett with the other Religious shewing himselfe to be ful of ioy he would say in a māner as did S. Paul The eye hath not seene nor eare hath heard neither hath it ascēded into the hart of mā what thinges God hath prepared for them that loue him By which wordes he confirmed and enflamed the spiritt of the other Religious in the loue of God He held in exceeding reuerence and deuotion the sacramentes of the church the diuine seruice And if any discoursed vnto him of the cōstitutiōs decrees of the Church he in this sort with great feruour praysed thē O holy mother Romane Church Ignorant and miserable as we are we doe not know thee nor much lesse the zeale boūty wherby thou labourest to saue vs. Thou
is to be vsed by him that is to teach those soules whose perfect Master is IESVS CHRIST alone who guideth them according to their capacity and the grace which he hath giuen them for their saluation knowing that the instruction ought to be more of the spilitt and of God then of any humane tongue to touch and enflame their hartes in the poursuite of vertue How Brother Giles defended himselfe from the deuill by whome he was often persecuted THE XIX CHAPTER THe wicked spirites were the more hatefull and enuious to this seruant of God because he had knowledge and vnderstanding of many sublime and diuine secrettes for which respect they often tormented him as within few dayes after he had that diuine vision being alone praying in his cell the deuill appeared vnto him in so horrible and fearfull a figure that it presently depriued him of his speach But hauing in his hart called for helpe vnto almighty God he was incontinently deliuered and afterwardes made very fearfull relations of the lothsomnes of the deuill Br. Giles being once entred about midnight into the Church of S. Appollinaris in Spoleta there to offer his prayers the deuill lept vpon his shoulders whiles he prayed and held him so crushed and oppressed for a time that he could scarce moue yet he so strugled that he gott to the holy water pott where hauing taken holy water and signed himselfe with the crosse the deuill presently fled An other time as he was praying the deuill so tormented him that he was enforced as much as he could to cry out help me my Brethren att which call his companion Br. Gratian came running and he was instantly deliuered Praying also an other night he heard the ennemy with many other deuils that were very neere him who talking among themselues as men might doe sayd Wherfore doth this Religious labour so much fith he is already a sainct so agreable is he to God and euen in continuall extasie Which they sayd to tempt him and induce him to vaine glory The last yeare of his life the deuill persecuted him more cruelly thē he had don before as he thought one night after prayer to repose himselfe the deuill carryed him into so straight a place that he could not turne him on any side whatsoeuer endeauour he made to arise Br. Gratian hearing him complaine came to the dore of his cell to know if he were in prayer or that some other accident were befallen him and he perceiued that he was exceedingly troubled wherfore he began to cry out Father what is the mater wherto this holy Father answeared Come quickly my child come quickly But Br. Gratian being vnable to open the dore of the cell sayd vnto him I know not the reason but I cannot open the dore Br. Giles prayed him to doe his vtmost to open it speedely which after much labour he did then comming neere vnto him with all his power to assist him he could not so much as moue him out of the place where the deuill had throwne him which Br. Giles perceauing he said Br. let me alone in this case and lett vs referre all into the handes of God So Brother Gratian though against his will for bearing to endeauour to deliuer the holy Father out of this place he fell to prayer for him where by a litle eased he sayd to his companion you haue done well in comming to assist me God reward you for it But Brother Gratian complayning that he had not called him in this imminent perill of death wherin he was and relating the disgrace it would haue bin to him and to his companions if he had so dyed he sayd vnto him Be not troubled my child if God by me be reuenged of his ennemies for you must know that how much the deuill resisteth God seeking to afflict and torment me so much more is he tormented and discendeth deeper to the profundity of hell and so when he persecuteth me I am reuenged of him for the seruice which I haue now done to almighty God had no beginning of me but of his diuine Maiesty as the end shall be if it please him Wherfore I am assured that the deuill neither can nor euer shal be able to preuaile against God yet did not the deuill omitt to torment him in such sort that goeing att night to rest in his cell he alwayes went sighing asif he would say I expect yea I goe to martyrdome Of diuers answeres giuen by Brother Giles vpon sundry occasions THE XX. CHAPTER BRother Iames of Massa a very spirituall Religious euen in regard of his particuler grace to be often rauished in God one day demaunded of Brother Giles how he should gouerne himselfe in that grace and the holy Father answeared Brother neither augment nor diminish and shunne the multitude the most you can Brother Iames not well vnderstanding him asked him what he meant by those wordes and Brother Giles replyed when the spiritt is prepared to be conducted into the glorious light of the diuinity it should neither augment by presumption nor diminish by negligence he should also with all possibility loue and seeke solitarines if he desire that the grace receiued be well preserued and augmented A Religious hauing asked him what he might doe that might be most pleasing to God he answeared singing One to one one to one the sayd Religious alleadging that he vnderstood him not the holy Father replyed you ought without any intermissiō or whatsoeuer pretēce giue one sole soule to one sole God if you will please him Br. Gratian that had bin twenty yeares his companion and disciple testified that in all that time he neuer heard him vtter one only idle word This Religious as the discipline of so good a master had exceedingly profited by his company in spirituall edificatiue mortification and had receaued many other graces of God wherin desiring not to faile he one time demaunded of his master in what worck and in what kind of the graces which God had grāted him he should most exercise himselfe this questiō he made because he was absolutely resolued precisely to follow his counsaile Whereto the holy Father answeared you cānot be more gratefull to God in any other action then in hanging your selfe Which the good Religious hearing he was stricken into a greiuous amazement and with such an answeare much troubled wherfore Br. Giles proceeding said Know my child that a mā which hangeth himselfe is neither in heauē nor on earth but is only lifted frō the earth looketh alwayes downe Now doe you the like sith if you cānot be now in heauē you may neuerthelesse so raise your selfe aboue earthly thinges being exercised in vertuous works and prayer that humility alwayes appeare in you and liuing so hope in the diuine mercy By this counsaile he commended vnto him two singuler vertues prayer and humility as speciall graces of a Religious that desireth to please God A certaine man talking one day with Br.
doth often meritt great graces and vertues for he is therby illuminated in his soule and fortifyed in faith he taketh notice of his misery obtayneth feare and humility and purchaseth a contempt of himselfe he getteth contrition for his sinnes the gift of teares and amendement of his euill life Prayer maketh the science of a man pure maketh him constant and stable in patience and delighting in obedience it maketh him perfect in mortification of himselfe it purchaseth vnto him an assured knowledge the gift of vnderstanding the gift of force the gift of prudence and finally conducteth him to the knowledge of God who manifesteth himselfe to them that adore him in spiritt and truth for a man by prayer is inflamed in loue then presently runneth after the diuine odour and obteyneth the sweetnes of delight then is eleuated to repose of spiritt where he is admitted to the glory of the sweetnes of God When he shall haue layd his mouth to the word of the most high wherwith alone the soule is satisfied Who can euer separate him frō prayer which raiseth and eleuateth the spiritt vnto contemplation And that they who shall desire to obtaine the afforesaid thinges may know to attayne therto lett them among all other well obserue these six considerations as most necessary wherof the first is touching his sinnes past for which he must haue contrition the second to be prudent in his actions present the third to foresee those to come the fourth lett him consider the mercy of God that expecteth mannes repentance not taking vengeance on him though he haue made himselfe worthy of eternall tormentes according to diuine iustice which he dessembleth in expectation of his amendemēt The fift is of the benefittes of his diuine Maiesty which are innumerable as the incarnation and passion and all for our benefitt the doctrine which he left vs and the glory he promiseth And for the sixt and last he must consider what our Redeemer IESVS CHRIST hath loued in this life as pouerty nakednes hunger thirst cold humility dishonour contempt trauels wherin we must endeauour to conforme our selues and to follow him with all possibility Of some other spirituall discourses of this glorious Sainct THE XL. CHAPTER THis holy Father was once demaunded by a seculer person vpō what occasion man should be more enclined to euill then to good he answeared It hath bin more apt to the earth since the malediction therof to produce ill weedes then good hearbes But a carefull and dilligent labourer can by his industry so husband it that those weedes shall not easily grow therin An other putting him a question of predestination he answeared The water of the sea shoare is sufficient to wash my feet yea my whole body and I esteeme him a foole that this being able to content him will cast himselfe into the mayne sea for I beleeue it sufficeth a Christian to know how to liue well without search into matters so highe Then he added you must pray to God that he giue you not too much felicity in this world but that he send you great combattes against your sences and that therin he doe not assist you by the tast of his diuine sweetnes and suauity for your greater recompence and his greater glory Hereby may be discerned whither a man loue God perfectly if with an earnest care he endeauour to sequester himselfe from vices seeking daily to augment in good worckes because it is a greater vertue to follow grace then patiently to support afflictions for many haue patience but follow not grace Frere Minor is as much to say as one vnder the feet of all men and the greater the descent is the greater also is the sally We ought more to feare temporall feclicity then temporall euill for the euill followeth man and felicity is his contrary We must so conuerse with men as we loose not that which God woorketh in vs. But lett vs rather labour and trauell to saue our selues with litle sith that it sometimes happeneth that a man being skilfull in swimming and will imprudently seeke to helpe an other that is in perlll of drowning in the water they both are drowned and so the losse is double A man shal be obliged to yeld an account of the graces which he hath not For as God createth a creature by his bounty and grace he ought reciprocally appeare gracious and acknowledge the same if not lett him know that he hath lost grace by his owne negligence For if he would trauell and labour in the grace receaued he should obtaine many other graces of God which through his owne fault he hath not I desire sayd this holy Father first to obey euen to death then to be humble vnder the feet of each one thirdly I desire rigorously to chastice and rent my flesh with my teeth and so bind my neck with an iron chaine as I would haue no power att my pleasure to gett loose How God wrought many miracles by the merittes of Brother Giles THE XLII CHAPTER OVr Lord by a notable miracle declared how much was the meritt of charity in his seruant Brother Giles who meeting on the way to Assisium a gentleman that was carryed to haue a foot cutt off wherin there was a wound so eaten with a cancre that if the foot were not cutt off his life were in imminent danger The gentleman knowing Brother Giles weeping made him a pittifull relation of the occasion of his iorney to Assisium then opened his legge and shewed him the wound and with great humility and deuotion prayed him to make the signe of the crosse theron Br. Giles therby moued with pittie and compassion made the signe of the crosse on the wound then with great deuotion kissed it and the gentleman was a litle after entierly cured and retourned to his house a foot praysing and thancking God for such a grace obtayned by the meritt of his holy seruant This good Father one time reprehended a Religious for a fault committed and he tooke this reprehension sinisterly and with litle patience but the night following there appeared vnto him one that sayd Brother henceforward receaue with patience and in good parr the aduertisments and reprehensions which shal be giuen you for he that shall beleeue and obey Br. Giles shal be happy The Religious incontinently after this vision arose before it was day and came to the holy Father acknowledging his fault of impatience vsed vnto him and most humbly besought him to correct him often promising thenceforwaad to take whatsoeuer should come from him not only with patience but with great ioy A Religious that had neuer seene Br. Giles but had heard such report of him desired to see both him and some of his actions But being exceedingly grieued that the great distance betweene them put him in dispaire of euer receiuing that happines he one night saw in a vision a booke wherin no other thing was written but these wordes This is he
a new man his seruant S. Francis by him to reforme his faithfull in this sixt age would also that a valerous woman should by his worck appeare in the world to accompany that his great seruant to the end that of those two should be new borne a perfect regeneration of the children of God And as the first naturall generation came of man and woman as of an vnited beginning so this spirituall generatiō of the imitators of the life and counsailes of IESVS CHRIST proceeded in all the Church and in all the estates and qualities of personnes of one same spiritt of zeale of perfection of humility and of powerty from one man and one woman And to the end it might not be vnlike the creation almighty God hauing first perfected his seruant S. Francis would frame of the ribbe or side of his life doctrine and sanctity the glorious Virgin S. Clare his true and litigimate daughter in IESVS CHRIST for his companion as zealous also of perfection and Angelicall reformation With great reason therfore hath she her place in the Chronicles of the Frere Minors For she being a ribbe and partye of the same Order it is very requisite a special mention should be made of her sanctity of life as we shall here performe And if it be not according to her meritt shall att least be done with the least defect we can possible being resolued to employ therin that litle force of spiritt which God hath giuen vs and this to the honour of his diuine maiesty of his holy seruant and to the edification of soules The glorious saincte Clare was borne in the citty of Assisium scituat in the prouince of the Vally of Spoletum which is a territory appertayning to the Romane Church Her Father and Mother were noble of a famous and very weathy famility her mother was called Hortolana which in our tongue may be termed Gardener and not without mystery considering she was to produce so noble and vertuous a plant in the garden of the holy Church This woman was exceeding deuout and compleate in the fruites of good worckes and albeit she were maryed and consequently obliged to the care and gouernment of her house and family yet did she not omitt with all her power to be exercised in the seruice of God and employed in worckes of mercy She was so feruent in the loue of IESVS CHRIST that with great deuotion she passed the sea with many other Pilgrimes and visited those holy places which our Redemer IESVS CHRIST God and man had cōsecrated with his holy presence and retourned exceedingly cōforted and enriched with many merittes She also visited the Church of Th'archangell S. Michael on the mount Gargan and with a pious and feruent desire visited the Apostles S. Peter S. Paule in Rome in such sort did that vertue and feruour in those dayes shine in many holy personnes but now so weakened is the feruour of Christians touching visiting holy places and the reliques of our Lord and his SS that it is almost lost by the continuall warres of heretikes and of our sinnes Now our lord began to poore out the abondance of his celestiall giftes on the root that afterwardes the sproutes of greater sanctity might follow and dispearse into bowes Neither would he that this deuout woman Hortolana should be depriued of the consolations and knowledge of this grace for being neere her childbirth she one day with great feruour prayed in a Church and before a Crucifix where she besought almighty God to deliuer her from the danger of death in her childbirth which she much apprehended and she heard a voice that sayd Woman feare not For thou shalt safely and without danger bring forth a light that shall illuminate and lighten all the world Being thus comforted and admonished by this diuine answeare so soone as she was deliuered of a daughter she caused her to be called in Baptisme Clare firmly beleeuing that in her should be accomplished the splendour of the light promised according to the prouidence and ordonnance of the diuine bounty Of the education charity prayer mortification and virginity of saincte Clare THE II. CHAPTER SAinte Clare being borne into the world she began incontinently to appeare and to shine as a morning starre in the obscure night of the world for in the most tender yeares of her first infancie she alredy discouered euident signes of notable and pious worckes wherin she made appeare her naturall worth and the graces which God had communicated vnto her for being naturally of a very delicate constitution he receaued of her mother the first foundations of faith afterwardes being inspired of God to apply her selfe to vertuous and pious worckes she shewed her selfe to be a vessell aptly prepared for diuine grace and as she abounded in interiour piety as wel by nature as by grace towardes poore beggers so according to the small meanes which thē she had she supplyed their necessityes And to the end her sacrifice might be more gratefull vnto God the most delicate meates that were giuen her for the nourishment of her litle body she hid and gaue it secretly to the poore Thus did piety augment and encrease in her and nourished charity in her soule preparing her to receaue the grace and mercy of almighty God Her greatest contentment was in prayer wherby she was often sustayned made ioyfull and comforted as by an Angelicall milke and in a most delicious manner eleuated to the diuine pleasures of the conuersation of our lord IESVS CHRIST In these beginninges hauing no beades she vsed in steed therof certaine litle stones some to serue for the Pater noster and others for the Aues and so she offred her prayers to God Whervpon beginning to feele the first feruours of diuine loue she iudged that she must contemne all transitory apparence and painted flowers of this world and being by prayer well enstructed of the holy Ghost she resolued as a wise spirituall merchand to haue no more regard of terrestriall affaires acknowledging them vnworthy to be esteemed and with this Spiritt she did weare as an other saincte Cecilie vnder her gay apparell a hair-cloth so exteriourly satisfying the world and interiourly her Lord IESVS CHRIST But hauing attayned the age of mariage she was importuned by her Father and other kinred to choose a husband Wherto she would neuer consent but vsed lingringes and delayes putting off and differring what she could all humane mariage and euer recommended to our Lord IESVS CHRIST her virginity with the other vertues whe● with she was endued by such exercises endeauouring to please almighty God that he might bestow on her his only Sonne for her Spouse Such were the first fruites of her spiritt and such the exercises of her piety so that being anoynted with such a sweet and spirituall oyntment she yelded a most pleasing sauour as shoppe replenished with most delightfull liquors whose sauours though they be shutt vp discouer and manifest themselues In
her sister which answeare one among them disdayning full of passion and transported with choler tooke her by the haire and gaue her many blowes with his feet and sistes then vsed all his force to pull her out of the place which att length by the helpe of the others he performed for taking her in their armes they forcibly trayled her out But this litle daughter of IESVS CHRIST seeing her selfe violently wrested by those furious lions out of the armes of her God she began to cry to her sister help me sister and permitt me not to be separated from our Lord IESVS CHRIST and your louing company Her carnall kinred trayned a long the vally this virgin of IESVS CHRIST against her will and in despight of her feeble though couragious resistance renting her cloathes from her tender body In meane while sainte Clare vnable by other meanes to relieue her sister had recourse to prayer with abondance of teares beseeching God to voutsafe to giue a couragious confidence to her sister that his diuine fauour defending his faithfull seruant humane forces might be ouercome and our lord heard her for att the instant of her prayer the body of the virgin Agnes miraculously became so weighty that her kinred were att lenght enforced to leaue her one the ground And albeit so many men and their seruantes putt all their forces to lift her vp yet could they neuer doe it but called labourers worckmen of the vineyards that wrought therabout to assist them yet their great nomber no more auayled then the lesser Finally the forces failing of her kinred and those that attempted to assist them they acknowledged the miracle though scornefully saying It is no meruaile that she is so weighty she hauing bin all night as lead whervpon Signeur Monalde her vncle in extreme passion lifting vp his arme to strike her he presently felt an extreme paine therin which did not only torment him for the present but a long time after Herevpon S. Clare after her prayer arriuing besought her kinred to forbeare in vaine to contend with God and to leaue vnto her the care of her sister who lay as halfe dead They perceauing that they would neuer stagger in their pious resolution being exceedingly wearyed left the two sisters together This troup then being departed the tormented Agnes arose from the ground full of ioy in IESVS CHRIST for whose loue she had fought and ouercome in this her first conflict against the world and his Prince the deuill by fauour and assistance of diuine grace and her sister asking her how she felt her selfe she answeared that notwithstanding all the affliction they had procured her by buffettes beatinges spurnes with their feet and fistes tearing by the haire trayning her through stony wayes she had felt in manner nothing especially by the vertue and force of diuine grace and next by the merittes of her good prayers Shortly after the holy Father sainct Francis cutt off her haire leauing her stil hir proper name Agnes in memory of the innocent lambe IESVS CHRIST who offering himselfe in sacrifice to his Father gaue resistance to the world fought valerously and ouercame And so the holy Father instructed her with her sister and taught her the way of God in such sort that she so encreased and profited in Religion in vertue and sanctity that she was an admiration to all the world Of the humility of the Virgin saincte Clare THE VII CHAPTER PRofound humility was the first assured stone and foundation which the holy Virgin layd in the beginning of her Religion after she had began to labour in the way of God so to aduance and sett forward the building of all other vertues She vowed obedience vnto sainct Francis which vow in all her life she neuer transgressed and for three yeares after her conuersion she desired rather with great humility to be subiect then a superiour shunning the title and office of Abbesse taking more content to serue among the seruantes of IESVS CHRIST them to be serued But being att lenght by the holy Father sainct Francis thervnto constrayned she vndertooke the gouernement of the Religious which bred in her hart more feare then presumption so that she rather continued and became a seruant then free from subiection For the more she seemed to be raysed to the office and title of dignity the more did she repute and esteeme her selfe vile and the more shewed her selfe ready to serue and made her selfe more contemptible then all her Religious both in habitt and base seruice She disdained not to doe the office of seruantes giuing water to the Religious to wash whome she made often to sitt her selfe standing and seruing them att table When she commanded any thing it was vnwillingly rather desiring to doe then to command others She performed to the sicke all kind of seruices were they neuer so loathsome as to make cleane the immondicities and filthines shunning with so worthy a spiritt the loathsome actions nor abhorring or disdaining the most offensi●e sauours She often washed the feet of the lay sisters when they came from abroad made them cleane and with great humility kissed them It one time chaunced that washing the feet of a seruant and offering to kisse them the seruant vnwilling to permitt such humility pulled away her foot to auoyd it but she did it so rudely that she gaue the holy virgin a dash on the face Yet so farre was this Sainct from being offended therwith that on the contrary she mildly tooke the foot of the seruant againe and kissed the sole therof Thus did this true espouse of God accomplish the doctrine of IESVS CHRIST and the example which he left when he washed the feet of his Apostles Of the voluntary pouerty of the Virgin saincte Clare and of her zeale to that holy vertue THE VIII CHAPTER THis holy virgin made a vnion and correspondence betweene her pouertye in all externall thinges and her holy pouerty of spiritt and first att the beginning of her conuersion she made sale of her patrimony and birth right al which distributing vnto the poore of IESVS CHRIST she reserued nothing to her selfe Hauing so abandoned all the world exteriourly and enriched her soule interiourly freed of the burden of worldly affaires she ran farre more lightly after IESVS CHRIST and thetby contracted such an inuiolable amity with holy pouerty that she would haue possession of no other thing then the glorious IESVS CHRIST nor would she permitt her spirituall daughters to possesse any thinge else And with this Euangelicall trafique she purchaced the most precious pearle of celestiall desire in place of all the other thinges which she had sold acknowledging that the same could in no sort be enioyed together with the distraction and occupation of temporall thinges Giuing instructions to her Religious she would somtimes say vnto them that this their company should be then gratefull to God should become very rich in pouerty and should by such
CHRIST seruing him alone in pouerty and humility This sainte Agnes of Bohemia being illustrated by many vertues and miracles hauing assembled an infinite number of Religious in diuers Couents and hauing with them perseuered in all perfection of vertues she left this transitory world to take eternall possession of her glorious celestiall Spouse CHRIST IESVS who honoured her and made her blessed as he hath manisested by many miracles which he hath wrought by her great merittes intercessions The Emperour Charles the fourth who was also king of Bohemia was two seuerall times deliuered from death by the intercession of this celestiall Princesse and therfore att his death he enioyned his sonne Wenceslaus and successour in the Empire to procure her canonization But he was hindered by important and continuall troubles and affaires that disabled him to execute the pious and iust desires of his Father Of many other Religious that florished primitiuely in the Order of S. Clare THE XLI CHAPTER THere was an other holy Religious of the royal bloud of Polonia called Salome whose sanctity was manyfested by diuers miracles which God wrought after her death she by her merittes deliuered many women from perill of death in trauell of child many lame were restored to the vse of their limmes blind recouered sight and wounded personnes were cured A holy Religious of Padua called Helena florished in great perfection of life in the monastery which was builded by the Seraphicall Father S. Francis and in which the blessed Father S. Antony of Padua yelded his spirit vnto almighty God This holy Religious liuing in that place after she had there obtayned of God many vertues she was tryed by IESVS CHRIST and refined as gold in the furnise of afflictions For she kept her bed depriued of all corporall force yea and of her speech for 15. yeares during all which time she ordinarily demonstrated by signes and gestures an exceeding great alacrity and ioy in her hart Our Lord reuealed many thinges to this sainct which she manifested to the Religious who curiously recorded the same to be kowne to posterity The sayd religious sisters being demaunded how the infirme Religious could make the vnderstand those wordes sith she could not speake they answeared that themselues then obserued so strict a silence that they scarcely spake att all but demaunded and opened their necessities by signes which were well vnderstood among them for expressing whatsoeuer they desired to haue knowen And in that sort had they vnderstood the sayd S. whose body for many yeares after the sayd Religious sisters did shew to such as in deuotion repayred to see it remayning entire and incorruptible yea her nayles and haire did grow as if she had bin liuing By her merittes God wrought many miracles and particulerly on the Marquesse of Parma who was of the family of Lupi called Boniface who being in the anguish of death the Marquesse his Lady making a vow to this sainte Helene for his health it was perfectly restored vnto him In the beginning of the Order of saincte Clare there was also of it the daughter of a king of Hungary called Cuiga sister vnto blessed sainte Elizabeth the widowe who hauing taken the habitt and made profession of the rule of saincte Clare became so famous after the death of sainte Elizabeth in sanctity and miracles both during her life and att her death that question is att Rome touching her canonization The end of the 8. booke and second volume of the first part of the cro●icles of the Frere Minors THE NINTH BOOKE OF THE SECOND VOLVME AND FIRST PART OF THE CHRONICLES OF THE FRIER MINORS WHERIN IS DESCRIBED THE INSTITVTION and rule of the third Order called of penitents made by the holy Father S. Francis And the liues of many of the said Order especially of Sainte Elizabeth Queene of Hongary How the Order of the seculer penitents was instituted by the holy Father S. Francis THE FIRST CHAPTER THE Seraphicall Father saint Francis sowing ouer Italy the word and seed of life a good part therof fell into the hartes of men that were bound by the knott of Matrimony and of personnes of such like condicion whose soules could not freely follow the spiritt of penance as they desired yet their feruour was such that sometimes euē whole townes and villages were dispeopled in following the holy Father saint Francis who purchased the saluation of their soules Wherupon this holy Father being requested yea importuned generally and particulerly to institute an Order and rule wherin seculer and marryed people might liue to doe penance and to liue in a more secure estate for their saluation The yeare 1221. he instiruted the Order of Generous Penitents whereof all Christians that liue not in monasticall Religion might yet be mēbers The first that entred this Order was an holy man called Lucius and though no rule is found to be recorded att that time nor forme of liuing prescribed by S. Francis to these Penitents yet it is most assured that he gaue them certaine rules according to which they should temporally and spiritually gouerne themselues were it to fast or pray more then other seculers to know what office and deuotions they should vse what almose they should giue how they should be cloathed and what rigour of penance they should vndertake of which ordōnances deliuered by S. Francis and recorded by them to whome he taught the same Pope Nicolas the fourth cutt off one part and left only that which was most easie instituting a rule which here we will insert which was also afterward confirmed by the Apostolicke sea by three most ample letters patentes And albeit the first and ancient habitt of these penitentes was afterwardes different in diuers prouinces yet is it most probable that the most common and general was the same which those of the third Order yet weare in Italy as most conformable to their statue The colour is gray like to that of the Frere Minors but the forme and fashion is as others seculers doe weare and it is credible that S. Frācis his will was that the sayd Penitentes should weare this habitt si●h in those places where this Order was by him first instituted and where he most conuersed this manner of habit was vsed These sayd Penitents may not weare the cord as the Frere Minors These of the third rul which haue succeeded those who liue in cōmon and are Religious by vow can lesse auouch the wearing of a cord but must vse a leather belt And it is to be noted that the Frere Minors cannot receaue these Penitents to the profession of Religious obedience or to any vow but only may admitt and receaue them to the sayd rule of life and company of the Penitents exhorting and admonishing them to obserue the same They may also assist them in confession and other spiritual worckes as Cōfreres and true Brethren of the Order Neuertheles the Religious may not be their Prelates or Superiours because they are
solemnized ouer al the Catholike Church This blessed S. departed this life the yeare of grace 1231. the 19. day of Nouēber Certaine yeares after her reliques being trāslated her body was found in the cosin of lead where it was first layd in sepulture her flesh being melted into oyle and most precious liquor that yelded a most delicious and pleasing ●auour this oyle restored health to infinite sick people and a very long time distilled from her sacred bones The life of the B. Elzearius of the third order of sainct Francis and S. Delphine his wife Of the sanctity mortification abstinence and virginity of S. Elzearius THE XVIII CHAPTER ELzearius was Earle of Arian in Prouince no lesse generous and noble in vertues and sanctity then eminent famous in race generation for the Ea●les of Arian his predecestors were of the most illustrious of Prouence This nobleman from thirteen yeares of age accustomed to fast often and woare a cord girded on his flesh knotted with fiue knottes which he vsed as a restraint and bridle to carnall sensuality and as a secrett memory of the fiue woundes of our lord IESVS CHRIST When he was ouer-wearyed with watching and was ouercome with necessity of sleep he neuer putt of his cloathes to take his rest and by day woare an hair-cloth therby to feele some affliction in his body both by day and night considering that without afflictions the fruites of spirituall desires cannot be obtayned His rigours also serued him to represse the cōcupiscences stinges of the flesh and to obtayne the fruites of true wisdome His age encreasing he addicted himselfe to a stricter rule of abstinence chasticing his body by fastes to subiect it vnto the spiritt He gaue vertuous and pious instructions to his family that they might liue in the feare of God and not iniury their neighbour but might edifie him and that God might by them be serued and honoured This sainct after his youth though he had bin delicately nourrished was a great friend vnto chastity and so continued euen to his death preseruing in his soule and body the inestimable treasure of virginity How sainct Elzearius was maryed and accorded with his wife to conserue their virginity THE XIX CHAPTER S. Elzearius was maryed in his youth vnto a gentlewoman of noble familie called Delphine who had a like intention with her husband to preserue her virginity She being past twelue yeares of age and knowing she should shortly be deliuered and committed to Elzearious her Spouse began exceedingly to fea●e that notwithstanding the sanctity she knew to be in him as not sufficiently fi●me and resolute in this grace he would ouerthrow the holy resolutiō she had to cōserue her integrity And consulting therof with a Frere Minor that was her ghostly Father called Frere Philip Denguerre a man of notable piety he gaue her full asseurance and satisfaction with a prophetical spiritt telling her that she should not only entierly obserue her vow but that her husbād and she should liue together chastly and so perseuer to the end And so the nuptiall solemnities being ended they liued together twenty seauen yeares religiously and piously vnder the shadow of the name of mariadge very well vnited in spiritt but remote from the vnion of the flesh preseruing in this vessell of earth the inestimable treasure of most precious chastity a vertue not so much recommendable as rare and so much more worthy to be imitated att least in part as the contrary vice is damnable and ruinous Of the worthy and singuler vertues of S. Elzearius THE XX. CHAPTER THis holy man duely considering that the principall vertue which the seruant of God can haue is the misprise of himselfe and consequently humility and not worldly nobility his spiritt could neuer be raysed to vaine glory by the great substance honours and puissance which the eminency of his house did yeld him His wordes were gracious and pleasing conformable to the spiritt that deliuered them and the better to attaine to the perfect contempt of himselfe he would often for the loue of IESVS CHRIST wash the soares and vlceres of leapers with his one handes and serue them with gteat feruour of deuotion and with such charity as if with his owne eyes he had seene and serued IESVS CHRIST himselfe He behaued himselfe towardes his subiectes and vassals ouer whome he had entier iurisdiction as a iust lord iudgeing their causes with a seuere clemencie as one that could not be drawne from the right course of iustice by feare hatred fauour or corruption This holy man proceeded in all actions by the vertue of discretion wherwith he so tēpered his worckes of mercy that therin he with exceeding humility auoyded worldly glory and fauour and as a valiant and perfect warryer he neuer desisted from his first intētion and as iust he withall his industry shunned the occasions of offending God This seruant was so charitable and liberall to the poore that neuer any demaunded of him an almose for the loue of God but he gaue him a reward together with good wordes All his care was to feed the hungry to lodge pilgrimes and haue care of poore sick and forlorne creatures as one that acknowledged the poore CHR. IES in his poore creatures in sicknesses the painfull afflictions w●ich he endured for vs miserable sinners And as he was replenished with the loue of his neighbours no lesse was he but much more replenished with the loue of IESVS CHRIST And knowing that the edifice of vertues hath its end in the perfection of holy prayer in regard that it is a conuersation and familiarity with God he applyed himselfe with all his endeauour to prayer and contemplation he also sayd the canonicall houres with such deuotion and attention as if he had bin in the visible presence of IESVS CHRIST How S. Elzearius had the true vertue of patience of his death and canonization and the death of his wife THE XXI CHAPTER THis inuincible Champion was so armed with the precious armours of patience by the exercise of vertue that albeit he supported many thinges very difficult to endure yet none could euer disquiett him so that he was neuer perceaued to be in choler nor the least iott remote from his ordinary mildnes For he very patiently and humblie supported and endured the iniu●yes and affiontes directly or indirectly offered vnto him and was neuer heard to proceed out of his mouth any word but of praise and thanckesgiuing vnto God he with such sweetnes and clemencie pardonned his ennemies whatsoeuer offence they commited against him that he did not only make appeare that he was satissied and appeased but proceeded in their behalfe as if there had neuer bin cause of discontentment Being att Paris and hauing fore-knowledge of the houre of his death he with great abondance of teares and exceeding deuotion made his cōfession then with much reuerence and in very exemplar manner receaued the sacramentes of the church And
of saluation he being ready to execute whatsoeuer he should command him The Religious hauing consailed him to sell all he had he did his vtmost to make restitution where he was obliged and according to Euangelicall coūsaile gaue the rest to the poore then offered him●elfe to God becōming a Frere Minor where he perseuered in vertues and piously ended his life all his people were also conuerted and did penance So the holy simplicity of this Religious produced a merueillous fruit not preaching of high and subtill matters nor with elegant wordes but only of the paines of hell and glory of Paradise as he had bin instructed by the holy Father sainct Francis The 8. and 9. chapters are put after the 72. chap. of the first booke the 10. chap. after the 5. of the second booke and the eleuenth chap. after the 74. of the second booke Notable humility of a Preacher of S. Francis his Order THE XII CHAPTER AN English Frere Minor and Doctour of diuinity preaching in the Monastery of S. Damian where S. Clare was Abbesse in the presece of holy Br. Giles he as a great freind of humility would make proofe therof in this Preacher and so in the middest of his sermon he willed him to be silent because himselfe would preach and the diuine incontinently held his peace and Brother Giles with exceeding feruour of spiritt and to the great amazement and edification of the hearers vttered matters of great sublimity and eminency touching almighty God then tourning towardes the Diuine he willed him to proceed in his sermon which S. Clare perceauing she was exceeding ioyfull sayd This day is accomplished one of the defines of S. Francis who would often say I desire that my Religious be so humble as that a Doctour in diuinity goeing into the pulpitt if a simple lay Brother make a motion to preach the Doctour shall gi●e him place I tell you truely my Brethren this Preacher hath more edifyed me then if he had raysed one from death The 13. chapter is after the 54. of the first booke the 14. chap. is after the last of the second booke Of a very terrible accident vnto a Nouice cloathed by S. Antony of Padua THE XV. CHAPTER THere was a worldly man whose profession was to follow the warres in which practise he did much mischiefe this mā induced by the deuil came to the blessed Father S. Antony of Padua then Guardian of the Monastery of Limoges and besought him to giue him the habit of the Frere Minors affirming a desire to serue God therin The Sainct as zealous of the saluation of soules after diuers and seuerall conferences with him and alwayes finding him firme in his pretended holy purpose heard his confession then hauing piously admonished him to doe penance for his sinnes he gaue him the habitt and had a particuler care of his deportements but this lewd wretch hauing promised the deuill to serue him with fidelity in whatsoeuer vocation he should take vpon him and neuer to discouer his intention to any person did very strongly obserue this conuention and in his generall confession ●sing his vtmost dissimulation did conceale this secrett of the deuils from sainct Antony and indeed did alwayes in his hart excogitate matters directly opposite to his saluation as his master the deuill had taught him So that it is easy to iudge that God had not drawne him to Religion but rather some discontentment in that his worldly affaires succeeded not as he wished and hearing sainct Antony preach he became Religious yet omitted not to hope and expect some benefitt from the deuill Sainct Antony as a faithfull seruant of God with exceeding feruour made him many remonstrances to enduce him to renounce the world with all his hart to resist chastice his flesh to shunne the deuill and to withstand all his temptations and to this effect gaue him meanes to performe a sharp and rigourous penāce for his enormous sinnes But this Nouice in all such vertuous and pious actions did dissemble as hauing no affectiō thervnto This wretched Nouice thē goeing one day out of his cell which was on a litle hill separated from the others saw a very faire horse well harnised with a complet a mour vpon him and a cloke bagge on him behinde which att first sight and apprehension amazed him but after hauing without feare beheld the horse he had a desire to see what was in the cloke bagge and to that end layd hold on the horse by the raines and drew him a side where hauing searched the sayd cloake bagge he found stoare of mony and a saire sute of apparell so that hauing found a horse apparell armour and mony he reputed himselfe most happily fournished withall that he desired whervpon shaking off his Frere Minors habitt putting on his worldly attyre and armour of a soldier he mounted on horseback and so secretly rode away that none perceaued him The same day he made such speed that he arriued att Bourges in Berry where alighting late att an Inne the houre of soupper being come he sett himselfe att table and was attended by the daughter of the Host who so well pleased his fancy that he demanded her of her Father in Mariage and to induce his consent shewed him the mony he had in his cloackbag The Host att the sight of so much mony was tempted with auarice graunted his daughter to be his wife and left them to complement together The deuill then presently leauing the figure of a horse and hauing putt on the shape of a man came about midnight and knocked att the dore of that Inne where being entred drew the master of the house a side to speake with him seining himselfe iealous of his honour and sayd Syr is it not true that you haue consented to mary your daughter to a stranger it is sayd the host the deuill replyed know then that he whome you haue accepted for your sonne in law is a Religious man who as alewd fellow hath deluded you and rauished your daughter Therfore sith there is no other remedy follow my counsaile goe whiles it is night he sleeping in his bed but so warily that he may not heare you and you shall find his head bare shauen with a croune in manner of a Religious so that it prouing infallible what I tell you cutt his throat and take his mony withall that he hath wherwith you shall much better mary your daughter Besides there is no cause of feare for this fellow is not knowne in these quarters nor in any part of France This discourse putt the ●ost into an extreme anguish but being at length ouercome by the passion of choller and encouraged by the deuill he resolued to murder his new sonne in law if he found it true which his pretēded friēd had told him whom he prayed to stay till he had effected his counsaile to assist him to bury the body promising him a share of the mony wherto the deuil accorded
his mony The deuil caused a stolne psalter to be restored to S. Antony S. Antony by his prayers revnited a broken glasse made wine retourne into a vessell that was run out He knew in spiritt the errour and heresie which a Prelat held in his hart and prudently putt him from it Mat. 18. Great simplicity of a penitent A man hauing cutt of his foot S. Antony reioyned it to the leg whence it was cutt A Tyrant humbled himselfe att the remonstrances of S. Antony The tyrant tēpteth S. Antony Of the fauours which God bestoweth on fishes A hungry mule left oases to adore the B. Sacrament Marc. 16. S. Antony cured a criple only with the signe of the crosse And an other A womā fell into a filthy ditch without fouling hir apparell by the meritts of the S. S. Antony caused an acquittance to be giuen to his father which was deliuered him and forwhich he was much trobled He raysed one murdered to make him testifie that his Father had not slain him and to absolue him of an excōmunicatiō who afterwardes fel dead againe as before Effects of the preachings of S. Antony The death of S. Antony the chaung of his flesh A Cardinal opposing against the canonization of the S. God inspired him to change his opinion All the belles of Lisbone did ring of themselues Marc. ●6 A miracle of the tongue of S. Antony A princesse was raised by the merits of S. Antony An other couered in earth A Chaplain incredulous of the miracles of the S. hauing recourse vnto him in a mortall infirmities was heard A gentleman proued a miracle by casting a glasse against the 〈…〉 An other seeing withered vignebranches to beare grapes in an instāt and to yeld wine An other iestingly faining to be blind was blīd in deed A soldier had the leprosy of a leper as he desired dissuading him from goeing to the sepulcher of S. Antony A soldier by the merits of S. Antony being cured of a deadly hurt thincking to be reuenged had his wond againe Vowes must be accomplished One deaf and dūme cured by the said S. S. Antony hindered a woman from drownīg her selfe A blind man had his sight and spech restored by the meritts of the S. A Religious vnable to support the paines of purgatorie which she had desired obtayned by the S. to be freed of them And a child was raised frō death Patience of Br. Bernard What is to be don to gaine Paradise He twice reprehended the Generall of his Order God assisteth in tribulations Admirable consolation att the point of death S. Ioā 13. Br. Bernard alwayes iudged in the best sense The deuil lest one that was possessed att the only sight of Br. Ruffinus And left to trouble S. Franc. Ten possessed persons fled frō him Br. Leo obtained milke for an old woman to nurse a child He foretold a yong man that he should be a Frere Minor With the signe of the crosse he cured an apostume A peece of his habit cured the falling sicknesse He miraculously deliuered a prisoner The Frere Minors were established in Portugall by two Princesse God miraculously prouided for the Frere Minors of Alenquer Netable miracle of the Sacrament of the Eucharist The earth of the tōbe of Br. Zachary worketh miracles A Religious ought to shunne women The body of Br. Walter could not be lifted The original of the first monastery of the Frere Minors in Portugal In Portugall theyeares were heretofore counted by the yeare of the Emperour ● Reg. 15. Galat● More admirable then imitable patience of Br. Iuniperus Br. Iuniperus the passtime of Iesus Christ Cant. 5. ●say 6. Psal 127. Admirable simplicity of Br. Giles Resolutiō of Bro. Giles touching prayer Graue short reprehensions of Br. Giles against the trāsgression of pouerty Bad Religious more punished in hell then worldlinges 〈◊〉 is a victory of chastity not to behold a woman 2. Cor. 11. Admirable disposition to extasie in Bro. Giles 1. Cor. 2. Br. Giles deuout to the constitutions of the Church and to the Saments Gal. 6. Sap. 9. Scolasticall distinction of Bro. Giles 1. Cor. 13. Sap. 9. The vertue of the signe of the crosse and of holy water Luc. 14. Counsait and consolation foo those that pray which aridity of spiritt One must not omitt to doe good for fear of vaine glory Grace doth profit more in Religion then in the world A duise for pilgrimes Consolation and counsaile for the kichen Frere Minors are Pilgrimes ouer all the world Notable discourse of the obligatiō we haue to serue God A pregnant argument against the infidelity of couetous persons Rom. 8. None ought to despaire Ierem. 9. Luc. 18. To suffer iniuries freely is of exceeding meritt A meane to get patience The exercise of the vertuous is to doe good and to suffer euill Troutes are not taken without wetting the handes Luc. 10. The auaricious resēbleth the Mole He that hath the greatest part in this world hath the worse Chastity like to a glasse A man may be dronken with his owne tunne Comparison of spirituall exercises with labouring Meritt of combatt with distractiōs Instance requisit in prayer Humility necessary in prayer Distractions in prayer are procured by the deuil Consolation for thē that praye without feeling of deuotion One must labour for saluation Ioan. 4. Consider thy selfe Luc. 10. Notable similitude Luc. 22. What ought to be ordinary discourse of the Religious Great vertue to know when to be silent Note this word Paradox of Bro. 〈◊〉 To leaue God for to goe to God Ioan. 4. Notable answeared to a curious parson By the signe of the crosse he cureth one woūded Diuine aduertisment for receiuing reprehisions 2. Mach. vlt. Notable prerogatiues of Br. Giles The coūtry of S. Clare The mother of S. Clare visited the holy land The first beades of S. Clare Ioa. He is too couetous whome God doth not suffice With a litle loafe she fed two families Cant. 1. Matt. 6. Iuc 6. The giftes of graces are distinct Matt. 4. Eccles 2. Cant. 5. Luc. 2. To pray for ones enem●es is very pleasing vnto God God infinitely surpasseth vs in loue Psal 83. Remarckable proceeding in a man of iust●ce ●at 11. The giftes of S. Yues Psal 18.
of wind waters and tempestes the furious ennemies therof He began thenceforth to be like vnto Helie by diuine inspiration zealous of the trueth of the glory of God and his neighbours saluation inducing many to follow and embrace the way of perfection and mouing each one to patience His discourses were no more vaine ridiculous but replenished with the vertue of the holy Ghost and such as penetrated the hart of the hearers and were of such efficacie that they terrified the audience in regard of their sinnes so that they were penitent therof and the hartes of the obstinate they softened and mollified Thus did he conuert sinners and confirme the good in the right way of their saluation Of the two first disciples of S. Francis THE VIII CHAPTER THe vertue of this worthy seruant of God being dilated and diuulged in many places as well in regard of the verity of his simple doctrine as for the sanctity of his life many gentlemen were desirous to endeauour also in penitentiall practises to imitate him The first was a rich and honorable cittizen of Assisium called Bernardus Quintualle very famous for his prudence who hauing long time considered the extraordinary chaunge of life of S. Francis how he contemned the world and with what constancie and patience he supported iniuries and that the more contemptible he was reputed the more appeared his pleasure and content therin neuer shewing the least apparance of will to chaung his holy purpose he esteemed and resolued with himselfe att lenght that the same could be no other but a worck of God neuertheles he thought to proue and trye him and to that end after many prayers to supp with him he conducted him to his house where being sett att the table more couered with spirituall then corporall food they discoursed of many notable matters Now the hower being come of takinge their rest the honorable Bernard conducted the S. together with him into a chamber where there were two beddes and each of them tooke one to lodge in but the said Bernard that desired to proue some thing of this S. did subtilly fayne himselfe incontinently to sleepe which the S. beleeiuing rose a lite after from his bed fell on his knees and directed his countenance and handes towardes heauen entierly enflamed with diuine loue and being so on his knees he began to pray with these wordes Deus meus omma My God and althinges O my God whose are all thinges O my God who art all my good Quintaualle heard only those words which the S. often repeated powring out abondance of teares it seeming vnto him that his spiritt receiued exceeding consolation thereof without euer vttering any other word that he could vnderstand The seruant of God persisted till the morning in this prayer wherin his spirit was eleuated in extasie considering the great mercy which he had receiued of the diuine maiesty and that he vouch-safed to vse him for his seruice in this world as he had vnderstood by reuelatiō Wherupon conceiuing the importance of the affaire he acknowledged his insufficiencie and impotencie and therfore incessantly played God to graunt him perfection requisite to the enterprised worck that he might serue him according to his desire Then with exceeding affection he said Thou art my God and all my hope all my force my richesse my life my ioy my satisfaction and all that euer I can desire I possesse no other thing but thee It is thou that hast begun to fauour me with thy grace graunt also my most sweet Lord that I perseuer therein and that therwith I be guided to my desired end And hereupon persisting in the profound consideration of himselfe with a merueillous humility reputing himselfe to be nothing he cast him into the armes of the diuine celestiall loue where he felt in his soule that sweet communication of the grace of God The foresaid Bernard hauing then seene and heard thus much by meanes of a lampe which he had left burning in the chamber and knowing all to be true the day appearing and the holy man rising from his prayer Bernard spake vnto him in this sort O Francis tell me I pray thee what ought the seruant to doe to whome the master hauing imparted many commodities behoufull for his vse he would no longer make vse of them The S. made answeare vnto him saying He ought to restore them to the party that bestowed them on him Bernard replyed it ought doubtles so to be and therfore Francis my friend I will for the loue of God distribute the temporall substance which till this present I haue enioyed hauing receiued them as his gift and this I will doe by your aduise for I will obey and follow you in this and in euery other thing that you shall command me Which the S. vnderstanding full of ioy thus answeared him Bernard this worck is of such difficulty that before it be enterprised we must take counsail of God and affectionatly beseech him to make knowne vnto vs his will and how we may accomplish the same and att the instant they went together to the Church of S. Nicolas and in the way a Canon named Petrus Catanio associated himselfe vnto them who likewise desired to follow the S. Being then arriued att the Church and hauing heard masse and offered their deuotions S. Francis comming to the Preist prayed him to make the signe of the Crosse on the missal and then to open it and the preist obeying att the openning of the missal they lighted on the gospell taken out of the 19. of S. Matthew If thou wilt be perfect goe sell the thinges that thou hast and giue to the poore and thou shalt haue treasure in heauen Att which Councell the S. exceedingly reioyced and for it thancked God many times And as a perfect seruant of the most blessed Trinity he demaunded of God that he would vouchsafe by three seuerall testimonies to confirme the rule which they should vndertake and so they opened the booke the second time and lighted on the text of the same S. Matthew in the tenth chapter Goeing thorough the world you shall not carry any thing with you neither siluer two coates shooes nor staffe and this hauing confirmed them they the third time opened the Missal and found a text of the same S. Matthew in the sixteenth chapter If any man will come after me lett him denie himselfe and take vp his crosse and follow me S. Francis then tourning to his two new champions said vnto them My Brethren you haue now heard our rule and theirs that will adhere vnto vs. If therfore you desire to be perfect you must presently putt in execution what you haue heard Wherupon the said Bernardus Quintaualle gott licence of S. Francis to goe to his house where he sold all his substance and distributed it to the poore without reseruing any thing whatsoeuer So making himselfe worthy of the diuine vocatiō he merited to be the first