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A77775 The Gospel-covenant; or The covenant of grace opened. Wherein are explained; 1. The differences betwixt the covenant of grace and covenant of workes. 2. The different administration of the covenant before and since Christ. 3. The benefits and blessings of it. 4. The condition. 5. The properties of it. / Preached in Concord in Nevv-England by Peter Bulkeley, sometimes fellow of Johns Colledge in Cambridge. Published according to order. Bulkeley, Peter, 1583-1659. 1646 (1646) Wing B5403; Thomason E331_1; ESTC R200735 319,203 371

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which above all other he desires to be delivered from And surely such is the disposition of all those whose hearts God hath effectually touched with his spirit of grace that if they had the kingdomes of the world for their own they could be content to forgoe all so they might be rid of sin and have their sanctification perfected in them Now as we have s●●ne that this sanctification is a singular benefit and blessing unto us so let us consider also how it springs forth unto us out of the same fountain of grace as did the former benefit of forgivenesse of sins These two streames issue out of the same fountaine of grace When God sanctifies us adding this benefit to the former we may then say Grace grace wee doe herein receive a double grace Grace in forgiving grace in sanctifying of us here is grace upon grace It is a blessing of rich grace And this will appeare if we consider First How impiously and wickedly we have forsaken our first holy and blessed estate in which the Lord had created us God made man righteous Eccles 10. ult Eccles 10. ult but he would be finding out many inventions of his own and if he could not invent them in the shop of his own braine then he would take them out of Satans forge by those inventions thinking to make himselfe more excellent then God had made him and so did wilfully cast away that glory of grace with which he was clothed defaced the Image of God which was stampt upon him bringing upon himselfe a sinfull and shamefull nakednesse to the contempt of his person before all creatures cast off his God that had formed him setting light by the God of his salvation chusing to obey the cursed suggestion of Satan Gods enemy rather then to retaine his communion with God This did he and we in him and now the Lord might have said unto us all Let him that is filthy be filthy still Seeing you have thus defiled your selves you shall never be cleansed untill I have made my wrath to fall upon you Ezek. 24.13 It is wonderfull grace if ever the Lord will returne to such to renew us and sanctifie us by his grace Our sin was like the sin of Angels who kept not their first estate no more did we wee sinned as they did but we are sanctified and not they here is grace towards us not towards them They are suffered still to persist in their malicious wickednesse but we are renewed againe according to the Image of him that created us Ephes 4. Ephes 4. Secondly Consider the loathsomenes of the sin and corruption which we have brought upon our selves and doth now lie upon us A wicked man is loathsome saith Solomon Pro. 13.5 Prov. 13.5 So loathsome is the sin that is in us that we are made even to loath our selves and to count our selves more filthy then the dung of the earth Ezek. 6.9 When the Lord formed man in the beginning it was not silver or gold or any such precious matter out of which he fashioned him but it was out of the vilest of the Elements out of the earth the dregs setlings of all creatures The matter out of which man was then made was but vile and base Wonder it was that God would set the gracious Image of his holines upon so contemptible a creature But though it was then but vile yet it was as I may so speake innocent harmles The pollution of sinne had not as yet defiled it there was nothing in it as yet which should make the holy God to loath the creature which he had made sinne had not as yet stained the earth with its filthines But now by sin man is become abominable his uncleannesse is as the filthines of the menstruous the filthy leprosie of sin is not in his forehead alone but is spread all over him so that the Lord might say unto him Depart depart yee polluted stand apart the pure eyes of my holines cannot endure to behold such loathsome filthines But now behold and wonder even the God so glorious in holines Exod. 15.11 even he seeing us lye polluted in our bloud he doth not passe by on the other side but he takes pitie on us and takes us and washeth us with water he washeth us from our bloud and anoynteth us with oyle Ezek. 16.6.9 yea and cloaths us againe with white linnen of sanctity and holines adornes us with ornaments of grace which are as jewels of silver and jewels of gold c. ver 10 11 12 13. and makes us beautifull by his owne beauty which he puts upon us And is not this grace Had wee seene our blessed Saviour rise up from the table to wash the foule feet of his servants we would have wondred How much more wonderfull is this that he should take us filthy lepers and wash us in the waters of Jordan untill we be wholly cleane Consider that place in Ezek. 16.9 how the Lord himselfe amplifies this grace towards us in washing us from our polluted bloud No lesse then three times together doth the Lord there mention this When I saw thee polluted in thy bloud saith the Lord and againe When thou wast in thy bloud and a third time Even when thou wast in thy bloud then I took thee and washed thee and said unto thee Thou shalt live Why doth the Lord so ingeminate so double and treble this When thou wast in thy bloud but onely that we might the more observe his abundant grace towards us in purifying such loathsome uncleane ones as wee are Doubtles David when he had defiled himselfe by that great and foule sin he counted it mercy and rich grace to have a cleane heart renewed in him Psal 51. Ps●l 51. Thirdly Consider how unable we are to cleanse and purifie our selves we are like little babes who can defile themselves but would lie in their uncleannes for ever should not the nurse wash cleanse them we once stript our selves of the garments of grace but now we know not how to put them on any more we were men at that time when in Adam wee laid them by and put them off But now like little children we should starve with cold and nakednesse should not the Lord pitie us and put these garments of grace upon us We are saith the Apostle of no strength Rom. 5.6 Rom 5.6 not able to thinke a good thought 2 Cor. 3. nor to will one good desire but it is God that worketh in us both will and deed of his good pleasure of grace towards us Phil. 2.13 Phil. 2.13 It is not in our willing or running but in God shewing mercy Rom. 9.16 Rom. 9.16 And it is not unworthy our observing how in ver 18. he opposeth mercy to hardening He hath mercy on whom he will and whom he will he hardeneth to teach us to look at it as a speciall mercy when he is pleased to take away the hard
he is to be God over us that wee must neither sp●ak nor do but according to the command of God As a man when he maketh a covenant of marriage with a woman he covenants with her to be her head to rule her that she shal be subject to him to please him or as when a man hires a servant c. So when the Lord takes us into covenant with himselfe it is that we shall bee his servants to doe his will pleasure and commandement When Isaac sent away his son Jacob to Padan Aran hee blessed him but withall he g●ve him a charge Gen. 28.1.6 Gen. 28 1.6 in both verses the blessing and the charge are m●ntioned tog●ther So wh●n the Lord giveth this blessing to us That hee will bee our God the charge goeth with it see th●t you keep the charge of the Lord your God and that you do whatsoever I comm●nd you 3. B cause the Lord knows as he speaks himself Isai 48.4 Isai 48.4 that we are obstinate and our neck is an Iron sinew c. and are r●ady to say as Jer. 2.31 Wee are Lords wee will not come at thee we will have none to command us Therfore the Lord promiseth this al●o when he saith That I will be a God over you that hee will subdue the rebelliousnesse of spirit that is in us and the stoutnesse of our hearts that he will bend and bow these stiffe necks of ours and make us pliable to his will in all things He will subdue our rebellions Micah 7.19 He will over-rule our unruly proud and presumptuous spirits and cause us to keep his Statut●s and Commandements to doe them This the Lord promiseth Ezek. 20.33 As I live saith the Lord surely with a mighty hand and wi●h a stretched out a●m and with fury powred out will I rule over you These words are a promise of grace that though they had other purposes in their minds they were thinking to goe after their Idols and to become as other countries serving wood and stone as verse 32. yet saith the Lord it shall not bee so I will over-rule these sinfull Idolatrous hearts of yours and you shal not serve these false Gods which you are doting upon but I will bring you unto my selfe and you shall serve me And this exposition is confirmed by the 34 37 38. verses compared together I will bring you into the wildernesse and there plead with you face to face and th●re make you ashamed and I will make you passe under the rod and bring you into the bond of the covenant and purge out from among you the rebels c. This is therefore a promise of grace There is indeed one word which seems to favour another interpret●tion given by some as if God did herein threaten a judgement because he saith I will rule you with wrath powred out verse 33. But this doth not hinder but the words may bee taken up as a promise of grace For the wrath here threatned may bee intended against the coun●ries into which they were scattered a d who held them in bondage as verse 34. or else it may be extended to the hypocrites and reprobates amongst themselves whom the Lord would separate and cut off from them as verse 37.38 God might threaten wrath to them though he extend grace and mercy to his own people Or if it be understood of the judgements which he would execute upon his owne people taken into covenant with him yet this makes nothing against the interpretation before given Because the Lord doth by his corrections in which he shewes himselfe angry with his people subdue their stout hearts and over-power their rebellious natures and make them submit themselves unto him hee maketh those messengers of his wrath to become meanes of good unto his people he layes his yoak on them to tame their unruly spirits Thus saith the Lord concerning Solomon 2 Sam. 7.14 That if he did sin against him he would correct him And it is said 1 Kings 11.9 that God was angry with Solomon and he powred out wrath against him stirring up adversaries to trouble him A father rules over his child●en in love and tender compassion and yet by reason of their unruly disposition hee is sometimes forced to shew himselfe angry with them by some sharp corrections So it is with the Lord in the rule that he exerciseth over his people Therefore though we do restraine the wrath powred forth to be upon his own children yet it may bee a promise of grace that the Lord will by meanes thereof bring under and over-rule the stubbornnesse of their hearts and governe them with a mighty hand whether they will or no. Thus hee over-ruled the spirit of the Prophet Ezek. 3.14 Ezek. 3.14 that though hee had no mind to preach to the Jewes being such a rebellious people yet the hand of the Lord carried him to the performance of it with indignation of his own spirit which was against it 4. When he hath subdued our spirits unto him and brought us to submit unto his will then he will be God over us to teach instruct and direct us in the way wherein we should walk that if either ignorance or heedlesnesse doe turn us out of the way then the Lord guides us into the right way wherein we ought to walk as Isai 48.17 And this he promiseth to doe Isai 30.21 You shall heare a voyce behind you c. we are apt to heare and passe by as though we heard not therefore the Lord is said to call after us as one that speaks behind us and cries to us Ho Ho you are out of your way this is the way c. This also h●e promiseth Psalm 25.9.12 Psal 25.9.12 that when he hath once meekned our crosse spirits and made us willing to obey him then he will guide us in judgement and teach us the way which himself chuseth for us And thus the Lord will be God over his people a God above them as a Prince is ov●r his p●ople an husband over his wife a father o●e his children a master over his servants or a shepheard o er his flock to rule and order them according to his owne mind And this is no small benefit and blessing of the covenant For look as it is for the good of a people to be under the government of a gracious King the good of the wife to bee under the government of a prudent husband the good of a child to be under the government of a godly father and for the good of the fl●ck to be under the guidance of a skilf●ll shepheard So it is for the good of the people of God that hee will bee pleased to bee a God over them and that he will not leave them to the rebellious lusts of their own hearts This is a rich blessing of the covenant of grace As it is said of Solomon that because the Lord loved Israel therefore he gave them such a King 2
I will forgive let every soule say within it selfe Surely then I will try I will seeke I will sue for mercy that I may be forgiven But what should I doe that I may be forgiven Quest 1. Enter into thine owne heart Answ and search out all the sinnes of heart and life which thou art privie unto Lament 3.40 Lam. 3.40 This is the Lords owne direction Jer. 3.12 13. Jer. 3.12 13. when the Lord first promised that he would shew himselfe mercifull and not let his wrath fall upon them yet presently addes But know thou thine iniquitie for thou hast fallen by rebellion c. 2. When thou hast found out thy sin goe then before the Lord and confesse and judge thy selfe before him as Ezra 9.6 Ezra 9.6 Confesse thy selfe worthy to be destroyed Doe as the Prodigall did Luke 15. Luk. 15. I am no more worthy to be counted thine 3. Present before the Lord the sacrifice of the Lord Jesus bring no satisfaction of thine owne make no mention of thine own righteousnesse or good deservings but fly onely to the bloudy sufferings and sacrifice of Christ to find acceptance reconciliation through him without that bloud there is no forgivenesse Heb. 9. Heb. 9. 4. Come not before God with an heart purposing still to continue in thy sinne but together with prayer for pardon joyne prayer for a spirit of grace and holinesse to make thee a new heart and a new spirit that sin may live in thee no more be willing to bind thy selfe by Covenant to the Lord to glorifie that grace shewed on thee if he will please to be gracious towards thee in taking away this sin Hos 14.3 with 9. Hos 14.3 with 9. Thus come before the Lord and then as men that have any great legacy left them by the will of another they will intreat for it they will plead the Testament of the Testatour and if that will not prevaile they will bring it into the Court of Justice and there sue for it So let us doe beg intreat require the performance of this legacy of the new Testament which grace hath bequeathed unto us and if this obtaine not then bring our cause into the Covenant of grace and there sue and plead before the throne of grace There bring out the words of the Testament and say Lord here is thine owne Covenant and promise hold the Lord fast to his promise which he hath made and plead with him and say Lord why are thy mercies restrained from me where is thy faithfulnesse why dost not thou pardon mine iniquitie Though I be worthy to perish yet remember thy Covenant make good thy promise in which thou hast caused thy servant to trust Such importunitie the Lord will not take ill he delights thus to be overcome by the pleas of his people Doe thus and he that hath promised will also fulfill and will take away all thine iniquitie and receive thee graciously Hos 14.3 Vse 5 For singular comfort to all the people of God who doe in any faithfulnesse and truth of heart endeavour to walke according to the Covenant they have made with him To all such this word of Consolation doth belong that their iniquitie is pardoned their sin is forgiven It was a word of comfort Christ spake to the palsie man Mat. 9.2 Mat. 9.2 Sonne be of good comfort thy sinnes are forgiven thee So Isai 40 1 2. Isai 40.1 2. And thence was that speech of Christ to Mary in Luke 7.48.50 Thy sinnes are forgiven thee goe in peace There is peace indeed when Christ promiseth sin to be forgiven Now so it is to all the covenanted people of God their sin is forgiven here is their comfort See Psal 103.17 18. Psal 103.17 18. If wee keepe his Covenant his loving kindnesse and mercy is ours to forgive us our sinnes Shall man saith Eliphaz be more just then God shall man be more pure then his maker Job 4.17 Job 4.17 So may we say in this case Shall man be more faithfull then God more mindfull of his Covenant and promise then his Maker No God is the faithfull God keeping Covenant and mercy with those that feare him If we then which are so apt to breake our Covenant with God and men if wee be carefull to keepe Covenant with him how much more will God performe this promise of his Covenant towards us to pardon our sinnes If wee be not unfaithfull towards him he cannot be unfaithfull towards us Nay though we were in part unfaithfull yet cannot he deny himselfe 2 Tim. 2.13 2 Tim. 2.13 Quest But how may I know that my sinnes are forgiven me Answ 1. A plainer evidence I cannot give then this before named scil a carefull conscionable and constant endeavour to walke in Covenant with God Psal 103.17 18. Psal 103.17 18. But I have many failings in the keeping of my Covenant Object Yet so long as you doe not renounce your Covenant Answ and breake the bond till you doe agree to the loosing of the knot in which you have bound your selfe chusing to turne back after your former liberties the substance of the Covenant is not yet broken though some article of the Covenant may be violated There be some trespasses against some particular clauses in Covenants which though they be violated yet the whole Covenant is not forfeited 2. An affectionate and cordiall love to the Lord Jesus who hath washed us from our sinnes in his bloud is a sure signe that our sins are forgiven us Luk. 7.47 when wee so thinke of Christ as that nothing is too much for him nothing enough all we doe or can doe is too little for him and as nothing to that which our soule desireth this love never goes alone but is accompanied with this blessing of forgivenesse And sure thus it is with those that feele in any measure the efficacy of Christs bloud easing their consciences from the guilt of sin They could be content to wash Christs feet not with teares onely but with their hearts bloud and to dye for love of him who hath loved them and given himselfe for them to save them from their sinne 3. The mortification and dying of sinne in our hearts is a signe that our sinnes are forgiven us When Christ takes away Jacobs sinnes he also turnes away ungodlinesse from Jacob Rom. 11.26 27. Rom. 11.26 27. If sin live in us the guilt of it remaines still upon us I meane if it live in us in full strength 4. If we have a tender heart to mourne over Christ whom wee have pierced Time was when we could tread under feet that precious bloud by which we are sanctified But now it melts the heart to thinke that that bloud which wee have so despised should yet be sprinkled upon us to wash us from our sinne This kindnesse of Christ towards us makes our hearts to mourne over him Zach. 12.10 Zach. 12.10 They shall mourne over
him or for him not for our selves but for him mourning that we have pierced him and grieved his Spirit by our sinnes 5. An heart willing to forgive and to doe good unto those that have done evill against us Mat. 6.14 Mat. 6.14 when wee cannot onely forbeare them but forgive them and beare a loving heart to them that have been unloving towards us This disposition of heart in us springs from an higher fountaine of grace which hath been shed downe upon us in forgiving our sinnes When the heart can reason with it selfe to suppresse revengefull desires when they are stirring in us and can argue as Mat. 18. and Eph. 4. Mat. 18. Eph. 4. the Lord is willing to forgive me my debts and ought not I also to forgive my fellow-servant that hath offended me Such a disposition of heart is a fruit and token of the forgivenesse of our sinnes Mat. 6.14 The grace that hath been shewed us in the forgivenesse of our sinnes workes an answerable disposition in us making us ready to forgive the sinnes of our brethren 6. A free and full confession of sinne when we deale openly with the Lord freely willing to open all our whole heart before the Lord discovering knowne sinnes secret sinnes the most prevailing beloved and inward corruptions willing to take the shame of all unto our selves and still to be more vile in our selves that mercy might be glorified in our forgivenesse When we can bring out the whole pack and not keepe a sin back so farre as wee know any thing by our selves but lay all open and naked before the face of God till there be no more to be found such confession hath a promise of forgivenesse 1 Joh. 1.9 1 Joh. 1.9 There may be a forced confession as was that of Saul when he was so fully convinced of his sinne that he would no longer deny it 1 Sam. 15. And of Judas who out of extremitie of horror and rage of conscience was made to confesse his wickednesse in betraying innocent bloud There may be also a formall superficiall and partiall confession when we doe in a generall fashion confesse our selves sinners which confession hath no promise of forgivenes because these confessions are ever accompanied first with a desire if possible to maintaine our own innocency secondly with a spirit of unbeliefe and misgiving heart fearing lest our own mouth should judge us and wee become witnesses against our selves Thirdly with a spirit of pride loath to confesse our selves to be so vile as we must acknowledge our selves to be if we should confesse all our sinnes against our selves But when a man is willing to search out all his sin unto the last that he may lay open all his heart and confesse all his iniquitie against himselfe before the Lord being vile in his own eyes and desiring to be more vile loathing himselfe for all his abominations of such an one that can thus come before the Lord in humble confession of his sinnes I doubt not to say unto him Goe thy way in peace thy sin is forgiven thee If God give us a heart thus humbly to confesse it is unto us a signe there is in God a heart mercifully to forgive Exhortation to all the Saints that have tasted of this rich grace Vse 6 in the forgivenes of their sinnes Let them ascribe glory unto him that hath shewed this mercy on them extolling that grace which hath forgiven them this the Lord lookes for he would have his grace glorified by us Eph. 1.6 Ephes 1.6 The Lord himselfe publisheth this as his own glory that he is a God forgiving iniquitie transgression and sin Exod. 34.6 Exod. 34.6 And the servants of God have herein given glory unto him as Micah 7.18 Micah 7.18 Who is a God like unto thee who passeth by the transgression of the remnant of thine heritage We should make the praise of this grace to ring through the whole world that heaven and earth may take notice of it and wonder at the grace that hath been shewed on us This grace can never be sufficiently glorified by us To teach us willingly to become servants unto this God of all Vse 7 Grace who dealeth thus mercifully with his people See Hos 14.5 Hos 14.5 When the Lord there promiseth to heale the rebellions of his people by taking away their iniquities from them marke what this workes in them ver 9. What have wee say they any more to doe with Idolls with our former sinnes we will serve them them no more we will henceforth serve thee our gracious God which promisest to heale all our backslidings His will wee be him will wee serve And thus much of the second Benefit The third Benefit of the Covenant is the renewing and sanctifying of our natures by the graces of the Spirit The Lord having first justified us by his grace in the forgivenesse of our sinnes he the● goes on to sanctifie us that we might be an holy people unto him to serve him in holinesse and righteousnesse all our dayes Luk. 1. Luke 1. When he hath made us imputedly righteous he will have us inherently righteous also And by the promise of this benefit the Lord answers another scruple which his people might be subject unto We might thinke with our selves this is indeed a great benefit which the Lord hath promised hith●rto namely to forgive all my sin But though the Lord should performe all this mercy unto mee forgiving unto me all my former sins unto this day yet I have such a vile sinfull nature within mee that I shall returne and sin againe as wickedly as ever I did before and so shall bring a new guiltinesse upon my self Hereto the Lord answers No it shall not be I will renew alter and change that sinfull and wicked nature that is in you I will make your heart a new heart so as you shall be enabled to doe my will and walk in my wayes I will sanctifie you to be an holy and pretious people to my self This renovation and sanctification of our nature stands first in cleansing away our sinfull corruption and then in an infusion and filling of us with the holy graces of the Spirit As a vessell which wee intend for any honourable use first wee scoure and rinse out the filth that is in it and then we sweeten it with other things and so make it fit for service and use Satan had defiled us with his loathsome filthinesse but so many as the Lord sets apart unto himselfe to be vessels of honour in his house those hee cleanseth from all filthinesse of flesh and spirit and seasoneth them with all the sweet and gracious gifts of his Spirit Hence it is that we are said to be made partakers of the Divine Nature 2 Pet. 1.4 2 Peter 1.4 and to be renewed with the ren●wing of the holy Ghost Titus 3.5 And we are said to be created new in Christ Jesus Eph. 2.10 because
as in our first creation we were then created holy and righteous after the Image of God so now we are renewed unto the same image again The Lord doth with us as the Potter doth with his vessell when the first fashioning of it is broken he returns and makes it another vessell as seems good in his eyes Jer. 18.3 By this work of renovation and changing our natures there is a new disposition wrought in us clean contrary to that which was before Whereas before the wisdome of the flesh and our corrupt will was quite contrary and even enmity against the Law of God and would by no meanes bee brought into subjection Rom. 8.7 Rom. 8.7 yet now we are made to love the Law and delight in the Commandements of it in our inward man Rom. 7. Rom. 7. The law is not now any more a law without us to urge and enforce us but it is a law within us it is written not in Tables of stone but in the heart according to that promise Jer. 31. Jeremy 31. I will write my lawes in your heart● and in your inward parts will I put them By which writing there is stamped upon the heart an inward disposition and inclination of mind and will to doe the things which the law doth command The law being there within us it is unto us as our own bowels loving it and making pretious account of it This blessing the Lord promiseth in his covenant as we may see in Ezek. 36.25 26 27. Ezek. 36.25 26 27. I will powre clean water upon you and yee shall be clean yea from all your filthinesse will I cleanse you A new heart also will I give unto you a new spirit will I put within you and I will take away the stony heart out of your body and give you a heart of flesh and I will put my spirit withi● you c. And hence I think it is that the Lord calls himselfe Psalm 71.21 The holy One of Israel not onely because he is holy in himselfe and will be so acknowledged by them but because he sanctifies his Israel unto himselfe making them holy according to that Levit. 20.8 Levit. 20.8 I am the Lord which sanctifieth you And in Isai 43.15 Isaiah 43.15 I am the Lord your holy One. And in Habbak 1.12 Habbak 1.12 the Prophet calls the Lord his holy One. Art not thou of old O Lord my God my holy One He is not onely our mercifull God to pardon us but our holy one to sanctifie us And for the same cause we read of the promise of the Spirit Gal. 3.14 Gal. 3.14 Because God hath promised to give his Spirit unto those that hee takes to bee a people to himselfe This bl●ssing of sanctification the Lord will perform unto all his people making them an holy people unto himselfe First because hee hath for this end chosen them that they might be holy Eph. 1. Ephes 1. and therefore he will bring them to that estate of holinesse to which hee hath chosen them What he hath chosen us to he will bring us to Gods purposes are not in vain hee will perform to us all the good hee hath intended towards us Secondly Christ hath purchased the spirit of grace for us Joh. 17.19 John 17.19 For their sakes saith Christ sanctifie I my selfe offering up himselfe as a consecrate offering unto God that they may bee sanctified by the truth It was for our sanctification that he offered up himself Thirdly hee hath filled himselfe with all grace for that same end that we might bee filled by that abundance of grace which is in him Psal 68.18 Psalm 68.18 he received gifts for men not to keep them to himselfe alone but to communicate unto us that out of his fulnesse wee might all receive grace for grace John 1.16 And therefore Christ is said to bee not onely righteousnesse unto us but sanctification because he hath filled himselfe to the end that he might also fill us with his own sanctity and holinesse Fourthly Christ hath prayed for our sanctification John 17.17 And wee know that hee was heard alwayes no prayer of his ever returned empty but came back with a full bl●ssing Fifthly Gods covenant is to give us all things that pertain to life and godlinesse 2 Pet. 1.4 2 Pet. 1.4 Sixthly the Lord is an holy God and therefore will have those that are in covenant with him to bee an holy people Lev. 11. It would be a d●shonor to God to have his name called upon a sinfull and prophane people Ezek 36.20 Ezek. 36.20 And beside the end of the covenant betwixt him and his people is Communion God takes a people into covenant with him that he might communicate himselfe unto them that hee might possesse them and they enjoy him but God cannot communicate himselfe in the sweetnesse and familiarity of his love unto unsanctified ones And therefore he will have his covenanted people to be holy that he may communicate himself unto them Seventhly when the Lord gives himself unto a people to be a God unto them he gives himselfe wholly unto them keeping back nothing from them which might make them an happy and blessed people And therefore as he doth communicate himselfe to them in his mercy and grace to pardon their sin so he doth also in his purity and holinesse to sanctifie them and to cleanse them from their sin Eighthly God will be glorified in all his people whom he takes neer unto himselfe Levit. 10.3 Levit. 10.3 and in Isai 43.21 Isaiah 43.21 This people have I formed for my selfe they shall shew forth my praise But God could have no glory from us in this world if he should not sanctifie us Herein is he glorified when wee bring forth much good fruit John 15. John 15. and shine forth in good works Matth 5. Matth. 5. and shew forth the vertues of him that hath called us c. 1 Pet. 2. In these things God is glorified by us but this glory wee can never bring to God till he have sent down his Spirit of glory and grace upon us Now lest this blessing of sanctification should seem too little to be reckoned among the great blessings of the covenant let us therfore consider how great a priviledge this is to be renewed sanctified by the grace of Gods holy Spirit This is intended to us as a blessing in Isai 44.1 2 3. Isa 44.1 2 3 The Lord maketh many sweet promises to his Israel and in verse 3. I will saith the Lord powre my Spirit upon thy seed and my blessing upon thy buds When God powres on any his Spirit then hee would have us to know that he powres on them a rich blessing My Spirit and my Blessing saith God As it is a mans curse to bee left under the power dominion of sin so contrà it is a blessing to be set free from sin
towards both Acts 24.16 It is but false sanctification which neglects either of these duties or any part of them when we put on a forme of Religion and yet deale unrighteously with men this is cursed hypocrisie And when we deale squarely with men but are carelesse Gallio's in the things of God this is but a kinde of civill profanesse there is no true sanctification in one or other of them True sanctification cleaves to the whole law and to all the Commandements of it seeking to doe and fulfill all such an heart the Lord requires Deut. 5.29 and such he works where he works Grace in truth 2 King 23.25 3. True sanctification will never suffer the soule to finde rest and peace but only in the way which is called holy A sanctified soule may step aside into the way which is not good but it can finde no rest there Holinesse stands in a conformity with God It will not agree with any thing which is contrary to God or to his will a godly heart can finde no peace there As on the one side a sinfull heart may do the thing that is good but it takes no pleasure in such things so contrà the sanctified heart may by occasion and by strength of temptation and prevailing power of inward corruption be drawn to act amisse but when hee hath done so he finds no rest in his spirit till he be returned againe into the way of holinesse which he had turned from Thus David stept aside but what peace found he Peter fell into shamefull denyall but how grieved was he afterward Thus Paul he confessed he did the evill that he would not but how was he pained at the very heart till he was rid of that body of sinne It was his continuall vexation As the needle in the compasse may by shaking be turned from the right point and from the pole but it will finde no rest till it be turned to it againe So here When therefore the heart sinnes and finds rest in it and is not labouring to work out the corruption which is within this is an evill sign and dangerous this argues a carnall disposition and an unsanctified Spirit But when we are grieved for the evill which is in us when our sinne is counted our misery making us lament with Paul and say O miserable man that I am c. and that not only as it troubles the conscience but as it cloggs the Spirit hindring us in well doing this is a sign of a sanctified estate and springs from a Spirit of grace 4. True sanctification will make us most wary and watchfull against those sinnes which doe most staine our holy profession and blemish the glory of Christ and make us most studious of those things in which God is most glorified As Paul said of himselfe I can doe nothing against the truth but for the truth so indeed a sanctified soule can doe nothing against Gods glory but all things for his glory Sanctity devotes a man unto God he is for God not for himselfe not for the world he accounts himselfe that he is Gods If we live we live for God whether we eat or drink or labour or rest we doe them for God 1 Cor. 10.31 If we get riches we grow rich for God to honour God with our riches Prov. 3.9 Our whole life is for God Rom. 14.6 This is a sanctified disposition when it is thus with us And when otherwise we eat for our selves as Zachary speaks chap. 7.6 we labour for our selves get riches for our selves not caring how our profession is blemished and God dishonoured by our worldly and coveteous conversation this is from the flesh which loves its own and minds its own things and not the things of Christ 5. True sanctification makes a man affect society with those that are holy It s a good signe when the heart doth inwardly cleave to those that excell in grace especially when it is for Grace sake and because of the Grace that is in them There may be an outward complying with them and some externall society had with them also when yet the heart is not with them there may be some sutablenesse of disposition some morall qualifications in a godly soule which may give content unto a carnall heart but to love them inwardly and that not for any other respect but for the grace which is in them this is from a sutable Spirit of grace working in our selves Thus it was with David Psal 16.3 and Psal 119. Come unto mee all yee that feare God c. and away from me ye wicked c. 6. True sanctification makes us aspire after communion and fellowship with God himselfe it loves fellowship with the Saints but rests not in them but aspires higher nothing will satisfie a sanctified soule but God yea it is God which he loves and seeks in his Saints So it is also in the use of Ordinances they are all empty things without God unlesse the Lord be there The Word Prayer Sacraments are but leane and empty things unlesse hee enjoy God in them He is the fat the marrow and sweetnesse of them all when God meets the soule in any of these it is then satisfied as with marrow and fatnesse but when he withdrawes and absents himselfe it findes no satiety no rellish in any thing The soule is empty still till he fill it who is the fulnesse of all things God only doth fill and satisfie the soule that is sanctified See Ier. 50.4 There you shall see the children of Israel and children of Iudah together comming to Ierusalem the place of Gods worship but is that all they goe for No saith the Prophet they goe seeking the Lord their God they goe to Ierusalem to worship there but there is a further thing they seek for even God himselfe without whom Ierusalem and Temple and all would be but as a solitary cave in a wildernesse if God were not found there This Gods servants finde in frequent experience Sometimes they finde God sweetly present with them in prayer Sacrament or the like and then they goe away as a man refreshed with new wine Sometimes they seek him but find him not as Cant. 5. and then they are like men that faine would eat to the satisfying of their hungry soule but they want their appointed food or like those in the Prophet they doe eat but they are not satisfied they have not enough Whom have I in heaven but thee saith David Psal 73.25 Whom there are Angels there are Saints the Spirits of just and perfect men Hebr. 12. Are all these nothing with David These were in heaven and are also in earth yet saith David Whom have I in heaven or earth but thee These are good with God but not able to satisfie a sanctified soule without God If it were possible for such a soule to be in heaven it selfe there to enjoy all the glory of it and communion with all the company of Saints and Angels there yet
if it should not there enjoy God it would say I finde not him whom my soule loveth and longeth for where is he I must finde him ere my joy can be full Thus a sanctified heart aspires to fellowship with and enjoyment of God himselfe It stayes not till it come to the top of the ladder where God is Ordinances are as so many steps to ascend up unto him be only is the end which the godly heart seeks in them when we rest in them not seeking or not finding God in them this is but formality not true sanctity True sanctity stayes not till we can say as 1 ●oh 1.3 Verily our fellowship is with the Father and with his Son Iesus Christ 7. True sanctification makes us exceeding sensible of our own wants and weaknesses in Grace making us to see how farre short we come of that perfection which should be in us Thus it was with Paul he strove unto a conformity wi●h Christ but saith he I have not yet attained unto it And so it was with David Psal 119.5 Oh that my wayes were directed to keep thy statutes q.d. but alas how short doe I come of such a course when men are so full and so perfect that they lack nothing it s a sign that pride and selfe-conceit and hypocrisie hath filled their heart rather then true sanctity These are proud Pharises Hypocrites Laodiceans who are indeed poore and blind and naked and miserable having no truth of Grace in them It s a true saying He that wants nothing in Grace hath nothing others there are which are ever wanting ever craving begging as men that are made up of wants seeing such abundance of corruption in themselves that it makes them to abhorre themselves when they come before God only this they doe they are still purging themselves in that fountaine of Grace Zach. 13. seeking to grow up to full holinesse in his feare 2 Cor. 7.1 These are sanctified soules such Christ pronounceth blessed Blessed are the poore in Spirit Blessed are these that thus hunger and thirst after righteousnesse Matth. 5. 8. There bee sundry sanctified affections and dispositions which doe shew forth true sanctification were it is As First holy mourning for sinne when our sinne is our chiefest sorrow as it was in David Psal 51.4 Secondly a chusing of the way of Grace when godlinesse and Grace with losse accompanying them are chosen and preferred before riches and treasures of the world doing as Moses who chose affliction rather then the treasures of Aegypt Heb. 11. and David who said of himselfe I have chosen the way of thy precepts c. What ever befall us this is our resolution in this way I will live in this I will die Thirdly a caring and taking thought for the things of Christ Paul that chiefest of Saints had his head full of these cares even cumbred with them every day This was from the abundant Grace of God which was in him those that are after the flesh they take thought for the flesh to fulfill the lusts of it Rom. 13. but those that are after the spirit they take thought for the things of Christ Phil. 2. Fourthly an holy zeale and earnestnesse for good to be active and working for Christ with an holy emulation and contention of Spirit being provoked thereto not only by the zeale of others as 2 Cor. 9. but even by their lukewarmnesse the lesse they doe we will doe the more and seek to draw on others by our example loth that any should bee more forward in evill then wee for good By these things try we our selves try we our sanctification where these things are there is the Spirit of holinesse and where they are not in some degree more or lesse there the Spirit of Grace is not nor have those that doe wholly want these things before named any part or portion in any saving blessing of the Covenant Vse 4. For direction unto all Gods people which have given up themselves by Covenant unto God These doe many times complaine of the power of their corruptions prevailing against them They see so much sinfull uncleanesse in themselves that it makes them to doubt whether the Spirit of Grace ever had any abiding in them Now for these here is direction how to get help that they may become pure holy undefiled and clean from their sin Let them look unto the promises of this Covenant which God hath made with his people Here is a fountaine of Grace opened unto them to wash in God hath promised That he will poure clean water upon them and will cleanse them from all their filthinesse Ezek. 3.25 He hath said he will wash away the filthinesse of the daughters of Zion that they may be cleane Are you then Ieprous and unclean in your own eyes Goe then and wash seven times in these waters of Iordan and so your leprosie shall depart from you Goe to God and plead his Covenant and promise and say unto God Lord thou hast made promises unto thy servants that thou wilt not only forgive the sinnes of thy people but that thou wilt sanctifie them and make them an holy people unto thee why then am I still thus corrupt sinfull and uncleane Lord wash me wash me throughly till I be cleane from all my sin This is our way to get help against our corruptions wee think for the most part that if we have sinned we must indeed goe to God for pardon and forgivenesse but we think we must work out our sanctification of our selves by our own watchfulnesse resolutions vowes and promises made unto God But herein we wrong our selves were there not more help in Gods promises which he makes to us then in our promises to him we might lie in our pollutions for ever we must therefore goe to God for help against all our corruptions seeking to him by faith in his Covenant and promise saying as Iehoshaphat Lord I am so borne downe by the power of my sinne that I know not what to doe only mine eyes are unto thee doe thou subdue mine iniquities doe thou help me The whole life of a Christian is a life of faith the life of justification the life of sanctification we live both these lives by the faith of the Sonne of God Gal. 2.20 and therefore we are said to be sanctified by faith because by faith we seek for and receive the Spirit of sanctification which is promised unto us Herein then lies our help What is the reason that after so many resolutions against such or such a sinne yet we are overcome againe and againe It is in a great part because we look at the victory against them to come as from our selves we think this or that shall doe it but the Apostle tells us that the victory by which we must overcome is our faith 1 Ioh. 5.4 Rest upon Gods faithfulnesse for help and strength against sinne as well as for forgivenesse of sinne And then though there be no help
on earth yet we shall see that there is help in heaven though none in our selves yet there is in God and in his faithfull Covenant Vse 5. To stirre up those that doe yet finde themselves destitute of all Grace not able to discern the least spark of goodnesse in themselves let them notwithstanding consider what God hath promised in his Covenant He hath therein promised a new heart a new spirit to create us anew in Christ Jesus He hath promised to poure out waters upon the dry ground Esay 44.3 where there is no sap no moisture no goodnesse but their moisture is turned into the drought of Sommer yet upon such dry grounds on such dry trees the waters of the Spirit shall be poured out and they shall be made to bring forth fruit The wilde forrest of Lebanon shall become as Carmell the Desart a fruitfill Field goe therefore thou poore lost creature thou sinfull soule who never yet to this day hadst one drop of Grace wrought in thy heart goe thou to the Throne of Grace lament thy sinfull and wicked heart before God begge this mercy of him say unto him Lord thou hast promised to give thy Spirit unto such as aske him of thee Now Lord give it unto me a poore sinfull creature make me even me also a partaker of this bless●ng Object But here perhaps you will say these promises are made only unto those that are in Covenant with God but alas thou art a stranger and an alien and hast ever so been unto this day thou hast no part in these promises Answ They belong to all that either are in Covenant with God or ever shall be though they be not as yet fulfilled in thee yet they may be intended unto thee these promises may be thine in respect of Gods purpose of grace and intention though not as yet in respect of actuall performance and execution To encourage all to seek after this blessing Consider with your selves three things 1. The extent of these promises I will poure out my Spirit upon all flesh Joel 2.28 Whosoever is thirsty come and drink of the waters of life freely yea turne you saith Christ to scornfull sinners at my correction and then behold I will poure out my Spirit upon you And in Ezek. 36. compare verse 20. with 25 26. There you may see that those upon whom he promiseth to poure his Spirit they were such as had polluted Gods name among the Heathen and made it to be blasphemed and yet even to those the Lord promiseth that when the time of Grace was come for mercy to manifest it selfe in them upon them hee would poure out his Spirit and cleanse them from all their uncleannesse 2. Consider the freenesse of these promises come and buy without money or money-worth Isai 55.2 drink of the waters of life freely Apoc. 22.17 3. Consider Christ forwardnesse and readinesse to give to every one that askes hadst thou but asked saith Christ to the woman in Ioh. 4.20 I would have given thee the water of life Mark the place and occasion of Christs words Christ being then weary and thirsty by reason of his journey he askes of the woman a cup of water to drink no great matter to give bring but a cup of water and being by the well side where was water enough and ready at hand yet she gives it not but stands wondering that he being a Iew should aske water of her that was a Samaritane well saith Christ thou denyest me a cup of cold water to drink being weary and thirsty but hadst thou asked of me I would have given thee the water of life Nay and did give it unto her though shee denyed him a cup of water out of the well yet Christ gave her the water of life What would the Lord Iesus have us to take notice of in this his speech unto her and her dealing towards him but that he is more forward to give that water of life his holy Spirit to a poore sinner then we are to give a cup of common water to a thirsty soule O blessed redeemer who would not come unto thee Goe therefore thou that hast denyed the least mercy and kindnesse to Christ in any of his members though thou hast thought a cup of water too much for them yet seek grace from him Aske his Spirit intreat him to make thy heart new within thee doe but aske and seek and he will doe more then thou canst hope or think plead the promise of his Covenant and wait in hope Thus much for the third benefit 4. The fourth benefit which God promiseth unto his in his Covenant is our preservation in the state of Grace to which we are called This is a part of his Covenant with us that he once taking us to be a people unto him in Christ he will never forsake us any more but keep us in that estate for ever And by this promise the Lord takes away that last great scruple which the soule is apt to make in this manner although may one think the Lord hath shewed mercy unto me thus farre that he hath given me hope of the forgivenesse of my sinnes past and hath changed my heart in some measure so as it is my desire to do his will yet for all this I finde still such strong opposition against mee by enemies within and without so many corruptions within and temptations from without that I shall never be able to hold out unto the end but as David said I shall one day perish by the hand of Saul so thinks the soule here in mids of many pursuits by the enemy I shall one day perish by the hand of Sathan I shall not be able to withstand him Now to this feare of our heart the Lord answers by this promise and benefit which he hath Covenanted to make good unto us he undertakes to keep us in the same estate of Grace to which he hath brought us he tells us no yee shall never perish feare it not he which hath begun the work will perfect it in us and for us And as God said unto Iacob in Gen. 28.15 I am with thee I will keep thee saith the Lord I will not forsake thee till I have performed unto thee all that I have promised thee So he saith unto us I will keep you till I have perfected towards you all the good pleasure of my goodnesse 2 Thes 1.11 I will keep you in my own hand I will guide you by my councell and afterward will bring you to glory Psal 73. This blessing we have promised to us in Ier. 32.39.40 They shall fear me for ever and I will make an everlasting Covenant with them that I wil never turn away from them to doe them good but I will put my feare into their hearts that they shall not depart from me and in Isai 54.8 With everlasting mercy have I had compassion on thee saith the Lord thy Redeemer For this is unto me as the waters
foundation of our assurance But may not will some say and doth not the Lord sometimes give comfort to his servants by an absolute promise and if so then what need we looke to those that are conditionall Ans I doubt not but the Lord doth give refreshings to the souls of his beloved by such absolute promises for there being a sum of grace contained in every promise whether absolute or conditionall the Lord may let the soule raste of the comfort of that grace by what promise he will when the soule is taken up with some deep and serious meditation of that abundant grace and free goodnes of God towards us and the minde is fastned upon some expression of such a promise setting forth that grace unto us the Spirit sends down that sweetnesse of grace into our hearts letting us taste and feel the comfort of it This none will deny But 1. the question is not whether we may taste of comfort by an absolute promise but by what kinde of promise we are to try our selves the Spirit may give refreshing by an absolute promise but our way of tryall is by the conditionall examining our selves by the graces expressed in them and thereupon making application to our selves of the mercy promised which we cannot doe by the absolute there being nothing expressed in them to helpe us in this way 2. Though comfort may he had by an absolute promise yet it is never given if it be true and not a delusion but where the condition of Faith and other graces are in being and are first wrought otherwise it is lying false comfort not true and saving 3. Though we may have comfort by an absolute promise yet when times of temptation doe return when scruples and doubts doe afterwards arise in our heart we must then turn to the conditionall promises trying whether the graces expressed in them be wrought in us and then finding in our selves that faith and love which is in Christ Jesus we doe thereby grow up in assurance that the former consolation was no other but the consolation of Gods own Spirit So that upon the point here is the usuall and ordinary way of tryall of our estates even to try our selves by the graces expressed in the conditionall promises And though the comfort so tasted as was before expressed be the more sweet and delightfull whiles it is felt yet the assurance which we have by the tryall of our graces is the more constant and durable If upon pretence of the seale and witnesse of the Spirit in an absolute promise any shall despise this way of tryall by the graces that are in them let them take heed least Sathan who knows how to transforme himselfe into an Angel of light doe deceive them with false flashes of comfort which in the end will cause them to lie down in sorrow It is but an unpleasing businesse to separate and oppose the things which God hath so nearely joyned together to oppose the absolute promises against the conditionall or the conditionall against the absolute the Lord hath made no such separation or opposition betwixt them The absolute and conditionall promises are both one in substance though they differ in manner of expression For when the Lord saith he will forgive our sins for his own sake Esay 43. which is an absolute promise this promise intends faith in those in whom it shall be fulfilled though he do forgive our sinnes for his own sake yet he doth it only to such as doe believe faith therefore is implyed in that promise though not expressed And on the other side when God promiseth life to such as doe believe which is a conditionall promise this promise implies the former freenesse of Grace as was before expressed in the absolute promise to doe it for his own sake the expressing of faith the condition doth not exclude the freenesse of Grace nor doth the expressing of freenesse of Grace exclude the condition these two kinde of promises help to explaine one another not to contradict or overthrow the truth of either When we heare a conditionall promise believe and be saved if any shall now aske Why will the Lord save such as believe without works To this the Lord answers in the absolute promise for mine own sake will I doe it On the otherside when hearing an absolute promise As for mine own sake will I doe this If any shall here aske To whom will the Lord performe this mercy promised To this he answers in the conditionall promise I will doe it to them which doe believe so sweetly doe these promises agree betwixt themselves helping to explaine and expound one another Let us not then dash them on against another and betwixt themselves they will not jarre The Apostle found no disagreement betwixt Grace and Faith or betwixt being saved by Grace and being saved by Faith Ezek. 2.8 and if Grace and Faith agree so well then must the absolute and conditionall promises agree also the one expressing the Grace of God as the cause of our salvation the other expressing the condition Faith by which it is received and our interest in it discerned this way of tryall by conditionall promises Let none count a legall course as not agreeable to the spirit of the Gospel This is that way of tryall which Paul who was no legall Preacher directed the Saints unto So doth Peter also 2 Pet. 5. to 11. v. Some that love to be wise above that which is written and not according to sobriety despise this way as fit for novices but not for such as are perfect as they are They have their assurance by revelation seeing the very book of life unsealed and opened unto them so that they may see and reade their own names written in it it is too low a work for them to descend into themselves and to examine how it is with them within whether they be in the faith or no. But if this people have any eare to heare Let them take heed of speaking evill of the way of the Lord which is so clearely laid down in the Word or if they be already hardned in their own way and being wise in their own eyes will count this way legall and contrary to the free Grace of the Covenant I doubt not to tell them that an humble soule which is able to prove his estate in life by his faith and other Graces accompanying it as holy mourning for sinne which they set so light by love of God and of the bretheren care to please God and such like shall finde more setled and sure comfort in the truth of these then they shall doe in their fancyed revelations and absolute way neglecting the state of the inward man That wretched Jezabell whom the Devill sent over hither to poyson these American Churches with her depths of Sathan which she had learned in the Schoole of the Familists who made her selfe a Prophetesse as understanding all secrets of the counsell of God shee counted all such
of the forgivenesse of sinnes in the killing of the sacrifice in putting their sinnes upon the head of the Goat So also the Law was written in their hearts else David could not have said Thy law is within my heart but not so fully as in the new manifestation of the Covenant under the Gospel In Joh. 7.39 it is said The Spirit was not yet given because Jesus was not yet glorified not but that the Spirit was then given in a measure but not so abundantly as after his ascension So here c. But in Gal. 4.22.24 25. the Covenant at Sinai is expresly distinguished Object 6 from the new covenant or testament the covenant at Sinai being signified by Hagar which brings forth children to bondage who was cast out with her sonne and ha● no inheritance with Isaac the sonne of the free woman therefore the covenant at Sinai must needs be a covenant of workes It is not to be denied Answ but that the Law which is the summe of the covenant of workes was then published at Sinai but wee must withall remember what was before expressed concerning the two-fold consideration of the Law First Absolute in it selfe as it was given to Ad●m Secondly Respective depending upon the promise of grace in which respect it was given to that people of Israel Now the Apostle speaks of the Law and covenant of works both wayes First he speak●s of it in the relative consideration as it had respect to that people and to the covenant of grace before made with them in Abraham and of this consideration of it he speakes from Chapter 3.17 to Chapter 4.21 and then from the beginning of ver 21. of the fourth Chapter to the end of the Chapter there he begins to intreat of the Law as simply considered in it selfe And indeed if wee so consider it simply by it selfe it doth containe nothing but a covenant of workes and begets children to bondage which shall have no inheritance with the children of promise which lay hold of the new Covenant but yet the former truth still holds firme and unshaken namely that it was not a Covenant of workes as it had respect to that people that is it was not given to them with intent that they should looke to be justified and to live thereby but onely to lead them to Christ and to restraine transgression as the Apostle fully shewes in the third Chapter This two-fold consideration of the Law here spoken of is evident to any that doth with attention read those two Chapters and attends to the scope of them for that which the Apostle speakes concerning the Law and the Jewes being under the Law Chap. 4.1 2 3. c. cannot be meant of those that are under it as under a Covenant of workes but of those that were children of God by grace though yet under age c. Againe that which he speakes of the Law in Chap. 4.29 30. with the verses before from ver 21. to the end cannot be applyed otherwise then to the children of the Law and Covenant of workes strictly and properly so called And therefore this two-fold consideration of the Law is grounded upon the Text it selfe And the Apostle ariseth from one of these unto the other First speaking of the Law as it had reference to that people shewing for what end it was given unto them which he handles Chapter 3.17 to Chap. 4.21 and then falls to an absolute consideration of it in it selfe shewing the danger of being under the Law being so considered simply as a covenant of workes namely that it casts us out of the inheritance which is given onely to the children of promise the Covenant then which God made with Israel at Sinai was a covenant of grace God renewing with them the former covenant made before with them in Abraham but withall did then shew them the covenant of workes what it was thereby to force them to cleave unto the former promise of grace The summe is that though the Law which containes the covenant of workes was delivered to the Israelites at Mount Sinai by a Mediator Moses by reason of that reference it had in them to the covenant of grace yet was it not so given by a Mediator unto Adam to whom it was given as a meere covenant of workes by which he should live And in this appeares the difference between the one Covenant and the other the covenant of workes is without a Mediator there being no breach between God and man when the covenant of workes was given But the covenant of grace is by a Mediator to make up the breach which sin hath made between God and us so as now in this estate of sin there is no peace with God no blessing from God but it must be obtained by the Mediator between God and man Jesus Christ Hence is that Ephes where the Apostle shewes how both Jewes and Gentiles are made neere to God by Christ Wee were aliens and strangers but now are made Citizens with the Saints and of the houshold of God and have entrance and accesse to the Father by Christ Neither is there any other blessing to be looked for but as it comes to us through the hand of the Mediator he it is that hath received gifts for men Psal 68.18 and he gives gifts to men Eph. 4.8 by him wee have remission of sinnes Eph. 1.7 by him wee receive the Spirit of life and grace Joh. 1.16 By him the Mediator wee enter and are brought into covenant with God by him we are kept in covenant with him by him wee receive all the blessings of the Covenant and without a Mediator there is no peace no blessing to be looked for All the promises of the Covenant are made by him and fulfilled 2 Cor. 1.20 In him they are yea and Amen though every promise doe not by name mention Christ yet it hath respect unto Christ and without Christ wee can receive nothing that comes in the nature of a blessing or that comes from grace Grace comes onely by Jesus Christ Joh. 1.17 This serves to let us see the misery of all such as are under the Vse 1 Law under the Covenant of workes and not under grace let them consider they must come and stand before God the Judge of all who shall judge every man according to his workes and then shall all their sinnes be set in order before them and laid unto their charge and the Law passe sentence of death upon them and their own Consciences terrifie them and which is the upshot of their misery there shall be none to plead for them not one in heaven and earth to stand betwixt Gods wrath and them to turne it away from them but they shall be left unto themselves to dye and perish in their sinnes The Law hath no Mediator Christ is no Mediator to such as are under the Law he hath not a word to speake for them he tells such Joh. 17.19 how little they must
expect from him he prayeth not for them he pleads onely for them that fly to grace through him these that enter into a covenant of grace have Christ their advocate but as for those that are under the Law they have God against them the Law against them they have all creatures to accuse and to testifie against them but have not one to mediate for them no Christ no Mediator to stand up in their cause to turne away from them the wrath which they have provoked It may serve for direction Doe we then desire to be in covenant Vse 2 with God to be under grace and to partake with the Saints in the blessings of this Covenant Then trust not to your selves to your own righteousnesse but goe to Jesus Christ the Mediator of the Covenant give up your selves unto him put your selves into his hand and goe hand in hand with him into the presence of the Father that he may mediate for you and plead your cause As the Israelites said unto Moses Goe thou and speake unto God for us so let us say unto Christ Lord Jesus Goe thou and plead with the Father for us if wee come neare unto God without thee wee dye the fire will consume us wee are destroyed This is the way All men hope well of themselves and trust to their own righteousnesse or else they thinke that the promises of God are large and that Christ is a Mediator for all men and as the Jewes trusted in Moses Joh. 5. so doe all now trust in Christ And usually none are more confident then those that never knew their need of a Mediator betwixt God and them But as the Israelites had they not heard those thundercrackes seene the lightning and tempest and earthquake had not these made them afraid and shaken their hearts they would never have gone so unto Moses and besought him to be a Mediator between God and them so surely is it with us wee never come to Christ to mediate for us till by the Law wee see our selves to be dead condemned men Here therefore begin look upon the terrors of the Law see and read thine own condemnation and curse against thee by that Covenant and then as the Israelites when they were slung with the fiery Serpents they looked up to the brasen Serpent by it to be healed and as they in their feare went unto Moses so let us in our feare goe unto the Lord Jesus who is the onely Mediator between God and us It may serve for incouragement unto such as are smitten downe with the terrors of the Almightie so as they dare not approach neare unto God to offer up any service or sacrifice unto him but God appeares in their eyes as a consuming fire they had rather fly unto the holes of the rockes and have mountaines to cover them and hills to fall upon them then to approach before the face of the dreadfull and just God As Exod. 20.21 the children of Israel stood afar off from God they durst not draw near because they saw God as a consuming fire Exod. 24.7 so it is with some fearfull consciences God is terrible unto them they dare not come neare where the Lord is to have any thing to doe with him thus it was with Adam after he had sinned he runs into the thicket to hide himselfe from the presence of the Lord and rather would he have had the trees fired about his eares and himselfe to have been turned to ashes with them then to have been brought forth before the face of God to answer for his sin which he had done Thus also it was with David himselfe after his sin of pride in numbering the people 1 Chron. 21.30 But let such remember what the Lord spake to the children of Israel in the like case Exod. 20.18.20 Feare not saith Moses for God is come to prove you that his feare may be in you that you sin not feare not with a slavish and servile feare to fly from his presence onely feare him with a reverend feare feare to sin against him Let them not be afraid to come before God but consider though there is no accesse to the Lord whiles they be under the Law there being none there to mediate for them yet let them fly from that Covenant to a Covenant of grace and here there is an Advocate a Mediator ever standing at the right hand of God to plead for such as come unto God by him so that though we have been enemies and strangers yet coming for grace in the Mediator his name there is hope wee may finde grace and acceptance by him therefore saith the Apostle Eph. 2.18 19. Through him wee have accesse unto the Father c. and Chap. 3.12 In him wee have boldnesse and accesse with confidence Heb. 7.25 He is able to save all that come unto God by him Be our case never so miserable in our owne eyes yet if wee come unto God by him he is able to save us to the uttermost and if wee come unto him he will not cast us away Joh. 6.37 For comfort to such as are entred into Covenant with God by Vse 4 the mediation of the Lord Jesus the Mediator of the Covenant here is their comfort that this covenant so made can never be disanulled or broken off Satan will not be wanting to make a breach if possible he can he envieth this uniting of God and man in covenant one with another As soone as ever he saw a Covenant passed between God and our first parents he presently bestirred himselfe to make a breach between them he did then cast between them 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 an apple of strife as I may so call it to draw man to violate the Covenant of obedience which God had bound him in and so he broke asunder the Covenant between God and man and thus he seekes still to disanull all Covenants between God and us And were our Covenant now without a Mediator as the former was he might prevaile against us and make a new breach as he did before but now here is our stay and strong assurance that if we be once taken into this Covenant of grace this covenant will hold though God might in his Justice breake with us and we● would breake with God through our sinfull infirmitie and backsliding disposition that is in us yet the Mediator the Lord Jesus Christ standing betwixt God and us keeps us together that wee can never fall asunder he pleads with the Father to reconcile him to us when he is angry with us he pleads also with us and when wee are going backe from God he brings us to him againe by renewing in us our repentings before him he draws the heart againe before the throne of grace powres upon us a spirit of grace and supplication puts in our mouths words of confession and stirres up in us sighes and groanes of spirit intreating the Lord that though wee have gone backe from him yet he
condemnation but the gift is of many offences unto justification c. Adams one sin brought guilt upon him and all his posteritie because he was under the covenant of workes and therefore justification can be had by that Covenant no more But it is not so in the Covenant of grace neither one sin nor many sinnes doe exclude from life in this covenant But this gift is of many offences c. And this holds true not onely of such sinnes as are committed before our entrance into a covenant of grace with God but of such sins as are committed afterward as is evident Psal 89.31.34 God having made a Covenant with them though he chastise them yet his Covenant will be not breake c. The reason of this difference is from the summe and scope of the Covenant of workes which is to bind us to a totall full perfect and constant obedience of the Law in all things unto the end Gal. 3.10 so that one or once fayling breakes that Covenant But in the Covenant of grace God promiseth not onely to forgive but to multiply forgivenesses Isa 55.7 Isai 55.7 Hence though in many things we sin all as James 3.2 yet 1 Joh. 2.2 1 Joh. 2.2 wee have an Advocate with the Father And 1 Joh. 1.7 The bloud of Christ cleanseth us from all sin No number of sinnes doth exclude from salvation till they be accompanied with finall Apostasie impenitency and unbeliefe till as Heb. 3.12 wee doe by an evill heart depart away from the living God Hence also saith the Apostle Rom. 5.19 Where sin abounds there grace abounds much more God will glorifie his grace by our sinne As sin takes occasion by the Law Rom. 7.10 so grace takes occasion by our sin God will glorifie his grace thereby and make it marvellous in the eyes of the world so that men shall wonder that such grace should be shewed in pardoning such sinnes that they shall say as Micah 7.18 Micah 7.18 Who is a God like unto thee who passest by the transgression of the remnant of thy people Consolation to the weake Saints of God Vse who are often cast downe in themselves through sense of their own infirmities and the many falls they are subject unto by reason of which they are cast into sad feares and doubts concerning themselves yea so farre as to make conclusions against themselves that they cannot belong unto God because as they thinke if they were the Lords people and his grace were effectuall in them they should not be so often overcome But such must know that so long as the sinnes that are in us be repented of and mourned for it is not one nor many infirmities which can make voyd the Covenant of grace which wee are entred into or hinder us of the blessing that comes thereby Wee must remember that we are not under the Law but under Grace wee must not be too severe against our selves like Novatians denying pardon to second falls In so doing we set such limits to the grace of God as he himselfe hath not set God hath not said He will pardon once and no more or that he will pardon sinnes before grace received but not those committed after God never so stinted his grace but his gift of grace is against many offences unto justification of life In denying therefore of pardon to our selves for sins iterated and for our often infirmities so long as there is a spirit of repentance working in us and we are humbled for them before God we doe not onely wrong our selves and deprive our soules of the peace we might enjoy but we do wrong to the grace of God as if that grace were not sufficient for us as if that God could not or would not renew his gracious pardon to us as wee renew our repentance towards him Let such consider what the Lord hath commanded us to doe we must not onely forgive seven times but seventy times seven times if our brother turne againe and say it repenteth me And can wee thinke that God lookes for more mercy from us towards our brethren then he will shew towards his owne children He hath bidden us daily to pray for the forgivenesse of our sinnes as knowing that we are subject to daily infirmities and doe stand in need of daily mercy and forgivenesse And therefore to limit Gods grace as we are apt to doe is in effect to turne the Covenant of grace into a Covenant of workes as if there were no more grace under the one then under the other Know therefore that whiles there is in us an holy watchfulnesse against the sin that dwells within us whiles it is our desire and care to please the Lord whiles we feele in our selves the spirit of grace causing us to mourne over him whom we have pierced by our sinnes though we be overtaken again and again through the infirmity of the flesh that is in us yet know that it is not one nor many offences that can deprive us of the blessing of this covenant of grace in which God hath promised to multiply forgivenesses according to the multitude of his great mercies Yet let no man abuse this doctrine unto carnall liberty this is childrens bread impure dogges and carnall livers that make no conscience of sinning have nothing to doe with this consolation it is onely to support the weak to comfort the feeble minded not to encourage the wicked and impenitent in their sin Let such know that though God abound in mercy and do multiply forgivenesses unto such as are humbled for their sins yet he will multiply plagues also upon impenitent wretches that goe on in their evill way To such neither many nor any one of all their sins shall be forgiven but being under the law they shall make an account to God for every transgression God will repay them all their wickednesses not one shall be forgotten or forgiven He is indeed abundant in goodnesse reserving mercy for his people and so he is also abundant in wrath against rebellious sinners and will abundantly reward the proud doer That the covenant of works if it be accomplished and fulfilled Differ 8 leaves in man matter of glorying and boasting in himselfe but the covenant of grace excludes all glorying in a mans selfe and leaves him nothing of his own to boast of but in the grace of God If Adam who was under the covenant of works had fulfilled that covenant he might have come before the Lord and said Behold Lord I have fulfilled the commandment which thou gavest me and done thy will now therefore justifie me and give me the life which thou hast promised here Adam had had something in himselfe to glory in Thus the Apostle speaks of Abraham that if he had had the righteousnesse of works by his fulfilling of the Law he should have had whereof to glory before God Rom. 4.1 Rom. 4.1 he might have said as the elder son did in Luk. 15.29 Luke 15.29
37.24.25 It 's I that have done all this c. But the spirit of grace is another spirit as it is said of Caleb and Joshua that there was another spirit in them Numb 14.24 Numb 14.24 whatsoever such an one doth as hath the spirit of grace working in him hee is still in himselfe as nothing as Paul saith of himselfe 2 Cor. 12.11 2 Cor. 12.11 that though hee was not behind the chiefe Apostles in the labour of the Gospel yet hee was still as nothing in his own eyes Had Paul been of a Pharisaicall legall spirit we should have had other language from him then to say I am nothing He would have had his trumpet blown before him to sound out his excellency and worth he would have gloried of his goodnesse not onely before men but before God But Paul had the spirit of grace in him and that made him to see that hee had nothing in himselfe to glory in but onely in the grace of Christ The spirit of the law will magnifie the works of the law and will cause us to magnifie our selves because of them but the spirit of grace will make us vile in our own eyes and our works to bee but as a spotted garment Isai 64. leaving us nothing in our selves that is of worth to glory in before God But may not a child of God rejoyce and take comfort in his obedience and fruit of holinesse which he bringeth forth Quest He may as is evident 2 Cor. 1.12 2 Cor. 1.12 Gal. 6.4 but how Answer Not as in that which justifies him or is his righteousnesse before God but as in the fruits which follow and flow from his justified estate so testifying unto him that he is under grace as also opp●sing his integrity against the calumnies and suspicions of men But how may I know that the comfort which I take from them is fro● the spirit of grace and not from the spirit of the law Quest The spirit of the law makes a man goe no further then himself Answer 1 looking at himselfe as the whole author and worker of all the good which he hath done and therefore it is that such despise others in comparison of themselves if they see that they come short of themselves as he did Luke 18.11 Luke 18.11 But the spirit of grace teacheth a man to lo●k at all he doth as wrought in him by the power of Christ as the Apostle saith 1 Cor 15.10 1 Cor. 15.10 By the grace of God I am what I am And so ascribes no more to himselfe though he hath done more then he doth to others that have done lesse The spirit of the Law hardens the heart against grace keeps Answer 2 the heart aloft so that it cannot submit and come down so low as to see that infinite need of mercy and grace that it stands in as Rom. 10.3 Rom 10.3 they being led by ●he spirit ot the law and glorying in their own righteousnesse they could not submit to the righteousnesse of faith it was too great a submission for them But the spirit of grace teacheth a man so to see his own uprightnesse and to take comfort in it that withall it makes him in lowlinesse and humility of spirit to flie to grace for acceptance of his best performances and to get pardon for the defect of them as we may see in Nehemiah chap. 13.22 Nehem. 13.22 Remember mee O Lord saith he and pardon me according to thy great mercy And so Paul 1. Cor. 4.4 1 Cor. 4.4 he knew his own faithful●esse yet he durst not adventure himselfe to come before God to be justified thereby Let such therefore as glory in themselves and in their own works see by what spirit they are led even by the spirit of the law these are under the covenant of works Those that glory in grace and in Christ alone these are under the covenant of grace The covenant of works rested in and trusted unto can never Differ 9 in this state of corruption that we are now in work setled comfort peace and quietnesse of heart Let a man walke as exactly as flesh and bloud can attaine unto and let him withall build as confidently on this foundation as he possibly may yet the heart will be still in suspicion in doubt in feare uncertain what to trust unto doubtfull what his estate is But the Covenant of grace rested in and trusted unto doth settle the soule in peace Let a man renounce his own righteousnesse and fly to the free covenant and promise of grace and stay wholly upon it here is a sure anchor for the soule to rest upon Let waves swell and windes blow yet he hath built himselfe on a sure rock which cannot faile and the more confidently that a man adheres to the Covenant of grace the more assured peace he will finde This difference the Apostle lays down Rom. 10. from the 5th ver to 10. Rom. 10. from ve● 5. to 10. where having before in the third verse laid downe a distinction of a two-fold righteousnesse one of workes the other of faith then next he commends the righteousnesse of faith which is by the covenant of grace above that which is by the covenant of workes and perswades to cleave to the one before the other by this Argument namely because the righteousnesse which is by workes leaves a man full of scruples and doubts making a man to be doubtfully enquiring who shall ascend up into heaven to tell him whether there be a place for him there or who shall goe downe into the deepe to tell him that he is saved from that infernall misery This dubious anxiety doth the Doctrine and Covenant of workes leave a man in but the Covenant of grace takes away all these scruples It saith not Who shall goe up into heaven c. It tells us that Christ is ascended to prepare a place for us nor saith it Who shall descend c. It teacheth us to believe that Christ is descended for to deliver us So that this doctrine of grace frees the minde of those scruples and perplexities which the doctrine of workes leaves a man intangled in He that rests on workes is like a wave of the Sea tossed and tumbled up and down and finds no rest he that rests on grace is like one built upon a rock and therefore cannot be shaken The reason of this difference is Because the Law which containes the summe of the Covenant of workes doth discover the perfect holinesse of God the puritie of his nature his hatred against sinne his strict justice and judgement so as the soule that is but in the least measure privie to his own impurity and sinfulnesse can never grow up to any confidence before God by any thing which he hath done When we have done the best we can reach unto yet the heart will still be doubtfull whether that which we have done be fully answerable to the
Pet. 2.20 then their latter end is worse then their beginning Here is another way to make voyd the grace of God to our selves 3. When we turne the grace of God into lasciviousnesse as Jude third verse when men presume upon grace they sin presumptuously and thinke that Grace shall beare all save all and though they goe on presumptuously in an head-strong way yet Grace shall pardon all This Paul meets withall Rom. 6.1 Rom. 6.1 Shall we fin that grace may abound c. Men are ready to abuse the precious Grace of God we will sinne and grace shall abound This turning of grace into wantonnesse frustrates the Covenant of grace unto our selves Jude 3.4 verses Let us therefore take heed that we sin not against grace I would to God that none of these things were found in the Generation of Jacob among our Churches sinnes against Grace are the most dangerous sinnes therefore beware Differ 12 The Covenant of workes was made with man in the state of Innocency before his fall but the covenant of grace was made afterwards when he had fallen for before the fall there was no impossitie but man was able to have fulfilled the Law and therefore God might justly require such obedience of him then man stood in no need of a Covenant of grace he might have had life by the Covenant of workes but after the fall then he became impotent unable to fulfill the Law which God had given him and then without a new Covenant of grace he could not live and therefore now God enters into a Covenant of grace with him Object This may seeme to imply that the Covenant of workes is more ancient then the Covenant of grace which is not to be granted because the Covenant of grace was from before the world began 2 Tim. 1.9 Tit. 1.2 2 Tim. 1.9 Tit. 1.2 I answer that both covenants must be considered two wayes Answer First as they were in mente divina in the counsell and purpose of the Father Secondly as they are actually enacted and stricken with us Now if we speak of the former how they were in the eternall purpose of God then I say it is true that the covenant of grace was from eternity But so was the covenant of works also which appeares by these two things First both these purposes that I may so speak for our conceiving though both are but one in God I say both these I wil glorifie my self in my justice and I wil also glorifie my selfe in my grace are from eternity one as well as the other Rom. 9.22.23 Now the means of glorifying his justice is by entring with m●n into a covenant of works therefore as the end was from eternity so was the means also Secondly Christ himself when he received the promise and covenant of grace for us did withall receive a commandment and covenant of works to be fulfilled by him in our behalfe Hence he is said to bee made under the law Galat. 4. Galat. 4. he received a commandment from the Father John 12.49 John 12.49 And was sent to fulfill the righteousnesse of the Law for us Rom. 8.3 Rom. 8.3 By which means he becommeth the end of the Law Rom. 10.4 Rom. 10.4 And as he was made under the Law and did fulfil it in fulness of time wherin he was sent so he was preordained hereunto before the world was 1 Pet. 1.20 1 Pet. 1.20 So that in respect of Gods counsell and purpose there is neither prius nor posterius betwixt these covenants but they are from everlasting neither of them before nor after another But if we look at the manifestation and enacting and striking of the covenant with us the covenant of works was first in as much as the state of perfection was before the state of imperfection in which the covenant of grace was made with us Therefore for a man now to suppose an accomplishing of the covenant of works to be saved thereby Vse is in eff●ct to conceive a new creation of man or to suppose man not fallen but as perfect as Adam was in his creation before his fall and is in effect the same as to say that we have no need of a covenant of grace as then Adam had not The covenant of works is revealed by the light of Nature but Differ 13 the covenant of grace is revealed by a supernaturall light from above Natures light teaches men to look for life and righteousnesse by works and this is written in all mens hearts Rom. 2.15 Rom. 2.15 And therefore if you should ask all the men in the world severally one by one How doe you hope to be saved They would all answer By works and by doing good All men by nature have something of the law in their hearts though sin hath blotted out a great part of it but the covenant of Grace is not known but by the revelation of the Spirit Hence saith the Apostle 1 Cor. 2.6 7 8. 1 Cor. 2.6 7 8. that the Gospel is a mystery an hidden wisdome which none of the Princes of the world knew though they have the greatest helps to find out hidden things but it is brought by the Son out of the bosome of the Father John 1. John 1. Flesh and bloud doth not reveale this doctrine Matth. 16.17 Matth. 16.17 Vse Then let no man think to attain the knowledge of the covenant of grace and find out the mystery thereof by naturall understanding by any strength of wit learning The strongest parts will not reach it till it be revealed to us from heaven And if any have understood the mystery of this covenant let them learn to say as Christ doth Mat. 11.25 Father I thank thee that thou hast revealed these things unto me c. Differ 14 The covenant of works was made with all men all men being in Adams loins and he standing as a publick person in the room of all his children when God made that covenant with him but the covenant of grace is not made with all men but only with the faithfull with those that are given unto Christ by the Father John 17. John 17. And therefore by the covenant of works God is a God to one as well as to another God is not God of one people more then of another by the covenant of works for it was made equally with us all in Adam it being made with him for all his posterity And therefore seeing we are all equally the sons of Adam this covenant makes no difference betwixt man and man but all are shut up under it all bound to fulfill it and if they break it as we all doe then liable are we to the sentence of death But in the covenant of grace God is the God of one people and not of another Hence is that in Gen. 17.21 Gen. 17.21 God saith that he will establish his covenant with Isaac and not with Ishmael So it was made with
saith Christ the holy Ghost will not come When Christ ascended then he gave plenitude of gifts to men Ephes 4.7.8 Eph. 4.7 8. Then the Spirit was shed down abundantly as Titus 3.6 It was given before more sparingly but now more fully And this we may see in some particulars 1. There was less power of faith in the Saints before Christ then since When the doctrine of faith was more fully revealed then was faith it selfe more revealed in the hearts and lives of the people of God Gal. 3.23 Gal. 3.23 Before faith came saith the Apostle implying there was a time when there was lesse faith in Gods people According to the measure of the manifestation of the doctrine of faith such is the apprehension of faith 2. The spirit of love was lesse in them then it is now in Gods people For according to the measure of our faith so is our love The lesse they knew the loving kindnesse of God towards them in Christ the lesse they loved Hence saith the Apostle Gal. 4.6.7 that God hath sent the spirit of his Sonne into our hearts crying Abba Father and therefore we are no more servants but sonnes c. It was a more servile spirit which wrought in them being drawn by the terrors of the law more then by the promises of grace but we have the spirit of adoption the spirit of love and of a sound mind as 2 Tim. 1.7 2 Tim. 1.7 Love reignes more under the dispensation of the covenant now then before 3. They had a lesse measure of comfort to support and carry them on against the discouragements and troubles that they met withall we have the comforts of the Spirit in a more full measure Luke 2. Luke 2. Christ is called the consolation of Israel therefore the more we have Christ imparted to us the more means of comfort have we Hence is that speech of our Saviour These things I say unto you that your joy may be full It 's a full joy which wee have now in comparison of what they received Therefore in these respects the dispensation of the covenant of grace is more powerfull now then it was then To stirre us up to walk in more power and fruitfulnesse Vse according to the seasons of grace wherein we live Where there is more given there will be more required As God committeth more to us then to the Saints formerly let us bring forth more fruit or else the greater will our account be It will not be enough for us to say These infirmities were in the people of God formerly David and Abraham and other Saints sinned thus and therefore though wee sin in the same kind wee may attaine life as they did The covenant offereth us more grace it is dispensed in more power and efficacie their slips are for our caution not for a warrant to us First Labour to bee filled with the spirit of power and of a sound mind Those that are weak and sensible of their owne infirmity should strive to grow in strength that they may bee able to say as Micah 3.8 Micah 3.8 I am full of power And as the Apostle Paul Phil. 4.12.13 Phil. 4.12.13 I can doe all things through the power of Christ Wee must not bee infants and babes but grow up to bee men in Christ that the power of Christ may appeare to dwell in us There is power enough in Christ and we have the promise of all the grace that is in Christ to supply our wants withall Every one that will may come and take freely he is a full conduit every one that hath an empty vessell may goe and fill it Doe therefore as those that have their vessels empty and would have them filled with water they set them under the conduit pipes and there they stand untill they be full Christ is a conduit full of grace every ordinance is as a pipe by which he powres into us some of his spirit Here therefore wee must come and stand under Christ that he may powre down upon us st●nd with our vessels open with open hearts that we may be filled as Zach. 4.3.12 Zach. 4.3.12 The bowles of the candlestick stand under the dropping of the Olive trees and so receive oyle continually to maintain their light so must we Christs divine power gives us all things that pertain to life and godlinesse 2 Pet. 1.3 2 Pet. 1.3 Let us but receive and we may be fulfilled Secondly as we should labour to be filled with the Spirit so should wee endeavour also to expresse the power of it in our conversation 1. In labouring to subdue our corruptions wrath impatie●cy emulation pride worldlinesse c. Let us set our feet upon the necks of these tyrants that have risen up against us and fought gainst our souls Labour to shew forth such power of the Spirit that we may become more then conquerours 2. In being filled with the power of Faith to bear afflictions wants and necessities if God call us thereunto Let us not then shrink and faile but rest upon the faithfull covenant of God who hath promised us all good things for this life and the life to come 2 Tim. 1.8 2 Tim. 1.8 Faith will help us in extremities 3. Labour to be fruitfull in all goodnesse endeavouring to doe good to every one according to the measure received Vessels that are full desire vent Job 32. And if we be vessels of mercy filled with mercy and grace from above we should also vent forth to others that grace and those blessings which we have received Be not like dry vessels that will vent nothing Be also patterns of goodnesse and holinesse unto others In these things grow up to the fulnesse of the stature of Christ Thirdly as we should thus grow in the power of grace so should we expresse more of the comfort of grace and joy of the holy Ghost which is powred forth now more abundantly then before Let us imitate that patterne Acts 9.31 They walked in the feare of the Lord and in the comfort of the holy Ghost We should not walk heavily and droopingly with faces cast down spirits discouraged but labour to expresse the heavenly joy of the Saints above rejoycing in Christ with joy unspeakable and glorious 1 Pet. 1.8 1 Pet. 1.8 Rejoyce in the plenteous grace which is opened to us abundantly The Fountain is open we may come and take freely Look how it would joy a poore man if a rich friend should say unto him Come unto me in all your wants I will help you so should it be with us though we are poore and in wants yet we have a rich friend in heaven the Lord Jesus Christ and hee will open the rich treasure of his goodnesse to us if we goe unto him The fourth difference is in regard of the extent of it The covenant of grace in the old dispensation of it was revealed onely unto one people the nation of the
Chron. 2.11 So because the Lord loveth his people that hee taketh into covenant with himselfe therefore he will be King over them to rule and govern them Hence the Prophet joynes these two together Isai 49.10 Isai 49.10 God that hath compassion upon them will lead them hee out of compassion taketh the guidance of his people upon himselfe When hee will manif●st his wrath against a people then hee suffers them to walk after their own wills but here is infinite grace and mercy when hee taketh them into his owne government Consider this in a few particulars First consider what power we are under by nature we are under the dominion of cru●ll tyrants Satan the God of this world is Lord over us and we are holden under his power who labours to make a prey of our souls Ephes 2.2 Ephes 2.2 Acts 26.18 Now what a blessed change is this to be brought from under his p●wer and to be translated under the government of the gracious God Secondly consider how unable we are to guide and governe our selves as Jer. 10.23 Jer. 10.23 It is not in man to guide his own way The best souls would wander into the way of eternall perdition if they were left unto themselves And therefore when the Lord will become our guide to lead us in the way of life what a benefit and mercy is it It is a benefit to a traveller that when he is ready to misse his way then he meets with a guide to direct him how much more when we are ready to misse the way to eterna●l life We are as sheep a foolish creature which is apt to wander and this David found Psal 119.178 Psa 119.178 and therefore prayes to the Lord to lead him Thirdly as wee are not able to guide our selves so there is no other creature that can guide us aright unto life as the Lord speaks Isa 51.18 There is none to guide her among all the sons which she hath brought forth c. They may perh●ps guide our feet but our hearts will bee erring and wandring still As the Israelites though they had Moses himselfe that great Prophet to guide them and shew them the good way yet they erred in their hea●ts Psal 95.10 Fourthly consider the peace accnmpanying and following the guidance of the Lord Jer. 6.16 Ask for the old paths saith the Lo●d which is he good way and you shall find rest to your soules Who can expresse the sweet peace of the people of God when their hearts are framed to a willing obedience to the guidance and government of the Lord Whereas when they are led by themselves and their own hearts then there is nothing but confusion and disturbance It is a misery that cometh upon a people when God will not guide them but withdrawes his government over them When there was no King in Israel then they had many miseries many troubles much more is it so in spirituall regards when God leaves us to the wandrings of our own hearts how many miseries and sinnes are we subject unto This was their curse Rom. 1.24 Rom. 1.24 to be given up unto themselves and then they ran into all manner of wickednesse And this was the misery of the Gentiles Acts 14.17 Acts 14.17 that God suffered them to walk in their own wayes Hence the Church complains Isai 63. last Isai 63. last Wee are as they over whom thou never barest rule as it is in the old translation when they had complained before how they had erred from the wayes of God their hearts had been hardened from Gods feare now they shut up all in this Wee are as they over whom th●u never barest rule there is the misery they complaine of Or if wee read the words as the new translation renders them it is all one in effect We are thine therefore bow our hearts to the feare of thy Name They that is our adversaries as verse 18. are a people over whom thou never barest rule they are a forlorne and forsaken people this the Church lookes at as their enemies misery Therefore it is the blessing of the people of God when God will take them into his government Vse 1 Seeing this is one of the blessings of the Covenant of grace to have God above us and over us to guide and rule us this must teach us when we enter into Covenant with God not to count our condition then a state of libertie as if wee might then walke after our owne desires and wayes as if there were none to command us and rule over us Indeed there is a spirituall liberty from our enemies but there is subjection required to the Lord. Wee must not looke onely after gifts mercies kindnesses pardon and such tokens and pledges of grace but looke also for this to be under God and to set up him on high to be a God and Lord over us And let us not count this our misery but our blessednesse that wee are brought under his gracious government Herein the Lord sheweth his marvellous kindnesse that he will take the care of us Would wee not wonder to see such a Prince as Solomon to take his subjects children to tutour them and traine them up under him Now wee are but poore ants and worms upon earth but the Lord of heaven offereth to take the government of us upon himselfe This is infinite mercy whither would our unruly hearts carry us if he should leave us to our selves Who is there that hath any experience of the sinfull evills that are in his heart but will acknowledge this to be a benefit that the Lord should rule over him with an out-stretched arme If God leave Hezekiah but a little how is his heart lift up with pride so that he must have a Prophet sent to him on purpose to humble him If God leave David to himselfe to what evills is he not ready to fall And is there not the same spirit in us The more contrariety and opposition that there is in us to the will of God the greater mercy it is that he will be King over us Learne therefore to count it no small blessing and when God beginneth with us to over-rule the rebelliousnesse of our hearts and to bring ●hem into order take heed that we spurne not with the heele nor lift up our selves But let us humble our selves and submit our selves to him that he may take the guidance of us into his owne hands Heare the rod and kisse it and take it as a mercy that he is pleased to take the care of us to correct our wandrings and bring us back into the wayes of our owne peace Take heed of walking contrary lest he say to us as to the Israelites that he will reigne over us no more For tryall and examination whether we be a people in Covenant Vse 2 with God and have taken him to be our God For if God be our God then he must be God over us
and above us he must rule us and we must be ruled and governed by him How may we know that the Lord hath taken us into his government and that we are ruled by him alone Quest By these foure things we may know it First Where the Lord sets himselfe over a people Answ he frames them unto a willing and voluntary subjection unto him that they desire nothing more then to be under his government they count this their felicity that they have the Lord over them to governe them As the servants of Solomon were counted happie that they might stand before him and minister unto him so it is the happinesse of Gods people that they are under him and in subjection unto him The Lords government is not a Pharaoh-like tyranny to rule them with rigour and make them sigh and groane but it is a government of peace he rules them by love as he first winnes them by love He conquers them indeed by a mighty strong hand but withall he drawes them by the cords of love He overcometh our evill with the abundance of his goodnesse therefore his spirit though sometime it be called a spirit of power yet it is also a spirit of love joy and peace though the spirit put forth his power in vanquishing our enemies that held us in bondage yet it overcometh us by love making us to see what a blessed thing it is to have the Lord to be over us Thus when the Lord is in Covenant with a people they follow him not forcedly but as farre as they are sanctified by grace they submit willingly to his regiment Therefore those that can be drawne to nothing that is good but by compulsion and constraint it is a signe that they are not under the gracious government of the Lord God Secondly If God be God over us governing us by the government of his grace wee must yeeld him universall obedience in all things He must not be over us in one thing and under us in another but he must be over us in every thing Gods authoritie is cast away by refusing obedience to one Commandement as well as by refusing obedience unto all His authoritie is seene in one as well as in another And he that breaketh one doth in effect breake all as James 2.11 James 2.11 When God cometh to rule he cometh with power to cast downe every strong hold and every high thought that is exalted against the power of Christ He cometh to lay waste the whole kingdome of sinne all must downe not a stone left of that Babel The Lord will reigne in the whole soule he will have no God no King with him And therefore herein looke unto it if he be God over us he alone must rule over us and no other with him Consider whether Gods dominion hath its full extent in us whether there be not some corruption which thou desirest to be spared in Canst thou give up thy selfe wholly to the power of grace to be ruled by it Canst thou part with thy Absalom thy beloved lust and be content that God should set up his kingdome in thy whole soule Then is God over thee and thou in Covenant with him But if thou canst not submit that the life of some darling lust should goe if there be any sinne that is dearer to thee then to obey God if thou hast thy exceptions and reservations and wilt not yeeld universall obedience then art thou an alien from God and his Covenant God is no God unto thee nor art thou one of his people Thirdly Where the Lord governeth and setteth up his kingdome over the soule he carries and lifts up the heart to an higher pitch and above that which flesh and bloud could or would attaine unto And that both in the things themselves and the ends which they ayme at in them He makes a man undertake such things as his owne heart would refuse and turne from as Ezek. 3.14 Ezek. 3.14 he was very backward to preach to the Jewes and yet when he saw it was the Lords minde he submitted So Paul Rom. 15.20 Rom. 15.20 enforced himselfe to preach the Gospel yet it was not a constrained force but the love of Christ constrained him 2 Cor. 5. 2 Cor. 5. So Moses though at the first very loath to goe to Pharaoh yet when the power of grace prevailed in him he contends with Pharaoh as with his equall in the cause of God and would not yeeld to the fiercenes of the King not for an hoofe so though he fled from the serpent at the first fight yet at Gods commandement he taketh it up in his hand This also wee see in Abraham when he was commanded to sacrifice his owne sonne though he loved him yet he loved God more and therefore obeyed which nature alone could never have done In all these they wrought against the streame doing that which flesh and bloud could never have done Againe the power of Gods Grace in his government lifts up the soule to higher ends and aymes then flesh and bloud can attaine unto The kingdome of Gods grace is called the kingdome of heaven his aymes and ends are on high not earthly but heavenly his government is an heavenly regiment the Lord governeth the hearts of his people to the same end which he hath propounded to himselfe Gods ends and our ends meet in one which is the glorifying of his Name This putteth the difference between all formall hypocrites and those that are ruled by the spirit of grace hypocrites are ruled by their owne spirit and they never ayme at higher then their owne ends their owne honour credit profit c. Though their actions may be spirituall yet their ends are carnall but when God taketh the heart into his guidance then he maketh us to set up him as highest in the throne and all is done for his honour It makes a man to use and imploy himselfe wisdome strength riches credit and esteeme in the Church and all for God not for himselfe God is his last end in every thing as most worthy to be glorified by all Indeed a man in Covenant with God may doe many things for himselfe ayming at the furtherance of his owne good both spirituall and temporall and also ayme at the good of other men but this is not in opposition but in subordination to God and his glory that last and maine end must sway all other ends Nothing must be done to crosse and hinder his glory this is the government of Gods Grace Consider how Gods spirit guides thy heart to those things and aymes that flesh and bloud cannot at all reach unto for if thou hast onely thine own end and ayme then thou art thine owne and not under the government of God Fourthly The Covenant of Gods grace causeth the peace of God to lodge in that soule in which it ruleth Rom. 14.17 Rom. 14.17 The kingdome of God is righteousnesse peace and joy in the Holy Ghost
taken away from us Thirdly it is sin which brings all sorrowes and miseries upon us this is that which brings sword famine pestilence nakednesse and all such outward calamities sin i●●he true cause of all these These spring not out of the dust nor come by chance but are the fruit which growes upon the forbidden tree of sin but let sin once be forgiven then are these things which are in themselves evill turned unto good unto us Affliction is good when the sin which causeth it is gone and done away one that hath his sin forgiven may rejoyce in affliction Rom. 5. Romans 5. yea hee may be exceeding joyous in all tribulations 2 Cor. 7.4 2 Cor. 7.4 When sin which is the sting of every crosse is removed is pulled out then may we take up that crosse which before we fled from as from a serpent and put it in our bosome and not be hurt by it Fourthly it turns good things into evill unto us sometimes God gives good things even to wicked and evill men making his Sunne to shine and rain to fall upon the wicked and unjust Matth. 5.45 Matth 5.45 But so long as sinne is unpardoned though the things be good in themselves yet they are not good unto them sin corrupts the good things they enjoy it turns blessings into curses as the Lord saith in Malachi 2.2 Malachi 2.2 I will curse their blessings th●ir health wealth peace and prosperity are as snares unto them to work their ruine Psal 69 22. Psalm 69.22 But where sin is pardoned there is no more curse Apoc. 22. Apocal 22. Then the blessing returnes to the creature and is in the creature the rain is a rain of blessing Ezek. 34.26 Ezek. 34.26 our meat and our talk a blessing our prosperity a blessing we are then blessed in all we enjoy in all we put our hands unto Fifthly what an evill sin is and what a benefit forgivenesse is we may conceive if we doe but look on such men as have felt the sting of sin in their own consciences and have felt the burthen of it ●ying on them Look upon Cain crying out in the horror of his conscience My sin is greater then can bee forgiven Gen. 4. Genesis 4. Look upon Saul complaining that God was departed from him I am saith he in great distresse 2 Sam. 28.15 Look upon Judas when his sin pressed upon his conscience how unable he was to beare it very anguish of conscience on earth makes him cast himselfe into the gulfe of hell Prov. 18.14 The spirit of a man will beare his infirmity all outward sorrowes so long as his conscience is at peace free from the trouble of sin but when sin comes and burdeneth the conscience of a man this none can beare This David found to bee a burthen beyond his strength he was not able to beare it Psal 38.3 Psalm 38.3 A stone is weighty and the sand is heavie but sin upon the conscience is heavier then them both Pro. 27.3 Prov. 27.3 This burthen makes the whole creation to groan under it Rom. 8. Romans 8. And whosoever hath felt the guilt of his own sin lying upon him such an one wil easily conceive what a blessing this is to have sinne forgiven By forgivenesse the burden is lightned the wound is healed the soule is eased of that anguish and bitternesse which it was in before While our sin was unpardoned we looked at God as an enemy to condemne us but now we have peace towards God we are reconciled the cause of the enmity being taken away All this considered well might D●vid say as he did Blessed is the man whose sin is forgiven and iniquity covered Psal 32. Psalm 32. Now this great blessing God hath promised in his covenant he will forgive the sin of his people which give up themselves to walk in covenant with him Hee will not remember against them their former iniquities their sins shall be as if they had never been hee will see no iniquity in Jacob nor transgression in Israel he will passe by the sin of the remnant of his heritage he will remember their sins no more yea though their sins be great yet hee will forgive them though they abound yet his grace shall abound much more in the forgivenesse of them Rom. 5.20 See Isai 43.25 And this the Lord will doe First because mercy pleaseth him Micah 7. It is a pleasure to him to shew mercy to his covenanted people Never did we take more pleasure nor so much in the acting and committing of our sins as he doth in the pardoning of them Hee is the Father of mercy 2 Cor. 1. 2 Cor. 1. And therefore delights in mercy as a father delighteth in his children It doth him good to see the fruit of his own mercy in the taking away of the sins of his people Secondly it is the purpose which he hath everlastingly purposed within himselfe to make his grace glorious in those whom he hath by covenant given unto Christ to be saved by him he will have the praise of the glory of his grace Ephes 1.6 Ephes 1 6. Hee will not lose this glory he will be admired in the Saints 2 Thess 1.10 2 Thess 1.10 Hee will make the world to wonder when it shall bee known what sin hath been committed by them and pardoned by him Gods people are called vessels of mercy Rom. 9. Rom. 9. As those therefore which are vessels of wrath shall be full of the wrath and indignation of the Almighty to make his wrath known in them so the vessels of mercy shall be filled with mercy filled up to the brim God will have no empty vessels all shall be full one sort filled with wrath the other with mercy Thirdly The Lord hath received a satisfaction to his Justice in Christ what ever Justice could require at our hand Christ hath satisfied for us to the utmost farthing So that now Justice cannot complaine though that sin be forgiven unto us because it was fully punished in Christ Fourthly If the Lord should not forgive the sinnes of his people which believe on Christ Christ his sufferings should be in vaine To what end was it for him to suffer the just for the unjust Why was the chastisement of our peace laid upon him if wee should also suffer for our owne sinnes God would never have laid our iniquities upon him but that he intended to forgive them unto us Fifthly There is no other way to have sinne done away no other meanes to get free from sin but by forgivenes Either God must forgive sin or all the world must be condemned and lie under his curse for ever But there are a remnant that God will save from perishing in the condemnation of the world c. Sixthly The Lord hath not onely promised forgivenes and spoken it with his mouth but his act and deed gives us assurance that he will
stony heart from us and give us an heart of flesh soft and pliable to his will Fourthly As we could not renew sanctifie our selves so neither could any other help us and restore us againe to the holines we had lost In Ezek. 16.5 Ezek. 16.5 the Lord tells his people there how little helpe they had from any other when they lay in their misery there was no eye that pitied them to doe any thing to them or to have compassion on them The Priest and the Levite they come and look on but they passe by on the other side there is nothing done to heale the wound which Satan by sin had given to our soules but they are let alone to putrifie and corrupt the whole man more and more so as from the crowne of the head to the sole of the foot there is nothing but sores and swelling and wounds full of corruption Isai 1. But when the Lord saw that there was none to helpe then he himselfe like the good Samaritan comes washeth our wounds powring in wine and oyle to cleanse and to heale us Such was our pollution so deeply set that all the water of the Sea all the bloud of bulls and goats could not cleanse us yea though we should wash in Nitre and take us much sope yet our iniquity would still stand undone away before the face of God Jer. 2.22 Onely that spirit of life that spirit of holines that spirit of power which is in Christ Jesus that spirit being shed down upon us that cleanseth us washeth us sanctifies us without this all helps under heaven had been in vaine without this spirit neither Word Sacrament Commandements promises or being trained up in the Communion of the Church and Christian families neither any nor all these could availe to renew us to the grace from which we are fallen 1 Cor. 6.11 1 Cor. 6.11 Fiftly Let me adde this one thing more If we should look at God himselfe onely as just and not as gracious we could never have hoped to have obtained this blessing from him Justice could have said no other unto us then as Ezek. 20.39 Seeing you would not obey me goe therefore serve every man his Idoll serve your sin When we had turned the glory of God into a lye and had worshipped the creature above the Creator who is blessed for ever Justice would then have given us up unto vile affections and to our owne hearts lusts and to a reprobate mind to doe the things that are not convenient so receiving in our selves such a recompence of our errour as was meet Rom. 1. Rom. 1. This would have been the reward of Justice upon us for our sin But here Grace comes in and powres downe upon us a spirit of grace and of sanctification Zach. 12.10 Zach. 12.10 to wash us from our uncleannes that we might be an holy people unto God And hence it is that in 1 Pet. 5.10 when the Apostle prayes for the perfecting of our sanctification in us he looks at God as a God of all Grace The God of all Grace saith he which hath called us unto his eternall glory by Jesus Christ confirme strengthen and stablish you c. As thereby shewing from what fountain the benefit of sanctification comes namely from Grace from the God of all grace He is a God of all grace towards us in sanctifying of us This may helpe to settle us and confirme us in the truth namely Vse 1 that seeing Sanctification is a blessing of the Covenant of grace even as forgivenes is therefore it is a warrantable and safe way for a man by and from his sanctification to take an evidence of his justification and of his estate in Grace before God Forgivenes of sinnes and sanctification are both of them blessings of the same Covenant As is the one so is the other the one is of grace so is the other of grace also Here therefore to take an evidence of our justification standing in the forgivenes of our sinnes from our sanctification is not a turning aside from the Covenant of grace to a Covenant of workes but it is to prove one benefit of the Covenant of Grace by another benefit of the same Covenant This argument is unanswerable I reason thus If justification and sanctification be both of them b●nefits of the Coven●●t of Grace then to evidence the one by the other is no turning aside to a Covenant of works But they are both of them benefits of the Covenant of Grace Ergo. If so be the forgivenes of our sinnes were promised in the Covenant of Grace and Sanctification were a blessing of the Covenant of workes then might it well be said that to evidence one by the other were a turning aside from the Covenant of grace to that other of workes But when they are both promised both communicated to us by the same Covenant there is no colour to charge this way of evidencing our estate with turning aside to another Covenant Object But may not a man that is under the Covenant of workes by giving himselfe to holy duties and actions and exercising himselfe in them come to attaine an habite of holines and be truly sanctified Answ Some have not doubted to affirme as much but falsely and the falsity of this opinion may be made evident by these Considerations following 1. This opinion imports thus much That one under the covenant of workes may performe acts that are holy which is false he may indeed doe such things as are materially holy as being commanded of God whose word and Covenant doth sanctifie them make the things holy in themselves but they are not formally holy but coming from their impure hearts thereby they are polluted and defiled Tit. 1. And therefore can have no such power to worke sanctitie in the subject whence they come 2. If true sanctification may be in one that is under the Covenant of workes then must we of necessity change the articles or promises of the Covenant of Grace make the promise of sanctification no part of it we must blot out those promises of writing the law in our hearts and putting a new spirit within us and all other promises of the like nature must be rased out of the covenant of grace if one under the Covenant of workes may attaine to this sanctification by his owne workes 3. This opinion is directly crosse and contrary to the Apostle in Gal. 3.2 where he tells us that we receive the spirit of Sanctification not by the workes of the law but by hearing of faith preached It is the doctrine of grace not of workes which makes us partakers of this spirit And hence it is that in 2 Cor. 3.6 he tells us that it is the new Testament which is the ministration of the Spirit by which the Spirit is ministred and conveyed uto us The law or the workes of the law doe not 4. Our being sanctified and our being Saints is
yet would live in hatred of their brother ver 9. They would say they loved God yet loved not their brethren 1 Ioh. 4.20 Now against these Sayers as I may call them that were all in profession and in word saying Lord Lord but not doing his will against these I say the Apostle opposeth these others which had the true work of sanctification in their heart and tells us that hereby we know c. Namely if we doe not onely say we love the brethren but doe indeed love them c. hereby we know that we are passed from death to life Thus by these expressions taken out of the Apostles own mouth we see clearely who they are whom the Apostle meaneth by this we namely not we onely who have received that immediate witnesse of the Spirit assuring us of our election and justification but we also which have this work of sanctification wrought in our hearts by the holy Ghost Quest But some may say why should we goe about to evidence our justification by our sanctification rather then our sanctification by our justification Ans Because though they goe both together in time yet they are not both alike in respect of manifestation Our sanctification is more manifest to us then is our justification It s easier discerned First because our sanctification is the work of the Spirit whose part it is as was said before to make known unto us the hid things of God for which cause he is called the Spirit of Revelation c. Eph. 1.17 Secondly because our sanctification is a work within us wrought in out own hearts Our justification is an act of God without us God not imputing to us our iniquities but our sanctification is an inward work wrought in a mans own bowels of which he hath and cannot but have a sensible feeling in himselfe Obj. But by this reason may some say a man may as well know his justification as his sanctification because we are justified by faith and faith is an inward Grace planted in the heart as well as any other sanctifying Grace which springs therefrom And therefore we may know our justification by our faith as well as by our sanctification Answ True so farre as we discerne our faith we may thereby discerne our justification also But this makes for us not against us Though this withall is to be considered that faith being as the root of all other Graces is more hidden then they are as the root of the tree is more hidden in the earth then the body or branches but this we stand not upon This therefore we would grant that a man may know his justification by his faith but this toucheth not the point in hand For when we goe about to try our justification by our sanctification and by qualifications inherent in us in this way of tryall faith is excluded as much as any other sanctifying Graces be And the meaning of those that doe oppose this way of evidencing by our sanctification is to remove all evidence by any thing in our selves whether by faith or by any other Grace and to urge only the immediate revelation of the Spirit The summe is that this is a safe way of tryall being laid down unto us by the Lord himselfe in the Word And it is a possible way in as much as our sanctification is more evident then our justification this being an act of God without us as was said before and that a work within us which we feele and finde in our own soules Would we then know whether we be of the number of those that are saved by the blood of the Covenant we need not for this ascend up into heaven to search the book of Gods election nor need we to goe down into the lower parts of the earth for any there to tell us that we are delive●ed thence but goe down into our own hearts and if we finde this work of sanctification there wrought then what Moses said of Israel Blessed art thou O Israel a people saved by the Lord the same may be truly said of us Our salvation is begun we have the seale of it the earnest the first fruits which shall at length bring the full possession of the whole harvest Blessed therefore are they which are undefiled in their way saith David which walk in the Law of the Lord Psal 119.1 Blessed are the pure in heart Matth. 5.8 Those that have innocent hands and a pure heart shall surely ascend into the mountaine of the Lord and stand in his holy place Psal 24.3 4. Such as these shall never be moved or confounded Psal 15. end But if in our hearts we doe still nourish impurity if we be fleshly carnall such as have not the Spirit then have we no part nor portion in that salvation which the Covenant brings unto Gods people without holinesse no man shall see the Lord Heb. 12.14 No unrighteous person no uncleane thing shall enter into Gods Kingdome 1 Cor. 6. Quest But how shall we discern our sanctification to be right sincere and sound Answ 1. By the extent of it It goes over the whole man soule body and spirit 1 Thes 5.23 and therefore compared to leaven Matth. 13.33 which runnes through the dough till all bee leavened As corruption had defiled all so Grace sanctifies all The minde which was darknesse before is now light in the Lord to know and understand the will of God and to discerne things that differ The judgement made to approve the good which is known the will to desire and endeavour after the doing of it The conscience is made watchfull and tender fearefull to offend The affections ordered aright to love the things which God loveth and to hate the things which he hateth The body is made an instrument to execute and doe that which is holy and good Both body and spirit are Gods set to doe the things that please him by which he may be glorified 1 Cor. 6. all that is within us and without us is imployed to praise God 2. True Sanctification as it doth sanctifie the whole man so it doth forme the heart to a closing with the whole will of God without exception or reservation when God writes his Law in our hearts he writes all his Commandements there as he wrote all of them before in the Tables of stone and they being all written in the heart now we love all the Commandements of it saying as Paul The Law is holy and just and good now his Commandements are not burthenous or grievous all are equall and right we love all embrace all and labour to practice all duties of holinesse towards God duties of love and righteousnesse towards men goe hand in hand in the life of a sanctified Christian He makes account he hath done but half his duty if either of these be omitted He counts himselfe as debtor to God and man to glorifie God and procure the good of men and desires to keep a cleare conscience
indued with such truth of Grace as may assure us of our abiding in it for ever True Grace is of an abiding nature It is a treasure that will never faile It s that part which can never be taken from us Luk. 10. All the things of the world are fading and perishing Riches take their wings as an Eagle and flye away Prov. 23. or else they are made a prey and spoyle by the enemy as the Sabaeans and Caldaeans did of the goods of Job Had we Solomons Treasures who made silver as stones in Ierusalem yet we must goe naked out of the world and take nothing away with us But Grace is a durable and an everlasting possession It never failes if we live it lives with us if we die it will not leave us nor forsake us One graine of true sanctifying Grace though it be but as a graine of mustard seed is more worth then the riches and treasures of a Kingdome you that want it ●eek it as your life you that have it keep it as you would keep your soule Let both take heed of being deceived with shews and shadows of Grace in stead of truth All is not gold that glisters every one which makes a shew and carries out in his profession a forme of godlinesse hath not the truth and power of it in his heart These shadows will vanish and come to nothing it is the substance only which remaines Let us take heed we be not deceived in nothing is a mistake so dangerous as in this matter in hand Seeming shews and shadows of Grace will end in reall misery whereas truth and soundnesse of Grace will bring to a weight of glory We here in these parts where Religion hath a name and profanesse is discountenanced by all we I say had most need to look to our selves It is to be feared that many an one which now makes a good profession before men yet if the state of things and times should change would quickly be turned into other men Those that now seeme to live and to bee for Christ for Religion for Gospel and for Ordinances would then turn to be either enemies or Neuters and shew themselves to be hollow-hearted and double-minded unstable in the way which now they walk in And there be divers sorts of these As 1. Some rest in outward Reformation of grosse sins they make cleane the outside of the cup that they may seeme cleane before men but they harbour many corrupt lusts within which they doe not seek to cast forth Into such the unclean Spirit though he seem to be dispossed will return again 2. Some take up a profession of Religion for carnall ends following Christ for loaves Joh. 6.26 becomming Disciples because they look to rise and come to preferment by Christ Iudas would never have cleaved to Christ but that he hoped for some advantage by him and what came of it in the end when he saw that his hope failed him then he falls off and takes part with the High-Priest against Christ When men doe thus take up a profession of Religion for gaine for credit for outward respects in the world a crosse day will come which will blast their hopes in these things God will on purpose crosse the hopes of such men that they might thereby be discovered made known He will have both approved and not approved to be known 1 Cor. 11. and when this unlooked-for-event falls out then as they see their hopes to faile them so other men shall see their Religion and profession to faile with them This assumed body of Religion not being animated and quickned with life and vigour of Spirit within will at length be laid down when they have made use of it for a season to serve their turn 3. Some professe the feare of God and yet carry in them an heart estranged from such as are most faithfull and upright in their walking before God like Cain that would come and sacrifice as well as Abel and yet nourish grudge in heart against Abel one Altar shall serve them both to sacrifice on but they have not one heart in them nor one way to walk in There will be a day which will declare and make manifest what is in them 4. Some will doe as those in Isai 58.2 and in Ezek. 33. They will come as Gods people use to come as if they would seek after Ordinances of righteousnesse and would know the way of truth but yet when the Word toucheth their sore and comes to the quick to meddle with that which they have hid under their tongue then they begin to mislike and to murmure against Moses and to finde fault with him that rebuketh them So long as the word speaks pleasing things they like it well but when like salt it begins to bite then they put it from them Such as these often have the word in their eares they will heare it and in their tongue they will talke of it and in their fore-heads make a profession of it and it shall be written on the posts of their doors they keeping a course of family duties that all men may think the best of them but it is not in their heart to love it it is not written in the inward parts and not being there there is nothing within to maintaine the life of Grace The oyle that should feed the lamp is wanting and therefore the light of such will at length goe out and end in darknesse 5. Some attaine unto great gifts in knowledge utterance ability in prayer c. but withall they grow high-minded and conceited by meanes of them and are pufft up thinking themselves more excellent then their neighbours that they are not as other men These swelling walls will not stand long these that are so pufft up with a fleshly minde the Apostle saith of them that they hold not the head Christ Colos 2.18 19. And if they hold not the head they are but unsound members of the body if they receive not life and quickning from the head they will die and wither Let us look to our selves that we be none of these These may be written in Jerusalem Isai 4.3 they may subscribe with their hand and name themselves by the name of Israel Isai 44.5 but they are not written in heaven nor shall they enter into the land of Israel Ezeck 13.9 These want that Grace which accompanies salvation Rest we not in these things but seek after truth of heart labour for that Grace which will last and hold out Get an humble meek upright frame of Spirit Let our hearts be knit unto Christ more then the rewards of Christ Instead of that fulnesse with our own gifts get a sence and feeling of our own wants and weaknesses and come to him that hath all fulnesse dwelling in him that out of his fulnesse we may receive Such an humble thirsting and impotent creature sensible of its own unsufficiency yet lying daily at the beautifull gate of mercy to
the Covenant of Grace which he hath made with us in Christ They are not so unto the wicked who are not in Covenant with the Lord but to the Saints they are in Gen. 33.5 when Iacob speaks of his children these saith he are the children which God of his Grace hath given thy servant Iacob saw Grace in this so should we see Grace in every outward blessing wee enjoy Object But these outward blessings are common to good and bad and no man can know love or hatred by these things which are before him how then may I know that God gives me these things out of Grace and love Answ 1. If we come by them in the way of the Covenant we walking before God in the way of holy obedience and dependance upon him It s certain they doe then come to us as blessings and are given us by vertue of his Covenant And therefore it is that in Deut. 28.1 2 8 12. If thou shalt diligently observe the Commandements of the Lord thy God saith Moses then shall he command the blessing to come upon thee and all these blessings shall overtake thee c. he doth not say thus shall thou be enriched thus shalt thou encrease in goods c. but thus shall the Lord blesse thee and these blessings shall come upon thee to note unto us that when we walk with God in this way of obedience conscionably then what ever good things come unto us they come as a blessing The Lord not only gives the blessing it selfe but hee gives it as a blessing and a blessing of Grace comming through his Covenant 2. If they be as bands and cords of love betwixt God and us as bands to draw us nearer unto him and as cords to tie us faster unto him causing us to love him more and to honour him in the use of those good things which we have received from him doubtlesse they doe then come from his Grace towards us and are blessings of the Covenant I have loved thee saith the Lord in Jer. 31.3 and with mercy have I drawn thee If God draw us unto him by any meanes there is mercy in it and there is a blessing in it Take this as a rule for ever what ever brings us to God is a blessing as contrariwise whatever separates us from God is a curse And that which causeth love comes from love If these things work love in our hearts towards God then doe they come from his love towards us Consider then are our hearts carried away from God by the things we enjoy this is dangerous But are our hearts thereby more drawn and knit unto him then own them as blessings of the Covenant as springing from the fountaine of Grace which God hath opened to us in Christ 2. Seeing these outward good things are given to Gods people by Covenant as blessings and as springing from Grace this must teach us to be content with such a measure of them as our Father seeth meetest for us though we have lesse in outward things yet there is the same grace in that little as if we had an hundred fold Sometimes there is much love seen in a little thing and so it is in these gifts which God gives to his children The gift may be small but the love is great from which it comes This love should satisfie whether the gift we receive from it be lesse or more As a younger childe which his Father loves tenderly though he have not so large allowance and liberall maintenance as his elder brother that is grown to yeares yet he comforts himselfe in this he saith in his heart I know my Father loves me as well as any childe he hath and thus satisfies himselfe in his Fathers love though his yearely allowance bee not equall with some other so should we Though we have not so much wheat and wine and oyle c. yet we may satiate our soule with the Lords goodnesse Ier. 31.12 14. that goodnesse of his being the same towards us in our little as if our portion were much more abundant And this contentation we should the rather labour for because if we be not satisfied with that lesser portion which the Lord bestows upon us untill we abound it is suspicious and we have cause to doubt whether our contentment be not more in the gift then in the grace and love of the Giver For if it be his love that satisfies us why are we not satisfied when we have lesse as if we had more if we have food and rayment having them from the gift of his Grace let us therewith bee content Satisfie us with thy mercy saith Moses Psal 90.14 Moses could be satisfied with mercy though he had but little else there is a satisfying sufficiency in it if wee can but see it and rellish it in the things we enjoy Let us make sure of this that what we have it may come from the hand of Grace and then let us be contented with it be it lesse or more 3. Doth the Lord thus provide for his servants in these outward things let us then serve him with our outward man Hee blesseth us with all kinde of blessings in spirituall things pertaining to our inward man and in outward things pertaining to our outward man to the end that we might serve him and glorifie him in both he feeds and cloaths our bodies he maintaines the health and strength of them therefore give them up as a living sacrifice unto him R●m 12.1 Let him be magnified in our body Phil. 1.20 Our body must be for the Lord as the Lord is for the body 1 Cor. 6.13 And it is the Apostles exhortation Let us glorifie him both in body and Spirit for they are God's 4. This same consideration before named may teach us how to use the good things of this life which we doe enjoy For 1. Doe we receive them from Grace doe not then abuse them unto sinne to pride wantonnesse excesse c. This is to turn the Grace of God shewed in giving of them to us into licentiousnesse In Hosea 2.8 the Lord complaines there that when he had given them corne and wine silver and gold they bestowed them upon Baal abusing them to Idolatry and to sinne And it s noted as the sinne of wicked Athaliah that the dedicate things which should have been to the honouring of God these shee bestowed upon Baalim 2 Chron. 24.7 When we thus abuse his blessings unto sinne we turne that against God which we have received from him for good And in so doing we may justly feare least they become testimonies against us in the day of our account Therefore do not so requite the Lord Deut. 32. Remember from what hand wee have received them and take heed we abuse them not 2. Hence learn to return part of our substance unto God Give up that unto him which we have received from him The Lord gives us leave to eat and to drink and to cheere our
a little season but for evermore Psal 16. ult Whiles we are here we enjoy life here is glory also in a degree and here are pleasures too but here they are not full there is some death mixed with our life some basenesse with our glory some sorrowes with our pleasures And though they were full which they are not yet they last but for a time But there and then they shall be full and for evermore I cannot passe by that admirable expression of the Apostle in 2 Cor. 4.17 where speaking of the blessed estate of Gods people in the life to come he calls it a farre more excellent eternall weight of glory 1. There is glory 2. A weight of glory as much as we are able to beare 3. There is an excellency in it and excellent weight of glory 4. There is one excellency added to another 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 a most excellent glory 5. and lastly all this eternall a most excellent eternall weight of glory here is a large expression in few words This is the hope of Gods people which they wait for And for this they have Gods faithfull word and promise his Covenant and Testament and for our assurance he hath already given us the earnest of it in our hearts even the Spirit of Grace and the Spirit of glory which by guiding of us in the wayes of Grace here leads us on day by day to come nearer to our salvation then when we first believed till at last he bring us to glory even to the full end of our faith and hope the salvation of our soules And thus much of the benefits of the Covenant The fourth Part. THE CONDITION OF THIS COVENANT IT remaines now that we come to consider the condition of the Covenant in which we must walke that the Lord may performe unto us the mercy which he hath promised us There is a way of the Covenant in which the Lord conveyes his blessings as we may see in that expression used by the Lord himselfe concerning Abraham Gen. 18.19 I know Abraham saith the Lord that he will teach his houshold c. that I may bring upon Abraham that which I have spoken unto him The Lord fully intended to doe to Abraham as he had promised but yet the Lord will have Abraham to walk so and so before him and then God will bring upon Abraham the blessing which he had promised the like we have in Ier. 11.5 6. Great are the blessings which God hath promised to those which are the faithfull seed of Abraham and therefore as we desire to enjoy the blessing promised so we must see also what he requires of us that he may performe unto us what he hath promised and this is called the stipulation or condition of the Covenant And concerning this I will shew these foure things 1. That there is a condition required 2. Why the Lord hath put a condition to the promise of life 3. What the condition is 4. Whether the putting of such a condition doth or can stand with the free Grace of the Covenant yea or no. First That there is a condition of the Covenant The Lord doth not absolutely promise life unto any he doth not say to any soule I will save you and bring you to life though you continew impenitent and unbelieving but commands and works us to repent and believe and then promises that in the way of faith and repentance he will save us He prescribes a way of life for us to walk in that so wee may obtaine the salvation which he hath promised he brings us first through the doore of faith Act. 14. And then carries us on in the way of faith till he bring us to the end of our faith the salvation of our soules There are indeed some promises which seeme so absolute as to exclude all condition on our part as that promise in Esay 43.25 For mine own sake will I put away thy transgressions c. and so Ezek. 36.22 Where there is no mention made either of faith or any other Grace in us as a condition required on our part But if any shall hence argue that the promise of life is so absolute as to exclude all respect unto faith in those to whom the promise is made and because there is no mention made of faith in such promises therefore there is no intendment of it as if it were not understood but wholly excluded I may as well argue against the merits of Christ also and exclude them by the like reason because there is no mention of them no more then of faith in those absolute promises But as there is no remission without the blood of Christ Heb. 9.22 So neither is there without faith in that blood Rom. 3.25 as God never promised to forgive us our sins without respect to Christ though Christ be not alwayes mentioned in every such promise so neither doth he promise to save without faith though it be not alwayes mentioned particularly To prove that there is a condition in the Covenant of Grace it may be made evident sundry wayes 1. From the nature of a Covenant which is an agreement between severall parties Covenanting together upon mutuall conditions required on both parties Foedus saith Rollock is promissio sub certa conditione Roll. de vocatione efficaci A man may make a promise alone without any condition But a Covenant properly binds both parties and hath a condition annexed Abraham and Abimeleck promise one to another in their Covenant made betwixt them they mutually binde themselves Gen. 20. And so it is betwixt God and Abraham Gen. 17.27 I grant that the word Covenant is sometimes used concerning such promises as are without condition as in Gen. 9.9 Where the Lord speaking of his purpose and promise never to destroy the earth any more he calls that promise his Covenant though there be no condition there annexed But the Question is not how a word may be used upon some speciall occasion but what is the proper nature of a Covenant which doth require mutuall stipulation or condition on both parties This is but one place where the word Covenant is taken for a promise without a condition more such places I know not any in Scripture and besides there was speciall reason of calling it a Covenant namely to shew the unchangeablenesse of his purpose touching the mercy promised that it is as sure as if we had tyed him thereunto by Covenant upon some condition performed by us before hand But this is not properly a Covenant where there is not a mutuall obligation and binding of the parties one to another by condition Hereto agreeth that saying of Beza in 2 Tim. 1.12 Mutua est inquit depositi obligatio inter Deum Sanctos ipsius Though on Gods part this obligation is prorsus gratuita wholly free as hee there speaks though Gods binding of himselfe to us bee free yet ours is not so to God But concerning the freenesse of the Covenant
Wildernesse was changed in respect of the manner of Administration of it because it was not confirmed by the death of the Testator but this is confirmed by death and therefore herein neither matter nor forme can be changed any more in Joh. 17.24 We have Christ there making his last Will and Testament to be executed by his Father and what his Will is we have it expressed in his own words Father I will those whom thou hast given me may be where I am c. And who those be that hee meaneth by them that are given him is plainly expressed verse 20. Even those that believe in his name Christ doth not bequeath the Legacy of his Testament unto all in generall but to such as doe believe as for the rest he bequeathes nothing unto them Joh. 17.9 Object But there be same absolute promises of the Covenant which are without any condition at all on our part as the promises of the first grac● c. in which God promiseth to his Elect as yet uncalled that he will give them a new heart and take away the stony heart from them Ezek. 11. 36. Answ 1. We must consider the Covenant not only as consummate and made up with our selves in our own persons but as it was begun and first made with us and for us in Christ in which regard it is said to bee made with us before the world began Tit. 1.2 a promise of grace being made to Christ for us and to us in him Now if we thus consider the Covenant as made with us in Christ so the first grace it selfe is conditionall as well as the last Christ receives the promises of grace for us but he receives not the least of them but upon condition that he must lay down his life for them that he may performe them unto us as we see in Esay 55.5 Where God the Father makes a promise to Christ that he shall call a Nation or People to the knowledge of himselfe which is a promise of the first grace given us in our first conversion and calling but in respect of Christ this is not absolute but conditionall as appeares in verse 4. for he must be a witnesse unto the people to testifie unto them the will of the Father which he performed in his Propheticall and Priestly Office yea he must make his soule an offering for sinne Esay 53.10 and upon this condition he must have power to call a Nation to bring them home by effectuall calling unto God and thus in respect of Christ the very first Grace is conditionall though without condition on our part 2. Consider the Covenant in respect of the end of it which it leads unto which is life and salvation in which respect it is called a Covenant of life and peace Ma●th 2.5 and if wee thus consider it it is conditionall in respect of our selves for these promises of life and peace are not made but upon condition of faith and obedience not to the unbelieving and profane Rom. 10.9.10 13. Rom. 8.13 Mat. 5.3 to 10. and thus whether we look to the first Grace as the beginning of the Covenant or to the last Grace as the end of it the one is conditionall in respect of Christ the other in respect of our selves there is a condition of both 3. The giving of the first Grace in our calling goes before our pesonall Covenant betwixt God and us by which we bind our selves unto him to take him for our God to depend upon him and to submit our selves unto his will first the Lord doth dispose us and fit us to a walking in Covenant with him by putting into us his own spirit as it is in Ezek. 36. and then he requires an actuall performance of Covenant on our part to walk according to the Grace received Look how it was in that Covenant made with Adam so it is in this Covenant of Grace in respect of the point in hand though otherwise there be wide differences betwixt them as we have seen before first God indues Adam with an habituall righteousnesse thereby enabling him for that obedience which he was to walk in and then having thus qualified him the Lord enters into a Covenant with him requiring of him to walk according to all that Law which was set before him and in that way of working righteousnesse to look for the life which was promised him so it is here in the Covenant of Grace first the Lord comes and takes away from us the heart of stone that evill heart of unbeliefe and gives us a spirit of faith and renewing Grace and then draweth the soule into a Covenant with him to walk with him in a way of faith depending upon him by faith and obeying him by faith so looking for the promise of eternall life Thus it was with Abraham first God gives unto Abraham a believing heart then he comes to him and tells him Abraham I am come to enter into a Covenant with thee and withall tells him what are the articles and conditions of the Covenant both on Gods part and on Abrahams on Gods part That he will be to Abraham and to his seed a God to blesse him and to be an alsufficient good unto him and on Abrahams part Requiring That he walk before him and be upright and keep his Covenant which was commanded him and so it is with all the Adult Children of Abraham first God gives us a spirit of Grace beginning to renew us then propounds to us the great things of his Covenant which he will bestow upon us and commands us to depend by faith upon him for the performance of them and if we thus consider of the giving of the first Grace this doth no whit crosse the condition of the Covenant but makes way for it enabling us to walk in Covenant with God that so he may bring upon us the good which he hath promised us Object But this putting of a condition to the Covenant of grace may seeme to confound it and to make it the same with the Covenant of works Answ It is not the having of a condition but the identity or samenesse of the condition which makes them the same Covenant all Covenants have a condition but all Covenants are not therefore one and the same but do differ according to the difference of the conditions which are made there being then one condition in the Covenant of works and another in the Covenant of grace they are therefore distinct Covenants though there be a condition in both Thus then we see there is a condition of the Covenant But to come to the second point before propounded why may some say doth the Lord require any condition of us and not bring us to life and glory without requiring any thing at our hand Answ 1. It is meet we should glorifie God and his grace towards us before he exalt us and bring us unto glory in this way it was that Christ himselfe went into glory according
but legall Christians and legall Preachers as allowed this way All her assurance was from revelation it was revealed unto her that shee was one of the Elect of God and shee knew all things by immediate revelation from above but I fear she knows not that her glorious revelations were but Satanicall delusions Let her damned heresies shee fell into denying the resurrection c. and the just vengeance of God by which she perished terrifie all her seduced followers from having any more to doe with her leaven which shee spred among them Beware of her sinne least yee perish in her plague Vse 2. Is there a condition of the Covenant Then let this provoke us all who look for the blessing which it brings to be faith●ull with God in keeping our Covenant with him take heed we fall not short of the condition least we be deprived of the blessing this is that which the Apostle teaches us Heb. 4.1 Seeing we have a promise left us of entering into his rest there is the blessing promised let us feare least through unbeliefe any of us should be deprived there is the condition required The words through unbeliefe are not in the Text expressed but they are evidently implyed as appears both by the coherence with the third Chapter and by that which followes Chap. 4.2 To be deprived of such a blessing is a heavy losse such as can never be recompenced and the preventing of this losse so far as concernes us is by keeping of our Covenant which the Lord commands us to walk in If we forsake the condition we forsake the promise and therefore it is also that when God took Abraham into a Covenant with him he did not only tell Abraham what he would be unto him a God to blesse him but he brings Abraham to walk in Covenant with him Thou also shalt keep my Covenant saith the Lord Gen. 17.9 Thou shalt walk before me and bee upright Gen. 17 1. When God takes us into Covenant with him we are said to be brought into the bond of the Covenant Ezek. 20. to teach us that now we must look at our selves as tyed and bound unto God in a Covenant never to be broken we are not now any longer at our own liberty to walke as we list but must observe our Covenant to walk therein when we walk so that we may truly say before the Lord our heart is not turned back from thee neither have we dealt falsely with thee in thy Covenant as it in Psal 44.17 18 this keeps the heart in a comfortable expectation of the blessed hope which is set before us Thus Paul I have kept the faith I have finished my course and now henceforth there is laid up for me a crown of righteousnesse 2 Tim. 4.7 8. Let us carefully walk in the condition and then the promise will be sure not only sure in it self but su●e to us 2 Pet. 1.10 These bonds of the Covenant are not like the fetters of a prison they are like the pleasing bonds of wedlock vincula nuptiarum which every one gladly enters into Oh let us love these bonds give up both our hands unto the Lord yea and our hearts also to be bound in them for ever these are sweet bonds they work no griefe seek not therefore to break them Psal 2. nor cast them from you say not we will be our own and walk by our will such lawlesse and licentious spirits as will be at liberty they shall be at liberty to their wo they shall have such a liberty as Jeremy threatned to the rebellious Jewes a liberty to the sword to the famine and to the pestilence Jer. 34. a liberty to goe to hell to their eternall destruction a liberty with a curse granted unto them in wrath which shall end in chaines of everlasting darknesse and bring them into that prison from whence there is no going out Therefore let all such as look for the blessing and life promised in the Covenant Let them walk faithfully in the condition of it and in this way expect the mercy which is promised Thus wee have shewed First That there is a condition of the Covenant Secondly Why the Lord hath put a condition unto it 3. The third point follows to shew what the condition is which though it hath been obiter mentioned before yet is now to be spoken of more particularly The condition then of the Covenant of Grace is faith Rom. 4.16 Rom. 10.9 10. If thou believest in the Lord Jesus thou shalt be saved so Acts 18.31 Joh. 3.16 hence in Rom. 3.27 The Gospel is called the Law of Faith because as the Law of works doth put works as the condition of that Covenant so the Gospel puts faith as the condition of the new Covenant Quest But why is faith made the condition of the Covenant Answ 1. The blessing of life promised is not in our selves but in Christ Christ is life and he which hath the Sonne hath hath life and he which hath not the Son hath not life 1 Joh. 5.12 We are dead Colos 3.3 and our Works are dead Heb. 9.14 there is no life in them they cannot bring life unto them that doe them nor can wee quicken our own soules but Christ is the life of men Joh. 1.4 Colos 3.4 and the way to receive Christ and the life which is in him is only by faith Ioh. 1.12 unbeliefe rejects Christ and puts him away But faith as an hand puts forth it selfe to receive him in whom our life is If we had life in our selves and could have found it in our own works it had then been needlesse to appoint faith as the condition of the Covenant but being that both we our selves are dead in sinne and our works are dead works nothing but death to be found in either therefore it s required that wee believe in Christ that we may receive life from him 2. The condition of the law is now become impossible unto us through the infirmity of our flesh Rom. 8.3 and therefore the Apostle saith that the Law cannot possibly give life Gal. 3.21 Therefore the Lord would go that way with us no more the Lord saw by Adam what would be the fruit of that condition if we had been put upon the same as Adam was we should have done as he did we should have shewed our selves men like men transgressing the Covenant as Hoseah speaks Hos 6.7 This condition being above our ability to performe the Lord hath in goodnesse appointed another which is possible through grace to be fulfilled by us having now received a spirit of faith 2 Cor. 4.13 It is now given us to believe Phil. 1.29 this is possible 3. It is by faith that it might be by grace Rom. 4.16 The Covenant is stablished upon the condition of faith that it might appeare to be by grace that wee obtain the blessing the condition must answer the nature of the Covenant therefore being a Covenant of grace the
heaven looking for grace and mercy according to Iehoshaphats speech Our eyes are towards thee 2 Chron. 20. It hungers and thirsts after grace but feares it shall never be satisfied it feeles a need and faine would have but sence of unworthinesse consciousnesse of manifold sinnes the sentence of the Law like the thundering and lightning at Mount Sinai all of them being sharpned by Satans working in them and with them doe strike such a fear into the heart as was in Israel then that though desires be stirring and working yet hope is very feeble causing us to doe as Israel did there who though they heard the Lord say I am the Lord your God yet the terror of the thunder made them to stand afar off and so we we hear the Lord offering to be our God in covenant with us but such are the discouragements that we dare not come near to seek after the grace which is revealed Hitherto therefore the mind of the poor sinner desiring to bee in Covenant with God is unquiet within it selfe hurried too and fro finding no rest it heares of peace with God but feels it not but in stead of peace finds trouble feare doubtings discouragements to keep it off from the way of peace faith being yet yong and faint hath much adoe to sustain the heart in any hope that it sink not down in discouragement But yet though it bee weak it will be doing what it is able setting the minde to consider the promises and encouragements which God hath given us in his word how hee invites all to come unto him even every one that thirsts Esay 55. telling us That whosoever comes unto him he will not cast away Joh. 6.37 And hence while the minde is possessed with these things because so great a businesse as making a Covenant of peace with the high God and about so great an affaire as the life and salvation of our soule cannot be transacted in a tumult Therefore 4. In the fourth place faith takes the soule aside and carries it into some solitary place that there it may be alone with it selfe and with God with whom it hath to doe This businesse and multitude of other occasions cannot be done together and therefore the soule must be alone that it may the more fully commune with it selfe and utter it selfe fully before the Lord Thus the poore Church in the time of her affliction when the Lord seemed to hide himselfe from her shee sate alone as she speaks Lament 3.28 29. and Jer. 15.17 I sate alone because of thy plague The way of the Lord is prepared in the Desert Esay 40.3 when the Lord will come to the soule and draw it into communion with himselfe he will have his way hereto prepared in the Desert not in the throng of a City but in a solitary Desert place he will allure us and draw us into the Wildernesse from the company of men when he will speak to our heart and when he prepares our heart to speak unto him Hoseah 2. Not that such a one doth despise or neglect the fellowship of Gods people but he now sees and knows full well that his help is not in man and therefore waits not upon the sonnes of Adam Mich. 5.7 He is glad to hear of any hope and how others have beene succoured and pulled out of the like distresse c. but though he hath an eare open unto these and the like helps yet the soule cannot rest in them but must retire it selfe and get alone where it may think its full and satisfie it self e in thoughts of its own estate and of the offers and promises of Grace which God hath made to such lost sinners And whiles the soule is thus alone with it selfe and with God sometimes thinking of its own misery and sinne sometimes of the Lords mercy now presented in such and such promises sometimes calling to minde how others have found favour with God notwithstanding their sinnes sometimes thinking what should move the Lord thus to invite us and call us unto him and to give us these desires after him why thinks the soule should the Lord doe thus if there were no hope that he would receive me whiles I say the soule being alone is thus exercised in these thoughts at length the fire kindles so as the soule can now rest no longer but a spirit of faith being within like fire in the bones the heart hitherto having beene as a Wine-vessell which hath had no vent yet now the spirit within compels him to open his lips and to utter before the Lord the meditations of his heart And therefore 5. In the fifth place the soule resolves now to go to the throne of Grace suing for Grace proving whether the Lord will bee gracious and mercifull to accept of a reconciliation faith speaks within as they did in Jonah 3.9 who can tell whether the Lord will return c. and as Amos 5.15 It may be the Lord may yet be mercifull such an one cannot yet say that he will yet knowes not but he may be gracious and therefore doth as those lepers in 2 King 7.3 who knowing that they were sure to perish if they sate still resolved to try what might befall them in going into the Camp of the Aramites and as Esther who would try whether the King would hold out his golden Sceper towards her yea or no so the poore sinner knowing how it is with him and thinking hee must perish if he thus continue and hearing also such gracious invitations c. thereupon resolves to goe and seek the Lord begging Grace and acceptance before him Doth the Lord say seek yee my face the heart answers within Lord I will seek thy face Doth the Lord say Come unto me the heart answereth Behold we come unto thee for thou art the Lord our God Ier. 3.22 And now the soule betakes it selfe unto God sending up complaints against it selfe with lamentations for its own sinfull rebellions accompanyed with strong cryes to heaven with sighes and groanes of Spirit which cannot be expressed it confesseth with grief and bitter mourning all former iniquities smites upon the thigh with repenting Epharim lies down at Gods foot-stoole putting its mouth in the dust acknowledging Gods righteousnesse if he should condemn and cast off for ever and yet withall pleads for Grace that it may be accepted as one of his It sayes unto God Lord I have nothing to plead why thou maist not condemn me but if thou wilt receive me thy mercy shall appeare in me thou maist shew forth all thy goodnesse take away therefore all mine iniquities and receive mee graciously Hoseah 14.3 It pleads Gods promise Lord thou hast said thou wilt be gracious Lord make good this word to the soule of thy servant be my God my mercifull God and make me thy servant thus the soule lies at the throne of Grace and pleads for Grace 6. As faith is thus earnest in suing to God for Grace and
me to this faith assents also and carries us on in an answerable conversation thereby testifying before all the world that we have set up the Lord to be our God to command us and to rule us and that we have given up our selves to be his people And here are sundry acts of faith by which it inables us so to walk As 1. Faith hath alwayes an eye to the rule and command of God which he hath set before us to walke by it attends constantly to the Tables of the Covenant in things to be beleived it looks to the promise and in things to be practised it looks to the Commandement As in matters of faith it will beleeve nothing without a word of faith to rest it self upon so in matters of fact it will doe nothing without a word to command or warrant that which is done because without a word it cannot be done in faith and it is no act of faith which is not done in faith Rom. 14.23 Faith will present no strange fire before the Lord Levit. 10. It is inquisitive to understand what the will of the Lord is as knowing that he accepts nothing but what is according to his own will and word therefore it is that David prayes Teach me good judgement and knowl●dge for I have beleeved thy Commandements Psal 119.66 as if he should say I beleve and know that what thou commandest is good teach me to judge aright and know thy Commandements faith will be circumspect and fearfull till it see a word to direct and warrant its way but when it sees a plain word then it growes bold and confident as knowing that this way is right This then is the worke of faith to attend to the word of faith in every thing if we be to perform any act of worship unto God it will worship him not after the traditions and precepts of men but after the will of God if we bee to perform any office of love mercy or justice towards men it hath an eye to the word in all these to doe every thing according to the pattern set down in the word to walk without a word to direct us by is the work of unbeliefe not of Faith 2. As Faith takes direction from the true rule so it directs us to the right end it lifts us up above our selves and above our owne ends and aimes making God our highest and chiefest end for which we live and work as we are of him and live in him and by him so by faith we live to him and for him Rom. 14.7 8. 1 Cor. 10.31 1 Pet. 4.11 2 Cor. 5.15 Reason tells us we must be for our selves but faith tells us we must be for God this God claimes as his right and due and faith also assents unto God faith Thou shalt glorifie me Psal 50.15 Faith saith I will glorifie thee for ever Psal 66.12 3 Faith shields us against the hindrances and temptations which we daily meet withall in our Christian course sometimes we are tempted on the right hand by the baites and allurements of the world as Christ was Mat. 4. All this will I give thee saith the World if thou wilt be mine but here Faith overcomes the world 1 John 5.4 by setting before us better things then these even a better and more enduring substance Heb. 10. those earthly pleasures which seem so pleasing to the eye of sence are but empty and vain shaddowes in the eye of faith which looks at things afar off at things to come at things within the vaile where Christ the fore-runner is gone before to prepare a place for us Hebr. 6. Sometimes again we are tempted on the left-hand with crosses persecutions afflictions and sufferings for the Name of Christ by which Sat●n seekes to turne us out of the way and to make us falsifie our Covenant with God but here also our faith helpes us to overcome and makes us conquerors through Christ that hath loved us by setting before us the end of our patience and faith telling us that these short sufferings of this present time will bring unto us an eternall waight of glory 2 Cor. 4.17 and that all the sufferings of this present life are not worthy of the glory to be revealed Rom. 8.18 and thus faith makes us to despise the shame and the sorrow which we now suffer looking to the joy which is set before us Heb. 12.2 and thus faith is our victory by which we overcome the world and do continue faithful and stedfast in our Covenant unto the end 4. Faith incourages us unto well doing by perswading us that our services are accepted of God in Christ and by propounding unto us the promises of reward First it perswades us of acceptance that the Lord will have a gracious respect unto our services which we present before him Gen. 4. The Lord hath promised to accept our services which are done in faith Isai 56.7 and thereby faith encourageth us to every good worke The beleever knowes all his workes as they come from him to be full of imperfection yet considering withall that it is Gods good and acceptable will which he conformes himselfe unto and offering up his service in Christs name hence faith looks for acceptance according to that witnesse of the Apostle Acts 10.35 And this is no small incouragement to well doing when we believe what we doe shall be accepted graciously What will not a subject do if he know his King will take in good part the service which is tendred unto him sometimes they run themselves out of all to humour them Now faith assures us that there is not one prayer one holy desire one good thought or word or good purpose which is thought or spoken or done to the glory of God but God takes notice of it and accepts it in good part Mal. 3.16 Secondly faith assures us of a reward which shall be given us faith sees a recompence in the hand of God Heb. 11 2● as knowing that he will not forget our labour of love which we have shewed unto his name Heb. 6. but will one day say unto us come hither Well done good and faithfull servant enter into thy masters joy 5. Faith doth not onely encourage us unto well doing but it doth furnish us with strength and ability by which we may perfome Faith is a strengthening grace renewing our strength as the Eagles increasing power in our inward man Ephes 3.16 17. unbeleefe weakens the heart and makes the hands to hang down Heb. 12.12 and doth not onely discourage but also disable unto that which is good but faith makes us full of power and strength by the Spirit of the Lord Micah 3.8 to goe through the worke which is committed unto us so as if we want strength it is because we want faith or at least do not make use of our faith as we should do Now there is a twofold strength and power which we get by faith First a power inherent and dwelling
looking were healed so it is here with us Christ is lift up on high for us to look unto this looking is by faith Ioh. 3.14 15. and by this looking we are healed and saved Isai 45.22 Reas 4. Look what place works had for our justification to life in the Covenant of works the same place hath faith in the Covenant of grace but works were to goe before our justification in the Covenant of works and therefore so must faith in the Covenant of grace Though Adam was by nature just by an habituall justice yet he was not thereby actually justified unto life but besides his native or habituall righteousnesse he must also performe an actuall righteousnesse and without this he was not to be justified unto life and if he was not to be justified without or before works then are not we justified without or before faith because faith is to us in stead of works and hath the same place now in the Covenant of grace as works had then in the Covenant of works Reas 5. To make faith a condition consequent to our justification is to place faith in the same ranke with works as works are considered in the Covenant of grace for even works also have a place in the Covenant of grace though they are not a condition antecedent yet are they a condition consequent to our justification so as every justified person must walk in good works Tit. 3.7.8 And therefore if faith be placed after justification then it stands but in the same rank with works having no propriety or pre-eminence above works in respect of our justification For though it shall be granted that faith goes before works as the cause be●ore the effect faith producing works as the tree doth the fruit yet they are both alike in respect of justification they are one before another when they are compared betwixt themselves but compare them both with justification and then according to this opinion they goe both together no more is ascribed to faith in our justification then to works if faith follow our justification Reas 6. We are not actually justified till Christ be actually ours Christ being our righteousnesse before God but Christ is not actually ours till he be received by us nor is he received but only by faith Ioh. 1.12 Christ must be received by us or wee have no benefit by him unto salvation Christ is righteousnesse for us before our faith but he is not righteousnesse unto us till he bee received of us by faith our garments are prepared for us before we be cloathed with them but that they may actually cloath and cover us we must take them by the hand and put them on so must we receive Christ Ioh. 1.12 which is done by faith Gal. 3. though he be fit to justifie us before faith yet he doth not actually justifie us or cover our sinfull nakednesse till by the hand of faith we take him and put him on Reas 7. That righteousnesse which is by imputation cannot be before that which is imputed to us as our righteousnesse but the righteousnesse which the Covenant of grace sets forth is a righteousnesse by imputation and it is faith which is imputed for righteousnesse Rom. 4.3 Ga● 3.6 and therefore our righteousnesse cannot be before our faith Reas 8. If we were justified before faith then the witnesse of the Spirit of bondage witnessing our bondage under sin and death could not be true for till faith come he testifies unto us that wee are under wrath unjust sinners and this witnesse of the Spirit is true and therefore till wee believe wee are not justified Reas 9. Lastly to omit other reasons which might be produced if justification were before faith we might then ask as the Apostle doth in Rom. 3.1 What is the preferment of faith what profit hath the believer above the unbeliever they are both alike in respect of justification before God when a man comes to believe hee is not a pin the better then he was before he believed but was justified before as well as after and thus faith which is called precious faith is made vile and of little worth seeing a man may be justified without it as well as with it And thus much concerning the third thing propounded about the condition of the Covenant namely what the condition of it is sc Faith 4. The fourth point follows which is whether the putting of a condition doth or can stand with the free grace of the Covenant yea or no for it may seeme that if there be any condition required on our part then the grace of the Covenant is not free and if not free then it s no grace at all and how then is it called a Covenant of grace Ans The putting of a condition doth not hinder or lesson the free grace of the Covenant so long as the condition is Evangelicall and not Legall Some have beene of minde that the promises which we call conditionall are not free promises or promises of free grace and therefore they make an opposition betwixt the promises which are called absolute and the conditionall as if only the absolute promises were free promises excluding the conditionall but the condition annexed being a condition of the Gospel not of the Law doth no more derogate from the freenesse of grace then a Princes offering a royall reward to a Subject upon condition that he doe thankfully accept of it and acknowledge his Princely bounty towards him doth any whit derogate from the freenesse of the gift no more doth the condition of faith by which we receive the grace given unto us of God derogate from the freenesse of his grace towards us a legall condition doth indeed exclude free grace but an Evangelicall condition doth not When the Lord saith Believe and thou shalt bee saved Act. 16.31 and saith also by grace yee are saved Eph. 2.8 There is the like free grace in both Believe and be saved though conditionall is as free grace as if said Thou shalt be saved by grace freely loving thee and pardoning thy sinne That these conditionall promises are of free grace as well as the absolute I prove because First They all flow from the same purpose of grace towards us all Gods purposes towards his Elect are purposes of grace 2 Tim. 1.9 and so are all his promises also Tit. 1.2 for these flow from that eternall purpose of his The promise is but the manifestation of his purpose towards the Elect whether the promise be absolute or conditionall all is one That which was first hid within God himselfe as only purposed by him is afterwards made manifest by his promise And look in what series and order God did purpose to communicate the blessings of grace to his Elect so as one shall succeed and follow the other the same doth he make known in his promise and so doth also execute and fulfill first calling then justifying then glorifying c. Rom. 8.28 29 30. hee doth not save
should have said unto us you have once broken my Covenant and yet if you will at last fulfill my Law which I gave unto you I will yet accept you as just unto life yet we could not have done it the condition was too hard for us to perform If we had been held close to this condition of fulfilling the Law we should have missed of life for ever The Lord therefore seeing and pittying of our infirmity was pleased to propound unto us another condition saying unto us only beleive Beleive on my son trust on my grace and thou shalt be saved herein the Lord hath condescended to our weaknesse taking compassion of our infirmities laying upon us no other burthen but this Beleeve my promise accept my grace and rest upon it and this thy faith shall save thee Thou shalt never perish 3. It serves for comfort to all Gods faithfull ones that have beleived through grace if you have received this first gift if it be given you to beleeve you shall not fail of a second gift even the gift of eternall life through Iesus Christ our Lord Though your repentance be lesse then to equall the measure of your sins though your obedience be imperfect yea though your faith it selfe be weak also yet if it be 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 unfained syncere and sound this your faith is accepted of God and is imputed to you for righteousnesse Those that are of faith are blessed with faithfull Abraham saith the Apostle Gal. 3.9 Blessed is shee that beleeveth saith the Angell Luke 1.45 and the Son of God comes in as a third witnesse testifying that whosoever beleeveth in him shall not perish but is passed from death to life Iohn 3. Here are three witnesses from heaven and earth all witnessing the blessed estate of such as do beleive Faith is well termed precious faith 1 Pet. 1.2 Pet. 1.1 because it makes us partakers of all the precious blessings of grace which are contained in the Covenant The faithfull are inheritours of all the priviledges which God hath promised to his chosen and therefore it is that they are called heires of promise Heb. 6.17 and heires of blessing 1 Pet. 3.9 You beleevers be exhorted to see and owne your blessednesse take notice of the great things the Lord hath done for you he hath made a covenant with you even a Covenant of peace and blessing and life for ever God is become your God he will be all things unto you and when all helpes under heaven fail you yet from himselfe he will do you good all your sins are forgiven you his spirit is yours to lead you to sanctifie you and to heal the evils that be in you he will uphold you in that state wherein you stand and will keep you that you shall never perish and will at last bring you to a full injoyment of himselfe in his heavenly Kingdome where you shall for ever blesse him and be made blessed by him and shall rejoyce before him with joy unspeakable and glorious pluck up your hearts therefore and be glad lift up your heads strengthen the weak hands and the feeble knees serve the Lord with gladnesse and joyfulnesse of spirit considering the day of our salvation draweth neer though now for a time you may be in heavinesse through manifold temptations and afflictions in this evill world yet faint not you being partakers of that precious faith you have the holy and faithfull God in Covenant with you to love you to blesse you and to save you and yet a little while and he that shall come will come and receive you to himselfe and then you shall fully know what it is to have beleived and to have been in Covenant with God what it is to have God to be your God when you shall see him and enjoy him as he is Only nourish your faith and live by faith make much of this precious grace cherish it by thinking often on the promises and of that grace which hath been shewed upon you from on high study to walke worthy of that mercy received and in so doing wait for the end of your faith the salvation of your soule 4. If faith be the condition of the Covenant then woe to all unbeleevers that go on in their impenitency and unbeleife Their unbeleife deprives them of that good which the Lord hath by his Covenant promised to his people they have no part nor portion in God they are without God without Christ without Covenant without promise without mercy their sins are unpardoned they are under the curse the wrath of God abides upon them there is nothing to take it away from them but if they abide in unbeleif wrath abides upon them for ever There is a wrath wherby God is angry with his own people but that anger lasts but for a little season it is but for a moment Isai 4.7 8. it passeth away and abides not upon them but the unbeleiver hath wrath abiding on him for ever John 3.36 In Iude 5. it is said that God afterwards destroyed those Israelites that beleived not when once they had had the means of grace made known then not beleiving God afterwards destroyed them you that tread in the steps of their unbeleif you are little troubled to thinke what misery is comming upon you as not knowing that you are in danger but you are under wrath your judgement hastneth and your damnation sleepeth not be awakened therefore be thinke your selves and consider what your end will be by your unbeleif you put a bar to exclude your selves from the blessing of life promised to Gods people you thus continuing the Lord neither will nor can save you You will thinke this an hard saying but you will finde it too true God cannot lye Titus 1.2 much lesse can he forswear but God hath sworne this that such shall never enter into his rest Psal 95. and Hebr. 3. ult In Mat. 13. ult It s said Christ did not many great works in his owne country for their unbeleifes sake But in Marke 6.5 it s said hee could not doe them he neither did them nor could do them unbeleif stops the course and diverts the stream of Gods goodnesse from comming unto us Christs usuall speech to those that expected any blessing from him was this According to your faith be it unto you faith makes all things possible Marke 6.23 It will reverse the sentence of death which is passed upon us and bring us back unto life but unbeleife makes it impossible so that we cannot be saved The Lord can do nothing against his own counsell and will and he hath concluded this with himselfe to save none but such as beleive and that whosoever beleeveth not shall perish all you unbeleevers consider this your unbeleefe will bee your destruction Secondly Is there such a work of faith in bringing us into Covenant with God and in enabling us to walk in Covenant with him 1. This serves to direct all the people of God
how to live and walke before God look at your selves as such as have God in Covenant with you to blesse you with all blessings meet and expedi●nt for you whether they be blessings of this life or that which is to come you are no more strangers and forreiners you are not aliens from the Covenant or common-wealth of Israel All the good which God hath promised to his Israel belongs to you Live therefore a life of faith resting upon the Covenant which the Lord hath made with you Naturall men live by sence and reason live you by faith in Gods Covenant and promise and there is much use to be made of this consideration 1. In case we have sinned and done things that we should not and thereby have grieved the Lord as David did of whom it is said that the thing that David had done displeased the Lord yet herein make use of our faith trusting still to his grace and mercy for forgivenesse according to his Covenant we must not now fly away from God and stand afar off or cast away our hope as if we had lost our God and had no more part or portion in him but still beleive that we renewing our Repentance before him he will still be our God and love us still and will be mercifull to our iniquities Now is a time to put forth faith in Gods promise we must remember we are not under that hard condition of workes but under the condition of Faith It s the weaknesse and sinfull infirmity of many of Gods people who walk in much discouragement of spirit because of some failings which they see in themselves by which they become uncomfortable to themselvs and to others when yet their conscientious walking and tendernes is manifest to all such a discouraged spirit might well become a childe of the Law that is under the condition of Workes but it becomes not such as are under the condition of Faith Hath the Lord said that if his people sin against him after hee hath taken them into Covenant with himselfe he will cast them off and acknowledge them no more See what Samuel speaks to the children of Israel in 1 Sam. 12.19 20. Ye have indeed sinned a great sin and done all this wickednesse yet feare not depart not from following the Lord for the Lord will not forsake his people The Lord know●● our frailty and remembers we are but dust and therefore hath told us that he will spare us as a father spareth his son that s●rveth him Mal. 3.17 and will be mercifull to our sins If we were or could be without sin we should not have needed such promises of forgivenesse but when the Lord tooke us into Covenant with himselfe he knew we should still need daily mercy and compassion to heale our backslidings and foreseeing our need of such promises he hath made them knowne unto us that we might live by them looking up unto him by faith in the fence of our daily infirmities for a gracious acceptance of us and forgivenesse of our sins 2. In case we want any blessing suppose some speciall grace to enable us to walke more fruitfully in our particular places and callings look herein at the Covenant as a storehouse full of all rich blessings and make use of faith which is the condition of the Covenant set that aworke and draw out of this fountain as much as we need if we want wisedome boldnesse meeknesse temperance remember by what means we must receive them we receive the spirit by faith Gal. 3.14 beleive this promise therefore wherein the Lord hath said he will give the Holy Ghost to them that desire him Luke 11.13 This is the way the Saints have taken David when he found his heart defiled with those lusts what course took he to get it cleansed from these impurities he flyes to God by the prayer of faith desiring to have a clean heart created in him when the Church found her self shut up under deadnesse and hardnesse of heart they fly for help to Gods Covenant Thou art our father and we are thy people Breake not thy covenant with us Isai 63. and 64. Ier. 14. 3. In case we be troubled with feares of Apostacy and backsliding as thinking though we have begun well yet we shall never be able to continue Persecutions discouragements temptations are so many so violent that we thinke we shall never stand out against them here also live by faith God will give an issue to all our temptations in the mean time commit our soules to God in well doing and beleeve as Paul did that he will deliver you from every evill work and preserve you blamelesse to his heavenly Kingdome 2 Tim. 4. If Satan annoy with his temptations say as Jehoshua did The Lord rebuke thee O Satan Zach. 3. and remember the promise The Lord will shortly tread him under our feet Rom. 16. 4 In case of any service or duty to be performed unto God remember his Covenant I will make you able to keepe my judgements and to doe them Ezek. 36.27 In 1 Chron. 15.26 it is said God helped the Levites in bearing the Arke so will he help us to undergoe the burthen of that work which is too heavy for us if we rest upon him by faith if we have a word of faith to assure us that the work to be done is for the generall Gods worke and that it is particularly required of us as Our works a worke of our calling we have then good warrant to depend upon his help he hath called us he hath sent us to the work and therefore he will be with us according to that speech of his to Gideon in Judges 6.14 16. I have sent thee and therefore I will be with thee This is written not for him only but for us also that being called to any ministration or service we might by faith look for the same presence of God with us the same assistance as he had Many other particulars might be named but these may suffice to give a short direction how to live by faith in the promise and Covenant of God according to the severall occasions which befall us 2. As we must depend upon God by faith for all good things which the Covenant promiseth so we must remember the other part of the Covenant That God will be a God over us as well as a God to blesse us and therefore here our care must be to advance the Lord on high that it may be seen by our subjection unto him that we doe acknowledge him to be our God above us and over us he hath humbled himself to take such underlings as we are into Covenant with himselfe and hath thereby advanced us above our selves our duty is to set up him that hath abased himselfe for our sakes and to humble our selves to walke with our God Micah 6.8 It is said of Abraham that by his faith he gave glory to God if we be the children of Abraham let