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A69066 A summe of Christian doctrine: composed in Latin, by the R. Father P. Canisius, of the Society of Iesus. With an appendix of the fall of man & iustification, according to the doctrine of the Councel of Trent. Newly translated into Englishe. To which is adioined the explication of certaine questions not handled at large in the booke as shall appeare in the table; Summa doctrinae Christianae. English Canisius, Petrus, Saint, 1521-1597.; Garnet, Henry, 1555-1606. 1592 (1592) STC 4571.5; ESTC S107545 301,676 715

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the Aspe shutting their eares against the sweete melodie of the sounde doctrine of the Church they seeme to say Departe thou (f) Iob. 21 14. from vs and we will not haue the knowledge of thy waies which is nothing else then as S. PAVL speketh According (g) Ro. 2 4. to their hardnes and impenitent harte to heape to themselues wrath in the day of wrath and of the reuelation of the iust iudgement of God For as SALOMON also teacheth To a man (h) Pro. 29 1. Bern. ser 42. in Cant. that with a hard necke contemneth him that correcteth him a soddaine distruction shall come vpon him and healthe shall not follow him 8 When is a sinne of impenitency committed Aug. de verb Do. ser 21. cap. 12. 13. ep 50. ad Bonif. Gelas in tomo de anarhematis vinculo VVHen a man without anie end or measure of his sins which truely hee shoulde washe away by holesome Penance resolueth moreouer that neuer hee will doe any Penance at al. Of this kind of persons who are such desperate and pittifull sinners and so will remaine both their life their death is most (a) Psal 33 22. abominable for asmuch as if not in wordes yet in deed they seeme to say (b) Esa 28 15. 3 8.9 Psal 51 3.7 Pro. 2 14. We haue entered into league with death and with hell wee haue made a pact And of these also may that saying bee vnderstoode which S. IOHN auoucheth There (c) 1. Io. 5 16 Aug. de corr gra c. 12. 1. retract cap. 19. is a sinne to death for that I say not that anie man aske Thus much concerning the sins against the holy-Ghost which are doubtlesse most grieuous which Almighty God either neuer or verie hardly doth pardon For which cause we ought often to garde our selues to confirme others against the same that we may obserue that saying * Ephes 4 30. Cōtristate not (d) 1. Thess 5 19. extinguishe not the spirite of God This (e) Ps 94 8. day if you heare his voice harden not your hearts Let (f) Heb. 3 13. none of you be obdurate with the fallacie of sinne For (g) Eccli 3 7.27 an harde heart shall bee in euill case at the last Nowe therefore let vs come to those sins which are also not a little hainous and are wonte to be called sinnes that cry vnto Heauen OF SINNES THAT CRY VNTO HEAVEN 1 What sinnes are those that are saide to crie vnto Heauen THose Aug. in En. c 30. l. ann in Iob. c. 30. l. 1. locutionis de Genes quaest 5. super Exod. Greg. 3. par past adm 32. in 2. Psal poenit which notably aboue others are knowne to haue a manifest and exceeding wickednesse doe singularly purchase to those which cōmit thē Gods indignation vengeance Of this sort there are four nūbred in holy scripture to wit wilful (a) Gē 4 10. Murder (b) Gē 18 20 Sodomie (c) Ex. 22 23 Oppression of the Poore defrauding (d) Deut. 24 15. Iac. 5 4. the Laboring mans hiere 2 Howe doth the Scripture teach that wilfull murther is reuenged IN most grieuous manner doubtlesse Vide Conc. Ancyr c. 22. Conc. Epaun ca. 31. Tribur c. 54 sequ as Almighty God sheweth in these wordes wherein hee rebuketh CAIN the first man-flear (a) Gē 4 10. Amb. l. 2. de Cain Abel cap. 9. What hast thou done saith he the voice of the bloude of thy brother crieth to me from the earth Now therfore shalt thou be cursed vpon earth And in another place Gods owne voice doth testifie (b) Gen. 9 6. Ex. 21 12.14 Leuit. 24 17 Num. 35.16.20 Deut. 19 11 1. Io. 3 15. Whosoeuer shall shed mans blood his blood shall be shed also For to the image of God was man made The kingly Psalmist singeth Men (c) Ps 54 24. of blood shall not liue halfe their daies For this is a very heinous wickednesse he doth a most horrible iniurie to his neighbour that bereueth him of his life without lawfull (d) Aug. l. 22 contr Faust cap. 70. auctoritie For which cause Christ himselfe saith also (e) Mat. 26 52. Apoc. 13 10. All that take the sword shall perish with the sworde 3 And what is extant in holy scripture touching the sinne of Sodome and the punishments thereof THe men of Sodome saith the scripture (a) Gen. 13 13. were very naught and sinners before God too too much This horrible and abominable sin (b) 2. Pet. 2 6. S. PETER S. PAVL (c) Rom. 1 24. 1. Tim. 1 10 Ephes 5 5. Iudic. 19 22 20 46. doe reproue yea nature her selfe doth abhorre and the scripture also doth declare the greatnesse of so foule a wickednes in these words The crie (d) Gen. 18 20. of the Sodomites and the Gomorians is multiplied and their sinne is aggrauated too too much For which cause the Angels doe speake thus vnto the iust man LOTH who did greatly abhorre from the outragious filthines (e) 2. Pet. 2 6 of the Sodomites (f) Gē 19 13 We will destroy this place because the cry of them hath increased before our Lorde who hath sent vs to destroy them Therefore our Lorde (g) Ibid. Sap. 10 6. Deut. 29 23 Iudae ver 7. Gen. 13 10. vide Greg. li. 14. mor. c. 10 Aug. l. 16. de ciu cap. 30. Tert. in apo aduers gentes ca. 40. in Sod ca. 4. rained downe vpon Sodome Gomorrha brimstone and fire from our Lorde out of heauen and ouerthrewe those Cities and all the Countrie about Neither doth the scripture leaue vntouched the causes which moued the Sodomites and may also moue others to this so greeuous a sinne For thus we read in EZECHIEL (h) Ezec. 16 49. Behold this was the iniquitie of Sodome thy sister Pride fulnes of bread and aboundance and the idlenesse of her her daughters and they did not stretch their hand to the needy poore And of this vice which can neuer be sufficiently detested are they guiltie who doe not feare to breake the lawe of God yea the lawe of nature written in Leuiticus which is this (i) Leuit. 18 22. Deut. 27 21 vide Chrys ho. 4. in ep ad Rom. Tert. in l. de pudicit c. 4. Aug. lib. 3. conf cap. 8. ep 109. Cum masculo non commiscearis coitu foemineo quia abominatio est Cum omni pecore non coibis nec maculaberis cumeo Which sin if it be committed we are admonished (l) Leuit. 20 13.15 Exo. 22 19. Ioel. 3 3. in the same place that the very earth is polluted with such horrible abominable lustes that Gods wrath is very much prouoked against the people and (k) L. Cum vir nubit C. ad legē Iul. de adult that the crime is
and if he shal may not I desire the same and if I may desire it may I not offer it and wishe the increase of his ioy which I knowe he must needs haue by such workes done by his exhortation or for his imitation and what other workes can we doe or vse we to doe to the honour of a Sainte then in doing a worke acceptable to God to desire that God be sanctified in that Sainte and to delight in the glory and honour of that Sainte beeing readie as much as in vs lieth if it were possible to augmente Gods glory and his Saints felicitie which in effecte is no more than to say as Christ as taught vs Sanctificetur nomen tuum Hallowed be thy name But these men with whom wee deale and against whom wee dispute as they haue malitiouslye geuen the people to vnderstand that we honoured dumme stockes and stones in steede of Saintes so haue they as blasphemouslye endeuoured to perswade that the Saintes themselues in heauen bee in effecte nothing but dumme and deafe stocks and stones taking way from them all knowledge of our estate and all communication of them with vs and of vs with them as though we were not members of one bodie or as though they were not intelligent soules now not depending of their bodies nor requiring eares or eies or nearenes of place to heare or see our affaires Finally so depriuing them of al honour that if they were here amongst vs euen as gloriouse as they are in heauen yet woulde they neither vouchsafe them cappe nor knee But we will conclude this pointe of Vowes and offerings with one sentence of the Isa 19 21 Prophet cōmending vnto vs both togither who speaking of the lawe or Christ saith They shall worship him in sacrifices and in giftes and shall make Vowes to our Lorde and pay them And wee truely knowe that what is done vnto Gods Saints is performed in thē to God him selfe IIII Howe shall we aunswere those which repute these Ieweish Ceremonies THere is one common refuge which because it is vsed by Heretickes as a lurking corner not onlie in this matter but also in manie others we must needes dispossesse them of For if we dispute of Priests of Sacrifice of Aultars of Holiedaies of Vowes of Holy-water infinite other thinges they presently runne to the Lawe of Moises say that those thinges were lawefull in that estate but that to vse them in the Lawe of grace were to returne to Ieweish ceremonies So that in this manner they smothely shifte themselues of all places of the olde Testament and withall cast a great miste before the eies of the simple as though indeede we tied them to those olde figures and shadowes of thinges to come whereas nowe the worke of our Redemption is fulfilled And yet on the otherside it is a woonder to see how these enemies of Ieweish ceremonies make vs still subiecte to the yoake of the Lawe denying vnto the children of GOD the sufficiency of Gods grace to fulfill the same stil leauing vs our olde stonie Ezech. 36 26. et 11 19. heart which GOD did once mollifie by his spirite sent amongst vs Ro. 8.4 Ro. 6 17. when he condemned sinne that the Iustification of the Law might be fulfilled in vs. Which which indeede is cleane to take away Christian liberty God graunt that in time it growe not to an open profession as wel in deedes as some of their MASTERS haue vttered in words that the Luther verie ofte hath affirmed it See Conc. Trid. sess 6. c. 19. 10. Cōmaundements belong not to a Christian so to a generall liberty of al licentiousnesse Vnderstand therefore good Reader that there were three kinde of Lawes Deut. 4 13.14 et 6.1 vnto which all the oulde Lawe may bee reduced For there were Ceremoniall Iudiciall and Morall Lawes The first consisted in matters appertaining to their religion The second in the particular Lawes of policy ciuill gouernment of that countrey The thirde in the very Lawe of nature common to them to al mankind which was wholly comprised in the 10. Comaundements For the 10. Commaundements Iren. lib. 4 ● 31. 32. Tert. lib. de idolat Aug. lib. 15. cont Faust cap. 4 7. lib. 19. c. 18. lib. 3. cont 2. ep Pelag. cap. 4. contain only the Lawe of nature except that of the Sabboth which although it were partely naturall in that we are bound sometime euen by the Lawe of nature religiously to honor God yet the determination of one daie in a weeke or of one day more than another was ceremonious therefore nowe changed into Sunday Nowe certaine it is that the Lawe of Moises is Heb. 7 12. 2. Cor. 3 7. abolished euacuated and beeing fulfilled by Christ our Priest hath giuen place to a new Lawe and to a newe Priesthoode Wherefore of these three kinde of Lawes the first and second doe not bind at al the third bindeth but not as the Lawe of Moises but as the Lawe of God written long before it was giuen vnto Moises Ro. 2 15. in euery mans harte and as the Lawe of our new Lawemaker renueing those same commaundementes in SION Esa 2 3. and in Hierusalem the other of Gal. 4 30. Sina beeing cast out But although the other two kindes doe not binde vs at all yet are they not fully both a like For the iudiciall Lawes truely may be indifferently by any countrey accepted as Lawes to binde that countrey As it may by Parliament be agreed that Adulterers Io. 8 5. be stoned that Exod. 21 24. Deut. 19 20 an eie for an eie a tooth for a tooth that is that the accuser which is notable to prooue a crime obiected be punished with that punishment which he would haue procured for the other and that he which maimed another Vide Ioseph lib. 12. antiq cap. 13. Instit de injurijs paragr Poena be himselfe maimed in the same member And the reason of this is because GOD beeing the most wise Lawemaker which may be and the most skilfull of all equitie iustice there can be no doubt but that Ciuill Lawe which was by him made and geuen to his people may iustly if so it seme good to the Rulers Magistrates be brought into the custome of any other Coūtrey And so although pilferinge Theeues be now hanged in our coūtrey as in others yet may we bring in for thē a more milde punishmēt that so they bee not putte to death any more as they were not Exod. 22 1. vide Authēt col 9. constit 134. in Moises Lawe and yet not Iudaise So long as we doe not obserue it as a Lawe by Moises established but onely binding vs for the generall consent of those who maye make Lawes in our countrey after which maner in our countrey we doe still retaine the Iudicial Lawe of Tythes Tua nos de decimis as also the prohibition of Mariage in certaine degrees which by the Lawe of nature
will loue him and will manifest my selfe vnto him The Commandemēts are thus distinguished by S. Aug. 9.71 in Exo. et ep 119. c. 11. Clemens Alexan. l. 6. strom comment Hier. in Ps 32. Ex. 20 1. 34 28. Levi. 19 1.37 Deut. 4 13. 5 6. 10 4. He that loueth mee not keepeth not my wordes 5 Which are the Commaundements of God specially belonging to Charity THE ten wordes of God first deliuered by MOYSES to the Iewes and afterward commended by Christ his Apostles to (a) Mat. 19 17. 5 18. 22 37. Mar. 10 19. 12 31. Luc. 18 19. 10 25. Ro. 2 13. 13 8. 7 12 Gal. 5 14. Jac. 2 8. 1 25. 4 11. 1. Tim. 1 5. Cō Tri. sess 6. c. 19.20 21 all Christians which are commonlie called the Decalogue or the ten Commaundementes and are thus set downe I am thy Lord God 1 Thou shalt not haue any strange gods before me Thou shalt not make to thy selfe any grauē thing (b) Le. 26 1. The cōmādements are expounded by Orig. ho 8. in Exod. Aug. quaest 71. in Ex. tract de 10. plagis lib. de 10. chord to worshippe it 2 Thou shalt not take the name of thy Lord God in vaine 3 Remember thou keepe holy the Sabboth daie 4 Honour thy Father and thy Mother that thou maiest liue long in the lande which thy Lord God will giue thee 5 Thou shalt not kill 6 Thou shalt not commit aduoutry 7 Thou shalt not steale 8 Thou shalt not beare false witnesse against thy neighbour 9 Thou shalt not (c) Deut. 5● 21 couet thy neighbours wife 10 Thou shalt not couet his house nor his fielde nor his seruant nor his handmaid nor his Oxe nor his Asse nor any thing that is his 6 What meaneth this beginning I am thy Lord God ALmightie God beginneth the ten Commaundementes with the knowledge of himselfe Deut. 6 1.15.24 4 23.40 10 16. Mal. 1 5.14 Hier. 32 17. Psal 46 3. with the insinuation of his Maiesty That the Law-maker being once known we may feare reuerence him the more the Commaundementes which he hath set down may bee of greater authority amongst al men For we are so seriously dealt withal that if euer we meane to be (a) Mat. 4.18 19 17 28 20. Heb. 5 9. Ps 118 1.4.1 Io. 3 24. Aug. quaest 140. sup Ex. saued we must first as in a most bright glasse here assuredly behold the wil of the diuine Maiestie the whole perfecte manner of liuing well then this most holy Lawe being once knowne by the (b) Ro. 8 26. Ioan. 1 17. Phil 4 13. helpe of Christs spirite exactly keepe obserue the same Neither truely doth our Lawemaker onelie giue Commaundements but doth withal promise his (c) Ps 83 8. Deut. 28 1. Leuit. 26 3. blessing and assisteth with his helping hand I will put saith hee my (d) Ezec. 36 27. 11 19.20 spirite in the middest of you and I wil cause that you may walke in my Commaundements and that you may keepe my iudgements and that you may worke For which cause when Christ also (e) Mat. 11 28.30 1. Ioan. 5 3. Conc. Trid. sess 6. ca. 11. Can. 18. Chrys l. 1. de com cor Bas q. 176. in reg breu Aug de nat gra c. 43. 69. ser 61. 191. de temp Hier. in sym ad Damas had commaunded Take vp my yoke vpon you least any man shoulde aleadge the difficulty thereof as an excuse hee added For my yoke is sweete and my burthen light Vnto those vndoubtedly that beeing indued with the spirite of grace doe walke in charitie not fained 7 What importeth the first Commaundement IT forbiddeth and condemneth Idolatry Deut 12 2. 4 15. 18 19. 1. Reg. 28 3. Psa 113 12. Leui. 19 26.31 20 6.27 Eccli 34 4. Superstitious obseruations and the vse of Arte-Magicke diuination It teacheth also and requireth that wee account (a) Aug. lib. 10. ciuit c. 1. ep 49 q. 3 no creature at all for God though it be neuer so excellent but that we beleeue confesse one only true eternall infinite God and that to him only we offer Sacrifice and giue that singular (b) Aug. l. 10 ciu c. 1. 4. l. 15. con Faust c. 9. l. 20. cap. 21. soueraigne honor which the GRAECIANS call Latria And by meanes heereof it commeth to passe that aboue (c) Io. 4 23. Rom. 10 11 1. Ioan. 4 8. Mat. 4 10. Luc. 4 8. Esa 43 1. 1. Tim. 6 13 all thinges we honour call vpon and adore that soueraigne and eternall good the most excellent mightie Maker Redeemer Sauiour one immortall God who (d) Ro. 9 5. Psal 83 12. is blessed aboue all thinges the giuer of all grace and glory 8 How and in what sort doe we besides Almighty God honor call vpon the Saints also OF Saintes to witte of all those that are sanctified and borne againe in Christ our meaning is not to speake in this place as S. PAVL (a) Ro. 1 7. 2. Cor. 1 1. Phil. 4 22. Col. 1 1. Philem. 7. doth often applie this name to all Christians but those we meane that haue obtained the true rewards of their holinesse in (b) Apo. 7 9 heauen Of whom the same S. PAVL doth testifie that (c) Heb. 11 33. Eph. 5 27. Apo. 5 8. 7 9. 21 2. 22.3 Eph. 4 30. 1. Cor. 6 19. by faith they ouercame Kingdomes wrought Iustice obtained Promises And these in very deed are Saints immaculate without spotte and wrinckell these are the most excellent members of the Church very choise instruments of Gods holy spirite vnto whome no sinne or euill can euer haue accesse Which Saintes doe consiste partly of Angelicall partly of humane nature Creatures certes of almost noble and blessed to whom it is graunted to be replenished with those most excellent and eternall good things that are in heauen to liue alwaies in most perfite loue and friendship with (d) Phi. 1 23 2. Cor. 5 1.6 Gregor 4. mor. c. 32. Niss de S. Ephr. Ephrem l. 1. comp c. vlt. Christ our Lorde Therefore by his fauour both they are able to (e) Greg. lib. 12. mor. cap. 13. lib. 4. dial c. 33. Aug. de cura pro mort c. 15. 16. Orig. lib. 8. con Cels 4. Reg. 5 26. 6 9. 1. Co. 14 25 vnderstande what thinges are done amongst vs vpon earth because they are inflamed with an exceeding Charitie towardes their breethren though farre absent from them they (f) Dā 10 12 Mat. 18 10. Heb. 1.14 Tob. 12 12. Luc. 15 7. Act. 5 19 12 7. Apoc. 5 8. 8 3. Cypr. de mort Naz. orat 19. are careful of our saluation they fauor vs and doe wishe vs all manner of good And
de nupt concup l. 1. c. 20. l. 2. c. 17. Item ser 14. de verb. Apost also not baptised should perish as of olde in the Synagogue of the Iewes children (h) Gen. 17 14. vncircumcised Nowe forasmuch as there is but one (i) Eph. 4 5. Bas de spir sanct c. 15. Baptisme of Christs faithfull people which once receiued it is very wicked to (k) Heb. 6 4. Clem. constit Apost l. 6. c. 15. Damas l. 4. c. 10. iterate whatsoeuer the long-since condemned Anabaptists (l) in Conc. Carth. 1. c. 1 Viennen Trid. sess 7. can 9. de Sacram 13 de Baptis Aug. tract 11. in Ioan. Beda in c. 3. Ioan. do pretend we must say with the Constantinopolitan Coūsaile I confesse one (m) in symb fid Baptisme for the remission of sinnes And with S. AVGVSTINE To (n) Ep. 103. in l. de vnic Bapt con Petil. c. 13. Leo. ep 79. ad Nic. 37. ad Leo. Ran. rebaptise an heretical man is certainly a sin but to rebaptise a Catholike is an horrible wickednes which for that cause is also prohibited by the Emperors (o) C. l. Ne san Bap. iteret Laws 2 What things are principally to be noted about this Sacrament THe Element that washeth and the signification thereof the worde the Minister and the effect of Baptisme The Element is simple (a) Io. 3 5. Eph. 5 26. Act. 8 36. 10 47. Trid. c. 2. de Bapt. et Flor Chry. hom 24. in Ioan. water the matter very necessary h reu●to which is naturally wonte to washe away the filthes of the body To which very aptly doth aunswer this signification that by Baptisme the soule is (b) Tit. 3 5. Act. 2 38. 1. Cor. 6 11. cleansed from sinne the man made iust as wee meane to shewe hereafter The Worde wherein consisteth the forme of the (c) Con Laterā Flor. Aug. l. 6. cōt Donat. c. 25. Didym li. 2. de spir san Sacrament by Christ his appointmēt is this (d) Mat. 28 19. Amb. de iis qui myst initiant c. 4. I Baptise thee in the name of the Father of the Sonne of the holy-Ghost And although it be properly the office of Priests to Baptise yet wher there is very vrgent necessity others (e) Aug. cōt Parmen l. 2. ca. 13. de vnic Bap. c. 9 con Donat. l. 3. c 5. li. 7. c. 53. Hilar. in Psalm 67. Conc. Later c. 1. Florēt Trid. can 4. de Baptism also maie Baptise yea though they be wicked persons Heretiks so that they goe not frō the manner of the Church Her vsual words 3 What profite and effecte doth Baptisme yeelde THat doubtlesse which by the teaching of Christ (a) Mar. 16 16. Act. 2 38. 22 16. 1. Pet. 3 21. Ezec. 36 25. 1. Cor. 6 11 Rom. 6 3. Basil ho. 13. in exhort ad Bapt. l. de spir san c. 15 Aug. l. 1. cōt 2. ep Pelag. c. 13. l. 3. c. 3. in Enc. c. 64. Bed in ca. 3. Ioā Damas lib. 4. cap. 10. Greg. l. 9. ep 39. Hier. ad Ocea Naz. in san Laua Clē Alex. l. 1. paedag ca. 6. Chrysost ad Neoph. ad Baptizand testimony of the Apostles S. PETER S. PAVL we learn to wit that by Baptisme both sins are remitted the Spirit is giuen wherby both the olde man is extinguished a newe creature is made in Christ For Baptism rightly receiued doth not only yeeld this that al sins be fully pardoned taken away from the wicked mā but also that he being once baptised is perfitly renued made truely innocent iust holy worthy in Christ of the heauēly glory So that S. PAVL hath iustly said to al those that are Baptised You are (b) 1. Cor. 6 11. Amb. l. 1 de Sacr. c. 4. conc Flor. Trid. ses 5. can 5. washed you are sanctified you are iustified in the name of our Lord Iesus Christ in the spirite of our God And in an other place (c) Tit. 3 5. Aug. ep 23. quaest 33. super Num. li. 4. conf c. 4 Lactant. l. 3. diuinarum instit cap. 26. Cyprian lib. 2. ep 2. he testifieth that Baptisme is the lauer of regeneration and of renouation of the holye-Ghoste the (d) Ephes 5 26. lauer also of water in the word of life And again he writeth As (e) Gal. 3 27 Ro. 6 3. many of you as are Baptised in Christ haue put on Christ. Very fitly and brieflie doth (f) Ser. in caena Do. vide Cyprian de bapt Christ ablut pedum Orig. in c. 6 ad Roma Retic Augustod apud Aug. l. 1. cont Iulian c. 3. S. BERNARD comprise the principall effects of this Sacrament We are washed in Baptisme saith he because the hand-writing of our dānation is cāceled this grace is bestowed vpon vs that nowe concupiscence cannot hurt vs yet so that we keepe our selues from consent Which (g) Iac. 1 14. Ro. 6 12. 7 7. Trid. ses 5. cā 5. Aug. l. 1. de nupt concup c. 23. 25. l. 1. cont 2. ep Pelag. cap. 13. Itē l. 2. retract c. 15. l. 13. de Trin. c. 16. de pec mer. l. 1. c. 39 l. 2. c. 33. 34. cōcupiscence remaining in the regenerate is not of it selfe a sinne but an inclination vnto sinne Fomes peccati as the Diuines doe cal it left vs Ad agonem to striue withal that the Baptised by this occasion may more watchefully seeke Gods grace more feruently practise vertue more valiantly striueing get themselues a greater crown Therfore as S. PAVL teacheth There (h) Ro. 8 1. is no damnation to them that are in Christ Iesus that walke not according to the fleshe but according to the spirit that (i) Col. 3 9. Eph. 4 22. according to the Doctrine and example of Saint PAVL putting off the olde man are renued from day to day according to the inwarde (k) 2. Cor. 4 16. man which is indeede the very property of the (l) Ro. 6 4. baptised 4 What doth the benefite receiued of so great a Sacrament require at our handes FIrst it requireth of vs a speciall continuall gratitude of minde that we may praise loue and extoll him (a) Tit. 3 5. Who according to his mercie hath saued vs by the lauer of regeneration and renouation of the holy-Ghost whom hee hath powred vpon vs aboundantly by Iesus Christ our Sauiour that being iustified by his grace wee may bee heires according to hope of life euerlasting Then so is the mysterie of this Sacrament to bee (b) Orig. 1. in Numeros remembred that euery man doe oftentimes admonishe himselfe of that notable promise and Christian profession which by his (c) Dionys Areop ca. 7. Eccl. hierar Aug. de nup. cō l. 1 c. 20. Itē l. 1 de pec
l. 6. instit cap. 8. chaste (i) Aug. ad Ian. ep 118. cap. 6. fasting modest humble with (k) Orig. ho. 5. in diuers Cass Coll. 22. cap. 7. submission and without all indecencie But they that receiue the holy Eucharist vnworthely do not receiue life but iudgement vnto themselues and are (l) 1. Cor. 11 27. Chr. ho. 45. in Io. 61. ad Anti. Bas ser 2. de Bapt. cap. 3. Theodor. in 1. Cor. 11. Cassia Coll 22. c. 5. Pet. Clun lib. 1. mirac c. 25. guilty of the body and bloude of our Lorde as witnesseth the Apostle and shal be grieuosly condemned with Iudas the Iewes the blouddy enimies of Christ our Sauiour OF THE SACRAMENT OF PENANCE 1 What is the Sacrament of Penance Trid. ses 14. c. 1. can 1 ses 6. c. 14. can 29. Flor. Cōst ses 15. Nyss in vita Moisis Bern. in vita Malach. IT is that in which is giuen the absolution of a Prieste from sinnes which a man hath truely detested rightly confessed Which power of absoluing to the intent that wee might haue certaine in the Church this diuine promise was made vnto (a) Trid. ses 14. c. 6. cā 10. Amb. l. 1 de poenit c. 2. 7. lib 2. cap. 2. Priests Receiue (b) Io. 20 23 ibid. Cyr. lib 12. cap. 56. Greg. ho. 26. in Euang. Chry. ho. 85 in Ioan. yee the holy-Ghost whose sinnes you shall forgiue they are forgiuen them and whose you shall reteine they are reteined Then in an other place Amen I say to you saith our (c) Mat. 18 18. Cyp. ep 54. ad Corn. Hila. can 16 in Mat. Pacia ep 1. ad Sympr Hier ad Heliod ep 1. cap. 7. Aug. lib. 20. ciuit cap. 9. Chrys ho. 5. de ver Esaiae vidi Dominum Lorde Whatsoeuer you shall binde vpon earth shall be bounde also in heauen and whatsoeuer you shall loose vpon earth shal be loosed also in heauen By which it plainly apeareth that the effecte of this Sacrament is excellent and ful of comforte as being the meanes whereby are remitted all manner of sinnes though neuer so foule and abominable and they absolued without anie difference that haue guiltie consciences in the sight of Almightie God and this by the Ministery of a Prieste through the diuine ordinance of Christ And therefore the power and authority of Priestes is nowe farre more excellent and more to be accounted of than of (d) Leuit. 4 22.27 5 4 15. 6 2. 13 2.17 37. 14 2.18 Mat. 8 4 Luc. 17 14. olde it was as beeing those persons vnto whom it is granted I doe not say to allowe as already purged but altogether to purge not the leprosie of the body but the filthes of the soul as witnesseth (e) Chrys l. 3. de sacerd Saint CHRYSOSTOME And (f) Aug. de Verb. Dom. ser 8. ca. 1. 2. ser 44 in Io. tra 49. ho. 27 ex 50. in Psal 101. Conc. 2. S. AVGVSTINE What other thing doth the Church saith hee vnto whom it is saide what thinges you shall loose shall be loosed But that which our Lord said to his Disciples loose him (g) Io. 11 44. let him goe Amb. lib. de paenit 1. 2. Aug. lib. de adult coniug c. 28. lib. 2. ca. 16. Con. Later can 1. Trid. cap. 2. ses 14. Flor. Hier. li. 2. adu Pelag 2 Wherefore is this Sacrament of Penance needfull THat a man hauing fallen after Baptisme become the enemy of God obtaining by means of this Sacrament remission of sinnes may be reconciled vnto God and of a deade man bee made aliue and of wicked become iust For which cause the Fathers doe not vnaduisedly cal (a) Pacia ep 1. ad Sympr Hier. in ca. 3. Esa ep 8. ad Demetr de seruand Virg. cap. 6. Ambros ad Virg. laps c. 8. Trid. ses 6 c. 14. ses 14. can 2. Tert. de paenit c. 7. Ezech. 18 30. 33 11 Penance the second table after shipwracke to wit by the which euery man may be transported out of the whirle-poole of mortal sinne as out of a shipwracke into the grace fauor of almighty God though loaden pestered with manie and those very heinous sinnes 3 When is this Sacrament taken as it ought to be worketh effectually VVHhen he that sueth for remission of his sinnes Conc. Flor. Trid. ses 14. cap. 3. can 4. doth vse these three partes or actes Contrition Confession Satisfaction which do comprehend the ful conuersion of a man vnto God the duty of a penitent and his perfecte renuing Of which (a) Ser. de paenit 2. Reg. 16 5. Ps 50 19.5 6 7. 37 7.18 101 4.10 2. Reg. 12 13. 24 10 3. Reg. 21 25. Ionae 3 7 S. CHRYSOSTOME speaketh in this manner Perfect Penance doth constraine the sinner to suffer all thinges willingly Contritrition in his hearte Confession in his mouth and in his actions nothing but humility This to be holesome Penance S. CHRYSOSTOME affirmeth that by those very means that we offende God which certes we doe by heart worde and deede by the same we may be reconciled vnto God in hearte by Contrition in mouth by Confession in deede by Satisfaction To Contrition appertaineth that place A troubled spirit is a (b) Psal 50 19. sacrifice to God a contrite and humble hearte O God thou wilt not despise Confession S. LVKE doth notifie in these wordes (c) Act. 19 18. Num. 5 6. Manie of them that beleeued came confessing and declaring their deeds And the (d) Iac. 5 16. ibid. Be● Apostle S. IAMES teacheth Confesse your sinnes one to another And to Satisfaction doe belong those woorthie fruites of Penance which (e) Mat. 3 2. Luc. 3 8. Act. 26 20. S. IHON Baptist requireth amongst them Almes is accounted Of these DANIEL the Prophet saith thus Redeeme (f) Dan. 4 24. thy sinnes with Almes thy iniquities with mercie towardes the poore A great offence hath neede of great Satisfaction saith (g) Amb. ad Virg. lap c. 8 S. AMBROSE And hereūto also is referred that which S. PAVL saith of mourning for those (h) 2. Cor. 12 21. Corinthians because they had not as yet doone Penance for the vncleannesse fornication and incontinency which they had committed Trid. ses 14. cap. 4. Flor. Aug. ser 3. in Nat. Do. c. 2. de paenit medicin seu ho. 50. ex 50. cap 15. Fulg. li. 1. de remiss pec c. 12. 4 What is Contrition IT is a griefe of minde and a detestation conceiued for sinne because Almighty God is therewith displeased ioined with a full purpose of amendment of life This Contrition is (a) Chrys in Ps 50. de compunct l. 1. 2. Aug. de paenit medic c. 9. Amb. c. 8. ad Virg. laps Trid. ses
fallen and cure him when hee is wounded Then succedeth (f) Iac. 5 15. Extreame Vnction which in the laste conflicte with death doth fence comforte the Passenger Then holy Orders (g) Tit. 1.5 1. Cor. 4 1. yeeldeth Ministers vnto the Church which may haue authority in holy thinges and may rightly gouerne dispence conserue apply all those things which we spoke of before Finally Matrimony increaseth the (h) Eph. 5 32. 1. Cor. 7 2. Christian people and prouideth for mans incontinencie Where also this difference is to be obserued that Baptisme Confirmation and Orders being once giuen can neuer be (i) Concil Flor. Trid. sess 7. Can. 9. de Sacr. in genere Aug 2. con ep Parm. c. 13. iterated Also Baptisme must of necessitie be taken (k) Io. 3 5. of all The Eucharist of those that haue (l) Trid. sess 21. cap. 4. the vse of reason Penance (m) Apoc. 2 5. of those that are fallen But it is at thy discretion to vse any of the rest so that thou haue none in contempte or doest neglect thē against Iustice equitie when the time requireth These are therefore the preseruatiues and diuine remedies which that Samaritane (n) Luc. 10 33. 1. Cor. 4 1. Io. 20 23. full of all mercie hath ordained committed to the Prelates of the Church to be dispensed for the well curing vndoubtedly of the sicke that is to saye of all sinners in the Church euen vntill that they obtaine if they will their true and perfite health Which remedies rightly to vnderstand holsomely to receiue and faithfully to apply vnto others is not a pointe certes of humane cunning but of Christiā wisdome Of which wheras we haue now spoken enough according vnto the scope of our present purpose It now remainethe that by the helpe of Christ we passe ouer to the other part of this worke which containeth Christiā Iustice Ecclesiastici 4 ver 12. WISDOME inspireth life into her children and entertaineth those that seeke her and she will goe before in the way of IVSTICE and he that loueth her loueth life THE FIFTH CHAPTER OF CHRISTIAN IVSTICE 1 What thinges doe belong to Christian Iustice ALL such thinges maie bee reduced vnto two pointes Aug. ser 19. de temp Chrys in Ps 4. ho. 16. in epist ad Ephes Prosp sent 98. ex Aug. which are comprehended in these wordes (a) Psal 36 27. 33 15 1. Pet. 3 10.11 Tob. 4 13. Decline thou from euil doe good as also ESAY teacheth (b) Esa 1 16 Eccli 3 32. Ro. 12 10. Cease yee to doe peruersely and learne to doe well This is that which (c) Col. 3 8. Eph. 4 S. PAVL admonisheth that the olde man with his actes must be put off the new man must bee put on in Iustice and Holinesse of trueth The first consisteth in knowing eschuing sinnes for they are vnto mortall men the greatest euills that can be And the latter standeth in the desire pursute of thinges that be good But to the intent that wee may performe (d) Bern. ser 1. de Pentec both these offices appertaining to Iustice Gods grace hath beene by IESVS CHRIST purchased and promised vnto vs and is euer most necessarie By meanes of which both preuenting vs (e) Aug. de grat lib. arbit ca 9. 15. 16. Itē in Ench. c. 32. Hier lib. 2. in Iouin cap 2. Conc. Trid. sess 6. can 2. and cooperating with vs that effecte is wrought in vs which S. IHON affirmeth (f) 1. Io. 3 8. He that doth Iustice is iust euen as he also is iust Moreouer he addeth He that committeth sinne is of the Deuill 2 What is sinne SInne as witnesseth S. AVGVSTINE (a) Lib. de duab anim c. 11. l 1. retract c. 15 13. lib de Gen. ad lit imperf c. 1. is a will to retaine or obtaine that which Iustice prohibiteth and from which it is in mans power to abstaine And in an other place he teacheth that sinne (b) Lib. 22. cont Faust ca. 27. lib. 1. contr 2. ep Pelag. c. 13. is whatsoeuer is spoken donne or desired contrary to the lawe of God And Saint AMBROSE What is sinne (c) Lib. de Paradiso c. 8. Aug. lib. 2 de consens Euang. c. 4. Bed in ca. 3. ep 1 Ioan. saith he but the transgression of Gods lawe and the disobaying of the heauenly precepts 3 How many kinde of sinnes be there THree (a) Aug. in Ench. c 64. Originall Mortall and Veniall The first we call Originall which (b) Trid. conc ses 5. being transfused by ADAM the first Father of mankinde and contracted by vs in our very conception (c) Ps 50 7. is taken away by Baptisme in Christ Whereof S. PAVL speaketh in this manner (d) Ro. 5 12. By one man sinne entered into this worlde by sinne death and so vnto all men death did passe in which all sinned And againe speaking vnto the Baptised to the intent that he might shewe that the force of Christian Baptisme did extend to the purging of this sinne also he plainly testifieth You (e) 1. Cor. 6 11. are washed you are sanctified you are iustified in the name of our Lord IESVS CHRIST and in the spirite of our God But Mortall sinne is that actuall sinne as they call it which taketh away spiritual life and bringeth the death of the soule of him that sinneth which death separateth a man from God and his (f) 1. Cor. 6 9. Gal. 5 19 Apoc. 21 8. kingdome maketh him worthie of euerlasting punishment Whereupon it is written The (g) Ro. 6 23 stipend of sinne death (h) Sap. 1 16. Iniustice is the procurement of death and the vngodly haue inuited her with handes and wordes Finally a veniall sinne is certes actuall but it is such a sinne as doth not make a man the enimy of God whereof pardō is easily obtained by the faithfull at Gods hande Of this hath S. IHON saide (i) 1 Io. 1 6. Aug. lib. 3. cont 2. ep Pelag. c. 3. If wee shall say that we haue no sinne we seduce our selues and the trueth is not in vs. And S. IAMES confesseth plainely (k) Iac. 3 2. In many thinges we offende all And if wee beleeue the wise man The (l) Pro. 24 16. Eccles 7 21. Iust man falleth seauen times a day and risethe againe Now it is manifest that one sinne is more (m) Io. 19 12. grieuous than another it is agreable both to humane diuine Iustice also that a greater punishment (n) Aug. lib. 21. ciu c. 16. ser 18. de verb. Apost cap. 4. is due to the greater sin And for that cause hath Christ put this difference betweene the faulte and the punishement of one that sinneth wittingly of another that sinneth vnwittingly (o) Luc. 12 47. That seruant saith he that knewe
exclameth the Ecclesiasticus Of (k) Eccli 5 4.5 Eccle. 9 1. vide Aug de perf lust cap 15. de corr gra c. 13. ho. 41. ex 50. ser 3. de Innoc Greg. li. 16. mor. c. 3. the remission of sinne be thou not without feare neither doe thou adde sinne vpon sinne And doe not say the mercie of our Lorde is great he will haue compassion vpon the multitude of my sinnes For mercie and anger doe soone approche frō him his anger doth looke vpon sinners rightly therfore saith the Prophet I will sing mercie (l) Ps 100 1. Bern. ser 52. ex paruis ser 6. in Cāt. Aug. de vtil poenit c. ult iudgement vnto thee o Lord. then in an other place The (m) Ps 98 4 honour of the King loueth iudgement 4 How doth a man sinne against the holy Ghost by desperation VVHen the contrarie vice vnto presumption Aug. ser 58. de temp in Psal 50. Greg. lib. 5. mor. c. 14. Isid lib. 2. de sum bo c. 14 Chry. ho. 2. in Psal 50. Ber. ser 5. de nat Dom. whereof we spake before doth so possesse the minde of a man that he casteth off all hope either of obtaining pardone before God or of attaining vnto life euerlasting After this sort sinned CAIN by despaire as himselfe testifieth by his speeche when he saith (a) Gen. 4 13 Bern. ser 11. in Cant. Greater is my iniquity than that I may deserue pardon Thus sinned also IVDAS that Traitour (b) Mat. 27 3. Act. 1 18. Ephes 4 19. 2. Reg. 2 26. vnto Christ at what time he being moued with despaire of saluatiō like an vnhappy wretch hanged himselfe But doubtlesse (c) Ezec. 18 21.27 33 11. 1. Io. 1 7.9 2 1. Hier. 3 1. Esa 1 18. Ps 144 8. Eccli 17 20.27 there is no penance too late as is manifest by the (d) Luc. 23 40. Aug. li. 1. retr c. 19. de cor gr ca. 15. ser 181. de tēp c. 16. Leo. ep 91. ad Theo. Conc. Trid. ses 14. cap. 7. example of that thiefe which vpon the Crosse euen in those last momentes of his life obtained great grace heauenly glory at the handes of Christ 5 When doth hee that oppugneth the trueth sin against the holy-Ghost VVHē * Leo. ep 10. ad Flau. c. 1. Aug. de Gē ad lit l. 7. c. 9 tra 18. in Euang. Ioa. de vtil cre ca. 1. l. 18. ciu ca. 51. lib. 21. c. 25. that trueth which cōcerneth the estate of Faith Religiō not of ignorance but of malice is purposely impugned that thereby the sinceritie of Catholike veritie may be blemished Of this sinne were the Pharisies (a) Mat. 12 24. 15 2. 21 45. 22 15. Io. 7 48. 12 10.19 guiltie whose chiefest care we see to haue bene as malitiously as falsly to blaspheme Christ to persecute the doctrine of the Gospell and to suppresse the testimonie (b) Act. 4 16. 5 18. of the Apostles and that euen against their own consciences Not vnlike vnto these are they that are said by the Prophet to sitte in the (c) Psal 1 1. chaire of pestilence and are called by S. PETER (d) 2. Pet. 2 1 lying maisters that doe bring in Sects of perdition Finally by S. (e) Tit. 3 10. PAVL Heretickes men corrupted (f) 2. Tim. 3 8. in mind reprobate concerning the faith attending (g) 1. Tim. 4 1. to spirites of errour subuerted condemned by their owne (h) Tit. 3 11 iudgement Among whom may be numbred that same seducer ELIMAS whom S. PAVL publikelie reprehending saide with great vehemencie O full (i) Act. 13 10. of all guile and all deceipte sonne of the deuill enemie of all iustice thou ceasest not to subuerte the right waies of our Lorde To this kind also is referred Blasphemie (k) Mat. 12 31 of the Spirite which sinne Christ doth greatly rebuke in the Iewes and maketh it worse then other sinnes And woulde to God that this sinne did not raigne in these our daies For against the holy Ghost doe they also blaspheme as writeth DAMASVS (l) Apud Gratianum 25. quaest 1. violatores who against the holy Canons of the Fathers endited by the instinct of the holy Ghost doe any thing willingly or malepertly or presume to speake or wilfully giue their consent to thē that haue a minde so to doe For it is manifest that such a presumption is one kinde of the blasphemies against the holy Ghost thus saith DAMASVS 6 How is Enuie of brotherly grace a sinne against the holy Ghost Aug. li. 1. de ser Dom. in monte cap. 22. 1. retr cap 19. VVHen we are striken with a greate greife and sorowe because of the splendor encrease of vertues Gods guiftes in which our brother doth excell Which sinne seemeth to be rather proper vnto the Deuill than vnto man whereas the Deuill doth most wrathfully take the encrease and continuance of (a) Sap. 2 24 the grace of God in man and for that cause he is not only an accuser (b) Apoc. 12 10. of our brethren but also an implacable aduersarie (c) 1. Pet. 5 8. of God of all good men who as a roring Lion goeth about seeking whom hee maye deuour There were among the Iewes such sonnes of Satan who did altogether enuie vnto the Gentiles the lately springing grace of the Gospell as we read in the Acts (d) Act. 11 2. 13 45. Gen. 4 5. of the Apostles 7 What kind of obstinacie is that which is a sinne against the holy Ghost Aug. in Enc. cap. 83. in Ps 58. conc 1. Greg. ho. 11. in Ezech. Bern. li. 1. de consid ca. 2. in ser de conuers ad Cler. cap. 4. THat certes which beareth an obstinate minde against him that giueth him good admonition so that he will not suffer him selfe by any meanes to be withdrawne from his damnable course With this sinne was King PHARAO (a) Exod. 7 seq Aug. quaest 18. 24. in Exod. ser 88. de temp Gerg 31. mor. c. 11 l. 11. ca. 5. notably attainted who although he were so often admonished by MOYSES and sometimes afflicted with very sore scourges frō God yet notwithstanding in his tirannicall purpose he (b) Exod. 14. obstinatly persisted and perished Famous also was that (c) Hier. 5 3. 8 5. Esa 48 4. Zach. 7 11. Gen. 49 7. incorrigible obstinacie of the Iewes whom S. STEVEN painting out as it were in their colours saith With a (d) Act. 7 51. hardnecke and with vncircumcised eares you haue all waies resisted the holy Ghost And not vnlike vnto them are those at this day that being addicted vnto new sectes may not abide so much as to heare or reade anye Catholike instructions but euen like to the serpent (e) Psal 57 5 called
c. 32. Chrys hom 6. ad pop 1. 2. in Gen. Councell willeth them to bee excōmunicate who without vneuitable necessity euident weakenesse doe eate fleshe in Lent And the holy Fathers zeal is most singular in commending vrging requiring (o) Bas ho. 2. de Ieiun Aug. ser 62. de temp Amb. ser 23. 25. 34. 36. 37 Fasting espetially that of Lent which they will haue accounted as instituted by the (p) Hieron ep 54 cont Mont. ad Marcell Apostles From this spirite of the Fathers are they farre off that doe disburden themselues others of the Lawe of Fastes taking vpon themselues the Patronage not of Euangelicall liberty but of licentiousnes of the fleshe These fellowes will not haue the fleshe with the (q) Gal. 5 24 vices and concupiscences to be crucified therefore they (r) 1. Cor. 2 14. sauor not those thinges that are of the Spirite but doe rather extinguishe (s) 1. Thes 5 19. Maxim in Litan the Spirite contrary to the Doctrine of the Apostle They do also resist the holy Church our Mother yea (t) Aug. in ep 86. ad Casul Christ also speaking gouerning in the Church (v) Luc. 10 16. Mat. 18 17. 1. Cor. 14 37. 1. Thes 2 13 Act. 15 28. Hier. 35 6.18 2. Mac. 6 19 7 1. his Spouse wherfore they purchase vnto themselues (x) Ro. 13 2. Leu. 23 27. 1. Reg. 14 24. 3. Reg. 13 16. Conc. Trid. sess vlt. Aug. tract 73. in Ioan. Amb. ser 25. 36. Chrys hom 12. in 1. ad Tim. Raban lib. 2. de instit Cler. cap. 25. assured damnation wheras they abrogate reiecte the holy holesome ordinance of Fastes alwaies commēded vnto vs by the Church 6 What doth the holie Scripture teache concerning Fasting Iud. 20.26 1. Reg. 7 6. 31 13. 2. Reg. 1 12. 3 35. 12 16. 22. 3. Reg. 21 27. 1. Par. 10 12 2. Par. 20 3. 1. Esd 8 21. 2. Esd 1 4. IT is the voice of Almightie God himselfe which by the Prophet IOEL cryeth out vnto sinners (a) Icel 2 12 1 14. Be yee conuerted vnto mee in your whole heart in Fasting Weeping and Mourning And a little after (b) Ibid. 2 15. Greg. ho. 16. in Euang Maxim ho. 1. de Ieiun quadrag Sound the trumpet in Sion saith hee Sanctifie a Faste call the company assemble the people together or as others do reade Sanctifie a Faste preache the curing That hereby we may learne that Faste is sanctified by other good woorkes and being sanctified is (c) Aug. ser 60. 62. 69. 230. de tēp Bern. ser 4. de quadrag Hier. in c. 6. Danielis auailable to the curing of sinnes as S. HIEROME doth (d) Lib. 2. adu Iouin cap. 11. interpret For as the same holy Father gathereth our of holie (e) Ibid. vide Aug. ser 65. de temp Chrysost in homil de Iona. write by Fasting DANIEL a man of (f) Dan. 9.3.23 10 3.11 desires knewe thinges to come And the Niniuites appeased the wrath (g) Ionae 3 10. of God And (h) 3. Reg. 19 8. ELIAS and (i) Exod. 24 18. 34 28. Deut. 9 9.18 MOYSES with fortie daies hunger were filled with the familiarity of Almighty God our Lord (k) Mat. 4 2. Luc. 4 2. himselfe Fasted so manie daies in the wildernesse that he might leaue vnto vs solemne daies of Fasting And hee taught that the fiercer sort of diuels cannot be vanquished but by (l) Mat. 17 21. Mar. 9 29. Praier Fasting the Apostle saith that he (m) 1. Cor. 11 27. Fasted often And in the Psalmes the Penitent saith I did (n) Ps 101. eate my breade as ashes and did mingle my drinke with teares And when (o) Psal 34. they were troublesome vnto me I did weare heare cloth I did humble my soule in Fasting What is more manifest then that which Christ affirmeth shoulde come (p) Luc. 5 35. Mar. 2 20. Mat. 9 15. ibid. Hier to passe that when he the Spouse most deare vnto his disciples should be taken away then they thoughe full of the holy-Ghost (q) Act. 13 3 14 22. shoulde Fast Therefore S. PAVL exhorteth all the faithfull Let vs (r) 2. Cor. 6. Luc. 2 37. Mat. 6 16. Tob. 3 10. Iudith 4 8. 8 6. Esth 4 3. 14 2. Hier. 36 9. Bar. 1 5. 1. Mac. 3 47 2. Mac. 13 12. exhibite our selues as the ministers of God in much patience in watchinges in Fastinges in chastitie For they (s) Gal. 5. that be Christes haue crucified their flesh with the vices and concupiscences 7 What is Praier IT is a deuoute affect of our mind towards God wherby we do faith fully demand (a) Damasc l. 3. orth fid c. 24. Aug. l. 2. de ser Do in Monte. c. 3. ser 230 de temp Bas in Iul. Chrys ho. 30. in Gē Nyss in lib. de orat whatsoeuer things are holesome for vs and others and whereby we doe praise celebrate the grace and power of Almightie God or by any manner of meanes exhibite our selues (b) Ex. 35. c d 2. Par. 29. g deuoute before that soueraigne eternall maiestie So that heerunto belongeth not only beseeching but also (c) Mat. 4. b adoration (d) Mal. 1. c Esa 56. c Ioan. 4. c oblation or Sacrifice (e) Ro. 10. c inuocation (f) Psal 17. a 145. a praise and (g) Esa 56. c 1. Tim. 2. a Aug. ep 59 ad Paulin thankesgiuing The (h) Aug. tract 73. in Euang Io. Bas in cap. 2. const Monast Bern. ser 4. 5. de quadrag in ser de 4. modis orandi maner and exact forme of praying Christ hath (i) Mat. 6. b Luc. 11. a See before of our Lordes Praier prescribed as we haue already declared And there is no worke more (k) Ps 140. a Tob. 12. c Act. 10. a Ex. 32. c Ps 105. d Hier. 7. c 27. d ibid. Hieron epist 12. ad Gaudentiū c. 3 cōmended in holy scripture none more familiar with deuoute and holy persons none that of more persons and more often with greater diligence and more necessarily is to be exercised in this life than is praier It is a true saying (l) Eccles 35. d Ps 105. c 36. alud 9. d The praier of him that humbleth himselfe shall pearce the cloudes Also (m) Lu. 18. a Eccli 18 c. 1. Thess 5. c it behoueth alwaies to praie to wit with a zealous affect of harte and without hypocrisie or respect of the praise (n) Mat. 6. a of men that is to saie in spirite (o) Io. 4. c. truth Notwithstanding they that doe praie doe often vse an externall (p) Tert. in apol aduers Gent. c. 30 Aug. in l. de cura pro mort cap. 5 Hieron adu Lu. if cap. 6 in vita
ad Theod. lapsum Cyr. Alex. de exitu animae Prosp lib. 3. de vita contemplatiua cap. 12. item Greg. lib. 4. dial cap. 28. 29. 42. sequent Isid de summo bono lib. 1. c. 31. 32. AS nothing is more miserable than death as nothing also is more terrible than iudgemente espeaciallie to the children of this worlde persisting obstinately in sin so can there nothing be imagined more intollerable and vnfortunate than hell and the paine thereof For there as witnesseth diuine (a) Mat. 8 b 13 f g 22 b 24 d 25 e Luc. 13 f scripture is weeping and gnashing of teeth there their worme (b) Mar. 9 g Esa 66 g 14 c Eccli 7 b Iudith 16 c dieth not the fire quencheth not there the lande is darke (c) Iob. 10 d Iudae e Greg. lib. 9. moral c. 45. sequent Cassian in Confess Theologica p. 3. Ephrem in l. de vera poenitentia cap. 7. 8. and couered with the mist of death there the shadowe of death and no order but perpetuall horror inhabiteth there their (d) Apoc. 21 c 14 b c 18 b 19 d 20 c d Psal 10 b 20. b Deut. 32 c Iob. 24 c Rom. 2 b Esa 3 d Pro. 19. d Eccli 21 b part shall be in the poole burning with fire and brimstone which is the seconde death there they shall be tormented (e) Apoc. 20 c 9 a Iob. 7 b 20 c d Psal 48 c Esa 33 b Mat. 3 c 25 d 2. Thess 1 c 2. Pet. 2 a b day and night for euer and euer There finally that shall be found true by experience which the iust Iudge hath foretolde in these wordes to all those that are to be tormented in hell (f) Esa 65 c Lu. 6 d 16 f Cyr. Alex. in orat de exitu animae Aug. in Euchir cap. iij. sequent item ser 181 de temp c. 18. lib de triplici habitaculo c. 2 Cyp. ad Demetr ser de Ascensione Christi Bern. ep 253 meditat cap. 3. item ser 8. in Psal Qui habitat Hugo lib. 8. de anima c. 13. Innocētius 3. lib. 3. de cōtempt mundi cap. 2. seq Conc. Flor. Behold my seruantes shall eate and you shall be hungry Behold my seruants shall drink and you shall be thirsty Behold my seruantes shall reioise and you shall be confounded Behold my seruantes shall sing praises for the exaltation of their hart and you shall cry for the griefe of harte and because of the contrition of spirite ye shall houle Therefore the Kingly Prophet calleth vpon all Kings and Princes setteth before them the paines that are to come for the wicked with this seuere admnnition And now (g) Psal 2 c Kinges vnderstand ye be ye instructed ye that iudge the earthe For to the stronger (h) Sap. 6 ab Esa 5 d there remaineth a stronger torment a most hard iudgement shall passe vpon them that are in auctoritie Serue ye our Lorde in feare and exulte vnto him with trembling apprehend yee discipline least that our Lorde be angry and you doe perish from the iust way when his anger shall sodenly waxe hoate Hereupon Christ himselfe also hath thus spoken to euery man Feare him (i) Luc. 12 a Mat. 10 c Chrys lib. 1. de prouidētia Dei itē ho. 5. 55. ad pop Antioch Aug. in Psal 49. Bern. in ser de conuers ad Cler. c. 5. who after he hath killed hath power to cast into hell Yea I say to you feare him For as it is momentanie which in this life deliteth so is it euerlasting which in hell tormenteth 5 What doe we learne out of holy scripture of the kingdome of heauen GOd hath prepared (a) Mat. 25 c his kingdome for the electe frō the beginning of the world a (b) 2. Tim. 4 d heauenly kingdome an eternall (c) 2. Pet 1 c kingdome a most blessed (d) Luc. 14 d Aug. ser 37 de Sanct Cyp de mortalitate kingdome whereof Sainte PAVL plainlye confesseth The (e) Ro 8 d 2 Cor. 4 d Act. 14 d 2. Tim. 2 a b 4 b passions of this time are not condigne to the glory to come The eie (f) 1. Cor. 2 c Esa 64 b hath not seene nor eare hath heard neither hath in ascended into the hart of man what thinges God hath prepared for them that loue him O holy (g) Apoc. 21 a d e f g 22 a Mat. 13 f 22 c Sap. 3 a b 5 c Dan. 12 c 1. Cor. 5 e f g Phil. 3 d Io. 14 a Cittie IERVSALEM newe descending from heauen prepared of God as a Bride adorned for her husband Whereof Saint IHON very wel acquainted with diuine matters heard these thinges from heauen wrote them Behold the (h) Apoc. 21 a 7 d 1. Cor. 13 d 1. Ioan. 3 a. Esa 25 c 33 c d 49 c 51 a d 60 d 65 c 66 d Ps 16 d 26 d 30 c 35 b 86 a 114 b 149 a Chrys ep 5. ad Theod. lapsum Anselm ep 2. in ib. de similitudinibus cap. 47. sequ Hugo lib. 4. de anima cap. 15. 16. Tabernacle of God with men and hee will dwell with them and they shall be his people he God with them shal be their God And God shall wipe away all teares from their eies and death shall be no more nor mourning nor crying neither shall there be sorowe any more which first thinges are gone There is heard the (i) Apo. 19 a Ps 83 a b d ibidem Aug. item lib. 10. de ciuitate Dei cap. 16. lib. 22. cap. 29. 30. item lib 3. de libro arbitrio cap. vltimo lib. 3. de Symb. ad Catechum cap vltimo lib. 1. de Trinitate cap. 13. de Catechiz rudib cap. 25. tract 4. in ep Ioan. lib meditat cap. 22 25. Soliloquior cap. 21. 35. 36. Manual cap. 6. 7. 16. 17. voice of the greate trumpet and as the voice of many waters and as the voice of greate thunders saying Alleluia because our Lord God omnipotent hath raigned let vs be glad and reioise giue glory vnto him because the mariage of the lambe is come Blessed (k) Apoc. 19 b be they that are called to the supper of the mariage of the lambe but more blessed they that beeing (l) Luc. 14 d Greg. ho. 36 37. in Euang Prosp de vita contemplatiua lib. 1. cap. 2. sequent item lib. 3. cap 32. Bern in ser de triplici genere bonorum c. 4. meditat called doe come to that supper all impediments being taken away and bring theire wedding garment (m) Mat. 22 b that they may sit downe in the kingdome of God (n) Mat. 8 b Luc. 13 f 12 c 22 c Greg. ho. 13. in Euang. with ABRAHAM ISAAC and IACOB And we shall not need to aske (o) Psal 14 a 23 a Esa 33 c
the simpler sort All which thinges we will close vp with one worde of Ecclesiastes as with a notable seale of the whole life of man making this conclusion Eccles 12 d Feare God and keepe his Commaundementes For this is all a man Psalm 67. Confirme this O GOD which thou hast wrought in vs. AN APPENDIX OR ADDITION OF THE FALL OF MAN AND IVSTIFIcation according to the sentence and doctrine of the Councell of Trent 1 Of the state fall of the first Man VVHen the first man Gen. 2 c 3 ● Aug. lib. 14. de ciuit Dei cap. 17. lib. 6 de Gen. ad lit cap. 26 27 in cōcione ad Catech cont Iudae c. cap. 2. Fulg. de incarn grat Christ cap. 12. 13. Bern. ser 1. de Annun Prosp cont Collat. c. 21. ADAM hadde transegressed the Commandement of God in Paradise be presentlie lo●t the holinesse and iustice in which he was created and further by the offence of that transgression incurred the anger and indignation of God and so consequently Gen. 2 c 3 d. Rom. 5 c. Conc. Mileuit can 1. Aug lib. 1. de ciuitat Dei cap. 12. lib. 1. de po● mer. cap. 2. 4. 6. Tertul de anima cap. 52. Fulgent de incarnat cap. 12. Chrys hom 17. in Gen. Ber. ad milit templi cap. 11. death which Almighty God had threatned vnto him before And with this same death he fell into the bondage and thraldome of the Aug. lib. 13. de Trin. cap. 12. lib. 3. Hypog cap. 2. Bern. ep 190. Diuell who from thence-forth had the Empire of Heb. 2 d death and finallie whole ADAM Concil Arausicanū can 1. lib. de Eccles dogmat cap. 38. Aug. lib. 13. de Trin. cap. 12. lib. 14. de ciu Dei c. 15 by that same offence of preuarication was both in bodie and soule changed into worse 2 Of the sin of Adam transfused into al men NEither did ADAMS preuarication hurte himselfe alone but also his whole linage Ro. 5 c d 1. Cor. 15 c Eccli 25 d Conc. 2. A. raus can 2. Aug. in Enchir cap. 26. l. 2. Hypog cap 1. sequent l. 13. de ciuit Dei cap 3 14. lib 14. cap. 1. Prosp lib. 1. de vocat gent. c. 7. ad capitula Gallor c. 8. and posterity as who did loose both to himselfe Prosp cont Collat cap. 19 ad tria prima dub Genuen 9. Fulg. de incar gra Christi c. 13. and to vs the holinesse and iustice receiued from God and beeing polluted by the sinne of disobedience did transfuse into all mankinde not death only and the paines of the Gennad de Eccles dogmat c. 39. Aug. in Ench. c. 26. lib. 15. de ciuitate Dei cap. 1. de Predest gra c. 3. lib. 6. cont Iulian. cap. 12. 20. 24. 26. Fulgent de incar gratia Christi c. 14. 15. de fide ad Pet. cap. 25. Prosp lib 2. de vita contemplatiua c. 20. cont Collat. cap. 20. lib. de ingrat cap. 40. 27. Petrus Diaconus de incarnat gratia Christi cap. 6. bodie but also sinne which is the death of the soule Which the Apostle confirming hath said By one man Rom. 5 b sinne entred into the world and by sinne death And so vnto al men death did passe in which all sinned For which cause the sinne of ADAM which originally is one being by propagation Aug. l. 2. cont Pelag. Coelest c 15 16. lib. 1. de pec mer. cap. 9. 10. 11 12. 13. l. 2 Hypog c. 4. ep 86. 〈◊〉 lib. 6. cont Iul. cap. 2. serm 14. ●e verb. Ap●●● cap. 14. ● sequent not by imitation transfused to all is in euery particular man his own Item lib. 3. de peccat mer. cap. 8. lib. 6. cont Iulian. cap. 10. must needs be purged by some remedie for the getting of life euerlasting For by it all men are made vncleane and as the Apostle Ephes 2 a Fulgent de ●ide ad Pet. cap. 26. saith by nature the Sonnes of wrathe and the slaues of sinne of the diuell of death excepting ●eere the immaculate Virgin Aug de nat gratia cap 36. vide extrauag comm lib. 3. de reliq veneratione Banct Conc. Trid. sess 3. in fine decret de peccato Origin MARY the mother of God whom in this place where we speake of Originall sinne we doe not comprehend 3 Of the remedy of Originall sinne THis Originall sinne which is in euerie man his owne as we haue saide is not taken away by the Aug. ep 28. Ench●c 48. Fulgent de incarn et gratia Christi cap. 16. forces of humane nature nor by any other remedie than by the merit of one Mediatour 1. Tim. 2 b our Lord Iesus Christ who hath reconciled vs Ro. 5 b Petrus Diaconus de incarn gratia Christi cap. 16. Bern. epist 190. vnto God in his bloude being made vnto vs 1. Cor. 1 d Bern ser ● de Purif Iustice Sanctification and Redemption And his merit Tit. ● b is applied as wel to those of discretion as to Infants by the Sacrament of Baptisme orderly ministred in such forme as the Church doth vse because there is no other name Act. 4 b vnder heauē giuen vnto mē in which we must be saued And hēce is that speech Io 1 d Behold the Lambe of God beholde him that taketh away the sinne of the world And this also Gal. 3 d Aug. lib. 6. cont Iul. c. 4 As many of you as are Baptised in Christ haue put on Christ They therefore doe pernitiously erre who denie that Infants Concil Mileuit c. 2. Aphr. can 77. newely borne ought to be Baptised although they bee borne of Baptised Parents For these also are Baptised into remission of sinnes as hauing receiued Originall sinne from ADAM which must of necessitie bee purged by the Aug. lib. 1. de peccat mer. cap. 16. lib. 4. cont 2. ep Pelag. c. 4 Lauer of regeneration for the getting of life euerlasting because no otherwise is this to be vnderstood Ro. 5 b Aug. lib. 4. cont 2. ep Pelag. cap. 4. lib. 2. cont Pelagium Coelest cap. 40. By one man sinne entered into the world and by sinne death and so vnto all men death did passe in which all sinned But as the Catholicke Church all the worlde ouer hath allwaies vnderstood it For because of this rule of faith according to the Tradition of the Apostles euen Infants who coulde not as yet cōmit any sinne in their owne persons are therefore truely baptised into remission of sinnes that in them by regeneration that may bee clensed which they haue cōtracted by generatiō For Io. 3 ● vnlesse a mā be borne again of water and the spirite he cannot enter into the kingdome of God 4 Of the relikes of originall sinne in the Baptised MOreouer we ought to acknowledge that the guilt of originall sinne is remitted by the grace of our Lord Iesus Christ which is giuen in baptisme
Chrys lib. 2. de cōpunct cord they that thinke themselues to stand let them take heed least they fall and Phil. 2 b Aug. de natura gtatia cap. 27. de dono perseuer cap. 13. let thē worke their owne saluation with feare trembling in 2. Cor. 6 a b Laboures in Watchings in Almes in Praiers and oblations in Fastings Chastitie For knowing that they are regenerate into the Rom. 52 hope of glorie not yet into glorie they ought to feare the combate which is yet behinde Bern ser 5 in vigil natiuit Dom. ser 5. in Psal Qui habitat meditat cap 14.15 with the worlde the flesh and the deuill In which combate they cannot be conquerours except being holpen with the grace of God they obey the Apostle saying We are debters not to the flesh Ro. ● c to liue according to the fleshe For if you liue according to the flesh you shall die But if by the spirite you mortifie the deeds of the fleshe you shal liue 18 Of them that are fallen their reparation BVt they which by sinne haue fallen frō the receiued grace of iustificatiō may Aug ho 50 ex 50. ●● de quaest 1. 2. of the Sacrament of Penance be iustified again whē Almighty God stirring thē vp by the Sacramēt of Penance through the merits of Christ they shal procure to recouer the lost grace For this maner of Iustification is the reparation of him that is falne which the holy Fathers haue Vide of the Sacrament of Penance quaest 2. 199. aptlie called the second Table after the shipwracke of the losse of grace For in the behalfe of them that doe fall into sinne after Baptisme Christ Iesus hath instituted the Sacracrament of Penance when he saide Io. 20 c ibid. quaest 1. pag. 197. Receiue ye the holy Ghost whose sinnes you shall forgeue they are forgiuen them and whose you shall retaine they are retained And therfore we must say that the Penance of a Christian man after his fall is farre different from that of Baptisme And that therein is contained not only a ceasing from sinne and a detestation thereof or a contrite Psal 50. See pag. 199 201. and humble hart but also that See qu. 3. 6. ibidē Sacramentall confession is to be made of the same at the least in desire and at due time and there is necessarie also the absolution of a Priest as also satisfaction See qu. 7. 8. ibidē by Fasting Almes Praiers and other deuout exercises of a spirituall life not certes for the euerlasting paine which either by the Sacrament or by the desire of the Sacrament is remitted together with the faulte but for the temporall punishment which as Num. 12 d ● Reg. 12 c 24 b See qu●est 7. pag. 210. the holie Scripture doth teach is not as it is in Baptisme wholly remitted vnto them which being vngratfull vnto the grace of God which they once receiued haue Eph. 4 g contristated the holy Ghost haue not bene afraide 1. Cor. 3 d to violate the Temple of Almightie God Of which penance it is written Apo. 2 b Be mindfull from whence thou art fallen doe Penance and doe the first works And againe 2. Cor. 7 c The sorow that is according to God worketh Penance vnto saluation which is stable And againe Mat. ● c Doe Penance Luc. 3 c And yelde fruites worthie of Penance 19 That by euery mortal sinne grace is lost but not Faith ANd against the subtile deuises of some men who by sweete speaches Ro. 16 c benedictions doe seduce the harts of Innocents we must affirme that not only by infidelitie by which euen Faith it selfe is lost but also by euery other Iac. 2 b Bas lib. 1. de Baptis par 2 lib. 2 c. 9. mortall sinne whatsoeuer although Mat. 7 c d 25 a Luc. 12. f Io. 12 g 1. Cor. 13 a Iac. 2 c d Aug. lib. 15. de Trin. cap. 18. tract 10. in ep Io. Fulgent de incar gratia Christi c. 26. Faith be not lost yet the receiued grace of Iustificacion is lost defending hereby the doctrine of Gods lawe which excludeth from the Kingdome of God not only Infidells but also the Faithfull that are 1. Cor. 6 b Gal. 5 c d Ephes 5 b Apoc. 21 c Fornicatours Aduouterers Effeminate Liers with mankind Theues Couetous persons Drunkerdes Railers Extortioners and all others that cōmitt mortall sinne frō which they may with the helpe of Gods grace abstaine and for which they are separated from the grace of Christ. 20 Of the fruite of Iustification that is to say of the merit of good workes of the reason of the same merit THerefore vnto those persons that are by these meanes Iustified whether they haue perpetually preserued the grace receiued or recouered it againe being lost these words of the Apostle are to be proposed 1. Cor. 15 g Abound ye in euerie good worke knowing that your labour is not vaine in our Lord. Heb. 6 b For god is not vniust that he should forget your worke and loue which you haue shewed in his name And Heb. 10 g Doe not leese your confidence which hath a great remuneration And therefore to such as worke well to the end and hope in Almighty God life euerlasting is to be proposed both as a grace mercifully promised through IESVS CHRIST to the sonnes of God and as a reward Aug. de grat de lib. arbit c. 8. 9. epist 105. 52. l. 1. cont aduersa ●eg Proph. c. 16. de morib Eccles Cathol c. 25 de correp gratia c. 13. tract de Epicur Stoicis c. 3. Cypr. de oper Eleemosy ep 56. 60. Chrys ho. 42 in Gen. ho. 43. in 1. ad Cor. Greg. ho. 17. in Euang. also by the promise of God himselfe faithfully to be rendered to their good workes and desertes For this is that crowne of Iustice which after his conflict and course the 2. Tim. 4 b Aug. ho. 14. ex 50. cap. 2. in Psal ●● tract 3. in Ioan. Theoph. Oecum in cap. 4. ep 2. ad Ti● Apostle saide was laid vp for himselfe to be rendered vnto him by the iust Iudge and not only to him but also to all those that loue his comming For whereas Christ IESVS himselfe doth continuallie instill vertue into the iustified as the head into the members and the vine into the branches which vertue alwaies goeth before accompanieth followeth Conc. 2. Araus can 18. Aug. de correp gratia cap. 13. de grat lib. arbit cap. 6. ser 15 de verb. Apost cap. 2. Fulg. lib. 1. ad Moni cap. 11.12 their good workes and without which those workes can by no meanes be gratefull to God and meritorious it is to be thought that there is nothing now wanting vnto the iustified but that with those works which are done Io. 3 c in god they may bee deemed according to the state conditon of this life fully to haue satisfied the law of
people And if by salte sprinckled by Heliseus the Prophet the barrennes of the water was healed how much more the same salte being cōsecrated with diuine praiers taketh away the barrennes of humane things sanctifieth those which are defiled and clenseth and purgeth and multiplieth other good thinges and turneth away the deceites of the Deuill and defendeth men from the craftines of the euill ghost For if by the touching of the Mat. 9 11. hemme of the garment of our Sauiour wee doe not doubte but that the diseased were cured how much more by the vertue of his holy wordes are his elementes consecrated by which humane frailty doth receiue healthe both of bodie and soule Thus farre S. Alexander in his Epistle The like is to be saied Vide Clem. Dion Bas vbi supr Aug. tra 118. in Io. Hier. in vita Hylar of holy Oile Aug. l. 2. de pec mer. cap. 26. Paulin. ep ad Alip Roman holy Bread Strab. cap. 30. Conc. 4. Tolet. cap. 8 Zozim in Pont. holy Cādells Vide Maxim in hom de die Ciner Palm holy Ashes holy Palmes such other in euery one of which is some holy signification either of spirituall medicine or of celestiall food or heauenly glory or penance or victorie and triumph ouer the Deuill Which sanctification and deputatiō of Gods creatures to certaine vses for Gods owne glory and the spirituall and corporall good of Christians if it were superstitious then would not God haue prescribed in the olde Num. 5 14. Testamēt waters of ielosie Num. 19 17. Heb. 9 13. waters of expiation by sprinckling neither would Eliseus haue vsed salte 4. Reg. 2 21. to sweetē miraculouslye the infected waters neither would he haue sent Ibid. 5 10. Naaman to washe himselfe seauē times in Iordan neither should Christs Apostles haue vsed oile to Mar. 6 13. cure the sicke Nor the Angell Raphael Tob. 6 8 with the liuer of the fish haue driuē away the Deuill nor Dauid 1. Reg. 16 23. with his Harpe haue kepte the euill spirit frō Saull Yea nor our Sauiour him selfe both in Sacraments and out of them occupied diuerse of his creatures for the manifold good of mākinde and his miraculous operations That we may omitte the purging of veniall quotidian sinnes Vide. S. Thom. 3. part qu. 87. artic 3. Dom. Soto 4 d 15. qu. 2. dist 3. de cons can Aquam See the Test of Rhemes page 575. which is by these Sacramentall thinges bestowed vpon vs not only by the increase of our faith feruour deuotion which is procured by the vsing of them but also by the high autority of the chiefe Ministers of the Church granting vs the same as Saint Gregory Lib. 7. ep 126. lib. 9. ep 60. vsed whē he sent any holy tokens nowe is vsed besides the things aboue remēbred in hallowed memories of our religion 4 But wherefore doe wee accounte one place more holy than another VVHo-soeuer deniethe that one place in holinesse exceedeth another knoweth not the Scriptures which in respect of the apparitions made by God in diuerse places attribute a certaine holinesse vnto them And oftentimes in confirmation thereof imposeth Gen. 22 14. 35 16 vpon such places names to signify the presence of Gods power therein Yea our Sauiour saieth Mat. 25 17. that the temple sanctifieth the golde the Aultar the gifte signifying thereby an extraordinarie holinesse in the temple 2. Pet. 1 18. Hier. ep 17. S. Peter calleth the mount Thabor because of the transfiguration of CHRIST therein the holy Hill That we need not Vide Hier. vbi supra epist 17. in Epita Paulae to doubt but the like holinesse is to bee attributed to the places of his Natiuitie Passion Buriall Resurrection and Ascension For this cause was Moises Exo. 3 5. Act. 7 33. cōmanded to loose his shooes from his feete because the place wherein he stoode was holy groūd And by the like apparition made by an Angell vnto Iosue Ios 5 15. the like holines was caused in the place For this cause in the olde Temple was euen priuate praiers 3. Reg. 8 30. 2. Par. 6 21. 3. Reg. 9 3. Esa 56 7. Mat. 21 13. vide 1. Reg. 1 11. 2. Reg. 7 18. 1. Par. 21. 30 Luc. 2 37. 18 10. Act. 8 27. made as in a place speaciallie dedicated vnto praier and therefore called a house of Praier And Daniel being Dan. 6 10. 3. Reg. 8 48. 2. Par. 6 37. in Babilon a captiue opening his window praied toward Hierusalem according to the commō custome of the Iewes and S. Peter and S. Ihon Act. 3 1. went vp into the Temple to pray For this cause are and alwaies haue beene amongst Christians certaine particuler 1. Cor. 11 18.22.34 et 14 34. Clem. l. 10. recogn Eus lib. 2. c. 17. ex Philo. Iust in apol 2. Tert. lib. cont Valētinianos Cypr. ser de eleemosyn Greg. Neoc apud Euseb lib. 7. hist ca. 25. vide ibi cap. 26. secundū editionē Ruffin places seuered frō the common and prophane vse to the religion and worship of God which therefore and for the solemne consecration dedication of the same by Gods chiefe ministers haue alwaies bene esteemed of a singuler kinde of holinesse And that very worthelie For vnlesse God were in a more speaciall manner in the Church than in other places the Apostle woulde not haue proued God to dwel in his faithfull people after a peculiar 1. Cor. 3 16 6 19. 2. Cor. 6.16 Vide Aug l. ● ad Simplic q 4. manner by his dwelling in thē as in a temple How often in the Scripture do we reade of the holinesse of the Temple and of Sancta Sanctorum And God promised 3. Reg. 9 3. to heare easely the praiers of his people offered vp to him in his temple not that he doth 1. Tim. 2 8. not heare euery where if he be Io. 4 23. worshipped in spirit and truth that is with the spirituall and inwarde disposition of his holy faith and loue and with an humble harte not neglecting See before page 366. also in time and place the outwarde ceremonies gestures and words or that he may be cōprehended in a Church made with hands Act. 7 48 whereas he filleth both heauen and earth but because it pleaseth him for our profitte to worke his wonders and to be worshipped rather in holy places thā in prophane And what maruaile if these places being once consecrated Euseb l. 9 hist cap. 10. lib. 4. de vita Const Ath. in apol ad Const Bas in Psal 114. Naz. orat in nouam Dominicam Soz. lib. 4. c. 13. Amb. l. 1. ep 5. ser 92. Gaud tract 4. de Dedic Aug. ser de temp 251. seq Gelas ep 1. Foelix 4. in ep Prosp de promiss part 3. c. 38. and dedicated vnto God haue in them a certaine heauenly vertue when the thinges which are prophanely to be vsed be 1. Tim. 4
condition age sexe or degree soeuer they were Kinges and Princes submittinge theire Regall crownes and scepters vnto them Finally RELIGION in that wee deuoutly honour God who is gloriouse in his Saintes and them also in that degree and honour which is fitte for the excellencie which Almightie God hath bestowed vpon them not truely to yeelde diuine worship to their relickes or images For we neuer heard of any that praied thus Holy relicks holy images saue me or pray for me much lesse of any which did attribute vnto their relickes or images the worke of our Redemption and saluation wrought onely by CHRIST our mediatour But this mediation being once wrought we desire by the Saintes intercession to haue the vertue of Christes blood applied vnto vs by the bestowing of his graces and true repentance no otherwise than when wee desire the same by the intercession of those which are aliue Which S. Paul hauing vsed Ro. 15 30. Ephes 6 ● 1. Thes 5 25. 2. Thes 3 1. Col. 4 2. Heb. 13 18. See pag. 69. the scripture commended is free from all superstition and Idolatrie warranteth the like toward those which raigning with Christ are more vnited vnto him lesse care full of themselues and more charitable vnto vs. And if sometimes deuoute people vse these wordes S. Peter haue mercy vpon me Of these wordes S. Peter haue mercie on me S. Peter saue me S. Peter saue me it must be vnderstoode in the true and lawful meaning which it may haue For wheras mercy as was See page 377. saide aboue out of S. Augustine is a compassiō in our hart of another mans misery whereby we are compelled to yeld succour if it ly in our power As God may aboue all vnderstanding shewe mercy by giuing grace grace and glorie so may his Creaatures also according to their measure by imparting vnto others that which they haue receiued from the fountaine of all goodnesse Whether it be in Temporal or Spirituall thinges according vnto that which hath beene saide Pag. 379. aboue of both kindes of workes of mercie So likewise although Christ by his bloud be the chiefe author of our saluation yet doth he vse Creatures as his instrumentes For so are wee saide truely to bee saued by the 1. Cor. 15 2. Gospell by Luc. 7 30 Faith by Ro. 8 24. Hope by Tit. 3 5. Baptisme yea and sometimes by Men. If by any meanes I may saue some of them Ro. 11 14. Saith Saint Paul And 1. Cor. 7 14. Howe knowest thou woman if thou shalt saue thy husbande And againe Ibid. 9 22. To all men I became all thinges that I might saue all Againe 1. Tim. 4 16. This doing thou shalt saue both thy selfe and them that heare thee And Saint Iames Iac. 5 20. He shall saue his soule from death Finally S. Iude. Iud. vers 23. And these certes reprooue being iudged but them saue pulling out of the fire And on other haue mercie in feare Where he vsing both speeches of sauing hauing mercie warranteth those which with true vnderstanding Faith in the earnest desire of their heart doe so vtter their affections to Gods holy Saints Of kneeling to Saintes without anie intention of diuine houour Neither doth kneeling before an Image or Relicke betoken diuine worship For our bodie being so limited as it is wee doe by that very outwarde cōposition signifie diuerse honours in our minde and that lawefully to our Parents to Bishoppes to Princes Finally to God and his Saints alwaies in our mind respecting the diuerse dutie though the externall action be the same The Hereticks charge vs w●th Idolatrie all their forefathers most grossely and vnnaturally And here am I enforced to bewaile the barbarous rudenesse which HERESIE hath brought our Countrey vnto For many shall you finde of al sortes of calling though thankes be to God not of the ciuilest conditions who will not sticke constantly to affirme that their forfathers kneeling and knocking their breastes and vsing othet laudable acts of deuotion before Images at holy places did verily thinke that those Images were Gods did absolutely powre out their praiers vnto the Images themselues A thing in my opinion that argueth in those which auouche it a want not onely of piety but of all ciuility For if one called the Parents of these men Theeues or Extorcioners or of vile and base conditions voide of Gentry Nobilitie then woulde they storme and rage and repute it an intollerable iniury And yet both they thēselues will resolutely thinke and giue others leaue to suppose and saie the same that theire forefathers were Fooles and depriued of common sense vnderstanding which were as much as to call them Beastes in humane shape and figure And surely to thruste their auncestours out of Heauen as they must needs if they think them Idolatours were somewhat excusable because God wil haue mercy on whom he thinketh good and giueth Heauen to a fewe whome he hath specially chosen but to expell them from the participation of a common vnderstanding whereby only man differeth frō beasts is a thing altogither intolerable and a woonder which none but vnkind Heretickes 2. Tim 3 2 without affection as Saint Paul calleth them coulde affirme And to worshippe Idolles to repute Creatures as Gods when the faith of one God which made Heauen and Earth the tidings of the Gospel was neuer heard of although among the wiser sorte of men none euer had such opinion as S. Augustine sheweth of Plato Cicero Lib. 8. ciu cap. 6. lib. 4. cap. 30. 31. yet was it in the common sorte of people an humane frailtie whose vnderstanding darkened by Adams fall could hardly arriue to anie suspition of God much lesse to a perfecte knowledge of his Maiesty But what Brutishenesse must there be in those who hauing heard of Christ and beleeuing in him knowing the articles of their Creed esteeming of Christ his Saints as his frindes and in Heauen gloriously raigning with him yet must forsooth of necessity thinke their Images whom they reuerence to be Gods Since Christs comming the publishing of his Faith in the worlde no Nation which otherwise fell from Christ returned to Idolatrie as may bee seene in the Turkes yet the Church of Christ alwaies professing his Faith vsing his Sacramentes keeping his Scriptures and Reading them yea and Preaching him to countries of Infidels conuerting them vnto him must bee thought to haue most grieuousle haue fallen of all other into Brutishe ignorance and most senselesse Idolatrye But this lamentation is more fitte for the secrete chamber of the heart humbling it selfe before GOD for the sinnes of his people This surely must I needes thinke that they who thus esteeme of the beginners of their houses and families are thēselues voide of all Nobilitie and Ciuility yea and all Humanity onely breathing by the proude spirite vnsauory vapour of Heresie sente forth out of the pitte of hell what honor we
the people to vnderstand that the Pope graunteth leaue to sinne before-hand and too easely remitteth that which he should seuerely punish and that which is a horrible blasphemie that he doth make by his Pardon 's any thing lawfull vnto vs be it in it selfe neuer so repugnant to Gods holy commandementes Let vs compare our pardons with theirs our Iubeleis with theirs our remissions with theirs And to beginne first with Confession it is very well knowen in their iudgement for the moste parte to be accounted a thing little agreable with nature it selfe how many sinfull thoughtes doe they harbour how many shamefull blasphemous and iniurious wordes doe they vtter alwaies excepting some fewe of more ciuill and naturall disposition How many brutish actes doe they commit which they would neuer fall into or at the least they would auoide in parte if besides the iudgement of God before which all hidden thinges of darkenesse shall be lightened 1. Cor. 4 5. and all counsailes of hartes shall be manifested they knew they were to make before a man and a sinner perhaps as greate as themselues so straite and particular account I my selfe when I liued in my owne Countrey haue had sufficient experience of diuers whō neither loue of the worlde could with-hold nor custome of sinne allure nor feare of lawes keepe backe yet the onely shame of Confession could as I thinke doth as yet detaine from the vnitie of the Catholicke Church as our vnderstanding is often blinded by an infected wil maketh thē not to acknowledge in hart that which is the onely truth Let vs then goe to another condition And examine their austere kind of life strict satisfactiō to Almightie God And as for Fasting what better signe of a good Protestant then to eate flesh on the Friday without iudging betweene day and day For Almes if we mighte haue the Voices of all those which are poore needie in our Countrey in whom this gloriouse vertue doth more shine whether in Catholickes or in Protestants it would soone appeare what incomparable difference there is But for Praier I appeale to all greate house keepers or those which are the generall harbourers of all sortes of men yea and vnto all other persons who conuerse indifferentlye abroade whether if a man be not otherwise knowen to be a Protestāt it be not a manfest probability of a Papist to say his praiers deuoutly vpon his knees at his bedd-sid either morning or euening Sure I am that there be many honest matrons and diuerse simple persons amongst the Protestants who after the example of CORNELIVS Act. 10 2. endeuour according to their knowledge to serue Almightie God and to attend to workes of Charitie and Prayer whom I hope GOD doth now dispose by little and little with his preuenting-grace to receiue one day a perfecte knowledge of his will when they may by his cooperating-grace with such good workes builde vnto euerlasting saluation which in their present estate Heb. 11 6. Rom. 14 23 they cannot But euen these doe I call to witnesse earnestly intreating them for the honor of God without all vaine-glory as they haue little cause therof to shewe howe many examples they haue seene of the like deuotions Then let vs examine whether at the least there be to be found some great cause of Pardon and Indulgence which we propounded in the sixt place as necessarie in our remissions And perhappes wee shal find some building of Hospitals some erecting of Churches some enterprise against the Turkes the enemies of Christ and of Christendome some solemne and generall praier for the necessities of the Church which are the causes ordinarily pretended in our Indulgences But on our aduersaries side howe the matter doth stand the miserable ruines of antiquities doe shewe their rauenous gaping after Ecclesiasticall goodes doe testifie their intolerable vexations of their poore neighbours doe crie Exod. 22 23. vp to Heauen But these be outwarde thinges Confession Penance Workes of Deuotion It may be that the intenall things as Sorrowe purpose of Amendment a seuere examinatiō of their Actions Words and Thoughts doe so much excell that there can be no neede of those outwarde Ceremonies Espeacially whereas now the time is come when we must serue God in spirite and trueth And yet there is nothing lesse For howe can they settle themselues to the particular searche of their sinnes who neither purpose to Confesse them particularly to the Priest God knowing them already more particularly than themselues and besides if they stande to their Maisters doctrine maintaine that al our works are sins if God straitly examine them So that if this be credited they need not seeke to sort the good deeds from the badde But for purpose of keeping Gods Commaundementes they shoulde highly deceiue themselues if euer they should make it For they holde it an impossible thing to obserue the same And as for sorrowe that they thinke not necessary For that METANOIA which they cannot deny because it is so often commended vnto vs in the Scriptures they will not haue to signifie a sorrowefull repentance Beza vpon Mat. 3. and Luther ser de poenit but a RESIPISCENCE or waxing wise againe which God graunt they may doe without any sorrowe or affliction of minde for that which is past And although some of their Doctours doe require such sorrowe yet neither will they haue it the cause of remission of sinnes nor necessary for such effecte But onely they require Faith as a necessary sufficient cause after which as they most absurdly say by a necessary sequell followeth this sorrowe euen whether wee will or no. And yet here must I needes craue pardon if I say that they are also voide of Faith For there can be but one Ephes 4 5. Heretickes haue no Faith Faith and hee which denieth one pointe of Faith although hee giue credite to the rest that is not a Diuine Faith but a humane perswasion whereas if it were that Supernaturall Faith and Theological Vertue which is Conc. Araus 2. c. 5. necessarie for to beleeue a right it would encline a man to beleeue all thinges which God hath spoken as well as one Wherefor it is an infallible verity Concil Trid. sess 6. cap. 15. See page 479. that euē as grace is lost by euery mortall sinne so by infidelity in one only pointe the wholle substance of Faith doth perishe Nowe where there is not Diuine Faith how can there be a diuine hope Hope beeing grounded in Faith as S. PAVL Heb. 11 4. saith which although they brag neuer so much of their Iustification by Faith so long as in any one thing they dissent from the Church they cannot haue Wherefore although I might say that they require nothing at all for their iustification because they cannot beeing as they are haue so much as Faith the beginning foundation of all disposition thereunto yet supposing that they were in the right Faith consider good Reader who forgiueth